#so siri gets the honor of being my best friend now
tristealven · 6 years
For the ask: 38, 48 and 58!
Oooh, thank you for the questions
38. favourite comedian(s)
I’m not hugely into comedy tbh. I watched Nanette recently and loved it, so Hannah Gadsby is the first one that comes to mind. I enjoy Jonas Gardell’s books and I think I’d enjoy his stand-up, too. Aaand… would you consider Victoria Pile a comedian? Or a comedy writer? She created Green Wing and Smack the Pony, both shows I used to like once upon a time. Some of the actors in those shows are pretty stellar. Oh, Matt Lucas and David Walliams. (Says the person who’s not into comedy). 
48. turn offs
Sexually? Is it awful if I say men? Also, not listening to your partner. And I’m too old for things that always end up being way more impractical than fun (shower sex, pool sex, outdoors sex etc.) 
58. description of my best friend
she might actually be a cat?
get to know me, pick some numbers 
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messers-moony · 3 years
Tomorrow | S.B
Paring: Sirius Black X Wife!Reader
Summary: James is nervous to marry Lily so he asks his best friend how he managed to marry his wife.
A/N: I know that this is vote number one instead of number two (which won) however, I decided to scrap what I had for number two because it wasn’t good. This is better and I’ll continue to rewrite number two until it’s to my standards. I hope you understand.
His hands were sweaty. He was nervously pulling his hair which received multiple slaps from his best friend for ruining his hair. James stepped foot in the full-length mirror readjusting his bow tie while Sirius stood behind him, chuckling at his nervous best friend.
James sighed, “How’d you do it, Pads?”
“How did you marry Y/n?”
Sirius chuckled, “Have you turned daft?”
James tilted his head in confusion, “You were my best man! You were there the entire time.” Sirius replied playfully.
“No, no, I mean, how did you really do it? Like step on the altar and marry her?”
“I just did?” Sirius answered, and James gave him a look, “Bullshit.”
“Okay, fine! Fine!” Sirius relented, “I was practically shitting myself. Y/n means a lot to me, ya’ know?”
James was silent, letting his best friend rant about his wife, “Y/n means everything to me. She’s been with me through thick and thin. There’s nothing more I wanted than to marry her even if it was in the midst of this war.”
“You’ve been chasing Lily for years, mate. I can promise you that she wouldn’t have said yes if she didn’t really want to.” Sirius assured.
“You’re sure?” James inquired insecurely, “I’m one hundred percent sure.”
A knock resonated on the door with a soft voice on the other side, “It’s just me!”
The female voice on the other side of the door walked in, styled h/c hair and makeup placed upon her face. She was greeted with Sirius, and a hug pulled tightly into his chest. She saw James looking at them nervously, and she let go of Sirius to hug James tightly.
“You’re going to be okay? I promise.” She stated, pulling apart to look at his hazel eyes, “Lily loves you. Godric, she loves you more than anything!”
“Thanks, Y/n.” James smiled softly, and Y/n pulled her lips to his ear to whisper, “Lily’s liked you since second year.”
James and Y/n laughed as they pulled apart, “But that stays between us!”
“Oi!” Sirius interjected playfully, “Taking my wife, are you?”
“Never.” James replied smiling, all nerves having left, “Thank you both for being here. Seriously it means a lot to me.”
They smiled, “Anytime.”
Someone cracked open the door and spoke, “We need the maid of honor and the best man so we can start.”
“Suppose that’ll be us?” Sirius questioned teasingly, “I think so.” Y/n smiled.
Y/n kissed James’ cheek, “You’ll do fine, and we’ll see you soon.”
“Of course, Mrs.Black.”
Sirius wrapped his arm around Y/n as they walked out to the aisle and altar. Sirius took his spot on the right and Y/n on the left. Smiling at each other from the side, remembering what it was like only a few months ago when they got married. When Lily was in the maid of honor spot and James was in the best man spot. Now roles were reversed.
James stepped out, gaining a reassuring smile from them both. Lily following not too far after with her father. James and Lily looked like lovesick puppies. It was adorable. Vows were exchanged, and tears were shed, especially from James and Lily. On the alter, someone took pictures of the four of them together. Sirius told an absurd joke making them all laugh. A picture was taken at the exact moment.
It was nice. Y/n and Sirius sat at a table together. His arm was around her shoulders as they watched their best friends dance together and laugh together. Sirius took the clips out of his wife’s hair and scratched her scalp, causing her to move into his hand. Multiple hours of clips in Y/n’s hair gave her headache, and Sirius was relieving it.
“Feel nice, love?”
“Yes, these bloody clips. Make sure you save them. I’m going to throw them at Lily later.” Y/n stated, and Sirius chuckled, “Mhm, okay.”
Hours later, James and Lily began to act like fools. Y/n picked up one of the clips from the table, aiming precisely with some help from Sirius - a former Quidditch Beater - and threw it at her. At first, she didn’t notice, but after the third one, she did. The smile on her face was unmistakable.
Lily picked up the three clips and turned toward her maid of honor with her hair down completely. Another one was thrown at her, and Lily laughed loudly. Then one was thrown at Y/n and Sirius. Fortunately, Lily threw it and missed Y/n completely, instead hitting Sirius right in the face. James, Lily, and Y/n were laughing like the only people in the building.
“Oi!” Sirius yelled, “Control your wife, Prongs!”
Y/n stood up, reaching a hand out for Sirius, “C’mon Siri. Let’s go join them.”
Sirius smirked and took her hand, joining their best friend dancing together, jumping around like fifth-year Gryffindors in the common room. They looked like complete idiots, but that didn’t matter. Lily and Y/n holding hands, twirling each other around, laughing together. James and Sirius began to throw the clips at each other. Remus and Peter were on the side watching the idiots.
Lily and Y/n traded. Y/n danced with James, and Lily danced with Sirius. The girls could remember back in sixth year complaining about their boyfriends in the girl's dorms but always remembering that they love their idiots. When the night was over, just the four of them at Godrics Hollow, they just laughed the night away.
“So, Mrs.Potter, how’s it feel?” Y/n teased, “Surprisingly, it feels great.” Lily replied.
“How about you, Mrs.Black?”
“Being married to Sirius is a dream.” Y/n joked, “No, no, but in all seriousness, he’s delightful, sweeter than I imagined.”
Lily’s eyebrows quirked, “What’s he like?”
“Perfect?” Y/n replied, “Does laundry, cooks, cleans, makes my coffee every morning before order stuff?”
“Mother of Merlin! I never would’ve expected-“ Lily exclaimed, “I know! It’s crazy!” Y/n interrupted.
“We got lucky, didn’t we?”
“Indeed we did, sister.”
They clinked their glasses of firewhiskey together. Both girls finally married, finally together. Lily and Y/n hit the motherload with their husbands. Both were gentlemen and chivalry experts. Both girls fell asleep together on the couch, leaving both boys to bring them to bed. Sirius and Y/n in the guest bedroom. James and Lily in their bedroom.
The following morning the four of them woke up. Lily and Y/n were making breakfast while the two men tried to help despite having no knowledge of cooking. Two hours later, breakfast was made and being eaten at the dinner table. Clinks of forks and sounds of chewing were the only sounds coming from the table.
Until Sirius spoke up, “So, how was yesterday, newlyweds?”
“Perfect.” James answered, Sirius then turned to Lily, “Despite everything going on, I think we really needed it.”
Y/n nodded, “Completely agree. It was nice to let loose for a couple of hours.”
The conversation then went quiet, “I don’t know what I’d do without you guys.” Said James solemnly.
“Yesterday was great, but what we don’t know is the future, and I know that right now it’s a dark time. It’s probably one of the lowest points I’ve been in my life. My parents being terribly sick, the Dark Lord on the rise supposedly. Everything seems to be going in a downhill spiral.”
“But for the first time in months, yesterday I felt like a first-year at Hogwarts performing my first prank. I felt like that second-year who blew up Y/n’s cauldron for fun. The third-year who decided it’d be a brilliant idea to dye Sirius’ hair pink.” James stated as everyone laughed, “Let’s just say I didn’t have hair for a week.” He murmured.
“Fourth year when I stole Remus’ book, and he nearly killed me. Fifth-year, when I turned into an animagus for Moony. Sixth year when Lily finally decided to give me a chance. Seventh year when we blew up fireworks in the Great Hall for the graduating class of 1978.”
“Not knowing what tomorrow brings leaves us anxious and nervous. But there’s one thing I’m sure of.” James informed, “That if anything ever happens to me, just know, that every second we’ve spent together, every memory we have together, I hold them close to my heart. They all mean something to me. Even if it’s as simple as sitting in the common room together.”
“I’m not finished.” He interrupted, “This is a scary time, but I’ve always been certain of one thing, that thing is you guys. You guys have always been constants in my life. Always been there for me through thick and thin. Sirius being my brother, Lily being my wife, and Y/n being the little sister I never got and my shoulder to cry on.”
Y/n chuckled, “Hey!”
“I still love you.” James replied teasingly through his tears, and she smiled, “I know, Prongs.”
“I’ll eventually have to repeat the same speech to Moony and Wormtail, but for right now, I haven’t felt happier. I wanted to say all of this at the wedding, but Lily didn’t want to dampen anyone’s mood, which I understand. Yesterday was a breath of fresh air for what’s to come.”
“But tomorrow, we will all go back to our Order missions and meetings. One thing I can be sure of is that I can always trust you guys, through and through. If for some reason something happens to me, just know I love you guys.”
“We love you too, James.” Lily replied.
Sirius sniffled and smiled through his teary eyes, “Nothing will happen to you guys. Not with me here. You guys have given me too much to let you guys go without a fight.”
“And that’s why we love you, Padfoot.” James stated, smiling at him.
“Everything will be okay. We’ll get through this.” Y/n said with hopeful optimism that would always brighten her friend's days.
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years
Lost In You (Hvitserk x Reader)
This is my contribution to @maggiescarborough​ 400 followers writing challenge! Congrats again! 
The scenario I chose was the character asking reader/oc out or the other way around. And because why not, it is a Vikings/The Last Kingdom crossover! 
Also this is my first time writing Hvitserk! Yay! Let me know how I did! 
Warnings: angst, a couple swear words, fluff, bad pick-up lines
Tag List: @youbloodymadgenius​
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  "Who is that?" 
 "Mmmm, which one?" Siri asked, openly ogling in the direction your friend, Erika, had gestured. 
 "Oh, those are some of Ubbe's friends from university." Torvi answered, with a glance over her shoulder. "He invited them since he never sees them anymore."
 "Hot damn. The one with the long hair, I'd like to climb him like a tree all night long." Wiggling her blonde eyebrows, Siri laughed at her own joke. 
 Curious now, you peeked over at the three men who were animatedly talking to Ubbe. There was no denying they were all gorgeous in their own ways. Somehow everyone within the social circle of the Lothbroks was beautiful, as if it was some unspoken requirement. These three certainly exceeded that requirement. Glancing around the backyard, you noticed right away that your friends were not the only ones ogling the newcomers. You doubted the men would be leaving alone tonight. 
 One of the three, with long, dark hair pulled back in a man bun and a crooked smile, caught your eyes staring. A warmth rose to your cheeks at the realization you had been caught. Though as his blue eyes held yours, you found yourself unable to look away, entranced by his unrestrained confidence. After an unending second of staring at one another, he sent you a naughty wink. Your eyes darted away at the raw suggestive feel the simple action had. You had no idea that a simple wink could feel so lascivious….and rousing. 
 "Oh gods, did you see that?" Erika asked, giggling like a schoolgirl. "One just winked this way."
 "Pretty sure he was winking at y/n." Torvi teased, nudging your shoulder as she stood next to you on the back deck.  
 "Yeah, no." You countered, fiddling with the label of the beer bottle in your hand. "That was probably towards one of you guys."
 Torvi sighed, pursing her lips at you. "Don't start this again, y/n. You are gorgeous and anyone who says differently is a blind asshole."
 Taking a sip of your beer, you did not bother to reply. Instead you gave Torvi a smile in thanks but kept your own insecurities to yourself. She had heard you more than enough times complain about things you disliked about yourself. Besides, today was not about you. You were supposed to be here having fun and supporting Ubbe and Torvi. 
 Luckily, Torvi started talking about the latest venue she had checked out for her and Ubbe's wedding next year. It was a perfect distraction since she had asked you to be one of her bridesmaids. Your small group talked about the outdoor wedding she wanted and how beautiful the fall colors would look in the pictures. 
 Ubbe's birthday party was in full swing. The mansion he and his brothers lived in was full of Ubbe's friends and other family friends. You had grown up with the Ragnarssons, your mother and Aslaug were close friends. So whenever they decided to hang out, you tagged along to play with the boys. Because of that, you were close to all of them, having spent just as much time at their house as at your own. Over the years, you had grown particularly close to Hvitserk. The two of you just somehow clicked. On more than one occasion, he would sneak over to your house when he needed a break from the strained dynamics of his family, or he could not handle the animosity between Ivar and Sigurd. The two of you spilled secrets in the dark, promising to never tell another. Both of you shared your first kiss under the stars one night, giggling at how grown up you felt. 
 And somewhere along the way, your feelings of friendship turned into something far stronger. 
 Over the following years, your crush on him endured even as you tried to quell it, doing everything in your power to suppress the unwanted feelings. Not because he was a bad guy. No, he was one of the sweetest guys you knew. He was loyal to a fault, always with a kind word, and happily giving suffocating hugs that felt like being embraced by a gooey marshmallow. 
 No, you refused to become another one of the girls that paraded in and out of his bedroom like the revolving door it was. 
 Besides, he never showed any hint of romantic feelings towards you. Usually he introduced you as one of his best friends. Which was just fine with you, he was one of your best friends and you would not trade that for the world. If fate had it planned that the two of you would only remain friends during your lives, you were happy with that. 
 So you did your best to ignore your unrequited feelings, focusing on finding love beyond him. There had been a couple boyfriends but most were scared away when you tried to bring them around the Ragnarssons. Ivar and Bjorn seemed to get particular enjoyment out of not-so-subtly threatening them. Hvitserk just openly glared the whole time, never saying a word of acknowledgement. Only Ubbe and Sigurd feigned being nice, but even that was less than desirable. Pretty quickly you stopped bringing boyfriends around. It was better for all parties if the Ragnarssons were not involved in your love life. What little it did consist of. 
 Suddenly, Erika's whisper-shout silenced the wedding conversation that was still happening around you. "Oh gods, they are coming over here! Shit! Act natural!" 
 "You're the only one freaking out." Torvi deadpanned, with a good-natured roll of her eyes. She looked up and smiled at Ubbe as he approached with his university friends. 
 "This here is my gorgeous fiancée, Torvi!" Ubbe announced, coming around and wrapping his arms around her waist to plant a sweet kiss on her cheek. She leaned back into his chest without a second thought, the action so instinctual. 
 "Aye, I remember you." One of Ubbe's friends, with a thick Irish accent, said. "You was datin' Bjorn when we first met."
 "Oh yeah, I remember that. One of you was super drunk and kept trying to take his pants off to piss in the fountain." She replied with a knowing smile. 
 The Irishman slung an arm around the dark-haired man, who winked in your direction earlier. "That would be Uhtred here! That was certainly a good night."
 The group laughed as Uhtred threw the Irishman's arm off and the two started a mock fist fight, ending with Uhtred putting the Irishman into a headlock. The two broke apart, laughing jovial and pushing one another like little boys. 
 "Right, where are my manners?" Ubbe said, once the two men settled somewhat. He pointed at each person as he named them, but kept his arms around his fiancée. "These guys are Finan, Uhtred and Sihtric, my mates from university. We roomed together in our first year, and the university couldn't separate us after, no matter how hard they tried. The other lovely ladies here are Erika, Siri and Y/n."
 You gave a polite smile when your name was said but dropped your gaze back to the beer in hand, fiddling with the wrapper on it. Uhtred made a point to catch your eye when you looked up, a charming smile on his face that you were sure made women drop their panties in a heartbeat. Even now you could feel his burning gaze on you, like oil gliding across your skin. 
 Soon Finan began sharing stories from back in their university days and some of the trouble they would get in, especially Ubbe, which made everyone laugh and Ubbe try to defend his honor or just hide his face in the crook of Torvi's neck. 
 "What are you thinking about?"
 You startled at the smooth, husky voice whispering in your ear. How Uhtred suddenly snuck up next to you was a little frightening. You pressed your hand over your racing heart, as if that alone would calm it down. "Um, nothing. Just….nothing." You took a sip of your drink to squelch your blabbering, unnerved and more than a little turned-on by the way his breath ghosted over your skin. 
 He raised a mocking brow, a devilish smirk on his lips as if he could somehow sense what his close proximity alone was doing to you. 
 You decided to break the tension. "It's Uhtred, right?"
 "Yes. Uhtred Ragnarsson."
 "Oh no, not another Ragnarsson!" You gasped, pretending to be horrified. 
 He laughed, a beautiful sound that had you swooning a little. Running a hand over the back of his neck, he grinned down at you. "Luckily, from a very different Ragnar. And how do you know Ubbe?"
 "We grew up together."
 "Ah, you're that y/n. I've heard a lot about you."
 "Hopefully all good things."
 "So far…" he leaned in closer, bringing his lips against your ear and setting your nerves alight, ".... but I wouldn't mind learning more about you."
 You swallowed, the low tone and those bedroom eyes made a warmth curl low in your belly. Your answer came out before you even could comprehend a response. "I'd like that."
 His smile grew, even as his face hovered just over yours. "Can I get you another drink?"
 "Hvitty, what are you staring at?" Sigurd asked, taking a seat near his brothers. Although he may have been talking to Hvitserk, his gaze remained zeroed in a beautiful brunette nearby and the way she kept coyly glancing at him. 
 "Who is that guy?"
 Sigurd finally turned to look in the direction Hvitserk was glaring. "What guy?"
 "The one sitting with y/n." Hvitserk grumbled, rolling his beer bottle between his hands. 
 "You mean the one that looks like he wants to fuck her all night long?" Ivar said bluntly. His arrogant smirk grew when Hvitserk whipped his head around to give Ivar a withering look. Not that his elder brother's look bothered him, actually amusing him further, so he continued speaking. "Ubbe said he was inviting some university friends. Probably one of them."
 "I don't like him." Hvitserk spat out, returning his glare to you and this university friend of Ubbe's. The two of you were standing with a small group, listening to someone with a thick Irish accent tell some kind of story. Hvitserk gritted his teeth as he watched this friend lean down to whisper in your ear, making you smile and laugh. You tried to smack his chest but the guy caught your hand in the last second and brought it to his lips, planting a soft kiss on your palm while gazing at you with a look that radiated hunger. 
 "Why?" Ivar needled, watching the drama play out before him with unrestrained glee. 
 Hvitserk finally answered after a minute, caught up in watching you smile bashfully up at the dark-haired stranger, who tugged you towards some nearby chairs. "I don't….I don't trust him."
 Normally the two youngest sons of Ragnar were like oil and water; but in this moment, they glanced at each other and back to their elder brother with matching looks of mischief. 
 "Where is that girl that was sitting on your lap earlier? Figured you would have gone back to her place or up to your bedroom by now." Sigurd casually questioned Hvitserk, leaning back in his seat. "She was pretty, seemed like your type."
 "No, my dear brother, he got rid of her just after he noticed y/n and that guy talking." Ivar said with a shit-eating grin. 
 Hvitserk wanted to snarl at his brothers, tell them to mind their own business. Instead he took a long draw of his beer, pointedly ignoring them. Of course, Ivar would notice something so miniscule as that. His youngest brother noticed everything. Yes, Hvitserk had a girl on his lap, his hands and lips trailing over her exposed skin. The fire in his blood instantly cooled when he looked up long enough to see the stranger talking to you. Without a second thought, he pushed the girl off of his lap, much to her protests and chagrin, and moved to take a seat next to Ivar. He pretended he just wanted some air when really he could not drag his eyes off of you. 
 The youngest Ragnarsson continued, hand tapping idly on one of his leg braces. "It has been some time since y/n had a boyfriend. This might be good for her." 
 "Maybe she'll get laid tonight." Sigurd raised his beer bottle in a mock salute before taking a sip.  
 That last comment pushed him over the edge. Wordlessly, Hvitserk jumped to his feet and walked away, unable to hear it anymore. It was no secret, him and his brothers were protective of you and had chased off a fair number of guys over the years. Though, their protective streak waned after you finally confronted them about leaving your love life alone. Since then, the brothers kept an eye on you but no longer interfered unless you signaled them. The arrangement made sense, you never involved yourself in the many women the brothers pursued, so now they showed you equal courtesy. 
 For some reason tonight, it was different. 
 The flaxen-haired Ragnarsson walked past the other party-goers, ignoring the cheers, laughs, and few calls for his attention. A drinking game started at the fold-out table situated in the grass. Music filled the air, Ubbe's taste in music since this was his party. Suddenly though, it was all too much. 
 Storming inside the house the brothers shared with no real destination in mind except to just move, he was pleased to find the kitchen vacant. Leaning against the marble counter in the kitchen, he ran his hands over his braids, heart pounding for some reason. The urge to punch something, or someone, seemed to grow with each second that passed. He absent-mindedly wondered if this was how Ivar felt all the time. 
 Peering out the window over the kitchen sink, he could see you sitting next to Ubbe's dark-haired friend on a lawn chair. From this position, it appeared you were almost in the guy's lap. One of your hands clasped a beer while the other toyed with the necklace you habitually wore. With a wicked look, the stranger leaned over to whisper in your ear, one of his hands resting on your hip. Whatever he said made you laugh, as you threw your head back, mirth spilling from you. For anyone else, it would have been sweet to watch the two of you, a connection and a growing infatuation evident. 
 The scene caused Hvitserk's blood to boil. He gripped onto the counter's edge to ground himself before he went out there and punched the guy. It made no sense. He had no right to try and separate the two of you. Feelings be damned, every part of his body revolted at the scene unfolding before him and how he allowed it to happen. Slamming his eyes shut, he silently counted to ten, willing himself to settle. He knew he needed to walk away….but his feet refused to move. 
