#somehow avoids getting banned
ghostinthegallery · 6 months
How good is each necron at actually playing Warhammer 40k?
Trazyn- collects all the minis, perfectly painted. Watches the model reveals and preorders everything the second it comes out. Games Workshop's dream customer. However he has forgotten there's actually a game so he's average at best.
Orikan- cheats and everyone knows it. His game is figuring out how to keep cheating without anyone being able to prove what he did. Plays aeldar because it pisses everyone off.
Imotekh- master. Wins tournaments. List building king, plays whatever he thinks he can optimize, but hates the dice. The randomness drives him nuts. Will kill any ork player that yells "WAAAAAGH"
Szarekh- enjoys the hobby more than the game. Distracts him from The Horrors. When he plays he's chill, plays necrons because he feels obligated but secretly likes Tau.
Zahndrekh- plays Ad Mech and wins. Cheers for his opponent when they do well. Laughs at the wacky dice rolls. Best opponent, all around delight.
Obyron- quiet, serious, not actually that good. Zahndrekh tries desperately not to backseat general even though he's about three seconds away from a stroke every time Obyron moves his units out of position. Plays Imperial Guard
Anrakyr- Hasn't really committed to an army because he refuses to play anything "organic" but doesn't vibe with crons play style. He would love Knights if he'd get over himself a little.
Oltyx- absolutely plays space marines. Dry brushes everything. Wins games early in the edition when nobody else has their codex and loses most games after that. Constantly rolls 1's.
Yenekh- plays whatever the other faction is in the launch box Oltyx got. Pretends he doesn't care about winning. Absolutely cares about winning. Rolls more 6's than is reasonable for a single person despite never actually cheating. He's just lucky
Zultanekh- plays orks and loves it. Does yell "WAAAAAGH!" As Gork and Mork intended
Lysikor- everyone expects him to cheat so he specifically doesn't. Plays Genestealers. Stole most of his models from Trazyn. Somehow has avoided consequences for this.
Szeras- Plays Drukhari. One would think he's a sore loser, but he enjoys watching the elves suffer even in tiny plastic form so he's fine either way. His opponents do occasionally vanish after games, but there is no proof he is involved.
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writersdrug · 2 months
Simon "Ghost" Riley is the kind of man who:
In your shared home, always sits with his legs spread. Manspreading king. Adores it when you cross your arms and give him a disapproving look, saying there's no room for you. "Course there is, luv. Jus' sit between my thighs."
Refuses to let you do simple tasks around the house, like making tea, folding his underwear, or putting away the dishes. One might think it's a sweet, husbandly gesture - but he's just super picky. You made tea in the microwave once, and now you're banned from ever touching his tea stash. Likes his underwear folded in a specific way, and you don't understand the importance of it. He got tired of you stuffing his underwear in his drawer, so now he folds it himself. And the dishes? Couldn't stand how you put them away. "There's no rhyme or reason to 'em." "I didn't think there had to be, Si-" "Just gimme the damn bowl." Fewer chores? You aren't complaining.
Looks like he's always on edge - and he is, kinda. When he's out with you, he can't help but be alert and watchful, and extremely protective of you. You've tried to get him to loosen up - it's the supermarket, what could happen? - but have just come to accept it as his nature. Plus, you get that giddy feeling when you see other men look straight down at the floor, avoiding Simon's stare as the two of you pass.
Is the grumpiest, poutiest, and most indignant man ever when he gets sick. Doesn't want you doting on him in case you catch whatever he has. But, wait - where are you going? "Get your ass back in this bed - 'm cold." Grumbles like a child when you force him to let you get up to grab him soup, tea, or medicine. And no, he doesn't care how sick he is, he's not wearing that stupid, floppy ice pack hat.
Brings Johnny over unannounced, and you've grown used to it. The moment you hear that Scottish yapping out the front door as the key unlocks, you grab a third plate for dinner - he insists you don't need to feed him, but you always make extra for Simon's lunch the next day regardless, and the last time he'd said that, he ended up grabbing an extra fork and picking from Simon's plate. Which, of course, had Simon up at 1 am making instant ramen because he was still hungry, but didn't have the heart to ask you to make him a decent meal. So, yes, Johnny would be fed.
Loves spoiling you on your birthday. What is a man if not someone who spoils his partner rotten? Orders in food from your favorite bakery, sets all your presents neat and nice on the table (the excellent wrapping job done by yours truly, Gaz), flower petals sprinkled on the ground and the table top (also Gaz's idea), and a seat on his lap so for you while you open your presents. Loves watching your face light up, and each little "you remembered?!" fall from your lips as you open each gift. Scoffs and shifts in his seat. "I's not that much of a fuss, luv..." as you squeal excitedly, but you know he's biting back a proud smile. The blush, he can't even attempt to hide.
Is somehow a magnet for your young nephews. Every time he comes along to your sister's place, he's either making conversation with her husband in the living room, or he's interrogated and cornered by her two sons. And, lord help him, he doesn't understand it either. He'd always expected kids to look at him like a monster, but, especially with these two, that was never the case. They'd ask him for stories about "being in war" - half of the time, he'd make up some not-too-gory adventure, sparing them the details of real war. The rest of the time, he'd talk about "Soap, my mate who blows everything up." And they'd listen with wide eyes and jaws on the floor.
Has scared you unintentionally, more than too many times. He'd come home at three in the morning from a mission, and all he wanted was to quietly peel his dirty uniform off and slip into bed with you. His main intention was to avoid waking you up, because you'd force him to shower before joining you in bed - and he was too tired for that. However, you'd been rounding the corner, up for your 3 am glass of water - you screamed as you saw the hulking, dark figure by the front door, launching your phone at him. He'd caught it effortlessly and shoved it into his back pocket. "What've I told ya 'bout using the bat?" "I was just getting water!" "I coulda been anyone." "Well you're not." "Missed ya, luvie." "Missed you too- but you're grimy. Go take a-" "No." He grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder, ignoring your protests as he hauled you back to bed.
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self-loving-vampire · 5 months
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1- Demands like these are not a new thing. Trans people were (and in some cases still are) medically gatekept if they were not judged as likely to end up living a normal, "respectable", "passing", and extremely gender-conforming heterosexual life. Often these judgments were made based on race.
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In fact, what the suggestion above is is a repeat of historical trends.
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2- This all is still working from the assumption that being trans is a disease and transition is a sort of last resort to be avoided as much as possible in favor of the alternative of just doing nothing, or possibly doing conversion therapy. Somehow they never seem to demand very strict evidence in favor of that.
It is a very uneven sort of skepticism. Transition remains suspicious no matter how many times people say it helped them but conversion therapy and HRT bans are treated as neutral, even effective alternatives based on nothing.
3- History and hypocrisy aside, it's just bad if someone's rights and autonomy are contingent on stuff like employment, isn't it? Imagine if you were required to prove the correctness of all decisions about your body this way.
Want an abortion? Well, we can't be sure an abortion would actually make your life better unless we make sure you're likely to be employed and having whatever I define as a good sex life afterwards. Don't you remember that "I regret my abortion" campaign? Sure most people say they don't, but what if they're lying?
You're gay and want to have sex and get married to someone of the same gender? Well, we don't know if you actually want that or if it would be good for you, thus we must ban those options for your own good until we make sure gay people are just as employed and socially connected after coming out and if not they shouldn't be allowed these freedoms. Hope your family doesn't just kick you out of the house when they find out!
