#some of you guys did not learn from miss effie trinket
genghisthebrain · 2 months
gale being the prim reaper is the most hilariously incorrect take I’ve ever heard in my life
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alliswell21 · 5 years
Avengerlark, Assemble!
Here is my first try at this... I know it’s not my best, and it’s actually kinda short. This first one is dedicated to @dandeliononfire, since it’s her brain child. While I do have a backstory for K & P, If anyone is interested in more, please, by all means, send in a request/prompt and I’ll try to work with it.
🕷 🕷 🕷
“Heads up!” A whole car wheezes by on my right, just as the shiny flash of metal zooms past me propelled by hand and feet jets.
“Hey!” I call out in aggravation and leap in the opposite direction, shooting strand after strand of web compound out of my wrists. The Kia is still descending straight to a store front, so I start weaving a sturdy web in front of the falling vehicle.
Then out of nowhere, a huge shadow looms on top of me. I only have time to look up and hug the nearest wall before She-hulk crashes on top of the flying car with a mighty roar, pancaking the frame to the concrete directly below.
I moan frustrated.
“In coming meteor!” A male voice snaps in my suit’s com.
I start running across the wall, slinging a web and leaping upwards.
“Where are you going, webs? Get the civilians in the ground!”
“There’s nobody down there!” I yell back. “I’ve looked and there isn’t anyone on the street!”
Iron Girl’s furious growl comes through the com.
“Guys, the sky is falling! Take cover!” Hawkeye calls out just as the first ball of fire descends.
“Smash!” She-hulk punches the fireball, pretty much the same way she did with the flying car, except this time, the object ping pongs against the ground and everything it touches catches on fire.
A second and third flaming rock hit earth. The computer sirens come up into everyone’s earpieces, “Warning, warning. Imminent failure.”
“Move it, move it, move it!” Screams the Iron girl jettisoning in between meteor fragments, blasting everything in her path, but the debris is falling to fast, too close. Unnatural in my opinion.
“Warning, Warning. Failure imminent.”
“Huge bogey approaching.”
“Warning, Warning—“
“Everyone, run for cover. We can’t fight a rock that sized!” I call out, navigating myself around the chaos.
“Prepare for impact, in three, two, one—“
A volley of arrows pierce the already deflated tires of the Kia She-hulk smashed a minute ago and the whole background glitches twice, before the blue lights of the training center flicker back to life all around us. A whirring sound coming from the vaulted ceiling signals the hologram machines shutting off for the day, and soon after, a chorus of tired, painful groans echo in the cavernous room.
Only the flattened car and a few other big objects, like a dumpster and a few light poles remain.
“Ugh! That was awful.” Says Gale Hawthorne, landing awkwardly in front of me. He scowls at his crossbow, pulling at the string like he’s afraid it got damaged with the few arrows he just shot into the useless rubber of the car.
Congratulations Hawkeye, you just killed an inanimate object. The thought comes into my mind unbidden, so I force my eyes elsewhere before the words escape my mouth. Too bad my eyes turn to the exact spot Iron Girl touches ground.
I’m not as quick averting my gaze this time.
“It wouldn’t have been as bad if everyone had been in position!” She bites, flicking both hands at the same time; the Iron suit opens up down the middle, panels of shiny gold and green armor recede and fold back until only the back of the suit stands, and Katniss Everdeen’s slim, strong, and perfectly sculpted right leg steps out of her encasing. The rest of her body follows, and I have to groan internally, because she’s wearing those biking shorts again, the ones that mold to her tight, little behind like a second skin and leaves nothing to my imagination. Her sports tank top doesn’t help either.
I tear my mask off before I suffocate panting like I just ran a marathon in it.
“Everyone was in position, Catnip. Even Johanna was in position for once!” Grunts Hawkeye.
“She-hulk did good!” Responds the big, green girl, otherwise known as Johanna Mason, the She-hulk.
“I built a net for that car!” I exclaim exasperated. “Do you guys know how much wasted web material that is? It takes three days to gather ingredients, make, and package one tiny vial of web! Can we not waste it?” I grumble.
“Spider-lad sad!” Says She-hulk mockingly.
“Spider-MAN, thank you very much, Johanna. And I’m not sad, I’m aggravated about the fact that perfectly good spiderweb went to waste.”
