#so you get to hear all my pent-up pillars thoughts
gothyanki · 1 month
I suppose it was inevitable that at some point I’d make a Pillars of Eternity OC who really really wants to bone the god of death in all their potential forms. Couldn’t be helped.
(Her name is Nuria Pollet and she’s a mountain dorf wizard from the Living Lands who dual-classes to Priest of Berath in the second game for totes not horny reasons. Self-preservation is something that happens to other people.)
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siconetribal · 2 years
Put It On My Tab: Chapter 5
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!reader
Tag: @vbecker10 @wordsfromshona @harlequin-hangout
Warning: Cursing, The universe strikes again, Luck so bad...it's good?, Jason does good
Everyone deserves time off, and the vigilantes of Gotham are no exception to the rule. The boys decide to take a weekend to let loose. Who knew a few drinks would lead to a stranger in bed?
Author Note:
I'm back with part 5! So, I was trying really hard to close this on part 5 and keep to my plan. However, no matter what I did I just couldn't get it to tie up nicely and that just led to a plethora of other ideas coming in. So...I don't have a clue how long this is going to be anymore. (^_^;)
If you're new to the story, here is a link to the other parts:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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Of fucking course, Jason stared at the building in front of him. He had followed Dick's advice and managed to find her IP address. From there it was a simple tracing, converting to GPS coordinates, and following directions. There was no way this plan would fail. And yet, here I am…again, at the intersection of "what the hell" and "you've got to be kidding me". He squeezed his eyes shut. Maybe if he closed them hard and long enough, his surroundings would change, and magically he would not be standing here. Where was here exactly? Here was a small, dated strip mall that had brown brick with chipped and weathered awnings and pillars. Here was a bowling alley that looked like it was closed down and an old dry cleaner's. Here was a vacant parking lot aside from his motorcycle and a few cars. His golden ticket, the IP address, led him to a shabby looking gamer's lounge in the middle of what looked to be a dying strip mall, if not dead already.
How, how is it so hard to find this chick?! I just want to pay her for the bill! Why is it so fucking hard to do something nice ?! He glared up at the poorly working lit up sign, hearing the buzz of a dying bulb. All sense of accomplishment crashed and burned to the ground the moment he parked. Ruffling his hair, he ducked his head and let out a heavy sigh. His frustration was at an all-time high in ways he never thought possible for him. Normally, he would be able to quickly release this pent-up feeling through the cathartic action of smashing some goons face in or squeezing the information out of someone who was scared out of his mind and in over his head. Normally, Jason did not have to deal with this heavy feeling for too long. However, it was noon, and he was out in Gotham not as Red Hood but as Jason Todd.
What was the point in all this? It was increasingly clear that the universe was doing its very best to keep him from finding her and paying his dues. They met, they happened to be online gaming buddies, and that was all there was to it. He should throw in the towel and move on. Why should he care so much about this? She was not searching for him. He was the one going out of his way to find her. Yeah, I shouldn't care. This is bullshit. I didn't ask to be taken to some hotel. He was aware he insisted she let him walk her back home that night. Plus, she clearly doesn't give a crap. He glared at his leather jacket that she had taken the time to hook onto the chair that night. He also recalled how she tried to get him to stop screaming with his hangover. "She cares about the wrong things, there's something screwy in her brain." 
It was moments like these that made him want to quit. Throw his hands up in the air like he just did not care in his usual cavalier fashion. Who was she to him to warrant such dedication to repayment? What leverage did she have over him? Nothing and none. She was some stranger he tried to help, and he had done just that. A very attractive stranger who was pretty mouthy and fresh with him, who happened to be his online gaming buddy. Who, he was not keen being left to foot a hefty bill because he wanted coffee in the morning. 
"Dammit, just you wait, I'll find you and give you that money IAmBatman!" He shouted into the parking lot, his chest puffed with renewed motivation. I've officially gone insane, I'm shouting Batman in broad daylight in an empty parking lot. Pushing his momentary lose of reason aside, Jason surveyed the surroundimg area once more. There was a newer and larger shopping center next door with a filled lot, a few nice restaurants in the area, and the famous coffee chain Barbara and Richard like so much and Damien kept insisting he deserved espresso from. 
She complains about customers, so she's definitely in the service industry. This place looks like it's upscaling quite a bit, it isn't hard to see the type of clientele she talks about being here. But where? She works multiple shifts and possibly multiple jobs. The building has CCTV cameras, but who knows what the quality is like. " Fuck, if I knew this was a gaming lounge I would've stopped by in the evening!" He kicked an unsuspecting rock and sent it flying into the parking lot, he was back at square one.
Y/N loudly sneezed for the third time in a row, and Citlalli quickly handed her a tissue. "Damn, are you sure you aren't getting sick? I told you before, I'll say it again, my ass ain't cheap. If you're expecting me to go swinging on a pole, estás loca! Do you think I'll just settle for anyone. The president himself couldn't afford me!" She pointed her nose up to the sky and flipped her hair over her hair shoulder.
"I'm not sick, it's just a sneeze!" Y/N rolled her eyes and wiped her mouth. "There's probably a lot of dust or some shit."
"You said that last time as well. You know, maybe your fancy date is thinking about you? Don't they say one is saying something good about you, two is someone is taking shit, three of someone in love with you, and four is a calamity?" 
"Yeah, where were those four sneezes when I met wonder boy? 4k sounds like a pretty big calamity to me." Y/N scowled.
"Don't look at me, you're the one who didn't sneeze!" Citlalli put her hands in the air. "Take it up with your nose!" She turned and started to clean the espresso machine, wiping down everything.
"Right, because the sneeze manager decided to snooze on me. I'll be sure to file my complaints through the proper channels." 
"Don't you get smart with me! If you aren't sick, get to wiping the tables, it's your turn this time!"
"Y'know, now that you mention it," Y/N cleared out her throat and forced a slight rasp on her voice, earning a glare from Citlalli who threw the damp table rag at her.
"Tables. Now." Citlalli pointed to the front of the café. "Don't make me come over there," She warned, and Y/N laughed.
"Or what, you'll throw your shoe at me? You can't, you're wearing laced up sneakers today!" Y/N pointed down in triumph, which only angered her best friend.
"You think I won't untie, then to throw 'em?"
"You'll get fired if you do." Citlalli took a step forward, and Y/N quickly ducked under the counter gate and popped up on the other side. "Alright, alright, I'm going! No need to be so violent, just stating facts. Pass me the spray, and I’ll get out of your hair.”
 “Those tables better be spotless, ya hear me? I wanna be able to see my reflection on those tables!”’ Citlalli firmly placed the plastic bottle on the counter top, making sure she made eye contact with her friend. “If they don’t shine, I’m making you do it all over again!”
“Excuse you, what did I ever do to you get the rough treatment?”
“Come home with a bill that’s worth more than two of us combined! I told you, I’m no-”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re not doing tricks! Keep that up, and I might start to think you actually want to from how often you’re bringing it up!” Y/N turned and made her way to the first table. She could feel Citlalli glaring a hole in the back of her head. With a bit of elbow grease, she began to scrub the surface in circles to clear away the residue of the last customer. It was slow progress, but she was making progress towards her paying off the large bill that weighed over head. It’s a miracle the manager agreed to my payment plan option instead of demanding it all in one go. I guess they realized I’m not lying about not knowing, and I’m willing to cover the costs…though they didn’t give me a choice on that matter. I swear, if I ever see that jerk again, it’ll be too soon! Her eyebrows scrunched together as she scrubbed harder at a hard ring stain, imagining it was the handsome price tag who got her in this mess. “Life couldn’t get any better,” she muttered to herself as she sprayed the somewhat sticky surface. 
The electronic chime of the front door being opened rang behind her followed by Cici’s chipper voice greeting the new customer. The heavy steps of the boots stopped and Y/N knew they were at the counter looking over the menu. The lengthy pause was clue enough for her to know they were new.
Not many newcomers here, but there are the occasional pop ins that are driving through. They’ll probably ask for Cici to help suggest something. She shrugged it off and moved to the next table, the chairs left scattered out. “Would it kill people to push in their chairs?” She muttered under her breath, slipping between two to get to the table first.
“Damn, I don’t know what half this shit is. Just a large coffee with some cream and sugar and whatever this is.” He had a deep voice that had a hint of rasp to it. The girls nearby were giggling at the sight of the rugged man, while Y/N was frozen in place. There was no way, right? There were plenty of guys with that kind of voice, and those girls could be giggling for other reasons. Maybe he’s dressed in a hot dog suit and had a bad cold? There’s no way he would be here, right?
There’s only one way to find out. Gritting her teeth, she forced herself to continue wiping the table, slowly moving around while keeping her head down. Tugging the bill of her hat to cover her face more, she moved until she had a good view of him. Ok, ok, just a tall guy with broad shoulders wearing leather. That isn’t anything special. I’m overeating, she let out a sigh of relief and was about to get back to her cleaning when something caught her eyes. Something so very distinct that only he would have. The flash of white hair right at the front of his head. It was him.
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tothemeadow · 4 years
Can I request a uzui x shy reader where reader is his fourth wife but she feels left out a lot so she distance and avoid Tengen and her co-wives. When reader comes home one day she surprised to find uzui home by himself because he was meant to be out with the others and she was going to try avoid him again but as he wants an answer to why shes acting the way she is and turns into a smut in the end? :>
Did I get carried away with this? Maybe. Could I have written more? Absolutely. But I have to practice self-control.
‘i want to be part of your constellation’ / Uzui T. x Reader
warnings: NSFW, cunnilingus, Tengen’s fat tiddies
words: 2,492
Sometimes, being a Pillar’s wife is hard. They’re constantly away, fighting battles and saving lives; there’s always that lingering chance that they may never come back. It’s a dangerous life, but a respectful one nonetheless.
This is what drew you to Tengen in the first place – despite his brash, asshole attitude, he’s selfless. It was during an attack at your parents’ farm when you first met him; appearing like a night in shining armor, he rescued you from a bloodhungry demon, his movements powerful yet graceful all at once. As a thank you, your parents offered your hand in marriage to the handsome stranger. Surprisingly, Tengen agreed, but it wasn’t like you were going to deny marrying someone of his status and exquisite looks.
However, you didn’t know about the other women in Tengen’s life. As you quickly found out, he had three other wives, all of who he met while in the shinobi forces. Of course, you weren’t a fighter like them, nor did you have that close relationship from sharing the same background. No, you were the docile one of the group, the one meant to take care of the home while the others went to fight demons and the like.
Even two years later, things haven’t changed. You love Tengen, and the other girls are basically your best friends, but the chasm separating you from them couldn’t be more evident. Sure, you’re part of the “family,” but it doesn’t necessarily feel like it. You’re the quiet one, the one that keeps to themselves, the one who’s in charge of a happy homelife. And so you distance yourself from everyone else, stick to the sidelines while they’re out saving the world.
Granted, you’re used to this lifestyle, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt. If only you’d been a shinobi or a slayer, things would be different. You’d know what the life is like, the feel of a blade as it passes through a demon’s neck. But no, you’re always stuck with carrying a pouch of wisteria on your body to keep yourself safe. At this point, you don’t whether Tengen makes you keep it because he wants you to be safe or because he views it as his obligation.
With a sigh, you turn towards the sky, the endless blue a clear difference to your bitter gray mood. The tote hanging from your shoulder is heavy with fruits and vegetables from the market, but you’re excited with the possibilities of all the tasty meals you could create. Even though you can’t fight to save others, you can feed them; you also know for a fact that you’re the best cook among you co-wives.
When you return home, you slip off your setta and pause, listening to the familiar silence. Like usual, the others are away, most likely fighting off some lowly criminal or preparing for a battle against a demon. Either way, it seems like you’re going to be spending the majority of the day by yourself. It’s sad that this is what life has come to; when you first married Tengen, you were hoping for more excitement, not lonely thoughts. You don’t want to come off desperate, though, so you continue to remain to yourself. At the end of the day, it’s not that big of a deal – that’s just life.
Wandering towards the kitchen, you become caught up in these thoughts, these negative feelings. You don’t want to make yourself cry – you really don’t – but your heart is saying otherwise. All you want is to belong. You want to mean something to this family, not be the impromptu mother waiting for her rambunctious children to come home. You become so lost in your head that you fail to see him standing in the kitchen, lips wrapped around a ceramic cup.
Coming to sudden stop at the threshold, your attention jumps back to the present. Tengen merely sends you an amused look over the rim of his cup before he knocks his head back and empties its contents. Why is he here? Shouldn’t he be with the others? He said he wasn’t going to home for a while! Did something happen? Are the others okay? Why-?
“You’ve got that dumb look on your face again,” Tengen teases. “Stop thinking so much.”
Huffing, you step into the kitchen, drawing the tote off your shoulder and setting it down. “You surprised me, that’s all. I thought you were busy.”
“What, am I not allowed in my own home? That’s kind of cruel, don’t you think?” The smirk he flashes you sends a pleasant shiver up your spine.
“I never said that,” you hastily respond. Your eyes scan over his Corps uniform. You’re quickly finding yourself feel bad for taking up his time when he’s bound to be busy; Pillars have the toughest jobs of them all, and every single moment is precious. “You’re usually never this home early,” you mutter. A sigh slips through your lips. “…I should… uh, I need to do laundry.” You despise how pathetic you sound, but the knowing look in Tengen’s eyes is making your nerves go haywire.
Stepping away, you prepare yourself to leave, but Tengen moves way too fast for your eye to catch. Before you’re out the door, his hand is around your wrist, spinning your around and tugging him towards his chest. You yelp as you collide with solid muscle; wrapping his meaty arms around you, Tengen holds you close, his nose buried in your hair.
“Don’t act like I haven’t noticed you moping around more than usual,” he mutters. Pressed to him like this, you can hear his heart thumping steadily in his chest. “It’s not flamboyant of me to ignore what’s bothering you.”
“Let me finish,” he interrupts, but his voice is soft. “I want you to be honest with me. Are you lonely?”
At that, your heart drops to your stomach. You haven’t been that obvious, have you? Jaw falling agape, you’re desperate for words, to tell him no, you’re fine, but nothing wants to come out. Tengen releases a sorrowful sigh and pulls away just enough so that you two are looking eye-to-eye. He’s always been huge, standing tall and broad; in moments like these, the sheer size of him is more than intimidating. His biceps alone could crack a watermelon.
“Idiot,” he mumbles. Your face scrunches up when he flicks your forehead. “I shouldn’t have to confront you about something like this.”
You pout up at him. “It’s just… I’m not like you guys,” you confess. “I can’t fight, I can’t defend myself… All I’m good at is being a homemaker.” You drop your gaze to his chest. Now that you’re finally getting everything off your chest, all the pent of thoughts and feelings begin to gush out. “I feel like an outsider most of the time. You and the other girls are always running around together and doing amazing things. All I do is sit around and do chores. I can’t…” Biting your lip, you squeeze your eyes shut. Now is not the time to be crying. If you want things to change, you have to remain strong, not burst into tears.
A hand cups your face, then, lifting your head so that you’re forced to look at Tengen. “Be quiet. So what if you’re not a fighter? That doesn’t make you any less flamboyant.” His thumb brushes over your cheek. “You’re the one I can rely on to be here when I need someone. You always get this dumb smile on your face whenever I come home from a mission.” Dropping his head down, he presses his forehead to yours. “I know you’re safe here… Do you have any idea how scared I would be if you were out in the field with us? You’re important to me, baby. When I’m not here, you’re on my mind constantly.”
Your heartbeat quickens. You can’t deny the genuine glint in his dazzling eyes, the slight curl to his lips.
“In fact,” Tengen continues, pulling away entirely. In a swift movement, his large hands are clutching your thighs, raising you up and swinging you around; you let out a surprised squeak as he places you on the table and presses his large body between your legs. “I can’t stop thinking about you. You’ve always been so soft, so sweet…” His warm breath fans over your face, making you swallow thickly. “And you’re so small. I’ve got to keep someone like you under protection, don’t you think?”
Before you really have the chance to say anything, Tengen swoops in, his mouth seeking out yours. He’s always been such a bold kisser, sweeping his tongue into your mouth with no hesitation whatsoever. He tastes like wine, so rich and delectable, and his tongue is so warm, so inviting. Your head is spinning, your breaths leaving in short gasps. His hands are all over you; gripping your hair, trailing down your back, sneaking underneath your yukata-
A groan bursts from your throat as he fondles your breasts, the pads of his fingers rolling the hardened nipples and pulling them. Tengen curses as he breaks the kiss, the lightest of blushes on his face. He bites his plump lower lip as he shamelessly plays with you, his pupils blown wide. His hips press in close, his groin bumping into yours; he’s already hard, deliciously so, and your mind goes entirely blank. You want nothing more than his cock to slide in, to absolutely tear you apart.
“You feel that, baby?” Tengen husks. “Don’t think your unimportant to me. You’re so fucking sexy, so flamboyant…” His tongue darts out, sweeps over his lips. “Let me make it up to you. You won’t feel lonely anymore, got it?”
Furiously nodding your head, you allow Tengen to yank open your yukata, revealing soft skin. Your eyelids flutter as he places his mouth to the exposed flesh, his lips and tongue equally hot. Chest rising frantically beneath his touch, you grip onto him for support as he kisses your breasts, his tongue dragging across your nipples. You keen as he promptly sucks it into his mouth, his teeth sinking down lightly as his hands unceremoniously rip your underwear from your trembling form.
“Oh, gods, Tengen,” you purr. “Please… Don’t stop…”
“Wouldn’t dream about it,” Tengen drawls. Sinking to his knees, his mouth leaves a wet trail down your body; there’s bound to be marks, you’re sure of it, but you don’t care. His mouth feels way too heavenly yet sinful, the pleasured grunts pouring from his lips pure music to your ears. “Give me a taste…”
You cry out when he licks against your slit. In a fit of desperation, your fingers clutch onto the silvery strands of his hair, accidentally loosening it from its ponytail. Tengen groans into your quivering pussy as you yank at his hair, his name leaving your lips in high-pitched whimpers. Any other time, Tengen would play the part of the ultimate tease, but not now. No, he wants to please you, to have you screaming his name and begging for more.
He eats like a man starved, his mouth just ravishing your cunt; the noises coming from in between your legs is nothing short of sinful, leaves your blood boiling. Your velvety walls clench around his protruding tongue, each curl and flick sending delicious shivers up your spine, down to the tips of your fingers and toes. Tengen’s always been a god with his mouth, and it’s no wonder how he has four wives. You try not to think about the other girls too much; it’s quickly turning into a battle that you’re hopelessly losing, but then Tengen moves to suckle on your clit while his fingers replace his tongue.
A sharp cry rips its way out of your chest. It feels so good. “Ah – Tengen – fuck,” you whine. Hearing the pleasured noises from your beautiful lips spurs him on; redoubling his efforts, Tengen grabs onto your hip as his fingers push in even further, finding your soft spot with pin-point precision. You rapidly come undone around his fingers, your walls clenching around him as your slick gushes out. A breathless moan of his name echoes throughout the room.
“Just as sweet as I remember,” Tengen husks. The deep rasp of his voice has you clenching again; with a chuckle, Tengen removes his hand and stands up.
“I want you,” you coo, “please, Tengen. Fuck me.” Reaching out, you hastily undo the top of his uniform, push the articles of clothing down his shoulders under his torso is completely bare. Tengen’s chest practically rumbles with a purr as you drift your hands over the swell of his pecs, the divots of his abs. “So gorgeous,” you murmur. Tengen starts to chuckle again, but it quickly dwindles into pleasured grunts as you squeeze his pectorals and pinch at his pert nipples.
“Shit,” Tengen hisses. His hips buck forward, the hard outline of his cock brushing against your sopping cunt. In quick, fumbling movements, he undoes his belt and drops his hakama low enough so that his cock pops out. You practically drool at the sight; he’s been going around commando all day, and fuck you wish you knew that earlier.
His bulbous head pushes inside, his cock slowly filling you up. The stretch is delicious; you feel so fucking full, your velvety walls eagerly sucking him in. Clutching onto his shoulders, your fingernails dig into the thick cording of muscle, your eyes basically rolling back in your head as Tengen snaps his hips forward, his cock sliding in to the hilt. He pauses for a second, allows you to adjust to his massive size. Once you give him the go ahead, all caution is thrown to the wind.
Your husband in no longer a man, but rather a savage beast. He fucks into you thoroughly, his cock dragging against all your sensitive spots as his cockhead pounds into your cervix. He’s hitting you so deep, stretching you so wide, you’re seeing stars. His lips find your neck while his hands hold you by the ass, keeping you place. You have no choice but to cry out his name, moaning until your throat goes hoarse.
Hiking your thighs onto his hips, he urges you to lie flat on your back. Like this, he presses his palms against the surface of the table and completely concentrates and fucking you into oblivion. It’s working, rightfully so, for your drooling and babbling his name, your nails scratching down his back and leaving angry red trails.
“I’m gonna fill you up, baby,” he purrs. “Show you that you’re really mine. I love you, got it? Don’t ever think otherwise.”
Tears flood your vision – whether they’re from pleasure or the new onslaught of emotion, you don’t know. Either way, you cling onto him tighter. You’re not going anywhere, and Tengen makes sure of it.
