#solinh fanfiction
my favourite sapphics:
clarke + raven (the 100)
zoya + alina (the grisha trilogy)
morgana + gwen (merlin)
buffy x kendra (buffy the vampire slayer)
inej + linnea (six of crows)
rhaenyra + laena (house of the dragon)
nancy x robin (stranger things)
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littlemissneverseen · 4 months
Okay, so some time ago I wrote a solinh fanfic in french, and I thought I'd translate (and completely rewrite it) for the free day of @solinhweek.
(Please keep in mind I am not a native English speaker. I apologize in advance for any sentence worded weirdly or anything that doesn't seem right in English. It is also a bit purple-prosy and kinda cringe, so keep away if you don't like that.)
Anyways, here you go!
Falling rain - A solinh fanfiction
Pairing: Solinh (Sophie Foster x Linh Song) Genre: Angst Word count (Prologue & Chapter 1): Content warnings: Mentions of war, death, ... (let me know if I should add anything) Other: Established relationship, happens after canon events (they're both in their twenties)
Prologue "Good night," I whisper, without really believing it. But she deserves to hear those words, to see that she's safe. As safe as she can be, at least. Because I know that behind her closed eyelids and soft smile, behind her angelic face, the worst demons are tormenting her. War never left us. Not really. The memories always remain, hiding in the shadows, waiting for a good time to come back and haunt us. They're there when I end up in tears, remembering those I have lost and hating myself for surviving, for not having fought harder so they could be by my side. They're there when I wake up in the middle of the night scared not to find another person by my side. Scared that they took her too. They're there when I see a shadow in the calm of the night or reflections in the sunlight, a reminder of the electric glow of force fields. And I wonder if it will all start again. War beat me up, tortured me. And its grip never relaxed. They already took so much and can't wait to rip everything away from me again. I try to forget. But I see them everywhere. In a strand of blonde hair. The glow of a flame. A stretching shadow. In her eyes, filled with regrets and sorrows I know I will never be able to make her forget. In her tired and pale face. War never left us. Not really. The demons just managed to bury themselves deep within us. They make us regret, doubt. Why should I deserve to be happy if others cannot even be anymore? Sometimes, I let myself forget, for just a few moments. But panic always comes creeping back A call to order, a reminder of the haunting. It never ceases to whisper into my ear, it's breath on my neck. Everything is your fault. You could have saved them. You failed. And nothing you cherish will escape my claws. And often, I want to believe it.
Chapter 1 In the room's darkness, a figure carefully got up from the bed where she had been lying and turned on a light, casting a soft light onto the room and revealing photos ornating its walls. She approached a window and opened it with a slow and careful gesture. For a few instants, the young woman gazed outside, enjoying the silence of the night before leaning over the window sill to breathe in the soft scent the rain had left behind. The light raindrops were still falling, losing themselves in strands of Linh's hair, leaving her hair gorged with water and sticking to her face. Silently, she moved away from the window, closing it gently. She left the room, pausing only to replace the bed sheets over her sleeping partner. At that moment, the bed seemed like an island lost in the middle of a storm, like a shelter where you could curl up, keep warm, and ignore the raging storm outside. She drew a shaky breath, she needed to get out. "Sleep well," she murmured on her way out. She would have liked to say so much more. She would have liked to whisper all the words she never dared to speak. She would have liked to confide, to finally open up. She could have. She did nothing of it. Linh liked to think of herself as a flower, waiting for the perfect moment to bloom. But each passing day felt like another in an endless winter, spring seeming further and further away, the warmth of the sun's beam slipping further away from her grasp. So she stepped away, regretting everything she hadn't been able to say, every word that had stayed thought, every scream that had stayed whisper. She delicately closed the door y, adding another wall between her and Sophie. Another hurdle to overcome. An ocean between two worlds. She almost wished to make a sound, to wake Sophie from her slumber. Maybe then she'd finally confess her truth. Maybe then she'd share her sorrows and pain. Perhaps then she'd finally blossom. On her tiptoes, Linh descended the stairs, shivering at the contact with the cold tiled floor, which seemed like frozen blades sinking into her skin. She shook her head to get rid of the morbid image. It was only the floor. Only the cold, cold floor. She walked out, naked feet against damp grass. There, she felt the raindrops against her skin. The soft breeze of the wind. She turned, expecting to see some sort of danger, a monster from her worst nightmares. She saw nothing. It was only a breeze. Only the cold of the night. Only herself, in the menacing darkness, too familiar to be a true friend. But she was never really alone.
Please let me know if you liked it, I haven't written much in English and would appreciate the feedback.
If I don't change my mind and decide I hate this fic, I should upload the rest soon.
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cowboypossume · 3 years
The Spinning Rhythm of Rain
Pairing: romantic Sophie x Linh
Trigger Warnings: lighting, thunder, kissing, side character having a small ptsd flashback (it’s not too bad, just implied and it doesn’t get too serious, but please read at your own risk 💛), mention of food, and let me know if i missed anything!
Summary: Sophie and Linh are walking in the rain after a day spent together
Playlist: here!! <3
Word Count: 1186
AO3 link: here !!
Dedication: this is my submission for the @solinh-week’s day three prompt: fluff !!!
now onto the fic :D !!
There was a specific feeling pushing itself through the light wind slightly messing up Sophie’s high ponytail. It couldn’t be attached to anything scientific, but without looking at the darkened clouds from the leaves of trees fresh with the color of spring, they knew it was going to start raining soon.
Rain was rare in the lost cities, so it was something she’d nearly forgotten but still missed; the feeling the sky brought the entire time and in the moments before the rain started.
Today was one of the days she felt nostalgic for a life that felt so eerily out of place with the world they were living in, but felt too much like a home to not remember fondly.
It always left Sophie feeling confused about everything, so Linh agreed to come with them.
They were walking back to a place where elves could travel in and out of the human world at ease when Sophie felt the change of the sky.
A deep, relieved filled sigh racked her body at the feeling. Linh walked arm in arm beside her down an old street, making easy conversation. The words flowing between them were more of a grounding tool for Sophie than anything. It was light, easy, and comforting. It was Linh, the smell of rain, and an old street Sophie felt glad to remember the route of.
Then it started.
The rain drops started to drip slowly drop by drop around the two of them.
Sophie felt each one hit her skin and then fall down an unpredicted path across their arm. Lightly soaking her jacket, the rain made her feel slightly cold, but not uncomfortable.
She pulled their arm from Linh’s and made them stop walking.
A crack of thunder with a second’s flash of lightning cut off the dialogue the pair had.
The water droplets stopped too.
Sophie looked towards Linh, who had formed a protective umbrella-like shape around them from the sound. “Um?”
“Sorry just … habit, I guess.” Sophie knew faer well enough to overlook the unflinching shield piling with water and notice Linh’s hands anxiously hovering in front of faer, caught in a ghost of memory fae didn’t know how to let go of.
Linh just stood there, a slight blush rising to faer cheeks out of embarrassment, still hovering the drops around them.
“Linh, my love, we aren’t there,” Sophie closed the distance between them and started to run a hand across faer arm while she spoke. It was only a small gesture, but Linh didn’t have a lot of ways to shut faer mind off when fae got like this. “It’s okay. You can relax here.”
“Right, yeah.” Slowly the rain that’d formed an umbrella around them fell into little droplets.
Then the droplets from before came back. Sophie laced her fingers into Linh’s.
The water drops were sporadically falling between their fingers and across their shoulders from their resting spot of the leaves in the tree above them and the sky. It was almost cold enough to make Sophie notice it, but for Linh’s smile that poked at the corners of faer lips.
“I’ve never done this before.” Linh stated, averting her gaze and looking at a squirrel hiding in the tree.
“Stood in the rain. I’ve never stood in the rain with someone, myself included.”
“Nope. It never happened where Tam and I lived, and the lost cities don’t really get it.”
An only-half-mocking gasp escaped Sophie.
“Well then, you have to get the full experience.” They released their hand from Linh’s grip and extravagantly bowed with an arm extended so Lihn would take it.
“What are you doing?” The sarcastic eyebrow raised nearly spoke by itself with that tone.
“Let’s dance.” Sophie felt their grin widening.
A genuine chuckle racked Lihn’s stomach while faer shoulders relaxed slightly at the movements.
“You want to dance? The same person that fell down in the school hallway because they thought sliding around a tiled ramp in socks 8 times at full speed was a good idea? When it’s pouring rain and we’re standing on concrete?”
“Yep. We’re going to dance.” Sophie pushed her proffered hand out even more towards Linh.
“Okay! As long as you know the risks going into it.” Lihn smiled widely as she took Sophie’s hand in faers.
Sophie straightened and let their hands fall between them. Three drops touched their fingers.
“Any requests on what to do?”
“You’re the one that insisted we do this, you come up with something.”
Sophie used their joined hands to pull Linh closer. A mischievous grin went to their lips as she looked up at Linh and asked, “you wanna spin?”
Sophie could smell the peppermint from the tea Linh had a few minutes ago when Linh replied “Obviously I do.”
Lihn walked to a spot where each of their arms were fully extended, hands still together, and the world slowed down.
Sophie put up her arm and Lihn hesitantly made a circle with faer feet below it. The wind and rain paused for a moment while Linh’s long hair spun out, creating a whimsical bubble around faer like a silver dress would have. She saw each step Linh took, and knew when she to lower and raise their arm accordingly. Although fae’d only done half a spin so far, Lihn grinned sheepishly at the puddle splashing beneath faer feet.
When faer feet stopped, Linh was face to face with Sophie, clearly a little dizzy.
After a moment of just grinning at each other, Sophie took another step back and put up their arms so Linh could do it again.
With each step, Sophie could feel the grin on their checks widening as Linh’s did. The water framed the scene perfectly, and Linh’s relaxed posture made faer the perfect model for the spotlight.
This time when Lihn’s movie-worthy twirl stopped and Sophie could smell the mint, they put her weight on the tips of her toes and kissed Linh.
The wind lightly picked up around them, Sophie felt a raindrop hit their eyelid, and a dog started barking somewhere nearby, but neither of them cared. It was a soft kiss they could share in a private enough place.
It was a moment that was theirs to share, and a crack of thunder split them up again.
“Is that all the dancing we’re going to do?” There was almost a longing to Linh’s voice.
“Only if you want it to be.”
“I hate to break it to you, but two spins don’t count as a dance, Sunflower.”
“Guess we have to stay a bit longer, then.” Sophie took Linh’s hand in hers and put their other one on faer waist.
