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puppyeared · 9 months
i wrote this as a joke because I wanted to strangle a guy watching tiktoks without headphones on the bus, but im genuinely disturbed that we've gotten to a point where convenience comes first. and it depresses me even more that its used to justify and monetize greed
#like we have so many ways of doing things that could help us in the long run but because we're told it requires more work we just cant#its too resource intensive. or maybe its too much to maintain. we have to overlook benefits so money can go into more important things#we teach each other to do things a certain way so it works for everyone but who was it convenient for first? what abt who it might hurt?#i have to wonder if the rules our current system uses is worth listening to or following if it doesnt have our best interests in mind. u an#me and the ppl around us.. would we be better off if i ate my meals knowing the person who grew it wanted to feed others the way they could#feed themselves? and that isnt to say we're going to be happy doing it but i guess satisfied that its helping someone instead of quietly#accepting that itll eventually go in the dumpster behind a grocery store because it stopped looking appetizing or it wasnt on sale anymore#what about building homes so we can shelter each other? what if we were satisfied with what we did because we knew it would be paid back#with kindness? isnt that what we evolved to do?? heal each others bones and tell stories and help each other??#why dont houses come with solar panels or generators unless we find a way to make people pay to use the sun? why is our pooled money used#to fund genocides instead of education and hospitals? whose interests and convenience came first when we started this??#i wont pretend to know the answer because i dont. but we all know we're miserable and im sorry to say that i cant see myself fighting#for a world that wont fight for me too. why do we work if we cant live from it?? why did they stop us from plucking more teeth from our#bosses until they could build more walls around themselves and then go back to underpaying us??#im so tired. i cant even imagine making it to age 70#yapping#vent
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solcarow · 3 months
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palms-upturned · 11 months
Here’s a recap of the latest developments:
Nov 4th, 13:45 GMT
It’s almost 4pm (14:00 GMT) in the occupied Palestinian territories and Israel. If you’re just joining us, here’s a recap of the last few hours:
At least 15 people have been killed and dozens more wounded in an Israeli attack on al-Fakhoora school in Jabalia refugee camp
The Israeli army has been targeting solar panels installed in hospitals and residential homes, cutting off the only remaining source of electricity for many Palestinian civilians
Israeli forces also struck the power generator of al-Wafa Hospital and destroyed a public water tank east of Rafah which supplied several neighbourhoods
The entrance of al-Nasser Children’s Hospital in Gaza City was hit in an Israeli attack. Two mosques in southern Gaza City were also hit.
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Solar Opposites in: Solar Monsters (by @avaveevo)
Ch. 6
Later that day, Beverly is walking in the hospital halls with Dr. Schroeder and some other scientists.
Dr. Schroeder: Are you sure Korey died in a so-call hellhound accident?
Beverly: Yes sir. And that why I must show you his… then sees Human Korvo with Human Terry, who has recovered fully with his wounds gone and no pain as he reunited with his friends and children corpse?
Dr. Schroeder is then overjoyed as he and the other scientist walk towards Human Korvo and his family and friends as Beverly looks dumbfounded.
Dr. Schroeder: Korey! Human Korvo walks up to him I’m so happy you’re okay! What happens to your husband?
Human Korvo: Terry was mauled by a hellhound but then, a miracle happen. Terry’s wounds were gone the next day. It remains unknown but I am so proud of my husband.
Solar Opposites Gang: Alright Terry! Woo-hoo! Amazing job your brave bruiser! What a brave fuck! That’s our dad! Hooray Mr. Terry! Terry! Yay!
Dr. Schroeder: Well, I just hope your scanner can do something about the mysterious attack last night. Most people have died from that attack. We don’t know who sent those hounds, but we’ll find him soon… I’ll see you Korey.
As Dr. Schroeder and the scientists leave, Beverly looks on as she growls quietly. Later, at Terry’s hospital room.
Human Terry: So, maybe I should sing to the kids now. Because, that could help boost bravery, into those who have been injured. They’ve been trying to recover, but could use a little hope.
Human Korvo: Really? Well, I love to see you try.
Human Yumyulack, Human Jesse, Sonya and Human Pupa: Yeah. I agree. Good idea Mr. Terry. Music.
Principal Cooke: Wait, that’s seriously gonna work.
The scene then cuts to Human Terry, with his bandages gone, gets up on the stage with the injured kids staring at him with a guitar as he sits down on a stool. His friends and family look at him, hoping it won’t backfired.
Human Terry: taps microphone Hey um, my name is Terry Opposites. I was one of the survivors of the hellhound attack last night. murmurs were heard So, without further ado, I’m gonna sing for those who are struggling with hope of recovery. Because, I believe in true bravery and strength deep inside, it can help you get through anything. It’s something my husband Korey taught at me at the beach last week. Thank you.
