gayregis · 5 years
If Jaskier has a silver tongue, his silence must be golden.
“What are we searching for?”
“Blessed silence.”
-- actually OK bit from netflix
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uppik · 6 years
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Here’s my part of the art trade I did with my friend @sodarush. I hope you like my take on your son♥ Also. OCTOBER IS HERE, FOLKS. ____________________________ If you want to support my work, feel free to visit my ko-fi page♥
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So besides the usual state testing, today was dull. The only parts that made it better were my friends making my laugh until I couldn’t breathe. Today’s mischief was throwing ice at each other. I know we’re so mature.
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lemonsqueazie · 4 years
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a draxibald and his myriad of children for @sodarush from a while back that I hadn’t gotten around to posting!
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mang0mutech · 4 years
Do you have any mutuals/friends on here that you would recommend we follow? I'm looking for more artists to fill my dash with
Oh gosh I have a lot of amazing artists I totally recommend following. I’ll write down as many as I can think of off the top of my head: 
 @23-punnybee ... @skw-sketches ... @lapisdraws01 ... @mintywhisker ... @almguav ... @kibblesfitz ... @chrompoised ... @lemonsqueazie ... @dina-lani ... @n4tiart ... @pricklydapper ... @sassatello ... @zzipa ... @sodarush ... @gogglecannon ... @taytei ... @ggggorou ... @scoutish ... @xtechfirex ... @shanzehpooart ... @permo2003 ... @soothedcerberus ... @vodid ...
I hope you guys don’t mind me tagging y’all!
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theshadyhipster · 7 years
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SODARUSH: One of Food Trucks I stopped by
So it’s been a couple a solid month or two since I’ve been getting back into doing photography. Now I’m really trying to network myself being a freelance photographer better. When I heard there was a festival going on 10 minutes away from me.  I did some research, bought my ticket and came to the event with a goal and I knew what I came to the event for. If you haven’t lived in Phoenix or the west valley they have a event called “Arizona’s Balloon Classic” they have two events that go on both sides of the city, Eastside and WestSide(I attended Goodyears 7th Annual Balloon Classic. It was my first event went by myself without friends, family not even my boyfriend came. It was quite a last minute decision to make. I did some last minute research on what to look forward too. I brought my Dslr, 30mm prime lens(Which I only used and I didnt mean to do that),200mm zoom lens and my trusty tripod. 
I expected to see a lot of photographers...I was right there were TONS. I noticed they all hundled in the same area as me.  I also made sure that I would be at the event from open to close.  I did exactly that, running, crouching, weird angles. It was a fun experience it did make me miss my boyfriend he’s my best friend before anything.  He would have enjoyed it, he hasn’t even seen this very popular event. They said you could buy tickets there...I was close to doing that but instead I bought mine online, that saved me a whole bunch of time.  SO I could get a good amount time dedicated to talking to food trucks, local businesses. I was pretty much just trying to get my name out there. Like Ive been trying my best too. I just wish next time I bring business cards ready at hand. For these last couple months I’ve been focusing on refining my style, look and I completely redone my site. On top of that been pushing myself socially to get shoots going to rank up more experience. 
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gayregis · 5 years
It's good to see a male fantasy hero whose quest is to learn to be a dad.
hell yea it is it’s what makes the witcher so addictive. the goals and themes are family and friendship... that’s all
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gayregis · 5 years
I had the weirdest fcking dream. I was at Regis and Geralt's house that they were sharing. They decided to make me pasta. They tried to impress me by pouring the boiling water on Regis' hands. He was really tall and lanky, and slouching a bit. Weird.
this sounds in character bc 1. geregis domesticity. 2a. regis can make pasta 2b. the boiling water thing is legit because he has that power and also boiling things is a surefire way to sanitize them, hes a doctor, whatever, they kind of use alcohol to sanitize his hands in baptism of fire so i mean its kinda canon 3. thats an accurate description of regis’s body type
i hope the pasta was good gfhjdkls
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gayregis · 5 years
What some batty traits (physical, biological and such) that Regis (and other higher vampires) can have in human form (and monster form too). Give us all the HC!!
okay so for this we need to call to the spotlight the only two vampires in the books
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preeeetty different individuals. but as far as my headcanons go, higher vampires’ Vampire Traits really fade as they get better at mimicry and learn to disguise themselves better (if they so choose… usually with age, but that’s usually)
the most apparent change with this is switching from telepathic speech to speech spoken aloud, and the adoption of common or elder speech  (usually common since they can blend in easier with humans, and elf blood tastes like juniper berries :P) instead of vampiric speech
another apparent change is in movement. vampires tend to move very quickly and rigidly, like birds, or bats. they don’t really adopt ‘human’ movements unless they try to.
