#whew! sorry it took so long
l-crimson-l · 3 months
And gunpla questions you receive! (Honestly, thank you so much for answering them, you're of a great help to a newbie that's me.)
So, I plan to finally get to partially painting my first gunpla tomorrow, and I also thought of doing a little weathering, but it's just a random thought for now — and so I got curious of what weathering techniques you prefer and for what reason.
Ok so I had to take some time to look up a couple popular ways to do this bc I’ve only weather one kit only half way and it was, of course, the lazy way.
So first I’ll tell you how I did it. It was one of the 86 kits (please reprint those Bandai) and I only weathered the off white parts. But what I ended up doing was using the black, grey and brown gundam pens (typically used for panel lining) and my thumb to first add color the edges and panel lines, then used my thumb to smooth out the color. Using the brown gave it a nice rain rusted look and the black and grey added a nice worn look. The kit is packed away at the moment but I posted pictures of it somewhere on my blog. Probably under 86 lol
Ok so now the more official Modeler Approved options.
First would be using the Tamiya Weathering set. There’s a couple different panels to choose from so definitely pick the ones that have the colors you need. 
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Basically it goes like this: use the brush (either the one included or maybe better, a foam type brush) and dash along the edges. Build up as much or as little as you want (for example maybe you wanna lay it on thick if you’re doing like a mud drenched type look) and then topcoat! If you add too much you can always wipe some away with a little bit of water. IMPORTANT NOTE: this is powdered so WEAR A MASK or at the very least use this in a Well Ventilated Area. There’s a couple brushes sold online for these
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But you can honestly use either a sponge or an old makeup brush.
(Pic at the bottom bc tunglr mobile sucks)
The second method is called Chipping. This is where you use paint and a Very Thin Fine Tip Brush to brush on small chip like strokes on the edges of the piece. Using a couple colors here adds depth and helps it look more realistic. Here’s one example I found online
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Now something to note about this method is that it is certainly time consuming. From what I listened to, this particular method can certainly take a couple days to detail the whole kit depending on how much you do and how big the kit is.
IMPORTANT: if you choose this method be aware of the chemistry of your paint. If you have an enamel or acrylic paint base then don’t go and use lacquer paint for your detail work. It’ll eat those other paints.
I think you could always top coat your paint job before doing this to help preserve your paint? Maybe someone more experience can confirm that.
Third: Washes
This is pretty straight forward. Take your paint, thin it down and then wash it over the part with a brush. Depending on your paint you can use a qtip to help dab away any excess. This typically really works well on things like planes and ships but can be used for gunpla as well. You can use this for any kind of paint just once again Be Mindful About Your Paint Layers. You don’t want a top layer of paint eating through your base paint job.
Here’s a couple links to videos covering each one in more detail:
Tamiya Weathering Set
I hope this helps! Again it’s not something I’ve dipped my toes into to any real depth but I’ll tell ya this: even my lazy arse way added WAY more character and weight to my kit
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imdarealpeppino · 1 year
have you met gus?
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orucis e elitneg ...
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cillyscribbles · 2 months
hello! if you feel like it, could i suggest an electra drawing~ maybe just her or she could be hanging out with etcetera! your art is very cool by the way!
you know i had to add my beloved cettie... thank you so much! 💖
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psst psst.... what could they be gossiping about? 👀
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x-tracuddlycactus · 5 months
Can we see your hcs on Neuvillette stuffing pls..?
Our dragon boi here has quite the sensitive tummy. Just about anything can upset him, so he has to be real careful with what he eats. For some reason, when it comes to stuffing hcs for N.euvillette, I don't see him doing it often since he probably doesn't like the feeling of being that full.
He'd be spending the whole day trying to discretely nurse his aching belly, cause gods forbid anyone see the Iudex have a moment of weakness. He wouldn't want anyone to worry about him, so he'd be very avoidant of people when in this state.
You could also easily tell he's stuffed by the tightness of his clothes, the buttons slightly straining to stay together... but the most telling of it all would be the sloshing of his tummy.