 "Hey, Hvitserk."
 Slowly opening his eyes, he looked over his shoulder at the call of his name. A pretty blonde stood just inside the kitchen, twirling a piece of hair around her finger with an enticing smile and a body begging to be touched. He remembered her. He fucked her a week ago. Staring at her now, her name continued to slip his mind. Did he even know her name at the time?
 "Hey." He replied unenthusiastically, maintaining his grip on the counter edge. 
 "What are you doing in here?" She asked, walking closer to him, her hips swaying with each step. 
 "Oh, well are you bored? Do you need some company?" She trailed a finger down his arm, peeking at him through her long lashes. "I can think of a few ways this night could end for us."
 He looked down at her. Any other time he would have jumped her in a heartbeat. It would have been almost too easy to drag her upstairs and fuck her until they were both delirious with pleasure. 
 "I'm good." He stated, looking away from her and back out the window. 
 "You sure I can't change your mind? I mean last time we had…."
 Uncaring of how harsh he sounded, he shrugged her arm off. "I said I'm good. Fuck off."
 Her eyes widened for a moment before they narrowed at him and she took a step back. "Fine. Fuck you, Hvitserk." She stomped out of the kitchen, each step a clatter on the hard floor. 
 "You just tried." He muttered to himself, dropping his head to his chest.  
 What was wrong with him? He knew what it was though. Or more specifically- who. A war waged in his chest and he worried the repercussions of either side winning. This limbo would surely kill him. 
 Peering out the window, he could not take his eyes off of you. Although you vehemently disagreed, he thought you always looked beautiful. Tonight though, in the fading sunlight, you looked gorgeous. Like a new light had been ignited in you, radiating joy and life. It was mesmerizing to witness. 
 "Hey! Probably should start wrapping the party up in an hour or so. Way more people turned out than I thought." Ubbe said with a beaming smile as he walked into the kitchen, dropping some empty beer bottles on the counter. At his brother's silence, he stopped and really looked at him. "Hvitty, you alright, man?"
 "Yeah, of course." He snarked, not in the mood for his older brother's prying. "Why wouldn't I be?"
 "First, you're lingering in the kitchen like some housecat looking for food, which I guess isn't that strange."
 Hvitserk's lips twitched but he continued to stare out the window.
 "Secondly, it looks like you're trying to set Uhtred's head on fire with how hard you are staring."
 He sighed, rubbing a hand down his face."It's nothing, Ubbe. Don't worry about it. Go head back out."
 After a moment, Ubbe grabbed two new beers from the cooler and came over to his brother's side, passing him one of the drinks. With a murmured thanks, Hvitserk took it, immediately popping the top and taking a long draw. They stood silently for several minutes, just sipping on their beers and watching the party outside in companionable silence. 
 "You going to tell her?" Ubbe finally asked, keeping his gaze straight ahead. 
 Hvitserk stiffened and pressed his lips together, the urge to hit something renewed after Ubbe's question. 
 "You can't get mad at her for wanting love and attention, especially when she's not getting it from the person she wants it from most." Ubbe glanced over at his sullen brother but plowed on. "Look, I know you like fucking around but if you expect her to keep waiting around for you….she won't. And it looks like she and Uhtred are really hitting it off. I won't stop them just cause you won't tell her how you feel."
 "What are you saying, Ubbe?" He growled, though if the steadily increasing anger was directed more at his brother or himself, he could not tell. 
 "I'm saying man up and tell her, or let her go. It's up to you." With a clap on the shoulder, Ubbe headed back outside. 
 Hvitserk took a sip of his beer, Ubbe's words bouncing around in his head. Over the years, the crush you had on him had not gone unnoticed, though he never addressed it. Ubbe eventually confronted him about it, forcing Hvitserk to reveal his own secret. He knew what he wanted. He had known for a long time. Was it too late though? Had he fucked up his chances for real happiness? Did he even deserve you anymore?
 You laughed, covering your mouth to try and muffle the uproarious sound. "That one was great! Ok, ok, tell me another."
 Uhtred sat behind you on the lawn chair, smiling broadly as he took a sip of his beer. Since he walked over to you at the beginning of the party, the two of you had been inseparable. He seemed to take particular pleasure out of making you laugh and currently he was telling you some of the best and worst pick-up lines he knew. Apparently, him and Finan liked to come up with new ones when they were bored. 
 He wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling your back closer to his chest as he whispered in your ear. "You're so hot, even my zipper is falling for you."
 Giggling, you covered your face. Not just because of the silly line but ever since the two of you sat down, him practically pulling you into his lap, he had you teetering on the edge of arousal. The way his broad chest felt pressed against you, the rumble sound when he chuckled, and those damn bedroom eyes with that smirk which promised so many beautiful, naughty things. It was driving you insane. 
 "Is your name Wi-Fi? Because I'm really feeling a connection." He said, his hand slowly trailing up and down your thigh. 
 "Please tell me someone has used that."
 "Finan did at a pub once."
 "I don't know him, but I'm guessing it worked." 
 Uhtred chuckled, giving you a playful wink. "It did."
 You tried to tamper down the butterflies dancing in your belly from that simple action. "Alright, what is one you've never used?"
 He thought about it for a second then in a flash, he licked up the rim of your ear. 
 "What?" You squirmed and tried to wipe your ear off. "What was that for?"
 He laughed, while his hand kept you pinned to him. "If you lick something, you get to keep it. Everyone knows that. So now you're mine."
 "Well if you're going to claim me, you could have done it without licking my ear."
 You swore his eyes darkened as he stared down at you. His voice husky as he whispered in your ear. "And if there are other parts of you I want to lick?"
 Your breath caught in your throat, desire slipping through your blood. "Guess you need to work on your lines." You whispered back, hoping it sounded confident but sure it sounded more needy with want. 
 "I'm a man of action, I'd rather show you what I want to do."
 "Like what?"
 With a cocky smirk, he slowly lowered his head until his lips touched yours. You gasped but gave in without remorse, allowing him to lead you in a slow dance. His lips were pure seduction, caressing and teasing, making you yearn for more. His tongue flicked over your lips before he pulled back, eyes scanning over your face to gauge your reaction. 
 "That….that was much more convincing than a pick-up line." You breathed out. 
 "I'm glad you approve."
 "What else can you show me?"
 His gaze dropped back to your lips and you tensed with anticipation. 
 You almost gave yourself whip-lash with how quickly you spun your head around at the call of your name. You saw Hvitserk approaching, hands in fists by his side and jaw clenched. His abrupt yell had most of those still around watching the two of you with curiosity. 
 "What?" You asked, your body vibrating with confusion and need.
 "Come here. I need to talk to you." He kept his hard gaze on you, making you feel like a child about to be reprimanded by their older sibling. 
 "Can we talk later?"
 "No, it's important."
 "She's busy right now." Uhtred declared, snaking his arm around your waist. You knew the move was possessive and with the way Hvitserk's eyes narrowed and burned with intensity, you knew Uhtred's move was not for your sake.
 Hvitserk met your eyes, pleading in a way you had never seen before and his tone suddenly soft. "Y/n….please."
 You sighed, those damn puppy dog eyes. "Fine, this better be important." You grumbled, removing yourself from Uhtred's embrace. 
 "Don't take too long, I'll be waiting." Uhtred said, flashing you a charming smirk. 
 You smiled at Uhtred then followed Hvitserk back towards the house. There were a few looks of confusion from those you passed by that you caught, but otherwise most people ignored the two of you, too focused on the party. Besides, everyone knew you and Hvitserk were friends so it was no surprise to see you in one another's company. 
 Your mind wandered as to what the issue could be. Surprise coursed through you as he led you up the stairs towards the brothers' bedrooms. Once Ivar, in a drunken fit, insulted a girl so harshly she had burst into inconsolable, wailing tears, forcing the brothers to pull her away into one of their rooms to calm her down. Maybe something like that had happened again? You tried to remember if you saw Ivar recently but realized you had been too absorbed in Uhtred to truly take notice. 
 Hvitserk led you into his bedroom, the door slamming closed behind you. With a quick glance you noted the two of you were alone. The bed was still made, so he had not brought a girl up yet. Confusion continued to mount within you. 
 "What's going on?" You finally asked, taking a seat on the edge of his bed. 
 Instead of answering, he paced several times in front of you, running his hands over his braids. A couple times he stopped, turning to you and opening his mouth but then immediately closed it to continue pacing. It was quickly becoming infuriating. Plus he was going to ruin his braids with how hard he was running his hands over them. 
 "Hvitty, you need to tell me what is going on or I'm going to go back out. You said it was important."
 His pacing ceased. Twisting to face you, he threw his hands up as he exclaimed, "I want you to marry me!"
 You froze. Your jaw dropped as you stared at him. Only in your wildest fantasies did you ever think you would hear that uttered from his mouth. Years ago, you had buried that fantasy, knowing it would never come to pass. Now you stared at him, staring at you. Both of you seemed shocked by what he just blurted. 
 "Fuck, that's not what I meant to say first." 
 "So….so you don't want to marry me?" You tried to clarify, your mind scrambling to make sense of what just happened. 
 Mumbling something unintelligible, he ran his hands once more over his braids; then in what appeared a split second decision, he advanced closer, dropping to his knees in front of you. "Yes. I do. Fuck. I'm doing this all wrong."
 "Hvitserk, what is going on?"
 He sighed, placing his hands over yours as if to steady himself. His words poured forth like a confession, secrets finally freed yet terrified by the light now on them. "Ever since we were children, it's always been you. Whenever I thought about getting married, buying a house, having children….it was always with you. Never have I thought about it with anyone else. It's always been you….and….and it terrified me. You are one of my closest friends, gods, I don't know what I would do if you weren't in my life. I couldn't lose that, lose you. And with watching my parents and their marriage, I didn't….I didn't want us to go through something like that. So I never said anything. I fucked around because it was easier to pretend to be ok with that than realize I only ever saw you in my future….you've all I've ever wanted."
 Stunned, you gaped at him for a long time. "Why…." You licked your lips, mind fumbling to formulate a question. "Why are you telling me this now?"
 "Because you needed to know, or I just needed to tell you. I guess, I just needed to know if you would choose me, even after everything I've done. But if you rather be with someone like that guy out there, I get it. I mean, I figured I lost my chance years ago….but watching you out there. Fuck! I want it to be me. I want your smiles and laughs. I want to steal kisses from you. I want you in my bed, to roll over and hold you close. I want to live with you and kiss you before we leave for work. I want to watch you grow round with our child. I want the fights and frustrations. I just….it's always been you. I just want you….in everything."
 The two of you remained frozen in place for several minutes, his confession weighing heavily in the air around you. You stared into his earnest, brown eyes, searching them, studying them, confirming the truth. His words peeled back the layers you had built around your heart, to protect it from loving him too much. 
 In this moment you knew you teetered on the edge of a knife. If you fell one way, it would be into his arms, into a love you had only ever dreamed about. But if you fell the other way, everything would remain how it had been, you could be friends, freeing you both to pursue others. But this knowledge shared between you would haunt both of your actions forever. 
 Could you do it? After so long of pining after him, of your unrequited affections, did you trust him to fully reciprocate? 
 In your heart, you knew your answer even as he spoke. It laid there tattooed on your heart ever since you were children. 
 You finally broke the tense silence, bringing a hand up to lightly run over his frizzed braids. "You know, most guys ask a girl out on a date first before asking to marry them."
 He chuckled, catching your hand and pressing it to the side of his face. "That's true." 
 "Ask me."
 "What?" His brow furrowed faintly as he stared up at you, his thumb rubbing the back of your hand. 
 You took a deep breath before a small smile teased your lips. "Ask me to go on a date with you."
 "Y/n, will you go on a date with me?"
 "Yes. I would love to."
 His face beamed with a boyish smile and bright eyes alight. It made your heart stutter at how handsome he was, at the pure, genuine joy radiating from him. Surprising you, he kissed your palm quickly before a gleeful laugh escaped him. You could not help your own giggle. Everything felt so surreal, like the two of you had stepped into a dream, a bubble of your own making. Here, reality was irrelevant. You stared at one another with stupid smiles on your faces but neither cared.  
 "Can I kiss you?" He asked softly, gazing up at you with such a look of adoration, you felt yourself melting. 
 "You better."
 Without waiting an extra second, he captured your lips in a kiss that bespoke of longing. It started off with gentle, probing kisses that urged you to respond. A call you had no qualms about answering. Your tongue flicked against the seam of his lips and that was the key to unlock his restraint. Next thing you knew, you were on your back with him hovering over you, worshiping you using his mouth and tongue. You were utterly at his mercy and for once, you completely surrendered yourself to his touch, knowing he would be there to catch you. 
 The two of you laid there on his bed, tangled in one another, your mouths fused together as if you needed the other to continue breathing. Finally when air became a desperate necessity, he pulled back. Immediately, though, he set his forehead to yours, unwilling to move further away than that. 
 "Did you... want to go back out….to the party?" He panted out, his chest heaving just as much as yours. 
 You giggled, running a finger over his cheek to trace his deliciously, swollen lips. "No, I have everything I've ever wanted right here."
 Then you kissed him, letting him taste the truth on your tongue. Soon you became absorbed in each other's touch, utterly entwined and unwilling to ever part again. If this was what it meant to be lost in love, you both hoped to never be found. 
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Who Did This to You? (03 Whumptober 2021)
Prompt: taunting/insults/who did this to you?
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker
Rating: Gen
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Summary: Obi-Wan has been asked the question many times. Somehow this time it feels different
It was a question he asked himself more often than not.
But something about the way it had been asked, or perhaps, more than likely, the person who had asked it made it sound so different than the way Obi-Wan was used to.
When he’d been a youngling it was something that had been asked under the watchful eye of Yoda, as if he knew that something was going on but wanted to wait until he knew what to take action.
Obi-Wan had never told him the answer.
Then Qui-Gon had asked the same question in his years as a Padawan and he’d again remained quiet. It would be useless to try to answer him when he knew there was nothing that Qui-Gon could actually do to stop it.
Then Qui-Gon had died and Obi-Wan was made a knight. It seemed silly to be asked a question like that in the wake of war but his own padawan had never ceased to ask it, no matter how small the problem seemed.
It was different when Anakin asked him now though. It was as if he knew something that Obi-Wan didn’t.
Who did this to you?
Bruck Chun had done it. That was the short answer to why Obi-Wan’s nose dripped blood and his lip had swollen up. The Jedi weren’t supposed to fight without cause, especially with each other but that didn’t seem to matter to Chun when adult eyes were off of them.
Obi-Wan had gotten through it. Not easily, of course, but he’d gotten through it. Become a padawan and made a name for himself, leaving his anger and hurt in the past.
Who did this to you?
Siri Tachi and Satine Krytze caused the red eyes and puffy face. They’d dangled love in front of Obi-Wan and then it had been snatched away right before he could grasp it. But how was he to tell his master that he’d felt the effects of their abandonment stronger than the abandonment of Qui-Gon’s initial snuff?
Love wasn’t something coveted by the Jedi as it was for others. The Jedi lived to serve all others above themselves and love, one of the most selfish emotions you could experience was at the top of their most dangerous paths.
Who did this to you?
There was something about the way Anakin always asked that made Obi-Wan chuckle. As if even with the battle of the moment being over he would still go and defend Obi-Wan’s honor. Like it was something that he had to defend.
His student’s most useful trait was also his most dangerous. His tendency towards absolute loyalty even in the face of an impossible situation. First and foremost for people he deemed important.
He was a whisper of all the warnings the Jedi had ever laid out against attachment and Obi-Wan had done his best to sway him from this path. Of course, that only lasted until he decided that Obi-Wan was one of those people.
Then it changed everything.
Maybe not on the outside, he concedes but Anakin had still managed to wedge himself into every atom of Obi-Wan until he couldn’t see them as two different people. That didn’t mean that Obi-Wan could just give up on what he’d been taught.
So the question had been startling, as well as long-awaited.
“Who did this to you?” Anakin had asked him one night when they were cramped together on a bunk really only meant for one person. They had just successfully gained ground in the never-ending sieges on the Outer Rim and in the wake of the following days, Anakin and Ahsoka had been moved to his ship as the Resolute was dry docked.
“I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean,” Obi-Wan replied. There was so much he could say to answer the question but he wasn’t willing to.
“I mean the way you won’t let me say it,” Anakin scowled, sitting up in the bed to peer down at Obi-Wan, “I’ve already told you that you don’t have to say it-.”
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan said sharply, sitting up himself and then wincing at his tone- it sounded as if he had something to hide- before turning to him, “I’ve already told you that the moment that this gets...out of hand, we will have to put an end to it. Is that what you would like?”
Anakin scowled even harder, force presence going stormy around them, “Why Master? Why can’t we just- why can’t you accept it? I know you feel the same way.”
“You don’t know anything,” Obi-Wan responded angrily, “We are not all ruled by our actions Anakin. Do not project your feelings onto me.”
“I’m not!” Anakin insisted angrily, “You can’t tell me that you don’t when you can’t even answer my question. I know when you deflecting Obi-Wan. I’ve known you long enough for that so answer my question. Who did this to you?”
The question to be fair didn’t have a simple answer as Anakin seemed to think it did. The easier question to answer would be, who didn’t hurt Obi-Wan? He was scorned by the Jedi council and his master, left behind by the women he loved, forced to continue as his fellow Jedi and friends died around him.
And that’s what Anakin was asking. He wanted to know who had broken Obi-Wan. But Obi-Wan was damaged, it was true, but he wasn’t broken force damn it. He was still getting up and doing what he was supposed to and fighting a battle that he didn’t believe in to support a group he had lost faith in and-.
And kriff if that didn’t make everything so much worse. Obi-Wan had lost hope in almost everything that he’d ever believed in. Shunned and at odds with everything he’d ever cared for. Except for-.
He looked up into Anakin’s eyes, the anger had turned them to ice and his hard stare made Obi-Wan want to break down and give in because no matter who and what he had lost faith in, Anakin had never been one of those things.
But he didn’t know how to say that without deserting everything he’d ever known.
He wasn’t sure if he was quite ready for that yet.
“Nothing did this to me,” Obi-Wan answered finally, “This is just the way I am. You can accept it and we can continue as we are or you can leave and find something more suited to your taste. Either way, it doesn’t affect me.”
Expect that it did. It would affect him in a way that he would never recover from. The man that he loved had snaked his way into Obi-Wan’s heart as his padawan and then into his bed as a Knight.
Obi-Wan knew that Anakin would always be the most important thing that existed to him, he just knew that he wasn’t ready to hear it or say it. He knew one day Anakin would grow tired of the way he was unable to say the words, unable to give him what he needed and he’d leave.
Perhaps for the Senator that had caught his eye when he was a child or perhaps for someone Obi-Wan had never even seen. They’d take Anakin and Obi-Wan would be stuck all alone again.
“Uma ji muna,” Anakin told him softly, opening his arms so that Obi-Wan could curl up against his chest and breathe through the way his breath had caught in his throat, the way the back of his eyes stung while he pretended not to know what the words met. They weren’t in basic so it didn’t count.
But tonight wasn’t that night.
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wwweasleystan · 3 years
Bravery, Courage, and a Little bit of Stupidity
Summary: It’s finally time for the Quidditch House Cup match and it’s Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. Tensions are high, but what happens when Gryffindor’s star seeker and captain gets hurt playing a prank just a day before the game? Who will take your brother, James’, place?
Pairings: James potter x sister!reader(platonic, obvi), Sirius Black x reader
Warnings: None? I think
Had this idea in my head for awhile, hope you all enjoy! Don’t forget to like, repost, or comment! I love hearing all of your feedback :)
“Absolutely not. There is not a snowball’s chance in hell that I will be doing that for you, Jamie.” you spoke while glaring your brother down. He looked like a hurt puppy, with his arm in a sling and that pouty look on his face. But was he crazy? Sure, you played quidditch in the backyard with him and Siri in the summer but this was different. This was the Quidditch House Cup for Merlin’s sake! Against Slytherin, no less! It was no secret they played dirty. He should have known not to go and get himself injured playing that stupid prank. Trying to turn the moving staircases into a slip n’ slide, what did he think was gonna happen? It seemed however, that your brother was not willing to take no for an answer. 
“Cmon’ y/n/n. Your much better than you think you are! I promise it will be easy. All you have to do is catch the snitch and I already told the beaters to keep an extra eye on any bludgers heading your way. Plus, Sirius will be up there with you! It will be fun, I promise. Pleaseee” your brother whined while quite literally getting on his knees. You rolled your eyes and tugged him back up. 
“Why me, though? I’ve only ever played with you and Sirius. What makes you think I have what it takes to perform during literally the biggest game of the year?” You questioned, because honestly, why would he want you to do it? Maybe you were good, but you're certain you didn’t match up to Slytherin’s seeker, Lucius Malfoy. You’re brother just smirked. 
“Because, my dear sister” he began, while throwing his arm over your shoulder and beginning to lead you towards the common room, “We come from a family of seekers. Certainly it runs in your blood. I've seen it first hand in the backyard. Also, you’re a Gryffindor, and not just any Gryffindor. The bravest, most courageous Gryffindor I know. And maybe just a little dash of stupidity.” You shoved his shoulder at that, but he continued. 
“Let’s face it, I’ve seen you do some pretty crazy shit for a dare. Remember that time you jumped off the Astronomy tower on a dare, and had to Accio your broom? Or that time you went and tried to go hand to hand with a hippogriff just because Sirius said you wouldn’t. Or that time Lily dared you to go skinny-dipping in the Black Lake. I’m certain you can handle a little quidditch match. I trust you, there's no one else I’d rather have fill my position.” You had to admit. Your brother was very persuasive when he wanted to be. You stopped him just outside the Fat Lady’s Portrait.
“Alright, you got me. I’ll do it, but James? Let’s just keep it between us for now. I think we should surprise our fellow house tomorrow, yeah?” You smirked and rose your brow.
