#soft shell turtles have become a favorite
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lostrealities0 · 1 year ago
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I'm fucking sobbing
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S t r e t c h
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mochiimadness · 2 years ago
hi 👋🏽 can I please request some hcs for Leo & Donnie (individually) with an S/O who’s a sea monster (like from the movie Luca)??
Sorry for the long wait! Hope you enjoy ^^
I love sea monster characters sm
Rise! Leo and Donnie (separately!) with a sea monster S/O!
Neon Leon
Leo thinks your sea monster form is amazing!
Especially if you have hair
You're telling him not only can you have wonderful locks-
It also turns into frills/scales?!
He will always stare in awe during your transformations
Or as he says
"Trans-mer-ations- eh, eh??? Get it? Like a mer-"
We get it, Leo.
Makes a ton of sea related puns
"Huh, something seems fishy here, and I don't mean you, S/O." *Wink*
If you like the puns, good for you! He'll make a ton!
If you don't, he legally cannot stop in accordance to the laws of the universe, sorry.
Just kidding!
He will stop if the jokes make you uncomfortable, don't worry ^^
He's also amazed at just how much faster you are in the water
Your tail looks beautiful but it packs a punch!
Leo leaps back when you slam your tail into an incoming angry yokai
They go flying
Literally gets sent past multiple buildings
And you??
You just turn back around with a smile like it was nothing
"How- you just- Woah!"
You've rendered him speechless, congrats!
He's thoroughly impressed.
Although he doesn't absolutely love the water,
He still enjoys it!
He likes to go swimming with you
And since he's a turtle, he can stay underwater with you for quite a while!
While underwater, he loves to do the red eared slider flutter motion
This means he'll gently tap his hands to the sides of your face
It's his way of saying he loves and appreciates you!
You two will also have mini competitions to see who could do the most tricks in the water
You usually win these,
Using your tail to help propel yourself into high flips
Kind of like a dolphin!
Leo still puts up a good fight though!
You both have a whale of a time
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Don Tron
When Donnie first met you he double- no, triple checked his scanners because he couldn't believe his eyes
You're an actual sea monster!?
This is a scientific breakthrough!
He's absolutely fascinated with you
With you permission,
He takes down notes and runs tests on you
"How do your scales disappear? Are they still there but just a different color?? Where does your tail go????"
While you may not have all the answers, you still do your best to help ^^
He genuinely thinks your sea monster form is cool!
He's not that surprised at your strength
But he still finds it amazing
You just tipped over an entire boat like it was nothing!
"That deserves at least 80 cool points."
He actually has a tally of how many cool/scary/rad points everyone has
As a soft shelled turtle,
He feels at home in the water
Absolutely loves to go swimming with you
It's one of his favorite past times!
While he may not have a strong tail like you,
He's actually able to keep up decently well with you!
You both often have races and set up under water obstacle courses
You two compete so often, it's actually become a sort of challenge in the lair
The fam will place bets on who will win this time
Donnie does construct some water proof tech to help out,
And in return you get to pull out all the stops and swim without needing to hold back
"Loser has to buy pizza for a month!"
"Oh you're on!"
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Hello! I hope you enjoyed. Sorry for the super long wait!
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ttheggrimrreaper · 3 months ago
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Two Turtle Doves
(12 days of Christmas, Day 2)
Nagi Seshiro X NB!Reader (Ft.Reo Mikage)
"NAGI! stop eating the pecans!" Reo leaped across the kitchen, stealing the bowl from your boyfriend, who was currently laying halfway on the counter and sitting on a chair. The roasted pecans slowly being picked away by him.
"Reo.. just hand me the pecans, we still gotta cut them up." Today, you were making chocolate turtles.. and to mix it up, you found the cutest dove molds. So chocolate turtle doves! Sounds adorable right? Not cute enough for Nagi to want to actually do anything but it's fine, that's was Reo was for. Reo handed you the bowl, pouring them up you began chopping while Reo washed the dishes.
"Sei, my dearest sloth, would you please get the caramel from the cabinet?" The snow haired boy lifted his head at the sound of his nickname. He nodded his head slightly before slowly dragging himself off the chair and to the cabinet. Opening up the cabinet and grabbing the bag of soft caramel you had purchased. Sometimes Nagi never understood you.. Reo was more than willing to buy everything you could want for you but you just wanted to buy it yourself. Opening the bag and stealing one of the candies as he sat back down.
"thank you!" You hummed as Reo whipped off his hands and grabbed the bag of caramel, pouring the candies into the pot to melt. You pouted ever so slightly as you read over the ingredients, running to the fridge to grab the condensed milk. Measuring out everything and mixing it together to make the other part of it. Now you just needed the caramel. You did start to temper the chocolate however, wanting to be well prepared for anything.
Unbeknownst to you, Nagi had given up on chewing the caramel, and having gone back to the now chopped up pecans. He should agree to stay while you bake more often, he gets food and doesn't have to go through the hassle of preparing it himself. Plus, he got to hang out with you. His favorite things in the world, you, soccer, and no hassle. Maybe Reo on a good day but you never know.
"Nagi! Again, we need those!" You heard Reo say from behind you. You were facing the stove top, melting down chocolate, Reo, by the sound of it, was trying to pour in the caramel. You heard some shuffling,and then you were forced to slump over. Nagi currently leaning on you.
"Sei... Come on now" you huffed, trying not to be pushed into the chocolate. He just grunted in response, Reo being kind enough to you to pull him off. From the corner of your eyes, you could see the heartbroken look in eyes. But nevertheless, you must prevail and resist the urge to comfort him. Pouring the melted chocolate into the molds of the doves, then tapping it to create a shell you hummed.
"were... We're supposed to freeze the turtle first." You heard Reos voice, you paused... Well shit.
"... We're gonna improvi-"
"Nagi Seshiro stop eating the turtle!!!!" Reo shouted once more causing you to spin around and finishing off whatever turtle remained on his fingers. He didn't even rush, making sure to take his time while cleaning off his fingers. You huffed, grabbing the bowl and putting the unfrozen turtle into the half molds, then melting down the other side and attaching it before putting in the freezer.
"how long until we can eat them?" Nagi voiced from over your shoulder.
"You're still hungry?" You shut the freezer and turned to him, Reo occupied by dishes once more.
"Mhm." He nodded, staring at you with half lidded eyes as he sucked on a spoon, specifically the one used to mix the chocolate.
"okay well.. Enough of that, and in about... An hour?" You took the spoon from him and tossed it in the sink. Suddenly becoming something for him to slump against, just when you thought that's how bad it would get, he pulled out his phone. Not bothering to turn down the blasting noise of the game. Resting on the sofa, Nagi rests his head in your lap. You let yourself slowly drift off... Baking was harder than it looked.
You awoke after a couple of minutes.. or maybe a few more than a couple, later. Reo gone, and Nagi currently playing a game while eating one of the doves. "Didn't care to wake me up?"
"Reo told me to let you sleep." He replied, immediately shoving the last part of the dove into your mouth.
"ac- Mm.. thanks Sei." You spoke after you managed to chew the dove, thankfully it worked out better than you had initially guessed. You chuckled as he whipped away some of the excess chocolate from your bottom lip. "Your adorable Sei"
"says you,... But thanks Y/n"
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legend-collection · 1 year ago
A kappa is a reptiloid kami with similarities to yōkai found in traditional Japanese folklore. Kappa can become harmful when they are not respected as gods. They are typically depicted as green, human-like beings with webbed hands and feet and turtle-like carapaces on their backs. A depression on its head, called its "dish" (sara), retains water, and if this is damaged or its liquid is lost (either through spilling or drying up), the kappa is severely weakened.
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Pic by Duncan Hopkins
The kappa are known to favor cucumbers and love to engage in sumo wrestling. They are often accused of assaulting humans in water and removing a mythical organ called the shirikodama from their victim's anus.
The name kappa is a contraction of the words kawa (river) and wappa, a variant form of 童 warawa (also warabe) "child". Another translation of kappa is "water sprites". The kappa are also known regionally by at least eighty other names such as kawappa, kawako, kawatarō, gawappa, kōgo, suitengu.
It is also called kawauso 'otter', dangame 'soft-shelled turtle', and enkō 'monkey', suggesting it outwardly resembles these animals. The name komahiki or "steed-puller" alludes to its reputed penchant to drag away horses.
The kappa has been known as kawako in Izumo (Shimane Prefecture) where Lafcadio Hearn was based, and gatarō was the familiar name of it to folklorist Kunio Yanagita from Hyōgo Prefecture.
Kappa are said to be roughly humanoid in form and about the size of a child, inhabiting the ponds and rivers of Japan. Clumsy on land, they are at home in the water, and thrive during the warm months. They are typically greenish in color (or yellow-blue), and either scaly or slimy skinned, with webbed hands and feet, and a turtle-like carapace on their back. Inhuman traits include three anuses that allow them to pass three times as much gas as humans. Despite their small stature they are physically stronger than a grown man.
The kappa are sometimes said to smell like fish, and they can swim like them.