let’s start off the list of eventual changes with some immediately recognizable physical traits, comparing and contrasting between our two characters here:
eyes: quite a difference. the large round eyes of younger vampires are strikingly inhuman (especially at night, as all vampire eyes reflect light). they also do not use their eyes in the majority of facial expressions, they are pretty static and unchanging except for when they blink, which makes their appearance more unsettlingly inhuman. contrast with regis’s eyes in the year 1268 which just radiate kindness and safety. id go to sleep with this gaze even if he didnt hypnotize me. sleepytime tea but its just a kind glance.
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nose: YES young vampires have little pushed-up bat noses. but this fades pretty quickly, within about half a century or less (unless their noses are… pushed-up in their human form as well).
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ears: younger vampires’ ears are shaped like bat ears, in the same positioning as human ears. with age, they transform into a regular human shape, but keep the ridges.
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teeth: depends really on how addicted they are to blood, not so much how much they have learned to blend in with humans, but here you go:
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hands: they can get really long nails if they don’t file them down. how this works when their bodies are supposed to regenerate everything, i don’t know
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as you can see, regis looks more “human” or “normal” than vereena does, and that’s because he’s had a couple more centuries to learn how humans look, speak, and act individually and with one another. he’s still learning of course, but everyone is a work in progress. these adaptations and mimicry will only take place if the vampire in question associates themselves with humans and makes an effort to learn so they can blend in. if they don’t give a shit and would rather just live on the outskirts or with other vampires then they can look more vampiric/inhuman for a long time. vereena and regis are kind of two opposites on the “would talk to a human” spectrum so. expect vampires to have really any combination of these traits. and like regis didn’t look like he does now a couple of centuries ago.
while doing this i was like “this makes regis seem very cozy and normal” but then i came to the question of, is it creepier to look inhuman, or to learn slowly over hundreds of years how humans look act and think to appear human but never actually be human, and what you see in regis is solely an imitation of all of the thousands of humans he’s observed over the years and it’s not really his true form. basically vampires ARE shapeshifters because they move between their human and bat forms but they also move between states of humanoid and it’s really based on what they learn and can summarize from humans.
i think if vampires who have adapted lose concentration on their form (i.e., they’re extremely agitated, or they’re drunk) they can ‘revert’ back to what they look like in a humanoid form without the modifications they’ve made… like at stygga i headcanon that regis’s eyes kind of got round and extremely dark, his teeth were much sharper, because he just lost it for some hot seconds there
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gayregis · 5 years
(Regis gets stabbed) Regis : Rude. Geralt : That's fair. Milva : Not again. Angoulême : Can I keep the knife ?
YES... in character humor... that reminds me of the “milva teaching angouleme archery and angouleme accidentally sends an arrow at regis” mini plotline... i really need to write/draw that at some point
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gayregis · 5 years
I've been watching videos about bats being rescued and cared for, and sorry, but a giant bat!Regis will forever be cute to me now. Bats are adorable I don't make the rules.
he’s basically just still like himself in his regular humanoid form:
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because on one hand he’s soft and can go “owo” ... and on the other hand,
regis had a little too much fun at stygga if you ask me i mean i dont have the official translation with me rn bc im not home but
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but even when he goes stupid goes crazy its ok because he’s fighting on the right side <:)
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gayregis · 5 years
Help I can't stop thinking about the hansa being a DnD party.
dandelion, milva, regis, cahir simultaneously: “i cast vicious mockery on geralt”
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gayregis · 5 years
Okay, so Regis' voice in BaW is super cute, I really like it, a benevolent elderly gentleman nerd... But holy shit his Polish voice *_*... HUNF!
hjfdgshgdsfgjks its so deep they didn’t need to do this it was SO unnecessary. also same actor as polish thanos … but tbh the polish voices are mostly better imho especially geralt’s and dandelion’s... like geralt is not batman im sorry doug cockle...
i unfortunately prefer the english audiobook regis bc the narrator’s voices for all of them grew on me... unfortunately. 
it’s really a tie between that and the english tw3 regis VA for me. on one hand audiobook regis sounds like he makes tea roleplay ambiance asmr videos and on the other the english tw3 va sounds like he would read you his dissertation on essential oils. 
i like how the audiobook narration really makes him sound nervous and yes, cowardly at some points:
when he first joins the company and finds out that geralt is a witcher (”a... witcher? a monster slayer... my, my. very interesting.”)
