#some pressage
hydraulic-pressage · 11 months
not to vague blog about my friends but being the baby of the group doesn't make you more likable. It's fine if you don't know how to do stuff and I will help you until we're old and wrinkly but not knowing how to cook isn't cute, quirky, or a personality trait.
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yukicustos · 1 year
So, I did a little something. I had been writing for too long by now and it is time to have some of my stuff see the light of the day.
'Wild Bluebird' is a imaginary studio for my scripts and the first one with the spotlight on is 'Indigo Heart' based on Teen Wolf series, and for you, yes, you! Who's in love with Thiam like an awful amount. Give it a try. I know it's a little a bit off the usual.
A script, like literally, I had read some movies scripts. I love the vibes, my writing, projects fits the format and I would love to sharp this as much as I can. I bet you can also imagine I am not a native, but I am aiming to become a pro anyways.
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‘TEEN WOLF: Indigo Heart’ Script. Genre: ‘Action, Fantasy, Drama. Theo Raeken is having dreams about Liam Dunbar, and his new endeavor as a dancer, but there’s much more about this to be only about channeling his anger. In a potential reality, where they found out what’s turning their Werewolf eyes into an Indigo color, and why it is related to the states of dreaming. They face sumeric demons, venturing themselves in babylonian rituals with an upcoming pressage of a new uncontrollable force onto Beacon Hills fate. Where does Liam fits in all this? He’s the center of it, and Theo can feel it. Written in Script format, meant to follow the events after the Hunters ‘Teen Wolf Season VI.’
The arc is inspired in the very concept of me imagining Liam finding dancing to be his way through managing this energy called: anger issues. Which parallels rituals(also me, because well it works from actual experience), states of consciousness and all that good stuff about the 'Supernatural' that makes double meaning to 'Spiritual'. And of course a new mythological being for them to deal with, the Hellcat*cough, cough* Meghan Fox face claim *cough*
Here's the Trailer Concept from WB youtube channel:
The link for download is the 'WB SCRIPTS' website page right here,
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I really hope that Season of the Deep doesn't use Battlegrounds for its seasonal activity. While I like the mini strikes in general, we've had a lot of them pretty much back to back since they were introduced. Chosen, Risen, Seraph and now Defiance have all had Battlegrounds as their activities, with pretty minimal variation between them. It'd be nice to get some more unique activities again, like Astral Alignment from Season of the Lost, or Override from Season of the Splicer.
I've also noticed that seasons which feature Battlegrounds don't seem to do the secondary 3 player activities other seasons do. Splicer had Expunge, Lost had Shattered Realm, Haunted had Sever and Plunder had the pirate hideouts and also the excavation thing. But none of the Battlegrounds seasons have anything similar. They do tend to have exotic missions (Pressage, Vox Obscura, Seraph Station and now Avalon), but they're not the same. I think it's time for Bungie to break the current trend of Battlegrounds seasons, and go with the more traditional, but also more variable, six player activity + 3 player mini dungeon season again. Not permanently, but just for a while.
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astroyongie · 5 years
Tea Series
Note : before I start , I want to make sure that everyone understands that in no way I’m trying to say that this is 100% true. I’m just basing my facts on the boys birth chart as well as using spreads from my Tarot and Oracle. Please have fun !
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Birth chart aspects:
Let’s start with the basic which I confirm his bubbly like energy and personality. Mark is full of radiant energy and his Leo Sun makes him bright and prideful
He loves company. He is the sort of person that needs to constantly be around others. Loneliness makes him depressed
He is very impulsive as well even if he uses his mind a lot. He tends to meet challenges head on because of that
He has pure intentions, is helpful and generous, and his sexual vitality is very high
Also he wants to feel special. That’s why he works very hard and he tends to archive all the goals he sets himself. Recognition is important and he would do anything so people can see Is worth
He can be very impatient and defensive, thus he cannot tolerate manipulation from others.
