#some of you did not expect a bait n switch
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blushft · 1 year ago
""old"" half-life fans:
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sseomtada · 11 months ago
being [ruben dias]
a stunning revelation only drives you and ruben closer.
warnings: 18+ | wc: 6212 | 7/8
You shook off your surprise after a beat to give her a hug.
“I had to come and see you at some point.” She squeezed your shoulders. “You haven’t been back in months.”
It was difficult to not feel a bit guilty. Prior to moving to Manchester and because your office wasn’t even half an hour away from your home, you’d frequently go back to visit her. Even though things had been going pretty much nonstop in your new city, you could’ve at least made a weekend trip to drop by.
“I’m sorry, I know Jason must be driving you crazy with his antics.” You tried to joke to lighten the mood.
“Maluco…he misses you too.” Her head shook.
You wheeled the bag she’d brought along with her inside and told her to make herself comfortable. The way your blood was rushing and your heartbeat was pounding felt like you were in danger of passing out.
Your only option was to let her in. What else could you do? Be vague about the situation and tell her to come back later because you had some male company over? Judging by the looks of her, she was fresh from the airport. Also important to note was that your mom definitely expected to stay with you during however long her visit was, so she didn’t have a hotel reservation lined up either.
What would you do about Ruben? Your eyes darted to your phone on the coffee table. If you could distract her for a while, maybe you could successfully sneak him out of here without her noticing. It wouldn’t be the first time you and him had to complete such a mission.
“I’ll put on some of that tea you like.” You swiped the device and took it with you to the kitchen.
Luckily, due to your inability to have dishes lingering around, the two plates and glasses you’d used for dinner had already been thrown into the dishwasher. His shoes were also tucked into the cabinet by your doorway. What other evidence of him…
You bit down on a gasp, eyes widening to turn back to your living room. Where the fuck was his shirt? It wasn’t on the sofa where your mom was sitting as far as you could see. Though it could be tangled in the blanket at the other end. You said a silent prayer that she didn’t get too chilly and worked on brewing her tea even faster to prevent that.
In the meantime, you cracked open your phone to see that Ruben had already sent you a message.
Is that your mom…?
Yes 😭
You jumped at the sound of a faint notification pin. With a deep breath, you steeled your nerves as much as possible. If anything, she’d probably assume it was your device going off and not think anything was awry.
We’re gonna have to whip out Project Switcharoo. You remember it?
Of course, I invented it.
Despite the absolute absurdity of the situation, you managed to crack a smile. Ruben was always a respectful and upstanding person. When two teenagers were in love, though, it was hard to accept things like not having boys in your room after dark.
He came up with a plan that was like the classic method of pickpocketing - a bait and switch scenario. For tonight’s occasion, it would look something like this. While she was occupied, he would sneak his way up to your guest bathroom to clear out the bedroom. You’d then take her to your room to show her around, pulling her to the window where the doorway wasn’t visible and allowing him to swiftly make a break for it.
Don’t forget to fix the bed.
Got it. What about my shirt?
You might have to steal one of my hoodies.
The kettle whistled, starting the timer on your mission. Once the tea was fixed and he saw you cross over from the kitchen to the living room, he’d start making his way to phase one. You did up her cup just the way she liked it, took another steadying breath and made your way over.
“You usually hate taking night flights, why didn’t you come earlier?” Your hands shook slightly as you handed her the beverage.
She took a slow sip of her tea, gaze not meeting yours. The fine hairs on the back of your neck stood up. Having lived with your mom for most of your life, you could automatically tell when something was off.
From you saw her at the door and she didn’t greet you half as excitedly as she did on phone calls, you felt it. You tried to battle that notion by rationalizing that you were being extra paranoid because she’d shown up during literally the last moment you’d want her to. It was impossible to ignore now, especially given how long she was taking to answer your question.
“Is everything okay?” You could feel your throat swelling.
“That’s what I came to ask you.” She finally spoke.
Your mom sighed and rested the cup of tea onto the side table. She reached into her purse to pull out her phone. This wasn’t an impromptu drop by driven by your extended absence after all. You knew what it was - an intervention.
Her screen lit up your view as she slid the device onto your lap. There was a screenshot of an Instagram post and in it was a photo of you and Ruben. It was taken on the night of the Nike launch party. You flipped to the next image in her folder. Someone with crazy zoom had caught you two walking towards his car at City’s training grounds.
There were no words. Your mind first went to the conversation Ruben and you had earlier about how much media attention he got, the fact that there was already news out there concerning you two. It was unnerving to actually be staring at the proof of that.
Then came the guilt. The last thing you wanted was for her to find out through the grapevine that you were back together with him. Whether she’d come across it by chance, was sent the post or actively went looking for it didn’t matter. You should’ve been the one to break the news.
And lastly, fear. Her flying out here as soon as she found out meant that she was absolutely not pleased and potentially worried about the state of your mental health. She couldn’t be blamed for that. Any mother that saw their daughter go through what you did after the breakup would have the same reaction to seeing you with the man that put you there.
“Ruben and I are dating again.” You admitted. “We talked it over and decided to give things a chance.”
Your mom scoffed. “See, this is why I had to come. Do you hear yourself? You’re, what, dating him? After everything he put you through?”
Although you anticipated her being upset, you didn’t expect the backlash to be this severe. It honestly took you by surprise. You gave her back her phone and stood, needing some distance from the anger she was radiating.
“I don’t expect you to be happy about it. All I ask is that you trust me and my decision, and not belittle either.” Your voice was even despite everything you felt.
She spoke to you as if you were some thoughtless, naive child. God knows you didn’t just take him back without considering every outcome, especially the worse case scenario. If shit went badly between you two again, you were ready to take accountability.
“I do trust you.” Her tone was less combative. “But do I trust your decision? I can’t…you’ve never been able to think straight when it came to that boy.”
It felt like you’d been punched in the gut. You didn’t think it was unreasonable of you to ask for her not to act as if you were being trivial. The fact that she was speaking to you like you were still the same person that you were seven years ago was hurtful, and quite frankly, insulting.
“My mind is as clear as it’s ever been.” You sighed, growing resigned with this conversation.
She wasn’t though, “No, it isn’t. If you had any common sense left, you wouldn’t be caught dead with him!”
“Mom-“ Your gasp was cut short.
With the unexpected, heated exchange, you’d forgotten all about Ruben still being in the apartment. That was until he made his was out of hiding, clearly having overheard it all. Thankfully he had found your pile of oversized hoodies to cover up. You didn’t know how many more insults you could take tonight.
“I’m sorry.” Ruben made his presence known. “We - I should’ve reached out to you first.”
Your mom spun slowly to look at him. It was a searing, scrutinizing leer that even had you shivering. You’d never seen her take in anyone that way. To his credit, he didn’t cower beneath her glare. He looked like he was ready to accept whatever vitriol she had for him.
“This is exactly what I mean.” She laughed ruefully, pointing between you two.
You were about to tell her to stop when he shook his head.
“Was this your plan all along?” Her question was directed at him. “Were you lying when you promised me you’d-“
Ruben’s eyes were wide with shock and…something you couldn’t quite place. It appeared to be worry, but not for himself. The way she stopped short of her barrage didn’t sit well with you either.
You watched as they seemed to have some nonverbal exchange. At that point, it became obvious that something had happened between them. Something you didn’t know about. Did she confront him after the break up? What promise was she talking about?
“What’s going on?” You asked Ruben directly.
He became a man that was visibly torn, eyes darting between yours and your mom’s. The decision of whether or not he should say anything weighed heavy on his conscience.
You turned to her instead, “Mom, what are you talking about?”
Instead of being met with all the fire you faced before, she bore a similar downcast demeanor as him. Her head hung as she placed her hands to her waist. It was a telltale sign that whatever you were about to find out wasn’t going to look good on her part.
“I’ll leave you two to talk.” Ruben made his way to leave. “When you’re ready, call me.”
Your head was spinning with how much had happened in such a short period of time. How did your night go from tickle fights, to cooking up an escape plan and now to being on the verge of hearing about a conversation kept hidden from you for nearly a decade?
She sat back down on the sofa, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do the same. Instead, you found yourself pacing back and forth while your mom quietly worked through whatever was eating away at her.
“Please just…tell me.” You couldn’t stomach the silence anymore.
Her voice was barely audible as she finally confessed, “The reason Ruben broke up with you is because I asked him to.”
september 15th 2017
He was brimming with excitement. All of the sacrifices he’d made, every second of commitment, it was all coming into fruition. His coach told him after practice that he was going to debut for the first team during the match tomorrow.
The first person he wanted to tell was you. You’d been by his side since the literal beginning, when his dream of becoming a footballer was just that - a fantasy. Having you in his life made a journey that broke so many others more than tolerable. He trained and played with your support always at the forefront of his mind.
Ruben bounded his way up the steps to your place and stopped short. Your mom stood with her back facing him, a trail of smoke floating into the air. That was new. Or maybe it was an old habit she indulged in from time to time. When she became aware of being there, the cigarette landed under her shoe.
“I’ve been caught,” Her teeth flashed. “Don’t tell Y/N.”
“Your secret is safe with me.” His fingers zipped across his lips.
She nodded in appreciation. There was clearly something on her mind. He knew that life hadn’t been the easiest for her or you and couldn’t imagine how lonely it must’ve been sometimes. That was why he made himself available to help out as much as he could’ve, if only to lessen the burdens a bit.
“Does she ever talk about her father?” The question she asked confirmed his suspicion.
You never brought him up, in fact. Given that, he didn’t feel as if it was his place to pry. Ruben had heard through the grapevine of neighborhood gossips about his absence and how you didn’t even know who he was.
“She doesn’t.” He replied.
Your mom looked up at the sky, “That’s understandable. You see…”
Ruben found himself listening to the missing pieces that not even you knew. She told him about how they’d met when she was sixteen and that she immediately fell for him - a young, budding football star.
It wasn’t because she was getting attention from someone so coveted, but because he actually saw her the way she’d always craved to be seen. So when he moved to a new team in another country to further pursue his career, she followed along.
She left everything behind. Her family, friends and education. Her dream became seeing his come true. When it did, they were both in the happiest stage of their relationship. And then at nineteen, she found out that she was pregnant with you.
The life she wanted was all coming into place. She thought the next step would be welcoming their baby, getting married and maybe having a few more to fill up their home. What she got instead was abandonment. He didn’t want any of that, or you.
Her parents had warned her that it would happen, but she casted their concerns aside as unfair judgment on his part. They didn’t see her like he did. Moving back in with them after what had happened wasn’t possible given the way they’d left things.
“I see so much of myself in her.” Your mom smiled. “She looks at you the same way I used to look at her dad.” Ruben understood why she was telling him all of this. It was obvious that she was scared you were following the same path and would end up in the same predicament. He didn’t take any offense to her perhaps believing that he was capable of doing the same thing.
“I love her, a lot.” His cheeks rose quickly. “More than I ever knew was possible.”
When he used to think about love, he always tried to rationalize it - to make it make sense. It was only after he realized that he felt that towards you that he came to know the emotion was something that couldn’t be explained. Even saying those words didn’t feel like enough to encompass the spectrum of moments that all combined to make him experience what could only be verbally express in such a limited capacity.
“That’s good because it means you’ll do anything for her.” She nodded.
“Yeah, I would.” He breathed. See, where was the rationale behind something like that?
“I need you to break up with her. She’s too dependent on you and it’ll ruin her in the long run.”
If words could render him speechless and knock him off his feet, those were the ones that would be able to do so. He couldn’t quite believe that was what she said at first. His mind instantly went into denial mode, because surely she was joking. When he stared back at unflinching eyes, he knew that she was being dead serious.
“I…can’t do that, respectfully.” Ruben shook his head.
You might see him in a light that sometimes is admittedly pressuring, making him wonder if he could live up to be that man you painted him out to be in your mind. That didn’t worry him though. If anything, he wanted to keep trying to prove to himself, and you, that he could be.
Beside that, you were strong in your own right. He’d never met anyone who took advantage of every little opportunity they received and made the most out of them. Even in your darkest moments, he saw the determination in you to not want to quit. You inspired him.
“I’m not going to stand by and watch her destroy herself like I did. You’re the only one who can prevent that.” He saw that same persistence in the gaze he got. “The choice is yours. Will it be you or me?”
Ruben thought he understood what this conversation was about in the beginning, but he’d read it all wrong. He only now grasped that she was giving him an ultimatum of sorts. One where there was no real decision for him to make, it was a catch 22.
If he didn’t break up with you, then your mom would abandon you just like your father did to you both. He would have to live with knowing that he was the reason why you had no blood ties left in your life, a notion that was breaking him even in hypotheticals.
Since he quickly realized that he had no choice, he began to reframe it in a way that didn’t hurt as much. The only loser in this situation would be him. You’d be hurt at first, maybe devastated, but you’d have people around you to help you through it. He would just have to figure out a way to deal with his own pain, perhaps starting with taking solace in knowing that he didn’t rob you of your only family.
“Promise me you’ll do the right thing.” Your mom looked back at him as she approached the door.
She lingered there until the words begrudgingly left his lips, “I promise.”
o presente
Everything burned.
Your eyes and nose, your heart itself. Sure, you’d experienced heartbreak before but it was child’s play compared to what was wreaking havoc in your soul - betrayal. Never in a million years did you ever expect the reason behind your breakup to be your own mother.
The person sitting in front of you crying tears of her own was a foreign entity. You failed to recognize the woman that baked you cakes, taught you dance routines and held you at your lowest.
How could she do that to you? Did she think that forcing Ruben to do something so cruel was the way to express the deep love she supposedly had for you? Or was it some fucked up trauma response to the past she never dealt with?
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” Your mom sniffed. “I regret all the pain I caused because of that night.”
What you were going through now felt a thousand, a million times worse than then. There was no denial to turn to for even a second of hope. This ugly, soul crushing truth bared its jagged teeth and was ripping away your flesh.
“It shouldn’t have happened, but I can’t take it back.” She continued. “All I could’ve done was to be there for you to help you through it, praying that you came out stronger and you did.”
“Are you serious? How could you even think that was right?” You sobbed.
It was all loud and clear to you. She regretted putting you through hell, but she didn’t regret actually doing it. Despite watching you break down for weeks, she still believed that what she made him do somehow helped you. She wasn’t sorry that she did it, she was sorry that she got caught - that you finally found out the truth.
“I-“ You bit your lip to suppress another snivel. “I need some space. You can stay here tonight, but I want you gone tomorrow.”
The most messed up part was that saying those words hurt you even more. Even though she was the one who put you both in this situation, you felt like the bad guy for asserting a rightful boundary. Those blissful memories you had of her hadn’t suddenly evaporated into nothing.
You took your phone and keys, and left her in your apartment. An aching uncertainty hung over your head. You were unsure how long you’d need before you could even look at her again without feeling such overwhelming disappointment.
Aki’s blanket slipped from her head as soon as she took in the state of you stood in her doorway. It had to be deja vu all over for her again, how many times have you done this? Why was life continuously throwing blow after blow at your gut?
“Do you have any whiskey?” Your inquiry sprang her into action.
She shuffled over to the kitchen and brought out one of her biggest bottles along with two glasses. You didn’t have the stomach anymore for straight liquor, but you’d needed it to calm the raging sea of emotions.
Her eyes were wiped clean of any traces of slumber once she joined you on the sofa. You immediately poured two fingers and threw it back. And then doubled that.
“Woah, let’s…get to the part where you tell me what brought this on before you black out.” Aki pulled the bottle towards her.
“Seven years ago, my mother made Ruben promise he’d break up with me.” You laughed humorlessly.
It was weird watching her expression go through several shifts within the span of a few seconds. That must’ve been what you looked like from the other perspective too once you found out.
She topped up and threw back her own glass before asking you to shed light on that very stupefying statement. You filled her in starting from the pretext. All about your mom’s past and what your dad did to her.
How she told Ruben all of this on the night prior to issuing him a task so abhorrent that you still were coming to grips with fathoming it. Aki appeared to be just as woeful as you were upon the discovery.
Similar to this wound being repeatedly ripped open for you, it was for her. Your mother was like a her second one. So many days and nights were filled with the three of you laughing, dancing and crying together. She spent so much time lamenting Ruben, more than you by far, for what he’d done. And just as you were now, she felt guilty for it.
“I feel like I’ve brought so much chaos into your life and I’m sorry for it all.” You sipped the alcohol slower this time.
“Don’t do that.” Aki objected. “None of this is your fault. I’m sorry that she did this to you, Y/N. God, I can’t imagine how you feel right now.”
She pulled you in. You were so sick of crying, but you couldn’t stop yourself. Tears flowed hot and fresh, especially when you felt her own sobs racking through her body. You patted her back, lips trembling as you fought the urge to apologize again.
There was nothing to say. You were all victims of one person’s action born of insecurity. It fucking sucked, but there wasn’t much either of you could do about it now. All that was left was for you to be there for one another, to work through the pile of shit you’d been handed until you could see the ground again.
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When you woke up the following day, you found that your request had been met. Your apartment was free and clear as you learned via text. Boarding my flight back. Again, I’m sorry Y/N.
You weren’t in the mood to unpack all of that again right now. The first thing you did was change into some workout clothes to head to the gym for a run. While the activity didn’t entirely clear your mind, your focus did find itself pulled more in the direction of your burning muscles than your stormy mind.
After you showered, you threw a bagel in the toaster and hopped into the shower. You forced yourself to munch on that in between massive gulps of water. The whiskey was fighting back and paired with the emotional exhaustion you felt, it was best to take the day off.
Aki and Cindy told you not to worry about work, they’d hold down the fort. You were more grateful towards them now than you’d ever been. Just don’t drink the last of my favorite coffee pods, you warned in the group chat.
You reclined onto your sofa and put on a random mix of recommended YouTube videos. No media would provide the distraction you truly needed, but it was nice to have some background noise. The cushion under your head wasn’t laying the way you wanted to, so you adjusted and felt the obstruction.
It was Ruben’s shirt. The one you had on was replaced with his before you curled up. Your mind couldn’t help but wonder what this meant now for you and him. Of course, you still wanted to be with Ruben. How did it impact him though?
He must’ve been back in that same headspace he was in when they had that exchange. Was he wondering whether or not she had issued the same choice to you after he left? Even though she didn’t and you were holding off on communicating with her for a while, you didn’t want him to think that you were giving up on a relationship with your mom because of him.
You weren’t completely shutting her out of your life, but at the current moment, you just couldn’t see how you would ever trust her again. The relationship you had with her would never be the same, and fault solely rested on her part.
You couldn’t imagine how awful this whole thing must’ve been for him. He sacrificed being with you and the way others looked at him. Even when he gave you the supposed reason he’d broken up with you, he still protected her. You wanted to be so angry at him for doing that, but it was no fairer than the order he’d received from your mom.
Ruben had never changed. He remained the person you knew that put the wellbeing of those he loved often above his own, the person who shielded them from pain - even if it meant inflicting some and becoming the one they hated. It was all so unfair to him and you refused to spend a second longer without letting him know that.
“Can I come over?” You asked after he picked up on the first ring.
“Yeah.” His voice was rough.
As soon as you crossed his threshold, you launched yourself at him and hugged him tight. He was stunned at first, but your embrace was returned with the same magnitude. You buried your face deep into his chest.
“I’m sorry.” Your tone was muted.
“Don’t apologize.” Ruben stroked your hair. “I’m the one who’s sorry. I-“
You shushed him. His response was expected, you knew that he was going to tell you not to apologize and that it wasn’t your fault but his. There was nothing he could’ve done about the situation, you didn’t blame him.
“I’m saying that because you deserve to hear it.” You looked into his eyes. “No one should have to be put through that and carry the burden of it for so long.”
Ruben didn’t fight you on that because you both know that you were right. He placed his chin on top of your head again and held you for a moment longer before he pulled you to sit down with him.
“So, you know everything?” His index finger drew circles on your knee.
You nodded, “I do.”
“Is there anything else you want to ask me?” Ruben left the door open.
A lot had actually crossed your mind while you were left reeling from the whole ordeal. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the answers to the things you needed to hear most. There was one thing though.
“What changed?” You bit your lip. “Why did you try to get me back now and not before then?”
The message he’d sent you asking if your number was still the same could’ve came a year, or two, maybe even three ago. You were curious as to what made him want to throw caution to the wind after all this time.
“I tried holding on to the promise I’d made…even when it felt like I was suffocating. It was easy, sometimes, because I justified going along with it through telling myself that I’d chosen the lesser of two evils.” Ruben expressed. “When I moved here, the distance made things somewhat bearable - knowing that there was no chance I’d run into you.”
“Until you nearly did.” A grin flashed across your face as you recalled that rainy evening.
“It all came flooding back to me then.” He smiled too. “Everything that you were to me, everything that you were supposed to be. I felt like I would go mad if I kept ignoring what you meant and still mean to me. I had to at least try.”
If this was a movie, you’d think fate was behind your reunion. Even in reality that was kind of hard to deny. What were the chances that he would see you randomly on the street, or be a part of your first project in some way? Whatever was in charge pulling the strings behind the scenes was more determined than either of you to bring you both here today.
“I’ve got to say, that was a massive gamble on your part.” You cupped his cheek.
Timing was everything. When you thought about it, had he reached out to you via message prior to you seeing him in person, you didn’t think you’d receive it well. The cards had to be played very specifically for you to end up at this moment.
“Not to me. I told you, I loved you then and I never stopped.” Ruben stroked your ear. “I love you, Y/N.”
After everything that you’d been through together, hearing him say those words impacted you on a completely different level. They’d always meant so much, but now they contained it all - the entirety of your shared history. Him choosing you from the very first day you’d met, doing the same even when it meant breaking your heart and again as he fought to get you back.
Your brows met, eyes welling as you told him, “I love you too.”
The way he kissed you struck in a whole new way as well. It was adoration unobstructed and unrestrained. His lips moving over and between yours exhibited just how free he felt with the burden of a long kept secret no longer weighing him down.
Every touch was completed with the utmost undertaking. Ruben’s hand splayed over your thighs and stomach, flattening, digging into your skin. Desperate not to miss a single inch. He removed his shirt from your frame and lied you down.
You willed your heavy eyes to stay focused on him, your fingers disappearing into his thick hair. So beautiful, he kissed your navel. So perfect, his teeth grazed your hip bone. All mine, hips lips closed around the skin of your inner thigh.
What came next left the task of keeping him in your sights impossible. Your hand pressed into the cushion, back arching as you writhed beneath his skillful mouth that claimed your cunt. He held you sturdily, one hand caressing your lower back and the other pressing down on your abdomen.
It didn’t take much for you to come undone for him. He knew every direction and angle to take with his tongue to leave you drifting away. Like the anchor he was, Ruben didn’t let you float off too far.
His body molded to yours, heat becoming your own. You always found yourself wanting him endlessly, but that compulsion was stronger than ever. Still, you forced that hunger to subside for as long as possible to indulge in all that he was.
You traced his brow with your thumb and let your finger trail down until it met his lips. The curve of them were reverently memorized to the point where you were certain that you could recreate their image in clay with uncanny accuracy.
Ruben slid a hand between your legs to make your mouth fall open with a moan. It was what he wanted, to have your tongue accessible to his. They moved in tandem that built with intensity the more you shook and whined under his digits circling your clit.
His forehead pressed to yours as he looked down the narrow gap between your bodies. You followed suit and swallowed deeply at the sight. He had you glistening, swollen with readiness while his cock twitched achingly.
When he moved to touch it, your wrist caught him. Let me, you breathed. Your fingers wrapped around his thick, firm shaft and tugged upwards. His drawn out groan floated into your mouth, a slight hiss sucking it back as you swiped your thumb over the opening in his sensitive tip.
You were losing against yourself again. Just as you could no longer force your eyes to remain open, you could no longer hold back the need to have him inside you. Your hips angled, legs spreading even wider for his body to rest flush against yours.
As soon as you’d lined him up with your entrance, his hips pressed forward. You curled one arm around his shoulder and cupped the back of his head with the next. No adjustment was necessary, you ground into him eagerly . A call that was instantly answered.
Ruben thrusted into you deep, testing his limits. When he found that there was none - your legs locking around his waist, eyes rolling back and neck baring itself to him - he withdrew until almost completely out of you and did it again. And again. And again.
Don’t stop.
You like that?
Yes, please, more…
He gave it to you just as you wished. Long, hard, unrelenting strokes that breached your cervix. Tides were moving in quickly, threatening to whisk you away for a blinding moment. You were determined to take as much as you could before they could do so.
Your legs dropped, feet digging into the sofa. You used them for momentum to bring your hips to meet his drives, cunt consuming his cock in its entirety. The point you craved to reached had finally been met - where the pleasure was so overbearing that your mind began playing tricks on you to make you believe it was a fantasy.
But you knew it was real. Even as you succumbed to the waves that dragged you under, you knew you hadn’t imagined it. The cries that ripped their way from your throat and his praises told you so. Ruben’s face buried deep into your neck and his cock twitching as it filled you let you know that you’d climbed that impossible mountain.
In the stillness that followed, you begged him to stay. Your foot ran down the back of his muscled calf and your hands massaged his back while he caged you in his strong arms. For once, there were no afterthoughts.
You didn’t catch your mind wandering off to unknowns and what ifs. A sense of peace shrouded you just like his body was. Whatever tomorrow or the distant future brought no longer filled you with worry or fear. No matter what came along, you were at ease.
All you focused on was what was going on right now. Ruben’s chest rising and falling at a steady pace that matched your own, his hips still joined to yours, the feeling of his lips forming a smile against your cheek.
That was everything you needed.
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damagedintellect · 8 months ago
Kenny McCormick x reader
💌 As Long As I can Remember: Chapter 3  💌  
Summary:  You moved to south park in the 4th grade. You weren't expecting what came next. After seven years of friendship you were about to make a move but what happens when Cartman's OTP gets in the way of what you desire most.
Notes:  Overall Kenny x reader but also some Craig x reader, I wrote this over a decade ago but I'm feeling nostolgic, this was written for a friend a long time ago
💌 Word count: 1,855 💌  <= Previous | Chapter 4 =>
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The next morning Kyle and Stan stood at the bus stop, talking about who knows what. You weren't paying attention. You showed up with the widest grin on your face. “Sup guys”
Kyle and Stan looked up at you “Nothing, Kyle's just mad that I didn’t do my homework.” Stan rolled his eyes while Kyle looks straight up pissed at his bestie. Kyle practically growled foaming at the mouth a little. “It’s not because you didn’t do your homework, it’s because I didn’t finish mine!” They continued to argue over whose fault it was when Cartman and Kenny showed up. Cartman scoffed “calm down you fucken jew”
“Shut the fuck up you fucking fat ass!” Kyle was already in a mood he didn't need this on top of it. Stan just stared at the redhead and sighed “Kyle you do know that the more you react, the more he’s just going to do it right?” Kyle crossed his arms and muttered to himself “Yeah well he’s still a fat ass.” Stan just rolls his eyes wanting to change the subject. When he was met with silence he huffed. Does he have to do everything around here? He looked over to you. “So (Y/N) did you pick a song for the talent show?”
Perking up you go digging through your bag and pull out the CD carefully placed in a case that read ‘(Y/N)’s song’ in big bold black sharpie. You held it up waving it around so everyone got a good look at it. “I sure did and it’s the best song in the world! I just have to make sure no one else sings it.” You peer at Cartman who was practically drooling as the bus pulled up. Now he just needs to take the bait and you're golden. Stan got on the bus first ditching you guys to sit next to Wendy. You sat by Kyle and Kenny sat by Cartman who sat in the aisle seat just like you.
Kyle noticed you were still staring at the CD “(Y/N) you should probably put that away before you loose it.”
“There’s no way I’ll loose it but yeah I probably should.” Continuing to look at Kyle you slip the CD into your bag in a way that it slips out and ends up on the floor instead. Kyle looks at you concerned while you were still staring at him. “You’re acting strange. Are you okay?”
You just giggle “No I’m not! I mean I'm fine. Just excited for school is all.” You curse yourself, at this point you might blow your cover.
 Cartman was still staring at you when you tried to put the CD away, watching as it slipped out and on the floor right in front of his feet. What luck! Catman glanced over at Kenny before he swiftly picked it up making sure the blond was still preoccupied with the window. You were still talking to Kyle so this was the perfect opportunity to steal it for himself. Whistling like nothing happened he shove the golden ticket into his bag, thinking to himself "This will be the end of (Y/N). Oh how glorious it will be to watch her fall, now what to do with a slave."
