#sol nascente
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bibinoveleira · 10 months ago
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Icons Sol Nascente — Alice Tanaka
Curta/reblogue - se pegar comente pg e créditos no twitter: @bibinoveleira_
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audienciaon · 8 years ago
Sol Nascente
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Sol Nascente
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luzdaimagem · 1 year ago
Sol nascente
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doedipus · 1 year ago
recently I've been looking at the giovanna tech discord again and ran across a conversation the other night that has me reconsidering a lot of how I tend to let my autopilot play out
someone had posted a replay, and the regulars responded to say that it's not a good habit to use meter to just get another turn. their train of thought was that since sepultura is already a safe blockstring ender, it's not efficient to rc it to get another turn, because then you've turned a situation where you're pretty safe into one where you're going to have to do a higher risk or lower reward mixup instead. you would be better off spending the meter earlier in the blockstring doing a safe and rewarding mixup, and then relying on stagger pressure and rps to stay in or get out
and my initial thought was, well, the situation after a blocked sepultura is technically safe but you're still stuck either playing pretty bad rps or letting someone else have a turn anyway, so spending the meter there saves you a headache. meanwhile the mental stack is usually a little crowded when I get my turn on oki, so half the time I open with basic gatlings. I relayed this story to lite after it happened, and he basically agreed. using meter to stay in makes sense.
but thinking about it more, the tradeoff becomes spending 50 meter to do two bad mixups (or even just the canned string) or spending 50 meter to do something up front they have to respect and has good reward, so I do get the math. the other thing is that the balance between gio's neutral and mixup ability is weighted towards really committal mix and really low risk neutral, whereas lite's character i-no is all fuzzy overheads but has to commit really hard in neutral. since gio struggles to open people up safely but can play neutral confidently, it makes some sense to allocate more meter towards doing mixups and less towards skipping neutral than other types of character.
either way I figured the next step was to look at a bunch of match footage and analyze how the high level gios I play were spending meter... and the result was that they were almost always using it for combo extensions, super wallbreaks, or metered mixups, and not to rebuy pressure (with defensive uses mixed in here and there ofc.)
so the next stop was the lab. the most basic metered mixup is obviously tap dust rrc, which is not meaningfully reactable, has good reward and lets you continue pressure afterwards. since this is already a really high standard, I had kind of filed every other contender away as "flashy but impractical" for a while, but I do know that having a variety of throw setups helps a lot to attack the mental stack, so presumably it's worth working some of these in. the other factor that got me to revisit things is kouhide's 4 overhead brc setup, which has a much better economy of high/low moments to meter spent than tap dust rrc.
...however, that blockstring kind of sucks, man. the notation would be something like cs -> jump cancel -> low brc forward -> jp -> land -> jump-> jp -> jh -> jd -> regular blockstring. the first issue is that the execution is pretty tight. if you don't nail the timing on the two jps, the slowdown will end before the jh can connect and the opponent will be out of blockstun and can just duck it. and the other issue is that since the timing is really tight, you don't really have any room to pause and hitconfirm the first jp. at higher levels this might not be as much of an issue since you *can* see the jp coming, but where I usually am people get clipped and then the combo drops. I think it may have some practical utility as like an extra layer to simpler things.
cs -> low aerial brc forward -> air buttons is a pretty classic type of mixup though. I'd previously seen it as brc -> jh jd -> grounded blockstring, but annoyingly it only seems to get both buttons out higher off the ground and ends up being inconsistent. however, with the tradeoff of worse scaling, gio can just hit jp twice on the way down like sol does in the bandit revolver rc setup and accomplish the same thing more consistently. this also sets up conditioning for people to block the first hit and lets gio do the kouhide string more confidently.
there's also the weird looking brc instant overhead setup you get out of backdash (technically? I think? I don't know exactly why the physics on this one work the way they do) which is a single hit but looks weird and that's kind of cool. it's about equivalent to tap dust for way higher execution though.
putting aside the high/low stuff, gio can also do cs -> dash cancel -> brc -> cs -> cv.trovao which gets her a guard crush moment for stronger strike/throw... but stronger strike/throw is still much riskier than the above totally safe blockstrings. it's good but I feel like probably when I'll be using it the most is when I misinput a low aerial brc when trying to do something else.
anyway in addition to all the new combo theory and oki setups I've been trying to integrate, these are all pretty high priority. ideally this will result in more ergonomic meter usage and be better for consistency across the board... but man I already have a ton of spaghetti to sort through just with the patch stuff.
