#answer is just nope
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ew-selfish-art · 2 years ago
Dp x Dc wherein learning magic is similar to learning how to play music. 
So basically, the creation of a summoning spell is like a full composition/song made of smaller components or ‘notes’ for things like gravity shifting, and geolocation, and transportation etc. which is why Magic can be taught and spells can be man-made. 
Danny, however, is the equivalent of having Perfect Pitch. He can compose entire songs of spells without really thinking about it due to his royal titles (ambassador/king/high prince) but doesn’t really know how to be specific which lands him in some trouble with Clockwork. His portals are coming along a lot better with the help of Wulf but its critical that Danny learns how to control the range of his magic *something something, for the timestream something* *blah blah according to the will of the ancients blah blah*. 
So put on the course to learn Magic, Danny decides to hunt down the House of Mystery and study up by himself. He’s doing community college online, what could a little bit of Magic self study really do to his schedule? This place has literally every magic resource he could need! 
Turns out he has a roommate in the House of Mystery- John Constantine does not take well to the fact that half of the spells Danny is creating are causing him issues with the JL. Random shit appearing, random shit disappearing, portals everywhere and don’t get him started on the fucking ICE present on every bloody thing the magic reaches. Not to mention there is no reason a normal human kid should be able to have this much power behind his spells. 
John attempts to teach Danny the basics like a little kid gets stickers placed on the keys of a piano. The problem is Danny has the ability to compose entire scores of Magic all on his own, and absolutely abhors the training wheels John is putting on him. 
Danny: You’re patronizing me! 
John: You deserve to be patronized. 
Just like, Danny learning Magic in various ways that you might teach kids to play musical instruments from the various Magic users in the JLD. Causing chaos along the way, found family, the whole nine. Stickers on the instruments for notes, taking away guitar strings that are ‘more advanced’ and replaying Twinkle, Twinkle little star over and over again. 
Danny can play the Magic equivalent of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake but cannot play Chopsticks. 
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coldflash-corner · 2 months ago
A while ago, i thought about this concept:
what if barry gets so good at reading snart throughout their relationship that if he walks into a room and a snart that isn't His -from another dimension/timeline or the wrong part of the timeline (aka pre-barry)- is there, he will know IMMEDIATELY that this isn't His Leonard Snart
The man doesn't even have to open his mouth
Everyone: Wow, Snart and his Doppleganger are so hard to tell apart! I don't know how you do it
Barry, unnerved and concerned: What, like it's hard?
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val-of-the-north · 9 months ago
Tibia Mariners and Those Lost in Death
While I am at it, I should talk about a detail found in Messmer's Shadow Keep. On the way to the Specimen Storehouse, you'll be faced with a peculiar sight: boats lit on fire.
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This seems to be a callback to Viking funerals, except the boats are placed in a row and burnt on land. It's certainly an odd practice, but it might only be done this way because Messmer's forces are far from an accessible shore or water that's deep enough to perform it normally.
However, something else caught my eye. The boats looked quite familiar so I went back to check and...
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It was the EXACT model as the boats used by the Tibia Mariners! Perhaps it is obvious seeing as the Messmer boats are used in a funerary rite, but I think it's still quite a significant connection, especially since the old Mariners have gotten quite a bit of new lore in the DLC. In Charo's Hidden Grave we can find the skulls of boatmen as a crafting material, presumably that of previous Tibia Mariners.
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This is outright confirmed after finding the lone Tibia Mariner in the area, who upon defeat drops the Tibia's Cookbook, which describes them as the oldest of grave keepers.
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(Btw I love the detail of the piece of lace cloth and golden ornaments, they are the same found on the Mariners themselves. They even come with the same ghostly glow)
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This is quite the revelation, as prior to Shadow of the Erdtree we had no way of knowing that these guys actually predated the spread of Deathroot and Godwyn's transformation into the Prince of Death. And how could we doubt that, since they even drop Deathroot themselves? But there was something that most people have neglected to note about the Mariners, me included.
In the base game, the Tibia Mariner found in the Wyndham Ruins drops a spell called Tibia's Summons. This inconspicuous sorcery of the servants of death actually holds a perplexing description which mentions a group known as "Those Lost in Death".
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There was something seemingly redundant and unexplained about these guys. What does "Lost in Death" mean? Why aren't they simply called "Those Who Live in Death"? It wouldn't blame anyone for assuming that this description just contains an outdated term for the undead before they stuck with the one used in-game. However, through the Tibia's Cookbook, we find a NEW reference to this same concept.
