#so take it with a grain of salt i guess
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applestorms · 2 months ago
on another note. it genuinely kinda surprises me how many people interpret ivan to be the type of person to Repress and Deny his feelings when, from all the evidence we actually have, he actually seems to be quite open about it?
he does do the dumb stare and watch from afar thing that till does with mizi, yeah, but even there i don’t know if i would necessarily interpret that as ivan like. pushing his feelings away. compare the difference between how till and ivan are framed in these two shots:
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in till's, we are pushed way farther back, seeing his full face and a good deal of his body as he slouches back. the colors are bright, fitting in with most of the happier mizisua angst memories, and you can read till's expression pretty clearly, even with his face beaten up. it's cute and mostly innocent, the kind of thing that makes you want to gently push him out from behind the wall to watch him stutter and get all embarrassed but reach out and play with his friends.
in ivan's... jesus. i mean, he looks like a freak (affectionate). you can't read his expression, despite the fact that we are zoomed in much more closely, only really seeing his eye as the placement of his hand covers his mouth. there is very little body language to convey the same type of sweet, childhood Yearning that till has in his staring shot. instead, for ivan, it all comes down to the Eye, how intently he stares as he watches till and mizi. it almost doesn't even feel like he wants to join in at that moment, or not yet, like watching alone is enough to feed the starvation.
don't get me wrong, there's still plenty of Yearning and Angst in that boy-- round 3 alone is enough to demonstrate that. but what i think people sometimes forget to account for is the fact that ivan acts like that specifically because he has already been rejected.
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up until [whenever this moment happens in the timeline] ivan seemingly has absolutely no qualms about getting all up close and personal with till. we see this in plenty of the round 6 flashbacks:
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he is plenty comfortable getting all up in till's personal space, whether it be to beat him up or just exist near him.
i also like how in this shot (below) we can see him specifically stand up and move seats, just so that he can bother till during lunch and have his little vampire weirdo moment (aww).
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ivan's behavior only really shifts after till has already rejected him-- which, i'd also like to note, seems to genuinely catch ivan off guard. perhaps he genuinely didn't even consider the possibility that till would ever push him away?? i guess it's hard to know the specifics of what he was feeling or thinking in that exact moment, but at the very least this speaks to the ease with which they existed around each other previously.
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thus: ivan doesn't begin with the belief that till could never love him. he only starts to doubt whether or not his feelings are requited after he has already been rejected, after he pushed too hard and too quick.
after the failed meteor shower date, his affections become a lot more subtle-- sneaking around to take care of till when he needs it, but only when his eyes are closed. the love and obsession and watchfulness is all still there, but he takes more care to hide it better now. until... well, y'know.
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he lets the selfishness win. :]
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hoofpeet · 2 months ago
can u do a faygo flavors tierlist now....
Ohhh fuckk Michigan moment incoming
-Creme soda (tha best)
-Rock & Rye (Also tha best)
-Red pop
-Black cherry
-root beer faygo
-Cotton candy
-Ginger ale
-Peach melon
-candy apple
-can't remember any other ones
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slowdrippingnoise · 2 months ago
i like rose actually hes full of Concepts. i like how leon could easily remind him of peony and of himself (personality, talented champion / older brother, beloved golden child) and i like how bede could also remind him of them/what his remark about seeing himself in bede could mean if taken as truth (ignored child, desperate to prove his worth / uncompromising confidence, needs to feel in control, perfectionistic) so he gives them both important roles to keep them around. very normal very well adjusted good job man.
swsh should have had 500 more lines of major npc dialogue. also leon and marnie should have talked about the whole being a symbolic king/princess thing. or she could talk to hop about it and he could talk about how he thinks leon feels about it which could be interesting also. even more economic fuckery talk i know its a sports thing but leon's Sponsor Cape drives me a little nuts. catch him between his own hopes/the needs of the league/rose's ideas specifically. he's been champion since he was like 10 right. something like that. im going back in time sneaking into the swsh writers room and taping up a big poster of N Harmonia. how soon we forget Boy King Prime. also pokespe was right rose should just be Objectively Correct about the impending energy crisis, his problem is that he tries to solve everything by himself by manipulating everyone around him, and is cool with putting the whole region in danger if he thinks it will Solve The Problem. his problem isnt being pro-nuclear power his problem is he thinks like a king. ideal swsh is anti-monarchy as well as anti-monopoly it would make more sense.
