#somehow. mspaint is more fun to use
hazmatazz · 2 months
i had free photoshop because one of my classes was LEARNING photoshop and you'd never guess who's student subscription to adobe products ran out
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sabertoothwalrus · 4 months
OK PREFACING WITH IM SORRY IF I ALREADY SENT THIS EXACT ASK BUT MY WIFI KILLED ITSSLF AS I SENT IT SO IDK IF IT ACTUALLY WENT THROUGH. but in case it didn’t . i know youve gotten this countless times in the past because i blog stalked just in case youve mentioned something similar before but i need to know if you have any specific inspirations when you draw exaggerated expressions specifically like these two images of marcille. ive actually cried laughing over this comic and being able to communicate this type of visceral emotion is such an insane skill and ive followed your art for probably close to a decade through various fandoms so watching you develop this style has been fucking awesome and epic. like i cannot articulate how funny these are to me i just need you to understand i look at this comic to inspire me to draw now. the closest comparison i can draw to the feelings they evoke are like those mspaint reaction images and also mspaint tails i included for reference even though you probably know exactly what im talking about anyways but its actually so much harder to do that intentionally when you study art. also i lied you literally don’t even need to answer this i just had to let you know how obsessed i am over your silly comics and now ive written out a whole ass discussion post about it. im sorry if this is weird at all i think my daily prescribed amphetamines r wearing off and i know this is such a dumb specific thing to fixate on and im so sorry if its not something you want to hear about your art. ive just always seen that as an artist this type of expressive stupid silly style is something that comes after a significant amount of time and practice and study and style development despite being “simple” in theory. its just so cool to have worked with your own style so much that youre able to go “off model” from it and still maintain consistency with the rest of the piece. i said it already and im sorry this is actually rendundant now but the ability to communicate such raw emotion somehow decreases from at its height when someone is a beginner artist learning how to proportion and keep a steady line and what looks “normal” but somehow it all comes full circle because taking all that experience and using it to almost return to where you started but in a fully informed and intentional way so you can make choices to draw characters like this when the situation calls for it is just dhcidogakgoshfhw. i think i need to cut myself off or im going to talk in circles im sorry tumblr user sabertoothwalrus i just am fascinated by your style and progress and the years you’ve dedicated to art can be seen in so many places but this is just one that stands out to me specifically.
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MMMMM what a fun question!!!
I'm not gonna lie, I think it's just Letting A Drawing Be Bad. I definitely think the people that struggle with this the most are people who have genuinely very pretty art styles, to the point of being kind of perfectionist about it. and to Draw Funny often means Drawing Fast and Weird. Pretty is kind of the antithesis of funny (unless being pretty is the punchline). do drawings that make yourself laugh. tracing/lining funny sketches almost always makes them less funny.
one of my favorite types of humor is when it skews more deadpan, actually. This is one of the reasons I love Adventure Time. minimal expressions and flat line delivery + absurd context is a really good combo. the key to comedy has more to do with contrast! if your drawings are allllll crazy ren & stimpy all the time, they're not funny anymore cause it's just "normal". if it's all subdued UNTIL it's extreme, and vice versa, then it's funny. The reason this comic is so funny is because of the complete lack of any expression. I feel like the one you sent of Marcille shouting "WHAT" is funnier when you know how much she tries to be dainty and feminine and delicate, how much she values her appearance, and how averse she is to "gross" or "weird" things.
something I find really annoying (and this is with comics/animation in general, not the expressions themselves) is when the joke goes on for too long. Like you'll have the joke, then the punchline, and THEN the characters reacting to the punchline??? Like the author didn't trust that their audience would find the joke funny, so they basically drew in a laugh track. But, this is distinct from a character's reaction being the punchline (like how the examples you gave from my Marcille comic are). MY POINT IS sometimes expressions aren't as funny on their own as you think, and context can affect how you feel about it!
as far as inspirations go!
my own face! even if I don't have a mirror, I like making the expressions myself so I can "feel" where the points of tension on my face are, and it gives me a sense of what to exaggerate.
my brother's art, believe it or not! we've been trying to make each other laugh with our drawings since we were kids, and he's really good at it.
ATLA has some great expressions
OK KO has been a reallyyyy good source for me lately. That show is so tailored to my sense of humor and the expressions and line deliveries feel exactly like the kinds of things I'd come up with. The tone, timing, and art style are all really close to the tv show pitch I'm working on, so when I feel like I've "strayed" too much from it (like after drawing a bunch of dungeon meshi, and my art feels tighter and... idk "manga-ier"?) I like to go and watch a couple episodes of OK KO to loosen back up
A lot of things like OG Spongebob, Calvin & Hobbes, the Simpsons, Chowder, etc etc
memes in general. if it makes you laugh, keep it in mind
and lastly, I wouldn't say I ever try to mimic funny expressions I see. Like if I watch a show for inspo, I'm not pausing it to copy specific drawings, I'm just trying to notice patterns and pay attention to what about it I find funny.
talking about being funny is really bizarre and I dunno if it makes it lose some of the magic. Ultimately it's something you can't think about too much, and just gotta go with your gut.
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ghoulysaphomet · 1 month
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Meet the artist... Finally finished this lol.
First picture;
Meet the artist Saphomet.
"Holo there! I'm Saphomet, most call me Ghost. I'm mainly a writer/fanartist who enjoys creating dark, gothic or humoristic work. I've been sharing my writing since 2013, same-ish with my art."
Fun facts:
My favourite season is winter, I hate summer.
I don't really watch movies, I prefer books.
I love saving small trinkets in a chest I keep on a shelf, one of my fave things is a bday card I got on my 21st bday from my grandma that reads; "I don't know what's wrong with you. Love grandma".
I collect bones and teeth. I keep the teeth in a jar on a shelf.
Fave TV show?
Depends. Live action? Probably spn or hannibal. My fave anime is Shiki, and has been since 2013.
Fave Game?
LOZ breath of the wild and Pokemon legends arceus.
What kind of music do you like?
Yes. (lol jk)
My music taste is very broad. I really enjoy choir music and listen to OSTs a lot. I don't know if there's one specific genre I listen to more than others.
Other hobbies?
I like to read (Like, actual books) a lot. Most, okay all, of my books are non-fiction or text books. I'd like to read more fiction books, preferably horror books. I read carrie once and I really enjoyed that. My fave fiction book is se7en (yes, like the movie).