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Roughly the same title (Those Lost in Death = one lost in death), the same underlying sentiment, and we have verifiable proof that the Tibia Mariners are outright ancient... so what's the deal with this? Well, I have a theory.
The descriptions of these things hint at the fact that the dead have been wandering for a very long time, and that they are in need of leadership. Before the DLC, it was easy to assume that the undead were simply a result of Deathroot, and the game seemed to suggest the same thing by stating multiple times that it was the origin of Those Who Live in Death...
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... but that's the thing! Prior to Deathroot connecting them to Godwyn, the undead amounted only to shambling corpses. They were not LIVING in Death, but simply LOST in it, which is how the Mariners were able to control them in ancient times through the use of sounds, both their horns and the Calls of Tibia. It's only through the guidance of a lord, in this case the Prince of Death, that they found an identity and new life.
It's likely the undead waned in the era of Marika because of her elaborate Erdtree burials and general control of life and death. Heck, the figure of Rosus, who guides us to the Catacombs, must have also played a big part in their disappearance. His axe has a similar power to the Tibia's Summons and it's called Rosus's Summons. Its description also mentions that the dead easily lose their way, meaning that Rosus was meant to lend the dead a guiding hand. "Those Lost in Death" would be lost no more.
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Without people Lost in Death, the Mariners kind of lost their purpose and vanished for a long time... until the Shattering and the rise of Those Who Live in Death of course. It might mean that the only reason they hold onto Deathroot is because it attracts and connects the new undead.
I guess Godwyn was meant to be a sort of "lighthouse" for all undead. He would make sure they never lost themselves but also that they would be allowed to live instead of being forced back to rest like with Rosus and Marika. Him being a "lighthouse" also fits the marine theme that all this death business is going for quite neatly I think...
But to return to what started this... maybe those boats lit on fire are Messmer's way of making sure the soldiers of his army aren't lost to death after their passing. A way to give them a proper rest the way Marika would have wanted, even though he is limited in what he can do about it. The Catacombs are now corrupted with Deathroots and Godwyn's corpse bodies, and guarded by his fervent golden Death Knights.
(P.S. - I didn't know where to put this, but "Charo" is one letter off from Charon, the ferryman of the dead in Greek mythology. Seeing as the place is connected to the Tibia Mariners, who shepherded Those Lost in Death in an age long past, I find that this connection might not be mere coincidence...)
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seri-tonin · 8 months ago
Another bsd poll cause I'm bored
Reblog for sample size as usual
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soratsuart · 2 months ago
I've been wanting to talk about this for a while, but something interesting to me is how the world of Twisted Wonderland works when you bring Kingdom Hearts into the table, because KH is a great media for crossovers since it already is a crossover itself, but TWST using Disney classics for its lore contradicts heavily many of the KH world building lore points. Most notably: disney villains being historical figures from at least 700+ years old (since Lilia doesn't know the truth about them either despite his age) vs them being alive and active threats in KH present.
Of course since time-travel is a thing in KH (and apparently TWST, thank you very much Skully) you can argue that making TWST into a world from the future is the easiest solution and to just follow the canon "people in TWST got many versions of history and dont know the truth about the villains" but I personally prefer another solution as to why this world would be like that in the KH universe.
We technically don't know much about how the realm of irreality works yet (and we won't for a while considering the link do be missing) but I think it'd be interesting if TWST worked as sort of fictional world? Kind of? A world made of the wishes of the villains to succeed or from tales and different versions of what happened. I mean, if we can have Jimminy's journal as an actual world? Mini universe? Made of the journal's data and memories from the past, And recreations of different worlds within the sleeping realm, then I don't think it's that farfetched that TWST could work like that within KH. That and/or a mix of what Union X did with the whole projecting worlds and people from the future with the book of prophecies.
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ivymarquis · 2 months ago
hi beautifuuuul. I have a quick question about your John x reader fic (which I absolitely adore) so by the time y/n’s baby is born... would John ever have conflict since the baby is not his or would the man not care at all and father the baby as if they were his?
Hello!! I am glad you are enjoying!
So technically the John x Love cinematic universe only currently contains Blind Date (which is a one shot) and SYWLG (which of course is our beloved zombie!au), but I have like…. Multiple other AUs planned in addition to the main “canon” verse for them following Blind Date.
