#someone else got banned for screaming when they got a gun they wanted in a raid + questioning my ban + venting in the vent channel
hi-crawler · 1 year
i'm sad D2 is getting ddos'd for the sake of me and my friends who want to play it but also honest to god the fact that i got removed from a d2 community for "being mean" when i have been actively told i am the nicest Gamer™ by everyone else i meet is just. i think it's karma for those people
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lymmielove · 2 months
LEVY “LIKE THAT” MCGARDEN HCS | for @ray-desoleil and for me too lol
- Natsu and Lucy brought Daybreak back to the guild so that Levy could use her magic to break the spell on it. Lucy gave Levy a share of what her and Natsu earned.
- Inspired by that one official sketch from Mashima, Levy is very skilled at shooting and gunslinging in general. She goes on jobs with Bisca and Alzack sometimes when she’s not up for a group mission with Shadowgear.
- Speaking of Shadowgear, they have broken up multiple times, most initiated on Levy’s part because you can take the girl out of the feral environment but you can’t take the feral out of the girl (The feral: Growing up with Natsu Dragneel)
- Trains with the Thunder Legion on the regular. Bickslow doesn’t like Jet and Droy. Freed just wants to have someone to rant and yap about Word Magic to, to which Levy provides.
- Levy is secondary human google. The primary human google is Freed.
- Levy shot one of the council members when she was a kid because they made Gray cry.
- All the Guild Kids have gotten kidnapped. No, I will not elaborate.
- Levy’s bandanas can also double as effective restraints for any type of magic EXCEPT Dragon Slayer, God Slayer, and Demon Slayer.
- I’ve said this before but imma say it again, Freed took Levy on as an apprentice after the events of the Grand Fairy Tail Fight.
- When Gajeel got accepted into the guild, she did get her get back. She made him swallow non-iron bullets via her gun. Best believe the Fairy Tail Guild Kids were wooping and hollering. Lucy started screaming. Makarov banned Levy from missions for a month and a half afterwards but in everyone else’s eyes and hers, it was worth it.
- The real moment when Gajeel fell for her was when she flipped him on his ass in a fight.
- Levy rewrote the Book of E.N.D.
- She chopped her hair short as a kid in Fairy Tail. It used to be down to her ankles.
- All the dragon slayers like to have Levy with them in a fight because as long as she had magic, she’s walking fuel for them.
- Levy and Jellal are cousins, sorry I don’t make the rules, they just are.
- Her wardrobe consists entirely of cargo pants, compression shirts, fingerless gloves, and belts of many kinds and colors with matching holsters for her guns.
- Locks up the alcohol cabinet with runes after she learns from Freed, just so Fairy Tail as a whole can lower their alcohol budget.
- Is on ‘Make sure Natsu doesn’t eat all our rations’ duty when it’s a Guild Kids Only mission.
- Natsu’s second favorite. The first? Gray.
- Puts her books in alphabetical order instead of arranging them from series to stand alone.
- Can sew and stitch, the Guild Kids’ jackets have emblems and symbols all over them.
- Is the reason why Gajeel wears headbands.
- Gave Gajeel bangs by accident.
- Has matching piercings with the OG 5 (Cana, Gray, Natsu, Her, and Erza, in order of joining)
- Calls Romeo “Lover Boy” based on the story, it drives Romeo insane and it gives her joy.
- Gave Romeo his middle name.
- Fought Macao over parental rights. Romeo interrupted and proudly said that all the Guild Kids are his parents/older siblings. They all cried.
- Nails grow fast, but has a problem with chipping them a lot so she gets acrylics.
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u5an5 · 3 months
SCP : Sedition - SCP-035 [Tape 01]
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_Viewing Area_
*Watch walks in to the room. Jacobs, Guards and Class D personel are already here*
Watch: Is this really necessary?
Jacobs: *turns to look at Watch* ...
Jacobs: *turns to Guard, nods* Send him in.
Guard I: *points his gun at Class D* Step back from the perimeter or I will shoot! *Guard leads Class D into interrogation room*
*Jacobs closes door behind Class D*
Class D: Ok. I saw the mask. C-can I go now?
Class D: Come on. I just want to get back to my cell! Open up!
Class D: Nothing else is happening! What's the delay?
Watch: *turns to Jacobs* It can take anything that looks human, why use a real person?
Jacobs: It gets results.
Class D: What do you want me to do? What is this thing?
Class D: *leans in in direction of 035, looks closer* … Why is it sad? 
Jacobs: <under breath> Gotcha.
Class D: *starts walking towards 035* It looks... Beautiful... So smooth... So delicate... and light...
Class D: I want it on... I want...
Class D: *puts on the mask*
*Class D falls to the floor, writhes and screams in agony*
*SCP-035 stands up*
SCP-035: Thank you boys... it's been too long.
Jacobs: (deep inhale) <softly> I think that's your cue.
[Rest bellow the cut]
*Watch walks into 035s cell. 035 is already sitting at the his own chair*
SCP-035: *stands up, extends arm to shake it* Hello there! Nice to meet you! And who might you be?
Watch: Not stupid enough to fall for that.
SCP-035: *sits down, nods* Absolutely right. So you've read my file. Which must mean the interview ban has been lifted? I never thought they would let me take a host again.
SCP-035: <musing> Funny... I don't remember seeing you before.
Watch: Probably because anyone who has been in contact with you has either committed suicide or died due to the fluids you secrete.
SCP-035: I'm very sorry to hear that, but I can't hold it in forever, you know? When you got to go...
Watch: You throw a tantrum until you get what you want.
SCP-035: And here I am. Only wanting to chat.
Watch: There you are. How long have we got?
SCP-035: Well that depends... How much decomposition can you stand? The last one decayed before the blackout could be fixed. I could melt this bad boy to the bone over a few hours, but you don't seem like the kind of person to see the humour in that.
SCP-035: <musing> Always down.
Watch: Nice party trick. We'll see how these questions go.
SCP-035: A risk taker! I like it.
Watch: Answer them. No grief, no manipulation, and continued interview sessions will be considered.
SCP-035: *stands up, exited* More? Real people too?
Watch: *turns to look at Jacobs* ...Yes
SCP-035: *punches air in excitement and sits down* Ha-ha! Sounds great! I'll hold you to it! C'mon, let's get started! I'm falling apart just sitting here.
_035s cell_
Watch: Why do you insist on contacting us? Why the urgency?
SCP-035: Come on, Watch. You can't expect me to be cooped up here all by my lonesome! I get very lonely! I'm a people person. I need to stretch my legs and socialise- Well, somebody's legs (chortles)
Watch: <flatly> Charming.
Watch: So while you're animated, we might as well have you answer some questions.
SCP-035: All work and no play makes for a dull audience. 
Watch: ...You done?
SCP-035: Sure.
Watch: Who was the first one to wear you?
SCP-035: Ah, Iphlicus. I haven't thought about him in so long.
Watch: Good friend?
SCP-035: Mmm. Beautiful, insanely talented, but such an introvert. Lovely family though; two boys and a girl. Wonderful wife. Oh, we made the best unit.
Watch: It's unusual to hear you speak fondly of someone you've possessed, as well as their family. Were you upset once he expired?
SCP-035: Oh, our partnership carried on for almost a decade.
Watch: Don't all of your hosts perish?
SCP-035: Like any good character, I can change and develop through time. Back then, I had a much simpler role than the star you see before you.
SCP-035: (sigh) <dejected> I was sad to see him go.
Watch: What happened to him?
SCP-035: Around 426 BC, we ventured to Crete for a performance and I was... discovered.
SCP-035: <disdainfully> By her.
Watch: Her? *looks at change of 035’s face*
Watch: <wary> Uh... I think we can come back to that later.
Watch: When you possess entities, do you inherit their memories and thoughts to add to your intellect, or are those discarded once they've expired?
SCP-035: *nods* Yes.
Watch: ...Yes... to what?
SCP-035: What you said. Y'know, I reckon we could spice up the decor around here! Some wallpaper, couple curtains, maybe a throw-
Watch: 035!
SCP-035: <teasing> Wow, touchy-touchy! Everything alright upstairs? You're looking a tad flustered.
Watch: *looks down* I just have a lot on-
Watch: *looks back up at 035* Need I remind you that we only have so much time...
SCP-035: Right, right. What was your question again?
Watch: When-
SCP-035: Oh, right! You're not too far off the mark. I have memories and thoughts that I've built up, sure. But the person's resolve, the power of their mind...
SCP-035: Determines not only the memories I access, but from what perspective I interpret them.
Watch: Can you give me an example?
SCP-035: Alright! Lets see this chap here. Simple, well-rounded humor. When he's not crapping his pants, likes to dance around the issues in his life.
SCP-035: Clearly, I'm reflecting his personality to a T. It's what I do, I'm just that great.
Watch: And if you possessed someone else?
SCP-035: *leans in* Someone like you?
SCP-035: *scrutinizes Watch* Hmm. Analytical, straight-forward, empathetic yet not too sympathetic. *nods* Clearly intelligent. You could take a while to digest.
Watch: I hear that from 682 all the time. So the mind and personality you control dictates how long the body takes to-
SCP-035: *points at Watch* See? *nods* Intelligent. Very strong indeed.
Watch: And if I didn't know any better, I'd swear you were coming onto me.
SCP-035: Is it working?
Watch: No.
Watch: Have you ever met anyone... resistant? Or maybe someone who simply never trusted you?
SCP-035: Whatever doubts people have about me fade away over time. On average, hmm... 10 minutes or so.
Watch: Quite the aura you have there.
SCP-035: What can I say? I'm a charmer!
Watch: <flatly> Clearly. Well... are there people who are not suited to wear you, or you would not want to be worn by?
SCP-035: ... Acne. Anyone with acne.
Watch: Oddly picky for a mask that secretes black ooze.
SCP-035: I have standards! And in the end, that's all I have once I'm alone.
Watch: Well, what if I had acne? Would you not want to possess me despite all you've said?
SCP-035: Interested, eh?
Watch: Don't twist this around. I'm just sceptical the true dealbreaker is acne. What about those without faces or even heads?
SCP-035: Like Mr. Headless? Hahahaha! Who said he doesn't have a face?
Watch: That's... interesting. Can you tell us more?
SCP-035: <teasing> Ah,come on, Watchie! You can't have me spend our quality time together talking about someone else all the time! I thought you wanted to get to know me!
Watch: I just want to-
SCP-035: Blah, blah, blah! Go ask him! You're here for me, remember?
Watch: (sigh) Moving on.
Watch: How do you manage to lure humans to put you on?
SCP-035: I'm irresistible, look at me!
Watch: ... <doubtful> Right...
SCP-035: Influence my dear! Influence. Imagery, presence-
Watch: Telepathic links, hypnotic commands-
SCP-035: <indignant> You would take the magic out of everything!
Watch: There's a science to everything. Just because we don't understand something, doesn't mean it's conjured out of nowhere. There's a process.
Watch: Even magic, while marvellous and breathtaking to the onlooker, is just another scientific process to the man behind the curtain.
SCP-035: *crosses arms, looks away*
SCP-035: *looks back, petulant* Your parents never read you bedtime stories, did they? Fantasy never factored into your childhood much?
Watch: My parents never got the chance. Fantasy takes a backseat, when you have to deal with the constant bombardment of reality.
SCP-035: I guess you should consider yourself lucky they never lived to see you become the unimaginative dolt you are today.
Watch: (chuckles incredulously) ugh...
SCP-035: Laugh while you can, I'm sure they're busy while they *eyes start glowing purple and lights flicker, voice gets demonic* burn in hell!
Watch: *moves back, startled* Woah!
Jacobs: Remain passive, 035 or I will terminate this! Now!
SCP-035: ... Ok! Ok! I'm calm. I promise.
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Watch: How were you created?
SCP-035: Ah! I like telling this one. You don't mind long and drawn out? There's a lot of plot to cover.
Watch: That's what we're here for.
SCP-035: Excellent! Legend speaks that Hephaestus, Forger of the Greek Gods, was petitioned by Zeus to create a gift for the Muse Melpomene. Ah... How she used to sing the sweetest of songs and produce melodies so breathtaking it soothed souls from the bodies of mortals and Gods alike to far off lands and back again.
SCP-035: But one day, the only notes that left her lips were that of tragedy.
Watch: That sounds terrible.
SCP-035: This was true to her sisters as well, and so Thalia, Muse of Comedy and daughter to Mnemosyne and Zeus - Zeus had a lot of kids to a lot of women, he was a busy man - beseeched her father to ease her suffering.
SCP-035: So when Hephaestus got the order to make such wondrous gift, he used the laughter of Thalia to forge - dramatic pause - *spreads arms* Me!
Watch: Or so the legend goes. How do I know this isn't just a lie?
SCP-035: If you're gonna have an origin story, its always best to make it multiple choice. Besides, I lkie this one the best.
Watch: U-huh. So you were created by Gods... however self-serving it sounds.
Watch: So, what happened next?
SCP-035: They christened me Dýo Polonoi, which means "Of Two Poles" in Ancient dialect-
Watch: (chuckles)
SCP-035: What?
Watch: <amused> Nothing, sorry. Continue?
SCP-035: ...Okay?
SCP-035: Well... There are two certainties in Greek Mythology. One: Every major screw-up or story starts with Zeus getting horny and shagging some mortal, or trying anything to get in their pants.
SCP-035: Two: Hero hates everyone. I mean, even married to that prick, Hera was ruthless in pursuing revenge. Just ask Io.
Watch: Who?
SCP-035: Exactly. So when Hera hears Zeus' illegitimate daughter is getting a godly gift and she isn't, every heifer and its fly can tell she isn't going to be impressed.
SCP-035: So while I was being made, she snuck in with one of Melpomene's most mournful sonnets and threw them into the forge. My design was now flawed.
SCP-035: Instead of allowing her to feel joy, I would have accentuated her own sorrow, which probably would have driven the dear Muse to death.
Watch: ... Did you?
SCP-035: Hey, technically I haven't been born yet. This was just the conception stage. Luckily for me, Hephaestus saw what she had done and managed to steal me back before Hera could deliver me to her intended victim.
SCP-035: Unfortunately, centuries in a cramped Forge doesn't do well for the cardio and he kinda dropped me over the edge.
Watch: Wow.
SCP-035: Mhm... Wow. The details are a little hazy, again since I hadn't really been born yet, but I was found and passed from hand to hand until I found my way to the Theatre of Dionysus. The actors here used me for their performances.
SCP-035: And I brought out the best in everyone who wore me, which brought about my birth.
Watch: Birth as in activation?
SCP-035: I guess. Although that sounds far too artificial.
Watch: The first person to wear you birthed you?
SCP-035: Correct.
Watch: And in doing so, imprinted a personality that evolved with every person who wore you.
SCP-035: <snarky> You're so cute when you put the pieces together.
Watch: But surely someone noticed this.
SCP-035: Oh they did, but they didn't mind. I was a gift from the Gods, they said. *looks down* (mournful sigh)
Watch: It was Hera, wasn't it? She was the one who discovered you in Crete.
SCP-035: *looks up* I was convinced by many of the Cretan novices that I was in fact a fallen God. I foolishly purported the image, and several "followers'' prayed for my ascension.
SCP-035: She answered their prayers... with a gift from Poseidon. A tsunami.
Watch: I’m... sorry.
SCP-035: Two and half thousand years later, and I can still hear the screams. The bodies washing through the streets *starts glowing purple, lights flicker and voice gets more demonic and enraged* houses swept into the sea and you're sorry?! 
Watch: *placating* Calm down, easy. Easy.
*everything gradually calms down*
Watch: Do you need a break?
SCP-035: (sigh) No, no. I'm fine.
Watch: Okay. So what happened next?
SCP-035: She destroyed my life. So I dedicated mine to tearing down the only thing that brought her any power.
Watch: And what was that?
SCP-035: ... The Greek Empire.
Watch: Do you have any regrets?
SCP-035: Show me a being who has lived as long as I without regrets, and you will have found a liar. Of course I do. Fortunately, I've forgotten most of them. But I still feel them in my... heh... heart.
Watch: Anything in particular?
SCP-035: (long sigh) Burning Alexandria's Library.
Watch: ... *crosses arms, stares doubtfuly*
SCP-035: Well, not me directly. After Hera's wrath, I wanted to hit her and Gods where it would hurt the most. And where better to hurt them than destroy the works of humanity.
SCP-035: But like the dead swallowed up by the ocean, I could hear those books screaming as history in the making shrivelled up in flame. I helped the Romans destroy knowledge that humanity still has not rediscovered.
SCP-035: And the art? Oh, the art. I regret that dearly. 
Watch: I don't know whose wrath was worse; Heras or yours.
SCP-035: I repaid the Greeks in kind. The same voice that splintered their society was turned on their conquerors. The fire that destroyed Alexandria, I gave to Nero to burn down the Rome.
Watch: Do you have any connection to SCP-343?
SCP-035: (chuckles)
Watch: What's so funny?
SCP-035: I'm sorry. I'm ok now. So... 343 - God (snort). Look, we've not really been properly acquainted but... his reputation precedes him.
Watch: A completely different kind of drama queen.