I also watch gaming videos a lot, mostly horror games. I occasionally play games myself too.
Second picture:
As a writer....
I started out on deviantart in 2012, moved to ffnet in 2013 and then to ao3 in 2014. I do have an ffnet acc still, but I don't use it.
Has your works changed since you started?
In some ways yes. Of course they have, it's been more than a decade.
In other ways? No. Many of my first works were.. Dark. Similar to what I write today honestly, just a lot more dramatic somehow.
I would consider transferring those first works to ao3 if I could delete my ffnet account, if only as a reminder of how far I've come in terms of quality.
First work?
My first still published one-shot is an Ao No Exorcist fic. My first multi-chaptered still published fic is a Homestuck fic. Both from 2013.
Fave thing to write?
Angst. I love grief, angst, tragedy and death. I love exposition. I love hurt. Dark works::)
Fave tropes?
Hmm... Platonic cuddling and intimacy. Forced cannibalism. Fuck or Die. Pain-sharing. Body-swapping. Secrets & Exposition. Codependency. Enemies to family/Enemies with benefits.
Fave works?
As of August 2024;
It's better when you're with me (but that's better left unsaid) &
Bacterial Contamination
Ever thought about rewriting a work?
Oh yeah. I'd like to rewrite my first Aoex fic one day to be more tragic. I would also like to rewrite my GF fic 'Boiling Blood' to be less... blegh.
Last pic:
And as an artist?
I've drawn fanart since I was a kid. I started doing digital art on mspaint in 2013, then got Ibispaint x on my phone in 2014.
On picture of Joker Miku: Trad fanart from 2012
On picture of Natsuno: Mspaint art 2013
On MLP anthros: Ibispaint art 2014
On Allen painting: Pictured is a painting i made in 2013. My grandma loved it so much she decided to hang it in her living room. She still has it, and has no idea who that is lol
First art handle?
GoddammitGabriel. My current handle is Saphomet/SpleenJuice
Fave colors?
Bright neon colors! Especially greens, blues and yellows. I love most colors tbh. Except for purple, I really don't like purple honestly
Fave thing to draw?
Monsters! Character design. Taurs. Symbolistic art.
Depends. Usually I just doodle on my phone. If it's a planned thing I will sketch it out on paper first in my sketchbook and take a pic. My go-to pen is the dip pen (bleed). I don't use a stylus.
Where do I post my art?
On Tumblr @GhoulySaphomet and on Furaffinity @SpleenJuice. I do not have other social media.
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leonenjoyer69 · 3 months
I really love your art, and I've been wondering what your art process is? Also what art program you use?
THANK YOU SO MUCH, I'm glad so many of y'all like my stuff hehe :333
I did kinda go into my art process and style in this post, doing a quick headshot doodle and giving some personal tips, but! I can always share a little more :3
Okay, so I do most all my art traditionally, bc honestly I'm not very adept at digital art lmao. Most the time I just doodle headshots and such, but whenever I do half/full bodies I just,,, rawdog the poses bc I'm too lazy to look at references 💀 this is usually what my art looks like before I go back and fix things up and erase guidelines and such:
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I'm a very messy artist, but hey, it's clearly got it's charm cuz y'all like it :3
The program I use is usually IbisPaintX on my phone (occasionally I'll use MSPaint on my laptop tho), and most of my digital art is done in one of 3 ways--
1- The traditional drawing is imported, I extract the line art, and just color it under the sketch. I like this bc it's easier and I really like the paper texture, but it does wash out the colors a weeee bit and it's hard to color pick from, and the lines are sometimes a lot lighter than what I want, but it's easy and I'm lazy 😋
Here's a good example that shows the impact on the colors and the paper texture :3
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2- I import the traditional drawing and then actually do real line art over it. Always looks better, but far more time consuming. Usually I do this for more serious pieces (or sometimes I just feel like it honestly) like this one-
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And 3- fully digital. Ngl, this usually only happens when I have an art idea and don't have access to my sketchbook or if I don't feel great and don't wanna sit up to draw. But, they're usually always the vaguest doodles ever that I plan on doing traditionally later, but they just somehow keep evolving. I've done VERY few solely digital drawings, and one I just did I can't even show bc it's for a server art trade that hasnt been revealed yet, but I can give this one:
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Uh, fun fact, when I do fully digital I like doing line art the long and hard way by just... Erasing and cleaning up my sketch lines, instead of going over them on a new layer, so yeah 💀
Otherwise, most my traditional art is done in my sketchbook (or on copy paper) with normal number 2 pencils! though I do also have a knack for drawing on random paper in pen. Im a pen doodle enjoyer, one of the best things you can do to improve at art quicker, I swear it.
That's all I can really think of, so!! Thank you for the ask, and I hope my answer is good lmao
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concoctionboy · 2 years
@smg34-shipper: Examine the bridge
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[Okay, to avoid having such long threads, and maybe to make things a bit more interesting, I've decided to put each update in a separate post and accompany it with a quick drawing. Yes, I guess this may mean this is sort of turning into a MSPaint Adventures/Ruby Quest-type thing, which is not at all something I had in mind starting this out, but eh, what happens happens.]
[Also, for anyone who's not sure what's going on, there's an Expedition Masterpost summarizing the story so far, and linking to the relevant posts.]
Like I said, the bridge is small and... kind of pointless, given that the stream is narrow enough it's easy to step over. Although I guess given the size of the hooded cloaks in the last room at least some of the inhabitants of this castle are smaller than human size, so maybe it's harder for them. I don't know.
(Or maybe they don't have legs, like the shambucks, though if the other inhabitants of the tower were also snail people but larger that seems like something Squit probably would have mentioned. Or Xil, for that matter. Actually, come to think of it, if Xil's lived here for a year he probably knows a lot about the tower and its inhabitants, though I don't know, maybe it's more fun to find things out on my own instead of asking him about everything.)
The only really weird thing about the bridge is what it's made of. I thought at first it was made of wood, but on closer examination it's not. It's made of... I'm not sure. It kind of looks like chitin, like an insect's shell, though I don't know where they'd have found an insect that has a shell shaped like a bridge. Maybe it was shaped magically somehow, I guess?
Huh, looking under the bridge I can also see some scratches on the bottom that... might be a message? But if they are, they're in a language I don't recognize, so that's not very useful. (There are a lot of things here that are in languages I don't recognize, I guess.)