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kiddotarot · 1 month
Your Moon the habits you develop to avoid neglacation from past life.
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1H/Aries = you need administration or acceptaion from others people. You want to be seen you don't like to stay in background. In past life when you looked you got accepted now you develop this tendency over and over again in this life your emotional self feel neglected because of it. In your past life your opinions and feeling held by upper position thats why the need to out.
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2H/ Taurus = you want your body comfortable and safe and you also need physical comforation by others life hug , forehead kisses and if you ever feel neglected you can develop skin sensitivity and skin problems and may be comforts eating is becoming you escape when you feel neglected by others.you sacrifice your emotional need for mone and lern to live in less so soul need to complete it need there is a guilt of wanting more.
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3H/Gemini = you crave for attention and want to listen by others. Most likely mental acceptance. If you feel neglected self talking or continuously talking become your problem to block your emotional needs. In past life your soul in not appreciated in feeling or sharing your thoughts slowly soul learn to cover it up.
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4H/Cancer = You need emotional validation and acceptance from strong bond or from person . Home is important for you otherwise you feel lost. You need a mother a very soft nature mother your soul carried . Your DNA can have wands of female from past generation in your family or your soul experienced the separation of child.
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5H/Leo = You need to be adored and want to feel powerful otherwise it becomes drama queen. In past life you can be very proud on you no watters what happened you never ask for help even you are dying . So in this life time soul want to earn the validation of that part.
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6H/virgo = your soul is rewarded in past life for doing every little thing so that's why you are very insecure about taking desion and like to pay details on small things. May be in past life your family in past life or in this life have thing to critized thing and slowly you develop it in this life time.
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7H/Libra = your soul is craved for acceptance , adoration and peaceful surrounding. Comfort is important for you somehow povert idea terrified you. Somehow you forced to make surround nice no matter what situation is. Anger and other emotions showing is tottaly banned and you leared to get in this mold.
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8H/ scorpio = when you are emotionally unfulfilled so its become abusive it can be any type of abuse. Past life or your current life secrets are included like drugs , abuse and may be dissappearing of a person in your life. There is emotional intensity but you or your family want to hide it.
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9H/ sagittarius = your emotions seek companionship and acceptance someting ehich can make you more smater and your hunger of knowledge. Discussing someting is your emotional healing. Your soul may be grew up in a surrounding where no one is truthful so your soul learns to be honestly brutal in this life time may be it need to fix.
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10H/capricorn = you need success, approval and things to right . It want to remsin control but still want to nourishment. Your soul get tired of to be too much responsible and duty oriananted. It strongly want good carrer , name but neglected his own fulfillment now you need to fill it.
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11H/ Aquarius = you have great experience and talent to work with society. But you need a close emotional and approval to get nourishment. Your pattren can be a fighter and a revolutionary person may be someone in your family. But it forget to creat a safe space home can be rarely a home .
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12H/pisces = what you desire is emotionally melded relationship actually you just feed off other people. Your soul feels right to secrafice yourself for others tottaly devoted it can be for anything . You need to set boundaries hun.
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thedovesaredying · 2 months
Imagine... Nikto being your ex-husband
(Please forgive any mistakes, I'm sick, half-alseep and battling a migraine lmao)
First of all, good luck getting rid of this guy. Period.  
When Nikto has decided to let someone into his life he practically imprints on them like a newborn duckling, and you are no exception. Something as trivial as a divorce isn’t going to change that, regardless of whether you want your ex-husband following you around or not. It doesn’t matter that you’re not married anymore, he’s still yours, that much hasn’t changed.  
Gets a little annoyed if you no longer wish to share a bed, staring at you like a sad dog banned from sleeping with its owner. You’ll definitely wake up in the morning with him curled up on bed with you regardless.  
Since you no longer wear your wedding band or your engagement ring, Nikto keeps the two of them with him, attached to the same chain on which he carries his own. “Looking after them for you,” he says, “for when you want them again.”  
You finally decide to try and move out? Not happening. You can keep the house; he’ll find somewhere else to stay so you don’t have to leave. It’s not as though he owns many possessions anyway.  
Insists that you have custody of Sputnik. She’d miss you too much if he took her, and she’s used to Nikto leaving for short periods of time. Besides, she’ll keep you safe while he’s not there! Unfortunately, this is all part of the plan. Good luck taking a date back home with a territorial hyena trained to attack unknown men currently curled up on your couch. But she’s so sweet! Poor girl doesn’t know any better! :( 
Uses it as an excuse to come over and help with feeding her. And hey! He might as well help you out around the house while he’s there, it’s only the polite thing to do.  
Trying to have a date at a nice coffee shop? Well what do you know, it’s your ex-husband! He just so happened to be in the area, what a lovely coincidence! Sure, he practically never leaves the house when he can avoid it, but don’t worry about that, let’s just catch up, he always loves hearing about your day.  
What a shame that guy suddenly decides to ghost you. It’s a total mystery, really. He seems to have just disappeared off the face of the planet.  
Despite being divorced, Nikto is no less handsy with you. Doesn’t seem to grasp the concept of keeping his hands to himself, and can you blame him? You just look so loveable! He promises he’ll try to tone it down but seems to forget said promise almost immediately.  
He’s got a tracker on your phone to keep tabs on where you’re spending time. But he needs to do that now that the two of you aren’t living together anymore, just to make sure you’re alright.  
No matter how many times you promise yourself it’s the last time, you somehow always still end up laying on your back with your ex-husband between your legs, or perched on the edge of the kitchen counter with his scarred face pressed into your core.  
Don’t worry, it might take a while, but you’ll eventually see reason and things will be back to normal. Nikto is a patient man, he doesn’t mind waiting for you.  
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larluce · 7 months
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
A little more of past trauma
Merlin, Arthur, Lancelot (who isn't a Knight yet) and some knights camping in the woods.
Knight 1: (hesitantly) Sire...
Knight 2: (careful) We need wood... for the fire, sire.
Arthur: (a little confused by their behavior) Pick some fallen branches then.
Knight 1: Ahm... (sweats)
Lancelot: (realising why they're so scared. Sighs) There's no fallen branches, isn’t there?
Knight 2: ... No.
Merlin: (thinking and looking at Arthur carefully) Oh, no...
Arthur: (hardens his features) search harder.
Knight 1: We searched the whole perimeter three times, sire. There are no branches, no even leafs.
Knight 2: These trees are practically naked. We need... We need to cut one down.
Arthur: No.
Merlin: Arthur...
Arthur: No. We don't need fire anyway.
Lancelot: (the only brave enough to contradict him apart from Merlin) Sire, we need to cook the meat and if we don't make fire we'll freeze to death.
Arthur looks conflicted. Merlin sighs. He appreciates what his prince is doing. He went as far to almost forbid all his knights to hunt and cut any plant, especially trees, ever again and he knows Arthur would have ban any of this practices all together in the entire kingdom if he weren't still a prince. Fortunatly, he talked him out of it, so now Arthur allows hunting only when strictly necessary. Cutting trees, however, was always out of the question. They managed to avoid it... until now.
Arthur: (pointing to a knight) Hey, you. Take off your shirt. We can use that.
Knight 1: What?! Sire, but-
Arthur: (very serious) Are you questioning me?
Merlin: Arthur (holds his hand and pulls him gently til they are apart from the rest). Arthur, it's okay.
