#some perminantly
wayward-wren · 2 months
Thought too long about Hermoine daughter of Meneleus and Helen and got sad
#wren rambles#greek mythology#the iliad#the odyssey#i am actually not 100% sure what stories shes in#but i got interested at her mention in the odyssey and then read her wiki page#girl lost BOTH her parents for 17 years when she was 9#grew up probably raised mostly by Clyemnestra which. no one wants.#her parents finally came back from troy and their re-honeymoon in africa#and three years later shes send off to marry Neoptolemus#an agrragement her father made during the trojan war#(now marriage customs were different ans this arragement would have been normal.#and she doesnt seem to hate the idea [though her opinion isnt mentioned] so it could just be a normal marriage agreement#however it IS Neoptolemus. who is often portrayed as brutal and violent.#tho idk what hes like outside of war. anyway. happiness of the marruage aside#its probably a shock to be Nine Years Old and then when youre solidly in your 20s your dad comes back abd is like MARRIAGE TIME)#and THEN Orestes and Neoptolemus fight over her and she marries Orestes (her cousin. but again. ancient greece)#just. most of that generation of kids lost only their father#some perminantly#telemachus for 20 years#most for at least ten years#but Heromine lost BOTH her parents#lost the relationship with her MOTHER which the vibe i get was SUPER valuble#(if Demeter's attitude is anything to go by and the cultural vibe of mother-daughter relationship)#helen even did cite that she was a foolish creature for leaving her husband and beloved daughter#ALSO Hermione not having any full siblings means something to me#idk just. Helen's only daughter. left behind.#Helen's only CHILD left behind
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filledwithstarz · 6 days
regulus "long, deep groans" black
james "loud, shakey moaning" potter
remus "quiet shivering and grunting" lupin
sirius "all of the above" black
evan "no noise" rosier
barty "whimpering mess" crouch jr.
peter "doesnt get the chance to find out" pettigrew
check out the tags for mountains of more info
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timeisacephalopod · 2 years
I was going through my old fics and ungifting them from someone I wish I never even met and I really do hate that she decided to integrate herself into my life SO HARD that two years after she decided to end our friendship over fucking text while informing me she didn't even like me the last 3 years she knew me I'm STILL prying her out of my life like a disgusting sticky thread that forcibly embedded itself there just to be a reminder of how much that person meant to me and how little I ultimately meant to her.
Anyway I like to hope two years later she's doing the same thing, except when she finds the sticky remains of me in her life she's at least got the benefit of knowing she chose that fate- I wasn't so lucky, and she wasn't the one who found out the last several years of that friendship was a sham either. Like yeah upon reflection Sarah reminded me more and more of her mother in A Bad Way and ultimately was loud and annoying and maybe not someone I liked all that much either, but I at least looked past that on account of I assumed she actually gave a shit about me 🙄. Will probably get Starbucks to sooth my Sad Feelings.
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claireborowski · 3 months
I am..feeling too many horny thoughts tonight. So many idk if I can list them all honestly but uhhh guess I can try to.
I want someone to tie me up perminantly till my body keeps me from moving, being fed and fucked and used whenever they want. Body becoming all blobby and squishy.
Maybe never being allowed to leave ever again from wherever I am, everything decided by you on what happens to me. Cleaning, bathing, walking, clothes, how much I eat and drink, what I eat and drink, getting relief.
Maybe this all happens when we meet up sometime, seems super innocent enough. Just some food and a few drinks somewhere. You're getting me really fucked up, I ask for no more drinks but they just keep coming. Then you take me back to your place. Then it's all over.
People will start asking about me, people will start wondering where I went. Guess I'll just be your dark secret. Your little...pet. Your little project..toy..object. Whatever gets you off.
You'd get my body really fucked up, basically torture on how little I'm treated well. Never cleaned, never allowed relief, constantly filled to the brim, brainwashing me, making me forget about any life I had before this. This is just what it's always been.
Maybe..you'll push my body to the limit...maybe you'll let me go. Maybe you'll take me put and force me to be shown off in public. Just to torture my legs and body cause by that point, I'll be barely mobile.
But you don't want anyone else to have me do you? You want me all to yourself. You've always wanted a prized pet to yourself huh? And you'll do what you please won't you?
