#so presumably. sam came back to dean’s room. saw he was missing. found and read the note. tore the bunker apart to look for him.
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sweetpapercroissant · 9 months ago
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this scene is so funny to me because this. dramatic ass mf. kept the note in dean’s room. on dean’s bed. even weeks after he’s gone. and he just. walks in there all maudlin to pick it up and read it and brood. then put it back down there and walk out. rinse and repeat. for 6 weeks.
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blueaura · 4 years ago
Lost and Found Ch. 7
A/N: I was supposed to finish this chapter the day before yesterday but then the finale happened and I needed time to recover. I loved it - it wasn’t perfect but I still absolutely loved it. It made me cry, which I detest but I still loved it. If anyone wants to talk about the finale, send me an ask or a message!  Thanks to everyone who’s read and re-blogged it this far. As always, any tips and suggestions are welcome. Feedback would be amazing. Thank you and happy reading!
Summary: Sam and Dean meet a young hunter who is a little rough around the edges and they reluctantly take her under their wing. But she might be a little more connected to them that any of them realise.
Word Count: 2.6k
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
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Chapter 7
Y/N didn’t know how to feel when Dean said they were 10 minutes out. She was nervous and anxious at the prospect of entering an unknown environment, but she was also reluctantly looking forward to not sleeping in a motel room anymore. She tried to desperately keep herself calm as they approached the bunker. The car ride had been surprisingly enjoyable. Dean’s music was similar to her tastes and they had a lot of fun annoying Sam, who ended up plugging in his earphones. The tension present in the beginning of the ride had melted away by the third Metallica track, and Y/N had finally relaxed after all the excitement of the previous day. But now she felt all her emotions crowding her, bombarding her senses as the distance between them and her new home continued to shrink. Temporary new home, she reminded herself.
Dean noticed her little freak out session in the backseat but decided against pulling over. He knew that if he gave her the slightest chance, she’d run, even if deep down she wanted this. So, he just continued driving and hoped that she would have an easier time once they arrived and she had a chance to unwind.
The bunker came into view just a few minutes later and Dean winced as he belatedly realised how this abandoned building would look to a stranger like Y/N. He didn’t exactly see any option other than to get her inside the bunker and re-affirm that she’s safe, so he pulled up in front of the huge building as Y/N took in her surroundings.
“This is your home?” she sounded skeptical, but not afraid which Dean took as a good sign.
“It was an old men of letters bunker and since they were all wiped out in the 50s, as legacies, we took over. Our grandfather was a member.” Sam had already jumped into nerd mode and started explaining who the men of letters were, so Dean figured his brother could handle Y/N and busied himself with unlocking the front door.
Y/N walked down the steps still not exactly sure this was as awesome as Dean had described in the car, but then the entirety of the bunker came into view and she looked around in awe. Sam and Dean exchanged looks of barely contained glee as they saw the young hunter excitedly explore the place. This was probably the most animated they had seen her in their short time together. She actually looked and acted like a kid and Dean’s heart ached at the unfamiliar sight.
“This is amazing! You guys have your own freaking bat cave!”
Sam started to explain everything to Y/N and Dean took this opportunity to go in search of their resident angel. With a quick word to his brother, letting him know where he was going, Dean made his way to Cas’s room leaving Y/N and Sam to nerd it out.
He knocked on Cas’s door but heard no response. Worried, he twisted the handle to find it unlocked. He opened the door completely and stopped in his tracks, smiling wryly at the sight that greeted him. Cas had apparently taken Sam’s suggestion to heart. He was lounging in what looked like Dean’s sweatpants and hoodie, with Netflix playing on the TV he had apparently dragged from Sam’s room to his own. Cas himself was sound asleep, the dim light from the TV letting Dean see the drool on his face. He snickered quietly and took out his phone to click a picture.
Although Cas looked better than before, Dean was still worried about his friend. Just the fact that he needed to sleep was enough to tell him that Cas wasn’t at full strength, despite his claim that he was better. He contemplated waking the angel up and introducing him to Y/N but decided against it. He looked relaxed for the first time in days and Dean couldn’t find it in his heart to disturb him just yet.
After taking a couple of more pictures, for blackmail material of course, Dean finally left Cas to rest, closing the door lightly behind him. Instead of joining Sam, he decided to make up a room for Y/N and hunt down some food. He chose the room right in front of his, so that if she had any problem, she could come straight to him. He also realised at that particular moment that he cared more about this girl than he did for his privacy and it was a little jarring for Dean Winchester. He knew Sammy would probably make fun of him for it, but he couldn’t bring himself to care.
He made his way back to the war room after making sure Y/N’s room had everything she could need, and realised that Sam had moved on to the library where Y/N was currently exclaiming over all the different books, seemingly over her hesitation of staying with them.
“Well, Cas is asleep and I think your room is missing a TV. And possibly some clothes. He was lounging in sweats which is a first. But at least he looked better,” Dean said to Sam.
“I thought angels didn’t sleep?” Y/N turned to Dean, still at ease, which made him less anxious about having her there. Maybe it would just work after all.
“Usually they don’t. Cas… he already wasn’t at full strength but then this witch Rowena put a rabid dog curse on him – it’s a whole thing, I’ll explain later. But he was pretty wiped out and I guess he’s still recovering. He doesn’t look near death anymore though, which is good.”
“I’m more surprised that he’s actually wearing something other than his usual look,” Sam snorted.
“Yeah, I don’t think we’ve ever seen him wearing normal clothes besides that one time when he was human – it’s a long story,” he said before Y/N could ask.
“You’ll tell me later I presume,” she said wryly, echoing his previous statement, “You guys have a lot of long stories.”
“What can I say? Our lives are interesting,” Dean grinned. “Come on, I’ll show you to your room.”
He walked her through the bunker, showing her the common washrooms, the kitchen and pointing out his and Sam’s rooms.
“And this,” he pushed open the door, “is yours. You can personalise it if you want. I’m right next door and Sam’s is right down the hall so, holler if you need anything.”
Y/N looked inside and suddenly the overwhelming feeling came back. Her own room. For the first time in her life she had a place she could call her own, albeit temporarily, she had to keep reminding herself.
“Thanks,” she said, and if she sounded a little choked up, Dean mercifully didn’t mention it.
“Settle in and get some rest kiddo,” he nodded at her, “Cas will probably be up in an hour or so… you can meet him then.”
He hesitated at the door. “Have you… did you change your mind?” he cleared his throat roughly, “about Cas and the… thing I mean.”
“I… I don’t know Dean. Maybe later. It’s already too much right now.”
She felt awful when he visibly deflated, cursing herself for hurting someone who had been nothing but kind to her.
“Yeah, alright. No problem, kid. Just – let me know if you change your mind.”
He quickly left the room after that.
Y/N was pacing her new room. She couldn’t get over the defeated look on Dean’s face. She knew he wouldn’t show it, but he too really wanted to get it over with. If she was being honest with herself, so did she. She was just scared.
The more Sam reiterated the idea, the stronger it grew in her head. At first, she had laughed at the mere implication that Dean Winchester could be her biological father, but then she started building it up in her head, and now she honestly needed to know. Because now she wasn’t sure it was a joking matter, after all.
But for a person like her to even begin to grasp the idea of family was too much. She wasn’t scared of whatever the results could be. She could do worse in that area. What scared her was whatever came after – after finding out the truth. She once again felt anger rising for her mother. If only she had been honest, this wouldn’t be happening. But then again, Sandra L/N was hardly ever honest.
Could she be happy here? It was safe, she had access to food. It was a home base – everything she had dreamed of having in the last few years since she had been alone. And rationally, she knew Sam and Dean wouldn’t hurt her – at least not intentionally. She usually took much longer to trust someone but there was just something about them that made her feel… safe. Something she hadn’t felt with anyone in a long time.
So maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. She was pretty sure they wouldn’t pressure her to do anything she wasn’t comfortable with – Sam had reassured her of that much already. And maybe she would finally have someone to look out for her and in return she could look out for them.
She started pacing more furiously as she went over multiple scenarios in her head, overthinking every little detail. Family equalled hurt and pain in her head. And for Y/N, it had always been difficult to win against her head. She remembered when she used to believe in her mother, before she had realised that she was just a burden to her – someone she got saddled with and had no choice but to drag around. She hadn’t stopped hunting when Y/N was born, in fact she had thrown herself more into it. Her recklessness was what had finally done her in. Y/N had mostly been left with the neighbours or cheap babysitters when she was younger, before her mother decided that she was old enough to survive without supervision. She had been 6 at the time.
She had figured out how to survive by herself and she was good at it. She didn’t mind being alone, but she also craved affection, which created a weird juxtaposition of want and need inside her, that she mostly tried to bury deep down. The past week had thrown her life into a complete frenzy and all her defence mechanisms seemed useless at that moment.
Before she could spiral further, Sam knocked at her door, to fetch her for dinner. She visibly reigned herself in, but Sam didn’t comment once – just gave her an understanding smile. All these little instances were piling inside her head – how kind the Winchesters were to her and how much they seemed to care about her, making her crave that connection with them that she was too scared to allow herself to form.
“Cas is up. He’s in the kitchen with Dean, so you can meet him now,” Sam said as he started leading the way to the kitchen. Y/N’s steps faltered behind him. He paused and looked back at her,
“Hey, it’s alright. Cas is not gonna hurt you and we’ll be there the entire time,” Sam tried to console her.
“I know… I think I’m just realising that I’m about to meet an actual angel,” she squeaked, forgetting everything else for a minute.
Sam smiled at that. He remembered how overwhelmed he had been when he’d first met Cas, although the meeting hadn’t been a great one. He and Dean sometimes forgot that having an angelic best friend was not common for everyone else.
“You’ll be fine. Cas isn’t like other angels – for one, he isn’t a complete dick,” Sam laughed as he continued with Y/N in tow.
“Easy for you to say. I have never even met an angel before!” This easy camaraderie with the brothers was what was pushing her to get over her fears and Y/N could feel that pull again – the need to find out more.
“Well, you’re about to in a minute. Come on,” Sam gently pushed her in front of him, guiding her to the kitchen.
She saw Dean first, who was handing a cup of coffee to, she presumed, Castiel. Cas wasn’t what she imagined he would be. He didn’t seem intimidating. He had a ridiculous case of bedhead going on and it looked like Dean was in mother-hen mode again, as Cas was wearing a blanket around his shoulders that he didn’t seem too happy about.
Dean turned to her and smiled, gesturing for her to take a seat as he put the final touches to the pasta he’d whipped up.
“Well, looks like it’s introduction time! Y/N, this is our best friend and resident angel – Castiel. Cas, this is Y/N,�� Dean grinned as Cas tried to awkwardly shake Y/N’s hand.
“It’s really good to meet you Y/N. I understand that you’re looking for some answers I may be able to provide. I hope I can be of assistance,” Cas’s voice was very deep, which surprised Y/N. She weakly smiled back at him, not entirely comfortable with the subject.
“Ah, yes. We’re gonna take a rain-check on that bud. You’re not at full strength yet and I don’t want you to derail your recovery,” Dean didn’t want to put Y/N on the spot and say she didn’t want to find out yet. The kid had been through enough.
“Dean, I’m fine,” Cas said, annoyance clear in his voice, “It barely requires me to do anything. I just need to look at her soul.”
“My soul?” Y/N squeaked, but no one heard her because Dean was suddenly almost yelling.
“Wait, wait, wait! Look at her soul? Like what you did to that boy, and to Sam when he was soulless? Yeah, that’s not happening.”
“Sam was what?” her voice was even more high-pitched now but again, she was ignored.
“No Dean. I don’t need to touch her soul to recognise it. I merely need to look at it carefully, with her permission of course. I’m very familiar with your soul, I would recognise a piece of it anywhere,” Cas assured in a soothing voice. Dean was now looking away, embarrassed and Y/N wondered what was going on there. She turned to Sam – confusion clear on her face. He just shook his head, exasperated. Clearly, he had been stuck watching this dance for a long time.
“Yeah, alright. As long as there’s no soul touching involved. That isn’t pleasant from what I’ve seen. And look, there’s no rush alright? You need to rest a little more and Y/N needs some time to adjust,” Dean said much more calmly now that he knew he wouldn’t be subjecting Y/N to excruciating pain.
Cas was clearly rearing up to argue with Dean about his ability to perform the task, regardless of his recovery, when Y/N spoke from behind them.
In that split second, she decided that it was no use putting it off until later. She would either drive herself crazy or talk herself out of it entirely and run away from the only safe place she knew.
“Alright. Do it.”
Everyone stopped talking immediately, which unnerved Y/N to no end, but she steeled herself against the scrutiny. This was it. This was her choice.
“Let’s do this,” she repeated, nodding for good measure.
Dean looked at her for a good minute, then nodded to Cas, clenching his fists even as Sam moved to stand beside him and Cas came to stand in front of where Y/N was sitting.
She exhaled sharply as she felt his palm touch her forehead. It was show time.
Chapter 8
TAGS: @vicmc624​ @carisi-sonny​ @zizzlekwum​ @geekqueen5​ @mondefantastique​ @lemondropirwin​ @hamildork​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​
If anyone else would like to be tagged, please send me an ask (: Thanks for reading!
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A quick, abrupt beep sound emanated twice from Sam’s watch, jarringly reminding him that his girlfriend, (Y/N), was going to be home from her jog soon. He panicked. He knew exactly how his--wonderfully--sexually adventurous girlfriend was going to react to coming home and finding two of him. He considered it--for her--but as he eyed the prissy, ponytail-sporting version of himself struggling to open a simple beer bottle, he knew there was no way.  
“Uh, Dean, could we maybe have this conversation…” He eyed the centrally located map table room dubiously, “elsewhere?” He then eyed their two, silver-spooned, man-bun and ascot wearing counterparts with the same expression and added, “before (Y/N) gets back from jogging?” 
“Why?” Dean asked, confused. Sam grimaced slightly; how to explain?
“Who’s (Y/N)?” Fancy Dean asked. 
Sam didn’t have time to figure out how to answer either question before they heard the unmistakable sound of the bunker door open and then shut.
“Shit.” Sam bristled, pinching the bridge of his nose. Oh, boy, this was going to be awkward, he just knew it.
Dean, his fancy counterpart, and Fancy Sam craned their necks to see who it was they heard entering the bunker. Dean wasn’t surprised to see it was his brother’s partner. The Stuffy Bros, however, were stunned.
It was understandable; you were stunning. Tall enough, but still dwarfed by the men in the room. Your jogging outfit consisted of a neon pink sports bra and matching leggings, both of which accentuated your naturally plump and curvy figure beautifully. A matching pink headband bordered the soft cloud of hair atop your head, which bounced ever so lightly with each step. There were headphones in your ears and a light sheen of sweat covering your skin, making it glow. 
Staring down at your phone, you carefully descended the stairs, presumably fiddling with your jogging app, which made you appear almost as though you were walking in slow motion.
“Who’s that?” Fancy Sam asked, mesmerized. 
“My partner,” Sam explained in a hushed voice, forcing himself not to look directly at you, as though the feeling of his eyes might catch your attention. 
Maybe she’ll just walk out of the room without looking up, He hoped. 
“Your dad lets you date?” Fancy Sam and Dean seemed shocked. Regular Sam and Dean shared a highly confused--and maybe a little concerned--expression.
“Dude, he’s almost 40.” Dean scolded himself. He seemed offended at the question. 
When you reached the bottom of the stairs, you casually walked through the room, heading for the hallway to the bedroom you shared with Sam. With a quick, distracted glance up from your phone, you smiled sweetly at Fancy Sam.
“Hey honey.” The haughty man blushed furiously under the gaze of your bright, happy eyes and averted his own, though yours were back down on your phone before you’d even started talking. 
Sam winced and held his breath as you kept walking. All four of them watched you with bated breath; Sam and Dean wondering if you was going to notice the difference, Fancy Sam and Dean wondering who the hell the gorgeous woman was. 
Once you'd reached the doorway, Sam almost allowed himself to relax. Then you paused. 
Still scrolling through your phone, you pulled out one of your earbuds and said, “‘Bout to take a shower, you wanna join me?” Looking away from the phone, you tossed a flirty wink at Fancy Sam. A split second later, your eyes saw that Sam was actually standing up on the other side of the table. Your brain registered him and thought you’d just accidentally asked Cas to join you in the shower, so you turned back to apologize to the man sitting in the chair. But you found Sam in the chair, not Cas. But Sam was also standing up on the other side of the table. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed both Deans and snapped your neck to look. 
No one moved. 
Taking slow, careful steps, you walked back into the room and around to stand at the head of the table, between Sam and Fancy Sam. Your eyes got wide, looking back and forth between all four of them slowly. 
Without looking at anyone in particular you asked, “Uh, Sam?” 
“Yes?” Fancy Sam and Sam responded at the same time. Your eyes went wider still. Sam gave his clone an exasperated look, to which he shrugged innocently. You looked them both up and down quizzically.
After a moment, you shuffled a few inches closer to the Sam who wasn't wearing a ponytail and wondered aloud, “Did something happen while I was jogging?”
“Uhhh, you could say that,” Sam nodded helplessly. He was really hoping this didn’t get awkward, though he was watching you closely and knew it was a long shot. You had noticed Fancy Sam avoiding looking at you, which allowed you to run your eyes over him slowly once more. Though it was clear that his mannerisms were very different, other than the man bun, he looked exactly the same as Sam. Your Sam. Your very, very hot, very, very sexy, and very, very amazing-in-bed Sam. 
Exactly the same. A smirk appeared on your lips. 
“(Y/N)?” Sam asked, seeing the look you were giving his snooty self.
“Wha?” You hadn't taken your eyes off Fancy Sam, whose cheeks were burning under your gaze. It made you grin. You wondered if everything was the same...
“Sorry!” You turned quickly back to Sam and Dean and asked, “So uh...how did the doublemint twins show up?” Fancy Sam and Dean shared a slightly offended look. 
“God’s pissed, alternate realities are blending, it’s a whole big... thing,” Dean explained nonchalantly.
 “Oh?” You asked absentmindedly, looking back at Fancy Sam again. He’d finally been brave enough to look you in the eye and you gave him a flirty smile. “Well, hello. I’m (Y/N), Sam’s partner. Nice to meet you, both.”
Fancy Dean instantly stood up and reached across the table with an open hand. Slightly surprised, you instinctively reached back with yours to shake it. He took your hand and instead placed a soft, polite kiss on the back, “Enchante, mademoiselle. Dean. Lovely to meet you.”
You grinned and let out a nervous, girly laughter, while Sam and Dean exchanged annoyed looks. Fancy Dean let go of your hand and sat back down as you turned to Fancy Sam, who swallowed nervously. 
With an abrupt throat clearing, he announced himself formally, “Samuel Henry Johnathan Winchester. Pleased to meet you.” 
"What the fuck?" Sam muttered quietly and Dean tried hard to keep from laughing. When you took his hand, he gave you a quick, polite shake, barely meeting your eye, then let go as though your soft, silky skin burned him.
“Are you boys staying?” You asked, trying not to sound too hopeful, though Sam could read it all over your face. 
“No.” Sam and Dean echoed together sternly. 
Your neck snapped toward Sam suddenly and the two of you exchanged a few looks back and forth. 
After a glance or two at Fancy Sam, Sam reiterated a firm, “No!” 
“Oh, fine!” Your foot stomped and, with a huff, you turned quickly and headed for the doorway while angrily grumbling, “But when my double shows up and you want to do naughty things to her, my answer is going to be no, too!” 
With a sigh, he called knowingly after you, “No it won’t!”
“Damnit!” Came your frustrated reply from down the hallway.
“So, do you have a partner, too?” Fancy Dean asked Dean, scanning his eyes around the bunker with piqued curiosity.
Just then, Castiel entered from the kitchen with four beers to hand out, "What'd I miss?"
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supernatural7543 · 4 years ago
loki x reader pt 3
okay i may have a slight supernatural problem :D but idc because i see it as a beautiful thing.
warnings. there is blood and abuse in this as well as suicidal tendencies such as cutting. please read at your own risk.
Your POV
You woke up on loki's lap. He was reading and gently stroking your hair. You looked up at him and smiled. He saw you and smiled back. “Get me a drink?” You asked. Loki smiled and said “as you wish.”  He went and got you some water and you sat up. You looked around and saw Tony standing there mouth agape. Shit. You stood up “hey tony. How's it going?” Tony didn't say anything he just stood there glaring at you and Loki. “Tony?” You were getting more and more scared by the minute. Fortunately Steve walked in and broke the silence. “What did you do while we were gone?” He sounded angry. “W-we watched a few movies.” You were really scared. When Steve was mad it was a big deal. Tony spoke up. “Just movies?” His face was serious. “Come with me.” Loki looked at you with worry in his eyes. “It's cool I'll meet you later okay?” You told him. He nodded and you followed tony. When you were in the elevator he spoke up. “We just want to...talk, with you.”  He said ‘talk’ the same way your mom used to say it. You quickly got out of the elevators and into the conference room where the others were waiting for you. You slowly sat down seeing as there was nowhere to run. “Y/N we just wanted to see how you were.” Steve said in a calm manner. “Shut up rogers!” Tony yelled “I thought I told you to stay away from Loki! He's dangerous y/n!” Your eyes widened. You had never heard Tony yell before. “No he's not! Not to me. Maybe he's only dangerous because that's what you make him be in your heads. You're not willing to see him in another light!” You yelled back. “This is no time to be sassing me girl!” Tony yelled, raising an arm. You reflexively scrambled backwards. Steve and nat ran forward grabbing Tony's arm. You stared at him in disbelief and fear before you ran.       You got to your room and snatched up your get away bag. You always had it ready just in case but you never thought you would need it here. You put on shoes and some real clothes. You could hear the yelling below you. They were trying to find you. You hid when you heard someone run by and went quietly to the roof. You were on the helicopter pad now but you wanted to go higher. You climbed carefully up to the very top of the tower and sat there taking in the sun set. You pulled out your blanket and curled up settling in for the night. The sun woke you up. You were sort of surprised that no one had found you. You walked to the edge of the building. This was it. You were gonna jump. You had one foot off the edge when you felt an arm wrap around your waist and pull you back. You whirled around and saw loki's tear streaked face. He pulled you close “don't ever scare me like that again!” You held him and you both sat on the roof holding onto each other. “I'm sorry.” You said through sobs. “It's okay shh. Don't you worry. I will never leave your side again.” Loki replied, bringing you away from the edge.      
 After the whole tony incident you kept your distance and never went anywhere without Loki. That was a little over a week ago. That's when weird things started to happen. First a person tried to break in. Then the tower kept getting a bunch of phone calls asking about you. This was enough to put you on edge. What if your brother's life had somehow seeped into yours. You had no clue what was going on in their lives but you knew it wasn’t good. You felt sort of bad because you never told them where you were. You decided to look them up on the web. You opened your computer Sam and Dean Winchester.  You clicked on the link. It said  “After tragic events in a diner in st louis criminals Sam and Dean winchester, who were presumed dead, were apprehended and taken into custody. Two deputies soon came in and killed the Winchester brothers along with many others. The deputies were never identified nor apprehended.” The article went on but you closed your computer not willing to finish reading. Tears were running down your face. No! “ this can’t be happening.” you muttered to yourself. You stood and walked out of your room. You walked into the main room. The other avengers were there and some stood upon seeing the tears running down your face. Steve came over to you. “ Y/N? Are you okay?” you nodded “ I-I just need some fresh air. I’m-I’m going to t-take a walk.” you were clearly shaken but walked too quickly for anyone to follow and they decided that it was best for you to have a minute. You left the building and made your way towards Central Park. You walked over to a pay phone and popped some quarters in. You dialed a number and the line rang. The voice on the other line responded “Hey this is Gabriel you must have missed me please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. BEEP.”   You talked into the receiver “ hey Gabe its Y/N. please come meet me at the bench on the west side of the small pond in Central Park at 3:00. I really need to talk to you.” you placed the phone back down on the receiver and sighed. 3:00 was in about 5 minutes. You sat on the bench and stared at your watch. Did you fuck up the directions? You were starting to panic a little and placed your head in your hands. That's when you felt a warm hand on your back. “ Hey sugar, what's wrong?” Gabe asked. You leaned into him and looked into his whiskey colored eyes. “ th-they’re dead Gabe. th-they’re dead.” you mumbled as you hugged him. “What are you talking about cupcake?” he asked “ Sam and Dean” you replied “they’re dead. I saw it on the web.” Gabe chuckled “ That's what's bothering you? What? Do you believe everything you read?” you shot him a dirty look and looked back down “Hey they are fine” he lifted your head to look at him “they are just under the radar so to speak.” you breathed a sigh of relief. “ You ever need anything just… call for me by name.” he winked before vanishing. His angel tricks always scared you a little but you were glad to have such a great friend. You slowly made your way back to the tower. When you walked back in you were engulfed in a hug by steve. “ Where did you go?” he asked, “I just went to central park okay?” you replied “ I think i'm gonna go lie down for a bit.” you walked off. 
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seenashwrite · 6 years ago
Some Dean
Word Count: 4K Category: One-shot, On-The-Hunt, Humor, Creature Feature, Behind-the-scenes Canon-Compliant, Teamwork, Friendship… and, to hell with it: Fluff Rating: Teen & Up Character(s): Dean, Sam, Cas Warnings: None Anti-Warning: There’s no images or links to anything creeptastic below the cut, those of you with squicks/phobias need not worry, I’m not that big of an a-hole Author’s Note(s): *This is a re-post minus tags & links in an effort to get it to show in searches*; if you’ve no knowledge of the children’s story “Charlotte’s Web”, this may not be for you; more post-story Overall Summary: Sometimes good things come in small, albeit eight-legged, packages.
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Dean had always liked spiders.
Well, “like” may’ve been overstating; Dean had always held an appreciation for spiders. They weren’t nasty like rats or sneaky like snakes, with spiders you knew where you stood: in his experience, anything supernatural aside, you leave them alone, they’ll leave you alone. Plus, they were badass - spiders packed a lot of intimidation into a small package, could be killing machines when they wanted to be, and mostly he appreciated that they were efficient and effective when it came to dealing with the annoying bugs that occasionally popped up. He did live in a basement, after all; the world’s tiniest were not deterred by any amount of warding or weaponry.
So when he’d notice small, barely-there wisps of webs in far corners or between the bottom of a bookshelf and the wall, stretching from the carved wood to the sticky bricks, he’d leave the homemade traps be for a week or two if they were empty, and sure enough, they’d have captured some crawlers next time he made a run-through with the vacuum. It was an amicable relationship - Dean never saw the spiders, just their handiwork, and the webs seldom popped up in the same space twice. Plus, they seemed to know the kitchen was a no-fly… spider… zone, so all was well.
And then came Charlotte.
Charlotte - as Dean had eventually started calling the garden spider, much to Sam’s dismay - did not have any regard for the out-of-sight, you-don’t-get-the-boot arrangement, nor did she have any regard for giving Dean his space. The day they met, he’d sauntered into the garage, popped the Impala’s trunk, tossed in a bag and a shotgun, yelled at Sam to hurry up, then went to reach for the driver’s side handle, caught movement out of the corner of his eye, and froze. And he wasn’t the only one.
The web was thick at the edges and delicate in the middle, stretching from the side mirror to the handle, upon which Charlotte perched, her crafting put on hold. She wasn’t terribly small, but not remotely large; she would’ve easily fit on the pad of his thumb. And she was clearly of the brave - or stupid, perhaps - sort, because she didn’t immediately scurry off. She took in the sight of the giant creature before her - technically, there was eight of him, what with her four pairs of eyes and all - and she opted to see what would happen.
What happened was that Dean turned, grabbed a shop rag, and began cursing under his breath as he whipped the web into nothingness; by the time he stopped, Charlotte had skittered to places unknown.
Dean tossed the rag away, gave the handle a good eyeballing before he grabbed it, opening the door and saying in a low voice through grit teeth, “Not. The. Car.”
“What not the car?” asked Sam, bounding up the garage steps.
“Nothing,” Dean replied.
This nothing continued for six weeks.
Charlotte was a determined artist, it seemed, not to mention a fast one. She spun webs of all sizes and shapes, covering the license plate in quilt-panel squares, weaving long, ropy trails around and between the wipers, and at one point obscured the back window in a lacy pattern that Castiel noted looked like a fine guipure. She liked to travel, too, as more than once the brothers would exit a given roadside motel room to find Charlotte had been busy during the night, Sam’s personal favorite being when she’d decorated a hubcap in a complex Fibonacci design, though he’d never have let on to Dean.
