#so thats my first day in Philly
marcescenx-arc · 2 months
Gets to Philly. Gets stranded cause I got in the wrong uber. The former house I lived in , didn't send the information they were supposed to. I'm starving cause I have not eaten all day (still haven't) so I had thought I could handle walking down the road and grabbing food. Only to get lost (I'm blaming it on the fact I have been up since 4am and still haven't slept) and was walking around for FOUR hours , cause my phone was dead. So I called 911 cause it's almost midnight and I'm not wandering around Philly at midnight. So I'm in a hospital cause I almost passed out.
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himedanshicult · 2 months
ig the feeling i have after being subjected to 10+ years of "are trans women actually evil and hate X, Y and Z group and contribute to their harm?" discussions in all their variations is that the people instigating are never really "in community" with us in the first place; at most we happen to share the same websites or physical spaces and their ire comes entirely from being exposed to our presence. like "community" to them is an imposition, a means of asserting control on other people, not a collective that supports each other, are friends with each other or even tolerate each other, but an ironclad authority given total leeway to police and punish trans women.
i just think this "community" rhetoric needs to be nipped in the bud. no, trans guy from philly who never interacts with a shemale in his day to day life, im not part of "the trans community", thats all in your head. the "community" im materially a part of is mostly trans people, but not trans people whom you like or who like you, not trans people that you would approach at gay bar karaoke night. we just happen to be in proximity to one another, if even that. that is all. i dont accept your "community" and the rules you have designed for it. im not playing nice to transmisogynists because they've found the idpol-friendly way of expressing their hatred and disgust towards me and think they're entitled to be in my life. there is no trans, gay, lesbian, bi or intersex community but there are a million little cults that want there to be, so that they'd have a pliable base to extract victims from. fuck off, im burning your queer students union building to the ground
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yorshie · 10 months
*chin hands at you* You. Me. Warm candlelight. A plate full of spaghetti between us. What's that? The spaghetti is actually an infodump about Raph's Philly Shell Stance? Ohohoho. Yes please. I will have seconds. We will share a string of spaghetti, by which I mean you will infodump at me and I will stare adoringly at you while your little raccoon hands throw spaghetti all over my house. The spaghetti is still Raph's Philly Shell Stance.
[inhales sharply] I wrote half of it as a reblog to the ask I sent last night then I got distracted reading hold on I’ll go get it. @justalotoffanfiction tagging you so you’ll know I answered
*the sounds of a raccoon pile driving through a trash bin, utter chaos*
Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok.
Raph’s got all that protective gear on his left arm in the second movie. Makes sense he’s probably right handed and when he’s fighting the left is likely the arm that he leads with.
Now we obviously can’t draw any conclusions in the first movie, because the turtle is running around with no pants on and his fighting style consists of “throwing himself shell first” though! They do lay the groundwork for him fighting defensively (shell first) and we see that alongside Donnie he can clearly come up with plans because it was his idea to take out Karai or “little miss sunshine”. Now. In the second movie. The only fight scene we see is him getting bodily picked up (btw Leo walks directly into a close line but that’s anger for another day) though he is punching Rocksteady With His Right Hand. I don’t. Um. Count Kraang fight. Let’s just say I haven’t seen past the plane scene in A While.
Now. Thinking about his weapon, the Sai. Sais? Fandom has me confused on plural on that one but it’s all ok, but anyway the Sai are a defensive weapon, and there’s that post thats been going around explaining how Splinter gave the turtles weapons that balance out their personalities, ie giving Raph the defensive weapon to teach him to control his snap judgements of stab first ask questions later (was it worded like that? No. Can I remember however? Also no.) and it’s kinda poetic that he has a weapon specifically designed to take out swords 👀. Anyway
The Philly Shell Stance. Obviously it has Shell in the name which is just. Hilarious. But! It’s a defensive stance. I’ll link a video explaining the different famous boxing stances, but the only other truly “defensive” stance is the Peekaboo, and it’s only really helpful if you’re tiny going up against someone Raph Sized.
Now the reason I think Raph uses the Philly Shell Stance, is because he has all that “armor” on his lead arm. I think he just lets the hits roll off his shoulder and bobs out of the way, keeping his hand across his stomach also gives him a pretty large range of vision to respond to threats, and if someone’s going to run at him he’s got that arm low to create some space. It’s a stance you gotta be in the moment for, and you gotta be able to think quickly, which I think Raphie boy can do despite being the “hot head” of the group. I’ll link another fight, Probably a Floyd Mayweather video, that shows a Philly Shell in action. I really wish the fight scenes in the second movie had been less cartoony, cuz theirs so much cool stuff that could happen.
^ just a Philly shell stance only video in case you don’t wanna watch ten whole minutes lol
^ really good video on Manny Pacquiao (who I always root for) and Floyd Mayweather Jr. you can see Mayweather is using Philly Shell, that’s his style, but you can see the vicious return jabs he’s able to give whenever his opponent goes for a swing and he’s just able to roll the hit off his shoulder and immediately respond. Now.
Imagine that’s Raph. And Imagine 6’5” (film height) just returning that kind of jab when he’s fighting.
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Thank you for coming to my Turtle Talk!
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fabaceous · 1 year
i was tagged by @thenelse to do 8 shows to get to know me better...ok honestly i dont watch a lot of tv. i mostly watch the same shows over and over so i actually could barely list 8. fyi the first 4 are probs my favorite shows but the rest are just shows that have impacted my life in some way. please dont judge me i swear i have good taste in other things 👍
1. yellowjackets obviously because it has literally everything i could ever ask for in a tv show. it irreparably alters my brain chemistry on a weekly basis
2. always sunny in philly. i can always bond with my girl friends’ boyfriends over this one LOL. ive seen every single episode a truly embarrassing number of times and i dream of being randomly thrust into a trivia situation where there is a question about always sunny because i have an obscene amount of knowledge on always sunny lore and am 100% confident i would nail it.
