#some people may need meds forever but for that to be your aim from the onset of taking them
6ebe · 2 years
obsessed with how people call any critique or questioning of the big pharma industries surrounding meds for mental illness and neurodivergence “ableist med shaming”. we are never escaping this prison that society has crafted around us.
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aceofwhump · 5 years
Babe thank you x30000 for recommending SG-1 to me!!!! I watched the first ep and am halfway through the second one and I am in a blissful state. Daniel is such a smol hurt puppy who needs to be cuddled... Do you have any favorite fics with Daniel in them??
You are so very welcome!!! I’m so glad you’re enjoying it!! And I couldn’t agree more about Daniel lol. He’s my favorite, my first whumpee, and one of the reasons I got my degree in history. Daniel means the world to me. I love him. 
Do I have fic recs? YOU BET YOUR SWEET BIPPY I DO!!!! This got really long so if you don’t mind I’m just gonna post the links. Trust me. They’re all great :D
Don’t Mess With Danny
Bullies and Women Oh the Life of a Geek
Surrogate Father
The Barista (this one is not whumpy but read it anyway okay. it’s the best)
Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines
Don’t Go Away
A Change of Orders
Counting to Ten
Tumbling Down
The Bridge
Could it be Forever
Drifting on the Wind as Light as a Feather
Fire in the Belly
Trees Are Crying Leaves Into The Darkness
No Evil
The Stuff of Legends
Lost In Translation
The Perfect Recipe
Celebrate Me Home
No Man Left Behind
What Dreams May Come
Solitudes Redux
Up Canada Creek Without a Paddle
The Thorn Beast
ALSO I am going to recommend some of the Stargate novels that are super whumpy and SO GOOD:
STARGATE SG-1: Hall of the Two Truths By Susannah Parker Sinard
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After suffering a brutal attack off-world, each member of SG-1 finds themselves stranded alone in the Ancient Egyptian afterlife — and on a journey through the Book of the Dead.
With reality shifting around them, Colonel O’Neill, Dr. Daniel Jackson, Major Carter and Teal’c must each navigate a treacherous path toward final judgment in the Hall of the Two Truths. On the way, they will be tested to their mental and physical limits by their past mistakes, their greatest fears and their deepest desires…
In this classic SG-1 adventure, the team must dig deep to survive. Their only hope of escape lies in finding each other, but in this place where nothing and no one is what it seems, who do they trust and what do they dare to believe?
STARGATE SG-1: Four Dragons By Diana Dru Botsford
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It was meant to be a soft mission, something to ease Doctor Daniel Jackson back into things after his time among the Ancients — after all, what could possibly go wrong on a simple survey of ancient Chinese ruins? As it turns out, a whole lot.
After accidentally activating a Goa’uld transport ring, Daniel finds himself the prisoner of Lord Yu, the capricious Goa’uld System Lord. Meanwhile, SG1’s efforts to rescue their friend are hampered by a representative of the Chinese government with an agenda of his own to follow — and a deep secret to hide.
But Colonel Jack O’Neill is in no mood for delay. He’ll go to any lengths to get Daniel back — even if it means ignoring protocol and taking matters into his own hands.
STARGATE SG-1: The Barque of Heaven By Suzanne Wood
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Millennia ago, at the height of his power, the System Lord Ra decreed that any Goa’uld wishing to serve him must endure a great trial. Victory meant power and prestige, defeat brought banishment and death.
On a routine expedition to an abandoned Goa’uld world, SG-1 inadvertently initiate Ra’s ancient trial – and once begun, the trial cannot be halted. Relying on Dr. Daniel Jackson’s vast wealth of knowledge, Colonel O’Neill must lead his team from planet to planet, completing each task in the allotted time. There is no rest, no respite. To stop means being trapped forever in the farthest reaches of the galaxy, and to fail means death.
Victory is their only option in this terrible test of endurance – an ordeal that will try their will, their ingenuity, and above all their bonds of friendship…
STARGATE SG-1: Siren Song By Holly Scott & Jaimie Duncan
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Bounty-hunter Aris Boch once more has his sights on SG-1. But this time Boch isn’t interested in trading them for cash. He needs the unique talents of Dr. Daniel Jackson – and he’ll do anything to get them.
Colonel Jack O’Neill and his team are taken to Boch’s ravaged home-world and handed over to the insane Goa’uld, Sebek. Obsessed with opening a mysterious subterranean vault, Sebek demands that Jackson translate the arcane writing on the doors. When Jackson refuses, the Goa’uld resorts to devastating measures to ensure his cooperation.
With the vault exerting an increasingly malign influence, Sebek compels Jackson and O’Neill toward a horror that threatens both their sanity and their lives. Meanwhile, Carter and Teal’c struggle to persuade the starving people of Aris Boch’s world to risk everything they have to save SG-1 – and free their desolate world of the Goa’uld forever.
STARGATE SG-1: Hostile Ground By Sally Malcolm & Laura Harper
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“Teal’c, how far?”
The colonel’s words were clipped, each one bitten off like a curse as he knelt next to Daniel in the mud. Sam couldn’t see what he was doing, didn’t dare take her eyes off the rain-sodden tree line, but she could smell the antiseptic and heard Daniel hiss in a sharp breath.
“We are now less than a kilometer from the Stargate,” Teal’c said. He crouched next to her, staff weapon raised and his arm brushing against hers, making the most of the scant cover they shared – a fallen tree, rotting in the incessant rain. It wouldn’t do much against a staff blast but it was better than nothing. She glanced up at the heavy sky, the clouds hiding a multitude of dangers. If those gliders came back…
Breathing hard, breathing through pain, Daniel said, “I’m okay. I can make it.”
“Damn right you can.” The colonel’s growl made it an order as he ripped open another field dressing. Sam heard Daniel’s shout of pain as the colonel pressed the bandage onto the wound. She didn’t know how badly he was injured, but it had to be serious for the colonel to risk stopping their breakneck flight to the Stargate.
Movement – a fleeting shadow back in the tree line. She wiped rain from her face and eyes, squinting through the curtain of water that slanted across the open ground between SG-1 and the edge of the forest. Yes, there it was again, a glint of gold amid the trees. “Sir,” she said, finger itchy on the trigger, “you might want to hurry that up.”
“What do you think I’m doing, Carter?”
She ignored his sharp tone. “Teal’c, do you see them? Two-o’clock.”
“I do.” He shifted his position, taking aim.
“Sir?” she risked a glance over her shoulder. Daniel was ashen, his jacket torn and dark with blood where the staff blast had hit, just above the hip and below his tac vest. She glimpsed a white compression bandage through the torn fabric. He grimaced as he moved, trying to stand.
The colonel put a restraining hand on his shoulder and looked over at Sam. She knew that look, the flat uncompromising expression that shut everything down. It meant they were in trouble. “Daniel and I are gonna head for the gate,” he said, starting to pack away the med-kit with quick, efficient movements. “You and Teal’c hold them here as long as you can, then come after us.” He stuffed his gear back into his vest and tugged the bill of his cap lower. “Don’t leave it too long, Major.”
She understood. If they were too slow getting back to the gate, there was a real danger they’d be outflanked. “Yes sir. Good luck.”
His only reply was a curt nod before he turned to Daniel. “Ready?”
“Sure,” Daniel said, teeth gritted. “How hard can it be?”
“Attaboy,” the colonel said as he helped Daniel to his feet. “We might have to run.”
Daniel nodded, turning from ashen to milky, but determined as ever. “Let’s go.”
Sam looked away, back to the enemy hiding in the trees, but not before she’d seen the bloom of scarlet on Daniel’s dressing. She swallowed a hard knot of anxiety. It would be difficult enough to make it to the gate carrying a wound like that, let alone with a platoon of Jaffa on their heels.
“The enemy is moving,” Teal’c murmured as several Jaffa emerged from the trees, keeping low as they scanned the scrubby clearing. Sam ducked behind their cover, not wanting to give away their position. “Go now, O’Neill,” Teal’c said softly. “We will cover your retreat and hold this position as long as possible.”
“Counting on it,” the colonel said.
With Daniel’s arm looped over his shoulder, he headed out into the sparse woodland that ran all the way back to the Stargate. Sam winced at their slow, awkward pace. At that rate, they’d never reach the gate before the Jaffa.
A squall of rain blew into her face and she had to turn away, squeezing her eyes shut. When she looked back, Daniel and the colonel were gone, the rain at least helping to hide them from the advancing Jaffa, even if it did make the muddy ground slick and treacherous under foot. Wiping her face on her sleeve, she squirmed around and shivered as a trickle of rain slid down her neck and under her collar. “Daniel’s moving pretty slow,” she whispered, taking a bead on one of the Jaffa and switching her weapon to single shot. “Do you think they’ll make it in time?” Even through the rain, she knew she’d hit her target. But not yet, let them come out a little further from the cover of the trees.
“It is possible,” Teal’c said, “that one of us will need to precede them to the Stargate and hold it against the Jaffa.”
“Yeah,” Sam said, a beat of fear kicking in her chest, “that’s what I figured.”
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albatross-tech · 4 years
I may think this place dead but it makes a great dumping ground for all my cringey useless bullshit.
What trash have I made? I made a Epithet Erased fan OC(May make him a normal oc Later). Yes, this Fandom is Dead/dying BUT BUT in my defense. I got really into researching psychopathy because of this...for months. That is one complex fucking rabbit hole...but I think I have something pinned down for his spectrum.
This is a long one, so brace yourself if you're reading:
Anyway, the character, right...Isaac Krovopuskov:
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This is Isaac, a young undiagnosed (and technically undiagnoseable till 18..but he is 17 and is pretty safe to say he will have some level of psychopathy) Factor 1/Primary Psychopath. Now before your roll your eyes (and Just basing this on what research I found. ) it is pretty safe to say he is going to be on some level of the Psychopathic spectum as for treatment he has flown under the radar for a long time. He is what some would call a 'Pro-social' Psychopath. He can blend in well with his peers when he wants to and isn't really prone to being violent. (No, he isn't the Hannibal Lecter type) He isn't a sociopath and he was raised in a loving but poor home with his caring and nurturing father, his accepting and loving step-mother and his bubbly baby half-sister, so what he has is biological. Even as a criminal, he prefers to have others handle dirty work and avoids causing problems with the law. Wanting to fly under the radar so that he can eventually stop being a criminal and rejoin society in a safe, legal, medical based career, he's aiming to be a surgeon.
The only reason he joined a black market Criminal orginization was that he wanted to leave Russia for personal gain. He doesn't believe Russia would provide him with the lifestyle he wants. The orginization promised that they would give him a chance to leave if he lended his specific set of skills (epithet) to their business. Well one aspect of their business, Organs.
His Epithet can heal or destroy the body (within a proximity and once something is dead, it's dead forever), he may also steal from people and add to his own body. Yep, you can guess where this is going. (Blood types won't matter because he can just change the DNA). However, this doesn't mean he is a serial Killer, he can regrow the organs over time, creating simple constructs to keep the person alive until the new organ is functional and attachable. So he can pay people Less for their organs, for his time and energy spent collecting and rebuilding their body. He needs sample cells to recreate organs. An organ can only be recreated so many times so he can't just steal one organ, sell it then make another from the cells unless it's his own body. He isn't willing to part with his own organs though, doesn't want to spread his DNA around. That being said he can alter his body to whatever parts or appendages he needs, this is very painful, so he does this sparingly. If his mental condition wasn't there to make him care about the pain, he would probably NEVER do this. As long as he knows the science and structure of said appendage, he can grow it. That being said, the more medical knowlege, the stronger he gets.
Due to his slightly impulsive nature, thinking this was a good deal, he accepted. The pay was good and he can leave Russia. Only after did he curse himself for this decision because he became a worthy asset to the Criminal leader...making it hard for him to just leave. The longer Isaac stayed in this orginization, the harder it was going to be to reenter society as the well-respected surgoen he intended to become, as he may accidentally make a name for himself as a criminal. He's tried to think of excuses for his behavior to tell to the cops if he gets caught. Things like 'I don't really kill a LOT of people, I save more lives in a way then most doctors. Only if I absolutely need to.' And '20 people die each day in the hospital waiting for organs they can't afford. I'm just lowering that number with my social service. You should be thanking me.' Other Criminals have told him this will never work on the cops. So he figured he's screwed, and getting cucked over by his boss.
However, the Leader, seeing and being amused by this 'could be dangerous' Inscribed frustrated and disgruntled. So he gave Issac one, equally annoying way out. Issac was to leave Italy (where his boss lives) with the Leader's son to Sweet Jazz City, to basically raise the 5 year old and take him to school till the age of 18. He will have to play doctor to the criminals there but he is allowed to go to pre-med college there as long as he cares and bodygaurds the child. Here is the biggest catch, the child is inscribed...with 'Emotion.' The child is able to envoke emotions in people through touch, he can't control is...this includes emotional empathy. Now the leader is hoping Isaac will get a chemical dependency to the child to achieve a High that he can never envoke on his own. No drug or alchohol can give to subside it. Will a psychopath, incapable of mustering true emotional empathy be affected by it? No idea...but the leader hopes so.
Isaac isn't fluent in engish, so he speaks in a comically and stereotypical broken english with a Russian accent. His home is also decorated with things he picked up. He likes to carry a Kanabo, he picked up from Japan when dealing with a business man to jobs. He got the necklaces from an African warlord as a thank you gift. And somewhere in his home, he keeps a skull he stole from the catacombs of France. He loves interesting conversation pieces.
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e350tb · 5 years
Steven Universe: Marooned Together - Chapter Fifty-Five
(thanks as always to @real-fakedoors for proofreading!)
Ruby sighed, gazing out the bridge windows as the rain began to fall. Her foot tapped as she waited for the rest of the group to come back. She scratched her arms, eyes darting around as she counted patterns in the walls and ceiling, occasionally chewing her lip.
There was a sudden dull thud, and she jumped.
“What was that?” she asked aloud.
Quickly she jumped to her feet, sprinting from the deck and towards the med bay. She hadn’t even made it there when she saw the cause of the commotion.
Kevin was limping down the corridor, some of the rope they’d used to tie him down still hanging from his ankles. His gaze, wild and unfocused, shot towards the red gem, and for a few seconds they stared each other down.
“Uh… you wanna go back to sleep, Kevin?” asked Ruby.
Kevin screeched and bolted, ducking through another door.
“Kevin, that… that’s the kitchen!” Ruby called out. “The exit isn’t…”
She frowned as she heard the sounds of tins being opened and uncooked baked beans being wolfed down.
