#solangelo or generally pjo but would like solangelo
wrongcaitlyn · 5 months
drop some fic recs pleaseee need them to survive and can’t find any😭😭 i will honestly reread fics even if i have read them already
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star-dust-shark · 3 months
pjo incorrect quotes as things me and people I know have said on crack
Jason: these grapes are funky
Leo: these grapes are fucky
Leo: *drops sandwich, cries*
Nico: I will never forget the fact that Piper and I where sitting together with headphones on and she looked up only to see me playing air guitar and head banging to whats my age again
Solangelo: *kith*
Will: *walking away with a dorky grin*
Will: *almost gets hit by car*
Will: *gets home and screams into pillow for twenty minutes, then picks up diary and writes like five pages about Nico, then texts him for like an hour and a half and afterwards draydreams about him*
Will: hmm I think I might like Nico
Leo: imagine having sex and someone moans like a hentai girl lol
Percy: *moans* KyAAaaaAAHHHhhhhhh
Reyna: bro apologized like Colleen Ballinger
Reyna: like fuck off I hope you die
Percy: tOxiC GosSiP tRaiN
Jason: not a groomer
Leo: *hair flip* just a loser
Piper: Im horny- I mean horngry- I mean- *cries*
Nico: mentally I am a fifty year old man
Will: yeah totally not obvious mister motley crue
Leo: jason
Leo: I have something to tell you
Jason: yeah?
Leo: Im gay
Jason: WHAT
Annabeth: my wrist hurts
Percy: emooooooooooo
Annabeth: I literally sprained it wtf
Hazel: no you cant commit mass genocide Nico
Nico: its pride month this is homophobic
Reyna: okay how about we play the quiet game
Reyna: whoever wins gets my two dollars
Reyna: three, two, one, ghost town
Leo: *face red, fists clenched, rocking back and forth*
Everyone: *concerned looks*
Piper: your moms hot
Jason: lol what she ugly asf
Will: im concerned with your eating habits, Nico
Will: its very serious Im kinda scared
Nico: womp womp
Jason: would you suck my dick if-
Percy: yes
Jason: if there was poison in it and I would die if you didnt
Leo: ive learnt something interesting
Leo: my arm skin one day may be cut off and turned into a penis
Leo: therefore...
Leo: *bumps arm into Jason*
Jason: WHAT
*talking on tumblr*
Hazel: wyd
Frank: jus on tumblr and talking to you
Hazel: lol nerd imagine
Hazel: *bats eyelashes* what does gyat mean
Frank: uhh It means generous young amazing t-
Rachel: Im so single
Will: skill issue? L ratio? no rizz? no game? no bitches?
Percy: I havent taken my meds
Annabeth: oh no good gods
Percy: so that means
Percy: I will either try to kill myself orrrrr
Percy: like violently fuck someone
Jason: I volunteer
Jason: I volunteer as tribute
Nico: hey girl *winks* r u a racoon
Nico: bc Im trash
Nico: *bursts into tears*
Annabeth: *walks into bathroom, sees spider*
Annabeth: *yelps* oh
Annabeth: hello mister spider
Annabeth: youre not so bad
Spider: *moves*
Jason: *hits knee* oh fuck- my knee-
Leo: okay
Jason: *scared* ur gonna fuck my knee????
Thalia: I am now a tree a tree I am a tree is me
Nico: im actually kinda insecure about my knees weirdly enough
Will: aww bb :(
Will: well I think you uh
Will: ...have beautiful knees???
Nico: *jokingly* I can read your mind
Will: oh no
Will: oh shit
Will: thats not good
Nico: it cant be that bad
Nico: are these thoughts about me, per chance?
Will: WHAAAAT NOOO *hangs up*
Leo: daddy hands, twig nerd bod
Leo: im confused why can girls call their friends girlfriends but whenever I call Jason my boytoy twink malewife manwhore someone gets pissed
Hazel: yeah, this guys really annoying me
Frank: ugh im gonna fist him
Hazel: ...
Frank: what
Frank: like beat him up?
Percy: my friend thinks youre cute
Annabeth: what? who?
Percy: me
Percy: Im the friend
Percy: I think ur cute
Nico: so weird when someone comforts you
Nico: like why
Nico: just lemme be a moody emo brooding sad angsty depressed boy for a bit
Leo: *in toad voice* BItCH i SaiD wHaT i sAiD iD rAthEr bE FaMoUs InsTeAd iD LeT aLL Of ThAt GeT To MY heAd I DonT cArE ILL pAinT tHe ToWn ReD
Nico: *crafting with scissors*
Percy: *walks in*
Percy: what are you doing
Nico: ...crafting?
Percy: oh okay I thought you where cutting yourself
Leo: *glares*
Frank: *glares back*
Frank and Leo: *glaring at eachother*
Leo: omg I just felt sparks
*sees gay porn*
Will: thats it im homophobic
Nico: so I wrote this song
Nico: *adjusts mic, positions guitar*
Nico: *deep breath*
Nico: *strums single chord* my whole family died
Nico: thank you, thank you
Nico: just realized the only physical contact Ive had in like a whole month was Leo dabbing me up
Jason: straights ask why theres no straight pride month but like
Jason: isnt there a toyota month or smth
Jason: id say that works
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rayssion · 11 months
I'm torn because in a sense I'm tired of reading pjo, don't get me wrong like it's about time these kids had some rest, found some peace and lived their lives without the constant danger, I'm feeling tired for them feeling tense all the time, only waiting for worst to happen and it keeps on happening. I want it to stop, I want all of this to stop, these demigods to live, to just lead a normal life.
But on the other hand I'm not ready to leave them yet, I want Rick to write more so I can read more, so I can know more about them, so I can live with them. I want more books and I want more series.
At this point honestly, if Rick just wrote a whole series of the demigods just living their lives normally without anything ever happening to them, a boring life were you just follow a routine, I will fucking dig it up.
Why can't we just read about them without them being in constant danger?? Don't you guys feel bad for Percy? Boy spent years going on quests and doing missions, he deserves a real rest.
So this dilemma lead me to the idea of next generation/s, I'd like to read about something in the future of the same timeline/universe setup of pjo hoo toa, it could be their kids or their grandchildren, just imagine how lovely would it be?