 The rest of the morning was uneventful, almost eerily so. You were at your locker, switching out your books for the next class and when you closed your locker you were met with a smug look and an emotionless face “Hey (shorter version of your name because that’s how Clyde rolls) sup.”
“Holy Shit!” He was too close. You jumped back and dropped all the books “What do you want Clyde?” You sighed and bent down to pick them up. That was when your hand met another’s and your eyes met a pair of lovely deep blue ones. A light pink tint crept it’s way to Craig’s cheeks while yours were flushed red. You retracted your hand as he gave you the last book. Out of the guys you were told to avoid, Craig was at the top of the list although you didn’t know why. It was something that Stan tried to enforce but then realized he couldn’t force you to ignore his presence. Not that Craig has much presence. He’s pretty quiet and keeps to himself for the most part but something about the lone wolf energy makes him cute in your eyes.
Clyde cleared his throat to regain your attention. “It’s about Cartman”
You rolled your eyes. Of course it was. "And?" You wanted him to get to the point.
Your one word answer caught him off guard as he fumbled over his words. “Well you’re still fairly new here so you might not know how big of an Asshole Cartman is.”
It was true but Kyle had been trying his damndest to catch you up to speed. “Yeah didn’t he like kill someone’s parents and feed them to the kid?”
Clyde paused. We wasn’t expecting you to know that. “Uh, yeah” things went silent. This is not how he planed this talk to go.
You waved your hand around and started walking away. “I’ll be fine.~”
His face was priceless as you brushed him off. He tried regaining his composure. “That’s the spirit I actually just came over here to motivate you to kick his ass because everyone is making bets!”
That stooped you in your tracks. You turned so fast it nearly gave you whiplash. “WHAT?!” you suddenly dropped all of the books in your arms again and release a frustrated sigh as you picked them up again this time both Clyde and Craig helped you. seriously why did you have so many books to carry around. 
“Yeah ever since yesterday you’ve been the talk of the school.” 
Dusting off a few of the books you looked around and lo and behold everyone was staring and whispering to each other. You just smile with pride “Well, I guess I need to put on one hell of a show right?” 
Clyde smiles and nods giving you a thumbs up as Craig just leans forward meeting you eye to eye. One word. "Safe.”
 It was the only thing he said as he walked away without Clyde. “Hey wait up Craig, goodbye (Y/N)” he waved and tried to catch up with his best friend. Kyle walked up behind you as you pinched the bridge of your nose “What was that all about?”
“That last bit? Honestly I have no idea, let’s just get lunch.”
 During Lunch you played with your food. One word “safe” and whatever the hell he was mumbling but what did it mean. You glanced over to Craig, what was he thinking under that emotionless face of his. His eyes are so cold; it’s like he’s bored and doesn’t bother to do anything. Is that why he told you not to hang around Stan’s gang because they actually do things and get into crazy situations, but then does he want to do things or is he irritated that they do things and he just wants things to be peaceful. You stabbed your fork into the chicken on your plate and let out a frustrated groan.
“What’s up with her?” Stan said more to Kyle than anyone else on the table; they both looked at you while you were still dazed looking at Craig. “She said she didn’t know but I’m guessing it has to do with Craig” Kyle followed your line of sight to meet Craig’s cold eyes which sent shivers down both of your spines and you snap out of your concentrated state.
“Just what’s his deal? First he flips me off, tells me not to hang around you guys and then, safe.” You waved your fork around for emphasis.
The super best friends look at each other and shrug “Safe?”
“Trust me I don’t get it any more than you do.”
“Maybe he’s trying to trip you up so you don’t do well tomorrow.” Kenny looked over to Craig then back to you before adding “Could be because of all the bets against you.” You nod while Stan and Kyle’s eyes widen “People are making bets?!” 
You casually sipped your milk not that surprised anymore. “Yeah and apparently Clyde is betting that I will win.”
“Really!” Kyle shouted
“Yeah I find it kind of funny how it’s actually become such a big thing.” Back home you were never the center of attention. It felt bizarre.
“Nah you get used to that feeling after a while especially if it involves Cartman in any way.” Stan comments and everyone agrees. Kenny looked up from whatever it was he was doing only now noticing that Cartman isn't even here “Speaking of Cartman before I got here I saw him with Jimmy, he was helping him hit on a girl.”
“huh”was all anyone said on that matter. You all continued eating lunch until Wendy and her blond friend walked up to the table. “Hi Stan do you guys mine if we borrow (Y/N) for a moment.” You kind of just quirk an eyebrow and point at yourself “You want to borrow me for a moment? Why?” The girls grabbed both of your arms and just dragged you out of the cafeteria.
“Guys help meeeeeeee!” 
Kyle, Kenny and Stan know better to get in Wendy’s way so they just smile awkwardly and wave you off. As so as you were taken into the hallway Wendy smiled “Okay so I know we don’t really talk but I am Stan’s girlfriend and you are one of Stan’s friends. We want to help you for tomorrow.”
“I don’t want to seem rude but I don’t think I need help.” 
Bebe laughed at you “Really? Have you looked in a mirror, honey you need as much help as you can get-” Wendy lightly punched her friend in the arm “Rumor is going around that you’re going to be doing something big right. All we’re trying to say is part of the talent show’s judging is based on your costume.” She trailed off and the both looked at you. Wendy cleared her throat before speaking again.
“We feel that your look needs something more if you’re going to even think about winning tomorrow night.” You couldn’t help but laugh “Guys this is just my everyday attire, I didn’t plan on wearing something like this tomorrow night I already picked out a dress.” Wrong words, you should have kept your big mouth shut.
“We want to see! If it meets our standards we’ll stop bothering you, but if it doesn’t we’re taking you shopping!”
 After class you didn't leave your seat instead you slammed your head down and felt someone poke your arm. You shift just enough to see Kenny "(Y/N) we're all going to Stan's to play games you wanna come?"
"I want to but Wendy and Bebe plan on kidnapping me right about now so I can't." You saw them in the doorway with the biggest smiles you've ever seen. They were kinda creeping you out.
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actualbird · 2 years ago
Hey Zak!
I just read your analysis on marius and emotional distancing and I agree! I think on top of that, he's also the type to bottle it up, if that's the right term for it.
There's one Marius scene that really stuck with me, above all the romantic stuff. (i don't remember which story it's from, i just remember what he did). Marius was talking about something traumatizing, then in the blink of an eye, he was smirking at us, all smug and asking us if we really fell for it.
Once I noticed that, I start noticing it in all Marius angst stories. Every time he talks about something traumatizing, he typically changes the topic in the middle. Which is to be expected when it's something that traumatizes him, but the thing is, the trauma gets mentioned, and we see him being vulnerable. Then, it's like a switch flicks in his head. Like "Oh wait, I'm talking to jiejie", and he immediately clams up and starts teasing us, going back to the flirty brat we met at the start.
I can't think of a single time when he mentions something traumatizing, and we actually get him being completely vulnerable as he tells us about it all, not just part of it before he swaps to flirty and confident mode.
I was kidding when I told some of my friends that "marius is the type to be having an emotional breakdown and saying 'i'm fine, it's fine, why do you think i need help'", but now I think it could actually happen.
irt analysis on marius and emotional distancing
hi roshie-writes!! first off, im v sorry im getting to this ask very late OTL but im happy to hear u agree with that analysis :D
additionally, this ask is rlly interesting cuz yEPPPPPP, I AGREE ON ALL THIS TOO
that whole thing of Drops Vulnerability And Then Shifts To Playful Aloofness is SO VERY common in marius stories, and i personally first clocked it in the Lost Gold event. in like, the very first scene of his LG route, marius tells mc that she must think him naive for wanting to trust bryce and in general just confesses some insecurities hes got. and then the moment mc shows him sincerity, concern, and worry, he immediately shifts and is like "AWWWW UR WORRIED ABOUT ME >:3c" which makes me (and mc) wanna affectionately strangle him.
another more recent instance of this tendency happens in his blossom chapter personal story 4, right when he actually tells the full story of the Basement Incident. and then not like 5 lines after that, he gets flirty, glosses OVER ALL OF THAT WORRYING INFORMATION, and then says "Yeah, that's my good girl" to mc with a smirk on his face.
this personal story 4 instance stands out to me for three reasons:
1) simply cuz the Basement Incident full story lives in my mind rent free and
2) the "Yeah, that's my good girl" is notorious cuz i regularly see screencaps of that line do rounds on twt with ppl simping over it, me included, cuz my god marius KNOWS how to be flirty, like, lemme just drop the screencap cuz Im Not Immune To Marius von Hagen
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and 3) the fact that this above screencap regularly makes rounds w ppl going crazy over how hes a flirty bastard (affectionate) really makes me go nuts cuz.....aGAIN. HE DID THIS LIKE 2 SECONDS AFTER CONFESSING HE NEARLY DIED AS A CHILD. LIKE...to an extent, his deflection here worked even outside of the realm of the in-game story itself, it's working on the players too cuz we're busy going MARIUS! VON! HAGEN! over the flirting that, again, attention is taken away from the thing he doesnt want anybody to pay attention to
i talk a little bit abt this bait-n-switch tendency of his in an old analysis i wrote, marius von hagen, facade vs. sincerity, harsh truths vs. persisting hope, and my thought abt this tendency hasnt changed from the insight i gathered back then, which went:
marius casually has the tendency to “act” a certain way to get things like praise and reassurance, which could arguably interpreted as him using facades (which in this situation i think is actually him just saying theyre facades, theyre actually sincere, but he hides that, says it’s just an act) to acquire the deep seated sincerity he wishes. here, facade is a medium by which to acquire sincerity from others. 
this is partly because of what you say which i agree with. he still wants people to care about him (because thats an innately human desire we All want) but at some point, he realizes hes talking to mc and hes gotta dial it back. and why does he dial it back? because he doesnt want her to worry. she matters to him, and he doesnt want her to be upset over him, so shifting the conversation into something playful can effectively stop worry in its tracks or, at the very least, delay it.
but i also think this is because revealing these gutpunch things like trauma or insecurities is, at the end of the day, a vulnerability
and marius is in a position where he cannot be vulnerable. vulnerability can put him (and maybe even people who matter to him too) in danger.
as much as his deflection, disconnection, and repression is a method for him to deal with his own things himself, these methods are also a way for him to protect against others. he needs to act like these vulnerabilities dont matter to him at all, because then theyre less likely to become weakpoints for an enemy to exploit.
and marius is also in a position where hes got a Lot of enemies. so many people would quite like it if they had something to hold over the head of Pax, mr interim-CEO himself
it's at times like these i really appreciate that marius' nxx codename is King, because it is sosososoososoo fitting for him, specifically due to the chess definition of the term.
the king is simultaneously the most important piece (which garners many enemies and ensures everybody wants to be able to put the king in check or checkmate), AND arguably the weakest piece too (full of vulnerabilities and weakpoints that need to be Constantly guarded against). the king is literally a piece thats meant to be hunted and protected, because thats the entire point of the game, and thats a lot of what marius has to deal with too. marius, to me, feels like hes constantly playing 4D chess in an effort to protect himself and make it look like hes protecting no weakpoints at all, weakpoints Dont Exist, if u saw them, no u didnt, because he needs to appear invincible
all eyes are always on him, for better or for worse. and when everybody is watching, allies and enemies alike, it seems way smarter to just hide and minimize vulnerability completely than to risk getting stabbed in the back for it.
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anoddworld · 2 years ago
HAHAHA IT'S FINALLY DONE!!!! This is for my MSM human AU. I wanted to get this out before I went to school. Hope you enjoy!
The sun was just setting below the horizon around the city. Cars zipped on down roads. Buildings stood tall over the people.
However, in one building, a person is typing away at a keyboard connected to large monitors, speakers, and a microphone. Their brows furrowed in pure focus. It was reasonable, however. Their task was important.
“Alright, are you three in position?” They asked into the microphone.
“Copy that.” A deep smooth voice, Loodvigg, sounded from the speakers.
“Good. Be ready for the signal.”
As seconds that felt like minutes passed, they waited on baited breath. They needed to know if this went well. If anyone got injured, they need to make the call to pull them out of battle.
“Vhamp? What’s the signal again?” An elegant voice, Blasoom, asked.
Letting out a shaky sigh, they spoke into the microphone again, “It’ll be a firework. Whiz-Bang’s meant to set it off.”
“Then we’re off!” Blasoom declared. Though, Vhamp could’ve sworn they’ve heard someone cursed. Probably Loodvigg, if they could guess.
“Alright then.” They took a deep breath. ”Good luck.”
They started to bounce their legs and switched lines to their other teammates. If they remembered correctly, the other eight members were dealing with a suspicious fire.
“How’re things going over there?”
“We’re just finishing up here. We’ll be home in a bit.”
“Excellent. Thank you, Attomz.” They then added, “Can you tell me what happened?”
A pause. Probably him asking if he could say anything. However, they were nervous all the same. They had started to wring their hands. They took long, deep breaths.
“It was apparently an electrical fire,” Attmoz reported, “There was no one in the building and no evidence of any kind of arson.”
“Okay,” They responded, “If everything is done over there, there is one more thing you all could do.”
“What is it?” Another person, Furnoss, inquired.
Vhamp pulled up the location. “It’s over by the Silver Oak Plaza. Galvana, Loodvigg, and Blasoom should already be over there assisting Seasonals. Some of villain attack.”
“Aye-aye! We’ll be there in a bit!” Hornacle shouted joyously, “We’re close anyways!”
“Excellent. I’ll hear from you all in a bit, right?”
“Yeah, man, don’t worry about it.”
“Good,” Vhamp sighed, “I’ll be right here.”
They leaned forward and combined the lines. It’s the only reasonable thing to do. Once that was completed, all they needed to do was wait. That was their least favorite part. Vhamp never understood why, but it made them anxious. Maybe it was radio silence. That usually never meant anything good.
The door suddenly opened. That wasn’t right. Everyone should either be at or going to Silver Oak. So… who was that? Were they being robbed?
Vhamp stood slowly. Did they need to suit up? Well, they’re going to do that anyway. Reaching down, they grabbed their armor. It’d take too long to put it all on, so they just slipped on the metallic brown arm pieces. They approached the door to the control room.
Slowly opening the door, the intruder wandered around in the living room, clearly looking for something. Vhamp began to weigh their options. On one hand, they could fire an attack now, revealing their location, and possibly damage something. On the other, they could attempt to approach carefully and slowly and then attack, but risking the intruder being armed. Or maybe…
They steadied their aim and stepped out of the room. The intruder whipped their head around to stare them down. They look horrified, clearly not expecting anyone to be home.
“I’ll ask you once,” They hissed, “Leave. And I won’t fire.”
“N-no way!” The intruder pulled a knife out of their pocket. “You… you can go fuck yourself!”
“Hm. Fine.” They fired off a shot of energy from their hands into the intruder, knocking them over with a cry. They dashed over before they could scramble to their feet. Vhamp grabbed their shirt and glared down at them.
“I’m feeling nice, so I’m giving you one more chance,” They offered, “I’ll let you go, only if you don’t fight me along the way.”
They looked around for a second, then answered, “F-fine.”
“Good.” Vhamp heaved them onto their feet. They grabbed their wrists.
“What’re you doing?”
“Dragging you out. I’ll let you run away afterwards.”
The criminal grumbled under their breath. They took it as an agreement and started to drag them outside. Vhamp’s heart was racing. What if the intruder found some way to stab them? What if they did something worse?
As they opened the front door, the cold evening’s air hit them in a refreshing way. Vhamp felt their lips twitch into a little smirk. They threw the criminal out the door.
“Now, leave,” They ordered cooly.
The criminal ran, ran, and ran away from their house. Vhamp watched as they disappeared into the cityscape. Sighing, they stepped back indoors. They didn’t feel well, though they needed to get back to the control panel.
Opening the door to the control room, they sighed and slid the armor off their arms. They then sat down and rested their arms on their legs.
“Vhamp? Are you there?” Galvana’s voice sounded from the speakers.
They swallowed and answered, “I’m here. Just had to use the bathroom, sorry.”
“For thirty minutes?” Their friend’s voice had a joking tone, though Vhamp felt a lump form in their throat.
“... I also changed clothing,” They lied.
Galvana giggled, “Okay, well, we just finished up here and were just worried about the radio silence from your end.”
“I apologize. Is everyone alright?” They began to wring their hands again. 
“You’re good,” They beamed, “Barely any injuries, just a few bruises. We’ll be back soon.”
“Excellent.” Vhamp relaxed a bit. “Anything any of you need when you get home?”
“Hmmmm… we can talk about food when we’re home,” Galvana then added, “Glaishur has been complaining about being hungry for, like, an hour!”
Vhamp nodded, “Alright. I’ll be waiting.”
“Alright, see you soon!” Galvana closed off the line.
Vhamp stood again and wandered upstairs. If they wanted their friends to believe them, they’d actually need to put on their pajamas. It did sound nice anyways. Walking into their bedroom, they b-lined to their dresser. They pulled out a cozy yellow sweater and its matching pants. They threw them on and headed back downstairs.
When arriving at the living room, Vhamp flopped onto the sofa. They didn’t feel much better. Now that they were thinking about it, maybe they were hungry? They hadn’t eaten very much today, seeing as they were quite busy with work. They usually get upset if they haven’t eaten.
Then, they realized they were shaking. Is it because the blood sugar drop? It probably was. Vhamp brought their arms up to their face and felt the tears that had begun to slowly fall. They cursed themself as they shot up.
They shuffled to the kitchen and grabbed a box of tissues. They didn’t want to eat just yet, they wanted to eat with their friends. They dabbed the tissue on their wet cheek. They sniffled and rested their head in their palm.
The front door opened and warm chattering filled the previously silent house. Vhamp smiled gently and wiped their face again.
“Hey,” They greeted weakly, “Welcome home.”
“Oh, Chord, what happened?” Galvavna asked and walked over to them. They pet their head gently. It felt nice.
Ah, yes. Their civilian name, Chord. They assumed that the work day was over, then. They melted into their friend’s hand. It just felt nice.
“Hungry… tired, probably,” Chord mumbled, “Welcome home, Volt.”
Sighing, the hero smiled, “Thanks, buddy.”
Chord pulled away and walked around the counter. They wrapped their arms around Volt’s lean frame. Volt chuckled and returned the hug. They also continued to pet their hair.
“Got any ideas for dinner then?” Volt asked quietly.
“No, just food,” Chord murmured, pressing their face into their shoulder.
Volt turned to their friends. “Any ideas for dinner?”
“Chinese?” Loodvigg suggested.
Rolling his eyes, Scaratar responded, “You always say that.”
“And yet we never get it!” Loodvigg complained.
“Hm, fair,” He shrugged, “I think I’ll go with that too, then.” The taller cheered quietly at the small victory.
“Pizza!” Tortt and Attomz yelled at the same time.
“Can Chinese be spicy?” Furnoss asked quietly. Loodvigg nodded. Then, he smiled, “Then I’m in.”
“Yeah, Chinese sounds nice,” Glaishur murmured, his eyes fluttering shut.
Hornacle nodded, “Yeah! It sounds awesome.”
“Tofu sounds nice,” Blasoom smiled, “Proto?” Proto, more well known as the hero Plixie, nodded.
“Chip?” Volt looked at the silent man, who simply nodded. It wasn’t much of an answer, but it’ll do.
“Ah man!” Attomz nudged Tortt with his elbow. “We lost, Tyler!”
The other snorted, “Damn.”
As the chattering grew, Volt walked them back over to the sofa. Chord sat between Scaratar and Tyler, as that was the only spot left. An arm wrapped around them and pulled into a rather tight hug.
“Tyler,” They mumbled, “You’re crushing me.” He loosened his grip on them, causing them to sigh in relief.
“Sorry, I was just worried,” He apologized, “You looked pretty upset when we came in.”
“It’s… alright. I was just a bit hungry, that’s all,” Chord muttered.
“A bit? You were crying,” Scaratar chimed in.
“Shush, Niko.” Tyler playfully hit him on the shoulder. “Let ‘em sugarcoat it.” Niko sighed, nodded, and leaned on Loodvigg, who pulled him in for a proper hug.
As Chord listened to the endless chattering from their friends, they started to feel a bit drowsy. They allowed themself shut their eyes. A little nap won’t kill me, right? They thought as they drifted off to that soft and calm darkness.
“Hey, Chord,” Someone nudged them awake, “Food’s here.”
Groaning, they sat up and stared at the table. Sure enough, there was food. They had no idea what they got, but it was probably good, right? They leaned over and picked their bowl off the table and over to them. After opening it, they saw it was some noodles. Nothing fancy, really.
After mumbling their thanks, they joined the other in eating.
“What do you mean we almost got robbed?!”
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kkodzvken · 4 years ago
suit up - hawks x f. reader
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the one where keigo marries the girl of his dreams, and then takes her home and shows her just how loved she is. title cred/inspo: suit up by jonghyun
notes/warnings: smut and fluff (your teeth may rot and fall out, you’ve been warned), soft dom!keigo, praise kink, slight size kink, oral (f. receiving), unprotected sex + creampie. reader and kei use the traffic light safe word system and they review it beforehand, and he checks in with her at one point but she’s green, so everything is 100% consensual. they flirt + kei says explicit things at the reception but nothing /actually/ happens in public. mentions of alcohol
wc: 5.3k
a/n: this idea’s been bouncing around my head for a while bc i wanna marry this dumbass so bad :’) my first full hawks fic!! im so happy hehe
You’re so beautiful.
Keigo’s always known, of course. He’s found you beautiful since the very first moment that he laid his eyes on you, all those years ago. He tells you that you’re beautiful every single day, no matter how much you roll your eyes or jokingly tell him to shut up.
You’re beautiful all the time, but there are certain moments that leave him especially breathless. The day that you foolishly challenged Rumi to an arm-wrestling match. The determined look in your eye as you clenched your fist, sweat dripping down your brow and arm muscles straining (you lost, of course – the rabbit hero was ridiculously jacked). The brilliant smile that graces your face whenever he brings you flowers or little souvenirs from his work trips. The very first morning after you moved into his penthouse, when he woke up next to your peaceful sleeping form, and realized that he’d have mornings like this for the rest of his life.
The day that he flew you up to the mountains for a starlit picnic. The smile on your face as you polished off your meal, and the way that your hand flew up to your mouth when he got down on one knee. Your teary-eyed look of pure love as he slipped the ring onto your finger, the diamond gleaming like one of the stars that shone down on you. The way that your eyes rolled back and your legs wrapped around his waist when he took you home and fucked you for hours.
And right now. Keigo swore that his heart damn near burst at the sight of you. The organist was playing, but he couldn’t hear the notes, couldn’t hear anything besides the blood rushing in his ears. Your hands clasped an elegant flower bouquet, and Keigo was sure that the blossoms were pretty, but he couldn’t spare even a second to glance at them. No, his entire focus was trained on you. You, with your beautiful dress that perfectly accentuated the body that he loved so much. When your eyes raised to meet his, and that perfect smile worked its way across your face… he had to bite his inner cheek to try and hold the tears back.
In a simultaneous eternity and heartbeat, you were handing off your bouquet to a bridesmaid and clasping Keigo’s large hands with your much smaller ones. The officiant was speaking, but Keigo didn’t process any of it. The sight of your eyes shining up at him, more beautiful than any of the stars in the night sky, was the only thing anchoring him to the world. He felt like he was floating through a dreamscape with only you, the happiness in his chest powerful and all-encompassing.
You’re talking to a group of your old friends from high school when a tap against your shoulder grabs your attention, and you turn to see your fiancé – no, your husband – smirking down at you. He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close. “Excuse me, ladies,” he says to your friends. “Mind if I steal her for a moment?” His amber eyes glint mischievously, and you swear that a whole swarm of butterflies take flight in your stomach.
Your friends giggle and nod, and then Keigo’s spinning you around so that you’re face-to-face. He’s stunning, in his black suit and red dress shirt, the shade of crimson matching his wings perfectly. “Dance with me, dove,” he says, before leaning down to press a quick kiss against your lips. You nod, and he leads you towards the center of the venue, where most of your guests are dancing to some cheesy pop song. Keigo nods at the DJ, who nods back and switches to the music. Soft synth notes travel through the speakers, before the singer’s dreamy voice floods your ears.
Your hands find their way to his broad shoulders. His wings move to wrap around you protectively. You’re not sure if he even realizes that he does it – it’s such a normal thing, now, for him to shield you, to create a little cocoon for the two of you. You frown as you feel his muscles moving underneath your fingers. “You’re too tense,” you say, fingers gently kneading at the parts of his back that you can reach. “Let me give you a massage once we get home.”
He chuckles, one of his own hands coming up to capture yours. He laces your fingers together before bringing your hand up to his lips and pressing a gentle kiss against your skin. The look he gives you is so tender, the love radiating off his body so palpable, that it makes your knees feel week. “Sweet, but I’m the one who’s going to be taking care of you tonight.” You open your mouth to protest, but he tuts, and a feather flies up to shush at your lips. “No, listen. You’re driving me crazy. Every time I turn my head, I see you looking so damn beautiful that my heart stops. Makes me wanna just pull you away and rip that pretty dress off.”
You gasp at his words, a pretty blush dusting your cheeks. “Kei! People are gonna hear you!”
He shrugs, pulling you even closer and swaying your bodies lightly to the music. “Let them,” he says nonchalantly, but the glint in his eye is pure sin. He leans down so that his lips brush against the shell of your ear. You can’t help the shudder that wracks through your body as his warm breath hits your skin. “You’re so cute when you’re blushing like that. Did I make you flustered, baby?” His fingers release yours, instead gripping your chin and forcing you to meet his eyes. “Answer me, love.”
You nod, feeling small. Only Keigo can affect you like this, can reduce you to a trembling mess with just a few words.
You love it.
He smirks at your confession, pressing a kiss against your cheek before leaning his forehead against yours. “What do you say we jump ship, babe?” Your confusion must show on your face, because he continues. “I think I might die if I have to wait much longer to get my hands on you. And judging by the way you’re acting… I’d bet good money that you’re already dripping for me.”
“Kei!” You swat at his chest before burying your face in it. He laughs, one of his real, genuine laughs that makes your heart soar, before kissing the crown of your head.
“I don’t see you denying it.”
“Shut up.”
“Aw, is my cute little wife flustered?”
Wife. The word sounds so pretty rolling off his lips that you can’t resist retreating from the safety of his chest to press your lips against his. He cups your face with one of his large, rough hands and kisses you back. His wings shift to cover you up before the hand on your waist moves down to pinch at your ass – or, at least, it tries. The layers of your dress obstruct him, and he growls in frustration.
You can’t help but whine as well. You want him all the time, of course. Years of being together haven’t changed how fucking badly you want him all the time. You’d used up all your willpower behaving for the ceremony and the reception so far. You’d been good, had kept your hands to yourself throughout dinner and the toasts. But now, the mix of his body against yours, the dirty words that he’d whispered into your ear, and the cocktails running through your bloodstream were making it very hard for you to ignore the pooling heat between your legs.
You wanted him. You wanted your husband.
“Please,” you whisper. Under normal circumstances, you’d hate how whiny and pathetic you sound, but you’re too far gone to care. “Please, let’s go, Kei. Need you.”
A few whispered words to Rumi, and a knowing smirk from her, and you were gone. It was surprisingly easy to slip out the venue. You’d expected to be stopped by some nosy family member, but it seemed that everyone was too tipsy and having too much fun to care. Nevertheless, you had to be careful once you stepped out into the fresh night air. The number two hero’s wedding was perfect paparazzi bait. You didn’t even want to think about the feeding frenzy that the media would go into if they caught sight of you now.
The night sky was like a shield, though, and it protected you from prying eyes. You’d been discreet when picking the wedding and reception venues, and even more discreet in choosing your honeymoon destination. Tomorrow morning, you and Keigo would fly up to the mountains, where he’d rented a little cabin for the two of you. By some miracle, he’d managed to get a whole week off work – a whole week where you’d have him, entirely to yourself.