“Sis, I like the way you think” James smiled, and you both said your goodnights heading up your respective stairs to your dorms. You had to get a good nights sleep now for sure if you were ever going to pull this off tomorrow. “Godric, help me” you whispered before falling asleep.
The next morning, your stomach was in knots. Why in Merlin’s name did you agree to such a stupid idea? You hated Malfoy, of course and any chance to see his face when he lost would surely be worth it, especially in competition for the House Cup. But what if you got knocked out of the sky before that ever happened? You sat in the Great Hall with your brother and his friends, trying to mask your nervousness by sipping your tea. 
“You ready, sis? You’re gonna kill it today, I swear.” James was grinning like a madman, but at least one of you was confident. “Don’t worry, love. I’ll be up there with you. Maybe I’ll score enough goals that you won’t even have to worry about the snitch” Sirius spoke as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder tugging you closer and placing a kiss on your head. 
“Ever the humble one, aren’t you?” you chuckled while placing a kiss on his cheek. “I’m ready as I’ll ever be, I guess. I just don’t want to let you all down. I know how important this game is to you.” you said as you glanced around at the group. Remus smiled at you “That could never happen, y/n. You’re the best Potter we’ve got” he responded to which James shoved him with an “Oi, watch it mate!” You finished eating breakfast and headed down to the pitch to get ready for the match. 
“Alright, y/n. You’ve got this. You’re friends believe in you. You’re brother believes in you. There’s absolutely nothing to worry about. Just catch the little gold ball and watch the Slytherins cry, easy.” You mumbled to yourself off to the side of the dressing tent. Walking back over to the team, you heard James giving the end of his pep talk, standing in his uniform but without the pads on. Those along with a spare uniform were now on you, almost looking comical with how oversized they were. He turned to you and cocked his head, a silent way of asking if you were ready to go to which you swiftly nodded back. 
The team as well as you, James, and Sirius made your way to the pitch, passing the Slytherin team along the way. Malfoy’s face curled as he spotted the team, but he had yet to see you as you were stood behind the trees known as your brother and boyfriend. “Gonna try and catch the snitch one handed, Potter? Or would you like to just give Slytherin the Cup now? It’s no matter, we’d beat you either way.” Malfoy spat as both teams squared off, yet you were still hidden. 
“No actually, Malfoy. I don’t have the pleasure of kicking your ass today. That honor goes to my sister” He retorted whilst pulling you to stand in front of him and Sirius, who place an arm around your shoulder. 
“A girl? You’re actually having your little sister take your place. That’s just pathetic, even for you” Lucius said as he rolled his eyes. “Though she will be nice eye candy to look at while I catch the snitch, I must say. Maybe when I win I'll take you on a date in my dorm room.” He continued while looking you over. Sirius went to take a step towards him, but your grip on the back of his jersey kept him in place. 
“I’d watch your mouth Malfoy before I put my fist though it” Sirius gritted out. “And don’t worry about me Malfoy, I think you should just keep your eyes on actually catching the snitch since that seems so difficult for you” you quickly snapped back. 
You began to lead Sirius away with the rest of the team, but you spotted you brother taking a step towards the blonde rat. “Listen to me very carefully. I don’t care who you are. I know you idiots play dirty, but I’m not going to say anything as long as you keep away from my sister. She gets hurt and not only am I coming after you, but I’ll get you kicked out of quidditch for the rest of our time here at Hogwarts” your brother threatened, standing over Malfoy and you realized then that he was almost a head taller. For his part, Malfoy had the courage to stand tall though you could see the fear in his eyes. With that, your brother left his fellow captain to join his own team and give you one last hug before stepping towards the subs bench. “Remember, y/n. Bravery, courage, and a little bit of stupidity, yeah?” James said with a smile, to which you returned. With that, you took off to the sky. 
The game had been going on for almost an hour, and neither you nor Malfoy had caught sight of the snitch. Sirius was scoring goals like crazy, which you knew would just inflate his already big ego.  However, the game was still close, and you knew it would take capturing the snitch to win. As the game dragged on, the more dirty it was being played. Throwing elbows and shoving was so common it had stopped being a penalty, much to the chagrin of Sirius and the other chasers. Not to mention, Malfoy continued to throw taunts your way in an attempt to get under your skin. Fortunately, you were quite thick-skinned and simply brushed his comments off, even the particularly nasty ones. That did not stop them from pissing off your boyfriend, who threatened that the next time he heard anything said about you he was knocking Malfoy off his broom, quidditch be damned.
The beaters were doing their best to keep the bludgers away from you as your brother requested, but you called them off. “Go help Sirius and the others! I’ve got this!” you shouted over the wind. Quickly, they nodded and took off towards the chasers who were being hounded by bludgers at this point. 
You glanced around the field, first spotting Malfoy circling in the air above you, clearly looking for the snitch, and then the other players below you, still engaged in a rough game.You looked down to your left to see your brother nervously tugging his hand through his hair. You knew you couldn’t fail him, not when he trusted you.  Finally, you spotted it. Right behind Slytherin’s keeper was a little golden ball, and by Godric you were going to get it. You dove towards the snitch, and Lucius who had finally seemed to catch on to where you were heading took off behind you.
It was a tight race as the snitch darted back up in the sky. You and Lucius were neck and neck as he roughly bumped into you and tried to knock you off course, but you pushed through. Thankfully, a beater was able to knock a bludger his way and he was forced to pull back to save his own skin and go the other way to catch the snitch from the other side. You smirked and pushed your broom faster, certain you were going to catch the snitch. What you didn’t see was one of Slytherin’s chasers jinxing a bludger to go rogue and come after you. 
You were so focused on catching the snitch that you barely heard your brother shouting for you to look out. You looked to your side and saw the bludger speeding towards you, but you also realized how close you were to the snitch. As you climbed even higher in the sky with the bludger after you, you knew you had to figure out a way to distract it and go after something else instead of you. You, y/n potter, were about to do something brave, courageous, and maybe a little bit stupid. 
You shouted down to your boyfriend, who was at most ten or twelve meters below you. “Hey love, catch!”, Sirius just looked at you with a wide-eyed confused look, but you smirked knowing he would soon figure out what you wanted. You leaned low on your broom, forcing it faster, then reeled back and leaped from your broom. 
Everything seemed to move in slow motion. Your arm extended as you glided through the air, just beginning to graze the snitch.You heard your broom smash into pieces as the bludger crashed into it. The entire crowd seemed to hold their breath  You heard both your brother and your boyfriend shout your name, Sirius quickly turning to fly towards you. None of it mattered though, because your hand closed shut around the snitch. You had won. Smiling, you closed your eyes. even if you ended up in the hospital wing for a month, you would be happy. You beat Slytherin, and won the House Cup for Gryffindor. 
You clenched your eyes shut as you began to rapidly fall towards the Earth below, and it was only now you realized just how far up your quest for the snitch had taken you. Perhaps this wasn’t your most well though out plan. Just as you were beginning to think that you actually were going to spend a month in the hospital wing, you felt the air leave your lungs in a woosh as you were scooped up into someone’s arms. You slowly opened up your eyes to stare into that of your boyfriends, who was looking at you incredulously. 
“Are you crazy, woman? What if I wasn't there in time. Merlin you could’ve died!” Sirius was rather dramatic when he wanted to be. “Yes, but I knew you’d catch me, love” you winked as you pecked his cheek.”Always. You’re lucky I love you.” He responded. You help up the snitch for the entirety of Hogwarts to see as Sirius flew you around the pitch in a victory lap. Gryffindor students began to flood the field below. He slowly flew you both to where your team was gathered with McGonagall and Dumbledore. 
You climbed off the broom only to be swept in a large bear hug by your brother. “You’re amazing. I love you. You’re crazy. I have the best sister ever.” your brother repeated while twirling you around. Giggling, you placed your hands on his shoulders and stepped back. “I think this is for you” you smirked, while holding up the snitch. Closing your hand, your brother replied, “Nah, you keep that one. You earned it.” Before you could reply, someone cleared their throat. You both turned to see  McGonagall and Dumbledore, holding up the prized object, the House Cup. 
“I do believe it is the responsibility of the Captains to accept the Cup for their team, yes?” McGonagall spoke with her eyebrows raised. Your head snapped to look up at your brother, who was smiling back at you. “Captains?” you questioned. “Yeah, but don’t let it get to your head. It was just for this game” he joked back. Chuckling you both stepped up as Dumbledore raised his hands to silence the crowd. “Boys and girls, your attention, please. It is my honor to present this years’ House Cup to house Gryffindor. For exceptional bravery and courage on the pitch, it is my pleasure to hand over the Cup to this years captains, y/n and James Potter.” he announced as the crowd erupted in cheers. Both you and your brother thanked the headmaster before grabbing each side of the cup and hoisting it above your heads. 
As your teammates gathered around and you took turns holding and hoisting the cup, you came to stand between your brother and boyfriend, who swept you up into the biggest congratulations kiss you had ever received. As you watched your team celebrate around you, James caught your attention. “What ever gave you the idea to leap off your broom like that? My heart nearly stopped as I thought about the endless howlers mum would have sent me after you landed yourself in the hospital wing on my account.” 
Laughing, you stood on your toes to wrap your arms around both their shoulders, beginning to lead them back towards the castle where you knew Remus and Peter had already set in motion the biggest party of sixth year to celebrate your win. “It was because of you actually, James. I just remembered your words. Bravery, courage, and a little bit of stupidity”
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sukifans · 4 years
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⏎ MASTERLIST // part III « IV. seduction siri » part V
SUMMARY: you’re a premed student at BSSU and you thought it’d be a good idea to take a latin class, but you’re in way over your head here. good thing your buddy sokka knows a classics major in your section you can study with.
WARNINGS: language, alcohol/partying
Zuko felt... oddly nervous as he pulled up to her apartment building. He sent the text to let her know he’d arrived and anxiously scrolled through his Spotify, flicking quickly through his various playlists. He knew he was far too concerned about what music to play while she was in the car with him but he wanted to get “the vibe” right, as Sokka would say. That, and it gave him something to focus on that wasn’t panicking over conversation starters in case of an awkward lull. When he saw her coming he leapt out of the driver’s seat.
“Hey, Zuko!” (Y/N) smiled when she saw him and then furrowed her brow when he hurried over to the passenger side. Her face heated when he opened her door. “Oh, my gods. You don’t have to do that,” she said as she slid into her seat.
“It’s polite,” he said simply before shutting the door and walking back to his side. In reality he was already freaking out — had he fucked it up by being weird literally seconds into this?
“Making me feel like a princess or something over here,” she laughed, face still red. He looked over at her and she closed her mouth quickly, remembering he was actually a prince. Like, for real. “Sorry.”
She shook her head with a small smile. “Is this a date, then?” she teased and the tips of his ears went red.
“No,” he said quickly. “No, it just... sounds like you’re dating the wrong kinds of guys.”
“Tell me about it.” She rolled her eyes and slumped down into the seat. “My type seems to be chauvinist douchebag.”
“That’s unfortunate.” He never thought he’d ever wish to be a chauvinist douchebag. Maybe her type also included awkward but well-intended ex-royalty and she just didn’t feel the need to mention it.
“That’s unfortunate.” He never thought he’d ever wish to be a chauvinist douchebag. Maybe her type also included awkward but well-intended ex-royalty and she just didn’t feel the need to mention it.
“Very,” she said darkly before perking up. “So are you excited for the party?”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“Me too. I’m really glad you decided to come.”
“Didn’t really have much of a choice since I live with Sokka,” he joked lightly. She shrugged.
“Still, I’ll be happy to see you loosen up a bit. I know I haven’t known you for very long but you always seem so tense.”
“It’ll definitely be interesting,” he deflected deftly. “I have to say, though, that I’m looking forward to seeing for myself what Suki meant when she said you’re an affectionate drunk.” He shot her an amused smirk that made her stomach feel fluttery.
“Spirits, my friends are such gossips! Yes, I get a little more touchy and I like to dance with people and tell everyone how much I love them. But one time I hit the merlot a little too hard and started feeling sexy — as one does after drinking too much wine — and tried to make out with everyone. It only happens when I drink wine, though!”
He laughed at her animated retelling, her wild gesticulations visible out of the corner of his eye. He grinned over at her after he’d pulled into the store parking lot and turned the car off. “I guess I’ll have to be sure to grab a bottle or three, then.”
She laughed, looking away to hide her flushed face. “That’s on you, then. I’ll be your responsibility for the night.”
“It’d be my honor and immense pleasure.” He waggled his eyebrows and she groaned, covering her face with her hands. He was pretty proud of himself for his flirting thus far. He’d discovered he really liked making her blush, watching the pink tinge spread from her cheeks across the bridge of her nose and creep up her temples. He made her go red again when he made purposeful eye contact with her and slipped two bottles of red wine into the cart as they stocked up on liquor.
When they got back to his and Sokka’s apartment, (Y/N) started giggling at the amount of decorations Sokka had put up — the crepe paper and streamers being the least of it. He had even done a few very interpretative portraits of Suki and hung them. She looked up at the ceiling and laughed, elbowing Zuko and nodding up at the balloons.
“I thought they said Suki was blowing the balloons up?” she said. He looked up and frowned.
“Sokka, do you have helium somewhere?” he shouted into the apartment as he unloaded the alcohol. Sokka and Suki popped out of a room.
“Not anymore,” Sokka answered. “Used it all up. Suki had to do the rest.” He pointed at a few balloons scattered on the floor.
“Where the hell did you get it?”
“Found it.”
“Wh-“ she murmured, looking over to Zuko. He just shook his head. Probably better to not ask questions.
“Katara’s on the way with Aang and Toph,” Suki said as she started pulling cups from the cabinet.
“And pizza!” Sokka added. “Don’t worry, she got Hawaiian for you two.” He shuddered, glaring at (Y/N) and Zuko.
“You like Hawaiian too?” She grinned at him and held out her fist. “That’s what’s up.”
He hesitantly tapped his knuckles against hers. The first time Sokka had tried to fist-bump him he’d just grabbed his hand and shook it. Sokka liked to torment him about it often. “It’s about the sweet and salty.”
“It’s fucked up is what it is,” said Sokka. “Fruit doesn’t belong on pizza. And don’t say tomato is a fruit.”
“But it is,” (Y/N) said.
“That’s a moot point.” She and Zuko exchanged looks and he rolled his eyes, making her giggle.
Soon after the other three arrived, with the food of course. Sokka continued to spout slander about Hawaiian pizza until Zuko put him in a headlock while (Y/N) shoved a piece of pineapple into his mouth. He piped down after that while everyone else laughed. Once they’d eaten, they finished the beers they’d been sipping on started to break into the “good shit,” as Toph so eloquently said. She made everyone drinks, pouring with a very heavy hand. It didn’t take long before they all started getting a little tipsy and Sokka started setting up beer pong on the kitchen island, pouring shots in the Solo cups.
“Okay, so,” Sokka started, “Me and Zuko, (Y/N) and Suki, and Toph and Aang. Katara, you ref as usual. The winner of the first round plays us.”
Suki and Katara shared a look. “Don’t you want to be on my team, and (Y/N) can be with Zuko?” Suki asked.
“Sorry, babe, but Zuko’s the best shot pong player here and I’m not losing.” He linked his arm with Zuko’s.
“Don’t worry, Suki; Sokka doesn’t know that I’m actually the best ‘shot pong’ player here because he’s never played against me,” (Y/N) said, resting her hand on Suki’s arm reassuringly. Suki’s concern was more about forcing Zuko and (Y/N) together, but she nodded anyways.
“Yeah?” Zuko smirked. “Is that a challenge?”
“I think it is, Sparky,” Toph said, egging them on. They would just have to push them together from a different angle and obviously Sokka would be no help.
“You’re going down, hotman.” (Y/N) set her drink down, eager at the prospect of some friendly competition.
“Maybe later, princess. I have a tournament to win first,” he said smugly, grinning at the way she went bright red. Her stomach flipped at his words and she couldn’t even think of a witty response. She downed her drink instead, shuddering when the alcohol burned her throat.
“It’s on,” she growled. Zuko had to shake himself to tear his eyes away from the intense look she was giving him – it made him a little scared, but also a little turned on.
It all started off well and good. She and Suki pretty easily beat Toph and Aang. Though Toph was blind, she was definitely the better player of the two. When it came time to play the boys, Zuko watched, mesmerized, as (Y/N) rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck, shooting him a cocky smile.
“Ready to lose?” Sokka taunted, now starting to sway a little bit from the amount he’d indulged while the other game was happening.
“I don’t think that’ll be a concern, babe,” Suki said, looking on with amusement and, strangely, adoration when Sokka belched loudly and started laughing. Zuko chuckled at the look (Y/N) shot him from the other side of the island.
It was a tough game, they would both have to admit. Neither (Y/N) nor Zuko missed a cup at the start, but the alcohol began affecting the game soon after the start. Toph, Aang, and even the “impartial judge” Katara cheered when (Y/N) or Suki were able to sink a ball into a cup and groaned animatedly when Zuko or Sokka did. Eventually, both teams were down to one cup.
“Watch this,” Zuko elbowed Sokka roughly, knocking the other boy onto the floor. Undeterred, Zuko turned around and tossed the ball over his shoulder without looking. It missed tremendously, bouncing off Toph’s forehead. “Sorry, Beifong,” he laughed as she scowled in his direction. With a wink, (Y/N) easily tossed the ball into the boys’ last cup. Everyone cheered as Zuko drank, including Sokka from the floor. Suki hugged (Y/N) tightly, spinning her around as they celebrated their victory.
“Did we win?” Sokka asked, sitting up with great difficulty.
“Not this time, buddy,” said Zuko as he helped his friend stand again.
“You serious?” Sokka gasped and pushed him, causing both of them to stumble. “What the hell?! (Y/N), you’re officially my new shot pong partner from here on out!”
“Maybe. On the other hand, though, if Zuko and I teamed up we’d be unstoppable.”
“I like the sound of that,” Zuko mused and Sokka started babbling about betrayal and the “coup d’état” they were staging against him. Aang, bored of Sokka’s drunken whining, cranked up the music. (Y/N) grabbed Zuko and pulled him into a dance while Suki went to go comfort a pouting Sokka on the couch. She laughed at how stiffly he moved even when drunk, like dancing was a completely foreign concept to him. He just kind of shifted his weight from foot to foot, hardly even in time with the beat of the music. Zuko filled his cup again and hoped it would help unlock some secret rhythm or skills.
“I’m so sorry, Zu!” she giggled as she wobbled, grabbing onto his bicep for support. She’d bumped into the glass he was holding and spilled it everywhere, including across both of their shirts. Sokka looked over and cackled.
“(Y/N) made Zuko wet!” he crowed, making everyone else giggle at the pair.
“Shut up, Sokka!” Zuko laughed, chucking a kitchen towel he’d been using to mop up the mess on the floor. It hit the other boy square in the face, making a wet slapping sound against his skin. The group was nearly in tears at Sokka’s shriek of disgust. (Y/N) leaned heavily against Zuko to keep from toppling over.
“Can I borrow a shirt?” she asked of Sokka once she caught her breath.
“No,” he pouted. “Get one of Sifu Hotman’s shirts. We’re not friends anymore.”
“You are such a drama queen!” She rolled her eyes, still grinning. “You got a shirt I can borrow, Zu?”
“Yeah, sure.” He felt anxiety pulling in his gut as he led her to his bedroom. She followed closely behind, also feeling rather nervous but clutching his arm still as she wobbled. He tossed her an old t-shirt and, to his immense surprise and embarrassment, she’d already stripped off her soiled top when he turned to her. She giggled when his face went red and he quickly turned back around. Mumbling an apology, he started to pull off his own shirt.
(Y/N) stared as the fabric lifted, revealing a massive tattoo across the expanse of his muscular back. It was a beautifully intricate dragon done in red and black ink and its angry eyes seemed to follow her as she swayed on her feet.
“Whoah,” she gasped and stepped forwards.
He was about to ask what was wrong when he felt her fingertips ghost across his skin, making him shiver involuntarily. “I didn’t know you had such a dope tattoo.”
“I didn’t know it mattered,” he said, closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling of her tracing the lines. It was hard to tell whether it was the alcohol or her gentle touch that was making his head fuzzy and his skin feel hot.
“Of course it matters!” His breath caught in his throat when she slid her hands around to his front and hugged herself to him, resting her cheek against his back. “Tattoos are sexy and cool, and you’re already sexy and cool, so now you’re, like, extra sexy and cool.”
“You- you think that I’m sexy and cool?”
“And warm,” she sighed happily. He turned and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he cautiously settled his hands on her hips. He pressed his forehead against hers in an attempt to bring her face into focus.
“Well... I think you’re sexy and cool.” He hiccuped. “And warm,” he added after a moment of thought. She giggled at the way his alcohol-scented breath tickled her face.
“Hey, c’mere,” she whispered, squishing his face between her palms.
“I’m already here,” he murmured back, pulling her in by her hips anyways so their bodies touched.
“I have to tell you a secret.” He raised his eyebrows expectantly. “I wanna... smooch your face.”
Zuko wrinkled his nose adorably. “‘Smooch?’ You spend too much time with Sokka.”
“Why, you jealous?”
Yes. “Shut up,” he grumbled.
“Make me.”
That means she wants me to kiss her, right? She just said she wants to kiss me and “make me” always means “kiss me” in the romcoms and romance books. But maybe not. “How?”
(Y/N) laughed. “You’re cute when you’re dumb.”
“What? You are.”
“I’m not dumb!”
“You’re a little dumb. What else do you need, a written invitation? An e-vite maybe? Do you want to RSVP? I’ll need to know if you’re bringing a-“ He cut off her teasing by pressing his lips to hers, squeezing her hips. She responded immediately and enthusiastically, leaning into his chest and threading her fingers through his hair. She hummed contentedly into his mouth when he slipped his hands down to grab her ass. When she pulled back he chased after her lips needily and she chuckled, patting his chest. “We’re taking a long time, they’re gonna get suspicious.”
