#some of the most hateful vitriol ive seen has been from these people
newbiealliance · 6 months
dare i say its extremely fucking weird for people to shit on object shows for being "childish" when the majority of people who make/enjoy them are autistic
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hannahbarberra162 · 18 days
She must be the person who most cheers for the death of Whitebeard, a man she doesn't even know, because this is one of the few scenarios that she can maybe be free again and return home.
If she spends 6 hours donating blood and has 8 hours of sleep (considering that she has a regulated sleep), what does she do in the remaining 10 hours? Can she leave the room? Does she sleep in the dorm with the others? Can she walk freely?
Does Whitebeard know of her existence (and that she is in Moby Dick against her will)? Does the whole crew know, or just the commanders?
Does Marco feel the slightest bit guilty? Knowing he's holding someone in the boat against her will? Would he really be able to keep up his threats?
Sorry for the questionnaire, I'm just curious :'D I have so many thoughts about the last one-shot
Hi Luarsunny!! I know this isn't your cup of tea haha. I'm writing a short one shot in your honor that's light and fluffy featuring a normal Marco. To answer some questions:
Marco would absolutely keep up his threats. He’d probably just start by breaking your ankle again, but he'd be willing to do whatever he needs to ensure Pops’s health. You are nothing to him compared to his father / Captain. 
I’d imagine some of the crew knows, but there’s so many people on board and you’re not very noticeable. It’s not a secret but you’re not that important to most people’s daily lives. 
“You’re done for today yoi,” Marco said, pulling the IV out of your arm. You’d been healed by him already, as you always were. Even though he replenished your blood, it always took a lot out of you to give platelets for six hours a day. You felt weak and lethargic, even though Marco had confirmed there was no biological reason for it. You were free to go where you wanted for the next few hours until you were confined to your room for bedtime. Marco locked you in a private room near his own for ten hours at a time, wanting you to get undisturbed sleep and rest away from the rest of the crew. He was neurotic, counting how many hours you slept and if you got up in the night. You were sure he was watching you, but you hadn’t figured out how yet. 
Lately you’d taken to spending time on the top deck when you were free, enjoying the weather outside. Before sailing with the Whitebeard Pirates, you’d never seen snow before. You were from a summer island and enjoyed watching the changes in the weather as the ship sailed through the Grand Line. Marco had banned you from going up to the crow’s nests, where you had originally loved spending time watching the skies. You’d almost fallen once on your climb up and Marco had since forbidden it. So you sat near the figurehead of the whale, thinking about nothing. Or, trying not to. 
Some pirates talked to you, trying to get you to socialize. You’d made a couple of friends, if kidnapping enablers could be considered friends. You were closest to Masked Deuce, who worked in the medical division under Marco. He was around a lot, checking in on you during your long days. You’d discovered he was a writer and loved the same kinds of literature you did, and he would read books to you while you sat immobilized. With Deuce came Ace, another Commander. You didn’t like Ace as much, he didn’t seem to understand the bind you were in. According to him, you should be overjoyed to be providing your platelets to someone as amazing as Whitebeard. But he was kind and charming and would tell you funny stories sometimes, so you let him hang out with you when you had time.
You resented Whitebeard and his crew immensely. You’d met Whitebeard himself once, when Marco had brought you up to meet him at the Captain’s insistence. 
“Thank you child,” the old man said simply, nodding his head in thanks. You had fantasized about this moment many times, imagining how you’d spew your vitriol at the Captain, telling him you hated his ship, his crew, Marco, and most of all, him. But in the face of the World’s Strongest Man, you were unable to do anything except cower, clinging to Marco as if he were your lifeline. “I owe you my good health, which is more precious than any treasure.” You stared at the man four times your size, your words dying in your throat. Marco nudged you.
“You’re welcome.” You didn’t have anything else to say - what could you say? Please let me go home to the detriment of your own health? Your son kidnapped me and I’m here against my will? Marco knew how you felt, he knew you were homesick and cried often at night. If he wanted to let Whitebeard know, he would. Part of you wished Whitebeard would die already, then you might get to go home. But you also thought they might abandon you on some island if you were no longer useful. You would have no money and no way to get home - a perfect set up to be captured by slavers. So for the time being, you were stuck on this godforsaken ship, used as a living blood supply to an Emperor.
Marco had started leaving things in your room without asking - better pillows, softer blankets, warmer clothes, pleasant smelling shampoo, books he thought you might like. You couldn’t be sure if he was trying to assuage his own guilt or if it just helped his goal of keeping you mentally healthy. The other crew tried to be kind in their own ways, offering to teach you how to fight (Marco didn’t allow it), the basics of sailing, how to cook, skills that might be helpful in the future. But it all felt like velvet wrapped around a steel fist. You could enjoy yourself, but ultimately you’d be in that room for six hours a day, no matter how much you cried and begged Marco for a day off.
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spidermanifested · 8 months
this is not my usual type of post but ive been rotating some thoughts and i guess my blogs as good a place as any to get them organized. okay so this is basically my take on the entire discourse surrounding the "feminine (presumed cis lets be honest) women are uniquely oppressed for being feminine/making female characters quote unquote Less Feminine is antifeminist" thing. which i keep seeing come up. on this internet of ours
context being im a trans guy. grew up largely seen by others as female, probably, sort of. was about as far from a cishet womans feminine as you can imagine. not in a cool tomboy way. not in a way that society had a box for. and thats the thing, is that when you fail at gender, whether youre conscious of it or not, theres this extremely profound loneliness that comes with it. part of it was the autism but i made like 6 real-life friends total from ages 4 to 18 and there were no examples of anyone with an even remotely adjacent experience i could find in the media or irl. anytime a female character skirted a little too close to actual masculinity in a tv show or movie shed get that makeover eventually. i was bullied by both boys and girls but the girls who bullied me were uniformly very feminine.
and so i see people talking about how hard feminine women and girls have it, how the world hates them for being beautiful, and on the one hand its like okay, Misogyny Exists. thats not really refutable thats just the reality of it. society hates women. and as for eurocentric femininity specifically i understand its a hard tightrope to walk!!! you have to put on all these masks BUT make them seem natural, youre forced into these narrow boxes of acceptable behavior and appearance and desires, and if you under- or over-shoot then people get reminded the whole thing is a farce and get mad (often violently!) at YOU for it
........but then my thing is, that on one side of the tightrope, the "overperforming eurocentric femininity" side, the tradwife or girlboss or blonde bimbo side, theres an entire history of structural trope-crafting to break your fall, right. like its a shitty box but its the box society WANTS you to be in. they look at you and go "yep thats a woman. we dont like those but that sure is one". there are known social niches to carve out. theres a script.
