#some of the group could have escaped when they heard of others being captured
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ceiling-karasu · 9 months ago
Tokgasi my beloved…
Can’t believe I forgot about the actual infiltration unit during the planning stage.
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scrompsautobotsrchives · 5 months ago
Hey, can I request a platonic Bumblebee x reader, who was one of the flying Autobots? They met during the war but became really good friends with bee being the extroverted kind and reader being a bit of an introvert. Reader disappears after a disastrous mission, and Bee later finds them on earth with the decepticons. Let's just say reader lost their memory and the cons took advantage of that, turning reader into a con. However, reader slowly starts to disagree with their ways and regain some of their memories back. Reader then completely turns their back on the cons, saving Charlie from harm and asking Bee to help them remember again, and then Bee helps them return as an Autobot.
Till all are one
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Dude, I love this idea so so much. Here you go :D
Y/n was a surviving seeker from vos, the destroyed air command that has been taken over by the Decepticons. They spent the majority of the war alongside the autobot's including bumblebee.
One of the qualities about you though was that off field, you normally liked to spend time by yourself, trying to soak up any peace you can. Bee was the exact opposite, always trying to help you join in on celebrating any minor victory.
It was one of the reasons you and him became friends, back when he was known as B-127.
When you arrived to the same command post as him, he eagerly approached to greet you.
"I... I'm y/n..."
"Hello y/n, I'm B-127. we're glad you could make it safely" He happily greeted.
You two through and through had each other's backs no matter what. The two of you were a dynamic duo.
"B... thank you... for having my back..." You said to him one day after a close call mission.
He smiled softly, gently patting your arm. "Till all are one"
By the time the war heated up, the autobots were overwhelmed, hatching an escape plan to spread out across the galaxy, B-127 was assigned to earth.
But you.... you were captured before you could make it to the escape pods.
You were placed under mnemosurgery, they practically altered or straight up wiped your memories of the times you spent.
You were now a decepticon, loyal to Megatron.
Soon you joined Bltizwing, shatter and dropkick to earth, knowing that's where B-127 was finding refuge.
Your group became involved with sector 7, you followed along with their lead until you then heard them say the decepticons were peacekeeper's of the galaxy... hang on that wasn't right.
Their motives... weren't great, taking control of earth's technology to just track him down... not only that, human's were getting involved.
"Blitz, with all due respect. we're here for B-127, we shouldn't be getting the humans involved..."
He frowned turning to you. "Are you questioning me vosian ?? Because I can send you back if you don't want to participate" He growled at you.
Looking down at the floor. "No sir..."
"Good, We know a human is working with B-127, so we enlist humans to help us pinch this vein where it starts"
With the fight beginning at the satellite, The questions began to come full circle, you watched on as B and blitz fought while the human whose name is charlie stopped what they were doing.
In that moment, Memories started to pour back into your processor... Memories of him.
"Thanks... for having my back" "Till all are one"
You dived in and rescued the two, making sure they were both alright. Eyes flashing from Red to Blue and blue to red.
"Human !! Go !! Get to safety !!" You nodded to Charlie as you then looked at blitz, you and bee fighting alongside each other like you used too.
Once she was defeated... You looked at bee, the conflict still raging in your mind... "Help me..." You pleaded.
He helped you up, brushing you off gently "I've... got you" His radio now flicked.
As promised, once he found the others, they helped you return to your old self, you were now an autobot again.
"B-127... I'm so so sorry... They wiped my mind..." You felt the guilt rise... on what they did to him...
He didn't care for any of that... well the voice thing, But it didn't stop him from treating you like he always did... your friend.
"Bumble-bee... to... you... my name... is... bumblebee"
You nodded to him, patting his arm gently. "Thank you... bumblebee"
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 9 months ago
A little what if for the Eri reader Fanfic. What if Eri met the young ASL group instead of the straw hats so Eri is 4 here and she escaped or smt from her captures and she meets the ASL brothers. You can choose how she meets them ect
-It was a chance meeting, one the four of you will never forget. You woke up in this new world, away from Overhaul, but there were other people after you, wanting to use your strange ability after they witnessed you ‘healing’ a cat.
-You were hiding in the forest, trying to stay hidden, trying to keep your tears at bay when you heard a twig snap and you turned, seeing three young boys, who were all staring at you.
-These boys weren’t like the people who were chasing you, as the one in the straw hat spoke, “Who are you?” you were a bit nervous, holding your hands to your chest and your sleeves fell, revealing your scars.
-Instantly their eyes went wide, because all they saw was a little girl who was covered with scars, as some of your bandages had fallen off, getting too tattered.
-Ace had you up on his back, piggyback style after only a few minutes, “C’mon- we’ll take you to our hideout, you’ll be safe there with us.”
-You were surprised by his actions, as they were being so nice, your arms hugging around his neck, “Thank you Ace.” His cheeks were quickly burning red, hearing the praise, acting tsundere, “Yeah whatever!”
-Sabo and Luffy, after you learned their names as well, were laughing at Ace, teasing him for being shy, which led to Ace setting you down on a stump so he could attack Luffy and Sabo.
-Tears quickly welled in your eyes as you ran forward, grabbing Ace’s hand, “Please don’t hurt them!” seeing you in tears made Ace freeze, and Luffy and Sabo were surprised to see that you stopped him.
-You sniffled softly, not wanting them to be hurt and they all froze when your horn flared to life and an aura surrounded the three of them, healing their wounds.
-They were all gawking, wanting to know what you just did, but you weren’t able to answer as you quickly developed a fever and slumped into Ace’s arms, fainting.
-You woke up a few hours later in a large house, where Dandan was yelling at the three boys for making you cry and faint, after they brough you to her, as they trusted Dandan to help you.
-You unintentionally broke their hearts, both the boys and the bandits, once you were sitting up, getting a cut up apple to eat by looking so excited, “It’s so yummy!”
-Luffy was confused, “It’s just an apple.” Before he got whacked on his head by both Sabo and Ace, before he realized that you probably faced a lot of bad things, if you though a simple apple was delicious.
-Dandan made you a dress with leggings, something long sleeved, to hide your scars, it was nothing fancy but once you were dressed, you twirled before looking up at her, “Is this really for me?” you were going to kill all of them- they were convinced of it.
-You didn’t tell them about your past, being too scared too, which told many of the adults what they needed to know, that you had been hurt for a long time, most likely be adults, as you were a little scared of adults.
-You did tell at least the three boys and Dandan about your ability, that you weren’t healing, you were rewinding, undoing damage that had been done, “It’s not the same as healing, that’s what O-… he told me.’
-Luckily, you had your three new friends who were willing to protect you- they wanted to keep you safe. They were training to be strong pirates, but something they learned from Shanks, through Luffy, that even pirates have people they care about.
-While you didn’t really train with them, as they fought every day to get stronger, you supported them, after hearing their dreams of becoming pirates- your eyes were sparkling when they told you what pirates did and you couldn’t help but beam, “Can I be a pirate too?”
-Ace immediately grinned, flexing his arm, “Of course- you can join my crew!” Luffy was quick to shove him, “No way- Y/N is joining my crew!” Sabo then voiced his own and they were quickly fighting again, all arguing on whose crew you were going to join.
-You couldn’t help but smile, feeling so safe with them, you felt like you finally found a place you belonged.
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triluvial · 11 months ago
Imagine being a freman captured by feyd and just as you’re on the cusp of stockholm syndrome he spits on you. To him he’s just degrading you but you see it as an honor he’s giving you his water…
oh I love this. I feel like to fall into this the Reader has to be primed for it.
Like the Fremen seem to live in fairly small groups (aside from the deep south) so if Reader came from a bigger family then their romantic options may be severely limited. Reader, feeling lonely and longing to leave their small settlement just to find romance would be a great start for this AU.
Then when Feyd captures her, she knows he's probably going to be tortured and killed or turned into a slave. She may have read books and heard stories of dark lovers being soft for their one true love but she's not an idiot, she's under no illusions this will happen to her.
But then the first few weeks pass and Reader is unharmed. She's not tortured or raped and doesn't even see the face of any person other than Feyd.
Feyd is likely thinking he'll keep Reader like an exotic pet - the last of her kind once he razes Arrakis to dust - as he torments her with news of Fremen death. (Paul's rebellion is taking way longer ig)
Unintentionally, he's training Reader bit by bit to be totally dependant on him. He brings her food and water when he visits every second day so the relief of hunger and thirst becomes inescapably entwined with Feyd's presence. As he is literally the only other person she sees, he becomes the only thing she can think about, the only thing she ever dreams about.
This is when the spitting scene occurs. It's a declaration of love. Reader's thrilled. She swallows. Feyd begins to spend more and more of his time just thinking about Reader because no one ever reacted that positively to him just behaving however he wanted (this would probably work best if the Harpies weren't allowed to come with him, were killed right after he arrived on Dune or never existed in the first place).
Childish dreams of an Out-Worlder sweeping Reader off her feet and away from her inescapable family and into a life of dramatic romance begin to be mapped onto Feyd's face as Reader spends most of her time alone in the darkness of her cell.
Until I'm thinking Gurney and some Fremen scouts break into the Arrakeen palace for an assassination attempt and while they're there, they free Reader against Paul's orders (Hey, she has a big family at least two of them are on the team). She's ok with leaving until she learns they want to assassinate Feyd. The Harkonnen tactics advanced so much upon his arrival they think they can win if they take him out. Reader knocks them out from behind. This is how Feyd find her. Surrounded by the unconscious bodies of her would-be rescuers.
I couldn't pick an ending here so here's both:
Feyd tests Reader by "accidentally" letting her take one of his swords. She uses it to kill the scouting team to protect him. He proposes with the idea of stringing her along and seeing what else he could make her do for him before locking her up again. However, the horror that his fiancée evokes in the Bene Gesserit makes him so happy he decides to drag it out longer. Then, she tells him about the deep-south holdouts and stops him from relaxing when all the northern Fremen are seemingly dead he has to keep her on his arm a little longer. Then she wins a sparring match against him so he has to keep her around until he can soundly beat her, take everything she can teach him and turn it against her. Before he knows it they've been engaged for a year and there's legitimate wedding planning happening. He still wouldn't call it love but it might be as close as he gets. Reader still loves it when he spits on her.