It's like watching the legend of Korra after watching the last airbender lol, you'll see Katara and hear all of them talking about Aang and all of that, and you'll feel the nostalgia because you've been their, you lived with them.
Imagine percabeth's great grandchildren going to camps to train and learn and they hear all these stories about their ancestors and how they saved the world, imagine them accidentally stumbling across solangelo's great grandchildren and they befriend each other without knowing that their families go way back.
And then these kids will have their own adventures (they'll suffer now that they're our new squad lol) and how fun it'll be for us as readers if let's say, one time they go on a quest to retrieve something we're familiar with, like Riptide maybe? Idk.
And a huge bonus!! That they'll at some point seek the huntres and I know they'll spend the long nights hearing stories about the great demigods from Thalia and Reyna. They'll tell them every big and small story, even the time Percy arranged with Hermes for his and Annabeth's anniversary in exchange for looking for his staff. They'll tell them about the cocoa puffs and how Nico always slept with them, and I just know one of them will be determined to descend to the underworld to meet them (because Nico is now dead and in the underworld with Hades and his cocoa puffs and possibly Will).
And at some point they'll have to cross Boston for some reason and oh my god they'll meet Magnus and Alex and they'll stay at the Chase house for a while also hearing some stories from Magnus and shopping from Blitzen.
Rick this's my petition to have mercy on Percy and our lovely demigods and let them live in peace but please don't quit writing, I breath your books more than oxygen at this point<3
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autistic-katara · 2 years
stuff i wanna see in TSATS
its just less than 2 months until TSATS comes out and my pjo phase is coming back HARD so heres some stuff i wanna see (idc how popular or unpopular these r)
Solangelo kiss (seriously like all the other good canon couples had one)
explicit use of queer terms (i havent rlly seen anyone talk abt this but as much as i love queer characters just existing u have no idea how happy it makes me to see media, especially kids media, explicitly say the words gay, bisexual, transgender, lesbian, etc.)
Hunters of Artemis cameo
piggybacking off that, Nico’s reaction to Reyna being a hunter (ive wanted to see this since 2019 PLEASE i gotta know how he feels abt this considering yk his past w/ them)
confirmation on whether Will’s gay or bi/mspec (or just simply queer, no specific labels necessary)
a trans/nonbinary character (specifically transmasc)
a Piper cameo
during her cameo Piper explicitly saying her sexuality (which is lesbian, if u think otherwise ur wrong/hj)
Hazel cameo
more Lavinia content (idc how i just need more of my chaotic Jewish ADHD pink-haired Russian lesbian, ok?)
canonically autistic Nico
that Lil Nas X reference we were promised
Nico making more trauma jokes (he just like me fr)
the multiple coming out scenes i heard were allegedly promised
Hades and/or Apollo cameo
Hestia cameo
Jason’s ghost cameo
dead Apollo kids cameo
explicit discussion of Nico’s religious trauma
explicit discussion of just Will’s trauma in general (seriously we all kinda ignore that our “sunshiney golden retriever uwu gay boi 😊🌸✨☀️” actually has some super serious trauma)
both of them coping badly with all this and being worried abt eachother (aka gay angst but more specific)
Maria di Angelo content
Persephone cameo w/ her either still lowkey hating Nico and being passive aggressive asf to him or having had him grow on her in the past few years and is now turning the overprotective mom mode to the max
just some cute, non-angsty moments between Nico nd Will cause goddam we need some queer joy rn ;-;
so much hurt/comfort u physically cant continue living anymore (going both ways not just Will comforting Nico)
a MCGA cameo
Fierrochase and Solangelo meeting and having the same funny interactions they have in the memes (but with the canon versions of them)
discussions of stuff like homophobia and internalized homophobia and mental illness
a relatively happy ending (but not a “2 months later and the world is perfect and neither of them had felt anything close to depression or anything since the ending and if for some reason addiction was a part of this we would we talking abt how they were magically 2 months clean and it would be physically impossible for the thought of relapse to even cross their mind” kinda happy ending cause i hate those kinda endings w/ a burning passion)
setup for another side book (preferably a Piper or Reyna one)
thats all i can think of rn off the top of my head but feel free to comment on any of these or add ur ideas cause 2 months feels like an eternity long wait + hearing other opinions is fun when we arent all in a heated argument over smthn stupid
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yonemurishiroku · 9 months
Someone said that the new pjo fans are gonna look at old will x nico fanadt and think it's percy x nico 🤣
You know what? Imma gaslight them as such. So that when I die my legacy will live on in this fandom as irreversible damage to an entire generation of young fans.
Just kidding of course but yeah that's exactly the scenario I want to see with this whole mismatch cast. 😂😂😂 Maybe I'll start wandering Pinterest for a while to see if it actually happens LMAO
Iif they cast Will as book-Percy tho we'll have an even a bigger problem that Solangelo show-wise fanart would look like Percico and likewise.
I'm thrilled just thinking about that.
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sandersgrey · 2 years
"Nico solo book should be a tragedy" disagree.
Nico was Rick Riordan's first canonically queer character, and the first book queer character a lot of my generation knew about as kids- it would be a huge slap on the face of his audience if his story ended as a tragedy, and Riordan knows that. Thats why solangelo has such a solid, healthy dynamic in the background of toa.
Of now, he's also one of very few pjo-verse characters to be basically confirmed mentally ill, and he's also really disabled in the text, whether its said or not.
Nico is a queer orphan who's entire storyline til toa was just tragedy after tragedy after goddamn tragedy, and who has JUST begun to heal. He deserves a happy ending.
More importantly, the audience- the queer, disabled, mentally ill kids who see themselves in him- deserve to see him be happy at the end.
To make his story a tragedy would be to validate Nico's (and Hades') belief that kids like him don't get a happy ending. That all we're made for is tragedy.
Rick Riordan first wrote The Lightning Thief so his adhd son could finally see himself in a hero. He keeps writing after his son is grown because he knows how much other kids need those stories- his students, even. He knows.
It's even in the narrative itself: it tells us upfront that Percy's mother called him Perseus because he was the only greek hero who got a happy ending.
Nico is the queer kid's original Perseus.
The reasoning follows that he must be happy.
