#so now that the other stuff is under control im suddenly actually noticing this
msburgundy · 4 months
today i got about 4 good hours before my eyes dried out horribly, which is almost twice as much as i got yesterday. i will continue blinding myself with coconut oil
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scribespirare · 1 year
Do you think you could write an a/b/o for omega Miles babysitting Mayday at HQ, and tsundere alpha Miguel doesn't know how to cope? The way you write these two is just *chef's kiss*
Nonnie i could kiss you for this request i love it so so much. i kinda...went a little nuts with it lmao. first its sappy then it gets sad and it ends very horny. its 2k long ajdfkdj;a. i think im gonna write the sex scene later and post it as a full fic.
There are very few things that can stop Miguel O'Hara in his tracks these days. He's been there, seen it all, got the goddamned spider suit to prove it. Surprising him is nigh impossible and he likes it that way.
For some reason, Miles Morales seems to be at the top of the list of things that can get to him though.
Miles, with his big dark eyes and his sneer and his inability to listen to common sense or reason. The Omega superhero who defies every stereotype about his gender. Who smells absolutely amazing and is stunning in action, lithe body built perfectly for his acrobatics.  
Miles, who is currently sitting in HQ's control room with Mayday in his lap, his face bright and smiling as she babbles at him. He's got her little hands in each of his own, lifting them one after the other as she stamps her feet.
"I know!" he says in response to her babbling, attention completely on the little girl. "It's crazy, right? Tell me more about it."
Mayday obliges, her babbling raising in both pitch and tempo like she really is going on a diatribe of some kind. She seems to be enjoying having a captive audience and isn't going to let it go to waste.
It's...well, Miguel really and truly has been stopped in his tracks. It's the first Omegean thing he's ever seen from Miles. Normally he's so contrarian and difficult, not to mention eager to jump into danger and equally as capable of actually handling it. You'd think he was an Alpha the way he behaves, small, lithe form be damned.
Seeing him like this, soft and sweet and smiling, his scent bright and nearly floral, is...doing things to Miguel. Bringing up feelings and urges that he's known were there, but which he'd been successfully keeping under lock and key.
Miles suddenly seems to become aware of Miguel's presence, and he looks up. His smile fades a little but it's a smile all the same, and Miguel's pretty sure Miles hasn't smiled at him since...well, everything. It looks good on him.
"Hey, wasn't sure when you were going to be back. Peter asked me to babysit for him though and I figured hanging out here would be better than taking her home with me. Not sure how I would explain that one to my folks."
The idea of someone mistakenly thinking Mayday is Miles’, that the Omega has a child, has been mated and more, makes Miguel’s nostrils flare. He clamps down ruthlessly on the reaction, knowing that if he doesn’t his interest will undoubtedly be noticeable in his scent.
“Just keep it down,” are the words that come off of Miguel’s tongue. They’re better than Do you want a child? or You’d make a good mother or, even worse, I could give you one of your own, if you want. 
Miles’ smile turns into a frown and then an unhappy twist. He clicks his tongue, says, “Whatever, man,” and goes back to Mayday. He’s speaking quietly to her now but Miguel can pick up his own name and big meany and assh- wait I can’t say that to you.
Miguel just heads for his central computers, waking them up and logging into the system to check on how everything is running today. But he can’t help the way he watches Miles’ and Mayday’s reflections on the screen. He can’t pick up many details like this but he can still smell them. Happy, pleased Omega, and the young, innocent scent of a child unpresented. Of babe and mother.
Christ, Miguel is going to hell for this.
It’s been about an hour of Miguel pretending to work but actually getting very little done, when Miles speaks up. “Hey, Miguel, you know stuff about kids, right?”
Miguel’s shoulders hunch and he breathes out slowly. Of course he does. He turns, glaring back at Miles. Mayday has been dragging him around the room with her crawling and right now they’re both hanging upside down from the ceiling, Miles sitting cross legged and her on his shoulders.
“Yes,” Miguel says sharply.
Miles’ mouth twists, but for once it doesn’t seem like it’s directed at Miguel. “Sorry, that was kinda insensitive, huh? I was just curious, ya know, about parenthood and all.”
Another bolt of longing shoots through Miguel. It’s part arousal, part wistfulness for his lost family.
You could start again, part of him says. Children. A mate. It’s not too late for you. He’s right there.
“What do you want to know about it?”
Miles shrugs, which causes Mayday to wobble dangerously and laugh delightedly about it. “Just, is it good? Like, hanging out with Mayday is great, but I can’t imagine having one of my own.”
You don’t have to imagine, Miguel thinks, but says, “It’s different, when they’re yours.”
“How so?”
Miguel sighs and holds out his arms to Mayday. Even though she’s halfway across the room she immediately lets out an excited shriek and climbs her way down a protesting Miles’ body. It takes only a minute before she’s dropping into Miguel’s arms and then crawling all over him.
“Kids are work and energy,” Miguel explains. “When they’re someone else’s, you’re happy to give them back after a certain point. When they’re yours, even when you’re annoyed or upset with them, you still know it’s all worth it. You can’t imagine a life without them.”
“Oh,” says Miles. He watches quietly for a moment as Mayday continues her excited quest to make Miguel look as ridiculous as possible, before he too crawls across the ceiling and drops down. Sadly it’s not into Miguel’s arms like Mayday had.
Gingerly, Miles’ takes the little girl back, and she goes willingly enough. “Sorry if that was like, rude or anything. And don’t kill me for saying this but you sound like you make a really good Alpha, mate wise.”
Miles is halfway across the room again before Miguel can reply, like he really is expecting retaliation. Miguel just shakes his head and pretends to go back to his work.
I am a good Alpha he thinks. I could show you. We could have a whole litter of kids. You’d love it. And then inevitably Miguel’s thoughts turn lascivious. He ends up losing himself to a daydream about exactly how he wants to breed Miles (facing each other, his fangs buried in Miles’ throat, Miles’ flexible, coltish legs wrapped around his hips, heels digging in to coax Miguel into fucking him harder) while watching the Omega’s reflection.
He doesn’t come up for air until Peter makes his appearance. The man gives Miguel a quizzical look but is distracted quickly enough by his daughter. He sticks around long enough that Miguel does actually get some work done, and when his voice finally fades away Miguel figures he’s alone.
That is, until Miles clears his throat directly behind him.
Miguel doesn’t jump, but it’s a near thing. He turns and looks down at the Omega in annoyance, raising one eyebrow in a silent question.
Miles looks shifty, transferring his weight from one foot to the other like he’s thinking about running, but he’s got that mulish jut to his chin and a hard glint in his eyes that Miguel recognizes at the stubborn streak that’s lead them into more fights than he’d like to admit.
Is regularly wanting to throttle a teenage Omega better or worse than wanting to fuck him?
“Spit it out, kid,” Miguel eventually snaps.
Miles juts his chin out even further. “I’m not stupid,” he says, which, well he’s just inviting a scathing retort with that. Miguel’s expression must convey this because Miles rallies and goes on quickly, not giving the Alpha a chance to cut in. “I’m not! I saw how you were looking at me today, with Mayday. And then your scent…you were looking at me through the reflection on the computer screen.”
Miguel stiffens all over because fuck. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he grinds out.
“The hell you don’t! Even Peter smelled it. You’re into me, you smell like you want to jump me.”
There’s one of two ways Miguel can play this; deny it till his dying breath, or agree and pretend it doesn’t matter. His panicked brain picks the latter, because Miles isn’t stupid, and he’s tenacious as hell. He’ll hound Miguel until Miguel gives him an answer the Omega is satisfied with.
“So?” Miguel says.
That makes Miles pause, his eyes flicking back and forth between Miguel’s. He clearly isn’t seeing what he wants to though, brow knitting in confusion. “What do you mean ‘so’? So, you’re horny as hell for me.”
“You’re an Omega and I’m an Alpha,” Miguel explains slowly, like he’s speaking to a child. “It’s biology.” Which of course just ruffles Miles’ feathers and makes him puff up even more.
“That’s bullshit. You’ve never smelled like that before around me,” Miles insists.
Miguel is butting up against almost the exact same decision from before. Does he own up, or does he keep denying it means anything?
With a faint snarl of annoyance at having been put in this situation to begin with, Miguel says, “Most Alphas seeing an unbonded Omega with a young child are going to be affected.” The word horny will absolutely not be crossing his lips. “It sparks an instinct in us.”
Miles narrows his eyes, a faint smirk curling at his mouth. He thinks he’s won. “A breeding instinct,” he accuses.
Miguel turns his gaze skyward, giving a quick prayer to whichever poor saint is watching over him today to give him patience. “Yes, Miles. A breeding instinct.”
“I knew it!”
“Congratulations,” Miguel says dryly, crossing his arms over his chest. “Now will you go away so I can do some work in peace?”
And there’s the chin jut again. Stubborn ass Omega. “I’m not done with you yet.”
The corner of Miguel’s lip twitches of up into an involuntarily snarl. “Well I’m done with you, malcriado. Vete.”
“No. I want to know if this was a one off,” Miles demands. “’Cause like, sure seeing an Omega with a kid might work for you, but my theory is that you’re already into me and it just pushed you over the edge. You’re too uptight to let your scent go wild like that unless you’re like, close to losing it.”
How the hell is this kid so damn perceptive? Clearly Miguel’s going to need to work on his defenses if Miles is reading him like a damn book. He sighs and rubs at the bridge of his nose with two fingers, trying to figure out how to get out of this.
Well, he’s dug this fucking grave. Time to lie in it.
“Fine, Miles,” he says wearily, dropping his hand and making direct eye contact with the Omega. “Yes, I have more than a passing interest in you as a mate. Seeing you with Mayday made me think about having children with you myself. Are we done with this line of questioning now? Are you finally satisfied?”
Miles smiles slowly, then wrinkles his nose. “Having children with me, huh? That’s an incredibly boring way to talk about breeding. Why so family friendly? Just say you wanna fuck me. And no, by the way, I’m not satisfied yet. You gotta make good on all that before I let it drop.”
Silence reigns as Miguel’s brain just churns through the words, understanding them individually but failing to grasp the big picture.
“Not, like, immediately though!” Miles rushes to add, oblivious to Miguel’s plight. “I’m not ready for kids yet, not to mention my parents would kill me. But we could, you know, practice?” He looks stupidly hopeful, staring up at Miguel with that little smile on his lips, rocking forward on the balls of his feet.
“You…want me to breed you,” Miguel says slowly.
Miles snorts and rolls his eyes. “Well, practice breeding me. But yeah, that’s what I just said didn’t I? Get with it, old man, we’re wasting daylight here.”
Miguel’s never been one to follow orders. But how’s an Alpha supposed to resist?