Feyd gets Reader to fake a break-out and helps her move the unconscious rescuers out a secret escape. When they wake up she claims Feyd found them but she killed him and dragged them all to freedom. She's his spy on the inside and with the confidence of Feyd's supposed assassination Paul and the other Fremen will be overconfident. This would probably culminate in Feyd winning the knife fight against Paul and then saying, "You did perfectly, sweetheart." And Reader bolting like an Olympian into his still bloody arms.
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underscorewriting · 2 years ago
Hello !
How are you doing?
Could you make a one shot where your the ragnarsons little sister ( your 5 yrs old and ragnar and a witches daughter ) and they don't know you exist but you come with bjorn from a raid and you meet them andyou just capture everyones heart .
And you give hope to the people of kattegat because you are a powefull witch and they think you are a god
Maybe they find out your powers when you save someone from death with your powers?
Thank you!
Oh my god, I love that idea!! Sorry that it took me sooo long to write this, but here it is now!! ^^ I kinda changed it a bit, hopefully you don't mind too much!! :)
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The lost daughter
Brother!Ragnarssons x Sister!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Sigurd being a dick, Angst?
Words: 2.414 (think this one's my longest story!!)
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Emotions were all she ever knew. Bad ones, painful ones. She didn't understand why she felt them so intense, whenever something happened. People usually got hurt very badly if she got upset. A little girl that could kill people in the most torturous way possible, without even having to move a single finger or having the thought in mind.
The town she lived in always said that her "witch" of a mother was the reason behind this cursed child. They tried hurting her but she ran, she ran straight into a group of men. No not just men, women were there too. Women she couldn't help but stare at. None of the people in her town looked like them.
Her town was called Wessex, rumors were that in the earlier years, vikings have already been there, even had a deal with the great king Ecgberht. But that was years ago, way before the little girl was even born.
The man in front of the group smirked slightly before he leaned down to her height. "Now who might you be? You wouldn't know where a witch named Meredith lives, would you?" The man studied her features, each one identical to her mothers, except the ocean blue eyes. A feature left from her father.
Taking a step back she tripped over her own leg only to be caught by the man in front of her. He wore his hair in a braid and his beard was longer than she ever saw anyone wear. His eyes didn't hold any danger in them, maybe curiosity, but nothing she had to be scared of. Calming her nerves slightly she stood up straight again.
"witch?" She tilted her head confused, not understanding what that word really meant, only hearing it when someone insulted her mother. Her eyebrows furrowed in anger. "My momma was no witch! She was a healer and helped lots of people!" Pushing away from him, she heard something snap behind the man.
A man holding his arm, which was twisted in a weird angle. The man was screaming in pain as his legs twisted as well, painfully bringing him to his death. It took the little girl some time to snap out of her emotions and look over to the man, only to gasp at the state of the man.
Covering her eyes quickly with her hands she turned away, a quiet sob escaping her. The other men gasped in fear, she had to be blessed by the gods they thought. "By the gods it is true!" The man with the braid laughed and pulled her into his chest. "You are coming home with us, little one. Bet you want to meet your family!" Peeking through her fingers she nervously chewed her lip. She wasn't sure if she could trust him, but her momma once told her a story about a man she could always trust if he ever came to her. A man named Ragnar Lothbrok.
The man, who was carrying her, didn't look exactly how her mother explained, but his icy blue eyes reminded her of him. "Are you Ragnar Lothbrok?" Her voice came out in a whisper as she held onto him. A laugh rumbled in his chest as he put her down on the boat. "I am his son, Björn Ironside. My father and I were often here in Wessex, he met a woman, a healer he used to tease by calling her a witch, they shared a bed and later on rumors spread, that she was with his child. You. I am your brother, we're going to Kattegat, our fathers home. Our home."
Confusion settled in the little girls chest, she didn't fully believe him, but somehow she thought she could trust him. The hope of having a family battling the fear of getting killed or worse.
They traveled for months on no end, the little witch started to enjoy the sea. She learned many things thanks to her brother. The gods became her favorite topic, next to her having four more brothers back at home. Giggling she ran over to Björn. "Brother! When will we arrive?" Excitement settled in her bones as she held onto his hand, looking up to him with wide eyes. Björn couldn't help but smile slightly at how excited she was. "We will arrive soon, look."
When she looked into the distant she saw land becoming bigger, they were close, just about to reach it. She was nervous, he had warned her about how different each brother is, but she was excited. Excited to see a family she longed for. Excited for a land that would also belong to her in some way.
As they arrived she was nervous, people looked at her weirdly, making her scared that she might hurt someone. Björn was walking in the front with her, three men waiting for them in a big hall. The girl had already heard a lot about them and could easily tell who each one of them was. But one wasn't here, she was disappointed.
The men looked at Björn confused. "Welcome home, brother. I see you did not return alone, who is that child?" Ubbe smiled slightly walking up to them. "She's our sister. Father laid with a woman from Wessex, she was a healer I got to know her a bit." The little girl started fidgeting with her hands, trying to release some of her stress. Ubbes eyes found hers, she could only see kindness in them.
A chuckle came from where the other two stood, the blonde man laughing at how ridicules this sounded. "Be serious, brother. You couldn't possibly believe something that stupid." Sigurd was being gruesome, looking at the child in disgust at how her clothes looked. She was no child of Ragnar for him. she didn't look like one either. Sneering he gave her one last glare as he walked away.
Biting her lip she looked to the ground, counting the seconds and minutes so she could calm down. A sigh came from the other three men. Hvitserk slowly made his way towards her kneeling down so he was her height. A smile forming on his face as he studied her eyes, the blue reminding him of his little brother. Even the white in her eyes was a little blue.
„Looks like Ironsides is telling the truth.“. A grin spread on Hvitserk face as he stood up straight. Soon there was a clicking sound to be heard. Ivar came into the great hall, wondering what all the noise is about, having only heard parts of it. „Gods would you just keep it down, Hvitserk.“
Fear settled in her stomach, she was terrified of meeting Ivar ever since Björn told her all the stories about him. When her eyes finally met his she couldn't help but flinch. His eyes matched hers the most. They were almost identical and a giddy smile formed on her face, before she could stop herself. With him it was the clearest that he was her brother. "I heard Sigurd whine about our brother having found some bastard child from father, that couldn't seriously be his..."
Ivar leaned down towards the little girl, tilting his head slightly, inspecting her, before grinning like a lunatic. "But as I see she looks more like a child of Ragnar than he does." Hvitserk laughed and Ubbe couldn't help but grin a little at Ivars statement. All of them were nervous for his reaction, since he was the hardest to please, but somehow her eyes made him realize it the quickest.
The little girl couldn't believe how easy they all accepted her and included her in everything. Everyone except Sigurd. He spread the rumors of her having some powers, but instead of making the people be disgusted of her they started admiring her, bringing her brothers gifts for her. Every person in Kattegat thought she was a god. How couldn't she be? A child of the great Ragnar Lothbrok, it was about time one of them had to become a god.
Even her brothers sometimes believed it, but they also soon learned that her power held a lot of danger. Ivar was the first to notice that her eyes, like his, told in what situation her powers would be. If they were blue in the whites, then it was dangerous for her to interact with a lot of people meaning, keeping her with Ubbe and Hvits would be the wisest decision. Of course they trusted Ivar with her, but most of the times Ivar himself was somewhat worried about upsetting her too much.
On her good days she would walk with her crippled brother through the market, helping him get things and later on hearing about all the adventures he went on. She wouldn't tell but she did like him the best, since he understood her the most. Ubbe was a close second. Björn left for another raid soon after he brought her to the others, which sandend her the most was that he didn't even say goodbye.
She loved her brothers very much, even Sigurd. Ivar was very protective of her when it came to him. He was never allowed too close to her or to be alone with her. It was rare that Ivar cared that much, but he knew how cruel Sigurd could be if he wanted to, and he didn't want her to go through the same things he himself went through.
During a feast late at night she sat with her brothers, giggling and laughing as Hvitserk told her the funniest stories and Torvi braiding her hair, she felt whole. Ivar was sitting in the throne looking over the people, seeing how they looked at his sister in fear, he liked that they feared her even if they thought she was a god, but he also knew how it upset her that they avoided her at all costs when she was close.
Sigurd hated everything about her actually being treated like all of his brothers, like an actual child of Ragnar even though Ragnar himself never even knew her. On this particular night he drank one too many cups of ale and his company wouldn't stop talking about how great her powers are and how she was the hope for the people in Kattegat. The hate he felt for Ivar was nothing compared to the hate he felt for her. It made him see red, he got up and walked straight up to her as she was wandering around the hall, looking at different things.
Ivar was watching her carefully, making sure nothing could happen. Sigurd grabbed her arm forcefully making her stop and turn towards him, a gasps escaped her. Looking up to him she gave him an excited smile. "Brother! Are you enjoying the feast? Ubbe said I may not try the ale yet because-" But he interrupted her by grabbing her face hard and squishing her cheeks together. "I am not your brother! Neither are they!" He pointed to were Ubbe and Hvitserk were laughing together. "Just because Ragnar laid with some bitch in Wessex doesn't make you anything to us! Oh and Ivar? He's playing his own games, he only keeps you around so that you can help him archive the power he wants!" A smirk was on Sigurds face as he watched how tears streamed down her cheeks and how her lip quivered.
Sadly for him he did not notice the blue of her eyes and how she was further away from the others, to calm her powers. One might think that the ax hitting him in the back was her, but people tend to forget how hotheaded Ivar the boneless was, now that he seemed calm compared to his sister. Ivar couldn't help it and threw the ax, hearing his brothers harsh and hurtful words, making him not realize what he was doing as his hand found the weapon.
Ivar didn't mean to kill his brother, panic spread in his chest as he quickly limped over to the two of them. The little girls eyes were wide and still filled with unshed tears as she did her best to keep Sigurd upright. Of course she was upset with him, but he was still her beloved brother, even if he didn't see himself that way.
The hall quieted down quickly. Hvitserk and Ubbe were quick to join their siblings helping the girl to carefully lay down their brother. Both shot daggers with their eyes at Ivar, who was slightly trembling, scared to have actually killed him. Ubbe tried to pull her away from Sigurd, not wanting her to see so much blood at such a young age, not caring about viking tradition at this point. This was her brother dying, she shouldn't see him like that.