No need to hide your intentions from me. No need to keep them a secret. Embrace them. Why don't you just talk to me about them already. I've been waiting for you to talk to me. Just embrace your fucked up urges. And indulge~
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brittle-doughie · 4 months
Hey Brittle! Sorry for looking like i'm impatient and Tumbler ate my ask so I'll repeat it here. How about a scenario of y/n cookie spliting into three versions of themselves because of an accident (they were visiting alchemist cookie but a potion fell on them) one being the emotional side, the second one being the logical side (despite this one being the logical side they have an ego) and the third one being what's left of a living being that lacks emotion and logical thinking, the instinct and struggle to survive (this one isn't always going through the struggle of trying to live btw but they do lack some ability to rationally think, they will act now and ask later. This also leads to unfiltered thoughts that are sometimes said outloud, this ranges from very random to very concerning.) The other cookies (specifically the ancients, legendaries, the beasts, and dragons[wow that's quite the group of cookies]) found out about this and go to Alchemist's location to see if they're alright, unfortunately for them the emotional and logical sides hate eachothers existence and will consantly argue with eachother which quickly escilates into a physical fight between them with the third half desperately trying to stop both but because of them acting now and ask later thing, it leads to them picking the worst way possible, especially when into more time of their existence the other two get to the point of trying to kill eachother accidental or not,leading the other two to get horribly damaged in the long run with the emotional side getting perminantly blinded and further into their existence the logical side's vocal chords get ripped out and now they have a voice modulator, leading to the third becoming quite suicidal(an attempt was made in the progress which failed cuz of the other to interfere.) And when they finally become y/n again they held one fourth of each of their injuries, slight rope burn marks on the neck, slight blindness on both eyes, and throat (do cookies even have throats and necks?) has slight injury causing their voice to become a little horse, all of these injuries are caused by the three sides that they split into and are permanent, the worst part about this being y/n misses the comforting black void without to worry about other cookies wanting to be or stalking them ect. Which leads y/n back to alchemist cookie's lab, steals the potion, goes back home, and drinks some of it, causing the other three sides to go back to hating eachother and back into existence and y/n now peacefully in the black void as the their three sides are now back to square one, which after becoming y/n again will worsen their injuries and their condition. Can we have their reactions to this situation? (Sorry for how long this is and take this as a reference to an au crossover i'm making lol) Sincerely- CCCC Anon
Literal wall of text, pls put spaces between paragraphs next time going insane aaaaaa-
Since there are three sides to Y/N Cookie, there will be a split amongst the group of cookies on who they’d likely take the side on. Emotional, Logical, and Instinctual are all still Y/N in their own ways.
But the overall situation would be Y/N wanting to escape their situation of having the cookies crowd and stalk them and want to just hide away for as long as they can.
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Cookies that are attuned to your Emotional side like White Lily and Pure Vanilla Cookie would feel horrible that this is all happening because you’re wanting to escape the stalking, the constant attention, it was a horrible thing to hear that this side of you had been blinded. This side of you lived up to your part, unable to control your emotions as the two watch you break down..
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Your Instinctal side…that’s something in the Dragons’ side of things. Longan would want you to do what came natural in your general nature as a cookie. Pitaya would want you to just go with what the first thought in your head was to do. For them, it was to fight! Even when you’re all put together as one, they’ll still tell you to just follow your first instinct as a cookie. Crumbling yourself wouldn’t be their answer though…
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Some of the others may align with your Logical side. Ice Queen would advise that you should let feelings cloud important judgement on things. Shadow Milk Cookie is more blunt, he was the former Virtue of Knowledge after all. Why should others’ feelings or instincts change the facts, use your head and come to your own decision, and make sure no cookie change your choice. Yes, even if it did result in your voice faltering.