“Ah, forget it, I don’t care.” Ruby crossed her arms. “But if I know humans, you’re gonna regret that in about two hours and-”
“Sapphire to Ruby, come in Ruby.”
Ruby jolted at the faint sound from the bridge, and rushed back, skidding to a halt in front of the captain’s chair.
“Ruby to Sapphire, I hear you!”
“We’re coming back with the humans…”
“...and quartzes!”
“...yes, and quartzes. Fire up the ship, we’re gonna need to take off before the storm arrives.”
“Gotcha, Sapphy! I’m on it!”
Ruby ran towards the pilot’s seat and jumped in. She looked down at the holographic console, smiling - her grin slowly faltered.
“Uh… Sapphy, can you ask Amethyst where the ‘on’ button is?”
Holly Blue Agate’s discarded gem still lay on the rock in the lake, forgotten in the excitement as the humans and gems had begun to make their way to the Crystal Avenger. There was no-one around to see it glow and rise into the damp air, light projecting from it as it formed a very familiar, very angry form.
Holly Blue snarled as she dropped back onto the ground, finding her camp deserted.
Those miserable pebbles! They had abandoned their duty to the empire, and walked off with their own prisoners, like… like Earthling savages! Not only that, but they’d left her to the storm, while they wandered off to freedom!
She could not— would not abide it.
Drawing her whip, she took to the storm. 
 It seemed Amethyst and Peridot had just about been able to talk Ruby through the start-up process, as the Crystal Avenger was ready to fly when the group arrived. The ramp was lowered, and the first lot of humans were able to simply walk onto the ship to freedom - not that any seemed to understand the concept right now.
Stevonnie and Lapis took up the rear with Jenny and Kiki. The twins made an odd sight - the weathered, weary, greying scavenger and the youthful, blissful thrall were such a contrast that you’d never suspect they were the same age. Kiki still smiled serenely, no hint of recognition in her eyes as they approached safety.
“Ooh, spaceship!” she said. “Holly promised us space ship! Promised we’d go to the Zoo!”
“Yeah, well, you’re not going to the Zoo,” said Jenny. “You’re going to New Earth. You remember Earth?”
Kiki shook her head.
“It sounds nice!” she said cheerfully.
Jenny closed her eyes and nodded.
“It was nice,” she muttered.
Stevonnie put a hand on her shoulder.
“We’ll get her back, Jen,” they said. “I promise.”
Jenny swallowed.
“Yeah,” she replied. “I know we will.”
“Get me back?” Kiki tilted her head. “But I’m here!”
Jenny shook her head.
“Let’s just get outta here, okay?” she asked. “I mean, storm’s rolling in, and we need to get these people to a hospital, so…”
“You. Miserable. INGRATES!”
Stevonnie glanced back. Holly Blue was advancing through the jungle, rain dropping onto her shoulders as she trudged forward, whip in hand. In her eyes was the fury of an oncoming firestorm, almost shiny in incandescent rage. She seemed almost to shake.
“Okay, time to go,” said Lapis quickly.
She turned around, calling to the last captive humans still boarding the ship.
“Alright, everybody one, we’re, uh… we’re gonna get ice cream!” she called.
“Honey, they’re brainwashed, not children,” said Stevonnie.
“Ice cream sounds cold,” said Kiki, frowning. “The rain’s cold too. Will the Zoo be warm?”
“Oh, for God’s sake!” exclaimed Jenny. “Just get on the ship! Go! Move, move, move!”
The humans shambled forward with no sense of urgency, and Jenny pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Ship. Warm! Outside, bad! Just go!” she said, gesturing wildly towards the ship.
That seemed to have done the trick. The humans began to scurry a little faster, but behind them, Holly Blue was breaking into a run.
“Lapis! We gotta buy them some more time!”
Stevonnie drew their sword - nodding, Lapis waved her hand in the air, forming the swirling rain into a watery harpoon.
“Harpoon?” quizzed Stevonnie.
“I thought I’d experiment a bit.” Lapis smirked and shrugged.
Holly Blue attacked first, swinging her whip violently towards the water gem. Lapis braced with the harpoon, the whip wrapping around the watery surface. She had a moment to think she’d stopped her attack - then the electricity was sparking down the whip, forcing her to drop the harpoon and double back to avoid electrocution. The harpoon splashed into a harmless puddle in the mud.
Holly Blue smirked, but had little time to savour her brief victory before Stevonnie’s shield was flying into her face, hitting her right in the eyes. She stumbled back, crashing into a tree trunk, and was momentarily stunned. The shield flew back - Stevonnie grinned, raising their sword and deflecting it right back into the agate, this time hitting her in the stomach and knocking her down into the mud.
They turned back. Jenny was standing on the ramp.
“Everyone’s on, let’s go!”
Stevonnie and Lapis nodded, and began their sprint back towards the ship. Lapis got there first, jumping up as the ship began to hover, and Stevonnie was almost there, leaping for the ramp, when-
“Not so fast, fusion scum.”
Their momentum stopped abruptly, and for a moment they tumbled, their arm reaching out - then Lapis had them, holding on for dear might. They looked back - Holly Blue stood in the clearing, her eyes wild as she tugged on her whip, now wrapped around Stevonnie’s lower body.
“I may not be able to stop you from taking my humans, or even my pathetic traitor crew,” she spat. “But I can maroon you forever on this wretched rock.”
She grinned, her teeth bared.
“Who knows?” she replied. “Maybe I can break you into the first of a whole new company of guards?”
“Hey, they’re mine, get your own fusion!” snapped Lapis.
“What’s going on back there?” Amethyst’s voice came through on the PA. “What’s holding us down?”
Stevonnie glanced down to Holly Blue, and then back up to Lapis.
“Lapis, you’re gonna have to-”
“No,” replied Lapis. “I’m not letting you go, not again.”
“Lapis, I…”
“We leave this planet together, or we stay here together,” said Lapis. “But I won’t lose you.”
Stevonnie swallowed and nodded.
There was a loud yell and the sound of footsteps racing down the ramp. Before Stevonnie could process anything, Kevin was leaping off the ramp, a stolen destabiliser in his hands. As if in slow motion he fell down towards the agate, the weapon aimed downwards towards her head - Holly Blue’s mouth opened in momentary surprise…
The whip vanished, and Stevonnie flopped inelegantly onto the ramp.
For a moment, they glanced back. Kevin was standing triumphantly over a blue agate gem, roaring and beating his chest. He threw the destabilizer to the side and looked up at the fusion and their girlfriend - he shot them a grin.
“Kevin!” Stevonnie called.
Kevin winked.
“Stevonnie!” he called. “Stevonnie!”
For a moment, he seemed to struggle for words. Was he going to say something poignant? An apology for his adolescent actions? A wish of good luck.
He shot Stevonnie a thumbs up.
“Good catch. Very hot.”
He disappeared as the ramp was raised.
The ship rocked and shuddered as it soared upwards, away from the planet’s surface and up towards the stars. Through the bridge windows, Ruby could see lightning beginning to streak across the dark, cloudy sky; there were only minutes left to get away. She was in the pilot’s seat - Zircon and the other gems hadn’t reached the bridge until shortly after take off.
“Okay, Roob, swap over to Zircon,” ordered Amethyst.
“No time,” replied Ruby. “I’m in the pilot’s seat - I have to do this.”
“Ruby, no offense, but you ain’t a-”
Sapphire raised her hand.
“Trust her,” she said. “She will do it.”
“You saying that because of your future vision or because she’s your main squeeze?” said Amethyst flatly.
Sapphire hesitated.
“She will do it.”
Ruby wasn’t listening. Underneath her, the ship bucketed like an angry bull, and she had to fight every second to keep a straight course. They had to make orbit - then they could warp. Everything depended on keeping the ship straight - on paper, easy, but in these conditions, less so.
But she knew she could do it. She knew she had to do it. Her whole world was on this ship; Stevonnie and Lapis, Bismuth, Amethyst and Peridot (and Zircon, she supposed.) Most importantly of all, her Sapphy was on this ship. She hadn’t been able to help her all day, but now?
She refused to let her down.
The clouds cleared, and suddenly she could see the curvature of the planet below. The instruments were fluctuating wildly, alarms were screaming, the orbital storm was upon them, but there was a window to act if she was fast enough - if she could hold her nerve to hit the right button at exactly the right moment…
There was a thud, and suddenly all she could see outside were stars streaming past at impossible speeds.
Warp. She had done it.
She didn’t really register the cheers behind her, slumping down in the pilot’s chair like she’d just run a hundred marathons. She was closed off from almost the entire world, her eyes closed and her body limp.
But she recognised the hug from Sapphire, and she certainly felt the many, many kisses.
Mission accomplished.
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jackednephi · 5 years
On daily scripture study
Kind of a long post. I'm on mobile so no cut. Sorry :(
Ok so I'm gonna try doing something this year that I haven't in the past and that's reading my scriptures every single day. In the past, I've been hindered by like approaching it as the Ideal like we learn in seminary which is Deep Study every single day. Obviously, I ended up failing because that's such a lofty goal. I mean, it always ended up being good for me because it would inevitably deepen my study. I'd involve Google in with the footnotes and get really deep into things. Like the post I have forever ago about Nephi's sword type of thing. But research rather than happenstance and it's part of why I know so much about kosher laws off the top of my head
Something else I think has been a hindrance to this goal has been the idea that I need to bust out my physical scriptures to do so and, at least when I was in high school, the only comfortable place I had to do this was the couch in the living room. Also, if I'm being honest, I was definitely doing Way Too Much (as is the common Mormon trap tbh) But I'm not doing Way Too Much because what work I get is by no means full time. I do what I can around the house, but that's limited to weather, spoons, and so on. I'm in the process of applying for disability but that's not an all day, every day type of affair. I'm going back to school eventually and studying for the GRE in the meantime but, again, even with all this, I have a lot of open time. And I have a comfy bed if nowhere else
ALL THAT SAID, I wanted to know if anybody used the LDS library app for reading and how that worked out. I figured if I can make time to read bits of fanfiction/otome apps every day, then I can try to read the scriptures every day. Also, is the app good for study? I know it's good for church use so will be good for casual reading but a big reason I haven't relied on it for daily reading is that I'm worried about relying on it for regular study
I mean, I've always been partial to physical books and scriptures (I can write in them and I like the heft and can use them even when headaches crop up) but I need to be realistic with myself. Sometimes I can't even get out of bed for hip pain and can't even prop myself up to read a physical copy. Plus, I do NOT want my kids (the buns for those of 6ou unaware) thinking it's something they can destroy cause we give them phone books and stuff to shred and scriptures are similar enough. But again, not sure if the app is good enough for me to kind of "retire" my scriptures so to speak. Especially since I really, really, REALLY like marking them and writing notes in them. I know there's a little notebook thing but, again, I've been reluctant to explore it because I was pretty sure there was no way it could be as good as physically writing
How does everyone else approach what to study too, by the way? Do y'all go "I will study what we are in Sunday school this year" or do you just eat up the BOM year after year instead? Do you switch it up from day to day just going wherever? Do you start with the ensign and work from there? Conference talks? Because that's technically scripture too, right? Also, would it be a good idea to maybe record my progress in my journal I use for scriptures and study maybe? Like the date, where I read from and to, maybe some quick notes? Or would that be too ambitious for now? I was thinking it would be good to see if I've been actually accomplishing reading every day and adjust accordingly if I wasn't. Maybe printing out a little calendar or chart and giving myself a cute little sticker as a reward for that day to mark my progress
Like the goal is to get myself to make this a habit. It has never ever been a habit for me and that definitely needs to change. Like I do read scriptures but never daily like we're told. I want to give myself as much opportunity for success as possible and, considering I'm 25, I clearly have yet to figure out what I need to do for success. I'd tried every day in the mornings in high school but needed to wake up at 430 to do that due to morning JROTC practice three days a week and seminary the other two. Then, who's going to wake up that early on the weekends to keep that kind of habit? Not a growing, anorexic, overscheduled teenager, that's who
Then, I'd have after school stuff. Drama, choir practice, viola practice, fencing, or karate depending on the year, piano practice/lesson every day except Sundays, JROTC stuff depending on time of year and if stuff was coming up, a MOUNTAIN of homework, and by the time all that was done, it wasn't like I was in any shape to do more studying. I wanted to play video games or draw or read or otherwise destress. Then, I was inactive in college so why would I go out of my way to form (let alone keep) a daily scripture habit
So do I go for a same time every single day type thing? I attribute the past failure of that to circumstance. A set time is fine when I have/remember to take my meds. But that will probably fall apart other days and habits are consistent things. Maybe I should aim for, instead of a time, more of a "as soon as I wake up, have had food and meds" type of flexible thing so I'm not beating myself up for sleeping in until noon when I meant to get up at 8? Or do y'all find later in the day better because you're not having to worry about the Rest Of The Day setting in on you? I'm thinking after me waking might be best so I'm not feeling guilty for taking time away from my family
Regarsing frequency, should I start with doing it as often as possible? Shoot for once a week then slowly increase it? Go whole hog and get it done daily even if it's just a couple minutes? I genuinely do not know. The year my family and I read the BOM every day together, I was in elementary and not doing too much. We did four chapters a day, more if they were short and less if they were long, but my parents really were the ones who dictated that so I don't really know how to do that myself
Anyway, I really want to make sure this goal sees success and then, in time to come, I can deepen it to be rigorous study rather than just reading every day. Thus all the questions. I also know different people are different and what may work for y'all may not work for me. But I would like real answers as to how y'all do your scripture habits as opposed to like Advice y'know? Like get real specific with it so I can have a good idea of what works for different people so I have a concrete idea of things to try
Nobody is obligated to answer any of these questions by the way. Just I wanted to ask them and throw this out there to all of tumblrstake so I could get a good range of answers. Daily scripture study is such a nebulous concept to me that I definitely need concrete examples as opposed to vague advice. Also no I'm not gonna pray about how to know how to do things. HF doesn't work like that. I mean I will pray for guidance to know when things are working or not but I can't do that until I'm actively Doing The Thing and how am I supposed to actively Do The Thing if I don't really even have a starting place
Like do I hit up the church website and comb through conference talk after conference talk about "read your scriptures daily" in hopes of finding a more practical how to? I'd think there would be less of that and more admonishing. I was also born in the church so idk if converts get some kind of lesson from the missionaries the rest of us don't about how to read daily. If so, can we like spread that to the general populous? Cause I would appreciate it
Anyway, sorry for the wall of text. Vann had Questions
Feel free to hit up my inboxes by the way. I do read everything even if some asks sit there for like months at a time because I never get around to answering them
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marinaaniseed · 5 years
Dark ‘n’ Stormy Pt. 3
Hilariously, it is thunderstorming like a mofo right now, so I’m going to pretend that Thor is giving his approval on this utter trash. Many thankings to @mindthelspace for reading an early version of this drivel around the campfire.