“She-hulk sleep hammock!” Jo gives a hulking chuckle before jumping on my beautiful net, like it's indeed a hammock.
Only, she gets stuck and starts roaring angrily, kicking her massive legs and punching the air with her humongous fists, until finally the threads give and she sags half a foot deeper, but it’s still suspended above the ground, cocooned in my net.
“Stop squirming!” Shouts Gale, aiming an arrow at my web and efficiently cutting Johanna out of the mess.
I groan again. It’s helpless.
“Enough!” Calls Katniss cracking her knuckles. “This exercise was a disaster! Nobody responded the way they were supposed to. The execution was sloppy and loose. We looked like a bunch of amateurs!” She snaps, “How can we defend Earth from threats if we can’t even manage a measly simulation?”
“The simulation was faulty.” I say, “There were no civilians in the ground, the meteor shower was coming in too tight and fast, not to mention too big a chunks of it. Plus the reaction to the one punch from Jo was totally wrong, it defied laws of physics.”
Her flaming gray eyes turn to look at me, there’s anger in her gaze when we lock eyes. “You weren’t in your spot! Why did you move?”
“Katniss, the buildings were holographic, in case you forgot. I situated myself as close to my mark as I could. I can’t magically cling to holograms, you know. And throwing that car my way in retaliation is not very heroic either. You’re lucky my spidy senses tingled a second before that Kia flew past me, Iron Kat, otherwise I’d be a windshield splatter. Your warning skills could use some improvement!” I respond in kind.
Katniss’ face flush with renewed anger. I can see her biting the inside of her lip as her scowl deepens. She’s formulating her comeback, but Gale beats her to it.
“Give it a rest, Catnip. The Web Slinger is right. We can’t always have a neat formation during practice. Is just not realistic. If an enemy attacks Earth, it won’t wait until we’re all set in our designated areas, camera ready. If you want to have a real fighting chance, you need to learn to plan on the fly.”
“Fine! If you’re so awesome at improvising, then you have point tomorrow! I’m going to shower before our call with Ms. Potts.” Katniss stalks out of the training center, and Gale and I stand there watching her perfect ass walk away from us.
At least, I am.
Gale’s her second cousin though, so I guess he wouldn’t be looking at her romp the same way I am; which embarrases me right away, because I’m supposed to be annoyed with her, in a professional matter, instead I’m admiring her retreating form like some kind of pervert.
“She-hulk hungry!” Says Johanna stepping between me and Gale, jogging after Katniss.
“Did you think Catnip noticed Jo’s not wearing a shirt?” Asks Gale staring at Johanna with both fascination and revulsion.
“Dunno. But I’m sure she will once she’s showing Pepper Potts the replay video of today’s exercise.”
“She’s gonna be mad.”
“She sure will.”
“I’m glad she’s your girl and not mine,” Gale gives me a glance out of the corner of his eye. “You deal with your angry bobcat of a girl.”
I scratch the back of my neck, feeling anxious. “Um… you know about us?” I cringe.
Gale rolls his eyes and steps away from me. “Peeta, she came down to breakfast two days ago wearing the top of the pajama set Effie Trinket gave you for Christmas… while you wore the bottoms.” He turned sideways to level me with a pointed look, then kept on walking away while speaking. “Neither of you are very slick, my man. I would warn you to keep your sticky limbs away from Katniss, but she’s been more cheery since you two started sneaking around. If this practice had happened two months ago, Miss Iron Maiden would’ve force us to repeat the simulation until everything fell the exact way she envisioned it.
“No, she’s definitely more laid back since jumping your arachnid bones. Heck! I even saw her smiling yesterday. You know the last time I saw her smile? It was a while ago. So, from fellow teammate to teammate, you keep her happy, Peeta Mellark, whatever it is you do in that cave of yours, keep her happy. And I’ll keep pretending I don’t know what you’re up to with my baby cousin.”
Gale disappears down the hallway, making me feel like a total idiot.
“I make her smile?” The thought makes me ridiculously happy. Before I realize what I’m doing, I’m merrily swinging on my webs from wall to wall through Avengers tower to my room; a stupid smile splitting my face in two.
I make Iron Kat smile! F yeah, I’m the man!