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ladymercysletters · 4 years
An Artists Touch
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Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
Part Three of A Gentleman’s Eye and A Second Chance
Word Count : 1891
A/N: (18+ Only)
Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed this little series of fics so far, hopefully this lives up to scratch. I’m not really sure where to take it from here so if anyone has any suggestions, my ask box is open :)
When Benedict Bridgerton arrived at Pembroke House, he was greeted by a surly footman who showed him to Lady Pembroke’s drawing room and departed with an abruptly shut door. Benedict took in his surroundings, the ornate baroque ceilings cascading down the walls over golden archways and pillars. The rich colour of the room was ignited by the afternoon sun and candlelight dotted around the room. As Benedict finished setting up his easel and paints, he almost failed to hear the opening of a small door.
Y/N emerged from a highly decorated, but almost secret, door in one corner of the room. Benedict stood to greet her and took in her appearance. In place of the dress of a Lady she appeared to only be wearing a deep silk velvet dressing gown. As she reached her chaise lounge the collar of her gown fell over her shoulders, leaving them bare, and only being held up by her hands at her breast.
Benedict’s mouth hung open, already tense at the scene before him; as Lady Y/N Pembroke dropped the robe to the floor leaving her completely bare save for a delicate diamond and pearl necklace laying across her collarbones. He watched as she sunk down onto the cushions, laying gracefully on her side as she made eye contact with him.
‘Is this ok?’ she asked. Benedict gulped and stumbled on his words as his tongue tried to gain its muscle back.
‘Yes.’ He coughed. ‘Yes, that’s fine.’ Trying to regain some form of control over his own mind, Benedict began sketching out his initial plan onto paper. Noting every dip and curve in her body, the way the warm sunlight graced her skin and how her eyes pierced into his own. He would make sure he captured that.
He sketched for hours; first onto scraps of paper from his sketchbook, and then onto the canvas itself. You sat as the perfect model, he thought; moving barely an inch other than to lift a glass to your lips.
She watched as Benedict sketched; his brow furrowed as it had been in the artist’s studio, concentration etched on his face; noting how handsome he was – not for the first time, but there was something about the way his passion came through on his face. When he loosened his cravat and rolled the sleeves of his shirt to begin painting she saw how strong his neck and arms looked. The sight of him in such a casual yet concentrated manner sent a warmth through her, yet she sensed that her current attire may have had some effect on him as well.
As the daylight dimmed Benedict stood to re-arrange the lighting. As he came closer she looked up at him, the evening sun making him a silhouette save for his soft curls which were highlighted, making him look like an angel.
He stooped to look at her more closely, resting his hand behind her head as he re-arranged one of the curls that had fallen out of place.
‘Perfect’ he whispered as he brushed the back of his fingers down the side of her face. She could feel heat radiating from him as he leaned over, his eyes were so clear blue as they examined her she felt like she could get lost in them. Her hand came up to stop his from moving from her face, wanting him to stay there forever. His thumb ghosted over her bottom lip, his eyes following the movement and the soft plumpness of them before he looked back at her.
They both stayed that way, feeling the air between them grow thin as they both knew what was about to happen. Her hand found his chest to steady herself as Benedict leaned in and closed the gap between them. His kiss was so soft as he breathed into it, the sound reminding her to breath in itself. They broke apart only for a second before he dove back in, warm tongue parting her lips as the hand on his chest tightened around the white cotton fabric, pulling him closer to her. Benedict leaned in further, kneeling over her as he took her head in his hand to deepen the kiss, feeling her soft curls through his fingers. Her hand slipped inside his opened shirt, feeling his strong warm chest and smattering of chest hair as it trailed up to his neck.
Pulling apart to catch their breath Benedict leaned back with an apologetic look in his eye. Before he had the chance to say anything she sat up and pulled him into another kiss, hands raking through his hair as she heard him catch his breath again before putting his arms around her and bringing her closer to him.  He kissed his way from her lips to below her ear, sucking gentle marks into the tender skin as he made his way down to her diamond clad clavicle.
‘Take if off’ She gasped, as Benedict pulled her bare thigh over his hip. He trailed his hands up both sides of her, sending shivers up her back and making her nipples harden against his chest, reaching around her neck to unclasp the delicate jewellery.
‘Did your husband give this to you?’ he questioned, as he peppered kisses over the newly bared skin.
‘A wedding gift’ She moaned out as his hands came to cup her breasts, thumbing over her nipples. Benedict continued his assault on her breasts, laving a hot wet trail down her body as he made his way between her thighs. Kneeling on the before her he cradled her thighs in his large warm hands, pressing gentle, teasing kisses into the soft plump flesh there.
As she basked in the tender, erotic sensation of his lips she opened her eyes just a little to peer own at her lover; all roughed hair and pink cheeks, his mouth hanging open as her hand in his hair guided him to her centre. Taking his orders, Benedict kept his eyes on hers as he delved in, lapping her up with the passion of a starved man. His eyes only fluttered closed when he felt her thighs contract around his head, making him double his efforts in getting them to tremble around him.
Y/N went tense, heat pulsing over her as Benedict’s lips suctioned to her clit, tongue laving over her over and over as she came suddenly with a scream. Benedict licked his lips as he pulled back to see her laid out before him.
‘I feel very underdressed’ she sighed as she took his dishevelled appearance in. His hair was a complete mess; where before his cheeks were pinked, they were now flushed red, and his shirt a rugged mess, half on and half off of his body.
‘You look perfect.’ he growled ‘I want to paint you, just…’ he said, kissing up her body ‘like... this.’ As he reached her again Y/N pulled out his loose shirt from his tight trousers and Benedict began unbuttoning them. His frantic movements were halted by Y/N pulling his shirt over his head. When he emerged, breathless from beneath the billowing fabric, he dived down to grace her neck hot biting kisses as her hands raked through his hair and down his back; pushing his trousers down as far as they would go as she hooked her legs over is hips once more.
Feeling her hot wet centre grazing against him, Benedict left his mark on her lower neck as he slid himself gracefully inside of her. They gasped into each other’s mouths at the feeling. The pent-up tension of months of wanting left them panting already. Y/N shivered at the stretch of his girth, pulling him in for a kiss as he began to move.
Benedict steadied himself on the arm of the chaise lounge as he thrust into her slowly and purposefully, spreading his legs as far as he could with his trousers around his boots, as he watched open mouthed at her ecstasy. Y/N’s nailed raked down his back as his thrusts became firmer and Benedict moaned at the mixture of pain and pleasure he felt at her touch. Reaching for her thighs to pull her closer he cradled her head in his steady arm and kissed her deeply. Their bodies were so close they were almost one. Y/N bit his lip as his head hit differently inside her, moaning wantonly into his mouth. Feeling her hardened nipples brush against his chest, Benedict reached down to caress them, fondling her soft breast in his large palm as she tightened around him.
‘Benedict’ She moaned at his stimulation. All he could do was grunt in appreciation of her moans, lost in her - as every one of his senses were filled with her. He was so close to release, desperate even, to make her feel just a fragment of what he felt.
‘My Love’ the words slipped from his lips - but he meant every word, as he panted into her skin, the tender flesh of her cheek brushing past him as she turned to look into his eyes. ‘I love you’ he panted, not being able to hold it in any longer.
‘Benedict’ She repeated, this time out of love, not lust. Her eye’s looked almost sad as she took in the reality of his words. ‘I love you too.’ No words could have made Benedict happier than those as he captured her perfect lips in a kiss.
Pulling her lower half up to meet his, Benedict rolled his hips up into hers, determined now to get her over the edge before he would let himself go. The angle of his drive made Y/N’s toes curl and her hand’s clench, raking over his shoulder’s and down his chest, forcing a whine from deep in his throat.  He sped up his thrusts, uncontrollable jolts from his hips sent Y/N into euphoria.
Benedict felt her core clench around his cock and couldn’t help but grip her thighs tightly as a blazing heat rolled over him and he came with a burst, buckling over her.
The reality of their situation only set in after a moment, when they had both caught their breaths. Their sticky bodies slowly eased apart as they settled themselves more comfortably on the sofa. Benedict’s shocked face outweighed Y/N’s as he spoke nothing but apologies for his last act. As concerned as she was Y/N comforted Benedict with a mild smile as she drew a tapestry throw over her naked body.
Right here was exactly where she wanted to stay forever. Benedict had carried her to her bed in the adjoining room, cradling her in his strong arms, having stripped off the remainder of his apparel - brushing a stray curl from her face as she looked up into his slate blue eyes.
‘Did you mean what you said?’ She whispered, fingers playing with his smattering of chest hair.
‘When?’ he questioned with a smirk, knowing exactly what she was referring to but wanting her to say it, just for him.
‘When you were balls deep inside of me’ Y/N deadpanned, looking at him as if to challenge her. Benedict couldn’t help but giggle at her words, his smile covering his entire face before composing himself.
‘I will love you forever…’ he paused ‘… If you’ll have me.’
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mailboxmerchant · 3 years
tldr:naib is mfin horny after a match wit u bae n ur both in love with esch other and equally needy but dont knoe‼️
character: Naib Subedar - mercenary
fandom: identity V
warnings: SEX!!! who could have guessed, also rough/dom naib, swearing, power bottom(lmao)/fem reader, perhaps some masochistic type a stuff but not crazy, less goooooooo
(this is like. just horny. no thoughts. only horny)
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As sweat beaded down his forehead, you watched Naib angrily smash the keys of a decoding machine. Something was up, but your teammate just never seemed to let on when something had gone wrong. This match was going fine, you had three more ciphers to go, and everyone was still up and going, only two of your teammates being injured. The hunter was struggling to find any of you, and with each of you teamed up with another to decode, you were all feeling confident in a victory to the survivors. So why was Naib so stressed?
“Hey, Naib?”
 “What, y/n?” 
His tone was sharp, and he snapped back instantly. Someone was clearly cranky. What did you even do?
“Are you...feeling okay? You seem...tense.” You kept your tone neutral, preventing there to be any negativity for him to react to. Before he snapped back, he missed a calibration and alerted the hunter of our position. Still not talking, Naib wrapped a braced arm around your waist and made a dive into a pile of cardboard boxes and other various recyclables. “Shut it, y/n. Hunter’s comin’.” 
You went quiet, but still, his commanding attitude could be done without.  You squirmed in Naib’s grip, at which he grunted, and tightened his hold on you. 
He was started to really make you worry. Naib was usually a calm, collected rescuer, who often would be more reassuring when you were being hunted. You promised you’d figure all this out, just maybe after the match ended. 
The danger passed, quite literally, as Hell Ember jaunted around the trash pile you were hiding in. Naib’s grip got even tighter around you as the hunter loomed closer.  “N-Naib, I can’t-” Naib didn’t seem to give a damn for what you had to say as he slapped a hand over your mouth. “I said, quiet.” His tone was worsening, he was really pissed, huh?
You couldn’t deny yourself though, hearing him sound so stern and having him grab at you so suddenly really threw you off. Your ever-so-secret crush on Naib was keeping you from feeling angry about any of this, in fact, you were almost happy to be so close, even if he was being rude. 
Finally though, you decided that you needed to get back to the matter at hand. Leo was gone, and Naib had to let go of you sometime. You made more of an effort to move, and Naib finally dropped you. Quickly, you jumped back on the machine as the Merc slowly crept from the box pile to return to his typing position. “You know, you could have been caught if it weren’t for me.” He sputtered, quieter than before. “Th-thank you...? God, Naib, what’s your issue today?” You spoke more questioningly than upset, hoping he wouldn’t hear the annoyed undertone in your speech. “It’s nothing you’d understand.” 
Alright, you were giving up for the remainder of decoding time.
Silently, you both finished the machine, and you made a break for the opposite direction of Naib. You figured you could have some alone time to just decode, calm down, and prep for the ending leap where you’d have to play a guessing game for which gate Hell Ember would be waiting for you at. 
Taking a break from running, your steps grew light as you began to pace yourself. “y/n!” As you looked through the fog, you discovered that Edgar was awaiting you with a half done machine. “Edgar! You’re here!” You made a quick greeting to the painter before getting back to business. Small talk wasn’t necessary between the two of you, as the ability to decode calmly was leaving both of your skillsets as your heartbeats became slowly more audible. 
“Come on, y/n, we can finish this, just don’t look away from the calibrations. Stay focused.” Edgar gave you a light tap of the palm to your head as he smacked the sides of the cipher. Your pace increased, as did Edgar’s as you had merely a percentage left. Someone else’s machine popped off, and yours a second later. 
Determined and brave, you made off like a bullet towards the southward exit gate. Sneaking around a broken pillar, you sighed at the sight of a clear gate.  Edgar clearly didn’t share the idea that this was the correct gate, so you could only hope he was hiding and waiting it out to escape. Actually, it seemed like everyone picked the wrong-
A large hand suddenly slapped down on the decoding pad next to yours, frightening the hell out of you. You prepared to meet your doom when you turned around, but instead met a glaring Naib. “N-Naib! Jesus, you scared the shit out of me!” “Where’d you run off to earlier!? We were supposed to be decoding together.” 
His tone from earlier was still present, so....clearly he was still peeved about something you did. “W-well I just thought-” “You thought nothin’, y/n. Just keep decoding.” Your crush wasn’t protecting him any more. Letting out an anxious and angry grunt, you turned back around to the coding pad, slamming the rubbery keys down as you decoded. 
So that’s how it was, then, huh? Fine.
“Naib, you’re a real asshole.” You huffed as you finished the gate, and stormed out, not evening looking back to see if he OR Hell Ember were following. 
Once back in the manor, you rushed back to your room, the embarrassment and guilt from your actions following you quickly after. 
Keeping up the angry façade, you slammed your door behind you before running to flop on your bed. Holding your pillow close to your face, you yelled into it, hoping it was enough to choke the sound. 
“Damn it, Naib...”  You closed your eyes, hoping to wake up with a renewed confidence that way you wouldn’t have to deal with the consequences of your words.
The sound of three loud, harsh knocks on your door awoke you from your rage nap. 
Naib? Again? Now what...
You begrudgingly sauntered to your door, cracking it open to peek out. Only, Naib pushed right through your defenses, pushing both you and the door back. “Hey!”
Naib was more forceful than before, walking quickly in your direction, and even quicker, cornering you against your bed. You fell onto your behind as Naib gave you a harsh push. “What is all this?! You’ve been acting weird since we started decoding together in that match, and you’re totally out of line! I didn’t even...do anything...” Your words lost their force as you trailed your eyes downward. So that’s why he was all pent up.
An obvious tent in Naib’s pants was what your eyes met with, and even though your cheeks began to blush furiously, you averted your gaze and tried to pretend that you saw nothing. “J-just get out of my room.” You grumbled, no longer able to keep eye contact. 
“I just came to talk, y/n, don’t throw me out.” Naib shifted his body, effectively pinning you to the plush mattress, a hand on either side of your head. You ‘hmphed’, and curtly turned your face away from him. 
“D-don’t act all pissy,” he grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him, “you’re making it so much worse!” Your eyes still just couldn’t meet his, the heat between the both of you running down between your legs.  Sliding a knee between your thighs, Naib leaned down to speak gruffly into your ear. 
“This is all your fault, you know.” 
“N-Naib! I-” but your words were quickly vanquished by a pair of warm, slightly chapped lips slamming down on your own. A slight graze of his teeth on your bottom lip gave you more excitement than you’d ever felt in any match, and you immediately parted your lips to feel Naib’s wet tongue slick into your mouth. 
You let out a quiet noise, enough for him to notice. After what felt like an eternity (seconds) of making out, Naib pulled away to hold your face in one hand, squishing your cheeks harshly between his fingers. “So...that’s how you feel, huh?” 
You were flustered, but it wasn’t going to take away what your nap earned you. “You were being so awful in that match, but I still...love you, Naib. I didn’t know when or where to tell you, but if you’re gonna do it first, then by all means...” You gestured to Naib with a smirk. 
Hungrily, Naib practically shredded your clothes off, each of his hands attaching themselves to your chest as he kneaded your soft breasts between his fingers. Your quiet pants were driving him absolutely insane. He loved every little exhale that escaped your mouth, settling to nip and suck at your neck, whispering sweet nothings in your ear. Telling you how much he needed this, how long he was waiting for this, how he wanted you.
An abrupt end to the sensations in your chest were replaced by a hand sliding underneath each of your thighs. Lifting them up to his shoulders, Naib quickly unfastened his belt, a look of giddiness flashing across his smug face. 
Diving his head down to meet his forehead to yours, Naib snatched your panties off in seconds, aligning himself painfully slow. As he slid his length slowly into your entrance, you dug your fingers into his hair, which was messily tied into his usual ponytail. Hissing at the feeling of you tugging his hair, Naib pushed all the way inside of you, earning a mewl of both pain and pleasure from you. 
"Ah, but wait..."
You winced as Naib suddenly pulled his length out of your entrance, the emptiness being too much to bear. "I'm an asshole, aren't I?"
He was going to make you eat your words.
Almost literally.
"Get up." His harsh tone was back, but it only served to make you feel hotter than before. Giving a shy nod, you got to your knees as Naib stood at the edge of the bed.
Nervously eying him, you gaped at his length, wishing you didn't say those words before so he could drive you insane with pleasure with it.
Stupid y/n...
"Well?" Tired of waiting, Naib took his hand to the back of your head, pushing you closer to his body, your head colliding with his chest. The sudden wholesome warmth was quickly replaced as he pushed you downwards near his manhood.
You began to comply as you opened your mouth, feeling as he gave a slow first grind into your throat. You choked immediately, but didn't pull away. Not yet.
Breathing quickly through your nose, you began to suck aggressively with no warning, pulling a gasp from the previously snarky Merc.
"Ga-hah! y-y/n...." Pulling off with a 'pop', you went back down to give small kitten licks to the tip of his cock, earning little shifts of position and pants from Naib.
"Stop....stop teasin' me...." was all he could huff out. You slid the entirety of his length in and out for a quick throat fuck a few times, feeling the tears prick at your eyes. In your own way, you were making him pay for being so snide earlier.  “Screw you, y/n. Have it your way.”
Your torture paid off! 
Naib firmly pushed you back down on your stomach, grasping your hips and pulling you close to his own hips. Letting out a satisfied hum, you felt as Naib quickly align himself with your entrance once more.
Giving you no time to readjust again, he fully sheathed himself inside of you, your insides stretching once again to fit him inside. “Hah....shit, Naib.....” You cursed, grasping tightly onto Naib as he pushed you both down, beginning to thrust wildly in and out of you. Every pounding slammed harder against the entrance of your womb, the suction of your warm, wet insides also providing intense pleasure for Naib. 
“Oh fuck, y/n, you’re...so tight...” Naib panted loudly into your ear. Neither of you were even remotely worried about the other manor residents hearing either of your moans racketing off the walls of the creaky residence.
“G-god...I c-can’t...hold on...” You whimpered pathetically as your dug your fingers into Naib’s scalp a second time. As your begging for more became louder, you felt the knot in your stomach grow larger, tighter, and more overwhelming than you’d ever felt before. You could feel Naib’s hard and precise thrusts growing sloppy, and you knew you were both getting close to climax.
  “y/n....y/n....I’m gonna...” Before his sentence could even be finished, Naib’s thick cock twitched harshly inside you as you felt his hot seed pour into you. The spreading warmth was enough to send you over the edge, your juice quickly spilling out to mix with his own. 
Slowly pulling out, your precious mercenary promptly collapsed on top of you, his head coincidentally landing in between your tits. You sighed hazily, riding off your previous high as you wrapped your arms around his head, and slowly letting your eyes close in exhaustion.
a/n: so sorry if theres any typos/grammar-spellin mistakes. i rushed the end bc i had this cued for FOREVER, enjoy babes <3 
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mingkii · 3 years
LOVE AGAIN ─✎ 송.민기
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❖❳;Pairing; Song Mingi x Fem!Reader (ft. P1h's keeho, itzy's ryujin, and wooyoung)
❖❳;Genre; Greek mythology au, angst, reincarnation au.
❖❳;Words ; 6.2k
❖❳;Warnings; Mentions of death.
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❖❳;Synopsis; A mission to find your lover who was reborn in the mortal world became a mission for heartbreak as you watched him fall in love with someone else.
❖❳;A/n; I honestly don't know what happened near the end, very disappointing but oh well. Not very proud of this so im sorry and don't get your hopes up.
❖❳; Note; My entry for @/sleepylixie and @/delicatewerewolfsoul 's hamartia collab. This might contain inaccurate representations of greek gods but for the sake of the story, just go with it. Slightly modernized as well.
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The sun rises on the horizon, casting light all over Olympus, waking the gods in slumber, reminding them of the work they need to do. However, you wanted to fight the sun for rising so early. The rays piercing through the depths of the ocean, just enough to peek through the windows of your room.
You stir under the covers, not wanting to get up. The light blinding your closed eyes, preventing you from going back to sleep. You were honestly hoping you won't wake up the next day. You didn't want to wake up in agony knowing there's nothing to wake up to. You still picture his crescent eyes when he smiles, his laugh that echoes in your ears as if he is there with you. His hands that felt soft and warm left a mark on your skin, reminding you of how he held you in his arms.
Every night you see him in your dreams— for a while at least. Your heart was hurt, it wanted to remind you of all the things you could've done, but it knew that if you kept dreaming about him, you would have died grieving years ago.
A loud knock on your door suddenly erupted, a groan escaped your lips. You rolled to the other side trying to bury your head under the covers to drown out the sound. Then, your door busted open, making you sit up in surprise.
"What the fuck," you furrowed your brows, watching your father fix the dislocated door hinge.
"Don't use such language on me, young lady," he leans his trident beside the door. "You have a very important schedule to meet your suitors today."
