#so seeing it made into something completely different- something completely unlike the horrors I actually experienced- is really frustrating
ablednt · 2 years
I am about to start gatekeeping who can call things purity culture for fucking real y’all this is just embarrassing.
The notion that one is responsible for their actions INCLUDING if they are being complicit to someone or something that is causing harm, that no one’s choices exist in a vacuum, and similar criticisms of potentially toxic behaviors done even in good faith are NOT purity culture. I’m not even saying all of those arguments are correct but that’s explicitly not what purity culture is or why it’s harmful.
I know a lot of y’all never had first hand experience one way or another with puritanical christianity so you’ve been led to believe that puritans simply hate fun and enjoyment and thus anyone who makes you feel guilty for something you enjoy (which, again, I’m not here to tell you that’s right or wrong) is being like a puritan but that’s not at all the issue and representing it as such is dangerous.
Puritanical christianity very specifically says, that people and things are fundamentally wrong. The idea is that human nature is immorality, that no matter what you do you are a Bad Person if you don’t fit into a very specific standard of what “God wants”
This IS sometimes present in leftist spaces and is a huge issue but not in any of the ways I see y’all talking about.
Puritanical values are utilized in leftist spaces when there is an either directly stated or explicitly implied idea of everything fitting squarely into right and wrong. A lot of the time the way (mainly white, culturally christian) people talk about privilege is very puritanical. The idea that being privileged means there is inherently something wrong with you as a person that you must compensate/repent for and feel ashamed about, rather than just meaning you are incentivized to be complicit in oppression and must be aware of that to make conscious decisions not to be, that is purity culture and very harmful. 
IMO all the focus on what labels people use for their Own Experiences and “that doesn’t make sense to me so it’s wrong and you’re a bad person” has roots in purity culture as well.
But being critical of things based on their actual effects and consequences or any kind of critique that acknowledges someone’s autonomy in relation to their actions rather than assigning people good or bad based on ultimately arbitrary standards is not purity culture.
The reason I said that it’s dangerous to misuse this term so much and to paint puritanical christians as just hating fun is that they are Very Aware that is their public image and often do a lot to combat that. When I was raised mormon everyone made it very clear that they weren’t prudes that they could have just as much fun as anyone else and that they’ll still love you even if you’re a “bad” person but don’t you want to have fun with all of us who are good? They’d bend their doctrine just enough to get people in the door, and you’ll see mormons proudly sporting tattoos and proudly queer and other stuff that puritanical culture actually does oppose because these are cults and they care only about their bottom lines and about furthering colonialism. You need to be aware of these issues as they actually present or it’s entirely possible you will not be able to identify these things when they actually pose any risk to you.
TLDR: purity culture is the idea that people are fundamentally good or bad and that bad people must repress themselves to become worthy, it is not any time someone criticizes you for something that makes you happy or won’t lighten up about something. This is a very important distinction. 
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deconstructthesoup · 10 months
It's Black Friday, which means I'm, of course, thinking about Starkid... and I have a theory that the specific order that the LiB are always listed in (Pokotho, Bliklotep, T'noy Karaxis, Nibblephem, Wiggoth Y'Wrath) are, in fact, the order of how powerful they are, from least to greatest.
Let's start with Pokey. Now, on the surface, yeah, being able to completely take over people and turn them into hollow shells that speak your voice may be pretty damn powerful, but I think this actually works to the LiB's detriment. Think back to what Hidgens said, way back in TGWDLM---the existence of the hivemind would result in world peace, because if they're all under one mind, one "Singular Voice," there's nothing to fight about... but the LiB are all about sowing chaos, driving people to ruin. And if Pokey takes over everyone, there's nobody left to mess with. Even Webby outright compares Pokey to the rest of his brothers, which speaks a lot to how they see him---short-sighted, close-minded, and probably a little selfish. (I could also bring up the fact that unlike the others, he seems a lot more serious and even somber in his infliction, tying into his stone-face mask, but that's a whole other thing.) He's also, interestingly enough, one of two LiB who weren't introduced by way of Sniggles---even Nibbly got a little song from two of them after he did his Honey Queen munching---so maybe that means something? Idk.
Blinky definitely seems to have a good deal of power, if the horrors going on in Watcher World are anything to go by, but it also seems kinda... limited. From what we can see (heh), Blinky just operates out of this theme park, and unlike the others? He actually got defeated. Alice and Bill broke out of the effects, flooded Watcher World, and made it out with their bond strengthened rather than broken. Compare this with Pokey succeeding in taking over the world in TGWDLM---even if he failed later in Yellow Jacket---Tinky easily pulling the rug out from Ted's feet in Time Bastard, Nibbly snacking on Linda without so much as a second thought in Honey Queen, and Wiggly fucking starting a nuclear war in Black Friday despite his cult getting defeated and him not actually manifesting, you gotta wonder... what's up with Blinky failing? But I think his human look in NPMD speaks to that---it's a very laid-back look, and I saw someone suggest that he (or she, here, I guess) is trying to emulate the type of teen who's just there to chill, sit back, and watch TV. Maybe Blinky's whole deal is that he's fairly passive, and just wants to watch the chaos happen while he nudges some folks in the right direction. I could be completely wrong, of course.
Now, Tinky as the brother who's smack-dab in the middle actually makes a lot of sense. His domain is time itself---that's nothing to sneeze at! He's incredibly devious, and he always seems to get what he wants! His specialty is driving people insane! But when you look at the fact that he seems a little too chaotic, even for his brothers, and the fact that his eldritch form is, uh... kinda tame, since it's literally just a yellow goat, you have to wonder if Tinky suffers from middle-child syndrome. He's powerful, sure, but he's weird. Either he gets overlooked or he's just there to be along for the ride---I'm just guessing this based on the fact that he had, like two lines in The Summoning, even though he's probably the reason the messed-up timeline in Hatchetfield exists. He's just the crazy middle child, and honestly? That works. Good for him.
Nibbly, I think, is the only LiB (aside from our tentacle boi) who is explicitly stated to be considered "unique," with a power set that automatically puts him on a different level than a lot of his brothers. He's the only one who can regularly manifest in our reality, which makes him the only one who can physically affect the real world---and sure, that means eating pagent winners, but it could also mean a shitton of other things. It's kind of amazing that with his constant hunger and the power to manifest on Earth once a year, he only limits himself to one sacrifice... and maybe that's the point. Maybe the sacrifice only exists because Nibbly used to use that night to cause as much devastation as possible, and he's calmed down since then. Which, uh... yeah, scary thought.
And, yeah, Wiggly is obvious. He's in charge, he makes the decisions, he's always revered over the others---it's pretty clear that he's the most powerful brother, and though everything he does in Black Friday speaks to that, I have a feeling that we don't actually know the extent of Wiggly's true power... and maybe, that's the point. The other LiB get clear-cut domains---control, surveillance, time, and hunger, with not a lot of room for wiggle room, if you'll forgive the pun---but for Wiggly, it's not so obvious. We know that his line in The Summoning is "Wiggly wants his wrath," but it's not just wrath that he preys on. In Black Friday, he uses what people want to become strong, quite literally marketing himself as the solution to all of their problems. In NPMD, he asks Steph, Pete, and Grace for the thing they cherish. He's not just wrath, but greed and desire, and that adds a punch. Also, that extra bit of complexity makes him line up perfectly as a devil figure.
And considering all of this, you have to wonder---where does Webby fall in all of this? Is she stronger than her brothers, and it's just that they outnumber her, or is she weaker? Is she older or younger (this might've been answered, I'm not as caught up on livestream lore as some may be)? Is it just her in the White, or does she have sisters? She's described as "A Queen in White," not "The Queen in White," which points to there maybe being more, but why haven't we seen more? Why is it just Webby fighting against her brothers, and why can't she do more?
Wow. Okay. Jesus, that got away from me.
Anyways, the Hatchetfield saga has super cool horror worldbuilding
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charismabee · 9 months
I like STP swap aus in theory but I find how I've seen people do them a little strange (not bad tho they're still cool n stuff and I like them very much)
Like they're just... making the princess bird shaped without actually examining what swapping the Shifting Mound and Long Quiet's role in the narrative would mean. (Not meant to be negative)
Let's take the Narrator for example. In Slay the Princess he wants to kill the Princess because he wants to stop death forever. But the Long Quiet isn't death, he's stillness, lack of change. This completely changes the Narrator's core motivation. It can work though. Maybe he's in a world that has stagnated, no change, no innovation. It feels like rot, so he decided he had to find a way to be rid of it. Or maybe some other explanation. This would change his core world view, what he might consider a good end, how he acts a bit, lots of things.
Speaking of the good end, that's definitely not going to be an eternity of stagnant bliss, we literally just killed the personanification of stagnation. You could think around that too. Remember I the stranger route when everything was happening at once and it was the same as nothing happening? Maybe that happens. Without stillness the Princess is met with a barrage of constant change and stimulation, everything happening at once. The Princess could realise it is Nothing as much as it is Everything and that gets her out of it.
The Long quiet would be interesting too, because he doesn't change, it isn't in his nature to. Instead, he fractures. Perhaps instead of finding his multitudes you are shattering him. Breaking off parts of him so he can see them from the outside and know them. Once enough pieces of him have been broken off he will shatter completely and finally be able to see all of him, would talons pick up his broken pieces, would wings made of textured nothingness wrap around them and embrace them tightly? Would he reside on a hill of squirming hands or bodies, lost in the centre of the shifting mound?
Perhaps without a need for agency, or someone to make a decision the Voices would just exist as their own thing. First one that claims to be a Hero, who claims to have agency in their story (a part of reflected in her, the Long Quiet does not need to shatter to be able to see him), quickly joined by a Paranoid and terrified victim, an Opportunist Scammer, a Stubborn opponent. Different, but not changed. Not the one person molded into another.
Even the construct itself would be changed by who it is created to kill. Perhaps when the Princess first arrives on the path in the woods it is autumn, a sign of the seasons changing, there is life and death and nature and cycles, but on that 3rd Chapter, it is summer. The leaves are green and waxy, everything is preserved in a completely silent stillness. Maybe there is a horror in that no matter how you get there those silent woods are always the same, unchanging.
