#so off brand Pennywise is good actually!
flashbic · 2 years
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cracking up at the off-brand Pennywise in this kids book
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thesoftboiledegg · 9 months
It's not just merchandise roundup day: it's also my birthday! ✨🎄 Yep, I was born on Christmas Eve. Everyone I know is afraid of aging, but I couldn't wait to turn 30 last year. 31 isn't too bad, either. I don't see myself as old, but does my age make me a fandom elder? 🤔
Anyway, much as it pains me to say this, the Rue 21 near my place is still closing. I went inside for what's probably the last roundup in that store. I didn't expect to find anything, but they had one new item: a pair of boxers that are entirely black except for a picture of Rick and Morty screaming on the waistband.
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I hope the location in the mall doesn't close, but that particular mall is hanging on by a thread. Most of the stores are just empty space. The other Rue 21 locations are almost an hour away!
I also stopped by one of the local head shops. I've posted pictures of it before, but I had to share this plumbus pipe again because it's so well-crafted. (The colors come from the backlighting.)
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No weird clip art with Rick as Pennywise or Mr. Jellybean creeping on Morty: just a well-made piece of glass.
These pictures aren't the greatest, but they also had new backpacks. I love the vibrant colors.
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I tried to find pictures online. All I could find from the Dabtized brand was this Alice in Wonderland backpack. I've actually seen those illustrations in another head shop (probably ripped off from Dabtized, if Dabtized is even the original owner.)
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Mad Hatter Rick is a good look for him.
Five Below had new winter-themed socks and a poster set. Honestly, I don't see the appeal of merchandise where the characters look scared or pissed off?
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Off to the thrift store. The shelves were pretty sparse, but I love these Mr. Sparkle boxers. That's one of my favorite Simpsons B-plots. I actually thought it was the main plot when I was a child, probably because it was so weird and entertaining.
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Snowflake boxers!
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Another gift set, this time featuring a mug, socks and key chain.
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I had extra time, so I browsed the graphic tees. This one was so big that I had to step back to get the whole illustration in frame:
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And finally: this one cracked me up. Are you naughty like Toxic Rick or nice like "Healthy" Rick?
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"Healthy" Rick was cold and uncaring toward Morty. A better comparison would be Rickbot and disheveled Rick searching for Prime in his hideout. Rickbot was an angel!
Today, I wondered if I saw Rick and Morty merchandise when I worked in a department store in 2015. That's when the series really blew up. I don't remember anything, but I also didn't watch the show until 2019, so I wasn't looking for it. Maybe Rick was shilling sneakers alongside Kim Kardashian perfumes.
And if he wasn't, he's got a pretty good gig endorsing fast food on the show. Who wants Denny's? 🥞
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bloody-oath · 3 years
Which slashers would use chapstick?
Here lies deep pan crust. Going through the list...
Which slashers would use and need chapstick?
Jason Voorhees: Super crusty. Each kiss comes with free nibblies, i.e., skin flakes with a side of rot. Anti-chapstick. Anti-healthy. Jesus cannot save.
Michael Myers: Not bad. Dehydrated, but not dry. His skin is tough as nails. Additionally, the mask protects his smackers from weather damage. No chapstick, no need. Good on you, Mike.
Freddy Krueger: Bruh. First, give him some skin to moisturise. If the chapstick is tinted red, it will look like tomato sauce on a pair of burnt sausages. Do not even bother. 
Bubba Sawyer: He does not need chapstick. The chapstick needs him. His lips are extra plush, all bounce. Mattresses be damned. Rest your weight on these babies instead. 10/10 would ride again.
Nubbins Sawyer: Adequate. That is the passive-aggressive word we are going to use. Better than what you may think. Not that great though, settle down. Oblivious to skincare.
Chop Top: Well, he *is* the ambassador for Colgate, hello. Does not use the hydrating balm, but would not be against using one. Half a point.
Drayton Sawyer: Oh. Oh, yeah. Stacks of them. Goes through a whole stick per day. Has a huge stash of them in his bedside drawer... No. What do you think? No.
Brahms Heelshire: Send help. If there is no soap usage, there is certainly no chapstick applications. Just give him what he wants and spit on his lips. Voila. Good enough.
Chucky: Lucky bastard never needs to worry. Plastic is fantastic. The softness is debatable, but they are crack-free. Weird though, because despite that, a lot of shit spills out of them.
Hannibal Lecter: Maybe. Actually, yeah. At home? Yes. Did he have one in his cell? Doubt it. Han is a man of self-care. The chapstick he uses is nothing fancy. Clear colour, no fragrance, does the job.
Norman Bates: Perhaps when dressed as his mother. It is a beauty product, after all, and she is a woman. Gender roles in the sixties and whatnot. If dryness were to occur, he may contemplate a soothing solution. Progressive.
Pennywise: Smearing paint on his face is routine, so why not add in a chapstick for the nourishing benefits? Too bad he does not have one. Blood will have to do. Specifically, kiddie blood. Fun to wear, tasty to lick.
Pinhead: Can you imagine? He cannot. Therefore, he does not. Oddly, lubricating his dermis is not a top priority for the Hell Priest. No matter. He struggles to find a lip balm that matches his pale skin anyway.
Billy Loomis: Yes, I am convinced. It is a secret though. If anyone were to find out, in the bin it goes. He only applies the ointment occasionally, but he uses one, nonetheless. If only he utilised the same amount of effort towards his hair.
Stu Macher: Yeah, he uses chapstick... the one Billy owns. Whoops. Vanity is not a necessity for the boy. It is more for shits and giggles than anything else. Like using crutches when you are not crippled, because why not?
John Kramer: Sure, if needed. Why suffer parched lips? Why would a person torture themselves? Why not find a humane, simple, easy to execute solution? Hmm.
Hilliker Brothers: Uh, supposedly? Depends on what you mean by use though. Saw Tooth manipulates it to treat wounds. One Eye fucking eats it. Three Finger wields it as a marking tool to assist with placing his traps. Practical ways.
Jack Torrance: This is the guy who would buy those bizarre flavoured balms, such as bacon and pickle. The novelty amuses him to no end. Boomer like.
Candyman: Beeswax. You guessed it. I said it. Everyone agrees. There we go. 
Leprechaun: If he does use a chapstick, it is not working. Time to switch brands and consult a dermatologist about those blisters. Decayed-looking-ass lips.
Yautja: He learns something new everyday. Chapstick, you say? Do not eat it, but I will try to anyway, you warn? It shall be digested. Likes the sweet aroma.
Ash Williams: Most definitely. Pondered sawing one of his fingers off to replace it with an essential tool that is his lip salve. Not really. He is big on modest pampering though.
The Creeper: Might consider devouring it. That will be as far as it goes. Collects any chapsticks as loot from the bodies of his dead victims. Still trash, but also treasure.
Art the Clown: Totally. Why stop at chapstick when you can slap on tar? A sticky, black, questionable substance. Do not forget to coat the teeth as well. Spread that shit. In truth, it is charcoal - and he just wants a whitened smile.
Mick Taylor: God, no. Do not even dare to offer him a chapstick. You will get it thrown at your face, along with a bullet inserted where it hits your forehead. Blokes do not use feminine products. Bloody oath!
Total: 9.5 / 25
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
When was the last time you saw a doctor? A little over a week ago.
Which internet browser do you use? Chrome.
Have you ever lived on a university campus? Nope.
Do you know anyone who is a firefighter? I don’t think so.
What’s your favourite alcoholic beverage? None, I don’t drink.
When was the last time you saw a photo of your ex? It’s been awhile, actually. Like, a few years. He’s not very active on social media except for the rare times he posts some random photo of something or somewhere, but it’s not any photos of himself. 
Do you have any piercings besides your earlobes? Nope, that’s it.
How many push-ups can you do? Zero.
What time is it right now? 5:57AM.
What colour are your eyes? Brown.
Do you “binge-watch” tv shows? Yeah, all the time. 
What is your opinion of clowns? Pennywise is my favorite.
Did you wear a necklace today? No. I don’t even recall the last time I wore a necklace.
Have you ever received a compliment from a stranger? Yes.
Do you plan ahead when it comes to your outfits? Pfft, no. I just throw stuff on.
What colour is your front door? Brown.
Do you take the stairs or the elevator? I have to take the elevator.
Do you know anyone who lives in Long Island, New York? I don’t think so.
When was the last time you wore a button up shirt? Uhhh. I don’t recall.
What’s your favourite song at the moment? I don’t have one.
How many times have you consumed alcohol? I don’t know? I didn’t keep track back when I did drink.
Do you often forget what you were just about to say? I hate when that happens.
When was the last time you were at a party? Last June for my brother’s grad party.
Do you own any striped sweaters? No.
Have there ever been any forest or grass fires in your area? Yes.
Do you ever get any important emails that need attention? Nah.
Are you any good at packing a suitcase? I mean, I get what I need in there but it’s not done neatly. I kinda just throw stuff in. :X
What are you hungry for right now, if anything? Nothing at the moment.
Have you ever had a white hot chocolate? What did you think? Yes, it’s delicious. I’ve actually had it a few times lately. I like to get the peppermint white hot chocolate from Starbucks.
What will you be doing in twenty minutes from now? Maybe another survey.
Is there anybody in your house’s bathroom right now? No.
Have you ever witnessed a serious physical fight? Yes.
How much does gas cost in your area? I’m actually not sure.
Are you a fidgety sort of person? I am.
What was the last thing you ordered at a restaurant? Lemon garlic boneless wings.
How do you like to spend your alone time? Doing surveys, scrolling through Tumblr and other social medias, read, color.
Have you ever mowed a lawn? No.
On average, how many hours a day do you spend online? Quite a bit, both on my phone and laptop.
When was the last time you were yelled at? What had you done wrong? *shrug*
Do you enjoy corn on the cob? It’s easier for me to eat it off the cob.
Is there anything good on television at this very moment? I have The Golden Girls on.
Have you ever bought alcohol or cigarettes for someone underage? No.
Do you do your laundry regularly, or do you let it pile up? It gets done a couple times a week.
Did you ever play Habbo Hotel when you were younger? No. I don’t even know what that is.
What about Neopets? Yes.
Have you ever had to comfort a friend over the death of a loved one? Yes.
In your opinion, what’s the ideal age to start having children? I don’t want children, sooo.
What’s the longest you’ve ever slept in one go? Like 10 hours. That was a longgg time ago. I hardly get any sleep now.
Do you check the weather forecast everyday? Most days I’d say.
Have you ever dated someone with an accent different than yours? No.
What brand is your desktop or laptop? Apple.
Do you enjoy the smell and taste of cinnamon? I do.
If you use Snapchat, have you ever had a screenshot taken of you? Yeah.
Who were you last in a car with and where were you going? My brother. He and I saw the new Scream movie Thursday night.
Does caffeine affect you, or not so much? Nah, not anymore. I need my caffeine, but it doesn’t do much for my energy. 
Do you make your bed everyday? It stays made because I sleep on top and just use a throw blanket.
Is your birthday before August? Yeah, it’s in July.
Are you an Aries? No.
Would you consider yourself artistic? No, definitely not.
Are you a brunette? Yes.
Where is your dad right now? He’s in bed, asleep.
Are you a Gemini? No.
What do you hear right now? An ASMR video.
Does your birthday fall in the months of January, June, or July? July.
Do you regret your last kiss? No.
Do you have any kids? No.
What is your favorite kind of music? Variety.
Do you have any nieces or nephews? No.
Do you live on your own? No, I live with my parents, brother, and doggo.
Are you the oldest child? No, I’m the middle kid.
Do you know anyone who lives in Oregon? I don’t think so.
Do you have any pets? Yep, a doggo.
How many tattoos do you have? Zero.
Are you a twin? No.
Do you own an umbrella? No.
Are you under 21? No, I’m 32.
Have you ever been to Utah? Nope.
Have you ever been to Vatican City? Nope.
Can you whistle? I cannot.
How many X-rays have you had in the last 2 years? One.
Are you on good terms with your last ex? Sure. We don’t see or talk anymore, but there’s no bad feelings. 
Do you own an Xbox? No.
Are you wearing anything yellow? Nope.
How many zippers are on the clothing you’re wearing? Zero.
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sagamemes · 4 years
goodnight moon   —   valley girl, part one.   every single line out of this character’s mouth is golden. here and below the cut, you can find 83 lines of dialogue from the first three videos of the series—i can not emphasis how much the content of these lines vary despite the title. edited for roleplay purposes, feel free to change around whatever you feel the need to to make it fit your muse better.  tw:  implications and imagery of violence, clown mentions, some gore and unsanitary mentions, abuse mentions / implications.
❝  don't be embarrassed!  i love girls who love to have fun.  ❞
❝  nothing spookier than rotting flesh, am i right?  ❞
❝  this dress goes about to right before the knee, is that cool?  ❞
❝  feel free to get up to any more shenanigans you want at the party tonight. fireworks, bees, wherever the night takes you.  ❞
❝  your face is so pale.  ❞
❝  blood all over you scales, bones shards in your teeth—that's tacky. pearls?  high class.  ❞
❝  got any fireworks?  ❞
❝  i would never get between a girl and her snacks.  ❞
❝  maybe i've seen you on instagram or something.  ❞
❝  it's honestly a little spicy when you never know if and when that someone special is gonna steal from you. always a fun little surprise. like, ooh, what's it gonna be this time?  ❞
❝  i have missed seeing your pretty little face here.  ❞
❝  and you have how many teeth left?  like four?  ❞
❝  you seem—really cool. i'm loving your energy.  ❞
❝  i do get pretty passionate when it comes to [food].  ❞
❝  there's something... seductive about scurvy, you know?  ❞
❝  oh, who's he?  ❞
❝  i need to reconsider my look.  ❞
❝  i know it sounds like an impossible challenge to make pennywise any sexier than he already is, but i can try.  ❞
❝  [that girl has/you've] done far too much for me, for me to refuse [her/you] a single thing.  ❞
❝  it'll be so cute, i promise.  ❞
❝  they are definitely clones. sexy clones, but still clones, you know.  ❞
❝  i thought tonight would be a good time to step a little out of your comfort zone.  ❞
❝  pirates are so hot right now. well, they've been hot since, like, the 1700s but they have continued to be hot from /then/ to /now/.  ❞
❝  i know what i'm talking about:  as you can see, i look super hot, right?  ❞
❝  i can help you with that. you know, i just like to see a girl look her best.  ❞
❝  so is it alright if i come up close and personal, touch your face?  ❞
❝  oh, there's a chocolate fountain?  ❞
❝  not to like, pressure you or anything, but you have to go with this one.  ❞
❝  works every time. well, three out of ten times, which is like, almost most of the time.  ❞
❝  it's gonna be cold tonight.  ❞
❝  that's good, it's good to be thorough and like, get a little taste of everything.  ❞
❝  where's the burrito from?  ❞
❝  you're not into the whole  ' titties out '  kind of look for you?  ❞
❝  if you would just—part your lips ever so slightly and like, pout them a little bit?  like they got your order wrong at starbucks?  ❞
❝  wherever the night takes you, it's cool with me.  ❞
❝  my ex stole from me all the time.  ❞
❝  i mean i won't be able to open the jar either, but i'll totally be here for like, emotional support.  ❞
❝  these are not very comfortable, but... very cute. the sacrifice is worth it i think.  ❞
❝  my job is just to make you as happy and comfortable as possible.  ❞
❝  you look /so/ terrifying. and also super cute.  ❞
❝  those, you know, needlepoint heels make me wanna die.  ❞
❝  i think you're gonna represent my brand perfectly.  ❞
❝  i selected for you a myriad—... is that a word? ...yeah, totally, a /myriad/ of things for you to try.  ❞
❝  that's gonna make me look like such a baddie standing next to you.  ❞
❝  you can't be glowing more than me, darling.  ❞
❝  this sweater's got a vibe like,  ' i'm so grungy that i totally live in a trash can '  but also  ' i'm so soft and fuzzy, oh my god, hold me. '  ❞
❝  i like to call this chunky boy my dragon puke necklace.  ❞
❝  can you and me be brow twinsies and both do the bitch brow every day?  ❞
❝  do you have any tattoos?  i thought so.  ❞
❝  you look like you've been dead for three days. gorgeous.  ❞
❝  sometimes i see her at pilates and i'm like,  ' wow, that scrumptious smoothie came at the small price of my heart. but glad you're enjoying the strawberry-banana swirl, britney. '  ❞
❝  do you have any shenanigans planned?  ❞
❝  murders and assassinations i would be all down for, are you kidding?  ❞
❝  you, my dear, are all set.  ❞
❝  no explosives?  oh my god, why are you even going.  ❞
❝  wait, dragons don't eat their treasures, do they?  they just sit on it and sleep.  ❞
❝  have we met before?  you look so familiar it's tripping me out a little bit.  ❞
❝  we're gonna go with the flow.  ❞
❝  you oftentimes tend to prefer the sort of dainty, subdued style, but what if tonight we went a little more avant-garde?  ❞
❝  you can fiddle with it, as a form of absent-minded entertainment, if some business-major won't stop rambling at you about mergers and acquisitions.  ❞
❝  you seemed like, a little bit weirded out last time.  ❞
❝  i've been living and dying for this eyeshadow palette lately.  ❞
❝  let me take a moment, or two, or three... to—reacquaint myself with your lovely appearance.  ❞
❝  or do you need assistance?  because if there's anything i'm good at, it's /assistance/.  ❞
❝  you're my last appointment of the day, i'm happy to take as much time as you need.  ❞
❝  i'll give you a little tip:  when you're having a chat with someone cute, you can just, casually brush a glittery clutch against them and when they get home, the glitter transfers all over their stuff—on their sheets, their clothes, their face, their dog—they'll notice it constantly, and due to the subconscious association with you and the glitter... they won't be able to stop thinking about you. they'll think that you're soulmates when really, you just gave them glitter herpes.  ❞
❝  totally thought i was over that, sorry.  ❞
❝  i think the red would suit you /perfectly./  ❞
❝  [this/i] will keep you nice and warm and like, ward off any dudes you don't wanna deal with.  ❞
❝  i hope your blender sucks and you choke on a chunk of unpulverised peanut butter.  ❞
❝  live for it, obsessed, would wear _____ like that every day if it weren't for the fact that it would make men pee their pants everywhere i go.  ❞
❝  i know i can be a lot.  ❞
❝  doesn't she have like seven cats?  and they're all named after types of metamorphic rock. she's the best.  ❞
❝  if you wanna go for that  ' ugly christmas sweater '  vibe, like  ' i'm so hot that i can wear whatever i want and you all can suck it ', these are perfect.  ❞
❝  it would make men pee their pants everywhere i go. ...now that i think about it, that's actually a perk.  ❞
❝  i would love to hear all about the party you're going to, tell me all about it.  ❞
❝  it was always kinda sexy, mysterious.  ❞
❝  would never do that to you, ever, no way, wouldn't dream of it.  ❞
❝  [you are/it is] a clean slate, ready for clownery.  ❞
❝  i saw you launch a firework through his kitchen ceiling.  ❞
❝  it's a little cliché but clichés are cliché for a reason.  ❞
❝  let's cuddle on the dumpster.  ❞
❝  you mean to tell me you haven't even /seen/ a vegetable since, last summer?  ❞
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skinks · 4 years
hi!!! what are your favourite movies? like actually good ones but also any trashy comfort movies? is IT (2017) one of them?
