#franken kyle spencer x fem reader
xrag-dollx · 1 month
Missing you...
franken!Kyle Spencer x fem!reader
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Summary: time to say goodbye would come for everyone of us in some kind of way. Kyle now had to make his final goodbye to his dearest friend...
Warnings: angst, mentions of death
The sun was setting behind the tall curtains, casting a dim, and warm orange glow across the room. Kyle sat on the floor, his back pressed against the couch, his dark eyes fixed on the little cage beside him. Inside, the once lively and curious guinea pig lay motionless, its small chest rising and falling with shallow breaths. You could see the sadness in Kyle’s eyes, a deep sorrow that he couldn't fully express with words.
“G-Gus… s-sleepy,” Kyle mumbled, his voice thick with distress. He reached into the cage, his large hand was trembling as he gently stroked the guinea pig’s fur. Gus had been his companion for five years, a gift from you when Kyle first came to live with you. You had seen the way Kyle bonded with the little creature, how Gus had given Kyle something like a connection to life despite all that he had lost and all that had been taken from him.
You sat down next to Kyle, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Kyle,” you began softly, searching for the right words, “Gus... he's not doing well.”
Kyle turned to look at you, his eyes were pleading for a different answer, something to take away the pain he was feeling. “N-no… no… G-Gus okay,” he stammered, his voice breaking.
You shook your head, tears welling up in your own eyes. “Kyle, I know this is hard… but Gus is very old now. He’s tired… his little body can’t keep going.” You could see the confusion and fear in Kyle’s expression. His lips moved, trying to form words, but nothing came out. All he could do was shake his head in denial.
“He… he w-wake up… l-later?” Kyle asked, his voice barely above a whisper, clinging to a fragile hope that maybe, somehow, Gus would be okay.
You reached into the cage and gently lifted Gus, holding him in your hands. His tiny body felt so fragile, so weak. You placed him in Kyle’s lap, letting him have this one last moment with the pet he loved so much.
“Kyle, sometimes… we have to say goodbye,” you said, your voice breaking with emotion. “It’s the way of life… nothing lasts forever.”
Kyle’s hands wrapped around Gus, cradling him as if he could shield him from the inevitable. “N-no… please… d-don’t go,” he choked out, his eyes squeezing shut as tears began to fall down his cheeks.
You stayed with him, your own heart breaking as you watched Kyle struggle to come to terms with what was happening. He didn’t understand why the world could be so cruel, why something so precious had to be taken away.
“Kyle,” you whispered, leaning closer, “Gus loves you so much. You took such good care of him… he’s been happy with you. But now… it’s time for him to rest.”
Kyle didn’t respond, his gaze locked on Gus, his tears falling onto the guinea pig’s soft fur. The room was silent except for the sound of Kyle’s quiet sobs and the faint, fading breaths of his beloved pet.
Minutes passed, each one feeling like an eternity, until finally, Gus’s breathing stopped. Kyle froze, his hands tightening around the lifeless body as if trying to will it back to life. “N-no… no… no!” he cried out, his voice breaking with anguish.
You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close as he wept, his body trembling with the force of his grief. “I’m so sorry, Kyle...” you whispered, holding him tightly. “I know it hurts… but you gave Gus so much love. He wasn’t alone… he had you.”
Kyle buried his face in your shoulder, his tears soaking through your shirt. He couldn’t speak, couldn’t find the words to express the pain and loss that was consuming him. All he could do was cling to you, the only comfort he had left.
As the night grew darker, you stayed with Kyle, holding him as he mourned the loss of his friend. You knew this was a pain that would take time to heal, pain that words alone couldn’t ease. But you also knew that, in time, Kyle would find a way to move forward, carrying the memory of Gus with him, a reminder of the love they had shared.
On the following day, Kyle was still deeply mourning over Gus, grappling with the remnants of his memories he had with Gus, as he struggled to let go of his friend.
And there you are now, standing by the small, makeshift grave in the garden. His usually vacant eyes are filled with a rare emotion—grief. In his hands, he cradles a small shoebox with a solemn tenderness, containing his beloved guinea pig, Gus, who had been his constant companion for the past five years. Despite his fragmented mind, Kyle had formed a deep bond with the little creature, who never judged him for the stitches and scars that marked his body.
You stand beside him, a shovel in hand, as the late afternoon sun casts long shadows across the garden. The air is heavy with the scent of earth and blooming flowers, a stark contrast to the somber task at hand. Kyle looks at you with a childlike confusion, a quiet plea in his eyes, as if he's searching for the right way to say goodbye.
"H-here?" he asks, his voice a low, broken whisper as he gestures to a spot near the roses, where the ground is soft and the light gentle.
You nod, giving him a reassuring smile. "Yeah, this is a good spot, Kyle. Gus would like it here."
Kyle kneels down, carefully placing the shoebox in the small hole you’ve dug together. His large hands tremble as he brushes the dirt off the box, his fingers lingering over the lid for a moment longer before he lets go. He looks up at you, his eyes wide and tearing up, silently asking if it's okay to proceed.
Taking the shovel, you slowly begin to cover the box with earth, each movement deliberate and respectful. Kyle watches intently, his lips pressed together in a tight line as if trying to hold back an emotion he doesn’t fully understand. Once the grave is filled, you hand him a small stone to mark the spot.
He takes it with a nod, gently placing it at the head of the grave, his large fingers tracing the shape of the stone. After a moment of silence, he murmurs, "G-gus... safe now." His voice is shaky, but there's a hint of relief in his words.