SCP-035: Exactly! <in mocking tone> “I created the world!” “I have infinite power!”
SCP-035: It's not that I hate the guy, it's just that his style doesn't click with me. He has so much ego, and coming from me... that's saying something.
Watch: I will admit, from what I've read of the transcripts, he comes across less as a God... and more of a used car salesman.
SCP-035: *shrugs* To each his own. Makes you wonder, if he's a God, why hang around the Foundation? Surely there's more interesting things out there in the whole Universe?
Watch: It does seem like odd behaviour for a God. <to himself, musing> Is there something here he needs? Or something he's hiding from?
SCP-035: You said it, not me.
Watch: Hmm...
Watch: What are you thoughts on SCP-173?
SCP-035: Not much, beyond of what I heard. Sounds interesting, if a little shy. Breaks everything it touches. If my mother was around - that is to say if I had a mother - she'd say we were a lot alike.
SCP-035: Well... despite the lack of face.
Watch: I'm sure you could contribute to that. Sounds like you two would make a nice pairing.
SCP-035: Don't mistake interest and admiration for respect, m'boy. You seem far too intelligent to make that kind of a mistake.
Watch: Well thank-
SCP-035: Think nothing of it. Look... you may believe similarity is perfect for a duo, but I don't see the world like that. If I look for a partner, it's someone who can make up for my own shortcomings, not bring the same spiel I do.
SCP-035: If there's one thing I truly hate in this world, it's unoriginality. That's why I couldn't stand the Romans for too long. Whole culture was a cheap imitation of mine!
SCP-035: So I left the party... and kept the door ajar for Christianity. Big mistake embracing that guy, let me tell you.
Watch: What does any of this have to do with 173?
SCP-035: We were talking about 173?
Watch: (sigh)
Watch: How old are you?
SCP-035: ...
Watch: It'd be nice to have an official number…
SCP-035: What, do I need to spell it out to you? That's not how you weave the narrative, m'boy. I've given you the facts. Use them.
Watch: Well, your timeline seems pretty inconsistent. Some of what you say does fit the period, but the order in which you tell the things is... messy.
SCP-035: (sigh) What more do you want? I hand you an entertaining narrative and you throw it back in my face! Real considerate.
Watch: It can't be hard to-
SCP-035: <iritated> No, you listen here. I'm giving you my precious time, not the other way around! You want some answers, you better listen carefully and maybe start asking me some goddamn worthwhile questions for once!
Watch: What are your thoughts on SCP-001?
SCP-035: Pfft! <indignan> What kind of ridiculous question is that?
Watch: Almost always standard it seems.
Jacobs: Answer him, 035.
SCP-035: <petulant> Ask nicely.
Watch: You're not exactly in position to-
SCP-035: Oh, aren't I? I don't think you know who you're talking to.
Jacobs: Refuse to comply and I can make this situation much worse for you.
SCP-035: Melodrama won't get you far with me, buddy!
SCP-035: Want me to cut off at the neck? Allow me! *breaks his own neck by twisting his head back with enough force to fall out of chair*
Watch: *jumps back, spooked* Holy Shit! Jacobs!
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etaleah · 1 year
Now that DeSantis is officially running for president, I’m already seeing posts going around that are all, “You WILL vote for Biden and you will NOT complain about it or you’re EVIL” and it’s clear to me that you people did not learn anything from 2016.
If you really want people to vote for Biden, talk about his accomplishments. Talk about what he’s managed to get done despite a divided Congress and a conservative Supreme Court. Compare the way the pandemic ruled our lives in 2020 and how Trump and DeathSantis drove up the death counts with their incompetence and apathy to how quickly Biden got the vaccine rollout going. Point out how, in a country that is famous for having the greediest, shittiest, most money-grabbing healthcare system in the world, we actually got Covid vaccines AND Covid tests for FREE. Not only that, the tests were delivered right to your door.
If you really want people to vote for Biden, talk about him ending the Muslim ban, passing the first gun control legislation in 30 years, adding legal protections for marriage equality, rejoining the World Health Organization and the Paris Climate Agreement, creating a task force to reunify families separated in immigration, appointing Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, putting a Native American woman like Deb Haaland in charge of public lands, making Juneteenth a holiday, etc. Talk about how even if Biden’s old age takes him out of office, we still have Kamala Harris, who in some ways may actually be more progressive than he is and is sure to be more progressive than whoever Trump and DeSantis pick as their VPs.
Telling people they MUST vote for someone or else they’re a bad person is not effective. We tried that in 2016 and look how that turned out. No one ever mentioned Hillary Clinton’s plans, policies, or accomplishments, just that she wasn’t Trump, and it wasn’t motivating. When people feel like every choice is a terrible one, they stay home and don’t vote. In contrast, when people feel like they could get something for their vote, even if it’s just a return to the status quo (which, for many, was pretty appealing in a terrifying year like 2020), they might actually show up.
Stop with the guilt-tripping and the screaming. It doesn’t accomplish anything except maybe give you the dopamine rush that comes with hitting people from your high horse. Do you want to feel superior on a moral high ground or do you want to actually win the fucking fight?
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paintball169 · 2 years
Chapter 4 - Gotham
“...Father?” Damian hesitantly called out, entering the med bay.
“Yes damian?” Bruce answered, looking at him.
“What’s she doing here?” He asked, looking at his mother’s body in the med bay. He was pretty sure she was alive though.
“Hood found her, exchanging some items. A miracle she hasn’t killed anyone yet.” Bruce answered.
“Father, Is she okay?” Damian asked, staring at her body.
“Just a bullet wound.” Bruce sighed, looking at Talia’s body.
“No, Father, Not that. She-” He started, looking at her body with wide eyes.
“She what?” Bruce asked Damian.
“She doesn’t look like her Father.” Damian answered, hesitantly.
“Hate to say it, But the demon brat’s right. She looks different.” Jason interrupted. Everyone in there jumped at hearing his voice.
“Different how?” Tim asked, now looking at Talia too.
“Different Different. She is deathly pale, looks like she hasn’t eaten in a while.” Damian answered.
“Why would she do that?” Dick asked.
“Something happened father, Something bad.” Damian answered, looking at Bruce again.
“Bad?” Bruce asked.
“Yes, This happened twice before.” Damian answered back.
“What were the reasons for Dami?” Stephanie asked him, spinning in her chair.
“The first time was when she lost someone important to the league. She wouldn’t eat, drink. Just be searching for them day and night. Eventually Grandfather had to drag her out of the study and banned her from conducting searches ever again.” He said to stephanie.
“The second?” Barbara asked.
“When the league fell.” He replied to her.
“Father, I’m going to take a nap. Wake Me up when she’s awake.” He said as he exited the room.
“Of course.” Bruce replied.
“You aren’t gonna do that are you?” Dick told Bruce once Damian was out of the earshot.
“I’m not.” He replied.
Talia wondered what went wrong that she ended up here. She was locked up in handcuffs and she was sitting in an interrogation room. 
Maybe it went haywire when she stepped foot on gotham. Or maybe when Red Hood found her.
She shuddered.
“That's the last of the ingredients, miss.” Zara muttered to her, keeping the Lilies of Gotham in the bag.
“That’s nice.” Talia sighed, relieved. She really didn’t want to enter Gotham, but it was worth it.
Suddenly, Talia’s shoulder sliced with a…Batarang? Blood started to leak from her shoulder.
“Gah!” She shouted.
“Miss!” Zara yelled.
“Well, Well, Well. Look who we have here.” Red hood said, stepping out of the shadows.
“Hood.” She said, in a stone cold voice.
“Talia.” He replied, in the same tone.
“I’m just minding my own business, leave me alone.” She answered, gripping her shoulder.
“No can't do. Batsie’s orders.”He said in a sing-song voice.
“Fine, we’ll just have to fight then.” She growled. She got ready to aim her gun on him.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Your sidekick’s also in my aim.” He said. She tensed.
“Don’t touch her.” She growled.
“Hm, we’ll see.” He said. And she had a feeling that he was smiling underneath that helmet.
Talia screamed as a bullet hit her on the wounded shoulder. She gasped for air. She slumped on the wall behind her, handing the bag to Zara. She knows she shouldn’t be this weak, but she hasn’t had food in days.
“Zara, Take these. Take these to the base.” She managed to gasp out.
“But-” Zara said, looking between her and the bag.
“Now, that’s an order.” She commanded. She knows she shouldn’t do that, but the ingredients really needed to reach the base in time.
“I- okay.” Zara resented.
The last thing she saw was Zara running away before she blacked out.
She heard the door opening and met a pair of blue eyes as she looked up.
“Talia.” He growled.
“Bruce.” She growled back.
@achaoticmess1 @starling218 @literaryhiraeth @couffeeine @abrx2002 @skitarii-alpha-c6-555 @craftgremlin @impossiblyfadingmentality @prettylittlebutterflie @mademoisellekittycat @mic-is-dead @thenillabean
Author's Notes:
Lmao, I had fun in this chapter. I don't know what else to keep here.
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
Sanctuary with the Enthralling Moon: Jasper Hale x Fleur Swan, FINAL CHAPTER
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All of the characters in Twilight DO NOT belong to me. All rights to go Stephenie Meyer.
Authors note:Sorry it took me so long to post a chapter today, I’ve been busy.
“When I think of you  I remember springtime That was when we fell in love Just me and you.”
Just Me and You, by The Dreamliners
“What? What is the Volturi?”
“It’s our version of a government love, they make sure we still concealed to the humans.” Jasper explained
“Where is it at?”
“I need to go... Alice, take me there now!”
“Bella wait! Fleur what won’t you stop her?” Jacob pleaded.
“I’m sorry Jacob but, not matter how much I hate Edward’s guts right now...He can’t kill himself over guilt... especially since she isn’t even dead.”
“You’re completely useless.” He snarled at me.
“Hey if you didn’t answer the fucking phone we wouldn’t be in this mess right now.”
“How you know it was me?”
“I heard Bella screaming her head off all the way upstairs...”why didn’t you let me speak to him.” Is what she said if I remember that correctly.”
Jacob rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Bella. She was aggressive packing a bag and filling through a drawer. She pulled out a passport, she pushed past me and ran outside. We all followed her and Alice zoomed to the car starting it immediately.
“Bella he left you, he didn’t want you.”
“Yeah well, I’m not going to let him kill himself out of guilt.” Bella swung the bag in the back seat and then got in the car.
“Bella, please...stay here for Charlie, for me.” Jacob pleaded.
I couldn’t make out what she had said to him next, but whatever it was... it didn’t seem good. Jacob turned away from the car, he looked livid. Carlisle’s car revved out of the driveway, dust from the dirt was the only thing left behind. Jacob glared at me and Jasper before taking off to the woods, morphing into a wolf.
“Jazz...what in the hell am I going to say to dad?”
“You can say she found out where Edward was... and Alice offered to take her to the airport since she had come by for a visit.”
“Yeah... that works.”
My phone vibrated in my pocket, jump scaring me.
“Fleur... it’s me, Rosalie.”
“Rose... hey, it’s been a while.”
“Do you know where Edward went... I told him what happened with Bella.”
“Rose... he’s going to the Volturi to kill himself... He thinks Bella’s dead.”
“Oh god...” Her voice sounded like she was in shock.
“Why did you say something to him?”
“I don’t know...honestly I don’t...”
“Bella and Alice went to Italy to try and stop him.”
“I hope they get to him...”
“I do too.”
I saw my dad pull up in the driveway, I could see confusion and heartbreak on his face.
“Listen Rose, I gotta go. Dad just got here.”
“Okay, I’ll see you later Fleur.”
“See you, bye.”
“Jasper? What’re you doing back here?”
“My family and I are moving back in a few days, but I couldn’t help but want to see Fleur again so I came back a bit earlier than everyone else.”
“Oh, that’s good to here. Does Bella know you guys came back?”
“Dad... you should come inside, we have to tell you something.”
“Oh no... what did she do now?”
“Come on dad.”
He had a reluctant look on his face when we went inside.
“So? What’s going on.”
“Alice and Jasper had come by, they told Bella and I that the rest of the family was moving back. Carlisle’s job ended up not working out so they decided to move back here. Alice had told Bella where Edward was and Alice offered to take Bella to him.”
“Where is she?”
“She wouldn’t tell... she doesn’t trust me very much still. She had a passport with her so I can only assume she went out of the country.”
“When she gets home... that boy is banned from this house. He’s put us through Hell for months!”
“I’m really sorry for my brothers actions, Chief Swan.” Jasper said his smooth voice rung through the quiet house.
“It ain’t your fault...there is only so much you can do.... god, I lose one of my closest friend and then my daughter runs off on me again.” Dad said he pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
“I’m really sorry dad.” I pulled him in for a hug. I had walked away to get my dad something to eat and a bottle of water. I could hear Jasper talking to my dad but, I couldn’t make out what they were saying.
The rest of the night was quite tense. Dad was pacing around the living room for the entire night. He was waiting for a call from Bella, wanting to hear her confirm that she is safe and sound. But, it never happened. Jasper had left saying he needed to check into a hotel for the night. But in actuality he spent the night in my room.
“Jazz...you said this Volturi was like your government...what if they make Bella change? What if they find out about me? I’m not ready to change Jasper...I can’t leave dad all alone.”
“We will find a way to prevent you from changing as long as possible darlin. Besides, Bella is the only one there, she shouldn’t have to mention you.”
“I wouldn’t put it past her Jazz...she’s, changed in a way she seems self absorbed at this point. I remember when James was chasing us, she seemed to relish in all of the attention it got her.”
“I thought a felt bits of that in her emotions, yours over powered her though.”
I sighed
“Gosh, I need to talk about something else... I feel so nervous I think I might get sick.” I burrowed my face in Jasper neck in hopes to calm my nerves.
“Okay...marry me.” He said, his voice was calmer than I had ever heard it before. I on the other hand, was in shock. My eyes had shot wide open and I lifted my head up from his neck.
“Are you serious?” I asked, my voice was a pitch higher than normal.
“Why wouldn’t I be serious?” He said, humor was laced in his voice.
“So that’s what you were talking to dad about in the living room.”
“Yeah, that was it...so...” He got up from my bed and knelt down in front of me on one knee. 
“Will you marry me?” he pulled the velvet box he in his pocket open.
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“Yes... I will.” I huge smiled made it’s way onto my face. Jasper pulled me into his arms and hugged me. My feet made it’s way off the floor for a few seconds, but I was then set back down. I looked down at the ring, it fit me pretty well.
“Is that Sapphires?” I asked.
“Yeah they are... thought they would be nice, since that is your birthstone.”
“It’s yours too you know... I remember your birthday... it’s September 14th.
Timeskip: 2 days later.
When Bella had finally gotten home from finding Edward, dad let her have it. He stuck to his guns at first, saying that Edward was banned from the house and that she was not allowed to see him. But, Bella being Bella threatened moving away. Dad faltered in his threat and said that Edward could come over but, dad would have to be there and he could only stay til 9:30. Bella also couldn’t leave the house without dad being there either. And even when she was going to leave with him there, she would have to tell him and call him every hour. She even had a curfew she had to uphold to, which was at 9:30 pm as well.
I was with the Cullens this evening, Rosalie, Emse, and Alice’s eye lit up in excitement when they saw my ring. Emmett had bear hugged me when he saw me again and Dean was finally able to hug me too, without wanting to kill me. Alice was just talking to me about floral arrangements when Edward and Bella walked into the room.
“Look... you all know what I want. I think it would only be fair... if you all vote.” Bella said. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Edward snided.
“Shut...up.” Bella replied
“What’s the rush Bella?” I asked she of course, ignored me.
“Yes of course, I already consider you apart of my family.”
“I vote yes, it would be nice to not want to kill you all the time.” Dean said.
“Sure...I really don’t want to get separated from Fleur again because Edward can’t get over his hero complex.” Jasper snapped, he tensed in his place.
“Look... I’m really sorry to both of you for how i’ve acted but... this isn’t a life I would’ve chosen for myself. So I vote no.” Rosalie stated
“I say hell yeah! We can pick a fight with the Volturi some other way.” Emmett stated.
“Yes Bella, You’re already a member of this family.” Esme said
“Why are you all doing this to me?” Edward questioned.
“You’ve chosen to live without her...I won’t live without my son.”
Bella smirked, but then I noticed she got nervous.
“I have something else to tell you.”
“What?” I asked.
“You see... when we wend to the Volturi I may have...”
“Don’t even finish that sentence...you didn’t Bella, you fucking told them about me didn’t you!?”
“Doesn’t feel so good having someone else make decisions for you does it?”
“You are more delusional than I thought!”
“Wait a second, you put her at risk too Bella?” Rosalie said... anger was rising in her voice.
“How long do you two have?” Jasper asked... he too was getting more angry.
“Til my graduation.”
“I can’t even look at you anymore Bella... you make me sick.” I snapped, I made my way outside and slammed the glass door. Jasper and Rosalie ran outside to join me.
“What am I going to do?” I said, my eyes filling with tears.
“We’ll figure something out Fleur.” Jasper said, pulling my into his arms.
“I won’t let her take that choice away from you.” Rosalie added.
I looked up at the sky, the stars and moon were out tonight.