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fellty · 2 years
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More tests- some thoughts under the cut
I'm giving traditional a shot after reading "Rapid Commuter Underground" - it's very good! It's a comic that makes me want to make comics without alienating me from the actual making of comics. By contrast I feel myself going "Hey that looks like fun! Let me give that a try!"
I got diagnosed with ADHD in 2021. I think when it's managed best, it pushes me to explore what I love most - but at it's worst, I'm sensitive to what feels "bad". When I got my first tablet in 2008, I felt keenly aware of how bad the tablet felt. It was glossy, the pen felt wrong in my hand, and the brushes felt like part of me was missing. But I figured it'll get easier and it did - and didn't.
Today the sensation feels like a mitten. Some brushes let me ignore the mitten more than others. Some days the mitten feels very unignorable no matter what - it takes up my whole focus with the feeling of "wrong" that it produces. It becomes past a haptic mitten and into a cognitive one - I don't want to explore here, it's uncomfortable. I want to be done. I'll just rush this part.
I do like digital art, but I think some of my bigger successes have been in programs like MSPaint and AZpainter. I'm not sure what it is about that program but the mitten is probably the most reduced there. I think it's partially because MSP is fairly upfront in telling you what it will and will not do very quickly. When I use AZP, I'm pretending it's MSP with layers.
Anyways, giving traditional a try surprised me with how comfortable I am living in it, even for a quick test. I feel curious about what I can do with it, and where I can take it. An urge to explore is there, and I'm not rushing out of discomfort (though, habitually, I still do). It feels good.
Penciling and painting was most fun, and then inking was unpleasant, but not as unpleasant as digital inking can be. It felt like i was using the wrong tool, though became committed to finishing it with the wrong tool.
So far the largest obstacle to this approach seems to be photographing and inking. Not bad, it feels manageable.
My priority when making things tends to be how good it felt to make it, then if it makes me happy to look at. When the latter becomes the priority, the process of making it usually becomes miserable. Though, I suppose it's because within the priority of "makes me happy to look at," somehow the question "will it make other people happy to look at?" sneaks in. I already know how to draw things that make me happy, because usually when the line goes down i'm choosing things that make me happy naturally - but it's easy to doubt that in the fog of displacing someone elses wants into your own.
This's gotten long, whew. Thanks for reading.
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blueshroom666 · 2 years
I am in an abusive relationship with King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard
I fucking love the band King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard. I don’t need to explain myself, there’s a billion video essays on YouTube praising the band and they’re even so good that 4chan hates them.
I am currently writing this whatever rant on September 7th, 2022; the day that will live on in infamy around the sphere of indie music, the day every music reviewer quivered in their boots, the day that people who collect vinyl wish that they had another hobby. More simply the day that King Gizzard revealed the 3 full-length albums that they are going to be releasing in the same month. (Hey future me, are the albums any good? At least one of them has to be okay tier.) Now I, like any fan, am very excited for these albums to release, but it got me reflecting. Reflecting on the last, and first time I saw King Gizzard live. Or as I like to call it:
(Warning: I use a lot of exaggeration in this, this whole thing is kind of a half-joke)
Let me explain.
I live in Arizona, which causes the very weird phenomena of bands just not doing shows in the state. Every now and then they will, but it's usually one show and sometimes (like in the case of King Gizzard) added on afterwards. I have literally watched, with my own eyes, bands hit every state around Arizona and somehow just forgetting it. So seeing that there was not only one, but two King Gizzard shows announced in Arizona I couldn't believe my eyes. Since at the time I was still a "hard-working" student, and both shows were on a school night, me and my friends decided to go to the Tempe show, as the Tuscon show was a hour drive away. (Foreshadowing; we should've risked the drive.) The night came and we were so excited. This was the first real show I was going to that I would know EVERY song that they could play. (I hadn't seen Ween yet.) The morning before the show, the band posted on their Instagram what the show's poster was going to be. (For context, every different King Gizzard show has a poster for it designed by the band's artist, Jason Galea.) The poster for the show is as follows:
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Not only is this the third toy-themed poster, the other two being fan-favorites, but this was themed after their (at the time) recent album Butterfly 3000, one of their most complex releases since my personal favorite Polygondwanaland, but also the first King Gizzard album I bought on vinyl. Also, they had only performed one of the songs off of it live before (Shanghai), and it seemed that tonight we were going to hear it.
We got to the venue at a good time, but even then there were still people lined up around the block. Before we went in however, an event happened with one of my friends that I have immortalized forever in an MSPaint comic.
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(Don't worry, he got in by finding some sort of ID on his phone)
With that out of the way, we entered the venue and proceeded to wait in a long ass line for the merchandise booth. I bought said poster and two CDs (Oddments and Gumboot Soup) and then we watched the opening band.
The opening band was Spellling and they were really good. The only thing about them that I knew beforehand was that Antony Fantano had given one of their albums a 10, so I knew they would be okay at best. During the opener we got to see a glimpse of Stu Mackenzie (King Gizzard's frontman) watching Spellling from the side of the stage.
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To us then it seemed like he was just seeing how the opener was doing, but now I see it as him observing the crowd and deciding that "I'm going to create the worst setlist we will have for the entire tour, no, our entire touring career."
The show was fun while it lasted. I moshed in the pit, I screamed all the WOOs, and I even recorded the whole show on my phone. (Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyAMHJxxMBg) The setlist was as follows:
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(Chips was the highlight of the night)
Even as we left the venue I was thinking in the back of my head "That setlist kinda blew", but I didn't put much thought into it probably because of all the weed that was in the air at the show. It wasn't until the day after that I really put some thought into it and realized,
None of those fucking songs are the ones that any fan says "oh yeah, you gotta hear this". They aren't even deep cuts! They're just songs you would find straight in the middle of their most played on Spotify. Sure The Dripping Tap is good, but they had been playing that at every second show. Ontology and Static Electricity are my favorite songs off of their respective albums, but their albums are also two of my least favorites. Planet B and Organ Farmer are the least interesting songs off of Rat's Nest, and The Great Chain of Being is my least favorite King Gizzard metal song period. Garden Goblin was good, the album it was on hadn't been released yet, and The Bitter Boogie was the best part of the night. But damn it Gizz, you didn't even play a song off of the album that the poster was themed off of! NO SHANGHAI, NO CATCHING SMOKE, NO INTERIOR PEOPLE, NO YA LOVE, NOT EVEN FUCKING BLUE MORPHO.