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kiwibongos · 4 months
im writing Something for a little fic and i was putting stuff in my notes for later on and it really just made me realize like how fucked up hajime is after all the Horrors. like, emotionally. him rediscovering emotions entirely. (maybe someone has talked abt this before, i just wanna store this here)
because when he's less of a hollow shell, all there is is grief and guilt in his brain. but then as time goes on, he slowly rediscovers what it means to be human, and learns these feelings again one by one. and it has to be such an agonizing process too ? and when they do happen, theyre all extremely overwhelming, out of the blue, and most likely even caused by really small things. my dude will eat a stale piece of bread or even smell expired dairy products, suddenly relearn disgust and feel ABSOLUTELY nauseous and just hurl over lmaoo
but for as for more serious topics, like properly feeling anger again, it'd be ticked off by little shit, bc he doesn't wanna lose control like that cause the frustration doubles. it'd get bad when he makes a mistake too. he'd freak the hell out, because izuru was the embodiment of perfection, of every talent cultivated into one single brain, so he *cant* mess up, but its too much for him to handle cause he's so used to being under that obligation and expectation, but now that he's losing his stability over all that, when he messes up just *slightly*, he feels ashamed and tries to fix it as fast as possible, whether or not its a big deal. itd definitely be really hard to get out of the mindset that, even though hes not izuru anymore, he has to be perfect. to him, he has to stay that way. cause if he fails at all, then he can't protect his friends anymore. does that make sense. the pressure would be literally crushing
also shock/surprise/excitement. everything was predictable and boring to him as izuru, so obviously all of that is still a huge issue that still lingers within him after the simulation, so he'd probably overcome that first and be caught off guard a lot bc, well, he's learning to be hajime again, he's not *exactly* the op superhuman genius anymore (in my head at least. cause when two minds practically mash together weirdly it creates a horrible hit-or-miss concoction lol) so even basic things become brand new to him, and hes fascinated and curious by everyone and everything. not like hes never seen it before, but its like hes experiencing it for the first time, even if its just mundane tasks in life, new methods and alternatives to things, etc. he's generally a very observant guy, and would also pick up on little traits and habits from all his friends. i have the feeling people would rub off on him extremely easily
love, serenity and happiness itself would be extremely hard to tackle and learn, or even notice? i think of so many scenarios of how this could happen. cause like sure he can feel joy, he can be glad, proud, relieved, and smile because his friends are there. but he's still yet to experience what happiness truly is, what it means to him, and it's not something he can do alone. so it just takes a while for that big boom to happen. perhaps its up to interpretation how it happens, go for it idc i have alot of scenarios stirring up in my brain, but overall, i think him actually bursting with happiness and feeling genuine peace within himself, and realize hes grateful for the life he has, and the future he got to choose, would probably be caused in the process of moving to jabberwock island. just seeing all his friends on the boat and knowing they've made it this far, and theyre going to be starting a new life on this island, and that theyre safe, would be enough to just like hit him. like Ough. and thats when he actually consciously realizes that he's happy, when every other waking moment, there's been some kind of empty pit in his stomach eating at him for so long
on top of all of this, he cant really control his emotions very well, either. thats also another massive con to all of it, and a downside of relearning these things because of how strongly they came swinging back. its alot to handle. even if theres so much knowledge packed in his brain, one little thing like that could be enough to make him bluescreen. so he ends up just going on autopilot or stuffing all of it away, just to make the bad stuff stop. (it becomes a very unhealthy habit that bites him in the ass later. everyone is mad at him for not taking care of himself. hajime is then swaddled into a blanket with a kiss on the forehead)
anyway theres probably more to add and id get into the nitty gritty of specific shit but i had to impulsively dump this here so might as well put up the basics. makes me so excited to work on this fic more, even if its in a more somber, different context, i just love to think about hajime and how he works through his emotions and picking up his old traits. yknow, being himself. but at the same time he isn't doing it alone. let my boy be happy. let him find himself again and move on from izuru
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l0rd-0f-c0ws · 1 year
I traced the strings back to YOU, the missfire creator, and now I have two things to say.
1) THIS SHIP IS SO WONDERFUL EUGHHGFDHGFGFG OH MYGOD 3RD EYE OPENED. Thank you so much for throwing this rarepair in my radar.
2) Do you have any missfire/cesium headcanons?? I'd LOVE to hear some :3c
I FINALLY HAVE GOTTEN MY BRAIN TO WORK ENOUGH TO ANSWER THIS HI HI HI HELLO :) I am in fact no the creator tho that would be @soupsy-daisy who wrote This fic!! I just got VERY autistic about the pairing and was the first person to suggest a name for them (I am the cesium person idr who came up with missfire rn but its also v cute :) )
as for headcanons here are some !!! (Under the cut for those who don't want to see my rambles :) )
Miss Pauling has (somewhat) learned all the languages the Mercs know! this was a job requirement as she had to make sure they weren't keeping secrets, but she does enjoy it. Pyro CAN speak they just don't like taking off their mask nor do they like shouting for people to be able to hear them (legit i have a friend who tried playing dnd in one of those and half the time he had to yell so i could hear him right next to me), so they use sign and writing stuff down to communicate a lot. She was the first person to be able to understand pyro using ASL and she was the one to encourage the team to learn.
Pyro has cronic pain (mecore) and often has flare ups after battles pretty often, and it makes it hard for them to move and shit because Their Legs are being Taken by the Demons. They tend to just try and power through despite feeling like their muscles are attacking them and refuse to tell medic because they feel like they'll just be dismissed as dramatic. While the other mercs have noticed something is up with Pyro when they get back to base most days, no one pushes them to hard on it since theyre always quick to deny any oddities in their behavior, but Ms. P knows because well... its her job to know. She did get them to go to medic and get pain meds to help, as well as laying down with them when its gets to be too much. she also got them a cane not long after to help them out as well as some cute stickers and stuff to decorate it with :)
Pauling hates loud noises if she doesn't feel she has any control over them (Mecore again). like a gunshot? eh half the time shes the one firing the gun, and if she isn't then soon she will be. But things like people suddenly shouting when she didn't expect it, thunder and fireworks, stuff like that will just really mess her up. Pyro is pretty neutral on loud noises like that (tho they LOVE thunder and storms in general) so typically they'll go find her and just sit down and enjoy the silence together away from that
its actually pyros love of storms that helps her enjoy them herself. I have to draw out my idea for this since its a very spesific gay little moment but she basically over their time together begins to associate rain with them and without realizing it starts to get just as excited about rain too :)
I can post some more hcs later but a lot of the ones I had to stop myself from posting are gonna be kinda mentioned in some fics im working on rn >:) Gonna finish chapter 2 of safe with me tonight hopefully so stay tuned for that!!
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warmau · 4 years
☆ [nostalgic] summer romance!au jungwoo another late birthday au....but happy snoopy day <3 find others here: johnny | haechan | taeil | taeyong | mark | jaemin | yangyang | yuta | sicheng | chenle | kun | yukhei | doyoung | jaehyun
"congratulations and welcome to the team!"
the overly peppy voice that comes out of the body of the middle-aged man somehow doesn't match the soulless look in his eyes
he hands you a whistle and a t-shirt, which when you unfold greets you with the name of the water park you've been cursed to work at all summer
the font is big and bubbly and very, very, very yellow - it's almost nauseating
you turn the shirt around and on the back, in that same childish font, is the word staff
"jungwoo, glad to see you here again!"
you turn your head to see the man, who is your shift manager, patting a rather thin and tall looking boy on the back
he makes a gagging noise which the manager just laughs heartily at before dropping the same shirt and whistle in jungwoo's palm
"hey wait - which ride am i on this year?"
"um let me see - you're on ........ ah, the log flume with the new employee."
you motion to yourself because it seems like you're the only new face at the orientation
everyone else has cliqued up and is already mumbling about how much this is going to suck with each other
jungwoo slinks over and throws the shirt over his shoulder
"log flume kinda sucks, just so you know."
"really? i can't imagine getting sprayed by residual dirty water isn't a thrilling experience - especially when it happens a hundred times a day."
there's a pause and then a large grin forms of jungwoo's features
"oh - i like you."
you affirm the notion with a little bit of a prideful shrug and smile yourself
good, i think i like you too.
of course - when you and jungwoo first exchange these sentiments, it's nothing more than an employee-to-employee relationship
jungwoo has a sense of humor that either tends to fly over peoples heads or offend them (sometimes both)
but you catch on quickly and sometimes even beat him in a game of his own wits
during an opening shift where you two are testing the ride and cleaning up the waiting area, jungwoo confides that when he was in middle school someone had pointed out that he's "eccentric"
you scrunch your nose up as you tie a knot around the garbage bag in your hand
"eccentric is a polite way of saying fucking weird, you know that right jungwoo?"
"do you think im 'fucking weird' then?"
he does a pose and you shake your head with a little laugh
"no i think you're just....you."
he relaxes his limbs and tilts his head to the side, without a verbal answer you somehow sense that that was the one thing jungwoo really wanted to hear
working the log flume though - is as hellish as expected
most of your days are spent standing in those hot, cheap plastic ponchos and waving at families with screaming children or rowdy teenagers who barely fit in the ride with their bony knees
despite your efforts to keep dry, you and jungwoo always end up soaked
he's forgetful and clumsy so half the time you have to share the towel you bring with him, not to mention your lunch gets gobbled up by him too
you ask at some point why jungwoo just doesn't bring his own stuff - you are not a one-stop 7/11 shop
he laughs and takes a bite into the huge soft pretzel sold in the water park
"why should i bring anything, you've always got everything we need!"
a pang like the toll of a bell vibrates through the cavity of your chest
we - what about "we", there's no "we", there's just......."friends"
a sour taste in your mouth accompanies the thought and so you push it to the back of your mind
"still - at least start bringing your own change of clothes, you're too tall for any of my shirts."
"crop-tops are in though!"
you stare down at the switchboard that operates the log flume - the buttons with scraping labels, the emergency stop button, the little cubbies below where people leave their phones
the park is closing in thirty minutes and jungwoo has scampered off to hand in your ticket collection to the manager
the summer evening is hovering between the last beams of light and suddenly - alone at the top of the ride - something shifts
you unfile the thought you had before, the idea of what 'we' means to you and jungwoo
and you come to a daunting realization that, after only a couple of weeks of laughter and grueling minimum wage work, the statement "i think i like you too" is starting to take a new shape in your heart
"hey - did you drown up there?"
you lean over the side and see jungwoo below waving
even with the distance the essence of his warm shine floats up and tickles at your cheeks.
you swat it away, but it doesn't work.
"no - the log flume ghost caught me, i can't come down."
you joke back and he salutes
"wait there, i will come save you - i have fought that ghost once before!"
he's joking, but something flutters its wings when you hear him rush up the steps with all the seriousness of coming to get you. to save you.
when he reaches you - you mask the weird flush climbing up your spine - and pretend to be flailing
jungwoo gives you a kindergarten laugh as he joins in on the fun - a fake punch to the face of a fake ghost
he grabs you around the waist and tugs you toward him, and inches from his face, you see something behind the childish glint in the brown of his eyes.
he's so handsome.
"saved you! let's get out of here or the manager will accuse us of trying to sneak in overtime."
the weight of his hands on you is only described as comforting, easy. so very easy.
so even when he lets go and you are trailing behind him and the rest of the park employees after closing you miss it, you miss the touch of a friend who is becoming a lot more than just that.
"jungwoo's being switched to the lazy river starting today, that place is such a cease pool of idiocy that i need more coverage on it."
a groan escapes jungwoo before you can even process what the manager is saying
"what? but i hate that place most of all - do you know how many random dads get into fights on that thing?"