Hello!! IT (2017) IS ABSOLUTELY ONE OF THEM oh man, thank you for this, I love talking about movies!!!! This is possibly the most difficult question you could have asked me. Apologies for how absolutely off the rails this got, I just... love movies so much lmao
I’ve said this before, but opening night of IT ch1 was the best cinema experience I’ve ever had, I’m so glad I got to see it with a fully packed audience who were all laughing and screaming together the whole way through. I’m a huge fan of... everything ch1 was doing, the 80s nostalgia, the summer-coming-of-age themes, the solid ghost train funhouse JOY of the Pennywise performance and scares, the washed-out cinematography, the tiny background details to make everything that much more eerie, the kids’ ACTING?!
Like, a lot of the time I find child actors can be really awkward and stilted to watch, but I remember leaving the cinema really impressed by JDG and Sophia Lillis in particular. I liked that they were all allowed to be little shitheads with potty mouths, it felt like a callback to 80s movies like The Lost Boys or Stand By Me. The whole thing worked to make me really care about what happened to the kids (even if I do still have issues with how they handled Mike. I understand even ch1 had limitations with juggling so many characters, but still). I saw it another 2 times in the cinema and have rewatched it at least, I dunno, 7-10 more times since then?
Add to all of that the retroactive CANON R+E baby pining subplot? I just love it, as if that wasn’t obvious by now given my Whole Blog. It’s a really special movie to me!
Anyway!! Ok, the main handful of movies I rewatch all the fucking time are:
Back to the Future, The Lost Boys, Pride and Prejudice (2005), Jaws, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, The Breakfast Club, Ocean’s 11, POTC 1, The Dark Knight, Inception, Die Hard, LOTR trilogy, Snatch, The Nice Guys, Logan Lucky, Mad Max Fury Road, Clueless, 10 Things I Hate About You, Billy Elliot, Dirty Dancing, Tomb Raider (2018)...
Those are the easily consumable ones that I’ve seen so many times I don’t really have to concentrate or think about them, but I really love them and unfortunately often KEEP rewatching them instead of new stuff. It would take too long to go into why I love all these movies so much because I could write the same amount as I already did for ITCH1, and everyone already knows why those movies are good, so, lol.
I think I’m gonna have to subdivide and categorise this whole post because there are too many separate criteria for... goOD MOVIES, AUUHH 😩
Okay so first off, HORROR MOVIES? I’m especially in love with Re-Animator (1985) and its sequel Bride of Re-Animator, they’re such good examples of camp and batshit 80s practical effects, and also EXTREMELY funny. I’m actually just gonna post my list of my fave horror movies that I do actually keep on my phone at all times lmao. These are in no particular order:
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Wholeheartedly recommend every one of these. I’ve never been so scared in my life as I was watching Hereditary in the cinema, hoo boy. Mother! by Aronofsky is one of the strangest experiences I’ve ever had (and I actually saw it on the same day I saw IT ch1 for the first time!! That was a fun day)
Psycho (1960) and The Fly from 1986 should also be on there but I couldn’t fit them in the screenshot.
I’m a HUGE fan of a ton of martial arts movies too, like Kung Fu Hustle, Shaolin Soccer, Ip Man, The Raid movies, John Wick 3 is my fave of the trilogy, Drive from 1997 with Mark Dacascos is incredible, SPL 2, Ong-Bak, Operation Condor, Project A, Iron Monkey, and Zatoichi (2003) are some favourites.
My favourite Tarantino is Reservoir Dogs, fave Coen brothers are Raising Arizona, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs and O Brother Where Art Thou. Love some old-timey colour correction and weird offbeat dialogue. I also love Goodfellas!!! And Donnie Brasco! And The Firm, I’m so easy for any good crime/law/gangster/heist procedural like that, especially if they’re from the 80s or 90s in a super dated way.
Fave Disney movie is Tarzan, favourite Ghibli movies are Spirited Away and Lupin III. I remember watching Spirited Away during a thunderstorm one time and it being.... god! Transcendent! Favourite Pixar movie is The Incredibles (the first one. ALSO the documentary “The Pixar Story” is great and well worth a watch, it’s very comforting for some reason) and my favourite Dreamworks movies are HTTYD1 and Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron.
I tend to watch more anime movies than tv shows, so stuff like Akira, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Summer Wars, Journey to Agartha, and my ultimate fave anime is Sword of the Stranger (2008). The climactic fight in that movie is fucking stunning and should be counted in “bests fights” lists right alongside anything live action
Also if we’re talking animated movies another hearty favourite is Rango, and a Belgian stop-motion (which at one time I considered my favourite movie ever) called Panique Au Village (2009) which is one of the funniest movies ever made imo.
As for TRASHY movies, I’m not sure if that’s the right word for how I feel about these ones but.. dumb/silly/slightly guilty pleasure movies? Ones that I feel need some kind of justification lmfao
Troy - something u must know about me is that I’m a giant slut for the Assassin’s Creed franchise, so if a movie smashes historical and mythological nonsense together with fun costumes and sword fights, I’m gonna enjoy myself. Even if they should have made Achilles and Patroclus gay. Other movies in this vein are King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, and Immortals (2011)
Gods of Egypt - I know all the reasons this movie is whitewashed bullshit. But it was already bullshit with giant Anubis mecha and giant snakes and bad acting and ridiculous CGI and frankly I had a blast at the cinema (my friend who I forced to come with me did not have a blast. Sorry H***)
Avatar - yes, the one with the big blue people. This movie gets a lot of flack nowadays but I really do enjoy it just for the spectacle. The full CGI world technology was so new at the time and I love to wallow in the visuals and daydream about riding a cool dragon around in the jungle
George of the Jungle - I’ll defend this movie to the death ok this movie shaped me as a person, it is fucking hilarious and Brendan Fraser is the himbo to end all himbos. It’s perfect. The song Dela is perfect. I still want to write a reddie AU about it. It’s one of the best movies ever made and I’m not being ironic
Set It Up - I KNOW this is a dumb Netflix original romcom but consider this; it was funny and the leads had great chemistry. I got butterflies. I once watched it and then literally immediately set it back to the start so I could watch it again
The Brady Bunch Movie - when people talk about great satires or parodies you will see them bring up the same movies over and over again, Blazing Saddles, This Is Spinal Tap etc, but they never talk about The Brady Bunch Movie from 1995 for some reason, which they should. It is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen and every time i watch it somehow it gets funnier
Some more general favourites that I do still love but don’t rewatch as often, and don’t wanna go into more detail about are:
Moon (2009), Crna Mačka Beli Mačor, The Sixth Sense, Parasite, The Handmaiden, Tremors, Wet Hot American Summer, Tucker and Dale vs Evil, What We Do In The Shadows, Hunt For the Wilderpeople, The Secret of My Success (I love kitschy 80s movies, is that obvious by now), The Green Mile, When Harry Met Sally, Rear Window, The Odd Couple, Breaking Away, Pan’s Labyrinth, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Eagle, Gladiator, The Artist, The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec, Call Me By Your Name, Master and Commander, Pacific Rim, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Legend (1985), Emma. (2020), Flash Gordon, Trolljegeren, Hross í Oss, Beverly Hills Cop, Coming to America, WarGames, District 9, Ajeossi (2010), Tracks (2013), Sightseers, Mud (2012), Pitch Black, Four Lions, Shaun of the Dead, Starship Troopers, The Truman Show, Withnail & I....... Jesus Christ ok I need to stop
NOTABLE EXTREME FAVOURITES that I didn’t include in the regular rewatch list because they’re too heavy/not as well known/require more attention.:
Thin Red Line (1998), Badlands (1973) both dir. Terrence Malick
Malick’s brand of dreamy impressionistic filmmaking is something I find really appealing, both of these movies are gorgeous and unusual and poignant and, in the case of Thin Red Line at least, have a lot of things to say about a lot of rough subjects. I don’t totally understand all those things sometimes, but a theme with a lot of my favourite movies is that I’ll be more likely to love something long-term if it raises unanswered questions, or is surreal/esoteric etc. Plus the cinematography is incredible, and I wish there was a way to get Jim Caviezel’s narration from The Thin Red Line as an audiobook because it’s very poetic and soothing.
Let the Bullets Fly (2010) dir. Jiang Wen
This movie is WILD, it’s so much fun. It’s sprawling and intricate and epic and smart and really fucking funny, it! Has! Everything! A gang of very tolerant outlaws!! Jiang Wen’s beautiful broad chest!!! Chow Yun Fat absolutely DECIMATING the scenery, and the two of them outsmarting each other in order to gain control of a small Chinese town!!! Plus it’s long, but it packs so much nonsense and intrigue that it goes by really fast. Wow what a flick
A Field in England (2013) dir. Ben Wheatley
I know I included this in my horror list but aaaaahhh ahhhh Wheatley is one of my favourite directors (he also made Sightseers, and is directing the Tomb Raider sequel which makes me absolutely rabid.) This is a surreal black-and-white psychological horror black comedy set in the English Civil War about some deserters who may or may not meet the Devil in a field. People eat mushrooms. It’s bonkers. I love being blasted in the face with imagery that I don’t understand
Mandy (2018) dir. Panos Cosmatos
Speaking of being blasted in the face!!!!! This movie... I saw it in the cinema and I can’t even begin to explain the experience, but I’ll try. My favourite review site described it like this:
“...somewhere between a prog album cover come to life and a metal album cover come to life, and subscribes to both genre's artistic tendency towards maximalism: what it ends up being is basically naught else but two glorious hours of being pounded by bold colors...”
So, prog and metal are my two favourite genres of music. This movie opens with the quote “When I die, bury me deep, lay two speakers at my feet, put some headphones on my head and rock and roll me when I'm dead.” and then a King Crimson song, it is SURREAL to the nth degree, it’s violent and bizarre and Nic Cage forges a giant silver axe to destroy demonic bikers and there is a CHAINSAW DUEL. A galaxy swirls above a quarry. Multiple animated horror nightmare sequences. At one point a man says “you exude a cosmic darkness” and releases a live tiger. At another point Cage says, in a digitally deepened voice, “The psychotic drowns where the mystic swims. You’re drowning. I’m swimming.” and I haven’t stopped thinking about it for two years
Paper Moon (1973) dir. Peter Bogdanovich
Really fantastic movie set in the Great Depression (and also in black & white) about a conman and a little kid who may or may not be his daughter, running cons across the Midwest. It’s beautifully shot, so sharp and sweet and the progression of their dynamic is really well done because they’re played by an IRL father and daughter. Tatum O’Neal was NINE YEARS OLD and she’s so amazing in this movie she’s actually the youngest person to win a competitive category Oscar. I keep trying to get people to watch this fbdjfjdbf it’s wonderful
Alpha (2018) dir. Albert Hughes
THIS MOVIE IS A VICTIM OF BAD MARKETING ok, the trailers made it look like some twee crappy sentimental Boy And His Dog Adventure, plus it had voiceovers in American-accented english? That’s a total disservice to one of the coolest things about this film; the fact that they got a linguist to construct an entirely original Neolithic language that all the characters speak for the entire runtime. And yes, it is eventually a Boy And His Wolf adventure, but it’s COOL and fairly brutal, and it has some really incredible cinematography. The landscapes are so strange and barren and alien, you really get the sense that this is an ancient world we no longer have any connection to. And it’s also about like, the birth of dog & human companionship sooo it’s perfect.
Free Solo (2018) dir. Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, Jimmy Chin
The Free Climbing Documentary. I loved climbing as a kid, I love outdoor sports, and I love movies that elicit a physical reaction in me, whether that’s horny, scared, real laughter, overwhelming shivers, or in the case of Free Solo - HORRIBLE SWEATING TENSION. Like, I knew about Alex Honnold beforehand because of this adventure film festival I go to every year and I followed him on IG so obviously I knew he lived, but the actual climb itself was torture. My hands sweat every time I see it!! It’s incredible, such a cool look into generally what the human body can do, and more specifically, why Honnold’s psychology and life means he’s so well suited to free soloing. It’s such an exercise in getting to know an individual and get invested in them, before they attempt something very potentially fatal.
Brokeback Mountain (2005) dir. Ang Lee
I can’t even talk about this. When I was around 13 I snuck downstairs to watch this on TV at 11pm in secret, and my life was forever changed. I wouldn’t be who I am if I hadn’t seen Brokeback at the age I did. I seriously can’t talk about this or I’ll write an even longer essay than this already is
God’s Own Country (2017) dir. Francis Lee
The antidote to Brokeback Mountain, I’m so glad I managed to see this one in the cinema too. It makes me cry every time, as someone who’s spent years working on a cold British farm with sheep it was very realistic, which is expected since Lee grew up on a farm in Yorkshire. I love that this movie isn’t really about being closeted, but about being so emotionally repressed and self-loathing that the main character finds it so hard to accept love. Or that he deserves to be loved. The cinnamontographies.... lordt... but also the intimacy and sex scenes are fucking searing wow who hasn’t seen this movie by now. 10 stars. 20 stars!!!
Tomboy (2011) dir. Céline Sciamma
I saw this years ago but I’ve never forgotten it, it cut so deep. It’s from the director of Portrait of a Lady on Fire and it’s about a gnc kid struggling with gender and misogyny and homophobia in a really raw, scrappy way, it reminded me very much of my own... childhood... ahh the central performance is amazing for such a young age. I haven’t seen Portrait yet but I feel like if you went nuts for that, you should definitely check this out, it’s lovely.
Donnie Darko (2001) dir. Richard Kelly
EVERY TIME I WATCH THIS MOVIE I UNDERSTAND LESS AND LESS and that’s what I love so much about it. I love surreal movies, I love time-fuckery and stuff about altered perception etc etc and Donnie Darko scratches all my itches. I wish I could find a way to figure out an IT AU for it, because I know it would work! Somehow! Plus it’s got the subdued 80s nostalgia and I found it at an age when I was really starting to explore movies and music and the soundtrack FUCKS.
Offside (2006) dir. Jafar Panahi
I wish more people knew about this!!! It’s an Iranian film about a disparate group of women and girls who are football fans and want to watch Iran’s qualifying match for the World Cup, but women aren’t allowed into the stadium, so they all get thrown into the Stadium Jail together? They don’t know each other beforehand, but it’s about their changing relationships with each other and the guards and just, their defiance alongside hearing the match from the outside and WOW it’s so lively. Great dialogue and very funny, and such a different kind of story from anything you usually see from Hollywood.
The Fall (2006) dir. Tarsem Singh
This movie... I guess it’s the ideal. This is the platonic ideal of a film for me, it has fantasy, magical realism, glorious visuals, amazing score and costumes and production design and a really interesting, heartbreaking relationship at the core of it. I don’t know why so many of my favourite films feature incredibly raw performances by child actors but this is another one, Catinca Untaru barely knew any English and improvised so much because of that, and it’s fascinating to watch! Also the dynamic with Lee Pace is one of my favourites, where a kid forms a friendship with a guardian figure who isn’t their parent, but the guardian grows to really care for them by the end. It’s like Paper Moon in that sense. What is there to even say about this movie, it’s pure magic joy tempered and countered by genuine gutwrenching emotional conflict in the real world, it’s also ABOUT old moviemaking, in a way, and it’s stunning to look at!
Mad Max Fury Road (2015) dir. George Miller
I know I included this in my “most rewatched” section but it deserves its own thing. We all know why this movie is fucking incredible. I remember clutching my armrests in the cinema and feeling like my skeleton was being blasted back into the seat behind me and tbh that is the high I’m constantly chasing when I go to see any movie. What a fucking gift this film is
Théo et Hugo dans le Même Bateau (2016) dir. Olivier Ducastel, Jacques Martineau
I only found this movie last year and it became an instant favourite. Initially I was just curious because I’d never seen a movie with unsimulated sex before, but it’s so much more than the 18 minute gay sex club orgy it opens with. No, not more than, AS WELL AS. The orgy is important because this movie is so candid and frank about sex and HIV treatment in the modern day, it was eye-opening. Another thing that really got me is that I’d never seen a real-time film before. It’s literally an hour and a half in the lives of these two men, their intense connection and conversation and conflict in the middle of the night in Paris, with some really nice night photography and just!!! Wow!!! AMAZING CHEMISTRY between the actors. This is such a gem if you’re comfortable with explicit sexual content.