on the unfeminine side theres just. nothing. its stone cold concrete down there. and apparently twitter would have you believe its actually that the "more masculine" somebody presumed female appears the more society respects them but that to me is the wildest and most nonsense take on the planet because if people see you as a woman or girl who has not taken the needed steps to justify your place as one of those things you might as well be an alien, or even a monster. theres no script at all. and i feel like this is one of the major experiences that trans and gnc people of every gender share-- god knows trans women get the brunt of the vitriol-- and from my knowledge a lot of nonwhite people too, and also fat and disabled people, like. there are SO many things that affect your ability to achieve even a fraction of success at this aspirational femininity.
ive had to see people for real make the argument that princess peach making an angry face is masculine. i think the most masculine woman anyone on twitter can imagine right now is like a businesswoman in a form-fitting pantsuit and light mascara. maybe the struggle of succeeding at femininity under patriarchy deserves exploration, ive seen plenty of coherent and reasonable points, its not without worth as a discussion. but i do not trust the general public with the topic without immediately sliding into bog standard gender policing and transphobia, and so in closing, when the mainstream feminist take on the whole thing seems to be "the more you perform the femininity expected of you the worse you have it", i get the sensation that nobody told me it was opposite day and im about to feel real silly
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sojutrait · 2 years
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warning this is a long one lmao
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i tried once and failed spectacularly and never tried again 😭😭😭
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ive just been letting the toddlers run wild bc i imagine two werewolves wouldnt be helicopter parents and its honestly sm less stressful 😭😭 like yeah go splash in the toilet and have fun
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hmm like sims aesthetic? idk really its kinda all over the place djfkf id just say nondescript cartoon-yness lmao. and most of my inspo is from real life!
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ty! like i dont want it to seem like im a saint and totally exempt from fucking up but i would hope it would be clear that id never intentionally whitewash a sim, thats quite counterintuitive of literally everything i preach
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thats what its giving atp 😭😭
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PREMONITIONS youre right, i shouldve forced my mom to birth me early so i could properly do my research for ts2 😩😩
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honestly!! ive tried to play both ts2 and ts3 since joining simblr but i literally Can Not, plus the millions of fixes that go in to ensuring they both work properly, it shouldnt come as a surprise to people that the majority of current simmers are only familiar with ts4
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dkjfkfd thats the consensus everyone is coming to but i dont remember last summer being this bad 😭😭 it fully couldve been tho that was before i ever left my simblr bubble lmao
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thank you sm!! ily2 🥺🥺💖💖
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thank you!! like i am not an ea employee plz cut me some slack 😭😭 and im glad u like my dina🥺🥺 just gonna tweak her a bit to make her more like her previous iterations !
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thank you!! and omg that is so exciting, good luck on ur legacy challenge! 💖💖
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i am autistic so i rlly dont know wtf theyre talking about in regards to my tone, i just think im speaking normally lmao. and i wholeheartedly agree with what u said about black simmers, ive def seen other black simmers get the same hate and vitriol over their tone and its sick, and then everyone wonders why ppl leave and simblr “dies”, like its bc yall make it inhospitable
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i love both of those things so ty sm! 🥺💖💖
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thank you!! i’m doing okay, ty for checking in 🥺💖💖
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DJKDFK ty! i honestly didnt think id get so attached to the dog people either 😭😭
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NO SAME i forget im not like 16 anymore 😭😭 i recently came to the realization that its techinally legal for weird older men to hit on me and i havent known peace since ✋
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i actually considered that! or adding that werewolf girl i made in cas a couple days ago bc im so attached to all of them sjddk the thing is id have to human-ify them bc the halabis are set in the boring real world 
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TYY shes my fave townie of all time so ofc i had to do my girl justice 😌😌
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thank u 🤧🤧❤❤❤
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ACTUALLY when i was playing in that save i literally thought damn now i wanna play with ulrike and dina 😭😭 so maybe so 👁
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this is so sweet omfg thank you sm 😭😭❤❤ im so glad ollie brings you comfort, shes one of my fave sims of all time for that same reason so its good to hear other ppl connect with her the same 🥺🥺 and omg sometimes i forget she has the klepto trait until she tries to steal shit 😭😭
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kirnet · 2 years
ive been thinking a lot about kirnet’s relationships with the jedi masters, especially the way that they change from pre-war to kotor 2. She idolized Kavar, even when she was hurt that he never officially took her on as a padawan. She generally admired zez-kai ell and wished more of the council had his introspection. And Vrook was, well, Vrook. Yes, she had some level of respect for him, but she fundamentally disagreed with him on everything and hated his lack of action during the wars.
But in k2 these just completely flip. She gets along with Kavar just fine, their reunion is more bitter than sweet, but now SHE is the famed Jedi general. SHE is the war hero, not Kavar. She’s just surpassed him in so many ways. I’m pretty sure he has a line about wishing that he trained them as a guardian (or, if they are a guardian, that he was glad they chose that path). But where once Kirnet would have reveled in the praise, she’s just saddened by it. Saddened by seeing the state he’s in. She’s outgrown him, in a way.
And she’s furious at Zez-Kai. He’s the one who was the most sympathetic to the Revanchist, the one most willing to promote action, and yet he watches Nar Shaddaa suffer and does nothing. The apathy sickens her. And Kirnet understands where he’s coming from, of course she does. She just dragged herself out of a shitty decade long exile where she didn’t help anyone. But she still can’t stop the vitriol and disappointment she feels towards Zez-Kai. Lichterally the MOMENT Kirnet connected to the Force again she was begrudgingly pulling Jedi level stunts and was trying to save the miners on Peragus. She just can’t understand the fact that Zez-Kai had the Force the whole time and yet he refuses to use it.
And Vrook somehow becomes her favorite? Sure, she still doesn’t like him, and annoying it is still her fave pass time. But Vrook is actually trying to help Khoonda. Even giving himself up to the mercs is a form of passive action, in a way. And Kirnet respects that! It’s the most action (from her biased POV) that she’s ever seen Vrook take to help people. So even though he annoys her she comes out with a newfound respect and tolerance for him.
