#so that Franken would be comfortable
j1mmys-darl1ng · 2 months
⋇⊶⊰if ____ saw you crying⊱⊷⋇
Charecters : tate, kit, kyle, james
Content : headcannons
A/n: i did not expect my fanfic to do well, i thought it wasn't gonna get anything exept a note or two so that you guys so much! Have some headcannons while i think of a new idea :3
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Tate :
-Probably the one crying
-if you were infact the one crying, he would probably hug you and not let go until you push him away or he knows you're ok
-give you small kisses to hopefully make you feel better
-would definitely stay silent unless its mumbled reassurences
Kit (post-Briarcliff) :
-same as tate to be honest
-would probably hug you extremely tight, not letting you pull away unless you really needed to
-would cook for you and most definitely wouldn't burn the food
-would quite literally treat you like a glass princess
Kyle (pre-franken) :
-wouldn't know what to do at first
-would try his best to comfort you
-probably would accidentally become your therapist in the moment
Franken-kyle :
-definitely would just cuddle with you the whole time
-he would treat you like a hurt animal, trying to be as gentle as possible
James Patrick march:
-if your crying because of someone, he'd make it his goal to kill them
-probably give you an ultimatum
-"it wont be like this forever, and if it is? You can just simply kill yourself!"
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A/n: ok so i was definitely running out of ideas so i apologise for it getting crappy i also apologise if any of the characters seem out of character with my headcannons, i tried to base some off what actually happen in the show mixed with what i think!
Thank you for reading! <3
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xrag-dollx · 1 month
Missing you...
franken!Kyle Spencer x fem!reader
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Summary: time to say goodbye would come for everyone of us in some kind of way. Kyle now had to make his final goodbye to his dearest friend...
Warnings: angst, mentions of death
The sun was setting behind the tall curtains, casting a dim, and warm orange glow across the room. Kyle sat on the floor, his back pressed against the couch, his dark eyes fixed on the little cage beside him. Inside, the once lively and curious guinea pig lay motionless, its small chest rising and falling with shallow breaths. You could see the sadness in Kyle’s eyes, a deep sorrow that he couldn't fully express with words.
“G-Gus… s-sleepy,” Kyle mumbled, his voice thick with distress. He reached into the cage, his large hand was trembling as he gently stroked the guinea pig’s fur. Gus had been his companion for five years, a gift from you when Kyle first came to live with you. You had seen the way Kyle bonded with the little creature, how Gus had given Kyle something like a connection to life despite all that he had lost and all that had been taken from him.
You sat down next to Kyle, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Kyle,” you began softly, searching for the right words, “Gus... he's not doing well.”
Kyle turned to look at you, his eyes were pleading for a different answer, something to take away the pain he was feeling. “N-no… no… G-Gus okay,” he stammered, his voice breaking.
You shook your head, tears welling up in your own eyes. “Kyle, I know this is hard… but Gus is very old now. He’s tired… his little body can’t keep going.” You could see the confusion and fear in Kyle’s expression. His lips moved, trying to form words, but nothing came out. All he could do was shake his head in denial.
“He… he w-wake up… l-later?” Kyle asked, his voice barely above a whisper, clinging to a fragile hope that maybe, somehow, Gus would be okay.
You reached into the cage and gently lifted Gus, holding him in your hands. His tiny body felt so fragile, so weak. You placed him in Kyle’s lap, letting him have this one last moment with the pet he loved so much.
“Kyle, sometimes… we have to say goodbye,” you said, your voice breaking with emotion. “It’s the way of life… nothing lasts forever.”
Kyle’s hands wrapped around Gus, cradling him as if he could shield him from the inevitable. “N-no… please… d-don’t go,” he choked out, his eyes squeezing shut as tears began to fall down his cheeks.
You stayed with him, your own heart breaking as you watched Kyle struggle to come to terms with what was happening. He didn’t understand why the world could be so cruel, why something so precious had to be taken away.
“Kyle,” you whispered, leaning closer, “Gus loves you so much. You took such good care of him… he’s been happy with you. But now… it’s time for him to rest.”
Kyle didn’t respond, his gaze locked on Gus, his tears falling onto the guinea pig’s soft fur. The room was silent except for the sound of Kyle’s quiet sobs and the faint, fading breaths of his beloved pet.
Minutes passed, each one feeling like an eternity, until finally, Gus’s breathing stopped. Kyle froze, his hands tightening around the lifeless body as if trying to will it back to life. “N-no… no… no!” he cried out, his voice breaking with anguish.
You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close as he wept, his body trembling with the force of his grief. “I’m so sorry, Kyle...” you whispered, holding him tightly. “I know it hurts… but you gave Gus so much love. He wasn’t alone… he had you.”
Kyle buried his face in your shoulder, his tears soaking through your shirt. He couldn’t speak, couldn’t find the words to express the pain and loss that was consuming him. All he could do was cling to you, the only comfort he had left.
As the night grew darker, you stayed with Kyle, holding him as he mourned the loss of his friend. You knew this was a pain that would take time to heal, pain that words alone couldn’t ease. But you also knew that, in time, Kyle would find a way to move forward, carrying the memory of Gus with him, a reminder of the love they had shared.
On the following day, Kyle was still deeply mourning over Gus, grappling with the remnants of his memories he had with Gus, as he struggled to let go of his friend.
And there you are now, standing by the small, makeshift grave in the garden. His usually vacant eyes are filled with a rare emotion—grief. In his hands, he cradles a small shoebox with a solemn tenderness, containing his beloved guinea pig, Gus, who had been his constant companion for the past five years. Despite his fragmented mind, Kyle had formed a deep bond with the little creature, who never judged him for the stitches and scars that marked his body.
You stand beside him, a shovel in hand, as the late afternoon sun casts long shadows across the garden. The air is heavy with the scent of earth and blooming flowers, a stark contrast to the somber task at hand. Kyle looks at you with a childlike confusion, a quiet plea in his eyes, as if he's searching for the right way to say goodbye.
"H-here?" he asks, his voice a low, broken whisper as he gestures to a spot near the roses, where the ground is soft and the light gentle.
You nod, giving him a reassuring smile. "Yeah, this is a good spot, Kyle. Gus would like it here."
Kyle kneels down, carefully placing the shoebox in the small hole you’ve dug together. His large hands tremble as he brushes the dirt off the box, his fingers lingering over the lid for a moment longer before he lets go. He looks up at you, his eyes wide and tearing up, silently asking if it's okay to proceed.
Taking the shovel, you slowly begin to cover the box with earth, each movement deliberate and respectful. Kyle watches intently, his lips pressed together in a tight line as if trying to hold back an emotion he doesn’t fully understand. Once the grave is filled, you hand him a small stone to mark the spot.
He takes it with a nod, gently placing it at the head of the grave, his large fingers tracing the shape of the stone. After a moment of silence, he murmurs, "G-gus... safe now." His voice is shaky, but there's a hint of relief in his words.
You place a comforting hand on his shoulder, feeling the tension in his muscles ease just slightly. "Yes...Gus is safe now," you agree softly. "And he’s always going to be with you, in here," you add, tapping his chest.
Kyle’s hand moves to his chest, his brow furrowing as he tries to comprehend the weight of your words. Finally, he gives a slow, understanding nod. "In...here," he repeats, almost as if committing the idea to memory.
You both stand there for a while, letting the moment sink in, the only sound being the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze. Even in his disjointed reality, Kyle understands loss, and in this quiet moment, you’ve helped him find a way to mourn and say goodbye.
Tags: @fear-is-truth @am3ricanh0rrorwh0re @trueangel420 @evanpeterspeter @lacucarachapisser @evanpeterswifeyyy
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americanwh0rerstory · 28 days
Rainy days [kyle spencer]
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Franken-kyle x witch!reader
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SUMMARY: kyle doesn’t like thunder, so you decide to comfort him
CONTENT WARNING: mentions of death, lana del rey (it’s not rlly a warning but she’s mentioned in the fic)
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thunder rumbled from a distance away, rain hammering down on the roof. however despite how far it away the storm was, it sounded as though it was looming over the academy. no matter what anyone tried, nobody could calm down the distressed kyle. with every roar of thunder, every flash of lightening, it just continued to cause kyle to be in a worse state
he was attempting to hide from the thunder, his hands over his ears and his knees up to his chest whilst he sat in the corner of the room. Madison almost instantly gave up with him, sauntering off to do her own thing. zoe tried too, but kyle just wouldn’t listen to her. through the loud thunder and the garbled distressed noises he managed to say one shaky stammered word: “y-y/n”
he wanted you, the only person who hadn’t gotten fed up with him at any point. so obviously you came the second word got to you that kyle was seeking your comfort. you knelt down in front of him, gently putting your hands on his and pulling them away from his ears so he’d be able to hear you.
“it’s okay ky” you reassure him gently, looking into his panic-stricken eyes as you spoke to him in a slow and comforting tone. you grab the sparkly earphones kyle had used before and carefully put them on him, his face lighting up slightly the same way he always did when the headphones were plugged in.
you plugged the headphones into your laptop, putting your playlist on shuffle and hoping kyle would like what came on. it was Diet mountain dew by lana del rey, hopefully something kyle would enjoy. judging by the small smile on his lips and the way he seemed to be calming down, he did like it. you sat beside him, intwining your fingers with his to provide him extra comfort whilst you both listened to the music, the rain droning on as mere background noise
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whosbloom · 2 months
Kyle Spencer » Scaredy cat
⋆.˚ summary/request: “So reader have a cute cat named idk 😭 and one day she bring her cat in the shared bedroom with post death Kyle, he was on his iPad trying to learn some new words when he see reader with a little animal in her arms he get scared because he don’t know what is this lil’ thing, but after reader introduced the cat to him he start to pat him and get comfortable around him.”
⋆.˚ fluffy fluff fluff , franken!kyle , i named the kitty eclipse because i’ve always wanted a cat named eclipse , i feel like this sucks but i always think my writing sucks
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The bright screen illuminated his features as Kyle mumbled out the words echoing through his headphones.
He had spent the day learning as much as possible, wanting to be able to communicate with you better for when you would get back.
Though, when you stepped inside the room, he was taken aback by the small black ball of fur curled up in your arms.
“Hey, Kyle.” You smiled lightly as you adjusted your arm carefully, walking over to him and leant over to see what he was working on, before sitting down with a sigh.
His eyes immediately went to the ball of fur, slowly removing the headphones as he listened to it purring. His eyes shot open a bit pit of slight worry and fear, not knowing what it was, only causing him to become nervous.
“You good?” You spoke quietly, following his gaze down to the cat, realization hitting you as you slowly looked back up at him. “It’s a cat.. named him Eclipse.”
His gaze found yours, his brows knitted together as he moved the iPad to sit on the nightstand. “C-cat..?”
You nodded as he spoke, feeling as Eclipse slowly lifted his head and took in his surroundings, eventually looking up at Kyle and meowed. He didn’t know how to react, simply freezing up as he stared into his eyes.
“Kyle, it’s okay. He’s not gonna hurt you.” You laughed lightly, tilting your head to the side a bit. “You can pet him.. he won’t do anything.”
He let out a shaky breath as he carefully brought a hand up and placed it on his back, feeling the soft fur under his fingers as he lightly traced down his back, before mimicking the gesture a few times.
“Cat..” He spoke quietly again, a small smile forming on his lips as he ducked his head done to get closer.
After a minute he looked up at you again, moving his hands around a little to gesture he wanted to hold the cat.
“Alright, alright.. carefully, okay? Don’t want either of you getting hurt.” You moved his arms in a way that he could hold the small kitten, carefully putting Eclipse in his hold and ran your own hand down his back. “I’m assuming you like the cat already?”
He eagerly nodded, looking down at him with a wide smile, using one hand to carefully scratch his chin.
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bugs1nmybrain · 1 year
Masterlist (18+) ♡☆♡☆♡☆
This is a comprehensive list of all my fics and headcanons. These are all x readers, and the reader is almost always fem. Listed at the end are things that I will write and won't write.
I do take requests!! I have busy schedule though, so it may take up to months for me to get to yours.
Characters I write for: L Lawliet, Tomura Shigaraki, Shouta Aizawa, and Professor Franken Stein, my ocs
I am also a self-shipper! I may post content about my f/os and the time I spend with them. If that makes you uncomfortable, then take a walk!
Minors CANNOT interact with these posts, as 98% of them are nsfw.
