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Streaming everywhere Midnight! JuneBug (Slowed) • Be awake in dream with me, there’s no other place you’ll ever want to be🖤 • #newmusic #slowedandreverb #artistsoninstagram #musicians #musicismylife #summertime #seasonschange #makeyourmove #vibecheck #vibegenerators #streaming #spotify #spotifyplaylist #spotifyplaylistcurator #spotifyplaylistsubmission #applemusic #applemusicplaylist (at Out West) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqb6eQbrfyL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Happy First Day Of Spring 🪺🌞🌺🌈☔🪻 Oh what a glorious splending way to begin Spring Equinox. Oh how Nevada paints her skies in such a magical beauty and ahhh. My breath leaves me and my eyes water. The beauty is just so pure and absolutely glorious. 💖💞Love me a good sunrise 🌄
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iPhone 8 + ShakeItPhoto
Not at the same time, but one after the other, the pair of Chinkapin Oaks out front have finally dropped all their leaves.
Winter is nearing, but we still need lots of rain.
C'mon, El Niño, work your magic.
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Celebrate seasons' change and wondrous waterfalls with views of Sycamore Canyon.

Ready to chase waterfalls and immerse yourself in the beauty of Sycamore Canyon? Join us as we celebrate the wonders of the seasons and the joy they bring.
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✨ N - S ✨
Here you can find an extensive list of writers for the fandom worth following! If you’re a writer for Pedro characters (or you know about a writer) not on this list, let us know and we’ll update it as soon as possible!
As PPCU fanfics don’t have a universal tag we could track, we would like to ask you to please tag @pedrostories in your post, or if you’re not using taglists anymore, #pedrostories in your tags under your post so the blog members won’t miss any of your updates. 💚
Due to some tumblr bug we can’t tag every writer in one post, so we divided the list to different posts in alphabetical order.
✦ 0 - C ✦
✦ D - I ✦
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@nerdieforpedro @netherfeildren @never--doubt @nexusnyx @no-droids @nobedofroses @noisynaia @nonexistent-introvert @nora-malfoypotter @not-the-droid @nothoughtsjustmeds @notjustjavierpena @noxturnalnymph
@obsessedwithpedritoofc @odetodilfs @ohheyitsokay @older-men-are-sexy-okay @oliviajdjarin @omg-foreverfilledwithweird-posts @omgreally @oogaboogasphincter @oonajaeadira @orcasoul @oscarseyebrow @ozarkthedog
@pagesfromthevoid @palioom @papipedroo @papurgaatika @pascalisbaby @pascalispretty @pascalisthepunkest @pascalpanic @pascalpvnk @pascals-doll @pascalscoffin @pascalssbabyy @pascalslittlebrat @pasukiyo @pebblesmustard @pedge-page @pedgeitopascal @pedgito @pedrito-friskito @pedro-pascal-love @pedropascalsx @pedros-mustache @pedroshotwifey @pedrosmypapi @pedrostylez @perropascal @peterparkersnose @pennyserenade @penvisions @pettyprocrastination @pforpedro @pilotispunk @pintsizemama @perotovar @polaroidpascal @popcornforone @pr0ximamidnight @princessanglophile @prolix-yuy @promisingyounglady @psychedelic-ink @pumpkin-stars @punkshort
@queridopascal @quinnnfabrgay-writes
@radiowallet @rainy-day-gracie @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @randofantfic @rayslittlekitten @ravensmadreads @razrbladekiss @redahlia-writes @redcrvette @refined-by-fire @requestomaestro @rhoorl @rina-cyarika-writing
@sanarsi @saradika @scarerjh @schnarfer @scribbledghost @scorpio-marionette @seasonschange-butpeopledont @second-axis-point @secretelephanttattoo @sempersirens @seventeenpins @sgt-morgan @shadowycupcakewitch @sharkbait77 @shellshocklove @silksaddle @sin-djarin @sinful-sonnet @sirowsky @sirtadcooper @sizzlingcloudmentality @slater-baby @sneetsnootyoit @snshineandgnpwdr @softlyspector @softcoreparadise @softstarlite @softpascalito @something-tofightfor @songsformonkeys @soullumii @soylaprincessa @sp00kycrumpet @sp00kymulderr @space-cowboys-and-aliens @spacebaby1 @spacecowboyhotch @stardustandskycrystals @starlightmornings @starry-eyes-love @storiesofthefandomlovers @storyarcscribe @strang3lov3 @stwbrywhiskeysour @stylesispunk @studioghibelli @sunshinehaze1 @supernaturalgirl20 @suzdin @syndxlla @sugarcoated-lame @sweetenerobert @swiftispunk @syd-djarin @sydneyinacoma
✦ T - Z ✦
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Search for your name + core on Pinterest to create a moodboard!
Thank you lovely @maggiemayhemnj for the tag, this was fun! 💖