“I’m so sorry love.” Jasper said.
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staysaneathome · 3 years
This Was Not A Dare, Reigen
Jon glares at each of the— the suspects traitors in front of him, tape recorder clutched tight in one hand.
Martin, wringing his hands uselessly, eyes wide and beseeching. Tim, fists clenched hard enough for his knuckles to go white and returning his gaze with a death stare of his own. Sasha, arms folded to form a barrier between Jon and herself, expression a perfect mask of concern. Reigen, radiating disappointment in every one of his gestures and quips. Elias, eyes weary, fingers rubbing the bridge of his nose.
Some intervention this is turning out to be.
Jon wants to scream. Wants to reach out and shake someone, anyone, until they admit he’s making sense and it’s the rest of the world that’s gone mad.
Every single one of them (except Martin) could’ve killed Gertrude. He knows he has no proof that they did, but he has no proof that they didn’t either, can’t they see that? If they don’t want him to suspect them, it should be easy for them to actually give him proof of their innocence (like Martin did), instead of just repeating platitudes of “you know this isn’t acceptable adult behavior, Jon” and “you’re better than this, Jon”.
Who cares about knowing better or acceptable behavior when it’s your very life on the line? He’s half tempted to throttle the con artist, see how dignified or adult he is when he’s the one with a murderer on his tail!
…Not that Jon is a murderer. It’s just the principle of the thing, is all.
“Jon,” Elias says, tone soothing in all the ways he doesn’t want it to be. “This is absurd. This goes far beyond an unhealthy work environment. I’ll admit it’s partly my fault for letting it get this bad, I should have intervened earlier.”
Reigen cuts in with a hand gesture that is as effusive as it is dismissive. “That doesn’t make his behavior okay, Bouchard-san. It may be bad here, but Jon chose to follow me, Tim and Sasha, and yell at Martin, rather than going to the police or paying a detective, like Herlock Sholmes or something.”
Jon sputters. “Wh- It’s Sherlock Holmes, not—and he’s fictional!”
Reigen blinks sleepily, one eyebrow raised. “Oh? That doesn’t sound right. Are you sure?”
“Yes!” Jon all but shouts, rapidly reconsidering his stance on braining the sardonic little git with his tape recorder. “Don’t you even—an-and you’re deflecting again! Just like with your ridiculous ‘haunted gun’ nonsense!”
“I’m not!” Reigen says, clearly deflecting. “I’ve seen this kind of thing loads of times as the number one psychic. When a weapon kills lots of people over 100 years, the bad energy gets bigger and bigger until the gun grows an evil spirit and is hungry—”
“I refuse to believe Gertrude Robinson was murdered by a sentient blunderbuss!!”
“Be that as it may,” Elias interrupts, shooting them both a stern frown. “This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about, Jon. Given how badly it’s affected your work ethic, I will be taking direct action to ensure it does not continue.”
Jon can feel his shoulders hunch almost against his will, dread pooling in his stomach at the thought of whatever punishment is about to be unjustly inflicted on him.
Only Martin looks half as worried as he feels, glancing between him and Elias nervously. By contrast, Tim looks downright triumphant, smirk nasty and vindictive. Sasha’s somewhere between those two, not openly celebrating his soon-to-be-downfall, but not acting like she’d lift a finger on his behalf either, though he’s unsure why that feels like it should surprise him. She’s always been as neutral as Switzerland.
Reigen, oddly enough, has more in common with Martin than with Tim. He’s staring at Elias like he’s waiting for a bit of news he knows he won’t like.
Jon thinks he’d appreciate that more if he wasn’t about to be unfairly lambasted simply for trying to stop a murderer and bring justice for an old woman who probably died frightened and alone. Much like Jon probably will once he’s been hobbled by whatever Elias is about to say next.
“Such as by restricting access to the archives from members of the public who are ultimately doing you more harm than good.”
“What?!” Tim, Martin, and Sasha echo.
Reigen glances between them all, blinking in confusion.
Jon shares the sentiment entirely. His punishment is…for someone else to be removed from the archives? Someone he doesn’t employ or even like that much, no less?
He must have misheard, surely.
Though maybe not, given how Tim looks aghast, glancing between Elias and Reigen. “Okay, no, Reigen’s clearly not the problem here—”
“I’m very sorry, Tim, but Jon has made several remarks about the disruptive nature of Mr. Arataka’s presence in the archives.” Elias sighs. “From the arguments like the one we just witnessed to the nonsensical purchases of oddities inspired by his presence, such as Duolingo subscriptions,” Meaningful glare at Jon who resists the urge to clutch his phone guiltily, “That are now billed on the Archives’ expenses, it unfortunately seems as though he is dragging down productivity for all of you as an active stressor.”
“But we’re much better equipped to take statements from people who don’t speak English because of that!” Martin protests, stepping forward. “Isn’t it an advantage to have a more, more international perspective for our work?”
“One positive in a sea of negatives does not an advantage make.” Elias says, sounding infuriatingly like he’s misquoting something. “And really Martin, how realistic is it that this would help in more than a few isolated cases? I expected better from you.”
Martin’s face crumples, and his shoulders hunch, making himself smaller.
Jon finds his own mouth opening to—what? Say something? What would he even say?
Luckily, Sasha intervenes before he can dig his own grave further. “That’s as may be, but he’s a wonder for morale. He and Jon are funny, not anything serious, and I don’t think we’d have come to you about Jon‘s behavior unless he encouraged us to—”
“Which only fits into the delusion where Jon feels an outsider is rallying his subordinates against him, which is not good for his paranoid outlook.” Elias replies calmly. “And it’s never a healthy work environment when one employee feels the others are making them the butt of a joke.”
“I’d say that’s not as bad as when the boss feels he has the right to violate everyone’s privacy whenever he wants to just ’cause he’s feeling sad!” Tim growls.
Elias begins to answer, before Reigen finally speaks up.
“Sorry,” The con artist says carefully. “But you are…«I know this one…» banning me from the Archives? Yes?”
“That is the long and short of it, yes.” Elias says, grudgingly
“Why?” Reigen challenges, eyes hard and searching. “What have I, personally, done that’s wrong here? What behavior do I need to correct?”
There’s a moment of silence. The whirring of the tape recorder sounds uncomfortably loud.
“Mr. Arataka, are you currently under the employ of the Magnus Institute?” Elias asks, brow furrowed.
“Ah, no, no, but—”
“Are you looking to become employed by the Institute at this point in time, as a prospective member of the Archival Staff?” He fires off rapidly.
“Su-Sorry, but if you could just go a little slower—”
“Then I am afraid that unless you’re looking to fill out an employment contract or a Statement form, we cannot help you, Mr. Arataka.” Elias spreads his hands wide. “We are an academic institution, a place of research and learning. The Institute cannot allow for social dalliances on company time, especially not when those visits are negatively contributing to the work environment and the wellbeing of our staff.”
Tim throws up his hands, “I-I cannot believe this!”
Reigen’s mouth works soundlessly for a moment.
“Arataka is my…what do you call it? First name?” He says, at last. “Using it in this context is…inappropriate. Please call me Reigen, if you would, Bouchard-san.”
“Of course. My mistake, Mr. Reigen.” Elias does have the decency to look somewhat abashed. “Though, regrettably, I am going to have to ask you to leave the premises within the next twenty minutes, or I will be forced to call security.”
Reigen nods, jerkily, hands stuffed in his pockets.
Jon almost wants to call out to the fraud as he turns to go, grab him by the shoulder, pick another argument, something. He knows he should be happy, be glad that this thorn in his side will finally stop bothering him, but instead he just feels—befuddled. Off-kilter.
What happened to the man who once spent three hours arguing for the “spiritual effectiveness” of entirely performative and useless rituals, saying that ensuring his clients left his office fooled and contented was better than actually uncovering genuine supernatural forces and learning all there was to know about them? Why is he going so-so easily now, when he’s made Jon fight tooth and nail in every debate he’s had with the so-called psychic?
At the door, the con man pauses.
“Bouchard-san. You said I could come back if I had a statement to give?”
Elias shifts in his seat, looking bemused. “W-well, yes. That is a service we do provide. Of course, the statement would have to be genuine, and verifiable as such before we let you back into the Archives.”
“We don’t even do that for most of the rubbish we do take,” Tim mutters under his breath, and though Jon is glad he’s not the one being shot a quelling look, he does have to agree.
The con man turns back.
He’s got that smirk on his face that immediately puts Jon’s hackles up on instinct, prepared to argue against whatever inane point he’s come up with now to defend his phony psychic title.
“Gotcha.” Reigen says, far too cheerfully. «Ja ne.»
Then he strolls out of the office, as cool as a cucumber.
Jon could even swear he hears him whistling as he makes his way down the stairs.
There’s a moment of stunned silence.
“I’d do him.” Sasha pipes up, unhelpfully.
“Sasha!” Martin hisses, scandalized. “D-don’t you have a, a—”
“Oh, I don’t have to worry about that.” She remarks, far too blasé for someone in a newly committed relationship. “Tom’s heard about him too, and he agreed he’s just our type.”
“And I’m not?” Tim jokes, but there’s a hard edge to it that Jon’s found himself increasingly familiar with in the past few weeks.
Sasha shrugs with a mischievous little smile, as if that mattered very little to her.
Elias coughs. “Right. Well. Whatever your relations to Mr. Reigen are, please try to limit them to outside the workplace in future.”
The rest of the intervention is surprisingly subdued. Elias gives Jon access to the footage from the cameras in the rest of the Institute, and Tim bodychecks him on the way out of the office, muttering about how nice it must be to never face any consequences for his actions. Sasha follows, the way she won’t meet his eyes a condemnation in its own right.
Even Martin doesn’t say anything to him, just bites his lip and hurries past back down to the Archives. It doesn’t sting. It doesn’t.
Even as he settles in to watch and rewatch the CCTV records of Gertrude’s last week alive, Jon can’t shake the ridiculous feeling of foreboding that’s dogged him since Reigen left.
Most of him wants to say it comes from the fact that despite the fact that Reigen has not appeared in any of the camera records for the Magnus Institute before he started his term as Head Archivist in 2016, isn’t banning him from the Archives just letting the con man run around London with impunity, with no way for Jon to ascertain his movements or motives? That instead of solving a problem, Elias has just given a potential murderer free reign to escape?
But a small part of Jon, one that never could deny the sensation of being watched, that is frozen in second-hand terror whenever he reads a Statement, knows, Knows that it this stems more from the idea that the fraud will actually accomplish what Elias has unwittingly challenged him to do.
The illogical but pervasive surety that he will do so.
Jon’s not sure if he’s more afraid that Reigen Arataka will vanish entirely, another unfortunate victim become an unsolved mystery.
Or that he’ll come back, and bring whatever he’s managed to unearth on his insane quest with him.
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I think I may have come across another Fandom Frollo (aka - closet MAP who screeches at fiction and accuses everyone else of being sex offenders to cover their ass). First it was IHPAZ, then it was rasinrat, then it was the Twitter Purity Crusade CP ring (yes, that’s ACTUALLY a thing!), and now... I think I might have caught another one of these jokers in the act. 
Below the cut: TW for graphic language and descriptions of CSEM
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What the hell kind of pedos has this person been seeing? Because they most certainly don’t use Disney villain style dialogues to groom their charges. If they did, there’s NO WAY they’d be able to successfully groom someone because nobody, even children, is stupid enough to go for a devil in plain sight. This is a trait I see of Fandom Frollos all the time – they assign these stupid, over-the-top fictional lines that NO real person would say unironically towards what they believe to be pedos. But they sound very creepy and strangely detailed… almost like they got off on writing that.
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Blatant accusations with zero proof – another classic Fandom Frollo tactic. If I accuse everyone else of being pedos, then I’m clearly helping! Look at me protecting the kids! Look at me being wholesome and pure!!
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Their response?
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WTF?! What the fresh hell. NOBODY said anything about looking at children in such a disgusting way. That’s something YOU pulled out of your behind for some godforsaken reason. How does ANYONE look at “banning cartoons won’t help because pedos will be pedos whether cartoons exist or not” and think “ahh yes, this is saying CSEM is okay!” Also, AGAIN, note the very descriptive and graphic language of something they ostensibly are trying to fight against.  
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Me: Banning cartoons won’t help. It’s like saying banning guns will stop murderers. The murderers will keep existing, they’ll just move on to knives instead. Comprehensive sex ed and self-defence courses for minors are the best way of stopping pedos. The young generation being armed and informed is always a pedo’s biggest weakness
This clown: Okay! Let’s NEVER do anything to stop pedos ever again!
Why do I have a feeling that’s EXACTLY what this person wants?
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“I’m not an abuse apologist! I just think that we can blame the actions of rapists on fiction and that it’s totally okay to call rape victims gross for saying otherwise!”
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Again, WHAT’S WITH THE HYPERFIXATION ON CHILD RAPE IN PARTICULAR?! If you’re so disgusted with the idea, why do you keep throwing those evil words around?!
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There is ABSOLUTELY no way a person can be this ignorant – especially someone claiming to be a CSA survivor, regarding the use of religion in child grooming. But I gave them the benefit of doubt and explained anyway, and made it very clear that religion wasn’t to blame, it was EVIL PEOPLE twisting religion so they can use it as an excuse to be evil:
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Their Galaxy Brained response, which is TOTALLY not a deflection from the shitty things they might be doing:
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Ah yes – with THIS icon, there’s no way you could have found out what my race was! Obviously, my profile picture is SO WHITE that nobody could have just, well, CLICKED on it to see that I clearly wasn’t!! Do I need to make another DP with me in saree and a blatant red sniper dot on my forehead just to make things clearer for this hellsite?!  
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Or how about THIS jackass response that proves, “yes, yes they ARE being intentionally obtuse”
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Nobody – NOBODY who actually cares about CSA or abuse, will say something so vile when being confronted with examples of people twisting religion so that they can hurt children.
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Yet another telltale sign of a fandom Frollo – a little TOO MUCH eagerness/sadistic glee from punishing pedophiles, and is WAY too vocal about their desire to hurt them. Hating pedos is the DEFAULT Sharon. You don’t get a cookie for basic decency! It reeks of “if I scream at the top of my lungs about how much I want to kill these people, nobody will know that I’m one of them!! I am very smart!!”
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“Don’t teach kids how to identify a predator!! They could be ANYONE! Especially me!!”
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Keep this in mind:
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…for what they say next:
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Or how about THESE rather chilling accusations that seem to flow out of their mouth as easily as breathing?
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A PSA – if you hear “sex ed” and think that it means showing minors pornography… maybe the problem lies with YOU. Maybe the one with a warped sense of sexuality is YOU. Maybe the one who is putting kids in danger is YOU. 
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“How dare you call me a sex pest! I’m not a man, so I can’t be a sex pest!” – the calling card of all non-male sex pests EVERYWHERE.
If this creep comes to you, BLOCK THEIR ASS. It’s not clear if they have done anything yet, but they’re showing very dangerous signs.
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holly-benji · 4 years
Here I am today talking about my impressions of the 9x02 episode of Chicago fire. Ready? First of all let me tell you that: 1. English is not my first language, so forgive me some grammatical errors. 2. I have written a lot (maybe too much) so I hope you have the patience to get to the end. 3. It is not a post against Monica Raymund or Gabby Dawson. Just some of my considerations about it. I do not want to start any war.
Let us begin! I will try to analyze what happened for the different phases that followed during the episode
I start by saying that Sylvie Brett is really badass. She's really grown up and I think it's going to be a real PIC for Mackey.
Moving on to Casey: "61 respond. Do YOU hear me?". I think that YOU has a great value for him. I think this phrase encapsulates all of Casey's concern about losing Brett. The face he makes immediately afterwards when no one answers on the radio is discouraging. And when he asks Stella "we should have seen them by now", he is looking for some support in Kidd (of the series tell me that nothing serious happened Stella please).
When Casey sees the wreckage of the ambulance he can’t wait to know if Sylvie is ok. First of all, for him is not ambulance 61, but Brett's ambulance. The difference is substantial. 
"Let me out". This scene is beautiful. Fortunately, after jumping out of a moving truck, Brett has already gotten out of the ambulance.
When Casey sees her, apart from screaming her name, he doesn't just ask her if she is okay. He looks at her everywhere, as if to see to himself that she is in one piece. Even afterwards he suggests to her to go to the hospital and when she refuses, he takes her to the truck to take her to the firehouse. With him. Brett's gaze is the mixture of being confused about the accident, and why Casey is there.
When Sylvie wants to save the crazy guy, he yells "Sylvie wait!". And then together they do what they do best. Saving lives.
Of course Casey has to reach Brett to ask her once again if she is okay and tell her that he is glad if she is ok. What big scare did he get? But strangely enough when Brett asks him how he got there so quickly and why it was only him, he omits a few details in the reconstruction of how things went. Brett KNOWS him so the "it always been you" comes out of her. Remember that THE ONE she's been looking for for a long time, and she talks to Matt about in the 8x07 episode? She finally realized it was him all along. From the beginning of everything. And when she realizes that she practically told him that the key to everything is him, she tries to make up for the blunder she just made. In fact she says "such a good friend". Casey is amazed by this sentence, and wants to understand what else is underneath (because it can actually be sibylline), but is interrupted by Capp for the report.
