#solo christmas
hobohobgoblim · 9 months
The local ravens are arguing in my snowy back yard as I lounge about with the house to myself and piles of yummy snacks and a fridge full of booze. This day cannot get any better.
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theluckiestlb · 2 years
I was reminded of this fever dream once again and now I’m making it everyone’s problem.
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stormdragon23 · 9 months
Solo Leveling characters singing "All I Want for Christmas is You"
Merry Christmas!
I'm not doing something this big again for a while-
Probably spent more time organizing the characters than making the video itself
Go Gunhee's watching the whole thing with his wife
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theorganasolo · 9 months
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Forever loving this trio
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lilibethdrawsreylo · 10 months
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The Best Gift
New reylo art on my boosty - public on the 25th.
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danny-chase · 2 years
crying, when will people understand that Dick didn’t fail Jason, there was literally just 12 issues from Jason’s reintroduction to his death and they dedicated a whole issue of that precious little space to Dick and Jason become friends. And before that they’d been in a few crossovers together, in one of which Dick had intended to adopt him before Bruce beat him to the punch
like yeah Dick had more crossovers with Tim! Because there were more comics running! Jason was in 2 comics that were running at the time, and Dick was in 1 comic that was ongoing! Of course they had fewer interactions!
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snowrosestudio · 10 months
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Secret Santa / Chapter 1
A christmas comic for my beloved reylos
🎁 Next Chapter🎄
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deathstardroid · 2 years
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Alternate, festive rise of skywalker ending.
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eastwesthomeisbest · 9 months
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haveyouheardthisband · 7 months
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rexscanonwife · 2 months
I decided to start rewatching the fairly oddparents and something that I'm surprised to see (aside from it still being pretty funny 😂😂) is that I remembered Wanda being more of the straight-man to Cosmo and Timmy, probably because of the flanderization and season rot, but she actually MATCHES their energy?? Most of the time she's participating in or actively encouraging their wacky behavior and I think that's beautiful! We need to go back to that
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gingerfoxtea · 9 months
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Merry Christmas from a galaxy far far away 🎄
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accelerandy15 · 10 months
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Made a comic omg 💙💛💋
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luna-writes-stuff · 2 years
The types my favourite Star Wars characters would fall for:
Includes Obi-Wan Kenobi, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Poe Dameron, Din Djarin, Ahsoka Tano, and Captain Rex
Obi-Wan Kenobi:
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Obi-Wan is a man who needs some escapism in his life. He has devoted his entire life to the Jedi order, and he had followed the rules with much devout, but from time to time, things get too overwhelming for him. He’d fall for someone who’d shield him from those moments. A person who offers him solitude and warmth. It doesn’t necessarily have to be an affectionate s/o, words can have a large impact as well. Remind him that he is still there, and that the war will be over someday. Grab his hand, run your fingers through his hair, anything to get his mind off of the things going on in his life. A person to run to, who he can confide in. No one even knows about you, and Obi-Wan is keen on keeping it that way. Though Anakin has somewhat of an idea who you are, he’ll never say it, much to the delight of Obi-Wan. He even helps his master cover up when someone mentions you.
Leia Organa:
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No one can convince me that Leia doesn’t absolutely adore authors. She loves to read when she has tiny moments to herself, and her collection is huge. She used to aspire to write a book herself one day, but she abandoned the idea after Alderaan fell. But then she meets you. And she reads your works and becomes inspired all over again. Because the language you use? Your manner of writing? Immaculate. She’ll ask for tiny blurbs often, being incredibly invested in your current works. Though her dreams of writing have long left her, this does not mean she wouldn’t want to not help you. She actually gives you a lot of inspired through stories told orally. The things she went through deserve to be written down, whether she does it or not. One day, you’ll surprise her with a bundle of the stories she told you, but written down in beautiful calligraphy. She becomes absolutely ecstatic. The usually stoic and stern Leia just bursts out laughing in glee, clutching the book in gratitude as she flips through the pages. After that, you cannot expect her to ever let you go.