According to some accounts, a kappa's arms are connected to each other through the torso and can slide from one side to the other. While they are primarily water creatures, they do on occasion venture onto land. When they do, the "dish" on their head can be covered with a metal cap for protection.
A hairy kappa is called a hyōsube.
Kappa are usually seen as kami of the water. Their actions are from comparatively minor misdemeanors, such as looking up women's kimono if they venture too near to water, to outright malevolence, such as drowning people and animals, kidnapping children, raping women and at times eating human flesh. Though sometimes menacing, they may also behave amicably towards humans. While younger kappa are frequently found in family groups, adult kappa live solitary lives. However, it is common for kappa to befriend other yōkai and sometimes even people.
Folk beliefs claim the cucumber as their traditional favorite meal. At festivals, offerings of cucumber are frequently made to the kappa. Sometimes the kappa is said to have other favorite foods, such as the Japanese eggplant, soba (buckwheat noodles), nattō (fermented soybeans), or kabocha (Japanese pumpkin).
In Edo (old Tokyo), there used to be a tradition where people would write the names of their family members on cucumbers and send them afloat into the streams to mollify the kappa and prevent the family from coming to harm in the streams. In some regions, it was customary to eat cucumbers before swimming as protection, but in others it was believed that this act would guarantee an attack.
A cucumber-filled sushi roll is known as a kappamaki.
As water monsters, kappa have been blamed for drownings, and are often said to try to lure people into water and pull them in with their great skill at wrestling. They are sometimes said to take their victims for the purpose of drinking their blood, eating their livers, or gaining power by taking their shirikodama, a mythical ball said to contain the soul, which is located inside the anus.
Kappa have been used to warn children of the dangers lurking in rivers and lakes, as kappa have been often said to try to lure people to water and pull them in. Even today, signs warning about kappa appear by bodies of water in some Japanese towns and villages.
Kappa are also said to victimize animals, especially horses and cows. The motif of the kappa trying to drown a horse is found all over Japan.
Lafcadio Hearn wrote of a story in Kawachimura near Matsue where a horse-stealing kappa was captured and made to write a sworn statement vowing never to harm people again.
In many versions the kappa is dragged by the horse to the stable where it is most vulnerable, and it is there it is forced to submit a writ of promise not to misbehave.
It was believed that there were a few means of escape if one was confronted with a kappa. Kappa are obsessed with politeness, so if a person makes a deep bow, it will return the gesture. This results in the kappa spilling the water held in the "dish" (sara) on its head, rendering it unable to leave the bowing position until the plate is refilled with water from the river in which it lives. If a person refills it, the kappa will serve that person for all eternity. A similar weakness of the kappa involves its arms, which can easily be pulled from its body. If an arm is detached, the kappa will perform favours or share knowledge in exchange for its return.
Another method of defeat involves shogi or sumo wrestling: a kappa sometimes challenges a human being to wrestle or engage in other tests of skill. This tendency is easily used to encourage the kappa to spill the water from its sara. One notable example of this method is the folktale of a farmer who promises his daughter's hand in marriage to a kappa in return for the creature irrigating his land. The farmer's daughter challenges the kappa to submerge several gourds in water. When the kappa fails in its task, it retreats, saving the farmer's daughter from the marriage. Kappa have also been driven away by their aversion to iron, sesame, or ginger.
Kappa are not entirely antagonistic to human beings.
Once befriended, kappa may perform any number of tasks for human beings, such as helping farmers irrigate their land. Sometimes, they bring fresh fish, which is regarded as a mark of good fortune for the family receiving it. They are also highly knowledgeable about medicine, and legend states that they taught the art of bone setting to human beings. There are also legends that Kappa will save a friendly human from drowning.
Along with the oni and the tengu, the kappa is among the best-known yōkai in Japan.
The kappa is known by various names of the creature vary by region and local folklore. In Shintō, they are often considered to be an avatar (keshin) of the Water Deity or suijin.
Shrines are dedicated to the worship of kappa as water deity in such places as Aomori Prefecture or Miyagi Prefecture. There were also festivals meant to placate the kappa in order to obtain a good harvest, some of which still take place today. These festivals generally took place during the two equinoxes of the year, when the kappa are said to travel from the rivers to the mountains and vice versa.
The best known place where it has been claimed Kappa reside is in the Kappabuchi  waters of Tōno in the Iwate Prefecture. The nearby Jōkenji  In Tōno, there is a Buddhist temple that has komainu dog statues with depressions on their heads reminiscent of the water-retaining dish on the kappa's heads, said to be dedicated to the kappa which according to legend helped extinguish a fire at the temple. The Kappa is also venerated at the Sogenji Buddhist temple in the Asakusa district of Tokyo where according to tradition, a mummified arm of a Kappa is enshrined within the chapel hall since 1818.
In his Tōno Monogatari, Kunio Yanagita records a number of beliefs from the Tōno area about women being accosted and even impregnated by kappa. Their offspring were said to be repulsive to behold, and were generally buried.
Similar folklore can be found in Asia and Europe. Like the Japanese description of the beast, in Chinese and in Scandinavian lore this beast is infamous for kidnapping and drowning people as well as horses.
The siyokoy of the Philippine islands is also known for kidnapping children by the water's edge.
A frog-face vodyanoy is known in Slavic mythology. A green human-like being named a vodník is widely known in western Slavic folklore and tales, especially in the Czech Republic or Slovakia.
In German mythology, a similar creature is known as Wassermann, Nix, or Nickel. They have been mentioned in connection with the larger rivers Elbe and Saale in the eastern part of Germany, but they are most widely connected to Lusatia in South-East Germany. This is not entirely surprising, as the area is not only close to Poland and Czech Republic, but also home to the Slavic minority of the Sorbs.
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theladyheroine · 8 months ago
Types of Fairies 🧚‍♀️
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❥ Hello! Now this draft is definitely a long one, but I’ve recently thought of this & it seemed so much fun! Thank you & enjoy! Also have a good rest of your summer everyone! 👋🏽
Summer Fairies ☀️
Prefer living areas such as riversides or pond, maybe with some pretty vegetation. That way they can keep cool & still enjoy themselves during the day. Houses could be made out of large oversized shells, or using large leaves and lily pads to make walls or rooftops.
The only group of fairies that are willing to swim! Also the closest with marine animals and helps them care for their young. Such as teaching baby frogs or ducklings to swim, helping sea turtles find their way off the beach, or clearing waters for fish to swim!
Summer fairies can use their wings for shade since their wings are a bit larger than most. Much similar to how animals with big ears utilize them.
They have a lot of energy & love to go exploring! Usually one can be gone for hours before coming home with an armload of human stuff! Like cute buttons, bracelets, bottles, even some lost coins. Their rooms are a bit messy, but they make it work!
The besties with mermaids! Since they both live by the water, both species like to trade stories from their homelands while they braid each other’s hair (lol).
Autumn Fairies 🍁
These fairies typically live in tall sturdy trees, with their homes built along the thick branches or at the base of the trunks. While they usually utilize the gaps in the trees for their living space, you can also see a few little wooden homes in the area.
They’re also very good at camouflage since their wings are always various orangey caramel colors. Just like the fall leaves!
While they’re not as adventurous as the Summer fairies, they have just as much fun in the comfort of their home! Usually busying themselves with all sorts of crafts and artwork: painting, weaving, baking, or even building. In fact, autumn fairies are responsible in making most fairy homes and architecture.
Best friends to furry critters! It’s like the Disney Animal fairies in a sense, but these guys love spending time with all the little squirrels, rabbits, and birds as they prepare for winter. Although it can be tough work.
When it comes to their handiwork, autumn fairies can be very nitpicky. Even more so than the spring fairies! It doesn’t matter the craft, they’ll always want to try something different.
Winter Fairies ❄️
The most secluded of all fairies, but that’s likely due to the colder weather. These fairies typically live in small igloos along snowy hills or they make their homes from big openings in the icy cliffsides. But that sometimes makes it hard for visitors to reach them due to the high altitude.
Unlike other fairies, winter fairies are considered the most unique due to their soft feathery wings. While they don’t entirely resemble a bird’s, their use for feathers are meant to keep them warm during the snowy months. Without having to worry about their wings freezing as well.
Despite being accustomed to the cold, they always enjoy a warm sweet drink! Sweets are actually their favorite meal, but it can be hard to start a fire in the winter. They act like those people who eat ice cream in the winter time!
Since flowers and vegetation don’t really grow in their native areas, they often seek out pictures or make crafts that resemble flowers.
Probably the least afraid of larger animals, or even predators. But that’s usually because some animals hibernate in the winter, and they sometimes become neighbors!
Spring Fairies 🌷
Homes could be made out of fallen hollowed gourds or over sized flowers. But there are times where large human items are converted into homes. If they fit the spring fairies’ taste.
While they are not crude, spring fairies adore compliments! Similar to the older legends of fairies, spring fairies are always trying to stand out and sometimes even compete with each other! Not to be mean though, competition is all in good fun to them.
They believe that plants have feelings and are always very delicate when handling them. Flowers and trees actually seem to grow better when a spring fairy is around. Their wings are also prone to resembling flower petals, which make for very intricate patterns.