So Brett is in love with Casey. But she can't tell him. She doesn't want to tell him.
Let's make a brief summary of what happened between Brett and Casey from Sylvie's point of view. Gabby's departure marked a turning point for both of them. I think for both of them it was just a simple friendship at least until the episode 7x16. When Casey was almost shot with a gun. The two of them started talking more and more and became confidants of each other. Brett's feelings I think were initially seen in the 7x21 even if at the time as a simple attraction. She has been trying to suppress them ever since. It was said that they were not right. So she got engaged to Kyle and tried to carry on a meaningless relationship. In fact, not only did she want to suppress what she felt, she WAS CERTAIN that Casey would not have seen her any other way than as a friend and the 7x22 gave her confirmation. Casey involuntarily pushed her into the arms of another. After her return in the 8x03, Casey and Brett bonded more and more. And every time someone saw the chemistry that the two of them shared, she diminished. She did it with Olivia, Foster, Kidd and even Julie. Things changed in the 8x17 when Sylvie seriously started working on her feelings. In any case she became more and more convinced that the feelings she felt were not reciprocated, and mostly WRONG. He was still her best friend's ex, and she knew that he would not easily forget Dawson.
So when talking to Stella in this 9x02 SYLVIE DOES NOT WANT TO SPEAK TO CASEY BECAUSE IT IS SURE THAT HE IS NOT IN LOVE WITH HER, BUT THAT HE IS  IN LOVE WITH DAWSON. So she thinks the solution is to pretend this conversation never happened.
Casey wants to understand better the exchange of jokes that there have been between them in the dormitory. And on top of that he wants to ask her to get out of the 7x22, so I think it was the right time to do it considering that he could have lost her. The way he asks her out is very funny. How he claps and waves his hands. I HAVE NEVER SEEN THIS SIDE OF CASEY. The faces of Hermann and Mouch say it all.
The way Casey gets up when he sees her and asks her if he can offer her something to drink, it makes me laugh my head off. He's in serious trouble: he doesn't know how to handle it.
Here the evening takes a completely unexpected turn. Gallo does what he should not do. He explains everything that happened at the beginning of the episode and Brett FOR THE FIRST TIME questions Casey's feelings. She asks herself "maybe he feels something for me?". The answer is clearly yes. Just look at their exchange of glances. One feels too much between the two of them. In any case, Dawson's shadow always makes itself felt in her head, and moreover she would like to kiss him but she can't because of a ban she has imposed herself. So she runs away. She is afraid.
The way Casey gets up is so sweet. He still doesn't understand what's wrong. But he knows there's something he did that Brett didn't take well.
When the shift starts Casey tries to say goodbye to her, but she doesn't answer. On the contrary, she runs inside the firehouse. And the same thing happens when they are reassembling the ambulance door. Severide's words are prophetic. Sylvie avoids Casey because on the one hand she wants to kiss him, and on the other hand she is afraid that she will not be able to take Gabby's place and that there is no game for her. There will always be Dawson in first place. Casey realizes once again that something is wrong (he still can't figure out what it is though). But his look says it all, and Severide notices it too. And it gives him the best suggestion. UNDERSTAND WHAT THAT LOOK MEANS.
I would like to point out that Stella, Severide, Mouch, Hermann, Gallo, Capp and Tony all saw the connection that brettsey have. The whole firehouse know. Even Tony who speaks very little says for the first time his own ("we don't know what happened").
First of all I find it beautiful that Casey went to ask for explanations. Their "talk to me" is the key to everything. They have always confided in each other, and have done so very much in these two years (7x02 and 8x16 for example). Tell each other what's wrong is the basis of a solid relationship. Sylvie then reveals the reason and kisses him. She makes the first move. And I found it fantastic. Clearly Matt gives in immediately. I want to point out that during the kiss they smiled, even with their eyes. Their happiness could be felt in the air along with their sweetness. It was beautiful and I loved it as all the time there was delicacy. I don't think we need other words to describe it. And they both wanted it for a long time. At least from 7x21. What patience.
Let us now analyze the Gabby Dawson problem. As I have already widely explained Sylvie is afraid because she could take a place that is complicated to replace at best. She fears the confrontation with the one and only woman she thinks Casey has loved and will love. So she decides to clarify this issue with him right away, and I find it an extremely mature attitude. I want to emphasize that until now Brett has had messed up stories, broken engagements, so now she is looking for THE ONE. She finally found him, but there is the Dawson problem. Let's remember that in the 8x09 Dawson came back and Matt ended up back in bed with her. Can you build something serious and lasting with a person who as soon as the ex returns there is a risk that he will end up in her bed? That's what Brett is afraid of. Maybe for him it's just a desire to have sex, while for Sylvie it's trying to make the choices to start a family. Let's try to unravel the skein, and clarify some of my points of view.
I loved the Dawseys, very much. I found them beautiful. Their story was all passion, and I loved it. Gabby was a tough girl, Casey was a good guy and I liked them a lot. Then at a certain point (maybe due to the problem of becoming parents), each of them started to take a different path, in fact to be precise Gabby did. Matt and Dawson communicated very little, especially in recent times, and the important decisions were ALWAYS AND ONLY HERS. She confronted Matt at the end, when the decision had already been made. I've always admired Dawson's resolution, but in some attitudes I found it exaggerated. The choice to try to have more children even with a pregnancy at risk ONLY HERS, the choice to move to Puerto Rico? ONLY HERS AND OVERALL IS THE ONE THAT LEAVES CASEY, THE ONE THAT SENDS PAPERS FOR DIVORCE. SHE RETURNS, THEN SHE LEAVES. The one that says if you want, there is always a place in my tent. 
Until now the decisions have been unilateral. Casey tries in his own way to make a new life for himself. He succeeds very hard. Initially he has a flirt with the journalist, then a flirt with the smart girl who interrupts immediately, and then from 8x03 let's say that his feelings for Brett, already present in my opinion from 7x19 at least ARE ALWAYS GROWN. 
But why when Sylvie asks, he doesn’t respond: “I love you”? Simple, he hasn't understood it yet. Let's understand each other. Matt can't explain how he feels about Sylvie because he has never felt it before. He has these strong feelings, totally new. Here, in addition to a strong passionate component (which the Dawseys certainly did not lack) there is a strong mental component that makes all the difference. Brett and Casey have very similar characters, something that certainly could not be said with Dawson and have created a deep friendship. Basically speak his actions for him. Jumping out of a truck, asking her nervously if she wants to go out with him. These are all attitudes that have not been seen in Matt Casey before. They are attitudes of a person who is in love. His not being able to answer is dictated by the fact that he has never faced the problem. He has never closed the door with Gabby and he has always left a gap, at first very big, that he believes that that is still open, but which actually lacks a small push to close it permanently. 
In essence Matt has to close definitively with the past and with all the drama that the relationship with Dawson has left. For example one of these is the problem of being rejected. This explains his nervousness towards Sylvie. He is not giving up completely. So Matt has to work on his emotions and he can't answer because he never asked himself the question. He took it for granted that he had moved on, but he hadn't put an end to it. I'm sure he will. Because he has to make his mind understand what his heart has already understood long ago. It must work on himselt and let off steam, talk to someone. These feelings for Brett have always been kept to himself. He has to shout it to the world instead.
Fortunately Matt and Sylvie are friend before lovers. They have built a strong foundation, and they are still communicating. I’m sure they will find their way back to each other.
I hope you enjoy my “review”. Let me know if there is something you want to add, or if you think I’m wrong. I’d like to chat with you, so write me!
Love you all, and always ship Brettsey!
I would also ask @hamburgerheroes if she wants to participate in the next reviews with her fantastic GIFs, and maybe alternate in the work if you like to comment together also the next episodes. Let me know. 
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thanksjro · 4 years
More Than Meets the Eye #18- Rung Psychologically Tortures a Man with Poor Snack Management
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So, Swerve’s having a less than stellar day, and for once it isn’t linked to his deep-rooted sense of self-loathing.
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Good thing he already emptied those stills, otherwise this would be just the hugest mess.
Thanks to some off-panel Whirl shenanigans that took place prior to this storyline, Swerve had Brainstorm put in a few security measures. Of course, Brainstorm being Brainstorm, never does weaponry in any half-measures.
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Still, it isn’t quite enough. Looks like Swerve’s going to have to break out the big guns for this guy.
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There’s a lot going on here, so let’s break it down.
On the character side of things, it would appear that Swerve is a merciful god of robot booze, as he’s not yet banned anyone from his small business, even when he probably ought to- Fort Max I get, and Whirl has the whole “is also an Autobot” thing going on, but Cyclonus has actively attempted to murder Swerve in the past, and also is the closest thing to a Decepticon they’ve got on the ship at any given time.
On the weaponry side of things, it would seem that Swerve having blown his face clean off his skull back in issue #12 got back to Brainstorm, who- because he’s married to his career and loves a project- immediately got to work on a gun that Swerve could actually handle with his funky little cartoon-man hands. Of course, that doesn’t mean Swerve’s going to get away with his dignity intact, oh heavens no! This thing has a literal smiley face slapped on the front of it. Well, you know what they say: it’s Nerf or Nothing.
Swerve blasts a hole in the Legislator with his silly, silly gun, and the bar is saved from further destruction.
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I like to imagine that Brainstorm recorded that victory line himself, because he wants to support his friends, in his own, bizarre way.
Things are looking rough for the rest of the Lost Light, as the Legislators have completely flooded the ship with their forces, as the crew do their best to fight them off. Blaster’s had his titty compartment blasted open. Huffer is screaming. The medics have taken to violence. Skids has broken out the brass knuckles and is making god-awful math puns. The Legislators are still coming, without any end in sight. It’s a real shitshow.
Over on Luna 1, it would appear that Ratchet immediately passed out after seeing Pharma, which is a fair response to seeing someone who’s supposed to be very much dead, I think. Pharma calls Lockdown, they have a bit of banter, and then the scene moves on to whatever Cyclonus and Whirl are doing.
Because these two are the only ones on the away team who can actually fly, they’ve broken off from the rest. Whirl’s getting antsy, and decides he’s gonna fight something. Cyclonus, though he does mention that Rodimus told them not to do exactly what Whirl is suggesting, seems to agree with this line of thought.
Speaking of Rodimus, him and the rest of the gang are zipping around on those M.A.R.B.s, though it appears as if some of the passengers have switched drivers. Rung’s over with Chromedome now, holding on to him for dear life. Maybe they’re having an impromptu grief counseling session as they run from danger. Tailgate’s with Rodimus, and he’s just pointed out that Ratchet got left behind. Rodimus can’t deal with that right now, though, and decides that they need to get away from all these gotdang Decepticons and then figure out their next step.
Then he’s distracted by the literal lineup of dead Titans just hanging out on the moon.
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Luna 1’s kinda fucked up.
Cutting back to our framing device- nope, still haven’t gotten caught up with the present yet- Ambus asks what Rodimus did next. Well, a lot happened. A lot. Chromedome jumped out of his therapy session with Rung and transforms into his alt, which I want to say is the only time he’ll do it in MTMTE. Whirl and Cyclonus are faffing about in the sky, more or less toying with the Decepticons following them. Rodimus wants to pull another Fantastic Voyage, much to Tailgate’s horror.
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Rodimus zooms into the first crack he sees, but doesn’t manage to lose his attackers. Tailgate provides commentary, as Rodimus wraps the little guy around his neck like a cape, leaps from the M.A.R.B., and does some super sick gymnastics, hanging from a pipe jutting out of the ceiling as the guys who were chasing them run into… well, I assume each other, but it’s not terribly clear.
Crisis avoided, Rodimus drops down, transforming as he does. Tailgate goes with him, because gravity is still a thing on the moon, and we get a reminder that he’s only got a couple days left to live. Unfortunately, it would appear he’ll be spending his final days rotting in a prison cell, as Lockdown shows up with everyone else in handcuffs, forcing Rodimus to come quietly. Everyone seems very put out by this whole situation, especially Brainstorm. He’s downright furious, probably because he got captured by the guy with a fish butt on his head.
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Oh, the indignity of it all!
Then again, maybe he’s just focused on working up the cajones to ask just what the hell is going on on this super weird moon. Lockdown obviously isn’t a bad enough dude to be running this operation- we saw what happened the last time he went against someone who actually had the time to plan something out- so our away team has deduced that there’s someone higher up on the food chain here. Also, there’s the whole issue of money clearly being a major factor in all this.
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That sort of tech doesn’t just fall out of the sky.
As they’re being walked down this corridor of tension building, Chromedome spies Ultra Magnus in an adjoining hallway. He calls to him, but is very solidly ignored. But there’s no time to worry about Magnus being a rude shit, because it’s time for character reveals!
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There’s an interesting little detail about Tyrest’s character, which is a little hard to see given the layout of the art for this page, but here it is, on the end of his staff:
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Now, I know that the Autobot badge was appropriated from a symbol meant to represent Primus, but that was millions of years ago. So much for being a neutral party, huh Tyrest?
Rodimus is real peeved about being chased, shot at, arrested, and held against his will, and fully intends to give Tyrest a piece of his mind. Tyrest isn’t interested, however, telling him to shove a sock in it, or be “held in contempt.” While this is happening, Perceptor and Brainstorm have noticed the positively humongous and positively ancient space bridge that Tyrest just has lying around in this room.
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Oh no, this is about the baby field from last issue, isn’t it? Brainstorm’s going to jail for infant arson.
Rodimus greatly dislikes this whole situation, and expresses himself through the art of verbal abuse. Smash cut to them back in the cell, Ambus not seeming terribly impressed with how Rodimus handled himself with Tyrest.
The tale is finished, we know where we were. Now how to move forward?
Chromedome asks for a bit more information on our new friend, because the whole “Ambus” thing is throwing him off, and with good reason: how do you tell your late husband’s ex that you had to blow up your mutual partner to keep him from being eaten by a lippy bastard? But this isn’t the illustrious Dominus Ambus- this is MINIMUS Ambus, the lesser known brother. Chromedome/Dominus isn’t completely taken off the table, however, as Minimus uses some awkward phrases that seems to tell me Dominus isn’t confirmed dead.
Rung wants to know what Minimus’ whole deal is, seeing as he’s also in prison with the lot of them. Minimus explains that he’d been moving a shipment of energon derivatives, when Tyrest had arrested him for having traces of space cocaine in his goods.
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Was taking his eye really necessary, Tyrest?
Minimus was placed into custody years ago, and has been awaiting trial this whole time. Not exactly sure why, seeing as this moon isn’t exactly off the chain populated. Maybe Tyrest’s just been busy doing things that are absolutely NOT nefarious in any form or fashion whatsoever.
Minimus mentions that he’s lost his Autobot badge, and Rung offers to let him borrow his own- which we’ve never seen him wear because it’s apparently too big for him- but Minimus would rather he wear it himself.
Tailgate doesn’t take to this bit of information about the appeals system very well, seeing as he’s not got years to wait around. He’s beginning to panic, not trusting Cyclonus and Whirl to break them out, and starts needling the others to do something. Brainstorm reveals that his briefcase, which he’s had this entire time, as he always does, has an attention deflector built into it, making it effectively invisible to Tyrest and his goons. Rung feels a certain kinship with the briefcase in that moment.
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Imagine walking up to a widower and saying “Hey there, honeybunches, how about submitting to that crippling addiction your late spouse begged you to quit so we can bust out of prison?”
Of course, Tailgate’s only told Cyclonus about his condition, so no one’s exactly raring to go busting out, since they’ve assumed everyone present is effectively immortal.
Over on another part of the moon, Ratchet’s finally waking up from his stress-induced nap to find Pharma channeling his inner Jigsaw. Ratchet gives him some constructive criticism on his new hands, but Pharma’s kind of over listening to whatever Ratchet thinks.
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Oh, I hope it’s one of those gag gifts where you open it and get hit in the face with a pie. Those are always a laugh.
Back on the Lost Light, Swerve is looking for his very best friend in the whole wide world. I really hope the feeling is mutual, because there’s no way Swerve would survive that sort of rejection.
The doors to the oil reservoir open, looking like the elevator scene from The Shining, and we see what’s become of our dear, dear Skidsy.
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Skids is pretty sure all this Legislator nonsense is because of him, and he’s not about to let people die for his sorry butt today, no siree. He’s gonna save the day.
Then again, this is about where Star Saber pops into existence behind him and stabs him through the spine, so maybe not.
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Behold, a bastard!
Star Saber in the IDW run is well-known as being a witch-hunting zealot who can and will commit acts of violence over any perceived slight against Primus he identifies in any given living creature. This is a stark removal from his original character, who is so pure-hearted, kind, and generous, he literally adopted an orphan to raise as his own son. So, what exactly happened here?
TMUK happened.
Back in the days before Roberts was a professional scriptwriter, back before IDW had the license for Transformers, the members of the TMUK fan group decided that Victory’s Star Saber was going to be evil. Why isn’t exactly clear, only that it was a decision that was made not by Roberts on his lonesome, but more as a collaborative effort. Of course, this Star Saber isn’t a one-to-one copy of the TMUK Star Saber- that guy was much more conniving and, uh, Hitler-y, than what we have here.