I have a hc that he dislikes solid foods, so he would prefer eating things like soup or apple sauce, something that is more liquidy or semi-solid since it would digest easier. Because of this, it can lead to some pretty noisy and intense gurgles.
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ambrozians · 3 days
Hi! Since you are THE Jade blog, I was wondering if you could tell me a little more about her family (with some sources if possible?) I've read the issue with Roy and Luke but I wanted to see if there were any more that are good :) also some with her origin would be great!
first of all, the fact that you think i am the jade blog makes me so happy!! thank you for that, anon <3
so, unfortunately, we are seriously lacking in content and information when it comes to her family. showcase (1995) #8 is the first and last comic that luke shows up in. afterwards, he is not mentioned by anyone. the chaumonts are very high on the list of things about jade that are just criminally underdeveloped.
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what we absolutely know for sure about andre chaumont and anna nguyen is that they are french and vietnamese respectively. we can reasonably infer that they moved to australia sometime after separating from jade based on luke's nationality. other than that, details about the chaumonts are scarce. we don’t know by what means jade was separated from them, although her wiki page does claim that she had an "unhappy childhood" and that is supported in titans (1999) #30 when the prosecutor uses part of his closing statement to criticize the defense’s strategy (which was, essentially, telling the world her entire backstory).
tw : rape mention
in simone’s birds of prey, it is revealed that the corrupt senator pullman is her biological father, and she seeks revenge because he raped her mother. when speaking to him, jade claims that she "wasn’t a good daughter" (issue #67). you’ve likely seen me say something similar in the past but, as always, take simone’s writing of jade with a grain of salt as her writing of her is generally racist and misogynistic (more so in secret six, but still present here, too). that being said, pullman being her father remained a part of her canon up until recently. post infinite frontier, the 2021 festival of heroes anthology established that she is fully vietnamese. i admittedly don’t keep up with comics these days so i am not sure if there’s been updates on her story, but i doubt it, lol.
TLDR: jade’s family is a mystery!
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milkbreadtoast · 10 months
Ask and ye shall receive! I am here to ask you to tell us all about your OCs! What kind of world do they live in? What kind of story do you want to tell with them? Their personalities? Your favorite aspects of each of them? What do you associate with them, like, what thing, when you see it, makes you go "ohhhhh! This reminds me of them!" Please tell us!
OMG.... THANK U FOR ASKING AAAH 🥺🥺🥺 so im going to answer this for the 2 OCs i drew and posted most recently... these guys...
FIRST OF ALL want to start off w a disclaimer that I'm going to talk abt them as if it's like. a story or webtoon or webnovel that im going to make but in reality i think theres a slim chance of me making that a reality even tho i rly want to TT but its still fun to think abt/develop them...
This OC story has a main 4 (2 guys and 2 girls); there's a 💙girl, 💚guy (the 2 protagonists) and ❤️girl and 💜guy (on the opposing/"antagonist" side). This story is actually based off a dream I had back in 2018 LMAO but my subconscious just gave me the very basic concept/vibes (like a prompt basically) and i had to flesh it out from there... also only 3/4 showed up in the dream, the 💜guy I had to make from scratch and he went thru the most changes(+all r still being developed)
-what kind of world do they live in?
So in this universe there's a power system/a small percent of the population has powers... I've just been generically calling them "psychic powers/espers" like in mp100 (超能力/초능력, lit: superpowers) bc i dont have a name for them like "nen" or anything... I'm not going to go into detail of how it works yet but I think it does share some similarities w mp100 (like how some r born w it and others can awaken it thru stress)... Anyway, both 💚 and 💜 are very strong psychics(aka have strong power)... I think all 4 of the main charas have some powers, or at least 3/4 (💙 is also a very strong psychic.) Other than that I guess it takes place in modern day Korea..? Except... I may be Korean American but I know very little about actual Korea/have never lived there, so if I was ever to make this story a reality(again prob neverㅠ), I'd have to do a lot of research and/or have a Korean writing partner/consultant...
