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aijamisespava · 6 months ago
Eurovision Thoughts
Welcome back to Eurovision Thoughts. The part of the blog where I mention a random thing in Eurovision that I've been thinking about.
This week (and rather appropriately after discussing a 2014 entry), I want to discuss something I noticed about Finland's 2014 entry on streaming.
So, my favorite Finnish entry is 2014's "Something Better" by Softengine. And of course it's on my Spotify playlist (and in a WIP), and one day while I was listening to my music, it came up...and it sounded different.
The cover looked different (it was the UMK cover as opposed to their album cover), and it sounded different...but BETTER? I like this new version and wanted to share my thoughts about it. If they sent what looks to be the UMK version, I still would have liked it all the same! :)
That's all for today's Eurovision Thought!
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musictomyremember · 2 years ago
Softengine - Something Better (Finland) LIVE Eurovision Song Contest 201...
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littledrummerangie · 10 months ago
when Eurovision songs are not as fun and good as they used to be so it's time to revisit the good old ones...
...like Alcohol is Free and Moustache.
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melpcmene · 3 months ago
spotify wrapped starter. | 🎁 | a dragon perhaps? spyro? dealer's choice | @tidesbled ( yellow house - softengine )
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“ maybe i'm moderate but i'm not afraid. ” the blue ninja huffed, arms crossed over his chest.
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omppupiiras · 1 year ago
after thinking so much about past eurovision songs today, just for funsies i wanted to rank my top 10 finnish eurovision entries of all time but could only come up with 9......... anyways here they are:
9. 2006 - Lordi
ofc lordi has to be on the list. iconic. but the song is not really to my taste 🙈
8. 1984 - Kirka
oldie but a goldie. a very classic and fell known finnish song, and he looked so happy performing it, that makes me like it even more :D
7. 2011 - Paradise Oskar
at the time I remember being kinda bummed he performed 1st in the finale, i thought he would've gotten more points if he'd had a better spot :( i liked it then and thought it deserved better
6. 1987 - Virve Rosti
for some reason i absolutely LOVED her music as a child. and she's got pipes man. this song is an absolute classic too
5. 2014 - Softengine
idk i think this song sounds nice
4. 2008 - Teräsbetoni
I'm a bad finn I don't really like heavy metal but this song slaps!! hevillä ei hävitä! vaikka tällä hävittiin
3. 2021 - Blind Channel
do I even have to say anything. back then I thought their ranking would be the best Finland would be getting for a while...
2. 1982 - Kojo
this song never fails to make me laugh so for that in my heart it's a winner (it got 0 points)
AND NUMBER ONE ............ do i even have to link it you know who it is!!!
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because-its-eurovision · 2 years ago
The vibes you give off hmm...you really like rock music maybe?))
Spot on 😄 Lordi & Teräsbetoni were really the gateway drug for me for watching Eurovision every year, and when I saw Softengine I decided I needed to see the show live. I was a huge metalhead from around 16 to 26 years old before I started to gravitate more towards the diversity of genres in Eurovision, but some of my favourite entries are still very heavy.
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 years ago
4 9 21 for the ask game :D
4: A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about
uhhh. boys will be bugs by cavetown. junior/senior year was an Experience
9: A song that makes you happy
to the sky by owl city!! yes the song from that one owl movie. it makes me stim like crazy when i listen to it i love it so much
21: A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
OH that's hard. i have an entire playlist dedicated to songs about/referencing greek mythology and like 90% of them have a name in the title. out of those . . . probably narcisuss by softengine? also any song titled icarus but that's just because i'm biased
[music asks]
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totaldramafan-lauri · 2 years ago
I-I was gonna make this post tomorrow, but.....w-well, for good reason, I just can’t stop thinking about it, and I’ve been thinking about it all day, so.....I-I’m gonna get it out right now....
I’m super happy that I got out of the semifinals in better shape than I expected! I only lost two of my top seven, meaning that I now have a solid top five for the final without pushing any borderlines in there!