All his feelings and desires are pretty much intense and that’s how he manifests them
Can be very persuasive and he uses a lot of his feelings to communicate with others. He sees communication as something true thus he exposes a lot of his real self by talking and telling the true
Doesn’t has tendency on lying
He fears being ridiculous, however that won’t stop his very flirty attitude. He needs to flirt, he needs to feel approved and loved so yeah, our Mark likes to be desired
Even so, even if he has thus personality where he needs people to love him, when it comes to his heart he would be really sincere and loyal toward his partner
He keeps on seeking new challenges. Actually it’s quite accurate since his idol life is quite full of it
He has quite a lot of contradictions tho, because even if he search approval he doesn’t want people to guide him or tell him what he needs to be or do
Also sexually speaking, this boy as a lot of stamina, doesn’t share his partner, is more of a receiver and most importantly he is attracted to kinky stuff
Can also be very influenced in particular by people he lived or look up for
Tarot aspect:
Major arcana: Death = contrary to popular beliefs, the death card isn’t a bad card or pressage. This shows that Mark is someone whom have been through some hardships to become who he is now. Hardships that he successfully managed to solve before keeping his path. Mark keeps moving on, letting go of bad things and changing every time he sees that a situation that isn’t healthy for him. Also currently he doesn’t have any unhealthy relationship
Minor arcana: King of Wands; 10 of Swords Reversed; King of Swords reversed : Mark is smart. He is the sort of person that knows when to accept and follow advices from people wiser than him. He is someone that solves conflits mostly between the group. He leads his life with confidence and he takes opportunity when it appears. However at the moment he is facing some difficulties, there’s still something that he is having a hard time about letting go. However he knows what to do to make pain go he is just waiting for the right moment. The members and the group gives him a lot of energy and sometimes he has trouble about expressing it releasing it. He is learning about being a mature person, about controlling his impulsions so he won’t get burn.
Oracle aspect:
Panda: I find this so accurate, like people are drawn to him. When we see mark we associate him with security and confort. Mark is someone that loves purely and with good attentions. He is someone that wants to Make others happy, someone who will help others being confident. Mark’s personality is just being a very soft person despite his strong and outburst like energy.
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storyunrelated · 5 years
Flash #1455
The Mentor was doing a little bit of focus group testing, just to see how the Heroes were going down with the general public.
“And so what did we think?”
The demographically-diverse selection of the general public shifted on their uncomfortable seats.
“It was alright,” was the mumbled consensus. This was not so useful for the Mentor, but they didn’t let that show on their face.
“What did you like?” They asked.
Further mumbling, this time a little difficult to pick anything out of. Again, not so useful.
“Well, what didn’t you like?” The Mentor ventured.
Some discussion amongst the group at this. Then, one individual raised an uncertain hand. The Mentor was delighted - this seemed to pressage something of value.
“Yes, you,” they said, pointing.
The individual now found themselves the centre of attention, which wasn’t great, but it was too late to back out now. They cleared their throat.
“Well, that bit at the end? Where they murdered all the, uh-” the individual wasn’t sure what word to use.
“The monsters?” The Mentor suggested, helpfully.
“Uh, yeah, I guess. Did they have to do that?”
The Mentor blinked.
“Of course they did. They were monsters. What else were they supposed to do?” They asked.
This wasn’t going anywhere good.
“Well, the, ah, monsters were just kind of minding their own business it looked like? I wasn’t sure why they had to die,” the individual said. Worse, some in the group even nodded.
“Because they’re monsters,” the Mentor said, slowly, as though to a child.
“Did they have to die though?”
“If they didn’t die then they’d only die later while doing something bad. Or after doing something bad! Would you prefer that? That they be allowed to do something bad first?” The Mentor asked, rising in volume and closing the distance between themselves and the individual, who shrank back in their seat.
“Something bad like what?” The individual asked in a tiny voice.
“I don’t know! I’m not a monster!” The Mentor shouted.
The individual fell off their chair.
This whole thing had been a massive waste of time.
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yellowrose-epiphany · 6 years
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"If I may trust the flatt'ring truth of sleep my dreams pressage some joyful news at hand. My bosom's lord sits lightly in his throne, and all this day an unaccustom'd spirit lifts me above the ground with cheerful thoughts." -Romeo #princesshomegirl #romeoandjuliet(5.1.1-5) #shakespeare . . . . . . . #girlswhoread #selfie #selfiequote #androgynous #asf #beautiful #mind #dreams #afro #power #bighair #wisdom #helloworld #browngirls #allgirlsarebeautiful (at Jersey City, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs3Ivpnnji_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vuf0zy66o70t
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birdkoskincare · 7 years
heya! do you still have a spot open for the free one card reading? i’d love one if possible? I was wondering if i’ll pass this year of uni and move on to the next. sun sign: aries moon: scorpio initials: m.l.c thank you
yep, you got the very last spot left! 
for you i drew hasmed, the angel of annihilation.
