#so y'all probs gonna get a lot more shit now
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author's note - meow i love this woman.
content warnings - black!coded!reader ig????, fluff, els i love u ellie williams pls handcuff me to ur bed and police-brutalize me! , text msgs from reader that are very me-coded! , mostly just based off every grumpy but cool cop i've seen in media, lots of notes from me i'm going insane I NEED HER!!!!! , there's a white man in a pic i put... you have been warned, smut/suggestive shit at the end!
- def wanted to be a cop when she was a kid and then was a total fucking juvenile as a teen. (duh!)
- always loved the police officers who barely ever gave troubled kids a hard time. (this is coming from a troubled kid. acab all the way except for u guys. well, still acab, but y'all r cool!) would refuse to talk to anyone except her favorites. i fully believe that's one of the reasons she would go into this workforce.
- when she got approved to start training to be a cop, u were home with her favorite strand of weed and she gave u a look like, "🤨🤨" , "can't be doing that no more baby, i'm gonna be a cop." , "...stfu and take the first hit before you piss me off..." , she's wearing a SHIT-eating grin before she takes it. (don't ask me how she passes her drug-tests!) (probably gets jesse to do it or someone idk maybe joel if she's lucky!) (def not joel...)
- ADDING ONTO THIS!^^ : every single time you smoke when she can't she'll look so sad or just side-eye tf out of you... "really?" , "what do you want me to do ellie..." u stopped smoking around her when she couldn't...
- this woman is so intimidating but once those cop dogs come on the scene she's so cute<3 . she's so smiley and happy they love her AND SHE LOVES THEM. she definitely sent u a picture of her with the group of the babies and was like, "can we adopt them all pls i love them ):" . you guys adopted a rescue pup shortly after...
- whenever you're doing ANYTHING EVER she flashes her badge at you and says something so loser of her , "don't make me handcuff you..." or makes finger guns with the sounds and GOD I LOVE THIS WOMAN.
- speaking of badges, she always has her badge on her. ALWAYS. it is EMBARRASSING!
- when she got her first arrest she was so happy:3 . i FEEL like she took a picture with the fucker and everything and she looked so proud of herself. "good job baby now pls get to the station before that mf breaks out of those handcuffs he looks like he's gonna murder u..."
- this is a headcannon of mine (and canon so why am i saying hc maybe it's just bcs it's more in-depth in my head.) but she loves kids and whenever she sees a younger person at the station, she makes sure that they're ok and have everything they need.
- with that being said, she HATES the teens who don't have a valid reason to be such delinquents. lovable delinquents are her soft-spot but those... THOSE ONES😧.
- definitely is a kitten-saver-cop. hates getting the call but she responds every time.
- sends u this pic anytime u say something mildly threatening to her in text msgs:
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- the day she got her uniform, you wanted to jump her bones. she came back home, poor girl was so tired and all you could think about is how good she looked in that shit.
- like i said... the badge is with her at all times... maybe this is too feral but i feel like she put IT in ur mouth and took a polaroid of it after u were done eating her out or SSAAAWWWWMMMMTHHHIIIIING. (pls let me wear ur badge baby i'm on my knees BEGGING YOU!)
- definitely joked about role-playing jailer/jailed and then it wasn't a joke anymore. y'all tried it once and couldn't stop laughing.
- has definitely used her handcuffs on u or vice versa. she gets so excited when u pull that shit out.
- ggggg...g-g-gu-....gggggggggguuuunnn ki-
- definitely has fucked u in the uniform. u two probs have had a quickie in the station bathroom on multiple occasions.
bonus round - police!els edit<3 :
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genericpuff · 1 year
explaining the previous ask—Ariana grande has a big pattern of getting with men she knows is with someone else/married. the latest guy had a newly postpartum wife iirc and she literally was friends with the wife and held one of their kids before she found out. anyways the anon was basically hoping that your Persephone is the type to support other women instead of betraying them for men. (and yes the man is a piece of shit too but what Ariana grande keeps doing is literally the same thing as what OG perse did to Minthe which is prob why they drew that comparison.)
ohhh okay, I didn't know that about Ariana so it was completely going over my head LOL
So when it comes to Kore, Minthe, and Hades, there's a LOT more at play in all three of their backstories that will instigate the overlapping problems between the three of them. Minthe has her own deep fears and doubts of being with Hades that stem even deeper than the issues with his family, Hades has attachment/abandonment issues as well as trauma from his past that manifests in his relationships, while Kore is sort of the complete opposite where she's reluctant to form strong bonds with people (we'll be seeing this more and more as the comic goes on).
I'm really excited to get into all three but for now all I'm really gonna say is that Minthe is gonna be given a much more satisfying ending this time around that won't put her in the position of being cheated on in her own relationship. Kore won't necessarily come out of it all a hero either, but both of them are going to have their own development that will both run parallel to one another and converge at some point in time in a way that I'm really hoping y'all will like <3
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memberment · 1 month
12:06 oh my god I have once again woken up too early and this time it was not on purpose.
TRYING to speed run some of this pre-work. Updates later but GOOD MORNING
Also I need a flashback for Kyle so I'm literally just playing procrastinator olympics as I pingpong between two chapters. I might work on Bound for a bit tonight though, ngl. Because I am 21 chapters completed deep and 71.9k words in on this and Bound has THREE CHAPTERS READY AND BOUND HAS INTERMISSION CHAPTERS SO TECHNICALLY TWO LIKE. I WANT THE OPTION TO NOT WRITE WHEN MY SEMESTER STARTS!!!! (It's not like I'd even follow that but STILL.)
Also next line up is prob not gonna have a fic for every day, much to my own disappointment. Because school literally starts in FOURTEEN DAYS. and I only have four things ready to go. And I am determined to finish Genesis before my semester starts. Like I'm definitely gonna take a solid break from this series before I start Revelation, because that is going to be A LOT. (I do not think I will be taking much of a break between Revelation and Karma though, ngl. Bc each part starts, like, immediately after the previous one, but I KNOW how Revelation ends and Karma starts already and it has me LOSING MY SHIT. LIKE THE ENDING OF FUCKING REVELATION IS INSANEEEEEEE. And I hope not a soul sees it coming despite it being RIGHT THERE.)
I am sad though because I did want to start on Princess of Fire and get to a point where regular posts can pull up on that because I genuinely really like the concept and like, fine, I'm getting better at writing (and it is SOT and I do not wanna post a shit SOT fic on Wintergrew's internet) as I go so maybe holding off isn't a huge deal BUT I WANT Y'ALL TO FUCKING SEE THE VISION‼️‼️‼️
I honestly wish I could livestream my brain does that make sense LMFAO
2:24: Tears just rolled down my cheeks at the realization that we have not had one goddamn (exclusively) Bebe centric chapter and I am trying to write chapter 24. OH MY GOD. I can't even give her a full filler chapter because I wan't my filler to be like LIGHT HEARTED AND FUN. I CAN'T JUST STRETCH OUT LIKE 3K WORDS OF HER JUST EXISTING IN THE MIDDLE OF ANY OF THIS. LIKE WE ARE TEN CHAPTERS DEEP INTO THE WORSE SHIT. OH MY GOD I HATE IT HERE. Like I actually was just scrolling through the chapter titles and was like 'oh we have Stan! We have Craig! We have duhduhduhduhduh.' AND I GOT TO THE BEGINNING AND THERE IS NO FUCKING BEBE CHAPTER?????? WHAT THE FUCK! (I literally did this with Butters in Dandelion and had the same reaction why is it that all of my favorite fucking characters I do this to???? HOW. Like, we get more of her in Revelations but WHAT! THE! FUCK!)
So yeah, 24 is gonna be Bebe, despite me kinda wanting it to be Tam or Wendy.
Also I'm reading 'You're Not Mine Anymore' AGAIN (because even though I said I hated it, that chapter has literally embedded itself in my brain. Like, it's so fucking disturbing and so sad and I actually wanna throw myself out my window every time I think about it LMFAO)
2:55 I changed one sentence in this chapter and now I'm actually gonna sob. I hate it here.
4:30 I got distracted and watched tik toks since my last update, specifically spending like an entire ten minutes absolutely geeking over the 1970's gymnastics olympics and I am now back at my keyboard. I got a very specific bit of inspiration and it is fucking TERRIFYING.
Anyways. RIP Craig. Like seriously, dude is going THROUGH IT. This is what I get for ignoring him for like a week and a half (two weeks? ish. I'm settling on ish, here. A VAGUE, BUT NOT VERY LONG AMOUNT OF TIME) of their time when he is actively losing his shit.
I think killing him and Tweek off at this point is more of a mercy killing than anything on my part why did I do this to them I am so sad. AND THE FACT THAT THEIR DEATHS IS WHAT THIS WHOLE FIC GOT CONCEPTED AROUND IS FUCKING INSANE. LIKE I WROTE THEIR DEATH SCENE AND WAS LIKE WELP GOTTA WRITE A MAGICAL GIRL FIC.
And now I'm slowly but surely on my way to that chapter and annotating and writing in bits and pieces of THAT chapter and I'm like wow. Wow oh wow. Might need a hallucinations tag. Hypothetically, of course. But also hypothetically, would the hallucinations tag apply to this if said hallucinations are questionably real? Hypothetically. Anyways, when Fall From Grace gets posted, y'all are gonna need like sixteen and a half TWs.
And now I'm off to go write this fucking MESS of a chapter that is the Bebe chapter because I STILL DIDN'T WRITE IT. AND I AM OFFICIALLY DOWN TO THIRTEEN DAYS.