Some don’t mind getting their hands dirty and some will faint at the smallest speck of dirt on their clothes. It’s really a 50/50 with them.
There are legends and tall tales about spring fairies, that claim they were the first fairies to enter the world! Only when the rest of the four seasons came, is when they all branched out and their magic adapted. While it’s just an old tale and nothing more, others claim that is the source of the spring fairies’ pride.
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evenmoreofadisaster · 1 year ago
the last chapter was my favorite in the whole fic so far! I'm very invested and very pleased to see how fleshed out this has become- I absolutely love the dynamics. I'm so intrigued to see how this story plays out, thank you for the wonderful writing!
Apologies if this has been asked before, but regarding Two not getting enough praise and feeling lesser than in comparison to One, is there a particular vulnerability that hurts more than the others? I'm assuming the list is fairly long but the ones I can think of are their names, his softshell, his tech malfunctioning, and his lost arm.
(I think this was in reference to Smart Lair, I just took a while to respond, sorry about that)
Thank you! I don't think this has been asked before actually
I think those are the main things so I'll just dig into them a bit more ehe
yeah, the names are a big one, mostly because of the ranks associated with them.
Two's tech is another important one since he thinks it's the only thing that makes him truly valuable (as an extension of his intellect). So, when One insults his tech or it malfunctions he gets defensive and takes criticism personally.
I would say the lost arm and softshell are insecurities to a lesser extent. Two's more sensitive about the experiment he conducted than the lost arm itself. That's mostly because Draxum uses it as a reason not to trust Two to work unsupervised, which justifies Two's lower rank, while One uses it to take Two's credibility away when he needs to (I feel like that's mostly for the events in the fic, though, since he's actively trying to deceive Draxum AND Two). Two personally sees the actual amputation as proof that he can not only come back from anything but come back even better than before, in this case with the enhanced prosthetic. So, it's a bit of a complicated subject for him since Draxum only sees it as a reason to distrust him. I don't really think Two would be insecure about losing an arm, since we figured Draxum would be able and willing to train him to fight without it (I can't remember if we mentioned Two more directly removing himself from training than Draxum, who just avoided him for a bit.) So it's more the accident itself and the way it changed his reputation that he's insecure about. The arm is a sensitive subject as a reminder of his personal and professional failure. I tried to sort of hint at that in this comic.
I haven't actually thought of Two's softshell being an insecurity in depth before but now that I am I'd say it's a sort of similar situation. Two, like canon Donnie, is aware that his softshell is a weak spot that his brother does not have to worry about, which is why it's a comparative disadvantage. As far as I understand, softshell carapaces aren't SUPER fragile on their own, they're just more fragile than other turtles. So Two would have the same kind of durability as a normal yokai or human child. Perhaps when he was younger he was more insecure about it because Draxum would probably warn Two and One to be careful which would just be an early example of One stepping up as the 'oldest' which Two isn't super happy about (I've talked about Two struggling with feeling respected in the household). But when he's older, probably after he lost his arm and after One's accident he ends up just erasing the weak point by giving it defensive capabilities. I wouldn't be surprised if he installed them after giving himself the arm as if to overcompensate for losing the arm in the first place. Like, in stead of just fixing his mistake so he's as he was before, he's showing he'll make himself even better, both by adding enhanced systems and tools to his prosthetic and by giving himself the spines. But i'm not 100% sure so that may change lol. But anyway, the shell is a vulnerability by being something people can use to prove that One is better than Two, and by being a literal weak spot as a turtle. Two installs the spines in his shell so that his enemies can't take advantage of his soft shell, and so that he has a way to make himself equal to and even surpass the tactile advantage that One gets from his shell. "Take that, mother nature" --Two, probably.
Aside from those, another vulnerability would be Two's temperament. He's got a lot of anger and aggression that he doesn't have much control over, which can make him a liability for One and Draxum, and thus makes him anxious because the more emotional he gets the more of a problem he is. It's just another reason Draxum can't fully trust Two, and he knows it. Two's unpredictable, temperamental, and pretty uncontrollable when he wants to be. I love these qualities because it really shows how passionate Two is, and is a good tell for when Two is really hurting or adamant about something, but One and Draxum will shut Two up by telling him he's forgetting himself or being overemotional, and it's one of the things that Two is not proud of so it usually works. Two tries to remain unaffected and composed and usually succeeds except when it comes to his anger, which is usually born from anxiety or hurt.
That one ties into the vulnerability that hurts the most, which is the notion that Two is a "loose cannon," as One puts it in Smart Lair. It's what ties back to most of the stuff that is on this list and is a big topic in Mind Meld and Smart Lair. In Mind Meld, Two snaps at Splinter when he calls his experiments crazy ("'I am not crazy!'"). He gets worked up when One messes with his technology because, of course, it's his job and he takes it very seriously, but it's also because every haywire experiment is just another docked point against his credibility, and the same goes for his emotional outbursts. He got the label when he did the experiments that got himself and One hurt, and being a high profile criminal in the Hidden City just proves the point and further threatens Draxum's mission. Draxum doesn't trust Two because he is afraid of what he's capable of, but instead of respecting Two's commitment he calls his unpredictable behavior a flaw that keeps him in the second rank. Two's furious because his ambition and passion are labelled as unpredictable and erratic, and that leaves Two constantly trying to fight against behavior that he believes makes him an invaluable asset to Draxum. So that's why Two fluctuates between following orders without question and working on really dangerous projects on his own
Great ask! thank you! I hope this all makes sense :)
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yanteetle · 2 years ago
I got quite curious but what is your favorite species of turtle? My favorite species are the soft shell turtles I always had a Fascination and still do when I was little Florida soft shell actually looks pretty neat when it's young but unfortunately loses that color once it gets older but my favorite species of turtle would have to be the leatherback sea turtle
I quite like the painted turtle! I definitely enjoy the fact that they're docile and love the sun, so I like to say that if I were to ever suddenly become a turtle, I'd pick that turtle species! And I especially love their red markings on the underside of their shells and plastrons, they look so cool in my opinion :D (I even made a rottmnt oc that is based off that species but that's unrelated lmao)
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creativesnek · 2 years ago
Going Against the Current: Chapter 3
Today’s the day.
After calculated planning, Bowser was going to propose to Luigi. Now that he was armed with the missing piece, he could move forward. Thank the stars, he has been working on his patience because if not, he would have just told Luigi that day in the sewing room and ruined the surprise. Oh, he cannot wait for him to get here. Bowser’s not sure if he’ll make it to the dinner; while carrying out his meetings for that day, he kept clawing at his armrests. 
Kamek and Kammy noticed his agitation and tried questioning him about it, but he brushed them off; his children worriedly asked if he was sick and he managed to convince them he was okay. The entire castle knew that something was off with their king. However, Bowser remained silent, carrying out his duties like nothing was amiss.
As far as anyone knew, he was just excited about his dinner date with Luigi; it is not like he was going to ask the green plumber for his hand in marriage, to ask him to be the second father to his children and the co-ruler of his kingdom.
Nothing like that.
Finally finished with his seemingly never-ending meetings and mountains of paperwork, Bowser set out to check that everything was in place. The dining room was spotless. Their favorite dishes were being prepared by the skilled chefs in the kitchen. Bowser just hoped everything was okay; the tiny ring box rattle around his shell compartment was becoming the heaviest thing he has ever held. He couldn't believe that he was feeling so nervous. After all, he was Bowser, the King of the Koopas, feared by many and respected by all. But now, he felt like a vulnerable little turtle.
He had planned this moment for weeks. He had rehearsed what he would say to Luigi, how he would get down on one knee and present the ring to him. He had even bit the bullet bill and asked Mario for advice on how to propose properly. But now that the moment was here, Bowser felt like everything could go wrong. What if he said no? What if he accidentally scared Luigi away?
Marriage was a big deal, yeah, but it was even more so considering his status as royalty. The stress of becoming a king… Because of Mario’s marriage to Peach, Luigi became a duke and has some responsibilities that come with the position, but it's a whole different story being a king.
Bowser took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, running his claws through his mane; he leaned over the balcony, enjoying the lava’s warmth. He reminded himself of how much he loved Luigi and how much he meant to him. All those years of establishing their connection and nurturing it would not go down the drain so easily.
And on the possibility he does say no, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is game over for them; it just means they are not perhaps ready for that level of commitment.
“Your Maliciousness, Duke Luigi has arrived!”
The king looked up. The soldier leaned on the doorway, clearly trying to regain their breath. Bowser chuffed and moved away from the railing, nervously adjusting his armbands. His minion saluted as he walked past him, “Enjoy your evening, sir.”
“Thank you.”
Bowser headed towards the dining room, back straight. Minions that passed by noticed his air of determination and some wished him luck, realizing what was about to happen. The Koopa King pushed his spiked hair back, settling it neatly within his horns; he adjusted his scarlet tie and pulled down his vest, sparks escaping the side of his mouth. In a matter of moments, a large door stood in his way. Without hesitation, he opened the double doors.