Date updated: 8/16/24
L Lawliet ♡♡♡
L Lawliet With a Shy & Insecure Reader (hcs)
Somno/Morning Sex with L (smut fic)
Fem!L x Fem!Reader
Food play with L (self insert smut)
Drunk 69 with L
Voyeurism and Somnophilia with L (smut fic)
L Lawliet x Bipolar Reader (headcanons)
Intricate: L x Chubby! Reader NSFW (smut fic)
Distraction (smut fic)
L x Curvy! Reader (headcanons)
What L Would Do When He's in Love (headcanons)
NSFW Headcanons
L and reader lose their virginities together (smut fic)
The Task Force walks in on you and L making out (fic)
Pet names he'd call you (headcanons)
L x INFP! Reader (headcanons)
L x Short! Reader (headcanons)
L x Reader: First Time Headcanons
L x Chubby! Reader (headcanons)
L SFW Alphabet
L NSFW Alphabet
L Relationship Headcanons
Tomura Shigaraki ♡♡♡
Bipolar!Tomura x fic (one-shot)
Shigaraki x Fem!Reader: Shiggy crushing on reader - Two Part One-shot
Bipolar Shigaraki Headcanons
Fem Shiggy Headcanons
Shigaraki walks in on Re-Destro talking shit about you (short fic)
Shigaraki's Psychological Conditions Headcanons
Shigaraki x Fem!Reader Anal Sex (One-shot fic)
Give Your Heart a Break - shigaraki x reader series
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Clingy!Tomura x reader hcs
Kisses with Shigaraki (headcanons)
Shigaraki with a Girlfriend Headcanons (w: dub-con/non-con, domestic abuse)
Neko!Shigaraki and Reader smut
Stoned Bathroom Sex with Tomura
Sfw Reverse Comfort MDLB (mommy dom/little boy)
Mommy Kink with Shigaraki (smut fic)
Shigaraki x Chubby! Reader Headcanons
Nasty (Period sex) (smut fic)
NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet
Shiggy x Short! Reader (headcanons)
Tomura fucking you in front of Dabi (smut fic, TW: dub-con)
Shouta Aizawa ♡♡♡
Professor!Aizawa x College Student (this sucks n is vry ooc)
Aizawa x Bigender reader hcs
Aizawa x reader headcanons
Emotional Support Sex with Shouta
NSFW Headcanons
Aizawa x Bipolar! Reader (headcanons)
Aizawa x Virgin! Reader (smut fic)
Aizawa x Short! Reader (headcanons)
Aizawa SFW Headcanons
Aizawa x College Student! Reader (smut fic)
Aizawa NSFW Headcanons
Aizawa x Chubby! Reader (headcanons)
Aizawa Relationship Headcanons
Franken Stein ♡♡♡
Stein x Immuno-compromised Reader (headcanons)
NSFW Alphabet
Stein x Chubby! Reader (headcanons)
Liela Lovesworth (my oc) ♡♡♡
Confession (sfw)
L x me art
Aizawa and I's 4 yr anniversary post
What I will write♡♡♡!!:
fem characters (ex: fem L, fem Tomura, etc)
enby reader with female anatomy or male anatomy (please specify for nsfw)
male reader but I've never done it
Any character that I write for
crack fic
problematic content
Mental illness (bipolar, schizophrenia, ocd, etc)
Mommy/daddy kink
Chubby reader
anal but not rough
What I WON'T write ×!×!×:
blood/mutilation (with the exception of period sex)
Anything ridiculously out of character
brutal rape (any rape is brutal, but I mean gruesome to the point of no return after I write it)
Yandere (I will write obsessive partners and codependent relationships, but no kidnapping or stuff like that)
Furry (except nekos)
Characters I don't write for
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hatelangdon · 1 year
Pt 1, Pt 2 / 3k words.
(Franken!Kyle x Witch!Reader)
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Hurt/comfort, & fluff, Slight angst (it's just me rambling about Kyle's mistreatment from the Coven)
(🚨 Warnings: Talks of Fever, Being sick, Vomiting (not in detail), seperation anxiety, Crying, Zoe and Madison being terrible caregivers so neglect, problems with eating and drinking🚨)
Summary: Kyle doesn't feel good, he hasn't for a while...but what he needs now is kindness, understanding, and care from someone who actually wants the best for him.
(A/N: We all just want Kyle to feel better, he's so sweet. You could honestly just read this one by itself, but if you want more lore I would look into the last 2 parts...I definitely got carried away so I understand if ya'll don't feel like reading all this but I TOLD YALL I LOVE WHUMP but Misty is back and Kyle is wearing silly straw glasses so how mad could you be? I would highly recommend that you listen to this song near the end of the story , it adds a layer of sentiment that I can't even describe. I hope you have all enjoyed this little series as much as i've enjoyed writing it <3)
Also, this is not proofread so there's probably errors, ya'll know the drill by now.
When you returned with the broom and dustpan to clean the glass up, Kyle was laying in the bed twirling the ring around his pinky. He was so enamored by its beauty that he barely even noticed when you came back, until you started to sweep the glass off the floor.
He realized your presence and perked up, watching you with big eyes.
“H-help?” He started sitting up, but you gently pushed him back down onto the pillows.
"I got it Kyle. You need to rest, and I don't want you to accidentally step on something" You assured him.
Cordelia had taught him how to sweep since he basically became the coven’s butler after Zoe and Madison decided to bring him back from the dead. This always raised ethical concerns in your mind because…why would they do that?  
Kyle must’ve had dreams of his own, he was in college, he had friends that cared about him, he had a life that he wanted to live. Now he was unable to communicate and in constant pain from the terrible stitch job that Madison and Zoe had used to put him back together. His body never felt like his own, and thats because it wasn't...fully; They had decided to stitch Kyle back together using the body parts of his fellow frat brothers, which caused a lot of issues for both his mental and physical health.
It was all wrong. He was wrongfully killed in a bus crash, by Madison's hand and then he was brought back to be Zoe and Madison's personal toy & used as "the help"
Bringing someone back from the dead after you killed them, just so you could have sex and make them clean your house and serve you drinks didn't seem morally correct or fair. Those two had played “build a boyfriend” with Kyle’s life and didn't even take care of him properly.
Kyle never once took his eyes off of you while you swept, he had always admired how pretty you were and how warm your heart was.
After all of the glass was cleaned up and disposed of, you sat on the side of the bed, gently taking your ring from Kyle's hand and putting it back on your finger
"I told you I would be back" you stroked his hand with your thumb, and he gave you a gentle, sleepy, smile.
“P-p-pretty” Kyle blinked at you, still smiling
“yeah, it is a pretty ring isn't it? I can get you one like it, would you like that Kyle?"
He took a minute, allowing himself to fully decipher your words, before nodding and placing a gentle hand on your cheek 
“Y-you pretty.” He blinked hard, and nodded again to insure you knew what he was talking about.
You felt your face heat up and your heart flutter like it housed a butterfly garden,
“thank you Kyle. You are very kind.”
Your words only made his smile bigger.
You had moved yourself to the side of the bed, your back resting on the wall. Kyle balled himself next to you, resting his head on your lap.
You rubbed the side of his head with your thumb to let him know that you were with him, even as he slept. You could feel that he still had a fever....in fact he was burning up. Luckily, he was being taken care of and resting, maybe that was all that he needed.
Kyle only slept for an hour before all hell broke loose
You had stayed where you were, you didn't mind since Kyle was resting peacefully on your lap and no one really noticed that you hadn't come out of your room, it was still pretty early in the day.
You just sat there watching tv on your phone. Kyle had started to stir in your lap, his eyebrows furrowed like he was uncomfortable. He curled in on himself tighter, practically hugging his knees to his chest.  
You ran your nails down his spine, hoping to comfort him a bit. His eyes suddenly opened and he sat up, looking panicked and tapping his chest desperately trying to convey something to you.
Your eyes widened, you were just as confused as he was
“Um- what's wrong? Are you choking?” You were very unsure “is it your stitches???”
Kyle’s eyes were tearing up and he started turning red, as he continued to try and show you what was wrong with him by patting his chest. He started gagging and you realized what the issue was, quickly. 
“NO! NO! KYLE PLEASE DO NOT THROW UP ON MY BED” You practically sprung 4 feet off the bed and tackled the trashcan by your desk, luckily there was a bag in it. You rushed it over and put it in front of him. 
“You’re okay Kyle, just let it up” you rubbed his back gently, as he dry heaved over the bin, sobbing. He didn’t understand why this was happening to him, why his stomach hurt so much, and why his throat burned. The muscle tension from him being bent over and heaving caused his stitches to pull on his skin, which made his experience much more painful.
You hated to see him this way, you didn’t think it would get this bad but he was clearly much sicker than you had anticipated, the sound of him being sick and his desperate cries broke your heart, but all you could do was stay there with him and talk him through it. 
“I know it hurts Ky, I know. Just keep breathing. It’ll be over soon.” You pressed your lips to the back of his neck, rubbing on his shoulders. 
You could tell he was finished when the heaving stopped and he was just crying with his head in the bin.
You took it away from him with your eyes closed tying up the bag, you’d deal with it later. 
Kyle was back lying on the bed, curled up in fetal position while his body shook with sobs. He was exhausted and everything hurt.
“Ky, I know you don’t feel good. I’m sorry.” You were gentle with him, squeezing his hand “I’m gonna get you something to drink okay? You need to hydrate. It’ll help your throat.” you tried to sound encouraging, but he didn’t seem to care at all. 
He turned to you, sniffling while his eyes still pooled with tears and his nose blushed in bright hue of strawberry rouge, he held his hand out expectantly.
You looked around confused at first, until you realized that he was eyeing your ring. He had remembered.
You smiled, and pushed it into his palm, closing his fingers around it and kissing the back of his hand.
You made your way down to the kitchen to get some water from the brita, you used some old water bottle you got from a school event, it was best to give Kyle a drink with a lid, because he was prone to suddenly jerking his body. You came back upstairs, where Kyle was staring at the wall completely worn out.
“I’m back, ky”
He just hummed, his eyes closed to keep the light out. You had noticed Kyle didn't like to drink water that much, he didn’t really know why he needed to, so Zoe and Madison would just give him Diet Coke and apple juice all day to keep him quiet. This was a habit you could have fixed, but you didn't feel like arguing and Kyle needed fluids and electrolytes in him immediately. 
You opened your nightstand, You kept cherry flavored liquid iv in your top drawer because you were also prone to forgetting to hydrate. You poured the powder in, shaking it up so it would be dissolved.
You kneeled next to the bed, running your hands through Kyle’s hair, massaging his scalp. 
“Here Kyle, sip it. I made it sweet for you, it’ll help you feel a bit better” 
He nodded, sipping on the water bottle, he liked it enough to take it from your hands and try to drink from it himself, it took him 10 seconds before accidentally squirting himself in the face, flinching
"Careful, Kyle" you took it from him, and he grunted. 
You looked around your room for a better straw for him to sip on, your eyes landed on your desk. You had a pair of those silly straw glasses, from your little cousin's birthday party. You looked between the glasses and Kyle's wet face and knew exactly what he needed. 
You grabbed them and tapped Kyle on the shoulder so he would look up at you.
“I’m gonna put these on you, alright?”
Kyle was intrigued by the tubing, but he recognized that they were also glasses of some kind and allowed you to put them behind his ears.
You were careful putting the straw back into the cup, making sure he would be able to actually drink it. 
“Okay Ky, these are very special glasses,” you showed him the part of the straw that went into his mouth and he just stared at you, tilting his head in confusion “You’re just gonna drink from it like a regular straw.” 
You helped him put it in between his lips and he did as he was told, sucking on it like a normal straw. When he realized that the liquid was circling his eyes and coming all the way around the glasses, he immediately gave you a giddy smile thinking it was the coolest thing in the world.
He suddenly latched onto your waist from where you stood in front of him, hugging you close. His head rested on your chest while he happily sipped on his water. This took you by surprise, but all you did was pat his blonde head and return the favor by wrapping your arms around his back, giggling at the unanticipated declaration of love.
“Y/n care Kyle?” He took the straw out of his mouth, lifting his head to look you in the eyes.
You nodded, giving him a smile. You had never felt so much love and admiration for someone in such a little amount of time.
“Yes Kyle, I care about you very much. I will always value you and make sure you’re treated well from now on.”
He smiled, and went back to sipping his drink through his silly little glasses, still holding onto you.
All you wanted to do was keep him safe and comfortable in your arms but you still had other things to attend to, like breakfast for both of you…well brunch.
“Kyle,” You were careful with your movements as you wriggled your way out of his grip, you watched his entire face drop as he reached out for you once again wondering why you suddenly didn’t want to cuddle him. It took every ounce of your strength to not jump right back into the bed and hold him.
“I gotta make us some food, are you hungry?” You put your hands on the sides of his face.
“Hungry.” He repeated, nodding.
“Okay, I’m gonna make you something. Do you know what you want?” 
“Mac n cheese.”
“Alright, I’ll make you some Mac and cheese.” You made your way to the door and Kyle tried to follow, holding his water and looking at you like a lost puppy. 
“Ky, you can’t come. You’re sick honey.” You guided him back to the bed 
“Cold. B-bored.” He whined, trying to pull you into the bed with him. If he wasn’t sick he probably would have been able to. 
“No Kyle, I gotta go. I’ll only be gone a little while.” 
That’s when the tears started, he was exhausted and these past couple of days had been really difficult for him. He felt like you weren’t listening to him, like you didn’t care.
“Oh no no no, Kyle please don’t cry my angel,” You sat with him, wiping his tears away “I know you don’t feel good and you want me to hold you, I promise I will come back. I know it’s hard for you to understand, but I would never lie to you Ky.” 
He sniffled, he didn’t get it 100%, words always got fuzzy in his mind but as he studied your face, he realized the sincerity in your eyes. 
“I think it will help if I make the room comfy for you, hm?” You got up and closed your black out curtains which helped take some strain off of Kyle’s eyes and dull his headache, you had twinkling fairy lights that added some warmth to the room. 
Kyle looked around, seeing the change in scenery and almost instantly he felt calmer.
Autumn had just begun, Kyle always loved the change of the seasons, but autumn was his favorite. It was so cozy and pretty.
You set up your laptop on a pillow near him, turning on the first episode of “over the garden wall” and covering him back up with your weighted blanket.