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allonsysilvertongue · 7 years
The Sabotage
A few weeks/months back, someone asked me for a teacher!hayffie au which I couldn't write because no inspiration until yesterday. My secondary school chemistry teacher finally got married and i remember being a student in his class with my classmates matchmaking him with our English teacher so that inspired this one-shot.
This is a continuation of the teacher!hayffie I wrote previously - The Proposal. I think I might have written another but I can't remember what it's called.
The Ballad of A Drunk & His Lady: The Sabotage
Nestled just at the first corner of Main Street, the two buildings that made up the only high school in the small town stood imposingly. With school just having been reopened after two burst pipes flooded the school a week ago, the students were behaving rowdily. Not meeting their friends for a week meant that they had a week’s worth of things to catch up on.
Frankly, Haymitch was exhausted and it was only two hours into school. He wished another pipe would burst so he would have another week of respite.
“Did you see Ms. Trinket today?”
At that, Haymitch glanced over his shoulder to see Finnick grinning at him from where he sat at the back of the classroom. Next to him, Annie Cresta was carefully arranging her textbooks and writing materials.
“No,” he answered, turning his attention back to the whiteboard. “Wore something clownish again, did she?”
Somewhere in his class, a snicker rang out. Johanna, he put sound to name.
“She looks exquisite,” Finnick said. “I’m mesmerised.”
He turned just in time to see Johanna roll her eyes at the boy. “You’re disgusting,” she shot at her best friend.
Haymitch remembered being at their age, and having eyes for one or two of his female teachers; a harmless crush which made coming to school a little bit more interesting.
Still, the class’ obsession – not just Finnick’s – with Ms. Effie Trinket had been a source of consternation for him since she joined as a full-time permanent staff nearly a year ago. He found her difficult, stubborn and downright obnoxious, and he would rather much she had stick to teaching one of those elite schools in the City. It would have suited her better than here.
“Enough about her,” Haymitch grumbled, intending to start his lesson as soon as possible. “Alright so… Binomial expansions… Did the exercise I gave – “
“She made us study Sophocles’ works,” Katniss chimed in, clearly disgruntled.
He clenched his jaws, annoyed. But, he couldn’t blame the girl. Katniss preferred the outdoors and having to suffer through a class of literature with the eccentric teacher sporting an odd accent must have been torturous for the girl. Still, he had no regrets tracking the girl down after she was absent from school for two months straight and ensuring that she attended every day. Katniss was work in progress.
“The motherfucker,” Johanna nodded in agreement.
“Hey,” Haymitch warned. He might have some reservations where Effie Trinket was concern but he still wouldn’t stand for such disrespect from students toward another member of the teaching profession. “Watch it or I’ll have you in detention for calling a teacher names.”
“What?” Johanna said in an outraged. “The protagonist fucks his mother, like literally. You should read it.”
Haymitch blinked, surprised.
“What in hell is she teaching you guys? That even part of the syllable?”
“Don’t know,” Finnick shrugged and then the grin split across his face yet again. “Now, why don’t you ask her about it?”
He narrowed his eyes. Unless he was mistaken, his students are purportedly being meddlesome.
“Why don’t you?” Peeta agreed with an enthusiastic nod.
This wasn’t the first time or the isolated incident when his students, especially Finnick and Peeta, had tried to get him to have some form of conversation or contact with their literature teacher.
It was as if they could sense he was going out of his way to avoid her. He was. He was really trying to avoid her as much as he could after the incident in the library, and then again at his place, and again in his car, and the music room they found themselves in two days later, not to mention that time when he had been on his knees eating her out in the teacher’s lounge after school ended. It was mortifying how easily anyone could have walked in on them and the thrill had been addictive.
She had been so good, one of the best he had, not that there were many and truly, the dirty things she could do with her mouth should be outlawed especially given her image as the rule-abiding, strict teacher that she was. The only problem with sex as good as hers and as addictive as her was that he had felt himself craving her at every turn and entertaining inappropriate thoughts at unfortunate times. The last straw was when he had very nearly asked if she could just stay in bed instead of leaving once the deed was done. It sent him into a panic so naturally, he firmly told her that he was not interested – the first lie he ever told to her.