Arthur: (almost shouting, firmly) No, Merlin! Not with this. No!
Merlin: (reassuring) It just hurts badly when they do it for fun or there's no need. Now we need it. It's fine.
Arthur: (shakes his head, anguish in his eyes) I can't make them hurt you.
Merlin: They wouldn't be really hurting me. Besides, would you rather let me die of hunger and freeze to death? (Puts a hand on his face and smiles) I'll be fine, I promise.
Arthur: (sighs) alright. (Goes to his Knights)
Lancelot: (aproaches Merlin, whispering) Can't you make some branches fall?
Merlin: (shakes his head) these branches aren't thick enough for a fireplace, and I need to get use to this. Arthur too.
Lancelot: (nods in understanding) He must love you a lot.
Merlin: (nervous) Wha-?! What do you mean?
Lancelot: Don't tell me you didn't notice. He was willing let us starve and freeze so you wouldn't feel any pain just a minute ago.
Merlin: He cares for me. I'm his friend.
Lancelot: I'm his friend too and he never looked at me the way he does to you, like you are the sun. Or use any excuse to touch me, like he might die if he doesn't have you close for more than 5 minutes.(pause) And I don't believe you're not aware of this either.
Merlin: (sighs) I don't want to get my hopes up. I'm happy with how things are. I don't want to ruin things between us. (Thinking) Not again.
Lancelot: (smiles encouringly) You don't have to confess your feelings or anything. Just try to make a move to taste the waters and you can decide what to do from there.
Arthur orders his knights to cut down the farrest tree they could find. It's useless though. No matter how far, Merlin still can feel it. Merlin doesn't scream in pain this time, but he still trembles and flinches. Arthur hugs him close through all this and somehow he ends up sitting on Arthur's lap, and hiding his face in the crook of Arthur's neck. He whimpers and whimpers in pain until he falls asleep in Arthur's arms.
Lancelot: (aproaching them) You should wake him before they come back.
Arthur: (shakes his head) He needs this.
Lancelot: If they see you like this they'll think-
Arthur: (sharply) They can think what they want.
Lancelot: (smiles softly) You don't really believe this is some medical disease, do you?
Arthur: ...
Lancelot: You know about Merlin.
Arthur: (sighs) And he told you. (thinking, a mix of angry, hurt and jealous) He told you before telling me.
Lancelot: No, but I catched him. He echanted the weapon I used to kill the griffin.
Arthur: (snorts) This idiot.
Lancelot: He was careful I'm just observant. Why haven't you told him that you know?
Arthur: I want him to tell me himself.
Lancelot: Why?
Arthur: He deserves that much. And I want to prove that he can trust me.
Lancelot: I don't think it's a matter of trust. He trusts you a lot, Arthur. I know he really wants to tell you but he just doesn't know how to. I mean, can you blame him? He's been told all his life he should hide who he is. I don't think he ever willingly told anyone. (sighs) Even outside Camelot, there's hardly a place where magic users are safe.
Arthur: (with conviction) When I'm king there will be. Camelot will welcome magic again and he won't have to hide anymore. (looking at Merlin sleeping peacefully in his arms, thinking) And this time he will be able to live it and enjoy it.
Lancelot: (to himself) I knew it was a sign.
Arthur: (confused) What?
Lancelot: I never told you why I came to the citadel.
Arthur: You wanted to become a Knight. (thinking) Though you arrived earlier than I expected.
Lancelot: That too, but I also had a dream.
Arthur: A dream?
Lancelot: I saw myself in a knight armor. There was some sort of hole or crack in the air, I don't know, everything's kind of blurry. But I do remmember clearly two faces. Faces I never saw before in my life, but in my dream they were familiar. It wasn't until I came here that I recognised them. They were yours and Merlin's. You were in my dream.
Arthur: (in shock, but composes himself quickly)... I see. And you believe that's a sign. A sign of what exactly?
Lancelot: That one day you will be the king I'll serve with honor.
Arthur: Right... Did you have another memo-I mean dream about us?
Lancelot: (shakes his head) That's all. (looks at the sky) It's getting late. I'll go look for the knights, they may need help. (thinking) And you can have some time alone.
Arthur: (stops Lancelot before he leaves) Lancelot. You said me appearing in your dream mean I'll be the king you'll serve one day. What about Merlin? What does he appearing in your dream means to you?
Lancelot: I thought it was obvious.
Arthur: What?
Lancelot: Well, every king needs a queen sire. (laughs a little and leaves before Arthur can process his words)
Tagging @everything-is-applepie , @iwillalwaysbearealfan , @merlinsbeard2 , @procrastinating-angels , @thecornerofbelu , @an-entity-i-think , @smileytrinity , @the-night-viewer , @tansyuduri , @fuckyeahsnackables , @stalesaltinecracker , @lucifertookmyshoe , @aceauthorcatqueen and @virgil-wannabe since you all left beautiful comments in the other parts. Thank you so much! 🤧. Please if you have any idea for this AU or want to see a moment in particular between these two or other characters, just ask. I'm just writing random moments that come to my mind 😅
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harunayuuka2060 · 7 months
Leona: *doesn't feel like napping ever since he takes over the "pregnancy" for MC*
Leona: *taking a stroll with Ruggie following him behind*
Ruggie: Have I told you that you're acting like MC?
Leona: Huh? Why?
Ruggie: They used to take a stroll like this. I guess they were already pregnant with Prince Liora at that time.
Leona: ...
Leona: I thought they were just away because they didn't like staying in the palace.
Ruggie: Yeah. That one too.
Leona: ...
Leona: Somehow, carrying my daughter in my heart makes me feel at ease.
Ruggie: Oh?
Leona: Yeah. But she doesn't like me sleeping in the afternoon.
Ruggie: Shishishi!
MC's sister: Prince Leona?
Leona and Ruggie: ...
Leona: Tch. *doesn't hide his disdain*
MC's sister: ...
MC's sister: Sorry. I didn't mean to block your path.
Ruggie: You're still in Sunset Savannah, huh?
MC's sister: *feels embarrassed that Ruggie stated it* I tried going to different countries but was not welcomed, so I have returned here.
Ruggie: *goes to whisper to Leona* It's because of the influence of Al Asim. I think they have banned her or something.
Leona: Ah. I see.
MC's sister: B-By the way, how's MC doing?
Leona: None of your business.
MC's sister: !!!
Leona: *the way he glares is somehow similar to MC's*
MC's sister: *is frightened* I-I'll get going now! I-I apologize for ruining your time, Your Royal Highness! *then immediately runs away*
Ruggie: Wow, you scared her off.
Leona: Hmph. It doesn't matter. My day's now ruined. Let's go back.
Ruggie: Okay.
Cheka: Unca! Unca! What will you name my baby niece when she comes out?
Leona: I'm not telling.
Falena: *chuckles* Why? Ah. Are you hoping that you and MC will be thinking the same name for your child?
Leona: I know it was probably a coincidence, but you may never know.
Cheka: *giggles* Unca is so sweet!
Leona: Shut up, kid.
MC: ...
Leona: *has joined them in the bath*
MC: ...
Leona: *avoiding their gaze because he realized late that he's being rude for joining in*
MC: ...
MC: What is it, Leona?
Leona: Nothing. I'm getting out now-
MC: It's fine. You can stay.
Leona: *has a surprised look on his face* *slowly sits back down*
MC: I'm guessing he doesn't realize that he's smiling stupidly.