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thelemoncoffee · 7 months
So catch this, something my ma always told me is that your lover should never just be your lover, they should also be your best friend too. a strong friendship with your lover makes a strong bond, and being someone's love doesn't mean you aren't friends anymore.
imagine Shuichi's uncle told him this growing up. imagine one day post relationship start, Shuichi calls Kokichi his best friend, and when Kokichi asks about it he recites this advice to him.
imagine Kokichi's never thought about it that way, never really saw romance and friendship going hand in hand like that before. but now that Shuichi's brought that concept to light it, changes everything. it just hits Kokichi that Shuichi doesn't just love him- he sees him as that one fun freak he can be a dumbass with, the friend he can wail his woes at, the guy who is going in his pocket.
and he's so very soft about it too. up until now he never felt a connection like that with anyone he's dated. he always took love as this super special thing that you have to act a specific way to achieve, something he struggles to do. but then Shuichi comes in and shatters that made up wall by calling hm his best friend, and suddenly love feels different- less restricting- more fun.
That one interaction perminantly changed the way Kokichi went about being Shuichi's boyfriend. he started to relax around him in ways he was afraid to do and open up a bit more. it wasn't a quick change, but being called best friend definatly triggered a part of his brain that usually only DICE and his siblings could trigger, and it allowed for him to take some barriers down that he was holding up to "not fuck up this relationship"
idk, i just think Kokichi's the kind of person who struggles to find proper connection with his lovers because he puts love up to this impossible standard he was socially conditioned to believe, and i think Shuichi breaking that veiw would rewire his brain and make him feel a bit more free in the relationship
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leafgun29 · 1 year
ok that's it i am going feral. in sonic prime when shadow is falling into the void and sonic just stares at him for a sec. it's. I'm going insane ok bc bro was probably having fucking flashbacks to the ending of sa2 (where shadow falls from space and is presumed dead for quite some time) and like. bros genuinely terrified. he thinks shadow is gonna leave him for a second time and maybe perminantly this time. and just AUGH
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attackfish · 11 months
the “shifting quagmire of rising and falling states” au (Aang died in the iceberg, but at his canon age.) to zoom in a bit, did katara ever learn water bending and if so who taught her? Alternatively, how did Iroh and zuko’s travels go?
Continued from: [Link].
I don't think Katara remaining perminantly without waterbending training is a tenable situation. She is going to go north at some point. And this becomes even more urgent when she finds out, as we know from the comics, that there are other waterbending children, much younger than she is, in the south, who will also need to learn waterbending. And I think that her journey north will coincide with her reaching adulthood.
Unfortunately, she doesn't know about the swampbenders, so her goal will in fact be the Northern Water Tribe. And once she gets there, especially because there are other young waterbenders in her tribe, and she's going to feel that profound need that she's going to have to teach them, she is going to feel that she has to be all kinds of waterbender to all kinds of people. Just learning healing isn't going to cut it. And the Northern Water Tribe and Master Pakku still aren't any more willing to teach her any other kind of bending than healing. So she goes to a former student of Pakku's and weasles training out of him. They're caught, Pakku wants her kicked out, she fights him, he sees her necklace, he agrees to train her. She becomes the first of the new waterbenders at the South Pole.
Before I talk about Zuko, let's talk about Azula, because Azula is dealing with the reality that no matter what she does, at some point, her father is going to stop seeing her as his favorite child, and start seeing her as a threat. This is true because at some point, hes going to notice that she's separate person from him, with her own opinions, and he is not going to be able to cope with that. But it's all the more so because he, after all, is a man who came to this throne by killing his own father.
And by considering her a threat, and treating her as such, he, of course, makes himself a very real threat to her. This is going to be incredibly painful for her and hard and nasty, and it will shatter her illusions and make her feel scared and alone and miserable, and eventually she will figure out that she needs to deal with him as a threat, and I'm putting my money on Azula, because she is a lot smarter than her father.
So Azula takes the throne the same way her father did, through murdering her own father. But Ozai is not an old man on the verge of death, so Azula has to be that much more careful. She slips a small amount of slow acting poison into something he drinks every day, something he keeps in his room: his tea. Because Ozai might have mocked his brother for decades over his fussy tea drinking ways, but he drinks almost as much tea, and is almost as fussy about it. And Azula slips in the poison right before leaving for a year long tour of duty handling insurgents in the Earth Kingdom.
It takes almost three weeks for Ozai to even begin to feel the effects, and another month to become seriously ill. Azula is called home as she knows she would have been, and as she relied on, because after a certain point, he was going to get too sick to make himself tea. But once she's home, she can keep making it for him.