Unlike the Long Quiet, the Shifting Mound does change. She is naturally malleable. She has no need for voices because whatever action you take becomes what she would have always done. Perhaps her body changes, giving her new advantages, the body of a vicious Beast stalks towards the cabin, hunger tinting your choices through a cabin twisted to suit her needs. A goddess glides towards her temple, willing it to be large enough to fit her. A dainty Princess hurries to find her Prince charming in a fairytale cabin. The land twists under her will, whether she realises that or not, only giving resistance when too close to the 'monster' kept down there. She is change, it is only natural she causes it.
Even stuff like how to get rid of him would change, because can you actually kill the absence of something? The natural state of things before they shift? The shifting mound is motion and for everything to be in motion all the time means nothing can ever really happen at all. There is no fulfilment in anything you do if your opinion on what to do changes every moment you exist. Perhaps to truly 'kill' him she needs to make him smaller, change what cannot be changed to make the stillness that will be broken, the things to be changed. Perhaps he will break them out of there and thank her. Perhaps without a way to know himself he slowly fades into a nothingness, trapped in an eternity of stagnation that change herself refused to save him from.
It is still a love story, he is naturally inclined to help her, she will always love him, but things have changed.
Anyway this is just a dumb little ramble because I was thinking and it's nearly 3am so this is probably nonsense anyway. I do really like swap ideas they're interesting and stuff <3
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jinkookspencil · 2 years
take off your glasses | jjk
your eyeglasses gave you sight and comfort, but jungkook looked too sexy wearing his....
description/tw/tags: ~2.1k words / jungkook just finished recording his birthday message for jimin.... and he looked too good in glasses / SMUT (minors DNI) / established relationship / y/n is a little insecure
author's note: inspired by two things: jungkook's birthday message to jimin which was so unnecessarily sexy, AND namjoon jokingly told jk "take off your glasses" in an episode of run and something switched inside me at those words... >.< this is so smutty that idk if i feel comfortable enough sharing to the point where i'm actually considering just doing a jk style complete delete of it with time.... we'll see. as always, any feedback is welcome! <3
“Ah, Jiminie will laugh at that,” Jungkook boasts as he put away his phone. “I guess I have to start recording video messages for all my hyungs now.”
“That’s nice of you,” you utter, sat across from him at the desk, head buried in the book you were reading.
“Baby…” It’s Jungkook’s voice only louder and the air around you had shifted, you realize. Looking up from your book, you found Jungkook standing right behind you.
You had been so immersed in your book you never took in Jungkook’s presence that night - and judging by the way he called you and started rubbing your shoulders, he seemed to be getting needy... But as you look up at him, you realize you also never took in how he looked tonight, the weight of it all hitting you all at once. Towering over you, Jungkook’s long hair - which you had always adored - was ruffled as though he played with it, sleeves rolled up to reveal the tattoos on his arm while his chest peeked through a couple of undone buttons, and the thing that got you the most…. he was wearing his glasses…
It shocked you when you found out earlier on in your relationship that Jungkook had poor vision too, since he seemed so perfect. But it also helped you feel more at ease for some weird, unknown reason - like you were glad bad eyesight was yet another thing he understood you on, added to the endless list of shared problems, mindsets, beliefs, and interests that always made your relationship feel safe. Yet, unlike you, he always preferred contacts and only wore glasses rarely around the house. The sight of it - and him - took you by surprise.
“Hey,” you say, taking in the sight of him, your shoulders hunched together.
“Hey,” he laughs at your sudden reaction, as if you hadn’t been in the same room for over an hour after he came home from working late at the studio. “Good book, huh?”
“Glasses,” you point out, tilting your head and ignoring his question. “I like it. You should wear them more often.”
“Thanks, but….eh,” he shrugs. “You know I prefer contacts, but I think I need to give my eyes a break from them...”
“Still, you look…really…good. At least wear them more often around the house, for me?”, you stare up at him through your lashes and flash him a smile, rubbing his arm, unaware of the entire effect that’d have on him.
Jungkook rolls his eyes and pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue. “Sure, baby,” he says, kissing the top of your head. “But this is a two-way deal, you have to try contacts for me too.”
All you can do is sigh. While Jungkook preferred contacts, you preferred glasses - and for many reasons, as you have made clear to him all the other times he asked you to take them off. Firstly, you were clumsy and the idea of poking at your eyeball regularly felt like a disaster waiting to happen, not to mention it freaked you out, especially the horror stories of people forgetting to take out their contacts. Secondly, someone mentioned once that there were different types and it just seemed like a hassle. And, the biggest reason: glasses helped hide your face. You just never liked the way your face looked. Plus, it didn’t help that your ex once shrieked when you took off your glasses in front of him and told you to keep them on… 
Jungkook’s entirely different. He knew you could be insecure, but instead of feeding your insecurities he never passed an opportunity to tell you that you were beautiful and hype you up, whether you were wearing your glasses or not.... the not being while you got ready every day or during sex and really intense make-out sessions when they just kept getting away.
“Jungkook, you know I -“
“I know, but baby, you’re so beautiful,” he resigns. “I wish you knew that. If only you could see yourself the way I see you. Do you at least see the face I make when you take them off while we kiss?!”
“.....I thought it was just because we're in the heat of the moment.”
“Baby…”, he shakes his head, taking yours in his hands. “It’s like that scene in Business Proposal - it’s funny that I get why girls love that scene more than you do. It’s sexy. YOU are sexy.”
You raise your eyebrows at him, looking down in denial and at your outfit, wondering if you wore anything different that drove Jungkook crazy, but it was just one of his t-shirts and your short shorts that he liked.... but it was nothing special.
“Look at me,” he says, a commanding tone in his voice that you couldn’t ignore. “Take off your glasses.”
“If I take off my glasses I can’t look at you, Jungkook,” you say with a sarcastic tone, but Jungkook doesn’t take any of it, bending down until he was a breath away from your face.
“You can now.”
Your hand reaches up to the frames that sat on your face, and the second you take them off Jungkook’s lips meets yours in a kiss.
“Fuck…,” he sighs into your mouth before meeting it again. His arms wrap around you in an embrace, pulling you up and between his legs as he leaned on the desk. His hands squeeze your butt before toying with the hem of the t-shirt you were wearing, taking it off of you the moment you lifted your hands from his shoulders in permission. You wrap your arms over Jungkook’s toned shoulders and around his neck as he felt your back and kissed you - on your lips, your neck, and all over your face. Just as you had gotten lost in his kisses, anticipating where he’d kiss next, his large arms swerve you around until you leaned against the desk and faced him standing between your legs instead. 
A smirk appeared on his face at the sound you let out, and in a flash, Jungkook absentmindedly takes off his glasses and pulls you in for a deeper kiss… Yet you’re too stunned to kiss him back well, grab onto him, or even feel him up.
“…Fuck, okay,” you whisper against his lips. “I get it now - that was… so fucking hot, Jungkook.” 
“Wh- oh.... I didn’t even realize I did that," you feel him smile against your lips, unknowing if he was sincere or if he planned the entire kiss to get you to understand him.
The image of Jungkook replayed itself in your mind, and with the feeling of his lips and bunny teeth brushing against your lips…. you were about to go insane. You wrap your arms around his neck once again, your hands running through his long hair as you pull him into a kiss and he toys with the hooks of your bra.
When they snap open, he wastes no time reaching for the bra between your bodies and chucking it across the room, unbuttoning and stripping off his own shirt before bending down to kiss your chest. You stare down at him, and when his gaze meets yours, you feel your entire body come alive. 
He looked unbelievable and already showed you so much love… You wanted - no, needed, to do the same to him. Reach for Jungkook’s length, you stroke it through his boxers, and, reaching inside them, he grunts as you feel him hard in your hands, only for him to shove your wrist away at the elastic of his underwear.
“Jungkook… let me feel you,” you moan against his face, his forehead brushing against yours as he shakes his head. 
“Lean back,” he commands, and all you can do is obey, already moving backward to lay on the desk the moment his hands find your shoulders. Jungkook hooked his fingers to your underwear, and after raising your hips for him to swiftly pull them off of you, you lift your legs to wrap them around his body…. but he separates them.
“No….,” he says “You won’t be able to see me, but I’ll make sure you feel me.”
His face disappears from view, leaving you nothing but a blurry sight of the ceiling as Jungkook wraps his arms around your thighs. “Fuck, baby.” 
The feeling of Jungkook’s tongue clouds every other sensation a human being is capable of, you were unable to register or control even the incredibly loud noises you were both making. He got hungrier as you ruffled his long hair, and when you begin feeling Jungkook’s nose rubbing against your heat, you were unable to hold yourself any longer, letting go of him and yourself. Jungkook continued to lick and taste you, before standing up and leaning over you, removing your hand from your face.
“I missed this face. Did you feel me?,” he whispers against your neck. 
“Fuck, did I feel you….,” you reply, catching your breath as Jungkook continued kissing all over your chest as it rose and fell. “But I missed your face too….”
Jungkook snapped at those six words and met you in a kiss, his face remaining millimeters away from yours, even long after he says, “I’m right here, baby,” while you catch your breath.
You try to avert his gaze as he stares into your eyes, but he never lets you, a hand caressing your cheek while the other roamed your body, grazing and scratching at your arms, shoulders, and torso, pinning your arms against the mattress when you tried hiding your face.
“Look at me, baby…..”
When his fingertips took over and his touches got lighter, you were reminded that Jungkook hadn’t had enough… and you didn’t either.
“Ready?”, he hummed against your lips before you nod.
Jungkook kissed you on the cheek before he got up and on top of you, his gaze never breaking even as he aligned himself with your entrance. You only caught glimpses of Jungkook’s focused, aroused face, his necklace dangling over you and blocking your sight, at which your hand leaves his shoulder and grabs his neck, holding both Jungkook and his necklace in place.
“Ffuck,” he moans.
The sight of him in a flustered rush did the same to you, and Jungkook closed his eyes as he picked up his pace, bending down to kiss your body. Topped with Jungkook’s murmurs of “Beautiful”, “My beautiful girl”, “Baby”, and countless other curses and moans, the sensations were overwhelming, and all you could do was cover your face with your arm as you neared your high, but a firm grip attaches itself to your wrist and pins your arm above your head.
“No, baby,” Jungkook heaves. “I - want to see you.”
Almost in obedience, your body responds with just what he wants as he watches you come undone, doing the same at the sight of you. Jungkook catches his breath and returns to normal before you do, kissing your chest as it slowed its movements while you caught up to him.
