#solder and demoman
thebadchoicemachine · 2 years
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I live for them
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kahzthesick · 6 months
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wickawick · 11 months
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""warriors bond"" stfu youve been inside of him
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prettyboypistol · 1 year
7MIH With The Mercs! || TF2 x M!Reader
Implied that the Merc stuck with you has a MAJOR crush on you, but is too stubborn/shy to say anything about it.
Reader is an employee of Mann Co., a lot like Ms. Pauling, but for trivial things that the mercs need. He essentially takes reports of issues/needs and sends them forward.
As Scout is shut into the cramped closet and the door is locked, he hears the noise of someone else being in there with him.
Scout bangs his hands on the door, demanding to be let out.
Def more shy than stubborn, but he plays off his bashfulness as pride.
He's blushing like the deepest ruby and shaking like an autumn leaf while there with you. The closet is so cramped that you can feel how fast his heart is pumping!
He's shy, not stupid, so he aboslutely "accidentally" brushes his hands on you as he tries to move.
Solder was asked to simply retrieve some supplies from the closet. He opens the door to see you in there, only for a force to shove him in and lock the door.
"Sir? Are you alright?"
Very awkward and remains as still as possible, as there is no room to flail about.
100% stubborn, not shy at all.
He refuses to even acknowledge that you're stuck in there with him, but if you start apologizing he'll give a few "words of encouragement" like that the situation isn't your fault and whatnot.
Engineer just went to go get some paper towels because of a spill that happened in the garage! He was caught completely off guard when the door shut behind him, locking as snickers were heard from outside. Engineer sighed, but fumbled through his tools for his lockpick, but he then heard a familiar man.
"Dr. Conagher?"
His stupid heart skipped multiple beats.
He suddenly fumbles with the tools in his belt, profusely aologizing for not noticing you earlier. He sounds embarrassed as he deftly handles his toolbelt
Assures you that he'll get you two both out of the closet, totally not because he's shy about being so close to you!
He's a gentleman, so he doesn't do anything to you. He apologizes for every bump he does against you.
Well, nobody really locked Demoman in the closet, he moreso drunkenyly stumbled in while looking for something and accidentally locked the door!
God damn, how lucky! His favorite person!
Overjoyed to see you and strikes up a conversation immediately, as if he's not pressed up against you and uncomfortably close.
He drops a few joking pick up lines like: "If you wanted to get close to me, you coulda just asked!" "So, come here often?" etc to get you to laugh.
Probably makes the joke that you two should fool around, tilting your chin up to lock eyes with him, but nothing too incriminating of his true feelings.
Well, Heavy wasn't locked in the storage closet, not initially, at least. The doorknob fell off!
"Um- excuse me sir-"
Heavy realized he wasn't pushed up against a cabinet, but the little assistant of his dreams. Oh god, he could just break the door in, right?
Heavy def feels embarrassed, being so impatient and angry enough to break the handle in front of you. He apologizes for getting you into this mess and how cramped you are.
Offers to knock the door down for you.
He's not shy per se, but he's definitely nervous about his feelings for you. He's bold enough to put a hand on your shoulder/back as a reassuring gesture.
They're not really aware of the situation until the door latches shut. They're mad that they were shoved into the closet initially, but hearing you announce that you were in the closet and to please not light the closet on fire! Made them reconsider the situation.
They're not... opposed to being so close to you, but the situation isn't optimal!
Pyro holds you close to comfort you, trying to explain that they're not gonna hurt you as a civilian.
They've always held an affection for you and you could tell. They seemed more aware of the world and more lucid when you talked to them, anyway.
If nobody comes to get you two, Pyro pushes you away and uses thier axe to break the door.
As gracelessly as possible, Demoman shoved Spy into the storage closet. It was meant to be a harmless, albeit slightly spiteful joke, but the Scotsman didn't realize the little assistant was in there as well.
Spy did, as their bodies were far too close for his comfort.
He's embarrassed, but is never one to look a gift horse in the mouth. He's SUCH a joking flirt, making you laugh as he picks the lock.
"What a shame, I think the men were playing a joke on us, no? Oh, how the world hates the beautiful." dramatic ass bitch
DEF wants to take the opportunity to feel you up and actually hit on you, but doesn't because "it's not the right time"
As Medic is shoved into the dark storage closet, his body bumps against another.
"Ack! Who the hell is in here?!" Medic huffed.
"Mister Medic?" A voice spoke out. Medic looked towards the voice, immediately.
'Gott in himmel, why'd they wrap him up in all this?!'
He's very awkward and avoids the situation, makes a show of demanding to be let out.