She had not taken that well at first but came around a week or two later to tell him, of course, Mr. Abernathy, you’re absolutely right. We’re teachers and we should be professional about it. It wouldn’t do to mix work with pleasure, wouldn’t do at all. What would the students say if, god forbid, rumours about us started floating around. Better to nip it in the bud. You had the right idea, of course.
So that was that.
“Binomial expansion is the worst,” Katniss muttered loudly after a nudge in the rib from Peeta.
“What is that, dear?”
Effie watched the students taking their seats in the classroom which she had painstakingly decorated and was profoundly proud of. If memory served her right, they should have just finished a class with Haymitch.
“Oh, Katniss is just upset because Mr. Abernathy has assigned us four pages of binomial expansion problems to work through the weekend. He’s torturing us,” Finnick sighed dramatically. “He doesn’t understand that some of us have work on the weekend. Lifeguard duties – you know about that, don’t you, Miss Trinket? You must have seen me at the beach?”
“Ah, Mr. Odair, I am sure your mathematics teacher just wants the best for you. The exams are not far off, only a few months away,” Effie placated.
“Yeah, months and you don’t give us that much homework,” Johanna pointed out. “A reading here and there, and that’s it.”
“Readings which you failed to do on more than one occasion.”
“Because he gave us so much homework,” Johanna argued. “I gotta do his so I don’t have time to do yours, and if I don’t do his work, he’ll send me to detention.”
“Would you be able to please ask him nicely to have mercy on us?” Peeta requested. He slid a box of cheesecake flavoured muffins in her direction. “These are your favourite, right?”
She tried not to have favourites but Peeta Mellark had always been sweet on her. She came across his family’s bakery on the second week that she moved into town and she swore that no other bakery had cheesetarts and muffins as delicious as theirs.
“Now, now, Mr. Mellark, I really do not want to be stepping on his toes. His class, his discretion but I do see Ms. Mason’s point. It is certainly not fair that he takes up all your time. You do need time to review my lessons.”
“Exactly,” Finnick nodded enthusiastically. “Please talk to him. He has a free period right after our English class, Ms. Trinket.”
With the bell having just rung out to signal the end of school day, the hallway was packed with students. She walked briskly, pausing only to tap a boy on his shoulder for making out with his girlfriend by the drinking fountain.
By the time she reached the teacher’s lounge, she was quite glad to have made it through students jostling each other in the hallway and talking loudly to be heard in the crowd.
Opening the door to the place, she saw exactly the person she was looking for. He raised his head at the creaking of the door, not at all expecting her to be the one entering.
He stood on his feet the moment she marched in his direction, sensing that whatever this was, it was not going to be good.
“What is this I hear about you giving abnormally heavy homework to the students?
He frowned, trying hard but failing to keep his eyes from wandering down to take in the sight of her endless legs in that pair of 4-inch heels.
“What are you on about?”
“My students are saying that they had little to no time to prepare for my lessons because they were consumed with trying to solve your problems.”
“Yeah, so?” he asked. “Mathematics is more important than learning ‘bout a character who – hold on, what was it the kids said again? – oh right, fucks his mother.”
She sputtered. Out of all the things the students picked up from that play…. Did she not make her point clear to them during lessons?
“That is not the take away from that.”
“Pray tell what is?” he sneered.
“Are you blatantly trying to sabotage my lessons?”
“Sophocles coming out for this term’s exams?” he asked. “Don’t think so. I checked with the head of your English Department.”
“You did what? For what purpose?”
“My kids will be better off knowing how to – “
“Solve algebra? I’ve left school for nearly two decades and not once have I ever found myself in a situation where algebra was needed nor did I ever found the need to plot sine, cosine or tangent on graph paper!”
His sneer only deepened.
“That’s ‘cause you have no ambitions and you’re stuck in a dead end school, and the only thing you’re good at is flaunting your asset all over the school.”
“Assets which you ogle at every opportunity,” she smartly and haughtily reminded him.
He internally cursed his own weakness. She was hot and beautiful, and despite his sneering at her teaching literature, he actually liked listening to her reading off passages. Not that she had ever read it to him, per se, but he had had classes next to her classroom and the walls were not soundproof.
“You want me,” she took a bold step forward. “You are not not interested as you so claim to be.”
