#so strange to see everyone sat at fancy tables watching them give it their all on stage
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copia · 10 months ago
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ghost covers ⛧ Enter Sandman — Metallica — "Hush, little baby, don't say a word, and never mind that noise you heard..." footage | title font
⛧ supporting Harbor Camps for Transgender Youth
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years ago
for want of a bento box
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– It’s plain and simple, you see, someone is stealing your bento boxes and you will find your lunch thief! Or, in which Todoroki Shouto keeps taking your bento box and you declare war. 
pairing: todoroki shouto x reader
warnings: fluff, cursing, shouto is a bad chef, I believe I made reader pretty gender neutral but I whipped this out in two hours and I can no longer remember if I used any fem!pronouns but im pretty sure I didn’t
word count: 3,060
a/n: this is for the wonder coworker bnharem collab! I had intended on writing a completely different theme and storyline but was very overwhelmed by how much time it actually needed to be written compared to the amount of time I actually had. that version will be out another time! but for now, enjoy some pure flufffffff!!!!
Having a normal, functioning, well-paying job was probably the most desirable thing to you. It wasn’t to say that you were slacking or that you were homeless, broke, and never to be seen again because you were that in debt. But it was nice having a job!
When you entered the prestigious Toshinori Company, you joined not as an entry-level job employee but as a senior representative. You thought it was crazy.
It had to be crazy.
You had no prior experience, and now you were going to be in charge and the lead in certain areas?!
“And that was the entire layout of the office!” Mina chirped happily, throwing herself onto the desk chair across from yours with a big smile. “Any questions?”
“I don’t think so,” you mutter, brows creased as you look around the room again. 
The office space was ample, sleek, open. Each desk has its own grand computer that you currently could not afford with your own money, comfortable chairs, and beautiful wood desks. It was elegant, far superiorly fancy, and yet, you didn’t feel out of place. Strange.
“Oh!” you say with a roll of your eyes as you reach below your desk to bring up your packed lunch. “Where was the break room again? I need to refrigerate my food!”
“Omg, of course, come this way!” Mina grins, standing up and motioning you to follow her. You smile gratefully and do. 
The entire way to the office, Mina takes the time to point at the many different people on the floor and give them names. Everyone so far had sort of acknowledged you earlier as Mina was giving you the official tour. Some were much more open and friendly, and some had sneers or blank stares that left you dumbstruck. 
Definitely a personable group.
“Hm, well, I guess Todoroki-kun isn’t here today?” Mina mutters as you enter the break room that has couches and comfortable-looking chairs. “Such a shame! You would have loved to see the office hottie!”
You snort at that, lips curled into a granulous smile as you place your plastic container with food into the fridge. “I’m sure I’ll live,” you brush off the fact that there was an absent person on your floor today.
“That’s the thing, though,” Mina points a finger at you, a lone eyebrow raised and a confident smirk on her face. “You won’t be thinking that again the moment you see him!”
You laugh, eyes crinkling as Mina joins your laughter. Eventually, she motions for the both of you to leave, and you nod in understanding. And with a weird sense of comfort and belonging, you realized that this job was going to be good. 
Eventually, you had been working at Toshinori Company for two months.
Sixty-two days to be precise, and in all that time, you had only met Todoroki Shouto once. Even then, you had only seen the man walking through the office with a blank face, fingers in his pockets as two other men were walking in front of him, bickering lightly.
Had Mina not quite literally thrown herself across the table and gripped the collar of your shirt and twisted your head to look at him, you would have never caught a glimpse at the man with red and white hair. The three of them walked into the break room and came back out with their own lunches before leaving.
And that was it.
You had learned that the three of them (Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, and Bakugou Katsuki) were within your department but worked very closely with the very high up members within the company. Many rumors pointed at one of the three taking over the company when the current CEO stepped down. They were, however, on the roster for your floor; they just never appeared except to pick up their lunches. Something they seemed to come to grab whenever you were a) way too fucking busy or b) not in the room.
You weren’t too bothered, though.
It wasn’t like you were trying to date one of them! You had only wanted to say hi.
Now, at ninety days, you had your first and probably most crucial evaluation. 
Toshinori Yagi, the man who founded and currently ran this company, sat before you, looking at papers within a folder with tired but kind blue eyes. He nodded, impressed (hopefully), making small comments about the work you had been able to accomplish, a smile becoming a warming grin as he looked up.
“I’m impressed by the performance you’ve managed to attend to despite the short while you’ve been here, y/l/n-shojo,” Toshinori spoke, his fingers threading together and placing them onto the table. “I knew it was an excellent decision to put you in that position, and you exceeded my entire expectation!”
You flushed at that, lips twitching as you attempted to suppress that smile of yours. 
“Thank you, Toshinori-san,” you practically wheeze as he waves off your thanks.
“No need to thank me, you’ve done all this work!” he laughs, tired eyes closing with a glorious supply of crow's feet blooming at the corner of his eyes. “Typically, at these evaluations, I ask a bunch of questions because there isn’t too much anyone can do in their first ninety days, I must admit.”
“Mhm, but because I am curious, is there anything that has been happening as of late that you feel needs to be addressed with me?”
You felt yourself stiffen but knew your one and only complaint was not something to bring up in this setting.
“No, nothing,” you shrug, and Toshinori beams.
“I’m glad!”
Now, the problem.
The big, fat, stinky, hooligan, wanting to throttle someone problem.
For the past sixty of your ninety days, someone has been stealing your lunch.
Yes, you heard that correctly; someone was stealing your damn lunch! Every morning you woke up and prepared a delicious bento box for yourself. Some days you went as far as cutting shapes into your fruits and veggies just to make yourself grin. You weren’t the best chef in the world, but your bento boxes were pretty enough to make up for it, in your opinion. But the thing is, every day when you went into the communal fridge, you noticed two things.
One, your bento box was no longer in the same place, and two, the bento box was not yours at all.
The food was disastrously organized. Rice and lettuce spilling out in every partition in the box. The fruit and veggies often packed in this box had multiple cuts in them, implying that whoever did this was less than ideal with a knife. The meat was often oversalted, the sushi never sitting together, and everything was just
 not it.
The first time you had sighed and eaten it, grumbling about how your precious lunch was stolen. But you had quickly figured out that it was inedible, and Mina, Uraraka, and Yaoyorozu thank god, offered to share their meals. 
Seeing that you were distressed about how someone stole your egg and octopus sausages one day, Mina declared that they would watch the break room for whoever was stealing your light blue bento box. The first day you staked out, you had done it with Mina. But ten minutes into waiting around, you needed to pee. So you stood up and left in a hurry, leaving Mina alone.
But when you returned, Mina was gone, instead standing by Kirishima’s desk with a bright grin and a stance that screamed that she heard something she liked (gossip, possible in-office romance, a love confession?). Her jaw dropped as she noticed you and Kirishima had turned and waved in your direction as you raced into the break room to open the fridge, and sure enough, your bento was gone.
The next time, you staked out with Uraraka. Your arms were folded, your bladder cleared, and your lips twisted into a pout as you glared and stared down every single member who entered the room. Uraraka whispered to you her guesses about just who might be the thief, every other person rating an 8/10 likelihood of stealing your lunch.
But as the both of you sat there, your eyes narrowed at each passerby, no one came to collect your bento today.
“Deku-kun, no packed lunch today?” Uraraka asked as the green, curly-haired man you had only met once previously raced into the break room, grabbing the extra chopsticks meticulously hidden in the third bottom draw.
“Ah, Uraraka-san, y/l/n-san! Uh, no,” Midoriya greeted you both, who apparently responds to the nickname Deku, laughs off as he grabs a handful of napkins. “Todoroki-kun left all our lunches in his car by accident, and well
 they spoiled
 Kacchan’s pissed, so I ran off to get lunch for us today!”
Uraraka laughed, shaking her head, “Leave it to Todoroki-kun to act that way.”
Midoriya laughed, bright and clearly in agreement, “You should have seen his face when Kacchan asked for his lunch! I swear–”
“HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO GRAB FUCKING CHOPSTICKS, SHIT-KU! I’M FUCKING STARVING!” a voice roared from nowhere near the entrance of the break room. You did, however, jump a bit, eyes turning toward the break room entrance to see the blond man (Bakugou? Kacchan? You had no idea which was correct) near the entrance of the floor. 
“It’s only been a minute, Kacchan, relax!” Midoriya laughs, completely unaffected by the startling shout as he waves goodbye to both you and Uraraka before leaving, joining Bakugou as the both of them seem to talk comfortably
 well, maybe more like bickering.
“Why are they–”
“Childhood friends, apparently,” Uraraka sighed, but the smile on her face betrays her exasperation.
No one stole your bento that day.
Yaoyorozu took up the third stake out, the two of you idly chatting about tea. You honestly had no idea what to talk about with Yaomomo; she was often just so elegant and mature despite being your age. When you learned that her family was in charge of the Yaoyorozu Corp, it had been strangely easy to accept that. 
It made sense.
So as the two of you stood at the kitchen sink, boiling water for tea Yaomomo swore would be the best matchup for your packed nigiri, the both of you missed the man who walked into the room, opened the fridge, and took your lunch.
 I am so sorry,” Yaomomo apologized, head bowed dangerously low as the both of you looked at the sloppily cut salmon in your not actual bento. “Please eat my food in reparation.”
“No, it’s okay,” you sigh, chewing on the somehow still warm salmon. “I deserved this loss.”
Luck was just on this man's side, it seemed. No matter what you did, you could never catch the man in action, and you were ready to give up.
But this was the last attempt you said to yourself as you returned to your office floor, the evaluation done, and the rest of your life coming to light. You could do this. No! You WOULD do this!
“Why don’t you just put your name on your bento box?” Bakugou asked, a lone eyebrow raised in what you could only assume was judgment and pity. The explosive man was standing in the doorway of the breakroom, watching as you and Mina were trying to climb up the counters of the breakroom to grab the camera you had previously planted. “Obviously, it doesn’t have your name on it.”
“Um,” you squeak, having been obviously caught by someone who intimidated you just the slightest bit. “That’s a good idea, thank you, Bakugou-san.”
“Tch, whatever, just clean up the damn counters, fucking nasty standing up on there. Some people prepare their food there.”
“We would never forget to do that!” you argue, desperate to not leave a bad impression on this man.
“I don’t know much about you, but I know raccoon eyes over there would.”
“Like I care.”
He left without so much as a wave but did seem to nod with his departure. You sighed as you hopped off the counter, Mina grabbing the cleaning supplies as she cursed out the long-gone man under her breath. 
But you were looking at the fridge with your missing bento box.
“I can’t believe I never put my name on it.”
“It’s okay! Not even Yaomomo thought of it, so I say we are still smart!”
It was the next day, you were at your desk, anxious as hell as you did your work, trying not to focus on the fact that it was lunchtime and you were actively avoiding the break room. You wondered if they wouldn’t come and collect it today. If somehow they were an asshole and wouldn’t care if your name was on it! What would happen then? What if it was someone like Bakugou who was taking your lunch? What then? You were sure you would cave in slight fear and major intimidation if he said that your lunch was his now.
“Want a cutie while we wait, cutie?” Mina asked, waving the small tangerine in her fingers as she grins.
“Please,” you say in gratitude for the food because you were starving. “Thank you.”
Eventually, you lost track of what was happening, becoming all too invested in the conversation that Mina was telling you about that involved Kaminari, Kirishima, Bakugou, Midoriya, twenty-seven Red Bulls, fifteen Monsters, and five shots of sake. It seemed that the former two were quite big instigators when they wanted to be, and the latter two were unable to back away from challenges, especially when the other was involved.
“Y/l/n?” an unfamiliar voice called from behind you, and you turned partially in your chair as you looked behind you.
Standing behind you was a tall man with red and white hair, and from this distance, you noticed immediately that his eyes were a deep grey and brilliant blue.
Todoroki Shouto.
“T-Todoroki-san!” you greet him back, voice unable to keep from trembling as your nerves shot up. What was going on? You two had never interacted before! He was always gone, never present, and whenever he was in the office, it seemed that you weren’t there.
He cleared his throat and raised up two identical bento boxes.
“It seems
 I have apparently been stealing your bento boxes,” he concludes, pressing the blue bento box with your name written on it into your hands.
Your jaw drops as your fingers curve around the cool plastic, eyes blinking up a storm as you try to abstain from laughing high pitched and ugly like. 
“It was you?!”
A pink color blooms onto his cheeks as he averts his eye contact with you and nods slowly, “I am so sorry.”
“I just
 how?!” you exclaim, exasperated, this man obviously being a bit dense if he had no idea he was taking your bento box!
“I prepare my bento boxes the night before, and I don’t really remember what I put into them
.” Todoroki explains slowly, his hand rubbing the back of his neck, his tongue clicking the roof of his tongue. “I just thought that my cooking was improving and that I was somehow doing an amazing job.”
The grin that overcomes your face is one of subtle, strange fondness and soft warmth. “I can tell you that you probably haven’t improved much,” you tease, opening your bento box to see your prepared meal for the day. 
Cucumber salad, bulgogi beef, rice, and some fruit.
It was packed exactly how you remembered.
“I can’t believe I finally get to eat a meal I prepared,” you continue to tease, your eyes moving up to meet Todoroki, who was also looking at your bento previously. “Thank you for returning my meals and apologizing.”
“It was nothing,” Todoroki waved off with a single hand before opening up his own disastrously assembled bento box. It looked worse than usual today. Everything was just thrown in, it seemed. You saw egg and rice, but everything else in there was indescribable. He smiles at you before sighing at his bento. “This looks more like my stuff.”
You laugh, shaking your head, “You want to share my bento box? I’m sure you probably don’t want to return to that.”
“No, it’s okay,” Todoroki gently declined, although he looked at your bento with great want. He cleared his throat, gaze moving to lock on yours, and you swore his cheeks were still pink but no longer from embarrassment. “I just wanted to come and apologize for stealing your lunch for so long and to thank you for the meals; they were all delicious. Especially the soba you had made.”
“It’s all good; it’s in the past now,” you say gently, somehow finding yourself falling for a man you’ve barely just begun to talk with. The both of you stare at each other, and your skin feels warm. You chuckle, gaze averting for a moment before returning as you tease him. “Although, if you steal from me again, I’m not so sure if I’ll be so lenient.”
“It won’t happen again, promise,” Todoroki smiles, and you feel your spine melt. “But I would love to make it up to you somehow. I can make you dinner one night or something?”
You laugh, head shaking, “No, absolutely not; I don’t trust your cooking skills just yet. But you can definitely take me out to dinner.”
“Yeah, I can definitely do that,” Todoroki agrees, and the both of you fall silent as the shy stares continue. “Does, um
 is Friday at seven okay with you?”
“That works,” you say, and Todoroki smiles.
“Good, I’ll uh, see you then?”
“See you,” you agree with a sweet smile before turning around, your fingers raised in a small wave. 
You turn to see Mina, Uraraka, and Yaomomo staring at you, eyes comically wide and so very intrigued.
 GOD!” Mina shrieked as Todoroki walks away, and you shriek as she jumps across the table and shakes you, screaming about office romances and meet-cutes being entirely too underrated. “PROMISE ME I’LL BE INVITED TO THE WEDDING!!!!”
It would take about three years of dating, several months of teaching Shouto how to cook, which resulted in a few bellyaches. Still, eventually yes, Mina would be invited to your wedding.
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obislittleone · 3 years ago
What One Was Mine
Chapter 9
Summary: Locked away in a house her entire life, she always dreamed of exploring the nearby kingdom for just a day, believing it could make the rest of her days in solitude bearable. What she was unaware of, was the real reason she’d been hidden away for so long. Changes comes swift like a flying dagger when a thieving bounty hunter seeks solace in the old home.
Din Djarin Royalty!AU / Tangled!AU
Pairing: Din Djarin x Princess Kryze!Reader
A/n: Seriously one of my favorite chapters thus far. It gives me such good vibes, and this is a scenario that has played in my head forever... so enjoy. The dance is inspired by the live action peter pan movie, and I even wrote it to fit the fairy dance song.
Warnings: more discomfort, public embarrassment, slight harassment. Fluff, and lots of touching...
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The next few mornings were drab, and far from being a necessary occurrence. The maids were in your room the moment the sun rose, and it was completely and utterly obnoxious. You hated the way you had to be tended to, hand and foot, never a moment alone to simply dress yourself, or take in the morning light. You learned very quickly over the next couple of days that the castle ran on a strict schedule, and it was not to be trifled with. There were rules left and right, and they were not to be disobeyed, especially by the princess. They gave no exceptions, even though you had only just gotten here and didn't know the way of things. You hated it. Most of all the rules that had been implemented on you, you were not allowed to see Din and Grogu until all your tasks for the day had been completed. That meant that you usually ended up sneaking into their room late at night, or that they were only spared a few minutes in-between your so called 'royal duties.'
You only hoped that they were comfortable, and once you got the hang of things, the reins would be loosened, and you could spend more time with them in this new capacity.
They were doing well enough, building a strong bond of their own, but they missed your presence horribly. They came here because of you, but they barely saw your face in their days.
It was only today, that you caught the first whiff of belonging here as an important member.
Sat around the table for tea, the king, two members of his court, and his advisor joined you on the bright and sunny afternoon. The dress you were wearing was very tight, and mortifyingly fancy. It wasn't the type of garment you would have chosen if set in front of you. You knew that the King had been assigning you all your outfits as of lately, and though it still made you uncomfortable, with the way he looked upon you, you supposed it was still a nice gesture to prepare it all. Din had done the same thing once... but he picked out exactly what you wanted. Talk of your name brought you out of your mis-fitful trance.
"Of course, a grand ball will be thrown in her honor," The king mentioned, reaching for your hand. You didn't really understand why he wanted to touch you so much, but you played along, filling the role of the princess like you knew you could. You even faked a smile.
"Wonderful, I'll see to it that the arrangements are made for tomorrow evening."
Then the eyes were on you.
"Is that to your liking, your highness?" One of the court members asked. She had been fairly quiet all this time, and had been looking to you strangely, as if you'd met before. She was beautiful and striking, with fiery red hair, braided back into her headpiece.
"I suppose. I've never been to an event such as this, is there any etiquette I may need to learn before then?"
There was a bout of laughter around the table, excluding the red headed girl. Your cheeks turned red, and you felt embarrassed in their presence.
"Dancing is of the upmost importance. It is symbolic to royal status, and everyone watching will get to see you for the first time since you've returned. You don't want to disappoint them, do you?" The king taunted. You were able to keep your chin up long enough to reply, shaking off the horrible nerves and anxiety that grew in the pit of your stomach.
"Of course not. I'm sure I will have the steps learned by tomorrow."
It was impossible. Every person sitting at the table knew it, and most of them figured it was part of the king's plan. To exploit you. To make you fail in the worst ways possible. To feel as though you could never lead this kingdom and to succumb to defeat. Then he could swoop in and further his advances. He wanted you as his trophy since the moment you walked in the doors. It only helped that you belonged to the Kryze house. Then he could finally have a queen, one who will unite the kingdom with its ruler, and give him the chance to secure his seat in the throne for a time unlimited.
When the others left, the king excused you to a moment of free time before you met with the dressmaker for tomorrow's event. You bowed humbly and thankfully, before walking slowly around the corner to avoid suspicion. Once you were out of sight, you ripped up the layers of luxurious fabric from your legs, pulling the agonizing shoes from your feet and hiding them behind a statue in the hallway. It was so much easier to walk without them, and since the dress was floor length, no one could even tell they were there anyway.
You ran down the hallway, the sun shining through the colorful stain glass windows and creating a beautiful pattern on the floors. You ran and hid, avoiding anyone that might catch a glance of you sneaking into your hunter's room without a chaperone or an ounce of permission.
You swiftly knocked on the door, and waited, but when there was no answer, you knocked again. Surely, he wasn't out. The only thing he ever left for was to eat in the servants dining hall, and to take Grogu on walks through the outdoor scenery. Though he was free to go and do whatever he pleased, he stayed close by, in case you needed him... and you did.
You opened the door, cracking it slightly and taking a look inside. Both he and your baby were nowhere to be found, so you began to enter and wait for them, swinging the door wider as you stepped through. Before you made it all the way, you heard a voice.
"To what do I owe the pleasure? your highness," it was followed up by a hand on your waist.
You spun around and gave a smile of delight, but it didn't last long when you remembered why you came here.
"I need your help," you said, taking the excited green goblin from his hands, and hugging him close to your body while backing into his room.
"Care to elaborate?"
You rolled your eyes and sat back onto the bed, letting the baby play with your fingers while you spoke. He missed you these past few days, your gentle touch, and motherly love.
"The king has informed me that a grand ball will be held in my honor, and I am to learn all the customs of etiquette, including dancing."
He furrowed his brows and sat down with a puzzled look.
"That doesn't seem so bad," he tried to console you, but there was more he hadn't heard.
"The ball is tomorrow."
He bit his lip to prevent himself from saying anything naughty in the presence of the child, and in this case, you. This seemed far too drastic to invoke on you so early into your royal life. You didn't know the first thing about attending a ball. In all your books it was described as a night of fantasy, where a girl could wear a magnificent dress, and dance with the prince of her dreams. It was far more political than that. It was an affair of people who held high status coming together to discuss intellectual ways in providing sufficiency for their people and/or lands. Assets. Money. Land. Those were the real topic of a ball. Not the extravagant foods, or the delightful ambience. It was all politics.
"Look, I haven't had a job in a while where I had to go under cover," He paused, and your face lit up, knowing he had something up his sleeve. "But I did once attend a party which was very similar.... and I was the duke of Wessleton. I learned how to dance and did so convincingly enough that they invited me to another event."
"You are just full of surprises. Next, you'll tell me you've met with the wise elves of the mountains," you playfully leaned into him, and he smiled brightly. This was the first un-chaperoned visit you'd payed him since that first night in the castle. He was happy to feel normal around you again. Even when you walked in the gardens together, and the lady in waiting, or royal advisor would straggle far behind you, it was hard to be natural. He was worried they might hear something they didn't want to, or that they would see him touch you in a way they deemed inappropriate. It was too much stress to actually spend time with you in those times, so he was thankful for now. This moment spent quietly together in his room, with your child whom he'd come to love as his own.
"Maybe someday we'll go together."
He leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead, letting a hand travel delicately through your pinned up hair. He didn't like how they made you do it. It wasn't your style, and it made you look so much older than you were. It wasn't fair. They were making you lose your childlike qualities, the innocent and sweet parts about you that made up the key parts of your personality.
He wouldn't say anything in your presence, knowing all the things you were trying to do to fit in and do a good job, while all the royal duties were so graciously dumped on your head without an ounce of help or supervision. He would never put more stress on you than there already was, but he hated what they were doing to you. Changing you into a snobby rich princess who looks down on the common folk and only scoffs at their troubles. You could never be that way, truly. You were too kind, too gentle, and too compassionate towards others. You wanted to help people, not push them further in misery. Still, you conceded with the fluffy hairdos and the poofy, uppity dresses they stuffed you in every morning before the crack of dawn.
He missed your soft locks falling effortlessly by your face, the unruly curls doing their job of framing your cheeks and forehead where he sometimes laid soft kisses. He missed the natural glow of beauty you held without all the fake porcelain-looking powder they pressed so deep into your skin. He most of all missed the sweet shape of your eyes, untouched by the dramatic lines they drew on, which did little to accentuate what lied beneath. Nothing could compare with him to how you were before they did all this, to what you still were now, under all the ruffles.
"I suppose I have to go now; they will be looking for me at any moment. They want me to meet with the seamstress. I'm sure I can sneak back in tonight, if you're sure you can help me prepare," you suggested, standing up but taking his hands and keeping them close. He knew this little moment was too sweet to last, but he appreciated it nonetheless, due to the current circumstances.
"I'll teach you tonight, but not here," he stood to meet you, pulling you in one last time before you should have to depart. "I need far more space if I am to demonstrate my secret abilities."
You chucked at his silly notions, then kissed him on the cheek. You knew if you kissed him now, the light red color that adorned your lips would surely smudge and give away what you were up to in your spare time.
You had to pry yourself away, his addictive presence would only draw you back in closer if you did not make for the door.
The amounts of fabric pushed in your face from every which direction was enough to startle you into a heart attack. You did not see the point in picking out the materials for your dress, as everything else you've wanted to wear since you've been here has been deemed purely ridiculous. They would surely redo everything you chose anyway.
You wanted to make an effort, though. You chose a beautiful emerald color, like the trees that surrounded your old home. The smooth satin texture would certainly be enough to bring comfort while also exalting beauty and elegance. The golden leafy trims that would line the bottom seemed to pull everything together. You would embody mother nature herself. A goddess of nature and all those who lived within. Perhaps a flower crown could be molded to fit atop your head.
You wondered what Din would think of you in such a lovely gown, which you chose the design of. Would he gaze upon you as he did when you looked in his eyes? With all the wonder and adoration that a man could possibly hold. You hoped he would spin you around the ballroom floor, letting the dress glide with the motions you now knew he possessed. Who knew he was so full of secret talents?
"Who are you thinking about, dear?" The seamstress raised a brow as she drew up her design on the parchment.
"The pink on your cheeks, darling... surely, you're thinking of someone," She looked back down to her page, smiling intently, though you were a bit startled by her suggestions.
"I suppose I am; he fills my mind in most moments."
Your confession had her in a fit of chuckles. She was on the older side, so her laughter reminded you of a motherly figure. She was kind, and sat with you so plainly, as if you had no royal status whatsoever. It made you more comfortable than all the formalities.
"The king?"
Your eyes went wide, and you stuttered for words.
"I-" you tried to gather a fully formed sentence, but your breath had hitched in your throat, and it seemed harder than usual. "I have no such feelings for the king I'm afraid. My heart longs for another."
Her smile dropped suddenly. It seemed everyone in the castle knew of the king's plans but you. You were so unsure of the grand scheme of things, therefore you thought nothing of it. What should worry the mind of someone who is surrounded by ignorance?
"I see," she finished the last touches to the gown on the parchment page and set her quill back into the inkpot. "Be careful of whom you let know these things."
When she turned around the paper to reveal the grand ballgown to you, your reaction was only a bit dimmed by her warning. You would heed it carefully. It gave you some insight that perhaps you were not supposed to feel the things you did for Din.
Outside of the seamstress' workshop within the castle, the king eavesdropped without a care in the world. He slightly regretted it, because hearing what he did meant that there was a staple in his plan that shouldn't be there. Who was this mystery man whom you'd taken such a liking towards? A stable boy, perhaps. One who was young and able bodied, who groomed the horses you visited daily. Surely it couldn't be one of his palace guards, who were so devoted to being loyal to him. Of course, now that a beautiful young princess was involved, all bets must be off.
He knew he would find the object of your desire and dispose of him indefinitely. That would be the only way his plan could proceed.
The cobblestones of the palace gardens were cold beneath bare feet, but no shoes could be worn in fears of being caught at such a late hour. The guards were retired to their quarters by now, the only ones in a waking state being that of the surrounding walls, keeping watch through the night.
Your giggled erupted so softly, muffled by your hands in an attempt to keep quiet, but the idea of being some place you were not supposed to be was so thrilling, you couldn't help yourself. You waited for your midnight accomplice to catch up, sneaking out passed the pillars and into the grassy earth of the gardens. It was gorgeous in the evenings, with the moonlight peaking over every turret to make the white roses gleam with a silvery blue glow.
"Is this spacious enough for you?" You said rambunctiously, taking him up on his offer and providing him the means to do so.
"It very well could be, as long as you promise to keep your voice down," his slightly grumpy tone wasn't real, but it did instill a need in you to be softer spoken. You knew the repercussions of getting caught, and they were not desirable.
"Like this?" You whispered in return, coming close to him so he could hear you better. The air was chill but the heat surrounding him was ever so inviting.
"Better," he gently took hold of your hand, walking you to the middle of the grass patch, separating himself from your form to bow.
You were no expert, but you knew the correct thing to do was curtsey before you took his offered-out hand. It was clumsy, not princess like at all, but it was so truly you in every aspect. You took his hand and stepped closer to his body while he guided your hands to where they needed to be. His eyes were elsewhere when he repositioned you, but yours held firmly on his every expression. The way he bit his lip slightly before letting his tongue dart out over it in one swipe. The furrow of his brow as he placed his own hand where it needed to go. He'd held you before, but it seemed every time he had his hands on you it was the first. It seemed like he could never really get used to the affects you had on him. You didn't even know it either. How fast his heart would beat under your touch, and rapidly increased more when you smiled up at him.
"Follow my lead, without looking down move your leg with mine," he explained. You understood the general concept, and being a quick learner you figured whatever he showed you would be easily ingrained into your physical memory.
"I'm sorry in advance," you chuckled. His heart was set aflame at the sound but he didn't quite understand your meaning.
"For what?" Again his brow furrowed and he squeezed your hand tighter. Not tight, because the feather light touch he held you with still remained, there just came a small engulfment of your hand in his.
"For stepping on you."
He scoffed and shook his head. You were not as clumsy or unable as you sometimes let on. He would make a dancer out of you, yet.
He nodded once and you let out a breath, waiting for him to take the first step. He slowly let his leg make contact with yours, and you followed the movements easily. He took more steps, guiding you around in a shape he hadn't even known the name of. It was so natural to you, like you'd somehow done it before. You hadn't, but the connection you felt with the man before you was so strong. It guided you in a dance that was as graceful as the soft moonbeams shining above, casting beautiful shadows in the garden, and illuminating your figures with an enchanting glow. You felt like a fairy, light and weightless and ever so beautiful.
He made you feel more beautiful and adored than anyone could ever dream of being. He lifted you off the ground in ways you couldn't fathom.
"As far as I can tell, you haven't stepped on me once," he recalled your earlier statement, the one that made him laugh under his breath. He knew you were going to succeed, because it was so easy for you to pick up even the hardest tasks. Gifted with beauty and endless intelligence, you could do simply anything in this world. That's what he thought of you. "Let's see what else you can do."
You were lost in his eyes the second he looked at you. You hoped he hadn't noticed the daze in your stare, he too seemed enraptured. The contact of his eyes darted down to your lips only momentarily before your feet hit the ground and he was holding your hand again.
He let go of your hand and used the free arm to support you, lifting you from the ground while he kept on in his shapely pattern. You were soaring above the grass, your head in the clouds. You were a fairy, no doubt about it. Wingless, sure, but ever bit as magical and charming.
You were so locked in your daze that you hadn't noticed a dark figure in the balcony above the gardens. You just kept dancing as your heart fluttered rapidly.
"I didn't know dancing could feel so intimate," you breathed out, and he smirked in return. The absolute pain that was. Pity it left so soon. He was enrapturing, similarly to a striking wolf who wondered alone on the outskirts of the village. You would not take your eyes away.
"Something more formal, perhaps?"
His hand left your waist, slightly pushing your hips to face away from him. You were parallel to each other while facing opposite directions, and only walking in step with your hands connected. This looked more like how you envisioned a proper dance in an upper society event. It was an easily usable step, but it bored you to no end. You much preferred the comfort of his warm embrace.
He seemed to notice your longing for his touch and brought you back, chest to chest as your faces became immeasurably closer. He had completely set you under his spell, but you resided happily in it. It was a feeling you only ever felt for him. He let go of one hand, spinning you outward. You nearly yelped for being unprepared, but his hand guiding your waist kept you turning over the cobblestones in the upmost grace and beauty.
"I'm beginning to think you've danced before," he said with a chuckle. Surely the enthralling movements you'd seemed so skilled with weren't just a natural happening for you. You must have practiced.
Perhaps it was just the moonlight, or maybe it was the fireflies rising over the rose bushes that tricked him into seeing something differently, but he was a man that was harshly invested on staying in reality. He never believed in fairytales, but right now he felt he was living in one. The lovely lost princess took an interest in a common thief and hunter, falling in love with him and changing his heart for the better.
Totally oblivious to any onlookers, you danced with your entire heart. The King Gideon was the dark shadow that loomed above, and what he saw displeased him greatly. He hadn't realized the extent of your naivety, but now he knew your true intentions, his own plans were ruined.
You felt eyes on you all of a sudden but did not express that feeling to your dance partner. He had other, more powerful thoughts plaguing his mind. Thoughts of you entangled with him in a more intimate way than you've ever been. You were so pure, and he knew you'd never been had a day in your life.... but he wanted you, so passionately, so fervently. He was completely and undoubtedly in love with you, every part. He'd spend everyday of his life proving that, starting now.
You locked gazes and could tell just by the look in his eyes that something had changed. He was filled with certainty.
There was a hand that crawled up your back, resting at your neck and holding it so gently. The things you were capable of and he still treated you so carefully.
