#some of these posts are very blatantly made by terfs and I just. guys we shouldn’t give them attention lol. I don’t care if they make valid
alectology-archive · 1 year
oh man you guys have got to stop circulating posts by terfs
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you’re bad at refuting but thanks
hi. one of the people behind the blog here. just gonna take some time to go through some of the reactions from raquel and dasch because they clearly have terrible reading skills. here’s the original warning post for context. 
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multiple people have come forth to say that originally your nsfw channels were NOT restricted by a role and were 100% accessible to anyone who joined your server. nowhere did we claim that you were purposely pushing minors to see it; the claim was that you’re irresponsible with owning a server because you do not consider the people who are joining or interacting within it. and even after the “baby role” was implemented, the guro channel was still able to be seen. this is something that was literally backed up with screenshot proof to show exactly this.  your sideblog is riddled with underaged characters. i don’t know how you can sit here and say that when you have madoka kaname, a 14 year old (whose shirt was unbuttoned with her chest exposed), on your blog and just claim you totally don’t post kids. you did. and you do. we also showed proof of that. getting rape threats is disgusting and the people behind this blog would literally never send you or anyone rape threats. we’re kind of normal, if you haven’t guessed. there’s no point in sending hate or threats and we made that very clear. not everyone against you is some terfy monster. blaming everything on terfs is just another way for you to get out of properly responding to the claims being made against you. you can admit you know you’re wrong, you know? we never made the claim that you or dasch were pedophiles. maybe actually read the post. if you considered that as us calling you pedophiles, maybe there’s something wrong there that we didn’t catch. the only person we’ve been suspecting of being more than what they seem is maid. and frankly with what we provided (and even several things that were left out), it’s a pretty fair assumption. 
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you post guro. guro by defintion is inherently erotic (aka sexual) in nature. you’ve posted several guro images of underage anime characters. which we’ve included several examples of. that are still on your blogs. but yeah, you just post funny blood picture. idk maybe learn how to properly argue against claims better
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you and maid have a foot fetish that you spoke about openly in the server. this was a sexual conversation. despite it being joking in nature, you held an inappropriate conversation out in the open for anyone to see. that includes the minors in your server. 
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the warning post was made over the span of a month, and during almost the entirety of writing it you had she/they in your pinned post. there’s literally proof inside of the post itself that dates how long ago most of the post was made. here’s the screenshot, if you’ve forgotten what you wrote: 
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but then again labeling us as terfs is way easier, i guess? not sure how any of that makes sense here. we respected maid’s pronouns, so why wouldn’t we respect yours if we’re terfs...? this logic genuinely just does not make sense. but i guess when you’ve been exposed for being as gross as you are, you grasp for straws at every given opportunity. 
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absolutely! your pronouns should be respected even if you’ve done pretty deplorable things. your gender has nothing to do with this. this has already been explained previously so i’ll just move on
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the word groomer wasn’t even used once in the post. literally just did not absorb anything that was spoken about at all i guess
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nope! never claimed that
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yep! we even made it clear in the post that the three of you were bantering around. the problem was you were having an inappropriate conversation in public. in the general chat. where minors could see. minors that have since expressed discomfort in reading that. congrats 
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this was explained literally in the tags. we tagged it as animecore and webcore because you all frequently interact with those communities; the post was a warning for people within those communities. congrats. yes, we made that very clear that maid deactivated. she’s still a creep and worthy of bringing the things she’s done to light. you realize she has a pretty long history of doing things like this, right? riiight
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again i have no idea where we made grooming claims are you guys just filling in the gaps here or what. what does this mean. you’re just blatantly admitting you didn’t retain a single thing from our post
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The trickiest thing about tumblr is its level of anonymity, and the ability it gives a person to not be entirely truthful about who they are. You can be whoever you want to be! Nobody will know. You can roleplay anyone and no one can question you. In most cases, this is a good thing. Protecting one’s privacy is important, especially online. But in a lot of cases, it creates awkward situations where you might need to question the legitimacy of someone’s claim because they’re dropping red flags that they’re lying just to have an excuse to be abusive and avoid criticism, but in doing so you risk being labeled -phobic or -ist or a horrible person in general for daring to invalidate someone’s experience or abuse.