“So what?” he muttered, pressing a kiss to her jaw instead and trailing more down her neck when she tilted her head to give him easier access. He was feeling awfully emboldened by the kiss and the considerable amount of liquid courage he’d indulged in. “Sokka introduced us with exactly this goal in mind.”
“I don’t know about exactly this goal, but that’s ‘so what.’ I couldn’t stand to see him so pleased with himself.”
He considered this and pulled himself with great effort away from his ministrations at her neck. “You’re right. He’d be unbearable.”
She looked up at him with bright eyes and swollen red lips and he wanted desperately to kiss her again. With a grin, she pulled his t-shirt over her head. He’d completely forgotten how they’d even ended up in his bedroom in the first place. “Put your shirt on and let’s go, hotman. I’m gonna kick your ass at blackjack.” She started to pull him by his hand towards the door but he yanked her back, catching her in his arms she stumbled.
“Don’t think we won’t pick this back up later, princess.” His tone made her gulp, eyes wide. He gave her a wicked grin and led her back out to everyone else as he shrugged on a new shirt.
“Finally! What took so long?” Aang said, a knowing look in his eyes.
“Don’t ask that. I don’t want to hear them talk about making out,” Toph huffed. Both Zuko and (Y/N) blushed in response, looking at the floor. Sokka started cheering and shouting and Katara punched him in the arm to get him to shut up. (Y/N) and Zuko squished in together in the empty spot on the couch as Suki started dealing playing cards. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pretended not to know how to play the game so she could tease him and show him how. They were so engrossed in each other that they missed the satisfied smirks all their friends were shooting each other.
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A/N: whenever i add a read more cut on my laptop tumblr freaks out and deletes half the fic so. sorry lmao. anyways this makes me miss drinking with my friends. woulda hugged the homies a little tighter if i knew it was gonna be like this 🥺😪
TAGS: @theblueslytherin @beifongsss @coconutsaiyan @5sos-wdw @silverreading @the-lva-way @cupofnctea @khaleesi-of-assassins @bloomkings @pyromaniac-olive @lil-lex1 @sokkas--boomerang @cece-lives-here @coldlilheart @royahllty @astralsaf @not-a-glad-gladiator @damianwaynerocks @darkskin-buttercup @emogril @plutaars @duh-dobrik @harajukukitsune @kangaroobunny @harmlessoffering @rosetheshapeshifter @past-2am @welovediaaxx @dailytrashypanda @thenutellabreadsticks @sara5208 @whalerus @fanworrior @andrevvminyrd @travvestys @rosesandpines @cipheress-to-k-pop @starryzxko @justab-eautifulmess @mochminnie @whoevenfrickenknows @asianequation @booksandwonderlands @thesstuff @dekumiya @ya-fwiend-rainbow @spookities @394pitterpatterpotter394 @rockinearthbending-marauders @beardsplittler @kurt-nightcrawler @sifucuteness
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dirt-cup-draco · 4 years
Sirius x Reader- Everyone But Me
Can u please do young!sirius x reader in which the reader is friends with Lily and the marauders. And in an attempt to try and see if Lily has any feelings for James, u flirt with James. And James being James goes along with it, also bc he knows Sirius likes u and he thinks it’s funny. Which does in fact not only make Lily jealous but also Sirius. Could the reader also be mega bffs with Rem please? I’m just a slut for jealous Sirius. I’m glad ur feeling better, I love you pumpkin
“I can’t believe you!” You giggled, head resting in the crook of Remus’ neck as you lost your composure. The marauders were devilish on and off the quidditch pitch and you weren’t going to tell anyone that peter had been muttering curses underneath his breath to throw off the Slytherin seeker while James worked on winning the game. 
“It was harmless, really, we would’ve won the game regardless,” Sirius chimed in, tossing his arm around you and pulling you from Remus’ side into his own as he fought back the small twang of jealousy he felt. He knew that Remus had his eye on that McKinnon girl that Lily was so fond of but he couldn’t help it. He loved that you were close with everybody he cared about. Sirius couldn’t ever fall for someone who wouldn’t give his friends a chance, but he also felt fear.
Fear that he wasn’t good enough in comparison to them. Remus was kindhearted and intelligent, possessing a calm and intelligence that Sirius thought he’d never have. Peter was in his head but he had good intentions and was cute, Sirius didn’t pull off cute well- in his own opinion that was. And then there was James Potter. James, his best friend and the golden boy of gryffindor. 
Which brought him to the whomping willow, hours later, back pressed against the dusty planks within the tree. When it wasn’t being used as a safe haven for Remus during the full moon it was a nice place for them to meet up and spend hours getting up to no good and enjoying their youth. You were all sat in a circle, you sitting directly between Remus and James, Sirius across from you. 
It was a miracle you hadn’t noticed that his eyes had been trained on you since the second you had arrived with a smug smile and firewhisky tucked behind your back to share. 
It was a miracle that Sirius didn’t notice the sly look you sent Lily’s way. You had a gleam in your eye and you finished off the cup of firewhisky you had in your hand, just enjoying the pleasant warmth that had spread through you. It was late and the whomping willow wasn’t the warmest of places as October reached its midpoint. 
“So James, brilliant play today,” You cooed, changing the subject so the focus was on James and James alone. Sirius felt sick but watched in curiosity. 
“Course it was,” James laughed but smiled back, sending a long look to Sirius, assessing him. Sirius was too stuck in his own mind to realize that he was being studied, he didn’t realize that to James the jealousy was clear. 
You watched Lily similarly, finding the way that her expression soured as she watched you, her own jealousy beaming through. Remus watched in amusement. Sirius and Lily were quite possibly the two most emotionally constipated people he had ever met in his life. 
James looked to you for a moment and your lips split into a wide grin, you winked, you actually bloody winked! Sirius felt disturbed but mainly disheartened. He didn’t like watching you express interest in James, he wanted it to be him regardless what James might feel towards you. Which seemed to be similar to your own feelings as he winked back. 
“I did it of course, for you dear Y/N,” James nearly laughed at the painful flirt that made it way past his lips. It was like trying to flirt with his sister, awkard and unnatural. You two had been stuck on a bet of sorts recently. James was adamant that Sirius was head over heels for you and you were certain Lily was begging the universe for James to make the first move, just so she didn’t have to lose her Evans pride by asking him first. 
You set your hand on James’ thigh as you talked, both egging on the other teens in the room that you fancied. It seemed to be too much for Sirius though as he hopped up from his reclined and faux relaxed position. 
“I’ve got to go,” Was all he said before he was running out. Peter looked at you all with shame and Remus snorted, hand held open for James to drop nearly a galleon’s worth of sickles into his waiting palm. Lily raised her brow in question as Marlene sipped at the firewhisky, soaking up the drama. 
“On you go then,” James directed, head jerking towards the entrance. 
You chewed your lip pensively. “I still don’t think you’re right,” 
“Our plan went just like we thought it would so what are you waiting for?” James asked and Lily’s mouth opened to ask but Remus shot her a look that told her she would be finding out very soon. 
“If you’re wrong-” You argued, nervous that Sirius wouldn’t feel the same. What if he did but didn’t now that you had been cruel? Jealousy was a feeling that tied your stomach in knots and made your heart feel like a concrete weight in your chest. If Sirius was feeling anything like that then you didn’t doubt he would be cross with your little game. 
“He’s not,” Remus reassured, hand warm on your back as he sent you an encouraging smile. “Sirius is mad for you, so go to him already.” 
You finally nodded, brushing the dust from your jeans as you chased after the boy that you hadn’t had the guts to tell how you felt without playing childish games. You hoped he wasn’t too upset. 
“Hey,” Your voice drifted on the icy breeze, features distorted by the moon’s light being broken up through the clouds above and Sirius froze in his tracks that had been leading anywhere that wasn’t near the whomping willow. “You left pretty quick,” 
You stood a few feet behind him with a perfect smile on your face, concerned about him. He cracked his own smile but if felt cheap and brittle. “Just needed some air, drank too much probably,” 
“You didn’t touch the firewhisky all night,” You pointed out and Sirius watched you intently.
“Guess not,” He shrugged lamely, not offering any explanation as to why he was lying to you. You understood he was hurt, or at least feeling inadequate, and it was up to you to make the first step. 
“Want to talk about it?” You asked, not quite sure what to do now.
“Nothing to talk about,” He couldn’t help the bitter tone. Why tell you how he felt when you clearly fancied James? Why else would you be all over his friend? But... that begged another question. Why were you here and not with James when you had both seemed to be enjoying each other’s flirting? 
“Alright then,” You said, smile stiff but you didn’t seem deterred as you grabbed Sirius’ hand in yours. “If you don’t have something to say, then I do. I’m sorry,” You opened your mouth to say more but it seemed stuck in your throat. 
Sirius could feel your palm, sweaty against his own as you struggled for words. “You’re sorry?” He prompted, not sure why you were apologizing. Your cheeks were red but he chalked it up the buzz and the chill in the air that was pricking at his own skin and undoubtedly battling the sweater you wore and winning. You shivered. 
“I’m sorry for being an idiot, I didnt mean to make you jealous-” 
“I wasn’t jealous!” Sirius immediately squeaked, face hot. 
You laughed. Sirius winced. 
“Whatever you and James are it’s cool, I’m not jealous,” He defended again, shielding his own emotions from you. You were still laughing! Was this funny to you? Sirius tore his hand from yours, making his way back towards the school. 
“Siri!” You sighed, realizing you once again had shared too little. “James and I aren’t anything! It was a trick, a prank, really! I was trying to get Lily to admit she liked James and he was doing the same to you.... Both of us are idiots,” 
Sirius stood still once again but he was almost too nervous to face you as you caught back up to him. “What’s the point? Why make a mockery of us?” 
“I-it wasn’t supposed to be that... I don’t want to mock you, I want you to know I like you, a lot,” 
Sirius scoffed. “Funny way of showing it,” Yet, his defenses had fallen with that one blow. Y/N liked him? Surely she couldn’t mean it. 
“I know,” You sighed, fingers intertwining with his once more as you tugged him to face you, his eyes darting around as he refused to make eye contact. He was trying to keep from looking hopeful in case this was still just one big joke. 
“Why?” He asked.
“I told you silly, because I like you and I’m an idiot and-” 
“No,” Sirius cut you off. “I mean, why me? Why not James? He’s- well he’s just better... Honestly, anyone would be better than me. I like you, oh merlin, I like you, Y/N-”
“But?” You encouraged.
“But you deserve better and anyone else would be a better match...” Sirius continued, trying to keep the hurt out of his tone. “I thought for a while you liked Remus and now James and I- Well I thought you liked everyone but me.” 
To anyone that wasn’t you or the marauders, Sirius would sound indifferent as he admitted his own low self esteem. To you, however, you realized just how stupid it was to make Sirius sit in his self doubt to try and get him to say he liked you instead of just admitting it yourself. 
“James is like my brother,” You wrinkled your nose in mock disgust. “I couldn’t ever feel that way about him! It’s always been you Sirius, I don’t care about anyone else the way I care about you. Remus is my best friend and James and Peter are like my annoying siblings, but that is all. You mean far more to me,” 
Sirius blinked slowly. “But I’m-” 
“Perfect,” You smiled. “In every way,” 
Sirius felt like he’d been punched. 
“So,” You blushed. “All that being said, would you do me the honor of letting me make up for my mistake and take you on a date?” 
Sirius beamed, kissing your knuckles as he squeezed your hand in response. “How could I deny you the honor of going on a date with all this?” He motioned to himself, his false confidence blurring with real confidence as he tried to process that you actually liked him! 
“Can I ask one thing though?” He chimed in after a moment of charged silence. 
“Of course,” You let go of the breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding. 
“Please, never do that again,” Sirius laughed weakly.
You agreed and pulled him into a tight hug, only pulling away when the rest of your friends found you some odd minutes later, stuck in a cozy embrace.
That weekend, you and Sirius, as well as James and Lily, had a lovely double date. The kiss you’d given him after had told Sirius all he need to know. It was him and only him and had been for quite some time. All was well.  
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
Never Forget
Pairing: Sirius Black x reader
Word Count: 3,406
Warnings: None? Swearing?
Request: hello~ thank you so much for responding to my request, its amazing and i dont mind at att that u responded a little later. so, if u dont mind too, could you pretty please do a sirius x reader when sirius escapes from Azkaban and when Remus come to see him brings y/n with him (they were fiances) and he wanted to hug her or somethin’ she looks werid at him and ask “ dude, i know you from somewhere? “ and sirius is shock that she forget him after all and y/n starts laughing and hugs him so tight and tells him how much he missed him and that she could never forget him. bassicaly a lot of fluff? thank you 🥺❤️
A/n: Sorry this took so long to come out! I hope you like it!
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  You had never considered yourself a vengeful person. In fact you found yourself quite the opposite. You had always been kind, kind to those who were kind to you and kind to those who weren’t. You had never insulted someone back or got someone in trouble on purpose, you had helped with some pranks, but nothing too harsh, you never, ever helped pull one on Snape, no matter how many names he called you or dirty tricks he pulled. You knew he was only doing because of your boyfriend anyway.
         Yes you the sweetheart of hogwarts was dating the Sirius Black. You weren't quite sure how it happened, it was like you were suddenly submerged in a pool of minty breath, leather jackets and musky cologne. And you loved it. By age 14 you were madly in love with him, but unlike every other girl in hogwarts Sirius actually began to return your feelings. Not to say he admitted it right away, hell it took Sirius two years of denial and eleven months of fear before he finally asked you out. You had accepted, but not without hesitation, he had after all been rumored to have slept with half the school. 
Surprisingly to everyone, even the gryffindor's best friends, Sirius had stayed completely and utterly loyal. He barely even looked at other girls, becoming oblivious to the flirtatious attempts they threw at him. 
Sirius became the best boyfriend you could ask for. He did everything for you. He would buy you gifts that were far too expensive, showering you affection, help you with anything and everything, for the first time in his life he truly felt love and he wouldn't have given it away for anything, let alone risk it with his own mistakes. 
It was no surprise to anyone when you moved in together after Hogwarts, your parents complained about it being too early but you managed to keep them docile. You also joined the Order of the Phoenix and was the maid of honor at James and Lily's wedding. You even received a ring of your own from a blushing nervous wreck of Sirius, a ring which you happily accepted. 
Your seemingly perfect life was shattered only a month before your wedding. 
You remembered the day clearer than you remembered most. You had been cooking, your y/h/c hair was put up in a disgusting excuse for a bun, the short blue skirt you were wearing paired with an oversized david bowie t-shirt that wasn't yours was covered by an already stained white apron that read ‘kiss the chef’ in red looping letters. The room had been full of steam, the scent of curry and cumin thick in your nose. You had a bad habit of eating dinner late at night, something developed because of the wacky schedule your job held. You had been waiting for Sirius to come back. 
You jumped a bit at the sound of your door slamming open. Harsh footsteps echoed through the hall, your eyes widened slightly. 
"Siri? Are you a-" your sentence dropped to the floor when he stumbled into your view. His hair was a tangled mess, his creamy skin broken in a harsh cut on his left cheek. His lips were parted slightly, he was breathing heavily. But the thing that struck you most were his eyes. The stormy grey was rimmed with red, irises tinted pink, a supernatural gloss making them shine unnaturally. The looked broken. They hold an impossibly heavy weight, like the world had suddenly crashed upon them. 
"James is dead." He croaked, his voice raged and breaking.
You dropped the pan that you were holding, its contents scattering the ground. "W-what?" 
"Lily too." Silver drops shimmered lightly down his face. 
You felt tears sting your eyes, your vision blurring, "What about-" your voice fell short in a broken cry.
"He's alive, but I don't know what's going to happen." He sobbed rushing towards you and collapsing into your arms. 
"We'll get him, right?" You spoke so softly and delicately, Sirius found the need to stop his breathing to keep you from shattering. 
"Y/n, they were sold out." He clutched you desperately shaking. 
"What?" Your brain simply couldn't process all this information. 
"They think I did it. Everyone thinks I told him where they were." His voice was so raw with fear it was unrecognizable. 
You just stood there stunned tears clinging to the inside of your eyelids as you felt your heart smash to pieces. 
"They think I did it, but I didn't." He sobbed, "Peter did, I tried to fight him b-b-but now everyone thinks I killed him too, and he-he's alive and they are coming to get me." Tears began to wet your shoulder. 
You were too stunned to speak. The feeling of absolute terror and rage swept you. 
"They're gonna take me to Azkaban y/n/n." He looked up at you and your heart shattered. He was broken, utterly and bitterly broken. 
You felt your already shattered heart clench in protest, begging you to look away from this train wreck of a man before it was hurt anymore. You let out a choked sigh. Before grabbing Sirius neck and slamming your lips roughly on to yours.
His lips were chapped and salty, tasting of blood and tears. You felt his shaking hands wrap around your waist as his tongue slipped past your lips. 
You reluctantly pulled away from the kiss, lungs burning dully. You felt your heart stop when you looked at him. Even completely destroyed in front of you it was impossible to ignore his beauty. His cheeks dusted a light pin, eyes blotchy and red, making the grey storms that lurked there brighten with a melancholy light. He remind you of autumn leaves, he was so pretty just before he fell. You pulled him back into your secure embrace, your heart thumping loudly. You led your hands up his back resting them on his shoulders and tugging him towards you. You felt him nuzzle into your neck, inhaling sharply, attempting to engrave the scent of your shampoo in his head. His hands slid to your lower back, resting on the helm of your skirt as he shook violently. 
“I love you.” You whispered through a thick wave of silent tears. You didn't let your voice break, too many things in that room had already been broken. “I love you so much, and everything is going to be okay. Its gonna be okay.” 
And that's how you stayed, standing in the middle of a steamy kitchen, in the smell of curry and cumin, sauce burning in a saucepan on the stove, half sauteed vegetables littered around you like strange confetti. You repeated the last four words you spoke over and over again until you weren't sure who you were trying to convince. You stood like that when you heard loud rumbling footsteps come crashing to your door. You stayed like that as the chant of your impending doom continued up the stairs. The door bursting open. Four Arours came into the small room. 
“Ma’m step away from him.” Spoke one of them.
“Sirius Orin Black you are under the arrest for the murder of Peter Pettigrew.” A young woman said. 
You could no longer hide your tears as you shook with wails, tugging him closer to you. “I love you y/n.” He spoke quietly into your ear. “I love you so much.” 
“I know,” You cried, “I love you too.” 
Just as you finished your sentence you were ripped from his grasp. You struggled, delivering a harsh kick to the crotch of the man who held you. He fell to the ground with a groan as you scrambled back towards Sirius. Your wrist was snatched by a different Arour when you just millimeters from him. You spun towards the ground at the sudden gasp and landed with a harsh thump, as soft whimper escaping your throat. 
“Don’t you dare touch her!” Sirius hollard Struggling with the two men holding him as he glared at the women who had dragged you to the ground, were she now also lay. One of the men raised his wand whispering ‘crusio’ Sirius let out a painful scream as he began to write in their grip,
Your vision went red. You landed your foot harshly onto the women Aruors face with a crunch. She shrieked as you darted towards the man holding his wand with a fiery rage. When you reached him you slammed your fist into his face with such force you felt your nails price the skin of your palm. He stumbled backward hand instinctively flying to his jaw, dropping his wand. You snatched the wand from the air and aimed it at second man prepared to unleash hell but before you could utter a spell. You heard a loud yell.
You flew across the room; flying straight in to your china cabinet. You felt your head thunk loudly on something as glass shattered around you. Your back felt like a pincushion, the needles of glass lodged into it. Your vision danced as you felt blood seep down your cheek.
“You fuckers!” The voice sounded so distant, like it was deep underwater, “She didn't do anything, you worthless sacks of shit!” 
“Siri?” you quietly mumbled quietly and suddenly your vision went black. 
You had awoken in a hospital, eyes fluttering open to fluorescent lights. The strong smell of medication and sickness made you want to gag. Suddenly the moments before your world fell, came rushing back to you in a sick wave. You sat up quickly gasping as you felt a searing pain in your lower back.
“Be careful, wouldn't want you to rip out those stitches.” 
“Sirius?’ You asked excitedly. But soon your vision straightened and your eyes locked with a pair of hazel.
“Hey y/n/n.” Remus sighed, his voice strained. He looked terrible, his eyes bloodshot. Dark circles making his face appear sunken. The bright scars on his face blending with his pale complexion. 
“Remus where's Sirius?” you asked. Maybe it was all a dream.
Remus felt tears climb slowly up to his eyes, he gasped for air as if he was being strangled, “None of us saw it coming y/n. I didn't expect you to.” 
You let out a throttle whimper, “He didn't do it Re. I know he didn't. He would never hurt Peter orJames or Lily or Harry.” You gasped. “Harry?”
“You’re getting him,” Remus spoke attempting a smile that turned to a grimace. 
“Where is he now?” You could feel tears seeping down your right cheek but, but not your left. 
“Your house with your parents.” Remus respond as he watched you slowly raise your hand to the bandage just below your lf eye, now damp with salt. “From the china cabinet, your lucky you didn't lose your eye.” 
“Who were those Arours. I’m going to get them fired.” You growled lowly.
“I don’t know y/n but-”
“They used an unforgivable curse on Sirius."  You explained urgently to the man sitting beside you.
Remus cringed as you spoke his name. “Y/n. He was being arrested for murder, they can use whatever force necessary.”
“But it wasn’t necessary!” you cried out suddenly.
“Y/n/n, I don’t really think that’s gonna hold up in court. I mean it would be the word of four respectable Aurors, three of which you banged up pretty bad apparently, verses the confused and delirious fiance of a murderer.” Remus explained slowly as if he were talking to a child. 
You felt blood rush to your cheeks as a dull ache that reminded you slightly of hunger, lodged into your heart. “Stop calling him that.” Your voice was dark and dangerous, for a split second, Remus was completely and utterly terrified of you. 
“Y/n you’re going to have to come to terms with it eventually.” He sighed, his voice holding the disappointment of a mother scolding her child. 