Suffice to say I was a little bit pissed off. But that wouldn't even cover what my reaction was when I saw the setlist for the show they played the next night, an hour away.
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Is that a suite from their narrative-driven album? Is that a song using the flute with one of their best riffs? Is that 3 of their best metals songs and the LIVE DEBUT of a new one? Is that a microtonal suite with an intro and outro? And most important of all...
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I was not only furious, I was upset. Not only had I been to one of their worst shows, but I had missed out on one of their best. I will forever regret not going to that Tuscon show, but what was I to do? I would have gotten home at 2 AM on a school night, and there was no way for my parents (or my body) to allow that.
Fuck you Stu Mackenzie, fuck you Joey Walker (even though you kissed a man at the show), fuck you Michael Cavanagh, fuck you Cook Craig, fuck you Lucas Skinner, and even fuck you Ambrose Kenny-Smith. You not only pissed me the fuck off, but you broke my heart as well.
I hope your next three albums are unbearably mid.
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(I'm really only half-joking, the show was fun and I still love King Gizzard, see them live if you can)
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missmonkeymode · 5 years
My story with google + since its ending soon
So, first things first. How did I get on google plus in the first place? Honestly I'm not fully sure, I think it was a mix of youtube being glued onto google plus, my brother using it, and maybe being lonely I don't fully know. I remember the first thing I did, it was basically add a bunch of pokemon stuff to my feed and follow my brother. Nothing much really happened then, but the more important part is what happened a little bit later, like a couple of months after I made the account. I found a group of people who roleplayed warrior cats. I know, warrior cats. I was intrigued by the thought of roleplaying, since it was like a joint story (in my eyes at least). I immediately joined and made my first oc ever. Her name was Ivy, she's a young cat who hated everything and everyone and was weirdly strong. I made her design in a dolldevine thing. Funny thing though, I didn't even read one book about warrior cats before I joined the group.
That was technically the first time I had internet friends. I remember thinking that everyone was like, cool older teenagers but I found out recently that the closest friend I had was literally 2 years older than me  so who would've thought. Eventually, the community got more and more inactive, and we just stopped. We stopped roleplaying with each other, and I think I was the only one who stuck with google plus from that group weirdly. This lasted until like, mid 2015 I wanna say? I dont't fully remember, but it doesn't fully matter, just by 2015 we split up.
So mid 2015 to early 2016 I literally remember nothing from them except liking minecraft youtubers (VAGUELY THO). All I do remember is getting kicked from this one group for breaking the rules once, but screw them right? I was messing around on youtube, and I found Jacksepticeyes playthrough of undertale in February of 2016. I fell in love with undertale. To be honest, I think that was one of the most intense hyper fixation I've ever had oopsie. I started following anything related to Undertale, including rp blogs since I knew what they were. Then I found someone who roleplayed Ink Sans.
Now about 7th grade me: I wasn't at the best place if I'm honest. I didn't have any friends, mostly what I did was read since I didn't have a phone at the time, I was extremely antisocial, and all I remember is like, the only time I had fun at school was watching the theatre kids dick around in theatre class even though I was too timid to actually say hi.
7th grade me was a different person than now me, even though I still have some traits from older me. But hey we ain't here to hear kit talk about how she thinks her life changed and junk we here about g+ baybee
So when I found this Ink Sans roleplayer, I checked out their blog since I was really into undertale aus and Ink Sans was new to me. I immediately followed after I saw their content. I was in awe, this person was a great rper, was everything 7th grade me wished to be (funny, confident, friendly, all that good jazz), and they liked undertale. I started commenting on their post, and we became friends. I remember becoming friends with them, and befriending their friends. I still know who they are to this day, and I still follow them even if we're not really friends anymore. Eventually the Ink Sans rper made a group where their friends hung out, and you can imagine how shocked and excited I was. Who'd like plain old Kit, all she does is read. But nevertheless, I dedicated the good chunk of 2016 in that group.
Overtime, I learned everyones name and stopped referring to them as their character. Ink Sans's mun's name was Uki, a Gaster Sans became Izzy, a Flowey became a Cy, etc etc. Everyone was older than me, I was the youngest in the group. I remember good things about that place, but one thing I don't remember is how horny e veryone was besides me. Lowkey I think because of skeleporn that they posted that I use to get fluseterd when thinking of sans f. So people were chilling on the server, then Uki got into homestuck. SHe got the others into homestuck, and I believe I was the last one to get into it (mostly because of my brother lol). So we all were posting about homestuck, and as a joke, Uki invited as many Eridan rpers to the server (since she had a crush on eridan lol) and eventually a dude named Myth joined. I'm a mutual to him on tumblr now so thats poppin. Myth is a good friend but he wasn't the quietest person. Eventually because of how rowdy it got, Uki's mom found out about the server and banned her from social media.
Everyone was devastated after that, especially her boyfriend Cy, and that launched the group into a weird limbo where we'd talk to each other and still be friends outside of the group, but not actually be active in the group. Officially it died in summer of 2016, but if I had to say when it died, I would say late winter after Uki left it died. 2016 came and went, and now its 2017 with a good chunk of friends still being into homestuck, so we decided to start roleplaying together as homestuck ocs. That's when things get weird and take a turn towards the sour.
So Izzy, the person who was gaster, started dating this papyrus roleplayer, who we called pap. Myth Introduced us to some more people and then yeah. OH WAIT I FORGOT TO MENTION LOGAN AND LGBT! So this group was the first time I figured out that the lgbt community existed, and Logan was a Pansexual gal who had a lot of drama irl but overall was pretty chill. BACK TO THE STORY!
So everyone had an oc, and everyone was at various places in their roleplaying life. Some people they were great at it, some people didn't start rping until the group started, some people were rusty at it but has some expirence (that twas me).  Because of this group I opened up MSPaint and actually figured out how it worked and start using it. It was fun but some people were..... unsavory to be kind. What I'm going to say in the spoilers contains tw of being sexually gross and suicide.