To directly answer your question- yes he will! While initially it stemmed from a sense of duty (since whilst obviously he’s a MASSIVE war criminal, he thinks he does the right thing in a “the ends justify the means” sorta way- so of course he’s gonna latch onto the concept of getting the helpless pregnant civilian back to safety!), somewheeeeere along the way he rather quickly decided he was going to keep her, and by extension that includes her baby.
And were gonna see just how pissed off John gets when the baby daddy comes sniffing back around for her lmao
With the zombie!au, there is mostly gonna be scenes showing he’s getting more attached to Love and her baby pre-delivery, although the story will end soon-ish after she gives birth so admittedly post birth there won’t be a ton
BUT there will be other AUs to explore his dynamic as the step daddy to Love’s first baby.
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fisheito · 4 months ago
I had a thought I’d like to share with the class. So we know that Kuya is super bored all the time but what if he sets up traps for Quincy. Bullying Quincy is his step above bullying normal forest creatures. Kuya sets up puzzles for his ex husband to solve and just sits in a tree watching him get out of his traps. Quincy takes into account the possibility of getting caught in a trap whenever he goes out hunting and includes it in his schedule. (I love them, they’re so husband.)
Quincy has also probably learned that the best method for dealing with Kuya is to run away because it deprives him of any enjoyment. Kuya is probably so pissed off when he does this tho like: “>:0 How dare you not fall into the trap I spent hours constructing for my own amusement.” So Quincy probably knows he has to solve at least one of Kuya’s traps per week if not he risks Kuya going insane. It’s his enrichment.
Now onto my thought: What if in one of his latest traps he turns Quincy into an animal, just for the funsies. Latest trap turns Quincy into one of those giant tortoises if he doesn’t solve it quickly enough. Then Kuya kidnaps him and keeps him in his garden. Quincy is completely fine with this because Kuya will probably just turn him back when he gets bored.
Meanwhile Topper is like, “Oh shit, I gotta go tell Eiden” so he makes his way to Aster’s mansion to tell him. Except Eiden is having a hard time understanding Topper so he gets Yakumo. Yakumo also thinks he’s misunderstanding what Topper is saying. Then they think about it for two seconds and are like, “Yeah that does sound like something Kuya would do.” So they get their asses over to the Wood Territory, accompanied by Rei because he’s curious about how Kuya managed to turn Quincy into an animal.
Meanwhile Quincy is living his best life eating the vegetation in Kuya’s garden and not having responsibilities. He’s killing two birds with one stone so he’s not complaining. Eiden gets there and the conversation goes something like this.
Eiden: Why would you turn him into a giant turtle, you need to turn him back.
Kuya: First of all he’s a tortoise. Second, he likes it.
Rei: What kind of kink is this?
Quincy: *munching on a piece of lettuce*
Eventually they convinced Kuya to turn him back but you know damn well he’s gonna do something similar next week.
Thank you for sharing with the class...!! 🤓🔍🤏🧐 why..... you certainly brought up many ideas that i never considered. a very enligtheninggn story. . . a narrative of silly proportions.. makes me want to eat some lettuce
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2aceofspades · 1 year ago
trick or tre- wait where did all this toilet paper come from
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celtrist · 3 months ago
If someway somehow alastor acepts one relationship with someone?? Maybe this person is powerful and strong enough to protect him from others??
The seven deadly sins are also affected by the obsession curse??
I mean, when you consider the different ending routes Alastor does accept to be in a relationship with some people that sorta "protect" him. Unfortunately, all those routes where he ends up in a relationship are considered "BAD END" routes. Alastor has certainly used others who are more powerful than him though. Maybe not in the form of getting into a relationship with them, but he's used other's obsession over him to his benefit (because listen, if the King of Hell and Anti-Christ are in love with you, you abuse that shit). He does try to be careful because while it's quite nice to have the king of Hell take care of things for him, he understands it can be a thin rope to balance on. Abuse it too much, and Alastor may be looking at wedding stuff against his will.
All the sins are affected of course! It's just a matter of whether he'd meet them or interact with them that much. Considering they're more than likely normally in their respective rings most of the time and Alastor can't leave pride (whether that's just like a rule or physically impossible, I'm not really sure, that has never been made clear within canon), he wouldn't have many instances of using them for protection or anything.