As he entered the dining room, Bowser surveyed the scene before him. The long table was set with fine china and silverware, and a sumptuous feast had been laid out for the occasion. He could see Luigi standing at the head of the table, his delicate features illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight. The king paused for a moment, cooing as he saw his beloved. Luigi leaned a hand on the table, holding his dress jacket in the other; to say he looked absolutely stunning in that forest green suit. His sapphire blue eyes sparkled as he gave Bowser a once-over, a tinge of pink spreading across his face. 
The Great Demon King stood proudly before him, wearing a dark gold vest with a black undershirt and a red tie. The glimmering material clung onto his form, accentuating every inch of muscle. Luigi has seen him wearing such formal clothes before and has seen him in his royal attire too, but there was something different about this. Like Bowser was truly going above and beyond to impress him with his physique. The green plumber could proudly say his mission was successful.
Snapping from his trance, Bowser took a deep breath and strode confidently towards him, his eyes fixed on him. A shy smile, along with a faint blush, formed on his face. Luigi stepped forward to meet him, immediately walking into his arms. The king purred and kissed the top of his head, “Did you like the gift I sent ya?” he asked.
Luigi looked up at him with a grateful expression, “You mean the suit or the Chain Chomp carriage ride?” he jested, poking his nose against his snout.
“Both. Bit of a 2-1 for this date,” Bowser replied sheepishly.
Luigi chuckled softly, then turned his attention to the still steaming plates on the table. He grabbed one of Bowser’s claws, “Shall we?”
“Of course. Can’t let perfectly good food go to waste!”
The two laughed and quickly took their place at the table, falling seamlessly into conversation. Between bites, the two regaled each other with stories of their week. Luigi apparently had to deal with some escaped ghouls, swiftly putting them back into their paintings through his trusty Poltergust; thankfully, King Boo was still secured in his prison.
With that worry of his chest, Bowser boasted about his recent political win. The king had succeeded in establishing an alliance with the Kong Clan, all using diplomacy! They will exchange military intelligence and as kingdoms with the most powerful armies, they intend on protecting their neighboring nations.
Luigi looked at him with pride in his eyes, commending him for his achievement. The words settled into Bowser’s very soul, his tail swaying. The king couldn't help but feel grateful for Luigi's unwavering support and encouragement. He knew that without his boyfriend's guidance, he would have never been able to achieve such a significant milestone in his personal growth. And as he looked into Luigi's eyes, Bowser felt a sense of warmth and comfort wash over him. He knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he could always count on Luigi to be by his side, offering him the love and support he needed to succeed.
The dinner flowed smoothly with them exchanging stories, taking turns feeding the other, and the occasional head nuzzle on Bowser’s part. Love painted on their faces, illuminated by the candle lights. Once their plates were cleared, his Majesty took Luigi’s hand and guided him out of the dining room; they walked through the corridors, the lava casting their shadows on the halls. Soon, the two entered a garden, hidden away in the deepest section of the castle and away from the harsh heat. Luigi gasped softly, taking in the beautiful sight.
The vibrant colors of the flowers and plants were simply stunning – from bright pinks and purples to deep greens and blues. The fragrances that fill the air were heavenly, making him want to just close his eyes and breathe in deeply. Strolling along the pathway surrounded by all this beauty was a true delight, taking in each individual blossom as they sway gently in the breeze. Luigi was pulled back down to earth when Bowser softly tugged on his hand and pulled him towards a clearing.
“What’s this?”
“You’ll see.”
Suddenly soft music began playing. Dots of lights appeared around them, giving them a soft glow. The melody grew louder, the thrills of violins and drums were beautiful with an eerie undertone; not in a frightening way, but, more like in a curious manner. Bowser moved in front of Luigi, offering his hand; the little man smiled and accepted the offer. The two gently pulled closer, swaying softly with the beat. 
As the music continued to fill the air, the lovers couldn't help but feel a sense of enchantment. They looked at each other, lovestruck, as they began to dance and twirl around in a mesmerizing display. The eerie undertone of the music only added to the mysterious atmosphere, leaving them feeling both intrigued and slightly on edge. Time was irrelevant to them. All that mattered was them and their moment.
After a seeming eternity, Luigi looked up at him. “I’ve never heard that song before,”
Bowser chuckled, “It’s Ludwig’s latest work. He calls it the ‘Waltz of Boos.’ I liked it so I asked him to play it for us,” he replied.
“Hm. Fitting name.”
The king gathered Luigi in his arms and spun him around, causing the smaller man to laugh. Bowser’s eyes dilated, the scarlet twinkling. With a purr, he lowered Luigi, continuing their elegant dance. The human royal leaned into his chest with a hum, listening intently to the rumbling that emanated from him. 
Now’s your chance!
As discreetly as possible, Bowser pulled his hand from Luigi’s waist, keeping him close with his other arm. Then, he reached behind him and into his shell, his claws closing around the small delicate box-
Suddenly Luigi pulled away from his grasp.
His heart crept up to his throat. The handsome man before him spun around, reaching into his jacket before getting on one knee. The music slowly faded away. Bowser froze. Luigi wet his lips before nervously speaking, “Bowser…” His voice was an octave higher than normal. He paused for a moment, clearing his throat and adjusted his stance. 
“Amore mio . T-these past six years have been the best of my life. You have loved me unconditionally, you welcomed me into your home. Even more so, you allowed me to get to know you. The real you.”
From his jacket, Luigi cupped a large object in his hands. Then, slightly shaking, he removed his top hand. It was a ring, crafted from obsidian; a polished topaz was placed in the center. The Koopa King stared in shock, at a total loss for words. The ring of obsidian glimmered in the light, its sheen immaculate. Luigi tugged on his shirt collar, "E-every moment we spend together is a gift, and I cherish each one. F-from lazy Sunday mornings in bed to adventurous travels across the world, we have created memories that will last a lifetime. And I-I know that there are many more memories to come."
Raising the ring, he looked intently at Bowser. “B-but would you like to continue making those memories… as my husband?”
Luigi’s heart was pounding as he waited for his boyfriend's response. He had been planning this moment for some time, and now that it was finally happening, he couldn't believe how nervous he was. He knew that his boyfriend loved him, but he wasn't sure if he was ready to take the next step. Perspiration formed on his palms and face.
As he looked into his boyfriend's eyes, he saw a flicker of surprise and then a smile spread across his face. Bowser grabbed something from his shell, keeping it hidden within his grasp as he wiped his face with the palm of his hand. 
“Funny… I was going to ask you the same thing.”
Bowser kneeled before him. With a delicate claw, he opened the ring box. A silver band with a bright emerald glimmered in the light as it sat safely on a red cushion. The jewelry box looked diminutive in his grasp, but it was still beautiful nonetheless. Luigi gasped, tears welling up in his eyes. Then he grabbed Bowser’s hand, stomping his feet giddily. “YES!”
Tears spilled from their eyes as they slipped the rings onto their fingers. They hugged each other tightly, both of them overcome with emotion. They had been together for years, and now they were finally going to make it official. Bowser pressed his forehead onto Luigi’s.
“Anata no ai ni narete kōeidesu. ”
I’m honored to be your love.
“Ti amo tanto… ”
I love you so much.
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bee-dot-exe · 1 year ago
Hey, it's my first and absolutely not last, QSMP fic. I had the idea for three settings, and all of them made my stomach hurt, but I didn't want to choose, so voila. Apologies for the inevitable heartbreak.
You're Beautiful, But You're Not Quite Her
710 words
Angst. Nothing bad. Just Wilbur missing our girl.
I: Garden
The leaves rustled softly in the trees above, some held onto the branches with the last bit of strength they possessed, some already fallen on the ground below, all on the cusp of changing shades, an array of soft green and mustard yellow and umber brown.
The lake nearby ran gently and splashed against the shoreline, the fine lavender sand becoming a pulp like texture in places.
The kaleidoscope of autumn crunched beneath my boots as I neared my destination. The garden I intended to build with her. A tunnel of mostly sage green supported by mauve tree trunks. The ground was covered in flora, lilacs and roses and dandelions to name a few.
I found a spot that was bare, save for the olive grass, and sat with my back against the grape wood and my legs crossed.
I reached a hand to the entrance edge beside me, brushing some stray leaves off the surface of a block of black concrete, and rested it there for a moment, hoping I was making some sort of connection with my girl, wherever she was.
I positioned myself, put the guitar I brought from inside onto my lap, and began to play.
II: Lullaby
The moon shone down on the world, giving an almost powder blue tint to the areas not illuminated by the soft clementine hue of nearby torches, in place to ward off possible threats. I kicked the leaves in front of me gently, more as a way to stave off boredom as I walked than to create a path, but I wasn't going to complain that both were being done.
El cielo de las tortugas.
A large area that was technically underground but wasn't entirely blocked off, made up by dirt and cobblestone and moss, with a wooden gate at the entrance. Dozens of turtles with varying patterned shells roamed, some finding refuge in the foliage, some stayed in the open, curious of my presence. I maneuvered around the ones that were in my path or trying to get under my footing as I walked to a just wide enough hole in the ground.
The opening lead to a separate room, not as grand as where the turtles found solace above, but comfortable enough, made of sandstone. All that resided in it was a torch and a drawing on the wall of a tiny white egg wearing a maroon beanie with a peach background.