3. arrested development. second only to always sunny in the making lanie laugh category. tobias funke character of all time
4. haunting of hill house. winner of the making lanie cry category. great autumnal watch, i love rewatching around halloween. bent neck lady reveal had me legitimately in shambles
5. i mean the office i guess. i watched it in high school or maybe college,  mostly because my friends were always referencing it and i wanted to get the jokes...and lol i rly thought jim/pam was peak romance. luckily now im older and wiser and know jackieshauna is peak romance
6. back in college i watched all of friends because of a vaguely homoerotic bestie situation that later imploded and the one perk of losing her was that i was finally free to admit that show fucking sucks especially ross fuck that guy fr. me and my friends would have killed ross with hammers i can tell you that much
7. i used to watch bones with my parents when i was probably a little too young to be watching it. perhaps this is the origin of my fascination with morbid things
8. another childhood nostalgia show is monty python’s flying circus which i always watched with my dad. to this day we are capable of annoying everyone else in the room by having an entire conversation made up of monty python quotes (complete with bad fake accents)
EDIT BECAUSE I FORGOT THE MOST OBVIOUS ONE I KNEW I WAS MISSING SOMETHING: DARK (the german time travel one) thats actually a legit favorite of mine, took me on so many emotional journeys and made me laugh and weep and theorize and ponder. and it was good german practice 👍
well now you know, for better or worse...probably worse...anyway i nominate @chel-c-fsea @jamesv-t @movingtoparistoshootheroin @excluded-from-the-narrative ummm ermmm ehhhm... i would also say @teabookgremlin but you already got tagged...but...get double tagged i guess? lol ok i wont be offended if any of you guys dont do this but i didnt want to be boring and not tag anyone hehe <3
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akamikazae · 1 year
Thanks v much for the tag @wind-becomes-lightning !! <33 Sorry it took so long hehheh
Name: Kaz
Pronouns: She - Her Where do you call home: Home for me rn is allover the place lol but My very best friends childhood house in NY-even if she doesn’t live there anymore her moms always home ❤︎ My old apt. my favorite hole in the wall dive bar, and a cozy used book store in Philly always feel the most like home to me 
Favorite animal: I really like birds—idk if I have a fav tho, I like em all!  Cereal of choice: I don’t eat cereal much, but as a kid Cap’n Crunch—Crunch berries was my favorite I haven’t had it in years but now I want some !😋
Are you a visual, audio, or kinesthetic learner: Visual learner — Even if I’m listening to something I have to doodle aimlessly in order to retain it. 
First pet: A rescued pup found in a box in Queens — I was v little so did not do the rescuing, but I’ve always had dogs. Lots n lots of dogs :) Favorite scent: I love citrusy, aquatic scents— like a bergamot or cedar wood Do you believe in astrology: Nah, I do look at them for fun sometimes though ✩
How many playlists do you have on Spotify/apple music: 17
Sharpies or highlighters: Sharpiess!!! I used to do brightly colored sharpie portraits all the time—theres something about a permeant marker thats makes you just want to scribble all over everything
A song that makes you cry: ‘Vienna’ by Billy Joel Also one of, it not my favorite songs ever—its the New Yorker in me
A song that makes you happy: ‘D’yer Mak’er’ by Led Zeppelin to be fair anything Zeppelin makes me happy—‘Fool in the Rain’ is a close second
And finally do you draw/write/create? I draw and write the most, though not very well 😅 and I am neglecting to stay on top of it! I also paint and sculpt but nearly enough these days
tagging @onmywaytofanfic @bizawa-art @underscorepen @strawberrystepmom and anyone else if ya'd like! No pressure if you don't<33
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vatt-world · 5 months
bringing the heat walk u got pay me money
it is a strike we get more strikes in aisle bottles of soda
do u want to take a crack at those bottles
slow motion replay
ur bowling got me inspired
no more groceries will be stored until i learn this game of cricket
it is introduce to cricket dude dudeee dudee
im a loserwhole life but im a winner now
Scene: A Grocery Store Aisle
Character 1 (Tony): (strutting confidently) Walk.
Character 2 (Rico): (grinning) You gotta cough up the dough, Tony.
Tony: It's a battlefield. Strikes aplenty in this aisle. (gesturing towards the soda bottles)
Rico: Ready to unleash some fury on those bottles?
Tony: Slow it down. Let's see that replay.
Rico: Your bowling's got me fired up, man.
Tony: No more stocking shelves until I master this cricket thing.
Rico: Welcome to the cricket revolution, dude.
Tony: (smirking) Dude.
Rico: Dudee.
Both: Dud-eee.
Tony: Been a loser my whole life, but today, I'm a winner.
we are celebrate 100 yr anniversaty wehave sale
we will have to add like in old days
we will offer 150% if u
w are going to clubs ti ti tya ti ti tya
star trek convention
fuse box exploded
emergency box
Scene: Grocery Store
Character 1 (Tony): (excitedly) We're celebrating our 100-year anniversary!
Character 2 (Rico): And you know what that means, Tony? Big sale!
Tony: We'll have to do it like in the old days. Pull out all the stops.
Rico: How about offering 150% off for the first hundred customers?
Tony: Now we're talking! We're gonna make some noise!
Rico: (humming) We're gonna be partying all night long. Ti ti tya ti ti tya!
Tony: And hey, don't forget about the Star Trek convention next door. Those Trekkies love a good deal.
Rico: Speaking of deals, did you hear about the fuse box? Exploded last night!
Tony: Yikes! Emergency box?
Rico: Already installed. We're back in business, baby!
lasik surgery i got lasik surgery done
i lose my eye sight
u got me take to the restroom is that the paper towel
the glasses look so good here
why god what i have done im a mordern day joke
i can go on my own i bought a website domain
we can put it online
Character 1 (Tony): (excitedly) Guess what, guys? I got LASIK surgery done!
Character 2 (Rico): Dude, that's awesome! How's your vision?
Tony: Well, I can't see a thing.
Rico: What?!
Tony: (panicking) Quick, help me to the restroom. Is that the paper towel?
Rico: Uh, Tony, those are your glasses.
Tony: (feeling the frames) Wow, they look so good here.
Rico: Tony, are you okay?
Tony: Why, God? What have I done? I'm a modern-day joke.
Rico: You'll be fine, man. Need help?
Tony: No, I can go on my own. By the way, I bought a website domain.
Rico: What for?
Tony: We can put it online.
we will do car wash we raise money i have a special talent i can whistle u have a perfect whistle pitch
i have a cd whistle blower
i want to sell it
u want to listen to it
thats me whistling
ghis music sucks we need a music video
i went to mexico i went to cruise i need u meet a travel agent
/////////////////// how to quit drinking
u need to pentrate the souls…u need to give live demonstration
i need to do a presentation to coporate so i came up with this slides
myhand is stuck in the prinkles box
the day the milk comes it expires
imnotpaying ur services
i need fresh milk
they have cows out in philly giving out fresh milk
i want u go out
cut out the milk delivery guy they are part of group
we no longer have milk available
we are blacklisted
i cut out the middleman
we are going milk directly from the cows
fresh milks
taste this sweets that we made
i was in accident broke my neck
they control what goes to every store/shop
i going to sweet talk
we will spy and expose the truth
i have the spy camera on me i willfind out who the thief is
here is the footage
i control everyone
i will jack my prices
they increase the onions , chicken cost and now i have increase the prcies of these dishes
i dont want that
we will directly get from the farms
////////////////////////////////// this is a bomb scanner
we will try to find out
the store next store had terrorist attack
we will scan the customers everyone
coin scanner/metal detector found i found some onedropped coins on the floor
i found a antique
we can sell online
are u my spirit animal
im seeing something different after i took the medication ////////////////////// doing the way indian way ..authentic way
my hertiage to run the store
peace pipe
the sales are up //////////////////////
Scene: Inside a bustling store, a neon sign flashes "Dollar Days" and "Free Money Promotion."]
