#sombra yeeted them
willboland · 5 months
A dumb little thing about who i think the f1 boys would main in overwatch based on my own perception of the idiots.
Max - Absolutely the annoying Genji main who spams I need healing but will also get a 5 stack on his own when he's on crit bc he's just that good.
Sergio - Mercy bc he'd just pocket Max all game and heal NO ONE else and get angry messages from the rest of the team about him not healing them. There's two healers for a reason in his eyes.
Carlos - Reinhardt but he's very chaotic and charges in swinging his hammer on his own and then kicks off when he immediately dies.
Charles - He'd play Echo and always flank the enemy healers when they were out of position so the rest of his squad can capitalise on capturing the point.
Lewis - Sombra bc he loves hacking everyone and pissing them off and then just yeeting out of there with his translocator. Absolutely stands invisible next to the enemy team spamming boop
George - He'd be that annoying Lucio that just wall rides everywhere and boops everyone off the side of the map and then do the dj emote he paid 8 quid for.
Lando - Widowmaker for sure. He's got a really good shot on him and would terrorise the poor enemy Mercy and snipe them out of spawn all the time.
Oscar - Junker Queen. Half bc she's an aussie and half bc no one else will play a tank. He only hopped on the game one time with Lando and now he's 400 hours deep.
Daniel - I think he'd like Orisa. He's definitely played a few different tanks bc he hates playing healer and Lando and Max would always hog the dps roles.
Yuki - Definitely DVA. He loves getting play of the game with his DVA bombs that he definitely just yeets into the enemy team and hopes to get a few kills.
Kevin - Torbjorn. He'd run around with his little hammer trolling his team and the enemy team and get no kills himself whilst his turret has 100.
Nico - Moira but a dps Moira. He hates playing healer but its the only role left so he picks the most dps healer and is a nightmare. Gets the most kills on the team and has 800 healing in a 10 minute match.
Esteban - Wrecking ball. He's actually good at him too but will still just swing around a point and keep hitting the enemy team off to stop them contesting.
Pierre - A really REALLY good Tracer. He jumps around everywhere and knows exactly which target to go for and when to back out and use his recall.
Zhou - Life weaver bc he isn't the best at aiming and wants to help the best he can so he plays healer. He's pretty good at prioritising his tank and other healer and lets the dps just do what they usually do.
Valtteri - Symmetra. Definitely spams the sentries outside of spawn so the squishes will just instantly die and the team gets staggered. Actually pretty good and skilled with her.
Lance - Junkrat bc he's annoying af and he loves just standing behind a wall spamming his bombs into the air in the hopes he might kill someone. Would only end up with like 3 kills too.
Fernando - Mauga. Man's a machine and so is Fernando. You know he loves terrorising tf out of the enemy team with his massive machine guns.
Alex - Reaper main through and through. He's really good too which makes it even more annoying bc he can wipe a full team on his own if he really tries. Definitely in a mini war with Max to get the most kills in a game.
Logan - Soldier 76 sorry not sorry. He's not very good at OW and is more of a COD boy so picks the most generic easy to play hero he can.
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Actually me thinks im not gonna be funny and tag someone in this because it gets all fucky but Sombra is really fun and clingy and ataches to like the first 5 people that show him basic human affection because up until Siddy found him in that snow shack he'd been living in fight or flight for a majority of his conscious existance and he keeps wrapping around them all clingy n attached because he is absolutely terrified that if he looks away they will fucking dissapear and never come back. so like by the time he gets yeeted into the wall by Donny because he keeps scenting everything and is unaware he's essentially initiated a war because don't scent another aredrul's things if you like living he just takes it. He doesn't register that he's done something bad until someone explains it to him later but he doesn't like, fght back or claw or anything he just takes the beating because he's learned if he rolls over and just takes it it'll end eventualy, he won't get thrown away and he won't be forcibly made docile.
he didn't learn that from the best place but in his mind this is just normal behavior, and somewhere along the line he just thought this was how you go initiated into a psuedo family dynamic. But by the time like, CE's boyfriends start fiighting del for the right to date him, Sombra's gotten used tto being around the castle by himself, if he spots family shaped objects he will cling onto them for the next couple of hours but he does not go into the aboslute panic mode he used to which is really sweet because he's registered he's really safe in the UW castle and that nothing can get to him and hey he's starting to experience genuine love and care that did not make him in debt to trafficers this is great.
he very much loves his family. @sage2mage2 vacate my blog after this post idk how the nsfw tags work here yet
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bellamer · 2 years
So it took two hours but I'm in because my brother used my mom's phone number for mine and my cousin's phone number for his, even though it got us yelled at. First things first, ima look at the new designs and say what I think
D.VA: Not digging the ponytail, her bangs are ugly
Doomfist: At least they gave him shoes. No more grippers on the field.
