#so take that with a grain of salt
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redo-rewind-if · 7 months ago
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(∩^o^)⊃━☆ progress time~
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Next Update (Chapter 3? Quite Possibly!):
Intro Scene (if not on music fest route): 100%
Music Fest Routes (Solo, V, and Amara): 100%
Club Pyre Path: 100%
Editing: 100%
Coding: 95%
Bug Testing: 0%
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As you can see, the editing is all done!! Woohoo!!! There's a tad more coding I need to get finished and then it's over to bug testing. Barring any complications, I think the next update should be out by the end of next week! 🥳
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ramenwithbroccoli · 1 month ago
well time to do stop procrastinating and do it again it seems:
meet ?????? (also known as J.A.R.)
(who despite being alive since october last year only has like one presentable drawing of him i made)
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Not much is known about the robot who used to work in wax figure museum. An advanced automaton presumably stood by the entrance, greeting and guiding the visitors, enamored by the friendly chatter of the machine. Probably.
However when a fire broke out decades later, in a, now abandoned, museum, all the records vanished from existence. Visitors from the past could probably recognize the robot though, if it wasn't for a fact that it disappeared, never to be seen again.
He did survive it all, in the end. However the roaring flames melted the wax he was covered in damaged his memory. When he escaped, he could not remember his own name. All attempts at reconstructing his face also failed, as it seems the accident had damaged the cooling system on the left side of his skull as well. With no name, face or past, he was forced to search for a purpose with empty hands and clothes two sizes too small.
There were many things he latched onto on his way. Religion, philosophy, history. Famous people. Along the way, he tried to adopt their identities, sometimes even going so far as to claim he was their reincarnation or had another connection to them, as they interested them deeply. J.A.R. (JARek for friends >:]) is an abbreviation to some of those (including such figures as Jesus, Aristotle or Rasputin).
Due to his search of the identity he kind of takes upon him the traits of his environment. In recent years he had adopted a more cynical, egoistic attitude, but deep down he's still as lost and disoriented as he was before. Maybe even more now.
Also he is powered by 52 AAA batteries that need to be lined up and working perfectly well.
here are memes that have appeared over all this time. sharing some of those because thanks for getting there<3
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ohlookitsabluejay · 19 days ago
“There are only two genders!!!”
1: no.
2: what you mean is there are two sexes
3: there are more than two sexes
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cyraen-ae · 2 years ago
I just realized something about the Magesterium
So I’ve mentioned a few times having this theory that Hawkscry is post-Reset GEARS, right? (the AF2 fable with the GEARS house animals mirroring Hawkscry’s destruction, the 3 house weapons being taken from the ruins of Hawkscry, etc)
And I just thought... The Magesterium uses the 3 houses as 3 guilds in their society, right? And they got their most precious artifact from the Fissure, located at the ruins of Hawkscry... and they were super aggressive about Jaania studying the fissure... and they have an outpost there...
The Magesterium was built by survivors of the Hawkscry cataclysm, wasn’t it?
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staghunters · 1 year ago
6, 8, 18!
6 - any relationship advice?
Ough, uh, based on my own experiences I'm gonna go with that there is no set way/pace of doing things. Similarly there's the thing that every person loves differently, and reading into that is a totally human thing, but sometimes it is better to just vibe it out.
Or I had trouble with when things got uncertain and then I got stressed out about trying to save a sinking ship and only sinking it further in the process. Working on that! You're not gonna know everything about each other, and that's totally cool beans.
8 - any fandom/niche/hyperfixation topics you can rant about for hours?
If we're taking ranting in the negative way, I can totally go on about misinterpretations of fairly popular greek myths and the effects that has on the general image of mythology. It's always more nuanced than most popular interpretations seem to suggest. (l*re *lympus my beloathed)
But on a positive note! I love it when works break the mold. I love it when things are aware of the limitations of their medium and twist them into tremendous advantages. I got a whole thesis on why Carrie (Stephen King) works so well in book form because telepathy!! and when you are reading the words you are thinking them!! so it's close to the thing it wants to depict!! Also the intertextuality of that one is so nice. UGH. It is one of my favorite books for a reason.
18 - favorite biome/landscape?
Already answered!
beep boop ask game
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snickeringdragon · 2 years ago
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(i don’t actually know if i got the species correct in the id-)
OH THIS FELLAS SO HANDSOME!!!!! thank you so much for sharing!! id be happy to try and id this lil guy but id probably need a rough location and maybe some photos from different angles if you have them. not ENTIRELY sure if its a virginian tiger moth but its handsome either way!!
addition to the id by the way: the moth is very fluffy and all white in color, its wings are folded back.
