#so this is a perpetual call for whenever inspiration strikes
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berszer · 4 years ago
like this if it’s okay for me to leave you a starter at any point in time
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theoi-crow · 3 years ago
hi. i hope youre doing well. i really really love your blog, its truly inspiring. i was wondering though if you could give me some advice.
ive been trying to build a relationship with Ares for the past couple months, and it had been going well. I'd sense a comforting warmth whenever i lit a candle for him and journalled, but one day, i dont wanna get into details but, I said something to him while he was around and immediately, the entire room went cold, like he quickly pulled away from me. i felt and still feel terribly guilty for offending him.
it was like two months ago and since then, i havent been able to reach him or sense him like i did. i feel terrible and i think it's affected my relationships with the other Gods im learning about/trying to get close to. i just dont want to offend any of them.
is there any way i can properly apologise to Ares, and the Theoi in general, i suppose? i know i need to work on taking my relationship with Them a day at a time, and i wanna start fresh. any advice would be so much appreciated. thanks.
Hey, I'm sorry this took me so long to reply to, I've been having a rough time and am currently going through a lot.
I don't think your problem is with Ares himself but with your Shadow Self:
I strongly encourage you to look at your upbringing in relation with religion, especially if it's a religion your family still practices and how it has conditioned you to see the gods.
A while back I talked a bit more about how your upbringing affects your relationship with the gods because your subconscious mind is shaped by your childhood (most of the links are broken in the post because I changed my name but the shadow work link still works): (LINK)
I recommend looking into why you perceived him to react this way and if what you said was something that previously got you in trouble with your care-givers?
For example, in the beginning of my worship, playfully calling the gods "losers" was a biiiig no because I came from a very strict religion that saw it as blasphemous. It's another reason why I can't be formal with the gods without feeling a wall between us since I was raised to believe God was unreachable and only the priest could reach him on my behalf so I was expected to be very respectful and formal so the priest could put in a good word for me. It was a miserable experience and I always felt alone in my spiritual journey.
I later learned the gods are a lot more willing to go at my own place and understand we are human with human flaws and human needs. Here's a post I strongly encourage you to read: (LINK)
Things to think about:
Are you new to working with pagan gods?
There's no shame in being inexperienced but you might not be familiar with pagan deities which are very different from modern religious figures and have been literally demonized by Christianity and perpetuated by the Media. (A perfect example of this is Apollo Luciferos and Lucifer: LINK and how the media portrays the gods: LINK)
What do you expect from Ares?
Your expectations of a god do affect how you see the god,
for example, I have a lot of shadow around working with people who have a lot of Apollo energy and so my relationship with Apollo often requires extra help, either from other gods or my spouse who has an amazing relationship with Apollo. I have also noticed people who have problems with Aphrodite's domain have a hard time working with Aphrodite.
Is there a domain that falls under Ares that you're having problems with?
Your own psychology.
Sometimes our psychology affects our relationship with the gods or cuts communication.
For example, I recently broke an ancestral curse and while that's great, it has triggered a lot of PTSD attacks as I clean up the fallout of that broken curse. Unfortunately one of the side effects is that I'm currently unable to talk to the gods. Not because I don't want to but, I just can't and I know my current mental state is temporary but it is a good reminder of how your current mental state affects your ability to sense the gods.
Did something change while you were talking to Ares or did guilt strike right after?
I honestly believe you did nothing wrong and sense your shadow self might be trying to keep you from working with Ares. I hope things have changed since you sent me this ask and will leave a few links in case they help further:
Imposter syndrome: (LINK) and (LINK)
Ares and boundaries: (LINK)
I hope these help!
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paperanddice · 4 years ago
The Forsaken in the 13th Age
In a past age, a god was destroyed and its divine essence was dispersed through existence. A particularly heavy concentration of this power fell to the world in one area, infusing a group of early humanoids and giving them exceptional powers beyond most mortals. Blessed with strength and intellect, they were also cursed with the lingering memories of immortality that they never truly got to experience. The overwhelming power of a god's memories was too great for these people to contain, and it grew to an overwhelming source of torment until every person afflicted with it aligned themselves to discovering a means of gaining the immortality they crave.
The blessing and curse of the divine is perpetually reborn in the forsaken, carrying on through the generations with no sign of weakening or diluting even as their numbers grew. Distinct factions and groups have arisen among the forsaken, each seeking different means of achieving immortality. Many hunt and examine those few beings who could be considered immortal, such as the most ancient of dragons, the creatures of the overworld and devils and demons of all sorts. They also hunt for the secrets of how wizards extend their lives, though even the Archmage's centuries of life are far short of what the forsaken seek. A few centuries is a drop in the bucket of eternity, and so many of the forsaken have turned their attention toward the gods themselves, in the hopes of somehow stealing a much greater taste of divine power from one of them.
Playing around with another of the late 4e high level humanoid threats. The forsaken are an interesting set of villains for an epic tier game, a cat-and-mouse hunt against beings who have the kind of reach of an Icon but not quite the same power. Not yet at least, but if they find a way to gain mass immortality that could either cause them to become the sole Icons of a new age. Or they might just ascend to godhood and leave the world to become someone else's problem, but the odds of that are low and are you willing to take that risk?
Forsaken Fearwrack Fearwracks are trained in a special branch of magic the forsaken developed and honed over generations. Twisting the minds and mortality of their enemies, they can utilize fear as a weapon beyond compare. All things fear death on a primal level, and a reminder of mortality can weaken and kill the body of even the bravest person. 12th level caster [humanoid] Initiative: +18 Fear Strike +17 vs. MD - 75 psychic damage and the target pops free from the fearwrack Natural Even Hit: The target moves to a nearby location of the fearwrack’s choice as a free action. R: Terror Bolt +17 vs. MD (one or two nearby enemies) - 45 psychic damage C: Curse of Mortality +17 vs. PD (one nearby or far away enemy) - 80 ongoing damage (hard save ends, 16+) Each Failed Save: The ongoing damage increases by 10 (cumulatively). Saves granted by special powers don’t cause the damage to increase. Limited Use: The fearwrack can only use this attack when the escalation die is 4. C: Sign of Death +17 vs. PD (1d3+1 nearby or far away enemies in a group) - The target is vulnerable to all attacks (save ends) Fragment of Immortality: The first time the fearwrack drops to 0 hp, instead of dying it vanishes from the battlefield until the start of its next turn. It then appears in a nearby location with 75 hp and with no effects on it. Inspire Fear:��Until the fearwrack is staggered, it and all its nearby allies have a fear aura. Fear Aura: While engaged with this creature, if the target has 120 hp or fewer, its dazed and does not add the escalation die to its attacks. Number of Fear: 1/turn when the fearwrack rolls a natural 13, it can make a sign of death attack as a free action. AC 26 PD 24 MD 26 HP 300
Forsaken Infiltrator Infiltrators are perfectly capable of posing as anyone, and these agents of the forsaken have been found in the ranks of every Icon in the past 5 ages. They are especially skilled at inserting themselves into the ranks of churches, and it's impossible to guess how many are staying close to the Priestess in the hopes of gaining access to the gods through her. 12th level troop [humanoid] Initiative: +18 Curved Blade +19 vs. AC - 80 damage Natural 14+: The infiltrator gains +2 to all defenses against the target’s attacks (save ends). R: Hand Crossbow +17 vs. AC (one nearby enemy or far away enemy at -2) - 60 damage Fragment of Immortality: The first time the infiltrator drops to 0 hp, instead of dying it vanishes from the battlefield until the start of its next turn. It then appears in a nearby location with 72 hp and with no effects on it. Take Advantage: Whenever the infiltrator hits a vulnerable creature with an attack, it deals an extra 25 damage, the target is stuck until the end of its next turn, and the infiltrator can pop free from all enemies. HP 28 PD 26 MD 22 HP 220
Forsaken Loreseeker Loreseekers are lesser fighters among the forsaken, instead focused on hunting through ancient ruins and sites of power for information. They will quickly respond to a call to arms from the upper rank forsaken however, and the touch of their blades will cause those attacked to forget the existence of other enemies. It is rumored that any creature who dies by a loreseeker's hand has all its knowledge stolen by its killer. 12th level mook [humanoid] Initiative: +20 Theft of Memory +17 vs. AC - 50 damage Natural Even Hit: During the target’s next turn, the target treats all enemies except loreseekers as invisible. R: Hand Crossbow +17 vs. AC (one nearby enemy or far away enemy at -2) - 50 damage Fragment of Immortality: At the start of the loreseeker mob’s turn, roll a d6 for each loreseeker that’s dropped since the mob’s last turn. For each 5+, one of the loreseekers reappears in a nearby location (add 75 hp to the mob’s hp total) with no effects on it. AC 28 PD 24 MD 24 HP 75
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sweetteaanddragons · 5 years ago
What to Expect
I have created a tentative list of what’s in the works regarding my fan works, partially for my own organizational/motivational purposes, partially for the benefit of any readers that might be curious. All information is subject to change. If you notice that I have forgotten an unfinished work, please let me know so that I can figure out where to work it in.