But she had other plans. As if it was instinct, she pulled away from Ubbes hold and pulled the ax out of Sigurds abdomen. Her hands covering in blood as she pressed them onto the open wound applying as much pressure as she can before closing her eyes, saying a quiet prayer to the gods. Repeating the prayer over and over again in barely a whisper her eyes shot open, the blue now seeming like it glowed, making the men around her flinch slightly.
They all saw the wound healing. It healed quickly, way quicker than anything else and her eyes soon stopped glowing as the wound was completely gone and Sigurs eyes snapped open. The little girls eyes closed slowly as she released him from her grip and dropped exhausted to the ground, making Hvitserk quickly catched her head, before it hit the floor, picking her fully up. All of them were silent for a moment as they listened to Sigurds heavy breathing.
None of them could believe how blessed they were, having a sister as strong as her. It didn't matter to them if she was a god or a simple witch blessed by them. All that mattered to them was that she was safe and taken care of. She was so young with such great power. A power she needed help with, a power that they all had to tame with her. But it was alright, if that's what it takes for her to feel loved and needed.
The Ragnarssons could not hide the fact that their sister was the reason they all connected fully again. She truly was a blessing from the all father.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! :)
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theglamorousferal · 4 months ago
Persephone's Binding Part 14
Hardcover/Anger Management ship Sacrificial Bride au
AO3 Prompt Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Jazz dismissed herself from the rest of the group, fingers tightening on the strap of the bag on her shoulder. Jason's eyes trailed after her as she made her escape from the group, concerned.
"So, how about we get to that shooting competition that we shelved earlier this week?" Danny asks Jason and Ellie.
"Hell yeah, that sounds awesome, I've been practicing with Dante's help!" Ellie exclaimed. "We should probably change first though, last one to the training grounds has to give Cujo a bath in his huge form!" With that she sped down the halls towards the family residence halls.
"Well you heard her, you can navigate the castle enough to get there yourself right?"
"Yeah I can figure it out, you got some guns I can use though?" Jason asked.
Danny grinned, though there was something sad in his eyes. "Yeah, our parents were inventors and until they realized that ghosts aren't inherently evil they made weapons. I'll show you when we get there, see ya in a bit." He vanished from sight, presumably to go change.
Jason jogged through the castle, resigning himself to losing the race considering the two he was racing could fly at high speeds. He changed into his Hood gear and jogged his way to the training ground where it looked like Ellie and Danny were in a snark-off with each other by the targets.
Danny noticed his first and flagged him down. He led him to a building next to the targets and stepping inside Jason had to tuck in the back of his mind that the parents of the Royal family were mad scientists who saw the aesthetics of 1950's sci-fi and stuck with it. Gleaming chrome with green accents shone from the displays on the walls and from the display cases throughout the room. There were bazookas, sniper rifles, hand guns, a cat-o-nine-tails, and a vacuum all along the walls. In the display cases were tubes of lipstick, bracelets, small rods, grenades etc.
"What's with the lipstick?" he asked Danny.
"Oh, they're lasers. Same with the bracelets. This rod extends into a quarterstaff, this rod has a taser at either end. These grenades form a small portal to a random point in the Realms, these ones stun most ecto-entities." As Danny kept going on about what everything in here does, he would add in little anecdotes about how strong each weapon hits a ghost and it was starting to set Jason on edge.
"How often have you gotten hit with these?" Jason asks levelly.
Danny just shrugged. "Honestly not all that often outside of training, my dad was a bad shot and I mostly managed to dodge my mom. Honestly Jazz is the one who hit me the most when she was still learning combat. She also caught me in the Thermos many, many times." He shivered at the memory.
"Excuse me, thermos?" His previous rage was knocked away at the ridiculousness of the statement.
"Oh yeah, when we were still on Earth I had to capture the ghosts and put them back into the Realms. My parents would build things out of whatever we had when their grants started to run out and so they made the thermos as a capturing device. It didn't work at first, I think it needed more ectoplasm than they had access to because it worked after I charged it with energy. When I found out Jazz knew about me being part-ghost, she ended up trying to join us in taking out the ghosts. It...did not go too well." He rubbed the back of his neck and looked down. "There was a lot of miscommunication, she wasn't listening to us even though we had experience, and we weren't listening to her thoughts on what a specific ghost was up to. She caught me six times that first night I think." He laughed a little. "Eventually we got on the same page and she started training and actually listening to us and we all became stronger for it."
Jason nodded along to the story, glad for more information on the dynamics of the family he's technically at the mercy of right now. He gestured to a pair of pistols on the wall. "Let's get this competition underway, huh?"
Danny smiled at him. "Yeah, let's get to that."
"About time you guys came out here. Let's do this!" Ellie exclaimed when they exited the building. Now that Jason had time to look, he noticed that Ellie was dressed like you would imagine a nomad during the apocalypse would look. She had jeans covered in band patches and other patches and embroidery. She wore battle vest covered in more patches and pins with spikes on the shoulders and a breastplate with the same D-shaped logo Danny had etched into the front of it messily. She had fabric scraps wrapped around her arms under armguards and steel capped boots. Her fingerless gloves also had metal spikes on the knuckles. She also had a pair of aviation goggles over her eyes.
"Well now I definitely need to introduce you to Kon. He's also a superpowered clone who appreciates the Punk culture."
"Really? Hell yeah, that sounds awesome. Hopefully we find your dimension soon then!" They all lined up at the targets. "Now let's see what you can do Lover Boy." She smirked at him.
Jason did his best to not blush. "I'm not gonna push my feelings at your sister. Plus, we barely know each other." He readied himself to shoot, and the competition was off. They all shot true for the short range targets and moved to larger ranges. Ellie misjudged the power on her blast and blew the target apart and Danny sneezed when he fired. Jason was getting used to the fact there was no recoil on these guns as they were energy pistols, but quickly adapted. Once they got bored of stationary targets they moved to skeet shooting and they ended up playing around for a few hours at that before the guns ran out of charge and the two ghosts were starting to get tired.
They all went and changed for dinner where they met Jazz again. She was faintly glowing yellow, her eyes had more flecks of golden light swirling in them and the tips of her hair seemed to be blowing in an unseen breeze. Danny didn't seem to be bothered by the change and took his seat at her right, Ellie next to him, though she looked a bit concerned. Jason took his seat at Jazz's left and Danny began chattering away at Jazz about their afternoon.
"Jason's a pro with the pistols, we'll have to test him against you sometime and see who's better." Danny grinned, all teeth and a spark in his eye. "You're training tomorrow right? You two should spar!"
Jazz and Jason looked at each other and caught each other's eye. After a moment they both turned appraising the other, sizing up their opponent. Jazz grinned. "I think that can be arranged. I do have a meeting with some of the yeti scholars looking into the binding in the afternoon, but my morning will be training yes." She held out her hand to shake Jason's. "Do we have an accord?"
Jason grinned back and clasped her hand, giving it a firm shake. "I can't wait."
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Don't take them from me!
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Summary: While trying to help at a crime scene you were captured and accused of killing 15 people, Fury decided to take drastic action. Taking Venom from you! But don't worry it doesn't last long
Also Nat is mentioned briefly as a bad guy, I'm sorry but someone needed to be the bad guy
Warnings: A little bit of angst, not loads but enough and Fury being a dick
A/N: I know I promised I could teach you things pt 5 and its coming but this came to me at 2am so it obviously needed to be told
Words: 2,200
God you felt sick, the bright lights of the secure jail threatened to rip your head apart, you tasted blood in the back of your throat and just wanted to throw up, how could this have gone so wrong? You tried help, that’s all you did! But of course they were allowed to get away with it while you and Venom were ripped apart, literally
“Fury you can’t do this! It’ll kill the both of them!” Wanda’s voice was barley heard in your mind as if she was far away and not being held back by security while you were strapped to a chair in the lab with high sound frequencies piercing your whole body ripping the symbiote from you, they tried their best to hold onto you but the pain was too much for both of you, eventually the room went quiet and you could think again
“Venom?” Nothing
“Venom?!” You tried again struggling against the restraints needing to see where Venom was
“Fury! What the fuck have you done?! Where’s Venom?!”
“Y/n I’m going to need you to relax, we have the symbiote in a container see”
You looked to your left where he was stood and saw the cylinder holding Venom, just some black gooey liquid trying to escape “give them back!” You shouted but the man shook his head
“Can’t do that Y/n, you and that alien killed 15 innocent people on live television, it needs to be studied and dealt with while you await trial” some man appeared and placed the container in a secure briefcase taking it out of the room
“Let Wanda go men, she can comfort Y/n before she gets put in jail” you watched a group of guards drop your witch to the ground, she quickly stood and entered the chamber with you undoing your restraints and pulling you into a hug off of the chair
“Detka! I’m so sorry, I’m sorry I couldn’t help you in time”
"I didn't kill them Wanda, I didn't hurt anyone innocent and neither did Venom, it wasn't us please believe me"
"Shh baby it's okay I believe you I believe you"
You both stayed there in a huddle you crying yourself to sleep in Wanda's hold, the thought of never seeing your symbiote hurt you more than you thought it would.
With your thoughts interrupted you looked up to see Natasha stood on the other side of the glass looking solemn and you laughed “here she is, the one who turned me in for a crime I didn’t fucking do! How do you feel Nat? Good? Happy that you no longer have to deal with a alien beating you in every capacity? How could you? Wait I know! You want Wanda” you smirked standing up and ignoring the headache to stride over to the glass
“You want Wanda and you wanted the credit for capturing a “dangerous criminal” like me when you know full well I didn’t kill any innocent civilians” even without Venom your voice was low and deadly sounding, in all this time Nat hadn’t said a word and it pissed you off
You smacked the glass beside her making her blink, her ability to appear stoic when she was actually scared was annoying “Venom was taking over you, they needed to be removed before we lost you all together” her voice was steady and you scoffed
“We’re bonded Nat of course we’re going to act different, I wasn’t becoming dangerous, I was powerful, I felt like I could do anything with them in me, and you had to take it all away!”
“Y/n?” You looked behind Nat to see Wanda and your face softened into a smile “baby” you moved to the side watching her become face to face with you “want to help me out? I bet if you blasted the glass I’d be out of here in no time" you laughed but Wanda didn't laugh instead she looked to Nat who took the hint and left you two alone
"Honey do you remember when I found the Darkhold?" You groaned falling to the ground knowing where this was going "Wanda please I don't need to hear you going on about being a powerful witch then being pulled down a few pegs because you were too powerful or however it goes"
Wanda knelt down to you and tried again but it just annoyed you more banging on the glass again "I just need Venom back! They need me and I need them!"