But right now, you aren’t thinking about tomorrow morning, or the lovely, peaceful honeymoon that you were about to embark on. Right now, the only thing you can think about is Keigo. Keigo, with his beautifully messy hair that moved like ocean waves as you soared through the air. There’s nothing in this world that you love more than flying with him, pressed against his sturdy body with his strong arms wrapped around you. Light pollution makes it hard to see the sky from the ground, but up here, the moon and stars are breathtaking.
Almost as breathtaking as your husband, who’s eyes are prettier than any stars could ever hope to be.
He looks down and catches you staring, taking him in with your wide, wondrous eyes. You can barely hear anything through the noise-cancelling headphones that he makes you wear whenever you fly, but his words reach you, clear as day – “I love you.”
“And I love you.” Your voice comes out small, stolen away by the rushing wind. You try again, louder this time. “I love you!”
He chuckles, chest shaking as he tries to keep his laughs contained. “You trying to one-up me? I can be loud too.” He takes a deep breath, before tipping his head back and shouting an I love you up into the heavens.
His lips are soft and sweet as candy when they dip down to meet yours. “I’m just so happy,” he whispers against you. “You make me so happy.”
The moment that you set foot into the penthouse, you gasp.
“Oh, Kei,” you breathe, hand flying over your mouth.
He bounces nervously as he locks up the balcony door, not meeting your eye. “Do…do you not like it?”
You march up to him and grab his face in your hands, before standing up onto your tip-toes and planting a kiss on his forehead. “I love it, baby. Really, you’ve outdone yourself.”
He perks up at the praise, kissing your lips once before his hands move down and he picks you up, clean off the ground. You can’t hold your shrieking laugh back as he spins you around, a smile lighting up his face like a god damn Christmas tree.
The house is beautiful. Really, he did outdo himself. Back when you’d first started dating, he’d had to call off your six-month-anniversary date because of a mission. You’d assured him that it was fine, that you understood, but you’d be lying if you said that you weren’t upset. He promised that he would be back in a week at the latest. You’d spent the night with your friends, eating ice cream and watching shitty movies, and left for work the next morning. You weren’t expecting him back for a few days at least, but when you opened your door after an exhausting day at work, he was there, waiting for you. Scratches on his face and bandages on his arms, but he was there. And he’d decorated your apartment with flowers and fairy lights, centered around a haphazardly made blanket fort in the center of the living room. Little candles were placed across the room, each with a red feather standing guard, making sure that the flames didn’t accidentally get knocked over and grow. After you’d gotten over your initial shock – how the hell did you get in here, Kei – you ran into his arms and squeezed him, tight. He didn’t let go of you for the entire night – his body always pressed against yours, fingers constantly entwined, even as he made you cum so many times that you forgot your own name.
It was one of your fondest memories, one that always brought a smile to your face. You’d mentioned it offhandedly last week, while you were in the weeds with wedding planning. Honestly, you didn’t think that he’d even heard what you said, with how stressed and busy the two of you were. He was picking up extra patrols to make up for his honeymoon vacation time, and you were working your ass off to get your overbearing boss off your back.
But he had heard. He heard, and he listened, because that’s just the kind of lover – the kind of husband – that Keigo is. Attentive, sweet, and intuitive. You swear, he spoils you beyond belief. You don’t even know when he got the time to decorate the apartment today, but it’s beautiful. Even more beautiful than the decorations from your six-month-anniversary, because this time, the sight is sweetened by the knowledge that this is your shared home. This isn’t just your apartment, that your friends helped sneak him into so he could fancy it up. This is your shared space, where you’ll spend the rest of your lives together. Where you’ll wake up in his arms every morning, his wings wrapped around you protectively, fragmenting the morning light into shards of red. Where you’ll make meals together and laugh at his bad cooking, where you’ll take sanctuary from the harshness of the world. This place is your home. Keigo is your home.
He finally stops spinning, but refuses to set you down. Instead, he readjusts you so that he’s carrying you bridal style. You almost laugh at how cliché it is. It feels like something out of a cheesy rom-com, but you’re so happy that you feel like you’re in one of those rom-coms.
You do laugh out loud when you see the trail of petals leading to your bedroom. Keigo feigns disappointment, dramatically sighing. “Don’t laugh, princess, you wound me.” That just makes you laugh even more, and soon, he’s joining in, burying his face in your hair as he walks the two of you towards the bed. “C’mon, I’m trying to be romantic! Quit making me laugh!”
“I can’t help it,” you giggle as he gently places you onto the bed. Thankfully, he had the common sense to not put any petals on the actual bed, but the floor is absolutely covered. Blossoms line the walls as well, along with candles that bathe the room in their gentle glow. You take a second to admire how beautiful your husband looks in the soft light. The shadows make his wings seem that much bigger as they unfurl to their full size. He looms over you, looking like the most delicious mix of devil and angel that you’ve ever seen. There’s still a playful smile on his face, but something mischievous simmers beneath it.
“Hope you didn’t forget what you said at the reception hall, baby,” he says, eyes glinting. “What was it? Hmm, something like, need you, Kei, need you to take me home and fuck me, I’m already so wet for you.”
You groan and try to bury your face in your hands, but he’s too fast. He grabs your wrists and pins them above your head, easily wrapping them with just one of his large hands. “You’re making shit up,” you pout. “I only said the first part.”
“So you admit you said it? That you need me?”
“Shut up.”
“Mm, no thanks.”
You groan again, trying to suppress your smile. There are plenty of times that you and Keigo have had “serious” sex, but you mostly find yourself like this, devolving into giggles and teasing. There’s something about him that makes you feel so safe and at ease, and you can’t help yourself from giggling at his stupid remarks. He laughs, and releases your wrists to cradle your face with both his hands. He shifts so that he’s properly on top of you, his thighs on either side of your hips, and bends down to press kisses all over your face.
“My wife,” he breathes, in between kisses. “My sweet, beautiful, amazing wife. This dress is so pretty, but let’s take it off, my love. You don’t need it anymore.”
It takes a few minutes of awkward wriggling and tugging to finally remove the lace monstrosity, but at long last, the dress ends up on the floor. Keigo’s hands are on your body in an instant, fingers trailing over the curve of your waist and snapping the waistband of your panties. “God, you’ve got such pretty little lingerie on.”
“Wanted to dress up for you,” you say, pawing at his tie and trying to loosen the knot. It makes you feel small, to be so exposed while he’s still fully dressed. Normally you love to savor in that feeling, but right now, you need to feel his bare skin against yours. “Now take your clothes off, please.”
You finally manage to loosen his tie enough to pull it over his head. After stopping for another deep kiss, your hands continue their path over his body. His suit jacket comes off next, although he has to help you gently maneuver it off his wings. His cuff links clatter to the ground as you almost viciously rip off his dress shirt, and you moan when you finally feel his warm muscles.
You’re practically grinding into each other by now. Little whines leave your lips as you shamelessly roll your hips, seeking any friction you can get. You can feel his hardness, even through his thick pants, and you chase it with vigor. He’s not much better, a light blush dusting his face as he meets your rolls with shallow thrusts of his own. “Off, off, Kei, need to feel you,” you babble, fingers desperately trying to undo this belt buckle. Breathlessly, he pushes your fingers aside and pulls his belt off, unceremoniously throwing it across the room. You half expect it to collide with a candle and set the entire building on fire, but a few feathers fly out to catch it and gently set it down.
You don’t waste a second in pulling his pants down and throwing them as well, trusting that a feather will keep it from crashing into anything. Your fingers try to pull down the waistband of his boxers, but he tuts and grabs your hand.
You look up at him with pleading eyes. “Please,” you whine.
The smile on his face is gentle beyond belief as he answers. “I told you that I was going to take care of you tonight, baby. Let me make you feel good, okay? Can I make you feel good?”
You want to protest, want to beg him to stuff your face or your cunt and fuck into you until you’re lightheaded, but Keigo’s insistent about making you cum at least twice before even thinking about his own pleasure. And you can’t deny that you’re aching for him. You’re certain that you’ve soaked through your flimsy panties by now, and your mind is hazy with want.
You nod. Keigo takes your face in his hand, gently stroking your cheek with his thumb. “Can you give me your colors too?”
You force your mind to push through the fog, force your heavy lips to move and form words. “G-green for good, yellow for slow down, red for stop.”
“Good girl.” The praise goes straight to your core, and you whine. “Oh, baby, I know I just vowed to give you everything you could ever want, but you’re so damn needy. Be patient for me, okay? Let me touch you.”
You nod obediently, but you can’t fight the urge roll your hips and feel him again. With a soft, scolding noise, he presses one of his hands into your hipbone, effectively pinning you to the mattress. Try as you might, you can’t squirm away. He’s so ridiculously strong, his muscles toned from years of training and hero work, that you’re no match for him. But it’s not so bad. You love the dominance that oozes off his body as he moves down, his hands and tongue exploring every inch of skin that they can find. His teeth nip at the sensitive spot on your neck, the spot that always makes you melt for him. You shamelessly sigh and tilt your head to give him more access.
His right hand, the one that isn’t currently pinning you to the mattress, plays with the lacy edges of your bra. He palms you through the thin fabric, making you groan and arch your back into his touch. It’s not enough, you need more, need to feel more of him before you lose your mind. He seems to read your mind, because he doesn’t even bother to unclasp the bra, electing instead to rip it clean off your body. The snap of the straps breaking makes you gasp, but you revel in the sting of the elastic bouncing back against your skin.
“Couldn’t wait,” he says, not a hint of shame on his face. “You know how much I love to tease, but fuck, I need you now.”
He’s a bit more ceremonious when he removes your panties, choosing to use a hardened feather to slice through the fabric instead of just ripping with brute force. He fucking moans at the sight of you, wet and needy for him. It sounds like absolute heaven, but you don’t have even a second to revel in it before he’s diving into you. The sudden rush of pleasure is electrifying, and you go to instinctively slam your legs shut, but Keigo’s hand is too fast again. His tongue doesn’t falter for even a second as his fingers dig into your thighs and push you open. His lips wrap around your clit and suck, and he’s outrageously loud as he moans into your sex. It’s all so much – he’s licking at you like a man on death row, coaxing little whines and gasps from your lips.
His beautiful eyes are trained on yours, pupils blow out with love and lust. He memorizes every little expression that flits across your beautiful face as he eases a finger into you, eyes only leaving your face to admire the way that your little cunt sucks him in. But he can’t tear his gaze away from you, and the way your mouth falls open, or the way that your eyes flutter and roll back. The way that your hands ball up into fists, alternating between grabbing the bedsheets and lacing through his hair. Fuck, he loves how you pull at his hair when his fingers curl up against that spongy spot inside of you that makes you see stars. Loves the little curses and gasps of his name that spill past your lips as he scissors and thrusts his digits deeper and deeper into your perfect pussy.
“Cum for me, princess,” he groans. “Please, cum for me, need you to be a good girl and cum for me.”
And, well, you did just vow to give him everything that he could ever want.
You throw your head back and almost sob as you gush all over his face and fingers. He’s insatiable, licking and fingering you all through it, desperately trying to lap up every single drop of your juices. Your body is shaking, and you whimper, the overstimulation building until it’s too much, until you’re crying out too much, Kei, ‘s too much!
“Give me your color, baby,” he says, slowing his assault against your body.
“G-green,” you stutter out, the words as shaky as your legs. “Green, don’t stop, it’s just – ah! Kei!”
Your verbal confirmation was all he needed to dive back in, sucking at you with even more vigor than before. His fingers twist and curl against your spot, and his tongue lashes at your clit. He doesn’t stop for even a second, burying himself in your heat. It’s all you can do to maintain your grip on his hair, tugging at it just the way that he loves. You’re thrust headfirst into your second orgasm of the night, crying out his name and positively sobbing at the onslaught of sensations.
When he finally pulls away, the lower part of his face is soaked with your cum. He makes a show of licking his lips clean, not breaking eye contact with you, no matter how much you blush and squirm. He saves his fingers for you, though. A gentle tap at your lips is all it takes for you to obediently open your mouth and take in his digits. You swirl your tongue around, eyes lidded with the afterglow of your pleasure.
But you’re not finished, are nowhere near finished. You suppose that you are being needy, but how could you not, when your husband looks like an absolute fucking god? The candlelight makes your cum on his face glisten beautifully. You whine and pull him in for a kiss, mashing your lips against his and greedily swiping your tongues together. It’s sinful. You can taste yourself on him, and it makes you shudder, makes you need him that much more.
“Please, please fuck me,” you beg, wrapping your legs around his slim waist and trying to pull him closer, closer, closer. “Please, Kei, need you inside me, need my husband inside me.”
“Fuck,” he breathes, so quietly that you would’ve missed it if you didn’t feel the word formed against your lips. “Fuck, baby, okay.” His hand slides between your bodies and quickly pushes his boxers down. He uses a feather to pull them all the way off, because he can’t be bothered to focus on that, not when you’re practically drooling at the sight of his cock.
Your fingers twitch, and you aren’t able to hold back any longer. Your hand finds his cock, marveling at how heavy and perfect he feels as you wrap your fingers around him and guide him towards your sopping cunt. You pause before you slide him in, though, looking up at him with wide eyes. “Can I ride you? Please?”
He curses again under his breath, practically shivering at your words. His strong hands reposition the both of you, until you’re sitting on his thigh and he’s leaning back against the headboard. He cocks an eyebrow and smirks. “Well, then? Get to work, princess.”
You roll your eyes, trying not to laugh at his antics. “What happened to Mr. Let-Me-Take-Care-Of-You?”
“He’ll come out later. If my pretty wife wants to ride me, she gets to ride me.”
You laugh for real this time, but it quickly turns into a moan as you sink yourself down on his length. No matter how many times you take him, he always overwhelms your senses, always stretches you so deliciously. You lean your forehead against his and give yourself a second to adjust, and then you’re rolling your hips, little whines leaving your lips.
“Feels so good, Kei.” You throw your head back, your fingers digging into the strong muscles of his back to anchor yourself. “You always feel so good.”
His eyes are half-lidded and dark as he takes you in. He’s memorizing every inch of your body, every detail and movement that he absolutely fucking adores. “You’re the most beautiful thing in the world,” he whispers, seemingly more to himself than you. “So beautiful. I’m so lucky.”
Your thighs burn, but you force yourself to ignore the pain. You’d rather die than stop right now. His strong arms encircle your waist, and his wings surround your bodies, ruffling with every one of your movements.
You want to ignore your exhaustion, but your husband is perceptive as ever. His hips raise up to meet you, and it sends a fresh wave of pleasure through your body. You’re shaky, though, and you’re getting sloppy.
Before you can even process what’s happening, you’re being spun over and pinned to the mattress. A gasp leaves your lips, and you whine as his cock slips out of you. Your hand reaches out and paws around wildly, searching for him through your haze. Keigo’s quick to kiss you and shush your protests, entwining his rough fingers in your searching hand and stroking his thumb against your palm.
“Relax, angel. Let me take care of it.”
He slides into you again, making you both moan. Your pussy sucks him in greedily, clenching and fluttering around him. He pauses once he bottoms out. His face buries into the crook of your neck, and he presses sweet kisses all over your skin.
You wrap your legs around his waist and squeeze, trying desperately to make him move. “Keigo, baby, please,” you whine, fingers digging into the strong muscles of his back.
He coos, cupping your face and kissing you before he readjusts himself. “Of course, pretty girl.”
His thrusts are deep and hard, so hard that they make the entire bed shake. Your eyes flutter shut, but he grips your jaw and begs you to keep them open – please, baby, look at me, need to see my pretty wife fall apart.
“You’re so fucking perfect,” he moans, teeth nipping at your lips. “So perfect, and all mine.”
“All yours,” you agree. You’re practically babbling by this point, unable to stop the noises slipping past your lips. You’re floating on a cloud, soaring through the sky, anchored only by his body against yours. “You’re so deep in me, Kei, can feel you so deep in me. Please, ‘m so close, just a lil’ bit more, Kei.”
He coos again, hand slipping down to toy with your clit. You wail, sinking your teeth into his shoulder as the coil in your stomach snaps and you gush uncontrollably. You can’t do anything but cry out for him, can’t do anything but cling onto him and shake and twitch. The feeling of you clenching around him is too much, and with a broken fuck and a cry of your name, he spills inside of you. He fucks you through it, the obscene sounds of your combined release making you feel lightheaded and weak.
He holds you for a few minutes, just like that, bodies entwined. You both pant and try to catch your breath. The weight of his body on top of yours is comforting, so you protest when he finally pulls out and sits back to admire the way that his seed drips out of you.
“Come back,” you complain. “What kind of husband doesn’t give cuddles to his wife?”
“The kind of husband who needs to clean her up,” he says with a chuckle. “C’mon, let’s go take a bath.
Your body feels boneless with exhaustion and the hazy afterglow of your three orgasms, so you’re grateful when he scoops you into his arms. You tuck your face into his neck and hum contentedly, unable to stop the giddy smile that blooms across your face.
“I love you, Kei,” you say, planting little kisses over his neck and jaw.
“I love you too, princess,” he says, grinning and poking your nose. He laughs when you scrunch it up and scowl at him. But, with how cute he looks, you just can’t hold the scowl for long. Soon, you’re giggling too.
You look up at him with so much love that it makes his heart ache. His eyes grow a bit more serious, and he dips his head to kiss at your swollen lips. “I mean it, baby. I’m so happy to spend the rest of my life with you.”
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yutahoes · 4 years ago
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A badly written smut from yours truly. Third part of No Strings Attached and Everybody has Secrets. 
characters : boyfriends! Nakamoto Yuta and Jung Jaehyun x Reader
word count : 2.1k words. 
genre: smut (Please be warned)
a/n : This is a spur of a time thing. I just wanted to write something for Jaehyun on his birthday and this is the closest that I can do. Anyway, please just kill me after reading this. 🙈 
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You were already in your second glass of beer, watching how your boyfriend interacted with his guests. Why does his birthday fall on Valentine's Day? And why does he have so many single friends? You should be at his apartment, spending the night together. But here you are, seated by the bar and just watching the sexy man of your fantasy with his friends. 
"Why do you look so lonely?" Yuta asked, sitting beside you while laughing to himself. "You're the girlfriend. You should be there." He gestured to Jaehyun's co-workers who were talking at him, obviously flirting. 
You rolled your eyes then twirled your chair that you're facing the bar counter. You asked the bartender another glass of beer which he quickly gave you and you downed it in one shot. "And you should be there." You gestured at Jaehyun's group of friends seated on one side of the bar, checking out girls. "Aren't you the bestest friend?" 
"That's Taeyong." Yuta corrected. 
"Yeah right." Again, you rolled your eyes. "You even share a girlfriend." 
He chuckled. "A girlfriend who is currently lonely." You glared at him. His hand slipped on your waist that he's now standing next to you. "So baby girl, what did you get Jaehyun for his birthday?" 
You smirked. "Nothing." 
"Not even a sexy lingerie?" 
"Nothing, Yuta." His mouth formed an o when he realized what you meant, eyeing the erect nipples showing on your dress. 
"Then what did you get me?" You stared at him in confusion. Why? "I'm still your boyfriend, right?" You nodded. You agreed on this set-up with both their consents anyway. "It's Valentine's." 
You had to giggle at that, standing up. Your body is so close to him that you can feel his warmth, your nipples poking against his chest under the thin material of your dress. Your hand traveled to his chest down to the bulge on his jeans, squeezing it. "Nothing, Yuta." 
His mouth didn't leave yours as he opened the door to the bar bathroom. One hand on your back to pull you closer while the other went under your dress and into your thigh. His fingers went to your core and you moaned at the contact. You're so wet. You wanted this. You needed this. "Yuta, please fuck me." 
"You're such a princess." He teased then turned you around that you're facing the mirrors of the bathroom, hands on the sink. He slapped your ass that made you moan before pulling your skirt up to reveal your bare nakedness. 
You were expecting him to go down on you first since Yuta is amazing with his tongue but you heard something zip followed by a metal hitting the floor. A gasp escaped your mouth when he entered you from behind, pushing your body to the sink. He pulled out for a while before thrusting into you again that made you shout his name. 
His fingers held your waist, sinking his nails on your skin that it hurts now. He kept on slamming in you, not bothering if you're hitting the sink or if someone walks in on you. "God. Yuta." You kept on shouting, head bowed down since you felt like spinning. Your knees already feeling wobbly at how he was taking you. 
He held your hair in a ponytail, tugging on it and raising your head. "Watch yourself, baby." Your gaze went to your image in the mirror and you swore, you felt like watching a porn video of yourself and Yuta. Your agape lips and the small whimpers escaping your lips made you so turned on that you're clenching on him for your orgasm. 
Yuta's striking eyes locked on you through the mirror and he smirked when he increased his speed. Fuck, he is so rough. So good. You gripped on the sink, face pushed on the mirror as you felt your mind-crippling orgasm took hold of you. Yet he didn't stop even if you heard the bathroom doors opened. "You two really." You watched as the birthday boy smirked while watching you two from the mirror, dimples showing that made him so adorable.
His eyes were focused on you as you groaned at Yuta's thrusts, hands stroking the growing bulge in his jeans. When the Japanese guy pulled out of you, your knees gave way and you sat on the floor. You could still feel his cum inside you but your chin is already held by Jaehyun, jerking his cock at you. 
Ever since this relationship had started between the three of you, Jaehyun had become feral in sex. It's like their roles switched. Yuta is always the one taking care of you after sex, making sure that you take your birth control pills every day. And Jaehyun became more experimental. 
He held the back of your head, fucking your mouth that you felt tears in your eyes. You've given them countless blowjobs before but you weren't used to how rough Jaehyun is especially today. Maybe he is already drunk. You clawed his thigh, wanting to breathe but his length and the closeness of his body on your face doesn't let you. Fuck, he might kill you. 
Your jaw was hurting when he pulled out of you and you sucked in a heavy breath before you felt his cum shooting on your face. Fuck Jung Jaehyun. "My pretty cumslut." Yeah, he's really drunk. He pulled you closer, standing you up then kissed you rough while grabbing your butt cheek. "I'll just finish the party, be ready for me later." What? 
"Bring her home, Yuta." He ordered the guy who was just standing behind you, watching his every move. "Tie her tight on the bed." Your eyes widened in horror. What the fuck? 
Yuta shook his head, handing you some tissues that he got from the side of the bathroom when Jaehyun left the said room. "You wanted this." He wiped the cum on your dress then smiled, "Don't worry, I have a plan to calm him down." 
Honestly, you don’t really trust Yuta but you knew he’s the only one who can save you now. He knew a lot of things when it comes to sex that you and Jaehyun had a hard time exploring. So maybe, just maybe, it was Yuta who can help you now. You weren’t surprised that you entered a sex shop. What’s surprising is what he bought inside: rope, whipping cream, and chocolate syrup. What the hell is he planning? 
He was quiet even if you reached his apartment and opened the light of the bedroom for you. “Take a shower. You’ll need it, sweetheart.” He ordered then disappeared to the kitchen. You were shaking, what is this situation? And why are you suddenly scared of what will happen? 
You took time in lathering yourself, making sure that all nooks and cranny of your body is clean. Judging by the whipped cream and chocolate syrup, it’s food play. But how? And how would that stop Jaehyun? A towel was wrapped on your body when you entered the bedroom. Yuta glanced at you then returned to tying knots by the bedpost. You’ve only been tied up by a belt, a handcuff, or a necktie so this is pretty new. 
His fingers were skillfully tying the ropes on the four posts that made you surprised. Even your feet? “Do you trust me?” He asked and you wanted to laugh. No. But you decided to trust him this time. “Lie down.” 
The rope on your wrist feels foreign but it isn’t uncomfortable. “If you want to stop, you can free your hand by pulling this loose rope.” He explained then showed you what will happen. It’s amazing. How did Yuta know how to tie a knot like that? “I used to be a boy scout, baby.” But still, do they teach how to tie a girl there? “We’ll use your safe word. Do you remember it?” 
You nodded and he smirked before slapping your bare pussy. Words. Yuta hated it when you only nod or shake your head. “Vanilla.” He tied your ankles in a different knot that made you surprised. “Yuta, it’s a little tight.” 
“I’ll unknot them if you say the safe word.” He gazed at your body before smiling. “Now to make you a cake.” He disappeared from the room. A cake? It really is food play. 
The whipped cream feels cold on your body as he started putting some on your breasts down to your navel. He stopped when the cream reached your waist. “Jaehyun will just choose between his cake or your pussy.” He drizzled chocolate syrup in his masterpiece that made you hitch your breath. This is surprisingly turning you on. "You look so delectable, baby." 
You heard keys jiggle and he stood up to greet Jaehyun at the door. You can even make out their voices with Yuta telling Jaehyun that he has a surprise and that he had to choose between two things. Their gazes made you hot that you turned your head to the side to avoid looking at them. You are tied in bed, both hands and feet, with whipped cream on your exposed body. “So is it the cake or Y/N?” 
“Why can’t I have both?” Jaehyun asked and you wondered the same thing. How will this save you from intense sex with your boyfriend when he’s obviously so drunk?
Yuta chuckled. “Because you can’t put anything sugary in her. You’ll risk her of a yeast infection and we both don’t want that.” Wow, you thought, Yuta is good at this. “So you can only have one. I suggest the cake since it’s your birthday.” He’s too good. 
Jaehyun took the bait and started removing his shirt. He started licking one of your nipples that made you moan, tongue playing with the erect nubs. “You taste so good,” he whispered before slurping the whipped cream on your neck. From the corner of your eye, you saw Yuta grinning before going up to the bed with the two of you. You closed your eyes as you felt two tongues on your body, one on your breast and the other inside your core. 
You kept on whimpering, squirming at the unadulterated pleasure that their mouths were giving you. Jaehyun kept on lapping up the cream on your body, sucking and biting on your skin. Yuta, on the other hand, is doing the same on your wetness. Not stopping even when you squirted against his tongue. This isn’t a surprise, Yuta can give you head for hours.
When Jaehyun reached the end trail of the cream, he licked your body going north until to your chin. “Hi.” he greeted while giving you that dimpled smile that you love. “Are you having fun?” Fuck, you wanted to punch his face. You nodded and he kissed your lips, “Thank you. But I’m really sleepy.” Wait, what? You gave him a curious look and you felt Yuta chuckling because of the vibrations he sent through your body. 
Jaehyun just dropped his head on your chest and you pulled your wrists from the constraints to lightly push him off you. "Yuta, stop." But he kept on licking your inside that made you roll your eyes. "Vanilla." He gave you a warning look before pulling the ropes on your ankle. You checked if Jaehyun is still breathing, he's usually not like this. 
"Don't worry, it's just sleeping pills." You looked at Yuta in surprise. "I didn't know the effect happens immediately." 
"Because you don't like how rough Jaehyun is when he's drunk." He reasoned out and you raised an eyebrow at him. "I thought you were going to cry earlier." He threw your towel at you. "If he's sober tomorrow, we'll see if he's going to be that rough. If he still is, I'm going to talk to him." 
Why is Yuta doing this? This is so unexpected of him. "What?" He asked, then giggled. "Are you falling in love with me?" You probably are.
Yuta smiled. "You know Valentine's isn't over and you need a shower." But you just showered. "Let's get you cleaned up, princess." He offered, holding out a hand for you. 
You doubt you'll get cleaned in the shower with Yuta.
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luffles424 · 4 years ago
Tips & Teases
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☼ Pairing: Seokjin x reader
☼ Genre: fluff, smut, pwp (with some plot), skating carhop!reader, diner cook!Seokjin, coworkers 2 lovers
☼ Count: 13.1K
☼ Warnings: 18+, teasing, dom!Seokjin, brat!reader, some possessiveness, big dick!Seokjin, manhandling, mirror sex (sort of, it’s actually a window, but it’s still a reflection), semi public sex, clothed sex, dirty talk, degradation (lots of use of the word slut), spanking, spitting, assplay, pussy spanking, fingering, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, hair pulling, ass worship, ass eating, orgasm denial, oral (f receiving), squirting, choking, unprotected, creampie, aftercare
☼ Summary: Jimin’s annual Halloween costume party presents you the perfect excuse to tease Seokjin, using the party as an excuse to wear flirty costumes to work to try to provoke a response in the man. Are you really prepared for what happens when he snaps?
☼ a/n: This one got a little bit away from me lmao But I hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think! My ask box is always open ~ 💙💙💙💙
☼ Written for @btsholidaybingo​​​​ to fill the square costume party
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“What the fuck are you wearing?”