He suddenly felt relieved of all the tension left in his body.
“Is this better?” You rubbed the bottom of his back and he nodded, sipping away on his drink.
He was so entranced by the show, that you were able to slip out without saying another word.
You went down into the kitchen where you were graced by the presence of Misty dancing to Fleetwood Mac and twirling around in her flowy clothes 
“Good morning, darlin!” She took your hand and twirled you, “Can I interest you in some French toast? I think I made too much batter.” 
Misty was by far your favorite sister in the coven, she was so kind and sympathetic, especially towards the vulnerable creatures of the world.
“oh Misty, you know that I love your French toast, but I gotta make a mac & cheese cup for Kyle so I’m probably gonna eat one too.” You tried to make your way over to the pantry, but Misty pulled you back towards her playfully. 
“no, you both can eat my French toast it's better for ya,  and I'll even put some strawberries and cream on top to sweeten the deal.”
You happily obliged and sat on one of the bar stools in front of the stove watching Misty do her thing.
“What’re you doing with Kyle, where’s Madison?”
You raised your eyebrows, “Well there was some conflict between the two of them so I decided it would be best if they took a pause- and Kyle is pretty sick, so I told him I’d take care of him.” While it wasn't technically a lie, it also wasn't the truth but you couldn't tell Misty that you had froze Madison in time and kept her in her room for the past 2 days. 
“Aw that’s too bad, why didn’t you tell me the poor angel was sick? I made some elderberry gummies a couple of days ago.” She flipped the toast in the pan, “They do wonders for the immune system, we're coming up on cold and flu season. I'm gonna get ya’ll some, I'll be right back!” she skipped off to her room her golden locks bouncing behind her, “if you smell something burning, just take the pan off the heat!”
She came back with a mason jar, filled with dark purple star shaped gummies,
“these will help him get better faster, but you should probably take some too.”
You nodded, giving her a big smile  “Thanks Misty, you're the kindest person I know.”
“Awww, you don't have to say that. I try to help out where I can. I've seen you do the same, don't think that big heart of yours goes unnoticed.” She gave you a wink as she plated up French toast for both Kyle and You.
“I’ll cut his up,” She grabbed a butter knife from the drawer, cutting the toast in tiny square pieces, “Now, you go take this up and make sure that boy is taken care of!” She handed both plates off to you and turned her little radio up louder, quietly humming the lyrics to herself while she cooked.
“You could be my silver spring Blue-green colors flashin' I would be your only dream Your shinin' autumn ocean crashin"
The music followed along as you made your way back up the spiral staircase, opening the door to your bedroom to see Kyle resting peacefully with his cheek smushed against your pillow, his eyes sleepily taking in the calm scenes of the show. 
“Ky, Misty made us some French toast” you sing-songed. 
He turned to you eyebrows furrowed. That wasn't what he asked for., you noticed his confused expression and took a seat on the bed right next to him.
“I know it's not what you asked for, but did you wanna try?” You asked encouragingly.
He could smell it, and he liked the smell, so he was willing to try. He opened his mouth for you to feed him and you stabbed a piece with your fork, placing it in.
He chewed it up, it was very sweet so he liked it and showed you by opening his mouth for another piece. If he wasn't sick, you wouldn't have babied him so much, but you could still feel the warmth of fever on his skin so you needed to coddle him for just a little bit more.
and after a few minutes and what felt like magic you had managed to feed Kyle and yourself with no mess, you placed your dishes on your desk you would worry about them later. 
Kyle had felt much better, but he still wanted you all to himself.
“Y/n done?” He perked his head up and looked at you with his big puppy eyes,
“Yes Kyle, I’m all done with everything” You came right over and grabbed his hand, which caused him to smile, shyly.
“L-lay with Kyle..and-and watch p-p-pumpkin?” He pointed to the show, wanting you to enjoy it as much as he did even though you were the one who introduced it.
“Of course, Ky.”
And with that, you wrapped your body right around his, holding him close to your chest. Your fingers intertwined as both of your faces were illuminated by the warm orange lighting of the show. You didn’t know what to call your relationship, you didn’t know if Zoe would ever return, and you didn’t know if you would ever unfreeze Madison by your own will…but you did know one thing, You would love Kyle forever and no one else would ever be able to hurt him as long as there was breath in your body. 
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
I just refound my hyperfixation with franken stein from soul eater and was wondering if you would write nsfw stein/maid! Reader?
Sure, thanks for the ask, and sorry for the wait!
SE Franken Stein x Maid!Reader 🍋 - Commands
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Summary: Your new employer decides to correct you after finding your service to not be up to his standards.
Warning: Rough, unprotexted sex, hard dom!stein, sub!reader, fem!reader, service!sub, kinda short
"(Y/N)," your employer called, prompting you to toddle over to him in the kitchen. "How many times am I going to have to correct you before you can do things correctly?" he asked ominously, cocking his head a bit and erecting his arm to crank the bolt lodged in his temple.
"Apologies, sir," you mumbled. "What was it that I did wrong?"
"Taste this." he ordered, shoving a mug in your face. Hesitantly, you took in by its handle and took a sip, instantly grimacing at the taste.
"Tea?" you whispered under your breath, confused. Why was there tea in the coffee canister?
"Correct. And what did I ask for?" His confirmation startled you, as you hadn't anticipated him hearing you.
"Coffee, sir." you answered shamefully, setting the cup down to go make him a fresh cup. "Apologies."
"That won't be enough this time," you could here his teeth grind when he spoke, making your skin crawl as he grabbed you by the wrist to pull you back to him. "I'm going to teach you a lesson this time."
"Watch those teeth or you'll lose them." he commanded down to you as you diligently sucked him off, making sure to take everything he said straight to heat, lest you screw up again. "That's better." He purred, holding your head still in an effort to fuck your throat more comfortably. Stein leaned against the refrigerator tiredly, his head tilted back against it, not only out of bliss, but exhaustion. He'd had a long day and he didn't have the energy to look after you to make sure you did things properly.
"If you were half as good at you job as you are at sucking dick, we might just get along." he remarked with a throaty chuckle. "But you're not, so I guess this is all your good for." You took in his displeased words as they went straight to your heat. You wanted so desperately to sink your fingers into your core while you pleasured him, letting his distain for you ag you on, but you knew better. Stein was a cold, uncaring man, and you knew for a fact that if Death himself hadn't appointed you to keep his lab clean, you'd be on the streets.
Suddenly, you felt a harsh slap deliver to your cheek, causing you to withdrawal from him, alarmed. "Teeth." he reminded.
"S-Sorry," you whined, brows knitted together shyly as you gazed up at him.
"God, you're pathetic." he moaned, releasing a shaky breath as you licked a stripe up his shaft. "Either you're such a little snowflake that you're going to cry over one little slap, or you're getting pleasure from this." he noted breathlessly, before pressing his palm to your forehead and pushing you to the floor. "Either way, that I'm not going to let that happen." He growled, approaching you, and manhandling you off the ground.
You whined hopelessly as the man of the house held you as you were laid out on the kitchen table, fucking into your weeping whole like he hated you, and in many ways, he did. You vexed him constantly with your sickeningly sweet tone, your stupid mistakes, and the way you said things that drove him wild, entirely unintentionally. He gripped your thigh tighter, your leg half hazard slung over his shoulder, while the other dangled off the table.
"Dick dumb little whore," he grunted, sweat dripping off his brow and landing on your uniform. "Can't even make a simple cup of fucking coffee."
Your face felt numb, and you struggled to form a single coherent thought as he pounded you into the table, simply uttering choked attempts at his title. "Y-Yes, sir..."
"Fuck," he groaned as your walls clenched around him, squeezing for all he was worth. "Better not fucking cum, I swear to God, I'll hurt you so bad." His threats did nothing to stop your climax from washing over you. If anything, they made it stronger, the thought of all the ways he could harm you tasting delicious in your mind. Your pelvis rose off the table as your legs began to tremble, your gross noises spilling into the air, pissing him off even more. "God, you can't do anything fucking thing I tell you, can you?"
You neglected to answer him, simply laying limp against the cold surface, you eyes rolled back and drool dribbling down your chin from your ajar lips. "Don't think that just because you came I'm gonna stop," he warned, tossing your leg off him and gripping your hips as harshly as he could, fingernails digging crescent moons into your supple flesh.
"Gonna fuck you until you learn your Goddamn lesson."
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
Franken/Kyle Spencer NSFW A-Z
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A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)
•Kyle loves taking care of you, he thinks it's his job
•No matter what or how much you do he will hold you tight, borderline too tight just trying to keep you close and make sure you're alright
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
•Kyle doesn't have a favorite body part of his, he actually has quite a few issues with the body he lives in, considering most of it isn't his
•Kyle loves every single inch of you, he adores holding your hands, lives for kissing your lips and would kill just to squeeze your ass one last time before death
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically... I'm a disgusting person)
•Kyle loves finishing on you, he's practically hard wired (even post death) as a frat boy not to finish inside of you, even if he loves that too
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
•He tries to hide how much he wants to throw you around
•Kyle has had problems with his strength and he's afraid to hurt you, however he wants more than anything to pin you down and have his way with you
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
•As a frat boy he had enough experience, though he also had quite a bit of trauma
•He has to relearn quite a lot and while he knows what he's doing he has to relearn how to be gentle, slow, careful, or whatever you need from him, though he's entirely worth it
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
•Kyles favorite position is missionary, he wants to see your face and gage your reactions, he loves knowing that he's making you feel as good as he does, it makes him feel accomplished, that he's done his job taking care of you
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
•Once he gets comfortable with you he can have moments of goofy, borderline childishness when trying to make you laugh or smile
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
•He's trimmed but he doesn't do anything more than that
•The hair on his head however is messy and adorable at all times
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
•It takes him a while to get romance, he wasn't bad at it before he died but relearning that took a bit of time for him
•Once he gets the hang of it, he thrives at giving you the romantic nights and making you feel special
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
•Loves It
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
•Anal-is a big one that Kyle begs to try for a while before you give in
•Switch-Kyle loves being in charge with you but he also enjoys it when you take control and tell him what to do
L = Location (Favorite places to do the deed)
•Kyle prefers a bed, your bed
•He doesn't like others looking at you so being anywhere but your room doesn't happen a lot at all
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
•Kyle almost seems like a teenager discovering sex for the first time every day
•He doesn't need motivation, he's always ready and waiting for you
N = NO (Something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
•Anything that causes you pain
•Kyle already has trouble when it comes to hurting people and animals, his strength is a major issue and hurting you is something he's terrified of doing so please don't ask him to
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
•Kyle loves hearing the sounds you make when he goes down on you, it may be his favorite thing in the world
•If you allowed him to he would do it for hours and never stop for air, listening to your whimpers and squeals, holding down your twitching hips
•God he loves the taste of your pussy
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
•He was very fast at first, feeling the need to rut into you frantically until you slowed him
•He actually quite enjoys slow, passionate sex, watching the expressions on your face change is fascinating to him learning what movements make you scrunch up your nose adorably or make you moan like an overzealous porn star
•Fast, slow, rough, sensual, whatever you need that day is what Kyle will give you, he wants to please you however you need, he has a need to make you happy after everything you’ve done to take care of him…and he loves your pussy with a passion
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
•All the time
•Sometimes living in a school for witches you only have 5 minutes here and there and Kyle is determined to always make the most of them
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
•He enjoys trying new things with you and he'll try just about anything you want
•You only ever risked doing it anywhere but your room once though, Kyle hates the idea of people seeing your body
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
•He has a crazy amount of stamina
•Kyle can last for several hours before he even needs a break let alone has to call it quits
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
•He's not a huge fan of toys but he'll give them a try if you want him to
•He likes your vibrator, placing it against your clit while he fucks you gives you both an ungodly amount of pleasure
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
•Every once in a while Kyle will tease you but he's more of a dive straight into it sort of guy
•His foreplay was abysmal in the beginning but he got much better at it knowing how happy it made you
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
•Kyle is definitely a grunter
•He's not usually all that loud but if he gets lost in the moment he can really get there
W = Wild Card (Get a random Headcanon for the character of your choice)
•Kyle surprised you with how snuggly he is, especially with how angry and growly he is all the time
•He loves resting his head on your belly and wrapping his arms around you, curling up and loving the feel of you playing with his hair
•Your personal Frankenstein is adorable
X = X-Ray (Let's see what's going on in those pants, picture or words)
•6 1/2 inches
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
•Kyle has a high sex drive, he's always desperate for you and you don't make it easy on him
•Every time you wear those cute shorts that can’t even be called pants he's so hard it hurts and so needy for you
Z = ZZZ (... how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
•It's rare that he falls asleep before you considering his stamina however when he does you enjoy just watching him for a bit
•Usually you fall asleep before him and Kyle is quick to snuggle you against his chest and nuzzle his face into your hair
•He takes these kinds of moments to thank whatever deity exists in the world for letting him come back and experience true happiness with you
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takeyourcyanide · 2 months
I Know That The Writing’s On The Wall
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Fandom: Soul Eater
Character: Franken Stein
Word Count: 744
Tags: Minor Violence, Blood and Gore, Random & Short, Nausea, References to Addiction, Descent into Madness
Summary: Four separate signs of the times. Things, happenings, signs that were present at the beginning of Stein’s episode of madness. Sort of like documentation.
Notes: This is another defrag fic, a bit of an exercise to hopefully get me back into the groove of writing, as there is a fic I’d really like to finish. May the head fog clear.