Tags if you wanna: @massivecolorspygiant @myloversarebookss @insomniamamma (duh, not me forgetting you tagged me first! here's my moodboard thank you sm for the tag, mwah!) @seasonschange-butpeopledont and anyone else who wants to play!
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Ade weekend ✔️ now on my way to start the renovation in 2025
#Bonding #DomesticLife #Enjoyment #Food #Eating #FoodAndDrink #FullLength #Friendship #Footwear #barnabyishere🌊 #seasonschange #crew_life #2025film
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Fading Seasons, Unfading Hope 🍂✨
As January fades, so do old memories—but even bare branches dream of spring. 🌳💭
The end of a month, the end of a chapter, but never the end of hope. ✨
#FridayFeeling #DreamingOfSpring #LostAndHopeful #SeasonsChange #HealingHeart
#lgbtq#lesbian#wlw#sapphic#wallpaper#queerpoetry#sheherlove#autumn vibes#cold winter#seasonal#month#january#growth#acceptance#understanding#courage#reality change
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sugar water
It's a Georgia summer. The air is thick and the plates are big. Gas is cheap.
It's my first time outside of California in a long time.
i’m here to see a baby.firstborn to the firstborn of a firstborn. to me, this has to mean something. to meet at this juncture, our generational chance at reconcile. at undoing. forgiving. forgiven. forgave. circles full circling. fullstop. she doesn’t cry.she looks like a womanshe will only know by her likenessand carries like a symbolof turnover and seasonschanging the way most quiet babies do. we buy diapers and onesies from a store that also sells ammoand spend the next four daysin georgia. on the third day,i hold a gun for the first time. it’s heavier than i’d expectedand carries like a symboleven heavier still, somethinglike staring into the sun. my first shot fires like making eye contact with a god i don’t believein. eventually, i get over it and spray another ninety nine rounds through a paper manand then it’s just good old southern fun after that. adrenaline wells up in my core and feels both warm and sinful. the men working the gun range make simple funwhen they return my californiadriver’s license because they believe they possessa higher understanding of the essence of freedom. they believe it to be a deafening and sulfuricforce, proxyfor the violent. definedby state lines, having anything atall to do with guns. this is not that beacon i knowshines in my understanding the essence of my burden in guilt and shame andsin and grief. i know the way my fingertips stain with the funk of wet newspapermixed with garlic. howi’ll then forget andrub my eyes. how i’ll cry. how i’ll weep, actually. oh, the way i weep! how i keepcoming back to this. in my language,free is something of a silentexorcism. it’s howbabies keep being born. beingsorry and true. it’s tuckedsomewhere in betweenthe paper petals ofa lifetime of healing. it’s whyi’m here in georgia, workingat the arduous task ofseparating wheat and chaff and loving unconditionally.
right before the gift shop of the world of coca-cola, one of atlanta’s more popular tourist attractions, there is a room littered with clear plastic cups and fountains upon fountains of all of coca-cola’s international flavors for visitors to sample. the floor is coated with a tacky syrupy layer of soda and fills the place with the smacks and squeaks of the rush toward drink. this is where it happens. my mom calls me from los angeles to tell me grandma is not okay. she’s unconscious, on a ventilator, and apparently there’s a tooth in her lung. she had inhaled it in the thick of her artificial breathing. we’re pretty sure it’s for real this time. her voice is still and so is mine. we know. there have been false alarms before. once, my grandma had the whole family racing to her bedside. she even called her pastor. we all crowded around in her bedroom while my grandpa sat in his chair just outside. we sang hymns and people prayed and wept over her. it would have been a most gorgeous ritual of departure and the opportune moment to die. then she lived five more years or something like that and we laughed about it a couple times, too. i can’t really remember when she wasn’t so fragile. she had a heart surgery a long time ago and i think after that is when she became like a leaf. when i would visit, i would quickly bow to my grandpa and then head over to her room. most times, she would be sleeping or playing games on her phone and somehow she would summon the strength to swat at me for not hanging out with her more. i would crawl into her bed gingerly so as not to rattle her and then i would teach her how to text or listen to her complain about her husband sitting in the other room.
after isaac died, my parents struggled to tell my grandparents the truth. i don’t blame them for that and never will. i don’t need to know their reasons. after that, i couldn’t bring myself to visit anymore and my parents didn’t blame me either. i couldn’t step into that stuffy one bedroom apartment in reseda where isaac was still here alive in this world with me, where he was just busy with school and being a teenage boy. i couldn’t do that kind of multidimensional time travel and manage to come out of its fictions unscathed. so i’m flying back to la, these thoughts floating around me. the deathbed as a beacon. a homing signal. moths to a flame. the truth drawn out. the truth in showing up. we land and don’t rush to the hospital. it’s different from the gravitational force that flung me toward my brother on the night of his death. we get there when we there. the hospital’s policy is two family members at a time. we wait our turn. there’s a jesus statue in the waiting room, pointing up with a broken finger. it’s our turn now, we get into the elevator, go up to the second floor, get out the elevator, follow the nurse to the room, look at all the other people in the room, open the curtain, close the curtain, try to feel alone with her. i don't know what i’m supposed to say or if i even have to say it out loud. i don't know if i'm supposed to tell her about isaac.
할머니 has been dead for three months. i go visit 할아버지. he's different now. the chair i sit in smells like cigarettes. her bedroom door is closed. the trash can is filled with empty yogurt cups and ash. there are fruit flies. he sprays raid bug spray and doesn't open the window. someone tells me that restaurant orange slices are dunked in sugar water and ice and then served to guarantee sweetness. you can’t just pay someone to taste all the oranges. that wouldn’t be very efficient. they don’t understand how i would taste all the oranges for free.
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Persephone: From Abduction to the Cycle of Seasons
In Greek mythology, Persephone is recognized as the symbol of fertility and rebirth, known for being abducted by Hades, the god of the underworld. This event is thought to explain the changing of the seasons. Her story is integral to understanding ancient Greek conceptions of the natural world, life, death, and renewal. #Persephone #GreekMythology #FertilityAndRebirth #SeasonsChange #UnderworldMyths #HadesAndPersephone #AncientMyths #MythologyLovers #SymbolismInMyths #NaturalWorldMyths
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if we're mutuals add me on the disco @seasonschangings
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Happy anniversary to Exposé's debut album, "Exposure". Released this week in 1987. #NationalExposureDay #expose #exposed #comegowithme #letmebetheone #pointofnoreturn #exposedtolove #seasonschange

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