Ok. This is already over 3k but film is obviously one of my ridiculous passions and I can and do talk about it for hours. I’ve been reading magazines about it for years, listening to podcasts and reading review blogs and recently, watching video essays on YouTube because the whole process is so interesting to me and I want to learn more!!
Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about the concept of valuing form over narrative. The idea that story can often come second to the deeper physical experience and emotional reaction that’s created by using ALL the elements of filmmaking and not just The Story, y’know? Whether that’s editing, shot composition, colour, the sound mix, the actors, how it should all be used to heighten the emotional state the script wants you to feel. And so, I think for a few years now this approach has been influencing the types of films I really, really love.
I think I love surreality and mind-bending magical realism in films specifically because the filmmakers have to use all those different tools to convey things that can be way too metaphysical for just... a script? I’m always chasing that physical response; if a movie can make me stop thinking “I wonder what it was like to set up that shot” and instead overwhelm that suspension of disbelief, if I can be terrified or woozy or crying for whatever reason, that’s what I’m looking for. That’s why I watch so many fuckin movies, and why I’ll always remember nights like seeing IT (2017) for giving me another favourite.
Thank you again for this question, I didn’t mean to go so overboard. Also there’s no way to do a readmore on tumblr mobile so apologies to anyone’s dashboard 😬
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dascarecrow · 3 years
Space Jam A New Legacy Wishlist
This here’s a list of properties and characters that I want to see in Space Jam A New Legacy and some explanation as to why or how they can even appear. And I am well aware these would just be cameos. That doesn’t bother me. 
RWBY (Warner does in fact own RoosterTeeth and RWBY is just about their most well known original work. Plus Warner seems to have some interest in expanding the RWBY brand, what with a Justice League crossover comic and all) 
Mortal Kombat (Owned by Warner and if they’re willing to include the Droogs and freaking Pennywise this franchise has no reason not to appear. Plus it is getting a movie and cross promotion never hurt anyone) 
Birdman (There are already Hanna-Barbera super heroes appearing and this one is a personal favorite of mine) 
Mightor (Again with the Hanna-Barbera superheroes) 
Jonny Quest (Hanna-Barbera and honestly has gotten a bit more of a push in recent years than most of that brand has gotten) 
Speed Buggy (They got Jabberjaw so why not) 
Freakazoid (The only one of Spielberg’s 90′s cartoons that isn’t up for a reboot. Also it got a crossover episode with Teen Titans Go so it clearly isn’t forgotten) 
Beetlejuice (I just like Beetlejuice) 
Loonatics Unleashed (I actually enjoyed this show. It wasn’t groundbreaking but it was a pretty fun superhero show that tried to put an original spin on the Looney Tunes. I would just like to see an appearance by them that wasn’t a potshot) 
Xiaolin Showdown (This was actually a pretty decent show that seems forgotten nowadays. Would be nice to see something to show it isn’t forgotten.) 
Teen Titans (The original cartoon. I just want something for Teen Titans that doesn’t remotely involve Go at this point) 
Swat Kats (This is definitely a fan favorite that has gotten jack squat done for it for years. Would be nice if this is where they made a return for a quick moment) 
Road Rovers (A personal favorite of mine and also Warner Bros. Would be hilarious if they met the Swat Kats)
Ricochet Rabbit (A personal favorite Hanna-Barbera character of mine) 
Venture Bros. (Got screwed over big time with it’s cancellation. An appearance could be a good way of saying “No Hard Feelings”. Also makes the most sense for anything from Adult Swim appearing because they aren’t going to do the HB revamp stuff from Coast to Coast or Attorney at Law for that) 
TOM from Toonami (Would just make my day if I’m being honest) 
Tom and Jerry (We’ve never actually seen those guys with other Hanna-Barbera characters. Would like to see it happen.) 
Lego (I would take anything for this one given how much Warner Bros. has done with Lego media. My personal choice would be Bionicle given that it was hands down Lego’s best franchise but I don’t know if they could legally do that. There were plans for Takanuva in The Lego Movie sequel so it may be impossible.) 
Captain Planet (Would just be fun. Especially if he met Don Cheadle’s character face to face) 
Big Bird (Just want a Sesame Street character and he’s my choice) 
Sam and Dean Winchester (Supernatural got 15 seasons. I think their popularity speaks for itself) 
The Banana Splits (This is Hanna-Barbera’s only real stab at live action work. They deserve a spot for that alone) 
Godzilla (The Monsterverse is on an upswing after GvK. Plus Kong will appear. Plus it’s Godzilla and we would be there just for him) 
Osmosis Jones (If you want a real obscure pick here’s one)  
Rick and Morty (The biggest deal on Adult Swim. Need I say more?)  
Powerpuff Girls (Due for a live action show. If any Cartoon Cartoons get chosen it would be this one) 
Samurai Jack (Still freaking popular with folks. Would drive all of us insane) 
Courage the Cowardly Dog (My personal favorite Cartoon Cartoon) 
Ed, Edd, n Eddy (Would just be fun) 
Johnny Bravo (Very popular Cartoon Cartoon) 
Dexter’s Laboratory (Same as above) 
Cow and Chicken (Ditto) 
I Am Weasel (Michael Dorn would be a good win for the movie) 
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy (Just think of the jokes this one could be used for) 
Codename Kids Next Door (Really just want to see these characters again) 
Gremlins (Due for an HBO Max cartoon so why not) 
Adventure Time (Started the Renaissance age for Cartoon Network so it deserves a spot for that)  
He-Man (If Thundercats have gotten in than he deserves to too) 
Steven Universe (A personal favorite and Warner Bros isn’t done with the property yet) 
Regular Show (The chance to see Mordecai and Rigby’s “Whoa” is too good to pass up) 
Young Justice (Love this show. Greg Weisman is the genius who gave it to us. And Phantoms is still a ways off) 
Mucha Lucha (Pretty off-kilter and could be a visual stand out) 
Speed Racer (I am pretty sure that Warner Bros. has the rights licensed out like the deal they have with Godzilla. I just think it would be fun and awesome) 
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yallreddieforthis · 5 years
Impossible Things
Fandom: It Chapter Two, It (2017)
Pairing: Richie Tozier/Eddie Kaspbrak
Rating: Explicit (in later chapters)
Words: 1.9k
Also on AO3
“What the fuck,” he mutters, trying his key one more time. His therapist always says he’s too quick to jump right to the doom and gloom. Maybe he didn’t get evicted all of a sudden. Maybe he just put the key in upside down or… Nope. His key straight up does not work.
And then suddenly the door swings open and Richie whacks him in the shoulder with a frying pan.
August 7, 2013 was the worst day of Eddie Kaspbrak’s life. He got dumped on a breakfast date by this guy he was kind of very into at the time, he totaled his brand-new Dodge Dart...by hitting a cop car, spilling iced coffee all over himself in the process. And that was just before work.
When he got to work, he was informed by fucking Claudia of all people that his favorite patient who was supposed to make a full fucking recovery had died during the overnight shift. He spent the rest of the day completing paperwork for his now-deceased buddy over in 44G, and playing a super fun game ferreting information back and forth between one of the endocrinologists--who was on a cruise with almost no reception--and her crazy bitch of a patient who insisted that Dr. Google told her she could cure her diabetes with a combination of like six essential oils and lemon juice. And also fighting over the phone with Marcus from Geico. Fuck Marcus from Geico and his manager Suzanne.
Anyway, yeah, that day was fucking nothing compared to this Saturday, when he went back to his shitty ass hometown, watched the first guy he ever loved die in his arms and then wiggled out the back door of a collapsing house containing all his childhood friends.
He’s pretty sure he hasn’t completely processed the awfulness of the whole thing yet. He’s done a decent amount of crying, but like… God, where to even begin? There’s literally no one alive who he can talk to about what he went through. The idea of keeping all this shit to himself for the rest of his life makes him want to consider pulling a Stan. Not that he ever would, actually. Because he’s a stubborn bitch, and when life tells him to go fuck himself, he usually just yells it right back.
Also he got stabbed in the fucking face by Henry Goddamn Bowers. And like, Ben did a decent job patching it up with gauze and superglue, but Eddie hauled ass to Urgent Care and got some actual stitches once he realized there was nothing else he could do at Neibolt. He’d been a fucking mess...like, crying and shit, but even in that state he could tell that the standard of care at Derry Clinic was subpar at best and he kept having to correct the NP who was sewing him up until she finally snapped and asked if he’d rather just do it himself. Actually, he normally would have preferred to, but his hands had been shaking too badly. He definitely plans to have it looked at by Dr. Lim, who will for sure know the best way to keep scarring to a minimum, as soon as he’s back at work.
Also, he was hoping that all the weird shit that had been going down with Pennywise and stuff would have fucking stopped after they killed It, but when he got back to the Derry Townhouse and went to get his shit from his room, there were three goddamn suitcases in there and he couldn’t figure out why. The first one had enough crap in it for like a three week trip, although the clothes weren’t all his. Also, the second one was filled with a bunch of pill bottles with his name on them for prescriptions Eddie has never needed, and his actual medication, amitriptyline, was not among them. But to be totally honest, by that point, he was so fucking tired and upset that he just kind of went fuck it and hauled everything into the back of a cab and got the fuck out of there.
And now he’s standing on the curb at LAX waiting for an Uber to take him back to his apartment in West Hollywood, where he can cry in private and maybe eat a pint of frozen yogurt from Whole Foods. Greek yogurt, of course, for the probiotics.
The first thing that strikes him as amiss back in LA is when he gets up to his apartment and there is a mat that says WELCOME TO THE SHITSHOW on it that he definitely did not buy in front of his apartment and his list of instructions for delivery men has been taken off his door.
Then he tries to open the door and his key doesn’t fit, which makes no fucking sense at all, unless Ms. Slavkin changed the locks while he was gone, which would be super illegal and also mean. Like, they’re on good terms, he thinks, especially since she barely speaks English and he knows exactly no Russian. They’ve never had a problem, though. His rent is always paid up on time. She brought him vatrushka two weeks ago and he referred her grandson for a volunteer position at Cedars Sinai over the summer. They’re good.
“What the fuck,” he mutters, trying his key one more time. His therapist always says he’s too quick to jump right to the doom and gloom. Maybe he didn’t get evicted all of a sudden. Maybe he just put the key in upside down or… Nope. His key straight up does not work.
And then suddenly the door swings open and Richie whacks him in the shoulder with a frying pan.
“Ow! What the hell?”
Literally everything about what just happened is impossible though, because Richie is:
Dead. He died in Eddie’s arms under the Neibolt house less than 48 hours ago after telling him he fucked his mom one last time for good measure. Like...even while he was bleeding out he couldn’t… God. Anyway…
A resident of Illinois, last time Eddie checked. He even said some shit the other day about security at O'Hare. That’s… that’s the one in Chicago, right? It’s not LAX, Eddie knows that for sure.
Richie looks about as dumbfounded as Eddie feels. He does not apologize for hitting Eddie with a frying pan, although it’s not exactly cast iron. At best, it’s aluminum.
Which is another weird thing. Eddie uses exclusively cast iron or enamel cookware in his apartment because he’s not some kind of idiot sauteing his veggies in perfluorinated chemicals. The frying pan Richie is holding right now is undoubtedly riddled with BPA that would seep into his food and cause thyroid problems.
And honestly the only reason he’s probably getting hung up on that is that he expects Richie to disappear as soon as he blinks, because what the fuck would he actually be doing here. It’s going to hurt a lot more than that frying pan did when he evaporates, and Eddie’s going to feel like he lost him a second time.
Any second now.
Nothing else happens though, except that Richie manages to squeak out, “Eddie?”
And it’s corny to think, but it’s his voice that leaves no doubt in Eddie’s mind that it’s really him. Because Richie Tozier can sound like almost anybody in the world, but there’s no one that can sound like Richie. Even Pennywise never tried to imitate him. Because no one can. That, Eddie is sure of.
Dead is… Eddie is a nurse, and he’s no stranger to death. Richie was dead. No one could survive that kind of blood loss. But that also doesn’t change the fact that Richie is standing in front of him, in his apartment somehow, alive and breathing and miraculously free of giant holes in his chest. Also, this past weekend has had Eddie really rethinking his personal beliefs on what is and isn’t possible.
“Oh god, Richie—” Eddie reaches out and places a hand on Richie’s chest. Richie doesn’t stop him, but he also doesn’t react other than staring at Eddie’s hand, like he’s still unconvinced that Eddie is really Eddie.
Also he’s apparently speechless for the first time in his life.
“What the fuck,” he breathes out. His heartbeat is pounding beneath Eddie’s fingers. “I… we had to leave you. God, I tried to—”
“What?” Eddie interrupts him. “You died. Right in my arms, like, right in front of my fucking face and then you all got sucked into that pit and I—”
“What? No. Wh--wait. Wait wait wait. How did you find my apartment?” Richie demands.
“Uh, excuse me, this is my—”
But Eddie doesn’t finish that sentence because at that moment he looks past Richie into the living room and his point dies on the tip of his tongue. This is not his apartment. The doormat wasn’t lying. This is some kind of bachelor pad nightmare. One sofa, no art on the walls, a TV that’s too big for the room. Eddie glances up at the number on the door. Seven. It’s the right number, the outside of the place looks right… 
“What did you do to my house?!” Eddie cries, because of course he’s happy Richie is alive—too happy to even process it properly—but he’s not going to pretend he won’t be pissed if Richie donated all of his good Pottery Barn furniture.
“Your— I live here, dipshit,” says Richie, apparently kind of snapping out of it. “I’ve lived here for like ten years.”
“You told me you lived in Chicago and—”
“Yeah,” says Richie. “Well, like kind of. I have an apartment there, usually sublet it. Didn’t think I needed to get into my whole real estate history, cause it’s not like we had bigger things to worry about.”
“You know what?” says Richie. “Just fucking come in. Let’s...can you call Mike?”
“Mike isn’t dead either?!” Eddie cries. What--How--
“Of course not,” says Richie. “I mean he better not be, I’ve been texting him all day.”
Eddie takes his phone out of his pocket and goes to his recent call history. He taps on the Derry number that called him the other day, back in another fucking lifetime, while rolling his suitcase into this like sham of an apartment that apparently Richie lives in. 
We’re sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed…
“You try Mike,” Eddie says, shaking his head. “My phone says his number is disconnected.”
Richie is texting furiously. He sinks down into the couch.
“Does that thing have like bed bugs?” Eddie asks, because the couch looks kind of suspect if he’s being honest. Like the kind of thing Richie might have dragged in off the sidewalk.
Richie makes a face. “No, what the fuck, of course not.”
Eddie sits down next to him on the edge of his seat, still not entirely convinced about the bed bug situation.
“I’m gonna FaceTime Mike, cause…” Richie shakes his head. “Fuck, I don’t know. Mike’s the crazy bitch with all the answers, right?”
Richie then does something kind of un-Richie-ish. He turns to the side and drops his head on Eddie’s shoulder, inhaling shakily and deeply. It’s then that Eddie notices his coffee table is littered with tissues.
“What?” Eddie asks him. He gets the distinct impression that Richie is about to cry, maybe, which is terrifying. And that’s stupid because Eddie works in a goddamn hospital. He deals with crying people every day. But there’s something about being around Richie that just… He feels like they’ve fallen back into the dynamic they had when they were kids. And teenage Eddie wouldn’t have known how to deal with Richie crying and so adult Eddie is kind of panicking over the thought of trying to figure that shit out on the fly.
If Richie starts crying, Eddie probably will too. This situation is… Honestly, it’s super overwhelming. He doesn’t feel equipped to deal with this fuckery.
Just then though, Mike picks up. Like a flash, Richie lifts his head up off Eddie’s shoulder and shoots Mike a shit-eating grin.
“Explain this shit, Mikey,” he says, and turns the screen to face Eddie.
Mike immediately drops his phone.
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Naked & Afraid
Pairing: Eddie Kaspbrak x Richie Tozier (Both adult)
Word Count: 884
Warnings: Blood, vomit, gore in general. Slight spoilers for It: Chapter 2.
Notes: Okay so. I remembered the scene from the original It miniseries where Eddie’s in the showers at school and Pennywise creeps him out and I’m kind of upset that it didn’t end up in the 2017 version (although I get why, small boys in the shower isn’t exactly an appropriate thing to be watching/thinking about because ew) so I went ahead and made an updated, scarier version that falls in the plot of Chapter 2. Then I made it Reddie-centric because I can do whatever I want. Also, quick warning, I am like Stephen King: bad at writing endings. Enjoy!  
This was shaping up to be the worst day of Eddie’s life. Hands down. No competitors. Sure, he’d been vomited on by a leper before. The same leper, actually. And to be honest, there wasn’t too much of a difference in either experience. Except for the teeny tiny little fact that this time, he’d gotten it in his mouth. It was taking all of his willpower not to throw up himself as he stomped up the stairs of the bed and breakfast, dripping trails of gruel and bowel fluids behind him. 
“Eddie?” he heard Ben call from behind him. 
“Don’t talk to me,” he said flatly.
As soon as he got into the bathroom, Eddie stripped off his soiled clothes, grabbed the toothpaste and his brush, and got into the shower. He spent a solid five to ten minutes just brushing, rinsing, and spitting as he let the water sweep all the grossness from his form. When he finally felt decent enough to ditch the toothbrush, he squirted a generous helping of shampoo into his palm and got to work lathering it all into his hair. It was around this time that Eddie heard the voice. 
“Eddie…” it rasped from behind him. Eddie froze. No. Not behind him. From below him. 
“Don’t turn around,” he muttered to himself. “Do not fucking turn around.”