when he confesses to geralt and milva that he is a coward
and also when there’s vocal directions like “regis said softly/gently” the narrator really does his best to abide by that ... when he comforts milva (”calm down, archeress. there you go, drink that.”) and also when he’s being asked abt his background in the beginning of baptism of fire... like there’s just such a tone change between the pre- and post- reveal
BUT ALSO we get fun stuff like “regis snapped” “the vampire said frigidly” “the vampire hissed, smiling gruesomely” and its like [earthquake.gif] ....... 
regis asking geralt how high he would place the bounty for him, the narrator took some artistic liberty imho and said the line in this very demanding tone (“HOW MUCH?”)
when he’s scolding geralt about suspecting cahir of treachery (“ANYWAY”)
drunkenness (“I FeEl sUcH StReNgTh iNsIdE Me i cOuLd pRoBaBlY LaY WaStE To tHiS EnTiRe cAsTlE”)
the audiobook narration gives regis such a VASTNESS of emotion, i feel like tw3 regis is just like ehhhhh in comparison bc... well for starters its not a fair fight, he has much less dialogue. but he just has ONE mood, and that is Sad, Rueful, and Distressed. and sometimes patronizing scolding of geralt and syanna
they are kind of tied though in the fact that they do both have a good in character tone for scolding geralt in a patronizing voice (”i’m not trying to be a mentor, i’m trying to be rational” VS “a bit more finesse, i implore you”) and also adapt that Academic Lecturing tone...... unfortunately there is no space to skip dialogue in the books
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gayregis · 5 years
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@sodarush replied to: post
thank you though bc this made me think about regis’s Powers and im going to rate them all right now and talk abt how he feels abt them.
flying — not so good at it, as discussed. probably the one part of his life that is still messy and done without prior thought. a reminder of the earlier days but without any violence, so it is like a fun activity that reminds him of when he was young and stupid as well as being kind of relaxing. so he does try to go out on full moons and fly around
dramatic entrances/exits — so fucking skilled. i think canon events really speak for this one i dont even need to interpret. does not really realize what he is like because it is just of a subconscious nature. geralt even notes that he had “no inclination for theatrical gestures” but despite this regis is like. disappearing and shit which leads me to my next point
the invisibility act  — honestly i do not have a big idea of what this one actually is and neither did cdpr. they say he “just vanishes” in the books which might insinuate that he is still there yet just invisible, but right after the first time he does this in baptism of fire, the company talks amongst themselves as if he is not there anymore, and the second time he does it in lady of the lake, he refers to it as flying, so i am inclined to think that it is him literally dematerializing. but does this mean it is restricted to only on a full moon, like being a bat is? (basically the working headcanon i have for the vampires right now is that their “true forms” are this dematerialized form but they adopted physical forms during the development of mimicry and now it’s something they can only really access on a full moon.)  i like how cdpr animated the bruxae in b&w so i’d like to think it’s like that. also i like to headcanon that when he is alone (like living alone in his cottage) he would just do this whenever because it;s easier to get around, it’s quicker and more comfortable when you get used to navigation.
combat — scared to do it, but QUITE good at it once his inhibitions are down or he feels strongly about protecting another. he just goes on the offensive and moves inhumanly quickly and it’s crazy epic. “with an incredibly long and fast leap” or smth or maybe the quote is he leapt like a leopard or smth idk. but its cool. i dont think he loves this necessarily but since violence is a party to vampires i think its kind of fun sometimes but he’s not gonna actively seek these kinds of situations out.
hypnotism / “the vampire’s spell” as geralt puts it  — quite good actually. i have a headcanon that as vampires get older they get more powers and more powerful in general... that’s why geralt was almost evenly matched with vereena (but still got his ass kicked) b/c she was a younger vampire... like maybe 40 or 50. sorry, back to the topic —) since they get more powers/improve their existing powers as they go, regis obtained the power of hypnotism about like maybe 30 years ago give or take (he did not have it when he was younger). so he’s still mastering it. but he’s quite good at it, in regards to the short period of time that he’s had it. and he mesmerizes multiple people at a time (i think 3 at the most... 3 guards in vissegerd’s camp, 3 guards at stygga’s gate...)
hypnotism is quite a difficult skill to work with for vampires at times because it requires empathy towards the target which is usually a human, so you have to understand their fears and dreams and everything. the closer you get to how they are actually feeling, the stronger the spell has the potential to be. but he’s quite empathetic especially towards humans so it works better for him / he took easier to it than most. but sometimes he has difficulty severing the empathetic link so they start to read his mind and shit. the empathetic link really is a two-way street and if you can’t control it it can fuck with both on opposite sides of the connection. you can easily drive people insane on accident, which, oops.
impermeability to extreme temperatures — honestly this one is more of a “status effect” rather than an active power to exploit but i just wanted to  say that when the hansa gets pizza he can eat the pizza immediately after it’s served while everyone else has to wait and angouleme tries to follow this example and burns her lips but keeps chewing. everyone is like. angouleme. please . and she takes another bite
also sry for publishing this prematurely i hit “post” instead of “save draft”
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gayregis · 5 years
How about a Witcher Discord for once the upcoming show airs ?
i was going to make one :3 but idk if people would join!