So, cuz I love all five of these songs, I’m gonna go over my hopes for each of them in the final, and how I think they’ll all do with the juries now in the picture! Cuz why not? I’m excited! I-I dunno how long this’ll be, so read only if you really wanna! XD
Australia: Top ten finish
Obviously, I flipping love this song with every fiber of my being, but I’m not predicting any more than this. I don’t think it’s a front-runner....and I don’t WANT it to be, cuz I’ve always been against Australia winning Eurovision. But this amazing song deserves to be in the top ten, and I think it’s a safe bet for such a result. I think it’ll be in the top ten in the televote EASILY, after they blew the roof off the arena yesterday. Multiple video reactions and tweets I’ve seen have even said that Australia might’ve won the second semi, and....I don’t agree with that (the Austrian entry was easily the most popular song there), but they definitely went down REALLY WELL live, which is why they got such a big response. I don’t have to worry about their televote score.
But....I have NO IDEA how it’ll go down with the juries. Metal is a very.....love-it-or-hate-it genre, and it comes down to how many jurors are on the “love it” side. Obviously, the live performance is great, so I’m not worried about that part! Instead, everything is riding on the song itself. I know the juries do also pay attention to stage presence tho, so I hope that means they won’t outright overlook Australia even if they don’t dig the genre. We’ll see.
I don’t think they’ll trouble the top five, either way. Instead, later on, if we find out they DID win their semi once the results are revealed, then that’ll be their consolation prize. XD
Finland: Top five finish
I REALLY want them to win. I REALLY REALLY REEEEAAAALLYYYYY want them to win. But, I also don’t like making hard predictions on winners, so I won’t do that here. I think top five is a safe bet at this point - it’s a massive fan-favorite and will likely have an enormous televote score. Even if they don’t win, a top five finish will still be HUGE for Finland, and something to be proud of when you look back at their history. Finland have been consistently one of the most unlucky, underrated countries in Eurovision, year after year, either failing to qualify or qualifying and then placing towards the bottom of the scoreboard, with only THREE exceptions in their entire run - Lordi’s win, Softengine’s 11th place, and Blind Channel’s 6th place. AKA, they haven’t been in the top five since Lordi. That’s TRAGIC if you ask me, considering how many good entries they’ve had that deserved so much better.....About TIME they turned their fortune around!
So, yeah, I’ll be ecstatic if they win, but even being in the top five will be great too.
When if comes to Finland vs. Sweden....I love both songs, I really do. Sweden are actually my number six now, so just BARELY outside this top five. Both songs will be great winners to me. Not to mention that both would be landmarks for different reasons (If Sweden win, this’ll be their seventh win, FINALLY tying Ireland’s record, which they deserve. AND this’ll be their second win with the same artist. If Finland win, it’ll be their second win EVER, AND they’ll have beaten Sweden to get it.) But I am firmly on Team Finland.
However, Finland are....a-at a disadvantage. I have no flipping idea what the juries will think of them at ALL, and that scares me, cuz SO MUCH is riding on their jury score. That will literally determine if they’ll be able to beat Sweden!
If Sweden win the jury vote, and Finland aren’t that far behind, then Finland’ll manage to win with the boost from the televote (unless Sweden’s televote score is higher than theirs, which I don’t think will happen). If Sweden win the jury vote, and Finland are, like....a fair ways down the scoreboard, especially on the right side, then the televote might not be enough, and Sweden will win. EVERYTHING depends on Finland’s jury score.
D-don’t get me wrong, I’ll be happy with Sweden winning and Finland in the top five, but still, thinking of this still stresses me out a lot......