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kipandkandicore · 2 years
love how they say "endos dont have did/osdd" like most of the time yeah lol (in terms of nondisordered) thats why we call ourselves non disordered. Plus uh please state where in the DSM where it says you need trauma to have a dissociative disorder, (which is, by word, not a trauma disorder)
also lmao its so funny when people say "stfu disorder faker" or "you dont have did" like bro we, we call ourselves non disordered, so this means nothing??? Also when they say endos invade traumagenic and / or did/osdd spaces when ive never seen a (non disordered) endo in a traumagenic space, like we call ourselves endogenic because we do not want to be in traumagenic or did/osdd spaces because they arent ours. and then they proceed to raid our servers, invade our boundaries and post their hate in our tags.
also like what are they gonna say to an endogenic who is diagnosed with did/osdd? like "yeah the psychologist with many many years of schooling is wrong trust me im a guy on the internet and you do not have this disorder which you have many / all symptoms of and have been diagnosed with"
also i will be roaming this blog as i like it, i might send a good few asks, feel free to call me / tag me as some cool nickname
sure we’ll tag you as “morpho knight anon” because that’s cool and one of our headmates suggested it haha
yeah, it’s getting increasingly harder to find common ground with endophobes. like we used to be able to have real honest discussions on here, and we still can sometimes, it just seems like mostly we’re met with anger and baseless vitriol through anonymous asks these days.
we understand that a lot of bad stuff has been happening in the world lately and people are wound up and pissed off. we personally think these anti endos are taking out their hate and frustration at the ableism they face daily on pro endos who literally play no role in the ableism they suffer through (if that makes sense…).
we think endophobes would likely say someone isn’t endogenic even if they claim to be, whether or not they have a did/osdd diagnosis. most of the arguments we’ve seen from anti endos are just fakeclaims and ableist dog whistles. it’s really getting old tbh!
we’re actually putting together some statistics on plural tags to try and determine if nontraumagenic systems are posting in disordered specific tags and vice versa! it’s going to take us a while to put together, but we’re looking forward to seeing the results.
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sailorbellewrites · 5 years
Fools Rush In... IV
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characters — yoongi x reader (ft. members of bts and other original characters)
summary — min yoongi, music executive and perpetual bachelor, marries a las vegas stripper he’s only known for six months. chaos ensues.
inspiration —  fools rush in (1997 rom-com starring salma hayek and matthew perry)
information — a drabble series loosely based on the 1997 movie fools rush in. drabbles not posted in any linear order and written as a creative writing outlet.
warnings — mentions of sex work; age-difference; light sugar daddy themes; smut (in some drabbles); light angst.
I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX - X - XI
IV  — dinner.
Yoongi fucked up.
Or at least that’s what he thinks as he sits next to you in the private dining area of La Scala, hand gripping your thigh in a quiet warning as you pick at the variety of Italian food littering the table with clear disinterest. He supposes he shouldn’t be surprised—in the two months that it had been since you moved in, you had made it more than clear to Yoongi that you had no interest in being a real part of his inner circle. You weren’t business minded in the same way that he was, nor were you a fan of putting on airs outside of work. Yoongi recalls a moment at a nightclub in Miami when you ran into members of a video production team his company often worked with. Your eyes quickly glazed over as Yoongi spoke to them and you excused yourself to the bar quickly, only to return five lemon drops drunker and much more handsy than before. “Talking to them,” you later explained, “felt like a night at the club.” 
Still, you could have at least tried to be interested in what Namjoon and his wife were saying. The couple was, after all, the whole reason you were at the resort in the first place. The Kims enjoyed nothing more than displaying their extreme wealth at the expense of other people’s discomfort. Yoongi couldn’t exactly say no to the impromptu getaway, as there was a music festival happening and it would be the perfect opportunity to connect with some up and coming artists—or at least, that’s what Namjoon said over the phone two weeks ago. However, you were less than thrilled when your husband explained this to you. You were still getting used to your new neighborhood, your new life, your new country. While a vacation with him was a nice thought, you just didn’t feel settled enough to enjoy it. You weren’t having a good time at the resort and it was obvious to Yoongi.
“You’re not too hungry, are you?” Namjoon’s wife asks you, dark brown eyes soaking in your bored form. Yoongi squeezes your thigh tight because he knows the look she is giving you. He’s seen it a thousand times before, though it is usually reserved for the married men in suits attempting to butter her up with flirtatious compliments at various banquets and galas. Most don’t look at the subtle warning for what it is, taking her small stature and gentle tone of voice at face value. Even Yoongi has to admit that she looks like a porcelain doll in her black and gold Versace dress, but he knows better. Kim Hana is literally a hell hound in heels.
“We had a big lunch.” You offer up dryly, not even looking up from the salad you shuffle around your plate and Yoongi swears he’s going to make you regret it later on tonight. 
“Interesting.” Hana responds in a tone suggesting that she is not at all interested.
It’s not that Yoongi doesn’t like Kim Hana. Just the opposite in fact—they were great friends before he married you. They often stood back from the crowd together, making fun of the men and women that Namjoon was all too good at schmoozing with. Namjoon was one of the first artists he worked with and Hana had been overlooking his contracts since before she even passed the bar. But when news of his marriage broke, Hana reacted with vitriol; when she found out he didn’t have a prenup, she almost stabbed him with the heels of her Loubotins.
“So… my husband tells me you’re a stripper.” Hana starts, a small smile on her face that is the picture of innocence even though her question is anything but. Yoongi freezes at her words and Namjoon chokes slightly on his wine, but your only reaction is to sit up a bit straighter and drape a hand over the one Yoongi has on your thigh.
“My love,” Namjoon begins, resting a hand against the back of his wife’s neck, “I don’t think this is appropriate dinner conversation.”
“But why not?” She persists. “We’re just talking about our jobs, honey. What’s inappropriate about that?” When no one says anything, Hana continues. “We don’t have children to dote on, we just travel and work. Since we’re traveling currently, we might as well discuss work. But the three of us,” she waves a manicured finger between Namjoon, Yoongi, and herself, “know just about all there is to know about our jobs. I want to learn something new. What’s so wrong with that?”
“Nothing,” you speak up for the first time that night in a voice much calmer than Yoongi had anticipated. “And to answer your question, I was.”
If Hana was shocked by your honesty, she doesn’t show it. Instead, her face reflects excitement and she leans into you. “Really now? That’s so different.” You shrug. You shrug like it’s not that different at all. Hana’s face falls a bit, but she recovers quickly and asks, “So what did that entail? Spinning on a pole and taking your clothes off for men?”