Another hypothetical, while I'm still here before I leave again and don't update until god knows when. Do you guys think I can finish 20 chapters in 13 days? Like, that would be approximately 60-80k words. Do y'all think I got this? And I'm typing that and realizing I thought the wc for this was gonna be like 100k and am now realizing I'm at 74k and just wow. ANYWAYS. LATER. Hope y'all are enjoying my extra long screams into the void tonight.
4:55 Black Swan cries out violently in the background as I realize I have just made five out of six, the quintet is now a trio, and Red is just there not giving a fuck. My head is in my hands. My jaw is dropped. I fear I may be evil for writing this.
May the gods I don't believe in help us all.
Eh, fun fact while I'm here again. The original ending of Desolation, everyone was gonna die except for Kyle.
But wow OH WOW. Yeah, this is why I don't write major character death.
It is 6:26 am and I just posted An Answer chapter in attempts to procrastinate this horrible ending further and the realization has dawned on me that I am now involved in the mystery because I'm rereading and I have no idea WHAT THE FUCK is going on. I'm laughing so hard over this. God, how two months can really slip away is insane.
6:49: guys I'm rereading this and I am actually thrown off by my own writing like I fully forgot how off-putting this fic is supposed to be BECAUSE of what happened and why things are like this and I actually fell into my own fucking trap. I'm crying this is so funny HELP
7:02: not me happily reading and giggling over platonic twendy fluff and just getting smacked in the face by shit getting very real very fast. this is wild.
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bullshit-bulltrue · 1 year
Hawk Talk
Okay so sorry if this is a little jumpy I'm having a so far two-day long anxiety attack anyway-
We got assigned seating in history and i got sat next to the biggest cunt wad i have ever met i fucking despise her and she's my desk partner
she was cordial and so was i but she has not fucking changed at all
And the cute boy from years ago is still cute and shy and such a sweetheart but he sits behind me ish and to the very far right
So I can't even look at him anymore without anyone noticing :(
And nyxie darling (@whennyxfallsinlove) was right, i was looking at him like a deer staring at headlights the first day because holy shit i REALLY *REALLY* liked him (still do) because he was one of the only genuine boys I met at the time and I was having a really difficult time and yk hanging out with him helped me out since things were happening in my home life that were difficult to say the least
So then the rest of class went smoothly
For math, there is no cute guys
But thats fine because I really like my teacher and he's taught ways to do math that are so much easier
Not only is he funny, but he also REALLY goes into depth of equations and helps out a lot!!
Sooo yeah
I had a mini heart attack bc after I left class I thought my phone fell outta my pocket but the pockets on my jeans are high (since the jeans are high-waisted duh) so it turns out my butt just didn't recognize the feeling since majority of my jeans don't have wider pocket space
But yeah
Anddd then I went to English class
And if you saw the recent small Hawk Talk posts of me interacting with nyxie, you'd know that there are two boys that are lowkey cute 👀
Idk they're cute by my standards but probably not everyone else's lmao
So I feel like I should call these guys smth??
So umm let's call one of them Baseball guy bc he likes baseball and I also didn't wanna ask his name but when I do, I'll probably make a nickname to refer to when I post about him
And the other we'll call D/Dee ig??
So yeah D was funny as usual
And the baseball guy talked more and lanie, him, and I were going through this box
It was a worry box and my English teacher (we'll call her Mrs. K) basically had a chest and put it at our table to write our worries on an index card and put it in there (anonymously, but some kids put their names so now we have Blackmail™️ . Probs won't need it, but it's good to have information on people)
And like she said that we could NOT under ANY circumstances go through it..
But we did 😘
So yeah that was fun because I didnt get caught
so i'm her favorite student while also being a little shit
So me and Lanie started following Cute Baseball Boy™️ to his locker because we're nosy bitches
But then I lost lanie so I sat on the floor until i was found like a 7-year-old who lost her mom at the supermarket
Aaand then we had lunch together !!
But then I found out she thought baseball guy is cute too :(
And idk how to feel about that
So I'd anything happens between them I'm gonna be kinda bummed bc I don't want her to get the wrong idea about me thinking he's cute
So im gonna have to find a way to not like him ig??
Or just keep shit to myself (with the intention of telling y'all every little detail)
Gonna je bummed if they start dating or smth but I'll be supportive nonetheless because they're both my friends and if they're happy then that's all that really matters to me
So anyway
Thus guy across from us at lunch was fucking hilarious
His friend kept putting a plate of school food someone forgot to throw away in his face and he let out the most high pitch ear piercing scream I have EVER heard lmaooo
Same bro, same
Felt that
And like I looked at him like wtf was that dude
And his eyes got SO wide
He kept frantically pointing to the girls that were sitting near him and even his friend 💀
So like that was funny
And then we got to gym !!
We didn't get to actually do anything :(
Basically what happened in PE: got gym clothes, got gym lockers (mine and lanie's are next to each other!!), and watched boys get play basketball (D was playing and he wasn't that bad)
Sooo yeah
Ik I said that I went basic white girl mode and watched the boys play
But like half the time I was just taking selfies on snap and scrolling through tumblr memes lmao
But the other half me and lanie were laughing at the boys clothes and haircuts bc they look like they rolled out of bed and asked a 5 year old to make their hair the shape of a fucking broccoli spout or whatever tf you call it
y'all it was that bad
(we also laughed abt that shit at lunch too)
Oh forgot something
While we were all going into the girl's locker room of the gym i thought lanie was right behind me but when i turned around i had to tilt my head up and look around for her head because she's way taller than me and she was at the very back of the crowd
So i went to the side and waited for her to get close to me
And she literally fucking said
L: damn girl i keep losing you, you're really speedy
Me: yeah i'm short but it means i walker faster than you, you're a fucking giant
L: well yeah to YOU. but like i'm tall enough to be your mom
And I lost it. I laughed so hard bc of the way she said it lol
Soo yeah that was the end of my school day
Hope you enjoyed <3
Oh and tagging people that wanted to hear about my day and/or have been reading my Hawk Talk posts (if you dont wanna be tagged lmk and i wont anymore, and lmk if u do wanna be tagged in the full day hawk talk posts!) : @cereal-is-a-soup100percent-true @whennyxfallsinlove @dizzeners @cau-lee-flower215 @sp1rit-realm
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twilightofthe · 1 year
gonna put my random liveblog reactions for Ahsoka Ep 1 here
okay so the rebels fam are literally some of my favorite star wars characters i've loved and missed them since 2018 and if anything this show will give me them
i am going with zero expectations except a plea, a plea to just not make me hate it lmao idc what happens just let me have fun
just press the start button coward ass come ON
okay i'm startiiiing Now!
oooh they didn't name it interesting
kk cool drums that's neat we like that
whoa was that sabine's helmet in the intro????
y'all the new republic's about as stable as a human jenga tower don't u have anything better to do than find thrawn i'm p sure even the imperials didn't like him THAT much they were xenophobes
former jedi knight? HMMMM
why is it always a secret map
also appreciating the OG "let's open up on big ass ship in space" makes you feel small
ok have i heard this new republic(?) captain actor before he seems familiar
bitch literally anyone could have an old jedi clearance code clearance codes were passed around like
yeah he doesn't trust it either
but i feel like he's actually dickish and we're not supposed to like him so
ah yes rebel soldiers and their stupid-ass egg helmets
wait old white bearded guy you ain't obi wan you AIN'T a jedi
his voice sounds familiar too
i have such face blindness lmao
oh whoops that's a darkside saber his friend has!
she kinda looks like Merrin from JFO
Eh probs some kinda Nightsister of sorts
I'm guessing he's some Inquisitor who got forgotten
Hmm we really paralleling ANH with darkside guy slaughtering all the egghelmet guys on a ship xD
Ok his name is Baylan
And hers is Morgan and the intro crawl mentioned her but my memory is shit so I don't quite remember what she was about except vague Thrawn-related reasons
ooooh name drop!
ok i'm good lol
ohh wait so there IS a title
master and apprentice
alas it seems like the thing i didn't want is gonna happen but we are staying OPEN MINDED we are going to SEE
ok lots of tall pillars in what looks like another fuckin desert lmao
ey there's Snips
something on the ground? That kinda looks Sith-ish but also I have like no clue
hmm did they kinda fix her montrals or not i can't tell
Ehhhhh slightly
eyyyy wait are those the world-between-worlds lines
the statues kinda look like nightsisters but also like old sith statues
mmm caress the whispering pillar
ok indiana jones time to get your ass out of there before the booby trap
what am i saying she's anakin and obi wan's spawn she LIKES this shit
oh hey she made something happen
i feel like all of these pillars should have been turned at once
the force likes teamwork and that kinda thing
but it also kinda echoes maul and ezra's little teamwork exercise lifting those walls in the sith temple that one time
ope she found something
guessing it's the Magic Maul Map
ooh it's one of those bakugon balls or whatever they were we played with as a kid i had one that turned into a dragon
armor person hello
what's the mask that's not a mando is it
nah i don't think it is
is it a person in armor or a droid i can't tell
oh subs say droids they're droids
you poor bastards curbstomping droids was her high school internship job she is WAY more qualified than you
wasn't quite expecting ahsoka to play whackamole but good for her that sounds fun
oh hell yeah we stan the droids that self destruct xD
waiiiit yeah i forgot she had a B-wing they're cool!