You place a comforting hand on his shoulder, feeling the tension in his muscles ease just slightly. "Yes...Gus is safe now," you agree softly. "And he’s always going to be with you, in here," you add, tapping his chest.
Kyle’s hand moves to his chest, his brow furrowing as he tries to comprehend the weight of your words. Finally, he gives a slow, understanding nod. "In...here," he repeats, almost as if committing the idea to memory.
You both stand there for a while, letting the moment sink in, the only sound being the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze. Even in his disjointed reality, Kyle understands loss, and in this quiet moment, you’ve helped him find a way to mourn and say goodbye.
Tags: @fear-is-truth @am3ricanh0rrorwh0re @trueangel420 @evanpeterspeter @lacucarachapisser @evanpeterswifeyyy
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yes-divine-ruler · 1 year
You’re Forgiven - Franken-Kyle Spencer
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Kyle feels bad he was being difficult while you were studying and now that you’re done, he wants to make it up to you.
cw: oral (f receiving)
"Ky, just sit still," you push Kyle's head away as he groans, adamant to finish at least one college lecture before bed. Kyle was being unbearable, taking the pen out of your hand as you tried to write notes, coming up behind you and tapping random keys on your keyboard. You had to sit and bite your tongue to stop yourself from screaming at him.
He lets out another groan, before you hear a loud smash behind you. Turning quickly in your desk chair, your eyes evert to your broken porcelain lamp on the floor by your nightstand, and Kyle looking exceptionally guilty on the edge of the bed.
"Kyle? What the fuck?" You growl, his eyes watching you as you leave your desk and crouch down to pick up the jagged porcelain shards of your now broken lamp.
"S-sorry," Kyle says quietly, fiddling with his fingers in his lap as you try to make sure your floor is safe to walk on.
"What were you thinking Kyle?" You frown, shaking your head in disbelief and dropping the pieces you'd retrieved in the trash can.
"Need-need you," Kyle chokes out as you return to your desk chair, this time covering your ears with your headphones, hoping to drown out the sound of Kyle's pleas. He never took no for an answer, and he couldn't grasp how important college was for you. It may be tough love, but it was the only way you felt you could get your point across.
When your lecture finished, you let out a relieved sigh, dropping the headphones onto your desk and closing your laptop. You turn again in your swivel chair, tiredly rubbing your eyes with the backs of your hands. Kyle was asleep, his lips parted as he exhaled soft breaths. He looked peaceful, and you felt bad that you'd been so harsh to him earlier. Taking off your clothes, leaving you in only your panties, you crawled to nestle into the vacant space next to him on the bed.
You laid on your side, reaching out and brushing the blonde curls from his face. He stirred at your touch, his eyes fluttering open to look at you.
"I'm sorry Ky," you whisper, as a small smile creeps onto his face. He was just happy you were finally giving him attention.
“Sorry,” he says quietly, shuffling his body closer to yours and nestling his head in the crook of your neck. You take a deep breath, feeling his warm breath as it tickled your skin.
“It’s okay, I know,” you respond, planting a kiss reassuringly to his head.
“Make better?” Kyle asks, lifting up his head and looking back into your eyes. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, until you feel something hard poking at your thigh.
You let out a small chuckle, suddenly more awake as Kyle kisses your cheek. The room is dark now, the blinds letting in only the smallest amount of light to illuminate his face.
“How so?” You question, as he sits up, resting his hands on your shoulders and lying you down onto your back.
You watch his movements, as a kiss lands on your chest, just above your breasts. Kyle continues to kiss your chest, until suddenly your nipple is in his mouth. You left out a soft moan as your fingers return to his hair, combing it back out of his face as he hollows his cheeks and sucks.
“That feels so good,” you whine, his other hand coming up to knead your other breast in his palm.
He repeats the motion on the other nipple, before he’s kissing down the valley of your breasts.
You watch in anticipation as his kisses continue to go down further, until his face is square with your clothed heat. His fingers run over the slit, sinking slightly into the material to feel the wet patch in your panties.
“Wet,” Kyle says proudly, making you laugh and rest your head onto the pillow beneath you.
“What are you gonna do now Ky?” You bite your lip as his fingers hook into the waistband of your panties and pull them down your legs.
He’s always so mesmerised by your naked body and there was nothing he found more perfect.
“All mine,” Kyle says firmly, before his mouth makes the first contact with your clit.
You let out a gasp, your hands coming to your sides to ball up the sheet on the bed. Kyle positions your legs over his shoulders, and then dives back down to your pussy.
His tongue glides over your clit again and again, before sliding down to your opening and tasting your sweet arousal. He hums in content at the taste, the vibrations surging through your core.
You’d taught him how to give head from scratch only a few months ago, and now he was definitely a pro.
He sucks your clit into his mouth, suckling softly as your hips begin to rock up into his face.
He holds your thighs open with his hands, burying his face in your pussy and working expertly on getting you closer to the edge.
“So wet,” Kyle repeats, his middle finger making way to your entrance and sinking down into it.
You let out another throaty moan and Kyle inserts a second, and begins to pump them at a slow and pleasant pace.
“Just like that,” you sigh, feeling the build of pressure in your groin rise.
Kyle uses his other hand to seperate your folds from above, exposing your small bud to his hungry mouth. He laps at it in a way that has your toes curling and your jaw slacking.