Leona: ...
Leona: The others are asking if we have decided on a name for our daughter.
MC: You can decide on one. It won't be a problem for me.
Leona: ...
Leona: I would like to name our daughter "Aoife"- *clutches on his chest when he felt a sudden pain*
MC: ...
MC: It seems she likes the name you've given her.
Leona: That's great and all... But why is she doing this to me?
MC: She must be fond of you. *this reminds them of how Liora used to do the same*
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inbabylontheywept · 2 months
xc lends itself to stories well because it has all the weird overlapping insanities of group dynamics and hypoxia and Male Bonding and definitely a little bit of masochism.
and for my second xc story in like a week, we used to do this run down to the local public pool in the summers of hs because the temp was like, 110-115. fucking bastard heat. and this one girl had The Audacity to wear this extremely normal and fine two piece swimsuit that showed approximately a half inch of waist and a bellybutton. this of course was a mortal insult to one particular group of mormons who were so scandalized that they talked to the coach who in turn talked to the group about how Someone Wore a Two Piece Swimsuit and it made Some People very uncomfortable and that the dress code was now one piece swimsuits. and of course the poor girl was absolutely mortified.
now, the varsity were actually really good people in general, but one of them, who i shall name RJ, was just awesome. that sonofabitch could run like a 14:00 5k, but he still had this big ol potbelly, and he was the only person i knew who didnt get nauseous after running. the absolute brainfuck of running in the 110 degree heat along the canals, just struggling to breathe, and then getting smoked by this potbelled toothpick eating a bag of flaming hot cheetoes is just hard to understate. hed go up into the stands during track and buy hotdogs. just a legend. fuck that guy, but you know, in the way where im really just jealous of him.
anyway, RJ took genuine offense to this girl being called out for her totally normal swimsuit so when the next public pool run came around he showed up in a speedo. and it was the xc hivemind thing, where we all knew if we could just, somehow, keep the coach from noticing this guy until we actually pulled out and started running down the block, we were golden. so me and a bunch of other guys gathered around him like the secret service, and we did our stretches, got ready and left, and then RJ, being the beautiful majestic man muffin that he is, popped his shirt off, ran directly to the front of the mormon group, and proceeded to give himself the most brutal wedgie i can describe. practically stretched the speedo over his shoulders. you couldnt get a clearer vision of this mans ass with the hubble telescope.
so the mormon group tried to pass him, which was like stupid of them - nobody passed RJ unless they were willing to piss blood. they tried, they tried so hard to get around him and avoid the blaring eyewatering burn of this mans ghost white ass, but it didnt work, so they tried slowing down which is also something RJ could do indefinitely so eventaully they just kind of gave up and tried not to notice the extremely noticable hairy white butt camped in front of them for the entire three mile run to the pool.
the coach did notice about halfway through the run, but by then there wasnt much he could do. we argued very eloquently between panting and coughing and generally suffering that a speedo is, in fact, a one piece swimsuit, and thus the letter of the law had been fulfilled. id say, i dunno, maybe a hundred of us argued the case.
surprisingly, there was no follow up conversation banning speedos. RJs disapproval of the ban wouldve been enough, but the speedo underlined it in red a few times and at the next run to the pool, several other girls wore tankinis and nobody said shit.
(RJ told me if they had, the next run to the pool wouldve just been him winnie-the-poohing it, and i almost dont doubt it.)
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Sign of the Day... in Greenwich Village...
(Mary Elaine LeBey)
* * * *
Kamala Harris meets the moment!
September 11, 2024
Robert B. Hubbell
Kamala Harris’s debate performance exceeded the unfair and asymmetrical expectations imposed on her by the press and pundits. She was terrific—in command of the facts, unfazed by Trump's bluster, personable, sincere, and likable but strong. That is a difficult mix to maintain in the face of a torrent of lies shouted by a bully who could not be controlled by the moderators. For those who were worried about the possibility that Kamala Harris would somehow stumble and harm her electoral prospects, put those worries aside. The reverse happened. She soared while Trump collapsed into his hollow shell.
Kamala Harris was confident and at ease. Trump sputtered and dodged in a futile effort to avoid answering the moderators’ questions.
I was struck by judgments delivered during the debate by two preeminent historians. I follow both Heather Cox Richardson and Michael Beschloss on Twitter. Near the end of the debate, the historians posted the following comments, which encapsulated the debate for me:
Heather Cox Richardson: “Trump is proving world leaders like him by citing Viktor Orban. Dear heavens. She is walking him like a poodle.” Michael Beschlossos: “From start to end, Kamala Harris has just delivered what is easily one of the most successful Presidential debate performances in all of American history.”
First, I hope HCR writes a book or starts a rock band with the name, “Walking Him Like a Poodle.” HCR’s comment gets to the pith of the debate: Kamala Harris was in charge, leading Trump into traps he knew were traps but could not avoid. In the instance cited by HCR, VP Harris chided Trump, saying that world leaders laugh at him and military leaders believe he is a “disgrace.” Trump responded by citing Viktor Orbán as a leader who respects him. As HCR said, “Dear heavens.” Trump was outmatched and outclassed—bigly.
Michael Beschloss’s comment is significant because it ranks Harris’s performance in the historical context of presidential debates. The precise ranking of her performance matters less than the fact it will be near the top, according to one of the nation’s preeminent historians.
There is too much to cover in tonight’s newsletter, so I will focus on the major newsworthy positions revealed in the debate. I will return later in the week to additional subjects when transcripts and analyses are available. Of note:
Harris presented herself as a candidate offering “generational change.”
Harris advocated for the middle class and small businesses.
Harris promised to sign a bill enacting the protections of Roe v. Wade.
Harris promised to sign the border bill that Trump convinced Republicans to kill.
Harris promised to reinstitute the child tax credit and institute a $6,000 credit for families with newborns
Trump refused to acknowledge that he lost the 2020 election.
Trump refused to express any regret for anything he did or failed to do regarding the January 6 insurrection.
Trump refused to say whether he would veto a national abortion ban.
Trump repeatedly claimed that Democrats advocate for the execution of babies after birth.
Trump refused to say why he urged Republicans to defeat the border bill.
Trump claimed that tariffs are “taxes on foreign nations.”
Trump refused to say whether he hoped Ukraine would defeat Russia war of aggression.
Trump said he didn’t have a plan for healthcare after nine years but has only “concepts for a plan.”
Trump repeated a racist slur that Haitian migrants are stealing and eating pets them in Springfield, Ohio.
No one who watched the debate could believe anything other than the fact that Kamala Harris is smart, capable, and up to the challenge of serving as president and commander-in-chief. Moreover, the debate served as a hyper-charged “media interview”—complete with hostile questions and an obnoxious heckler.
One of the first commentators to publish a review of the debate is David Frum in The Atlantic, How Harris Roped a Dope | She stayed human when Trump went feral. Per Frum,
Vice President Kamala Harris walked onto the ABC News debate stage with a mission: trigger a Trump meltdown. She succeeded. Former President Donald Trump had a mission too: control yourself. He failed. Trump lost his cool over and over. Goaded by predictable provocations, he succumbed again and again. Trump was pushed into broken-sentence monologues—and even an all-out attack on the 2020 election outcome. He repeated crazy stories about immigrants eating cats and dogs, and was backward-looking, personal, emotional, defensive, and frequently incomprehensible.
