#someone come save kiryu
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skiel-infinity · 1 year ago
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this man is fighting for his life he's being bullied by a child in the internet and he can only do so much
I am picturing Lucciano annoying the hell out of Kiryu with constant booping now thanks to our boop war LOL
kiryu gripping his mouse furiously awaiting his retaliating boop to go through because he lives in buttfuck nowhere cowboy town and the internet sucks ass. thank you for this mental image 😭
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designernishiki · 2 years ago
as much as a i understand and respect ace kiryu truthers, i really feel like kiryu is the type to really take the idea to heart that sex is something vulnerable and meaningful and thus reserved for someone completely trusted and special to him– someone who feels right. after years and years he’s still never legitimately voluntarily slept with someone, always tries to turn women away or is at least apathetic when they try to get physical with him, never feels that deep and specific bond with a woman– nothing compared to some of his bonds with other men throughout his life. and maybe, hopefully, one day it’ll hit him that there’s a pretty big, glaring reason why no women have ever felt “right” to him.
#I’ve become a pretty devout gay kiryu trigger at this point#it just. makes the most narrative sense / is the most narratively interesting / explains So Much#kiryu#yakuza#kazuma kiryu#honest to god though it’s. the most realistic way of explaining why he jumps to the assumption that he must date or kiss a woman or whatever#as soon as possible with little to no room to actually fall for one#with yumi he’s literally in the classic comp het situation of ‘well someone told me I’m in love with her so I guess I’m in love with her’#no deeper thought no proof of falling for her etc#sayama’s more convincing and they start out actually building a dynamic that could end up being romantic maybe- but then they fucking jump#the gun and have kiryu randomly kiss her like something he saw in a movie instead of. you know. talking about things first. or anything.#partly because they’re in a life or death situation and are essentially pushed together via traumabonding#and that’s Extreme when it comes to the end of kiwami 2. honestly that makeout scene was just. really weird and uncomfortable. for multiple#reasons. I mean for one he says something like ‘I’m sure she (haruka)’ll understand’ in between the making out in reference to him not#even trying to get further from the bomb or anything#and just lowkey choosing to kill himself (disturbingly similarly to nishiki mind you) like uh kiryu did you forget that haruka. literally#lost her mother in an extremely similar situation. in front of her. and nearly lost you at the same time. kiryu’s personality is Not one to#just shrug off something like that- either he was purposefully choosing to kill himself because he felt like a failure and that haruka would#genuinely be better off without him Or the writing there was INSANELY out of character as to make him seem more focused on the supposed#Romeo and Juliet tragic romance situation than saving his daughter the grief of losing EVERYONE CLOSE TO HER and reliving the worst night of#her fucking Life#god if anything the ending of yk2 just screams ‘this relationship would not work out under normal circumstances and both of them are just#clinging onto whatever’s closest out of desperation and need for any kind of emotional catharsis available’#if you can compare a pairing to romeo and juliet . it’s probably not#a pairing that’s meant to be#sorry im going off on a huge tangent about how weird the ending of yk2 was to me uhhh anyway I could write a video essay on why kiryu being#gay is the most realistic and interesting interpretation of him possible . send tweet
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loganelfreeces · 7 months ago
Umemiya's Savior, Shitara Yuki, and the Old Furin (Knowledge and Theories)
Now, if anyone paid attention during the Umemiya's Backstory chapters (93-97), I'm sure we all noticed two important players in it.
Shitara Yuki, Umemiya's foster care worker who looks after him.
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And the Mysterious Furin 3rd Year Student who saved Umemiya's life.
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I've done a little data collecting, analysing and theorising about what knowledge we do have about these two and what information they can tell us about the old Furin before Umemiya was even in middle school. And potentially where they are now and how they could return in the future.
Shitara Yuki (設楽 優希)
According to this Kanji translator, his name means:
設 means "establishment, provision, prepare" 楽 means "music, comfort, ease" (the tree radical in most Furin names is here, I think) 優 means "tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness" 希 means "hope, beg, request, pray"
Since we have more knowledge about Shitara, I'd say he's the easier puzzle to crack, so let's start with him.
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We know he's a bit of a goofball who keeps a dorky, brave face for the kids to protect them from the violence surrounding Makochi at this time.
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But he does deeply care about and is protective of the Furinen kids, scolding them when they worry him and kindly smiling when they need to talk some emotional stuff through.
What I'm most interested is what he says about Furin.
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Notice how the other orphanage worker is talking about Furin and Shitara says "That stings", and she responds with "But I'm not talking about you?"
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Then there's Mystery Student's comment about how "It's not like what happened during your generation".
Shitara Theories
From these comments we can all but confirm that Shitara was a Former Furin Student, likely while it was a delinquent school when the students were "a little more well-behaved" and didn't provoke the nearby teams. And Mystery Student could have known Shitara when he was a student, or heard second hand through Shitara about his time in the school.
Shitara could also be a glimpse into Umemiya's future; what happens after Umemiya gradutes? Does he stay involved in protecting the town? Or does he work in Furinen, being a good caretaker for kids like him? Or does he become a teacher in Furin, protecting the students?
But that's enough about Shitara. Now onto the main event:
Umemiya's Savior
We have comparatively less information about him, so I'm just analysing him to Hell and back.
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What we can infer from the visual information is that he's a 3rd year student (so 17 or 18 when Umemiya is 9, making him 26 or 27 in canon time). He also wears a chain necklace with some kinda charm on the end. Less important, but he has lighter coloured short hair, but we all know hair is allowed to change in this world (Nirei, Kiryu, Umemiya).
I know a few people wondered if he could be Takiishi, but considering Takiishi is around the same age as Umemiya, it's unlikely.
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First thing we can confirm is that he's strong. Specifically that he went to Furin because he wanted to get stronger "just like someone we both know", meaning himself and Shitara.
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Second we can confirm that Savior was in Furinen for 6 months, 8 years before he met Umemiya (17 years ago in canon timeline). Savior would've been 9 or 10 years old at that time. Not only that, but Shitara kept an eye on this kid, the same way he's kept an eye on Umemiya since then. He also has a close enough relationship with Shitara to trust him to handle stuff he's ill equipped to manage.
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Thirdly we can confirm that though Savior was one of the Furin Students wrecking the town, it comes from a place of wanting to protect it. He's trying to stop the teams and gangs from getting too big and becoming a problem for the local area.
So those are the concrete facts. Now for the
Savior Theories
Based on the information gathered, we can confirm that he's got either a role model or a peer he wanted to become stronger for, who Shitara also knew. This person was most likely also a Furinen orphan or a Furin student. And since Windbreaker does this pattern of Serious Guy & Silly Guy (Sakura & Nirei, Umemiya & Hiragi, Togame & Tomiyama, etc), I'm assuming the other student is the Silly to Savior's Serious. As of right now, we can't really make any more guesses about this person.
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It's also highly likely that Savior has gone through something traumatic, in order to give him this outlook on Umemiya's situation. It likely influiences why he didn't try to talk Umemiya down from his suicidal thoughts until after Umemiya attempted it himself. He could well have been putting on an act of indifference though to, in a way, give Umemiya permission to make up his own mind about the situation without someone who "cared" about him getting in the way.
Based on the way that Shitara calls out Savior on the mess of the town and the idea that strength shouldn't be used in this way, and how Savior is trying to protect the town by taking down the smaller teams, part of why Savior could've wanted to be stronger is so he could physically defend the town and have what it takes to overcome life's difficulties.
Where Savior is now?
This is more thumbtacks and string zones, but I think he could be one of Suo's martial arts brothers, based on a connection @101suouexpressions pointed out in this fantastic meta here.
Or if I can be much more cracky with my headcanons, I think Savior could have trained Sakura or is the Weather contact in his phone, based on their Big Damn Heroes entrances when saving a weakling in an alleyway.
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One thing I'm certain of is Savior is highly unlikely to be in Noroshi or one of the random towns folk. The character design and the significance to Umemiya's backstory even without a name reveal proves that this guy is too important to remain a shadow in Umemiya's past forever.