“I’m gonna cum Kyle- oh fuck!” Kyle speeds up, curling his fingers up to meet your g spot, insistently kitten licking your clit until he feels the pulse under his tongue match the pulse around his fingers.
You almost scream when your climax hits, Kyle working you through your orgasm until your body begins to twitch at the oversensitivity.
“Mm Kyle, stop!” You giggle, as he smiles against your pussy, giving your aching clit a few more kisses before he raises his head.
“Good?” He asks, crawling over your naked body so his face was in line with yours.
You nod, using your thumb to wipe the slick that glistening on his chin.
“I guess I forgive you,” you joke, leaning up and connecting your lips in a heated kiss.
Taglist/ @v-love @evanpetersfav @demxnicprxncess @kitwalkersgfff @quicksilversg1rl @iruzias @alexxavicry @soaringcloud @laynna-mcknight @humdrumexistence @simp4petermaximoff @evan4ever r @paujmr @jangsuzchap @meganxfox @divineruler @spill-the-t
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strawb3rrystar · 1 month
could I request an AHS smut of Kyle Spencer who’s unbelievably horny and just wants to rail F! witch Reader 🥺
No bark, some bite.
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Pairing: Franken! Kyle Spencer x Fem! Witch! Reader
Summary: An undead boy falling madly in love with one of the Supreme's right-hand girls.
Warnings: Au where him and zoe don't get together, takes place between season 3 & 8 (i suppose), reader is a clairvoyant, unprotected sex, p in v, creampie, there's not many warning bc it's kyle, not proofread
Word count: 1.4k
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Kyle couldn't explain why he was feeling this way. All he knew was that when he first saw you his heart started beating rapidly. Which was odd, knowing that he was undead. He could barely put it into words, but it was as if you had a magnetic pull on him. Was this what love at first sight felt like?
Over the passing months living in the academy, he came to realize that every time the two of you were in a room together, his eyes would always land on you without fail. And even though Kyle was much busier with his new found title of 'guard dog', he always still made time to spend with you. Even if you weren't officially together, those moments felt like mini dates.
Like now, he's in your room, helping you learn a new spell. A worn book carefully sat in your lap as you read the directions of the spell. Kyle wasn't really helping, he was more so just your test subject. But it felt good to know he was helping you in one way or another. You were trying to perfect your immobilization spell. Since you were having a bit of trouble with it, Cordelia instructed you to keep practicing. So, you went to the one person you knew would agree to help you. And you were right, Kyle was silently ecstatic when you came to him.
As you glance up from the book you notice Kyle staring at you as if you were the most interesting thing he had seen in his life. This made you quirk your brow at him. "Is there a reason you've been so quiet?" He jumps a little when he realizes he was staring at you like a hawk. He shakes his head in response, tapping his fingers on his legs. "Um, no, sorry.. I was just waiting for you to be finished." You hum in acknowledgement before closing the book and setting it beside you. "Well, I'm ready to practice now." You say as you rise to your feet. Kyle quickly follows suit, standing up as well.
"Are you ready?" You ask, taking a few small steps back. He nods his head, waiting for your command. "Alright, just.. pace around in a circle for me." Kyle then starts pacing back and forth between your bed and the wall. You take a deep breath, holding out your hand so your palm is facing him and shout the incantation "No loquaris mini quaper!" Kyle freezes in place mid step, his eyes wide. You clap your hands together, proud of you for the work you accomplished. He was immensely proud of you too, but he was too shy to say it.
You carefully walk around him, admiring the way the spell works. Stopping in front of him, you take a good look at his face, deciding to say something quite rash. "I know you have feelings for me." Kyle blinks in surprise. You.. you knew? Was he really that obvious? "Yeah, you kinda were." You tilt your head as you respond. Shit, he forgot you could read his mind. "Mhm, and your mind has also told me that you've been hard this entire time." Kyle's cheeks start to flush as he stares at you. With a wave of your hand, he is released from being immobile.
"I am so sorry." He looks away from you, clearly embarrassed and ashamed of himself. You scoff "Why? I like you too." Kyle was shell shocked for a second before a smile spread across his lips, but he immediately fought it back. Kyle had always been very respectful to every woman he came across. Never wanting to seem too flirty, forward, or creepy. Especially towards the witches, because they gave him a second chance at life, and a home. So, it seemed like him admitting he so desperately wanted to pound your ass into the mattress right now, would be a little too forward. Well, more like a lot too forward.
Noticing the silent battle Kyle was facing in his head, you cup his cheeks, bring his focus on you. "You know, your thoughts can be really loud sometimes? But, let me just say that I really want you to fuck me right now. You're not being too forward, not at all. I know you already, you're not some random guy, we've been friends for months now." After you speak, Kyle stands still for a few seconds, then pulls you in for a hug. "God, I want you so badly."
Using his inhuman strength he picks you up and carries you swiftly over to your bed. After he sets you down, he asks you a very important question. "Are you sure you want this?" In response, you lean forward and peck his lips. "A hundred thousand percent." That was all he needed to hear for his shirt to come off. You admire his torso for a second, and the very faint scars that bless his skin. No doubt due to Misty Day's miracle mud. Slowly, Kyle lifts up your shirt, hesitating slightly. "You don't have to ask me for permission for everything, you know?" You say as you let him take your shirt off and toss it to the side.