ahsoka there was NO way you didn't wait till the last moment to jump away from that explosion except to be dramatic
"the order doesn't exist anymore" you shush missy we KNOW you know who luke is he's trying his best
ahsoka lbr do you even know what standard jedi protocol is
also he looks so good in live action i forgot to mention that!!!!! <3
"T-6" girl u need to name your SHIP anakin would be APPALLED
well if that's the same ship with the darksiders on at least
oh right this is mary elizabeth winstead oh boy i hope she does well!
i wonder if ewan was there
ok unpausing sorry had a Moment
Ok so the voices aren't quite matching but we'll see
ooooh hera has a patch on her jacket let's go back to that later
"abilities like you" hera kanan told you what darksiders were like inquisitors tried to kill y'all
she has sabines firebird on her jacket
don't mention thrawn around hera she'll just think of ezra ;_;
oh so morgan was thrawn's
ok this is nothing on mary's performance she's doing fine but hera's dialogue doesn't quiiiite seem her? we'll see
oh yeah and rosario's doing better this time more natural
wait who's speaking
Hi Clancy Brown good to see you do you know you have an evil Devaronian twin who's running around bothering Din Djarin as we speak
well at least sabine still hates politics
my dude ryder you know her tf did she say to make you think she was coming at all lol
wait ryderrrr c'mon don't be a dick again you were so well
not quiiiiite liking how sabine grew her gay haircut out in this but still digging the bike fit
also hello Natasha good luck pls treat my dear well i love her greatly!!!
hmmm not sure how much i like other non-OG ghost crew giving themselves Spectre callsigns yes i AM being gatekeepy fuck off
good sabine is running from authorities we do love that
hey her voice kinda matches that's great!
oh i'm liking her acting already
i think
that's my GIRL
also it's very interesting how the pilots call each other by their spectre callsigns but address sabine--an ORIGINAL spectre--exclusively by name
lothkitty LOTHCAT
im gonna DIE
it's so cute i can't even
also getting Emotions(TM) at ezra's old tower
hmm you think sabine has depression
oh hey hey it's his original message to theeeeem
wait shit yeah it's the new one just to her
ooh it's eman! i can't see his faaaaace expressions but the voice sounds similar? like it seems like he's tryna match taylor's way of speaking good for him
ok yes but ezra is a jedi show pretty please for me don't go there with sabine
ok ok that's enough complaining from me lmao
i would prefer sabine and ezra to stay platonic friends. no hate to shippers but i just personally would like them to be friends/siblings, that's what would make me happiest because i like to imagine sabine as a lesbian and also their dynamic as friends/siblings just makes me happy
but shippers are of course still welcome here and if they do become a couple i won't begrudge you your fun :')
ok ok ok ok ok NOW i'm done lmao
back to Best Boy sorry bby you were speaking and i interrupted you <3
oh hey hey he did say sister! i'd like that!!!
but also ezra when tf did you have the time to record those both weren't u a bit busy planning the attack on lothal
oh it's darkside goth girl
nice smoky eye
oh wait fuck she's got a PADAWAN BRAID
heyyyyyy i was RIGHT about the temple statues looking like nightsisters!
but wrong about darkside goth girl being one then tho
well masked emo fucker following bryan or whatever his name is is probs an inquisitor
wait wait wait does MORGAN have gold eyes?
oh no wait darkside apprentice has gold eyes again
ugh okay so we ARE getting force sensitive sabine then
alright fine i'll make my peace with it this episode
even though it makes no SENSE
no no pe not going there we are going to have FUN
aaaaa repeating ezra's final dialogue from the rebels finale ;_;
love the mirroring shots to rebels ep 1 RIGHT DOWN TO SABINE WEARING EZRA'S ORANGE
ahsoka and anakin leitmotiff coming back hmmm
oh wait fuck i think ezra drew those lothcats oof ;_;
ok good good we going back to sabine being the rightful art expert in the gffa take second place and DUNK urself thrawn
ok i get they're tryna make them ex master and apprentice but imma say it. imma SAY IT
ahsoka and sabine give awkward exes vibes
BIG awkward exes vibes
m a s t e r
you both know damn well she's gonna take it anyway or at least try who are y'all even kidding urselves
oooh surprise surprise the darksider are former jedi-associated
oh right his name's baylan not bryan
oh there's goth darkside girl
if anyone hurts sabine's cat i will kill the entire world and then myself
ahsoka ur being emo so hera is allowed to make a dig at anakin
hera you're trying your best girl lmao
it's always rule of three it seems
kinda gives me that mortis trinity vibe
this reminds me of the time i got one of those 3D puzzles from barnes and noble and i was supposed to take it apart and put it back together and failed utterly
ope she did it!
again if someone even TOUCHES that fucking cat wrong i go full john wick
ope they smashed the map
ahsoka my dude i'm guessing you know where sabine lives why didn't u just go find her lmao
wait does sabine have ezra's green lightsaber i can't tell from the hilt because i'm shit at recognizing hilts
i can't even appreciate the duel because i am admittedly pouting but they are both very pretty at least
sabine how r u not getting ur hair chopped off
oh fuck she got stabbed?
maybe shoulda worn ur mando armor
oh and she's still MOVING
oh nope there she goes
oh wait who's Ray? :(
okay okay okay
dave my dude.........
okay so i am going to take some time like a few minutes or so
and process this sabine thing
like if i cannot find a way to come to fucking terms with it i will not be able to enjoy this series
ik ik that sounds dramatic i'm just
hmm ok five minutes
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kurosurintomasu · 1 year
for the unlikely tumblr users that are fans of the pizza tower fangame "internship"
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y'all are literally never getting this game 😂😂😂😂😂
click the read more button for my sort of. explanation
but tl;dr, salty_kvas is an annoying vague asshole and i'm prob gonna stop supporting him until he gets his shit straight
i mean, paraphrasing from a message said by "taterchip", this game literally has signs of being cancelled for the umpteenth time
there's been no private playtesting since feb. 2023 (due to a certain person leaking the feb1 build), there's no music being produced since the main composer, Invice, either was kicked off or left on her own accord, and salty_kvas is pretty much just adding whatever bullshit he wants and getting no feedback, and get this! there won't be a new demo released like, ever again, because the creator kvas wants everyone to forget this game even existed
and that's not even counting the actual asshole-ish shit that kvas has been doing as of late (i'm not even gonna talk about the "ronnie mcnutt meme incident" right now)
also any time kvas uploads anything related to internship on youtube or twitter, he pretty much deletes it an hour after (or the day after) as to not bring any attention to it. y'know, theres a psychological term for deleting something off multiple places in hopes of making literally everyone in the world forget. its called the streisand effect and it's highly annoying for someone who followed the development of internship since like early january of this year (2023, if you can't do any deduction)
as ive said before i'm probably gonna stop supporting kvas until he gets his shit straight. and knowing him, he'll literally never do that. he'll copy penoPleno's speech pattern and push away his friends for the rest of his life, and that's his problem.
seriously. this has gone on since january. i've had enough, and so have a lot of your fans, kvas.
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bcofl0ve · 11 days
I hope you have fun in England Mollie! If you don’t mind me asking, why do you think it was MOTA that got you in the most out of all the recent Austin releases? I like what you’ve posted in the past about how it varies a lot across the fandom. It was Dune for me and I’m counting down to Dune Messiah now even though Feyd won’t be in it because the franchise got me hooked. Especially Chani 😭
this is so kind, thank you! i dont think ill believe its really happening until my feet are on england ground- my flight stuff getting to amsterdam for study abroad was a dumpster fire mess and i'm extra paranoid now lmao. but i have high hopes it'll all be okay!
also ooo that's a good question. gonna bullet point the reasons briefly and then elaborate under a read more line for people that wanna hear me yap more.
it being based off of real people i could research rabbit hole. i know bikeriders is too- but there's so little information abt them whereas with mota it was a whole new world opened up to me.
it giving me an opportunity to revisit a fandom hobby i used to really love- m/m fanfic writing <3 i'm gen surprised i never got into the hbo war fandom sooner, but i'm really happy there now.
i love ensemble cast pieces where there's lots of characters and actors to love (this is why i liked the bikeriders, even though i didnt get as attached). esp love big group dynamics between Guys That Love Each Other which mota did exceedingly well to me.
funny story- even though i was into buck x bucky from the jump- i think i was actually one of the first 3 posts in the tag, it took me until my second watch through to get as attached as i did and i did nottt love it as a whole the way i do now on my first watch. now on the other side of like 20 rewatches i understand why they chose to handle gale going down the way they did. but when i was watching it for the first time i was watching it for austin and i was sooo irked. rosie was my least fav character my first watch bc i was so bitter about him "replacing gale" and now he's in my top 3. funny how that works!
the second time i watched it all the way through, since i knew what to expect austin screen time wise i could reallly watch it for the story as a whole. and that's when i fell in love <3 with everyone <3 like i literally just wrote a 12k+ words fic shipping demarco and dogulass who have like ten minutes of screentime each, douglass i think a little less than that lmao they're all my blorbos now <3
i just. really love the show. i love how much the boys care for each other in spite of all the horrible shit they're going through. i love the development of the bucks relationship, i love croz's journey as a character, i love nash and helen and how horrible douglass is with women and the planes, and curt's bond to the bucks and kenny and his lil beanie and rosie humming jazz music mid flight and COCOLA!!!! i love every aspect of this show. it just. clicks for me.
speaking to my second bullet point way up there i also love all the creativity in the fandom being shown in all the `new stories~ people have built for these characters. i really missed being in a Third Person Fanfic fandom, writing m/m fic (and heck f/m too since i write for ev and helen, and my m/f OC couple) and doing the world building that writing AUs requires. so being back in the pilot seat (haha) in that regard has been fun. and brought me so many new fandom friends <3 y'all that are interested pls come hang out anytime on @bcolfanfic
but all that said i'm so glad dune clicked for you the way mota did for me! even though the franchise isn't "my thing" i'll prob end up watching dune messiah as well. and def understand the chani adoration. she's a fantastic character and zendaya plays her so well. i can't imagine any other actress in that role.