Effie scoffed when he stood frozen where he was, his gazing falling to her lips, back to her eyes, and then down towards the neckline of her blouse.
“Oh, you’re very much interested, Mr. Abernathy.”
“Stop this,” he gritted his teeth.
His fingers twitch at his sides. It would be so easy to grab her by the waist, settle her on his desk right now, shove the skirt up and out of the way and fuck her. It would be so easy, and it was very tempting. He could recall with so much clarity what it felt like to be wrapped in her warmth, to slide in and out of her and the taste of her on his lips. His mouth felt parched all of a sudden.
“You stop trying to railroad my lessons and perhaps, I will ensure that my skirt is a little less tight so you will not be tempted,” she whispered, the nail of her index finger raking slightly on the exposed skin on his chest.
He hissed because that was unfair.
“Deal,” he said through gritted teeth. “Dress like a nun tomorrow.”
“Was not what I said,” she laughed. “And truly, even if were to dress more modestly than I already have, do not tell me you don’t remember what we did there.”
Her gaze strayed to her desk. He did not need the reminder of what they had done there but it was too late. The memories assaulted his mind and he forced himself to sit down before she could see the bulge growing in his pants.
He was a lost cause when it came to her.
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pan0ramy · 7 years
100 questions NO ONE ever asks!
thank you for @no-changes-are-permanent for tagging me in this! (even though i’m sleepy and missed the fact that you did, haha)
1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? oh god, they HAVE to be closed. my childhood fear of monsters hasn’t really left. D:
2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels? it depends - if i’m in a hotel in ireland, i won’t normally bother. if it’s somewhere like disneyland, then fuck yeah! little souvenir i guess. :D it’s not stealing, shut up and leave me alone
3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? they have to be in. otherwise, since i wear a lot of pyjama shorts, i wake up with bare legs and then i’m cold. D:
4. Have you stolen a street sign before? don’t think i’ve ever had the chance! (probably still wouldn’t if i did, though)
5. Do you like to use post-it notes? my school stuff is COVERED in them :D
6. Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? i don’t really use many coupons, but my mom definitely does this, haha
7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? probably the bear. the buzzing would scare me more than the actually bees attacking me. plus you’d die a faster death...
8. Do you have freckles? no. i’m not THAT irish. XD
9. Do you always smile for pictures? i try, even though i think it’s hard to genuinely smile for a photo if you’re not already laughing/happy with the situation you’re in - which for someone with anxiety, getting a picture taken is usually never a happy situation.
10. What is your biggest pet peeve? i’ll say it before and i’ll say it again - if you crack your knuckles around me, you will die a slow and painful death. that is all.
11. Do you ever count your steps when you walk? if i’m really bored, then yeah! but normally i’m listening to music when i’m walking somewhere - i meant it before when i said you’d never see me without a pair of headphones!
12. Have you peed in the woods? not as far as i can remember, actually...
13. Have you ever pooped in the woods? well if i’d never peed in the woods, i’d never have pooped there either would i? XD
14. Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing? i am basically dancing 24/7 365, even if there’s no music, haha
15. Do you chew your pens and pencils? normally i’d do it if i’m in the middle of a test and i’m either really bored, thinking or trying to calm myself down from stress/nerves. other than that, it’s a rare thing for me.
16. How many people have you slept with this week? does my septiceye sam plushie count? ^^
17. What size is your bed? i think it's just a regular ol double bed. comfy as fuck though.
18. What is your song of the week? right now i'm listening to a lot of different stuff, but if i had to pick one song, i'd pick miracles by kris leone - there's an english version AND a korean version. seriously this song and this girl need more aTTENTION BECAUSE SHE'S SO GOOD AND HER VOICE IS SO BEAUTIFUL
19. Is it okay for guys to wear pink? of course! to me, there's no such thing as masculine or feminine colours. i think everyone's free to wear whatever they want so long as they're comfortable with it and it makes them feel confident and happy. :D
20. Do you still watch cartoons? well what do you think rick and morty is huh
21. What is your least favourite movie? if i had to pick one, it'd be the live action attack on titan. please. if you like attack on titan, and you've never seen this film - STAY AWAY. STAY THE FUCK AWAY.
22. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? i have a little cubbyhole in my room that's a mess, so no-one else checks it other than me. so i know it's not technically digging it, but i'd put it there. :D
23. What do you drink with dinner? if it's spicy, then milk. otherwise, just juice or water. ^^
24. What do you dip a chicken nugget in? well i would say szechuan if mCDONALDS STILL DID THAT SHIT
25. What is your favourite food? i'm a sucker for indian food in general
26. What movies could you watch over and over again and still love? i will never, EVER get sick of tangled. i'm not a big movie buff, but that movie has my eternal love. <3
27. Last person you kissed/kissed you? ........guess who hasn't had their first kiss yet >_<
28. Were you ever a boy/girl scout? for like two years when i was 6, yeah! we made marshmallow smores outside our building. it was awesome. plus we had amazing halloween parties! (although one year we were playing a game with ginger - i can't remember what it was, so don't ask - and one kid ended up having a really bad allergic reaction D:)
29. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? if it was for charity/a cause i believe in, then yeah, why not? otherwise, probably not.
30.  When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? .....umm i honestly can't remember... does writing a message as part of a birthday card count? if so, then i did that about a month ago ^^
31. Can you change the oil on a car? with google and youtube tutorials, i'd be just fine. XD
32. Ever ran out of gas? i'm too scared of that happening in my parents' cars to let that happen, haha
33. Ever gotten a speeding ticket? i'm not driving yet, so no!
34. What's your favourite kind of sandwich? good ol ham and cheese. i'm boring. :D
35. Best thing to eat for breakfast? pancakes *_*
36. What is your usual bedtime? during school, no later than 11:30. during summer... i don't really have a bedtime. i just go to bed when i feel tired. ^^
37. Are you lazy? i'm trying not to be as of late, but with summer vacation starting it's kinda hard not to be a little bit lazy, haha
38. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? i normally dressed up pretty generically, but in my first year of high school i dressed up as effie trinket and won my school's costume competition. i was happy. :D
39. What is your Chinese astrological sign? alright, i had to google this, but i'm a dragon! :D
40. How many languages can you speak? english, irish, spanish and i'm learning korean! and then i know small little phrases in other languages (like german and french). i love languages. :D
41. Do you have any magazine subscriptions? nah. magazines are boring.
42. Which are better: Legos or Lincoln Logs? what the fuck are lincoln logs
43. Are you stubborn? i've had a few people tell me i'm quite patient, so i guess that's the opposite? ^^ (i probably get it from my mom, haha)
44. Who is better: Leno or Letterman? from what i've seen of their shows, i like letterman more. too bad he's not doing his show anymore :(
45. Ever watch soap operas? what, like home and away? fuck no.
46.  Are you afraid of heights? if i'm super, SUPER high up then maybe a little, but i'm not normally that bad :) (can’t say the same for poor jackaboi though...)
47. Do you sing in the car? depends on who i'm with! i don't listen to a lot of music on the radio, though, so i'm normally pretty quiet anyways.
48. Do you sing in the shower? ...you're not human if you don't sing in the shower
49. Do you dance in the car? nah, i wouldn't really dance in the car as much as i do sing
50. Ever used a gun? no, but i'm thinking about going to the local airsoft for my birthday next year. why not? ;D
51. Last time you got your portrait taken by a photographer? my actual portrait or just a picture in general? if it's a portrait, then probably like 2009. if it's just a picture taken by a photographer, then that happened last thursday XD
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? BITCH YOU'RE TALKING TO A MUSICAL THEATRE NERD
53. Is Christmas stressful? only if you let it be. ;)
54. Ever eat a pierogi? nooo but i've heard of them and really want to try one D: (gdit mae what have you done to me)
55. Favourite type of fruit pie? it's not as common as the other ones, but it'd probably be apricot pie. i like the taste of apricots, okay?
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? i probably wanted to be a singer at one point, then i wanted to be a vet, then a video game designer, and now i've just settled on computing/programming :)
57. Do you believe in ghosts? yeah, sometimes. not always, though. it depends in the situation. (i know that sounds vague, but trust me. if you search through youtube for this kinda stuff you'll learn what i mean pretty quickly.)