You glance up at the exclamation, seeing Seokjin leaning against the counter in the pass through, brows furrowed as he takes in your seated form. You hide your smirk by ducking your head to finish tying your skates. It’s not fully the reaction you were hoping for but you’re hoping that’ll change once you stand up and he sees it fully. You thought long and hard on what you were going to wear. You have backups, but you decided to start easy on him. But you were fully prepared to escalate. 
Skates tied, you push yourself up and give a little spin to fully show off your outfit. And to maybe let the already fairly short skirt flair and rise a little higher as you move. You come to a stop facing Seokjin once more, innocent smile tugging your lips as your toe stop presses into the ground to keep you in place. You smooth down the skirt, though the layers of tulle keep it from laying completely flat.  
Seokjin’s eyes drag over your form and you wait with baited breath for his reaction. This was all part of your plan to tease and fluster him. “Again, what the fuck are you wearing?”
You pout. That’s still not what you were expecting, though you think you can just make out the tips of his ears turning red. You put a hand on your hip. “It’s October.”
His head tilts. “Yeah and Halloween isn’t for another two weeks. It doesn’t explain this getup.”
You scoff. “Halloween is all month, first of all. And Jimin’s costume party is coming up and I couldn’t decide on what to wear so I decided to try them out at work first.” You bat your lashes at him, forcing down a smirk. “Does that mean you don’t like it?”
His mouth opens then snaps closed as his cheeks dusted with pink. “There’s no way that Namjoon approved that,” he deflects. Interesting.
You look down at the costume. It’s a fairly generic ‘sexy’ waitress costume. Red with yellow stripes that matches the overall aesthetic of your little drive in diner. The skirt hits above midthigh, puffed out by tulle, so the skirt bounces a little more with each movement along with a small ruffled apron with a pocket that isn’t actually usable. The buttons stop at the right point to give a more than ample display of cleavage. And you’ve paired the whole thing with a set of thigh high socks, leaving only a tantalizing glimpse of your thighs on display. 
You look back up and quirk an eyebrow, smirking. “Joonie was with me when I bought it.”
A ding sounds and you both turn to look at the wall where the board for the all parking spots sits, a light glowing beside the number 12. You swipe one of the order pads and a pen from the counter and move to the door to outside. You give him a wink before nudging the door open with your hip and skating out to the waiting car. 
Seokjin scowls after you and then pulls out his phone, dialing Namjoon’s number. 
Namjoon picks up after a few rings. “Is someone dying or is the building on fire?”
Seokjin frowns, watching as he watches you laugh as you speak with the people in the car. “What?”
“Is someone dying or is the building on fire?”
“I… well no-”
“Then why are you calling me? Jin, it’s my only day off and I know you’re at Omelas right now, so this is clearly a work related call.” Namjoon sighs. He sounds a little tired and Seokjin suddenly worries that he woke him up even though it’s 4 in the afternoon. The manager works far too much for his own good.
“Did you really tell Y/n she could wear a waitress costume to work?”
There’s a pause and then Namjoon chuckles. “Wow she really wore it? Man, her tips are going to be great today.”
Seokjin’s about to respond when he catches sight of you leaning over to speak to another car, back facing him, and the action causes your skirt to rise further up your thighs. He swallows and jerks his gaze away, glaring at the grill and cursing that it’s slow and he has nothing to keep him busy right now. He needs a distraction to keep from just watching you longer. 
Namjoon continues when Seokjin remains silent. “Yes, I said she could wear it. It’s the season and I’m sure it’ll appeal to customers to see them skating in costume and it’ll boost business. Hm, I should probably make up some rules cause I worry what Jimin will wear,” he finishes, seeming to be speaking more to himself. 
“I think it’s dumb.” Seokjin mutters petulantly. Dumb is definitely not how he’d truly describe it. It’s more frustrating, maddening, distracting. He doesn’t know how he’s supposed to focus on work when you’re flitting around looking like that. Maybe he can switch future shifts so he doesn’t have to work the same time as you. 
Namjoon snorts. “Noted. Is that all?”
Seokjin mutters a yes and Namjoon hangs up with a warning to call again only if there’s an emergency. His hand drops back to his side in defeat. Namjoon was the only one who could save him and he apparently is more worried about Jimin’s costume than yours. He stares at the grill, he had really hoped that Namjoon would back him up. He’s not ready for this shift. Maybe he can call Taehyung or Yoongi to come cover and he can fake being sick or something.
The door opens and he looks up, deflating slightly when he sees that it’s just Jungkook, who immediately flashes him a sheepish smile.
“You’re late,” he snaps. He knows he’s not really mad at Jungkook. They’re all guilty of being a little late, but he has nowhere else to channel the feelings simmering just under his skin.
Jungkook grins and tosses his bag into the cubby behind the counter along with his boots before moving back around to sit to put his skates on. “I’m not that late. Besides,” he glances out the glass front doors to where a group of guys have sat at one of the picnic tables under the awning. You stand with a hip cocked, giggling at something one of them has said. “Seems like Y/n’s got everything handled right now.”
“Just get to work before I tell Namjoon you were late again.”
Jungkook stands, shit-eating grin firmly in place as he glances out the window pointedly. “Pretty sure you wouldn’t do that.” And before Seokjin can respond, he skates out the door to see who you want him to take.
Seokjin doesn’t know how he’s going to survive this shift. 
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The next time that Seokjin works a shift with you, he encounters Jimin first. A very shirtless Jimin who’s back is to him when he enters the building. 
“Jimin, what the fuck?”
Jimin turns and grins, quickly moving around the counter so Seokjin can see the full extent of his costume. Or more accurately, his lack of clothing. Because the only thing on Jimin right now that counts as clothing is the tight pair of black shorts that barely even really cover his thick thighs. The only other things on him are a pair of suspenders, a green tie, and two black x’s that cover his nipples. 
Seokjin blinks. “What the fuck are you even supposed to be?”
Jimin adjusts the thick black glasses on his face with a grin. “Class president,” he states proudly. 
Seokjin scoffs. “What fucking class president looks like that?”
Jimin pouts. “Well I was class president. So me.”
Seokjin shakes his head. “Does Namjoon know you’re wearing this? There’s no way he allowed this.”
 “We compromised.”
Seokjin lifts a brow, looking over Jimin’s “costume” once more. “Where’s the compromise?”
He points proudly to the pasties. “These are. And I have a jacket for when the sun goes down and it gets colder.” He turns and grabs the two drinks he had been working on and moves towards the door. “Isn’t Y/n’s costume idea great?” he adds before exiting the building. He also very much does not like your costume idea. He can already feel his sanity fraying with just the thought of working another shift with you in that little waitress getup. 
“That’s… not a compromise.” Seokjin says weakly as he turns to put his bag away, knowing that even if Jimin did hear it, he wasn’t going to respond. 
However you happen to enter and catch what he said and you giggle. “You don’t want to know about the rest of the compromise, Jinnie.”
He’s about to respond; say that he can certainly imagine what the compromise was because Jimin has never been shy about telling everyone how he managed to talk Namjoon into very not Namjoon situations. His words die in his throat though when he catches sight of you as you begin to get some drinks. Nothing about last time prepared him for this. Because you’re not wearing the waitress costume tonight. Oh no, apparently that would have been too simple. You have a different costume on. 
You have thigh high socks on, though these are thicker than the other ones you had worn. There’s a lot more thigh on display as well thanks to the short, white athletic shorts you’re wearing, paired with a cropped white jersey emblazoned with ‘Tune Squad.’ And finishing off the look is a pair of tan and white bunny ears perched on your head and what he discovers when you turn to grab something and much to his horror, is the matching fluffy tail settled right on top of the swell of your ass. 
When you turn back, he has to quickly jerk his gaze away from staring at your ass longer. There’s a knowing smirk when his eyes finally meet yours, like you knew what putting the tail on would do.
Seokjin clears his throat. “And what are you supposed to be?”
You gasp in mock horror, hands coming up to rest over your heart like he’s physically hurt you. “You can’t be serious!” When he doesn’t say anything else, you shake your head in disappointment. “Space Jam is a classic and you’re a heathen for not recognizing Lola Bunny. Shame on you,” you tut. You gather your drinks on a tray and move towards the door, pausing as your back presses against the glass to cast Seokjin an appraising look. “Suppose I’ll have to look for a Bugs Bunny then, hm?” 
And with a wink, you’re nudging the door open and skating out to a table full of guys and Seokjin bristles at the way some of them blatantly stare at your ass. His mind belatedly catches on your parting words and he wonders what you meant. Was it directed at him? Did you want him to be your Bugs? He doubts that, he can’t recall a moment of you ever expressing interest in him as anything more than a friend. Maybe you were making a joke about how you needed someone else to help your costume be more recognizable. Though Seokjin knew what your costume was when he saw it. He just didn’t know what else to say without saying something incriminating.
A snicker has his head whipping around to see Taehyung standing over the grill, eyes trained on the food in front of him.
“And what do you find so funny?” Seokjin asks, tugging his apron off the hook on the wall to put on. 
“You,” he answers simply, flipping one of the burgers in front of him.
Seokjin makes a face. “I don’t recall making a joke.”
Taehyung looks up at him with a boxy grin. “Oh, no. Your jokes aren’t funny. But the way her ass made you so stupid that you forgot a movie is hilarious. I know for a fact that you’ve seen it at least once because we’ve watched it together.”
Seokjin feels his cheeks heat. Taehyung’s not wrong. He probably would’ve recognized the costume as Lola a lot faster if he hadn’t been almost immediately faced with your ass stretching the fabric and the way the cottontail perched just above it in a way that could only draw you to stare. He scowls, he can’t let Taehyung know he’s right. They all tease him enough as is, this would just be one more thing to add to the pile. He moves over to the younger man and tugs the spatula from his hand.
“Aren’t you supposed to be off work now? Go enjoy your freedom.”
Taehyung only takes a few steps away, perching on the stool they keep behind the counter with a smug look. 
Seokjin sighs. “What?”
He gestures to the food before Seokjin. “That’s my food.”
Seokjin blinks for a moment before groaning. He really played himself here. Now he has no choice but to finish Taehyung’s food.
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Seokjin’s positive that he’s prepared for the next time he sees you. He knows to expect something different. And honestly, nothing could be worse than those shorts. Jungkook is there first and Seokjin groans when he sees him. 
“She got to you too?” He whines, looking over the younger man. 
At least his shorts are a more acceptable length than Jimin’s were. And he’s wearing an actual shirt. Really the only thing that signifies that he’s wearing a costume is the pair of bunny ears on his head. Actually, Seokjin’s positive that they’re the ones you were wearing for your Lola Bunny costume. Which confirms that you’re going to be wearing something else. But it’s fine. Seokjin can handle it. 
Jungkook grins and glances out to where a table full of giggling girls sits. “I mean, she had a pretty good idea. The tips have been really good lately.”
“Don’t listen to his grumpy ass, Kookie. You make an adorable bun.” You grin, walking through the door. Seokjin’s eyes trail over your frame immediately, greedy to see what you’re wearing, but all you’ve got on is a thigh length trench coat. “He’s just jealous that no one gets to see his costume.”
Jungkook chuckles as he leaves and it takes Seokjin a moment to realize that he should respond. He frowns. “I’m not wearing a costume.”
Your mouth forms an ‘oh’ of exaggerated surprise, hand coming up to your chest. “You’re not?” 
Your gaze slowly drags over his form and Seokjin suddenly feels a little self conscious that he’s just in sweats and a white shirt. It’s not much, but no one really sees him in here so he just went for comfort today. The way your eyes linger where his apron is tied, accentuating his tiny waist before trailing up to where his biceps stretch his sleeves has the tips of his ears coloring red quickly. He wishes he had longer hair so that you couldn’t see them right now. Then your lips quirk up into a teasing grin.
“Could’ve fooled me. You’ve got the perfect Bob Belcher look going on here, Jinnie.”
Seokjin’s face twists. Bob Belcher? Seriously? That’s how you see him. He scowls, looking over your outfit. “And just what are you supposed to be? A flasher?”
You giggle at his statement, pulling something golden from your bag. A moment later, you’re placing it on your head and he realizes that it’s a short, 4 pointed, gold crown with 4 alternating blue and red gems that sits on a headband so that it stays in place. It looks so familiar but he can’t place why. 
You give him a wry smile. “No, of course not. I had to run to the store so I threw a coat on.”
He rolls his eyes. “Is your costume that-”
He cuts himself off as you slowly slip your jacket off, head tilted as you watch him closely. Now he realizes why the crown looked familiar. Because it’s Princess Peach’s crown. Because apparently you’ve decided to dress like every fantasy he had when he was young once he discovered the Mario games. 
The dress is much shorter than Peach’s is, your’s sits high on your thighs and dips low to show a generous amount of cleavage. You have thigh high white tights one that only accentuate the sliver of thigh that you have on display much the same way your waitress costume did. But this is somehow worse and Seokjin suddenly very much regrets wearing sweatpants today of all days. At least he’s got the apron on.
He turns back to the grill, but the image of you dressed like that will be burned into his brain forever. He might actually die. 
You giggle and he hears the sound of your skates as you move towards the door. “Just have to find a Mario. We’d be so cute together.” And with that you skate out.
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Seokjin’s thrilled that it’s finally the day of the party and that it’s finally Halloween. It means he won’t have to deal with you in your costumes anymore. He honestly doesn’t think he can handle anything else after the Peach costume. Or even seeing the Peach costume again. He has no idea what you’ll be wearing tonight and he is torn on which he wants you to wear. 
Yoongi is manning the grill when Seokjin gets there because it’s a Friday so their shifts overlap for the dinner rush before Seokjin will close down for the night. And he saw Hoseok out taking care of a few customers, but he’s unsure if Hoseok was working the earlier shift or if he took Jimin’s shift so the younger man could set up for the party. He hopes it’s the latter, he worries who would come to replace him if he worked the earlier shift. 
He gives him a nod of acknowledgement before focusing again on the grill as Seokjin gets ready for his shift. He had seriously considered skipping the party later since he’s closing and it means he’d get there late. But it’s Jimin’s party and not only would the younger harass him until he came, he also knows it’ll go late into the evening and so his closing shift won’t affect anything. But the late time does mean that he decided to wear his costume to work, well one of them. He has a second one in his car, a stupid idea just in case you happened to wear Peach again. He knows it’s fairly unlikely, but he supposes that the Mario costume sitting on the car seat is at least a little comforting. Maybe an easy way for him to possibly ask you out. Or just embarrass himself. At least it’ll be at a party and he can drink himself silly when he gets rejected. 
But for now, he’s content with his costume. It at least won’t get a snarky comment from you comparing him to Bob Belcher. Because he actually put a little thought into this costume and he’s pretty proud that he managed to pull together such a good Geralt costume. His hair currently being bleach blond also helped give him the idea. The wig for proper accuracy and sword are in his car, they seemed a little impractical to work in, but the rest of the costume was pretty comfortable. The higher waisted pants are different but he thinks they’re pretty flattering and form fitting and the shirt is just billowy enough to give the illusion that he’s a little buffer than he really is. 
The most telling part of the costume is the wolf head medallion hung around his neck. Which he hopes people recognize for what it is and don’t just think he’s wearing some fancy, period style clothes. Plus wearing it now meant that he didn’t have to change either at work while trying to close or show up to the party and change there. And he’s incredibly thankful that Jungkook, nerd that he is, not only had a sword for him to borrow, but actually had a replica specifically of Geralt’s sword. 
Seokjin tugs his apron from the rack, back to the door when he hears it open. He hears Yoongi let out a low whistle. 
“I don’t know who’s attention you’re trying to catch, but consider it caught.” 
Seokjin turns, curious as to who and what Yoongi is talking about and he feels his breath catch in his throat. Because apparently fate is cruel and has decided that you of course would pick up Jimin’s shift and would be the one who closes with him. He licks his lips as his gaze slowly trails over you. 
He doesn’t even know what to take in first. Your black dress is low cut and short, your legs covered in lacy floral tights. But the most distracting part is the glittering body cage that sits over your dress. It cages your breasts in and accentuates them even more than the dress, extended up your chest to form a collar around your throat. Thinner strips cover your shoulders and upper arms, forming a parody of sleeves. The strands curve around your hips, the ends coming together to form a point that just touches the hem of the dress. 
A medallion hangs at your throat, the circular bronze marked with a starburst. You grin at Yoongi as you slip a lace mask on that sits delicately over your eyes. He realizes that you’re dressed as Yennifer. God and not just any outfit, a much skimpier version of the outfit from the orgy scene of all scenes. How is he supposed to survive this shift now?
There’s no way that you knew what he was wearing. This just has to be all a weird coincidence. A very very weird coincidence that has rendered him completely speechless. You glance at him with the ghost of a smile on your lips as you take a seat to swap your ankle boots out for your skates. He gets another brief glance before you’re skating out to join Hoseok outside.
“You’ve got it bad, dude.”
Seokjin jerks at the words, tearing his gaze from your ass to glare at Yoongi. “What are you talking about?”
Yoongi gives him a flat look. “Come on, everyone can see your massive crush on her.” Seokjin shoots a worried glance to where you stand talking to a car and Yoongi gives a chuckle and shake of his head. “Okay, maybe everyone but her. But dude, come on. How long are you going to pine for? Just go for it already.”
“There is no but here dude. It wouldn’t make work awkward and it’s very clearly not one-sided. Just ask her.” 
Seokjin huffs. He wants to believe Yoongi, he really does. But he worries that you only flirt with him to see his ears turn red and to tease him. You flirt with the others too and it’s hard to tell if you are just flirty in a friendly way or if you truly want more. And he’d hate to make you uncomfortable at work by making a move on you. He turns and chooses instead to ignore Yoongi for the remainder of their shared shift. It’ll get busy anyway so it’s not like he’ll have to try too hard to avoid any further conversation on the topic of you. Something Seokjin would very much like to keep out of his mind given if he thinks about you for too long, it’s going to go straight to your outfit and he doesn’t really need to pop another boner at work while trying to cook. 
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Seokjin gets through almost his entire shift with his sanity intact. There’s 30 minutes until close and there’s only one table here. They seem interested in only getting some drinks, so Seokjin takes the opportunity to slip his apron off and begins cleaning up and getting some of the closing duties out of the way so that he can get out of here sooner and go get very drunk at Jimin’s party and try to pretend that he didn’t nearly see your ass tonight when you bent over in front of him earlier. There was a flash of skin from beneath your skirt and Seokjin had to go spend a few minutes in the freezer. When he came out you looked far too amused.
Seokjin glances out the window, realizing that you haven’t been back inside for a little while and worrying that maybe something happened. But all he sees is you chatting with a table of guys. He’s about to get back to cleaning when one of the guys reaches out to run his fingers down your arm. There’s a coy smile on your face and Seokjin clenches his jaw. He glances at the clock. 5 minutes. 
He debates just kicking them out now. It’s not like Namjoon would fire him for it. He doubts they would even bother complaining beyond making a fuss before they leave. But then your hand comes up to touch his shoulder, just for a moment, and Seokjin’s resolve snaps. He snatches their receipt from the counter where you left it and stalks out of the building. 
You glance up at the sound of the door, smiling a little when you see Seokjin exiting. You and the group of guys startle slightly when he slams his hand onto the table, revealing the bill when he pulls away. 
“We’re closed,” he snarls, grabbing you and directing you back inside. 
You stumble slightly, skates leaving you slightly off balance for the sudden movement but you manage to steady yourself by grabbing Seokjin’s bicep with your free hand and allow him to pull you along inside. He leaves you at the counter as he stomps to the back, muttering something under his breath. You look back outside, seeing the guys exchanging confused looks but they place some money on the table and shuffle off, likely not wanting to see what else Seokjin does when he gets angry. 
You squirm slightly, you’ve never seen him so angry, it’s incredibly hot. Especially with him dressed as Geralt tonight. You wait patiently, watching as the outside lights are shut off and then most of the inside ones as well, casting the kitchen in a faint blue glow from the auxiliary lights that remain on no matter what. 
A moment later Seokjin returns, face set in a harsh look of displeasure. You fight down a grin at pushing him far enough to finally get a reaction. He pauses in front of you, glancing behind you briefly, likely to check that the men have actually left. There’s a soft hum from him that makes your lips twitch up in a small smile and when he catches sight of it, his eyes darken. 
“Something amusing to you, sweetheart?” His cold tone sends a shiver down your spine. 
You blink up at him with faux innocence. “Nothing at all, Jinnie.”
His gaze trails slowly over your face and then he’s reaching and removing the delicate lace mask from your face and tossing it to the counter behind you. 
“I don’t think you’re being honest with me,” he murmurs. He leans forward and your breath catches in your throat, thinking he’s going to kiss you, but he bypasses your mouth, lips brushing your ear as he continues to speak. “I think you did this on purpose and you find it very amusing.”
Your body tingles at his tone, at the way he laces a threat into the seemingly innocuous words. He leans back and you only get a second to admire his smirk before he’s spinning you around and pushing your upper half down against the counter. It takes you a second to get your feet under you with the skates hindering you slightly, but you manage to get yourself stabilized and balanced on your toe stops. 
You plant your hands on the counter to keep stable and glance over your shoulder, only to have your face roughly turned forward once more towards the window. It’s dark out and you know it would be hard to see into the dim windows from the street, but if anyone happens to walk closer, they’d be able to see everything. The thought sends a thrill through you. A hand lands on your ass, cushioned by your dress, but the sudden impact still draws a gasp from your lips. 
“I think,” Jin pauses, fingers trailing lightly across the curve of your ass, “that you have planned all of this with just me in mind, hm?” You don’t know whether he actually wants you to respond or not, but he continues before you can voice anything. “I think someone has been a very bad girl,” the hand on your ass stops and his fingers dig into the flesh harshly. “And that someone needs to be punished,” he finishes with a hiss. 
His hand lands another smack on your ass, a little harder this time, and you feel the slight sting heat your skin. You feel your panties dampen and you squirm as well as you can given the way you have to hold your feet still lest you slip. His hands grope at your cheeks before they slide down enough for him to hook his thumbs under the fabric and he tugs the hem of your dress up and over your ass. 
The hands pause then tighten around the fabric of your dress and you hear him swear under his breath at the sight of your ass clad in black lacy panties, ones that closely resemble your mask, and framed by the lace garter straps of your tights. 
“Fuck… You really did plan this all out…” His hand leaves you again before coming down with a resounding smack, no longer padded by your dress and your thin panties do little to cushion the blow. A moan slips from your lips and Seokjin lets out a dark chuckle. “Oh, are you enjoying your punishment? Well, we’ll just have to fix that, hm?”
He spanks you again, harder this time and you whimper. He hums in approval, hand smoothing over the smarting skin for a moment before he spanks the other cheek just as hard. Your toes curl in your skates at the pleasure-pain that shoots through you. 
Seokjin tsks. “Hm, this just won’t do.” He mutters, seemingly more to himself because you have no idea what he could be thinking until his hand grabs the back of your panties, gathering a fistful of the fabric. It elastic pulls tight across your hips, digging into the skin to the point of discomfort. You whine, trying to push your hips up to relieve the sting but Seokjin just moves with, keeping his grip tight. Then he’s pulling harder, the elastic digging painfully into your skin followed by the sound of seams ripping. A final tug and the fabric tears completely, leaving your ass and pussy bear to Seokjin’s gaze. 
A shudder ripples through you at the display. You can’t believe he just ripped your panties off. You can’t believe how much the action turns you on too. 
A pleased noise rumbles in his chest as the scrap of lace is slipped into his pocket. “That’s much better.”
His hands are back on your ass, no barrier to keep you from feeling the warmth from his palms and the slightly roughened fingertips as they skim across your skin. You push into the touch, greedy for more of the soothing strokes. He chuckles, fingers slipping beneath the garter straps. He tugs them away from your skin before releasing them to let them snap against your skin. 
“Seokjin-” you start, only to be quickly cut off by a sharp smack. 
“Bad girls don’t get to speak unless spoken too, slut.”
You swallow, pussy clenching at his tone. Of all the things you imagined, you never quite imagined something like this. His hand smooths across your skin for a moment before delivering another spank. 
“How many more do you think you deserve, slut?” he muses, hand remaining where it landed with his last smack. 
Another smack. “That was rhetorical. I don’t actually take the opinions of sluts.” His hand rubs at your warmed skin for a moment in thought. “I think 20 sounds fair. For all your little stunts with those costumes. For flirting with other guys where I can see. For teasing.” He pauses for a moment and when he speaks again, the harsh edge is gone. “Green means continue, yellow for slow down, and red I stop. Okay?”
It takes you a second to realize what he’s said and then you’re quickly nodding, excitement mounting at what could possibly be to come.
“I need words, princess,” he murmurs, voice softer than it has been since he brought you inside and it makes you melt a little. 
“Yes, I understand.”
“That’s the first time you’ve been good all night, sweetheart.” You can hear the smirk in his voice and it makes you clench at the mean implications that come with such a simple statement. “But now let’s see if you can keep your good girl streak going while you get punished.” Both hands leave you and you want to turn around and look at him, see what he’s doing, but you feel it will only prompt further punishment. “I want you to count. And if you miss one, then we start all over again, got it?”
You’re nodding before he even finishes speaking, trying your best to keep from squirming. “Yes, sir.”
He chuckles. “Such a good girl now,” he coos.
And then his hand is coming down on your ass, softer than his previous smacks and the gentleness makes you gasp. He pauses and waits and you belatedly let a 'one' slip from your lips. He hums in approval and delivers a smack to the other cheek, still just as soft and you murmur a quiet 'two.'
You squirm. You'd expected more harsh hits and the contrast has you aching for him to go a little rougher with you. He smacks again and again. Every slap of his palm against you only adds to the growing pleasurable sting that radiates across the whole surface of your ass.
He stops when he gets to ten, hands rubbing over the warm flesh. "Color?"
"Green, so green," you whine, pushing your ass back into his hands.
He chuckles. "You're so eager for your punishment that I'm starting to think that it might not be a very good punishment." His hand comes down, much harder than any previous spank and you cry out. "Ah, there we go."
Seokjin sounds so indifferent when he speaks, like he's not even bothered by your bare ass and the noises that slip from you with every connection. You wish you could see his face, see if there is any reaction he has. You want to see the indifference as he’s faced with your bare, dripping pussy and spank warmed ass. The next four spanks are just as harsh and tears gather, threatening to fall. It's so pleasurably painful that you can feel yourself dripping down your thighs. He gives you another small reprieve, hands ghosting along your smarting skin as you pant against the counter.
"Hm, there we go, that���s much better. Color?"
You squeeze your eyes closed, taking a moment to try to gather your foggy thoughts. You feel a few tears drip down your cheeks. "G-green."
His fingers dig into your ass then and you whine as you try to squirm away from the sudden flare of pain. Seokjin just chuckles again and digs his fingers in more. He pulls your cheeks apart and you gasp at being suddenly far more exposed. You clench at the burst of cool air across your asshole and pussy, and Seokjin just holds you like that for a long taunting moment. And then he surprises you further by spitting, the glob of spit hitting just above your asshole and beginning to slide down your crack.
You shudder, a moan slipping from your lips as Seokjin halts the spit from sliding too far by pressing his thumb to your hole. You feel yourself go boneless at the pressure. He hums in delight at the way you relax at only a little prodding.
"Oh? Do you like something in your ass too? My, what a naughty girl," he teases, mocking edge making you whine and press further against his thumb.
His thumb circles, pressing lightly against the tight ring of muscle, slowly spreading his saliva around. He plays with your hole, massaging it for a few moments before he's pulling away. He spanks you again and you tense up at the sudden flip from soft rubbing back to the harsh slaps.
"Didn't think I forgot about the rest of your punishment, did you?"
You quickly shake your head. You actually had forgotten that he said twenty and that you still have five left. But you can't let him know how distracted you had been by him playing with your ass. That you forgot you were being punished. That didn’t seem like it would go over well with him. Tears gather in your eyes as his hand lands again, breath punched from you as the pain builds with each swat of his hand.
Your throat feels rough when you finally croak out, 'twenty.'
His hands completely leave you and you tremble against the counter, struggling to keep yourself upright with your legs nearly boneless. You feel warm and floaty all over. 
"Fuck, you look so good like that." You preen at the praise but he’s quick to laugh. And the mocking, mean edge of it has you whining. "You're absolutely dripping. Did you even learn anything from your punishment? Or did you just enjoy it?"
