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asinineapotheosis · 6 years ago
Remember these words? "War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavory, and Ignorance Is Strength." You have been warned for decades, and still you do not listen.
A letter to the frustrated American.
We live in a culture that has diminished the value of life at every corner. Nothing we do makes a difference. We are all replaceable cogs in a machine that chews us up and spits us out. It views us merely as units of labor and votes, a source of power and a constituency. We live in a superficial social structure that prioritises likes, comments, and shares. It scoffs at real personal connections and deifies artificial pseudo-celebritized-lives. Our political structure rewards corruption and punishes accountability and honesty. It pats the back of every fool with an opinion with a mouth to voice it or a keyboard to type it. Our public education system is severely underfunded, relies on archaic norms, and ignores the needs of its educators and students. Our higher education system is predatory and deceptive, pushes people into debt, and leaves them high and dry with otherwise useless degrees all while not-so-subtly belittling the working class.
We are systematically kept ignorant of all of this and directed to focus our attention on insignificant or purely inflammatory issues. Our perceptions of the world are warped by a media that only appears to be polarized but in reality is owned and operated by the same conglomerate that manipulates us for they're own political and social economic gain. Every day our rights and freedoms are eroded more and more. One day our descendants may live in a totalarian state that claims to be free but oppresses it's citizens through forced debt and barely-sustainable wages, that claims to safeguard it by keeping it in the dark through distractions and media manipulations, and by pursuing false wars to maintain an war economy and a tough facade in the interest of peace at home.
Nothing matters anymore until you make it matter!
Is it a wonder mental illnesses like depression and anxiety run rampant? There is a tangible pent up frustration in this country, no one can deny that and everyone can feel it, yet no one can seem to grasp and understand it or surmise a way to be rid of it. No politician, no scientist, no religious figure will just give us the solution or fix all of our problems. This is something we have to do together. Something that we have to get mad enough about, stand up, and fight for. Our tormentors appear great and powerful, but there is a reason they have worked so hard to undermine us, to keep us ignorant and docile. The truth is they fear us. They fear what a united citizenry can do to their establishments, to they're decadent lifestyles, to they're percieved power.
Keep your representatives accountable, keep protesting, keep voicing your opinions, stay loud, stand against injustice and the errosion of freedoms, dont be easily swayed by emotionally charged arguments, read house and senate bills, try to understand why your detractors disagree with you and ignore them if they can't explain, stay active in your community, and keep friends and family informed.
If we are manipulated it is our own fault. It is our responsibility as citizens to educate ourself on these subjects, to defend our freedoms at every gate, and denounce tyranny and corruption wherever it appears.
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voiceofanoutlier · 3 years ago
Money over people economy.
Money over people economy.
The beauty of the sun awakes the ugly reality of passionless devotion, as the workers of the world religiously make their journey to jobs that feed their bodies yet eat their souls. It’s at dawn that the workers of the world prepare themselves to make their daily pilgrimage to sacrifice the strength of their bodies and the wealth of their health upon the monetary altars of the world. Dawn awakes…
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duggu1991-blog · 4 years ago
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The Queen’s Young Leaders Award recognises and celebrates exceptional people between the ages of 18-29 from across the 53 Commonwealth countries, who are using their skills to transform lives in their communities . She quit her cushy, corporate job as a research analyst and went on to launch an initiative called, Red is the New Green (RING- @redisthenewgreen_ ) . 26-year-old Deane de Menezes (@deanerae), the creator of Red is the New Green (a project to raise menstrual health awareness) has been working hard, going from door-to-door distributing free sanitary napkins to low-income households across Mumbai . She decided to step in and helped around 12,700 women by distributing over two lakh sanitary pads across slums and rural areas in Maharashtra . She says, “If I can do it, so can you. Even if you start small, it is okay. I have always found support in people from all walks of life. If there is something you are truly passionate about, something you think is your chance to give back to society, go for it. Don’t hesitate. You’ll never know what places you’ll reach.” . #WomanEmpowerment #smallbusiness #socialeconomy #BetiBachao #womenstrength #DaughterOfNation #WomanEmpowerment #womensupportingwomen #womanownedbusiness #entrepreneurship #girleducation #PassOnAPad #menstruationmatters #sustainablemenstruation #sustainability #swachhbharatmission #swachhbharat #environment #menstrualwaste #localbusiness #digitalduggu (at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJV9989pOiu/?igshid=612u31wspnkm
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wilkotweet · 4 years ago