“I guess we do,” Linh said, resting faer head on Sophie’s shoulder.
For as long as the storm above them kept bringing down rain, the two of them found themselves spinning to the rhythm of it, not noticing or minding how wet their clothes had gotten.
thank you for reading !!
taglist for when i randomly decide to write: @brilliantblindinglights @impostertamsong @a-lonely-tatertot @dragonwinnie-kotlc @enbies-and-felonies @cloudiivity @cadence-talle and let me know if you want to be added or removed <3
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everysongineverykey · 5 years
a solinh fic yaaay
There was paint everywhere.
There was always paint everywhere, back when Linh was a child- she remembers tracing the wet brush along the canvas, leaving an indistinct line of black, or red, or green, and flicking it over and over at the board, making little dots and splatters, and when she was done, the result was always the same- the canvas no longer showed a single white spot, covered completely in patterns and lines and splattered paint of every color of the rainbow.
Linh remembers showing them proudly to her mother, who would hang them up in the studio for all to see, but who would never give her daughter a single congratulatory remark other than “good job”.
And in some of these memories, she can almost make out the gentle melody of one of her parents’ songs floating in the air around her, serenading her, as if to congratulate her for what she had done- what she had created.
Tam was never very artistic- whenever their parents tried to shove a paintbrush into his hand, he’d either chew on it or stick it in his ear, no matter his age. But Linh- now there was potential.
Linh loved painting. She loved the feeling of being able to create- to get lost in her own little world for a time and then reemerge with something that could impact peoples’ feelings. But it was more than that- while Linh painted, she could forget, just a little, that she was Song.
When she painted, she wasn’t The Girl of Many Floods, or the weird identical twin- she wasn’t Linh Song, she was just Linh the painter, Linh the artist. And that was all she needed.
And for a long time, it worked- when her parents berated her, or when there was drama, she would shut herself into her room and rediscover what it meant to be free.
And then, one day, Linh’s parents announced to her that they were sending her to Exilium.
And at Exilium, the painting trick didn’t work.
For a start, she didn’t have anything to paint with at Exilium- just her finger and the sand. But more than that, there were the stares.
No one ever spoke to her, but she could see their pointed glances even under their heavy cloaks- the cloaks she was glad for, because then, no one could see her cry. Whenever she tried to doodle in the sand and escape off into the world in which she was no one but Linh, the glaring and whispering always kept her above water. Tam glared right back at them, but it was no use. The magic trick stopped working- the illusion had fallen, and Linh was forced to face the bleak reality of life.
She’d given up on that little world- and then, Sophie.
Ah, Sophie. The Moonlark. The brown-eyed, poly-abilitied enigma that stumbled into Linh’s life one fateful day and changed it forever.
When Linh first saw Sophie without her cloak, she looked like a work of art. The slightly frazzled golden hair that shone even in the night, the brown eyes that stood out like no other color, the curious, empathetic smile that made Linh’s heart flutter. And from then on, they were companions- they brought out the best in each other even when everything looked bad, they pined for each other from afar, and Sophie’s smile still looked like a carefully crafted painting.
Linh was seventeen the first time she kissed Sophie, but sixteen the first time she sketched her.
It was a sunny Thursday afternoon just like any other- class had just ended, and Sophie and Linh were sitting on a bench in the courtyard swapping astronomy notes. The stars weren’t out yet, but they’d have opportunities to stargaze together in the future- opportunities that they would no doubt take advantage of.
Sophie was looking dazzling as always, wearing a dark blue tunic and black leggings with a red cape that genuinely made her look like a human superhero. Linh had just finished braiding their hair into crown braids.
Linh was feeling particularly laid-back that afternoon, and while Sophie prattled on about her annoying new mentor, the hydrokinetic quietly began to trace her pencil along the pages of her notebook, stealing glances at Sophie all the while, and let it move in the shape of the moonlark’s head, then her torso, then the rest of her.
Before Linh knew it, she was back in that little world of hers- after so many years, it was wonderful to revisit it, and she stayed in it for the next five minutes, doodling and being Linh, before Sophie looked over and saw what she was drawing.
Coincidentally, that day was also the day the two started dating.
And when they kissed for the first time a year later, one hot June night under the stars, Sophie’s lips actually tasted like art- they tasted like creativity, and passion, and fierce emotion, and love.
Because truthfully, in Linh’s opinion, Sophie Foster always was a masterpiece- and Sophie thought the exact same of her Linh.
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ravs6709 · 3 years
Euneirophrenia- Solinh
Okay, so this is a repost, but only because I was on mobile and tumblr wouldn't let me post the full thing on tumblr (so I just posted a link to ao3), because "there were too many blocks". So this time, I'm posting the actual fic!
Anyways, this fanfic was inspired by A Handmade Scrapbook on ao3 and came across a dreamsharing au. From there I immediately knew I wanted to make a Solinh oneshot
So yeah, you share your dream with someone who will be important to your life. Not necessarily romantic, it can be student and mentor, but in this case it is romantic. Anyways it’s just snapshots of Sophie’s life (mostly of being a child) and interactions with Linh
Warnings- Linh's guilt over the flooding of Atlantis is mentioned a lot, food mention, and I think that's it?
Sophie always loved hearing the stories that her parents told. She was only four years old, but she was able to picture the scenery, she was able to understand some of the things that were discussed. They were soulmates, with a bond that started at fourteen. Sophie wanted to be just like them.
That changed in the next year.
Sophie had hit her head, and then she was hearing voices everywhere. It took weeks to be able to start figuring out where each voice came from, and another to realize that she recognized those voices. They were from people that she knew.
The world as she knew it changed, harsh thoughts constantly hidden behind- fake- smiles. And with her ability to understand things easier, she knew what the people around her thought. She was able to hear their cruel thoughts, when all she wanted was for them to go away.
She kept herself distanced from her friends, because they were thinking so much and so loud she wanted to cry. No matter how much Emma and William tried to get her to go outside and make new friends, it wouldn't work.
Even if people weren't so loud, how was she supposed to deal with knowing how others truly felt about her?
Sophie knew it was an irrational thought- she was only five years old, but hearing the namecalling that was internally directed towards her hurt. Was the person who she would dreamshare with also going to act the same?
Sophie was six years old when she found a giant mansion filled with crystals and other sparkly things. It was like the mansions in the TV shows, except way more fancy. There were paintings lined against the hallway.
"Who are you?" A soft voice asked.
Sophie turned around and saw a person with one of the faces from the paintings. They looked to be around her age, maybe a year older. They had a round face framed with long black hair. They had a soft smile which made their silvery blue eyes gleam. They were pretty.
The person's eyes widened. "You... you're hu-" they pressed their lips together, as if to cut themselves off. "You have brown eyes."
"Of course I do!" She said. "Brown eyes are common!"
She ignored the fact that she was the only one with them in her family.
"But..." they narrowed their eyes. "Where I... come from, we all have blue eyes. But I don't understand what's going on. Are you real?"
"I'm real. My name's Sophie Foster. She and her."
But as she spoke, there was no sound when she said the name Foster.
They nodded, still looking confused. "I'm Linh... she and her. I thought the dreamsharing didn't start until you were fourteen."
That was something that Sophie was confused about too. Some people started as early as nine, but that was incredibly rare. But there was another thing that was off about Linh.
"It's quiet," she whispered.
People within dreams didn’t have thoughts- for obvious reasons, but she was usually still able to hear the distant thoughts and dreams of her family. But at the moment, it was quiet. It was almost unnerving.
"What do you mean?"
This isn't a normal thing. Should I tell her? Would she believe me?
"Your mi-" No, she wasn't going to say anything. "Where are we?"
She knew that the place a dream took place would be somewhere that one of the people within the dream would know. And Sophie definitely had no idea where she was.
"It's my home," Linh replied.
"This mansion is yours?"
Linh blinked. "Where were live, we all have... mansions."
"Where do you live?" Sophie was sure that such a place would be well known. "I live in San Diego."
Once again, the words were omitted.
"Oh. I guess that doesn't work."
"Do you want me to take you around the house? I think we can explore."
Sophie smiled. "That sounds like fun!"
"Mom, how did it feel like when you first met dad in your dream again?"
Even if Emma didn't tell her the answer, Sophie was able to see it within her mind.
"I was in a place that felt unknown, yet also familiar. The place was vivid that I didn't think it would be from my imagination."
Sophie thought about it for a moment. Sometimes, it was hard to figure out whether she had a vivid imagination, or if it was just due to her photographic memory. She'd definitely never set a foot in a mansion, let alone one as big as the one in her dream.
"I think I shared a dream with someone," Sophie admitted.
'I think that we need to let her be outside more often. She doesn't have enough friends, so she's dreaming on imaginary friends.'
The thought was loud and clear, and she winced. It was something she wondered about. But she hadn't met anyone like Linh, and talked about her twin, Tam. There were too many details that there was no way that Sophie would be able to come up with it on her own.
"Sophie, you're only six, that wouldn't be possible."
'Maybe she never recovered from her head injury?'
The next dream didn't happen for a while, which led Sophie to believe that maybe her mom was right. It took over a month for it to happen again.
"Hello Sophie," Linh greeted.
Sophie smiled. "Hey Linh! This isn't me imagining things, am I?"
"I thought the same thing. My mother and father didn't believe me when I said I was sharing a dream. I left out the fact that you're a hu-"
Once again, Linh cut herself off. What was she talking about? This is the second time. For once, she wanted to read Linh's mind. But it was a dream, so even if she tried, it would never work.
So instead, she decided to distract herself. They weren't in the mansions this time, they were outside. It was strange though, the shops were huge and there were crystals and blue fires that burned. Sophie also noticed that there seemed to be no sky, there was something above them that was blue, but there were no clouds nor sun.
"We went shopping here today," Linh explained. She sounded a little happier than before. "I wonder if we can go inside."
It turned out that they could go inside, and Sophie wasn't surprised that it was all empty. She expected to see t-shirts or jeans but what she saw were tunics and dresses. Then again, it seemed that Linh wore a dress too.
She looked down at her own clothes, only now realizing that she wasn't in her pjyamas, but an orange shirt that had a dog on it, plus jeans.
"Can I touch the clothes?" Sophie asked.
She didn't go shopping often, especially after she started hearing the thoughts of others. The big malls were always filled with people, and she couldn't stand to be there for long periods of time. She had to rely on distractions such as music, or focusing on textures. It didn't always work out though, as her parents would always forbid her from poking around.
"I don't think what happens in our dreams will affect the outside world," Linh said, which probably meant a yes.