My sun, moon, and stars. Mi niña. My Tallulah.
From the painting, or perhaps behind it, was a melody. It was short, but played on an endless loop. There were no lyrics, just the gentle strum of acoustic guitar. It was what I played when she was lost shortly after our first meeting.
The ground wasn't the most comfortable, tiny bits of dirt and sand fell as the earth shifted above, but I stayed anyway. I didn't have any kind of bedding, but I laid down anyway. I felt tears forming in the corners of my eyes and creating tiny trails on my face, but let the christened lullaby take me to a dreamless sleep anyway.
III: Amipola
There was almost more sign than room visible around me.
You're my favorite superhero. I have a lot of love to offer. Please never forget me, I'll wait for you, always.
I picked up my guitar from the cushion beside me, the springs in the sunny yellow couch creaking softly as I shifted my weight, and played. Maybe I was only filling the silence, the empty space. Maybe she was listening. A wooden chest sat on the floor in front of me.
An amipola for every day you've been gone.
Bits of emerald and burgundy were practically bursting between the container and lid. There were well over a hundred. I got up from the couch, took a couple of the flowers, and very gently climbed the ladder to her bedroom.
I placed a sturdy black chest in the room's center, and put in the poppies, a photo of the two of us, a piece of paper containing the chords to our song, and some blank signs for her to let us know she heard us. So she knows I'm back home. That I waited too.
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smallturtlebomb · 7 months ago
*phases into existence*
hi :3
*gives you a cookie (or your favorite food if you prefer UuU)*
anyways please tell me abt ur ocs i wanna draw them so bad doing something lore consistent /gen
ah thx 4 th3 co0ki3 >_<
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anyways abt my oc’s..? yeesh I got a lot so prepare 4 a yap sesh
let’s start with my tmnt oc’s and my favorite punk girl, Maria Linda Nakaruma or just Mari-Lynn/ML
stuff about her:
*she’s a nekomata yokai
*gendefluid & pansexual (clearly shown on her pins)
*shipped with raph
*lead singer and guitarist of her band the late night dolls
*she loves fighting, drawing, skating, cartoons, chilling with loved ones, and just causing her usual havoc >:3
*she also has a blog here so go ahead and ask some separate questions for her: @n0-1sc0ttp1lgr1mfan
next is my home boy Akira Kimura ^_^
stuff about him:
*he’s an Olive Ridley Sea Turtle
*he/him and gay
*his sister is Mina Kimura
*he does modeling (occasional drag and crossdressing)
*shipped with donnie
*drummer for the band the late night dolls
*he also likes fighting, watching shows, caring for others, surfing, and writing
*his blog: @s3a-sc3n3-k1ng
next is his sister Mina Kimura
stuff about her:
*she’s a kemps ridley sea turtle
*she/her and aroace
*she creates clothes and outfits
*bassist for the late night dolls
*she does fighting, surfing as well, cartoons, and cooking sometimes
*her blog: @s0ur-fl0wer
the final band mate, Rae Koji
stuff about her:
*she’s a kitsune yokai
*she/it and lesbian
*pianist for the late night dolls
*she’s fights, likes acting, making up conspiracies, different shows and cartoons, and skating as well
*her blog: @th30r1z3r
and this link will take you to the future kids info thingy ^_^
oh and here is the fanfic as well
and have some lore stories:
how the mad dogz met tlnd
ml’s backstory
next is one of my mw ocs and my brain worm, Luz Ronin
stuff about her:
*intersex and bisexual (she/him pronouns r appreciated)
*based off a mix of a common snapping turtle now and a spiny soft shell turtle
*at first was a fighter but her planet got invaded and had to leave and become a mechanic
*I honestly don’t know if im gonna ship her with anybody
*had a scene phase
*she has tattoos on her right thigh and arm (i have to update those designs as well)
*hates physical touch (if you want to hug her pls ask her first and she’ll consider it)
*sadly has a drinking and smoking problem (I chilchucked her💔)
*and idk if I’ll give her a blog or not
and next is Astro/Musk Ronin
his info:
*arm got bit and ripped off by an animal species
*based off a four eyed turtle
*his biological parents had to run and starved to death to keep him alive
*luz soon found him hiding somewhere on a planet
*he doesn’t like certain textures
*watches a lot of terran cartoons and shows (like shrike)
*wants to be strong like luz, shrike, and beebs (they r bad influences)
finally my tf2 oc’s
first is Krow “Raider” Dawson
his info:
*burn victim
*usually keeps to himself until somebody bothers him
*at first he was actually homophobic but that changed when he went into high school
*bisexual and demi-aroace now
*he was raised in a bird sanctuary
*his parents had a bird obsession, that’s why he was named Krow
*got an interest in being a mercenary after his old house burned down
*has crow themed tatttoos on his chest, arms, and back
*blog: currently don’t have one
next are the twins Julie “Två” and Dannie “Ett” Ström
their info:
*they were twin boys at first before Två transitioned into a girl
*Två usually hangs out with Engineer and Ett hangs out with Demoman
*Två likes drawing and crafting while Ett just writes and makes music
*they got interested in mercenary work after they found out their family has a history of it
*Två is trans fem (mtf) and pansexual while Ett is a straight ally (he/him)
*blog: currently doesn’t have one
I almost forgot one guy hold up
my stardew valley farmer oc, Johannes “Jesse” Erkkila
info about him:
*he’s Finnish and Scottish
*30 years old
*big fan of tmnt
*birthday is winter 21st
*trans masc and bisexual ^_^
Andddddd that’s all I got for now….
note that all references haven’t been updated but im ok with you using the old ones if you can’t find newer drawings of them (I’ll probably make new references soon)
but fanart is greatly appreciated!!! It makes me extremely happy that people like my ocs ^_^
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mesozoic-system · 2 years ago
Don't be afraid to share your thoughts, opinions, and ideas! Comment which headcanons you agree or disagree with! I love hearing your feedback!!!!
Favorite Canon Facts About Donnie
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He's a soft shell turtle.
He loves to dance.
He's autistic.
His true passion is botany.
He hates being touched, but can sometimes tolerate it.
He's unfamiliar with strong emotions and will become confused.
He draws on his eyebrows.
He has an intense chronic fear of beach balls, bees, and spiders.
His favorite music genre is techno.
His gamer tag is "Bootyyyshaker9000".
His least favorite animals are monkeys.
His "type" are "cute but mean".
He doesn't like Hawaiin Pizza.
He's bad at sports.
He covers his neck when he's in danger.
He knows ASL.
He considers S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. as his son.
Favorite Headcanons About Donnie
Their pronouns are He/They
While experiencing autistic burnout, he'll become nonverbal and use sign-language or whisper to communicate.
They're also sensitive to loud noises at these times, and Raph always has to remind everyone to keep it down.
If he's been injured on his back without his battleshell (but not drastically), he'll have trouble breathing and enter an anxiety attack (turtles' lungs are located right underneath their shell).
They're aroace and would rather focus on science than dating.
He doesn't oppose wearing skirts or dresses. He finds them comfy.
While growing up, they had a tendency to swallow food whole, so Splinter had to cut it small until they learned how to eat properly.
He lets April paint his nails alongside Mikey, but only prefers the colors purple, black, or both.
He's an insomniac.
They rarely cuss, but will do so if they get very angry or frustrated.
He puts his legs on other people's laps when sitting on a coach no matter who it is.
They know the FNAF lore by heart to every detail and spent months putting the pieces together.
However, he has different theories than MatPat.
They needed braces when their adult teeth grew in.
Favorite Canon Facts About Mikey
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He's a ornate box turtle.
Out of all of his brothers, he looks up to Leo the most.
His gamer tag is "Flavortown".
His favorite music genre are boy bands.
He's interested in horoscopes.
He has ADHD.
He chooses scissors every time in Rock, Paper, Scissors.
He's the youngest of his brothers.
He's the family cook.
His favorite superheroes are Batman and Superman.
He loves to draw, paint, and color.
He has three known alter-egos: Dr. Delicate Touch, Dr. Feelings, and Dr. Positive.
He has ADHD.
Favorite Headcanons About Mikey
His pronouns are He/She.
Like Donnie, she enjoys wearing skirts, but instead of occasionally, she wears them as often as she can.
He and April are always painting amazing graffiti art in the sewer tunnels.
She hides in her shell when she's overwhelmed, startled, or upset until she calms down.
His favorite type of dancing is freestyle.
She loves rollerskating just as much as skateboarding.
He once found a raccoon, mistook it for a cat, and begged Splinter to let him keep it.
She was not allowed to keep the raccoon.
Because he loves art, his sibling's walls are covered in his drawings.
She flops down on a couch or chair every time she sits down.
He'll sometimes say random things out of the blue, but not realize he said it out loud until the others acknowledge it. Sometimes, they don't react to spare him the embarrassment, being that it's normal for him.
She loves Disney movies and sings along to all the songs, even if she doesn't know the words.
After using his mystic powers for the first time during the movie, his hands became shaky and painful. They eventually became better, but he had to go through the "What if I'm like this forever" phase.