Boss: (excitedly) What's with the sign, Jim?
Jim: (eagerly) Remember yesterday when I stumbled upon my old man's stash of 5000 single dollar bills while fixing my teeth?
Boss: (intrigued) Go on.
Jim: Turns out, Dad left behind a whole load of cash. I wanna make it rain with a money gun!
Boss: (grinning) Now that's a plan. Hit the bank, Jim. We need stacks of singles for this.
[Jim rushes off as the boss puts up a sign that reads "Free Money - Dollar Days - Come On In."]
Boss: (to himself) Let's get this cash party started.
[Later, Jim returns with the money gun, but it's not working.]
Jim: (frustrated) Boss, the money gun's jammed!
Boss: (impatiently) Quit messing around and fix it.
Jim: (frantically) I've been trying, but this lock's been acting up all day!
Boss: (exasperated) We don't have time for this. I need those bills flying. Think, Jim!
[Jim pauses, then grins mischievously.]
Jim: (excitedly) I got an idea. Remember those 5000 silver dollars Dad left? Let's fire those up instead!
Boss: (impressed) That's quick thinking, Jim. Let's make it rain silver!
[As the silver dollars cascade through the air, the customers cheer and scramble to grab the shiny coins.]
Boss: (to Jim) Now, go get those steaks for the barbecue. We've got a celebration to attend!
[The scene fades out as the store fills with laughter and the clinking of coins.]
[Jim returns from the bank with stacks of silver dollars, loading them into the modified money gun.]
Jim: (grinning) Boss, it's silver dollar time!
Boss: (nodding approvingly) Let's light it up!
[Jim pulls the trigger, and the silver dollars shoot out with a satisfying clatter, filling the air with glinting coins. The customers cheer even louder, diving to catch the unexpected windfall.]
Boss: (laughing) Now, that's what I call a show!
[As the silver dollars rain down, Jim heads out to grab steaks for the barbecue. The celebration continues, with the store buzzing with excitement and the scent of sizzling meat.]
Boss: (to Jim) You're a genius, Jim. This promotion's a hit!
Jim: (grinning) Just doing my part to keep the cash flowing, boss.
Jim: (returning with a tray of sizzling steaks) Steaks are ready, boss!
Boss: (grinning) Perfect timing, Jim. Let's keep this party going!
[As the customers dig into the delicious barbecue, the atmosphere remains lively and upbeat, with laughter and conversation filling the air.]
Boss: (to Jim) You know, Jim, I think we might have to make Dollar Days a regular event. What do you say?
Jim: (smiling) I'm all for it, boss. After all, who doesn't love free money and good food?
we are starting money daze we have free money promotion what is this sign boss yested i found my father me 5000 single dollar bills in the hole and i was fixing my teeth and found my father left monet i want u to go to bank and get dollar bills so that i can use money gun
put up free money sign
free money dollar days come in
this money gun is jammed
its not working
stop messing and open this up
this lock is broken all day
i dont operate well under pressure
here is 5000 silver dollars
fire up the money
get me those stakes
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Title: Intervention
[Scene: A dimly lit room with a group of friends gathered around, concern etched on their faces.]
Mark: (exasperated) How could you sleep with her, Buck?
Buck: (defensive) It was the alcohol, guys. I didn't mean for it to happen.
Jenny: (shaking her head) He would be devastated if he found out.
Tom: (sighing) We need to address this. Buck, you're spiraling. We're at a distillery, drinking in the morning, and you're still in your clothes from last night.
Buck: (stubbornly) Pigs don't fly, but sometimes they do.
Mark: (firmly) Buck, you have a drinking problem.
Tom: (trying to be supportive) Maybe it's time you got into a hobby, something to distract you. Like playing piano.
Jenny: (encouragingly) Let me teach you a song or something.
Buck: (suddenly serious) Guys, I've got a serious situation here.
Mark: (nodding) We've decided we need an intermission, an intervention.
Tom: (concerned) Who told you he has a drinking problem?
Jenny: (determined) I'm going to send him to a deprogramming camp. Nobody wants to lead, but we really need to address this.
Buck: (defiantly) I'm not drunk. And I didn't sleep with Amy.
Mark: (skeptically) Then how did you end up with her number last night?
Tom: (trying to diffuse the tension) Let's have a beer to celebrate our friendship, huh?
Jenny: (frustrated) What the heck, guys? This isn't a joke.
Buck: (painfully) It hurts, okay? But it's not you, it's me. I'm getting old, life sucks.
Tom: (sympathetically) Hair starts to fall out. Have you tried Propecia?
Mark: (trying to lighten the mood) Come on, guys. We all sleep with everybody. Women, men, it's not a big deal.
Buck: (reflectively) It's not just that. It's the boring life. I need to feel alive again.
Jenny: (encouragingly) Then let's go hang out. You can feel young again.
Tom: (excitedly) I'm going to teach you some dance moves. Music enters the body, you know?
Mark: (nodding) Listen to the beat. That's the freestyle, very organic.
Buck: (apologetically) I'm sorry, guys. I'm just feeling a bit cracked.
Tom: (grinning) Crack-a-lackin'!
Jenny: (determined) I've got a doctorate in partying, and I'm not giving up on you, Buck.
Buck: (noticing Amy) Hey, Amy. I love this song.
Amy: (coldly) I left my number in your wallet. Keep on rocking.
Mark: (pleading) Please, just go away.
Tom: (trying to smooth things over) He didn't mean it, Amy.
Tom: (placing a hand on Buck's shoulder) How are you holding up, buddy?
Buck: (sighing) Honestly, Tom, I'm still trying to process everything. It's like I've been living in a haze, and today was a wake-up call I didn't see coming.
Tom: (nodding sympathetically) I get it, Buck. But the important thing is that you're facing it head-on now. You're not alone in this, remember that.
[Buck looks at Tom, grateful for his friend's unwavering support.]
Buck: (smiling faintly) Thanks, Tom. I don't know what I'd do without you guys.
Tom: (grinning) You'd probably be lost in a sea of bad decisions, my friend. But lucky for you, we're here to keep you on course.
[Buck chuckles, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders as he shares a moment of camaraderie with Tom.]
Buck: (teasingly) Yeah, yeah. I owe you one, Tom. Maybe I'll even let you teach me those dance moves you were talking about earlier.
