mulciibers-blog · 7 years
Andromeda froze, with her polite smile still in place Her eyes were far colder than they had been just a moment ago, however. For her family, she was willing to deal with a lot, but there were limits and Mulciber had just crossed the line - a line that she knew even her father would have no problems understanding. Still smiling, she stood and stepped around the table to lean over Mulciber, with one hand resting on the back of his chair and the other on his thigh, fingers digging into his leg as hard as she could manage. She leaned in close, her lips by his ear so she could whisper in what would appear to be a sweet moment. “ I’m leaving. If you try to follow me, I’ll hex you. And you should think twice before turning your wand on me again, Joseph. I know my place in my family, but if you think for one minute that my father will tolerate that sort of threat, you don’t know Cygnus Black.” With one last squeeze of her hand, she stood upright, offering him her sweetest smile as she spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear, “It was lovely, sweetest, but I’m afraid I promised Narcissa and Evan my company and if I don’t leave now, I’ll be late. You wouldn’t want to cause me to break a promise to my family, I’m sure.”
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Mulciber stayed deathly still as Andromeda reacted violently. People stared as she left abruptly; the silence almost palpable. “What the bloody hell is it?” He shouted at a fifth-year Hufflepuff stared fixedly at him. The Hufflepuff exchanged glances with her date and then averted her eyes. He cursed that there was no time to verbally reprimand her for her insolence. Slamming his tea cup onto the table, he arose furiously, brushing himself off to head out -- if not to apprehend Andromeda, then to escape this escapade.
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hatred with frills | mulciber & andromeda
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mulciibers-blog · 7 years
If there was any way out of the situation, Andie would have taken it in a heartbeat. There were very, very few things that were less appealing than the thought kissing him. It did not bode well for her future that she couldn’t stand him touching her, but that was a problem for another day. For now, she had to somehow stomach kissing him. She wasn’t sure she could believe that he wouldn’t attempt to take liberties in the future, but now that Bella was aware of the problem, Andie would feel far more free to go talk to her sister about it. “Fine.” The word came out tightly, her feelings about the whole matter clearly on display as they swept around the room for a few more minutes. It took her time to build up her courage to do it - and the willpower, because it was quite possibly the hardest thing she had done yet. But she managed to pull him off to the side of the dance floor, still in eyesight of her father, and leaned to press a very brief kiss to his lips.
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Although Mulciber knew it was in Andromeda’s best interests to kiss him, it was still a surprise when her lips met his. The first taste was sweet, if very slight, and he leaned in for more, just barely restraining himself from putting his hands on her waist. More, more, more, every ounce of his senses thought. This had been too long in the coming, they had been bound to one another since last midsummer, and just now, as they were preparing to leave Hogwarts, the smallest allowance. Were Mulciber a different man perhaps it would bother him that this came only when under the watchful eye of Cygnus, but it didn’t; he relished it, however brief. Only for one moment was he shaken out of his daze, and that was in the epiphany that the mudblood Tonks must have met these same lips, perhaps many times. It almost made him want to gag, or curse, but instead he continued, fiercely and hungrily.
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mulciibers-blog · 7 years
Amycus kept his hand on Mulciber’s arm for a moment, before his fingers very suddenly curled around the limb. He yanked hard, so that Mulciber would be forced to sit all the way up. Now that he was, Amycus leaned forward and crashed their lips together rather forcefully. Just like last time, Amycus couldn’t help but to note that the sensation was pleasurable, not unlike kissing girls. He wasn’t very very interested in blokes, although the few experiences he’d had were pleasant. Mulciber, however, felt different from any type of person. Amycus didn’t quite know what this all meant, but he did know he liked the way it felt– physically, anyways. After a second, he jerked away and shoved Mulciber back down to his pillow. Then he moved to his own bed and sat down, kicking his shoes off. “There.” Amycus said finally. “Good reward, yes?”