He kissed your forehead first, then the tip of your nose, and finally leaned into your lips before pausing. You both had eyes closed, taking your time, not rushing anything. The moments were sweet, you couldn't take a chance at losing that feeling.
He brushed his lips against yours with barely an ounce of pressure. Shockwaves already coursed through you, and you wished he would just kiss you already. The only man who had ever kissed you, was somehow the best of anyone. His hand clenched around your waist, brining you impossibly closer, and then his lips molded with yours. It made no sense that someone like you could ever fit so perfectly to him, like pieces of an intricately cut puzzle.
His kisses made you want something. You weren't sure exactly the object of your intentions, but whenever he connected himself to you with his sweet lips, there spread a warm feeling in the pit of your stomach. You wondered if he could feel it too, or tell you what it meant.
Soft and glowing, the skin of your cheek drew his other hand from the back of your neck. He drew small circles over the rosy areas with his thumb, breaking apart from you to get a glance of your appearance. Your lips far more swollen now, with a remnant gloss of his own lips still visible.
Not another moment need be wasted, he knew what he was to do. He took a small step back, if only to give you some room while he dropped to one knee. Your breath hitched in your throat as you took his hands in yours. He kissed the tops of each one, lingering a moment to make you feel how serious he was being.
He was a skeptic, positive he lived in a loveless world. There was only money and pleasure to make you happy here, he kept those words in his mind daily. He couldn't even remember a trace of them, now.
"Marry me."
And with that you were gone. You'd been gone truly a while ago, nearly the day you met him... but now he was on the ground, offering you a future with him by your side and of course you would accept. You would happily spend the rest of your life loving him endurantly.
"I want to spend my days looking upon you the way I do now, and giving you everything I can offer."
You couldn't even speak, the tears that started to sprout from the corners of your eyes were a testament to that. You smiled wider than you may have ever before, and nodded rapidly. He wasn't nervous you'd say no, but he was overjoyed with your response.
He stood to his feet and engulfed you with his strong arms. You felt so safe whenever they were around your smaller frame.
"I love you," he whispered, keeping you close even still. He'd be damned to even let you go back to your room tonight. He wished to lay beside you, to play with your hair while you slept peacefully until the morning light shown through those ridiculously ornate stain glass windows.
"I love you, too."
Cloud nine was a dangerous place to reside, because it brought a fake sense of comfort in the middle of a hurricane. The shadow still lurked in the darkness, his view of the exchange boiled his blood thicker by the minute. It was a wonder he hadn't keeled over for how rageful he'd become.
He knew this man's past, and had ordered his death sentence just days ago... he'd pardoned the crimes and even let him stay in his home, the great palace. It felt like betrayal in the worst sense. He had let go of his other plans, at least temporarily, to deal with the nuisance that plagued him and his future queen.
A death sentence could still be carried out if he wished it to be so.
@i-ameri-cant @littlemisspascal @fanfics-toread @icanbeyourjedi @castleallherown @mysticalgalaxysalad @princess-prettyy @67impalagirl13 @agingerindenial @childrenofthewatch @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @marjoherbo @juletheghoul-main @tiredbuthappy @themand0lorian @janebby @goldielocks2004 @yuiopiklmn ​ @oh-no-who-am-i ​ @appleejuice ​ @luxmundee  @belovedadam @seninjakitey ​
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iliumheightnights · 4 years ago
Him [2] | Tony Stark x Male Reader
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Fandom: Marvel Pairing: Tony Stark x Male Reader Summary: How exactly did (M/N) become Tony’s husband? The avengers find out.
Fist Part

A long time ago,
Tony walked down the hall of the student dorms. All around him he heard gawks and whispers, students and parents alike looking at him in shock. His own parents weren’t there with him since they were away on business. Arriving at his room he used his key to unlock the door, he was greeted to a rather large room...and another person.
In the room, another boy was already setting his stuff up on one side. Tony wasn’t sure what was going on, he thought he was getting a room by himself. He coughed to get the boy’s attention. The boy set down his things and smiled as he saw Tony. He moved over to him and raised his hand. “Hi. I’m (M/N). You must be my roommate.” Tony didn’t move to take his hand, only looking at him questionably. Why wasn’t he freaking out like anyone else would? “Sorry, I just thought I was getting my own room. So this is confusing for me.”
(M/N) dropped his hand but didn’t let his smile falter. “Well you’ve got yourself a roommate now. Don’t worry I’m not too bad.” (M/N) turned back to his own things but Tony wasn’t done yet. “Sorry. I just like my own space...want my own space. What do I have to pay you to find another room?” That got (M/N)’s attention again. “I’m sorry. WHO exactly do you think you are? I’m not going anywhere. If you want your own room, YOU can leave.” (M/N) fired back, now instead of a genuine smile there was a fake grin.
Tony hadn’t expected such a passive-aggressive response, especially from someone being offered money to get a different room. “I’m sorry, but I’M not leaving,” Tony said, dropping his bags. (M/N) smiled before sitting on his bed. “Well, then I suggest you get used to the idea of having a roommate. (M/N) pulled up a book and began reading it, Tony could tell he wasn’t actually reading it though. With a sigh, Tony spoke again. “I’m sorry. Look I don’t know if you know who I am, but I’m Tony Stark and I can get you whatever you want if you just leave.” (M/N) smirked and looked at him.
“No. I like this room, I was here first, I unpacked all my shit. I’m staying. So I suggest if you want to be alone YOU go somewhere else.” With that (M/n) lifted up his phone and began scrolling through it.
“Unbelievable. I will literally give you anything you want just go somewhere else.” Tony said once more. M/n took a quick glance at Tony. “Hhmm? Sorry didn’t hear you.” Tony rolled his eyes and threw his bags on the floor before jumping onto his bed. “You’re going to be a pain in my ass aren’t you?”
“Whatever could you mean Anthony?”
Tony heard M/n chuckled and let out a groan before pulling out his own phone.

Months passed and M/n and Tony had become rather good friends. While Tony was his playboy self, M/n made sure to let him know he wouldn’t put up with it. M/n also got to know Tony’s friend Rhodey and quickly became friends with him as well. Both boys were very similar, especially when it came to keeping Tony out of trouble.
Tonight seemed like one of those nights.
M/n was sitting at his desk working on a book report when his phone went off. Answering it he heard loud music and talking in the background. He could tell it was some kind of party. “M/n! I need your help.” Rhodey.
“Why? Are you at a party?”
“Not important. It’s Tony, I need your help with him. He got a little drunk-”
M/n snorted. “What’s new. How large is the little tonight?”
He could practically hear Rhodey roll his eyes through the phone. “Not funny M/n.”
“Fine, sorry. What’s wrong with him?”
“He’s drunk and I mean DRUNK drunk. I’m trying to keep him grounded and out of trouble but he’s just...he’s just Tony!”
M/n sighed and stood up after saving his work. “I’m on my way. Make sure he doesn’t get into any tro- into any MORE trouble.”
“I’ll try my best.” M/n could hear some crashing in the background of the call. “Please hurry.”
It didn’t take long for M/n to get to the party. All he had to do was follow the sound of Loud music and shouting students. Entering the house, he pushed through the crowd of people. Some people shouted at him to watch where he was going but he didn’t care, he just wanted to get back to the dorm.
Upon finally pushing through the crowd he found Rhodey. The boy smiled and let out a sigh of relief upon seeing his friend finally arrived. “Thank god. I’ve been trying to keep him out of trouble and clean but
” Both turned to see Tony taking another drink before grabbing another out of a guy’s hand. The guy looked pissed but Tony didn’t seem to care. “That’s my drink dick!” The guy grabbed Tony, glaring at him.
M/n sighed and gave Rhodey a look. “Gotta go save his ass again.” Rhodey nodded as M/n walked over to Tony and the guy. He tapped the guy’s shoulder. “Hey!” When the guy turned his head he was greeted with M/n’s fist, knocking him out.
“M/n! That was so hot! Here lemme- OW!” M/n pinched Tony’s ear, dragging him out of the house and away from the party. “OW! Let me go!” M/n did as Tony asked before wrapping his arm around Tony’s shoulder, still leading him back toward their dorm. However instead of Tony still struggle against him, he was surprised to feel Tony give up and follow his lead.
Once both of them returned to their dorm, M/n helped get Tony back to bed. He didn’t say anything to the other boy before turning back to his desk and returning back to his Essay. “I’m sorry-” He heard Tony say rather quietly from his bed. “Do we have to make this a habit Tony? Because I’d rather not fail my classes because I have to bail you out.” M/n said with a sigh.
“You don’t need to you know? I can handle it.” 
Tony almost didn’t hear it because M/n had said it so quietly. “No. But I will for you.” With a smile, Tony closed his eyes and fell asleep.

M/n opened the door to the dorm and let out a sigh. “UGH! Today sucked!”
Throwing his backpack onto his bed, he went to sit down but stopped as he took in the dorm. It was...clean. The dorm was actually, spotlessly, clean. It was normally never clean, at least not from Tony’s side. Speaking of Tony, there was a note. Picking up the note M/n gave it a read.
“Put on something nice and meet me on the roof.” M/n just stared at the note for a bit more. “What?” 
Doing as the note had instructed, he had put on something ‘nice’ as the note said and went up to the roof to meet Tony. “Tony? You up here? I swear if you try to kill me I’m going to get you first.”
He stopped speaking as he took in the sight in front of him. There Tony was in a nice dress shirt next to a table for two which was...very finely decorated with fancy lights around them. “M/n table for two now ready.” Tony said pulling out a chair.
“What is this?”
“What’s what?” Tony said with a smirk.
M/n sat down in the chair, Tony pushing him in. “This.” M/n motioned at the table. “All of this. What are you up to?”
Tony sat across from him at the table. “Well
You see-” It was then that M/n saw just how nervous Tony actually looked. It was strange he never acted like this. “You’re acting strange. Are you okay?”
Tony chuckled at that and smiled at M/n. “Do you always have to read me so well?”
“It’s one of my many talents,” M/n said with a smile before leaning in closer and taking Tony’s hand. “Seriously though Tony, are you okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just...nerves.”
“Nerves? What could you be so-”
“Would you be my boyfriend M/n?” Tony blurted out, squeezing his eyes shut.
M/n was shocked at the confession and question, to say the least. Just when Tony was about to let go out of embarrassment he felt M/n’s hand squeeze back and heard him giggle. “And here I was thinking you were going to talk me into doing your end-of-term essay.” Tony opened his eyes and saw M/n smiling at him, a genuine smile. “Yes, Tony. I’d love to be your boyfriend.”
“Wait- really!?”
“Oh well, I can always say no if you wanted that answer?”
“No! I-I mean. I’m glad you said yes.”
“Me too.”

“So you two met in college?”
M/n and Tony nodded as they finished up the story of how they met to the avengers. “Yup. It all started when he tried to kick me out.”
“Hey! I OFFERED to pay you to leave. You just declined.”
“And aren’t you glad I did now?”
Tony blushed but everyone could see the little smile growing on his face.
“So how come we haven’t heard about you before?” Clint asked.
“Well I prefer my privacy, plus I’m rather busy running the different charities and organizations I’ve started.”
That seemed to gain their attention.
“What kind of charities do you run?” Steve asked.
Tony just watched as his husband talked with his team. He smiled realizing just how proud he was of his husband and couldn’t believe how lucky he was.

A/N: PHEW! Oh man, that took FOREVER for me to write. I literally started this in November. If that doesn’t show how out of writing I’ve been idk what does haha. But hopefully, this will help me get past that block!
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invisibleanonymousmonsters · 4 years ago
Character: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Summary: Jason Todd is used to saving the innocent. But he’s not used to them saving him. 
Word Count: 3,100 – One Shot
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“Fuck me,” Jason groaned as he stumbled across the rooftops.
How he was able to even walk right now was beyond him.
He had Slade on the ropes. Just one more punch to put him off balance and Jason would’ve shoved a knife into his jugular and be done with him. But Slade had a few more tricks up his sleeve and decided to flee instead of finish a losing battle, so he ran like a coward. 
It left Jason utterly irritated and with a huge gash in his side, amongst other various injuries. 
He could’ve called one his “friends” or someone in his “family.” But he was stubborn. He wanted to be stronger than that. He wanted to prove that he didn’t need any of them. He was better than that. He was the best. And he’d risk bleeding out to prove it to them – or really
But his body wasn’t on the same page.
And it finally had enough.
Jason stumbled to his knees on a rooftop. He groaned as his vision became hazy.
His helmet had a protective system in place so no one could take it off if he was unconscious. They’d get a nice little shock if they tried. His identity would be safe even if someone stumbled upon his injured body
 or corpse.
Jason managed to roll onto his back and was met with the smoggy Gotham sky.
“Get the fuck up,” he told himself aloud.
He blinked, trying to straighten and clear his vision.
But it was useless.
The last thing Jason remember seeing was the Bat signal reflecting off of the cloudy sky. Somewhere in the city, there was more crime to fight and he’d just be another asshole who thought he could put a stop to it.
Dying didn’t scare Jason anymore. He’d done it once before, and he could do it again. What did it matter now anyway?
But Jason didn’t die.
He woke up on a couch. Well, if one could even call it that. His 6’4 frame could barely fit on the thing. His legs were hanging off the end, not able to comfortably fit on the thing.
His head felt like it was having the worse hangover of his life. When he opened his eyes, he blinked at the incoming sunlight. Then he realized he wasn’t looking through the programming of his Red Hood helmet.
Then he touched his face to realize that his backup domino mask had also been removed, leaving his identity exposed. 
His eyes widened in slight panic as he looked around.
He appeared to be a in a small apartment – normal, no threats detected.
Then Jason looked down to realize he wasn’t in his uniform. In fact, his chest was bare and he was only in his black briefs. His autopsy scars on full display.
But just half a foot away from him, his clothes were neatly folded into a pile on the edge of the coffee table. His two guns were sitting right next to them.
Whoever had brought him here clearly didn’t see him as a threat. Stupid on their part. There were about two dozen other weapons hiding in the crevices of his clothes too.
But the more concerning thing was that Jason didn’t have a single wound on his body. The giant gash to his side that had made him faint and nearly die from blood loss was nowhere to be found. After all these years, Jason was still figuring out the side effects from being dumped into the Lazarus pit. But this couldn’t be related, could it?
Suddenly there was the sound of the apartment door opening.
On instinct alone, Jason shot up, grabbed one of his guns, and found his target.
What he wasn’t expecting to find was a beautiful woman, probably only just a little bit younger than him, standing with a coffees in a carrier tray and a bag in the other hand. She had earbuds in, further disorienting her from such a welcome. Her eyes went wide and the rest of her body was completely frozen.
After a few seconds, she slowly tugged her headphones out.
“Is the gun really necessary?” She asked.
But Jason could tell from her body language that she was scared.
“Who the hell are you?”
She had enough courage to glare at his tone. “I’m the person who saved your life, asshole.”
“Yeah? And how exactly did you do that?”
She seemed to be getting less scared and more angry with every sentence Jason said.
“If you put the fucking gun down, I’ll tell you.”
Jason hesitated before finally putting it down. Then his behavior caught up to him. Here was this stranger, who was clearly innocent and had helped him
and his first thought was to point a gun at the poor thing.
“Sorry,” he finally gasped. “It’s
a habit.”
She just eyed him, neither rejecting or accepting his apology.
She sat on the love seat opposite of the couch that he’d taken over.
With an innocent look, she slowly put a coffee cup on the table and the bag.
“I’m not much of a cook
 so I picked up breakfast. It’s just a black coffee. I figured you didn’t like anything fancy.” 
“T-Thank you,” he stuttered out, trying his best not to sound harsh.
Those words were strange coming out of his mouth. And Jason couldn’t figure out if it was because he’d completely lost his manners or there wasn’t anything someone had done for him lately that warranted any sort of thanks.
“I’m sorry about taking off your clothes,” she suddenly said. “I would’ve given you something. But
I don’t have anything even close to your size. Even my oversized clothing wouldn’t have fit.”
Jason was about to tell her it was OK, but she continued.
“Not that I would’ve even been able to put it on you. I hardly got your clothes off.”
Jason smirked at that. “Speaking of which, how the hell did you get my helmet off.”
I managed to get you to come to for a minute or so.” Then she shifted in her seat, clutching her coffee tighter as if it was a security blanket. “I honestly just asked you very nicely. I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone what you looked like. You were kind of just
a zombie or something and
took it off.”
Then he took her stature in. Jason knew he was a big guy. He was bigger than the majority of men. He’d only met a few women in his life that were taller than him, and they were all either Amazons or aliens.
This young woman was neither of those things.
“How did you get me off that roof?”
She laughed, seeing that he was trying to add it up in his head. “I’m definitely no Superman. My neighbor doesn’t have any other hobbies besides going to the gym. He owed me a favor.” Then her eyes widened. “Don’t worry, he didn’t see you without your helmet. He’s also sworn to secrecy.”
Jason shrugged. “It’s fine if he did. I can just kill him later.”
He saw her whole body tense up at that.
“Relax. I’m kidding.”
Her tension was released, but she didn’t find his joke very funny.
Then her eyes locked to the floor.
Jason took this chance to study her. 
Her hair was a bit of a mess. But there was still a halo around it as the sun shined from behind her. Her jeans were a bit baggy, but purposely so. She was wearing a band t-shirt that was so worn that there were a few holes in it.
Jason had to acknowledge that she was beautiful. But he had made note of that as soon as he’d pointed a gun at her.
“I ended last night with a life-threatening injury
amongst other things,” Jason said as he looked down at his body. “I woke up with not even a scratch on me. So why don’t you tell me how the hell that’s possible?”
She finally raised her gaze from the floor to him. Then she swallowed and clenched her jaw. It was clear she had been hoping for a scenario where Jason didn’t ask any questions, where he would just give his thanks and move on.
But she wasn’t that lucky. 
“Hey,” he said gently. “You’ve seen my face. You know who I am now. Whatever it is you’re scared to tell me, we’ll be even.”
She stared at him a bit longer before taking in a shaky breath. “I
can do this thing.”
“Uh huh,” he encouraged.
“I can heal people by
touching them?”
Jason sat back, letting the information settle. “Huh,” he said with small nod.
“I saved your life,” she told him. “All I ask in return is that you keep my secret.”
“You don’t have to worry about that,” he told her.
She nodded nervously, but didn’t seem fully convinced.
“What’s your name?” He asked her softly.
She looked unsure if she should tell him.
“I’m Jason. Jason Todd.” He offered to even the playing field.
She tilted her head, probably because she heard that name before. Everyone in Gotham had at some point. The tragic death of Bruce Wayne’s second adopted son. And then the dead son who had somehow come back, his death misidentified. There were hundreds of rumors about what really happened. But they all sounded ridiculous to her.
“Y/N,” she finally told him.
“Thank you for saving my life, Y/N.” He scratched the back of his neck. “But I have to ask why you did.”
After all, the neighborhood she lived in was weary of Gotham’s vigilantes. Some believed they were keeping them safe, while others thought they were just making things worse. It led to a general distrust of the masked heroes.
“They say the Red Hood used to be Robin,” she told him quietly.
“I don’t pay attention to what people say
Y/N leaned forward. “But is it true? Were you Robin back then?”
Jason ground his teeth together. “That was a lifetime ago.”
She watched him for a minute, working out whether she wanted to share something or not. 
“When I was a little girl, I was at the bank with my mom when a robbery went down. Things went bad and quick. They panicked, decided a little girl was the best hostage to grab. We barely got a few blocks away before Batman intervened. I was terrified, even of him. But Robin was with him
and he could tell I was scared. He wasn’t that much older than me, but he was so much braver. He held my hand until the police came. But even then I wouldn’t let go of him. So, he stayed with me until my mom got there.” She took in a deep and shaky breath. “It meant a lot to me.”
Jason controlled his expression, but he knew what she was talking about. He remembered that night. How he did was beyond him. But it didn’t feel long ago. He remembered thinking the little girl was pretty. 
Jason didn’t have a lot of friends back then. He came from the streets but lived in a mansion. He couldn’t figure out who he was back then. And it was hard to relate to other children. 
Back then, it was the most intimate interaction he had with someone his age. 
“Would you still have saved me last night even if I hadn’t been Robin?” 
This was all Y/N would get in terms of Jason admitting that he had been Robin that night.
Y/N shrugged and nodded. Then she cleared her throat. “The only thing saving this shit hole of a city is people doing the right thing.”
Jason stood.
The motion startled Y/N and she followed his action without even meaning to.
Now that he was standing on his own two feet, she truly understood just how absolutely massive he was. She was by no means short and she still felt like she was looking at a giant.
However, Jason misread her gawking for something else. “You don’t have to be scared of me, kid. I’m not going to hurt you,” he told her quietly.
“I’m not scared of you,” she said as her face suddenly felt hot.
Y/N didn’t know what she had expected to see under that red helmet last night. But she definitely wasn’t expecting a man handsome enough to be a model.
But then her brow scrunched, “And I’m not a kid.” Jason smiled – like, genuinely smiled. The muscles on his face forgot what that felt like.
He eyed the band t-shirt she was wearing: Fleetwood Mac – the Rumors album, to be precise.
“You’ve got good taste in music,” Jason complimented.
“Thank you,” Y/N mumbled.
A new tension filled the air.
Something neither of them have felt in awhile – if at all.
Y/N cleared her throat again, starting to feel too close to this large and beautiful man who was only standing in his briefs.
“You can use the shower if you want.”
Jason smirked. “Thanks, but I should get out of your hair. You’ve already done enough for me.”
He took a step toward her, realizing that he seemed to like seeing her reaction to his presence.
She stayed in place, but shifted her weight.
Jason lowered his head a bit. “Your secret is safe with me, Y/N. Thank you again
you saved my life.”
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Y/N and Jason couldn’t stop thinking about one another since that morning.
Jason had trust issues. And because of those trust issues, he learned not to rely on others. He refused to be anything besides independent. But those flaws were also the reason it was so hard for him to get close to anyone. He kept people at a distance so he could never be rejected or get his heart broken. It was problematic, but that was how he survived.
But Y/N had shown him kindness and then expected absolutely nothing in return. She just hoped he wouldn’t shoot her brains out when he finally came to.
Meanwhile, Y/N couldn’t remember the last time a man looked at her the way Jason had. Just thinking about the looks he gave her caused goosebumps to shiver across her skin. She’d seen the scars across his skin and knew he’d lived a rough life. And that wasn’t even including the scars his mind and heart held. She wondered who was the last person to help him or to just show him that they cared whether he lived or died.
It had been a few weeks and Y/N still couldn’t get Jason Todd out of her mind. Even now, as she sat on the rooftop of her building once again, eating a pizza she’d just picked up and washing it down with cheap red wine.
She almost spilled said wine all over herself when she jumped from the sound of someone dropping onto the roof from behind her.
Y/N whipped around to see Red Hood walking steadily toward her.
“Sorry. I tried to be loud so I wouldn’t scare you.” His voice sounded different from the helmet distorting it.
“Well, most people use doors and stairs
so I think the effort is pretty useless.”
Jason ignored her joke and pulled out a thick envelope that had been tucked on the inside of his leather jacket. 
He handed it to her.
Y/N was confused, but took it from his grasp anyway.
She opened it to find two tickets to see Fleetwood Mac on their reunion tour at Gotham City Stadium.
Her gaze shot up to Jason’s and then she did a double take at the tickets, making sure she wasn’t seeing things.
“How - What - Why?” She finally sputtered out the right question.
Jason just shrugged. “I owed you.”
“T-This is too much. I can’t accept this. These tickets must’ve cost a fortune,” she told him as she tried to hand the envelop back to him.
But he wasn’t having it and simply shook his head.
Y/N knew they cost a fortune because she had looked up tickets. Her heart had broken when she saw how far out of her budget the lowest prices were.
“Take them, Y/N. Please.”
She knew there was no point in arguing.
But she slowly looked up at him. “Would
 Would you like to go with me?”
Jason blinked at the offer. “Seriously?”
Y/N laughed at his surprise. “Yeah, I mean, clearly you’re a fan, too.” Then she shrugged, now self conscious that she’d been too forward. “I don’t know. When was the last time you did something fun?”
Jason was shocked at how right she was.
“Oh, my God!” Y/N suddenly yelped.
Jason immediately jumped into action, grabbing both of his guns and stepping to Y/N in a protective stance.
“Jason, you’re bleeding!” She cried out, not realizing that he had just used his body as a human shield for her to defend an attack that wasn’t even happening.
He relaxed and followed her gaze to his forearm – the small patch of skin between his gloves and the rolled up sleeve of his leather jacket. He had been sliced by a knife. He probably needed to clean it before it got infected and stitch it up. 
“Y/N, it’s just a scratch.”
“Shut up,” she snapped. “Come here.”
Then he let her dragged him to the two fold-out chairs she kept on the roof.
Jason realized suddenly that he didn’t mind being bossed around by this woman. In fact, he kind of enjoyed it.
Without asking for permission, Y/N put her palm over his cut.
Jason watched as he felt a comforting warmth wash over the area of skin that she was touching. Within seconds, his cut was completely gone.
Y/N gave it a satisfied smile. No matter how many injuries she healed, the pride and relief never went away.
“You’re fucking amazing, you know that?” Jason was relieved his helmet hid the dumbstruck look that was surely on his face. 
Y/N didn’t seem to take the compliment very well and slightly folded into herself.
“So, will you?” She changed the subject quickly.
“Will I what?” But as Jason asked for clarification, he knew that he’d probably do anything Y/N would ask of him.
“Will you go to the concert with me?”
He nodded.
The nonverbal answer was enough for Y/N because she gave him a beaming smile.
In that moment, Jason wondered how he could ever push Y/N away like he had done with everyone else in his life. 
And for once, he allowed himself to feel happy.
Maybe he could keep letting himself be happy, as long as it included Y/N. 
Really, really loving writing for Jason Todd. I was a little exhausted with Marvel fandom.  Let me know what you think!
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it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream · 4 years ago
Opposites attract (Paul Lahote x Reader)
Warnings: swearing? I don't really think there are any tbh. 
Word count : 2.2k
Sweet as pie. That’s the way people tend to describe you. So why on earth did you ever think that bad boy Paul Lahote would ever like you? It was stupid really. You’d had a crush on him since you were little and it didn’t seem to stop there. It wasn’t a phase you grew out of. Everything inside you screamed when he was near. But he hardly noticed you at all. None of the guys on the res did. At least, you didn’t think they did. You’d given up hope a long time ago that he would ever see you more than just a little girl he’d grown up with. 
Leah Clearwater, your best friend thought you were stupid. She didn’t understand why someone as nice as you would waste your time liking him anyway. He was hot headed, a flirt and extremely unpredictable. Leah didn’t like him partly because he was a member of Sams group, they had always been friendly but something had changed within some of the guys on the res. They were closer than ever now, like a little gang. It wasn’t only the boys who had changed, you’d notice a change in Leah too, maybe it wad because of all she had gone through, you couldn’t put your finger on it.
Leah and Sam had dated for three years, one day Sam up and left, no explanation, leaving Leah lost and alone. Then he decided to reappear and instead of giving Leah an explanation, broke up with her and started pursuing Leah’s cousin Emily young instead. Let’s just say she didn’t really get along with the guys anymore, or Emily, who she used to be so close with. You were her rock and she was yours. You know she never wanted to see you go through the same heartbreak. 
It was summer break and you and Leah had decided to get away for a few weeks. Being surrounded by the same people day in and out got a bit much. Especially when you lived in the small community you did. You hadn’t gone too far away, only to Vancouver. It was just nice to have some freedom, be somewhere no one knew you. Leah was relieved to get away, it just meant she wouldn’t have to be around Sam as much. While you were studying a higher education, she had started a mechanic apprenticeship with the one and only Sam Uley, it was her best opportunity, even if she didn’t like to spend time near him, that’s what she told you anyway. 
It was your second week in Vancouver, you’d been sightseeing, visiting museums that would help with your studies but you also just took the time to relax. Everything was going amazing. Until that night.
The fancy restaurant had been your idea, you had both been enjoying your time away, but for some reason since arriving in Vancouver you’d been feeling off. Your mood swings were off the charts and you didn’t understand why, you never wanted to take anything out on Leah, you didn’t even have a reason to be moody, and yeah it was summer, but somedays you felt overly hot, like you had a fever and then it would disappear like it was nothing. This friend date was a way for you to make it up to her. She didn’t seem bothered by your change in attitude though, she seemed more concerned if anything.
You were both sat in the restaurant waiting for your food to arrive, talking about silly shit, laughing together obnoxiously, drinks flowing thanks to your fake ID, everything was going perfect until three men came floating through the front door. They were stunning. Absolutely beautiful. At this point you were sure you were staring, one of the men turned his head, caught your eye and winked at you flashing a toothy grin. You blushed and looked away, Leah kicked you under the table.
“What, he’s good looking, the red contact lenses are a bit strange though.” You titled your head to the side pondering the thought, not realising that Leah had gone extremely quiet. Then something weird happened. Your body started heating up like it had done in the past few days, your palms were sweaty, your hands shook a little and your head started to ache. You felt weird. You couldn’t focus. Leah was saying your name but you couldn’t really hear her, it was a little muffled and then
. then nothing. You were feeling alright again. You looked up Leah’s face one of terror mixed with concern. 
“Do you wanna get out of here? I saw a burger van on the way we could just go back to the room.” You nodded. Not feeling the fancy atmosphere anymore. Maybe you should see a Doctor. 
-Leah’s POV-
“Of all the places we could go, there’s leaches here too?” Leah was pissed, this is what she had been hoping to get away from but fate was a bitch. Not only that, but she was pretty sure her best friend was going through the change in front of her very eyes. She guessed she wasn’t the only female shifter anymore. 
At one point she had paused during the dinner. Actually at a couple of points. The first, when she had watched you sip two cocktails like they were water. She was impressed, goodie-too-shoes who? Second, when the leaches walked in through the very crowded restaurant, and third, when the pack back home had heard Leah’s thoughts, the boys were worked up. Sam being Sam, was ordering Leah back immediately, worried she would accidentally phase putting you at risk. Also, they were worried that you would shift for the first time. They all knew how unpredictable it could be. One little thing could set you off and BOOM, shift in front of hundred of humans. Leah being Leah liked to defy Sam, so it came as no shock that she refused to cut the trip short. She did have a valid point though, what would she tell Y/N? 
Leah was glad when she’d manage to persuade you to leave the building, burgers were actually sounding like a good idea right about now. Watching you sit and get wasted was fun, but she wished she could join in sometimes and not have to pretend. She was worried that the Vamps would follow after catching her scent. If they knew what was good for them, they’d stay away.
Leah kept on looking at you, she could sense something was wrong, she knew the signs having gone through them herself. One minute y/n was fine, the next sweating, the next she looked pissed, as much as Leah liked to handle things on her own, this was a big thing to deal with and she knew it, so it came as no surprise to her when Sam mind linked to say that a few of the guys were already on their way to your hotel to bring you guys home. She hated to admit that she was relieved. She looked to you again, now you were happily munching on your food, caught up in thought. 
“Hey Y/N, so uh, some of the guys from the Res are in Vancouver, how funny is that.” Leah laughed nervously, looking at your for any reaction. She watched as you screwed your nose up and then blushed. Her friends eyes widened. 
“That’s cool, Vancouver’s a big place though, I don’t think we have to worry about bumping into them. Weird how they ended up in the same place. I wonder if Paul is here
. I haven’t seen him in forever, it’s bound to have been at least 6 months by now.” Leah rolled her eyes and smiled at her best friend. She was still day dreaming over stupid Paul. She didn’t know what she found so fascinating about him. Sometimes you can’t help having a crush. Leah frowned. She knew all about how it could end up. 
“Who knows Y/N, fate is a funny thing, I wouldn’t worry about Paul, he’s normally caught up in his ego to notice other people anyway, if he didn’t notice you now he’s a lost cause, cause girl you look hawt.” Leah grinned and nudged Y/N with her arm, Y/N nudged her back and chuckled. It was almost 11pm by the time you made it back to the hotel lobby, you’d only just stepped in when you heard a noise from behind you. Leah turned around. Standing on the opposite side of the road were the Vampires that she’d seen only a couple of hours earlier. She growled lowly under her breath. Her mind focused on one thing only. Keeping you safe. 
“It’s okay Leah were almost there, just putting our clothes on.” Embry. His voice came through the link. Good, they were almost here. Hopefully when the vamps caught whiff of more shifters they’d leave for good. There’s no way they could shift in the middle of a city without being seen. 