On the initial occasions following such a discovery, if Dean happened to spot her, he would scold her with a sharp “NO!”, walk in her direction briskly, and she’d retreat, slipping into the trunk or under the hood, but it wasn’t long before she’d stay put, even edge closer, cutting the distance between them, eventually so bold as to crawl onto the roof of the Impala, watching as he dismantled her webs.
“Really?” he asked one morning after the latest wipe-down, bending slightly so they were eye-to-eyes.
She calmly extended one leg to the side, held it out til he got the hint, turning his head, following what he’d presumed was a point, and sure enough, he’d missed some cottony puffs that were still stuck on a tail light.
Looking back at her, he said - begrudgingly -  "Thanks.“
Dean had dealt with stranger things.
"One day I’m expecting to come out and see ‘terrific’ in a web,” Sam commented during a return trip from the latest hunt.
“What?” Dean asked.
“You know - the kid’s book. Charlotte’s Web. You read it to me when we were little. About the farm, and saving Wilbur the would-be bacon?”
“Charlotte’s anti-bacon?”
“No, I don’t think— it was— it— she was just pro-pig.”
It was after this conversation that Dean took to calling their frequent tag-a-long Charlotte. To be specific, it was after he’d brought a BLT with him into the garage while working on the car, and she’d happily investigated a bit of bacon that had escaped his plate. A point to the pro-bacon column, he thought.
Dean informed her that he was fine with her hanging around, he was even fine with her fancy webwork, but she needed to cool it when it came to the car, explaining with lots of gesturing to make sure the message got across, just in case. He’d looked it up. Spiders did not have ears.
He’d also looked up things on spider life spans, and arachnid health in general. Sam found him in the library one evening doing just that, frowning at his laptop screen as he scanned. Castiel was nearby, returning some books to their places on the shelves.
“What is he doing?” Sam asked in a hushed voice, and Castiel opened his mouth to respond, but Dean spoke, diverting their attention.
“Did Charlotte look pale to you earlier?”
Now Sam frowned. “Dean… what?”
“I mean, she’s light brown, but she looked a little yellow earlier,” Dean explained, scrolling further down a page, but then closing the window with a huff and turning in his seat to face Sam. “Can’t find anything.” A pause; a thought. “Hey, I should put out a devil’s trap drawing for her, maybe a new pattern’ll perk her up.”
Sam was, in a word, startled. “Do you think of her as a pet?”
“Why do you care?”
“Oh, I dunno - because a spider is stalking us, and you’ve named it, and you talk to it, and—-”
“What, you got a thing about spiders to go with your thing about clowns, even though your imaginary friend was a clown?” Another pause. “Come to think of it, that explains a lot.”
“Sully’s not a clown, and no, I do not have arachnophobia, what I do have is a worry that - if it is a female - it may lay a bunch of eggs, then we’ll have an infestation. Is that what you want? Bunch of spider babies in your Baby?”
Dean rolled his eyes. “She’s not gonna do that.”
Sam narrowed his eyes. “Did she pinky swear?”
“Would you like me to have a look at her?” asked Castiel, and the concern in his voice was less for Charlotte and more for Dean, and less in the sympathetic way and more in the tiptoeing around someone who’s slipped into psychosis way.
Sam crossed his arms. “Taking it outside hasn’t worked, neither has trying to leave it wherever we’ve been hunting - this is getting ridiculous, will you just kill it, already?!”
Dean stood, walked over to him, defiant. “We not been doing enough killing for you lately?”
“It’s just a spider, Dean!”
“I know that! Maybe I just don’t wanna be scraping moist spider guts off my boot.”
“Does this spider communicate with you?” Castiel asked, the concern still floating under his words.
He was ignored.
“It’s not your pet, it’s a tiny insect - you don’t even know if it could be poisonous!” Sam exclaimed.
“Not an insect, genius, and Charlotte would never bite us—-”
“What is wrong with you?!”
“Have either of you considered the possibility that this is no ordinary spider?” Castiel suggested.
“Gee, thanks, Cas - no, hadn’t noticed that this is weird,” Dean shot back with a look.
“So you get that this is weird?” Sam checked.
“Our life is weird, what’s some more? And at least this is fun weird, is that so bad?” Dean replied, and the touch of melancholy in his voice caused both Sam and Castiel to stay quiet for a few moments.
The silence was broken by the ring of Dean’s phone - a case awaited them.
And, of course, Charlotte.
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Dean looked up from the map as Sam came back into their motel room, six pack in one hand, phone in the other, kicking the door shut as he spoke.
“Jane called. She says a container ship from the UK was bringing in illegal cargo, for some rich people who wanted exotic animals for canned hunts—”
“Douche move.”
“—and apparently when they went to unload, the crates were all busted up. The hold was covered with what was left of the bodies of the animals. All except for one. Three guesses.”
“Big bad bacon?”
“Yup. And she thinks we’re looking at… ah….” Sam trailed off and chuckled.
“A cryptid. It’s called The Beast of Dean, a.k.a. the Moose Pig.”
“Why do I think that somewhere, somehow, whatever’s left of Crowley just got a chub.”
They were in a rural area of Virginia, not too far from Portsmouth, and had been for a week, tracking what sounded like a rabid boar, but there was enough of a bump-in-the-night bend to the word on the street that they’d been confident it fell in their wheelhouse. Now that they had confirmation, after a night of research and weapon prep, they were ready to knock out the most recent mission and get back home. The Dean-Moose was large, and it was anything but subtle. The hunt should be an easy one, wouldn’t take long, nothing to it.
Well. One thing. One sort-of big thing. Even though it was also a small thing. Sam’s pro-pig storybook spider and their companion, they’d come to find, had more in common than just a name.
There, stretched across the Impala’s grill the next morning, was an undeniable message, and given Dean’s jaw-dropped state, it prompted Sam to speak on his behalf.
“Um, Charlotte? Listen, I don’t know if you… you seem nice, and… really smart, but… look, this thing isn’t like that pig in the book.”
“Because she’s read the book,” Dean said sarcastically, breaking out of his stupor and stomping over to the car, sharp eyes looking for the sassy spider; no joy. “Hey, guess what?” he said loudly. “I’m gonna drive so fast that by the time I do stop, your web’s gonna get shredded, how do you like that? I told you my car was OFF LIMITS!”
With one last glare at the web, Dean got into the car, and Sam followed suit. They put on the radio and chatted about anything but spiders and pigs for the better part of an hour as they bumped along the winding back roads. And after parking at the edge of the woods where the most recent sighting of the beastly hog had occurred, they opened the trunk to find another message, one that unfurled neatly, springing open as the lid of the weapons compartment lifted.
Punctuation, and all.
“You know…” Dean began, but trailed off with a shake of his head, snatching up the shotgun and pocketing a handful of the shells with the special filling he and Sam had cooked up the night prior.
Sam removed the freshly-etched-with-symbols machete. Dean slammed the trunk shut. Charlotte did not emerge.
As they walked deeper and deeper into the woods, Sam spoke in a quiet voice.
“When we get back, I’m calling Cas. This is out of control, Dean. The spider’s obviously somebody - or something - dicking around with us. Maybe that’s been the plan, keeping us from killing this thing.”
Dean didn’t look at him, rather kept scanning their surroundings as he responded. “Maybe. She… it… came around before that ship got here. But, yeah. Maybe something’s up.”
Sam reflexively sighed in relief, and at that moment Dean stopped, extended his arm to stop Sam’s progress, as well.
“Shhh. Listen.”
The growl was only audible for a moment before the foliage began to stir.
The hunt, it turned out, did not last long. The defeated brothers wearily tossed their dented weapons into the backseat and practically fell into the front. Dean immediately turned off the radio - the chanting of Duran Duran’s “Wild Boys” had come screaming through the speakers.
“It does kinda sound like they’re saying 'wild boars’,” Sam noted.
“Shut up.”
After they’d returned to the motel and showered, cleaned up their scratches and cuts, swapped torn clothing for intact, Sam went back to researching, while Dean went out to the Impala, damp washcloths in hand, and opened the trunk. It was barely even six o'clock, and there was still enough sunlight that he could see every trace of the webbing was gone. But he wanted to check that his little - former - friend hadn’t done anything else.
She had.
Sitting in the driver’s set, Dean’s eye was drawn to the thin, nearly opaque message across the radio, anchored by the knobs and an ejected tape.
Dean swiped it away without a word, uttering a small groan and clutching his bruised ribs as he climbed out. He took a few steps, but then pivoted. He opened the door again and leaned in, voice tense as he spoke.
“Tell you what, how’s about I bring you some toothpicks and you join in tomorrow, help us out, get in a few stabs? Be useful, show us how it’s done?”
Dean fell asleep wondering if he’d completely lost his mind.
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Sam ran a hand through his hair and closed his eyes - he’d been out the door first, so the newest message, covering the entirety of the hood, immediately made him brace himself for what was coming next.
But, surprisingly, Dean kept his temper in check; he merely set down his bag, returned to the room for a towel, and briskly wiped down the hood.
“Ready?” he asked Sam, forcing a smile that was likely more unsettling than intended.
Sam kept quiet, answering with a thumbs-up.
Their Everything’s Fine! charade was short-lived.
As with the prior morning, Charlotte had chosen to reinforce her message, wrapping the steering wheel so thickly it was barely visible, and her stance on their mission came through loud and clear.
Sam thought the choice of having the final “dumb” in bold italic for emphasis was a nice touch. And he noted the copious amount of webbing wound around the gear shift with raised eyebrows. And he gulped when he spotted more strands of said webbing emerging from the ignition. He cut his eyes over to Dean and, upon seeing his expression, took a step back.
This time, Charlotte did not hide. She’d positioned herself on the dashboard, right near the puffed-up wheel, standing with what could be described as quite the petulant posture. And much like the day the spider and the hunter had met, Dean froze.
Charlotte held her ground.
Dean’s nostrils flared.
Charlotte crossed her front legs as if they were arms.
Dean’s jaw clenched.
Charlotte tapped a back leg, as if to say Well get on with it.
Dean was still unmoved, and so Sam said, “You know, when you freeze like that, it’s really not as intimidating as you might—-”
“CHARLOTTE!” Dean bellowed.
She turned and sashayed to the glove box, crawling inside without the first indication she felt in any danger whatsoever.
Thankfully, the motel was just shy of a mile from from a modest gas station-diner combo. Sam talked Dean into a breakfast - with extra bacon, a thumb of the nose to both the beast and its defender. After they easily convinced the owner to loan them his truck, explaining their car’s fuel gauge was apparently broken, buying a can of gas for show, they promised they’d have it returned to him by morning.
As they drove back to grab their gear, Dean asked, “You hear from Cas?”
Sam nodded. “Reception’s crap, though - I can only hear parts of his voicemail. He found something about Charlotte, at least, I think. But he didn’t sound upset, like she was dangerous.”
“Let’s just roast the pig and get the hell outta here.”
“I’m sorry she’s not… you know, fun-weird anymore,” Sam said.
Dean lowered his foot, gunning the engine. “Yeah, well. Story of my life,” he muttered.
The truck was returned way before morning, this encounter with their newest foe having gone as well as the first. Then they found that Charlotte had removed all the web from the Impala, though the door to the motel room held some snark:
Dean barely glanced at it - possibly a little hard to do with the near swollen-shut, a breath away from blackened eye - and didn’t even bother to clean it off. There was no message from Charlotte the next morning. Dean did bother to wonder if she was gone.
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The sound of the tree cracking sent both of them diving behind a small knoll, gasping for breath, cringing as it crashed down just where they’d been not seconds earlier.
“I’m empty,” Dean said, returning his gun to his waistband. “You?”
“About ten minutes ago,” Sam answered.
The beast’s growls now turned into a piercing scream, a most furious howl, angry it couldn’t find them. They heard it turning up earth with its tusks, sending rocks flying, then ramming its head into yet another tree, the trunk buckling under the strain. Dean had managed to send a bullet into its snout, likely preventing it from sniffing them out, if the occasional gurgling snorts were any indication. Sam had earned himself a minor goring to his calf, but otherwise they were intact.
“Think you can run?” Dean asked, gesturing to the bandanna-wrapped wound.
Sam nodded. “Yeah, I think so. That the plan? Just make a run for it?”
“You got any better ideas?”
“On three?”
“One… two…. three!”
They dodged trees, though the beast didn’t bother, taking out the smaller ones along the way, picking up speed with every moment that passed, while the brothers were losing speed at the same time.
Dean noticed a large branch in their path up ahead and started to veer off from Sam, pointing to it and yelling, “Keep going! I’ll try to knock Porky out!”
“No!” Sam yelled back, grimacing each time his leg made contact with the ground. “It’ll kill—- HUUUURMMPPHH!”
Sam went down, Dean not far behind, something tripping both of them, causing them to fall with such force that whatever air they had left in their lungs got knocked out. Disoriented, they raised their heads only to immediately duck them, covering up with their arms, as the beast was still plowing ahead. Its hooves hit the ground in between them, tossing dirt everywhere, its speed too far gone for it to stop on a dime. They expected to soon hear it reversing course, so Sam opened his eyes, trying to spot a place to hide, Dean doing the same, trying to spot the branch.
Instead, the sound of the most meek squeal one could imagine reached their ears, prompting Dean and Sam to turn their gazes directly ahead.
They were at the bottom of a small incline, and they watched as the boar’s head rolled their way, their heads slowly turning as they observed it leisurely passing by. It came to a sudden stop against something near their feet. They shared a look, moving in sync onto their knees.
“Uh, Dean?” Sam said.
Dean looked up from inspecting the severed head to find Sam with his hand extended, pushing under something that Dean couldn’t make out, but a shift in position and a tilt of his head allowed him to see the bright moonlight glint off the surprisingly thick, iridescent rope running across Sam’s fingers.
Another look, another in sync movement as they stood, then tentatively walked forward til they reached the body. This time, Dean spotted it right away when he crouched, the finely-wound strands that were stretched between two trees, at just the perfect height to relieve a squatty hog monster of its head. He flicked it with a finger, as one would a string on a guitar, and it was just as taut.
“She clotheslined it,” Sam said, awestruck. “She tripped us so we wouldn’t… That could’ve clipped us at the knees. She… she…”
Dean looked up at Sam, and a slow smile spread across his face. "She’s awesome!”
Sam shifted his weight off of his bad leg, and grinned. “Think she’s any good with stitches?”
How Charlotte managed to spin their salvation in such little time, they’d never know, and they also had no idea how she beat them back to the car, but the evidence was there, across the driver’s side window. .
They laughed, Dean saying, “You ain’t lying.”
But before he could say anything else, Charlotte crawled out from under the handle. She scurried up her web, and as they watched, she whipped the “P” into a “D”; the “I” went “E” in a few short passes; the “G” was partially dismantled, then spun into an “A”; and in mere seconds, there appeared an “N”. .
After a quick hop from its tip, a slide to the outside of one of the long connecting end pieces, and a drop of a new line of silk, their eyes followed her as she leapt, letting the momentum swing her clean up onto the roof. And then - Sam would swear to it, many times over the coming years - she curtsied.
“Thanks,” Dean said softly. “You, too.” With that, he opened the back door, gestured for her to climb inside.
Which, she did.
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“Yes… yes… that’s very kind of you.”
Dean, Sam, and Castiel were standing outside the bunker, the former waiting patiently - and occasionally impatiently - as the latter had a conversation with Charlotte.
Castiel looked to them. “She says she likes my tie. The material meets her standards.”
Dean’s expression was completely flat, causing Sam to snicker.
“There any reason you didn’t tell us you could’ve been talking to her this whole time?” Dean demanded.
Castiel shrugged. “You didn’t ask.”
It turned out that Castiel’s message had been to inform them that Charlotte was indeed a most special spider, more so than what they’d already divined. She was an emissary, an information-gatherer, a spy of sorts, though not a nefarious one. And because she herself was quite the accomplished hunter, she chose to spend time with other hunters whenever her journeys brought her to them.
And now, it was time for Charlotte to start her next journey.
Castiel was nodding his head as Charlotte, who was on his collar, near his ear, told him one last thing. “She’d like you to know that Sam was correct - she does need to prepare to lay her eggs, though she would not have done so in the car,” Castiel related.
Dean shot Sam a smug look.
“And she says she’ll name them Dean.”
Dean blinked. “All of them?”
“How many we talking?”
A pause as Charlotte answered, and Castiel replied, “Anywhere from fifty to sixty.”
“That’s… a lot,” Dean said, because he didn’t know what else to say.
“Not really,” Sam commented.
Another look from Dean - actually, he cycled through several.
“Fine. So maybe I did some research, too,” Sam admitted.
“It’s time for her to go,” Castiel announced. “She says she’s enjoyed your company immensely. And she apologizes for the web you’ve yet to find. It seems she was in a cranky mood that evening.”
“That’s okay. Tell her it’s okay,” Dean said, walking closer. “Tell her that, um… it’s been great knowing her. Don’t be a stranger. All that.”
Castiel smiled. “She knows.” He raised his hand to his shoulder, and Charlotte climbed onto it. “I’m going to give her a boost,” he explained, and then to Charlotte he said, “Please do give Mr. Anansi the Winchester brothers’ warmest regards.”
They watched as Charlotte prepped a silk balloon, and after a gentle wave of Castiel’s hand, off she flew.  
“It would be… cheesy of me to comment it is angelic, their flight, wouldn’t it?” Castiel asked.
“Yes,” Dean and Sam answered in unison.
They began to walk back inside.
“What was that at the end? About Anansi?” asked Sam.
“Networking,” Castiel replied.
“I wouldn’t worry about us ever having to tangle with him,” Dean said. “I mean, not with Charlotte on our side. She’ll talk us up. She’s a talker.”
“Plus, there’ll be all the Deans,” Sam added.
“Yup. Exactly. We are cool with the spider kingdom,” said Dean, and with great confidence.
Dean was incorrect on this point, as he and Sam would later learn, during a case involving a young lady by the name of Muffet.
But that’s another story.
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Want more stories? My Master Post is linked in my profile, and it tells you about getting on the Tag List, too! If for whatever reason it gives you trouble, don’t hesitate to send an Ask and I’ll link you.
Re-blogs and feedback are fuel for a writer’s soul - please do let me know if you enjoyed. 😘
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Author’s Note #2 - The Jane mentioned is a character from my story Supernatural: Revelation, which you can find linked on the master post -or- just go straight to AO3, same author name SeeNashWrite 😁
Author’s Note #3 -  This also included a prompt which had languished in drafts - albeit with the note “Anansi” from the get-go, thankyouverymuch! - which was from the cringeworthy submissions:
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You can find all the #Nash300 Follower Celebration Master List of Madness stories (wherein I asked followers to send me prompts consisting of three words to make me cringe) via the Master Post.
Author’s Note #4: The beast of Dean mentioned is actually a thing, give it a google! And so is Anansi, check that out, too. If you don’t get the Muffet reference, well, I can’t help you with that. 😉
11 notes · View notes
huntertales · 6 years ago
Let’s Write a Different Ending: Chapter Six.
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Pairing: Sam Winchester x Prophet!Reader
Word Count: 4,891. // Episode Setting: Sympathy for the Devil
Summary: What if the “Supernatural” book series wasn’t written by Chuck Shurley? Instead, by a young woman named Y/N Y/L/N? She finds herself living out her most recent story—about the end of the world, an archangel whose sworn to protect her is moonlighting as a trickster and two fictional characters by the name of Sam and Dean are about to drag her straight into it. (Semi-rewrite from episode 4.18 “The Monster at the End of This Book” to—?)
Previous Part | Full Masterlist
Every writer, no matter how big or small in popularity, had their dedicated fanbase. It seemed your kind of fans ranged from those who enjoyed the first book and stuck around to read the rest until its end, to those who made it an underground cult classic. They loved everything about the "Supernatural" universe beyond the text. You were known to skim through a few of yourself when you were a bit bored and decided to search up fansites to see how people were liking the books and their theories about what was to come. Most of the stories you came across were harmless and even written so well that at times you felt like you were being put to shame from how talented they were. They made up different hunts for the boys to partake in with familiar monsters. And then there were the...not so innocent ones you accidentally stumbled on. Stories that made you internally cringe. But, hey. To each their own.
You might not be popular as some people like Stephen King and J.K. Rowling, but you had a fanbase that loved your work...back when you thought it was fiction. While you saw people embrace the books in their own special way, there was one person that rose above them all. Who declared herself as your number one fan: Becky Rosen. She was a sweet girl who spent her free time writing letters to you while you were still publishing books under the name she presumed was real. And belonging to a man. At first, the letters started off like the typical other ones you got from other fans who told you about how they loved the books and the characters. She told you about how Sam was her absolute favorite and how much she liked the books, things you heard before. Then the letters starts to get...weird.
Becky claimed herself to be your number one fan; she knew everything about the books. Every little detail. She sent you gifts, more letters, fan fiction, and even home baked goods. That you honestly quite enjoyed. Mch as people would claim her to be weird and crazy, you thought she was just a very, very enthusiastic person. And it seemed her obsession with the books was about to pay off, because she might have been your only hope.
You kept all of your letters from fans in a spot in your office, you found Becky's near the bottom, all rubber banded together. You faintly remembered her last letter after "No Rest for the Wicked" was published how much she was going to miss the books. She included all of her contact information if "Carver" ever wanted to personally chat with her. Just in case he wanted to start up the books again  and he needed someone to bounce off ideas with. She admitted that she was heartbroken to see the books come to an end, they were an escape from reality. The real world was such a boring place. She'd do anything to live in the fictional world with Sam and Dean. Oh, Becky. You were about to make her dreams come true.
You nervously sat in your office chair and waited as the video call to Becky Rosen continued on ringing and ringing, making your even more frayed nerves feel like you were about to have an anxiety attack. You felt a little bad for using your pen name to get in contact with her, but as the final ring echoed through your ears, you’d deal with the awkwardness. You let out a sigh of relief when she accepted your video call. A few seconds later your laptop screen showed a woman who looked to be about your age, and with a slightly skeptical look on her face. It quickly changed into hostility when she saw someone she wasn't expecting. Becky clearly didn't picture Carver Edlund to be twenty-two from the "About the Author" paragraph in the last page of every "Supernatural" book. Let alone a woman.
Becky Rosen, your supposed number-one fan, greeted you with a frown and a slightly annoyed tone of voice at who was staring back at her. “You’re not Carver Edlund.”
“No, I’m not. Well...yes, I am. But, not really. You see, uh, Carver Edlund isn't a real person. It's a pen name. My real name is Y/N Y/L/N." You found the words that you rehearsed in your head come out in a stumbling mess, making you feel even more nervous. You gave her a smile, the best one that you could give at this very moment, hoping it would be enough to buy you some time before she hung up on you. "I’m the writer of your favorite 'Supernatural' books, Becky."
"What?” Becky was taken aback from the information she didn't even know how to respond to right away. She knew her favorite author was a very private person, but to know the person she had wrote letters to for the past four years, was someone else made her slightly flustered. "But, I thought—"
"A man? Yeah, no. I'm the real author of the books. All of the work is mine own. I'm the creator. And before you ask, I wrote them when I was younger I used a pen name for privacy and for a chance to get published.” You explained to her, getting any sort of information out of the way that would lead to questions you didn’t have time to answer. With that all out of the way, you let out a breath, composing yourself again to give her a real smile. "So...Hi, Becky. Nice to finally meet you.”
"Oh...my...God. Oh my—" Becky couldn't form a complete sentence from the excitement she was feeling. The biggest grin you might have ever saw in your life began to spread across her lips at what was happening. You forced yourself to return the friendly gesture as you looked over your shoulder to see if there was anyone there when you heard Winchester shift around slightly, his dog tags jingling against each other. When you turned to look back at the screen, Becky's happiness had faded. She was now staring back at you with the same hesitant look. As if you were putting in all of this effort to make her look foolish. "Hey, this isn't some kind of joke, is it?"
"What? No. I'm the real author. See? All of these are my unpublished work. Stories that have never seen the light of day or another pair of eyes besides my own. And these?" You proved yourself to be the real author of her favorite books when you shifted around slightly in your seat to show her your bookshelf full of manuscripts. And if that was enough, you lifted up the stack of handwritten letters she had personally sent to you. "All of your letters are yours. I saved them. Hell, I'll read you one if you don't believe me. This is not a joke. I swear."
"You kept my letters? Oh my God! So you must have gotten my marzipan, too." Becky said. You rubbed your stomach and forced a smile at her to show your appreciation. All though you quite enjoyed the home baked goods, you didn't have time to ask for the recipe. You opened your mouth to tell her why you were really getting in contact with her, but she quickly cut you off to tell you something you knew very well. “I’m your number-one fan. You know, I’m samlicker81.”
You found yourself taken off guard from what Becky just let slip out of her mouth. You blinked as you tried to comprehend what words she formed together, but your brain failed to comprehend. "I'm sorry." You blinked as you looked at her with a confused expression. "You're what?"
"Webmistress at morethanbrothers dot net?" Becky asked. You refrained yourself from giving her a disturbed look when you figured out what she meant. "Your work really inspired me to dabble in my own literature. But enough about me. I've got a million questions to ask! Like, how do you come up with all of your ideas? Are you ever gonna publish more books? Would you consider yourself more of a Sam girl? Or more of a Dean girl? I'm a Sam girl myself. Hence the username...Awww! And who is this cutie?"
Without any proper warning, you felt ninety pounds launch into your lap when Winchester took it upon himself to figure out who you were talking to. He jumped on his back legs and rested his front side on your lap. He was now in the frame with you, staring at Becky with a tilted head. You let out a sigh as you rubbed the top of Winchester's head that he loved so much.
"Uh, dreams mostly. Sometimes the idea hits met out of nowhere. I don't know. And this is Win." You tried to gather your thoughts as you quickly answered her questions before you could get to the reason why you were contacting her in the first place. “Look, I’m calling you not only because you’re my number-one fan. You're kind of the only one who will believe me."
Every little creek and floorboard squeak made you lose your concentration from the conversation you were having. You nervously looked around the room, wondering if you were going to find an unexpected guest ready to stop you from what you were about to do. Your odd behavior didn't go unnoticed by Becky.  "Are you all right?"
"Uh, well, I've had better days. I'm pretty sure I'm being watched." You admitted. You cautiously eyed your surroundings one more time before you fell silent for a moment, waiting to hear any sort of sound of existence beside your own. Yet again, you were reassured that you were alone. "Not right now. I don't think so. But I don't have much time. I need your help."
Becky's eyes grew wide with excitement, "You need my help?"
“That’s right. I need you to get a message to Sam and Dean.” You instructed her. “Okay?”
The grin on Becky’s face disappeared quickly as it came from what you were asking her to do. "Look, Miss. Y/L/N...Yes, I'm a fan, but I really don't appreciate being mocked. I know that ‘Supernatural’ is just a book, okay?" Becky said. You rolled your eyes in frustration when she went on thinking you were wasting your precious time trying to pull a prank on her. "I know the difference between fantasy and reality."
"Becky, listen to me very carefully. I'm not about to repeat myself. All of it is real. Everything that I have freaking written is real. I have met Sam and Dean in real life. My dog? Win? Yeah, that's just a nickname. His full name is Winchester. I named my dog after their last name. Which was never included in the books. If that isn't real enough for you, I don't know what is." You told her everything you had been keeping to yourself since you found out. You’d been living through this nightmare with nobody else knowing. And now she did. You felt relief, like you were finally letting out a breath you had been forced to keep. "Oh my God. Do you know how good that feels to get that off my chest?"
"I knew it! I knew all of it was real! Oh, Miss. Y/L/N, I feel so honored you chose me for such a difficult task." Becky said. You smiled slightly at her enthusiasm, not having the heart to tell her you didn’t have much of a choice but to trust her. “I won’t let you down.”
"Yeah, well, no pressure but the fate of the world kind of depends on you giving them this information." You muttered underneath your breath. Becky luckily didn't hear you. "Okay. Grab a pen and listen to me very carefully. This is what you need to tell Sam and Dean. Word by word."
+ + +
While you were stuck in your house nervously pacing around and trying your hardest not to bite your nails off, Becky was given the sole responsibility of giving the boys ten words you forced her to memorize. If she didn't get this right who knows what kind of trouble this meant. You wanted to tell the boys yourself, but it was too risky with everything going on. So you had to pull some extra help. Hopefully Becky could prove herself to be the number one fan she declared herself to be. You’d eventually find out if everything went belly up. You did your part.