He's more on the stubborn end of the spectrum rather than shy, but he is certainly a little more bashful around you.
The most you're going to get from him in the closet together is an accidental brushing of his hands on your sides, to which he will refuse to speak on.
If you had a light source, the man would OBVIOUSLY be blushing.
Sniper is just going into the storage closet for some bleach, but when he sees you, he slams the door shut, accidentally dropping a plank underneath the doorknob.
"I- fuck."
gay PANICS HARD, forcing himself to be quiet. He might be silent physically, but his mind is so loud.
He realizes the cliche and won't forget this ever! He's blushy, he's sweating, and god he wants to kiss you. He tries to assure you- apologize, even! But he's tongue tied!
If you come onto him, he doesn''t protext, but does that cute lil "hey now.." softly as he holds your wrists. He doesn't stop your hands moving, though.
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ayspooky1 · 6 months
Red Team as Animals
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Red Scout - Rabbit 🐇 | Red Sniper - Red Kangaroo 🦘
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Red Spy - Red Fox 🦊 | Red Engineer - European Badger 🦡
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Lil Pootis - European Robin 🐥 | Red Heavy - Grizzly Bear 🐻
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Red Medic - Grey Wolf 🐺 | Red Demoman - Black Panther ⚫️🐆
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Red Solder - Red Deer 🦌 | Red Pyro - Fire Salamander 🔥🦎
Blue Team
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thesilliestspy · 6 days
Challenge for you: Say ONE thing you genuinely like about each of your teammates :)
... Uhm... Hm. Quite zhe hard one, I must say, but a chalenge I can complete nonetheess. Let us start with zhe engineer. He is one of the only ones in zhis place, aside from zhe Heavy, zhat has any common sense. Hes rather intelligence, and knows what hes doing, despite him being insufferable at times. Zhe Heavy, like zhe Engineer, has common sense, in a more remotely sane way. He is a lot kinder zhan what meets zhe eyes, and one of the few I can stand to be around for longer zhan 5 minutes. Zhe Solder is brash, but strong willed. He may be dense as a rock, but he has a fire, a determination zhat I respect, in a way. Zhe Demoman, while a drunkard, is actually a rather pleasant man. He has absolutely no common sense for anything when hes under zhe influence, however when hes sober, he is rather cleaver. Zhe Sniper is skilled at what he does. While he is a vile man, pissing in jars and throwing it at people, he has accurate aim, and rarely messes up. He is genuinely good at the skill set for zhe job hes assigned to. Zhe Scout has a good head on him, despite how brash and immature he is. Behind zhe egotistical cocky attitude, he is a good man. He just doesnt quite know what he wants in life. Im proud of him, still. Zhe Pyro, while troublesome, is not a bad person. Zhey are generally kinder zhan zhe others, in zheir own weird way. While, yes, zhey are a little wild when it comes to destruction and/or fire, zhey arent bad. Lastly, zhe Medic. While, yes, he is a crazed man, he is very helpful to us all. Despite zhe loss of his doctors license, he is a bright man, and is rather good at his job. Personally, I do not think he is to be trusted with most things about your physical being, hes quite zhe doctor.
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elemental-drag0n · 1 year
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shuttershocky · 3 months
I'm going to make a guess you were a pyro main when you played tf2
I mained Sniper, actually (as much as one could have a main in casual TF2 anyway) I would usually only switch to Pyro if the map had a lot of tight choke points and the enemy either had an abundance of Demoman or Soldiers that weren't knowledgeable enough to just switch to shotgun.
When TF2 eventually added combo weapons like the shotgun that mini crit on enemies in the air or flareguns minicritting on already burning enemies, that's when I started branching out more into Solder/Pyro
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Gotham Rogues As TF2 Mercs:
Scout: Scarecrow | Why? Whenever I'm playing TF2 and a Scout suddenly ZOOMS in front of/behind me I already get jumpscared
Soldier: Arkham Knight | Why? He's a super soldier, and while Solder wasn't actually in the army, I feel like Arkham Knight could really put Soldier's weapons to good use
Pyro: Firefly | Why? He's a pyromaniac, duh
Demoman: Penguin | Why? I DON'T KNOW ��😭
Heavy: Bane | Why? Look how strong he is!!!
Engineer: Riddler | Why? Riddler's smart and Engineer has 11 PhDs
Medic: Poison Ivy | Why? Plants make medicine
Sniper: Deathstroke | Why? Even though he's TECHNICALLY not a Batman villain, I'm including him. Plus, he's a hired assassin like Sniper.