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indestinatus · 3 months ago
it's interesting and downright sad sometimes when your creativity wave doesn't match the interaction wave of the fandom you know you can't and won't leave but still wish the excitement of others matched yours
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inkykeiji · 9 months ago
bnha manga spoilers!!!!!
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his hair!!!!!!!!!!!!! his fucking HAIR!!!!!!!!! i just AAAAH i cannot get over it because !!!!! that is exactly how i picture touya-nii’s hair to look 🥹🥹🥹 just down/undone n fluffy n shaggy n soft <333
anyway i am sickly in love with him, i’m not surprised to see what he actually looks like after the war, but the fact that he’s still got his eyes makes me think that his blue irises must be so stark and vivid and just pop against the rest of his injured body—which makes me both swoon and sad, because goddamn you’d recognize those eyes anywhere, the very moment your gaze meets his…but enji still didn’t, not even when he first came face to face with them, not until they were thrust in his face and screaming at him ._.
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revenantghost · 1 year ago
The fact that I've heard second-hand from convention attendees that Orange has said that Knives and Vash share the same basic body model. And yet. And yet. For some reason they stole his ass. Why
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minyard-05 · 5 months ago
Where do you get motivation to write?
can i say spite
honestly though, i've been doing it too long by now not to. i'm ALWAYS writing or working on something, i'm always thinking about something, so i guess my motivation comes a lot from the fact that i kind of always need a creative outlet or i'll lose my shit. i don't write on a regular basis, but i'll scribble things down and plan things out just as i'm living and that'll turn into me writing paragraphs, then chapters. when i post a chapter of golden that's because i hit some streak where i managed to finish the thing in a day, edit for 20 minutes and post. that's just how i work
if you want advice to motivate yourself through writing, take it back down to its bare essentials. planning out a heist scene that's getting too complex? go back to the 3 original points: what's the aim, who's doing it, how much time do they have. build everything else around that
second point is you just HAVE to let it get a little weird and confusing at times. it's not going to be clean and polished for a while but if you get the vibes down, the right words can happen later. one of my scenes for a current wip was entirely planned around 1 line of dialogue and then me typing [OTHER STUFF] [KABOOM] [HE SAYS SOMETHING COOL] etc etc. if it's weird, maybe you'll end up liking the weird. if it's not, maybe you'll find the perfect way to change it later. who knows. just write whatever and see what happens
point three: FUCK THEM RULES. seriously, 90% of what you've seen on writing help blogs and internet sites is maybe useless and probably bullshit. if you write best in the form of notes in your pocket that you don't discover for weeks and forget what they're about but find a way to plug them into something else? then that's how you work. believe me, i tried nanowrimo, i tried writing routines and exercises and all kinds of shit that i thought would make me better and what made me better was constantly reopening my notes app and typing any old shit into it. i have a 66 page document entitled "bullshit" and it's literally where i keep all my bullshit
TLDR: writing should be fun before it's anything else. if it's not fun, stop doing it, back up, take a walk, and come back. write for yourself and the 1 friend who loves hearing about your wip, make as many playlists as you want for whatever you want, and don't be afraid to write shitty stuff.
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thebaffledcaptain · 2 years ago
actually part of what bothers me so much about this fandomification of historical figures is that it feels so disingenuous. if you love a person… you treat them with all the respect with which you would treat another human being, because that’s what they are. the same thing goes for historical figures—they are not any less human for having been dead 250 years. I don’t know. I just feel like if you really do care about these people then you don’t engage with them and their histories by blorboifying them, and if that’s the only way you can engage with them… well, then i’d take a step back to assess whether you can really call that history.