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cosmic-nightglow · 1 year
About Us
Polyfragmented/complex DID system
17 years old
They/she/he pronouns collectively
If unsure who is fronting just call us Elyxir
Currently on our SP we have just over 60 parts logged however at the start of the year Juniper decided to make a new SP account and so now we are slowly bringing the parts from the old one to the new one (smart choice Junie made though cause the formatting was a mess) but we know that there is well over 100 probably over 200 even so basically we have shitton of parts but half the time they aren't even logged on PK or SP. Like there are ones who wrote notes and what not but did not log themselves on SP so truly the alter count is fuck this shit there's too many.
We're also introject heavy (yay fiction our only escape from the world for the first 10 years of our life and then yay fifth harmony our next means of escape /s. we all agree on one thing collectively, fifth harmony, we love the girls)
Don't really care for syscourse (we enjoy hearing the different opinions and occasionally may wish to voice ours but don't care too much for it if you get what I'm saying)
Stance on endos: don't really care, they're experience is greatly different to ours, as long as they understand that what they experience is different to what we experience and they don't spread misinformation (intentionally. unintentional misinfo is different and easily spread) we're chill with them cause who knows maybe there is a scientific explanation for them but we don't care that much tbh. We're not gonna go out of or way to get mad at y'all even though sometimes we're like "hmmm is this really a thing?" mostly just as long as endos stay in their space and don't try to invade ours we're chill.
Some parts are more anti-endo than others, some parts are more neutral and some parts may be completely chill with endos, genuinely it completely depends on the part.
We'll trigger tag stuff as TW topic. This will go for vents in general, the ent will be tagged TW vent along with any other potentially triggering topics.
We'll tag any basic triggering topics (if we don't tag one we should just send us a dm or ask to let us know cause we probs didn't realise)
Basic DNI
honestly really thats it tbh
We'll probably also bitch about shit a lot, mostly drama at school though cause damn does that shit get messy quick and annoying.
Might end up updating this shit with more info later (sorry bout any typos but not really sorry I just don't give enough of a fuck to proofread)
Frequent Fronters below the line
Juniper, 8-15, She/they, Lesbian, Host, Fictional Introject, Part of the Terrorised Stories Subsystem
Augustine, 17, She/they, Lesbian, Host, Fictional Introject
Lauren, 18-27, She/her, Bi, Protector, Soother, Trauma Holder, Factual Introject, Part of Moon Line Subsystem
Camila, 18-26, She/her, Lesbian, Protector, Factual Introject
LJ, 17, She/he/they/mera/lun/leaf, Bi, Soother, Factual Introject
Karla Camila (Karla, KC), 16, She/her, Lesbian, Soother, Factual Introject
And since I'm in front I'll add info about myself despite not being a frequent fronter
Maeve/Finn, Late teens, They/it/vamp/spiri, IDK my sexuality, Persecutor
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femboyishcharm · 6 months
getting closer to finishing my first ebon light playthrough except my character is currently haunted so i'm waiting to get fucked over at the end and i'll be surprised if i actually get to finish it
#spoilers or whatever (do NOT give me any !!!)#i'm going down vadeyn's route even tho i wasn't planning on it only coz i was butthurt about my save going to shit the last time i did#so i was just gonna take a break from that and do his route another time except he's an ANGEL and completely distracted me#HE'S SO AWKWARD UGH#he's so fucking romantic too omfg?? we rAN AWAY TOGETHER#he's baby boy#i love when lacey ruins ur romantic moments with him too it's HYSTERICAL i am currently collecting screenshots of him killing the mood#right now i'm in a big cave about to murder some of vadeyn's family where once again eVERYONE SEEMS TO FUCKING FORGET#THAT STAR IS A POOR HUMAN FROM THE WOODS WITH BARELY ANY MILITARY TRAINING#IF U CAN EVEN COUNT THE TRAINING AS REAL MILITARY TRAINING#SHE'S NOT A FUCKING GENERAL STOP ASKING HER TO MAKE BATTLE DECISIONS ESPECIALLY AFTER THE CHANDLER BULLSHIT#yeah ig i'm just kinda preemptively morning my save bc star's prob gonna have to use the cuthintal which will prob do her in fr 🥴#i really wanna finish it tho ): i like vadeynnnnnnnn#but i'm not surprised tbh#lee's like a weird mixture of vadeyn and ernol. i like em awkward 😤😤😤#ok and not to be weird. but like i want ernol carnally#actually it's not weird !! he's hot and knows a lot about weapons !!!!!!!! AND he's scary 🥰#i'm letting y'all know now i will NOT be normal about completing his route although#i am not being normal about vadeyn's either jfdshfdshfsdhf#hE KISSES UR DIRTY FINGERS THROUGH JAIL BARS#VADEYN DOESN'T CARE THAT UR DIRTY AND COVERED IN GODS-KNOW-WHAT AAAAAAAAAA#IT'S LITERALLY RIGHT AFTER THE GAME SAYS U BOTH NEED BATHS#HE SAID HE'D MAKE A DINGY TO RUN AWAY WITH ME AND CALI HANDED HIM HIS GODDAMN ASS FOR IT AXHFDJHFDHFDJFDJKXFJDX#also he swears SO much more than u think he would. like more than the others but i haven't played everyone's route yet#i shouldn't have been surprised by vadeyn's temper but i WAS and didn't think he'd end up throwing shit at duliae#but then again he's constantly pissed and just good at containing it for the most part#but if he didn't have a temper would he REALLY be a milirose? 🤔#AND HIS REACTION TO MY RAVAL DRESS 🥺🥺🥺#GUYS STAR LITERALLY RAN AWAY FROM HIM IN THE ALLEY AND HE DIDNT EVEN GET UPSET HE WAS JUST SO CONCERNED GODDDDDD
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curiosity-killed · 7 years
Free-write 3/2/17
The afternoon sun is high and bright, bouncing gold off the black walls. It’s quiet in the garden, the noise of the city brushed away by the sea breeze, and the river is cold on his feet. He stretches and curls his toes against the cool current. His sandals sit by his red cape, carefully out of the way of the water. The heredem princep can’t attend the parade in soaked clothes.
No one said anything about his feet, though.
He wriggles his fingers into the sun-warmed sand before scooping both his hands forward. The sand slides forward in small hills, fine grains running back against his fingertips. Shaking his hands free, he flattens his palms over both hills and smooths them out by rubbing them down over the sand. He can still hear the hurried footsteps of the citadels’ occupants as they rush here and there within the stone halls. Occasionally, there’s a hushed conversation that hurries away too quickly for him to catch. 
With a contented sigh, Caleb flops onto his back and kicks his feet a little more. The parade is one of his favorites: the whole city flushed red with garlands and flowers, the red cacti flowers threaded into crowns and rouge painted onto every eyelid. Bara had braided glass beads into his hair like little rubies, and when he reaches up to touch them, they’re cool against the heat radiating off his black hair. 
A set of footsteps breaks off from the background, crunching over the pebbled path. Caleb pushes himself up and blinks against the sudden brightness of the sky. A blue aura lingers, but the figure comes into view.
“Mamán!” he shrieks, leaping up.
He scrambles out of the river, nearly tripping over his sandals and cloak. Stumbling forward, he bolts towards her. Mamán crouches as he approaches, arms extended. He hits her with full force and wraps his arms around her neck. Even with the breath knocked out of him from her breastplate, he can feel nothing but startled joy. 
“You’re back!” he says.
Her arms wrap around his torso and squeeze. He squeezes back.
“Hi sweetie,” she says with a laugh. She gives him another squeeze. “Oh, I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you too, Mamán,” he says. “Haya said you weren’t going to be back yet. Does that mean you won?”
“Yeah, we won,” she says. “But enough about that. How have you been?”
She pulls away a little, holding him at arm’s length as if to look him over for changes. He’s grown since he last saw her. He hopes she notices.
“Captain Jemma said I’m almost ready to start with a sword,” he says, “and Mateus says Valyn ‘n I are the fastest students he’s had, and House Perduto visited a couple months ago and Lumeira says she’s in love but Bri says that she’s too young to be in love. I think Bri’s right, but Cri says we’re being cynical.”
He pulls a face at that, and Mamán laughs. She tugs him in for another hug, quick and impulsive.
“You have had a busy time,” she says. “And you’ve grown! You’re going to be taller than me, soon.”
He beams. 
“The tailors say I’m going to need all new robes by New Year,” he says.
Mamán snorts and stands. He nearly comes up to her shoulders now.
“I believe that,” she says. “Are you ready for the parade?”
He turns to grab his sandals and cape, fastening the latter on before dropping to the ground to tug on the former. He stands with a bounce once he’s done, and Mamán holds out her hand. He squeezes it, and she responds with two quick pulses. He grins and squeezes three times back.
“Bara put beads in my hair this year,” he says, tilting his head to give her a better view of them.
“Bara – oh, right,” Mamán says. “They look beautiful. You get more beautiful every year.”