“My beautiful, baby,” he murmurs against your tummy, moaning when you run your fingers through his hair before he stood up and pulled you up. He brushes away any hair from your face and tucks loose strands behind your ear, his fingers finally resting on your temple and your chin. “This is my favorite face.”
Jungkook nears, tilting your head downwards and kissing your forehead, just above your eyebrows, before kissing your eyelids, nose, and lips one final time.
“I'll get you cleaned up, baby, then let’s move to the bed and stare at each other all night,” he smiles, holding your face in his hands.
You can’t help but giggle. “Sounds like a plan. Can you do it all night though? We both know you pass out so easily.”
“Yeah…. I always sleep after you, you know?”
“I don’t sleep that early! I watch you sleep a little,” he strokes your shoulder. “Then, when I feel you asleep and relaxed against me… when I see your face, so bare and peaceful, so close to me…. It relaxes me and I go to sleep.”
“You watch me like that scene in Twilight?!”
“I do,” he laughs. “Can you blame me? I’m fucking in love with you, beautiful.”
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valictini · 7 months
I want to take a moment to appreciate all the cool stuff that Tubbo's death brought to the RP.
(obv talking about the characters there)
First of all, the way that it was the culmination of months of RP where Tubbo isolated himself more and more and more, until he genuinely thought no one cared about him? Him constantly putting his last lives on the line, culminating into an EGG of all people killing him? Delicious. Also we got to see Creation again! And we learned a bit more about Tubbo himself! He lost his purpose... Which apparently is a program of some sort? Wdym he wasn't alive to begin with? Is he a cybord-adjacent being like Aypierre? Or maybe something completely different, like a code? A fully grown egg??? So much to think about!
(I could just feel the excitement in cc!Tubbo when he saw the death coming like awwww yes it's all coming together)
(Also absolutely HEARTBROKEN that he died literally like 30 minutes before the Valentine's day event where Fred was apparently supposed to show up!!!! Guy really couldn't chose a worse (better) timing!!!!)
We also got to see the reaction of others too!
New egg drama, with Richas being the one who landed the killing blow. We got to see the horror and despair in Sunny and Chayanne, the only ones who knew for certain that Tubbo wasn't joking. The silent grief, that cannot leave until Tubbo's back. But will he come back the same as before? The possibilities are so scary and I can't wait to see how it'll shape the eggs in the future.
We got Philza who intially did not get it, assuming it was part of the months-long bit that Tubbo was Chayanne's egg and that they were just being dramatic for fun. This made the whole scene that much more tragic imo. And the pay off when realised later that holy shit he's actually dead? So cool. We got him and Creation's first meeting too, and after the initial confusion about whether or not he was a friend (war flashbacks to the day Luffy was kidnapped by a similar mysterious entity that showed up out of nowhere) he ended up doing everything in his power to help Creation, to bring his friend back!
And from what i've seen Fit is in full denial? Like absolutely refusing to acknowledge that Tubbo was even ABLE to die? And fans speculating that Pac might follow suite because of his past traumas? Awesome, can't wait to see how this unfolds. The possibility of a denial feedback loop is really interesting.
And finally as an Aypierre viewer, I'm excited at the possibility for him, the ONE person Tubbo actively dislikes, ending up providing the computer parts necessary to bring Tubbo back, since he's the only cc who has access to computer craft. I know it's unlikely to happen since literally no one knows he has computer craft so i don't think they'll think to ask him for the parts... but one can dream.
So yeah, overall this was a really pivotal and awesome RP moment
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howlsofbloodhounds · 13 days
Yo man, I like reading your posts and your thoughts. It inspires me.
There were a few questions that I asked anonymously, but reading everything you wrote, and thanks to you, I changed my attitude towards Killer as a character (to be honest, I hated him before, as well as his duo with Color). And also, like one anon person, I love Delta.
How do you do it, inspire and change opinions about characters?
I become obsessed about them and learn everything I can and then yap about it on the internet. /hj
Also a lot of killers story requires even a base level understanding in psychology and abuse and trauma, I feel. Especially things like prolonged intense coercion, and dissociative disorders, paired with severe CPTSD. And I love psychology so he quickly became a favorite of mine.
A lot of my fixation towards killer actually came from the fact that—no one could seem to understand or agree on things about killer’s canon story (which in large part is because a lot of killer’s canon was unfortunately deleted, including an entire ask blog.)
So i went looking myself, found what i could, shared it around everywhere i could reach—and then started doing research and analysis, and sharing those too.
But also from what I can see, the UTMV fandom back then was all really young—focusing more on black and white, “good” and “bad” morality. Creepypasta-esque. Instead of acknowledging Something New for the tragedy and psychological horror it is.
It was never as simple as “sans goes crazy and kills everyone” or “evil Chara possesses sans to kill everyone” or “sans gets bored and kills for fun.” It was all deliberate, pointed towards a goal—and sans completely lost himself until he became something so completely foreign and unrecognizable. which was all intentional.
and another thing I love about killer is that he’s definitely not a “perfect victim.” He was a victim sure, and he was made and taught to be this way, but it doesn’t change the fact that this victim has victims and he’s still an awful, shitty person. there are completely valid reasons to despise that bitch, and everyone is well within their rights to do so (Delta and Delta lovers deserve to punch killer and humble him ong) even as he attempts to work on himself and actually process his trauma that had been going for an unknown amount of time.
(which still fascinates me. there is a period of time in Chara and killer’s partnership that we are unlikely to ever see. we have no clue just how long they were together. killer himself probably isn’t sure—maybe they were always together.)
and color is an interesting piece of psychology too. I completely understand why he inspires hope in killer—hope that change is possible, that safety is possible, that something better out there can exist. that not everyone with power seeks to harm and control, that not everything is control or be controlled or kill or be killed, that some things do matter. that what he wants matters. that someone out there still cares about him, and unlike papyrus or the rest of the underground—is willing to fight for him, too.
(of course, papyrus was willing to die if it made sans happy. but he was never willing to fight to make sans happy, as far as killer can see.)
color has really lost everything and everyone in his attempts to save them. he fought and fought and fought—until as a last ditch effort, he makes a desperate choice. and it works, but it dooms him. only, it didn’t actually work, because the feeling of the Genocide route is coming back—and it’s happening again.
We can see this same exact thing with killer, too. Nightmare replaces Killers when they are killed or no longer useful. Color can see right through Killer—he knows he doesn’t actually want this life. He just doesn’t know anything different anymore.
And so Color spends so long trying to get Killer to admit to what he actually wants—and when he does, when Killer finally just admits he wants his old life back—his brother, his family, he wants to be Sans again. Color doesn’t tell him it’s likely impossible—instead he offers to help.
And when Killer asks Color to save him, Color takes to it loyally. It’s not hard to imagine that Color tried and failed to help save and protect many, many, many Killers.
And yet with each devastating failure, he keeps getting up and going and persevering. Because he has to, because it’s the right thing to do, because Killer asked him to, because Killer needs help, because he cares so much about Killer, because Color can’t leave him alone or forget about him the way he was forgotten. No one else is going to care enough to reach out and try with Killer—and Killer isn’t likely to trust anyone else who tries.
Even Color has to work hard to earn and maintain Killer’s trust. A single slip up could send Killer recoiling and snapping at any hand that attempts to touch him. So despite how desperately Color wants to save him, keep him safe, take care of him—he knows he needs to go at Killer’s pace.
He needs to be patient, and he needs to be consistent, and he needs to be open and as honest as possible—even if it’s hard, and he needs to be careful around Killer, too.
He can’t allow his emotions to drive him completely, to make him blind to Killer’s violence and apathy and manipulation and controlling behaviors—not only because for his own well being, but because Killer would definitely lose any respect he has for him if he thinks Color can’t see him for what he is. He can’t allow Killer to think that he is weak—someone easily trusting, or naive, or easily led and used and taken advantage of.
He has to maintain a balance between that, and just being himself—practicing what he preaches, because killer will notice; he is watching. Color’s goal isn’t to fix him, that’s something killer has to want for himself, he’s just here because he wants to help and Killer asked for the help he needs—even if Killer’s SOUL Stages make him have conflicting viewpoints and desires, if any at all. He has to show up for Killer consistently, show he isn’t trying to use or control him, and be true to himself.
Of course, the journey to actually getting there would likely be a struggle for them both, but they’re both determined enough to try, I think.
Anyway rant over. So that’s basically what I do; get curious, go digging and researching and get obsessed and then make my thoughts and interpretations everyone else’s problem.
{ @ferociousperson }
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thefeastandthefast · 3 months
Hands down, favorite scene of this whole drama and one that made me feel something more than just different degrees of amusement:
Princess Wanning tossing her hair back to dance for the king of Dai, dressed in pristine white silk, helpless rage which cannot be vented cracking through the studied blankness on her face. Such a sharp and elegant recontextualization of all the aggressive swishing and twirling we see her do in the previous episodes.
Following closely in second place would be the scene of her wading shivering into the milky blue river surrounded by fiery autumn foliage and the red of her blood seeping out into the water all around her. The physician refers to her numerous miscarriages, but her grim, expectant, tearless face in that scene implies that they were abortions done with whatever means she could manage (likely the only assertion of agency possible in her position).
To be completely honest, Wanning's storyline is the only one in this drama that consistently triggers genuine emotion for me, even before we got the brief flashback of her years as a hostage to an enemy state. I am obviously extremely well-entertained by the production's commitment to the pulpiest of melodrama rendered with the lushest of visuals, but the lack of even the possibility of actual danger and failure for our protagonists takes much of the tension out. Yes, Xue Fangfei has trauma responses to her experiences, but we know that her commitment to vengeance carried out with morally clean and justifiable methods will still succeed in making every last villain in her path pay. We're assured of her eventual happiness and success before the story even begins because of genre conventions.
The protagonists live in the fantasy world of 爽剧- a genre meant for the purpose of the viewer's visceral, lizard brain satisfaction. The noose of the drama's world and its rules will always loosen for our female lead Xue Fangfei because this type of narrative demands it.
I went into the drama knowing this was the genre, so it's perfectly meeting my expectations... but I think if Xue Fangfei was forced to operate within the same social strictures as her female opponents instead of having her endeavors facilitated by the pulled punches of internally inconsistent world-building, this drama would have been elevated to something ultimately much more satisfying and enduring. The Story of Minglan is still the pinnacle of historical drama 爽剧 for this reason.