Orisa: I guess I like what they did with the hair
Roadhog: That mowhawk is ugly as fuck, yee yee ass haircut
Sigma: What did they do to my baby-honey-precious ? He looks so...plain now. I hate it.
Winston: What shampoo do he use ? His hair is so much fuller, but the outfit... is meh..
Wrecking Ball: Deadass forgot this hamster yo existed so I don't care.
Zarya: That ponytail. Hell fucking no. Why do they look like they tried to soften her features ?
Ashe and Bob: I don't like how they shortened Ash's hair but it ain't bad. But nothing special.
Cassidy: Got rid of his whole tan. Somehow whitewashed a white man. Blizzard probably got tired of people headcanoning him as Latino and went "Enough of that" (jokes on them, there's pale/white Latinos tho) and y'all still could've gave him a better name. I'm all for "Cassidy" but the "Cole" part is just ugly.
Echo: She didn't get a new design for some reason
Genji: Eww. Why's he wearing clothes. But ngl, the fit is drippy so he gets a pass.
Hanzo: Blizzard hates voluptuous man tiddies. Noted. Guess they only like the sort of titties their employees can steal employees breastmilk from.
Junkrat: THAT'S NOT MY BABY ! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOUUU ?!? WHO YOU IS ?!? WHO YOU BE ?!? But naw, seriously, they erased everything unique about junkrat and yassfied them. Fuck this.
Mei: So fucking cute but her OG outfit is cuter.
Pharah: Really just yeet her earrings away for no reason.
Reaper: I hate his new pants. Instead of showing off those marvelous thick thighs, they made them look clumpy.
Soldier 76: Seeing his face just feels wrong.
Sombra: An actual improvement, I just wish they gave her actual fucking shoes.
Symmetra: No more thighs, but I actually love the outfit. I do not like how one piece of hair is sticking out though.
Torbjorn: I like it but it's nothing special.
Tracer: She looks less dorky. I'm kinda sad about it.
Widowmaker: Damn, no more exposed chest but I do like the outfit. I don't care for the braid though but I love her new headpiece.
Ana: It's alright.
Baptiste: I hate his haircut and I don't care for the outfit. They massacred my boy.
Brigitte: It's alright
Lúcio: Boy looks like he got some damn pool noodles in his head, what did y'all do to him ?
Mercy: It is very meh.
Moira: So y'all just deciding to do all of my fucking mains dirty, huh ? Junkrat, Sigma, Baptiste, now Moira.
Zenyatta: It's just fucking meh.
So basically they decided to turn everyone into the equivalent of an unseasoned, raw, chicken breast. The only Main of mine that looks alright is Ashe, but not only that, most of my mains are locked.
Also, none of my skins got transferred or my voice lines. So yeah, the game is garbage. Can't wait to see the hot mess that is the gameplay, if they stop kicking me out every 15 minutes and making me wait in a que of 2000.
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Is... The shadows is the same as dark magic seeping in from another dimension and that was basically what screwed up Sombra too??
I think there's actually a canon comic that explains what happened to Sombra but I never saw it so I just-
At least I want to give an explanation for my head besides the confusing canon
Okay so the Sombra thing.
So like. In the Comics..... I haven't read that comic in a WHILE so I'm saying this from memory.
There are a species of Shadow-beings called the Umbrum. Sombra is one of them, given a more pony-like form and yeeted at the Crystal Empire as a baby so everyone thinks he's an abandoned baby but the Crystal Fair always makes him sick because it's all Love and Friendship and he's an Umbrum which are destroyed by that shit. He eventually learns this and how he was made to take out the Crystal Heart so they can take over Equestria and he.... goes evil? I think there was also the plot about his childhood friend/love interest leaving but he just went evil for little good reason.