He, Shitara and the "Silly to Savior's Serious" character are most likely gonna turn up in an arc closer to Umemiya's graduation, when the fate of Bofurin's status as Defenders Of Makochi is under threat with Umemiya soon being forced out of the role by the Japanese schooling system.
Savior may turn up in a gang of his own that have been opperating under their own banner trying to protect somewhere near Makochi, but not near enough that Umemiya would randomly run into him and learn his name. Then they could be paralleled with the Noroshi, who are the Furin drop outs who never graduated and became trouble makers, focusing on this other team as being graduates of Furin who stop trouble.
Or if I could be self indulgent, I'd say that Savior is gonna turn up in the Suo Yakuza arc I imagine happening in the future (I'll make a post about this later.)
Guess we'll just have to wait and see what comes next.
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honeysinpaii · 8 months ago
It's a popular cafe at a busy hour. There's been a steady line at the register since four o'clock hit. Your coworkers are bustling behind you, taking orders and pouring coffee while you try to say the same thing you've been saying for past five weeks.
"I don’t date Bofurin, got it?" You assert with a scowl, manicured hands gripping the sticky counter in frustration.
And of course, just like every time he's asked before now, your words fall on deaf, pierced ears.
"Okay, okay, not a date then," he says with a grin, green eyes glittering with mischief. "Let's go out...as friends."
"No thanks," you grab the hand towel resting underneath the counter and get back to cleaning spilled coffee.
His face falls into a pathetic little frown, overcome with disappointment as he grips the edge of the counter and swings back to crouch beneath the edge. "Pleeaaasssse go out with me? What's it gonna taaakke?" He begs, embarrassing himself to the entire coffeehouse, not that anyone takes notice.
Mitsuki Kiryu. College sophomore. Has dated every girl in his class, and probably the entire town, all save for you.
And it's not from a lack of trying.
While he sips his latte with faux tears in his eyes, your coworker pulls you over in the back fridge to whisper into your ear. "I don't get it, he's totally your type, is rejecting him some sort of sick turn on for you?"
Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, you had to admit to yourself that you found Kiryu incredibly enticing. You've always had a particular weakness for men with an array of piercings. His cotton candy hair held a particular charm for you, and what made it all worse was the way he looked at you with those viridescent eyes.
There was something soft in them. Something playful and mischievous too.
You force the memories of the time the two of you first met out of your head and elbow her in her side as you reach for the milk. "I'm not dating someone that's in Bofurin. Ever."
You replace the empty milk carton on the counter with a fresh gallon in the fridge hidden behind the counter. Cleaning up little messes wherever you go. "And besides," you continue, peeking up from your work to make sure Kiryu was too far to overhear, "He's only asking me so he can tell everyone how he's dated every girl in his class. Perfect score for a perfect loser."
"You don't know that," she defends, though when she looks up over your head to take a look at the pink-haired man, it's with a look of suspicion.
"C'mon, don't you remember the rumors about him in high school?" You continue on your little rant, sweeping up spills on the sticky floors. "He had a new girl every week. There's no way I'd let myself be someone's flavor of the week."
She nodded along beside you, no longer putting her doubts to voice.
Whatever fleeting fantasies you may have had about dating Mitsuki Kiryu died early on in high school. He may have saved you as a member of Bofurin, but you had let that memory go the moment you realized you'd only ever be a fleeting fling to him.
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Nirei was wrong about taking chances. Kiryu wasn’t even sure why he listened to him when he told him to lay it all out on the open. He should’ve known his friend would be wrong the moment he said he couldn’t imagine any girl telling him no.
Plenty of girls have turned down Mitsuki Kiryu for a date. He was only some guy after all, and what’s worse, he had received more rejections in his life than acceptances because of his rebellious appearance. He wasn’t the kind of guy a modest girl would take home to her family. And while his reputation at Bofurin had gained him some ground, he still knew that the rumors about him would only make dating harder.
He didn’t care to refute them at first. High school doesn’t last forever, and the girls he saved more than made up for any rumors that might come of being seen together. But now he was two years into college, and while it was easy enough for him to dive into the façade he had built for a summer of one night stands, that summer had quickly gone stale.
What’s worse, you’re a student at the same college he goes to. You’re the only person he’s never been able to get out of his head since meeting.
Not that you ever gave him the time of day anymore though.
There was a brief moment in time after the two of you met that he finally felt he was truly alive. Not living just trying to get by, existing just to see another day, but wholly invested in what the future might bring. Sunsets were brighter, songs were deeper, and he felt his whole life was aglow.
And now it seems like you can’t even stand to be in the same room as him.
Kiryu crumpled up the empty coffee cup in his hand as he leaned outside the building. Tossing it into the receptacle not too far from him. Laying everything out in the open was getting him nowhere.
It’s time to fight dirty.
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rnn11203 · 5 months ago
something i was thinking abt lately is Nishikis rise in the tojo clan. what we know abt him already is that hes a hard worker, he earns his own family, hes chastized about it though, being called an ass kisser and dismissing it as “favortisim”. but he GETS that 30 million for his sister in a futile attempt to save her life. i think its obvious to see that Kazama and Nishiki aren’t close, if he ever held affection for the younger man im unsure of it. I really dont think nishiki ever really saw him as a father figure anyways. its clear that kashiwagi is rather lienient with Nishiki, for nishikis sake im unsure of, it seems to be more for kazama than anything.
but i wonder how they felt, kazama and kashiwagi, as the nishikiyama family grew. Did he succeed their expectations? Did it worry them? Kazama was ashamed of his murders, he didnt want to be remembered as that sort of man, did he worry for nishiki? “There was nothing i could do” does that mean he tried to do something? Did they think he’d never get that far?
I like thinking about Kazama and Nishikis relationship alot, its so deeply important to the narrative considering that alot of nishikis ambitions come from a place of inadequacy, resentment, and rejection. yet its…. neglected. hardly even featured in the games. they obviously dont share the same father/son relationship kiryu and kazama do, i think kazama misguidedly thinks they do though. i really hate when people say kazama rasied the orphans like how kiryu does, its stated time and time again that he had other people there raising the children. i think awano even says its for taxes or whatever. (side note i saw someone say that kazama did everything he could to discourage people from swearing up but… did he? selfishly, he would visit those kids, wanting to play father, did he not think theyd feel indebted to him? that he would inspire them?
I wonder how strategic nishiki would be, he was beaten when he stepped on the kazama family’s turf, but did he push it again and succeed? I do sorta think kazama was rather fond of little nishiki. that he let his little hands dig into his pockets for candies, that he could swindle him out of his watches and maybe even cash, that he consoled him when nishiki would cry over yuko. but nishikis not crying anymore, hes a man now.
in the end, nishiki was more like kazama then kiryu ever was.
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serialadoptersbracket · 1 year ago
Round 2, Match 54: Shōta Aizawa vs. Doctor Carmilla
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Submitted kids:
Shōta Aizawa: Class 1-A, minus Mineta, plus Shinsou Hitoshi (total of 20 kids). Mainly Eri, Shinsou, and Midoriya
Doctor Carmilla: Jonny d'Ville, Nastya Rasputina, The Toy Soldier, The Starship Aurora, Ashes O'Reilly, Drumbot Brian, Gunpowder Tim, Ivy Alexandria, Raphaella la Cognizi * Marius von Raum
Propaganda under the cut!
Shōta Aizawa:
1. “This grumpy teacher pretends not to care about his students, sleeps during his own classes and why talk when you can also make annoying children silent by (harmless) force? Yet he loves them and they love him while he doesn't show it all that often.”
2. “He didn't mean to adopt them yet he did and he is grumpy about it. If he goes "those are my kids, damn it" it's not to someone else, it's to himself, with the damn it being a "fuck, why". Yet he is so 100% willing to risk his life for them. Because they *are* his kids now.”