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ququoquaw · 2 years ago
makiden vibes
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clockworkthenightbard · 1 month ago
someone on reddit said, "Oh yes! Death is VERY natural", was a very effective responce
Some rando: You should think about stopping your prescription
Me: My pills make me not want to die tho
They: You shouldn’t want to die, that’s not normal
Me: Yeah that’s why I’m taking my pills
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hms-confessions · 25 days ago
[Heart remains being an issue but I am here enough for him not to be a major issue, more like a really annoying mosquito buzzing worries. I just want to focus on tasks.]
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spiritsonic · 5 days ago
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Tried to make my Forces character in the Sonic Channel fan card thing but didn't have all the parts I wanted :/
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jsheios · 1 year ago
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So Hilda season 3. (This post has nothing to do with hilda season 3)
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veilder · 3 months ago
@mothric I think the implication here is just what the reporters were talking about in that clip: that Luigi is being kept in terrible conditions and that, if he does get remanded to the state of New York, at least his due process will continue unimpeded and the court case can begin. It seems to me more than anything that these prisoners just want him out to get the ball rolling, but who knows for sure?
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So, I'm not like an expert on this or anything, but the problem here is that he was arrested in Pennsylvania on unrelated charges, but is being prosecuted in New York for much more serious ones. In order to actually try him, he first has to be surrendered to the state of New York where his alleged crime took place, which means going through the red tape to send him there. Usually, the public doesn't really hear much about this because it's done on a state level and there are active warrants out for arrests, but this a very high profile case. hat Mr Mangione is attesting is that they can't make him go to New York for this trial based solely on circumstantial and allegedly planted evidence. As of right now, there is no irrefutable proof that he even is the shooter, so why should he be remanded to their custody? Overall, it's sort of just delaying the inevitable. New York wants to try him as a suspect in this case and it's only a matter of time before they win the extradition rights. And after that, it will be up to the courts to determine whether or not he's guilty. But until they can work through the extradition case, it's sort of just dragging out the inevitable right now. Which is probably another part of why the inmates were saying he should just go and get the whole thing over with.
y'all HAVE to watch this...interview??? with the inmates of the prison where luigi mangione is being held.
the reporter is standing outside the prison walls, while the inmates are inside watching newsmax, and collectively screaming out one-word answers to questions loud enough to be heard by the reporter.
I've never seen anything like it
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mohntilyet · 4 months ago
illario as the grandchild that is most like caterina is something i'm loving to chew on. the grandson that took her lessons to heart the most. kill anyone who sees your face and knows your name, "we are not revolutionaries", the first out of the two to prioritise the contract. power at any cost, and the only one to lean into the unnecessary abuse that their grandmother told them was tradition. why is anyone surprised he allied with the venatori? and then there's illario's considerable skill in infiltration and manipulating any mark, he has always had the charisma that lucanis lacked. illario isn't attached, he has/can/will use someone and immediately drop them; "that does free me from promises i don't intend to keep". he can lie about how much he cares so well that he fools a magister into believing he loves her. he kills zara without hesitation to cover his own tracks, meanwhile lucanis blindly promises a young girl in the middle of a siege that he will help her find her father. even the lessons about family stick with him, and in this entire messy power struggle, he never actually orders anyone to directly kill caterina or lucanis, not until he's backed into a corner.
and even after all that. despite even lucanis believing illario should be first talon, lucanis is still the better killer. illario is not strong enough to be the brutal assassin caterina needs him to be. so when lucanis seems to fill the role his mother left, grief and love for her dead heir apparent remains, and any of the other qualities caterina needs in her next talon doesn't matter. whatever his mother was, lucanis has to be. what illario does doesn't matter, because he will always be second best to caterina's memory of her favored daughter.
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g0ddyke · 5 months ago
Forcemasc except instead of pushing you to go to the gym, it's pushing you to do your physio. it's pushing you to take up space and take your wellbeing seriously - use your mobility aids, take your meds, stop letting other people push you too hard. stop pushing yourself too hard. Understand that you deserve to be here, deserve to be who you are, deserve to be respected. That your masculinity isn't defined by your physical strength or your athleticism or how you look or what other people think of you - it's just part of who and how you are, and now you have someone who sees that. That sees You, and won't let you back down from who you really are.
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cirrocula · 5 months ago
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shaggy hair roy harper bc i enjoy the trope where characters with hidden eyes actually have hawklike vision
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aparticularbandit · 2 months ago
If it helps, I think I also read somewhere that they're specifically younger than the rest of the cast, so it's possible that everyone else is 18+ and just those two are 17.
Saw you respond to an ask about character ages, and just wanted to let you know/ let it be known to everyone, that when conversing with Etio (I think that's his name) for the first time, it's stated both him and Takumi are 17 and assume most of the others are as well. So let's hope for a memory loss plot twist like from THH so any nsfw stuff would be less weird.
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well, if true, thanks for letting me know (and in good faith, too). i haven't been keeping up with THL beyond the big stuff and stray comments from ol' kaz
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