"am i going to be on log flume alone?"
your voice is way calmer than you expect it to be and the manager makes a passive motion with his hand, "yep - and i trust you'll handle it fine."
jungwoo's look is apologetic and slightly bitter, you reach out to give him a pat on the shoulder, but your palm hovers above the fabric of his shirt before pulling embarrassingly back to your side
either he doesn't notice or he chooses not to say anything because jungwoo turns and trudges over to the other three people assigned to the river
without jungwoo, the weird gnawing feeling of a summer crush only gets stronger, because now that he's not glued to your side
you miss him so terribly it almost makes you feel sick
coupled with the boredom of being alone the entire day with strangers seems to just worsen the symptoms
a week into the switch, you make the choice to visit jungwoo on your lunch break
you arrive just in time to see the aftermath of one of those dad fights he had mentioned
jungwoo is waist-deep in the water with two of those inflatable tubes on either side. he looks like he's negotiating a war truce between two disgruntled generals and he hands the tubes back as the men disperse to their respective families with scowls on their faces
jungwoo is also not wearing a shirt
"lazy river is much more hands-on then log flume"
the line of his back is lean and there are some healing bruises under his ribs which you can only assume are from his rather clumsy nature, the other thought of what could have caused them makes your head spin
"hey - i see you're literally in the trenches"
jungwoo turns and runs a hand through his wet bangs to get a better look at you. the action shouldn't make your knees feel like jelly.
"i hate this place, come over here and dunk my head underwater please."
you squat down near the edge and jungwoo wades closer to you
you place a brown paper bag beside you and motion to it
"im assuming you still aren't bringing your own lunches and are surviving off scraps from everyone else?"
he grins, "you know me so well"
i know i do - you think to say, but keep the words in your throat - i know i do, which is weird because we've been friends for a little over a month.
"hows log flume?"
"boring without you."
jungwoo whistles and you catch the way the sun makes every little drop of water on him glisten
"ill stop by on my break since you stopped by on yours"
a second of comfortable silence passes and jungwoo jumps up and out of the river with an ease
he grabs the lunch you've brought and is about to say something when a whistle from the other side of the river catches your attentions
"ugh this place is supposed to be lazy."
he complains and before he turns to the direction of the sound, he touches your cheek with the slightly wet palm of his hand
"thanks for lunch, see you later."
the gesture haunts you.
you even ask someone in the line for log flume what it means and she gives you a side glare that can only be conjured by a specific breed of mom.
you try to google it, but nearly drop your phone into the water.
jungwoo doesn't come by that day - he actually only manages to visit you the next day.
he shows up in his trunks, no shirt, and the towel he never gave back to you after he borrowed it over his shoulder
"sorry, do you know how many kids get food poisoning and decide the riv-"
you put up a hand to stop him from divulging details and jungwoo leans against the post that controls the ride as you wave off the next bunch of people
you feel him watch you before he joins you and helps start lowering the bar for the next log that splashes its way into the starting point
as you two go through the rows with practiced repetition
you meet in the middle
your hands both reach out to touch the bar, bringing it down over the laps of two young-looking middle schoolers who are pretending not to be holding hands
one of them giggles as you and jungwoo's fingers brush
the slight pass of skin on skin feels like a burst of electricity
stepping back to wave the group off - jungwoo slips in beside you and asks with a kind of strained sarcasm
"who takes their date on the log flume?"
"i think it's cute."
jungwoo doesn't miss a beat and that's what nearly knocks you backwards
"wanna go with me on our day off?"
jungwoo asks you on a date.
that you're sure off. but why - that's the part that does not click for you.
so is it a friend thing - are the 'we' on this 'date' just two friends running around the water park they work at with the freedom of having to not do their jobs? are the 'we' on this 'date' something completely different?
the nervousness makes you jump when jungwoo meets up with you at the bust stop and he doesn't look or feel any different than usual
you start to accept that your first thought is correct - this is a platonic date - nothing more
until you get to the waterpark and put your things away and jungwoo pulls a small container from his bag
"what's that?"
"you're always taking care of me, i want to take care of you for once too."
he opens it and inside are some lopsided looking cookies
"did you- jungwoo did you bake this?"
he poke his tongue out, but nods
"well, a friend who is a better cook than me helped."
they taste better than you could have imagined, you take a bite and understand that no something is definitely
friends don't hold their other friends hand the entire day
friends don't lean into their other friends shoulder while waiting in the line for one of the rides and then biting softly down on the skin, kissing it after like an apologetic kitten
and friends don't kiss their other friends in the dark, shady corner where a line of vending machines have been abandoned behind the pretzel stand
the infamous makeout spot that every water park employee buzzes about
when your date comes to an end and you and jungwoo are waiting for the bus back, you keep touching your lips.
jungwoo tastes like citrus when he kisses
there are some things i don't know about him
you smile to yourself when his pinkie brushes yours and hooks up with it as the bus approaches
i can't wait to learn all of them
it takes the manager exactly forty-eight hours to figure out you and jungwoo are dating.
everyone else in the park gets the memo the minute you two step into the staff room.
there's a little pushback against it, just because there is some stupid company policy, but the manager claps you both on your backs and whispers that whatever - it is summer - kids should have fun during the summer.
maybe the fun means sneaking kisses on lunch breaks, visiting each other on your off days, swapping shifts so you two can arrive and leave together
the fun of having jungwoo nuzzle his wet face into the back of your neck as he complains about work
the fun of having you trace patterns on his arm as you two wait for the bus home
the fun of seeing each other outside of work, sprawling across his bedroom floor and talking about nonsense
the fun of jungwoo's features shifting from languid and sleepy to acute as you shift your weight ontop of him and let your hands flirt with the hem of his shirt
"cover those up jungwoo, we are a family-friendly establishment"
the manager mumbles, motioning to jungwoo's neck with his pen
you thin your lips and jungwoo huffs, slapping a bandage or two on the slightly puffed skin
when the days get a little colder and the droves of families dwindle slowly, you know that your summer job is coming to an end
on your last days, you have back your uniforms and whistles and the manager makes a speech about how much good work has been done and how he's holding back his tears, but he's sure he'll see you next year
jungwoo mutters that you two can't come back here next year - you two should look into summer jobs at the mall or something
your last walk from the park gates to the bus stop home is calm, even a little chilly. jungwoo drapes a hand around your shoulder and pulls you into him for the warmth.
"we never got to go on the log flume together"
you suddenly muse and jungwoo coaxes his mouth into a frown
"you really want to go together on that contraption? it's not even fun."
"it's sentimental to us."
"that's a weird thing to say."
he looks at you and you poke his cheek
"it's an eccentric thing to say."
a number of summers pass until you and jungwoo ever follow up on the notion
actually, the one summer you two end up sitting together on the log flume, is not even at the water park from your memories
it's somewhere abroad
you're on vacation together and jungwoo claims you dragged him onto this thing
but you see the little smile he tries to hide when the bar comes down
the two teenagers working the ride brush their fingers as they do so, catching the look of shyness that passes from one to the other you giggle and take jungwoo's hand in your own
"what's funny?"
he asks and you tell him oh, nothing.
the ride starts and just as the log reaches the end of the dip - you let out a small shout of excitement
jungwoo joins you, but he doesn't just make a sound. he says something.
"i love you!"
oh, i think i like you too - the sweet taste comes back.
"i thin- i know i love you too!"
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lesbobiwan · 3 years
8 with Hunter 🥺 Please and thank you 😇
#8: "If you're going to act like a little brat then I'm going to treat you like a little brat." + Hunter
warnings: spanking as punishment, cunnilingus, the joys of trying to have a sex life while being a parent to a nosy child
(lets pretend that the galaxy is nice and the bad batch has both omega and crosshair on board. because im the writer and say fuck u cowboy hat man. also u guys r here for porn. not plot)
It wasn't like you were being serious. You only wanted to have a little fun.
Crosshair was just... conveniently there.
"You must have very steady hands," you remark, holding up Crosshair's hand to inspect them.
He smirks from around his toothpick, totally aware of what little game you're playing but always ready to fuck with his brother.
His fingers are more slender than Hunter's, nimble in a way that's beneficial for a man who lives his life on the trigger of a gun.
You've always valued thickness over length.
You continue to inspect Crosshair's fingers regardless.
He lets you ooh and ahh at his fingers and in turn gets a nice confidence boost while fucking with Hunter. A beneficial relationship.
The vein on Hunter's is getting exponentially larger with every second you spend touching Crosshair, but it isn't until Crosshair offers to give you a personal demonstration of how useful his fingers can be that Hunter stands up.
"Alright," Hunter's voice is short and clipped and sure to cause the best kind of pain for your backside. "Everybody out." He stands up from his bunk, drawing the attention of Wrecker, Tech, Echo, and Omega.
"What?" Echo's voice is incredulous as he looks up from whatever he was tinkering with.
"Where are we going?" Omega asks, bouncing up to her feet.
You would smile at her overabundant enthusiasm if it weren't for the fact that you wanted to be fucked. Now.
Being a new parent really puts a damper on your sex life, which was already had to be a little sneaky to begin with when you shared a ship with four other people.
Hunter falters, mouth falling open but staying silent.
"Um, Hunter and I just need to talk about something real quick, sweetheart," you cover, excitement starting to build in your gut.
Tech scoffs and mumbles something under his breath.
Wrecker elbows him hard enough to shove Tech into the side of the bunk.
"Oh," Omega rolls onto the backs of her heels, "what about?"
Yup, you're tapped out for trying to come up with excuses to get a child out of the house so you can have sex.
You look at Hunter and gesture out towards Omega. Your turn.
"Uhm... adult stuff," Hunter stammers smartly.
"C'mon, kid," Wrecker plucks Omega up around the waist and hauls her under his arm like a ball, easily leading her out of the ship.
Tech and Echo are the next to rise, both of them hauling little scraps of machinery.
"You do know we're in the middle of nowhere," Tech reminds the two of you on your way out.
"Out, Tech."
Crosshair is the last to get up, groaning with the obvious tremendous effort it takes to stand up. "You owe me," he informs you, pointing one of his long fingers at you.
"Bye, Crosshair," you sing, reaching out to graze a finger along his wrist as he steps past you.
The tension in the ship is palpable.
"I can't help but feel like you're mad at me," you point out, eyes trailing over the way that Hunter's broad chest rises and falls with each of his deep inhales.
You see Hunter's nostrils flair — most likely breathing in your arousal. No sooner than the thought enters your mind, Hunter's eyes dilate. Definitely breathing in your arousal.
Still, he doesn't say anything.
"Me and Cross were just having some fun," you defend, cheeks growing red.
Suddenly, your grand idea doesn't seem that grand anymore.
"Do you want to do this here? Or in the bedroom?" Hunter steps closer into your personal space, so close you can smell the GAR issued soap on him mixed with something distinctly Hunter.
He's offering you a small bit of mercy, a small portion of control in your punishment.
Then you have to open your big mouth.
"We could always use Crosshair's bun — hey!"
Hunter's hand closes around your hair within one breath and the next.
"Hunter!" you cry out, hands scrambling at his wrist, "What the hell are you doing? Let me go!"
He sits on a bunk and — oh, fuck it's actually Crosshair's bunk, Hunter's actually doing this — sprawls you across his lap, one heavy hand on the back of your neck.
Heat rushes to your cheeks and your cunt. "Okay, this isn't funny," you say, while internally you beg for him to keep going, "let me up."
You don't try as hard as you should to get out of his grasp. You think Hunter knows.
"No." Hunter's grip on your neck tightens while his other hand drags both your pants and panties over your ass until they get stuck around your knees. "If you're going to act like a little brat then I'm going to treat you like a little brat."
Shit. You rub your thighs together over his lap, one of your hands clasping around his ankle.