Human Korvo smiles.
Human Terry: So, takes a deep breath when he suddenly felt a sense of fearlessness inside him like a wind Let’s begin.
Human Terry starts playing the song with his guitar as he began to start off with the right verse. Song:
Human Terry:
🎵 So clever Whatever I'm done with these endeavors Alone I walk the winding way (Here I stay) 🎵
Human Korvo smiles tearfully at his husband’s singing while Mia romantically out her head on Ms. Perez’s shoulder
🎵 It's over No longer I feel it growing stronger I live to die another day Until I fade away 🎵
Human Yumyulack, Human Jesse, Sonya and Human Pupa dog piled on each other while looking at their father performing. Beverly starts walking away in disgust, which caught Principal Cooke and Miss Frankie’s eyes.
Why give up, why give in? It's not enough, it never is So I will go on until the end We've become desolate It's not enough, it never is But I will go on until the end
Miss Frankie and Principal Cooke sneak away to follow Beverly. Then, Miss Frankie text a message to Human Korvo as he looks down but looks surprised.
Human Korvo: Huh? I wonder what Frankie meant to by that.
Later, Miss Frankie and Principal Cooke kept a close eye on Beverly as they watch her drive away in her car. They then head inside Miss Frankie’s car and Miss Frankie starts the engines as they drive off. Miss Frankie looks on while giving Beverly a death stare.
Miss Frankie: Alright bitch, let’s see what you’re really up to…
As the car drives on, it cuts to the Solars arriving home as they got out with Human Terry holding Human Pupa, who is hugging him.
Human Terry: Aw, look at Pupa. He must’ve miss me so much.
Human Jesse: He sure did. tickles human Pupa by the feet; singsongy Tickle wiggle.
Human Pupa: giggling
As the Solars head, the Shlorpians and Pupa turn back into their normal alien selves as Terry and Korvo kiss.
Aisha: Terry! You’re okay! Don’t you scare the fuck out of us again! Damn, you are one brave yet stubborn son-of-bitch!
Terry: Well, I rather not get too cocky. I hope don’t do that dangerous stunt again… well, clap his hands who’s hungry?!
Jesse: I AM!
Yumyulack: I AM!
Sonya: Me too!
Korvo: Okay okay. Let's all settle down now.
Pupa: Mmm yummy.
Terry: Don’t worry, I’m about to to make you kids some lunch!
Korvo: Aw. kisses Terry on the cheek
Terry: Now if you excuse me I’m gonna go make some food.
Yumyulack, Jesse, Pupa and Sonya: Yay!
Terry then heads into the kitchen after making some Aisian food, while making it sure it doesn’t have peanuts in them since Sonya is allergic to peanuts. He smiles as he gets out a jar of kimchi.
Terry: And now for the final touch, a smite of kimchi!
But as soon as Terry tries to open the lid, it’s been shut tightly as Terry as struggles to open it.
Terry: straining voice; struggling to open the right lid Come on you… fucking tight… goddamn lid…!
As Terry struggles to get the lid open, suddenly the jar starts cracking as it shatters into pieces as the pieces fall on the floor, while most of the kimchi sauce spills on Terry, much to his shock.
Terry: looks down in his hands Wh-what? Pupa tries to come in kitchen Stay there!
Pupa: Huh?
Terry: Oh, there’s glass everywhere. That’s why.
Pupa then smiles and heads back to the living room as Terry starts climbing up the mess until he thought of something. Later, the scene then fades to Beverly’s car heading to David’s house as she parks there. Miss Frankie and Principal Cooke then parks their car as they sneak quietly and overhear the conversation.
Miss Frankie: whispering Aw man, I knew there was something about that godawful woman. She is such a total fucking jerkass!
Principal Cooke: whispering I know. I can’t believe that sick bitch would do this to Korvo.
Miss Frankie: whispering Oh! Shh.
As the two teachers listen carefully to the conversation…
Beverly: offscreen Where are you? listen to phone Well, this experiment failed. A monster followed them here and beat the shit out of them. I saw the news. listens closely Mm-hmm. Yeah. Only four colleagues. They and I will be here to search the perimeter. I’ll make sure this new one doesn’t blow up in our faces… I’ll call you back soon…
Miss Frankie: whispering
As Beverly hangs up the phone, Principal Cooke and Miss Frankie stay hidden as they sneak in the fenced gate while watching Beverly leave and heads back in her car before driving away.
Principal Cooke: Oh shit. That woman is a bitch!
Miss Frankie: Grr! That whore is gonna pay! trips on something and falls Whoa!
Principal Cooke: Babe, are you alright?
Miss Frankie: Yeah, I’m fine.