The Umbrum are not brought up at any point during the show.
Honestly I have an old more tragic (and making sense) story for Sombra that I am too attached to let go of, so I'm still using that(which will change Season 9). But as for the Shadow stuff.....
They never properly used Grogar now did they?
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tlacehualli · 2 years
If Sombra had caught her at brunch today, it would have been a hell of a lot easier to put her in cuffs. That said, though, Emily's really not in the mood to try and keep this weird little power-play checkers game going. She was going to shoot Sombra and be done with it, but considering that the hacker came with a truce she's now much more concerned with just getting her out of her damn house.
If nothing else, she seems a little bolstered by the fact that none of her little rant is called into question. At the very least they're both on the same page about that. If the frisky little home invader had some kind of delusion about how she was actually helping mankind, there might have been a triumphant return of the deathmatch... but it's a future that doesn't come to pass.
"If you don't mean to cut someone, I'd advise not pulling a knife on them. Besides..." She trails off, pauses. The adrenaline seems to leave her, if only briefly, and her shoulders slump slightly, eyes trailing from Sombra's face before she picks the thought back up. "...I was working under the assumption that you had guys outside and just wanted to be the one coming out with the body. Figured I was already dead, but you know what they say about revenge."
Emily draws the line at taking first-aid advice from her attacker, though. She's committed to letting it bleed, and the momentary sneer of disbelief communicates that well enough. "So is that it, then? Can I go deal with this and get back to sleep, or was there something else you wanted?"
They are not on the same page, not at all, it's just that she simply didn't value her counter hacker's opinion in any way to give it a reply. So she's happy to let it lie, and she's tired, and far too pretty (or some such other petty line of reasoning) to bother herself with it. So much of her short, short life has been spent explaining herself so why keep it going now with someone who is so clearly not even able to listen to her lofty, highly politicized point of view.
"I mean, in my defense, I pulled a knife. You decided to yeet us into yonder so.." The hacker trailed off, holding her hands up as if a gesture of helpless protection. "Forgive me for your actions or whatever. Showing up into your kitchen. How incredibly vulgar."
"Really? You figure I just go around killing people willy nilly?" Sombra stared at her as if she was some sort of alien. "I mean, I guess this makes sense." She points to the bruise forming on her chest with a sort of annoyed expression. It hurt. And she was childish certainly but still. Owie.
She sighs, shrugs. Beyond tired now. Well, in ways, she was always tired, but this was more of a physical, psychological, social exhaustion. Trying to understand people was particularly taxing. "You're right. Let me let you get back to...uh..." She paused and looked around. "Being repressed?"
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ask-human-hastur · 4 years
Sombra looks like he deserves a treat with everyone mishandling him. Please give him a rat or something for his troubles.
Tumblr media
"He doesn't need food to live. I've already given him every necessities."
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daz4i · 6 years
an overwatch hero who only speaks in memes
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elbracco · 5 years
LiS2 Fanfiction recommendation list
Someone in the awesome Wolf’s Den discord channel was feeling down after having completed the game, and I compiled a list of all the fanfictions I enjoyed when I had to deal with my own post-ending heartbreak. I thought I could share it here as well, in hope that it might help someone else who feels equally lost after his journey with the Diaz brothers!
Please feel free to add your own recommendations to the list. I’m always on the lookout for awesome new stories to read!
When There’s Nowhere Else to Run (https://archiveofourown.org/works/22271233/chapters/53185021), by Autumnyte, in progress. If Parting Ways destroyed you, this is the perfect fanfiction to start healing. It begins right after Daniel yeets himself from the car and follows Sean as he tries to build a life for himself in Puerto Lobos. I told Autumnyte that this story feels like a blanket: it’s warm and comfortable. No matter what issues Sean has to deal with, there is a pervasive undertone of tomorrow will be better that I think really captures the spirit of the game. He is done running, and he can now start to look to the future with hope. 26,000 words for now.