You jolt when his fingers brush against your tender ass before they trail down to your pussy, running the length of your slit and gathering some of your wetness on his fingertips. His fingers leave you once more and a second later you hear him suck his fingers clean.
He groans. "Fuck, I wasn't planning on doing this as part of your punishment but you taste far too good to not give myself a little treat. It is Halloween after all." You can hear the growing smirk when he continues. "Oh, I have a much better idea now anyway."
His fingers trace your pussy lips and you shift, mindlessly trying to get them where you want them. They pull away and Seokjin delivers a quick smack to your pussy, jolting your body at the sudden burst of pain across your sensitive cunt and forcing a surprised yelp from your lips.
You pout, though you assume he can't see it. That is until you glance up at the storefront and see your reflections in the window and the predatory way that Seokjin stares at you. His grin is feral when you make eye contact, like he's been waiting for you to finally look up and realize that he can see your face as well. He keeps staring at you as his fingers slip through your folds again before he lets one slide inside you.
You moan at the intrusion, but it's not enough. You want more already, body warmed from the teasing and spanking already. He’s barely touched your pussy and you’re already so desperate for him. You clench around his finger, hips pushing back to try to get him deeper. He removes his hand again to land another smack to your pussy, dangerously close to your clit. You moan.
"Fuck, you're so dirty. You like getting your slutty pussy spanked just as much as your little ass?"
You nod, desperate to get more of something, anything he's willing to give you. Simply hoping that by agreeing will get you something. Seokjin spanks your pussy again, this time directly over your clit and you cry out, legs nearly giving out beneath you as the pleasure-pain sensation alights your nerves. His finger circles your entrance slowly before slipping inside once again.
"Seokjin please..."
He drags his finger out slowly before thrusting it back in just as slowly, letting you feel every inch of the digit. "What is it? Please what? If you're going to beg, you're going to beg like a proper slut and use. Your. Words." He punctuates the last three words a harsh thrust of his finger after each one, leaving it buried once he's done speaking.
"Please... Wan-" Your voice breaks as his finger presses searchingly against your walls, finding your g-spot quickly and rubbing against the bundle. The action robs you of all thought, losing track of what you had been saying.
"Yes?" He questions mockingly, like he's not distracting you and making it hard for you to form a coherent thought. "Please what?"
You groan, head dropping forward to press your forehead against the cool countertop. The slight chill that seeps through your sweaty skin grounds you a bit. Enough to string together some words. "Want... Wanna cum, please let me cum..."
Seokjin presses more firmly against your spot and your whole body trembles at the wave of pleasure that washes through you, pushing you closer to orgasm.
"Oh? Do you think you deserve that?"
You nod quickly, squeaking when Seokjin removes his finger to slap your pussy again, the only reminder you get to speak. "Yes, yes... Was good and counted the whole time."
He hums thoughtfully. "I suppose you did. So you want to cum, slut?"
You squirm as his fingers tease alone your folds. It’s maddeningly light, nowhere near enough to push you over the edge. "Yes, please, wanna cum, Seokjin..."
His answering hum should send up red flags but he slips two fingers into your pussy, rubbing immediately across your g-spot with each thrust of his hand and you sink immediately into the pleasure it sends through you. You writhe and his free hand comes up to press against your back, pinning you more securely to the counter. It just makes you writhe more, push the boundaries and feel him press you just a little harder into the unmoving counter. 
His thumbs slips forward on the next thrust to brush against your clit. Your belly tightens with every thrust and stroke of his fingers, orgasm rapidly approaching.
“You’re tightening around me so much. Is my little slut close?”
Your nod jerkily, hips twitching as you rock against his fingers. “S-so close…”
Seokjin stops with one last harsh thrust, switching instead to rubbing incessantly at your g-spot while his thumb circles your clit. “Then be a good fucking slut and cum,” he growls. 
He grabs your hair, tugging your head up so that you're forced to stare at his reflection once more. The look on his face makes you shudder and your pussy clenches around his fingers. Your mouth drops open at the feral look in his eyes and the way he seems wholly consumed by watching your every twitch and reaction. One more twist of his fingers has you crying out his name, toes curling in your skates as he pushes you over the edge. His hand releases your hair, a look of warning keeps you from letting your head drop, and his hand comes down in another spank against your ass and you jolt at the added sensation as your orgasm floods your body.
His fingers work you through your orgasm, slowing only marginally as you shake beneath him. You whine when overstimulation starts to take over but you make no moves to stop his movements. The extra sensitivity only adds to the pleasure that still licks away at your veins.
"Wow, too much and you're not even gonna stop me? Fuck, you really are a dirty, needy little slut."
You whine again, pushing your hips back onto his fingers, drawing an amused huff from him. He thumbs your clit roughly, causing your knees to nearly give out, before he's removing his fingers entirely and you pout at the sudden empty feeling you're left with. His hand slips back into your hair, tightening and pulling your head further back so your chest lifts slightly from the counter and you gasp as your attention is pulled back to his reflection. He smirks at you for a moment and then he's releasing you once more. You collapse against the counter, struggling slightly to keep your footing. 
You're suddenly very much regretting the fact that you have to wear skates at work because it's proving to be very dangerous. You wish you could stop and take them off, but you’re certain that Seokjin wants them on for the fact that it keeps you nearly immboile against the counter. You can’t deny that for the struggle to remain upright aside, being forced to stay like this because of your footwear is just another layer to the arousal that has yet to leave you. 
Seokjin's body blankets your's for a moment as he leans over to press a kiss to your shoulder. "Don't worry. I'll give you exactly what you need."
You have no time to question him because he's straightening once more and then his reflection disappears entirely as he drops to his knees behind you. Your throat feels dry as you wait for him to touch you again but the seconds stretch and he does nothing. You squirm, imagining what he must be seeing from his new position behind you, your pussy spread and dripping, hole twitching with the last vestiges of your orgasm. The way your thighs quiver as you force yourself to remain upright.
Embarrassment heats you at being stared at but the moment your legs start to close to attempt to hide yourself, Seokjin's hands grip your thighs, keeping you spread for his gaze to consume. He hums in appreciation, thumbs brushing your folds as he pulls your lips apart to get a better look at your dripping cunt. His breath ghosts across the sodden skin and you think that he's going to finally put his mouth on you but he surprises you when he lips brush gently against your ass.
He ignores you, peppering kisses across both cheeks, tongue slipping out occasionally to lave across areas made more sensitive by his spanking. He releases your pussy, hands sliding further up to cup your ass, massaging the flesh while his lips move across. It's nothing short of worship and you find yourself quickly getting lost in the attention.
By all means, it shouldn't be as hot as it is. He's barely even doing anything. Just kneading the flesh softly as his lips and tongue ghost across your skin. But every touch sends a spark of electricity up your spine. You wish you could see him, how he must look on his knees, the look on his face. Whether his brow is pinched in concentration like it does when he’s working or if it's relaxed as he takes his time with you.
The first pass of his lips over your asshole draws a soft sigh from you and you can feel the smile that tugs at his lips with his next kiss to your cheeks. He takes his time, only putting the lightest of touches to your hole as he showers attention across your ass. Your mind feels foggy, equal parts on edge for his next move and lulled into complacency by his gentle movements. You trust him to give you what you need, even if you don’t know what it is yet. 
His tongue darts out, circling the tightened ring of muscle with more pressure than he's used before and it causes your entire body to shake. He drifts away again and a whimper slips from your lips at the loss. He moves back to your hole quicker this time, each pass and circle of his tongue coming closer together as he goes.
His fingers dig into your ass, drawing a hiss from you at the flare of pain, and he pulls your cheeks apart. He stops there for a moment and you feel your hole clench at the focused attention.
Seokjin chuckles. "Needy little slut," he coos and then he spits directly onto your hole again.
You moan, feeling as it slowly slides down your ass until it meets your pussy and gets lost in the mess of your slick. He blows cool air where he spat and goosebumps break out across your skin. He blows again and then his mouth is closing over your hole, the sudden warmth has you crying out. Seokjin just hums, tongue tracing your hole.
You shift and Seokjin tightens his grip on your ass, keeping you still and you clench at the casual display of power. He keeps the pressure of his tongue light, enough for you to feel it but keeping you aching for more. And god do you ache for more, his teasing keeps the fire in your belly at just a simmer and you want to be consumed. Your previous orgasm is proving to be nowhere near enough as your clit throbs with need. Seokjin continues his slow pace despite your weak attempts to get him to do something.
He pulls away slightly, breath ghosting over you as he speaks. "If you need something slut, you know how to ask."
And then he dives back in, tongue continuing it's tortuously slow path around your hole. You open your mouth to speak, but Seokjin's tongue dips just inside your hole and you groan at the sudden change. He alternates between slow sweeps of his tongue around your rim and wiggling his tongue just a little deeper into you. The stretch isn't enough to hurt, not with how relaxed his previous attention has left you, and you find yourself wishing that there was just the slightest bit more stretch.
Seokjin's words come back to you and you swallow as you try to articulate your needs to him. "S-seokjin... Need more, please..."
He hums but makes no move to do anything about your whining. He's methodical and it's almost worse than the spanking in how torturous it is.
"Please... Fuck, Seokjin, please, please, please..."
Your begging seems to be what he was waiting for because one of his hands slides from your ass to trace along your slit. You moan at the contact, not expecting him to go for your pussy but you let out a happy noise as a pleasurable shiver runs through you. His fingers find your clit and he runs his fingers around it for a brief second before he’s pinching the sensitive bud. 
You cry out, thighs trying to close instinctively, but Seokjin’s body prevents you from moving them closer than an inch. You feel his smirk against your ass as he pinches again. You whimper, the pain sending sparks of pleasure through your body. He switches to circling your clit, soothing the painful throb he created and it lulls you into a false sense of security for when he thrusts his tongue as deep as he can into your ass. 
You choke on a moan as he thrusts his tongue in again, pairing it with another, slightly more gentle, pinch to your clit. You press your face to the counter, struggling to catch your breath amongst the assault of sensations that Seokjin lavishes upon you. But your attempts are nearly useless as he constantly changes what he’s doing, giving you no time to get used to anything and managing to surprise you with every single twist of his fingers and every thrust and curl of his tongue. 
While you struggle to keep yourself upright, you can feel your orgasm steadily building from the constant attention of his mouth and the abuse to your clit. It’s only a matter of time before you cum again. But you know you can’t, not without his okay, although the thoughts that flit through your mind of possible punishments for cumming without permission are incredibly enticing. That can wait for another day. 
“G-gonna… Gonna cum, can I cum? Please, Seokjin… p-please let me cum…” you babble, feeling that knot inside you continuing to tighten and you can only try to stop it for so long. 
He pulls away, teeth nipping at the underside of your ass while his fingers continue to play with your clit. His mouth drifts a little lower and his teeth dig into the meat of your thigh. 
“Please!” you shudder, the added pain pushing you much faster towards your end.
His tongue traces soothingly over where he just bit, but he remains maddeningly silent. You blink away tears, though you’re not sure if they’re from the pain, frustration, or pleasure. 
“Please…” you whimper. 
He shifts to the other cheek, biting down again and you’re so close to cumming now. His tongue soothes the spot once more and you feel your body tensing with the first inklings of orgasm.  
But just as you reach the edge, nearly toppling over into the pleasure, Seokjin is pulling his hands and mouth away from your body, stopping your orgasm in its tracks. 
You let out a sob, a pitiful, whiny ‘no’ slipping from your lips as a few tears slide down your cheeks as your orgasm slowly slips through your fingers. 
“I don’t recall saying you could cum.” His hand comes down on your ass, right on top of where he bit. 
“I a-asked… Please, I was good.”
“You asked, but I didn’t say yes, slut.” His hand swats at your pussy next and you nearly cum from the action with how on edge you are. 
Seokjin seems to notice if his dark snicker is anything to go by. “Oh? You liked that? Seems you liked it a lot, you made such a mess of my fingers.” He slaps your pussy again and it jolts you closer to orgasm again. “Think you could cum just from me spanking your slutty little pussy? Fuck, I want to try. Do you want that, dirty girl?”
You nod without thinking. You’d do just about anything if it means you get to cum. And the sting only makes the pleasure feel all the better. “Please…”
You hear him shuffle for a moment, the sound of fabric rustling, before he’s nipping at your ass again, leaving teasing stings until his tongue can swirl around your asshole once more. His hand slaps your pussy the same time that his tongue slips back into your tight hole. You gasp and he starts alternating thrusts of his tongue with smacks to your clit.
Your body feels wound tight, every sensation that Seokjin showers on you sending you so much closer to the edge. It feels like you and Seokjin have been doing this for years with how well he seems to be able to read your body. You cry out as Seokjin pinches your clit once more, thighs quivering with the effort it takes to keep you standing.
Seokjin's tongue slips from your hole, but he remains close, lips brushing the sensitive furl as he speaks. "Come on, slut. We both know you can cum from this. Be good and let go for me."
His tongue circles your hole slowly and then it's slipping back in and he picks up a fast pace of fucking you with his tongue, interspersed with slaps and pinches to your clit, seemingly using no method and keeping you on your toes in guessing what will come next. Your high crests from the mixture of pleasure and pain and you cum with a sob, pussy clenching around nothing. Seokjin's fingers press to your clit as the first ripples of your orgasm rush through you and he skillfully draws your orgasm out for as long as possible. Your body feels electrified, pushed into overstimulation but your breath has been completely robbed from you with how good everything feels too, at the way Seokjin so easily manipulates your body to his every whim.
Slowly, he pulls his mouth and fingers from you, sitting back on his heels. You pant against the counter, hot air blowing back into your sweaty face but you're too exhausted to care. You kind of just want to slide off the counter and lay down on the floor, even though it's the kitchen floor and is probably gross. Seokjin pats your ass and it somehow feels condescending and you feel your pussy give a weak twitch.
"Enjoying yourself, slut?" All you can muster is a pitiful whine, which draws a snicker from him. "I certainly hope you are, because we're far from over."
You whine again. You honestly don't know if you could take more. Your body has never been so worked over without actually being fucked too. You don't even know what else he could do short of fucking you finally. Which had been the goal of this whole game to begin with, but he's far surpassed your expectations. Maybe you should push his buttons more often if it results in being so utterly ruined. You definitely know that no one else will ever be able to make you feel as good as he has. Seokjin's hands rub soothingly at your thighs and the action is so grounding that you feel a little dizzy.
"Color, sweetheart?" His voice is soft and gentle, so different from the mean tone that's been coloring it until now.
It takes you a moment to be able to speak, but you manage to get out a raspy 'green.'
"Need any water or a break?"
You think about it for a moment. You could take a break. Maybe take your skates off. But you really don't want to either. There's something about not being able to move that makes it even better, makes you feel powerless even though Seokjin has plainly handed you all the power here. You just want more. 
You shake your head. "I'm good."
His hands massage at your thighs for a few more moments before his fingers dig harshly into the newly relaxed muscle. You gasp and he gives a chuckle. "What a good little slut you're being now."
"Yes... 'm good."
Seokjin chuckles darkly. "That remains to be seen. You haven't even gotten my cock yet and you can barely even speak properly anymore. Not so cocky now, huh?"
He gives your ass a quick swat, it's far more teasing than meant to cause you any pain. His hands slide up your thighs until they just meet your ass and then his thumbs are pulling your soaking folds apart with a groan. Mirroring his earlier actions, he blows cool air across your pussy and you shudder at the way it feels against your heated cunt. His tongue lightly traces your folds and he lets out a contented noise like he’s tasting the most exquisite dish he’s ever eaten. 
Then he’s licking a wide stripe up your slit and you cry out, pussy so sensitive after two orgasms already. Seokjin eats you out like a starving man, tongue working over every inch of your pussy, mapping every spot that makes you twitch and moan. You writhe, or at least you try your best with Seokjin’s hands holding your ass and keeping your lower half mostly immobile. 
Seokjin pulls back with a smack of his lips. “For such a little devil, you certainly taste like heaven.” He snickers before diving back in. 
His plump lips wrap around your clit, tongue flicking lightly at the nub before he sucks. Fire simmers in your veins and you’re surprised at how quickly your orgasm builds again when he’s barely done anything just yet. He suckles lightly, pleasure surging through you. Releasing your clit with a pop, his tongue drags agonizingly slowly up to circle your entrance. He’s methodical, tracing around your hole with just the right amount of pressure before dipping back down to mouth at your clit and then back again. 
You feel yourself dripping, Seokjin noisily lapping up all that you have to give him. Seokjin’s fingers massage up to your ass, digging in and sending a spark of pleasure through you from the sting his grip brings. A hand abandons your ass, finger joining his mouth on your cunt. They work in tandem, fingers toying with your clit while he licks into your pussy. Then they switch, two fingers slipping deep inside you as his lips wrap around you clit once more. 
Time slips away from you, your mind hazy and body on edge as Seokjin plays with your pussy to his heart’s content. His tongue presses at your hole with a little more force and then his teeth graze the sensitive skin and you moan. You feel his smile when he presses his lips against you next and then his tongue is sliding into you. You moan as his fingers pinch at your clit at the same time. 
Heat pools in your belly as he starts fucking his tongue into you and you babble as you feel your orgasm rising as his fingers circle your clit, begging to cum again. He gives you a gentle pat on the ass with his free hand which you assume is meant to be his form of permission since he seems to not want to remove his mouth from your cunt. His fingers move faster and you teeter on the edge. You’re so close. So close that it’s driving you delirious with pleasure. But you just can’t quite get there, missing something that you can’t even fathom let alone ask for. 
Seokjin, ever perspective, seems to know exactly what you need as he slips a finger in with his tongue, pressing down on your g-spot and making you cry out. The insistent pressure combined with the fingers on your clit and tongue still thrusting into sends you over the edge. Bliss floods your body and you feel yourself gush around Seokjin’s tongue and fingers. He drinks up what he can before he’s pulling his mouth away with a curse. 
“Fuck, what a messy fucking slut. You made such a mess squirting, you little whore. I just cleaned these floors. I should make you lick them clean.” You clench around his fingers at his words and he lets out a dark chuckle. “Fuck you like that? Of course you would, you wouldn’t be my dirty little slut otherwise.”
His fingers continue their ministrations and you whine that it’s too much. Seokjin pays you no mind, slipping another finger into you. 
“Come on, slut. I know you can cum again.”
You shake your head. “C-can’t… not… No more…” You squirm, trying your best to get away from the relentless pressure against your clit and g-spot. 
His fingers slow for a moment. “Color?”
You swallow. It hurts, but not necessarily in a bad way. It doesn’t feel like it’d be too much to go on. You’ve never been pushed so far and there’s a thrill that runs through you when you think about discovering what exactly your body can take, even more excited that Seokjin is the one to test the bounds and that he makes sure to check in, to remind you that the safe words are there if it’s too much. You trust him to listen if you need to slow down. But you don’t want to, not right now.
You can feel your wetness literally dripping down your thighs and seeping into your tights makes you feel warm all over, overcome with a need to see how soaked they could get. “G-green, please…”
Seokjin hums, fingers picking their pace back up. “There’s my good little slut. Come on, cum for me like a good little whore.”
His mouth latches onto you again and you shudder, body still worked up from your squirting orgasm that it takes so little effort for Seokjin to push you over the edge again. Your mouth drops open on a soundless scream, pussy convulsing as you gush around his fingers, wetness dripping down his hand and to the floor. You whimper and Seokjin carefully slips his fingers from you. He laps gently at your folds, just enough to send tingles of pleasure up your spin.
He pulls away with a groan. “I could eat you out all night.”
You’re torn between imagining the idea and fearing for your poor pussy if he were to actually do that. He stands and you lift your head enough to look at his reflection when it comes back into view. Your breath catches in your throat when your gaze is met with his bare chest. You have no idea when he had stripped his shirt off and you mourn the fact that you didn’t get to see and appreciate the sight more. He shifts slightly and his chin and chest glistens and you feel your body heat with embarrassment when you realize that you were the cause of that. He meets your gaze and winks.
“Think you’re ready for my cock, slut?”
You whine. You honestly don’t know how much more you can handle, but at the same time, you absolutely have to have him inside you. “Please, Seokjin, please… want it.”
His hands give your ass a quick squeeze before they’re leaving you and you can see him focusing on his pants. You curse your current position and the fact that it keeps you from being able to see his cock in all its glory. You know it’s got to be beautiful. It’d be criminal if it wasn’t. 
He smacks your ass with his cock, leaving a smear of precum across the skin. God, how long has he been hard for? How did he hold out for this long? You squirm and he chuckles. 
“Beg a little more, slut.”
You wiggle your ass, pouting. “Please, Seokjinnie… Please, I want it. Want your cock, wanted it for so long… Please I-”
Seokjin cuts your begging off as he roughly thrusts into you. You cry out, hands scrambling for purchase against the counter as his cock stretches you out all at once. He’s huge, so much bigger than you ever dared imagine. Long and girthy and so perfect to fill every inch of your pussy. You’re honestly not sure how he fits, you feel full to bursting with him buried to the hilt in your cunt. You wished you’d gotten to take your time with it, had him stuff it down your throat. The thought makes saliva pool in your mouth. You’re definitely going to repay the favor and worship his cock when you get the chance.
He swears. “Fuck… your cunt…”
His fingers dig into your hips as he holds himself still for a moment. Then he’s pulling out until just the tip remains before slamming back it, jolting you forward against the counter. Seokjin starts a fast pace, immediately overwhelming you and giving you almost no time to adjust to him. 
His grip tightens on your hips, enough to feel like it’ll be a bruise by morning. “Think you can cum again for me, slut? Cum on my cock for me, baby?”
You whine and shake your head. “N-no… please, can’t…”
Seokjin slams into you, draping himself over you and letting a hand snake around your throat. He waits, giving you a chance to say no to this and when he receives no denial, he squeezes lightly. You gasp and he squeezes a little tighter. You feel lightheaded and if it wasn’t for Seokjin’s body pinning you to the counter, you’d probably slide to the floor. Keeping his grip on your throat, he grinds into you, savoring the way your pussy clenches around him.
He loosens his hold slightly and meets your gaze in the window. “You’re going to cum for me again. And your pretty little cunt is gonna milk every drop of cum I have to give you. How does that sound, baby? Want me to fill your slutty little cunt up?”
As much as you don’t want to, you honestly have no idea if your body is even capable of having another orgasm, you want to find out. And the thought of Seokjin fucking you full on top of it has you nodding to his words almost instantly. “Yes, please… Seokjin, please, fill me up…”
His hand tightens again and he gives you a pleased smirk. “You’re so well behaved now. Hard to believe how much of a naughty little brat you’ve been lately.” 
He switches from grinding to thrusting again, though his position over you means that his thrusts are shorter but no less rough. His other hand slides around to your front, fingers brushing your clit. You clench around him and receive a low moan from him as his grip on your throat loosens again. His fingers circle your clit and you can feel your orgasm quickly creeping up on you. You briefly wonder if it’s possible to die from too many orgasms. But then Seokjin nips at your neck, drawing your focus back to the way his cock drags along your walls and the filth he’s murmuring into your skin as his fingers work faster. 
It washes over you and you cum with a cry of his name, pussy convulsing around his cock. You feel his breath puff against your skin as his forehead presses to your shoulder. His hand falls away from your clit, planting itself once more on your hip as his thrusts pick up speed now that he’s chasing his own end. 
Seokjin’s hips stutter to a stop as he cums with a groan pressed to your skin. His cock twitches inside you as he empties himself in your pussy, filling you up. You sink against the counter, praactically purring in contentment at the flood of warmth that he releases within you. He pants against your skin for a long moment and you let your exhaustion slowly wash over you. You’d give anything for a bed right now and to never have to move again. 
Seokjin pushes himself up and then slowly slips out of you. You whine at the loss and you get a soft chuckle. His hands rub soothingly at your back before they come to rest on your waist. He gives you a squeeze.
“I’m gonna help you stand and get you sitting on the counter, okay?”
You groan. “Don’t wanna…”
Seokjin huffs a soft laugh. “I don’t care. I need to make sure you’re okay and we need to get your skates off.”
He starts moving you, though you know you aren’t much help with how jelly-like your limbs feel. He finally gets you seated on the counter and it takes all your remaining strength to stay sitting upright. You blink hazy eyes at Seokjin; he’s tucked himself back into his pants but they still remain undone, giving you the faintest glimpse of his cock. You pout, you’d wanted to see it. 
His hands cup your cheeks, directing your gaze to his eyes and you blink slowly at him. He gives you a soft smile. “There you are.” His thumbs stroke gently across your cheeks, wiping away the last bits of your tears. “Can you stay sitting up for me? I’m going to get you some water, okay?”
You nod, frowning when his hands leave your face. You want him to keep touching. He turns, grabbing a cup and quickly filling it with water. He hands it to you, helping you when it almost slips through your lax grip. He makes you drink half before he lets you set the cup down. He leans down and makes quick work of your skates, tugging them from your feet. You sigh in relief, feet flexing at finally being free from their confinements and a surprised noise leaves your lips when you feel his thumbs dig into the soles of your feet. He rubs each foot and you nearly fall asleep from the relaxation that slowly spreads through your system.  
Seokjin stands, his hands coming back up to cup your face. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay,” you croak out, lips pursing at how wrecked your voice comes out.
You can see Seokjin fight down a prideful grin as his thumbs stroke your cheeks. It’s silent for a few moments before he’s gasping and you give him a questioning look. He tuts, though you don’t know if it’s directed at you or himself.
“All that and I haven’t even kissed you yet.”
You giggle, he does all that and is worried about the fact that he didn’t kiss you at all. He tilts your head up, soft smile pulling at the corner of his lips. You blink at him for a moment, not expecting him to follow through with fixing that. But when he leans in, you let your eyes slip shut. The kiss is sweet and chaste, the complete opposite of everything that just happened. It lasts for just a moment and you ache to have more of the feel of his plush lips pressed against yours. 
He grins as he pulls away and then busies himself with finding your shoes and your bag, helping you into them. He presses a kiss to your forehead and presses the water back into your grip with the instruction to finish it. He slips his shirt back on, tucking it back into his pants and then he’s darting out the door. Which confuses and alarms you for a split second before you realize that he’s grabbing that money that then men had left on the table. 
He’s quick to cash the ticket out, slipping the hefty tip they left you into your purse before taking the drawer back to the office. He’s gone for a few minutes and you sip slowly at the water while you wait. Now that you’re alone, you wonder what all of that meant. If it was just a culmination of sexual tension and frustration or if there was something more there. Hoseok and Jimin have regularly pushed you to tell Seokjin how you feel. But you’ve always kept that hidden, not wanting to make work suddenly weird when this job and your coworkers are the best you’ve ever had.
And the costumes hadn’t gotten Seokjin to ask you out or offer to be the other half of the pair costumes despite the hints you tried dropping. Maybe he just wasn’t interested in that and just wanted a quick fuck. But some of his actions disprove that. Maybe he was just as nervous as you to ask. 
He reappears, pressing another kiss to your forehead as he takes the empty glass from you and sets it aside. 
“Think you can stand now?”
You shake your legs out experimentally. You certainly seem to have a little more control over them. “I can try.”
That draws an amused snort from him and he helps you down from the counter, hands not leaving you until he’s sure that you’re safe to stand on your own. You adjust your dress, pulling it back down and wincing slightly as the slightly rough material drags over your ass. Your bare ass. You glance around the floor. 
“Hey, where are my underwear?”
Seokjin’s back is to you as he wipes down the part of the counter you were just sitting on. “Oh, they’re completely ruined.” He glances at you over his shoulder with a smirk. “And mine now.”
You squirm, feeling some of his cum drip from your abused cunt. Well at least you’re just going home. You can make it that far. Not that they would’ve been much use to you ripped anyway. Maybe you should make him buy you a new pair. That request might come after the feelings talk though. 
Once he’s done, he wraps an arm around you, pulling you into his chest and pressing a kiss to your hair. “Ready to go?”
You hum and nod. You are seriously ready to sleep for a day. You’re glad that you don’t work tomorrow. You don’t think Seokjin does either. Maybe you can entice him to stay the night and you could cook him breakfast before the two of you talk. 