He flushes, pleased. Mamán herself is dressed simply, just her armor with a long scarlet cape and red ribbons twisted through the metal wings of her crown. The rouge on her eyelids is offset by thick black kohl, simpler and sharper than that on Caleb’s. 
“Princess Malia said she wouldn’t wear red,” he says, adding, a little more subdued, “I think she’s missing her parents.”
Mamán squeezes his hand, and when he looks up, she has a sad look on her face.
“It has to be hard for her,” she says. “Have you been helping her?”
He nods dutifully. “We eat together most days and we study together after arms. She’s much better at arithmetic than me.”
Mamán nods. She gives him a small smile.
“Good. I’m sure she appreciates having you for a friend,” she says.
He shrugs, uncertain of how to reply. He’s only doing what he’s supposed to, he thinks. There are rumors that he and Malia will be betrothed in the next few years, though he doesn’t like to think about it. It’s too distant, too unreal. They’re friends, nothing less.
“She said she’d teach me embroidery if she got to train in arms with me,” he says instead. “Captain Jemma and Captain Tiramin said they had to talk to you, though.”
Mamán hums, canting her head to one side as they step into the cool shade of the loggia.
“It does seem useful for her to learn,” she concedes. “I’ll speak with the captains.”
Caleb nods. He doesn’t wholly understand what’s happen in Nafyr, but he knows that a war isn’t won with politesse. 
“And you’re just going to be the next Sattel with your art and embroidery, aren’t you?” Mamán says.
Caleb wrinkles his nose but can’t help grinning at the compliment. He wants to say that it’s her he wants to be modeled after, but he doesn’t have the right words.
“Have you been drawing recently?” Mamán asks.
“Some,” he says. “I drew some of the horses yesterday. And Anharad said she’d show me how to make pigments from the right flowers.”
Mamán stiffens, just slightly. She doesn’t like when he brings up Anharad, he knows, but until she gives him a decent reason, he’s not going to stop visiting the gardener. Her hut is one of his favorite havens with its dried herbs and green starters. She’s fun to talk to, too. Her accent and stories are nothing like the polished ones he’s given within the palace.
“That is exciting,” Mamán says evenly.
They’ve entered the palace now, and their steps ring through the Echoing Hall, coming back a little softer off the black walls. Mamán is still stiff, eyes forward, and Caleb chews at his lip. If they would just explain, just tell him why it’s so terrible he spends time with his aunt’s wife – he doesn’t want to upset them, not really. He just doesn’t understand.
“I’m glad you’re back, Mamán,” he offers and squeezes her hand.
She turns to him with a bright smile, like she’s just realized he’s there.
“I’m glad to be back,” she says. “Sorry, sweetheart, I don’t mean to be distracted.”
“It’s alright,” he says. “The crown is a heavy burden.”
It’s something he heard at the last gala, from a Regent who didn’t quite notice the heir apparent standing nearby. Mamán gives him a funny look, like she wants to laugh but is about to cry instead.
“Perhaps,” she says, “but I’m your mamán right now.”
He smiles, because he knows what she she means, how one person can be divided into two. As much as he looks up to Imperator Princep Alir, she is a distant figure of whom he gets only glimpses. Mamán is the tangible person, with her strong arms and gentle smiles.
They stop at the inner gate, where the captains already wait. Jemma and Tiramin are deep in a hushed conversation while Catterik is distracted by a servant. Caleb can’t make out the words, but the servant looks flustered and pleased. They keep looking down at their plain sandals and back up through their lashes. Catterik has a smile like a cat, curled and smug.
“Eminence,” Jemma greets, bowing low.
The effect is instantaneous: Tiramin turns to bow with their arm crossed over their breastplate, and Catterik shifts away from the servant to do the same. The servant nearly prostrates themselves in their haste to bow.
“Rise,” Mamán says. “We don’t want to hold up the parade.”
The captains relax with easy smiles. Tiramin brings two garlands close, the red flowers held delicately in their calloused hands. Mamán takes them both and then pauses. A smile quirks the corner of her lips, and Caleb frowns in confusion. Before he can say anything, Mamán turns to him and extends one of the crowns.
“Here,” she says.
Caleb accepts it, baffled. Mamán kneels before him with a grin and dips her head pointedly. Caleb falters a moment before carefully extending the crown and settling it over her black hair.
“May Victory ride beside you,” he recites.
Mamán smiles and straightens up just enough to settle the second over Caleb’s plainer circlet.
“And may it crown you in scarlet,” she replies.
A grin breaks out across Caleb’s face, a shivery thrill running under his skin at the familiar words. No matter how many years he’s been to this parade, the words never lose their power. He could be a hundred years old, he thinks, and still feel their weight skitter over his nerves.
“Ready?” Mamán asks as she straightens.
She holds out a hand, and Caleb grips it, still smiling.
“Ready,” he says.
Together, hands joined, they walk out into the light.
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tmabutlesbian · 2 years
i have a lot of AUs that make zero sense when you look at canon, and tbh thats quite the point of them!!
so anyways we all know that martin has been working at the archives since he was 18, right? 10 years of gertrude robinson shenanigans that he probs never saw cuz he was in the library. yknow who else was around? gerard keay
oh thats right baby. its gerrymartin time.
this shit gets long but y'all they mean so much to me srsly
imagine. bby martin, 18, who very much doesnt give a shit abt anything tbh, especially not himself, climbs atop a local library he likes (which is illegal but he doesnt care, hes chilling alright), working other jobs alongside the institute to pay for his mum's care and himself, stressed af, also still very much a teenager just trying his best, very unwell and it shows (but thats good cuz at least nobody questions his age too much)
also imagine. gerry coming up to the library, and very much seeing a?? person??? on top of it??? and goes "wtf" and climbs it, this somehow being the most interesting thing to happen despite all the shit from his mum, young but still a few years older than marto boy (4 years is my personal hc, so he's 22)
gerry sees martin and thinks "goddamn, its mental illness innit", notices martin is petting. a falcon?? what?? like its normal, and just kinda. strucks up conversation cuz martin looks very much like shit. also he's got a big bird in his lap (this is my crack hc that martin is like a disney princess)
martin, bless him, is very depressed and also tired and also doesnt have the energy to even smile so he just blankly looks at gerry and goes "oh what the hell, sure, he's hot why not" and proceeds to get a tiny wittle crush on gerry for the few months they meet in the library
gerry is fond of martin but thats it, doesnt want attachments, not with this lifestyle, not with his mother being a fucking greedy motherfucker, besides it only causes trouble. and he's not fooled, he knows martin is a bby. he hopes he gets better, cuz hes a nice kid
then gerry needs to deal wish some entities shit, he a busy boy as well, and he'll be away a little bit. he's trying to be more independent and find his own cases and shit without his mom, now that he knows her intentions and doesnt want her legacy. he wants his own. and sadly that means leaving martin alone for a little while
martin is very fucking upset but doesnt show it cause. well. he knows its not fair. he's grown to like gerry a lil bit and he's the only friend he's got. and now he's gonna be gone.
gerry wishes him good luck and tells him "take care of yourself yeah? if not for you, then for me." and that alone fills martin with some determination to actually get better. he doesnt know when gerry will be back, so he'll just. get better. he'll try. for gerry.
truly what happens is that he gets two years older and just a lot more accepting of what he's living in, so he jsut naturally gets better just by living basically the same way. he tries to take walks more tho, and starts writing again, cuz why not, gets into witchcraft again cuz he missed it (also a hc of mine, kinda crack, kinda serious), starts making tea for himself and then his coworkers
by 20, almost 21, he's still unwell per say, he's still depressed, but at least he's trying to do things he likes. thats what counts, hes trying. and he likes that. also he got a bit taller. and bigger, one of his jobs is kinda physically taxing so it just happens naturally
so when gerry comes back and sees martin smile at him, which never fucking happened before, also hes taller. and has muscle on his arms. and more freckles, look at that wow "i like men" basically
its kinda like, love at second sight, and gerry doesnt know how he feels abt it, so he procrastinates dealing with those feelings and just befriends martin all over again.
martin, for his part, had moved on from gerry a lil bit, but now the crush is back at full force, gerry looks cool, has new piercings, new tattoos?? his hair is still horribly dyed and he bullies gerry for it and this is when gerry finds out martin is a bit of a bitch, and also mean, and its cute
i'll talk more about what happens in a reblog or smth this is long af but yh <3<3<3<3 them
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imagine-straykids · 3 years
★ Sincerely, Lee Know | Ver. 01
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★ Summary: In an alternate universe where Lee Minho AKA Lee Know is a sassy blogger. You get to see with your very own eyes everything he documents on his blog, whether that's his thoughts on a recent movie he had just watched, his experience eating at Taco Bell for the first time, or the bitch he almost had to fight, Lee Minho will stop at nothing to get his points across.
★ Discretion: I hope it's not confusing, but this is a roleplay? I thought the idea would be fun. A lot of cursing and mature contents will be discussed, but nothing too over the top. Beware excessive cringe maybe. This is a series. Enjoy!
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★ You are currently viewing: About Me
Hi, my name is Lee Know, or I guess if we're getting personal here: Lee Minho. Although I prefer Lee Know because people always get me confused with the actor Lee Minho.
I rant and complain A LOT, but I don't think I need to tell you that, because you'll be finding it out for yourself later. But I have the mouth the size of the pacific ocean, and holding back is the last thing Lee Know does. So if you're a sensitive little bitch, then do not continue any further. If you still do and proceed to come for me, then well... that's between you and god.