“A terrible sight to behold (…), the void eating itself and making itself anew”. His presence points at something that should not be but is, that needs to be removed. Consider what sacrifices you are willing to make in order to advance to the next year, and keep in mind that some decisions can’t be taken back. This might sound like a very negative pressage, but keep in mind it may simply be pointing towards what’s standing in the way of your academic progression right now, not necessarily towards your chances. One way or the other, what has rotted must be cut off so that you may carry on living.
✨ oracle reading requests are closed, but my full readings are always open ✨
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timdodds · 4 years
Don’t get me wrong, please. I love a clear blue sky as much as everyone. Here in Lightwater they are especially to be enjoyed with an absence of aircraft condensation trails, which have blighted our skies for many years.
Dappled shade in warm weather is what I most enjoy. One can lie back in a chair and watch the clouds roll by, and perhaps think about what they are, and what they pressage.
Some years ago I wrote about about Appreciating clouds – I’m somewhat staggered to see that this blog post was 10 years ago, and yet I thought of it as being much more recent. A very odd feeling, I can tell you. Anyway, before that Christmas years ago I mentioned my love of clouds to my family, and whadda you know my Christmas presents were books on clouds – The Cloud Book – How to understand the Skies, and The Met Office Pocket Cloud Book, and Eyewitness Companions Weather.
I do try hard to recognise the cloud types in our skies, such that I rush to my books on clouds to help identify them. It’s fun for an old bloke like me. I am loathe to say with any degree of certainty, especially in company, what the clouds are in the sky, for two reasons, one failing to properly remember what I thought I learned reading books on clouds, and more importantly thinking that in the company with whom I am there’s bound to be someone with expert knowledge.
It was cloudy a couple of days ago, a reason to get out my books on clouds. By the time I’d studied the books to help identify a cloud, they’d pesky well moved or changed shape. Ah, well here are the clouds I photographed on Tuesday 26th May, with my choice of cloud type. I think they were high clouds, over 20,000 ft and of Cirrus types. Dear readers, am I correct?
Clouds offer a pleasing change to clear blue skies Don't get me wrong, please. I love a clear blue sky as much as everyone. Here in Lightwater they are especially to be enjoyed with an absence of aircraft condensation trails, which have blighted our skies for many years.
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thebladevsnature · 6 years
Own T shirt Brand , How?
We work with a lot of great people across the country, print custom clothing for their companies and non-profit organizations, but we also have the great privilege of helping other people go beyond just clothing for an event or team, to help launch their own clothing line. In fact, we are asked to print for so many starting clothing brands that we wanted to create a quick peat leaf from our Top 4 tips for starting our own clothing brand based on countless conversations over the years. We hope you find it useful ... and that your own line of t-shirts / clothing will inflate if you follow these tips! 1- Keep your costs low! Serious. It is absolutely not necessary to spend a lot of money when you launch your own line of t-shirts or clothing ... and you do not have to buy items from 500 to 1000 as \\\\\\\\ legitimate. We recommend starting small and focusing on quality for quantity. When we say 'quality', we mean the quality of the shirt and the quality of the ink. Your brand must be consistent, so we recommend using a nicer T-shirt and minimal ink colors (to keep costs low compared to adding more ink colors). You can advertise the fabric mix and how soft it is - and people will notice it too! If you want to see some of the options of our favorite t-shirts and ink processes, you can buy one of our trial kits with soft T-shirts to make the decision process easier. And before you decide to buy hundreds or thousands of clothes, you can start getting smaller to see what people really think (I know, it's crazy to hear us NOT spend a lot of money, but we want to see you WIN do not break!). Simply creating a Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest page for your new clothing line and placing preliminary images can go a long way, because you can measure interest and keep your inventory before you order.