As Miss Frankie, she then sees Darcy’s jacket on the ground, but now ruined, torn and dusty as Miss Frankie picks it up.
Miss Frankie: We found evidence!
Principal Cooke: Oh my God! That’s Darcy’s jacket! That must’ve been on how they found out where she lives!
Miss Frankie: Oh, that cunt must’ve gave him that jacket!
Principal Cooke: We gotta warn Korvo!
Miss Frankie: Come on!
The two teachers then head back into their car, as Miss Frankie puts Darcy’s jacket in the backseat as the car takes off. Meanwhile, back with Terry, he is staring at a glass bottle, wondering about how he easily destroyed that jar of kimchi.
Terry: Hmm? Let make sure if this is it!
He grabs the bottle and squeezes it until it breaks.
Terry: gasp in wonder
Korvo: coming outside with the kids Terry? What is it?
Terry shows the Korvo and the kids what he can do as the rest of the family gasp in surprise.
Yumyulack: Holy shit! Terry is strong!
Terry: Oh my God! I’m strong than I ever been… I never felt this way before… I’m not afraid!
Korvo: This is not good...
Yumyulack, Jesse, Sonya and Pupa: Yay Terry! Alright! Woo-hoo! Yay! Terry!
Terry: I’m not afraid turns into his human form as he runs off
Korvo: gasp Terry no! Come back!
Yumyulack: Oh shit! That’s not good! Uh Terry?!
Jesse: Uh, I don’t think this is such a good idea, Terry!
Korvo: Oh shit! We need to go after him!
Yumyulack: Come on! runs off with Korvo
Jesse: Hey, wait! I'm coming too! follows her brother and father
Pupa: Me too!
Sonya: Me three guys!
Then, we see Human Terry running around the neighborhood.
Human Terry: calling out Mia! I’m not afraid!
Mia: Well, aren’t you super duper re-couper
Then, Human Terry ran past the old folk home.
Human Terry: Old man I don’t know! I’m not afraid
Old Man: Then you’re not paying attention you fucking nitwit
Then, Human Terry runs past the market where Kevin and his family are at.
Kevin: Hey Terry, how are you- suddenly sees something that frightens him Oh my God!
Kevin’s kids scream as they behind their mom. So did the grocery shoppers hide. Human Terry then turns around and it turns behind him was the mugger from the beach!
Human Terry: gasp You?!
Mugger: Hello, weakling. Come back for more?
Human Terry: sees the knife again as he breaks it apart with his strength as it shatters to pieces Not anymore, motherfucker! punches Mugger
As Human Korvo and the kids came, they gasp in shock and surprise over seeing Human Terry beating up the mugger, but with self-control. Human Korvo can’t help but blush as he sees his husband beating up the mugger, infatuated by his husband’s new fearlessness.
Human Korvo: Oh god. I am so fucking turned on right now.
Human Terry then bites the mugger’s fist as he hits him him with a trash can lid and kicks him to the curb
Human Terry: You’ve just been Terried! turns around and kicks mugger again
Human Korvo then runs up to Human Terry and the two make out as the town cheer for him. The kids then ran up and praise their father and cheer for him.
Human Yumyulack: Alright Terry!
Human Jesse: Yay!
Sonya: Alright!
Human Pupa: Terry!
The police then arrived and picks up the mugger as they cuff him. As the mugger gets taken away, the family watches on. Later, Human Terry and Human Korvo were heading outside on the porch back home.
Human Terry: I’m sorry, I just got excited there and it was because I somehow have a new Shlorpian strength. But, I’m really sorry if I scared you to death
Human Korvo: Sssh. seductively Let's not worry about that right now. To be honest, I shouldn’t worry about you anymore. You have became a tough Shlorpian since the hospital.
Human Korvo and Human Terry sits down on their bench chairs as they look at the sunset
Human Terry: You know this is nice. sighs sadly
Human Korvo: Yeah… notices a worried look on Human Terry’s face What’s wrong darling?
Human Terry: I-I think I should be careful with this strength. I could seriously hurt someone looks down at his hands This strength might be dangerous to innocent people.
Human Korvo: Oh, why the fuck would you think that?
Human Terry: I don't know. It's just...ever since I found out about the Super Shlorpians and the Mundane, I've been thinking that I might be a Mundane.
Human Korvo: Wait, you saw something that looked like a mundane?
Human Terry: I-I’m not sure. I did see spirit, like in my dream. But, I’m not really sure. But, what if I am one? What I lose my memrorie?! What if-
Human Korvo hugs Human Terry as he calms down, but tears stroll down Human Terry’s cheek.