Your eyes widen, "Suitors?!" You shrieked, your father's face contorts.
“Father, I think this has gone long enough for you to know that I am not interested.” he let out a sigh. He’s well aware of that.
"Look, I understand, but I will not have you sulk for the rest of your life just because that good-for-nothing son of Athena died," your blood boiled at his words.
"No father, I don’t think you do understand," You said with resentment.
You tried to bury the tears back down, not wanting to cry in front of your father. The pent up anger made you want to lash out like what he said was the last straw but your pride was much stronger.
"It's rude to keep them in line, they've travelled far just to get here, so I suggest you make yourself presentable and be there as soon as possible," his last words before shutting your door closed behind him.
The knick-knacks on your shelf shook as your father slammed the door shut. He wasn't mad, he was just….strict, as your father and god of the sea, you are under his territory thus, giving you no choice but to follow him.
You laid back on your bed, pulling the covers, letting out a muffled scream into the blanket. Only kids get treated like this, he acts like you aren't already a hundred years old.
You didn't want to meet another batch of mermen with plastic smiles and fake personalities. They were only after you because of your title, daughter of Poseidon, god of the sea, with a legacy that soon passes unto you. You had sisters and brothers, you didn't understand why it had to be you, but Poseidon himself already had it all planned.
You swam near the big stadium-like structure, with large pillars that were carved so intricately in quartz.  The end of the stadium planted Poseidon's throne where he sat so elegantly. You hid behind the pillars, spotting the men that were seated to the side, waiting for your arrival, but you already decided you weren't going to attend. Not this time.
You took the longest route to Olympus, making sure no one spots you, escaping the suffocating vast seas that used to be called home.
"You know one day I could get killed by your dad," Wooyoung set the teacups filled with hot liquid on the dining table where you sat.
It's been a while since you set foot on land, you didn't miss it, the painful after-effects of walking for too long did make you wonder how land dwellers live.
"He won't since I made him promise it," your cheeky smile made him roll his eyes.
"But won't he easily find you here?"
"He will but he couldn't be bothered to travel all the way here," you took a sip from the cup, hot liquid running down your throat.
"I'll be home by sundown, can't have him wash Olympus just to find me," you force out a laugh, wooyoung giving you a sympathetic look.
He knows you are still mourning. Deep inside you are still in pain, but you try to keep it hidden.
"You know, it's been years and he is still bringing me these men I barely even know and he wants me to pick one to marry?" You planted your forehead on the table, hiding your face in frustration. "It's getting annoying." After those annoying years of having to pretend you are ok and just sitting pretty in front of dozens of merpeople, making yourself look like a prize in a glass box waiting for a winner to take you home.
But of course, it's still your choice and you chose to be with none of them.
"Were any of them attractive at least?" You hear the familiar charming voice. You look up to see Wooyoung's mother— aphrodite— adorned in her usual attire, laced with gold sequences, a headpiece in gold, and jewellery that complimented her skin.
You shook your head as you gave her a soft smile, "They always have this forced appearance to look strong and the wide creepy smiles that they think will help attract me to them," she listens to your rant, pouting slightly, "What a shame, you know your father's taste was never that good," she winked. You knew she was talking about your mother, whom you didn't know that well since she is always focusing on your brothers.
"I thought you went out early," Wooyoung questioned. Aphrodite cupped her son's cheeks, kissing the top of his nose.
"I just forgot something dear," you giggled at her ways of babying her son. Fixing his hair and touching up the light makeup he puts on every day. You can't deny how attractive Wooyoung is, you could see the features that he inherited from his mother.
"Poseidon won't stop what he is doing though, I suggest you do as his wishes y/n, or you'll face his consequences," strips of memory to that day cross your mind again. It was truly painful to recall, it made your heart clenched and you wanted to scream your head off.
"Look, whatever it is you want to do, just make sure it isn't something stupid," Wooyoung held your hand in his, rubbing your skin with his thumb. You remembered the last stupid thing you did.
You were grateful to have met someone like Wooyoung, he has always been there for you. Even though your father had been skeptical of him for so long, he still let you be around him.
But you can't promise him this time because another stupid idea just popped up in your head.
"Are you kidding y/n? Didn't we just talk about this?" Wooyoung follows you from behind as you walk through the forest. The last time you were here was the day your world fell apart.
You swore to not cross paths where it reminded you of him but right now, it is important.
"Look, demigods are bound to be reincarnated, there's a chance I could see him again," you explained, stepping on sticks and pebbles, slashing through vines and large leaves with your bronze dagger. Mingi wasn't like you or wooyoung who had both parents that are gods. Like Athena, he was created by her from her mind. He wasn't born….normal.
"And then what? What will you do if you see him?"
In all honesty, you didn't plan that far, all you thought of was to meet mingi in the mortal world. Wooyoung's concern for you just became worse when the silence answers his question. You have no plan, you just wanted to see mingi again.
You ignored Wooyoung's continuous nagging until you reached your destination. The tree that grew sweet magical berries that can only be found deep in the forests of Olympus. The berry that could help the gods enter the mortal realm.
"Y/n…." Worry settles in, Wooyoung knows the side effects of these berries. You weren't as powerful as your parents who were able to visit the mortal realm on your own, you needed help and you were certainly not gonna ask your father.
"I'll be fine," you picked a few handfuls of berries and stuffed them in your bag, "Atlantis won't be that far, If I need to, I’ll just come back." You smiled at Wooyoung.
"I leave tomorrow."
"What about your dad? Won't he get mad?" You two made your way back out of the forest, taking the path of where you came from.
"I just told him I'm sleeping at your place for a while," Wooyoung freezes in place. As expected of his role as your best friend, he's responsible for covering you up.
"You owe me big time."
Arriving at the mortal realm, alone and slightly scared. But the sight of what seemed to be the city made you giddy all of the sudden.  
You walked around exploring the beautiful structures of the city. Tall buildings surrounding the area, billboards, and giant screens with lights and flashing colours. You were overwhelmed at first but it was quite interesting. It was nothing like you have seen before.
There were tons of people who wore casual attire, some wore suits as they travelled to work. Big buses and cars drove by in the streets— you almost got run over by one, not knowing the purpose of the blinking traffic light; the horrendous sound of the car horn almost did make your ears bleed.
Settling down on one of the park benches, you took a break from walking. The sandals you brought weren't doing any justice for your feet.
Your surroundings were peaceful, pink flowers scattered across the concrete, different coloured leaves decorating the trees, getting ready for the fall season. Suddenly, you felt a gust of wind. The eerie grey smoke rising in front of you. Chills running up your spine, your mind having a clear idea of where it's coming from.
A cold mischievous laugh emitted from within, your initial reaction was to pull out the dagger from your side, clutching the handle tight until your knuckles turned white.
"Relax, it's me," the same annoying voice you dreaded hearing.
"Ryujin, what are you doing here?" You scowled. She was bad news— the spirit of mischief lives within her, wherever she goes, chaos follows.
"Hmm, are you not happy to see me?" Her Cheshire cat-like smile plastered onto her face as she took a seat beside you, crossing her leg on top of the other. Her hair was shorter than the last time you saw her, eyes still full of mischief.
"I was hoping to not see you again after the incident 20 years ago," you spat, hatred lacing your words.
"Right, the poor boy, died so soon," her face turned into a sad look before smiling once again.
Ryujin was the main cause of his death. Your father just made it happen. Leading Mingi to that place in the forest where she knew your father was there, he hated Athena's children, he wouldn't hesitate to kill one in sight.
You wished there was a way to go back in time to stop Ryujin from leading Mingi to his inevitable death. But as expected, she felt no shame or guilt whatsoever.
"What is it that you plan anyway, there is a reason for you to come here, right?"
You kept your mouth closed, not wanting to possibly give your plan away for the spirit of mischief to take its course. And so, you kept quiet. Ryujin clicked her tongue in annoyance. She wished she could read minds, but that's her brother's power.
"Fine, keep it to yourself," she stood up, grumbling something under her breath, "Just so you know, I am not leaving without having a bit of fun," another gust of wind blowing in your direction leaves swirling in a circle on the concrete just below her feet, the puff of smoke covering her figure as she disappeared.
Your mind was in shambles. Usually, she would try and pressure you into answering but she brushed it off so soon.
You let out the breath you didn't know you were holding, the weight suddenly leaving your chest. Sometimes the presence of Ryujin gives you this uneasy feeling, but it was better than getting a visit from her brother. He is ten times worse.
You finally adapted to the mortal world, got a place to stay all by yourself. There were obstacles on the way but you got over them easily.
You lay quietly on the bed, and to be honest, it was a bit uncomfortable. The covers are placed over you up to your neck. You stared at the ceiling, counting rams in hopes of helping you fall asleep. And on your 1117th ram, your eyes finally grew heavy.
But to your dismay, your throat decides that it was parched. You sat up from your bed, wearing your slippers, and made your way to the kitchen. Grabbing a glass and filling it up with water, but before you could take a sip, you saw a figure on your couch.
You dropped the glass, shattering across the floor. The figure whipped his head around and you couldn't believe your eyes. Is this a dream? You must be dreaming… You might have even gone mad.
"Mingi?" You stuttered. You haven't called out that name in so long.
"Y/n, be careful you'll hurt yourself," he stood from the couch, making his way to you. You took a few steps back. Mingi's face shows a look of confusion.
He stepped on the glass unfazed by it. Did he not feel that? Of course, this is a dream, he's not real.
"What's wrong?" His arms out to reach for you.
"N-no, I'm dreaming, this can't be—" you shook your head, tears pricking your eyes. You felt warm hands cup your face, it was so real, your knees so close to giving out.
"What do you mean?" His eyes were the same shade of brown. His hair is styled the same way he always has it in.
"You're real?" Your voice croaked, mingi chuckled. The same smile you saw years ago, but as expected, his face started to fade. This is definitely a dream. It was impossible to have mingi physically there, you saw him….die, right in front of your eyes.
"Of course I'm real," his voice was soft, comforting even. You were really hearing his voice, this is his voice. He pressed his forehead against you, kissing the top of your nose promptly.
At this point, you couldn't stop the tears from falling. You sobbed making mingi pull away and look at you with worry in his eyes.
"Please don't leave me again," you pleaded. You wished it was real, your chest grew even tighter. What kind of cruel punishment is this?
"Why would I leave?" He wiped the tear on your cheek. "I'll always be here," he said in reassurance as he pulled you in his embrace. You missed it so much—you missed him so much. The same warmth was still there, but it eventually started to feel cold. Like Hades was paying a visit to take him back to the underworld.
You finally got to see him again, even if it was only a dream, it really felt like he was there, body and soul present. You didn't want to let him go, there's no way you are losing him again.
His image starts to fade, you start to feel the emptiness again. His hold on your body began to feel like nothing, it was cold like ice. You tried to grip his shirt, keeping him from disappearing. You spewed out pleas, begging him to stay. At Least for a little longer.
But then you woke up, hot liquid running down your face.
You were crying, something you haven't done in a long while. Slapping your cheeks, making sure you were really awake.
"Come one y/n, it was just a dream," you said to yourself out loud.
20 years and you thought you were over him. But those agonizing years were torturous. Everything seemed to remind you of him. Wooyoung almost didn't see you for 18 years until you finally decided to visit him. You wouldn't know what to do if wooyoung was never in your life, you might as well have been asleep for the rest of your life.
The clamshell that sat on your bedside table glowed. It was a magic shell that sends messages back and forth in writing. You gave one to Wooyoung so you could communicate from a distance.
"Did you find him?" The letters glowed as they appeared.
"Not yet." you wrote back, watching the writings disappear indicating that he is reading it.
"Time is ticking y/n." Anxiety washes over you again. Soon the berries won't be enough to hold you there and you'll be needing to come back home.
"Y/n, you there?" A voice startled you, making you almost drop the shell. It would be bad if you did, it was a fragile thing, you could risk shattering it and won't have anything else to communicate with.
"In here!" You called out, quickly hiding the shell in the dresser.
"I brought lunch," mina smiled, holding up a paper bag filled with takeout.
The day you moved in, still exploring the apartment that you rented, you heard a knock on your door.
You peeked through the peephole. A woman stood in front of the door patiently, short brown hair— half of it tied into a ponytail— dressed in a leather jacket and denim pants. She looked about 20, maybe 21 but she doesn't look older than 25.
You almost pulled out your dagger but resisted, remembering that they are mortals and you could get in trouble. You slowly twisted the doorknob open, opening it slightly so your body is visible but not the room.
"Hi, I'm mina!" She said in a bubbly tone. Her energy made you slightly overwhelmed. "I'm your neighbour, just next door." She pointed to the apartment beside yours.
You nodded, not knowing what to reply. "Have you finished unpacking?" You tilted your head in confusion. "Do you need help with boxes or anything?"
You looked back in your apartment, body moving aside just enough for Mina to have a clear view.
"Did you not bring any stuff?"  You shook your head.
"I only brought a satchel," you gripped the strap that hung across your body. She gazes at the small bag attached to your body.
"Well, it looks like you need help settling in, why don't I cook dinner for you? You don't seem to have any pots or pans or food either." Your stomach grumbled at the mere mention of food.
Mina giggled, making you heat up in embarrassment. "I'll take that as a yes."
Since then Mina has been your source of food and company. She's been a great companion for the past few days. You told Wooyoung all about her and he just replied coldly. The thought of your best friend getting jealous of your new mortal friend made you laugh.
"So, I just started my 3rd year of college, and honestly, I am tired of it— I've been thinking of dropping out but then my mom might whoop my ass…"  Mina rants while you sit there, zoned out watching the floor like it's the most interesting thing in the world.
"Earth to y/n," mina waves her hand in front of you, snapping you out of your daze.
"Oh sorry, What were you saying?" The girl pouts, eventually brushing it off to discuss other things.
"Oh right, so I met this guy on campus and he is like, really cute. He is super tall and like, maybe a bit built..." You listened to her attentively but still in the back of your mind you couldn't help but discuss your plans on how to find mingi to yourself.
"Should I ask him out?" You blinked— you weren't paying attention again.
"I'm sorry?"
"The guy I met on campus on my first day, should I ask for his number?"
"Oh totally, you should," you said plainly, you feel really bad for not paying attention but you couldn’t help it when your mind is being occupied with something else. Mina just brushed it off, not noticing your spaced-out expression. She continued rambling while your mind wandered.
Time was running out, you needed a plan.
"Remind me why I am on your college campus again?" You said, mina dragging you by the arm. She woke you up at an ungodly hour just to travel early to her college campus. Few students were walking around campus, on their way to their scheduled class.
"Look, I barely have friends, also do you go to college? You look to be around my age," your eyes widen. Atlantis doesn't have schools, you had to travel to Olympus just to make it to class, but you only had to go until you turned 18. And you are immortal, you haven't been to school for a hundred years.
"I graduated," you just said. Hoping she won't ask further questions.
"Oh so you're older than me then," you nodded. She stopped to sit by a tree in the campus garden, patting the grass beside you. You sat beside her, leaning on the tree.
"I don't have class 'till after lunch, we can grab something to eat before you can go back to your apartment," she took out her textbook and paper to finish what she didn't the day before.
"Sorry for dragging you, You are always locked up in your apartment so I thought why not take you here with me," you were planning on exploring more of the city, just to take note of the possible routes to get around.
"Won't I get in trouble? I don't go here."
"You are fine, besides, it's an open college, anyone can visit here," she explains as she gets back to her work.
Your eyes wandered off somewhere else, spotting the students who were early, sitting on the grass as they got some sleep under the trees. Some were reading books and some were having their breakfast.
It makes you sleepy after a while, deciding to lean your head against the tree, closing your eyes for a brief moment.
A pair of shoes tapping against the grass, crunching the leaves on the way. You didn't bother to open your eyes so you just stayed and listened. Must be one of mina's friends as you hear her voice ushering for them to sit.
They sat on the other side of the tree beside mina, talking about classes and homework but something about that voice tingles your brain. The familiar deep husky voice made your heart ache. You were confused as to why you were reacting that way.
Soon the person left and you were forced to open your eyes when mina shook your shoulder abruptly.
"Guess who just gave me their number," she said, grinning from ear to ear.
"The hot campus boy," she squealed, waving the paper in her hand. "His name is mingi and it's kinda cute and his voice was deep, not that deep, but like...deep."
Your eyes widen, "mingi?" She nodded. You felt like your world stopped spinning. Your mind is in shambles, processing the information. Your ears deafened the sounds around you, muffling mina's continuous babblings.
You thanked the gods that he's here, but then reality hit. He doesn't know you for he is only a reincarnation of the mingi you knew. He is no longer the son of Athena, he is just human.
"Are you sure it's the mingi?" Wooyoung's message appears from the clamshell. You lay on your bed, a book on your lap as you were reading just a while ago.
"Yes, Mina's description fits so perfectly," you bit your lip, anxiously fidgeting with your necklace. What if it wasn't him? You can't confirm that it really is him, he has no memory of his past life.
"Ok, so what are you gonna do now? You found him, what's the next step?" You mentally slapped yourself for being unprepared. You wanted to see him again, that was your main goal, and now that you know he's here, you have no reason to stay.
You want to be with him but it's impossible, you are immortal, he'll age while you stay young. Well, nothing much was changed when he was a demigod, but he had the opportunity to become immortal. It's not like there is some way a mortal can become immortal.
…..or is there.
"I'm coming back," the writing disappeared letter by letter as wooyoung's message appeared right after.
"Really? So that's it?"
You shook your head as if he could see you. "I have a plan"
"Oh no," wooyoung thought. Letting out a deep sigh. "She's gonna get into more trouble isn't she?" Wooyoung wished that somehow something would knock some sense into you.
"Mina, hey," she threw herself at you, engulfing you in a tight hug.
"I'm gonna miss you," she squeezed around your neck, restricting your airflow.
"Mina," you patted her back, making her apologize with a sheepish grin, "I'll be back soon though, you don't have to miss me too much."
"I know— wait, are you free right now? I was wondering if you wanna go eat before you leave," you thought for a second. Though it isn't difficult to travel back to Olympus, you're unfortunately on your last berry.
"Sure," you hoped it'll last you for another few hours.
Arriving at a restaurant with mina, ordering food as soon as you sat down. Your eyes wandered around. The restaurant was busy, waiters quickly passing around, trying to get to the customer's table as soon as possible.
"Finally," Mina says, standing up on her seat. You turned your head to the person she was referring to.
"Sorry I'm late, I got stuck in traffic."
"I invited mingi, I hope you don't mind y/n," Mina says with a sorry smile.
"I don't mind at all." That unsettling feeling soon washes over you, seeing mingi stand in front of you, face to face. You find it weird to see him like this like he didn't die. He looks like the same mingi years ago, it just felt….different.
You took your seats again, Mina helping mingi order his food. The three of you waited for your orders, chatting about anything that comes to mind. Mina talking about classes and homework that is due and mingi asking if any of you were free to a party this weekend.
Of course, you can't go.
"So, Where are you from y/n?" He asks you. His voice sounded so natural to you but at the same time, it felt foreign, like you just heard of it now. Technically you did but, the way demigod reincarnations work is they get reborn the same. Meaning they'll look the same, speak the same, and their personalities are most likely the same. Nothing will change once they get reborn— except, they won't remember anything from their past life.
"Atlantis," you blurted out, panic rushing through you. You can see the confusion in their faces.
"Like, the lost city of Atlantis?" Mortals, what are they teaching them?
"I mean Atlanta," you corrected yourself, body stiff as stone.
"America? That's far, do you have a flight?" Mina intervened. You didn't even know where that was, you just so happened to remember that book you read before coming here and the main character lived in a place called Atlanta.
"Uh yeah, sure," you felt cold sweat trickling down the back of your neck. You just hope they won't ask any more questions.
You let out a sigh of relief as the two of them get back to chatting with each other.
Finally, the food arrived and the sooner you finished the sooner you got to go home. And with your last berry, you popped it in your mouth after the meal.
Leaving the restaurant with mina and mingi you were finally able to go back to Olympus.
As you are ready to part ways, Mina engulfs you in a tight hug, cutting off your airflow. "Mina, you're squishing me," you said in a choked out voice. "Be quick ok," she gives you a final hug before walking in the other direction.
You waited until the coast was clear and hid somewhere secluded.
You arrived safely and with just a minute to spare. You were gonna go to wooyoung's place first before going back to Atlantis when you saw a lightning strike. A gust of moist air blows your way, a growling thunder piercing through your ears. Your mind immediately assumed that it was Zeus but when the clouds cleared you saw your father, sitting on a cloud with his trident on his lap.
"Father," you said, greeting him with a bow. Though he didn't look pleased with seeing you at the gates of Olympus, he still gave your hair a ruffle.
"You have me worried sick y/n, where were you?"
You expected yelling, hearing these words and this kind of tone shocked you. Especially even after telling him that you were staying at wooyoung's but still found you at the gates
"Look, I know I may have gone too far— with...you know, the marriage," he admits. Avoiding eye contact with you as much as possible. Not that it wasn't sincere, he just wasn't used to admitting he was wrong. But he loves you dearly and he'd do anything for you.
"It's ok, I actually forgot those happened." there was an awkward silence. Then, Poseidon left, after informing you of what time dinner was gonna be.
You finally arrived at your best friend's house and instead of a worried wooyoung, you were met with a furious wooyoung.
"I knew this was a bad idea, your father almost killed me!" He said. You rolled your eyes at the exaggeration.