While you crawled into bed to get some rest after a very stressful few days, Becky proved herself to be a reliable source. She safely tracked down the motel the boys had been staying at to stay low from angels and demons that were most likely scheming some big plan, whatever that was. The boys had been doing their own thing, Dean watching TV checking out news reports while Sam occupied himself by reading his father's journal to see if there might be a way to fix all of this. A knock on the door broke them out of their concentration, sending them straight into hunter mode from the unexpected guest they weren't expecting. Sam pushed himself up to his feet as Dean grabbed his loaded gun right by his side.
The younger Winchester cautiously approached the door as he bent down slightly to stare out of the peephole to see who was standing out in the hall. He noticed that it was a young woman he never seen before. Sam decided to answer the door anyway. He peered out slightly and stared down at the stranger, wondering who she was. But it seemed from the sudden awestruck look that crossed her face as she let in a dramatic gasp that she was surprised to see him. Sam gave her a slightly concerned expression, wondering what her problem was.
“You okay, lady?” Sam asked.
“Sam...is that really you?” The stranger somehow knew his name as she asked in a hopeful tone of voice. Sam furrowed his brow slightly as he took his gaze off her for just a split second. However the woman took it upon herself to step forward and place a hand on his chest without his permission. She let out a laugh as she continued to feel him up. "And you’re so firm.”
“Uh,” Sam had so many questions to ask her of what the hell was going on. “Do I know you?”
“No. But I know you. You’re Sam Winchester. And you’re....not what I pictured.” The woman said as she looked over at his older brother, her face scrunching up slightly from the very different idea she had on him while reading the books. She took it upon herself to walk past Sam and into their motel room, introducing herself. ���I’m Becky. I read all about you guys. And I’ve even written a few—” She let out a nervous giggle, deciding not to admit to her fanfiction that might not leave the best impression on her favorite brothers. “Anyway...Miss. Y/L/N told me where you were.”
“You mean Y/N?” Dean asked the woman, wondering if that was who she meant.  Sam shut the door to give the three of them some privacy to see what this was all about.
“She’s got a message, but she’s being watched. Angels. Nice change-up to the mythology, by the way.” Becky said. Dean crossed his arms over his chest, trying his hardest not to tell this woman the way it was. “The demon stuff was getting kind of old.”’
“Right.” Sam brushed off the woman’s opinion as he got to the reason why she was here in the first place. “Just, um...what’s the message?”
“She had a vision.” Becky said. She closed her eyes and repeated every single world you forced her to memorize. “‘The Michael sword is on earth. The angels lost it.’”
“Becky,” Sam felt himself becoming intrigued to what she had to say. This might be the big break they needed to find in order to solve this problem before it got worse. "Does Y/N know where it is?"
“In a castle, on a hill made of forty-two dogs.” Becky said.
The last bit of information sounded like some sort of cryptic message that didn't help them at all. Sam wondered if Becky might have accidentally jumbled up the information. "Are...are sure you got that right?"
“It doesn’t make sense, but that’s what she said. I memorized every word...for you.” Becky said. Her voice dropped to a whisper as she approached the younger man with a look in her eye that was starting to make Sam feel uneasy. And she didn’t exactly help the feeling when she took it upon herself to place her hand on his chest once more. “Oh, she’s so lucky to have met you...and to have written about you in the way that she did if you know what I mean—”
"Um...Becky," Sam wasn't sure what the right kind of response was to get her off of him before this could keep going on. Becky seemed to be enjoying herself too much to stop now, feeling the muscles and body she read about. "Can you...quit touching me?"
Becky responded with a no. She continued for another few seconds before Sam had enough of it. He gave the woman a polite goodbye before shoving her out the door, making sure to lock it before she could sneak her way back in. Sam let out a sigh from all the crazy going on. He really hoped this little riddle you gave them, sent by possibly the creepiest woman he ever met, was worth it. The Devil was free, all because of him and the poor choices he made in the past. Sam needed some kind of win to help put things back to the way it was.
+ + +
You were confident with the idea that you were at least one step ahead of the enemy. Hell, you were racing towards the finish line while the enemy was scrambling to get back down to earth. You knew your tip to the boys wasn't exactly helpful. It was more of a riddle than anything else that even you were still trying to decipher. You were confident they would figure it out in time and get to this supposed sword of Michael. Meanwhile, you kept yourself busy by getting your life back together. Starting with your poor kitchen, the room sure had seen its better days.
The kitchen floor was littered with broken dishes and splinters from broken pieces of your table, making it impossible to walk on without shoes. Winchester felt a little out of sorts when you fed him dinner in the living room. You really didn't want to take him to the vets and explain how your German Shepard got a piece of china stuck in his paw. Some of the walls were splattered with what you could only guess was blood. It looked horrifying. You were heartbroken and a little nauseous at the unexpected fight you were dragged into that ended with dire consequences.  You had family heirlooms that were passed down from past generations and a dining room table that cost you a pretty penny. But they were just things. The real tragedy of what happened to poor Cas.
You still had things in your house that belonged to your family and you could easily buy yourself a new table. There was nothing some bleach and a new coat of paint couldn't fix. You got down to business, distracting yourself with the mundane task of sweeping and scrubbing the walls to the best of your ability. Soon you found yourself almost forgetting about the events that unfolded over the past few days. Maybe it was the bleach fumes mixed in with the music that you had been listening to that was making you feel a little more at ease. You managed to clean your entire floor of any spec of glass, making it safe enough for you and Winchester to walk on once more. You even swept up some more teeth without gagging.
You were scrubbing the last of the blood you found off the walls when you heard your phone ringing, pulling you out of your cleaning streak. You quickly paused your music and grabbed the phone before it could go to voicemail, all while trying your hardest not to sound breathless when you answered. The voice on the other end was one you weren't expecting to hear from so soon, it was Sam. You felt your lips stretch into a small smile, hopeful that it was good news.
"Hey. I wasn't sure if calling you was a good idea, considering everything that's been going on. I hope you guys got my little riddle. Which means you got to meet Becky." You found yourself rambling on slightly, getting ahead of yourself of why the man was calling you in the first place. You leaned yourself against the counter and waited for Sam to respond. When you heard the other line grow eerily silent, you felt yourself becoming nervous. "Sam? You still there?"
"Yeah...I am." Sam said. You could tell from the sound of his voice that he wasn't calling you with good news. You felt the familiar pause of silence that made your stomach tighten with anxiety, bringing you back to a much darker time in your life that you didn't like to think about. "Look, I know this is kind of weird for me to be asking, but did you have another vision recently?"
"No. Only about the one with the dog and the hills." You said. You felt your grip around the phone tighten when your mind began to wonder about why he was calling in the first place. You prayed that it was just about how they were stuck and needed some more help in figuring it out to what the hell you meant. "Why? Are you guys okay?"
No. No, they weren't. It seemed your attempt at helping them was nothing more than a ploy, a trick to get the angels to get what they wanted. And that was Dean. It seemed they needed Dean's help to take down the Devil—but they just left out one small detail. The sword everybody was looking for wasn't an actual object, it was a body. A vessel for the archangel. And that was Dean, he was the body for Michael. It was a twist in the story that was right in front of your face, but never saw coming. You felt responsible for the trap you lead them into, and the trouble they had to go through in order to just get out.
Sam didn't just call you to inform you of the bad news, there was some good news as well. The only way him and Dean got out of there alive was because of Cas, who seemed to have came back from the dead. The news made you let out a sigh of relief at how there was some good that came from all of these terrible past few days. When you heard something that sounded to be another echoing voice coming from the other line, it brought up another piece of information that was bittersweet. The angels weren't the only one trying to track down Michael's sword. It seemed the demons wanted to be apart of the action, too.
Sam was at the hospital because Bobby Singer—hunter and father figure to the boys since they were young, a man you wrote countless times—was taken over by a demon. While it sounded like the story was doomed for a deadly ending, Bobby proved himself to be stronger than the enemy. In a last ditch effort to save the boys from Meg and her minions, he stabbed himself with Ruby's special knife. While it killed the demon possessing his body, he managed to cling on long enough for the boys to get him to a hospital. Bobby was going to live...but his injuries from where he stabbed himself meant he was going to be paralyzed from the waist down for the rest of his life. Sam didn't know which one was worse for the man; being killed, or not being able to hunt ever again.
Sam didn't know why he was even calling you in the first place, other than to tell you about the cheap trick Zachariah pulled to make you point the boys in their direction. He circled back to the hospital after having a conversation with his brother in the parking lot that crushed him even more. He just wanted to hear a friendly voice, someone who was a neutral party in this situation. You'd been supportive to the boys much as you could, even to someone who you watched make the worst decisions in his life that not only affected the people he was close to—but the entire world. You were a little freaked out after you saw him for the first time in weeks, you were relieved to see that he was okay, and very much human.
Subconsciously, there was something more about you that he didn't know why that made him want to call you. He heard the sound of your choice on the other line and for a split second it reminded him of Jess, how she comforted him during the few times that Dean or his father contacted him. The conversations were short, but it always left him raging with anger. But there was something about Jess, no how much he felt himself spiraling because of something, she would always pull him back. Even though she had no clue the reason why he was so angry. She would tell him that everything would be okay, in that soft and comforting voice...that made him feel like he could tell her all of his problems. The real issues he carried around through their entire relationship. But there was always a part of him that managed to pull him back. Because he never wanted to pull her into this life.
"All of this is my fault. I'm a terrible person." Sam found himself admitting a personal thought of his that was pretty clear to you from how he acted back at your house. You tried to reassure him that he wasn't such a thing, that people make mistakes. "I'm pretty sure nobody has royally screwed up much as I did. I mean, trying to fix this is one thing...but the worst part of it all might be the fact that my own brother doesn't trust me anymore."
"Well, I don't want to play devil's advocate, but you did pick a demon over your own brother and set Lucifer free." You said. When you realized what you let slip out, you winced at how bad it sounded out loud. The truth hurt, but it didn't mean that all of this could be a negative thing. "Look, I've been in Dean's position before. The whole forgiveness thing...it'll take a while, but your brother won't hate you forever. The both of you will fix this. And everything will be okay."
Sam scoffed at your optimism, but the fresh confidence made the ends of his lips stretch into a faint smile for the first time this week. “You’ve seen that far?”
"No...but, like I said before: we write our own stories. The ending can be anything we want it to be." You found yourself repeating the same piece of advice your mother used to tell you. She was always a firm believer that there was no such thing as fate. You made your choices. You weren't sure if you said it to comfort Sam, or for yourself. "My door is always open to you and Dean if you're ever in the neighborhood. Or, if you ever need...a neutral ground. I might be just a prophet, but I’m a pretty good listener. Win is, too.”
"I'll have to take you up on that offer one day." Sam said.
He felt a little bit better knowing there was someone at least on his side, who was in this much as he was. You felt your lips stretch into a smile, wanting to tell him over and over again that it was going to be okay. But you knew this was his fight to win, and you would do anything in your power to make sure things didn't escalate too far. The both of you exchanged your formal goodbyes before hanging up the phone so Sam could get back to his brother, and you to finish cleaning up your kitchen.
You let out a sigh and grabbed your bloodied rag, heading over to a spot on the wall that you'd been concentrating on during your conversation with Sam. Soon enough your kitchen was back to normal, too bad your life wasn't. You had a feeling it never would be again. You were still trying to decide if that was a good or bad thing.
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Stalk (part one)
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Title: Stalk (part one)
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Unofficial Chapter
Part Five (Final)
Ship: Dean x Reader
Description: The reader is in Sioux Falls visiting her father, Bobby, when her old childhood friends, Sam and Dean, stop by to do some research on a local monster. Dean becomes suspicious of the reader and questions her to find out she has a stalker.
Warnings: Threats; Lying; Stalking
Word Count: 1,975
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(Y/D/J) ~ Your Dream Job
(Y/C/N) ~ Your City Name
(Y/E/C) ~ Your Eye Color
It had been a long time since she’s been in Sioux Falls, nearly two and a half years. Hell, she was even beginning to miss it. “Dad!” (Y/N) smiled, enveloping her father into a big hug. “(Y/N), what are you doing here?” the older man wondered, but was still happy to see his daughter nevertheless. “I was just passing though and I thought that I should stop by to see you.” He welcomed her inside, leading her to the kitchen. “Would you like anything to drink? Water? A beer?” It was something he was still not used to but asked anyways. (Y/N) left home when she was nineteen… and that was six years ago. Occasionally she would stop by for little visits so she wasn’t totally cutting off her father. “No, no. I’m fine, Dad.” She smiled at the man as she sat down at the kitchen table. “So,” he grabbed a beer for himself from the fridge and sat across from her, “Tell me everything that’s happened since the last time I saw you and, please, don’t leave out any details.” He was more than eager to catch up with his only child.
“Well,” she thought for a moment, attempting to remember if anything interesting happened lately, “I finally got my degree for (Y/D/J).” His eyes widened, a grin crawling across his face. “That’s great, (Y/N)!” As much as he exposed (Y/N) to the hunting life when she was a little girl, he was kind of hoping that the girl would get a normal job and degree when she was older. The hunting life wasn’t for everyone and he had come to accept that once she left home for college. Just as the man placed his hand on his daughter’s, the front door of the house opened abruptly. “Hey Bobby?” A loud, husky voice called out and echoed throughout the home. A sigh escaped the older man's mouth as two significantly younger men entered the kitchen. “(Y/N), you remember Sam and Dean Winchester, don’t you?” She nodded, although she hadn’t seen the two since they were kids. Their father, John, was a good friend of her dad’s and would swing by every once in a while, and drop the boys off to stay the week. “How could I not?” (Y/N) stood up from her seat to get a good feel of how much the boys grew, Sam shooting almost as tall as a sky scraper. Dean? Not so much. Though he was taller than her, he didn’t look that way next to his younger brother.
“(Y/N), I thought I was never going to see you again!” The tallest one hugged her and let go after a couple seconds. Dean was more than eager to hug the younger girl. There was only a couple people that knew about his childhood crush on Bobby’s daughter and that was both Bobby and Sam. As much as he denied it, Sam still teased him about it whenever her name was brought up in a conversation. Once the Bobby learned of his crush, he immediately put an end to it. There was a long story behind it that the both of them just wanted to forget about. Dean’s hug was tighter, with more feeling, than Sam’s hug. “Well, I’m here guys. What are you two doing here?” As much as Dean didn’t want to, he let go of the girl and turned towards Bobby. The boys explained themselves, needing a little help with a hunt nearby and decided to stop by instead of calling to surprise the older man. As their conversations carried on, Dean stole as many glances at (Y/N) as he could when Bobby wasn’t looking. If he found out that Dean still liked her, he would get hung by his ass.
“So, (Y/N), what’re you doing here today?” Sam asked, a smile crawling across her lip as she explained that she was just passing through town and wanted to see her dad. But there was something about her story that was… a little off. A glimmer in her eye? A twitch of a face muscle? It was something Sam and Bobby did not catch, but Dean did the more he studied her. He went on listening to her reasoning, trying to absorb every twitch he could, picking out every little lie. The truth was something he was going to have to pick out of her sooner or later.
A little later in the day, (Y/N) was in the study rereading one of her favorite books when Dean strolled in and sat across from her. “Yes?” She looked up for half a second, not turning her head from the book. Dean leaned forward, his elbows on the top of his thighs as he sighed, “Sam’s boring and from the looks of it, so are you.” He teased the girl as she smiled as she set her book down on the desk. “Reading is boring?” She crossed her legs and folded her arms, eager to hear what the eldest Winchester had to say about her favorite past time. “It is when you’re doing research twenty-four-seven.” (Y/N) raised an eyebrow, releasing her arms and leaning on the desk. “What exactly are you guys researching?” A smile of curiosity found it’s way to her lips. “Oh, it’s nothing.” He shook it off, waving his hand in the air.
“Well, it’s obviously something if you’re both here bothering my father about it, isn’t it?” No one could fool her, not even the infamous Dean Winchester. The room became silent for a matter of seconds, (Y/N) considered picking the book up to make it less awkward in the room. Dean, on the other hand, had a different plan that he was going to set in motion. They kept eye contact as he opened his mouth, “I’ll tell you if you tell me the real reason why you’re in town.” Her heart beat began to quicken as the thought crossed her mind. ‘He knows. He knows. Oh shit.’ She silently panicked and looked away from the emerald eyes that stared at her intently. “I told you why downstairs. I was passing through.” Her voice was low and quiet, almost giving away the truth.
“(Y/N), you live in (Y/C/N), why would you just happen to be passing through Sioux Falls?” She felt the fear beginning to build up as he kept pressing her for more information. If Dean found out about what happened this morning, he would surely tell her father, who also wouldn’t take it too lightly. All she wanted was a weekend away from home to relax and feel safe in a house with a hunter who has many, many, many guns and weapons to choose from. Sweat beaded at the base of her forehead, making Dean believe was finally beginning to get her to crack. “I have my reasons, Dean. Now, if you’d excuse me, I have a book to read.” (Y/N) immediately picked up the novel and read the same words repeatedly for a few seconds, not able to concentrate when she glanced up and saw Dean still sitting in the chair, staring at her, studying her.
“Are you in trouble, (Y/N)?” His words came out softly and quietly. Her eyes reverted to the words. “Does it really matter?” she sighed, attempting to move onto the next sentence, but this one only seemed even more jumbling to her as the stress grew more and more out in the open. “It does. Obviously you’re running from something if you want to be in a house full of hunters. If you were visiting you dad for real, you would be downstairs with him, right now, in that kitchen chatting him up. Not… not in hiding in the study up here.” He cleared his throat before continuing, “So, are you going to tell me what you’re running from or do I have to go full interrogation on you?”
It was too much for her. “I have a fucking stalker, okay? Are you happy? I was trying not to think about it until I figured out a plan to get rid of him but you’re kind of fucking ruining that, Dean.” She slammed the book down on the desk before standing up from the chair and walking around the desk and heading for the door. It was only a diversion away from the real topic. The truth was that she thought she got rid of the stalker a couple weeks, but her mind was changed last night. Before she can even reach for the door handle, Dean gently grabs her wrist, prompting the girl to look at him. “I can help you, (Y/N). I just need his name and that’s it. No questions asked and it’ll be quick, I promise.” His emerald eyes stared into her (Y/E/C) which only widened in fear from his statement. “You’re not fucking killing him, Dean! What the fuck?!” She shook her wrist away from him, taking a step back. “Who said anything about killing? I have my ways to get him to leave you alone without harming him.” He rolled his eyes, standing up and stepping towards her and enveloping her in a big, warm hug.
“You promise that all he’s done is stalk you?” He pulled away slightly and looked down at the girl who seemed to be melting into his hug suddenly. “You… you said no questions asked, Dean.” She muttered into his chest.
“Come on, Sam.” Dean rushed out of the Impala, shot gun in hand. He didn’t care that he just left a creature behind in Sioux Falls. (Y/N) was in danger by a human, one of the worst monsters out there. They can be destructive, selfish, harmful… just down-right dangerous and Dean wasn’t going to let (Y/N) get hurt. The brothers went up the steps of the old colonial home, presumably owned by the boy’s parents. From what (Y/N) told him, this kid was only a couple years younger than her. He was smart, skipped a couple grades in intermediate school and graduated high school early. He just earned his degree the same time as (Y/N) and apparently couldn’t bare to face the fact that he’ll never see her again.
So naturally, his instinct told him that sending her a message on facebook wasn’t enough for him. He had to stand outside her house every night, watching her bedroom, watching her in her kitchen, watching her as she got out of the shower. This was punishable by death in Dean’s opinion, but since that wasn’t part of his and (Y/N)’s deal, he settled to just scaring the kid into confessing to the cops about what he’s done.
“Hopefully his mom and dad aren’t home, Dean. People don’t take too kindly to people knocking on their doors with freaking shot guns in their hands.” Sam looked to his older brother, nervously, taking out his hand gun. He was willing to do anything for his brother, even if that meant scaring the guy who was stalking his brother’s childhood crush. “I’m not knocking on the door.” Dean muttered as he pressed on the doorbell with the barrel of the shot gun, hiding it behind his back when he heard footsteps approaching the door. A kid about ten years younger than him answered it, rubbing his eyes. “Do you understand what time it is?” He groaned, studying the two suspicious brothers.
“Yeah, it’s time you leave (Y/N) alone.” Dean pumped the shotgun and aimed it at the kid. His eyes widened when he processed what Dean had in his hands. “Woah! Woah, dude, I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about!”
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hekate1308 · 8 years ago
The Baggage We Carry, Chapter Seven
Read it on AO3
They were woken up by Dad, who bemusedly hollered “Aren’t you a little too old for that, boys?” as he looked in at them from the hallway.
“Make him stop” Sam grumbled.
“Been trying to” Dean answered before they got up.
“Did you have bad dreams last night, Sammy?” Dad teased them at breakfast.
“Let it go, John, they’re brothers, they were probably sharing secrets” Mom said as if they were freaking five-year-olds pretending they knew something the adults didn’t in kindergarten.
Sam was about to reply when he felt Dean nudge him under the table.
He had the feeling he’d have to learn to hold his tongue if he wanted to get through the next few years peacefully.
Despite Sam’s discomfort, on that morning Dean Winchester couldn’t help but feel elated.
The connection, the bond he had shared with his brother, that most precious of all human relations, which he had thought long extinguished, had returned just when he needed it the most; and so, with a mutual understanding that he hadn’t experienced in far too long, they were able to –
“Oh God” Crowley groaned. “He did his Austen essay. Cassie, make him stop or kill me, I’m not listening to him gushing about his brother in that style until the class starts”.
“Excuse you, what do you have against Jane Austen?”
“What do you have against sounding like you are actually living in the twenty-first century?”
“Dean, can I read your essay?” Cas asked, his eyes sparkling, and Dean pulled it out of his backpack and handed it to him, heart beating fast.
Crowley muttered something like “idiots” under his breath.
His friend read the paper as he usually did when he concentrated on something; his eyes rapidly tracing the letters, his tongue now and then popping out to wet his lips.
Dean’s own mouth ran dry. He didn’t dare meet Crowley’s eyes.
“This is amazing, Dean” Cas said earnestly a few minutes later.
He shuffled his feet.
“Just did my best, is all”.
“Your worst is usually more than most people could achieve, Squirrel”.
Dean looked up, shocked.
“Crowley – was that a compliment?”
He seemed as surprised as Dean felt.
“I mean – ah – you’re not mentally deficient. Yes. That’s it”.
Thank God. For a second there, he’d feared Crowley was broken.
“We need to go to class” Cas reminded him.
“I’ll see you two at lunch” Crowley said and disappeared before they could ask him where.
“Freak” he muttered under his breath, but he was smiling.
They only found out what he had meant when they walked into the cafeteria at lunch, intent on eating quickly so they could meet up (and Dean was definitely not thinking about how they were walking close enough that he could easily have grabbed Cas’ hand if he wanted to) and found Crowley sitting right there in the middle at an empty table that by all means should have been full of students, only they were busy staring at him and whispering amongst themselves.
And Dean understood.
For whatever reason, Crowley had decided that he was going to make him choose.
Cas’ approach was subtler; do his homework with him, praise him for it, make him feel important.
But Crowley was nothing if not a drama queen, and he wanted him to make a big gesture now or presumably never.
We are way too young for all this dramatic bullshit, a part of him thought, but at the same time...
There was something about saying screw you for once.
Dean and Cas moved through the mass of confused students side by side, even though neither of them had said a word, and after they had got their food, they sat down next to Crowley.
“Dear God, it knows the way now, Cas... We’re doomed”.
“It’s alright, I’ll watch over you”.
“Shut up, I just found myself feeling peckish” Crowley muttered.
Dean had the feeling that it was something more.
Ever since they’d been over to the Singers’ house, Crowley had been more... outgoing.
At least for him. Hell, he’d accompanied Dean, Sam and Cas to the park, even though he’d still protested against playing football.
One of these days, Dean would have to ask.
“Dean? Cas?”
He turned around to find Aaron with a tray full of food in his hands.
His eyes were fixed on Crowley.
“It’s alright. He doesn’t bite” Dean assured him.
“Not unless you want me to”.
Crowley winked.
Aaron blushed scarlet – at least he wasn’t scared – and sat down and Dean’s side.
“Hello, I’m – “
“Aaron Bass. You have been close friends with Dean for about three years. No siblings, but you and your grandfather get along very well”.
“And would you believe me” Dean dead-panned, “I never told him anything about you”.
Anything wasn’t quite true, but most of the stuff Crowley had figured out himself.
“Alright” Aaron said slowly. “That wasn’t creepy at all”.
“I have a reputation to uphold”.
Surprisingly, he smiled.
“I can see why you and Dean would get on like a house on fire”.
“We sure do” Dean said.
“Crowley is a more than acceptable companion” Cas replied.
Aaron suddenly chuckled.
“Oh my god, I’m at the weirdo table.”
“Would you rather be among the starers and whisperers, Bass?” Crowley asked. “Didn’t think you were the type.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know what type I am exactly”.
Oh my god, Aaron was flirting with him.
Dean definitely hadn’t foreseen that.
Even Crowley looked surprised.
When nothing weird whatsoever happened during the course of lunch – to the disappointment of the student body, who had at least expected that the school bad boy would try and knife someone at the table – the interest in them slowly died down.
“So, your Highness” Dean said at the end, “might you even grace us with your presence in class today?”
“Not today” Crowley said cryptically, baffling Dean. Was he actually contemplating showing up one of these days?
“What do you think is up with him?” he asked Cas on their way back to class.
“I think Sam wasn’t the only one who learned something during that dinner” he replied carefully. “I think Crowley feels more comfortable with letting people see his true self now.”
“He... wouldn’t be the only one” Dean said carefully.
Cas smiled.
“I’ve noticed”.
Dean swallowed; was he really going to do this?
“Cas, I – “
“Mr. Winchester” Miss Moseley called out and he winced. The no-nonsense maths teacher had caused him to sweat more than many training sessions for the team.
“Yes, Miss?”
She stood still in the corridor and studied them, and he’d once more the feeling that she was reading his mind.
“Good call” was all she said before she swept past them.
Alright, it was officially a weird day.
“Dude, she’s scary”.
“She’s just... intense” Cas supplied.
“I’d say. Anyway, ready for physics?”
He grinned.
“Can’t wait until we finally reach the good stuff”.
Crowley ate at the cafeteria more and more often after that day. He also now and then showed up in the busier hallways, which he had avoided until now.
Dean hadn’t asked him about it yet; whatever it was that had suddenly made him decided to interact more with people, he seemed content enough, and he was the same old snarky Crowley when they were together.
People slowly got used to the sight of him, even though there were a few who still ran off in the other direction when he came near them.
Thankfully though, while people wondered at his and Cas’ and Dean’s apparent friendship – moreover, in his and Dean’s case a friendship with all the signs of longstanding camaraderie – the news never made their way outside of school.
Despite his very recent decision that hey, maybe there was something to the things Cas and Crowley and Sammy now as well continued to preach to him, he wouldn’t have liked explaining all of this to his parents.
Especially since Crowley’s mother had exactly once entered the garage after her car had stopped working in the middle of the road and had angered Dad so far that he’d used the word “witch” at the dinner table and had even gone so far as to attest he might have been tempted to say something else if Mom hadn’t been present.
Dean really hoped they never met, and that she didn’t marry some rich guy before her son was old enough not to get shipped away to some fancy school.
“So” Sam asked one evening, stumbling into his room without knocking, “do you want to go to the movies?”
“Can’t” Dean said, “have to study for a math test, sorry”.
Sam beamed and darted away to let him work.
At least until a few moments later, when Mom knocked on his door.
“Dean? I heard what you said to Sam... You’re not having problems at school, right?”
“No, Mom. I’d tell you if I had.”
She nodded, then smiled.
“I guess I grew concerned when I heard you were actually foregoing the cinema in order to study”.
For once, he didn’t force himself to laugh, and she left slightly confused.
He needed good grades for a scholarship solid enough to get him through four years of college.
“Winchester” Miss Moseley told him a week later, “Quite an improvement. I knew you had it in you”.
“Thank you” he said, honestly surprised when he saw just how well he’d done.
Cas and Crowley were already waiting for him on the roof during the next break, and he all but pounced into the former’s arms.
“She actually told me I did good! Can you believe it!”
“No. This is me, not believing you” Crowley said flatly.
“Maybe you should have a smoke” he suggested, still hugging Cas.
“Nope, I told you I am going to quit.”
“When did you tell me?”
“Just now”.
“Drama queen” Dean said, shaking his head, then stepping back to accept Cas’ praises.
“Dean, I knew you were amazing” he began, blushing. “I just didn’t know if you would be able to prove it already”.