But Wanning doesn't live in a 爽剧; she's in a psychological horror, one where every single one of the inescapable rules of a ghoulish feudal, patriarchal world compounded to get her into the situation she ended up. For all her seemingly limitless power and privilege once Wanning returns to Yan, they are insufficient to undo the permanent damage to her status as a virtuous woman in her society and her own perception of her womanhood in such a paradigm.
I'm speculating that the king of Dai probably died painfully at her hands at some point (I'm still at episode 36, so I don't know if it's addressed later!) But in the end, Wanning's righteous fury has very few easily embodied targets for righteous vengeance, unlike the wrongs done to Xue Fangfei and those she takes under her wing- wrongs which neatly trace back to specific villains to be eliminated. And of course, XFF’s personal beef with these villains just so happen to align perfectly with the noble goals of king and country.
Even when Wanning playacts her sick little romance with Shen Yurong, a brutal emotional clarity always breaks her immersion. She has a complete lack of illusion about the world in which her story operates. She was sacrificed for the noble goals of king and country, for peacemaking, and so she knows she will get no satisfaction from those who permitted and benefited from that sacrifice. So, for me, watching her do whatever the fuck she wants in response to that unrightable wrong and indulge every selfish, horrifying, nihilistic whim is more 爽 (viscerally satisfying) than anything else in this show.
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aquabuggy · 1 year
“Imagination, life is your creation”
Say, what band was it that wrote that song again? Escapes me… Oh well, anyways,
Happy Barbie Movie Release Day!
It’s nice to feel excited about something again.
It’s not every day you see a toy product centered movie gaining this much positive attention, much less one that deals in the existential horror of being alive. Which is, actually, exactly what I expected out of it and am very happy to see.
Barbie’s probably one of if not the most recognizable and successful product Mattel has, and it’s been that way for decades. But why am I talking about that here? This is a things-full-of-liquid-with-heavy-emphasis-on-water-games blog!
Well, you’re not gonna believe it, but Mattel being a toy company that’s been around for this long, has actually dabbled a bit in our territory! And they actually made a good couple of water games themed around a certain blonde blue eyed doll and her best friends!
So! Without further ado, may I present to you……..
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Polly Pocket Tiny Games!
What? Was that not where you thought that was going?
Believe it or not, there really aren’t many Barbie water games at all, just cheaply reskinned ring toss games with a Barbie backdrop…which is both baffling and disappointing considering Barbie has had COUNTLESS beach, pool, sea, and just general water themes. Polly Pocket though? Got 6. You may recognize these if you’re a veteran of this blog.
Being one of Mattel’s latest ventures in water games, my sources tell me that these were actually received incredibly poorly, averaging at a 2-3 star rating. While definitely cute and unique, reviews often mention that the games seem to be designed more for aesthetics than actual play, and that it’s very hard to get some of the play pieces to actually move. Not too surprising looking at those cramped tanks. Wasted potential for sure!
Ohhh but I can’t just end the post there can I? That’s such a bummer! Well, what if I told you this wasn’t the first time Mattel tried their hand at making water games? What if I told you that in 1989 Mattel was one of the few big toy companies that actually dared to challenge the reign of Tomy’s Waterfuls during the peak of its popularity? Oh it’s very true, and considering you’ve probably never heard of it, you can safely assume how that endeavor went. But it’s intriguing nonetheless!
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[ photo credit- rww121212, lb-squared, whats-in, and gilbe-niema on eBay ]
Trouble Bubbles/Fun Bubbles
Documentation of these online is mostly limited to listings on buy-and-sell sites (As always. I can’t stress how vital these sites are to conserving lost/obscure media.) so there’s not a lot known about these, and not many pictures of them either. What I can gather is that Mattel made at least 6 of these as well, 3 Trouble Bubbles games and 3 Super Trouble Bubbles games. The main difference between the 2 being Super Trouble Bubbles having a small switch that allows you to redirect the jets of water, which is pretty cool and admittedly not something I’ve seen in other water games! Both also have a wind up timer to challenge yourself to complete the game in a short period.
I’ve yet to collect one of these myself, but they look pretty decent in terms of quality and stand out nicely. They never fully took off in terms of popularity but I think they’re pretty cool, especially as a piece of toy history! Not too shabby at all for Waterfuls competition, my hat’s off to them! Not bad Mattel, sad they haven’t recaptured the same inventiveness for their Polly games. But hey, honestly? Nowadays would be a GREAT time to bring back Trouble Bubbles if you ask me. Water games are coming back in style and Waterfuls has been slow in new major products for quite a while. Who knows? It may just be able to snag that crown sometime in the future…
But hey, anything’s possible in this crazy age!
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paragonrobits · 1 year
have a consideration of the thought I had as I woke up today, going from asleep to sudden lightning-eyed alertness as a single thought flooded my brain:
some explainations for those not familiar with Exalted; it is a tabletop fantasy game heavily influenced by a mixture of several mythologies and classic epics, and high-action anime series, set in a fantastical bronze-era world of competing politics, spirits mired in a divine bureaucracy, and mighty heroes using their power as they see fit. The game is named for the titular Exalted; mortal humans who have been chosen by the Exaltations, shards of divine power seeking out mortals with the will and desire to use this power (regardless of what they intend to actually do with it), which come in a variety of types that have different skills and criteria.
However, the Dragon Kings are NOT among the Exalted, though the word itself is a translation of a similar concept where their ancestors once widely channeled spirits in partnerships. The Dragon Kings are a nonhuman species of humanoid dinosaur-like beings that predate humanity; they were created to be the species to dwell in the world, and humanity created as living prayer batteries to fuel the gods that lived under the power of the Dragon Kings. When the gods rallied against the titans that made them, the DKs (who mostly revere the mightiest of the gods, the Unconquered Sun, as the ultimate paragon of heroism and virtue) sided with the gods, and were almost completely wiped out in such a way that they can never reach the population they once had.
This is because the DKs serially reincarnate in a way unlike humans, who are born, die, have their memories washed away by the process of Lethe, and are born again. The Dragon Kings instead are born as beasts and functionally just animals, but as they grow older and wiser, their elders train them and help them to awaken their true spirit, becoming intelligent again, and as they grow wiser still, they remember all their past lives, all the way to the dawn of existence, and pick up where they left off. The titans unmade most of the Dragon Kings, and they can never reincarnate from that, thus their population is permanently capped.
They are a shadow of what they once were, and they can never again return to the days they remember so clearly. Never again will the people created for the world ever be able to dwell in it as they once did; their cities lie in ruins, populated only by beasts or the bestial remnants of their people. The humans who profit on their ruin know nothing of the people who had to die for humanity to prosper. Many a Dragon King awakened, only to see the horror of their people's decline, to see cities that were once thriving metropoli of philosophy and culture, and see only ruins.
And yet, there is heroism all the same; in finding something to fight for in the modern day, or to strive to rebuild the infrastructure their people so desperately need, and build something new, however far from the glory of their ancestors but still something worthwhile.
In this regard, Aang fits incredibly well as a Dragon King. Particularly he resonates well with the Pterok, whom are a flying breed physically inspired by flying non-dinosaurs like pterodactyls, and are naturally skilled at more spiritual paths of enlightenment metaphysically associated with the element of air, powers of sensory empowerment and communing with the spirits. Additionally, the specific nature of how the DKs are reborn also nicely fits with the Avatar's reincarnation, though somewhat different in nature the basic ideas can still be applied.
The other interesting detail is that the DKs are considered underdogs by Exalted standards. They are inherently powerful and far stronger than any human can EVER be. However, they themselves cannot become Exalted under any circumstances, and it takes them a VERY long time to fully train their powers, well over a century of training, wisdom and understanding, while the Exalted can achieve superior power within months. The DKs have a hard cap on their power that cannot be worked around, while the Exalted are superweapons that can defeat any foe or achieve any goal; accordingly, while they have a potential for wisdom beyond the Exalted, and are also able to learn a form of sorcery, they will always be far weaker, which is also a deeply interesting idea.
So I present this notion; Aang as a newly awakened Pterok Dragon King, either as a mundane member who has recently spontaneously gained sapience (which does sometimes happen) or an ancient sage of some sort who was placed into stasis to wait out a terrible calamity, only to emerge eons after he was supposed to wake up, and finds himself in a dark time where his people have lost themselves, sword and violence are the only rule respected by the world, and the wisdom he values has been ignored.
Never the less, he must try.
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bravopotato · 9 months
Virus Mlp ideas
Okay so I'm not actually that into Mlp but I have been seeing these horror virus Mlp series so uh yea! :D
Basically, my idea is that it started orally. What do I mean? Well, I haven't really cleaned the idea up yet (I don't plan to actually use these so why should I?) but the idea is that Pinkie Pie basically got a cupcake as a gift from a friend who was at a party she had recently hosted. However, unknown to the two of them, the cupcake had gotten an influx of magic or something in it. So basically uh- you know their cutie marks??
Well, they have magic in them (I think???) and I feel like magic will almost always be warm/hot unless in other circumstances. So, how do they get them? I imagine it like most people imagine Undertale monsters get them, food! So, if a certain cupcake has an unreasonable amount of mafic in it then surely it would have bad side effects for the poor victim
And so this is how I imagine the symptoms are:
-Heat related irritation to the Cutiemark
-The glowing of the Cutiemark
-Aggression (caused by near constant overheating of the body and especially Cutiemark)
-Obsession/compulsion to complete tasks related to cutie mark (In Pinkie's case, she has random bursts of energy ((From the heat bc particles or something)) and will jump around trying to find items or just different ways to start a party or get everyone in a good or silly mood like what comes from parties)
-Lack of sleep (Duh, overheating)
-Headaches (Heat related, always heat related)
-And, most concerningly, the melting of the inside body
But why are they melting!? And how soon does this happen?? Well, because of the immense amount of magic the magic needs to form somewhere and so it chooses the closest thing to it, heat (Wow, so shocking). However, normal ponies can't handle that much and can melt. So, despite the magic trying not to EXPLODE in the body or something it's still harming the pony who isn't equipped to handle it even throughout their entire body.
Now, that's how the 'virus' works. But how would the ponies react and how would they be transferred the virus? Well uh- idk. BUT, it does turn airborne as (I'm trying to actually figure it out for yall bc I forgot abt this part srry ;p) the magic is trying to safely enter the body but can't leave all at once because of magic deficiency as well as heat deficiency. So, it goes to other ponies, and some ponies also get it orally which spreads it faster or something.