-their personalities (v basic intro)
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💚guy... His name is Hyojun (lastname tbd) and he's the son of a rly rich family (3/4 mcs are from rich familys...def influenced by ouran smhdsj). Even tho he's from rich society, he doesn't really look or act like it (he's handsome, but has a rough/rowdy look), and really detests this environment and most of the people; finds them suffocating, obnoxious, scummy, Fake, etc. He has a rebellious personality, hates rules and values freedom... He's also really good at and enjoys fighting/sparring. He is a powerful psychic and is also physically strong (knows martial arts + how to fight). (yyh yusuke is def one of his influences heh..) The "hyo" in his name means filial piety/duty... basically a name given with the hope that he'd be an obedient and dutiful son...
His color motif is green💚 and his animal motif is snake🐍 (secondary motif: lizards in general). He's one of the 2 protagonists!! (The other is the 💙girl)
I like the idea of one of the protags having an atypical animal motif that's often associated with evil (or being slimy/conniving etc) like a snake... tried to incorporate this subtly into his design too (slit pupils + cute fang(s)... the fangs give him a cat/dogboy look but it's actually bc snake motif😙)
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💜🦋: I kind of designed him to be a foil to hyojun and contrast him in many ways... He's one of the main "antagonists" of the story! (in that he's on the side opposing the "protagonists"... not that he's necessarily "evil"...) He's the heir to a very rich & powerful family, and Unlike the rough and rebellious Hyojun, he's refined, elegant, reserved, calm, polite and gentle. His design is made to look very soft in contrast to Hyojun's sharp edges (literally designed him to contrast hyojun in as many ways as possible lmao🫣). He's also a powerful psychic. He and his family are involved in some shady business behind the scenes... He usually seems kind and gentle, but he's hiding a lot of things behind his smile... He and Hyojun may be opposites in terms of personality, but they may have more similarities than they seem. 👀 I'm being vague but KDJSKDN basically know that he's the smiley faker type... like Clotted Cream Cookie... (clotted actually matched so many of the ideas i had for this OC which I think is 1 reason why I got so attached to him when he came out bdkbdn... his lore is diff but his personality/vibes r p similar + both have parental issues/trauma...)
His color motif is purple💜 (+yellow) and his motif is butterfly🦋!! (/moths? +insects in general) I really love this motif for him bc butterflies have an image of being docile, fragile, gentle and pretty... I love the trope of villains/antagonists with aesthetics/motifs that are soft/pretty/unassuming and atypical of villains... Just like w hyojun having a 🐍 motif as a protagonist... But I also love the butterfly motif because besides being pretty, as insects, there's a somewhat creepy/horror element to them too? I think the duality of butterflies suits the duality of his chara perfectly... And I tried to incorporate the motif into his design thru his spotted eyes... They're normally light on dark and look like sparkly eyeshines, but the colors invert when he's using his powers and become dark spots on light, inspired by spotted butterfly eyes (u can google "butterfly eyes"), creating an entirely different vibe + invoking slight trypophobia (but in the latest/final iteration of his design I simplified the spots to just 3 as to not go overboard)
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(Btw I actually wanted all the psychic charas eyes to look diff when using their powers as a cool visual indicator... 💜's are prob the coolest atm but Hyojun💚's eyes also change/invert; they go from black w a light green slit pupil to green with a black slit pupil)
-what kind of story do u want to tell w them?