The Bravest Wolf in the World (https://archiveofourown.org/works/21939367/chapters/52361311) by RoodAwakening, in progress. This story is set post-Redemption: Sean finds out he can use his sketches to time-travel, much like Max did with her photos, and tries to save Esteban. The first chapters feel a bit rushed and some events a little shoehorned in, but press on and you’ll find that by Part 2 this story truly takes off and becomes something wonderful. I love this Sean, love the people in his life, love his interactions with all the characters. I eagerly await every update and then complain because I want more. 70,000 words (!) for now.
life is strange 2 poems (https://archiveofourown.org/works/21165044/chapters/50375780) by  Spotsuns. I honestly don’t know why the author calls them “poems”, but... these stories have all the _oooff_ness of the game. They’re all really, really good, but for me #6 (Redemption) is special. It’s the story I always wanted to read after I finished the game and couldn’t find anywhere. It’s the Redemption equivalent to Autumnyte’s story. Be warned, though: the stories in here hurt. In the good way, but they hurt nonetheless. 10,000 words.
I Took Both Roads, series by Owlmug. AU where Esteban isn’t shot. Sean/Finn (with some Sean/Cassidy in the first story). It’s a coming of age story, and I really loved how the author mirrored some situations that are found in the game by giving them a new twist. I won’t lie, these stories hurt, because they made me think about what could have been. The characters are spot on, and the interactions of the Diaz family are golden. Bonus points for having Sean behave like a teenage brat at times, because the boy deserved to have temper tantrums and getting angry with Esteban over stupid stuff. There are also a lot of beautiful images across the series, a lot of lines that feel raw and powerful, and a lot of healing. At times it’s like having a heart-to-heart with the author.
Sometimes I felt that the sex scenes were too long, and some of them I found unnecessary, but that’s just my personal taste. I really liked all the four stories, but the last one is my favourite for sure because it follows Esteban’s point of view and it’s perfect.
1.      A Way to Reappear (https://archiveofourown.org/works/19096837), 18,000 words. Sean’s POV
2.      A Piece of the Puzzle (https://archiveofourown.org/works/19386670), 26,000 words. Sean’s POV
3.      A Little left Behind (https://archiveofourown.org/works/19852561), 24,000 words. Finn’s POV
4.      (I’ve Been Going Through) a Change (https://archiveofourown.org/works/20562086), 28,000 words. Esteban’s POV.
If I Lie Here (https://archiveofourown.org/works/18822988/chapters/44666065), by owlmug. Diverges from canon after episode 3. Sean and Finn try to track Daniel down. Sean/Finn, 46,500 words. I can repeat here most of what I wrote for the earlier series: wonderful characterization, beautiful imagery, touching themes, characters that find themselves along the way.
A Night With Misty Mice (https://archiveofourown.org/works/16028489?view_full_work=true) by That_one_internet_lover (@). It follows Sean and Lyla’s concert night that is mentioned in his phone chat in ep.1. It’s the first fanfiction I read after my endgame heartbreak: it gave me all the happy Sean I wanted, and even a bit more. The dynamic between him and Lyla is exactly what I pictured from their interactions in the game, put into words by someone who knows what they’re doing. 10,000 words.
i just don’t know how i’m doing (i’m so curious about you) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/19437487) by Larrymurphycansteponme. Another High School AU, another wonderful coming of age story for Sean. I wish I could make it justice without repeating everything I said about owlmug’s series: spot-on characterization, a beautiful narrative about growing up and finding one’s way, wonderful imagery. It’s the story of what Sean deserved to have. 28,000 words.
Torchbearers (https://archiveofourown.org/works/16155425) by Riona. Ep.1’s Sean and Daniel run into Max and Chloe among the ruins of Arcadia Bay. I can definitely see this story being a moment of quiet in the game. 2,600 words.
Double exposure (https://archiveofourown.org/works/21420469/chapters/51036061) by Riona. It draws inspiration from Your Name: Max and Sean begin swapping bodies at random. If the premise doesn’t turn you away, it’s a beautiful bittersweet story about two people trying to help each other while their own worlds are falling apart. 11,000 words.
Riona has written a lot of stories like this: they start from an unexpected premise and they draw a little vignette. They are all different from each other, all unexpected, but I loved them all. Check out her AO3 profile!