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blogdorogerinho · 1 month ago
Críticas – Vidas ao Vento (2013), O Menino e a Garça (2023), Meu Amigo Totoro (1988), A Viagem de Chihiro (2001)
Obrigado Miyazaki Depois de vários adiamentos, o co-fundador do Studio Ghibli se aposentou de vez. Na verdade, o cineasta de 83 anos de idade já desejava se aposentar logo após a estreia de Vidas ao Vento (2013) no cinema; porém, graças à nova animação vencedora do Oscar deste ano ele decidiu prolongar um pouco mais a sua carreira brilhante. Nascido em 1941 na cidade de Akebono-cho, em Tokyo, o…
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chiyuz · 4 months ago
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essa é a ophelia nigmos, que se parece muito com a alisha boe (atriz) mas acho que é só coincidência. nascida dia 06 de março de 1997, ela trabalha como escritora de livros de ficção científica. além disso, soube que ela é bissexual!
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ophelia perdeu seus pais para um acidente onde os dois acabaram se afogando, desde então a garota passou a viver com sua tia olive specter, as duas tem uma ótima relação e são bem próximas; com o tempo a garota processava seu luto e olive se tornava como uma verdadeira mãe para si, então a pequena não teve muitas dificuldades para se adaptar com o novo estilo de vida.
sempre se mostrou ser uma mulher muito excêntrica, do tipo que ou você imediatamente a adorava ou odiava. gosta muito de fazer novas amizades, entretanto é terrível em socializar e geralmente acaba gerando problemas para si e para os outros ao seu redor graças a sua falta de habilidade para manter uma conversa sem acabar parecendo “esquisita”. não que ela seja uma pessoa ruim, apenas tem dificuldade com social cues e com o timing de diálogos.
para colaborar, era aquela pessoa viciada por teorias da conspiração e que gostava muito de falar sobre o universo, outras dimensões e contar histórias relacionadas a isso. o que acabava não sendo muito bem visto por aí, a fazendo parecer a maluquinha da vizinhança, apesar disso dificilmente cria inimizades por aí de propósito, tentando ser simpática na maior parte do tempo.
quando se formou no colegial, sua tia a incentivou para que ela tentasse cursar alguma coisa no instituto da cidade, já que isso a ajudaria a ter um futuro mais promissor. mas ophelia negou a oferta, queria investir seu tempo e sua vida em uma carreira como escritora. amava livros e literatura, amando ainda mais poder criar suas próprias histórias e trazer seus universos originais a vida. atualmente ela já publicou dois livros, com um deles sendo um best-seller, conseguindo um contrato com uma editora grande para lançar suas criações. no fim das contas, ophelia nunca perdeu a sua excentricidade e ela está feliz dessa forma.
inspo: essa é uma personagem canon do universo de the sims, a franquia de jogos da ea. a criei para um server no discord mas acabei ficando sem tempo para desenvolver na época, mas agora quero a trazer de volta a vida. o mira disponibilizou um universo baseado em the sims 3 que vocês podem ver aqui e consigo imaginar a ophelia estando inserida nele!
a ophelia tem uma connection relacionada a outro personagem canon do jogo que eu acho que seria divertido desenvolver, então deixo aqui a ideia:
a love from outer space: conheceu johnny smith durante sua adolescência e os dois se tornaram muito próximos, tanto que os sentimentos que ophelia nutria por ele já começavam a se tornar confusos de se dizer o que de fato eram (o personagem em questão é híbrido de alienígena e humano).
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lendasdeazeroth · 6 months ago
Platô da Nascente do Sol (Sunwell Plateau)
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O Surgimento do Platô da Nascente do Sol Localizado na Ilha de Quel'Danas, o Platô da Nascente do Sol é uma das localizações mais icônicas e significativas para a história de Azeroth, particularmente para a raça Elfos de Sangue. Após a destruição da Fonte do Sol durante os eventos da Terceira Guerra, os Elfos de Sangue lutaram para encontrar uma nova fonte de poder. A descoberta do Platô da Na...