Either way, no matter how powerful the person and benefits, Alastor isn't getting in a relationship with someone unless it's on that "BAD END" route. Alastor is kind of "romance-repulsed" in this AU, so to say he gets into a relationship happily just wouldn't happen in the canon of this. The times he does sorta get into one willingly (like with Vox's BAD END route), he's still pretty miserable.
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violetjedisylveon · 8 months ago
Alright Dragonfruit shippers! I have a question for you!
Why Dragonfruit?
Why, out of all the things you could have called these two
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Did you go with Dragonfruit?!
Like, I get the dragon part, obviously Mei is a dragon that makes sense, but where's the fruit come in? It makes no damn sense!
Freenoodles makes sense because Tang is a freeloader, Pigsy makes noodles, Silktea makes sense cause Huntsman is a spider they make silk, and Sandy makes tea, Spicynoodles makes sense because Red Son likes/makes spicy food and MK delivers noodles/lives in a noodle shop, Shadowpeach makes sense because Macaque has his thing with shadows, Wukong has his thing with peaches, Ironbull is literally just smashing parts of PIF and DBK's names together, there's more but i don't wanna look for the ship names.
What about Red Son, this guy
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Screams fruit?
Where's the damn fruit!?!
Why didn't you go with something that represents both of them like spicydragons, or firedragon, or Samadhidragon or Dragonfire!
Is it because there's a dragon fruit on the plate in their scene? I swear if it's because there's a dragon fruit on that plate, or the presence of fruit in general in that scene, I'll be disappointed.
Well? Why? I need answers!
(this is a joke but I do wanna know why)
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mohntilyet · 4 months ago
i just want you to know that your love of illario has single handedly turned me from an illario despiser to an illario sympathizer based on that one post you made where you were like imagine being him bc yeah <3 i’d kill lucanis w my bare hands <3 - elvhenchampion
THANK YOU!!!! the depth of how far i can excuse that man's behaviour is a bit worrying really but i am glad to have convinced at least one person that maybe there's something there <3
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proffbon · 4 months ago
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Had to replay this choice two times due to extreme cases of 'He would not fucking say that'
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thesorrowoflizards · 4 months ago
SORRY this is so fucking funny. van is like oh, my crush likes another guy. that really fucking sucks because i kinda thought she liked me? god. and then she invites him over and tackles him onto her couch.
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dravencroft · 3 months ago
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So I'm reading Witch Hat Atelier
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hellsite-hall-of-fame · 2 years ago
Do you sleep with socks on
this is such a random ask that I feel like i’m morally required to answer it lol
and the answer is- this ✨mysterious✨ museum curator obviously never sleeps soooo that answers your question :)
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necrotic-nephilim · 7 months ago
I know you like Young Justice 98 so I have to ask what you think of my favorite problematic girl Greta Hayes.
Greta Hayes is my favorite bbygirl ever. i think her backstory is super interesting and i wish DC had done more with the whole Warder concept, exploring other Warders and what her relationship could've been with them. i just love the like. duality of her? the way she appears pretty shy and timid but has this really deep, explosive anger to her. she's a hot mess and i love her dearly, she can do no wrong in my eyes. the only moment i didn't like with her was when she and Steph fought, but i blame that more on the writers bc "two girls must have a crush on the cool main character and fight over him" just happens a lot in comics.
i lost my shit when Stargirl: Lost Children brought Greta back. i'm so happy she's back around and i think Lost Children was an interesting plot to explain the concept of all of these teenage heroes and sidekicks getting lost to comic book limbo. i wish Anita had also been in Lost Children but, i'm happy for the scraps of Greta we got bc if you'd asked me before if we would ever see her again, i would've said probably not. i hope the New Golden Age stuff does more with her and i'm delusional that we'll see her reunite with Young Justice, or at the very least Bart, since that's who she mentions being friends with in Lost Children.
i do ship her with Tim, i fear. i think her crush on him was really cute and how much faith she had in him. and him being the one who was able to talk out of working with Darkseid? just very cute vibes. i do also like GretaSteph, but GretaTim is rlly fun and i wish we had more content of it. whether it be an unrequited love situation where she has to watch him grow up while she's trapped as her age in this life/death limbo, or them actually trying to make it work. i crave to use her more in fanfic, i just haven't thought of stories to easily slot her into yet.
anyway, i love her, she's a doll, she should've been in Young Justice (2019), begging DC to do something with her now that she's officially back in the continuity. give her a mini or something pls DC my kingdom for content of my dumb angry ghost child.
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