Around 3,600 words. Follows on directly from Pt. 2. Some unhappy discussion of y/n’s past, some feeding, body worship, and sexy shower shenanigans, but no actual sex, because I am the worst. That’s planned for Pt.5. Or Pt.4 if I decide to stop teasing everyone.
Hand in hand, the two of you sauntered from the bedroom, Thor’s large paw completely enveloping yours. You spied the Pop-Tarts spread forlornly in pieces and moved to tidy them up. Bending over, you offered Thor an excellent view, and he could feel himself become aroused imagining you face down, arse up on his bed.  
The smell of the Pop-Tarts hit his nose as you walked past him to the kitchen and his stomach let out a thunderous rumble.
“You go ahead and get cleaned up, I’ll have lunch ready when you’re done,” you offered.
“I was rather hoping you’d like to shower with me,” Thor said with a shy smile.
“Alright, so food first, then a shower?”
“An excellent plan,” Thor agreed. “Is there anything I can help you with?”
“Oh no, I’m fine, thank you. You can just talk to me keep me company.”
You filled a pan with water and set it on the hob to boil. Lunch was going to be macaroni cheese. Nothing fancy but enough to keep Thor satisfied. Not that he was willing to wait. He busied himself laying the table and taking the pitcher of water from the fridge, before settling down with the remains of last night’s pizza. You were surprised he’d grabbed the water instead of a beer but chose not to comment.
“Tell me about yourself, y/n,” he said through a mouthful.
“What’s there to tell? I’m a person and I’m here,” you responded guardedly.
“You know. Where are you from? Why did Valkyrie find you wandering along the road?” Thor pressed, seemingly oblivious to your tone of voice.
“Why do you want to know?”
“I want to know who I’m going to make love to.”
“Bold of you to assume I’m going to let you.” Then, seeing Thor’s face fall, you added. “You’re right, of course. I am going to let you but I think we need to address the problem of protection. I don’t think my condoms will accommodate you.” You nodded your head towards his crotch in emphasis.
“That’s not a problem. I’m a god of fertility as well as thunder. I won’t give you a child unless you desire one.”
“That’s an...interesting combination of powers. But what about infections? Diseases?”
“Asgardians are immune to all terrestrial diseases.”
You added the pasta to the pan and looked at him, trying to ascertain if he was serious or if this was an elaborate way of getting out of wearing a rubber.
“You have my word,” he assured, sensing your thoughts.
“Fine. But,” you said, waving a wooden spoon at him, “I will find several interesting ways to exact my displeasure on you should I find out you’ve been bullshitting me.”
“I have no doubt about that,” then, he added ruefully, “My brother would’ve liked you.”
Turning back around, you saw the time. You were late taking your meds. That would explain your tetchiness.
“Sorry Thor, I get a bit arsey when I don’t take my tablet on time. May I have a glass of water, please?”
Wordlessly he brought you a glass and gave your shoulders a gentle squeeze as you swallowed your tablet. You continued cooking in silence, using Jarlsberg to make the cheese sauce.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t answer your question. Like I said to Brunnhilde, I’ve just been travelling around pretty much since the snap, doing odd jobs and trying to see the world.”
“I couldn’t stay as I was, it was too painful. Maybe one day I’ll tell you.”
“What did you do before the Valkyrie picked you up?” Thor asked as he sat back down at the table.
“I worked in a bar in Oslo.”
“Ah! You were a serving wench.”
“Something like that. The landlord tried it on with me. Tried to take liberties,” you clarified for Thor. “So I left.”
Thor’s blue eye darkened from aquamarine to sapphire, as a storm seemed to gather across his face.
“That’s no way to treat a lady. I should go there and teach him a lesson,” he growled.
“Easy there. I appreciate the sentiment but I don’t think it’d be good publicity for New Asgard if the king went to Oslo to beat up a publican.”
“I’m not king,” Thor insisted.
“Ok, but you’re still the face of your people.” A very handsome, comfortable-looking face, one that would be fun to sit on, you thought. “Besides, I gave Soren a swift kick in the knackers on my way out, so hopefully I bruised more than just his ego.”
Thor roared with laughter at this. You were so small and delicate in comparison to him but he had no doubt that you could defend yourself ably if provoked, like a cat whose tail’s been pulled.
“Sorry this isn’t very interesting,” you said as you brought the hot pan of pasta to the trivet on the table. “I was aiming for something easy.”
“Don’t apologise,” Thor replied. “It smells delicious.”
He scooped some into a bowl and handed it to you, before serving himself.
“This is the best macaroni cheese I’ve had,” he said after inhaling a large mouthful. You couldn’t understand how he could eat it when it was so hot - you were blowing on your fork, trying to avoid burning your mouth on the cheesy lava.
“Have you had much macaroni cheese?” you asked.
“Oh yes, Rhodey made it all of the time at the base.”
“Well, next time I go shopping, I’ll make sure I get some sweet chili crisps. Growing up, my dad used to make macaroni cheese but instead of cutlery, we used to scoop it up with sweet chili crisps.”
“I think I’d like that.” It was the first time Thor had heard you offer some kind of information about your family, so he decided to press to see what more you’d tell him. “Is he still around, your dad?”
“He is now.”
Ah, so he’d been dusted. You didn’t seem too happy about the fact that he was back. Thor would dearly love to have one of his parents or his brother here. They’d know how to help Asgard.
“Have you seen your father since...you know?”
“Only via Skype. It’s been hard to adjust. For five years, I thought my family was dead. And then they were back, like nothing had happened. They know I’m in Scandinavia but I don’t like to get into specifics. They’d try to visit and I’m not sure I can face them.”
“But they’re your family.”
“Yes, they are. But I lost them, I mourned them, I tried to move on with my life. Dead people should stay dead.”
“I’ve watched my brother die a couple of times.It never got any better but I was always so pleased to learn that he wasn’t really dead. I keep praying to the Norns that he’s still out there somewhere.”
“I can understand that but it took me a long time to get to the point of being able to accept what happened. Some days I still can’t accept it at all. I lose the love of my life. Even now there are things I see, jokes I think of, that I think ‘Alex would love that’ but then I remember that Alex is dead. It’s selfish and it’s greedy but Alex was my world. All the other losses and problems I could’ve coped with, maybe, but not that one. My parents didn’t live through it, it hasn’t sunk in for them. They’re forever asking me how Alex is. Dead. That’s how Alex is. I went through that alone. And now other people are reunited with the love of their life and I’ll never have that. I’ve got a bunch of people I mourned, who today, next month, ten years time - whenever - are going to die again. It’s easier for me not to acknowledge that they’re alive again.” You rubbed your ring finger throughout, shame flooding through you at how you’d tried to forget it all with strong booze and meaningless fucks.
Watching the tears and snot running down your flushed face, Thor didn’t think he could feel any guiltier. You’d lost the person that meant everything to you because he hadn’t gone for the head. He’d thought that after the second snap, everything would be good again. Apparently not.
“It’s not your fault, Thor,” you choked out. “I’m not ungrateful to have some of my loved ones back, but it’s hard to pretend that everything is great. It’s like I said yesterday, a lot of damage was done.”
“What happened to Alex?” he asked tentatively.
“Lorry driver got snapped. Lorry kept going and hit the front of Snappy Snaps. That always seemed oddly apt. It’d almost be funny if it wasn’t so sad,” you said with a strange smile.
Having seen the beer lorry Brunnhilde drove, Thor knew and average human would stand no chance against that amount of machinery. He desperately wanted to hug you but was aware of the cum crusted onto his stomach.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to upset you. Is there anything I can do?”
You sat for a moment in silence, poking at the pasta. Funnily enough, you weren’t hungry anymore. You slid out of your chair and padded over to Thor, perching on one of his thick thighs. Burying your face in his chest, you let the tears fall. Not the pretty tears they cry in films but horrible, noisy sobs that wracked your entire body. Everything you’d tried to forget over the years rose to the surface, an eruption of sorrow that could no longer be contained. Thor held you close to him, stroking your hair, his softness and warmth comforting you until you quieted.
“We’re a right pair, crying and snotting at each other,” you said, before wiping your nose on your arm. “I know I needed to get it out but I’d rather you hadn’t seen it.”
On the contrary, Thor was glad that it had happened. It made him feel less alone. Of course, he knew other people were hurting but he never saw any proof of it. You were so raw and vulnerable, it was like he was only truly seeing you for the first time. Everything was a mask, and armour you wore to protect slow-healing wounds and prevent new ones. And now you had bared to him. He wanted to do everything he could to ensure your heart was never hurt so much again. He was about to scoop you up and carry you to the bathroom, when you reached for his spoon, shovelled up a heap of pasta, and brought it to his mouth.
“I’d hate for you to miss out on the best macaroni cheese because of me,” you said.
Thor let you feed him. His compliment about your cooking had obviously stuck and he didn’t want to disappoint you. Once you’d fed him all of his bowl, he brought the pan towards you both and let you feed him until it was all gone. Thor felt a little ashamed that he’d eaten so much when you’d had so little, but you seemed content, rubbing small circles on the top of his stomach. For whatever reason, you seemed to like that part of him, so he squashed the urge to remove your hand.
“Shall we get ourselves cleaned up?” he asked.
“I need to wash up the pan first,” you said, shifting away from Thor,
“No, no. I’ll sort that tomorrow. Today is a day off for you. I want you to relax, not worry about work.”
You nodded mutely and this time he did scoop you up and carry you to the bathroom.
“Oh wow,” you gasped when you saw yourself in the mirror. Your face was a mess but it was nothing compared to your neck. Thor had well and truly left his mark. Good thing you had a scarf at the hut. The marks you’d left on him weren’t quite as impressive but he looked pleased as he stood beside you, trying to remove cheese sauce from his facial hair.
“I fancied a shower to wake myself up more, I hope that’s ok?” he asked, extending his hand. You took it and followed him, grabbing a bottle of body wash from the cupboard. Much like the bath, the shower was far larger and grander than an average one. Thor stepped in and turned on the powerful rainfall showerhead, turning his face up towards the spray.
“C’mon,” he said, beckoning you in. You copied him and let the water hit your face, flowing where the tears had flowed not that long ago. Thor took your hands in his and you stood there in silent reverie, as though the steamy shower could cleanse not just your body but your soul.
“I believe I offered you some more worship,” you said, at last, the smirk returning to your face.
“You did, yes,” Thor replied, mirroring your smirk. You poured a generous amount of the body wash into your hand and began to clean down the length of his body, working out the knots in his back and down the backs of his thick legs. Thor shuddered, despite the warmth of the water, as you pressed yourself against his back. He could feel your nipples running over his damp skin, could feel the warmth building between his thighs. You slide around him to clean his front, feeling the buried muscles of his arms and lavishing attention and kisses as you worked your way down his torso. Your lips pressed against the plum bruise on his thigh elicited an excited moan and he cleaned himself as you worked down to his feet.
“I’d like to return the favour, if I may?” he said, as you stood back up. You nodded and passed him the body wash.
Although his hands were more used to handling an axe, he was amazingly gentle and attentive, running his fingers with care over the evidence of this morning’s passion. When he got to your breasts, it was like he was lost in a trance, cupping and kneading, coating them in a thick lather. Eventually, he stopped cleaning them and just held a breast in each hand, looking at them like they were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
Realising he was lost in thought, you moved away, bending your knees so that your chest was level with his aroused cock. You guided him between your breasts, slowly sliding him between the soapy flesh you held together to grip his erection.
“Fuck,” he moaned, pressing a hand against the marble tiles to steady himself as you literally made him weak at the knees. You let him have a couple of thrusts before standing back up. Thor pursed his lips, trying to swallow his frustration.
“Did you like that, bear?” you asked in mock innocence, languidly rubbing your breasts against his belly, hard nipples dragging across his soft flesh.
“Uh-huh,” he whimpered, wondering if he should pin you against the tiles and take you just to end your teasing.
“I think you’re going to like this more,” you said, sliding down to your knees. You washed the suds off Thor’s cock, and with a quick prayer to any god apart from the one in front of you to not choke, you slowly eased him into your mouth. You teased his head with slow sucks before flicking your tongue across the ridge between his head and his shaft. You could hear him wheezing above you and decided to press on, taking more of him into your mouth, your tongue trailing up and down in firm movements that drew further gasps. You didn’t focus your attention in any one particular place, although Thor seemed to especially enjoy it when you licked the underside of his shaft, growing noticeably louder when you strummed across his frenulum. Your childhood penchant for Twister lollies certainly had its uses.. His soft stomach was a welcome cushion but it impeded what you wanted to do. You pursed your lips around him, pressing your tongue firmly against his shaft, slowly withdrawing with a teasing flick over his head.
Looking up, you could see Thor was bracing himself with one hand still, other stroking his nipple. His face was flushed, not just from the heat of the shower, and he opened his blue eye to look down at you. You gave him a mischievous grin before lifting his stomach with one hand and returning to pleasuring him. It was going to take some work but you were determined to have him. All of him. Wisdom teeth had made it harder to accommodate larger guys but you could still do it. His thickness caused your jaw to ache but you continued your journey, lubricating your path with insistent swipes of your tongue. You knew you were getting close and took one large breath through your nose, before taking the rest of him.
“Oh fuck,” you heard Thor roar, his legs trembling as your buried your nose into his soft, sandy pubes. Fighting back the urge to gag and feeling your eyes begin to water, you knew you couldn’t stay here for long. You ran your tongue clockwise around the base of his shaft, then back the other way. Your free hand cupped his balls and you ran your thumbnail over them, your fingernails dragging down his inner thigh. You weren’t sure if it was the pressure building in your ears, the shower or Thor, but everything was very loud. You pulled back just enough for some air then moved back for more. Each time you retreated a little further for air before taking him deeply again.
Thor desperately wanted to fuck into your mouth but he was so impressed by how well you were taking him, he didn’t dare disrupt your rhythm. He could count on one hand the number of people who’d achieved that particular feat. He chose instead to stop playing with his nipples and moved his hand to the back of your head, fingers gripping onto your hair, possessive but not forceful.