Slowly, Sophie walked around, trailing her finger across every piece of clothing. Everything was usually soft, she'd never felt anything like it before. She picked up one of the tunics to see what it was made of, but didn't find the material label at the back.
"What are they made of?" She asked.
Linh hummed. "I don't know. They don't tell us."
"Isn't there supposed to be a label that says that?" She checked again, then found something. There were lines joined together, but she couldn't understand any of it.
"It's a different language," Linh explained. "Wait." Her voice took on a different tone. "I'm sorry, I need to leave now, I'll see you later Sophie."
Amy was growing into an age where she was starting to make more sense of things, but was still really hyperactive. It wouldn't have been too bad, if it weren't for the fact that her mind was screaming at all times. And then she would scream too.
She still had no answers as to why Linh had left so abruptly, or why she sounded panicked. Did something happen to her family?
There was another thing that was weird though. Sometimes, she felt like Mr. Forkle- her neighbour- would he watching her. In a way, she understood why, he was the one who had found her when she hit her head. So he probably had some kind of sense of responsibility of looking after her. But his gaze felt like it was piercing her sometimes.
It was during those times when she would start feeling bad. She felt the need to doubt his intentions when she was very much able to read his thoughts.
With the combination of Amy and school, Sophie was starting to get better at ignoring the voices. They were still there, and they still hurt, but if she could just ignore it, it wouldn't hurt as much. It was a good thing she had her photographic memory, otherwise she'd probably struggle at school.
That was another thing. She'd skipped two grades, which was very clearly not normal. Her teacher was both impressed and annoyed by the quality of her work.
It's so tiring having to deal with this.
Sophie woke up and she was in school. The classrooms were empty, the the chalkboard had writing from the math that was being taught in class.
Did I fall asleep during school?
There was no teacher in the room, which only made her panic. Where did everyone go? She looked around again, and saw someone sitting at a desk in the back corner (Sophie sat in the other corner). It took a few moments to realize that it was Linh sitting there.
"This is a dream again, isn't it?" Sophie asked.
Linh nodded, but something about her looked uneasy. "This is a dream."
"Is everything okay?"
She bit her lips, her eyes flicking everywhere, then landing on the chalkboard. "I don't understand. You're not supposed to know my language."
"I don't?" She remembered trying to read the label last time, but it never worked.
"No, I mean speaking. Where we live, we have our own special language. You shouldn't be able to communicate with me."
That was weird. Sophie would have remembered learning another language. "Maybe that's a side effect of the dream? So we can talk to each other?"
"Maybe," Linh didn't sound convinced about it. "But I don't understand why I'm dreamsharing with you. There'd be no reason for me to ever meet you. I'm not leaving where I live, and there would be no way for you to come here."
"Why not?"
It couldn't be that hard to meet Linh. All one of them had to do is be able to dream of an area with a landmark, or something that would reveal the location. Besides, they were still children, they'd have the money to travel around in the future.
"It's... a long explanation," Linh admitted. "How about you tell me about this place?"
"It's my school. Do you not go to school?"
"We get taught at home, and then when we get a little older we go to a school. But I think at the schools here, there's usually one mentor per prodigy."
Prodigy ? Is that what they call students ? And mentors for teachers?
"We definitely don't have enough teachers to do that," Sophie said with a laugh.
Linh laughed too, and her body began to visibly relax. She no longer sat up straight, and the frown that she wore disappeared.
"There's... twenty-five desks in this class? How does a teacher manage to deal with this many children at once?"
Sophie laughed. "I have no idea."
"What have you been learning about in school?"
"We've been learning about multiplying numbers and all that. I wasn't actually supposed to be in this class. I'm supposed to be in the class two grades lower than me, but I'm apparently really good at school."
She wasn't sure of what kind of expression she expected to see on Linh's face, but it wasn't one that was more thoughtful.
"What is it?" Was it one of those things that Linh couldn't bring herself to talk about?
"It's nothing."
Maybe one day, if we meet up early, I could ask her.
They were in Sophie's living room his time, and Sophie was in a good mood. The walls were decorated with streamers and the cake that she'd eaten was sitting on the table in front of her, the candles burning.
She looked around and saw Linh sitting beside her on the couch, staring at the birthday cake in awe.
"What's going on here?" Linh asked.
"It's my birthday. Or, the end of it, I guess."
"You celebrate the date of your birth?"
Sophie blinked. "You don't?"
"I think I'm nine years old, but I'm not really sure."
"I turned seven today."
"Happy... birthday?"
Sophie laughed. "Yeah, that's what you say. Thank you."
To be honest, Linh didn't look like she was nine. She looked der than Sophie, but it didn't feel like she was a whole two years older.
"Did you do anything for your birthday?"
Sophie grinned. "We used to go out, but after I started getting headaches, we've taken to staying inside. We stayed inside and had fun and played games. It was great."
With only the four of them, there weren't as many thoughts to bombard her mind with either.
"That sounds like fun."
There was something off about her tone... envy?
"Is something wrong?"
"I wouldn't want to ruin the mood."
"Linh," she reached over and took her hand. "You can tell me. You don't have to tell me everything, but you can let it out, and then we can do something as a distraction."
"My parents don't like me and my brother. We're twins, and our society doesn't like twins."
"That's stupid!" Sophie exclaimed. "I know a few sets of twins, and they seem great! It's normal!"
"It's tiring," Linh sighed. "It's really tiring."
"I'm sorry you have to go through that. Would you like a distraction? We can try eating the cake."
"What's it made of? Is there any meat?"
"Meat..? My dad's allergic to eggs, so it's completely vegetarian. Is there another concern?"
Linh's eyes widened, but then she seemed to recover. "No, I'm a vegetarian, that's all."
"Okay, I'll be right back."
Sophie went to the kitchen and brought out some plates and cutlery. She came back and saw Linh staring at the cake in awe again.
"You look like you've never seen a birthday cake before," Sophie remarked.
"I haven't," Linh whispered.
"Okay, come sit next to me. You're gonna blow out the candles."
"Isn't that something you would do? Since it's your birthday?" But still, Linh moved to sit next to her.
"I mean, yeah, but I already did it. I don't know if you'll get another chance anytime soon, though when we meet up I'm definitely gonna bake you cakes. So come on, make a wish, then blow out the candles."
"Okay. Do I tell you what I wish for?"
"I think it's better kept a secret."
Linh closed her eyes and Sophie thought that her eyelashes were way too pretty for her own good. When she blew the candles out, she looked so happy, and Sophie wished to see Linh like that more often.
After that, Sophie set the candles aside and then cut the cake. They sat on the couches, and ate.
"Ooh, this is delicious!" Linh exclaimed. "I didn't think this cake would taste so good!"
"Yeah, it's great," Sophie agreed. "Y'know, I didn't even think of whether the dreamsharing would allow for taste, but it does."
"Oh, ew, imagine eating but with no taste at all."
"Ew, gross."
They both laughed at that.
The more and more that Sophie shared her dreams with Linh, the more she thought that Linh wasn't a normal child. Their cultures were so different, it was unlike anything she had ever seen. She tried looking up certain things, but it didn't seem to work.
The things that they did were different too. It seemed like Linh was homeschooled, but while she knew concepts, she didn't know any famous people. The food they ate was different too. They'd done a few taste tests, and Sophie learned that mallowmelt was her new favourite thing to eat. She also learned what eating something with no taste was.
"I've never had it before," Linh had told her. "I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to taste like this."
"Maybe that's why. Maybe like how the environment is somewhere where one of us has gone to, the same applies with taste. So if neither of us have tried something, it doesn't know how to register taste."
"That makes sense."
They also played video games once, and it looked like Linh never even seen an electronic before. They played Mario Kart, a classic, and one that Sophie loved playing with her family.
She knew that Linh seemed to be East Asian, but she had no clue about the specifics. Probably Vietnamese, based on the name. But still, that didn't really help in finding out where exactly Linh was, or why she seemed so out of touch with the world. She lived in a mansion, so it wasn't like money was an issue for her.
"Okay, so..." Sophie began hesitantly. "I haven't told anyone this, but I have a question."
"I'll try my best to be accepting of whatever this is," Linh said.
Sophie sighed in relief. "Okay... so... what are your viewpoints on gender?"
"As in how the society treats people?"
"I mean..." Does she not know what I'm talking about? "Gender identity."
Linh looked confused. "What do you mean? We're both girls, that's our gender?"
At Sophie's dismayed look, she continued. "I genuinely don't understand, do you think you can explain? I'd like to know."
"Do you ever have a moment where you feel like you're not a girl?"
"Do you feel like a boy then?"
"No, not a boy. But not quite a girl either. Sometimes I feel like I'm just... something else. I don't really have words to explain it."
"I've never thought about it before," Linh admitted. "I don't think anyone where I live has ever thought that. But now that I think of it, I did find it... different that you told me your pronouns. I just said the same as I didn't know how to react."
"Oh. I see. You know how my pronouns were she/her before, right?" Sophie asked. "Can you use they/them pronouns for me instead?"
Linh nodded. "I'll do my best!"
They smiled. "That's the best I can ask for."
Sophie remembered the shopping district that Linh had taken them too a while back. It only took a second for them to realize that something was wrong. The shop's were destroyed, and their was water everywhere.
"Linh! Where are you?" Again, Sophie wished that they could sense her with their telepathy.
There was silence, except for the sound of crying.
"Linh!" They followed the sound and saw Linh curled into a ball. "Linh, what happened?"
She turned to them with red eyes. "I did this."
It looked like a flood happened. There was no way a single child would cause a flood. "I'm sure you didn't do this."
There was a sob. "No, I'm not exaggerating. Everything here, the water destroying and ruining everything, I caused it. It was all my fault!"
Something this large didn't seem like it happened due to her, but it seemed like there was no point in trying to convince her otherwise.
"How did it happen?"
"I... it all peaceful... and then- I can't say, I'm sorry."
She's stuck in this place, having to relive her trauma. That can't be good for her mentally.
"It was an accident though, right? Nothing bad will happen to you, right?"
"They won't forgive me. Mh mother and father hate me right now, they think I'm a failure. The... leaders already know, and they're going to have a meeting as to what will happen to me."
Sophie didn't know much about law, but this sounded a lot like a court meeting. "They can't do that! You're what, ten? Eleven? You're just a child!"
"They might kick me out," she whispered. "And Tam..."
"Does he blame you too?" They asked.
She shook her head. "No. But... I fear that if I get kicked out, he'll do something that gets him kicked out with me. He might put himself through lots of unnecessary pain just to stay with me."