More about myself? Well... I'm just your average everyday guy, but better. I like to listen to music and dance on my free time. And when I'm not doing that, then I usually hang out with my crew. They can be real idiotic and sometimes I wonder why am I even putting myself through their shit, but they are the real homies. Have been with me since forever and I know they will always have my back, so watch out.
Why I started this blog? Well, funny story. I got into an argument with Chan one day, btw shoutout to @christopherbangcorner go follow and like his stuff. I know he told me to not tell anyone about his blog but I could give two shit. Anyways, we were arguing and he said to me "You run that mouth of yours so much, why don't you put it to good use for once." so here I am. So if you're interested, keep reading. If you're just coming here to hate on me, then well... that's going to be difficult because I'm quite a likable person if I say so myself. I'm just kidding... ish.
Anyways. That's that. Proceed with caution!
Sincerely, Lee Know.
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★ You are currently viewing: Rants
rant #1 2:35 p.m.
I swear, hoes these days be thirsty asf. Me and Hyunjin just wanted to go to the convenience store to get some things Chan's lazy ass ordered us to, and we legit got followed the whole way there. ARE PEOPLE LITERALLY THAT JOBLESS! Leave us alone next time or don't say I didn't warn you when I whip out my asian slipper and slap every one of you so hard you're going to regret ever meeting me in this lifetime. And like, aren't you guys supposed to be in class right now? Go back, Jesus. Bet every one of y'all are failing. How would your mothers feel if she knows you're ditching class to go chase some dicks.
10,334 views | 234 comments
rant #2 7:02 p.m.
Yo, I just suddenly remembered the rudest customer I ever had. So I used to work at this Boba shop during my high school days, and this motherfucker with his cupcake shaped hair jimmy neutron looking ass came in and started yelling at me for getting his order wrong. Like bro... why you tryna fight a 16 year old about a $4 drink. Chill tf out. There are children dying in Africa. Now that I think about it, 16 year old me was on some adult shit. 22 year old me now would've spit in his drink.
12,943 views | 301 comments
rant #3 5:12 p.m.
Learn to wear a goddamn mask. I will not repeat myself. You ain't no Rosa Parks, you just a stupid headass. Do all these people really think they're doing sum?
9,135 views | 212 comments
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★ You are currently viewing: Photos
★ sincerelyleeknow has uploaded a photo!
uploaded at 10:05 A.M.
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It likes me, I promise.
24,352 views | 12,842 likes | 563 comments
uploaded at 2:15 P.M.
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Yes, we know we're hot.
30,041 views | 15,624 likes | 784 comments
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★ You are currently viewing: Home
★ sincerelyleeknow just posted something!
posted at 3:57 P.M.
yo, wtf. people actually read the shit that I write? no offense, but are you guys like... okay?! i sorta created this blog out of spite but now I just might have to roll with it.
13,524 views | 267 comments
posted at 4:43 P.M.
I'm bored and my inbox are open. Send me something. No nudes or creepy ass messages please. There's a block button and I'm not afraid to use it.
16,223 views | 304 comments
➤ potofnoodle923 asked: dang shawty, you cute.
sincerelyleeknow replied: tell me something I don't know.
➤ anonymous asked: why are you wearing makeup? that's gay. You're not funny and all of your followers suck.
sincerelyleeknow replied: why you mad bro? I bet you sent that from your mom's basement. go out and get some sunlight my dude. bitter ass mf i know you're scared.
➤ caillou_caillou0 asked: you're cute and all but why your hair be looking crispy.
sincerelyleeknow replied: okurr caillou. at least I have hair.
➤ flowerbeauty7 asked: go out with me?
sincerelyleeknow replied: I might consider if you're paying
➤ anonymous asked: fucking traitor hoe.
sincerelyleeknow replied: ayy chill out Chan. I helped promote your blog.
➤ anonymous asked: your friend on the right of one your photo is cute or whatever. he single?
sincerelyleeknow replied: get in line, sis
★ sincerelyleeknow just posted something!
posted at 6:22 P.M.
okay well that was a fucking mistake. anyways, I'm gonna bounce now. prob answer more tmr or whenever I'm not procrastinating. some of y'all weird as fuck.
11,557 views | 242 comments
~ Sincerely, Lee Know
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jacqthehermit · 3 years
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The Black Demon Knight and The Royal Valkyrie Princess
My tribute for the anime ending (for now) TT^TT
Ever since "adulting" my will to watch animes became weaker and weaker. Yeah crazy right lmao. I used to marathon a bunch of animes before without breaking a sweat but now it feels just like a heavy task for some reason
Thats why I currently prefer reading mangas only bec it's faster (plus no fillers or whatever alterations!) Tho I can say my reading power has also weaken (I cant even finish shit)
Anyway! In the manga site that I use, I saw BC on the top 5 list so I decided to read. After catching up with the manga, I tried watching the anime and surprisingly I didnt drop it unlike BNHA in which after 3 eps I stopped watching and thought "I'm good with just the manga" Alright before y'all throw your pitchforks at me, I aint hatin ok lol. I like BNHA! My fanarts are proof!
I just dunno why I managed to marathon the anime of BC (despite my circumstances) but not BNHA. So I guess I like BC more haha. BC anime started in 2017 and when I joined the fandom in 2019, the anime was still underrated. I think there were more haters than fans during that time
The major reasons were: 1.) Asta was noisy at the beginning lmao. Yep I saw a lot of people complaining about this (BC fans also acknowledge it). Even my college homie said he did not know BC was great since he dropped it at first since Asta was so noisy. He was glad he gave it another try
Well I didnt really find Asta noisy unlike everyone else maybe bec I went through Naruto and Natsu? Ok maybe Asta is a level higher than them but you get the point lol. I know he shouts most of the time at the start but I didnt get irritated, I just found him funny haha. 2.) Animation is fine but not on par with most animes right now. Others might say "nahh the drawing is just shitty plain simple" but I disagree. I probs won't watch it if the drawing is shitty in the first place bec I am picky af when it comes to drawing so the fact that BC passed my standards then it means it isn't!
There's a "legendary" anime/manga that I wont even read/watch bec of the drawing so dont me! I'm gonna get cancelled if I mentioned it tho lol. In my defense, BC came out weekly and as you can see, it's almost on the same pacing with the manga (that's why it needs a break). Unlike the other hyped/top animes rn which comes out per season so ofc they gonna have more time in creating better animation. BC really do have wonky times but I assure you whenever there's a big fight, the animation is fire. So yeah bec of these 2 main reasons, most people dropped it right off the bat
I dont know how to end this long ass post lmao. I guess I am just happy that I was part of the BC fandom before it was cool (probs why it's close to my heart) since most animes rn started hot with a big following from the beginning. We stan underdogs in this house
HOWEVER at the same time I am also sad that it has to end specially in the middle of a big arc. Oh well the anime has to give time for the manga so we understand.
Till we meet again in the faraway future my Clover babies specially the Black Bulls :'(
P.S. Thank you very much amazing BC staff and production. Please rest well!
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hanjo-love · 4 years
Now I became selfish and I hope the shard is showing Hanji being saved by Kiyomi or something. She go the worst treatment and if Isayama was afraid of the backslash like you said why make it even worse with those parallels with eremika? Is he preparing the Fandom for another levihan moment? I'm tired of EVERYONE surviving but her, Kiyomi's kindness really??? And Onyankopon, while I don't hate him, he survived a plane crash and he doesn't add much yet he is there for being the editor's favorite, Yelena is there after all she did and she adds even less, and the people titanized will revert to human (or at the very least Isayama's favorites will).
Oh anonie, you and me both my friend, you and me both 😔 Beware, a long rant-ish meta is ahead of you lol
I have absolutely no fucking idea why Yams decided to treat Hanjo like shit. You know, after a long time of denying her death, I was starting to accept it, because she was finally free, free of the burden and pain and finally reunited with the people she missed and longed for the most. But then Yams decided to slap us all in the faces saying there's no happy & peaceful afterlife in snk and Hanjo was probs only hallucinating because of her 4 years long depression? Well then, fuck you Yams! What was that even for? Isayama never backed off of showing us the horrors of death in snk, no matter how important the characters and how brutal their deaths really were. Still, he never showed us Hanji's actual death or dead body. He kept it misterious and his vague answers only made it worse. So it's only natural for us to expect a plot twist, right? That's the reason all of us gathered various hints in the manga, anime and his interviews. And lemme tell you, these theories are far more logical, better explained and have less plot holes than the entire final arc smh (yes I'm salty, fight me lol)
I hate to admit it, my inner self is still in denial and fighting, but Hanjo ain't coming back folks. We won't get any background story and the misterious shard will never be explained to us either. Yams had more than enough time to bring Hanjo back, if he truly wanted to. But he didn't. And now with only one chapter and so many unanswered questions left, there's no time for Hange's return. Why would he even do that anyways? Hanjo isn't important to him or to the story anymore. To us she is, always was and always will be ❤️ You know, I'm so fucking desperate to see her again, I'll even take one last panel of Levi remembering her, just like in ch136. Yams just let us see Hanjo one more fucking time 🙏🏻 I need to say my proper goodbyes to my one&only comfort character, who's influenced my life like no one else ever did ❤️
Back to Levihan (I don't think I can answer an ask without my biased and trashy shipper ass butting in lmfao): the question why Yams confirmed Levihan as canon if he didn't intend to bring Hange back and reunite her with Levi to make us him happy again? Well, isn't it obvious? This man is the devil incarnate. THIS MAN HAS NO FUCKING CHILLS lmfao JK y'all before someone declares war on me and my blog haha Well anonie, I feel like Yams really wanted to confirm his initially planned ships as canon, before the manga ends. And he chose the safest way possible. Easy as that. Also he said he is going for a bittersweet ending and what's more tragic (in this literal hell) than separating lovers, ergo Eremika and Levihan.