If I had to describe it, it'd be like a mix of a shounen/action genre piece (action scenes, fighting, facing an evil org, superpowers etc) and at the same time play heavily off of/include a lot of elements/tropes of the shoujo/romance genre??? This won't make sense without more context but... there'd be a lot of insp from/playing off of (and subverting) tropes from shoujo romance manga/webtoons... while at the same time blending it with the action genre... The goal is to draw heavily from both and take these tropes and mash and twist them up and create something new and really fun (and hopefully funny... I def want it to be a comedy kdhfj. But also I want it to include well rounded characters with deep and angsty backstories and relationships... def a lot of overcoming trauma...) Even the makeup of the main 4 mirrors the main character tropes of both the action/shounen and romance/shoujo genres... there's 4 main charas, mirroring the main 4 of some of my fav shounens (mainly YYH and HxH), but they're also evenly split in terms of gender, 2 guys and 2 girls, which mirrors the main cast formula of the romance genre (ex: female lead, male lead, sub male lead, sub female lead/rival)... It's definitely going to have a strong theme of friendship/found family/platonic bonds (as is typical of shounen genre) bc I eat that sht up... It wouldn't be classified as a "romance", but that doesn't mean it won't have romance... just not in the direction one might expect... Idk how much I should say but it'd be sooo hetbait dkbfdjd I love the idea so much... (hetbait but actually gay kshdjdh)
Anyway I want to make a story that'd have readers (like the webtoon commenters i see) confused about what genre it is lmaoo... like is this supposed to be action or romance... and also be like who am i supposed to ship... KFJSKJ (i have my own ships but it'd be fun to see who ppl would ship during the course of it... ppl liking diff ship dynamics... fantasizes abt it being a real thing even tho it prob wont happen lmao)
I need to draw updated art of 💙girl and ❤️girl..!! In the meantime here's some older art of 💙girl(2021-2022) that I apparently never posted... my pookie she is everything to me mfbdn Her name is Seol!
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And here's some even older art (2018-2019)!! I've had these charas since 2018 (well... 💜 didnt exist back then... conceptualized in 2019) but I only drew/developed them once in a blue moon bc i usually just draw fanart of my hyperfixations🥹... sorry for neglecting u, ocs...
edit: I realized I forgot a very important piece of info... ages MCNDNB Hyojun and Seol are both 20 (at least for now? it could change) and 💜guy(NEED TO NAME HIM SOON FR) is like 1-2 yrs older. hmm... when i first made them they were my age but now theyre younger lmaoo. Maybe I'll age them up or not but they're all over 18 at least
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ruth-the-artblog · 3 months
Hey @ari-shipping-stuff i thought i would answer everything in a seperate post so i can compile things easier fkjdkdidhdidjd
1- Yeah the saturation is edited :> I was going for a sunset vibe. Which is Extra Eerie in school because we always go before sunset. The original is regular window light + shadows. I'll put the og one at the readmore at the bottom. Also tbh i been using mostly pens for drawing to prevent me from constantly fixing mistakes in comics. Kkdhdkdjkdjdkjd
Oml those fucking windows. I hated them so much. As a public school student, they were in all my schools.
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These, but much less clean (im talking CAKED in dust) and half the windows were broken/the glass panel is half hanging out of the frame. It was such a hazard to clean tbh because it was so easy to push out a loose panel. AND WE SAT NEXT TO THOSE BITCHES 🤡🤡🤡🤡
2- Thanks :> i also liked how it turned out with the blue pen and orange lights. I think the reason my drawings are rly expressive is because i like to draw those the most kdhdkdhdkd
3- kdhddkdjdkdjdjdkdjd with how much eyes it has, you def could hit one of them square in the eye
4- It's a karaoke room im leaving a photo under the readmore for reference. I kinda just based it off how i remembered it. Now that i think about it im not sure if there was a disco ball, but in my heart there sure is. The things on the table are microphones, but no one is singing right now. The song playing is "Eyes Without a Face" by Billy Idol, the one i linked in the post.
5- Nah i didn't use the knife, quite the opposite actually. I didn't like how one of the draings turned out, so i ripped the bottom half of the paper and drew at the bottom. Then i used my phone editor to blur the two pages together.
What ending scenes dym btw?
This place was inspired by the song "I Know The End" by Pheobe Bridgers. The place is sunset with thousands of billboards. Eyeballs and Lee sit on the titular billboard from the song as they chat.