"Relax wooyoung, nothing happened," you placed your bag onto his bed, taking out the souvenirs you got.
"Did he say anything to you? You are still alive so I'm guessing you haven't met yet?"
"I met him at the gates and he said he was worried." Thinking back to that moment made you shiver, it's like someone replaced your dad with someone completely different.
"Huh, well ok then— Ooh what are these," he was quick to change the topic as his curiosity fills in. Wooyoung takes the bag of candies you brought, ripping it open to take one of the wrappers with the sugary treats inside. You chuckled, watching wooyoung chew on the candy.
He notices your gaze stuck on the floor while you get lost in your own thoughts.
"Hey, did something else happen there?"
You snap back into reality, taking a while to process what wooyoung just said. You shook your head in response.
"Actually, is there a way to stay there without the berries?"
He stares at you for a moment, he honestly thought you were done and you weren't going back there. It's dangerous for you since you are not as strong as your father. Even with something more efficient than a magical fruit, you are bound to get in trouble.
"My mom has a necklace," wooyoung says, he didn't want to say it but he knew how important this is to you. Eventually you'll stop, knowing mortals and gods cannot stay together forever.
"She used to make me wear it when she let me go to the mortal world with her."
"Can I borrow it?"
"Y/n!" Mina ran to you with open arms, "I missed you so much," you giggled at your friend.
"I've only been gone for a week."
"A week too long," she pouted.
She takes your hand in hers, pulling you to whatever direction. You arrived at the airport, making it look like you got here by plane. Passing security check out and exiting the building.
"You still remember mingi right?" She asks.
"Of course, I left for a week, it doesn't mean I forgot anything that's here," she grinned.
"Why, what happened?" You asked, hiding the hint of fear in your voice.
"Oh nothing," she sing-song, trying to stop her lips from smiling too much.
You both stopped at the front of the main entrance, waiting for you-don't-know-who. Until a car stops in front of you. Mingi came to pick you two up, giving you a ride to your apartment.
"So, what's it like in your hometown," she asks, taking a bite of her food.
"Uh, It's….you know —uh…. there's trees and buildings."
Mina nodded slowly as she continued eating her food.
After you two finished eating, Mina left to finish her college work— probably with mingi.
You didn't want to think the worst but considering mina's behavior around mingi, you couldn't stop the thoughts running around your mind.
You gripped the pendant that was tied around your neck. It's pearly white color glowing due to the light reflecting on it. Its sharp edges indicate that it was shattered into parts.
The other half is with mingi.
Atleast, when he was still with you. It symbolizes your promise to always be together and be there for each other.
But fate just wasn't on your side. And it still isn't.
As you walked out of your apartment to get some fresh air, you spotted the two by the parking lot. Their faces are inches away from each other.
You didn't know why but you felt your heart sink. Tears welling in your eyes. You reminded yourself that this mingi isn't the same mingi that promised to be with you. He wasn't the same mingi that helped you run away from home whenever your parents were arguing again.
That gave you a reality check, you can't be with him anymore. You have to let him go.
Your gaze still stuck on the two, not noticing the sudden appearance of another spirit.
This time, it made you feel chills.
"Keeho," you said in a whisper. You didn't bother to look in his direction.
"Oh, I'm glad you recognize me," he said, a mischievous smile growing on his lips.
"Ryujin would have loved to see this, after all, this was her plan." You curled your fist into a ball, tight enough until your nails dug into your skin.
"Why?" You managed to let out. You didn't want this to affect you but it does. After everything you did, it all didn't matter in the end.
"I don't know, ask ryujin. I'm just here to relay a message."
Keeho pushed himself off the wall that he was leaning on and came over to you.
"Don't try to bring back something that was meant to be taken away, it'll come back to bite you in the ass," he whispered against your ear, sending chills down your spine.
Then he left, disappearing into the mist again.
Even though you just came back, you were already itching to leave. Packing your bag and locking the apartment. Giving the keys to the landlord.
Mina notices you in a hurry to leave, running after you to catch you.
"Y/n! Where are you going?" She grabs your wrist making you stop. You didn't turn around, you stayed rooted to the ground. Swallowing the thick lump in your throat before speaking.
"I'm sorry Mina," you pulled your wrist away from her and left. You felt guilty, she was your only friend and she felt betrayed. You left without an explanation.
"Y/n? You're here, did something happen?" Wooyoung read your expression.
You shook your head, clearing your thoughts as you replaced the sad look with a small smile.
"I'm great, I just didn't like the whole vibe there," you lied.
You removed the ruby crystal around your neck giving it to wooyoung, muttering a thanks. Alongside you removed the pendant that was tucked under your shirt. Wooyoung was shocked as you never took it off and you swore you never would.
You tucked the necklace into your pocket, taking a mental note to put it away when you get home.
Although you didn't accomplish your original mission, you did realize that it's always good to let go of something. Never let anything or anyone tie you down. You are still heartbroken, but you are sure you could get over it soon.
Of course, the siblings that stared at you through the window, mischievous smiles on their faces, will not let you live just yet.
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enden-k · 3 years
lmao zhongli why are you asking if fighting is a big turn on for ajax we all know the answer and so do you XD
the many times they had to do it on... questionable places is zhongli's bane as lil' ajax didnt want to calm down so they could walk back to their place in peace
- chili main anon
ABCJK IM SORRY I ALWAYS HAVE LIKE a whole scene in mind but only draw a fracture bc otherwise i will draw like several pages (coughs like my zhongchi comic in which childe gains the power to hear the thoughts of others after he got hit by a spell (the one with morax glaring and childe getting excited i posted wips of) LMFAOOO)
but the context actually is both setting up the rule that if childe yields, only then zhongli will relieve them both so hes kinda pent up already bc childe refused to yield to get zhongli to fight him in earnest (thats why his annoyed face) so he just pins him to his pillar and actually about to ask "are you going to yield now?" and childe just cuts him off with a "yes" AJCBJK
but yes if theyre both too impatient (which must be a lot for zhongli to get impatient) or if zhongli feels like giving in to childe they just do it right then and there AHHAH
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obae-me · 4 years
Oh The Horror
Mammon/Reader, Mammon/MC, fluff
Word Count: 1461
Note: Is my formatting ever the same? Not really. But I had to write Soft Mammon so I hope extreme cuddles distracts from that enough. 
Curses, hexes, witches, ghosts, monsters of all sorts, literal hell, and yet the second most powerful pillar of the Devildom couldn’t stomach horror. It was something you still had a hard time comprehending, but after time you just learned to accept it. Anything that was even remotely frightening had Mammon screaming within seconds. Of course, whenever you were around, he tried his best to keep his composure, but he still flinched and clung to anyone within reach like his life depended on it. 
It was so bad, his brothers didn’t even bother to use horror as a tactic to get revenge. Often. 
He’s getting better, you thought. Tonight you, Satan, Mammon, and Levi all sat together and watched an old human classic. The Grudge. Initially, Mammon hadn’t even been invited to the movie night, solely because he wouldn't be able to take it. But his stubborn nature and somewhat big head had him announcing that, he was the Great Mammon, he could handle a human movie. 
He couldn’t. 
Within the first ten minutes, he was stuck to your side and quite literally trembling. His siblings shook their heads, the slightest hint of sympathy--mostly for you--in their eyes before they allowed themselves to focus on the screen. It was difficult for you to pay attention however, when the self-proclaimed Great Mammon was a fearful mess. This hadn’t been the first time this had happened for sure, but it had been the first time he stuck to you rather than running for his brothers. It...was heartwarming. You wrapped your arms around him and rubbed his back, assuring him that he was okay. Luckily, he wasn’t aware of Satan’s and Levi’s growing irritation, their eyes flickering back to you and him in jealousy that he was getting all the attention. A loud scream made Mammon shout in return, his posture shrinking as he leaned partially in your lap. He stayed that way for the whole movie, hiding his face in your shoulder, not even watching the film anymore. 
And you thought that had been the end of it. 
He acted up a big game for sure, despite his shaky voice, saying that it hadn’t been that bad. Then he left rather quickly, speeding off to Diavolo-knows-where while you were dragged into an in-depth discussion with the remaining demons. They’d adored it, Satan getting into the nitty gritty of cinematography details while Levi was thrilled with the Japanese culture. You didn’t have many comments. The subject at the forefront of your mind was Mammon. He will be fine by tomorrow, you figured. 
Soon, all of you went to bed. Before you could rest easy, you shot Mammon a goodnight message, your eyes refusing to shut till he texted back a simple ‘night.’ It still seemed off, although maybe it was just your paranoia. So before unease could keep you awake, you shut off your lights and settled under your covers. 
“M...MC...MC…” Someone woke you up as they kept calling your name, your shoulder gently shaken. You turned in bed, blinking as you reached towards your nightstand lamp. It blinded you for a second when it flicked on, your eyes adjusting to the new brightness. Mammon was in your room, wearing a white t-shirt and yellow shorts. 
“Mammon? What time is it?” You rubbed the sleepy layer of sleep off your eyes, your vision a bit clearer. He was crying, shaking, barely keeping himself together. You shot up in bed. “What’s wrong? What happened?!” 
“S-shadow...s-saw a...in my--in my room,” he shuddered, shallow tears drifting down his face as his white hair tried to cover his eyes. Just the sound of his broken tone left you devastated. 
“You got scared?” You didn’t sound condescending or disappointed, you came across as gentle and affirming. Mammon nodded his head, shifting his weight to each of his feet as he couldn’t stand still. “Mammon…” You pulled back some of the blankets, outstretching your arms to him. “Come here.” 
Who knew what it was that drove you to such actions? Your still half-asleep brain? Your hidden feelings for him coming into view? His vulnerable nature unlocking some sort of instinct? You didn’t know, but it didn’t stop you from going forth with these impulses. 
He collapsed into you, arms wrapped tightly against your torso. Whimpering, he nestled his face into the crook of your neck. You let him cry a little bit longer, letting him release pent up emotions as you stroked the back of his head, playing with his smooth strands of hair. “I’m sorry you were scared, but it’s okay. Do you want to stay with me tonight?” His body slowly stabilized as he sniffled, nodding against you. “Then how about you clean up your face and turn off the light?” You prodded at his sides and a short breathy laugh bubbled out of him as you hit his ticklish spots. 
He sat up, grabbing a few tissues from the box by your bed and drying his face, a few comically loud blows of his nose almost made you chuckle. Hesitantly, he reached for the light. As soon as he turned it off, he lunged for you, the weight knocking you back against your pillow. He curled up against you, his legs rapidly entwined with yours as his head rested on your chest. He was uncharacteristically quiet as he listened to your heartbeat, using the pace to match his breaths. Leaning a bit forward, you kissed his head, gently raking your fingers up and down the skin of his back as you lightly scratched him, sending shivers down his spine. 
“Maybe don’t watch horror movies right before bed,” you suggested.
He sounded muffled against your body, the vibrations of his voice sending a pleasing sensation through your body. “I can...do what I want,” he muttered, the tsundere act much weaker than usual. “I’m notta baby or anything…”
“Not a baaaaaby?” You teased, watching him blush and turn his head from you. “Baby, baby boy, baby Mammon,” you continued, feeling him growl. 
“Stop it already...you can’t just go sayin’ that…” 
The heart in your chest pounded rapidly for a minute. Mammon felt it and nestled his face into you again. He soaked in your affection, his shudders resembling purrs in his chest. You’d doubted he had ever had a moment like this. To be completely vulnerable without fear of being mocked. You brushed away some of the strands from his forehead to look at his face. Bewilderment. Embarrassment. Most of all, peace. It was like he’d found some new sort of treasure that rendered him speechless; a treasure so radiant that he could do nothing but observe and take it in with an awed silence. He adjusted his head with a little moan, one of his hands gripping at the fabric of your sides.
And in the swell of it all, you couldn’t help yourself. “I love you.” 
He stiffened, his breath coming to a halt as he moved from your chest to the pillow, his face right next to yours. Even in the dark of night, you could tell he was blushing, you could feel the heat radiating from his cheeks. The sparkle of greed flickered past his eyes. “What did you say?” 
“I...I said I love you,” you answered, brushing your knuckles against the side of his face, one finger twirling around his ivory hair. Then he kissed you, a little peck against your face. 
“Say it again?” 
A little confused, you humored him. “I love you.” 
Another quick kiss against your cheek. “Again.” 
“I love you.” 
A kiss against your forehead. “Again.” 
You giggled this time. “Mammon, I love you.” 
One kiss over each eyelid. “Again!” 
You started stating ‘I love you’ over and over and over again, Mammon giving you a new kiss for each one, littering your shoulders, your face, your neck with all sorts of little pecks. His greed was too much for you, so you gave up quickly, descending into soft laughter as you held the sides of his face in your palms. His watery eyes shimmered a beautiful cerulean in the moonlight. You rubbed your thumb over his cheekbone, pleased to discover that his eyes were dry. He sighed contentedly, or as contentedly as the demon of greed can, a strange expression on his face. 
It was his turn to caress your cheeks, the bottom of his lip quivering once before he gently pressed his lips against yours. “I was scared…” He paused for a second, and you thought he was about to describe whatever thing he had seen in his room, but instead, he surprised you, kissing you once more. “I was scared I’d never hear you say it...I love you too.”
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jetsam-kisa · 3 years
Michiko vs Jetsam
Tumblr media
Whew! This is done! I got carried away so I am very sorry for the length :’D
Michiko’s mod and I had some fun talking about our characters and especially the gear Michi is developing!
Unfortunately they were very busy this week, but I was more than happy to write the fight results :D 
CW: emetophobia // there is a brief scene describing vomit semi-graphically
The roar of the crowd echoed through the stadium as Jetsam Kisa and Michiko Watanabe entered the battle arena. Both of the students walked to their side of the arena with a sense of purpose, even if they were nervous wrecks on the inside. Once they took their proper starting positions, the two contestants smiled weakly at each other as the announcer called out their names and the people in the crowd cheered for the next fight. 
‘I’m pretty sure I’m going to pass out,’ Jetsam thought as he gnawed on his lips in anticipation, ‘That or throw up. Oh god I hope I don’t throw up in the middle of the match. Everyone here is watching. God, my parents are watching,’ Thick, heavy plums of smoke rolled out of his mouth the more frantic his thoughts became, until they nearly completely cloaked his figure, ‘I think I saw Best Jeanist in the stands too! He’s not going to want to associate with the kid who threw up during his first match. What am I doing here? What am I even going to do-?” 
Jetsam was snapped out of his rapidly spiraling thoughts by movement in his periphery; Michiko gently waved her hands at him and gave him a broader smile, despite clearly being nervous herself (if the crease in her brow was any clue to her emotional state).
“Let’s both do our best during this fight, Kisa-kun!” Michiko called out from her side of the arena, before her gaze hardened with a resolve she often reserved for studying the most complex of quirks, “Although, I hope you know that I will not be taking it easy on you. I need to see how far I can go, and to learn about the extent of my current abilities.”
Seeing Michiko’s determination and hearing her will to succeed was like a salve to Jetsam’s shot nerves. He took a deep breath, then released the pent up smog. The smoke surrounding his body partially dissipated too. It was almost a shame how well Michiko’s words calmed him down; he would be better off easily producing the pollutants that came with high stress. Jetsam briefly wondered if her kindness was double-edged in a way; was it a strategic way to prevent him from building up his quirk before the match? He shook the thought out of his head before yelling back to her:
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, Miss Michi!”
He could only hope that his grin masked the nerves that were still rolling in his stomach. He knew Michiko; knew her quirk. It could only be activated by physical contact, so as long as he kept his distance he should be okay. 
‘Although,’ Jetsam thought as he gazed at the chain-like device at Michiko’s hip, ‘that capture chain she’s been developing could be difficult to beat. I’ve never seen what it actually does before.’
All too quickly, the announcer began their countdown: “3...2...1...BEGIN!”
As soon as the bell rang, Michiko shot forward, arm extended, with a single-minded determination to do one thing and one thing only: get to Jetsam before he could gain control of the battlefield with his quirk. If she could grab a hold onto him before his smogs and tars and other (frankly, gross) expellents became too overwhelming, then she could nullify his quirk with her own, and use her capture device to prevent him from continuing the fight.
Jetsam must have realized her plans, and had just enough time to dodge out of her range, smog spewing out of his mouth now that his adrenaline was no doubt pumping again. Not to be deterred, Michiko quickly shifted her balance and dove after him again, careful not to let him hide behind the pillars of smoke he was creating. 
‘He’s not going to make this easy for me, but I have been preparing for this occasion for too long to let this game of tag keep me from winning!’ She thought to herself, resolve growing with every inch closer she got to Jetsam, ‘He can’t avoid me forever, and I have a secret weapon I’ve been dying to beta test!’
After a few more moments of chasing after Jetsam, Michiko took a gamble and let him escape to the sanctuary of smog he created across the arena. She knew she had to be quick, but some risks had to be taken to assure victory! She knew that she had the power within her to win.
He wouldn’t be able to outrun her prototype, after all!
‘Phew, I think I finally managed to shake her,’ Jetsam sighed with relief, dark smog still escaping his mouth and obscuring his figure to the crowd (and hopefully Michiko as well). ‘Now I have a moment to breathe. Hah, figuratively, at least.’
He made sure to keep his eye on the clear silhouette of Michiko he could make out through his smog, never before more grateful for his mom’s sight-related quirk partially making its way to him. She seemed to be standing still, perhaps strategizing her own plan to catch him and throw him out of the arena? He hoped the smoke wasn’t making her feel too sick. He had to be quick.  
‘I can probably end the battle if I cover her in tar and stop her movement. It might be unpleasant but it’d be safer than trying to beat her in hand-to-hand or some other physical contest. I haven’t been training with Tsumi for too long, after all. Yeah okay, that’s the plan!’
Just as he was about to produce the sticky tars necessary to carry out his plan, a thin silhouette darted out from Michi’s figure, slithering across the arena at a speed too quick for Jetsam to react to.
As a cold, thin figure coiled itself tightly around him, the only thought sparking across Jetsam’s brain was:
“Michiko brought a snake?”
‘Bingo!’ Michiko exclaimed to herself as Jetsam’s no-doubt unconscious shout revealed not only his location, but the fact that her capture device had worked perfectly as intended.
While it still had quite a few bugs to sort out, one of the most recently added features was a heat-seeking tracker that would allow the machine to chase after targets even under adverse visible conditions. 
She cocked her head towards the direction of Jetsam’s quick yell of distress; she couldn’t get complacent. The capture device was only half the battle! She had to guarantee that Jetsam couldn’t continue the fight in order to assure her victory! 
She couldn’t just blindly run through the smokescreen either; who knows what kinds of traps he could have placed while she set up her capture device. No. She had to be methodical, and safely make her way to Jetsam’s location while he was encumbered. 
The smog was thick, but now she had her goal within sight: grapple Jetsam and nullify his quirk, thus ending the match.
Okay, so it wasn’t a snake, but it was still bad news! Jetsam’s arms were completely pinned by the robotic device wrapped around his torso. So this was the work of the capture device that Michiko had worked so hard on? Jetsam had to admit that it was effective. He couldn’t fight with his limbs restrained like this, and that shout he gave out completely alerted Michiko to his location.
‘So this is it. The fight’s over, and I spent the whole time running away and cowering in the corner. Everyone is watching. Everyone saw. Everyone will know I’m just a big failure who doesn’t deserve to be here. Oh god what if Sato-sensei kicks me out of the hero course? What if they kick me out of the school?? What if everyone laughs and ignores me and hates me OH GOD-’ 
As the panicked thoughts swirled in Jetsam’s mind a pit formed in his stomach. A pit that rapidly expanded into a big, black ball of anxiety and nerves. He could almost picture it in his mind’s eye: an ugly, bloated orb dripping with heat and stress and bile. The more he envisioned it the more it grew until he could almost feel it spilling out of his mouth like a slick oil spill across his lips and---oh wait.
It wasn’t in his mind’s eye.
Jetsam groaned to himself as gushing rivets of slippery, rubbery oil spewed from his mouth all down the front of his body. 
“Well this is perfect!” Jetsam exclaimed to himself, although it was muffled by the sheer volume of oil that expelled out of him as he spoke. He really did throw up. God, could this fight be any more of a disaster?
First he gets captured by Michi’s device, then he literally vomits gross oil from the stress. Fantastic. He shifted uncomfortably, as the oils soaked into his jersey under the capture device and--wait a moment. Oil. Disgusting, smelly, beautifully SLIPPERY oil! That was slicking up his torso and arms even now!
Jetsam pulled his arms upwards experimentally and YES! They were sliding out, he wasn’t restrained anymore! Maybe he could hide again and strategize-
The victorious thought was cut off by a hand shooting out from the pillars of smog, reaching for his newly freed arms.
“I finally found you, Kisa-kun!” Michiko called out, jumping from out of the smokescreen with a triumphant smile. 
Her eyes narrowed slightly at the sight of Jetsam freed from his restraints, but she simply chalked it up to a prototyping failure; she could ask him about the specifics of how he escaped once the match was over, anyways.
This time Jetsam couldn’t dodge her oncoming attack, and Michiko grappled him to the ground, pinning his arms above his head. Now was her chance to nullify his quirk! She had been practicing in hand-to-hand combat, she could still push herself to her limits and come out on top!
Michiko began to focus her energy on her quirk, as Jetsam struggled underneath her. As soon as her quirk began its nullification, she saw the startled look in his dark eyes, and winced slightly in sympathy. She had been told that her quirk was a bit unpleasant to the target; with the process feeling not unlike having your blood drawn through your whole body.