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theomenroom · 5 months ago
that last post I made about agency with Exocolonist npcs is huge because one of the things I most love about Exocolonist is what it does with Sol's agency.
You can shape the entire direction of the colony. It's Sol's actions, your decisions as a player, that decide whether the colony ends up in a forever war with the ecosystem for Sol's lifetime or not. You can cause, or prevent, an ecological collapse. And that's just the ending. Sol's foraging can be the difference that ends a famine. Sol can personally save the life of multiple higher-ups in the colony's government, including the governor herself.
But you're doing that from a position where you're a child who the adults, for the most part, won't listen to. You can nudge, you can find things outside the colony's walls, but you can't just tell people to do things.
The game I always like to compare it to is Mass Effect: Andromeda, although there are plenty of others like it, where you as the player are presented with a nascent society (the Citadel species' first colonies in another galaxy, which mirrors Exocolonist's humanity's first exoplanet colony) and offered the chance to shape it, and to do that you're given a character placed in a high-agency position. Andromeda makes you the Pathfinder, which is something that can be objectively determined so their normal policies can't oust you as Pathfinder and put someone previously higher up the chain of command (like Cora) in charge instead, and gives the Pathfinder arbitrary authority to, like, override the normal sequence in which people are brought out of cryo, or set the objectives of their new outposts.
Exocolonist asks the question "do you need a character with those powers to tell stories like that," and answers it very cleverly. It's a story about agency.
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Capítulo 1 : Japón y su prehistoria a través de los hallazgos arqueológicos, sean bienvenidos a una nueva entrega un tanto especial, de noticias arqueología, los capítulos siguientes, serán unas noticias que sorprenderán a todos, por su riqueza, arqueológica, del país del sol naciente, dicho esto empecemos. - ¿Un espejo de bronce de 1.600 años de antigüedad?, aviso que esta serie puede descolocar a más de uno por la diferencia evolutiva que ha llevado japón, a lo largo de su historia. Este espejo, fue encontrado, en Okayama “parte occidental de la isla de Honshū, Japón”, por unos estudiantes, espero que eso me pase a mí, bueno quien sabe, tiempo al tiempo. - Esta pieza está, muy bien, trabajada, por los luminosos contornos bien definidos, data del periodo kofun(protohistoria o edad de los metales) depende de la fuente, viene una cosa u otra. “Periodo Kofun (300-552)b.c”, el túmulo se lleva excavando desde 2015. - Características generales del espejo: -Está decorado por bestias imaginarias  Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones, de arqueología prehistórica y de otros periodos. - 第1章:日本と考古学の発見によるその先史時代、考古学のニュースのやや特別な新作へようこそ、次の章は、その考古学の富のために、太陽の生まれたばかりの国からのすべての人を驚かせるニュースになるでしょう、とそれは言っていますさぁ、始めよう。 - 1、600年前の銅鏡?このシリーズは、日本がその歴史を通して持っていた進化の違いのために、複数のシリーズを誤解させる可能性があることに注意してください。 この鏡は岡山の「本州の西部」で何人かの学生によって発見されました。それが私にも時々起こることを願っています。 - この作品は、非常によく機能しており、明確に定義された明るい輪郭によって、古墳時代(金属の原史時代または時代)に由来します。 「古墳時代(300-552)紀元前」、2015年から古墳が発掘されています。 - ミラーの一般的な特性: -架空の獣で飾られています あなたがそれを気に入って、将来の出版物、先史考古学および他の時代にあなたに会えることを願っています。
Chapter 1: Japan and its prehistory through archaeological finds, welcome to a somewhat special new installment of archeology news, the following chapters will be news that will surprise everyone, due to its archaeological wealth, from the country of the sun nascent, with that said let's begin. - A 1,600-year-old bronze mirror? Notice that this series can mislead more than one due to the evolutionary difference that Japan has had throughout its history. This mirror was found in Okayama "western part of the island of Honshū, Japan", by some students, I hope that happens to me, well who knows, time to time. - This piece is, very well, worked, by the luminous well-defined contours, it dates from the kofun period (protohistory or age of metals) it depends on the source, one thing or another comes from. “Kofun period (300-552) b.c”, the burial mound has been excavated since 2015. - General characteristics of the mirror: -It is decorated by imaginary beasts I hope you liked it and see you in future publications, prehistoric archeology and other periods.