Leah had told Y/N to wait at the bar for her while she “Took a call outside,” which really meant she was just waiting for the guys and making sure the vamps didn’t get through the door. When she turned her head she saw her friend chatting to the the bar man, flirting and sipping on more cocktails. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, god you were amazing. Not a care in the world. She frowned knowing soon enough your life wouldn’t be as simple. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard growling, the boys had arrived and obviously the Vamps now got the memo because they ran off when they realised there was back up. 
Leah could finally relax, Embry, Quil, Jake and oh god.. Paul.. arrived just in time. Grinning at the she wolf like the idiots they were. 
“Took you long enough.” Leah smirked and elbowed Jake playfully. Paul was about to retort but he stopped and sniffed the air. The rest of the present pack looked confused. Leah turned around and noticed her friend walking towards them all with a shocked expression on her half drunk face. 
Then it all made sense. 
-Paul’s POV- 
God what a mess. Paul was pissed off as per. He’d had to cancel a date he had on his one night off to go and save Leah’s and Y/N’s ass’ in Vancouver. Of all nights. He obviously didn’t hesitate when Sam gave the orders, as much as it pissed him off he knew that if another pack member needed him he’d do everything he could to help, you were family. Not to mention, he as well as everyone else, didn’t need some new pup exposing the tribe secrets. Shifting in public would be good for no one. 
On the way the boys talked through the link, communicating with Leah periodically, making sure the Vamps had stayed well away. 
“So, when was the last time anyone actually saw Y/N?” Jake was the first to start the conversation. When was the last time Paul had seen you? He couldn’t remember, if he had to think about it, probably before her shifted, it had been a while, he knew you’d been studying higher education, and with all of the pack stuff, he didn’t tend to see anyone else other than his wolf brothers and sister. 
“I saw her not long ago, she was in the convenience store picking up groceries for her Pops, and damnnn she’s changed, not a little girl anymore.” Quil joked through the link, wolf whistling. Paul smirked, yeah right, he had always thought you were pretty, but you couldn’t have changed that much, you were still the little, younger dork that had grown up on the res. 
The conversation was cut short as they reached the outline of the trees, Sam had tied a bag of clothes around each of the wolves so when they shifted they could change instead of walking around in the nude. Maybe it would fly in the woods back home, but not in the middle of a city. They made light work of getting to the hotel and scaring the blood suckers away. Pussies. When they met Leah at the entrance. Paul wasn’t really focusing on the banter, he was too distracted by a familiar but heavenly scent. He sniffed trying to place it and then he saw her. 
Walking towards the group was Y/N. Her eyes a little glossy Paul could smell the alcohol, it wasn’t however, strong enough to cover up the heavenly scent he could smell radiating off the pup to be. 
"It's not like love at first sight, really. It's more like
 gravity moves
 suddenly. It's not the earth holding you here anymore, she does
 You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend.” 
Jacobs words about imprinting ran in Paul’s head and his world suddenly tilted. The pack paused behind him, the wolves howling in his head through the bond. Leah looked shocked and the other guys just looked stupidly happy. 
Y/N was Paul’s imprint.
As per usual, please let me know what you thought in the comments below and if you want to be tagged in future let me know xx 
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taleasnewastime · 5 years ago
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AO3 [I post all the same work on here and AO3]
[M] Indicates mature content (18+ only). While some stories may not be noted as mature in my masterlist, please still check the warnings noted on each fic, read these carefully before reading.
Please don’t translate, copy or post my work anywhere else. Tumblr & AO3 are the only platforms I post my writing, if you see them anywhere else please let me know. Otherwise, please enjoy!
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One Shots
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Second first meeting [M]
[ Word count: 12.6k | Genre: Strangers to lovers ]
Summary: Four months. You’ve been speaking to, falling slowly in love with, and seemingly getting made a fool of by a man you matched with online for four months. There’s always an excuse why he can’t meet you, always some convenient reason why he can’t make something. But it’s valentines and he’s booked a fancy meal and that’s him, sat at a table, finally ready to meet you. Only it might look like the guy you know but it’s not the person you’ve been speaking to, no, this guy has no idea who you are.
Stuck with you [M]
[ Word count: 29.6k | Genre: Strangers to lovers; Christmas fic! ]
Summary:  It’s the first Christmas since your dad passed away. You, your mum and sister are going to his favourite place to do his favourite thing, skiing. And yet you’re not there. Stuck. Stranded. Trapped. In seemingly the single hottest place in the world. Your transfer flight cancelled so you’re now stuck between home and your family. A snowstorm that causes all flights to be cancelled, heat that just seems wrong at Christmas, your sister crying and shouting down the phone at you, and to top it off, the most annoying man in the world who’s in the same position as you and seems to think you’re friends because of that fact. Merry Christmas to you.
Give me love [M]
[ Word count: 6.1k | Genre: pwp ]
Summary: You’ve never said the words to him before, but you’ve never felt them as deeply as you do now, lying in your bed and watching him scold you for leaving the front door unlocked. The words slip out as you look at him, unable to hold them back, and Jin proceeds to show you just how much he returns the feelings.
Lost and Found 
[ Word count: 21.2k | Genre: Strangers to lovers ]
Summary: What do you do when your whole world comes crashing down around you? When everything you loved turns out to be a lie? When your fiancĂ© tells you he’s been having an affair, you feel like your whole world comes crashing down, but then you find an antiques shop and the strange man that runs the shop helps you slowly rebuild your life and you realise maybe not everything about you is broken.
The Wedding [M]
[ Word count: 11.2k | Genre: Strangers to lovers ]
Summary: A wedding of close friends is always a nice occasion. But what if your ex is attending. And what if that ex also happens to be sat at the same table as you with a date. Hopefully the mysterious stranger sitting by you at dinner can help save the day.
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“I’m not afraid of you.” | Angst
“Is that my shirt?” | Smut
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile” | Fluff/Angst
“You look good with my hands around your throat” | Smut
Game rivals | 349 | angst?
Family friend’s wedding | 705 | fluff
Swim captain | 857 | angst?
Come back. Be here. | 619 | angst
Pre-interview hype | 550 | fluff
Rewrite the stars | 1.2k | angst; idol!au
Spider | 900 | fluff
There’s no way | 3.3k | fluff
I am here | 860 | fluff
Friends | 1.1k | fluff
Shower | 1.3k | fluff 
Too Cool | 1k | fluff
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Dating advice [M]
[ Word count: 54k | Genre: Strangers to lovers | Complete ]
Summary: It’s been months – ok, it’s been years – since you last went on a date. And you’re sick of it. Sick of seeing couples kissing and holding hands in the street. Sick of your friends settling down. Sick of everyone buying houses and having families. You’re going to do something about it. You’re going to snap up a man, you’re going to tie someone down, you’re going to finally commit, you’re going to – you’re going to need a bit of advice.
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One Shots
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The feeling’s slow to fade [M]
[ Word count: 26.7k | Genre: Horror, enemies to lovers ]
Summary: There’s something out there. In the woods. On the streets. In your home. You know it’s there have just never seen it. It starts with one seemingly small death, a bird but builds into bigger and bigger animals. Everyone brushes it off, only you feel the ghost of something following you, only you keep seeing the animals it horrifically kills, only you think something bigger is going on here. But when you start to try and work out what’s happening, it seems the guy who has hated you since school is also taking an interest. The two of you embark on a journey to try and find out why animals are mysteriously dying in your town, discovering things about each other along the way.
What the night brings
[ Word count: 10.5k | Genre: mystery/thriller ]
Summary: You shouldn’t be out. You know the law as well as anyone, as soon as the sun sets you can’t step outside. That is, unless you wish to die. But your job as a midwife doesn’t allow you such honours. Every so often, you must risk your life by stepping out into the night, it just so happens that this night there’s something else out there with you.
Back in your bed [M]
[ Word count: 7.1k | Genre: pwp ]
Summary: Rule number one, never text your ex, especially for a booty call. You know it, everyone knows it, but you’re only in New York for one night and sat alone at the bar you used to go to together it becomes too easy to slip. You send him a text before you can overthink it. What you don’t expect is for him to reply, but more than that, for him to invite you over.
[ Word count: 34.5k | Genre: Strangers to lovers }
Summary: Vexed; to be annoyed, frustrated or worried about something. Or by your definition, the feeling you have towards the industry you work in and the media who are seemingly out to get you. Nothing inspires you anymore, nothing makes you want to continue to stay in the spotlight, and on top of that, the media’s negativity is spreading into your personal life so that you feel lost and lonely all the time. But at your lowest moment, there’s a spark of light in the form of a man. A man who you keep bumping into and who helps to drag you out of the dark.
Purr-haps I like you
[ Word count: 11.6k | Genre: Flatmates!au ]
Summary: You have a no pets policy where you live, but when you find a tiny kitten in a box on the side of the road, what can you do but bring it home with you? The only problem? The landlord who made the no pets rule, also happens to be your flatmate.
The village
[ Word count: 11.1k | Genre: Strangers to lovers ]
Summary: When Min Yoongi turns up in your village you battle with whether you should tell him you know who he is. But when you start to hang out with him, and you can start calling him your friend, things get even more complicated. 
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“Who did this to you?” | Angst
Your heart is beating so fast | Smut
“I’m going to ruin you” |  Smut
Possessive/Jealous Yoongi | 613 | smut
Ice Skating | 1.1k | fluff; Christmas fic
“Choose me” | 1.3k | fluff
All ends | 582 | fluff
Secrets | 600 | fluff
Break my heart | 2.1k | fluff; angst 
Black and blue | 1.2k | fluff
Adore you | 1.5k | fluff
The park | 1.5k | fluff
Thunder and lightning | 800 | fluff
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Flatmates: Part 1 | Part 2 [M]
[ Word count: 36.6k | Genre: Flatmates!au | Complete ]
Summary: You need to find a spare room after deciding to move out of your flat that you share with your best friend and her boyfriend. Stumbling upon an advert for a room that seems almost too good to be true, you decide for once to not over think and go for it. But who is the mystery flatmate you are now living with that you hardly see?
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One Shots
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Starting again
[ Word count: 11k | Genre: Genre: Single parent ]
Summary: Two years out of studying to have a baby, only your first few weeks back and it’s already not going as easily as you thought. A babysitter you can barely afford dropping out last minute, you have to take your little girl into the lecture with you. What follows isn’t smooth, but it’s the start of you getting closer to your professor, a man you’ve always admired from your seat, but you learn to get to know up close.
The Ick
[ Word count: 6k | Genre: Friends to lovers ]
Summary: You’re not picky you just have standards. Ok, maybe they’re very high standards, but why shouldn’t they be? You’ve not about to settle for anyone. You’re not about to spend the rest of your life with someone who changes the channel hallway through a show you’re watching or who wears sock and sandals or loose boxer shorts. No. Because all of things bring on that terrible feeling, the cool dread that creates unattraction. You’ve caught the ick from every guy you’ve dated, but all it takes is one comment to make you realise that there’s one man in your life who has never made you feel it. And while that should be exciting, the fact he’s your best friend makes things a little complicated.
Crashing into you [M]
[ Word count: 28.8k | Genre: Mafia!au ]
Summary: It all started because you got hit off your bike, not generally the start of a good story, and yet it’s where yours starts. Though you’re still not entirely sure if yours is a good story; it hasn’t been good till this point. Hoseok, the man that crashed into you seemed nice enough the few times you’ve met him and over text, but now, you’re not so sure. All the signs seem to be pointing at the fact that maybe he isn’t the smart businessman you thought he was.
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“Shh, there’re people in the other room” | Smut
“It’s just a scratch, don’t worry!” | Angst
“People get hurt when they get too close to me” | supernatural au
Love triangle | 616 | angst? (feat. Namjoon)
Christmas biscuits | 1.3k | fluff; Christmas fic!
And me | 2.4k | fluff; coffee shop!au
Halo | 550 | fluff
I don’t care | 550 | fluff
Superstitions | 730 | fluff
Exile | 900 | angst
Alarm | 700 | fluff
Thoughts | 800 | fluff
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One Shots
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[ Word count: 15.2k | Genre: Enemies to lovers ]
Summary: The place you love most in the world is going to be destroyed, knocked down in favour of an expensive housing complex. You’re trying everything you can to stop the project, but it doesn’t seem enough. While you’re trying to juggle that, the company have assigned a community liaison to the project and though he keeps coming along to the site, helping out, giving advice, being friendly, you can’t help but not trust him
Merry Kissmass [M]
[ Word count: 10.3k | Genre: pwp; Christmas fic ]
Summary: Thunder and Lightning, very, very frightening, well, that statement has never been truer than now. Sat in a cabin in the middle of the woods, in the middle of a storm, alone. It’s the worst decision you’ve ever made, why didn’t you just go to that spa as a Christmas treat? Why did you come here? And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse there’s a banging at the door. Pretty sure it’s a murderer, you stupidly see who’s there only to be met with a dimple filled smile, and a very large, very damp man. Well, maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea.
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Professor Kim | Smut
“I want you to feel good” | Smut
“You’re welcome to stay, if you want.” | Fluff/Angst
“Hold on, this may sting a little.” | Fluff
“Are you flirting with me?” | Fluff
Love triangle | 616 | angst? (feat. Hoseok)
“You’re lucky you’re cute” | 874 | fluff
Snow globe | 750 | fluff
Black dog | 764 | fluff
Things I say when you sleep | 500 | fluff
Hold back the river | 950 | fluff; angst
Tree | 1.1k | fluff
Banana bread | 950 | fluff
Sunday morning | 700 | fluff
Work | 1.4k | fluff
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Growing Pains
[ Status: Ongoing | Genre: Brothers best friend ]
Summary: Growing up the daughter of the boss of a gang is never easy, but normally the problems are around being given too many responsibilities, or the risk of being connected to a gang leader, or wanting to escape but not being able to. But you’ve got a different problem, you want more responsibility, want to be like your brother who’s been named heir, want a role in the family gang. Your whole life you’ve been denied what you want, being born a female seemingly your main issue; perceived as weak, naïve, trying to step above your station. But as unsupportive and dismissive as your family is, there is always the bright light that is Jimin; the boy you love but can never have.
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One Shots
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[ Word count: 23.6k | Genre: Royalty!au ]
Summary: Magic is banned, to perform it is an act punishable by death, a law brought in by the queen. And yet, here you are, living in the same palace as her, defying that law by performing the magic she so hates. You don’t feel at risk of being found out, you are only a lowly healer, a nobody. But when the prince discovers you and can’t seem to leave you alone, you may not be as safe as you thought.
Let’s get quizzical [M]
[ Word count: 28.6k | Genre: Friends to lovers ]
Summary: Thursday night pub quizzes with your friends are a must. One of those friends being your long-term friend, long-term crush, Park Jimin. At this point 99.9% of the population knows you have feelings towards him, Jimin being the 0.1% that doesn’t. But what happens when a bet goes wrong and your weekly quizzes become more complicated than fun?
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“I’m not who you think I am.” | Angst
“I won’t bite, unless you’re into that sort of thing” | Smut
Exes reunited at a party | 975 | angst
Sleeping with your friend’s boyfriend | 786 | smut; angst
Flowers | 354 | fluff
Talk | 800 | fluff
Somebody special | 650 | fluff
Cats | 600 | fluff
Heather | 1.3k | angst
Crush culture (Part 2 to Heather) | 1.9k | fluff
Limbo | 1k | angst
Bruce and Pascal | 800 | fluff
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Caught in the crossfire [M]
[ Word count: ~58k | Genre: assassin!au | Complete ]
Summary: Taehyung kills people, he isn’t ashamed to admit it (though it’s not something he shouts about). To date he has never found a reason that someone didn’t deserve to die. That the person hadn’t committed some hideous act. That the world wouldn’t be a better place without them in it. But that was before he got sent your information.
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One Shots
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Not that good [M]
[ Word count: 20k | Genre: university!au ]
Summary: It’s not that he’s always had rave reviews and it’s not like he is so into himself to think that everyone is into him, but he’s never failed to make a girl orgasm before. At least until you. And at least he thinks he’s always managed to please the people he’s been with. But you’ve planted a seed of doubt in his mind, made him think that maybe he doesn’t quite have the moves he thinks he does, and now you’ve worked your way into his head he can’t get you out.
[ Word count: 5.3k | Genre: pwp ]
Summary: It’s been a long stressful week at work and when you get home you just want to get into something comfy. You just didn’t realise changing into your boyfriend's jumper would turn him on so much.
Office politics [M]
[ Word count: 27.7k | Genre: Enemies to lovers ]
Summary: Starting a new job is never easy and nerves course through you when you enter your new office. But when everyone is really nice and you enjoy the job, you assume that everything is fine and there was nothing to worry about. That is until you bump into the man that seems to know all about your past, a past that you have been trying so hard to hide.
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Relationship leaked | Angst/Fluff
“I didn’t know where else to go” | Fluff
I wish you were here | Angst
“Hold still this might sting a little” | Fluff
“I am not wearing any underwear , thought you’d like to know” | Fluff/angst
Mafia leader Tae | Fluff
CEO Tae taking care of you on your period | Fluff
Dirty talk | 361 | smut
Idol confession | 937 | smut
Mafia!AU part one | 924 | angst
Mafia!AU part two | 590 | angst
There’s only one bed | 907 | fluff
“Let’s run away together” | 694 | fluff
New years day | 1.2k | fluff
Stay with me | 450 | fluff
More than friends | 1.3k | fluff
The morning after (Part 2 to stay with me) | 1.1k | fluff
All love | 1.1k | fluff
Animal crossing | 1.1k | fluff
Kiss me | 4.7k | angst; fluff
Personal | 1.3k | angst
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Pub Golf [M]
[ Word count: ~23k | Genre: Strangers to lovers/night out | Complete ]
Summary: One night. One stupidly hot man, who just keeps appearing in every pub you go to. Six friends. Nine pubs. Nine drinks. Ten million stupid rules. Let the chaos begin.
Stockholm Syndrome [M]
[ Word count: ~60k | Genre: Mafia/gang!au | Complete ]
Summary: You’d tried so hard to run away from your troubled childhood. Now in your final year at university you’re starting to feel like maybe what’s in your past will stay there. Then a beautiful stranger shows up and befriends you, but not everything about him is as it seems.
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One Shots
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What if I love you too much? [M]
[ Word count: 20.6k | Genre: Single parent ]
Summary: Jungkook. It’s only a name you learn after your son kicks his ball over the fence. Before that you only knew him as the hot new neighbour who mows his lawn topless. And though you have no intention of getting to know him anymore than that, inevitably you do. You don’t necessarily fall, it’s too slow for that, but you definitely develop feelings you don’t intend to feel. Because you know men like him, and you know that whatever you’re feeling, he’s probably not feeling the same. All the same, however hard you try, you can’t help yourself.
Drabbles for this story 
Inked [M]
[ Word count: 5.3k | Genre: pwp ]
Summary: You were just going for a tattoo, or so you thought. Turns out the hot guy you’ve been speaking to is incredibly turned on by the placement of your tattoo, and, well, you can’t let him have all the fun.
Ruin the friendship
[ Word count: 12.5k | Genre: Best friends to lovers ]
Summary: You’ve met the love of your life. The words are what Jungkook’s always dreamed of, except it’s not him you’re talking about. Firmly in the friendzone Jungkook dreams of something more but has always had to suffer with second best. He’s not sure what it is about this guy, he’s no worse than any other of the guys you’ve dated, but this time Jungkook realises he’s done being just your friend. The only question, will telling you be everything he hopes, or will it ruin the friendship?
Snow laughing matter
[ Word count: 11.5k | Genre: Enemies to lovers; Christmas fic ]
Summary: You hate Jungkook, have hated him since your first day when you overheard him talking about you in the kitchen, so it’s just your luck that you have to organise the work Christmas party with him. You’ll do anything to not interact with him, but the more you get to know him, the more you realise that maybe he’s not as nasty as you have built him up to be.
Yes coach [M]
[ Word count: 7.5k | Genre: pwp ]
Summary: You play in a local netball team and as a new season starts you have a new coach. Enter Jungkook, he may look soft, but he turns out to be a hard taskmaster, one who ruffles your feathers when he makes some changes to the team. Tensions grow between you through the weeks, until they finally reach breaking point.
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I’m not jealous | Smut
“Are you wearing my shirt?” | Smut
Mafia fic | Angst
“I’ll be good, I promise.” | Smut
Protective JK | Fluff
Soft mafia au | Fluff
Dad JK | Fluff
Dog trainer | 460 | fluff
Infidelity | 1106 | angst
Alien fic part one | 1108 | thriller?
Alien fic part two | 937 | thriller?
Alien fic part three | 790 | thriller?
“Stop hogging all the blankets” | 728 | fluff
1950 | 1.7k | fluff; angst
Toad in the hole | 1.6k | fluff
I hope | 900 | angst
I don’t want your money | 670 | fluff; angst
Guarded | 700 | fluff
Scrapbook | 1.7k | fluff
Club | 2k | fluff
Text back | 1.6k | fluff
2K notes · View notes
arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years ago
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Sorry the post reached its word limit so I have to add the undateables in a different post! Happy valentine's everyone!!!
Pt.1 = Demon brother's
Mini golf, it was both surprising and unsurprising
He was able to ditch the suit he wore normally to more comfortable clothes
Enjoying the strange golf courses Wincing everytime he shot one too far and completely lost the ball
You were getting better scores than him and he a better player!
"will you guide me on this one? I think I'm going to hit it too hard again."
You smiled, happily moving behind him and putting your hands on his
You helped him control his swing and to no surprise it was a perfect shot
"perhaps I should guide you every turn, you're a pro."
"if it isn't (Y/N), who's this? I don't think we've met."
"go away, I don't have time for you."
Dia immediately recognised your ex, hiding his annoyance behind a smile and shook their hand
"I'm their boyfriend, we're currently on a date, so if you'll excuse us."
He tried to usher you both along but your ex grabbed his hand
"let's not end this so soon, I was close with them, don't you want to share stories?"
"I'll go first, as an ex wanting to help you out! Don't bring up a single issue to them, they won't help you at all, they always told me I was overreacting."
You groaned, clutching your golf club tightly
"because you were, threatening to hit me over not wanting to hear you complain about your side girls not texting you back is an overreaction."
"always spinning stories! This what I mean, you just need to be prepared to be in that kind of relationship with them, they'd only Respond to yelling."
"you're the only one who would listen when yelled to and would just yell at me because you could, you're a horrible person and you should leave right now-"
You wanted to hit them with your golf club, fuming at how they talked about you
"they've been very good to me and I've never had to raise my voice at them, perhaps you were the issue."
His voice was still so kind that your ex almost didn't realize what he said
"such a shame they've already gotten to you - oh we need to move, watch me play okay?"
They winked at the demon, strutting off to their new golf site
"let's play but I won't bother you to guide me."
"it's no bother-"
Dia took a strong strike, the ball flying off and hit your ex in the head
But another flying golf ball was already being sent their way
"Sorry! You just look like target with seeing how much you open for mouth, here I'll give you my club as an apology."
He 'accidentally' did it too hard and sent his club flying in their direction, they just missed it
They screamed at him for being crazy but he just kept his sweet smile
"so you're actually a great shot on your own."
"guilty, I just wanted you to hold me."
Aquarium, it feels fitting seeing he's also a serpent demon .
You held his gloved hand, pointing out towards the colourful fish that caught your fancy
"there are remarkable species I'm sure you've yet to have seen in the Devildom, Perhaps I'll take you to see them."
"really??!! I'd love to!"
He admired the dolphins that swam across the open space around the hallway, watching the way it delved back into the water
"this is embarassing, is that really you?!"
"oh no...."
"it is! When I found you disappeared I thought it was because of me! But here you are and with you're- whoever this is."
"I'm the boyfriend."
He nudged you away from your ex, his mood already sour
"boyfriend?! Already...? What a shame you moved on so quickly, I've been thinking about you."
They caressed the side of your cheek but you just slapped their hand away
"yeah right, leave us alone - I don't want to be around you."
"don't even think about insulting them, are you really going to bring up the past as a way to hurt them just because they've refused you?"
"h-huh-?! What are you- I wouldn't do such a thing!"
"oh...? So you weren't thinking of bringing up the time they use to 'love' you Touching them and was just 'shy' about it? Knowing it'll get a rise because you know that they didn't like your touch."
"how did you-?!"
"I know alot about you and what you plan to do, it would best you step away now before I set your fate in stone - swimming with the fishes."
He towered over them, their back pressing against the tank glass,
their eyes glancing to the fishes behind them
They let out a nervous laugh
"right....well I'll be going then, goodbye (Y/N)."
A fire works show - meant you could spend the mornings doing whatever you want but the night?
That's when you two went Speeding
You kept your scarf close to your face, it being a chilly night
You kept your hand intertwined with your boyfriend's, in awe at the fireworks
"They're not very close are they? i could make fireworks."
He shook his star wand, you were thankful it looked like a toy
"Sol, you can't just use magic when there's a small inconvenience."
Soon enough fireworks came bursting out closer to where you two stood, still a safe distance away but seeing as you didn't get the best spot in the crowd
It was much cooler to see them closer
"No way!!! You're back in town?! I thought you left for good!"
It was almost hard to hear your ex over the fireworks
Solomon gave them the side eye as he clutched your hand
"I know have devastated you were after the breakup, seriously didn't think you'd disappear, I bet that you died or something!"
"do you have nothing better to do?! I'm trying to enjoy the fireworks with my boyfriend."
"Him?! You going for witchy hippies?! Wooow your taste has just stayed shit, hasn't it?! This is why you need me back, I actually gave you good taste!"
"You made me listen to country rap that all sung about beating women - I've upgraded!"
You shuffled closest to Solomon, ignoring your ex as they kept trying to pester you
"Can you stop being such a- are you kidding me?! You're never going to change- don't - ignore- you stupid bi-"
The more they began to yell the more powerful fireworks Solomon set off
Almost completely blocking out you exes screams
It got to the point there had to be a fireworks break due to how hectic it got
"this is dumb, I'm leaving." They huffed as you continued to ignore them
"how fortunate, I'm sure I could of started a fire from all that."
"like a fire would of stopped you, thanks for blocking them out."
He kissed your cheek, smiling
"my pleasure~"
He took you ice skating, unfortunately you were terrible at it whilst he was fine
You were both wrapped up warm as he helped you skate across the rink
Your legs wobbled and you slid to face your almost fell over
"hahah, you're adorable but don't worry, you'll be a master of it by the end of tonight."
You slowly got the hang of it, gripping his arm whilst he just smiled, enjoying being so close to you
"i think I got it-! Wait no no no don't let go!"
Just as your small victory gave you a big smile it immediately dropped when your ex skidded over
"What are you odds of you being here, I see you still can't skate."
"so what? You want to bother me about skating? Why not go back to your girlfriend and leave me alone."
They just laughed
"so insistent, if that's what you want~"
They skated past you, bumping into you and you immediately went flying into the ice
Happy you kept your hands close to your face as another skater zoomed by
Simeon hastily helped you back up, dusting Ice off you
"Let's sit down, maybe they won't be here for long."
He helped you off the ice and you both sat on a bench, he got you a warm drink before sitting down
But it wasn't over, your ex coming to where you were sitting still in the rink
"sorry about that, it was a total accident I swear - tell me (Y/N), what made you come here? I bet you were stalking my page again, wanted to see me?"
"no, I just wanted to have a date with my boyfriend."
"It would be best you left us alone, your presence clearly isn't wanted."
"neither was your opinion, from past lover to new, watch yourself because they will destory your heart and your life - nothing will ever be comfortable or happy with them."
"that is untrue-"
"really? Is it? We all know they just like to use people for their kindness and leave them because of a stupid mistake - don't you understand what parties do to people? Huh?! I'm glad I got with her at that party because she's a better partner than you ever were."
You pounded the side of your first to the table, glaring at them with tears in your eyes
"you cheated on me and blames it on alcohol, when I forgave you - it only made you feel happy to keep going back to her! Don't talk to me like you're the victim-!"
Simeon, rubbed your back, frowning at your ex
Your ex just scoffed, skating off
Your boyfriend suddenly stood up and began to march over to the rink
You tried to ask what he was doing but he didn't respond, quickly skating over to your ex
When he caught up he skidded so far they got covered in ice, grabbed your ex with a smile
And suddenly, you didn't see what happened but your ex screamed, darting off the Ice trying to get away from Simeon
When he finally came back he took a sip of your drink and smiled
"let's head back on the ice, I still have to make you a pro."
360 notes · View notes
heloisedaphnebrightmore · 4 years ago
Regardless of the bond [James Potter x Reader]
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Title: Regardless of the bond Pairing: James Potter x Female!Reader Word count: 3.3k Published: 19 April 2021 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Summary: [x] The existence of soulmates was hard for you to believe. You wished to be one of them, but after your 18th birthday, when you were supposed to experience a difference, you are left disappointed. Knowing you didn’t have that special bond and you had to continue watching the one you liked so deeply love someone else makes you want to just disappear. Bingo: [x] This is part of my Make me feel Bingo Card by @girl-next-door-writes
Square filled: Alternative Universe
Harry Potter Characters Masterlist | Masterlists
Make me feel Bingo Masterlist
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it’s completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3
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Soulmates were a very widely known myth that many believed and wished to experience, but some found it to be a silly little idea created by those who romanticised the idea to be with someone for the rest of their lives. The thought of loving someone and being loved unconditionally was indeed one that many wished to have, but since soulmates were rather rare, people often ignored its existence and chose to find love themselves. According to the myths, some people experienced finding their soulmate with a simple touch, where for a mere second, they saw images of their future life together. For some it was a sensation, a pulling force telling them that they belonged together. There were some theories where they could recognise each other’s scent. Many different myths have been spread throughout the centuries, but there was one mutual theory in all of them. When it happens, you just know it, you feel it, every single fibre of your body screams for that certain person to stay in your life.
You were one of those who believed it but didn’t think it would ever happen to you. You hoped, of course you did, but you were more logical than to rely on an old myth. Having such a strong connection was a lovely idea, but it was hard to believe that it would be handed to you on a silver plate. All the fairy tales you have heard about from your parents said that the soulmate-bond would be activated after your 18th birthday if you had one. But of course, it’s been a month and you have felt no different than before, reassuring you that you weren’t any special.
You were seated in the Gryffindor common room, legs thrown over the arm of the sofa, hanging down on the side as you doodle little drawings on a piece of ripped parchment.
“What are you doing?” You heard a voice and as you looked up, you recognised Lily standing in the doorway.
“Just drawing,” you replied, turning back to your parchment, ignoring your friend.
“Good, good,” she nodded and took a seat beside you, staring at your doodles.
“Is there anything you want?” You asked, turning back to her with an expectant expression, brows running high.
“Nope,” she popped the ‘p’ as she shook her head. You frowned at her rather strange behaviour, but once again turned back to your drawings, trying to ignore her staring. However, it seemed to be a task easier said than done. Feeling Lily’s breath on your neck and her eyes attached to your drawing, whilst squirming in her place chased all your creativity away. You folded up your paper and looked at your friend once again.
“You are being fairly annoying,” you stated with a grimace.
“I didn’t even do anything,” she huffed, crossing her arms in front of her chest and turning to the opposite direction, giving you a side-glance every once in a while.
“Breathing down my neck and staring at me is quite creepy and as much as I love you, your behaviour is very unusual so spill it, what’s going on?” You asked firmly, causing Lily to scrunch her nose and pout in a child-like manner. She was a very smart witch and an even better friend, but at times she was capable of getting on your nerves with a simple look. “Come on, I don’t have all day to wait for you,” you rushed her as you stood up and tossed the folded parchment in the drawer of your desk and closed it with a thudding sound.
“I have overheard a little discussion between James and Sirius. They were talking about you,” she smirked playfully, wiggling her brows as though you were supposed to understand.
“I’m not sure what kind of reaction you are expecting of me,” you frowned in confusion.
“Well, certainly a happier one than the one I’m getting now,” she grimaced. “I have been hearing nothing else from you, but how much you’ve liked James since the first time you talked,” she tried to lead you to the right direction, but you still stood there cluelessly.
“So?” you asked.
“So? James and Sirius were talking about you,” Lily repeated slower as if you didn’t understand before.
“I heard you for the first time too, I’m not stupid. I simply don’t understand what you want from me. James and Sirius are my friends, they will inevitably talk about me if I come up in a subject,” you shrugged nonchalantly.
“You are unbelievable. I overheard James telling Sirius that he has feelings for you,” Lily exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. But instead of excitement you gave her a deadpan expression. “Okay, I’m not sure what’s going on with you today, but I’m honestly starting to think you are broken or something,” she huffed.