Human Korvo: Oh I think this might be a new Shlorpian trait, for Shlorpian who develop strength. You don’t have to worry about it. As you long as you kept it in control, this strength might be easily tamed. wipes away tears from Terry’s eyes Don’t let that shake you up. All I see in my eyes is a brave Shlorpian, who I know will do things right.
Human Terry smiles and holds Human Korvo’s face softly.
Human Terry: Oh, come here you.
Human Terry and Human Korvo kiss as the sun fully sets. Suddenly, they heard stuff breaking and their children play fighting.
Jesse: offscreen Korvo! Terry! Yumyulack is messing with me again!
Yumyulack: offscreen I am not! Hey come on Sonya, no fair!
Sonya: offscreen That's what you get for standing in the way!
The kids then starts squealing and laughing as Human Korvo and Human Terry shake their heads and sigh while rolling their eyes
Human Korvo: sighs Come on, let’s go in before they try to murder each other
Human korvo and Human Terry heads back inside while holding hands romantically as they look at each other lovingly, like the sweet living alien husbands they are as Human Korvo closes the dork behind them.
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burned-lariat · 5 months
I really cannot imagine what the Jason return story was under C&D (other than a Jarly us vs. them brainwash nightmare) if this sloppy mess is what we're currently getting. Jason has an office for what? And why is Carly gonna "save" Jagger and then manipulate him with that? BFFR!
Anyways, new update!
how to keep house while drowning (AO3)
how to keep house while drowning (FF)
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sepdet · 6 months
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(photos of solar panel covered shade structures over parking lots. The lower right one is being cleaned by workers on a bucket crane using a ginormous hi-tech squeegie.)
Look, now that we've moved beyond the hypothetical, with "new normal" heat waves of 110° for several days in a row, shaded parking places are the best. And they power lots of recharging stations for our plug-ins and EVs .
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solarpoweredwolf · 1 year
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so i'm starting on a lyricstuck
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wolfnowl · 11 months
Very glad to see this. 🌞
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luvrhyune · 1 year
my voice is practically gone…how the fuck am i supposed to go to work today😭😭
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m0e-ru · 5 months
tohruadachi my dearest ten year gap brohter who moved out of the house just when i started to recognize voices and faces i need you to go live a fulfilling life where you are loved for who you are and what you do then die a lonely death after you severing all your bonds abandoning the people you care about i need you to imbue yourself virtues and have memorable and character changing experiences to contribute further to how i am fogoing to fucking ruin you and shatter everything youve learned and felt adding onto my satisfation when i see you completely destroyed Understood? okya. thanks. get to work . goodbye.
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solcarow · 6 months
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12endigital · 11 months
Cubierta Solar consolida su expansión en Andalucía
La empresa de soluciones energéticas Cubierta Solar® continúa con su expansión nacional para llevar a la industria y las empresas del país su modelo de instalaciones fotovoltaicas y novedosos sistemas de almacenamiento energético mediante baterías de alta capacidad. La compañía abrió oficina en Andalucía a primeros de año y se están consolidando con la puesta en marcha de instalaciones…
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log6 · 11 months
the Israelis have blinded us to Gaza by bombing the remaining tech infrastructure. We are seeing drastic falloffs in connectivity especially in the northern and central strip, where al-Shifa Hospital is located. They bombed near Shifa earlier this week, and if you go check Israeli social media right now they have already manufactured the justification to bomb Shifa Hospital. They are calling it 'Hamas HQ'. Over 50 thousand people are believed to be sheltering there, and it's one of the last medical centers with any capacity to function despite the fuel shortage as it is partly solar powered. We likely won't hear anything for the next few hours, and ground operations are likely to already be underway.
There's not much more to say at this point, and not much to do but pray. I'm sorry.
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opencommunion · 11 months
the fact that Al-Shifa Hospital is a hospital, and tens of thousands of refugees are sheltering there, is more than enough reason to be horrified by the occupation's stated intent to bomb it. but I think it's also worth mentioning that Al-Shifa is Gaza's communications hub right now. the hospital has a solar roof, so it's the only place in Gaza with (limited) electricity, and every journalist goes there to charge their equipment and write/edit/post content (Hind Khoudary talked about this). every photo or video you see from inside Gaza comes from a journalist operating out of Al-Shifa. the occupation knows that when they drop bombs near Al-Shifa, as they have been daily, they have a higher chance of assassinating a journalist
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energynews247 · 2 years
Ukraine Schools & Hospitals Getting Solar + Storage From "Energy Act For Ukraine Foundation" & Menlo Electric
Sadly, Ukraine is still suffering tremendously from Russia’s ill-fated, cruel, inhumane, and illogical invasion of its borders. The people of Ukraine are still fighting for their own survival as a country, and many have of course died in the fight. They need all the help they can get, including electricity support as Russia has knocked out Ukrainian power plants and and transmission…
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