Despite his own warnings, Eddie couldn’t help but steal a glance. He didn’t know if it was better or worse that everything seemed completely normal. He looked down. Even the drain appeared to be the same as always. Until it spoke again. 
“Poor, poor Eddie…” it cooed. “Scared little boy…”
Eddie drew back against the opposite wall, staring intently. “F--fuck off.”
The voice only laughed and continued. “Eddie’s life is unraveling…”
Turn the water off and leave, Eddie told himself. Just go. Get out of here. Even so, he stayed frozen and still. 
“Years and years of a stable job...a marriage...a brand new car…” it went on. “What more could he want? And then he came back to play…” 
“I’m not playing,” Eddie hissed. Why can’t I just fucking move?
“We are playing,” the voice giggled. “Play, play, play! Play until he tells…”
Eddie swallowed thickly. “Tells what?”
“Tells his dirty secret.” 
Eddie could’ve sworn he saw the glint of an eye in the drain, staring up at him. 
“Tell how he doesn’t want his life anymore. Not his old one, no…” 
There was a wet slap from behind him. Eddie jumped as something soft and wet touched the heel of his foot. 
“Not since he saw the trashmouth again…” 
Eddie looked down. A tuft of brown hair covered in suds lay at his feet. He furrowed his brow. 
“Now he doesn’t know to do. His whole world is falling apart.” The voice cackled suddenly. “Falling apart! Falling apart!” 
Another slap, this time heavier. Then another, and another. Eddie watched in horror as hair and lumps of reddened flesh rushed towards the drain. A quick look at his body confirmed his dread. They were his hair and flesh. Feeling his chest move faster and faster, Eddie raised his arms to his face. He nearly screamed when his little finger bent back and dropped off his hand, leaving only a stump swollen and messy with water and blood. 
Eddie’s legs finally let him move as he tore open the curtain and jumped out of the shower, the drain laughing all the while. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and finally shrieked. Flesh was still dropping off of him at an alarming rate, leaving only stinging patches of red muscle and even exposed bone in areas. Eddie’s vision went warped and darkened as he witnessed his left eye roll down his cheek and onto the floor. 
He busted out of the bathroom, cussing and still yelling. 
“Help! Help, fuck!”
Richie. Richie would know what to do. Or maybe he wouldn’t, but Eddie was already running to his room. 
Richie was apparently already on his way to the bathroom, because he and Eddie ran into each other in the hallway. 
“Eddie!” he yelled breathlessly, grabbing onto his arms. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong? What’s happening?”
“M-my body--” At this point, Eddie was sobbing. “Fucking--you have to fucking help me, make it--make it stop!” 
“What?” Richie seemed confused. He looked Eddie up and down. “What’s wrong? Does it hurt anywhere?”
“I--I’m f-falling apart!” How could he not see it? His eye was missing! Eddie looked down at himself. Except...he was completely normal. Naked, but normal. 
“Eds?” Richie asked softly. 
“I…” Eddie swallowed and touched his face. Everything felt whole. “I was…”
“Let’s...go to my room.” Richie took his hand and led him to his bedroom. Eddie sat on the bed, blinking at the carpet. 
“Here.” Richie laid a hefty blanket across his shoulders. 
“Yeah. Can you tell me what happened? I heard you screaming, and…” 
“I was in the shower. And...and then there was this voice, this voice from the drain.” 
“Fuck,” Richie hissed. 
“And it spoke to me, and told me that…” Eddie paused. Maybe he should keep that part about the trashmouth and his secret to himself. “...That it wanted me to play. And then I...I started to fall apart, my skin was falling off…”
“Holy fuck, your…” Richie stood up suddenly. “I-I’m gonna fucking kill that thing.” 
“Wait,” he said quickly. “No, no. Don’t. We can’t do it. Not right now. It’s--it’ll hurt you.”
“It hurt you!”
“Yeah, but--but not for real!” He sniffled and reached to grab Richie’s arm. “Please just sit with me. Please.” 
Richie softened a little and looked back at Eddie. Soaking wet, hands shaking, white as a sheet. He spared one last look at the door, then took his place on the bed. 
“Fuck. Fine. I can’t take it when you give me those puppy eyes.” He adjusted the blanket so it was further around him. Eddie tried to smile and shut his eyes. They were quiet for a beat, accompanied only by the sounds of their breathing, which was slowing to a calm rate. 
“Do you...regret coming back?” Richie asked out of nowhere. Eddie frowned.
“Of course I do.”
“Oh.” He sounded disappointed. “I mean...yeah, you do. Duh.” 
Eddie felt a pang of guilt and tried to recover. “I mean, I don’t regret seeing you guys again. Not at all. I missed you. I mean, I would’ve missed you if I remembered you, but...I think I always did deep down. I just didn’t know it.” 
“Yeah…” Richie smiled. “I just got one question.”
“How the fuck did you forget me?”
“Well...I don’t know. It wasn’t my fault! It was magic, or ghosts, or whatever the fuck Mike says it is.” 
“But I’m irreplaceable,” he said dramatically. “I’m a gem. A gift.”
“You’re annoying, is what you are.” Eddie pushed his shoulder with a smirk. 
“Aw,” Richie pouted. 
“And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Aw!” He broke out in a smile. 
“Can I get dressed now?”
“Um...no,” Richie said decidedly. “Never. Nude is the new black.”
“Good to know. I’m sure that’ll go well at meetings. Now go get me a fresh set of clothes that aren’t covered in puke.” 
“Sure thing, Captain Clean-Freak.”
“What, you think being covered in vomit is a nice?” he scoffed. “Fuck you, Tozier.” 
“Your mom already did.” Richie took off down the hallway towards Eddie’s room. Eddie groaned loud enough for him to hear and fell back on the bed.  
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cremaete · 5 years
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LET’S     KILL     THIS     FUCKIN’     CLOWN          !              your     handy     guide     to     one     richard     james     tozier          ,          derry     -     bred     and     detested          ,          lifelong     victim     of     an     intergalactic     space     alien     in     the     shape     of     a     real     scary     clown          .
˚     ◟        ›         𝒾.        statistics          .
full     name:     richard     james     tozier     .
nicknames,     aliases:
primarily     known     as     richie     .
rich     .
trasmouth     .
bucky     beaver     ,     four     -     eyes     ,     any     number     of     foul     monikers     as     crowned     by     bowers’     gang     of     ineffable     dipshits     .
age:     twenty     -     four     .
date     of     birth:     march     fourth     .
place     of     birth:     derry     ,     maine     .
nationality:     american     .
bartender     .
aspiring     stand     -     up     comic     .
barista     .
sexual     &     romantic     occupation:     coming     out     of     the     cage     closet     and     he’s     doing     just     fine     .
gender     identity:     cis     male     ,     he     /     him     .
hogwarts     house:     ravenclaw     ,     despite     popular     belief     .
˚     ◟       ›       𝒾𝒾.     aftermath          .
derry     does     a     number     on     anyone     that     gets     caught     in     its     filthy     ,     blood     -     soaked     jaws     ,     that’s     just     common     knowledge     ---     derry     brands     itself     hard     on     your     heart     when     you     leave     it     ,     the     scar     you     won’t     acknowledge     but     feel     the     aching     presence     of     ,     adjacent     to     the     hate     that     burns     holes     in     your     stomach     .     richie     knows     that     kind     of     burn     ,     has     since     he     was     old     enough     to     figure     out     that     he     wasn’t     ever     going     to     be     like     the     other     kids     .     being     the     token     gay     kid     and     the     loudmouth     smartass     is     a     deadly     combination     /     mouth     moves     a     mile     at     a     minute     and     your     mind     works     just     as     fast     but     they’re     never     in     tandem     ,     never     at     the     same     time     .
and     nothing     gives     you     hometown     -     related     trauma     like     being     chased     ,     tormented     ,     downright     bullied     and     nearly     killed     by     a     fucking     intergalactic     space     alien     called     pennywise     the     dancing     clown     !     nothing     keeps     you     up     at     night     like     the     memories     of     those     drooling     jowls     wrapped     tight     round     stan’s     head     ,     the     memories     of     eddie’s     snapped     arm     ,     the     memories     of     a     wrecked     body     in     a     yellow     slicker     ---     they     keep     you     awake     ,     sweating     and     screaming     into     your     pillow     and     sneaking     out     for     a     cigarette     between     shaking     fingers     .
at     the     very     least     ,     you     have     your     friends     ---     the     losers’     club     ,     etched     in     blood     and     sweat     and     tears     .     bill     ,     fearless     leader     with     kind     eyes     and     a     shaking     voice     and     a     valiant     heart     (     and     you     rib     them     all     but     you     love     them     ,     but     you     look     up     to     bill     like     nothing     else     ;     wish     you     had     his     strength     )     .     stan     ,     preternaturally     neat     ,     strange     laughter     and     rolled     eyes     and     a     kind     word     and     his     birds     (     you     let     him     read     his     bird     book     to     you     ,     you     know     it     calms     him     down     when     you     listen     so     intently     with     a     serene     smile     and     your     glasses     drooping     )     .     beverly     ,     hacked     -     off     red     hair     and     cigarette     smoke     and     bruises     and     all     wolf     ,     no     girl     ---     no     fear     left     ,     only     bravery     and     bite     (     and     oh     ,     you     love     that     girl     ---     you     love     her     like     the     moon     loves     the     sun     ,     so     desperately     you     seem     to     orbit     around     her     )     .     ben     ,     the     sweetest     ;     a     smile     like     candy     ,     an     earnest     kindness     ,     not     a     bad     word     to     say     .     caught     up     in     the     library     and     the     mirror     alike     /     and     you     would     fight     the     world     for     that     kid     (     would’ve     socked     bowers     and     his     fuckin’     friends     in     the     eyes     until     they     popped     for     hurting     ben     ,     how     could     you     hurt     someone     so     pure     of     heart     and     of     mouth     and     of     soul     ?     )     .     mike     ,     florida     -     bound     .     mike     ,     angelic     smile     and     fierce     and     strong     ,     mike     who     does     the     impossible     every     day     .     mike     ,     whose     farm     becomes     a     secondary     clubhouse     .     (     afternoons     are     spent     helping     out     the     farm     and     you     love     it     ,     the     scent     of     sweat     and     the     smile     high     on     mike’s     face     ,     the     way     you     all     work     together     .     you’d     steal     the     sun     just     to     see     that     smile     )     ---     and     eddie     .     oh     ,     eddie     .     the     lump     in     your     throat     rises     to     meet     the     name     .     
monumental     defeat     should     be     freeing     ,     but     you’re     left     with     the     wreckage     of     a     collective     mental     state     .     you’ve     no     idea     what     you     actually     have     (     never     ventured     near     a     doctor     ,     nor     a     therapist     /     how     the     hell     do     you     explain     what     your     childhood     has     entailed     ?     )     but     you     know     it’s     not     good     .     (     post     -     traumatic     stress     disorder     .     anxiety     .     manic     depression     .     god     knows     what     else     .     an     intense     fear     of     sewers     and     clowns     .     )     your     trauma     keeps     you     up     for     days     at     a     time     ,     keeps     you     chugging     coffee     and     smoking     out     the     back     of     your     car     .
adolescence     is     a     blur     ,     of     the     losers     and     your     parents’     concern     and     your     head     ,     the     way     it     pounds     with     the     hurt     you     relive     on     a     daily     basis     and     the     hurt     you     won’t     speak     of     .     you     come     out     to     beverly     first     ,     and     promptly     vomit     .     you’re     drunk     ,     sixteen     and     shaking     .
eighteen     when     you     finally     decide     to     get     the     fuck     out     of     dodge     ,     your     life     packed     up     into     the     back     of     your     beat     -     up     car     ,    kiss     your     parents     goodbye     ,     cry     at     the     idea     of     leaving     your     friends     .     they’re     adamant     that     they’re     following     ,     but     you’re     not     quite     sure     ;     you’re     semi     -     convinced     that     you’re     leaving     an     entire     world     behind     when     you     pass     the     ‘     welcome     to     derry     ’     sign     .
you’re     not     sure     where     you     mean     to     end     up     ,     but     you     end     up     a     few     towns     over     ,     in     castle     rock     .     and     the     funniest     thing     happens     ---     you     swear     that     every     other     time     you’ve     left     derry     ,     even     for     a     day     ,     your     memory     starts     going     foggy     but     this     time     ,     it’s     crystal     clear     .     the     trauma     doesn’t     fade     ,     you     still     wake     up     shivering     and     hoarse     from     screaming     .
small     apartment     doesn’t     treat     you     good     or     bad,     it     just     treats     you     .     you     clutter     it     with     empty     bottles     and     crushed     cigarette     packets     ,     vhs     tapes     and     books     and     takeout     containers     from     the     local     diner     .     bad     habits     are     so     easy     to     fall     into     ,     especially     when     you’re     trying     to     outrun     your     past     and     drinking     yourself     stupid     every     night     seems     to     work     the     best     .     drinking     graduates     to     smoking     more     weed     than     usual     ,     then     your     first     line     ,     then     you’re     bumping     every     single     time     you     feel     a     quake     start     to     riot     in     your     palms     .     never     pictured     yourself     an     addict     at     eightee     ,     but     here     you     are     ,     dark     -     eyed     and     too     thin     and     shaking     in     a     warm     room     .     you     kick     your     addiction     a     year     later     ,     and     promptly     apply     to     college     .
college     degree     in     music     under     your     belt     but     nothing     to     do     with     it     ,     you     end     up     working     at     a     bar     and     a     cafe     ,     doling     out     drinks     to     a     mindless     mass     who     barely     remember     your     name     .     it’s     comforting     .     you     gradually     turn     your     home     from     a     glorified     crack     pit     into     a     home     .     you     build     a     life     you     never     thought     you     deserved     .     you     actively     try     to     get     better     ---     it     doesn’t     always     work     ,     and     some     nights     you     wake     up     after     blacking     out     ,     empty     bottles     at     your     side     but     you’re     trying     .
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Schumacher Phantom, Coppola Dracula, Black Swan, Labyrinth, Crimson Peak, IT 2017, Brides of Dracula, Moulin Rouge, Sommers Mummy, Sommers Van Helsing
Schumacher Phantom
never seen | want to see | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
A flawed adaptation of an already flawed musical. I’ll never not find it amusing that the self proclaimed Angel of Music can’t carry a tune in a bucket.
The movie’s gorgeous and I’ve watched it... an embarrassing number of times at this point. I first saw it when I was much younger and the issues I had with it then are pretty different from the issues I have with it now.
As an adult, I have a lot of trouble not focusing on Christine’s age and how much older her love interests are, but in an odd way that almost explains her glaring lack of agency (a carryover from the stage musical’s faults). If she’s so unassuming, so reactionary, it’s because of youth, etc. It makes for a fundamentally creepier and unsettling scenario, and actually, I would’ve been fine with the story exploring those themes... if they’d actually ever explored it. Or even deliberately invoked it in the first place.
Still, it’s beautiful to watch, and I definitely love to hate it.
Coppola Dracula
never seen | want to see | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
This is my favorite kind of awful film. Amazing cast and designers, grade A director, fantastic effects team... all working on absolute garbage. And hilariously (depressingly) enough, it’s just about the closest to canon adaptation we’ve gotten so far.
Of course the romance was predatory and awful, though as you mentioned before the first half is in some ways an excellent portrayal of an abusive relationship (even though that’s likely not the intended read of it)
I love how crass and awful Van Helsing is in this, even though it’s not really in character for his novel counterpart. He’s the best part of the movie for me. So delightfully awful.
Mina is unfortunately nothing more than a plot device. Her emotions and thoughts are entirely dependent on what’s convenient for the story. Though I unironically like the fraughtness of that one line in the blood sharing scene that goes something like “You killed Lucy; I love you.” It... doesn’t make sense in context but idk the concept of that kind of twisted, toxic feeling is intriguing to me.
Black Swan
never seen | want to see | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
It’s been awhile since I’ve seen it but I felt like my takeaway was far different from what the film makers intended. Regadless, Nina’s slow spiraling is difficult to watch and very well portrayed. Though given her work and home situation it’s not at all surprising, and just that much more upsetting to watch.
It seemed especially tragic that (iirc, again it’s been awhile) before the last show Lily reaches out to her and seems genuinely happy for her. All in all I wanted more from the movie, but what I did see was pretty thought provoking.
never seen | want to see | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
It was definitely a favorite as a kid but I’ve grown out of it. The quote, “Just fear me, love me, do as I say, and I will be your slave,” has definitely stuck with me as the quintessential example of a conditional, impossible to satisfy relationship. I can’t say I even remember much about the larger context of the scene but I think about that one quote a lot.
Otherwise it’s a fun, over the top film. I’m still a sucker for that ball scene but the effects are kind of hard to look at now.
Crimson Peak
never seen | want to see | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
Yeah I have majorly mixed feelings about Crimson Peak. Killer aesthetic, most stilted script I’ve seen in a long time, appalling underlying message.
I love the concept but dislike every character in the story, except perhaps Lucille who’s pretty close to my heart. It doesn’t feel like a complete story to me, just a hastily cobbled together excuse for gothic romantic aesthetics and putting Doug Jones in more monster makeup.
It (2017)
never seen | want to see | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
I’ve read It before but lol I have the worst memory issues so I didn’t actually remember much of the plot going in. So I was somewhat surprised by the opening scene even though I could tell something bad was definitely about to happen. Even despite that clean slate expectation, it just felt too over the top and gory to get a real reaction out of me. I felt the same way about most scenes Pennywise was in. It was just... trying too hard.
The highlight of the film was definitely the scenes between the kids. And the more mundane peril they faced honestly felt worlds tenser than the haunting sequences. There was far more fear in that one scene with Beverly standing in front of her father in the hallway than in the entire film. Or even when the neighborhood bullies were chasing Ben.