Kyle shrugs, kissing your forehead. "Don't wanna rush you," He mumbles. You sigh, shaking your head. "You're too sweet for your own good I fear." You run your hands up his chest, causing him to shiver. He reaches to unclasp your bra with ease, tossing it to the side. "Too sweet?" He gently cups your breasts. You hum, reaching forward to press your palm into his bulge. "Yes, just fuck me already." He groans, his head dropping down to your neck. Placing soft kisses on your neck, he mumbles into your ear. "You'll let me take care of you?"
"Yes, I will." You answer, unbuckling his belt, pulling it out of the loops. Kyle takes the hint and swiftly takes off his pants and boxers, his cock springing from its confinements. Next to follow was your bottoms and underwear, Kyle's eyes almost immediately drift to your soaked cunt. He feels his mouth water at the sight, practically drooling like a dog. You knew exactly what he was thinking, so you clear your throat. "Another time I'll let you eat me out, okay? But, I need your cock in me right now." He nods his head, settling his hips in between your legs. Bumping the head against your clit a few times, he looks into your eyes. "You ready?"
"Yes." Your response was quickly followed by a small moan as Kyle started pushing inside. He was a lot bigger than you were expecting, but you could handle it, right? "Breath, baby. Breath for me." He takes notice of your discomfort and gently rubs your sides. Because of the lack of prep, it takes a few minutes until he's comfortably inside you. Kyle was trying to make sure you were alright the whole time. Whispering sweet nothings into your ear and offering you his gentle touch. When you're ready, Kyle's thrusts start off slow, not wanting to hurt you.
But eventually he starts giving into his horny thoughts. His thrusts become faster, more rough. Hands grab at your thighs as he hits all the right places. Your moans sound like a symphony to his ears, a playlist that he could listen to till the end of time. Your arms wrap around his broad shoulders, his face in your neck. Biting, kissing, sucking hickeys into your skin. Both of your orgasms were approaching quickly. It seemed like you were clenching around him perfectly, as if your pussy was made for him.
Your skin felt like it had been set ablaze as you came. Your eyes rolling back as you moan out his name. Kyle fucks you through your orgasm, his thrusts becoming sloppy and uneven by the second. A few seconds later, he's coming deep inside you, whimpering into your neck. He continues to thrust until you've milked every last drop from his tip. After a few minutes of going soft inside you, the both of you trying to catch your breath, he pulls out. Kyle falls onto the bed next to you, pulling you into his arms securely. "I love you." He presses a soft kiss to your forehead, a big contrast from the pounding you had just received. "I love you too." You reply. lifting your head to look at him. Without thinking, Kyle kisses your lips, cupping one of your cheeks in his hand. What a day to remember.
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Star's notes -> I'm sorry if this is awful, I've never written anything Kyle related, and was also on a time crunch :[
(Thank you, sweet anon, for requesting!) (Requests are open!)
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Taglist -> @am3ricanh0rrorwh0re @alittleobsessedbitch @evanpeterspeter @jazz-berry | Join the taglist
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frankenkyle19 · 1 year
hii do u know any other blogs that write mainly for frankenkyle?
None come to mind, it’s usually a mix of all the Evans, but I can link some of my favorite fics! I’ll try and do a mix of fluff and smut but no promises because I’m a whore
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hatelangdon · 1 year
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Re-introduction <3
Masterlist *✧・゚: *✧・゚:
-My name is Violet but you can also call me Vi, or V and I go by she/her I used to be @tearsdior
I've been writing for over 6 years but i've never shared it with anyone but my best friend.
This blog originally began as a KPOP fic page, but things have changed and i'm not too involved in that world anymore.
My main focus is mainly American Horror Story but that's obv subject to change.
I write for Tate Langdon, Kit Walka, Kyle Spencer (both franken & frat), Jimmy Darling, James Patrick March, & Colin Zabel.
I do not write for Kai. He will hate crime me and i'm scared or Peter Maximoff simply because I didn't watch x-men or Wanda vision 🧍🏾‍♀️
My favorite genre is hurt/comfort and whump. What can I say? I love the dramatics.
I often add music to my posts because once again, I love the dramatics.
My blog contains mature themes that may not be suitable for all audiences, but I will always add a warning label
I take requests, questions, etc. I wanna hear from people!
I'm black. so a lot of my characters will probably be "black coded" and I will almost always use black women in my moodboards.
I try to write in general terms but I write the same way I speak and I seriously do not care if you don't like it, go somewhere else and i'm so serious.
I also don't write for MLM (for now), I don't want to overstep as a woman and that's simply something i'm not good at, so 99% of my fics will be from the perspective of a Fem!reader. You are always more than welcome to read regardless of gender or sexuality or you can change details such as pronouns and names with the interactive fics chrome extension.
I'm hoping i'll find my audience soon! This is a safe space <3 I hope you enjoy my writing <3
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Cockwarming with the Evans pt. 1
It started getting too long so I decided to split it, I’ll post the second half later this week! That one will include Jeff, Colin, Peter, Warren and Charles, lmk if you want to be tagged in it!
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- Absolutely loves it
-He’s horny all the time so it’s perfect for him, it relaxes him
- Likes to do it while y’all are cuddling, he loves the feeling of being so connected with you
-Gets even more clingy, having your hold him impossibly closer
- Will usually lead to sex, he’ll begin to slowly thrust into you, moaning softly as you met him
- Gets really loud, but muffled his groans as he bites marks all over your neck
You ran your thumb across his cheek, smiling at his peaceful expression, that was until you felt him move and let out a loud breathy moan. You had thought Tate had fallen asleep, cockwarming with him always made him lightheaded and sleepy but it seemed today he wanted something more. He let out a moan as you moved to met his thrusts, slowly chasing your releases. “I love you.” He mumbled out, burying his face in the crook of your neck. You craned your neck up shivering as he bit down leaving a mark. “I love you too.”