You closed your eyes calming yourself down knowing it wasn't Wanda's fault "I'm sorry" you whispered not hearing the door open and suddenly being enveloped into a tight hug like the one in the lab "I'm sorry" you kept repeating letting tears fall from your eyes
"Shh baby it's okay I know I know you're sorry" Wanda reassured you rubbing your back "I need them back Wands I'm scared"
"Princess I promise I'll try to get them back but if I can't it went be the end of the world"
You sighed "I'll burn this place to the ground to get them back Wanda, no other choice"
"I need my host back! You cannot keep me in this terrible meat sack of a body! it is puny and smells funny!"
The body was thrown around the room and Venom left them standing tall in front of director Fury
"I knew you didn't like me Mister director but I feel like this is cruel and unusual" they growled out
"I don't like aliens that take advantage of a young woman to try and take over the world"
Venom groaned "if I wanted to destroy the world I would've done so already, I was happy with Y/n and we were going to propose to Wanda very soon, I had a party planned and we would eat chocolate and chicken and when Wanda said yes we would sleep with her because that is what humans do as a celebration when something good happens"
Fury rolled his eyes "that all sounds great and not believable at all, so now you'll stay right here until we figure out how to deal with you"
"You cannot kill what is already dead inside!"
The room went silent and Venom thought about it "it seems I have acquired Y/n's sense of humour, but it still stands that you cannot kill me!"
"Oh we don't plan to kill you, more like study you and find out what makes you tick, we just need to find you a host-
"I have an idea!" Fury rolled his eyes knowing where this was going
"Give me back to Y/n and I'm sure you can study us together!"
Fury left without interacting with Venom again
"Can I at least have some chocolate?! I'm starving!"
"How are you feeling kid?" Tony was the next one to visit you in jail and he brought you some doughnuts, food was always his go to when something bad happened
"Feeling like shit Tony, everything I eat tastes like shit and I'm struggling to keep water down"
He huffed opening the box of 12 doughnuts "sooo you don't want a chocolate doughnut? It's your favourite"
You sighed knowing you probably wouldn't keep the food down but god the doughnut did look delicious "go on then give me the poisonous food"
He gave you his annoying smile and passed the sweet treat through the door and watched you eat it hesitantly "I hope this doesn't put me off doughnuts forever"
The two of you ate in silence and while you did manage to keep the food down you couldn't manage another one "thanks Tony" you said quietly and instead of being annoying like usual he just replied with "it's okay kid, we'll figure this out"
"Venom? Venom are you in the room or a container?" Wanda was quiet sneaking into the lab after distracting the guards with her magic, it wouldn't last too long though so she needed to be quick
"Wanda! You have come to save me! They wouldn't give me chocolate!"
Wanda went bright red trying to quiet down the alien "shh Venom shhh come on just stop you'll get us caught!" She tried whispering but had to raise her voice when they wouldn't stop
"Venom! Shut the fuck up!" She finally exploded and Venom finally stopped widening their white eyes "you are a scary redheaded woman Wanda"
"Just stop talking and get in me"
The rom was silent for a few moments when Wanda realised what she said and Venom was trying to understand why she was silent until they realised "you made a sexual innuendo didn't you?"
She gave a nervous laugh and rephrased what she said "just take over my body so I can take you back to Y/n"
"Yeah! I've missed my human!" Venom absorbed themselves into her body and Wanda wanted to be sick, how did Y/n deal with this?
"You have a comfortable rib cage Wanda and a full mind, it is very strange"
Wanda ignored the comments and exited the lab quickly going back to your jail "just stay in there and don't make a sound okay, we'll be there soon"
The symbiote was practically vibrating with excitement at seeing you again, it'd been nearly a day but that was way too long in their mind
Finally reaching the jail Venom couldn't help it leaving Wanda's body and sticking to the glass near where you lay "Y/n?! I have returned to you! Wake up!"
When you didn't wake up Wanda got concerned opening the door "Y/n?!"
Venom appeared again before you and hovered over your body "she is cold, I think she is dying"
Wanda was shocked "dying?! Why?!"
"We have been together for so long that our DNA was bonded but when they tore us apart it became harmful"
"Well go back in then! She can't die!"
Venom wasted no time in entering your body trying to wake you up, eventually you jolted and Wanda was there to hold you "Wanda? Did I pass out?"
Wanda was close to tears giving you a nod "you have them back"
Your eyes widened "what?"
She nodded and you gasped "Venom?"
"I have returned Y/n! We can continue to be annoying and propose to Wanda like we planned! No time like the present!"
You let out a laugh that soon turned to tears, god you were so happy they were back, and they were right about Wanda, definitely no time like the present
"Wanda I ha-we have a question" you managed to pull yourself up into a sitting position holding onto Wanda's hand "it's been a crazy 24 hours but whatever happens we need to ask you something important"
"Wanda couldn't say anything, you were near enough dying 5 minutes ago and now you were here sweating about a question"Wanda couldn't say anything, you were near enough dying 5 minutes ago and now you were here sweating about a question
Wanda chuckled "say it again slowly babe"
You took a deep breath feeling Venom's tendrils appear holding a small box "will you marry me?" Venom took their cue to open the small box revealing a diamond ring making Wanda gasp and pull away from you
"Wanda? Are you okay?" You were nervous now, even Venom was slightly scared, maybe it was too soon after your near death experience, god you were really regretting it now
"Are we doing it wrong?" You were about to answer but Wanda pulled you close into a kiss "is that a yes?" you asked when she let you go "absolutely sweetheart!" She kissed you one more time accepting the ring that Venom gave you "it's beautiful" she admired it for a few moments
"How did you afford this?"
You groaned "Wanda can't we just enjoy our time together without you asking sil-
"You stole it didn't you?"
Venom decided to help you here, well help wasn't the right word "Wanda I took it from a person who no longer lives among the living"
Yeah no that was definitely not better but Wanda chose to ignore it "it doesn't matter, I love you so much!" you both embraced again feeling Venom wrap their tendrils around you both too "I want to be involved in this hug too"
The moment was cut short when the door slammed open, soldiers pilling in and Fury storming through "what the hell do you three think you're doing?! Sneaking into the lab and stealing the alien Wanda really?!"
Venom didn't let the soldiers get near you and Wanda instead wrapping more of their tendrils around you forming a close shield
"I have a small cabin we can go to, just say you want to" Wanda whispered to you and you nodded "get us the hell out of here fiancé"
"That's the sexiest thing you've ever said to me"
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diamondzoey · 3 months ago
Enter the bloody swamp
(A/n:also merry Christmas Eve ^^))
You a hunter was traveling with your group to capture more halfbloods and sell them to the arena. You and your group have been everywhere except for a swamp but this swamp was different people warn hunters about that swamp.
Why?, well it is said that once hunters go in the swamp never come out but your group ignore those warnings thinking they’re just rumors
….Oh how they should have listen to the warnings
You and your group arrive at the swamp and they notice how this swamp was different from the rest, it’s sky was dark and red and the moon was different it was red, a bloodmoon and the water of the swamp was a dark red….almost like blood and the aura around the swamp felt off and you could feel that
“Maybe we should head back” you said to your group but they ignored what you said and say don’t back out now and they walked into the swamp abs you following them
You guys walked around the swamp but you had a feeling you were being watched by something or…someone and felt like they were following your every move like hawk
“How big is this swamp?” One of your group members said while looking around
“I don’t know” other said
But you were just looking around ready to attack anything that try to attack your group
Than you hear crying?, in the distance
“Did you hear that?” You said to your group
“Yeah it sounds like someone’s crying in the swamp” one of the members
“Maybe we should check it out, maybe someone got caught in a trap” other said
The others agree and followed the crying and the more closer they got the crying got louder and notices it’s a girl crying
Than they saw a figure close ahead of them and sees its a woman with lavender hair, horns and headband on her head and notices that she had blood on her and some injuries like someone…..attacked her and she was covering her face while crying
“We should check on her” the leader of the group said
“Okay” all of the members said
The leader looked at you and another member and tell you guys to keep an eye for anything while they help the girl
So you and the another member keep an eye out a few feet away
You and the another member waited for a few minutes
“You think she’s okay?” You said
I don’t know she looked pretty injured” the member said
Than you hear sound….A scream coming from where the rest of your group is. You and the member look at each other run to where they are
And when you did you saw a bloody scene
The group was dead, blood everywhere while the same woman was in the middle of it with a head of one of the members and you noticed the woman’s appearance was different
She grow taller, her skin was dark gray, the horns on her head grow and her hands had claws and she had a burn scar on her face, her ears were more pointed and a tail too
Than you realize she was a demon….
The woman notices your presence and smirks
“My my if it isn’t more hunters of this group more the fun I suppose, my where are my manners my name jemma Yearwood demon of the swamp” the woman now known as Jemma introduced herself
You and the member of your group look terrified
She notices and chuckles darkly
“Oh those experiences are priceless” she said while smirks at you
Than she runs towards you and your group member but you guys dodge and begin to run from her while she chase
You were panicking, you know something was off about this swamp and try to come up with an idea to get her off your tail and than you notice a net trap up a head and had a idea
You look at your group member and tell them the plan and than you guys split up and Jemma starts chasing you while your group member head towards the net trap
You run towards it and turn back to jemma and when she was close enough, you got out of the way activating the net trap, trapping her inside while she try to escape
You and your group member start to run but than you heard her chuckle
“You have no idea what you gonna yourself into, there’s more than just me in this swamp and trust me, they’re a lot more different and dangerous than I am” Jemma said while chuckling darkly
You looked confused and scared and followed your group member not knowing they would meet more bugs
I wonder which bug would you meet next
Continue the story
@willowve01 @rozeliyawashereyall @aspenm00n @lightdragon789 @littlesiren79 @lunnats @itsargyle @idontevenknow7878 @gatorboys22 @astralbulldragon13 @asmrbrainrot @strayharmony943 @stxph-artist @rustycopper4use @pinkcocopuff-aqualoid @not-5-rats @ccstiles @iistxrmyskyii @keyaartz @piffany666 @lunaritychuwolf @castbracelet240 @wilderrorcard @fangsshadow @fennaboysenberry @puffin-smoke @aces-oceans @fruity0salad @blingzyya @atonalasmr @headstrashdump @drowziestar @celestartz @itzscribz @tiefling-chaos
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coolunspokenforname · 4 months ago
First Superhero AU I've had since... Never Mind All That
In a universe where some people develop powers at 18, but can be detected as early as infanthood, every set of twins in the Pines family have become the greatest superheroes or villains in their age. With this knowledge, the Superhero Training Department (STD; unintentional by them, 100% intentional by me) has taken in these children to train and raise into the perfect soldiers.