As her quirk took effect, the copious amount of smoke around them began to disappear, once again fully revealing them to the crowd of spectators around the stadium. As her own vision began to clear she was startled to find them lying at the edge of the arena; if they had tussled a bit further out they would have been out of bounds.
Jetsam followed her gaze to the boundary line, and his jaw tightened as his face flushed a dull purple. Was it anger at his predicament? 
“I’m very sorry about this, Miss Michi,” he gurgled apologetically, as the last of his quirk bubbled from his mouth into a viscous oil that was spat out onto Michiko’s face.
With a shout of surprise, Michiko’s grip loosened enough for the slick oils still coating Jetsam’s arms to allow him to escape her grasp. Vision impared by the pollution covering her forehead and dripping into her eyes and nose, Michiko was unable to dodge the hefty push against her chest as Jetsam scrambled away from her touch, getting onto his feet. It was only for a moment, but it was enough for his quirk to return in full force.
“Again, words cannot express how sorry I am for doing that.” Jetsam called out to her, although his speech was hard to make out with the thick pollutants leaking from his mouth.
Michiko shot up from the floor, furiously wiping at her face to clear it of the oil. Once her vision returned, she turned to face Jetsam. The two ran at each other, trading blows and each trying to grapple the other into submission. The build-up of tar and oils worked as a double edged sword; Jetsam easily slipped from Michi’s grasp, but she also used that to her advantage to slide out of the way of his attacks. 
Then, there it was: that single, gleaming moment where Michiko could see the exhaustion, see Jetsam’s attention waning as the fight dragged on for just a bit too long. Right there! He was right by the boundary line, and had miscalculated a move that left him off-balance and vulnerable.
‘Sorry Jetsam,’ Michiko thought as she built momentum for her final blow, ‘but I am grateful for this amazing fight!’
Just as her victorious punch was about to make contact with Jetsam’s awaiting back, she felt herself freeze, involuntarily. Her arm was stuck in position, unable to move. She tried shifting her feet, but to no avail. Her whole body was frozen in place, like some sort of statue!
After a brief moment of panic, Michiko quickly realized what was happening. The tar. The tar Jetsam had been producing. He had mixed it with all the other pollutants as they fought, and as she was coated throughout the battle, the tar was turning thicker and thicker, until it encased her whole body into a stiff, immovable statue. 
She struggled, trying to thrash her way out of the viscous black coffin, but to no avail. She could no longer continue fighting. She had lost. 
The crowd burst into cheers and jeers as they realized that the match had been settled, the announcer calling out “AND THE WINNER IS, JETSAM KISA!”
As soon as the decision was announced, Michiko felt the tar slide off her body, like showering off a thick coating of muck, until only black stains remained on her body and clothing.
Jetsam sheepishly looked over at her, hand anxiously scratching at the back of his neck.
“So… that was really, really gross. I’m so sorry. But you were incredible! You almost had me so many times!!” Jetsam babbled out, getting more and more flustered as he continued. “I understand if you’re upset, but we promised we wouldn’t hold back and-”
“That was a great match! I had such a good time, and you really tested out my limits!” Michiko interrupted, smiled brightly at him as she held out her hand for him to shake. “But I’m warning you, next time I’ll be the one to come out on top!”
Jetsam smiled softly as he took her hand and reciprocated the shake.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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streetlight11 · 4 years
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Summary: Changbin wants to be the person that those around him can rely on when they’re having a hard time. But he doesn’t realize that his mistake was to keep his own problems to himself, only to burst one day due to the pent up emotions he’s been holding onto.
Genre: slight angst, fluff
Warnings: mild swearing, prior to the current pandemic situation
WC: 2.8k
Pairing: Seo Changbin x Reader
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Growing up, you always knew Changbin was the kind to put everyone else’s problems above his own. He wants to be everyone’s pillar of strengths. Mostly the people that he loves and cares for. Back when you were in high school with him, he was always there for you. Be it when you got bullied, when you had a rough day, when you got one mark lesser than your expected score, anything.
Even though Changbin tends to lash out when his problems have been pent up for too long and was taking a toll on him, saying harsh things to you, never once did you take it to heart. 
Simply because you understood why he was acting that way. You even offered him a listening ear for his problems but he chose to keep them to himself. Only after endless prying and persuasion, that he finally opened up to you and it still wasn’t everything.
But at that very moment, you were thankful that he did. At least a small chunk of his problems were out of his mind and chest, you could almost see the slight heavy weight being lifted off his shoulders.
However, he was never not there for you to the point where he would often hang out at your family home almost every day. Your parents loved him. They adored this little boy who was more selfless than anything, who puts up a strong front for others to rely on.
Even after he successfully debuted as an idol, he was still the same boy you knew during your childhood.
You watched as he grew with his members, his character never once changed as he still lends his shoulder to his members for them to cry on, giving them something to rely on during tough times.
Changbin still kept in contact with you after all these years as he told his members about you as though you were a prized possession. 
And to be very honest, to him, you really were his prized possession. 
Today was no different as he texted you after lunch. You were just sitting in your office desk, reading through the email you got from your Head of Department regarding the project you were going to be a part of when your phone dinged on your right side.
Binie✨ [3:06pm] : Noona
Binie✨ [3:06pm] : What time do you finish work today?
You [3:08pm] : 830
Binie✨ [3:09pm] : Will you be too tired if I asked you to stop by the company building after work? 🥺
You [3:10pm] : Nope! It’s fine!
You [3:11pm] : I can stop by
You [3:11pm] : Just tell me which room you guys will be in okay?
Binie✨ [3:13pm] : Okay noona 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
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Hours later, you were just waiting outside your office building for a cab when your phone started ringing, only to see his caller ID flashed on your screen.
“Oh noona, where are you?”
“Waiting for a cab. Why?”
“Do you want my manager hyung to fetch you? I can get him to do it.”
“No, Binie it’s fine. I’ll text you once I’m there okay?”
“Okay. Text me once you’re 5 minutes away. I’ll come down.”
“Alright Binie. See you.” 
You hung up the call and soon, entered a cab that you managed to hail. The drive to JYP building took about 45 minutes so when you were around the corner, you texted him. He immediately rushed downstairs to fetch you from the entrance.
The driver came to a stop, only for you to pay him by card and he soon wished you good night.
You did the same as you left the vehicle before heading straight into the building. The minute you walked through the revolving door, you jumped at the voice that called your name. His voice echoing the entire lobby.
“Y/N Noona!!” Changbin said as he skipped over to you only to wrap his arms around your frame, earning a soft clear of a throat from someone behind him.
“Safe distancing please.” The lady at the front desk said with a little smile on her face before Changbin and you apologized in unison.
A soft chuckle escaped his lips as you went over to register your name and soon used the hand sanitizer followed by getting your temperature checked by the machine before you could enter the building further after Changbin told the lady that you were with him.
In the lift however, Changbin couldn’t keep his hands to himself as he wrapped his arms around your waist, nuzzling his nose against your neck. You giggled at the tickling feeling as you squeezed his shoulders lightly.
He brought you to the practice room where his members were in, and the minute you both entered, the boys got excited as Jisung ran up to you. You brought your hands out to brace yourself for the impact. Instead, Jisung bent down only to put you over his shoulders with your backside in the air. He carried you to the middle of the room as you found yourself laughing.
“Yah, Jisungie put her down!” Chan scolded with a laugh as the rest of them chuckled as well. Jisung soon placed you back down, only for you to hit his chest playfully.
The boys asked you how you were doing and some of them even whined to you saying they haven’t seen you in so long and that they missed you. You giggled as you told them you were too caught up with important work recently, only for them to understand. 
After a few more minutes of chatting, Chan beckons them over to continue with practice, only for you to situate yourself in the corner where the couch was at.
A few hours passed and they were all visibly exhausted but they still persisted on like the hardworking, talented young men they were. You didn’t realize what was going on in the practice room until you heard bickering.
You looked up from your phone, only to see Changbin squaring up to Jeongin. That’s when you saw Chan and Minho separating the two with Chan forcefully holding Changbin back.
Uh oh.
“You know I’m supposed to be there! Why didn’t you let me move?!” Changbin’s voice low as he growled at the younger tauntingly.
“Guys, can we all calm down? It’s getting late and everyone’s tired but we need to work together.” Chan said as the rest of them began to keep a distance between Changbin and themselves. You knew something wasn’t right so you got up to hold Changbin’s arm.
At that moment, you could feel it. He was burning from anger. 
“Bin ah, you’re just stressed. Calm down.”
“Calm down?! Did you not see him?! He was a mess! They’re all a fucking mess!” Changbin yelled but you didn’t even flinch meanwhile everyone else did.
“Seo Changbin. Watch your words.” You scolded him firmly.
At this point, everyone could sense the strong tension lingering in the air as it was too thick to be cut with scissors. The boys watched silently as they knew that if there was one person who could talk some sense into Changbin, it was you. They knew that only you could understand him like an open book. And right at that moment, Changbin was mad. 
He was letting his feelings control his mind and you weren’t gonna let him continue with it. He took steps closer until he was less than an arm lengths away from you.
“Don’t fucking tell me what to do. You’re not even a damn idol. You have no idea what it’s like.”
The boys gasped in shock, not expecting him to say that. They thought you would break down or even leave the room upset but you didn’t. They knew there was a deeper connection between you two so they just chose to watch silently while Chan and Hyunjin comforted Jeongin.
“You’re right. I’m not an idol. But that doesn’t mean you can lash out on your members just because you’re mad at something else.”
“What bullshit are you talking about!”
“Your bullshit Bin! You can lie to everyone else that you’re okay, but you can’t lie to me. You put up a strong front for people but you refuse to break down your own walls for the sake of your own well being.”
You paused for a while to see his reaction but when all you got was his sad, confused eyes, you took that as a sign to continue.
“Being selfless is a good thing but you have to know your limits. They want to be there for you when you’re having a rough day. I want to be there for you. But you’re making it so difficult for them. For me.” 
The room fell silent as Changbin closed his eyes tightly before taking a deep breath. He took off his cap and soon threw it harshly towards the wall behind you but never once did you flinch. He soon left without saying a word as the door slammed behind him. You let out a heavy sigh as you walked back to the guys, only to hold Chan’s arm.
“I’m sorry about him guys… Changbin can be a little… tough if he’s having a bad day. Please don’t get upset with him. I promise you he doesn't ever mean those words he said. He’s just doing it out of anger.” You said, only for them to sigh.
Just then, you walked up to Jeongin who had a small tear roll down his cheek, making you smile apologetically to him before you pulled him into a hug.
You caressed the back of his head soothingly as he buried his face in your shoulder.
“Don’t take it to heart okay?” You said, only for him to nod.
You pulled away from him as you turned to them and told them to continue where they left off as you quickly left the room to find for your childhood best friend. You searched through all the rooms down the empty hall as you jogged past the lift lobby only to hear soft sobs coming from the staircase.
You carefully walked over to the door, only to peek through the glass panel on the door. That’s when you saw his back, seated on the steps as he buried his head in his arms, resting on his knees.
You smiled softly as you opened the door, not a single movement from him. 
You carefully closed the door and walked over to him as you took a seat beside him. You let your legs brush against his as you turned to look at him with a small little smile on your face.
Just then, you reached up to gently caress his hair as you heard his sobs slowly reduce.
A few minutes later, Changbin’s head lifted as he stared into the empty space ahead. His mind clearly somewhere else.
“Am I a bad person?”
“You can be annoying, a little hard to please, hard headed sometimes… but you’re not a bad person, Bin ah.” You smiled as he finally turned to you, his eyes glossy as his cheeks wet from his fresh tears.
“Then why do I always hurt the people that I love?” He asked, his voice faltering as you couldn’t help but cup his soft cheek and gently caress it.
“Because you rely too much on yourself.” Your words seemed to break him as you pulled him into a hug, letting him wrap his arms around your waist while he buried his face in your chest. He cried as his grip around your waist tightened.
“What am I doing wrong noona?” He whispered as you let out a soft sigh.
“You want people to rely on you. You want them to feel strong when they’re with you. You want people to feel safe and share all their problems with you so that you can ease their burden but you don’t realize that there are people who are willing to do the same for you.”
Your words came to a pause as you played with his hair before you continued.
“You don’t have to keep all your problems to yourself just because you don’t want to seem like a burden to others. You have no idea how many people are willing to be your pillar of strength on your rainy days. And I know for a fact that your members are one of those many people. You might never realize this too, but I am willing to do the same for you.”
With that, Changbin pulled away from you, only for him to wipe his tears with his sweater sleeves.
“Why are you still here? I’ve hurt you so many times before with my words. Why are you still holding on to me?” He asked.
“Because I know that of all the things you’ve said to me, you don’t mean any of them.”
“How would you know that?”
“Because I trust that this cute little boy would never do such a thing to anyone he loves and cares for.” You said as you cupped his face in both your hands, making him chuckle.
Just then, he glanced down at your lips.
“That means you know that I love you right?” His eyes met yours again only for you to smile.
“Of course I know.”
Changbin found himself grinning as he looked back at your lips only to lean in until he pressed his soft wet lips on yours. 
You could taste the salt from his tears as you smiled against his lips. You slid your arms around his shoulders as you pulled him closer to you, leaning your back against the wall for support as he had one hand pressed against the wall beside your waist while the other wraps itself around your body.
Changbin’s heart pounded against his chest as he felt so safe and secure in your arms. Something he has always felt ever since the day he met you.
You pulled away when you felt him bite your bottom lip teasingly, making you giggle.
“Come on. I think your members deserve an apology.” With that, Changbin pouted as he whined at you softly.
“Can we stay like this for a moment? You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.”
With that, you giggled as you kissed his nose and whispered.
“We can do this any time, love.”
With that, Changbin sighed as a smile replaced his pout. Both of them re-entered the building as they walked back to the practice room, hand in hand. The moment they entered, Changbin’s voice echoed around the room as the boys were just taking a short break.
“Guys, can we talk?” Changbin started as the boys turned to both you and Changbin, only for Chan to smile.
With that, Changbin turned to you as you gently squeezed his hand before you gave him a soft nod. You let go of his hand as he soon walked up to them.
“I’m sorry for what I said earlier. Sorry if I made you upset. Especially you Jeonginie. Hyung’s really sorry.” Changbin said as he approached their maknae, only for Jeongin to flash him a smile as he immediately wrapped his arms around Changbin’s shoulders.
“It’s okay hyung! Please don’t ever feel like you burden us! If you have problems, tell us or tell noona okay? We love you so much.” Jeongin said as Changbin smiled against the younger’s shoulder.
The boys soon gave them a group hug as they all encouraged Changbin to not always pent up his problem to himself and that he can rely on them and you too.
You smiled as you took careful steps towards the corner where the couch was. Ignoring the soft whispers they were exchanging, only for Changbin’s voice to speak up.
You turned around as he walked up to you. Once he was right in front of you, he gently took your hands in his, only to caress the back of your hands with his thumbs.
“Thank you for making me realize my mistakes.”
“Hey, what are best friends for right?”
“Except, I don’t want you to be my best friend anymore.”
He paused as you frowned in confusion, not catching up with what he was saying. Just then, Changbin softly reached up to caress your cheek as he leaned in to let his lips brush against yours softly before he spoke up.
“I want you to be my girlfriend…”
With that, your eyes widened as you heard happy cheers from the boys behind him.
“I’d love to.” You said as he smiled, finally capturing your lips in a kiss again for the second time that night. You smiled against his lips as he held you securely in his arms. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise that he called you over that night.
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opalmaplehibiscus · 4 years
This Wasn’t Supposed to Happen
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Hello Anon! OwO I’m sorry that I’m so late for this!!! I can’t believe I’m releasing this 3 days late when it was intended for Twstober: Ink/Overblot!!!!!!! ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚ I hope you enjoy this though     
·    Everyone knows how the saying goes: “Sticks and bones may break my bones, but words would never hurt me”. A saying that was supposed to mean words aren’t meant to hurt people
·       Yet, everyone knows all too well that’s a lie – a false statement
·       Maybe because everyone knows that, Jamil purposely pours his hatred towards Kalim – not sugar coating one single bit of how much he blames and hates Kalim for his pain, for his sufferance
·       Yes, get hurt from it just like how much pain you’ve given me, he would think as he sees Kalim’s eyes start being filled with pain, betrayal, and sadness
·       He expected Kalim to beg him why, to ask him questions, not for Kalim to mutter that he understands with the follow up of “I can’t take it anymore”
·       It was him that was constantly using his Unique Magic on others – heck even on the whole dorm! But, why was Kalim the one to overblot instead?
·       Jamil snaps at Grim and Floyd, telling them to shut up when they start telling him how he just caused Kalim to OB, preparing to attack when OB Kalim descends
·       He wants to sneer and add some more insult to the wound he just gave to Kalim as he listens to Kalim saying how tired he was, how he couldn’t handle it anymore
·       What did Kalim mean that he couldn’t handle it anymore? That he’s tired of everyone? Does he know how much he went through all because he was forced to serve him?
·       Now he has to deal with Kalim complaining while OBing? Seriously, are you kidding him?
·       Jamil could feel his blood boil in anger, frustration, and all the stress he had pent up inside him, not able to handle Kalim’s crying as he sobs how he only wanted to make people happy
·       So naïve, so innocent, so stupid! Stupid! STUPID!
·       But, just when he’s about to attack, Jamil pauses
·       Confusion fills his minds as he hears Kalim talks about his past – a past that even Jamil, himself, was not aware
·       When did Kalim ever cursed about being part of the Al-Asim family? When did Kalim ever defended himself against the poisoners and assassins?
·       What did Kalim mean when he says he hates the concept of fate, feeling imprisoned by something was “pre-destined” to him? That he hated his own existence?
·       Questions forms in his head, wondering when everything Kalim was stating ever happened. Death? Killing in front of Kalim’s eyes? Nightmares? When? How?
·       No, he didn’t know Kalim had night terrors, what do you mean Kalim had night terrors?
·       The anger in Jamil starts simmering down as he listens to everything Kalim encountered, how much he went through but held it in because he didn’t want to trouble anymore
·       He never once thought Kalim could hold such dark thoughts or experience such gruesome memories yet….how did he not notice?
·       Without him realizing it, his hand holding his magic pen goes down as Jamil starts feeling something else, something he thought he would never ever feel: guilt
·       He didn’t realize how much he meant to Kalim – how big of a mental pillar was towards the person he was serving
·       Did he really make Kalim that happy whenever he was just by his side? Just by listening to whatever he wanted to talk about?
·       When he didn’t give a crap about Kalim, Kalim cared for Jamil because he ended up becoming his one and only friend that stayed by his side this whole time? Despite being master and servant?
·       But what was worse, worse than everything he just heard was how much Kalim knew about him
·       In the past, he would always blush when Kalim would suddenly complement him, praising him about Jamil, himself
·       Yet, when hearing about his very own being so accurately, precisely, even parts he never knew about himself by the same person he once looked down on – does anyone knows how horrifying that feeling is?
·       The feeling that the master you thought of as a fool knew you so well that he expected you to betray him at some point – but still felt hurt because he wanted you to prove him wrong. The fact that he still closed his eyes for your sake, because he didn’t want anything to happen to you since he’s FULLY. AWARE. OF EVERYTHING. IN THE FAMILY.
·       Without himself realizing it, Jamil lowers his magic pen as his brain comprehends and slowly making him realize how kind Kalim was towards him and how smart said boy actually was
·       Memorizing 40+ siblings; name, age, appearance, their likes, hobbies, and dislike. Joining NRC 2 months later not just because of the Al-Asims but he freaking completed his Unique Magic after it was announced Jamil was going to NRC – like what? How? That’s impossible
·       When Kalim screams how he wishes to disappear and unleashes his final and most powerful attack, Jamil yells for Kalim while extending his hand towards him in desperation, for redemption
·       By the time Kalim wakes up after successfully getting him out of OB, Jamil sighs in relief
·       Tears were pouring down his cheeks when he catches the KOed Kalim and waits for him to wake up
·       Not once did he move away, sitting right next to him and staring blankly at the ground as he continued to cry in silence
·       He gasps out Kalim’s name when Kalim asks in a mumble what happened, before he beaten to it by Jade and Azul who asks whether Kalim remembers everything that had happened
·       As Kalim attempts to sit up, Jamil moves to help only for Kalim to suddenly flinch and pull his arm away from him, as if touching fire
·       Awkwardness fills the room as Kalim realizes what he had just done before stuttering an apology to Jamil and telling him he could get up by himself
·       Jamil could only reply with “it’s fine”, for the first time feeling hurt that Kalim had actually told him to not help him
·       As the Octavinelle trio and Ramshackle duo fill Kalim in, Jamil doesn’t say a word as he falls into despair
·       This was something he wanted – something he had wished for. For Kalim to stop making him work and annoy the crap out of with his chaotic behavior
·       When Jamil tries to help Kalim again only for Kalim to this time move back and avoid his touch, his hands turns into fists as he sat there on the ground
·       “This wasn’t what I wanted.” He thinks to himself. “This isn’t how things were supposed to happen.”
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Nagging Doubts
Find on ao3 here:��https://archiveofourown.org/works/27255805
Pigsy did not sign up for this monkey nonsense. He had half a mind to march over to Flower Fruit Mountain and tell that Monkey King to clean up his own mess leaving him and his delivery boy out of it.