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fruitytrollroll · 4 months ago
Nine Sols' narrative themes inform every gameplay element btw. if u even care.
saw someone call Nine Sols' gift sysrem for Shuanshuan "too dialogue-heavy" and "pointless" and I went temporarily insane
if the quest moments with Shuanshuan feel "pointless", it's because they are meant to be their own reward and you did them out of obligation!!! why!!! nobody was holding you at gunpoint to MAKE you raise this beautiful precious forgiving baby boy who loves you and nursed you back to health—but like a deadbeat dad on a custody visit just to be compliant with a court order, you spent time with him anyway and you resented him for it. WHAT!!!
also can NOT overstate how the games' themes of revenge and redemption tie into these scenes. they are not by ANY MEANS pointless!!! the way Yi goes out of his way to preserve his culture, by sharing it with the APEMAN he's raising, speaks VOLUMES about Yi's character growth in the 2 years since he and Shuanshuan began living together.
I was personally endeared by Shuanshuan immediately, and was delighted I had gifts to give him—AND that they each had bespoke cutscenes that revealed lore information about Solarian culture, and background information about Yi and Shuanshuan'a lives together?? do you guys know how rare and special it feels to have a gift system that WORKS like this??? SO many games give you garbage trinkets to throw at your companions for a quantifiable affection boost, so I cannot overstate how deeply impressive and heartfelt and dedicated to their story Red Candle Games clearly was to have put in the time and effort to make their gift mechanic so deeply character-driven, with custom animations and environmental changes for every skill you teach Shuanshuan. 🥺🧸✨️
if you don't like social sim elements in games, or the characters didn't succeed in endearing themselves to you, that's fine. They're not for everyone—but I suspect my experience was the intended one! you're supposed to like and care about these characters enough to bring them the gifts you find on your travels of your own volition!!
if you DON'T care about the characters, you can skip their scenes, and the game respects your time by LETTING you do that, AND by giving you an ending that is less involved in the characters' lives. but if you resent these scenes because "ugh i HAVE to do this to get the TRUE ending 🙄" then idk!! I think you are playing the game wrong!!
I think RCG gave players an opportunity to not care, and a perfectly satisfying ending despite it all (THE BETTER ENDING AND LESS EMOTIONALLY DEVASTATING ENDING, IN MY OPINION, BECAUSE RCG IS SO MEAN TO ME 😭), and if you passed that up for completionism's sake... IDK!!
I genuinely think achievments have poisoned too many games that don't benefit from them! Gone are the olden days of playing your big sister's SNES games blind—no online guides, no guardrails, just getting lost and wandering around the overworld, just playing by vibes alone and if you get stuck u just have to take a break and come back later instead of looking up a guide online because there wasn't even a GameFAQs page for it yet—but on GOD we need to get back there. Play games blind. Don't look up guides. JUST ENJOY IT, JUST ENGAGE WITH THE MEDIA, WE DON'T NEED INSTRUCTIONS I PROMISE, YOUR INNOCENT NASCENT FUMBLING IS ENOUGH, YOU CAN PLAY THE GAME AND HAVE FUN WITHOUT SOME CHODE ON "HARDCOREGAMER" DOT COM GIVING YOU A DISRESPECTFULLY SPOILERIFIC BREAKDOWN OF A PATH OR BOSS FIGHT OR ITEM LOCATION THAT ROBS YOU OF THAT JOY OF DISCOVERY!!
anyway. yes, if you forced yourself to sit through the dialogue of character-driven scenes for characters you didn't even like or feel compelled by, just to get the "True" end, then I imagine it would feel "pointless" and like "too much text". But failing to catch your interest is not a failure of the game's storytelling if you only disliked it because you were forcing yourself to do it for the achievment, just to get an ending that wasn't made with your play style in mind!!!