She's pansexual.
He cussed once but didn't know what it meant.
Favorite Canon Facts About Leo
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He's a red-eared slider.
His favorite music genre is glam rock.
He's really good at basketball.
He's fluent in Spanish.
He loves cracking jokes, especially in the middle of a battle.
He's the fastest runner among his brothers.
Favorite Headcanons About Leo
His pronouns are He/Him.
He's gay but very flirty with any gender- but only if it's to smooth-talk them into doing something for him.
He likes freestyle dancing along with Mikey.
He's rickrolled his entire family at least twice each.
He used to bite a lot as a kid, especially when he was teething.
He doesn't discriminate between dogs and cats.
He has excellent medical training.
He may not take a lot of things seriously, but when Donnie began using sign language, he was the one to encourage everyone else to learn it. He was even fluent long before anyone else was.
He prefers to wear sweats.
He has ADHD, like Mikey.
He hates reading.
He and Donnie share a twin's connection, meaning they can hear each other's thoughts and sense their emotions if they're strong enough.
He was absolutely heart-broken when Raphael died in the apocalyptic future, but Donnie's death changed him permanently because their connection was severed.
He's an insomniac.
Favorite Canon Facts About Raph
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He is a snapping turtle.
His catchphrase is "Like a Boss!"
He loves animals.
He regularly speaks in the third-person.
He's the eldest of his brothers.
He's allergic to peanuts.
Whenever he's on the phone with any of his brothers, he speaks in a gentle tone as if talking to an infant.
His favorite music genre is Rhythm and Blues.
He has separation anxiety.
He wears a retainer headset at night.
He has an obsession with pushing big, red buttons.
He's terrible at taking pictures.
He lets off several scents depending on his emotions if they're strong.
He likes to dress in drag and animal costumes.
He loves to spar.
He loves stuffed animals and plushies.
Big heart, small brain, short temper.
Favorite Headcanons About Raph
His pronouns are He/She.
Two of her hobbies are baking and knitting, both of which she's become really good at.
He loves strawberries. And no, not just because they're red.
To her brothers' amusement, she's a raging video-gamer and gets upset when she loses, but not when playing with Mikey.
He loves hugs, snuggling, and holding hands with his brothers and April.
She likes Kool-Aid, but only because it stains her mouth different colors.
He sometimes has trouble communicating and stammers a lot, especially when stressed.
She can't have straws because she always chews on them, even if they're the reusable ones. She once destroyed Mikey's curly straw by accident, but bought a whole new pack as an apology. She was only able to afford it because she did Donnie's chores to earn enough money.
He loves to sing, even though he's no good at it.
She's bisexual.
He's excellent at comforting others when they need it.
After the movie, she needed to wear an eyepatch.
Favorite Canon Facts About April
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She's not afraid of a fight, even if her opponent is bigger and stronger than her.
She's rather intelligent.
She gets along well with everyone she meets unless they're mean to her or do something bad.
She loves to play video games.
She is Splinter's student and is currently learning Ninjutsu.
She has accurate aim and can use anything as a weapon.
Hating April for her "new race" is racist. Stop it.
Favorite Headcanons About April
It's pronouns are They/It.
They're nonbinary.
It worked overtime to suprise the boys with Nintendo Switches.
They consider the Hamato family as their own and call the turtles their brothers often.
It's bisexual.
They snap at anyone who misgenders or uses the wrong pronouns for any of their siblings.
It loves sleepovers.
They're dating Sunita.
The first time it wore a binder, everyone noticed instantly and started panicking until it told them.
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Favorite Canon Facts About Splinter
He always falls asleep after drinking milk and eating cake.
He used to date Big Mama.
He refers to his sons as their mask's colors.
He can turn the lights off in any room he's in with a clap of his hands, giving him an advantage by using the darkness.
He was a professional actor before his mutation.
He's a really good singer.
He's able to sew rather well.
He can move faster than an eye could follow.
He can set different parts of his body on fire at will.
Favorite Headcanons About Splinter
His pronouns are He/Him.
He had to put leashes on the turtle tots to keep track of them.
He can actually be a good dad if he really needs to be.
Although he rarely says it out loud, he is extremely proud of all of his sons, but secretly wishes he had done more for them as they grew up.
He was extremely protective of Donnie as he grew up and took great favor in making sure she was safe because of his soft shell. The others never got jealous of all the attention she got because they knew how important it was to keep him safe- Well... maybe Leo did a few times. When she grew up and made himself a battleshell, Splinter finally relaxed.
Headcanons About All
The turtles shed their skin and shells annually.
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neon-ghost04 · 2 years ago
Are the teenage mutant ninja turtles cold blooded?
Short answer? yes and no
Long answer? yeeeeeees.... and no
(I’m going to use the rise turtles for this analysis because they are constantly on my brain)
First of all, we need to do some research, and put way more effort into this than we ever did in any of our high school essays. I’m going to start off by giving arguments and examples for why they may be cold blooded or warm blooded, then give my final thoughts.
Cold blooded-
the proper term for cold blooded animals would be “ectotherms”, which refers to animals that are unable to regulate their body temperature through their metabolism. Instead they rely on their outside environment to do so, like warming up in the sun or going in some water to cool off. An argument for why the turtles might be ectotherms would be in the episode “Down with the sick” where Splinter catches a sickness and turns the thermostat down during his fever. The turtles can be seen all huddling under a heat lamp, which is commonly used to regulate the body temperature of reptilian pets.  
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(yes Leo being the only one prepared for this is hilarious)
In captivity, red eared sliders need their environment to be kept at 75°-85°F, box turtles need 70°-90°F, soft shells need 70°-80°F, and snapping turtles 80°-90°F. During the summer in New York, the average temperature tends to be above 76°F, with July average temperatures ranging from 84°F to 71°F. In the colder months, average temperatures are below 48°F, with January temperatures averaging at a low of 29°F and a high of 40°F.
If the turtles are ectotherms, they should be fine during the summer months as long as they have the heating lamp around, but in the colder months they would enter a state of brumation or hibernation. This is a state turtles will enter during the winter months where (usually) they will burrow in soft dirt and become very sluggish, with a slowed metabolism. They can still move around if needed, but wouldn’t feel very inclined to. With box turtles, they will retreat entirely into their shell until the brumation period ends. Red eared sliders will become very still, and all their bodily functions will reduce to a minimum, and they won’t eat. Soft shells actually hibernate, and will do so at the bottom of the body of water they reside in. Snapping turtles will slow their heart rate and movements, along with their metabolism during brumation. 
We see the turtles playing in the snow in the episode “Snow Day”, which could indicate warm blood, but don’t be disheartened if you like the ectotherm theory because we all know Donnie is a tech wizard and would be able to insulate them properly to do so. 
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Warm blooded-
The term for warm blooded animals is “endotherms”. This refers to animals who are able to regulate as well as maintain their internal body temperature on their own. Humans are a perfect example of this. They are able to regulate their body temperature when cold by shivering, or cool themselves off by sweating. In the episode “Pizza Puffs” Leo is shown to be sweating profusely throughout the episode, implying the ability to regulate his internal body temperature by sweating to cool off. This could be chalked up to mystic weirdness though, we all remember tummytello, which definitely had nothing to do with biology.   
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(Side note, this is in my top 5 favorite episodes, it’s so funny)
This could be a link to their human dna, as they have other things from that like human teeth, partial human skeletal system, and dietary needs and eating cycles. 
There is also something called a heterotherm, which can be found in bumblebees. Their internal temperature is usually that of the environment around them, but since they are unable to fly unless they are warm, they are able to flex their flying muscles over and over until it generates enough heat in order to fly. This could be considered a mix of warm and cold blooded traits.
In conclusion and scientifically speaking, in order to survive the way they do, the turtles would probably have to be warm blooded. 
I personally like the idea that when they mutated, they somehow managed to take on traits of being both warm blooded and cold blooded. Being able to regulate their temperature through shivering and sweating, but still going into a brumation if they get too cold. It makes for fun headcanons and theories. 
In my real conclusion, the turtles are fictional mutants, and while arguments can be made for both warm and cold blood, it doesn’t really matter. Maybe you learned a biology thing or two from this post and can now apply it to your headcanons to your hearts content; or you managed to find my rambling interesting, and if you’re still reading, thanks. That is all folks
(disclaimer: I am not a biologist or expert on the subject, simply a teen with access to google. Take this whole analysis with a grain of salt as I was sleep deprived the entire time I was writing it.)
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captain-kinda-trash · 4 years ago
Hi! I wanted to request some headcannons for rottmnt boys with a reader who gives great hugs and gets a plush hoodie this winter, so hugging them feels like hugging a teddy bear now
Of course!! Thank you so much for the request!!
Teddy Bear (ROTTMNT Headcanons)
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This was what I had in mind while writing 🤔🤔⬇
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Let's just be clear about one thing
Leo LOVES your hugs
CANNOT get enough of them
Long night of fighting for justice? Huggies
Gets into an argument with Donnie? More huggies
Hell, even walking past you in the lair, he'll do little grabby hands and act like a whiny baby until he gets his daily hugs 🙄 😩
But then you get a super soft, super fluffy, super warm sweatshirt?