Azula carefully researched the poison she used, to find one that would mimic the symptoms of a natural intestinal issue, and the physicians are none the wiser, nor is her father. As he grows weaker and weaker, as he lays dying, they reconcile. Hes scared, and he wants his golden child there again, who adores him and believes in him. And it's all very sweet and heartfelt, and Azula feeds him his last dose of poison before he slips away.
Almost as soon as he's dead, she sends for her brother. But who is the Zuko Azula sends for?
Already at sixteen, Zuko is perceptive enough and brave enough to tell Zhao that his father is a fool if he thinks rest of the world will follow him willingly. He's drowning in a whole lot of fear, pain, anger, and self deception, but it's not like he's incapable of perceiving the harm the Fire Nation is doing, and how the rest of the world feels about it. Without the Avatar, and going back to the Fire Nation, and the series of events that happened in canon, it takes him longer to realize what a shit his dad is, and how his dad doesn't love him, or want him home, or think he can find the Avatar, and how about he, Zuko, didn't deserve the way his dad treated him, and how the best thing he can do for the world is work against his father and the Fire Nation's imperialism, but he gets there. He is in fact there for about a decade before his father dies.
His exile is boring. That's the thing, whatever internal changes he has come to, he spends most of his time sailing around, on a perpetual journey, designed to keep him away from his father and the court. Once he comes to the realization that he was never really supposed to find the Avatar, he's left adrift with little purpose. It's almost a blessing that his ancient ship is pretty much always falling to pieces around him, especially after the first five years, and he and his crew are chronically underfunded, so he is forced to find ways to make up the shortfall. At first, this mostly means running errands for various naval officials, but especially after the fall of Ba Sing Se, it means smuggling.
Zuko and his crew actually ran his sister's blockade around some of the cities she is besieging, because they were harboring insurgents, to bring food and supplies, and she was none the wiser.
So when she calls him home, she expects him to be biddable, scared, angry, but desperate for acceptance, love, and family connection. And yeah, when he first comes home, he is pretty biddable. He and Mai, uh, renew their acquantance, (Mai was waiting for Zuko, but not altogether willingly. Once Azula decided that her brother was going to be doing the whole. Making heirs thing instead of her, she quickly decided on Mai as his future wife. When Mai attempted to date a guy when she was nineteen and recently returned from Omashu, Azula shut that down fast, and made it clear to Mai that it would not happen again) and Azula basically ignores him and their uncle while she starts ruling the country.
And here is the part where Azula's pragmatism versus her father's self-aggrandizing stubbornness come to the forefront, because Azula, as mentioned in the previous post, is capable of realizing that she can't hold onto all of the Earth Kingdom. As much time as she has spent in the field, trying to deal with insurgency, she's very well aware of this, but she also has no intention of losing all of the Earth Kingdom colonies, just the ones she has to, just the ones that are much more expensive to keep than they could ever get out of them.
But just because she is being pragmatic, and doing what is the most self-interested thing the Fire Nation can do, that doesn't mean that there aren't people who are going to lose here, or who are afraid they are going to lose here, and the most dangerous time for any autocratic regime is when it's trying to reform. All it takes is one colonial governor afraid that he is about to lose his position, or people who used to live in the new colonies, coming home to the Fire Nation, unhappy about it, for someone to plot and assassination, and Azula might be very good in combat, but there's not a lot she can do about a bomb thrown at her palinquin.
And just like that, a few years into his sister's reign, Zuko, newly married and with the kid his sister wanted to be her heir on the way, takes the throne in the wake of his sister's grisly assassination. Azula is remembered as a martyr for the deconnization that her brother would forge ahead with, much further and faster than she ever would have. Certainly not a fate she ever would have chosen for herself.
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lol-jackles · 1 year
This sounds familiar. I can’t help out with a link because there have been too many cons this year, though I think this was said during the writer strike, but before the actors strike. But, I Remember a J2 panel where Jared mentioned something like this. But, I didn’t get the impression that he and Jensen couldn’t, or hadn’t thrown around some ideas for a revival privately, but rather they can’t officially talk about it with writers or producers, etc. To me he didn’t imply they (J2) couldn’t talk about it, but rather they couldn’t move forward with anything official right now.