Can you give me a hint (https://archiveofourown.org/works/22576570/chapters/53950855) by Idnis. Teenage Daniel/Chris. If you like “mutual pining” and “dumb idiots in love”, this story will make your day. It’s just... fluffy and sweet and innocent, a tiny bit of teenage drama that Daniel and Chris deserve after everything they’ve been through. On the other hand, if you don’t like a story that’s all about teenage love, you should probably skip this one. 22,500 words.
Then there are the stories I’ve been recommended but I haven’t managed to read yet:
Sombra’s Spirit Realm: Road to Redemption (Post-R) https://archiveofourown.org/works/22156513/chapters/52890742
Zeldanerdster’s The one you feed (Post-LW) https://archiveofourown.org/works/22533553/chapters/53845591
Dreamprism’s Lone Superwolf (post-LW) https://archiveofourown.org/works/21846625/chapters/52137067
P.S.: if you are looking for a comfy place to discuss the game without being swallowed by the pointless LiS1 vs LiS2 toxicity, the Wolf’s Den is the place for you! I joined it not even a month ago and it already feels like home: https://discord.gg/BkdqDhG
Come howl with us!
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sombracord · 5 years
MLP Kin Call, bc why the fuck not?
I don't usually do these bc im nervous sonofabitch, but im feeling brave tday and there's not really harm in putting something out there, so yeet--
My name is Jack, but yall can call me Discord ofc! Trans guy, He/him, 18 years old, gay + aro, just me general Stats for this time around--now for the bullet list of mems ig?
> the mane six (+ starlight, in time) were like my daughters, and I loved them each dearly
> i was absolutely trans as hell
> i spent more of my time living in Fluttershy's house than at my own? I liked to help her out with the animal sanctuary a lot in order to 'earn my keep'--my old house and chaos dimension was more like a Charging Port to keep my chaos energy flowing than anything else tbh
> i cant pinpoint when in the show exactly things start to deviate from canon, but its after the events with Tirek, and it deviates BIG time--Celestia and Luna got the bright idea that my 'last step' in reforming would be to help someone ELSE reform, and chucked me up north to go look for Sombra's corpse
> miraculously I found him taking a... Nap(tm) in the snow and wooshed him out of there to Canterlot. His horn was still missing so, you know, he was pretty much harmless. Big Phew.
>>> the process was a long and arduous one but to make it super short--it works! He reformed and everyone loved him, Especially me, because gay feelings happened along the way.
> eventually for.......... s o m e reason i literally cannot rationalize no matter how hard I try, Celestia and Luna had ANOTHER bright idea, one that involved sending me and Sombra to rule over a country down south populated by dragons???? Yeah it was fuckin weird, i have no idea why, but it happened, and Sombra also got his wings (back) for it and everything, too.
> Sombra and Starlight were good friends--especially when the country ruling thing happened, cuz theu could Relate over the "terrified of being in a position of power bc what if i abuse it again?" Issue
> oh and also, Cadence and Shining Armor had NO IDEA he was ever brought back or reformed at ALL (seriously @ Celestia if you're out here and you're seeing this PLEASE EXPLAIN?)
> Me and Sombra had a kid eventually, thats was great! But also not so great bc he was a very Powerful baby and i promise i never judged Cadence for failing to keep track of her own kid ever again bc dammit i understand now
> Kid was named Rollick--he got into many shenanigans, usually with Flurry Heart, somehow (i.e. lil brat loved to teleport to the Crystal Empire). This eventually led to the Ousting of Sombra's return to them all. There was drama for a while, a long while, but things settled down soon enough.
Theres definitely a hella lot more details to this all (especially the reformation Process) so PLEASE contact me if it at all feels familiar, or even if youre just curious! Im looking for pretty much any and everyone, so dont be shy!!!