It’s meant to be a joke—Yoongi knows it’s meant to be a joke, but Hana asks the question with such sincerity that he kind of wants to puke because it’s a classic Hana set up. Answering seriously will only make you the butt of the lawyer’s jokes for months on end. He can feel himself heating up, anger on the tip of his tongue. 
But you just smile gently and say, “No, I prayed with them.”
Yoongi snorts. Namjoon laughs. Hana pouts and sits back in her seat. “I’m being serious you know. I am interested. I would never be mean to my friend’s wife.” Yoongi rolls his eyes at her well rehearsed lie.
“Yes I took my clothes off for money,” You answer, leaning up against Yoongi, “and I danced on a pole. Gave lap dances too. Any more questions?” 
As it turns out, Kim Hana has plenty. Most of them are traps, set ups for jokes and snide remarks to make you feel insecure; but you answer each of them with a grace and charm that catches everyone off guard. You speak as though you are talking to a child, using simple sentences to explain things like nipple tassels and pole rash. Even Namjoon’s curiosity gets the better of him and he starts asking questions about your former profession too. It’s all going so well that Yoongi begins to think he didn’t fuck up after all.
Later that night, you sit in the bathtub singing along to a song that has been constantly playing on the radio when Yoongi slips into the bathroom to praise you for how well you handled yourself. However, you stop his affectionate act. “You can’t possibly think that this was the first time someone’s questioned my career.” You tell him, arms coming up to rest on the cool porcelain edge of the tub.
“Is it not?” He questions, leaned against the counter.
You roll your eyes. “You’re not my first boyfriend.”
“I’m your husband.”
“Might not even be my first husband,” you respond back sarcastically. Yoongi scoffs, but you continue, “I’ve answered every gory question out there. Hell, I’ve met every curious mom, dad, sister, brother, cousin, best friend, and in-law that you can imagine.” Yoongi knows by the way you say curious that you really mean hateful. “Hana wasn’t doing anything special. I’m used to it.” Anger flares through Yoongi’s form at the thought of people harassing you so much that it became a routine. He never liked to think of your life before him, to think of the ways in which people took advantage of you before he could protect you. It sickened him.
“I don’t like it,” He states somberly. Then, carefully, he crouches beside the tub and puts his hand on your neck to pull you closer. You lean into his touch, a small smile on your lips. “Never again, okay? I promise. If anyone even starts, I’ll end them.” He only kisses you when you nod, soft and slow.
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brandonjg227 · 4 years
Top 10 Star Wars Movies
There have been few media franchises as popular as Star Wars but how have the movies fared with critics? Here are my 10 best Star Wars Films
#10) Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
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Nevertheless, for all its blemishes, the movie pushed the series further into the future and beyond the technological limitations of the time, creating a launchpad into the universe's 'Clone Wars' side which has spun off into its own thing. 
#9) Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
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I understand why people say The Phantom Menace gets a whole lot wrong. There's Jake Lloyd's unfortunatley annoying performance as Anakin (but still cute); there are multiple alien designs that are vaguely racist caricatures; Jar-Jar Binks exists. Yet, there are also some really great elements to Episode 1 that should not be overlooked.
Regardless of your feelings towards the Gungans, Naboo's verdant rainforests, Atlantean underwater cities, and utopian palaces serve as gorgeous backdrops that expand the Star Wars universe. The podracing scene is a fun take on Ben-Hur's timeless chariot race. And the grand finale lightsaber duel is phenomenal. Darth Maul and his double-bladed lightsaber versus Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan is easily one of the greatest fight scenes in the entire series.
#8) Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker
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The last Star Wars movie and one of the more generally divisive, The Rise of Skywalker brought the sequel trilogy to a messy conclusion that satisfied some fans while leaving others wanting.
Despite the typically brilliant work done on effects and design, the movie's celebration of the franchise itself ultimately wasn't enough to enthuse those who felt it was either a step backward from the previous installment or too far gone into a more generic Hollywood formula.
#7) Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
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The first spinoff of Disney's reign of Star Wars, Rogue One was, while still not without its own controversies, a much bigger hit at the box office than Solo.
Critics seem to agree that, while more a fun detour in the franchise's history than anything else, its origin story for the events of the original movie is more entertaining than its gloomy aesthetic suggests.
#6) Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
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After the mixed results of the prequel trilogy, both fans and critics were overjoyed with J.J. Abrams' first Star Wars movie.
Essentially a remake of the original movie, The Force Awakens was a light and frothy action spectacle that may come to be viewed in a harsher light over time but nonetheless delivered on what audiences really wanted from the franchise at that moment.
#5) Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
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The most generally well-received entry in the prequel trilogy with both fans and critics alike, Revenge of the Sith brought George Lucas' vision for Star Wars full circle in an ambitious and impactful way. Knowing exactly how most of the main characters end up made the story no less tragic and Lucas' political commentary, whilst heavy-handed, wasn't without its relevance.
#4) Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
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The finale of the original trilogy certainly has its faults, as reflected by its position in the critical rankings, but, like Attack of the Clones, it was a fittingly big technological step forward for both the franchise and movies in general.
Even if you're not a fan of the infamous Ewoks, Return of the Jedi delivers a satisfying conclusion to the long-running feud between hero Luke Skywalker and villain Darth Vader, which has only improved over time in the face of future movies undermining its impact.
#3) Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi
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As much a remake of Empire Strikes Back as The Force Awakens is to the original movie, Rian Johnson's take on the franchise's core elements also added its fair share of ideas to the mix and that's perhaps part of the reason why there ended up being such a huge divide between one very enthusiastic side made up of critics and fans and one vitriolically hateful side made up of a faction of other fans.
At any rate, the movie sits with the most widely loved entries in the franchise as the debate surrounding it rages on, and, like The Force Awakens again, its evaluation over time will be fascinating to watch.
#2) Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
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The original classic is one of the few movies in existence that truthfully has had all that can be said about it already said.
The movie that would eventually come to be known as A New Hope remains one of cinematic history's biggest landmarks and an essentially perfect adventure story. If you've still never seen it then fans and a vast majority of critics agree that you're missing out on a monumental experience.
#1) Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
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It's easy to see why Empire Strikes Back is so often floated as the best movie of the franchise, with its darker and more haunting tone that's emphasized by its striking look. Virtually flawless. This is the Star Wars equivalent of Casablanca. Directed by Irvine Kirshner, produced by Gary Kurtz with a screenplay in part by Lawrence Kasdan (in other words, not George Lucas), this has the best dialogue, the deepest characterisation, the most compelling story and the best individual moments of the lot: the Millennium Falcon flying into the asteroid field, Han being frozen in carbonite, Luke and Darth Vader fighting amid the industrial gloom of the freezing chamber with the iconic line “I am your father!”, Chewbacca roaring at Vader (a big deal). As well as the main plot twist, which need not be repeated here, there is also the sight of Vader kneeling before the previously unseen Emperor (also a big deal). And it has Boba Fett.