Ongoing Fics:
The Usual Way - I am going to try very, very hard to get another chapter for this posted within the week. We’ll see how that goes.
We Provide . . . Silmarils - There are three(ish) parts left to this; I’m going to try to have all of them up by the end of the May.
Other Shadows - I have more ideas for this one, but I really want to avoid writing horror right now. Updates to this will resume whenever my position on that changes.
Sequel to Fifty-One Days and Counting, tentatively called Like Tomorrow Won’t Arrive - I want to write this really badly, and several readers have also indicated interest in seeing this one expanded upon. It is, however, a lower priority than my actively ongoing projects.
Sequel to the Warrior Heir AU - I have an idea for this, but it is on permanent hold until I can come up with an ending that isn’t dead depressing.
Sequel to Undying, called Another Kind of Forever on AO3 - My brainstorm buddy has requested one, so I am going to attempt it. It’s too soon to have more concrete plans than that.
Other Projects: 
I have signed up for the Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang, so that’ll take up some of my writing time this summer.
I also have my usual eighteen stories to write for my brainstorm buddy’s birthday. The sequel to Undying  might get put into this category.
And, of course, my perpetually neglected original work. (Only a few more chapters left to go! And none of them want to get written.)
New AUs/other continuations may well materialize as inspiration strikes, but the list as it stands should be plenty to keep me busy, especially if some of them give me as much trouble as I expect they will.
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owlmylove · 6 years ago
i am freshly 21 years old and my tongue sings with caffeine and chemicals, my fingers frigid to the bone from too many hours awake. i twist the ring on my finger, tuck my curls back. somehow, i have become the kind of — girl? woman? young lady? — who tucks her hair delicately behind her ear, silver bracelet brushing against my pulse. 
somehow i have become the kind of person who knows each of her baristas by name, who gets excited planning dinner parties, who flips up the fur collar of her coat and burrows in against the chill, until all you can see is tousled hair and wind-bright eyes. i still can’t tell if the half-feral changeling i once was would see me as charming or contemptible. i was a rabid creature then, and sometimes i still miss her: the rough, hot beat of my adolescent heart
the ring and the eyeliner and the coat i wear every day - the smiles i flash. these are the little rituals we construct, the little ceremonies we have to try and will ourselves into being. life is action, acting, constantly. the construction of self. where’s the boundary line between instinctive and elaborately performed behaviors? sure, the difference between the two may sound self evident. but truthfully, they’re both tools honed and softened by years of use. familiar. comfortable. are behaviors somehow rendered less sincere for the artistry that went into making them?
i’d like to think not. too much of -
no, strike that: nearly all of my life has been spent making my own responses. watching the faces of expressive people fascinates me. could i even imagine being that unselfconscious? i’m peculiarly charmed by the faintest snarl that appears around someone’s lips when an unwanted guest appears, by the aborted sigh and half-rolled eyes of someone attempting politeness.
i remember rolling my eyes once. i hadn’t even realized i’d done it at the time — truth be told, i’m still not sure i did — but my father certainly had. he had plenty to tell me about my disrespect, about my attitude problem. i didn’t roll my eyes again for years — and i certainly wouldn’t do it accidentally ever again
I’m not saying I’ve the botox-perfect rigidity, half-smile half-grimace. but i will say that most micro-expressions you spot are ones i’m strangely hyperaware of. i’ve practiced them, you see. tilt my head this way, angle my eyes away from whatever pair i can feel against my skin. laugh high, lashes low, bashful downward glance. i didn’t realize i spend most of my life still ducking, expression-wise. i thought only my sister still did that.
she flinches from hugs, standing petrified in my arms. i don’t know if she hugs my mother differently; i don’t see them hug often enough, and never think to examine them when they do. i’m too busy sulking, eyes low, shoulders tense. i become a teenager whenever i’m in the room with them both. with just one or the other, i usually seem okay. i seem better. my mother and i have a wonderful dynamic; good hugs and long talks and wine nights with charcuterie boards and roasted almonds.
my sister and i have rare, staccato starts and false-stops and “maybe..?” connections. we have sitting on the kitchen floor one sunny summer afternoon, when the light splayed languidly against the dining room walls and everything stretched sweet and still, a taffy-perfect moment of time. the first and possibly only time i’ve felt like a sister.
the implication of “sister” — one in relation to the other, a part of a whole set — has always been a sensation that escaped me. whatever belonging i could’ve had with my sister seemed, for years, to have been hijacked by the favoritism of my surly ex-Catholic psychologist father (just as winning a combination as it might sound.) he claimed me as part of his “whole,” as the sidekick to kick back in the passenger seat of his pickup with a baseball cap and a Mountain Dew, singing all his favorite songs and laughing at all his jokes.
my sister and i have been like. like what?
opposing magnets, moving gently out of each other’s way. alternatively: too-close contact between the two of us prompts abrupt and explosive separations
neighboring apartment tenants in a NYC walkup. politely averted eye contact, a few held-doors when their hands are full
the way you walk unseeingly around people on a crowded sidewalk. consideration without connection.
“strictly business, nothing more” 
maybe she’s the start of my love affair with people who close the door and cry? oh my god. maybe she’s why i’m so desperate to take care of people who’ll let me. all that pent-up momentum to murmur and soothe, to console, to hug and prescribe and therapize. something i was never granted. i don’t know
that afternoon was the only time i ever felt like maybe, somehow, we clicked. that, and the time i called her after those drunk women at work fell over themselves in the lobby, crawling like cockroaches, swearing and grabbing and grinding and snarling through laughs. belonging with each other, to each other.
i called her after in tears, asking why we’re always so goddamn nice to people who take advantage of us? who make us feel like nothing? why do we allow our senses of self to be overrun, over and over again? we have boundaries less like border walls and more like finish lines: chalked-up grass trampled flat and muddy.
she apologizes for it, constantly. i don’t know how to be friends with her. i certainly don’t know how to be sisters. maybe she doesn’t, either, but more often that not it seemed that she did know how to connect with all her high school friends. she just didn’t want to connect to me.
maybe this is why i’m still, perpetually, surprised by some people’s friendship. still a little starry-eyed by people choosing, actively, to keep connecting with me.
what a lonely thought.
in my handwriting, a horribly careless cursive scrawl, the slant of my “v”s and “n”s slope together. lonely and lovely look exactly the same. i realize i like the synonymical quality
i like the mercurial shape of myself. like my earrings, from chelsea market. like the earrings my aunt gave us once, when we were younger and new earrings not from claires were a shocking mark of maturity. they both changed color to match the surrounding light, filtering through the colors of our sweaters and our hair and our blushing, giddy cheeks.
(whenever i feel the cold brush of someone’s hands, no matter how much a stranger they may be, i instinctively cradle them to my overheated cheeks. there’s a metaphor there, i’m sure, but i don’t want to write it. so i’ll just politely avert eye contact and give it a nice berth on the sidewalk.)
my earrings and my smiles and my expressions, reflecting the rooms i’m in. i like being flexible. having synonyms. i like the different colors.
it makes it fascinating, renders soul-searching an act of psychological archaeology. realizing, today, now, why I like Jukebox the Ghost and Miracle Musical songs because of their fascinating similarities and differences to Owl City, to Panic! at the Disco, to the music of my day-dream childhood and sun-soaked adolescence. all those long car rides to shimmering shopping malls and airports. all the nights spent running barefoot over cracked asphalt. it’s so easy to romanticize! and i still can’t tell if it’s me or Adam Young’s idea of Florida writing these words.
how’s that for meta? is the cause for my romanticism of a sparkling-hot state from my listening to a boy in the cold middle of the country who stared at postcards and constructed an idea of a coastline, imagined himself beaches and tennis courts and saltwater rooms to wander in?
and here; even if that is the cause for my romanticism, is the habit and the emotions it inspires any less genuine for the degrees of separation required to construct the feeling?
like Stoker. “Just as the skirt needs the wind to billow, I'm not formed by things that are of myself alone. I wear my father's belt tied around my mother's blouse, and shoes which are from my uncle. This is me. Just as a flower does not choose its color, we are not responsible for what we have come to be. Only once you realize this do you become free, and to become adult is to become free.”
not to imply i’ll go murder anyone. but rather: the flower has no bearing over it’s color. 
does that render it’s color false? is intent necessary for effect? or, in the end, is it just a flower? 