"Do you want him to stay with you?"
"I... I do. I love him more than anyone in the world. But I can't have him go through so much pain."
"I wish I could help," they murmured. "I can't do anything physically, but I wish I could change the dream or something, and we can do something as a distraction."
"Can I hold you? I think that would help. Usually when I hold Tam, I'll feel a little better."
They scooted closer to her. She patted her lap, so Sophie moved and sat there. It was nice being held actually, but they wished that this could have happened in a more positive context.
"I don't think you're a bad person, Linh," they told her. It seemed like it was something that needed to be said. "If everyone in the world ends up hating you, I won't."
The arms around them squeezed tightly. "Thank you, Sophie."
The gaps between dreamsharing were often a little long. A few days at minimum, but there have been moments where over a month would pass by. Despite that, Sophie wasn't surprised that they were sharing a a dream the very next day.
The room was large and mostly empty. It reminded them of a movie theater, except all the seats were empty, and everything was bright. Also the seats were long rows of benches. At the centre of it all, Linh was standing there. Her hair now had silver on the tips, but they chose not to mention it.
"This is where the meeting happened," Linh said. "I'm being banished from my home. And well, Tam did what I thought he would. He's letting himself be banished so he could stay with me."
"Will you be okay?" Sophie knew that if they were to get kicked out of the house, it wouldn't go well. They'd have to get a job and find some place to stay. It'd be hard to get food. And someone like Linh- who was rich- wouldn't fare too well.
"We won't actually be all by ourselves," Linh admitted. "Our official 'home' is just for the two of us, but we'll be interacting with people who'll provide us food."
"That's not as bad as it can be, then."
"I wouldn't say that. The... place we go to, it's for people like me who did things that caused harm."
"They know that you weren't being malicious, right?" Sophie asked. "Are all those people innocent? Or are there some that might genuinely be bad?"
"I don't think all of them will be innocent. But the leaders have made their decision, and I can't disobey them. Thank you though, for caring."
"I'll always care."
The dreamsharing began to happen less often, which scared Sophie at first. They also noticed that the scenery was almost always somewhere that they'd gone to, not Linh. But that was fine with them, because it meant that Linh wasn't forced to look at the area that had been flooded.
On days when the dreams were far apart, Sophie wondered if something happened to Linh. This time, they were in Sophie's room. They were more relaxed, and while she didn't look tired, she was out of breath.
"It's tough over there, isn't it?" Sophie asked.
"Yeah, a lot of exercise and training. It's what we do everyday, and its exhausting." She flopped down on to the bed. "Oh, this feels nice."
Sophie vaguely remembered how the beds felt like in Linh's home, and if she was calling their bed nice, it meant that the living conditions wherever Linh was couldn't be that good.
"Also, Sophie?"
"What other pronouns are there?"
They hummed. "There's so many, I wouldn't be able to name them all. I can look some up on my phone and we can look at them, if you want."
That's what they ended up doing, Sophie would look at some pronouns and then say them aloud, because Linh couldn't read English.
"Wait, say that one again," Linh said.
"Ve, vem, vis, verself?"
Linh nodded, and was murmuring something under her breath. "Is there a variation of it?"
"Uh. I found ve, ver, vis, verself."
"Hmm, is there one that changes up the vis?"
"Most of them do seem to but... okay, I think I've got one. Ve, ver, ver, vers, verself."
"I like the sound of that one. But also, I still like my current pronouns."
"You don't have to give them up, you know? You could use both she and ver. You could use both at the same time, or use one at a time. It's your pronouns, you get to pick."
"I'll think about it. It's a little sudden, you know?"
"I get how you feel."
"Okay, so I have an answer."
"Ooh, what is it?'
"She/ve. Mix them up. If there's a change, I'll let you know."
"Okay!" Sophie smiled at ver. "You wanna play some video games now?"
She picked up a controller. "Of course."
"So, this is new."
They were outside this time, a large open environment. There were hundreds of trees, some bent over unnaturally. Sophie swore they'd seen something like that on the Internet before, but what was Linh doing there?
"It's been a while since we came somewhere that I was, right?" Ve said. "Just some more training here."
"Is it going okay?" They asked.
She shrugged. "It's alright, most of the time. They tried to get us to swim, but it's not going well."
Sophie remembered the image of the aftermath from that flood. Being surrounded by so much water must be difficult.
"I'm just glad you're doing okay," they murmured.
Sometimes, Sophie wondered if they had a crush on Linh. They were able to admit that ve was pretty, and the silver tipped hair of vers looked really good with her silver-blue eyes. She was also kind too, something that Sophie desperately needed from someone.
But other moments, they wondered if it would have been someone else. If they only liked Linh so much because it was quiet. If it was someone else whose was quiet, would they have crushed on them instead?
Surprisingly, they got an answer to that (the answer being no). Sophie was on a field trip at a museum when someone came up to them and was confused that they had brown eyes.
"You have brown eyes." Linh had told them, one of the very first things that she'd ever said to them.
"Well... I do. Also, the news article misgenders me, I use they/them pronouns."
They weren't sure why they felt the need to say that, especially since they were likely never going to see that person again.
"Oh," they said. "Interesting. I'm just a boy."
Then he went and pointed towards the figure of the Albertosaurus and said some weird things. He turned to leave, but then a group of kindergarteners came screaming, their mental voices even louder.
It was weird to see him with the same pained expression they bore. He must have noticed it too. Then Sophie realized something. His mind was silent. And somehow, he knew that they were a telepath. Because Fitz- that was the boy's name- was too.
It was a blur after that, they panicked and a lantern almost killed them, and then there was the revelation that Sophie wasn't human.
"Where I... come from, we all have blue eyes." Linh had said.
There was something strange, but Sophie wasn't able to put it together.
Sophie was given some time to think thing over. They weren't surprised to see that another shared dream was happening. They were considering the idea of telling Linh this, seeing how someone else would react. It would be a good way to figure out their own feelings towards all of what was going on.
"Okay, so..." Sophie began, because how did you tell someone that you weren't human?
"You look nervous, did something happen?"
"Okay, how familiar are you with... more unnatural things?"
Linh blinked, but her face was carefully blank. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, if I said that it's not just humans out there, would you believe me?"
"I believe you, but can you explain some more?"
All the tension was just coming from them, Sophie knew it. Just say it!
"So I'm a telepath, and well, I have been for years, since before we met and all. But today I met someone else who was one and he told me that I'm an elf. This sounds ridiculous, right?"
To their surprise, Linh shook their head. "You're not the only one who kept secrets."
And then ver hands were moving, and there was water swirling in the air. "I'm one too. But I'm a hydrokinetic."
"Wait... you're an elf too?"
There were so many questions, like why didn't you tell me?, but they'd be a hypocrite if they actually asked that. But also, it made sense. The blue eyes. The giant crystals and mansions.
"Yeah, I am. You said you were a telepath since you were five?"
"Fitz was surprised too."
"He's the one who found me. The telepath. Do you know him?"
"No, I don't. Kind of got banished for years, remember?"
That was another thing. Fitz mentioned how Tribunals didn't happen often, because the laws weren't broken often. But Linh, ve was banished, a decision made by the leaders. The elvin leaders. And that, with the image of the flood...
It always did seem weird that there seemed to be no sky. What if it wasn't a sky? What if it was water? And Linh said that she had caused it...
"You lost control in that place, didn't you." It wasn't a question, it was a confirmation.
"You figured that out faster than I thought. So what are you going to do now? You're an elf now."
"I don't know," they whispered. "I don't know."
"I can answer more questions about you being an elf, if you'd like?"
"That would be nice."
Adjusting to Elvin life wasn't as hard as Sophie thought it was going to be. Maybe it was because they had friends, Dex, Fitz, Biana and Keefe. And not to mention Linh.
But then there were the secret organizations, and Sophie's life was quickly becoming more and more unusual. There were the kidnappings, there was Exile and the Everblaze fires. Getting through all those ordeals was a disaster, especially when things would go wrong, when people would get hurt or even killed.
Sophie was starting to realize just how flawed the Lost Cities could be, the subtle discrimination that went on, despite the claims of being inclusive. Innocents were being harmed. Seeing how the world worked made Sophie feel even more angry for what Linh was going through.
When they got a chance to join the Black Swan, they took it. They gladly took the chance to rescue Prentice. It didn't go how it was expected, and now Sophie was going to Exillium.
There was something about the area that seemed familiar. The trees were bent over. Where did I see this before? The Internet?
The test to be divided into the hemispheres was difficult, and Sophie resorted to using fire to get out. It could have gone worse, except a hydrokinetic had saved them.
I wonder how Linh will react knowing that I'm at Exillium. Training.
The activities that needed to be done were awful. Appetite suppression was by far one of the harder ones.
There was a shade who kept talking to them, he was wondering who Sophie was exactly. And why they'd thank the hydrokinetic. There wasn't anything to it though, Sophie just wanted to thank her.
Then there was the activity for swimming. The water was a cold torrent, and it was difficult. There was someone else who was struggling- the hydrokinetic. Sophie went up to her, they wanted to help, but it was best to ask for permission first.
The hydrokinetic seemed strangely relaxed after that, as if overcoming that trial was that important to her.
The shade went up to them, asking if they wanted to know what he knew about the woods. Sophie took that chance and leapt with them.
"And you're sure I can trust you, right?" He asked, once they were alone.
"Tam... I know we can trust them."
The hydrokinetic had been silent, but then she took a step forward.
... Tam?
The hydrokinetic took off her mask. "Sophie, it's me, Linh."
Linh. Linh!
Tam turned towards ver. "That's Sophie? The person you're sharing your dream with?"
Ve nodded. "I didn't realize until they were transmitting and helping me with the water."
Sophie stood for a few more seconds, shocked. Once their brain finally processed everything, they went in and gave her a hug.
"I knew that we would meet one day," they whispered. "I'm here now."
They could see Tam looking at them with a thoughtful expression. "You helped Linh during ver toughest times. I don't know how I could thank you."
"You can help me... us."
"I can trust you," he replied. "But can I trust your friends?"
"We'll see," Linh said, finally pulling away from the hug. "What I do know is that they're going to be a big part of our lives. We've gone though a lot now, but we'll go through more together. We'll tell you what we know."
Sophie nodded. "Thank you."
"You met with the two of them by yourself?" Keefe asked.
"I needed to get the information."
"But how did you know they could he tru-"
"Keefe... I've known Linh for almost eight years, I know for a fact that I can trust her."
"Linh," Mr Forkle questioned. "Linh Song?"