3. “Idk the man is so tired what can I say. Harsh as australias wildlife but bc he doesn’t want them to actually die in the field so he’s trying to make them give up on signing up to risk your lives every day. I just submitted kiryu and I think that kiryu, bruce, and aizawa are soul sisters. They are all very special to me”
4. “Oh he tries so hard to stay scary and detached, keeps threatening to expel students, keeps saying he hates kids, and look at him now. Missing several pieces and risked death multiple times to protect them, at least 3 classes of ~20 students each lowkey adoring him, and literally canonically (not said out loud but it's basically official come on, they live together) adopted a little girl that was found by the protagonist and saved from the mafia. Also personally took the matter in his own hands when another department's student (so not one of his) showed a desire to change course, so much that even if this kid has living and loving parents he's often Aizawa's adopted family in fanfiction.”
Doctor Carmilla:
“Morally ambiguous mother who adopts her kids and makes them immortal both to have a family and a band. What can I say. This family is incredibly dysfunctional and so very fun.”
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verdantcrimson · 1 year ago
Heaven and Earth - Prologue
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[The first year of the establishment of ES. Mid-February. In an ES Meeting room.]
Keito: Now then, I will be returning your answer sheets.
Keito: Here are the results of the flash history test that we of AKATSUKI conducted the other day to test our knowledge of Japanese and World History.
Keito: Allow me to roughly summarize the results. Firstly, I, Keito Hasumi, have managed to score reasonably high in both Japanese and World History.
Keito: Kanzaki scored even higher than me in Japanese History, but his World History grade is abysmal.
Souma: Hehe. My parents have been instructing me in Japanese History since I was a child. I took a liking to it and often researched it out of interest.
Keito: Yes. Your diligence is commendable. However, I would like you to try a little harder in your studies of World History, if you can.
Souma: I am not too fond of World History due to all of the horizontal writing¹.
Keito: Your studies shouldn’t be at the mercy of your personal preferences. Well, more on that later, but for now…
Keito: The problem here is you, Kiryu.
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Kuro: ……
Keito: Oi. I’m talking to you, don’t look somewhere else.
Keito: The lecture you’re going to get only increases in length for every second you spend looking away from me.
Kuro: But danna…
Keito: Don’t ‘but danna’ me. No excuses. I’m very disappointed in you.
Keito: Do you remember anything from when we studied to appear on a history related quiz show together? We studied so hard that the textbook was about to fall apart.²
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Kuro: ……
Keito: But you’ve just forgotten everything you learned from then. Actually, because you studied so half-heartedly, you might have even gotten worse.
Keito: If I were to critique each and every one of your test answers, we’d be here all day, but allow me to read out a typical one of your unique answers just to give you a sense.
Keito: When I first saw it, I doubted my eyes, my sanity and even my glasses.
Souma: It is difficult to imagine Hasumi-dono ever doubting his glasses.
Keito: Don’t make light of the situation. See here, this is an elementary school level question. “Who was the second shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate?”
Keito: Kiryu’s answer was ‘Ishida Mitsunari’.
Souma: How could that have come to occur…?
Keito: I think he may have gotten it mixed up in his head, since Ishida Mitsunari is often brought up alongside Tokugawa Ieyasu when discussing The Battle of Sekigahara.³
Keito: I’ve told him about the Tokugawa Shogunate.
Keito: How did their opponents magically overtake the government? It’s quite interesting to imagine what might have led to that outcome. I don’t mean this as a compliment, by the way.
Kuro: W-well, it’s not like I mentioned someone completely random, so I’d at least like to be appreciated for that much.
Keito: Yes. Admittedly, you tried.
Kuro: I did, right? I thought about it real hard before answerin’! I dunno why I’m bein’ forced to take a test like this in the first place!
Keito: About that, originally I was planning to properly announce this after seeing the test results—
Keito: But as you can tell, I hadn’t anticipated Kiryu’s brain being such a trainwreck.
Keito: Actually, the announcement was concerning sort of a large job offer for us, but now I’m debating whether to take it or not.
Souma: Were his answers truly that terrible?
Keito: Yes. In fact, some of them are so strange, I’m starting to wonder if he’s being dense on purpose.
Keito: Take this one, for instance. “Name the three people responsible for saving Edo from wartime, otherwise known as the ‘Sanfune of Edo’.” ⁴
Souma: This question was a little troublesome for me as well.
Souma: I was able to recall 'Katsu Kaishu'⁵ fairly quickly, but found difficulty naming the other two. I fear I may have gotten them mixed up with the Three Great Nobles of the Restoration⁶.
Keito: Kiryu’s answer to this is ‘Ishida Mitsunari’.
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Souma: Kiryu-dono, are you not perhaps excessively fond of Ishida Mitsunari?
Keito: It is very interesting to imagine how Ishida Mitsunari must have felt after magically conquering his enemy’s forces and then time-traveling to the future to bring about a peaceful conclusion to the Edo Era. That’s not all, by the way.
Keito: Here are the other two names that Kiryu provided as answers.
Keito: ‘Tokugawa Ieyasu’.
Souma: Tokugawa Ieyasu⁷ has now come back to life after being enshrined!?
Keito: And lastly, ‘Ishida Ieyasu’.
Souma: Whoever might that fellow be!?
Keito: No clue. You should ask him. Kiryu, who is this guy?
Souma: Kiryu-dono, could it be that the only Japanese historical figures you remember the names of are Ishida Mitsunari and Tokugawa Ieyasu…? A-at the very least, you would do well to remember someone like 'Katsu Kaishu'!
Kuro: Shut up already… History doesn’t matter to us in the present day anyways.
Keito: Actually, it does. You see, we’ve been asked to host the ‘Rumbling Heaven and Earth’ show.
Souma: What? Hasumi-dono, could you possibly be referring to that ‘Rumbling Heaven and Earth’ show!?
Kuro: What’s that supposed to mean…… I’m not as studious as you guys, so I’ve got no clue what that even is.
Souma: To put it simply, it is a long-running educational program. I myself have watched it many a time.
Keito: Yes. While most educational shows are aimed at children, this one stands out as a more intense, catered to experts, covering far more intellectual subjects.
Keito: This long-running history-based educational program aims to explore history both broadly and in-depth.
Keito: It’s an excellent show for any fan of History, and it frequently surfaces in discussions of history… You’ve really never heard of it, Kiryu?
Kuro: That a bad thing? I haven’t had much reason to casually ‘discuss history’ in my whole life.
Souma: Ah- Um, regarding the show? Would it truly be possible for us to appear on ‘Rumbling Heaven and Earth’?
Keito: I wish I could just accept the offer officially. Naturally, such an opportunity is an honor.
Keito: It matches well with our image. However, the hosts of the show must be well-versed in their knowledge of history.
Keito: Hence this test, which was to ascertain our level of knowledge in the field.
Keito: I’m not naming names, but someone performed far worse than I could imagine, and so I fear it may not be possible for us to serve as hosts— Unfortunately.
Kuro: Argh, I’m sorry that that someone was just fucking stupid!?
Souma: I- It’s quite alright, Kiryu-dono. You are by no means a fool. You simply had naught an opportunity nor desire to learn. Right, Hasumi-dono?
Keito: Exactly. That’s why, over the course of the next week, Kiryu is going to learn all about history.
Keito: If he’s still living in a world where Ishida Mitsunari ruled the Tokugawa Shogunate by the end of this— Well, I’ll just pretend we never got any offer at all, and forget about it entirely.
Keito: I love this show, and I would have loved to host it if possible… However, if we’re unsuited for the job, then it can’t be helped.
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Kuro: ……
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Translation notes (Apologies in advance for the History lesson)
Souma is being very literal here. Most Japanese text is traditionally written vertically.
This is a reference to a previous Idol story.
The Battle of Sekigahara was a clash between the forces of Tokugawa Ieyasu and Ishida Mitsunari. Historically, it was Mitsunari's loss, hence Keito's incredulity later. You can read more about it here.
The 'Sanfune of Edo' (幕末の三舟) are three people credited to preventing war from occurring with their diplomatic skill during the transfer of power from the Feudal Tokugawa Shogunate to the more modern Japanese Empire during the beginnings of the Meiji Restoration in an event known as the Fall of Edo.
Katsu Kaishū was one of the aforementioned Sanfune.
The Three Great Nobles of the Restoration were notable figures during the beginning of the Meji Restoration. Their existence and involvement with the Sanfune during the same time period is why Souma could've had difficulty discerning them.