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As much as Mulciber hated to admit it, as much as his stomach coiled rebelliously at the thought, he liked Amycus. More than the way best mates should like each other -- never had he felt this way before, not with any of his (decidedly female) bedmates -- it was an entirely novel experience. Was it foolish to think Amycus felt the same? Why did he keep doing this? Mulciber had the gnawing sensation he was at the mercy of something enigmatic and unknowable, unconquerable. Amycus was like a shot of Firewhiskey, fiery and painful at first sip but slowly -- how he abhorred the word -- addicting. Lifting his head from his pillow instinctively, closer to the black hole that was his best mate, he barely registered the question. “Again?” Mulciber said, ambiguously and yet rather brashly.
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mulciibers-blog · 7 years
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The Slytherin Boys + part one
@mulciibers @lucius-ii @dclohovs @itsrxdlestrange
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mulciibers-blog · 7 years
Ted met his father’s eye and schooled his expression. His father always admonished him for wearing his feelings so plainly. Ted’s facial expressions would be the least of his worries after this conversation, though, he was sure. Henry Tonks stared his son down, quirking an eyebrow in question at the accusation. Ted could lie, he could call it slander, refuse any connection to Andromeda and Henry Tonks would believe his son. The Duke did not trust wizards. He didn’t necessarily trust his son either, but he would take Ted’s word on this. It was a bloody shame Ted was such an honest person. Nodding once in affirmation, Ted didn’t bother to say anything else, it would do him no good. His father’s features hardened into what looked like a mix of anger and disgust, though Ted suspected it was less for the moral ambiguity of his relationship and more for the fact Andromeda was a witch. “That’s disappointing.” Ted’s father muttered. Such familiar words.
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Mulciber took in Ted’s father’s expression, every twitch and flicker upon it. Looking at him with a head cocked in listening, he had the sudden, unbidden fancy that his father’s head was shaped like an olive. “Thanks, sir,” Mulciber said with a slight sneer. “And Teddy, I’ll see you later.” He said, patting him particularly roughly on the shoulder. Spending most of his waking and unmaking hours conceiving his final vindication upon the mudblood was not all in vain. This was a tricky. woman’s sport, but it seemed that he had succeeded at this -- at least in part. The harsher, physical component would come later. There was a special place in hell reserved for this uppity dolt, he thought snidely, and it’s on the other side of my wand.
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mulciibers-blog · 7 years
Andromeda maintained her bland smile but avoided the tea pot; she didn’t like it, and she wasn’t going to drink it. If that offended the proprietress of the shop, it wasn’t Andie’s fault. “I’m being perfectly civil, poppet.” Her expression didn’t waver but her eyes grew harder at his words. “Allowing? I’m not at all sure what you you mean.” If he thought that her father’s presence or anything that had happened at the Christmas ball was going to change her mind on him or their relationship, he was very wrong.
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“If you call me poppet one more time, darling,” Mulciber growled, poking his wand into her knee under the table. He broke off, pulling the wand away. Cygnus was his Big Brother now; he had to be rather careful. He sipped from his tea cup primly -- it was very good, he didn’t understand why Andromeda avoided drinking it if not to spite him. “This will be a long and difficult marriage if you don’t cooperate. I’m sure you know what I mean.” Mulciber said shortly.
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hatred with frills | mulciber & andromeda
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mulciibers-blog · 7 years
Andromeda’s attention was only half on her companion; the majority of her focus was on Ted and if he was all right - she wasn’t looking for him, or trying to slip away to find him again, but she was worried. But Mulciber’s words wrenched her out of those thoughts and she had a moment where she was afraid she would empty her stomach. How embarrassing that would be, right on the dance floor - but equally embarrassing for him. However, after the mess she had made with Ted, she couldn’t afford any more slip-ups and she knew both her father and her older sister would be watching her now and … Andromeda only had one real option. Despite her disgust and distaste, she didn’t think she could successfully fight this off. That didn’t prevent her from letting the silence hang heavy between them before answering - although it was partly due to the difficulty of actually answering him in the affirmative. “If I agree, I hope you understand that this is a one time consent and any attempt to kiss me again in the future will have unfortunate consequences for you.”