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- Likes to do it after sex
- Makes him feel loved to have you let him stay inside you even after you’ve both come
- Can lead to sex but it’s more of an aftercare thing
- If he’s really tired he can fall asleep like that
- Sometimes will make you sit on him in front of friends, like before they get there he’ll lift up your sundress and slide in in one quick movement. Making you sit there as he talks with them, loving the way you squirm and try to keep quiet I need to write a longer fic about this
- Likes if you’re on top that way he can hold you close to his chest.
You could feel his chest rumbling as you laid your head on his chest. His soft snores lulling you into you into a feeling of comfort and security. Even though he was asleep you could feel his strong arms rubbing aimless circles on your back. His soft cock was still inside you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to pull him out, instead sinking a little lower making Kit groan in his sleep and buck up You giggled and laid back down, joining him in his peaceful slumber
Franken Kyle:
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- He loves the feeling of intimacy, it feels so personal just to sit with you like that
- Because it shows him sex isn’t just about pleasure, it’s about showing the other person you love them and want them close to you
- It relaxes him in a way, you kinda use it as a reward too, like if he finishes his lessons for the day you’ll warm his cock
- Sometimes always can’t control himself, ends with him becoming a whimpering mess and crying that he wants you to move
“C-cow.” Kyle said, repeating the word his iPad told him, clicking on the picture of the animal by the same name. The game ended, flashing green as he completed that level, he turned to you with an open smile. “Good job Ky.” He hummed at your praise, reaching greedily towards you. You already knew what he wanted, you climbed in the bed and moved your panties to the side, sinking down on his cock, humming at the way he filled you. “W-warm.” He groaned, pressing open mouth kisses on your neck. Kyle did his best to sit still and enjoy filling you but in no time he was roughly thrusting up.
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- While the other there have been mostly sweet boys about cockwarming Jimmy’s something else
- He thinks it’s the hottest thing
- Likes to keep you there for a couple minutes and then lift you off and watch as his cum drips out of you and onto his cock
- Gets him hard again and will lead to another round
- Sometimes uses it as punishment when you’ve been bratty, loves to watch you squirm and whine as you beg him to move
- Will squeeze your ass while your sitting on him
“Look at that princess.” Jimmy cooed, pulling you off of his cock, his hands cupping the fat of your ass. You watched as his cum dribbled out of your soaking pussy onto his cock. The mix of your releases becoming one. “You’re just the hottest little thing, do you know that?” You whined as his teased your entrance with his cock, the tip skimming your folds. “Jimmy.” You whined, trying to grind down. “Patience doll.” He warned, pushing in in one thrust, you let out a moan throwing your head back. “Or else I won’t move all night.” He threatened in a low growl, nipping playfully at your ear.
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- Didn’t know what it was when you first mentioned it
- He didn’t see the appeal of just staying in without moving
- He claims to hate it but he secretly loves it
- Like when he’s busy at work but you both need a little release he’ll let you sit on his lap, humming contently as he fills your warmth
- Every time y’all do it tho you tease him and it ends up in him fucking you hard cause he claims you’re too much of a tease
“What are you doing dear.” James asked in a choked tone, his grip on your hip becoming tighter. “Nothing just trying to get comfortable.” Having your back to him he couldn’t see the smirk on your face as you subtly jumped up and settled back down on his cock, shifting as you tried to “get comfortable.” You did this for a few moments more before he roughly pulled you off his lap and bent you over his desk. He stood up behind you, smacking your ass, you moaned as it pushed you further onto the table. “Always such a tease, aren’t you darling.” You bit your lip, pushing back into his crotch. “You know you love it.”
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-Uses it as a show of dominance
- Shamelessly does it in front of the cult, to remind them and you who you belong to
- Bucking up into you durning a meeting and watching as you try to suppress your moans
- Sometimes he’ll do it during pinky power, that way he has twice as much control over you
- When he’s too busy he’ll just let you sit on his cock, and tell you you have to cum from that alone or nothing at all
You could hear the clacking of keyboard keys as kai typed furiously away on his computer, completely unbothered by you sitting on his cock. You were pulsating around his member, trying to get any friction at all. “Hurry up I don’t have all day.” He snapped, sitting back in his chair, looking at you with bored eyes. “But I can’t come like this.” You whined, in a rather bratty voice that had Kai rolling his eyes. He slightly bucked up into you, watching as the smallest movement made you moan and clench around him tighter. He watched as your face contorted into one of pleasure, your body shaking. He scoffed, trying to deny how turned on he was by the fact that you had come from the smallest action alone. “Looks to me like you just did.” He smirked. “And you’re gonna stay on my cock all day until you come again.”
Taglist: @booboomother @whiiiiplaaaaash @sapphimoff @quicksilver-babey @ladyfogg @kaislittleheadliner @mrs-march-ahs @shlutnutt @mossybank
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americxn · 3 years
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(🤍) - 𝔣 𝔩 𝔲 𝔣 𝔣
(🖤) - 𝔰 𝔪 𝔲 𝔱
( 🗡) - 𝔞 𝔫 𝔤 𝔰 𝔱
! do not read or interact with the nsfw content on this blog if you are a minor !