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tiny-cloud-dragon · 6 years ago
FF7: Random Bits Side Story
A short side story inspired by @ride-the-bifrost  about an original character by the name of Ulrich Ulfberg.
[Summary: Captain Ulrich Ulfberg develops a very unique medical problem]
[Setting: After a late night of celebration, Ulrich and his friends return to Base to sleep off their hangovers.]
[Location: Main Building - ELITEs quarters.]
Cpt. Ulrich Ulfberg stumbled off to his quarters, supported on either side by his only slightly less inebriated pack mates. They had all just finished celebrating their first Shifts, and Ulrich's certification as an oral surgeon. The three of them made their unsteady way down the hall, an uncoordinated monster with three heads and six legs that neither of them could figure out how to control. They bounced gently off the walls, jinking and jerking along in a perpetually suspended fall, never quite hitting the ground, but never quite managing to walk completely upright. 
Ulrich's two companions dropped him off at his apartment door, leaving him to play Find They Key Hole on his own. After a few tries, he finally got the key hole to stop moving around to winkle the key in and unlock his door.
Ulrich stumbled inside and slapped the light switch on, then immediately slapped it back off as his pupils screamed at the sudden burst of light. He wobbled though the living room in the dark, which was a dangerous undertaking for even a sober person. All manner of sharp edged and heavy furniture pieces waited in the concealing darkness, ready to leap out and crack the shins or stub the toes of the unwary. 
Ulrich made a drunken dash through the living room, barely dodging the coffee table as it jumped out at him. He paused at his bedroom door to give the room the middle finger before going inside and attempting to collapse on his bed. Unfortunately, it was two feet farther to the left than his eyes said it was, and he landed on the floor with a thud. He reached up and flapped a hand around until it found the blanket and dragged it off the bed. The blanket landed haphazardly over the drunk SOLDIER. Ulrich was asleep before it even settled.
Ulrich awoke several hours later, wondering why he was on the floor and why his clothes smelled like they had been soaked in bourbon. Then he wondered why it was almost noon and he wasn't  out on the training field with his pack. Then he panicked and began rushing around, almost drowned himself in the shower, tried to pull dry clothes onto a still wet body, got his feet tangled in the blanket that was still on the floor, went down like a felled tree and gave the carpet a good morning kiss, bounced up and cracked his shins on the coffee table as he ran to his apartment door, and then realized that it was Saturday.
Ulrich was silent for a moment, then said a word that would have made his dear mother faint, had she not been the one who had taught him the word in the first place. His voice sounded a little rough to his ears, and there was a slight tickle at the back of his throat. Ulrich coughed, wheezing slightly. The tickle subsided. Well, since he was up and already dressed, he might as well go out and get something to eat. He coughed again. And a drink sounded like just the thing he needed for his dry throat. 
A few drinks chased the cough away, and Ulrich fell back into his daily routine. The next several days went by as usual, except that he was now a 1st Class ELITE (and an oral surgeon), and was having fun getting used to his new wolf form. Strength, speed, night vision, super hearing and sense of smell, telepathy, gorgeous floof; he was loving all of it. Of course, there were challenges, like suppressing the urge to chase various army vehicles, howl, chase small furry things, smell butts, bury food, and roll in things that smelled bad. 
Ulrich's fun was dampened when he developed a persistent sneeze. He noticed that he sneezed more frequently when he was in his ELITE form, and he assumed it was because of his heightened sense of smell. Unfortunately, he began sneezing all the time during training, a few moments after Shifting. It started out as an occasional event that earned him sharp looks from the drill sergeant, who quickly got fed up with what quickly became regular interruptions. Ulrich's pack began expecting to hear the dreaded phrase 'half-right!' at least twice a day. 
"Stop that flapping sneezing, Ulfberg!" the drill sergeant (also known as a 'pack-daddy') snarled, baring his teeth at the bush next to him as it began sneezing violently. The pack was doing drills in the Nightmare Forest, and so far their raid simulation had been ruined twice in the same hour by Ulrich's sneezing fits. 
"I'm...herchwooooffff! Trying...herchwoooffff!, sir! Herchwooofff! Herchwooofff! Herchwooooofffff!  The bush abruptly expelled a brown wolf with SOLDIER's eyes that were red, watery and already screwing shut for another sneeze. The bushes suddenly sprouted wolves, which ran in every direction as they tried to get outside the estimated blast radius of what was certain to be a monumental sneeze. The sneeze struck with enough force to knock Ulrich off his feet, and cause him to Shift back into a human. 
"You're dead, you're all dead!" The Pack Daddy growled  "Congratulations, Ulfberg, you just gave away our position to the enemy and killed your entire pack! Everybody fall in!"The pack fell in, forming orderly ranks, and returned to the training field, where they spent two hours doing Superman to Banana Hammocks with a set of Monkey Humpers every time Ulrich sneezed. "What is your problem, Ulfberg?" The PD snarled, standing over Ulrich as he sat on the ground, slightly dizzy from a sneezing fit that had put him through ten involuntary Shifts in the space of four minutes. "You're a 1st Class ELITE and you should be able to control your Shifting by now! Sweet Shiva, it's like watching a twisted version of a werewolf movie! Go get some allergy medicine from the Infirmary, double-time!" Ulrich obeyed, obtaining and allergy nasal spray after a somewhat rushed visit with an Infirmary nurse. The doctor had been too busy seeing to a SOLDIER who had crossed the 'queen' of Zack's Mako wolf pack. 
The nasal spray worked fairly well, for a few hours, and as long as Ulrich stayed out of his ELITE form, which was sometimes possible. Still, the drill sergeant was always quick to jump at the chance to smoke the pack for every sneeze, or unplanned Shift Ulrich made. Ulrich began to seriously worry, since he had begun to have sneezing and Shifting fits even while human. It made for some awkward situations, like the time he was using the head and 'sneeze-Shifted' three times in a row right in the middle of doing his business. And then a few hours later while he was eating, and while he was right in the middle of learning to drive one of the humvees. And how could he forget the worst of them all? How could he forget the evening he was getting very cozy on the couch in his apartment with his girlfriend? Ulrich was pretty sure things had gone very badly. He couldn't quite remember exactly what had happened (seeing as how his brain had blocked out most of the memory out self-defense), but he remembered movement and sounds that were probably screams of terror. He was fairly certain the poor girl was going to either be scarred for life, or she was going call him later. He felt more than a little unnerved at what was happening to him. 
Luckily, Ulrich was excused from training for the next week, since he had some major dental surgeries to perform. He spent two days before the first surgery preparing, i.e. he was main-lining allergy spray and over the counter allergy pills. The medication helped (he barely sneezed at all!), and so did the mask he had to wear while examining and prepping the patient. It did a stellar job of filtering out any allergens that had made it past the building's air filtering system. 
Even though he was wearing a mask, the patient still flinched whenever Ulrich did experience the occasional rogue sneeze. He was, after all, only inches from the man's face, performing very delicate work with very sharp instruments. Ulrich made sure the numbing agent had taken effect, and then got down to planning his attack on the broken tooth.
And then it happened, the part where Things Got Worse. Ulrich was just about to probe his patient's broken molar, when he was hit by the dreaded Ninja Sneeze. This sneeze strikes swiftly, suddenly, and without even the decency to give you the customary warning tickle in your nostrils. One minute you are sitting there, doing you, and the next second you are loudly blasting sinus aerosol into the atmosphere without even time to try to cover your mouth. Ulrich sneezed so hard that his eyelids pinched his eyeballs in an attempt to keep them from shooting out of their sockets like yo-yo's. When he plucked up enough courage to open his eyes, he saw that his patient was staring at him in mild surprise. Ulrich started to apologize, but trailed off into silence as the man's eyes slowly crossed as he tried to look at his own mouth. 
"Err..errgh..?" the patient said, in an uncertain tone around the cheek retractor. Ulrich cocked his head, and then noticed, with growing horror, what his patient was trying to look at. There was a very large wolf's paw resting in the man's mouth. Realization dropped a frozen steel needle down his spine. He had Shifted when he sneezed and now he was standing there, a wolf in a lab coat with a surgical mask dangling off its snout, with its hairy paw in the patient's mouth! 
"I am so sorry!" Ulrich blurted, yanking his paw out of the man's mouth and Shifting back. "Please don't worry, it was...eeegghhhrrraaattCHOOOO!" Ulrich sneezed, Shifting back to his ELITE form, where he sneezed again, Shifting back. He began a series of rapid-fire sneezes. A nurse, hearing the disturbance, ran in and stopped dead in her tracks at the sight. Ulrich was sneezing and Shifting so fast that he looked like a stop-motion werewolf under a strobe light moon. He juddered out the door and down the hallway, tripping and stumbling as his brain gave up trying to keep track of what shape he was in. He strobed and flickered straight into the Infirmary waiting room, scattering the few SOLDIERs waiting to be seen.  The attending nurse didn't even ask him to sign in, she just ran ahead of him, grabbed the first doctor she saw, grabbed Ulrich, and swung both of them into the nearest empty exam room.