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izzyfizzykitty · 1 month
i made a percy jackson roleplay discord server!!!
i posted abt this a while ago but here we go!!!
RULES: you must be under 18 and not like 10, you HAVE to have at least read pjo and heroes of olympus! it would be appreciated if u have read toa and tsats but not necessary (tho be okay and ready for spoilers)
another thing! it would be very much appreciated if you have roleplayed before (not percy jackson specifically just in general)
please choose a character that you think you can get into character with!! its okay to be ooc some times bc that happens but try your best!
there will be no magnus chase, kane chronicle characters, or ocs! but you can be any characters from the percy jackson universe! (this includes gods!)
please join if you can be active!!
now here is the list of everyone who is taken!:
nico, bianca, silena, clarisse, will, jason, octavian, grover, annabeth, piper, alabaster, leo
canon ships in rp would include: solangelo, valgrace, and (prob) percabeth!
obviously more but those are the main ships
you can join!! dm me for the invite! :)
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kermitthesog · 10 months
this might be a weird post, and I know they can’t really be compared, but which ship is better? Percabeth, or Solangelo?
I can argue for both of them. Percabeth just has more in general. Like throughout pjo AND hoo (sometimes mentioned in toa and mcga) they’re having these little moments of love together. I think the slow burn also makes it so much better. In the lightning thief, they’re obviously gonna become more. In the Sea of monsters, they have that moment in Siren Bay and Percy was simping for her at Circe’s Island. Obviously in the Titan’s curse he’s just down bad at this point. Then the rest of the series is just them being too oblivious to get together UNTIL THE LAST BOOK. (I would mention everything in hoo but it’s just too much so I’ll mention the main things) They go through Tartarus together, have the stable scene, confess love, and much more in HOO.
But on the other hand, Solangelo is so good too. It’s opposites attract. I think one of the nice things about them is also the fact that Nico can barely open up to anyone, and the fact that Will could get him to open up to him is so special. They also go through Tartarus together, just like Percabeth. I feel like they also get bonus points for being a gay couple because it brings me so much joy.
I can also see some bad things about these two ships. It just depends on what you like. But I wanna know…
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Ranking pjo ships cause why not :
1.Percebeth: 9.5/10
They're so cute, and I loved watching their relationship develop through out the percy jackson series like they have the I don't like you to ig we're friends now to besties who have obvious crushes on each other to lovers like this is the only slow burn that didn't make me wanna pull out hair. I love that these two would do anything for each other and are mostly supportive of each other and the seaweed brain and wise girl nicknames that went from insults to terms of endearment and I also love that they're not afraid to call each other our on their bs like I've seen stuff where percy doesn't say shit to annabeth and like have we Been reading the same books cause in MoA and HoH percy stands up for what he believes and even before that he doesn't bend to annabeths will and wishes like in botl and literally all the time in tlt like bro stands up for himself and expresses his opinions and so does annabeth and I love that ?? It's a balanced relationship in which there are years of getting to know each other and then getting together like they are bffs before lovers
But it has some issues, tho like they're wayyyy too codependent on each other which isn't that healthy but this is my opinion and I could be wrong
2. Solangelo: 8.75/10
I love them ok they're so cute like they're all about balance , acceptance, and understanding which is something nico needs in his life he doesn't need someone who'll worship him or sugarcoat stuff for him he needs someone who will be real with him about stuff like will has always been real towards nico and he has always taken care of nico wether you like it or not. Nico has always had issues that people are creeped out by him and afraid of him and will is someone who has never been afraid of nico and has treated him normally like he jokes with him and isn't walking on eggshells around him and makes him realize that not everyone hates that he can find a home in chb and nico says this tsats and even before that you can tell how nico feels and is extremely supportive of him and reminds nico that he's safe and is extremely understanding of nico . In tsats, we see that they complete each, like nico is the warrior and will is the healer, and both roles are important like nico protects will from physical harm and will patches up nicos wounds and protects him from mental and emotional harm. It also shows that no one is perfect, like Will isn't always able to understand nico so he asks for advice and this shows that trying is the best you can do for someone you love , trying to understand them and support them . They also have alot of potential in general as we've only seen them in their honeymoon stage and their developing stage we haven't gotten the established stage and sure tsats isn't perfect in the adventurous sense but the point of this book was to show healing , moving on and making peace with stuff and it did that pretty well .
The only bad points about it is that one scene in boo which shows that will had good intentions but bad execution in expressing his pov and I want them to talk about it cause what he said wasn't nice and it was quite rude ik he didn't intend it but still it was not OK . Next, I want nico to set up boundaries for himself because Will isn't a mind reader and can not know what to not do unless he's told . I want rick to tell us more about Will as a person like we know more now, but still I want rick to flesh out as a character even further
3. Jasiper: 6.5/10
They weren't well developed, and it was kinda forced by hera even tho I know that at one point they truly loved each other but it wasn't well executed and they were bad as showing it I honestly wish that they had more time to understand themselves and then into a relationship like it would have been much better that way yk
4. Frazel : 8/10
They're cute together, they make each other happy they're comfortable around each other and they trust each other hence they're a good ship
I don't see why the age gap thing is a problem because it's just 3 years and where I'm from, that's a pretty normal age gap between lovers like my grandparents have a 10 year age gap but they're happy and love each other but ill add it since some people see it as problematic. They're underdeveloped and kinda rushed, and whole I get that they knew each other before SoN but still
5. Caleo : 4/10
It came outta nowhere dude like they were together for 2 chapters and then kiss kiss fall in love like wth 🤦‍♀️ but they have potential to be good ship ig I'm being generous with 4 because of that also the age gap thing isn't a problem because mentally and physically calypso is like 15-16 but if you see it chronologically calypso is older than apollo who is 4 thousand five hundred years old and that's 🚔🚨👈😄
6. Valgrace : 7/10
So so much potential they would have been soo cute and the most un problematic 🤧
7. Percico : 3/10
No, just no percy literally strangled nico when he was 12 even though he knew that nico didn't mean to betray him and honestly just wanted to know about his mom which percy should have understood because his mom means the world to him and it was clear that nico didn't expect hades to double cross him and percy had a right to be mad but strangling nico is too far . Bro also implied that nico doesn't belong in chb at the end of botl, and bro was silent during the negotiation of whether to save nico or to let him suffocate inside a jar which un excusable he also kept giving nico responsibilities like dealing with hades's wrath which could result in death during tlo and then the whole doors of death thing when nico was extremely weak. so yeah, no, they'd be toxic asf oh and I forgot mention percy never apologized for anything and never thanked him ( from what I remember, it's been a min since I read tlo ) also nico had a case of hero worship crush on him which would make a power imbalance in that relationship soooo
8. Jasico : 5/10
I see them as bros and so does rick and it's written in a way that people would see them as friends like it's clear that nico doesn't like jason like that and in tsats it's said that he missed the feeling of Jason's protective arms around him because he trusts jason and if he was to say something about Reynas hug it would be the same thing or even hazels hugs because that's how he sees them In a platonic/ familial way ( not saying that jason is his brother here ) and he also said something like a part of him died when jason died and that's because he cared about jason like he was his 1st actual friend and he felt him die so this is understandable he's allowed to grieve his friend and miss him . Also, jason is kinda unfortunately dead 😕 😔 so it's outta the question. And if he ended up with jason the whole I can belong thing wouldn't happen because it was will who made him realize that he can have a place in chb jason tired to tell him that but nico didn't really believe him . But hey, I understand the jasico shippers and respect the ship. I don't ship it, and I never will, but I can see why people like it because jason does care about nico and nico cares about jason .