Honorable Mentions: Solo: A Star Wars Story and Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Well, that’s it for today’s post, thanks for reading! And don’t forget to tell me your favorite comebacks so far and/or if you like any of these films. May the Force be with you.
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moonshxdows · 6 years
book 2 trailer analysis
ill be posting some screencaps of the trailer sometime tomorrow as well so keep an eye out!
okay so a quick rewatch before I go through it frame by frame and just. god im so excited i love this show so much
anyways everything's gonna be under the cut bc its long and spoilery if u havent seen the trailer yet
okay so the opening clip looks like its in a human town. dragang is being chased across the bridge by some angry humans with pitchforks. raylas wearing the human cape. they got caught?
some clips from s1
okay. ezran ellis and zym are outside this white building. its shaped similarly to the star elf buildings we see later on. did they have to sit out some stuff that rayla and callum got to see? or is this like. lujanne's house or something
the fire (?) dragon is coming down on "a town of katolis" that soren is in. im assuming this isnt near the castle and claudia is there but out of frame, so did they get caught up in something on accident or were the dragons drawn to them because of the spell? lujanne recognized it, the dragons might too
wife (sunfire knight)
if my blog wasnt more cool toned that would be my new header oh my god
in the upper left corner of the screen theres a castle. there aren't any human kingdoms that are on the banks of a lava waterfall so is that an elf castle? or is this the place where all the royals got that fire background?
im dumb thats probably a halfway castle and the lava river is the border i forgot they said border over this
fuck off vitriol
elves attacking amaya and her squadron. these are likely the sunfire elves at the border, since amaya is also at the border. the castle in the last shot is probably more of a fortress
wife kicking ass! w her cool ass sword
something i noticed about the sunfire elves, or at least the warriors. the headdresses they wear are actually armor to protect their horns! they also have markings/tattoos like moonshadow elves, but they seem less elaborate (at least on their face)
does this mean horns are as important in all elf races or just sunfire elf races?
opeli ur the only bitch in this house i trust. is viren keeping the missions w the brodigies under wraps or does opeli think that's not enough?
boat! are they on their way to evenere?
star elf bitch there u are u sexy bastard. zi @moonxadia made a fantastic theory on that elf here, but tl;dr that's elarion being shady (as much as ive liked the aaravos theories i dont think thats him)
viren being shady (spell had similar look as star elf from last clip)
zym i would die for you
the background to that looks interesting- are they having a big dinner of some sort?
ik other people have said this but that's definetly runaans strike crew from early s1. the very dead strike crew. zombie elves!
also if they touch a hair on aanyas head i Will Cry she looks so small in that throne...
(altho they dont really seem to be attacking her at all?)
okay so i know people have been saying the on fire shot are elves but i really dont think so. none of them have horns or the sunfire headdresses. i think that's a human army
(its another moon moth. same one as from earlier in the trailer?)
so in the shot of dragang on The Bird, callum looks really upset. like, seriously upset. this might be part of a joke bc hes holding bait, but im worried
ezran baby boy. hes so worried
zym!!!! i love you!!!!!!!
these pillars look real cool. is this a magic place?
okay so runaans deceased elf crew again, but pre-zombification (or post?) did lujanne summon them? is it a moon elf thing? why are they stars? is it a star elf clearing?
so zoom out, theyre in these... gazebos? made of starlight? nothing to comment it just looks real cool
hey claudia maybe... not.
im very concerned that when claudia said "you take creatures that are born with magic inside and squeeze it out of them" it panned over zym briefly
callum looked concerned so im hoping its a flashback of some sort? but they look like theyre in an elf place... idk. im worried about him this season
i know i said what i said but dark magic claudia is hot
wtf was that thing tho
rayla is suspicious™ (and she should be tbh)
sword fight!! im both excited and scared
callum is having a rough time and i want to hug him
thankfully raylas there
so a lot of people have said this but i do think thats because of harrow, not the dark magic. idk why i think that but. shrug
so i wanna talk about the audio playing over these last few bullets real quick. rayla says they cant trust soren and claudia, followed immediately by lujanne saying "real trust is about accepting the dark parts we will never know" which makes me curious. did brodigies and catch up with dragang while they were still with lujanne? since the group splits sometime during the season
if it is the case im curious how theyre gonna go from hating elves to being in a traveling party with 2 of them and a baby dragon
and if thats not the case, what is lujanne talking about?
wait i just had a really horrible thought what if they lied to win dragang's trust and rayla is the only one that's suspicious
moving on,
rayla and callum both look Real Concerned wtf are they talking about
so it looks like lujanne is leading callum to some Elf Thing; maybe its right before she shows him the star elf ghosts? it does look to be around sunset
even if its not tHATS THE POSTER DRAGON HELLO!!!!
rayla i will never not love you
sarai Hes Not Worth It
im excited about flashbacks though 👀
hello lord voltron. perish.
okay so thats the same fire dragon from earlier, but w its face all cut up. soren was prepared to go sword vs dragon and i think he won
"watch yo fuckin dog bitch" "he dont bite" "yES HE DO"
thats the vibe coming from that wolf/badger thing. also that guy screaming at the cat in his backyard
but fr what is that
thunder kinda looks like voldemort from this angle ngl
okay. okay. dark magic callum is a go
buddy what the FUCK do you think youre doing
ive seen some things saying that he's being controlled but i dont think so. i think he listened to claudia and im very curious to see how this affects his relationship with rayla
i think he was missing being the mage? which is why he tried to learn primal magic from lujanne but failed ultimately
depending on the theory, i wonder how people will spin half-elf!callum for this
i dont actually know if elves can even use dark magic fjnshfk like i assume they can but?? who knows
fire golem?? and who has the sword
my bad theres soren v dragon i thought it was earlier
mr fire dragon sir how the fuck did you lose. you have teeth? claws? wings? presumably fire powers?
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schmergo · 6 years
In just two days, I’m holding auditions for the production of Henry IV part 1 that I’m co-directing.
I think the thing about this show that feels the most relevant today is the idea of the generational divide-- of parents and kids unable to understand or relate to each other, who may have different values or goals, who may not understand that the world is a different place than it was twenty years ago.