Two things stopped him. One, he couldn’t seem to get away from the shop what with the frequent attacks on his person and employees setting them so far beyond schedule. And the second reason defiantly wasn’t how excited the kid and Tang were to be living the legacy of Sun Wukong. Or how good having an outlet for all this pent up energy was for both of the kids. Or how nice it was to see Sandy on the regular even if he wasn’t really up for fighting as much as he had been.
Oh who was he kidding. He’d probably do anything to see them all so happy.
That didn’t mean he didn’t have second thoughts.
Lying tied up at the hands of Red Son, hearing the kid sputter out that he wasn’t invincible anymore.
Being saved from being crushed to death by the massive clone of his employee while contemplating all the negative reviews and refunds he was going to have to make. Only to find out there were more of these threats and they were with his kid and friend.
Hearing from Sandy that his kids had been attacked in Mei’s house of all places.
Upon hearing the last one he’d actually gone ahead and asked Sandy if he could take him to Flower Fruit. Sandy had blinked at him and asked, “Why? You could just send a message with the kid when he goes up there to train.”
Pigsy opened his mouth to explain that this wasn’t a conversation he was ready to have with the kid present but a rush of unpleasant memories stopped him, dragging him back to the last time he’d seen the kid on Flower Fruit mountain. He blamed word association.
“He almost died,” he said quietly into his teacup.
“But he didn’t,” said Sandy in a somber tone leaning forward. ��He made it to Sun Wukong, gaining the ability to solve the problem on his own.” He sat back and waved his giant blue arms “And look at us all now!”
Pigsy raised his eyes to meet Sandy’s, “You got attacked in one of the most secure places in the world.”
“Yes,” Sandy acknowledged with a nod of his head, “but we came together and fought the guy off. Mei gained a new weapon of her own. We’re growing into a solid team. When danger come, we’ll have each other’s backs.” He smiled down at Pigsy. “Now how about you and me have some more tea and you can tell me all about noodles.”
While far from a subtle change in topic it was, alas, effective. Sandy knew him a bit too well. And he spent the rest of the evening happily thinking of noodles.
He was walking up a mountain. A mountain he’d barely seen through smoke and fire. But as he is guided by chittering monkeys towards a massive waterfall he somehow knows this is Flower Fruit Mountain.
He steps into stone room full of pillars and there, at the end, was stone throne. Upon laying eyes on its occupant, orange fur, fiery eyes, and a golden headband, he knows without a shadow of a doubt this is Sun Wukong.
“Why are you here --------?” says the king. His last word comes out garbled, like static corrupting a signal.
One of the King’s eyebrows lifts at his silence and he realizes he must speak. Why was he hear? He’d wanted to speak to this man. Something to do with danger.
“We are in danger,” he said. The king’s tail quirked up and his eyes narrowed. “The others are in trouble. Sandy was…captured,” he hadn’t known it before speaking but the words rung true. They’d been fighting something together and then…then everything was fuzzy but somehow he’d escaped only to find, “Mei has been injured. Damage to her leg. And what’s worse she told me Tang was capture too.” Panic that hadn’t been there before swelled up but he shoved it down. He needed to stay calm.
“And what do you want me to do about this?” said the King, now surveying his nails nonchalantly as his tail whipped back and forth.
“You?” he said and a bit of his frustration bubbling up. “I’m here for the kid.”
“What kid?” there was no malice in the voice, just idle curiosity.
“My kid,” he said. “You decided to train him, even if he’s barely more than a boy.” Wukong was now openly staring at him. “Oh don’t give me that. You decided to take him on after he picked up your staff? And we got him all the way over here? Through all the fire and…”
He was in the flaming mountains watching Princess Iron Fan had tossed his boy into the fire. Humans can’t survive in lava. He’d grabbed a distressed Mei before he lost another kid and carried her back to the boat. When they’d got to the water it had been so cold inside and out. His boy was gone. His boy was gone. And he couldn’t save him. He couldn’t do anything. Like he couldn’t do anything back then.
“W-----!” Someone was shaking him. “B----!” Someone with furry hands. Wait. He looked up and stared into the wide golden eyes of the Sun Wukong. They were back on Flower Fruit but the room was now old and crumbled. Where the throne had been was now a painted mural he couldn’t see because Wukong blocked most of his vision, majestic phoenix tails blowing in the wind which would have made him intimidating were it not for the worry in his eyes. “Wake up,” he said,  “You’re dreaming.”
He woke up.
The next morning nothing was going right. And he wasn’t just saying that because he’d gotten so little sleep. For starters the kid was late due to Monkey nonsense. In a fit of anger he told him he’d fire him if he was ever so much as one minute late again. Mei took one look at how he was acting and grabbed Sandy to hang out at the secret base. He didn’t really care, he had more important things to deal with. Like all these customers. Or the boxes of vegetables which had the nerve to be empty today.
While yelling his frustrations to an empty pantry he felt a hand tap him on the shoulder. He turned to see the freeloader. “What do you want?” he growled.
“You could keep yelling at the pantry,” said Tang. “Or you could come with me shopping.” Pigsy opened his mouth to retort but Tang beat him to it. “I’ll pay.”
He opened his mouth. And shut it. Tang watched him with a raised eyebrow and quirked smile. Then he turned and walked back out. Pigsy followed him dumbly.
About four carrots in his shock wore off in favor of ensuring that this once in a lifetime opportunity to use Tang’s money got him the best produce he could find. About twenty in his confidence was back in full swing. There’s nothing like doing something he was good at to bring up his mood. Even if Tang failed to see the difference between the individual vegetables.
And then he saw her.
She was beautiful. And she was interested. And…and being wanted felt good. It made him feel young again and capable. Like he could still do this one thing. It was tantalizing. He needed this. This promise of a future break, with all the stress of his day, was too good to pass up.
So of course it was a trap. When was it ever not a trap? When in the history of his life had romance ever ever gone right for him?
The only thing worse than getting tied up to a salty Tang, losing his ability to speak, and having to rely on Tang’s smooth talking to keep them from being eaten was being used to lure in his arachnophobia kid into a trap and then watching it get sprung on him, his other kid and oldest friend.
By all rights it should have terrified him, but a well-placed sword and a little teamwork managed to get him and the others free to pull a little rescue mission of their own. It worked. And it was exhilarating.
Maybe Sandy was right. They could do more together then apart.
In the spirit of apologies and team-bonding, he actually recommended Tang tell the story about the Spider Queen and how the Monkey King had defeated her. Tang had laughed and said he didn’t know that story but he did know about seven spider sisters and a centipede. MK did not enjoy the story much despite it being about his idol.
They trap a seven spider sisters in a river. He takes the opportunity to mock them believing them subdued. Then at their next stop they find themselves poisoned by the spiders’ ally for revenge against him…not the revenge against them all, no, revenge against him.
The poison raging through his body hurts, so much so he’s on the ground. But what hurts more is that everyone he cares for is beside him in the same agony. Save one. Off saving the day as usual while he lies here helpless, unable to fix his own mess.
“Again?” he heard from the behind him. “Ba---, wake up!”
He woke up to the screeching of a bird. The window was open and the moonlight streamed through the curtains. Had he left that open?
He got up to close it and caught sight of the full moon. He’d always had a fondness for moonlit nights. He moved out onto this balcony, a moment in the fresh night air would do him some good.
He let the cool night air wash over him and sooth away the lingering feelings the dream had surfaced. The overwhelming feeling of helplessness and uselessness. Unable to protect those he loved, unable to make up for his own mistakes, unable to do anything. But that had been a dream, based on Tang’s story. Right? Why just yesterday he’d come up with a solution, escaped with Tang, and faced the spider queen head on, turning the tide. And they’d been able to save his kid. That feeling of inadequacy it was just part of a dream it was just part of a dream it was just part of a dream.
“Pigsy?” came his roommate’s voice. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing, just a bird waking me up,” he said not looking over at Tang as he approached. But he could hear him approach and lean on the balcony beside him.
They stood in silence for a moment. Then Pigsy sighed. “I had a nightmare. Just some nonsense about living your story, but not as the Monkey king.”
Tang did not respond. Which was unusual for him. He seemed to be waiting for something.
Pigsy let out a deep sigh. “It just reminded me how helpless I am to protect everyone I care about. And I know, I know that we are becoming a strong team and support each other and the kids are getting older or would find trouble anyways…it’s just… I worry about them. I worry about all of you. And I feel like I should be the one doing the rescuing, I’m practically a father to both of those young ones. But I can’t. So what am I?”
Tang was silent for a moment. Finally he leaned back from the balcony and said, “I worry about them too. I worry about all of you. Especially the kids. And I don’t know how to fix it.” He turned to face Pigsy. “But I do know who you are.”
“Oh?” goes Pigsy, turning his head as much as he could while still leaning over the balconies edge. This ought to be good.
“You’re the owner of Pigsy’s noodles, father figure to those two kids, and part time superhero,” said Tang with a grin. “And you’re my best friend.”
“oh,” he said and let his eyes drop down to an orange bird perched on a balcony below them. He didn’t know what to say to that. He closed his eyes and gruffly replied, “Don’t expect free noodles just because you’re my best friend too.”
Tang’s laugh startled the orange bird and it flew off into the night, red and green feathers illuminated by moonlight. Pigsy felt himself smile. Everything was going to be fine.
As he turned to head back into his house, he was unaware of the gold and silver demon hiding beneath the balcony frantically scribbling ‘best friends’ down on a piece of paper.
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settersprouts · 3 years
꒦ ikanaide : chapter two ! ꒦
. . : oikawa stresses out after having lost to shiratorizawa yet again, and decides to take out his frustrations on volleyball. however, he loses himself in the midst of it all and tears a ligament in his leg, and there's no one there to help him. iwaizumi senses something's wrong and rushes to his side.
or, oikawa's an idiot and iwaizumi is just the pillar he needs.
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again. they won again.
he could never win against them. they were too strong. too brilliant. too skilled. too talented, in ways that he never was, never could be. and it made him sick, all the way down to his very core.
it should’ve been impossible for shiratorizawa to defeat them over and over again. For three whole years, kitagawa daiichi has never been able to win a single match. and that record followed him all the way to seijoh. every single time, that wretched team would shut down every attack, close every opening the opposite team had. he even used his new setter dump, but they still managed to pick it up and slam the ball right back at them.
and it made him sick.
oikawa slammed yet another ball onto the court, his serve more powerful than any other serve he’s ever done. all the pent-up rage and frustration echoed onto the volleyballs, and he imagined each and every ball was going straight for ushiwaka’s stupid face. the bruise that would appear the next day on his face made it seem all the more appealing to him.
and again.
and again.
ball after ball, serve after serve. he wouldn’t stop, not even after he used up all the balls in the bin. he just grabbed the second bin in the storage room and kept on going. no one would disturb him- everyone already left a couple hours ago. he was going to keep practicing until he got better, until he could defeat shiratorizawa.
and ushiwaka. he couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he defeated him in their next match. the thought of his disappointed face sent thrills throughout oikawa’s body, and he kept on serving, chasing that dream. he wanted to see the look of disappointment on ushiwaka’s face. he wanted to make him feel what it was like to lose to your greatest enemy. he wasn’t going to let shiratorizawa win another match.
he had to make it to nationals this year. it was his last chance. the first qualifiers were only in a couple of months, he had to practice to perfect and hone all his skills. ushiwaka wasn't going to get the chance to beat him.
in the back of his head, he heard a voice yelling at him. it was quiet, but loud at the same time.
``do you think you're fighting by yourself? you've got to be kidding, you dumbass!``
oikawa shook his head vigorously, trying to get the voice out of his head.
``there's no one on our team who can beat ushiwaka one-on-one! however, there are six players on a volleyball court!``
he threw the ball up in the air again, hand colliding with the colored leather, sending it flying over the net and into the court.
``even if our opponent's some genius first-year, or ushiwaka, the team with the better six is stronger, you dumbass!``
he paused before serving his next ball, realizing who those words belonged to. if he found out what oikawa was doing, he might just kill him. a shudder went through oikawa's body, the room suddenly getting a couple of degrees colder. yep, iwaizumi was definitely on his way here. there was no doubt about it. he would burst through the door, headbutt oikawa, and yell at him while he dragged him all the way home.
encounters with him didn’t stray far from that. so oikawa didn’t really fear the upcoming future. it wasn’t like he was new to the abuse from his childhood best friend, it just came with the package. iwaizumi engraved that idea in his head, without even realizing it.
he did care about his best friend’s wishes, he did. but right now, iwaizumi was the last thing on his mind. he felt bad about it, but volleyball mattered more. he had to get better. for him. for the team. for seijoh.
defeat was bitter. the taste of it nearly made oikawa hurl every time. he wasn’t going to lose again.
and with that, another ball flew up in the air.
iwaizumi was pissed.
very pissed. extremely pissed. his rage scared a couple of kids on his way home from aoba johsai. he muttered an apology to their parents, leaving them to attend to the crying children as he rushed home. he felt bad and was slightly offended that his face was that scary to them, but at the same time, he really couldn’t be bothered.
the events of the match rung in his head, the sound of balls slamming onto the court rivalled cymbals.
``ace my ass.`` he muttered, kicking a pebble into the road. ``what kind of ace can't manage to spike a ball they can't receive?``
he stopped at the intersection, looking at his surroundings. it was the area where he and oikawa would usually separate, as their houses were in different directions. it felt weird walking home without him. he had told the team he would clean up, claiming he needed some alone time. it was suspicious, but it made sense. who wouldn't want to be alone after losing to ushiwaka and his undefeatable team?
in all honestly, iwaizumi was worried about his friend. he could sense the tense aura around oikawa's body, the frustration emitting off of him when he told everyone to go home early. the sudden change in emotion scared the wits out of the first-years- they were the first ones out the door. matsukawa and hanamaki tried to reason with oikawa, but it was like he was unreachable. they both knew- no, they all knew oikawa's intentions. he was going to practice until his arms fell off, until he collapsed on the gym floor.
the ace of seijoh let out a sigh, and turned away from oikawa's street, heading down his own. the setter could manage himself. he was a third-year, too, he was capable of taking care of his body. he wouldn't let that happen to himself.
a bird flew alongside iwaizumi, tweeting at him. its melody wafted through the air, reminding iwaizumi of how oikawa's laughter flew with the wind, like a bird's song. he grimaced. that seemed to be ages ago, when oikawa was actually happy. everything was fake now, iwaizumi knew so. all the smiles the setter sent to his underclassmen when they asked him questions about volleyball, all the chit-chats he had with the millions of girls that crowded his locker- none of it had been genuine. oikawa knew what he was doing. smile and wave, and then everyone would leave you alone.
``dammit.`` iwaizumi cursed under his breath. he didn't think to talk to oikawa about any of his suspicions. he knew that he was just going to spiral into another of his self-hate episodes, taking out his frustrations on countless of volleyballs.
stop worrying about him. he'll be fine. he's eighteen, for fuck's sake.
iwaizumi pulled his necklace from out underneath his shirt, opening his front door with the key that hung from the thin ball-chain. there was a loud click, and it swung open. he called for his family, letting them know he was home, slipping his sneakers off and sliding into fluffy white slippers.
when he looked up from his feet, his mother and father were standing in front of him. ``oh, hey.``
``hajime.`` his mother started, tears in her eyes for her son. ``we heard what happened. we're so sorry.``
iwaizumi nodded, pushing past his mother, but not after giving her a warm embrace. ``thanks, ma. it's okay, we tried our best.`` his father watched as his son walked off, the number four on his back seeming to sag with the sadness that the ace felt.
the mattress creaked under iwaizumi’s weight as he flopped onto the duvet, spreading out his arms and legs like a starfish. kumo bounded up next to him, lapping at the sweat on his face, causing the teen to smile a little. he scratched behind kumo’s ears, laughing as she started giving him more kisses all over his face. it felt good. it felt like home.
he leaned over kumo to grab the remote, turning on the tv and navigating to the shows he had recorded previously. settling on a beloved godzilla movie, he leaned back with kumo and relaxed. this was nice. it was almost comfortable; he was starting to forget all about the events that happened a couple hours earlier. starting to forget all about the concerns and worries he had for oikawa.
forgetting things was a lovely thing.
forgetting things was a painful thing.
oikawa had forgot how long he was at the gym for. the sky was pitch black- it seems like minutes ago that the sun was just starting to set. he glanced at the clock. he had been at this for six hours. volleyballs littered the court. beads of sweat were flinging off of his body. his practice jersey was absolutely soaked. he smelled horrible. no amount of deodorant could’ve prepared his armpits for this.
he could hear his phone ringing from the club room. a part of him wanted to answer the countless of calls, but at the same time, his heart was set on practice. practice, practice, practice. he had to get better. he had to practice.
so, he picked up another ball, soared through the air, and hit it as hard as he could.
the sound it made was bone-crushing. literally.
oikawa landed on the court and stumbled, falling to the ground on his side. he let out a silent scream, his mouth gaping but no sound coming out. he glanced down to his knee, letting out a small, sad gasp. the skin on his kneecap was completely red, and he could see some purple in the mix, too. it was starting to swell, but the pain made his concerns about how it looked seem miniscule.
it was like his bones were being crushed by a hammer. the pain came in waves. every time he felt his heartbeat, the pain would travel through his nerves and send the shocks all throughout his lean body.
he should’ve slowed down. he should’ve taken a break. he should’ve listened to iwaizumi.
the pain was almost unbearable- he couldn’t even walk. oikawa could still hear the constant buzzing of his phone going off in the clubroom. he needed to call someone. the police. his mother. iwaizumi. anyone.
he used his elbows to try and crawl over, but each time he moved, his knee would touch the wooden planks that made up the court. it sent more shocks of pain through his body. he resulted to just laying down on the floor and looking up at the ceiling.
people would find him eventually.
as he lay there, his mind rewinded and replayed all the scenes from the match he had against ushiwaka. actually, all the matches against him. all the times ushiwaka teased him, telling him he wasted his chances, and should’ve tossed for people who were worthy of his sets. the fact that he was trying to tell him that his own team wasn’t worthy of him as their setter pissed him off.
he pondered, brown tufts flowing along the cool breeze of the ac.
he wondered, was he ever strong enough?
ushiwaka would never have let himself get injured. he knew when to stop.
when will the pain go away?
when will it all just go away?
a tear escaped from within the prison of his eyes, squeezing out from underneath curled lashes. he wept silently, the surface of his eyes glossing over with his tears. the tip of his nose and his cheekbones began to tint red. he always was an ugly crier, but at the same time, he was a masterpiece. the way his face seemed to flush, how he trembled with each sob, was cause for his beauty.
oikawa was beautiful. he was known as such for his fame and popularity, from being the most notable volleyball captain seijoh’s ever had. he had such amazing form- his back was a legacy to his underclassmen watching him serve. the way his back curved into an arch, his arm shooting up as he aimed his shot. the way the ball would collide with his palm and sail over the net. the way it would hit just inside the boundary lines of the court, and the satisfying smack it made.
it was beautiful.
but judging solely from the state of his leg, he wouldn’t be able to do his famous jump serves for a while, at least; the cause for all his fame.
he wasn’t beautiful anymore.
he was broken. a pawn for shiratorizawa, simply because he was playing right into ushiwaka’s hand. losing over and over again to them resulted in their fame, in their popularity. they gained respect and power through all their wins.
and what was seijoh gaining from it? the fact that everyone now knows that they have never once managed to win a match against them? just a couple lousy sets here and there, that were mostly determined by shiratorizawa’s mistakes?
it was atrocious. seijoh was a powerhouse, after all. how come they could defeat every other team they went up against, but not shiratorizawa?
he wanted to give up so long ago. after losing so many times, he just wanted to give up. but he didn’t. because iwaizumi was right beside him, slapping his back and telling him to snap out of it.
the ace was always by his side.
where was he now?
``..iwa-chan? ``
iwaizumi tossed and turned in his bed, unable to get comfortable and close his eyes. nothing lulled him to sleep- he even warmed up some milk a couple hours ago and chugged it, but it didn’t help him.
he groaned, rolling out of bed and sitting on the floor. it was dark in his room, but he could still make out certain things. kumo sat upright at the sudden noise, tilting her head to the side. iwaizumi smiled grimly at her.
the ace checked his phone, the veins in his forehead popping out once he realized oikawa still hadn’t viewed or responded to his messages.
iwaizumi was worried, he was. more pissed off than worried, but he still feared for his best friend.
the door to his room burst open, startling both kumo and iwaizumi. his mother stood in the doorway, worry lining her face. ``mama? are you okay? what happened?``
she padded over to her son, holding his hands and looking into his eyes- forest green mixing with ocean blue.