“He didn’t do it, Remus!” You shouted, “How can you possibly believe that-that Sirius would do anything to ever hurt James, hurt Lily, hut Harry? Do you really think that he would do that. Do you truly think that low of him?” 
Each word you spoke was like a knife thrusting into his heart, “Y/n, you know how his parents were, how his brother was, how his whole family was. They had a stronger hold on him than he would ever care to admit, he was a lost cause.” 
“Fuck you, Remus.” You spat, “He changed and you know it. He wasn’t like them. And if you truly believe that he did it, you clearly didn’t know him at all.”
“No. You are just using your brain. Your stupid logical brain and you only looked at the evidence. Your not looking at the fact that Sirius loved James. He was like a brother to him. No, he was a brother to him. He saved him. And if you think that Sirius would ever do anything to hurt James, Lily or their son, get the fuck away from me.” 
The werewolf opened his mouth to speak but before he could utter a word you cut in. 
“I said get out.” 
He didn’t bother arguing with you. He could see the pain and misery that had consumed you. You were going to need time. You would come around eventually. 
You never did. 
The first year was the worst. The glances, the whispers, the points, the overwhelming sense of pity that made you just about want to drown. The only thing that kept you going was Harry. You had to stay sane, for him. If Harry wasn’t yours you would have gone crazy for sure, maybe ending up in Azkaban right next to your fiance. But you kept a straight face. And you pretended to accept what everyone else seemed to believe to be a fact. 
You continued in the Order but it soon trickled out as Voldemort became less and less relevant. Once you were done with the Oder you got a job as a lawyer in a small law firm. No one at the firm was quite sure how, but you almost had a magical way of getting witnesses to confess directly on the stand. 
You detach yourself from the magical world, know that soon you would have to plunge back into it with Harry soon enough. The years sped by, and soon enough you were taking Harry to platform 9 ¾. You damn near through up as you watched Harry walk onto that platform, images of a boy who had pulled your braids and helped you with Defense Against the Dark Arts years before flashed through your mind. It didn’t help that a young girl who impeccably resembled Lily kept looking your way. 
By Harry’s third year you were heading to Hogwarts every other weekend to watch his quidditch matches. He was better than James. You thought of James and Lily often. Harry looked like James, but his eyes. His eyes would always be Lily. You only dared to think of Sirius in the deep of the night. When it was so dark that you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. So late you could convince yourself it was a dream. There was only one person who you kept in your mind constantly. 
Peter Pettigrew.
You knew he was alive. You knew he was somewhere out there. You knew that he had murdered his best friends. You knew he was the reason Sirius was in jail. And you knew you were going to kill him. 
You never spoke of Peter but your mind was clouded by red visions of him. 
You had developed an unexplainable rage towards rats though. Well unexplainable to most. 
But you had finally figured you how to live your life. You had finally mastered the act of pretending when the headline broke. 
When you heard Sirius had escaped you fainted. Harry had shown you the paper and you had crashed straight to the ground. Not but a day later your house was swarming with Aurors. Another thing you seemed to hate beyond a reasonable amount. 
After the people you referred to as vultures left you had met up with Remus, who seemed convinced that Sirius was attempting to kill Harry. You had wanted to slap him. But you swallowed the ever-growing ball of hate and nodded along like a simple-minded bobblehead someone had just flicked. 
You knew you were being watched, you could see their eyes everywhere, following your every move. You kept quiet silently praying Sirius has lost his dumbass energy in jail and had enough sense to stay away from you. He did. 
Reus had called you at 8:00 at night. “Y/n. You need to come here right now.” his voice was so desperate that you couldn’t refuse.
“Where to?” Your voice was a hushed whisper. 
“You know the place we used to camp as kids? James would always try to scare you and always end up getting punched in the face.” 
“Of course. How could I forget?” You giggled slightly the memory of campfires and smores, the feeling a leather jacket that was always wrapped around your shoulder. “I’ll see you in five.”
You once again filled your head with images of that small clearing, the large tree to the right side that you would always try (and fail) to climb. The circle of stumps you had dragged over as James harassed Lily. The scent of pine always so strong and fresh.  And then you opened your eyes and you were there. 
The stumps were decaying into the ground, moss covering them like a blanket of green. Dusk was setting in and the world was growing dark. You could see the lights of Hogwarts in the distance. You glanced up your eyes landing on the one star that shone brightly in the heavy grey sky. 
“Sirius.” You mumbled to yourself. The name rolling off you tongue so easily it hurt. 
“Y/n!” Remis ran towards you his eyes wide with a mixture of panic and excitement.
You turned towards him whipping your hair around. For a second you could have sworn your name had fallen out of someone else’s lips. 
“We have to go. Come on.” 
You followed obediently until you reached the outskirts of the forest. 
Remus stopped suddenly running back to face you. “You have to change.” 
“Change?” you asked. He nodded expectantly. Suddenly you remembered. “But Re I haven’t-” 
“You need to.” 
You sighed closing your eyes and intaking a sharp breath. You felt yourself shrink and grow a fur coat until when you opened your eyes you were looking at Remus’ knees. 
The werewolf smiled down at the pretty black dog below him. You smiled wolfishly at him flashing a pair of sharp k-9 fangs. He just chuckled before sprinting through the grounds. 
You followed easily jogging beside the man. When you reached the whomping willow you wait for Rums to pull his trick before darting into the small cave at its trunk. 
As the cavern began to open up you switched back, happy to be walking on two legs again. Remus soon caught up with you as you entered the shrieking shack. 
There he was, his back turned, hair a frizzy mess you almost giggled childishly at. You felt your heart soar to your throat.
“Ah, Moony, took you lon-” His sentence dropped. As he turned. His eyes locking with yours as you struggled to keep a straight face. Sirius’ eyes widened mouth dropping. “Oh my god.” 
He took two steps toward you, so hesitant and careful, as if moving any faster would cause you to bolt. “Y/n?” his voice was broken. 
“I’m sorry?” You spoke holding back a shit-eating grin, “Do I know you from somewhere?”
His face crumpled and you felt a wave of guilt was over you. He stumbled backward stuttering for words. His mind spinning.
Finally, you broke into a smile, “I’m only kidding Siri.” you giggled, only seconds after you finished your sentence you felt your body collide with his.
His arms wrapped around you so tight you felt your breath squeezed form you lungs. Your heart raced as you nuzzled closer to the man, you felt tears prick your eyes, “I could never forget you.”
Taglist: @accio-rogers @roslea @k3nz-doodl3 @songforhema
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vinylhazza · 5 years
okay but being in a relationship like full term with ethan but one night you’re superrrr drunk and you booty call him only for him to come over and nurse you back to soberness
you don’t normally get drunk, in fact you can count on one hand the amount of times you've gotten shit-faced so bad you’re stumbling over your words like a nervous virgin. what was interesting is that you hadn't even planned on getting drunk tonight, not even a little bit. 
you went out with your friends just for a little wine and dine at your favorite restaurant in town and maybe do some face masks after and gossip about sex or whatever you decided to talk about... and then somewhere along the way your best friend convinced you that her fuck buddy’s parties are the best and she just had to go and wouldn't take no for an answer. so there you were, sipping on a beer that you were sure tasted like shit but your brain was so clouded that you actually couldn't believe it wasn't the most splendid drink to land on your tastebuds. 
you knew that if ethan, your beloved boyfriend and love of your fucking life, could see you right now, he would be laughing at the way you have been trying to talk about kurt cobains hair for the last fifteen minutes or smirking when the weekend started bumping through the speakers and your hips started to swivel in that way you know he loves. you were shutting your eyes and imagining the way that his hands would grip your hips and pull you back against him for some friction. just the thought had you really giving a show, really showing your boyfriend that isn't even there your moves. your brain flooded with thoughts of the dirty shit you do behind closed doors, the trope of a gentle little ethan turned into a sex crazed animal when it came to you causing a pool to form in your panties.
you distinctly remember through your drunken, horny haze that your best friend had found you in the middle of a crowd that was filled with equally drunk men that eyed you like a simple hole to stick their dicks into. she had dragged you away from their hungry eyes just when you were ready to peel your clothes off for an imaginary ethan and give him a nice strip show. yes, she was drunk. but was she drunk enough to let all of those men touch the body that wasn't theirs to touch when you were horny and vulnerable and just needed ethan? no. 
she had taken you by the hand and stumbled with you through the crowd and over to a couch so that erin (her fuck buddy) could get off of his ass and take you home. she would be staying the night but she wasn't about to let you ride in an uber by yourself when the world outside was so scary and unpredictable. 
you couldn't get your mind off of ethan...ethan...mmm fuck he was so sexy. how exactly had you managed to score such a gem in all of the LA bullshit? jesus christ a gentlemen that can turn into a hateful prideful fuck machine that drills you into the sheets just the way you like. just thinking of calling him daddy had you moaning as you exited erins car in front of your large apartment complex. you were shocked you that somehow manage to stumble into the elevator. this would definitely be something you would regret in the morning. but right now you just needed ethan to come over and show you exactly what a bad girl you've been and teach you a lesson. thank god your apartment was two doors from the elevator or you might have just collapsed in the hallway. 
you decided to call him, yanking your phone from your purse you managed to snag from your best friend on the way out of the party, peeling your tight dress off at the same time just as you slam your apartment door closed and trip down the dark hallway, heels falling off your feet. you inevitably fall into a moaning mess on your bed - trying to dial his number only to order Siri to call him for you. 
“hey baby how was girls-” his velvety voice hums through the speaker, sounded full of sleep considering it was 12am and he had decided to call it in early for once. 
“hi daddy...can you um can you come over? want you really bad,” your slur, rubbing over your bare tummy and drenched panties right over your aching pussy, not even realizing how trashed you sounded right now. you just wanted him and wanted him now. 
“are you drunk baby? where are you?” he chuckles, highly amused that you were talking this dirty when the mere mention of anything sexual still brings a blush to your face despite the nasty shit you do in the bedroom. 
“maybe alittle babybut not too much I promise..just come and fix me? need my e,” you giggle a little through the line, ending with a moan when your fingers decide to slip that dainty fabric aside and slide through your wet folds, thumbing over your clit and imaging it as ethans large hand, really getting you worked up and clenching around nothing. 
“are you booty calling me?” he mocks a hurt gasp while slipping on his shoes and grabbing his keys, rubbing the sleep from his eyes just to make sure he doesn't crash the damn car on the way to tuck you in. 
“I can’t booty call you?” you sound hurt, but it’s a fake drunk hurt that you won’t even remember in the morning - your bottom lip pouted out, hand steady rubbing circles on your clit, alcohol coursing through you. 
“you can always booty call me kitten, give me ten-ish minutes and i’ll be there to help you okay?” you can just feel that he’s smiling on the other end of the line, the really soft one that melts your heart into a puddle. it’s reserved for times when you shock him. you calling at 12am to come over and fuck is definitely a shock because you are not that girl and never have been. but it still makes his heart swell that you called him. 
“mkay daddy,” is all he hears you say before he clicks the end button. 
you had thought that when he said he was coming it was to take you up on your offer and fuck you into the mattress until your legs can’t move - not to kiss your forehead and over your eyelids while you laid there on the bed in a drunken haze, making grabby hands at his dick through his pants. 
he had walked through the door (which was unlocked but he would worry about that later) and heard you singing a song down the hallway, walking in and seeing you still rubbing yourself, but singing at the same time. it was hilarious and he wanted to laugh, but had a job to do first: be the honorable boyfriend that he was and take care of the girl he loved because she’s hammered and can’t even remember the words to Bohemian Rhapsody - bad sign. 
“what did you do angel? get a little drunk?” he smiles down at you lovingly and with a little bit of humor gleaming in his eye, smoothing the hair away from your eyes and leaving a kiss upon each cheekbone. 
“didn't mean to e m’sorry,” you hum with your eyes still closed, leaning into his hand that cupped the side of your face. 
“you don't have to apologize baby, i’m just surprised is all...did anyone touch you? who drove you home?” he knew he should ask these questions in the morning when you can think straight and aren't struggling to open your eyes, but he just needed to know that he wasn't going to kill some creep that might have taken advantage of you. 
“nu uh nobody t-touched me...erin took me in his car or whatever the hell that thing is called...just wanted you that's all,” you whisper, looking up at him with this lost look in your eyes, tracing around his lips and the rest of his face, noting how beautiful he really is. 
“that’s good kitten, let’s get you cleaned up yeah?” 
“you don't wanna fuck me?” your voice is small and shy, disappointed. 
he turns back to you on the bed, covering up your bare breasts in an attempt to hide you from his eyes. he gives you a look of sympathy and a nod. 
“of course I do but aren't you a little sleepy?” he speaks softly, grabbing the advil from your bedside table and the half filled water bottle. he grins at the little nod of your head, so filled with love and adoration for you in this moment that he can’t hardly stand it. it’s random and bittersweet. you haven't done anything but booty call him, but in this moment it means something so much different. 
“maybe a little bit...” you pout, struggling to sit up and take the water and pills that he has outstretched. he guides you with a gentle hand on your back, tilting the water into your mouth, making sure you swallow each pill before picking you up from the bed with strong arms and a warm kiss on your lips that has you sinking into his chest, snuggled up and safe. your arms wrap around his neck just as he starts walking you to your shower, setting you down on the toilet while he starts the shower. 
on this night in particular, you blush like crazy when his hands start to peel your panties from your body, slowly down your legs and to the floor. his eyes resting on your pussy makes you want to hide like he’s never been nose deep snacking on his favorite meal before. it just felt different. and it was different because you never looked so fragile before. 
you’re kissing at his bottom lip delicately, taking in the feeling of him right here right now in this moment, and loving every second of it, “get in with me?” 
he knows you’ve already started to sober up just from the giggling that has been absent since he found you on the bed. but he nods anyway, removing his own clothes and guiding the two of you into the shower to wash the smell of alcohol from your body, caring touch smooth across your skin - shooting tingles through every nerve.
the shower was simple, short, but needed. it cleared your head more than he thought it would, and when you turned to look at him with a dreamy smile he knew it was you that did it and not the wine or the beer. it was the same smile that you gave him when he wrapped you in your towel and told you to wait only for a minute while he goes to get his hoodie that hangs in your closet that you always sleep in. he takes the time to slip into his own clothes - some sweats and a plain black t-shirt. he steps back into the room with a goofy little dance just to hear you laugh, dropping the towel and replacing it with the hoodie. 
you knew you were going to have at least a little bit of a headache in the morning but it wouldn't be nearly as bad with all the care ethan is giving you right now. 
he carried you right back to the bedroom where you refused to let go of the grip you had on his t-shirt, heart thumping from the smell of his cologne and the rubbing he’s doing on the small of your back. 
“m’sorry e...” you whimper, kind of embarrassed that you acted so out of character. 
“baby there is nothing to be sorry for, i’m just glad you called me. let’s get some sleep hm? i’ll make you some breakfast in the morning how’s that sound? some eggs? bacon? toast? i’ll even put cinnamon on it like you love.” 
“oh jesus stop before I raid the kitchen and eat everything,” you groan, reaching out to pull him into the covers with you, hugging him close while your eyes start to droop shut. you’re exhausted and looking over to see it’s now 3am and you’ve spent so long being a mess is so embarrassing that you wanna forget the whole thing. 
“you never cease to amaze me you know that?” is all he can say, knowing you’ll talk and tell him the whole story in the morning, but for now settling on kissing your forehead and holding you in his arms to be thankful nothing happened and you’re safe there with him. 
“i’m a mess,” you giggle into the material of his shirt, slipping farther into sleep, warm and content with the one person you really wanted on a night like this. 
he just continues rubbing the dimple at the bottom of your spine, hugging you to him with the other arm. he never knew what to expect from you, but one thing is for sure is that you always keep him on his toes and he can't get enough of it. 
“but you’re my mess. and for the record, you can booty call me any day and the answer will always be yes.” 
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cutiejoshi · 4 years
hello siri i hope ur day was as lovely as u are ;D OK SO for that thing u reblogged: would you rather go on a cute picnic date with shua like on a nice sunny day OR!! go on like a night driving date with bang chan like listening to music and stuff ???
and also: have you ever thought about how u are the best person ever 😳😳💗💕 also here is a link for u because this is sO COOL U CAN DO THAT IN ASKS NOW
lunaaa hi~ AND RIGHT ITS SO COOL hehe fancyyy I hope you have a lovely day lovely luna <3
AND AKDHDKKD THIS IS SO HARD?? Okay ummm I’d pick a night driving date with bang chan listening to music! This was soo close omg but I think the night driving date would just be relaxing and comfortable and just stress relieving and bang chan omg yes 😌 it’s like channies room but in a car 🥺🥺 but pls a picnic date with Shua would be so cute too ahh can u imagine he feeds you fruit or a sandwich or a fruit sandwich- BYEJAHDJD 🥺 but I get tired easily when I’m outside in the sun :’)
ALSOO I’ll just say this here since I don’t wanna spam you with notifications :’) BUT FIRST OF ALL THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING THE HOME DEPOT SMELL !!! I thought it was so weird ahh AND ITS SO CUTE HOW WE’RE SO ALIKE I’m honored that I can be like a little luna 🥺
and ofc omg heheh here’s my insta <3 ty for being my friend even after seeing what I look like 💞💞 heheh I can’t be the bestest person ever when u exist luna tunes 🤭👀
AND FKAHDKDDJ HYUNJIN BEST DANCER PLS love shot, just right and dope YES 🤩🤩
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*Not My Gif*
Post Date: 10-01-19
Paring: Sirius Black x Reader
Word Count: 1.2K
A/N: So the vote count ended with Sirius getting like 7 so here you go! I’ll post another tomorrow but I need more votes so I know what y’all want. The rest of the votes are like dead even. (Remus-> 4 Bellamy-> 4 George-> 3)
Warnings: sucky bullying cause I didn’t feel like writing actual bad lines 😬😬
~Master Lists~
~Harry Potter Master List~
~Vote for next Fic~
“Good thing you’re better at landing kisses than you are at landing your broom, Y/L/N.” Some Slytherin girl yelled across the classroom as you ignored her, choosing instead to focus on the beautiful eyes staring back at you. Sirius wore a smile on his face as he refused to look away from you, but you knew the happy look was just a façade as his fists were clenched tight. They only relaxed when you put your hands in his, making the smile on his face just a little more genuine.
“Just ignore them. Their words mean nothing to me, and they shouldn’t mean anything to you.” You whispered, leaning in to press another chaste kiss to his lips, finding yourself giggling a little when Sirius made the kiss deeper. You could still hear a few more comments, most were worse than before, followed by a few snickers but you tried your best to drown them out. Comments like those were ones you found yourself receiving often, sometimes it was about the fact that while you where amazing at flying you couldn’t land your broom to save your life, falling onto your face 9 out of 10 times you were landing. But in most cases, it was a rumor started this year about you and what had seemed like of the Slytherin boys doing certain activities. Of course, everyone knew they were fake, and that Sirius was the only boy you ever found yourself with, but that didn’t stop anything. Now it was just a matter of all the boys making inappropriate jokes behind your back while all the girls knocked you down on your flying skills. Luckily for you, James, Remus, Peter, Lily, and your beautifully wonderful boyfriend Sirius had been by your side since the beginning.
The rest of the day was pretty much the same, a few people snickering at you while Sirius kept his arm wrapped around you, glaring at anyone who dared to give you a hard time. But it wasn’t until you and Sirius had separate classes did the day get hard.
Sirius’ leg bounced as he listened to the talk behind, a few boys in his year just talking about you and boasting about the things you had “done” to them, but it wasn’t until some git began boasting did he finally put a stop to it.
“… and when she finally stopped being a fucking tease and got down on her knees, I couldn’t help but-“ His words were cut short when Sirius’ fist collided with his face, making his words turn into groans as he clutched his nose. The once talkative class now stood silent, watching the scene unfold before. The students took a step back leaving a fuming Sirius.
“Say one more word about my girlfriend and your nose won’t be the only thing I break.” Sirius threatens as turns to leave, not seeing the kid stand up when his back was turned.
Your class was pretty boring, McGonagall just rambled on, letting you all preform one or two spells but that was about it. You hadn’t any more trouble and at the end of the class James offered to walk you back to the common room, chatting about Lily along the way. You didn’t mind listening to James go on about the girl because he was always the one you use to go to about Sirius before you dated. He was just telling you about his latest attempt to ask her out when someone walked by talking about a fight that happened. You couldn’t hear much but James and you just shrugged, ignoring it before you reached the Common room. It was normal for you to get there before Sirius, so typically you just laid on the couch and waited for him to jump on top of you and smother you with kisses. You heard the portrait swing open and glanced over the arm of the couch, seeing Sirius rush in followed by Remus whose face was lined with worry.
“Sirius?” you call out when he hid his face from you with his hand and literally sprinted up the stairs to the boy’s dormitory. You were worried, of course, and without a second passing James’ hand was on your shoulder, telling you he’d take care of it. “Let me know what’s going on, yeah?” You asked as he assured you he would and followed up after his best friend. You weren’t sure how long you sat there alone staring up at the stairs, the suspense making your whole body shake before footsteps made their way down the stairs. James didn’t say nothing besides nodding up the stairs, making you scramble off the sofa.
“Sirius?” you repeated as you pulled the door open to their room, gasping as you saw the state your boyfriend was in. Sirius’ nose looked crooked, a cut placed on his lower lip and left brow and he was slightly covered in half-wiped blood, the rag in Remus’ hand holding the rest. “What the bloody hell happened?!” You shouted as you took Sirius’ face in your hands, moving it carefully as you noticed the area around his eye was starting to darken a little, meaning he also had a black eye.
“’M Alright.” He mumbled and moved your hands away, holding them gently in his. You just shook your head, taking the rag out of Remus’ hands before he left you two alone.
“Siri, what happened?” you asked softer than before and carefully dabbed at his cut, making him wince but he just gave you a small smile.