"How many do you think you deserve after that little stunt?" Hunter asks, though you know it's purely rhetorical. "Ten? Fifteen?" His hand swipes across the meat of your asscheeks, warming up the skin before he strikes it — another small mercy.
You hold your breath. You're sure any number you give will only be doubled.
Hunter huffs. "Smart girl," he comments at your silence. "Count."
That's all the warning you get before —
You yelp at the first sting across your skin. The sound registers first before the pain. You jerk across his lap, kicking your legs out as you squeal.
The hand on the back of your neck tightens imperceptibly. "Forgetting something?"
"One!" you cry out, voice thick.
He offers you no praise. Not yet, at least. He knows this is light work for you. It's towards the end of your punishment that he'll have to start talking you through it.
Hunter's palm lands on your opposite cheek, harder this time.
"Two!" you yelp, hands clenching around Hunter's ankle.
True to form, it takes more than a few spanks in order for you to begin to reach your limit. Your eyes get teary and you do your best to dig your face into the pristine sheets of Crosshair's bunk.
Still, despite your pain, you feel your inner thighs get slick with your arousal.
"That's my girl," Hunter coos, fingers turning almost gentle as he scratches at the nape of your neck. "Just a couple more, can you do that for me?"
His hand soothes the skin of your burning ass, but you jerk against him in sensitivity.
It's too much. Too much, you just want to be good for him now.
"Color?" Hunter prods, pulling his hand away from your stinging cheeks.
"Green!" you sob into the sheets.
Good girls take their punishment.
Hunter gives you one appraising squeeze to the back of your neck, distinctly different from how he grabbed it to get you under control, and wastes no time in delivering two succinct and brutal spanks — one to each cheek.
You wail out each corresponding number and allow yourself to devolve into tears against the sheets.
Hunter smoothes contact-warm palms over your ass cheeks, soothing the ache as best he can without getting up to grab some bacta. "Good girl," he praises, "such a good girl for me," his hand around the back of your neck slides up and begins scratching at your scalp just the way you like.
You feel your heart rate slowing down, and no doubt Hunter can too, under his careful ministrations. The ache in your ass is no less prevalent, but you can bare it.
Besides, you think as you begin to roll your hips against his thighs, there's another feeling you can focus on, instead.
Hunter chuckles, sliding the hand on your ass to dip between your thighs and ghost a finger along your folds, "Well, I suppose you do deserve a reward, don't you?"
You turn to look at him over your shoulder with teary eyes. "Please?"
Hunter flicks his thumb across your clit, and you jolt across his lap for a different reason this time. "Hands and knees, baby," he murmurs, patting your hip once to signal for you to move.
Your limbs feel sluggish as you pull yourself off his lap. "On the floor?" you ask as you start to lower yourself onto the cold ground.
A hand around your wrist stops you. "No. Right here."
Your eyes flew open. On Crosshair's bunk? Spanking you in one thing, but fucking you?
Your cunt burns in excitement. Crosshair will never forgive you and you'll never forget this.
You settle yourself onto your hands and knees on the worn-in mattress, and you don't have to wait long at all before broad, thick fingers are spreading your thighs open and a wicked tongue is pressing against your cunt.
"Fuck!" you cry out, back bowing as Hunter dives in.
His tongue is downright sloppy as he does his best to bury his face in your dripping folds. The sounds he's making against you are obscene and make your facial cheeks go almost as red as your ass cheeks.
Hunter groans against your cunt like it's the best thing he's eaten, and you tremble with the vibrations.
Fuck, you're so close already, it's not even fair.
His lips wrap around your clit and he sucks.
"Hunter!" you sob, falling face first into the mattress. Your thighs tremble beneath his hands.
After being spanked within an inch of your life, your orgasm is tittering along a cliff's edge, ready to be knocked over by the barest gust of wind that comes along in the form of Hunter sliding two thick fingers into your cunt and curling.
You fall apart around him, lips falling open in a wordless scream as your walls clench around his fingers. His relentless lips that sucked at your clit switch to slow licks as you ride out your orgasm.
Hunter pulls his fingers from your sopping pussy with a wet squelch. Immediately, he sucks his fingers into his mouth.
You watch behind heavy eyelids as Hunter licks up every last drop of your release — you also notice the large wet spot in the front of Hunter's pants.
The knowledge that he came in his pants like some fresh-faced cadet is almost enough to have you wanting a second round.
"C'mon, baby," Hunter rasps, "Let's get you cleaned up."
When the rest of the crew comes back, Crosshair takes one look his bunk, with a wet spot from your tears and the crumpled up sheets and immediately groans.
"You're both disgusting. You're washing my sheets," he complains, pulling them off his bed as best he can without touching too much of them.
"Why?" Omega asks, popping her head in out of nowhere. "What'd they do?"
Yeah, Hunter can deal with that one too, you think as you burrow your face deeper into his chest and close your eyes.
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Fist Fights and Hickeys
Prompt: Enemies to lovers smut with the teeniest bit of plot. Literally this is just pure filth. Please don’t read if you’re a minor, seriously this is not for you.
Warnings: SMUT! Swearing, Female reader, oral (female receiving),unprotected sex (I don’t have a fun rhyme explaining why that's a bad idea, just use fucking protection! dear lord, this is wizard shit im sure they have magic birth control but we aren't getting into that rn) also reader punches someone early on so violence, fluff and funny stuff at the end.
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You walked down the hall as quickly as you could, just wanting the day to be over. It seems like no matter what you did today, everything went wrong. In herbology you dropped and broke a potted plant. In potions, your mixture exploded, coating you and your partner in blue sludge, which was still in your hair, and in divination, your tea leaves literally showed you an omen of death. At this point, you didn’t know how else this day could get worse.
“Hello Y/N” Fred Weasley said, sauntering up to your side. Welp, it just had to go and get worse.
“Leave me alone Fred” You said, irritation clearly present in your voice. You and Fred had a bit of a rivalry, whether it was at quidditch, or in your classes, or with pranks, the two of you were always trying to one up each other, which through the years, has created a bit of a love hate friendship.
“Somebody’s cranky” Fred joked, continuing to walk beside you.
“Somebody needs to shut the fuck up” You responded. Fred was about to reply, but before he could, someone interrupted him.
“Well well well, look what we have here! What happened Y/N, trying to go for a new look” Ethan Hawthorn said, pointing out your hair, which was still blue.
You didn’t answer, you just kept walking, Fred giving you a confused look. Ethan hawthorn was a Slytherin who you had a class with last year. The professor had asked a question, which he answered incorrectly, and when you corrected him in front of everyone, he deemed it appropriate to treat you like you had personally humiliated him in front of the whole school. He basically made it his life purpose to make your life difficult.
“Aw come on Y/N, don’t be like that, it’s nice! It distracts from your face!” He continued, him and a few of his friends now following you and laughing. Upon hearing what he said, Fred went to turn and confront him but you grabbed his arm, stopping him.
“Oh is your boyfriend trying to save you? You probably hired him to be around you, god knows he needs the money” Ethan said.
Next thing you knew, you had whipped around and punched Ethan in the face. It was a bit of a surprise to everyone, including yourself seeing you wouldn’t really consider yourself a violent person. Before you could think about anything else though, you and Fred were sprinting down the hallway towards the Gryffindor common room, Ethan screaming profanities from behind you.
You sprinted to the entrance of the common room, quickly saying the password and running inside, relieved to find it empty. After running for your lives, you and Fred were pretty tired out, both of you walking over to one of the couches and falling onto it, trying to catch your breath.
“You know he’s going to try and kill you right?” Fred asked, turning his head to look at you.
“Worth it” You said, causing the both of you to laugh a bit, before you noticed the pain radiating from your hand. You sat up a bit and examined your knuckles, which were now bleeding a bit. Fred noticed and sat up as well, before gently taking your hand in both of his, looking at the irritated skin.
“You ok?” He asked, skill looking at your hands, which you were thankful for since it made it so he couldn’t see the blush forming on your face.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine” You replied. Trying not to focus on his long fingers gently brushing over the bones in your hand.
“You’re hands are so small” Fred laughed, breaking you out of your slightly flustered trance.
“These small hands can still slap the shit out of you” You replied, taking your hand back and laughing. 
“Here I think I have something upstairs that can help with the pain” Fred said standing, you following his actions and making your way up the stairs to the boys dormitory, walking inside to once again find it was empty.
You walked over and took a seat on his bed, Fred quickly fumbling through a drawer before coming to sit next to you, a roll of gauze in his hand. He sat across from you and gently took your hand again, carefully wrapping the cloth around your knuckles a few times before tearing  off the excess and securing it in place.
“Thank you” You said holding up your hand and examining his work, only to look over and see Fred staring at you, a bit of a frown on his face. “What?”
“You shouldn’t have to deal with that guy” Fred said, the atmosphere in the room changing a bit.
“Fred its fine” You said, trying to change the subject.
“No its not Y/N! That dickhead is insulting you constantly, and for what? You don’t deserve to be treated like that” Fred said, standing and starting to pace around the room.
“You’re taking this way to seriously” You said, starting to get annoyed with his attitude. It wasn’t like you and Fred were super close. Hell most of the time you were at each others throat about whos better at what, and when you weren't doing that you were either annoying each other, or on a rare occasion, actually having a civil conversation.
 “I don’t think you’re taking this seriously enough!” Fred continued, still pacing back and forward.
“Why do you care so much!?” you shouted.
“Because I fucking love you!” Fred shouted back, stopping in his tracks to face you.
“What?” You asked, not quite believing what you just heard.
“I love you ok? I love the way you make everyone around you smile, and that you’re absolutely hilarious, and that you’re competitive. I love the sound of your laugh, and the way your eyes light up when you smile, and even when you’re being a complete pain in the ass you still-” Fred rambled on, only stopping when you cut interrupted him.
“Fred!” you said sternly, grabbing his attention.
“What?” He asked loudly, breathing heavily from his rant.
“Would you just shut the fuck up and kiss me already?” You asked. That was all Fred needed to hear, crossing the room in one swift motion and closing the space between you, leaning down to roughly push his lips against yours.
Your hands instantly went to his hair pulling him even closer, while his went to the back of your thighs, picking you up and walking you over to the bed, letting you fall back onto the mattress before quickly re connecting his mouth to your neck, biting the flesh there before soothing over it with his tongue.
You moved your hands to his shoulders, sliding them down his chest before landing at the hem of his shirt, pushing it upwards. Fred got the message and pulled away, making quick work of removing his shirt, before his mouth was back on yours, sucking on your bottom lip before his tongue met yours, swirling around in a fight for dominance.
His hands moved upwards, slipping under your shirt to roughly grab your breast, causing you to moan into his mouth. Your hands found their way to his waist, quickly working on undoing his belt. You had almost gotten it unfastened when Fred suddenly pulled away, looking down at you.
“Are you sure?” Fred asked, searching your face for any sign of rejection.
“I have literally never wanted to fuck someone more in my whole life, yes I’m one hundred percent sure” You replied
Fred didn’t waste any more time, quickly working on removing his shoes and pants, while you worked on removing your shirt and leggings, your skirt following soon after leaving you in only your bra and panties, while Fred stood in front of you, his eyes raking up and down your body, you started to feel a bit self conscious with his eyes on you, but before you could move to cover up a bit, his lips were back on yours, pushing you back onto the bed.