One final note: During the debate, I received outraged emails from readers about the moderators' failure to control Trump or treat Kamala Harris fairly. While true, let’s not make the debate about the moderators. That is what Republicans are doing tonight—to avoid talking about Trump's meltdown. Let’s focus on Kamala Harris’s ability to show Americans that she is up to the job of being president. That’s the story; let’s not bury the lead.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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schoenpepper · 26 days
Heartslabyul Heartaches: Clover
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Intro: Heartslabyul is sick and tired of its own vice housewarden (except for Deuce, he really doesn't know what's going on).
Warnings: bad writing, awful grammar, not proofread, pining
A/N: This almost took me out, I think Trey's gonna be on my ban list for a while. But I hope you like it, anon.
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Oh. Oh that's...rather painful to watch, actually. What was it the kids said nowadays? Yikes?
Riddle thinks it's rather vomit inducing, if nothing else. The way you and Trey tiptoe around each other, somehow acting like an old married couple and a pair of first graders just experiencing puppy love at the same time. An impressive contradiction, if he were to be honest. He didn't think it could exist at first, but you and the green haired boy just happened to be living proof. He takes another sip of tea and sends another confused glare in your direction.
"This is so good! You're so talented, Trey." The way you put your hand on Trey's arm (Riddle would say subtly but it was not subtle at all) was so horribly flirtatious it almost makes Riddle spit out his tea. There was no rule on PDA in the Queen's rulebook, however, so he endures and stabs a strawberry with his fork instead of stabbing it through either of you. Trey blushes, hearts almost visibly forming in his eyes as he leans towards you with the plate of bite-sized tarts. "No, it was because you helped me make them that they taste so good."
Riddle's brows furrow in mild disgust.
"You should eat some too!" He watches numbly when you pick up a tart and hand feed it to his second in command. More blushing, more stuttering, but eventually, Trey manages to eat the thing with a giddy smile.
(May he collar Trey? Or you? Genuine question.)
The tea party wraps up and Trey is finally back to full working condition because of your absence (thank you for leaving). Riddle supervises the cleanup with Trey next to him, clipboard in hand. "So," Riddle sighs, "when will you be confessing to Y/N? I assume it must be soon, given your lack of propriety in a public space."
"Confessing? I don't see them that way."
He looks at Trey, both hands on his scepter because one half of him wants to use it to hit the man over the head and the other half wants to use it to hit the man in the stomach. Trey's face is a beautiful shade of 'lying lying liar who lies' pink, and he's avoiding Riddle's gaze with a sheepish grin. "Is that so?" Riddle asks dryly.
"There's...a lot of other people out there."
"What about it?"
"There's a lot of other people who can treat them better, love them better, than I can."
Riddle settles for whacking the scepter onto Trey's shoulder before leaving with a dignified huff. "Spineless, completely unworthy of the Queen of Hearts." He hears Trey laughing behind him.
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Gross. Super gross.
"Yo, Trey, are you like, actually blushing and swooning and kicking your feet?" Cater laughs, watching Trey fumble to hide his phone. He'd already seen the image his friend had been staring at before, though, so it's not too hard to imagine why the other was acting like a schoolgirl (it's still stupid to watch).
"I am not."
Right. Cater doesn't have the mental capability to debate on whether or not Trey was giggling. Not when the words on his textbook are building a rollercoaster track in front of his eyes and setting up to ride it. "Whatevs. How did you get the answer for question 3?"
He looks up to see Trey sneaking a peek at his phone again.
"OMG, usually I'm the phone addict but this is like, insane." Cater dives over the table and steals the other man's phone, "You're staring at a text draft asking Y/N to hang out tomorrow? No, I don't think so, and send. There." He hands it back to Trey.
"What did you do that for?"
"So I can finally get my study buddy back, duh. It's like, literally painful to see you spending literal minutes just thinking on whether or not to invite Y/N to hang out. That's lame."
Trey sighs in exasperation. "So you did it for me."
"Obvi! Because I'm like, such a good friend."
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Ace might throw up on the grass, or he might mistake his senpai's hair for it and throw up all over him. Fifty fifty, really. He watches you run across the field with Grim, passing a Spelldrive disc between the two of you as your laughter rang through the air. He glances at Trey to find him wistfully sighing like some medieval maiden.
When the disc comes hurtling in his direction because of a certain kitty cat, he finds himself embracing peace, and perhaps with his departure from this world, heaven would embrace him—
“Oh no! Trey senpai, are you okay?”
Ace opens his eyes again. He was pretty sure the disc was headed straight for his handsome face so…why is his toothbrush loving upperclassman now lying on a heap on the ground right in front of him?
Did he seriously dive in front of Ace to get injured? On purpose?
You run over worriedly and kneel over next to Trey, Ace watching on expressionlessly. A large red bump is swelling on his senior’s forehead, which you gently check with your hand. “I’m so sorry, I’ll help you get to the infirmary, okay?”
Ace swears he can see the slightest hint of a smirk on Trey’s face.
“Don’t you have history next period? I’ll help him,” Ace enjoys the panicked expression on the ‘patient’, but then he also sees your features morph into something like ‘don’t you dare take this away from me’, so he backs off. You…match each other’s freaks, apparently, so he takes a step back and grabs Grim from the field.
“Nya, why are you taking me from my hench human?!”
“Shh, your parents are flirting so I’ll take up babysitting duty,” Ace rolls his eyes, “They’re both pathetic.”
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“Order. The first meeting shall now commence.”
Riddle strikes a wooden gavel (where did he get that?) and Deuce sits still because his confusion has yet to fade and really, he still has absolutely no idea why he, Ace, Riddle and Cater are sitting around a table with tea and snacks laid out in front of them. This couldn’t be a dorm meeting considering the rest of the dorm members, and even the vice house warden, are absent. “Uh, dorm leader,” Deuce speaks up nervously, “did Ace do something wrong again?”
“What? Why does it have to be me?!”
“It’s always you.”
“Lmao, y’all gotta calm down,” Cater laughs, “the topic of the day isn’t you or Ace. It’s Trey!”
Deuce blinks. “Is something wrong with Trey senpai?”
“He’s gross.”
“He’s cringe.”
“He’s a coward.”
The answers don’t actually answer his question, but he doesn’t think it’s a good idea to say anything else. Riddle looks tired, Ace looks genuinely disgusted, and Cater is staring into the void with what he can only describe as an old man sigh. He’s not the smartest person to have ever existed, but he knows enough that he probably shouldn’t be saying anything else at the moment. His housewarden strikes the gavel again. “Attention, we have gathered here today in an attempt to brainstorm ideas. Does anyone know how we should get Trey and Y/N to finally get together?”
“Lock them in a closet 7 minutes in heaven style~”
“Slip truth serum into their drinks.”
“Y/N and Trey senpai like each other?”
The other three give Deuce an exasperated look.
…He probably should’ve kept his mouth shut.
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Trey looks at his reflection in the mirror. Pristine, crisp—he needs to look perfect, if only for you. He makes his way to the entrance of the rose maze with a large bouquet of red roses in hand. It’s a bad idea. Really, you might not even show up. His friends and dormmates have good intentions, sure, but whoever said good intentions meant good results? Now he’d been wrangled in a pure white tuxedo and in the gazebo that laid in the middle of the maze is a spread of pastries and the most expensive tea they had in the kitchen. And he’s ready to finally, finally confess, instead of hiding away and going back to his imaginations. In his fantasies, you’d smile and hold his hand and laugh with him, and he…
If you don’t allow him to even be your friend anymore after this, would his fantasies suffice?