Spy: Two-Face | Why? Spy wears a suit, so does Two-Face, also I feel like the idea of hiding his face behind the disguise masks sorta correlates with Two-Face
Ms Pauling: Harley Quinn | Why? Cuz Joker is the administrator
Administrator: Joker | Why? Cuz he's Batman's main villain (wait so technically is Batman like Grey Mann? Don't think too hard about it actually)
This is just a rough thought, if you guys have anything else to add or a rogue who'd be a better fit for a Merc then let me know :)
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tf2rarepairevents · 1 year
why use a survey to eliminate ships for the even and not just the number of fanfics like most other rarepair weeks do
Random ask months after the event is over but sure I'll answer.
So when preparing for this event I had originally intended to do this! However, the TF2 fandom isn't as big as you or many might think it is (at least fan fiction wise!). For example, here are the fan fiction counts for other "larger" fandoms:
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And here is the fan fiction count for TF2:
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As you can see, there is a BIG difference here. Now this is just from AO3 and just fan fiction. But trying to find a way to appropriately and fairly dictate how popular a ship is another way ends up being a issue since the TF2 fandom is both very spread out and very diverse. TF2 Twitter is much different than TF2 Tumblr and TF2 Reddit (etc). As you could probably assume, trying to look at the number of fan art for certain ships would have been nearly impossible and extremely time consuming.
There is also the issue of looking at the "most popular" ships according to AO3:
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If you look, you can see that one of the ships listed is a platonic ship (Scout & Spy) while the other is an X Reader (Medic/You). On top of that, there is a HUGE drop from Scout/Sniper, with 762 fan fictions, and Demoman/Solder, with only 287 fan fictions. That drop is not only incredibly large, but feels almost wrong considering how popular Demoman/Soldier is looking at the large scheme of things.
If there was more TF2 fan fiction posted onto AO3, I probably would have used that. But since there isn't, I felt like the alternate way was the better option. Once again I did use sodafrog13's ship survey to help dictate the disqualified ships as well as my own. So I tried to do the best I could with the information given, whether or not it was good is debatable but oh well.
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funny-dreams-ive-had · 8 months
There was supposed to be one more that i remembered. but I have unfortunately forgotten why I found it funny
It was tf2 solder and demoman arguing over a minecraft mob that was a tree that was attacking them.
Actually I think I liked the tree. It just seemed like a normal tree with fruits on vines but when they got close the vines animated and started attacking them and could be blocked with a shield.
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atomic52 · 3 years
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happy halloween to everyone!! and everyone a good fright!! 
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m-stew · 5 years
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Let it snow let it snow let it snow
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miauta · 6 years
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So here some info about TF2 dating sim. (finally!)
This pic is a starting menu for first demo version. 
It will be short BUT we will be able to give it to you in middle of next month (May).I already made 3 top-important backgrounds and all Scout’s sprites. All other stuff sketched and ready for line.
For now on project working only two people- me and @nikrofilia. However, in the future we need to find person, who can make background music, and translator (because apparently we want English version to be interesting XDDD ). 
Also one obvious thing - GAME WILL BE FREE (Because it’s based on another game)
For now it’s all but I will post updates soon.
Please support our project by reposting this. We will try our best!
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3days-ofbread · 3 years
Solder x Demoman hangover hc's? I dont care if it's romantic or platonic I just wanna see it
Okay, something new! I'll take a swing at it!
Demo hungover:
-"GETCHER ASS UP, SON" "(pained demo noises)"
-Soldier means well. But he's very... aggressive about it.
-Fills his helmet with water and makes Demo drink it... and when Demo can't drink it all/is too hungover to drink he just pours it on the scotman. It ends up working, though.
-Soldier's doing his usual 'ten-hut' military commander type skit, and Demo is very groggily following along, occasionally falling back asleep.
Solly hungover:
-Highly unlikely. This only happens in very specific situations where Demo doesn't drink a drop and Soldier gets shitfaced.
-Demo's been there. Demo's done that. Demo's ridden that ride, been to that rodeo. He knows exactly what to do and it's a FUCKING GODSEND if you somehow have Demo taking care of you when you're hungover.
-Soldier, being Soldier, is somewhat disappointed in himself as he's just too fucking done with everything to get himself up. Lots of grumbling and complaining.
-Demo just gets him water, pain pills, and a shoulder to lean on until it goes away.
-They're not getting up anytime soon. They kinda just lay there together until one of them has the energy to encourage the other to get up. Mostly this job falls on Soldier.
-Eventually, they stumble up from wherever they happened to pass out, get some water, and pass right the fuck back out. Sometime Pyro thinks they're having a sort of sleepover and very excitedly joins in.
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Demoman: This year, I lost my dear friend, the Soldier.
Demoman: Sometimes I can still hear his voice…
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