Getting back to the story, Swerve tries to save/avenge Skids, firing with his custom gun, only to miss every single shot.
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Looks like there’s going to need to be a rework on the My First Blaster.
Swerve gets beaned over the head with the butt of Star Saber’s sword for his troubles, his visor shattering in the process. Damn, sure hope he’s got a reading prescription, and not anything he’ll actually need to see.
Back over on the moon, Ratchet’s pretty uninterested in playing Pharma’s little game. It’s just as well though, because, as it turns out, Pharma’s an impatient guy. Must be an absolute nightmare during the holiday season and birthdays. He throws open the box, revealing what’s inside.
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But we saw Ratchet’s face over on the other side of the room. How can he be in two places at once? Well, here’s the thing about Transformers…
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They’re pretty darn hard to kill.
Back in the cell, Rung’s doing his part as a member of the away team by passing out snacks. Tailgate reveals his awful garbage disposal mouth. We get the down-low on Tyrest.
Once upon a time, Tyrest was an engineer. Then the war happened, shit got crazy, and suddenly he was organizing exoduses and peace talks with genocidal maniacs, and got appointed Chief Justice by the space pope himself.
Rodimus comes over to get in on the little snack party Rung and Tailgate are having, mentioning the Aequitas Trials- the very ones that were recorded onto Ironfist’s brain back in Last Stand of the Wreckers. Minimus comes over, warning Rodimus to keep hush-hush about those, since they’re top secret and all. Kind of a weird thing for you to do, Minimus. Hell, why do YOU know about these super secret trials, Mr. Nobody Trader Guy? Those were after Dominus disappeared, so it’s not like you had an in through your cool older brother.
Rodimus gives everyone the skinny on the trials, despite Minimus being weird about the whole thing.
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Perceptor knows all this already, but I suppose it’s possible Rodimus is the only son of a gun who isn’t subscribed to Wreckers: Declassified and isn’t aware of Perceptor’s whole deal.
Minimus moves the topic over to the crew of the Lost Light, latching on to Skids specifically the moment he’s mentioned. Rung does his due diligence and offers Minimus a ride on the snack train. Minimus declines, Rung insists, and the box of space pocky is dropped on the floor.
Minimus goes to help Rung pick up the snacks, as Rung actively hinders the clean up effort.
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Minimus is two seconds from snapping Rung’s scrawny little wrist like a toothpick if he doesn’t quit it. Luckily Rodimus is there to break up this positively bizarre situation. And then things get really weird.
Rung’s been watching Minimus since they got here, noticing things that were very familiar- speech patterns, mannerisms, tone, inflection, OCD behaviors, things like that. Once he developed enough of a hunch, Rung started intentionally antagonizing him by making a mess and putting his Autobot badge on in a way that isn’t up to standards. Why would he do this? Why would he want to cause an outburst in someone he just met?
Well, the thing is, he hasn’t just met Minimus Ambus. He’s actually been serving under him for the last year.
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That’s a rather dark use of your doctorate, Rung, forcing a man to reveal his true identity by poking at his mental health until he was about to snap your neck over some candy. You did it so well, too.
Maybe you were on Kimia for more than just psych evals. What was your career officially called again? Psyops specialist is what they have listed on the Wiki. Truth be told, I don’t even know what that entails. Let’s look it up, shall we?
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...I guess therapy is his side gig?
So either Roberts meant something else entirely, or Rung is actually super fucking scary.
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the-awkward-outlaw · 4 years
Hello ! Can u write an imagine where Arthur s/o kills Micah and she is banned from the gang. Would Arthur follow her ? Thank u :)
Man, I have been in the biggest writing funk for the first time in like nine months but I finally got this one done! Here you go, Anon! Sorry about the wait. 
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(Author’s note: Arthur doesn’t have TB) (BTW, Arthur is husband material and no one can change my mind)
It’s already been a long, exhausting day and it’s not even midday yet. You hate it here, always will without a doubt. Beaver Hollow is just a complete shit show and the gang has seriously deteriorated. 
You miss how things used to be. You can remember how everyone was: Mary-Beth and Tilly giggling over romance novels, Sean bragging about how tough and smart he was, Uncle’s jokes, Hosea’s stories about his past and how he always added a note of wisdom. Oh Hosea. He was just another casualty of Dutch’s plight against modern America. 
Everything’s changed since Hosea died and the boys returned from their tropical trip. Javier doesn’t sing or play the guitar anymore, no one laughs, people fight constantly. It’s a burden and a pain to be in the camp nowadays, and you hate it. The person who’s changed the most though is Dutch. He’s not the caring, almost paternal figure who was just struggling slightly to help everyone get back on their feet like he was right after the Blackwater mess. Now he seems to be on a suicide mission and intent on taking everyone in the gang with him. 
The worst thing about the whole situation is Micah. He’s always known how to butter Dutch up but when Hosea was around, he kept himself in check. Now that Hosea’s gone, he’s been in Dutch’s ear the whole time and you haven’t liked it. You’re not the only one; Arthur and John have been suspicious about the whole thing. 
Arthur’s faith in Dutch has been severely shaken. He questions Dutch much more than he ever used to. Dutch doesn’t like it, and he keeps on lying, saying he’s going to get everyone out. All he’s done is killed Cornwall, blown up a bridge, brought Pinkertons closer to camp than ever and used the war between the army and the Wapiti into his favor, even getting the chief’s son locked up during a feud. 
Arthur walks over to your tent after donating a deer to Pearson, who’s drunk again. He’s been coming to you to talk a lot more lately, though you’re not sure why. You’ve had a crush on Arthur for ages but never acted on it. You two have been friends for what seems like forever and you refuse to destroy that over some silly feelings you have. You’ve wondered if Arthur has a crush on you too. It’s just the way he acts sometimes, things he says. The way he wanted you to come with him to tell Mary he didn’t want to be her errand boy anymore. The way you catch him staring at you sometimes. How he always wants you to go off hunting with him but won’t invite anyone else. 
Just as he’s about to say something to you, Dutch calls him over. Arthur gives you a yearning look and then turns around to go see him. A few moments later, someone catches your attention, pulling you away from your work, with their voice. It isn’t Arthur, though or even John or Mary-Beth. It’s Micah. 
“Ah glad to see you’re putting an effort into keeping this place running. We can use all the help we can get,” he simpers. 
“The fuck do you want, Micah?” you snarl. 
Micah’s always been a pebble in everyone’s shoes but now with Hosea out of the way and Dutch going crazy, he’s been acting like he’s in charge of things. He keeps badgering people to do their chores (which most of them have been) and that everyone needs to pull their weight. This doesn’t bother you, what does bother you is the hypocrisy of it all. He never does a damn thing. The last job he helped with was murdering Cornwall but you felt he did it out of a personal interest and less of a needs-to-be done basis. 
“Always gotta be so bitter,” he says, smiling. “You know, if you were a little nicer, people might actually like you. Too bad nothing can be done to make you pretty though. Unfortunately you’ll just have to stick to nice but ugly.” 
You throw down the sewing you’d just been doing and stand up, marching over to him. He wisely takes several steps backwards as you whip out your pistol. 
“Give me one more goddamn reason, you cockroach,” you hiss. “I won’t hesitate to kill you.” 
He whips out his own gun and points it at you. “You don’t have the guts, little girl.” 
“Wanna bet? You ain’t the first person I killed, though I’m not sure I can really define you as a person.” 
By this time, your argument has attracted the attention of many of the others. They form a circle and watch, but no one dares interrupt. You get the feeling that most of them want you to kill him. The majority of them have had problems with him too. 
“Woe!” Dutch says, walking over with his hands in the air. “There is no need to have guns drawn in camp. Both of you fools, put them away.” 
He stands next to Micah and glares from him to you. Arthur stands a few feet behind him and shakes his head at you, clearly trying to stop you from doing something reckless.
“She started it, Dutch,” Micah says, his gun still drawn. 
“Bullshit! You’re the one going around insulting everyone. Trust me, if I don’t shoot you now, someone else will. Like Lenny said back in Colter, when you fall there’ll be a party.” 
“Watch your mouth,” he growls. “Keep flapping your gums and you’ll end up just like Lenny and Hosea. Better yet, maybe you’ll get your head shot off like good ol’ Sea-”
Before he can finish, he’s silenced by your bullet slamming into his neck. He sputters and drops his gun, grabbing at his gushing neck. People start yelling and Javier and Bill grab you, making you drop your gun. 
“Let go of me!” you scream as Micah falls to his knees. Dutch glares at you, clearly shocked. As Micah slumps down onto his stomach, he stomps towards you. Javier and Bill hold your arms tight and you can’t fight them off. 
“You know the rules, Y/N,” Dutch says quietly. “There’s absolutely no reason to shoot anyone in camp unless they’re traitors.”
“How do you know Micah wasn’t a traitor, Dutch?” you snarl. “Ever since Guarma, those damn Pinkertons have been nipping at your heels more than ever.” 
Dutch lowers his brow. “I’m going to give you five minutes to get away from here. Never come back, Y/N. I never want to see you around here again.” 
Javier and Bill let you go, but you look around, silently pleading with the others to help you. No one does and your eyes finally fall onto Arthur. His mouth is partially open but his eyes say he wishes you hadn’t done it. He says nothing though, and you feel your stomach drop. Of course he’d choose Dutch over you. He’s known him for twenty years and Dutch saved his life. You’ve only known him a few years and maybe helped him get out of a few scrapes. You’ve got nothing on Dutch when it comes to Arthur. You don’t blame him either. No matter what kind of mess Dutch has gotten everyone into, Arthur’s been doing his best to keep things together. All you’ve done is create a bigger mess for him to clean up. 
You know it’s time for you to leave. There’s no doubt in your mind that Dutch is just crazy enough to kill you, and the clock is ticking. You push your way between Tilly and Karen and go to your tent, packing everything up quickly. You feel everyone’s eyes on your back until Grimshaw barks at everyone to get to work and for Charles and John to get Micah’s body taken out of camp. You throw everything onto your horse and then run off down the path, feeling your heart break. You’ll never see any of them again, not even Arthur. Your best friend and the man you love will never be part of your life again. 
It’s been three weeks since you were forced to leave camp. You’ve gone back west, back to where you’ve always belonged. You’ve found a small cabin not too far from Aurora Basin in Tall Trees. When you first arrived, the cabin had clearly been abandoned for a long time. You cleaned it up and made it habitable. You’ve decided to hang up the hat on being an outlaw. The Pinkertons won’t be coming out this way looking for the Blackwater robbers, not when they know exactly where Dutch is, so you’re safe out here. Besides, you weren’t even involved in that mess, so no one will associate you with that. 
It’s been lonely but peaceful out here. No more having to rob people, no more feeling like you’re chasing your own tail in Dutch’s crazy schemes. No more having to worry about anyone else besides yourself. You’ve missed them though, all of them. You miss joking with Tilly and Karen, discussing books with Mary-Beth, listening to Javier’s stories about Mexico. Even Pearson’s cooking since you’re not much of one yourself. 
More than all of that though, you miss Arthur. You miss the sound of his voice, the conversations you had during long hunting trips. He was the only person you could tell anything to. There were many nights you spent under the stars with him and even a few curled against him to keep out the cold. You miss the way he smelled, the way he’d hesitatingly touch you. You two were a perfect hunting team, you were able to track and kill prey without hardly saying a word. You try to settle with the idea that you’ll just have to reminisce in the memories of him but to forget a future with him in it. Not that you had much hope for that before. Arthur may have told Mary to take care of herself from now on, but you always knew he;d never go for you. 
You’ve been fishing in the lake for some time and gotten hardly any luck. You sigh and decide to call it a day, collapse your pole and pick up your almost empty bucket. You head up the road, feeling lonely and missing the company of your family. When you round the bend leading to your cabin, you look up and see a familiar face. 
“Arthur?” you say quietly, not sure if he’s really there or not. 
He rubs his jaw and looks at you, clearly searching for the right words. You stop and look for him, your stomach clenching. Has Dutch sent him? Dutch said you only had five minutes to get out of camp, but not that he wouldn’t hunt you down. The only reason you can think that Arthur’s here is because Dutch told him to find and kill you. You hover your hand over your gun, hoping you won’t have to use it. 
“Arthur, please let me explain,” you say. “You know Micah was just making things worse. Let’s just put this all behind us, okay? Just tell Dutch you killed me, at least do me that favor.” 
“Dutch didn’t send me, Y/N,” he says softly, his hands on his gunbelt. He takes a step towards you but stops when you back up, clearly worried. He raises his hands. “I ain’t here to hurt ya, darlin’.” 
Darlin’? He’s never called you that before. He’s always addressed you by your name. If you didn’t know Arthur, you’d think he might be lying and pretending to be harmless, but you know him too well. He doesn’t lie. 
You blink heavily, feeling your eyes water. “Why else would you be here, Arthur?” 
He sighs and takes another step towards you, his hands still up. “Y/N, I ain’t followin’ Dutch no more. You said it weeks ago, he’s gone crazy. He didn’t get better when you left either. Micah might not have been around to stir him up, but he’s just gone worse. He was real angry when Charles and I went and broke Eagle Flies out of jail, tryin’ to clean up his mess.” 
Arthur goes on to say how the army tried to kill Chief Rains Fall for the oil on his land and how the gang went to help try and save Eagle Flies as he went to get revenge for his people. By the end, Arthur got trapped beneath a soldier and nearly killed. Dutch had been the only one there and could have easily saved him, but chose not to. When Arthur confronted him about it, a huge fight broke out between them and Arthur decided he’d had enough. He snuck John, Abigail and Jack out that night and then decided to find you. 
“I knew you’d come out west, Y/N. You’re too much like me, this is where you’ve always wanted to belong.” 
“But why would you want to come after me, Arthur? I understand why you left, but why come after me?” 
He lowers his hand and walks up to you until he’s only a couple feet away. “Because I care about ya, Y/N.” His gruff voice is soft, sending shivers down your arms. “Because you’ve always tried to help me. If you’d been there, I know you woulda saved my life, not leave me to die like Dutch did. I did everything I could for him, even almost died for him multiple times. I gave him everything I had and got nothin’ to show for it. I’m done, darlin’. I want to be with you.” 
Your entire body is shaking as he talks. He closes the distance between you and wraps his arms around you. What little strength you had holding you together crumbles and you sink into his chest, tears leaking out of your eyes. 
“I’m sorry I weren’t there for ya when you killed Micah,” he says, rubbing your back. “To be honest, I was happy when you killed Micah. He’s been a giant thorn in my side since he showed up and I’ve wanted to shoot him myself since Sean died. I was just shocked that you’d done it so quickly. I shoulda gone with you when Dutch forced you out.” 
You shake your head into his shirt. “No, it’s good you didn’t. If you’d left with me, Dutch would have hunted both of us down. He knows how essential you are to everything, he wouldn’t like it if you left with me.” 
He sighs and leans his cheek against your head. “Well, I’m here now, darlin’. If you’ll have me, I’d like to stay with ya as long as I possibly can. You’re my best friend and…” He pauses so long you look up at him to find his cheeks red. “I gotta be honest, Y/N, I’ve been sweet on ya for years.” 
It’s your turn to blush and you smile. “Really? Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“We had things so good, Y/N. We been friends so long, worked so well together, I didn’t wanna ruin that. Besides, I know you wouldn’t have feelings for me. I’m just an old, dirty outlaw. I ain’t worth no one’s time.” 
You grimace at him. “Arthur, I hate how poorly you view yourself. You wanna know what I think about you?” 
“I suppose, though I doubt it’ll be anythin’ good.” 
You sigh and stretch up, placing your lips against his. They’re soft, though slightly chapped. He tenses up when you touch him but after a second he responds. His lips move with yours and you trace his with your tongue. After a moment, you pull away. He’s cheeks are darker but he’s smiling. 
“That’s what I think of you, Arthur. I’d love it even more if you decided to stay with me. I’ve been sweet on you for the longest time, it’s been so hard for me to keep it out of our relationship. I just didn’t wanna ruin our friendship.” 
He smiles in and leans in to kiss you again. You feel the first surge of excitement and happiness since you got kicked out of the gang. You can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you now.
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ladyanput · 5 years
Seeing Green Ch. 4
"Alya, let go!" Adrien pulled his arm free from Alya's fierce grip, as soon as they had exited the mall. Nino had run out after them, clearly shaken, before exchanging a look with his friend. Marinette was still there, she was still in there at gunpoint by some twisted villain! "Why did you drag us out? We left Marinette behind!"
"Oh Adrien, don't worry! I'll contact Batman and he'll come and save Marinette!" Lila spoke up, and Adrien wanted to throttle the little harlot. Didn't she see that her lies wouldn't impress him in this instance? He noted their classmates and other mall patrons were outside, being led along by first responders. Someone must have called the police about Two Face. Adrien stepped back when Lila tried to throw herself sorrowfully into his arms, darting off in another direction. "Adrien!!"
Once Adrien was out of sight, he opened up his jacket, Plagg drifting out. He hadn't said a word to his Chosen last night, and his expression was less than pleased.