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𝔪 𝔲 𝔯 𝔡 𝔢 𝔯   𝔥 𝔬 𝔲 𝔰 𝔢
one shots:
I Win 🤍 (tate langdon x gn!reader)
Promise 🤍 (tate langdon x gn!reader)
Out of Darkness, Into Light 🤍 (tate langdon x gn!reader)
Sleep 🤍 (tate langdon x gn!reader)
“all my love” 🗡 (tate langdon x gn!reader)
High School 🤍 (tate langdon x gn!reader) 
Intimate Touches (tate langdon x gn!reader)
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𝔞 𝔰 𝔶 𝔩 𝔲 𝔪
one shots:
Lavender 🤍 (kit walker x gn!reader)
Lavender (smutty version) 🖤 (kit walker x fem!reader)
Tequila 🤍 (kit walker x gn!reader)
Self-defence 🖤 (kit walker x fem!reader)
Teach Me 🖤 (kit walker x fem!reader)
Kit x James x Reader Threesome 🖤 (kit walker x fem!reader)
Kit Walker - Lazy Sex 🖤 (kit walker x fem!reader)
Kit Walker with a titty kink 🖤 (kit walker x fem!reader)
Escape from Briarcliff 🗡 (kit walker x gn!reader)
Tender Love 🖤 (kit walker x fem!reader)
Intimate Touches (kit walker x gn!reader)
Kit Walker // Fingering 🖤 (kit walker x fem!reader)
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𝔠 𝔬 𝔳 𝔢 𝔫
one shots:
Gardening 🤍 ([franken]kyle spencer x gn!reader)
Kyle Spencer // Audible Pleasure 🖤 ([franken]kyle x fem!reader)
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𝔣 𝔯 𝔢 𝔞 𝔨 𝔰 𝔥 𝔬 𝔴
one shots:
Contortionist 🤍 (jimmy darling x gn!reader)
Blue 🤍 (jimmy darling x gn!reader)
Backstage 🖤 (jimmy darling x fem!reader)
“... I am in love with you.” 🤍 (jimmy darling x gn!reader)
Moonlight 🖤 (jimmy darling x fem!reader)
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𝔥 𝔬 𝔱 𝔢 𝔩
one shots:
Little Witch (jpm x fem!reader)
Explore Me 🤍 (jpm x fem!reader)
Devil’s Night (jpm x gn!reader)
Ravishing 🖤 (jpm x fem!reader)
Halloween Night 🤍 (jpm x gn!reader)
“I didn’t love you enough” 🗡 (jpm x gn!reader)
James x Kit x Reader Threesome 🖤 (jpm x fem!reader)
Taking care of James when he’s sick 🤍 (jpm x gn!reader)
Make Me Feel Again 🖤 (jpm x fem!reader)
Smutty Scenarios 🖤 (jpm x fem!reader)
Welcome to the Cortez 🗡 (jpm x gn!reader)
Marked 🖤 (jpm x gn!reader)
Satiated 🖤 (jpm x fem!reader)
Introducing James to the Modern World 🤍 (jpm x gn!reader)
Take What is Given 🖤 (the countess x tristan duffy x jpm x fem!reader)
Playing with Pleasure 🖤 (jpm x fem!reader)
Flustered Fallacy 🖤 (jpm x gn!reader)
Please 🖤 (jpm x fem!reader)
James March // Oral Sex 🖤 (jpm x fem!reader)
Rooms of Pleasure 🖤 (jpm x fem!reader)
intimacy 🤍 (jpm xgn!reader)
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𝔯 𝔬 𝔞 𝔫 𝔬 𝔨 𝔢
one shots:
Bathed in Moonlight 🖤 (rory monahan x fem!reader)
Ruined 🖤 (rory monahan x fem!reader)
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𝔠 𝔲 𝔩 𝔱
one shots:
Run 🗡 (kai anderson x gn!reader)
Run - Part 2 🗡 (kai anderson x gn!reader)
Run - Part 3 🗡 (kai anderson x gn!reader)
Run - Part 4 🗡 (kai anderson x gn!reader)
Run - Part 5 🖤 (kai anderson x fem!reader)
Run - Part 6 🖤 (kai anderson x fem!reader)
His Darkness 🗡 (kai anderson x gn!reader)
His Darkness (part 2) 🤍 (kai anderson x gn!reader)
Too Late 🗡 (kai anderson x gn!reader)
Unpredictable 🗡 (kai anderson x gn!reader)
Pinky Power 🖤 (kai anderson x fem!reader)
Paranoid 🗡 (kai anderson x gn!reader)
Power Conflict (kai anderson x gn!reader)
“What happened? What the hell happened. Why do you make it so hard to love you?” 🗡 (kai anderson x gn!reader)
05:00 🖤 (kai anderson x fem!reader)
Loaded 🖤 (kai anderson x fem!reader)
Intimacy 🤍 (kai anderson x gn!reader)
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𝔞 𝔪 𝔢 𝔯 𝔦 𝔠 𝔞 𝔫    𝔞 𝔫 𝔦 𝔪 𝔞 𝔩 𝔰
one shots:
Heist (warren lipka x gn!reader)
Heist (part 2) (warren lipka x gn!reader)
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𝔪 𝔞 𝔯 𝔢   𝔬 𝔣   𝔢 𝔞 𝔰 𝔱 𝔬 𝔴 𝔫
one shots:
Imposter 🖤 (colin zabel x fem!reader)
Interrupted 🖤 (colin zabel x fem!reader)
In Secret 🖤 (colin zabel x fem!reader)
Explicit 🖤 (colin zabel x fem!reader)
Sex Drive 🖤 (colin zabel x fem!reader)
Hot Tempered 🖤 (colin zabel x fem!reader)
Confession 🖤 (colin zabel x fem!reader)
Suspect 🗡 (colin zabel x gn!reader)
Secret Satisfaction 🖤 (colin zabel x fem!reader)
Rain 🤍 (colin zabel x gn!reader)
Good boy 🖤 (colin zabel x fem!reader)