2 - customized, adapted, adapted (logos, labels and bags) Logo - Choose the right logo and design for your new brand. You can go somewhere like 99Designs.com to design logos or t-shirt designs, you can use a freelance designer or you can do it yourself, but think of a good design. Your first customers can buy the shirts because they are your friends, but outside of your friends you'd better have a cool design or mission behind the brand. Selling stories, so creating a brand with a story behind it (and a mission to focus on) can go a long way with people. Again, your family and friends are likely to purchase a shirt from your obligation, but you must go further. Make something worthwhile to give and share about ... and make something that people think is cool. First consider placing a picture of the shirt on Facebook, Instagram or other social media (and asking if people would actually buy it), and then adjust the question and go from there. Labels and labels - Do not settle for Canvas, Next Level, American Apparel or other brands on your shirts. You can easily mark your shirts $ 5- $ 10 or more if you have your own tags on the shirts. A few places where you can search for custom tags are: The Dutch Label Shop, Wunderlabel or ClothingLabels4u. In each of these places you can buy the shirts from us, buy the labels from them and then quickly sew the labels as soon as you receive the shirts. You may have to buy a few hundred labels at the front, but that's good ... just keep them handy when the orders arrive and quickly sew them in when the orders arrive. Another good option is to make a heat pressag. Here are a few places where you can search for vinyl with a heat press or logos with screen printing that can be cut out, and applied to the inner neck of your shirts: Heat Press Nation or FM Expressions. Bags - Consider the presentation of your brand. We have our Monster Pack poly bags from StickerMule and LOVE them. They are cheap, but you put your best foot forward when you have to send a shirt. 3- Make it a party One of the best ways to show that your brand is relevant and cool is that people actually touch, feel and see it. So you have to think of a way to get people around your clothing line ... and in the age of social media this will also create opportunities for your first fans to share their experiences through photos and video. If you create a start event for your clothing line, you can not only create a nice buzz, but you will also get valuable pictures of your clothes that are shown while people wear them. Here are a few of our best ideas for a successful launch party: - Create an online event and invite friends. - Costs to participate, so that you can pay part of the costs of food / drinks. But do not stop eating, if you launch a clothing line, would not it be great if people really wear your stuff or keep it at the launch? Including the option to buy a t-shirt or sweater as an add-on in the ticket price, this can stimulate initial sales and create more photo opportunities with people carrying your new merch! - Create opportunities for the best photos and let people feel like celebrities one night. Give a step and repeat so that everyone can make his photo with your brand behind it. - Talk about why you decided to start your own clothing line ... but do not play your own horn. Let someone else draw attention, imagine and encourage people to buy merch ... then you just talk about the fun stuff. From there you can be creative and have fun. If people have fun, they will probably buy earlier ... and if you can make a great first party, you can also make a good second party or a future! 4- Sell them online As we mentioned in the first point, before you go insane, try to create a custom e-commerce site and get a mortgage on your property for the inventory, starting with a small question and question. Place some photos of the mockups of the t-shirt on social media and receive feedback. See what people really think. Then invest in the right amount of t-shirts / garments that you feel financially comfortable. To make selling easier, however, you must get an e-commerce site. Our only and only suggestion for this is Shopify. You can start your site for free for 14 days to try it out and then sign up for the service at super fast speed every month. Serious !!! Just do this and do not waste time searching. We do not transfer money to Shopify - we just love them and have actually built this site on Shopify (with some custom devs). Make your life easy and focus on selling the shirts ... not hosting a website, buying an SSL or anything else that most web companies need. https://atlantatshirtkings.blogspot.com/ https://www.reddit.com/user/atlantatshirtkings https://atlantatshirtkings.tumblr.com/post/172341149246/atlanta-t-shirt-kings-is-georgias-most-advance
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elsanna-shenanigans · 6 years
June Contest Submission #16: Studious