Wait, I think it's canon that nico heard the sevens debate on whether he should be saved or not in his dreams, and if it is canon, then nico saw jason vote for him to die in a jar sooo
9. Jercy : 6/10
I don't ship it ship it but it's a fun thing to think about. It's my crack ship, but I could not see it happen in Canon at all
10. Pipebeth : 6/10
Annabeth was definitely pipers queer awakening, but same as jercy, it's my crack ship
11. Reyna with anyone is not my thing because rick said she's aro/ace, but if you ship theyna or jayna, you're cool because her sexuality isn't confirmed in the books, so you can interpret it in anyway you want
12 . Nico x any girl is ew because he's gay it's confrimed in the books and multiple times by rick himself and if you ship him with any female gtfo
13. Valdangelo : 2/10
I don't know how leo views nico now, but when we do get his pov, he always has something bad or rude to say about him and as much as I love leo it makes me wanna hit him
I'm sorry for the typos and mistakes. I still don't have my glasses, and if I'm wrong about something, please correct me
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ruinatlantis · 9 months
Pjo fandom, what's the general consensus on the solangelo book? I used to be huge pjo fan, but got burnt out around ToA. Would like to do a little catching up.
Also, if you feel strongly one way or the other, please write why. I don't mind minor spoilers
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wrongcaitlyn · 7 months
wrongcaitlyn masterlist
decided to make this for anyone coming from greatest of luxuries or new to my works in general, in case anyone wants to check out my other stuff! my ao3
my name's tawny (not caitlyn, lmao, that's actually from caitlyn kiramman from arcane), i use she/her pronouns, and i write pjo and marauders fics!
asks are open, i love rambling abt any of these fics (or general fandom stuff) <3
i currently have one main wip that i'm working on:
the greatest of luxuries (is your secrets): solangelo, part of the dear reader series, popstar!nico, and a sequel to talk your talk. updates every sunday!
other ongoing wip's:
checkmate, i couldn't lose: solangelo, hs/nerds/academic rivals (sort of) au, road trip with lots of fluff
i can fix him (woah, maybe i can't): solangelo, renegades au (so like, superheroes and villains), enemies to lovers (sort of) + secret identities
and several completed fics (both multi-chaps and one-shots)!
dear reader series - popstar au - talk your talk and go viral (i just need this love spiral) - 34 ch, 145k words, solangelo - still hoping that the fire won't burn me (just one time) - one-shot, 11.1k, valgrace - you don't need to save me (but would you run away with me) - one-shot, 6k words, shelper - forever going with the flow (but you're friction) - 2 ch, 17.1k words, fierrochase
keep your eyes open series - hunger games au - staying on guard (every lesson forms a new scar) - 6 ch, 40.2k words, solangelo, MCD - i've got a lot to pine about (a lot to live without) - one-shot, 2.2k words, solangelo/will solace-centric, graphic depictions of violence, psychological torture
because i'm a mirrorball series - will solace-centric, canon-verse - i've never been a natural (all i do is try, try, try) - one-shot, 10k words, will solace from pre-tlt to botl, not tsats compliant (written before that was released and my own version of will solace lore) - i'm still a believer (but i don't know why) - one-shot, 9.2k words, will solace from botl to tlo, not tsats compliant, canonical MCD - when i break, it's in a million pieces - one-shot, 1.7k words, will solace-centric, battle of manhattan aftermath, all canon/tsats compliant - i'm still tryin' everything (to get you laughing at me) - one-shot, 3.5k words, solangelo from ttc to end of boo, mostly tsats compliant - i'm still on my tallest tiptoes (shinin' just for you) - one-shot, 2k words, solangelo during toa, all canon/tsats compliant - all along there was some invisible string (tying you to me) - one-shot, 1.3k words, solangelo pre-toa, missing scene that's referenced in tsats (their first kiss), all canon/tsats compliant
god, i'm actually invested (haven't even met him) - one-shot, 5.7k words, solangelo au where nico goes to camp jupiter after the giant war instead of staying at camp half-blood, and will meets him years later when going to new rome university
so american - one-shot, 9.6k words, solangelo fame au (country singer will & actor nico)
let's go (battle royale) - one-shot, 7k words, solangelo fortnite streamers au, lots of references to the greek gods-themed season
on a wednesday in a cafe - one-shot, 2.3k words, solangelo college/coffee shop au, an absurd amount of taylor swift song references
like i'd be saved by a perfect kiss - one-shot, 1.1k words, aroace reyna-centric during toa, reyna's pov of rejecting apollo
i'm a mess (but i'm the mess that you wanted) - one-shot, 5.1k, solangelo arcane/timebomb au, nico as jinx and will as ekko but canon divergent from what actually happens in arcane (you don't need to watch arcane to understand it though)
midnights become my afternoons - one-shot, 3.3k words, aroace leo-centric on the argo II, with a bit of leo & nico friendship, canon compliant
reputation (regulus' version) series - celebrity au - starry eyes (sparking up my darkest night) - 16 ch, 113k words, regulus as rep era taylor swift au, james as joe, marauders as a band, background wolfstar and dorlene - baby, let the games begin - one-shot, 1.7k words, bonus chapter to starry eyes, jegulus (in between chapters 15 and 16)
clear blue waters (high tide came and brought you in) - 7 ch, 32.1k words, jegulus cruiseship au, background wolfstar and lots of teenager tonks, very fluffy
and one on hiatus!
may these memories break our fall: jegulus/wolfstar, percy jackson au, and follows the quest of heroes of olympus.