Actually, this just made me think of something. If Jared and Jensen really do plan to do a reboot/revival, but they know it would be couple years at best before it could be released, Jared might see it as even more important to take this time right now (or 2024 anyway) to do more cons on his own and get his name out there without it being attached to Jensen’s while he can. Because if they DO shoot another short Season SPN, they’d surely go back to sharing a lot of cons to capitalize on the show, promotion, etc. That’s a lot of years of being perminantly tied to another person, even if they are your friend, without any break in between.
Or, Jared is just calmly backing away from CE, SPN, and constant-affiliation with Jensen with no true intention of brining SPN back in any way, but trying to let the fans down easy with revival talk. Though, he and/or Gen mentioned Jensen at least three times in their Fan X panel last weekend.
Okay that makes sense regarding the conventions + strike.
Both of your hypothesis can work, though I'm more inclined to think Jared is not backing away from SPN entirely. He returned for the Gilmore Girls revival for just one scene in part because GG is still going strong nearly 20 years later, especially on streaming, and he wanted to make sure his character's arc is wrapped up on a positive note in the minds of veteran and new fans. Jared will return to SPN to at least make sure Sam Winchester and his completed arc doesn't get retconned into something unrecognizeable and taint his legacy.
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prettykikimora · 1 year
Do you think conspiracy is so popular because its easier to attribute some vast conspiracy of conscience evil doers manipulating world events rather than accepting that we're ruled by a social class that's only interest is profit and they couldnt give half a shit about you? Does it make it more interesting? Does a specific intention to poison people with chemical plants and train derailments make it more evil than just pure profit driven negligence? You're not even a spec on their radar. You're a fucking ant to them. The bourgeois will sell your organs out from under you and then charge you for it, they dont do it because they're all nosferatu. I think it's easier to think of them like they're soul sucking vampires, literal undead creatures of the night rather than accept that another human being is capable of maintaining the daily horrible atrocity that occurs in the open. Laboring for your life is a daily atrocity. Being forced to live in the shadow of a chemical plant that's shaving decades off your life is an atrocity. Having your blood poisoned by microplastics and heavy metals in the soil growing the food you eat is an atrocity. Theres parts of my town that are perminantly soiled with cyanide and nothing with a deep root can grow there.
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coffee-or-hot-cocoa · 2 years
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Isekai’ed to the west featuring my oc Nikki Santos, 
A short Filipina 23-year old woman who barely restraints herself to turn Pigsy into lechon. A lover of frying pans and knives, she usually hides any weapons she has in hidden pockets of her outfits.
some trivia about her
she knows how to shank a person and plans to castrate pigsy if he steps out of line
knows where to cut to hit the major arteries of the body as well as which muscles to target to paralyse her enemies
has watched enough true crime and murder investigations to know how to properly dispose or hide a body
studied art and anatomy which is why she knows how to do things listed above
has been trained how to do first aid since the age of 9
looks like a cinnamon roll but will kill you given reason
made tripitaka question himself if she needs the same circlet as wukong
there is no thought behind her eyes but violence and food
she always smiles unless she’s angry
she distracts the beings who kidnapped her with telling them stories, which where basically fanfic ideas she had but tweaked to seem original
loves cooking and sewing
loves to debate and argue with tripitaka about wukong’s punishment due to how she loves to point out that since wukong is mostly familiar with the culture and structure of society for demons and celestial beings and doesn’t even know which constitues as right or wrong in the eyes of morality for humans
has given very shady advice to the empress of the kingdom of women on how to perminantly remove the jerk immortal guy on male undoing mountian
she and sandy are besties
has plotted the demise of pigsy a few times but hasn’t figured out an alibi to not get caught
thinks brushing ao lie’s mane and tail or wukong’s fur is a great stress relief
that’s all
special thanks to @skittlescripts, @semisolidmind, @rennsdeaddoves, @thesexydancingcrepe, @rainyriu, @ritzhasmonkeybrain and @theweepingegg
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somanyfandomsomfg · 1 year
The Evil Within - Age regressed y/n headcanons:
- Wouldn't understand at first but if you explain it to him enough times, would finally get it sort of
- dad vibes
- lots of half-hugs
- tries to be supportive, pretty shit at it
- I think he still doesn't understand, better explain it to him again
- No
- I'm sorry Joseph lovers, I like him too, but I cannot think of a single scenario where he would be a good care giver
- "yes but it doesn't make sense, I'm not a doctor, go find someone else"
- best of all of them
- you can't tell me she wouldn't be the nicest and most understanding Caregiver
- look at how she is with Leslie (if we ignore the shooting bit)
- sits with you and hugs you when you're non-verbal
- may or may not have squared up to Joseph for his previous comment
- why are you going to Leslie??