Hours later, after many tests, Ulrich sat in General Zack Fair's office, fidgeting as the General read and re-read the lab work results, and Dr. Evans' notes, while General Cloud Strife read over his shoulder. The General finally broke the silence. 
"Are you sh*tting me?" Zack laughed, effortlessly pronouncing the asterisk to preserve the author's preference for 'mostly no bad words'. 
"You have seasonal allergies, and pet allergies, so when you are in your ELITE form, you are allergic to yourself!"
"I...I suppose so, Sir,"
"And when you come into contact with your allergen, it messes with the part of your brain that controls Shifting."
"That is what Dr. Evans said, sir. He gave me a special allergy medicine they made up in the lab. I have to take it every day during allergy season and carry a fast acting inhaler for sudden Sneeze Attacks, but there is nothing they can do to completely stop me from sneezing and Shifting." Ulrich said, disappointment heavy in his voice.
"So, you are like a werewolf, but with allergies?"
"A what?"
"An allergy werewolf! Instead of changing when you see a full moon, you change when you sneeze! And you are a dental surgeon, so that makes you a Werewolf Dentist!"
"Can you stop?" Cloud broke in with an exasperated look for Zack. 
“Don't worry, Captain Ulfberg," Cloud reassured Ulrich. "Allergy season will die down soon. I will make a note that you are to be excused from training and all but light duty during allergy season."
Ulrich nodded, and saluted as he was dismissed. He left the office feeling more relaxed, and oddly pleased. Werewolf Dentist did have a kind of a cool ring to it. His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he smiled when he saw that his girlfriend had decided to call him.
The End.
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magic-and-moonlit-wings · 7 years ago
hmm.. hey, would it be too much to ask for just like a bunch of random facts about your changeling!jim that havent been said? i Love him and i want More Of Him
5 fun facts that have been shared about him, but which could be missed since they aren’t in the text of the story: 
1. Jim cries when watching Lilo and Stitch because he relates deeply to Stitch - a manufactured ‘monstrosity’, feared and hated and cast aside, who ends up on Earth and gets adopted into a human family. 
2. Shortly after James Senior left, Barbara caught Jim eating eggshells and thought he was developing pica. She warned him about the salmonella dangers of raw egg residue on the shells, and made him see a therapist. He got sneakier about eating them after that. 
3. Jim brought the fifth-birthday bike kit to the Janus Order headquarters and “banished it to the Darklands” - tossing it, piece by piece, into the Fetch. 
4. Jim is more attracted to trolls than to humans. 
5. Jim was originally going to be a matchmaker, as part of his desire to “get the fleshbags to enjoy life while they can”, but this idea got scrapped early on in his character development. (It still kind of comes through in him ‘encouraging’ Barbara and Strickler to get together, but that’s a scheme for her added protection, not matchmaking for its own sake.) 
25 fun facts never previously publicly revealed: 
1. Back in the Darklands, Jim had a reputation for being a good scavenger. Changelings on the surface who remember him from the Darklands are not surprised he likes cooking, and feeding people, because of how good he was at scavenging for food and how surprisingly willing he was to share.
2. Jim loves soft things. Changelings in the Darklands sleep together in a pile for warmth and he liked finding soft things to bring into the pile. 
He used to sneak into the Nursery to steal extra blankets from the supplies. The goblins chased him off the first few times but started ignoring him once they realized he wasn’t going after the cradles themselves.
3. Jim speaks goblin, well enough to recognize that the goblins in the Darklands and the goblins on Earth have different regional dialects. (He only speaks Darklands-goblin but they are close enough to be mutually understood.)
4. Jim was kidnapped in the last raid before the Gumm-Gumms were trapped in the Darklands. He can infer from how back his memories go that he must have been taken in one of the last raids - he can’t remember a time the Gumm-Gumms weren’t trapped in the Darklands - but he doesn’t know which one specifically.
5. Whenever Jim found books that were sent through the Fetch, he traded the book and a copious amount of flattery to bribe Dictatious for a reading lesson. That’s how Jim was able to read some of A Brief Recapitulation of Troll Lore on his own, without the Amulet translating, and how he was able to later compare Blinky’s and Dictatious’ teaching styles.
6. “Hit ’em in the Dictatious!” is a Changeling combat move wherein one strikes one’s opponent in the mouth and gronk-nuks at the same time. Jim coined the term in a moment of frustration, saying he’d like to hit Dictatious in the Dictatious if he could get away with it and then explaining the puns involved (dictation, referencing Dictatious’ excessive talking, and, well, the dick joke in his name), and the other Changelings loved it.
7. Nomura and Jim knew each other in the Darklands before either of them were assigned a Familiar.
8. Jim’s hair used to be dark blue (like Troll Jim in the show), but it turned black when he was tied to his Familiar. It is common for Changelings to experience minor cosmetic changes like that during the binding process.
9. He doesn’t actually look like Troll Jim from the show. There’s a resemblance but there are differences. (The audience gets a full description of what Changeling Jim looks like once Barbara sees him transform.)
10. Before they get Familiars, Changelings don’t have names. Gumm-Gumms call them “Changeling” or “Impure” or some variant of “hey you there”. 
If unnamed Changelings address each other directly, they use nicknames or say “Imp”, which becomes inappropriate once they do have names. (It was a major and deliberate insult when Otto called Not Enrique ‘Imp’ in Season Two; Otto was basically saying Not Enrique wasn’t worth planting on the surface and didn’t have a name yet.) 
Jim’s nickname, because of how he always brought soft things into the sleeping pile whenever he could, was ‘Cuddles’.
11. One of Jim’s dearest and most secret ambitions is to climb onto AAARRRGGHH’s back and take a nap in his fur. He’s pretty sure AAARRRGGHH would say ‘okay’ (at least before AAARRRGGHH found out about Jim being a Changeling) but never had the nerve to ask.
12. Jim is allergic to soy in his troll form, but not in his human form. Even he doesn’t know this yet, because he’s only eaten soy occasionally and only ever while humanoid. It’s not a deadly allergy but it is alarming and unpleasant.
13. Jim has memorized the personal scents of all of Nana Domzalski’s cats, so that if he sneaks out to hunt, he won’t eat one of them.
14. Jim is the reason the Lakes have never had a squirrel or raccoon nest in their attic. It’s not really an attic so much as a crawlspace between the ceiling and the roof, but the only access point from inside is a trapdoor in the ceiling of Jim’s closet, and he’s gone up there to ‘take care of’ squirrel or raccoon problems before Barbara can notice them.
15. When Jim was a newly-planted Changeling, he got curious whether any iron could transform him or if it had to be a gaggletack, so he snuck down to the kitchen late one night - figuring if Barbara or James caught him in troll form he could convince them it was a dream - and touched the cast iron frying pan. It did nothing. 
(Because I wanted him to be able to use cast iron cookware, and as a fun reference to how, in the novel that inspired the series, it was actually the horseshoe shape rather than the iron that disrupted the glamour - one Changeling gets exposed by being forced to touch a horseshoe-shaped emblem painted on a football helmet. No Lucky Charms cereal for them!)
16. Jim visited the Arcadia Oaks headquarters of the Janus Order for the first time within a week of being planted on the surface. The goblins led him there.
17. After James left, Jim hauled most of the blankets and sheets down to the laundry room, opened all the windows, set up a bunch of fans all blowing at full power, and washed everything he could get his hands on, to purge James’ scent from the house. 
Barbara noted this was odd, but Jim seemed to be channeling his grief and anger in a non-harmful way and she was too emotionally exhausted to interfere with anything that wasn’t dangerous, so she let him do it. 
Jim also insisted he and Barbara sleep in the living room for the next several days. She thought it was because he was scared she would disappear too, but it was actually to give time for James’ scent in the bedroom to fade, so Barbara wouldn’t be coming downstairs in the morning smelling like James hadn’t abandoned them. Jim would have liked her to just get a new mattress, but recognized this wasn’t financially viable with Barbara suddenly the sole breadwinner with med school tuition and a mortgage and bills to pay.
18. Jim has read most of Barbara’s medical textbooks. He doesn’t understand a lot but he had picked up on some of it.
19. Jim can use his cellphone to check on Jay-Jay, by switching the camera to the ‘selfie’ setting. Spitting on just the lens or the screen when the camera is facing the other way doesn’t work, but when the camera faces backwards, that makes it ‘close enough’ to a mirror for the spell to take effect. 