I contemplated even posting this one.
The title is inspired by a lyric in the song ‘Candy’ by Paolo Nutini. I can also recommend Marina’s (formerly known as Marina and the Diamonds) cover of the song. Both are quite lovely, in my opinion.
I would like to add that this fic is technically four separate chapters on AO3. Here you go, anyway.
A gust of wintry air cascaded out of the vents, embracing Stein, even despite whatever warmth the stitched-up lab coat he’d slept in provided him. It left his screw frigid to the touch, though he allowed his fingertips to ache as he rather sloppily turned it.
A bird, somewhere not too distant, chirped in the same cadence, in the same tone for a solid minute or so. The pleasant scent of stale cigarette smoke mixed with the lingering scent of various different chemicals soothed the exhausted restlessness causing his limbs to gradually tear apart.
He’d walked through the simultaneously welcomed and agitation-inducing darkness of his laboratory, his body moving on its own towards the kitchen.
‘Perhaps a little piece of my brain remembered some semblance of a former routine,’ he pondered, as he forced something bland, something tasteless down his throat, suppressing a repulsed gag.
He attempted to distract himself from his terribly slow chewing, from the taste and the texture of the unwanted food in his mouth, swallowing.
He stared down at the rest of the bar he held, grimacing. He allowed himself a sigh, as he tossed the item into the trash with the rest of the food he couldn’t bring himself to finish without vomiting.
Stein cranked his screw, the loud screeching in his ears a sound he was long desensitized to.
“Okay, class,” two words managed to successfully leave him, directed to the ones with the expectant and oddly concerned gazes. “Today, we’re going to……
“Are we dissecting something again?” An annoyed grumble came from somewhere in the front row.
“No. ..We’re…”
His head began to violently throb with each frantic turn of the protruding steel.
‘Think, Goddamnit!’
“We’re.. um..”
“Are you-“
“Oh! Yes. Yes, that’s right. We’re going to be delving further into the history of the field of phasmology.”
Fingers massaging his temples, a bluish light flooding his eyes.
Each sentence he tried to read appeared as an entirely different sentence at first, before his second reading.
He spun in his chair once, twice.
He bit into his lip, and he turned his screw.
He whipped his head around, the sensation of a hand touching his scalp, tugging on his hair an obnoxious, somewhat unnerving distraction.
He was unable to focus on his work.
He banged his head against the painted wood of his desk, exacerbating his already disorienting headache.
Stein, with a sigh, pushed himself and his chair away from his computer, allowing the screen to darken until it became blank, until the only thing he could see on the screen was a reflection of himself and his worn appearance.
Reminders of dissection and cigarettes left his body and him in agony.
They were all-consuming, all that he could possibly think about, save for the frequent agitated ramble.
He’d pace the halls, he’d jerk and twitch.
He’d dreamt numerous times that he had the comfort of a cigarette hanging from his lips, the comfort of nicotine relaxing his rattled mind, the comfort of the taste and smell of smoke looming on his tongue, looming in his nostrils, and looming in the air around him.
He’d dreamt of a warm body lying on, strapped down to his dissection table, as he’d bring his scalpel of choice down onto the softness of the subject’s skin, digging the blade, with precision, down into the tissue, leaving an incision teeming with blood, shining under his surgical light, in its wake. He’d dreamt of removing each layer - flesh, fat, and muscle - leaving organs and bones left to collect and thoroughly analyze with a giddy, ear-to-ear smile on his face. He’d dreamt of injecting a subject with hydrogen peroxide. He’d even dreamt of harvesting an individual’s bones for the sake of creating his own *authentic* ‘classroom skeleton’ of sorts.
And each time he’d wake up, he’d wake up horrendously pained and disappointed that he could not live within those dreams.
Or perhaps he could. Would it be worth it to go down that path? Would it be worth it to sacrifice all that he had built for himself, all that he had promised to himself as soon as his deterioration became far more overtly imminent?
Anything to experience that cocktail of pure euphoria, sadistic pleasure, and the complete satiation of his supposedly “morbid” curiosities, no? Anything to take the edge off and refresh himself, no? Anything to be in touch with who he truly was, with what his soul truly was, no?
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cannibal-nightmares · 6 months
Trust Fall: Euclid - (Chapter 1)
Stein has a complete breakdown at Spirit's door.
Writing stuff like this helps me defrag. Such is my river. This takes place sometime after anime canon, more or less. It's loose in that regard. I didn't intend for this to be a multi-chapter project, but I think it flows better this way. I also haven't been able to touch art since I've been stuck on this piece, so breaking it up will help in that.
Soul Eater - Stein x Spirit (ship is up to interpretation, SFW) // hurt+comfort, actually schizophrenic author, schizophrenic Stein, psychosis, panic attacks, paranoia, non-verbal Stein Word count - 3,322 -- [AO3 link]
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As familiar and cradling as the dark quiet was, the short memory of a cadence echoed in his ears until he realized it hadn’t been a part of his dream and had him gasp in surprise. Two raps and a delayed third had stirred Death Scythe from his sleep that night. A pause, sitting up now, the sound blurred in his recounting over and over in deciphering where it had come from, what it meant, who it could have belonged to. Why was he awake again? Spirit found his face with his palm and blinked into the room, the window shining faint blue with moonglow, sighing and recollecting consciousness.
Someone was knocking at the door.
The weapon made polite and tossed on a pair of pyjama pants before padding out through the apartment to the entrance. If he were any more present, he would have flipped on some of the light switches along the way for whoever it was he was about to greet, but the nicety was left in the sheets.
Too, he forgot to even look through the peephole before fumbling the door open.
Now he was awake.
At the threshold was a drooping figure of a man in a tired labcoat, his countenance evading sight, though what could be caught of his pale irises contrasted back and forth from his deep circles to pin-dot pupils. His eyes darted amongst the floor in the area around Spirit’s ankles, and Death Scythe had an instinct to comment on his unsteady swaying before his guest nearly collapsed into his chest. He didn’t hesitate to catch him, taking the embrace in like a parent holding a distraught child.
“Hey, hey…!” He cooed with worry startlingly frying his voice. “What is it?”
The response returned was smaller than anything Albarn had ever heard before.
“I need your help, Spirit.”
“Help with…” Death Scythe started, but tightened his arms grip as the desperate man went nearly dead-weight over his feet. Exhausted laughter stifled only by breathiness and the fabric of a night shirt escaped the meister’s lungs. “Wh– Hey, talk to me–” Spirit stammered, then recentered as the shattered professor wedged between them one hand to cover his own mouth and the other to tightly shield his eyes. His shoulders jerked as the tormented giggling no longer had a way to escape.
His partner had managed shenanigans before to weasel his way into Death Scythes's apartment for reasons to reveal themselves, but there was no doubt in his mind now that this was not the case. Still, he was admittingly afraid to move as the doctor was convulsing choked wheezes in his hold.
Spirit gently dipped his body to take a look at the professor’s face, but, as they separated, Franken just curled more into himself at the waist, his shoulders hunched more and more in an assured attempt to get smaller. He was tense down to every muscle; Spirit kept a calm hand to the meister's upper arm and couldn't help but acknowledge the high-voltage anxiety course through his own throat.
“Let's get inside, Stein,” Albarn gently pressed him in, granting a few shuffled steps, but barely as the weapon shifted to close the door behind them did Franken's stressed chuckling become audible again, stumbling one more step inward and going weak in the knees. Spirit gasped and made haste to catch him, but couldn't keep them both from collapsing to the floor, jammed to where the perimeter met the wall. His laughter was starting to sound less like giggling and more like a struggle to breathe, prompting Albarn to circle around low to meet his front. The strain in his squeezed-shut eyes reflected something beyond pain and annoyance with it; Stein death-gripped one side of his brow with a flexed hand, the other he met forcefully with the heel of his palm once, twice–
“Hey, hey, none of that,” Spirit heard a tremble in his own tone. He put his hand on top of the assaulting wrist, but didn’t make a strict attempt to hold it back. With his left, he swept heavy hair behind his ear out from the professor's face.
“None of that, dear. You're safe, Stein. You're safe with me.”
With the singular beat of pause did reality come crashing: The DWMA’s greatest meister had scouted and crumpled at Albarn's doorstep. Spirit had only once seen Stein in such a near-drastic state before, but he otherwise often kept aloof and to himself out of what he perceived as self-preservation. What brought him here now, Spirit didn't know, and that unsettled him like a chilled breeze warning storms. It was his immediate reaction to ask questions, but he could only figure how that was going to play out. Franken muted his laugh with his chin to his sternum.
“Stein,” Spirit decided clearly, his jaw trembling. “Take a second, Stein. Can you hear me?” Albarn adjusted so that he could sit more comfortably close before him, rubbing his partner's shoulder soothingly, hoping the touch would ground him and grant him the ability to listen.
“I'm sure your ears are ringing,” he hesitated, fighting the want to trail off out of uncertainty. “Can you take a deep breath for me?”
The doctor grew impossibly smaller, his throat hitching a few times until his stifled laughter started to sound too uncomfortably like hyperventilation.
He finally let go of his face to take Spirit’s shoulder in search of panicked balance, each inhale becoming shorter than the last.
"Hey, come on now, Stein, listen to your breathing. Here, sit upright." Spirit hoped his tone sounded encouraging and not pressuring, but it was getting more and more difficult to compartmentalize his anxiety.
"Match me, Stein." He squeezed his shoulder with a confident hand. "Feel that?"
Franken kept his eyes strained closed, his head turned deep into himself and away. A short inhale, a shaky but gentle fist-tap to his forehead, a held breath, and at last forced a deep exhale. His right hand remained clutched onto Spirit’s shoulder. An inhale, a giggle, a flinch away, a held breath… He nodded to Spirit’s ask. Exhale, slowly…
A few more times, and the room fell quiet.
“What's happened, Stein?” Spirit released a sigh to himself, eyes long-since watering.
The meister didn’t seem to dare move from his awkward pose. The question was partly rhetorical, but attempting to answer seemed to gag him, his brow twitching in reflexes. A good moment, and his mouth opened to reply but was chased by his left hand to clasp it shut and a minute though frantic headshake. Eventually, that same hand shifted to further blind his vision as if he could see through his own eyelids.
 All of this, he seemed afraid to let go of Spirit.
“That’s okay, Stein. Take your time.”
Death Scythe breathed deep, himself, blinking away tears of shock seeing his ever-strong meister at a loss for words, seemingly as though he had a gun to his head to keep from speaking. To say it was all uncharacteristic would have been a massive understatement.
“Let me help you up.” Albarn said softly. “You can sleep here, I know you need it.” He corrected himself too late with error lumping in his throat. “You look like you need it.”
He shifted only a little in preparation to help him stand, but as Stein accepted the support on his other side, mania neutralized his sheer strength against the exhaustion of fear and Spirit very suddenly realized his current position under his grip.
Death Scythe could have sworn he started to hear a faint yet piercing static-electric ringing.
The difference between them being he was able to ignore it.
His hands having shifted under and near Stein's elbows and forearms, Franken still with one to Spirit's shoulder, the weapon cleared his throat in transition.
“You ready?”
Stein didn't move but a slight pained spasm in his countenance. Spirit didn't, either, but he watched closely in the dim dark for any hint at a micro cue, as if a falling lock of hair could speak more to him. Further pause, and finally Franken gave a small nod followed by a quiet but soothing yet threatening and disturbed shushing to himself. Albarn wasn't sure if he should comment on it. 
“I… Didn’t say anything, dear.” He brought his volume down, anyways.
“Not...” Stein gave a short sigh to the sound of his own voice, then very quickly hummed as if he were distracting from a mistake. “They…”
Spirit saw how instantaneous he was getting worked up again. “Hey, listen to me: You don’t have to explain yourself.”
“I’m not supposed to tell you.” He choked, a misplaced anger in his eyes as he finally met Death Scythe’s in a spontaneous contact, then let a glint retreat him back to cornered despair as the focus was more disarming than anticipated, very clearly catching the sight of tears in his partner’s eyes.
“It’s not…” Stein’s throat hitched again, panic in his pupils, suddenly stuck in an unfaltering stare. “I–”
“I’m in no rush.” Spirit was bold to interrupt, sighing in hoping his meister would reflect him, would feel his soul attempt to calm. “You don’t have to tell me anything. I am here for you.”
A beat.
“Yes, Stein?”
Franken almost couldn’t believe the noise over his tongue. “Spirit, is this actually happening?”
Albarn had started to wonder the same thing, but his position made him the last person to be in denial. The question was nearly too ambiguous to answer directly.
“You’re in my apartment. It’s late at night. You’re wearing your favourite lab coat... I’m here to help you through this, whatever you may need.”
Stein started to half-narrow his eyes and turned his head to face the room, his line of sight still locked to his partner momentarily before snapping it away and flicking amongst the dark. The weapon hoped to Death he hadn’t said the wrong thing, though it seemed the professor’s muscles were finally untensing, even if just a little.
“Come on. I’ll help you to the guest room.”
Franken accepted his partner’s grasp with a squeeze under his palm, unlooking, and Spirit didn’t have to think twice about the weight he was about to hoist up, his foot kicking his hip closer to balance them both as they made it to their feet. What took Albarn by surprise, then, was Stein’s hurried instinct to hide his face into the weapon’s collar; he could feel within his meister the irregularities of natural strength and circumstantial physical weakness fighting against each other, his limbs shaking with effort.