Mabel Pines
The eldest Pines twin in this generation, but still not even 13, so her powers haven't developed yet. She and her brother were brought in at three, and have been trained separately, though they were allowed time together, and formed a close bond. Neither knows why they are always separated, or why some of the older staff look at them with great suspicion. Mabel usually gets the brunt of this suspicion, especially when she does something the staff disapproves of. She also notices that her punishments are far harsher than those given to the other kids, though she never tells Dipper about it.
Mason 'Dipper' Pines
If Mabel is treated like a troublemaker, Dipper is treated like he can do no wrong. He is always given special treatment, extra lessons, though this means there is more expected of him than everyone else in the program. It's frustrating, of course, but what he absolutely hates is how he sees the staff treat Mabel, despite her attempts to hide it. He knows something is up, but he just can't figure out what. He knows that if he gets out he could find out the missing pieces, so he focuses on getting an early apprenticeship, and hoping to take Mabel with him.
Until things change
One day, Dipper and Mabel find a way to escape. It's hard, and they need to figure out how to work together on the fly, but they get out and make it to a nearby city. Then comes the next problem: how are two almost-teenagers going to survive on their own, with absolutely no normal social skills to go off of?
For a couple weeks they wander from place to place, trying to figure out how to survive, running from the staff, and even heroes occasionally. It goes relatively well, at least they aren't captured, until they're cornered by a group of government agents. They think it's over for them, that their escape would lead to them being killed or, worse, never seeing each other again. That is, until someone comes to their rescue.
Stanley Pines
Also raised in the Superhero Training Facility, he escaped at seventeen, and since has been on the run; first as an escapee, and for the last thirty years as one of the most wanted supervillains in the world. He had heard of the twin's escape and had come to help them, knowing how it was like to be on the run alone. Though, he didn't realize that meant they'd be staying with him. To be fair, he didn't have much of a choice, since after getting the agents to buzz off the twins wouldn't let him out of their sight (Was he like this after escaping? Definitely not. (he was worse)). He takes them to his base of operations, a little shack in the middle of nowhere, with a museum and giftshop portion. Definitely not what the kids would expect from the worlds greatest supervillain, but who can judge?
Turns out, the shack and the town nearby have become a haven to people hiding from the Superhero Training Department, not that Stan knows this. Almost everyone has something to hide, but despite this Dipper and Mabel make new friends and start to live a normal (at least as normal as possible) life in Gravity Falls.
And for the next while they live in peace. Though, that's going to change pretty soon, when someone from Stan's past comes looking for the kids.
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iheartjohnlennon · 2 years ago
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'Any time at all, any time at all'
NYC, '65
Summary: The two times Paul simply can't control himself.
Word count: 2,631
Tags: Smut, Sexual Tension, Vaginal Sex, Semi-Public Sex
Paul simply couldn't resist his insatiable nature, not even in such a hushed and professional setting. He sort of thrived in settings like this she thought, places where there was a risk, a clamp on him. In fact, there might've well been a clamp on him, he would've been better off that way.
His desire for her was overwhelming, that was undeniable. 
The backstage room was greatly engaged with the group and their entourage, all sorts was going on. It made her head spin. The business centred around the group would've seemed nonsensical to the average person, it was nonsensical to the average person. All this bustle for one small interview? Who'd ever heard of such a thing?
She could feel his yearning for her growing stronger with each passing moment. 
Though she often reminded him of a need for discretion, he was essentially uncontrollable, unable to control himself when he needed it badly. 
With a deviant gesture, he beckoned for her to join him on the single sofa he was seated on. He communicated it with his eyes and his hands, it was a sly little gesture, one he'd done many times. 
She tried to ignore it at first, as she knew exactly his intentions, she couldn't facilitate them, not in such a time and place. But he'd find a way somehow, he always did. A way to ruin any decorum she dreamed of holding onto just for the sake of himself. 
She still followed his silent summons, as she would. 
She found herself seated on his lap comfortably, his arms were wrapped around her moderately tightly. It had an effect, an effect that seemed to make the atmosphere fade away like he and his touch was the only thing in the world. 
His lips began to graze her neck with tender, wet kisses, they merely teased her; tickled her. He left a soft trail of them along her neck, they lingered and left a delightful sensation in their wake. She couldn't help but giggle girlishly at the feeling, he knew he had gotten into her head when she squirmed in his arms. 
"Oh, you like tha'? Hm?" 
As the warmth of his breath caressed her neck further, a sense of anxiety found its way to her. 
His mild touch predictably became more fervent, his kisses grew bolder and expanded from the crease of her neck to her jaw. Paul was tasting her with every fibre of his being, his tongue moved with integrity against her neck. 
He made the most comical noises too, like it was some sort of game, maybe it was. 
His lips moved rougher when he captured sensitive places. He incorporated his teeth into it, nipping and pinching. She made involuntary noises. He hugged her chest and giggled into her, moving her around. The way she tried to inch away amused him to no end. 
He was sucking her neck now, harder than before. It made vulgar noises, it was an unreal sensation though. But one she'd rather have in private. 
"We're in public..." She reasoned ever so sweetly. 
"I know."
A gasp escaped her lips as he got feral, clearly wanting to leave some sort of mark. That was annoying. 
The sounds she let out betrayed her. It was only a gasp, although it didn't go unnoticed. In that lapse of judgement, she caught George's gaze, he wasn't too far away, and his eyes ever so slightly lingered on the scene. He seemed to look away abashedly. 
A strong embarrassment flushed over her. The reminder that she was still somewhere public sent a tinge of discomfort through her senses.
She hastily made an effort to avoid everyone in the room's eyes, trying to snap out of whatever trance Paul had put her under. 
He, on the other hand, found more amusement in the situation, he couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. He saw her embarrassment as a challenge, a chance to delve even deeper. To him, the reaction was all a part of the thrill. He found her ear again, "Don't you worry about him, love." 
She became more self-aware as he grew more desperate, she found the strength to move his head away. But his hands weren't any different to his lips, his hands also seemed to be doing too much. He gave her squeezes that were borderline pornographic, one hand loitered just below her arse. 
"Jus' a little bit.." 
She shifted his roaming hands away from any erogenous areas. His hands found their rightful place on her waist. 
He moved his mouth to her ear, his voice laden with amour, "I jus' carn't get enough of ya, please, 'm on the brink of madness." It was a warm murmur but one which uttered sheer ridiculousness. Actions clearly spoke louder than words as he pulled her closer into his lap, grinding against her bottom, satiating his stiffness. He couldn't bear to have any space between her and his crotch. 
She turned to face him, "It's too early for this, don't you think?" She spoke softly, her voice had a certain concern. Ignoring her protest, he just smiled, determined to have her even closer. 
"Why can ya never jus' enjoy the moment Y/N, hm?" His question dared her to resist. The feeling of his clothed hardness only heightened the moment, every effort she made to shift away only satisfied him further. 
The interview loomed closer as staff started to come up to him. It was inevitable that he would have to go soon. 
He reluctantly pulled away from her, a pout on his face. 
Paul gave a discreet nod and a final smirk as he was led away.
He had managed to compose himself perfectly, reverting to his role. 
He looked back before he walked out of the door. An unspoken agreement was made and it said, he would see her later.
After the interview concluded she avoided the small crowds as best as she could. The room was abuzz, of course it was, but her attention was focused solely on finding him. She wondered where he would've disappeared off to, considering he had even more trivial press-related things to do. 
The hallway was fairly barren, it was narrow too, adorned with doors on either side, maybe Paul was in one of them. 
She bumped into John once or twice and tried to ask him where Paul could've gone, he gave a funny look. 
She retreated to the main room and found herself amid the bustling room, a subtle unease settling over her. 
"Hey, are ye okay?" George questioned. His gaze seemed to momentarily avoid hers, hinting at the awkwardness.
She mustered a coy smile, thinking highly of his concern as she replied, "I'm fine, just needed a moment to gather my thoughts I suppose."
That was a lie, she seemed to be doing the contrary as she stood there flustered. 
George nodded, understanding the need for a breather, "I know s'all a bit hectic, suppose it's the price we have to pay, aye?"
She nodded in agreement. 
There was a stark distinction between George and Paul. Paul seemed abrasive now she chatted with George. There was a serene sense of confidence about him, it was a refreshing respite from Paul's intensity. 
"Paul's left ye all alone?" He teased. 
A chuckle escaped her lips, and that comment caught her off guard. She glanced around, seeing Paul was still nowhere to be seen. "Seems like it," she replied. 
"Suppose yer all mine for now." 
She couldn't help but laugh at his cheekiness, it eased any lingering tension.
"Suppose I can't complain."
She was surprised no one had swept him away from her at this point. 
George decided to mention something, his eyes met hers briefly before returning to the surroundings again. "Are ye plannin' to attend the party tonight?" he asked. 
"Not sure." She replied, her eyes flitting away from his. 
George simply nodded, understanding the hesitation, kind of. 
"Aye, I know it can be...too much, all these events and gatherings." He remarked with a wistful smile. 
The thought of attending the party with Paul stuck in your mind, knowing he would probably extend the invitation. 
Paul materialised into her periphery vision, an inscrutable look on his face.
A fleeting thought crossed her mind, wondering if what she saw was a hint of jealousy or whatever other emotion was akin to it. 
She convened a warm smile and greeted him, "Paul! How was the interview?" 
Paul's response was nothing more than a brief nod, his eyes fixed on her. There was a touch of suspense in his expression, a silent disapproval that she couldn't quite decipher. 
Uncertain about Paul's reaction, she couldn't help but feel a weird sort of guilt. Was she crossing some invisible line Paul had drawn?
She desperately searched for an explanation, but all she could gather was that Paul's presence had disrupted the easy rapport she had shared with George.