Regardless the haunting scenes themselves imo were most effective when Pennywise was not himself visible. (The distorted children’s program, the sink scene, etc) I just... didn’t like him as a villain even though I suppose I get why, thematically, a killer clown preying on children could be compelling.
I had plenty of other issues with it but I can’t think of them off the top of my head.
Brides of Dracula
never seen | want to see | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
Technically I’ve seen it. But I can’t remember anything. Generally though, I love Peter Cushing, and even moreso him as Van Helsing. And I’m almost always a fan of Hanmer horror’s specific brand of cheesy.
Moulin Rouge
never seen | want to see | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
It’s very silly up until it gets sad. Definitely has a ton of issues and hasn’t aged that well but I can overlook it for the kitsch.
And honestly nothing beats out Tango de Roxanne in terms of sheer cinematic drama.
Sommers Mummy
never seen | want to see | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
I just remember liking it when I was younger. Don’t recall many details. Rachel Weiss’ eyebrows deserved better though.
Sommers Van Helsing
never seen | want to see | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
I actually only saw this for the first time around a year ago. It’s a great deal of fun and I’ll never get over how the comical brides’ hissing scene is near identical to the Coppola’s films. A good deal of my enjoyment likely stemmed from early 2000s nostalgia, even though I do usually like silly things.
Either way, an Indiana Jones type Van Helsing is just a hilarious concept. And I love how Dracula just went ham the entire time, complete with constant dramatic hissing.
Thanks for the ask!
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
“I’m a dick, I’m addicted to you”
Do you add extra letters to words sometimes? (ex. haaaa) Yeahhh.
Do you like the letter Z or Q better? I don’t favor one over the other. Who would you like to be stuck on an island with? I’d like to not be stuck on an island at all. What's your favorite quote? I have a lot of favorite quotes. I just love relatable stuff that puts into words how I’m feeling or what I’m thinking better than I can. I struggle with expressing myself and putting it into words, so. Name one random fact about your best friend. She loves the ID channel.
Do you like vegetables or fruit better? Gonna be honest, I don’t eat much of either one. Especially, fruit... it’s been a few years since I’ve had any. :X I have spinach, potatoes, and green onions pretty often, but that’s all the veggies I’ve had in a few years as well. In comparison to my zero fruit intake it’s something at least, ha. There are fruits I like and a few more veggies as well, but I just haven’t had them in awhile. What brand of shoes do you wear? Adidas. What's your favorite smiley face? On the computer I use :) Do you believe that if someone goes to bed thinking of u, u dream of them? I’ve heard that before and it can be a cute thought, but nah. Have you ever snitched on someone for cheating? No. Do you own a Snuggie? I do. What's your favorite number? 8. Which of the 7 dwarves are you most like from Snow White? Sleepy. What's the last movie you watched? Dumb and Dumber yesterday. What's your favorite month? October and December.
“I’m alright”
Do you like the smell of campfires? Yesss. If you could do one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? I don’t know. Do you like eggnog? Yes. Is there a song out right now that you can't stand? I haven’t heard any new music recently. I haven’t been listening to music lately. If you could stay one age forever, what age would you pick? I’d be fine if I just stayed 31 here on out. What's your favorite state? I like my state the best out of the few states I’ve been to (the others being Arizona, Idaho, and Georgia). There’s a few I’d like to visit that could potentially take the top spot for me, though. Have you ever went in public with your tag still on your clothes? I don’t think so.
Would you say your loud or shy? I’m quiet and shy. What's your favorite symbol on the computer? I don’t have one. Are you afraid of clowns? Pennywise is awesome. Do you wear glasses? I do. Ever rode on a horse? Just on one at the pumpkin patch as a kid. Poor horse, guided around in a circle all day.  Do you have trouble saying or spelling some words? I think I spell pretty well. I stumble over my words when I talk sometimes, but I think my pronunciation is pretty good. Have you ever thought something was just to good to be true? Many times. And when I think that, it’s usually true. Do you like potatoes? I love potatoes.
“I’m in trouble, I’m an addict, I’m addicted to this girl”
Are you random? My thoughts and dreams are really random, but I wouldn’t describe myself that way. I’d say I’m predictable and boring. Do you believe that aliens are real? I don’t know. Certainly not the weird looking green creatures that are usually depicted for some reason. Do you sleep with the TV on? I do. I’ve done that ever since I was a kid. What's the longest you've slept in? Like 5PM or so. Have you ever seen a hairy toe? Yes. What's the last thing you watched on TV? Roseanne this morning. Do you have a song stuck in your head? Not at the moment. Who do you talk to the most? My mom and brother. What's the first thing you get on when the internet comes up? When the internet comes up oh man, was this made in the late 90s, early 2000s? lol. The first thing I do when I get on my laptop is continue scrolling through my Tumblr feed or do a survey. When's the last time you were sick? I’ve been sick with something for the past week. And no, it’s not the rona.
Which is your favorite: Music, Dogs, Shoes, Books, Jonas Brother? I love a variety of music, I love doggos in general, but I’m biased towards Labs and German Shepherds, Adidas are my favorite shoes, and back in my die hard Jonas Brothers days I was a total Joe girl. What color is your hair brush? Rose gold. Do you enjoy arcades? I did when I was a kid. We used to have one at my mall back when I was a kid that was a fun place to go. And Chuck E Cheese, ha. Have you ever liked 2 people at once? Yes. Have you taken a nap today? Not so far.
“show me the meaning of being lonely”
Would you ever want to be in a horror movie? I think it’d certainly come off as believable because I’m such a scardy cat and super jumpy. Being chased would genuinely scare me even it was acting. Even knowing what was going to happen I know I’d still be jumpy. Only thing is I don’t have the scream down that you gotta have for a horror movie.  Have you ever been to Washington D.C? Nope. Do you hate when girls have guyish names and boys have girly names? I really don’t care.  Have you lost or gained any weight since February? I know I haven’t gained any weight. I’ve probably lost some weight, which is really not good for someone who’s already underweight.  Have you ever felt like no one wanted to be around you? Yes. I don’t even want to be around me. I often feel like I’m such a burden and annoyance. It’s my own thinking and feeling, though. My family doesn’t do or say anything to make me feel that way. I have had other people make me feel that way, though.   Have you ever had to use a pay phone? Yes. Have you listened to music today? Nope. It’s been awhile since I’ve listened to music, actually. Do you only drink bottled water? Yes. Don’t judge me. I bet someone is on your mind right now, right? No, actually. Do you like writing in pen or pencil better? Pen, definitely. What's the last magazine you bought? I don’t even remember it’s been so long. Has anyone in your family ever forgot your birthday? My parents, brother, and close family members always remember. Was it any of your friends birthday in the past week? My older brother’s birthday was a couple days ago. Is anyone else in the same room as you? Nope. Are you one of the popular people in your grade? I’m done with school, but no I was never popular.
“you never call me when you’re sober”
What word best describes you in the dictonary? ”Depressed”, “Awkward”, “Lame”, “Loser”, “Ugly”... Do you like Soy Milk? Yeah, I’m lactose intolerant. I use that or almond milk. I don’t drink any kind of milk by itself, but I use those in stuff like coffee drinks and cereal. And for dunking my cookies and brownies in. Where were you at 10:30am yesterday? Right here in bed where I spent all weekend. I was having a really rough weekend. I felt really shitty and had zero energy. I couldn’t even drag myself outta bed for coffee, so that’s how you know I was feeling really bad. Thankfully, my mom and brother brought me a Starbucks. Do you think ghosts are real? I believe in spirits, but not actual Caspers. Do you know anyone who has been attacked by a shark? No. What is your best friend's mom name? Lupe. Have you ever made out in a movie theatre? No. What part of your body do you wash first? My arms and work my way down. Do you have an innie or an outie? Innie. How do you think the dinosaurs died? An asteroid. What's your favorite flavor of Pringles? Sour cream and onion, cheddar and sour cream, pizza, and ranch.  What was the last thing you got grounded for? Something when I was like 12. Did you go to a water park last summer? I don’t go to the water park ever. What shoe do you put on first? I think the right. Finish the sentence: Girls.. Just wanna have fun.
“I think we’re alone now”
Have you ever had a song or poem written about you? No. Did you have a nickname growing up? My family called my Noodles, ha. When was the last time you played the air guitar? I don’t know. Have you ever biten your toenail? Ew, no. I’m not flexible enough to even do that, but I would never want to so it’s fine. Have you ever been dared to do something that you regretted? No. I didn’t do dares. Favorite website? Tumblr and YouTube. Worst thing that has ever happened to you? Probably the incident that made me a paraplegic at 7 months old. That’s certainly top of the list. Best thing that has happened to you? My doggos are definitely amongst the top. Best friend? My mom. If you could dye your hair any color, what color would it be? I dye it red and would like to continue to do so. Do you have a wii? It’s my brother’s, but since we live in the same house and I’ve used it, too, I’m gonna say yes.  Most used phrase on IM? I don’t remember, it’s been over a decade since I’ve used IM. Have you ever heard of The Beatles? Of course. Have you ever wanted to give money to a charity? Yes, and I have given to charities.
“Who says you’re not beautiful?”
Would you ever want to have 14 kids? Uh, noooo. I don’t even want one.  Are you wearing any bracelets right now? Nope. Do you have any jewelry that once belonged to an old family member? No. Do you dream every night? I usually do. Give me on of your goals Just taking it day by day. Do you like skinny jeans? Yeah, those are the only jeans I have. Do you ever say stuff that you don’t mean? It happens. Have you ever said "I love you" and not meant it? Yeah, but that was back when I was 16 and felt pressured into saying it back to my boyfriend at the time even though I didn’t have those feelings. Ever since then I haven’t thrown those words around lightly. What is your dream guy/girl? A patient, understanding, caring, loving, trustworthy, good sense of humor kind of guy. Do you hate when people overract? I can definitely be one of those people that overreact. And I know I’m overreacting when it’s happening, but I can’t help myself. I sometimes see people in situations where I’m like, ‘omg, they’re totally overreacting’ and think it could be handled differently, but yet I do the same thing. When was the last time you used the oven? It’s been awhile, actually... I don’t remember. Have you ever wanted to be free like a bird? ”And I’m as free as a bird now... and this bird you cannot change.” Are you a worrier? Oh am I ever. Does your house have an attic? Nope. Are you going fishing this weekend? No. I don’t go fishing.
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hgfstreamchats · 4 years
The Terror, episodes 4-6
SharpwingYesterday at 9:37 PM I may miss the first few minutes, I can't get my earbuds to pair to my computer >:/
highglossfinishYesterday at 9:37 PM Oh, we can wait for you, that's no trouble.
SharpwingYesterday at 9:39 PM tbh i'm not sure i'll be watching it much anyway, if The Bear Attack is indicative of many scenes to come, so... maybe don't wait?   I'm just happy to be here in the chat, and I'll figure out the earbuds eventually.
highglossfinishYesterday at 9:40 PM Oh yes, it gets anything but better going forward.
thenightetc2Yesterday at 9:40 PM got himself frozen in somewhere
SharpwingYesterday at 9:41 PM I ah. Might have read the Wikipedia page for The Terror. [9:41 PM] I will not be watching the later episodes, I can tell you [9:41 PM] But! Until then, the music is pretty and the set design is lovely(edited)
highglossfinishYesterday at 9:42 PM "Oh, the Friends That You'll Eat"
thenightetc2Yesterday at 9:42 PM Uh oh.
SharpwingYesterday at 9:42 PM hhhhhhhh [9:43 PM] Ohh, I give. The mysteries of Bluetooth technology are too much for me [9:43 PM] I'll just watch without sound (thank you again for the subtitles) [9:47 PM] jdhfsjfgjf sure, just go to the bathroom while giving your report
highglossfinishYesterday at 9:49 PM This certainly is sensible.
SharpwingYesterday at 9:49 PM the bear.....is not acting.....like any bear ive ever seen [9:50 PM] is this a potential plot point, or writers who don't care if the bear acts oddly
thenightetc2Yesterday at 9:50 PM isn't it, y'know, possessed by the old man they shot, or something?
TheAlienTazerYesterday at 9:50 PM Hope y'all have fun New meds are kicking my ass lmao
SharpwingYesterday at 9:50 PM well if it is ive missed that part [9:50 PM] that tracks tho, ngl
thenightetc2Yesterday at 9:50 PM I MEAN it seemed implied
SharpwingYesterday at 9:50 PM Oh nooooo >_< i hope you feel better soon Tazer<3
thenightetc2Yesterday at 9:51 PM ye, feel better [9:54 PM] f
SharpwingYesterday at 9:56 PM an brain
thenightetc2Yesterday at 9:56 PM yikes [9:56 PM] yes, keep showing us it [9:58 PM] ...definitely a bear
highglossfinishYesterday at 9:59 PM A normal bear carrying out normal bear activities.(edited)
thenightetc2Yesterday at 9:59 PM What. [10:00 PM] A bear POSSESSED by a man??
SharpwingYesterday at 10:01 PM oh dear, i had to step away for a minute, what happened? [10:01 PM] something tipped them off to Not Normal Bear, what was it?
thenightetc2Yesterday at 10:01 PM The injuries were apparently too deliberate to be a bear
SharpwingYesterday at 10:02 PM ah, okay
thenightetc2Yesterday at 10:04 PM awkward [10:08 PM] that's a lot of detail to see from a distance, through the snow
highglossfinishYesterday at 10:09 PM "I'm going to say this all as smugly as possible, that will help my case."
thenightetc2Yesterday at 10:09 PM right?
SharpwingYesterday at 10:11 PM My visuals are a second or two behind the audio, is that the same for you too?
thenightetc2Yesterday at 10:11 PM nope, although it's a little jerky, on and off
SharpwingYesterday at 10:12 PM I think my wifi is being a little buggy again, nvm
highglossfinishYesterday at 10:13 PM Hold on, let me try and fix it.
SharpwingYesterday at 10:15 PM Seems to be normal for me now
highglossfinishYesterday at 10:17 PM Oh, for Pit's sake. [10:17 PM] Is it working?
thenightetc2Yesterday at 10:18 PM Yes, I think so
SharpwingYesterday at 10:18 PM Yup!
highglossfinishYesterday at 10:18 PM Marvelous!
thenightetc2Yesterday at 10:21 PM Eugh [10:22 PM] "Who is it?  Better not be an enormous bear'
SharpwingYesterday at 10:23 PM Whoops, I'll be back later!
highglossfinishYesterday at 10:23 PM "If there are any enormous bears out there...you just stop that."
SharpwingYesterday at 10:24 PM The Bear: "No." [10:24 PM] (ok ok im actually gone now, byeee)
thenightetc2Yesterday at 10:24 PM byyye
highglossfinishYesterday at 10:24 PM Goodbye! [10:25 PM] "It's full of lead."
thenightetc2Yesterday at 10:25 PM f [10:26 PM] so are any of the ones who actually speak her language still alive, or...?
highglossfinishYesterday at 10:26 PM Crozier does.
thenightetc2Yesterday at 10:28 PM Side note, the volume is much better than usual!
highglossfinishYesterday at 10:30 PM Wonderful!
thenightetc2Yesterday at 10:30 PM ohhhh dear
SharpwingYesterday at 10:32 PM I may not be back tonight after all, so let me just say thank you for having me here!
thenightetc2Yesterday at 10:32 PM
Thanks for dropping in!
highglossfinishYesterday at 10:33 PM
Always a pleasure!
thenightetc2Yesterday at 10:36 PM
the bear got him!
10:39 PM
( @Mimic you're not muted)
MimicYesterday at 10:41 PM
(I fixed it. somehow, I had to spend about twenty minutes fixing my internet which also involved me having to log back in to discord and resetting all my mute preferences???)
thenightetc2Yesterday at 10:42 PM
"or, you know, just drop dead for no apparent reason"
10:43 PM
oh, good, their water tanks are lead.
MimicYesterday at 10:44 PM
"Why are you not charmed by my egregious facial hair???"
thenightetc2Yesterday at 10:45 PM
so, a dead man
MimicYesterday at 10:45 PM
highglossfinishYesterday at 10:45 PM
"And the way I fouled your sheets?"
thenightetc2Yesterday at 10:47 PM
MimicYesterday at 10:48 PM
is this a murdercam
10:49 PM
"Oh, Corpsey, the times we had."(edited)
highglossfinishYesterday at 10:52 PM
"You don't care for lead tea?"
MimicYesterday at 10:56 PM
"Asshole, leave. it is that simple."
thenightetc2Yesterday at 11:00 PM
good thing bears can't climb!
highglossfinishYesterday at 11:03 PM
Hooray, it caught fire! Their problems are surely solved forever!(edited)
thenightetc2Yesterday at 11:03 PM
Well, at least nothing could have survived that!
MimicYesterday at 11:03 PM
fire solves everything when your only shelter from the elements is highly flammable(edited)
highglossfinishYesterday at 11:04 PM
It's the kind of pluck and forward-thinking English problem solving that's served them so well thus far.
HopolitesYesterday at 11:05 PM
Oh boy! Medical stuff! Great time for me to grab food.
thenightetc2Yesterday at 11:07 PM
is this about the whisky
highglossfinishYesterday at 11:08 PM
"Men, it will fall upon you to change me."
11:08 PM
Don't save it for cleaning wounds or anything like that.(edited)
thenightetc2Yesterday at 11:09 PM
perish the thought
11:10 PM
Ugh, that does not look wholesome
HopolitesYesterday at 11:10 PM
Something horrible is going to happen to that little monkey.