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revvethasmythh · 1 year ago
An idle thought, really, but I think it's interesting to see fandom latch on the metaphorical interpretation of things like Laudna's relationship with Delilah as a metaphor for addiction or Imogen's psychic powers as a metaphor for either chronic pain or queerness, but there's much less attachment to or discussion of the characters who explicitly, canonically dealt with exactly those things. By which I mean Scanlan's substance abuse, Veth's alcoholism, and even Ashton's chronic pain (which feels like it was discussed much more before it was confirmed canon, and seems to be brought up mostly just as ship fodder these days). I suppose one could argue the devotion to the metaphorical interpretations lies in the fact that it's an interpretation of canon as opposed to being explicitly so, meaning there's more wiggle room to project a personal interpretation onto it. Explicit canon is more concrete, less malleable to the individual viewer. Still, if we're going to talk about addiction now in a metaphorical sense via Laudna, it leads me to wonder if we will see further discussion of the characters who explicitly dealt with addiction (Veth and Scanlan), as opposed to Laudna's purported allegorical version of it
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transmascutena · 1 year ago
okay am i the only one who has never quite understood why everyone's always saying that the characters in utena look older than they are? like idk i guess they don't necessarily look 14 to me either, but that's more because they don't look any particular age, because of how it's stylized. i don't look at them and think that, idk, long legs are a trait of a 16 year old not a 14 year old, i just think "those sure look like shoujo proportions"
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clarabowmp3 · 3 months ago
I feel like Taylor hanging with the nfl crowd has really questioned everything I thought I knew about her as a person. The people she is hanging out with just don’t have the values I thought were important to her. And I get maybe Travis is super famous in the us, but she can do better. He’s a total meathead (and ugly af)
actuallyyy tho like as far as possible i try to give her/him the benefit of the doubt but as time passes more and more embarrassing things come out abt him/his circle/that damn podcast (was it jason kelce or Patrick mahomes that gave that terrible graduation speech? and also one of them, I think jason, apparently isn't a very good father. idk how taylor feels abt this but if I were her i'd be embarrassed to be in any way associated with people like them but ok...)
and yea ever since the whole matty healy thing, I think she is, to a certain degree, a bit selfish/cavalier about issues that don't directly affect her, which leads me to think maybe those values/issues she talked abt in miss Americana were never all that important to her in the first place
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lovelikeafuneral · 1 year ago
what do you mean the focus of guillermo del toro’s frankenstein isn’t on the relationship between victor frankenstein and the creature 🫥
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queenheritageposts · 8 months ago
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chat i have a question because it’s been bugging me for years
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mercurytrinemoon · 9 months ago
Okay okay whenever I do a tarot reading for myself and it's negative I get frustrated and angry but ONCE IN A WHILE when it's positive I'm like "naahhhh, this is sus, I bet they're trolling... or they are not talking about me... I bet there's a catch to this 10 of cups and 4 of wands!!!"
How do I cope with that lol
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goldenbeastkeeper · 1 month ago
(Hold on I just realized I haven't seen a single m!a post be passed around since I got back into the tumblr rpc. Does anyone in this circle of the rpc even know about magic!anons or are people just not interested in them anymore?)
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joggles · 3 months ago
How do you replicate the Hiveswap artstyle so nicely?
I wanted to try it for my own Troll and Kid sona but I was kinda aimless :\
hard question!! :(
to be very honest with you, one of the most important things is studying the PROPORTIONS of the style and the LINE WEIGHT!! is what ive found at least...
for example, joey's got a big ol head on her shoulders.. she's only like two and a bit joeyheads tall
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this is massive lol 💀 so i'd say try to study the proportions and try not to make the style more "realistic" if you get what i mean :P BE SILLY WITH IT!! (i'd always try to make the heads smaller and the legs longer @_@)
and as for lineweight, hiveswaps style calls for VERY THIN LINES!! and it looks really weird if you make the lines thicker
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especially the outside lines -_-
anyways i think that's it :P I HOPE THIS WAS HELPFUL!!
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