Study Bunny | A Grad School Journey Blog
8 posts
23 | she/her | MSc student at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 🍁 to 💂
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thebrownbunnygrad · 1 year ago
An Existential Exhaustion
I am so tired. It feels like there are days and weeks in a row where everything is the same and everyday I wake up I just feel... tired. I feel like I'm in a washing machine that's constantly going on and on with no end in sight of being done or fresh.
Is this my existence? I know I have so much to be thankful for, I am grateful for it, but there has to be something more, right? Everyday I wake up and I eat the same breakfast, I sit down at the same table, open the same laptop, and continue to study. I've mentioned I'm in London now, but how could I be in a whole new different environment and still be doing the same thing. It seems like people are doing something everyday, why am I not? It's not like I haven't been out and about, perhaps my expectations are too high, that I expect something magical or just different to happen when I'm going out into the city.
Maybe its the weather that has me like this. No sunshine or light to make me feel excited, I'm sure I'll be better on a sunny day. It's probably more so because I'm on a tight budget as an international student with limited capabilities of exploring or having fun. There has to be more to this though, right?
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✌🏾 ~Brown Bunny 🤎
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thebrownbunnygrad · 1 year ago
A Third of the Way There
Officially, I am a third of the way done with my Master's degree!! OMG. I'm 33% of the way there to calling myself a Master of Nutrition for Global Health.
This is a milestone in my personal life. For the first time in 23 years, I spent 3.5 months learning to live by myself, how to navigate adulthood, and so much more.
My takeaway from all of this. I feel that the biggest fear is actually getting started. Those anxious thoughts of Can I do it? how will I do it? If anyone is reading this and feeling the same way, take it from someone who has no real-life skills, you can do it.
Also on the last day of my last class of the first term, I lost my lunchbox on the bus. So... a great way to end the term!
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✌🏾 ~Brown Bunny 🤎
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thebrownbunnygrad · 1 year ago
Thoughts of the Present and Future
Approximately 7,581 km lies between Vancouver and London. That’s how far away I am from family, friends, and my memories. But the amazing thing is I am making new memories and new opportunities here.
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As I walk the steps towards LSHTM, the steps towards the ethnic supermarkets and grocery stores on Green Street. I can’t help but think was there anyone else like me walking these steps before me? Surely there has been. People dreaming, hoping, and wishing. For better futures and brighter futures. I can’t help but think of them. What were they thinking? What were they going through? Were they as scared and uncertain as I was? But equally as optimistic and exhilarated as I am of potential possibilities? I don’t know what the future will hold.
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The world is collapsing, chaotic, and in shambles. But these past few months I have seen such great unity, strength, and solidarity among people across the world. I want to be a part of it.
✌🏾 ~Brown Bunny 🤎
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thebrownbunnygrad · 1 year ago
I feel like I'm drowning
As expected I've been totally inconsistent with the posting. But then again who the heck is going to read this except me anyway. I got to visit some amazing places like the Natural Science Museum and Kew Gardens (see pics!) and honestly, if you're looking for dark academia vibes London is the place to be. Absolutely love it!!
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Although sightseeing has been great, I'm on week 4 of my MSc program and I am floundering! I felt behind literally on the second week. Even though I only finished my undergrad a couple of months ago, which relatively did involve reading a lot of papers, there was some "hand-holding" when it came to the lecture material.
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Doing your graduate studies (specifically in the UK) is definitely more self-directed than I thought it would be. So much of it is self-taught, self-motivated, self... whatever you name it. If you're thinking of doing your Masters in the UK, specifically at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Be prepared to [1] read, [2] read, and [3] read. There's a degree of proactiveness and discipline that is extremely needed!
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✌🏾 ~Brown Bunny 🤎
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thebrownbunnygrad · 1 year ago
Week 1 Review of London
Having been in the London for a week officially, there are definitely things that I love and am not a fan of at all. As a Vancouverite, the two cities have a lot in common and some huge differences that I wasn’t expecting. First the good:
Transportation: London has an amazing transportation system; I’ll go as far as to say one of the best. Everything is so well connected, busses are so frequent, you do not need a car!!
Food: London has something for everyone. Not only is the city so diverse, the foodscape is as well. There are so many options and they range in price from your $ - $$$ restaurants. Something that relates to me is that there are so many … so many … halal options. The Subway in London is also halal!!
Entertainment: If we’re comparing Vancouver to London, Vancouver is the place to retire and London is the place to go if you want to do something. The streets are always full and the museums are free to visit. There’s always something happening, whether its theatre, film, or the arts.
However, some of the things that I really miss back home:
Water: Vancouver has the best water; for drinking, showering, etc. The water in London does not taste good and it's also much harsher. I swear, I'm going bald because of it and have started to re-evaluate my hair care routine to match it.
Expensive: Although London has a great transit system it is pricey $$$ Vancouver’s transit system, although does not meet the standards of the UK’s is so much more affordable, especially if you are a student. Additionally, if you want to buy clothes … maybe don’t. Clothing is so much more expensive in the UK than back home in Vancouver.
Plumbing: I did not expect this, but it seems like every toilet in London doesn’t flush properly. Some places they tell you to throw your “waste” in the garbage and not the toilet … EWW 🤮
✌🏾 ~Brown Bunny 🤎
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thebrownbunnygrad · 1 year ago
Simplifying the Literature Review
One of the worst parts of research is going through all the research that's out there to be read! There is so much of it!! This post is a non-comprehensive resource on making the literature review and search a more straightforward and easier process!
AI-Powered Tools
Semantic Scholar
Citation Managers
Zotero (my personal favourite as it can easily integrate with Word)
General Research Databases
Google Scholar
Directory of Open Access Journals
PLoS One
✌🏾 ~Brown Bunny 🤎
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thebrownbunnygrad · 1 year ago
🌸 Academic Tips
Here are some tips to start off the academic year strong!
🟣 Setup your notebooks, planner, folders, digital files, and notion in advance.
🟣 Review the syllabus and mark down all important dates.
🟣 Introduce yourself to your professor or teacher and build good rapport.
🟣 Introduce yourself to a few classmates to have acquaintances you can depend on.
🟣 Do a digital declutter and clean out old files beforehand.
🟣 Set aside extra study time for tougher subjects.
🟣 Come up with an efficient study method and stick to it.
🟣 Reward yourself for academic milestones to keep fueling your motivation.
🟣 Block out a specific time for homework and studying. Spend the rest of the day doing non-academic tasks. Strike a balance!
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thebrownbunnygrad · 1 year ago
My first post!
In about 10 days I'll be starting my MSc program at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. I graduated from the University of British Columbia this May and it'll be my first time ever living abroad not only do I feel queasy and nauseous, but am extremely excited for this new journey that I will be embarking on.
I'm hoping to create a digital journal for my journey on Tumblr, while maybe providing tips for both undergrad and grad school for anyone seeking and wanting to learn. I don't know if anyone will come across my blog, but hey, if you're reading this, I hope two things:
That I actually was/am consistent in blogging because I suck at it.
That this will be of some help to you!
✌🏾 ~Brown Bunny 🤎
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