“We both know that James has been running after you for years, Lils. Sure, we are close, I love him to bits, however, I am nothing but a friend to him. I’m not sure what you heard or what you misunderstood to be exact, but we both know James has liked you for years and I find it hard to believe that his last year will be the one where he changes his mind so abruptly,” you explained. Whilst a part of you wished to believe it was true, a more logical side made sure to crush those hopeful thoughts that tried to sway you.
“I’m sorry, but I’m quite sure of what I heard. And why couldn’t he? Crushes come and go, and he hasn’t asked me out or showed any interest in me for the last month or so. I do believe he has feelings for you, but you have been friends for so long, you can’t expect him to just walk up to you and confess,” Lily tried to pressure your logical side, but you couldn’t find it in you to agree. You have liked him for so long, you were numb to even the thought of him ever reciprocating your feelings.
“Ok, I accept that. Now that we have concluded this conversation, can we actually grab something to eat?” You asked whilst walking towards the door and opening it for Lily, waiting for her to follow you.
“You’re definitely broken,” she huffed, annoyed by your nonchalant behaviour.
“And you are rather annoying today. I’m glad we both have negative feelings towards each other. It will be a beautiful day,” you put on a fake smile, earning a grimace from Lily.
“You have been avoiding him recently,” she added with a side-glance, making you groan as you headed down the stairs to the common room.
“Can we stop talking about him for a second?” you asked, pleading with the girl.
“Fine, but I’m not giving up just yet,” shrugging, she hurried up her steps and walked out the common room, leaving you farther behind. Rolling your eyes, you heaved a heavy sigh and followed her to the Great hall.
As you sat at the Gryffindor table with Lily on your right, eating your usual morning toast, James took a seat on your other side whilst Sirius sat down beside Lily, followed by Remus and Peter across the table.
“We have a beautiful day today, don’t we?” James beamed, his unusually positive attitude making you frown. Everyone seemed to act unlike themselves and you certainly didn’t like the way they behaved.
“I guess,” you replied with a grimace. “Would have been better if Lily didn’t start my day by dancing on my nerves,” you groaned.
“I was simply stating facts,” she huffed.
“That could possibly be a definition of annoying too if we dig deeper,” you retorted.
“It’s not my fault you are hard-headed,” she rolled her eyes.
“It’s not my fault you are spreading false rumours,” you shrugged nonchalantly.
“It’s not my fault you can’t see the forest from the tree,” she grimaced.
“Woah, woah, let’s just stop it there. We have quite an intense breakfast on our hands. What do you say we just continue eating quietly?” James asked, trying to stop your bickering.
“Been doing that until you arrived with your overly-positive attitude,” you replied as you bit into your toast.
“I’m sorry for having a nice day. Instead of being gloomy, you could try it too,” he raised a questioning brow, wearing a playful smirk across his face. In normal circumstances you would have returned his smile, feeling all warm inside, feeling your cheeks flush. He had a certain vibe that always made you feel happier even if you were down. But not in that moment. It just didn’t work.
“Will take your advice into consideration,” you huffed as you stood up from the table, finishing your breakfast. “See you later,” you nodded and headed towards the exit. You barely reached the first classroom across the corridor when you heard your name being called.
Turning around you, you saw James walking towards you in a haste. “Hmm?” You hummed in a questioning tone.
“You are acting strange recently. I can’t talk to you, I barely see you and honestly, I feel like you are avoiding me,” he stated, nervously rocking from one foot to the other. Indeed, you have been trying to keep a distance from the boy, knowing he fancied Lily whilst you liked him. Since your birthday you expected some kind of sign that would lead you to your soulmate, but it never happened. No images, no scents, no touches. The person you liked for so long had a crush on someone else and when you finally thought you might have a chance to find someone to connect with, you had to release you as one of many didn’t have a soulmate.
“Look, I just prefer being alone nowadays,” you lied. Imagining a pitiful look in his eyes, knowing why you have been avoiding him was something you never wanted to see. He was always supportive, and you could always rely on him, but this time you couldn’t possibly open up to him. You didn’t want his apologetic looks.
“Seven years. It’s been seven years since we first met and almost as long since we have become friends. I think I know you fairly well. Sure, people change, so did you and I, but we have changed together, for me you are still the same person I befriended. I don’t understand why you think that I would believe you. Wanting to be alone on occasions is fine, you have always done that, but you never closed me out completely until recently. I need to know what’s going on,” he pleaded, his words, his eyes, even his tone screaming for some kind of an explanation, but you couldn’t give him what he wanted.
“I’m sorry,” you simply apologised and started walking away. Giving him an explanation would have revealed your secret and you were not ready for that. Maybe once when your feelings were finally gone and you decide to sit down to talk about the old times, being nostalgic, maybe then you would have the courage, but not in that moment.
“Sorry is not enough,” he raised his voice as he hurried after you and grabbed your wrist. The feeling of his warm palm across your skin sent shivers down your spine. Your lips parted in surprise as you felt electricity run through the spot where he held onto you, starting off your heart in a quick pace. Feeling your cheeks heat up, you turned around and looked into his brown eyes as wide as yours, trying to figure out the unusual, sudden feeling. You felt your chest compress, air stuck in your lungs as you watched the man you had feelings for being just as shocked as you were. Knowing, hoping, believing what that certain electrical feeling running through you meant, it frightened you. You never wanted to be bonded with a man who loved someone else and the simple thought of you having to watch him run after his loved one made you feel as though your heart was shattering into the smallest of pieces, where picking them and trying to mend them wasn’t an option anymore.
Both of you stood stunned, his fingers firmly around your wrist, staring at each other, wordlessly trying to communicate. It was James who recovered first and let go of your arm, leaving it to fall beside you. You wanted to speak, you wanted him to speak, but none of you knew the right words to voice. In your shocked state you just wanted to disappear, you wanted to run away. The awkward silence was making you mad and frustrated, wanting nothing but to get as far from him as possible. So, you did. You hurried off, the sound of your heavy steps following you through the corridor. Hearing James’ pleading voice to stop you didn’t seem to work, you hurried your steps, not knowing where you were heading.
“Stop!” James appeared in front of you, stepping out of a hidden door you have not seen before.
“Leave me alone, James,” you pleaded, desperately needing some time alone.
“You felt it too. I know you did, so stop running away,” he stepped in your way as you tried to walk around him. He was determined to keep you there, to talk to you, to finally stop you from avoiding him.
“Why? I felt nothing. Just get away from me,” you raised your voice, even though you have never done it before, but it didn’t work. James wasn’t giving in.
“Enough,” he raised his voice this time, but it wasn’t threatening nor aggressive, he was firm and somewhat assertive. “You can avoid me if you like, you can ignore me if that makes you feel better but telling me that you didn’t feel anything when I touched you, lying to my face, that I will not take,” he exhaled slowly. “I know you felt it too and we both know what it meant. You are not stupid and nor am I. And if you feel like pretending that it didn’t happen,” he swallowed and heaved a heavy sigh,” we can do that, I will not force you. I’m only asking you not to run away from me,” he pleaded with you.
Feeling the tears collecting in your eyes, you tried to keep them in bay, not wanting James to see you so vulnerable. A heavy sigh left your lungs as you looked up at him, locking your eyes with him. “I— I don’t know how to handle this, James. You have been in love with Lily for so long, I don’t know how to react. I don’t want to be bonded to someone who already loves someone else,” you finally voiced your thoughts, finding it hard to resist the pleading look across his face.
“I never loved Lily,” he shook his head with a deep frown. “I was in a way infatuated with her, I liked the idea of liking her, but I didn’t love her. And I don’t feel that way anymore. I haven’t even tried getting closer to her in the last couple of months. If you were here, you could have seen it, but you decided to avoid me at all cost,” his tone, his demeanour, his firm stance radiated confidence and sincerity. Indeed, you haven’t seen much of him and you couldn’t judge what happened around your friend circle recently, but it was hard to believe that after all this time he just gave up on Lily.
“Look, whether you like her or not is not my business really and you don’t owe me any explanation. Maybe in the future you will like someone else, and I will be happy for you, but we have been friends for so long, I don’t want this stupid bond to stand in your way. So, let’s just pretend it didn’t happen, alright?” you tried to compromise, but James shook his head heavily in reply and stepped closer to you.
“How can you be so silly? You and this bond will always be standing in the way of me liking someone else, because regardless of that stupid bond, it is you that I like,” he confessed, his eyes a storm of emotions. He reached for your hand, cupping them in his, squeezing yours gently. “I like you. I really do. It has nothing to do with that bond,” he swallowed nervously. You tried to respond, say something, but instead you kept opening and closing your mouth as if you were a fish out of water, gaping, finding it hard to breath. It was hard to believe, but you couldn’t deny the tiny bit of flame you felt deep within you, hope that meant you still had a chance with him.
“But why?” you exclaimed in shock, not even realising your own words. James let out a mild chuckle, your words catching him off guard.
“Because you were always there for me, because you always knew what to say to me, how to hold me, how to deal with me. Because whenever I’m around you I’m both calm and nervous at the same time. Because you make me feel like a little child, wanting to smile whenever I see you. You are beautiful of course, but regardless I feel as though there’s this pulling force between us. I didn’t realise that I liked you until you were avoiding me. And it was not because of the bond, but because I realised that you were not there beside me and I missed the smallest of details that makes you—you. Scrunching your nose, pouting, grimacing at my silly ideas, scolding me for not studying. Every single little detail that makes you— you, was just missing from my life and it was killing me. I do like you more than you can imagine with or without that stupid bond,” he replied with a lopsided smile across his face, leaning his forehead against yours.
“But Lily—” you wanted to say, but he cut you off.
“There is no Lily. There’s only you and me. I just want you to maybe give me a chance to try if we work, if this— whatever is between us works,” he pleaded and instead of a reply, you stood on your tiptoes and attached your lips to his. He was hesitant, he didn’t know what was happening, but he didn’t let his chance slip out of his hands. He let go of your hands and cupped your face for better access, devouring your lips, losing himself in the moment where it was indeed only you and him.
“I like you. I like you so much,” you breathed against his lips, stunning him. His eyes widened at your words, clearly shocked by your sudden confession.
“But you have been avoiding me,” he exclaimed.
“I couldn’t be around you. I couldn’t watch you run after Lily anymore,” you shook your head, nervously biting your lip.
“I’m so sorry for putting you through that,” he hinted a small kiss on your forehead. “I promise I will make up for it if you give me a chance.”
“Wasn’t I clear enough?” you giggled softly as you placed your hands on his, holding your face. “There is nothing I want more than to give us a chance,” you smiled, reassuring him that you wanted him just as much as he wanted you.
“Well, since we have already missed the beginning of the first class, we could start off by trying to regain the last month you have so rudely taken from me,” he raised a questioning brow, hoping you would agree.
“I guess we could skip a class after all,” you giggled softly.
“Or more than one,” he wiggled his brows as he captured your lips once again, impatiently waiting for all the memories you were to experience together.
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comfortwriting · 4 years ago
Her Façade - F.W
Masterlist, Requesting Rules, Writing Prompts
Fred Weasley x Fem Hufflepuff Reader
Prompt 23: “your brother fancies me” you teased him, smirking. 
Requested/About: The reader hides behind a façade that everyone believes so easily but Fred. The two of them hook up occasionally but every time it happens, Fred swears he’ll never do it again. Ron is crushing on the reader and Fred dares him to make a move, which he does and succeeds. Fred thinks he can handle things until Ron invites the reader to the burrow for the summer, pushing Fred to his limits. 
Warnings: Jealous Fred, unprotected sex, breeding kink, mention of choking, swearing, mention of Dom/Sub.
Walking out of the great hall, Fred’s eyes burned into you from head to toe, watching you laughing at some lads terrible jokes. He couldn’t stand it, the innocent act you put on like a regular part of your clothing - because you weren’t innocent, you weren’t the ‘submissive little angel’ the Hufflepuff team gloated about and Fred knew it. 
You would bat your eyes, smile slightly, laugh lightly and sway. When having sex, you would obey your partner, lay on your back and act the part of the façade you picked out for yourself  - but when it came to Fred, you did nothing of the sort. You didn’t obey him, he obeyed you, you didn’t bat your eyes, you didn’t sway - you would mount him whilst he lay down, choking him whilst you fucked him.
Fred loved spending time with you, he loved the sex, he loved anything if you were in the picture - but after each hook up, Fred left feeling guilty, swearing to himself that would be the last time the two of you merge as one - and you noticed, and truth be told, you were hurt. 
“Hey Freddie” you chirped, snatching your attention from the Ravenclaw student.
Fred turned to face you, his hands stuffed in his pockets, the conversations between other students breaking through his head and drowning out his thoughts.  
“Alright Y/N?” he replied coolly.
Shaking your head you crossed your arms “not really” you replied “why have you been avoiding me since last week? was the sex too much for you-”
Fred tried to shush you, not wanting everyone around him to hear how you dominated him “no, I’ve just been busy” he lied “the usual, joke shop ideas and stuff, look - I’ve got to go.”
Pushing past you, Fred blended into the crowd of students before you had a chance to stop him, your heart pained for a moment but you didn’t ponder on it, Fred always came back to you, you didn’t even need to ask.
Fred would rather avoid you and you hate him than you knowing the real reason why he couldn’t bare to be around you. He shook his head, trying to rid the memories of you and him -  blaming himself for the reason you changed, for your true innocence to now be nothing but fake. 
Before you met Fred, you were innocent, you were a virgin, you knew nothing about asphyxiation, edging, squirting - and he changed all of that for you.
 Instead of showing up for Quidditch practice one afternoon, you laid in Fred’s bed, staring up at him, moaning out in pleasure and holding onto him tightly whilst he took your virginity. 
“You feel amazing Freddie” you moaned out, gripping onto him tighter.
Fred grunted and continued to penetrate you “I’m not hurting you am I?”
“Not at all”
One game absence multiplied and before you knew it hooking up with the more outgoing twin became a regular thing and because you weren’t dating - the two of you also saw other people which allowed you to remain your old self with them but become someone else entirely with Fred.
Riding him, your hand fastened around Fred’s neck whilst you moved your hips in circular motions.
“you look so hot with my hand around your throat” you moaned out.
“What's up Freddie?” George asked, seeing his distressed twin barge into the common room. 
Fred shrugged and sat next to George and his younger brother Ron, “just tired” he replied. 
“Well you’ll be glad to know, Ron is finally brave enough to tell us who he’s been fancying for the past year” George smirked.
Ron rolled his eyes and nudged his brother in the arm “shut up” 
12 months ago Ron noticed you, your gorgeous face, your stunning body, the way you laughed, smiled and the tone of your voice sounded when you got excited - the way you looked in your house colours making his heart skip beats. He constantly spoke about you to his older brothers, the two of them mocking him but ever so eager to put a face with the mystery girl. 
“go on then” Fred encouraged Ron “who is it?”
“Y/N Y/L/N” he muttered.
George raised his eyebrows and let out a whistle but his twin felt his heart split in two, he felt enraged knowing his little brother had fallen for your façade - not even close to knowing the real you. 
“I heard she’s a bloody good sub”
Fred couldn’t take it anymore, hoe everyone talked about you, the image of you laying with other people splashing in front of him, knowing how everyone wanted you and there was nothing he could do to stop it because you weren't his. 
“Just go talk to her!” Fred burst out “shoot your shot, make your move” 
Ron and George gave each other a strange look, both of them unsure as to why Fred sounded and looked so angry but Ron followed his brothers advice, and by the end of the school year, Fred couldn’t wait to be back at home, as far away from you as he could be - you and Ron flirting made him sick to his stomach.
“your hair looks so good when it’s long” you blushed, pushing Ron’s hair out of his face. 
Ron smiled “well, you look so good all together”
Fred in the distance watched, grumbling to himself knowing it wasn’t right for him to say a word - he felt relieved knowing that over the summer he wouldn’t have to see or hear anymore of you and Ron together.
“just tell her how you feel, Freddie.” George encouraged his brother, sitting on his bed. 
Fred sighed “there's no point, she prefers Ron anyway”
“don’t be bloody stupid, she’ll realise how much of a plonker he is.”
“I just don’t want to make things worse”
The first week back at the burrow felt like absolute bliss for Fred up until he heard your voice ringing through the kitchen, he paused and held his breath, looking at his brother George.
“is that Y/N?” George beamed, hopping off his bed to his feet, leaving the room and running down the stairs.
Fred took a deep breath and pursed his lips, also getting to his feet and leaving the bedroom, he walked down the many flights of stairs and down to the kitchen. 
“It’s so lovely to meet you.” you smiled at Molly, accepting a warm and loving hug from her. 
“You’re welcome to stay as long as you like dear, Ron has told us so much about you” 
Ron smiled and offered to give you a tour of the house and show you to his bedroom, Fred stared at you, his heart pining for you and aching in desperation to break free and hold you but the more he stared, the more infuriated he grew over his little brother having you.
You stay at the burrow went fast, in fact they had been the fastest three weeks of your life. You loved the atmosphere of the house, helping Molly cook, getting to know Arthur and his obsession with muggles, getting to know all of the family was an honour; you felt quite sad knowing that tomorrow you were going back home.
As much as you liked Ron, you couldn’t help but notice the lack of chemistry, he made you laugh, he made you blush and had lots to keep you engaged in conversation - but he didn’t really know you, like everyone else but Fred, you felt like you couldn’t be your true self around him. 
Over the dinner table you kept flashing looks at Fred, smirking at him, winking, running your foot against his leg under the table - anything to get his attention you had been deprived of for over a month now. 
Fred shuffled in his chair, clearing his throat and trying to contain himself, flashing looks of annoyance over at you, earning a grin from George who knew how much the tension had grown between you, how much it had been rising to the surface.
Sitting outside next to Ron in the garden in front of the outdoor fire, you sipped on Molly’s delicious hot chocolate which engulfed your insides in warmth, the sugar rushing to your head. Fred watched and chewed on his bottom lip in frustration at the sight of Ron making you laugh, he balled his hands into fists. 
“I think I’m going to call it a night” you beamed “got a busy day tomorrow”
Everyone waved and said goodnight, Fred stood up and said he needed to get his scarf as it was getting quite cold. 
Walking up the stairs, Fred followed you as silently as he could, walking into Ron’s room you picked up your belongings and turned around to shove them into your bag, bumping into Fred. 
“Do you mind?!” you hissed, clutching your chest.
Fred stared at you and scoffed “I could ask you the same thing”
Pushing past him, you stuffed your belongings in your bag “you’ve been acting as if I don’t exist Fred” 
“because you’re a liar, all you do is trick people, acting like you’re innocent when you’re not - you’ve roped my little brother into it!” Fred sounded more furious than ever.
Sighing, you zipped your bag shut and faced the lad your heart ached for “I don’t lie or trick people, I just don’t share every part of me with them.” You defended yourself “why do you care Freddie? why now?” 
“You wouldn’t understand” Fred started to pace around his brothers room, his hands stuck to his forehead. 
“your brother fancies me” you teased him, smirking.
Fred lost it, the desperation and hunger gleamed in his eyes, storming over to you, he pushed you against the wall and smashed his lips against yours. His tongue dragged across your bottom lip and you opened up your mouth, his tongue dancing with yours, his silky saliva pooling into your mouth. 
Letting out a moan, Fred’s hands went underneath your top, his long fingers fumbling with your bra strap and undoing it whilst your hands worked on getting him out of his trousers. 
Melting into his touch, you could feel yourself getting wet through your knickers and noticed Fred’s hard on poking through his trousers.
Pulling away from the kiss and pulling your shirt off, the two of you undressing one another, Fred lead you over to his little brothers bed, his hands gripping you by the hair. 
“do you want to know why I care?” he growled, bending you over the bed. 
You could feel yourself getting wet, the excitement fluttering in your tummy “yes Freddie, tell me.”
Fred kicked your legs apart, his free hand applying lube to his hard length and your desperate entrance he missed so much.
“I care because I’m in love with you” he finally confessed, lining his hard cock against your entrance “it infuriates me knowing that you pretend to be something you’re not to please other people you fuck, hearing them gloat about it riles me up, you’re fucking mine.” 
Fred slammed himself inside you without warning, causing you to yelp out in both pleasure and surprise, you missed the feeling of him inside of you, the way he filled you all the way, never making you feel empty.
“then make me yours Freddie, because I’m in love with you too”
Fred felt his heart skip a beat, all he ever wanted was now underneath him, telling him something he thought he wouldn’t ever hear. 
Continuing to slam inside of you, your juices coated his cock and his grip on your hair tightened. 
“I’ll make you mine” he growled lowly “cum deep inside of you and get you pregnant”
You moaned out, pushing yourself back against him so he could get deeper inside of you, your moans muffled against the bedsheets “I want to feel you shoot your load inside of me so bad.”
Fred started to pick up the pace, fucking you faster, his cock now shiny from your juices, the sound of him slapping against you filling the room.
“I will Y/N, everyone will know and you won’t be able to hide it.”
You moaned out even more, gripping onto the bed, your cunt wet and your walls tightening around his glossy hard cock.
“No one else will be able to go near you” Fred grunted “fuck... I’ll have you right where I want you”
As your walls continued to tighten around Fred’s length, his cock couldn’t stop twitching inside of you - the two of you getting closer and closer, being this close after so long apart, it finally filled the holes in your hearts.
“Freddie, I’m cumming!”
Fred smirked and pounded you faster “come for me Y/N, get yourself ready for my seed.”
The tension in your stomach built up and finally burst, your cum seeping out all over his cock, Fred watched and pushed himself deeper inside of you, releasing his seed.
Fred waited for a moment, the two of you cooking down and letting his load embed inside you to avoid any spillage.
Pulling out, you instantly felt empty and already missed him being inside you, Fred laid on the bed and pulled you into his arms, placing a loving kiss on your forehead.
“I meant everything, well, the I love you part.” He said softly, stroking your hair.
“Me too, Freddie. I want to be with you.”
Fred smiled and placed his hand against your cheek “me too.”
Taglist: @amourtentiaa @inglourious-imagines @reeophidian @alwaysnforeverfangirl
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secret-rendezvous1d · 4 years ago
“already? do i really have that much of an effect on you?”
hello, hi!
here is the much anticipated part three to ‘you owe me’; the first part is linked here and the second part is linked here. the second scene of this story is simply all smut and nothing more than that - i tried to make it as realistic as i could so i apologise for how shocking it may read to you. i’ve not written smut in such a long, long time that i’ve lost the knack for it. i’m not the best when it comes to writing sex scenes and all that so i did try my best. 
like, reblog and send in some feedback, please. it’s greatly appreciated and it helps me work out what you want to see and what you are after. if you want something specific then do let me know! i’d love to try and write something for you.
thank you. enjoy.
“already? do i really have that much of an effect on you?” spencer reid x female reader (reader insert imagine) word count; 3.4k
summary; after days of being teased by spencer, yn can’t control her feelings as soon as they arrive home and she doesn’t care where spencer suffices those feeling.
The plane ride home had been like any other journey home after a case had come to a conclusion.
Everyone scattered themselves amongst the confined space of the jet, with their own belongings to occupy them as they busied themselves for the ride home, doing anything to pass the time quicker. The coffee-maker was turned on upon their arrival and brewing a fresh batch of decaf coffee for them to sip at and to give them a little energy after been run ragged over the last couple of days, the fridge had been stocked with water for those who didn’t quite fancy a hot beverage and peanuts and other sorts of nuts had been left, in packets, for them to snack on throughout the duration. The blinds were ready to be pulled down but it hadn’t mattered because it was close to midnight and there was no outside light that would have caused them problems when trying to nap.
Hotch had taken his seat diagonal to Morgan in the collection of four seats, a small coffee mug in his hand as he sipped slowly at the liquid that burned his throat and made him feel a little more relaxed in his seat, his mind trying to not worry over filing the reports that would come in tomorrow morning when everyone had gotten some well-deserved rest. He was worn out from work and tired from working the longest days he’d worked and all he wanted was nothing more than to be at home with Jack, having a chat with mummy and tucking him in bed and reading him his bedtime story, before he conked out for the night and woke up feeling refreshed the next morning, ready for whatever was going to hit them in the next briefing. And Morgan, well Morgan did what he did any other time they were flying home; he was occupied with the headphones over his head, which played music that helped him divulge into his own world after a stressful day, knowing that he would be home and in his own bed before he knew it and not cramped up under a table and in to a seat that restricted his movements. The flight always bored him on the way home because, what could they talk about when they were exhausted from everything they had dealt with and had no reason to throw ideas around?
JJ slept in one of the singular chairs, curled up under the thin material of her FBI jacket because the plane felt a little cooler than normal and no one actually knew why, the other singular chair occupied by Emily who had found herself drifting in and out of sleep because of the turbulence that kept jolting her from the slim chance of catching some shuteye. A dream starting behind her closed eyes and being ripped away from her when the plane bobbed in the air under the cruel winds that were in the flight-path back to Virginia. Rossi was nose-deep in the book he had brought along to do research with, his laptop open on the table with a brand-new document opened up and a pair of hands that typed and typed and typed out the newest story he was close to sharing with the world upon his new book’s release. Eyes barely leaving the screen before him, the silencing rumble of the jet engines giving him the space to work with no distractions and no interruptions because everyone could barely string a sentence together and hope to hold a conversation, and every time he glanced around for a screen-break, he saw no open eyes watching him or staring into space.
Occupying the sofa had been Spencer and YN which, at the beginning of the flight, had caused some joking taunts and jeers because the team had finally gotten wind of what had happened before they were called in for the case and had an inkling in their guts that the moment, that had been so crudely interrupted, was bound to continue whenever they had the chance to start it back up again. But it wasn’t long before the taunts came to a halt and everyone drifted into their own worlds, leaving YN and Spencer to cosy up together, arms wrapped around one another, to nap - because YN had to drive home once they landed and Spencer really didn’t want her driving on no sleep because he knew of the possibilities.
And napping is all they did until they landed back in Quantico.
They said their goodbyes on the plane, whilst gathering their things and stretching the pained kinks in their backs and shoulders and necks, which was a strange thing because they all walked back into the unit together and stepped foot in the bullpen together and left things on their desks at the same time. A second set of goodbyes being shared, this time with hugs and handshakes and subtle nods being exchanged between the group of them, before they took their chance to escape.
Home was calling for them and they certainly weren’t going to ignore that.
“Are you hungry? I haven’t eaten since this morning and I could do with grabbing something to eat. Shall we grab something on the way back?” Spencer wondered, the elevator doors closing and shutting out the waving hands coming from Emily and JJ from the distance, shrugging their coats on being the last thing YN had seen before her view was restricted. Taking them down to the ground floor where they were expected to check-out of their duties only to re-sign back in during the following morning, his fingers laced with YN’s as they stood in close proximity in the largely-spaced elevator, “we could grab a burger from the burger van opposite? I know it’s not much and it should still be open but-”
“We have food at home, Spence,” YN assured him, squeezing his hand as the elevator came to a stop on the final floor and opened, revealing the ground floor that was empty of people. The tiled floors shining under the bright lights hanging from suspensions above, almost glaring and much brighter as it contrasted against the dark skies outside, squeaking footprints echoing around the large room as they exited the elevator and let the doors close behind them. For two in the morning, YN would have been surprised if anyone was still working into the early hours. “I just fancy a grilled cheese sandwich and a cup of tea, to be honest.”
“A grilled cheese sandwich?” Spencer gawked in surprise, coming to a halt and stopping her alongside him, eyebrows furrowed on his browline, “since when have you ever eaten a grilled cheese sandwich? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you make one, let alone suggest making one.”
“There are a lot of things you don’t know about me, Spencer Reid,” she grinned up at him and giggled when he looked a little surprised at her, his feet carrying on towards the exit and enticing her to follow (well, more like dragged along to start their way back to the doors again),, “I sometimes have one before I come to work, for breakfast. Don’t look so surprised, for goodness sake. They fill me up till lunchtime because we never know when lunch will be.”
“You don’t strike me as a greasy grilled cheese sandwich kind of girl,” he admitted, pushing the door open with his palm and letting her exit the building before him, hands still laced together as the cold air hit at their exposed skin. Her car was parked in a car-park opposite, just a short walk from where they had left the revolving doors of the bureau, in a space that had her name written all over it that kept it empty for her, in case of emergencies. “You’re more of a pancakes and syrup girl with strawberries and blueberries. All sweet and sugar, all things nice and delicious.”
“Oh, Spencer,” she tutted playfully, “I thought it was obvious that there’s a bit more to me than just sweet.”
She winked as she clambered into the car, seating herself comfortably in the driver's seat and swinging her go-bag into the footwell of the passenger side, starting the ignition to get the heating going as soon as possible so they could have a warm fifteen minute drive back to their apartment. She shrugged out of her coat and folded it in half, chucking it upon the back seats with her handbag following in suit, joining an opened and half-drunk water bottle that sat had been leaning upon the seat behind her for days. Spencer slipped his seatbelt on, clipping it in the clip beside his hip, setting his leather bag beside her go-bag (which had a couple of his folded shirts and a waistcoat in that she promised she would keep in good condition), feet squished up but he could deal with that until they got home.
“Let’s go,” she hummed, slipping the car into gear and pulling off in the direction their apartment was located, “I’m feeling rather hungry.”
“I thought you were hungry?” Spencer questioned in a state of disorientation, “we’re both hungry, baby. Come on.”
Her sudden actions of pushing him against the front door as soon as he had closed it behind him, of dropping their bags in haste so she could drag her hands down his clothed chest, of her lips barely leaving the skin of his neck had him taken aback. Really shocking, really out of the blue, yet he had no reason to push her away or move into the room like she hadn’t just playfully attacked him - he knew what she wanted, it was impossible not to know what she wanted, but this wasn’t exactly how he had planned on giving it to her.
“I mean, I am hungry but never said I was hungry for food, per se,” she admitted slowly, “I’m a little hungry for something else right now Spence and I’m hoping you can suffice that feeling. I know you can.”
“Is that so?”
She nodded and he allowed her face back into the crook of his neck, feeling her warm breath flush over the base of his neck, the bump of his Adam's apple twitched in his throat as he swallowed hard and let his eyes close in pleasure and pure satisfaction. It was nice for her to take charge every once in a while, showing him just what she wanted from him instead of him having to work out where she wanted him the most, and he was going to take full appreciation of the moment and she nibbled and bit and tugged at the skin of his neck.
“Yeah,” she puffed, a little out of breath as she littered kisses across the highest stretch of his chest, just below where his neck began and worked her way up the rest of the expanse  neck on the side she had yet covered in bite marks and saliva, “I don’t care where, just- fill this hunger.”
“Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you?” He wondered, asking with a hint of humour in his voice. His hands, that had been resting upon her hips, cupped her head and he let his palms mould into the curves of her skull, enough of a touch to bring her face to a place where he could look her deep in the eyes. “We’ve only just stepped foot through the door after working non-stop for the last few days and this is what you want to do at half two in the morning? Right here, right now?”
“You have no idea,” she whispered, arms snacking around his waist and pulling herself closer to him, chest to chest and their knee-caps pretty much touching, his crotch just a mere few centimetres from brushing against hers - and, if she moved forward just those mere few centimetres, she would have felt the effect she had on him. “I can’t wait any longer, Spence. Please?”
Almost having her beg for him, begging for his pleasure in the only way he knew how, was enough for him to buckle under her pressure and give in to her needs.
His hands came down to her jaw, the heels of his palms sitting underneath her chin, and she looked helpless in his eyes. She looked so helpless and vulnerable, her eyes wide and her lips in a squished smile between his hands, her tongue coming out to swipe at the bottom lip that had jutted out more prominently. Silently pleading for his silent confirmation that she could undo the belt from around his middle and let his trousers fall to the floor with the shake of his hips - she didn’t care that his trainers were left on, she didn’t care that his mismatched socks (that drove her crazy because there was never the same pair matched up once they’d left the dryer) were on show, she didn’t care that they were surrounded by a mess of their belongings - before she could pull his boxers down and release the cock that was begging for a release. Her fingertips teasingly dragged up and down his arms, shoulder to elbow from elbow to shoulder, her eyes full of inquisitivity.
He flicked her fringe out of his eyes and let the brief look down to the floor be all she needed to let her fingers work at undoing his belt. The clinking of metal colliding filled the room under the rhythm of her quick hands, his belt hanging loose so she could undo the button and the zip of his trousers, no need for a shake of his hips because the corduroy material slipped down his legs without any need of an aid. Her eyes darting down to the black boxers tight to his hips, a bulge so mind blowingly prominent that she couldn’t stop her hands from tucking under the elastic.