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Mulciber felt satisfaction overcome him at the tentative affirmative. This wasn’t exactly how he had imagined his first kiss with Andromeda (agreeing to her terms wasn’t part of plan ), but it was enough for him to feel victorious. He only felt irritation at the fact that her attention seemed to be elsewhere; considering the situation, he would want her to be looking at him straight in the eye. Still, he had to accept this shoddy agreement, both for his own advancement in his future father-in-law’s eyes and just the visceral joy of it. Although ironically, he expected it to be a joyless kiss, any pleasure incurred to be felt on his side and his side only; not that he wouldn’t put forth his best effort, of course. At last, he let out a small sigh. “Agreed,” Mulciber’s gaze flitted about: once, twice. “You must initiate it.”
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mulciibers-blog · 7 years
If Apparation was permitted on Hogwarts’ grounds, Ted Tonks would have been long gone. Where would he go? Hell if he knew, just away would have been enough for him. As it was, Ted stood there dumbly, his mouth gaping in shock at Mulciber snitching on him to his father. Out of all of the things he had prepared for, the insults and verbal abuse that Mulciber might use toward him in front of his father, even threats if he was feeling particularly cruel, Ted never expected Mulciber to tell on him. Henry Tonks hardly blinked, but Ted noticed the way his father stood a bit straighter. No doubt he would get an earful later about proper behavior. “Is that so? Did you see them? Or is it some nasty rumor meant to soil my son’s reputation?” Henry asked and Ted prayed the floor would swallow him whole.
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Mulciber perceived with pleasure the shock and shame manifest on his adversary’s face. It was about time, he thought; perhaps Muggles had some sort of stunted, antediluvian rendering of morals after all. Mulciber would even choke back on his verbal abuse toward Henry if it meant eliciting more of a reaction from Ted. “How about you ask every witch and their mother if it’s a rumor.” Mulciber growled. “No, better yet, ask your son if it’s true.” It would be interesting to see how Ted’s allegiance to his family combated his lust for Andromeda. Men were almost purely made of fleshly impulses, and Ted was no exception, was he?
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mulciibers-blog · 7 years
Ted scoffed at the question. Who was Joseph Mulciber? He was the person Ted hated most in this entire world. He was a bully, a brute, and an all-around horrible human being. Of course, Ted’s feelings of hatred for Joseph Mulciber were intensified by his association with Andromeda, but Ted refrained from saying any of this in front of his father. “A fellow student at Hogwarts. Nothing more.” Ted lied through his teeth. He wished Joseph Mulciber meant nothing to him, but as long as he was betrothed to Andromeda, Mulciber would be a thorn in Ted’s side. Ted’s father raised an eyebrow. “Are you two friends then?” He asked, with obvious displeasure at the very thought.
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Mulciber brushed his thumb against the back of his wrist idly. He almost wished that Ted had told a bigger mistruth and denoted him as a mate, something Mulciber could crush with his index finger; alas, that was not the case. A frown marred his features as he took in the man’s reply. “Friends? With a mudblood?” His patience dead, he burst forward, nearing the man. “Listen, you pompous Muggle, your son is snogging my betrothed. What say you to that?” Mulciber didn’t know if rubbish such as this had anything resembling decent morals, but this initial shock -- for he could not imagine Ted Owling his father to describe such a feat -- would do more damage than a Jinx, or so he hoped.
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mulciibers-blog · 7 years
“Yes, I’m Logan’s twin sister.” Cassandra, who was usually in varying stages of intoxication herself, found that she was growing increasingly frustrated with the boy in front of her. Logan hadn’t mentioned him by name in any letters, at least not that Cass remembered, but she began wondering if this was one of the boys that her twin historically wasn’t fond of. “Hmm.” She thought out loud, raising a brow. “But we’re having so much fun here, aren’t we? And besides, you came here with a different girl. I’m not one for stealing.”
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“Hmph,” Mulciber grunted. He didn’t even bother to glance back at where Andromeda inevitably stood. His feelings were positively neutral on the topic of Logan, and who could prevent having a decidedly attractive twin? “Lemme tell you somethin’ -- my “date” --” Mulciber used air quotes. “She’s snoggin’ a mudblood. There won’t be harsh feelings. . , come wi’ me, love.”