His lips started to move downwards, moving from your neck, to your collarbone, trailing wet in between your breasts and down your stomach before finally settling between your legs, looking up ay you before kissing down your inner thigh, deliberately not going near where you needed him most.
“Fred, please” You whined, trying to find some relief.
“Please what?” Fred asked, playing with the waistband of your panties.
“Please do anything just stop teasing- Oh fuck!” You cried, Fred moving your panties to the side and slipping two of his long fingers into you, making your back arch.
“Already so wet for me” He chuckled, pumping his fingers faster. “If you don’t like me teasing then why are you moaning”
You didn’t get the change to reply before Fred's mouth was suddenly on your core, licking a long stripe between your fold before swirling his tongue around your clit, making your head fly back and your hands grip the sheets, desperate for something to hold onto. You could feel the knot in your stomach tightening, threatening to push you over the edge, but just as you were about to come undone, Fred pulled away, removing his fingers and making you groan at the loss of contact.
“What the fuck Fred?!” You cried, frustrated for being denied your release. Meanwhile Fred was crawling his way back up your body, letting out a low chuckle.
“Don’t worry babe, I’m going to take care of you. But when you cum I want it to be around my cock” Fred almost growled, causing a chill to run up your spine before he reached behind you, unclasping your bra and throwing it to the other side of the room, your panties and his boxers following soon after.
Fred propped on of his arms next to his head, helping to keep his weight off you while his other hand moved to his cock, slipping it between your fold a few times, looking at you for permission, which you gave with a nod, before finally pushing his length into you.
“Please move” You practically begged, Fred waiting to make sure you had adjusted before doing anything.
“As you wish” He teased, a smirk on his face, before he slowly started moving, pulling out half way before thrusting back into you.
You were just about to ask him to go faster, when he was suddenly ramming into you, his head moving to the crook of your neck, sucking on the flesh there, while your hands moved to his back, pulling him closer and creating long red trails as your fingernails desperately tried to find something to hold onto.
You bit your lip, trying to contain your moans, knowing anyone could walk in at any moment.
“I know for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that.” Fred said, sucking behind your ear, making your head spin.
“Someone could walk in” You said back, trying to come up with an excuse. In reality, you knew most of the other students were in class so you didn’t have much to worry about.
 “I really don’t care. You look so fucking hot writhing under me and I’m going fuck you senseless right now.” He rasped out, moving his free arm under your knee to hike your leg up higher, the new angle making you gasp, allowing him hit your G-spot perfectly each time. 
“Oh fuck, Fred- I’m gonna-!” You cried out, no longer in control of the pornographic sounds leaving your mouth.
“Cum for me, beautiful” Fred murmured into your ear, bringing his hand down to rub circles around your clit, finally pushing you over the edge, the knot in your stomach snapping and flooding your body with pleasure.
Fred continued to thrust into you, helping you ride out your high before coming undone himself, resting his head on your shoulder as he came down from his high, slowing his movements before stopping completely, gently pulling out of you and flopping onto his back beside you, both of you staring at the ceiling, trying to catch your breath.
“That was...wow” You started, still to blissed out to think of the right words.
“Yeah... why didn’t we do this earlier?” Fred asked, causing the both of you to laugh, finally catching your breath and sitting in a comfortable silence.
“I love you too” You said, breaking the silence and making Fred look over at you.
“Really?” He asked teasingly, but he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.
“Yeah, ever since you hugged me when we won that quidditch tournament last year, I knew I had feeling for you.”
“I knew when you made frogs come out of Snape's pockets for a week” Fred replied, causing you both to fall into another fit of laughter.
“Wow, so romantic” You teased, Fred moving to wrap his arm around you as you scooched closer into his chest, both of you moving under the covers.
“I know, its a gift” Fred replied, making you giggle. 
“Well, I should maybe get going” You said, moving to get up, knowing classes would be ending soon.
“You thought we were done?” Fred asked, stopping you in your tracks.
“We’re not?” You asked, a confused look on your face.
“Not even close” Fred replied, leaning in and connecting your lips again, to which you enthusiastically responded, before quickly pulling away, grabbing your wand and casting a locking and silencing spell on the door.
Needless to say, while you may have had a bad streak during your classes, you most definitely got lucky that night.
The next day you had to get up early for quidditch practice. You had suck out of Fred's room a few hours later without too much suspicion, but needless to say, you were sore. You walked to practice with your roommate Angelina, who was currently talking about something to do with McGonigal's hat, but you honestly weren’t paying much attention, too distracted by last night events playing over in your head.
“But I think she might be hiding something in it you know? Like... hold up. Is that a fucking hickey?” Angelina asked once you finally got to the bleachers, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“What?! No!” You quickly defended, trying to move the collar of your shirt up, only for Angelina to slap your hand away, pulling your collar further down, exposing the dozens of marks that littered your neck and chest, which you didn’t realize you had this morning.
“Oh my GOD! Did you get beat up? Who’s the guy?” Angelina asked with a teasing tone.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” You replied, trying to keep your cool, digging through your bag to find your water bottle.
You stood back up, looking over to see Fred and George walking your direction. You gave them both a wave, your eyes lingering on Fred for a few seconds longer than usual. They dropped their stuff off a bit always from you, and started getting changed, both of them coming in sweaters.
“Besides” You continued, turning away from the twins, trying to keep your cool. “You have no right to talk, I know you and George are getting pretty comfortable in the room of requirement” You said, taking a sip of your water.
“That’s totally different and- Oh my god?!” Angelina said, looking past you, causing you to turn and spit out your water, the sight before you making you choke on the liquid.
Fred had taken off his shirt to change into his Jersey, and his back was covered in bright pink scratch marks. He heard the commotion, turning to see you covering your mouth trying to stop choking, not sure whether to be horrified or laugh.
“Jesus Fred, did you piss off a hippogriff and not tell me about it?” George asked, Fred suddenly realizing that of course, you would have most definitely left marks. Not that he was completely innocent either.
“Oh that, yeah I fell out of a..... tree” Fred said, making you smack your palm to your face. Sure, he may have been the best prankster in the school, but damn was Fred a bad liar.
Angelina took in your reaction, adding it to Fred's back and your hickeys, finally putting the pieces together.
“You two!?” Angelina said, pointing at the two of you. “Last night when you got back to the dorm late! You were fucking fucking!” 
“Shhhh!” I shushed loudly, making Angelina and George laugh.
“Fred and Y/N, sitting in a tree” George started
“K-I-S-S-I-N-G” Angelina finished, the two laughing and heading off to start practice, leaving you and Fred slightly embarrassed at the blatant teasing.
“Well, we’re never going to hear the end of this” You said, admitting defeat.
“Yeah, but at least now they know. But speaking of  K-I-S-S-I-N-G, you wanna...” Fred asked, moving his head towards the back of the bleachers.
“As fun as that sounds, It’ll have to wait. First I need to beat your ass at quidditch” You said, collecting your gear, looking up to see a gobsmacked Fred looking back at you.
“You are literally my dream girl, how did I get so lucky?” Fred asked, grabbing his things and walking with you to the center of the field.
“I know, I’m pretty much the best thing that's ever happened to you” You said in a serious tone.
“This dicks the best thing that's ever happened to you” 
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed!!!! I didn’t read through this before posting so if theres any grammar mistakes I’m sorry, I literally wrote this at 3 in the morning because who needs sleep when you have Fred Weasley porn. Anyway, I hope you guys liked it, feel free to leave any feedback/recs!
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onetwosevensquad · 4 years
What’s Up Danger
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Summary: a new town and a new life for Y/n brings unexpected chaos, besides that of high school, to her life.
Warnings: umm blood, fighting, Xiaojun may be the bad guy but I still love him, this is long as shit
Rose: IM BACK BABY!! This is the first fic I’ve posted since November. So yay welcome back kiddos. Enjoy!
Well this was a nightmare.
It was your first day at a new school, and you had no idea where the hell you were going. You’ve found all of your other classes rather quickly. But your sixth period chemistry class seems to continue to elude you. After ten minutes, you finally found the science hall and checked your schedule for the right room. You found it and put your hand on the doorknob, bracing yourself for the embarrassment.
You walked in the room in the middle of the teacher talking, all heads turning towards you. You sucked in a breath, already feeling your hands starting to shake.
“Your late,” the teacher snapped. You mentally rolled your eyes at her attitude.
“Sorry, I’m new,” you said. Your voice wavered a bit and you cleared your throat before continuing. “I couldn’t find the room.”
“Well, that’s fine, just don’t make a habit of it,” the teacher said after clicking her tongue. “You can sit next to Mark over there.”
You looked to where she was pointing and saw a kid with round glasses who was sitting at a desk with no one next to him. He waved slightly to let you know that yes, this is where she meant.
“Yes, ma’am,” You mumbled. You quickly walked to the back of the room and slid into the chair next to Mark. You placed your stuff on the table and leaned back, letting out a breath. The teacher went back to her lecture about how the class was going to work for the year.
“Hi,” you heard from next to you. You turned your head and looked at Mark. He had a sweet smile on his face, his glasses falling down his noes a bit.
“Hi,” you whispered back. Mark fiddled with his pencil a bit, twirling it in his fingers and tapping it against his binder.
“I’m, uh, Mark,” he said. You quietly laughed a bit at the boy’s awkwardness.
“I know,” you said. Mark opened his mouth, it slowly falling into an ‘o’. “I’m Yn.”
“So you’re new?” Mark asked. You nodded your head a bit and smiled. “If you need help, I’d be happy to show you around.”
“I might take you up on that,” you said.
“Cool,” Mark chuckled out. He smiled at you one last time and turned back to the teacher before either of you got caught.
The rest of your first week at school went rather smoothly. Mark had helped you find your two other classes and by now you knew where they were. Also, you made a friend, Yeri, who was in your literature class. Things were going great.
Today was Monday, your second week of school. And though it was a Monday, you were rather excited. A few clubs started today, one of them being academic decathlon. You were practically sprinting to lunch to try and talk Yeri into joining with you. You didn’t want to be alone. When you got there you saw Yeri at your usual spot, who motioned you over.
You sped your way over to her, not exactly looking where you were going. When you reached the table, right before your seat, a body slammed into you. You stumbled, almost falling to the ground, but someone caught you. You looked up to see a tall, sharp looking boy, glaring down at you. His grip on your arm was like a vice.
“Watch where you’re going,” He hissed. Everyone around you was silent or talking in hushed voice. Yeri was on her feet, staring at him.
“Let her go, Xiaojun,” Yeri said. Xiaojun, as you now knew him as, kept his hand on your arm, holding it tight.
“What’s your name?” He said.
“Yn,” you said, quietly. Xiaojun smiled at you, but it was more smug than friendly.
“Well you better watch yourself, Yn,” He said. Suddenly a different hand wrapped around your other arm and tugged you back. You looked up to see Mark standing next to you, gently holding your elbow. His grip was comforting and not at all like Xiaojun’s.
“Leave her alone, Jun,” Mark said. You looked at Xiaojun who cracked his jaw and squinted his eyes at Mark. He stepped forward, toe to toe with Mark.
“Don’t try to be a hero, Lee,” Xiaojun growled. He pushed past Mark, bumping Mark’s shoulder. After another moment of whispers, the people watching went back to their usual conversation.
“Hey, you ok?” Mark asked. You looked back at Xiaojun’s retreating form, two other boys having joined him. You then turned your attention back to Mark, his eyes soft.