"Plagg, we have to save Marinette! God only knows that bastard rich boy is already offering to trade her life for his, he probably even-"
"Adrien, do you honestly think it's a good idea to become Chat Noir in America, when he's supposed to be in Paris? Besides, I wouldn't let you within two feet of that girl after the stunt you pulled last night!" Plagg hissed as he suddenly got into Adrien's face, his fur standing on end. "You spied on her, Adrien, you crossed a line! I should Cataclysm you for what you did, it was beyond disturbing, you basically violated the girl!"
"I didn't touch her, Plagg! It's not that big of a deal, she and I are soulmates! Ladybug and Chat Noir have always been soulmates, right?" Adrien rolled his eyes, then held up his hand. "Whatever, Mari is in trouble, we need to save her. Claws Out!"
Evangeline decided that if she were ever to take any of her classes on a field trip, she would ban any cities with superheroes and villains. She rushed through the halls of the mall, her blood pumping rapidly. When Nino had told her that Marinette was still in the mall, she hadn't thought twice and had merely barged back into the building. Now it was a matter of finding her, and Damian, from what Lila was blubbering out.
It still surprised her that Marinette had gone on a date with Damian Wayne. Thinking back now, the boy did certainly look like his father, from what Bruce Wayne pictures she could find on the internet.
"What the fuck are you doing here? Ma'am, you should be running towards the exit." A large hand gripped Eva's upper arm that pulled her to a halt. She spun on her heel and her eyes narrowed at the stranger. He was tall, much taller than her. The red helmet covering his face was a dead giveaway to who this was; Red Hood. "Two Face is around, we can't have civilians endangering his hostages."
"One of those hostages is one of my students!" Eva snapped, trying to tug herself free from Red Hood's firm grasp.
'And my friend..'
"She's in a fucking foreign city, alone right now, with a boy she just met yesterday, being held hostage by a psycho your jails seem to hold worth shit. She's terrified and I won't be like everyone else who's abandoned her!"
Jason stared down at the woman glared up at him, her violet eyes dark with rage. She reminded him of a fox he had come across on Bruce's property, on edge and ready to strike to get to her pup. He tightened his grip on her arm, wanting more than anything to take this woman out of the mall, he sighed and let go. He hated the sudden thought of kissing the scowl off of her full lips.
"Listen, lady, you need to leave, I can't have you getting in danger too, you'd only cause more if a mess." He growled.
"Well that's too fucking bad, now isn't it?" Eva narrowed her eyes and rushed past him, making her way towards the plaza. He groaned and followed quickly behind. The woman could run pretty fast in high heels.
Marinette opened her eyes, feeling her head throb as if she had been hit over the head with a freight train. She let out a cry as she was pulled into her knees by her hair, looking up at the goon she had tackled to the ground. He was scowling at her, blood oozing from his now broken nose. She had only tackled him, had he landed on his face?
"I must say, Mister Wayne, your girlfriend is quite the quick little bitch." Two Face sneered down at the boy he held at gunpoint, before turning his cruel eyes to Marinette. "I'll have great fun putting a bullet in her gut afterwards. She should really watch her tongue, spreading stories about how she's Batman's civilian sidekick."
'What?' Marinette tried to make sense of his words, her mind whirling. She had never said that, she had never even been to Gotham before. Then it clicked. Lila, he thought she was Lila, he had seen them together and had made assumptions.
"I'm not Batman's sidekick…" Marinette groaned out, noting Damian's look of panicked rage. His body was tense, trembled as if he wanted to turn and beat Two Face bloody. He probably did, not that Marinette blamed him.
"A little late to go back on your lies now, little girl." Two-Face motioned to the henchman, who let the injured girl crumple to the ground, and replaced his boss at holding Damian at gunpoint. Two Face made his way over to Marinette as she shakily got to her hands and knees. He grabbed a fistful of her dark hair and ripped her head back, making her look into his partially disfigured face. He sneered down at her, making her blood run cold. "Don't worry, I won't shoot you just yet. First, I'll batter up that pretty face up, then little Richie Rich won't want you anymore."
Damian watched in horror as Two Face backhanded her, sending her collapsing to the ground once again. He wanted to go over and rip him apart, to teach this goon of his a lesson in hurting a woman. You never fucking strike a woman, ever. Though villains don't always count, under certain circumstances.
"Two Face, let the girl go." Damian's eyes flickered over to one of the upper levels of the mall. His father, as Batman, perched on the railing, his signature scowl in place. "Leave the kids alone, they didn't do anything to you."
"This one," Two Face motioned down to the pathetic heap Marinette had become. From where he knelt, he could see the bloody gash on her right temple, her lower lip was cut, and dark bruises had formed. He gave a snarl of rage. "This one has been going around, running her mouth, saying she singlehandedly caught me, Batman. Now, as a lawyer, I do hate it when people make things up."
"Sorry to rain on your parade, Dent, but you've got the wrong girl." Nightwing spoke up as he stepped out from behind a pillar, crossing his arms. "Now be a good lawyer and let the innocent girl go."
Damian could see all of his brothers were someplace in the plaza, his curiosity piqued when Jason had run in with Miss Bourbon. But his questions quickly vanished when he heard Marinette groan in pain. Returning his gaze to her, he saw that Two Face was pressing the barrel of the gun to her injured temple.
"Anyone steps closer, and the girl gets it." Two Face snarled as he dragged Marinette to her feet. Every hero in the room froze, unsure what quite to do.
Then the skylight overhead shattered.
Chat Noir landed a few feet from the messy situation, giving Marinette a grin as he focused his eyes on Two Face.
"Alright, ugly, I highly suggest you let my purrincess go, before I make you disappear." Chat Noir flexed his hand, preparing himself to call upon his power.
" Who the fuck are you supposed to be?" Two Face grumbled, slightly dumbfounded at the tight of the teen boy in a skintight leather suit and cat ears. Here he thought he had seen everything in Gotham. "If you're Catwoman's lackey, I highly suggest you back off, these hostages are mine."
"What the fuck, Chat Noir?" Evangeline cried out, drawing eyes over to her. She looked fairly pissed. "Is this why you haven't been to the recent akuma attacks, because you've been smoozing around in Gotham?! You fucking idiot!"
It soon became a mess of shouting and screaming. Marinette felt her head throb, but blinked when she noticed that the gun was no longer pressed against her head. Two Face was waving it around, as he yelled with Chat Noir, who was yelling back for him to let her go, before he was just about to call on his Cataclysm. Taking the moment of distraction, she stomped on Two Face's instep and shoved his arm up. A shot rang out as the gun was knocked from her hand and clattered across the floor.
Eva found herself being dragged to the floor by Red Hood, him pinning her and shielding her with his body as the bullet whizzed over them. She couldn't help but realize how warm and strong he left, making her toes curl ever so slightly. She flushed a dark red, why the fuck was this thing about that?!
Marinette took the moment of confusion on the henchman's face to throw the box Damian had been forced to drop earlier into his face. He went stumbling back.
Batman and Nightwing were on the criminals in seconds, bringing them to the ground and handcuffed them.
Marinette stumbled and fell into a pair of arms. She was about to thank Damian for catching her, when she saw it was Chat Noir, giving her a cocky grin. Her body tensed as he picked her up bridal style.
"Don't worry, purrincess, I'll take you away from these unsavory characters." He announced, and Marinette didn't miss the look he shot Damian. Then he took out his staff and launched them up back through the broken skylight.
"Wait, Chat, stop! No, put me down!" She screamed as he carried her off, away from the scene.
Everyone was left staring up at the skylight in dumbfounded silence, before Eva's eyes went round when reality clicked in.
"Holy fuck, quit gawking and stop him, she's still hurt!"
"Don't worry, Robin will catch up to them!" Damian spoke up. Ignoring his father's warning too, he tore off down the hall.
"Well, I'll let Robin know to catch up with them, since he's on standby." Red Hood muttered, taking Eva's hand, dragging the woman towards the exit as his brother and father guided the villains towards the doors. At least this time, she gave in and followed him.
Robin vaulted himself across the rooftops of Gotham city, keeping an eye out for that cat boy. He quickly spotted them near the Wayne Botanical Gardens, his jaw clenched in anger when he landed on the rooftop just as Chat Noir dragged Marinette into the greenhouse.
Robin followed quickly behind, his sword at ready. He silently entered the greenhouse, listening intently as he eyed the masses of flora and fauna.
"Chat, please, you need to let me go. I need to go back and see if Damian is alright, he's hurt!" Marinette's voice rang through and he followed it. He soon came upon the duo; Chat Noir holding tight an obviously struggling Marinette. "Please, Chat Noir, please!"
"Relax, purrincess, I'm sure he's fine. Aren't you happy to be with your knight in shining armor?" Chat Noir purred, nuzzling Marinette's neck. She smelled so sweet and felt so soft… He reached up and cupped her cheek, gazing into her eyes, not seeing the frantic terror there. "I'm glad I got you away, I'm sure that boy was going to hurt you. That's all his type want to do is hurt pretty girls like you."
"Chat, stop, I need to go!" Marinette felt nauseous, knowing it was most likely from her injuries. She wanted so badly to transform and just give Chat a piece of her mind. All of those times he had been absent, he had been here, and what for? Didn't he realize that they needed to defeat Hawkmoth?
"I'd do as the lady says." Something wrapped around Marinette's waist and she was roughly pulled back and into another embrace. But this one, it felt familiar, it felt warm… She almost wanted to lay her head against whoever's chest this was and just stay there.
"So you're the one who kidnapped Miss Dupain-Cheng here." Robin glared at Chat, who was snarling now, his claws out, looking ready to skin him alive. "I think it's in the best interest for me to take her back to the mall. There are paramedics there waiting for her."
"You can't take my lady, she's mine!" Chat stepped forward to attack, but Robin abruptly pointed his sword to Chat's neck, the blade breaking the skin ever so slightly.
"If you value your head, I suggest to step back." Robin pulled Marinette closer, who wrapped her arms around his neck. He smiled down at her, and Chat finally took a step back.
Robin turned and quickly left with Marinette, wincing as he saw her face. He felt like it was his fault that this happened to her, if only he had been able to take down Two Face, she wouldn't be hurting like this.
"Are you okay?" Robin whispered down as he set off his grappling gun, and launched them both in the direction of the mall. He found Marinette staring at him, tears welling up in her eyes.
"I almost got shot today… I- I could have been killed today…" Marinette sobbed out, clinging to the hero, who stopped on one of the rooftops to hold her close and let her cry. But to his surprise and slight panic, he watched her lock it all away, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. She took a few deep breaths, then met his gaze. "I'm sorry, please, take me back to the mall. I need to see if Damian is okay."
"I'm sure he's fine. Batman told me he hasn't suffered any injuries, he's just talking with the police right now." Robin gave her a kind smile, and off they went again.
They quickly landed at the mall, Marinette found herself instantly in the arms of Evangeline. She was whispering something Mari couldn't quite make out, but found herself smiling when Alix, Kim, Juleka and Rose joined in on the hug.
"Alright, move it, I need to check on her." A paramedic shooed the group away, then carefully inspected Marinette's face, clicking her tongue ever so slightly. "Don't worry, sweetie, we'll fix you right up. You're a pretty brave lady, staying strong when dealing with Two Face like that."
"It wasn't too scary. We have akuma attacks all the time in Paris, so I'm pretty used to stressful situations." Marinette shrugged, not noticing the confused look the paramedics shared as they began cleaning the gash on her temple.
"Marinette! I'm so glad you're safe!" Lila ran up to the ambulance, Mari now noticing the news cameras around. "That was so scary, seeing Two Face like that! But don't worry, I told you I'd get Batman here!"
"Yeah, Mari, isn't it amazing at how quickly Lila got them here?" Alya grinned, hopeful that Marinette would finally get the stick out of her ass about Lila. Hopefully this near death experience would change the girl's tune. But her smile vanished at Marinette's eye roll and soft scoff. "Girl, don't be so ungrateful, Lila saved your life!"
"Marinette!" Damian ran up, having hid once again and changed. He went to her, taking her hands into his own. "Are you alright? I was terrified when that guy in the cat suit ran off with you. Thank God Robin was around to save you."
"Yeah, I was pretty lucky.." Marinette smiled up at him, feeling the blood rush to her cheeks again. Then she remembered, this was Damian Wayne, the son of Gotham's richest man, not that money really mattered to Marinette. She found it surprising, but she still saw him as, well, Damian. Though a voice in the back of her head demanded she transform and go hunt down Chat Noir to demand answers, she shoved that aside. Now was not the time.
"Your girlfriend is safe too, Damian, are you feeling glad?" Alya piped up, shoving Lila in their direction with an eager grin. Damian had to sneer at her broken English. Obviously the girl hadn't taught herself much before coming to America. Finally, she'd get the big scoop she'd been dreaming of!
"Girlfriend, what girlfriend?" Damian rose a brow, eyeing the girl that had been shoved in his direction, then his lip curled slightly in disdain. He remembered this one, she was the one who had defamed Marinette, who was spreading those unsavory rumours about their supposed relationship. Scratch what he said earlier, he really wanted to hit this woman. "I don't have a girlfriend."
"What? Your girlfriend, Lila? Lila Rossi?" Alya persisted, only to be shooed away by Evangeline.
"I swear to God, those two are more annoying than the orange cones in Montreal." She muttered, taking a seat beside Marinette in the ambulance. She smiled at the girl. "Are you alright? You gave me quite the scare in there."
"I'm fine, but why were you inside? Eva, you could have gotten hurt, you're not a trained hero!" Mari threw up her hands as soon as the paramedics finished patching her up and stepped away.
"I got scared." Eva admitted, pulling the younger girl into a tight hug. They stayed like that for a moment, before it was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. They turned their gazes to where Batman and Red Hood stood.
"We have some questions, if that's alright?"
Tim Drake was not having the best day. He had spent the entire day doing research and a sample analysis.
He heard the Batmobile enter the cave, as well as his family walking up to where he sat at the computers.
"Did you find anything on the attacks this Ladybug hero had told you last night?" Bruce removed his cowl and stared up at the computer screen, watching clips of two colourful superheroes fighting many different colourful looking villains.
"What she and that Marinette girl told you is true. I don't know why we didn't pick this up sooner, it's been happening for almost four years now." Tim frowned, then glanced over at Damian. "You said your girlfriend mentioned the League? Think maybe Clark heard about this, or any of the others?"
"They would have told me if they'd learnt about such a threat." Bruce crossed his arms, but didn't sound too convinced with that statement. He sigh, then massaged his temples. "I'll ask around though, if this was ignored, we will have to make up for it big time."
"She's not my girlfriend, Tim." Damian narrowed his eyes as soon as he saw the DNA test up on one of the screens. "Tim, what is that?"
"Well, I noticed something on one of the ledges around the Gotham Grand Hotel and thought I'd test it out. I don't have a match in our system." Everyone noticed how nervous Tim suddenly appeared, but that he forced a sickened smile. "That's where your girlfriend is staying, Damian."
Damian didn't know why he got the thought, it was just a little niggle in the back of his head, but it was persistent enough that he drew out his sword, pointing the tip to Tim, the tip with dried blood on it.
"Compare it to this." He whispered.
It was a match.
"What exactly did you find on the roof?" Damian's expression slowly darkened. And when Tim finally told him what it was, Dick and Jason had to hold him down to keep him from going a skinning a cat.
"I'll fucking kill him! I bet it was across from Marinette's room, wasn't it?! The fucking freak was spying on her and doing- doing that!"
"Whoa, calm down, Demon Spawn, we don't want to kill anyone just yet." Jason piped in, though he felt revolted. Marinette seemed like a sweet girl, though quite badass, from what he heard, she had across dislocated Two Face's arm. "We have to go there anyways, to meet Ladybug, so you can check on her then, okay?"
"You're pretty eager, Jay, wanting to see that lady again?" Dick piped up, trying to lighten the mood. He also didn't want to think about… That at the moment either. He was sure once they had this Chat Noir in their sights, they'd kill him then.
"Shut up, Dick, I just want to see what a French hero looks like!" Jason rolled his eyes.
"Hey, I'm not the one who thought she had a nice a-"
"Can we just go please?!" Damian snapped, storming back towards the Batmobile, trembling with rage with every step. He'd mount Chat Noir's head on the wall.
Ladybug stood on the rooftop, waiting in silence for Batman and his crew, shivering as the crisp winter air blew. Tikki had told her that she'd take on more characteristics of the Ladybug, but she had been hoping for wings, maybe, not temperature sensitivity.
"Good evening, Ladybug." Red Robin and the others landed across the roof from her, blending almost seamlessly in with the shadows. Marinette was almost envious of how well suited their costumes were for Gotham, while she stuck out like a sore thumb, covered in bright red with polka dots. "Sorry if we kept you waiting."
"You didn't, I just got here." She out on a bright smile, hoping they didn't see her shivering pathetically in the wind. They all looked so serious, it was a nice change of pace, she found, so used to Chat Noir's antics. "I do appreciate that you're willing to hear me out. When I contacted the Justice League, the Flash told me to stop making up stories and wasting their time. I just… I need help defeating Hawkmoth, I need help finding his lair and stopping him."