Dean grinned.
“Yep, I’m pretty damn awesome”.
“I knew he could” Crowley said. “Why do you think I’m quitting cigarettes?”
“Because you actually went to biology for once and learned it’s bad for you?” Dean suggested, because it was surely never too late for even Crowley to visit a class now and then.
“Very funny, Squirrel. Nah, I just figured... If you’ll be around to save the world through biomedical engineering and whatever Feathers chooses to pursue with that giant brain of his, it might be worth watching”.
“So you can burn it down?”
“I told you the chance was fifty-fifty. And you’re not the only one capable of changing his opinion” he all but snapped and Dean wondered if he’d perhaps underestimated just how much his friend had changed over the years.
“I never said that you weren’t” he observed mildly.
“Neither did I” Castiel said, “and I had heard quite a few things about you before Dean introduced us”.
Crowley relaxed.
“Aw, it’s cute when you two decide to co-parent someone”.
Alright, maybe he hadn’t changed that much.
“You’ve got roughly one and a half years left” Crowley reminded him. “You better get to work if you actually mean it”.
They all knew he just wanted to make them forget about that moment a second ago.
“Oh, trust me” Dean said “I plan on winning this round”.
Because yes, despite that he had believed himself to be resigned to his parents’ plans, despite Sammy laughing with them for years, despite his early beliefs that he’d lose both Cas and Crowley when they left...
Somehow he had decided differently.
Had it been when they went to sit with Crowley? At the Singers’? He’d probably never know.
But here was the thing.
Dean Winchester would get a scholarship, and he would go to the best damn college he could find, and he’d go with his bestie and his...
He glanced at Cas.
That was a subject for another day.
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Through Time and Space (part four)
part one, part two, part three
You’re talking to Sam and Katie when you hear the gunfire. “I’ll be back… hopefully.” You say before getting up and walking to the living room where the gunfire happened… it’s only Sherlock shooting a smiley face he painted on the wall, just because he is bored. As Sherlock fires another round into the wall John comes running up the stairs with his fingers in his ears.
“What the hell are you doing?” John yells.
“Bored.” Sherlock replies rather sulkily.
“Bored!” Sherlock fires a few more rounds while yelling bored two more times. John somehow gets the gun away from Sherlock before removing the clip. You roll your eyes before heading back to your room where you were talking to your siblings.
“What was that about?” Sam asks when you sit back down.
“Sherlock started shooting a smiley face on the wall.” You reply.
“Why was he shooting the wall in the first place?”
“He was doing it out of boredom.”
“Are you sure that you should be staying there?” Cue the overprotective older siblings. You roll your eyes.
“Just because one my flatmates shoots the wall when he’s bored doesn’t mean that I’m going to leave like that.” You snap your fingers when you say ‘that’.
“He could’ve shot you though.” Katie counters.
“If I did get shot, my other flatmate is a doctor. I’m in good hands, Katie.” You reply, your slight British accent starts to poke through. Recently, you noticed that your accent comes through when you are emotional. Sam starts laughing.
“You have an accent.” He answers.
"Sherlock! Why is there a head of a vampire in the fridge?!" You shout upon opening the fridge.
"A what now?" Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock's elder brother asks.
"There's a head in the fridge Mycroft." You deadpan.
John comes running up the stairs asking if you and Sherlock are okay. “Are you alright John?” You ask.
“I just saw on the telly about the explosion near our flat.”
“Oh… they said it was a gas leak and no one got hurt.”
“Your shirt is singed slightly.” John points out.
“It’s been like that since the day I got it. This is a second-hand shirt.”
“From your sister I presume.” Sherlock points out.
“Originally Dean’s but Katie was the one that gave it to me.” You answer. “I swear you know more about me then I know about myself.” After a little bit, Mycroft takes his leave.
“Are you going to explain why you said vampire?” Sherlock asks getting out of his seat and walking over to you.
“If you grab the head I’ll show you.” You answer, Sherlock does so and sets the head on the table- John has a disgusted look on his face. “For one thing I noticed this.” You say as you show the consulting detective the vampire’s fangs.
“How did I miss those?” Sherlock questions.
“They’re easy to miss. That’s how vampires pass as human. Anyways if you look at where the neck used to be, it’s a clean cut.”
“So what does that mean?”
“It means the hunter that did this has hunted vampires before. If it was an amateur, it would look like a kindergartner’s art project.”
“So uneven?” Sherlock asks trying to follow your train of thought.
“Yup.” Sherlock looks rather intrigued. “Now here’s the thing most hunters are careful enough to depose all of the bodies and the heads… this hunter missed a head.”
🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝
You, Sherlock and John, are at Scotland Yard following Lestrade to his office. “You like the funny cases, don’t you?” Lestrade asks. “The surprising ones.”
“Obviously.” Sherlock answers with a monotone voice, but you can see it in his eyes- his interest has been piqued.
“You’ll love this. That explosion…” Donovan walks by causing Sherlock to throw her a dirty look.
“Gas leak right?” Sherlock asks looking back at Lestrade.
“No.” The three of you look surprised at the detective’s response. Lestrade opens the door to his office. Inviting the three of you in.
“No, made to look like one.”
“What?” John splutters. Lestrade gestures to the envelope on his desk. It has Sherlock’s name handwritten on it.
“Hardly anything left of the place except a strong box – a very strong box – and inside it was this.” Lestrade explains.
“You haven’t opened it?” Sherlock inquires.
“It’s addressed to you, isn’t it?” Sherlock reaches for the envelope then hesitates. “We’ve X-rayed it. It’s not booby-trapped.”
“How reassuring.” Sherlock then picks it up studying it. “Nice stationery. Bohemian.” Lestrade asks for clarification. “From the Czech Republic. No fingerprints?”
“No.” Lestrade replies. Sherlock studies the handwriting.
“She used a fountain pen. A Parker Duofold – iridium nib.”
“Deduce that from the cursive?” You ask. Sherlock chooses to ignore you. Sherlock then opens the envelope to find an exact replica of the phone from the woman in the pink case. Lestrade refers to that case as the study in pink. “The what now?”
“You haven’t read John’s blog?” Lestrade asks sounding surprised. You arch an eyebrow.
“I didn’t even know John had a blog.”
🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝
You find out that the sneakers Sherlock found in 221c (Mrs. Hudson’s basement) belonged to a person named Carl Powers- Sherlock’s very first case.
“Nineteen eighty-nine, a young kid – a champion swimmer – came up from Brighton for a school sports tournament; drowned in the pool. Tragic accident.” Sherlock says showing you and John an old newspaper headline on his phone. “You wouldn’t remember it. Why should you?”
“But you do…” You comment. Sherlock nods. “So there wasn’t anything suspicious about it then?”
“Nobody thought so – nobody except me. I was only a kid myself. I read about it in the papers.”
“Started young, didn’t you?” John jokes. Sherlock ignores his comment.
“The boy, Carl Powers, had some kind of fit in the water, but by the time they got him out it was too late. But there was something wrong; something I couldn’t get out of my head.”
“His shoes.”
“You’ve lost me.” You state.
“They weren’t there. I made a fuss; I tried to get the police interested, but nobody seemed to think it was important. He’d left all the rest of his clothes in his locker, but there was no sign of his shoes …” Sherlock then gestures to the bag that is holding the sneakers. “Until now.”
While Sherlock is busy figuring out the case, John has to go pay a visit to Mycroft. You, on the other hand, was helping Katie do research for a hunt, but you’re distracted and can’t really focus on anything. “Y/N?” Katie asks.
“Hmm?” You answer not really paying any attention.
“What’s going on, you’re never like this.” You sigh, looking at your computer screen.
“I’m just distracted at the moment. There is a psychopath running around London…”
“Other than your roommate?”
“Sherlock isn’t a psychopath sis. He’s more of a sociopath… also, Sherlock doesn’t strap people to bombs when he’s bored.” You stare down at the keyboard, fighting back tears. “Katie, I’m scared.” Normally you don’t tell anyone that you’re scared, but your siblings are the only exceptions.
“I don’t know what I can do… I mean you’re on the other side of the world (nickname).” You just nod in response.
🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝
A little later you get back to the flat carrying a small bag of Chinese food. You hear Sherlock yelling at the TV. ‘Is Sherlock watching Star Wars?’ You think to yourself.
You don’t really recall what happened before you ended up at the pool with John… John’s strapped to a bomb, and you have a sniper pointing his gun at your chest. When Sherlock shows up, you see his look of terror when he sees John. John removes the jacket revealing the bomb to Sherlock. Sherlock looks a little relieved but he is still wary of John for now. John narrates a few things through an earpiece. “I can stop John Watson and Y/N Winchester too… stop their hearts.” John says flinching slightly.
Now you’ve never been one for rules. So when it’s your turn to speak you do not follow the script. You actually pull the earpiece out of your ear and then throw it into the pool shorting it out. “I am not going to be someone’s goddamned puppet.” You state.
“Y/N look out!” Sherlock shouts, you see the bullet and move out of the way at the last second. The bullet embeds itself into the wall. You then walk over to Sherlock and John. The man named Moriarty eventually comes out. That is an interesting conversation, to say the least. While Sherlock is taking off the bomb attached to John, your arm brushes against your side causing you to hiss softly.
Your side got grazed by that sniper bullet.
“Son of a bitch.” You say through clenched teeth.
“Y/N?” Sherlock asks looking up from what he is doing.
“Even though I got mostly out of the way, the bullet still grazed my side… it's not bleeding too much though.”
“I’ll take a look at it when all this junk off of me.” John says as Sherlock removes the earpiece. John doesn’t get to look at your injury right away Moriarty just came back.
🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝
You flinch as John rubs some rubbing alcohol on your side. “Sorry.” He apologizes.
“It wasn’t you, it just stings.” You answer feeling a little exposed. All you’re wearing at the moment is a pair of jeans and your bra. “One would think that I would be somewhat used to this, considering how many times I’ve gotten hurt while hunting. Well then again my family cleans wounds with whiskey…”
“Did you guys drink it or was it strictly for first aid purposes?” John asks as he threads a needle, your injury is deep enough that you do need stitches for it.
“It was used as both.” You grimace as John starts stitching your side up. Sherlock walks into the kitchen not paying much heed to the fact you’re currently topless. Then again he’s only in a bed sheet. “Morning Sherlock.”
“Morning.” Sherlock yawns, you take a wild guess that today is going to be incredibly lazy. Since Sherlock had become incredibly popular via the internet he asks John to go to a crime scene after he was done patching you up. Sherlock also insists that John takes his laptop. Once John is done stitching your side up you put on a tank top as John heads out.
You can’t really do anything at the moment because John doesn’t want you to pop the stitches. It’s a little odd that you and Sherlock get an escort of sorts to somewhere, that somewhere just happens to be Buckingham Palace. John’s already there waiting for the two of you. “Are you wearing any pants?” He asks Sherlock once the three of you are sitting down on a nearby couch.
“No.” Sherlock answers before the three of you start to crack up. The three of you make some small talk for a little bit.
“What are we doing here, Sherlock? Seriously, what?” John asks. Sherlock admits he doesn’t know something. “Here to see the queen?” John just happens to ask as Mycroft enters.
“Oh, apparently yes.” Once again the three of you start to laugh. Mycroft doesn’t look amused.
“Just once, can you three behave like grown-ups?” Mycroft demands.
“We solve crimes. I blog about them, he forgets his pants, and she’s the queen of sass, so I wouldn’t hold out too much hope.” John points out with a grin. Once all the laughter has quieted down Mycroft offers Sherlock some clothes… Sherlock doesn’t pay any attention to his brother.
“We are in Buckingham Palace, the very heart of the British nation.” Mycroft then sternly adds: “Sherlock Holmes, put your trousers on.” Sherlock literally gets up to leave with a few words towards Mycroft.
“Good morning.” Sherlock states as he starts to walk away- only to have his brother stand on his sheet. That wasn’t a sight you needed to see this early- thankfully the consulting detective catches the sheet before it hits the ground completely. Eventually, Mycroft wins and Sherlock reluctantly gets dressed. Sherlock asks why didn’t Mycroft go to the secret service and if he trusts them.
“Naturally not.” The eldest Holmes replies. “They all spy on people for money.” You and John share a small smile. Apparently, the two of you were on Mycroft’s list of trustworthy people.
🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝
The doorbell rings and the people at the door are the Doctor and Rose. In all honesty, you’re glad to see them- you need to get away for a little bit. Your flatmates are good people, they just get on your nerves- Sherlock being the main culprit. “Don’t tear those stitches out Y/N.” John states.
“Relax I won’t.” You reply.
“Stitches?” Rose asks.
“Long story short I got shot.” Rose just sighs in response.
“You’re a danger to yourself Y/N.”
“I know Rose. Let’s go before Sherlock drags me in on another case.” With that, the three of you take your leave.
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literal-fand0m-trash · 8 years ago
Psychic Wars Part 11. No Exit Part 2
Note:  I do not own any of the Supernatural characters or stories, but I do own Dakota Winchester. Please leave comments and let me know if you want to be tagged.
Summary: Sequel to Dakota Elizabeth Winchester
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4    Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8  Part 9   Part 10
“Theresa Ellis, apartment 2F. Her boyfriend reported her missing around dawn.” Dean said walking into the livingroom where Sam, Jo, and Dakota were spread out on the floor looking through the information Jo had collected, again.
“How was her apartment?” Jo asked.
“Cracks all in the plaster-ceilings, walls, all of it.” Dean answered.
“Between that, the ectoplasm, and chunk of hair, I’d say the sucker’s coming from the walls.” Dakota said.
“Yeah, but who is it? The building’s history is totally clean.” Dean said.
“Maybe we’re looking in the wrong place.” Jo guessed. “Check this out.” She said handing them a photo.
“It’s the field where the building was built.” Dakota pointed out.
“Take a look at the one next door.” She smirked.
Sam leaned in closer to the paper, “Bars on the windows.”
“We’re next door to a prison?” Dean asked.
Jo stepped out of the room to call Ash and get some information, leaving the three Winchesters to flip through the papers. Jo came back into the room a few minutes later with a spring in her step.
“Moyamensing Prison. Built in 1835, torn down in 1963.” Jo explained.
“Let me guess, 1835, executions in the field?” Dakota guessed.
“Hangings.” Jo confirmed.
“Alright, we need a list of all the people executed in that field.” Sam said.
“Ash is already on it.” Jo said.
Half an hour later, Ash sent them the list and they started looking through it on Sam’s laptop.
“157 names?” Dakota asked in shock.
“We gotta narrow that down or else we’re gonna be digging up a Hell of a lot of stiffs” Dean said.
Sam continued scrolling through then stopped on one name, Herman Webster Mudgett.
“Wasn’t that H. H. Holmes’ real name?” Sam asked.
Dakota sighed and dropped her head.
“You gotta be kidding me.” Dean said.
Sam switched to a new screen and quickly searched it, “Yep. Holmes was executed at Moyamensing May 7, 1896.” He read.
“H. H. Holmes himself.” Dean whispered to himself.
“Come on. I mean, what are the odds?” Dakota asked.
“Who is this guy?” Jo asked.
“The term, ‘multi-murderer’-they coined it to describe Holmes. He was America’s first serial killer before anyone knew what a serial killer was.” Dean explained.
“He confessed to 27 murders, but some put the toll at over 100.” Sam added.
“And his victim flavor of choice, pretty, petite blonds.” Dakota continued.
“He used chloroform to kill them, which is what I smelled in the hallway last night.” Dean said.
“At his house they found bone fragments, and long locks of bloody blond hair.” Sam said.
“So, we just salt and burn the bones, right?” Jo asked.
“That’s the problem. His body is buried in town, but it’s encased in a couple tons of concert.” Dakota explained.
“What? Why?” Jo asked.
“The story goes, he didn’t want anyone mutilating his corpse, ‘cause, you know, it’s what he used to do.” Dean said.                 
“You know something? We might have an even bigger problem than that.” Sam said standing up and leaning over the papers.
“Why? Just, why?” Dakota sighed.
“Holmes build an apartment building in Chicago. They called it Murder Castle. The whole place was a death factory. They had trap doors, acid vats, quicklime pits. He built these secret chambers, inside the walls and kept them locked in there for days so they’d suffocate. Others, he’d let starve to death.”
“So, Theresa might still be alive. She could be in these walls.” Jo said.
“We need sledgehammers, crowbars.” Dean listed. “We need to smash all these walls, anywhere thick enough to hide a girl.”
With that Jo and Dean walked out the door, presumably to get supplies.
“Am I the only one who sees a problem with randomly smashing walls in an apartment complex?” Sam asked.
“No, I see the problem here, too.” Dakota nodded. Taking a sip of her now cold coffee.
Sam and Dakota went to check the Southeast wall on Teresa's floor. Luckily, because of the cracks everywhere in her apartment it was fairly easy to knock a part of the hallway wall down. The space was claustrophobically small, Dakota had to turn sideways to shuffle through with her flashlight in front of her and her EMF reading in her other hand.
They came across a section of piping in the wall that took up half the space and Dakota sighed, “Do we turn back?” She asked.
“I guess.” Sam said and he pulled out his phone to text Dean and Jo.
Dakota judged the small space in front of them, “I can fit through there.”
“What? Are you crazy? You are not going into the walls alone with a serial killer who likes tiny blonds on the loose!” Sam scolded.
“You got a better idea?” She sassed.
As she squeezed through the small space, Sam pulled out a make of the building they had found. Dakota walked along the narrow walkway and turned a corner, cautiously stepping over more piping.
“Where are you now?” Sam called.
“By the south wall.” She answered.
She came to a dead end at the end of the walkway and went to turn back, until she saw a hole in the floor that she could fit through. Realizing she was too far to yell to Sam she pulled out the walkie talkie Dean had given them.
“I found some sort of air duct. I’m going down.” She told him.
“No. No. Stay up here.” Sam instructed.
“We have to find this girl and you can’t fit through her, so I’m going.” She replied.
Sam sighed over the walkie, “Okay, I’m heading to you the long way around.”
Dakota took a deep breath and climbed into the air duct and grabbed onto the ladder that was attached to the wall.
She pulled her flashlight out of her pocket and started walking through the dusty, cobweb covered tunnel until she came to a place where to pipes blocked the path. Grumbling she tried to make herself same enough to fit through, then froze when she smelled something she couldn’t quite put her finger on.
She looked at the wall in front of her and saw ectoplasm leaking through the cracks.
“Shit!” She whispered harshly to herself, grabbing the walkie talkie and screaming Sam’s name into it as the world went black.
Dakota woke up to the sound of water dripping and something creaking; she immediately sat up and smacked her head on something causing her to groan and lay back down. After rubbing the new forming bump on her forehead she careful felt out to the sides and realized she was in some kind of box or, God forbid, coffin. She wiggled her hand down with the limited room she had to the extra flashlight in her jean jacket pocket and turned it on.
She shined the light at the ceiling and saw that whatever she was in was made of metal and there were fingernail scratches everywhere causing her to shutter. She looked over to the side and saw some kind of door with two small slits in it that was unsurprisingly locked.
“If I look out this right now is something going to jump out at me?” Dakota asked herself quietly. She leaned toward the “window” as much as she could and saw that there was similar metal container across from her.
Suddenly a door opened and Dakota quickly laid back down.
“Hello?” A girl whispered softly.
“Is anybody there?” Another asked quietly.
“Are you Teresa?” The first voice asked.
“Yes.” Teresa answered.
“Wait? Jo?” Dakota whispered.
“Kota? Are you here, too?” The first voice, Jo’s voice asked.
“Yes. Teresa, this won’t make you feel better, but Jo and I are here to rescue you.” Dakota said.
“We’re normally better at our job than this.” Jo promised.
Teresa let out a quiet sob, “Oh God, he’s out there. He’s going to kill us!” “No he won’t! We’re getting out.” Jo said.
“My brothers are looking for us.” Dakota added.
“Quite!” Teresa commanded and Dakota shut her mouth in time to her footsteps coming towards them.
Dakota held completely still until a hand shot into her box and grabbed on to her hair causing her to scream and thrash until a chunk of her wavy blond hair came out in his hands. She bit her lip as she cradled the part of her head that was now bleeding, listening to Jo scream as her hair was ripped out too.
Soon H. H. Holmes showed back up infront of her box and started whispered, “You’re so pretty. So beautiful.”
“Go to Hell.” Dakota said as she slowly reached down to grab her iron knife she keep in her shoe.
A hand slowly reached into the box and Dakota shoved herself as back as she could, but the arm still reached her and began to caress her arm and once it got down to her hand she pulled the knife and sliced the hand making it disappear.
“How do you like that! Lined with iron you creepy-ass son of a bitch!” Dakota yelled.
“Is he gone?” Teresa asked.
“I don’t know. Jo, if you can reach your knife keep it out and ready.” Dakota instructed.
Jo screamed and then it was suddenly muffled and Dakota realized Holmes must have her.
“Leave her alone you bastard!” Dakota yelled.
“Hey!” A voice Dakota instantly recognized as Dean called out and she breathed a sigh of relief as a gunshot fired.
“Guys! We’re in here! Me, Teresa, and Jo! We’re all here.” Dakota called out.
She heard two of the doors creak open before her door was opened and light shined in her face from Dean’s flashlight.
“You okay?” He asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” She promised.
“Let’s get the Hell out of here before he comes back.” Jo said.
“Actually, I don’t think we’re leaving just yet.” Dean said.
“Please tell your not planning what I think you’re planning.” Dakota said looking at Sam who shrugged as he held up a weak looking Teresa.
“Remember when I said being bait was a bad plan?” Dean asked rhetorically, “Now it’s kind of the only one we got.”
“Why can’t Dakota do it!” Jo said.
“Hey!” Dakota cried out.
“If we just use one of you, he might come from the other and we can’t risk that.” Sam explained.
Dakota and Jo sat back to back in the center of what Sam and Dean had explained was a sewer system.
“Kota.” Jo whispered and Dakota turned her head to see Holmes standing in the shadows.
“Down.” Dean yelled and Dakota and Jo ducked as the guys fired at the ceiling letting bags of salt fall in a perfect circle around them. Holmes started screaming and Dakota and Dean raced out the door slamming it behind them.
“Scream all you want, there’s no way you’re stepping over that salt!” Jo yelled as they turned to the tunnel that would lead them out of the sewers.
Once they were back on ground Dakota and Jo were sitting on the ground while Sam stood nearby; Dean had run off to grab something very secretly.
“So, is the job as glamorous as you thought it would be?” Sam asked.
“Well, except for all the pee-your-pants terror, yeah.” Jo answered, “But Teresa’s going to live a life ‘cause of us. It’s worth it, isn’t it.”
“Yeah. Sometimes it is.” Dakota nodded.
“Hey, what if someone finds that sewer down there, or a storm washes the salt away?” Jo asked.
“Both very fine points which is why we’re waiting here.” Sam answered.
“For what?” Dakota asked as a beeping noise started behind them. She turned around and saw a cement truck backing up towards them.
“How?” Dakota asked as Dean got out of the truck and Sam started lowering the spout into the entrance to the tunnel.
“I’ll give it back.” Dean promised.
“You ripped off a cement truck?” Jo asked and Dean shrugged.
The car ride back to Nebraska was incredibly uncomfortable, both due to the fact Sam, Jo, and Dakota were all squished in the back seat and also because a very pissed off Ellen was sitting in the passenger’s seat. Sam and Dean had explained after returning the cement truck that Ash had flipped on them and that Ellen was flying out.
“Well, you-you really weren’t kidding about flying out, were you?” Dean tried to joke.
When he was met with silence Dakota saw him slowly lean over and try to turn on the radio, but Ellen smacked his hand away. Jo turned to Dakota and raised her eyebrows.
“This is going to be a long drive.” Dakota whispered.
When they got back to the Roadhouse the next morning Ellen physically grabbed Jo’s arm and dragged her in.
“Ellen, I’m sorry. It was my fault. I lied to you and I’m sorry. But Jo did amazing out there.” Dakota said.
“I think her dad would be proud of her.” Dean added and Dakota’s eyes widened.
“Don’t you dare say that! Not you!” Ellen snapped. “I need a moment with my daughter, alone.”
“Actually, I think it’s best if we head out now. Tell Ash ‘hi’ for us.” Dakota said before grabbing the boys by their arms and leading them out.
“What was that about?” Sam asked.
“Jo’s dad had a pretty strict policy about not working with other hunters, but one day this friend of his really needed his help, so Jo’s dad, Will, let this other hunter use him as bait in their trap and Will didn’t make it. The other person he teamed up with was Dad. Ellen barely spoke to me for a year after that and Dad wasn’t allowed back in the Roadhouse. I don’t think Ellen ever forgave him, and by association us.” Dakota explained.
“But you two seem fine now.” Dean pointed out.
Dakota sighed, “After y’all took off for Stanford and to hunt on your own I stuck around with Dad for maybe six months before...something happened and I took off. I had no idea where you was so I found myself at the Roadhouse and Ellen took me in. I stayed with them for six months before meeting back up with Dean and then it was only another six-seven months till we got Sam.” Dakota explained.
@one-giggling-unic0rn   @skeletoresinthebasement
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La Pomme ~ Chapter Six
Pairing: Sam x OC (eventual Dean x OC and Dean x Castiel. And I mean eventual.)
Series summary: George is a casual French-Mistake-universe Supernatural fan living in no-COVID 2020, who's life is upended when she's suddenly launched between realities, two years into the boys' past (S13E22). What begins as an insane, immersive fan experience turns into more when Jack goes missing and George offers up her AU information to help track him down. Soon it's discovered that she and Sam may actually have history. But that's impossible, right?
Word Count: 6,200
Warnings: {smut, fluff, angst, show level violence, swearing, mentions of suicide} ***Detailed warnings will be tagged for specific chapters.
A/N: Following the events of my prequel Paradise and second story From My Eyes Off. Reading those first gives context but isn’t necessary to start this one.
Approximately three hours of arguing with herself about staying away from them later, George went to see if Jack and Sam had returned yet. She reasoned that, at this point, they'd been so adamant about her coming that staying away altogether would probably raise a larger red flag than if she just made a quick appearance.
That's not true! I'm just going so that they don't come looking for me. This is definitely the last time. Once I get the kid set up on the games, he'll forget I exist. Then I can slip back to my as-yet-undiscovered-room and wait quietly for Rowena to return and return me home. Everything will be fine. This has nothing to do with the beard.
I have to go to keep seeming uninteresting and innocuous, She reasoned with herself, though she knew it was dangerous. It was also not the real reason she was going.
There was no part of her that believed any of that. Especially as her heart fluttered at the thought of bearded Sam in that tight, gray deep v-neck.
First, she stopped in the kitchen to grab two beers from the fridge. Then she went to check Jack's room. As she walked up to the open door, she heard the two men talking.
"I don't understand why you don't want to tell me what happened." She heard Jack say.
Sam's annoyed huff made her pause, "I did tell you; nothing happened. She passed out exhausted and I didn't know where else to put her. There are so many new people here right now, I don't know what's an empty bed and what's not."
"OK…" She heard Jack's doubtful reply and then a pause before asking, "If Brent had passed out in your arms, would you have carried him to your bed?"
George grinned devilishly at the implication of the question, covering her mouth with her hand to stay quiet. There was a long, intriguing silence before Sam ordered defensively, "Shut up."
George decided to take that as her cue. She stepped into the doorway and cleared her throat, "'Shut up,' huh? Interesting parenting philosophy." She smirked as Sam started a bit and looked over at her. Presumably, he was wondering how much of that conversation she'd heard, and she felt in no hurry to fill him in.
Jack smiled at her and pointed to a surprising amount of booty on his bed and the floor in front of it, "George! They had everything on your list! Oh, except Mario 64."
Looks like the shoe's on the other foot, She thought smugly.
"Wow, really?" Her eyes went wide when she saw the small flat screen TV box leaning against the footboard and she looked at Sam with a surprised chuckle. She guessed Sam really wanted to keep Jack occupied. "And you bought it all, I see, awesome! Did you want some help setting up?"
"Yea, come in!" Jack nodded enthusiastically, waving her in, and then began unpacking his loot. George hesitated for a second as Sam watched Jack lay out all the equipment to start getting it set up.
Bitch, I don't know why you're taking pause now! You brought the damn beer. You planned this; just go in already.
With a quick, annoyed shake of her head to quiet the smug voices, she finally stepped into the room.
When she got close to him, Sam smiled, "Hey."