Tom: (brightening) Now you're talking! We'll have you busting a move in no time.
how could u sleep withher she is taking it was the alcohol he would be devasted
it is distellery over here
drinking in the morning sleeping in ur clothes
pigs dont fly but sometimes they do buck has drinking problem
u get into a hobby
maybe a play piano
let me teach a song or something
i got a serious situation
we have decided we need a intermission /intervention
who told he hasdrinking
im going to send de programming camp no body wants to lead reallybelt it iused have a obsessive problem
im not drunk
and slept amy
u got her in one nite
have a beer to celebrate
what the heck
it hurts bad
its not u
its me
im old
im getting old
life sucks
hair starts to fail out propecia
u guys sleep everybody women , men
its not
its boring life
i need to see it
im going to hang out
im young again
im going to talk about dance moves
music enter the body
listen to the beat
thats the freestyle
very organic
im sorry
thats crack a lacklic
i got a doctorate in partying
hey amy
i love this song
i leftmy number in ur wallet
keep on rocking
please go away
he didnt mean it
this customer appreciation someis taking the coffeemate
one year death of my father
as we know we fell front of this aisle
where are we putting ashes i got nobody
what impact i have made
scenario mother or cew who will who will kill u
when things are disappearing
imnot really businessman a while i won five cows inpoker game
mouth needfresh meat
organic cut out the middle men
sell own meat i feel good
what if its a freshest if possible
slaughter right infront of them and cook
they can in future
i have a really a big day
i have a pilot program
im going to get skates
im invoved in bromance
freshest beef u want
what do want .fresh lion
right into the brain
im swing in the middle
im osrry take ur life
i feel sick to my stomach
whats go on
we areslaughtering the cow and sell
the united states dept of argicultre
we will get approval and sell our own meat
im at usda
serving hamburgers on roller skates
let me show u around
suckin each other energies
i didnt get the part
they found a finger
im going
they are sue
this is a sham
its not a finger
its sausage
its chicken
its rubber
we can build our own store
we can build a grocery empire
we are going to go public
we will be publicly traded company
we will stock ticker
we will implement 24 hour shift
just need to store for 2 hr
i have a skate
eating time is fun
i want to have a heart
//////////////////////////////////////////// taking photos of boss
promotional calendar
historical figures
paul revere
horse is extension of u think like a man
sex sells
u are mad at this woosies
show triceps
show biceps
imnot wearing this dress
here is the calendar cover
this is not history..this is blistery
get it signed by calendar girl
what not to like of it
take it compliment
he was the guy who invented kite
im a illegal alien,myvisa is expiring
u lied the store
u are hiring illegal immigrant
i got hot pockets for lunch
im rolling the prices to before renaissance period
give me
there is no tooth paste back then
roll back prices
this is best promotions
i dont think we dont get bonus
i need bonus
o get beer old style
i got wheel problems
we are going to get food on wheels
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candlewitches · 4 years
i have spent the last 2 days basically bedridden w fatigue and headaches and i hav to say im not enjoyin it lads! not one bit
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mueritos · 2 years
Do you have any college advice for someone starting next week who is trans (FtM) and technically pre-transition (and is very obviously queer and gnc)?
Oh phew. This is rough because I started university in the exact same position. I was pre-transition and visibly queer/GNC. I'll insert a read more
The best thing I can say is 1. make sure you dont make the same mistake that I did and go to a PWI (predominantly white institution). That's difficult to avoid, however, but the kind of white people who r at your school could make or break your experience. I unfortunately go to a PWI full of rich adidas/nike/hollister white kids who have never spoken to a BIPOC/Queer person in their life. But, there r plently of awesome white students who r from Philly or BIPOC communities, and they know exactly how to be good people.
If you unfortunately ARE going to a Uni thats the worst kind of PWI, I'm sorry, and I hope that your experience is much better than mine. The next best thing I can say is find queer people who are like you, and who have similar morals. I've encountered many a queer students who turn out to be flat out ignorant about other BIPOC/Queer issues, and I hope you do not encounter them. Run to your schools Diversity/LGBTQ association as fast as possible. I mean it, make connections and introduce yourself to the people working in the office and get to know the club members and presidents if theyre there. Most colleges have a club fair of sorts the first month of school; dont miss it, you'll likely find other clubs that the cool people migrate too, things like D&D or Tabletop clubs, sewing/crafts, etc. The Diversity/LGBTQ office will provide you community, resources, and just a place to be. Becoming involved earlier gives you a sense of security and a place at ur uni if you dont feel it elsewhere, but DO NOT. And I really mean it, DO NOT invest yourself in trying to "fix" your college. If there are institutional issues, you can tell people about them, but dont ever let them make you fix it for them. I have been taken advantage of time and time again, and it has put my entire personal safety on the line to improve the racist and putrid environment at my school. Save that energy for yourself, your friends, and your community on campus.
Lastly, I would say be as unapologetic as you can, but I cant hide that Ive had days where I've dressed down, avoided eye contact, walked with my head down around campus because I was anxious and terrified. Other days are much easier. Your safety and well being are much more important, but I do hope you never have to find a place in yourself to put on a brave face every time you step onto campus. Medically transitioning in public was also extremely stressful for me (its already stressful in general), but if you intend to medically transition while in school, be kind to yourself, because I often wasn't.
I'm not trying to scare you, but I do want to prepare you in case things go toward a more stressful end. You're going to have a great time in college experiencing independence and freedom, and you're going to grow so much :) I just hope you grow from the good and not the bad. Best of luck my friend, and if you ever need me, my pms are open :)
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possiblytracker · 2 years
the food post
for those who might be somehow unaware of what ive been posting abt for the past 3 weeks, i have been in florida staying with a friend for the duration. it is my first time visiting the united states. and now it is coming to an end i finally get to compile my experiences
(no, i did not get to eat gator, but maybe next time :pensive:)
biscuit and gravy
the quintessential. only got to try it the other day but holy shit that was so good. yall have something good going on with the the thick gravy honestly. incredible
corn dog
my housemate has been asking me to find out what a corn dog is like for months before i came out here. found some in the frozen food section of publix and oven-cooked them. was not expecting the batter to be sweet (with real honey! as the box said!) which was a little weird but it wasnt Bad. i did get to write a whole paragraph on the flavor profile and texture of the corndog but i need not repeat it
frosted sugar cookies
couldn't eat more than one at a time before i had to recover from so much goddamn sugar. was not expecting them to be soft either! but good shit
sweet iced tea
i was informed the kind i tried was not the sweetest you can get down in the south. it was a relatively tame experience, comparatively. and yet that was So Much its like drinking straight syrup
lemonade that isn't sprite
ho ly shitttttttt
lemonade mixed with sweet iced tea 2:1
nectar of the fucking gods.