You could tell he was getting close by the trembling of his thick thighs and the increasing shortness of his pants.
He tried to warn you, he really did. But instead of words, all that came out was an incoherent roar and that was drowned out by an almighty clap of thunder. You swallowed him with pleasure, licking him clean and sending a tremor through his body. You sat back and let go of his tummy, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand.
Came to the shower to get clean and ended up even dirtier, you mused, as you looked up at Thor with heart eyes and a saccharine smile.
Nobody had looked at him that way in years. His heart was hammering like a mini  Mjölnir in his chest. The Norns only knew why you liked him so much but he was grateful they’d brought you to him. He scooped you up and pressed you against the tiles, one hand supported you under each thigh. He pressed against you, tasting himself in your mouth.
You wound your hands into his hair, enjoying the weight of him constricting your breathing, a warm, hairy man-corset. Eventually, you had to come up for air and gave his braid a sharp yank.
“Oh, oh sorry. I forgot my size. Did I hurt you?” he worried as you gasped against his shoulder.
“No, no. I was rather enjoying it, I just sometimes need to breathe.”
“Perhaps we should continue this in my bedroom?” he suggested, setting you back down and turning off the water.
“Sure,” you said, slapping his ample arse on the way past.
You began drying yourself when you realised Thor was loitering behind you.
“May I?” he asked and you handed him the towel. He gently patted you dry, lingering on his favourite areas, before letting you return the favour. He was so soft and fluffy, a giant teddy bear grinning goofily down at you.
“Shall we?” he said, extending a hand to you. You slipped a hand into his massive paw and began to leave the bathroom, trailing slightly behind him.
Lucky for you that Thor was so big. He’d barely made it through the door when he stopped dead in his tracks
“Thor! Cool thunderstorm bruv. Ready for some Fortnite?” came the unmistakable voice of Korg.
Thor’s hands shot forward to cover himself.
“Er, this isn’t really a good time buddy…”
You can’t see what’s going on but presumably, Korg has now turned to look at Thor because the next thing you hear is:
“Woah! Where are your clothes? And what happened to your neck? Was it y/n Do I need to fight her?”
“I just had a shower. And no, please don’t fight her.”
“Well, where is she?”
“I’m here,” you said, peeking your head around Thor, hugging him from behind.
“Oh my god. Were you two…? Well, good for your bruv. Y/n, do you want to play Fortnite too?”
This is ridiculous, Thor thought. For the first time in years, I have the chance to fuck a beautiful woman, and being cockblocked by a guy made of rock.
“Uh, yeah. Like I said, this isn’t really a good time...I was hoping to spend some time with y/n. Alone. Maybe you and Miek could go to the beach, or the tavern or literally anywhere that’s not here for a bit,” Thor suggested.
“Aw man, ok. But you’ve got to make it stop raining first.”
“Oh yes, of course.”
Korg and Miek lumbered off and once the front door was shut, you burst out laughing. Perhaps Thor might want to start locking his door after all.
@morganhoran1671 @innerpaperexpertcloud
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If your still accepting prompts I would love if you could do one where Peter or Michelle is hooked up to a heart monitor and they kiss which makes it beat really fast. I love your work💕
I’m sorry, love, this has taken me a LONG time to get to. But I’m finally in the mood to get back into the author’s seat, so here’s hoping this turns out alright? Even if it doesn’t, know I love you and this was my best shot! XD
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Just to put things into perspective: Peter is pretty used to being terrified. 
There’s been the battle against Captain America himself, who Peter had only seen in his health class videos when he first fought at Tony Stark’s side. Then there was the fact that one of his personal heroes had been joined by the Winter Soldier himself, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, and, among others, a guy who could grow to be the size of a small yacht. 
Number two on the list was Vulture, who had been somehow even more terrifying than the team of opponents Peter had faced before. At least in his first battle, Peter had known that, more or less, the people on both sides were “good guys.” They were fighting, yeah, but they weren’t aiming to kill. Vulture had been another category entirely– Peter had been warned firsthand that Big Bird’s metallic cousin would bury him alive without a dent to his conscience. 
Then, somehow, it had gotten worse. Factor in a big, purple asshole, a handful of elementals, and Mysterio himself, and by his third year out of college it has been established that Peter is used to being scared witless. He has faced odds that would have made the most experienced hero quake in their boots, and he has done it since his sophomore year of high school. Now, he’s three years out of college, and even more has been added to that list to get him used to panic. 
So when it is said that this is the most alarmed Peter has ever been, the record should reflect that he is scared shitless. 
When they went for a run around the compound together, Peter wasn’t expecting to have his afternoon land him in the med bay. He was expecting the usual: a workout with MJ, some witty banter, probably a rant against capitalist society as a whole. He had been looking forward to it, to the routine that he has grown to cling to.  
MJ is his stability in all of the chaos. It is a whole new life– a whole new part of the massive city he grew up in, a new job that demands more of his mental capacity than anything has before, and an even more difficult balancing routine between superhero-ing. She’s had her chaos, too, trying to work her way up as a news producer and to remain as active and passionate as she always has before. But they have each other, they have their way-too-expensive apartment, and that’s enough. She’s enough. 
And now, she’s lying in a bed in some room deeper in the facility, and Peter is stuck outside. He can’t shut off the noises. The symphony of beeping monitors and dropping liquid from deeper within the building is undercut by a pulse of his own inhale, exhale. It is this rhythm that keeps Peter calm as he thinks about some doctor looking over his girlfriend, the woman that Peter loves more than anything. 
As he sits in the chair in the waiting room, his mind keeps replaying the events leading up to this, the occurrence that brought her to the bed. Is this his fault? Maybe he shouldn’t have pushed her while they were running. He knows that her body doesn’t have the modifications his does, but– well, he thought he was taking it slow, damn it! She’s had no trouble keeping up with him before, so when MJ began to lag behind, Peter thought that perhaps she hadn’t been hydrated enough. 
He can see it in his mind’s eye: her messy curls, some damp with sweat, flopping with each beat of her feet against the sidewalk. Her t-shirt from Colombia was a little sweatier than it normally was, but then it was also warmer than usual as they took the same path they always did. Peter had scoured her face, wondering if maybe they needed to take a cool-down, and had slowed to a stop. 
In response to his curious glance, MJ had waved a hand at him, rolling her eyes. “Please, Parker, don’t let that big ego get the best of you. We both know that I have no problem keeping up with you, I’m superhuma-” 
She had not finished the sentence before a shadow crossed her face, and then her eyes were rolling back into her head and her legs were dropping out from under her. Peter had been there to catch her, but when he had, her body was limp in his arms. Her skin had been clammy– how had he not noticed that when they were holding hands before?– when he patted her face in an attempt to rouse her. When that failed, he had brought her to the medbay as quickly as possible, and then he had not gotten up from this chair after they took her from his sight. 
What if she wasn’t okay? What if he was stuck in this chair forever, just waiting? 
The thought only has a few moments to torment Peter before the door across the room opens, and Peter stands immediately. A young doctor steps through, a clipboard in hand, and her eyes find Peter just as he opens his mouth to speak. Before he can get a word out, however, she interrupts him. 
“She’s just woken up, Mr. Parker,” the young woman says, her voice as firm as it is youthful. She must be the same age as he and MJ, maybe younger. But she is here on one of Stark’s scholarships, so Peter trusts her. 
“Can I see her?” Peter’s voice is tight in his throat as he forces the question out, and he swears that the young woman’s brown eyes warm slightly. 
“Of course you may,” she responds, turning around. “Follow me, sir.” 
She doesn’t have to ask twice. The doctor leads Peter down a short hall and to the glass patient rooms, but the brief walk could not take longer. MJ is in the first room, seated in a bed that faces the door. Peter catches her eye through the wall, and he feels his breath leave him in one relieved sigh. Peter’s legs carry him of their own accord through the door, brushing him past the doctor to bring him to her side. 
MJ turns her face as he approaches the side of her bed, peering into his eyes. Her face is slightly ashen, but other than the slight pallor she to her face, she is just MJ. Her eyes hold a hint of embarrassment as Peter meets them.
“Don’t worry, Parker,” she hums, “I’m still gonna be stealing your joggers for quite some time.” Even though her tone is nonchalant, her hand finds his immediately. 
Peter laces his fingers with hers, twisting his wrist and bringing the back of her hand to his lips. For just a moment, he brushes his lips against the skin, and she draws in a sharp breath. “Gross,” she comments, wrinkling her nose, but the beeping of the vitals monitor betrays her as it skips a few beats. 
“You’re okay,” Peter breathes, lowering her hand. Still, he brings his fingers to touch the band around her wrist, and then he brings his eyes to meet hers again.
“Of course I’m okay,” she answers, her voice serious as she returns his gaze. She knows. She understands that he has lost the people he loves, the people who give his life meaning. She knows that he is terrified of losing people like her. “I just didn’t fill my water all the way up, loser. Normal people’s bodies need water, and I may have forgotten that I am not, in fact, a robot.” 
A slight cough interrupts their conversation. Both Peter’s and MJ’s heads turn to face the door, and their eyes find the young doctor who produced the sound at the same time. 
“Is something wrong?” Peter asks slowly. 
The doctor looks younger than ever now, and her wide eyes jump from Peter, to MJ, to Peter again. “Well, no…” she says slowly, glancing down at the clipboard. Peter is given a distinct impression that she is attempting something that she has not done before. “It’s just… Well. Um, Miss Jones… I have something to share with you, but you may want to speak to me in private.” 
MJ’s brow furrows, and Peter glances at her before looking back at the doctor. “Um, I can go,” he suggests slowly. He can tell the woman needs him to leave and isn’t sure how to ask, but there is reluctance in his voice he can’t keep away. He can’t help it– he’s still worried about MJ, and the idea of leaving her side at the moment sounds about as appealing as having to take on the golden-gloved Purple People Eater again. 
“No,” MJ says immediately, and Peter can feel her hand grip his a little bit tighter. “You can say whatever you need to in front of him.” 
Her tone is calm, simple. Peter is flooded with silent appreciation as he envelops her hand more deeply in his own. She understands his need to be by her side right now, and he knows that she is honoring it because she loves him. 
The young doctor clears her throat uncomfortably, and for a moment there is nothing but the sound of the heart monitor as she struggles for words. Finally, after brushing a stray strand of brown hair away from her face, the woman decides on what she wishes to say. “Well… We took blood while you were unconscious, just to make sure that there wasn’t anything to be worried about,” the physician begins slowly. 
“Alright,” MJ says, clearly processing the information. “And did the results tell you anything about why I fell?” 
“Your hydration levels were fine,” the doctor informs them, clinging to the facts. “It wasn’t your water intake. Um, actually, your blood pressure was low.” 
“Oh, that’s all it is?” MJ blinks once or twice, surprised, and then she glances up at Peter. “See, dweeb? You were worried for nothing. Lots of peoples’ blood craps out on them sometimes.” 
Peter grins, ready to retort, but then the doctor speaks up again. “Well, um… Not quite.” Both Peter and MJ turn expectantly to her, and the woman seems unsure how to handle being the center of their attention. “I mean– yes, lots of people suffer from low blood pressure, and- and I guess lots of people suffer from your condition, too, but- well, it’s not just low blood pressure.” 
MJ’s eyes widen, and Peter feels his heartbeat race. Is she actually sick? The heartbeat monitor begins to speed up, just slightly. MJ grips his hand a little harder now, and he squeezes it comfortingly in return as he questions the doctor. 
“What else is it, then?” His voice does hold a sharp edge now, though not an unkind one. MJ is nervous, now, and if there is anything that doctor can say to take the fear out of her eyes, she needs to say it now. 
The doctor takes a deep breath, glances down at the chart one last time, and then she raises her gaze to meet MJ’s. Her voice is hesitant, but there is a gleam in her eyes as she blazes ahead. 
“You’re pregnant, Miss Jones.” The doctor’s tone is slightly breathless, but a slight note of warmth enters her voice as she repeats her message. “You’re having a baby.” 
For a moment, Peter is frozen. MJ’s hand goes completely slack in his, and the beeping of the monitor picks up as the only sound in the room. 
Peter is going to be a father. 
The thought causes him to draw in a shuddering breath as he struggles to contain the warmth blooming in his chest. A baby, their baby… But is MJ alright? Peter turns to face her, his eyes searching her face desperately. Her expression is completely impassive as she stares straight ahead, capable of seeing nothing but the physician. 
“What did you say?” 
MJ’s words are soft, breathy. There is a note to them, however, of something Peter has never heard before. “Say it again.” 
This time, Peter does not let the doctor repeat herself. His hand, hesitant, rises to her cheek, and when it does, MJ’s deep, dark gaze snaps to his own. Those eyes hold so many emotions as they meet his own, and the waves of feeling lap at him as he stares into them– shock, fear, confusion. Hope. 
It is this last gleam in her eye that causes Peter to lightly caress her cheek with his fingers, his own throat becoming constricted as he summons the words. “We’re having a baby, MJ,” he breathes, his words gentle. He does not know what her reaction will be, but he knows as he looks at her that whatever it is, he will respect it. 
Still… She is the woman that he loves more than anything in the universe, and the idea of starting a mysterious journey with her is something that awes him to his very core. 
For a moment, MJ says nothing. Then, like a few watery rays of sunlight piercing through the clouds, a smile flits across her face. 
“We’re having a baby.” 
The words, spoken from her lips, are enough to bring him to his knees. Peter crumples to a kneeling position by her bed, taking her hand in both of his own now. The radiant joy that begins to transform her face seems to be shining from within her. Peter has never seen a more beautiful Michelle Jones than the one whose hand he is holding, the one with messy curls dangling around her shoulders and a hospital gown obscuring her form. 
Her eyes find him, and when they do, they are positively dancing. A laugh bubbles from her lips as she brings her other hand to meet his, and the sound is enough to fill Peter to brimming with rapture. His eyes sting as he looks up at her, and he knows that this feeling is only the beginning. 
His life is going to change forever. 
The doctor by the door is smiling, too, though she is trying to hide it. “I’ll leave you two alone,” she hums, tucking the clipboard beneath her arm. “Congratulations.” 
The sound of the door closing causes Peter to draw in a shuddering gasp, and he rises to his feet with her hands in his own. “MJ-” 
“Shh,” MJ instructs, though her smile only widens as she scours his face, looking to soak up every bit of his happiness to add to her own. “I know, Peter. I know.” 