"it doesn't even affect the game's ending :/" *LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER*!!! ALL the sidequests have the CUMULATIVE effect of changing the ending! this is because Yi is a ruthless, analytical scientist deposed from his seat of political power in New Kunlun on a quest for revenge—yet he spent precious time doing a bunch of "pointless" sidequests for his friends he's come to care about, which allowed the villain's brewing plot the precious time it needed to come further to fruition. Yi is on a REVENGE quest, and it is the very act of saving Shuanshuan (thus alerting the island's security systems to Yi's presence) that puts a timeline on that revenge. He exposed himself for someone he cared about, putting his revenge in jeopaedy—and he postponed that revenge still further to make amends to the apemen he once thought so little of as to be complicit in their heinous exploitation!!! YI IS GROWING HE'S CHANGING, SHUANSHUAN CHANGED HIS HEART, AND IT'S ONLY IN THE TRUE ENDING YI CAN COMPLETE HIS CHARACTER ARC BY REALIZING HE FUCKED UP AND ACTUALLY REPENT (EVEN IF I HATE IT BECAUSE IT'S THE SADDEST ENDING, FUCK YOU RED CANDLE GAMES 😭)
also combat is focused around the parry because this game's primary thematic underpinning is giving proof to the age-old adage "fuck around and find out" (it's revenge it's about reVENGE IT'S ALL ABOUT FORGIVENESS AND CHANGE AND REVENGE)
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neozverse · 5 months ago
central de rp indie br!
como eu disse antes, para aqueles que gostam de ter um plot base para jogar, criei algumas histórias simples que podem ser utilizadas por vocês. nesse post fixado, vocês vão encontrar links para os documentos de cada história, com informações importantes, além de um breve resumo sobre o universo. todos os plots aqui podem ser usados não só na tag indie, como em jogos de 1x1!
CONTRA-CORRENTE ○ ○ ○ baseado no universo do autor rick riordan e no rpg @anaklusmoshq, juntando as mitologias greco-romana. os personagens e acontecimentos dos livros são todos canon, porém atualmente uma nova guerra está ameaçando irromper.
CRIMSON REAPERS ○ ○ ○ baseado no universo do mundo das sombras, usando de base o rpg de mesa vampiro: a máscara. uma gangue de motociclistas vampiros em detroit, onde seus maiores inimigos são não apenas a segunda inquisição, como a camarilla e uma gangue de mortais, lutando por territórios e influência.
EXTINÇÃO ○ ○ ○ uma chuva de meteoros trouxe um parasita que transforma humanos em criaturas famintas por carne e extremamente violentas. as maiores cidades foram dizimadas, países como os estados unidos, índia e méxico tiveram seus governos destruídos, e apenas 15% da população mundial ainda luta para sobreviver mais um dia.
VALE DO SOL NASCENTE ○ ○ ○ uma cidade tranquila na região dos lagos, no rio de janeiro. baseada em cidades do the sims 3, oferece um ambiente tranquilo para desenvolver os personagens da forma que você bem entender.
SEOULITE ○ ○ ○ baseado no cenário do rpg @seoulitehq. três grandes empresas e seus artistas, sejam idols de grupos famosos, solistas, atores e modelos lutam para ter a atenção do público para si.
NEVERMORE ○ ○ ○ baseado no rpg @nevermorehqs, a escola da série wandinha entra para o mundo das sombras, aceitando tanto criaturas sobrenaturais como mortais.
SANCTUM ○ ○ ○ baseado no universo de my hero academia, x-men, the boys e gen v. escola preparatória para jovens com superpoderes.
ARCANTHEA ○ ○ ○ baseado no universo de descendentes. academia mágica de merlin para descendentes de contos de fadas e histórias fantásticas.
SAN ANDREAS ○ ○ ○ baseado nos jogos grand theft auto. uma metrópole dominada pelo crime e corrupção.
VERDALEZA ○ ○ ○ baseado em once upon a time. cidade para personagens canon, onde eles levam vidas normais sem lembranças de seus passados.
PINK PONY CLUB COMPETITION ○ ○ ○ baseado em realities como the voice, x factor e, principalmente, estrela da casa. competição de bandas para ganhar um contrato com a sony music.
CIDADE DO CREPÚSCULO ○ ○ ○ baseada no universo do livro radiante e dos dramas hotel del luna e missing. cidade de almas.