so when I see someone throwing a tantrum all over ship tags and equating shippers with pedophiles, while blatantly misusing that word in the same sentence as claiming to be CSA survivors themselves, that really makes me doubt that they’re being entirely truthful about their trauma, and that they’re likely just making up some story out of the mistaken assumption it will add some legitimacy to their false accusations. If you were really a victim of child sexual abuse, you wouldn’t belittle it so candidly just for a cheap attempt at policing strangers on the internet, you wouldn’t exploit it as a manipulation tactic, and you’d have a little more respect for the term (and actual survivors of it) and use it appropriately.
that goes for the transtrender thing too. Believe it or not, I dislike transphobes and terfs as much as the next guy, but when it seems like being a trans guy is the new iteration of last decade’s empty boast of “not like other girls”, and then seeing so many teenagers on here who have clearly never experienced dysphoria in their lives and are solely using that identity as a means to shit on girls for shipping the wrong ship and backing up their reasoning with “well AS A GAY MAN~~ I’M TELLING YOU HOW STUPID YOU ARE BECAUSE I’M TOTALLY A GAY MAN THEREFORE I’M THE ULTIMATE AUTHORITY ON GAY MEN,” you’ll see why I’m so doubtful of a lot of people about who they claim to be. I doubt actual trans men would dedicate such a large portion of their leisure time to yelling at strangers on the internet over inane trivia, because I’m assuming they’d have bigger fish to fry, and actual real life problems to worry about. And probably also a considerable level of empathy on the subject of bullying and harassment, so…needless to say, that sort of behavior would likely be, erm…beneath them. Also, maybe let’s not appropriate that identity, because I imagine it’s demeaning to actual trans guys and the shit they’ve had to go through when all you’ve done is tapped off a hasty afterthought of pronouns in your bio and then assume to speak for them.
There’s also the implication it carries that it’s apparently a lot more beneficial on this site to be othergendered than it is to be female, that we’re still stuck in this shitty online culture where being female is still considered unfashionable and the Absolute Worst Possible Thing a person can be and that claiming to be anything but female is ideal, but that’s a conversation for another time. It’s just, illuminating, I suppose. 
Don’t think I don’t feel bad for pointing this out. I really don’t intend to invalidate anyone’s identity or past abuse, but when it seems like most of you are simply using those labels as weapons for the lone purpose of being huge steaming shitbags to people in fan spaces, you’ll understand why I can’t really take anyone seriously, and why my knee-jerk reaction on this site is to immediately disbelieve that anyone is really who they say they are and not just catfishing for catfishing’s sake. It’s a red flag that goes up whenever someone makes claims as to their identity or education or general worldly experience, when everything about their personality and claims suggest otherwise. Like CSA survivors misusing the word pedophilia, presumed law students making serious accusations of federal crimes with absolutely no evidence to corroborate it, trans people whose only motivation to be on this site is bullying and harassment. 
Pardon if I’m way off base here, I don’t mean to assume what might be considered “normal” behavior for any of these groups of people, but these traits seem a little out of character for those identities, so you’ll forgive me for my skepticism. I think a lot of people here are exaggerating a little about who they say they are. I know it must have been unpleasant, but accidentally stumbling across your parents’ porn stash doesn’t make you a CSA survivor. Occasionally attending a paralegal night class at your local community college for burnouts and recent divorcees doesn’t make you a law student. If you really want to make a convincing case for any of these things that you kids are impersonating, you need to start…well, playing the part a little more convincingly. You’re too obvious in your lie. 