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When did Lee meet Wingtips or Eyeballs?
For Wingtips, its the usual one. Wingtips is a manifestation of Lee's imagination as a coping mechanism. Vae also act as a therapist and later a parental figure to Lee until the end.
For Eyeballs, after Lee dies, Eyeballs poses as Wingtips to torment him in Hell for eternity. However, something happens and leaves Eyeballs just as trapped in the dream-hellscape as Lee is. They kinda struggle to understand each other, as they are the only real people in the dream-hellscape
First comic
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^ i think i sent the full vid in the discord before. Lmk if you want me to find it for you
Right that's it. Thanks for reading everything.
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snowangeldotmp3 · 2 years
since you requested ronance asks: robin confronts nancy about why she throws herself headfirst into danger without thinking to save other people. they argue about it. nancy finally admits that it's because she can't lose anyone else to this shit. they collapse in each other's arms and just hold each other. they're both traumatized. but they're together in this. it's a moment of clarity for both of them.
first off, obsessed with the halloween themed username. werewolf robin stans RISE.
second. i had to open up a word doc to write some of this down, bc i'd imagine it goes like this:
“are you out of your mind?” she spits at robin, who’s equally as furious. they've just come back from another demogorgon hunt. robin opens her mouth to fire back, but nancy beats her to it. 
“you could’ve been killed!”
“yeah, but i wasn’t! so it’s no big deal.” 
nancy spins on her heel. “it is! it is a big deal. “
“how, nancy? how is it such a big deal that i saved you?”
“because that’s not your job,” nancy hisses, dangerously close to robin’s face, “it’s mine.”
robin stops, anger melting away at the admission. nancy seethes, nostrils flaring and jaw clenching.
“nance…” she reaches out, hand hovering on nancy’s shaking form. nancy shrugs her hand off, refusing to look up at robin.
she knows nancy. knows she doesn’t like being vulnerable, knows she doesn’t like feeling weak. nancy’s not weak, that’s for damn sure. but no matter how many times robin’s tried to explain to her than emotion does not equal weakness, nancy’s still always incredibly hesitant to open up.
robin doesn’t blame her. she’s met ted wheeler.
this feels different though, different from their emotional late night talks. this feels heavier. robin can feel it. the weight of it hangs in the air in-between them.
nancy looks back up at robin, tears threatening to spill, bottom lip downturned, quivering. “i can’t,” she chokes out, “i can’t lose you. i can’t. i’m supposed to protect everyone and i can’t do that if you’re out here running around like a self-sacrificial idiot. i can handle myself.”
robin’s heart shatters. nancy thinks she has to handle things by herself. robin wants to let her know that she doesn’t have to. nancy sniffles, returning her gaze to the ground.
“nance, i used myself as a distraction because it was heading straight for you.”
“yeah, and you shouldn’t have done—“
“let me finish,” robin inhales deeply, steadying herself before she loses her confidence, “nance, you can’t protect anyone if you’re dead.”
robin must strike a nerve, because nancy breaks. she sobs, robin wraps herself around nancy in a bone crushing hug. nancy sobs and sobs and sobs. robin knows at one point she’s crying too. she doesn’t have the words for this, not yet anyway. she hopes nancy can pick up everything she can’t say. i’m sorry. i’m here for you. don’t leave me. i love you, i love you, i love you.
they stay like that, holding onto one another. anchoring them to each other. robins not sure for how long. they sway in the kitchen, just the tiniest bit. robin, in a moment of bravery and love, plants the softest kiss to brunette curls.
“you’re not gonna lose me, nancy wheeler.” it’s a promise. a threat to all the shit they’ve seen, everything that they still have to see.
“you’re not gonna lose me either, robin buckley.” nancy mumbles into the shoulder of robins sweater.
robin smiles softly. nancy means it. they’re stuck with each other now.
robin finds that she can live with that.