"Hi," George returned his smile nervously. "I don't remember that being on my list," Sam followed her gaze to the flat screen and then squirmed a bit, guiltily. Motioning to the rest of the stuff, she asked with a chuckle, "Feeling a little bit of dad guilt over something?"
Sam feigned ignorance, "Hmm?"
"I mean, OK, you needed the system and some games but…" Her eyes ran over the huge pile of game cartridges on the bed, wide with judgement. "And the TV? Kinda screams single-divorced-dad overcompensation. And I speak from experience."
"Oh, are you a divorced single dad, too?" Sam joked.
George snorted and corrected, "Raised by one… well, on Wednesdays and every other weekend. And he worked weekends… and most Wednesdays, so…" She trailed off with a what-are-you-gonna-do shrug and Sam nodded, understanding the semi-absent dad thing.
"I can definitely relate to the unavailable father," Sam's tone was serious but there was a smile on his face.
George stared at him curiously for a minute, Supernatural episodes flashing in her mind, and then nodded, "Oh, yeah, I guess you can." She was still getting used to television characters being real people. When he furrowed his brow curiously at her, she quickly said, "Anyway, yea, uh-expensive presents helped ease my dad's guilt about not really being there. That's how I got most of my video game experience." Just as he opened his mouth to respond, she held out a beer with a questioning look and said, "I think I owe you one or two of these? Although, seeing as this one is also from your fridge, think of this as more of a symbolic gesture. Since I can't actually repay you."
He chuckled and took the beer with a soft, "Thank you. And, no repayment needed. Trust me, we're just happy to be able to help. All of you." He was referring to the people from the camp again and she grimaced as a twinge of guilt zapped through her. Lying to him made her feel awful.
While it seemed like Jack was focused on unboxing the TV and not paying much attention to them, she held up the other beer and asked quietly, "Can he? I wasn't sure if you let him, but I brought it just in case."
Sam frowned a little and shrugged, "My brother lets him and I… choose my battles," he finished with a sigh. George smiled and nodded understandingly.
Seeing Jack was still preoccupied, she shrugged after a moment and offered, "Well, I don't normally drink beer but I can just say it's mine? He may not even ask for one."
Sam nodded appreciatively, snapping the bottle cap off his and tossing it into the garbage can in the corner. As she watched him raise the cold bottle to his lips, she couldn't help but stare at his gorgeous, newly bearded face. As he took a swig, her mouth went dry. Luckily, she was able to look away just before he caught her staring and she mentally kicked herself.
He raised an eyebrow at her when he noticed she didn't join him. Setting his drink down on the desk next to him, he reached out to take the unopened beer from her. "Ya know, it's more believable that you're drinking it, if it's actually open?"
"Oh, right," She let out a 'heh' of embarrassment as he popped the cap off and tossed it into the can as well. Taking it back from him, she admitted, "Like I said, not a big beer drinker."
With a teasing expression, he said, "Hmm… but really anything you drink out of a bottle has to be opened first, right?"
She blushed and smirked at his ribbing. Forcing herself not to laugh with all her might-made more difficult by the fact that she could see him trying not to smirk-she simply said, "Well, like I said, I was a latchkey kid. I typically drink strictly from the garden hose."
Jack finally looked over at them, finished plugging the TV in, and called to her, "George, come check the games!"
She grinned at the small "HA!" he let out at her joke. With a small, mental shrug, she lifted the beer and took a swig.
Fuck it, maybe it'll help calm my nerves. She then heard a smug sing-songy voice say, famous last words.
She walked over and looked at the cartridges that were laid out on his bed, "Nice! Oh, no way! Perfect Dark?!" She picked up the game and clutched it excitedly, "I totally forgot about this one!"
"Yea, I picked up a couple extras that weren't on the list. I hope that's OK, they just looked interesting," Jack said nervously.
"Of course it's OK! You might end up hating my game suggestions-not that that's possible because I have the best taste, obviously, but still. I'm glad you have a few to try on your own." Her grin increased as she looked at the game in her hand again, getting lost down memory lane for a moment. This game had gotten her through some rough patches.
She set it down and glanced over the few that were unfamiliar to her. "These ones I've never played before, so that'll be great. You'll get to actually figure out a few on your own."
"Will it be hard?" He wondered.
"Probably. And you'll most likely get so frustrated that you'll want to tear your hair out and throw the console against a wall. But, it'll be so freaking fun you can't stop. As Charles Dickens said, 'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times'."
Sam laughed, picking his beer back up and taking another drink. George couldn't help but grin, drinking hers as well.
Damn if I'm not addicted to that sound.
While Jack was trying to get the console set up, he struggled to hook the system up to the small flat screen he'd placed on his dresser. George came over to help. After a moment, she identified the problem.
Holding up the console's composite cable she huffed, "This TV doesn't have RCA ports!"
"What?!" Sam 'pffted,' coming over to check it, running his hands along the back. When he found nothing, he stood back and put his hands on his hips, "Are you saying we're actually going to have to use our crappy old TVs for this?" He shook his head in disbelief.
George shrugged, "Eh, at least it gives him an authentic experience?"
A short while later they had the system set up on an old tube set and the three of them were playing a few rounds of Mario Kart 64. Jack was sitting cross legged on the edge of his bed. On the floor to his left was Sam, slouching against the bed with his legs stretched out long in front of him. George was to his right, with her knees bent and her feet planted on the ground, sitting straighter upright but also leaning against the bed.
In terms of play, all three were taking it serious. George was a little rusty but her muscle memory helped her quickly grab and keep first place almost every round. Jack was picking it up surprisingly quick but struggled with the strategic aspect of trap setting and disabling opponents. Sam needed a lap to get used to the buttons, but was now smoking Jack and catching up to George with ease.
At the moment they were in the middle of the second lap of their fourth round. Surprising everyone except George and Sam (because they threw it), Jack had won the first round and was very proud of himself. Unfortunately for Jack, he got a little too proud of himself. Her competitive side had roared to life at his boisterous celebration and the boys ate George's dust on the second and third rounds.
Sober George would have known better than to agree to another round. She would never admit it, but Sam had been hot on her tail the entire last round; he'd definitely be able to beat her by the next one. Unfortunately for her, she'd already finished her second beer and was feeling real cocky when they'd both demanded another round of her.
She had warned dramatically, "Alright, but if you're gonna take a shot at the Queen, you better not miss."
George was fairly far out in front and feeling great, when Sam's Peach shot a red shell at her Yoshi and she wasn't able to avoid it. As her Yoshi tumbled, George watched Peach fly past her into first place, a string of inventive curses flew out of her mouth, explaining in detail exactly where she thought Sam could put his red shells. He couldn't help but give her a quick, amused 'wtf' expression at her colorful vocabulary but she was too busy mashing her buttons to get back in gear again.
Just as she was gaining back on him, she gasped when Yoshi flipped over again. Another red shell.
"The FU-JACK!?" Her jaw dropped at Jack, whose Mario drove by and was now in second place. George let out a frustrated screech as the two men high fived each other over Sam's shoulder.
"Looks like we didn't miss, your royal highness," Sam teased, then dodged a kick to the shin with an evil laugh.
When Yoshi was upright and ready to go again, she pressed the A button down so hard her finger turned white. Pulling out all the stops to try and catch up to them again, she finally hit a mystery box. It took all her might to refrain from jumping for joy when three red shells appeared around her kart. Neither Jack nor Sam had noticed. Falsely confident that they'd disabled her, they'd devolved from their joint effort to take her down and were now going against each other. Jack lucked into hitting Sam with a tossed banana peel but Sam was able to out maneuver him on the next few turns and had scooted ahead again already.
George continued to gain on them, using her memory of the course to cut every corner she could and climb her way back up to third place. Sam and Jack were neck and neck, nearing the finish line on the final lap, and smack talking each other. They were barely paying attention to her and she waited for just the right time, before mashing her trigger button. Her red shells launched rapid fire. She watched with glee as Peach and Mario flipped over and stalled mere feet from the finish line.
As Yoshi sailed past them both and crossed in first place, George leapt up from her spot on the floor in triumph, "YES!" Sam and Jack flinched in pain; they were pretty sure everyone in the bunker had heard that.
"Tried to take me out, huh?" She asked Sam, then turned to Jack, "Didn't think I could get back up, did you? How ya like me now?" They were both trying to hide their annoyed grins and she continued, "You want to know why I always play Yoshi? Because he ain't a BITCH, and Neither. Am. I." She mic-dropped her controller onto the bed and did a victory dance in place. "Both. Of. Y'all. Can. SUuuUUuuUUuck. IiiiiIIiIIiiiIIiiit!" She sang joyfully, punching her arms into the air.
"Suck what?" Jack mumbled at Sam in exasperation, bummed that he'd lost again.
"Er-Nothing. It's just a saying, don't worry about it," The other man assured with a nervous throat clearing.
George quickly stepped over Sam's outstretched legs to the open space at the foot of Jack's bed. Jutting out her hip and placing a firm hand on it, she promptly began cat walking back and forth while singing, "Walk, walk, fashion baby. Work it. Move. That Bitch cuh-ray-zee." Jack was far more annoyed at losing than Sam, but they were both incredibly amused at her flamboyant, over-the-top reaction.
Sam watched her display with a smile and, after a moment, commented, "OK, Cindy Crawford, I'm cutting you off."
Pausing her catwalking to victory dance in front of him, she then lobbed, "And why? Don't like having your ass handed to you by a drunk woman?"
"You LUCKED out with all those red shells, George!" Jack argued defiantly.
"Now, now, Jack. Don't be a sore loser," George admonished jokingly, still wiggling her hips in delight.
"Yea, you're clearly only allowed to be a sore winner around here," Sam said pointedly with a chuckle. When George froze mid victory dance, her butt no longer bouncing in front of him, Sam regretted saying anything.
She scrunched her nose at him in offense, holding her hands up in surrender, "OK, fine. Yes. If it hadn't been for those red shells I would have been in third place."
Sam gave her a smug grin and said, "That's right."
She continued sweetly, "And obviously Jack would have won." A triumphant smile spread on Jack's face and he nodded his head in gracious acceptance of her determination.
"Thank you, yes-wait, what?" Sam started to agree with her and then it registered what she'd actually said. He did a double take. She knew darn well Sam would have won that round, but the smirk on her face told him she'd never admit it. Curiously, he was as turned on as he was infuriated.
Then, George added, "But the entire game is luck, dude! Most video games are. If you can't handle this, I would stay away from Mario Party," She warned in a serious tone.
Jack and Sam exchanged a serious look, then looked back at George. They had the same determined expression and Jack said, "Let's do it," while Sam nodded in agreement. He was having fun for the first time in weeks.
Maybe months, he thought grimly. He also hoped she'd say yes so he could do everything in his power to make her win and score another full frontal victory dance.
George laughed a little and nodded, "Alright. But don't say I didn't warn you. It's fun as hell, but no one wins at Mario Party. No. One," She finished ominously.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom before we keep going," Jack got up and headed for the door. He turned back with a thoughtful look on his face and said, "I might go to the kitchen for some snacks, too. Do you want anything?"
George shrugged, "Well, here's the situation Jack: I'm gonna say no but I will most likely steal some of whatever you bring back. So, I would say just accommodate for that and you should be golden."
Sam chuckled and said out of the corner of his mouth, "There's a life lesson in women if I've ever heard one." He avoided acknowledging the dirty look she shot him and shook his head at Jack, "Nothing for me, thanks."
After Jack left, George gave Sam a suspicious look and teased, "No more beer? Hmm, I see what you're doing."
Sam gave her a 'feigned innocence' expression and murmured, "Hmm?"
"You can stop drinking all you want; I can beat you, sober or not," Crossing her arms over her chest, she gave him a mean mug.
He chuckled, but said, "Truthfully, asking Jack to bring me a beer felt a little-"
"Alcoholic single dad?" George finished with a laugh and he joined her, nodding in agreement.
"Right," Sam pointed a quick finger in the air. "Not a great look," He said, standing up with a groan. "Yikes, shouldn't have been slouching like that. The older I get the less forgiving my back is."
"Have you ever tried a massage?" She asked, almost absentmindedly as she was distracted by him. His full height always took her breath away at first; she loved it.
Sam considered her question for a moment. Looking her over appreciatively, he asked with a teasingly incredulous tone, "No. Why, are you offering?"
That snapped George out of her stupor and she blinked rapidly. Thinking she hadn't heard him correctly, she asked "Oh, what? Oh, no! Er-I-I mean, I just, I wouldn't know where to begin. What? No, I mean I wouldn't know what I was doing. Not-no, I know what I'm doing I just-I'm not a professional. I-" Stop talking. Stop talking, now! George felt a bit warm and started fanning herself, "Hoo d'awgy, is it hot in here or just me? Maybe you should cut me off," She finished with a nervous laughter.
He had watched her nervous, adorable rambling gleefully, chuckling once or twice. Whenever he was near her, an eerie pressure would build in his chest that was reminiscent of feelings he'd thought were long since lost to him. He realized it was that feeling that spurred him on to be so flirtatious. At her last statement though, he reigned himself in and answered her question more earnestly to help break the tension and give her a chance to calm down, "I'm not so big on strangers touching me. And I worry about how sanitary those places are," he finished with an exaggerated shudder.
It had been kind of him to cut her a break, but when he started stretching out the kinks from his prolonged seat on the floor, any chance she had of calming down disappeared. She couldn't help but admire his physique. Her eyes trailed his body once over but then quickly settled back on his beard. She could kill the show producers for not letting him be bearded sooner than Season 14. 'Smoldering' didn't even begin to cover it.
She hadn't realized that she'd gotten lost in thought about those sexy whiskers until she heard his throat clearing. Widening in horror, her eyes quickly met his, which looked half amused, half curious.
With a lick of his lips, which made George's brows furrow with desire, he asked gently, "Is there something on my face?"
"No!" Gulping, she blushed from head to toe. After thinking about it for a split second, she heard a buzzed voice in her head say fuck it, you've already embarrassed yourself. Tilting her head to the side, she boldly proclaimed, "Well, actually…Yeah!" A nervous chuckle escaped her lips as she tried to figure out how to say this without giving anything away. In her inebriated state, she finally settled on, "The last time I saw you, your face was less… Hagrid?"
Sam let out a loud laugh, a look of mock offense on his face. She covered her mouth as she snickered, realizing maybe that wasn't the nicest thing to say.
"Oh, wow! Hagrid, huh? I… Well, I'm not sure how to take that. Maybe I should go shave real quick," He teased sadly, rubbing a slow hand over his beard. It made her weak kneed.
"No! Please don't! I'm sorry," She leaned forward and gently squeezed his forearm with both her hands, then let go. "I was just trying to make you laugh! And I couldn't think of an attractive bearded man reference fast enough; Hagrid was the next best thing."
"Nah, you're right. Hagrid was good; you had to do it," He shrugged in acceptance. Squinting at her curiously, he asked, "But, just to clarify, you don't think I look like Hagrid, right?"
She snorted and then looked unsure. As she spoke she slowly craned her neck up, "Well, now that you mention it, he was half-giant!" Another laugh escaped him and she bit her lip to keep from grinning. The sound mixed with the beer was lowering her inhibitions a bit and she ran her eyes over him quickly in appreciation. Before she could stop herself, she assured him, "Seriously, though. The beard looks good. You look…" All the descriptions she could think of were too inappropriate even for her less inhibited state. Finally, she breathed, her eyes wide for emphasis, "good."
Sam gave her a shy, sexy smile and he looked down at the ground for a minute. She could swear the skin of his cheeks near the top of his beard was slightly pink.
Was he hiding a blush behind all that rugged? George wondered, watching him closely. Her stomach was nearly painfully tingling with nausea; she knew she should stop but fuck, when was she ever going to get this opportunity again?
Sam looked back up at her, the look in his eyes making her gulp, and asked with a questioning shrug, "'Good,' huh?"
George could tell he was baiting her but unfortunately her rational side was beating her horny/ buzzed side back with a stick, trying to keep control. So, she simply nodded and gave him a flirty smile, confirming, "Yes. Good." The word came out as a painful purr that caused Sam's eyes to darken curiously. George unconsciously licked her lips; it felt like all the air had been sucked out of the room.
"Hmm," was the noise that broke the silence finally, rumbling heavily from Sam's chest. He was feeling very conflicted. For one, the alcohol was obviously affecting her and he wasn't trying to take advantage. But also, she was causing him to feel a lot of intense and strange feelings, feelings that hadn't been stirred up in years, and he couldn't explain why. He'd just met her! Knew almost nothing about her, yet he was flirting with her left, right, and center like he was… well, Dean! It felt so comfortable around her; he felt a calming sense of ease, as though his life wasn't a giant crapshoot of terrible day in and day out. That feeling should have been foreign to him but it wasn't completely. That's what terrified and confused him.
They'd been staring intensely at each other. George thought it seemed like he was holding himself back; she recognized the look and assumed it was the same one on her face right now. Running a suddenly nervous hand through his hair, he huffed a little and smiled.
"Well… thank you," His tone sounded as sincere as it did nervous. "I-"
Just then Jack came back and broke the tension in the room. George released a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding, and turned to look at him. Balancing in his arms were two packs of red vines, one large bag of peanut M&Ms, six beef jerky sticks, two 'sharin' size' bags of Cheetos, and four Yoohoos.
The intensity of the previous moment paired with the absurd amount of food made her exclaim, "Dude!" The laughter bubbled out of her before she could stop it; she got near tears. Sam joined her with distinct but far less intense chuckles at Jack's attempts to interpret George's earlier instructions.
"What?" Jack asked curiously, "You asked me to account for you wanting some! I figured it was more efficient to just bring you your own."
"Ah, yes, a classic mistake, Jack. Half the fun is eating the other person's food," Sam teased.
George shook her head and sighed out the last of her laughter, "Oh, man. That was great. OK, I have to pee and then we'll have a talk about appropriate food portions before the game. Also, the fact that you brought peanut M&Ms and not caramel is near criminal."
Sam followed her out the door, saying, "I think I've changed my mind on that beer. I'll be right back, too."
"Grab me one?" She requested over her shoulder and he nodded affirmatively.
On her way back to Jack's room, George was wringing her hands nervously. Her mind was racing; she'd barely been able to concentrate on peeing! There was a heated debate going on in her head about what the hell she thought she was doing. A very large, very selfish part of her had not wanted to hold herself back. But she was skating on thin ice. Thin? Try imaginary! You seriously believe Sam Winchester is flirting with you? You have lost your damn mind. You look like a bumbling moron to him. A total Becky! Not to mention, he's a 10 and you're an Idaho six, if we're being generous.
The unnecessarily hurtful arguing in her head silenced instantly when she rounded the corner and found Sam in the hallway, sans beer. He was nervously pacing about 6 feet from Jack's room. She gulped; he looked agitated all of a sudden. Was he about to give her a talk about being inappropriate and how they should just "be friends?" She heard a voice sing-song in her head: I told you so, six.
Forcing herself to move forward once again, she tried to steal herself for the blow. To her surprise, his expression shifted to regret when he noticed her finally.
"Hey," He started, his tone apologetic. "I'm sorry to have to do this to you, but-" he held up his phone with a grimace.
"You have a hunt," George finished slowly with an understanding-and incredibly relieved-head nod. She watched Sam glance back at Jack's room with sad eyes. It clicked after a moment and she added with a less understanding tone, "And you want me to keep Jack distracted while you go?"
Sam gave her an adorable, pleading face, "Yes, please? I already broke the news to him and he's… upset about not being able to come."
George frowned, "Dude, are you seriously leaving me here by myself to entertain him? Sam!" She stomped her foot quietly, mock upset, "I don't know anything about what young adults are into these days. SnapChat? Four Loco? Miley Cyrus?!"
"Hey, look at this as an opportunity to finally play those real deep cuts from Avril," Sam joked back and George punched his arm gently; both laughed.
"OK, but really, do you have any tips for how to handle a teenage boy who's pissed because he can't go kill things?" She looked nervously toward Jack's room. "How do I cheer him up?"
"Well, I think we both know what you're going to have to do," Sam said with a deep, apologetic sigh. George raised an eyebrow curiously. Sam raised both of his and widened his eyes with a pointed head tilt in response. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously as she began to see where he was going with this and his head started nodding slowly.
"No," George said matter of factly, starting to shake her head. "No!"
"Look, I know it's not ideal, but-"
"I refuse!" She dug her heels in and her arms crossed over her chest.
"Now, now," He began in the same tone you would use to speak to a toddler. "You asked how to make him happy."
"I am not going to debase myself like that, Sam. No!"
"Listen, I know it's hard! But you've done it once already! Was it really tha-"
"Horrible! You of all people should understand why this is a terrible thing to ask! You had to do it once, too!" She uncrossed her arms and pointed at him, demanding, "Look me in the eye and tell me a little piece of your soul didn't die the last time?"
"Oh it wasn't that bad," Sam rolled his eyes dramatically.
"That's easy for you to say, Sam! You're bad at it! But, I have a reputation to protect!"
"OK, Kinicki, well if you want Jack to have fun, you're going to have to suck it up and let him win at Mario Kart!" When she huffed, shaking her head in continued defiance, he rolled his eyes and offered a compromise, "Every once in a while!"
After a few moments of mean mugging each other, neither one willing to give in, they both just started laughing. Once their laughter died down, he gave her a serious, apologetic expression and said, "Georgia, I really am sorry to do this… I was having fun."
As he used her full name, she couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. With a gentle shake of her head, she waved him off, "Don't be sorry; you have to go. And truly, I don't mind. Jack's actually a pretty cool kid…" She trailed off and then furrowed her brow in mock concern, "or am I a lame adult?"
He chucked, then shrugged and said, "Well, if you are then I am."
"Good thing Dean didn't hear you say that," She joked, shooting a finger gun at him. The look on his face in response was indiscernible and she kicked herself. "Shit, sorry. That was insensitive. With Michael and everything, I-I didn'-"
Sam waved his hand in the air and cut her off, "Nah, I know you didn't mean anything by it. I was just thinking how accurate the statement was, yet… you haven't met Dean, right?"
Her eyebrows went up in sobered surprise. Shit. She gulped and stuttered out, "Oh-right-no, that's right. I haven't… I-I just, uh, I know what it's like to have a big brother! He's-he is your big brother, right? I mean, I think I've heard Jack or someone say that…" Sam's brows furrowed further, looking at her curiously and nodding slowly in confirmation. "Right, well, yea. I just-I figured since Dean was your big brother, he'd relish the opportunity to make a comment about you being a loser. I know my brother certainly lived for it." She felt like he could tell she was sweating and it made her sweat more.
"Uh huh," Sam said with a slow drawl, not entirely convinced.
As George watched him she became less nervous, realizing that there was a lot of pain behind his bright hazel eyes. It was obvious that he was really worried about his brother; her heart twinged in empathy.
Without thinking, she placed a hand on his forearm and gripped tightly. With a comforting smile she promised, "Don't worry, Sam. You'll find Dean soon."
Sam felt as if the wind knocked out of his lungs as an intense burst of deja vu hit him. It couldn't be… that had been a dream. A fake dream at that! All part of the trickster's mind games trying to get him to give up on saving Dean. Obviously, there was no way this was the same woman. Yet he knew he'd heard that consolation before. From her, he felt sure. But how would he have dreamt about a woman from an alternate reality?
She jumped when she heard someone shout from down the hall, "Sam!"
George was panicking internally. He'd flinched at her words and the look on his face made her sick to her stomach. She let go of his arm quickly. Had she gone too far? Had she offended him? Was he just disgusted at being touched by her? A million thoughts raced through her mind as a cold sweat broke out on her forehead.
Sam snapped out of his stupor and furrowed his brow a bit. "COMING!" He boomed in their direction and then looked back at her in apology. Though he still seemed perturbed by something.
George smiled understandably, eternally grateful for the interruption, and began before he could say anything, "You have to go! I'll keep an eye on Jack for a while longer. But I swear to God if he starts trying to talk to me about Fortnite or TikTok or FOOTBALL: I'm. Out."
Sam had moved around her, slowly starting to head for the map room, "Football?"
"I just really hate sports," She deadpanned with a shrug, turning her body around to follow him.
He chucked and nodded, "Ah. Noted." He bowed to her slightly as he backed away, "Well, Thank you again. I owe you a beer now… or maybe a massage?" He offered innocently, adding, "I may not be a professional, but I definitely know what I'm doing." He watched just long enough to see her jaw drop, then with a wink, he turned and left.
When she'd mopped herself up from the floor and had finally started breathing again, George looked up to the ceiling and begged, "I have thirty five thousand dollars in savings and retirement and it's all yours for a copy!"
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tankcupcakes · 8 years ago
Thunder Road - Part Seven
Summary: Takes place directly at the end of 5x13, The Song Remains the Same – in which Team Free Will is stuck in 1978.
Characters: This is a third person story that will follow Dean, though there is plenty of Sam as well, Castiel, OFC
Warnings: Language and marijuana use for the whole story
Word Count: 3,500
A/N: I took some creative liberties with time travel here, so just roll with me. This is also chock-full of references to music in the 60’s and 70’s – there will be a companion Spotify playlist when the story is complete. No beta, but was brainstormed with and read over by my dear @chelsea072498 I don’t own any the gifs I will be using and I don’t know where they originated, by would be happy to credit if anyone knows who made them.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Eight Master List
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January, 2010 Sioux Falls, South Dakota
“No, not John Lennon!” Eve cried emphatically.
“‘Fraid so, dear,” Bobby said, shaking his head. “George too.”
“Ugh, 2010 is terrible,” she replied with a chuckle.
Bobby had taken to Eve quickly - perhaps because they grew up in the same time and he could relate to her. Eve had always joked that something about her southern accent made people like her, but Dean had noticed this to be true. She had a low voice too, pleasant to the ears. Like her own kind of magic. Dean had found himself daydreaming about this as they all were gathered in the living room - he sat quietly by himself on the couch, staring into space. Bobby and Eve were speaking about things that had happened since 1980 - something that she had not asked about in the past. She had said she didn't want the burden of being a prophet, knowing what would happen before it did. How ironic, that she now knew her own death date. 
Sam and Cas spoke on the other side of the room in hushed voices, presumably about the impending apocalypse, something that Dean knew he should be listening to, but found himself unable to focus on currently. Dean's thoughts rolled around his head in turmoil. He had been agonizing over the situation for hours and had come up empty so far. He'd allowed his mind to wander then, trying to focus on the positive things about being home. One of those things sat in front of him, talking animatedly to Eve from his wheelchair. He had certainly missed Bobby. The fact that he was getting on so well with Eve was wonderful and not surprising, but it felt like the final twist of a knife. Dean had always hoped to have someone like her, someone who understood him, someone his family loved. This sinking feeling that she would soon be gone was one he couldn't shake. As he watched her now, he could tell that Eve was wearing her brave face. She smiled at whatever story Bobby was telling her, and Dean noticed her fingers pulling loose threads from her jacket. One of her legs was crossed over the other, one ankle bouncing up and down. These were both of her nervous tics. She knew too. She knew that she would die - she knew when, where, and how and it made him sick. How could he let her go back to that? Deep within him, he knew there would be no "letting" her do anything - she would do what she chose to and that would be the end of it. It was a quality that he loved about her, even now. He could tell she wanted to excuse herself, to be alone to process everything, but was too polite to do so. Moving for the first time in over an hour, Dean pushed himself off of the couch. He took a few steps over to stand behind Eve, gripping both of her shoulders lightly. She leaned back to look up at him with a crooked smile, covering one of his hands with her own. "Hey Bobby, sorry to interrupt - can I borrow Eve for a minute?" "Sure thing - time for me to refresh my drink anyway," Bobby replied, shaking his empty beer bottle. Dean led the way through the front door, Eve giving a small sigh as they stepped outside. "Doing alright?" he asked. "Perfect timing," she said with a slight laugh. "You know me so well." A ghost of a smile appeared on his face only for a moment. "I know." She stared back at him, reaching up to squeeze his arm but saying nothing for the moment. She lit a cigarette, inhaling deeply. "I really like Bobby. I can tell he had a hand with you - a lot of the same mannerisms." She smiled as she thought on it more. "He's always been like a father to me," he said softly. He scuffed the ground with one boot and watched her silently for a moment before clearing his throat. "Would you like to be alone?" "I don't know," she answered honestly with a shrug. She gazed at the ground. "Yes and no. I have a lot rattling around in my head, but... " she paused and looked over at him, her eyes brimming with tears. "But, I know I don't have much time left with you." "Oh, Evie..." He wanted to say so much more than this, but the words caught in his throat and nothing else came. Instead, he took a step toward her, wrapping his arms around her tightly. A sob that she had been holding in escaped her, something she had been trying to prevent all day. "It's okay," he whispered, knowing that it wasn't. "I love you, Eve. It's okay."