grape popsicle
vastly superior purple flavour to the blackcurrant back home. dont fucking @ me
i am aware i'm getting a mark on my gay card for this one but it was just once, and probably the best chicken sandwich i ever had, but that's probably because uk fast food fucking sucks more than anything. the frosted lemonade changed my life and im so mad(/j) i have morals and will probably never buy it again
disclaimer i helped Make the meatloaf but i did not actually get to eat it it was for someone else. but im minorly worried about what goes into that thing and how you make it. regardless i got the recipe from my brand new southern grandma and am SO excited to terrorise my family with it when i get back they are going to hate it so much, just conceptually
deviled eggs
helped make this too. much like meatloaf i am consistently concerned at the mixtures of ingredients that go into some food here but i did get to try this one and it was pretty good :)
shaved ice
i dont know how quintessentially american this one is but i've never had it before so i'm counting it. very nice and made my tongue red. most flavourings and food colourings that can do that are banned in the uk or slapped behind a "may have adverse effects on children" label so that was a slightly novel experience
philly cheese steak sandwich
good fucking sandwich and i got to get it with not one but Two of my favourite people which just improved the experience all round tbh. so much meat i did not really feel like eating anything else for most of the rest of the day thO
babys first chipotle went about as well as you can expect. had first burrito and it was fucking GOOD tho. was also told "hey lets get chips and queso it's like cheese sauce its so good :)" and was not told beforehand that queso has chili in it but it Was really fucking good so i just kinda kept eating it anyway
that one fish sandwich at the seafood bar the other day
i have already posted abt this one it needs no introduction but it was mahi-mahi and it was really good. even if towards the end all i could taste was ranch for the sake of my sanity and my poor white tastebuds. i really did my best im fighting for my fucking life out here
fish dip
it sure was fish!!! very good fish. store was referred to simply as "that place with the dip" and it was one of those unassuming run-down looking places on the side of the road that inexplicably just have godly delicious food so thats how you know its gonna be the best thing youve ever had and it Was
key lime pie
im in florida i couldnt miss this one. lemon pies are already my favourite kind of dessert and it was like that a little to the left and it was really really damn good
beef jerky
i was told that eating this and tearing it apart with your teeth makes you feel like some kind of meat-eating wild animal and this was not an inaccurate description
i Think that's everything i can remember but if i think of more ill tack em on the end here later. enjoy, americans
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Hey, I was wondering if you'd do a Philly Barzaga x reader, I can't really find him anywhere but here on your page. I just need more Philly in my life. Thank you. Love your works.
AHHH firstly i feel so blessed and happy about this ask. I absolutely adore philly with my whole heart and i love him sm!! everyone in fc6 needs more love and appreciation and thats why i am here.
if you're looking for more philly content or just someone who loves him as much as i do, the amazing @levithestripper is just as much of a philly simp as me (if not more) <33
but pls enjoy some philly fluff hc's, i hope this is what you wanted and i put my own little spin on it
Philly Bárzaga Fluff HC's
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When you first met Philly you thought for sure this man was crazy. With the way he’d constantly ramble about his ‘philly magic’ and his obsession with explosives and machinery, you thought for sure he’d get you killed in some way or another.
However that didn’t last, in fact it barely lasted a day when the two of you were off causing trouble around Yara.
You’re always the first one he turns to when Espada needs his help in fighting. Philly wouldn’t dare ask anyone else accept you and he makes his crush on you very obvious.
The pair of you make for a great team when you’re on missions and you never fail to make Carlos and Libertad proud. Between Philly’s contraptions and your fighting expertise, there’s a trail of destruction wherever you go.
On every mission Philly is the biggest flirt. He’s overly enthusiastic to tease you constantly and compliment you with a string of nicknames (it can be very distracting, you’re trying to liberate Yara here).
If he can’t actively fight beside you, Philly is always on the phone to you. He’s either spamming you with texts right when you need to be stealthy or he’s calling you and rambling about whether you want crocodile or boar for dinner.
In fact, Philly is texting you constantly. He loves sending you little messages about how he’s crazily in love with you, or he’s sending selfies of him and Chorizo back at his workshop.
Espada totally makes fun of him for it but she’s so happy to see someone she considers family so happy. But she will threaten you with a knife to make sure you’re always going to be good to Philly once you two are offical.
One of your favourite things to do is cuddle after a particularly stressful mission or gruelling day.
You’ll drag Philly into the shower with you to get rid of all the grime and sweat from the day before grabbing a blanket and wrapping him up.
He’ll give you lots of forehead kisses but as he gets tired he will kiss your nose, cheeks and lips or wherever he can reach with minimal movement.
Philly’s favourite sleeping position is to bury his face in the top of your hair before to fall asleep. He loves the smell of it, especially when it’s freshly washed as it makes him instantly relax and melt.
You of course, have your arms wrapped around his waist and practically bear hug him to death with your face tucked in his neck because where else would you rather be?
Chorizo is almost always sleeping by your legs which are all tangled together and he will nibble on your ankles if he thinks he’s not getting the same amount of attention you give to Philly.
You steal, no share his clothes. Sometimes you borrow his shirts or a jacket if there is a thunderstorm outside but your favourite item to wear is his hat.
If Philly has been hunched over his workbench for too long and you want him to come to bed, your best bet is to steal his hat and wear it. He loves that it’s slightly lopsided on you and he melts at the sight of you in it that he’ll come to bed almost instantly.
In all the years you’ve known Philly, there have been a few major close calls, ones that neither of you are likely to forget.
Fighting in Yara always has its dangers but when you were captured by the FND, all you wanted was to be with Philly where it’s safe and warm.
Philly rounded up the entire Montero farm to come and get you. Espada had to calm him down but nothing really helped until he knew you were safe.
The minute he saw you, Philly ran straight to your arms and gave you the tightest hug he’d ever given you. His arms clung to your shirt and he buried his face in your arms as he repeated how much he missed you.
After that incident, the two of you only grew closer and everyone at the Montero’s started seeing you as family.
The true deciding factor however, was when Chorizo trusted you enough to follow you around and wanted to spend time with you. That was all Philly needed to know you are the love of his life.
Whenever there are big celebrations on the farm, you and Philly almost always get drunk and end up dancing together. Your arms are draped around his shoulder and the two of you just sway around camp and cheer on the party.
There is always a moment around camp however when the guitar is softly playing and people start to call it a night (or pass out at three in the morning).
Philly always presses your foreheads together and holds you close so you’re dancing more intimately. With Chorizo running in and around your moving feet, he will whisper to you just how much he loves you.