Now to something else, that's been bothering me for a while now and I'll use your ask anonie to share my thoughts with the world even though nobody asked lmao tbh I'm a bit disappointed with Armin. I love him, I really do. He's my precious cinnamon roll and my fave 104th kiddo. But honestly, I was expecting a bit more of the alleged "hero who will safe humanity". In fact, I'm sure Hanjo only died for Armin to become the new commander. That's it. That was the reason she had to die. Yams glossed over her to make Armin shine. But in fact, Levi's the one who's giving orders ever since Hange has left them. I might me salty, but I really hope the talk with Zeke (and probs Ymir as well, we still might have a chance to see the dialog that made Ymir change her mind) and his titan nuke weren't the only things he did as "humanity's hero" in this final arc. For some people this might me enough, for me it isn't. It wasn't worth Hange's sacrifice. Also what made me really sad was Armin himself glossing over Hanjo when he remembered Erwin Danchou, but not her. Like she didn't just pass away an hour ago to save their pathetic asses. Ugh this is making me hella mad, ngl. Hanjo didn't deserve this treatment! She gave her all for this! To save the alliance, to "pay the price" for her "sins" as the SC commander and to save humanity. I can't deal with how all of them and the fandom apparently forgot about that.
Now on to "Kiyomi's kindness" lol I wasn't really mad at Gabi for saying this as most of the fandom was. I won't go into detail why she isn't really a rationally thinking character (yo guys, you do remember she's a 12 year old kid, right?), but it's a fact that she didn't care for Hange enough to mention her. I mean, why would she? She barely even knew her. Also we don't really know what's gonna happen with Yelena, Kiyomi and her delegation. I don't know if I'm reading too much into it, but I feel like Kiyomi accepted her death with saying "that's not enough atonement for what I did anyway". I mean they don't know if the alliance will win (they probably think they won't) and they're in the middle of literally nowhere. So I feel like Gabi said that because Kiyomi sacrificed herself (and the others on that ship) willingly, for Gabi, Falco and Annie getting a little chance of surviving and helping the alliance. But I get the rage of the fandom. Especially because no one, except for Levi, remembered Hange after her noble sacrifice.
As for Yelena and Onyankopon, there obviously has to be someone from outside of Paradis to survive the rumbling, otherwise it wouldn't make a lot of sense, I guess. I like Onyankopon a hecking lot ❤️ precious boi was literally crying for Hanjo 😭 Yelena on the other hand deserves what she got. Death would be too easy and kind for her tbh. She has to live with the consequences, just like Kiyomi, so I'm actually glad they survived. So my guess is, it's not really about who's Yams' favorite and what these people are contributing to the story, but it's rather about a logical ending and a good conclusion of the story.
I agree with you about the ones who have been titanized. They'll for sure revert back to humans. It's not really Yams' style to kill of an important character like Gabi, whose character development he's been forcing on us for quite a while now lol. I'm pretty positive about an ending with the titan curse being broken and bringing the titanized people back to human beings (probs also the millions of colossal titans?). It's only natural for Yams to end the story with the titan curse being lifted. Otherwise it wouldn't make sense to end his story at this point. But let's not forget what a big ass troll Yams is lmao you never really know what he's up to, so let's prepare for the unimaginable lmfao
I'll probably never forgive Isayama for what he did to Hange, his best written character, how he completely ruined her and threw her away as disposable, just to make other characters "shine". HER DEATH WAS POINTLESS AND IT DID NOT FUCKING CHANGE ANYTHING! That's the harsh truth y'all. Yams betrayed Hanjo and us AND FOR WHAT?
Thanks for the ask anonie and sorry I turned this into my personal rant lmao hope you still enjoy reading my thoughts on this ❤️
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potterology · 4 years
fave dylb scenes bc I can't get over and I’m already rewatching and noticing little things heheee 
- first meeting outside the restaurant. ohh how I love how awkward yet endearing they both were when they finally introduced themselves to one another. rewatching it made me realize that JY was already smitten by SA since the start. (like literally since the start y'all!!! he didn't even know her yet and wanted to stop the car to get SA an umbrella and this was in the first ep!!)
- when JY switched coffee cups with SA bc she spilt her cup and he started drinking it so she can’t refuse even though he doesn’t like coffee. Like he just did it bc he was compelled to do so?? like dude what if she already drank from it??? This scene was so funny to me and I love it cuz I dont think SA is used to being the one taken care of like that so it was just v cute
- when the noona was trying to get them to talk banmal but SA was like oh noooo he’s a superstar. This was cute bc you can actually see that JY was disappointed. Also they keep sneaking peeks at each other lol cute fools 
- waiting for taxi scene- this was so freaking adorable. shows how considerate they both are for each other and it’s so freaking awkward when they both realized they were standing there waiting for each other to get a taxi- but like in the cutest way
- when they were both outside that restaurant and SA asked if JY enjoyed his performance at granny’s house and I think this was the first time someone asked our boy if he likes what he does for a living and you can just tell his heart went soft for her(same dude same)
- spontaneous non-date date. ohh I love the first time they ate together at that beer place. they really started to get to know each other there. the mood and how that scene was filmed was just chef’s kiss~~
- rehearsal room we should be friends scene. when homeboy transitioned from moonlight sonata to happy birthday, y'all knew it was over for SA- god damn I would have swoon over too
- by the river “I wanted to see you” scene- high key JY sucks at communicating but I love how he is just so taken by SA that he just flat out says he misses her and as soon as he says it he was almost shocked himself. so pure
- the midnight call. I MEAN. guys. guys. he wanted to just talk to her and ask her out but tried to be nonchalant about it. ahhh they literally portrayed the first stages of dating so well I'm goo for it !!!!!!
- first walk together in the walkway. this was just so adorable. the almost hand holding. the chemistry!! the shy smiles :’’’) 
- SA’s birthday when she thanked JY for just being there for her. I love how she quietly acknowledges him and it was such an intimate interaction between them. I replay that scene a lot in my head
- when he ran to SA to give her his signed CD. He was so worried about her he forgot about JK lmaooo. Also the fact the he validated her as a violinist when SA was at a very low point... I mean... boyfriend material ugh
- the scene when SA told JY every little thing he does concerns her and that she didn’t want to feel that way about him anymore. As soon as SA said that homeboy PANICKED!!! I don’t even think he knew how much he liked SA until she said that :’)
- the lunchroom scenes 1) when they were teasing each other and 2) when JY announced that they were dating lolol I love how stoic he normally is but for SA he becomes a softie hehe
-ice cream day date; lol when SA won’t let JY tie her shoelaces bc she didn’t want to fall for him lol ok girl
-night ice cream/ stairs date. y'all know already. shit was just adorable. SA going for the kiss. I melted with the ice cream
- when JY asked SA for her handkerchief!!! it’s such a small gesture but they both knew it had a special meaning and I love how it put SA over the moon. (Also let’s include all the other times we see JY actually use that handkerchief- especially after they broke up. like homeboy was holding on to it for his dear life bc it was the only thing he had of SA~~ my fragile heart!!) ps did we ever see SA get a handkerchief from him???? No??? Sbs give me that pls
- when MS was telling JY in the car that SA has only openly confessed liking two things in her life and one them was JY. He was so flustered and couldn’t hide his smile and dimples... bruhhhhh he was full on swoon. Also when JY heard SA say that she really likes JY like he was so proud of himself lmao he’s like “yeah my gf LIKES ME” lolol
- when the lovebirds fought who was gonna clean up the broken glass at JY apartment. I love loveee this one bc SA has been beaten down so much by everyone calling her talentless that she didn’t even consider how important her hands is to her as a musician. And JY being like honey ur a violist and a musician too- UR HANDS ARE PRECIOUS. This was just v touching. Again showing how JY has always considered SA as an equal despite all the shit people say about his gf. luv him :’)
-all the moments JY just stood by SA’s side and held her hand when she needed comfort. I love how he’s just there for her. His silent support was just enough. (One thing that would have been nice is if we saw SA do the same thing, I felt like the writers were almost there but just didn't go all the way which is a shame tbh)
- Their lil day trip to JY’s hometown. I like how JY was so open to SA here. When he proclaimed that he never felt “this way before”  I screamed!! It was at that moment you clearly knew as a viewer that JY never really loved JK. He might have he loved the idea of her, yes. But he never truly loved her the way he loves SA. And his realization of this in that particular episode just made me so so so happy
- Handholding in the bus scene. That shit was so freaking tender bc you can tell how content JY was. He was beyond smitten- homeboy was IN LOVE AT THIS POINT
- when JY dropped SA home. I mean everything about this scene really makes ur heart soft right?? How both of them were beaming? How SA feet probably hurt bc homegirl was wearing heels the whole day and walked another 30 min just so she can spend more time with JY? How she literally ran back to him and JY just had this impression watching her like “my gf is cute af”?? How SA said something along the lines of JY having somewhere to belong to now and you can tell this had a double meaning for him bc at this point he prob considered SA as his home..I was literally mush oh my god. 