Souma actually refers to him as Tōshō Daigongen (東照大權現), a name used to refer to him after his death, as he was enshrined as a deity posthumously, on his own wishes, to oversee the next generation.
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skysquid22 · 2 years ago
In Mine’s backstory in the RRGO story he doesn’t take Daigo’s warnings or authority seriously until Daigo reveals he shares the same sentiment that life is more valuable than money and saves him from his own actions. And……. Augh the little parallels between that scene at the docks and the end of Yakuza 3…….
What defines Mine's motivation is that he's struggling between two different ideals--believing that he can find someone to put his trust in vs believing that everyone is a liar who's only after their own gain. Mostly, he's acting on the latter with his actions and thinking. Seeking power in monetary gain with how he rises in the Tojo Clan ranks in his RRGO backstory and all of his actions during Yakuza 3. Kiryu calls him out on this method and Mine refuses it since he wants to believe in that other ideal. It is very, very apparent that Mine is desperate for someone he can trust for once in his life. He's searching for that answer in his backstory and he's at the point where joining organized crime is a good idea AND he nearly puts his faith in fucking Kanda. [All these excerpts are from the translation I linked above.]
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But later, Kanda abandons him using the excuse that the younger brother sacrifices himself for the older brother to live which pretty much seals the idea that the bonds of the yakuza aren’t true trust between others. Factor in Mine saying his belief that their lives are more valuable than money and Kanda immediately valuing the money and the time/effort it took to make than money over Mine… it’s a complete and utter rug pull. One that he knew not to put much value in but did anyway because he wanted to believe in someone more than believe that people only care about power. Who is Mine but two wolves trying to kill each other and the winner dictates his mental and emotional state.
Wolf B won this round and Mine (implied?) doesn’t fight back and just outright asks the second acting Nishkiyama patriarch to kill him faster.
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And the same process more or less happens at the end of Y3. He’s losing his reason to live only it’s worse now since he committed himself more to Daigo than he ever did to Kanda. He’s not going to try again and look for an ineffable bond because he had that with Daigo and it’s gone—the thing he’s been searching for all his life and joined the yakuza to seek becomes completely nonexistent to him. All that's left of his beliefs is the one he's been leaning on since he was a kid, that life doesn’t have value over money and everyone lies.
But just like at the docks, Daigo comes back and proves him wrong.
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At the docks, Daigo proves to him that there is such thing as a bond you can fully believe in. And on the roof, Daigo wakes up, which completely upends the entire reason Mine fully adopted his nihilistic thinking and killed the optimist inside him. Kiryu was able to get Mine to understand that his thinking was completely wrong, leaving him lost and like his world had collapsed because it did practically. Both core tenements of himself were burned to ashes. With Daigo waking up, Mine realizes that he can still believe in another person.
Before he was ready to die thinking he was ‘right’. At the end, he knows he’s wrong, but he doesn’t believe he’s deserving of that bond anymore. Instead of rediscovering his reason to live, he just found a reason to die. It hurts… I imagine that if Mine was successfully talked down the vibes probably would’ve been similar to this scene in RGGO: Recognition of mistakes from both parties, Mine’s apology (which he does on the roof), Daigo offering a solution, Mine affirming his kinder core belief, and Daigo believing in Mine (ALSO happens on the roof).
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Last point on Mine’s state of thinking and the parallels between his origin story and the events of Y3—Daigo straight up tells Mine that his thinking that people only lie to each other and care about power will get him killed. I love foreshadowing when writing a prequel. ALSO crazier to me is after Mine meets Daigo for the first time he’s disappointed in him because “He’s the same as me. Or how I once was…” which says so fucking much about his emotional state at that time AND his relationship to Daigo. The quote is specifically referring to the family bonds within the yakuza and how those outweigh the pursuit of power through monetary gains. Mine constantly assumes that the world is shit, thus acts accordingly to protect himself, but is clinging desperately to the idea that he can come to trust someone. A belief he’s so desperate for he joins the yakuza and nearly forces his answer as Kanda. Mine finally finds it with Daigo, I wonder if he would still consider them the same as one another. (I suppose this kinda supports the idea that Daigo could be Mine, but chose to live life with faith 'forward' rather than assume the worst of people.)
Daigo quite literally brings out the best in Mine. He’s not only Mine’s reason to live... Daigo is Mine’s proof that putting faith in trust is the right answer.
To recap:
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yakuzabrainrotlive · 5 months ago
I've been making.... decent progress with the plot of Y6. But honestly, I've just been grinding a TON. Like... I just started chapter 5 and I'm close to purchasing Tiger Drop already, just need a few more points 🙏🏻
This section was basically just this comment:
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I can already tell this game is gonna BREAK me. I've just been going "oooooh" and "awwww 🥺" at Kiryu interacting with Haruto, realizing this is a Yakuza game and and just feeling terrified.
If you people knew how many screenshots I have of Kiryu ALONE, you'd be shocked. Combine that number with the Kiryu + Haruto screenshots and you'd all think I need therapy.
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This guy. UGH. He was trying SO hard to get under Kiryu's skin. I don't know why, but I'd bet all of my toes that he's not on our side. I THINK he's working with a foreign mafia group and trying to become chairman and he had SOME part in Haruka's accident.
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This whole scene I was going back and forth between "KIRYU I UNDERSTAND BUT PLEASE, LET'S THINK ABOUT THIS" and "THAT'S SO VALID, KING. LET'S GO!!". Props to Akiyama for trying to be a voice of reason here.
I do think Kiryu's actions are valid and I understand them because Haruka and him both have seen how awful the system can be. It was a very impulsive decision, but that's just how Kiryu is.
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This reminded me of Rikiya so much... I wonder how Kiryu felt in this situation, he was devastated when Rikiya died.
I really disliked Nagumo at first. He did start to grow on me when he stopped being all "STAY AWAY FROM MY WOMAN YOU AWFUL OUTSIDER" and his real personality started to show. I really like his underlings, they're hilarious.
Also... Kiryu. I know you don't want people calling you 'Aniki' anymore, but. You had this coming 100% after going around saving Yakuza and constantly throwing yourself into these conflicts. I know Kiryu has a savior complex and all that, but this is on him. Sorry, king.
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This guy really reminded me of my late grandpa. He snuck out of the hospital multiple times (after a heart attack and a stroke) and walked ~30 miles (50km) to get back home. In Finnish winter. He also didn't like sitting around at all. And just... this whole demeanor, attitude and speech style. It was almost uncanny.
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Kiryu. Haruto is your daughter's kid (based on current knowledge). That's your grandson. You're his grandpa. I know that might start a crisis for you, but it is what it is.
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...Babygirl. WHEN have you ever truly known what you're doing? You've done a whole lot of thinking you know what you're doing, but... nah. Sorry.
"All the Yakuza in Hiroshima will come after you!!"
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It's truly not his first rodeo and it probably won't be his last. You'd have to say every Yakuza in the country is coming after him to get even a slight reaction out of this man.
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THANK YOU, NAGUMO 🙏🏻. Finally someone else questions this as well. I'm a firm 'Haruto is not Haruka's biological child' truther until proven otherwise.
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This was an incredible scene. Kiryu laughing along with others gave me a massive burst of serotonin. This happiness will keep me going for a long time.
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yakuzacanons · 1 year ago
hello once again prefacing with saying i love ur blog and ur headcanons :3 tbh amongst all the relationship hcs this one feels almost odd to ask but idk this is what i care about: what kind of cake flavours do u think the fellas like? if u were gonna treat em to something or get them a birthday cake, u gotta know what theyd like, right?
Last one for tonight, also anon how did you know I've literally been musing on this idea ever since I first started this blog? Same braincell fr fr. Your mind is huge and wrinkly and powerful. Long one since this now includes characters all through Yakuza 7. Enjoy!
Also, INBOX IS OPEN AGAIN. I finally have less than 10 asks so I feel comfortable taking more on. Hit me with em.
Kazuma Kiryu
Most people think he doesn't like sweets, but in reality he's just kind of neutral on them. Grew more accustomed to them when Haruka was younger as she really liked them. More than anything he's just baffled and really touched that you'd want to treat him to cake of any kind.