``honey, have you heard from toorū?``
iwaizumi faltered. their conversation had just started, and he already knew where it was going. ``n-no, i haven't. i've been texting him, but he hasn't read or replied to my messages. mom, what's going on?``
she smiled sadly, brushes a stray strand of hair behind her son's ear. it popped right back up, as expected of his unruly bedhead. ``oikawa-san called me, toorū hasn't come home yet, and he said he would come back at eleven. it's three in the morning.``
``w-what?`` iwaizumi gaped, checking his phone. she was right. the clock read three am. panic coursed through hajime's veins, and he stood up abruptly. ``i-i have to go find him. mom-``
iwaizumi-san smiled at him. ``i know. oikawa-san told me not to tell you, knowing that you would try to find him, no matter how late it was.`` she handed him a flashlight and his father's pocketknife for protection, in case he needed it. "do what you need to do to find him. bring him back home safe. you, too.``
he slipped the knife in his back pocket and gave his mother a tight hug. he was gripping onto her like she was his lifeline. ``ma, thank you. i'll call you when i find him.``
she smiled at her son. he was so mature and grown up- he didn't even think about the possibility that he couldn't find oikawa. he was so determined to bring the boy she considered her other son back home safely, so determined to find the boy he grew up with. ``of course. good luck, i know you'll find him.``
``yeah.`` iwaizumi sent her a grin, slipping on his aoba johsai jacket and bolting out the door. ``love you, ma!``
``love you too!``
slipping on his shoes, iwaizumi closed the front door behind him, and stepped out into the chilly morning air. in just three hours, he would have to be in his bathroom, getting ready for school. he sighed. there was no way he's going to school tomorrow- his mother wouldn't let him step foot outside the house after he brought back oikawa. shittykawa. where the hell was he, anyways?
he thought back to when oikawa ushered everyone out of the gym all so he could have some alone time. kindaichi was permanently scarred from the face oikawa had made- one of pain, heartbreak, and determination. the fear in the team's eyes as he turned on them with that expression was immaculate. iwaizumi would have to borrow that strategy.
letting out a puff of air, he started the fifteen minute trek to aoba johsai, wind in his hair and jacket flying behind him like a cape. he switched the flashlight on to light his way, and to avoid obstacles on the road as he ran.
iwaizumi would bring oikawa home, no matter the cost.
after what seemed like hours of running to iwaizumi, since every passing second felt like a minute, he finally arrived at the gym. thankfully, he couldn't hear any volleyballs, or the familiar squeaking of shoes on the floor. but, he could see light seeping from underneath the door, which either meant oikawa was still in there, or he left the lights on.
he put his hand on the door knob, pausing for a second. if oikawa was in there, what would he say? if he wasn't, then where the hell was he? what if he got kidnapped? or, what if he's just at a fangirl's house eating ice-cream and watching alien documentaries because iwaizumi wouldn't?
iwa shook his head furiously. it's fine. he would just open the door and check. if he wasn't in there, he'd turn off the lights and lock up.
taking a deep breath, the handle turned and iwaizumi stepped in.
oikawa was there. laying sprawled on the court, eyes closed.
``hey, oikawa?`` iwaizumi started, padding over to him slowly. he knelt down beside him and nudged his shoulder, his face paling when he got no reaction. he shook his shoulder harder, all the panic and worry coming back in mere seconds. ``oi, toorū! wake up, you idiot!``
it took him a couple of minutes to get oikawa to wake up. his eyelashes fluttered, mouth parted in a groan, and hazy brown eyes met panicked olive green ones. ``hey, iwa-chan.`` he gave him a loopy smile, his face contorted in pain. ``w-what time is it?``
``it's three in the morning, oikawa.`` iwaizumi replied, smiling softly at his friend. he couldn't help but feel a little happy. his heart about shattered into a million pieces when he saw him laying on the floor, and not reacting to him practically kicking down the door. ``you've been here for thirteen hours.``
oikawa grimaced. he didn't think he'd been at it for that long. and he wasn't. he passed out from the pain after eight hours, and just kind of slept on the floor. but iwaizumi didn't need to know that. ``oh, really? i guess i lost track of time, sorry, iwa!`` he laughed and sat up, trying not to let the pain show through his façade. he looked around at all the volleyballs, whistling. ``looks like i made a mess. help me clean up?``
the ace nodded, standing up and extending a hand to his teammate. oikawa clasped it, soft fingers wrapping around calloused ones, and iwaizumi lifted him up effortlessly. ``you good?`` he asked, noticing his stiff stance.
he nodded. ``yep, iwa-chan, i'm-`` he gasped, holding his knee and falling forward, making sure he didn't land on it. he let out a guttural, shaky shout, tears leaking from his eyes. iwaizumi rushed to his side immediately, holding his friend and looking at him with a face full of confusion and concern.
``s-shit, oikawa, are you okay?`` he instinctively held him close to his chest, like he was afraid someone was going to come along and take him. oikawa laughed lightly through his tears, leaning his head back and exposing his adam's apple.
``i fell and tore something.`` he removed his hands from his leg, revealing the swollen knee. iwaizumi's complexion paled- this was the worst injury he's ever seen in his life. no one he's ever known has been injured this badly. he prodded it gently, his heart breaking more and more every time oikawa winced. if it hurt that bad, when would he be able to play again? judging from the look of it, he would have to go through physical therapy, and possibly a cast or splint of sorts, since it was impossible for oikawa to walk on it. the setter's voice creeping into his ears snapped him back to reality. ``hajime, it hurts.``
he nodded grimly, swinging oikawa's arm over his shoulder and lifting him up effortlessly.``i got you. we'll take you to a hospital.``
``but the gym-``
``it's fine. i'll call coach later and tell him what happened.`` oikawa nodded, wrapping his arms around iwaizumi's neck, holding him close. he let his face rest in between the ace's pecs, feeling safe from the warmth.
iwaizumi pulled out his phone, quickly dialing matsukawa's number and holding the phone to his ear. the latter answered the call on the third ring, his little `yo` cutting through the tense silence he and oikawa had surrendered to. ``mattsun. get here. now.``
``huh, where? what's going on?`` his voice with tense, wary with panic and confusion.
``the gym. we need your car.`` iwaizumi met oikawa's eyes, asking for permission to tell him what happened. without any words being exchanged, oikawa understood, and gave him a small nod. ``oikawa injured himself. it's bad, he can't walk. i need to get him to the hospital, but i don't know if i can carry him all the way there.``
there was silence, then they heard the faint jingle of keys, and a door slamming shut. a car engine revved, and the sound of tires squealing made them both wince. ``on my way. oikawa, you there?``
``mh.`` oikawa mumbled in response, looking at iwaizumi with half-lidded eyes. ``i'm here.``
``good. talk to me? what happened?``
oikawa raised his eyebrows at the command, but complied nonetheless. ``i- um, i wanted to practice my serves.. but i tore something in my knee, i think.``
matsukawa cursed, honking the car's horn. ``move, you idiot!- sorry. there was an old man just sitting on a green light. how bad does it hurt, from a scale of 'dang that kinda hurts' or 'i want to cut my fucking leg off right now?'``
the setter giggled, leaning his head back as he did so. ``i-i guess it's a nine, then. i can forget the pain's there when i'm thinking about something else, but i can still feel it.``
``ah, yeah, i'd say a nine's pretty bad.`` matsukawa shut off the engine, and they could hear car doors slamming, and the loud pound of his footsteps. the doors to the gym swung open once again, revealing a very agitated and poorly dressed mattsun. ``i'm here. you okay?``
oikawa nodded, still nuzzling into iwaizumi's chest. ``mh. tired.``
``you can't be tired, we got to get you to a hospital.``
``i can't not be tired. it just happens.``
``well, wake up-``
iwaizumi slammed a hand over mattsun's mouth, the vein in his forehead popping out once again. ``instead of fighting, why don't we focus on getting him to a damn hospital?``
``yeah, right. uh-`` mattsun held his hands out for oikawa, much to iwaizumi's confusion. ``i can take him from here, you want to clean up, right?``
the ace glared up at him, shaking his head. ``i got it. you'll probably drop him.`` ignoring matsukawa's shouts of protests, he pushed past him and stalked to the latter's car. ``i just need you to drive. coach will take care of the mess.`` matsukawa sighed.
``how is he?``
iwaizumi had stood up immediately when he saw the nurse walk out of oikawa's room, matsukawa and hanamaki following suit. iwa and mattsun decided to text makki once they got to the hospital, along with coach about toorū's situation. irihata had went to the gym to clean up the mess, and hanamaki had rushed to the hospital as soon as the text was sent, not even bothering to reply.
the nurse smiled at him. ``he's okay. he'll be fine, so don't you worry!`` the group let out a breath they didn't know they were holding, extremely relieved. ``but, oikawa-kun's going to have to stay off his leg for a while.``
``yeah? what's wrong with it?`` hanamaki stepped forward, getting more worried by the second.
``well, he has something called an acl tear. does he play any sports?``
matsukawa nodded. ``yeah, we all play volleyball together.``
the nurse let out a sigh. ``that would explain it. he tore the acl ligament in his right knee, so he'll have to do some physical therapy for a while. it's swelling pretty badly, so i'd advise you to make sure he doesn't put much weight on it, unless he's practicing some leg exercises.``
``w-wait, so he can't play volleyball anymore?``
``no, not at the moment. it'll be too risky and painful for him. he'll have to take a couple months off.`` the nurse paused, placing a finger under her chin as she checked the papers she had of toorū. ``however, he can get a surgery for it, which will decrease the amount of months he'll have to wait to play again. does that sound appealing?``
the group nodded, which wasn't extremely surprising to the nurse. she smiled sweetly at them, before gesturing to the room oikawa was in. ``well, i'll talk that up with his doctor and parents. in the meantime, you all can see him, if you'd like.``
they nodded. ``yeah! arigatō!`` they thanked the nurse, then rushed towards oikawa's room, pushing and shoving at each other to be the first one in. iwaizumi made it through first, being the bulkier of the three. he peeked around the curtain surround oikawa's bed, letting out a tiny gasp. there the setter laid, looking up at him with big brown eyes. he looked so vulnerable in that state. wide-eyed, nervous, with his wrapped leg propped up on a couple of pillows.
hanamaki and matsukawa finally made it through, coming to stand next to iwaizumi with somber looks on their faces. they all looked down at him, and he could read them all like a book. they pitied him.
``c'mon.. don't look at me like that..`` oikawa mumbled, a blush rising to his cheeks. he glanced down at his leg, finally realizing what kind of situation he was in, and was getting embarrassed.
``does it hurt?`` iwaizumi stepped forward and knelt beside oikawa, pushing the brown tufts out of his eyes. the captain smiled at the gesture, appreciating the warmth of his best friend's hand as he had let it stay on his forehead.
he nodded, wincing as the movement jostled his leg a little. he probably shouldn't move too fast. ``yeah. really bad, too.`` he turned on his side, facing away from his friends, and mumbled ``i'm sorry.``
``for what?`` matsukawa asked, his forehead creasing in worry.
oikawa turned to him with tear-filled eyes, the tip of his nose turning red. ``i.. i promised you i wouldn't overwork myself, but..`` he laughed bitterly, rubbing at his eyes. ``look where i am now. i'm such a liar.``
iwaizumi stiffened, and clenched his fist. he knew he should've gone back to check on oikawa earlier. if he didn't fall asleep, oikawa might not have been in the position he was now. it was his fault. his fault that oikawa was in pain. ``kusokawa.``
``what're you calling me that for!`` the captain protested, biting his bottom lip to keep from pouting at his best friend. ``it's rude, you know?``
``you're an idiot.`` iwaizumi reached out and clasped oikawa's hand in his own, looking into his brown-doe eyes. oikawa had to stifle a laugh. the ace's face was so red, it looked like it might burst. ``the biggest idiot i know.``
``are you just trying to insult me?``
oikawa hit his arm lightly, teasing him a little, which brought smiles to all of their faces. they really hoped they would still see his smile, even if he was in a situation as bad as this. iwaizumi took a shaky deep breath, and continued. ``you're an idiot, but i'm so proud of you. i don't know a single person who wouldn't just give up on all their hopes and dreams because of this-`` he gestured to oikawa's knee while talking.
``what makes you so sure i won't give up volleyball, iwa-chan?``
``the look in your eyes. you're determined to get better. i know you won't quit. you're not a quitter, oikawa.`` iwaizumi said firmly, squeezing oikawa's hand. the latter looked down at their intertwined fingers, the blush rising to his cheeks again.
he looked back up at iwaizumi and met his eyes. ``you really know everything, huh, hajime?``
toss. run. jump. serve.
toss. run. jump. serve.
toss. run. jump. serve.
toss. run. jump. serve. break.
``phew!`` oikawa exclaimed, swiping a bead of sweat from his forehead. ``that was a workout! iwa, mind if i take a quick break? i won't be long!``
iwaizumi nodded, maybe a little too quickly. ``go ahead.``
the captain grinned, blowing his ace a kiss. ``thank you, iwa-chan~!" he skipped off out of the gym with his bag in hand, probably to get a sweet drink or snack from one of the many vending machines spread out in their school.
he watched the captain go off into the distance, smiling at the sight. just four months ago, it seemed like oikawa would never recover from his acl tear. he was in absolute shackles. a mess. there wasn't a day where he didn't cry in iwaizumi's arms, didn't almost want to give up.
but he pushed through.
he made it.
the amount of mental strength the captain had was atrocious. iwaizumi loved that about him. every time he'd prove that he was strong, the ace would get tingles all over his body. the thrill of having an insanely cool best friend was awesome. he felt like a little kid again, the little hajime who would always brag about how awesome his best friend, toorū oikawa, really was.
he was really beautiful.
``iwa-chan, you dozing off over there?`` iwaizumi snapped back to reality when oikawa's light-hearted voice speared through his thoughts. he put on a grim face, turning away from him.
``screw off and go practice. i'm not dozing off, you just want an excuse to slack off.``
oikawa gasped, putting a hand over his heart. ``i am offended! you know what? i'll show you!`` he stalked off and grabbed a volleyball, muttering obscenities under his breath. ``stupid iwa-chan. slacking off? ha! i'll show him.``
toss. run. jump. serve.
and show him he did.
─── injuries.
chapter 3 !
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bluespiderlilies · 5 years
Pillars x Modern reader? Please if it alright with you
hi!! i was going to say no tbh bc my rules say only two charas max but,, i'll let it slide i guess lmao 
modern! pillars x reader!hcs: 
himejima gyoumei:
okay so like,, in a modern au i like to imagine that gyoumei would be a sculptor hehe (yes, i know, not v original).
and you a painter!! 
and like,, the two of you are secret admirers of one another 
like he would often see you at the art gallery he frequents just staring at his sculptures & just,,, looking at them w pure awe?
 which he finds so heartwarming & makes him super motivated & happy in what he does!! 
and at art auctions when he buys your paintings? you feel like fainting from happiness bc the guy you admire so much BUYS YOUR PAINTINGS?!?! 
so then one day the two of you just,, bumped into each other coincidentally while at the art gallery the two of you go to often
the two of you chat comfortably before asking for one another's numbers & discuss about a potential coffee date!! 
and so, after that & a couple more dates, the two of you became official!!
iguro obanai:
hmm i feel like snek boi would be a tattoo artist 
you a florist (FUCK i hate my unoriginal ideas) 
your shops are right beside each other's haha
you sometimes talked but it was only about small awkward things like the weather BYE
but then one day you got locked out of your shop oops
so you,, sort of stayed w/ obanai in his shop until the person you called to help came
 which he didn't mind at all btw
surprisingly, the two of you got along really well? not to mention you guys liked a lot of the same things & had similar hobbies??
 from then on the two of you were kinda Whipped™™™™™ for each other lmaoo,, you often went to each other's shops when you guys didn't have any customers/had a slow day 
so then you decided to confess and!! he accepted your feelings & said he felt the same way!! (screams) & ever since then the two of you began to date uwu
rengoku kyoujurou:
okay so kyoujurou in the kimetsu academy au is a history teacher, right? 
and you are the english teacher!! 
honestly the entire school love the two of you so much
 and they even ship the two of you super hard\ but!! the thing is? the two of you are already dating, haha~ the students just don't know that yet
so it's hella amusing when the two of you witness them trying to set the two of you up with one another 
so you and kyoujurou had a mutual agreement to just act innocent and go along w what they do (which the students totally fall for)
until one day you accidentally let it slip (whoops) 
"hi guys, sorry for being late, kyoujurou won't be here today 'cause he's sick and i had to take care of him for a bit—oops did i just spill everything?"
 from then on the entire school knew the two of you were dating (and thank god, bc now you guys could be affectionate in public lmaoooo)
tokitou muichirou:
muichirou would be like that quiet, asocial first year *wheeze*
& like...there's tons of rumors of him being rude n closed off to others that try to be friends w him
n you're like!! haha!! fuck those rumors i want to be friends w him!! (plus he's cute wink wink) 
so, you try to approach him by sitting in front of his desk during lunch, or talk to him front time to time in your close (surprise!! the two of you are in the same class) 
he ignores you tbh & even tries to push you away,,, but you're super persistent (in an annoyingly,, cute way?) 
but like one day, you're absent from class two days in a row, and he's like,, fuck?? is it my fault??? did i do something to them?? is (name) not here bc of me?? i miss (name) surprisingly a lot and idk why???
and like for the two days he feels like he's fuckin hallucinating or some shit bc he always turns his head to the direction he expects you to be, or like hears your voice even if you're not there? 
but then you came after those two days, and he immediately comes up to you and questions you as to why you were absent 
you just laugh and smile, telling him that you were sick (& tease him too) which he gets really flustered at and even blushes bc he missed you a lot bye 
so then he confesses to you, and tells you that even if it was two days, it felt like forever and he just really missed you and wanted you to be by his side?? and you found that hella cute (also bc of his blushing face) so like uh,, ever since then the two of you started to date
tomioka giyuu:
kimetsu academy au where he's the gym teacher (duh it's canon) & ur the assistant nurse of tamayo uwu
you often supervise whenever giyuu has a class bc you know how rough he can be,, so you're just there in case anything happens
 cue the students being in love w you bc you're the literal opposite of giyuu
cue the students lowkey shipping the two of you too (& the two of you are HELLA oblivious about about, too) 
you like to chat w him sometimes, even if you're the one who's doing most of the talking
despite his rough nature you actually find him really cute and like??? attractive 
and giyuu?? is naturally attracted to you too?? but then one day a student fight breaks out and while giyuu tries to stop it he ends up getting injured
so you, of course, treat him the best you can—tending to the bruises on his face & the cuts on his arms & legs,, and like your touch is so fucking good and gentle and like??? bitch is about to melt too
he ends up telling you that he likes you,, and you're shocked bc omg?? the guy i like just confessed & asked me out (btw u said yes haha)
uzui tengen:
aight so spy!au where he is sent to spy on you bc you're under suspicion working under an illegal organization (wait this counts as a modern au right? yeah anyways,,) 
he moves in to the apartment right across from you as your new "neighbor" 
he also works as the cashier at the bakery you work at too!!
 bc of that, naturally, the two of you got close
you thought he was v attractive and funny lmao,, you especially found his "flamboyant" catch phrase hella endearing too 
yeah right lmao bc he did end up falling in love w you. so he even asked you out (which ofc you said yes?? like bro tengen is literally the person of you're dreams) 
but he reminded himself that he still had a mission to do, so he used it the fact that the two of you were dating to his advantage to find more about you (aka snooping) 
you didn't really mind that + the fact that he asked lots of questions about you
but once he found out that you were completely clear, he was?? highkey happy and relieved, so he could date you comfortably without being paranoid lmao
kanroji mitsuri:
idol! mitsuri and manager! reader au hehe 
honestly you have been w mitsuri ever since she debuted
you watched her grow as both a singer and as a person—you saw all the sides of her personality, habits, flaws, etc; which honestly? made you fall in love w her 
however, you kept your feelings a secret bc you didn't want anybody to find out plus ruin mitsuri's reputation?
like okay you get fired but you don't want to hurt mitsuri or the years of hard work to be destroyed 
but it's so fuckin hard you know? bc she's super affectionate w you, and you're over here trying to keep your feelings in? 
so eventually you just,,, confess to her—all the feelings you had pent up just finally spill out
unexpectedly?? she says she feels the same way?? but she's been in love w you ever since she first laid eyes on you?? 
so lmao you keep your relationship a secret, even from the agency you work at lmao 
despite the hardships that you guys often face, you get through them together and the two of you couldn't be anymore happier w one another??
kochou shinobu: 
roommates au in which the two of you are college students 
shinobu a pharmacology major & you in toxicology!!
bc of you living together and even sharing some classes, the two of you spend a lot of time w each other 
you guys have plenty of study dates too haha 
and cute stuff like night outs or movies nights!!! 
honestly the more time you spend w her, the more time you?? fall in love shinobu. like. head over heels for her. 
and shinobu's like??? I FEEL REALLY NICE AND FUZZY AROUND YOU (in her brain, though) 
so the two of you end up confessing at the same time during movie night bc the movie reminded the two of you of each other a lot?? uh?? 
when the two of you realize what you said two each other, the two of you laugh it off and just? begin dating 
nothing really changes tbh!! just more affection, dates, spending time w each other, and being more intimate ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
shinazugawa sanemi:
bodyguard au :D in which sanemi is your newly appointed bodyguard and you're a millionaire that needs to be protected 
honestly he thought you'd be snobby as fuck considering that's how rich people usually are in his eyes
 but?? you're really freakin chill and cool?? not like he'd admit that aloud lmaoo
you like to tease him a lot bc he's so uptight w you, but apologize & give him ohagi (which he really fuckin loves?? Uh??)
you always try to convince him to play video games w you lmaoo esp mario kart (he declines though *eyeroll emoji*)
since he's almost always serious around you, when you find him tending to your dogs and being so soft around them you're like?? fuck?? my heart?? 
so basically the two of u dumbasses have feelings for each other but are oblivious + don't want to confess,,, like the more time you spend w one another the more you fall in love?
and he absolutely just,, loves it when you visit orphanages and help w the kids and the way you treat them is so sweet? 
yeah. he's so in love. 
but it wasn't until you ended up in a life-threatening situation that he actually confessed to you—which, as serious as the moment was, you cracked a joke and accepted his feelings.