It does not work with his computer camera. Jim’s hypothesis is that the selfie camera on his phone allows him to spit on both the camera lens and the screen at the same time. 
With careful experimentation, Jim has confirmed he can take pictures of Jay-Jay this way, and use the ‘video’ setting to get audio. He can even film Jay-Jay if he has his phone on ‘video’ to begin with and starts recording after the spell takes hold; if he starts recording before, it just shows Jim’s own face. 
If he zooms in close, spits on the phone, and then zooms out, he can see a bit of the Nursery surrounding Jay-Jay, though not well due to the light conditions.
20. Jim always intended to give Jay-Jay back to Barbara someday. 
His original plan, back when he thought Gunmar would farm the humans instead of wiping the species out, was for Jay-Jay to be returned as a bribe/reward for Barbara’s good behaviour as she provided medical care for the human livestock. 
(Obviously the main reward would be ‘not getting eaten herself’, but Jim’s plan to sell this idea to Gunmar was that Jay-Jay would be a hostage who could be eaten as punishment if Barbara stepped out of line without actually costing them a doctor.) 
Ideally, she would apprentice Jay-Jay and teach him to become a doctor as well, so he never would get eaten and so that, once Barbara was too old to practice medicine, she could still be kept alive as a reward/hostage for Jay-Jay’s good behaviour. 
Jim would lose his human form but still have the Changeling immunity to sunlight, so he didn’t see this affecting him negatively. 
He hoped returning her biological son would speed up Barbara forgiving him for his role in subjugating her species, which Jim could admit to himself was probably something she’d be upset about.
21. Barbara or Toby being eaten by a troll is literally one of Jim’s worst nightmares. He doesn’t have that dream often but it always leaves him very clingy the next day to whichever of them he dreamed was eaten.
22. Jim will put mild sedatives in Barbara’s food and turn off her phone once she’s asleep when he thinks she’s working too hard, or if he needs to sneak out on her night off. She’s perpetually mildly sleep-deprived, so it doesn’t actually take much to knock her out.
23. The reason Jim dresses all in blue, even though he associates the colour with danger (because of Gunmar and the Nyarlagroths), is because he thinks it makes him look intimidating.
24. It is very important to Jim that AAARRRGGHH gets to stay a pacifist. It’s not just because he’s scared of AAARRRGGHH; it’s because Jim doesn’t like fighting, but, between his Changeling past and his Trollhunter future, he doesn’t feel he has the option of being a non-combatant, so someone like AAARRRGGHH having the choice to not fight becomes an emotional substitute (projection? I’m not sure I’m using that term correctly) for Jim himself being able to stop fighting.
25. Jim is convinced the reason Blinky keeps saying “Great Gronka Morka” is to keep himself from saying “gronk-nuks” in moments of frustration instead, like if a human said “balderdash” instead of “balls”.
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jdgo51 · 2 years ago
The Myth of Righteous Anger
Today's inspiration comes from:
by Brant Hansen
"When you are angry, do not sin, and be sure to stop being angry by the end of the day." — Ephesians 4:26 NCV
"'So, overall, how does Scripture, which is well acquainted with injustice, describe anger? Take a look at some verses from the New Living Translation.
Anger is described as “fierce” and “cruel” in Genesis 49:7. It’s “burning” in Exodus 11:8. In the same book, it’s also described as a “blazing fury,” and if you’re not careful, it can “blaze against you” (Exodus 15:7; Exodus 22:24).
In Leviticus 26, anger is something given “full vent” and equated with “hostility” (v. 28). In Deuteronomy 7, it is associated with the words “burn” and “destroy” (v. 4). In 1 Samuel 20, we see an anger that “boil[s] with rage” (v. 30). Anger “will not be quenched,” according to 2 Kings 22:17. In 2 Samuel 6, it “bursts out” (v. 8); in Job 4, it “blasts” (v. 9); and in Job 16, God Himself, in anger, “tears” and “pierces” (v. 9).
Anger is terrifying and fierce in Psalm 2:5. It’s burning and consuming in Psalm 69:24, then smoldering intensely in Psalm 74.
In Isaiah 9:12, it’s associated with a fist poised to strike. In chapter 30, it’s demonstrated with flames, cloudbursts, thunderstorms, and hailstones (v. 30). In Isaiah 63:3, it tramples.
It doesn’t exactly chill out in Lamentations. The words “engulfed” and “slaughtered” are used in chapter 3 (v. 43).
We’re also told we should be aroused to anger when we see one of God’s commands being broken. Really? Then we’re going to be busy... really, really busy. We’re also going to be really, really angry, all the time — and that’s just at ourselves, for starters.
If this is, in fact, what we’re supposed to do — experience “righteous anger” whenever we’re made aware of one of God’s commands being broken — we’ll be precisely what the world doesn’t need and largely believes we already are: a bunch of uptight, seething hypocrites.
The Bible directs us to get rid of anger (Ephesians 4:31; Colossians 3:8), but our idea of “righteous anger” turns that directive on its head: we can actually pat ourselves on the back for being offended and embracing anger.
And all that boiling, piercing, corrosive power becomes part of our lives—and destroys us.
We cling to our self-righteousness and can’t possibly imagine giving it up. We think it’s how we’re supposed to live.
But our Father is holding out another way of living, entirely. He’s saying it’s far more valuable. He knows. He made us. He knows we can live better this way. We’ll be under less stress. We’ll be able to live in the moment. We won’t be constantly offended, perpetually nursing hurts. He’s telling us to hand over the idea that we know things we don’t about ourselves and others, and simply be humble.
I’ve found myself thinking — even if I don’t say it out loud — that part of my job as a Christian is assessing where people stand. Therefore, if I didn’t try to make this assessment about others, I wasn’t taking Christianity seriously enough, or something. I don’t know what I was thinking.
What a sweet, sweet relief to not have to do this.
Jesus had to point out to seemingly upstanding religious leaders that some prostitutes were closer to the Kingdom of God than they were. Would you or I have known that?
Last night, I talked with a new friend of mine who shared that he’s always seemingly been angry. “I spend half of my life with anger,” he said. “I’ve always lost a tremendous amount of sleep because of it.”
Life is better when we admit what we don’t know, realize our own moral status before God, and give up our made-up Right to Be Offended.
As I sat at his kitchen table, with his two adorable toddler daughters running around us, he told me that because he’s now in recovery from drug addiction, he’s had to make amends with people with whom he’s been angry. So he called a guy who once beat him up and told him he was forgiving him.
“The guy was amazed, but it really wasn’t for him. It was for me,” he said.
“And did you sleep soundly that night?”
He laughed. “Yes! Finally! It’s amazing how that happens. And you know what? I’ve found that when I’m not angry, I can finally be in the moment with my wife and kids. Finally. I can just be here. I’m not thinking about what other people did to me.”
God knows how we’re wired. He tells us to forgive and to get rid of anger.
People made in His image would do well to listen. It means everything, not just for us, but for those around us.
Like two sweet little girls, who can now have their daddy in full.
Life is better this way. It’s better when we admit what we don’t know, realize our own moral status before God, and give up our made-up Right to Be Offended.
We think we want a right to “righteous anger.” It takes a tremendous amount of humility, an extraordinary “dying to self” to hand over this desire, this job, this obsession, to God. But He made us, and He knows how we operate best. He says to hand it over.
And He’s promising something of value that no one else — and literally, no other religion — promises. He’s promising a release from the constant evaluation, never-ending striving, and relentless assessment of where we, and everyone else, stand.
He’s promising a better way of life. He’s holding it out to us, saying, “Hand over the garbage;” and He means it, because He loves us, and He has something better to offer.
He’s offering peace.
Share a time when you were forgiven.
Describe a circumstance when you have shown forgiveness to another.
Beloved Jesus, lead me to someone today who needs to hear Your story of love and forgiveness."'
This content was adapted from the book Unoffendable: How Just One Change Can Make All of Life Better, by Brant Hansen.
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arcanistouroboros · 7 years ago
Mixed Hogwarts Houses
I see a lot of posts out there about trying to parse the differences between the Hogwarts houses, but not a lot about the shared traits between them. Some people - what the books would call “Hatstalls” - don’t fit more closely into one house than any other.
I don’t speak with any authority on the matter, so this is all my interpretation from what I’ve seen.