Winter River (part one) (colin zabel x gn!reader)
First Date 🖤 (colin zabel x fem!reader)
Colin dating single parent reader 🤍 (colin zabel x gn!reader)
intimacy 🤍 (colin zabel x gn!reader)
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𝔞 𝔭 𝔬 𝔠 𝔞 𝔩 𝔶 𝔭 𝔰 𝔢
one shots:
Favourite (michael langdon x gn!reader)
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𝔡 𝔬 𝔲 𝔟 𝔩 𝔢   𝔣 𝔢 𝔞 𝔱 𝔲 𝔯 𝔢
one shots:
Bloodlust 🖤 (austin sommers x harry gardner x gn!reader)
just a taste 🖤 (harry gardner x fem!reader)
crave 🖤 (austin sommers x gn!reader)
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𝔭 𝔬 𝔰 𝔢
one shots:
dating stan bowes 🤍/🖤 (stan bowes x gn!reader)
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𝔢 𝔳 𝔞 𝔫 𝔰   𝔥 𝔢 𝔞 𝔡 𝔠 𝔞 𝔫 𝔬 𝔫 𝔰
Rainy Days With the Evans 🤍/🖤
headcanons for Tate, Kit, Kyle, Jimmy, James, Rory and Kai.
How the Evans would react to you posting a funny picture of them on social media 🤍
headcanons for Tate, Kit, Kyle, Jimmy, James, Rory and Kai.
Showering with the Evans 🤍/🖤
headcanons for Tate, Kit, Kyle, Jimmy, James and Kai.
Sharing a bed with the Evans 🤍
headcanons for Tate, Kit, Kyle, Jimmy, James, Rory and Kai.
How the Evans would react to you crying during a movie 🤍
headcanons for Tate, Kit, Kyle, James, Rory and Kai.
The Evans’ Love Language 🤍
headcanons for Tate, Kit, Kyle, Jimmy, James and Kai.
How the Evans act when you’re in a bad mood 🤍
headcanons for Tate, Kit, Kyle, Jimmy, James and Kai.
Random songs that remind me of the Evans with no explanation because they make sense in my head
for Tate, Kit, Kyle, Jimmy, James and Kai (not really headcanons).
Morning sex with the Evans 🖤
headcanons for Kit, Kyle, Jimmy, James, Rory, Kai and Warren.
Taking care of (some of) the Evans when they’re drunk
headcanons for Tate, Kit, Kyle and Jimmy.
The Evans and neck kisses 🖤
headcanons for kit, Kyle, Jimmy, James, Rory, Kai (pre-cult, cult, prison) and gallant.
The Evans and animals
headcanons for Tate, kit, Kyle, Jimmy, James, Rory, Kai, gallant and Colin.
The Evans and edging (part one) 🖤
headcanons for kit, kyle, (franken)kyle, jimmy and james.
The Evans and edging (part two) 🖤
headcanons for rory, kai, gallant, jeff and colin.
Sexting (part one) 🖤
headcanons for kit, kyle, (franken)kyle, jimmy, james and rory.
Sexting (part two) 🖤
headcanons for kai, gallant, jeff, colin and peter.
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yes-divine-ruler · 1 year
tate langdon
Ghosts Aren’t Real x kai anderson
Hide and Seek
Sorry Mommy x sub!tate
Every Inch
Whatcha Reading?
Please Touch Me x sub!tate
riding tate’s face
‎‏‏‎‎kit walker
Daddy Doesn’t Know —— Part 1, Part 2
40 Lashes
She Dominates x sub!kit
You Win This Time
Your First Time”
kyle spencer
Give it to me, Baby x pre death!kyle
Daddy Needs a Study Break x pre death!kyle
You’re Forgiven x franken!kyle
Spring Sun x franken!kyle
frankenkyle nsfw prompts (1)‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎
jimmy darling
I’m Gonna Marry Her Anyway
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yes-divine-ruler · 1 year
Okay okay okay, but imagine; prompt #27 and #3 with Sub!FrankenKyle 🫣🫣🫣🫣
Franken-Kyle Smut Drabble
Prompts: “Here, let me show you how to do it.” & “Aw, your legs are trembling~ does it feel that good?”
*G!N Reader*
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Kyle stares up at you from beneath his lashes, a small pout on his lips. It was becoming increasingly harder for you to figure out what he needed, but after asking him to point to where it hurts, it was evident what the problem was.
“Take off your pants, Kyle. Do you want me to help you?” You sit opposite Kyle on the bed, your bottom lip wedged between your teeth as you watch Kyle get up.
He stands at the foot of the bed, groaning as he tries to pinch the zipper between his fingers to unfasten his pants. He struggles, his fingers slipping.
A frustrated groan escapes his lips, and he begins to tug at his hair.
“Shh shh, Kyle it’s okay,” you grab onto his wrist, and try and pull his hand away from his blonde curls.
“I-idiot!” Kyle cries, his eyes full of tears as he peers into yours.