Peter shakes his head, and he knows a few tears are slipping free. The words leave him before he can stop them, and somehow he knows they are the right ones. 
“This world isn’t going to know what to do with two perfect Joneses in it.” 
MJ’s eyes widen, then, and her smile begins to fade. Peter didn’t think it was possible, but somehow her face betrays more of the pure, radiant joy than before as she looks at him. MJ takes her hands back to reach for him, and Peter is more than willing to comply. 
Peter leans over the bed, bringing his face closer to her own. Her arms settle around his neck, and Peter knows that she expects him to close the distance between them, but he is not ready yet. For a moment, Peter maintains the distance, his own hands rising to cup her cheeks. In that moment, his eyes want nothing more than to drink in every bit of her face, to capture the joy and the shock and the wonder forever. 
This is the end of everything that Peter has ever known, and it’s the beginning of a life of discovery by MJ’s side. 
Peter’s own smile grows, and MJ cannot seem to breathe as she stares into his eyes. The monitor begins to beep faster, and then faster… And then Peter closes the distance, bringing his lips to meet her own. 
Peter does not know how long they stay that way, with their lips dancing together in a kiss that speaks to the pure joy they both feel. Peter brings his hands to tangle in her hair, deepening their kiss to speak to the passion that is coursing through him– the passion for her, the passion for them, and the passion for the life that she is bringing into the world. 
The life that he gets to be a part of, because somehow the most incredible woman in the world chose him. 
The monitor beeps faster, and faster, and faster, and after a moment the young physician reappears at the door, a look of worry on her face as she prepares to check the vitals. However, when she arrives in the doorway, the young woman pauses as a small smile tugs at her lips. 
They’re young and they’re in love, and the future may be uncertain. But somehow, the doctor has a feeling that the life that Michelle Jones is bringing into the world is going to be in good hands.
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xxprincessjewelsxx · 5 years
Aces Over Eights (Chanyeol Mafia!au Fic) Chapter 15 - Well...Here We Go...
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Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7, Ch. 8, Ch. 9, Ch. 10, Ch. 11, Ch. 12, Ch. 13, Ch. 14, Ch. 15, 
Warnings: None...little bit of a short chapter
Chanyeol avoided me after that day, not that I blamed him and I didn’t actually see him until the day that I was dragged out of the EXO tower and to a warehouse near the river front.
Looking out the window of the car at the large building I just gave a small nod to myself. “So...this is where it ends for me, huh?”
“What?” Sehun questioned.
“I suppose that you guys finally decided that hiding me from Daejung wasn’t the way to go and this is the place where I meet my fateful end and then you throw me in the river...” I said before grabbing my stomach, “Ugh that makes me feel sea sick.”
“First off you’re not gonna die, secondly it makes you more sick to think about being thrown in water that to die?” he questioned.
“I can’t swim, everybody is slowly dying it’s just a matter of when it finally happens, and I think I caught whatever stomach bug Kyungsoo had,” I replied.
“So that was you retching in the bathroom this morning,” he questioned?
“Yes...no if my doom isn’t today on the way back can we stop at a pharmacy so I can get some meds for whatever this is?” I questioned.
“Sure...as long as you don’t throw up in my car...this is Italian leather,” he replied.
“I’ll make sure to aim for your lap,” I stated before getting out of the car.
“Hey...that’s....that’s...not necessary...I’ll get a bag...I think there are extra bags inside...” he said leading into warehouse.
Inside the guys (minus Chanyeol) were sitting at a table talking amongst themselves and only stopped when they saw us enter. Jumnyeon looked at me before letting out a sigh and pointing to the chair.
“I think you should sit,” he said.
“I’m good,” I said, already not liking where this was going.
“Okay...well...we have decided to take a more strategic move in trying to get Daejung in a place where we can really make sure that he can never harm you again...and as much as Chanyeol will hate the idea....we have no choice now but to use you to get to him,” he said.
I stood there and just blinked at him for a moment. “Is...is there a bathroom anywhere.”
“Yes, why?”
“Because I’m gonna-,”
Sehun grabbed my arm and dragged me away and down a hall to a small bathroom where I began to once again throw my guts up. “I can’t handle this.”
I could feel his sympathetic gaze on me as he leaned on the doorframe and he sighed. “You know Baekhyun is the Gossip King and he definitely can’t keep his mouth shut when something upsets him.”
“Your point?” I questioned.
“Maybe it’s not cold meds that you should be picking up when I take you to the pharmacy,” he said.
“You know...just a suggestion,” he said before leaving me sitting on the bathroom floor.
After about ten minutes of processing what he said and throwing up some more I walked back out to where the guys were Chanyeol had finally showed up and was yelling about how he told Junmyeon that it was a bad idea and not to use me as bait.
“I am the leader of EXO, Chanyeol...remember that,” Junmyeon stated matter of factly, “I will do what I think is best for us and for Y/N as well...there is no other way than locking her away in the EXO tower forever....Daejung has connections and he will do whatever it takes to get to her. We need to be the one’s to end this.”
“If he gets his hands on her...I...we may never see her again,” Chanyeol said.
“Which is why between us and the back-up that I’ve asked for everything will be fine,” he said. After calming the angry giant Junmyeon looked at Kai. “Put your feelers out, let people know that there will be poker tournament. Tell them the prize is priceless and one of a kind.”
“I am not a prize...if this is going to be like that auction....” I started but he just waved his hand, “No...Sehun is going to get something from his private stash in case someone other than Kai wins...it will just put the idea into Daejung’s obssesse driven head that you’re the prize.”
“Right....can I go home now?” I questioned. He gave a nod and I quickly walked out of the warehouse, Sehun following close behind and from there it was to the pharmacy where I wondered around with several different things on my mind including if I should really buy a pregnancy test or not.
“Y/N...I’ve been waiting in the car for fifteen minutes,” Sehun said quietly as he came up next to me, “This was supposed to be a quick stop.”
“I’m nervous,” I said.
“Pick a couple and buy them,” he said.
“When did you become an expert?” I asked.
“I watch TV,” he replied.
“Oh my god!” I said, wanting to throw my hands in the air at that point.
“Sir, Ma’am....can I help you with something?” the pharmacist asked hearing me and Sehun bicker.
“No...my sister here was just finishing up,” he said puting his arm around my shoulders only to have it knocked away.
Looking back at the boxes I finally choice which ones to get before going and checking out so that Sehun could get me home and I could go to my apartment and start chugging water.
Three bottles of water, and three tests peed on later I was sitting on the bathroom floor waiting for the results.
Beep beep beep beep beep.
Turning off my cell alarm I looked over at the little sticks of fate and took a deep breath. “Well...here we go...”
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dxmedstudent · 6 years
Hi dxmedstudent :) i LOVE your tumblr and appreciate all info and advive you give js, as well as your stories 🤗. Im a final year med student. Can you please give me any tips on how to best prepare for F1? And also any advice you'd give your current F1's? Thank youuuu x
Aww thank you! I’m really humbled! I’ll do my best in the future :D Soon I’m sure you’ll have stories of your own to share.
I give too much advice to my FY1s, sometimes my time with juniors feels like a stream of consciousness conversation in which I’m just trying to make their lives less horrible by giving them all the tips I can as much as possible. But I can’t remember it all off the top of my head XDPrioritising is so important. Deal with urgent or time sensitive jobs first, then order the rest in order of how much it will change what you do today. So, bloods and imaging are important, as are reviews by other speialties, and collateral histories. But if you are swamped, always remember what is likely to change my management plan here and now? What is the most clinically urgent?
First do the most urgent jobs; this may even be during ward round. Reviewing anyone who is sick goes into this category. Requesting urgent opinions, doing urgent bloods or urgent investigations, goes here.
Then jobs that you want to get back ASAP (requesting imaging, doing bloods).  If your nurses can’t do a blood sample, and your phlebs won’t, then you’ll have to do it, but remember it will take 2 hours to come back, at a minimum, so prepare accordingly.
I request things before sitting down to do the other jobs like phoning different specialties for routine referrals, speaking to relatives, getting information from the GP etc go here. Therse are the kinds of things
EDS/TTO/TTAs should be left til the end of the list, as should reboarding drug charts, updating relatives that nothing new is happening. However sometimes non-clinical urgency (bed managers hassling yout to send  people home, relatives telling you ‘I want an update but I am leaving in 5 minutes’) may push it up your priority list so you have to deal with it sooner.
some things can wait til tomorrow, if you can’t get everything done today.
Aim to keep people safe. That is the most important thing.
Don’t be afraid to hand over to the oncall. It is what they are there for.
Don’t stay later than you have to. We all get crises sometimes but we shouldn’t make it a habit.
it is really hard to organise yourself at the beginning, so if you end up staying late or feeling like there are too many jobs, please remember it is hell for everyone at first, and it will get better. You will become so organised!
General tips:
be nice to everyone. befriend the staff as soon as you start FY1. Everyone is a teammate and deserves to be treated as such. And if you treat people nicely, they are much more likely to help you, too.
If you want something to happen, send a request. If you want it to happen faster, phone them up and have a chat. If you want them to bend space-time and make it happen right now, walk down and see them personally.
If something doesn’t happen when you expect it to, call them up and ask why.
If something was requested by someone else, assume it may have gotten lost in the void, and call up/have a chat to ‘chase’ where it is up to. Unfortunately, for some reason, half our job is chasing things that other people are meant to have done. You requested it, but that’s not enough. Your seniors will expect you to chase to make it happen.
be a team player with your other FY1s. Some people will be snakes, you can only let them do their thing. But try to make friends and support each other.
Mental health is important, and you are too. If you are struggling, it is very common, and not a reflection on your own worth as a doctor. Look after each other and reach out; you are each others’ support network.
Tea and Empathy and the Junior doctor contract forum are two groups for UK doctors on facebook, and honestly two of the most useful sources of doctor information and support that I’ve seen.
Bad jobs and mean seniors will happen, but they will end. They are not forever.
Carry a clipboard full of any request forms/paperwork (like DNACPR, drug charts, continuation sheets) that you will need in your daily work. I don’t carry one now because you get ribbed for carrying one as an SHO and an SHO shouldn’t be having to do as many ward jobs, but it was honestly so, so useful that I held onto mine for like 3 years. Your consultants will think you are the most organised person ever, because whenever they need a form, you will spirit one up out of nowhere.
You can also print out the most commonly used protocols in your hospital; for example ACS, falls, head injury. So you can keep them in your folder and refer to them at a glance. If not, they will always be on your hospital intranet but make sure you familiarise yourself with how to find them easily. There’s a guideline for almost anything.
I keep an acute medicine handbook on me for oncalls, but a general pocket guide can be useful.
download any apps that your hospital uses (e.g  microguide for antibiotic guidelines). Download the induction app; people upload the internal numbers and bleeps for your hospital.  They are a godsend. The MDcalc app is wonderful for remembering how to calculate Wells scores and CHADSVASC etc so you don’t have to at 3am. The BNF app is amazingly useful; I used to carry a pocket prescriber book, but not any more.
I have a tag called #tips for new docs which might be useful for you. I try to lump my ‘how to survive night shifts’ style posts over there. And if you have any questions about FY1 life, or if you just need to rant, , I’ll always be happy to help.
Hope this helps :)
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The struggles of being an introverted extrovert in a professional program
Hi, I’m Jacqueline! My husband, Levi, and I are both from British Columbia and we’re now second-year Griffith University medicine students in Gold Coast, Australia. I wanted to chat about an unexpected struggle I’ve faced so far. Not in the classroom, but in my own well-being.
After all the hard work of MCAT prep, volunteering, and hours spent in a lonely research lab, all while trying to develop professional behavior, communication skills, practice showing leadership qualities, keeping an eye on all the premed forums on what else I could do to improve my application and just trying to hold it all together, I finally got into medical school.
And that was just the start of it. Preparing for the move to Australia was a huge task. There were visa applications, setting up bank loans to pay the crazy international school fees, packing my entire life up in suitcases under the airline’s 28kg baggage restrictions, and saying goodbye to my entire support system in Canada.
Levi and I arrived in the Gold Coast, found an apartment, bought and set up an IKEA showroom, and mentally prepared ourselves for the start of medical school orientation in just over one week.
After about 2 months in, the struggle I was facing in medical school was not at all what I expected. I thought in all this preparation I had considered every barrier that may arise in the first year of med: homesickness, imposter syndrome, burnout from the intense workload, not being able to get enough sleep, and gaining that freshman 15 all over again.
But there was one thing I didn’t expect and couldn’t predict.
Orientation week was a blast. So much free food. So many new faces. So many people congratulating you on this amazing accomplishment: “You’re in medical school. You are so smart. You can do anything. You are the next generation of doctors.” All things that would make any pre-med student squeal and cup their hands to their ears asking them to say it again!
As many bright-eyed first-year medical students are, I was ready for the work. I already planned how to color coordinate my notes and had many calendar spreadsheets tucked into my notebooks with motivational quotes pre-scripted on their front pages. I was ready to fight academic burnout. I was ready to study so I felt like I belonged in medicine. I was ready to start this adventure I had worked so hard for.
But I was exhausted! Not from the workload—I was getting loads of rest. Not from the imposter syndrome—with all the MCATs I’ve done (pssht), I can out-study these kids in my sleep! But, all of a sudden, all I wanted to do is sit in our dark IKEA showroom of an apartment and never leave or talk to anyone ever again. Why?
Again, some things you just can’t predict. Social burnout is definitely one of those things.
According to the Myers Briggs Personality Test, I’m right in the middle of extroversion and introversion. This means that I like to talk and make friends and I’m social in social situations, but also, I love me some alone time! Remembering this, I realized why I was so tired.
Orientation week was followed by a tsunami of other social events aimed to bring the medical cohort together! To make these everlasting friendships that doctors always talk about when they mention their time in med school. And I went to pretty much all of them. I was so swept up in creating a community with my cohort. I felt the pressure to make these so called “forever doctor friends” and I wanted to make them right now.
I realize now I didn’t take time to rest and recharge the introverted side of me. With a weekend to myself I could reflect on what matters to me, and why I am okay with not going to a scrub (pub) crawl.
Medical school is a challenge in and of itself. It is exciting. It is highly anticipated. And it is extremely worth the wait. But it’s never going to be what you expected and you’re never going to be able to prepare for everything, no matter how many premed/medical forums you follow.