They turned towards him. "How do you know who that is?"
"It's hard not to have heard of the one who accidentally flooded Atlantis," he said. "She's the one you dreamshare with, right?"
"Wait," Fitz said. "You've been dreamsharing? For eight years? How come we never knew about this?"
Sophie shrugged. "I guess I just never bothered mentioning it."
"It changes a lot," Mr Forkle added. "If ve wasn't someone trustworthy, they'd be able to utilize a lot of information about Sophie, and possible harm them more. But I also know she can be trusted."
"Did you look into my dreams?"
The dreams they shared was a private space for Sophie. For it to be intruded upon-
"I had no intention. But you do know that I was the one who would teach you things in your sleep. I wasn't able to do it during the days you dreamshared."
Oh, that made more sense.
"Linh's just like us. Children who had wrong things done to them. Ve's just trying to survive."
"If you trust ver, so do I," Biana declared.
The others nodded. "Us too."
Not once did Sophie ever think it was a mistake to trust Linh. They worked together and saved the gnomes. Ve comforted them when Keefe left for the Neverseen. They helped each other. They helped her gain better control over ver hydrokinesis, and saved Atlantis in the process. They comforted her when Tam was taken by the Neverseen.
They interacted with the natural ease that came from knowing someone for a long period of time. And Sophie knew for sure that they had a crush on Linh, and they wouldn't want to have it any other way.
Together, they all managed to defeat the Neverseen, and restore some normality to the world. With a lot of the stress gone, they found it easier to think about their feelings.
"Hey Linh?"
"I like you romantically."
She scooted closer to them, then wrapped an arm around them. "I like you too. Does that mean we date now?"
"Yeah, I'd like that."
And just because Sophie felt like it, they leaned in, and smiled when ve closed the gap between them. It took all of those years for things to get this far, and Sophie knew that there were only more things in store. But for now, they revelled in the moment.
Not adding a taglist because I did already post this before, but if you wanna be added/removed, just let me know!
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song-tam · 4 years
Sophie, Keefe, and Fitz Suffering from Hanahaki Disease
A/N: I just love making my characters suffer, don’t I... but it’s okay, suffering characters are wonderful things. I never thought I could do angsty headcanons, but well, here we are! And, also, this isn’t ship-specific, so you can imagine whatever character you want for these guys to be pining over.
Warnings: Hanahaki, coughing/hacking/throwing up (flowers), death, mentions of dying, mentions of surgery, just full out angst, I think that’s it but let me know if there’s anything else I should tag
The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from unrequited love, where the patient’s throat will fill up with flower, they will then proceed to throw, and cough up the petals, (sometimes even the flowers). One of the only ways for the disease to ‘disappear’ is if, the said person returns the feeling (it can’t be resolved with friendship, it has to be genuine feelings of love). The infection can also be removed through surgery, though the feelings disappear along with the petals.
~Sophie Foster~
Sophie had no idea what was happening when it happened
After growing up with humans
She didn’t really know much about elven diseases (shh let’s pretend hanahaki’s an elf thing)
So she was very confused when she started coughing up petals 
Maybe something the gnomes had fed her was causing this?
Edaline walked in on her hacking up petals and went pale
Not her daughter, it couldn’t be
But it was 
Sophie started panicking when she noticed Eda holding back tears
And Edaline quickly explained what Hanahaki was
Oh boy was Sophie freaking out then
It was an absolute mess
Edaline and Grady told her about the surgery she could do
It would remove the petals from her lungs and save her
But it would also remove Sophie’s feelings, make her go numb
Sophie accepted
Because it was clear that they’d never love her back anyway
~Keefe Sencen~
Keefe had never really thought he’d ever have Hanahaki
To be honest, he didn’t believe in love 
Not after watching his parents being so distant with each other
And watching them be so cruel to him, his son
So maybe he’d date a few people 
But it would never be anything serious 
Until he met them
He just kept falling harder and harder for them
Keefe knew it was a risky game 
He should’ve shoved them out of his life when he realized he loved them
But he was reckless and weak and couldn’t let them go
And now he was alone in his room, hacking up flowers, their favorite flower
Keefe debated hailing Elwin, maybe he could get the surgery
But he decided against it 
He was still weak and he didn’t want to let go of his feelings 
“I wasn’t worthy of their love anyway.”
Keefe just laid on his bed, coughing flowers, until his last dying breath
~Fitz Vacker~
Fitz had never paid much attention to Hanahaki
In his opinion, the whole idea was bullshit 
Like, what? Why would you fall for someone who didn’t love you too? Was that possible?
Well, it was, and now he’d fallen for a person who thought of him as a friend 
Fitz was paying the price for his stupid feelings 
It had started when he was eating breakfast with Biana 
In the middle of his food he suddenly was hacking up hydrangeas
Biana shrieked and the gnomes and bodyguards came running
His sister was sobbing and Grizel was trying to stay calm and Woltzer was hailing Elwin and everything was just a blur
He’d do the treatment, he decided
Even if it meant he’d be numb
Love wasn’t worth dying for, no matter what anyone said
Taglist: @stardustanddaffodils @dreaminq-out-loud @sunset-telepath @summer-waves9764 @jenniecrushed @jaxtheshade  @real-smooth@scribblesnsketches05 @the-sky-isnt-blueee@spreadyourwingsandfly @cadence-talle @linhamon2 @xonar-verse @an-absolute-travesty @hershis-kotlc @turquoise-skyyyy @blxckh0les42 @completekeefitztrash @gay-paladin-of-etheria  @a-legendary-love-story @the-angel-of-all-storms @bluemallowmelt @bianavacker-is-bi-as-hell @beautifulnightsahead @you-burned-my-bridges @princess-of-the-pages 
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tamsong · 4 years
love letter from a loose cannon
ship: sophie/linh
rating: T 
word count: 640
tags: pining, epistolary, angst, extended metaphors.
notes: i’ve had this in my drafts for like a month, and i figured i might as well finish it. this is optional, but if you want extra spice, read this while listening to “sweet hibiscus tea” by penelope scott
december 21, 20xx
dear linh hai song,
i never thought myself a hero.
once, i was an outcast. the side character, the one who exists to make an example. 
i was smart and talented, that’s not wrong. i was interesting enough, three-dimensional enough to matter in the overall tale, but back then i never did anything really powerful with it. if a hero ever met me back when i was twelve and struggling with telepathy, perhaps a young and inexperienced hero who needed a push in the right direction, they might be impressed. even seek to be my friend. but as they grew stronger and more confident, they would start to spot every crack in my emotions. they’d identify what went wrong with me, how i failed the world and vice versa, and vow to not turn out the same. 
i wouldn’t have blamed them for that, and i’m still not totally convinced i’ve grown out of that stage.
i still am an outcast, just in a different way these days. when i learned the truth about who i was, so much power was placed in my unwilling hands. five abilities, when more than two is unheard of? i think i was destined to never belong anywhere. 
the council, the black swan, the neverseen, anyone who has anything to say is afraid of me. they think i’m going to to tear down their precious world, and the more they say it, the more i want to. but i haven’t the faintest idea how i would do it. i haven’t had the time to figure out how to stop being an accident and start being a purpose. 
i admire you more than you’ll ever know. you’re more beautiful than all the crystal castles in eternalia, so relentlessly kind when the world’s given you no reason to be, and in control of your own life when you once had none. you’re the protagonist anyone would aspire to be. i may be the moonlark, but if anyone’s going to end the war and bring us all to safety, it’ll be you, like water brings life.
you’ll succeed, and our world will love you just like i do. they’ll regret that they ever banished you. you’re a treasure, linh, you truly are.
but me? i don’t know if i’ll ever reach my happy ending. those are for stories, the kind i used to obsess over when i thought myself young and innocent. in another life i might be a story like that, a child’s fairy tale or adventure saga with threads that must be tied up. but i am no mere piece of fabric or words- i am real enough for my body to writhe in pain and tremble with tenderness.
i don’t need a happy ending, right now, and maybe i was never built to have one. but i would like to feel okay again, and i don’t think that’s too much to ask.
dear hero, you make me feel okay.
sophie elizabeth foster
p.s. it’s likely you’ll never read this letter. i’ll never be brave enough to give it to you to your face, but i’m hiding it in this box under calla’s panakes tree and letting fate decide. the chances of you finding it are small, but who knows? i’ll check on it in a week.
december 28, 20xx
dear sophie,
meet me by the cliffs tonight at sunset. i think we have some things to talk about.
p.s. you said it yourself, this world is no story. so i am no hero, and you are no dark horse. aren’t we all more valuable than that? so who says we can’t have a happy ending, because i think we deserve one after all the trouble we’ve endured.
p.p.s. i think keefe’s fatalism is rubbing off on you.