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mulciibers-blog · 7 years
Ted stumbled back at the rough shove but managed to catch Mulciber’s arm in warning. “Don’t.” He said, his voice stern, low, and sounding eerily similar to that of his own father’s. Ted loathed their resemblance, especially now. He glanced over at his father, who had been watching the situation closely. Ted just stared at his father helplessly, hoping he wouldn’t say something to get them both killed later. Of course, his dad was usually pretty good at not offending people, unless he considered them beneath him. Unfortunately, Ted’s father considered wizards to be beneath him. Henry Tonks stared down his nose at Joseph Mulciber, a look of disdain settled deep in his features. “And you are?” The Duke asked, ignoring the question. No doubt he was offended by the lack of recognition.
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“No, I’m fine, thank you, mudblood,” Mulciber said snidely to Ted, moving past him and nearing his father. They did look rather alike; there was next to no doubt in it at this point. Punishment would come later, in a less visible place. The look in Tonks’ eyes would be satisfaction enough for now. “Joseph Mulciber.” Mulciber turned to Ted questioningly, with a smirk the older man couldn’t see. “Who am I?” 
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mulciibers-blog · 7 years
Only seconds into the rescue attempt and Joseph Mulciber was reminding Rebeus of just exactly why he was one of his least favorite students. He had called him a fool, and insulted his wizardry in less than five seconds! Rubeus was quite offended. Still, Mulciber was a student, and Rubeus was nothing if not loyal to Professor Dumbledore. He would ensure that the boy returned to the castle safely. A stunning spell was sent in the direction of Mulciber, since he was distracted by insulting Hagrid. Rubeus simply lifted a hand and extended it in front of Mulciber, practically catching the stunner in his palm. It stung, definitely, but Hagrid had giant’s blood in him, which meant it would take more than one Stunner to do any real damage.
“Watch yerself, Mulciber!” He said sharply, firing out a Blasting Curse. It sent the flames fanning out all around them, but luckily, not in their direction. Hagrid took another two Stunning Spells to his gut, but as before, he didn’t feel much else besides a stinging feeling. “Yeh’ve got ter pay attention!”
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Mulciber spent a moment in open-mouthed dismay. It was rare to observe the benefits of Hagrid’s half-giant ancestry besides size. He was right, though, talking would not much aid their situation. Mulciber aimed a Stunning Spell at one of the attackers, rendering him incapacitated. “I am, halfbreed,” Mulciber snarled, continuing to send a cocktail of curses of hexes their adversaries’ way.
“What’s in that umbrella?” Mulciber asked incredulously after Hagrid fired a Blasting Curse. As a final touch, he sent a Disintegration Curse in the direction of their opponents.
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fire & brimstone | hagrid & mulciber
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mulciibers-blog · 7 years
Rubeus Hagrid, as it was well known, did not own a wand, not in the traditional sense. However… he did own a pink umbrella, which might or might not have held the pieces to a wand. He tried his hardest not to use his umbrella in front of other people. It was frowned upon, and Rubeus already faced enough judgement as it was for being a half-giant.
He’d been enjoying his day in Hogsmeade. He’d gotten a table with Minerva at The Three Broomsticks and had enjoyed a nice mug of mead. They’d talked about the past weeks, and all of the stresses that had been involved. The parents at the school, the Christmas Ball, the attack on the centaurs. Just thinking about it still made him emotional. He had cried for hours when he’d emerged from his Hut to see the bloody carnage. The talk was cathartic, as talks with Minerva always were. He’d just lumbered out of the little shop, and was heading down the road towards the Hogs Head, in hopes that he could join in on a game of poker. That was when hell, quite literally, broke loose. Men and Women clad in white robes began to appear all around him, and once he saw the red insignia on the fabric, he knew that this was Grindewald.
Immediately, his umbrella was out. He had a personal bone to pick with Grindewald, ever since they had murdered the innocent centaurs.