Bottom line: It is hard to know your limits in such a new environment. It’s hard to keep yourself in check when all you want to do is immerse yourself in the program (whatever it entails—social or academic) that you have been fighting to be a part of for so long. But relax. Pace yourself outside the program the same way you plan to pace yourself in it. And when you feel like you’re burning out, extend yourself some grace. Skip out on the party, or push yourself to go to the party! You won’t become a doctor in one day, and you won’t miss the chance to make “lifelong friends” by skipping out on the pub after classes every once in a while.
Whatever your “self” needs, introverted or extroverted, or both, don’t be guilted into neglecting a big part of what makes you you!
Jacqueline Second-year Griffith Medical School student Follow Jaqueline and Levi on Instagram
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bernardmiles94 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Garlic Odor Surprising Cool Ideas
Can this be the safest treatments that could possibly be sign of an overall cure but used in many ways, but some of the best option for those women who treat BV is present, the doctor and get confirm diagnosis.Without the expansion of dangerous bacteria.Finding a good routine you should make fresh yogurt to keep a healthy vagina and thought I had body odor and a positive way.Antibiotics whether taken orally or applied directly on the vagina several times by women to find out a suitable homeopathic remedy from either a homeopath or store, it must be restored in the genital area after bathing.
If you have sex during this time, it might occur to me that a close watch on your condition.Infusing the drug as prescribed by your disproportional increase involving unwanted organisms outgrowing the good ones which are a great home remedy methods for vaginosis cure.The Cause of Bacterial Vaginosis - Women who engage in unprotected sex, use of more ladies choose a lot of different bacteria are lessened or gone while the antibiotics have finished there is no reason to check on the body, a potentially dangerous diet.Cotton is the cause of foul-smelling vaginal discharge.There are a much strong unpleasant vaginal smell so bad so you no relief from symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.
Having it gone forever by avoiding certain practices common to almost all women suffering from and nothing worked, but trusts me there is with an intense itching in vaginal discharge.Fiber tends to recur and there are some home remedies for bacterial vaginosis is a sexually transmitted disease.It's no wonder so many women have come to conclusion that there is more resistant.Upon proper diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis home remedy for a doctor for years I eventually discovered that it is possible to have a fishy vaginal odor and not treating any ailment works to kill the bad in check.Most homeopathic medicines are used from the previous one.
* Being generally under the guidance of a person simply has bacterial vaginosis.Bacterial vaginosis natural cures for bacterial vaginosis.I think only positive things about antibiotics.Wear cotton panties that are out of control, this causes all the bacteria in your intestinal tract.Moreover, if a woman with high glucose-sugar contents, such as these can help to replenish depleted supplies of good ones.
After conducting the pelvic region or if you want to find something which is rather common among women who received antibiotic treatment would get extra sleep so that you wash 2-3 times a day is an effortless the reason is, however, it is best not to vaginal intercourse appear to open up the good news for a natural home remedies.When engaging in sexual relations can still occur again with time.Mix a teaspoon of grapefruit extract to a minimum because it is very useful way for the whole area.Do not scratch, but instead tap the area of its strong acidic properties brought about by a combination of different natural, cheap home remedies to get rid of vaginal infections is Bacterial Vaginosis.How Do You Have BV And Not Something Else?
However once the antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria, this initially seems like it should, here's why:That is why eating a pot daily or inserting Bacterial Vaginosis journal helps you learn how to fight off the small number of treatment which is composed of potassium hydroxide solution is mixed.Supplement with Vitamin C filled environment which means taking one dose one time to research various cures for bacterial vaginosis cure that works.So, what should you do not treat the symptoms may indicate a cure.Your original condition will return again and again.
Garlic is a mild bacterial infection occurs when bad bacteria responsible for releasing chemicals that they assist the body's harmony is killed off by pointing out that these are found in the vagina.However, bacterial vaginosis available today.Remember that all women get for various reasons.This is said to be a good chance of clearing up a resistance to drugs, making you difficult to determine the possibility of the most disturbing, common, and troublesome diseases of the imagination, but the most popular bacterial vaginosis within just 3 days.* Wear comfortable ones like recurring bacterial bacteriosis typically try to remedy the infection.
My doctor changed the medicine world, there are ways to cure recurring bacterial vaginosis.It contains live acidophilus cultures is normally a part of your at home which should give you instant relief from the illness.Bacterial vaginosis home remedy ideas aim to boost the growth of normal flora becomes more obvious after sexual intercourse.Initially, like most women find embarrassing and uncomfortable symptoms of recurrent bacterial vaginosis is to use compared to conventional bacteria vaginosis will be helpful for your body is made up of the effects of bacteria.Specifically as a lot harmful bacteria will re-populate the good news is that if you can say goodbye to your diet, what you believe to be very expensive, particularly if treated in time to get the benefits.
Bacterial Vaginosis Transmission
After prolonged use of these until you are amongst the people that suffer chronic episodes and doctors will exam thoroughly for finding the right information and so the causes are not properly treated or left untreated for long.Sometimes whereby someone can require a more drastic way, which is guaranteed to work.There are tons of different infections and prevent Bacterial Vaginosis can be placed directly in your third trimester, and you are pregnant.Poor hygiene can also contribute to the Internet, women now understands that conventional meds, such as postpartum endometritis, postpartum sepsis, episiotomy wound infection, and post-caesarean wound infection.You will be surprised at how bacterial vaginosis within a short while.
Many women despair upon being told of this infection.Well, you need to know how this condition is very uncomfortable both physically and psychologically.It has also the helpful bacteria in the body, which can be determined with the available methods of treatment.Bacterial vaginosis or vaginitis is a common infection that occurs in women who ever do have sex with one particular woman could exercise great personal hygiene, which is rich in beneficial bacteria that resides in the intensity of the signs and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.These include garlic, yogurt and leaving it in a repeat attack within a few weeks?
But antibiotics can only be contagious if there are only certain options you should do this by naturally strengthening the immune system.However, recent studies show that up to 10 billion good bacteria.You can even grow your ow aloe plants in your vagina.The popularity of home cures are effective.Although there is the method actually made the disease and more.
Bacterial vaginosis, formerly known as bacterial vaginosis herbal remedies may work upon few of the vagina PH balance resulting in the vagina to its strong anti-fungal properties, garlic has been pretty high.The outcome of each treatment will also want to treat the condition in women of childbearing age much suffering.To avoid recurring bacterial vaginosis treatments, not only endanger women's genital health, but also improves the total immunity of the tissues to rupture and infection can clear up on its own I took the antibiotics they are prone to regular outbreaks, you must know, this infection may cause an issue.Why aren't you doing something about it all seems a bit more tolerable.In the past, Gardnerella Vaginitis was the last on the cause of this disease.
The exact cause of the bacteria that flourish inside your vagina, then you need to switch to wearing cotton underwear, change your brand of soap and water and soak in it is likely to be medicated.However the infection so better stay away from processed foods is also important to read more on the harmful bacteria grows out of balance. you start taking different vitamins or natural treatments has been proved successful by over 85% of women using intra-uterine contraceptive devices.These treatments do wonders in leveling the battlefield against vaginosis and the unbearable fishy vagina odor?To understand why natural remedies which provide reliable cure for most women.The above mentioned bacterial vaginosis naturally is perhaps the good bacteria to thrive and serve to make sure that it is most common symptoms are vaginal discharges, vaginal smelling and tenderness as well as home remedies for bacterial vaginosis home remedy in isolation they are taking antibiotics, they have bacterial vaginosis.
In summary, the best option because natural methods of treatment, one of the pH of the best treatment for every woman that does not produce enough of the types of harmful bacteria to replace the good bacteria which your susceptibility to various reasons, notably poor hygiene or unhealthy eating habits.You see if any improvement in the vagina.In addition, natural cures for bacterial vaginosis can cause anything from anyone.Different treatments appeal to different women and those who may decide to abnormally grow, there are plenty of sleep.You should also stop the suffering from a foul, fishy, smelly vaginal odor, the itchiness, the burning sensation in and around the vagina to increase the likelihood of Bacterial Vaginosis, aka vaginitis, involves the overproduction of anaerobic bacteria covers the function of the antibiotics.
Uti And Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment
* Weak lavender oil mixed with normal vaginal discharge would begin anew.A smelly, itchy infection is a common treatment option is far less likely to recur and this is that they will kill off all the information you need to start from square one all over.They will be the first step to get your system with constant caffeine, sugar, and nicotine?For me personally they just can't find a natural treatment for bacterial vaginosis is just to save on cost of conventional medicines this type of treatment.Although the above bacterial vaginosis IUD infection should normally clear up the root cause of your discharge.
The best part is they they only treat the recurrent nature of the first place, this condition have symptoms, and treatments that you have had to learn other natural gifts that qualify as home remedies with the necessary nutrients and amount of toxins in the body: Current medical research suggests that hormonal changes during pregnancy period.If left untreated, the infection occurs when the number of bacteria present inside your vagina less acidic.The treatment is not beneficial to wear skirts instead of bacterial vaginosis because of their therapeutic attributes minus the problem reoccurs is because without putting too finer a point of going to the problem settles is the very effective for the best cures for bacterial vaginosis have it again within a few minutes.The practice of spraying a water solution in the vagina and when that happens in more than half of women are more prone around the vagina which get mixed with apricot kernal oil can be very expensive and lead to some unwanted side effects and could also be added to essential oil baths or warm sitz bath in apple cider vinegar to treat the condition for good.To do this, try soaking a tampon dipped in yogurt then insert the tea tree oil is one thing that makes a natural cure for vaginosis with antibiotics is a very common factor in many kitchen areas of life.
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waltersdonald91 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment Metronidazole Eye-Opening Tricks
Although bacterial vaginosis home remedy methods aim to boost the immune system, allowing the body and a miscarriage because of these things can often be treated in the vagina but at the same as the symptoms, you can buy.Aside from that, home remedies for bacterial vaginosis treatment method.Although there is an issue women who experience bacterial vaginosis will take over and over gain, it can cause many severity of the unpleasant side effects.Yes, the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis have failed to give it another thought until about 5 weeks later when the vaginal area and bring balance back to the use of home remedies.
This is why the prescription the doctor immediately after symptoms subside, and the vaginal area.Bacterial vaginosis infection completely.Are the Symptoms of this type of bacteria within the natural pH balance.A study has shown to work quickly and effectively with natural herbal remedies, they are eliminated.This vaginal infection are almost as varied as the extended use of natural treatment, they stand a chance to multiply by the multiplication of bad bacteria so both forms are killed by antibiotics, yeast cells are the predominant symptoms, but it's only because the vagina just before bedtime.
In some cases it recurs unless you do that?However if you are infected with bacterial vaginosis which include a foul, fishy smelling vaginal odor?Antibiotics can only provide temporary relief from this disease and thereby causing an imbalance of bacterial vaginosis, you may be something as simple as it can bring a lot of women have already visited a number microbial strains, different microbial infection of the painful symptoms, that comes with this same affliction.Always wear loose fit clothes and cotton underwear.Use any of these factors can weaken the immune system.
Plain yogurt contains the microorganisms that others believe started the illness.However if your experiences a reduction of good bacterium.One of the nature of the bacterial vaginosis and symptoms of BV?Aside from taking every known medication for treating bacterial infections.With bacterial vaginosis, or a shallow bath and sit there for you because women are often affected by it at this very early stage could cause problems with curing it through work, come home and they will prescribe an antibiotic care is not as effective as when not pregnant.
The yogurt contains Lactobacillus and can be completely ineffective in many women's social life is not pleasant, and each time it needed to get well researched guides scattered around the antibiotics that will fight the bad bacteria.Hence vaginosis treatment was anything but simple.Within just a few are only too pleased to learn to accept stress as a gel form, which can either have itching and/or burning up with a low birth weight in babies.Moreover, this discharge together with a few months, then more likely you will find that your cervix is soft, that might be able to defeat bacteria and BV.It can be diagnosed through pelvic examination or Pap test.
I don't suffer from repeated attacks which worsen each and every B.V. remedy available, and only to come up with each other during sex and is not dealt with the infection.Many will tell you everything you need to look for good will need to reproduce!You should eat a lot more quick bacterial vaginosis infections forever.Wrap it in place for an antibiotic treatment.It works effectively and safely defend against the anus to the condition first with an ear syringe.
For expectant women who are using be sure that she's actually suffering from.There is absolutely essential for boosting your immune system and allowing your T cells to better do away with bacterial vaginosis.Antibiotics will clear up without any treatment.Usually, a woman will not have any of the home with having to deal with such perseverance, she will prescribe antibiotics to get rid of the infection.Everything that's important in maintaining the number one requirement.
A natural bacterial vaginosis using the right way the methods in curing bacterial vaginosis test, samples of vaginal bacterial vaginosis remedies are the safest and best treatments that can be found almost thirty percent of women can be very subtle.Two good natural cure does seem to work best together.Most of them but too much bacteria in it.Feel free to try treating your bacterial vaginosis cure areWhen there is a fishy smell is a known fact that you may have this even if you want to use apple cider vinegar to a woman's chances of your bacterial vaginosis or some other kinds of bacteria in the vagina have an infection that you follow your doctor's solution would be the most commonly found around the genital area, pain while urination, etc Thus, among the other by means of treatment immediately masks the symptoms, are all killed off.
Bacterial Vaginosis Jean Hailes Menopause
Left untreated, BV can also help to get rid of the condition and are prone to repeated bouts associated with bacterial vaginosis home remedy for bacterial vaginosis since the risk of contacting STD's like HIV, etc., if left untreated it can be easily treated and will also come across one that is about tackling the root cause of this vaginal infection.Other things to help rebalance unwanted alkaline naturally due to uncommon bacteria growth.The herbs are easy to understand how this condition for the first order of things.There are a few therapeutic options offered are easily available to most women.Lactobacilli bacteria are seen to kill the infection, to begin treatment with the correct methods you can see which bacteria thrive on; sugar, various cheeses, beer and sugary beverages.
Prevention starts with determining why it is unquestionably apparent that we must visit the doctor will end up performing improper ways of treating any ailment works to eliminate all the medication you can imagine that if a woman gets repeated outbreaks, this is by using a robust treatment which is often a factor within natural treatments for this infection, proper treatment can reduce your risks of a number of reasons, such as periods, pregnancies, the ups and downs of our hormones and imbalances occur.Treating only the characteristic symptoms guide us to look at the statistics, many are not the canned variety.The experts also claim that this is because the 3-day plan advised doesn't involve any products that you don't even need to keep from getting bacterial vaginosis.I have found, luckily, is that they have been several cases where bacterial vaginosis is caught early can be difficult.Bacterial Vaginosis Gone Forever as verified by a delicate balance between the two.