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suldreen-saga · 4 years
KotLC fanfic writers masterlist
this is a list of the writers we have in this amazing fandom (listed by tumblr url but if you click on the individual names it will bring up the platform they are most active on)! they all deserve recognition for their writing because I’m sure they are all very passionate about it!! so make sure to check them out~♥
awkwardgaybean | fluff, chapter fics, Sophiana, Marellinh
bonelessbooks | fluff, oneshots, drabbles, Sokeefe, Dexiana, Tiana, Gradaline
brilliantblindinglights | fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, oneshots, Sokeefe, Solinh, Kam
bronte-deserves-better | angst, oneshots, Pyren brothers au
eating-mooncakes | fluff, angst, oneshots, chapter fics, continuation fics, Sophitz, Sokeefe, Linx, Destina
ellas-enchanted | fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, oneshots, drabbles, Sokeefe, Sokeefitz, Keefitz, Kam, Tiana, Marellinh
evelynhasoceanmagic | adventure, chapter fics, OCs
everyonehasthoughts | fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, oneshots, Kam, Detz, (wattpad)
fantasygirl9016 | angst, oneshots, chapter fics, Sophitz, Kam
imaramennoodle | fluff, chapter fics, Sokeefe, soulmate au
iwannacustardburst | horror, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, oneshots
keeper-of-the-lost-queers | fluff, oneshots, chapter fics, crack fic
lesbilynnette | fluff, hurt/comfort. oneshots, chapter fics, Detz, Marellinh
linhamon-roll | fluff, hurt/comfort, oneshots, chapter fics, Kam, Solinh, Solinhiana
mallowmelting | oneshots, continuation fics, Song twins, Solinh
marellinh-rights | fluff, oneshots, drabbles, Sokeefe, Sokeefitz, Solinh, Sophiana, Solinhiana, Kam, Linhiana, Marellinh
misty-120 | fluff, angst, chapter fics, chatfic, Sokeefe, Sophiana, Kam, Detz, Marellinh
mossrings | hurt/comfort, oneshots, chapter fics, Sokeefe, Solinh, Solinhiana, Tiana, Linhiana
mostlymiyu | fluff, oneshots, chapter fics, Sokeefe, Sokeefitz, Kam, (wattpad)
ravs6709 | fluff, chapter fics, reaction fics, Keefex, Marellinh
silveny-dreams | fluff, oneshots, Sokeefe, Detz, cowboy au
silver-snow | fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, oneshots, chapter fics, Sophiana, Marellinh
siocynder |  mystery, chapter fics, Detz
sophies-earbuds | fluff, oneshots, Sokeefe
starsofatlantis |  fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, oneshots, chapter fics, Sophitz, Dexiana
Stellarlune123 | fluff, action, chapter fics, Keeper 9 prediction
suldreen-saga | fluff, angst, oneshots, Sokeefe
teatimewithella | fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, oneshots, multishipper
theunmappedstar | fluff, angst, chapter fics, oneshots, Sophitz, Sokeefe
three-gulons-in-a-trenchcoat | fluff, oneshots, chapter fics, Sokeefe
ultralazycreatorfan | fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, chapter fics, drabbles, Keefex, Kam
we-have-no-bananas-today | fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, oneshots, chapter fics, Sokeefe, Solinh, Keefex
when-all-hope-feels-lost | fluff, oneshots, Sophitz, Sokeefe, Dexiana, wholesome
Other (non-Keeper)
bbyremmylupin | fluff, angst, oneshots, chapter fics, drabbles, Star Wars
brilliantblindinglights | fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, oneshots, hopeful and open-ended
crumpledwitchfeet | horror, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, oneshots
fanartofthelostcities | oneshots, multi-fandom, (AO3)
ladystinaheks | romance, historical, chapter fics
maka-tsubaki | fluff, angst, oneshots, chapter fics,  Soul Eater
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Some writing ig
It’s super soft and also I didn’t edit it cheers
Sophie and linh save a moonlark that’s it that’s the fic
Just a lil solinh for flavor
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marellinhs · 5 years
Secret Santa present for @loki-the-trikster-god! Merry Christmas friend! I’m afraid you deserve better, but you were stuck with me (lmao) so I did my best! I hope you have a lovely holiday season🖤
Summary: Sophie & Linh watch the rainstorm. Everything’s Okay AU. Pointless fluff.
TWs: none that I can think of
“Sophie! Sophie!”
Sophie jerked back from her chair, where she had been listlessly doodling in on the side of her paper. Slamming the door open with a crash, Linh rushed in, laughing.
“Sophie! It’s raining! We’re going outside!” She yelled, grabbing her friend’s hands and running. Sophie quickly adjusted and ran behind her, still holding her hand. The smile on Linh’s face was just too pretty and contagious, and soon Sophie was laughing too.
Reaching the door, Linh threw it open and ran to the middle of the yard, throwing her head and arms back, her wild laughter calming to a sweet smile, still holding Sophie’s hand. Staring at the dove-grey sky, raindrops falling gently onto her face and hair, looking entirely at peace, she looked like some sort of rain goddess.
Sophie tried to concentrate on the rain too, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from Linh, or distract herself from the fact that they were still holding hands. It was perfect.
Thunder started rumbling, and Linh turned towards Sophie, giggling again. While it was by no means the first time Sophie had heard her laugh, it was still disarming, she sounded so adorable and sweet.
After ten seconds of Sophie trying to pull herself together and concentrate, she finally stammered out, “We should come back inside, just to stay safe.”
Linh simply laughed at her in response. “Why? The rain and thunder aren’t going to hurt us!”
Sophie knew she should try to protest, but she couldn’t find it in her. She didn’t want to leave the rain, where Linh looked happier than she had in weeks. So, she shifted closer to Linh, leaning against her. As a response, Linh squeezed her hand, which took Sophie a whole ten seconds to recover from. She could feel her cheeks turning to pink, desperately hoping Linh wouldn’t take notice.
She felt… content. Leaning against Linh, feeling the thick raindrops fall onto her skin, watching the sky darken, it felt like there was nothing she had to worry about.
“Sophie? Linh? Come inside!” Edaline’s voice called to them.
Their eyes widened, and they started laughing uncontrollably. Linh was doubled over, gasping for air, and tears were streaming out of Sophie’s eyes.
“Sorry, Edaline!” Linh yelled in reply, still laughing wildly. After snatching Sophie’s hand again, the two ran back inside, water splashing onto their legs from the puddles they stepped in. As they returned to Sophie’s room, water dripped from their hair and shoes and clothing, making puddles Edaline probably wasn’t going to be overjoyed about.
“Here, you borrow some of my clothes.” Sophie handed her a comfortable pale blue tunic with grey leggings she thought would likely fit Linh. She couldn’t let her stand around in her sopping wet dress. However, it appeared that the clothes were a little bit too big, and when Linh came back with too-long sleeves and baggy pants, Sophie had to start staring out of the window to prevent herself from staring and worsening the blush she felt burning on her cheeks. Upon seeing her staring out the window, Linh snatched a blanket from Sophie’s bed, wrapped half of it around her, sat on the window seat, and gestured Sophie over with her free hand.
“Come on, we’ll watch the rain together.” She invited, a gentle smile on her pale pink lips, and Sophie was helpless to do anything but. She curled against Linh’s side, the other half of the blanket draped across her, and stared out the window. As hard as she tried to distract herself, it was easier to stare at Linh’s reflection in the glass, hoping that Linh was too captivated by the rainfall to notice.
Slowly, slowly, slowly, the harsh storm gentled to a quiet drizzle, the sun set from behind the clouds and the sky darkened, the clouds dispersed until the stars were visible and moonlight streamed through the large window, and the two girls sat in comfortable silence. Flori, having spotted the two girls coming in from the rain together, had made them tea, and now their empty mugs sat on the window seat with them. Linh had fallen asleep, her chest slowly rising and falling, a soft smile still present on her face, black-and-silver hair hanging in her face.
Sophie was in love. In love with a girl built from hurricanes and tidal waves, but also of gentle raindrops and drops of stardust. She chuckled quietly to herself at how cheesy her water metaphors were.
Nevertheless, she was in love with Linh. She loved her freckles, her silvery eyes, her pink cheeks, her laugh, whether it was a quiet giggle or wild laughter, the way her eyes crinkled when she smiled, the jokes she cracked. Sophie was shaken at how sweet and kind she always stayed, even after she had been through hell. She was so courageous and strong, and Sophie loved her so much.
Her train of thought was abruptly halted as Linh’s Imparter made a noise and her eyes flew open, Sophie falling off the seat in alarm. Snickering at Sophie’s ungraceful position, Linh said, “Accept.”
The screen lit up with Tam’s face. “When are you coming home? Tiergan’s starting to get worried.” Irritation and concern were mixed in his voice.
“Oh, shoot,” Linh sighed, checking the time. “I lost track of time. I’m coming home now.”
“Alright. Be careful.” The screen went black, leaving the room in darkness.
Sophie frowned in disappointment. Of course, she knew her friend would have to leave eventually, but she was still saddened by it.
Linh yawned, loudly. “Well, goodbye Sophie. It was really nice to spend time with you.” She whispered. If the room wasn’t entirely dark, Sophie would’ve seen Linh’s cheeks were a delicate shade of pink, matching her own. Linh hesitated for a second, then leaned forward and kissed Sophie on the cheek, before pointing her pathfinder into the beam of moonlight and disappearing.
So, yes, Sophie was very much in love.
bonus solinh moodboard i made 🖤🖤
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A short Solinh Fic
Sophie sighed dreamily, completely blocking out the useless droning of her Elvin History mentor. Usually she was diligent, really. But this was the only session she had with this… this angel. She chuckled softly, knowing that only she would even understand the human compliment in the lost cities. It was true though, Linh was and always had been such an ethereal being, not just in appearance but in character. Her kindness, her gentleness, her humility, her impossibly considerate nature- not to mention she was perhaps the most talented hydrokinetic of her generation. Sophie sighed again, the girl’s long hair had been gathered into a large bun at the top of her head, that fell loose in feathery strands around her face. Sophie’s heart skipped a beat as the angel tucked a thin tendril behind her ear. Linh was absolutely, positively, indisputably the most beautiful thing that ever graced this green earth. Yeah, Sophie was whipped. Something that the freckled boy sitting next to her knew very well, and thus made fun of her for perpetually. “Soph! You’re drooling again!” He whispered in her ear. “I am?” She gasped snapping out of her daze and frantically wiping her mouth. “I am not!” She realized, and slapped his shoulder. Dex only snickered. “I’ll get you back for that!” She told him, pouting. “Yeah. Okay. Whatever.” He replied, dimples still visible on his now rather chiseled features. Something that the girls at school hadn’t failed to notice, he got as many crush cuffs as Fitz and Keefe these days. Sophie had teased him mercilessly about it for months. She couldn’t help feeling proud of her best friend, though. She felt like the crazy mom screaming for her son at a little league baseball game. “Seriously.” Sophie said, a blush already forming on her face. “Wow. That’s impressive. Even Wonderboy made you blush this much.” He snickered. Sophie punched him. “Sure he did.” Sophie said defensively. But she knew it was true. She loved her gorgeous cognate like a brother, but he didn’t have anything on her angel. “Mr. Diznee! Ms. Foster! Do you have something you’d like to share with the class?” The mentor snapped, annoyedly. The prodigies in question jumped. “N-no, sir.” Sophie managed. Great, now Linh was looking at her, she didn’t care what Elwin told her about the infinite nature of the Elvin lifespan, she could feel herself aging faster. “Then could either of you tell me how this particular event we were speaking of, before you so rudely interrupted, helped to shape the world we know today?” Sophie did more than that, actually, she recited about five textbook paragraphs-worth of information before concluding the speech with an eloquent thesis. Dex smirked throughout the entire spoken essay. Sophie didn’t really want to know what Linh was doing. “A-alright, then. Y-you heard her class, she’s obviously studied very well.” The mentor said, baffled. Sophie was surprised any of her mentors tried to catch her off guard any more. She had reached the level of know-it-all-ness that she had maintained in the Forbidden Cities, and that was saying something.