- overdue for a revival - one-shot, 8.6k words, harry potter au where charlie weasley becomes the comc professor in poa
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solisaureus · 1 year
Favorite underrated/not talked about thing about solangelo or PJO in general?
my favorite underrated thing about solangelo....hmmm............HMMM........ yknow what i havent seen anyone talk about how will said that nico throwing a whole party just to ask him out made him feel really special and gave him the courage and confidence to come out!! i was just thinking about it the other day. like now that we know that will is so plagued by self-doubt and insecurity, it means a lot for him to say that. im really soft for the idea of nico making will feel celebrated and just generally being ostentatiously proud of him. it reminds me of the moment in tower of nero when nico was like "everyone look at my glow-in-the-dark boyfriend" and will was clearly self conscious/felt like his glowing ability was embarrassing but nico thinks its the greatest thing ever. obsessed w the aspect of will feeling like he's lame and unimpressive and nico hyping him up or going out of his way to make will feel special
as for pjo in general we need to talk about thalia grace more she is such a good character and her story with luke and annabeth is so fascinating -- since percy is the narrator and his knowledge of that part of the story is limited, we just get these small enticing details that give us a glimpse of this super interesting dynamic!!! i think about it a lot. especially how in tlo when percy was considering giving luke the benefit of the doubt, the person who told him that luke had lost his chance for redemption and percy shouldn't feel sorry for him anymore was THALIA. even though luke's betrayal strongly affected percy and annabeth, i believe that it hurt thalia the most, and that one detail in tlo kind of gives that away to me. would love to see people talk about thalia more just in general
i really hope that thalia and annabeth and/or luke interact more in the pjotv show -- there are so many new opportunities to flesh out those types of relationships since the show isnt being told from one character's pov!!
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demigodpolls · 19 days
Hi! Thank you for running this blog its a lot of fun to think about all these things instead of stuff thats just like "whos the best/whos your favorite ship/etc". That said...... do you have a faovorite character/pairing? Thanks again for the polls c:
thank you for the lovely ask!! I love that you guys enjoy the polls, it makes me happy to see everyone engage with them as creatively as they have been!
I adore all PJO characters. the prophecy 7, nico, reyna, clarisse, grover, sally, etc etc etc. I love them!! yes, that includes certain villainous characters. regardless of their antagonism or lack thereof, I deeply appreciate what each character contributes to the story (except cupid). thus, my "favorite" tends to fluctuate. some months ago, I was obsessed with leo. this month I'm really enjoying frank. I'm sobbing over zoe nightshade lately. I just enjoy everybody!!
regarding ships, I'm pretty basic - I'm obsessed with percabeth, frazel (perhaps even frazeleo), and solangelo. but to be clear, I'm not stringent about ships in the slightest. you can put basically any combination of the prophecy 7 together and I would say "perfect, send me a fanfic about it." I LOVE crackships/rarepairs, too. but in general, I just love love, and I can enjoy just about any non-immoral romance.
thank you again for reaching out and engaging with the polls ‪♡
- demigodpolls
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poisonpercy · 1 year
i would be most intrigued to know the reason you hate nico di angelo
that sounds threatening oh god no im just gen curious
Lol you’re good and don’t sound threatening (to me)
As the self proclaimed “#1 nico fandom hater” that I am, I love this ask. Anyway, that being said, I don’t hate Nico di Angelo. My problem lies with fandom and how Nico is perceived. Before I get into it, here’s a collage of tumblr posts that represent my feelings on Nico:
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And my favorite post that fully sums up my thoughts on Nico:
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I’m going to be making some generalizations throughout this which I don’t love, but it gets my point across the best.
Canon Nico (specifically in pjo) = good! I like this little boy! Little cutie and a little shit. What’s not to like! (hoo!Nico = eh, he’s ok I guess. He didn’t need to have POV chapters and should have taken on a more minor role imo)
Fanon Nico ≠ not good! Please burn it with fire 😃
FYI: when I talk about canon Nico, I’m referring to the original characterization of him throughout pjo (maybe some hoo, but no toa).
So this problem happens across every fandom it seems like, and I have a dislike for every character that gets treated like this throughout all my fandoms. Not everyone is like that, but I am.
So what am I talking about? It’s the blatant fanonization of Nico to the detriment of his character and others. It’s taking popular fanon takes regarding Nico (behavior, personality, relationships, etc.) and insisting that they’re canon even when evidence shows the opposite.
A big problem for me stems from the solangelo ship. If you like it/ship it, that’s great! I personally hate it… like a lot. To me it came out of nowhere and the inclusion of it in canon has brought in fanon concepts into canon that overall damages the integrity the the wider scope of the riordanverse.
What do I mean? I can’t speak too much on canon since I only read up to The Burning Maze and refuse to read any further in toa or tsats, but generally what I’ve seen from others is that canonical events/their perceptions of them have been skewed in Nico’s favor to put down Percy and other demigods, even when Nico is more at fault. Not saying this is 100% in canon but it is in fanon. And this view is widely spread by people (not all) who like Nico, and it’s very hard to ignore if you don’t like it because it is everywhere.
Saying things like no one cared for Nico when he first came to chb is blatantly untrue and makes me think that if you have that opinion, you didn’t read botl. People didn’t hate him because he was the son of Hades because the vast majority did not know Nico was the son of Hades! He was mostly unclaimed from chub’s perspective. It’s just the people that went on the quest in ttc that knew because of Bianca.