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lieu-rey · 6 years
the hargreeves siblings but as who they main in overwatch
luther: Reinhardt main. He likes swinging his hammer and protects his healers to the death. He sucks at hitting fire strikes but his pins are on point. Traumatized from all the times klaus harassed him as sombra on the enemy team. Screams everytime he hears "que onda"
diego: Reaper main. Teabags everyone he kills. Comes after luther whenever hes on the enemy team. He loves getting team wipes with death blossom and yells at klaus for emp. Rage quits if he loses more than three times in a row, yeets the mouse through a wall
allison: Dva main. Shes the one who spams the same high pitched voiceline to piss off everyone on both sides. Her micro-missile/booster combo is the bane of everyones existence. Somehow knows when someones ult is coming and eats it with defense matrix at the perfect moment. She cant aim the mech bomb for shit and launches it into a wall (same)
klaus: Sombra main. idk why I feel like he'd really enjoy harassing the enemies with sombras hack ability sksksks. He doesnt even care about the game, he just uncloaks behind the enemy team and says hi to their healers. He emps in the spawn room to piss off diego
five: Hes a widowmaker main and an absolute god. Hes that little shit on the enemy team that seems to wait to specifically headshot you as soon as you peek into his line of sight. Lives off "I'm reporting u for aimbot" messages. "I have gold elims"
ben: Dont @ me this boy is a mercy main. He takes pride in being able to keep the whole team topped off. Master at the guardian angel ability. Screams for help when theres a flanker chasing him. Will dps in valkyrie to specifically kill five when hes on the enemy team
vanya: Mei main. She uses her wall at the worst possible times and ends up blocking her teams ultimates, especially allison's mech bomb. Freezes people but doesnt icicle them. Cyrofreezes the second it's off cooldown. Has no idea what shes doing but shes trying her best
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ao3feed-pharmercy · 5 years
The Witche's Game
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2HYBr3C
by TheOneAndOnlyMegan
Witch Angela Ziegler has a game that involves marrying the worst men in town then killing them and getting away with it and all their money, that is until childhood friend Fareeha Amari shows up and oh shit she's pretty gay and maybe it wouldn't be so bad to get married to someone she actually loves. (I really don't know what to say, ignore like 90% of the tags and just read the first chapter, if you don't like it I won't blame you for clicking off y'know? Give me a shot)
Words: 4845, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Overwatch (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Ana Amari, Satya "Symmetra" Vaswani, Widowmaker | Amélie Lacroix, Mei-Ling Zhou, Fareeha "Pharah" Amari, Jesse McCree, Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe, Hanzo Shimada, Genji Shimada, Reaper | Gabriel Reyes, Doomfist: The Successor | Akande Ogundimu, Sombra | Olivia Colomar, Gérard Lacroix, Emily (Overwatch), Lena "Tracer" Oxton, Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison, Moira O'Deorain, Reinhardt Wilhelm, Torbjörn Lindholm, Ingrid Lindholm, Brigitte Lindholm
Relationships: Fareeha "Pharah" Amari/Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Sombra/Widowmaker | Amélie Lacroix, Gérard Lacroix/Widowmaker | Amélie Lacroix, Emily/Lena "Tracer" Oxton, Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada
Additional Tags: Witches, Familiars, Spells & Enchantments, Charms, Murder, 1400's, 1500's, Kings & Queens, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - Witchcraft, Mention of child murder (don't worry it's just a blip), murders, Witch Hunters, Witch Hunts, Witch Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Witch Ana, Witch Moira O'Deorain, Witch Emily, Witch Widowmaker, Witch Symmetra, Witch Mei, Familiar Lena, Familiar Sombra, Familiar Fareeha, Lena has powers of somesort but it's not witchcraft, Knight Fareeha, Mercy kinda kills some people but they all deserve it, Mom Ana Amari, Young Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Young Fareeha "Pharah" Amari, Young Emily, Young Lena, Young Brigette, Young Love, Past Genji Shimada/Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Past Elizabeth Caldonia Ashe/Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Past Angela "Mercy" Ziegler/Gabriel Reyes, Past Angela "Mercy" Ziegler/Doomfist, Past Angela "Mercy" Ziegler/Hanzo (kinda), Fareeha Amari dresses like a man to be in the king's army, Mercy isn't a slut I promise kinda ignore the tags, some mentions of smut, Some Humor, POV Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Bamf mercy, BAMF Widowmaker, BAMF Ana, Fareeha is the husband mercy needs nvm i mean wifey, Yeet yeet, I think I made up like 80 of these tags like no joke guys im not kidding, I know it looks like mercy fucks like everybody but I promise thats not the case, plz ignore like half of these tags, kinda set in the 1400's, kinda set in the 1500's, i hate history so like idk mann, not really historicially accurate, Not Beta Read, PLEASE JUST READ IT I THINKS ITS PRETTY COOL, I don't think I every actually spell Brigette correctly, I don't think I ever actually spell Gerard correctly