-break up scene. I know, v painful- but this was a rare one in kdramaland where I actually thought it was necessary for them to split (still wish it was done earlier but alas I'll take it) It was a graceful and needed breakup. Also when JY pulled out that umbrella for her.... bish it was over for me
- SA’s recital. I MEAN HOW IN SYNC COULD THEY BE. I normally skip the musical performances whenever I watch dramas that are music related- but this show makes it so magical I simply could not. PEAAAKKK ROMANCE
- JY’s recital- when he played that last song I was a big mess cuz we all knew it was dedicated for SA :’’) (I listen to this piece all the time now and im so emo when I hear it bc like god WHEN)
- First I love you scene. JY just going for it and chasing his happiness without caring if SA might reject him. We love to see it
-Second I love you scene. YALL. YALLLLL the way JY just releases his breathe when SA said she can't be friends bc she loves him more than a friend will forever slay me. Kim min jae’s acting here was real good. I love how JY said I love you four times and just went for it. top kissing scene in a krdrama for me hehee 
- dubokki date. lmao at JY with the spicy level. just plain cute
-the quick side by side peek to JY new album in the last episode. the way it showed how their relationship evolved. how he signed it as “for my love song ah” BISH I WANNA DATE A MUSICIAN TOO NOW
- that lil scene where JY wrote SA’s name as the planner bc he knows she works just as hard as the musicians and deserves the recognition. get u a boy who will vandalize a program notice for u :)
- basically all the scenes at the end of ep 16. I wish all of them were longer. I wanted to see more of them dating and happy!!! But I just love how they are both so INTO each other and you can see how happy JY is bc he finally has that person back that understood him since the beginning and it makes you feel so warm knowing they’re each other’s support system ahhhh I love their love !!
- also just all the scenes that JY looks at SA lovingly ~~ which literally happened since ep 1 I mean they are literally heart eyes emoji for each other every time :’)) 
- oh oh OH special shout out to ep 11 when JY just can’t stop holding SA’s hands !! the way he does it is so freaking INTIMATE like if I can only describe how I feel whenever I see compilation gifs of that episode where JY just reaches out and holds SA’s hands so steadily and tightly...it’s literally the most heartwarming thing.. idek how to explain what I’m trying to convey but I just vibe with it so much?? it’s so intimate and romantic.. Kim min jae I will die 4 u my love
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fallingsunflower · 3 years
BESTIES I'm so sorry - I hit my post limit waaaay earlier than expected! Some of y'all joined me on my backup account, (which I also hit the limit on lmao), but I'm back now.
I had over 400 asks to go through and I'll give you a warning that not all of them will appear (either because they were old or because they were topics we already answered). But here is a giant list of asks I compiled for you from when I wasn't allowed to post lol they don't really require my response but I found them entertaining to read. Hope you don't mind I've just put them all together in one post. It's also to save me from using up my 250 posts lol
"this is all so embarrassing like my god imagine when the promotion of the movie starts how horrible it will be for other people who made the movie too"
"SELL UR TICKETS TODAY WATCH THE MOVIE ILLEGALLY, next article we’ll be talking about these two assholes filing for bankruptcy. cheap harlots. don’t mess with your meal ticket."
"hate to say it but i defs think they‘ve got a sliver of the gp’s attention for five minutes"
"I am scanning through all these photos looking for just ONE where he looks like he's smiling and enjoying this. It's so crazy."
"I guess those are all the pics we’re getting right now. But I wouldn’t be surprised if they finish the Italy trip off with one more major Backgrid photo shoot."
"Olivia’s trending on Twitter but not Harry. Like it’s obvious who’s getting the PR gains here!"
"If they dont give us a 6 month or more break after this im gonna need them to pay for my therapy bills from now on bc of this damage no joke let me crawl back into my shit hole now 😑"
"The palce they at is referred to as “tuscanys best-kept secret”. Everyone point and laugh."
"she looks like she’s enjoying all of this. he looks like he wants to push her into the water."
"a few people said he’s keeping his shorts pulled up or covered in all the shots because of the Nike branding which they ask to not get photographed. What a setup."
"Man I knew the second those Tomdaya pics came out of them kissing and how they were trending so fast that HO were going to do something to 'top' them. Its pathetic /// FRRR. she probably hoped for the positive reactions that people gave tom & zendaya but unfortunately, miss girl got the opposite. when will they realize that nobody, but his fans, find them cute lmao can they just stop, it’s so embarrassing 😭😭😭"
"He really out here doing this with someone who almost old enough to be his mother, shiiiiiiiit. Sickening. Sick of these 2 for real now, i was fine with the good old blurry back content and whatnot but this? Crossing a line here nobody wanna see that shit and knowing how people feel goooooood damn."
"I aboslutely despise kendall for obvious reason but this one is actually worse than the hendall one bc you couldnt really see as much as now dis gos tang."
"She’s also wearing the cross necklace again. I feel like if that was so meaningful to her she wouldn’t risk loosing it in the ocean 🙄"
"guys have eyes on tmz. I Do not have tw now. they were so aggressive towards them"
"I'm sorry for Harry because you lost your damn mind bro"
"Now why the hendall pics are better ?? NO SHADE BUTT"
"I’m genuine confused like do they actually want dwd to flop or what? I just threw up in my mouth I sure as hell ain’t gonna watch their sorry ass movie. Is it supposed to flop? I’m so confused!"
"The match was not interesting enough so they cooked up something different especially since people were pointing out how they staged the PDA. And the page 6 article is out already!!!"
"Who the fuck thought this was a good idea"
"Is it just me or does harry's face looks really blank for someone out on a Romantic date with his alleged girlfriend.?"
"if thats it, harry hasn’t no game🤣🤣🤣🤣"
"so this is why the tabloids weren’t talking about the match pics! they didn’t have any value on their own. now with the yacht pics? my oh my they’re gonna get the clicks of their lives. her team was prob like “wait a sec we got something for y’all”"
"If they were models hired to act like a couple they wouldn't get the job......"
"Not them starring right at the camera in some of them help make it less obvious will you"
"HENDALL🤣🤣🤣is that uuuu"
"Harry’s ass crack thought it should make an appearance too."
"What a great day for team PR, happy Monday you guys! Let's pop the champagne 🍾🍾🍾🍾 P. S. They both need acting lessons, tbh"
"It’s quite interesting how everything that’s happened before I’ve seen predicted weeks/and in advance on blogs or fan accounts. Like his life has always been so predictable but damn"
"He was hiding the Nike check. That’s why his swim trucks are rolled up to an absurd degree even for him. He knew he was gonna get photographed."
"What I’m noticing is wether people like them together or not, everyone’s saying they’re aren’t a hot couple…there was more chemistry in the Kendall pics by far"
"i also find it weird that he’s not smiling in any of the pictures and it would be one thing if there were five pics from ten minutes of time but there are like 70 from an obvious extended period of time"
"It's interesting everyone involved is being Team Try Hard. Yet the universe says no. The last set of pics, Tom and Zendaya overshadowed. People even paid more attention to Angelina and the Weekend (even if business possibly). Fast forward to today and all this fakery only for Gwen/Blake to tie the knot. His team needs to get a clue. She needs to go. Harry needs to clean this up fast."
"Ok i looked at one hugging pic and one kidding pic and they could not look more stagged. It looks unatural ,strange and weird from all angles. You can clearly see from their body posture they are posing for a photographer from backgrid."
"Like I said in my ask a couple days ago the day we get kissing pics is the day that I believe this is all a stunt and I was right. They took a page out of hendall 2016 and it’s looks so forced and awkward. Hendall did it better cause at prater they had chemistry. They must be scared this movie is going to tank because they are pushing this way too hard"
"Real, PR, or whatever relationship it is, they’re fucking boring. You are on a yacht in Italy, can’t you have a little bit of fun? I can’t believe how boring they are, I just can’t. Even if it is just PR, can’t you make a fucking dumb joke so you can laugh or something? Do they have anything in common like to talk about or discuss or make fun of? I’d literally killed myself if I looked like that in a relationship. They are not communicating in any photos we’ve got. They are just walking, or sitting. Even when they hold hands or kiss or hug, they never communicate."
"okay but did ya’ll see the pic of her diving in?? i can’t stop laughing 😭😭😭😭"
"they look horrifically awkward i cannot believe what harry is doing"
"his ass is hanging out and her bra is almost off what in the hell"
"Hqs on a yacht like that? Mhmhmhm hmmmmm / I bloody well hope that’s not the extend of their acting. That’s dire! 🤦‍♀️"
"this is literally the most predictable “couple” to exist. first, people talked about them showing up the game, and they did. second, people were just talking about kissing pics... AND THEY JUST CAME OUT LMAOOOOOO"
"annnnnnnnnnnnnd there it is. YOU KNOW THEY KNEW THERE WAS A CAMERA."
"ok but where’s the pda or did that get made up? cause these have to be the most awkward pics i’ve ever seen which makes me feel better 😂 also i can feel the meme’s coming with the one of her diving off the boat"
"I call it how I see it they are both assholes and full of shit. Like do your fake kiss somewhere else I do not want to see it!"
"Can they at least act like they’re having a good time?"
"hahahaha I can't stop laughing with that photo of O it's literally her knowing she's being photographed and diving into a professional swimmer style😭"
"the pics are so organic that Olivia is looking straight at the pap before kissing Harry."
"he looked a lot happier with kendall in their yacht pics compared to today’s. i know that was PR too, but he was very smiley and seemed talkative. with this girl it’s like the complete opposite lmao."
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