Both Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors are people-oriented - not necessarily social butterflies, but deeply affected by the suffering of others. People in these houses live to correct injustices they see in the world, and are willing (often happier, even) to give of themselves to put smiles on others’ faces. While they may prefer to remain in a supportive role, they favor leadership styles based out of inspiring others. Companionship between Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs is not uncommon, and it is often said Hufflepuffs are just less-showy Gryffindors, a comparison best exemplified in the Battle of Hogwarts. Fitting for the gold and warm colors on their respective coats of arms, Gryffinpuffs (or Huffledors, if you prefer) share some of the warmest personalities, going out of their way to help and make others feel comfortable in their presence. They’re the two most altruistic and honorable houses, and cling fiercely to their moral compasses (even if they don’t always point true north). Their trust, while hard-earned, is incredibly difficult to shake, which is what makes them such fiercely loyal friends who would die for those they care for; however, this is often a very thin line from putting others on pedestals, and their trust can also be easily taken advantage of by those closest to them or those they look up to. Unwilling to place blame or their own burdens upon others, they often internalize these abuses into a low self-worth, which can perpetuate the unhealthy cycle of self-sacrifice. Basically, think “standard shonen anime protagonist with a loyal crew” and you probably have a Gryffinpuff.
Ravenclaws and Gryffindors are the “individualist” houses; they simply like to do things themselves. This isn’t necessarily out of any dislike for other people, but rather a desire to feel accomplished; they thrive on validation for their own efforts. “Attention-seeking” is only a bad trait when pushed recklessly and frequently - after all, everyone needs an occasional pat on the head to maintain a healthy ego. However, they can be very proud and competitive creatures, and quite vocal about how they feel on just about everything. Gryffinclaws (or Ravendors) share a natural curiosity, a flair for the poetic or dramatic, and a certain romanticism whenever they deign to plan ahead. However, this idealism can mean setting themselves up for disappointment whenever their plans fall through. Ravenclaws are often absent-minded, while Gryffindors are known for their tunnel vision; between them, Gryffinclaws are the least likely to understand the concept of tact, especially when their curiosity is peaked. On the other hand, you can usually trust their honest opinion as a result, since they will see little reason to hide it from you. They are apt to deal with immediate problems as they crop up, but often short-sighted, creating new problems to beat themselves up over later.
Despite how often they butt heads, Slytherin and Gryffindor are two sides of the same coin - small wonder, considering the series is shown through the eyes of a character meant to embody both. They’re both the most assertive and likely to lead, but simply have contrasting leadership styles; Gryffindors favor example, while Slytherins favor tactics. While it would be more fitting for them to work together in as a Leader/Lancer unit, both are too arrogant to cede control to “unqualified” leaders, which leads to open conflict. Which is, of course, where they thrive. Gryffinsnakes (or Slytherdors) infamously see rules as more like challenges, and are more than willing to bend or ignore them as convenient - Slytherins are just more cautious about not getting caught. This crystallizes in a willingness to take dangerous risks that no other house would; no pressure means no diamonds. Finally, they share hero complexes - the conceited belief that, regardless of the abilities of the people around them, they ultimately can only rely on themselves, which can be patronizing to those who don’t need or even want their help, and sour relationships with people who would happily support them were they not so stubbornly proud.
If Gryffinsnakes are managers, then Huffleclaws/Ravenpuffs (take your pick) are the spawn of the “worker-bee” houses, happier to follow than deal with the pressures of leading. Fittingly, a notable trait shared between these houses is a penchant for hard work, while each has individual supportive traits; healers often come out of Hufflepuff while researchers come out of Ravenclaw. The primary reason why you don’t see much of Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs in the books is because their core shared trait is an aversion to confrontation, in contrast to the open hostilities between the other houses. They try their best to please and placate everyone, and will do whatever they can in order to avoid conflict as long as possible, making them appear to the untrained eye as pushovers. This often leads to frustration for Hufflepuffs in particular, who find at times that they need to compromise their sense of fairness and justice in favor of causing the least harm. Their belief in not making waves can also make them timid to ask (directly) for what they really want, or call others out on harmful behaviors. When taken for granted, they are likely to hold grudges and store every grievance they didn’t air before as ammunition; if pushed to their breaking point, they will make the biggest possible conflict, unloading every wrong you’ve ever committed upon them all at once… then immediately regret losing their composure and begin the cycle anew.
While at first it seems there could not be two more different houses - ambition is often at odds with humility - one comes to realize that the similarities between them are subtle, rather like Slytherpuffs (or Hufflesnakes) themselves. In matching their elements, while Gryffinclaws have lofty and romantic aspirations, Slytherpuffs are more grounded (some would say cynical) and cautious, with the practical mindset to “play the game” and compromise in favor of realistic outcomes. Surprisingly, Slytherpuffs are the most team-oriented combination; while a Slytherin may be willing to cut down others for their own goals, they would share a Hufflepuff’s patience and thoughtfulness in long-term planning, and their ability to see the value in keeping a machine well-oiled so long as it still runs. Of course, this can also lead to being very stubborn and set in their ways, saying “if it ain’t broke” well past the expiration date - but one man’s trash is another’s tradition. Perhaps the Slytherpuff's most defining characteristic is their guarded emotions; a Hufflepuff will avoid conflict while a Slytherin will play on it from the shadows, so if you're on a Slytherpuff's bad side, you probably won't know it for quite some time. This can often work to the Slytherpuff's detriment, as conflicts may cascade and breed greater resentment specifically because they held their tongue instead of voicing their concerns. Their skepticism and preference to deal with matters in secret can breed passive-aggressive tendencies as well, and their long-term plans can include slow-burning vengeance.
Slytherclaws (or Ravensnakes) are basically the antithesis of Gryffinpuffs. They’re highly cerebral and task-oriented, able to set aside their feelings in order to remain objective; they are the most likely person in the room to remain calm when disaster strikes or fighting breaks out. In tying with their shared silver banners and cool colors, they are often seen as having the coldest, most aloof personalities, though this is just as often a result of lacking social grace or difficulty empathizing with others than an intentional show of malice. Slytherins often favor the companionship of Ravenclaws out of a shared analytical perspective, where the traits of the Slytherin ground the Ravenclaw, who in turn inspires the Slytherin. Both houses are distinct in sharing the qualities of “clever, resourceful and cunning”; they are detail-oriented logisticians and strategists, and have a low tolerance for ignorance or inefficiency. Time is money, and small-talk is a waste; they put so much effort behind what they’re saying that they can completely ignore how to say it, forgetting to moderate little things like phrasing or tone.  They are self-preserving, but that is not cowardice - they simply do not see the value in throwing their own life away, especially considering how many other peoples’ problems often require their insight. On the other hand, both houses strongly believe they are usually right, and that the ends justify the means (to fight with “honor” is to fight with a handicap), even resorting to manipulation, back-stabbing or sabotage in order to see themselves on top. Finally, Slytherclaws are incredibly slow to and selective with their trust; if you have it and manage to violate it, they will close themselves off, and are not prone to leaving their mistakes in plain view.
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craigwinslow · 4 years ago
2020: 🌘 Perpetual Pause
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Every year, I enjoy making this animated map portraying my movement as a display of energy and progress through the year. Compared to a wildly active 2019, this year strikes a much heavier tone.
Ironically, the mantra I set for 2020 focused on slowing down, but this wasn’t exactly what I had in mind. Cancelled, postponed, delayed. Like many other people, the majority of my work for 2020 was filed into one of these categories. 
That said, I’ve been fortunate to continue work remotely, having spent most of the year getting frugal, and looking forward to whenever this ends. Aside from two camping trips, and one trip to the coast, I’ve been in Portland ever since May. 
Everything considered, I strangely accomplished what I meant to do in 2020. Hunkering down led to developing a solid daily routine— a far cry from my typical pace the past few years, but one that has helped manifest normalcy and structure. It became a year to truly slow down, realign, unlearn, and reassess. The best way I can describe this year is a 9-month weird dreamscape living in perpetual pause.
Here’s what I ended up doing in 2020:
Brilliant! Jackpot (Postponed)
Right after the Tim Burton exhibit launched, The Neon Museum and I knew we wanted to follow up with a brand new, drastically bigger, better version of Brilliant! called Jackpot. The plan was to install in April, so I was fully immersed in Brilliant! Jackpot the first three months of 2020—creating the most exciting, diverse, and nostalgic version of this exhibit. Everything was ready to install in March, and then the COVID-19 shutdowns began. We remotely installed the original version of Brilliant! while we put an indefinite hold on Jackpot.
This is when everything flipped sideways.
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Lockdown in Los Angeles
The biggest positive of this year? It brought my partner and I much closer together. Looking back, I can’t believe we flew to Hawaii in February, but I’m so glad we did. Early March I flew down to LA, and cancelled my return flight. Jessica and I had only been dating for a few months, and suddenly found ourselves moved in together, during the start of a pandemic. It was either going to work out, or it wasn’t. 