“Here-“ you pull his arm down to his side, “let me show you how to do it.”
Kyle stands still, his heart pounding in his ears, watching intently as you tug down his zipper and unbutton his jeans.
He lets out a small whine once the pants are off his legs, and crawls into bed beside you.
“I can make you feel good, Ky,” you whisper, your hand palming him through his white boxers.
Kyle lets out a small moan, his eyes squeezing shut and his toes curling in his socks as you apply pressure to his throbbing erection.
“Let me take these off, too,” you kiss just below his navel before your fingertips hook into the waistband of his boxers and tug them down to his ankles.
His cock springs to life, slapping against his stomach. You only just noticed how painful it must’ve been, having no idea how long he’d had this little problem for.
“Oh baby,” you coo, wasting no time before your hand is securely wrapped around his length.
His angry, red tip seeps with pre cum and you use it to lather down his shaft with your palm.
“Oo-uh! Oo,” Kyle moans incoherently as you begin to pump him steadily in your hand.
“Good Kyle?” You ask, laying down on your side with your head propped on your hand, supported by your bent elbow.
“G-good,” Kyle lifts his head to watch you, his dark eyes gleaming into yours as you lower your mouth towards his leaky tip.
“Want me to take it in my mouth?” You ask softly, blowing cool air onto his wet cock.
“Y-yes, p-,” Kyle doesn’t have time to finish his sentence before you’re taking him in your mouth.
He lets out a surprised gasp and a hand flies towards your head, fingers wounding tightly in your hair. Kyle’s stomach muscles tense as the heat begins to rise, starting from where your mouth was wrapped around him.
You engulf him almost entirely in your mouth, laying your tongue flat on the underside of his shaft. Your hand wraps around his base, and with a steady start, your hand and mouth begin to work together in one synchronised motion.
Kyle lets out a soft, little whimper as you work his cock between your hand and mouth. His thighs begin to shake from under your body, and pulling your mouth away for a second, you let out a small laugh.
“Aw, your legs are trembling- does it feel that good?” Your lips form into a pout as you continue to stroke his length in a tight fist.
Kyle nods profusely, before his hand in your hair tightens, and his other grips onto the bed sheets beneath him.
“I know you wanna cum baby, cum for me,” you stick out your tongue, laying the tip against his slit, waiting for him to finish.
Kyle’s hips buckle up to meet your hand, and not without an animalistic groan, he lets go all over your tongue, some dribbling down your chin.
Your ministrations around his cock slow as you pop your tongue back into your mouth to swallow. Kyle still stares at you, his mouth agape and his forehead creased with wrinkles. He whines as you continue to play with him, leaving a few kisses on the raw tip of his cock.
“Feel better?” You ask, taking more than one glance up at his fucked out expression.
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frankenkyle19 · 1 year
Okay I have roughly 22 requests right now that I am slowly slowly working through. My motivation has been shit lately but I did just put out two quick headcanons and am planning on finishing up the fics I’ve already started. List below so you can see what we’re working with:
Tate Langdon:
•Virgin Tate- in progress •Tate x fem!reader oral overstimulation (fem receiving) -in progress
Kit Walker:
•Kit x fem!reader who passes away in the asylum (mega angst) •Kit x reader where it’s basically the same storyline as with Grace. Reader gives birth to Kit’s child, the child gets taken away and reader and Kit try and comfort each other
Kyle Spencer:
•Kyle Spencer one shot where he has a gf prior to the bus crash and it’s her reaction to the aftermath
•Franken!Kyle x fem!reader where reader is struggling with body dysmorphia and Kyle comforts her-
•Franken!Kyle x fem!reader angst/comfort one shot where reader celebrates the birthday of their deceased younger sibling and Kyle finds a way to comfort her-
•Franken!Kyle headcanon x reader who shows him real love and affection
•Needy  Franken!Kyle x male reader (smut)
•Franken!Kyle x reader sick day where they’re both sick at the same time
•Kyle x male reader fluff- 
Jimmy Darling:
•Sub!Jimmy Darling x dom reader (smut)
Kai Anderson:
•smut with kai anderson x fem reader where kai wants to punish her for misbehaving
•a softdom!Kai Anderson x fem!Reader smut where he’s her first time and he’s super sweet and caring to her and like calms her down when she starts bleeding or feels pain
•precult!Kai x reader where he gets sick, but he has “middle child syndrome” and gets confused when reader takes care of him… like… I get all your attention? That’s a thing?
•Pre-cult Kai Anderson opening up to fem!reader about his abusive home life with his toxic dad.
•Pre!cult Kai- he calls her panicked the night his parents die and that night he has nightmares… like reliving that moment over and over again and it’s super angsty and comfort
•Cult!kai being absolutely exhausted planning his hits and all and he starts neglecting himself and his s/o notices that and she’s like “aight, bed. Now.” And she takes care of him like brings him something to eat, tucks him in bed, back and head rubs… the whole package.
•Cult!Kai angst where the reader doesn’t know about his adderal addiction and when she finds out she confronts him and he’s all there opening up to her now that she knows and it’s all just angst and comfort
•Reader being Kai’s emergency contact so they call her after he gets himself beaten up 
•cult!Kai x fem!reader it’s their first time falling asleep together and they’re cuddling but she gets overwhelmed because she’s tricked herself into thinking people don’t  want her around. Angst and comfort 
Mr. Gallant:
•Mr. Gallant x male reader smut
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