With so many vitriolic posts and thinkpieces and articles aimed at roasting "Millennials" or "Generation Z," I think it makes sense for a theatre company run by Millennials to put on a show about young people whose parents despair over their kids, who they can't understand and who worry them to pieces.
Hal's dad wishes he was more involved with the family, more interested in war and sitting in the royal council than going out partying on the town. He had to pull himself up by his own bootstraps to get where he is today and sees his son as lazy and entitled. He sees Hotspur as a go-getter, a younger version of himself who will surely displace Hal the same way he displaced the former king. That's what's at the heart of a lot of this generation discord-- worrying that the next generation will be worse-off and unable to take care of the legacy they've been left. It's out of love, but coming from King Henry, it sure seems cold.
The thing is, King Henry doesn't understand that Hal is engaging in a kind of politics all of his own by mingling with commoners and getting a reputation for mischief and youthful shenanigans-- he's making himself personally beloved, and he will later prove himself a valiant warrior, too, impressing people all the more with his well-timed 'redemption.' Hal's going to be a whole new kind of king, but his dad can't imagine any other way than his own model... even though he has to live with the guilt of having deposed his predecessor.
Hal, too, has to learn to show his respect and fondness for the father he keeps avoiding, his prodigal son return something he seems to dread with the inevitability of death. Hotspur claims King Henry would probably be glad if he poisoned his son; Hal later tells his father not to listen to harmful rumors that he wishes King Henry dead. These two men have to prove to each other that, despite their differences, they love and respect each other.
I also think it's worth nothing that Hotspur's dad, a former firebrand who was the first to help pull the previous king off the throne and install King Henry, worries about his son's impulsive and explosive nature, and doesn't share his willingness to jump to extreme action in moving against the king. It's not so different from a former counterculture political protester growing more conservative with age and complaining about his own son's extreme political activism. How many people protested the Vietnam War but find it un-American when their children protest about issues like pipelines, gun control, and police brutality? Hotspur is loyal to a fault when it comes to his family-- they're the main reason he's getting involved in this rebellion-- but it seems his father and uncle don't have the same amount of trust in and respect for him.
I think these themes will always be timeless to some extent, but with all of the millennial hate that I've seen on the internet lately, I think the time is ripe to put on this show-- a coming-of-age story for a theatre troupe whose actors are all... somewhere in the process of entering into adulthood.
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dontshootmespence · 7 years
The Penrose Triangle
Part 3
Everyone left eventually. He was convinced as much. Maybe it wasn’t because they’d willingly left, but the universe somehow decided that when he was born, people would come and go, and apparently the words would too, so he decided if he never knew who his second soulmate was, he’d never lose them.
Maeve had left – taken away at just over the age of 30 after the universe taunted him with her love for just over 100 days. Elle had left, unable to reconcile her desire for revenge and her role as a law enforcement agent. Emily had left, and fuck if that wasn’t too complicated a situation to delve into on his way into work. Granted she’d come back from the dead, but it wasn’t the same, because she needed to create a new life for herself. Gideon had left, with just a note saying he was sorry for how him leaving was going to affect Spencer.
No one’s life revolved around Spencer. He knew that. And that was fine. Everyone’s lives were intertwined with someone else, who was affiliated with someone else and so on and so forth, so did Spencer ever expect anyone to make a decision for themselves based on how he’d react? Of course not, but it didn’t help him from wondering whether or not anyone of his friends or loved ones who’d left realized or cared how it would affect him. Emily was the only one he knew of for sure that regretted the way everything had happened, but that was because she had been the only to ever return.
Elle and Gideon were god knows where. As he rounded the corner to pull into the Bureau parking lot, a meeting with Hotch waiting, he let his brain wander. If he had his way, they’d be back, but in lieu of them returning, he hoped for their happiness. He hoped that Gideon had found love again. After losing his college sweetheart to Frank Breitkopf, he couldn’t deal with the horrors of the world, vanishing into thin air. Spencer hoped that he’d found someone else, a light coming to his eyes that had been ripped away so violently years earlier, as he saw new words spring to life across his skin.  Together, they would travel across country over and over again, taking in the beauty of the world that had been eroded away during Gideon’s 30 years with the BAU.
In Elle’s case, Spencer couldn’t even hazard a guess as to where she was. In the time he’d known her, she didn’t have those blessed or damned words (depending on who you spoke to). Maybe she had found someone since then. Maybe not. But wherever she was, he hoped she happy. In a perfect world, she’d have formed on organization for sexual assault victims, something to help the people she had so desperately wanted to help, in a way that didn’t require breaking the laws she swore to uphold.
So that was what, five, six people that had left in one way or another? Gideon, Elle, Emily, Maeve, his father, and most recently Blake. Like a mother to him, she’d left after he got shot. Again, the horrors of this job kept taking their toll on the ones he loved. Having Blake leave hurt more than he thought it would 
The friends he did have he loved more than anything else in the world. However, they definitely weren’t known for minding their own business. Actually quite the opposite, which was bothersome no matter how pure the intentions. But Blake was different. Blake always made it known that she was there for him if he wanted to talk, but never forced him too, through words or body language. She was effortless to be around, but in a familial way rather than a romantic way. He was convinced that if the universe hadn’t already showed him that it was possible for him to have a romantic soulmate, he would’ve seen Blake’s first words to him on his arm. For all he knew, they could be lying under the bandage he continued to wear – more than a year later. Although Maeve’s death was getting easier to handle day by day, he still wasn’t ready to see those words. There were too many awful possibilities that he couldn’t handle after all he’d been through.
After parking at 7:13 in the morning, he’d apparently sat in the car in deep thought for the past six minutes. His brain told him to move (he did have a meeting to go to after all). While he took the steps up slowly, wanting more time to himself and his mind to wander, he tried to decipher Hotch’s words. What did he want to talk about? Hotch had only said that he wanted to talk to Spencer before work in the morning, but it was a solo meeting.
Gently, Spencer knocked on the door, cracking a small smile as Hotch said good morning. “Come on in, Reid,” he said, sitting down at his desk and searching the younger agent’s eyes for how he was feeling this morning. “How’re you doing?”
“Sleepy,” Spencer replied with a shrug. He sipped at his coffee, which he wished he could ingest in IV form because once he was physically up he hated wasting time on actually getting up mentally. “But otherwise okay. Why did you want to talk to me this morning?”
Hotch smiled, Spencer, much like himself, was always the kind of man to cut to the chase, but for his extensive IQ, he hadn’t deduced what it was that Hotch wanted to talk to him about. “I just wanted to talk about how you’ve been feeling since Blake left.”