A scoff sounded throughout the lecture hall; Stina. “More like she memorized the entirety of the subject matter. Sir, this is outrageous. Why is she even here? She already knows everything!” Despite having gotten more accustomed to Stina’s ways, the way the bully said “everything,” made her blood boil. Stina was still so childish, and it got on Sophie’s nerves. “ ‘Outrageous’ is a bit of an exaggeration don’t you think?” The voice sent fire shooting through Sophie’s veins. It was Linh, it was her angel coming to her rescue. “Sophie may retain information in such a way that makes the rest of us look like idiots, but that’s beyond her control. It’s not like she’s being arrogant,” she sent a pointed look to Stina, “she didn’t even do anything wrong.” Sophie’s heart glowed, or that might of been her face catching fire. Either way, she felt her love for the angel swell in her chest like an ocean. “Besides,” Linh continued, “from what I understand, Sophie’s always been an exception, you'd think you’d’ve gotten used to it by now.” The euphoria ended immediately. “Exception”. Sophie felt her face catch fire for a whole new reason. She was an “exception” to Linh. She felt tears prick at her eyes, why did she ever think Linh would be different? She saw her like everyone else did; like an exception, like the ‘moonlark’, like a freak. Even her cognate, even her best friends saw her that way- even Edaline and Grady. Always saying how proud they were of her, or joking about how they “saved her ass that one time”- she had become like the golden statues in the Goblin capital- unmoving and glimmering on a pedestal. It was humiliating, and that made her angry. “On the contrary,” Sophie shot up out of her seat, “the council’s given me a number of cases to work on- my cognate and I are also expected to perform a healing later tonight. I feel this time could be more well spent if I could work on those, sir.” “You don’t expect him to just let you waltz out of class, do you?” Stina sneered. “I was simply contributing to a conversation directly concerning myself. I think that’s justified. I don’t claim to be privy to my mentor’s thoughts, Stina, as I know you wouldn’t either.” She couldn’t help but think she’d started sounding too much like Alden. Stina only glared at her in silence. “I s-suppose as a ‘junior keeper’, or whatever it is they call you and your lot now… you would have extra responsibilities. Perhaps I should let you use this time more efficiently. You are the moonlark after all.” Sophie resisted the urge to wince at her pseudonym. “Very well, Ms. Foster. Go work on your projects somewhere close to the lecture hall where you won’t disturb the other sessions.” 
The mentor’s smile was friendly, but Sophie couldn’t bring herself to care. She let out a clipped, “Thank you, sir,” and began to gather her supplies. Dex gave her a concerned look, but it only earned him a “See you,” before she turned and walked purposefully out into the hallway. A few minutes later she was crying in the garden outside the silver tower. She felt pathetic. She shouldn’t still be crying over this, she’d always been a freak. Always. Lost cities or not. Why hadn’t she hardened herself against it yet? Why? Why did it still have to hurt so much? And then she realized, it wasn’t being called a freak it was being called a freak by Linh. Linh had full dominion over her, and she still couldn’t bring herself to hate it. So all she could do was cry, as hard as she had when she had first come here. And then… it got worse. So, so infinitely worse. “Sophie?” The girl in question nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of that voice. “L-linh…” The moonlark couldn’t even bring herself to look her angel in the face. “S-sorry… I was just…well…uh-“ “You were crying.” And there it was again. That gentleness that transcended any kind of physical attraction Sophie felt towards the hydrokenetic. That kindness, that endless compassion. Sophie’s heart ached for her angel, and it hurt so much that she was angry again. “Yeah! I was! So what? What do you have to do with it?” Sophie snapped finally reaching Linh’s eyes. And… instantly regretted it. Those eyes… those beautiful, beautiful eyes. Like silver. Like a shimmering lake in winter. Sophie couldn’t stop staring, she couldn’t even tear her eyes away and look at Linh’s nose instead like she did with Fitz. She couldn’t even blink. She could only become more and more lost in them. In their depth and sparkling emotion. “I’m sorry….” Sophie whispered. “I’m so sorry….” And she started crying again. She bawled her eyes out, and Linh, being Linh, held the precious moonlark tight to her chest. Immediately forgiving Sophie for her harsh words. “Don’t be sorry.” The angel whispered soothingly. “You’ve done nothing to be sorry for. Nothing, nothing at all.” “Y-yes there is…” Sophie said between bouts of tears. “I-I’m sorry I’m so different. I always bring trouble with me, wherever I go. I-I’m a burden. I-Im sorry… I-I’m sorry I’m a freak, I-I’m an e-exception. I’ll always just be that. I-I’ll always just be…” “Stop!” Sophie gaped at Linh in surprise. She had barely ever heard the angel speak so angrily, even when they were fighting the Neverseen. Line sighed, her eyes full of a kind of pain Sophie couldn’t place. “Sophie, I called you an exception because I think you’re exceptional. Intelligent and courageous and wise.” Linh absent-mindedly tucked a loose strand of hair behind Sophie’s ear. Sophie’s face was on fire again. “You’re a hero and a genius. You’re empathetic…and beautiful.” Here even Linh’s cheeks colored a deep pink. “S-so…you d-don’t hate me?” Sophie hiccuped. Linh just stared at her moonlark at this, something that made Sophie indescribably uncomfortable. In fact, Linh stared so long that Sophie had time to wonder vaguely if class had already ended. But this and every other thought flew out of her mind when Linh’s lips came crashing down and pressed against her own in a chaste kiss. Chaste as it was, the kiss was far from short. When Linh finally pulled away Sophie could only grin and snort and laugh giddily. And Linh, being Linh, kissed her again and again and again, until they went back to their sessions glowing from the inside.
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dizznee · 6 years
TOUCH — a solinh fanfic by mallowmelting, coming to you on this fine monday.
LINKS — ff.net | ao3 | wattpad
EXCERPT — it is as if the world has reversed its rotation while these two girls remain in place. as the earth spins away from them, they revolve around each other, each pulled toward the other by a perfect gravity. but never touching.
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KotLC Writing Masterlist
Currently writing: Fitzphie coffee shop AU
Thanks for stopping by! This list is organized by category and then length, longest to shortest. My favorites have an asterisk (*) next to them.
Originals - AO3
*Medieval AU | Mainly platonic; Fitzphie epilogue | Chaptered | 19.3k | The first book, rewritten so that it takes place in medieval times and condensed to the necessary pieces.
First Choice | Sokeefe (kind of) | Angst oneshot | 1.5k | Sophie is now matchable; Keefe finds out about her new relationship with Fitz.
Alchemy and Empathy | Destina (Dex x Stina) | Oneshot, possibly will be continued | 0.8k | Dex and Stina make a deal.
*Shatter | Platonic Sokeefe | Hurt/comfort oneshot | 0.6k | Keefe’s reaction to Sophie’s kidnapping in the first book (and her return).
*An Alicorn Keeper’s Best Friend | Fluff oneshot | 0.6k | Jurek meets Luna and Wynn for the first time.
More Than Cognates | Fitzphie | Fluff oneshot | 0.5k | Sophie confesses her feelings to Fitz. Takes place between Lodestar and Nightfall.
A Game of Best Quest | Platonic Keefitz | Fluff oneshot | 0.5k | Keefe and Fitz play base quest.
A Second Chance | Therapy oneshot | 0.4k | Fitz in therapy after the events of Exile.
True Family | Sokeefe | Fluff oneshot | 0.4k | Keefe and Sophie bake together.
Stars and Friendship | Platonic Solinh | Fluff oneshot | 0.3k | Sophie and Linh go star bottling.
A Dress to Be Remembered | Oneshot | 0.3k | Biana prepares for her first Winnnowing Gala.
The Girl | Oneshot | 0.2k | Bullhorn wonders about the girl that often comes to the Healing Center.
*Linh’s Pendant | Missing scene oneshot | 0.2k | Linh has been banished from the Lost Cities. How does she react?
Goodbye | Missing scene oneshot | 0.2k | Calla changes forms
Grief | Fitzphie (one-sided) | Angst oneshot | 0.2k | Fitz’s reaction to Sophie’s kidnapping in the first book.
Requests - Tumblr
Is Base Quest Training? | Fluff oneshot | 1.1k | Some classic whole-squad base quest
Trauma Doesn’t Forget | Fitzphie | Hurt/comfort oneshot | 0.7k | Sophie struggles with nightmares, and ends up going through her scrapbook with Fitz.
I Told My Heart No | Elwin x Oralie | Oneshot | 0.6k | Oralie finds out that Elwin is Sophie’s biological father, and they begin to fall in love.
*Broken But Belonging | Dadwin | Hurt/comfort oneshot | 0.5k | Keefe snaps at Elwin and thinks he’s ruined everything, but Elwin won’t let him go that easily.
Book Date | Fitzphie | Fluff oneshot | 0.5k | Sophie and Fitz try to find each other’s new favorite book.
*Then Trust This | Fitzphie | Fluff oneshot | 0.4k | The Flashback Fitzphie kiss, uninterrupted
Lucky | Sokeefe | Fluff oneshot | 0.4k | Sokeefe with kids
Kiss or Dance | Sokeefe | Fluff oneshot | 0.4k | Keefe tries to teach Sophie to dance (but they get distracted)
Hogwarts AU | Angst oneshot | 0.4k | A little drabble of what Fitz and Sophie’s first encounter might have looked like in the setting of Harry Potter.
Aura Foster | Fitzphie | Fluff oneshot | 0.3k | Fitzphie as parents (esp. Fitz as a dad)
Christmas | Fluff oneshot | 0.3k | Sophie misses Christmas, so her friends throw her a party.
What If | Fitzphie | Fluff oneshot | 0.3k | Coffee shop AU (beginning of a longer fic)
Bake It Better | Tiana | Hurt/comfort oneshot | 0.3k | Biana and Tam baking after Tam is upset
*Let Me Go | Fitzphie | Hurt/comfort(?) oneshot | 0.24k | Sophie and Fitz get into an argument.
Council “Meeting” | Fluff oneshot | 0.23k | The Council debates snack choice instead of getting work done.
Can I Make You Mine | Fitzphie | Fluff oneshot | 0.22k | Fitzphie wedding
A Gentle Heart | Gradaline (a bit) | Fluffy and angsty oneshot | 0.2k | Opening the Havenfield sanctuary (ft. some Jolie angst)
Frosting Cookies | Dexiana | Fluff oneshot | 0.2k | Dex and Biana frost cookies together.
*What’s A Disappointment | Platonic sokeefe | Hurt/comfort | 0.19k | Sophie and Keefe as kids.
*To Hold You In My Arms Again | Fitzphie | Fluff oneshot | 0.17k | Post-Legacy; the pair meets up after a long day to spend a few moments together.