She broke the unwarranted silence, "Is everything alright?" 
"Jus' wonderin' where you've been all this time is all."
"You mean where have you been hiding all this time?" She countered. 
Paul didn't react with any laughter, he just reached a hand out to her, his expression bland and unreadable.
"C'mon," he said. 
She barely even got a chance to glance back at the younger boy, but when she did he had a bashful look on his face. 
"Goodbye, George!" 
Without wasting a moment, he led her away. She made an effort to trail him as discreetly as possible, she didn't want to be seen entering any enclosed space with him. 
His excitement became palpable, he didn't even greet her properly. Disarray and reluctance filled her mind as she realised where this was going.
She knew all too well that Paul was up to no good. But against her better judgment, she still followed. 
"What on earth has gotten into you, Paul?"
He turned to her, then turned back just as quickly. 
"You want this. Trust me."
The first part of that sentence wasn't even a question, though it very well should've been. 
She couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at his audacious remark, "What makes you so sure?" She retorted that but she knew she couldn't fool him. 
Paul's grip on her wrist tightened, and his height made her feel even more submissive than before. 
He began in a low husk, "I know ya want me to fuck you, y'know 'm more than happy to oblige."
He was so awfully forward and she didn't know why. 
Paul couldn't help but feel a strange mix of emotions swirling within him. While he knew deep down that their connection was primarily physical, a part of him couldn't deny the odd pull he felt towards her. In his mind, he pondered their dynamic, recognizing the stark contrast between them. While he held no expectations of anything serious, he couldn't deny that being around her stirred something within him. She seemed unaware of the effect she had on him, unaware of the way he felt when he was near her. It was a strange thing they shared, where physical attraction took precedence, and emotional entanglements were deliberately avoided and only stumbled upon by vulnerability.
For Paul, it was a delicate balance. He enjoyed the moments, she was definitely a great shag but he couldn't allow himself to become too invested. He reminded himself that she was not someone he could take seriously, not for as long as she was here. 
He shoved her into a secluded closet, it was fairly big, and the air felt compact. It was like he knew exactly which one to choose like there was a pre-planned intent behind it, she wouldn't be surprised. 
Despite the space, he insisted on being toe-to-toe with her, leaving her no room to even move against him. 
He shut the door behind him. 
"I jus' couldn't resist ya, could I?" He asked dreamily. 
The heat of his body was flush against hers, it was deliciously unbearable. It made her feel as if the walls themselves were closing in on her. 
On a whim, she tried to convince him this wasn't the right place, hoping he would give into reason. But Paul had other ideas, he seemed determined, even in such a cramped space. 
She finally met his eyes, it was initiated by him lifting her chin.
He got close. 
"Why go anywhere else?" Paul muttered. "No one will see us lovely.." He had a sing-songy tone in his second sentence like he was taunting her but he had been already as it were. 
He moved a hand to palm her arse, and as he did so her skirt came up.
With a specific glint in his eyes, his voice lowered to a seductive whisper. He got down on one knee and looked up with faux innocence. "Lemme undress you love." His hands moved to the waistband of her tights. He slowly peeled the tights off of her legs, uncovering her bare skin. 
Once the tights were discarded, Paul's attention was shifted to the next barrier. His hands trailed up her thighs, his touch was possessive. With a gentle tug, he slid her panties down, the lace brushed against her. She still had her skirt on yet felt completely exposed. 
With an intensity that couldn't be denied, Paul stood up to unbuckle his trousers, he shifted them down to his ankles. He didn't waste any time getting his underwear down either, his hardened cock was in his grip, and he stroked himself off gently.
With the necessary articles of clothing discarded, he instructed her to lie back on the floor.
Paul positioned himself between her parted legs, whatever was around her faded into bleak insignificance. He unbuttoned her blouse halfway.
He teased her hole with his tip, they ached against each other. With each brush and gentle press, she endured a comforting torture. 
He leaned down and rumoured, "Imagine, imagine if someone catches us like this. Imagine wha' they'd think of you."
Paul began with purposeful and sluggish movements. He rested on his forearms as he slid in and out of her heat. She whimpered tenderly whenever he got a bit faster. Her legs wrapped him closer, drawing him deeper, the sense that the damp friction of their heats made caused her to quiver.  
He lifted himself, digging his fingers into her delicate hip flesh. 
With a substantial clasp on her waist, he lifted her pelvis off the floor, adding a new dimension to it all. 
Her legs found their balance, her toes curled as she vividly received his strokes. The motion of push and pull made her walls engulf him tighter and tighter. 
She couldn't contain herself, and a throaty moan fled her mouth, a few of them actually. 
Her back arched sensually, the elevated angle felt made-up. Paul only intensified his movements, focusing on that remote sweet zone that drove her wild. 
"Righ' there?"
Her natural warmth and constriction created a viscous slickness with each thrust. The sound of them meeting in the middle was provocative.
Paul was attuned to everything and took delight in it. 
"Yer so wet for me, Y/N." 
As it continued, Paul's pace became increasingly more relentless, each thrust more forceful than the last. The back of her head shifted against the floor, her hair was going to look like a bird's nest by the time this was done. She instinctively placed her hands firmly against his abdomen, seeking an anchor.
Paul let go of her as he felt himself on the brink of ending.
She squirmed, amid her orgasm. 
He pulled out of her heat promptly yet reluctantly and wanked himself off before releasing his load across her waistline. 
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youcalledsworld · 2 years ago
The church of Phantom
S.H.I.E.L.D had been investigating a cult that's been around for thousands of years called the followers of Phantom. From what S.H.I.E.L.D has learned the group follows a deity known as Phantom. From the text they've read, Phantom seemed to be a benevolent god helping wherever they could even laying the ground work for numerous civilisations to grow and prosper, helping humanity make discoveries that helped push technology advancement.
With all of this no wonder Phantom had a huge following, Natasha even heard that some S.H.IE.L.D. agents talk about converting. Not that she'd blame them a benevolent god that helps and asks for nothing in return and also urges their followers to help others regardless of whether they follow Phantom or not.
It just seems too good to be true. So Fury sent her to infiltrate the church in hopes of gathering information. What she learned was really surprising, normally churches would have followers act a certain way to conform to the way churches wanted to be seen. But not this church, she's met so many people whose personalities should have them fighting and hating each other's. They ranged from shy and meek to loud and asshole ish. But they all follow Phantoms teaching.
So when she heard that Phantom needed a vessel to interact with the material world she was suspicious. The upper echelon had been looking for the perfect vessel to sacrifice to Phantom and when she heard they already found one and sacrificed him to Phantom she called in S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers.
She knew when she was in over her head and dealing with a god as seemingly powerful as Phantom was definitely over her head. Everyone knew the severity of the mission. They needed to not only capture the followers but somehow stop Phantom from destroying everything by either fighting or escaping.
So they quietly took out all the followers and made their way to the room Phantom was in. She had Tony scan the area for anymore followers and he found some in the room with. Thor took the lead with Captain America behind him and barged into the room. Only to find a boy with black hair and blue eyes around 14 - 15 reclined in his chair being fed by girls the same age of older fawning over him.
He looked over to them and started to blush.
"Hi I'm Danny," The boy nervously introduced himself.
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s1r3ns-c4ll · 2 years ago
Hey siren, so just finished your Poppy fic and I loved it so if it's not too much trouble.
Could you do one with Poppy again where her parents order their crew members capture her on sight and deliver her to them.
Summary : she went on a poacher camp alone and ended up.... ya know
And so FEM mc goes and saves her I need some hurt/comfort in my life.
If any of this makes you uncomfortable at any point feel free to delete this req. Although I did read your guidelines for the request I apologize if you said something about this topic and it slipped my mind
Anyway thank you and have a nice day :)
Find Her (Poppy Sweeting x F!Reader)
Hi! Thank you so much for being my first request! And sorry it took a while! I had a bit of writer's block, but I think this turned out pretty good! Hope you like it! Paring: Poppy x F!Reader Warnings: Implied kidnapping, canon-typical violence. Reader went off in this one. Summary: Poppy had been gone for hours at this point, and you were worried. Natty came with news on the topic, and you were going to find her, no matter what. Word count: 1725 words
This was not how this adventure was supposed to go.
I mean, this wasn’t the first time she’s gone out and saved a few beasts from poachers. Poppy was small, yes, but she could handle her own perfectly fine. 
And she was! She unlocked the cages, setting free a group of mooncalves and a young hippogriff. The Hufflepuff watched as the beasts made their escape and watched as they passed the trees into the forest. 
Poppy began to step backwards, getting ready to head back to Hogwarts, but was interrupted by the swirling of colors that surrounded her, revealing a number of poachers. Very dangerous, very powerful poachers.
Oh no..
“Aye, mate… Ain’t it our lucky day?” She could hear the grin on the poacher’s face, hell, she could see the smile behind their masks. Poppy readied her wand and shoved down any anxiety she felt. She could unpack all of that later.
“It really is! An’ here we thought it couldn’t get any better. The bosses are gonna love this..”
“Time to bring their daughter home.”
Poppy faltered.
Oh.. Oh no.
You were worried.
And angry, and anxious, and so much more. 
It made you feel bad for the possible worry you’ve put your girlfriend through. Because here you are now, playing the role of ‘worried girlfriend’ and you’re about a half a second away from getting on to Highwing and soaring through the skies to find her (and you still might do that either way.)
You found yourself pacing through the Transfiguration courtyard. Imelda and Sebastian stood across from you while Ominis sat by the fountain. Each of them attempted.. In their own ways, to console you.
“I’m sure she’s alright.”
“Imelda, it’s been hours!” You threw your hands up before you ran them through your hair, mussing
“Sweeting’s capable. Even if she’s got herself into a poor situation, she'll be strong enough to survive until we get there, and you save her like her knight in shining armor.” She shrugged. Imelda’s nonchalance both calmed you, but also exasperated you to no end.
Sebastian raised a brow at Imelda. “You sing fairly high praises there, Melly, I thought you didn’t like her.”
“I don’t. I just know when people are impressive. And don’t call me Melly, you oaf!”
“Right..” You managed a chuckle hearing the banter, and the two slytherin smirked triumphantly. The moment didn’t last, though. The relief left just as soon as it came as you watched Natty run over to you and the others, a look of concern on her face.