After Eve had composed herself she seemed to be feeling a little better, and the two of them made their way back inside.
They bullshitted with Bobby for a few more hours before he went off to bed - bringing out a stack of blankets for them, he made a comment about them being adults, so they could figure out their own sleeping arrangements.
Cas and Sam had remained deep in conversation for most of the evening, Sam breaking off and looking exhausted long after Bobby had gone to bed.
“Where's Eve?” he asked and Dean shrugged.
“She might have gone up to the spare room, I haven't seen her for about thirty minutes. I think she wants to be alone.”
“Can't say I blame her,” Sam replied. He stared at Dean for a moment, clearly wanting to say something comforting to him, but settled for a clap on the shoulder. “I'm gonna shower and try to get some sleep.”
Dean nodded, but said nothing as Sam disappeared up the stairs.
Cas sat alone in the living room now, occupying a large armchair and gestured for Dean to sit in the empty one next to him.
Surprised he was able to put it off this long, Dean obliged and took a seat. After several moments of silence, he cocked his head at Cas.
“What happened to you in ‘78, anyway?” Dean asked, leaning forward in his chair. “One minute, you're there, the next - poof.”
Cas shook his head, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “I’m still uncertain. Everything went dark and then I was here.” He cleared his throat, his hands clasped in front of him as he sat with his elbows on his knees - a very human stance. “Listen, Dean, I know you probably don't want to talk about Evelyn, but we have to.”
Dean nodded slowly, squeezing his temples with one hand. He glanced around to make sure the room was empty before he spoke. “I've been thinking about it and - isn’t this kind of a good thing? Without Adam, both of their game pieces are off the board." "But, you're not. You're not off the board, you're right here," Cas said pointedly. "We can only hide for so long, I think you know that." Dean stared at him carefully, trying to come up with anything for an argument. "Isn't this a guarantee that Michael will have a vessel? Isn't that what we were trying to prevent?" "Yes, but we need the heat taken off of you - if they take Adam, they have what they want, leaving us time to find and kill the devil." "If Michael has a vessel, what's to stop Lucifer from starting this now?" "Lucifer will wait for Sam." "So, basically you're asking Eve to sacrifice her life to buy us time?" Dean asked incredulously, watching Castiel with disbelief. "Don't put words in my mouth. You know it's not that simple, Dean," Cas replied roughly. "And I'm not asking her to do anything, I'm asking you to fix the mess you made. You did this." He scoffed, shaking his head. He knew that Cas was right, but the matter-of-fact tone he was using pissed Dean off. "So, I have to convince her that this is right?" "It is right, it's history. And I don't think you'll have to convince her. You know her better than I do, what do you think she'll decide?" Choosing to ignore the question, Dean crossed his arms. "Just because something is history doesn't make it right." "Maybe not, but this time, it is." "I refuse to believe that," Dean spat, looking at the ground now. "Believe what you want. You changed the past, so you can fix it or deal with the consequences. But, you're kidding yourself if you think your voice is the only one that matters here," Cas said, and Dean looked up at him again. "Evelyn will make this decision herself and you know it. Regardless of your opinion on it." He wanted to throw the beer bottle in his hand at Cas' head, but he knew full well that he was right about this. "I'm gonna get some air," Dean said, standing suddenly. "I will go and see if there's anything else that can be done about this - but, please don't get your hopes up." Dean didn't answer him, only nodded as he walked out the back door. He took a deep breath of cold air once he was outside, and with a frustrated cry he hurled the bottle across the yard. It shattered against the hood of a broken down Ford, but it didn't make him feel any better. Muttering to himself, he turned around and froze when he saw Eve had been sitting just outside the door and had watched this. "You okay?" she asked tentatively, knowing the answer. He thought about lying, telling her he was fine. "No," he answered honestly, shaking his head. "I'm not." "Me either," she replied softly, offering him a half smile that tore at his heart. He walked over and took a seat on the ground next to her. "I don't know if we can fix this. And I’m, just - I’m so sorry for all of it." She shook her head. "Please, stop apologizing - it's better that I know, now I can take care of everything I need to back home before I... " she stopped and swallowed, unable to say the words. "There may be something we can do, Cas is out trying to find out right now." She considered this, nodding. She was fiddling with something in her hands. "Whatcha got?" Dean asked, gesturing. She showed him the little iPod and chuckled. "Sam gave it to me, he thought listening to some music might help me feel better."
“Did it?" "A little," she said with a shrug. "This thing is amazing, though - how do they fit all the songs in here?" Dean smiled and shook his head. "I'm not sure I fully understand it myself. Technology is crazy." "I know, I saw your phones, Sam's computer... I bet things are very different." "We'll go out tomorrow and see it, okay?" Dean suggested gently, taking one of her hands. "Sure," she said, nodding. She was quiet for a moment before clearing her throat. "So, how long are we gonna pretend that I'm staying here?" Dean opened his mouth and closed it again, shaking his head. He didn't know what to say, so instead he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer to him. She rested her head on his shoulder.
He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “For a little while longer," he finally replied.
= Cas was back early the next morning and the expression on his face made it clear that he didn't bring good news with him. Sam, Eve, and even Bobby were still asleep, leading the two of them outside to have their conversation in hushed voices. “I just can't see any way around it,” Cas said, the regret clear on his face. “We’ve got no other options.”
Hesitantly, Dean nodded. He had expected this, had prepared for it, but still found himself rebelling against it. “How much time do we have?”
Cas gave him a look that made it clear he was trying not to lose his temper and he shrugged. “None, Dean.”
“We were out of time when you and Sam went back to 1979. Now? There is even less time and even more to deal with.”
“Quit dancing around the answer and just tell me,” Dean replied sharply. “When do we have to send her back?”
“Now, Dean! She has no time left - we have no time.”
Dean crossed his arms and stared back at Cas defiantly. “I need a couple days.”
“Unbelievable - did you hear what I just said?” Dean said nothing as he continued to stand his ground and Cas shook his head. "Do you not understand that we're on a clock here?" "No, I get that, believe me - I'm just asking for a little leeway." "Doesn't it seem a little trivial in the light of everything that's happening?" "Trivial?" Dean repeated, eyes narrowing. He scoffed. "Yeah, I suppose it would seem trivial to you - Castiel, angel of the Lord. But, for the mortal peasants like me," he spat these words and Cas knew that he had struck a nerve, "it's pretty goddamn important." "Dean -" "I'm asking for two days - that's it. Today and tomorrow. You can't give that to her? To me?" Castiel was studying him carefully, but as he began to reply, Dean cut him off. "If anything but 'okay' is about to come out of your mouth, just save it. And you know what, if you can't give me two fucking days with this woman, then you don't get to pretend like I mean shit to you anymore, you got that?" Cas watched him with a piercing gaze, considering his words before heaving a sigh. "Alright, Dean. You have two days, but on that third day-" "I will let her go. And I won't argue with you, but I will be damned if I don't show her a good time before we send her back." Cas nodded. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry that it has to be this way, Dean." "Yeah," he replied, chewing on the inside of his lip, "Me too." After Cas had left, Dean returned inside to find Sam in the kitchen making coffee.
“Mornin’,” Dean said, closing the door behind him.
“Hey,” Sam replied, looking over at him as he pressed the brew button. “What's the word? I thought I heard Cas.”
“Yeah, you did,” Dean said as he leaned against the counter. “In a nutshell, we're out of time. There's nothing else.”
Sam’s eyebrows were furrowed as he nodded, casting his gaze down. “It's what we expected.”
“Doesn't make it suck any less,” he replied.
“No, it doesn't,” Sam said quietly.
“How many days were you able to stall for?” Eve’s voice came from the entryway to the living room, and both brothers turned to the sound. “Sorry, I wasn't trying to listen, I just smelled the coffee,” she said, gesturing to the pot.
“Two,” Dean replied, giving her a half smile. “Today and tomorrow.” She nodded and he added, “Good morning.”
“You too,” she said, stepping further inside the kitchen. Sam handed her and Dean full mugs before picking one up for himself.
“You guys have anything fun planned for today?” Sam asked.
“I might have some good stuff on the agenda,” Dean replied, smirking as he shrugged. “Plus, she's easily impressed.”
“That's true,” she confirmed with a nod. “I’m also really excited to see what everything is like, so he won't have to try very hard anyway.”
Sam laughed and shook his head. “Sounds ideal for Dean,” he said with a grin.
Dean gave him an unimpressed look in return.
After they all had coffee and breakfast, Dean made his way outside and saw Eve laying on the hood of one of the burned-out cars, staring at the sky.
He smiled to himself and hopped up next to her.
"I want to make a deal with you," he said, prompting a tilt of the head from Eve as she sat up to listen. "We've got the two days - it's not long, but it's the best I could do. You and I are gonna go do and see whatever you like today and tomorrow - but, I don't want to talk about you leaving, okay? Not one mention of it until that third day, and then we can have the conversations we don't want to have and deal with all of this. I know we'll be thinking about it. But, I want these two days to be about you and I. Can you do that?" "I can," she answered, nodding. “Can you?”
“I -” he hesitated, giving her a knowing look as he sighed, “I hope so.” A loud snap! caught their attention and they turned to see Sam standing near them with an old Polaroid camera, laughing as he gestured to it. "Look what I found!" he said, grinning. He snapped another. "That's not still what you use for photos, is it?" Eve asked, looking from Sam back to Dean with a laugh. "Nah, most people just use their phone." "You what?" she asked, raising her eyebrows. "Show her, Sam," Dean said with a chuckle. Eve stood and stepped over to Sam quickly, eager to see the new technology. He showed her the camera lense on the back of the phone before turning it over and opening the camera application. He pushed the button to take a picture. "See? These new phones are like phones, computers, and cameras combined." "Get out of here," she muttered as he handed it to her. She aimed the camera at him and pressed the button several times, her face lighting up when the photos appeared on the screen. Her smiled slowly dropped and she chewed on her bottom lip. "I wish I could take these pictures with me." She reached briefly for Sam's hand, squeezing his fingers in hers before letting go. Eve handed him back his phone and he nodded solemnly in response before smiling and holding the Polaroid up, pointing it at himself. "Here," he said, turning Eve by her shoulder to look at it too. "Say cheese!" She laughed as Sam took the picture and as it printed out, he handed it to her. "Take this one too," he said softly, slipping one he had just taken of her and Dean in her hand as well. "Thanks, Sam," she whispered, looking down at them. She slid them in her coat pocket and stood on her toes to wrap her arms around his neck in a hug. "For everything." He did the same, sharing a sorrowful glance with Dean, who broke eye contact to look at the ground a moment later. When she stepped back, Sam was trying to keep his emotions in check as he cleared his throat. "Well, I just wanted to - you know, say goodbye before you guys left. I wasn't sure if I would see you again or..." he trailed off, and Dean gazed at the rocks on the ground again, swallowing the lump in his throat. Eve nodded. "Good luck - I know you guys can do this." Sam shifted his weight from one foot to the other, his breath hitching in his throat as he suddenly embraced Eve again. "I'm so sorry this is happening." "I could say the same to you," she replied with a sad laugh. "I mean it, you guys can save the world, I know you can." "I hope you're right," he said, pulling back with a sigh. He looked over at Dean, who was watching them with a miserable expression. "Have a great time, you two. I'll see you in a few days, Dean." Dean nodded, but found he was unable to offer Sam the halfhearted smile he wanted to. "Thanks, Sammy." As Sam walked away, Dean heaved himself off of the car and clapped his hands together once. "Alright, lady - you and me are outta here." "Oh, yeah?" Eve asked with a laugh. "Whisking me off from the greatest junkyard this side of the Mississippi?" "You better watch what you say about this junkyard - it's Bobby's pride and joy." She feigned surprise, holding a hand to her chest. "Why, I'm sure I don't know what you mean," she said in an even more exaggerated southern accent. Dean snorted and shook his head, gesturing to the Impala. "Get in, you." She smirked and followed him over to the car, circling it before walking to the passenger side. "So, this is the old girl I heard so much about?" "Sure is - this one's my pride and joy," he replied as they both slid inside. "We're not going far - just the other side of the city."
@percywinchester27 @deathtonormalcy56 @d-s-winchester
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huntertales · 6 years ago
Part Two: All Hands On Deck. (Torn and Frayed S08E10)
Episode Summary: Castiel turns to Dean and the reader for help when an angel is being held captive and must rescue him. Meanwhile, Sam is given an ultimatum from Amelia; stay with her or leave and never make contact again. The decision grows complicated when Sam learns a secret the reader has been keeping from him, making him choose between the woman he loves or the family and lifestyle he’s only known. Word Count: 4,093. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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You had to admit, you were having your doubts about how well this search and rescue missing was going to go for Samandriel now that the younger was out of the picture for the meantime. You were trying to respect his wishes to have some space between the both of you while he worked out what he needed and get over the terrible thing you had done. But you were resisting the urge each time to call him and beg for him to at least come back whenever you reached for your phone. You didn't like the idea of him sitting all alone in that motel room just sulking and thinking about the good, old days he had with this Amelia woman. Maybe she had saw him again and found out he was in town, making them both wonder if they should try it again. Either way, you didn’t feel right about it.
However you had more important things to worry about than two fighting brothers and the fate of the future. You were in Nebraska with Dean and Cas as your third partner to fill in for the missing brother. Not that he was going to be any good, you bit your tongue and focused on finding Cas' own missing brother. You lightly tapped on the hospital room wall that was being occupied by the man who came in contact with the burning bush that landed him in the ICU with severe third degree burns all over his body. You politely smiled as you tried not to wince at the sight of him lying in the bed with skin that looked raw and nasty, not to mention gauze all over his wounds.
“Mr. Hinckley? Hi, uh, we’re from the Geneva Gazette.” You introduced yourself to the man as you and Dean stepped inside, showing off your visitor pass you got from the nurses’ station. Nothing a suit and a nice blouse could trick anyone into thinking who you were someone important. “I wanted to ask you a few questions about your...uh—”
“Ambush.” Dean said, coming up with the pun he’d been dying to use since reading the article for himself. Your face dropped when you heard his tasteless joke and turned to him to giving him a scolding glare. The man chuckled quietly as he shrugged his shoulders. "You know what they say, laughter is the best medicine."
"Yeah, well...I'd laugh, too," Mr. Hinckley said between clenched teeth, finding it hard to move his mouth from all the gauze wrapped around his head. And the burns around his body made it painful, too. "If it didn't feel like the sun ate my face."
Dean winced slightly when he realized that he might have been a bit insensitive, you mouthed an apology as you gave him another small smile. "It's a metaphor." Cas whispered to you, as if he was making it clear the man wasn’t being too literal here.
"Sorry. Uh, Now," You pulled out a small notepad and a pen to help jot down some notes that would be helpful for future reference as you got to the reason why you were here. "In the police report, it said that the bush talked to you, yes?”
“Yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but, yeah.” Mr. Hinckley said, slightly nodding his head.  
“And what did it say?” Cas asked the man.
“No clue.” Mr. Hinckley admitted. “Sounded like klingon to me.”
"Gonna need exact words." Dean told the man.
If Mr. Hinckley could raise his eyebrows, you had a feeling he would. But there was nothing left but a pinkish red muscle that moved ever so slightly from the request. "Are you serious?"
Cas didn't understand rhetorical questions, he thought the man was being literal. The angel leaned over slightly to stare at you and the older Winchester to examine your facial expressions to make sure you were. "That's their serious expression, yes."
You attempted to refrain yourself from rolling your eyes in annoyance, covering it up with another smile as Dean quietly chuckled. "As much as you can remember, Mr. Hinckley," You said to the man. "It would be very helpful."
“Sounded something like…’Sol-voch.’” Mr. Hinckley remembered. “Yeah. ‘Sol-voch-tay.”
You had studied a lot of languages in your lifetime, but it sounded nothing but like gibberish to you. You thanked the man anyway for his help as you jotted down the word, trying your hardest to sound spell it out in your head before making your way out. You made your way out into the hall as you tucked the notepad back into your pocket, passing by a nurse and a doctor on your way out, who seemed wrapped up in their own business to pay no attention to what you were about to discuss.
“Well, what do you think?” You asked the angel. “Mean anything to you?”
"Yes. It's Enochian. It means 'obey.'" Cas explained to you and Dean. You looked at him with a slightly confused expression, wondering why Samanderial would be shouting something about obeying. "I don't know. But the amount of pain an angel must be in not just to manifest through shrubbery but to burn—Dean, Y/N...we have to find him before it’s too late.”  
"Okay. Okay, well, look, a sign like that—Alfie can't be too far, right?" Dean thought out loud, stopping for a moment down a deserted part of the hall to discuss the next plan of action. "So we'll just start at the bush and work our way out."
"And look for what exactly?" Cas asked the older Winchester. "Crowley could have him anywhere."
“Well, if we know Crowley, the place will be swarming with demons,” You suspected the king of hell and his obsession with keeping as many meatsuits out for his protection as possible. “So we’ll just drive until we see their ugly faces.”
+ + +
While the plan sounded like a good one, the execution resulted in the three of you spending the rest of the afternoon driving around Geneva looking for anything that seemed like a perfect hideout for a king of hell to torture an angel. Your guess was an abandoned warehouse of some sort that left him a few miles from civilization to do his dirty work. But it was starting to look like a dead end when Dean pulled up to yet another factory that had been abandoned for years. Yet another factory came into view when you spotted it from the backseat of the Impala, giving Cas the luxury of sitting up front since Dean banned the angel’s ability to pop the three of you from one place to another.
“Wow, will you look at that? Our ninth abandoned factory. Ain’t that America?” Dean remarked as he put the Impala into park, presuming all of you were only going to be here for a few minutes. “Hey, what do you guys say, this doesn’t pan out, we head back to that beer-and-bacon happy hour about a mile back, huh?”
“Wait a minute, Dean. Those derelicts, they’re demons.” Cas said. “I can see their true faces.”
You narrowed your eyes slightly as you leaned forward in your seat to see if you might be able to get a better view as Dean grabbed a pair of binoculars to see things more clearly. He spotted three men that looked like nothing more than a few homeless men trying to stay warm around a fire, along with another one on the roof, probably for lookout for any approaching hunters trying to foil his plan.
“Crowley’s got that many hell monkey’s outside, he’s got to have at least double.”
“And angel warding.” Cas added more to the list of problems. “I can feel it.”
"Well, it looks like the three of us and the demon knife aren't going to cut it." You said, knowing this was going to be more complicated than you were hoping for. But it wouldn't be if someone was still here with you like he should be. You looked over at the older Winchester from what you mentioned next. "Hmm. If only we had some extra backup to help us out. I wonder who..."
“I’ll get Sam.” The angel offered.
“No. We don’t need Sam.” Dean said, stopping Cas from vanishing out of sight and grabbing his little brother, the last person he wanted to see at the moment. You gave the man an annoyed expression as the angel opened his mouth to reference the point you made, but Dean cut him off. “Look, if Sam wanted in, he’d be here, okay? Besides, I got a better idea.”
+ + +
Dean’s brilliant plan involved someone that wasn’t Sam, but another person you hadn’t seen in a few weeks after you got him somewhere safe, Kevin Tran. He'd been hiding out from the monsters and civilization to try and translate the demon tablet, or the half that you got away with after Crowley took the other. You and Dean got to Garth’s boathouse, with the help of Cas, in just a simple blink of an eye. While you didn't have the pleasure of seeing Garth's boathouse, you weren't sure exactly what to expect when you found yourself standing on the inside. You looked around to see that it was decent enough for the time being, and from the looks of it, Kevin made himself at home. You spotted the prophet sitting at the table with his back to you, too involved in the work to realize he had visitors.
“Slow read?” You greeted the prophet, breaking his concentration away from his work. You gave him a small smile when he turned around in his seat to see who was speaking to him. However you felt the friendly gesture drop slightly when you noticed how badly Kevin looked.
“Slowest.” Kevin replied back.
Dean looked around the place to see that it sounded pretty quiet, rather surprised to see the lanky hunter who was supposed to be keeping an eye on the prophet wasn't around here trying to greet him with a hug. "Where's Garth?"
“Supply run? I don’t know. Sort of lost track of him when he comes and goes.” Kevin said. He turned back around in his seat to try and get back to translating the piece of stone. “You guys need help with something? I’m working here.”
Cas, who had been observing Kevin for a moment, spoke about his concerns about the prophet in the most blunt way possible. “You look horrible.”
"Cas. How many times do I have to tell you? Don't say the first thing that comes to mind." You muttered to the angel, giving him a look at the remark. Kevin didn't seem bothered too much by it, brushing it off with a thanks before trying to get back to work. While Cas had said it, you were thinking about it, too. You noticed that Kevin looked like he hadn't slept much, along with taking any time for some personal hygiene. "I mean, he's right. Are you okay, Kevin?"
"Fine. I'm just...in the middle of this." Kevin said. You let out a quiet sigh from what was going on with him and the stress that he must be under. Dean asked if there was any luck as he started to walk towards the prophet. "Interpreting half a demon tablet? No. I got nothing."
“All right, well, buck up,” Dean said, jumping straight into the reason why the three of you were here in the first place. “‘Cause we need some more of that demon TNT ASAP.”
“You used it all?” Kevin asked, turning around in his seat to look up at the hunter.
“Yeah,” Dean said, not seeing what the big deal was. “So let’s whip up another batch.”
"Sure. West bank witch hazel, skull of Egyptian calf, the tail of some random-ass newt that may or may not be extinct—" Kevin said, listing off only a few of the ingredients that all of you would need to complete the spell. You realized that this might be harder than you expected, and struck a sensitive nerve in the young man from asking him to do another favor.
“All right, all right, I get it—ingredients are hard to come by, huh?” Dean cut off the prophet, getting the picture that this wasn’t going to be easy as he thought.
“That’s just the first three ingredients.” Kevin told the hunter.
“Give me the list.” Cas said. “I’ll get what we need.”
Kevin went silent for a moment as he stared at the three of you, making it seem as if he was contemplating on helping. A second later you saw him rolling his eyes and turning to a fresh page in his notebook, writing down every ingredient that Cas would need to get in order to make the demon bomb. You watched the angel disappear right after he got the list, starting off his shopping extravaganza. You and Dean were left back on the boat with Kevin to kill the time until he got back. Kevin had translating to keep himself occupied while you decided to see how it was going as you wandered around the place, quiet as possible to keep from distracting Kevin. Dean had no concept of that.
You stood with your arms crossed over your chest as you stared at some scribbles taped to the wall, trying to make sense of it. Dean paced back and forth, waving his arms back and forth, clapping them together. You didn't know if it was your anger towards him or the hormones in your body that was making you grow annoyed with the clapping sounds from what Dean was doing. You tried your hardest to block it out, but after only a few seconds, you reached your breaking point.
“Oh my God. Can you stop?” You asked the older man, rolling your eyes to show him how frustrated you were starting to get with him. Dean stopped like how you wanted, but he stared at you with a confused expression, wondering what he did now to get you pissed off. “Would it hurt for you to sit down?”
Dean did what you asked him to do, but it resulted in him starting at you with a look of disbelief, wondering what he did now to piss you off. “You know you’re like a minefield lately. Don’t know what I’m gonna do next to to set you off.”
“Well, maybe if you stopped being so annoying I’d be fine.” You grumbled underneath your breath, rolling your eyes as you moved your gaze away from him to stare off into another part of the boat. Dean gave you an annoyed expression when you weren’t looking. A silence fell between the both of you for a moment before you felt a familiar churning of your stomach, making you realize what was about to happen. “I’ll be right back.”
“Where are you going?” Dean asked you.
You barely managed to take two steps before you stopped in your tracks at the question. You inhaled a deep breath from his annoying attitude that seemed to be getting even more under your skin. “To the bathroom.” You said. You managed to leave out the offer if he wanted to hold your hair while you puke your guts out because of his unborn child that was starting to be annoying as their father. “Do you want to join me?”
“No, I don’t want to join you.” Dean said, mocking your question as he rolled his eyes. You returned the gesture as you continued walking again to find out where Garth had somewhere to hide out for a few minutes. Dean looked down at his watch to see what the time was and how much longer the angel was going to be while he gathered up supplies. “I mean, come on. How long does it take to get a calf skull from Egypt?”
Kevin worked for a few seconds longer before he found his curiosity peeking at the argument he hear between the both of you. He dropped his pen to the notebook filled with his writing and turned around in his chair. "Hey, can I ask you something?"
“Yeah, sure.” Dean said. “Shoot, kid.”
"Are you and Y/N married?" Kevin asked, Dean's face scrunched up slightly as his lips stretched into a smile. When he answered no, the kid replied back with a blunt remark that he knew why he was really asking. "Well, you sure argue like an old married couple. And it’s kind of distracting from what I’m doing.”
“You know what—get back to work.” Dean ordered to the prophet. Kevin was already doing just that before he heard the command from the hunter. He slipped on a pair of noise cancelling headphones and turned on his music, drowning out the distractions around him. Dean narrowed his eyes slightly as he approached the kid, wondering if he could hear him after he called out his name. He snapped his fingers at each side of Kevin's head, but he got no response. He felt a smirk spread across his lips as he bent down close to him. “Your mom’s hot.” Dean thought that would surely get a rise out of the kid, but the compliment about his mother went unnoticed. “I’m serious, your mom is one sexy—”
“What are you doing?” Dean felt himself flinch at the sound of your voice, making him realize that he wasn't alone anymore. He turned around slightly to see you standing right behind him, a dirty glare on your face from how he was talking about Mrs. Tran. "You know you’re a pig, right?”
"I just said she was hot—and saying that out loud, I know how that sounds." Dean suddenly realized that he wasn't doing anymore favors of lingering on the subject. "Seriously? What the hell is your problem? You've been walking around with a stick shoved so far up your ass since we left Texas."
You furrowed your brow slightly form his question as you crossed your arms over your chest. “Good thing you’re cute. Because smarts is obviously not in the cards today for you.” You said. Dean took his turn to give you an annoyed glare at the jab you gave him. You rolled your eyes when you heard a phone start ringing. Dean realized that it was his, and pulling it out, you saw his facial expression change slightly from the name that he saw. And you knew exactly who it was. “Speak of the vampire. Might want to get that. See what kind of favor Benny needs this time.”  
Dean didn’t say anything. He turned his attention to his ringing phone and answered it, brushing past you as he stepped out for a moment to have the conversation in private. You let out a quiet sigh as you made your way over to Kevin, who had tried to block out the world from his headphones. You disrupted him by lightly tapping on them, grabbing his attention. You couldn’t help but ask about Mrs. Tran at the thought of her now.
“Where is your mom?” You asked him. Kevin lifted up one of the headphones to simply say that she was somewhere safe. Part of you was a bit taken back at what he had done to his own mother. “You kicked your mom to the curb?”
"She was too distracting. I couldn't focus." Kevin admitted to you. He took off his headphones and dropped them to the table as he continued talking. "The angels said I had to go to the desert to learn the word of God, all right? So...this is my desert.”
"Yeah, but your mom's your mom." You said.
“I can’t enjoy a world I need to save, Y/N. I can enjoy it when this is all over with.” Kevin said. You felt yourself staring at him with empathy at the pressure he was under as he held the piece of rock that was the reason why he was here in the first place. And his density according to God. “For right now...there’s nothing more important than this.”  
You felt yourself growing with concern as you pulled out the seat across from him and sat down. You placed out your hand to make him put down the tablet. Just because he pushed his mom away didn’t mean you weren’t going to stop looking out after him. “Kev, Rome wasn’t built in a day. We know it’s gonna be a while until we make some progress. And that’s okay.” You told him. “But what’s not okay is you ignoring basic needs like eating a proper meal and sleeping. Don’t become obsessed with this thing. Take some time for yourself every once in a while. Because, honestly, you do look like crap."
Kevin scoffed underneath his breath from your jab at his appearance, “Thanks, Y/N. It's been a while since I've looked in the mirror."
"Hey, if I'm being honest here..." You looked around the boat to see that it was still just you and him so you could tell him how you really felt. "This isn't worth dying over. And I want you to enjoy your hard work when we do get there. You're still young, Kevin. You have your whole life ahead of you after all of this is done. No matter how long it does end up taking. But you can’t kill yourself trying to make it happen. Breaks were invented for a reason. Take one every once in a while, will you?”