“There you are!” Headphones are no match for the rare experience of Jasmine at full force.  Elsa looks up just in time for her bench cushion to rebound under the impact of the girl planting herself down upon it.  A couple of looks wander their way from around the room, then blearily return to their respective phones or meals. It’s too early in the morning for most of them to be interested in any excitement. Elsa smiles, ducks her head a moment while Jasmine wiggles impatiently beside her, then slips her headphones down to rest around her neck and looks her way.  “It sounds like Hurricane Jasmine,” she teases, “is at Category 4 today. Go on, spill it, I know you can’t keep it in when you’ve got a look like that.” That “look” being doe-brown eyes sparkling with news barely kept in, liable to pressage- “Eeeeee, Elsa, we have lucked out!  You will not believe what I found out yesterday.”  Yep, there’s the excited squeal. It must really be good news. Playing it off for a while is more fun, though. Elsa speculates almost with disinterest, “Oh, must not be too exciting, then, if you were able to keep it in for a whole day.” Jasmine answers with her best, ‘oh, shut up’ face, then leaps right back into it.  “I wanted to get your reaction in person, because I think you are going to be interested in this.  You remember how, back when we were doing our class research, we couldn’t find anything out about our World Lit teacher?” Oh. Huh.  Elsa nods, slowly.  This has the potential to be a thing. Jasmine marches ahead, undeterred by Elsa’s lack of apparent interest.  “I found out why!” Did you, though? “She didn’t have a profile on that rate-my-professor site for here for a good reason: because it’s her first class she’s teaching here.  She’s from the east coast, turns out.” No, she’s not. “She was teaching at Cornell!” Temporarily.  Elsa’s shiver passes unnoticed. “She’s got plenty of reviews there, and-” “We hit the jackpot?” “Exactly!”  Jasmine concludes triumphantly, taking that as her having successfully led Elsa into the right guess. Some guess. Elsa, as always, keeps playing it cool.  “So, then, dish it! What are we in store for with Ms. Anna Isles?” You have no idea, Jazzy.  But try me anyway. By all counts, this was about to get strange. “I will, as I’m sure you know, save the best parts for last.”  Jasmine’s practically licking her lips. “I don’t think the teachers are supposed to hook up with their students, Jazzy.”  The barb is aimed quite deliberately. It lands dead center.  “I’m notghasdfafSD…ELSA!  That’s no-” “The ‘good’ part is that she looks amazing in a pencil skirt, isn’t it?  I’ve never seen anyone as thirsty as you’ve been after that arrangement of yours.”  If Jasmine was going to put Elsa through a conversation this peculiar, whether she know it or not, then Elsa was going to get her own fun back out of it. Jasmine’s voice drops back to a more conspiratorial level.  “I assure you, Miss Snark, that I’ve got no idea what she looks like in a pencil skirt, and that the other research on the topic of her being a hottie was at most the third thing on my mind.” “Oh?”  Elsa doesn’t try in the slightest to keep the amusement out of her face.  “I’m looking forward to hearing which is the best part, then, if that’s only the third thing on your mind.” Jasmine hesitates, thinks for a halting second, then admits, “I, ahh…I may not have been ranking by importance, when I said that.” “Thiiiiiiiiiirrsst!” “Don’t tease me!  I’ve seen how badly you can pine for a girl, and just how awful you are about never doing anything about it.”  Jasmine finally finds some purchase with that comment. She presses her advantage, “At least my arrangement with Aladdin is doing something, instead of moping around!” Elsa sighs, unable to argue that point.  “I’m still mad at him on your behalf, by the way.” “And I still say you are wasting your efforts!  He did the right thing.” Jasmine seems to have noticed Elsa being evasive, but this is a topic too long argued for her to give it up without comment. “He was supposed to show you the world.”  Elsa sighs again. “And I was supposed to get get into the travel program along with him.  It’s not his fault I bombed the interview portion.” She’s talking about a social sciences program that their school offers.  A small group of students, selected through a painfully competitive application process, got to hop around the world between partnered universities.  Aladdin had come up with the idea of them applying to the program together over the summer, after they had been dating since the start of freshman year. He got in.  She didn’t. Elsa was certain someone had to have screwed up for things to have turned out like that.  She’d developed a few opinions about the guy when consoling Jasmine for being left behind, fair or not. More not, if Elsa was being honest. “I told him to go anyway,” Jasmine insists.  “He still will show me. He always manages to find a plan, somehow, to make things work.”  Jasmine’s tone is final, and Elsa is happy with the resolve in it. She always loses this argument, and isn’t unhappy about that.  They would be all right in the end. She’d admit it after just a little more teasing.  “I still can’t believe that you agreed to see other people while the trip is ongoing, though.  Nor that I somehow trust both of you to end up happy with the arrangement.” “Oh?  Did I really just hear Elsa admit that we’re right after all?”  Jasmine’s smile is filled with delight at this development. Elsa holds Jasmine’s attention for a long couple of moments, then finally lets her facade go.  “Yes. Yes, you did hear me do that.” “Fantastic.  Now, do you want to hear about our hot teacher or not?  We don’t have much time before class starts at this point.”  