“Some git was talking bad about you. I couldn’t handle it, so I might’ve punched him. Just didn’t expect him to punch back.” He let out a little laugh as he looked up at your worrisome face. He brought his hands up to mimic your actions as you sighed against his touch. “Are you mad, Love?”
You were taken back by his question. So many emotions were going through your head, but not once would you be mad at him. “Sirius. Why on earth would I be mad at you?”
He shrugged and pushed a strand of hair from your face, letting you grab his wrist and press a small kiss to his palm. “I don’t know Sirius. My boyfriend defending my honor. Kinda hot.” You mumbled as you locked eyes with him making both of you laugh before you continued to clean him up.
“I love you. You know that, right?” He whispered. He could say that a million times and every time your heart would skip. You nodded and pressed your lips to his, making him gasp as you touched his cut. You pulled back when you realized you hurt him more, but Sirius just pulled you in between his legs, letting his hands rest on your waist as you kissed you again harder.
“I love you too.” You said when you finally pulled apart, resting your forehead against his. “You do know you’re basically the best thing that has happened to me this year, right?”
“Don’t I know it, look at my face!” He joked as you swatted his chest, making both of you laugh more.
“Come on. Let’s go get you cleaned up.” You said as you dragged him to the bathroom by his hand.
“Yes ma’am.” He hummed and followed you, certain that no matter what was said about you he’d always be there to defend you.
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canid-slashclaw · 4 years
The Outliers - A Guild Wars Love Story
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9,  Chapters 10 and 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16 , Chapter 17
Chapter 18
"Right this way, ma'am," said one of the charr medical attendants who opened the door to Amalthia's convalescent room.
Centurion Siri Blastfuse stepped through the metal-lined archway as she looked towards the female attendant and said in a low but stern voice. "No one is to disturb us. Is that clear?"
The mother strode over to the bed where her daughter lay. She pulled up a rough-hewn stool, sat down then started caressing her cub's muzzle with the long claw from her index finger. She then jabbed her claw into Amalthia's upper lip testing to see if her cub was still in an unconsciousness state.
My mouthy little whelp. For the first time, you have nothing at all unpleasant to say to me. How ironic is that? If I wanted to, I could pry your jaws open and tear out that belligerent tongue of yours.
"No matter," her mother said into her daughter's upper ears in a gruff, but soft voice. "It's not like you can hear a damn thing I have to say, anyway. Which is fine by me."
She started to stroke her daughter's head gently. "You think I am a cruel charr dam for treating you the way I have been all these years. But the truth of the matter is, I am cruel because I have to be. Naive little cub, this world is an unforgiving and lonely place where anything you care about can be taken away in an instant. For my own survival, I learned to stop caring long ago. And it is unfortunate that you haven't yet learned such a lesson."
Amalthia's chest rose and fell at a steady breathing pace as her head rested upon a thick pillow, her visage calm and serene. Her mother slowly ran her long claw down the center of her daughter's mouth, along her neck then stopped at the middle of her chest.
"You may wonder if I hate you. Well, in one sense, I do hate you. I hate you because, out of all my cubs, it is you who reminds me of the dam I once was." Siri cocked her head as her seemingly cruel gaze softened for a moment.
"Before your siblings successively perished, I was like you in so many ways - carefree, hopeful for my future... even caring... if you can possibly believe that. But fate changed all that; you changed all that for me. Of all my cubs, you - the weakest and most obnoxious - managed to survive."
"Though your body is frail, your heart has remained strong and positive. Now that, dear cub of mine, is why I both adore and resent you at the same time. Your spirit, for lack of a better word, has never yet wavered. So many times, I wanted to break it, to break you until you became like me," Siri shook her head as she traced Amalthia's chest using her claw.
"Yet there is a part of me that doesn't want you to be broken. I suppose I do what I do to you for your own good. If you can endure me then you are strong enough to endure anything."
"No whelp. I will never go soft on you. Not ever!"
"Bah! Why am I even murmuring to your unconsciousness carcass anyway? Better yet, why am I even talking aloud at all?"
Siri reached into her jerkin, pulled out a small burlap bag then set it down upon the dresser next to her daughter's bed. "These made me think of you during a time when the worst thing that came out of your mouth was vomit."
"Anyway... enjoy them, cub... for old times sake, of course."
Her mother stepped out the door without saying anything further. When she saw the assistant she beckoned her close then stated in a threatening tone. "See to it that she is provided adequately. I want updates of her progress."
"Yes, centurion."
"One last thing - under pain of death, you are to never reveal to her or anyone else that I was ever here. You got that?"
"Of course." Nervously, the attendant saluted Amalthia's mother, as she was about to depart.
Siri cast one last look over her shoulder and said with the slightest of grins. "Have a most pleasant rest of your day."
There. I can be nice to others, sometimes.
Kaleb arrived at the Blazeridge Butcher Shop the following early morning carrying a small bundled gift item. He knocked on the door hoping that he didn't arrive too early and wake Ludrick prematurely.
Within a few minutes, the door opened. The enormous charr stood in front of him wearing a bloody smock and carrying an enormous meat cleaver in his pawed right hand. His claws were still dripping with blood from an order he had just finished prepping.
"Good morning, sir." Kaleb saluted him with deference.
"And top of the morning to you, my furless friend. Sorry if I don't return the salute. I've had that trick played on me one too many times. People say I look scary enough as it is even without the blood on my attire."
Kaleb laughed as he stepped through the door being careful not to bump into Ludrick's cane or chronically injured foot.
"Judging by the blood, my guess is organ meat. Liver in particular," he observed.
"Close. Kidneys and tripe to be exact."
"Tripe. Jeese! I gag just smelling the stuff. Why people would even eat that is beyond me," Kaleb jested.
"You're supposed to be the fancy chef. Am I right?"
"Sure, but..."
"But nothing. Expand your palette, cub. Some of the best flavors come from some of the most unexpected ingredients. Bah! Getting me off track, aren't ya?" Lucrick laughed.
"It never hurts to lighten the mood, especially when the rest of the day will be anything but."
Ludrick washed his hands then removed his apron before doing some last minute tidying up. He put the customer's order into a freezer chest then began repacking the rest of the meat case.
"I gave Ralph keys to this place while we are gone. He's a good kid who is eager to learn the cutting trade and I trust him enough to tend to the shop while I'm away."
Kaleb helped him out where he could by tossing an extra layer of ice onto the tray of fresh shrimp and crawfish. As they were working to get the market counter prepped, he asked. "Any updates on Amalthia's condition?"
"None. That's why we need to go to the Black Citadel in-person."
"I can get the dolyak hitched up to the wagon in a jiffy once we are through here," Kaleb stated.
"I appreciate that very much."
Once all of the necessary opening preparations had been completed, Kaleb hitched up the wagon then helped Ludrick into the front seat. After climbing into his own seat next to the big charr, he whistled aloud for the sluggish dolyak to move. The beast faltered momentarily before finally taking a hint that moving was far better than hearing the incessant sound of a cracking whip.
"Waypoint's not too far away. I can pay someone to return the cart to the corral once we get there," Kaleb stated.
Ludrick pointed towards the horizon. "How about we bypass the waypoint entirely. If you don't mind, I would very much like to take the scenic route till we get to Lion's Arch. From there we can gate into the Citadel."
"Fine by me."
As the human and charr meandered along the winding roadway on the rickety cart, the odd pair was stared at by a number of passers by who seemed amazed that such a non-violent coexistence was even possible. Kaleb laughed to himself over the peoples' reactions while Ludrick just grumbled and shook his head.
The old char turned and looked at Kaleb and said, "I am glad you came. This means a lot to both me and Amalthia."
"And I'm glad to be here, sir. However, I get the feeling that you wanted to take the scenic route for more than just fresh air. Am I correct on that assumption?"
Ludrick smiled. "You are a keen observer, cub. There is something you and I need to discuss first before we arrive at our destination."
"It's about the nature of my relationship to Amalthia. I understand, sir. She and are close friends, and I care deeply for her... as a friend." Kaleb knew where this conversation was going.
"So long as you both understand that, then everything will be fine. Just remember one very important thing - there are some lines that should never be crossed. Doing so only results in heartache and misery for everyone."
Ludrick bowed his head and closed his eyes as if reflecting on something.
"The one thing I understand, sir, is that the world is always in a state of change. She and I are responsible enough to know when to do the right thing. I will never willingly do anything to dishonor either you or her. She is too much of a good soul for that," Kaleb said as he held his head up high.
"Good. Then I trust that you will honor the boundaries and treat her like the good friend that she is."
Kaleb parsed his words carefully. "I will respect her judgment and follow my moral guidance."
Ludrick eyed him with what seemed like a slight degree of skepticism. But, his only response was soft chuff.
"One last thing."
"I'm sorry for the argument that happened between you and Amalthia. I was partly responsible for creating the situation. You are a good man, Kaleb. And it was not my intent to cause undue friction between you and my daughter," Ludrick said apologetically.
"I guess friendships go through these relationship growing pains, sir. She and I are evolving past them and learning as we go along."
They had reached Lion's Arch by evening. The asura gates lay arranged in a semi-circular pattern as the one leading to the Black Citadel was flanked by two legionnaires who guarded the entryway.
"This is it, cub. If this is your first time in the Citadel, then it would behoove you to stick very close to me. Treaty or not, there are still many charr who don't look too kindly on humans being in their city. But if any of them gives you grief, they'll have to answer to me," Ludrick said as he slapped Kaleb on the back.
The force of the hit nearly knocked him off his feet and into the concrete. "Oh, sorry. Guess I don't know my own strength sometimes."
Kaleb just laughed. "I guess all those years of swinging meat will do that to ya, huh sir?"
"Damn right! Now let's get moving. Daylight isn't going to give us a free pass, yanno."
They passed through the waygate and emerged on the other side into the bustling metallic city that was known as the Black Citadel. The air was thick with the acrid stench of soot and smog. And mulling amongst the paved roads of iron, were scores of horned feline figures almost all clad in some type of battle armor.
"Ah. The smell of home - nothing quite like it. Come to think of it, I haven't seen this place in, gah! Decades..." The old charr let out a hearty laugh.
For the first time in his life, Kaleb found what it was like to have everyone staring at him. What's more, most of the stares looked none too friendly either. As the two of them began wandering closer to the crowds, Kaleb could hear the flurry of slurs and derogatory comments being hurled in his direction.
"Say it to my face, fleabag! If you have a problem with this human then you have a problem with me!" Lucrick raged at a couple of Blood Legion soldiers who directed some epithets at Kaleb.
"Unless yer takin' that thing to the meathouse to be cooked, I suggest you get it out of our sight. Don't you know it's bad manners to allow your food to be wandering around?" Retorted one of the soldiers.
Within a split second, Kaleb pulled back his trench coat, drew forth his revolvers then promptly shoved the barrels down each of the charrs’ mouths.
"You whiskerfaces really talk big. But that's all ya do... talk. Now, lemme introduce you to my two friends here, Lulu and Sweetpea. My friend here happens to be one of your peoples' most decorated war heros. His name is Ludrick Crushblow. Ever hear of him? Now, if you don't mind providing him with a much-needed apology, then I suggest the both of you do so, quickly." Kaleb shoved the barrels even further down their mouths.
The two soldiers nodded in submission. "C... Crushblow? The Ludrick Crushblow?"
"The one and only, fleabag! I'm still waiting on that apology." Ludrick stared down the one soldier.
"S... sorry, sir." The other one saluted. "W... we didn't know who you were, sir."
"Now you do... begone! Otherwise I just might ask this deranged mouse to knock holes through both your skulls."
Kaleb withdrew his revolvers as the two soldiers beat feet away from him as fast as possible. He couldn't help but laugh at the situation.
"Welcome to the real Black Citadel, cub."
"Actually, I think I might like it here. At least the people are honest about what they think. Besides, if someone gets too out of line... I can always just up and kill 'em!" Kaleb gave a devilish grin.
"I like you, Kaleb. I can understand why Amalthia does too. Now let's stop providing cultural exchanges with the locals and find our girl," Ludrick said as he beckoned for Kaleb to follow.
"Sir. Shouldn't you find an ox cart to ferry you around? I mean it's got to be excruciating walking on just that cane all the time," Kaleb commented.
"Sitting on my duff can be construed as a sign of weakness, even for someone in my condition. No cub. I have to suck it up and move around on my own two feet."
Ludrick inquired with several of the locals as to the location of the infirmary. Once he was directed to the right place, both he and Kaleb soon found they way to their destination. To their surprise, they were greeted by an asuran nurse who directed them towards the room where Amalthia was staying.
A sylvari dressed in what appeared to be an ornate medical garb walked from the room as he was checking a billfold of some sort. He glanced up at the human and charr then said in an even-toned voice while checking his chart.
"Ah. Sire, Ludrick Crushblow, I presume?"
"Yes." The charr nodded.
The sylvari gave a slight bow interleaving his hands as a gesture of respect. "I am doctor Ellemeyre, and this is my assistant, nurse Ona. It is good you are here as there are a few matters I wish to go over with you."
"I'm Kaleb. And I'm here as well," the young man said, trying to get some acknowledgment from the doctor.
"Um. Yes. Anyway, Mister Crushblow. I wanted to inform you that your daughter's injuries, though serious, are healing up nicely. However, there is one problem."
Ludrick looked up at the doctor with a sense of dread. "Whatever it is, please tell me. And Kaleb - you have a right to know as well so don't feel you have to leave on my account."
Kaleb nodded quietly.
"Sir. Due to the length of your daughter's duration between the time of her wound and treatment, the level of infection that spread throughout her uterine area was quite extensive. Although we were able to remove the infection, the damage it had caused has resulted in our having no option but to remove one of her ovaries. The scarring has left her uterus in a fragile state. To put it plainly, she will no longer be able to bear cubs," the sylvari doctor said in a somewhat somber tone.
The news hit Ludrick like a ton of bricks. His only child would no longer be able to carry children of her own. He would never see his lineage continue. As the full weight of this information bore down, Ludrick sank to his knees and quietly wept.
"I'm sorry," was the only thing the doctor said before he departed.
The nurse stood next to the old charr and asked him if he wanted some type of refreshment. He shook his head and she departed as well.
Moments later, three more charr emerged from around the corner and headed towards Kaleb's direction.
"Hey! What's that mouse doing here?" Krenesh growled as he saw the young man.
"Maybe she ordered it as a take-out menu item," Navina commented as she brushed past him and turned around staring him down in the face.
Bogo just looked at Kaleb and said as he held up his pawed hand. "Uh. Hi."
"I like you. At least you are polite. But you other two might need a little lesson in courtesy," Kaleb said as he was about to unbutton his trench coat.
"Kaleb! No! Not here!" Ludrick growled as he stood up while resting his right arm on his cane.
Both Navina and Krenesh said in unison.
"Uh. Hiii!" Bogo said in a much more affable tone.
"Listen you knuckleheads, this boy has gone through hell in high water to see my cub. If either of you have problems with it then you can take it up with me." Ludrick snarled at the two charr.
"That's Amalthia's dad, by the way. You know, Centurion Ludrick Crushblow the one who fought off an entire platoon of Ebonguard and saved his warband?" Kaleb said with a smirk.
"Uh. So sorry, sir. I meant no disrespect," Navina said as she saluted the old centurion.
Krenesh begged for forgiveness as well. "Yes. My humblest apologies. I did not know."
"Hey guys. Kaleb's a human!" Bogo 'astutely' observed with a wide grin.
Navina held out her hand waving it to Krenesh. "Okay, pay up sucker. I was right all along!"
"Damn! I would never have thought..." Krenesh said dejectedly as he pulled out some coin and handed it to his mate.
"Just who the heck are you folks, anyway?" Kaleb asked.
Shaking his head in disbelief, Krenesh said nothing. Navina, on the other hand, was far more forthcoming.
"We are part of her warband, the Blades. So you are Ama's mate, right? I would never have..."
"Friend," Ludrick corrected her, "she and him are friends and nothing more."
"Whatever you say, sir." Navina saluted the old charr then turned her head and gave Kaleb a wink.
"It's nice to meet you guys in the flesh. Amalthia's told me all about you. Anyway, can we see her?"
Kaleb was anxious to see his love once again.
Her father had already peeked through the door. He stepped out then turned his head and pressed his clawed index fingers to his lips. "She's asleep. Come in, but be quiet about it."
Kaleb saw his love lying on her right side, serene as if nothing bad had ever befallen her. As he moved closer, he could see her chest slowly heaving in and out. Her nostrils flared to the rhythmic flow of her breathing while her arms lay cupped under her head. Almost instantly, Kaleb noticed a familiar odor. As he began sniffing around the room, he noticed the smell coming from the brown burlap bag that was on the table. He reached over, opened the bag and smiled as he saw what was inside.
"Cinnamon covered Maguuma nuts, shells on," he said softly as he took a few of them out and placed them next to her muzzle.
Kaleb turned to look at everyone while holding the bag out as an offering.
"Try these. They are to die for."
"You're gonna wake the dead talking as loud as you are," Krenesh said in a noticeably louder voice as he turned his snout up at the offering.
"I think she's playing dead. She hears us. Am I right?" Kaleb leaned over just inches away from her ears.
"See. They twitched when I said that. She's only faking it." He then walked away turning his back on her as he beckoned for the others to gather around him.
"The cubs' been through enough as it is. She needs rest. I'm going to go spray a wall, I've been holding it in for far too long and my bladder is about ready to burst," Ludrick said as he headed out from his daughter's room.
As Kaleb huddled with the three warband members, facing away from Amalthia, he suddenly felt something hit the back of his ear. He looked down and saw a husk from a Maguuma nut.
"Cower before the ferocious fusillade of her mighty Magumma nut barrage!" He said aloud.
"Kaleb! You'll wake her!" Navina chided.
He felt the back of his head being pelted by another husk.
"For she is charrr!!" Kaleb shouted as he turned towards her while the other three charr looked on in disbelief.
Amalthia was awake.
Kaleb ran over to her and gave her what amounted to a bear hug. Flush with excitement, the two began nuzzling and gently kissing each other.
"Amalthia! I'm so happy to be staring into those lovely ambers of yours again. I figured the nuts would rouse you out of your slumber."
"Okay. I'm gonna step outside. This is all too much for me to take in at the moment. But anyway, it's good to see that you are awake, Amalthia," Krenesh said as he grabbed Navina by the arm and dragged her along with him.
"Good seeing ya back amongst the living, sister. Sorry, but gotta go. The mate's not yet ready for inter-species primetime yet," Navina said as she disappeared though the door.
"C'mon, Bogo. You too. Leave these two lovebirds alone."
With the three warband members, plus her father gone, the room was now left with only Kaleb and Amalthia.
"Your father had to take a leak. He should be back soon," Kaleb said as he stood over her with a wide smile on his face.
Noticing his predicament, Amalthia slid over and offered him part of her bed. "Come hop in, you silly mouse. There's room enough for two."
Kaleb's face turned bright pink as he removed his shoes, sat down then stretched out next to his love.
"You know something?"
"What's that?" She asked.
"This is the first time we have been in bed together." Kaleb said with an evil grin.
On the other side of the room, Krenesh shook his head.
"Burnfur help me. I can't believe what I'm hearing."
Navina patted him on the back. "There, there. It's okay. You'll earn that coin back in no time flat."
Krenesh looked at her shaking his head. "Ugh. It's not the coin I'm talking about. My ears are beginning to burn already... and my stomach too."
Bogo looked at his bandmates and said in a sheepish voice. "I think I'm going to go to the cafe and find some grub. You cats are welcomed to join me."
Krenesh and Navina shook their heads.
Back to Amalthia's side of the room.
"I think your daddy would disapprove. Anyway, how've you been feeling? And... I'm sorry about what happened to your... cub-making abilities...," Kaleb stammered to find the right words.
"It's okay. I'm doing fine other than being groggy sometimes. Also, it's not like I had plans to be an incubator anyway. In a way it kinda makes things easier in that I'm no longer under any pressure to bear offspring," she said with a smile.
Amalthia slid down and snuggled up to Kaleb's chest even though she was still almost a head and a half taller than him. She pressed her muzzle tightly against the crook of the right side of his neck as she began playfully teasing his abdomen with her long clawed fingers.
Kaleb gently clasped her hand then lightly kissed it as he looked deeply into her amber eyes. "If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know."
Amalthia smiled. "I'll keep that in mind."
"Your father was talking to me about certain boundaries that shouldn't be crossed. He's not going to...," they were both interrupted as Ludrick returned and noticed the two of them snuggling up to each other.
Upon seeing her father, Kaleb immediately shot up from the bed then slid off. He, then, turned around and began searching for any loose nut shells that were scattered on the bed sheets.
As always, Amalthia pined for a quick answer. "Hi sire! So good to see you. I had the chills so Kaleb offered me some body warmth. For medical purposes only.... sir."
Ludrick shook his head and grumbled. "If you say so, cub."
On the other side of the room, things were getting even more intense for the two warband members.
"I thought she was gonna go for a full body warmup and go all the way. What about you, Kren?" Navina cocked her head then winked her eye as she looked at Krenesh.
"This is all giving me a splitting headache. Why would any charr in their right mind go for a human? Disgusting!"
"Different strokes for different folks, I guess." Navina shrugged.
Once again inside the room, Amalthia was directing Kaleb to hunt down the errant nut shells. Her father, meanwhile, took in the spectacle with a slight degree of amusement.
"Did your dam ever teach you to clean up after yourself?" Amalthia playfully chided with a grin.
"Me?? I'm sure yours was the epitome, no offense to your choices on mates sir, of maternal ideals."
"Um. Hello... I was raised in a fahrar since I was eight years old. My primus taught me quite well on proper table manners, thank you very much!"
"Bah! You two are arguing like a human... ohhh, nevermnind! I'll just leave you cubs alone... just no hanky panky!" Ludrick hobbled off as Kaleb wasn't quite sure if the old charr was upset or amused.
"Ohh. Kaleb? About that offer..."
"Hmm?" He cocked his left eyebrow curiously.