Also like Percy straight up worried for that kid day and night. He felt responsible for Nico even though Percy himself was a child! Nico was the one that was pushing Percy and everyone else away. That was his own doing, though understandable. Don’t push Nico’s actions onto other characters to villainies them in Nico’s story.
Also, for some reason people still blame Percy for Bianca’s death and then come to the conclusion that Nico hates and (still) blames Percy for it. He doesn’t. If you don’t like Percy, that’s fine (but why are you reading the series then?) but don’t spew hate about a character on things that aren’t true. Nico isn’t going to be your bff if you do so.
There’s also the belief that Percy is like abusive to Nico because of that one scene in tlo. Please put on your thinking caps if you genuinely believe only Percy was in the wrong. Percy only lashed out at Nico because Nico betrayed his trust. Also, once again they’re both kids. They’re going to have immature reactions, but you also have to remember the stress of the situation that compounds everything that these characters do.
Ok, back to solangelo. There’s this weird codependent relationship that fans tend to force on Nico and Will. Other ships do it too but solangelo stands out to me. And maybe it’s because I just don’t like solangelo, or have a favorable opinion on Will Solace, or stopped reading toa, but I genuinely don’t think there’s much grounds to Will’s character besides being Nico’s boyfriend. I know he gets some more depth throughout toa (and possible tsats) but that only happened because he was Nico’s boyfriend. Like he was Nico’s boyfriend before he was Will Solace.
And because of this, fans generally tend to make Will this mouthpiece in fandom regarding Nico. He feels like a self-insert and not in a good way. And because of this, there’s a lot of negativity towards other characters in fandom that fans use Will’s “voice” to push in name of defending Nico or whatever. Like babes, you’re projecting. I don’t know Will, but the Will from the limited time we knew him in pjo wouldn’t speak that way/share those views.
Also the weird patient/doctor relationship solangelo has going on gives me the ick. Espresso with how it’s portrayed in fandom. Like there’s this weird power dynamic that just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I’m rambling at this point, sorry. I’m only on 2 hours of sleep right now so forgive me lmao.
I won’t go too much more in depth but Nico also gets infantilized a ton by Nico/solangelo fans which isn’t cool. He’s a kid, but he’s not a fucking baby.
Also making Nico this 1-dimensional emo, sad boi type character is not cool. He’s so much more to him. When you reduce characters to a singular trait, it leads to all the issues I described. Ok I’m just going to leave it at that.
TLDR: I don’t hate Nico di Angelo, I just have a lot of problems with his fans.
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karouvas · 2 years
solace and jasico for the ship think im evil and shit
wrote this last month before I lost access from traveling here is everything I wrote then.
Why don’t you ship it? — I did ship it when I originally read BOO when I was in the seventh grade, because I wanted Nico to be happy and Will was presented as something that would help that. Then I remember liking them a bit less when I first read THO when it came out, not to the extent of hate or anything (and I wouldn’t call it a solid notp or anything now I’m just not particularly fond of it at this time) just found the timeline of them getting together to be rushed and I didn’t love their interactions (not going to speak on what exactly I felt about them because first time reading THO was a blur for me, my feelings on reread are more important to this matter anyway). In the time between then and my reread of the first two series + continuation of ToA this year I was mostly fine with them in theory, but occasionally was a little annoyed by how overrated the dynamic and Will as a character seemed to me from what I could see as I’m always very multifandom and keep pjo fandom on my radar as one of my formatives but was mainly focusing my energy on other media during that time.
When rereading Boo and THO I found their dynamic.. not very appealing in the scenes we get. I can like vitriolic banter when it’s done well but the way it was introduced for Will and Nico in boo came off more as Will being pretty bossy/condescending towards Nico and Nico reacting to that with annoyance + some of his usual becomes-attached-to-anyone-who-shows-any-signs-of-potentially-wanting-him-around thing which is IC for him, but it’s not an introduction I appreciate for one of my favorite chars ever’s endgame canon romance. Other people have made longer posts about this + the general solangelo canon dynamics and implications re: ableism but Will’s dismissiveness toward Nico’s feelings of being ostracized from the camp wasn’t endearing to me either. THO followed the same pattern of their ‘banter’ falling flat for me and reading more as two people kind of disliking each other and not in a fun interesting way like I sometimes go for, and to be fair I think the fact we first see them as an official couple from Apollo’s pov might contribute to this for me, because we don’t have Nico or Will’s narration to make the dynamic feel more lived in and Rick just generally isn’t great at writing couple dialogue for anyone but Percabeth/Fierrochase (and even Percabeth had some dud scenes aka. the Percabeth scenes in boo that are from Piper’s pov so.) And again, I just don’t like the condescension from Will’s end or how pushy he can be about Nico’s boundaries in some scenes. ToN was slightly better in that I think as a duo they were incorporated naturally into a plot (also was just so happy about the Nico and Rachel interactions I was like the the Solangelo here is fine it can be there too hebrew). However two books where I disliked the dynamic + a book where I was neutral + what I’ve seen of the fandom which.. yeah. Ultimately I just don’t enjoy them as a ship at
this time
2.What would have made you like it?
This is an interesting question for this ship in particular because there actually is a book coming out that if things go a certain way could make me like the ship.
I’ll start with changes that could have been made
to what’s already canon. This particular brand of grumpy one sunshine one dynamic is an idea/trope that I just have found less compelling the more time I’ve spent in fandom, so I would play up a subversion of that to start. There is something to Will being a bit more stubborn/intense than you’d expect I just wish that wasn’t presented in him bossing Nico around/telling him His perceptions of Nico’s problems like they’re fact, generally being very I-know-what’s-best-for-you. Maybe if their introduction in boo had them clashing over just different approaches to the battle at hand but not being able to help admire each other even though they’re so different, and then I think setting up them getting together as a slow burn over the course of ToA could’ve worked nicely and the antagonistically working together dynamic could’ve come off far better if they were written as two friends not yet together but with some tension kind of dancing around their actual feelings. Some scenes I had problems with also could’ve been better to me if this was the current dynamic ex: I really didn’t like the scene where Will comments about the kid from the Ares cabins arms and they again ‘banter’ but with what we know of Nico’s insecurities/abandonment issues it comes off (to me) as a scene where he’s genuinely stressed and Will either isn’t cognizant of that or is ignoring it which seems off for a couple who are together / annoys me on Nico’s behalf, but if it were a scene where they weren’t actually together yet it could
 make sense as Will testing to see how Nico reacts/if he likes him based on his reaction and I’d feel better about it. Things like that. And Rick clearly knew how to write this type of bickering dynamic in slow burn for Percabeth so I think maybe this could’ve turned out a lot better. 