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dem-khuya · 2 years
the memory i always play and replay is of january 2020, before covid happened, when i visited my dad’s foster mother and my foster cousins and we spent one of the coldest days in my immediate memory taking the train from cherry hill to philly and walking around. that month is my foster grandmother’s and my birthday month, hence the visit, and she was happy to see me.
we had overpriced pasta in a corner of little italy, but it was really good—of course i had aglio e olio. then trying to get to washington avenue only to find all the viet stores there were packed and feeling guilty i’d dragged them along. we went to the philly aids thrift @ giovanni’s room, where i bought carmen maria machado’s memoir, and the man at the register told me that she actually frequents them regularly. i was kinda blushy and surprised, i’ve always loved her work and it felt special to have gotten her book there. n then hearing the first few chords of bambi while i was freezing to my death on the philly streets lol.
i remember looking so gross, my nose was running and i was wearing two jackets and i was jobless at the time so i was eternally depressed which showed on my face i think. bambi’s first few notes made me suddenly warm, and the first line—i swear to god i wasn’t born to fight…i couldn’t forget it even if i wanted to.
i was never raised in philly but it was a big deal to go there when i was small. it had, and still has, a huge vietnamese + chinese marketplace. something i’ve never seen to the same extent here. i’d been born in new jersey but my family moved to bethlehem when i was little so pennsylvania as a state has always been terribly nostalgic to me. if it wasn’t so cold i think that i would have seriously considered moving back to that area, it might be the only place i really consider home in the US.
to have heard bambi that day and, after flying back home, eventually listening to much of hippo campus’s discography, always felt so strange and special to me. i read that the band came from minneapolis. that’s why they’re dressed in big winter jackets in one or two of their music videos, it’s just so awfully cold there in the winter. they’re only two years older than me too. i was really at a crossroads at that moment of my life. uncertain, lonely, resentful. and i was freezing cold wandering around a city that i felt i would always be bound to in some indirect and unconscious way—a place i should have grown up in, a place that would have made me a little happier, or that i associate with more happiness in an unfair way, by simply not having lived my life there. surrounded by loose ends of my mother and father’s past, and at the unhappiest i ever felt in my life. thats where i first heard bambi and that’s why i can’t stop thinking about it.
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winnipegpatty · 4 years
2020 Wrapped:
i feel like i just did this, bc everyone was all pissy, and i wanted to love everyone, but i’ll do it again bc i’m just like....i love love so? whatever. 
first and foremost: i have to acknowledge some of the people who no longer share fandoms with me but are still just some of my best friends even if we don’t talk every day all day. @steveswhitewolf @farfromstevie @justwanttobefound @dorotheuh Lu, Kali, Bee, and Tiana. I love you guys so much. You always have a special place in my heart no matter how close or far in fandoms we are or even in distance. Bee, I wish we could have had our yearly thanksgiving/christmas meeting but nevertheless i’m so glad i know you and im so glad i’ve had the chance to be in your presence as many times as i have. thank you for always welcoming me no matter how long it’s been since we’ve talked. <3 Kali, what the fuck when are we gonna see each other again :( when am i gonna move to philly? i have like, a thousand flyers hockey items now, so i’ll like fit right in. i love you, and i’m sorry i changed my url, but i kept the other one and now i have a whole entire sideblog dedicated to you, so i think that’s like cool (or incredibly lame, you can chose). Lu, thank you for being there for me through literally everything. Thank you for being that online friend that goes past fandom, and let’s me cry about real life shit and checks in on me when it’s been a while. ilysm <3 T, you are are such a lovely ray of sunshine in my life. I don’t even know what i did to deserve your devotion and love. i hate shawn so much, but like at the very least he brought me you so im okay with it <3 
now: god, okay this is gonna be a fucking novel i guess. i gotta acknowledge my hockey friends, and im genuinely sorry, i know i’m going to forget people (rayleene, i don’t even fucking know what your url is anymore so i won’t even try.)
there are so many, too many, good blogs here, so this is more related to people i love and now like, content stuff bc, like so many of yall have amazing content ( @pencilhoarders @art-and-the-hockeys @powerblais @heddy just off the top of my head) and i genuinely cannot remember everyone like, ever, so im sorry. 
@mathewtkachuk first and foremost the babe (read: bitch) that drug me into this hell. i mean, i suppose i asked for it but thats neither here nor there. isbah, i love you. thanks for being with me for the last like....six (seven? eight? wtf is time?) months. thanks for all the cute baby photos and videos. thanks for letting me rant about so much hockey shit that you’re probably so tired of me. thanks for helping me decide which merch to buy when im doing retail therapy lol. i just love you so much. please never leave me lol okay thanks, bye.
@captainkirbydach kels, even though you and isbah talk about me behind my back, i am happy we have started talking more lately! i enjoy your presence on my dash as well as the chats we have (Even if it started with like 99% Drama haha )
@jamesvanriemsdyk i love you i love you i love you. i love that you’re like so fucking exhausted with just Everything (TM) because you’ve been on hockeyblr for too long. and you always make me and isbah feel dumb af bc most things are new to us haha but i love it so much. 
@goalie-interference love you bub. thanks for being my ultimate encourager always <3 i literally probs wouldn’t be able to write without you lately!
@jonnysboy ciciiiiiiiiii! love you so much. our talks are *chefs kiss* your icons/wallpapers/headers are lovely. you are lovely. you’re so kind always, and i appreciate you. 
@ohnokonecny alexis you say you have like no friends here, but LIES because i am your friend haha. I love talking to you. I love chatting with you about writing and fics and whatnot. I enjoy our convos so much! 
okay, i know im 100% missing people but im sorry. im tired and also im taking a break from work to write this and i 100% need to go back to work so this is all for now <3 love you guys, thanks for making 2020 not so shitty
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halogen2 · 3 years
okay i havent done a life + writing update on here in a hot minute so here we go
hello! things r okay. i am almost halfway done with senior year which is horrifying but also rlly exciting. theres some bad news with my debut novel that i will have to release sometime soon (nothing too bad -- just stuff on my publishers side bc everyone is overworked and the whole paper shortage thing and etc etc etc ... will talk more abt this when i know if i can). butttt im getting my FINAL line edits back sometime this month, including notes from an authenticity reader, so im excited to c an outside perspective on my book (meaning, like, not just my agent or my editor or my friends). also hopefully cover things will rlly get going soon lol.
while im waiting for all of that, ive decided to do nanowrimo for the first time in my entire life. so far its been fun and a lot less stressful than i expected! i think mainly b/c ive decided that my daily goal is 1k and not 1.5-2k, b/c my goal is NOT to completely finish a novel at the end of this month (altho maybe that will happen considering how ive been going so far!), but instead to get back in the habit of writing for an hour every day. its only be a week obvs but ive felt. rejuvenated, honestly. i missed writing new words and just letting myself be In the writing instead of editing, revising, worrying about publishing stuff, etc.....