And so, Rarity soon gets afflicted with it. Unlike the now overactive Pinkie Pie, Rarity has gotten slower. It's like her own bones are melting first, so much sowing and dress making has made her 'arm' wrists worn and easy for melting. And so, she huddles in her home making dress after dress for all the people she can think of, friends, family, enemies, strangers she'd seen around town. Everyone, some even getting multiple. She knows she is ill and while Sweety Bell wants to help her sister, Rarity hides her issues as to not worry the only young sibling she wishes to have. She wishes to use her generosity to the fullest in what she believes will be her final months. She could be correct, if the magic continues to uncomfortably heat her body up like a pot being boiled. Sadly, no one has noticed the most blatant sign due to the fact that she wears dresses, suits, anything to hide her glowing Cutiemark. While she loves her mark and it's color, she cannot stand the glow as it reminds her of the sweltering heat of her home. Maybe she should open more windows, that will help right?
The next person who gets afflicted (Not come into contact) is Rainbowdash. I don't have a way she get's afflicted so I'll just make it up and you can flesh it out yourself. Rainbowdash had been so worried for Pinkie, yes she'd always been energetic but this was almost concerningly so. Her pink hair had gotten fluffier, and while Rainbowdash doesn't mind it's a sign that Pinkie's going too fast and is messing with her hair. So, she talks and hangs around Pinkie, nervously trying to see what's wrong and how to help. She is loyal after all. However, it comes to her falling as the magic has clung to her and made her faster than ever. She has Pinkie's issue, being too energetic. She doesn't understand why, but she can't help but want to fly and speed around all day with no breaks. And so she does, she speeds across town and forest and city and ocean, and then back home. It would have made a Sonic Rainboom, but only if she stopped. Passerby's see her and mention only one identifiable thing, her almost aflame rainbow hair. It's frizzed and spiked leading behind her due to her flight. She doesn't seem to notice. Maybe she can fly this energy and heat off...
AppleJack is next, and I didn't make any for her either. However, her affliction is probably pretty clear. She probably becomes more worried for her farm, obsessively thinking about it and her apples. Oh, her apples. She starts worrying about missing one, so she goes to the farm every morning and afternoon and she kicks her trees as hard as she can. Her hooves hurt, and the trees are dented and scary looking and look almost rotting, but she knows she must do this. She must be able to let her family farm thrive. So, if she has to ugly things up a bit, she doesn't mind. Granny does though, as well as her brother and sister. They don't know how to stop her worries.
Fluttershy would probably never leave her home, tending to her animals and trying to cool them off. It's so hot here, they must be so warm too. Yet, they freeze and chitter as if in winter. How odd. Surely, if she makes them colder like she wants someone to do to her, they will feel better. She'd feel better colder. The animals must be too hot. It's way too hot. Maybe she should add snow?
Spike probably can handle the heat tbh lmao
Twilight Sparkle is the second person to come into contact with the 'Virus', after Pinkie of course. She instantly notices her being ill and constantly tries to help yet she's so bouncy she gets out of her grasp. She ends up going to Celestia, who is bothered by this. How could Pinkie be so sick? Yet, it gets worse. More and more cases pop up, everyone is overheating in autumn and Twilight is concerned. I imagine she's in her princess wing and horn combo, so she can handle the heat and not get sick. Does she know that? No, but she's always been a little cold after being gifted wings.
Celestia and Luna both have never personally come across this disease, their bodies are built to withstand heaps of magic as it takes a lot to handle the actual sun and moon. So when everyone is hot because of magic, they both don't understand. They've been so cold for so long, it's hard to imagine such heat. Will they ever understand the issues of their kingdom? Maybe.
Chrysalis is.. Okay, so my first idea was that her army was like her kids??? I was thinking of bugs honestly lol. But the idea was that her army would get sick with the 'virus' (She had captured a sick pony and they got the sickness airborne) and because of their lack of cutie marks they would end up weaker. Also, because of their holes I imagine that they aren't all that strong/immune to illnesses so when they're struck by this they're all in despair. Why? Because they're MELTING. They are seeing each other melt and die to the heat and they don't understand it. Why wont their mother save them? Will Love help? How much love can fix this, and can they obtain it? The queen is doing no better, seeing all her people go so ill they cannot move. She herself, while much stronger, is not able to combat the magic and has faced her own weakness in her limbs. She blames the ponies of Equestria for this, for if that one pony had not been here no one would be dying. Of course, this is absolutely a genocide plan created by Celestia and Twilight, if she can get her hooves on them she'd make sure that everyone knew how much a lie immortality is.
However, she is unaware of how mistaken she is
Anyways that should be all if anyone wants to use it feel free bc I wont!!! I probably would help too tbh!! Idk, have fun :p
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 108 - Lorca's Betrayal
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1 Episode 13 - What's Past is Prologue
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We don't have cold open today, the episode just recaps then goes straight into the intro. I don't think any episode of Trek has done that for me yet.
This episode starts out with Lorca as our Focus character, liberating his followers from the Imperial Prisons, and then they make moves to capture this universe's Paul. Seeing Evil Paul's spore weapon in use was a good horror shot. Chemical and Biological weapons are terrifying. Meanwhile, Discovery is flying into what is soon to become a battlefield, and Emperor Georgiou wont let Michael warn them.
As of this episode, it's very clear to me that Lorca is just a run of the mill Fascist now. Before last episode's twist I really really liked the idea of a captain struggling to maintain Star Fleet's ideals through his own trauma and an ongoing war forcing him to become more and more Ends Justify the Means, I really don't like that this arc has just turned round to say "No, he's always been like this, he's just from the Fascism Universe." Maybe it would have been salvageable if his pre-established revolution against the Emperor was in the name of something good that played into the Ends Justify the Means outlook he showed before, it would have been more interesting, but nope, just more Fascism. If I wanted to watch fascists wearing gold fight fascists wearing black, I would have put on Remembrance of the Daleks. It certainly did the whole Fascism inevitably ends up eating itself message better.
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After a struggle with a few of of the Emperor's soldiers, Michael manages to slip away to Contact Discovery, and they exchange revelations about Lorca and Evil Paul's Spore Experiments. Discovery refuses to leave Michael behind, so they all make a plan to blow up the emperor's ship and sever it from the network.
Lorca and his loyalists make their way to the Emperor's throne room, and Michael's call to Discovery is detected, and Lorca takes a moment to try and convert Michael, but of course that doesn't work.
Meanwhile on discovery, the crew are finding a number of flaws with the plan. Firstly, the shot to break the Charon's spore drive would use up all of Discovery's spore supply, leaving them stranded in the Mirror universe, and that's even if Discovery can survive the shockwave from the blast, which is unlikely in itself though. Despite these odds however, Saru delivers a actually really good speech to the crew, and everyone is down to give it their all, and Sylvia Tilly finds a way to counter both of their problems, and they can ride out on the Network's shockwave like a surfboard, which is a great solution. They initiate the plan, we really cool fight scene, then Michael and Georgiou are beamed aboard discovery to make the jump back home. Seeing Paul use the memory of Culbur to help him navigate home made me cry, I really liked the ending. Discovery ends up in the right universe, but 9 months, and the Federation has fallen to the Klingons, and that's our Cliffhanger.
My misgivings about the Lorca Twist aside, I did enjoy the episode. The action was fun, the final fight in the wreckage of the Throne Room was great, and the manoeuvres Discovery's crew pulled to get out of their situation were fantastic, I just wish Lorca didn't feel like a completely different character post-twist. Also I found it really weird that the Episode was trying to get me to root for Emperor Georgiou, when she's every bit a fascist as Lorca is here and didn't even really show signs of a redemption arc, it was just her goals happened to align with Michael's in that moment. One of you did tell me that this universe pops up in one of the Older Treks, so I'm interested to see how it's handled there
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vewyscawy · 2 years
Fiddle My Sticks
Pairing: Fiddlesticks x f!reader
Wordcount: 2862
Tags: Biting, marking, a bit of cumflation, tentacle dicks(!)
Summary: Rumours start circulating that you wouldn't mind getting down and dirty with a Champion, and you catch the eye of a specific champ you never thought would have any interest in you whatsoever.
After Shaco and Nocturne there is very little that could still scare you, but Fiddlesticks sure can.  
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(don’t remember where I got the picture from, but I will add the creator as soon as I found it again)
It had started circulating. The rumours that you wouldn't mind getting down and dirty with a Champion. You realized that while you thought no one was around, you were still in a very public place both times you had sex with one of them, so it was easy to realize how said rumours came to be. Some Champions had started looking at you slightly different, as if they hadn't realized something about you before now. Honestly you didn't care. You were past the point of making yourself believe that you didn't want to have good, sweaty sex with most of them, and this would make it easier to see if they were interested in that idea as well.
Surprise, confusion, intrigue... lust?
There was a lot you felt all at once when you realized that a specific Champion you didn't think would have any interest at all seemed to suddenly show intrigue in you. Oh, this was weird. Both the situation, but more your sudden curiosity that you couldn't seem to shake. You found yourself fantasizing and wondering about the 'how even'. Eyes lingering on the creature more often than not, you realized you'd become slightly obsessed with the thought of being fucked by Fiddlesticks.
Well, it was clear as day now; you were a monsterfucker, and somehow completely okay with the thought as well. You wanted to see how the ancient scarecrow monster would possibly go about fucking you, and you were absolutely not turned off or scared by the idea as well.
Nocturne had made you realize that being scared could be a very arousing situation, so the slight hint of fear you'd always feel when Fiddle was close by was suddenly no longer a reason to stay away.
Fiddlesticks was a strange creature. The ancient horror very much seemed to play favourites, and those it deemed 'fun', or 'cute' or whatever it was it classified his favourites in, were then "blessed" with its constant presence looming nearby. You realized his new favourite was you. Despite being a creature of horror and fear, to Summoners the scarecrow was strangely docile. It was as if it had nothing to gain with scaring Summoners, so it didn't even attempt to (unlike Nocturne, who seemed to do his very best to scare the shit out of them, even though he couldn't actually hurt a Summoner). You being Fiddlesticks' favourite had turned the being from a deceptively docile scarecrow into something more akin to a puppy. Or in his case more like a loyal guard dog, scaring away others with its presence, and making it almost the only one that was around you for the last couple of days.