“Yea, yea,” you said waving your hand around. “Wouldn’t be high school without the ass holes, right?”
“You got that right,” Yeri said from next to you. She had sat down, continuing to eat her lunch.
“Thanks for the save, though,” You said. Mark smiled wide, his round glasses scrunching up of his face.
“Y-yea, of course,” Mark said. “Just keep away from Xiaojun.”
You smiled and nodded one last time. You could see the slightly pink tint on Mark’s cheeks as he quickly turned and went back to his table with his friends.
“Do you know how stupid that was?” Jaemin said when Mark came back to the table.
“I had it under control,” Mark said sitting down. Jaemin rolled his eyes and let out a huff.
“That’s not the point,” Jaemin said. “What would have happened if he punched you? If you punched him back, people would wonder why the nerdiest kid has a good right hook.”
“He wouldn’t make that big of a scene here,” Mark said. “Too many people.”
“Still a dumb ass move,” Jaemin said.
“It was kinda bad ass,” Jeno said. “The look on his face when he saw it was you.”
“Why’d you stand up for her anyway?” Haechan said. “You don’t even know her.”
“Yn’s in my chemistry class,” Mark said, turning around. He watched you talk with Yeri, your hands moving wildly. Mark turned back to his friends, a smile on his face. “She’s nice and doesn’t need Xiaojun messing with her.”
“Oooo, Mark has a crush,” Haechan said, wiggling his eyebrows. Mark rolled his eyes but didn’t object as he looked down at his lunch tray. “He’s not denying it!”
“Would you shut up?!” Renjun, who was reading, snapped from next to Haechan. The boy deflated for all of two seconds before repeatedly poking Renjun’s cheek. That got him a smack on the head with a rather thick calculus textbook.
Mark slid into the gym, five minutes late, for academic decathlon practice. He saw Renjun on the stage helping Mina set up the buzzers and waved at his friend. Mark then looked for Mr. Kim to apologize for being late and found him talking to you.
“Mr. Lee,” Mr. Kim’s voice boomed in the big empty gymnasium. The teacher had noticed Mark out of the corner of his eye, both you and him turning to look at the boy. “Late again?”
“Sorry, Mrs. Jung wouldn’t stop talking,” Mark said scratching the back of his neck once he reached the two of you. Mr. Kim waved him off and went to split up the teams. Mark then turned his attention to you, who never took his eyes off him. “I didn’t know you were jointing?”
“I didn’t know you were here,” you said, laughing slightly. “Well at least I have you. I couldn’t get Yeri to join with me, something about cheer squad.”
“Well, welcome to the team,” Mark said. He inwardly cringed at himself. Really, Lee? That’s the best you could do?
“Thanks, bud,” you said, punching Mark on the shoulder slightly. You giggled a bit and so did Mark, making him feel better.
“Yn, you’ll be on blue,” Mr. Kim called. “And Mark, since you were late, you’re captain of red.”
Mark hated being captain, and Mr. Kim knew this, so this was as good of punishment as any. Mark sighed and trudged behind you, who happily skipped up to the table and sat next to Renjun, who was blue’s captain.
“You’re one of Mark’s friends right?” You asked the boy.
“Renjun,” he said sticking out his hand. You shook it slightly and introduced yourself. He smiled and you after letting go, you returning it. “Ever do this before?”
“Two years at my old school,” you said, proudly.
“Were you guys any good?” Renjun asked. His voice seemed hopeful, eyes pleading.
“State champs my last year,” you said. Renjun smiled wide and put a hand over his heart.
“Thank god,” he said. “Maybe now we’ll actually make it to champs.”
“Alright first question,” Mr. Kim called. Everyone turned to him, buzzers at the ready.
Needless to say, your team absolutely creamed Mark’s.
Mark’s patrol was long and uneventful. Sorry, correction, Spider-Man’s patrol was long and uneventful. No chatter on Jeno’s police scanners, no spidy tingle, nothing. Mark climbed back in his bedroom through his window and slipped off his mask.
He flopped down on his bed and caught his breath for a moment. Swinging through the cold night air of September was not easy on his lungs. He almost fell asleep when the ringing of his phone made him jump off his bed. Mark scrambled to find it, ripping through his bag to pull the device out. He smiled a bit when he saw your name at the top of the screen.
“Hello,” Mark breath out. He held the phone slightly away from his mouth so as to not alert you to his fast breathing, which he failed.
“Hey, it’s Y/n,” you said. “You sound kinda out of breath there, Lee. You good?”
“Yea yea, great,” Mark rushed out. “Just... went for a jog.”
“Didn’t peg you for the athletic type,” you said. “Anyway, I need your help.”
“Everything ok?” Mark asked, slightly panicked at the prospect of you being in trouble. That panic immediately melted when he heard your laugh from the other end of the line.
“Yea, no, everything’s fine,” you said chuckling. “No, what I needed help with is history.”
“History?” Mark asked. As he spoke, he hit the middle of his suit on his chest, the material loosening. He slipped out of the sleeves, switching hands to hold his phone.
“Yea, I noticed at practice today you answered every history question correctly,” you said. “I figured you must be good.”
“My best subject actually,” Mark said, proudly. He heard you giggle as he stepped out of the tight spandex of his suit, leaving him in his boxers.
“Well, I’m shit at history,” you said. “And we have a test next week. Three weeks in and a test already is some bull shit. But I was hoping you could help me study.”
“Yea of course,” Mark said. He had pulled a pair of sweats out of his drawer and was attempting to put them on. He held the phone between his shoulder and ear, trying to get his leg in the hole without falling.
“Great!” You said. “Does tomorrow after school work? I figure since we don’t have practice.”
“Works perfectly,” Mark said, a smile spreading across his face. The city could survive a few hours without Spider-Man, right? “I’ll see you then.”
“Bye,” you said. Mark could here the smile in your voice as you spoke. He took the phone from his ear and looked down at your contact, a dumb smile on his face.
3:30. That was the time that you and Mark agreed to meet after school. It was now 3:57 and he still wasn’t here, leaving you in the library alone. Well, mostly alone.
You could hear shuffling behind some of the bookshelves, unable to see who it was. You continued to scroll through your phone and eat your grapes, praying Mark showed up so that you didn’t have to smack him in front of his friends tomorrow.
You noticed that the shuffling had stopped now. Footsteps started coming closer to you and you thought that Mark finally showed. You put on your best disappointed face, knowing it wouldn’t last long with the kind eyed boy.
However, when you looked up, the person in front of you was not Mark. Very much not Mark.
“Y/n right?” Xiaojun said. He had a small smirk on his lips, his hand stuffed deep in his pockets. His face was sharp and handsome, making you shift in your seat from the look he was giving you.
“Xiaojun,” you said quietly. He nodded slightly and pulled his hands out of his pockets. He placed them on the table and leaned towards you.
“You know,” he started. “Whoever stood you up is a moron. A pretty girl like you doesn’t deserve that.”
“Did you want something?” You sneered. You could see Xiaojun lips twitch down for a second at your tone.
“Hey, Y/n!” A voice said. You looked up to see Mark coming towards you, Xiaojun turning as well. “Sorry I’m-“
Mark stopped when he locked eyes with Xiaojun. Mark’s usually soft and kind eyes, turned sharp and dark upon seeing Xiaojun.
“Leave her alone, Xiaojun,” Mark said, his voice low. You’ve never seen him like this and, honestly, it was kinda hot. Not the time, Y/n.
“Don’t get your panties in a twist, Lee. I was just leaving,” Xiaojun said. He turned back to you and winked before walking towards Mark. When he reached him, Xiaojun put a hand on Mark’s shoulder. He leaned in close to his ear, and whispered so that you couldn’t hear.
“Get in my way again, Lee,” Xiaojun said. “And I’ll squash you... like a bug.”
You saw Mark’s eyes widened at whatever Xiaojun said. Xiaojun patted Mark’s shoulder and walked away, his hands stuffed in his pockets once again.
“What did he say?” You quickly asked when Mark sat across from you.
“N-nothing,” Mark said. He looked up to see a disbelieving look on your face. “Really nothing. Sorry, I’m late, something came up.”
“Whatever, you’re here now,” you said. “Let’s start before it gets too late.”
Mark tried to stay focused during your study session, and he succeeded for the most part. Part of his brain was occupied by the bank robbery he stoped before coming here. Apparently, the city could not survive a few hours without Spider-Man. Another part occupied by what Xiaojun said.
Did he know? How could he know? What now?
“What do you mean Xiaojun knows?” Jaemin asked. Mark was currently on patrol, talking to his friends over the coms.
“He said he’d squash me like a bug,” Mark said, landing on top of a building.
“That is a pretty specific threat,” Jeno commented.
“Well you’re not a bug, you’re an arachnid,” Haechan said, his mouth full of chips.
“What?” Mark breathed out.
“Spiders are arachnids,” Haechan said. Mark could practically hear the others rolling their eyes. A loud smack could be heard followed by an even louder ‘OW!’
“If he knows, what does that mean for me?” Mark asked. The other end was silent for longer than Mark would’ve liked.
“Look if he knows, he won’t tell,” Renjun said. “He’ll just sound crazy cause, no offense, you’re you. Besides, this is too good of blackmail to not dangle over you.”
“I just wanna know how he found out,” Jeno said.
“Who knows,” Jaemin said. “That rich son of a bitch probably has eyes everywhere.”
Mark listened to his friends discuss how Xiaojun found out while he perched on the roof of a apartment complex. He looked out over the city for a moment before putting his head in his hands.
If Xiaojun knew, this didn’t only affect Mark. It effected his four best friends, his aunt, and you. The last thing Mark wanted was for you to get involved with Spider-Man.
With one last sigh, Mark stood and shot a web to swing home.
“Why are you always late?” You asked Mark. He had just walked into the library for your Thursday night study session. He didn’t even get the chance to sit down before you asked your question.
“Literally five minutes,” he said checking his watch. He pulled out the chair across from you and sat down, taking out his textbook.
“Your still late,” you said, opening your own book. “Trying to avoid hanging out with me?”
“No!” Mark exclaimed. He cleared his throat a bit and scratched his neck. “No, it’s, uh, not that at all. I was late today cause the hallway gets crowded and I’m coming from downstairs.”
“Ok, but that doesn’t explain why you were half an hour late the other day,” you said, pointing your pencil at Mark accusingly. “You made me wait and I had to talk to Xiaojun.”
“Yea, I’m still really sorry about that,” Mark said. “Can I make it up to you?”
“How?” You said, intrigued. You placed your chin in your palm and leaned forward a bit. Behind his eyes, you could see the gears in Mark’s head turning.
“Food!” He said. Mark was a bit too loud, as the librarian made a loud shushing noise at him. He whispered out a small sorry before continuing. “How about after we’re done here, we go get something to eat? My treat.”
“Like a date?” You said. You meant it teasingly but it came out like an actual question. Maybe you were hoping this was a date.
“Yea! No!” Mark said quickly. “I mean if you want.”
“I’ll go on a date with you,” you said. A smile spread across Mark’s lips as he giggled a bit. He cleared his throat and opened his history textbook to begin flipping through the pages.
“C-cool,” Mark said quietly.
“Good luck today,” Mark said from next to you. It was now the week of your history test. You and Mark studied all weekend and yesterday, Tuesday.