Seokjin leads you out of the building, locking the door as you go, and guides you towards his car. Your’s is at home, though you’re not sure if Seokjin already knew that or is just directing you towards his car because he doesn’t trust you to drive right now. To be fair, you don’t think you could actually drive if you had to. You’re glad that you’d been planning to drink at the party and so you were just going to either catch a ride, stay at Jimin’s, or get an Uber so that your car isn’t left in the lot overnight. 
Once settled, he starts the car and pulls out of the lot. You frown watching him turn. 
“Seokjin, I live the other way.”
“I know.”
“And you live the other way.”
He smirks. “I know.”
You swallow. “Where are we going?”
“Well, it’s a shame for you to get all dressed up for a party and to not even go to show it off.”
“I can’t go to a party like this!” You only briefly caught sight of your full reflection but you know how fucked out you look. He can’t seriously be taking you to the party right now. 
Seokjin’s hand lands on your thigh. “You had no problem going to work like that.”
You whine and squirm, immediately squeezing your legs together when you feel another dribble of cum slip from you. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
Seokjin just hums, driving the rest of the short distance to Jimin’s house in silence. You try your best to fix yourself up in the mirror so you don’t look completely ruined. It’s only slightly effective. You wish you had Yennifer’s powers, then you could just magic your way home. Would serve Seokjin right. 
He parks and helps you out of the car before reaching into the back for a wig and a sword. He adjusts both items and you look him over appraisingly. 
“At least you’ve got Geralt’s brutish personality down.” You tease. 
Seokjin takes your hand and presses a kiss to it before using it to lead you to the house. “I’d like to think I’m far more charming than him.”
You giggle. “That remains to be seen.”
The party is in full swing when you enter and it takes the both of you a few moments to find your friends. When you do, they all are quick to take in your appearance and the way Seokjin’s hand is wrapped around yours. Jimin crows victoriously, slapping Taehyung on the back.
“I told you! You owe me!”
You bury your face in Seokjin’s shoulder to hide your embarrassment. You just wanted to go home and cuddle. Seokjin’s lips brush your ear.
“If you promise to stay a while, we can get revenge on him and go fuck in his bed.”
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im-no-jedi · 3 years ago
MLWTBB: First Time For Everything
aka the (continued) journey into my self insert nonsense✨
chapter summary: Hunter single-handedly fights off some of Eldya’s droids, including one very unique from the rest...
notes: this is a continuation of my story, “My Life With The Bad Batch”; I highly recommend reading that first before this one! I created a few new planets for this story. I’m also not 100% versed in SW terminology, so forgive me if some things are labeled incorrectly! each chapter will be rated accordingly, as opposed to the overall fic. lastly, there is romance in this story. hope you enjoy! 💙
add. notes: this chapter was edited and proofread by my sis @jam-n-ham! thanks sis!! 😋💙
Chapter 12, 3800+ words, rated T (gun violence, physical violence, and destruction; it’s a Hunter chapter what did you expect 😝)
previous chapters: Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11
next chapter
✨MLWTBB masterlist✨
It wasn’t easy being a soldier. Putting your own life at risk for the sake of protecting others was something most people would never willingly choose. But not all soldiers get a choice. The Clones of Jango Fett certainly didn’t. It’s what they were created for, after all. But things were different now. The war was over. Sure, most of the Clones still served under the Empire for the sake of protecting the peace. But not all of them lived that life anymore. The Bad Batch certainly didn’t. They’d chosen to leave and start a new life outside of war and the Empire.
Which made it all the more ironic that Hunter was currently on the run from a group of hostile droids.
He’d been running from them for a while now, having chosen to be the main distraction while everyone else focused on other things. His brief encounter with Hannah had been one of the few moments he’d gotten away from them, thankfully. It was still a wonder he’d been managing so well without any weapons whatsoever. But then again, he was pretty good at dodging any dangers that came his way. Quite literally when it came to the blaster fire he was currently on the receiving end of.
Only three of them were on his tail, which wouldn’t have been a big deal normally. And it probably wouldn’t have been so bad had he still been in the large grand assembly. But he’d taken a venture outside into the surrounding halls to search for the head droid Hannah had told him about, and it didn’t take long for him to encounter the three currently chasing him down.
To call it a chase was a stretch though. The droids moved fairly slow, about as fast as the B2 Super Battle Droids he’d fought many times before during the war. If anything, Hunter was gradually leading them down the hall, using himself as bait. He knew he had a better chance to fight them off in the grand assembly, as there was barely any place to hide in the hall they were currently in.  
Eventually, Hunter made it back to the chamber that led into the grand assembly. The giant doors to the assembly were still open, and he nearly ran straight inside, but an idea crossed his mind. There might be a way to take them all out without them even stepping foot inside the assembly.
With blaster fire still aimed in his direction, Hunter leapt to the side and stayed at the edge of the hall, waiting for the droids to get closer. As soon as the first one stepped into the chamber, Hunter jumped onto it and used his own weight to swing the droid around in the opposite direction, back at the others. The droid was still firing its blasters, and in the process of being swung around, it gunned down one of the other droids before attempting to grab at Hunter. It barely had time to switch its hands out before the other still standing droid began firing, attempting to hit Hunter. But Hunter was too quick and swung off the droid, sliding between its legs as it was gunned down by the last standing droid.
There was just the one left now. Hunter briefly looked back at it to make sure it was still following him, then quickly began making his way for the large doorway. Blaster fire continued to barely graze his armor as he stepped into the grand assembly. The droid advanced towards the doorway, with Hunter staying off to the side to avoid the blaster fire.  
As soon as the droid’s foot was in the doorway, Hunter slammed the panel for the doors, nearly crushing the controls. The massive doors began sliding shut and didn’t stop until the sentry droid was wedged between them, slowly being crushed by the weight of the doors.
“Karkin’ safety hazard,” Hunter huffed as the droid twitched and sparked from in-between the doors.
Chest heaving from exhaustion, Hunter slowly slid down the wall and practically plopped onto the floor. Finally, he could take a moment to catch his breath. Even while wearing his bandana, he had beads of sweat dripping down the sides of his face and lifted his helmet to wipe them off. A slight taste of blood was in his mouth, and he realized he’d accidentally bitten his own lip during that scuffle with the droids. He was used to the taste of blood and didn’t even give it another thought.
He knew he probably didn’t have long to rest. But in that moment of respite, Hunter reminded himself of why he was doing what he was doing. It was the same reason he did anything, really. He’d realized long ago, even before the war was over, that his motivation and loyalty belonged to his family. Of course he’d had loyalty to the Republic before too. But it was secondary to those closest to him. If anything, the creation of the Empire had only further proved that fact.
He may have been created for war, but Hunter knew his life meant nothing if he couldn’t take care of and protect his family. They were his life.
Hannah’s words from earlier suddenly crossed his mind, and he let out a small sigh. “I want you to be safe too.” At the time, he couldn’t fully express his feelings. But it had genuinely touched him to hear that from her, as unusual as it was. He knew she blamed herself for what had happened on Volruna. But it wasn’t her fault. If anything, it was his fault for letting her get to that point in the first place.
He’d nearly lost her that day too, after all. The memory was foggy, but he could remember seeing Hannah at the edge of that scaffolding with a blaster pointed at her face by Vin Drazundr. Through sheer willpower, Hunter had powered through his life-threatening injury and delivered a killing shot to that devilish man, the fool who’d tried to kill the woman he cared for so deeply. And he’d do it again if that’s what it took to protect her.
Perhaps that’s what Hannah had meant earlier as well. But... why?
Suddenly, something caught Hunter’s attention. He’d been tracking the droids and could identify them immediately by that point, and it sounded like there were a couple of them nearby. One was somewhere behind the stage and another somewhere in the highest balconies. Even though it would be easier to deal with the one behind the stage, it would be more trouble dealing with the one from the balconies from his position. He decided to take care of that one first.
By then, Hunter knew several ways of getting up to the balconies. He started by parkouring off a table to get to the closest balcony, then took one of the connecting stairways to get up one level higher. The droid was one more level up from what he could gather, although he hadn’t seen it yet. He decided to go the parkour route again and leapt off a table, this time grabbing onto a large wall sconce before leaping up onto the balcony.
There was still no droid to be seen. He could hear it though. And it was close.
As still as a statue, Hunter maintained his position and waited until the droid came into sight. To anyone else, the room would’ve sounded deathly silent. But the sound of approaching metallic footfalls was clearly hitting Hunter’s ears.
Like earlier, the large form of a sentry droid entered into the room, unaware of the man standing directly off to the side. And like before, Hunter leapt like a frog onto the droid’s back in an attempt to confuse it. Which he easily succeeded in doing. The droid began spinning around, trying to grab at Hunter, but its hands never found purchase. In the process, the droid stumbled over one of the nearby chairs and an entire table, with Hunter still stuck on its back. It was quickly headed for the edge of the balcony, just like Hunter had hoped. The droid flailed around a bit more before eventually flopping over the balcony, the weight of its massive upper torso quickly sending it over the edge without resistance. Hunter managed to grab the edge of the balcony before the droid toppled over and watched as it fell to the floor with a massive thud, instantly shutting down.  
The edge of the balcony was less stable than Hunter had thought though. The weight of the droid had crushed part of it, and the rest was on the verge of breaking from Hunter’s own weight now hanging off of it. It might’ve still been possible for him to swing up over the edge like he’d planned, but it was risky.
Then something else entirely suddenly caught the corner of Hunter’s eye. Movement from the stage. Another large figure stepping into view. The second droid had now emerged, probably from hearing the ruckus. It hadn’t noticed Hunter yet, but there was no doubt it would soon.
Hunter’s grip on the balcony edge was firm, but the edge itself was continuing to bend. He was running out of time and low on options. The only things he could see from where he was were the balcony he was hanging from, the floor far below him, the stage where the droid stood, and... the large chandelier hanging directly across from the balcony.
Oh boy. It was a stupid idea, but definitely not the stupidest one he’d ever had. Maybe.
Almost like it had heard how foolish the idea was, the droid finally noticed the man hanging off the balcony and began aiming at him. Hunter swung his legs back and forth to gain momentum, the balcony edge creaking the entire time. And just as the droid started firing, Hunter used the momentum to swing off the balcony and fly towards the chandelier.
Without issue, Hunter was able to grab one of the low hanging crystals of the chandelier and clung to it, wrapping his legs around the long crystal so he wouldn’t slip. He only had a moment to relish in his success before the droid continued its barrage of blaster fire. Like a primate swinging between branches, Hunter started making his way from crystal to crystal in an attempt to get to the other side. It was a hard enough feat to accomplish, but the blaster fire from the droid was also ricocheting off the crystals in all directions. A few of the crystals were blasted off entirely, falling to the floor below and shattering spectacularly.
Only one of the shots managed to hit Hunter, leaving a searing hole in one of his shoulder pads. Thankfully, his actual shoulder avoided any injury, but he knew he couldn’t risk another hit like that. The other side of the chandelier was getting close, which was going to bring about another problem. It was too far to any of the other balconies, and it would take a pretty decent swing to get to the other nearest chandelier.  
Then the problem began to worsen. The combined weight of Hunter hanging from it and the blaster fire from the droid were causing one of the chandelier’s supports to loosen.  
“Oh kriffin’ hell,” Hunter cursed to himself, still clinging to one of the crystals.
One more shot from the droid was all it took to break the support. Hunter was suddenly bombarded by a barrage of the large crystals as the chandelier fell to one side. It took all of Hunter’s strength to stay clung to the one crystal as he was continually smacked around due to the now sideways swinging chandelier.
The other support wasn’t going to last long. Hunter had to act quickly. He got another stupid idea, but at that point, anything would’ve been better than falling to the ground.
Using the momentum of the already swinging chandelier, Hunter swung his own body back as hard as he could. Then as the chandelier swung forward and broke from its last support, Hunter released his grip and went flying through the air. Both he and the chandelier crashed simultaneously, with him hitting the side of one of the balconies while the chandelier spectacularly crashed onto the floor below, sending shards of crystals flying in all directions.
Hunter had latched onto the balcony at the last second and had gotten the wind knocked out of him. He took a moment to let his vision clear before pulling himself up onto the balcony. “Stupid idea, still alive,” he huffed, leaning against the edge for support.
Unfortunately, he had completely forgotten about the droid still shooting at him. The droid’s aim still wasn’t perfect, but it was good enough to land a few blows right at the section of the balcony where Hunter was leaning against. Hunter reacted quick enough to avoid any injury, but not enough to avoid losing his balance. He cursed loudly as he once again found himself hanging off the edge of a balcony, only this time there was nowhere to go but down.  
In an effort to avoid the blaster fire, Hunter released his grip and fell to the floor, crashing onto one of the large tables.
The blaster fire stopped. Thinking its prey was now dead, the droid went back to patrolling the stage.
“Dumb droid,” Hunter grumbled to himself as he quietly rolled off the remains of the table. There was a throbbing pain now in his side from the impact, but not bad enough to hinder him.
Still keeping quiet, Hunter peeked around the table’s remains to get a better look at the single droid causing so many problems. It turned out that it was doing more damage than he initially thought. Shimmery gold stripes decorated the droid’s massive shoulders, and Hunter’s eyes went wide with realization. It was highly, highly likely that this was the head droid.
Time to finally end this, Hunter thought to himself, and he began carefully and quietly making his way over to the stage. Along the way, he picked up a small, sharp piece of metal that had broken off the chandelier to use as a makeshift weapon.
Without issue, Hunter made it up onto the stage, with the droid completely oblivious to his presence. Hunter kept the piece of metal clutched in his hand, ready to strike as soon as he got close enough.
A shattering noise suddenly caught both of their attentions. A crystal from one of the other chandeliers had fallen, most likely from getting blasted earlier. Hunter used that opportunity to go for the droid while it was distracted.
The droid lurched forward as Hunter jammed the makeshift weapon into its back. Its armor was tough, but the metal still pierced it. If someone like Wrecker had done it, the droid would’ve malfunctioned from the impact, easily. But it seemed that Hunter had managed to just wedge the metal into its back without much damage done. Not only that, but the metal seemed to be stuck as Hunter struggled to pull the piece out while the droid did its best to try and grab at him.
Eventually, Hunter was able to yank the metal piece back out, just as the droid swung around, knocking Hunter over with one of its long arms. The droid began advancing on him, hands now switched out to blasters. Before it could take a single shot, Hunter grabbed a nearby light projector in the floor and turned it around in an attempt to blind the droid. It worked, and the droid began randomly firing at the floor, missing Hunter completely.
The piece of metal wasn’t as sharp as his vibroblade, but Hunter was still able to take a good swipe at the droid’s left blaster and damaged it enough to render it unusable. As the droid turned to shoot at him, Hunter parkoured off the back wall to get to the other side of the droid. But he nearly slipped on a broken piece of crystal as he landed and was knocked down by the droid’s arm again.  
Now the droid was trying to smash him, having given up on using its blasters. Hunter rolled around to avoid getting hit, eventually sliding himself between the droid’s legs to get behind it. But as he came to his feet, Hunter felt one of his legs get grabbed by the droid. He tried to break free, but the droid’s grip was too tight. With a hefty hurl, the droid chucked Hunter into the back wall, knocking him for a loop.  
Everything was spinning. Hunter just saw a big gray blur reaching down for him and could do nothing to stop it. Now held up by an arm, Hunter tried to focus on what was happening. By the time his vision was restored, he realized the droid had its other blaster pointed straight at him.  
There was no way for him to break free from the droid’s grasp. But he didn’t need to.
With a loud grunt of effort, Hunter used his free hand to jab the piece of metal he still held straight into the barrel of the blaster. The droid’s arm sparked and shivered, and it released its grip on Hunter. Hunter began scooting away from the droid as it aimed its blaster at him, but it backfired and blew the entire arm off.
An audible thud resounded through the large room as the head droid hit the floor of the stage, unmoving.
Hunter practically collapsed on the floor in relief. “I... hate... droids,” he griped as he tried to catch his breath.
He only rested for a few minutes before going over to inspect the now dead droid. It didn’t appear to be much different aside from the golden stripes on its shoulders, but there was no doubt in Hunter’s mind that it was the head droid. Instinctually, Hunter attempted to contact the others to let them know what had happened, but he’d forgotten his helmet was still busted and let out a sigh. He needed to find them, but by the stars was he tired.
For the first time since he’d gotten there, Hunter let out a chuckle. The scolding voice of Hannah telling him to “take it easy” and “don’t work yourself so hard” came to mind, and he couldn’t help but smile. He’d told her the same things before, of course, and she’d given him a similar nonchalant response. It had always fascinated him how different the two of them were, but more so how similar they were. And because of that, he thought she was a perfect match for him.
If only his thoughts from earlier didn’t continue to plague his mind...
Suddenly, Hunter heard something at one of the doors. It sounded like something, or someone, trying to get the door open. He couldn’t one hundred percent pinpoint who or what it was though, so he took a defensive position behind the body of the head droid. Hopefully it wasn’t another threat of some kind...
“Go, go!! Keep running!!”
Things had taken a turn for the worse after Hannah took it upon herself to lead Sneech and his small group of other servants to safety. At first, it seemed as though all the droids had stayed further in the building. But they’d accidentally come across several of them in the main hall and were now on the defensive. Hannah was still the only one with a weapon and was focused on drawing the droids’ fire while the others ran for their lives.
“You’ll never be able to take on all of these droids by yourself!” Sneech protested, hiding behind a large decorative pot.
“And you don’t stand a chance at all!” Hannah shouted back before firing a few shots back at the droids. “Just go and make sure the others get out of here!”
Whether it was fear or genuine concern that was keeping Sneech from listening to her, Hannah didn’t know. All she knew was that Sneech was probably right. But it didn’t matter. If this is what it took to protect the others, then she would do it. Even if she was constantly lamenting past decisions in the back of her mind.
“Next time the boys offer me blaster lessons, I’m saying yes,” she thought to herself as she let off a few more shots.
Then all of a sudden, the firing stopped. All at once, the droids went slack, the glowing red of their eyes now dimmed. They had shut down.
“It appears one of your friends has succeeded in destroying the head droid!” Sneech exclaimed.
Hannah practically collapsed against the wall. Her vision blurred for a moment as she felt like she could finally relax in what felt like forever.
One of the nearby doors suddenly opened, spooking Hannah enough that she nearly shot whatever was about to emerge. A large gray figure appeared in the hall... but it wasn’t a droid.
“Hannah!!” The loud, boisterous voice of Wrecker exclaimed as he threw his hands in the air excitedly.  
Immediately, he rushed over to her and scooped her up in his arms, swinging her around as he hugged her. She went into a joyful fit of laughter and practically squeezed the life out of him from how hard she hugged his neck.
“Looks like you managed to help after all,” came the voice of Echo, who walked up beside them. As soon as Wrecker set Hannah down, she rushed over to Echo and flung her arms around him in a tight hug, much to his surprise.
“Echo, you’re my best friend in the entire galaxy,” Hannah breathlessly stated, clutching the sides of Echo’s helmet. “Sorry, I just wanted to tell you that.”
Hannah couldn’t see it, but Echo was both blushing and smiling happily.
“So which one of these was the head one?” Wrecker said, poking at one of the dead droids.
“None of them,” Sneech answered. “I assumed one of you was responsible for offing it.”
Echo immediately contacted Omega and Tech to see what their situation was. Apparently, they were in a similar place, fending off some droids who randomly stopped operating. “We assumed it was one of you who had done the deed,” Tech stated.  
“It must’ve been Hunter!” Omega added. “Wherever he is...”
“Wait, he’s not with you?” Hannah worriedly questioned into her own comlink.
“No...” Omega solemnly replied. “We never got to him before running into those droids...”
That was all Hannah needed to hear. Immediately, she broke into a run down the hall, ignoring whatever was being shouted at her from the others. They would be fine. But she had to find Hunter.  
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flareish · 4 years ago
kuroo x manager!reader
summary: when help comes and pushes together kuroo and reader. Although who said help was ever in a totally helpful form. Sometimes signs are a little more subtle like a flying Lev and a lost kitten.
genre: fluff
warning: none
word count: ~1500
a/n : I don’t think there are any pronouns written in here for y/n so it should be gender neutral! I tried to make kuroo more of cannon kuroo rather than f boi kuroo. I feel like it kinda came out as a mix of both but I hope you enjoy! Also the title is a chemistry term too apparently. Earning my brownie points with Kuroo!
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Nekoma are currently playing a practice game, preparing for the upcoming season. They are all playing hard and are sweated out. A whistle blows and the practice game pauses for a moment. Kenma slips away, eager for a break, and I get him ready a cup of water. The poor setter, who would rather be playing on his switch than play another set, is nearly run over by Lev and Yamamoto. The two obviously thirsty from all their extra antics. And just like that, the very fast and large Lev trips. The rest happens in slowmo as I am swiftly pulled backward out of the way of the no so gracefully, flying middle blocker. The water stand goes flying along with all the water on it. 
“Dude! Seriously, we were supposed to drink that!” Yamamoto shouts, horrified that he took out the entire stand. 
“Lev!” Yaku says smacking him upside the head, “Obviously you haven’t worked enough if you still have energy to nearly mow down our manager!”
“I’m sorry Y/N!” Lev let out between Yaku and Yamamoto’s smacks, “That’s enough you two! Let up!”. Lev runs off, trying to get away from anymore slaps. I look back and see that it was Kuroo that pulled me out the way. Now that all the action is over, besides Lev’s scolding, I take a step out of Kuroo’s arms. 
“Thanks for that,” I say smiling up at Kuroo, “You were just in time. I think I would have been flattened otherwise.”
“No problem. Couldn’t have our oh-so-trusty manager getting injured on the job,” Kuroo said before glaring over at Lev, “Or next game we might just have to make our clusty giant sit on the bench and fill in as our manager.” Lev shrieks at the threat.
“W- No! You couldn’t! But my blocking-”. Lev begins to panic at the thought of being benched.
“Don’t sweat Lev. I’m fine so your position on the court is safe.” I giggle saving the poor boy from a complete meltdown. A whistle gets blown to start the next set. The boys groan at the seemingly wasted break, still thirsty. 
I pick up the two water jugs and secure their lids back on, luckily they weren’t broken, just completely emptied. I take one of the jugs to go refill. I may be the manager of the volleyball club and have gained some serious muscle throwing tons of practice balls to the boys and helping clean up, but those jugs get seriously heavy after filling them up with all that water. As I’m turning to leave Kuroo picks up the second one and follows me out. 
“Oh! Kuroo you don’t need to do that I can manage,” I say not expecting him to leave practice to come with me, “You really should go back and practice.”
“It’s no problem,” He says looking away, “Really. Technically it’s my fault for not keeping Lev on a tighter leash on.” I just smile back at him, silently accepting his help. We fall instep as we make our way to get more water. As we are filling up the second jug, I heard a soft meow. Looking around I don’t see where it could have come from. Then I heard it a second time. This time I step away, unnoticed by Kuroo who is currently wrestling on the lid to the water jug. I’m looking around trying to catch sight of where the sound is coming from when I notice something peeking over the edge of gutters on the school roof.
“Where did you go? Y/N?”, Kuroo calls out who must of just noticed I wasn’t still there. 
“Over here.” I call. His head pops around the corner of the wall very much confused. Once he sees me he walks over. 
“Ummm. What are you doing?” As if on cue a small meow sounds. 
“Look up there,” I say pointing to the gutter, “I think there is a cat stuck up there.” “Wah? How did it even get up there in the first place?!” Kuroo says even more confused now.
“You’re tall, grab it.” I say staring straight at him expectingly. 
“What?! I know I’m tall but I can’t even reach the gutter how am I supposed to get the cat down?” 
“Bet you Lev could have reached it.” I mutter under my breath. 
“What was that?” Kuroo glares, baited by my challenge. 
“Nothing.” I said dismissively looking off to the side. What I was not expecting was this. Suddenly I am flying up into the air. I look down and see that Kuroo has thrown me up onto his shoulders. 
“Geez give me a warning next time.” I grumble stabilizing myself.
“Now were even better than Lev,” Kuroo states, the previous remark obviously denting his ego, “Now you should be able to grab it.” I look forward now being face to face with a little black cat sat in the gutter. I reach forward and the cat all but leaps into my arms. 
“I got him!” I exclaim before gently handing the cat off the Kuroo so I can hop off his shoulders safely. When I look over at the two Kuroo is cradling the cat, making cooing noises at it. I stifle a giggle before reaching out to take it his arms. 
“Well now we have a baby on board,” I say winking, “I need a strong man to carry back these water jugs.” Kuroo ducks his head, hiding a blush, but picks up the water jugs without a word. We finally making it to the gym, Kuroo not breaking a sweat with those jugs. I also got a pretty nice view of those well defined arms. Perks of the job, lots of fit volleyball boys. We walk through the gym gdoors and the boys flock over immediately, Lev being a lot slower this time. Kuroo sets the water down and I pass back the cat so I could help serve the water.
“Geez what took you so long,” Yuta grumbles giving a pointed look at Kuroo, “As our captain you really shouldn’t be slacking- Why do you have a cat.” However, Kuroo was absorbed in making cute faces at the cat as if it were a baby. The cat was soaking up the attention. I look over at the scene and fill the boys on the details about our mission to save the poor cat. Kenma comes to stand next to me.
“Is it just me or does that cat look like Kuro?” Kenma asks quietly. The team suddenly break out laughing all immediately seeing the resemblance. Kuroo blushes from all the attention not sure if it was something to be embarrassed of or not. Kuroo quickly dismisses practice, yelling at them to clean up. I let out a giggle too before walking over to Kuroo holding my arms out to take the cat from him so he may help as well. The cat leap over to me again. I walk out and sit outside the gym waiting for Kuroo to finish. Fifteen minutes later and he walks out. 
“Oh hey, I thought you went home already.” Kuroo says shocked I waited. 
“Of course! How could I let Kuroo #2 go home without saying goodbye to his dad?” I say with a laugh. Kuroo face immediately burns red. 
“Dad? Also I really don’t think he looks like me.” Kuroo mutters, all flustered.
“Well we both found him so that makes us his parents. Don’t worry I will let you see him on the weekends,” I say winking, “Oh and how can a handsome cat like himself not look just like his father?” I push myself up onto my tippy toes and press a kiss on Kuroo’s cheek. As I step away from an even redder Kuroo, I feel someone grab my wrist and spin me back around. Kuroo cups my face and places a soft kiss on my lips. He makes sure not to crush Kuroo #2 who is between in us, asleep in my arms. It lasts for only a second before he pulls away. 
“Goodnight Y/N.” We step away from each other both glowing red and feeling giddy. This little cat just kick starting something that had been teetering on the edge for months now.
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runephoenix6769 · 4 years ago
Think what CRWBY did this season was ballsy. 
I think a lot of what they've done over the years is ballsy. Like, there's this thing the writers seem to do which is present us with unreliable narrators, for want of a better word, and never quite do what we expect with visual story telling - bare with me on this.
(It’s something I have been thinking about for a while but wanted to see if it came up again as the narrative progressed as a sort of confirmation.)
Are we possibly seeing the various antagonists through the lens of the people they pertain to most? (If we are, it would explain some of the choices made by CRWBY over the years,)
 I'll give a few.
If we take Blake and Adam for instance. 
During v1&2 we are presented Adam through her lens, She is the one to give us our information save for a few lines Adam delivers to Cinder. (we are then left to fill in the gaps ourselves with headcanon etc) 
BUT we are seeing him how a young woman breaking away from terrorist indoctrination sees him, from a young woman who is working through a break up, a young woman who has been groomed into a way of thinking. 
She is deprogramming in a way. 
As Blake's view of herself changes and as she begins to change with the help of loving caring friendships and healthy relationships, her view of him (her lens ) begins to change. 
He chops Yang's arm off and as she sees the true horror of what lies beneath the mask, so do we. He, at this moment, is Blake's biggest/worst nightmare coming home to roost. He looms and haunts her. Then this quite literally happens in v4/v5. She faces him, breaks away from him, steps out from under his manipulations, calls him out on his behaviors. She's no longer an easily manipulated little girl anymore and she can now see clearly who and what he truly is. 
Her lens has shifted and therefore his presentation to us shifts. 
We get to go on this journey with her.
Then there is Weiss. 
In v1/3 Jacques Schnee is Weiss's antagonist but he lingers on the periphery like a shadow, and we are made aware/shown that the Schnee home is maybe not all its cracked up to be. 