Around spring Izzy and Pap's relationship started getting shakey, and Izzy wanted to break up with Pap. At the time I had no idea what happened, but apparently Pap threatened Izzy with suicide if she did break up with him.  Izzy told Logan about it, and Logan told everyone to unfollow him. I didn't since I didn't know what was happening, but Pap was shunned from the group and I have no idea what they're doing today. It was a good thing to, his character were gross. Again, I didn't realize it at the time but like, his homestuck characters were fucking WILD. If I remember correctly (and i do) one of his characters tried to hump other characters and yeah that was bad. I made my character punch him and was bout to rip off his troll dick so yeah I did register that that was bad, but I didn't realize the gravity of it. Also another one of his characters kidnapped another character and had them as a sex slave maybe? yeah so good riddance to him.
Tl;DR Pap was gross and bad, so he's gone.
So like, late 2017, the rp group went inactive and some people I still know and talk to. A guy called Muff that joined later is still a good friend of mine. But that split up, and each person just stopped using google+ all together. All that really stayed was Myth, Izzy, and Muff. Logan had something happened with an ex and now deleted her account. I don't know what happened to her, all that she's safe. Cy just slowly moved to a new site, and we didn't stay in contact. 2018 rolled in, and I decided to be more out there and like, try to actually do things irl so that's where I changed from middle school Kit to Kit right now. I still used google+, I found some more friends whom are way better than some of the people who I interreacted with in 2017. Nothing eventful happened that year, but it was an amazing year nevertheless. Now early summer 2018 happened and i found jojo's bizarre adventure, and to my surprise some of my newer friends liked jojo! So we bonded over that, somehow passed them while reading/watching it, and life is going good. Then the announcement thhat google+ is ending happened.
Everyone, and when I say everyone I mean everyone, freaked out. A little bit about google+ culture is that you can literally become friends with everyone no matter follower count or post, it was a great place to make friends. Everyone was in a tizy about how they were going to keep their friends since nobody wanted to lose them. Another thing about google+ culture is how terrible the site is. To anyone here who's familiar with tumblr, imagine the tumblr staff but they dont fix bugs and don't care much about the site, and that's honestly the google+ staff. So everyone jokes about how the site is bad, there was a meme that was created to poke fun at the bugs (it was gold stars), and everyone said "when will this god forsaken site ended". Literally at first nobody knew if the announcement was real or not thats how much people joked about the end of google plus.
According to an article, the original end date was going to be in August. This was announced early this year, so people had time to plug other social media and things like that. But, that wasn't the fate of google+. Somehow someone leaked information about some users, so the google+ team decided to end it earlier. Tomorrow google plus won't be google plus, it'll be google business. Luckily I got peoples twitter and tumblr and all that jazz but.... damn. Who would've thought that google plus would end. None of us certainly did.
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littlehollyleaf · 6 years
GOTHAM S05E04 “Ruin”
okay listen I know other stuff happened in this episode and it was even stuff I enjoyed and was interested in (like - WTF jeremiah??!) but I don’t have time to talk about any of that when there is SO.MUCH.FOXMA.AWESOMENESS to squee over (and you can’t say I didn’t warn you)
fyi - I’ve incorporated MULTIPLE VISUAL AIDS to assist in my flail!
let’s start by going through my FOXMA WISHLIST because there is WAY MORE to check off it that I thought possible in one hit!
Touching - bonus points if it’s beyond practical, like Foxy resting a hand on Eddie’s arm to offer comfort or Eddie gripping Foxy to emotionally steady himself
they flunked on the bonus points but still, FUCKING CHECK!
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and you know what? I’m awarding A WHOLE SET OF DIFFERENT BONUS POINTS for Luscious Lucius Fucking ‘down boy I’m in charge’ Fox fucking MANHANDLING ED LIKE IT’S NOTHING because it’s EVERYTHING I NEVER KNEW I NEEDED IN MY LIFE and didn’t even think to put on the list omgomg!
like... I’ve seen a TON of fic and fanart with Foxy being physically dominant with Ed and I do think it makes all the sense characterisation-wise, but for some reason I’d never properly envisioned/embraced it as part of their ship/dynamic (perhaps because in my one and only fic I had Eddie being more dominating when it came to physical stuff due to various contextual reasons... or maybe because we’ve never actually seen Foxy get physical with anyone in canon before, aside from wacking Alvarez with that chair that time, after which he looked frazzled as opposed to the glorious calm and in control he is here so it didn’t really convey his ability to be so.... UNF. while physically taking charge...   idk)
(god I could watch this gif all day honestly....)
(it’s the way Foxy doesn’t hesitate, he’s just - BAM! I’m in control now)
(and juxtapositioned with Eddie’s epic flailing so they are just so perfectly, beautifully opposed)
(then the way Eddie, on seeing it’s Foxy, JUST.FUCKING.TAKES.IT, his fear and flailing dropping all at once as he submits and just holds himself all still and expectant under the hold, clearly THRILLED it’s Foxy who’s found him)
(and Foxy is only using his GODDAMN FINGERTIPS FOR FUCKS SAKE, so firm and commanding with so little effort I just - *fans self*)
(shit we’re only on point one and I’ve spent forever - strap in everyone!) 
Speaking in tandem - ie. figuring out the same thing simultaneously and excitedly shouting out the answer together 
Actually the talking in tandem one is really important to me so I’m adding it again
Okay the talking in tandem doesn’t have to be them figuring out the same thing, it could just be them reacting the same way to something and discovering they are like-minded
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Lucius: Unless whatever ignited those heated oil tanks - Together: - smashed through that window
(guys pls though look at the above travesty, I only have MSPaint, for the love of god someone gif this??)
I really can’t... there aren’t words for how ecstatic I am about this! 
I was watching with my good friend @enchantersnight, who will attest that I squealed and grabbed her in excitement (which she took with good grace considering she didn’t even know about The List, so must have thought I was just being a mad woman for no reason :p)
And the way they both wave their hand at the window together. And Foxy’s little satisfied nod because he’s not thinking of Ed as a criminal in that moment, all he’s thinking is ‘fuck yeah we just cracked it.’ And they both turn their heads all synchronised because they are so perfectly on the same wavelength, so completely lost in solving the mystery, the parts of themselves that match are so beautifully ALIGNED! 
Showing how they are similar people in many ways - check and check!   