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kagebros · 4 years
Summary: Takes place in Lost Light #16 - #18. Wing's time in the "Afterspark" almost feels like paradise. Eventually it only leads to his desolation as he realises where he truly is. Warnings: Major Character Death, Wing does not get a break :( Word Count: 2000
Wing wakes up somewhere he’s never been before. The last thing he remembers was the cramped space of the ever shrinking ship, Skip, holding Cyclonus back as tensions rose to the boiling point and suddenly there were alerts of having to bail out of the ship to avoid being crushed. He died. He and his whole crew died. He steps out onto the balcony and he cannot believe his optics. There stands a gigantic Matrix of Leadership up in the sky, but he doesn’t smile. He frowns instead as he recognises exactly where this place is. His past keeps coming back to haunt him. 
Wing is with Brainstorm, Nautica and Nightbeat during this. He finds them examining one of the slabs and they wave him over, knowing he was part of the Circle of Light. It leaves a sick feeling in his tank as he looks at the scrawling on the stone slab. He’s the one to explain his suspicions that they’re in the Afterspark after piecing together the events that happened. But Wing is skeptical. His relationship with faith still was healing, the cracks of it still never fully fixed. He knew that it was fragile and easily broken. So he didn’t go into this with fully believing this was in fact the Afterspark. But then the thought hits his mind. And he transforms into his jet form without a word, leaving Brainstorm, Nautica and Nightbeat to their own devices. 
He flies relentlessly, scanning, searching for him. And when he sees the tell tale sign of white paint and long pointed finials does he land. It’s Drift. Sitting there in a kneeling position. Wing doesn’t move for a while. He’s frozen to his spot as he stares at him from behind. There from in front of him is Drift’s voice. Clear as day. 
“Are you going to just stand there or don’t you want to see my face?” Drift asks. And in that moment Wing rushes in and tackles Drift to the ground in a hug. Years and years of pent up grief, sorrow and longing pour out of Wing as he sobs in Drift’s grasp. It takes a bit for Wing to gather himself but Drift takes his servos and pulls him up, the two walking. “What happened after I died,” Drift asks. There’s a hitch in Wing’s breath and a falter in his step as he recalls. 
“I pretty much died with you that day, Drift,” Wing then starts. “New Crystal City… no longer was the utopia I saw it to be. Everything was just… grey and lifeless. I lost myself when you died that day, Drift,” Wing says. “I changed for the worse,” he confesses. “That annoyingly optimistic Wing you met… died the day you sacrificed yourself. For me.”
“I don’t regret it, you know,” Drift says. “I couldn’t stand to see you die, especially because of the mistakes I made. I think it would have eaten at me if you died because of me.”
“Then that makes two of us,” Wing laughs weakly. He can’t believe what’s happening right now. Drift’s beside him. ...It doesn’t feel right. Maybe it’s because he’s spent so much time with Ratchet or away from New Crystal City, but this doesn’t exactly reignite his faith in Primus or anything. It only feels worse when Drift says something that doesn’t feel characteristic of him. It’s only something that Wing’s heard in his dreams if anything. 
“I waited for you, you know,” Drift then says. “I didn’t want to ascend without seeing you again.”
“We don’t have to,” Wing says this time. “We can just stay here and make up for lost time.” Drift frowns. 
“You don’t want to ascend? I thought that’s what the Circle of Light had taught you.”
“Drift, I’m no longer a part of the Circle of Light,” Wing says. “I told you I died with you that day. My faith was shattered that day.” And Wing sees Drift flicker just for a moment.
“But you’re my sparkmate,” Drift says, almost hurt from what Wing said earlier. Wing lets go of Drift’s servos as the realisation sets in.
That realisation is cut short as he’s zapped from where he is and he reappears in a dark room surrounded by familiar figures he’d seen in readings and back in New Crystal City. He sees Rodimus is in the room with him. At this moment though, it’s just Wing and the Guiding Hand. He cuts Rodimus off before he can say anything. “No,” Wing says. Only a second later do Magnus and Ratchet appear. Wing steps back in disbelief as rage fills his very core. “You’re not real,” he says out loud in defiance. His already fragile relationship with faith is shattered once again. The image of the Guiding Hand flickers. “This is just some kind of sick joke, isn’t it,” Wing then says. “That wasn’t Drift down there. Was it,” he then asks. The image flickers again and warps before the four are dropped onto the ground. 
“What just happened?” Rodimus asks. Wing stands up slowly, fists balled up tight as he shakes with a quiet rage that makes any question Rodimus has immediately go away. 
It’s all been a ruse, a trick and Wing fell right into it. That wasn’t Drift earlier. And the revelation of that leaves him devastated. 
“Come on,” Wing says after a moment. “We need to figure out what this place is before anyone gets hurt.” 
“Can you see that, Wing?” Ratchet then asks, knowing that Wing is the only one within the group right now who’s seen through all this. “‘We are all trapped light.’ I’m sure I’ve heard that phrase before...”
“I see it,” Wing replies. 
“I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about,” Rodimus replies. 
“It’s not there,” Magnus says. “There’s nothing there,” he says as he looks up at the temple entrance.
Rodimus, Ultra Magnus and Ratchet enter the temple with Wing and they walk further into the halls until they see a door. The letters W-0 are painted on and Ratchet points at it.
“I suppose you can’t see this either?” Ratchet asks both Rodimus and Magnus. 
“See what?” Rodimus replies.
“That. The letter W, the number zero.”
There’s a glass pillar in the centre with green electrical energy bouncing within the walls. Surrounding it are organic looking beings on slabs essentially hooked up to this pillar.
“Some kind of lab?” Magnus asks. 
“More like a hospital...” Ratchet responds. 
“W for ward, then,” Magnus says.
“Ward zero,” Rodimus adds. 
The four converse for a bit before Wing hushes everyone. The beings on the slabs are speaking in their own languages.
“Prepare, confront, repel… they’re all saying that,” Magnus says. 
“And before you ask, no chanting is not normal,” Ratchet adds. 
“Ok, then, question two,” Rodimus starts. Wing immediately draws his swords. ”When does a chant become a summons?”
There’s the sound of rumbling and the room is suddenly filled with four stone golems. 
“How do we get ourselves into these situations?” Ratchet asks in exasperation. “And more to the point, how do we get out of them?”
“You’re not going to believe this, but I know these guys,” Rodimus then says. 
“Old friends, right? Please say they’re old friends,” Ratchet sighs. One of the golems punches Rodimus. 
“To be fair, that’s not conclusive proof either way,” Magnus adds. The four manage to dispatch the stone golems fairly easily, Wing slicing through one of them with his swords and immediately kicking one towards Magnus to finish off. 
“I have to say, last time we met, they put up more of a fight,” Rodimus says as he deals the finishing blow. 
“Not that you’re complaining,” Magnus says.
“Not that I’m complaining,” Rodimus agrees.
During this time Wing hasn’t said anything. He’s still stewing in his anger from earlier and while Ratchet converses with Magnus to figure out what exactly this is and how to disable it, Wing takes a chair and throws it through the glass chamber. There’s a bright light that is almost overwhelming to the four of them until the light subsides, leaving them in a more modern medical setting. Before Magnus can scold Wing for his abrupt action, Rodimus places a servos on Magnus’ arm as if to tell him this wasn’t the time. So instead he turns towards Ratchet as he explains where they are. And what this place truly was. 
When Rodimus gets to the part of where the program used their innermost desires and projected that, Wing feels even sicker than before. And then the hollowness comes back much much worse than Wing ever imagined. He snaps out of it when he hears Magnus.
“I’ll let the others know. Whirl? Are Trailcutter and Pipes still there? Because if they are, they won’t be for much longer I need you to -” Magnus pauses. “This isn’t the Afterspark, the dead haven’t come back to life and don’t ever call me Chunky.” There’s a response. “They probably think they are real. Which is why you have to tell them the truth - before they disappear like the Matrix. If anyone wants to say their goodbyes… They haven’t got much time-” Wing doesn’t hear the rest of what Magnus has to say before he races out of the room and stands outside, trying to let his mind be willing just one last time. 
And Drift’s in front of him once again. But Wing can see the illusion already fading away slowly.
“I just need to tell you this. Any semblance of you, I don’t care if you’re fake,” Wing starts. “But I love you. I always loved you from the moment you told me why you joined the Decepticons, I loved you. I just wish I had the chance to tell you when you were alive.” He takes Drift’s servos into his and then embraces him for one last time. “I love you,” he breathes. And he’s gone.
And Wing collapses to his knees, hangs his helm low as he grits his dermas, optics shut tight as he cries again. He gets back up and goes back into the ward. He sees Nautica’s in there this time and sees a familiar greyed out mech in the arms of someone he hasn’t seen before. But that mech. His optics dim as his spark feels like it’s about to give out with the amount of grief that washes over him. 
“Axe?” Wing calls out. 
“I’m sorry, Wing - if I’d known he was a friend, I wouldn’t have, you know, used him to make an entrance,” Nautica says apologetically. Wing doesn’t reply as he takes his dear friend’s lifeless frame into his own arms. “I found him in a morgue downstairs - along with hundreds more like him.” Wing looks towards Nautica now. 
“Did you see a mech that looked similar to me,” Wing asks sternly. He’s hoping desperately that Redline wasn’t among them too. 
“Yes,” Nautica replies. “Wing. I. I think the entire Circle of Light was down there.” His spark feels like it’s about to give out again. He immediately begins to look around in Axe’s compartment and everyone shoots him a look of disgust and confusion. “What are you doing?!” Nautica asks. Wing ignores everyone’s protest and finds the thing he’s looking for, an old miniature datapad. When he looks at it, the words that Wing wrote so long ago hit him like a train. 
Don’t look for me.
The datapad clatters to the floor. He doesn’t feel real right now. Today has just been blow after blow after blow and Wing thought he could fight against it and stay strong. But his will is so weak. And he feels it about to happen.
“I can’t do this anymore,” Wing breathes. It gives out. Everything in him shuts down and he collapses to the floor. He can’t hear the frantic panic of everyone. He doesn’t hear Rodimus and Ratchet’s panicked voices.
WING! Wing! Wing, wake up, wake up. Wake UP, WING!
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pagesoftaph · 3 years
Zhong Chenle- I hear you
 ❝  |   hufflepuff!chenle x slytherin!femreader
➷ |   setting: reader has extremely low voice. Talks about anxiety and dealing                          with it.
✎ |   words: 2.4k
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“-quick, the next class is transfiguration, can't be late for the life of me, or McGonagall will have my head.”
Passing conversations flows past her ears, as y/n bends down to pick up her fallen books. She, by nature, was a very clumsy person. Cheerful, willfully absent-minded, prone to bumping herself against the weirdest things. She has barely managed to hold herself upright when the staircase she was on decided to change, and she would have fallen if it not had been for the quick reflexes of her longtime friend, fellow sixth year Zhong Chenle.
“Y/n, if I wasn't here you would have fallen down,” Chenle glances down the endless pit of staircases below, ”tumbled below the changing stairs.” Chenle says as he squats to quickly help her up. “Like, for sure.”
y/n grins up at him cheekily, "Yes but I got you, so I'm okay as of now!”
“You won’t be if you don't hurry up. That new herbology professor will have you ass if you're late again.” Chenle presses on, grabbing her forearm and quickly running to the greenhouses down the staircase, past the talking and moving paintings, past the grand foyer with its magnificent statues, the house point pillars, the grand gates of the castle and out in the sunny field.
“Damn, is it a good day today, huh?” Chenle beams. ”Let's get down to the lake after classes, we really could use a change of scenery for the evenings.” A dazzling smile adores his face as his eyes glisten under the bright sky. Y/n laughs, running ahead and playfully looking back at her friend. “Fine, but only after we're done with half of our homework. We'll spend most of the weekend out, promise!”
Chenle stops at greenhouse no 4.
“Okay, now you go on in, you're not late thankfully and I'll meet you in the library after class then, yeah?” Chenle says as y/n joins the rest of the class outside the greenhouse, waiting for the professor to open the door. “Okay, see you in 2 hours, Le.”
Chenle nods, giving y/n one last smile before he turns around and heads down towards his Care for Magical Creatures class.
He can’t wait for the day to end, it i a beautiful day to spend outside.
  ──── ──⋆⋅☆⋅⋆── ────
“-it is interesting how often humans rely on nature, only to pay the generosity back with greed and systematic destructive consumption.”
Y/n listens attentively, the words and perspectives and the never ending food for thought, the pondering conversations her professors incited within her to be mesmerizing. It isn't even that she was inclined to follow in their footsteps, but it is something about how people who have the knowledge and the ability to successfully pass it to others who were not at the necessary level to understand it without appearing condescending that greatly appeals to her. She can listen to such people talk for hours, and if her interest stayed, even participate, and that is why she doesn't realize when the class ends. The two hours seems to have breezed by.
She thinks about the class as she wals back up to the castle, down the dungeons to the dormitory.
Y/n says he password as she reaches the door and the intricately sculpted snakes hiss back, and the doors of the Slytherin house dormitory swing open.
The dorm room is alive with activity, with the week's classes ending and a perfectly sunny day just waiting to be enjoyed, the students are filled with pent up frustrations of the week to let go of and have the time to relax. But just a little more time, and then y/n will be outside too. She changes her clothes, packs up the things she’d require for the study session with Chenle and heads to the library.
Sure enough, there sits her Hufflepuff friend, at their usual table at the back, already at work with his homework.
“Hi, Lele,” Y/n greets as she slides in a chair opposite to him, pulling out her books and parchment. Chenle looks up, his hand still writing away. “Hi, princess. How was herbology?”
Y/n fills Chenle in about her interesting class and Chenle fills her in with his. Chenle loved animals, he knew he wanted to work for magical creatures ever since he touched his first hippogriff by chance on a day at his father’s work at the Ministry of Magic.
“-and then the baby unicorn just walked up to me and laid her head on my lap! Literally they don't trust men, at all. Even professor Hitch was shocked, but the unicorns loved me. I'm just really happy, like really happy.” Chenle shares gleefully.
“That is so cool, Chenle! But also so huge, a baby unicorn on top of it?” y/n replies as they begin packing up things after almost two hours of work, very productive two hours per say. Chenle swings his arm around y/n's shoulders.
“Be jealous. But no, come on, if we can I'll go take you to meet them.”
Y/n's eyes widen. It is tempting, meeting a unicorn was certainly something she wants to do. And she knows Chenle will never risk something that will be harmful to any animal. She nods, “okay, but in the morning, right now let's just go see what the giant squid is up to.”
──── ──⋆⋅☆⋅⋆── ────
“I wanna spread out and float in the cool waters too.” Chenle muses, glancing sideways as the giant squid lazily floats about, students laughing in the distance.
“Me too, I wanna fly up in the sky between the clouds and float above the waters aimlessly, and maybe even go up the mountains at the horizon. Just enjoy the cool breeze.” Y/n mumbles back as she strokes Chenle's hair, his head on her lap.
They are under the shade of a tree, the sun about to set in a while. It is still bright, its reflection casting iridescent glows in the lake. They have been out for a while, having walked around the lake, playing with some sixth years a game of dodgeball before retiring to watch the sunset due in a while.
Talking about their week, catching up on things and just passing time.
“Lele?” Y/n asks, the hesitancy in her voice evident. Like she has thoughts holding her back against whatever she was about to say. Chenle hums back and when he feels y/n's hand pause in his hair with no reply, he peeks one eye open. She isn’t looking at him, but a patch of grass beside his face. She looks unsure, eyes hesitant, her bottom lip between her teeth. Chenle subconsciously reaches out to his hand to free it. “What is it, y/n?”
Y/n closes her eyes. “Can you hear me?” Chenle furrows his eyes in confusion. “Um, yeah? Of course I can hear you. What do you mean?”
Y/n’s fingers begin to fumble in his hair just like her tongue fumble with words. “No, I mean, yeah, but volume per say, can you hear my voice?” Chenle immediately sits up across from her, assessing her face. Y/n feels her face become hot, unable to look at a single place. Embarrassment is quickly catching up to her. Maybe I shouldn't have asked that, she thinks, eyes shut tight into crescent moons.
Chenle sighs, pulling up his knees to his chest and resting his hands on them. “I can hear you perfectly well. And clear. Who said what to you?” His gaze was piercing. Y/n feels even more nervous now, she can never bring herself to look into his eyes during moments like this. Lele just looks at her so deeply she swears he can see her hyperventilating in her own mind.
“Um, just some people. Um, some juniors.”
“What did they say?”
Y/n looks up, into his eyes. For some reason, her head just went up. “That in our relationship, how you must be doing all the talking.” She speaks in a single breathe. The words are tumbling out. “Since I don't have a voice, an audible voice at least. They asked if you can even hear me. Or, how does our relationship work-um, just yeah things like this.”
Embarrassed. That's all y/n can feel. Hot burning embarrassment. There isn't a single day she doesn't think about her voice being the way it is. Because that's all people who hear her for the first time ask, or at least, their eyes seem to ask, “Why is your voice like this?”
Every once in a while she thinks of her throat being cut open on the table, a man in blue and a mask with his knives and scissors working away, gifting her with a brand new voice. Loud, clear, pleasant voice. Audible voice. 
“Because you are so lively, so loud, so full of life, you are,” Y/n’s eyes flicker around, her hands flying about as she grasps at words. “a little sun- you know? How could you be with someone like me? Who you can't even hear unless you're an arm's distant away at maximum, who can't shout, can't be heard across the door or class or yard or dorm or- just, like, doesn't even have a voice. Like, is just like a broken record or stereo or just weird, bad, just faint noise on your ears- and,” y/n looks away. “Just, weird you know?”
Chenle keeps looking at y/n, how her eyes flickers, how she can't look into his eyes, how her mouth moves, so many words spilling out suddenly, her hands moving fast, making gestures. The habit of hand gestures, Chenle realizes in that moment, is defensive. It is like a crutch to her voice, to visually imply what she was trying to say if people don't hear her. Chenle reachs out and holds her hands together, essentially stopping the flurry of movement y/n doesn't even know or realize she is making.
 “I hear you. Y/n, your voice is a part of you, you can't change it. I can hear you perfectly well, yes sometimes I have to pay more attention or stand closer or lean down in certain occasions but that's okay, that's not a big deal. Tell them yeah Chenle is more than enough for the two of us, even though your voice is unique and so endearing to me. You don't have to listen to them.”
Y/n smiles. It’s so, so easy to say that when you have a perfectly fine voice. It wasn’t even about her quality of voice to y/n, what mattered to her the most was the loudness. At first, it didn’t seem like a big deal at all. People were, most of the time, dismissive of her take on her voice and how it affected, and continues to affect her. They waved it off, saying it’s nothing, all in her mind. Nothing too different, just a bit low than others. But that’s not what her experiences said.
Reading aloud in class was always an anxiety inducing affair for her. 
‘I can’t hear you’
‘Y/n,’ the professor tusked. ‘be louder.’
‘Child, be loud.’
‘Can you hear her?’
‘But you’re sitting right beside her..’
Her voice affects every single aspect of her life. The cold, green envy y/n feels for anyone with a beautiful, boisterous, loud voice knows no bound. They don’t even realize, she thinks to herself all the time, how helpful their voice is. How much it helps them through out their daily life.
People constantly ask her why she’s quiet. It’s because at a point her voice refused to come out. It just wouldn’t. Her friends had to lean in, put their ear right beside her mouth and still they’d barely be able to hear her. After numerous tries when they failed to get what she said, they’d make a guess at it might be and nod, pretend to agree, as if they understood her and go back to the loud conversation happening around them.
But y/n’s smile would drop. Their guess wasn’t even close to what she had said, no, was attempting to say. Even with their ear right fucking by her mouth, they couldn’t hear her. It broke y/n. To have a voice that refused to come out, that went back on her 99% of the time. To not be able to confidently read aloud, to not be able to even just call across the classroom, shout or singly loudly or cheer aloud when her House won a Quidditch match. 
‘Y/n, even if you don’t open your mouth there would be no effect on the cheer.’
It’s funny to y/n how she’s jealous of her peers to be able to holler, whoop, cheer for something they like. Unless your voice is below the normal loudness, it’s easy to not even notice how much your voice helps you.
Shouting when you’re frustrated. Hollering across the yard to call out to a friend. Being audible in a club with music blasting or in a crowd or room with chatter and bustle. To have your voice carry out across the room with no problem. To be able to scream in alarm, indignation, fear when the situation calls.
This is all something y/n can’t do even though she has a voice.  She wonders what she’d do if she needs help, ever since her mother one day asked her if she can scream.
It sucks.
But she can’t change it, or do anything about it. 
Let people say what they want to. Their voices are perfectly fine and will remain so. It’s only y/n herself who has to deal with it and work on or around it. That is a choice that she does have.  
Chenle has a stable, hauntingly beautiful voice. When he sings, y/n feels calm, mesmerized. His voice is angelic, clear, loud but also soft. Just like water. Strong enough to cut mountains, but also gentle enough to caress y/n’s heart at her weakest with its softness.
Your voice alone drives me to tears, she recalls a poetry she read in her fourth year as Chenle speaks.
“Chenle, can you sing for me? I’d like to hear you right now.” Y/n requests and who is Chenle to be able to resist her when she looks at him like those big eyes, the insecurities and doubts at edge, but still visible in them. Chenle pulls her down, resting her head on his lap. Y/n closes her eyes, her hand going down to hold Chenle’s and guide it onto her hair as he begins to sing.
naui cheonsa, Y/n smiles. naui sesang.
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