“Yea, thanks,” you said dryly. You trudged next to Mark who was walking you to your doom. Mark said that you were being over dramatic for calling it that but, were you?
“You’ll do fine,” Mark said. You both stopped a few feet from the door, you giving Mark a look of disbelief. “How about, after practice tonight, we go see that new movie? To get your mind off of things.”
“Alright, but your buying the popcorn,” you said.
“Yes ma’am,” Mark said, giggling. You smiled a bit at his silliness and rolled your eyes. “Now go ace that test!”
You grumbled about how hopeful Mark was as you turned towards the door. You walked over to it and spared Mark one last glance. He shot you a double thumbs up making you roll your eyes again, but nonetheless smile.
Standing outside of a movie theater, alone, in the cold was not pleasant. Mark said 5:30. You were there at 5:30. Still waiting at 5:50. And here you were now, at 6:05, no Mark in sight. You’ve tried texting him multiple times, each one going unanswered.
To Marker, 5:30: I’m here :)
To Marker, 5:35: I don’t see you
To Marker, 5:45: Hello??? Mark???
To Marker, 5:45: it’s been 15 minutes my dude
To Marker, 5:57: are you coming???
To Marker, 6:05: ditching me again are we??
Looking down at your phone, you noticed that he hasn’t even read them. You sighed and turned the device off, looking around the parking lot. It didn’t have many cars as it was Wednesday.
You figured by now the previews were coming to an end. And if you jogged, you could reach the next bus home in time. You texted Mark one last time before heading off.
To Marker, 6:07: never mind, I’m going home
Mark swung back into his room, panting for dear life. He clutched his shoulder feeling that the bone was probably dislocated. He took a deep breath to brace himself before...
The sound of him successfully pushing his shoulder into place gave him a sense of relief. However, the pain didn’t, as he almost yelled out. Mark caught himself, remembering his aunt was right down the hall.
Mark stumbled over to his mirror to inspect the damage done. He took his mask off and looked at the ripped and tattered condition of his suit and himself. His left knee was entirely exposed, revealing a gash spewing blood. Along his right side, was a cut that wasn’t too deep but he would definitely have to stitch that up. His left bicep was also cut a bit.
What was that thing?
Mark had never encountered something like it before. This monster, this alien like thing, looked like the emo version of Spider-Man. Except instead of webs, it spewed this black goo. It called itself Venom, Mark remembered. Mark was snapped back to reality by the dinging of his phone. He turned towards it on the bed and picked it up. At the top, he saw seven texts from you.
“Oh shit,” Mark whispered. He looked at the time at the top of his phone, hoping he wasn’t too late. 6:07. “Shit, shit, shit!”
He unlocked the phone and went to read your texts. Each one was a stab to the heart as he read your confidence melting away. To Mark, ditching you, hurt more than any of his wounds.
To Y/n/n, 6:10: I am so sorry Y/n
To Y/n/n, 6:10: something really important came up
To Y/n/n, 6:11: please I’m really sorry
Mark sighed and continued to stare at the phone, waiting for your reply. After five minutes, he saw the read receipt pop up. But no message followed.
The entire next day at school, you tried your best to avoid Mark. You didn’t talk to him whatsoever and didn’t give him any reactions. Complete silent treatment. Admittedly, this was a bit childish. But you were still pissed that he bailed on you last night. This is what he deserved.
You received your grade for your history test that day. A big red ‘90’ was circled at the top of the paper. Once class ended, you were about to run and tell Mark only to remember you were supposed to be pissed at him.
“Please talk to me,” Mark said. You were now in chemistry, today’s class going unbearably slow. “Please I’m sorry. I know you got my messages.”
“And you got mine,” you said, not even sparing a glance. Mark shut his eyes for a moment, feeling stupid. Ok that one hurt, he thought.
Mark gave up after that and didn’t bother you the rest of class. In fact he left you alone the rest of the day. However, you didn’t miss the kicked puppy looks he gave you in the hall.
At the end of the day, Mark went looking for you as he usually walks you home even on days when you don’t have practice. However, he couldn’t seem to find you.
“Hey Yeri,” Mark called. The girl turned towards him from her locker, a scowl appearing on her face once she saw who called her. “Have you seen Y/n?”
“You’re an ass, you know?” Yeri said turning back to her locker.
“Yes, believe me, I am aware. I am the asshole of the millennia,” Mark said. “Just where is she? I usually walk her home.”
“She left already,” Yeri said. She looked at Mark who’s eyes were blown wide. “What, did you think she’d wanna go home with you?”
Without another word, Mark took off. He raced out of the building and onto the front steps. Then he stopped dead in his tracks.
What am I doing?
If you didn’t want to talk to him, he had to accept that. He would still try, but he shouldn’t go chasing you down. Especially not as Spider-Man. That would raise so many more questions than he was ready for.
Mark decided it was best to just get on with his patrol. Maybe he’d run into Venom again and he’d knock some sense into Mark.
“Stop!” Mark could here the woman’s yells from a mile away. Her voice sounded oddly familiar, making Mark speed up.
When he got to the alley where the yells were coming from, Mark froze. Currently, you were standing there, a knife to your throat, looking terrified.
This is why I walk you home, Y/n.
“Hey!” Mark called into the alley. Both you and the man’s heads snapped towards the sound.
“Spider-Man?” The man asked. Before he could say anything else, Spider-Man shot a web at him and pulled him forward.
Spider-Man then proceeded to punch the guy square in the nose. He effortlessly picked the creep up by the collar of his shirt and brought him over to the dumpster. Spider-Man threw the guy into the green box and closed the lid, dusting off his hands.
Spider-Man turned and looked at you, his body rigid. You didn’t know wether or not to run. Your legs wouldn’t let you however, so you stayed put and continued to stare at Spider-Man.
“Y/n are you ok?” Spider-Man asked coming over to you. You nodded your head as he held you by the upper arms, inspecting for any damage.
“Yea I’m fi- wait,” you said. You placed your hands on top of Spider-Man’s arms and looked him in the eyes. “How do you know me?”
“I-I don’t!” He said. His voice was suddenly deeper than it was two minutes ago.
“You said my name,” you pointed out. Spider-Man stayed silent for a moment, making strangled noises.
“Lucky guess?” He said. As he said the two words, his voice returned back to normal. It sounded oddly familiar.
You slowly lifted a hand and reached for his mask. Spider-Man was faster and he caught your arm in his hand. He moved it away from his face and looked at your shocked expression.
“Not here,” he said quietly. Suddenly, Spider-Man wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you close.
“What are y-“ before you could finish, Spider-Man had shot a web out of the alley, sending you both flying. You let out a scream and clung to Spider-Man for dear life. Even with one arm around you and both of yours around his neck, you still felt safe in Spider-Man’s hold as he swung through the city.
Finally, the rush of wind on your face stopped and you could feel solid ground beneath your feet. You opened your eyes, slowly detaching from Spider-Man, and saw that you were on the roof of a building.
“Alright, who are you, for real?” You said, turning back to Spider-Man.
“Please don’t like, freak out or anything,” He said. You nodded your head, wondering who could possibly be under that mask.
Slowly, he slipped the red mask off of his head and held it in his hands. He ran a hand through his hair as he looked up at you. It was Mark. Your mouth fell open in shock as you took a step forward. Mark stood there, awkwardly bitting his lip, waiting for you to say something.
“Y-you’re Spider-Man?” You said taking another step closer.
“Yea,” Mark said, voice breaking. He cleared his throat, obviously a bit uncomfortable. “It’s why I was late to that fist study session. Also why I bailed on you at the movies. And I’m really sorry that I did.”
“No, I’m sure whatever it was, is way more important than me,” you said, waving him off.
“Nothing’s more important than you, Y/n,” Mark said quickly. His eyes slowly widened as he realized what he just said. Mark sputtered, looking for his words, when he saw you coming closer.
You placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned up. Gently, you kissed his cheek. You pulled back and smiled at the blushing boy.
“Thanks for the save,” you said. Mark nodded as you began to pull away. Quickly, he caught your hands and pulled you closer to him. Mark leaned down and placed his lips on yours. Your eyes fluttered shut as you quickly reciprocated the kiss. After a second though, Mark pulled back.
“S-Sorry,” Make said. “I shouldn’t have just done th-“
You grabbed the sides of his face and puled him back down, reconnecting your lips. Mark’s hands settled on your hips as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He kissed you soft and slow, bringing one hand up to your cheek. You both pulled apart after a minute to breathe. Mark looked into your eyes seriously for a moment before breaking out into a goofy grin.
“Let me take you out,” Mark said. “Right now.”
“Don’t you have superhero things to do?” You asked. Mark giggled and took your hands in his.
“I think I did enough superhero things for today,” he said.
When you walked into school the next day, Friday, you entered hand in hand with Mark. Literally no one was surprised whatsoever. However, that didn’t stop his friends from making fun of you. It probably encouraged them, actually.
“God, finally!” Heachan groaned from next to you. Him, Mark and Jeno were standing at your locker as you got your things. “It took you long enough!”
“What did?” Yeri asked, appearing next to you. She opened her locker and began exchanging her things for classes.
“Mark and Y/n are dating,” Jeno said.
“Wow, shocking,” Yeri deadpanned. You laughed and so did she as you both closed your lockers. You turned towards Mark who wrapped an arm around your shoulder, prompting Haechan to make gagging noises.
“Oh, stop it,” Mark said, slapping his friends shoulder. Everyone laughed as Haechan dramatically mocked being hurt.
After Mark dropped you off at home, he told you to be ready by seven for a date. He swung home, a big grin on his face, excited for tonight.
At exactly seven, Mark arrived at your house and rung the door bell. No one answered. He knocked on the door a few times and still no answer. He went around the side of your house and found the window that was yours. He looked around to make sure no one was looking and shot a web up and climbed through.
When he dropped from your window sill, Mark looked around your room in shock. Books and papers strewn everywhere. There was a broken shelf, its contents dumped to the floor. The one thing missing, was you. Mark stood in the center of your room, stunned. A sudden beep echoing through your room broke Mark from his trance.
Mark whipped around your room wildly looking for your phone. He dropped to the floor and found it under your bed. He pulled out the small device, the screen lighting up showing a text message from an unknown number. He unlocked the device, you having put his thumbprint in a while ago. Mark opened the text and felt his stomach drop.
From Unknown, 7:03: come get me
From Unknown, 7:03: address link
Mark clicked the link and it brought him to directions to a wear house. Without a second thought, Mark changed into Spider-Man and jumped out the window. He swung as fast as he could towards the wear house district at the edge of town near the docks. Mark got there and looked down at the phone, following the directions to the exact wear house.
Finally, he found the right one after five minutes of searching. Mark walked around the building and found a window to crawl through. In his haste, he not so gracefully fell through the open window. When he got up, Mark’s eyes immediately fell on you. You were sat in the middle of the room tied to a chair. Your face was covered by your hair, your head having fallen.
“Y/n!” Mark shouted running over to you. He got a few feet from you when a black figure dropped down in front of him. Mark stumbled back as the figure straightened up and whipped towards him.
Venom’s white eyes bore into Mark and he let out a vicious roar. Venom stalked towards Mark who was beginning to retreat. The monster roared again and chased after Mark. Venom caught up and grabbed Mark’s ankle and pulled him to the ground. Mark let out a yell and his back hit the stone floor. Venom jumped back down to Mark’s level and growled.