He's dead
You're basically like a human heater for this cold-blooded blue boy
Since you've gotten it, you can hardly stop wearing it, because it's the most comfortable thing ever-
And Leo has gotten even more excuses to hug you
"Leo, im cooking!"
Will, without a doubt ask you to carry his lazy ass, just because he wants to snuggle into your sweatshirt
And don't even get me STARTED on movie nights with him
Because what begins as a cold-blooded turtle hanging onto your arm like a baby koala
Ends up being Leo curled up in your lap or somehow wrapped around you with this hot sweater
So while he's practically purring with comfort, you are sweating like a dog
Not to mention, this bitch is just heavy
like 200+ pounds of straight muscle, so I hope you don't have to use the restroom any time soon because it's going to take a while to pry this big baby off of you
I'd also like to mention, that you don't need to tell him not to steal your hoodie
because he’s gonna do it anyways 😎💙
You discovered this one day, when you slipped the article off to bake with Mikey
After a nice batch of cookies was made, your jacket was gone and you began parading around the lair to find it 
Only to see Leo, snuggled in his bed and playing on his phone, with your hoodie practically swallowing him whole
If he hadn’t looked so comfortable, you would have been angrier, and just settled for scolding him playfully for stealing it
it was hell trying to pry it off of him,  though...
This turtle knows how to wrestle and he will not hesitate to kick your ass over this fluffy sweatshirt 😤
These two things (hugs and your hoodie) combined just make Leo melt into a puddle, and he couldn’t be happier to have all of your teddy bear hugs :>
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um, have you met this turtle?
KING of hugs
It’s so great how both of you share the same energy
Though he’s more cold-blooded, like Donnie, he needs all of the hugs
It’s just your thing
With Raph, you have fist bumps, Leo, you’ve got a cool handshake, Donnie is more for high-fives 
And for Mikey, it’s hugs 
He practically tackles you to the ground in tight hugs whenever you get home from school/work and come to the lair, like a happy little puppy
Speaking of puppies…
That’s what he says your hoodie feels like whenever it first arrives in the mail.
Immediately, you throw it on, and Mikey is all over it, petting the soft fabric and squealing in excitement 
Can he please wear it?? 🥺
Little Mikey didn’t even have to ask before you shed the hoodie and let him try it on
And OH
The amount of cuteness that this turtle radiates when he’s smiling like an idiot and flapping the oversized arms around is just-
He vows to get his own since it’s so warm and comfortable
But he’s very respectful and gives it back to you
Only to attack you in another hug and lift you off of the ground because you look so adorable
“You’re like a little teddy bear!” *excited squeal!*
Mikey 100% respects your space so if you’re ever snuggling, he’s instantly aware of your getting sweaty or uncomfortable and will let up or loosen his arms
Winter days?
Snuggles all day and night
when Mikey (politely) asks to wear your jacket, he’ll throw it on and give you piggyback rides around the lair, because we love fun
And for Christmas, you get him his own, and he’s IN LOVE 
Sweater buddies 
He gets one in his favorite color and little ears on the hood and once a week, when they need to be thrown in the washer, you’ll keep him warm while he waits.
(Leo gets jealous of all the attention you’re giving Mikey >:o)
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we all know that Don isn’t the biggest on physical affection
If he wants a hug, usually he’d be the one to initiate, which is totally cool, since usually he’s forced into a hug by his brothers (secretly loves it tho)
He does enjoy your hugs, though he can be a bit awkward and stiff with them at first
If he’s feeling down, needs to be warmed up a bit, he’ll immediately seek your comfort
Even out of his brothers, you’re secretly his favorite 
Sure he loves Dr. Delicate Touch, but sometimes Donnie would rather go to someone who isn’t very pushy with solutions, and is willing to listen
And we can also all agree that he has an immaculate fashion taste ✨💜
When he sees the fluffy sweater draped over your arm, he’s immediately running over, analyzing the fabrics, and rushing to get you to try it on
Why? Fashion show 
Loves the warmth of your hoodie
And I because “it’s so soofff”
Donnie’s blood runs the coldest out of all of his brothers and he has the most sensitive shell, so he just adores your sweater
Is definitely contemplating on getting one for himself, though he wouldn’t tell you at first, because you might think he’s trying to copy your awesome style, and that would just destroy his massive ego 😩💅
He enjoys it when you sit in his lab with him, maybe rested against his side with your hoodie on, as you play on your phone/read/draw
Also up for snuggles when it’s extra chilly in the Lair, or when his brothers aren’t around, because once again, damaged ego
Movie marathons?
Hell yeah
Donnie will always make sure your comfortable before he gets comfortable on the couch, so you won’t shift around while watching the movie
He’s also very vulnerable when he takes his battle shell off, and in more ways than one
You know he’s got real, strong trust when he does so and will let you carefully hug him from behind with your hoodie on, since it’s so soft
Donnie will also snatch your massive jacket if he gets the chance, and disappear into his lab for days with it on
And he’ll never tell a soul this…
But he loves it the most, because it smells like you, 💜
so it’s like having you right beside him while you’re gone, or when he’s busy building something 
Also, tries to use his classic and sarcastic charm when it comes to asking for your hoodie back
“Come on Don, it’s cold outside! I need it!”
“But would you take it from such a luxurious face as this?” 😏
“Right, giving it back-“
He totally gets his own hoodie, by the way
Purple (obviously)
But it just isn’t the same as your own, so Donnie might just have yours on and then wrap his own around his waist
He sure does love his teddy bear 💜
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Okay but Raph is an actual teddy bear-
A big, mom-friend, weapon-wielding teddy bear
He LOVES giving hugs, and most would recognize this, seeing the various pictures and instances where he pulls all three of his brothers in for a great big group hug ❤
He's constantly reminding himself that you are much much more prone to injuries than his brothers, so he holds you like a little baby when he hugs you
(Unless he gets super excited or has a really rough night, so just be aware that you might be restricted of breathing privileges in that case-)
Usually so gentle 🥺
Just picks you up and wraps those huge freaking arms around you like giant pillows
And he LOSES HIS SHIT when you come back with this fluffy ass hoodie
Has this infatuation with petting the fur and running his fingers over it
He has never felt something so soft in his entire life 😩❤
And then when he hugs you with it on-
"Why are you a like big teddy bear?!"
"Buddy, you're just getting a taste of my own world-"
Poor Raph, being the size he is and having such a spiky shell, can't just wear your hoodie like his brothers :(
I mean, sure he could take it so easily
But he doesn't want to disrespect your things, or make you upset, because this man is The Gentleman™
So, rather than asking to wear it, he'll ask to spend more time with you
Not just for the hoodie ofc, but because of your sweet gentleness and warmth
Better quit your job babe, because your new occupation?
Raph's cuddle buddy
He refuses to let you become uncomfortable, makes sure there are the right amount of pillows, blankets, and room for you to move around while you snuggle together etc.
Raph is also a heavy sleeper, so once he gets comfy and warm enough, he'll probably doze off and trap you in his big "arm cage"
Really, his nature is pure and gentle and everything you could ever imagine when it comes to hugging his little teddy bear ❤🐢
@getacactus @turtle-babe83
Hope you enjoyed this little ditty! I LOVED writing these!! 💜💜
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annonniiiiieeeee · 2 years ago
I love your work @thenerdywitchofthenorth
It is beautiful.
I love Donnie having two god outfits
One is very stylish and formal and would be what he would were down to earth for the mortals or on days he wants to be fancy. I also love that it’s covering up his soft shell and I’m assuming is a really silky texture because ✨sensory✨
I love his mad look as well. The spectacle googles are amazing.
The second strives me more as his working clothes. As he makes and innovates things he is in a much more laid back look. It is way Easter ti move in.
I love his travel clothes to. Not as fancy as his god robes but a similar vibe. Most likely because once he found “the look” he wanted to keep that vibe. I also love that he looks so much more fancy then Leo. Leo looks like a traveler while Donnie looks like a lord.
Which fits them. Leo is the god of traveling, medicine and strategy he has to be ready to move and go places.
But Donnie is knowledge innovation and madness. Who was educated back in the day. The rich. I don’t know if you were going for this but it totally works.
I totally missed when we added SHELLDON but I love him. A cloud turtle is great. I don’t think SHELLDON ever disguise himself. I think he just comes down to hang out with Donnie and Donnie’s just like “yes he is a messaged from my favorite god Donatello. You might have heard of him. I, Othello Von Ryan, am blessed by the incredibly handsome god of knowledge, innovation, and madness. Have I told you about how cool he is? Way cooler then his brothers.” he just uses it as a way to gain followers. SHELLDON becomes to Donnie what Mayhem is to April.
For my first time ever drawing Donnie I think it turned out pretty good.( actually it's my first time drawing any of the turtles)
For the first time ever I think I'm happy with my first drafts.What I'm not happy is with is the coloring. My purple markers suddenly decided to go "No" which it's a problem considering that Donnie is such a purple kid.