In v4 Jacques looms as a large villain for her because that’s exactly how any abused child sees an abusive parent. Large, looming, etc, 
We are actively made hate him via what we are shown. 
He is to Weiss the biggest evil atm. He fills the role of her immediate priority to break away from.
 When she escapes, joins the others, is made aware of what's actually at stake, the bigger picture and the BBE, her father's brand of villainy fades to the back ground as her priorities change. He is in no way forgotten but rather put on the back burner a little while. 
Weiss grows up, over comes his control, gains her agency, stands up to him, arrests him and locks him up to face justice. 
It’s exactly what we've always wanted for Weiss. 
We are shown this, of how Weiss's view of her father changes. (how her lens shifts and we get to go on this journey.) We see him for what he truly is.
He Is nothing in the grand scheme of things, he is a sniveling coward, he is a blip with no real power. 
He dies with no huge fanfare, obliterated as if he never existed, (just like the floating kingdom of ATLAntiS.) He is not so important in the grand scheme of the world facing potential annihilation. An after thought. 
Winter telling us that Weiss is the one choosing to not leave him to perish, whilst she couldn’t care less points to the complexity of how abused children see their parents, and also how Weiss wishes to do the right thing.
What about Cinder and Salem? 
In the earlier volumes Cinder wasn’’t even on the radar of our protagonist’s until the v3 reveal. Afterwards, she was always taken seriously as a threat. As for Salem. again, our main protagonists had no context for her really until v5 with Emerald’s reveal. And that reveal in of itself is telling. We and the protagonists are presented with Salem the way that Emerald personally perceives her.  
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She is absolutely terrifying. 
And then we have Penny.
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I know a lot of folks are upset over Penny's arc these last two seasons. But maybe after you've had sometime to grieve you can come back and look at it with different eyes.
We know CRWBY like to set out to deliberately make us feel stuff towards a character. Look at Pyrrha, they knew all along what they were gonna do to Pyrrha and they made us love her knowing the impact it would have. They wanted a desired effect and they got it.
They did it again with Penny this season. They craftily lulled us into a false sense of security. 
“Oh Penny can't die, she just got made into a real girl, plot armor will protect her.... Winter in the other hand, oh she gonna die!"
But it was a complete bait and switch!
They used Penny the same way they used Pyrrha, to elicit a desired response.  
This means that we can't wholly rely on the information we get shown half the time or rest on our laurels when it comes to the status of a character’s survival. Just like our protagonist can’t either. 
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RWBY thrives on breaking the rules.
Veering off to have a alternate dimension arc at a really pivotal moment? Seems weird, but it's also kinda clever.
It gives time for other chess pieces to get into place, i.e. traveling the world. It gives space for certain characters to explore any feelings or miss givings they might have, with out the pressure of the rest of the cast waiting in the wings twiddling their thumbs. 
Its a good device to change the pace and take a breather. 
And the aftermath...the possibilities are endless.
For all we know, RWBY might come out of that void to find Salem succeeded, or the world has moved on a number of years, or even a waste land n its mad max fury road or maybe its the same sandstorm the refugees are in and time outside the void didn't budge a second and RWBY come out like this.
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(I jest!)
Remember CRWBY has always subverted tropes and bounced the narrative off mirrors.
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aceofspadegrass · 3 years ago
super weird but i saw that you favorited my recent post and i LOVE your account. is there any way you’d take a request for a lil blurb? a love letter from chishiya?
I can certainly try! I’m going to assume it’s for like…. the Reader, so that’s how I’m formatting it.
(Please remember that Yin is Y/N thanks~)
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Dear Yin,
Well this is awkward. I was not expecting this, nor do I plan on ever letting this see the light of day.
Especially you.
It’s embarrassing, and if I didn’t write it down it would plague my mind — and mind you, I would rather not have your infectiously beautiful stupid smile engraved in my thoughts instead of how to survive this.
So I’m getting it out of the way forever, on this notebook I stole.
It’s not illegal.
So, here goes. You…. when I first saw you I didn’t know what to make of it. You were just like the others that filter through here and then, looking for reprieve. Maybe by force, but details don’t matter.
What did matter was when you first started showing your colours. You weren’t by any means pitiful, nor were you some egotistical person. You had no clear downfall on that scale. Yet, you still kept on smiling, as if this world has yet to taint your soul.
It’s interesting, still, how you seem too good and still managed living this far. Does it hurt? It must hurt.
The truth is, you did not enchant me until much later. You were just like every other one here, until we were together in a game.
There, there you caught my interest. You pulled everyone there together and made a plan, one that made sense, even to the most stupidest person. If it were me, I would’ve left that one with the glasses as bait. People die all the time here, after all.
But your plan was flawless. It worked, with just enough room for improvisation. I was impressed. I didn’t say anything about it, but when you came over with that smile of yours, about how happy you were that it worked?
Well, I didn’t have the heart to push you away. You were happy after all.
That, and you have the grip of a boa constrictor goodness-
I don’t know whether that was the switch. It must have been, because suddenly I’ve been seeing you everywhere. Not my room, of course.
Unless you have been in my room without my knowledge.
(If you’ve read this far, then I have not prepared enough in hiding this and should've burnt it immediately. I plan to burn this anyways in a weeks time)
I haven’t stopped thinking about you. Your smile, the way you speak with that twinkle in your eyes when something catches your attention, the way you laughed when I successfully tripped Niragi….
I didn’t believe in angels, and yet here you are.....
But my survival hinges on my plan, and you’re not invited.
It’s better that way.
P.S Kuina if you read this I know how to wield a scalpel I can and will stab you and incapacitate you for a week.
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the-nysh · 3 years ago
The moment he actually gains the name One Punch Man is the moment the series will end doesn’t it? Well, we don’t have a way to know but I think that, as you say: that’s the story. Once he gains that recognition… the story is done being told.
Also on the topic of an ending I reading a Harry Potter fan fiction about Harry being immortal and then I saw the Eternals, and then my mind started cooking some ideas on how OPM would end on a somber darker tone and in my mind I just saw Saitama jumping towards the sun after outliving all his loved ones (including Genos who still had a human brain) and I made my self sad (granted me thinking he was immortal although I think that not on board of ONE’s ideas for him)
Maybe! Or perhaps not....especially in the case Saitama discovers the value of something else he's grown to want more in life, beyond just recognition, and makes peace with that. From finding a different (humble) type of fulfillment and self-satisfaction from a place he originally did not expect - like the important human connections he had once overlooked or taken for granted, for example. The story could also continue the whole bait n switch thing where another character ironically takes credit or inherits/honors that hero title instead. :P (Which would be wild, but not unlike ONE to pull either.) Wc Saitama still curiously has a lot of work to do to even earn/change his proper hero 'name' there too. So much is still possible before it 'ends.'
But aaaaah, on the tangential theme of 'immortality.' I feel like every story (that I've come across) that tackles the concept often turns it into some fucked up tragedy where they lose or outlive everyone they love (without reincarnations or multiple lifetimes), or it leaves off on some empty unfulfilled/unsatisfying note without fully resolving things that the character must eternally suffer ('trapped' forever)...or at least without some huge thematic sacrifice or morally weighted choice the character must ultimately make. Hhhh, To Your Eternity and Blade of the Immortal being some of the recent ones I've read. (And it's been like 10yrs since I've read Meteor Methuselah to remember how that one turned out.) However, I feel like one of the few that played with the pseudo 'immortal' concept in a good/satisfying way (as in: whew! oh thank god a happy ending ;o;) was Golden Kamuy. :'D ahaha
But...a future Saitama having to make some important choice or sacrifice - where he must weigh, does he want to continue to live in (his perceived) detached alienation Like This? or assert what he actually treasures/wants more? Searching his feelings to make those steps to actively engage even despite his alienating strength, and even if he doesn't receive widespread recognition/fame/notoriety, he still chooses to protect and/or live for what else might matter more to him...? Where those who know and care about him share 'his story' thru the ages in his stead? It's possible.
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amesstm · 4 years ago
Like A Movie
Characters: almost all of Class 1-A. Almost.
AN: Hello! I decided to venture to BNHA/MHA because this has been on my mind for a bit as of late. And I have some ideas for more AOT in mind! :)
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You never expected that Bakugo Katsuki - aka that explosive hedgehog inside a human body - would ask you out on a date. Sure, you two had been on team building exercises together and survived several villain attacks with each other’s help, but there was also the rest of Class 1-A there. Yet, as you two spent more time together, you slowly began to admire him.
So, when Bakugo timidly asked you out, you were just as nervous. “U-uh, wait you’re asking me?”
Like a light switch, his mood changed to his common anger, “Yeah, you got a problem with it?”
“No!” You said, raising your hands slightly to show you weren’t upset by it. “I’m just taken aback by it.”
“Well, get used to it. I’m taking you to the amusement park since I’ve heard you’ve never been.” His eyes turned away, a clear sign of hiding something.
Your eyes widened as you took note of the subconscious mannerism. You’d only told... Kirishima. Gosh darn it, you’ll have to smack him later. But this also meant they had talked about you, which neautralized what could’ve been possible damage. “When will this be?”
“Tomorrow.” Then, class started soon after he said that, leaving you in a dazed state.
Since you all lived in the dorms, word spread fast. You were carrying out your Friday night ritual of self-care, when you heard a knock on the door. A face mask on your face, you had to withhold a sigh as you opened the door. Immediately, all the girls started swarming you with questions; they ranged anywhere from which amusement park; what you’d wear; if you wanted to kiss him on the first date. Overwhelmed, you became a blushing, flustered mess.
“Okay, okay. I think we’ve all overwhelmed Y/N enough,” Jirou muttered. You wanted to kiss her in that moment, but then remembered the last question. Once again, your face reddened.
“You’re right; we’re sorry, Y/N. But we’d love to help you get ready for your date!” Momo added, ever the voice of reason.
Mina jumped with a fist in the air, “Yeah! We want you to look as cute as possible to make that Bakugo blush!”
Through the face mask, you sputtered out. “Ah, thank you all. But that won’t be necessary since I already chose something to wear.”
Ochako’s face lit up, “Can you show us?”
You smiled with a nod. Opening your closet, you pulled out a short, white dress. It would look especially nice since your skin was beginning to tan and it’d compliment your hair.
After several nods and compliments, you felt much more confident for your date with Bakugo. Then, the morning came. Your skin was glowing, your hair was shining, and everything was amazing. Thank goodness. You slipped on your dress, some comfortable shoes, and gathered some money just in case.
To say you were nervous around Bakugo was an understatement. Some elderly woman, around Ochako’s height, complimented you two as being cute together. All you could do was stutter out some alien language. Beside you, Bakugo was blushing. Was it the sun or were you just hot from embarrassment? Did Bakugo even like your dress? Well, he blushed so that was a sure sign.
As you two entered the amusement park, there were shops for candy and food everywhere. Some rollercoasters and rides could be seen in the distance, with the water park in a separate space. “What do you want to do first, Bakugo?”
He smiled, “I want to get on some rides first. Have you ever ridden a rollercoaster?”
When you gave a slight shake of the head, Bakugo basically picked you up and ran towards a rollercoaster. It was called the Diamondback and it was the tallest one there. As you looked at where the top practically reached the sky, you gulped. Bakugo was excitedly looking at you, but you could only pray for your safety.
“Hey, you don’t need to be scared,” Bakugo reassuringly said. His usually fiery eyes were demure, soft, and concerned. “You’re one of the best students at UA; you’ll be able to make it out safe if anything happens.”
You gave a soft smile, happy to see a softer side to his rough edge. “Thank you, Bakugo.”
A blush rose to his face and then he laughed it off, “Plus you’ll be with me. So nothing bad will happen at all.”
Before you knew it, you were locked into the ride. The ride started slowly, and then took a fast, wild turn. You screamed and yelped, “Bakugo, hold my hand.”
His sweaty, caramel-smelling palm took yours instantly. He smiled as you screamed. When you reached the top, muttering “no, no, no” under your breath, he started laughing. Once the ride was over, Bakugo had to nudge you so you both could exit. Your legs were jittery and you were still shaking from the thrill.
“As much as I loved it, we don’t have to do more. I don’t know if you’ll be able to take it,” Bakugo challenged. You didn’t want to take the bait, since you were already wobbling as you walked and clutching your stomach.
But you took the bait. “No! We’re getting on the next one!”
“If you need to hold my hand again, I won’t mind,” he said, standing next to you as you held onto him to stay standing.
You blushed and whispered, “When did you get so flirty?”
After a few hours of rollercoaster riding, you should’ve stopped. Your body was no longer having fun but mentally, the excitement of the drop grew on you. No longer were you screaming in fear, but from enjoyment. No doubt, you still had that shaky feeling after getting off, but it was now seen in a different light.
You laughed, having conquered all the rides available. Bakugo smiled, his hand still in yours, just watching you beam. It was a few hours before they would have to return to the dorms - unless they wanted Mr. Aizawa to murder them - so they started walking back towards the entrance.
“Bakugo, I want to thank you for this,” you grinned ear to ear.
“Katsuki. You can call me, Katsuki. And of course, it’s about time.”
An initial look of surprise turned into a small smile, “Okay Katsuki, thank you again.”
The two of you were towards the entrance now when you eyed a cute stuffed (favorite animal). In fact, you slowed down to look at it. Katsuki, who had a quick pace, noticed. His eyes followed yours to where the stuffed animal was, hanging above a basketball game. “Do you want it?”
“O-oh, it’s fine. We need to get goi-“
“I’m getting it for you,” he declared and stepped towards the little game. The person in charge of the game provided Bakugo with three tries to get at least two through the hoops. If he could get three in, he could get the big stuffed toy you were eyeing.
With a confident “tch,” Katsuki threw the balls with ease. Each ball landed in perfect sequence one after the other. An impressed look reached the host’s face and he asked Katsuki which prize he wanted. The best student at UA pointed to the animal you wanted like he was simply going down the aisle of a grocery store. Aka, he acted like this happened easily and all the time.
A stranger screamed, “Whoa! So manly!”
Katsuki smirked from that comment. He lifted the big stuffed animal and offered it to you with pride. Eagerly, you took it in your arms and squeezed it with joy. You didn’t notice but while your face was buried in the softness of the toy, he smiled at how lucky he was.
The two were waiting at the train station, sitting side by side. “Thank you again for this, Katsuki. I loved it!”
Your happy face made him blush. He averted his eyes, “Tch, don’t mention it.”
“I mean it. It was like a movie,” you smiled, looking at his flustered form.
“Really?” He sounded unsure, like you’d make a fool out of him at any moment. But when you nodded, a small smile graced his face. “So do you mind if we end our date like one, too?”
Now you were red, “I-I mean, if you want to.”
He didn’t say anything, but responded by leaning in. His eyes were beginning to close and so were yours. You met each other’s lips and it was like his quirk was working on its own. It was explosive. Once you retracted, you heard a small gasp.
Looking around, you both saw the rest of your class in poorly dressed costumes. It was Mina who did it, as made evident by her wide eyes and hand over mouth. You facepalmed, embarrassed by being watched. Next to you, crackles of tiny explosions made themselves known.
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kaypeace21 · 5 years ago
i'm losing hope of byler being an endgame :( milevens say that we are invalidating mileven, besides having several scenes that they show "passion/love". they make fun of us, besides always giving reasons why mileven is an endgame, and disrespecting other people's ship, and maybe actually Will will be with another boy right?? idk but I really hope I'm not being deluded
lol  lets not focus on byler for a sec and mostly discuss mileven. what scenes show mileven’s  ‘passion/love’? Because the show invalidates mileven constantly-why they’re so aggressive/afraid of us.THEY KNOW IT’S DOOMED (they live in head canons and nothing else).  I’m going to try keeping this short by doing bullet points.
-The writers in s3 threw in a telemarketing joke just for Mike to say “El. no. sorry not interested” and hang up the phone. 
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- Flo  in s1: “only love makes you that crazy and that damn stupid.”
Mike: “if we’re both going crazy. we’ll go crazy together right?”will: “yeah, crazy together “ *smile and stare longingly at eachother *————————————————————-Mike: “they do say it makes you crazy”El: “what makes you crazy?”(the exact opposite of crazy together as she continues to be confused over every explanation he gives of love 😂)————————————————————-During the byler fight  Mike says “el’s not stupid!” After this, Will calls himself “ so stupid “ 4x .  rips up photo where they said they’d go crazy together and cries . But, El after fighting with mike happily says: “there’s more to life than STUPID boys .”  El’s catchphrase being “not stupid” which she says in s2 before going to see Mike at the school. And Nancy before Mike says he loves El / Mikeduring the byler fight (about mileven) say “El’s not stupid!”
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original gifs  sources
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-the s3 stobin confession parallels mileven’s s3 shop confession (full analysis in link). Both El/Robin have bandages on their legs and both pairings sit together (on the floor) during their confessions- and are interrupted by Dustin. And in both straight baits- the guys use the terms “stupid/crazy” but subvert the expectation of it being romantic-as both girls say they’re not “crazy” or “stupid” for the guy. El saying “what makes you crazy?” in response to Mike. And Robin saying she was not into Steve’s “stupid hair” (similar to El saying there’s more to life than ‘stupid boys’/other saying she’s not stupid.”Also the song ‘the first i love you’ only plays twice in s3. During Steve’s romantic confession and robin rejecting him because she’s gay & El’s romantic confession and awkward kiss with mike (where Mike doesn’t reciprocate). Cause Robin/Mike are both gay and will reject the romantic confession.
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- Erica making he-man and barbie kiss: “Hey , They’re in love!”Lucas (livid- and standing right next to a rainbow forcing them apart): “No, actually,  they’re not. they’re not even from the same planet.”  El even watches he-man in s1! Mileven is not in love!
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Cue El and mike being compared to ET and Eliot -WHO AREN’T FROM THE SAME PLANET (by the Duffers in multiple interviews and in the pilot script ) .   And then there’s the  old euphemism of “girls come from Venus, and boys come from Mars”.  The Duffers saying mileven isn’t in love cause they’re not from the same planet (aka the same gender) -is just them telling us Mike is gay so he can’t fall for El-who is a girl/diff species. They literally have Will say to Mike “welcome to my world” as a contrast. So El telling mike he should ‘stick with his own species’ (aka boys) is another gay hint.
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In s2 they even had El wear the same shirt as a 1986 movie character (staring Winona Ryder). The movie is called coincidentally “lucas”- and he’s in an unrequited romantic relationship with a gal named maggie. And he later says him and Maggie are  from “different worlds.” El being movie-Lucas in a unrequited romance, in this scenario. And the other easteregg is the Duffers have st-Lucas  say the “planet/worlds” similar to movie-Lucas.
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some milevens also attribute romeo/juliet to mileven cause Dustin mentioned it while mileven was out of shot. But romeo & juliet weren’t actually in love-it was just kids in infatuation. And also used to describe the unrequited infatuation of Lucas/Maggie.
-Also when dustin in s1 says el is “like a wizard” (like Will.) Mike corrects dustin and says “more like yoda”. Really hammering down the alien references- which the Duffers reference to el in interviews all the time-by comparing her to et . In the pilot they even said mike and el are like “Eliot and et.” They said they made el dress like a ghost cause et did so- and then for the extra burn they made mike a ghost hunter/buster. And they also said that EL’s makeover in s1 was like et’s in the movie. And sorry ... who compares the girl they “crush on” with a green gross alien (yoda)- kind of shows how he sees her more as this foreign superpowered entity rather than a girl/crush. And on what planet is et /Eliot romantic??Answer is -it’s not. 
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- In contrast, They have Mike and Will parallel  Diane and Venkman. In ghost Busters, Mike -is Venkman- and Will -is Dana Barret- who Venkman flirts with shamelessly until she is possessed. Dana finds a demon-dog in her fridge, and hires the ghost busters. And right before Venkman goes on a date with her she is possessed by the big-bad, Zuul, and is transformed into the gate-keeper (who controls demo(n)-dogs). Venkman proceeded to try to talk to the real Dana , ignoring her possessed form and eventually realizes how serious her condition is, is forced to sedate her. Eventually with the help of his team, Venkman closes the gate to Zuul’s dimension, rescuing Dana in the process. And Venkman plants one on Dana before riding away in triumph. While, El is a ghost and Mike is a ghost hunter XD
Notice in the same season lucas says mileven is ‘not in love’ and compares mileven to he-man and barbie .  Dustin has a  he-man & Et next to each other (along with a ghost buster sign above them, and the ghostbusters-trap next to et). This just reinforces the mileven eastereggs I’ve already talked about -  and how they want you to make the connections  about mileven not being in love. They showed et/barbie next to he-man, had El watch he-man, compared El to Et (who had a barbie-like makeover/ghost costume), so the next he-man ref of ‘not being in love’  cause rhey’re from different planets would connect in a more obvious way to mileven.  Same with Et next to the ghost trap and ghost busters sign (and El dressing as a ghost and Mike as a ghost buster-as an extra burn).
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- Mike dehumanizing El is hammered down again when they compare s1 mileven to s2 dart /dustin (a demo dog) , to further show how un-romantic it is. Fin even said the duffers told him Mike saw el (OFFENSIVELY) as a “puppy’ (right after s1).  And of course millie accurately said “what a horrible way to describe me!”But the parallels are there: Dustin/Mike sharing sweets ( nougat vs eggos) for breakfast and saying they’ll have to wait for them to come home from school. And having mike annoyed, say  “a bond? cause you shared nougat?!” is dissing milevens who think the ego thing is cute/romantic. Dustin/Mike saying they ‘promised’ to take care of them and that they ‘trust’ dustin & mike. Dart killing a cat and El almost killing a cat. Dustin/Mike trying to convince Lucas- Dart & El aren’t bad. The boys thinking both El & Dart were bad guys causing both to end up running away because of that. Mike even admits in s1 he doesn’t like eggos and told El she doesn’t have to eat “like a dog” anymore.  it’s ironic when Mike says to Dustin “she’s not a dog” cause he treated her as such. Why El says in s3 angrily , “am I your pet?” It’s because he did/does unfortunately treat her this way to some degree. 
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-They Parallel Mileven to Hopper & El (since mileven isn’t actually romantic)!
*teaching the meaning of promise vs com-promise. And making “promises” to eachother is not some super romantic thing- for just mileven.
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* Telling her to eat “real food” vs eggos
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* saying her new look is “cool”and saying it’s “bitchin” after El says the look is.
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* Saying others are “corrupting her” and in response gals say neither respect her ability to make “decisions” in regards to romance. Hopper not accepting Mileven together (want them to break up)  and Mike not accepting she dumped him.
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* Max saying to not let Hopper/Mike control her
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*El saying “you lie” to both of them
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ok , back to listing other points
- they dance to ‘every breath you take’ a break up song about a stalker ex who can’t accept he is now with her friend. The writer of the song also has said many times “it’s NOT a love song.” The duffers obviously knew that. Lumax also danced to it and Lucas was called a ‘stalker’ . El also stalked Mike in s2 (all that stuff milevens found romantic- El watching him without him knowing. Mike says he was not ok with it in s3). And in s3 he said not to do that and she just says ‘i make my own rules’.Plus, sting (the singer) mentions it’s supposed to sound romantic but the lyrics are sinister. And that the ambiguity/deceptive happy -romantic tone was intentional. Kind of like how people think mileven is healthy and in love when the show (ambiguosly says ) that it’s not -and the “opposite”.Just like the song being misinterpreted as romantic because of its deceptive packaging -mileven is the same . Mileven got popular cause everyone missed all the warning signs it wasn’t healthy (cause it was packaged as ‘cute’ and ‘ in love’) when behind the surface it was shown to be the opposite and not healthy.
 Not to mention Nancy teaching Dustin how to dance is a direct parallel to Mike teaching El. 
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Mike also tries to act like Dustin, and  forces Will to dance with a girl (who’s wearing a rainbow hair clip). Trying to be a good sport like Dustin is about lumax. And right after this we see Dustin look sad about Max/Lucas dancing and Mike (next to Dustin) look sadly at Will/girl dancing in the same exact frame as Max/Lucas. As they switch between these 2 shots to emphasize their sadness/jealousy.Then they both sit down (mirroring each other) on the verge of tears before Nancy and El show up to comfort them and distract them.  As El once again (presumably) wears Nancy’s dress. Mike after El asks “will you be my brother?” “you cant go  (to the snowball) with your sister... i mean you can but it’d be really weird.” 
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- before their first kiss in s1 she asked if he would be like her brother (after being compared to a cousin, and being compared to Holly, and wearing Nancy’s dress.) In s2 they even make a direct parallel to Luke &Leia (who were siblings who had a weird romantic relationship/kissed before realizing they were related). Mike (as Leia) saying “it’s a trap” to El (Luke). 
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- Mike in s1 writes a d&d story for Will inspired by star wars.  in ep one Will tells Mike “it was a 7, the demogorgan it got me.”At the end of the season Mike writes a whole story of him and his friends killing a 7 headed monster, and showing the decapitated head of the monster to king Tristan (Will). Similar to how at the hospital he tells Will to not worry cause “it’s dead now”. This is right after Will rolls a 14 (cause Mike and Will are 7s together). And Mike who is a fan of starwars has King Tristan give them medals after killing the monster. Cause he wants Will/king tristan (instead of Leia -a girl) to present him with medals and be his romantic love interest (and praise him for being a hero).
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- They had Dustin call mileven “bullshit” just like stancy (who were never in love). And in s3 for almost every single character in the show to dislike mileven . if that isn’t a cry for help from the writers idk what is XD
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other stancy parallels: Making out on a bed to cheesy music. stancy wasn’t in love but they kissed the most in the series and nancy and steve (similar to mileven exchanged ‘i love yous’) but weren’t endgame and it was never love. Mike and Steve sing to their gfs and neither girls are fans and cut them off.In s1, both Nancy/Mike slap Steve and El and then both yell “ What is wrong with you?!”  Stancy/mileven are compared to Karen/ted who according to Nancy “never loved each other”. El is a fan of ted’s lazy boy. (Karen in s3 looks at Ted in the chair when the lyric “I should have walked away “ plays). And Steve and ted continuing to eat chicken as their gf /wife storm off from the table upset , and they do nothing. After the mileven and Karen/Ted fight- Steve says while eating “what did I do?what did i do?” And mike while eating says about el after their fight “what did i do wrong? what did i do wrong?!Steve and Ted both tell Mike to “stay on the bench/you’re on the bench.” Karen/ ted that they “never loved each other” (just like mileven and stancy which are “bullshit.”) All 3 wheelers were with people cause it seemed like the rational choice ( rich guy/ popular guy/ girl). Not to mention mike said “ I don’t remember” ( in reference to saying he loved el ) . And doesn’t say it back when el says “I love you”. Which mimics Nancy in s2 saying “I don’t remember ” (saying the stancy relationship is bs) . And she is also unable to say she loves Steve when he says“say you love me.” And Steve and el walking away as both wheelers stand there in silence. Unable to say “I love you” back.  Also, when stancy officially breakup it also pans to mileven on the porch as another parallel.And 11byers mentioned (at Christmas)  jancy has a moment but despite stancy’s issues she goes back to Steve where she looks sad over the decision .  Similar to how Byler have a moment , but then after , mileven talks about christmas  and they have that awkward kiss. In s3, steve when talking about stancy and trying to be popular even says “dustin’s right it’s all a bunch of bullshit.” (meaning Dustin’s right about mileven). Steve even says “everything people tell you is important that you’re supposed to care about- it’s bullshit.” (same season Mike mimics Lucas’ words from s1 about El being the “most important thing”.
