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Any thoughts?? Please comment or tag a friend who may be interested to understand more on this 😄 Watch this space.. next mini video comin' up! #painfacts #Painawarenessmonth #chronicillness #chronicpain #livingwithpain #explainpain #paincoach #paincoaching #softstrengthpainyogacoach https://www.instagram.com/p/CFNANVegzsE/?igshid=y22ex5ld2ljk
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🌄Appreciating where we are creates an open grateful mindset. 🌄It doesn't mean we are resigned to our reality, nor does it mean we have no goals or desire for progression 🌄However appreciating where we are and how far we've come (even if it's not as far as we'd like) is always healthier, and more fruitful, than shaming ourselves or revelling in discontent and frustration. 🌄So breathe.. 🌄Drop in.. 🌄Appreciate all that's good about where you are 🌄And all that's good about who you are.. 🌄Knowing that when you do, more good will come #innersatisfaction #pauseandcheckin #appreciate #selfappreciation #gratitude #countyourblessings #glasshalffull #mindfullife #consciousliving #journeyofgrowth #softstrengthyogaandwellness #paincoach #softstrengthpainyogacoach https://www.instagram.com/p/CEuB8HRg7ZD/?igshid=4dr4eccwncmh
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🌊The heat may be turning up 🌊Life as usual beckoning 🌊That may be a good thing 🌊Hopefully we have goals and directions that inspire and motivate us 🌊But take a moment.. how are you feeling? What is shifting for you? Internally, externally 🌊Building self-awareness is the key to finding balance; the key to living a more fulfilling, Self-Kind life 🧘Free meditation inside my Facebook community to help you to tune in and navigate the change of season🧘 Link in bio 🙂 FB Community: bit.ly/SSFBComm1 💪*If you need help with navigating through chronic symptoms to see the bigger picture again, to find what's meaningful and set up a systematic plan to get you there then CONTACT ME FOR A FREE CLARITY CALL: DM me or email [email protected]💪 I offer pain and health coaching for chronic health conditions #livekindly #balance #selfconnection #selfcare #flowwithchange #belikewater #shiftingconsciousness #seasonschange #mindfullife #checkin #softstrengthyogaandwellness #softstrengthpainyogacoach #paincoach freemindfulness #freemeditation #navigatechange #softstrengthcommunity #paincoach #chronicillness #chronicpain https://www.instagram.com/p/CEd8webAy8L/?igshid=bgs1iqpz10je
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🌊The heat may be turning up 🌊Life as usual beckoning 🌊That may be a good thing 🌊Hopefully we have goals and directions that inspire and motivate us 🌊But take a moment.. how are you feeling? What is shifting for you? Internally, externally 🌊Building self-awareness is the key to finding balance; the key to living a more fulfilling, Self-Kind life 💪*If you need help with navigating through chronic symptoms to see the bigger picture again, to find what's meaningful and set up a systematic plan to get you there then CONTACT ME FOR A FREE CLARITY CALL: DM me or email [email protected]💪 I offer pain and health coaching for chronic health conditions #livekindly #balance #selfconnection #selfcare #flowwithchange #belikewater #shiftingconsciousness #seasonschange #mindfullife #checkin #softstrengthyogaandwellness #softstrengthpainyogacoach #paincoach https://www.instagram.com/p/CEd7rHRAUvq/?igshid=15cb3bdxb0djc
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🌊As summer starts to wind down, it's natural for our mood and energy to shift. 🌊Each month has a different energy and I've been thinking about what's next as September looms. 🌊Some resistance shows up, I'd like it to be summer forever, I'd like more time to be still and suspended before the action starts. 🌊Yet time rolls on, nature and life rhythms shift, flux and change, even if we'd like them to stay the same. 🌊This can bring apprehension, anxiety, resistance. 🌊It seems that the key to flourishing in life lies in embracing flow and change whilst remaining steady and centred in the things that don't. 🌊Remaining steady in our values and the practices that keep us rooted to the unchanging and to our sense of self. 🌊For me these are breath practices, meditation, prayer, journalling, yoga. 🌊This painting I came upon at an outdoor exhibition in Brighton. To me it captures how dynamic nature is, always in a state of flow, yet the trees remain steady AND ever adapting to the conditions around. #softandstrong #belikewater #softstrengthyogaandwellness #softstrength #softstrengthpainyogacoach #stayinganchored #staysteady #centreyourself #mindfulness #yogaheals #theonlyconstantischange #flow #embracechange #paincoach #paincoaching #chronicillness #chronicpain #persistentpain https://www.instagram.com/p/CEWNof1Ans-/?igshid=1gb3fa5nf8nev