- isn't he also kinda perminantly regressed???
- terrible care giver
- like, maybe gives good hugs but he's probably touch averse, y'know, from the whole torture thing
- he's crying because he thinks you aren't well
- Again, no
- Ruvik lovers, I'm sorry, but no
- would either experiment on you or put you in a cage or some shit
- "You seem unwell. I can help. *pulls out comically large needle*"
- *retching sounds*
- that's all I'm saying
- he's gross
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kathuman · 2 years
FINAL message from me and I will be done: About “They’re human people they are allowed to be political. If you disagree with their politics, that’s fine?”, If they are politicians or in private, yes. The problem is that when actors go publicly political (liberal or conservative), they drag the IP out of escapism and into the political field and cause division. Even worse, if some actors years later turned out to be abusers, it will trait the brand. Best way to avoid that is no actors at all.
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Nah. You can't limit discussion of politics to just politicians, this shit affects literally everyone, especially when civil rights stuff is going on. People need to be vocal and have every right to be, especially on their OWN accounts.
NO ONE owes you silence on things affecting their lives, or the lives of others, just so you can live under a rock. Like legit just don't follow them, mute/block liberally and curate your own timeline to avoid what you don't want to see. It's on you, not other people, to avoid what you don't like.
Frankly fandoms cause enough division themselves with nonsense infighting over absolutely nothing so 🤷🏼‍♀️ That's always gonna happen regardless. I mostly keep out of fandoms because so many are hostile places. Even Monster Hunter, the one fandom I'm really active in, is filled with weird ass arguments, harassment, and bullying.
But yeah, like it sucks finding out people you thought were cool are garbage terfs/ think not everyone deserves human rights/etc, but if they speak that stuff publicly then companies can choose to no longer work with them. (Whether it's just to save face or because they actually do care)
And as for the abuser shit, yeah, that can happen whether there is voice acting or not so I don't see how that's an argument here. Some people suck ass is that a reason to tank an entire chunk of an industry just so you can have false peace of mind? Doesn't make sense. Do you feel that way about live action actors, authors, and other folks in the creative field? I mean twitch streamers and youtube folks are constantly showing their whole asses but does that mean no one should make videos? To me that is not really a logical argument against VA. Its impossible to avoid that some people in any industry will be bastards, the key is when its found out they need to be ousted (unfortunately that part doesn't happen as perminantly or regularly as it should but that is a separate conversation)
Also we desperately need more time between pokemon games. Game freak is putting out buggy, fucked up games because their alloted time is not enough to make a solid, polished title. I feel genuinely bad for the devs. They work on a 100% unreasonable timeline. So idk delaying their games might be good, or could put them in even more crunch. Though frankly idk why you think they'd have to delay it for voice acting? If they decided to add VA it would likely be at the start of the dev process, not at the end of it, so they'd get that all reccorded in time for everything else.
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thesopwithcamel · 6 months
1 headcanon for (some) characters in a hat in time (retail, cut content and ARG)
Hat Kid is a bit of a gun nut and after the events of Rush Hour she 'aquired' a rather large shotgun for 'ship defence'.
Bow Kid is a vastly better fighter then Hat Kid and is very adaptable, surprisingly she wasn't at times end but if she was she could probably whoop Mustache Girl's behind if she was at times end (Mu would be in pieces in the aftermath).
The mafia are actually very inteligent, just in certain topics such as the speed and velocity needed to punch old people but some also know fireworks and other stuff.
Mafia Boss exploded during the boss fight because he earlier had mafia cooking and fucking exploded, no wonder why a certain cat switches out the food.
Cooking Cat's real name is CiCi.