You hoped what you said to the prophet might be helpful to him about not making the same mistakes you had made while becoming obsessed with solving a problem. Kevin nodded his head as you let him get back to work. It seemed that your motherly instincts were kicking into high gear early. Not only you did you have to watch over two grown men and an angel, you found yourself now looking over a prophet, making sure all of them didn't do anything too self destructive to screw things up for themselves.At least with the boys fighting it was getting you prepared for the many temper tantrums your and Dean's child was bound to have. Because your patience was sure being tested lately.
+ + +
Some more time passed while you waited for Cas to return with all the ingredients, you found a book to occupy your time while Kevin got back to work trying to decipher the tablet. Dean kept his mouth busy by snacking on some chips he found while continuing to look over the notes that Kevin taped all over the boat. You were a few pages into the book of lore Garth must have kept here to be of some use for Kevin when you heard the familiar sound of rustling feathers. You looked up from the book, expecting to see Cas back from his trip around the world, and he was. Along with someone else.
“I got what we need.” Cas informed the three of you.
“Oh, it’s about time.” Dean said, looking over at the angel. He saw a familiar face, one of his little brother, standing across from the boat. You let out a quiet sigh as you shut the book, having a feeling this was going to be more awkward than helpful. "What's he doing here?"
“Don’t worry, Dean.” Sam reassured his brother that he wasn’t sticking around for long. “Once we save Alfie, I’m out.”
“Oh, once ‘we’ save Alfie. Don’t hurt yourself, Sam. Cas, Y/N and I can handle it.” Dean said, making it quite clear that he didn't want the other man around here. Sam shot back at him, mentioning that the angel didn't think so. Dean ignored the remark, keeping his focus on the angel who brought the unwanted man here. "I told you we didn't need him."
"We need everything, Dean." Cas told the older Winchester. It seemed the angel was growing tiresome of the fighting between the both of them as you were. "And I need both of you, as you say, to stow your crap. Can you do that?"
It was the question that had yet to be answered. You stared at both of the brothers, wondering if their own personal differences were going to get in the way from the work that needed to be done. Having them focus and get to work on the hunt wasn’t the problem. It was what came afterwards that would be.
[Next Part]
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lusciousvertigo · 8 years ago
As One Door Closes
… another one opens or so my Mother had always said but she’d also said that drinking several litres of Absolut would ensure that you forgot your failings and the loneliness after the waste of space my Dad was had fucked off and left her with a six month old squalling me. Those doors however? Seemed to stay permanently closed unless I worked myself into an early grave to achieve exactly what I want for me. The Kessler name had once been one to be respected at one point; my Dad had served in the military from the age of seventeen, honoring those who had served before on both sides of my family going back to the time of the Civil War and he had risen swiftly through the ranks becoming a Lieutenant General which apparently is really high and Mom still had a photograph of him in her room in his fancy uniform. SHe cries over it regularly and gets really pissed off when I tell her that maybe she would feel better if she wasn’t looking at the bastard who left us every day. Turns out that my Mom has a really vicious backhand when talking about dear ol’ Dad and I’ve learnt to keep my mouth shut over it all and embrace my distaste over them both by getting rid of my golden blonde curls with a bottle of dye and refusing to go lie out in the sunshine like the bitches of Hemery High School… Ah the place that spawn opinionated bitches out to be Valley girls who spent every waking moment looking perfect for their rich Father-figure boyfriends to marry. Just like my Mom had done… after all she got herself knocked up by a man twice her age and wondered why he did a fast one the moment he could so that he wasn’t shackled to a bimbo and a brat. His loss… my Mom may well drink herself into an early grave now? But there was a time when she was the epitome of a 1950s housewife ensuring I was well-fed and cared for (by well-fed read extremely strict diet so that I would be able to be a cheerleader and make her dreams come true so that I could become head cheerleader and come home with trophies galore…) I can now clarify that I despise protein shakes and the strict regimes she had me on that had me become a stick insect before I was thirteen. Hemery had been Hell ninety per cent of the time, as I became a misfit. Not because I was in a household made up of my Mom and I but because she was an addict and it got around the school within minutes thanks to.. Guess who? The cheerleaders and the jocks. I swore there and then that I wouldn’t end up like my Mom and worked hard through school earning good grades and pushing myself in the dance studio.. I had a dream and it was one that went against the look I had grown to love and embrace fully as my own now as Ariana Keller - child of drunk and a now deceased Dad. (Trust me, if I go there - I won’t stop and the irony of it is I found out before Mom did when I saw his photo in the obituaries section of the paper} I lost myself to music and the poise and grace found in the art of ballet. My Mom had been furious with me declaring that I was letting her down and had abandoned all her hopes and dreams.. But I had been training for years now, been offered a place in The Juilliard School - yes, the place to go if you had a true passion and talent for Dance, Drama, and/or Music.. It was there that I found peace and quiet because I was out the clutches of my Mother thanks to her decision that I was too much like my Dad and that meant I was to be cast aside and forgotten. Which had meant the last five years of my life had been relatively quiet and that of course meant I was in for a returning of the dead and that would ensure that the peace I had known would end. I’d earned my BFA with a diploma (Bachelor of Fine Arts) a year ago and had found work in various theatres throughout New York and had high hopes for what would happen.. My life was indeed in my own hands and I wanted to make the most of it before everything went wrong with the arrival of one Jennifer Mayfield also known as ‘Mom’... I mean life couldn’t be good forever right? Making my way to my apartment in the Village, I trolled through the fifty or so messages she had left each and everyone filled with what had to be the ravings of a mad woman. She swore that there were monsters in the Valley; I wonder if she’d switched vodka to something a little more interesting and illegal in the form of Charlie until I remembered just why I had learnt to admire the former cheerleader turned freak in Elizabeth ‘Buffy’ Summers and her rebel boytoy Oliver Pike.. the two of them had burnt down the gym of Hemery High to kill these freaks or what was it they had been accused of being? Oh that was it ‘an attack by a gang on PCP.’ Whoever came up with that excuse clearly hadn’t actually witnessed what a gang on PCP actually looked like and they certainly didn’t have faces that resembled wax masks under the sun.. But I didn’t believe in monsters either - not that kind anyway. Monsters were child molesters, absentee parents, abusers of the elderly. There’s a fucking long list let me tell you but not one of them came from an episode of Supernatural otherwise there would be a mass hunt throughout the country for the Winchesters to ‘assist’. Also known as women (and men) wanting to drag Sam and Dean under the sack to make mini-hunters. My internal thoughts are going to have me burning in the fiery pits because if my Mom was right, swearing was sinful as was me abandoning her (despite losing my sanity when I stayed there) and I would burn. Catholics… worse than any prison guard I tell ya. But if my Mom didn’t get a call back from me; given as there were ten missed calls within the last hour? She would presume I was dead and I had already had two cases of the police contacting me as my Mom believed I was missing presumed DOA in the nearest hospital. That had been embarrassing and on the last time the police had arrived at my apartment? I had sat with them and shared my dinner with them as they took their report down … and asked me if I was concerned that my Mom had mental issues or had been assessed for depression or other such conditions. I had wanted to disappear into the ground right there and then. But that was then and this is now and clearly my Mom was concerned and I had to become the adult dealing with a child. I would get her to talk to me and then try to persuade her to put her crutch down - the vodka treble she will have no doubt poured a few of so that she would go to bed and sleep it off. I just had to hope I wouldn’t have to go to the coach station and travel from Manhattan to LA because that would screw me up in my rehearsals for my part as Ophelia in the ballet performance of Hamlet at the Zeigfeld. I couldn’t promise I wouldn’t throttle her if that occurred. Again. Perhaps it was the stress of my life and need to be the best at my classes that I would find some way to unburden the weight of fear and failure. I would visit clubs pretty much nightly to drink and forget the pain of my various pairs of dance shoes. It would be on a crowded dance floor that I would embrace the feeling of feeling truly alone when music would flow through me like the very blood in my veins. I paid little attention to the dangers I was in; or rather refused to allowed my already beleaguered mind to process the several outcomes my behaviour could of perhaps more accurately; would induce. I saw dangers and discarded them both in the form of writhing bodies in a smoky and dark club; or along the sidewalks where any old vehicle to plough me down in the blink of an eye causing my Mother to finally lose control of the few marbles she still possessed. I was alone in the crowd; but there was always a sensation akin to the hairs on the back of my neck rising. I never spoke of it; never mentioned it to the few friends at Juilliard I had lest they think nights spent in a padded room with lovely white blinding lights would aid my recovery. After all; saying someone was watching you; even when you were undressing for bed was something that could be deemed as far-fetched. Even by those I entrusted my deepest secrets. And yet.. I swore I saw the same bleached white hair in each and every bar or club I frequented.. and then it would sneak up on me when I secured the curtains to my bedroom. Someone was indeed out there; I just had no way of proving it; or knowing just why someone would do such a thing without malignant intent for my person.. He was protecting me; I escaped muggings and threats to my life only for them to disappear once I was ordered to the room. He installed fear and yet security info my mindset and I was interlude lost wondering the simplest of questions? Why me?
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huntertales · 7 years ago
Part Three: Not All Hope Is Lost. (Frontierland S06E18)
Episode Summary: While searching for a way to defeat Eve, the Winchester brothers and the reader stumble upon Samuel Colt’s journal. Realizing Samuel might have the answer to their problems, the three of them ask Castiel to send them back in time to meet the man himself. While Sam and the reader are reluctant to time travel, Dean is beside himself with excitement to return to the Wild, Wild West. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 6,294.
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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There will always be a motive for why people do what they do. And that also included monsters. It didn’t take much effort to figure out why Elias Finch hunted down the judge and sheriff to turn them into ash and bone. Because he wanted revenge on the men who tried to put him six feet under the ground. And if you weren't fast enough, the deputy would be next. He was the last missing piece you could use against Elias for him to come to you. Along with saving a life. The only problem with the plan was trying to find the deputy and for him to agree with the plan before he tried to run against something that would get him eventually.
You and Dean tracked down the whereabouts of the deputy and decided to pay him a visit before he even thought about skipping down. Because he wouldn’t make it too far. You knocked on the door of the boarding room the deputy lived in. Lucky for you, the idiot responded to see who to it was. You looked over at Dean, who stood next you, urging for you to go along with this stupid plan he made up on the spot. Clearing your voice, you spoke in a soft and feminine voice. “Candygram for Mongo.”
You felt like an idiot for what you agreed to, but it worked. When the deputy answered the door to see what he presumed was a pretty face, he was taken back in surprise to see he was staring down the barrel of two guns. He tried to pull out his own to try and make himself appear just as threatening.
“Howdy, pilgrim.” Dean greeted the man.
The deputy’s face scrunched up slightly from what he thought was an insult. “I ain't no pilgrim.”
“All right, back up.” You ordered at the man as you waved your loaded gun slightly for him to get into the room so you and Dean could enter. When the deputy wouldn’t move, you rolled your eyes in annoyance. “Is that any way to…” You nodded your head to Dean, who pushed back his jacket slightly to show off the gold star pinned to his vest. Dean offered for you to take it, you gladly let him live through his fantasy a little longer. “Greet your new bosses?”
“Missed you at the posse this morning. We were a two-man wolf pack, thanks to you.” Dean said. The deputy scoffed and returned back to his bed where you saw an open suitcase and a pile of clothes he was furiously shoving inside quick as he possibly could go. “What's going on here?”
“Going to visit my sister.” The deputy said as he continued to pack his suitcase fast as he could go.
“Well, she'll have to wait.” You informed the man of the change in plans. The deputy stopped for a moment to look at you with an almost panicked expression when he realized why the two of you were here for. You weren't going to let him skip town, even though he tried to tell you that his life was in danger. And so would others if he didn’t do what you told him to. “Finch said he was coming back for the former Sheriff, Judge Mortimer, and you. That's two down and one to go.”
“Then just let me go! “ The deputy pleaded.
“You really think you can outrun him? He is going to kill you. Unless…” Dean told the man the bitter truth of how things were going to work out if he tried to bolt. The deputy looked at the both of you with an uneasy expression from what Dean was about to suggest. “Unless we gank him first.”
“‘Gank’? What's ‘gank?’” The deputy asked with an utmost confused expression at the strange language he had never heard of before. “Mister, you're crazy. No way. You're on your own.”
“We’re not asking you to throw down with him. I'm asking you to play your part.” You explained to him in terms that he would understand. The deputy still looked at you with a funny expression as he asked you what his part was. The question made a smirk spread across your lips. “Bait.”
+ + +
Ten minutes until noon and Sam was still nowhere to be in sight. You let out a sigh of nervous frustration as you peered out the window for the third time in the past few minutes. Sam was a punctual person. He was always on time when you told him you needed to be somewhere. Why, out of all the times it counted the most, the man was dragging ass? If all of you didn’t do this by twelve p.m., all of the effort you put into this plan would be a waste. You would be right back to square one. And you couldn’t afford to be back at the starting line.
You stepped back from the window and wandered back to the desk Dean was sitting on the edge, mindlessly fiddling with a iron screw he found. You placed your hands on your hips with one resting on the holster holding your loaded gun, a subconscious effort to make yourself feel prepared for what you were about to go up against.
You’ve faced a lot of things before over the years, a phoenix who could turn a human body into ash with a simple touch was a new one for you. Most creatures at least had to give up a fight if they wanted to live. It was the reason why you were a bit nervous to be going up against him. While Finch may be powerful, he had something to take him down. Everyone had a weakness, including a phoenix. You might have figured it out, but if you were wrong…
“So this is your big plan, huh?” The deputy paced around the jail cell you threw him into after he was unwillingly dragged here. You rolled your eyes from his constant bellyaching from your plan that he thought was going to make him a sitting duck for the enemy to burn to a crisp. “Just let me rot in here till Finch comes.”
"Pretty much." You said. You had to admit this plan was pretty risky. You would never be the one to dangle an innocent person as bait for a monster to sink its teeth into. But you had an overwhelming feeling that revenge wasn't what really fueled this situation. There had to be more nobody was telling you. "Why's he coming after you, anyway?"
"I guess you missed the part where we hung him, lady?" The deputy said. You looked over your shoulder and narrowed your eyes on the man from the tone of his voice. He took it as a subtle threat for him to stop pacing and change his attitude around you.
“No, I’m thinking, to a thing like Finch, that’s no big deal.” You turned around in your spot to face the deputy so you could get ot the bottom of this situation. Finch seemed like the kind of monster who kept his head down and tried not to cause too much trouble. If he got convicted of a crime, he would probably take the hanging and be off on his way before causing some more trouble in another town. But he stuck around to pick off the people who punished him. “If I was him, I would’ve just blown town, but he came back. That seems personal.”
“I’ll tell you what,” The deputy tried to strike up a proposition with you. You raised your brow slightly, wondering if he thought you were an idiot like he was to fall for such a deal. “You let me out of here, we’ll talk.”
“No can do.” Dean told the man.
The deputy huffed out a few nervous breaths as his demeanor changed for a split second into a man scared for his life. He thought that he was a trapped man with little time left to live. Only he didn’t think it was going to end so soon. You saw his face drop into a panicked expression when he stopped staring off into the distance and something from behind you. You looked over your shoulder when you heard the door click shut. As the deputy backed away, Elias Finch slowly took off his gloves, his cold and stony glare on the man he was set on killing like the rest.
“Open up that cell.” Elias commanded in a calm tone.
“Open it yourself. You melt people’s faces off. I bet you got the juice to tear that apart easy, don’t you?” Dean asked the other man. Elias didn’t respond. He suddenly froze in his spot and stood there for a moment. You could read the ever so subtle hint of hesitance when he noticed the bars were made of iron material. Something he couldn’t touch.
“Unless you can’t. Just like you couldn’t break those cuffs when they strung you up.” You said. Dean tossed the iron nail he had been holding straight at Elias, who managed to grab it without an ounce of hesitance. However, when the iron made contact with his skin, it sizzled, causing him to drop the nail to the ground and wince in pain, proving your theory right. “Iron shackles. Iron bars, iron nail. See a pattern? Well, don’t worry. Most creatures we meet can’t get it up for iron. It’s a common monster problem.”
“So you’re a hunter.” Elias gathered from the way you were speaking about him.
“Slash sheriff.” Dean added, showing off his badge to the man.
“You know what this son of a bitch did?” Elias asked. You quickly glanced over at the clock to see it was five minutes until twelve and Sam was still nowhere to be seen. You looked back over at the man and shrugged, deciding you had some time to hear his side of things. “I was married to a woman. Good woman, human. We lived outside of town, didn’t bother anyone.”
“Sure.” Dean said, pretending to buy the story of an innocent man. “A freak with a heart of gold.”
“You wanna call me ‘monster,’ fine. But all we did was go into town. I go into the bank for five minutes, I come out, she’s gone. Then I heard her scream. This man...had her pinned in the alley. I go to stop him, he pulls out his gun, shoots me, then her. She died in my arms.” Elias told his story of how things really happened. He looked away from the scum that killed his beloved and to Dean, asking a simple question. "I felt her take her last breath before she was gone, forever. Now tell me, have you ever suffered a tragedy like that?"
"Yeah." Dean admitted. You found yourself drifting away from Elias when you heard what the older Winchester say. He changed slightly into a solemn expression at the memory he tried to fight off. Back when you just defeated the apocalypse, minutes away from death. "Yeah, actually I have."
"Then you know how much I wanted revenge on those bastards. He thought he got away with this. Of course, I don't die." Elias said. He stood in front of the iron bars and stared at the deputy who ruined his life. He smirked when the little man cowered in fear. "The shots brought the sheriff. Next thing I know, I'm in iron. That's why I want him just where he is. Trapped, scared. I saved the best for last."
“Is that true?” You questioned the deputy behind the iron bars. He responded with a shrug and a mildly guilt ridden expression. There was no use of lying with the truth out in the open.
“So tell me.” Elias said. “Are you two really willing to die to protect this piece of filth?”
"Honestly, I could care less about him. He's a coward and dick." You gave the honest truth about how you felt about the man behind the iron bars. It seemed the deputy found the insults a bit hurtful. You gave him a look of disbelief before you rolled your eyes. "But this isn't about him. I know what you are. And we gotta kill you. It’s nothing personal.”
“If you know what I am, then you know you can’t.” Elias said.  
You looked away for a split second to look at the time, thinking you might need to check on the rate of how things were going before you bragged about Samuel Colt and the gun he would be bringing. Only you didn’t realize that was probably the stupidest mistake you could have done. Your focus went straight back to Elias when he grabbed a gun hanging from a wooden beam just a few steps from the cell he was standing next to. His revenge didn’t come in the form of burning his wife’s killer alive, but a shot to the heart. You watched as the deputy fell to the floor, dead before he hit the ground.
“Wow,” You heard Dean quietly mutter to himself. “I should've seen that coming.”
You decided to make up a new plan on the spot. Suddenly you were thanking your past self for choosing iron rounds to fill your gun instead of silver like your original plan. You drew out your gun from the holster and pointed it at Finch. You needed him alive to get the ashes, but you had a feeling things would be a little bit easier if he wasn’t capable of holding a loaded gun. You pulled down on the trigger, expecting for a round to go off, but all you heard was a soft click. You furrowed your brow slightly and tried again...only to realize your gun was jammed.
You were about to curse underneath your breath and try to pull the trigger again, but Dean didn’t want to stick around to see who was faster. Finch looked in your direction and realized what you were about to do. Suddenly you felt someone grab you from behind and yank you towards the window to make a quick escape. Dean threw himself out of the window with a tight grip around your waist. You landed on the ground, Dean’s body cushioning you from the broken glass all over the ground. The both of you scurried up to your feet and bolted straight forward for cover.
Finch shot off two rounds in attempt to try and slow either one of you down before you could get away. You and Dean managed to take a breather when you found cover behind a wall. You took a second to figure out what the hell was causing your gun to jam. You realized guns back in the day were a bit more complicated than the ones you were used to. Dean offered a helping hand when he pushed down on a switch he called the hammer. Unlike the guns you used back in your time, they didn’t need to be constantly fiddled with. You could shoot off one round and not have to worry about something like that. You finally got your gun ready and waited for Finch as Dean slowly peered over the wall, trying to see if he could spot the other man.
You found your attention being pulled away from trying to find Finch when you heard a familiar voice quietly call out your name. You looked straight ahead to see that Sam was finally back from his journey, you waved a free hand at him to come quickly and quietly. You scanned the area to see if you could find anyone else trailing behind the man, but it appeared that Sam was alone.
“Where’s Colt?” You asked the younger Winchester.
“He’s not coming.” Sam informed you and his brother. If you thought today couldn't get any worse, it did. You stared at him with a defeated look at how doomed all of you were. But Sam didn't come back empty handed. You glanced down to see him pull out something you hadn't seen in a while, changing your attitude right around. "But he sent this."
Your lips stretched into a smirk at the sight of the infamous colt itself, live and in the flesh. Dean greedily grabbed the gun from his brother’s hands and inspected it for himself. “Hello, beautiful.” He inspected the weapon for a second after Sam took the other one off his hands. Dean put the colt into the holster and pushed the two of you to start walking. “All right. Come on.”
Dean had a plan to draw out Finch, and you didn’t have time to draw out a better one in the last few minutes you were going to be here. You and Sam were told to keep out of sight as Dean walked out into the open, where not a single soul was found except for the three of you. Dean decided to have a little fun. And you knew exactly where this was going when he started to yell for Finch to get out here. Sam, however, thought his brother was being a bit reckless.
“What are you doing?” The younger Winchester asked in a slightly concerned tone.
“I have a feeling Dean’s about to live out his wildest dreams.” You said, peering out from behind a few barrels that were about tall as you. You could see that the older Winchester’s shouts were noticed, a few moments later Finch stepped out from the sheriff’s and out to the open. “Looks like we’re about to witness a Mexican standoff, Sammy.”
“So this is how you wanna die.” Finch said, stepping down to the dirt road so he could face the man that was about to see another bloody end. Or so he thought.
You could feel your teeth sinking into the skin inside of your cheek in nervous anticipation from what was about to unfold. All of you had precious seconds before you were going to be pulled back into the future and Finch was still alive. The man now stood straight across from Dean, the two of them staring each other down, each of their hands hovering inches away from their guns, waiting for the first one to make the move. You looked over at the clock tower to see there was only a minute left until noon. It was now or never to figure out who had the faster draw.
Finch might be a powerful creature as a pheonix with the ability to turn people into ash, but he would never be a match for Dean Winchester. A man who dreamed about this moment his entire life--and a hunter with lightning fast reflexes. Dean reached for the colt, and before Finch could even point his own gun at the older Winchester, Dean pulled down on the trigger and put a bullet right in Finch, giving him a bit of his own medicine.
The colt worked its magic on Finch, turning him into nothing more than ash as he slowly caught on fire before bursting into ash. Dean took a moment to rival in his victory, blowing off smoke from the barrel of the gun. While it was exciting to see his plan had worked, you still had one more step to complete before you could go home.
The loud chiming from the bell tower reminded you that time was up. And just like that, you were reminded that you needed the ash of a phoenix to defeat Eve. Your feet worked faster than your brain. You went running fast as you could, figuring out the details of how you would carry the ash back home when you got later. Dean realized what you were doing, and in a panic move, he accidentally dropped the colt to the ground and fetched out a glass jar to help you. You dropped yourself to the ground and skidded across the dirt, you were so close to touching the smoldering hot ashes...and when you thought you did, all you felt was carpet.
You blinked, and just like that, you found yourself kneeling on the ground of Bobby’s house. You looked up from the ground and frantically prayed you were still in the wild west. But you weren't. You were greeted with the sight of three emotionally drained faces from the trouble they had to go through to get you safely back home. You looked over at Dean, who was down on his knees next to you, holding a bottle that was empty. All of that trouble you went through, all for nothing.
You pushed yourself up to your feet and inhaled a deep breath, trying your hardest not to do something stupid out of pure anger from what you couldn’t complete. You wanted so badly to throw something. You resorted to the stupid cowboy hat you’d been wearing for a day straight. You threw it straight to the ground and walked away, your fists clenching together.
The boys were disappointed themselves at what happened. Sam leaned himself against the doorframe as Dean quietly paced back and forth. Cas was psychically drained from what he had to do in order to get you back home. Bobby offered a way to power back up the angel, but even that took every ounce of his energy to help. Josh was a bystander to all of this. He could only offer a sympathetic smile, which you brushed off with an eye roll.
“You gotta send us back.” You couldn’t help yourself when you told the angel to do something you knew he couldn’t quite do right now. You stared down at him with an angered expression, even though none of this was his fault. You were more upset at yourself at what you couldn’t accomplish, he was just the poor bastard standing in your way. Cas returned it with one of his own before looking away from you.
“Y/N, look at him.” Sam said. “He’s fried.”
“I never wanna do that again.” Cas declared in a tired, mumbled voice.
You let out a quiet sigh when you finally took into consideration how badly Cas was. You looked away from him and to the other man sitting behind the desk. He appeared to be worse than the angel. You quietly spoke the man’s name in a worried tone. “I’m still kicking, Annie Oakley.” Bobby reassured you and the boys. But it still didn’t make you feel any better about the situation and what you put the two of them through. “Be back good as new in a decade or two.”
“And we screwed the pooch.” Dean muttered. “Bobby, I’m sorry.”
The older Winchester was about to apologize for all the trouble the three of you caused for nothing, but his words remained on the tip of his tongue when something interrupted him. There was a knock on the door. You furrowed your brow slightly, wondering who was here. You looked over at Sam to see the both of you shared a suspicious feeling about this. You followed behind him to answer the door. Who stood on the porch was someone you weren't expecting at all. It was a delivery guy with a package in his hands.
“Is there a Sam Winchester here?” The guy asked, looking down at his clipboard. Sam decided to play it on the cautious side, wondering who wanted to know. The guy broke out into a half smile from what he was about to say. “Look, this is nuts. Me and a couple guys made a bet. So this thing’s been laying around the office since...ever. Uh, with a note on it saying to bring it here today. It’s from a Samuel Colt.”
Sam stepped forward at the sound of a familiar name he wasn’t expecting to hear from this stranger. He stepped forward to claim the package, mumbling a thank you to the delivery guy  before heading inside. You gave him a smile and backed into the house, not giving him a chance to get a signature before you slammed the door in his face and quickly trailed behind the younger Winchester back to the library. You didn’t know what was inside the package, but you had a good feeling about this. Maybe it was the colt. Perhaps you could use it on Eve and it would work just as good.
The younger Winchester put the box on the desk and didn’t waste a second in opening up the paper packaging and sliding out the wooden box that was wrapped up. All of you exchanged a look of anticipation from what was inside. Sam slid off the opening of the box to reveal a note was lying on top. What the first thing he pulled out was his cell phone. You gave him a slightly confused expression as to why it looked so beat up and dirty. Sam put it down and grabbed the note to read it.
“‘Dear Sam, I go this address and date off your thingamajig...and I thought the enclosed might come in handy.  Regards, Samuel Colt.” He read the letter out loud, only making your suspicion about what he was going to pull out of the box grow more. Sam moved a few pieces of what looked to be hay that helped cushion the fragile package from breaking and pulled out a glass bottle. You felt yourself breaking out into a smile when you notice the content was black. You had seen that just a few minutes ago to realize what it was.
“Is that what I think it is?” Bobby asked.
“Ashes of a phoenix.” Dean answered the older man’s question. “Know what this means?”
“Yeah.” Bobby said. “I didn’t get a soulonoscopy for nothing.”
"Yeah." Dean agreed with the man on his point. But that wasn't the most important thing of them all. "And this means we take the fight to her."  
"Yeah. And means we take the fight to her." Dean said. All of this effort was for something. You had a way to take down Eve once and for all. The man was feeling a bit confident at the victory all of you could celebrate. Dean slowly put back on his cowboy hat and grew a smirk. “Yippee ki-ya, mother--”
“No. No, you’re not going there.” You cut off the man before he could say something untasteful. You stared at the man for a second or so until you broke out into a smile, suddenly feeling all sorts of relief from what you managed to pull off. You had one problem taken care of for now. But you still had another one that needed your attention. “Now, I don’t know about you guys, but I need a shower.”
+ + +
Memories are fragile things people take for granted. Sam couldn't remember anything from the year he was soulless, you blacked out on a handful of occasions and woke up in circumstances that left you feeling scared. The difference between you and the younger Winchester was that you didn't have an excuse to what was going on with you. You didn't spend a year soulless. But you had a monster coming for you. Talking about torture and revenge. About things you couldn’t remember for the life of you. You had this problem since you were a little kid, and while it went away, you had this feeling...there was something here.