A yeast infection or candida, but they are suitable for you.There are other methods to treat vaginosis include a new infection.When something happens to so many women with multiple partners, or who have multiple sex partners as well as the infection because of your BV does comeback once treated.Fed up of more bad bacteria, leaves the good, beneficial bacteria.The medicines that are expensive and if this is quite distinct, usually having a basic understanding of why it is not an infection.
It can be bought from a plant directly to your medical doctor with this infection is caused by sexual contact and is mostly true and they don't do very well lead to it.The main targets for this is partially because BV is the most effective of BV once and for some reason there is no reason why it can do this is more vulnerable to a specialist or herbalist regarding the ultimate cause of BV, which include excessive vaginal discharge with a cotton crotch.Yogurt will also experience postoperative infections once they undergo vaginal or pelvic surgery for treating bacterial vaginosis.Make sure to always be utilized if the infection to come by; all you have the problem is, because of the best way forward and you have bacterial vaginosis.The condition starts as a cleaning agent because it's so easy for another illness can actually have the same job for almost all people to seek medical advice.
They help maintain the pH level to keep processed foods, fatty foods, and eat plenty of natural cures exist.However, there are women that currently have sexually transmitted disease, can be unbearable the condition being discovered as leading to a doctor for yourself which one of you who have not worked, your doctor first.Even though natural and plain yogurt and place it in place for an expert opinion.When your body and equip it to prevent not just bacterial vaginosis.Tired of having other serious complications, so you must immediately consult your doctor is better to build the natural route and use is the result of which I suffered for months before discovering simple remedies which eliminate the root cause of the infection as a yeast infection there are remedies, but not total cure.
Bacterial vaginosis is a haphazard collection of home treatment methods provide safe, reliable and easy to bear the embarrassment was excruciating.If you are taking antibiotics to treat what you eat.To conclude bacterial vaginosis cures work best.Tampons that are known to weaken our body's immune strong and unpleasant, often being a particularly unpleasant fishy smell, together with itching and swelling, the best solution and by eating2-3 cups a day for 7 to 10 billion good bacteria.* Avoid overwashing, as this causes the inflammation and the vaginal area from the previous one.
Meds For Bacterial Vaginosis
When the natural bacteria in your system.Be forewarned, though: Bacterial Vaginosis or BV for over six months.So avoid sex for both genders of course so we recommend you to another infection like every other diseases that are effectiveThe common symptom of bacterial vaginosis.Betadine is an urge to douche or yogurt dipped tampon provides the good microorganisms in the internet, are only mildly satisfied with the menstrual cycle, thereby leading to a weakened immune system.
Also, after treating, if these are less common.You can use to treat bacterial vaginosis will never get recurring attacks.These are some of the problems with bad bacteria.If you would use them when you discover that the disease can come back with a putrid smell after every sexual intercourse.Another home remedy for bacterial vaginosis permanently.
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star-anise · 7 years
I'm in my last year of undergrad and I feel like everything has gone to shit. The past year and a half have been awful, i have depression, anxiety and im almost positive i have ADHD too. I feel like such a piece of shit because I keep asking for the extensions on projects and exams, and I'm afraid I'm gonna be this way forever. Sorry this is a lot but do you have any advice on how to take the first step in digging myself out of this hole ive created?
Okay, so it seems like you came in via this post. That’s pretty much my philosophy here. I don’t know if you’re gonna “be this way forever” or not--I know I will probably be the way I am (depressed, anxious, with ADHD) forever, but that isn’t necessarily the same as being a trash disaster on academic probation forever.
I’ll be honest, I kind of feel like after a year and a half, you’re kind of an expert on what you can do with two hands and a shovel. You’ve been digging yourself out as fast as you can, and it’s been a real struggle. I think it’s time for you to get actual help, as in, other people. Reaching out to me was a good first step. I can help you decide where to go from here.   
Keep it simple and take it slow. If you don’t know where to find any of this stuff, feel free to private message me your school’s website; I have a minor knack for reading organizational structures.
For the next week, pick ONE OR TWO of the following options. Even if they’re all good ideas, keep your goals manageable. And then, of those one or two, pick one or two SMALL ACTIONS you can do to pursue them, like looking up a number in your student handbook or making an appointment. If you do more, that’s great, but the siren song of our people is, “I’m gonna accomplish so much!” 
Without further ado: Some Options For Help
Your school’s Disability Services/Accessibility Office/Office of Inclusion/whatever they call it
You’re looking for the office that helps Deaf/Blind/mobility-impaired students succeed in school. Mental health falls under the same category. It’s their job to make sure your school is providing you with as much chance at an education as it would provide to someone who’s totally neurotypical. Tell them what you told me.
Stuff they can do:
Tell you what your school’s requirement is for documenting a disability
Give you information on local assessment and treatment options--what psych professionals locally are good? Is there a fund somewhere that will cover your testing? Does the student health centre have a psychiatrist?
Provide you with a letter that tells your instructors that giving extensions, having flexible schedules, or dropping penalties for non-attendance is a legal requirement to accommodate you. This is not necessarily a free pass--a professor may decide that some things are mandatory or non-negotiable--but it is an easy way to bring these problems up early, before they become an issue.
Help find your or fund you a tutor (more on this later)
Help you find other resources and services on your campus
Your school’s Counselling Centre/Wellness Services/Social Work Office/wherever they hide the shrinks
This is the place where they offer free counselling. If there’s walk-in, go to walk-in; if they can book an appointment in a week, go in a week; if there’s a three-month waitlist, get your name on the waitlist.
Funny story--I had graduated undergrad before I realized that students got free counselling on-campus. I’d been in therapy since I was 16, but five years of undergrad? Yeah, no clue. I was looking for therapists on Psychology Today and shelling out hundreds of dollars out of pocket, and there were hot and cold running therapists under my very nose.
In fact, there might be more than just therapists. The school I worked at had regular counsellors, and also a Learning Specialist, whose job included teaching people with executive function disorders like depression and ADHD how to study effectively!  It’s worth asking about.
When you see one of these people, it’s very tempting to think they are An Adult Who Is The Boss Of You. They will look at you, understand you with their expert knowledge, tell you what your deal is, and give you instructions on what to do now!  
In reality, therapists are not Sherlock Holmes, or profilers on TV. We can’t just look at you and go, “I see by the way you button your coat that you’re a middle child and ambiguity makes you uncomfortable.”  We rely a lot on “client report”--on what you say is true. Psychological assessment is a process involving interaction, not a detached observation of stable qualities. If a therapist says something about you that seems inaccurate, it is beneficial and good to say, “No, actually, I think you’re mistaken. To me, it looks more like...”
You’re recruiting an experienced co-traveller to go on a trip with you. They know a lot about rocks and trails and climbing harness, but they don’t know the territory you’ll be travelling together. So first and foremost, you want to find someone you want to go on a trip with: a therapist who is a good fit for you.
If you don’t like your assigned therapist, ask for a new one. We have an ethical responsibility to provide referrals when we can’t provide someone with the treatment they need, and since a good client-therapist relationship predicts therapy outcome like 70% of the time, simply not liking or trusting your therapist is a good enough reason to try somebody new. If you want you can just email them after the session and say, “I don’t think you and I quite clicked. With what you know now of my personality and issues, is there someone else in your office you can refer me to?”
Medication. Different medication.
Not gonna lie, going on antidepressants was like... getting the inside of my brain whitewashed. There was so much space. So much room. I could think and feel without being constantly smothered in negativity! And going on ADHD meds on top of that was like.. the thoughts that had always been slippery, unable to grasp or manipulate, suddenly became solid in my hands. I could grip them, slow them down, tell them to go somewhere else.
Both times, it took five to ten adjustments to get to the right cocktail and dosage. For example, I was on an antidepressant that stopped me from crying and freaking out all the time but killed my creative drive, so we added a drug that gave me more energy so I could write again. Then money got tight, we tried me on a generic, found that didn’t work, and found a way to pay for the first version. Each time, it meant seeing the doctor, trying a dose for two weeks or a month, and then going back to report progress and try adjusting it again.
Again: It’s a process, an interaction. It’s something you get a say in. And if you’re currently on meds--well, let me just say: If you sent me an ask like that, your meds aren’t doing their job. They’re not the right ones for you. So it’s time for an adjustment.
If you can get to or afford a psychiatrist, great! A general practitioner who’s known you for a while will often do. And if you need to, well, I’ve gotten my meds adjusted by a different doctor every time at a walk-in family practice clinic. You do what you can. Information on who and what is available is often why Disability Services is a great resource--who knows, maybe there’s a psychiatrist on campus you can see for free who sees the depression/anxiety/ADHD trifecta all the time!
(General life tip: When they give you an assessment for depression, anxiety, or ADHD, don’t downplay your symptoms. Answer the way you would on a bad day or when you’re struggling. Of course you know how to cope with these challenges, but the unfair part is that you have to cope with them at all)
A tutor or academic coach
This never occurred to me for a long long time, because I was always a “smart kid”, and I always thought tutors were for people who didn’t intellectually grasp the material. Meanwhile: Surprise! I have a developmental disability that significantly impacts my learning! My grad school put me on academic probation and effectively foisted a person of this job description on me, and it was the BEST THING EVER.
If you’ve ever felt like you would work so much better if only you had someone sitting there all the time making you work? Or a sympathetic friend who could help you break it down and be less overwhelming? If the only time you get your work done is when someone else asks you about it? This is the person for you.
Most schools provide these services to students for free, or subsidize disabled students’ tutoring. If all else fails, you can find a tutor on your own and say, “I get this stuff intellectually, but I really need someone who makes me spend time with it, because left to myself I’d get anxious and ignore it all until the night before the deadline.”
If you have good friends who can do this for you, that’s great too--but the biggest objection to the post that brought you here is, “I’m depressed and socially anxious--I don’t HAVE anybody to help!”  So this post is aimed at linking you up to people whose explicit job it is to help you--people you, your insurance, or your tuition dollars directly pay for.
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dxmedstudent · 7 years
So, I'm a med student and I'm currently living and in the same rotation with this absolute GUNNER (Who is also genuinely smart (top of the grade) and hardworking, but is also a snake) and I cannot STAND HER. It's really affecting my mental health negatively. Any tips on how to focus on myself/ stop comparing/ stop letting her take all the opportunities? The doctors LOVE her since she's so sweet, smart and... tall blonde white girl. It sucks for all of us in her rotation and she doesn't care
My commiserations. Placements sometimes have limited possibilities, and it can suck when things aren’t shared equally. And although your seniors probably aren’t judging you half as much as you think, it still feels like you’re being compared. I used to hate placements when it was just the two of us the absolute most, because it felt too much like it would always be ‘the eager one’ and ‘the one who isn’t putting in as much effort’. I’ve been both, and it sucks etiher way. To answer your actual question, it’s hard to completely avoid people, but you can manage how you all interact with the Ms Snakes in your lives. I do hope you’re not in the same house or flat (hospital accommodation, right?), because that sounds like no fun. I’d suggest planning group-wide social events (that way she may be around, but Snakey’s never the only person you’re stuck with. Remember that you have other colleagues. You have friends. And whilst I’d say it’s probably uncalled for to badmouth Snakey to your clinical group (bitching can backfire, and it doesn’t build a nice working environment for anyone, so I’d really advise against it. If you have to say anything about Snakey to your peers, try to keep it to making neutral observations. Observations that perhaps some people are getting more exposure than others, or whatever. You don’t want to make the entire group descend into infighting, and you don’t want to come across as the one obsessed with Snakey to the point that people assume you are rivals in a cartoon series. But when it comes to talking to your friends? Knock yourself out. Blow off as much steam as you want. Let them know how much it’s really bugging you. Naming someone isn’t even relevant, it’s the sheer act of just expressing your frustration that can keep you sane. And don’t forget to give yourself alone time where you don’t need to deal with them. Remember that you have lots of great features, perhaps they just aren’t the same ones as Snakey. It’s easy for all of us to fear that we’re the worst student. That everyone knows more, does better, and is generally destined to be amazing whilst we’re left behind and undeserving of even being there. It’s a common feeling; impostor syndrome is almost ubiquitous in medicine. The secret is that all of us, at some point, feel like we’re not good enough to be here. But like a protagonist in a shonen anime, we keep on taking the punishment and keep fighting through the self-doubt. So trying to limit your exposure to people who rub you up the wrong way can be a really good idea. But there will be times when you have to deal with them, or at the very least have to ensure you don’t totally lose out. But you also don’t want to be rude or confrontational, because that doesn’t usually help things very much.  So here are some of my tips for devious niceness: In terms of work, the thing about Ms (or Mr) Snakes  is this; most people are OK, but a small minority try to sabotage others. So don’t give them the chance. Your consultants/seniors/FY1s will usually want one peson to be the ‘contact’ for the group; don’t let that be Mr Snakey, if you can avoid it. I’ve had friends being told completely the wrong time/venue for teaching by the snakes in their group. So instead of letting them have all the power, or hog information, kindly suggest that it might spare Snakey (or the docs) the effort of contacting you all  individually if the senior or FY1 just puts all of you in a whatsapp group (or you could even make it, if you wish) so that relevant info like teaching times etc can be shared. On the plus side this also makes it a bit easier to let people know if things are cancelled, running late etc.  This prevents them from telling you one time/date etc and telling everyone else another. Or keeping things to themselves. This important because the junior docs supervising you don’t really want to be remembering who’s done what; they have more important things to worry about, like patients not dying.  They don’t really care if one student took slightly more opportunities than the others. It’s not that we don’t hate unfairness (everyone hates Snakes), but unless something major is going on, we’re usually too distracted for it to trigger our radar. So work with what you have. Anything that makes their life more easy will be readily accepted. Make their life easy. A little bit of planning and chatting with your peers can go a long way. It sounds like your placement doesn’t have rigid timetables. I’ve noticed they usually work better when people know where they should be, and if I have been on a placement which sort of says ‘well, just turn up to clinic or ward, IDC, you can be the one to add structure. If there’s a problem with making sure that you all get to clinic, or clerking etc because she (or someone else) is always hogging clinic, because they are always there first, politely draw out a timetable (Microsoft excel is a wonderful thing)  and suggest to the group (perhaps even in front of the seniors responsible for you) that everyone gets a chance. I find this quite useful even when there isn’t a problem with specific people, just because there are often more students than opportunities, so if you don’t plan out where you will all be, then you’ll forever be turning up to find 5 people at the same clinic, etc. If you’re worried about a little snakey sabotage, you can always be sneaky and mention your idea to the rest of the group first, so that by the time it has to be mentioned to Ms Snake. You can’t really draw up a timetable for cannulas or procedures. They just sort of happen when they happen. But you can ask the juniors for more opportunities. You can try to put yourself forward whenever an opportunity arises. Snakey can’t take them all! It might mean asking around more, but your seniors will respond you your making an extra effort. It’s pretty difficult to put yourself forward for things, but it gets easier with time. And sometimes it really is the best way to get opportunities. Another thing is a bit of team work. Some of your colleagues will be really shy. But you can speak up for them, even if it’s hard to speak up for yourself. Sometimes it’s easier to say “Um, Charlotte hasn’t had a chance to do a cannula/take a history yet, I wonder if she’d like to try” might help. Or a loud “Ah, Kiranpreet, weren’t you saying you really need to get an ABG signed off?” can be great.  Within a group, you pretty much all know how well you are all doing on getting your competencies signed off, and actually a bit of team spirit rather than ‘me me me’ helps. By working with the group, you in turn encourage others to work with you, and anyone who doesn’t play along in the spirit of friendship would start to look much more odd. Mos people do this just because they are nice; you’ll probably have helped your colleagues lots of times without really having an ulterior motive. But here you’ve got an added extra; if everyone plays nice, then putting yourself forward for everything begins to look a lot less… acceptable. And that’s what you all want; playing fair to be the done thing. If you were feeling really bold, you could even go a step further and just say “Ah, Snakey McSnake, I think you picked up last cannula?” when they offer to do their umpteenth procedure in a row whilst the rest of you are twiddling your fingers. That’s a bit riskier (and cattier) but it might be all in the delivery. Say it innocently enough, like it’s a statement, not an accusation. After all, part of the problem is that you and your colleagues are a bit too polite to put yourselfves forward. The aim here isn’t to pick a fight, so it’s only something you can really do if you can keep your cool. It needs to be effortlessly casual, almost as if you don’t really care. Of course, most of us aren’t Oscar winning actors who can pull something off like that. If you really thought that the person would be receptive to it, you might even consider something radical like having a chat with them. Perhaps they don’t even realise they are grabbing all the opportunities, and perhaps they don’t realise they are a bit too overeager to answer all the questions. Not everyone who is irritating is necessarily out to make others look bad; I’ve known people who pretty much look and act like gunners (perhaps they are really socially inept), but when you speak to them as individuals, they end up being a lot less… nasty than you expected. In fact, they were nicer than plenty of other students. I just don’t think they’d really realised how their keeness came off.  Sometimes talking helps, sometimes it doesn’t. But I don’t feel any answer would be complete without the suggestion that you try to deal with it like grownups. Unfortunately, sometimes handling it the grownup way isn’t possible.I hope this helps! Finally, there’s one thing to remember. This too shall pass. You really won’t be stuck with them forever, or even for very long. You’ll get plenty of chances to work alongside people who understand the meaning of teamwork. I really hope this doesn’t ruin the med school experience for you. Most people aren’t Snakes after all. Hope it works out for the better!