Water Flows | Poem | 0.1k | A climbing syllables ABAB poem, focused around the idea of Linh being in the Neverseen.
Bits and Pieces - Tumblr
Very short pieces, kind of “excerpts from fanfictions I will never write.” Sorted by popularity at time of creating this list.
I Promise - Sokeefe proposal (53 notes)
I Couldn’t - Fitz angst (27 notes)
I Told You - Married Sokeefe (23 notes)
*Whispers of a Promise - Fitzphie proposal (19 notes)
*Unnamed - Keefe angst (18 notes)
You Were First - Married Fitzphie (10 notes)
Unnamed - Keefe death (10 notes)
71 notes · View notes
cowboypossume · 3 years
Words Not Spoken
Pairing: queerplatonic Sophie x Linh
Trigger warnings: implied negative home life, mention of cigarette, mention of gasoline, mention in of nightmares, and let me know if anything else !
Playlist: here <3
Word count: 853
Summary: Sophie and Linh ride the bus home together.
AO3 Link: here you go lovelies 🤎
Note for @brilliantblindinglights before the fic begins: INK HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!! literally, because of you, all of this exists. you’ve made writing fanfic one of the greatest feelings in the world, plus just vibing on tumblr with you has been one heck of a great time. you’re always so sweet to me and let me scream about whatever current thing is going on in my life. you’re always there if i need you, and i love you (full homo no genous). as a treat, here’s my demigirl Sophie and neopronouned Linh fanfic i’m not allowing you to edit <3
now onto the fic :D
Eye contact has always sat weird within Sophie’s stomach when people are talking. It’s not a bad thing just, during conversation, they couldn’t seem to focus on that.
Looking at eyes had a story being told through languages unknown by Sophie. It’s beautiful and should be appreciated, just hard to understand when the translation doesn't exist. A lot happens in them all the time and Sophie has a hard time catching everything. Even then, as Lihn was talking about something that had happened during lunch with faer friends, Sophie couldn’t tell you what faer eyes were doing to save her life.
But they didn’t need to.
Sophie noticed other things about Linh instead. Things that they could understand and interpret.
No matter how many times Sophie tried to hold faer hands, fae would untangle them for a second and use them to emphasize a point to the story. When it was a good point or something used for comedic effect, faer fingers would spread out, tilt themselves upwards, and drag the hands with them. When the point wasn’t a good one, fae would form something of a closed fist while faer nails dug deeper into faer palm. There had been an increasing amount of fists lately while Lihn had to think about going home and most kids at school. Sophie wished she could help, but Linh always insisted listening and being there was enough.
It never felt like enough, especially in moments like then when Sophie couldn’t seem to zone in on anything.
Faers left leg, casually tucked underneath theirs, shifted ever so slightly to the right when fae noticed Sophie. Linh slouched faer back and Sophie felt faers eyes focus on their face, somewhere near her eyes.
That was one of the days physical contact was a hesitant yes, so Linh gently traced faer thumb on Sophie’s without actually holding her hand.
“Hey, are you ok?” Faers thumb moved over Sophie’s knuckles so softly it almost felt accidental. “You seem really out of it. Not just right now, just in general this week.” Her lavender-dipped voice talking directly to Sophie with a hint of concern was enough to ground her something. They looked towards Linh, focusing on faer nose.
“Yea, sorry,” a slight chuckle that Linh had learned was uncomfortable filled the natural pauses of that phrase. “Long week.”
There were so many places that could lead, and Linh waited several moments to see if Sophie wanted to push further.
After the silence had followed them for too long, Lihn softly asked “do you want to vent about it?”.
Sophie tried to focus on how the criss-cross motion of Linh’s thumb felt as soothing as the lullabies Eldaline sang to subdue the horrific memories presented as dreams occurring more lately. Lihn gave them enough calmness to answer after a second too long of a pause “not particularly”.
Both of them knew words spoken wouldn’t do anything, so they let the silence of the mostly empty bus fill the space around them.
They were headed back to Sohpie’s home for a sleepover that was originally supposed to be with the group, but being alone with Lihn was starting to reveal how tired she was. Around Linh she didn’t have to mask as much, so she didn’t. She didn't force herself to hold onto eye contact, they didn’t worry about being too fidgety, they didn’t overthink anything. As a result, what they were really feeling tended to be on the forefront of her mind while with Linh, and she realized how draining this week had been for her.
The bus was small, yet comfortable. If more than five people total were here, it would have felt overcrowded. The seats lining the dark brown walls weren’t big enough for ‘normal’ sized bodies, so Linh especially didn’t fit too well, and they were terribly spaced. Stained with the smell of old cigarettes, grandfather’s church cologne, and splotches of gasoline here and there, they gave no leg room or sense of personal space anywhere. Nonetheless, the bus had a weird homey feeling to it. The color scheme reminisced of an up-and-coming coffee house, and the bus driver’s toothy grin when you entered or exited added to that feeling. A clearly costume-made playlist full of indie songs would casually play through the speakers, quiet enough to not be annoying, but loud enough to be heard when conversations dulled.
“Can I hold your hand?” Lihn’s voice subtly knitted itself with a tone that let out the secret of how long fae’d been worried about asking.
Sophie laced their fingers together instead of giving a verbal answer.
A moment of awkward transition passed between the two of them where Sophie gently rested her head on Lihn’s shoulders. Squeaky bus tires and each other’s company rang with a mellifluous sound that filled the gap between their heads. Closing the distance, Linh gave them a gentle kiss on the forehead and rested faer head on top of her head.
The two of them stayed like that for as long as time allowed them to, blissful in the words not spoken.
thank you for reading !!
taglist for when i randomly decide to write: @brilliantblindinglights, @impostertamsong, @a-lonely-tatertot, @dragonwinnie-kotlc, @enbies-and-felonies, and let me know if you wanna be added or removed <3
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everysongineverykey · 5 years
“What’s that, Sophie?”
Her thoughts interrupted by the sound of Linh’s sweet and quite welcome voice, Sophie looks up from the pages of her book and smiled at the pink-cheeked girl staring confusedly at the thing in her hands.
“This?” Sophie asks, pointing to the book.
 Linh nods. “I’ve never seen anything quite like it before. Is it a human thing?”
“As a matter of fact, it is. It’s a book. Ever heard of it? I know elven literature comes on scrolls, so…”
The hydrokinetic’s silver-blue eyes widen a little. “Oh, of course. I’ve heard about those. I’ve never seen one in real life, though… You flip the pages to read it, right?”
Sophie smiles. Linh was always one of the most endearing of her friends- and one of the loveliest, too. 
“That’s right,” she says, lowering the book a little to get a better view of her decidedly attractive friend. An idea comes to her.
“Say,” she says slowly, “have you ever read a human book before?”
Linh offers her a sad smile, shaking her head. “Even if I could’ve found one, I wouldn’t have been able to read it.”
“Oh, of course. I forgot I’m one of the only people in our friend group who knows how to read English.” They both laugh a little awkwardly.
A pause.
Then, from Linh: “What’s that one about?”
“This one? Oh, it’s a murder mystery. Murder On the Orient Express. One of my personal favorites. I don’t think you’d like it, though. It’s a little dark.”
“I’ve lived in Exilium for a long time, Sophie. I think I can handle ‘a little dark.’”
Oh god, thinks Sophie. I’ve upset her.
If Linh is upset, however, she gives little sign. After a moment or two, her face brightens, and she looks at Sophie hopefully, forcing the blonde’s cheeks to turn bright red against her will. But her next sentence is enough to distract the blush.
“Can you read it to me?”
Sophie, caught off guard, fumbles for a response. “Read it to you? Oh, um, well… what if you don’t like it?”
Linh beams. “If you like it, I’m sure I will too.” She sits down cross-legged in front of Sophie under the purple flowers of the Panakes.
“Uh… okay, then. Tell me if I’m going too fast, or too slow, or if there’s something you don’t get-”
“There’ll probably be a lot of stuff I don’t get, if it’s a human novel. But I’m sure you’ll explain it just fine!”
Sophie’s cheeks turned even redder. God, this girl was cute. She forced herself to turn her attention to the book.
The first few chapters didn’t go by very quickly, mostly because Linh interrupted several times to ask for clarification of an old expression or device, and Sophie eventually decided to drop the book and give her a full rundown of the human references that she would come across while reading, and after that, they got through a little quicker. 
At one point, though, Sophie looked up to notice that Linh was staring at her rather intensely, and dropped her head down again quickly to hide the rush of blood heading for her cheeks. As she read, all she could think about was Linh’s eyes on her, staring searchingly into her soul…
As these thoughts continued, Sophie decided that the best course of action would be to stop. She looked up.
“Hey, uh, Linh, do you think we could keep reading some other time? ‘Cause it’s getting kind of late…” 
That was a lie. It was only 4:30. Linh took the hint, though, and got up.
“Thanks for doing this, Sophie. I’ve always wondered what humans read for fun.”
“So, uh, did you like it?”
Linh considered. “Yeah,” she said after a while. “Yeah, I think I did. It was a little confusing, but I guess I’ll just have to research old human stuff until next time. And…” she took both of Sophie’s hands in hers. “Thanks again.”
Sophie, who was currently going into panic mode at the mere sensation of their fingers pressed together, smiled and stammered a quick “you’re welcome”.
As Linh raised her crystal, however, Sophie stopped thinking, and called out, “Linh?”
Linh turned to look at her again. “Yeah?”
“Do you- I mean, I- that is- um-”
Sophie cursed herself eternally.
“I just- do you know how much I love you?”
There was an excruciating pause. Then Linh smiled- a warm, genuine, touched smile- and said, “I love you too, Sophie.”
And in a glitter of light, she was gone, but the girls’ feelings for each other were not.
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ravs6709 · 3 years
Euneirophrenia- Solinh
Whoops I wrote this instead of doing the two assignments I have due today
"Euneirophrenia (n): the peace of mind that comes from having pleasant dreams."
Okay, so I was reading a fic (A Handmade Scrapbook on ao3) and came across a dreamsharing au. From there I immediately knew I wanted to make a Solinh oneshot
So yeah, you share your dream with someone who will be important to your life. Not necessarily romantic, it can be student and mentor, but in this case it is romantic. Anyways it's just snapshots of Sophie's life (mostly of being a child)
Also, this one ended up being super long. Like, 6k plus words. It can't actually all fit onto tumblr, which is why I put the ao3 link up top.
Taglist: @keefeinnit @my-swan-song @impostertamsong @subrosasteath
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