MimicYesterday at 11:11 PM
yeah, seems on-brand for this show
thenightetc2Yesterday at 11:12 PM
"well, if a bunch more die--"
highglossfinishYesterday at 11:13 PM
Eat the monkey.
thenightetc2Yesterday at 11:15 PM
MimicYesterday at 11:20 PM
you say such sweet things, Corpsey II(edited)
thenightetc2Yesterday at 11:22 PM
highglossfinishYesterday at 11:24 PM
HopolitesYesterday at 11:26 PM
Suddenly veeeery happy I'm eating pasta with white sauce.
highglossfinishYesterday at 11:31 PM
Funny how everything tastes better when it isn't full of...I was about to say lead, but that's less of a problem for me.
SharpwingYesterday at 11:31 PM
Realized I left my icon in the stream, my bad(edited)
11:32 PM
It seems to have automatically shut off/left anyway, but it sounds like I'm gonna wanna sit this one out anyway
whose guts were spilled
11:33 PM
Also, would you actually be okay with everything tasting like lead? Sounds like it'd get boring.
highglossfinishYesterday at 11:33 PM
True. And lead was never my favorite thing to begin with.(edited)
thenightetc2Yesterday at 11:34 PM
ahhh, what'd I miss in the last ten minutes or so?
highglossfinishYesterday at 11:34 PM
It's not exactly singing with flavor.
thenightetc2Yesterday at 11:34 PM
had to go let the dog out
HopolitesYesterday at 11:34 PM
Gross things.
SharpwingYesterday at 11:34 PM
What's it taste like again? I remember I read what you said about it, but I've forgotten
thenightetc2Yesterday at 11:34 PM
Oh, in that case maybe nevermind
SharpwingYesterday at 11:34 PM
And yes thenight, I think intestines were spilled.
thenightetc2Yesterday at 11:35 PM
Was it the bear again?
HopolitesYesterday at 11:35 PM
No, it was the inuit lady.
SharpwingYesterday at 11:35 PM
Idk, I've been gone for a long time and my Bad Things Happening tolerance is embarrassingly low, so I quit watching XD
11:35 PM
thenightetc2Yesterday at 11:35 PM
SharpwingYesterday at 11:35 PM
She finally got fed up with them huh
HopolitesYesterday at 11:36 PM
She's the only character I care for.
MimicYesterday at 11:37 PM
do not glorify how completely fucked y'all are
HopolitesYesterday at 11:37 PM
I think it's less glorification and more desperatee hoping.
MimicYesterday at 11:38 PM
I can't get over how much that thing looks like a Pennywise furry
HopolitesYesterday at 11:39 PM
Yeah that's lead poisoning.
SharpwingYesterday at 11:39 PM
W h a t
11:39 PM
The BEAR??
MimicYesterday at 11:40 PM
the face they slapped on that thing makes me think about Tim Curry's PEnnywise pretty hard
thenightetc2Yesterday at 11:40 PM
ohhh god
SharpwingYesterday at 11:40 PM
Okay I gotta see that
HopolitesYesterday at 11:41 PM
I can't wait for the large number of secrets their keeping from their men to end in a mutiny.
SharpwingYesterday at 11:43 PM
Aaaand gotta go again
11:44 PM
Sorry, seeya!♡
MimicYesterday at 11:44 PM
HopolitesYesterday at 11:44 PM
Why did they bring a gun.
highglossfinishYesterday at 11:45 PM
Ringing in spring with the most lead filled banquet these men have ever had.
HopolitesYesterday at 11:45 PM
Yeah. And a corpse in the corner to round things up!
highglossfinishYesterday at 11:46 PM
It's hardly a party without one!
HopolitesYesterday at 11:49 PM
I feel like things will get weirder.
thenightetc2Yesterday at 11:50 PM
ohhhh dear
HopolitesYesterday at 11:52 PM
I do love the music
11:54 PM
Ooooooh nooooo
highglossfinishYesterday at 11:54 PM
Well, he did say to stand back.
thenightetc2Yesterday at 11:54 PM
MimicYesterday at 11:55 PM
HopolitesYesterday at 11:55 PM
This show is good at making things so gross
highglossfinishYesterday at 11:55 PM
HopolitesYesterday at 11:58 PM
Hmm. The sun went down rather quick.
thenightetc2Yesterday at 11:58 PM
Well, at least things can't get any worse from here on out, right!
highglossfinishYesterday at 11:59 PM
Of course!
thenightetc2Yesterday at 11:59 PM
Smooth sailing from now on!
HopolitesYesterday at 11:59 PM
11:59 PM
More like walkingFebruary 19, 2021
HopolitesToday at 12:03 AM
Enough fish to kill your frame rate.
thenightetc2Today at 12:03 AM
ALMOST as if they're causing problems
HopolitesToday at 12:03 AM
12:03 AM
12:06 AM
Why is he not just...selling the fish?
thenightetc2Today at 12:06 AM
A commitment to doing things in the most deranged way possible
12:08 AM
Honestly it's probably a good thing those fish are only about twenty polys each
12:09 AM
Hahaha what
12:10 AM
Somebody's going to rig that up to run Doom
HopolitesToday at 12:10 AM
MimicToday at 12:10 AM
it's inevitable really
HopolitesToday at 12:11 AM
Now Im curious if someone's done that for Minecraft?
12:12 AM
Oh no.
thenightetc2Today at 12:12 AM
"wait, can I sell it again"
12:12 AM
HopolitesToday at 12:12 AM
He's just going to mash the button.
12:12 AM
thenightetc2Today at 12:12 AM
enter the autoclicker
HopolitesToday at 12:12 AM
12:13 AM
thenightetc2Today at 12:14 AM
Oh my god
HopolitesToday at 12:14 AM
Reality has broken.
12:14 AM
thenightetc2Today at 12:15 AM
Fish lattice
HopolitesToday at 12:15 AM
Oh boooooy!
12:16 AM
This is fantastic, actually.
12:17 AM
This man's fingers.
thenightetc2Today at 12:18 AM
Well then!
HopolitesToday at 12:18 AM
Beutiful pile of insanity.
thenightetc2Today at 12:19 AM
MimicToday at 12:20 AM
every time someone reshapes the landscape, a dynamite pile gets its wings
highglossfinishToday at 12:22 AM
Seems like an uplifting note to end on.
thenightetc2Today at 12:22 AM
Saturday Night Live
Dream Home Extreme Isn't Exciting - SNL
12:24 AM
Coming live.
HopolitesToday at 12:25 AM
Is the announcer lady okay?
MimicToday at 12:26 AM
her job depends on selling this to viewers
HopolitesToday at 12:26 AM
She's going to ascend to the sky.
12:26 AM
She tried to put the tooter thing in the other lady's mouth.
thenightetc2Today at 12:29 AM
her FACE
12:31 AM
Oh wow
HopolitesToday at 12:31 AM
12:32 AM
make things so awkward the customer runs away.
MimicToday at 12:34 AM
oh, what about forgotten tv gems
highglossfinishToday at 12:34 AM
We can pencil it in for next time.
MimicToday at 12:35 AM
highglossfinishToday at 12:35 AM
Do you have a link?
MimicToday at 12:35 AM
Saturday Night Live
Forgotten Television Gems - SNL
12:35 AM
12:35 AM
Saturday Night Live
Forgotten TV Gems: Whoops! I Married a Lesbian - SNL
highglossfinishToday at 12:36 AM
Oh, it's an actual video! I thought you just meant in general. Yes, we can watch it now then.
MimicToday at 12:36 AM
oh, yes! sorry, meant to specify, definitely an SNL skit
HopolitesToday at 12:38 AM
I love the wildly out of place music.
MimicToday at 12:38 AM
apparently this is a direct parody of an actual soap opera called Dynasty
thenightetc2Today at 12:39 AM
HopolitesToday at 12:40 AM
Pleeeeeease remove your finger from the trigger-ok.
12:40 AM
12:40 AM
That was a weird face they zoomed on.
MimicToday at 12:40 AM
HopolitesToday at 12:41 AM
Oh boy.
thenightetc2Today at 12:43 AM
Noooo, really?
12:44 AM
highglossfinishToday at 12:45 AM
12:46 AM
And with that, I think we're in a good place to pack it in.
thenightetc2Today at 12:46 AM
And what a that it was!
12:46 AM
Once again, thank you for hosting.
highglossfinishToday at 12:46 AM
Such a that!
12:46 AM
And thank you for coming!
HopolitesToday at 12:46 AM
was fun!
MimicToday at 12:46 AM
it was great! thank you for hosting!
HopolitesToday at 12:46 AM
Even if I have no idea what's happening on The Terror.
thenightetc2Today at 12:46 AM
MimicToday at 12:47 AM
good night!
highglossfinishToday at 12:47 AM
Good night!
0 notes
moviesmakethegirl · 7 years
IT (2017)
Directed by Andy Muchietti, this movie is my favorite movie of 2017. I'm a huge horror nerd, as of lately, and this movie really hit a nerve within me that made each viewing of this movie brand new. Stephen King is a mastermind, and this is probably his most thought out and imaginative of his works that I'm familiar with. I've never read the behemoth of a novel that is IT, but my boyfriend has listened to it and has told me all the difference between the book and the movie and honestly, this remake is pretty true to the book. I love that. So without further ado, let's get started.
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This story starts out on a rainy day with the most melancholic piano medley I could possibly imagine. Like, the mom couldn't have picked a more upbeat song to play? It's raining, you have two sons, it's the 80s, play some fucking Ray Charles or something. Bill and Georgie are upstairs making a paper boat. It's adorable because Georgie keeps calling the boat a "him" and Bill keeps correcting him. In my mind, Bill is such a feminist. Bill is sick and doesn't want to go out into the rain to play with Georgie so he takes a literal rain check and sends his little tiny brother out into the world to play all by himself while his mom is still playing that scary ass song on the piano and basically doesn't notice that her son is out in the rain all by himself. DISCLAIMER: FUCK THE PARENTS IN DERRY. So of course like any young lad would, he loses control of his boat and surprise it goes into a storm drain. Unlike every other kid in the goddamn world, Georgie looks into the drain to try and save the boat. Now, who shows up out of thin air? IT aka Pennywise the DANCING clown ahahahahah. Look, yes it's terrifying that a clown just appeared in a storm drain but this clown is played by the not so surprisingly talented Bill Skarsgard. Now, if you're like me, you spend the majority of your adolescence being obsessed with Alexander Skarsgard as Eric Northman in True Blood. So, when I found out his little brother was gonna play one of the most iconic roles in horror history, I was stoked. Talent runs in the veins of all the Skarsgard's who have turned into this generations Barrymore's. SOOOO now Pennywise has been introduced and he's scary as hell. He's drooling, he's smiling all sinister like, and asking Georgie if he can smell the popcorn. I feel like that is strike number 2 on Georgie's part cause even as a kid, you know that popcorn doesn't belong in a fucking storm drain. So, Pennywise is all I HAVE YOUR BOAT and Georgie is all YEAAHH GIVE IT TO ME and Pennywise is like TAKE. IT. (honestly a great line I repeat all the time) an so little naive baby Georgie reaches in and gets his goddamn arm bitten off by an inter-dimensional being dressed as a clown. But see, my biggest issue with this scene isn't Georgie's complete lack of stranger danger that was pounded into my being as a kid, but it's this goddamn old bitch lady who is outside the ENTIRE TIME Georgie is talking to a clown in a storm drain. This bitch sees a young boy talking to a storm drain and shrugs it off. And it's raining, so apparently the sound of the pouring rain is supposed to drown out the noise of Georgie screaming while crawling in the street without an arm? BULLSHIT. This bitch and her dumbass cat do NOTHING and I blame her for every missing kid in Derry. (If some of you reading this have read the book, you completely understand why the elders of Derry are such assholes, but that doesn't make me any less pissed off that all of them are fucking idiots.)
Ok, so now it's the end of the school year. Bill and his bffs Richie, Eddie, and Stanley have officially left their last class of the day and are excited to start summer vacation before the 8th grade. This is my favorite cause these children actors are the best part of this movie. Bill is played by Jaeden Lieberher who is so convincing as Bill that I legit thought he stuttered in real life. Eddie is played by the charismatic and humorous as fuck Jack Dylan Grazer. Stanley is played Wyatt Oleff, who is a very good voice of reason for dumb teenage boys. But the best character and best actor in this movie is Finn Wolfhard who plays Richie. And maybe I'm biased because I'm a die hard Stranger Things fan, but seriously, Richie is a scene stealing character who can only be played by someone as engaging as Finn. Literally, couldn't love a group of actors more than the ones who play the kids in this movie. All of them, pure perfection, nailed their performances, and were the light in such a dark story. So moving on, while the boys are being boys and talking about their private parts and the other missing children of Derry cause yeah, it's totally normal for a town to always have missing kids. So the other main antagonist besides all the adults in this town and Pennywise, is this bully named Henry Bowers and his goons. Now, bear with me here, but this movie would be nothing without Henry. He's your typical small town bully who just pulls backpacks and bless his heart, gave Bill the year off of being bullied since he lost his little brother. But now that the school year is over, Bill is fair game again. Henry's father is the town's sheriff, so there's a sense of "my father is an asshole and all hyper masculine and I have big shoes to fill" blah blah blah bully shit. So after we see the losers get picked on we are then introduced to the CUTE AS FUCK Ben. Ben is played by a boy named Jeremy Ray Taylor and this kid has got such a bright future. I wanna hug and mentor and hang out with this kid so bad. So Ben is the New Kid on the Block who you guessed it, listens to New Kids on the Block. He is approached by Beverly Marsh, who earlier was being bullied herself by the female version of Henry Bowers who honestly isn't super important and I'm not gonna waste any more time writing about her right now. Beverly puts her charm on 10 here and signs Ben's yearbook after finding out no one else did. She gives him shit for listening to NKOTB, which HEY NKOTB is a national treasure and how dare anyone make fun of anyone for listening to them. Ben then walks home with his headphones dragging behind his bike cause he's so enamored by Beverly and it's just CUTE.
Then we meet Mike Hanlon, who we actually probably meet before the last of school. He works on a farm with his grandpa and theres a scene where he has to kill a sheep but can't do it, cause he has HUMANITY! Mike makes deliveries into town and that's where we see him next. He goes into an alley behind the butcher, only for Pennywise to get his kicks. It starts with Mike seeing smoke come out from the door and then burned hands start trying to open the door fully but can't. Then the door is thrown open and there's a silhouette of a clown in chains trying to escape only to STAND THE FUCK UP AND STARE AT MIKE WHILE HIS EYES GLOW. Mike just fucking stands there staring back like RUNNNNN MIKE!!!!!! Thankfully, maybe not, but Henry Bowers and friends pull up and scream at Mike to leave their town and throw their cigarettes at him, but when Mike looks back into the door only the butcher is there asking if he is alright. It's a short scene but by god if I don't scream my little heart out for Mike every single time I watch it.
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So now the kiddos, Stanley, Bill, Eddie, and Richie, are all down at the Barren's to try to find where Georgie went missing. Eddie, the hypochondriac, is complaining about the piss water that they are standing in and refuses to go in. Richie makes fun of him and it's honestly, hilarious. I'm gonna use that word a lot. Even though this is a horror movie, it's actually one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. And not in a it's funny because it's so cheesy, it's funny because it's young teenage kids being scared and dealing with that fear by undercutting it with humor. GOD I JUST LOVE IT! Anyways, during this time, Ben is in the library being a little bookworm. The librarian kind of gives him shit for not having friends and he should be playing outside which is bullshit since basically every older woman I've ever met as a kid was always like "you kids need to calm down" and "you should read more" blah blah blah. It just seems like every generation has a problem with a younger generation and honestly, fuck that but that's a conversation for another time. So, Ben starts reading about the history of Derry which is HORRIBLE! There was a huge fire on Easter which killed a bunch of children and he sees pictures of children's heads in trees like, fucked up shit. AND while he is reading all of this, there's another old bitch standing behind him, almost off screen, STARING AT HIM THE WHOLE TIME. The first time we saw this in theaters, David pointed this out to me and I was like "that's creepy" and the more I see this scene, the more it freaks me out. Some people overlooked this part, but it's probably the scariest part of the movie. So now that Ben has unlocked the town's secrets, he is lured to the basement by Easter eggs that are smoking. Down in the archives, he sees someone walking down the stairs and guess what it is? A HEADLESS CHILD cause if children weren't already scary enough, let's just not give them heads, right??? This headless bitch chases him through the archives and then you hear my second favorite line of the entire movie. Whispered is, "HEY EGGBOY." And Ben turns around to find Pennywise chasing him. Ben runs into the old librarian, and then runs away crying and of course, she doesn't ask what is wrong. Poor Ben just can't catch a break cause once he gets outside the library, Henry is waiting for him. The boy band take the sad, scared Ben out to a bridge where Henry says he's gonna carve his name into Ben's stomach, which is so fucked up, but so totally Stephen King, I get it. Of course, adults drive by while Ben is screaming for help and they don't do anything and it makes me want to cut their break lines but whatever. Ben totally escapes though, but not before having an H carved into his little squishy belly, and follows the creek to the Barrens where he finds the other boys. The boys being perfect take Ben back into town to try to clean him up. While they are doing that, Henry and his back up singers are searching for Ben in the Barrens. One of the goons, Patrick, goes into the sewers with a lighter and hairspray, only to find all the dead kids that Pennywise has eaten and then died himself which thank fuck. One down, three more to go.