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With the new stuff in return to dreamland deluxe, is there any updates for crowned and knighted? :)
Oh yeah, @detonatethegemapples and I have been scheming on lots of fun new Crowned and Knighted stuff… I can’t get too crazy into it here since a lot of it is still being worked on, but we are working on a master post/ timeline documenting the major events of the AU, as well as a fun little sequence involving a masquerade ball, in which Kirby and crew sneak in and chaos ensues so. Very exciting stuff :)
Here’s a little sneak preview at what Meta’s masquerade outfit may look like.. still very much a WIP but I think he looks pretty…
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mrshamada-dorian · 7 months
fanta bestie !! what's ur favourite thing about juza? what's ur favourite backstage story of his? favourite card? :3
so my favorite thing about juza is his passion and motivation. and how that literally bleeds into everything. man i wish i had half his drive to get things done. do you know how unstoppable i would be 😳??
as for my favorite backstage story, it definitely has to be his Premonition of Blooming backstory. It was so cute how happy he was when he realized that someone was finally not afraid of him for the first time. I wanted to give him a kiss!! and when he came up behind izumi to grab the tea for her… 🫠
as for my favorite card, it depends on the day honestly but my top two categorized as “strawberry milk baby” and “until the wheels fall off”:
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i’m sure you can guess which is which 😂.
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suuho · 1 year
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“I don’t know what you’re like, but to me, you’re the whole world and the center.”
three biases for @shellweed ♡
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mickmundy · 1 year
sniper's loft bed headcanons pls 👁️👁️
omg.,., ehehe.,., i’m soo glad you asked this is something i am Not at All Insane About.,., ehee.,., and i actually think its probably for the best that i elaborate on this here since there really isn’t a graceful way to fit posts like this within a fic SKDFKSD so!! let’s get to it! starting off by saying i’ve been in and out of motorhomes, trucks with camper shells, vans, etc my entire life (though i would be doing it a lot more in my adult life if i could find ways to not have Every Bug On Earth eat me alive ;_; gwah!) so i guess i’m just a little biased for what i see In My Mind. i have yet to sketch out/floorplan out sniper’s van layout itself In My Mind but let’s just keep it vague enough to say it’s nothing flashy, but it’s cozy and Aged and… lived in! i’ve talked about it before in one of my Many headcanon posts but i think he was always taught that he doesn’t need material things and while i wouldn’t say he’s a hoarder by any means, i think he tries to convince himself everything in his home has a Practical Application just so he can justify hanging onto it! i think sniper is v sentimental and the stuff he chooses to keep might be a little “unconventional” by average standards (ie he doesn’t have lots of photos of his family, but kept his mum’s handmade quilts and his dad’s old knife and hunting rifle. also presses flowers and would keep the eggshell of when he and medic first ate breakfast in bed together, etc) but i could ALSO make a whole other post about just little knicknacks i think you’d find in sniper’s home at any given time HEHE… but i’m doing my best to stay on track so!!
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i’m going to preface this with IM SORRY for the “pinterest looking ass” photos to describe what i’m talking about but just use this as a Basic Jumping Off Point. Not as the Literal Visual. work with me here… so i think sniper’s bed has LOTS of pillows and blankets. if you’ve ever slept in one of those loft bed camper van beds you’d know that those walls are cold and hard and don’t really hold heat in all that well! i think the blankets are a combination of furs he has (though he rolls up and stores them when its hot out), sherpa/wool, knit blankets and quilts, etc. all of different sizes and weights. whatever makes him comfortable! pillows are extremely worn in (as are the blankets; you could find lots of mends on them!) and comfortable just the way sniper likes them. i think he has so many layers because he sleeps naked and likes to be able to adjust what parts of his body are covered and what parts aren’t. he’s the king of sticking one of those loooong legs out of the covers, or having only his tummy covered and the rest of him exposed, etc! he likes being able to change things quickly to suit his needs. this is also great for draping something over his shoulders when he’s laying out on top of his van at night watching the stars or sitting in a lawn chair feeding hoots!