(I criticize well I draw in my purple SketchBook in my purple room, looking up references on my purple laptop, thinking about dying my hair purple again)
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So I decided not to go with a flower crown for Donnie. I don't feel like he would be the type like would still want a crown but I think he would go for a metal one instead of a flowery one that is still simple but still elaborate. It's silver with amethyst. I also didn't add as many small details as I did with Leo, I think Donnie would prefer a more comfortable but still very stylish outfit ( of course I'm not projecting my own sensory issues I don't know why you're accusing me of) also I think he would feel more secure with extra layers to cover up his softshell, when he's not wearing his battle shell.
Then we have the god of Madness himself. His goggles are more steampunk but still futuristic, he is the god of innovation so for him to have elements that are a little ahead of his time I think it's fitting. Also, you can't see them here but I think that battle shell would have some detail on the metal.
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Can I just point out the color matching Donnie skin was a pain in my ass.
But I really did like this outfit, I feel like he would also want to have a second one that's a little bit more freeing, because just like he doesn't wear a jacket due to the fear of it getting stuck in a propeller. I don't think he would want to wear his whole-up when he's inventing or when he needs to be a little bit more hands-on, out of fear of getting caught in gear , on fire, or just dirty.
We also have S.H.E.L.D.O.N . I talked to Ree about this, to add to their idea where S.H.E.L.D.ON is the soul of a tortoise, but Donnie not only took that soul but also clouds and made S.H.E.L.D.O.N .
that's why I also made Sheldon a little bit more round and puffy because Cloud turtle.
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Then we have the final mortal disguise. Like I said , my markers were not being cooperative with me, so I didn't get the faded out color that I wanted. But yeah I do think that these purples would be a little bit more faded than shown here when he's in the mortal world and doesn't want to expose himself, but I also threw in some glasses and of course his trusty bo staff.
I would love to hear you guys' ideas / feedback like always.
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transformersandturtles · 2 years ago
I finally come bringing ninja turtle content!! It's been a hot minute, lmao.
It's not EXACTLY Rise or any of the shows, but my own AU/iteration of the turtles. Currently don't have a name for it, it's just dumb and goofy and made me happy so here's some info about it!! Note that these are just doodles! Not their fully fleshed designs. Also please correct me if I am wrong with any measurement conversion! I am (unfortunately) American. 💀
First we'll start with Leo and Donnie, the oldest two!
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Leo is the oldest of the four (16). He is a Bog Turtle, he stands at about 5'2" (157.48 cm I think). As the oldest, he's always been there for his brothers and Splinter. He is very quiet compared to the others, not that he is mute but he talks very rarely. He is the most serious, yes, but he is also a very bad influence. . . Especially to Raph. Not that he is violent or anything, but he has definitely said some things that none of his younger brothers should hear. He is the most advanced in speaking Japanese of the four. He is also into Herbology and is a wanting to become a botanist. He has many plants in his room
Now onto Donnie!! They're the second oldest (15). They are a Florida East Coast Diamondback Terrapin and stand at 5'10" (177.8 cm I think). As the second oldest, they're often the forgotten one. Not in the sense that the others forget their name, but they are also quiet, and timid, so the others unintentionally forget they're in the same room or area with them. They try to be the voice of reason, especially in dangerous situations but their words fall upon deaf ears. . . Well, that is often literal if they're standing on Raph's left side. They're like a gentle giant, trying to use their science skills for good but if they've been up for more than 48 hours with no sleep, their experiments, research, and technology become. . . Questionable to say the least. They enjoy video games, their favorite being Minecraft. If their game was ever deleted, then safe to say New York City would be wiped off the map.
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Here's Raph! I've drawn him the most but you'll have to wait for that. He is the second youngest (14). He is a Pascagoula Map Turtle and stands at 4'11" (149.86 cm) making him the shortest, but don't think for a second that you can underestimate him. His entire left side is quite weak, having deformities to his plastron and carapace at his shoulder. He has scarring at his neck and on his face, being partially deaf in his left ear and partially blind in his left eye. He had a hearing aid and glasses with the one lenses when he was younger, but it always made him mad so Splinter stopped forcing him to wear them. He does have to wear and arm and leg brace however when him and his siblings go out to the surface. He is almost on the same speaking level as Leo with Japanese, but writing is often his struggle. He is easily frustrated by simple things, let it be simple tasks like doing dishes or cleaning. He wants to prove he can do everything the others can do, having been "sheltered" for a long time by Splinter. He has grown a major soft spot for animals, especially cats and dogs. Despite his flaws and disadvantages, he never lets that stop him, being too stubborn to give up.
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And last but not least, have Mikey!! He is the youngest (13) and is a Western Painted Turtle and stands at 5' (152.4 cm). He is a bundle of joy and chaos, never let his cute appearance fool you. A the youngest, he absolutely has his ways of getting what he wants. Well, he did when he was younger but now that trick doesn't work anymore. He is an artist, making money from commissions without ever having to show his face! He has horrible humor, like it's not funny at all. He was an IPad kid, playing lots of brain rotting games and having access to the internet way sooner than he should have. It got to the point where Splinter unforced a 1 hour screen time and supervised him until he was old enough to know better. His brothers often let him paint their shells when he's bored and the walls in his room are already covered with paint. He's a joy to be around and can make anyone happy. Also has goofy lil braces :)
Some additional info -
Leo - He/Him
Donnie - They/Them
Raph - He/They
Mikey - He/She/They
If you want anymore info, please leave a comment!! ^^
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milkytheholy1 · 4 years ago
Headcannons of doing a mental health day with the turtles since their s/o notices they need a day off?Like their s/o gets them their favorite snacks and different kinds of face masks to try & putting on their favorite movie or show.
(Saw this face mask and thought of leo wearing one after seeing it )
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A/N: set in the Rise-verse!
Raph: ❤️
This boy might act all tough but he secretly loves things like facemasks and all things spa related.
When you first offer the thought of doing a mental health day, he put up a bad-boy front much like his other brothers, but on the inside?
The snapping turtle is going crazy!
He'll wait for his brothers to leave before he gushes about all the different types of facemasks you brought with you.
"Is that one cucumber scented? Ooooh, lavender-"
Has trouble choosing which one he wants to do but finally gets down to three options.
You'll help put the mask on, smiling when he can't control his laughter.
In his words, "It tickles."
You'll be sat in the projector room watching movies all day and munching on your favourite snacks; mainly consists of pizza.
He'd be a little upset when it comes time to wipe the thing off, but oh boy! Can he not stop touching his face.
Even Mikey slaps his hand against it.
All in all, he can't wait for you to do it again next weekend, and the weekend after that, and the weekend after that, and the weekend after that...
Leo: 💙
Similar to Raph, Leo is a little apprehensive about putting on facemasks.
"What if I'm allergic?"
"Then we'll wash it off."
Unlike Raph, Leo is a little harder to convince.
"I don't know, can't we just eat the pizza and watch the show?"
"Wha- no! If you want the pizza and show then you have to wear the mask."
When you show him the array of masks, his eyes briefly scan each one.
Even though Leo likes a good pedicure, hell maybe even a mud bath, he draws the lines at facials.
Putting icky slime on his face? No thanks, he already lives in the sewers.
But then his eyes land on the gleam of the unicorn mask and it's all over then.
"You want the unicorn one?"
"Well duh, it's the only cool one you've got!"
Will definitely show off his face, even though appearance-wise nothing has changed.
Doesn't hate facemasks as much as he admits he does.
Donnie: 💜
Is the only turtle not remotely interested in the whole 'mental health day' thing.
He'd much rather sit in his lab all day and work, which is exactly what he did.
As the hours' role by, you go check on the soft-shell turtle to see if he's had any breakthroughs.
However, when you see him bent over his table, black soot covering him from head to toe, you know it's time for some relaxation. 
He'll argue, say that Sheldon needs some updates or the kitchen tap is leaky and he needs to fix it.
But you simply ignore him, grab a wipe and start cleaning his face.
He doesn't get to choose his mask cause he's too busy squirming around in his chair.
He's cringing when you apply the goop, but you start to ask him all the things that are in facemasks and he soon becomes distracted.
Doesn't even realise he's been wearing it for over an hour until you announce it's time to wipe them off.
Maybe mental health day and facemasks weren't so bad after all.
Still wouldn't do it willingly though.
Mikey: 🧡
This box-shell turtle is so excited he can't contain his joy.
You're pretty certain you saw him foaming at the mouth at one point.
Goes for the mask that, in his words, "Explodes on your face!"
He'll apply your mask, his fingers delicately painting it onto your cheeks.
Tells you it feels like fingerpainting, but for adults.
He can't help but laugh when you apply his, he feels like his whole body is tingling.
And then you bring out the pizza and this boy has LOST IT.
You know in cartoons when the character starts bouncing off of the walls? Well instead of Tom the cat or Daffy Duck, it's Mikey.
Doesn't want to take his mask off, in fact, you start playing a one-sided game of hide 'n' seek to find him.
Once you do find him, he's going straight to the bathroom to wash his mask off.
"My skin feels as fresh as a baby!"
"I don't think that's the...exact saying."
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