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🧠Thoughts are subtle 💪We don't always detect them 🧠untill they show up in our body as physiological responses 💪Untill they are observable in our actions and behaviour 🧠Until they cause our chronic symptoms, like pain, to flare 💪Thoughts are insidious, undetectable yet permeating and affecting EVERYTHING 🧠That can be positive OR negative 💪If we care for ourselves tending to our mental hygiene is KEY 🧠Let's start today, choosing what we think and say internally.. 💪for it is the seed of good health 🧠What you think does and WILL affect your body #mindbodyawareness #mindbodyconnection #bodykeepsthescore #mentalhygiene #yogaheals #mindfullife #mindfulness #consciousliving #selfregulation #positivechoices #positivethought #softstrengthyogaandwellness #softstrengthpainyogacoach #powerofthought #powerofawareness https://www.instagram.com/p/CEEIcYmAyY0/?igshid=1d05rx5belvcg
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👣What we think, say and do creates impressions in our consciousness, just like footprints in the sand; 👣Imprints in neural networks.. 👣only they aren't as easily erased 👣Our experiences in life are so much connected to our habitual thoughts and actions, which are based on these impressions 👣We need to choose wisely how we engage and absorb our consciousness 👣What we repeatedly do forms imprints in our mind and body 👣What impressions are you creating? 👣How do you soften or erase the impressions that no longer serve you? #mentalimpressions #innerprogramming #footprintsinthesand #thinksaydo #transformation #innerchange #changefromwithin #insideout #shiftingconsciousness #positivechoices #positivechange #yogaheals #meditation #mindfulness #mindfullife #consciousliving #softstrengthyogaandwellness #softstrengthpainyogacoach #softstrength https://www.instagram.com/p/CD_8s2FBs3r/?igshid=g0df1sofvcq4
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🤔Ok, that statement was intentionally contraversial, maybe even ambiguous. 🤔Firstly what does 'body' mean, what does 'mind' mean. 🤔We can experience things in our body that are not caused by the body (that don't originate there); conversely our quality of mind can be influenced and impacted by what happens to our body. 🤔 For now, let's take body to mean physical experience, let's take mind to mean mood and thoughts. 💡Pain science explains that with persistent pain, in most cases, the primary origin and 'driver' of that pain is no longer the structures or tissues of your body. 💡That doesn't mean your physical structures don't play any role. 💡That doesn't, mean your pain is 'in your head', imagined. 💡NO, that's not what we're saying. 💡The same is true for many chronic illnesses that are 'medically unexplained' 💡There is more at play, multiple factors; most importantly the complex nervous system, that is malleable, influenced by what we think, feel, say and do. 💡So what does this statement make you feel? 🤔 What does it mean for you? 🤔 Are there any possibilities that open up? 🤔 Does it shift how you might approach things? #chronicpain #chronicillness #painscience #mindbodyconnection #amazingnervoussystem #persistentpain #yogaheals #empoweredhealth #explainpain #medicallunexplainedsymptoms #mindfulness #therapeuticyoga #softstrengthyogaandwellness #softstrengthpainyogacoach https://www.instagram.com/p/CDvpPUFgB1W/?igshid=186dewig68q6w
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💙Tomorrow! SELF-KIND Yoga. 8-9pm uk. Free or Donation 💙Access details by emailing: [email protected] 💙It's not too late to book in some early week TLC and empowerment. 💜This poster so perfectly captures the purpose of this class.. the journey we are on.. how we often feel.. and how we'd rather feel instead.. I had to share it here. 💜Pictures speak louder than words 🙂. #selfconnection #selfkindness #yogaheals #empoweryourself #donationyoga #freeyoga #softstrengthpainyogacoach #softstrengthyogaandwellness #meditate #innercritic #innerfriend #befriendyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/CDZ3jO4gUtI/?igshid=11q6y6w84prm5
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A powerful quote 🌄Speaking from experience the path of growth can feel uncertain, scary, unknown 🌄It’s easier to do what’s comfortable, even if it feels miserable, even if we know we can be so much more 🌄If you’re like a lot of us it can be a back and forth process, maybe even a rubber band effect (note: some people thrive off risk and huge steps out of their comfort zone, that’s not me) 🌄Stretch too far too quick and BOING! You can hate it and recoil right back into the comfort zone 🌄We need to stretch enough to challenge ourselves a little but not so much that we overwhelm or flood our nervous system with unsafety and threat 🌄Just enough to have a positive experience, build confidence so we can move forward in steady steps. That’s progress. 🌄Ok, ‘it’s not always like that’, I hear you say, we still don’t always have a positive experience ☹. 🌄HOWEVER… knowing that we are living a bigger life, one that is moving us (or trying to move us) in the direction of what we value, towards goals, dreams and more fulfilment ; that IS empowering and hope-giving. 🌄We need direction and purpose, as much as we need air! 🌄So, we are allowed to have off-days, we are allowed to have down time, healing time and comfy days, but let’s not give up on growth, whatever that looks like for us 😊 #growthzone #stretchzone #lifedirection #lifepurpose #goalsetting #progressivelife #progressnotperfection #yoga #mindfulness #meditation #yogaheals #softstrengthyogaandwellness #softstrengthpainyogacoach #chronicillness #chronicpain #selfcare #selfconnection https://www.instagram.com/p/CDJVZ1MgTh1/?igshid=55au0wj063c0