He likes simple cakes, preferably without frosting or a lot of decorations. Things like bundt cake or castella cake are great choices for Kiryu.
Majima Goro
Also kind of shocked that you'd want to treat him to cake but also at the same time is very excited at the prospect at being treated to cake. If you surprise him with some, he'll give you a big hug and a very enthusiastic thank you.
Tends to lean towards richer, darker flavors. Chocolate cake with a simple dark chocolate frosting is great for him. Also enjoys Black Forest cake, if you can find it.
Saejima Taiga
The poor gentle giant cannot remember the last time he had cake. It's not really something they serve in prison. Genuinely treasures the gesture and really savors it.
Honestly hasn't got a favorite. Likes cakes with some texture to them, like carrot cake. Does get easily wowed by fancy decorations or toppings.
Akiyama Shun
Out of all the boys, the most likely to return the favor of treating you to cake immediately the next time he sees you. The others would save it for an occassion but Akiyama would immediately pay you back by treating you to your favorite cake.
He's a sucker for Devil's Food cake or Red Velvet cake. Likes cream cheese frosting as it provides a nice tart contrast to the sweet intensity of the cake itself.
Tanimura Masayoshi
People rarely treat him to much of anything so he's giddy as all hell to be treated by you. Would totally love to treat you to your favorite meal on your next date as a thank you. He'd treat you to cake himself but he doesn't really know where to get good dessert. He's better with savory foods.
Likes fruity flavors, especially if they're leaning towards citrus. Pineapple upside down cake or a lemon cake would be good.
Ryuji Goda
His position means he's been treated to a fair share of desserts but it means a lot coming from someone that he personally and emotionally cares about deeply. If you make him a homemade cake, he would be speechless.
Likes cakes with some creaminess of some kind, like Boston Cream Pie (which is in fact a cake despite the name) or any kind of cheesecake.
Nishikiyama Akira
Says something like "Ah, for me? You shouldn't have!" but inside he's like "Oh wow, they got me cake? I don't know if anyone's ever done that!" and he's really happy.
Impressed by cakes with fancy layers inside, like opera cake or battenburg cake. Crepe cakes are also a good idea. Cakes with fillings are also nice. He's more about what's inside the cake than outside.
Daigo Dojima
Similar to Ryuji, his position has shown him a fair share of desserts or birthday celebrations. However, someone treating him personally is a little new. If you make him something homemade, he might actually cry a little.
Partial to coffee flavored things. Although it's not a cake in the most traditional sense, he does like tiramisu. However, a regular coffee cake is also greatly appreciated.
Mine Yoshitaka
Probably the only boy that is kind of opposed to cake. He appreciates the gesture but he just doesn't have a sweet tooth. However, as long it's milder in flavor and not intense in sweetness, he will eat it.
If he had to pick a favorite cake, he'd go with Baumkuchen as it's pretty popular in Japan and easy to get. The sweetness is pretty mild and he likes the vanilla taste as it's not super saturated.
Shinada Tatsuo
Has the strongest sweettooth out of all the boys, even more than Ichiban. Just happy to be having cake with you, honestly. You don't have to be fancy with him either. In fact, fancier cakes are kind of lost on him so don't go getting him something complex like you might do for Nishikiyama.
He's a little embarassed to say it as he thinks it sounds girlie for some reason but he likes strawberry shortcake. Victoria sponge cake is also good, as it's basically the same flavor profile but built slightly differently.
Kasuga Ichiban
Second most fond of sweets of all the boys. Type of guy to share cake with all of his friends. He's more about enjoying it all together than eating the whole cake by himself, if that makes sense.
Genuinely has no preference over what kind of cake you get. Ichiban's got a pretty open mind when it comes to food. He likes the texture of chiffon cake the most as it's super light and fluffy. When it comes to flavor, he likes the caramel taste of flan cakes a lot.
Joon-Gi Han
A sucker for a pretty and aesthetic dessert. Likes his cake almost too pretty to eat. Similar to Nishikiyama in that he will hide how excited he is to be having cake with you.
Likes chocolate cake the most in any form. As long as it's chocolate flavored in some aspect, whether it's the cake itself or just the frosting, he likes it. Dobos cake or Sachetorte are great if you really want to impress him.
Tianyou Zhao
Prefers Eastern style cakes to Western style cakes but will eat both. Actually likes more bite size desserts like cupcakes or moon cakes.
For flavors, he likes coconut or mango cake. A box of really nice moon cakes will also do but it must be at the appropriate time during the year or else he's going to wonder why on Earth you're giving those to him. Also fond of those pineapple cakes from Taiwan.
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frickingnerd · 1 year ago
caught in the lies of our love
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pairing: yoshiya "joshua" kiryu x gn!reader
summary: when some pushy creep won't accept no for an answer, joshua steps in to save you - by pretending to be your boyfriend!
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"gee, come on, cutie! don't play so hard to get! i'm just asking for your number, you can at least gimme that much!"
for the last couple minutes this guy had been trying to get your number, not accepting your multiple attempts to turn him down. whenever you said no or tried to leave, he would just try harder and step in front of you, preventing you from leaving.
"i told you, it's not going to happen!"
you tried once more to walk past him, with the guy quickly stepping in front of you again and blocking your path.
"come on now! don't be so difficult, just give it to me! i swear, i'm a nice guy!"
your blood was already boiling at how shameless this guy was. he obviously wasn't a nice guy if he wouldn't even accept your no! you were already close to snapping and yelling at him, when someone unexpected came to your aid. 
"didn't they say no? you're not deaf, are you?"
you flinched as someone wrapped their arm around you and when you looked up, you saw none other than joshua grinning down at you.
"is this guy bothering you, baby? would you like me to get rid of him for you? you know i'd do anything for you, baby~"
while joshua addressed you, his eyes wandered towards the guy who's been bothering you. he knew you'd likely turn down his offer, but joshua wanted that guy to know that he wouldn't hesitate hurting him to protect his baby.
"oh shit, i didn't know you had a boyfriend… uhm, sorry dude, my bad!"
the guy had been so cocky before, but at the chance of him getting his ass kicked, he quickly backed away. joshua watched as he hurried off, chuckling amused, before pulling his arm away again and smiling at you.
"thank you… i don't know what i would've done without you, josh"
you sighed relieved, still a little flustered at how close joshua had been to you just moments prior. you had never noticed how much taller than you he was until he stood so close to you…
"don't mention it! he deserved to get scared a bit, hopefully that'll teach him a lesson! next time you're in need, just call for me, baby~!"
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unhappytimeleaper · 2 years ago
Hello, may I request Q, T, and Y with Kuro x reader? Thank you and have a wonderful day. 💟
requested by anonymous
Word Count: 3,150+
I love Kuro. It was a while ago on a chat, but I realized I kinda have a type for delinquents. Oops. This mainly doesn’t go too much into the actions that make him a yan, I do touch on it occasionally or try to slip some of it in there, but I didn’t want to get too off-topic from the letters which meant I had to leave a lot of it out. Also, I wrote half of this 7 months ago and the rest today, so I’m sorry if it’s a little disjointed.
Also, I finally gave in and watched up to part 5 of Jojo, and I have… feelings. My poor friends are being subjected to all of them,, and someone should come to save them. TLDR for those curious, but I did not care for part 3, parts 1 & 2 were decent, I love part 4, from the art style to the characters, and part 5 I adore the characters, but I’m weak to character deaths :(. Maybe with time, I’ll possibly add them to my list but no hopes. Anyway, Kuro.
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Kuro Kiryu; Unedited. Gender Neutral Reader.
Warnings; yandere content, mentions of potential threats, alludes to minor manipulation, self-isolating, and simple fights. Nothing is in detail nor is there truly anything bad but as always it is yandere. 
This blog is 17+ please have your age in your bio or tagged; any ageless blog and below the age asked for will be blocked at the end of the week.