So just a little litmus test the next time you find yourself arrogantly opening any rebuttal with “As a _______, I’m telling you with unassailable authority that you’re wrong/immoral/harmful for liking this thing”, perhaps delete that and try again with something a little more substantial. Because for any of you that haven’t yet made it to sophomore-level debate class, that is a fallacy called “Appeal to Authority,” and it fails from the start because it assumes an individual’s dubious claim on an identity/experience gives them justification to speak for all people in that group. 
This is flawed because it doesn’t rule out the imperfections of personal bias or intersectionality. Instead of using your identity to condescendingly explain why you’re right, try using factual evidence or actual statistics from reliable sources and studies rather than anecdotal evidence. We’re in a post-truth world now (in case any of you haven’t peeked out from under the tumblr-echo-chamber-induced rock you all obviously like to hide under and haven’t noticed), and you’d do best to not contribute to it if you want anyone to take you even remotely seriously when you claim to represent the rights of all those innocents and Others that make up the downtrodden minority of society. Just remember, anecdotal evidence cannot be proven, and it’s useless because literally anyone can just make up some bullshit and apply it to a situation to make themselves look right. 
You know who else does this? Donald Trump. Donald Trump and his lackeys. This little missive is directed mostly at fandom antis, but this can apply to anyone on here who claims to be of any left-leaning persuasion: maybe don’t do that, because you start looking like the very people you claim to oppose, and it weakens every argument you’ll ever make. And I have faith in all of you, that you’re better than that. That you’re smarter than that. Even if your anecdotal evidence is true, it’s inadmissible because it can’t be proven. And it shouldn’t be, for that matter, because you don’t owe that to anyone. All it’s going to do is result in some asshole at some point coming out with their own anecdotal data that’s made up or highly embellished for the sole purpose of belittling yours, and then you’re at an impasse because A) you just spilled your most painful, humiliating memories in vain and B) you either have to acknowledge both accounts or acknowledge neither, and everybody loses. You’ve achieved nothing.
So we’re not here to play oppression olympics or win edgiest blogger award. There’s this really gross thing about tumblr where people are pressured into exposing their traumatic histories and deeply personal information in order to validate enjoyment of their fucking hobbies, and in turn it inspires the children harassing them to “beat the score” or whatever, and that’s when you have them firing back with really dubious accounts of their own, more seriouser trauma that makes them totally righter than you!!! (and is in actuality just a regurgitation of a Law & Order episode they saw once, and very obviously never fucking happened). Fake Tumblr Stories are everywhere, we all know this, we’ve all encountered plenty, but you’re not allowed to question the veracity of any of them or you risk being labeled an abuse apologist or victim blamer or something.
That’s fucking psychotic. Someone shouldn’t have to bleed their darkest moments to some snot-nosed 16 year old brat just to keep from being harassed or falsely reported as a pedophile, and some asshole who arrogantly self-identifies as the fucking moral police shouldn’t be so obsessed with getting the last word on trivial nonsense that they feel obligated to play this woker-than-thou pissing contest with people who have experienced *actual* trauma. I mean, do you kids not see how completely unhinged this behavior is? You children need to be fucking sedated. You’re goddamn nuts. I fear for the day we have to rely on you assholes in the job market, because you’re just gunna fuck everything up. You’ll always be failures. You’ll make a trainwreck of everything.
For lack of a better word,
Anyway, the point is just a reminder that your identity shouldn’t be relevant when you’re trying to prove a logical point or have any of your arguments taken seriously, if you really are right or justified in your stance. If your argument has any basis in sustainable fact, then your gender/orientation/mental illness/personal history will have no impact whatsoever. So lying about them really isn’t worth it and gains nothing. Just be yourself! I know at the tender ages of ~14-20 you’re desperate to be recognized for how unique you are and you’re struggling to be celebrated as a special individual when you’ve done absolutely nothing, but realistically…that’s a pretty tall order, there are like 7 billion people on the planet, so nothing you can make up about yourself will ever really be that impressive. Stop trying so hard and enjoy your fucking childhood.
And if you find you can’t make a stable argument without using a desperate appeal to authority like that, then maybe you should reassess your stance on things because chances are, it’s because you’re wrong. 
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