“Undress me,” she mumbled, her focus still on removing the boxer shorts from his legs, fingers curling around the elastic hem and giving them a tug down his thighs. His fingers awkwardly worked at undoing the buttons of her peach blouse, the ultimate urge to rip the material in two and have the plastic buttons flinging off in all directions with a promise spewing from his mouth that he would buy her a new blouse as a replacement was almost too tough to ignore, nimbly working away to reveal the peach-coloured bra beneath the material. Her breasts looked so perfect and blossomed in eyes. “You question your effect but you have no idea the effect you have on me.”
An arm snaked around her waist and up the expanse of her back, a thumb and a forefinger unhooking the bra (which was a skill he liked to be proud of - yeah, he may have been considered a nerd in high-school but he was a nerd that could do something better than those peers who showed authority to him with bullying), whilst his other arm stayed bent between their bodies with a finger and a thumb unbuttoning the button of her black work trousers. Her hips wiggling a little more vigorously than she necessarily needed to express but he wasn’t complaining; any chance to see both her bum and her boobs jiggle like jelly and he would take it.
“Fuck the foreplay,” she grappled for the back of his neck, bringing his lips to hers and connecting their mouths into a smacker that had them breathing in and out through their noses and had them doing everything with their eyes shut because they didn’t need to see each other to know their way around each other. His thumbs hooked into the lace of her knickers, slipping the soft material down her legs, leaving her half dressed on top and bare from the waist down, “show me how much you love me, Spencer.”
His arms wrapped around her waist, tapping her naked hip with the tips of his fingers, as a wordless indication for her to jump up and wrap her legs around his middle. Her arms bracing her weight and hoisting herself up, their lips barely detaching from each other as they worked hard on who could kiss the other more passionately, tongues in a battle as they let out gentle moans into each other’s mouths.
If she wanted to be shown then she was going to be shown.
She wrapped her fist around the girth of his cock and gave his length a couple of quick pumps, one after the other after the other after the other, until his hips were jerking forward and looking for more, pre-cum dribbling down her hand and sticking with a sticky sheen to her wrist. She could feel it and it only made her cravings for him deepen more than ever. Her legs wrapped tighter around his waist as she let his darkened tip, leaking and erect enough to do anything hands-free, slip between her folds and he filled her up so beautifully, so deliciously and he knew all the right spots inside her that had her squirming. With a swing of his body, he turned them around, her back colliding with the oak door with such a force that the wind had pumped out of her in the sound of a moan.
“You owe me, remember?”
Her whine that entered his ear had him melting under her touch, his mouth open with contentment and dragging down the stretch of her neck that linked with her collarbone, his hips working twice as fast as he gave thrust after thrust after thrust deep inside her.
The apartment was filled with moans and groans and lowly spoken profanities that masked the pleasure they felt in such an act of intimacy, pants and grunts occasionally flushing across her skin as he suckled at the skin beneath her neck and left another hickey behind. One that looked brighter than the others, which had bruised up over the last few days and were slowly disappearing, and the thought of covering it up with make-up and scarves for the rest of the week would have driven her insane if she wasn’t so invested in his cock thrusting deeply into her, having her toes curling each and every time he deepened the push of his hips. How could she think of anything else when he was so perfect, doing such a perfect job, with a perfect cock that was giving her such perfect pleasure?
He had dragged the teasing out for days; the kissing in the hotel room that gave her the impression he was enticing something to happen, the slip of his fingertips that ducked under the waistband of her knickers that had her thinking he was finally giving in, the smack on her bum when he walked passed her that only added fuel to the fire burning in the pit of her stomach. She was thankful that the anticipated round of sex had finally come, so she could finally come, and feel relieved that the period of teasing and whatever the female version of ‘blue-balls’ was finally over. And she was surprised that they had lasted as long as they had.
Her heels duck into the dip of his back, legs shaking around his waist as he brought her to orgasm, the illicit actions turning sloppy and slow and she could feel the jet-like spurts escape the tip of his cock and fill her up, each thrust now sounding wet as he groaned in her ear and lost the rhythm he had been following to greatly.
“How was that?” He hummed, a sheen of sweat covering his forehead, proof that he had done his best and he hoped she felt fulfilled and satisfied enough. His fringe stuck to his skin, curls standing in all directions and it would have definitely been considered ‘sex-hair’, but he looked cute post-sex and she wouldn’t have it any other way. She nodded, resting her chin on his shoulder, tilting her head so it came into the most gentlest of contact with his. “Yeah, I agree.”
They stayed there, standing against the door, for a little while longer. Her legs still tight around his waist like she was scared to lose him as soon as she let go, his cock still situated deep inside her and he could barely come down from the feeling of being erect because she felt so good around his girth; she took him so well, homed him so warmly and perfectly, and he just couldn’t bring himself to leaving that delectable wetness that swallowed him. She didn’t want to leave the comfort of his arms and he wasn’t ready to leave the warmth of her, not by any chance.
“I’m hungry now though,” she broke the silence and giggled, “reckon we could make grilled cheese sandwiches and eat them in bed?”
“You’re lucky Hotch doesn’t want us in early tomorrow,” he craned his neck back and looked at her, giving her nude bum a pat with his palms, her forehead coming to rest against his with a look in her eyes that only came post-sex and he found so gorgeously cute, “come on then. Grilled cheese and a cup of tea it is.”
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alderaani · 4 years ago
prison break (echo x reader)
A valentines gift for @just-some-girl-92 as part of the event being run by @starwarsfandomfests! Thanks so much for putting another one of these together @lilhawkeye3, and I really hope you like this Dell! I think credit for white haired Echo goes to @/amiro-art? That was the first place I saw it anyway, and I’ve really liked the headcanon that it’s like that post-techno union ever since!
Based on this prompt: Character A moves in next to Character B. They have conjoined balconies and A's pet/child wanders into B's apartment.
Fives and Echo are both reunited and well in this because everyone gets to be happy on Valentine’s Day and I said so. We don’t need canon on this blog.
The other side of the wall explodes with noise. 
It makes you pause, looking up from the knitting trailing over your knees to cock your head towards the opposite apartment. You think you hear the screech of furniture legs being pushed along the floor, then the frantic rumble of several male voices speaking over the top of each other, the clatter and clang of things as they are removed and replaced.
It’s odd. When Tith-Mar lived next door, you used to hear it every time he coughed, or swore at that awful old holodrama he used to watch every Taungsday. As much as you tried to stop yourself you couldn’t help but get invested, and that was almost worse. Out of pride you never put it on your own unit, but that just meant you ended up half pressed against the wall, eventually not even pretending you weren’t listening to Capula and Mont confess their love. It had given you something to talk about, anyway, when you went onto the balcony to water your plants and he went out there to smoke the fancy deathsticks he joked he’d live and die by.
In the year since the war ended and Tith-Mar was finally able to move back out to be with his daughter on Ryloth you’ve never quite gotten used to the quiet. There was a strange comfort in knowing that there was someone on the other side of the wall. Maybe it came from the three years of water shortages and occasional outages - or, notably, the rampage of the Zillo beast, which hadn’t come quite close enough to flatten you in your sleep, but had downed enough of the power grid that you’d been locked in your apartment for five rotations. You miss the soft Rylothi folk music he used to play in the mornings, and you miss seeing him sometimes, blowing smoke up into the brisk Coruscant mornings with his blue lek, faded now in old age, wrapped around his neck like a scarf.
You just miss the comforting assurance of having someone else there. If it wasn’t for the sound of the door going, and the occasional thump of something being moved, you’d hardly know that you had neighbours at all now. It’s almost funny to think back on the furore it caused when the Republic bought the apartment for GAR resettlement. It led to the only neighbourhood meeting the building has ever had, and you’ve been very glad for that fact after discovering that a solid faction of your fellow citizens are bigots. It’s something you knew, objectively, but witnessing it from the people you personally rub shoulders with was a harder pill to swallow than having to watch some of the anti-clone protests on the holonews. You’ve not tried to remember the more colourful misconceptions about clone troopers aired by prim soft-handed mid-levellers as they sat in a lobby you can remember the Coruscant Guard clearing rubble from with nothing but their hands. However, you do very vividly remember someone from two floors up asking you if you’d ‘really feel safe’ living next to ‘those walking warmongers’, being young and living on your own. You’d shut that down, of course, and the resulting vote had passed in favour.
You’d honestly half expected the troopers to reject the place after that, and you wouldn’t have blamed them either. 
Everyone had known the day they moved in, had pretended not to watch as a GAR issue speeder loaded with two armoured figures and a meagre quantity of possessions had pulled up on the walkway and made their way cautiously inside. You’d thought about introducing yourself, knocking or something, but concluded in the end that they didn’t need anyone else ogling them. You’d figured that there would be plenty of time for that later...and now here you are, a whole year on, and that glimpse is just about the closest you’ve ever gotten to them. You think they still spend a lot of time off-planet, helping with the reconstruction missions the now-voluntary GAR conducts throughout the Mid and Outer Rims. You hadn’t even been sure that they were home at the moment, actually. 
There’s no doubting it now, as the frantic thumps and raised voices continue. Through your balcony door, cracked open to catch some of the soft breeze the weather engineers have scheduled today, you can make out a little of what their voices are saying, one frantic and forceful, the other softer, but no less worried.
“ - kriffing hell, can’t believe we’ve lost...Rex will have our heads
“...can’t have gotten far...can’t even walk!”
“ - already checked the fresher, Echo!”
“It can’t hurt to check twice...knew we shouldn’t have
You bite your lip, turning round while debating whether you should offer your help. Then you freeze. The baby on the other side of your caf table freezes too, chubby hand poised to grab the cookie you’d been saving for later. They’re standing on legs that wobble a bit, and there’s a glint of steely determination in the dark eyes that fix on your face. 
“Hello,” you say a little weakly, realising very abruptly what the troopers must have lost.
The kid appraises you for a moment longer, brow furrowed and intent. There’s a huge amount of judgement there for such a small face, those focused eyes taking you in for several very long seconds. Then they huff, and very deliberately turn their attention back to the cookie. You smother an incredulous laugh. 
“Not impressed, huh?” You say, carefully setting your knitting aside and uncovering your legs. “Can’t say I blame you, I prefer cookies too.”
The baby doesn’t dignify this with any attention, instead making a soft crowing noise as their little fingers strike victory and retract with the cookie firmly in grasp. When they immediately move to cram it into their mouth you burst into action, leaning across the caf table to swipe it. Just those mere seconds of contact have made it slightly damp. 
The baby’s face scrunches in outrage, and they let go of the table edge, sinking down onto their padded bottom with a sharp, high noise of annoyance. They don’t cry, but the frown is something spectacular.
“Sorry, kid.” You force yourself the rest of the way up, keeping a hold on the cookie with one hand. Can kids this young even eat solid foods yet? Do they have any allergies? You don’t have any siblings, so the last time you were around a baby was when you were one. For all this one’s bravado, they look awfully breakable. “I’ll hang on to this for now, yeah?”
You don’t think that they’re old enough to understand what you’re saying, but the huff the baby lets out feels extremely pointed. You stare down at them on your rug.
“Don’t suppose you could give me any pointers on how to hold you?”
It turns out babies are wriggly. You put the cookie down long enough to hoist the kid into your arms and attempt to manoeuvre their little arms and legs so that they’re not jabbing into your vital organs, but at the sight of the food being placed far away, the kid lets out a piercing noise, right into your ear, and attempts to kamikaze their way back to it. A body that two seconds ago was ramrod solid and deliberately unwieldy is suddenly boneless and impossible to hold onto. Your brain goes empty of everything but wrestling with several pounds of struggling infant. 
You end up on the floor, eventually, but at least both of you are in one piece. You’re breathing heavily. The kid’s face is thunderous. It’s very cute, but you can’t wait to give it back and appreciate that from a distance. Somehow, you manage to settle them onto your hip.
“What the f - heck was that for?” You ask, purely to make yourself feel better. Even if the kid could answer you, you get the feeling they simply wouldn’t. “Was it because I put the biscuit down?”
The kid makes a huffing noise. You roll your eyes, but can’t help smiling. The baby’s dark, just-curling hair is soft against the skin of your upper arm, and their weight is warm and solid against your side. 
“I’m not taking it away from you. I’m gonna let you have it, just need to make sure it’s safe for womp-rats first. And return you before those poor guys tear their place apart, okay?”
You re-collect the cookie and struggle back to your feet, looking towards the open balcony. Visions flash through your mind of the baby pulling that boneless trick out there, with nothing but spacelanes separating them from the ground 50 stories below, and...no. You’re not even vaguely risking that. The front door is definitely the better option, but somehow more daunting, as you stand before the neighbouring apartment with your heart in your throat.
The second you knock, the frantic voices inside cut off abruptly, and then you hear the mad scramble that ensues to reach the door. It wooshes open, and suddenly you’re face to face with your neighbours for the first time. 
They’re less identical than you’d expected. Maybe that’s a stupid thought, but it’s the first one that stumbles, half formed and dazed, into the open void your brain has just become. The second, very unhelpful follow up, is that they’re also much prettier than you’d expected. Not that you’d necessarily expected anything, but - you’ve never seen one of the clones without their helmets before. The Corrie Guard, back during the war, had made a point of never taking them off as far as you’d ever seen. That was apparently a crying shame. One of them has thick, dark curly hair, a tidy goatee, and a tattoo on his forehead. The other’s hair is a sharp, startling white, interrupted by metal nodes of some sort. Some sort of post-war medical adaptation, you assume. He’s slightly leaner all over, his eyes a little larger in his face. But the way both of them sag against the door frame is exactly the same.
“Thank the fucking force,” The dark haired one breathes, clutching at his chest.
The other trooper elbows him sharply in the ribs. “Fives.”
“She’s ten months old, Echo. She’s not gonna repeat it.”
“She just escaped from our apartment after General Skywalker swore up and down she’s not mobile yet. It’s gonna be her first word just to spite us.”
You laugh before you can stop yourself and flush a little when all attention snaps back to you.
“That I can believe,” you force yourself to say. “Hi. I think I found something of yours.”
You hold out your armful of infant and - you presume Fives is his name - reaches out to take her, groaning in relief. 
“Thank you,” he says, fervent, taking a moment to bury his face into the child’s hair. She puts a determined thumb into her mouth and stares at your hand, still clutching the cookie. The trooper turns her in his arms and holds her up at eye level. “You are a menace, Leia. I thought we were gonna have to call in a search.”
It’s nice to have a name for that little displeased face. Leia regards the trooper for a moment before sticking her hand into his face. His eyes are impossibly warm as he pretends to gobble her fingers, and it is, quite frankly, cute as fuck. He turns his attention back to you, but just as he opens his mouth, the sound of a comm going off somewhere behind them cuts through the moment.
“That’ll be the General,” The white-haired trooper laughs. “You better take her and show him, before he raises down half of Coruscant trying to get here.”
Fives nods, flashing another blinding grin at you, before he and Leia are gone. The trooper you’re left with blows out a breath and scrubs a hand over his face. 
“Well,” he says, his mouth crooking into a wry smile. “That was exciting.” 
He sticks his hand out, and when you take it, his palm is rough and his grip firm. You give him your name without thinking about it, staring into the kind, golden depths of his eyes. They crinkle at the corners when he grins. 
“I’m Echo. And - I know Fives already said it, but seriously, thank you. Where the shab did you find her?”
“Trying to steal biscuits from my caf table,” you say, laughing openly when Echo drops his face back into his hand and groans with embarrassment. “I think she got in through the balcony door.”
“Force, we didn’t even think of that. What a first impression, you must think we’re idiots.” 
You shake your head, enamoured by the faint colour you can see rising in his cheeks. He brings his metal hand up to his face and presses the cool prosthetic against his skin. 
“Not at all. You should have seen the look she gave me when I found her, she knows she’s in charge.” 
Echo smiles bashfully. “It’s the first time we’ve ever won the lot to babysit the twins, our Company would have crucified us if we’d lost her.” 
“Then I’m very glad to have provided a rescue.” 
There’s a short silence as you fidget with your sleeves, strange anticipation churning in your gut. There’s no reason to keep standing here now that the pleasantries are done with, the baby exchanged, but...some part of you resists it, almost looking for an excuse to stay. He and Fives are the first new friendly faces you’ve met in a long time, soothing a sting you didn’t know was there.
“I - um -,” Echo begins suddenly, shifting a little. The colour in his face deepens. “I really like your plants. I’ve always meant to say something. We keep trying to guess what they are.” 
“Oh!” Your heart turns over in your chest and you wouldn’t be able to stop the smile bursting onto your face if you tried. Those damn things are so hard to keep alive through the unpredictable engineered weather. You don’t think you’re particularly house proud, but you do preen a little that he’s noticed. “Thank you, I, um, I water them every morning. I could...go through them with you one day? If you like?” 
Echo’s head dips an assent. “I’d really like that.” 
You linger a moment longer, a pleased thrill still lingering in your belly, but there’s no putting it off now. “I suppose I should let you go. But...please knock if you need anything.” 
Echo smiles. “Hopefully not in pursuit of any more babies.” 
You’re just about to turn away when you remember the cookie in your hand, slightly smushed now. “Oh! Can you give this to Leia? I wanted to make sure she could eat them, first, but I promised. Seemed only fair, since she went to all that trouble.” 
Echo huffs, his expression softening, taking the cookie with careful hands. “I’ll make sure her highness gets it.” 
Then you go back to your quiet apartment, somehow deflated when faced with the monotony of your knitting and your music. You hear a few more sounds from the other side of the wall, faint laughter, perhaps a child squealing, and find your curiosity has not been sated at all.
It’s a wonderful surprise, then, when two days later on a clear, sunlit morning, you slide open your balcony door to water the plants and find Echo waiting, his face tipped up to the brightening sky. There is a packet of cookies resting on the duracrete by his feet, and two steaming mugs of caf on the railing by his elbow. 
It feels like something special...It feels like a beginning. 
taglist // @nelba @leias-left-hair-bun @battletales @bad-batch-of-fics @iscream4clones @majorshiraharu @snippytano @missinashkin @808tsuika @eries45 @dom-i-nic // 
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anna-justice · 4 years ago
But We Do - Upstead
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Summary: 5 times Jay and Hailey said they were “just friends,” and 1 time they knew they were something more. 
Warnings: swearing, fluff, maybe mentions of violence?
Requested: No

1 - they don’t cancel other plans, have conversations with nothing but their eyes

Jay walked out of the breakroom, phone pressed to his ear and a cup of coffee in his hand. They were wrapping up an intense day in intelligence, they had closed a big case involving a tender age victim, all of them were taking it pretty hard. 
“Hey man,” Jay said quietly as he approached his desk. He watched his partner sigh, running a hand through her tousled blonde hair. 
“Hey,” Will said, “We still on for the game tonight?” 
Jay kept his eyes on Hailey, she looked distraught. “Uh
” Hailey looked up, catching his gaze and giving him a weak smile. Jay furrowed his eyebrows at her and she shrugged, her chest heaving as she looked back down at her report. “Sorry. I can’t tonight, something came up. Raincheck?” 
“Yeah, no worries man.” Will said, “I’ll see you later.” 
“See you.” Jay agreed, finally finishing the last few steps to his desk. He sat down, placing all the reports on his desk in a neat pile. Swiftly, he leaned over the monitor in front of him and swiped a stack of papers off his partners desk, replacing them with his cup of coffee. 
Hailey was startled by the commotion, glancing up at the man across from her. He was focused on his computer screen, deep in thought. Hailey smiled softly, taking a sip of the coffee before getting back to work. Jay felt her gaze on him, he avoided it, focusing on the task before him. If he looked up he’d get lost in those bright blue eyes, and then he’d never get any work done. 
About an hour later, Jay threw his pen down on his desk, groaning. “I’ve written the word ‘offender’ so many times that it doesn’t even feel like a word anymore.” He said. 
Hailey cracked a smile, “You done?” She had been for about 20 minutes, but they were the last ones left, and she didn’t want to make him work alone, especially since he was helping with her work load. 
 Jay nodded, “Yep, just finished, ready to get out of here?” 
“Yes.” Hailey said immediately, grabbing her coat off the back of her chair. “Give Will my best.” 
Jay stood, “I’m not meeting Will.” He confessed. 
Hailey looked at him, confused. “You said you were going to the Hawks game, Jay, you’ve been excited all day.” She frowned, but he just shook his head.
“Will gets tickets for every game, there will be another one.” He jokes, but Hailey doesn’t look convinced. “I’m not really feeling it tonight, not after today
” It was true, he didn’t want to ignore his problems for the night, not when she’d call him out on it later anyway. Plus, Hailey was way more fun than a Hawks game.
She eyed him cautiously, “As long as you aren’t ditching on my account.” 
Jay laughed, “I am.” Hailey glared at him. “Not cause you need it, cause I do.” Her expression softens as Jay grabs his keys and coat, “Come on, drinks on me.” 
Hailey smiled, falling into step behind him. “You spoil me.” 
2 - they don’t call you in the middle of the night, couldn’t even tell you why

Hailey shot up in her bed, her chest rising and falling at a rapid rate. She held a hand to it, trying to control her breathing. She hated to admit it, but nightmares were a constant issue for her, it was rare that she slept a full night.
It made sense, the trauma of her childhood, in addition to the horrors she sees on the force. When her mind wasn’t actively fighting against the memories, they were all consuming. Tonight though, was a special type of terror. It was often that Hailey dreamed of her green eyed partner, but sometimes he snuck into her nightmares. Every once in a while, she was transported back to that day, the day she almost lost him. And even though he lived, in her mind at night, the fear that he didn’t was overwhelming. 
She rolled over, clutching her pillow. All rationality said he was fine, probably asleep in his own bed. Her phone caught her eye, like it was pulling her to it. It sat there taunting her. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore, she just needed to hear his voice. 
Obviously, she had him on speed dial, only needing to click his contact. The ringing started and after the fourth one, she considered hanging up. Then after the fifth
 “Hello?” A groggy voice asked. 
“Hi.” She said softly. She had the sudden urge to throw her phone out the window.
Jay sat up immediately, running his hand over his face, “Hailey? What’s wrong?”
Hailey froze, she hadn’t thought that far ahead. “Nothing.”
“Okay?” He said, not really convinced. 
“I just needed to make sure you were okay.” Hailey rushed out. She blushed to herself, thankful that he couldn’t see her crimson cheeks. 
That woke Jay up all the way, he sighed, his voice laced with concern. “Hailey, I’m fine.” He waited a few seconds. “Are you?” 
Hailey took a breath, she debated confessing everything she had been feeling lately. How affected she was by her dreaming that he was dead. “Uh, just a bad dream.” 
“About?” He asked. 
“That day.” She said softly. He didn’t say anything. “I’m okay, Jay.” She said,trying to reassure him.
She heard rustling over the line, “I’m sorry Hailey.” He said, “For what I put you through.” 
“I know.” They sat in silence for a few minutes, just listening to each other breathe. It was oddly comforting, the constant assurance that the other one was there. “Jay?” Hailey asked.
“Will you stay on the phone...until I fall asleep?” She asked, cautiously. It was a strange ask, especially because Hailey knew that there was no way she was going back to sleep, but she wasn’t ready to hang up, and she wasn’t ready to talk.
Jay sat there shocked, there was something so intimate about her request, something he wasn’t expecting, but certainly something he wasn’t upset about. “Yeah, I’ll be right here.” 
They both laid back down in their respective beds, phones laying on the pillow next to them. Eventually Hailey heard the sound of soft snores, she smiled to herself. She closed her eyes and just listened: he was alive and he was there.
3 - they don’t almost say “i love you,” when they’re downtown somewhere just a little drunk...
Jay sat in between Kevin and Will at Molly’s knocking back his third beer. They were celebrating Adam’s birthday, which meant they were in for a night full of alcohol. Adam was a bit of a control freak when it came to his birthday, insisting that everyone was at his beck and call for the day. They all let it slide, after all, he acted like their own personal assistant on each of their birthdays. 
“Okay boys.” Adam called to the long line of their friends sitting at the bar. “Time for shots!” 
Kevin laughed, “Are you paying?” 
Adam shrugged, “The party is on me tonight, but you all are responsible for getting me home alive.” 
Kevin nodded, looking to Jay, who nodded. “Copy that.” He turned to Herrmann, “I’m going to need two of those badboys and a glass of that fancy bourbon I know you are hiding back there.”
“Make that two,” Jay said, holding up his hand. 
Hailey, Kim and a few of the other girls watched the antics from across the bar. Stella came over, carrying a tray of miscellaneous cocktails and bottles. Kim’s jaw dropped and Hailey started laughing. Stella shrugged, setting the tray down. “I heard Ruzek’s buying.” She said, before floating back over to the bar.
“Thank you!” Hailey called.
Sylvie picked up a cup filled with green liquid, “Why is it green?” 
“Absinthe?” Kim asked.
Hailey quickly took the drink from Sylvie, “Believe me, you don’t want this.” 
Sylvie laughed, picking a different drink. “Yeah, probably not.” 
Hailey smiled, taking her pick of the tray. She played it safe, pulling a beer off the back. “Lame.” Gianna teased.
Hailey shrugged, “Someone has to get those losers home.” She glanced at the bar, watching her partner down a shot with Adam.   
Kim raised her glass, urging the other girls to do the same. “Happy Birthday Adam.” She said, and they all took a sip. 
About thirty minutes later, Jay was more gone than he had been in a long time. The man could hold his liquor, but he could not keep up with Kevin or Kelly. He was handed another shot by his brother, who was right there with him. Jay tossed it back, barely feeling the burn. 
He slumped over on his stool and turned to scan the bar, his gaze landed on his partner and it stayed there shamelessly. She was laughing, her head thrown back and her body visibly shaking. He smiled, leaning back against the bar and just watched.
Kevin glanced over, following his friend's gaze. He chuckled. “Jay, man.” He said, nudging his shoulder. “You’re staring.
“No I’m not.” Jay said, his gaze never leaving her. 
“Sure.” Kevin slurred, grabbing his shoulder and spinning him around to face the bar. Jay glared at him, Kevin held up his hands in surrender. “I’m just trying to help you out.” 
“Chuckles is staring at you.” Trudy teased Hailey from across the table. Hailey, not so subtly, snapped her head around, causing the whole table to laugh. “Well, he’s not now.” 
Hailey slowly faced her friends again, her cheeks bright red. “Yeah, just checking.”
Sylvie giggled, she had taken a small sip of the absinth anyway. “You like him.” 
Hailey shook her head, “What? No.” She stared down her drink, “We’re partners. He’s my best friend.” 
“Okay.” Kim said, smirking, everyone else following suit. 
Before he knew it, Jay’s gaze was back on Hailey. She was so pretty, he didn’t even understand how someone could be so beautiful. He picked up the full shot glass, downing it quickly. He had spent the whole night thinking about her, and he couldn’t pretend he didn’t feel the way he did anymore. 
Jay pushed himself off the stool, stumbling a little, he couldn’t keep the smile off his face as he made way across the bar. “Hi Hailes.” He said, grabbing her attention.
Hailey smiled brightly. “Hey, having fun?” She asked, cocking an eyebrow. She could tell he had been just by the way he was swaying in front of her. 
Jay nodded, “Yeah...um...I need to tell you something.”
The whole table watched him eagerly, “Yeah?” She asked, her heart racing.
Will looked over and his eyes widened at the empty seat next to him. “Kev.” He said.
Kevin looked over, “Shit.” He said. He motioned for Will to follow him and they raced over to Jay.
“I-” He started, but Kevin and Will appeared on either side of him. 
“Hi Hailey.” Kevin said.
“Bye Hailey,” Will continued, before grabbing his brother's arm and yanking him away from her. Hailey sat there in shock as they walked away, talk about a let down.
Jay huffed, ripping his arms away. “What was that?” He snapped.
“It was us saving your ass.”
4 - they don’t talk about the future, and put each other in it

Hailey shifted in her seat, turning her body slightly towards the center console. She held up the camera in her hand, looking through the lens. She snapped a picture of the license plate of the car that just rolled up. 
“You see that?” Jay asked from the driver's seat, leaning back. Hailey nodded, taking another picture. Jay scribbled down the make and model into his notes before they watched the driver re-enter the car and drive away. 
A few minutes went by and they sat in silence once again, they had been on a stakeout for several hours and all they had to show for it was a few license plates. Hailey sighed, “So, the Sergeants exam sign up was posted this week.” She said, bringing up something she’d been meaning to for several weeks. 
“Okay?” Jay said, “You planning on taking it?” He asked, chuckling. 
Hailey shook her head, laughing lightly. “Me? No way. I think you should.” 
“What?” Jay, finally looked over at her. 
Hailey looked at him in disbelief, he really hadn’t thought about it? “Jay, you’ve been a detective for almost ten years, don’t you feel like it’s time to take the next step?” She asked.
Jay shrugged, “I hadn’t really thought about it...maybe in a couple more years. Why? You sick of me?” He teased.
“No,” Hailey said, rolling her eyes. “I just want you to succeed, and Voight has always said you’ll take the unit one day
“Yeah, one day.” He said, cracking a smile. To be honest, he had thought about the test, but he wasn’t sure he was ready to potentially move on from Intelligence or from his partner. 
Hailey turned to face him completely, “Well, when one day comes, I’ll help you study.” 
Jay watched her, her smile so genuine. He had just said that he was going to wait a couple more years, and Hailey intended to be there for them. “So, you’re keeping me around?” 
“Yeah, you haven’t pissed me off yet.” Jay gave her a look, “Much.” Hailey took a breath. “I’m serious Jay, I’ve got your back, no matter what, no matter when.”
“Thanks.” Jay said, squinting at her. 
Hailey scoffed, “You sound surprised
Jay shook his head, “I’m not surprised, it’s just nice to hear you say it.” He turned to face her, “We don’t talk like this very much.” 
“Yeah, cause you show emotion once every three weeks.” Hailey teased, slapping his bicep.
“Oh, you’re one to talk.” 
Hailey laughed along with him, leaning her head against the window. “Jay, you know I’d follow you anywhere, even to another unit. I’m not losing this.” She gestured between the two of them.
Jay nodded, he knew she was talking about their partnership, but couldn’t help but hope she meant something else. “I know, and you’ll always have a spot, wherever I am.” 
5 - they don’t stand around playing with their keys, finding reasons not to leave

“Jay, can you stop hovering.” Hailey said, turning to face him. He had been following her around her kitchen for fifteen minutes while she did random things.  He had brought her home from the hospital a few hours earlier, and he hadn’t left her alone since. 
She was tackled down by a suspect earlier that morning and after getting checked out by Will, they learned that she had a few bruised ribs. It was nothing too serious, but it was enough for Jay to have a mini aneurysm about it, which is why Hailey was coming close to stabbing him with the knife she was trying to put away. 
Jay took a step back at her harsh words, putting his hands up. “I’m sorry, I just don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
Hailey stood up straight, placing her hands on her hips. “I think I’m capable of unloading my dishwasher.” 
“Alright,” He said, admitting defeat. He grabbed his keys off the counter and headed towards the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“See you, thanks for dinner.” She said kindly, before turning back to her work. 
Jay opened the door, watching her for a few more seconds. He was about to leave when heard a thud, followed by a hiss. Within seconds, the door was slammed shut and he was back by her side. “Hailey.” He said, picking up the bowls that fell on the floor.
She huffed, leaning against the counter, hand draped over her stomach to cover her rib. “I’m fine, I just couldn’t reach.” She explained, nodding at the open cabinet. 
Jay sighed, “You’re not fine.” He set the stack of bowls neatly in the cabinet before turning to face her. “Come on.” 
Hailey rolled her eyes and followed him into the living room, sitting down on the couch next to him. He threw a blanket over her before getting up again. “What are you doing?” Hailey called after him.
There were sounds of rummaging in the kitchen, and then a few seconds later Jay appeared with a glass of water and a bottle of ibuprofen. “Here.” He said, “You should take these.” 
He handed her the cup and Hailey took it gratefully. “Thanks.” 
“Yeah,” He took a step back, standing next to the couch. He shifted nervously, keeping his eyes on her. “Well, I guess I’m gonna go. Promise me you’ll stay put?” He asked, and Hailey nodded. “Okay, Goodnight Hailey.” He said, before walking out of the room.
Hailey sighed, as much as she hated being fawned over, she didn’t want him to leave. “Jay!” She yelled.
Two seconds later he was standing in front of her again, “Yeah?” 
“I’m probably going to need your later
” She said, watching a smile appear on his face. “Do you just want to stay?” 
“Yes.” He said immediately, “I mean
” He rubbed the back of his neck. “If you really need me to.” 