-They also had Mike tell Max “i don’t hate you. I don’t even know you.”  Aka he can’t hate Max or love el cause he knew both for a week-and doesn’t know them. The amount of mileven burns that were in s2 -were insane XD.
other direct contrasts between Mileven & byler 
besides the ones already mentioned. 1) ‘crazy together/so stupid’ vs ‘what makes you crazy?/el’s not stupid/more to life than stupid boys & 2) ‘they’re not in love they’re not even from the same planet’ vs byler’s ‘welcome to my world’
3) Mike has drastically different expressions after the byler/mileven fights and the difference in weather and music selection ,convey how Mike is feeling. He looks regretful with Will, and almost annoyed with El dumping him.  Mileven breaks up to upbeat music on a sunny day (the break up being in front a crowd and a joke) vs the morose music and the storm shown (with just Mike and Will fighting ). We are supposed to take the byler fight seriously and the mileven one as a joke.They had Mike apologize to Will immediately. But with El he says “what did i do wrong?’ (Kind of like how ted, after pissing off karen says “what did I do?”)And then had Mike wait by the phone for her to apologize- says sexist stuff about her. Then have mike laugh/burp and talk about cheese and El to laugh about the break up/high five max and immediately oggle a pic of another boy/male celeb (unlike Will who looks sadly at the pic of Mike after their fight). And then after staring at the  teen-male celeb,  El says she’s not sure if  Mike’s a good kisser cause he’s just her “first boyfriend” and she has no other boys to compare him to (implying she’s thinking of other boys in the future).  Contrasted to Will who said he thought him & Mike would never get gfs but just spend the rest of their lives together. El after all these events, then happily reads comics  as Max says she shouldn’t hang out with Mike all the time. VS Will having him sadly read his comic to distract himself  only to throw his comic on the ground right before he looks at the pic of mike from Halloween (where they said they would go ‘crazy together’), calls himself stupid (unlike El saying there’s more to life than stupid boys/mike saying El is not stupid-aka in love ). And then destroys castle byers /crIES after the their fight. These events were perfect opposites.
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4) When Mike says in the pool shed she’s the “most important thing in the world” to him. she cuts him off and says Hopper is right about them spending too much time together. But when Mike in the shed says asking Will to be his friend was the “best thing he’s ever done” (it was practically the cliche of true love breaking the curse) XD.
When Mike says to El  “you’re most important thing to me” in the pool shed. El doesn’t even acknowledge the comment (and neither should the audience- cause the words were empty). The framing of this mileven scene was not cinematic or heartfelt, and neither was the delivery from Mike. He’s not crying, trying to reach her with proclamations of his genuine feelings. There’s no dramatic music, framing, lighting or shot composition (and the scene was incredibly short).And El just responds and cuts his supposed ‘true feelings’ off- only to agree with Hopper and says “ what if he’s right”  . I didn’t speed this up FYI.
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Juxtaposed to the MUCH longer byler shed scene. A literal single tear falling down his cheek as Mike , recounts the first day they met. This whole monologue is only of tight shots of just their faces (their bodies aren’t shown like in the pool shed scene). With contrasting colors of light and shadow.This is a personal moment between them and them alone- and the fact we zoom in on their faces (expresses this to be important emotionally) . And when we see Will’s reaction to Mike saying “it was the best thing I’ve ever done”. We just see Will’s face only- no music is playing and all we hear is  Will’s whimpers and Mike crying in the background.*
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5) Max in s2 at Will’s house questions how Mike can still trust Will now that he’s a spy for the mf . Max (in s3) at El’s house: says that Mike doesn’t trust El- and Mike mentions that her spying is why he doesn’t trust her.  in s2, Mike: “if anyone could stop them it’s Will“. Max: “ I thought we couldn’t trust him that he’s a spy for the mf now?” Max in s3 calling Mike out  : “El has saved the world twice. And Mike still doesn’t trust her.” Mike: you want to talk about trust really?! after... Eleven spied on us! I guess girlfriends don’t lie they SPY!”
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Not to mention - the fact is... El has “saved the world twice but Mike still doesn’t trust her” to fight the mf. Yet he 100% believed Will could defeat the mf -despite Will being possessed/a spy for the mf . And despite the fact Mike  thinks Will has no powers - unlike El ( but we all know he does , though :P). And, Mike even says Billy is dangerous cause  the “mf is in him ...Billy’s mind is sick, diseased” (but with Will possession -Mike still trusted him).  Max rolls her eyes and stares challengingly at Mike cause she remembers what Mike said about Will in s2- and the hypocrisy . And she finds it annoying how little faith he has in her compared to his almost unmoving-trust in Will (who at the time was possessed) . Mike has 100% trust and faith in Will-but simply doesn’t trust El.  And MAX KNOWS IT! Cause she’s paying attention. Like her facial expression/raised brow, at the end, is a challenge- you think non-superpowered Will could defeat the mf but not El with a history of fighting monsters? You say Billy possessed by the mf is dangerous- but still have more faith in Will possessed by the mf- than your own gf?! tbh El couldn’t defeat the mf (so technically him trusting Will over  El was proven to be correct). He wasn’t right about the El ‘giving up’ bs and he was still wrong for not respecting El as her “own person” with her “own free will” : not believing in El’s ability to make decisions like breaking up with him/ not believing El made the idea to spy on him, etc . But, Team work has always been what saved the day in s1-2, so over-relying on El to do it all and acting like she was the messiah ( like most of the st fanbase) was a poor plan . It’s not the El-show (it’s an ensemble cast with several mains). When they relied on her only ,to be the chosen one- she lost her powers, 30+ people d*ed, and they had to save her.
6) ) El and Will both calling for “Mike” alone in the upside down . And Mike “never giving up” on them.In the exact same ep (s2 e2) , both call for Mike from the upside down. El saves herself without Mike’s help. But Mike rushes to save Will crouching to comfort Will (whose body language mirrors El’s but who was alone in the forest after she sees mike and he did nothing). 
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in s2 ep 1, both call for Mike ,but Mike only comes for Will -not el. It was like how Nancy in s1 called for Jon, and jonathan pulled her out of the upsidedown.  And as Jonathan and Mike both pull Nancy and Will back from the upside down , Jonathan says “I got you”. And Mike says “I got him “ twice. But mileven is like how barb while in the upsidedown called for Nancy (but nancy didn’t hear her screaming her name-cause it shows symbolically Nancy does not return Barb’s romantic feelings). Just like mileven.
Mike even saw Will’s dead body but the second he heard his voice he convinced everyone he was alive. Mike deep down assumed El was dead he brushed off seeing El as seeing things (like how Hopper described seeing Sarah). He even tells Max “ they took her just like they took bob” who was dead. Then a few minutes later lies and says he “never gave up” on her when she appears alive (which was a lie cause he just said she was dead). When El goes to his house Mike doesn’t ever go the forest to find her (unlike how Mike went into the forest in the pouring rain twice for Will). The truth is the only person he ‘never gave up on’ was Will.
7) They have El & Will have pics of Mike on Halloween (same night of the ‘crazy together’ speech). El only has a pic of Mike being miserable  and Will has pics of Mike staring at Will, and smiling next to him- despite the joke Mike never smiles in photos , this isn’t the case when mike is next to Will (he always smiles with Will). Cause being crazy with Will makes him happy - unlike his relationship with El who he fakes being ‘crazy’ about .
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zoom in of Will & El’s pics of Mike: Will’s pic on left vs El’s on right . XD
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8) Millie said El is “obsessed with Mike” so she has Mike-themed stuff all over  her room. She has a drawing with a heart that says mike on it/random heart pics, mike pic, dice that spell out mike, mikes’ stuff. So, It’s funny that mike has nothing relating to El at his place. In contrast to this, he still has 5 d&d drawings from Will on his wall (that he’s kept on his wall for 3 years despite removing an old poster from that same wall-which he gave to El). Mike even put up a 6th Will-drawing in s3- next to his new poster. And he never put a single 1 of her many drawings on his wall-just Will’s).
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back to other points...
- They compared mileven to karen/billy. El in s2 , mimics Erica Kane who m(in the ep she is watching) rushes into a relationship with a writer named Mike Roy. (That relationship is not endgame-and  literally ends with one of them stalking and sabotaging their next relationship, but eventually accepting it’s over). This, also parallels Karen/ Billy. Before she meets him in s2, Karen is reading a romance book that has a guy that resembles Billy on the cover. The Duffers even mentioned they changed the cover to show the resemblance between Billy and the fictional book character. And we see Karen reading the sequel in s3 before Billy appears. Both El and Karen don’t/didn’t love Mike or Billy- they just projected onto them fictional characters they were infatuated with. El being into Mike roy- but projecting her crush on to Mike wheeler.
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-They had El’s whole s2 arc be destroyed to show mileven is bad for her. “friends don’t lie” to let me lie to my friends so I can kiss mike and ditch them. lucas even said “they’re lying (about her curfew).”And lie to Mike about hearing his confession. Then in s2 trying to leave the cabin to experience the world and see my friends and fam again. To literally ignoring them all for 6 months and never leaving the cabin-despite Hopper letting me leave the house in s3.
- El in s3 says Mike treats her “like a pet” and “garbage”.
-In s1 Mike referred to her as a ‘weapon’  to help get Will back. smacked her when he thought she lied about Will being alive and said Lucas was right about her all along when he thought Will was dead and he couldn’t use her anymore. 
- They had El never apologize for spying/stalking . And  Mike never apologize for lying -despite it being the cause of the breakup . And had mike not reciprocate the kiss/ or say ‘i love you ‘ back  and had his eyes open while the same exact song plays that robin came out to: called ‘the first i love you’). These are the only 2 times the song plays in s3. The ‘first i love you’ also sounds like ‘the first lie’ - that song played when jancy said they were just friends. it sounds the same cause jancy lied about it not being romantic while mileven lied by saying it was.  He never apologized for lying cause the love is the lie- like Max said “boyfriends lie ALL THE TIME”. And it’s why the camera panned to Will when Lucas asked why Mike lied to her. And he never answers El’s question of ‘why do you lie?!’ (he just looks up silent and guilt ridden).This awkward kiss all happens in Will’s room too while Mike is in front of an open closet (while El is holding Will’s old bear).  
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Plus he also fought with Hopper in s2 (’about El’) in Will’s room too. He wasn’t actually calling Hopper the liar he was calling himself “a stupid disgusting liar”out of self hate .  That scene was foreshadowing his lying to El in s3 (about his feelings for her). He blamed Hopper for his feelings for Will cause he told himself it wouldn’t have escalated if El had been around to ‘fix him’ . “I BLAME YOU! NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS OK! NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS OK. YOU STUPID DISGUSTING liar, liar, liar, liar”.starts crying.
- Mike says “i never gave up on you (to El). “ When moments earlier he says “it took her just like it took Bob.” HE’S LYING AGAIN. He always thought she was dead -he was just hoping she was alive so he didn’t have to blame himself. He felt bad for treating her like a “weapon”. Mike saw El and didn’t even bother looking for her in the woods cause he assumed she was dead and was hallucinating. Mike saw Will’s dead body- but heard his voice and got him from another dimension (for El he couldn’t even bother to walk into the woods). Despite going into the woods in the pouring rain 2x for Will in s1& 3. El and Mike both call for Mike in the upside down (Mike in the same ep only comes for Will).
- They barely spoke to each other and all they did was makeout for 1 ep (while Mike put a drawing of ‘Will (the fire wielding) wise’ on the wall to help him kiss her/ with rainbows pic everywhere in the room to signify he’s gay and lying).  All while listening to a mixtape Will gave him as he kisses El.As Mike moves her hands off him (and sings a song from ‘boy in the box’) and El says to Max later she doesn’t know if mike’s a good kisser . And Mike rushes to one of his many established double-dates with Will and lumax  (x). And Mike in s3 when dating el, removes the sign of the heart being propelled by a rainbow (which he had before meeting El in his basement) .BUT it follows him symbolically ,as a drawing of a heart being propelled by a rainbow (in el’s room- cause no matter how much he kisses el there, he can’t escape his rainbow/being gay.)
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-as mileven kiss in s3 e1. We zoom in on the drawing of Will the wise (the lyrics over the pic are “a little more time can open closing doors”). And then Mike continues to sing this song from ‘boy in the box’ (cough closet).Will in s3e1 says he won’t fall in love and the song then a diff song plays “love that was new to you , you open up the door.” mileven at the end of s3 kissing in front of Will’s open closet door with Mike’s eyes open not kissing back , and saying he doesn’t “ remember “ the love you and just says it was “in the heat of the moment”. The mike song being from “boy in the box” (closet). And they make out to “I can’t fight this feeling” which the singer says is about wanting to admit your feelings to your friend of many years and being afraid it’ll ruin the relationship. Aka even when kissing El he’s thinking of Will and admitting his feelings and not being able to fight his feelings
- Mike saying about Max “awesome? you don’t even know her.” Dustin says “ i don’t have to i mean look at her.” El was said in s1 multiple times to look like a boy (specifically Will). So Dustin and Lucas had no interest in her -only Mike did. BUT when max (a girl who looked like a girl) arrived- they as straight boys  were smitten. And Mike was not interested at all (cause he’s gay). The fact people don’t realize Mike was rude to her because he thought Will liked her too makes me laugh - he even was 1/2 honest in s3 saying he was jealous of her  XD 
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why in s3 (when she looks like a girl) the compliment to her look is almost the same as Hopper’s comment to her makeover in s2. Paralleling Mike to her dad is the opposite of romantic!
-people say in s3 Will saying “a day free of girls” is gay coded but everyone ignores Mike in s3 saying “BOYS ONLY”. Same energy.
-MiKE has more rainbows than Will: Mike’s rainbow bedroom blinds, the rainbow-heart wooden sign in the basement in s1, the rainbow heart drawing that says Mike in s3, a rainbow sticker in his room, byler standing behind a rainbow poster in s2. And Will with the rainbow ship and the girl he danced with having a rainbow hearts-hairclip.
- People mention Mike saving El in s3 was romantic ( when he hit Billy). But when Billy slapped max he charged in to save her too and tried punching him (despite their beef). that moment wasn’t romantic (unless you think madweheeler is- which no). Mike is just a good person- he also risked his life for dustin. He’s brave and will defend HIS FRIENDS. 
- we’re almost to the end for those not keeping tract mileven is compared to stancy, ted/karen,  karen/billy, stobin, Dart/Dustin, max &mike, barb/nancy, nancy & dustin, siblings & cousins & a parent/kid dynamic. And contrasted to byler.
- Finn, after s1, said the duffers told him,   Mike thinks of her as a “puppy/ “et” , and that Mileven was a  “first summer love thing”- foreshadowing what was mileven’s downfall during the Summer (aka s3). He repeats this “first summer love” phrase 2x.  Millie when he mentioned what the duffers said, rightfully thought the puppy thing was “awful”, but Finn was clearly told mileven doesn’t last -very early on.Summer love” by definition fails-as it only lasts during the summer.  
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-It wasn’t a break it was a breakup. Like Max and Will said in response to Mike  “ she said she dumped your ass! That doesn’t sound like a break?!/ it wasn’t!’ Or El knocking all the candy out of the machine, except the kit kat Mike wanted. Slogan of kit-kat “ having a break , have a kit kat.” In other words, it was NOT a break. It was a breakup. Difference is - in s4 it’ll be El who can’t accept this fact , not Mike. Max having to correct El that Mike is her “ex boyfriend” after the breakup (in s3) foreshadows this.The other couples in s3 who fought -were always still paired together in framed shots (jancy/ lumax) were on a break (but got back together- by the end of s3,  not confident about their futures together, but they still have a distinction from mileven-based on such framing). That mileven didn’t get back together. El in s3 was always on her own and Mike was paired with Will (while the other couples were in frame). 
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this could go on and on honestly. there’s so much other stuff proving mileven is not going to be endgame. Not to mention all of Mike’s queer coding (x) XD   
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The Splendor of These Exploding Skies (Yet All I See Is You)
Chuck Grant x Reader
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Warnings: SMUT, drug use to combat PTSD (also y’all’re in California and weed just happens sometimes I’m sorry but it’s very true), light angst, light jealousy, fluff bc I’M FEELING LONELY AND COULD USE SOME CUDDLES, fireworks (both literal and metaphorical).
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Even after knowing and loving you for almost half a decade at this point, Chuck Grant still found himself in awe of how beautiful you were.
Despite the fact that for the first year at Toccoa the two of you hadn’t been able to stand being in each other’s presence for more than five minutes at a time- he still was able to acknowledge how attractive he found you. If anything, that awareness only added to his resentment of you and anything to do with you. 
You were too easy on the eyes to be as annoying as he found you. It just wasn’t fair.
In hindsight, he’d made a complete ass of himself during your first interaction- he’d been too drunk and too confident in his abilities to sweet talk women and too hyped up from his friend’s encouragement when he’d decided to make a move on you. Chuck couldn’t remember exactly what he’d said, but what he did remember was putting his hand on your ass and being slapped so hard his ears were left ringing for the next few days.
And, because he was young and cocky, he’d immediately labeled you as a prude and made it his mission to hate your guts. Even though he knew that he was in the wrong. Because that’s just how he was back then.
Had anyone asked Chuck then if he’d one day willingly share a home with you, let alone a bed, he probably would’ve punched them in the mouth. He imagined your response would’ve been similar.
My, how far the two of you had come.
Chuck leaned against the doorframe at the mouth of your bedroom, crossing his arms across his chest and smiling at the sight before him. As much as he knew that you got embarrassed by his open admiration, he still couldn’t find it within himself to curb this bad habit.
The vision of you at ease was a sight to behold- especially after seeing you on edge for years on end.
Right now, you were sprawled on top of the bed the two of you had bought a month ago, dressed in one of your old stretched-out t-shirts and thick-knit socks and a pair of black underpants that showed the cute divet where your buttcheek met your thigh (a part of you that you also scolded him for paying so much attention to). The window towards the foot of the bed was open and the cool air from the ocean delicately tossed the finer strands of your hair around your head, the lights of the city at night making each hair glow like some radiant halo.
All of the lights in the bedroom were off, the skyline illuminating the room in a warm blue cast that never failed to make him feel at ease. Your head was propped up on your hand as you gracefully brought your joint to your lips and took a deep drag, tapping the train of ash onto the clay plate you’d made at a pottery class sometime before the war. Purple grey smoke slipped through your parted lips attractively, and Cuck felt his chest ache at the knowledge that only he got to see you like this.
“Are you going to stand there like a creep all night, silly boy?”
When Chuck refocuses, he realizes that you can see his silhouette reflected in the window’s glass, and he can hear the teasing smile in your voice. Stubbing out the smoldering joint onto the plate, he watches you press yourself up onto your elbow and turn to look over your shoulder at him.
He bites back a smile of his own as he hits the light switch in the hallway so the room is entirely dark, closing the door softly behind him as he starts to toe off his shoes.
“Sorry, Dollface,” he says in faux seriousness, using the terrible pet name he’d called you the first night he’d met you. “Got distracted by the view…”
You snort a laugh at that, turning back to look out the window and shaking your head.
“Careful, buddy- my boyfriend’s got a mean right hook.”
He rolls his eyes despite the fact that he knows you can’t see it, stripping down to his shirt and boxers and coming to join you.
“I don’t know,” he grumbles. “I’ve heard you’ve got a nasty backhand as well.”
Using his hands to map out where your legs are, he carefully fits himself behind you like a familiar and comforting puzzle piece. While the side effects of his head injury were relatively minor compared to the severity of the wound, he still wasn’t always able to trust his eyes when it came to their depth perception. You didn’t seem to mind his way of accommodating this certain handicap. 
You weren’t shy to admit how much you liked his hands on you.
With the sort of ease that only comes from years of routine, you turn your head at just the right time for him to pluck a kiss from your lips, the taste of chocolate and cannabis on your lips. Chuck lets his legs tangle with yours as he rests on his elbow beside you, bringing his other hand up to cup the back of your head and keep your lips on his for a few moments longer. When you hum happily, he can’t help but smile.
He knows that today is difficult for you- the noise and the bright light and the cool bay breeze bringing back memories of foxholes and biting frost and heartbreaking exhaustion. You didn’t smoke weed often, even less now that you’d been out of the military for a few years, so he knew that when you did that you just wanted to not remember for a little while.
You wanted to forget the bad and go back to the days when these festivities brought you joy and wonder. Chuck got that. The desire to shut it all off and just live was too familiar to him.
And if you were willing to be there for him, he’d be damned if he didn’t do the same for you.
Pulling back, he lightly presses his fingers to the base of your skull, chuckling warmly when you nearly moan in relief.
“Hey there.”
You slowly open your eyes at his greeting, gaze open and slightly lethargic.
“Hey yourself,” you say with a sigh. “I missed you today.”
Chuck knew what you meant. After living together day in and day out for so long, coming home and establishing lives and routines of your own had initially been difficult. He’d felt bad about leaving you this morning, knowing how difficult this day in particular was for you.
“Such a sap.”
Your easy expression twists into a comical scowl, your eyes rolling as you turn back to the window and make a sound of annoyance.
“Of all the idiots who propositioned me, I had to go and pick the most obnoxious—”
Chuck freezes at that, furrowing his brow in surprise and using the hand on the back of your head to gently fist a handful of your hair and turn you back to face him. 
‘I’m sorry, what did you just say?”
Your eyes scan his face before a slow smile breaks across your lips, clicking your tongue admonishingly at whatever it was that you saw.
“Charles Grant, as I live and breathe,” your voice has taken on a wicked quality, one that he both loves and hates at the same time. “Is that jealousy I detect?”
He frowns at that, hating how well you can read him- even in your slightly intoxicated state.
When he doesn’t reply right away, you purposefully lift your backside and press it against his stirring cock. God, you knew how to irritate him- you could be such a brat sometimes.
Luckily, he had learned long ago the most effective way of curbing your obnoxious provocations. 
Tightening his grip on your hair infinitesimally, you let him crane your head back and hiss quietly at the sweet sting of it.
“Y/N, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you were trying to make me jealous.”
You smirk, wetting your lips before rolling your hips against him once again.
“Me? I’m just being honest- you can’t truly think you were the only one to make a move….shoot your shot, if you will….”
Chuck feels heat curl in his stomach, shaking his head at your insinuation. When he angles your head to bite at the lobe of your ear, you tremble beneath him with excitement- your antagonizing behavior had become a strange turn on somewhere between Alderborne and Normandy.
You said nothing, your breath hitching in your throat as you feel the press of him against your backside. You knew how much he hated when you did that- knew how frustrated your silence made him. It’d been your silence that had led him to kiss you for the first time- the arrogant way you’d held your tongue to his baiting teases driving him so crazy he was willing to risk your wrath just to get a response from you.
With an angry sigh, he fixes you with a glare.
 “Fine. Don’t tell me. I know how to get what I want out of that pretty mouth.”
Chuck swears he sees a self-satisfied glint in your eye, but before you can revel in your mirth he pulls away from you and makes you whine.
“Chuck, don’t go—oh!”
The feeling of his hands gripping your ass tears a gasp from your throat, your head bowing into the mattress as he grips your hips and pulls them up so he can reach beneath you and squeeze your sex possessively. As expected, you’re wet and warm for him- a confirmation of your desire for more.
His name sounds sweet on your tongue, your voice muffled in the soft down of the comforter as you arch into his touch. Chuck’s mouth waters at the sight of your shirt’s hem sliding up your spine and revealing the bare skin of your back to him, and he doesn’t hesitate to press hot kisses to the newly revealed skin by your hip bones.
“How about this, Sweetheart?” he asks innocently, using the hand not rubbing at your sex to yank your underwear down your thighs. “I’ll give you a name, and you tell me if they were stupid enough to try something with you, hm?”
 Your groan is unintelligible and unclear but when he looks down the slope of your back he sees you nodding vehemently.
God, you were perfect. 
Using his index and ring finger, he holds open the petals of your sex and begins to play with your clit.
Even with your face in the blanket, he can make out your scoff of ‘no’. Good. he hadn’t thought so, but it still made him glad to hear it.
One of your hands swats at his thigh, and you turn your face so you can make your words clear.
“Charles, you were there when Shifty accidentally saw me changing- what do you think?”
Chuck chuckles at the memory of that- the poor kid had been so embarrassed that he’d nearly run into a wall in his attempt to escape the ‘improper sight’.
When you open your mouth to say something else, CHuck smacks your ass and your words are lost in a yelp of surprise.
“No. Obviously no, geez…”
He goes through the roster of Easy Company, getting the obvious ‘no’s out of the way: Buck, Winters, Sink, Strayer, Sobel, Blithe, Lipton, Speirs, Welsh. With each negative response, he lets you roll yourself against his hand- the sight of you so desperate for him working him up so high that he knew he was going to have to get inside of you soon.
The first ‘yes’ you gave was for Talbert, which earned you a bite on the curve of your buttcheek despite the fact that Chuck had already figured as much. Same went for Christenson- which he’d known already because he and Pat had first bonded over the fact that you’d rejected both of their advances.
Then came the first surprise- Nixon.
“What?! Are you serious? Lewis Nixon?”
“Does that piss you off, Silly Boy?”
Your tone is teasing, but there’s a hint of genuine curiosity in your voice that catches him off guard.
It did, actually- piss him off, that is. Chuck didn’t want to think too hard about why.
Not when this little game of yours just started to get interesting.
With another resounding smack to your backside, Chuck grips himself in his fest and coats his cock with the slick from your sex that had soaked his fingers. The idea of you with someone like Nix simultaneously inspired rage and pride in his chest- anger at the concept of a married man, your SO, looking at you in a way that was less than professional and pride at the fact that you’d still chosen him despite Nix’s advances.
When he looks back at you, he sees that you’re looking over your shoulder at him with desperation, your face flushed with arousal and subsequent denial.
“I want you, please don’t make me wait anymore…”
Well, he never had been very good at making you wait. 
The sound you make when he slips inside of you almost has him bursting right then and there- the sound so broken and full of want and lewd promise that it almost hurts him to hold himself back. Your hand has reached up and behind your head to grip his hair, pulling him down and over you in a haunting pantomime of how he’d covered you from enemy fire in the hellish woods outside of Foy.
You’re chanting his name like a prayer, babbling as you slip into a state of carnal bliss. When he kisses you it’s desperate and messy but you are still craning your head back at an angle that must be painful in order to continue it.
All jealousy takes a back seat to the feeling of this- your skin under his hands and your breath on his lips and the squeeze of you around him. It doesn’t matter, none of those other men and their understandable attraction to you matters because you are undeniably his. 
You chose him- you chose him when he was the picture of health and when he was nearly dead on an operating table. You’d held his hand as he healed and you’d taken him as your husband in a shelled out Austrian church with a priest and Ron Speirs and God as your witnesses. 
You were his, and that was all because you wanted to be.
His throat feels tight with emotion as he slowly thrusts in and out of you, resting his forehead between your shoulder blades as you cry for more- taking each rough rut of his hips into yours with a beautiful moan and a challenge for another.
Sex with you was more than a physical release, it’s a renewal of unspoken vows of devotion and dedication despite the knowledge that neither of you had escaped your war unscathed. His promise that he’d be yours each and every night when the horrors of memory plagued your dreams, and your reassurance that you saw him for more than his experiences, his trauma.
It was more than he ever could have hoped for in this life. Pre and post war.
Your chest vibrates beneath his, and when he is finally able to refocus he realizes that you’ve been trying to talk to him.
The fireworks show has begun, the bursts of light looking magical and surreal over the glass surface of the bay. It’s beautiful, and he knows that despite your fear of the sound of explosives you cannot help but find yourself entranced by its splendor as well.
Chuck turns his face so he can see the reflection of your face in the mirror, the fireworks making the drawn pleasure on your face clear and coloring you in its brilliance.
When he makes you come apart beneath him, you’re awash in purple light and infinitely more glorious than the celebration outside. The bite of your nails into the meat of his thigh sends him tumbling into pleasure right behind you, and when he squeezes his eyes shut he feels like a firework himself- hot and infinite and sparkling in the cold air coming through the open window.
Your body is quaking beneath him, the electricity of your orgasm still dancing through you and making you clench around him painfully every so often.
Blind from his own pleasure, Chuck moves his hands up your sides to get a feel for where you are, repositioning his weight so he isn’t crushing you with his boneless body. The boom of the next firework shakes through his chest, and as he feels you coming down he smooths your hair from your face clumsily.
“You married me.” his voice sounds far away, his mind just as lost as he reminds himself of the most important part of his life. “You married me and you make me happier than I can say.”
The feeling of your lips kissing his palm has him opening his hazy eyes to take in your state of disarray. You were looking at him with more love than he had ever thought to wish for, and when you nod it brings tears to his eyes.
“Happy Fourth of July, Chuck Grant.”
Lifting his gaze, he looks back out of the window, where the firework show is coming to an end and soon the two of you will be left with the warm blue light once more.
You were right. This was a happy Fourth of July.
~ ~ ~
Taglist: @mrseasycompany​ @itswormtrain​ @mrsalwayswrite​ @happyveday​ @sunsetmando​ @teenmagazines​ @liebgotttme​
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