Where we are in their story how I could be made to change my tune about their dynamic in TSATS:  will say I’d be a lot more optimistic about the book being able to make me like them if the premise was different, the fact that it’s (at least being pitched this way the actual book could obviously be pretty different) about Tartarus testing the strength of their relationship when we haven’t gotten a first hand experience of that relationship and it’s strengths and flaws other than what can be gleaned from conjecture (which ultimately is why views on the ship are so polarizing, they’re underwritten in canon so readers can interpret things a lot of ways depending on what’s there + how generous or not they are with it). That aside I think since for me the dynamic was a little better in ToN than it had been in the past framing some of their previous interactions as a beginning stage of their relationship they’ve since grown from and in the present Will is supportive in a way that’s less.. overbearing from my pov + we see both of them work for a good relationship (and the things Nico has to work on aren’t framed as ‘it’s Nico’s fault he doesn’t have that many good relationship ‘he needs to work on his people skills’ etc.) I could like it more. I also think seeing Will interact with more important parts of Nico’s life like Hazel or his father or Reyna could help add interesting interactions and conflicts. Another thing I disliked about ToA was how distanced Nico seemed from Hazel and Reyna / it seeming like he didn’t meet them after the war… *sigh* keeping myself from going on a tangent anyway. Ideally I would like the book to make their relationship interesting and compelling, I need it to show me how they work/are a good fit as partners and mainly make me feel good about Will’s place in Nico’s arc. Hopefully I get shippy feelings / emotional attachment from them in the book (I’m keeping my expectations low a) because I like to purposefully keep my expectations low for certain things so I’m not disappointed a habit I developed shortly after BOO was released lol, if it’s fantastic my low expectations can only lead me being more blown away so win-win b)like I said it isn’t a type of dynamic I’m very into these days even if tje execution is made to work now) but what matters most is that I feel good enough about it as a part of Nico’s arc since I don’t even concretely feel that way now. No Will-is-Nico’s-savior/solves all his problems trope. Hopefully no “doctors orders” bit either 
3.Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I am here for the implication that Will has had a crush on Nico for a while before Nico noticed him, I think in a way it’s good for Nico to experience someone not needing to warm to him to see him as worthy of being into and just wanting him in general at the time he meets Will. If the relationship was presented as just Nico seeing what being in a relationship where he’s someone else’s Percy in a sense is like and not his canon-sanctioned endgame like it’s meant to be I’d be a lot less critical of it.
Not necessarily something positive more negative things that I’ve seen said about the ship that I disagree with: 1) It’s not an abusive relationship based on anything in canon 2) I’ve seen people say it’s ooc for Nico to be into Will/want to start a relationship with him so soon and that’s not my issue with anything, again it’s very Nico to latch onto attachments I just haven’t seen any evidence this relationship is good for him 
What made you ship it?
I remember when I first read HoH and Boo there were scenes where I thought they had interesting chemistry/found something of interest in the idea but back then as a kid I really hated Jason so ultimately still didn’t want it to happen/invest more interest in it On reread I really started to become actively interested in it / feel things in the Jason pov section directly after the (ugh) Cupid scene section. The scene where they have that balcony argument / tense conversation about belonging/fitting in where Nico voices how Jason has never been unfairly reviled because of who his father is only idolized for it vs later when Jason reflects on this and actually envies Nico’s freedom of expectations as much as Nico envies the respect Jason gets, the more I’ve thought about it the more the ideas behind their arcs are interesting foils to one another which is something that automatically does a lot to appeal a ship to me. And generally this establishes something that really appealed to me which was Nico opening up more to Jason than he does to others and Jason being a lot more expressive/engaged in around or about Nico. Then after that the chalice scene is just.. really romantically coded like more than most scenes in hoo that are actually supposed to be romantic by a lot, and I’m a sucker for a display of trust that’s literally quite deranged (drinking poison because you want to be Very Good Friends with another man) in my ships too, so from there on I was gone and the more I actually thought about it the more reasons I found to be compelled but I’ll get into that more in part 2. Also Generally the way they describe each other at points in HoH and Boo is insane which is also worth mentioning.
2.What are your favorite things about the ship?The dynamic appeals to a lot of tropes or ideas/narrative markers I go for in ships in general, what I said about narrative foils is a huge draw for me so is characters going from disliking each other to comrades/allies to establishing more trust to friends, prep x goth ship. I love the care present in how they think of/worry about each other throughout boo, also easy to read yearning vibes into it especially from Jason’s side in pov. Honestly the fact that they’re both repressed as fuck but different ways is so fun to me because soo much potential for pining and slow burn and angst/insecurity all of my fav things lol and now that I’ve started reading some fics really respect how much writers go all in for these things w the pairing. As an opposites attract pairing there’s a lot I love about the idea of two people who are othered in different ways in seemingly opposite ways like Nico has been ostracized and underestimated and felt excluded or undervalued in relationships while Jason tends to be a put on a pedestal for who his dad is and being idolized in relationships can also be stifling/harmful, so there’s something very compelling about that idea combined with certain other parallels like they both have sisterly abandonment issues etc. for similar circumstances. I think a lot of Jason’s dynamics are hard for me to fully connect with and in general his POV is hard to connect with because he’s so passive in most dynamics/storylines, but the way he is about Nico post challice is very overexcited golden retriever energy, like very much the vibe of being oh so flattered that the cool mysterious boy has given the vaguest indication of ‘okay we can be friends I guess’ and then he’s just so over-the-top enthusiastic about Nico after that it’s so very funny, and I also do think it’s interesting to think about why that reaction exists. I said this before but I do like that Jason has to put in a bit of work for the relationship (specifying ‘a bit’ because the Cupid scene as a conduit for them to interact is lazy has a lot of issues (I was more willing to gloss over how that starts the dynamic on reread because on reread of this series in general I think most dynamics that weren’t pre-existing before the series or the Nico and Hazel/Reyna dynamics were jump started in lazy ways because Rick didn’t want to put thought into how they’d get to know each other, so it’s not a roadblock to me liking the ship like it probably was on first read, I see it as a featurebug of how the series was written rather than specific to the dynamic ) and Jason’s reaction was the bare minimum (but still would be important to Nico I think both things are true) so the ‘work’ I mean is mostly not giving up on reaching Nico afterwards) while Nico gets to be on the receiving end of support it’s not the role either of them usually take in a dynamic/storyline so I think it’s an interesting place for both characters. I think Nico would really benefit from being with someone that level of adoring and devoted to him who doesn’t overstep his boundaries (the bar is very low but I did also really like the difference between HoH where Nico snaps at Jason not to touch him without permission vs Boo where Jason really wants to hug Nico but holds himself back until Nico acquiesces verbally (and even being bare minimum I do feel a lot better about it compared to Will always telling Nico what to do grabbing his hand without permission etc. so lmao on that front) and getting to be the person who makes a very stoic buttoned-up person Worse/less sane, I just love how powerful he would feel thanks to making the golden boy worse lol. I think Jason symbolically sort of represents a lot of things Nico has always wanted, so I love the potential fulfillment for Nico’s narrative through this and like the validation of it 
. I also think the relationship from a story pov would have a lot of interesting ramifications for plot for being two big three kids and relationships with other characters like Reyna Hazel Percy Thalia Leo Piper etc. so I love thinking about that, and I think Nico would more naturally be involved in these dynamics if he was with Jason one of my gripes about canon rn is how Will is prioritized in ToA for Nico over all other relationships for no reason :/. Also the idea of Reyna shovel talking Jason is iconic. Really like I said I think on every level the more I think about it the more it makes sense and the more into it I am.