58. Ever have a deja-vu feeling? definitely! does anyone else get that thing where you dream about something and then it comes true a period of time later? or am i just psychic? ;D
59. Do you take a vitamin daily? i was about to say no to this, but i actually drink a little probiotic every day, so i'll put that here! it's to stop my immune system from completely failing me, because the medication i'm on is an immunosuppressant. ^^
60. Do you wear slippers? nah. socks all the way. :D
61. Do you wear a bath robe? i don't really have time for fancy shit like that tbh. if there's someone around i'll just cover up with a towel. serves the same function.
62. What do you wear to bed? ummmm.... pyjamas? ^^"
63. What was your first concert? my first proper concert was an imagine dragons concert two years ago. but my mom did drag me to a lot of her favourite bands' concerts when i was younger...
64. Walmart, Target or KMart? we don't have any of those. fuck it. dealz! which is basically where you buy everything (well, most things) for €1.50. or any stationery/art/video game shop in existence. :D
65. Nike or Adidas? eh. if i had to choose, then nike.
66. Cheetos or Fritos? cheetos. NOT the puffy kind though. we have wotsits to cover that and they taste way better. :D
67. Peanuts or sunflower seeds? i love sunflower seeds, but i'd probably pick peanuts.
68. Ever hear of the group Tres Bien? nope, i haven't!
69. Ever take dance lessons? yes, for about two years or so! then i gave up because of school. >_<
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? nah, i'm not really worried about that! so long as they're a nice person, looks and profession are just a bonus.
71. Can you curl your tongue? no. because i'm an inferior human being. :(
72. Ever won a spelling bee? i've never been in one, WHICH SUCKS BECAUSE I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE. i don't mean to brag, but i'd be pretty confident going into a spelling bee tbh ^^
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? oh, definitely. it's not a common occurence, but the last time i cried happy tears was when xenoblade chronicles 2 and fire emblem warriors got announced back in january. that was basically my dream come true. :D
74. Own any record albums? no, since i wouldn't have anything to play them on! they're a very cool idea though. :)
75. Own a record player? welp i guess i just answered that one
76. Do you regularly burn incense? my mom does occasionally, but i don't.
77. Ever been in love? nope. not yet. unless we're talking about fictional characters or people that don't know i exist. then i'd be here all day. XD
79.  What was the last concert you saw? imagine dragons :D
80. Hot tea or cold tea? hmmmmm i'd have to say both! i love hot tea but lemon iced tea is THE shit.
81. Tea or coffee? coffee is too bitter for me no matter how much sugar i add to it. :/
82. Sugar cookies or snickerdoodles? i've never tried snickerdoodles (and didn't even know sugar cookies were a thing) but when are cookies ever a bad choice in life? ;D
83. Can you swim well? yeah, i can! i need googles and a noseplug, though, since i'm a weeb. 
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? ...yes? i thought this was normal is there something special about this i'm missing
85. Are you patient? i try to be. if you test my patience, though, god can't help you in hell. :)
86. DJ or a band at a wedding? ehh all the wedding djs i've seen were pretty cringey, so as long as the band is good, then i'd pick the band!
87. Ever won a contest? yeah! i remember winning an art competition in second year that i didn't even try that hard for, haha
88. Have you ever had plastic surgery? does having teeth removed count? then yeah.
89. Which are better: black or green olives? neither. olives are the spawn of satan.
90. Can you knit or crochet? i used to be able to knit when i was 10 (we did it in school for a while), but i've completely forgotten how. :/
91. Best room for a fireplace? probably the sitting/living room tbh
92. Do you want to get married? i honestly don't know. i guess i'll just see where life takes me!
93. If you're married, how long have you been married? i've been married to video games since i was five years old. XD
94. Who was your high school crush? eh. don't really have one. :)
95. Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? no. it's a very bad idea to be childish about a situation you're not happy with. it normallly doesn't get you very far.
96. Do you have kids? my plushies? yes. i also have my beautiful fire emblem daughter if she counts (#soleilsquad2k17)
97. Do you want kids? again, haven't really decided yet. ^^
98. What is your favourite colour? red! :D
99. Do you miss anyone right now? @itisasign :( (you need to come over to my house i swear tf)
100. Who are you going to tag to do this next? imma tag @tbex2468 and @yourestillnotmytype-58! haven't tagged you guys in anything in a while (i think...?) ;D
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