She looks pointedly at the clock hanging at a slight angle on the wall opposite them. Elsa shrugs, then starts gathering her things into her backpack.  “Tell me as we go, then.” It was a good delay.  It had given Elsa time to think. Jasmine nods and bounces back to her feet; Elsa can see the soccer player in her when she moves like that.  “Ok! So, starting off with the boring parts of my research, most of her students did say that she knows what she’s doing.  Explains herself well, grades fairly, tends to be lenient more than not. Doesn’t curve very harshly.” “Let me take another guess?” Elsa cuts in, her backpack readied.  Jasmine nods permission. “She explains herself well, but…she’s prone to getting distracted by tangents?” “Oh, hmm, that’s…actually, come to think of it I think you’re right, some people did mention something like that.  Nice guess.” Almost too nice, maybe. “What’re the numbers?”  The website they did most of their ‘research’ on had a couple of categories out of five.  Some more professional than others, and with the comments generally filling in the ones that would be really unprofessional to ask about. “Mostly fours.”  Jasmine holds the door open for Elsa as they exit the student hub building.  “Fives on all the personality ones, a three on availability for extra help.” “Doesn’t answer her emails very well?” “Nope.  You are on a roll today.” “I…had a good breakfast.”  Elsa nearly starts giggling, but keeps herself together. “Hmm, I guess so.  Want to try another guess, if you’re doing so well?”  Jasmine looks sidelong at Elsa, suspicions finally activating. Freshman year had built a deep bond between the two women, each sharing their first year living away from home in their dorm room.  They went through trials, tribulations, and the sorts of mutual late-night decisions that created both of those in the first place. A lot of trust had welled up in a short time between them, enough that Elsa decides to take the plunge.  Even if it was on the one subject she had kept hidden from Jasmine, other than the barest of details.  Elsa hadn’t even mentioned her sister’s name. Though she plans to have some fun with how she says it. “Hmm…she’s a redhead with an amazing white stripe in it, and tends to keep her hair either in pigtails or puts it up.  Four inches shorter than me. Ten years older than me. Does look amazing in a pencil skirt, as well as most anything else.  Freckles all over. Amazing blue eyes, with a smile bright enough to outshine even them.  In amazing shape.  And outside of the shallow part of the answer, she’s the sweetest woman you can imagine.  Great at her job, too, other than those emails she misses. We’ll never have another teacher quite like her.” Jasmine had stopped about halfway through the answer, mouth gone slack.  Elsa turns around at the end of her response, ten feet sitting between them, and their destination hall looming now behind her. “So, how’d I do?” “You…”  Jasmine pauses, collects herself a moment, then continues, “You know her?” “We were on the same bus this morning.  Come on, let’s keep walking, we’re really running out of time and I would like not to be late.” “And you call me thirsty?  That sounded like a confession more than a description!”  Newfound energy propelled Jasmine to catch up, falling in step with Elsa again as they approached the front door. “Just wait until you see her!  As far as I am concerned, whatever your research turned up, it’s selling her short.  Thank god she got divorced.” “Hold on,” Jasmine interrupted, “what do you mean divorced?” “It’s why she moved back here.  Married some jackass, moved out east with him, finally saw his true colors.  Dropped him like the slimeball he is and decided to come back home. She’s in better hands now.”  She’s working her way towards the point at her own pace. Not that any pace was really suitable for where it was going to end up. “Just how fast did you talk, girl?  You don’t live that far from campus!  And you never talk to strangers, let along pretty ones!”  Jasmine’s ‘something’s wrong here’ senses are on high alert by now. “Well, we had time at the bus stop, too.” “She lives that close to you?” They mount the final stair to the second floor, their destination in sight.  Elsa keeps going, nonchalant as she can manage. “Pretty close, yeah. Practically neighbors.” “Elsa, hold on, there’s got to be something you aren’t telling me-” “She’s a natural at teaching.  Always wanted to show me new things, even as kids.  Or…not as kids.” Elsa stops, hand on the doorknob to the class, and glances about to ensure there’s no one paying attention. “Jasmine…you do remember how much older I told you my sister is than me, right?” Jasmine’s gasp kept going until Elsa, with wicked smirk spanning ear to ear, thought her friend might burst.  No words followed it. Elsa doesn’t give her the time she needs to recover.  She swings the door open to reveal a redhead in a pencil skirt at the lectern, distracted by fiddling with AV cables and her laptop.  Elsa comments cheerily as she takes the first step in. “Best. Class. Ever.”
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hydraulic-pressage · 1 year
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Ein dreiäugiger Riese stürmt mir entgegen.
Und weil es so spät ist, mache ich ein Nickerchen in der Gepäckablage.
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