Hailey laughed, “I do.” Jay took it as an invitation to reclaim his seat on the couch, pulling the other half of the blanket over him. Hailey leaned her head on his shoulder and stayed put, exactly like she promised she would.
but we do

Hailey sat with her head resting in her hand as she watched Jay from across the room. She was staring, and it was obvious, but he was too busy chatting up some girl to notice her gaze. Molly’s was crowded, like normal, but tonight she had decided to sit alone. She had been watching the girl flirt with her partner for a while now, and she didn’t want to bring anyone else down with her mood. 
She thought things had changed, that maybe Jay felt the same way about her, but the look on his face right now was telling her otherwise. Hailey sighed, averting her gaze and staring absently at her phone, trying to distract herself. It wasn’t working. 
“You know,” A familiar redhead said as they slid into the seat across from her, “You could just tell him how you feel.”
Hailey sat up straight, looking at the other Halstead in disbelief. “What?” 
Will laughed, “Don’t even deny it Hailey, I’ve been watching you make eyes at my brother for the last hour.” 
“I’m not making eyes.” She snapped, keeping her gaze trained on him. 
“Okay.” Will said, taking a sip of his beer. “Just for the record, I think you would be satisfied with his answer.”
Hailey jumped off her stool, throwing a ten down on the table. She was glad she had decided to only have one beer, she was sober enough to get the hell out of there. “Goodnight Will.” She said shortly before rushing towards the door, not giving her partner a second glance as she passed. 
Jay watched the blur of blonde hair fly past him, noticing that it was Hailey walking out the door. His eyebrows laced together and he stood, “It was really great to see you Marissa, but I need to go.” He said quickly before grabbing his jacket and racing out the door after his partner, he was gone so fast that he didn’t even hear the girl say goodbye.
“Hailey!” He called after her.
Hailey turned around, she was only a feet ahead of him, she blamed her short legs. “I’m fine Jay, go back to your date.” She said a little harsher than she meant to before turning to walk away again. 
“Date?” He asked, grabbing her hand and pulling her back to him. “Hailey, that was Will’s ex-girlfriend, I was friends with her brother in high school, we were just catching up.” 
Hailey scoffed, “That little shit, ugh, it doesn’t matter. You don’t have to explain yourself to me Jay, we’re just friends.” 
Jay ran his hands through his hair, letting out an exasperated sigh. “Are we?” He snapped. That got Hailey’s attention, she watched him closely as he took a step forward. “Hailey, I’ve to convince myself that there was nothing here, because you are my best friend. But friends don’t act the way we do, I saw you watching me tonight, that wasn’t a ‘friendly’ look.” He said. 
Hailey blushed, looking at the ground. “Jay-”
He tilted her chin up to look at him. “You can lie to yourself all you want, but I can’t. I love you Hailey...and I think you love me too.” Hailey swore she stopped breathing for a second, his eyes were locked on her and she couldn't believe what he was saying. She searched his face for any trace of regret or concern for her, because half of her still thought she was hallucinating. “Feel free to say something-” She reached up and pulled him down to her, attaching their lips. Jay arms secured themselves around Hailey’s waist as he lifted her up to meet his height, her arms wrapping around his neck.
Jay held her tightly against him, his lips never leaving hers. Finally, Hailey pulled away, breathless. “For the record,” She said, taking a deep breath, her hand running down the side of his face. “You’re my best friend too.” Jay smiled, but she knew he was waiting for something else. “And I love you too.” 

A/N: I’ve had the idea for this fic for forever, so I’m glad I finally had a reason to write it. I’ve been a Maddie & Tae (ft. lyrics from “Friend’s Don’t) fan since the beginning and I’ve always thought that this song was the Upstead anthem. It’s perfect for them. Thanks for reading!
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biggest-stupidhead · 4 years ago
Bad Timing (Levi x reader) Part 11
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Summary: How do you tell your friends that you’re falling for your big brother’s best friend? 
Word Count: 8.2K (longest one yet) 
The next few days flew by in a snowy blur. Most of your time was spent wrapping gifts and packaging baked goods to deliver to family friends. You grunted as you leaned heavily on top of the Tupperware container as you shoved in more sugar cookies. This particular batch was going to Erwin's coach and his family. The sound of wrapping paper tearing made you cringe, turning around you saw Hange holding up the two uneven lengths of paper. She smiled sheepishly at you before shrugging and taping the pieces together once more. Your mom and Erwin were currently out shopping at the mall, which was a good hour away from the hick town you lived in.
You and Hange had already been out shopping the other day. It had been very stressful shopping for all your friends and family. You were glad to have gotten the ordeal over with. Although it was stressful, you had enjoyed picking out the perfect gift for your loved ones. Some highlights included: a camera lense for Armin, a set of chain necklaces for Mikasa, a turkey hat for Sasha, a safari hat for Connie, and your personal favorite was a set of fancy tea cups for Levi.
You really had outdone yourself this year, even going as far as buying Erwin supplies that he would need for College. For Hange you had purchased her a fresh set of glassware for her experiments, since she was majoring in Chemistry and enjoyed doing work outside of the classroom you thought it was a fitting gift. Hange held up her finished product proudly, judging by the size of the box you guessed it was a pair of shoes.
"I can't wait to give these to him!" she gushed as she set the box to the side and began folding a sweater that the two of you had purchased for your mom.
"Yeah I'm sure he'll love them." you agreed. You weren't the only one who had splurged this year. Hange had bought Erwin a fresh pair of cleats for his freshman season at college.
"I hope so!" she chuckled as she boxed the sweater and the pair of earrings for your mom.
"What did you ask for this year?" you asked as you set the stuffed container of cookies to the side.
"Oh nothing special." Hange waved her hand dismissively. You weren't surprised, she wasn't exactly interested in possessions. She valued knowledge above most things, so the closest you could get to filling that need was to give her books or items that helped her learn and shit. You had learned that the hard way, a few years ago you had given her a nice bracelet, which was currently collecting dust on her dresser.
"Well what about your parents, are they doing something special this year?" you inquired, you knew that she had learned to appreciate knowledge from them. They used to go on trips and spend Christmas soaking up the culture of wherever they went. One of their most notable trips was to South America, Hange's favorite trip to date. They hiked in the jungle and learned about the environment and shit.
"Aw sadly no, they wanted to take a break and focus on their research here." She shrugged as she wrapped the box in snowman wrapping paper.
"Really?" you mused, although Hange's family was unconventional you admired their free spirit.
"Yeah, I'm particularly interested in my mom's project, she's studying these penguins in South America right now-" she continued to ramble on about her mother's studies and her father's work. Both of her parents were very active in the zoology community. Hange's rant was cut short by the sound of her phone ringing, she apologized before answering the call, walking out of the room for some privacy. Which you thought was odd, she usually wasn't so private with her phone calls, which at times could be annoying. You brushed it off as most likely being a conversation about gifts. You picked up your phone, taking the opportunity to answer the text that Mikasa had sent you earlier that morning.
"We'll be over around 7." her text made you feel giddy with excitement. Although this year would be a bit different you were still excited to see all your friends.
"See you soon!" you responded, you realized that it was probably a good idea to start dinner for your mom. She should be home any minute but still you set about preheating the oven for the casserole and the ham. Thankfully the Jeagers brought dishes as well, Carla made a mean pumpkin pie. You weren't expecting Kenny to bring anything other than booze. You fell into an easy rhythm as you prepared the vegetable casserole. It couldn't have been more than an hour later that your mom and Erwin stumbled in the door and dropped the bags down by the card table where we had been wrapping gifts. Your mom was quick to wash her hands and start the mashed potatoes as you checked the ham. Hange had began to set the table with Erwin, a christmas playlist had been playing to set the mood.
The Jeagers arrived right at 7, just in time. Grisha's arms were full with gifts, Carla toted two pies, Eren held a board game, and Mikasa had two bottles of red wine with ribbons around the necks of the bottles. Hugs and formalities were exchanged as they entered and put their gifts under the tree. Carla joined your mom in the kitchen to finish carving the ham. You and the other teens finished setting the table as everyone trickled into the dining room.
Just as the ham was placed on the table and glasses of wine were poured, the doorbell rang once more. Kenny had arrived, surprisingly only thirty minutes late. He had a huge bottle of vodka and another sizable bottle of whiskey. Your mom greeted him, taking the liquor from him and pointing him to his seat. Now that all guests were accounted for you began to dish out food and recount the past holidays that your families spent together. It didn't go unnoticed that Kenny was a tad uncomfortable, but thanks to Grisha's easy going nature and Carla's friendliness, he slowly eased up. Of course you and the other teens had your own conversation separate from the adults.
"-Do you remember that one year that I creamed you guys in Just Dance?" Hange gloated as she waved a forkful of ham in Eren's face.
"Ugh yes, but only because that was the year that Mikasa's ankle was sprained." Eren deflected, lifting his own fork to push hers from his face. Mikasa blushed and shoved a spoonful of mashed potatoes into her mouth.
"Well I guess we'll just have to see if that was the real reason after a rematch!" Hange teased before biting into the hunk of meat.
"I guess we will." Eren narrowed his eyes as he watched Hange chew the meat.
"We should play Mario Kart first, I want to redeem myself." Armin was quick to change the subject. Always quick to avoid possible conflict.
"Yeah I totally creamed you last time!" you gloated a cocky smile on your lips.
"W-What! No I had the most wins!" Eren's eyes were alight with anger. He was too easy to piss off.
"Wrong!" you said in a sing song voice.
"Knock it off you two." Erwin scolded from across the table, Eren's cheeks flushed when Erwin scolded him but you simply rolled your eyes. In the last few months Erwin had taken to hovering over you and your friends. It was strange, he had never shown so much interest in your social life until recently. At first you had been eager to tell him what was going on in your friend group, but now it was becoming annoying.
"Lay off Erwin, it's all talk." you scoffed with a roll of your eyes. Erwin's eyes hardened at your snarky tone, your guests eyes flickered between the two of you as you glared at one another. Until finally you snorted and looked away with a shake of your head.
"Uh...so who wants pie!" Armin, ever true to his anti confrontation nature filled the thick silence between the teens. Meanwhile the adults had continued to yammer on about all the hot hospital gossip.
"I-I would." Eren played into Armin's excuse to change the subject.
"Yeah sounds good." you sighed, defeated. Armin scrambled out of his seat and ducked into the kitchen, returning a few moments later with the pies. He dished out three pieces onto you and Eren's plates before serving himself. By the time he had returned, Hange had already changed the topic to the party the following day. You sat in silence as she rambled about the logistics for the party at your house.
"I think that Nanaba is bringing mac and cheese, Mike is probably going to bring those snicker doodles that he always makes-" You tuned her out, not interested in her current rant. Tomorrow's party wasn't the party you were really excited for. So you instead turned to Mikasa, hoping to talk about your plans for the 26th.
"So what time are you going to Annie's? Would you like to ride together?" you asked as you angled yourself to face her to better tune out Hange.
"We are heading over around 9, and sure I'm driving." Mikasa responded as she stretched to serve herself a piece of pie.
"Perfect, are you spending the night there?" you quizzed, unsure if you also wanted to spend the night there.
"No, we were going to go back to Armin's but I can drop you off here if you want." Mikasa answered as she took a bite of pie.
"Alright that sounds good!" you agreed, knowing that Mikasa was always a reliable designated driver.
Dinner had gone relatively smooth, despite the tension that now hung in the atmosphere between you and Erwin. The rest of the evening was spent in the living room opening gifts with a Christmas movie marathon playing in the background. The Jeagers left around eleven, which was later than they usually stayed. Kenny took the guest bedroom in the basement, since he was spending Christmas day with your family anyway. You checked your phone with a heavy sigh, already it was twelve am. You contemplated texting Levi to tell him happy birthday, but you weren't sure he would be awake. It was already six in the morning in France, and usually he got his three hours of sleep between four and seven in the morning. But you decided that if he didn't answer you could leave him a voicemail or shoot him a text. So after you changed into your pajamas and had snuggled beneath your covers, you pulled up Levi's contact, your thumb hovering over the small phone icon. Finally you just said 'fuck it' and pressed the button, the phone rang three times before he answered.
"Hey." his voice was thick and gravely as he spoke, immediately you felt bad. You knew that you must have woken him up and you cringed internally.
"Hey happy birthday!" you greeted, making sure to keep your voice low so you wouldn't disturb Erwin and Hange.
"Tch thanks." Levi mumbled, you pictured him running a hand down his face as he tried to wake up.
"you're welcome birthday boy." you teased as you fell back onto your pillows.
"shut up." Levi scoffed, you could hear his footsteps as he walked through the apartment, presumably to get his morning cup of black tea.
"you know you love it." you sighed.
"keep telling yourself that." Levi's voice was becoming clearer now that he was more awake.
"I think that I will." you answered with a light laugh.
"you still going to that party tomorrow?" Levi interrogated, you groaned. You had almost forgotten how he liked to stick his nose in your business, even when he was across the fucking ocean.
"Yeah what about it?" you huffed, feeling a bit defensive.
"Shouldn't you stay with your family or some shit." Levi sounded frustrated.
"My mom said I could go." you pouted childishly.
"Whatever." Levi grunted, and you frowned, unsure of where his frustration was coming form.
"Aw come on no need to be jealous, I'm sure you can find some rager in Paris. Not like you'll be missing much here." you chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.
"Hmph." Levi scoffed, you could hear the tinkling of his spoon as he stirred his tea.
"So....when are you due to be home?" you asked, deciding it was best to change the subject.
"Next week." Levi's tone was clipped.
"I'm so jealous." you sighed dreamily.
"Yeah Paris is way better than Shiganshina." Levi responded nonchalantly, you weren't sure if he was being serious or sarcastic. Either way he was telling the truth.
"No need to rub it in my face." you chuckled.
"Tch." He scoffed, you liked to imagine him smiling as he did so, even if he wasn't.
"Well I hope that this next week goes by fast, as much as I hate to admit it I've... missed you." you confessed, the tips of your ears scorching hot with embarrassment. The silence was deafening as you waited for him to say something, hell anything even if it was making fun of you.
"Whatever." he huffed, the butterflies in your stomach fluttered at the sound of his baritone voice.
"Just don't stay out late tomorrow." he quipped and you frowned, why did he care how late you stayed out?
"No need to worry about me, I'll probably just stay sober with Mikasa." You told him, only half honest.
"Never said I was worried about you." Levi sighed.
"Hmph fine be like that." you scoffed and rolled your eyes, not surprised with his response.
"Be like what?" He asked, genuinely curious what you meant.
"Like an ass." you quipped.
"Tch I'll quite being an ass when you stop being such a brat." Levi snapped, clearly you were approaching dangerous territory.
"Okay okay chill." you muttered, backing down before things got too heated.
"You're the one that brought it up.." Levi pointed out.
"Yeah and now I'm regretting that" you sighed, wishing he wouldn't be so stubborn for once. He sighed as well and you heard a small clatter on his end of the line, you figured he was starting the dishes.
"Look I've got some shit to do, I'll call you later okay?" Levi's voice was a tad strained and in the moment of silence you heard the sound of Isabel and Farlan bickering in hushed tones.
"Y-Yeah sure of course." you couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed.
"Happy birthday Levi." you wished him once more.
"Thanks, talk to you later brat." and with that he hung up, leaving you totally alone in your dark room. You plugged your phone in and rolled over onto your side, he could be so annoying. You inhaled sharply and decided that you would enjoy the party tomorrow to it's fullest. What he didn't know wouldn't kill him.
"Hey can I borrow your lip gloss?" you asked Mikasa as you leaned forward to apply another coat of mascara to your lashes.
"Sure which one?" she asked as she pulled her hair into high pigtails on top of her head.
"The cherry one." you answered after a moment of contemplation. She finished her hair before reaching into her makeup bag and pulled out the tube of clear gloss.
"Thanks." you said as you took the make up from her. You didn't usually put this much effort into your appearance when you went to parties but you figured since it was the first time you would be going to Annie's that this was a special occasion. Also you had a sneaking suspicion that two of your exes would be there and you at least wanted to look hot if you were going to get black out.
Plus Mikasa was also dressed up, she wore a tight fitting black top with long sleeves and a low cut neck line that showed off her pale collarbones and neck. She had chosen to wear a choker that had metallic studs surrounding the black leather along with some other layered necklaces. To match her top she had selected a red plaid skirt and some torn tights. You weren't dressed nearly as edgy as she was, but you too had gone for a grungier look. You'd opted to wear a tattered pair of mom jeans along with a black cropped tank and an oversized flannel to cover your shoulders.
You sighed as you finished applying the gloss and frowned, Eren and Armin were in the next room over blasting Post Malone. You assumed that Eren was on aux since Armin usually listened to Surfaces or Khalid.
"You ready?" Mikasa asked as she pulled on her Doc Martens and double checked her earrings.
"Yeah." you assured her as you stood up to grab your small backpack with an extra change of comfy clothes in case you ended up staying the night. The two of you left the room and knocked on Eren's door that was down the hall.
"Just a minute!" Armin's shrill voice sounded a bit panicked but Mikasa simply shrugged and headed towards the kitchen. The Jeager's house was a ranch style house with one main floor and a nice basement. The two of you waited patiently in the kitchen for the boys, it was already well past nine. You scrolled through your snapchat, most of the stories were the regular group picture of friends having a sleepover, the druggie kids showing off their weed, and of course Sasha and Connie posted a video showcasing the house party at Annie's. From what the short video showed, her house was dark except for some LED lights that flashed through multiple different colors. The music was deafening, and the kids that you could see seemed to be swaying to the pulsing music.Sasha spun the camera around as she knocked back a shot with her arm around Connie who blew a puff of vapor at the camera.
"Looks fun." Mikasa scoffed, you knew that she preferred more low-key parties.
"If you end up not liking it we can always dip." You shrugged, knowing that this wasn't exactly your speed either. Mikasa hummed in agreement and turned to look down the hallway as Eren's door opened. The boys emerged from Eren's room, Eren wore a pair of black jeans and a dark forrest green long sleeved shirt. Armin wore a baby blue knit sweater with a collared shirt underneath and black jeans as well.
"All set?" Mikasa asked as she turned to pull out a bottle of titos with a cute little sweater over it. You smiled at the cute accessory and nodded.
"Yep!" you said popping the p as the four of you all made your way out to Eren's car. You slid into the back seat next to Armin who was fiddling with the hem of his sweater nervously. Eren resumed his hype music as Mikasa backed out of the drive way. Eren pulled out his puff bar as soon as the car was out of the drive and took a long drag. Mikasa scoffed and cracked the window for him. He blew the billow of smoke out the window and reached to turn the music up. He reached back and dangled the puff for you to take, after a brief moment of hesitation you accepted it and cracked your window before taking a hit. Armin watched with wide eyes as you inhaled and blew the vapor out the crack.
"Since when did you vape?" Armin asked, his mouth agape in awe.
"I don't...at least not regularly." You admitted sheepishly.
"That's what they all say." Eren chuckled, smoke curling out from his lips as he smirked.
"Shut up I'm serious!" you snapped a playful smile on your face. Thankfully Annie's house wasn't far away, about a twenty minute drive. You pulled up to the house, it was huge. Standing at least three stories tall, with a long winding driveway. Mikasa pulled up behind one of the many cars in the drive way and parked the car. Mikasa led the way around to the side door, which was unlocked, piled of shoes littered the hallway. The sound of loud music greeted you as you walked into the kitchen on the main floor to set the alcohol you'd brought down. The real party was in the basement.
The lights were off, leaving the only source of light to be the flickering LED lights, you couldn't even tell who was who. The air was heavy with the mingling aromas of cologne, vapes, and weed. Armin practically clung to you as the four of you waded through the crowd to get to the seating area in the center of the room. As you got closer the overpowering scent of weed assaulted your nose. There on the large L shaped couch was Annie, she held a large bong to her lips as Bertolt held the lighter under the weed, she inhaled deeply and the bong bubbled. She pulled back and blew a puff of smoke right in Reiner's face, the blonde's face scrunched up in disgust as he turned away to cough.
"Yo." Annie greeted Mikasa who leaned down to dap her up. Once Annie had greeted Mikasa she turned her attention to Eren who was eyeing the bong.
"You want a drag?" Annie offered, patting the sofa next to her. Eren nodded and dropped down between her and Bertolt, who once again struck the lighter for Eren. Mikasa rolled her eyes and waited patiently for Eren to finish his drag. Once the bong was out of the way she lowered herself down onto his lap and pulled her puff bar out to take a long drag. Armin shifted awkwardly behind you and tugged on your sleeve.
"Want to go get something to drink?" he yelled over the booming music, you glanced at the bong longingly but decided that Armin needed you right now so you nodded in agreement.
"Sure." the two of you pushed through the crowd to the minibar where an impressive amount of liquor was waiting. You poured some Bacardi into a glass of and added some pineapple and orange concentrates before handing the cup to Armin. He thanked you and quickly got to work on finishing the mixed drink. You poured yourself a rum and coke and then two shots of Malibu for you and Armin to take. The two of you knocked back the shots before wandering back over towards the couch. The crowd had thinned out a bit, something about watching a movie in Annie's in home movie theater.
"-No that's bullshit, I know for a fact that you pissed your pants in the second grade Eren!" your eyebrows shot into your hairline at the words leaving Annie's mouth.
"Just because I'm quiet doesn't mean I don't notice shit." She huffed as she lifted the juul in her hand to her lips and took a long drag.
"Just take the L Eren we all remember." Bertolt shook his head and chuckled at Eren's flushed cheeks. You glanced at Mikasa, usually she would defend Eren but she seemed content to let him struggle through this one on his own, still perched on his lap.
"We've all had accidents before." Armin said with an awkward chuckle as he sat down beside Annie, who looked at him with a blank expression.
"Like that time you tripped down the stairs and broke both your legs in fourth grade?" Annie quipped, a small smirk curling onto her lips. You choked on your drink at Annie's remark, she was an absolute savage.
"Exactly..." Armin flushed, lifting his own cup to his lips. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, but you were too invested in the conversation to be bothered to pick it up.
"Want a hit?" Annie offered the bong to you, you nodded. Although you'd never had weed before, you'd tried asking Levi for some of his but he always denied you. Annie held her hand out to Bertolt who placed the lighter in his open palm. She packed some more weed into the bowl before handing you the bong.
"You ever done this before?" She asked as she kneeled in front of you. You shook your head,
"Okay so I'll tell you when to inhale, and you've got to take a huge breath so you can get the smoke in your system. But then you'll have to take another breath to get it in your lungs." she instructed as she pressed the weed deeper into the bowl.
"Okay." you agreed, she nodded and struck the lighter, holding the flame over the weed in the bowl. You pressed your lips to the mouth piece and waited for her instructions.
"Inhale." she said once the weed was lit. You sucked in a big breath and the water in the bong bubbled. The smoke burned the insides of your throat as you inhaled it, you pulled the bong off your mouth and sucked in once more to get the smoke into your lungs. She nodded in approval as you coughed, smoke curling out of your mouth.
"Not bad for your first time." she commented as she took the bong from you and passed it to Mikasa who took a long drag before passing it to Bertolt.
"Thanks, that stuff burns." you coughed, Annie sat down next to you on the couch and draped her arm over the back. You felt the buzz from the weed and the shots you'd taken earlier, making your head spin a bit. Annie's thigh brushed against your own, you tried to focus on what she was wearing, a pair of grey sweats and a cute cropped peachy colored tank top with spaghetti straps.
"I like your top." you complimented, her hand fell from the back of the couch to your shoulders.
"Thanks." she said, turning to gauge your reaction to her touch. You swallowed a bit nervously, you'd known Annie since kindergarten, but you'd never really been friends before, she was always so quiet.
"I always thought you were a good kid." Annie smirked, her eyes a bit playful.
"What made you think that?" You giggled, shuffling closer to her.
"Your brother is like the school's golden boy, and you are always in all the honors classes." she shrugged, you frowned. You were used to people coming up with these assumptions. She was right though, you did take honor classes, but that didn't mean you couldn't party!
"I guess...But that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy partying." you countered.
"I suppose." she chuckled, taking a hit from her juul and blowing the smoke away from your face. Your phone rang in your pocket and you frowned, as you dug it out of your pocket. Your frown deepened at the sight of Hange's contact lighting up your screen.
"Hang on I should take this." you apologized, moving to stand up to find a quiet place to answer the phone. Annie snatched your wrist and pulled you back down on the sofa, the room spun as you fell back down and slumped against her shoulder.
"Slow down there sweetheart." Annie chuckled as you leaned against her.
"I got to go answer my-"
"Nah just stay here, enjoy yourself." Annie pulled you closer, but your head was too foggy to protest, thoughts of your phone already fading into the back of your mind as Annie held the bong to your lips once more.
"She's still not answering." Hange chewed on her knuckle as she glanced at Erwin who was gripping the steering wheel. His brows were knit tightly together with worry, Levi shifted in the back seat, tapping his fingers impatiently.
"This is stupid, she can wait until tomorrow to see me." Levi huffed, trying his best to sound indifferent.
"Oh don't say that Levi." Hange frowned as she looked back at Levi, her eyes deep with worry.
"Don't worry about it." Levi grunted, turning his attention back to his phone. He opened snapchat, and scrolled through the stories. His eyes widened slightly when he stopped on Sasha's story, the video of the party played, he found himself looking for your silhouette among the swaying bodies. He tapped on his screen, expecting to move on to the next story, only to find a new video, added to her story less than ten minutes ago. A video of you with a red solo cup in one hand, and a juul in the other. You were leaned up against a blonde girl who was pushing a bottle of Pink Whitney against you, the pink alcohol sloshing in the glass.
"Come on (Y/n) finish it off!" Sasha encouraged as the other kids on the couch picked up on her chant.
"Finish it, Finish it." the crowd cheered as you sat down the cup and took the bottle from the blonde. You looked at the camera as Sasha shuffled closer.
"No pa-paparazzi please." you giggled, hiccuping half way through your sentence. You lifted the bottle to your lips and tilted your head back, the liquid spilled down your front, making your skin glisten in the colorful lights as you chugged the alcohol you managed to get in your mouth.
"Fuck yeah!!!" Sasha jeered, spinning the camera around to her face. The video ended and Levi felt his blood boil. He'd never seen you so out of it before and he hated it. He hated how easily you had given into doing something so stupid, he hated the sight of the juul in your fist, he hated the way the girl's arm was tightly wrapped around your waist, but most of all he hated that he wasn't there.
"Wait, I think Sasha's snap map is on." Hange mumbled, her phone screen casting a pale glow over her glasses as she zoomed in on Sasha's bitmoji. Sure enough Sasha's bitmoji was on the map, surrounded by at least twenty other bitmojis gathered in one location.
"Okay let's head that way then." Erwin sighed as he started the car and backed out of his parking spot in the airport parking lot. Erwin pulled out of the small airport that was about thirty minutes away from your town and set off towards Annie's house. Thankfully Annie lived on the outskirts of town so it wasn't as far of a drive. It wasn't long before Erwin was pulling up a long winding drive that was full of cars. He parked at the back of the line of cars and got out of the car with a heavy slam of his door. Levi slammed the back door of the minivan as hard as he could, the two of them marched up the driveway silently with Hange following nervously.
"You guys please slow down it's icy out here." Hange begged as she slipped on one of the steps to the side door. The three of them piled into the house, Hange knew it was bad when Levi didn't bother to kick his shoes off before continuing towards the basement steps. Erwin stormed down the steps, the music getting louder as they descended. Erwin paused at the bottom of the steps to take in the scene, cups littered the floor, the room was hazy with smoke from juuls and the scent of weed clung to the air. A group of partygoers was crowded onto the couch, Levi's eyes narrowed onto the back of your head.
"Yoooo that's ice cold." Eren's loud voice could be heard over the music as the teens passed the bong between one another.
"No it's the truth." you slurred, the empty bottle of alcohol still in your fist.
"Well sorryyy that I forgot that I had gum in my mouth." Connie said, waving his hands in front of his face.
"You're an idiot." Sasha laughed boisterously as she shoved a handful of pretzels into her mouth.
"damn straight." Annie agreed, taking the empty bottle from you and setting it on the coffee table. Erwin stalked across the room and stood behind Bertolt, who was now on the floor. The conversation came to a halt at the sight of the uninvited guests.
"Woah I think I'm seeing things." you said, tilting your head downwards as you tried to understand why you were seeing your brother.
"Me too." Reiner agreed, his own distant gaze honing in on his team captain.
"Get up we're going home." Erwin's voice was cold and commanding as he glowered at you.
"I don't wanna leave." your eyes hardened with denial. Erwin stepped over Bertolt, once he had moved your eyes landed on Levi, who was glaring at you with those dark eyes.
"I'm definitely seeing things." you grunted as Erwin pulled you off the couch and away from Annie's warmth.
"Hey man she said she didn't want to go." Annie snarled, jumping to her feet, her icy blue eyes sharp.
"Yeah well she's drunk as shit and doesn't know what she's saying." Levi snapped back at Annie, who had a hand clamped down around your arm. Hange shifted nervously behind the couch as she watched the scene unfold.
"You need to leave." Annie growled, pointing a finger at the stairs.
"That's what we're trying to do dumb ass." Levi growled, taking a step closer to the circle of teens.
"Leave her alone she can make her own decisions." Reiner quipped, rising to his own feet.
"Stay out of this Braun." Erwin ordered, releasing you so he could turn and face Reiner.
"I'm just saying, she chose to come here on her own and she's enjoying herself so let her be." Reiner shrugged.
"She's had enough tonight." Erwin countered, shifting his gaze back to you as you swayed on your feet.
"No I haven't" you frowned up at Erwin.
"Yes you have. We're leaving end of discussion." he said with finality, once more reaching for your wrist.
"I'm not leaving Erwin." you protested, pulling yourself free from his grasp. He snatched your wrist once more and tugged you away from the circle. You gasped and stumbled after him, the protests of your friends echoing loudly in your head. Erwin hauled you up the stairs and out the side door, Levi and Hange close on your heels. He only slowed once you were walking down the driveway. You wrenched yourself free once more with a strangled cry.
"I said I don't want to leave!" you screamed, a few tears sliding down your cheeks.
"You always embarrass me in front of my friends just give me this one night!" you cried, the cold air making your face beet red.
"You'll thank me later." He said simply before turning to continue down the driveway.
"No I won't I'm going back inside." you turned on your heel and marched back towards the door, only for Levi to catch your wrist.
"You've had enough for one night." He scolded as you struggled against his hold. Hange chewed on her bottom lip with worry at the sight, this was not how she planned your reunion.
"Levi let me go." you said with finality as you met his eyes.
"No, you're going home." Levi's voice was tense.
"No I'm not."
"(Y/n) you're going home and that's final." Erwin sighed, running a hand down the side of his face. You spun around and glared at him.
"You're not my fucking dad Erwin so quit acting like it! Jesus it's so annoying I'm tired of it!" you screamed, your chest heaving with frustration, your breath coming out with puffs of vapor. Hange and Levi stood deathly still, knowing that the topic of your father was a sensitive one.
"Fine be that way." Erwin snarled and marched to the van and climbed in with a slam of his door. Hange rushed to get in the car without a second glance over her shoulder. Levi remained firmly rooted to the ground, his hand still wrapped firmly around your wrist as you cried.
"Get out of here Levi." you sobbed, shaking your arm to throw his hand off. He finally let you go, his head tilted down to the ground. You huffed, wrapping your arms around your chest before turning on your heel and stalking back towards the house. Levi stood there a moment longer just listening to the sound of your receding footsteps before he padded back to Erwin's car and slid into the backseat.
Your head was spinning as you pressed your back against the bathroom door, your lip quivering as you tried to contain your tears. You knew that you'd hurt both Erwin's and Levi's feelings, you also knew that they were only trying to help you. But there was only so much help you could except from them without them toeing the line between helpful and overbearing. You slid down the door with a whimper, you hugged you knees to your chest and rested your chin on top of them. A knock startled you out of your moping,
"(Y/n)? You in there?" You groaned when you recognize Jean's voice.
"Open the door please." He said softly and you felt more tears fall down your cheeks as you reached up for the knob to unlock the door. The lock clicked and you shuffled to lean agains the wall so he could open the door.
"Hey" he said as he stuck his head in, his amber eyes soft with worry.
"Hey" you sniffled, turning your head up to meet his gaze.
"What's wrong?" He asked, slipping into the small bathroom and closing the door behind him. He crouched down in front of you, his elbows propped on his own knees as he got onto your level.
"Well for starters, you kissed someone else when we were talking." you said a bit venomously. He cringed and plopped down to sit criss cross applesauce instead.
"I'm sorry I know that I shouldn't have done that but, I've been really confused....like sexually I guess." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and your frowned.