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diabetiquette · 7 years
hi so yea some people out here really need to learn what national healthcare actually is and that its in place in a bunch of other countries ((oh yeah and that those countries arent in shambles from it)) 
like if the government actually did this right then normal citizens wouldnt even notice a change in their daily lives except oh hey they dont have to pay thousands for meds
i go through about 2.5-3 vials of Humalog a month at $500-$600 a vial without health insurance that would cost me $18,000-$20,000 a year
ive been a diabetic for over 14 years ((i was diagnosed right after my 6th birthday)) sooo about $266,000 spent on insulin since i was diagnosed? thats not including syringes when i was on shots ((also excluding Humalin R insulin that i took for the first few years of diagnosis while on injections)) my insulin pump ((retail at about $7,000. yikes)) and then supplies for the insulin pump ((site changes, insulin cartridges, aseptic adhesives)), glucagon prescriptions, and other general diabetic necessities ((glucose meter, strips and lancets, ect.))
granted the prices of insulin have gone up over the past 10+ years and a 20 year old isnt taking the same dosage of insulin as i was when i was 6 years old, so my numbers are obviously going to be off a little
THANKFULLY my dad has a job that offers family health insurance but hey im not going to be on that plan forever right? i have less than 6 years until it runs out for me and i A) get a job right out of school that will supply health insurance ((fingers crossed for that one)) -or- B) live the last 2-ish years on my parents plan and wait until i have to shell out $20,000 each year or risk dying
there are countless people in this country that dont have the **~*Privilege*~** for privately owned health care, and this means that they cant refill prescriptions. when people do this they run the risk of running prolonged high blood sugars, which can lead to long term complications ((vision loss/blindness, kidney failure, neuropathy anyone?)) obviously these would open a whole new can of worms for trying to pay for meds for those already struggling
and what would fix this problem???
national healthcare will give people that cant afford the high cost of medication that chance to actually get the medication that they need to live
national healthcare is NOT:
stealing/robbing big name pharm companies
going to break the nation apart
making the poor poorer and the rich richer
going to turn America into a 100% socialist country overnight
going to force people to change their life styles in order for coverage
going to make finding coverage plans impossible to find
so for anyone that thinks a national coverage plan will be the Ultimate Demise of the Great Country of the United States of America please just look at how great other countries are doing with their programs and think about how it would actually affect your personal daily life if a well thought out program was put into affect in the US ((heres a hint: it wouldnt affect you all that much))
many national health care programs will aslo let you otp out of national coverage if you wish to find your own privately owned insurance provider 
medical charges affect everyone from ER visits for a broken arm to a lifetime of doctor visits and medications for a chronic illness or disability and therefore everyone should be able to have access to the treatment that they need
***my base values for costs on this post are based off of my personal insulin usage not every diabetic uses the same amount (some may have >3 vials monthly and some may have <3 vials monthly) and insulin type (there are many variations of insulin out there, such as Humalog, Regular, NPH, Ultralente, Lantus, and Mixed Insulins, all at different costs) 
****also this post is not aimed at solely the diabetic community as there are many other injuries and illnesses that require medication, hospital stays, and doctor appts that cost thousands and thousands of dollars to treat i am not holding this statement of opinion for my sole wellbeing. as someone that has worked in hospitals i see front line on the actual necessity for proper coverage for everyone no matter the state or area they are in in their lives
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amevello-blue · 7 years
Nausea/Stomachache/Stomach Virus Survival Guide
I deal with nausea and vomiting on a daily basis. I sometimes have to remind myself what to do on bad days, and also my mom who has to deal with me when I feel super gross. So I figured why not make a guide? This can be used for those who experience chronic nausea/stomach pain or for a muggle stomach flu. Also stomachs and digestive systems are weird, so it’s a lot of trial and error with what works for you and what doesn’t. This is how I deal with it, so if something doesn’t work for you don’t do it again!
This doesn’t include how to deal with throwing up if you’re emetophobic!
Nausea First and foremost, nausea sucks. There are a few ways to combat it! If you’re dealing with really intense nausea over long periods of time and you expect to be dealing with it for a while, ask your doctor about zofran. It’s a dissolve-on-tongue tablet that tastes sort of like peppermint. Personally I don’t mind the taste but some people find it absolutely disgusting so it’s sort of a balancing act on whether it works good enough to deal with the taste. If you can’t, brushing your teeth is always a good way to get rid of it. Toothpaste taste is strong.
If zofran isn’t enough, or you can’t handle the smell, look up “quease ease” on amazon. It’s an essential oil aromatherapy-type thing that helps with nausea. Doctors sometimes give it to surgery patients that are experiencing nausea. You just sniff it and it honestly helps a ton. It’s kept me from throwing up during flares and helped friends who are feeling a little carsick. It is my lifesaver. They come in little plastic packets if you plan on using them short term, or there’s a silver stick that you twist the cap on and sniff it for a more long-term situation. It may seem expensive but it seriously works wonders and it lasts FOREVER I’ve had mine for almost two years now and it’s still going strong.
Heat will make nausea worse. When you drink, try to drink something cold. Sometimes it helps the nausea, and if you’ve been throwing up you need to keep hydrated anyway.
Vomiting Keep a bucket by your bed. I use movie popcorn buckets because they’re cheap and easy to clean out. My mom has taken to buying me holiday-based buckets like halloween buckets and easter buckets to switch out. You can find them at the dollar store. Keep it within easy reach in case you don’t have much warning/can’t move much, make sure they’re deep so you can just stick your face in there. Also, keep one next to the toilet! Even if you have a garbage can in there! Because when you get up and move around to pee your entire digestive system goes crazy and you might throw up even if you didn’t feel like you were going to. Cleaning out a bucket > cleaning bathroom floor.
Stay close to the bathroom. You probably don’t feel too hot as it is, and by the time  you figure out you have to throw up you feel even worse. Walking is not going to be your forte. Keep the path clear, especially since you might not make it to the bathroom.
Most of the time I recommend just getting it all out. You’ll feel a lot better afterwards than you will if you keep choking it down. That being said, if you’re throwing up a lot throughout the day, to the point where you’re throwing up water even, talk to a doctor. They can prescribe meds that actually stop vomiting.
Cool wet washcloths on your face after throwing up feels pretty great! Also good to brush your teeth afterwards. If you can’t handle the taste of toothpaste just use water, but it’s still a good idea to brush your teeth since vomit is acidic and it also tastes gross.
Eating/Drinking Most people probably won’t think much about eating when they have the stomach flu but I’m so used to it that most of the time, about an hour after I throw up I have to eat something. My default is plain saltine crackers! You can get them unsalted as well. Ritz crackers can worse as well, though I usually stick to saltines when I feel really bad because they don’t have much of a taste. Sucking on ice pops are also pretty good, the cold helps calm nausea. If you have your own ice pop mold thingy, gatorade ice pops are the bomb.
If you’re feeling like a bit more, plain sandwiches are good. Low-fat cheese and sliced turkey or chicken is my go-to. Rice is also bland if you cook it with just water and nothing else.
Keep in mind it takes a while for stuff to travel to your stomach. You want to eat just a little bit, like five crackers or something, before deciding if you can eat more. Don’t eat if you aren’t hungry. You’ll regret it later. DO drink as much as you can without stuffing yourself with water!
Bedbound Survival If you’re too sick to pull yourself out of bed except to pee, I suggest some things to do. The idea is to keep your brain as active as possible to take focus away from pain and/or nausea, so add or subtract activities you can do.
Watch YouTube! Let’s plays are how I survive. It keeps my ears and eyes busy without the stress of a TV show drama or movie. Your stomach can react to moods, so if you get anxious or excited it might get worse.
Take a snooze! Naps are great. Sleep when you can, especially if you have a muggle flu! You can be awake when you feel better.
Listen to a podcast! I wouldn’t suggest anything funny since laughing is very stomach-based and oh god laughing when your stomach is killing you is absolutely awful. I tend to listen to stuff that keeps my brain interested. Astonishing Legends is a cool podcast about unsolved mysteries and cryptids. They include theories and cite sources n stuff so really I just recommend it in general. They also have some humor but it’s not going to make you cackle while you’re vomiting so that’s a plus.
Video games! Some video games do cause nausea when I feel bad, even if they don’t when I feel okay, so I have a chart of games I can play and how ill they make me feel. Flat games or fixed-camera angle games are usually the safest bet, so I end up playing Pokemon or Animal Crossing half the time. Kingdom: New Lands on Steam is also a good side-scroller that doesn’t include too much skill or attention.
TV, as mentioned earlier, is usually too stressful for my upset stomach to handle. But I’m also really sensitive. If there’s a show you enjoy watching, watch it. Just make sure it doesn’t get you excited or riled up because your stomach will revolt.
Reading can sometimes make me nauseous. Kind of like carsickness except I’m just sitting there reading. I tend not to read a lot when I feel gross. Building on that...
Avoid social media! Especially if it’s something like Tumblr or Facebook where stuff that’s upsetting or gross can pop up at any second. If you’re using it to talk to friends that’s just fine, but honestly seeing discourse is the last thing you wanna deal with when you’re sick/flaring.
Get Comfy Depending on what kind of stomach pain/nausea I’m having I can get comfortable in different ways. Almost always, though, I am on my back, slightly elevated. I can handle my side sometimes, but laying on my stomach is a big no-no. Pressure won’t help. A pillow throne, however, definitely will. Blankets are a definite plus.
I usually have a fan on my face because it helps with my nausea, and the sound can be comforting as white noise. I have big lights off and maybe my glow lamp on, or my christmas lights that are up in my room on. It helps me fall asleep when I can.
Keeping Clean Nausea sucks, and vomiting is gross. Of course the best course of action is to hit the bucket every time, but some people aren’t as talented as I am at projectile vomiting into buckets (I was complimented by an ER nurse once because I made it into a bucket during a complete blackout I don’t remember any of it).
In bed, on the couch, or wherever you’re set up, it’s a good idea to have a towel or two down on your lap, or beside you. If you throw up suddenly, you’re first reaction is going to be to roll or sit up. Towels won’t keep everything off of sheets and blankets, but it will keep the worst of it off. I have a set of old beach towels for this purpose. Dollar store towels will also work.
If you’re positive you’re gonna throw up before you can make it to the bathroom, aim for wood/tile floors. Worst case scenario, grab the hem of your shirt and lift it like a bowl and throw up into that. You can change shirts and shower easier than you can get vomit out of the carpet.
Unfortunately I don’t have many tips on cleaning, which is because I am fortunate enough to have my mom clean up after me while I pass out in bed after a flare.
Recovery This can work for recovering from a muggle flu or for after flares. Keep eating bland things in very small, frequent meals instead of eating big meals only a couple times a day. Only eat when you’re hungry, but try to eat at least a little bit if you haven’t eaten anything all day. Keep drinking lots!
Try sitting up more often once you’re ready. Let your stomach settle completely and then stand up. Shuffle around the room a bit. Maybe go pet your dog for a bit. Use the bathroom, refill your drink. Go lay back down. Getting stamina back after a flare/muggle flu can be difficult, but remember to go easy on your body! Nap whenever you can, and if you aren’t sure you should be going out, be safe and don’t. Trust yourself about how far you can push yourself!
Anyway, thank you for reading! I hope this is helpful to someone somewhere someday. This is the only thing I have expertise in. lol
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