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gayregis · 5 years
What are your expectations for Regis in the upcoming Netflix show?
thank you for the ask omg…. let me answer:
“not good”
much like the titular character of the witcher, i am a pessimist and commonly believe everything is doomed and that i, specifically, am cursed by fate to never have anything good happen to me. thus, i have this outlook:
i doubt they will even get to baptism of fire before being cancelled by netflix (not for any fault of the show itself, but that is how netflix structures its shows as to take in the most possible revenue, like they usually cancel shows around 3 seasons bc they have hooked new individuals into paying for the subscription service by then but…)
if regis does get cast (appearing in what… the 3rd or 4th chapter of baptism of fire?) im scared that they’re either gonna go CDPR’s version of making him old and ugly or jana’s version of making him look like some thottie dracula (no shade bc she is epic but you have to admit her drawings of regis are funnie bc of the long dark hair and very stereotypically vampire collar). i kind of like the look of the guy they casted for mousesack though for regis but idk how they will cast for him. i just hope they, unlike CDPR, understand the meaning of the term middle-aged, for my sanity. please give him a fucking hairline netflix
i think it will be difficult to make regis a likable character because the events of the story will need to happen very quickly, so for example we likely wont get a long political conversation with zoltan where regis establishes himself as a good listener and polite host. audiences love drama so it will likely go quickly between fen carn, the horseshoe, the temerian war camp, and the reveal, which is not enough time to establish regis as trustworthy and likable. i think audiences once they hear “vampire” just go crazy with ideas of violence and horniness which is so inappropriate for regis’s character lmao… so it’s really important to build his character PRE-REVEAL so that the audience doesn’t have any blanks to fill in about who he is and what he is like. they need to think they understand the entirety of this man, and as soon as they do, the rug gets pulled out from under them and they realize he is not what they think he is.
im struggling with this exact thing right now in my own project right now where, if you have to boil regis’s introduction down to his most dramatic and interesting scenes, it detracts from his character because it’s not just his actions, but his atmosphere, which establish this sense of safety and kindness that is so integral to the character. 
i think the show will really have to make use of good visuals of regis’s cottage to create this sense of homeliness and safety because it would really benefit the character. in addition, i think regis does have this otherworldly and at times unsettling nature about him where it’s like…. why is he picking mandrake under a full moon in an elven cemetery lol…. his eccentricity gets the best of him and makes him a little off-putting, which i think can be conveyed again by visual atmosphere and also by the actor having an intense gaze (”regis bored his onyx eyes into the witcher,” etc.) and holding eye contact with geralt
i think something the show will need to steer away from is sterotypical vampire… stuff. like, regis in the books is not there to be an archetypical vampire… vampires do not even work in the same way in the witcher universe as in the majority of vampire legends. his vampire nature is second to that of his goodwill, morals, kindness, and overbearing lengthiness during conversation.
also re: conversation, i think they are going to have to scrap like 50% of regis’s dialogue in the books in order to keep everything in a time frame, lol. but thats just his cross to bear
tldr they have to be careful to do it right, they have to emphasize kindness, i dont really know at this point how well they are going to treat the MAIN characters of the first two books, much less side characters from the fifth book, so i should not worry and judge them prematurely, but here are some of my concerns and hopes and whatnot about what i think they might have difficulty with
also as an added note, i think i will want to see how they handle dandelion first, because he is really the litmus test as to how the series will handle any of geralt’s friends and how they can represent such Personalities With Depth like him. but then again joey seems like really on top of things so it depends on the actor they get
another edit: if they add in any sort of sentiments or dialogue that make him an archetypical immortal that thinks humans are foolish and stupid and weak, like cdpr did, they will catch. these. hands. if they make regis haughty at ALL, it will be on. sight. with netflix. yeah thats probably my biggest fear besides them casting someone ugly, them rewriting things to make regis more of an archetypical vampire and having him be cold to the rest of the hansa. thats mildly terrifying as a possibility
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