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Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
This would vary on if you leave or die rather than escape as he is also one where a lot of the relationship borders on unhealthy. It mainly is because Kiryu has some self-awareness to where things run too far but gets lost in the minor details. His delinquent past might affect some of his actions, but it's not as of he's one to ever use physical harm against you to get you to obey. He tends to focus more on voicing opinions. While he rarely might force you to not interact with others [generally completely strangers rather than friends or family unless he has proof they are bad news], there is a self-imposed guilt you feel when doing so, causing you to avoid others. Unlike others who force rules, and force isolation, Kiryu doesn't make it, so there ever is something you need to escape from. This would be unlike Eichi or Shu, for example. Even being yandere, it’s likely that with Kuro, the relationship develops naturally– or at least appears that way to an extreme extent that there never was some sort of reason to fear Kiryu in the form of genuine escape.
Leaving might be the most common reason or situation the two of you might face. Various reasons; thinking you need to experience life outside of a relationship, becoming tired of the relationship, dating an idol being too stressful, realizing you and Kiryu just don't connect past a honeymoon phase, etc. There are many reasons why you might want to break up, not wholly reliant on his yandere behaviors, but regardless of what it is related to, he often will have the same reaction.
No. Okay, maybe it comes off scarier than he intends when said like that, but Kiryu means, no, we can work this out. You know he's not attempting to come off as scary. He has never been in the relationship, and more so, his fear factor comes from how he traditionally is himself. Kiryu rarely even goes out of his way to threaten others to avoid you; the way he talks and carries himself does that for him unless he can find some valid excuse that even you can’t deny being a good option. Kuro also has never had a past of lying to you when he says he didn't threaten them or did something— it really was the others who picked to act that way post their conversation– although it’s hard to say for sure if there truly was never any violence or threats under his actions. However, no reason to doubt him is still no reason to use it in a breakup. It's not to say that he isn’t aware of his fear factor and thinks of it as a benefit in these situations, but honestly, he tries extremely hard not to do anything bad. He's changed from the delinquent days anyway when he would have quickly jumped to use violence to get them to stay away from you. Really, he doesn't want to do anything to tarnish his new reputation to you, nor have his actions come back and likely affect his sister or career. Leaving him becomes a lot more difficult because while he isn't necessarily the smartest at problem-solving or convincing you to stay as others might be, he tries. He tries so hard that it's impossible to stand your ground firmly. He works to make it so you can compromise [in his favor] to stay with him. Or a break up isn't really a break up— yeah, you've agreed to label it as a break, but this only if it's clear you don't want to date anyone else. Kiryu, even in this situation, hovers around more; not quite a relationship way that you feel you need to tell him to back off, but enough that it feels you're always on the brink of appearing still together. You can blame it on ES, for such a large building; it seems everyone is always wrapped up with each other in some way, although all of it is still profoundly intentional in Kiryu’s actions to stay near. If it is the route of still dating with compromises, these can vary but rarely will it alter or break aspects of his yandere traits as most of these result from his stoic, straightforward, and scary appearance. It's more working on adding things into the relationship to keep you more excited or understanding while a honeymoon phase is over; there are still think you can do together/have in common. Just cause one stage ends doesn't mean to give up; it means working to enjoy the next phase too. So ever really leaving is quite tricky because Kiryu's directness just results in a rebuff of finding reasons to stay, even if it gets to the point staying is just easier than leaving. There even is sometimes a sinking fear that you’d be throwing away the best partner you might ever get because of his personality over this. What if there really never would be anything better? Would you have to come crawling back to him begging for another chance– it’s entirely self-inflicted, but a tiny part of your mind would have to eat away at the possibility.
If you do manage to break up unless you are leaving the country as a whole, where it is hard to avoid Kiryu even if it's clear the relationship is over. Most of his actions feel like he's trying to win you back, such as cooking your meals or asking to spend time with you while he works on a sewing project. It's often weird, but his ability to be direct can make him easily be able to pass it off as being over you. These are just him, well, being him. Even in ways other idols can verify this is just his personality, even if he is being that awkwardly kind self. Under the surface, you know it's more than that… but there is no proof, the uneasiness no one else can understand. Though it's not misplaced, Kiryu's kindness might appear as just his standard attempt to make amends for his past as a delinquent, but everything he does is his goal of making you regret ending the relationship. That maybe you'll fall back in love with him, or you'll come crawling back, calling it a mistake. It’s undeniable that even with his jealousy and misplace tendencies he’s a wonderful partner, brother, and teammate. Kiryu deep down is still a good person fighting against his past and urges– and it’s hard to find someone who would likely treat you as good. Post breakup you’d likely fall back into seeing only happy couples too, it all sinking in just like you feared that even though you have so much life left to live you just tossed aside the best person you could have been with. Perhaps all that anxiety and weird feelings you were getting was from something else– your mind making all sorts of excuses to convince you to just text him those simple words. “Let’s get back together.”
Also all of this is his way of hovering to ensure no one else can pursue or harm you. Kiryu is well aware that even if he's changed from his past, others might hold grudges, and much like how he feared that might impact his sister, he knows that if it got out you were his ex, there is always a chance they might you use against him. Or there might be jealous fans— both upset you hurt him by breaking up or upset that you had the opportunity to date him. There is no telling what might happen, and he might not directly admit these reasons to you as it could become a bigger fight, thus harming the chance of ever getting back together.
Would he move on? If you're around, no. There is always a lingering chance, and if he is around just the same, you’ll unlikely be able to meet someone new. Okay, well, if you were gone completely… maybe. Just like how Kiryu has changed from his former delinquent lifestyle, he also knows there is a point in growing and changing in other ways. Not to say his yandere tendencies heal from this, but he knows it's unfair for him to forever pine after you when you are entirely gone living away from him. It doesn't happen quickly, he locked his heart away for years after this loss, and it's easy to tell even to others he becomes even more reserved [something most won't think was possible, but you proved them wrong]. He might become more snappy with subjects and reject many other forms of care, such as friendships. But in five years… ten years… things might change, and some of that ice might melt again, allowing him to try again. However, the second you show up once again he would be ready to start anew.
Furthermore, if you were to pass away either while dating or post-break-up, where you are still around, the answer is no. Kiryu will have believed that he was lucky enough to have met his soulmate so young, and unfair it might be he doesn't deserve a third chance. His personality is the same as if you were to move away forever; colder, and that stoic nature becomes bitter and quick to tell others off. He doesn't need anyone else, not friends, not someone to love. His sister really would be the only one who would have close contact with his personal life and understand on a deeper level his feelings, usually being the voice of reason to others as to why he became the way he is now [assuming this is in the future and she is also growing up]. He'd care for a grave site weekly, and overall, it feels like a piece of him died along with you.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
There are more what feels like two layers, and it depends on the reason and reason you might be having a moment of out-lash at him.
Take, for example, isolating yourself because you’re upset with him or an action he took or an argument. In this sense, Kuro would probably think you’re being childish. This is the behavior his little sister would have if upset or pouting, not an adult in a relationship. He would likely become more closed off and stoic at the moment and find himself annoyed at the action you are taking rather than settling to deal with the problem at hand. Ironically, it’s just as contradictory that he closes himself off too and doesn’t work to resolve the problem, but if you want to act like a childish brat, why should he have to fix the case you started? Kuro isn’t really the type to make it so you’re fully locked away, unable to have any form of life, and thus resort to isolating yourself in disdain for him. If in a fight, you do resort to isolation to calm down or whatever, then it’s expected you should be able to talk for a short moment before coming to Kiryu to resolve the issue. The longer you wait to talk over the ‘tantrum’, the more frustrated Kuro will get and likely leave him in a grumpy, cold mood to you for longer, unable to express his emotions as he doesn’t want to take them out on you either. Like this, his fear factor only increases, and his hovering nature seems to double for the amount of time you hid progressively. Even if it wasn’t forced isolation or him actively trying to scare other people off, they are now wanting to avoid him and you, by extension, even more. In the end, it only seems to backfire creating a cycle of loneliness problems.