"So that's what happened… Ladybug, I apologize for the League for putting you through that. We'd be more than happy to help you, tell us everything." Batman walked up to Ladybug, setting a hand on her shoulder. He saw relief in her eyes and what looked like hope, a hope that had finally been awoken after a time of pain and despair. And she told them everything.
"I just can't believe him, he brushed you off like you were nothing!" Alya paced in her shared hotel room with Lila, fuming from earlier. So much had happened today, she had almost gotten a groundbreaking story, but Marinette had ruined everything, just to keep the attention on her! "What kind of boyfriend does that?!"
"Oh Alya, you know how it is. He's rich and famous, he doesn't want me to be a target, like today almost happened. I hoped Marinette learned her lesson today, trying to pretend to be his girlfriend to make Adrien jealous. I feel bad for her, she feels like she needs to spread her legs to a bunch of guys to get noticed by a guy who doesn't want her." Lila cooed, laying on her belly on her bed. "Don't blame Damian, besides, he always makes it up to me in bed~. He has the most amazing tongue."
"You're so lucky you're marrying him! Hey, do you think he'd let me interview him? It would do wonders for the Ladyblog, it could even get me hired to the biggest names in the business!" Alya beamed, taking a seat beside her friend, excitement buzzing through her. "Maybe when you two get married, I can do an exclusive coverage on your wedding."
"I can certainly try, Damisweets is just so shy and sensitive, but I'm sure he'll do it since you're my bestest friend in the whole world!" Lila grinned, playfully nudging Alya. But then she pouted. "I wish I could have gotten that dress for my dinner with the Waynes tomorrow, but I completely forgot my wallet. They moved the dinner, since I was in such a horrible predicament."
"Oh girl, I wish I could help, but I need my money for this new phone that's supposed to have the best camera for taking video, and has more storage and more speed." Alya sat back, brainstorming. She had to help her best friend, afterall, tomorrow was going to be a big night for her, for both of them! Maybe she could convince Lila to let her come with them to Wayne Manor if she got her friend that dress. Then an idea popped into her head. The blogger got to her feet and went to her purse and pulled out a dark green wallet. Nino had given it to her when hadn't wanted to end up losing it if it fell out of his pocket or something at the mall. "I'm sure Nino won't mind if we use his credit card to buy the dress. It's too important to you, Lila!"
"Alya…" Lila grinned a grin that was like the cat getting the canary. "You're the greatest! I can only see his reaction now to you being such an amazing friend~"
Tag list:
@realrandomposts @interobanginyourmom @ladybug-182 @ladylb @zalladane @mochinek0 @poshplumcot @urbanpineapplefarmer @vixen-uchiha @angelofmusickaterinapetrova @thewheezingbubbledragon @northernbluetongue @violatiger8 @thequestionablyhuman @ginamarie1512 @maude-zarella @2sunchild2 @saphiraazure2708 @ayuchan07 @virgil-is-a-cutie @thepeacetea
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
Collateral (13)
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Previous Chapter (12)
Warning: Mafia Stuff. Violence etc.
Word Count: 1.8k
"Up for two large favors?" 
You weren't, but if you were being honest in this moment, you would do whatever you needed to do to eat some food and have some water. You had no idea how long you had actually been trapped in this cement hellhole. The cold concrete floor you sat on was damp, the smell of must lingered in the room. A small cot stood in the corner of the room, a thin blanket laid overtop what you could only assume was a dirty mattress. There was a bucket in the corner you'd have to resort to use, as if this wasn't demeaning already. It might not have been so bad, if maybe you had a window, but you didn't. You couldn't even tell if it was daytime or night time. 
"Mhm?" Jaehyun says, his eyebrow arching as they await for your answer. 
"I.." you pause, not wanting to agree but at the same time, you need to. 
"Take a breath." Mark whispers with a sympathetic smile. 
"Spit it out, bitch."Jaehyun snaps, placing the food down on your bed before walking towards you. Your mouth waters at the sight of the glass of water. The ice cubes floating, cooling it down every second as the driblets of moisture slowly trickle down the glass. Your throat dries up instantly, even more than it already was. Your stomach growls at the sight and smell of food. You didnt even care what it was, you wanted to devour it, the smell wafting through the air was pure torture. 
Jaehyun stands you up, pressing his body against yours while placing a small kiss on your cheek. "I think the lack of resistance is a yes." He chuckles. Jaehyun rolls his hips against you, only once, to make sure you were aware of how hard he was for you. It made you want to vomit. 
"Let's get this party started." Jaehyun says, looking at Mark to do something as he pushes himself off of you, nodding for Mark to take over.
"I'm sorry." Mark whispers as his fingertips gently pull the hem of your shirt up, moving to take it off your body. He managed to get it just over the humps of your breasts before the heavy metal door swings open. 
"A little busy here." Jaehyun snaps. 
Before your eyes open, you hear a body hit the ground before some mumbling. "Fuck off Mark before you end up like him." 
The next thing you know, you can breathe, and you're being carried from the room with a sulking Mark trailing behind. 
"Where are you taking me?" You whisper, a little nervous the next spot might be worse than what you were just taken from. 
"You'll see." The man announces, bringing you into a nice warm living room. 
You're gently placed on the couch while you see Mark being chewed out by Johnny before smacked upside the head. "I'm Doyoung. A friend of.. well.." He trails off, motioning behind him. 
"Y/N.." you hear a very familiar voice. Looking up, you are met with the strained and concerned face of your brother, Yuta. 
"Yuta.." you breathe, the tears not even hesitating to fall from your eyes. Without a second thought, you stand up, rushing towards him as he welcomes you into his embracing. You finally feel safe. 
"Why are you here?" You ask, panicking. "EXO.. Suho.. his money, you're going to get killed." You say, looking around. "You have to go. Now." 
"Wait, stop Y/N. Breathe. What are you talking about?" Yuta asks, looking confused. 
"EXO took me because you were running drugs for them and took off with a lot of their money! How could you do that? Running drugs! And then stealing money from the Mafia! Are you fucking dumb! You just left me behind with all this going on!" You yell.
"Who told you this?" He asks. 
"Suho. He said I'd be paying off your debt since you fucked him over." You tell him, looking around at the other men who also looked confused. 
"Yuta? Running drugs for EXO?" Johnny asks, bursting into laughter with the others. "I don't think so." 
"So you didn't?" You ask. "I'm so confused." You cry. 
"No Y/N, I never ran drugs for EXO. Not sure why I would, considering I'm second in command under Johnny here." He tells you. 
"Then.. why?" You ask.
"Suho and I were in the process of making a deal when he told me some people worse than we are  were coming after me. I took the money and told him where his drugs would be, and had to leave town for a while. I see now that it was all bullshit." He growls. 
"So why did he take me then? And why did Johnny try to sell me back to them for land?" You ask, glaring at Johnny.  
"None of them knew about you. I figured the best way to keep you safe was to keep you hidden." Yuta admits. "Looking back on it now, quite a bit of this could have been avoided had I told them." He snaps, glaring at Mark and Jaehyun. "The two of you and I need to have a conversation." He says, pointing to the men who now look ashamed. "But first, let's get you cleaned up. Doyoung, take her up to the spare room and let her shower and get changed before coming back down yo see me. I have some things to take care of." Your brother says, giving you a small kiss on the forehead. 
As you follow Doyoung up the stairs you can hear two loud yelps come from the living room, assuming Yuta had something to do with that.
You walked into the conference room after your shower and saw your brother sitting there having what looked like a heated discussion with Johnny. 
"Everything okay?" You ask, slowly walking towards them. 
"Yes and no." Yuta sighs, looking at Johnny. 
"Suho wants to meet with Johnny to discuss getting you back. He doesn't know I'm back yet." Yuta tells you. 
"Let's do it." You say. "Let's go. Now." 
"Just wait. We need a plan." Johnny chuckles. 
"We'll figure it out on the way, let's go." You say. Yuta knows he has no chance of convincing you to think about it for a minute, so he just sighs and agrees, dragging Jaehyun, Jungwoo and Taeil along with him. You ride in the front seat with Johnny, to make sure things look as they should, you can't risk Suho seeing Yuta before it's time. 
"What's the plan?" You hear a voice come over the radio. You weren't entirely sure, if you were being honest. The entire thing was still rather confusing to you and there was so much that you didn't understand, but there was one thing you knew. 
Suho needed to pay for what he had done. The lies he had told about your brother, making him out to be some sort of terrible person. No one fucks with your family and gets away with it. 
"Let Suho try to negotiate with Johnny. There will be a moment for you to come out, Yuta. You'll know." You finish, taking a deep breath. 
"10 4." You hear from the other side as you and Johnny pull into the abandoned parking lot. 
Your stomach drops as you see Suho standing there, his nicely fitted suit clinging to his muscles perfectly. You didn't like him at the moment, but that didn't mean he didn't make your heart flutter or your pussy drip, just a bit. 
You can see his smile as you get out of the car, walking towards him. "Hello, baby girl." He purrs, giving you a small wink. "Johnny." He nods. 
"Suho. Now, let's talk terms." Johnny says, clearing his throat. 
"I want Y/N." Suho says. "It's simple." 
"And I want half of district 9." Johnny grins. "And we both know she's more than worth it." Johnny chuckles, slapping your ass. 
You can see Suho visibly tense at Johnny's advances towards you. "Don't." Suho spits through a clenched jaw. "Take it. Just give her back." 
"I believe I told you I wanted you nowhere near my sister, Jun." Yuta says, walking from behind you. "You have never been a very good listener." He chuckles, without humor.
"W-what are you doing here?" Suho asks, taken aback by his presence. 
"Well, when I heard my sister had been taken, I came back as soon as I could but I'm sure you know why it took so long, well with all the obstacles you set." Yuta says. "Trying to have me arrested, kidnapped, banned from coming into the country. It was a good effort I'll admit, but I don't think you remember who the fuck I am. You may be older than I am, been around longer but I'm smarter and have more connections." Yuta smiles, walking closer to Suho. "I know your men are around here, should we tell them about our little deal? Or about your lies about me? I never worked for you, and you know that. I never stole money from you. If I recall, after I was paid for our deal, you told me I needed to get out of town, but not to worry because you would handle everything. Was it all just a lie? And for what? My sister?" He asks, cocking his head to the side. 
"How else was I supposed to have her? I knew the rest of NCT didn't know about her and with you out of the picture it made it so much easier to have what I wanted." Suho smirked. 
"I never wanted her to know about any of this! Let alone be involved!" Yuta yells. "Now you've gotten her in trouble, put her life at risk more than once, and you'll never see her again." He spits. "Johnny, Y/N, get in the car." 
Without any hesitation you climb into the passenger seat with Johnny in the drivers. You watch in silence as Yuta says a few more words to Suho before turning his back to walk away. 
You're too slow to warn Yuta about Suho pulling his gun out. You can't unlock your car door fast enough to open the door and yell at him to duck. All you can do is sit and watch in horror as a dark and sinister smile spreads across Suho's face as he takes his finger, pulling the trigger twice, shooting your brother in the back. 
When you finally do make it out of the car, you hover over your brother as he gasps for air. "Call 911!" You scream, tears dripping down your face. "Someone help!" You cry out. "Please Yuta, I need you. Please don't leave me. Please I just got you back." 
"Grab her." You hear from behind you. Within seconds, you're picked up from the ground and taken away from your brother and Johnny. You're placed in the back seat of a car, Minseok beside you, his face stone cold as Suho quickly drives the car away. 
Away from Johnny who's doing anything he can to save your brother, and away from your brother, who you just know is now dead. 
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mischiefandspirits · 4 years
Colony of Gotham (5/7)
The Colony of Gotham is an urban legend that is whispered about in the dangerous city. It’s said the Colony is a family of demons and spirits that stalk the night, hunting for the souls of the guilty.
When Bruce became Batman, he’d never intended to be mistaken for a demon. He was happy to lean into it, though, and as he gained his partners – as his family grew – they all followed suit.
First Part ~ Previous Part ~ Next Part
Vampires’ animal forms
The zeta had barely finished announcing the departure of the speedsters to Gotham when a hissing voice echoed through the Watchtower.
“Yeah, you probably shouldn’t have done that. But I’m sure they’ll come out in mostly one piece. Maybe not alive but probably one piece. Shame. They didn't seem too bad. For heroes.”
Everyone was immediately on their feet and in fighting stances. Wonder Woman demanded to know who was there and the voice announced itself as Pythia the Coded Serpent, Oracle of Gotham and Advisor to the Colony. For a moment, every screen around them flicked to an image of a python with dark green feathers in the place of scales and looming shadow-like bat wings stretching out from it. Its empty white eyes stared them down, then it was gone and when they tried to speak to the voice, it didn’t answer. They tried to contact the speedsters and Tigress, but their calls wouldn’t go through. Zatanna tried to dispel whatever magic the serpent had used, but couldn’t. Without any idea where the speedsters had gone, all the older heroes could do was sit and wait.
Meanwhile, Young Justice and Supergirl immediately sent messages to Tim, Stephanie, and Bette, asking them to let them know if they saw Wally and Bart and got thumbs up emojis in response.
The three did not text them when Wally and Bart arrived at the manor.
Instead, they stayed hidden in the cave with Barbara and watched Dick tell them Tim was out before giving them both a dumbfounded expression when they asked him about Batman.
He waved off all their questions, saying Batman was just a myth and he wouldn’t have told Wally if he’d known the stories would spook him like that. All the same, the spooky stories had been banned from the manor for the time being since Cass had started to have nightmares lately. They kept trying to get him to talk, but he soon received a text and had to leave to pick up Carrie from a friend’s house.
When the speedsters got back to the Watchtower no worse for wear without even seeing a bat, they all thought Pythia was just bluffing. 
Then they found a small, bat-shaped listening device on Kid Flash’s boot. No one could explain how it had gotten there. No one, not even Dick, had gotten close to him while he was in Gotham.
Then again, few people notice Cass when she doesn’t want them to.
Over the course of the following week, the same kind of bugs were found by all the heroes who’d been at the meeting, and some who weren’t. And it wasn’t always when they were suited up. Lois Lane, Superman’s wife, found one in the pocket of a pair of his lazy jeans, Troia found one stuck to her work camera, and one of the Green Lanterns stormed into the Watchtower, cursing out Superman and Wonder Woman for ticking off demons after he’d found one on his ring. The only relief they could find was that none of the bugs were turned on, but it was a small relief.
The message was clear: The Colony knew exactly who they were and could get to them without them ever knowing they were there.
The only ones who didn’t receive bugs were Flash -- who was happy to say, “I told you so!” to anyone who brought it up -- and Tigress -- who left any time someone brought up the Colony. The one and only time someone tried to stop her, she flipped them over her shoulder then said, “I wouldn’t pick a fight with Joker so I’m sure as hell not messing with the only thing that can take him down. Leave. Batman. Be.”
Safe to say, by the end of the week everyone was jumping at shadows.
Which meant the call they received was a bit overkill.
Wonder Woman, Superman, Flash, Wonder Girl, and Nightwing were debriefing after a joint mission between the League and Young Justice when all the screens in the room filled with static and the lights dimmed halfway. The largest screen then lit up with the image of a figure. Most of him couldn’t be seen, the dark patches of hair, mask, and suit blending into the shadows that surrounded him, but this only made his pale face and the bright blue streak on his chest and arms stand out more. Black lips split into a sharp smile as the creature realized he had their attention.
He greeted them each in turn, reaching Nightwing last and referring to him as “Copycat.”
“Nightwing?” Superman said, stepping towards the screen.
“In the flesh. Or as close to it as I come. Well, sort of. Got a little help from Pythia.”
If the group had looked at some of the other screens, they might have noticed the shapes of serpents moving through the static. Unfortunately, no one dared look away from the man so Barbara’s hard work went unnoticed.
“What do you want?”
The spirit’s head tilted to the side, slipping past his shoulder in a way that made his neck look broken. “Wasn’t that obvious?” He chirped. Then his head was straight up and he wasn’t smiling. “I’m here to warn you. Stay out of Gotham. If anyone wanted you here, they would have asked. And the little magic kid doesn’t count. As any Gothamite would tell you: Gotham problems are Gotham’s problem. Get lost, Metropolis.”
Flash couldn’t help but snort, having heard those last three words more times than he could count from both his partners. He regretted it instantly when he felt the spirit turn his attention to him, though he couldn’t tell you how he knew when all he could see where his eyes should have been was void.
The demon’s lips pulled up into a smile again, but this one was less fangs and more mischief. “You should take my words seriously. I had planned to leave my Flamebird alone until it was time for us to be together again. But if you keep it up, I might just need to steal my fire away now.”
“Flamebird?” Superman asked.
“My love,” the spirit answered, though he kept his attention on Flash. “I recently found my fire in Blüdhaven. Such a beauty, as I’m sure you can all attest. After all, Flamebird is one of you.”
Before anyone could respond, he was gone. As the screens and lights returned to normal, they turned to each other. Flash was pale as he started wringing his hands. Nightwing barely started to ask what was wrong before Flash started fretting about how Tigress must have been the one the spirit meant. They lived in Blüdhaven together and no one else in the League was recorded as living there. Her blonde hair and orange suit and fiery attitude must have made the spirit think she was Flamebird. They had to do something!