But, if the impossible happens, and you like him too, then maybe his fantasies would come to life. Maybe one day, he’ll be waking up in your arms instead of waking up from dreaming about you. But as Riddle said, the possibility ceases to exist if he doesn’t take the steps to make it happen.
You arrive.
And like every other time he’d seen you and breathed you in, he’s stunned.
You’re just so beautiful, in a way that his mind struggles to describe.
(He loves you, he loves you, he loves you until it hurts, he loves you until it’s deadly, he’ll love you until time stops, until that love consumes him from the inside out, Trey Clover will love you until he forgets what love is and remembers only you and how you make his heart beat.)
You accept his flowers.
You accept his heart as he lays it bare in front of you.
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“You’re, stop—stop using me as an armrest!”
“Ehh, Riddle if you’re so loud they’ll hear nya~”
“You can peek perfectly fine without pushing me down!”
“I can, but that’s not fun!”
Chenya looks through the bakery window to catch a glimpse of the blushing couple. Trey, flustered and proud as he introduces you to his parents, and you happily chatting with them, nodding along as you accepted the pastries they were stacking up in your arms. “Let me go, I need to go back home.” Riddle seethes quietly.
“Mya, it’s not like you wanna go home, so why don’t we stay and watch Trey fumble? It’s funny.”
The redhead purses his lips, hesitates, and eventually peeks into the window next to Chenya. “If we get caught, it’s your fault and I’m just a victim.”
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starleska · 1 year
So what I get is that most fans are spreading rumors about clown being hacked or putting words in his mouth, and some are treating him like a child who needs to be protected at all cost (which is kinda creepy behavior). And this is happening because he made a NSFW tag, right? What a way to wake up to.
hello anon! yes, you've hit the nail on the head - i'm so sorry that this was what you woke up to! it certainly had my heart rate up for a bit 😭💖 here's the situation (apologies for the long post):
Clown has now made an official separate tag for NSFW content, #PlayfellowXXX. this is excellent! much like Toby Fox did with the #Undertail tag, NSFW fanworks creators now have a separate space to place their work, meaning that individuals who don't want to see that content don't need to.
Wally Darling and Frank Frankly Voice Actor F. Frankie Frankenstein confirmed that this was real, and a decision made by the Welcome Home team.
this was quickly corroborated by Clown, who said that they have not been hacked, and he just needed some time to adjust to all of the new attention. they also found the whole outcry quite funny!
after this, Welcome Home team member Anonymous Puzzler also said that this was a mutual decision between the team, and specifically said that it wasn't coerced in any way. she also confirmed that NSFW was never prohibited in the first place - it was just asked to be private while they worked everything out.
during this time, there were a variety of reactions from people. many were elated; some were confused; others were angry and/or upset. some believed Clown was hacked; others believed he was coerced; others acknowledged its veracity, but were saddened/angered all the same.
to recap: NSFW content has never been banned, according to the Welcome Home team: they just wanted time to work out the best way to protect younger people and those who don't want to see that kind of content in an enormous fandom. the team's preference is now for all Welcome Home NSFW content to go under the tag #PlayfellowXXX. this is a decision Clown and the team have reached organically, without coercion, and for the betterment of the fandom.
there is a significant portion of folks who are distressed by this news, and who are assigning thoughts and feelings onto Clown without knowing him personally. i don't think this is terribly healthy. it's okay if you don't like NSFW fanworks; having a separate tag means you can block/blacklist, and not have to see it!
personally, i think this is a wonderful idea. i'm saddened by the backlash NSFW creators are receiving in the wake of this news - especially as someone who received some of that hate, despite never having made NSFW content for Welcome Home!
i'm also baffled by the repeated assertion that Clown has somehow been coerced into this decision by 'porn-addicted weirdos'. the Welcome Home fandom has been extraordinarily respectful of the private NSFW rule...now, it's okay for people to make NSFW content for Welcome Home, guys. we literally got the green light 😅
the creator is an adult, the characters are adults, and it's a horror project which will deal with mature themes. this really is the best way the team could've handled this kind of project suddenly getting an enormous audience with a lot of younger people! no one is 'more deserving' of being in the fandom, and no one is 'better' than anyone else for making or not making a certain kind of fanwork. certainly, no one 'owns' a tag, character, or fandom - it is a courtesy to have a separate space so that people can avoid NSFW content if they want to.
at the end of the day, i hope those who are upset get a chance to rest, and realise this isn't the end of the world. i understand how hard this might be, especially if NSFW content is a real no-go for you. but everyone's fandom experience is different, and i promise you, the NSFW creators aren't making that content just to make you, personally, feel bad! 💖 if you see someone posting in the wrong tag, or who has outdated information, just politely let them know, or mute/block/scroll on as you need to.
now, i realise i'm breaking my own rule about not weighing in on discourse...but i have so many Welcome Home followers and wanted to make this easily accessible 🙏 i hope this clears up any questions people have.
to the NSFW creators - have fun! to those who'd rather not see NSFW content - take care of yourself! i hope you all have a wonderful day :3c
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mun-urufu · 3 months
i still have no idea wha the fuck happened
Intro post ig
i have an alt account for when i reach post limit now: @munurufu
if u dont mind getting free media and software i checked personaly:
x-marks-the-spot-pi.vercel.app (no ads apart from the download site where its wild get a good adblocker before downloading and be wary of redirects)
Pansexual; Transfem; Non-binary; Furry
@the-principality-of-sealand made me a vampire
I may be anarchist
chemistry and astrophysics and theoretical physics are what I geek out about
gender according to @griffinmcelroyspisskink-remade :
cryptid [REDACTED] nerd
Pronouns: any/all but prefer she/her and they/them
my other blog(s):
blahaj.zone = @munurufu
currently a triggering with bad mental health and a not good family but trying to remain positive and healing myself almost daily on Tumblr
porn blogs; porn bots; pedophiles; anyone who hits on me ina weird pedophilic way DO NOT INTERACT OE I WILL BONK YOU I TO THE ETERNAL BAN AND REPORT YOU TO THE GODS OF THIS GODLESS UNIVERSE
Trigger warnings:
none, I’m friendly and welcoming to all people and minorities and try to avoid anything which could hurt someone, if a post might be not good for someone (trauma, violence etc. NEVER ANYTHING RACIST OR OF SIMILIARITY) I’ll flag it. currently a high chance that I’ll have a breakdown, life’s not been well but I will tag those posts appropriately.