(Also, there’s the matter of the elephant in the room: There will still be people dogpiling televotes on Ukraine. It won’t be nearly as much as last year - we don’t have to worry about Ukraine doing the double - but they’ll still be stealing some points from other countries.....Finland included.....) (And finally, people are saying France might be the darkhorse with the power to contest Finland vs. Sweden, but I’m not really buying it right now, cuz who knows? Even if people love France’s song, and even if it’s performed super well, it’s still possible that everyone could have a collective brain fart and forget to vote for them. Hey, I was there last year.....But if this DOES happen somehow, Finland will still finish in the top five)
Norway: Top ten finish
This is an easy prediction to make. Once again, I don’t think I have to worry about their televote score. People LOVE this song. BUT, unlike my top two, I....I actually think I’m confident the juries will love this too! I think all-rounder Norway will score highly in both votes, but won’t be a front-runner. MAYBE top five is possible, but I won’t get my hopes up with how strong the competition is....like, I’ll make a top five off the top of my head right now, and it won’t include Norway: *ahem* Sweden, Finland, France, Ukraine, UK. See? Or even Sweden, Finland, France, Ukraine, Israel. Point is, there’s a lotta fan-favorites in this final that could end up in any order after the top two, and Norway’s one of them. Thus, top ten.
If I had to guess which one will place higher between Norway and Australia, I’d say Norway.
Poland: DON’T FLOP (right side of the scoreboard)
Oh dear god the juries are gonna eat this poor song alive.....And by eat it alive, I mean ignore it, which is just as bad. I’m still floored that this even made it to the final at ALL, to be honest.....I’m still convinced that it was by a slim margin of, like, five to ten points or something. This song has gotten SO much hate, and now it’s here, and I......I-I still love it. But it’s just a super catchy pop song, and that’s it! No amazing vocals or anything! It’s just there to make you smile, not impress you musically! At least the staging is good, and the dance break they added is super fun, but PFFFFFFFFF no way the JURIES are gonna vote for this thing. I’m not expecting them to place any higher than 20th, to be honest. I don’t want them to FLOP, and I do think their televote score will be juuuuuuust high enough to prevent that? Like, maybe it’ll be in the double digits? But that’ll all I can say for sure. I don’t think it’ll be RIGHT at the bottom once the televotes come in, but if this places dead last in the jury vote, I wouldn’t be surprised.
Keep in mind: I LIKE THIS SONG A LOT. But how the heck is it still here? XD
Moldova: Mid (11th-15th?)
I think Moldova could do well enough in both votes to place just outside the top ten somewhere. It’s not a fan-favorite or anything, but it’s a beautiful and unique song with unique staging, and I think the juries will pay enough attention to it for that. I don’t rememeber how good the live vocals were, unfortunately.....off the top of my head, I remember him sounding....fine? Not bad? So it won’t flop. Even tho I was surprised they qualified, on second thought, there’ll be nothing else in the final that sounds like this. I don’t think they’ll be overlooked that easily (unless they get unlucky in the running order and come right after a fan-favorite, or between fan-favorites, which....ouch, please don’t do that to them)
Both of Moldova’s scores will be pretty good, but far from the best they’ve ever done. I think this’ll, coincidentally, do about as well as Mr. Parfeni’s last entry did (which came 11th). More likely worse than better.
And.....that’s it! I-I’m so excited.......I-I’m usually this way the day before the final anyway, but....h-having two songs I love being the potential winners just makes that excitement worse! Th-this voting sequence is gonna be insane.......I mean, like usual, pfffff........
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jjmorelikeotp · 2 years ago
I do not gaf about it honestly, but like can we pls have softengine back
Okay, seriously though, do you actually like Eurovision?
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aijamisespava · 1 year ago
Wrapped 2023 (Aijamisespava Edition!)
Oookay, taking a break from my messenger role in Eurovision Land to bring you something different (buckle up, this is going to get long). Yesterday was Spotify Wrapped, and while I'm off celebrating my favorite songs that made it to that top 100 list, I also become a wild statistician and bring you my stats.
General Stats: Well...I listened for 139,902 minutes (more than my friends and family), my top artist was Taylor Swift with Evanescence, Panic! At The Disco, My Chemical Romance, and Loïc Nottet rounding out my top 5. I'd go into my top 5 songs but.....Loïc Nottet took 3rd and 4th with "Mélodrame" and "Mud Blood" respectively. What about the rest? That's what I'm here for.