An ancient eldritch horror, that spoke in short sentences it stole from others, acting like an overexcited puppy at your attention sometimes because you were its favourite, and seemed strangely obsessed with your body after the rumours? Somehow very sexy.
Absentmindedly putting your hand on its large, metal teeth filled maw you didn't realize it came closer and closer out of the corner it had loomed out of before.
"Small, small, tiny-" it rasped, voice fluctuating between rough and high, and low and wheezing. "Such a small little mortal. So soft, so delicious."
Ah, there it was.
It seemed it was in one of its moods again, where it suddenly seemed to realize its interest in you and needed to tell you about how small and fragile you were next to it. Because you both realized how much you liked that fact, and every time it told you that it seemed it would get closer, and the air would be tenser around you both, and every time it would lean back after opening its large drooling maw, seemingly wanting to bite into you, only to give you a pat on the head with one of its ghostly hands and retreat back into standing ominously in its corner with a different stolen voiced chuckle when saw your disappointed face.
You felt the shiver through you when its feral sounding voice mentioned your smallness once again, its claws moving around you, but never touching, sometimes twitching in anticipation. This time you wish it wouldn't pull away. You wanted it to finish what it started with this. Drool hit your shoulder, as its large black tongue slowly lolled out of its mouth. Shit, that was hot, even though it shouldn't be.
Even if this large bastard didn't have a dick to fuck you with at least you knew it had a loooooong tongue to please you with.
You grinned up at it, grabbing the cage that made up its torso, and pulled it in. Its erratic movement made you flinch back a little, but your fearlessness and lust took over as you slowly brought your face close to its and planted a kiss against the jagged metal teeth. Before you could pull away its tongue had licked a long, wet stripe over your neck and lips, making you giggle a bit and push at its face.
A high pitched giggle came from the creature, as you were suddenly pushed against the wall.
"Squishy, delicious mortal. Mine now. Gonna DEVOUR you WHOLE."
A shiver went down your spine at its last words, fear gripping you. Ah, this was a sexy but very dangerous game you were playing. Once again you knew it couldn't technically hurt you, but what you knew and what your instincts were telling you were two different things, and your instincts were telling you to run.
Crow like shapes seemed to appear from black that was seeping down from its body, not yet escaping, but twitching beneath the surface. You realized that Fiddlesticks, the ancient fear, was tense. Holding itself back from whatever it was it wanted to do to you.
"Let's get somewhere comfortable," you said, feeling weird about saying something like that to the scarecrow, but last times were in public and you wanted to be somewhere more private if anything were to happen.
You hoped it would, somehow. With a shy hand you lead the creature to your room, seeing how it hobbled behind you, chirping and making strange unearthly sounds as it let you lead. It's tongue came out, black and dripping, curling around your arm, making you shiver despite the fact you shouldn't be okay with that, or god forbid- turned on by it. Cooing in a strange voice came from it, metal arms coming up to cradle your waist as you took the steps towards your room. A deep sigh of relief escaped you as you stepped over the threshold of your private room, but before you could get your bearings the scarecrow had you up against the door that slammed shut with your weight.
"Youuuuuuu..." its strange voice hissed, as its clawed metal arms dug into the door beside your head, making the wood groan and splinter. "Mine."
Well, for now for sure. Not sure about the future...
"Make me," was your cheeky reply, grinning up at the creature, trying to ignore the wood splintering and groaning next to your ears. It was threatening for sure, but you found its feral, barely held together behaviour over having you absolutely arousing. A stolen giggle, the door actually broke next to your head, and you flinched. Fiddlesticks giant maw opened wide, drool dripping down its teeth, hitting you as its tongue lolled out. It moved forward, closing its maw around your shoulder, and you saw your life flash before your eyes in all its dramatic glory.
Well, that was it. You survived Shaco and Nocturne, but Fiddlesticks was still a bridge too far. Blaming your stupid horny body, it took you a second to realize you had yet to feel any pain. The only thing you felt was a slightly tight grip as its tongue ran across your neck in a gentle, but insistent motion, mapping out your skin for it to remember. Opening your eyes that you had squinted shut a second before your eyes made contact with multiple blinking red eyes opening and closing in an inky blackness that had now seeped outwards from his body.
You felt something crawl up your legs, but you couldn't look down, pinned by Fiddle's very VERY sharp teeth.
"Soft, sweet, gentle," it rasped, as it slightly added some pressure to its bite. It wasn't enough to take a chunk out of your shoulder, but by now it was enough to draw blood, marking you for everyone to see. Thankfully it was just pinpricks in the shape of his maw, and not anything much deeper. You groaned, trying to stay calm, but a slight, soft touch at your abdomen made sure you stayed still for it to mark you. Your eyes now caught a glimpse of black, slowly moving over your abdomen and lower to your pussy where you needed its touch most. It felt like strange tendrils, presumably made from the black material that seemed to be seeping out from its iron skeleton. Its real self you supposed, as you realized the tendrils moved lower as its maw was still around your entire shoulder, coming up to your breast. You had a nice bite mark that was uncoverable due to its size, but Fiddle didn't want to let go just yet, so you didn't push it. The movement on your lower belly moved lower, inching itself into your pants, and you gasped. A rumbling sound came from Fiddlesticks, and you realized with a gasp that it sounded like he was purring.
It was biting you, feeling you up from top to bottom and purring. Your mind was already on the clouds, up, up high where nothing could touch you, and you decided you hug its large head to yourself. The teeth dug in a little deeper, but the purring and the movement on your body grew more insistent, and you were happy with the outcome. It seemed Fiddlesticks wanted your touch about as much as you wanted it to touch you as well.
"F-fiddle," you gasped, as the tendrils found their way into your panties, moving teasingly over your outer lips, slowly getting closer and closer to their goal. You groaned as Fiddle made an appreciative sounding groan, pushing even closer to you as you accepted its touch. Your fingers mapped through its fabric covering, pulling and tearing at it, trying to get it to get closer and closer. You wanted it inside you, though you were unsure if it was able to.
You needed it, that was clear.
"Not gonna hurt youuuuu-" he gasped out in a strange raspy voice, as you felt your pants being pulled down your legs, the tendrils wasting no time exploring the outside lips of your cunt. Shit, that felt good. You rubbed yourself against the tendrils that you still couldn't really see, but they were coming from Fiddlesticks so you were sure they only promised pleasure for today.
And pleasure they delivered as they inched their way inside of you, both of you groaning at the insertion. You realized at its reaction the tendrils were a lot more sensitive than just its arms, and maybe, possibly, they were the equivalent to its dick. Or something like that, considering you definitely felt multiple tendrils both entering you and rubbing against you at the same time.
"Yes, harder," you mewled, bucking against him. "Take me, make me yours..."
"Mine," it repeated as if it was a mantra, as it pulled your lower body away from the door, and closer to the tendrils that pushed inside you further and further. You moaned at the intrusion, and let yourself be manhandled. Its tendrils, dick or whatever it was, felt so good. You wanted more.
"Harder, Fiddle, put it all in."
It purred, but after you said that it growled, as if unhappy with the challenge you presented.
"Greeeeeedy. Take what I give." it said, seemingly irritated, growling against your neck, since its maw was still attached there as if it was a lifeline. Its long tongue was unceasing in its mapping of your skin, inching its way under your outfit, until the scarecrow became impatient.
"Off." was all it said as it finally released you, all of it moving away from you, leaving you empty. "All... off, now. Show all. Soft. Mine. Take."
You quickly stripped of all you wore, standing before the eldritch horror with nothing to protect you from its hungry gaze. And its gaze was ravenous, devouring you whole. A promise for what it was gonna do to you hung in the air, making you shiver and rub your legs together.
"Soooooft. Squishy. Delicious...." it babbled with a raspy voice, as it was once again upon you, pushing you against the wall now, that was much less likely to break under its metal claws that once again found their way next to your head. Shadowy arms emerged from its shadowy body, red eyes opening and closing as Fiddle seemed to lose control over its form, too eager to touch and be inside. The tendrils found your core once again, pushing in harder this time, and now you could actually see them in all their glory.
You were right when you thought there were multiple. After Shaco and Noct you should have been used to strange looking cocks, but Fiddle's was once again in a different league.
Not one, but multiple shadowy writhing tentacles came from its crotch area, seeking your warmth and trying to enter you all at once, black ooze dripping from them and smearing on your skin.
"Ahh, shiiiiit," you moaned at the sight, and Fiddlesticks made a strange growling chittering sound as he finally pushed in all the way, enjoying your tight, wet heat. "Yess, that's it..." He started an uneven rhythm, sporadically pulling and pushing, twitching and throbbing inside of you. There was no way you could keep up with its pace, it was random and harsh, leaving you to the mercy of the beast taking you.
Your ears were hit with "soft", "warm" and "wet" as it kept you on the edge of cumming. "Devour you whole." made you moan, grabbing its large head and planting kissed on it from top to bottem as multiple tendrils took you roughly.
You were glad it wasn't taking you against the door anymore, because you were sure it wouldn't have survived the onslaught. It was damaged already, and with the way you were pushed and slammed into the wall in an uneven pattern the door would have given way, throwing you out onto the hallway and any unsuspecting bystander. Though with the loud sounds the both of you were producing any bystander that was wandering the hallway near your room would not be so innocent anymore.
You hissed and drooled, trying to keep up with the Ancient Fear, but the pace was just too haphazard, like the movements of the rest of its limbs. Suddenly you were brought over the edge as Fiddlesticks licked a long stripe from your clit to your chin, tongue long enough for him to not have to bend down to taste all of you.
"Tasty mortal," it said, and shuddered at your loud orgasm, "Very good." A growl and a hiss, and you were turned around, its tendrils never leaving you. It continued its pace, now pushing your front into the wall, you trying your best not to hit your face against the hard surface. "Think you can take all, little one, think you can take all?" it rasped in your ear, that was instantly assaulted by its long tongue after it was done asking you the question, and you could only moan in response, already so very close to your second orgasm.
"Then TAKE IT." it rasped, voice aggressive and growling as you were practically squashed against the wall, and you felt the tentacles inside you swell and throb, rubbing against each other and your walls, before it came with a howl, maw open wide and shadows bleeding from every orifice, creating a horrifying image if you were able to see it from your position. Eyes were all over its black writhing body. Red, intense, and rolling back all at once as it pumped you full of its cum.