Nationality: Slovakian 🇸🇰 (I’m a mountain person :3)
Fandoms I’m in:
Urban Legends (Backrooms; SCP-foundation) Norse mythology Cryptids D&D; Furry; Genshin; HSR; Wuthering; Harry Potter (fuck JK Rowling I’m here for the fanfics) Doctor Who; Frieren; Tokyo Ghoul; Hermitcraft; there’s more but I’m stupid and can’t remember them
Anime recommendations:
Frieren, Tokyo Ghoul, Konosuba, Fairy Tail, some other ones idk
Videogams I’ll play with u if u ask nicely and I have time:
Minecraft, Genshin, Honkai Star Rail, Wuthering Waves, Rocket League, Apex Legends
Minecraft rp Server:
TimeSkipSMP (basically people from different time periods get somehow into the same world with no recollection of their previous memories other than their occupation. Send as ask if u want to join (24/7 server uptime) I’ll send an invite to the discord server where you’ll get all the needed info and a guide on how to make your character. Cureent characters:
15th Century French Plague Doctor
Medieval Beekeeper
Medieval Flower salesman and famer
17th Century pirate/swashbuckler
Current inventory:
Big Blåhaj from @tunderpal
the Heebi Jeebies
64 arrows
Mundane short sword
Whisper Talisman (Rare)
This item has been blessed by a monk long ago who lived on the peak of Mount Hua. This will protect you from wind element attacks and will reduce knockback by 85%
about fuckingn time
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Moots who wish not to be tagged :(
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The thing that fucking kills me about “community labels” is how they were pitched as a way to avoid the exact kind of thing that staff are using them for.
Like, the pitch was “you can post your grown up stuff if you tag it properly and we won’t interfere.”
And then they immediately got wishy-washy on what would be allowed, and it turned out that the answer was, “basically nothing.”
And so you got people who came here from twitter or came back here thinking that it’d at least be a little bit more hands off, only to find out that it’s the opposite.
They trained the system so poorly and with so little human oversight that it almost immediately started flagging anything queer as explicit. And rather than say “we fucked up and we’ll fix it” they more or less just doubled down on the damn thing.
Meanwhile, there’s still, somehow, a massive porn bot problem on the site, so now we have the worst of both worlds. There’s a system in place to easily silo off NSFW stuff but it works so poorly that queer people get banned for talking about their day while bot run blogs full of sex gifs follow us in droves.
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animeyanderelover · 1 month
Can I get another round with Yandere Merlin,Diane and Elisabeth, Derieri and Melascula with a human darling. Only this time the darling is a member of the sins being the eighth son of melancholy so unlike other humans he's actually very strong instead of being helpless.
I was trying to think of a fitting animal to represent melancholy and came up with a donkey... If you've watched Winnie Pooh you know exactly why.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, clinginess, manipulation, isolation
Donkey's Sin of Melancholy
Elizabeth Liones
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👼​Elizabeth as a person has always cared for the people around her even if they were her enemies and this nurturing nature is amplified in her obsession. The princess wants her darling to be happy physically and mentally so having you being the embodiment of melancholy only stokes the flames of obsession within her. You're always draped in thick sheets of unexplainable sadness and sorrow and even you can't give her a reason to why you're always feeling so dejected which only encourages her obsession to make a fuss over you. Since there is no real problem for your feelings she has no way to approach the problem and help you with your gloomy emotions. Other sins like Ban tell her that she shouldn't fret so much over you since this is how you have always been yet Elizabeth strongly objects. She doesn't want you to dwell all the time in such dark emotions as she yearns to see you leaving that grim place your mind always seems to stay in. She swears to herself that she will make you happy and that she will free you from your own thoughts.
👼​That wish of her is going to push her to be overbearing sooner or later depending on whether we're considering her before she regained her memories or after she regained her memories. Elizabeth before remembering who she really is would be quick to coddle you, clinging to you all the time and doing everything to make you smile and make you happy. She's insecure, knows that you are very strong as a part of the eight sins whilst she isn't yet she still strives to be helpful to you somehow. If that can't be on the battlefield then it will be emotionally and because she is so eager about assisting you even if you deny her help more than once that can quickly turn into her being a tad bit too attentive and overbearing. If we're talking about Elizabeth as a goddess she would approach you more thoughtfully, emotionally more prepared to read your current mood and attempt to cheer you up from there. She's more subtle with everything she does but upon recalling her memories she has also learnt how to use her abilities again which means that she might use her empathic powers in an attempt to influence your emotions.
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🐍​Growing up Diane has made acquaintance with loneliness, a terrible feeling that she has over the years learnt to utterly despise. She doesn't want to be alone anymore which is one of the major reasons why she ends up as clingy as she does when she falls in love with you. You have never once made any comments about her height nor her clinginess though, maybe because you are often elsewhere with your mind and your thoughts yet it is the fact that you don't speak up about it that ends up encouraging her tendencies to escalate. She thinks that your quietness and thoughtfulness are very attractive and only add to your coolness. Her feelings have never been a secret to the other sins because she can barely hold back the red blush on her face as soon as she sees you and instantly starts twirling her hair around with her fingers, trying to make herself look cuter so that she might be able to make your heart skip as much as you always make her heart skip.
🐍​It is your reserved personality that still makes her most jealous though. Even though she is definitely on a delusional side she knows that you tend to avoid conflict and never disagree even when someone asks you to do something that you don't really want to do. This is where she takes it upon herself to act like the protective wife and speak up for you instead even if she never asks you for your real opinion on the topic. Additionally her already quite bad jealousy only increases because she knows that you are not the most social person out there and prefer spending time in your own head rather than with the people around you which makes every slice of attention you give others so much more special and by extension even worse. Why did you pay attention to that person and not to her just now? It's such thoughts that only add to her pushy clinginess as she wants to hoard all of your attention as soon as you snap out of the place in your mind you find yourself stuck in on days. As your future wife she should after all be the one person you may most attention to.
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🐗​Merlin's interest in knowledge, science and everything she doesn't know of is an unquenchable thirst that has led her to suspend her own age so that she may have all the time in the world to learn everything she desires to know. Often refered to as a mysterious woman since no one can truly tell what she is really after it is perhaps no surprise that the woman shrouded in mystery takes an interest in the other sin who is often just as hard to understand as you. Despite being a normal human you possess strength that has allowed to join the ranks of the sins and it is your personality that only adds to her interest as you are not very talkative nor do you spend much time with others. If Merlin takes interest in something she is going to pursue it even if she has to use more underhanded methods yet her ambigious morality has never truly been something that has bothered her. She knows what she is doing yet she prioritises her own interest above any laws or morality that others may criticise her for.
🐗​She uses the information she has to her own advantage and attempts to manipulate you so that she can spend more time with you. Her laboratory is a place where people rarely enter, mainly because she uses spells to keep people out and it is a place you find yourself often coaxed into with the promise of receiving your peace in there without being surrounded by the other sins whose personalities can be a bit exhausting for you at times. Whilst she keeps up the polite and kind facade around you her eyes are constantly observing you and note every twitch of your muscles when she makes some smalltalk with you whilst subtly attempting to understand you and the way your mind works better. Sometimes your gaze meets her for a short moment before you retreat to the place in your mind she has yet to understand and when this happens she wonders slightly amused if you perhaps have caught on to what she is doing yet have decided to ignore the topic in favor of avoiding a confrontation and continue your current lifestyle.
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🔶Whilst Derieri is a demon who has never really respected humans and feasts on the souls of your kind she will begrudgingly give you some respect after she has clashed with you on a battlefield. You are not just a puny human who she could easily squash under her feet, you have experience when it comes to fighting and possess abilities strong and respected enough to let you be a part of the sins despite only being a human. She keeps such thoughts to herself though as she would never want to admit that she holds secretly such respect for you. The both of you have most of your encounters whilst fighting each other since her kind is considered the enemy and she gets very aggressive when she sees you and instantly assaults you. Partially because she absolutely despises the way you make her feel and the nonchalant behavior you keep up even whilst fighting for your own life. Another part of her though can't contain the excitement pumping through her veins every time she sees you as she finds herself enjoying the thrill of clashing with you, her seven hearts beating wildly inside her body whenever your bodies get close to each other.