"I know, but it still hurt my feelings." you mumbled, a few fresh tears falling from your watery eyes.
"I shouldn't have led you on like that, it was a real jerk move." Jean agreed, his eyes still soft and comforting. You'd missed being his friend you realized as you sat on the cold tile.
"I've missed talking to you." you spoke your mind, managing a small smile.
"Me too, let's be friends again?" he proposed, offering his hand to you. Your smile grew wider as you extended your own hand to grasp his. You shook hands briefly.
"So are you and Marco a couple now?" you asked.
"Sort of.." Jean chuckled.
"You want to go back to the party now?" He asked, jutting a thumb towards the door. You nodded, although now you were beginning to sober up. He stood and offered his hands to help you to your feet. You accepted his hands and he pulled you to your feet. The two of you walked slowly down the steps to rejoin the circle of teens in the living room. Jean stopped at the bottom of the stairs his hand held loosely in your own. He squeezed your hand, asking for your attention. You turned and faced him, a questioning look on your face.
"You've got some-" He chuckled, lifting his thumb to his mouth and licking it before wiping away some rogue mascara off your cheeks. You gasped in mock offense as he wiped away the makeup.
"You're not my mom." you teased, pulling your face free as you turned to head back into the fray, trusting that Jean got all the black marks off your face.
"Nobody could replace Angie." Jean agreed as he followed you into the basement. The group of previously rowdy teens was now subdued due to your brother and his meddling party crasher friends.
"Hey look who's back!" Reiner greeted, causing all the heads to turn back to you. You smiled sheepishly and dropped back into your seat next to Annie.
"You alright?" She asked, her eyes scanning you meticulously for any signs of injury.
"Yeah I'm- I'll be alright." you stumbled over your words as the group watched you carefully.
"You want a uh beer or something?" Connie asked, lifting up an unopened can.
"No she doesn't you idiot!" Sasha snapped, elbowing Connie harshly.
"Ow well I was just trying to make her feel better!" Connie cried, turning to tackle Sasha. The two began to tussle, rolling around on the floor grunting as they struggled. You smiled, the pair never failed to make you happy. Annie draped her arm over you again as the boys began to place bets on who would come out victorious.
"If Sasha wins you've got to drink one of Connie's mixed drinks!" Eren said, leaning over to Bertolt who scoffed, his boyish features contorting with disgust. Connie was known for making the worst mixed drinks.
"You're on Jeager." he reached over Reiner and the two shook in agreement before turning their attention to the scuffle.
"Come on Sasha!" Eren jeered as Sasha bit down hard on Connie's hand. The boy yelped and tried to desperately pry her locked jaws off his hand. He gave up quickly and resorted to hitting her head with his closed fist, his face wild with panic.
"Tickle her neck" Mikasa suggested as she lifted a red solo cup to her lips. Your eyes widened in surprise, Mikasa usually kept quiet during these scuffles, unless of course it was Eren being thrown around. Connie's free hand flew down to Sasha's armpit and immediately Sasha released his other hand to roll away from him. Connie regained the upper hand, pinning Sasha beneath him as he tickled her ruthlessly. Jean groaned and slapped a wad of bills into Reiner's open palm as Sasha slapped the ground in defeat. Connie threw his hands into the air and rolled off Sasha who was fighting for breath.
"Traitor" she moaned, her brown eyes glaring at Mikasa who shrugged indifferently. Eren groaned and frowned at Mikasa.
"Why'd you do that?" He asked as Bertolt looked relieved. Mikasa shrugged once more a sly smile on her face as Eren pushed her off his lap.
"So" Connie jumped to his feet and clapped his hands together.
"About that drink." he turned and strutted over to the mini bar, followed by a sulking Eren and a smug Bertolt. You turned to Sasha who was now straddling Mikasa her hands around Mikasa's shoulders as she jostled the girl.
"Come on Mikasa why'd you sell me out like that?" she whined as she shook the girl, Mikasa's drink sloshing in her cup. Mikasa smiled as her eyes drifted to the group of boys, Connie had a large bottle of Tito's and a two liter of Mt. Dew in his hands as he inspected the two, his face scrunched up with concentration.
"Come on Sasha it's not like you wouldn't do the same if it were me." Mikasa scoffed with a roll of her eyes. You snorted at Mikasa's response, knowing that she was indeed correct. Sasha gasped and shook Mikasa harder.
"I would never do that to you! Besides you would win in any fight you fought." Sasha objected, leaning back on Mikasa's lap her arms extended.
"Psh whatever." Annie scoffed, a playful smirk on her lips.
"Not all of us are masters at kickboxing." Sasha pouted as she climbed off Mikasa's lap and dropped onto the empty space next to her. You knew that Mikasa had participated in the sport for the past few years, but you were confused when Sasha looked between Annie and Mikasa.
"What you didn't know?" Annie asked with a smirk. You shook your head,
"No I guess I don't know." you laughed as Annie licked her lips and she threw her arm back over your shoulders.
"Mikasa and I are on the same kickboxing club." She shrugged as you settled back into her side. Your mouth opened into an 'o' shape in realization as Annie dug her juul out of her pocket and took a hit. Mikasa nodded in agreement, her eyes shifting back over to the boys, who were laughing loudly as Eren chugged a cup of mystery liquid.
"Really? I had no idea." you said as you followed Mikasa's gaze. Eren was now leaned over gagging as Armin patted his back with a worried expression.
"-You dodged a bullet there!" Reiner quipped as he patted Bertolt's back as the tall boy watched with a disgusted face.
"Hey where did Ymir and Krista run off to?" Sasha asked, whipping her head around to look for the pair.
"Probably making out in some corner." Reiner scoffed as he dropped back onto the sofa, the rest of the boys rejoining the group as well. You nodded in agreement, it was no secret that the pair had been seeing each other recently.
"Guess so." Sasha sighed, slumping back into the sofa, throwing a glare at Connie who was now seated next to her with an arm over the back of the couch. Eren and Armin were the only once unaccounted for, you assumed that they had fled to the bathroom given the state Eren had been in after drinking Connie's concoction. Jean had managed to slip away with all the commotion, probably to return to Marco. Annie sighed, glancing at her phone with a frown, it was well past three at this point and you were starting to feel the fatigue.
"Well I think that I'm heading off to bed." Annie yawned, the others seemed to be mellowing out as well.
"You guys can crash here or my brother's room is open as well as my sisters rooms." She said as she stood up. You immediately missed her warmth as she lingered by the couch.
"I call Eric's room!" Sasha perked up, also standing up to run towards Annie's younger brother's room.
"No fair!" Connie yelled, giving chase. Mikasa sighed and stood up as well.
"I'd better go check on Eren and Armin." She mumbled as she stalked off towards the bathroom.
"Are you staying the night then?" Annie asked you as you also stood up, not sure if you should go after Mikasa.
"I'm not sure, Mikasa was going to take me back to her place..."
"You can sleep in my room with me." She offered, tilting her head towards the stairs. You bit your lip as you weighed your options. Mikasa had been drinking and smoking and you knew that she wasn't stupid enough to drive so you figured that you weren't leaving any more.
"We'll sleep in Sarah's room." Reiner said as he and Bertolt began to retreat up the stairs. Leaving just you and Annie in the basement living room, she raised a brow as she waited for your answer.
"No pressure." She said as she began to walk towards the stairs.
"Yeah I'll sleep with you." you blurted as you jogged to catch up to Annie. She smirked at your wording and you flushed.
"Not like that!" you slapped her arm as she led the way up to the top floor which was a maze of closed doors. She slipped into one of the closed doors, into a large bedroom with a queen sized bed in the center of the room. She emptied her pockets before climbing into bed, pulling the covers back for the both of you. You slid into the open side and sat your phone on the bedside table. Annie sighed with relief as she nestled into the covers, scrolling through her phone as you closed your eyes in an attempt to sleep. After a few minutes Annie put her phone down and rolled over, now her front was facing your back.
"You awake?" She whispered, you rolled over to face her as well.
"Yeah" you answered, resting your head on your arm as you focused on her features as best as you could in the dim lighting.
"You wanna make out?" she asked, your eyes widened in shock. You weren't sure if she was being serious or not.
"For real?" you blinked rapidly as Annie shuffled closer and pushed a lock of hair out of your face.
"I mean yeah." she huffed a shy smile on her face. You pursed your lips in thought, you had never kissed a girl before, and it wasn't like the thought of doing so had never crossed your mind. You shrugged and leaned slightly into her touch.
"Yes or no." She said as she propped herself up on her elbow so she was looking down on you.
"Sure." you agreed, she leaned down as soon as the words left your lips. Her lips were so soft compared to the boys that you'd kissed in the past. Her hand that had been in your hair now traced over your cheek bones as she licked your bottom lip. You opened your mouth for her to slip her tongue in, the taste of weed and pink whitney mingling on her breath. You met her tongue a bit timidly as she licked your bottom teeth. She pulled back after a moment to readjust herself so that she was now laying down on top of you, caging you in her arms as she leaned down to kiss your chin.
"You're so cute." she mused, her lips pressed against the corner of your mouth.
"You're really pretty" you breathed as her lips hovered over your own once more before connecting her lips with yours once more.
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the-irken-pony · 4 years ago
Hi I wrote a self-indulgent copperright fanfic based on a daydream
I totally didn’t learn the rules of poker just so I could write this fic what are you talking about
Quick summary: (Takes place during Terrence Suave’s time) Four Toppats opt for an afternoon of poker, but the group notices their friend acting unusual after a brief conversation with the chief’s right hand man.
Word count: 1998
Warnings: Gambling
“Alright, Macbeth, how much are ya putting in?” Gordon Smith smirked, fanning himself with the playing cards in his hand. “Unless you’re doing the wise thing and dropping out now.”
Mr. Macbeth huffed, skimming over his current stash of bills. “Hold yer horses, I’m tryna think.”
The man directly across from Macbeth grunted. “Let ‘im take ‘is time. He wouldn’t wanna drop out if he didn’t ‘ave to.” He gave a quick glance down at his hand; luck had favored him enough to grant him a straight flush, one of the best possible hands. “Could afford to think a little faster, though.”
Mr. Macbeth growled. “Alright, alright, fine.” Macbeth downed the rest of his soda and pushed forward half of his current earnings. “$600.”
“You sure about that?” Sledge MacRush raised his eyebrows. “When did you get so bold?”
“When y’all decided that rushin’ me was a better idea than just waitin’. Six hundred, final answer.
“Hm. Very well then. I’ll match you up on that. What about you, Smith?”
Smith chuckled sheepishly. “Aw man. I’m gonna have to drop out on this one. Promised Charlotte I wouldn’t bet more than $500 at a time.”
“What!? Come on, mate, you shoulda said somethin’ sooner!”
“Haha, yeah, I guess
“Well, after this round we can establish a limit.” Sledge gave him a sympathetic smile. “That leaves you, Red. You droppin’ out, too?”
“Nah, might as well stay. $600 for me as well.”
Of course, Red wasn’t actually the man’s name. People only called him that because of his naturally orange facial hair. People called “Red” all sorts of things, since he never gave his name out to anyone, not even close friends. He had to admit that he was hoping to have gotten a more consistent nickname by now, much like other Toppats. Even so, constantly changing nicknames was still better than telling someone his real name.
“So then, everyone else has bet already, eh? Alright, then, reveal your hands
Everyone around the table booth (except for poor Smith) laid their hands out on the table. Seeing the straight flush that the mustached man had laid out on the table, Sledge and Macbeth groaned as the nameless man chuckled.
“Maybe don’t put in half your cash next time,” he sneered.
Sledge huffed. “Remind me why we invite you to these things again?”
“Because you wouldn’t admit defeat if it left you stranded on an island with no way off.”
Sledge glared at the ginger from across the table as Smith let out a small chuckle.
“TouchĂ©.” He gathered up the cards and began to shuffle them. “Macbeth, you goin’ first this time?”
“Ahem. Excuse me.”
The group looked up from their game to see who had spoken. Standing next to the table booth was the chief’s new second in command, holding a clipboard and pen. He had only had his job for a week, but some Toppats were already calling him “the chief’s only good decision”. Admittedly, it was easy to see why just from a glance; he always stood in a very dignified manner, and every aspect of his appearance gave a sense of formality and professionalism--save for the bags under his eyes.
“Oi, Reginald, can it wait? We’re kinda in the middle of somethin’ ‘ere,” Sledge said as he continued to shuffle.
“Well, can you put it on hold? This is kind of important,” the right hand man replied, tapping his pen onto his clipboard.
Red shot Sledge a glare from across the table, prompting the latter to set down the deck of cards.
“Ignore him. Whatcha need, then?”
“What? Oh, right, right
” Reginald flipped through a couple of pages of his clipboard. “Mister Gordon Smith, the leader is sending you undercover tomorrow, and would like you to spend tonight preparing.”
“W-wait, tomorrow?” Smith stammered. “Why!?”
“Don’t ask me, I wouldn’t know,” Reginald yawned, rubbing his eyes. “He hasn’t given many details, he’s just said that he’s sent one other person already.”
“Why not pick someone else!?” Mr. Macbeth snapped. “It ain’t like everyone else’s busier than he is.”
“Easy, easy. I don’t mind doing it,” Smith assured him. Macbeth grumbled something under his breath as he crushed his empty soda can in his hand. Sledge crossed his arms and pouted. Seeing how tense the table was, Red cleared his throat to speak.
 one week into the job already, eh? How’sat been goin’ for ya?”
“I probably shouldn’t answer that,” Reginald muttered, looking over his clipboard. The redhead sat in uncomfortable silence, trying to think of a good response.
“Anyways,” Reginald said, “that’s all I needed from you. I won’t take up any more of your time.”
“Alright, thank you,” Smith replied. The group watched as the man left the table while staring at his clipboard.
“Guess we’ll leave it up to you, Smith,” Sledge said. “Do you wanna keep goin’ or would ya rather get an early start on prep?”
As the others discussed Smith’s plans for the day, Red watched the chief’s right hand pour himself a cup of coffee, drink the whole cup in one gulp, and then pour himself a second cup before putting in additives.
He furrowed his brow. How little sleep was the man getting? Given the chief’s current track record, it did make sense--other elite members often said that Reginald was eager to please, after all, but it seemed that the whole clan rested on his shoulders. He had only gotten brief glimpses of the right hand man in the past, but when he did he was always by himself hunched over a series of papers.
Yet, despite everything, a mere glance at him would give no indication of a struggle. He kept himself so professional-looking and neat; he always wore a fancy suit, and his mustache was styled to curl upwards at the ends. And that wasn’t even mentioning his delicate yet dignified posture whenever he stood or talked to--
Red felt a sharp flick against the back of his head, yanking him away from his thoughts. He turned and glared at the man responsible, rubbing the spot where Sledge had flicked him.
“Ya awake over there, Foggy Eyes? We’ve been talkin’ at ya for like a solid minute now!”
“Oh, uh, were you?” “Foggy Eyes” sheepishly cleared his throat. “What’s up, then?”
“We were discussin’ plans with Smith.” Macbeth nodded his head in Smith’s direction.
“I’m good with going for one more round, if everyone else still wants to,” Smith said.
“Oh. Well, deal me in, then.”
“Alright, nice!” Sledge picked up the deck and began to shuffle.
“So what were you staring at over there, anyway?” Smith asked, lifting his head up to see over him.
“What? I wasn’t starin’ at anything.”
“No, ya definitely were,” Sledge chuckled as he combined two partial decks of cards. “You kept starin’ in the same direction since that guy left.”
“I-I just
 zoned out, is all.” The ginger was starting to get nervous. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter.”
Macbeth squinted. “You’re actin’ awful strange
“Keep talkin’ and you ain’t gonna be actin’ anything,” Red snapped.
Next to him, Smith was deep in thought. “Sledge
 say that last part again
The ginger could feel himself getting warm. “W-wait, no, don’t--” 
“‘You kept starin’ in the same direction’?”
“Nono, after that.”
“‘Since that guy left’?”
“Yeah, heh. That.” Smith nudged the hunched up man sitting next to him. “That have anything to do with anything?”
” The man slightly lowered his hat to try and obscure his face, which was already turning noticeably red. Sledge snickered.
“Oh, I see what’s goin’ on here,” he said with a smirk. “You don’t happen to fancy the chief’s right hand man, do ya?”
“I-- O-of course not!” he sputtered. “I-I just-- M-Macbeth, c’mon, back me up here, will ya?”
“Man, you were red as a tomato ‘fore anyone even said anythin’.” Mr. Macbeth leaned back in his seat. “I couldn’t defend ya if I wanted to.”
“Shut up, I was not!”
“Come ooon, admit it already!” Smith gave the flustered Toppat a light shove. “It’s not like we haven’t already caught on.”
“I-I, um-- I--” He pulled his top hat down over his face, which had risen to an unbearable temperature by this point. “I-I don’t-- I dunno, I
” he mumbled, getting quieter with every word, “I-I guess he’s, uh
 k-kind-- kinda
Sledge burst into a fit of laughter. “Oh man, I knew ya had a thing for ‘im, but I didn’t know it was that bad!”
“I-it is not
” By this point, the man’s face had turned to a brighter shade of red than his mustache.
“Well, go on,” Smith urged. “Whaddya like about him?”
Mr. Macbeth couldn’t hold back a chuckle. “Gotta admit, never woulda ‘spected to see ya like this any day of the week.”
Smith laughed and patted him on the shoulder. “Well?”
“Ohhh my goood
” Red swallowed, trying desperately to compose himself. Knowing there was no way he was getting out of this, he forced himself to speak. “W-well, there’s, uh
” He couldn’t help but smile as he recalled the right hand man’s various features. “Th-there’s his-- his mustache, I-I guess
 and-and his voice
Remembering that he was with three other people, he cleared his throat.
“Alright, all of you, listen.” He glared at the three Toppats. “Word of this gets out to anyone, and I’ll blow all your heads off. Understood?”
“Alright, alright,” Sledge laughed. “Wasn’t plannin’ on tellin’ anyone anyway, lover boy.”
Red froze. “I-- L-lov--!?” There were at least one hundred different insults he wanted to retort back, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get a single word to come out.
“Aw, don’t take it too hard, man,” Smith said. “If it means anything, I’d say you’ve got a shot.”
“Would ya?”
Smith placed a hand on his shoulder. “Oh, sure. I bet you two’d be really cute together,” he sang while nudging the ginger, who buried his flushed face in his hands.
“Oh my god, I hate you so much
“Alright, you two, enough already,” Macbeth told them. “Y’all’re gonna kill ‘im at this rate.”
Smith giggled. “Okay, okay. Really though,” he told Red. “I’m sure you’ll do fine. Take it from me--it took me years to ask Charlotte out on a date, and just last week we celebrated our second anniversary.”
The man smiled a little. “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it.” Smith looked down at his watch and frowned. “Oh man, I completely lost track of time, I gotta get ready.”
Sledge rubbed the back of his head. “I suppose that’s gonna mean you’ll need your phone back, then?”
“Yes, Sledge.” Smith crossed his arms. “Yes it will.”
Macbeth rolled his eyes. “I really don’t understand why ya keep takin’ it from ‘im.”
“It gets better signal than mine
” Sledge replied, hunching his shoulders defensively.
“There are better phones than his, y’know,” Red snickered.
“I can get his easier,” Sledge huffed. “Whatever. I’ll come along just in case it got lost in my room somewhere.”
“Thanks.” Smith glared. He turned to Red. “Anyways, keep your chin up, mate.”
As the group gathered their earned cash and got up to leave, Red’s mind drifted back to the chief’s right hand man. Whenever he saw him during work hours, he was always by himself. He didn’t ever see him not working either. Did he not have anyone else to help him with the workload? Or even to talk to?
Maybe Smith was right. Even if they didn’t start going out, he at least deserved someone to talk to and help him manage his workload. There was no good reason for him to have to do it all alone.
The group turned to Mr. Macbeth, who was standing next to the table, which was covered in scattered playing cards.
“Any of ya gonna help me get these?”
The group exchanged glances with each other.
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luke-patterson-owns-my-soul · 4 years ago
Hey Jealousy – Part One.
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Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Summary: The reader and Charlie grew up together, were the best of friends. It didn’t work well for her having boyfriends until she goes to college. Is her best friend jealous, or is everyone imagining things?
Requested: Yes / No
TW: Swearing, implies sexual intercourse, swearing, drinking Author’s notes: I had a weird dream (non-sexual) about an ex of mine and trying to make Charlie jealous (as you do), and this idea came from that. Whether it makes any sense at all remains to be seen.
Acknowledgements: The gorgeous @dream-a-little-bigger-x listened to me waffle on about this and read through most of it for me. Thank you my love.
Pairing: Fem Reader x Charlie Gillespie (eventually)
Words: 10,076
I have no idea when I’ll be posting Part Two as I am yet to write it... but I was way too impatient to sit on this. 
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Growing up being the best friend of Charles Gillespie was equal parts the best and worst thing. The best because he was genuinely the nicest guy, ever. He was outgoing, inclusive of everyone, and so much fun to be around. Charlie never sat still, didn’t do well with being bored, so it meant we made a lot of memories together along with our other friends.
The worst because for some reason, being best friends with a guy was off putting to other guys. Hanging out with Charlie ninety percent of the time seemed to prevent them approaching me. Even when I made it obvious I liked them, they seemed too scared to speak to you beyond a ‘hi’ or a ‘how you doin’?’. Charlie never seemed to notice how frustrated I was.
When Charlie moved to Toronto to follow his dreams of becoming an actor, it felt as if I’d lost a limb. I’d known him my entire life, had been friends for the whole time, had gone through all our firsts together, and with him not around, I didn’t know what to do with myself.
Admittedly, I was starting college just over the border in the US so there was that to keep me busy, but it wasn’t the same. Moving away from home, not having him with me, laughing at the other freshmen to help relieve my nerves. But I was alone and had no idea what I was doing.
Once I’d found my dorm room, I sat on the bed, surrounded by bags and boxes, and pulled my phone out of my bag. I needed my best friend right now, despite knowing he was probably out at auditions. I pull up my favorite contacts and tap on Charlie’s name, hoping he’ll be able to answer.
“Hey. I only have five minutes. How did the move go? Is your roommate cool? Any guys took your fancy? Have you had a chance to look around yet?” Eventually he stopped asking questions long enough to take a breath, letting me finally cut in to speak.
“Jesus Christ, Gillespie. I know you don’t have long, but do you really need to pepper me with so many questions? Don’t answer that otherwise I’ll never get to say anything.” I take a shaky breath and slowly start answering his questions. By the time I finish filling him on my day so far, he’s grinning at me.
“Sounds great, Trouble. I’m really pleased for you.” I rolled my eyes at his use of the nickname he gave me when we were seven and I punched a boy in the nose for tripping Charlie over and laughing at him cutting his chin on a small rock. “So, what do you have planned for the rest of the day?”
“I have some orientation thing, then I don’t know. Maybe just chill in my room, get to know my roommate when they finally get here.”
“Hey, listen. I gotta go. But I’ll call you when I get back to the apartment so you can tell me more. Especially if your roommate’s pretty.”
“You’re such a fucking horndog, Gillespie. Love you.”
“Love you too, Trouble.”
My ‘don’t call me that’ died on my lips as the call ended and the photo of Charlie and me camping at the Bay of Fundy a couple years back that had been my wallpaper since his sister took it filled the screen. My happiness of speaking to him faded as I realized I was alone, again.
:: ::
I had been at college for three months, and I was almost at the end of my first semester. Charlie was busy with filming a show he’d booked. I knew nothing about 2nd generation, but he was so excited, I couldn’t help but be so happy for him. We spoke most days and texted so much that all my friends thought we were dating. No matter how much I told them we were only friends, no one ever believed me.
The wall above my desk was covered in photos of the two of us and our other friends, and your roommate, Lena, was obsessed with him.
“Honey, if you ain’t tapping that, if he ever comes to visit, I’m stepping up.” She’d told me the first time she looked at a photo of Charlie. Every time the two of us facetimed, and she was in the room with me, she would butt in and flirt outrageously with him. I would laugh at him flirting back, enjoying the fact my two closest friends, one old and one new, got along.
I’d found it easier to settle into college life than I expected without having him with me. Maybe, if I was honest, him not being around was possibly the reason I was finding it easier. As much as I loved him and having him around, having something that was just for me meant something special.
I’d just finished a class and was walking across the quad when my phone rang in my bag, Charlie’s ringtone blared out. He’d picked En Vogue’s Whatta Man when we were about thirteen because ‘Trouble, it just describes me perfectly’. I’d just never got around to changing it, and now it always made me smile whenever I heard it.
“Hey, Trouble.” A groan and an eyeroll. “Whatcha doin’?”
“I just finished my classes for the day. I’m going for coffee with Lena. How’s things over there?”
“Yeah, we’re going strong.” There was a lot of indistinct background noise I couldn’t identify behind him, and it was hard to hear him. He hadn’t facetimed, which was strange, but it was probably a flyby call while he was waiting for a scene to be set up, or whatever actors did. I had no clue despite him telling me multiple times.
“That’s great.” As I walked beside Lena who was making kissy faces at me as Charlie and I spoke, I couldn’t help but smile at hearing his voice. It wasn’t the same as having him with me in person, but it was the best we’d have until Christmas break.
“Look, give me five and call me back. I just gotta speak to someone real quick.” Before I could answer, he cut the call.
“Well, that was the quickest call I’ve ever seen you two have.” Lena commented, a small smile on her face.
“He wants me to call him back in five.” It was typical Charlie, start something, then expect me to finish it.
“I swear, you speak to him more than your family.” She wasn’t wrong.
“He’s kind of like my security blanket. He talks me off the edge whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed and stuff. He’s never judged me for the way I overthink, and he’s so easy to be with.”
“I swear, if I didn’t know better, I would think you’re in love with him.”
“I do love him. He’s like the brother I never wanted and often get frustrated with, but I couldn’t imagine my life without him.”
“Uh huh
” She didn’t need to elaborate. She’d been saying the same thing since our first day. She was insistent that there was more to mine and Charlie’s relationship than there was. I was used to her by now and was able to ignore it now. “You better phone him back.” She reminded me as we neared the campus coffee shop. With a smile, I hit call on his contact.
Behind me, the sound of P!nk’s Trouble, my ringtone on Charlie’s phone rang out. Confusion washed over me as Lena started laughing. I spun round to see Charlie leaning up against a tree, a wide smile on his face.
I cut the call and ran over to him, throwing myself at him. As always, he caught me, his arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me in tight against his body.
“What the hell are you doing here?” I asked when he finally placed my feet back on the ground below me.
“I have the weekend off, so I drove down to see my best girl,” he looked at Lena with a smile, “and you, Trouble.” I punched him in the arm as he pulled my roommate into a hug.
“Remind me why I keep you around?” I asked him as the three of us entered the coffee shop.
“Because you adore this pretty face.” I rolled my eyes as we found a table after making our orders.
“You keep telling yourself that, Gillespie.”
:: ::
For the entire weekend, I showed Charlie around the campus and took him to parties. We got wasted, he enjoyed meeting my friends, but my favorite moment was on the Sunday when it was just the two of us, about a half hour outside of town, walking along a hidden trail.
“Trust you to find this place. I never even knew it was here.”
“You need to take more time for yourself, away from campus. Remember what it’s like to just be.”
“Do you get much of a chance to do that?” I asked as we walked, our arms brushing together the way they always did whenever we spent time together.
“Not as much as I like, but I try to get out at least once a week. It’s not the same though, not without you.” I looked up at him and saw a softness to his face not many people got to see.
“I’ve missed you, you big goof.”
“I’ve missed you too, Trouble.”
“You gotta stop calling me that.” I rolled my eyes, making him laugh and nudge at me with his shoulder.
“Never gonna happen, kiddo.”
“Kiddo? For fuck’s sake, Gillespie. You’re like two months older than me. You’re not exactly drawing your pension just yet.”
“It all counts.” He lifted his wrist and looked at his watch. “I better head back to my car and start heading back. I’ve got an early call in the morning.”
My heart sank at his words. I’d known the entire weekend he couldn’t stay forever and as we turned around to walk back the way we came, I felt a feeling of sadness wash over me.
“Hey, don’t do that.” He scolded me.
“Do what?”
“Fold in on yourself. We’ll both be home for Christmas.”
“Yeah, I know. I’ve just enjoyed having your ugly face around.”
“Ugly? You wound me.”
Silence fell over us as we continued walking, and the closer we got to the parking lot, the sadder I became at having to say goodbye to him again. He took hold of my hand, interlinking our fingers the way we always did.
Finally, we reached his car and came to a standstill next to it.
“Thank you for coming to see me. I needed this weekend.”
“I’ll always be there when you need me.” I knew he meant it too. He always did.
“I know. It’s one of the main reasons I adore you.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed him tight. I wasn’t ready to let him go, but knew I had to. Knew I had to carry on with this new chapter of my life that didn’t revolve around our friendship, knew he needed to get back to work and forge his way in his chosen career.
“Love you, Trouble.” He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead before pulling away from our hug and unlocking his car. “Gonna miss you.”
“Gonna miss you more. Let me know when you’re back, so I don’t worry.”
“I promise.”
Lena walked to stand beside me as I watched Charlie climb into his car and pull away. We stood and watched him drive away until I couldn’t see his car anymore.
“That boy is in love with you.” I ignored her as I turned to walk back to our dorm. “Just as much as you are with him.”
:: ::
Christmas break had been crazy. My large family and the Gillespie family always mixed for the holiday, and it was always loud, full of laughter, and more than a little raucous. It was my favorite time of the year.
This year was no different, but it was over all too soon, and I barely saw Charlie. He got back home on Christmas Eve, and had to leave again the day after Christmas Day thanks to reshoots and stuff I didn’t really understand. Most of my time had been spent with his sister, Megan, but there was a hole in my celebrations. A Charlie-sized hole.
He didn’t even make it back home for New Year, and I saw in midnight on the back porch of my parent’s house alone, a glass of champagne untouched next to me. I’d tried facetiming him, but my calls had gone unanswered.
Arriving back at college was a relief, and the holiday period had made me realize I’d become so co-dependent on my best friend, I was holding myself back from living my life.
“Hey bitch, how was Mr. Tallish, dark, and gorgeous?” Lena asked as we both unpacked from our vacations.
“Busy. I hardly saw or spoke to him.” I could hear the bitterness in my own voice and hated it, but I also kind of didn’t care.
“I’m sorry, babe. How about we head out to a ‘welcome back’ party, get dressed up, and break some hearts?”
After thinking about it for a split second, I grinned and agreed.
“Fuck it. Why not?”
Usually, campus parties were casual affairs; sweats and tank tops, but the flyers about this one was emblazoned with the words ‘dress to impress’, so Lena and I went all out.
Walking across campus in my favorite LBD and a pair of amazing stiletto pumps, I felt like I could conquer the world. I’d made an effort with my hair and makeup, and when Lena was ready, we’d taken a shit ton of selfies, posting them on Instagram. It was amazing what getting dressed up did for a girl’s self-esteem.
“Honey, when Charlie sees those photos on insta, he’s gonna be calling you like crazy.”
“Well, it’s a shame my phone is on silent in my purse, then. Tonight is for me and you to have a great time.”
“And maybe try and get over one guy with another?”
“Lena, I don’t need to get over Charlie. He’s my best friend, and I adore him. But that’s all it is.”
As we entered the party – in a frat house, naturally – I couldn’t help but be impressed with how dressed up everyone was. I followed Lena through the crowd into the kitchen where we managed to grab some drinks.
“Yeah, okay. You keep telling yourself that. I can only go by what my eyes show me, and there is more going on between you two than either of you want to admit.” I opened my mouth to say something, but she cut me off. “I’ll shut up now. Let’s go, Momma’s in the mood for dancin’.”
I didn’t see Lena for three days after the party. She’d met some guy and had spent the entire time in his bed. It had been nice to have the room to myself as I caught up with movies and TV shows on Netflix I had missed over the holiday period. By the time classes started back up, she was back and seriously study mode.
“John was asking after you again today.” She told me two weeks back into classes as we walked in the wintery sunshine to get some lunch.
“Oh.” I had no idea who John was, but I was going along with it.
“You don’t remember him, do you?”
“No clue, sorry.”
After gasping, she proceeded to fill me on John. Apparently, I’d danced with him a lot at the frat party. He was six feet tall, well built, but not huge, and had a hint of red hair. None of it was ringing any bells, but seeing as she was sleeping with his roommate, she saw him regularly.
“How can you not remember him? you were all over him.”
“Lena, I’d almost drank my weight in tequila, I would have been impressed if I’d remembered my own name, never mind someone else’s.” She pulled her phone out of her pocket. After tapping on the screen for a couple of minutes, she turned it so I could see.