"Yessssssssss," came its hiss, taking minutes before it seemed to be entirely spend. Black, thick cum rolled all over your legs, and it was so warm. You shivered and shuddered as you felt yourself heat up. Your stomach felt bloated, its load was excessive.
A shadowy hand ran over your stomach, rubbing over it as you groaned at the feeling in your core.
It pulled out, grabbing and lifting you, and throwing you on the bed without any exertion. Cum gushed out of you as you hit the bed, and bounced once before Fiddlesticks was on you, multiple arms holding your limbs as its metal face seemed as pleased as could be.
"Good girl," it rasped, long tongue licking its chops before it instantly dove down to your hole that was still gushing its spunk. With languid stripes it licked you clean, taking its time to make you come again and again until you begged for relief.
"Think you can take another one?"
Well, you were getting used to rounds that lasted all night...
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codecicle · 9 months
HELLO !!!! Wondering what. Ur favourite video game is rn. And persnaps🦀 things in it u enjoy ??? (*^_^*)
Subnautica and Subnautica: Below Zero will be my favorite set of games forever and ever man. Mentally I'm still there and I will never leave those games gave me my passion for both robotics and deep-sea travel/creatures in real life its what made me as insane as I am today ^_^
The Reaper leviathans (and all the leviathans in the game for that matter. reefbacks are peak fuck the haters 🔥🔥) always have a little compartment in my brain and I will never shut up about their design and how effective they are when it comes to horror. The way they're introduced AFTER the player runs into the completely friendly reefbacks so their fear of "loud noise/big = bad" is subdued and broken down so their guard is lowered right before entering the dunes and feeling true primal fear for the first time apon seeing them is just executed SO perfectly I've never seen something come even close to comparing. I wouldn't say they're my favorite thing across BOTH games though because oh my goddd that spot is definitely reserved for AL-AN
Him and his whole planet will forever live in my head rent-free (both because I'm not a landlord LMAO and also. Insane about him disease) every little detail about him makes me so insane. The fact that his species is mainly robotic and mechanical so he doesn't understand a majority of Robin's feelings and experiences that she's been through, the way they built apon the original virus on 4546B by explaining the way it showed up and mutated to annihilate every species on that planet was BECAUSE of the very architects that meant to protect it. Them having to build the original quarantine system that crashed Riley's ship (The Aurora) because their bodies weren't entirely mechanical, and all of their biological components were made out of the most efficient and compatible parts of 40-ish species which means once they caught the original disease, every other species that they pulled from could now get it. That only makes them trapping the Emperor Leviathan so much sadder because they didn't realize she could communicate with them and actually give them what the whole planet so desperately needed because they talk through entirely closed off mental frequencies, so even their bio components couldn't let her talk to them. AL-AN being one of the few to try and go against the current and felt bad about what they were doing to the queen is just so in character for him, especially with how he acts to all "lower" lifeforms that Robin runs into. Him being cut off from his entire family and neural-link is just so fucking devastating and him finding that comfort and connection through Robin, going so far as to rescue her and take her off-planet with him once she builds his body will NEVERR leave me man godd what an ending
Speaking of his body, I've gotta say it's the single coolest alien design I've ever fuckin seen. Look at this shit
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like oh my god??? what the fuck right??? everything about it makes me so insane. NOT TO MENTION this concept art (which IS his final design btw just not 3d rendered yet) is made by Pat Presley, who also ended up making concept art for all the other Archetects that we haven't met yet and will meet in Subnautica 3 (whenever the fuck that will begin development LMAO)
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like look at how different they are from him. how much more mechanical and less colorful, more hivemind-esque and lifeless they seem. even just down to the pose he's standing in gives off so much more life than they do and it makes me INSANEEEEE his time with Robin absolutely changed him and his physical form reflects that. He is such a combination of all the other archetects while also being NOTHING like them at the same time. The fact that he is literally able to move and change the shape of his arms and be fluid the same way he is fluid and willing to change unlike all of those on his home planet is crazy to me.
Speaking of his home planet too, it's also sick as fuck and I just need to show this finale screenshot real quick because oh my GODDDD I'm losing it. You have no idea how hyped I was to watch this shit when the full game released
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AND ONE MORE THING!!! speakkkinnggg of the full-game release, the game actually released in beta testing with a different opening than the final version!! and in the beta testing, you started out in the final area where the finale takes place in the final release version. Visiting that old station again at the very end of the game feels like such a nice nod to the beta-testers that feels perfectly planned out. It really makes the game come full circle, even if you don't have the context of the beta testing version to appreciate.
Subnautica is (either story or gameplay-wise) probably the objectively better game imo, but Below Zero holds such a special place in my heart for the AL-AN story line alone. Godd he makes me so insane I love him sm <3 <3 rant over thank you for the ask
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m00707236 · 1 year
Transhumanism in horror media: Part 1- Body Horror
Following the previous post I will be outlining how transhumanism is depicted in horror media. Transhumanism has become a prolific aspect within horror seen manifested in monster horror and body horror.
Body horror and monster horror are similar with many overlaps but their key distinction is that body horror is an inescapable change, a metamorphosis of the body that cannot be reverted or controlled that comes from within, whereas monster horror is an external threat, a separate being or entity.
Body Horror:
In Mutations and Metamorphoses: Body Horror is Biological Horror, Journal of Popular Film and Television, Body horror, Ronald Cruz describes the genera as a ‘trope that showcases often graphic violations of the human body, is also justifiably called biological horror’ that tackles evolution, mutation, hybrids and metamorphoses. Filmmaker David Cronenberg, considered a principal originator of body horror through his works ‘Shivers’(1975) and ‘Rabid’(1977) described the body horror in his work: ‘It's a fascination with the human body. But it's also a willingness to look at what's there without flinching, and to say: 'This is what we're made of, as disgusting as it might seem at times.' Because I'm really saying that the inside of the human body must have a completely different aesthetic. I could conceive of a beauty contest where people would unzip themselves and show you the best spleen and the best-looking viscera.’ Cronenberg holds a mirror to the audience, displaying the disturbing facets of the body, highlighting its flaws and weaknesses as it is unable to fight its transformations. When interviewed he was asked how his fascination with the human body has changed over his time working in film and he responded that ‘its probably changed with my body changing… I have hearing aids, I’ve just had cataract eye surgery so I’m now looking at you through plastic lenses instead of the original lenses in my eyes which I used to make all my films up to now... I am bionically enhanced… and it produces a different reality’ Cronenberg is acutely aware of the transhuman changes present within himself as well as his works, but unlike most body horror he takes a compellingly optimistic stance on bodily transformations, similar to the optimism of the transhumanists, saying ‘It’s like a diamond that has many facets. You’re looking into the same interior, but from different facets of the diamond, and you’re saying, what if we stopped fighting this? What if in fact, what’s happening is a good thing? It’s easy to see that it could be bad, but what if it’s actually good? Let’s just imagine that and spin a narrative where that’s actually the case. Let’s see where that leads us.’
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(The different stages of Seth Brundle's gradual transformation, David Cronenberg, 1986, 'The Fly')
Body horror can range in its ruinous effects on the body, this can range from recognition of the horror of the body, to partial transformation, and finally to complete destruction of the original and familiar body. For instance in the movie ‘Teeth’(2007) the protagonist has no great transformation where her body becomes wholly unrecognisable, the ruin is the unearthing of knowledge about her body. In comparison the movie ‘An American Werewolf in London’(1981) has a transformation of the protagonist David that may be painful, however, it does not require his human form to be completely destroyed, he can exist between two worlds and two bodies. In some cases the destruction of the body is imperative to the transformation of the body and is necessary for something stronger to be created like in David Cronenberg’s film ‘The Fly’(1986), or ‘Tusk’(2014). In the movie ‘Tusk’ the protagonist is kidnapped by a mad mammal-obsessed scientist and his body cut and reshaped to be a walrus. By the film's end, the protagonist still exists but will forever be a human man-made walrus. Body horror, no matter where it sits on the spectrum of transformation, is ultimately about rebirth, whether for better or for worse, the subject is forced to exist in a new way, losing the body and often the self that they were so familiar with.
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(Davids transformation into a werewolf, John Landis, 1981, 'An American Werewolf in London')
This perspective is captured by Nadine Smith in her essay talking about body horror and M. Night Shyamalan’s film ‘Old’(2021): ‘in ‘Old’, bones shatter and re-heal in record time, only to break again; tumours grow at a massive rate; and infections eat the human body in fast-motion. By condensing all the physical changes we undergo over the course of a lifetime into a few hours, Shyamalan shows how disturbing it is to feel your body becoming foreign to you… ‘Old’ is ultimately a film about an accelerated loss of autonomy’. Body horror makes the viewer acutely aware of their body and the changes it is constantly experiencing, though these may not be transformations like those depicted in the movies, they are still ‘flaws’ or challenges that people face because of existing in a human body, whether that be ageing, body dysphoria, pregnancy, menstruation, or disability. Body horror  encompasses the horror of living in a body that will be faulty and someday expire expressed by award winning horror fiction writer Caitlin Starling, ‘Body horror is in some ways the easy option. It hurts. It disgusts, by definition. we all have bodies, and the entry fee of being embodied is the certainty- not the risk, the certainty- that eventually, something will go wrong with it. We will lose control of it, we will suffer indignities large and small, we will at some point (at multiple points) have to redefine what it is to be ourselves as our bodies change in ways we can’t predict. And even when our bodies are working “normally”, there are still little horrors that we’ve all learned to welcome: pregnancies, painful growth spurts, aging. That familiarity is what makes body horror such a visceral, overwhelming, powerful tool in storytelling.’  Both Smith and Starling highlight two key factors that create the fear in body horror, the loss of control and the familiar becoming foreign.