“Sorry, I–” Stein forced a chuff, starting to pull away, only to yelp as if something caught his attention, returning himself to Spirit’s chest with a grimace, groaning scared annoyances followed by hushed manic giggling. He brought his more readily-free hand through his hair so that his fingers were around the stem of his screw between his ear and the head of the bolt, pressing his skull like keeping something from escaping.
“Shh, it’s okay, Stein. I’m here.”
He enveloped the junior inward, brushing his hand across his back like comforting a boy afraid of the dark. In his meister’s convulsions, though, Spirit was beginning to admit to himself the struggle of keeping himself together: Five whole minutes into this intervened altercation and he found himself unsure of where to redirect his self-doubt. No, “uncertainty” wasn’t the word, but so starkly seeing the contrast… Before him was the otherwise most fortified man Spirit knew, hiding from the whims of his own mind in the arms of his weapon; the reversed symmetry in the inverted mirror was truthfully overwhelming.
But, as he had before, Spirit took the role of guidance with unhesitated grace. If Stein wasn’t giving up, neither was he.
“Do you want me to lead you?”
Franken deepened himself, flexing his fingers through his hair repeatedly. Despite the different shade of distress, he counted through a breathing exercise and Spirit waited.
In, two, three, four…
As he considered his patience, Albarn took accord.
Hold, two, three, four, five, six…
In the rows did something stumbling find another: A hushed and scrambled cacophony of channels flipping on a television set fell steep with both hands gripping back on a yoke, the descent mere inches from the utmost height to the floor, like tripping over an edge in a nightmare… The other, a boat on a black sea with the mainsail long-pulled taught against unprecedented but not unexpected winds... Intangible and unlikely otherwise, the two came together in the image of a dream and all became but a tolerable buzz, a soothing pendulum...
Out, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight…
Strain built intentionally tight in Spirit’s chest, but, with the exhale, tension he wasn’t even aware of released from his jaw and neck, his head a bit dizzy with the new air and the familiar scent of his meister. He continued to pause for several more rounds, several more heartbeats, the grip in Stein’s fidgeting lessening in white.
Spirit took his right hand and found his own shoulder where his meister still had not let go. With the smallest smile, Albarn lowered himself in gesture.
“Keep your eyes closed if you need to. I will guide you.”
Stein nodded. Shakily but earnest, he nodded.
The weapon considered prying Franken’s hand off of him to more comfortably take him by the wrist, but instead let his own fingertips suggest that his hand was fine right where it was, turning away and having the placement shift to follow suit. Stein couldn’t help an anxious muttering in the readjustment that had Spirit raise an eye to his attention. He concluded it was all self-soothing. Stein looked so little in his frame.
A few shuffled paces, they made it across the living room to the hall and the spare bedroom door, but a couple clicks of involuntary ratcheting caused Franken to yank back on his escort with wild eyes snapped open in a sudden shock.
“Stein!” Spirit yelped.
“Shhsh! No, no, we can’t– You can’t–” He brought both hands to the back of his neck, elbows almost touching in the middle.
Spirit jammed his nerves into a lower gear. “Slow down, Stein.” He tried to move non-threateningly to alter his focus, but the panic was becoming intoxicating. “What is it?”
“They’re waiting for us, you’ll see, you’ll figure it out. You’ll know.” Stein’s flickering eyes were just as they were when he showed up to the apartment: Frantic, lost, certain of something displaced. He flinched, he shushed, he giggled false reassurances as an apology for his child-like fear.
“Inside?” Spirit had to retain a quiver. “Did your soul perception tell you that?”
Stein went eerily quiet, his mouth just barely open. His lips met again when he allowed a tiny nod, his pindot pupils unchanging in the confirmation.
Albarn forced an amused huff with a playful smirk. “What are the odds a death scythe wouldn't be able to defend himself?” From his forearm that neared the door, an arching blade flashed out from his ulna to his wrist.
Something wild crossed Stein's face, but, this time, Spirit couldn't place what it was; maybe it was the shift in energy in the now-unwavering eye contact, the desperate nod that followed, the microexpression of curling-upward lips. Franken reached out to return his balance to Spirit.
The weapon turned the knob and pushed in–a bit awkward with his scythe unsheathed–half-expecting the darkness inside to spill out and swallow them whole, but, of course, the room was exactly as it were, save the faint luminescence of the moon. They crept inside, Stein mentally clearing the space from one corner to the next, and the blade was put away with a slight metallic scraping. Spirit threw back the comforter of the bed and circled on his heel to suggest his partner to sit on the edge, his static-electric unease gradually ebbing further from its peaks. He made sure to remain patient in his movements, kneeling to help Franken untie his shoes.
“When’s the last time you slept, hon?”
Stein watched Albarn’s meticulous fingers, but Spirit couldn’t tell if he was observing them as an anchor or tearing them apart like a riddle.
“I keep having nightmares.” He murmured, his voice like that of a child confessing to trouble.
Death Scythe pretended that was a conclusive response with a hum, though genuinely surprised and relieved he had an answer at all. He held the junior’s calf while loosening the tongue of his left shoe, slipping it off and setting it aside.
“I’ll…” Stein spoke again. “I’m not sure this isn’t one of them.”
Spirit looked up from his task once he made a pair, expecting to find the professor’s gaze, but it was a thousand yards away like a bullet that had long gone straight through him.
“Franken…” he said just to make noise. Albarn took his hand that rested in his lap and met his height, closing his eyes and sighed resolutely. He touched his forehead to his meister’s and brought his left hand to the side of his neck only thereafter. Stein jerked at the touch, but seemed to then lean into Spirit’s confidence of trust.
“You’re here with me. Nightmare or not, I am here to get you through this; you've made it all this way.” He stepped back to meet his eye contact. “You don't have to fight this alone, I'm here with you. I am here for you.”
Spirit's rambling went on a bit too long to prevent a trembling in his voice, but he didn't think twice in pressing through to convey his sincerity. He knew talking to Stein in that moment was like talking through a TV screen, but hoped to Death something slipped over the cross-reception to sell him worth-while reassurances.
Franken found himself in a different kind of daze, watching not the stitches fray apart, but the sutures sew together. This time, the eye contact torn away seemed more of an acknowledgement than a retreat, though still unfocused on anything in their plane. Spirit slipped his hands away and stood, returning, then, kind fingertips to the inside hem of the doctor's lab coat, but his wrist was met with a startled grab.
“You want to keep your coat on?” Albarn plainly asked aloud.
Stein shakily agreed with a met haze. “It's keeping me here.”
A softness passed over Spirit. “Alright, dear.” He met his meister's bicep gently in gesture, and Franken awkwardly complied to tuck his legs up onto the mattress and let his body sink into the plushness of the sheets. The beat prior, they both realized, would be the last time their eyes would meet that night.
“I don't know what decision led you to come to me, but I am grateful for your faith.” Spirit brought the blanket over Stein's torso and up to his collar, then leaned in to kiss him smally on the temple. “I will be just in the other room if you need me, Stein. And you can come to me for anything.”
The scythe returned upright and stepped towards the hall, his watch worriedly lingering over the junior who huddled the comforter to his chin.
“Do you want the door open?”
He didn't answer.
Spirit dipped his half in a nod after a moment.
“Good night, Stein.”
Death Scythe left the door cracked and took a few paces to stop dead-center in the living room. His ears were ringing. How long had they been ringing? The blackness of the corners of the walls sighed with a heaviness released from the weapon’s chest, and he stumbled a single step for balance while a cry unexpectedly welled up and out of his throat. He met his hands clasped to his mouth to keep from making noise, but nothing could stop the convulsions in his shoulders.
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Sunshine Boy Chapter 1
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Franken Kyle Spencer X Reader
Word count: 806
Summery: A typical story of girl meets boy…and maybe some trouble along the way.
When we are young we are told stories of magical castles, brave knights, and evil witches.
As I step through the doors of Miss Robichaux’s Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies, I can feel the sweat starting to build on the palms of my hands. After the meeting with the headmistress, I have some time to explore my new home.
The portraits of previous supremes stand out on the snow-colored walls.
They look so poised and solemn, not a single smile in sight, how peculiar.
“Hey, you’re the new girl right?”Asks the brunette-haired girl.
I’m the new girl at a school for witches..right.
“Yeah actually, I just got here a few hours ago” I answer hoping to sound as nice as possible.
“Alright then follow me, you will be bunking with me and Madison.” She says as starts to walk up the curved stairs.
By sunset, I knew all of the necessary schedules, routines, and even picked up on some gossip.
After asking the girl from earlier, whose name turned out to be Zoe, for directions to the bathroom. I grabbed my things and headed toward what I thought was the correct room.
Upon entering the thought-to-be bathroom I quickly realized that it was a bedroom.
I'm instantly met with a pair of brown eyes that carry a confused expression. To my surprise, they belong to a boy with sun-colored hair.
Isn’t this supposed to be an academy for “exceptional young ladies”?
“I'm sorry I didn’t mean to barge in, I was looking for the bathroom.” I explain while looking at him. Instead of replying he simply gets up and cautiously walks over to where I’m standing.
As he stands in front of me with confusion written all over his face, I see someone walking toward the room.
“Oh hi YN, I thought you were going to the bathroom?” Says Zoe as she walks through the doorway.
“Yeah I was trying to find it, but ended up here.. who’s this by the way” I eye the blonde boy in-font of me.
After Zoe’s quick explanation, I turn back to who now is known to be Kyle.
“Well Kyle my name is YN, I’m new, sorry again for barg-“ Before I could finish my sentence Kyle raises one of his hands and gently places it on the side of my cheek. Zoe quickly moves his hand away while telling him that he shouldn’t do that.
That was an oddly comforting way to say “hello.”
“Um well I guess I’ll just go now, sorry again” I quickly add as I walk out into the hallway.
The following morning instead of waking up to see my new roommates, I woke up to see a note placed on my bedside table.
“Cordelia needed us to get some supplies so we are going to be out for a bit. Would you mind bringing some breakfast over to Kyles's room? Sorry for being a bother, Zoe. Ps: There are pancakes on the counter:)”
After reading the note I quickly get dressed and head downstairs to get some food for myself and Kyle.
“Kyle? Its YN. Is it okay if I come in? I brought some food.” I say as I slightly open the door. As soon as I come into the bedroom I immediately spot Kyle sitting on the floor with some sort of cards all around him.
“F..ood?” He questions as I sit down setting the breakfast tray in front of him.
“Yeah food, there are chocolate chip pancakes today!” I reply while taking a pancake from the stack.
His eyes immediately light up as he reaches for the plate. His face scrunches up in concentration as he pours the syrup on his pancake.
Something about his golden locks falling onto his face makes me want to just reach up and brush them away.
“So Kyle.. how long have you been here?” I ask while taking a sip of my coffee.
He looks at me and starts to try to communicate his thoughts. After a few seconds, he lets out an irritated puff and buries his face in his hands.
“Hey it's okay-“ I try to calm him down by placing a hand on his shoulder “- take your time.”
At that, he raises his head and lets out a small whine. He looks so exhausted, his eyes have a tear-like sheen and his lips are formed into a frown.
“St..uu..upid” He mumbles as he points his pointer finger at his chest.
“I know you’re not Kyle. You’re not stupid, okay?” I say while giving him a small smile.
Immediately I am engulfed in a tight hug. His arms wrap around me and his head goes to rest on my shoulder. After a few seconds, my hands start to stroke his hair in a soothing matter.
PS Whenever I post Chapter 2 It will be A-LOT longer. In the meantime I will be posting different Ahs stories, one-shots, and requests. Im currently working on a Tate Langdon one that will be posted in a few days! Lmk if you guys have any requests for future stories :)
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seemethroughglass · 11 months
he’s a fool (you’re just as well)
franken!kyle spencer x reader
word count : 5.1K
warnings : fluff, (underage?) smoking, witches, zombies, witchcraft, dark magic, fainting, cooking, witch!reader, mentions of sex/hard drugs
a/n : this is my first time posting a fic on tumblr so if anything is wonky please lmk 😭😭 this fic was first posted on ao3 if you’d prefer to read it below :)
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October 30th, 2013. 3:22 AM.
A faint smell of cigarette smoke and cheap lavender scented room spray slid up into your nose and settled in your lungs, holding your breath until you couldn’t stand to anymore. You were back first on the surprisingly comfortable queen sized bed you shared with the 5’10 rotting man-baby, taking up the tight space on the right side you had while he sprawled his arms out, his fingers flexing and twitching ever so slightly haphazardly while he drooled on the pillow that gave comfort to his skull.
Kyle Spencer was dead, and had been dead for a while, is what Zoe told you. You were the newest addition to Miss Robichaux’s School for Gifted Young Women, this sick fuck of a school. Being here wasn’t anything you’d expect, and certainly wasn’t the worst, but the things you’d do just to go back home and enjoy some time alone. In just two months of being here, Zoe had wordlessly decided that you’d become Kyle’s new babysitter, a tentative decision that made you wonder if you’d ever go back to normal. You were in charge of bathing, changing, and feeding him. When you were expecting to be in a school like this, you never saw yourself soaping up a blond boy ever in your life.
It was frustrating taking care of him, especially when he’d lash out at you for not being able to understand him. Similar to the other witches, you’d use your powers in justification, your telekinesis was second nature to you- as you easily threw him back to walls, or shut doors on him. Once, Zoe offered to keep him chained for a bit, but you declined because ‘it felt inhumane’ (ironically).