Fortunately for us, it really worked. I lived down in LA for two months, during which Jessica lost her job due to the pandemic, and we ended up advancing rough plans for her to move up to Portland. On May 1st, we made the 15-hr drive from Los Angeles to Portland, and only stopped 3 times for gas (and one time for In-N-Out). 
XR Talk Interview 
I was very thankful to join Paul and Spencer on this podcast shortly after the world drastically changed due to COVID-19 shutdowns. This conversation happened as my focus turned from in-person projections to safe and distanced artwork and the ways I could take advantage of virtual mediums to bring people together. Watch here
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Lockdown Letterheads
The first-ever virtual Letterheads! I previously attended Letterheads in Tokyo and London, which were wonderful experiences in their own right, but Lockdown Letterheads was special. A virtual meet-up with 24 hours of programming that any sign painter and guilder from around the world could attend! Sam Roberts, who has organized Letterheads in the past, asked me to co-host with several other Letterheads Alumni. I also led a presentation about Light Capsules, ghost signs, and shared some of Dr. Ken Jones' work.
The Wild VR Interview
I had a fantastic conversation with the team behind The Wild, a product instrumental in creating the Tim Burton exhibition at The Neon Museum in late 2019. This case study focused on my process of implementing immersive team collaboration in VR to build the exhibit from across the world before installation—an ideal tool for 2020. Read it here.
The Neon Museum 360 Virtual Tour
We had an opportunity to create a virtual tour of the boneyard thanks to global virtualization due to the pandemic. For the first time, the museum could give anyone across the world access to experience the museum. I built and shipped a Matterport kit, then worked remotely with Steve Siwinski of The Neon Museum to execute a full scan of the main boneyard. Working with their archival team, we created over 120 informational hot spots so virtual visitors could view historical photos and information about each sign along the way.
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Pre-Visualization in Ventuz - under NDA
A continuation of a secret ongoing client project, due to launch to the public next year. I've been part of a team working on real time graphics and a new playback platform for a large scale integration. The creation of a custom pre-visualization environment led into the production phase of this long-term project.
Rise Up, Show Up, Unite
A call to action in support of the Biden/Harris campaign, started by Jessica Hiche and Adé Hogue. I created this 3-dimensional looping graphic in a day, first designing in illustrator, animating and modeling in Blender 3D, then exporting from Premiere. It was inspiring to see so many other creatives using different mediums come together and express their support using the same prompt. You can see more at riseupshowupunite.vote.
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Intel Creator Spotlight
It's always exciting to dive back into a previous project with newfound hindsight and experience. For this artist spotlight with Intel, I discussed my concept design and creative direction for the pre-game intro with the Trail Blazers for NBA Playoffs 2018. 
Thanks to Intel for the opportunity and the editors at Art of Visuals for making magic out of the interview, b-roll, and behind-the-scenes footage we provided. Filming this in the middle of a pandemic was an interesting— but not impossible—challenge! Intel dropped off a lighting kit, and my partner, Jessica, filmed everything in 4K using her commercial photography gear.
This home studio structure ended up being advantageous for the next project...
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Adobe MAX 2020 - Behind the Light, with Takuma Nakata, Sponsored by Intel
Dare I say... the most exciting thing that happened this year?! The opportunity to have a keynote spot at Adobe MAX, a conference I attended many times over the years, was quite an honor. I got to have a conversion with fellow Adobe Residency Alumni, Takuma Nakata, about where our work intersects and how light, design, and art inspire us. We wanted to push the limits of a typical virtual video interview by recording 3D point clouds simultaneously that Takuma combined together in a nature-driven point cloud backdrop. It created a very interesting and exciting way to bring us together from Portland and Kyoto in a virtual space.
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ATypI 2020 All Over Conference - Light Capsules and Lettering, Projection Mapping with Craig Winslow 
Another virtual conference I spoke at this summer. I dove deep into the process behind Light Capsules with a live demonstration and discussed the next iteration of the project.
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Concept: Beacon
As a result of my interview with XR Talk, HELO, a global talent agency, reached out with an opportunity to pitch a project bid. This led to some exciting creative conceptual design work for a potential client.
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Concept: Telescope Tree
Another conceptual design worth sharing for a project bid that was brought to me through HELO. Sketches and 3D modeling came together quickly for this concept, which was pitched as "an artistic interpretation of a holiday display."
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Vivid Coffee
For the past 5 years, I have led design at Vivid Coffee, creating everything from branding and packaging to merchandise. 
Vivid recently moved into a gorgeous cafe space in downtown Burlington, Vermont. We’ve been busy creating menu boards, exterior signage, neon art, as well as dozens of new roast labels, and a expansion into Snapchilled Coffee. I also helped design a mug with art by Keenan Bouchard to benefit Honduras after the Santa Barbara region was devastated by multiple hurricanes. 
The list of exciting things to come in 2021 is long, as I continue to help with creative aspects to building out the new cafe.
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‘Glow’ with Hueman
Dr. Mabrie and his team reached out after seeing the Lightform AR Mural I created with Gemma O'Brien for Lightform. They proposed a collaboration with Oakland-based artist Allison "Hueman" Torneros on a brand new mural for their Union Square office in San Francisco. 
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Hueman painted this entirely in B&W and the rest of the color was added with light. I worked closely with Hueman to brainstorm and define direction, responding to her vision as the artist to create all custom content to augment her work as a living, projection artwork. 
Perhaps the most '2020' feat was creating this work entirely remotely. With help from Dr. Mabrie's team to get measurements, I built the office in 3D, and used Disguise One to show an example of the final installation. After printing a scaled-down version of the mural, I built a mirrored set-up in my home studio in Portland, for testing and perfecting the animations in person. Once the mural was painted and placed, a local installer mounted the projector, and I utilized beta cloud tools in Lightform Creator to scan, deploy content, and publish updates remotely.
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Representation with HELO
After a few conceptual design bids for projects, HELO and I started to discuss what official representation would look like. They were excited about my approach, and the cleverness of my previous projects. I’m pleased to share that I officially signed on with them as my EU and US representation! Excited to see what projects we collaborate on together next year, as I set goals for dream clients and projects.
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I’m proud to have done so well this year, despite... 2020. My growing focus on 3D pre-visualization really thrived in this new virtual world. 
I’ll admit, it’s hard to look forward to 2021. It’s going to begin the same way 2020 ended, but I remain hopeful that by summer or fall things will get moving again. Until then, I’ll continue to focus on working remotely, finding new projects, and expanding creative outputs.
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An ideal 2021 for me is one where I get to see family and friends. I’m also turning my attention to my dear project Light Capsules in multiple ways: the first permanent Light Capsule installation, an augmented reality iOS app as an extension of the project and a platform for future AR capsules, alongside new projection installations.
It’s also safe to say we���ll finally see the new Brilliant! Jackpot in 2021, whenever it’s safe to bring our talented team from around the country to beautiful Las Vegas.
My mantra for 2021: Be healthy, stay inspired.
It’s a hope I share not only for myself, but for everyone else. It’s been one brutal hell of a year. —Craig
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tipsycad147 · 5 years ago
20 Fascinating Sea & Air Creatures To Focus Your Magic
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SL Bear
I had so much fun writing about animals in magic in part one of the animal magic series but there were so many animals I wasn’t able to cover the first time around. I’m going to try to get to everyone’s favourites in the next two parts, and a few intriguing creatures that we may not think about as magical. Animals can lend such a wide variety of energies to a witch’s work that it’s worth it to delve into more of their associations. I hope you enjoy learning about these animals as much as I did!
Water Bound 1. Shark
With its jet-black eyes, ghostly movements, and uncontrollable power, the shark is an animal that strikes fear in the hearts of many. Sharks stay in perpetual motion to keep oxygen flowing into their gills and are great animals to channel when you feel stagnant and need to get out of a rut (or revive lost motivation). Sharks also have exceptional senses of smell and go after their kills with tenacity. The term “shark” is applied to those in business who are shrewd and obscenely rich, so this animal is a great inspiration to any witches looking to advance their businesses or careers. Invoke the shark by keeping an (ethically sourced!) shark tooth in a mojo bag or wear as a piece of jewellery around your neck. Also a wonderful protection totem.
2. Swan
Swans are associated with the Valkyries, or Swan Maidens, and transformation. The story of the Ugly Duckling plays on this transformative angle as well. In fact, swans feature prominently in fairy tales, often as devices of mystery, secrets, the night and the moon — typically in the form of maidens turned into swans to hide their true identity. You should use swans in your magic when you need to keep something hidden. Place an image of a swan on your altar when you’re trying to keep secrets or veil something from prying eyes. Pair the swan image with the moon or water for extra protection and to amp up your intuition.