In a huff, Spencer got up to leave. “Sit, Reid. I’m not done.”
Spencer rolled his eyes and turned back into the seat, taking another large cup of coffee and nearly burning his throat. “Why do we need to talk about this? It sucks. End of story.”
“Not end of story. You dam up your feelings and when it gets to be too much we both know what happens.” Spencer saw the smallest of glances between Hotch and his own arm. He was referencing the dilauded he turned to, or desperately wanted turn to, during times of great stress. “Reid, you and an invaluable asset to this team, for your mind, and just the dynamic of the team. We all need you, but we need you at your best, and when you keep these emotions bottled up, you are not at your best.”
A minute or two passed by, during which time Spencer stared everywhere but where he was supposed to. “Everyone leaves Hotch. That’s my life. What can I say? My father left, then Gideon left, then Elle left, then Emily left, came back and left again, then the love of my life got shot, and now Blake is gone. What am I supposed to do with that? Am I supposed to operating at full capacity barely a month after Blake left?” When he was younger and had just joined the Bureau, Spencer wouldn’t have allowed himself to get so snappy with a superior, but aside from being his boss, Spencer also considered Hotch a friend, and right now his friend was making him angry. “Because I’m not. But I always get back to where I need to be when people leave me alone to grieve in my own way. Blake understood that.” He said that last bit under his breath, a lone tear stinging at the corner of his eye as he looked down at the floor.
Hotch understood. They all got each other to a deeper degree than most people understood their friends given what they did for a living, but Blake’s connection with Spencer went deeper still. “I know Blake leaving hurt you, but that’s all the more reason to seek someone out to confide in. Does keeping in all make you happy?”
“Of course not,” Spencer snapped, raising his voice slightly higher than he’d intended. “What would make you think that? It makes me miserable.” 
“Nothing,” he replied matter-of-factly. “Then why don’t you speak to someone?”
“Because either way I’m miserable. I keep it in, I’m miserable by myself, or I let it out and make everyone around me miserable. Why would I do that to the people I love?”
“Because we love you,” Hotch said. It was rare he said those exact words to his co-workers. He was more the type to imply it than say it, but Reid needed to realize that despite his childhood, where he was, in essence, alone, it wasn’t that way any longer. “Talk to someone. Anyone. Whether it be one of us or not.”
In his head, Spencer knew he didn’t want to be an ass, but that’s where his heart was headed, so he just shut his mouth…until he couldn’t anymore. “Do you ever take your own advice?” Hotch was the king of keeping in his emotions, or at least that’s what Spencer thought. “Do you ever talk to Beth about the cases that get under your skin?” The sentiment was filled with such vitriol, probably because Spencer assumed that Beth had been Hotch’s second soulmate.
“Not anymore,” he said, getting up and walking around to sit on top of the desk. “Beth and I broke up.”
Spencer had been looking down at the floor the entire time, but his head sprung up at the realization that Hotch’s second soulmate didn’t last. “I’m sorry,” he said. “After…” he didn’t want to say Hayley’s name. It was still a sore subject; Spencer could tell. “I was really happy that you’d found your soulmate again.”
“She wasn’t my soulmate.” Hotch watched as the surprise spread across the young man’s face. “I don’t know whose words these are.” On his arm was written ‘she must’ve been an incredible woman.’ “These weren’t the words Beth first spoke to me, but we got along really well, and since neither of us had any words on our arms, we decided to just go for it. We were both convinced, and still are, that those words can pop after you start a relationship. That it doesn’t have to happen before. It can. It can be something that the universe has ordained for you, but we both believe that it was something that individuals could change.”
“And did it?” Spencer asked, genuinely curious. He’d never expected that Beth and Hotch hadn’t been made for each other. They just fit together so perfectly.
“Well, no,” Hotch smiled. “But that doesn’t mean that it’s not true. Look, I like the idea of having someone, or multiple someones, out there in the world waiting for me, but I also like the idea of having some control over my own destiny, that those soulmates or soul companions can be of your own choosing as well as the universe’s.” Spencer had never really thought of it that way before, which was astounding considering how much time and energy he’d put into the whole concept as a child.
The earlier tension faded to the background when the conversation had changed direction. “I never really thought of it like that,” Spencer finally said.
“I think you have,” Hotch said, continuing when Spencer looked confused. “Whether you’ve actively thought about it like that, I think the reason having these people, or some of them anyway, leave, hurt so much was because you felt a deep soulmate-like connection to them. Especially Blake, Emily and Gideon.”
Spencer swallowed hard. When he’d come in the room, he’d been angry, then the mood turned to pity for the demise of Hotch’s relationship, to slightly more light-hearted, but now…now he was sad again. Spencer was pretty sure this was the opposite of what Hotch had wanted from this meeting. What Hotch had said made total sense though. That’s why he’d been hit by people leaving so much more than other people, because for Spencer, the people that came to him later in life felt like soulmates; they felt like those childhood friends and loved ones that he’d missed out on, so seeing them leave was like a dagger in the heart.
The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to cry, and eventually, he couldn’t stop himself, openly sobbing in Hotch’s office.
Hotch got up and closed the blinds, just in case people decided to start walking in a little bit earlier than usual, and once he returned to his desk, he grabbed Spencer by the shoulder, hoisted him upward and wrapped his arms around him. “Look, Reid. We are never telling you that you have to talk, but we are here if you want to talk. We may not have all the same experiences as you do, even though someone like myself has lost a loved one in the exact same way you did, but that doesn’t mean we can’t listen, and as your friends, that we wouldn’t want to.” Spencer hadn’t lifted his head from Hotch’s shoulder, but he nodded that he’d heard him.
After a minute or two, Spencer’s tears dried up and he lifted his head, making eye contact with Hotch and giving up; giving up trying to look okay when he wasn’t. “Now listen, I think this soulmate thing is bothering you more than you’re letting on. We’ve all noticed that you have your arm bandaged up. You have other words?”
“I saw the faint outline of ink, so yes, but I don’t want to look at them.”
Hotch put out his hand and reassured Spencer. “And you don’t have to. What I want to say is that the words don’t have to dictate your life, if you don’t want them to. If you keep that bandage on, and two years from now, you feel a spark with someone, take that bandage off and realize that the words don’t match, don’t give up your autonomy. We were born into this universe where this exists, but that doesn’t mean he have to think of it as God. Pursue love in your own way. Let it come to you. And maybe, one day, you’ll realize that you have the power to change your fate. What I’m saying is remain open.”