As for something like screaming or crying in a fight, Kuro gets quiet for a reason of self-reprimanding. Not that he feels too guilty over his actions but that his actions once again come back around to hurt someone he loves. Kuro is well aware that his jealousy isn’t normal, and that his actions have never been the healthy solution, but he’s trying. He so desperately wants to amend his past, to melt and burn and tear up the negative and harsh feelings of jealousy boiling in his mind and heart. That this could all be normal, you could love each other and not have to feel this way if he just had done something different. And while he’s quiet, appearing perhaps slightly disinterested or the scowl on his face making you only fear more, he does nothing. He doesn’t take a step; he doesn’t flinch his hands, it almost looks like he’s not breathing with how steady he goes, telling himself not to lash out like the delinquent side of him wants to. He’ll simply wait, running scenarios and words over and over in his head while you exhaust yourself. Honestly, he’s probably not even processing the majority of your comments, so fixated on his thoughts. And as your screams turn into whimpers and tears begin to dry along your cheeks— too exhausted to keep going, Kuro will finally make his move coming over to comfort you. He’ll wipe away the crusting tears with a personal handkerchief and wrap you in his arms slowly as you hiccup those feelings away. In the end, you don’t remember what you were even screaming and crying about; Kuro too distracted to fully reflect the cause either. The fights are usually too far and few in between, but they are draining, with nothing ever being resolved waiting for the next time it comes around.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Kuro takes a long time, at least compared to the majority of the other idols. And it stems from keeping his guard up— both because of his past haunting him and his natural exterior from being a delinquent, his personality, and his wish to change.
To start, Kuro knows his personality is… rough at least from an outsider’s perspective. He’s aware he’s intimidating, his a wall of a person, and his face doesn’t always convey the intentions in his heart. It’s no secret to anyone that even the softness he has is not easily exposed in his demeanor, nor that his ability to pick and throw grown men isn’t terrifying in itself. Even if you don’t come off as frightened by his rough exterior and bluntness to topics that come off as harsh or off-putting at times pre-relationship, there is a lingering doubt in his mind to rush into things. And this leads to the other point; Kuro wants to change. As mentioned, he’s deeply aware not only of his feeling of being over-driven to a not-so-standard degree but being a delinquent doesn’t come with an easy change. It’s not even the fights that are hard to shake off; it’s all of the mentality, the lessons, and skills that come from that life. He doesn’t want, you know, to see that person he once was. He might still be underneath everything because change is more complicated than people expect. Kuro wants the soul mate relationship he feels; he wants to be the knight, not the villain. He wants the fairy tale love from the stories and movies he watches with his little sister— more than giving in to his jealousy and unsavory thoughts. So he waits. Hoping that things can change, not progress.
And the other reason I touched on a little before. His guard has to be still and shaking when getting into a relationship is not easy. Kuro wants to relax, give in, and just let things happen. But being a delinquent means always being on guard, and his softness, while a strength can only be shown in small amounts, tries to keep himself safe. It falters around you more than others, even more as time goes on, but it takes a long time to chip away that shield. And the other guard is, like I said— Kuro knows delinquents make enemies. He has plenty, and while being a famous idol can protect him more so now others might seek revenge on his sister or you. It’s one of the key factors that both hinder and progresses his yandere tendencies because if his guard is up, you can’t love him back, and you won’t be a target. But you’re around him anyway… and it’s unlikely that delinquents care to verify a relationship’s true nature as long as it’s exploitable.
Between these contradicting factors, it takes months. This is beneficial for Kuro means everything can play out, and fall into a relationship like an average couple. One void is his tendencies fogging up the back of his mind, eating away at his heart. It genuinely starts off simple… progressing into seeing him while he sews— one of the few times he lets down his guard— and hanging out with him more and more. It turns into bringing you lunch and hands brushing over each other. It’s hard to suspect him of doing anything wrong, or thinking anything wrong. His rough exterior becomes a flustering teasing point that makes his ears burn, chin buried in his hand. And the bluntness is useful. Asking you out is direct. It’s effortless and more of a command, so you can only blush and agree when the time finally comes. Kuro doesn’t need to snap or to lure you into something. He’s one of the few that isn’t genuinely trapping you, but that doesn’t change the manipulation and fear dripping down his heart; one day, you’ll see past his facade to the delinquent locked away but never truly gone.
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fabiansociety · 1 year ago
the real estate minigame in yakuza 0 picks up a lot of nuance on a second playthrough after finishing the rest of the series. it's a doomed effort, because whether you stave off the five billionaires or not, the city you're fighting to save is still doomed to be stripped by developers like them in the coming decades, but even more than that, yamanoi, the man who sets you up in the business, is an old crony of kazama's, and thus deeply suspect after playing the rest of the series. even after getting expelled from the yakuza, kiryu can't escape the malefic influence of his murderous surrogate father on a personal level, but also we know that kazama is as deeply invested in the plot to remake kamurocho as any of them. "save kamurocho from these outside developers" is exactly the sort of story that kiryu swallows whole and uncritically, but by the end of the minigame you've bought up all the properties, brought them under kazama's proxy control and functionally handed them over to the exact type of people you're notionally saving them from. the millennium tower will be built, all the grime and glamor of bubble era kamurocho will be scraped clean, and eventually even the tojo themselves will be dissolved in the name of civic reform.
kazama's not a fortune teller, obviously, so most of this is outside of his control, but he is repeatedly framed by the series as someone who thinks several steps further ahead than his rivals. maneuvering kiryu into locking down kamurocho's real estate market on his behalf, even when exiled from the clan, is within his scope. he's a man who binds children to him more tightly by strategically trying to drive them away.
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rnn11203 · 7 months ago
Gets me so antsy when people say daigo is a useless character bc like what… how many times has HE saved kiryu bc he shows up and kills the enemy (yakuza 3, yakuza 5) hell even in yakuza 4 daigo is in a lose lose scenario, selling out majima is quite literally his best option. He lost two of his largest and most profitable families (kashiwagi too) after y3. His aim is actually crazy too we’ve seen him shoot a gun out of someone’s hands three times (y3 +y5)!! Like wdym useless!! I fully believe daigos charisma is unmatched when compared to kiryu, yes kiryu inspires people but its only ever been people who are semi close to him, unlike daigo who amasses crowds around him (kiwami 2, y3, mentioned in y4 but yk, y5 and y6 + lad7 and gaiden too).
I really hate when people say kiryu wouldve been a better chairman bc… he was. He was literally chairman. And yk what? He instantly resigned. Sounds like a bad chairman to me idk!!! Don’t even get me started when ppl try to say daigo wasnt involved in the plan for dissolution bc arakawa says daigo allowed him to continue to leak info to aoki “at my request Arakawa played the part of a scheming callous traitor”!!!! , watase says that daigo sought him out to plan it!! Watase was in prison when this was happening like how could he alone come up w this!!! THEY LITERALLY SAY INGAME THAT IT COULDNT HAVE HAPPENED W OUT DAIGO!!!!
Like wdym daigo disappoints kiryu ITS LITERALLY THE OPPOSITE?!?! Kiryu SAYS this himself in y6. “I failed you” “i considered you a son but i never thought to actually stand by your side” “instead of cherishing our time together, i threw it all away. Rejected our bond.”
Literally listing his reasons to why he doesn’t believe his “death” deserves to be avenged.
I think kiryu is a great guy, at worst he’s misguided, under or overestimates others, but he was and would not be a good chairman. Kiryu wasn’t dedicating his life to the Tojo, he wanted to protect his family, but daigo? He says in y4 that hes too prideful to give up his title of chairman, but i think its love, he loves the Tojo clan and his men, in y4 he says he’d do whatever it takes to protect the clan. That’s what makes him such a great chairman!
Daigo dojima… that man that u are… I love u..