with school, ive been rlly stressed tho b/c im taking an asl class and altho i rlly like learning the language, my teacher. sucks. she is Not teaching us and she doesnt seem to understand why every single student is failing, so it just makes going to class and taking the exams miserable, even tho i want to learn. also, ive been stressed bc im the editor-in-chief of my schools lit mag, which has been dead for the past 2 years (partially cuz of the pandemic), so im having to revive it almost entirely on my own.... we're at crunch time now where i have to teach myself adobe indesign and make sure it all gets done in time to print so we can have a launch party at the end of the semester. so thats been stressful, altho i am rlly excited to have a finished project and stuff.
also last week was my bfs and my anniversary ! which was rlly nice. i got him a cute star chart of the day we started dating as a present (dont tell him) and thatll come in the mail this week so :). and my 22nd birthday is this upcoming saturday! which im excited abt mainly b/c my bf and i are driving to philly so i can meet his friends for the first time, and then we're going to DC on sunday for a half waif concert!! im so so soooo excited to see her live. she is definitely my top artist of the year and mythopoetics meant so much to me this summer. so overall next weekend will be fun i hope!!
anyway thats abt it probably <3
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thesunshinydays · 4 years
hello im thinking about jessica telephone welcome to sunny thinking about jessica telephone hours featuring sunny’s many headcanons and also whats on the wiki if it happens to coincide with my opinions and probably not the common jt fanon this is gonna be long
i subscribe to the pies version of jess for a lot of pre grand siesta blaseball. teenage dirtbag!jt, who skates poorly and gives unintelligible interviews and invents SKATE JUICE and keys bam margeras car. but i dont think it was always at that intensity. i think before she got shelled the first time, she was a little bit of a disaster emboldened slightly by her status as this fantastic blaseball player, but she reigned herself in a bit for the sake of pr. tried to look good for the fans and whatnot. but then she got shelled and she just stopped caring about that.
she got shelled and listened to whatever music the janitor was playing at night in the oven as she waited in that shell after everyone else went home for the day. she memorized rap god which would go on to be one of her claims to infamy, of course, but like. she must have been so lonely. 
and then she got out of the shell the first time, and she became a little hellion. enough to get regularly chewed out by the pies pr team probably, but i imagine other members of the team like mickey or ed or ruslan would have defended her cause like, shes just a kid really and theyve seen what the splort can do to people, but also i think she just, didnt care at all about what people thought of her anymore. truly my wildest head canon is that i think she would have been friends with tillman, comrades in pissing people off. and i think she probably started having real fun.
but then the fans shelled her again. and she would have gotten so angry. and the pods gave her a chance to be a real villain for a while which would be fun, but then she lands in kansas city and i think shed just be tired. of like, not being in control of her home or her image or her own choices for so long. and then the coffee cup happens and shes shuffled again. and eventually her teams goes up against club de calf and she plays SO poorly. for multiple games in a row. and i cant help but imagine that its a form of rebellion, choosing to play poorly to have some sort of control because there on the opposite team is beasley day, her former teammate and goodest dog(s) in the league. and she pays all of her attention to that dog instead of the game and thats her choice.
and then i think over the siesta, she grows up a little. she matures. she starts acting in ways that let the spotlight fall off of her a little. (never entirely). and like, i dont think everyone ages during the siesta because blaseball is weird. but i think she does. and i think she finds a happy medium between bending over backwards to please fans and acting out to spite them, and she lands somewhere around sticking up for herself.
and then the fans wimdy her back to philly. and the pies welcome her back but it feels different this time. theyve kept in contact obviously, because once a pie always a pie (its the whole team, no matter what team you happen to be on), but she puts the uniform back on and it fits her better now. she wears it differently and the other pies are so proud of her. and she sees nerd pacheco in their shell, and sometimes, she’ll stay long after practice and just sit nearby and maybe talk to them (because she knows they can hear her) and sometimes she’ll just play music, frequently metal. just so they arent quite as alone as they might have been otherwise.
and when nerd breaks out theyll have opinions on music that werent there before, and a friend in jessica telephone
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ttlmt · 4 years
I just watched the final google feud vid again and IM CACKLING why is it so CHAOTIC?!?!! I honestly cannot even handle it like the looks they kept giving each other AHH I’m soft. And the way Phil kept leaning on Dan’s arm? And Dan’s goblin gargle? And how it gets progressively more obvious that they’re not even trying to play the game any more? And the singing in UNISON? And the fact that they both seem high as hec? And how crazy Phil is acting? Like damn Philly. If you have anything to add(‘:
LITERALLY wtf happened to them while they were in Canada. every video they filmed here was insane but ESPECIALLY the final google fued.
like dan “live your truth constantly and you’ll be fine” and phil “you get up to a lot when you’re not tweeting” like we’re not even 30 seconds in and dan gives him That Look (i swore i giffed this before but i can’t find it so i know what im doing later oml). phil’s weird anecdotes? he probably dreamt them? dan is so done? and dan’s face when he says he’s cultured? and phil roasting him? and THE SECRET FOLDER BIT! (im sorry im not getting screengrabs of all this i just woke up and im too emo to make a coherent breakdown post) they’re just having so much fun in and the whole room service debacle? and like surely they couldnt get MORE chaotic and then BOOM. and remember when everyone thought phil slapped dan’s ass?? we had a field day that day we were so wild oml (we didn’t appreciate 2018 enough). dan’s face on real guesses (okay im gonna do one screengrab look at this shit and also phil for the lolz)
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like maybe they weren’t drunk before but they def had something with dinner cause dan’s just out. of. it. and they’re literally debating about whether to play the game or be funny and like thats a dapg mood (rip) MEN CAN BE MILKED IS IN THIS VIDEO TOO WTF. fuck it have another one
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the shameless spons? the yelling? the fact that their arms are like attached through the whole thing like YOU ARE IN TWO CHAIRS YOU ARE PROFFESIONALS YOUR CAMERA COULD GO WIDER THIS WAS A CHOICE. idk what happens to dans voice when he’s talking about drawing the dog but i would like it to happen more.