Spencer breathed a cleansing breath, feeling a little bit better after talking with Hotch. “I’ll try,” he said, walking toward the door. As he turned the doorknob, he stopped in his tracks. “Do you think I could come in this time next week?” He asked, realizing he sounded like he was talking to a therapist. “I have no idea what I’m going to need to say or if I’ll need to say anything, but I might feel better coming to you.”
“Same time next week,” Hotch replied with a laugh. “Bring a book if you feel like it. Just know that I’m here.”
“Thanks Hotch.”
And with that, Spencer walked out and went back to his desk, his shoulders slightly more uplifted after their talk. As Hotch sat back down at his desk, he’d hoped he’d gotten through to him. He liked the idea of a soulmate as much as the next person, but he would hate to see Reid close himself off to the world and all its possibilities just because his feelings he had didn’t align with the words painted across his skin.  Whether he was romantically linked or not, he had soulmates all around him – if only he allowed them in.
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viralhottopics · 8 years
Women’s March on Washington set to be one of America’s biggest protests
Pink hats will be much in evidence as an extraordinarily wide range of groups come together to repudiate President Trump the day after his inauguration
It began as a spontaneous feminist rallying cry via social media. It has morphed into what is expected to be one of the largest demonstrations in American history a boisterous march about a smorgasbord of progressive issues, and an extraordinary display of dissent on a presidents first day in office peppered with knit pink hats.
Before the bunting and barriers are even cleared away from Fridays inauguration of Donald Trump, hundreds of thousands are likely to attend the Womens March on Washington the following day, 21 January.
A march of this magnitude, across this diversity of issues has never happened before, said Kaylin Whittingham, president of the association of black women attorneys. We all have to stand together as a force no one can ignore.
The Womens March now has almost 200 progressive groups, large and small, signing on as supporting partners. The issues they represent are as varied as theenvironment, legal abortion, prisoners rights, voting rights, a free press, affordable healthcare, gun safety, racial and gender equality and a higher minimum wage. Men are invited.
More than 300 simultaneous local protests will also occur, across all 50 states, and support marches are planned in 30 other countries, organizer Linda Sarsour said.
We have no choice. We need to stand up against an administration that threatens everything we believe in, in what we hope will become one of the largest grassroots, progressive movements ever seen, said Sarsour.
June Barrett, a domestic worker in Florida, was spurred to travel from Miami to Washington by Trumps leaked audio tape in which he boasted of accosting women and grabbing them by the pussy.
She had been sexually assaulted by an elderly man in her professional care who grabbed her genitals, she said.
When that tape came out, I went into a bit of a depression. And Ive had to walk away from my Baptist church after they were strongly guiding us to vote for Trump and Mike Pence. Its shaken my whole faith. I have to march against this hate, said Barrett.
She moved to Florida from Jamaica in 2001.
Im a black woman, Im queer, Im an immigrant and everything thats going to happen under Trump and Pence is going to affect me, perhaps adversely. It breaks my heart that so many women voted for them, she said, referring to results that showed, among other things, that a majority of white women voted for the Republican ticket.
The Womens March on Washington was conceived on 9 November. Teresa Shook, a retired lawyer in Hawaii, reacting to Trumps shock win and his comments and actions related to women, posted on Facebook suggesting a protest timed around Trumps inauguration. The message ended up on Pantsuit Nation, one of the invitation-only Facebook support groups lauded by Hillary Clinton in her concession speech.
Support surged overnight. But there was also an outcry because it was being seen as predominantly a white event.
Angie Paulson, a knitter who works at The Yarnery shop in Saint Paul, Minnesota, displays one of the pussy hats she made. Photograph: Angie Paulson/AP
It was also briefly known as the Million Women March, which sparked some anger because of its echoes of the Million Man March, in Washington in 1995, and the Million Woman March, in Philadelphia in 1997, both organized as predominantly African American demonstrations to protest against racism.
Changes were quickly made to the latest event.
The presidential election was on the Tuesday and I came in on the Friday, said Sarsour, who is also a civil rights activist in New York and an Arab American with Palestinian roots.
Gun control campaigner Tamika Mallory, who is black, and Carmen Perez, a Latina and civil rights worker also joined the leadership team, alongside female New York fashion designer Bob Bland.
Some people think we are tokens, but Im not just a pretty Muslim face were leading this together, said Sarsour, who is in charge of fundraising.
Many other grassroots efforts have emerged in the planning of the march. Among the most popular is an initiative to hand-knit pink pussyhats that thousands of attendees are expected to wear.
Larry Sabato, director of the center for politics at the University of Virginia, cited anti-Vietnam war demonstrations and civil rights-era protests that attracted crowds up to half a million as among the most prominent in US history so far.
Its never happened that so many people have gathered in opposition to the new administration on day one, said Sarsour. Will it be the largest US mass mobilization ever? Ill be able to tell you on January 22.
Celebrities slated to attend include Scarlett Johansson, America Ferrera, Uzo Aduba, Zendaya, Katy Perry and Cher.
Thanu Yakupitiyage, spokeswoman for the advocacy group and march partner, the New York Immigration Coalition, is marching not just for immigrants rights but for womens equality, fair police reforms and healthcare protection, she said.
A lot of immigrant communities were scared by Trumps vitriolic messages. Some who are undocumented or insecure may be afraid to march in Washington, she said.
Colleen Flanagan will have to navigate her wheelchair amid seething masses of marching women.
I may not be marching but I will personally be rolling in Washington for all women, said Flanagan, a Boston-based consultant on policy for the disabled.
Of Trumps astonishing actions in mocking a disabled reporter, on camera, during the campaign, Flanagan said: Such bullying just turns into wider discrimination in society.
Following its rapid expansion in scale and scope, the march organizers on Thursday published the events new set of unity principles.
It adds up to a comprehensive call for social justice and equal rights, said Jessica Neuwirth, a human rights lawyer and president of a leading partner group, the Equal Rights Amendment Coalition.
Some progressives are still shunning the event, with reports both of white women feeling excluded by talk of race relations, and minority women citing privileged whites acknowledging too little, too late their struggle against chronic class and race discrimination.
But Jon OBrien, who will attend the march as president of event partner Catholics For Choice, said the march is about true solidarity.
There will be all kinds of people there, he said. White, black, LGBT, straight, Democrat, moderate Republican, rich, poor in other words, America.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2jjKLDd
from Women’s March on Washington set to be one of America’s biggest protests
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