Amalthia lay under the covers smiling, then looked up at the bewildered human and said. "Well, you did ask if there was anything you could do for me."
"Hey. Anything to share the load."
"Oooo. Ahhhh! I'm so glad you can share the 'load' because that's exactly what I have coming..." She started to moan with the biggest smile on her face.
"Bedpan, please. Do it, now!" She grinned.
Kaleb was completely at a loss for words. But like a faithful love, he toughened up and performed the task.
"Eww! Gad! That smells horrid!"
"Meds." She giggled some more.
As he walked somberly from the room carrying his "duty", he turned to look at the other two charr who were gazing at him dumbfounded. Holding up the silvery chalice, he gently pulled back the covering as the bandmates reeled in disgust.
"Wow. Your people let some whoppers. I didn't know she could drop one this big. Wanna see?" Kaleb held the offending pan aloft as the terrible aroma wafted through the hallway.
"No!" Came their collective response.
At the other side of the room, Amalthia shouted with a silly grin on her face. "Behold! My medically-induced masterpiece! Now go throw that nasty stuff away, Kaleb."
With a sheepish grin on his face, Kaleb trotted off down the hall.
After disposing of the foul waste material, Kaleb returned within several minutes bringing with him some hygiene supplies. Upon entering the door, he saw Amalthia grooming the back of her left forearm.
"It took me a little while to find the rubbish bin, but I did snag you some extra wipes for you," he said as he kissed her on the lips.
"I won't be needing them," she replied.
Then as he gazed deeply into her amber eyes, he said. "Mmm! Your breath smells like crap."
"Like I said - I won't be needing them."
Upon hearing those words, Kaleb gave her an even deeper kiss.
On the other side of the room, once more...
"Ahh! What kind of sick, twisted... ugh! Where's a safe place I can hurl? I'm leaving! Bogo - where are you, you pussy willowed fruitcake?!" Krenesh yelled as he bounded through the hospital corridors on all fours.
"Don't leave me you numbskull!!" Navina said as she too darted out quad-footed.
Amalthia and Kaleb just laughed together.
"Well, that got rid of 'em. Now where were we?" Kaleb said as he climbed back into her bed.
For the next three hours, the couple enjoyed each others' company in a platonic sense.
Down in the cafeteria, Bogo found Krenesh sitting at one of the tables alone. He walked up to his bandmate then sat down at a table across from him.
"Hey Kren. Where's Navi?"
"Trying to replenish her stomach, that's where."
"Didn't she just eat a couple of hours ago?"
"Yeah. But she lost it...we both lost it... Gah! Forget it already!" Krenesh growled.
"No need to bite my head off. I was just curious," Bogo said with a dumbfounded look on his face.
Krenesh breathed in deeply. "Look, Bogo. Today has been one of those really, really weird... disgusting... Idunnowhat kinda days, ya got that?"
"You sound confused." Bogo looked at him strangely.
Krenesh shook his head. "Stating the obvious again, eh?"
Suddenly another charr, who had a very droopish appearance walked up and said in a tenor-pitched voice.
The dopy charr turned around and smiled wide. "Toovuuu!"
"I’m about to take a steam bath. Would you like to come?" Tovu asked with a devilish look on his face.
"Oooo. I would like that! Being in this gear all day has made me all hot and sweaty," Bogo said with a grin.
"Then I would be happy to remove all of that wretched gear from your sticky, smelly body," Tovu replied.
"My undergarments are sticky and smelly too."
"I can help you out of those as well." Tovu gave his partner a soft pat on the shoulder.
Krenesh lost it completely as he leaped up from his chair then bounded off. "Gaah! I can't take it anymore! This world has gone to the freaks!"
Tovu looked at his partner. "What got into him? Oil?"
Bogo glanced into the big, droopy charr's eyes and said in a sultry male voice. "I have no idea. Must be a lack of kitten action, I suppose. Mineral spirits, please. Oil gums up my fur, something fierce."
"You got it, you big beastie, you! Let's get you outta that dreadful gear and into something more... natural." (All chapters have been posted to AO3. Chapter 18 is posted here.)
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@gangstertogangster​ so since we’re on a glee kick for the OCs, I figure now is about as good a time as any just to have more things that totally get said during domestic au lines.
Yelena: Veruchka that isn't how babies happen. Nika: Uh huh! You and mama are both girls and you have me! Yelena, eyes widening, sweats: ... Nika: Hey how did that happen anyway? Where do babies come from? Yelena, driving faster: Ask your mother. Nika: But you are my mother? Yelena: Ask your other mother! ~oOo~ Michael: Look, alcohol is an answer to any problem. It’s not always the best answer but it is an answer. So pass me my wine or not even God himself will be able to save you, Raphael! ~oOo~ Vasya: Nah, my Aunt Shauna loves Olive Garden. They have better bread. Michael: What’s wrong with my restaurant?! It’s authentic Italian! The real deal! Vasya: It isn’t Olive Garden’s. Duh. ~oOo~ Nika: Hey guys, do you mind if I ritualistically slaughter this chicken? Peyton, jaw dropped: Uh... yeah a bit. This is the stage where we’re, you know, about to have a musical practice. Not... make chicken nuggets. ~oOo~ Vasya: That bitch is crazy! He had me kidnapped! Adrian, looks away: ...  Alexei: Ohmygod... ~oOo~ Jack: Papa, where do babies come from? Vladimir: ... Russia and Spain. Matt: That is not- Vladimir: My babies came from Russia and Spain, Matvey! Matt: Well if you want to get technical! Jack was born in Hell’s Kitchen! You idiot! ~oOo~ Mariah: Oh, Misty. Lucille is just... such a delightful child... Misty: Thank you, Mariah. I just... adore Honor... Danny & Shades, both sighing: ... ~oOo~ Matt: What's wrong?! Why are you bleeding?! Vasya, crying: I think I have internal bleeding! Matt: Oh honey. Internal means it's on the inside. Vladimir, smacking the back of Matt's head: Asshole. ~oOo~ Lucille: Breathe in. Now breathe out. Breathe in. ... Jack. Dani. Wake up. Vasya: They don't like meditating very much. Jack, snoring: ... Danielle, snoring: ... ~oOo~ Karen: You taught her how to treat a hemorrhage but not a period?! Matt: I didn't think it was important?! ~oOo~ Taka: I’m like the Malcolm X of our community! ~oOo~ Jack: Hey Siri, what was it like being poor and Asian? Marie: Terrible from what I’ve heard from my grandma. Peyton: Well, the mangoes aren’t as good in America. ~oOo~ Toly: I love fencing. I get to make new friends then stab them. ~oOo~ Vasya: I think I'm dying! Matt: Honey we're all dying. Vladimir, smacks Matt on the back of the head: What is your fucking problem tonight?! ~oOo~ Ravdí: Peyton, when you asked us to choreograph a dance number for this musical, you did not say that it was for Maddie’s zombie love story. Peyton: Yeah! Isn’t it a great idea?! Maddie’s story makes for a great musical and with you and Vas making a dance, I think this will be a big hit! Vasya, staring at Jamie: ... uh huh. Got this.... Ravdí: ... fiiine. We’re choreographing a dance number for zombies in love. Let’s go, Vas. ~oOo~ Bucky, wearing galaxy print yoga pants: Look my pants are out of this world so shove it. Vladimir: ... damn that was good. High five, Yakov. ~oOo~ Honor: Richard, I can taste your axe body spray. Get off of me! ~oOo~ Vasya: Well a drunk Stalin called me and told me that if I wanted Russia, he’d just give it to me! Matt: ... we need new Sunday dinner topics... Shauna: Ooh! I got one! Vladimir! You smell like melted cheese! Jack, whispering to Toly: You owe me five bucks. Eight minutes in and they’re screaming at each other. Matt, sighing: This is fine... Anatoly: I have vodka. Do you want some? ~oOo~ Yelena: If that boy so much as touches her I am destroying him. Natasha: I've already thought of ways we can hide his body. Yelena: I love you so much. ~oOo~ Michael: Both of my girls could kick my ass without even blinking and I find it unbelievably amazing. ~oOo~ Brad: Ooh authentic Chinese food! Diane: It's not Chinese, it's Asian! André: ... ya'll bitches be trippin'. ~oOo~ Richard: So I talked to your sister about who's the boss on this group project. Jack: Uh huh. How'd that go exactly? Who's in charge on your project? Richard: ... it's still unclear. Jack: Right. My sister is in charge, isn't she? Richard, sighing: I can't tell her no. ~oOo~ Maddie: ... why is there a live bear in the house? Marci: What? ... Ahhh! Bear! ~oOo~ Vladimir, saluting lazily: Aye aye captain. Yelena, ugly snort laughs: Shut up Vova. ~oOo~ Bucky: So how's that Eurofest thing going? Vladimir, pausing: ... you mean Eurovision? Bucky, snapping his fingers: Yep! That's it. ... don't look at me like that. I was closer that time than I was earlier. Vladimir: ... this. Is true. I don't even know what you said earlier. ~oOo~ Toly: Hey, Al? Alexei: Yeah? Toly: What was that? Alexei: An icecream commercial. Toly: No the fuck it wasn’t! Don’t you lie to me! ~oOo~ Jack: So you love my sister? Michael: Sí, more than air. Why? Jack: Would you be willing to take a bullet for her? Michael: ... yes? Why? Jack: I'll see you at the pier later tonight, Moretti. ~oOo~ Alexei: Man if one more person tells me that I am appropriating my own got dang culture Imma beat someone's ass. ~oOo~ Richard: I can't believe you said that! If you weren't a lady, I'd deck you! Vasya: You try and I'll have you on your back so fast you'll think you're out on a date! ~oOo~ Raphael: Wait, wait, wait! Hold on. You’re dumping me? For him? Nika, rolling her eyes: No, I’m dumping you, period. And then I’m gonna be with him. Period. If... that’s okay with him, question mark. Francis: Totally. Exclamation point. Raphael: Oh puke. Parenthesis, bold, underline. Michael, holding Smolya: Snort laughing. ... period. Raphael: Why are you even here? Michael: This is my apartment! ~oOo~ Yelena, after explaining a plan: It’s brilliant, right? Vladimir: Not brilliant at all. Yelena: Thanks for being on board. Vladimir: No. Not on board. Yelena: It means a lot. Vladimir: Big mistake. Very big mistake. Yelena: This will be wonderful! Vladimir: We are going to die slow, painful deaths. ~oOo~ Yelena: You get them! Vladimir: No you go get them! Natasha: What is going on out here? Yelena: We thought- Vladimir: Ah! No! There was no 'we'! Yelena: Shut up! We thought that the girls needed some life lessons... Vladimir: It was Lena's idea. Matt: Don't you dare tell me that Vasya and Nika, who are small toddlers may I add, are somewhere up there on that 100 foot tall building! Yelena: Okay, we won't. Vladimir: ... again, her idea. ~oOo~ Vasya: Fuck you! Dimitri: Later. Now shut up. I was talking. ~oOo~ Jack: I want to kill those guys! Vladimir: No! Matt: What a shocking turn of events... Vladimir: I don’t want you to bloody your beautiful hands! I will do it! ~oOo~ Vladimir: Oh congrats! You’ve made my seven year old look like a whore! Shauna: I think she looks great! Vasya: I think I want a leather jacket and combat boots now! Matt, groaning: Our seven year old is joining the mafia! ~oOo~ Rikki: I am a chapstick lesbian- is that the proper term for this? Because I’m not a lipstick lesbian, I’m definitely not femme, but I’m not entirely butch either? So I think I identify as a chaptstick les- screw it. I identify as chapstick! Just chapstick! Darla: What kind of chaptstick though? Sasha: Is it cherry? Because I see you as a cherry. ~oOo~ Marie: I’m like a Little Ceaser’s Pizza. Always hot and ready to go. Jack: Oh my god... Peyton: You’re gross. And I hate you. ~oOo~ Alexei: Toly’s a crackhead. Toly: I am not! I’m a motha fucking ganster! Alexei: See? Smokes crack. Andrey: I’m seeing myself out of this argument. ~oOo~ Yelena: All these screaming babies and yelling mothers and angry dads and annoying teenagers. They make me want to shoot up this mall. Nika: You cannot say that in public! Yelena: Why not?! It’s my second amendment right to shoot up a shopping center! Nika: NO! ~oOo~ Darla: I’m not much into BDSM. If I wanted to be whipped and chained up I’d just go back in time. ~oOo~ Peyton: Oh my sweet, poor, Japanese cherry blossom... Taka: Thank you. ~oOo~ Michael: This person wants us to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to them?! What?! Rahphael, snorts: That’s not happening. What do they think this is? Applebees?! ~oOo~ Peyton: It annoys me so much when people come here asking if we have a table and then get so offended when we don’t have them because of incoming reservations. Jamie: Honestly! What do they think this is?! Applebees?! We are a five star establishment! ~oOo~ Anatoly: You three better eat these pierogies! I didn’t starve in Utkin for you to deny yourselves food! Alexei, Toly, and Andrey, sighing: Yes, sir... ~oOo~ Bucky: You are a whole ass menace to society! Yelena: I will live. ~oOo~ Wesley: ... I’ve lost Maya. Fisk: Again, Wesley? Wesley, sighing: Unfortunately. ~oOo~ Lucy: I fear nothing. Not even god. Dani, Vasya, and Honor, watching her drink a smoothie: You’re disgusting. Jack: Can I have some of your smoothie? ~oOo~ Daisy: Being an inhuman is genetic. Vladimir: She gets this from your side of the family, Matthew! Daisy: But... you two adopt- Matt: I know. Don’t ask. Go with it. ~oOo~ Ian: Ugh, what do I take for hangovers? Darla: How horribly caucasian. Marie, snorts: Ha! Darla: Well isn’t it?! Marie, shrugging: I don’t know. I get the Asian flush so I take medicine before drinking. ~oOo~ Vladimir: I wonder what she’s going to buy... Matt: I wonder where she got the money... Jack: Vasi’s buying a bag of pepperoni! ~oOo~ Shauna: Look, we all know Toly won’t get into Harvard otherwise- Toly: What if I don’t want to go to Harvard?! Shauna: Ugh fine! Yale then! Toly: But mom- Shauna: Harvard or Yale Anatoly Jr! ~oOo~ Vasya: At least you all woke up in a bed! I woke up in the garbage! Jack: Okay. But. That’s nothing new. Nika, elbows him: Don’t be rude. ~oOo~ Sasha: I was in the dumpster! The dumpster! Rikki: My mom is blue! Darla: So I can see that this is a very stressful time for you both... ~oOo~ Dani: Lucy’s gonna be a minute. Vasya: Did she wake up in the trash too? Dani: No, she woke up half Asian. Lucy’s having a full blown identity crisis. ~oOo~ Vladimir: Your house is full! Full of sadness and emptiness! Yelena: Alright first off, you’re rude. Second, you’re a hoarder! ~oOo~ Sam: We don’t need this! Bucky: Sam, need and want are two different things. ~oOo~ Matt: I may not have vision but at least I have taste! ~oOo~ Vladimir: Ooh! For realsky?! Vasya: For suresky! ~oOo~ Anatoly: No son of mine is going to listen to shitty rap about doing cocaine! Alexei, thinking to himself: Please don’t tell mom... Anatoly: And Alexei Anatolyevitch! I am telling! Your mother! Alexei: Noooo!!!! ~oOo~ Therapist: Mr. Murdock, I think that Ms. Natchios may be one of your triggers. Matt: Please! I don’t have triggers! I am fine! Vladimir, snorts and coughs to cover it up: Okay. Elektra: Suuure you are Matthew. Matt: I will throw this chair at you, I swear to God! Don’t test me! ~oOo~ Shauna, lunging for Wesley: Augh! I can’t take it anymore! Vladimir, watching her punch Wesley: Shauna has earned my respect. Matt: It only took you five years to give it to her... ~oOo~ Jack: I’m so American that my favorite food is a McDonald’s cheeseburger! ~oOo~ Vladimir: If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you?! Vasya: I dunno! Maybe if they invited me! Matt, slowly rubs his temples: ... I have a headache now... ~oOo~ Yelena: I drive like I have nothing to live for. Which I don’t really. Vladimir: Remind me to never drive near you with my children in the car. Natasha: And remind me to drive Nika around from now on. ~oOo~ Rikki: What do Asian parents beat their kids with? Francis: I don’t know. Textbooks? Ian: Rulers with F’s written on them? Jack: Slippers? Marie, glaring: I’m judging you all harshly. Jack: But are we wrong?! Marie: They feed us! Francis: Well that’s not a punishment. Marie: It is if you don’t like the thing they’re making you eat. ~oOo~ Vladimir: Has anyone seen my son?! He’s about yay tall! Clearly gay! But we haven’t had the talk yet! ~oOo~ Yelena: SHOW ME LOVE! SHOW ME LOVE! Nika: Mom... what is going on? Natasha, stirring her coffee: Oh just the usual amount of bullshit I deal with on a daily basis due to your other mother. ~oOo~ Maddie: I’m supposed to be in class. Ravdí: It’s okay, I’m supposed to be at work. ~oOo~ Darla: Oh what do I know?! Only what’s best for you! Rikki: I’m self destructive. Darla: I was just kidding. Rikki: I wasn’t. ~oOo~ Anatoly: How’s your dad’s restaurant doing? Alex: Very well. Alexei: Grandpa deletes bad reviews off his facebook so it only has five star reviews. He sees two stars, delete! Five star, it stays. Alex: He needs to fix the roof. Anatoly: ... what’s wrong with the roof? Alex: It’s old. Alexei: It leaks. Alex: The AC needs to be fixed too. Anatoly: What’s wrong with the AC? Alex: It’s old. Alexei: It’s broken. Shauna: ... I love your dad’s restaurant! ~oOo~ Vasya: Does anyone know if the damage control shampoo works on PTSD? Adrian: What about emotions? Asking for a friend. ~oOo~ Yelena: Oh god it’s missing! Natasha: What is? Yelena: The... the thing! Natasha, turning to face Yelena with baby Nika in her arms: What ‘thing’, Lenosha? Yelena, sighing in relief: Oh thank god, you found it. Natasha: ... you mean our daughter?! ~oOo~ Francis: A four letter word starting with ‘c’. Go! Rikki: Cock! Jack: Cunt! Rikki: Ooh! Nice one. Vasya: ... mine is corn. Nika: Well that’s adorable. Darla: Cute. ~oOo~ Vladimir: So it’s just a girls night? Vasya: Yeah, we’re just going to see a movie, grab a bite to eat, talk to the dead, and, if we have time, try to commit arson. Vladimir: Okay, have fun and don’t come back too late! Matt: ... after all that you just let her leave?! She said she’s going to commit arson, Vladimir! Vladimir: No, she said they’re going to try! They have to talk to the dead first, Matthew! ~oOo~ Matt, on the phone with Brett: Yeah, hey, if you get a call about a fire, can you give me a call? No reason. ~oOo~ Ravdí: Hey! I waterboarded myself! ~oOo~ Honor: This is a three day vacation! Lucy: Where are we supposed to be sleeping?! Richard: Well I just assumed you two would be inside each other. Jack, spits his drink out: ... ~oOo~ Vasya: So I met this girl at this coffee shop this morning- Honor: Oh no... No no no no. Vasi. You will not come out of this alive. Vasya: Uh... excuse me? Honor: She’s clearly a cannibal. Have you looked at yourself? You’re clearly an easy target. You’re a ballerina and very well marbled. If I were stuck on a deserted island with no food, I would absolutely eat you first. Literally everyone just stares: ... ~oOo~ AJ, the highschool art teacher, very clearly drunk: Listening to Brad talk is like listening to a horny bear claw into a chalkboard. I’m not pleased. Matt: ... well neither am I with that in mind. Shauna: I’m going to throw up. Bucky: God I love PTA meetings! ~oOo~ Honor: Gay kid! Alexei, blinks a lot: ... Honor: Asian girl! Marie: ... Marie. It’s not a hard name. Honor: Asian girl two! Peyton, inhaling deeply: ... she’s a kid. Breathe... Honor: Panda Express! Jamie: ... I swear to god... Honor: Weird twins! Rikki and Darla, blink and roll their eyes: ... Honor: Creepy incest twins! Jack and Vasya: ... we are not- Richard: Okay! So theater club meeting is in session now! ~oOo~ Ravdí: Sloppy babies! You’re all sloppy babies! Dani: Maybe we shouldn’t be calling the freshmen that. And give them encouraging words of wisdom instead? Ravdí: No! They keep dropping their flags! Again, babies! ~oOo~ Richard: Aren’t most of you gay? Honor: How dare you! ~oOo~ Ravdí: I’m sorry. All this time I’ve been treating you like an unpaid intern. When what I should have been doing is treating you like a paid intern. ~oOo~ Jack: Buenos dias, fuckboy! Ian, screaming shrilly: ... ~oOo~ Alexei: We’re all going to die someday. Well. Some of us. Toly: If you figure out immortality you have to share. Alexei: Uh. No. You’re annoying. Andrey: Will you share with me? Alexei: Maybe. ~oOo~ Alexei: Let’s come together! Like Voltron! Andrey: I’m the leg! Toly, rolling his eyes, softly but with feeling: ... fiiine. Losers. ~oOo~ Jack: I wrote this song for my sister! Vasya, closing her eyes, softly but with feeling: Ohgodno... Jack: I wrote this song to tell her that I’m always by her side! Even when we fight! Vladimir & Matt: Aww! ~oOo~ Andrey: Sometimes I feel like Ugolyok films me while in the shower and is waiting to sell the videos on Craigslist. Toly: ... what is wrong with you...? Alexei: ... I... uh... kay. ~oOo~ Lucy and Honor, trapped in an elevator, staring at a creepy puppet on a bike: ... What the ... hell... The puppet: Hello, girls. Let’s play a game. Lucy and Honor, banging on the door: Get us out of here! ~oOo~ Dani: You’re not letting them out of the elevator, are you? Richard: Nope. Not until they confess their feelings. Vasya: This is maniacal... I like this plan. Jack: You are all. So fucked up. ~oOo~ Maddie: I’m going to start projectile vomiting any second now... ~oOo~ The Principal of the highschool: I say we release the hounds into the school. Nick, the highschool science teacher, eyes wide: Let us not do that. AJ, the highschool art teacher: I think it might build character and therefore I veto Nick. ~oOo~ Ravdí, screaming as she runs down the hall: Why are there so many dogs in the hallways?! Vasya: This is the opposite of a problem! Francis: I love them all! Nika, climbing up the lockers, and hissing: Leave me alone! Unless you’re planning on eating my math homework! ~oOo~ Vasya: I will stop at nothing until you are homeless and drinking gutter water. Richard: Ouch. You’re rude.