You let out a sigh as you stared at the three boxes Josh had taken from the attic in your house you hadn’t been to in months. The contents inside were of old medical documents your mother insisted on keeping, and for some reason, you didn’t ever throw them away or look back at them until today. Today you were determined to go through every piece of paper until you found out what the hell was going on with you. You would do all the research and figure out why you were being accused of things you would never do. Maybe they were connected to your blackouts, maybe this was all a cheap trick by Eve to get all of you riled up.
“You sure about keeping this on the down low?” Josh asked. He stood by your side and stared at the intimidating amount of boxes he agreed to go through with you. You nodded your head. You didn’t want the boys to know about this and get worried over nothing. “What the hell are we looking for, anyway?”
“Honestly…I don’t know. Guess I’ll know when I find it.” You admitted, shrugging your shoulders.
You picked one box to go through, Josh took another. The both of you sat in silence for the next hour mindlessly shuffling through what felt like hundreds of documents that were half medical, other things like school report cards and old essays you wrote to billing statements from twenty years ago were stuffed in here. Your mother was a pack rat. She kept on to everything from the past. You felt like you were never going to get to what you were looking for.
You were halfway through your box when you found a folder labeled as “Y/N’s drawings ‘85.” Doing a quick mental calculation in your head, you were about four at the time. The year your life changed dramatically. You moved away from your old home in Kansas, left your best friends and started a new life. You remembered that you were big into drawing at the time. How else was a kid supposed to past the time? The question was, why did your mother keep them in a folder. You reached inside the box and found there were a few more that were labeled the same. They all spanned from ‘83 to ‘86. You grabbed the one from ‘85 and placed it in front of you.
You didn’t know what you were expecting to find when you opened up the folder and examined the first page. You furrowed your brow slightly when you stared down at a piece of pink construction paper with crayon markings all over the page. It took you a second to realize that these were drawings you made when you were younger. Mothers loved their children’s artwork through the years. But you doubt one would go through all this trouble to keep them dated and neatly organized. You pulled out the drawing and examined it for a moment. It seemed your four year old self had tried to draw what looked like a happy family with a sun in the top right corner and a house in the background. You smiled slightly and pulled out another one.
Your smile faltered slightly when you stared at the next picture. You pulled out another one...and another...until you had three different crayon drawings on multiple colors of construction paper. The people you drew might have looked like a happy family. Mom, Dad and kid. Only the disturbing part about it was that Mommy’s eyes were replaced with an “X” mark. To represent as if she were dead. Daddy had black eyes, like a demon. Another picture looked like what people thought an angel would look like, halo and wings. Somebody wrote bad in big, black letters. The last picture you pulled out was just a person. But, again, the eyes were replaced with big black eyes. Like a demon. And beneath the picture someone wrote “good.”
"Hey, Y/N," Josh broke your concentration away from the crayon drawings when he called out your name. You looked up to see what he wanted. He raised a brow as a smile spread across his lips. You looked to see that he was holding an old VHS tape. "Want to watch a movie?”
+ + +
Ella watched as her daughter quietly sat at the table with a new box of crayons  and a rainbow of construction paper she picked up from the store on the way here. She nervously watched as Y/N quietly continued to draw a picture of her family like the psychologist kindly asked her to do. Ella reached out a tucked a piece of hair out of Y/N’s face, smiling slightly at how much concentration Y/N was putting into the photograph. She was so much like her father. She put effort into everything she did, and took everything so personally.
The move from Kansas to Y/H/S was tough. Her daughter had to say goodbye to everything she loved. Her best friends, her childhood home she grew up in and a chance at starting school Y/N was so excited to attend after taking a tour of it for next year. But Ella couldn’t stay. There were too many memories in that house, too many reminders of what she did. The reason why she moved halfway across the country was for a fresh start. She expected Y/N to have a hard time adjusting. All the parenting books she read was that there was to be expected outbursts and silent treatment from Y/N.
However...Ella didn’t read about the part where her daughter got so angry she blacked out and wouldn’t wake up for ten minutes, having no recollection of the outburst. The doctors said that Y/N just merely overworked herself and anxiety was to blame. She was going through a lot from processing her father’s death and the big move.But then it happened again a few months later.
It was one weekend afternoon, a few weeks before school started, the two of them were at the playground enjoying the sunny weather and making friends. Y/N was playing on the swing set with a possible new friend while Ella chatted away with the mother. All of it seemed like it was going well until she looked over and saw her daughter to see how things were going. Hopeful that Y/N was having a good time as she was, Ella was taken back in horror when she witnessed her daughter grab a fistful of the other little girl’s hair and threw her to the ground.
Y/N didn’t say anything. She didn’t laugh at what she was doing, she didn’t kick the girl like how most bullies would. She just stood there with a blank expression on her face while the girl let out a scream. Her mother bolted for her child as Ella did the same. She pulled Y/N away from the little girl and shook her. She shook her daughter so hard she broke her out of another one of her spells. Y/N came back around, and when she heard her friend crying, she suddenly became worried at what happened. Y/N didn’t realize it was her fault.
Ella tried not to think much about it. Perhaps her daughter learned a thing from John’s kid when she watched them during their time when he was out on hunts. She was happy now they were out of her life. But she couldn’t let out a breath of relief just yet. Because it happened again a week later while Y/N was playing with her dolls. Ella had been watching her, but as she stepped out for a minute when a neighbor came to the door to return some tubberware from a party she threw the other night. The two of them talked for only a few minutes, she left Y/N alone for two minutes tops.
When she came back to check on her daughter, Y/N sat in the middle of the floor, all of her dolls were lined up in a row. But all of their heads were ripped off, their synthetic hairs were all over the floor. Y/N had managed to steal a pair of scissors from the kitchen to chop off her dolls hair before beheading them. Her daughter had that same blank expression on her face...only when Y/N came back around to see all her favorite toys were destroyed, she burst into tears. Because all her friends were dead. And when asked if she did it, Y/N didn’t remember. Ella decided that enough was enough. Something was going on with her daughter.
Ella spent a few days tracking down the best child psychologist in the state. She and Y/N’s pediatrician did all sorts of medical tests when this started happening to her. Y/N was healthy as a four year old could be. There was physically nothing wrong with her. But she was still having these outbursts. Next part would be testing her daughter for a mental disorder. Ella feared the worst. She was raising a future sociopath. The psychologist she met laughed at her concern and reassured her that it was too soon to tell of such thing. They didn’t know her daughter wasn’t conceived the natural way. Azazel did something to her daughter. He had to.
The psychologist decided to start off their first session in a more relaxed state before asking all sorts of questions. Ella would sit with her daughter as she made a few drawings of things she liked and disliked like how the psychologist asked, Y/N smiled from ear to ear and agreed. Ella tried not to look into the two-way mirror that showed her reflection. Behind the glass was a video camera and the psychologist. The psychologist thought it would be better for all of this to be put on tape to look back on to figure out what triggered Y/N. Ella let out a sigh and put a smile on her face, reaching for a pink colored construction paper of the family Y/N drew...
[Next Part]
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huntertales · 7 years ago
Part Two: It’s a Gift Not From the Heart. (Like a Virgin S06E12)
Episode Summary: Ten days after regaining his soul, Sam wakes up with no recollection of the past eighteen months since returning from the cage. The reader anxiously wonders if the wall Death put up in Sam’s head, made with part of her very own soul, will be strong enough. Meanwhile, the Winchesters and the reader investigate a string of disappearing virgins and discover dragons are behind the kidnapping. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 4,912.
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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You and the boys settled yourselves into a motel and gathered all sort of information you could learn about the most recent victims that seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. One vanished while walking home from school, another disappeared while in her apartment on the top floor, and—the most strange of them all—Penny, your latest victim, disappeared straight out of the sky while her boyfriend was left burnt to a crisp. You had to admit, whatever the hell was causing all of these girls to go missing, it was more of the weirder cases that you had taken on lately. And nothing like a head scratcher to make sure to ease all of you back into hunting a real monster on your own terms again.
You knocked on the front door of Penny's home she shared with her older sister sister for the last year and a half. You and the boys were dressed in your usual attire of formal wear and fake badges when the door open to reveal a young woman. You smiled politely at her and introduce yourselves like normal, tucking the badge into your pocket when you showed the woman to make sure she wasn’t letting any sort of stranger into her house. Penny’s sister seemed hesitant to welcome the three of you inside, feeling emotionally drained enough from seeing all sorts of police officers come through her door and being interviewed.
“We’d just like to ask you a few questions.” Sam said.
“Look, the cops already came by.” Penny’s sister admitted, not in the mood right now continue on a conversation she thought wasn’t going to help find her little sister. “So if you don’t mind—”
“I understand. Really, I do. I know how hard this must be.” Sam cut off the woman, empathizing with her about the emotional pain she was trying to deal with right now. You looked over to the younger Winchester to see him giving the same puppy dog expression like he used to in order to connect with people and make them feel safe. You didn’t realize how much you missed it until now. “We’d just like to figure out what happened. This will be quick.  I promise.”
Penny's sister thought about it for a moment before she opened up the door wider, nodding her head for the three of you to come inside. Sam gave the woman a smile as he stepped in first, you followed behind a moment later. You and Dean stared at each other for a moment as the smallest smile began creeping at the ends of your lips at what you saw unfold.
Sam was intimidating by the nature of how he appeared; he was taller than most and trained like a soldier his entire life. One would think he would have ended up in a way like how he acted without a soul. But he didn't. He was always too empathetic for his own good and tried to do the right thing, and always looked for the good in people. Not to mention, felt guilt over the simplest of things.
Sam without a soul was a good hunter and did the terrible things that nobody with a conscious wanted to. But he was too dangerous for his own good. Sam, with that pesky soul in his body that took months to get, was exactly how he should be. He was back to his old self. And damn, did it feel good.
You and the boys followed behind Penny's sister and to a bedroom that looked rather...pink. The interior of the place was rather cute, but not at all what you were expecting for a woman in her early twenties to have. You examined the room as Penny's sister lingered in the doorway, not wanting to touch any of her things. Sam grabbed a picture off from somewhere and examined the photograph of a smiling Penny and a young man she was standing next to. He presumed it was Stan from the nature of their body structure.
“Penny was very shy. To herself.” Penny’s sister said, trying to give all of you a clear picture of what the young woman was like. You wandered over to her bedroom to see that her comforter was shades of pink and white, like her bedroom, and decorated with a cute teddy bear. “Not at all what you’d call adventurous.”
“Like flying through a lightning storm in a two-seater?” Dean asked.
“She was terrified of that thing. She just did it for Stan.” Penny’s sister explained to you and the boys. You raised your brow slightly as you repeated the unfamiliar name, wondering who that happened to be. "Her boyfriend. They were just starting to get serious. She didn't wanna seem, you know, not interested. I just wish I’d told her to stay home. We don’t even have a body to bury.”
The situation Penny's sister and her family were being forced to go through was terrible. You had a feeling the victims that were vanishing were in fact still alive. Well, that was the best case scenario you wanted to be true. Whatever took Penny and the other girls, you had a feeling it wasn't going to be stopping anytime soon. You and the boys needed to find out what causing all these disappearances before someone else could be taken, or worse, found dead.
+ + +
The girl next door; innocent and sweet, the one who stays out of trouble and does charity work on the weekends for the homeless or their local church. The type of girl every mother wants their son to bring home. Each victim that disappeared in town seemed like the type. They varied in age from being the young age of seventeen to Penny, who was the oldest at twenty-two. All of them were noted for being shy and sweet, none of which seemed like the type to do anything stupid to put themselves in trouble. It didn’t help you in the fact that you still didn’t know what was snatching them up. A demon who had a thing for the sweet ones, a ghost who could see all past that little facade to show who they really were. You had no leads.
You tossed the police file to the table as you let out a frustrated sigh from the lack of any sort of new information that you could find. You sat with your legs outstretched and propped up on one of the vacant chairs. Sam sat across the other side of the table with his laptop open as he did his own research. Dean was out for the past hour or so, leaving you and his brother to do your favorite task of research. If Sam had been without a soul, Dean wouldn't have trusted his brother to be alone with you for more than five minutes. However, Sam was back to his old self. He didn't have a single clue what you and him had done during his year without a soul. Far as he was concerned, it was just another afternoon spent with his best friend doing research.
The motel room door opened a few moments later to see that it was Dean, back from his own tasks, but he wasn't empty handed. Your stomach growled at the sight of the greasy paper bag he carried with a tray full of drinks. “What do you guys got?”
“Well, looks like those two other missing girls both baked cookies for the Lord. And before your mind goes straight into the gutter, it’s not code for kinky things, Dean.” You said, stopping the man from proposing any sort of ideas. “We’re talking church choir, bakes sales, promise rings clubs, the works. They were good girls. The thing that stumps me is that Penny wasn’t even a  Christian.”
“I have another theory.” Dean said. He pulled out a small notebook from his back pocket. You wondered for a moment why it looked so familiar to you until the older Winchester told you what it was. “Penny’s diary.”
“Did you still that from her room?” Sam questioned his older brother, you could tell from his tone of voice that he was very much in disbelief at what the man had done. You tried your hardest not to smile at the kind of morals the man was suddenly sticking to.
“I love that you even ask me that.” Dean mumbled to himself with a bit of an amused smile.
“And why wouldn’t I?” Sam wondered. You reached for your drink so he wouldn’t see your own smirk start to to spread at the ends of your lips from how concerned the younger Winchester was acting at the idea of reading Penny’s most personal thoughts.
“No reason. So, girlnappings. What if it’s not about religion? What if it’s about purity?” Dean asked the both of you. You furrowed your brow as you thought to yourself for a second about what that could have possibly meant. When it finally clicked, your face dropped in a bit of surprise from this sort of cliched twist as you opened your mouth to make a presumption, Dean seemed all to eager to say it. "Virgins, guys. Virgins."
"Penny was twenty-two." Sam said, not believing what he was hearing.
“So? Some people want to meet that special someone. I lost mine when I was twenty-seven, all though that’s a whole other story. Penny had a pink room, for crying out loud. I doubt she even had her first kiss until just recently." You said. Sam gave you a bit of a confused look, wondering how you could jump to conclusions based upon how she decided to decorate her room. "I had pink walls when I was seven. Not to mention the teddy bears. She doesn’t seem like the type of girl who went out to the bars looking for a hookup. Unlike this one.”
"I enjoyed my time living the single life while it lasted." Dean defended himself against you. You scoffed as you bit down on the plastic straw before taking another sip of your drink. "And to be fair, I think the slate was washed clean after I came back from hell with you. No scars, nothing. I was also a—"
"Dude. For the hundredth time, you were not a born again virgin." Sam argued with his older brother as he rolled his eyes from the sort of logic Dean still was kept thinking was true.
"Touchy, touchy." Dean muttered underneath his breath. He opened up the journal and searched through the pages before finding the exact entry that lead him to this sort of purity conclusion. You watched as he pointed up a finger, as if getting ready to recite old world literature while, in fact, it was the inner workings of a twenty-two year old virgin. You pretended to look on with an interested face as you raised your brow. "Listen to this; 'I've decided I'm going to give Stan my most precious gift.'”
Dean read the last entry Penny had made before getting on the airplane her boyfriend had insisted on taking her along, thinking it was going to be the night where she would get the courage to give Stan her virginity. The older Winchester had given the reading a bit more feeling to it than he should have. You and Sam found yourselves looking over at each other from what had unfolded. Your nose wrinkled slightly as your lips stretched into a smile at what Dean recited. He was the farthest thing from a virgin. For some reason, it made you chuckle in amusement when Sam swallowed, acting as if he was trying his hardest not to become fully disturbed at what he was forced to listen to from his older brother.
“Wow.” Sam muttered. “That sounded really creepy coming out of your mouth.”
“I think I delivered it.” Dean said, giving himself credit as he flipped through the diary.  
"I have to agree with Sammy on this one. You could have lead with the diary, you know. And not personally scarred us for life." You told the older Winchester. Dean glanced up to give you the least bit amused expression from your remark. "Anyway, let's say you're right. Who would want virgins? Are we talking sacrifices or something weird like that?”
"You got me." Dean admitted. "I've always preferred ladies with experience."
You scoffed, "And look how that turned out for you."
“Yeah. You gave me your ‘most precious gift.’” Dean said. “Call that a win for me, sweetheart."
You were about to reach for the case file you were reading previously before Dean arrived back, but your hand dropped back down to your lap from what you heard the man say. You furrowed your brow and gave him a look of disbelief at how stupid he could be sometimes. The oldest Winchester thought it was hilarious as a smirk spread across his lips and gave you a playful wink when his brother rolled his eyes at how the conversation was turning out. You let out a sigh and grabbed the case file, trying your hardest not to smile at how much you missed hearing Dean’s terrible humor and Sam’s distaste for it.
+ + +
The next morning you weren't the least bit surprised to be greeted with the news that there was yet another girl added to the list of victims from whatever was causing mayhem among young females in this town. However, unlike the rest of the women, your newest victim didn’t vanish in thin air. She was attacked on her way home from school and was recuperating in the hospital. You and the boys got dressed in your formal clothes and decided to pay her a visit. All of you hoped she might be able to help you lead the three of you in the direction of what hurt her and made the rest of these women disappear without a trace.
“It happened so fast.” Melissa tried to explain her side of the story from her hospital bed as she laid on her side. You could tell from her appearance alone, from her busted up lip and bruised upper cheek, she had been through some hell.
“It’s okay, Melissa.” Sam reassured the young woman. “What came at you? You can tell us.”
“It—It looked like, uh...a giant bat.” Melissa said. You found yourself growing baffled at what she was saying as you looked over at the boys to see what their reaction was from hearing Melissa’s description of her attacker. “You think I’m making it up, right? That’s what the other man said.”
“Well, we’re not that other man.” You said, turning your gaze back to the girl. Your lips stretched into a warm smile, giving her some encouragement to continue with her story.
“It came right at me. It was huge. I swear. That’s how I got this.” Melissa said. She proceeded to move around slightly in bed so she shifted her weight to her stomach and grab ahold of her hospital gown. You leaned over slightly to see there was two rather long scars down her back, almost identical to claw marks. You winced at how painful they must have been from how deep the wound appeared to have gone if they required stitches to close them up.
“So it attacked, and then what?” Sam asked.
“I don’t know.” Melissa admitted. “I passed out and when I woke up, it was gone.”
"Is there anything else that you could think of? Anything you can tell us, even if it doesn't seem important?" You asked her, hoping to get some more information out of her.
“Well, my ring got lost.” She said. You looked down to see that she was holding her ring finger where her lost belonging once was. "Or else that thing stole it, if that makes any sense."
“What kind of ring?” Dean asked.
“Gold. Promise ring.” Melissa answered the question. You looked back over at the brothers when you noticed the pattern seemed to have been continuing. If Melissa was still a virgin herself with a promise ring, it begged the question why she wasn't taken like the others. Maybe it had enough victims and wanted her ring for the sake of it being a sign of purity. Or maybe the thing you were hunting also liked shiny things.
“Promise ring. So, uh, from, like, a church, like a purity ring?” Dean wondered. Melissa nodded her head and asked him why. You sensed what the older Winchester was getting at as he cleared his throat, suddenly feeling awkward from what he was about to ask the young woman. "I gotta ask. Melissa, look, nobody is judging anybody here, okay? Believe me. But should you really be wearing that ring?"
Melissa looked at the older Winchester with a shocked expression at what he was insinuating. She tried to say that she was, Dean could see right through it as he raised his brow at the good girl act she was trying to keep up. You let out a sigh and gave her a serious look, wondering what the truth was. "Matt Barne didn't count."
You and the boys left the conversation at that before it could turn any more awkward than it was. Whatever sort of logic Melissa was thinking with was the dumbest thing you ever heard of, but it might have possibly saved her life. You tried to think of possibilities of monsters that liked to take virgins and attack ones that weren't. Gold was also a motive as well. You only left the hospital with scratching your head at how even more confusing this hunt was turning out.
“So, what, you think Batman tried to rape her?” Sam asked, trying to come up with some sort of explanation that would give the three of you a clue to what was going on here.
“Well, he does carry a lot of rage. But he rejected her because she was already dehymenated, huh?” Dean said. You shrugged your shoulders as you looked over at him, thinking that the man might have something going on here. The monster might have attacked Melissa not only for her ring, but because she was wearing it in a false sense of purity. "I think it just goes to show you that being easy is pretty much all upside."
You lightly pushed him from his tasteless remark as you shook your head in disapproval, yet the smile that spread across your lips told a different story. You looked over to see the Impala was getting closer in your view as all of you continued your journey through the parking lot. “So, what kind of thing likes virgins and gold?”
“P. Diddy?” Dean said, taking a wild guess.
"You know, it's comforting." Sam said. You began heading for the backseat of the Impala as you looked over your shoulder to ask Sam what he was talking about. "I died for a year, came back and Dean's still not funny."  
“Shut up.” Dean defended himself. “I’m hilarious.”
“Of course you are. Don’t forget adorable.” You said. You reached out and lightly pinched Dean on the cheek, making the man flinch and back away before you could do it again. You chuckled to yourself from his reaction as you opened up the backseat door and slipped yourself inside for the ride back to the motel.
+ + +
You and the boys spent the rest of the afternoon gathering all the information that you had to try and figure out what you might be possibly dealing with. Sam stuck with research on his laptop as you and Dean pinned a map of the town to the motel wall and placed up pictures of the missing victims to the locations of where they disappeared along with where Melissa was attacked. You stepped back when Dean put up your last clue and placed your hands on your hips, wondering what could be responsible for all of this. Sam's research seemed to have gotten a possible lead, despite how medieval and out of the ordinary he was expecting to find.
“This can’t be possible.” Sam said. You glanced over your shoulder to see what was causing the man to suddenly become confused at what he discovered. "I Googled fire, claws, flying, stealing virgins and gold, and it all takes me to the same place. 'World of Warcraft' fan sites."
"Wait, wait. Are you telling me some guy who's living in his mom's basement is causing all of these disappearances?" You asked, cracking a joke yourself. Sam didn’t seem to think you were funny. “So, what are we hunting today? Demon with a gaming addiction? One who has a thing for virgins and gold?”
“Dragons, Y/N.” Sam said. Your brow jumped in surprise at what you hearing for a possibility to what was going on here. You crossed your arms over your chest and looked over at Dean, wondering what he thought of all of this. The both of you had seen your fair share of unusual things while hunting. You wondered if this would fit the pattern of the creepy and crawly.  The younger Winchester didn’t think it was so likely. "See? Told you. Not possible."
"Actually," Dean said. "It might be."
“How?” Sam asked his older brother. “In what reality?”
“It’s been a strange year. We should get a second opinion.” Dean said. He pulled out his phone and headed over to the couch to take a seat. You headed over to the table to sit across from Sam as you occupied yourself for a moment to read over some police reports. Bobby's home phone rang a few times before the man picked up. "What do you know about dragons?"
“What? Nothing.” Bobby said. Dean pressed the older hunter for more information when he told the man that he was being serious here “Well, they’re not like the Loch Ness monster, Dean. Dragons aren't real.”
“Could you make a feel calls?” Dean asked anyway.  
“To who, Hogwarts?” Bobby sarcastically suggested, not sure who he'd even ask for advice on something like this.
"Humor me." Dean said. He could almost imagine Bobby rolling his eyes in annoyance when he mumbled an agreement from the other end of the line. "You're a gentleman and a scholar."
“Yeah, yeah.” Bobby grumbled underneath his breath. There was a pause of silence between the two men for a moment before the older hunter spoke up, deciding to ask for an update about you and Sam. "Hey, how's Memento doing over there? He caught you in any lies yet? And what about Carrie? You seeing any sort of side effects from her?"
“Everything’s fine. Sam and Y/N say hey.” Dean said, keeping the conversation normal like always when he noticed you looked over in his direction for a moment at the mention of your name. You looked back down to your paperwork as you flipped to another page. Sam continued on researching like normal. Dean ended the call and stared at his phone for a moment, feeling slightly funny and guilty about how Bobby was handling all of this.
"You okay?" Your question made the older Winchester quickly glance up from his phone and back up to you. You gave him a concerned look from how he suddenly appeared. While he said that everything was all right, you had a sneaky suspicion of what it might have been. You would leave the conversation for later when Sam wasn’t around. “Bobby say anything?”
Dean answered with a simple, nope. You rolled your eyes when the man pushed himself up to his feet and headed across the room. While you didn't have concrete proof that dragons were the cause of all of this, you decided to take a crack at what research you might be able to find on dragons. You remained as you were from your spot at the table as time passed from the phone call with Bobby. You now had your laptop in front of you as you tried to research more information about dragons on different websites to try and pinpoint what they were and how to defeat one. If that was what you were up against. All of it felt like a bunch of nonsense.
The idea of hunting a dragon, the mythical creature that you remembered from your childhood fairy tales as being the obstacle that stood in the way of the brave knight who had to slay the beast and rescue the princess. You wondered in all of those fairy tales that the princess was a virgin herself. Might have explained the dragon element. One of the dragons you remembered from your childhood was from Sleeping Beauty. Maleficent, the evil queen, turned into a dragon to ward off Prince Philip who tried to rescue Aurora. Your entire life you thought that things like this were just part of tales and video games. And in the beginning of the year you would have never suspected of Alpha monsters or this little place called Purgatory. It turned out this year was for a lot of firsts.
“Dad never wrote anything about dragons. I promise.” Dean said. You glanced up from your laptop screen for a moment to see that he was talking to his little brother. Sam was sitting on one of the motel beds, flipping through their father’s journal for some kind of new information about the thing you were hunting. “I’d remember if I read The Neverending Story in there.”
Sam decided to flip through one more page to see if he could find anything useful. He found himself stopping for a moment and stared at a drawing of some sort that struck some weird sort of familiarity. "Hey, did we hunt a skinwalker lately?"
You felt yourself suddenly become frozen in your position at what you heard. Your eyes slowly moved away from the screen and to the oldest Winchester that sat across from you. You suddenly became overwhelmed with joy when you realized that you were sitting with your back to Sam, so he couldn't see your moment of panic before you pulled yourself together.
"No." You said. You turned around in your spot so you were now facing the man. “This is your first case you insisted on helping out since coming back. Why?”
“I don’t know. Just deja vu or something.” Sam said. You pretended to be the confused one here as Dean played a mean poker face, making the younger Winchester feel irked at this feeling that came over him. He thought about it for a moment or so, making the urge grow stronger. “Are you guys sure? I could have sworn—”
“You gotta remember your eggs are still a little bit scrambled. But, yeah. I'm sure." Dean said. Sam didn't seem convinced all that much about the feeling. But he left it alone. You let out a quiet sigh of relief and turned your attention forward, you went back to your research as Dean's phone began ringing once more. "Hey, Bobby. What do you got?"
“Can’t believe she didn’t jump right to mind. Dr. Visyak, Medieval Studies, SFU.” Bobby said, giving a source that might help lead all of you into figuring out how to stop these things.
“Dr. Visyak, SFU. Got it. Thanks.” Dean said. He ended the call after writing down the info on a piece of paper and ripped off the scrap. “All right, wrap it up, Nancy Drew. You and I are taking a little field trip.”
“What, what?” You asked. “Where are we going?”
“San Francisco. We’re going to try and figure out how to kill these things.” Dean said. You shut your laptop and pushed yourself up to your feet as he began grabbing his bag and jacket. “Sam, figure out where they are while we’re gone.”
“Did Bobby say where they like to park?” Sam asked, hoping for a helpful hint in the right direction to make his life easier. Dean lead with the unfortunate answer of no. “Great. Back to the lore.”
“Which says what, that they live in Middle-earth?” Dean asked.
"No, caves. It was one of the most consistent answers I could find during research. Might be a bit helpful, Sammy. And If you run into any trouble, call me." You answered the older Winchester with an actual answer as you headed for the door with your laptop in your hands. As you waited for the older Winchester, you noticed right away that Dean rolled his eyes. “What?”
"You two are such nerds." Dean said. Your lips stretched into a smile, taking it as a compliment.
“Thank you. Now, come my knight in shining armor.” You said. You dragged Dean out the door as you followed behind, not leaving right away before you said a quick goodbye to the younger WInchester. “Remember, if you need my help, I’m a phone call away.”
Sam noted your helpful offer, but he doubt you would be getting a phone call to or back from San Francisco. If anything Sam loved about hunting, it was research. He could get himself lost for hours trying to find the right answer. It was also something you felt comfortable leaving the man to do by himself. You also didn't mind the idea of spending some time with Dean and learning about some new information about dragons Call it a win-win.
[Next Part]
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