Foxy telling Ed he is a genius and pleading with him to use his intellect for the greater good
K, we’re not all the way there, but HALF A CHECK, because -
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Plus he explicitly said he needed Ed’s ‘expertise.’ All of which amounts to acknowledging (and appreciating!) Ed’s genius, so -! *hearts eyes*
(this set covers it perfectly XD)
...and there is still time for Foxy to plead with Ed to use his genius for good *crosses fingers*
Eddie calling Foxy ‘Lucius’ just the once as part of a serious, emotionally charged moment
Not really what I was going for (I was thinking more Ed yelling his name out of fear for Foxy, or as a desperate plea for Foxy to help him), but A+ for effort for Eddie’s wild yell for ‘Lucius’ here -
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Because I love the fact that Eddie was so caught up in working the case at this point that he wanted to keep helping even without personal incentive :)
(aside: Eddie you bad bad bad man killing that innocent old lady though, that was really NOT NECESSARY, pls! ...but it was also somewhat hilarious, in a black comedy kind of way :p 
see - THAT’S the level of villainy/immorality I’m happy for Eddie to exist in, killing/torturing/maiming individuals, even innocent ones, yes, cool, because Eddie IS NOT A GOOD PERSON... but... not killing hundreds of innocents, including CHILDREN, in one hit, that’s... that’s a different kind of villainy, you know?)
One/either thinking the other is dead and being relieved to learn they are alive
Again, not quite. But Foxy does comment in the filing room that he thought Ed was dead. No, he doesn’t show any kind of relief that Eddie ISN’T, but since it’s now canon that Foxy somehow learnt of Ed’s supposed demise this opens up avenues for plenty of headcanons :) 
Because - WHEN did Foxy hear that Ed was dead? and HOW? and even WHY? Was he ACTIVELY LOOKING for news on Ed because he personally WANTED TO KNOW? Did it MATTER to Foxy if Ed was alive or dead? Did he feel a pang of sorrow/regret on hearing the news at the fate of a man he saw potential in to be better and wished that somehow Ed’s life could have been different?
(look, Occam’s Razor suggests Jim was probably looking for news on Lee and heard back that both she and Eddie died in the Narrows and THAT’S how Foxy heard about Ed’s death, but SSSSHHHH - I’m gonna imagine Foxy was making quiet enquiries for himself and no-one can stop me!)
We made it to the end of the points on my Wishlist that got fulfilled. 
Now - let’s talk about THE OTHER STUFF that was amazing!
Like -
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And again there’s no fucking hesitation. The SHEER CONFIDENCE Foxy has that he CAN AND WILL exert this much power over Ed just. Wow. Just wow.
...there’s something interesting to make of this maybe actually...because Foxy...wasn’t this...commanding, with Ed before. No he was never intimidated, but during the whole riddle crime spree and the confrontation with Harvey on the stairwell Foxy was... nervous around Ed? Like Ed was a live wire or dangerous animal, someone Foxy found a little UNPREDICTABLE and thus was less firm and more pleading with? But NOW... 
okay, the stakes are different here ofc - before there were lives on the line and Foxy’s interaction with Ed was the one thing that could save them, so that pressure would have made him hesitant to try and take control...
yeah, that’s it isn’t it - Ed needs a viable threat in order to exert power/control over Foxy (and anyone really)
but without that threat the balance of power absolutely lies with Foxy (so obviously here, with Eddie unarmed and in such a state of disarray! but was also true in that scene with them at the GCPD lab when Eddie was investigating the Red Hood Gang)
Anyone else displaying this much power over him, exposing his vulnerability, his ‘inadequacies’ (so Eddie might see it), would surely make Eddie furious, scared even perhaps - he might rail against them, scowl, try to fight or run. 
But here with Foxy he just FUCKING SMILES. He is so GODDAMN HAPPY to have been caught by FOXY. He doesn’t try to fight or escape because HE WANTS TO HAVE A MOMENT WITH FOXY, he WANTS TO BANTER. Because, dare I say, he LIKES BEING IN FOXY’S POWER??
Likewise when Foxy busts out the blackmail THIS is Eddie’s reaction
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Just look at him he’s FUCKING DELIGHTED that Foxy has been smart enough to immediately suss out Ed’s desire for the file is something he can exploit.
And then the way he kinda gleefully tries to figure out what Foxy could possibly want from him - I ADORE IT. 
Because it’s become a GAME to Eddie now ofc - he and Foxy playing off each other. 
And it’s a delicious blend of Foxy being all controlling and also flippant in the way he talks to Ed, thus him gently leading Ed into taking it this way, and also Eddie’s clear respect and personal interest in Foxy making him inclined to put a positive spin on the situation, to find it enjoyable. And like... it doesn’t feel esp planned or manipulative on Foxy’s part? Their reactions to each other just feel... genuine? Obviously Foxy IS trying to convince Ed to help him but... the way he speaks to him and looks at him... it just feels like Foxy being NATURAL with Ed to me? Like, he’s not spending all the time carefully choosing his words and behaviour, calculating what he needs to do to win Ed over, he’s just... going with the flow? Reacting to Ed... in the way he WANTS to, and Ed is doing the same? 
Sure they’ve both got end goals they want to achieve, but during their banter those almost seem secondary, just for moment, to the mutual enjoyment they are getting from their interaction?
And yes, mutual - look at this and tell me Foxy isn’t having fun as well!
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Other great things about this scene -
Eddie calling Foxy ‘the second smartest man in Gotham’ <3 <3 Absolute proof he respects Foxy’s intellect :D
Eddie trying to surprise grab the file from Foxy’s hands. Because LOL. Foxy’s dry ‘...why?’ and shake of his head at Eddie’s childish antics totally makes it! Plus the way Eddie makes one last half-hearted grab before his eventual ‘fine.’ 
@vampirebillionaire pointed out it’s kinda crazy Eddie was able to physically capture a Street Demon thug, but can’t muster enough strength to yank a file from a scientist :p 
I like your suggestion, Daisy, that this adds to the ‘mind controlled Eddie’ theory - ie. when Eddie is under the influence he becomes more physically capable perhaps.
May I also suggest another possibility - that the file grab was just for show? Because Eddie desperately WANTS to team up with Foxy for a bit. But he has to convince himself it is absolutely his ONLY OPTION in order to do so? Because Eddie is a confused and repressed and psychologically mixed up prawn and can’t accept just wanting to work with Foxy just because. Plus a blackmail scenario/game has already been established. So to Eddie’s mind the only way that makes sense for him to work with Foxy in this moment is for Foxy’s blackmail to hold up. Meaning before Eddie can agree he has to establish that he CANNOT get the file by other means? Hence all the huffing and puffing and extra lunge at the end - it’s all him adding to the pretence?