Han Solo:
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Han would be attracted to someone who is confident in every single definition of the word. Someone who knows exactly what they say, and means it. Someone who acts on promises, but also does things for their own if they want to. He’d be the person to fall for someone who goes to the mall in their pyjamas. Someone who genuinely doesn’t care about what others think. Bonus points if you like to make witty and/or sarcastic remarks. Playful banter is his way of flirting, and having someone who returns that gesture, makes him feel all woozy inside. Run along with his age old arguing with Lando, and this man is done for. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be exactly like him, but if you are able to match his energy, he falls. And there won’t even be a question about it. Sure, he approaches you out of looks at first, but once you return his pick up line with one of your own, he freezes and simply stares at you. He’d probably say something cheesy along the lines of “where have you been my entire life?”.
Poe Dameron:
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GIVE THIS MAN A SUNSHINE S/O! Someone who makes him smile without missing a beat. Someone who runs around spreading glee to everyone around them. You’d think he’d be into the Han type - if you will - but he has a soft spot for the genuine things in this universe. Someone who is willing to try to make others happy, more than they wish to be happy themselves. And once he gets to know you, he begins to see this problem. Don’t get me wrong, he still loves the fact you are willing to cheer every single person up, but he sees it goes at cost of your love for yourself. And this man will remind you exactly how much you should love yourself: words, actions, affections, gifts; you name it, he does it. And he tends to pick up on your habits. Once it becomes too much for you, he’ll sit somewhere quiet with you and reverse the rolls. Now, he is trying to make you laugh. With jokes, stories or stupid faces. He doesn’t care. The first time he met you, he slipped over a droid because his eyes were glued onto you. You have always seen it as something he simply is: he is a clumsy person. In truth, he isn’t. He knows you think this, but you simply surprised him at your first meeting. But the incident made you laugh so much, he ‘accidentally’ walks against objects occasionally. Just to hear you laugh again.
Din Djarin:
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Din is very much tough looks, sweet heart. His type would not be someone exactly like that, but he would completely into someone with a kind heart. As a bounty hunter, he’s had his fights and quarrels, so something kind is rare in his eyes. He’d meet you at a local pub, looking for his bounty, when you offer assistance. In your defence, you had no idea he was hunting. You thought he was going to visit an old friend of him. And that is what he initially told you. But after your entire journey, he found himself taking your kindness to his advantage. And it got you into some pretty serious danger. After finishing his bounty, he went back to get you. To properly apologise, for a start. And then you met Grogu, and the click was immediate. Your soft voice, gentle touch, cooing eyes. And that is when he knew he was done for. Now it’s all sunshine and sunshine protector with him. He will be the last person to ever take advantage of your kindness. Anyone else tries and they’re gone. Ironically, it is somewhat endearing.
Ahsoka Tano:
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Ahsoka has a lot of energy. Sure, she can be calm, didactive, and observant, but she is a raging ball of energy. Lots of impulsive actions, whether they are good or not. She’d love someone who’d go with her head first into stupid decisions, but who could also tell her to calm it every so often. On missions, she is almost always at your side, or at least near you. When she tells the troopers to stay out, you can almost figure out her next move. Please, run to her and tell her to think it through, or at least to wait a little longer. She tends to be stubborn and will sometimes react that onto you, but she doesn’t mean it in a bad way. There will be times she has a huge dip in her mood. When she has spent all her energy, which usually happens after battles or rescue missions. Her face is planted into the pillows, groaning in exhaustion. Then, all she really needs is you to lay next to her. To use you as her pillow when you do. Your gentle breathing and the beating of your heart does miracles to her head. 10/10 would recommend Ahsoka cuddles.
Captain Rex:
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Listen, Rex is exhausted. Like, 90% of the time. Completely done and half asleep. When he arrives back on Coruscant, he doesn’t return to his quarters. He runs straight to your apartment, tearing his armour off the second he sets foot in your room. You’re usually already fast asleep around the time he comes back home. He will wash up quickly before joining you, wrapping his arms around you from behind, placing a soft kiss in the crook of your neck and silently bidding you goodnight. He doesn’t need someone who will wake up for him, or get him gifts. Of course, the gesture goes appreciated, but he loves to simply have someone there for him. Someone he can go to after the war and simply lead a domestic life with. Baking apple pie, making the bed, grocery shopping, adopt a pet, maybe even marriage or kids. That’s what he wants most. He’s simply looking for someone who can offer that to him. Someone to settle down with, even when he is still in the midst of the war.
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lyn1tx · 2 years
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Merry Christmas from a galaxy far far away! ( a bit late but anyway)
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ambivartence · 2 years
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bunny boy 🐰
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