But like every other young, feeble, and naive witch in your coven, your powers would fluctuate. Anyone would go crazy if they could suddenly hear every single thought someone would think. The good, the perverse, and the twisted thoughts one could have made you feel sick. You remember walking down aisles of the grocery store with Madison, your whole world suddenly felt abnormal, forced into a ubiquitous position as the faint sounds of peoples brain-vomit spilling out of their heads and into your ears. It got so loud, you couldn’t hear her anymore. You just saw her mouth “coke-head” as she continued her shopping. She couldn’t have given any less care to your dazed and frustrated state.
You didn’t feel safe out there.
You flexed your hands and felt the wrapped cohesive bandage around the flat of your hands, and the cotton fingerless gloves shifting around your hands. You hated how gloves felt around your fingers, and decided to take the risk of accidentally brushing up upon someone and sinking in all of what they know. Divination, is the textbook term, but Fiona just called it ‘a gift and a curse.’ This was also a sudden discovery, one that you were ashamed was only found out during a frat party. Never will you ever shake a man’s hand, who knows if they’ve washed their hands after using the bathroom or not? Thank god you didn’t find out anything else, not that you’d want to afterwards.
And I could go on and on about what you’ve discovered in on your own time. Mind control (which, you’re not skilled at- at all), pyrokenisis, reality warping, the ability to fuck around with any object- it all came in at once, in such a short time. Cordelia explained that it was something that all of the other witches had, but yours were forming at a rapid pace compared to the others. Hearing those words, you then forced yourself to a demure and home-bodied state. You thought, if you stayed at home, less shit goes down. You never knew how much you enjoyed the outside until now.
You could go outside whenever, if you just faced your fears and come to the terms that shit happens. You’re a witch, of course you’re gonna have these fucked up powers that show how fucked up every is, but every time you felt the want to leave, you’d only gaslight yourself into crawling back to your room again.
And… a part of you started to actually believe you didn’t find Kyle a nuisance, because he was the only one who stayed. You could tell he wanted to learn something when he was around you, longingly staring at his iPad as AbcMouse played, asking him how to write words like ‘duck’ and ‘cat’. His hands would stay in place, sometimes twitching, as he thought to himself and hesitantly drew letters on his device. There was a man, trapped in a cold husk. Every word he’d speak to you, it stuck, because you knew he was trying.
Did you see yourself in him? No? Yes? I don’t know.
You felt the need to protect, but not a knight in shining armor I’ll-Kill-Anyone-Who-Fucks-With-You-And-Let-You-Eat-Their-Brains-Afterwards protect. The kind of protect that had you letting him sleep inside your room for the night, because you knew if you didn’t then Madison would just push herself on and sleep with him again. Being a witch has shown you the evils of this world, as if the devil let you put 3d goggles on and see every disgusting perspective of others. Remember that one quote that goes something like… “While we are humans, we are animals”?
You felt him stir around in your bed again, the fleshy tip of his nose resting on your sleeved forearm. You started to wonder when he’d move aside, considering he was plumped on a good chunk of your bed. He served no purpose on your bed either, feeling like a cold, rubbery, chunk of meat nuzzling into your warmer skin. Honestly, he was kind of a waste of air, not that you envied him for it though. It made you think, what could he end up being, other than a sex doll or a servant? Everyone thought he was dead, but certainly you can get a job with no ID, no degree, and a high temper, yes?
Okay, right now he *might* be in a tight spot, but hell- you never know. You felt him moving around again, deciding to face him as he shifted his way closer to you, smelling the fabric surrounding your arm. You couldn’t tell if he was awake or not, watching him carefully to see if he’d move again, and once again he did. His eyes fluttered open a bit, before tightly shutting them and taking a deep breath, taking a peek from his rotting eyelids to see your face looking back at his.
This was an unusual morning (or night?) routine from him, because he wasn’t supposed to wake up at this hour. Perhaps the sudden body heat he felt from you awoke him? Doesn’t matter, now he’s awake, and it’s your responsibility to keep him tight lipped and busy until the sun rises. Shit, did you even realize that he was staring at you?
“Kyle… go back to sleep.” You whispered, lightly pushing his head upwards and away from your body. His eyebrows raised up a bit, reacting to your sentence, which sounded like gibberish due to his still drowsy state. You could’ve just talked to a brick wall instead, though, because all he did was prop himself up on the bed and look around. Kyle nodded, looking away from you before moaning a “Mm.. mmn..” for you. He struggled with his words for a minute and then managed to make out a “Mmh-morning.”
You shook your head, wanting to immediately cut the shit short and to tell him to just go back to sleep. But, men (or, zombies in particular) are stubborn and once he was awake, he was gonna stay awake. You internally cursed yourself before mirroring his movements and sitting up yourself, pulling on the comforter to cover yourself as you nodded, wiping your face. “Morning, Ky.” You sighed out, nodding.
You and Kyle usually did your morning routine together, so even though you did stay up all night and you knew it was only a matter of time until you’d fall asleep, you brushed your teeth with him. I guess coffee could keep you awake until 9, right? It was fairly difficult trying to keep him quiet while you brushed his hair and made him breakfast, but the more you talked, the more he took the time to listen.
“Ky, tell me which one you want.” You asked, putting down a carton of eggs on one side of the dinner table and a box of Belgian waffle mix on the other. He took his time, you thought he was going to pick the waffles when he turned to them, but you were a little taken aback when he shook his head. Your instincts made you want to protest, but once you saw his mouth open a bit, you let him try and mumble out his words.
He shook his head, got it.
If Nan was awake, she’d hear you think, “Who the fuck eats steak for breakfast?” until you realized that he was probably talking about bacon.
“Mm, bacon?”
You got back a copacetic nod from him, his breathing quickening up from excitement. You weren’t just going to give him bacon, so you decided to stick with some eggs and toast to go with it too, something the both of you could eat. You fetched the bacon from the freezer and eggs, butter, and bread from the fridge. Kyle kept his eyes on you, not having anything else to distract him with currently. You stayed quiet, indulged in your task of whisking the eggs in a bowl as you heard him try and communicate with you again. You stayed patient, with the mumbling coming from his mouth, but you could tell he felt more confident in this moment.
“Drink, orange.” He asked, looking around the kitchen to see if he could spot anything else to ask for. You turned around, shaking your head at him, “Orange… what, Ky?” you questioned, wanting him to try and finish his sentence. He looked back at your frame, letting out an unsatisfied sigh. “Orange.. jjjuice?” He responded, humming questionably. You turned to him briefly, nodding and pointing at the frying pan. “When I’m done, I’ll give you it, ‘Kay?”
He groaned out, suddenly balling his fist and hitting his thigh, shaking his head. It was way too early (or too late?) for Kyle to be getting upset, as he whimpered out a “N-no! Want- mmh..” to you. “Drink! Orange..! Mm, juice!”
“Kyle, no hitting!” You hissed back at him, letting the frying pan heat up on the open fire. “You use your words, hitting isn’t good.”
You watched as his facial expression softened, following his fists as he rested them back on the table, you could’ve sworn his lips shifted into a slight pout, but he nodded to you, making you realize that he never truly learned how to apologize.
“Say you’re sorry.”
The first time he tried to fight with you, was unforgettable, because it was the same day you had decided to voluntarily keep yourself locked inside the academy. You were just trying to change him, and get him ready for what would become his daily walk, but once you had him stripped to just his jeans and socks, he reacted. You weren’t able to take his jeans off, the minute you were trying to get his buckle off, it’s like realization had hit him. A push and a series of blows to your arms had you covered in hurt and bruises, the room was now episode 8 of a soap opera. God knows why you let him hit you for so long, did you forget you were a witch for a minute? Whatever, Madison wasted no time on flicking him off with whatever supernatural powers she had, his back meeting a wall quick. You felt bad, he didn’t really know any better. You’d start wrestling with anyone if they tried to take your pants off.
Now that you’re thinking about it, how’d she get up those stairs so quick? Isn’t she usually downstairs smoking a cigarette? Speaking of cigarettes, fuck, the smell of this house is starting to get to you.
Ten-ish minutes had passed, and there you were, plating the meal on a large plate that you and Kyle could share. Perks of being a witch? You can just enchant your bacon to defrost in seconds. Usually, Kyle would finish all of his food, but one time he noticed that if he didn’t finish, you’d be eating his plate instead of sticking with just coffee. It’s probably the reason he eats less, honestly, and you can’t really force him to finish all of his food anymore. I guess it’s something you two have silently agreed on, like mutualism. You poured yourself some coffee from the coffee pot, and in another plastic cup you poured orange juice into, for him. It was plastic, in case if he tried to throw it at you… like he did to Zoe (and, to be honest, that shit was hilarious when he missed and hit Queenie).
You don’t talk to him in the morning, you just sit there and watch him watch some Cocomelon, but right now the both of you can’t afford to make any sort of noise. A cranky witch is equivalent to an embarrassed boy, both can end up terribly. Still, it left you bored. There was nothing to talk about, because you can’t really keep up a conversation with someone like Kyle. Your phone was left upstairs, and you didn’t want to go back in fear of Kyle crying out for you and making noise, because it was dark and the only thing giving out light was the chandelier above the both of your heads. I mean, you could teach Kyle some basic vocabulary, but is that really something he was capable of doing while he scarfed down a piece of toast? Wait, wasn’t he supposed to apologize to you earlier? Maybe you can start up something with that.
You watched him chew on a large piece of toast, sending a few blinks in his direction as he paid no mind to you. Trying to get his attention, and prevent him from choking, you pushed the orange juice closer to him. Your nonverbal communication got to him, as he glanced back up to you and then looked down and took a sip from the glass. You waited until his mouth was empty to speak.
He looked back up at you, his eyebrows raising up again. He hummed, waiting for you to say something.
“…We don’t hit things in this house, unless someone else is hitting us, right?”
He blinked, his eyes slanting a bit, was he starting to get mad again? He nodded slowly, taking another sip of his drink. “Yes.” He responded with, there was absolutely no stutter or hesitation in his voice, maybe the others had already tried to educate him on that?
“Do you know what sorry means, Kyle?”
Once again, brickwalled. Jesus, what a poker-face. Maybe this is why people want to be a mind reader, hm? You had never felt scared of him before, and still hadn’t, but this interaction definitely made you tense up a bit. He could be a hell of a guard dog. God, you’re starting to sweat, calm down. Enough thinking to yourself, get to the point, because he’s obviously not gonna give you an answer.
“You know… when you do something bad, and it hurts people? It makes you… feel bad?” You asked, inhaling. He quickly nodded, sniffing and wiping his nose with the back of his hand. You nodded with him, deciding to ease up and take a sip of your coffee. A couple seconds of silence passed, and then you spoke again. “You say sorry, when you do bad things. I want you to say sorry.”
From an outsiders point of view (specifically Fiona, you could just picture it) they’d be laughing at the awkwardness of this conversation. Kyle didn’t know what awkward was, though. He took every word you said like it was, nothing felt personal to him. It gave you comfort, he had no high ego that could make him feel bad. Sure, he’s sensitive, but he had morals and a decent level of understanding like you did. Let me ask you again, did you see yourself in him? Someone who was once normal, thinking they had known enough, now forced to start from the top and had to adapt to what they had now. Shit, is that why you had to take care of him?
Naaah, you’re just overthinking it.
“Suh… orry. Sorry.”
“Good! You said it.”
“Mmhm..! Sorry!”
The difference between you and him? He was a quick learner. You, on the other hand, didn’t want to learn. You wanted to be normal, or at least control what you had (well, actually, doesn’t he want to also?). I mean, it’s been a while since you’ve tried controlling your own powers. It felt better helping him than helping yourself, hasn’t it? I don’t blame you, teaching someone basic math is muuuuch easier than trying to figure out how to make your bed float.
Kyle went back to eating after his successful lecture from the oh-so greatest but stopped after he finished his orange juice. There was still a bit on the plate, a piece of toast and a piece of bacon to be exact, as he looked up at you and then glanced back at the plate. “D…done.” He stated, grinning softly at you. He knew you were going to take the rest and finish it, and that’s exactly what you did. You nodded back at his words as you ripped the toast in half, chewing on your piece. For a dead guy, he’s pretty considerate. Makes you wonder how he was when he was alive, to be honest.
I think… you’ve only heard mentions of Kyle on the news, only when he had died. Words like… sweet, and caring, and friendly were on his memorial outside of that frat house. Shit, what was that frat’s name again? Kappa… whatever, they’re all the same, honestly. Maybe you’ll ask Zoe when she wakes up, I mean, she did bring him here.
After finishing the scraps that Kyle had left you, it was time to go back into your room. You didn’t hold Kyle’s hands up the stairs, you let him walk first, just to see if he could control his mobility first. You felt like you were starting to sweat, anyways. He stopped walking after a couple of steps and turned around to face you, only walking up again when you silently urged him to keep going up. It seemed like he got a bit weirded out by the fact that you weren’t walking up with him, he must’ve gotten used to holding onto you. Aww.
4:38 AM.