...idk it’s prob too involved for what the show was actually going for, but it crossed my mind :p Felt like ‘Riddler logic’ you know? And involves a bit of theatrics, and Eddie lying to himself...
Anyway, the other PHENOMENAL THING about this scene -
I am given and I am taken, 
I was there from your first breath 
and I will follow you until your death
You know, that riddle for ‘name’ that clever fandom people cleverly extracted from the voice over line in that dramatic pre-S05 promo? (’I will follow you until your death’) The one that lots of us were taken by because of the vague, possible nygmobblepot associations? (and some of us, ahem, one of us, even used to title a fic), but that was also suspected to be a possible exchange between Ed and a hallucinatory version of himself - maybe being about how the name and/or persona of ‘Riddler’ has been with Ed all along and will be part of him until he dies.
I mean, look, I know it’s just a riddle for plot purposes. But that doesn’t change the fact that Eddie, CANONICALLY, stands there, INCHES from Foxy -
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STARING DEEPLY INTO HIS EYES, voice slightly whispery and husky
and he tells him
I Just -
And they fucking end liKE THIS GUYS -
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Literally POINTING AT FOXY LIKE HE’S MAKING A PROMISE?? (and oh shit I just thought is he pointing at Foxy’s HEART?? ...also does this technically fit my bonus point for touching? hotdamn)
And look at Foxy’s smile! Yeah it’s mocking but... maybe in a FOND way??
All - ‘name, the answer’s ‘name’ Ed, but you had to make a song and dance out of it didn’t you, you dork?’
*dreamy sigh*
Other stuff -
Eddie investigating the crime scene and working it all out was some GENUINE PI RIDDLER SHIT right there *swoon*
I love the way Foxy just steps back and lets Ed get on with it. I flail over Eddie showing his respect for Foxy, but there was real respect in Foxy for Ed here, which was beautiful <3
On the rooftop - *hearts* over Eddie genuinely praising Foxy for figuring out it was the exact spot of the shooting from angles etc, showing he CLEARLY rates Foxy’s intelligence very high :) Only for Foxy to admit that he worked it out because he noticed the weapon’s casing had been left behind :p (which - SLOPPY of blacked out Ed now I think about it?). That was both a fun gag, lightly highlighting how Eddie sometimes misses the obvious and reaches for the most complex option when a much simpler one is on hand (making his advice to Oswald way back when about how sometimes the simpler solution is best really just... lolz... take your own advice Eddie, pls), as well as, I think, maybe hinting that Eddie really may be SMARTER than Foxy on a purely intellectual level - because it was potentially suggesting that Foxy could ONLY tell it was the right place because of the weapon case and might not have been able, at least as fast, to have worked out the angles etc like Eddie did. Maybe...
Eddie telling Foxy in complete seriousness that he hopes Foxy finds the criminal and makes them pay - playing out just like I hoped in the tags over here after seeing the Eddie preview clip of the episode, yes win!
(#holly you're an idiot going to the gcpd is how ed is gonna team up with foxy it's an excellent plan!!! #...I bet that 'make them pay' line in the trailer fits here #ed is talking about helping foxy found the haven bomber and how they should make them pay #but ~plot twist Eddie - it was you!! #yus I like that #pls be true!)
aside: Foxy now has that weapon case and is going to see if it has clues as to the perpetrator - Eddie thinks it won’t but I wonder... while blacked out Eddie left himself a message... I wonder if it’s possible he may have left the weapon case on purpose in the HOPE that he will be found out? that someone will catch him and put a stop to him being mind controlled??
...in any case, this opens up the possibility of Foxy finding out the shooter was Ed and OMG I HAVE ~HOPES AND DREAMS ABOUT THAT
In my hopes and dreams Foxy simply DOES.NOT.BELIEVE that Eddie would/could have committed such a crime, at least not willingly. And especially since Ed literally helped him solve the crime and he saw and heard Ed be GENUINELY affected by the crime enough to want the criminal to pay - and yes, sure, Ed could have been playing him and faking that, getting a kick out of giving Foxy clues to his own crime, but Foxy just feels sure Ed was being honest on that rooftop, that he really didn’t seem to know he was responsible, and it convinces Foxy there is something much more sinister going on here...
(omg - we know Babs gets Eddie at some point... WHAT IF Foxy ends up trying to save Eddie from her??! UGH IT’S TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE IT’LL NEVER HAPPEN BUT WHAT A DREAM! Foxy could even go to Oswald maybe to get help saving Ed, maybe providing evidence that Ed is in fact innocent... and in doing so he frees Ozzie from any personal anguish he might be suffering due to believing that Eddie really did commit the crime perhaps? even less likely, but I’m gonna roll with it for now :p)
Right one last thing. I did also have on my wishlist a proviso of the ‘talking in tandem’ thing -
When they talk in tandem they have to finish smiling at each other
Obviously this didn’t happen (POINTS DEDUCTED!!). 
But then, we did get THIS as their final moment so ALL IS FORGIVEN -
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In conclusion
I am dead
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(here’s hoping for the remainder of the Wishlist in their next episode together! :p)
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frankensteindotpdf · 7 years
All of them
Who’s your crush/squish?
I......tend to have a couple at a time (go unreciprocation whoop whoop) anyhoo the main one is this girl who is SUPER CUTE AND HAS THE CUTEST LAUGH AND IS LOWKEY EMO AND JUST BRILLIANT TBH and fun fact she’s the one who made me realise I’m bi! annnnd there’s a guy....who I just realised I have a crush on....like yesterday....and I’m dying a little
Who’s your fictional crush/squish?
Hahahahahahaha that talks like there’s one.....Remus obviously...Tonks....Dean Winchester...Jughead .....Rapunzel.....Duke Crocker from Haven (holy crap bro).....I used to have a crush on Klaus Baudelaire and also Yo-Yoji (shut up Carina)..... massive squish on Sherlock Holmes....and more I’m forgetting
Worst joke you’ve ever told?
Crap bro my life is full of stupid jokes I can’t choose one
Worst insult you’ve ever given?
Just really dumb ones, nothing specific
Got any weird kinks?
not any weird ones
How did you find out about sex?
No idea, probably like parents or sex ed classes? I don’t remember
Trashiest thing in your wardrobe?