Welcome to my Eurovision 2023. Any Eurovision song that makes my Spotify Wrapped is in my Grand Final. So countries can participate as many times as they appear. So here is my list. I'll have their actual placement on my Wrapped in parenthesis.
Latvia 2023: "Aijā" by Sudden Lights (1)
Serbia 2023: "Samo Mi Se Spava" by Luke Black (2)
Türkiye 2010: "We Could Be The Same" by maNga (5)
Switzerland 2021: "Tout l'univers" by Gjon's Tears (7)
Norway 2023: "Queen Of Kings" by Alessandra (9)
Australia 2023: "Promise" by Voyager (12)
Slovenia 2023: "Carpe Diem" by Joker Out (13)
Czechia 2023: "My Sister's Crown" by Vesna (14)
Georgia 2023: "Echo" by Iru (15)
Italy 2023: "Due Vite" by Marco Mengoni (17)
Armenia 2023: "Future Lover" by Brunette (19)
Austria 2023: "Who The Hell Is Edgar?" by Teya + Salena (20)
Lithuania 2023: "Stay" by Monika Linkyte (23)
Finland 2023: "Cha Cha Cha" by Käärijä (26)
France 2023: "Évidemment" by La Zarra (27)
Romania 2023: "D.G.T. (Off And On)" by Theodor Andrei (29)
United Kingdom 2023: "I Wrote A Song" by Mae Muller (31)
Australia 2016: "Sound Of Silence" by Dami Im (48)
Czechia 2022: "Lights Off" by We Are Domi (49)
Switzerland 2020: "Répondez-moi" by Gjon's Tears (52)
Bulgaria 2017: "Beautiful Mess" by Kristian Kostov (53)
Greece 2022: "Die Together" by Amanda Tenfjord (56)
Sweden 2015: "Heroes" by Måns Zelmerlöw (59)
Finland 2014: "Something Better" by Softengine (60)
Belgium 2015: "Rhythm Inside" by Loïc Nottet (61)
Italy 2014: "La Mia Città" by Emma (64)
Austria 2022: "Halo" by LUM!X and PIA MARIA (68)
Russia 2016: "You Are The Only One" by Sergey Lazarev (69)
Belarus: "Forever" by ALEKSEEV (72)
Denmark 2013: "Only Teardrops" by Emmelie de Forest (73)
Ireland 2020: "Story Of My Life" by Lesley Roy (79)
Ireland 2022: "That's Rich" by Brooke (87)
Ukraine 2017: "Time" by O. Torvald (93)
Finland 2022: "Jezebel" by The Rasmus (96)
Cyprus 2021: "El Diablo" by Elena Tsagrinou (97)
Moldova 2010: "Run Away" by Sunstroke Project (100)
Honorable mentions go to "Gladiator" by Jann and "Novi Plan Drugi San" by Filip Baloš for making my Wrapped at 21 and 32, respectively. They may not have made it to the Eurovision stage, but they have a soft spot in my heart. Unfortunately, I did not have any Junior Eurovision songs make it. But if they did, they would be listed.
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disorqer · 1 year ago
joskus leikin et on vuosi 2014 sit selaan monta tuntia yöllä jotain kusisia softengine tumblr postauksia 10 vuoden takaa ja viihdytän itseäni
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jjmorelikeotp · 2 years ago
Softengine deserved what happened to maneskin i said what i said
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kaaraistava · 2 years ago
I would like to add Paradise Oscar and Softengine to this list
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because-its-eurovision · 2 years ago
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Eurovision 2014 Postcards: Finland
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escmemesandstuff · 4 years ago
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Finland’s best three results, everyone.
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guysofeurovision · 3 years ago
what do you think about the lead singer of softengine (finland 2014)? I don’t know what he looks like right now but looking at their performance in 2014, he sure is a hottie 🫣
You're right, I admit I've almost never shared pics of this buddy... It's because I've never been into him, I don't find him attractive but I promise I'll keep an eye out on future cool pics!
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