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If mankind has made money why can't we change it? #moneyart #wilkoart #changemoney   #socialeconomy #localmoney   #billeteslocales #transition #kunstkapital #capitalarte #kunstkultur #capitalcultura https://www.instagram.com/p/CEzID9yjIV3/?igshid=eu171492g7ze
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alimoharrek · 7 years ago
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How to #accompany the #individual #inventor to #providing the #Middle_Eastern model of #Green #Growth #greenpeace The detail is published in the #greendatabase of #wipo the wipogreen DB. #water #energy #socialeconomy #SDGs #gii2017 #worldipday2017 #ifia #institute #climateaction @creativecommons #greeninnovation #artistificial #greenpartner #undpiran #middleast #wastetreatment #flexible #instagram #acccen #unfccc 🔗https://t.co/Hezrdkd1Z5 https://t.co/TmFK0YFbgP
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cargoos · 3 years ago
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“You can believe in whatsoever you like, but the truth remains the truth, no matter how sweet the lie may taste.” ~M.B. Johnson
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edwardmerasmus · 6 years ago
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We are starting in a few minutes... #eser #socialeconomy #socialentrepreneurship #socialgood #arubaonehappyisland #Aruba (at Renaissance Convention Center Aruba) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn8t0OZBDRX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10o6jv0hidcp4
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newbeltane · 5 years ago
At #GECES @EU_Commission #ExpertGroup on #SocialEconomy & #SocialEnterprises presentation on mapping study 4 #SocEnt - main conclusions, main fiscal benefits granted in different countries, visibility & recognition @SocEntEU @EU_Social @EU_Growth pic.twitter.com/aKMeHHPCYx
— Ulla Engelmann (@ulla234) October 22, 2019
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asinineapotheosis · 5 years ago
A Corporate Bailout uses Taxpayer Money
They played the game and lost. They have been feeding us scraps while lining their own pockets for years. They have been avoiding paying their fair share while they steal from us. They laugh at our misfortune and chide us for not saving our money.
And NOW they cry wolf and want the American people to save them? Now they need OUR help? How dare they? What audacity! What gall! What absolute disrespect!
If their industry is so necessary, it will return. But a lesson must be learned here. Enough is enough.
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cubberonline · 8 years ago
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Now you can earn a decent income from the comfort of your home! Just refer the #CubberApp with your friends and earn commission. #workfromhome #Cubberwallet #socialeconomy #online recharge #billpayment Visit http://cubber.in/ now!
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commercialistadiroma-blog · 8 years ago
Uber: secondo il NYT Travis Kalanick si è dimesso dal business advisory council di Donald Trump
Uber: secondo il NYT Travis Kalanick si è dimesso dal business advisory council di Donald Trump
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Secondo quanto riportato qualche minuto fa dal New Tork Times, Travis Kalanick, il fondatore di Uber, si sarebbe dimesso da membro del  business advisory council di Donald Trump. Come SocialEconomy vi aveva raccontato nei mesi scorsi, il business advisory council (il cui nome ufficiale è Strategic and Policy Forum)  era stato voluto dal neo Presidente degli USA con l’obiettivo di supportare la…
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wilkotweet · 5 years ago
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My last #moneyartwork If mankind has made money why can't we change it? #moneyart #wilkoart #changemoney #socialeconomy #localmoney #billeteslocales #transition #kunstkapital #capitalarte #kunstkultur #capitalcultura https://www.instagram.com/p/CEZRFJKj2OB/?igshid=10pp6toy5851o
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jdaviescoates · 6 years ago
via Twitter https://twitter.com/jdaviescoates
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polkappenschmelzer · 6 years ago
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Für jedes Glas Wein, Sekt oder Champagner spenden wir 1000 Liter Wasser nach Gudyanga in Simbabwe in Kooperation mit dem Weltfriedensdienst e.V. ❤️🌎 * * * #vinoakvo #weinzuwasser #wasserzuwein #spenden #wasserspenden #charityshopping #vino #wein #rotwein #weisswein #champagner #genuss #berlinfood #berlinart #instawine #winelife #waterislife #weinliebhaber #weinverkostung #csr #socialeconomy #wasser #liebe #respekt #helfen #wassermangel #trinkwasser — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2SQKExu
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newbeltane · 7 years ago
Registrations are open 4 #SocialEconomy #SideEvent>>16/11 in #Gothenburg #SocialSummit17 @SocEntEU @EU_EESC https://t.co/5o9lLz4qKT http://pic.twitter.com/iVocaljwzY
— Social Economy EU (@SocialEcoEU) October 3, 2017
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asinineapotheosis · 6 years ago
You know, I wonder if the root of our easily offended current culture (regardless of generational or political identification) comes from the fact that social media grants a sense of anonymity and an equal speaking platform to all participants in conjunction with entertainment outlets sensationalizing mundane drama.
Could also be that and the sudden boom in technology in the relatively recent past that has taken away any real pressing matters or dangers to us as a species and has only left humanity with superficial and shallow issues to grovel over.
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