🔶The more her feelings grow the more aggressive she finds herself getting when fighting with you as her hatred as well as her excitement only get stronger as a result of her growing obsession. Derieri finds herself in desperate need to know what you really think of her kind and if you share the same thoughts as most other humans have about her own kind. She doesn't want to get her hopes up yet a part of her can't help but think that perhaps you will be different. After all you are quite different from other humans with a thought process that she can't even comprehend and it partially frustrates her about you. Having clashed with you multiple times during fights and having witnessed your strength with her own eyes though her frustration only continues to grow as she realises that you are truly not an easy person she could simply get her hands on. For a mere human you possess an annoying amount of strength that she may enjoy during fights yet that also means that she won't be able to just easily take you even if she desires to do so. Intentionally or not, everything about you seems to be something that she adores yet finds frustrating at the same time.
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🌫️​Melascula's experience is going to be even worse than Derieri's is and this demoness handles it even worse. Whilst Derieri will simply brood and lash out if someone mentions you Melascula needs no such direct trigger to have an outburst. She refuses to acknowledge you and respect you despite having seen your powers on display and doesn't want to accept the growing feelings she has whilst thinking about you. She would accept every other excuse that could help her to deny her growing feelings for you and in such frenzy attempts to convince herself and everyone around her that her feelings aren't real she turns into a conspiracy theorist. You bewitched her somehow and maybe Merlin helped you by putting a spell on her because her obsession for you can't be something that was born out of her own feelings she secretly harbors for you. She experienes constantly short and frenzied meltdowns as soon as something even vaguely reminds her of you to the point where the rest of the Ten Commandments starts to leave her alone as no one of them wants to be the next victim of her ridiculous rage.
🌫️​Everything you embody she tries to ridicule all in an attempt to deny her own feelings, in distraught hopes that her attraction may disappear if she were to just remind herself enough that no power you possess will change the fact that you belong to the weakest and most useless race on this planet. Her twisted feelings are always revealed though as soon as she's around you, her dark eyes observing you and her body language almost lecherous as fighting against you only fawns the inferno of obsession within her. She wants to be adored and worshipped by you yet your attitude which is only utterly disrespectful in her eyes only enrages her further. Just because you are a little bit more powerful than the normal human doesn't mean that you can just casually disrespect her! You just wait until she gets her hands on you sooner or later. She will properly educate you on how to treat a sublime woman like she is with the respect and the worship she deserves all whilst keeping you by her side like a human pet.
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AITA for getting a friend banned from Tumblr ? I(19nb) met a group of people through fandom (6 of us, adults) and we started talking on discord. It was fun and everyone was cool. We (privately) would send Fandom Takes on the discord and kind of make fun of how bad they were sometimes. It was pretty harmless, until one friend Summer(26f) (fake names) decided to fixate on a particular person named Brian in the fandom.
Brian was, I believe, about 13 or 14 years old at the time. They were a system blog (sorry I don't understand systems very well) and Brian was (or identified as?) a bunch of characters in this fandom from a lineage of ancestors that Summer liked. So I think Summer took it personally or something that this person mischaracterized them cuz they were her favorite characters?
Like I said, it started as harmless, privately posting some stuff that Brian had said and saying stuff like "me when I'm 13 years old" etc etc but Summer started to get an unhealthy fixation with this person and would start posting DAILY about Brian. I mean paragraph-long rants about this kid. It was getting out of hand so I started defending Brian even though I don't even know him cuz it started to sound really mean. But Summer would just kind of laugh it off and say "well its not like I'm saying this in public"
Summer also started to attack Brian personally about the whole 'system' thing, i don't really know anything about systems, and again, this kid is a total stranger, so idgaf, but Summer said that tiktok has totally bastardized what systems are and she's sick of kids thinking its an identity thing and stuff like that, since she works as a PSW in a psych ward and deals with people who have that disorder, I think this is also a big reason why Brian made her so mad, but again... Summer and Brian don't even know each other so it was getting uncomfortable, like it became so that nobody even posted in the Bad-Takes channel anymore bc Summer was just constantly posting personal stuff about Brian and it made us all feel weird about the channel altogether.
So this is where it starts to suck: Summer makes a sideblog, burnbook style, called something like We-Hate-Brian or Brian-Fucking-Sucks (cant remember the name) and starts literally copying Brian's text posts and parodying them and editing stuff into his icon photo and his art. She posts about this in our discord thinking its absolutely hilarious and I immediately start DMing everyone to mass report the blog (and her main) cuz I'm ashamed we even let it get this far.
So Summer gets banned from Tumblr, gets upset about it in the discord, and nobody really replies to her insane rant about it, she's totally convinced that somehow it was Brian himself. We all move to another discord to quietly ghost her and she messages us once in a while but I think what happened really soured everyone on her. Nobody has ever told Summer that it was us that got her banned, or why we did it. I feel kind of weird about it since we never told her and just collectively agreed to ghost her to avoid the inevitable drama. so AITA??
What are these acronyms?
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tic-toc-clock77 · 7 months
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General Context
After Zalgo and Slender were separated in the lab, Slender was put with 3 other test subjects, the four became so close that they gradually treated each other like brothers. The three before Slender were already close and gladly accepted Slenderman into their brotherhood.
-Slenderman is the voice of reason for his brothers
-Feeds off human bodies
-If anybody whether a worker or a brother needs advice, Slender is the go-to guy (unfortunately for him)
-Slender is the youngest brother of the group
-Slender doesn't exactly hate his brothers
-He just gets constantly exhausted and deflated whenever their around because these guys ALWAYS cause some sort of trouble
-Needs very long rests after they visit and he doesn't even need to sleep
-Middle Child, younger than Offender and Trender
-Joyous motherfucker
-Feeds off joy and happy energy
-He does have his own forest and his own workers, he enjoys managing them and being invovled
-He treats all his workers like friends
-His joy is seemingly never ending, so much so that it's scary to imagine pissing him off
-Its even scarier when you HAVE somehow pissed him off
-He. Goes. Ballistic.
-But it's only ever happened once
-The one time he invited Offender over, something unsavory almost happened to one of his workers
-Splendor promptly beat the absolute shit out of him
-Other than that, whenever he goes to Slender and his workers he never loses his cool
-Splendor will have tea parties with Sally and Lulu whenever they want because Slenderman refuses
-He tries his best to get everyone all together to have little parties and game nights
-The game nights barely ever work and somebody gets punched in the first 20 minutes usually by Jeff
-Second oldest brother
-He has workers but a very limited number
-Feeds off sexual energy
-Hes sorta of a Valentino from Hazbin esque character
-He rarely sees his brothers because everyone really hates him
-Slender has banned him from his forest, Splendor tries to avoid him at all costs and Trender tries to forget he even exists
-He has his workers under mind control, if they ever awaken from the mind control they will kill him
-He's sorta like a queen bee of a colony
-Oldest brother
-He treats his workers like his models
-His workers don't kill, he's never had an interest in death and doesn't need to eat people to survive
-He has no need to eat or sleep, so he spends most of his time working
-He doesn't spend a lot of time with his brothers but will babysit the younger members of Slender's Forest (E.g. Sally)
-The most truthful and responsible brother
-Uses his workers as models
-He is where mannequins come from lol
-He watches MLP with Sally, his favourite is Rarity
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