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While Ben is bleeding in an alley, Eddie is complaining about medical questions while Richie won't stop talking about penis'. They run into a pharmacy to get stuff for Ben only to realize they don't have enough money so in walks sweet Beverly who is scared to buy tampons for the first time. She flirts with the old gross man behind the counter and knocks over a tray of something so the boys can run out of the store with their shit. She also grabs a pack of cigarettes for herself cause she's amazing and should be my best friend. The boys thank her, and she becomes "one of the boys." Her home life though, guys. It's horrible. Her father is grade A creep status and is all mad that she is buying tampons cause he wants her to stay his little girl forever and she gets all emotional and cuts off all her hair in retaliation. So, the next day, all the boys are at some cliff about to jump off it into the lake below but are all being chicken about. Beverly comes through in new hair do and jumps off the cliff, showing all the boys up, while Richie yells "FUCKING HELL" and it's comical and amazing and you're lying if you don't think Beverly Marsh is the coolest girl you've ever seen. She also looks EXACTLY like Amy Adams, if Amy was 13. The kids have a fun day in the lake, playing chicken, being young teenagers. Ben then brings up the history of Derry and brings the kids back to his rooms which is covered in old pages of books with old pictures and maps about Derry. There's also a huge NKOTB poster on the back of his door that only Beverly notices. Ben describes the history of Derry to the kids, which is every 27 years a bunch of random kids go missing and no one does anything about it!
Now, each kid has a run in with Pennywise in their own way. And I'm totally going out of order with this movie cause I'm writing this just based off my memory, but somewhere in the beginning we see Stanley trying to memorize stuff in Hebrew. He isn't doing too well so his dad makes him put the book back in his office and go home. In his father's office there’s a scary painting of a woman with a weird shaped head. Stanley doesn't like it, and it falls off the wall. When he puts it back on the wall, the woman is gone. He turns around the woman is standing like 10 feet taller than him and starts to chase him. So, we know that Stanley's fear is definitely this strange painting woman. Ben's is headless kids. Mike's is people burning in a fire, cause we do learn at some point that his parents died in a fire and he tried to save them but he couldn't and that plagues him. Beverly's scene is when she is in the bathroom by herself and she hears voices coming from her sink drain so instead of running the fuck out of the bathroom she grabs her dad's tape measure and pushes it down the drain only for it to come up with blood and hair that then wraps itself around her and sprays blood all over her and the bathroom. When her screams lure her dad into the room, he doesn't see the blood and she's freaking out. I'm assuming that means her fear is blood...but maybe it's just voices of dead kids. So then Eddie is walking home by himself one afternoon and it's his pill time, cause his mom is an overbearing homebody who makes him take pills for everything. He drops his pills because he is walking past a house that is run down and looks scary but has really cute sunflowers in the front yard that make it look kinda kitschy. When he is picking up his pills, he notices a hand helping him and looks up to find basically a zombie leper staring at him. He runs into the front yard of the scary house and is about to leave through a hole in the fence when he notices that a clown is standing with a bunch of balloons by the house. Pennywise shows his face and asks Eddie to play with him, saying the infamous "We all float down here!" Eddie is beyond traumatized and runs screaming through the fence. Eddie's fear being germs and being sick.
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So the kids are riding their bikes through the town and notice an abandoned bike off the side of the road next to Henry Bowers' car. They recognize it as Mike's bike and go down to the quarry to find him. Henry and the remaining living boy banders are beating up Mike when Henry gets hit in the head with a rock that we see is thrown by none other than the Queen herself, Beverly fucking Marsh. Richie screams "ROCK WAR" and it starts a very comedic scene of all the youngsters throwing rocks at each other while saving Mike in the process. This then completes the Losers Club: Bill, Richie, Eddie, Stanley, Beverly, Ben, and Mike. MY DREAM TEAM HONESTLY! The most badass group of kids ever besides the Hawkins kids in Stranger Things. They go to Bill's garage where he has slides of the maps of the sewer systems of Derry. The kids are sitting in the dark looking at maps when all of a sudden, the slides start moving on their own and of course Pennywise pops out and terrorizes the kids and audience members by being 17 feet tall. The kids scream and cry until Mike opens the garage door and instead of fleeing for their lives and never talking to each other again like I would have done as a scared teenager, they fucking go to the old abandoned house where the well that connects all the sewers is located. Once there, Bill, Eddie, and Richie go inside the house after Bill gives a huge speech about not being afraid of monsters cause real life is more terrifying than any of that which he didn't stutter at all during and I'm such a proud older sister to all these kids, but especially Bill in that moment. Richie finds a missing kid poster that has his face on it and freaks out, rightfully so. The other boys calm him down and they move on. Eddie gets separated, Bill and Richie are locked in a room with black goop coming out from an old mattress and then Richie gets locked in a room full of clown statues only to have Pennywise jump out and scare him but Bill saves him in time. Pennywise then goes to scare Eddie who passed out from fear and fell through  hole in the ground and landed on a table and broke his arm. He comes out of a fridge and rubs Eddie's face in the style of Heath Ledger's Joker. He's then distracted by Bill and Richie who has escaped their room full of fears above and are screaming for Eddie. They find Eddie underneath Pennywise and of course, freak out. But then, here comes my true savior, Beverly takes an old pipe and enters through the back door and stabs Pennywise in the fucking FACE! GIRL YAAAASSSSS!!!! She's terrified but she saves the day. Richie then tries to pop Eddie's arm back into place which then breaks it even more than it already is and it's a very comical part of such a scary scene. Of course Eddie's mom flips a tit and doesn't let Eddie hang out with the crew anymore. The Losers Club kind of disbands for a bit after Bill and Richie get into a fight about how dangerous all this is. Bill wants to keep going cause the closer he gets to figuring all this out, the closer her gets to finding out what happened to Georgie. Everyone ends up leaving Bill, except Beverly but even then they part ways for a little bit.
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When Bill has his Pennywise encounter which is totally before all of the stuff I just wrote, he sees a ghost of Georgie running through his house and then into the basement. He follows him down there only for Pennywise to come out of the water and try to grab him which he gets really close to doing but Bill is fast. NOW, while everyone is doing their own shit, Bill goes over to Beverly's house only to find out that she has been taken by Pennywise. Now, before she was kidnapped, her father was being a real fucking douche bag. He was mad at her for hanging out with boys and was chasing her though their house. She hid behind the shower curtain with the top of a toilet and smacked him over the head and killed him. My angel. Immediately after that, Pennywise took her. So, Bill has to save her. He calls everyone to tell them watch happened and they all meet back at the weird house to go down the well. So, during this time Eddie has realized that his mom was giving him placebo pills. He calls her out on him but he says, and I fucking quote this straight from the movie guys, "They're GAZEBOS. They're BULLSHIT!" And if you have a heart, Eddie becomes the world's best character right in that moment. He also had the bully bitch who was bulling Beverly in the beginning sign his cast and she wrote LOSER in big ass black letters. He then wrote over the S and put a big V on it so it would say LOVER instead. So cute. So pure. Eddie forever.
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Now, we're at the climax. (I've skipped a lot of little details because if I didn't this post would be too long.) The boys all get into hero mode while going down this sketchy ass well. Mike is the last one to go down but is stopped by Henry fucking Bowers, who previously to this was targeted by Pennywise but not in a scare to death kind of way, in a recruitment way. Pennywise gave Henry his father's knife to kill his father and then brainwashed him into killing everyone else. He even kills his friends in a deleted scene, fun fact. So Henry, all jacked up on killer clown rage, is trying to kill Mike with a gun that's used to killing sheep by shooting a really big like screw-like bolt into their head. Mike, being the hero we all know he can be, throws Henry off of him and pushes him down the well! YAYAYAYAYAYAY! All while the boys are stuck in the well screaming for Mike. But, good prevails and they all go into the sewers only to lose Stanley who has wandered off cause he hears a woman's voice and thinks it's Beverly but alas it's not! It's that skewed bitch from the painting who wraps her whole mouth around his face and starts to suck. Mike shoots something at the creature and it slinks away into the tunnels as Pennywise. Stanley throws a fit cause his friend's ditched him which they DID NOT HE LEFT THEM but still, he was just getting his face sucked by a monster so he is totally ok to have a meltdown. Bill then sees Georgie in the tunnels and goes running after him who then leads him to where Beverly is. Beverly is where all the dead floating kids are. The boys pull her down before she can truly float and they don't know how to wake her up but Ben steps in and kisses her and IT WORKS! So now all the kids are confronted by Pennywise, who takes Bill and says they can all escape if they leave Bill. Bill begs them to leave but Richie refuses and says "...now I have to kill this fucking clown." So all the kids grab blunt objects and start beating the FUUUUCK out of Pennywise. Pennywise then turns into Georgie and Bill takes that bolt gun thing and shoots him in the fucking forehead, which causes Pennywise to change back into clown form and slink even further into the abyss. THE KIDS PREVAILED! SUCH STRONG ROLEMODLES!!!!!
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The end of the movie is the entire Losers Club standing in a field promising each other that if IT ever comes back, they will fight it and kill it for good. They take a blood oath and one by one they all start to leave. Beverly and Bill are the last two and they share a cute, albeit gross as fucking moment by sharing a kiss. It's gross to me cause Beverly has blood all over her hand and she grabs Bill's face and her blood is all over his face it's fucking nasty. But everything is ok at the end, but you know that's only CHAPTER 1!
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So, as far as IT goes, it's my favorite because I love the kids in it. The kids are incredible actors. They have the perfect balance of humor and horror and it's not over the top for either of them. The director really let the kids bond before filming and it shows. They are real friends so that friendship perfectly crosses over to the screen. I remember being 12-13, friendship was the most important thing to me. I would have done anything to save my friends from a monster. This story gives life to characters who are damaged and real. Stephen King hit it on the fucking nail with these characters. I'm so happy this movie this exists because it's just the beginning. Chapter 2 is about how IT comes back when these characters are adults, and I can't wait until that movie. If I could cast the adult versions, Patrick Wilson would be Bill, Chris Pratt would be Ben, Amy Adams would be Beverly, Bill Hader would be Richie, and I honestly don't know who would play Eddie or Stanley, but I think that Chadwick Boseman should play Mike. That would be the dream. If you also enjoyed this movie, I'd love to hear who you would like to see cast in Chapter 2 and also hear your opinions on it as well!
3 notes · View notes
A good place to die Chapter 8 (Light fluff)
Warning: Harsh language, violence
I jolted up, heart pounding and light sweat covering my whole body. It took me several seconds to understand who I was, where I was and what had happened. I was lying somewhere warm and cozy, but my surroundings weren’t covered with silk. My ribs hurt like hell, which was probably what had caused me to wake up in the first place. After another second of thought I understood that I was in my own bed.
“Penny?” I whispered tentatively, but I received no answer.
The last thing I remembered was resting my head back against his chest, exhausted from all the reading. When I was done with another five Poe stories Pennywise handed me one of my textbook, and I spent nearly two hours reading to him about human biology, Greek philosophers and the history of Derry. Particularly the last one made him laugh quite a lot, his cackle echoing through the cavern so long that I had to wait for him to calm down before I could continue. My throat had gone dry and my voice became raspy.
“Relax, little one”, he had purred into my ear, and I did. Apparently I had fallen asleep rather quickly after that.
Now I was home, and I couldn’t remember how I had gotten here. I stretched out my good arm, fumbling around for the light switch and accidentally knocked over the glass of water that stood next to the lamp. I was pretty sure there hadn’t been one there when I left the house. Finally I found the switch, and light was so bright it temporarily blinded me. When I was able to see again I noticed the two red balloons floating around my room. One read ‘I love Derry’, which made me smile for the absurdity. No one here would have actually believed it to be true.
Well, me maybe, but only as of late.
I got up (boy, that HURT!) and went downstairs into the kitchen. I left the glass where it had landed on the floor. Picking it up would have hurt too much. When I filled another glass with water I noticed the note stuck to the fridge.
“We’re one hand short, so I’ll have to do the late shift too. Don’t wait for me.”
I was relieved. At least I wouldn’t have to explain how I mysteriously had gotten into my room.
I took my medicine and splashed my face with some water.
Just about when I was going to go back to bed the phone shrilled. Cursing under my breath I picked it up.
It was the Derry police, informing me that Mr. Shanks had been murdered in his shop. Apparently he had surprised burglars and a fight had ensued. Since I was the only one somehow connected to him they informed me of his passing. They wanted to ask me some questions about my whereabouts this night (uh-oh), and told me to be there tomorrow as soon as I could.
Feeling a little sad as well as annoyed I hung up, when auntie entered the kitchen.
“Who was that?”
She looked incredibly tired and older than she actually was. I knew her job stressed her out, and the worry about me probably too, but it was the first time I actually understood what it did to her. I reluctantly told her about the call, and she offered to accompany me to the hearing. After all, according to law, I was still a minor. I looked at her, chin stubbornly thrust forward at the thought of me being accused of some crime, brow furrowed with worry, her eyes tired and red-rimmed, and felt a sudden rush of affection for her. I hugged her gently, trying not to increase my physical discomfort anymore than necessary, and went back to bed. What was wrong with me, being so emotional all the time?
The hearing was more of a joke, fortunately. Mr. Shanks had been bludgeoned, and I was clearly in no condition to do so. Also, during the time the crime was committed auntie had returned home and peeked into my room to see if I was still awake, but “she was snoring so loud she could have woken the dead.” The only reason I was questioned in the first place was because they had no other person to speak too, and of course my fingerprints were everywhere. They had not yet found a testament, nor did they know of any living relatives, but the detective promised to contact me as soon as any new clue turned up.
I highly doubted that they’d find anything. That part of Derry was known for being dangerous after nightfall, and if the crimes that took place daily were even reported, they almost never got solved.
Auntie had to go back to work, but she offered to drop me off near the barrens. I had told her I was working on a biology project about the local flora, and despite her not liking me going on a hike school came first. I waved her good-bye, then started my descent down the slope that would bring me to the banks of the Kenduskeag, which I could follow to the entry to the sewers. It wasn’t an area of the barrens I was too familiar with, so this seemed like the best option.
It was a beautiful day, sunny, but the first cold of October was already lingering in the air. The leaves around me had turned brown, I noticed absently, and the air bore the faint scent of winter – the scent you could have never described, more of an idea of a scent, but an indicator for the end of the year nonetheless. So immersed in my musings was I that I didn’t notice the group of people before I stood right before them. It wasn’t Yaneesha – thankfully – but one of her girlfriends and a couple of boys with a rather colorful reputation. They were smoking something that clearly wasn’t weed nor anything else I was familiar with, and had built a tower of empty beer cans. One of the boys was currently aiming at them with a pistol. He stood there confidently, legs spread apart, and fired rapidly at the cans.
He hit them all.
I tried to retreat into the bushes I had just broken through, but they group had already noticed me.
“Hey, isn’t that the hoe that fucks you for a dime?”, one of the boys asked, his face sporting an unpleasant sneer.
“I wouldn’t touch you with a stick if somebody paid me a million”, I shot back, not thinking.
Their mouths fell open in surprise – I’d never talked back before.
“You take that back, cunt”, the girl yelled, her eyes going crazy.
“Sure. I’d not touch any of you for a billion.”
The group stood up collectively, and the guy with the gun started grinning maliciously.
“Hey, Denny, you better be careful. After all she killed poor ol’ Shanks to get to his hidden millions. Don’t cross her, she’s real tough. Doncha know she only watches horror movies? She gets off of pain.”
They started walking towards me, forming a semi circle. The gun was still pointing to the ground. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a small red bird settling in one of the bushes.
“Speak for yourself, idiot. I bet you need that gun to even feel like you have a dick, right? Better not tell your Daddy about that, though. He might give you the belt again.”
I laughed, no idea what I was saying or where all the nasty things were coming from – normally I’d just turn around and walk away. But not today. Today was different. Maybe I was high from the painkillers, or maybe it had something to do with my growing range of emotions.
The boys face turned a ghastly shade of pale, and he pointed the gun at me.
“YOU TAKE THAT BACK!” His voice broke, and his buddies looked at him uneasy. “Ey, Shot, maybe put that down, it’s not like she’s worth it…”
He fired.
I felt something whizz past my face, and laughed as I could hear the bullet hitting a tree behind me.
“You missed!”, I teased him.
His buddies backed away, and the girl tried to pull his arm down.
“Let’s go, Shot, please. She’s crazy…”
He took aim again, pointing the gun straight at my face.
“Die, bitch!”
The gun boomed, and he screamed.
Again something whizzed past me, but more importantly, a huge gator was chomping down on Shots hand. The entire group screamed, a choir of fear, and the gator vanished. In its place stood a giant spider, clicking its jaws and raising on its two back pairs of legs, ready to strike.
They scrambled as fast as they could, Shot clutching the maimed remains of his hand. Within seconds they had vanished, only their shouts and cries echoing in the distance. The gun was gone, and Shots father would probably do some nasty shit to him – I actually felt bad for him.
Still, I grinned with joy as I hugged the spiders’ hairy legs , each of them the diameter of my waist.
“Hey, Penny.”
Before my eyes the spider melted into my favorite clown. He was grinning widely, his buck teeth shining brightly, and drool flying everywhere as he laughed loudly.
“Thanks for bringing me home yesterday! I’m sorry I fell asleep…”
He didn’t let me finish, bowing down to my eye level, pressing a gloved hand against my lips. His eyes glowed brightly blue, making the autumn sky look pale by comparison. “I liked that a lot”, he purred. My heart skipped a beat, making me clutch my chest in surprise.
“Let’s make you comfortable.” He scooped me up once again, and carried me into the sewers.
But this time, we didn’t go to the cavern. I only realized where we had arrived when the tunnel opened into a bottomless pit. With on big lunge Pennywise jumped up the walls before us and lifted us both over the top with just one hand. Then he carried me through the dark corridor, up the stairs and into one of the rooms I hadn’t entered before. (Never mind my head swiping off all the cobwebs and dust that had gathered.) He gingerly lowered me unto the biggest bean bag I had ever seen. It was white with a beautiful pattern of red stripes and smelled of food… Candy canes, cotton candy and sweet popcorn, actually. And it looked brand new. I almost disappeared into the bean bag, until Pennywise sat next to me and made me rise from the wafts of sweet delight.