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2HYBr3C
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ao3feed-mchanzo · 5 years
The Witche's Game
by TheOneAndOnlyMegan
Witch Angela Ziegler has a game that involves marrying the worst men in town then killing them and getting away with it and all their money, that is until childhood friend Fareeha Amari shows up and oh shit she's pretty gay and maybe it wouldn't be so bad to get married to someone she actually loves. (I really don't know what to say, ignore like 90% of the tags and just read the first chapter, if you don't like it I won't blame you for clicking off y'know? Give me a shot)
Words: 4845, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Overwatch (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Ana Amari, Satya "Symmetra" Vaswani, Widowmaker | Amélie Lacroix, Mei-Ling Zhou, Fareeha "Pharah" Amari, Jesse McCree, Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe, Hanzo Shimada, Genji Shimada, Reaper | Gabriel Reyes, Doomfist: The Successor | Akande Ogundimu, Sombra | Olivia Colomar, Gérard Lacroix, Emily (Overwatch), Lena "Tracer" Oxton, Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison, Moira O'Deorain, Reinhardt Wilhelm, Torbjörn Lindholm, Ingrid Lindholm, Brigitte Lindholm
Relationships: Fareeha "Pharah" Amari/Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Sombra/Widowmaker | Amélie Lacroix, Gérard Lacroix/Widowmaker | Amélie Lacroix, Emily/Lena "Tracer" Oxton, Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada
Additional Tags: Witches, Familiars, Spells & Enchantments, Charms, Murder, 1400's, 1500's, Kings & Queens, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - Witchcraft, Mention of child murder (don't worry it's just a blip), murders, Witch Hunters, Witch Hunts, Witch Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Witch Ana, Witch Moira O'Deorain, Witch Emily, Witch Widowmaker, Witch Symmetra, Witch Mei, Familiar Lena, Familiar Sombra, Familiar Fareeha, Lena has powers of somesort but it's not witchcraft, Knight Fareeha, Mercy kinda kills some people but they all deserve it, Mom Ana Amari, Young Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Young Fareeha "Pharah" Amari, Young Emily, Young Lena, Young Brigette, Young Love, Past Genji Shimada/Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Past Elizabeth Caldonia Ashe/Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Past Angela "Mercy" Ziegler/Gabriel Reyes, Past Angela "Mercy" Ziegler/Doomfist, Past Angela "Mercy" Ziegler/Hanzo (kinda), Fareeha Amari dresses like a man to be in the king's army, Mercy isn't a slut I promise kinda ignore the tags, some mentions of smut, Some Humor, POV Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Bamf mercy, BAMF Widowmaker, BAMF Ana, Fareeha is the husband mercy needs nvm i mean wifey, Yeet yeet, I think I made up like 80 of these tags like no joke guys im not kidding, I know it looks like mercy fucks like everybody but I promise thats not the case, plz ignore like half of these tags, kinda set in the 1400's, kinda set in the 1500's, i hate history so like idk mann, not really historicially accurate, Not Beta Read, PLEASE JUST READ IT I THINKS ITS PRETTY COOL, I don't think I every actually spell Brigette correctly, I don't think I ever actually spell Gerard correctly
from AO3 works tagged 'Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada' http://bit.ly/2HYBr3C via IFTTT http://bit.ly/2HYBr3C
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♛ [yeets my own url]
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you the following || ACCEPTING.
my opinion on;
character in general: Sombra is so underrated and people really don’t give the credit he deserves!  He’s cunning! Sure, a little arrogant, but have you seen how many traps he set up just to prevent ponies getting to the Crystal Heart? God.  We don’t talk about Comic Sombra.  He doesn’t exist.how they play them: Look Gabe’s amazing and an amazing Sombra and I love exploring these two and their relationship.  Pearl takes no shit from her husband and it SHOWS.the mun: Gabe is amazing and is the majority of my Sombra fix because I can’t roleplay with myself.  I MEAN I COULD, BUT THAT’S A LITTLE WEIRD?