This should be about the time Cordelia wakes up, and starts working on whatever potion she has in her laboratory. Kyle was occupied with… himself, actually. He had discarded the iPad earlier, seemingly grown bored of AbcMouse and instead laying on his side, tracing unintelligible patterns on the hard wooden floor. He must be thinking to himself, you imagined. You were sitting on your bed next to an open window, starting to feel sick from the house-air. Did someone smoke, or was everything feeling nauseous to you? Ugh, you decided to start fanning yourself with your own hand.
You glanced back at Kyle, watching as his index finger dragged along the floor, collecting dust and a smidge of dirt from the floor onto his fingertip. You look a long sigh, spacing out and no longer focused on Kyle, just whatever he was trying to accomplish with his finger. K… X… L… E. Wait, that must’ve been a Y then? He was spelling his name, simply reminding himself. It felt good knowing that whatever he was learning on that device was working, but once you took another breath, your sliver of happiness faded with the smell. God… it felt like it was getting stronger.
There’s definitely something wrong in this school.
You didn’t have to wait longer to make up your mind, you had to go outside. Shuffling around and closing the window for caution of bugs getting in while you were gone, you set your bookmark in your book and slid off the bed. You tapped Kyle with your foot, raising your eyebrows and speaking a bit more faster. Your stomach felt… uncomfortable.
“Ky, cmon. We’re gonna go for a walk.”
You didn’t have time to explain to him, but a part of you knew that he understood you. He’s not that… what’s the word? You pulled up your gloves and held your shielded hand out, trying to help him up. He groggily pulled himself up, following closely behind you with his hand sliding up to connect to the crook of your clothed arm. You walked down the stairs with him, hearing a faint whisper around the school. Cordelia… was awake? But why would she be near the living room?
When you peeked your head to look in the living room, she wasn’t there.
And when you walked around with Kyle, trying to find her to see what she could be muttering about, nothing. Odd, you decided to walk around more, but the more you wandered around you only felt more sick. Your little steps became into large, rushed power-walking steps. Something was wrong, if you couldn’t tell now. You went to her office, which was usually tidy and salubrious but seemed to be that she was working on something, at least you finally found her. The smallest amount of rational thought in your mind told you to not run outside of the house, but instead find her and ask her for some Advil or Tylenol, this had to be a migraine.
“Misty Day’s reincarnation might be a good help with this… if only she wa- what was that?”
Cordelia’s voice got louder as you stumbled into her office, she immediately turned to you, puzzled by your off-colored face and the sweat rolling down your forehead. She stayed quiet, letting you speak first. It was only then, you realized something.
“Why is Kyle here?”
But Cordelia’s mouth wasn’t moving. She wasn’t even talking.
I can’t really explain how you look like… but a good word is stunned. You stood there, looking around the area a bit as you fanned yourself with your free hand. Kyle was still behind you, his hand feeling up on the black woolen arm warmer you had on.
“Cordelia… ohmyfuckinggod..”
“Yes, dear?”
“Why is she awake? Go to bed. Why is Kyle here? Will nobody that boy alone, for fucks sake?”
You scoffed, a tad offended by her unspoken words. You wiped your forehead, shaking your head. “Something’s happening… Cordelia. Fuck, you’re so loud.” You breathily announced, letting go of Kyle and wiping your eyes. Your stomach started to hurt more, Jesus- you felt like you were about to throw up.
“I’m sorry?”
You walked over to her, discarding Kyle and his starstruck face as he looked around at the pretty colors and herbs around Cordelia’s little coven. For him, this was definitely a sight to see, getting a good look instead of crying over his new body parted tattoos, curtsey of his deceased friends. You stood in front of her, a hand placed on your stomach as you spoke, the acrimony rushing through your veins.
“The- the mind reading stuff. I can hear you… oh mygod- How do I make it stop? Fuck- my stomach hurts so much, ohmygod..”
And as her hand came to your clothed shoulder, she looked at you in the eyes with a concerned stare. “You’re hearing things again? Come here, sit down.”
She took you by the shoulder, walking you to a small wooden stool from the side of the room. Kyle, distracted by the sudden movement of you two, followed you closely once again.
“Cmhere, let me check your temperature.”
She took her hand up, and as her hand came up to your forehead, you felt your world burning around you and coming to a close. The heat was too much for you, and once her hand made contact with your bare skin, it went dark.
Well… not exactly dark.
5:12 AM.
You must’ve woken up on the wrong side of the… couch?
Too early for jokes? Okay, sorry.
Your forehead felt completely cold, your drowsy eyes registering that you were staring up at the ceiling. Ugh, how long has it been? You brung your fingertips carefully up to your head, feeling on the rough ice pack on your forehead. When you pulled it off and placed it on the floor, you came to realize it was just frozen peas. Classic, actually- super fucking funny. You half-laughed, a closed mouthed smile forming on your face. Right… Cordelia must’ve put that on you. Where was she?
A sudden realization came to you, Cordelia touched your forehead. Shit, you’re supposed to know something, right? That mind reading thing that you have… what can you remember?
“…Cordeliaaa?” You called out, wondering where she was. Suddenly, a little- well, more like big- blonde guy popped up from behind the couch, squeaking a bit from your voice. You turned around, looking behind the couch and feeling surprised once you realized that Kyle was just behind the couch. He was sitting up now, with a cup of… sweet tea? He turned to you, his nose crinkling with his grin as the male cheered your name out, a sugary tone to his voice. He wiped his eye with the side of his hand, making it evident that he had been asleep also. He picked up the sweet tea from the ground, standing up and looking down at you, handing you the cup. The ice cubes in the drink had shrunken, almost barely noticeable.
“Hi, drink!” He chirped, watching you take the drink and take a sip out of it. Damn, not bad. You silently thanked him, the ineffable act of him waiting for you left you a little too speechless for your liking. You cleared your throat, speaking up. “Thanks, Ky’” You murmured, unable to hide the corners of your mouth turning upwards. “Your welh-welcome.” He replied, nodding. You placed the sweet tea on the table, exhaling out of your nose. He walked over to your side, away from the back of the couch, trying to help you up. You put your hands on his shoulders, shaking your head. “No… nah- I’m good. I’m gonna… sit down still.”
You heard Kyle think “Why?” as he stared at you for a bit, but he nodded and left you alone. He lowered himself to the ground, flinching once he had accidentally made contact with the peas. “Cordelia?” You called out again, turning away to the sound of her footsteps walking up to you. Her eyebrows were raised, and her arms were up in an… almost defensive state? She crossed her arms, calming down and lightly rubbing her right bicep with her left thumb. She spoke your name in a effervescent way, relieved to see you awake.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, referring to her anxious thought. You could tell she was trying to not think as much, whispering to herself before shaking her head. “Nothing… um- actually, I need to know, what did you… see?” She prevaricated, running her fingers through her hair. You looked down, thinking to yourself a bit and then back at her. Suddenly, your eyebrows knitted into realization, looking back up at her.
“Did you… toss the coffees I made for you?”
Cordelia stood there, also looking dumbfounded by your conclusion. She smiled, nodding. There was no point in lying anymore, I mean- you already knew. She sighed in relief, chuckling.
“Okay… yeah. Yeah, I did.”
“Dude- I thought you liked my coffee.”
She ignored your words, walking over to you and putting a hand on the inside arm of the couch. “I’m glad you’re okay. I did some… tests- and, um, I’m pretty sure you’ll be fine for now.” She expressed, feeling a little more confident as she spoke. “Just… don’t stay cooped up in this house. I know your powers are getting stronger, but you’re probably dealing with some major stress.” All you could do was nod, biting the inside of your cheek. She nodded back at you, pulling her hand away from the coffee and walking backwards for a bit, turning away.
She turned back, raising her eyebrows. “Pleaaaase don’t ask me.“ She mentally spoke to herself, leaving you to close your eyes for a brief moment, but you brushed her thought aside.
“Uh… why… don’t you like my coffee?”
“I’m a tea person.”
“Oh… crap.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart.” She spoke, walking out of the room. You sighed, your attention going back to Kyle, who was once again tracing patterns on the floor. He glanced up at you, pausing his actions and deciding to rest his cheek on the couch. He blinked at you a bit, expecting you to say something. You placed a hand on his scalp, moving around his bed (well, floor) hair to make it look more neater.
“So nice…” His blissful expression matched his imagination, shuffling closer to let you touch his hair. Your fingers stayed still while in his blonde locks, sighing. You definitely didn’t expect him to think that, but you definitely weren’t opposed to it. You carried on, carefully grooming him some more. Your brain went blank, not really worried on what was going to happen next or what you had to do later today. Just you, fixing a zombie’s hair, while the sun was getting ready to rise up and shine on you. Just complete nirvana. You pulled your hand back, wondering if there was anything else to smooth out or tuck away. Kyle looked up at you, probably expecting the same thing.
“So pretty.”
You couldn’t help but smile, keeping your eyes on him as his soulless eyes crinkled with his crooked smile. You blinked, and then cheerfully sighed.
Kyle nodded, grabbing your hand and then putting it back on his head. Wait… he grabbed your hand? Damn, you couldn’t see anything about him, guess it must’ve went away…
Or, maybe, he just didn’t hide anything from you?
You’ll just have to poke Cordelia again to see why.
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yes-divine-ruler · 2 years
Im just wondering if you could write something cute for franken kyle? like inspired by that song Olivia by One Direction?? i just feel like theres not enough kyle fics😓 sorry for bothering you though🥲
Franken-Kyle Spencer x Fem!Reader Fluff - “Spring Sun”
omg, I just want to let you know, you are not bothering me, I was so excited to write this request and requests are always welcome!
“Olivia - seen as a secret way to say I love you. This song is about love, and how one expresses it”
Words: 903
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You held Kyle’s hand as you walked through the field, the grass knee-high and the flowers arising from their buds, just like it should be in spring.
It was hard for Kyle to try and keep up, his head spinning as he took in the world around him. Every day for Kyle was an enlightening experience, the way things smelt, the colour of things, the way they felt. Right now, in this field, Kyle was over the moon, his hand brushing over the tall grass, even stopping occasionally to lean down and smell the scent of a flower.
“Kyle!” You snap, as he becomes distracted by a butterfly as it flutters passed his face.
“Huh?” He asks, his eyes finally landing on you, or what he thought was nature’s most beautiful creation.
“Come on it’s gonna be dark soon, you can smell everything when we get there,” you offer him a smile as he nods his head insistently. He would follow you to the end of the earth if you wanted him to.
His hand never left yours as you ascended the hill, finally getting to the top and looking out at the view. Kyle’s mouth gapes open as he takes in the remarkable view of the field, paired with the soft breeze and the warm sun.
“Ky, come sit,” when Kyle turns, he sees you’ve set out the tartan picnic blanket, with you sprawled out on its surface in your floral sundress. Kyle smiles wide, coming over towards you eagerly just to be close to you.
He lays his head on your chest, your hand coming up to the top of his head to run your fingers through his blonde hair. He hums contently, his eyes fluttering shut just from the feeling of your fingers alone.
He shifts next to you, turning to lay down on his side, his hand coming up to cup your breast through your sundress. You laugh at how comfortable he is around you, something that you seemed to adore about him.
“See anything pretty, Kyle?” You ask him, as he opens his eyes and looks up at you.
“Butter…fly, grass- uh-” he pauses for a moment, biting down on his bottom lip as he thinks of what to say. You wait patiently, proud of Kyle for even trying.
“You, Y/N,” he says finally, a smile spreading across your face as you lean down and kiss the top of his head softly.
“That’s really sweet Kyle, thank you,” you beam at him, before closing your own eyes and taking in the warmth of the spring air yourself.
You feel Kyle‘s finger begin to draw small shapes on your exposed thigh, and tune in to his persistent scribbling as you start to recognise letters. I love you, he was drawing, over and over again like it was the only few words he knew how to spell.
“Kyle? Are you trying to tell me something?” You ask him, sitting up briefly, his head coming off your chest as he followed your actions. He looked down at his lap ashamed.
“What’s wrong?” You ask him, taking his shaking hand in yours as he lets out an animalistic groan.
“S-sorry,” he says simply, his head falling forward onto your shoulder. You’re not sure why he’s upset, but you hold him anyway, hushing him reassuringly as your hand rubs up and down his back. You understood that sometimes it was hard for Kyle to talk about his emotions, he got frustrated and flustered quickly, and it made him angry.
When he calms down, he lifts his head up again, staring at you as you look at him with furrowed brows.
“Y/N.. I… love….you,” he says, his own eyebrows furrowing as you silently watch him.
“Kyle..” you start, turning your head away and opting to look at your hand as it fiddled with the corner of the blanket beneath you. He whined, his hands cupping your face and bringing your head back around so he could look at your face again.
“I love you too Kyle,” you say certainly, “but I’m worried you only love me because I’m nice to you,”
He understood what you were saying, but also taken back by your insecurity. Just because he wasn’t the person he used to be, he still had feelings, and if he was sure about anything in this world, it would be you. Kyle shakes his head, his thumb coming down off your cheek to trace your pouted bottom lip.
“No…so…beautiful,” he manages to say, a laugh of flattery escaping your lips as you place your hands over his on your face.
“I… mean…it,” he says firmly with emphasis on each syllable.
Then he leans in, connecting your lips, kissing you softly and lovingly. You kiss back, before pulling away, wiping a stray tear that had fallen from your eye.
“No… cry,” Kyle chokes out painfully. He hated to see you upset.
“No Kyle, I’m not sad, I’m happy. I’m so lucky I have you,” you reassure him, pulling him into your chest again for a tight hug.