We all have bodies, so will all be able to relate to the characters depicted within body horror; Smith relates her views on body horror to her gender dysphoria and transitioning, saying that ‘Old’ ‘mirrors, however unintentionally, the experience many trans people have with their bodies.’, Starling relates body horror to her miscarriages ‘The pain was probably the easiest part to deal with. It was cathartic, and followed a narrative, and had an end point. The hardest part, by far, was the loss of control…You have, somewhere in you, a very personal understanding of what it’s like to be inside a body that both is and isn’t you. That is what you need to reach for, whether your body horror is mundane or magical, prosaic or operatic. You may have never experienced having your intestines rerouted into an impossible object, but you know what it is to be afraid, to not understand what’s happening to your body.’. And, finally, Cronenberg relates his experiences with body horror to his aging and transhuman enhancements as seen above. When related to transhuman changes related to technology he states ‘It’s sort of saying, okay, let’s say that this transformation of the human body that I believe, in fact, is happening because of technology, because of the internet, because of digital media and all of that—I think our nervous systems are adapting to that and are actually changing,” he explains “Therefore we are literally physically quite different from human beings 100 years ago, not to mention 2,000 years ago.” Body horror is scary because it is real, we are all transforming, in different ways, every day, and even though change may be an inherent human fear, it is inevitable.
Cruz Ronald Allan Lopez, (2012), Mutations and Metamorphoses: Body Horror is Biological Horror, Journal of Popular Film and Television, 40:4, 160-168, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01956051.2012.654521
Smith Nadine, (2021) How Body horror movies helped me process my gender dysphoria,  Them, https://www.them.us/story/body-horror-gender-dysphoria-essay
Starling Caitlin,(2021), Why Body Horror is such an evocative tool in storytelling, Body Horror is powerful because it is personal, Crime Reads, https://crimereads.com/on-body-horror-ableism-and-miscarriage/
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crazyworldofemmamarie · 11 months
Day 28 of Rammstein's Countdown to Halloween
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2 (1986, dir. Tobe Hooper)
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Plot: Leatherface and his family have spent the last 13 years in hiding, however when an altercation on the highway leaves behind evidence, the family finds themselves butting heads with a radio station host and an angry lieutenant out for revenge.
If yesterday we watched the greatest horror film of all time, it's only right to watch the amazing sequel that came after it.
I really do like this movie, for everything that it has to offer: music, humor, gore and more. It just really hits the spot.
First off, I like how just like the film that came before it, this film also serves as a social commentary on a few things: the biggest things being the media and consumerism. Supposedly, Hooper made this film as a responds to horror geeks wondering why Leatherface, unlike Jason and Freddy or even Michael had sequels and he didn't really want to make a sequel as he didn't see the point of it, plus it was a time where studios where just trying to make the big bucks and we all know that old tale with those slasher sequels they tend to to lead more towards the goofy side; Now I don't exactly understand exactly what happened but one day Hooper just said : Fuck it and made the movie and what i like a about it is he made it kind of goofy and completely different from the first one which basically stated you wanted something like the other movies, well you'll get something like it and honestly what a great way to respond to that type of suggestion or feedback. Hooper was honestly a true artist and really knew how to make a statement, I really think he is unappreciated director.
And it doesn't just stop there, like there are multiple things in the film that touch on media and consumerism like with the radio: for example both after brothers Leatherface and Chop Top are caught on call (while it's recording) killing to guys in a vehicle that had cut them off earlier, while they had called the radio station to make a request (or harass our final girl, radio star Stretch I should say) when this catches the attention of Lit. Lefty, a relative of Sally's from the previous film, who is out looking for revenge on Leatherface and his family for killing his nephew and sending his niece Sally to a psych ward; he asked Stretch to play the tape with the recordings of the killing in hopes of either finding someone with answers or in Lefty's mind, to lead the killers to them. It seems like a lot, but when ya see the movie, it's genius and it says a lot. Like I do find it funny that the family constantly listens to the radio but you know what that makes sense really, cause so was everyone in the film. The radio is used as a way to know what is happening in the world, and it's a way to communicate and I really appreciate how when they station was introduced it was to promote rock music and local news and now it's being used to find investigate a crime which I really enjoy how Hooper was aware of the radio and that sort of media and it's power. The radio is not alone in this either, newspapers, tv and more are used in the film as a sort of way to bring attention to the family.
Now, the Leatherface's family wasn't always victim to this, in fact I really like how the family uses both media and consumerism to their advantage such as the oldest Drayton going to chili cooking competitions and getting interviews to promote their 'prime meat' or how Chop Top listens to music for entertainment and I'm sorry they live in an abandoned amusement park and amusement parks scream all of that stuff. Speaking of such, I actually really enjoy the old signs leading you to the park cause that's another detail that goes along with that evidence as well.
But enough about that, man I could go on and on about these two films, but I'll slow it down and bring us back to our regular scheduled program, haha.
Okay, well, the sets are totally cool like I really think we should get a theme park based on the amusement park the Sawyer family lives in cause it's just that cool looking. I just really think it's neat, they have it set up like it's a maze full of all sort of found treasure and corpses.
I love how this film is more colourful than the first one and I love the use of the red and greenish tones that are used for the lighting in the radio station it's just so effective. The soundtrack is amazing, love how they started it with Oingo Boingo's 'No One Lives Forever' from the album Dead Man's Party I just think it really matches the vibe of the film and even the family themselves. I also really love the references to other musical artist like Humble Pie and Iron Butterfly even by the details in the set design of the station. It's well though out.
The fact that they had Leatherface fall for the final girl is so great and honestly pokes such fun at the whole, 'oh the slasher is always so infatuated with that one person' idea/philosophy.
The gore is is top notch and I like how some of the kills were paralleled to the kills from the first movie, as a fan I enjoy that. It was scary, funny and really action filled movie I must say.
I think the acting is absolutely rocks in this film. Caroline Williams (Stretch) is such a badass. I love how they got Jim Siedow to come back and play the Cook/Drayton Sawyer, he is always a pleasure to watch and I love how he just lets loose for the film and makes Drayton completely unhinged. Of course, Bill Moseley steals the show as Chop Top. Favourite scene has to be the introduction of Chop Top because I'm sorry he's actually kind of really creepy, like when he says, "I know what you're thinking right now, and you're saying I can probably handle it, but nah you won't' He's just so self aware yet his brain is just so scattered at the same time, of course that probably due to the metal plate he's got on his head from war, but that's neither here nor there. Chop Top is a force all on his own he can go from scary to down right hilarious in a matter of seconds. Dennis Hopper is also amazing in the film and plays a great Lt. Lefty and that character was just as unhinged as the family was, comedy gold right there!
The effects were great, the props themselves are so cool, especially the Hitchhiker's corpse being used as a prom as Chop Top carried his dead twin around (The Hitchhiker if from the first film) is just too good to be true sometimes.
See, I told ya I could go on and on about this movie, but I only got so much space, haha. I highly, highly recommended, I know it wasn't popular at the time of its release but it's really a misunderstood masterpiece. Truly.
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Yuletide letter 2023
Things I really like: third-person limited (one POV character), canon-divergent AUs/fics that are set in the canon world*, soulmate tropes
Hello author! This is my second Yuletide and first one where I realized I should write a letter. Feel free to poke around here (my main blog) or my AO3 (gandmvsm or tripleorderstix, I don't really know how pseuds work lmao) if you want to know anything more about me or what I like!
Actual letter content below the readmore!
Things I usually don't like: most other AUs, permanent major character death, first- or second-person, more violence than canon-typical, POV character pregnancy, on-screen rape/sexual assault
Strict DNWs: adult/child romantic or sexual relationships, pregnancy, detailed body horror (implied/offscreen is ok), omegaverse
*To give an example, I wouldn't be interested in a standard coffee shop AU for Supernatural, but I would be interested in a Supernatural coffee shop AU where demons and monsters still exist on-screen, but Sam and Dean's main gig just happens to be working in a coffee shop instead of being hunters. (...This explanation may have made things less clear, sorry!)
Higurashi - Rika, Satoko
I love the original VN, anime, and Gou, I just didn't love how Sotsu was an exact retread of Gou instead of its own arcs. I'd love to see any expansion of that world, though! Is there a loop we didn’t see? Something post-Sotsu? A sidebar from a loop we did see, but with a different focus? I also know and love Umineko also if you want to work in any details from that canon. (I don't know anything about Ciconia, so feel free to include but any references will go over my head.)
I'm very into Satoko and Rika's unhealthy relationship, in any form - romantic, platonic, somewhere in between. I'm very much /not/ into romantic Mion/Shion, Satoko/Satoshi, or adult/child romantic relationships. Any other characters and/or relationships you want to include are welcome!
AI: The Somnium Files - Bibi, Ryuki
Spoiler warning for AI:NI, although if you matched on this fandom you already know what's up
I'm so so fond of all the members of ABIS, and I think we should have gotten more interactions between Ryuki and Bibi. I'd love to see how they interact when Ryuki isn't in the middle of a literal mental breakdown. Or maybe when he is, if that's something that inspires you! Besides the requested characters, I also love Date, Mizuki, and Boss, and of course Tama and Aiba.
You can include any other characters or relationships you're interested in!
Zero Escape - Akane, Junpei
Akane is my problematic girlboss fave and whatever other buzzword you want to apply to her. I'm in love with her and want any story that features her front and center. I love how she can be so cold about what needs to be done, but she does still care about people, at least to their face. Her relationship with Junpei in particular is just so juicy - sure we got two and a half games or so of it, but I want more!
Of the three games, 999 is my favorite game, so something set before/during/between it and ZTD would be fantastic. Snake, Clover, and Santa are my other favorites from that game if you're inspired to include them!
Taskmaster - Alex, Greg
And now for something completely different after a string of visual novels. Taskmaster on its own would already interest me because I love funny people doing stupid things, but then whatever the fuck Alex and Greg have going on fascinates me. I also have a huge celebrity crush on Alex.
Greg/Alex is the popular ship for a reason and I'd love to see something about them, but if you want to go into any other ships or platonic relationships instead or in addition, please do! I'd prefer any family or real-life relationships be ignored, or treated as if they never existed. E.g. Alex and Rachel just never met in the world of your fic.
Unlike my other requests, some of my favorite fics for this fandom have been AUs! As long as there's still Greg and Alex's BDSM thing going ON, I'm happy with any setting. If you aim more towards "canon," I'm a huge fan of the studio banter.
Powerwash Simulator - worldbuilding
This game has the weirdest lore. Imagine future humans (or possibly aliens? Still not sure!) showing up in your society and saying hey, you need to worship a power washer so that this volcano in definitely-not-England doesn't erupt and kill everyone. What does that even look like?
Or, you work at the mayor's office and he's definitely not sacrificing the entire town's cats to said volcano. Of course not! How do you deal with that??
These are just two ideas off the top of my head. Don't feel limited by those prompts, I want to see anything that goes beyond the handful of text messages you receive in-game!
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