IRON WOLVES ○ ○ ○ baseado em sons of anarchy. uma gangue de motociclistas de detroit, inimigos dos crimson reapers.
DAETORTH ○ ○ ○ baseado no rp @daetorthhq. academia para anjos, demônios, elfos e bruxos inspirado em harry potter, o mundo sombrio de sabrina e fate: winx saga.
STARDEW VALLEY ○ ○ ○ baseado no jogo de mesmo nome. vila de pescadores, mineradores e fazendeiros.
MIDNIGHT HOLLOW ○ ○ ○ baseada nas cidades midnight hollow e moonlight falls, do the sims 3. cidade para criaturas sobrenaturais.
mais universos podem ser criados por você mesme, queride player. basta enviar sua história no nosso chat que sua criação será adicionada a esse post.
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ocherednoe-dno · 2 months ago
AU where instead of Mars, it was Jupiter that rose to become the more prominent Forge World in Sol, and thus the nascent [proto-]Mechanicum
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julianetunes · 2 months ago
Ei, estou no meu local predileto, cercada pela natureza.
Vejo a água da nascente fluir, sinto o vento tocar minha pele e o sol aquecendo minha alma.
O único som que se destaca, além do vento nas árvores e do canto dos pássaros, é o batimento do meu coração.
À noite, irei para a escuridão e contemplarei as estrelas e constelações, quem sabe, por um breve momento, eu pense em você e deseje compartilhar essa experiência. Talvez eu te envie uma foto com a mensagem:
"Oi, lembrei de você".
Autoral: @julianetunes
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sol941sblog · 1 year ago
Ensaia um sorriso
e oferece-o a quem não teve nenhum.
Agarra um raio de sol
e desprende-o onde houver noite.
Descobre uma nascente
e nela limpa quem vive na lama.
Toma uma lágrima
e pousa-a em quem nunca chorou.
Ganha coragem
e dá-a a quem não sabe lutar.
Inventa a vida
e conta-a a quem nada compreende.
Enche-te de esperança
e vive á sua luz.
Enriquece-te de bondade
e oferece-a a quem não sabe dar.
Vive com amor
e fá-lo conhecer ao Mundo.
Mahatma Gandhi"✍️
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omonstrodeisabelly · 6 months ago
a arte de me visualizar bem
existe um sol nascente em meu peito
iluminando tudo a minha volta
nutrindo meu solo fértil para coisas boas
fazendo a fotossíntese que fortalece o meu jardim
me aproximo mais de mim mesma
todas as vezes que escolho
me apaixonar
por mim mesma
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claudiosuenaga · 9 days ago
O fim da NOVA ORDEM MUNDIAL e o início da NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM de Donald Trump e Elon Musk
Logo após a vitória de Donald Trump, Elon Musk e Alexandr Dugin anunciaram, respectivamente, o início da "Novus Ordo Seclorum" e o fim do globalismo. Vladimir Putin, por sua vez, declarou a morte da Nova Ordem Mundial e o classificou como uma coisa do passado. Será este o ocaso do Deep State e do projeto de dominação mundial do império maçônico? Ou será a sua consolidação?
Torne-se o meu patrono aqui no Patreon e tenha acesso a esta matéria completa, bem como a centenas de conteúdos exclusivos: https://www.patreon.com/posts/115953506
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✅ “Illuminati: A Genealogia do Mal", agora disponível na Amazon: https://www.amazon.com.br/dp/B0DKTW32JW
✅ "Encuentros cercanos de todo tipo. El caso Villas Boas y otras abducciones íntimas", meu primeiro livro traduzido em espanhol, na Amazon: EUA: https://amzn.to/3Lh93Lb Espanha: https://amzn.to/3LlMtBn Reino Unido: https://www.amazon.co.uk/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/ Alemanha: https://www.amazon.de/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1 França: https://www.amazon.fr/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/ Itália: https://www.amazon.it/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/ Japão: https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/
✅ "As Raízes Hebraicas da Terra do Sol Nascente: O Povo Japonês Seria uma das Dez Tribos Perdidas de Israel?"https://www.lojaenigmas.com.br/pre-venda-as-raizes-hebraicas-da-terra-do-sol-nascente-o-povo-japones-seria-uma-das-dez-tribos-perdidas-de-israel
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