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jesstina... she’s weird right?? is anyone else LeAvINg the EU? phil: i met someone who hates ice cream. dan: WHO IS THIS PERSON like hes so persistent and phil just ignores him like the toddler he is and then distracts him with the next topic. why do they call it dabbing? okay maybe i don’t miss 2018.
why do they call it spoons? wtf phil
dan screaming when phil skips the answers. phil shushing him cause they’re in a hotel. dan’s valley girl voice. phil mocking him for it. how do you make someone fall in love with you? dan: SHUT UP (okay we get it you have a soulmate yall fell in love at first sight or whatever we can’t all have that smh)
alright back to the breakdown.
phil’s so stressed and dans so giggly and this whole thing is a mess. phil saying sTupId the friggin attempt at all or nothing at the end and dan just vetos that shit. and i always say this is my fave video but after watching it again i know im right ty
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grittyreadsfic · 4 years
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been seeing underappreciated fic rec lists going around, so here are some of my top fics that deserved more attention, on a list that might have gotten it’s title from a DCOM: gonna let the light shine on me
note: for this fic, i used the criteria that it had under 250 kudos, though the bulk of these fall into the under 150 category, and that they’ve been around for a few weeks at least. 
further and fast and gone after disaster by penaltyboxed
pairing: n/a, gen
summary: Robby had made his agent request the trade instead of asking for it himself.
Something about the idea of verbally admitting how badly he needed to get out of St. Louis kind of killed him inside. He didn’t even care where he went, not really. He just desperately wanted to be out of electric blue and gold, wanted to skate anywhere else, wanted to feel like he actually mattered to a team. Any team. Anywhere in the league that would take a disappointing excuse of a first round pick with ‘injury prone’ tattooed across his forehead. His name was on the fucking Stanley Cup and it just felt so cheap, and evil, in a cosmic sort of way. He was trying to exorcise the chorus of Gloria from his brain for the rest of his life.
So his agent had texted him: What about Detroit? Armstrong and the front office r willing to trade u for a kid named De La Rose.
And then his agent had texted him again: I can get u 1 for 1 but thats probably as good as its gonna be
why i love it: i’ve never loved a gen fic as much i love this one. it’s an absolutely beautiful character study of robby, and is some of the best writing of emotion that i’ve ever encountered. it’s such a perfectly crafted fic, and it made me want to care about the red wings (i team i literally know nothing about)
i’ve never been a natural (all i do is try, try, try) by iwantthemtostay ( @iwantthemtostay​ )
pairing: connor mcdavid/dylan strome
summary:  In June 2015 Dylan gets drafted fourth overall by the Toronto Maple Leafs, in August his boyfriend breaks up with him. In July 2026 said ex signs with the Leafs. In the months that follow they work things out.
why i love it: this author has actually written two of my favorite mcstrome fics ever, and i recced the other one of theirs pretty recently. this fic has some of the best platonic dynamics, which adds such a nice depth to the story and the secondary characters. the pacing of it is absolutely perfect, and it felt like such a realistic way that connor and dylan could have come back together.
we’ve moved on again by stromesquad 
pairing: travis konecny/dylan strome
summary: Dylan isn’t expecting his phone to ring during the second day of the 2023 draft, but it does, and it’s Stan Bowman.
“Hello,” Dylan answers.
“Hi, Dylan. I am calling to let you know you’ve been traded to Philadelphia. Thank you for your hard work and dedication here in Chicago, and we in management and the coaching staff wish you the very best for your future. Chuck Fletcher should be reaching out to you soon.”
why i loved it: i love trade fics, for the narrative, and i love trade fics that are actually trades i wish would happen in the real world. it’s such a great look into how dylan handles it all-the move, the break up, the gradual way he falls for tk, how he makes a home for himself in philly and on the flyers-and the pairing is one i would never have thought of, but now i wish there were so many more fics for them
step out into the wild by jamesvanriemsdick ( @jamesvanriemsdick​ )
pairings: travis konency/nolan patrick
summary: Travis Konecny doesn’t stop talking—Nolan finds he doesn’t mind, though, not when Travis fills up the space where the city’s heartbeat should be, not when he makes Nolan feel so, so alive, like there’s electricity running under his skin instead of just blood and bone and muscle.
why i love it: i was torn between putting a fic from this series or once in twenty life times, but i’m fairly certain i recced that one recently so. technically you could read my essay length comments on any of the fics in this series and you’d get all of my very indepth thoughts on this, but the the tldr is that i’m a sucker for magical realism and a little bit in love with the city of philadelphia, and this fic-the whole series-just does it for me. i love the concept of the heartbeats, of all the different way the city makes its claim known, and nolan’s is my favorite of the three. 
i didn’t have it in myself to go with grace by crookedsilence ( @crooked-silence​ )
pairing: nathan mackinnon/cale makar
summary:  It takes one morning for Cale’s entire life to change. One morning and a wish he didn’t know he made.
why i love it: wishbaby fics are one of my absolute favorite things to read, and this one is an absolutely perfect one. the domesticity, the way it’s so obvious who the second parent is, but cale takes forever to put it together, the complex and messy and conflicting emotions that this kind of situation would create-it’s really got it all and is such a wonderful read
somewhere where the summer lasts all year ‘round by jvrcus
pairing: jamie benn/tyler seguin
summary:  Edmonton was cold, so Tyler goes somewhere warm.
why i love it: ao3 user jvrcus if you see this please know that i looked at your page for a solid 15 minutes trying to decide which fic to puton this list because they’re all perfect. this author is one of my favorite writers when it comes to imagery, and this fic is such a great example of that. this fic is really just a series of moments that feel too intimate to witness, which is what i love in a fic
this feels like falling in love by bageldiscourse
pairing: jt compher/tyson jost/alexander kerfoot
summary: Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? Alexander would like to believe that, but he couldn’t imagine a fondness stronger than the one he feels every time he’s around them. He couldn’t imagine a world where his heart doesn’t skip a beat every time J.T. smiles, easy and pleased and, underneath it all, a little vulnerable. Or—when Tyson volunteers to help Alexander make brownies, and looks over at Alexander, the bridge of his nose dusted with flour and his hands sticky with chocolate.
When the three of them are driving to practice in the morning, Alexander in the backseat and Tyson and J.T. holding hands and Alexander just—wanting.
why i love it: part why i adore this fic is just the structure, how it’s set up that there’s a fact or anecdote about alexander, and then there’s a way that it relates to jt and tyson. alexander calls the two of them the closest thing to soulmates, but this structure makes it feel like all three of them are just linked somehow, and it’s a very sweet fic
nobody left but us by capsize (copenhagenborn)
pairing: tyson barrie/gabe landeskog
summary: Tyson is traded to the Toronto Maple Leafs in July, and it's fine, really.
It's not like his life is falling apart or anything.
why i love it: again, i love trade fics, and this one is one of my favorites because of it’s characterization of tyson. he spends most of the fic trying to help others, focusing on the issues someone else is experiencing, in order to avoid thinking about his own problems. it leads to some really great parallels in the fic, and the author crafted such  a beautiful, layered, and compelling story because of it
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