the space is small, so i think he’d also have a “nightstand” which really is just a “coffeetable book” (ie a big-ish hard cover book) of some subject he’s interested in that he’d keep pressed against the “long wall” of the camper that has just a battery-powered plastic lantern (for reading before bed ehe) on it, a worn-out old book of poetry or some kind of book he’s read a thousand times that he likes skimming before bed (this is not to be confused with the Utility Books he reads at others times about survivalism, gun cleaning, etc. this is a Wind Down Specific book), and aheh, when he starts really falling for medic, something else too… but i’ll discuss that later in my fics! ;-) if i’m being really self-indulgent i think he also has a stuffed animal from his childhood that he’s still hung onto all these years, but he keeps him stored away safely in a pillowcase because he doesn’t want it getting lost or damaged! :’( also he’s just a huge cuddlebug imo, so he likes having things he can Grab or fling his leg or arm over in his sleep (pillows, bunched up blankets, etc)! the space is small but he makes it very homey! HEHEHE
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lastsurvivor · 8 months
Character Sheet
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full name. ellen louise ripley
nicknames / aliases. ripley, rip
age. 30s
zodiac. capricorn
spoken languages. english, some spanish (enough to get a point across)
physical characteristics.
hair colour. dark brown
eye colour. dark brown
skin tone. cream(?), very lightly tanned, some freckles
body type. toned, lean
dominant hand. left
posture. pretty good, but slouches/ leans forward sometimes in her seat
scars. a few that are mostly covered by her clothing, but some on her hands as well from work and other small accidents
tattoos. none
birthmarks. a very faded one on the back of her neck, you’ll only see if if you look hard enough
most noticeable features. extremely curly hair, piercing eyes, the way she carries herself
place of birth. olympia, luna (earth colony)
siblings. none
parents. frank ripley (father), jennifer ripley (mother)
adult life.
occupation. warrant officer in main verse, ex-military in modern, vigilante/superhero in superhero verse
residence(s). an apartment on luna
close friends. some of her coworkers (main and modern), a few childhood friends she’s kept in contact with, other verse dependent connections
relationship status. single (verse dependent), but has two ex husbands
financial status. working-middle class
driver’s license. yes
criminal record. N/A unless you wanna count her abandoning an entire ship without delivering the goods I guess? (Doesn’t count in my book but lmao)
vices. a little bit of wrath, but she deserves it I think, being stubborn, wanting to go by-the-book as much as possible (if that counts ???)
sex & romance.
sexual orientation. lesbian
preferred sexual role. dominant
libido. average
turn-ons. clear communication, having a good sense of humor, being yourself / not hiding behind a mask, being passionate about something, confidence, good grooming habits, actively listening to her, receiving neck kisses, her hair being played with or tugged on, having her partner use her first name, giving hickeys
turn-offs. selfishness, being rude to waiters/waitresses/servers, excessive pda, cockiness, using her first name if she doesn’t know you too well, ignorance, sloppy when eating/in dress, being controlling, jealousy, being assumptive/jumping to conclusions
love language. words of affirmation & quality time…probably a little bit of gift giving, I can see her leaving nice goodies for her partner on occasion because she saw it and thought of them (I forgot the others and these seemed like her so…)
relationship tendencies. tends to be open and honest and communicates her likes/dislikes clearly, has had casual flings in the past, but is looking for something serious nowadays especially after her two husbands weren’t the best people. she can’t fix what happened, but healing would be very nice, especially after that she discovered her true self. slowly dipping her toes back into the dating pool.
hobbies to pass time. wood working, tinkering, reading, playing basketball/tennis, watching corny/cheesy movies, cooking/baking, stargazing, going to unique museums, collecting things related to her interests (peanuts/snoopy stuff, etc.), reading the comics in the newspaper and cutting out/ collecting strips she enjoys
mental illnesses. ptsd, depression, claustrophobia, survivor’s guilt
self-confidence level. pretty good most of the time, even with people not listening to her. she knows when she's right.