3. Otter
An animal built for play. The otter embodies both earth and water energies and a joyful nature. They relax. They hold on to each other while they sleep, floating in the water, and symbolise support and friendship. Pair seashells with an image of an otter before a family outing to ensure a good time for everyone. Light a green or blue candle and invoke the spirit of the otter whenever you’re getting too serious!
4. Crocodile & Alligator
These animals can symbolise patience and stealth, and embody many of the dragon’s characteristics, but what I find most impressive about this reptile is their ability to survive. Crocodiles actually roamed the earth with the dinosaurs! They are also quite long-lived, and so I recommend using this animal in spells for health and longevity. In the south, alligator feet are sold to gamblers for luck, so drawing this animal somewhere on your person before buying lottery tickets may be just the edge you need.  
5. Frog
Like the swan and the butterfly, the frog is a transformative animal. It changes dramatically from a polliwog to a frog and can live on land and in the water. Frogs were the second plague in Exodus and are seen in a bad light by some. However, in other cultures, the frog is seen as a good omen because he comes out when there is a lot of rain — a symbol of life. I suggest two ways to call on the frog symbol. First, if you’re a weather witch and would like help summoning rain, draw a frog symbol in a patch of dry earth and sprinkle this area with blessed water. Second, if you’d like to curse someone with an abundance of something unpleasant, draw a frog somewhere on your target’s taglock.
6. Fish
Fish have evolved to live in the deepest, darkest corners of the earth — places humans can’t go — and therefore they represent mysteries and deep understanding of the self. They are also one of the more colourful and brightly patterned animals and so are associated with artists, creativity, and enlightenment. Incorporate the fish symbol in sigils (as this shape is quite easy to draw) and focus the sigil on self-discovery. Some truths are hard to take, which makes the fish an especially good symbol for this type of magic. They remind you to learn, but not to dwell, and always keep moving forward.  
7. Crab
Protection, stubbornness and emotion. In the zodiac, the crab is the symbol of Cancer and the moon. One of the most important things I have learned in life is how to set boundaries and the crab is an amazing animal to invoke if you wish to protect yourself in this way. Light a white or black candle, include a water element, and use a piece of real crab claw or a just simple drawing of one to represent yourself. Light the candle and reflect on simple and more complicated boundaries you’d like others to respect. Carry the image of the crab with you to remind you to be firm about how you expect others to treat you. Use the crab to get in touch with your emotions, in control of them, and responsible for them at all times.  
8. Dolphin
Because this animal looks like it’s smiling, it is seen as a joyful, playful animal. However, dolphins are renowned by scientists for their intelligence — rivalling even our own. They use echolocation to find their way through water and have highly evolved communication skills. Some believe dolphins even have extra senses as they can perform extraordinary feats of athleticism, show high empathy, are extremely curious, and possess the ability to connect with other animals in unusual — even baffling — ways. They are a symbol of communication and cooperation, so I suggest using dolphins in your magic when you’re having difficulty saying something or letting someone know how you feel.
9. Turtle
Tortoises and turtles carry a lot of weight — literally and symbolically. In Hinduism, the turtle carries the weight of the universe on his four legs (which represent the four cardinal directions and elements). Because turtles live for a long time, they are natural symbols of longevity, health and of course, wisdom. Illustrated in fables like the Tortoise and the Hare, the turtle is also a symbol of perseverance and taking things at your own pace. After all, it’s not about how fast you get there but that you get there in the end. At home in water and on land, you can use the turtle symbol with both these elements. You can wear the turtle symbol as jewellery or draw it on your altar or somewhere in your workspace to remind you to keep at your goals and to be unconcerned with rising to anyone standard’s but your own.    
10. Orca
The blackfish, or wolf of the sea, is a respected predator, but is also known for its deep familial bonds, intelligence, and prowess — the human being’s ocean counterpart. Orcas travel great distances each day and are a symbol for travellers. Perhaps more than anything, the orca is known for their devotion to their families, often becoming despondent after losing a mother or calf. Call on the spirit of the blackfish when you need inner strength, especially when dealing with family conflict. Before travelling to see family, draw a symbol of an orca in chalk on your dashboard to ensure safe travel.
Made Of Air11. Crane
This elegant bird is a prominent symbol in Asian cultures for good fortune, long life and a strong marriage. Cranes also represent serene calm — retaining your dignity during chaos and storms. The iconic origami crane is a symbol for happiness and learning how to craft one to add to your altar will bring joy and good luck. You can also invoke the crane before a wedding to bring good fortune and wishes for a stable, happy life together.
12. Dove
Peace. Strangely, these birds produce “milk” for their offspring and because of their pure white feathers and nurturing nature, doves are a symbol of motherhood, sharing links to the Virgin Mary and Ishtar. Doves are symbols of communication, appearing in the bible with an olive branch to alert Noah to the presence of land. They can be trained to carry messages back and forth between parties, like pigeons, but even before that were seen as messengers from the gods. Any mothers facing problems with their children can call on the dove for assistance by lighting a white candle and placing a white feather before it while asking for help.    
13. Eagle
Courage and communication with the divine. Known as the “king of birds”, the eagle has excellent eyesight and flies much higher than other birds, it sees all and knows all. This also gives it a link to the sun, as it is often appears to fly straight into it! The eagle is a symbol of power, and its feathers are treasured among the Plains tribes who use them to make magnificent headdresses. However, those who don’t have a right to own one of these creatures feathers will face heavy fines if caught with one. Use the eagle symbol in magic to communicate with spirits and your chosen patrons. Draw an eagle before yellow and golden candles to receive messages about which direction to take during confusing times.  
14. Hummingbird
This jewel-bright bird can live in the desert, jungle, or mountains and survives on nectar and small insects. Its adaptability and flight maneuverability have made it a symbol of mystical connection — the hummingbird can move in all directions, even beyond the veil to converse with spirits. The hummingbird is a master at conserving energy, slowing down its heartbeat to a near standstill at night only to revive in the morning light and begin its endless mission for food all over again each day. You can use hummingbirds in your magic to bring things into perfect focus. Throughout the day, we waste time on so many useless or petty things, but the hummingbird does not! Keep a hummingbird figurine on your desk or wear a piece of hummingbird jewellery to stay clear on your goals and stop wasting time on things that simply don’t matter.
15. Magpie
A delightfully fun trickster bird. The magpie collects shiny objects and can imitate human voices and other sounds with eerie perfection. Because of its thievery and imitation skills, the magpie is often seen in a negative light, but I happen to disagree with this assessment. I see this bird as resourceful and a wonderful totem to those who like to think outside the box and play the game by their own rules. It’s not an easy path, though, and invoking the spirit of the tricky magpie may be just the thing to evade those who seek to impede your individual journey. Remember to pay homage to the magpie when you ask for his help by placing mirrors and other shiny things on your altar as thanks!
16. Rooster
Each morning on the farm, the rooster heralds the sunrise. He is alert, ready, and brave. Universally, the rooster is a symbol of sexuality and the sun, though to some he is vain, prideful, and flamboyant — “cocky” if you will. This is a bird to call on when you need confidence before a big event in your personal life or at work. Be sure to include a fire element, either stones or candles, face east, and perform any rituals involving the rooster as the sun rises.  
17. Sparrow
This unassuming brown bird is so common she often goes unnoticed but the sparrow represents perhaps the most important part of many of our lives: Family and home. We often take for granted the simple things in life, things that were they to go, we’d miss more than anything else. Paint or frame a small image of the sparrow in the kitchen or living room to remind you to appreciate the things in your life that are most important: Your loved ones, your safety, and your home.
18. Wren
This clever little bird is a surprising symbol of royalty and shares the title “king of the birds” with the eagle. It is a symbol of magic and intelligence, and despite its small stature, is considered quite powerful. The wren can be used to amplify spells, especially those concerning wisdom and truth. Carrying an image of this bird will also give you an edge in games of chance and any competition where you may be an underdog.  
19. Peacock
The peacock is a showstopper with a big reveal. The eyes in the peacock’s tail feathers lead some to believe that the peacock is a symbol for visionaries and was the protector of royalty. In Hinduism, the peacock is associated with Lakshmi, a goddess of good luck. I suggest using peacock feathers in your magic for any new projects that require creativity and your psychic gifts. This beautiful bird’s gifts will facilitate art projects, writing, and anything involving design.
20. Vulture
For some the vulture is a symbol of oncoming death, which is understandable because vultures are scavenger birds and follow death around to survive. However, in Egypt they were revered for keeping the city clean. The vulture is the perfect bird to help with cleansing. Keep an image of this bird on your altar to peck away any invading negative energy or channel its spirit while doing personal cleansing to clear away any residual bad vibes.
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