The minutes ticked by, and with each one, the danger grew ever more present. His eyes were drawn to the sight of building going into flames. Worried that a student might be trapped inside, Rubeus rushed towards the entrance. He knocked away the burning door with ease and ducked into the shop. He hoped that his coat wouldn’t go up in flames. He coughed slightly, using his umbrella to cast a Bubble-Head Charm around his head. Once he could breathe, he made out the figure of what looked to be a student. Across the room were four more people. The white of their robes signalled danger and Rubeus rushed to the student’s defense.
“Mulciber?” He exclaimed, a bit surprised. Joseph Mulciber was decidedly one of Hagrid’s least favorite students in the castle, but student he was, so Hagrid would help him until the end. “Are yeh alright!?” He roared, taking a long step so that his massive body was standing in between Joseph and the four soldiers.
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“Petrificus Totalus! Protego Totalum!” Mulciber exclaimed, firing the spells in quick succession. He was interrupted, in that Pyrrhic tapestry, by the entrance of the halfbreed groundskeeper, Hagrid. He was someone who Mulciber had never really attempted to get into the good graces of, because what was the point? There he was, standing with his ludicrous pink umbrella; what was that, his mother's?
“Do I look bloody alright, you fool?” Mulciber shouted, his voice hardly perceptible in the cacophony from outside. He was planning to send the Killing Curse whizzing one of the besiegers’ way, but with Hagrid around, that option was rather negated. “You’re not even an actual wizard, move out of the way.”
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fire & brimstone | hagrid & mulciber
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mulciibers-blog · 7 years
fire & brimstone | hagrid & mulciber
The day had began as normal, prosaic even. He had had tea with Andromeda at Puddifoot’s, had reveled in her discomfort and now, now ---
“Confringo!” A man with a face painted with a skull shouted from near him. He was accompanied by four other men; he was grossly outnumbered. The attack had left him stunned, to say the least; they should’ve expected no less from Grindelwald, he supposed, but really, Hogsmeade? It was irreverent, although he couldn’t help but admire their handiwork even in such a compromising position.
“Protego!” Mulciber said, firing the shield in response. For the umpteenth time, he heard another rapidly fired curse coming from one of their wands, and he subverted each with progressively stronger Shield Spells. This was on a different stage, a different tier than the duel with the mudblood Tonks had been, and the stakes, as much as he hated to admit it, were higher. These mongrels seemed fixated on his and all of his allies’ destruction. Mulciber just happened to be fortunate enough to be completely isolated in this shop; he could only hope he could survive long enough to flee.
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mulciibers-blog · 7 years
“An Unbreakable Vow is unnecessary.” Cygnus said, waving his hands in dismissal. Much too tedious for something such as this. Besides, every promise made to Cygnus Black was an Unbreakable Vow in and of itself. His word was law, and those who chose to break it would face the consequences for such an utterly stupid action. “Just listen to me now, Joseph, because your agreement here is just as binding as an Unbreakable Vow. – And just as life-threatening as well.” He let this comment hand threateningly in the air between them for a moment, before moving on.
Cygnus listened in silence, letting Joseph recount his tale.With every passing word, he found himself recalling on what Andromeda had told him regarding the duel. Joseph had been jealous, angered over Andromeda’s minor interactions with the mudblood. What had his name been? Tom? Timothy? Ted? – Ah, yes, Ted was correct. Cygnus had always had an excellent memory. She had also only given the favor as a way to make Joseph angry. Looking at him now, Cygnus could see that his daughter’s plans had worked. However, he was not entirely set on whether or not his daughter was being truthful with him, so he decided to listen to what Joseph had to say.
“I do agree with you.” Cygnus said shortly. “I’ve spoken to my daughter about this. We shall see if she’s learned the error of her ways.” Cygnus kept his thoughts to himself regarding which of the stories was most accurate. “Thank you for taking the time to speak with me, Joseph.” He said musingly, his thoughts beginning to drift to a more far away place. “What I’d like for you to do for me – besides keeping your unwanted hands off of my daughter – is to be on your best behavior. Act the man I want you to be, Joseph. Do you understand me? And if you see my daughter talking with this mudblood again, I would like for you to let me know.”