He pulled me against his chest excitedly, rummaging through my bag already.
“So, what are we going to read today?” He pulled out some books at random and handed them to me, all anticipation.
So Pennywise learned about mechanics and vector calculations. That didn’t seem to interest him too much, and after a while he interrupted me all of a sudden.
“You were late today.” His voice sounded almost… pouty?
I told him about the murder, the police and my job. The concept of police work and money seemed peculiar to him, and so we spent the rest of the day talking about crimes and what humans do to solve them. It was the weirdest conversations I had so far (that actually said a lot, right?) and the clown laughed at all the wrong parts, which in turn made me chuckle every now and then. He seemed to enjoy that, and I had to admit, I did too.
The word ‘friendship’ crossed my mind.
When I told him about DNA, fingerprints and forensic evidence he became a little less exuberant, puzzling at the lengths we would go to punish wrongdoers. “And that actually works for you?”
I shook my head.
“Not all the time. Especially not in Derry.” I shot him a suspicious look. “But I guess you know that.” He grinned at me, then stretched himself out.
“You are funny little creatures.”
“Well, so are you, to me… Except for the small part.” He chuckled, but then became very serious within a heartbeat.
“Only to you, little girl.”
I lay my hand against his cheeks, feeling the texture of his skin properly for the first time.
“I like that.”
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Perfect Role
A/N: This was requested by @kittyk4892! I hope you enjoy it! <3
Author: @bill-skarsgard-writings
Word Count: 3,519
Characters: Bill x Reader, Stellan Skarsgård, few minor characters
Pairings: Bill x Reader
Warnings: mentions of insecurities, swearing, fluff
Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', myHandler); function myHandler() { var v = document.body.innerHTML; var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; v = v.replace(/\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, input); document.body.innerHTML = v; }
Summary: The reader and Bill have been best friends for over a decade and in her mind they’ll never be anything more, but when Bill lands his role as Pennywise in the new ‘IT’ adaptation, he decides he wants her to be his date for the premiere as well as something a little more than just friends.
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(You will see why I used this gif instead of one where he looks sexy, okay? 😂)
Bill Skarsgård, a man you called your best friend since the two of you were teenagers, but thought you'd never call your boyfriend. You had a crush on Bill the moment you met him, but eventually realized that your crush would be just that. A crush. You believed that it would never become anything more. To you, he was too good for you. Your insecurities always got the best of you. Eating away at the back of your mind every time you were in his presence. You're not good enough for him. He's too attractive for you. As if he'd ever love you. Those were but a few of the thoughts that would fill your mind when you'd spend time with him.
You met Bill when you were 14. He was attending one of his father's movie premieres in LA and your mother, who was there to support Stellan, happened to bring you along that day. Your mom had met Stellan several years before on the set of a film they co-starred in. When she found out that he had a son your age, she suggested they'd have to get together some time to introduce you to each other. But unfortunately, the acting life got in the way of those plans and the introduction never happened. Not until the day of Stellan's movie premiere, 4 years later.
”Y/N, this is Mr. Skarsgård and his son Bill. We'll be attending the film tonight with them.”
”Hi,” you nodded, giving them a shy smile.
”Nice to finally meet you, Y/N. Your mother has talked a lot about you,” Stellan smiled in return.
”Really? Good things, I hope.”
”Nothing but good things,” he let out a soft chuckle before motioning to Bill. ”Bill is your age. I thought maybe you two could chat, get to know each other. Bill needs more friends.”
”I've got plenty of friends, dad. Quit your worrying.”
You giggled quietly, earning a smile from Bill.
”Anyway, don't listen to him. I've got tons of friends. They're all dudes, but they're still friends.”
”I know what you mean. All my friends are female. I've never actually met a guy I can actually click with, ya know?” You smiled.
”Yeah pretty much same here. Every girl I've ever met are either snobby or straight up bitchy.”
”Language,” Stellan warned.
Bill cleared his throat, avoiding his father's eyes. ”Sorry,” he mumbled.
You giggled again, your heart skipping a beat in your chest as he gave you another smile. That was it. The moment that would change your life forever.
You sat in your apartment located in downtown LA, typing away at your computer. You moved to LA a year after graduating high school to attend college, but ended up dropping out to pursue a career in writing. You wrote all sorts of things. Poetry, short stories, but currently you were working on your second novel. Your first novel was a slight success. You sold over 1,000 copies within half a year, which to you was pretty good because most beginners never do that well. Bill was one of your biggest supporters and of course one of your biggest fans. He tried comparing you to Stephen King, but you only laughed and told him that was an over-exaggeration. You knew you'd never be as amazing a writer as Stephen King, but the sole fact that Bill thought you were that good was what made you happy with your work.
Halfway through typing a paragraph you had deleted and rewrote multiples times, your cell phone began to ring. You grabbed it from the drawer of your desk and smiled wide when you saw that Bill was calling.
“Hey, Bill! What's up?”
“Y/N, you will never guess what role I just landed!”
“Uhmm... Is it a porno role?”
“Jesus no,” he laughed, knowing you were joking with him. “A lot better than porn.”
“Well shit, what could be better than that?”
“Let me give you a hint. Stephen King.”
You sat straight up in your chair, eyes widening at the mention of your favorite writer. There was only one Stephen King film you could think of at this very moment, one that had been rumored for months to be remade, but this time, it would be a movie and not a mini series for TV.
“Tell me you were cast in the fucking ‘IT’ movie.”
“Oh I was, but can you guess who I was cast for?”
You sat for a moment thinking of all the possibilities. He couldn't have been cast for any of the Loser's Club kids since he was too old for that. He could have been cast as one of them as an adult, though. But he didn't fit the description to play any of them. It couldn't be them. As you were running through all the possibilities in your head, it slowly, but finally hit you.
“Yep! Y/N, I'm playing fucking Pennywise in the new ‘IT’ movie.”
“Holy shit!” You screamed, jumping from your chair. “Bill, that is fucking amazing! Do you have any idea how proud I am of you right now?!”
“Oh I figured you would be. By the way,” he paused, silence filling the other end of the phone. You were about to speak when the ring of your door buzzer cut you off. You jumped slightly, walking out of your office to hit the speak button on the speaker system by your front door.
“Let me in, ya whack job.”
Bill laughed on the other end and you could only let out a squeal before hitting the door button to allow him entrance to the building. You swung your door open, patiently waiting for him in the doorway so you could greet him with a giant hug. It had been a few months since you last saw Bill and you missed him terribly. Of course the two of you would call and text each other daily, but it was his presence and that gorgeous face of his that you missed the most.
Bill turned the corner of your hallway and gave you the cheesiest grin on Earth. You laughed to yourself and as he finally reached you, threw your arms around him for a long overdue hug.
“Oh I've missed you so much!” You sighed, nuzzling your face into his shoulder.
“I've missed you too, Butthead.”
You giggled at his nickname for you before pulling back from the hug and motioning inside.
“Come in.”
“Thank you.”
You followed him in and closed the door behind you, a smile beaming on your face.
“I brought some celebratory champagne with me, since ya know, I just landed one of the greatest roles of my career.”
“I hope it's the good shit,” you laughed.
“Oh it is the good shit.”
He turned to you with a smile, pulling a bottle from a brown paper bag and holding up your favorite brand of champagne.
“You're literally the best.”
“I try,” he grinned.
“Let me go grab some glasses. You go take a seat in the living room and I'll be right there.”
“Sounds good to me.”
You bit your lip with a smile, heading into the kitchen to grab two glasses from the cabinet and bringing them out to the living room where Bill was already on the couch opening the bottle. You sat down next to him, handing him a glass, and holding out your own so he could pour you some champagne. After he filled his own glass, he raised it with a smile.
“To new beginnings.”
You grinned widely, holding up your glass and meeting Bill's gaze.
“To new beginnings.”
You clanked your glasses together and took a nice long sip, the clear golden liquid fizzing as it went down your throat. You cringed slightly, shaking the feeling away.
“Jeez, as much as I love this shit, I still can't get used to the feeling of the fizz as it goes down.”
“Yeah that's the only bad part about champagne, otherwise it's pretty damn good.”
You nodded your head, bringing your glass to your lips for another sip before giving Bill a smile.
“So, give me the deets. When does filming start?”
“Soon, actually. It's being filmed in Canada too.”
“Awesome! Do you have any idea what your Pennywise look is going to be yet?”
“Not yet. I think I'm finding out soon, though. They're probably still drawing the design up.”
“I hope it's creepy looking. Can you even be creepy looking?” You laughed.
He gave you this look, a look you hadn't seen him do in several years. His bottom lip came out into a point as his upper lip slightly tucked in, revealing his top teeth. His eyes stayed focused on yours and you bit back a laugh as he did his famous eye thing.
“This is why you're my best friend.”
He laughed softly, creeper status quickly changing to amusement.
“Yeah, I know.”
“So, will this be the last time I get to see you before filming starts?” You frowned, setting your glass down on the coffee table in front of you. Bill set his down as well, giving his head a stern shake.
“No. I was actually thinking of having you be on set with me while I film my scenes. I mean, that's if you want to. I figured it would help you out with your writing. Give you some inspiration and stuff.”
A wide grin spread across your face and you threw your arms around Bill's neck for a tight embrace.
“Really?! That sounds amazing! Would it be okay with the director and stuff, though?”
“I've already talked to him. He said it would be nice to have you.”
“Really?” You beamed.
“Mm yep! You can fly out to Canada with me. I'll give you details and everything when the time comes.”
“Sounds great!”
“I suggest you start packing now, though. You're gonna be away from home for quite a while.”
“I'm totally okay with that. I'll be with you.”
He chuckled softly, leaning over to press a quick kiss to the top of your head.
“Love you, Butthead.”
“Love you too,” you grinned.
Filming for ‘IT’ went spectacular. From what you were able to see, Bill did an amazing job playing Pennywise and the wardrobe they chose was certainly fitting for Bill's portrayal of him. After they wrapped up with the filming, you and Bill headed back to LA together. You could tell he was super stoked for the premiere of the movie and of course, you were too. You loved the original with Tim Curry, but you always wanted a darker film. One that was as dark, if not more dark than the book. You were a huge horror buff, as everyone could tell by your novel and several of your short stories, and you strived to be as good as Stephen King. You knew it wouldn't happen. In your mind, no one could ever be as good as the King himself, but one could only hope.
The premiere for ‘IT’ was nearing and Bill had been planning to ask you to be his date for the showing. He had a lot planned, actually. You were just completely oblivious to it all. Currently you were out helping him find something to wear to the premiere. You knew Bill had a unique and interesting fashion style, so you tried to find things more down his alley when you helped him look.
“I think you should look for something to wear as well since we're already out.”
You tilted your head confused, having no idea why he was telling you to look for something to wear. You weren't going to the premiere, or so you thought.
“Why would I need something to wear?” You asked, grabbing a vest and holding it up to show him, receiving a cringe in return.
“Because I want you to be my date to the premiere,” he replied, picking up a vest and observing it before putting it back in its spot.
You snapped your gaze up from the rack of vests, your heart suddenly pounding against your chest. If he weren't all the way on the other side of the rack, you were sure he'd hear the pounding himself.
“W-what? Me? Why? I'm sure there are prettier girls out there that you could bring. I'm surely nothing special.”
He lowered another vest he was looking at, a frown forming on his face at your comment. He sighed softly, setting the vest back where it sat before he grabbed it and walked around to stand in front of you, his hands reaching to cup your cheeks. You glanced up at him, a blush already beginning to burn across your face.
“Because I love you and want you to be there with me. You've been my biggest support throughout this whole thing, I don't want anyone else to experience this with me.”
You opened and closed your mouth several times before finally getting your words out, but they only came out above a whisper.
“Y-you love me?”
Bill had never said the entire “I love you” to you before. It was always “love you” or “love ya” in the way an opposite sex best friend would say. Bill looked down at you, his thumbs gently caressing your cheeks as he gave you a smile.
“I've loved you from the moment I met you, Y/N. I've just always been afraid that I wasn't good enough for you.”
“That's funny, because that's exactly how it is for me.”
He quirked his head sideways, one eyebrow quirked as if to say “Really?”
“Bill, have you ever taken a good look at yourself? Inside and out? Everything about you is beyond perfect, but when I look at myself I see quite the opposite. I see someone that would never have a chance with Bill Skarsgård.”
“You're perfect to me. In every way possible. You're beautiful, funny, courageous, talented, spunky, outgoing. I could go on, trust me I could.”
“Shh,” he hushed you with a press of his thumb against your lips, moving it to gently trace your bottom lip. “Don't say another negative thing about yourself, please. I love you, Y/N. Just the way you are.”
“I... I love you too, Bill.”
You looked up at him, eyes glistening with tears that began to form from the sudden burst of happiness flowing through you. Bill wiped away a tear that fell, a soft smile forming on his lips. He knew they were tears of happiness, not sad tears. A sudden wave of confidence washed over him and he leaned down to press his lips to yours, moving them in such a passionate, loving way that it took your breath away. You stepped closer to him, reaching one of your hands up to rest against his cheek, your lips moving in sync with his. After several seconds you both had to break the kiss to catch your breath, leaning your foreheads against one another.
“Y/N...” Bill whispered, eyes locking on yours.
“I've... I've been wanting to ask you this for many, many years.”
You bit your lip, already having an idea of what he was about to ask you.
“Will you be my girl? My partner in crime? The woman I plan to spend the rest of my life with?”
You nodded your head rapidly, a happy sob escaping your lips.
“Yes, Bill, I will!”
He sighed in relief, pulling you in for another kiss.
“I love you,” he mumbled, his fingers tracing the outline of your jaw.
“I love you too,” you blushed. “So shall we continue searching for something to wear for the premiere of your biggest movie yet?”
“That would probably be a good idea,” he chuckled.
You smiled, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before moving to sift through the rest of the vests on the rack. Eventually, you came across an orange-poppy and blue colored zigzag printed vest and held it up, a questioning look in your eyes. He gave you a wide grin, nodding his head.
“Yes. That's it, that's the one. I already even have a shirt to wear with it.”
“Perfect! I'm glad you like my choice,” you giggled.
“Mmhm. Now it's time to find a dress for you to wear. Nothing too fancy, but something that will blow everyone away by your beauty.”
“And that sorta matches what you're wearing?”
“Maybe color wise,” he chuckled.
You smiled, walking back over to him to hand him the vest.
“Shall I check out the dress section while you buy your vest?”
“Yeah, see if you can find anything that'll go with the colors. If there's nothing here, there are plenty of other shops we can check out.”
“Sounds good to me,” you grinned.
You headed for the dress section, looking through all the dresses in your size, but nothing really caught your attention. You let out a defeated huff, walking over to where Bill was just finishing up at the register.
“No luck?”
You shook your head with a sigh.
“That's alright. We have plenty of other places to check.”
“Okay,” you smiled.
The two of you left the shop and headed for another one. It took you several shops before you finally found the perfect dress. You brought it over to Bill, a wide grin on your face.
“How's this? I think it matches perfectly with the orange color in your vest. At least I think it's orange...” You furrowed your eyebrows.
“I'd say it's some sort of a poppy-like orange, yeah,” he chuckled. “But yes I think it'll work. It'll give a little more emphasis to my outfit when you're next to me.”
“Perfect!” You squealed, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. “I'll go buy this now.”
“Okay babe,” he chuckled, pecking your lips.
You walked over to the front register, handing the dress to the cashier behind the counter.
“Beautiful dress,” she smiled. “What's the special occasion?”
“A movie premiere,” you grinned. “My boyfriend's new movie is hitting theaters next month, but I get to go with him for the premiere of it.”
Just the thought of Bill finally being your boyfriend made you sigh happily. This was a day you always dreamed of, but never thought would actually come true.
“That sounds wonderful. I'm sure you'll have a great time.”
“Yeah! I'm excited for him,” you smiled, handing her your credit card so she could run it through.
Bill walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. You smiled up at him, resting your head against his chest. The cashier handed you your card back and stared up at Bill.
“Well, you failed to mention that your boyfriend is Bill Skarsgård.”
“Oh,” you giggled softly. “Sorry.”
“That's okay. I'm sorry, I'm just a big fan. You were amazing in Hemlock Grove.”
“Thank you! That means a lot,” he grinned. “Here.”
He grabbed a blank piece of paper that sat on the counter and signed it with a pen from his back pocket. The cashier's eyes brightened up and a huge smile crossed her face.
“Wow! Thank you so much!”
“No problem at all. Keep that in a safe place,” he winked.
She nodded happily, handing you your dress which she placed in a bag, as well as your receipt.
“Thank you!” You beamed, taking Bill's hand in yours and walking with him out of the store. You made your way back to his car and placed both your bags in the trunk. You couldn't wait to wear the dress to the premiere. You knew already that you were going to look amazing in it, but all you cared about was how Bill looked at you while you wore it. “I can't wait for the premiere. It's going to be a great night, I just know it.”
“It's going to be a great night because you're going to be there to experience it with me,” he added.
You blushed, reaching to grab his hand once more.
“I love you, Bill.”
“I love you too, Y/N. More than you could ever imagine.”
He brought your hand up to his lips, lightly brushing them against your knuckles. A content sigh escaped your own lips and all you wanted was for this moment to last forever, which in your mind, it would.
Bill x Reader tags: @everyday-imfangirling @weak-aesthetic @skarsgardtrash @sebbystanxbuckybarnes @thebeautyandthatbass @mahomie-sara-9-84 @negansgrimes @thealpacarulerwhoisamooselord @baileystorm17 @itamenherzednan @first-jumper-tris46 @the-fandom-phantom-fanfics @mango3o7 @elizabethkatarina
Everything tags: @cecesunshine-fanfictions @this-is-what-makes-us-fandoms @scarlett-lehane @jughead-wuz-here @bluebird19
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