They called Tigress up and showed her a recording of the video Wonder Girl had smartly taken. She glared at all of them as the video progressed and when Flash worried over her she rolled her eyes. She was from Gotham. She knew the Colony. If they came for her, they came for her. Worrying wasn’t going to do anything to stop people that managed to slip past their defenses time and again. The only concession she agreed to was asking Dick if he’d be alright staying at the manor for a few nights so they could have some personal time.
It wasn’t unusual. They each had stayed elsewhere on a few occasions since they’d moved in together. Sometimes they just needed time as a pair instead of a trio. As such, Dick agreed easily.
Despite her calm attitude, something about the video bothered Artemis. As they went home and readied for bed, it replayed over and over in her head. She didn’t recognize his voice, but something about the way he talked nagged at her. The quirk of his smile tugged at her brain. The way he’d focused on Wally then immediately started in on Flamebird after the speedster had snorted seemed strange too. The way he was teasing Wally, taunting him, it didn’t feel malevolent. More like he was screwing with him.
Artemis shot up in bed. “Goddamit Dick, you little troll!”
Wally woke up at her scream and jumped to his feet, looking around for trouble. When he didn’t see anything, he turned to her, only to see her pulling on sweatpants. He asked what was going on and she told him they needed to see Dick immediately. He tried to argue, but she just made him put on some clothes before dragging him out of the apartment. Once in the car, he complained about how he shouldn’t be getting punished when Dick was the one in trouble then nodded off until they reached the manor.
Artemis was already at the door by the time he climbed out of the car so he didn’t hear what she said to Jason when he let them in.
“So which demon spirit are you?”
He does notice when Jason grabs them both and hauls them around the mansion, through a secret door, and down into some giant cave.
He doesn’t know why it’s happening, but he is awake enough to register that it is happening.
They both end up tied to chairs with a serious Jason, a cheerful Cass, and an annoyed Tim standing over them.
“So what do we do with them?” Tim asked and Jason pulled out a gun.
Suddenly Wally was wide awake. “Woah, okay, what is happening? Where are we and why is Jason going to shoot us?”
“He’s not,” Cass said, which wasn’t very reassuring considering she was speaking over Jason’s, “You know too much.”
“Who knows too much?” Cullen asked, strolling in. He looked over the two captives and shrugged. “Come on, Cass. Time to go home. Leave the others to their games.”
Cass pouted, but followed her older brother out after giving Artemis and Wally a friendly wave.
“So what do we do with them?” Tim repeated.
Artemis proceeded to curse them both out now that there were no children in the vicinity before demanding to see Dick.
Jason’s response was to aim the gun between her eyes and pull the trigger.
Once she had a faceful of glitter, he said he’d go get Dick. He ignored her cursing as he swaggered back the way they’d come.
“Should have called the idiot and made him come to us,” she growled and Tim agreed. She shook her head to try to get rid of some of the glitter, to no avail.
“No, seriously, what is happening?”
“Your death.”
Wally shrieked and vibrated straight through his bonds. He spun around and found himself face to face with a giggling Carrie. Except that the voice coming from her was not her voice.
He looked at the others to see Tim was amused and Artemis was done. It was at that point that he took in the cave. His eyes widened. “Oh.”
Jason and Dick arrived, the latter looking sheepish. Artemis immediately tore into him.
“In my defense, you guys didn’t exactly tell me about your secret lives either.”
“Yeah, but you didn’t tell me. And hey, at least I told you I was a vampire.”
Both took a second to think about that as they realized they probably should have connected the large family filled with creatures of darkness to the creatures of darkness running around protecting Gotham.
“You still didn’t need to be a dick about it.” Dick opened his mouth at Artemis’s words. “Oh shut up, you know what I meant!”
As it hit Wally just how much the family had been messing with the League, he smirked. “You know what would really freak the League out?”
“No,” Artemis said as the siblings perked up.
Young Justice were all hanging out in the Watchtower’s canteen, waiting for Kid Flash so they could have a team meeting, when Tigress came in to ask Troia and Aquaman if they’d seen Flash. Apparently, he’d left early that morning to check on their partner before monitor duty then disappeared. The last anyone had heard from him was when he’d asked Captain Marvel to fill in for him shortly after he’d left Tigress. She had called their partner, but apparently Flash had never shown up.
That was when Kid Flash raced in, looking terrified.
Flash had called him in the early morning and left a voicemail, but he had only just seen the message because his phone had died. When he’d charged it enough to turn on, he’d listened to the message and…
“Hey, kid. Wanted to see if you wanted to get lunch after I get off duty today. I’m getting to the manor now so I can ask Dick and Tim if they want to come too. Call me wh-Oh shi-What are you do-”
“Hello, my flame.”
Troia and Aquaman immediately sent a call out to everyone connected to the Batman case. No one was pleased to realize Nightwing thought Flamebird was Flash, not Tigress like they’d assumed. When the group checked, they found that the call came ten minutes before the one to Captain Marvel and came from the edge of Wayne Manor’s property line.
Hearing this, the team all spammed Tim with texts checking to see if he was okay.
The bird, having grown tired of all their smothering, sent them a picture of himself flipping them off with a caption saying he wasn’t a child and could take care of himself. He was from Gotham, not Metropolis. He then turned his phone off so he wouldn’t have to see their demeaning fretting.
If he hadn’t, he would have seen the group panicking over a shadow behind him that they were convinced was one of the Colony. Without the others noticing, the five snuck away to Gotham. Tim was less than pleased when he opened the door.
“Since when do you open the door for yourself?” Jinny asked.
“Since Alfred’s in England and Bruce and Selina are on their honeymoon. Why are you guys here?” Cassie showed him the picture and he slapped his forehead. “I knew you guys were getting paranoid, but this is ridiculous. That is my jacket.”
They refused to believe him so he offered to bring them up to his room to prove it. They made it halfway there before the sounds of thumps had him turning around to see them all unconscious on the floor, Jason and Cass standing over them.
“Seriously, Jason? Stop kidnapping everyone! You're ruining the bit!”
“You and Dickie are the ones who decided to drag your friends into what was supposed to be a family thing.”
“I told them I was fine! They’re the ones who just showed up for no reason!”
“You’re just mad Artemis isn’t here too,” Dick said as he and Wally walked up.
“Shut up, Dickhead. She’d kick all our asses if we dragged her into this and you know it. Now help me get them to the cave.”
“Definitely pouting,” Dick whispered to Wally and Jason slugged him.
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youarejesting · 4 years
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[Masterlist]  Pairing: BTS x reader Friends2Lovers But as slow as you can go until the anticipation kills us all…  Genres: friendship, drama, romance SLOWEST OF BURNS BUT IT WILL BE BURNING AN ETERNAL FLAME!!!  Rating: PG-13 and above  Summary: Your brother works with a few BigHit dance teams and whilst having permission to accompany him at work the city shuts down banning anyone from stepping outside for a whole WEEK while they disinfect the streets. If you step outside you might get arrested, shot or poisoned by the chemicals they are emitting through the city.  Words: 1.3k  Announcement: This is a crazy chapter. I legitimately finished the first post it note worth of story plot, but there is three more post it notes worth of events and I am writing more this fic has got to last the length of the quarantine. Or so help me! [Part 1]  [Part 17]  [Part 19]  [Tag Yourself Here]
“Hello this is Y/N” you breathed completely exhausted from your expedition. If you ever had to run again in this life it would be way too soon. But you weren’t holding your breath, expecting it would happen sooner than you wished. Too tired to even hold the radio, you laid back on the small linoleum mattresses and waited for a response. It seemed almost instantaneous when you heard the reply. 
“Hello Y/N, is that you, what’s happening” it was your brother his voice sounding full of emotion. You wondered if he was pissed you had locked him in his office. He would definitely be pacing like he always did when he was nervous.“Where the hell are you?” “I am on my way back, resting at the supply center.”  “Why did you leave?” Jimin asked his voice soft and a little distant from the walkie talkie, he must have felt bad being the one who accidentally let you leave. “we were all worried about you”
There was an unexplained rush of energy flowing through you. The idea that they were waiting was nice. “I will be back as soon as my legs decide to cooperate, I just needed a-”  The walkie talkie you had stolen from the man on the street buzzed to life, a voice calling. “Ya foreigner, I know you are there?”
“What was that?” Namjoon asked “I stole a walkie from one of the gunmen” “When did you steal a walkie!?!” “Yeah, after I stole his gun”
“Gun!?” Hoseok was shocked, you bit your lip, a fraction amused with how this situation was playing out. “You stole a gun?” “I stole his gun as I was running away from them-” “YA! Foreigner, you think you so smart because you took our breathers, you listen, we don’t let anyone take from us”
“Excuse me while I answer this,” leaving your finger held down on the first walkies PTT (push to talk) button, taking the second walkie talkie. While the one from BigHit was an emergency use one with a fluorescent orange color, the next was all black and worn. “Are...You think you are so smart, learn English”
“Listen here you little bitch, you will not get past us again, we have guns” “I have two of your guns already, I am not really worried, buddy” “I am not your buddy, and you only have one” “I hit one of your men over the head with a tank a few days ago and stole his too”
There was a ruckus on the line, they were furious, sending death threats you let them rant for a while. Switching off their walkie talkie, to focus on the one linking you to your brother and friends at BigHit. “So, I should be back by tomorrow, I just have to sneak past those idiots again. Oh, and I was in a convenience store for a while and I filled my backpack with snacks, using Mister Lee’s credit card. Also, I think I wrote off his car, poor guy does insurance cover reversing down the streets and hitting a tree”
“YOU WHAT!!” Your brother sounded like he was going to have an angina, with the amount of stress he was having. You were brought a meal to eat from the people working in the center and you thanked them with a bright smile. “I said I reversed into a tree, but listen, listen, here is the part I am most proud of. I lived. I have never felt more ready to take on the world than right now” 
“Look that’s how people get killed okay they get too cocky, anyway they are roaming the streets I don’t think you can get back, they have warned people in the buildings not to leave until they stop walking the streets.” “I got past them once, I can do it again,” Feeling a little hurt that they didn’t believe in you. You would show them, you had to, they needed to know how strong you really were.
“I am going back and you can’t stop me,” You huffed eating some of the kimchi jjigae, pulling a face as you accidentally inhaled some of the chili broth. You would have preferred eating some of the snacks you had collected from the convenience store but you thought it best to wait to share it with the boys. You also didn’t want to offend your hosts who graciously made you these meals, “I want to hang out with my friends and stay in the secret base”
The walkie seemed to be handed to someone else and for a split second you heard someone suspiciously like Taehyung whisper, “you can’t tell her that.” “Look here is the thing, we aren’t your friends?” Namjoon’s voice clear and cold. It was like a shot through the heart. You didn’t want to believe him, it was just one sentence. You knew they were just saying it so you wouldn’t come back. It was a lie.
“You don’t mean that you just want me to stay here” Your voice was soft and weak. Feeling hurt, you hadn’t felt this much pain since your last audition the final one when you decided you wouldn’t open your heart to anyone or anything anymore.
It seemed your walls had slipped so much more than you realized, feeling like closing in on yourself you held your ground. No, this wasn’t about them, you didn’t care what they thought or who they were this was about you. And you were like one of the heroes in all those teen movies, you were the Katniss in the Hunger Games, you were Tris in the Divergent, you were Harry Potter in his own self titled franchise, if, you know he was a female. 
“I know you are joking so say whatever you want I am coming back,” To your surprise, your voice broke and you felt the beginning of tears drifting down your cheeks.
“We used you,” Jin said bluntly his voice sounded like it was mocking you, “We are stuck inside all we wanted was to get in your pants” “No, we watched Drama’s together” there was a bubble in your throat that you tried to swallow down. Namjoon was talking to your brother in the background calming him down.
“I kissed you because Jin told me you would let me, but I left cause I am not attracted to you,” Yoongi’s voice as always was level and had no emotion “You’re not my type” “You don’t have to romantically like me to be friends” 
Hoseok took the Walkie and you felt tense, you couldn’t hear another one of the boys say they didn’t want you, especially not Hoseok, you two had gotten rather close. He was the one you opened up to and told him all your worries and fears.
“Look I will be honest. I don’t want to hurt you, but they are serious. We play around with girls a lot, you really aren’t special, usually, we don’t tell them this because we usually leave on tour but we would rather if you didn’t come back and if you do, please don’t look for us again. We don’t want to talk. Making out was nice and fun, but that’s it, my only regret...” There was a pause and you were sobbing into your hand “is that I didn’t try to sleep with you before the feeling wore off”
You switched off the Walkie and fell back on the bed, it wasn’t quiet and it surely wasn’t pretty like in the movies but you cried hysterically. The people came to check on you trying to get you to stop scream crying. They tried their best before they decided there was nothing they could do and chose instead to sedate you for the night.
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[Part 1]  [Part 17] [Part 19] [Tag Yourself Here]
Tags: @bubbletae7​ @lovemusicandotps​ @taetaebq​ @seveniefive​ @w0lfqu33n​ @anaiss97​ @moccahobi​ @maddymal​ @lilacdreams-00​ @lethargicalyssa​ @knjkitten​ @pieislife​ @bunnyboyenthusiast​
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playbucky · 5 years
Requested by @theatrenerd101601 – Hello love sorry for all the SWAT requests! I hope you still do them! Can you do a request similar to the school shooting episode in season 2 where the reader and tan are dating and the reader gets stuck in a room with one of the shooters including the students and the reader gets shot protecting the students and tan, as well as the team, are worried. Could it be a happy ending with a little fluff? I’m sorry if this is a lot! Characters – Tan x Reader, Hondo, Luca, Word Count – 754 A/N – School shootings, shooting, blood.
‘I have the shooter.’ You said into the radio, as you looked at the teenage boy through the glass panel. ‘Where?’ Hondo’s voice came over the radio, you leaned back and looked at the sliver numbers on the front of the door. ‘Room 291.’ You said, before letting go, you changed your weapon to the pistol as you went to move but he turned and spotted you. you maintained eye contact with him before he realised who you were and he quickly grabbed a student and placed the gun to her head. You quickly holstered your gun and raised both your hands so he could see that they were empty. ‘Get in.’ He shouted, you nodded and turned the door handle, but it didn’t move. He snarled before whispering into the girl’s ear, she quickly moved across the room and unlocked the door.
She pulled it open before moving back to the group of students, as you let the door shut behind you. He marched over to you before leaning around you and locked the door again, as he motioned with the gun to move over, so you were standing in front of the students, that were hugging each other. ‘How many are there?’ He asked you, you kept your hands in front of you. ‘Six.’ You told him truthfully. ‘Only six?’ He asked, you nodded. ‘Then why are all the cop cars there?’ He asked, motioning out the window that had been blocked off. ‘It’s a precaution so no one else can come into the school or leave.’ You told him, he stayed silent as he looked at you. ‘Where is the rest of your team?’ He asked, you shrugged your shoulders. ‘I don’t know, we split up when we came in so we could cover more ground.’ You said, he smirked, pleased that he had managed to get one of you by yourself. ‘You know, I would get so much more press if I killed a S.W.A.T officer.’ He said, aiming the gun at you. You nodded as you raised your hands up again, but he glared at you. ‘Stop agreeing with me.’ He snapped. ‘Why, you’re stating the truth.’ You told him. ‘If you’re doing that for press then you will get more press.’ You told him, he pulled a face before ‘But you aren’t doing it for press are you?’ You asked him, he scoffed and shook his head. ‘Why else would I do it?’ He asked, you tilted your head to the side slightly. ‘Someone bullied you. Somethings never went your way and your pissed?’ You gave him options, as you looked over your shoulder, quickly checking the  When you looked at him, you noticed shadows moving outside the door but you quickly turned your attention to him again. ‘Or you just want to make people notice you.’ You said, he faltered slightly before continuing to pace back and forth.
A loud ban sounded out the room and everyone screamed, the boy raised his gun and shot at you, hitting your leg. As you dropped to your knee you brung out your gun and shot at him, managing to hit his shoulder before he fired again but you moved the girl behind you and got hit chest. You watched as he was taken down by Hondo and Deacon before Tan ran over to you, as the other guided the students out the room. You were coughing and struggling to breath as you grasped at your vest, Tan moved quickly and undid it, checking that it didn’t go through. ‘You need to breath.’ He said, and you glared at him. ‘Right sorry.’ He said, sitting you up you gasped but he quickly placed your hand on his chest, and cupped your face with his free one. ‘In.’ He said, you took a shaky deep breath. ‘Out.’ He said, he exhaled with him, you’re breathing slowly getting back to normal he let go of your hand but your kept it on his chest until you were normal again. ‘You okay?’ He asked you, you ducked your head before looking past him as everyone was out safely. ‘I’m bleeding out my leg and I think he’s broke a rib or two.’ You told him, dropping your hand from his chest, he nodded before standing up and offering you a hand which you took. He pulled you up and you balanced on one leg until he wrapped his arm around your ribs, careful of your side before he started walking and you limped. 
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