The guy on screen was gorgeous. Piercing green eyes that reminded me of the forest near my house, and a wide, friendly smile.
“Judging by that reaction, you’d have no problems coming out with us tonight? Nothing heavy, just a few drinks and some food.”
“I wouldn’t be averse to food and drinks.” Laughing at my answer, she linked our arms and steered me into our favorite sandwich bar.
:: ::
The first meeting turned into a first date, then a second, a third, and before I’d even realized, John and I were dating, and it had been three months since that first meeting that I could remember. He was easy going and fun to be around, plus he loved being outside rather than cooped up in a room with another person. Especially when that person was his roommate who was often making out for hours with my roommate. We spent a lot of time on the hidden trail I’d discovered with Charlie, often taking a blanket so we could have a picnic under the lush canopy of trees.
John was a photography major, and never went anywhere without his camera – unless there was going to be alcohol – and my photo wall in my room was soon full of photos of the two of us, of me and Lena, and random things he saw that made him think of me. I had never been tagged in so many photos of me sober on Instagram in my life, and I loved every minute of our time together, but while I was happy, and living my best life there was still something missing. A 5,8” dark haired something.
I couldn’t remember the last time I’d spoken to Charlie for longer than five minutes, and never mind an actual facetime call. He’d finished up with 2nd Generation and had gone back home for a few weeks. I’d seen photos of him and his family, mostly his cousin Madi, doing the things I would usually be doing with them. Spring break was coming up, and while most of my friends were planning crazy trips down to Florida or Mexico, all I wanted to do was to go home.
“Hey, what are you doing for Spring Break?” I asked John as we lay tangled together in my bed, a sheen of sweat on both of our skin.
“I haven’t made any plans yet, why?”
“Fancy coming to Canada?”
:: ::
Pulling up in the drive outside my parent’s house, I look over at John in the passenger seat. He looked nervous as hell which made me chuckle. I unclipped my belt and leaned over to give him a quick kiss.
“Stop panicking. It’s going to be fine.” I told him. My parents were looking forward to meeting him. “I should be the nervous one. I’ve never brought a guy home before.”
“What? Never? Not even in high school?” I shook my head. “What about your prom date?”
“Me and Charlie went to prom together. We did everything together, and it stopped guys asking me out and stuff. So yeah
” I drifted off, realizing that this was my first relationship, my first boyfriend.
“That’s cool. Come one, let’s get this over with so we can both calm down.” He gave me another kiss before getting out of the car, retrieving our bags from the trunk. By the time I’d got out, he was standing beside me, holding out his hand. I took hold of it and led him to the house.
“Mom, dad? Anyone?” The house was silent when I let us in, John dropping our bags on the floor in the entry. “Hello? Favorite daughter is home for a week.”
“Only daughter you mean.” My younger brother, Tyler came bounding down the stairs, skidding to a stop when he saw John standing next to me.
“Okay, I wasn’t expecting that.” I glared at him. “I mean, I’ve seen photos and shit, but I didn’t expect you to be so big. Nice to meet you, man.” Tyler held out his hand for John to shake, which he did, chuckling at my brother’s lack of brain to mouth filter.
“Ty, where is everyone?”
“Out in the yard. Dad’s cleaning off the barbecue and mom’s making sure he does it right.” I couldn’t help but laugh. Not that I expected it to, but nothing had changed. Tyler took off through the house out into the back yard where my family were waiting.
“Ready for a trial by fire?” I asked John, looking up at him, smiling.
“Best to get it over and done with.”
Turning my whole body so I was fully facing him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tiptoes to give him a kiss.
“They’re gonna love you, I promise.” I murmured against his plump lips. He took a deep breath, gave me another quick kiss, and untangle me from him.
“Let’s do this.”
Once again, with our hands linked, I led the way, this time through the house I’d grown up in and out into the large back yard. Which was full of people, not just my family. Of course, the Gillespies were here too.
As John and I came to a stop on the ack porch, I cast my eyes across the space before me, looking for Charlie. It was a mixture of habit and wanting to see him, but I couldn’t find him.
“He’s not here.” Megan had jogged over and pulled me into a hug so she could whisper into my ear. Her words caused a wave of sadness to wash over me. “And we finally get to meet this guy who is all over your insta?” She grinned at John; her smile achingly similar to that of her brother.
“John, this is Megan, the little sister I never wanted, but got stuck with anyway.” As the two of the chatted, the three of us moved down into the garden so I could introduce my boyfriend to everyone.
:: ::
John had been stolen away by my dad, Tyler, and Charlie’s dad, leaving me to spend time with my mom. We sat on her favorite garden seat, watching everyone in silence for a few minutes before she turned to me.
“He’s nice. I can see why you like him so much.” I looked at her, waiting. Eventually, I realized she wasn’t going to say it.
“But? I know there’s a but in there somewhere.”
“No, no but.” She was lying, I could tell by the way her voice was at least an octave higher than usual.
“Mom. You can be honest with me, I’m not gonna bite your head off.”
“I just worry you’re rushing things. At college everything so
 intense, and you’re constantly aware of it ending, that you’ll be leaving that part of your life behind you one day. What then?”
” I didn’t have a coherent answer for her. She wasn’t wrong, but she’d also always told me that college was supposed to be the best time of my life, so why wouldn’t I spend it with someone I not only enjoyed being with, but who I was attracted too at the same time?
“Honey, I’m not trying to make you question things, I just want you to remember who you are and what you want in life.”
“Well, I want to be with John for now. Isn’t that enough?”
“If it is for you, it is for me.” She pulled me in for a hug. I loved my mom, but she’d confused me with our conversation. “You do realize your dad’s going to pitch a fit when he realizes you’re sharing a room.”
I stared at her. I’d assumed my parents would make him sleep in the spare room.
“Wait, what?”
“Sweetheart, neither of us are stupid. We know how things are at college, and as long as you’re being safe, I can’t tell you what to do anymore.”
Before I could say anything, Megan came over to pull me away. Arm in arm, we walked to the end of the garden, away from the house. Well, she led me, I merely went along with it.
“What’s up?” I asked her. Usually, she was a lot like her brother, constantly moving and talking, but now she was quiet and subdued. “Meg, seriously. You’re making me worried.”
“Nothing’s wrong. I just wanted to get you on your own so we can talk about that gorgeous hunk you brought home.” Relief flooded through me and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Jesus Christ, you scared me.” We sat down on an old swing my dad had made when I was a kid and talked. She peppered me with questions about college, the guys, the parties, and most of all, about John. She was a senior in high school and couldn’t wait for her own college experience. She’d chosen to stay in Canada to study.
I answered all of her questions, but we were soon interrupted by our being called to finally get some food. I was starving and practically sprinted over to where my dad was piling food on a table laden with salad, fried, and all kinds of family favorites. As I loaded up my plate, John hovered next to me, doing the same.
“Oh, look what the cat dragged in.” Megan’s voice was loud, making me turn my head. Charlie was walking toward us, wearing his hiking gear grinning at us all. I put my plate down and ran at him, our usual greeting.
“Trust you to show when the food’s ready.” I grinned at him as we broke apart and went back to the table to retrieve my plate, pulling it out of Charlie’s reach as he tried to steal a rib. “Get your own, there’s plenty.”
“But we always share, Trouble.” I rolled my eyes.
“Not today, Gillespie. This is all mine, and I may even have seconds.” I stuck my tongue out at him. A throat clearing behind me reminded me John was still with me. “Oh hey, you can finally meet John.”
“Yeah, great to finally meet you, man.” Charlie shook my boyfriend’s hand, his smile still on his face, but I noticed it didn’t completely reach his eyes.
“You too.”
“Well, I’m hungry, catch up later?” As Charlie nodded, I led John away so others could help themselves, over to a table with my parents. Why had that been more awkward than I’d expected? As I sat down, I caught Megan watching me, a strange look on her face.
:: ::
As the sun began to set, and things began to wind down, I decided to take John for a walk around the neighborhood I grew up in. We left the house, hand in hand, and walked along the street, passing Charlie’s house. I averted my eyes from the building, not wanting to make John think my attention wasn’t all on him.
“It’s nice here, very calm.” He commented as we reached the end of the street. “I grew up in the city, and it never got this quiet.” When I looked up at him, he was smiling softly.
“Come on, there’s a great playground just up the road.” I led the way, tugging on his hand as a laugh escaped me.
As we sat on the swings, both of us swaying back and forth as the sun set around us, bathing the sky with a vibrant orange. It was my favorite part of the day, one that made me think back over what had happened and made me realize that a new day was coming, a new chance to experience life. Charlie and I had spent so much time as kids on these very swings at this time, reflecting on choices we’d made throughout the day.
At the thought of my best friend, a slight movement caught my eye. When I looked at the path leading to the gate of the play park, I could see a figure retreating. Despite not being able to see the person’s face, I knew it was him. His shoulders were hunched, and his hands were shoved into the pockets of his shorts. The sound of John’s camera taking photos distracted me and I looked away for a minute. When I looked back, my best friend was nowhere to be seen.
“Stop taking photos of me.” I groaned, knowing he wouldn’t.
“How can I? you’re the most beautiful thing around.” Standing, John walked over to me and took hold of the chains with side of me to still the movement of the swing. He stood between my legs and bent his head and captured my lips in a kiss that started off slow and soft, but soon turned heated.
Letting go of the chains, John managed to lift me off the swing, holding me against him. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and my arms around his neck. Slowly, he began to walk across the playground, only stopping when he reached the large wooden playhouse I’d played in as a kid.
Putting me on my feet and letting go, he removed the camera from around his neck and placed it in a safe place before climbing into the playhouse, removing his shirt and placing it on the wooden boards. When he looked over at me, his green eyes which were usually the color of spring grass were now the color of a lush, dark forest.
“What? Here? Are you trying to soil my childhood memories?”
“Totally, now come here before I have to take matters into my own hands.” He palmed the bulge in his shorts, locking eyes with me. With a laugh that was huskier than I’d ever sounded, I climbed in after him and straddled his thighs.
:: ::
Waking up at the crack of dawn, wrapped in John’s strong arms, in my childhood bedroom should have felt weird. But it didn’t. I was warm and content, but as we had a busy day planned, I couldn’t stay in our little cocoon. We had a camping trip to get ready for.
I crawled out of his arms and dived into the bathroom for a quick shower. By the time I emerged wrapped in a towel, John was sat up in my bed, scrolling on his phone.
“Come on you, we’re going camping. Up and at ‘em.” I was excited. It had been far too long since I’d been down to Fundy and I couldn’t wait to get on the road.
“Babe, it’s not even 6a.m.” He groaned.
“Yeah, and? Come on. Need to fuel up with a good breakfast.” I pulled on some clothes and left the room, skipping down the stairs. ‘My dad had always been an early riser, so it was no surprise to find him in the kitchen holding a steaming cup of coffee as he read a book at the breakfast bar.
“Morning daddy.” I kissed his cheek as I passed him to get to the coffee pot.
“Morning, sweetheart. Sleep well?” I could hear the unasked question behind his actual question.
“Yes, like a log. Stop worrying about me, I’m not a little girl anymore.”
“Don’t I know it. Please, just tell-”
“Dad. Nothing happened last night. And even if it had, I would be careful. I’m not an idiot.”
“Could have fooled me.” Tyler interrupted us, grinning when I gave him the finger.
“Stop picking on your sister. And you,” he looked at me, “put that finger down.”
I laughed as I sipped at my coffee before telling them I was going out to grab the camping gear.
“I’ll go and make sure Charlie and Megan are up and ready.” Tyle put his own cup down and left the kitchen. I froze on the spot I stood in
Shit. I didn’t realize he’d invited them.
“Everything okay?” Dad asked.
“Yeah, just trying to work out what we need.” I lied before flashing him a quick smile. I could hear John coming downstairs. “Please, no interrogation.” I hissed at my dad. He drew a cross over his heart as my boyfriend entered the kitchen, his hair damp from the shower.
“Morning, sir.” He greeted my dad.
“Please, John. Sir was my father. Call me Frank like everyone else.”
After giving John a quick kiss, I went out to the shed to gather up everything we’d need for a couple of days down in Fundy.
An hour later, Tyler and I had expertly packed up the trunk of my car and were just about to climb in when Charlie and Megan pulled up in Charlie’s car.
“Ready to rock and roll?” He called out of his window, a wide grin on his face.
“You know it. Last one there buys lunch.” I called out our usual challenge as I jumped into the driver’s seat, Tyler urging John in as Charlie pulled away with a screech. Within minutes, the doors were closed, the engine started, and we were on our way.
“Is she always this competitive?” John turned to face my brother in the back seat as I turned the radio on, looking for something to sing along to.
“Only with Charlie, so yes. Constantly. They can make a contest out of everything.” I rolled my eyes.
“No I don’t.”
“Sis, I love you, but you do. You and Charlie are a fucking nightmare at times.”
“You’re talking bullshit.” I tried to change the subject, but Tyler was on a roll.
“Remember that time you two tried to eat more popping candy than the other and you ended up barfing all over yourself?”
“Really? You bring that up? I was fifteen, Ty. And I’d drank about a gallon of soda. It was the gas.”
“Whatever. What about the time when you-” I cut him off.
“That’s enough. Babe, did you go camping much growing up?” I looked at John who had gone quiet. He was looking out of the window, and it took me tapping him on the knee to get his attention.
“Nah, not really. I’m a city boy, so we didn’t really do the whole ‘great outdoors’ thing.”
“Not even on vacation?” Tyler asked.
“Nah, we did Disney and Universal, stuff like that.”
“Well, you’re in for a treat. This is our favorite place on Earth and your camera’s gonna get a good workout.” I smiled at him as I intertwined our fingers as I drove.
:: ::
Thanks to my brother have the bladder the size of a pea and three cans of soda, we arrived at our usual camping ground over half an hour after Charlie and Megan. They’d already set up their tent and were waiting for us as if they didn’t have a care in the world, music drifting softly from the stereo in his car.
“Tyler potty breaks, again?” Charlie asked, laughing.
“He travels back with you.” I grumbled as I opened the trunk and began to drag our gear out. Instantly, Charlie was on his feet, unfolding the tents to put them up with Tyler’s help.
“What do you need me to do?” John asked me.
“Take those coolers of food and drinks over to Megan. She’s always in charge of that stuff, makes sure we don’t live off candy and chips.”
I couldn’t help but watch the muscles in his back as he lifted the two coolers out of the trunk. He wasn’t overly muscly, but his form was impressive. I stood back and admired him for a minute.
“Hey, Trouble. Give me a hand with this. Your brother’s still useless.” Charlie called out.
By the time the tents were all up, one for Tyler, and one for me and John, we were all starving.
“Hey, losers. You owe us lunch.” Charlie called out, giving his sister a high five.
“Let me just get changed, and we’ll go.” In the middle of the camping ground was a cafĂ© that served some of the best food. I ducked into the tent and changed my shirt and jeans for a bikini top and denim shorts. As I emerged from the small space, I pulled one of Charlie’s old cut off shirts over my head. “Right, let’s go and introduce John to poutine.
“Oh, man. It’s the best.” Tyler slapped him on the back as he led the way. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Charlie watch as John took hold of my hand.
:: ::
The sun was setting and the five of us were sitting around a campfire. Charlie had his guitar and he and Megan were singing some of their favorite songs. As always, I was blown away by their talent and how well their voices blended together. I’d always been a bit jealous of how musical the Gillespie family was. All of them sang, played instruments, and dance – well Charlie didn’t that well, but he always gave his all when his sister dragged him into it.
John sat next to me, his camera lifted up to his face as he took photo after photo, something he’d been doing all day. He’d told me he’d been blown away by the beauty of the place and that gave me a warm feeling, being able to share one of my favorite places with him.
“Hey, Trouble. Your turn.” Charlie handed me the guitar.
“Not tonight, Gillespie.” I was exhausted and it had been far too long since I’d played or sang. I knew I was never going to sound as good as him and Megan; I rarely did.
“Nope, you’re not getting out of it. Come on, you know you wanna.” He was egging me on, and knew I’d give in eventually.
“Come on, it’s tradition.” Megan joined in with the cajoling as Tyler called out his two cents worth. With a sigh, I took the guitar from Charlie and propped it on my knee.
“Any requests?” I asked.
“Under the Bridge.” The Red Hot Chili Peppers song was one of my favorites and I loved singing it.
“I didn’t know you played.” John sounded surprised.
“Yeah, Charlie taught me a few years ago. It’s been a while though and I’m rusty as hell because I never got my own guitar.” I ran my fingers down the strings before making myself a bit more comfortable. “Hey, you got a spare pick?” I asked Charlie. He reached into the pocket on the front of his soft guitar case before leaning over to hand me the small piece of plastic. I couldn’t help but laugh at the poop emoji design on it. I’d ordered him a bunch of them as part of his birthday present the previous year.
I ran through the song in my mind reminding me of the lyrics and chords before I began to play.
Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partner
Sometimes I feel like my only friend
Is the city I live in, the city of angels
Lonely as I am, together we cry
I drive on her streets 'cause she's my companion
I walk through her hills 'cause she knows who I am
She sees my good deeds and she kisses me windy
Well, I never worry, now that is a lie
As I expected, Charlie joined in on the bridge, harmonizing with me. We’d always sang this song together. It had become a bit of a tradition at gatherings with our families and friends. As always when we sang together, Charlie and I locked eyes, a small smile on his face made me smile back as we sang. There was a connection between us when we sang, one that had been there from the day we became friends.
I don't ever wanna feel
Like I did that day
Take me to the place I love
Take me all the way
I don't ever wanna feel
Like I did that day
Take me to the place I love
Take me all the way
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Finally, the song came to an end and silence filled the air around us. Without saying anything, I handed the guitar and pick back to Charlie without looking at him. I leaned over, picked up my bottle of beer, and drained the last of it. For some reason, a weird feeling had come over me while we’d sung, and I didn’t know how to read it. In the end, I decided to ignore it and escape into my tent.
“I’m tired guys. I’m gonna turn in.” As I faked a yawn, I didn’t bother waiting for a response as I stood up, dropped the bottle in a trash bag, gave John a quick kiss, and crawled into my tent. As I stripped out of my hoodie and sweats and crawled into my sleep bag, Megan stuck her head through the flap.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, just tired. It’s been a long day.” It hadn’t really, and she knew it hadn’t. We hadn’t done anything different to what we would normally in Fundy.
“I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Sure. Night.” With a small smile she disappeared from the opening of the tent, leaving me to settle down and try to get to sleep.
I was still wide awake when John crawled into the tent an hour or so later. He tried not to make too much noise as he stripped down to his boxers before getting into his own sleeping bag. The lamp hanging from the tent roof was turned on low, just about lighting up the space around us.
“Hey.” I kept my voice low, knowing from experience how the sound travelled at night.
“Hey.” He repeated as I turned to face him, propping myself up on one elbow.
“Have you had a good day?”
“It’s been great. I can see why you guys love it out here.
“Yeah, it’s great. We’re lucky having all this pretty much on our doorstep. I couldn’t imagine not being able to get out here. I bet you got some great shots.”
“I did. I can’t wait to get back and start editing them. Some should work well for school too.”
“Hey,” I dropped my voice even lower. “Wanna join the bags together and
 snuggle?” I waggled my eyebrows at him in the dim lighting, making him smile softly.
“Not tonight. I’m so tired after all the hiking and swimming you guys made me do today.” He turned his head to look at me. “That okay?”
“Of course.” I leaned over and kissed him before getting comfortable again against his solid form. This time, I did fall asleep.
:: ::
When I woke up, the light was bright around me, despite being inside the tent. I was also alone. Sitting up, I wiped the sleep from my eyes and crawled out of the tent. John was sitting on his own, a cup of coffee cradled between his hands.
“Morning.” I press a kiss to his cheek as I sit down.
“Aren’t you cold?” he asks, looking at my bare legs. I’m still only in t-shirt I slept in.
“Not at all. It’s not that cold.” I chuckle as I pour myself a coffee. There’s a slight hint of steam in front of my face as I speak.
“It’s freezing, babe.”
“I’m Canadian, remember. This is a gorgeous spring morning.” I lean over and give him another kiss, this time it’s more than a simple and perfunctory peck. John’s hand cups the back of my head, his fingers tangling in my hair. When we pull apart, I notice he’s breathing a little heavier than he was before and it makes me grin.
“You’re crazy.”
“You ain’t seen nothing yet.” Tyler’s voice surprises the both of us. When I turn, he’s standing over us, smirking at me.
 why am I suddenly nervous?” John asks my brother. They seem to have gotten on really well which pleases me. Tyler tipped me out of my seat before making himself comfortable in my place. Glaring at him, I moved around and sat on John’s lap.
“How are you with heights?” Tyler asks.
“Yeah, I’m okay.”
“How do you feel about deep water?”
I knew where this was going, so I decided to go and grab a shower in the shower block. As I ducked into the tent, I heard John exclaim.
“She does what?”
“Yeah, she and Charlie cliff dive.” I turned to look at John and laughed at the look of horror on his face. “It started out as a dare, of course, and now they do it every time we’re here.”
Leaving the two of them talking, I grab my washbag and take a walk over to the block of showers. Thankfully, there isn’t much of a queue and I’m able to snag one pretty quickly. The water’s not exactly hot, which means I don’t dawdle as I wash. Eventually, I emerge fully dressed, a towel wrapped around my hair and almost bump into Charlie.
“Woah, hey. You’re up late.” He commented, steadying me so I wouldn’t fall over.
“Not really.” It was barely 8 a.m., which to Charlie was practically a lie in. “I was up before you.”
“Nope. I was up at sunrise and went for a walk.” I rolled my eyes.
“Of course you were.”
“Are you heading back?”
“Yeah, I want to get ready for the cliffs.” I grinned at him. He fell into step beside me, and we walked back to the tents together.
“Remember that time you pushed me before I was ready, and I belly flopped so hard?”
“Oh my God, you screamed like a little girl who got a pony for her birthday. It was hilarious.”
“It also hurt like a fucking bitch.”
Charlie and I approached our tents, laughing to find John, Tyler, and Megan watching us as if we’d lost our minds.
“Who’s ready for the cliffs?” I asked, wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes. The memory of Charlie screaming lived in my head, rent free, and I couldn’t not laugh about it.
” John looked nervous. After throwing my washbag into the tent, I bounced over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Charlie turn his back and crawl into the tent he shared with his sister.
“No need to be nervous. You don’t have to dive if you don’t want to, just stay near the top, take photos, and enjoy the view. It’s all Megan and Ty do, because they’re both massive chickens.” As I spoke, I looked over at my brother who was flipping me off. “Don’t decide now. See how you feel nearer the time.”
Once we were at the cliffs, Megan spread out a blanket and sat down, a book in her hand. Tyler joined her, scrolling through his phone. John and I stood at the edge of the cliff, looking down into the ocean. We were nowhere near the top, as over the years we’d worked out this was the best place for jumping into the water without it taking an age to get back, but it was high enough to get my blood pumping.
 I think I’ll sit this one out.” Moving back, John joined Tyler and Meghan, but remained standing, his camera at the ready. I moved back a little but stayed fairly close to the edge so I could get ready.
“Gillespie?” I called out my challenge as I stripped out of my shorts and tank tops, kicking my sandals off, revealing a mismatched bikini. Behind me, I heard a sharp intake of breath and turned to grin at John, but he had his back to me and was taking photos of the view.
A roar sounded and Charlie ran past me, launching himself off the edge of the cliffs. He ‘battle cry’ could be heard the entire way down until it was broken off by a splash.
With a grin on my face, I followed, dipping myself forward into a dive. I cut through the water, plunging deep before arcing up to break the surface.
“Show off.” Charlie called out as he tread the water.
“Of course. I need to make you look bad at something.” I swam over to him, taking hold of his hand and pulling him back to shore so we could start the climb back to where the others waited. There was a lot of pushing and shoving between the two of us as we made out way, and when we finally reached them, I was out of breath from laughing so much. Charlie’s arm was slung over my shoulder as he struggled to keep himself upright.
“Then you just whipped your top off and jumped.” He was howling with laughter. “That’s why we’ve never given you tequila since.”
I gave him a friendly shove.
“It wasn’t just the tequila, and you know it Gillespie. We hadn’t eaten all day, then you pulled out Jose and it was game over.” He grabbed me around the waits and walked toward the edge, as if he was going to throw me. Admittedly, if he did, it wouldn’t have been the first time. I screamed at him to put me down, hearing my brother and Megan laughing. Eventually, he did as I asked before diving off the edge again, this time executing an almost perfect dive. “Asshole.” I muttered as I grabbed a towel to wrap around my waist.
It wasn’t until I sat down next to him, that I realized John was very quiet and was scrolling through his phone.
:: ::
Arriving back at my house early evening, I was ready for a hot shower and my own bed. Tyler ducked into the house while John and I unloaded the trunk and stored the camping gear back where it belonged. He’d slept for most of the trip back, and I could tell something was bothering him.
After having dinner with my parents, John excused himself to try and get some sleep. It had been a pretty full on couple of days, but not enough to wipe him out. After a few minutes, I decided to go and check on him. I didn’t want him getting sick or something.
When I got to my room, I was surprised to find him packing his stuff into his bag.
“Hey, what’s going on?” He clearly hadn’t expected me to come upstairs and my voice made him jump even though I hadn’t spoken particularly loudly.
“I’m heading back to my dorm.” I moved into my room, closing the door behind me. When I reached up to touch his shoulder, he flinched away from me.
“Woah. Why?”
“Look, I can’t play second best. I really like you, but it’s very clear that your heart lies elsewhere.”
“John, babe. I have no idea what you’re talking about here.” I put my hand on his arm, trying to get him to turn and face me. Eventually he did, sinking onto the edge of my bed.
“Look, we’ve been having fun, right?” I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. “Neither of us expected anything serious, and while I thought I might have been falling for you, the past few days have made me realize you could never feel the same way about me.”
When John looked up at me, meeting my eyes with his gorgeous green ones, there was no sadness in them. There was only what I could describe as an acceptance of some sort. It confused the hell out of me.
“I know you tell everyone he’s your best friend, but it’s obvious to everyone who spends any kind of time with the two of you that you’re both head over heels for the other.”
I couldn’t help it, but I burst out laughing.
“Me and Charlie? No way. You’ve got it all wrong, believe me.”
“See, you say that, and I think on the surface that you believe it, but deep down
 I’m a photographer. I literally look at details of the things around me all the time, and there’s no mistaking there’s something going on between the two of you. It’s just taking both of you some time to realize it; although, I think Charlie might be there already. He’s crazy jealous of me.” A snort escaped me before I could stop it. “I’m serious. Whenever we were together the past few days, he either turned his back, walked away, or interrupted us. You may see him as your best friend, but he’s in love with you. And I can’t compete with that.”
Standing back up, John finished packing his stuff, telling me he had a train booked in an hour. Knowing I wasn’t going to change his mind, I offered him a ride to the station, but he refused saying he’d book an uber.
Rather than watch him leave, I went out into the garden and sat on the swing. I’d never had a breakup, so I had nothing to compare it to, but I didn’t feel as sad as I expected to. In the movies, girls lay in their beds for days on end with messy hair and mascara running down their faces until their friends ran an intervention. Yeah, I was sad that John had broken up with me, but it felt like I was losing a friend more than a boyfriend. Even if the reasoning was ludicrous. There was no way on Earth Charlie Gillespie, the guy all the girls wanted, was in love with me. Sure, I knew he loved me – we were best friends, but that was it.
As the sun set around me, I finally made my way inside. I could hear the TV playing in the lounge, but didn’t feel like being pitied by my family, so I made my way up to my bedroom. When I was there, it felt empty without John’s big, solid frame. He’d only been here two days, but he’d made an impression on my space.
Not sure what to do with myself, I sat on my bed, hearing a crinkle. There was an envelope on my pillow.
I’m sorry it ended like this, but you need to know and understand that I don’t hate you – just in case you were wondering. Yeah, I’m upset, but I’m a big boy and I’ll get over it, and when I do, I hope we can still be friends. I honestly love spending time with you, and meeting your family was great.
I know you didn’t believe me when I told you about Charlie, but I hope these prove it to you.
See you soon, John.
Inside the envelopes were a couple of polaroid photos. I’d forgotten he’d brought his along with his big one. We’d all taken turns taking silly shots of one another, shaking them as they developed around the campfire we’d had.
The first was me holding Charlie’s guitar. I was clearly singing, looking at him, but there was something in the way I looked at my best friend. A softness to my face that could only be interpreted as affection – unsurprising, considering how much he meant to me, how much we meant to one another.
The second, was after our first jump at the cliffs. We were walking toward the camera, arms wrapped around one another, laughing. If it was anyone else, I would say it was quite an intimate photo, but it was me and Charlie. We were always like that, always touching, always laughing.
Putting the letter and photos on my desk, I lay back on my bed. I was confused as hell and didn’t know what to think or who to talk to.
As if summoned, my phone began to ring, Lena’s name flashing on the screen. When I answered, she didn’t bother with a greeting.
“So, when are you and pretty boy getting it on?”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“John text me, told me what happened, said you might need someone to talk to. He finally saw what I saw.”
“And what did you see?”
“You and Charlie boy. All the feels.”
“Lena, there are no feels. We’re friends, best friends.”
“Honey, I know you’re a bit blind to the fact that that boy is crazy in love with you, probably has been for years, and you
“I what?”
“You look at him like he hung the moon. I don’t look at my best friend like that. I know it’s a lot to take in, but think about it, logically. Try to look at your relationship the way an outsider would, then tell me you’re not gonna end up ridiculously happy, living in some gorgeous apartment somewhere, surrounded by gorgeous babies.”
“And what if I come to the realization he’s just my friend?”
“Then I would say you’re blind as fuck. Look, I gotta go, my nanna’s lethal at dominoes, so I gotta make sure she doesn’t cheat. I’ll see you in a few days.” Lena ended the call. I was no clearer on the situation I had been before we’d spoken, but I least I had something to do.
Could everyone be right, and I was wrong? I loved Charlie, adored him, but I wasn’t in love with him. We were friends, the best, and that was all. Wasn’t it? I was pretty sure it was for me.
I needed air. I made my way back downstairs, grabbing my car keys from the side unit and went outside. It was late, but maybe a drive would help. As I unlocked my car, I heard my name being called. Turning, I saw Charlie jogging over to me.
“Hey, where are you going?”
“I just need to clear my head.”
“Where’s the big man.” Something flashed in his eyes as he asked about John. I tried not to read too much into it, but if I didn’t know better, it looked like jealousy. I gave myself a mental slap around the back of the head for projecting John and Lena’s words onto myself.
“He left. Went back to campus. We’re over.” Immediately, Charlie’s arms were wrapped around me and I was pulled in tight against his chest. My senses were overwhelmed by the feel of him, the sound of his heartbeat, and the scent of him. It was too much and I pulled away.
“Are you okay? I know you liked him.”
“Yeah, I’m good. It wasn’t that serious.”
“Serious enough to sleep with him.” An undertone of something I couldn’t work  out laced his voice.
“Charles. I wasn’t a virgin when I met John. I may not have had any serious relationships, or relationships in any capacity, but I wasn’t innocent. Just the way you’re not, so don’t pull that bullshit with me.”
Boys at high school may have been wary of Charlie, but he wasn’t around at college when I discovered meaningless one night stands weren’t for me.
“I’m sorry. I just don’t want to see you hurting.”
“I’m not. Maybe I should be more upset, but I can’t fake it.”
“You sound upset.” I looked up at him, stepping back slightly to move closer to my car. “I don’t like it when you’re upset, even when you don’t think you are, like that time when-”
“Look, I’m not here for a trip down memory lane. I want to go for a drive. Talk tomorrow?”
“Sure.” He turned to walk away an I pulled open the driver’s side door. Before I could sink into the seat, I was spun around. Charlie had hold of my wrist in one hand, but it was a gentle hold. He slammed the door and walked toward me. Nerves took over me and I back away from him, my back hitting the car behind me.
When he let go of my wrist, he placed his hands either side of me, resting against the cool metal of my car. Swallowing, I locked eyes with him, feeling very unsure of myself. I opened my mouth to ask him what was happening but didn’t manage the words before he crashed his lips against mine.
@dream-a-little-bigger-x @calamitykaty @crybabyddl @morganayennefertyrell​ @lovesanimals​ @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve @echocharm17618 @kinda-really-lost @n0wornever @all-in-fangirl @kcd15 @charliesmountains @amazinggracy @happinessinthedarkesttimes @xplrreylo @5sosmukefan
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