Literally none? I mean I have trash like a billion HP t shirts but nothing revealing or anything
Worst Phobia?
Needles. I literally cry everytime. 
Hentai or the real thing?
Ew neither thanks
Ever been arrested?
lol i never go outside no
What are you most selfish about?
This question is worded weird....uh my..sketchbooks? maybe? like I don’t really get the q but I never let anyone draw in my sketchbooks so ig that counts?
Who would you let die if given the chance to save them?
Who would you sacrifice yourself for?
Something silly you believed as a kid?
Well I didn’t think “washcloth” was a real term, for some reason (I have literally no idea why) I thought it was just a word my family used but they were really called something else. I mean washcloth is so... on the nose
Weirdest/most embarassing thing you’ve drawn?
I once.....drew a picture....of my crush.....with a stupid nickname above it....and little hearts....and little pics of the stuff he liked.... UGH I CRINGE JUST THINKING ABOUT IT I WAS IN GRADE 2 DONT JUDGE ME
Controversial role models?
I can’t think of any? 
Cringiest fandom you’ve been in?
for like A MONTH I was into... Justin Bieber.
Cringiest thing you’ve shipped?
Trans Gilderoy Lockhart and Snape
Ever had “an accident” in public?
I mean when I was real little I did once after school but like no one was there besides my family so it wasn’t a big deal
What helps you fall asleep?
Honestly watching Bob Ross. He’s just so soothing
What childish things do you still do?
I dunno man...Lots I just can’t think of anything specific
What’s your age?
Grossest thing you’ve eaten?
Some people would say crickets (they tasted great though) I would personally say (not eating but) gargling salt water. I literally threw up. Thanks, father.
Honest opinion on religion?
I definitely like the idea and totally respect other’s beliefs, but I’m still working it out. I mean I know mine pretty darn well but the more I learn the more it just sounds really convienient idk
What does your laugh sound like?
From being told to shut up so much it’s changed a lot....It’s kinda squeaky but mostly silent? I’m a bit self concious about it tbh
How would you describe your smile?
stupid. it scrunches up my face all wrong and makes me look even fatter than I already do
Did you go through any regrettable phases?
“Liking” music everyone else liked to fit in
Ever dropped plans/projects and not said a word?
Not one-on-one stuff (though social anxiety makes me want to every time) but like I guess? nothing noteworthy
Personality Type?
Ugliest thing in your wardrobe?
I have this nightgown that I never wear that looks like something out of an 1800s movie...floral pattern and all
Would you wear pajama’s in public?
If I was with friends who were 
Weirdest thing that turned you on?
uhhhh I have no idea 
Pineapples on pizza????
hecc yes
Do you use the XD emoticon?
Only in an ironic way
Do you have a dark sense of humour?
Worst thing you ship?
Ms. Frizzle and Brendon Urie
Top or bottom?
Oh I cant believe I’m answering this on the internet gosh well from my personality I’d say...bottom 
Top or bottom bunk?
Also bottom because I feel like I’ll fall off or break the top bunk
Pettiest thing you’ve cried over?
Dude I cry over everything...My sister said she’d rip one of my books
Pettiest thing you’ve gotten mad over?
Bro again like I usually get upset at myself rather than mad at other people but like at my family basically everything?
Longest time you’ve cried?
lol well multiple times I’ve cried for a few hours straight, I cried through an entire movie once (I’m not evenexaggerating I had to pause it because I was sobbing too hard literally 5 times)
Do you touch the art in museums?
Do you have a fandom OC?
Kinda? I mean just self-inserts tbh
How much do you believe in astrology?
not at all
Have you ever used a base for drawing?
I mean I’ve copied them down but not traced
Have you ever used MSPaint for drawing non-ironically?
yup. there was a time when I had a laptop and sucked at drawing so when I got bored I’d draw on MSPaint
Controversial opinion?
I’m a feminist and I think everyone should be
Ass or chest?
I hate answering this I’m just gonna do it quickly and get it over with female ass, male chest
Chest or genitals?
Genitals or ass?
Any scars?
Yup. I have one on my arm from burning myself while baking in grade 8, and two others on the inside (of the same arm haha) that are from somehow managing to hit my arm off a staple sticking out of an old recliner
Do you pirate anything?
Only music for animatics, but even then only songs I’ve already bought but cant transfer. I don’t see the point. The artists I like I don’t just like for their music (or movies or whatever), I like them as people too. I want to thank them for making such awesome stuff, so a little donation is totally reasonable to me
url for an old cringy social media account?
I mean this one? I wasnt allowed to have social media when I was younger so yay none of that
Any post’s you’ve deleted and why?
Only ones I accidentally reblogged onto my art blog, but I always reblog them onto my main first
How long does it take you to get up in the morning?
depends. if I have nothing to do, hours. If I have school, anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour (I set my alarm real early)
What will instantly turn you on?
idk man nothing really...someone being good with kids is always sweet tho
Fave eye+hair colour combination?
Nothing specific, I like basically all colours?
Have you already named your future children?
If I have any they will be named after someone in one of my billions of fandoms (probably someone from hp)
Do you do drugs?
Just Ibuprofen amirite lol even then I am in pain way more than I take it I hate swallowing pills
How tall are you?
about 5′5 or 5′6
Did you go through a “RANDOM XD” phase?
Dumbest thing you believed?
No idea, probably something from when I was little but idk
Dildo of choice? (besides an actual dildo)
boi i’m not even coming near this question (get it?)
Daddy kink?
I mean I find it hot when some people say it? but not really
Who could change your sexuality just by looking at you?
I’m...bi....so like.....no one? I’m confused mate there’s no way to answer this question
none tbh i dont even know what 2/3 of those mean
What area’s of your body are most sensitive?
besides the obvious my knees, stomach, back, neck....okay everything I just hate people touching me thanks oh and my feet oh gosh I got a pedicure once and it was the worst experience of my life
Weirdest dream you’ve had?
A bunch man, once I had a dream where Peeta was transformed by the Capitol or smth to look like one of my friends and he was also heavily drugged and at my school for some reason and I was trying to help him get to safety....I had a dream where my family and I lived in a trailer park and our neighbour had a big dog that attacked my little brother, first by biting and then picking up a stick with its paws and beating him with it....one where my friend tried to touch my stomach and i panicked, punched him in the face, and then had a panic attack because I felt so bad
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