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“As you say, sir.” Mulciber said shortly. There was no doubt Cygnus could and would follow through on all his threats. He was slightly disappointed -- an Unbreakable Vow was something he had yet to experience, and being again the fallen son had him scrambling to prove himself to his future father-in-law. Still, the thought of something as granite and unyielding as Cygnus Black backing his agenda -- aided by the verbal affirmation from the man himself. Sometimes in the miasma of Hogwarts, he fell into the rabbit hole illusion that the true gods were Amycus and Alecto; no, they were mere figureheads compared to this man. Cygnus could wrap the world around his ring finger and Mulciber would watch, fixated and hungry.
“I swear to, Mr. Black. I will make it my foremost priority.” Mulciber said staunchly. He would not let the disappointment of not having an Unbreakable Vow bother him for long; Cygnus’ command was an order of divine proportions. “It was a pleasure speaking to you.” Even now, he felt the ground shaking; felt the foundation of his father’s failure -- so he began to think of it now, an unjust punishment was still deserved for mere ineptitude in failing not to get caught -- crack and begin to reach into the firmaments with something starker and more assured. Beyond this marriage, it would be greatly to his advantage to be on good terms with Cygnus, and he would do anything he had to to protect the Mulciber name. 
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mulciibers-blog · 7 years
With her father in the castle, Andromeda hadn’t seen any way to get out of going to Madame Puddifoot’s with Mulciber; even if her father hadn’t been there, she probably would have accepted just to make things easier with him, and to keep up appearances. She ought to have known he wouldn’t have the intelligence to come up with anything more interesting than the tea shop -god, even going to Honeyduke’s would be better than this. But she was here, with the man she liked least in the world, and a perfect view of a pair of fifth years who were making calf eyes at each other behind Mulciber. They were far more interesting than her betrothed. Her lips curled into a bland smile when he spoke and she turned her gaze to him for a minute. “I don’t care for rose milk tea, poppet. Thank you though.” If he wanted to do this, he would have to carry the weight of the conversation.
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Mulciber smiled at Andromeda, sipping from his tea.��“Mmm,” He said in exaggerated pleasure. Raising his hand at Madame Puddifoot, their pot was refilled. “Thank you,” He said, turning once again to Andromeda. There was an Arctic gap between them that could not be easily breached. What had begun as a cocktail of fleshly impulses and familial duty had now become almost entirely the latter. Mulciber did not know if he could share his bed with someone who had done the same with a mudblood, but he would wring her white neck before he succumbed. “Be a little more civil, dear,” He said from behind clenched teeth, picking up his cup with an iron grip and drinking it to help calm himself. It wouldn’t do to become infuriated in a tea shop, regardless of how much Andromeda was tempting him to. “I would think you’d be a little more allowing now.” Mulciber said, keeping his voice low so they should not stick out like a sore thumb in this sea of love.
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hatred with frills | mulciber & andromeda
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mulciibers-blog · 7 years
She couldn’t have refused anyway, but Andromeda wished she could. Feeling him touching her was enough to make her want to vomit - would that discourage him from doing it in the future? Likely not, but it was worth an attempt someday, when her father wasn’t at the castle, and she wasn’t wearing a beautiful dress. Her posture was stiff as she moved with him, and in the back of her mind, Andromeda couldn’t help but compare this to when Ted held her, and she melted into his arms. “What do you propose, Joseph?” She wasn’t interested but if he was busy talking, then she didn’t have to.
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Mulciber let the music sink into the background, functioning as the backdrop for their conversation. An ephemeral torch song -- he wouldn’t let that be the story for long, not if he could do anything. And with Cygnus here, the true captain of her soul and master of her fate, nothing could go awry; his troubles were finished, the duel a nightmarish bygone. At least she was quiet -- even the meanest of animals could sense defeat when defeat was imminent. “I propose a show of affection, nothing extraordinary or scandalous.” Mulciber paused, lowering his voice. “A mere meeting of lips.” 
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