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💆‍♀️This is tomorrow! 🧘Still time to register 🙂 💆‍♀️Do you long to feel a little more ease in your body? 💆‍♀️Do you long to feel a little less struggle with yourself, with your body and mind. 💆‍♀️If you have chronic illness, struggling not to struggle (!) May be a common phenomenon, sadly. 💆‍♀️With this taster session you can dip your toe into what relevance yoga and mindfulness may have for you in your journey to more ease and less struggle. 🧘Please email me asap to register: [email protected] 💆‍♀️It's free or by Donation 💆‍♀️Join my FB community also for Meditations, vlogs, inspiration, mini challenges and more to come. Link here and in bio bit.ly/SSFBComm1 #therapeuticyoga #yogaforpain #yogaforstress #yogaforchronicillness #yogaforchronicpain #yogaheals #mindfulawareness #mindfulnessforpain #softstrengthyogaandwellness #softstrengthpainyogacoach #selfcare #selfconnection https://www.instagram.com/p/CDGPo0WgkWL/?igshid=e66sy0zxaomx
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🛤️It’s what we do in the moments that often makes up the course of our life. 🛤️Actions we take consistently become our habits, well-trodden paths 🛤️If we can forge paths that take us where we don’t want to perhaps we can start forging paths that do. 🛤️I know it’s easier said than done And when you’ve been stuck in a rut or a comfort zone for a long time, it may feel terrifying to do something different 🛤️So start small, what’s one teeny tiny action you could take consistently that would take you in the direction that you do want to go? #positivechoices #positiveactioncommunity #momentsofawareness #mindfulmoments #liveaware #actionforchange #growthmindset #transformation #newroads #smallshift #softstrengthyogaandwellness #softstrengthpainyogacoach #consciousliving #consistentaction #newpaths #meditationcircle #meditation #mindfulness #yogaheals #paincoach https://www.instagram.com/p/CC3mB07g1yW/?igshid=1fk4rxk9j6r6d
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🌄The sun shines into and illuminates the darkest of places, cleansing them, making them beautiful or bringing to light what needs some attention. 🌄It's the same with our awareness. 🌄It brings out of the shadows our cracks, breaks, wounds. 🌄The ones we didn't even know were there. 🌄The ones we disowned or pushed away. 🌄Then we can reclaim them, acknowledge maybe even heal them. 🌄We can become more authentic, vulnerable beings, cracks and all. 🌄What we don't own will own and dominate us. 🌄Lets be beautified by acknowledgment of our imperfections, not run by them. Honesty is bravery. 🌄Let's gain some insight into ourselves and bring some light to who we are and why. 🌄This is the path to choice, freedom and growth 🧘Join me for Sunday Meditation ⭕ on zoom 815-9pm UK DM me for the link or find the link inside my FB community: bit.ly/SSFBComm1 active link in bio 🧘Join the therapeutic yoga series, all or single Sessions, Starts Mon 20th Jul. All events are by Donation paypal.me/softstrength #perspectives #awareness #meditation #selfknowledge #mindfulness #yoga #growth #shadowwork #selfhealing #selfcare #selfconnection #selfactualisation #radicalacceptance #vulnerability #liveaware #softstrengthyogaandwellness #softstrengthpainyogacoach #softstrength #transformation #consciousliving #yogablog #meditationcircle #therapeuticyoga https://www.instagram.com/p/CCxvsCfAonX/?igshid=jfjosqk5p3ux
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The path of awareness is the path of growth and awakening.. Our awareness or consciousness is the most powerful thing we possess Let's invest it wisely.. to shine light upon what serves us and what does not so we can be more authentically ourselves 🙂 What are you discovering? #lightofawareness #selfawarenessjourney #selfaware #selfconnection #selfawarenes #meditation #mindfulness #meditationcircle #habitsthatserve #softstrengthyogaandwellness #softstrengthyogaandpaincoaching #softstrengthpainyogacoach #softstrength #yoga https://www.instagram.com/p/CCs_qF2ADZ2/?igshid=fu3nfky46myn
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🎯Change and transformation, requires that we do things differently 🎯This can go against our familiar grain, it's uphill to start with 🎯But starting with a small goal that could make a big difference in your life is a good place to start. 🎯Choosing a small change that you know would yield a lot of value or growth for your life. 🚢Just as a ship when it sets asail. If it shifts it's course just a few degrees it can reach a vastly different destination. In the same way we can shift our life course positively by just a small change, if we do it consistently. 🚢What low effort change do you know would make the biggest difference in your life? #change #growth #transformation #positivedirections #progressivelife #selfactualisation #unfolding #reflectiveliving #consciousliving #meditation #mindfulness #yogaheals #goalsetting #values #valueddirection #newroads #newpaths #liveaware #stretchzone #growthzone #growthmindset #painyogacoach #paincoaching #paincoach #softstrengthyogaandwellness #softstrengthpainyogacoach #softstrength #chronicillness #livewell #livingwithpain https://www.instagram.com/p/CC_wFaNAEE_/?igshid=qwsgoe7261wj
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