“My friends! I have news!” The Ugandan looked to you, and that anxiety you had felt before rose considerably
“I hid behind the cover of the trees, and heard a group of poachers talking about a girl they had taken to their base, east of Hogwarts.. They mentioned their leaders being happy with the- Wait-!”
You didn’t need to hear the rest of her sentence, not wanting to waste time that could be used to get to Poppy. Wordlessly, You pulled out the Nab-sack Deek gave you and released Highwing in the middle of the courtyard. You got on her back with practised ease, and she flew up into the skies under your command, guiding her east to where Natty mentioned, ignoring the protests of your companions. You needed to save your girlfriend, after all.
“That idiot! She left us in the dust!”
“I’m as annoyed as you are, Imelda, but you best follow her while she’s still within sight.” Ominis stood up and turned his head to where he assumed the other three were, who were still slightly shocked at the speed you had taken off.
“Did you three not hear me? Get your brooms and go!”
Natty was the first to shake out of their surprise, and ran to follow Ominis’ words. Imelda followed closely, but not without having to run back and grab Sebastian by the cloak as well.
“I’m surrounded by idiots, I swear..”
Poppy was scared.
She hated to admit it, but she was. Her parents stood a few feet away from her. They bickered quietly. About what, she wasn’t sure. Her main focus at that moment was to keep her panic down. You were coming to get her. She knew you were. You were her strong, brave, and immensely wonderful girlfriend. You’ll find her.
Her nerves calmed at the thought of you. That’s right. It’s you. You saved hogsmeade from a troll. You saved Highwing along with Natty from Falbarton Castle.
It’ll be okay..
Crashes and hurried screams made her jump from her thoughts. Yells of protest, magic flying through the air filled the background noise. Her parents started grabbing multiple things and stuffed them into bags as she looked around hastily- until she could faintly make out a voice.
“Where is she!?”
Poppy smiled. 
You found her.
Explosions, crashing, screaming.. Chaos filled your ears as you and your friends burst into the base, caution thrown into the wind in lieu of your rage. You casted confringo on an unsuspecting poacher, and magically threw an explosive barrel at two others. They were going to pay for taking your girlfriend, and you could care less about the carnage you were going to cause. 
Or at least- the carnage you wanted to cause. Sebastian pulled you back by the shoulder, and you looked at him with a scowl.
“What the hell, Sallow-”
“Let us take care of these poachers, you go find Poppy!”
“Go!” Imelda shoved you to the side, and shot a magical blast at an animagus that was aiming at you.
You stumbled, looking at the other three before nodding to them and running off.
You had to find her.
“Poppy-!? Poppy!!” You ran frantically through the poacher base, the distant sounds of fighting between your friends and the poachers long forgotten in preference of searching for your girlfriend. 
Where is she..? Come on.. Have to find her, have to find her have to-
“Let me go!” There we go.
You ran, practically launching yourself in the direction of the familiar voice. You slammed the door open and the sight left you seething. Your girlfriend, your Poppy was bound by the wrists, trying to pull away from two poachers attempting to pull her through a back exit. One tall in stature, and just a few inches taller than Poppy herself.
Oh hell no.
The poachers didn’t quite register that you were there, by the doorway, and you took your chance. Completely foregoing magic use, you strode right up to them and swung. Your fist collided with the mask of the taller one, knocking it off his face and sending his head back. You didn’t spare a second to take a look at his face, and brought your hands together to slam them down, taking the poacher to the ground. He laid on the floor, and not wanting to take the chance (and also wanting to take out your frustrations) you kicked him, sending him into dreamland. 
With your focus on the man, the shorter one cast depulso on you, and your shoulder crashed into the wall. You inhaled through your teeth, pain shot through your shoulder for a second, and you could faintly hear the worried cry of your name from Poppy. You recovered quickly, though, looking more pissed than hurt. You took out your wand and used your ancient magic, slamming the other poacher into the ground multiple times. Overkill? Maybe, but you were mad and you could worry about it later.
Now that you had the chance to look at the poachers you took down, you began to notice little details.. The same shade of brown hair, the softer face shapes..
So they were the parents she talked about.
You take a moment to calm your breath, shaking the thoughts from your mind, chest heaving from how much force you put into those hits and the anger that was bubbling inside of you. Once your breath steadied, you immediately turned your attention to Poppy, and hurried to untie her bindings.
Maybe it was the relief of you finally being there in front of you, or the fear that she had been pushing down, or maybe a bit of both and more, but words just started falling from her lips, frantic apologies and explanations.
“I’m so sorry, everything was going fine- I- I just- released a few beasts from a small camp. That was all it was supposed to be- I never thought they’d- Never thought I’d see them again- that they’d try to do something like this-” Her vision started getting slightly blurry, and you tossed her bindings to the side.
“Shh.. Shh, it’s alright love, don’t apologise.. You have no reason to be sorry.. I’m just glad you’re alright and that I’m here with you now.” You pull the shorter girl closer, letting her fall into you. You cradled the back of her head with one hand, the other rubbing circles on her back as tears began to stain your uniform. You pressed a kiss to the top of her head, and continued to whisper quiet reassurances into her hair.
You both stay like that for a while, long enough for the battling happening outside of the room to quiet down, until the fight your companions were having had finished.
“Let me carry you. It sounds like the others finished the last of the poachers at this base, and Highwing is worried about you.” You adjusted, moving your arm behind Poppy’s knees and lifted her up. Usually, she’d protest, embarrassed at the attention, but she only curled into you more. You felt he arms tighten slightly around your shoulders
“Thank you…”
“Why are you thanking me? I’d come for you no matter the distance, you know that..”
“And before meeting you, the only one who’d go to those lengths was Highwing herself. But now? Now there’s you.. Your friends-”
“Our friends.”
You heard a small chuckle. There she is.
“Our friends. Either way.. I have more people in my corner, and in no small thanks to you.”
“Then you’re welcome, love..” You pressed one last kiss into her head and began walking out of the room and down into the main area of the base, where Highwing and the other three stood, waiting for you.
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jankwritten · 1 year ago
jasico bingo challenge: crossover
Nico tries extra hard to keep his ears still as the humans descend to the surface. 
His suspicion is reasonable, even if Leader keeps snapping at him to reel his emotions in. Nico might be young, but he isn’t naive. He’s heard whispers throughout the universe of what humans do to each other, do to their planet, for the sake of greed and power. 
In his not so humble opinion, humans and Galra are not different in the slightest. If humanity had even a sliver of the technology that exists this far out in the cosmos, Nico’s positive they’d have two empires to overthrow. 
Tucked near the back of the group (likely to hide his obvious opposition to this alliance), Nico can only kind of hear what the human donning black armor says to Leader on his approach. His handshake looks solid enough. 
“That’s the one who was captured,” Hazel whispers to him, always flanking his side. Her fingers curl around his forearm, digging in. “He’s dangerous. Titan Slayer.” 
Nico can’t stop his ears from swiveling flat. He wishes he had the facade of his mask to hide behind, so he could bare his teeth in displeasure. 
He knows of the Titan Slayer. One of the only survivors of Kronos’s coliseum. A being so wholly destructive, so eager for blood, he was rumored to feast on the remains of those he slayed. 
“I thought he’d be taller,” Nico mutters back. 
Hazel snorts, just loud enough that Leader’s right-hand woman turns on her heel and stakes them with an evil eye. 
The Paladins, so called defenders of the universe, are the sort of lively that Nico associates with space madness. A chaos created by a mind untethered. The one dressed in red sticks by the Titan Slayer and speaks to him so fast, Nico’s translators can hardly keep up. The one in green and the one in yellow monitor the edges of the room, observing from a distance, occasionally peeling apart some piece of technology that they then stitch back together before someone of importance catches them. The blue one is the friendliest to the Blades, though it doesn’t earn her much, in Nico’s books. She speaks as if they’re all equals here. It puts his teeth on edge. 
“Quit your brooding,” Melinoe says. She tugs once on Nico’s hood, then wraps her arm around him when he’s off balance, holding him hostage to her side. “You don’t have to like them, but you have to respect them.” 
“Do I?” Nico mutters, bitter. What have these Paladins done to earn his respect, aside from endangering some of their most vital members, threatening their whole network of undercover agents within the Empire? 
“If you ever want to be off base again you do,” Melinoe says. She flashes her teeth at him and nips not-so-playfully at his ear. “Your choice, kitling.” 
“Don’t call me that.” 
“I call you whatever I like.” 
Nico’s ears flatten down as he slumps, folding his arms across his chest, glaring daggers in the opposite direction. 
Melinoe’s laugh is more of a bark, hard and ringing. 
As the base lights begin to dim in preparation for the sleep-sequence, Nico escapes the still ongoing welcome celebration for the more secluded decks. He’s sure his disappearance will be noted, but Leader can’t hold it against him if his excuse is habit and schedule. Nico has hardly slept well a day in his life, but he always goes to bed on time. 
This cycle, he taps into one of the common areas and slouches onto the plush cushioning arranged by whomever used the room last. He doesn’t want to go to his own room yet, worn out as he is. He needs to keep an eye out. It seems everyone else is swept up in the revelry of their guests, but Nico isn’t fooled. 
In the common area, he’ll be able to hear unfamiliar, human footfalls coming or going. He can remain on his guard in an open area. His room would just feel claustrophobic. 
Arranging himself so the entrance remain within sight, Nico finally allows himself to relax just the slightest bit into the comfortable cradle of cushion. 
He snaps awake to the sound of the doors wooshing shut. 
The Titan Slayer blinks at him. “Oh,” he says, in that strange, human tone. “Sorry. I- didn’t know, uhm, someone was here.” 
Nico bristles, unable to keep himself from going on the offensive. His shoulder hike, and he bares his teeth. 
“I’ll just go,” The Titan Slayer says. He puts his hands up. “My bad.” 
“You are sneaking,” Nico hisses, rising to his feet. He’s still in his armor. If he needs to, he can yank his hood on and strike fast, strike hard. Strike first. 
“I was just trying to find some water.” The Titan Slayer keeps his hands up, perhaps a defense? “I’ll go back to my quarters.” 
“I will follow,” Nico says. The Titan Slayer’s eyes widen slightly, as if shocked. Nico wants so badly to bare his teeth. “To make sure you find your way.” 
The human lowers his hands, finally. He tips his head forward in a nod not dissimilar to those given in respect to commanders, generals. “I’d appreciate that,” The Titan Slayer says. 