Goofy Mafia basically has the A Hat in Time equivalent of Pinky sense, it does lead to many of his fellow mafia either being injured or dying.
The Conductor's only venture outside of train based Westerns before the events of a hat in time lead to his only loss against Dj Grooves, it was a noir detective film so boring that Dj Grooves' entry was considered better (somehow).
Dj Grooves' nightclub was once used as a speakeasy during the prohabition era, it is also where the 'basement' of it came from and what Dj Grooves uses it for.
Snatcher does still deep down have some feelings for Vanessa despite even him agnologing just how bad the marriage was going to go.
Vanessa is Vanessa
Mustache Girl legally cannot enter the FUB under threat of arrest following the events of times end.
The Seals on the cruise ship are trainees.
The Captain is the only person who could outdo Tempus in a chainsmoking competition and its by a narrow margin.
The Metro Cats live with 2035's technology unlike the Penguins and Owls which use 1980's tech and the Subconites are stuck in the medieval era.
The Lazy Paw are a Nyakuza offshoot which fled the metro instead of fighting against the rampant anti-union laws which exist in the metro which is what Empress and the Nyakuza did.
The Empress is related to CiCi
Cut content, the prototype/alpha story took place years before the events of the retail game:
Beta Kid is a sentient doll and as such can't speak or grow in size, they are perminantly attached to their body.
Timmy's alighnment is lawful chaotic, he has a strict moral code but nobody knows what it actually IS (he's a chaotic gremlin).
Sam the Detective is on Tim's pay roll because finding timepieces does include massive amounts of dirty tactics.
Tim the CEO of time, despite his immense power, can barely hold a candle to his predecessors since he spent little time studying in his youth and more time messing around with Thor, Sam and Oldster when they were young
Thor's inventions have occasionally been used in military operations, retail Hat Kid was once able to mount an M2HB onto a Sand Mobile to fight the Nyakuza entirely via drivebys. He hates this though and that HMG came straight off once Hat Kid was finished with it.
The Mafia originated from a fish factory but had to move because of 'circumstances' (they were forced to move due to reasons beyond just wanting a vacation), Mu's home island was just there and they took over out of convenience.
The Mafia boss of the cut content was retail Mafia Bosses brother who was killed in the fight with Beta Kid.
The reason why Moonjumper isn't in the retail version is because Beta Kid (with help from Snatcher) killed him, Snatcher exploited the resulting power vacume for extra power and also absorbed MJ's old soul and some of his abilities.
Shapeshifter is chill, a little murderous but chill (still hates Beta Kid though).
TV head has a posh English accent and has a tea obbsession.
The Worm's business is failing but badge seller does help him out, he now works under badge seller for good pay.
ARG, the ARG lot appearing was an accident involving Hat Kid, alcohol and a slight but very entertaining trip into underaged drinking:
Fuck you chainsmoker Tempus is still around, she can also tank multiple RPG rounds to the face and not give a damn.
Puella and Cavus are illiterate (Somehow, Tempus forgot to teach them how to read or write).
The first thing Puella did when she got a smartphone was to order a therapy apointment...don't blame her.
Cavus is also on perminant life support after his two bouts against Hat Kid and as such must be kept in a drinks cooler, he is about the size of a basket ball currently.
Aggripa forever curses Tempus for this as he has to dictate to the pair what something says.
The Founders were the subject of a shadow folk song along the lines of that one variation of Colonel Bogey March, Hat Kid rediscovered the song during a trip to alpine skyline and the collective karaoke that transpired was described by Puella as "bloody gorgeous".
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stormpainter · 9 months
do you have any pets? do you want any?
Well, theres a lusus I gave to vel livin here, its species is called a hydroct
they're opportunistic predators and scavengers and prefer bogs and marshes and swamps and its up in the air how many you actually have when you have one cause they have multiple heads and tentacles and also will tangle up with each other perminantly-ish, they're a lime lusus
it uh
would eat any other pet i tried to get
we already have some pretty complicated locks on all our shit cause the damned thing can pick locks and hoards everything, i think its figured out the transportalizer too, and it only tolerates me cause i give it fish
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ceraunos · 4 years
how do y’all who live perminantly in hot places cope with it??? I haven’t stopped drinking litres of water every 2 minutes since I got here
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