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acuppellarp · 5 years
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Welcome (again) to A Cup-pella, Morgan! We’re excited to have you and Sandy Owen in the game! Please go through the checklist to make sure you’re ready to go and send in your account within the next 24 hours.
Name + pronouns: Morgan + she/her Age: 26 Timezone: EST Ships: Sandy/Chemistry, Sandy/Happiness Anti-Ships: Forced!!!
Full Name: Sandy Patience Owen Face Claim: Meghann Fahy Age/Birthday: 29/February 4, 1990 ~ Aquarius queen Occupation: Pediatric Surgeon Personality: Intelligent, Ambitious, Passionate, Silly, Guarded, Resolute, Nurturing Hometown: Charlotte, North Carolina Bio:Before her little sister came along, Sandy was the apple of their parents’ eyes. She was read to every single night, her lunches always had fruits and veggies, and her dreams were sugar plums almost every night. Then came Penny, and Sandy’s dreams became much different. Sandy became the big sister of anyone’s dreams. Their parents noted how careful Sandy was when holding Penny and just how loving she was toward the baby. They just knew the two would be best friends.
Sandy was always considered a leader as she was growing up. She wasn’t a huge sports fanatic, mostly because she would rather be busy with her studies or the piano. As their parents were both in the medical field, Sandy felt pressure to do well in school. Thus, she tried her very best at all times. For as long as she could remember, especially after becoming a big sister and helping her mother at every chance, Sandy wanted to work with babies and children. Whether that was a pediatrician or a pediatric surgeon, she wanted to help little ones feel better.
Headstrong and full of energy, Sandy always knew her place was at the front. Though she could have just as easily been a bully, growing up with a sibling so close in age forced her to set a good example in front of little Penny. She soon became the girl that stood up for others in every situation. As it were, the quality paid off when she completed externships at the local hospital as her favorite patients were the little ones that couldn’t always express how they were feeling. This developed her need even further to stand up for the little humans that were in pain and help them in anyway she could. Her future career seemed to be solidifying itself before her eyes.
At the age of 15, Sandy sat her parents down with a poster presentation on her sexuality. Because of her research and the passion inserted in her words, her parents felt that she had truly thought about what she was saying. They accepted her with love and tears in their eyes. Being bisexual may have been fine in the Owen household, it was still continuously difficult outside the doors. The loving nature of her parents and sister could only get Sandy so far. It was up to her to stand up for herself at school and anywhere else. Loads of people talked behind her back stating that she was going through a stage, many thought she was doing it for attention. When she did get her first girlfriend at the age of 17, boys would flock to them on their dates to the movies and prompt them to kiss. It only took Sandy punching an unruly boy to get them to settle down once and for all. For the rest of her time in high school, she had few people bully her into submission. It just couldn’t be done.
Her first girlfriend followed her to UNC Chapel Hill where she studied Pre-Medical Sciences. The relationship didn’t last long as Sandy devoted far too much time to her studies. Sandy had decided, against her advisor’s wishes, to take more credits than was advised so that she could graduate early and begin her graduate plans. As much as Sandy was focused on her career and studies, she still made time to join a sorority, find her first boyfriend, break up with her first boyfriend, and find out that she was really into Moscow mules.
After she graduated a year early, Sandy began her graduate career at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. At the age of 22, Sandy was finding that she was going to spend most her life in school. Though she was decently okay with that fact, she made a promise to herself to make the effort in relationships if her studies did not suffer. Much to her chagrin, the majority of her relationships did not last longer than 6 months. The reasoning all differed, but Sandy knew it was because they could not handle her busy schedule of classes and preceptor hours. She understood how they felt in some way, knowing the stories her parents would tell. It still left her incredibly lonely, yearning for something more in her life.
3 years into her graduate program a shockwave soon came that ripped through Sandy’s life, tearing up every root that ever grounded her. The death of her father came as a complete blindside. The man was healthier than his peers and always went to every doctor appointment, assuring himself a long life to watch his daughters have babies of their own. Family was so important to him. Sandy rushed home, throwing all her responsibilities out the window, begging the heads of her program to understand that she may need a few weeks off to gather up the pieces of her life. They obliged, the people at Johns Hopkins had families of their own and respected Sandy enough to know that this was a defining time in her life.
To say that the Owens were devastated would be an understatement. Sandy even considered transferring closer to home just to be closer to her mom. Suzie Owen would not have any part of that. There were many nights where Sandy would end up in her mother’s bed begging her to let her transfer home, but at the end of the 3 weeks, Suzie and Penny helped Sandy pack her things to send her back to Baltimore. Sandy ended up with a chip on her shoulder that increased her focus tenfold, something her colleagues didn’t think was possible. She took it upon herself to have her father’s legacy mean something, to complete her residency, become a surgeon, and live her life in his honor. It was the least she could do.
The years seemed to fly by as Sandy devoted herself almost entirely to her career and her family, letting other aspects of her life fall by the wayside. After her graduation and residency, Sandy made the final decision to follow Penny to New York City. Though unconventional, she knew that her little sister was wise beyond her years and made the best of decisions for her life. Sandy had to make sure Penny was going to be well taken care of and protected at all costs. So in September of 2019, Sandy made the adult decision to move herself to New York and start all over again.
Pets: No pets because she doesn’t have the time. She wouldn’t be opposed to getting a cat in the future.
Penny Owen: As the older sister, Sandy has ALWAYS looked after Penny. Whether they were in elementary school, high school, or in New York City as adults. Being that the two are close in age, they do have their arguments every now and then, but they are thick as thieves. After the passing of their father, they grew closer and closer. Sandy finds herself holding back emotions from Penny at times to protect her, however.
April’s Growers: After moving to New York, Sandy found herself a routine with the hospital, her home life, and her sister. She needed something more. With that, Penny told her about the Growers and Sandy had to join. Sandy likes to come up with ideas for the group to accomplish and loves to work with the group and her friends.
Lives in 15 CORNELIA ST APT 7F by herself currently
Twitter name/twitter URL/description: Dr. Owen/sandyowen-md/☼
Five latest tweets:
@sandyowen-md: I’m just glad I get to wear teddy bear scrubs whenever I want #aesthetic
@sandyowen-md: I promise I’m not glaring at you, my glasses are getting fixed. #innocentbystander
@sandyowen-md: Siri, google insomniac cookies begin order
@sandyowen-md: apple cider > pumpkin spice #comeforme
@sandyowen-md: There’s just something about snow that amazes me everytime…
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arda-ancalima · 5 years
Fairy tale for Obi-Wan and Siri. Childhood for Tahl and Qui-Gon.
Thanks for the fic prompts!! These were fun to play with. :D
Well, as usual I worked on and let these sit for waaaaay too long and am now throwing the imperfect projects out to the world and running away, promising myself I’ll fix them if I want them on Ao3 later. The first one also got way too long and the second is self-indulgent fluff - I hope you enjoy! XD (and maybe one day I’ll even not be apologetic when I post content lol)
Fairy tale for Obi-Wan and Siri
“Somehow, whenever I’m ona mission with you, we always get separated from our masters,” Siri grumbled,glaring at Obi-Wan as if it was his fault they were stranded in this forest.Qui-Gon and Adi had been called back to the city, and left their Padawans tocontinue looking for their suspect in the outlying village and forest, but theyhad gotten lost.
“This is only the secondtime.” Obi-Wan held back a sigh and pulled his hood farther down against theincessant rain, for what good it did. The fabric, heavy from absorbing so muchwater, clung to his skin.
“Also, you’re an idiot.”
Obi-Wan felt his patienceslipping. “And how was I supposed to know that the native creatures atepebbles?”
“I thought you were thesenior Padawan.”
Obi-Wan was about to shootback a retort when his gaze caught the edge of a roof through the trees. “Isthat—”
“A house,” Siri said withobvious relief. She was also soaked and her hair hung limp in clumps around herface. Pushing it behind her ears, she hurried with Obi-Wan to the cottage andtook shelter under the eaves.
As they were catchingtheir breath and enjoying the respite from the rain, they felt a slight tremorin the Force. They were alert at once, and Obi-Wan kept his hand near hislightsaber.
Near them, the old-fashionedwooden door of the cottage opened and a human woman poked her head out. Herhair was jet black and her wrinkled face and hands indicated her age. She worea maroon dress and some goggles that were tinted and foggy. “Children! Come in,come in, get out of the rain!”
Obi-Wan and Siri exchangeda glance, but as the woman appeared harmless on the surface and they could usethe shelter, they followed her inside.
The woman directed them inthe kitchen and went toward another room. “Put your cloaks by the stove! I’llget you some blankets.”
Peeling off their hoods,Obi-Wan and Siri laid their garments by an old contraption they could only tellwas an oven because the woman had pointed to it and it had a large door.
Soon they were sittingaround a little table with the woman, wrapped in blankets with hot spicy tea.
“So, what brings youchildren all the way out here?” she said.
Obi-Wan noticed Siribristle at being called a child, so he jumped in. “We are Jedi, ma’am, looking forsomeone and got lost, and waiting for our masters to return with transport. I’mObi-Wan Kenobi, and this is Siri Tachi, miss…?”
“Call me Agatha, dear,”she said, her grin making Obi-Wan uneasy. “Jedi, you say? I’ve only heard ofJedi from the old tales. But you’re such wee ones.She squinted up and down at Obi-Wan through her foggy goggles as if sizing himup. He tried not to squirm. “Are you thin? Or properly plump? Give me your arm,my dear boy.”
Obi-Wan’s expressionturned horrified and he started to stretch out his arm, but Siri quickly kickedhim under the table and slipped him her lightsaber. Catching on, Obi-Wan pulledthe lightsaber back into his sleeve and guided the cloth-covered hilt to thewoman’s outstretched hand.
Agatha felt the slenderhandgrip of Siri’s lightsaber, much thinner than Obi-Wan’s own lightsaber, andtutted. “So thin. This will not do at all.”
Unable to withstand therevulsion that filled his stomach, Obi-Wan pulled the lightsaber back, willingthe woman not to react.
“So, Miss Agatha,” Siribroke in, her tone all business, but with uneasiness in her eyes. “Someone inthis sector used to be a nanny for the missing princess. Do you happen to knowwho?”
“Why of course, dear,”Agatha said. “It’s me.”
Obi-Wan and Siri bothstarted. “You?” Obi-Wan said.
“Am I not what you wereexpecting?”
“No, just, I didn’t thinkwe’d find you out here,” Obi-Wan stammered, not liking the stare she was stillgiving him. “We’ve been asked by the king to find an object once belonging tothe princess he thought you might have. A bracelet?”
They had been told it hadtracking information inside, and could help confirm or deny that the princesswas lost years ago while the king tried to determine his heir before sicknesstook him.
“Ah yes,” Agatha said, finallylooking away as she leaned back in her chair. “I do have it.”
“Can you lend it to us sowe can take it to the king?” Siri asked.
“Hm. Perhaps,” she said,disinterested. “It’s in a safe, if I could only remember the combination. Ithink I have it written down somewhere.”
“Will you please find itfor us?” Siri said, her smile clearly fake to anyone who could see properly.
Agatha considered. “I willdo my best, children. But there is so much to do around my home!”
Obi-Wan did his best topull himself together. “Why don’t we do some work around the house while you findthe code?”
Agatha gave anotherunnerving grin. “Splendid!” She pushed herself up with apparent great effort.“Girl, the kitchen needs to be swept and the oven made hotter for cooking. Boy,I need some crates unstacked in the attic. Run along now!” She swept out,leaving the two Padawans alone.
“Okay, we’re switchingjobs, right?” Siri said. “You know me and kitchen work.”
“We don’t want to upsetAgatha,” Obi-Wan reminded her. “She may be our only way to complete thismission.”
“Fine! I’ll do this stupidsweeping and turning up the oven! What sort of native food could she need theoven hotter for,” Siri grumbled as she grabbed the broom leaning against thewall and haphazardly swept back and forth.
Keeping his comments tohimself, Obi-Wan found a narrow staircase leading to the attic. When he openedthe little door, he saw the stacked crates she mentioned. He stepped in and thedoor shut with a soft click. Obi-Wan told himself to not be paranoid, and setto work.
It didn’t take long at allto unstack the crates so they were all accessible, and when he finished,Obi-Wan tried the door. He had been right to worry, as it was indeed lockedfrom the other side.
He had his lightsaber withhim, but he didn’t want to destroy someone’s property just on a suspicion; itcould have been unintentional.
But the sense he got fromSiri below told him otherwise. Obi-Wan quieted his mind and used the Force toheighten his senses, focusing on the voices coming from downstairs.
First the frustrated voiceof Agatha: “I can’t cook if it’s not hot enough, just climb in and test it.”
Then the strangely demurevoice of Siri: “I don’t know how. Can you show me?”
“Idiot girl!” Agatha said,pretenses obviously gone. “I’ll show you how—”
And then sounds of a slam,electronic beeps, and running footsteps before the attic door swung open.
“She was trying to captureus, as you may have guessed,” Siri said, beckoning for Obi-Wan to come downstairs.He followed her back to the kitchen, where there were muffled screams comingfrom the oven.
“Siri…did you…was shetrying to eat us?”
“Did I what?” Siri asked,then scowled as understanding dawned. “No, of course not. It’s not actually anoven.” She pointed out an unfamiliar panel. “It’s a carbon freezing chamber.Our friend is a little higher-tech than we thought. Agatha is safe, and alsolocked up. Giving us time to search for the bracelet and find out what she wasup to.”
Before long, they hadfound not only the bracelet they had been asked to locate, but other items thatthey guessed may have belonged to the royal child. Their suspicions wereconfirmed when they found a logbook detailing attempts at carbon freezing,noting that humans must be of a certain weight or, like a child it had beenattempted on, they would not survive the process. Obi-Wan and Siri looked ateach other.
“Even if we didn’t havethe bracelet to prove it, we have enough evidence that the princess waskidnapped by her nanny,” Obi-Wan said.
“I hate to think what thiswoman might have done to her,” Siri said just before her comlink signaled.“Hello Master, we found the bracelet and the culprit. We’ll need the royalguard to come take custody of the prisoner.
“The prisoner?” Adi’s dry voice came over the comlink.
“We have this missionbasically wrapped up, Master,” Obi-Wan said.
Siri grinned at him.“Yeah, turned out we could handle this one ourselves.”
“Wouldn’t mind transportthough, if perhaps Master Qui-Gon has finally worked it out?” Obi-Wan added,feeling the horror start to drift away.
“I can hear you, Padawan,” Qui-Gon broke in. “We’ll contact the palace and come find you. Siri, keep your comlinkactivated so we can track it.”
Obi-Wan tried to catch Siri’seye as she put her comlink back on her belt. “Thank you. You did some quickthinking.”
He meant it and knew sheunderstood, even as she brushed it off. “Just glad this mission is going tohave another happy ending.”
Childhood for Tahl and Qui-Gon
“Are you going to ask fora transfer?”
Qui-Gon started. “A what?”
Tahl tossed her studymaterials on his sleep couch and plopped on the floor where they usually spreadout their books after class. She waited for him to sit too, which he didreluctantly.
“You might be able to foolMaster Yoda, and most other people, but I know you best,” Tahl said. “You’reafraid of Dooku, and don’t think you’ll be a good match.”
“That’s not true, I’m notafraid,” Qui-Gon protested, feeling warm with embarrassment. Of course hecouldn’t hide what he’d been thinking all day from his best friend. “MasterDooku is one of the greatest swordsmen in the Order, and it’s an honor to knowI will be his Padawan when I turn thirteen.”
“But you don’t thinkyou’ll be a good fit,” Tahl pressed, her voice becoming gentle.
Qui-Gon paused, thinking.“I don’t know him very well. We seem to think differently about things, andhe’s sort of aloof. But I have much to learn, don’t I? I’ll probably be abetter Jedi if I learn from someone unlike me.”
Tahl considered this.“That makes sense. But you’re too nice for him, and ever since he chose you,you’ve been even quieter than usual. And I don’t think you’ve gotten intotrouble once, which really worriesme.”
Shrugging, Qui-Gon laugheda little despite himself. “I just want to be a good Padawan, and a good JediKnight someday.
“I know. And you will be,”Tahl said with her radiant smile. “But think about it, okay? There’s no shamein admitting you wouldn’t be a good fit.”
Qui-Gon sighed. “I’llmeditate on it.”
“That’s the tone that says‘I’m going to continue being stubborn about this thing, I’m just trying to getTahl to shut up.’”
Leave it to her to cheerhim up even after a day of worry. She was right though—he wasn’t going toconsider asking for a different master.
“So how is your class projectgoing?” Qui-Gon asked.
Tahl made a face. “It’sthe worst and I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I’m sure Master Difusalwould help you if you asked.”
“I can figure it out on myown.”
“Now who’s beingstubborn,” Qui-Gon said quietly, and looked up at Tahl with a half-smile.
Tahl sighed dramatically.“I hate it when you use my words against me. But I hate asking for help evenmore.”
“That’s not a sign ofweakness either,” Qui-Gon insisted. “Let me help you at least.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“But aren’t friendssupposed to help each other?”
Tahl was silent, and for afew moments they just sat together on the floor by Qui-Gon’s sleep couch.
“I’ll think about it,” shesaid finally.
“And you’re not justsaying that?” Qui-Gon asked softly.
Tahl locked eyes with him,and he could see her sincerity and depth of her care for their friendshipbeneath all the bickering. “…Okay. I’ll think about it for real.”
Qui-Gon smiled.
“If only because I knowyou won’t stop pestering me,” Tahl added.
“…You do know me well.”
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dm-mo · 6 years
Cosmere Traitors, Rated
Rating the Betrayals & Betrayers in the Cosmere, because I can. Under a cut because Spoilers! and apologies for minor foul language
Hrathen: 8/10, turning on Dilaf the Fanatic (who, to be fair, had turned on him first). A well executed “Not On My Watch” fueled by decency and his snarky affection for Sarene. Overall Satisfying to read. 
Bluefingers: 3/10 Evil chancellor of evil, it’s nothing personal but you have to die now, Siri! Does not hit me where I live. Especially not compared to the other main traitor in your book.
Denth: 12/10 top level betrayal! Oh ho ho, you manipulative mercenary of a character- manipulating the reader as much as your victim. Character Most likely to make you wince when mentioned by someone liveblogging.  [Insert “Newsflash, Princess, I’ve been kidnapping you the whole damned time” meme here ]
Kelsier: 7/10, not a betrayal so much as a WTF. Running a con within the con is a classic of the genre, but still. I knew you were up to something, but not the extent. Also Secret History! Talk about What Cannot Be Killed!
Reen: -3/10, Sacrificed himself to keep Vin safe, Ruin used his voice to keep Vin paranoid for years. Definite case of Good is not Nice, Tearjerker.
TenSoon: 10/10 Excellent betrayal, just not of Vin Replacing the Shapeshifter with another shapeshifter: Clever Giving the person your supposed to be spying on (but like better than your Boss) enough clues so that when you’re commanded to betray her, she can force you NOT TO DO IT? Better Going back to the Kandra Homeland and starting a Revolution that leads to the Ultimate downfall of Ruin? Best. Doggo. Ever.
Era 2 Mistborn
Tillaume: 4/10 Butler (attempting) to Do Murder in a Murder Mystery set in vaguely Victorian era?*clucks * But a bonus point for attempting to redirect the heroes onto other pursuits before blowing yourself up, and thus setting up excellent time bubble banter scene.
Paalm/Lessie/Bleeder: 5/10. Wax is sad. You should feel bad, except you’re dead, again. Because you made him shoot you in the head, again. Because you set the drama dial to 11 and Spiked it there. Nice work.
Telsin: 2/10 Sister-Damsel not actually a Damsel? Check. Sister the Better Villain? Double check. Sadly otherwise not leaving a large impression on me compared to the Protagonists? ah well.
Harmony:  3/10 Being God is hard, okay? That Said, Paalm got a raw deal.
Stormlight Archive
Shallan: ~3/10, Girl you have got to stop putting yourself in sticky situations where the only way you can see out of it is to murder your authority figures. OTOH, Tyn did not see Pattern-Blade coming, so you do you.
Kabsal: 9/10, a shifty guy but I thought he was just a spy (and a bit skeevy for using Shallan) but Poisony Fake Ardents get what they deserve, sir.
Sadeas: 7/10, Resident slimeball in tasseled Shardplate, we knew you were going to be trouble when you walked in, but you played Dalinar like a well beaten drum. Pity you were a starter villain who had outlived your usefulness except as a lingering regret in the minds of better characters.
Jakamav: 1/10, you are a fairweather friend who then shows up with the other kids to try to beat up on your friend because he’s out of favor. Then gets your butt kicked to the curb where it belongs.
Amaram: 11/10, We knew it was going to be bad, but reading the chapter where Kaladin gets his brands for the first time is terrible. Amaram has a facade of honorable behavior hides true self-serving loathsome core, yet he remains smarmy to the bitter, gem encrusted end. Turns out that the one thing Kaladin and Jasnah independently agree upon is that Amaram sucks.
Moash: 0/0, F*#$^@ YOU MOASH! WE COULD HAVE HAD IT ALL! But you threw it all away! Bad Man! You kicked a toddler so you could kill his father in front of him, WTF. I’M STILL HAVING FEELINGS ABOUT THIS! UNLIKE YOU!!!
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