Though he takes the long way, there are no deviations from the path the paladin leads back to the guest quarters - a sliver of space set up with cots, furnished just enough to feel better than nothing. 
Nico watches from the doorway as the Titan Slayer pads near-silently to the empty cot across the room, between two of the others. The yellow and blue, Nico thinks. They look smaller without armor. 
The Titan Slayer looks up at him. If he’s surprised to see Nico still there, he does not say. Instead, in the otherwise silent space, he murmurs, “I look forward to working with you. I don’t believe I caught your name?” 
The translator catches for a moment over the word name, though the translation suits Nico fine. A name is not a title. There is not much to giving it. 
“Nico,” he says, gruff and short. 
The Titan Slayer smiles, that strange, bare human expression. “I’m Jason,” he says. “It’s nice to meet you, Nico.” 
Nico narrows his eyes suspiciously, parsing apart the tone, the word choice. To meet under these circumstances is not nice. What games do the humans play with their words? To lie so blatantly? 
“We will see,” Nico says. He steps backward through the still-open doorway, refusing to look away from the Titan Slayer. Jason. Danger. 
The door hisses shut. 
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rook-de-rivas · 2 months ago
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I wanna her about Ashara!!!
I love hearing about other people’s Rooks!!
Okay so let me tell you about my babygurl Ashara de Riva (loosely inspiring my Ashara Greencloak in dnd)
Though she doesn't and will never know it, Ashara was born into a small Antivan family of elves who joined a Dalish clan which was later decimated by Tevinter slavers when she was only a few months old. Both her parents were captured and enslaved, and Ashara grew up as a slave in a Tevinter household until approx the age of 5 -- her father died shortly after they arrived in Tevinter and her mother was killed for dropping a flagon of wine when she was 3. Ashara doesn't remember any of this, mind you. She remembers that her mother used to smell like lilies. At five, she was being sent to become a slave in the Free Marches, but whilst on a ship from Rivain to Wycombe, a group of slaves overpowered the sailors and crashed the ship near Treviso. Light on her feet and having a tiny bit of magic (think like... cantrip dancing lights and a knack for unlocking doors, but nothing more), Ashara managed to escape her shackles and ended up on the streets of Treviso. An older elf took pity on her and would often give her small amounts of food, but Ashara quickly became a pickpocket to ensure she had at least a little to eat -- she was also very protective of other young street urchins.
At seven, she heard that there was to be a large meeting of people from all over Antiva, and took to lurking near the markets and political offices of the city. It was here that she spotted 13-15 year old Viago and his own mentor (who I always assume was the current head of House de Riva, but ymmv) and took a shine to the coin purse on Viago's hip because it had a little crow charm on it. She snuck up behind them whilst they were discussing a piece of art at a market stall, she cut his purse strings and bolted, with Viago absolutely aghast and his mentor howling with laughter. Ashara was utterly conviced she could get away, especially after scrambling up a trellis and jumping from rooftop to rooftop. But she was unfamiliar with the area, and so misjudged one of the jumps and would have gone plummeting into the canals if Viago hadn't caught her by the scuff of her neck. She, of course, proceeded to bite him.
He dragged her back to his mentor (who was still laughing) and bought her a bowl of soup and some bread, sitting there glaring at this skeletal little slip of an elf with olive skin, dark hair, and eyes so green they looked like fresh grass. Viago decided he was keeping her, Ashara hissed and tried to do a runner, Viago caught her by the scruff of the neck and told her that she had good instincts, even if she did do stupid things like leaping before she looked to see if she could reach the next ledge. Ashara, who hadn't had a full meal in her entire life and who quite liked being warm and being told she was good at something, relented on the condition that she got to keep the little crow charm on the coinpurse (she was 7!)-- Viago said no,but she could earn her own. Stubborn little kid suddenly had somethign to prove to the world.
I can continue but this is the base of her backstory and i just love her lots.
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shroudkeeper · 10 months ago
Hello I have seen it mentioned a few time that Kikyo died at some point, and I was wondering what happened? Of course only you you wanna tell about, she is just a very interesting character to me
Hello anon, I hope you are still around! Thank you so much for asking, Kikyo has indeed died before, and just in case folks are a little uncomfortable with the subjects of death and murder in fiction, please take this as a trigger warning! I changed a few things from when she was initially created, to better flow with what she is now. There is a bit of background information as to what led to this, I will try not to make it too long of a read, apologies!
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As war was introduced fully into her once secluded life, she was a young girl who turned to religion to navigate through this landscape of understanding the kami and ultimately what seemed to be a budding relationship with them. Encouraged by her father, she made moves towards becoming a miko(*), moving from her father's practice of onmyōdō. She devoted herself to the kami, and it was no secret to anyone who knew his silent daughter. Though he had hoped she would not make it known.
Even after years of living under oppression and with the Empire planting the seed of hopelessness, Kikyo and the other maidens wished to offer some light in the darkest hours, especially as they learned that the mountain villages were being sought for harboring rebels who escaped. In their sanctums, they offered food and shelter for those who needed it, especially orphaned children, who above all, needed them the most.
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However, one could not remain out of the Garlean's reach for long, despite the blessings they had for years, and soon they were discovered. Some were captured, mutilated, and killed. Children bore witness to the ruination of their village, and the sanctums that once offered them peace.. were soon turned to rubble.
Kikyo turned to the kami, hoping that her prayers would be answered and provide her the strength to help her save as many as she could. With the effort of a few brave villagers and her sisters at the shrine, they were able to funnel people out of the mountains, to help them escape and seek refuge in a land that would welcome them and listen to their plight.
However, when planning to lead a group of children, whom she had been teaching sign language to benefit them in addressing her, but in situations where they also needed to communicate quietly, put her in the direct path of a patrol. Kikyo was able to hide them in time, signaling them to remain hidden and quiet, regardless of what happened to her. She was approached, immediately ridiculed for her beliefs once they glanced over the miko garments she was adorned in, slapped across her face when she was unable to verbally address them and explain herself, all the while her beloved children watched as she was dragged back down to the village.
All the while, she hoped the kami would keep the children safe
.. let them live through this.
In the end, all were made to watch as she, and her captured sisters, were made examples of in the village. That this was the outcome for anyone who practiced religion, to stand against them, to give hope.
Steel gauntlets met flesh and air in her lungs burned, their visions blurred, and their nails broke as they tried to claw the arms of imperial samurai who held their lives in their hands. The water soon began to seep into her hakama, as they were forced into the river, whose chilled touch numbed her legs and cemented them to their fate.
Kikyo's saw the silhouettes of the children she helped before, heard the warbled cries of the villagers, and soon was met with only darkness and the quiet lamentations faded into the recesses of her mind.
However, she did come back from darkness, as one intimate with death and life, after experiencing both.. and how that happened, is a tale itself ( inspired by the information provided in the encyclopedia, even! )
(*) I chose her to become a miko because the translation means woman of God and kami/god child - in the end she represents both.
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ficoandleo · 4 months ago
Report on the anomaly situation in Sinostra on the evening of November 21st, 2024.
Anomaly name: Uncertain, possibly some physical variant of Pocong/Hantu Bungkus?
Anomaly type: Undead; "Mummy"
Observed Class: D, C when threatened
Location: Sinostra Desert, Darkwick Academy, Tokyo, Japan
Please describe the circumstances in which the anomaly was first discovered: Lily Palmer reported to me the presence of an anomaly approaching the ship that houses the Sinostra dorm from the direction of the desert. Shortly after she reported seeing upwards of 30 approaching, making an unpleasant noise. Sinostra's desert is an anomalous location which shifts its contents between once a week and once a month at random with few stable locations, one of which is the Sinostra dorm and the gate to Darkwick Academy. As such I suspect the anomalies were displaced from their usual location and seeking direction or investigating their surroundings.
Visual description of the anomaly: Initially appears as a humanoid figure(expected variations included) with perpetually crossed arms and a prominent ribcage from the back covered from head to toe in cloth. The cloth is usually between white and a golden color that camouflages them among much of Sinostra's sand. After the cloth is destroyed the body beneath is revealed to be skeletal or partially decayed and mostly humanoid. While most this was applied to collapsed or disappeared in response to the cloth being destroyed, some were controlled by Nervouscorpions and were dispatched appropriately.
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Behavioral description of the anomaly: Only observed to be curious and docile until feeling threatened. Make loud unpleasant sounds that can be heard from a distance, possibly a form of echolocation. Moves by hopping or shambling. When threatened may make additional unpleasant noises, projected into the mind of an individual threat, that inspire undue fear or illness in the form of fever. (Those afflicted with fever symptoms have recovered within 24 hours.) They do not appear to attack enemies they cannot see.
Additional descriptions: unpleasant, decaying odor
Observed intelligence: Curious and aware of change in surroundings and pain or provocation. Interested in structures. Occasional response to close proximity of other creatures, able to recognize that proximity is not necessarily threatening, perhaps capable of communicating but the sounds/language weren't recognized. Babel Dust was unavailable at the time of observation. While they were observed to move in a group they didn't appear to be concerned for the group's members: if one was provoked or destroyed those surrounding it showed little to no reaction.
Notable combat abilities: Cloth covering is invulnerable to physical damage(bullets; blades; being pulled) except damage applied to the twist at the back of its head and damage taken from fire and explosions. Cloth regenerates when damaged anywhere besides the twist at the back of its head. Psychological assault in the form of stimulating deep feelings of fear and anxiety that can cause one to freeze. Affliction with fever that fades away after 24 hours. Moves faster when frightened or provoked.
Notable weaknesses: light seems to frighten the anomaly and cause them to flee; only seems to experience pain or be staggered by damage to the twist/knot in the cloth at the back of its head; explosions and fire also damage the cloth and provoke the anomaly.
Status: two captured, 5 destroyed, remainder escaped into the desert
Additional Notes: I understand the difficulty of doing so with the changing desert structure and the recent removal of general students from Jabberwock, but I think it would be to the benefit of Darkwick and Sinostra if the ecological surveys of Sinostra's desert resumed. Several of Jabberwock's former general students specifically transferred to Sinostra to conduct them! I worry that something dangerous could be out there and we would have no warning without them. Don't forget the thing Taiga captured in our first year!
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((cc: @ghostyouowemoneyto ))
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