Tagged by: @sxbaist <3
Tagging: YOUUUUU
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theclassiccake · 2 years
Finally got a chance to post this!!!
It's not often Val gets dolled up, but she wouldn't miss @cosmiconix's Masquerade Ball for the world! Thanks again for the invite!!! 🥳🎉
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Happy Halloween!🎃
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viaetor · 1 year
❛ you can’t save everyone. ❜ ( thank you for liking the inbox call <3 )
ㅤㅤ“i know—i know.”
ㅤㅤhe knew that. or rather, he should’ve known that for a while by now. teyvat was not the first world he visited, those were not the first tragedies he had experienced and that was not the first time he experienced dismay. cruelty and injustice were meant to be a counterweight to all the good in the universe, as in to keep its perfect entropy in balance—the most humble academics and wise poets made peace with such a harsh truth. so it was expected that he, an otherworldly traveller, explorer of the abyss and soldier of the stars, understood such facts by now. but each time he remembered caribert’s screeches, the agony of his voice and the terror that sprawled through his body, consuming him entirely… it made his stomach flip and sink, lower and lower, to the point it was almost touching the floor under his feet.
ㅤㅤstaring at his sparkling berry juice, he felt queasy, as if the vermilion of the drink was not thanks to the sylvan fruits of the high fields of mondstadt, but to the flesh and bones that he saw a few days ago. ghoulish parts used as ingredients to a cure. how ironic was that? turning his cheek the other way, fingertips lightly pushed his glass to the side, no longer thirsty for any beverage charles could have to offer.
ㅤㅤthe idea of talking to kaeya about what happened with the “loom of fate” came naturally—the traveller thought that, if anyone could offer him a different perspective, it would be him, the descendant of such history. eide, caribert, alberich… his sister. everything the cavalry captain told him during their conversation was logical, reassuring through its connection to reality. aether couldn’t be everywhere at the same time, nor play the undefeatable hero of every person in need. but if he had awakened sooner… things could’ve been different. he and lumine could have fixed it—whatever it was. so perhaps he came to angel’s share and offered to buy them a round of drinks as they talked over everything, anything and nothing at the same time simply because he felt like he owed that much to kaeya. to his family, to his lineage. as if aether was responsible somehow.
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ㅤㅤ“but i can’t blame her for trying”, he added, tightly squeezing his fists on the table. “i’d have done the same. wouldn’t you?”
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hyper-voice · 1 year
He's heard Milo call him a caretaker before - he supposes that's true. He likes taking care of others, in a way. Cooking, fixing things, support - it's been a way he's always shown someone he cares.
He's not very good at accepting it though. So when Lee starts trying to do things for him as well, it's not the easiest to let himself have. He feels the need to try and take over the task, turn it around - so that he's caring for Lee, because if Lee is caring for him, then that means there's something wrong-
There's nothing wrong. There's many things that are right.
It's how he finds himself accepting these comforts once denied - nails painted, his wet hair brushed, a favorite meal ready for him as a surprise for no real reason than that Lee felt like it.
And then, along the way, he learns to do more than just accept them. He learns to enjoy and appreciate them.
Piers didn't expect how flustered he would be. He's dated people before. He's... had unfortunate things happen to him. He thinks of himself as stone in that regard - the twists and turns of attraction and love and loss don't faze him anymore.
It's what he tells himself, even if his face, his voice, his music bare the truth to everyone but him.
Still. Maybe that's why Lee has gotten past the walls erected, with a sweetness anything but subtle, smashed through those walls like a wrecking ball instead of skirting around them. Sweetness. It's not a word he'd have attributed to the Champion. Sure, he's not saying he's mean. He definitely knows how to put on a face for a crowd. But, well- he's a bit like Piers in that regard. He's got walls. Maybe Piers is barreling through them too. Or maybe Lee is just better at knowing when to drop his.
Piers hops he gets the honor of finding that out one day. The prospects, for once, actually look good.
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