do i;
follow them: yes!rp with them: yes!want to rp with them: ALWAYS.  GIB ME THE QUALITY CONTENTship their character with mine: look, Pearl fucking married the asshole, so yes.
what is my;
overall opinion: Want a quality Sombra?! FOLLOW GABE PLZ
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tacticalvisor76 · 6 years
I LOVE PROTECTING SUPPORTS AS REINHARDT IT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE A GOOD PERSON TBH. I even go the extra mile to protect Sombra's reckless ass
The Supports thank you with their very being for protecting them, and Sombra most likely appreciates it as well. Everyone grab their groups Sombra and yeet the enemies. 
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fodlanthotpatrol · 7 years
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So my PS4 took a shit because of a power outtage awhile ago and then my cousin let a friend borrow Overwatch so now I’ve been going through withdrawl for about 2 weeks and counting until I fix the PlayStation Plus bullshit.
Anyways, in an attempt to fill the void, I’ve been reading and writing for Overwatch, so here’s a breakdown of what I ship (as of 4/23/2017). I did this in MS Paint and I couldn’t see for shit because I had to zoom to 25% to be able to access the whole chart, so if it looks sloppier than most people’s, that is why. Details are below.
Also, I’m really sorry that Zarya has no connections. I don’t know much about her and I feel bad. :(
My OTP(s)
Symbra - Mother of God, if that wasn’t obvious enough based on the thickness of the line, the hearts, and the word “YEET” added in Comic Sans, I don’t know what else would be. This is, like, my OTP of OTPs in Overwatch. No question. Also, the voice actors are ridiculously indulgent and I love every second of it.
Pharmercy - A very strong contender for top spot, too. When I finally got the opportunity to reinstall the Sims 3 and all of the expansion packs I own on my laptop, the first thing I did was make Fareeha and Angela and put them together.
Meicer - Cutie scientist meets cutie time-traveller and it’s gay? Sign me the fuck up. Ooh, that’s not a bad idea for an AU. Also, their in-game interactions about how they inspire each other to be great never fails to make me screech before a match starts.
McHanzo - Let the “cowboy from humble beginnings meets the clan leader from noble beginnings and both fall in love with each other” feelings consume you! Because that’s what it did to me and everyone else in the goddamned fandom.
Bunnyribbit - Their love is pure and beautiful. After this Omnic crisis shit gets sorted out, I want them to go on tour together. They would be the power couple of the century and I’d be all for it.
I Have No Problem With This
Reaper76 (who I thought was a character instead of a ship for the longest time thanks to @teddyhammy)
Best Friend(s)
Omnic Buddies (Zenyatta, Orisa, and Bastion)
Team Talon (Reaper, Widowmaker, and Sombra)
Reaper and McCree
Soldier 76 and Hana
Winston and Tracer
Reinhardt and Pharah
Tracer and Mercy
Mei and Winston
Symmetra and Hanzo
Not My Ship
People I don’t ship with ANYONE
Ana and Soldier 76
Ana and Reaper
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bonjovian · 5 years
Figured you guys would love these!
I was on Route 66 and saw an enemy Junkrat and decided to approach him. I was friendly to him, he was friendly to me, so all was fine and dandy. I use the juggling emote and this enemy Doomfist walks up from behind the Junkrat and decides to charge at me, fucking yeeting me into an actual match.
I once befriended two enemy players, a Winston and a Moira while on the Temple of Anubis map, waiting to go into comp. A Sombra tried attacking me and I ran away, those two following to make sure I was ok. I thanked them and they literally left together after that.
In the art gallery spawn room of Rialto, my brother and I decided to get on top of the large pillar thing (easier for him, he was Gengi, I was Junkrat). So once we were on, we were fooling around, doing our emotes and saying hi to everyone below us. A Soldier:76 spawns in. He says hi to us, we return the greeting and continue fooling around. All of a sudden we here "Young punks... get off my lawn!" I jump down, my brother following me. Soldier:76 thanks us and went on his way to do whatever.
If any of you guys who see this just so happened to play ps4 and see a Junkrat named PiplupAdventures, that's me!
I also have video of the first and last ones.
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