3.Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?we’ll just say that technically preferring Jasico to Solangelo is unpopular already. I do also think though that it being more interesting to me is partially just about Rick’s writing and how he tends to write relationships intended to be platonic as more interesting and having more chemistry than his romances that aren’t Percabeth and Fierrochase, and especially true for hoo pairings for instance the way Pipabeth or Pipeyna are developed as opposed to Jiper, Leo’s relationships with Jason or Frank as opposed to Calypso and Hazel etc. I do think that’s just a common feature in the way he writes dynamics.
Um. But also I felt much more passionate about all of this last month. I still stand by everything but after reading the tsats snippet in SoH that I read I’m kind of abandoning any of the optimism I had about it.
(Ship ask meme from a while back)
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the-ghost-king · 1 year
I really love your thoughts on tsats so much because I feel kind of similar. I can’t say that I hated the book because I would definitely read it again, but I didn’t love it because I finished it feeling a bit unsatisfied? Disappointed? Yet I still had a smile on my face and it wasn’t a struggle at all for me to get through. I don’t know. My expectations weren’t met at all but I don’t regret buying it. There was a lot I didn’t like and I don’t really understand what happened, especially since Rick and Mark seem so proud of what they created, and Mark has even talked about Nico as one of their favorite characters. So then how did we get here and end up with this? I guess I’ve read a lot of really excellent Solangelo fics and I hoped that as a story written by Rick and Mark, tsats would be as good as them or even nearly but it truly does not even compare. I think I see it as just another fic in my mind. A really popular fic. But despite all that I still can’t say I hated it, and I know it’s not all around terrible because I’ve seen a generally positive reception on other platforms other than tumblr lmao. But anyway yeah, here’s to some really really mixed feelings 😵‍💫
Oh I understand completely... According to some other posts I've seen Oshiro has straight up stated they didn't understand Will at all the entire writing process... I... I don't know if it's possible to effectively write a main character you don't understand?? I think maybe this could have been better if Rick wrote Will's POV and Mark did Nico's POV... It's very obvious to me how absolutely hands off Rick was in the writing process because this book reads like a lot of Oshiro's other work to me... Also, I think that's such a big part of why people are saying it feels like fanfiction- because it is! It's literally canon endorsed by the author fanfic- it's the PJO fandom's "The Cursed Child" (sorry to bring up Rowling) - but literally it's just an author handing their body of work off and giving it the stamp of approval.
A lot of people are acting like people saying it's just fanfic are dissing fanfic, but I don't think that's exactly it, I think people are just having to realize Rick absolutely did not have a hand it writing this at all predominantly- maybe he had mild say in the plot or threw in a joke or two but literally this seems like a friend handed him a fanfic and he published it for them. "This reads like a fanfic" to me literally feels like I could have opened any tab on Ao3 or FFN in the past few months in preparation for this book and read this exact body of work by some other author... The problem I'm having, is that I know I could have had a better book done by a better author- in fact I have read significantly better pieces by better authors, yet this is the one that is endorsed and made cannon? This is the one that will earn thousands of dollars? I don't know how I feel about that...
I've seen many saying they're struggling to get through it and I can't say I understand because I was able to move quickly through it, but on the other hand I do understand because I did struggle to make it through other works of Oshiro's... They have a horrible pacing issue in my opinion and I don't think they have the proper editors fixing it... Even when you're writing non poetic works there is a certain tempo or meter a work should flow at and Oshiro imo has consistently failed at this in their works... I think I didn't struggle to move through it because I have experience getting through their work but also because I am absolutely the person who will read a 200k fic I don't really care for in a day..
I agree with you as well though, I'm not upset to have purchased it, I will say I don't think it's worth the dollar amount on the price tag however and I will say people trying to argue "it's not badly written because it's not to your tastes" are quite wrong because I've managed to shove my fingers into so many plot holes and loose ends this book has.
I wouldn't say I like this book, I definitely wouldn't say I loved it, I also didn't hate it, and I don't think I would say I didn't like it either. It was a book, I read it, I endured it, and I didn't hate it. There is something in those pages that despite everything I despise calls me in and beckons me to keep returning to it and I cannot figure out what, I'm going to try and get through it for another round here and see if I can uncover anything else but mostly I just stand behind my first two paragraphs here... I think your "my expectations weren't met at all but I don't regret buying it" is incredibly accurate to my feelings as well, I think it's the worst book in the pjo/hoo/toa series but I don't regret buying it or reading it... so, yeah.
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