He hugs back, burying his face in your hair. The smell of your shampoo and your favourite perfume lingering in his nose, a combination that was recognisably his comfort smell.
“Forever,” Kyle confirms, rubbing his nose against yours affectionately.
“Forever,” you repeat, giggling as he kisses you again.
Taglist: @v-love @evanpetersfav @demxnicprxncess @kitwalkersgfff
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peoplesgraves · 2 years
Yandere scientist x Franken-Reader
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You wake to a raging headache. Your head is so filled with clutter and voices that are almost yours that it feels like your brain is going to explode. The pain is eased by a cool washcloth being dabbed on your for head while a gentle voice mumbles words of comfort. You pass out and awake a few minutes later. The longer the mysterious man is next to you the more the throbbing dulls until finally it’s dulled enough for you to sit up.
A few minutes later you try to stand but your legs collapse under you. Your horrified to look down and see blood dripping from crudely stapled and stitched wounds. Each line of stitches reveals a slightly different part. Like you’re some kind of horrible jigsaw puzzle. Calloused hands pull you up and back onto the table. The man mumbles to himself as he gathers supplies and you recognize his voice as the same from earlier.
He pulls a stool to sit in front of you and looks at your torn staples. “You’ve ripped them. If you needed something you know you should’ve asked me instead of hurting yourself like this.” He begins to clean it up paying no mind to your winces of pain. An agonizing ordeal later your leg is fixed and the man who you’ve come to dislike greatly is seriously lecturing you.
“You need to rest while your body heals. Until then you’ll stay in the lab where I can watch over you.” When you don’t respond he turn from his work table to look at you. “Ok Betty?”
You look at him confused and terrified. “I’m not Betty.”
“Of course you are. I used Betty’s brain. Her heart was too damaged but it’s the brain that’s really important.”
You shake your head as much as you can laying down. “I’m. Not. Betty!”
He sighs and sits once again by your side. He Henry grabs your hand in both of his and plays with your fingers as he speaks. “Maybe you’re not Betty yet. But won’t it be an interesting experiment to see if I can bring Betty out?”
The next few weeks are torture. Because of your condition the mad man literally has to do everything for you. He was always clinical about it never overstepping anymore then he had too but still, it was torture. The only things to do where to sleep or to watch as he did his experiments. Sometimes you could convince him to tell you stories wether about Betty, his experiments or worst of all, how he’d made you.
There’s also a voice in your head. While most voices have died off by now one is only getting louder. She warns you about the scientist and begs you to run away. As the voice starts to gain more and more purchase in your mind, it starts to show you things. Memories of Betty and the scientist. One day when Betty has drowned you out, she shows you something horrible.
That night when the scientist tries changing your bandages you pull away from him at any cost. Gritting your teeth through the pain to protect yourself from him. Eventually he gets fed up and can’t help but to ask what’s wrong.
“You killed Betty.” Your voice wavers in fear but still it drips with venom.
The scientist looks mostly neutral. Although he does have a small fond smile. “So Betty is in there and shes trying to save you. It’s cute. Really.” He leans forward and rests his forearms on his legs to be eye level with you.
“But there’s nothing to save you from. I took your heart, all of your discarded parts and I gave them a second chance.”
Betty slips through the cracks and your mouth is moving of another volition. “You’ll just tear her apart and start over once she becomes too much for you.” The voice is yours but not and it freaks you out.
You look for comfort, to cling to something and the scientist steps in. He holds you and let’s you cry into his coat.
“Tell me Betty.” He spits her name like it’s poison, the complete opposite of the way he’d said her name when you first awoke. “Why would I kill my greatest creation?”
The scientist rubs circles on your back. It’s like the more you fall into him the further away Betty gets until you’re brain is quiet for the very first time.
“You’re right. You’re not Betty” a serpents smile forms behind your back and his grip on you tightens “you’re going to be so much better.”
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bugs1nmybrain · 8 months
First of all, love your writing! I especially love reading your headcanons 😁
Would it be alright to ask for headcanons on how Stein would be with a S/O that’s chronically ill/has a weak immune system? Like winters for them are hell because they know they’re gonna catch a cold come September and coughing fits, doctors visits and medication refills are just apart of their daily routine(may or may not be speaking from experience TTwTT)
🤍⚡️Franken Stein (Soul Eater) x Immuno-compromised Reader 🔩 🩺
I haven't written for Stein in forever!!! I hope I write this with sensitivity! I'll research a bit on it to make sure I write this as accurate as I can.
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Warnings: Gender neutral reader, sfw, chronically ill reader, not proofread yet
Mister Doctor man is on the case!
If you don't tell him upfront that you have a weak immune system, he'll notice quick that you seem to be constantly under the weather
Will pry about it, and ask you if this is regular for you
When you tell him that you're chronically ill, it isn't a surprise. He'll help
Stein is proficient in most areas of medical care, so he'll make sure your medications are constantly available to you and even offer to be your personal domestic doctor. You'll tell him it's a conflict of interest as a joke, but he insists
He knows how to make sure you're as comfortable as you can be, making sure you're properly nourished and getting meals that incorporate a proper amount of vitamins
It isn't exactly a cure, but it helps
If you're feel especially sick, he encourages rest. If you need doctors' notes for work or college or the like, he's on it.
He doesn't treat you like you're made of glass or anything because he knows better, but he's definitely vigilant of your symptoms and reminds you to make sure you're taking your medicine and taking it easy if you're having a hard time
Coughing fits don't gross him out and he'll be there to help you feel better however he can
Will hound on treatment regimens
He'll try soooo hard not to ask if he can dissect you
Ofc will remind you to wash your hands regularly, but he knows you're already aware of that. His reminders are more his way of telling you he cares about your wellbeing and that he loves you (don't let him convince you that he doesn't)
If you need someone by your side when you're bedridden, he's there. Even if he has to take off time from work, he will, and don't feel guilty for it. He'll sit beside you and have the silliest conversations with you, whether they are theoretical or just casual talk. If you win him over he'll snuggle, but this man is TALL so get yourself a big bed, okay?
He will try to keep his smoke out of your face so that it doesn't stuff you up
He's here to help you to the best of his abilities. He can only imagine how hard it is, but he's a smart guy. He'll take care to make sure you're as healthy as possible.
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hatelangdon · 1 year
Promise Ring.
Pt 2 of this fic/ 1.4k words.
(Franken!Kyle x Witch!Reader)
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Slight angst, Hurt/comfort, & fluff
(🚨Warnings: Talks of Fever, Being sick, Crying, Screaming, Possible panic attack🚨)
Summary: After removing Kyle from his problematic situation with Madison, You notice that the poor zombie has also developed some kind of sickness, possibly from the neglect he experienced in the midst of his heartbreak. He has become your "responsibility" so you take care of him and show him a kindness and gentleness that he hasn't experienced before.
(A/N: ...This is very long, I am so sorry but I absolutely love sick!hurt/comfort and I got a lil carried away because Kyle is my sweet angel and I would feel so bad if he didn't feel good, because he definitely doesn't understand why :(....also y'all are going to jump me but there's going to be a part 3 🤓☝🏾 that will be actually taking care of Kyle because I know that is what ya'll want. )
Also, this is not proofread i'm sorry, but once again...Kim, there's people that are dying.
You had put Kyle to bed in your room, he didn't protest much.
Your bedding was very soft, and the sheets smelled of you and lavender pillow spray.
You already had him lying down, piling your purple weighted blanket over his body, which surprised him but he remained calm.
"Are you alright? Do you need anything?" You moved some of his hair from his face, he suddenly grabbed your hand which slightly scared you, but he was gentle.
He pressed your hand up against his face, right on the scar under his right eye from the accident, he looked up into your eyes lovingly.
"y/n t-t-thank you"
"You're welcome Kyle, I know it can be hard sometimes. You've gone through a lot, honey." You gave him a encouraging boop on the nose.
He blinked twice at you, probably trying to decipher what you were feeling, but he knew that you called him honey and honey was good so he smiled, pressing your palm to his dimpled cheek, you could tell that he was getting sleepy from the way he completely squished his face into your hand and how slowly he was blinking.
"Go to sleep Kyle, I'm right here for you."
He nodded, his eyes closing almost obediently.
Once you were sure that he was asleep from his soft breathing, you moved yourself into your papasan chair in the corner, you wanted Kyle to be as comfortable as possible and have a bed to himself.
There was already a blanket in the chair, so you wrapped it around yourself, it was pretty comfy, you'd fallen asleep in in a dozen times before.
You turned off the lamp that illuminated the room in warm white lighting, and slowly found yourself drifting into unconsciousness.
3:42 a.m.
You were woken from your sleep by a shift of weight on top of your body.
You almost freaked out, thinking sleep paralysis had gotten ahold of you, but you were surprised by soft tufts of blonde hair tickling your face, and warm skin against your chest.
Kyle had balled himself in your lap, his arms completely wrapped around your torso, and his head lying on your chest it didn't look like a comfortable position, considering he was much taller than you and practically slipping off the chair.
"Kyle?" You rubbed him on his back gently, trying to wake him up.
He must've been already awake, because you were immediately met with a long groan.
"What are you doing? Why aren't you in the bed?"
"Comfort." he whispered
You cooed, feeling your heart flutter
"Well wouldn't you be more comfortable in the bed?"
He shook his head
"Want...y-you." He said it like it was the plainest thing in the world
You felt your face heat up.
"Well cmon, you can still be with me but let's get in bed. You're falling off the chair Ky."
He grunted, his grip around you tightened
"I'll lay with you, we're just gonna get back in bed okay?"
Kyle sighed and groaned, like the moody baby he was...but he obliged, standing up. His eyes were squinted from the tiny bits of morning light coming through the curtains
You guided him to the bed laying down first, patting a spot for him to lay in your arms.
He immediately crawled into your embrace, letting out a sigh of relief as you wrapped your body around his. You pressed your head into the back of his neck, feeling the warmth radiating.
"Try to get some sleep, Kyle. Alright?"
By the time you had got your words out you could already hear soft snores coming from his lips
5:56 a.m.
The second time you woke up, was from Kyle tossing and turning in his sleep.
At first you thought he was having another nightmare but his face was red and you could feel the heat radiating off of his skin so it seemed like there was something more.
"Kyle, wake up. It's okay you're just having a bad dream."
You tapped him on his chest, trying to wake him up.
He Immediately sat up, hyperventilating and sobbing, his head felt like it was pulsating and he could feel his racing heartbeat in his ears, he wasn't recognizing his surroundings at first, he was scared.
You reached out to comfort him, placing a hand gently on his shoulder.
"Kyle, what's wron-"
He, threw your hand off of him, and jumped out of the bed.
He was having one of his "fits" Kyle often didn't know how to process his emotions when he was upset, he had lost his sense of emotional regulation and his ability to communicate when Zoe and Madison brought him back.
"NO! NO! NO!"
He grabbed the lamp on your nightstand and threw it to the ground, the glass going everywhere
"KYLE NO, STOP," you grabbed his arm to stop him breaking anything else "you're okay! You're okay! You're not in any danger!" you turned him to look at you, you could tell his eyes were pleading for some sense of understanding, while his brain worked at a million miles a minute trying to connect his pain and confusion to a reason besides anger and a imminent threat.
After a couple of seconds he recognized you as a safe face. He looked around at what he did, all of the glass on the floor and your worried face.
Tears started falling from his eyes, and he reached out to you, he needed touch.
"Kyle, oh come here." You hugged him right away, crossing the sea of glass in your crocs.
"I understand you're upset angel. Come sit down, be careful." You guided him back over to the bed, making sure he didn't cut his feet.
He was completely red in the face, and the tears just wouldn't stop. He was crying so hard, that it looked painful.
"Kyle, I think you're sick baby. You don't feel good do you? It's okay to not feel good, we can fix it."
His big, teary, brown eyes peered into yours as he blinked slowly, not understanding.
"Can I touch you Kyle? Is that alright?"
He hesitated for a second before nodding. You felt his forehead, and he practically melted into your touch which was a relief to his warm skin, he definitely had a fever.
"Does it hurt in here?" You tapped his forehead and he nodded
"Okay, can you show me if it hurts anywhere else?"
He motioned to his stomach patting it, as well as his back, he was finally feeling understood by someone.
You nodded, patting his head to signify that you understood him.
"You're sick Kyle, but that's alright. I'll take care of you. That just means that your body needs some time to calm down and fight something that's not supposed to be in there."
He didn't fully understand what you were talking about, but he trusted that you knew what would make him better.
He always thought you were so smart, even when Zoe was around he noticed how kind you were and how you always seemed to have answers.
"Alright, first things first! I gotta clean up this glass, stay here and lay down." You rubbed his cheek.
Just the notion of you leaving him, made him cry harder as he grabbed onto your arm.
"Kyle, I'm not gonna leave you, I'm not" you shushed him "I'm coming right back, I promise"
He wasn't letting up Zoe had said those same words to him, and she walked straight out of his life after promising that she would be in it forever.
"listen, I take promises very seriously," you gently kissed his forehead and removed one of your rings from your finger. It was silver, and heart shaped with a rose quartz stone "This is the ring my best friend gave me before I had to leave my town," you pressed it into his hand "as long as I'm gone, you get to keep it, that's how you know I'm coming back. It's very important to me, and so are you."
Kyle just stared at the ring, it was very pretty.
"You are important to me"
he understood that enough to let you go.
(Pt 3)
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