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ryuuseini · 5 months ago
OOOOH MY BOY YUSEI FUDO OMG - aight lets Do This
Why I like them/why I don’t
GOD I LOVE YUSEI - so it's really funny, because 5Ds was a series that I, at age 13, hate watched. All of it. So initially I really didn't like anyone, and that included Yusei, but i think after realizing 150 episodes in I did enjoy 5Ds, I got more curious about Yusei's character development? I remember going through the early episodes, up until his win against DS!Kiryu, and just stringing together that this is a guy who is, for the most part, a Complete Person who is riddled with guilt for not being enough for his friends. He's a martyr, but in the sense of "being a martyr just to be a martyr does far more harm than good" and I love that about characters??? It's so interesting too, because unlike, say, Yuma, Yusei understands his place in the world, how the world works, and how to take care of others. He is firm in his core beliefs, but those core beliefs also say that he's nothing more than the fixer - he has no purpose otherwise. Like... I think about how Stardust Dragon has the effect that sends itself to the graveyard to protect the monsters on your field for an attack... and just. How every time... Yusei's ready to do the same for his friends... but he comes back, no one lets him die... and it's just. God this is so unorganized but Yusei's a character i love so so much because i love his character type a LOT
What I like about their appearance
So uh. I really like his hair to the point that it made me realize black and yellow is a BANGER color combo and that i need to dye my hair as such. Yusei hair forever (oh and his jacket. I want his jacket)
Do I prefer their dub names or original names?
man... Fudo Yusei or Yusei Fudo... such a hard decision /j (it doesnt apply i just really wanted to make this joke)
It's treason (Yusei/Kiryu) AND tool (Yusei/Bruno). I just. Accidentally really fell in love with both of them.
So kingcrab (Jack/Yusei) is one of the only two ships in total (as in, across all my fandoms) that is a NOTP. I'm not entirely sure why but like... I feel like their relationship in a romantic sense feels... wrong but i really can't put it to words because like. I support Kizuna (Yusei/Jack/Crow) in the sense that Jack/Yusei is a queer platonic relationship and Crow gets to do whatever, but man. I really don't got a reason for this, but respect to all the kingcrab shippers out there. Enjoy your food.
I don't know if Bruno/Yusei/Kiryu has a name and I'm too lazy to look it up but i think they're all dating in that weird way where Bruno and Kiryu don't even interact, they're both just dating Yusei, Bruno has no baggage and is just holding Yusei's, Kiryu's baggage is on fire alongside Yusei's, everyone's pretending this is Normal and Fine and This Is How Relationships Should Be - everyone just. At a point in their life where "I'd die for you" isn't a silly little test of how much you love someone but actual trauma that no one wants unpack and just set on fire instead.
Favourite card they use
man... honestly his OG deck before Stardust was banging. Loved me some Junk Warrior and then him using Scrap Scarecrow to avoid damage.
Favourite moment they were in
Yes (especially when he tried to sacrifice himself to save the world as per Z-One's wishes, and then Z-One pushes him aside with the last of his strength so Yusei could live. That was his last attempt at martyrdom... omg)
Least favourite moment
If Yusei is in a scene, is it really Not Peak?
Would I fuck, marry or kill them
... give me about 1000 years to get back to you on this. I'm debating between fuck and marry and i can assure you, i will not have an answer ever
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serialadoptersbracket · 9 months ago
Round 4, Match 5: Shōta Aizawa vs. The Fix
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Submitted kids:
Shōta Aizawa: Class 1-A, minus Mineta, plus Shinsou Hitoshi (total of 20 kids). Mainly Eri, Shinsou, and Midoriya
The Fix: Conrad Schintz, and then he adopted like, an whole orphanage, named Madam Loathings home for wayward interests
Propaganda under the cut! (Spoilers ahead!)
Shōta Aizawa:
1. “This grumpy teacher pretends not to care about his students, sleeps during his own classes and why talk when you can also make annoying children silent by (harmless) force? Yet he loves them and they love him while he doesn't show it all that often.”
2. “He didn't mean to adopt them yet he did and he is grumpy about it. If he goes "those are my kids, damn it" it's not to someone else, it's to himself, with the damn it being a "fuck, why". Yet he is so 100% willing to risk his life for them. Because they *are* his kids now.”
3. “Idk the man is so tired what can I say. Harsh as australias wildlife but bc he doesn’t want them to actually die in the field so he’s trying to make them give up on signing up to risk your lives every day. I just submitted kiryu and I think that kiryu, bruce, and aizawa are soul sisters. They are all very special to me”
4. “Oh he tries so hard to stay scary and detached, keeps threatening to expel students, keeps saying he hates kids, and look at him now. Missing several pieces and risked death multiple times to protect them, at least 3 classes of ~20 students each lowkey adoring him, and literally canonically (not said out loud but it's basically official come on, they live together) adopted a little girl that was found by the protagonist and saved from the mafia. Also personally took the matter in his own hands when another department's student (so not one of his) showed a desire to change course, so much that even if this kid has living and loving parents he's often Aizawa's adopted family in fanfiction.”
The Fix:
1. “Ok ok so. Spoilers for mentopolis: First some context that mentopolis is a show that takes place inside one guys brain, all the characters represent something in the brain, and the guy whos brain they are in, named Elias Hodge, is so so very sad.
Ok so, The Fix, the personification of hyper fixation, is like is someone who has spent most of his life working for people, where his job was to 'eliminate distractions' (He kills people, basically). Then one day he is told to eliminate a child. His name is Conrad Schintz (Or the Conscience, due to an accident that happened to the guys who's brain they are in when he was a child- Conrad stopped thing he was useful, aka Elias stopped using his conscience, so his conscience has not grown since the incident, leaving him a small child)
The Fix has never had to hurt a kid before, and he doesn't want to do that, so he instead goes into protecting Conrad. Conrad kind of hates himself though and also kind of thinks he deserves to die so that's not good.
The Fix gave this like, beautiful speech to Conrad once about how hes important, I wont give the whole thing but something along the lines of ""There is a butterfly who has a tail that is there for if a bird was to grab on to the tail, it would break off and the butterfly would escape. I don't think you are the tail of the butterfly, I think you are the butterfly."" (its better in the actual show). I cry. There is another speech about eagles he gives Conrad when Conrad offers himself, to basically die, but i don't remember it that well.
Other then Conrad though! So There is this orphanage, called Madama Loathings home for wayward interests. Basically its a bunch of kids that represent past interests of Elias. Its run by this women called Madam Loathing (represents Elias' self Loathing)(she is very mean to the kids). The Fix donates a lot of money to this place, and visits a lot, the kids there love him and think he is so so cool. There is this one kid named Ronnie Reptile. He loves reptiles, and The fix gives him reptile facts, its cute. In the first episode, The Fix tells Madam Loathing how any of those kids/interests could be rediscovered by Elias at any time, and madam loathing sort of taunts The Fix, sort of saying how ""Oh I'm sure I can tell the kids they will call be adopted by The Fix soon, but that would be kind of cruel, wouldn't it?"" Implying that that won't happen. (cause, The Fix is hyper fixation, and hyper fixation adopting an interest would be good, you know.).
Note that Conrad used to live at madam loathing's, because he was mis identified as just a simple interest and not Elias' whole sense of conscience, but Corad ran away with his best friend, a dog named Justin. He lived on the streets after that.
So a bit later on in the series The Fix and Conrad have to go to to madam loathing's together (and another character is with them but he isnt relevant for this). When they get there Madam Loathing asks The fix if he is here to drop of Conrad here, and The immediately is like "Absolutely not, shut the fuck up." (I think that's the direct quote). I just really like that scene.
At the end, end of the series. Some plot stuff happens. The Fix met a women named Pasha N (She represents Passon), and they are in love, The fix proposes to her, its sweet, but then madam Loathing, who got some like, character growth I won't really go into here, and she says to The Fix how, she needs to go on a trip to find herself, and then she offers the entire orphanage to The Fix and Pasha, which is accepted. So in the end of the show, The Fix has basically adopted, that entire orphanage, so thats a lot of kids, along with Pasha, but she isn't in the show as much so I wont submit them as a pair. I didnt mention it before but The Fix is known for knowing a lot of facts and saying "Did you know." before saying a fact, which a lot of the time, it is a fact that is truly terrifying but thats a lot, and The narration at the end of the shows, says how The Fix and Pasha spend their lives with kids around them, constantly saying "Did you know? Did you know?" and it is very sweet. Conrad sort of had his own ending away from The Fix, but I still head cannon that The Fix adopted him too and Conrad comes to the orphanage sometimes.”
2. “listen. i don't know if this really counts as propaganda but just saying, mr. the fix thinks you're not the tail of a swallowtail butterfly. you are the butterfly.”
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