Mark shot a web up at the ceiling and swung over to Venom. Mark stuck out his feet and kicked Venom’s face as he swung by. Mark then swung back towards Venom and shot a web at him. Mark pulled Venom up and slammed him into the ceiling. He then yanked Venom back down and slammed him on the ground.
Mark landed gracefully on the ground and noticed Venom stopped moving. He seemed to be getting smaller but Mark didn’t care. He needed to make sure you were ok. He slid down in front of you and held you face in his hands. At the corner of your mouth, a bruise was forming. Another bruise formed at the top of your forehead. Other than that, you looked totally fine.
“Y/n, wake up,” Mark said, as he brushed some of your hair out of your face. He took of his mask and put it on the ground next to him. “Come on, Y/n.”
Slowly, you began to open your eyes and saw Mark come into view. A smile spread across his face as you slowly lifted your head.
“Mark,” you croaked. You fully lifted your head, which was throbbing, and looked around. Mark maneuvered himself to the back of the chair and untied you. He helped you stand up and held your hands. He pulled you into a tight hug, kissing the top of your head.
“Oh my god!” You said pulling back. Mark looked at you confused until you pointed behind him. Mark turned around and looked at the floor where you were pointing. Laying face down on the floor was Xiaojun. Butt naked.
“Oh god,” Mark said. Mark quickly put his hand in front of your eyes. “Uh, just keep your eyes closed for a sec.”
Mark moved his hand from your eyes, and when he saw that your eyes were closed, he looked around the wear house for something to cover Xiaojun. He found a tarp and put it over Xiaojun’s lover half.
“Alright, you’re good,” Mark said to you. You opened your eyes and walked over next to him. Looking down at Xiaojun, he looked so pitiful.
“Why is Xiaojun butt naked on the floor?” You asked Mark.
“Uh, he was Venom,” Mark said.
“You mean that gooy black Spider-Man that’s been trying to kill you?” You asked. Mark nodded at you after a moment. He took his phone out of his pocket and dialed the police. He spoke on the phone for five minutes before coming back to you.
“Are you ok?” Mark said, putting his hands on your waist. He looked you in the eyes, his own full of concern.
“Yea I’m fine, just...” You trailed off. You stood on your tip toes and grabbed Mark’s face. You connected your lips, kissing him softly. After a moment you pulled back, both of you wearing matching smiles. “Just glad that you’re here.”
“I’ll always be here, right by your side,” Mark said. He leaned down and captured your lips again in a much more passionate kiss.
“Oh and by the way,” you said after pulling back.
“Hmm?” Mark hummed, slightly swaying you from side to side, a goofy smirk on his lips.
“Thanks for the save.”
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gr0vndz3ro · 4 years
Prove Your Worth
Ceo!Bakugou x Reader(NSFW)
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Warnings: NSFW, 18+, swearing, slight bondage, slight degradation, dirty talk
Word count: 3,968
A/n: My friend gave me this idea because she really wanted to see a ceo bakugou and this is how I imagined it would happen but also im a hoe for some ceo sooooo. I enjoyed this a little to much so it turned out longer than what I expected that's what she said. Also I have had to rewrite this so many times because my computer is stupid. I’m also going to be taking requests for other characters in the BNHA fandom. This was my first smut so I hope y’all like.
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You stood in front of the two daunting glass doors, a lump growing in your throat as you hold onto the intern paperwork. You’re in your third year and at the Sports Festival you were finally able to make it up to 2nd place. For the first time you had more than 50 offers, a LOT more. You knew that in order to become a successful hero you were going to have to try to get in with a Pro. You were surprised to see an offer from one Pro let alone two. Deku . . . and Ground Zero, shuddering at the thought of the intense Hero. 
You take a step forward and pushed open the door, looking around the lobby and spot the receptions desk and walk over. A lady with short pink hair is typing away at the computer.
 “How can I help you there?” She said without looking up or even pausing her ferocious typing. It had honestly caught you off guard as you were just going to wait for her to finish.
“I’m Y/N L/N, the 3rd year from UA, and I was here because of the offer I got for the internship?” you hand over you hero license and show her your school I.D. She takes both cards and looks at them. You glance down at her name tag as she continues typing in the computer looking up the information, noticing that it says Mina. Wasn’t she in the same class as Deku and Ground Zero, as a matter of fact all of Ground Zero’s old high school friend group work at this agency.
“Alright it looks like in here you have a meeting with the big guy for 1:00. He’s in a meeting right now and he should be out soon... hopefully. If you head to the top floor there is going to be a waiting lounge to your right once you get out.” Mina says, interrupting your thoughts. She gestures to the elevator and flashes a quick smile.
“Thank you so much” you smile back to her and head over to the elevator. Once you enter you notice just how many floors there are. I’d expect nothing less from the Number 2 hero. You click on the top floor and make your way up. Once the elevator hits the top floor you spot the waiting area and make your  way over
. ~time skip~
The meeting Ground Zero was in went over schedule to say the least. It was currently 2:30 and you were still sitting in the lounge. Mina had even come up for her lunch break to keep you company once she found out the meeting was going over. Maybe I’ll just go with De- your thought was cut off by a door down the hall being opened.
 You quickly stood up and fixed your skirt and looked at who exited the room. You soon recognized them as the Pro Heroes Deku and Ground Zero themselves. They start to walk down the hall towards where you am standing, still in conversation. Once they make it to where you was the green haired man notices in there and turns to you and smiles.
“You’re Y/N, from the Sports Festival right? I’m sorry I wasn't able to make our meeting this morning, as you can see now, something had come up. I do hope to reschedule and talk to you about joining my agency for your internship. You’re very talented with that quirk of yours.” Deku says to you. He then turns back to Ground Zero and says, “I really hope you change your mind Kacchan.”
“I thought I told you to stop calling me that you damn nerd.” Ground Zero glares back at the him at the nickname. Maybe it’s an inside joke? Deku chuckles and rubs the back of his neck.
“Oh yeah, sorry about that Bakugou. I do hope to hear from you though.” He turns away from him and back to you “And you too.” and with that he headed to the elevator. While watching him walk away you hadn’t even realized that the angry man that was once in front of you was no longer there. You look around to find him when you hear
“Oi are you coming or what?” come from the direction of where the two heroes had originally came from. You scramble to grab your stuff from next to couch and rush over to where he was holding open the door. As you walk in you mumble a thank you to which he only replies with “Tsk-” and then go to stand in the middle of the office. It was very spacious with all black furniture and state of the art technology. The office was surrounded with ceiling to floor windows that covered the three walls that lead to outside. A door was off to the left that lead to his rap-around balcony that you could sort of see due to the half open blinds.
 “Are you just going to stand there or are you going to take a seat?” Bakugou says while seating behind his desk, grabbing a file that was put off to the side. You take a seat in the chair in front of his desk, placing your bag on the floor next to your feet. Looking up you can see him going through what you believe is to be your academic file. You take the moment to look at who you could possibly be interning with. He was quite handsome... and by handsome I mean fucking hot. His blond hair was slightly messing from what you could assume was from his prior meeting and was starting to fall in front of his deep crimson eyes. He slightly bits his lip focusing on the paperwork in front of him, those same intense eye darting back and forth. Your eyes start to travel down his torso to see that his black button up had the top few buttons undone. Then to his arms seeing that the fabric on his sleeve is tightly accentuating the muscles trapped inside of them. Hell the whole shirt was tight on him and you can’ t tell if it was because the shirt was a size to small or he was just that built. His hands start flipping through the file and you catch him lick his finger to help turn the page. You shouldn’t find someone flipping a paper this attractive but seeing the way his long fingers curl around the page sends a chill down your spine. You start thinking about the things those hands could probably do, and you press your legs together so that you can try to ignore the warm feeling that was starting to build. I have to be professional! Behind him you could see a discarded tie and a suit jacket that was probably on him at some point of the day. I wonder how intense his last meeting had to be in order for him to start stripping. What would have happened if it had continued? You’re interrupted by your thoughts once again by him speaking.
“So it looks like here that your first year in the Sports Festival you only had made it into the calvary battle, your second year you had only made it passed the first round in the battle tournament and then this year you finally managed to place 2nd. While I will say you’ve improved a lot, how do I know that what you did this year at the Festival wasn’t just a fluke and that you are actually talented enough to be one of my sidekicks?” He places the file down on the table looking up at you with one brow quirked. You pause in shock but shake out of it, not to sure why you were shocked though, he’s the 2nd best hero so of course he’d only accept the best in as his sidekick. You looked down at your lap but quickly brought it up when you heard him clear his throat.
“Well I-I think t-that it shows just how m-much I have improved over my time at UA and h-how much I more I could improve at your a-agency.” you stutter under his intense stare. Get it together! I press my hands together and hold the edge of your skirt trying to calm yourself.
“Yet I’m not the only company you’re interested in interning with am I?” He questions you while standing up from his desk. As he walked around to front of his desk he continued talking, “Your first choice was with that damn nerd. So tell me, why should I take you in if your showing such interest in him?” He sits in front of you on the edge of his desk. You took a deep breath in so that you could get your next sentence out with some form of confidence, even if you had to fake it.
“I actually was originally only interested in trying to get and internship here, as I think that I would be able to develop my quirk and fighting skills better here. But it wouldn’t have been smart to keep my options so limited so I made sure to check out his agency as well, seeing as he’s the Number One-” you quickly got interrupted by a loud slam causing you to let out a squeal.
“Don’t- Fucking- Say- It. It’s bad enough I gotta hear it all over the news and from the idiot himself. I’m not going to be hearing it again and that gonna be your only warning.” Crimson eyes glare into you. You swallow the lump in you throat and squeeze your thighs harder together, suddenly getting very warm. He takes in a deep breath as to calm himself down. He pauses before going to ask his next question. 
“Can you explain your quirk a little bit” he looks back, running his hand through his hair, waiting for you response.
“Oh yeah. My quirk is called Atmokinesis. I’m able to control weather but after some intense training I’m starting to be able to work on the individual elements that go into each type of weather. So far I’m really good with lightning, water and air but I think I struggle most with the raw power behind fire, which is why I thought it’d be really good for me to intern here seeing how good you are with controlling your explosion quirk.” you explain to him and you see him start to smirk at the indirect complement.
“Well you fucking got that right.” he scoffed “What made you want to become a hero?” he asked. It sounding like these where prewritten questions used on everyone who sat in this chair. You laugh a little and respond
“I feel like my reason is the same as most. When I was little I was obsessed with All Might and I always told my parents that I was going to be just like him. They pushed me toward that dream and helped me along the way. Although I will say when All Might had to retire I think is when I made up my mind for sure. I knew that the world was going to need more heroes out there to replace the symbol of peace.” I smile a little thinking back to the fond memories of my childhood. and continue “but then again I guess he’s sorta been replaced huh? Seeing as how Deku has such a similar power to the great hero-”
“I thought I fucking warned you about talking about him” your eyes snap to his crimson ones as you realized what you had said. The anger on his face prevalent from hearing about the status of his rival.
“I-I’m so sorry I-I didn’t mean to I swear I had just forgot about-” 
“Shut up” His voice cuts you off. You look down at my lap hoping to avoid his gaze. I just blew this interview. He leans up from his desk and walks over to your chair.
“Stand up, I’m going to show you something” his voice much deeper than It was just moments before making your knees week. You look up at him in confusion but realize he was probably kicking you out. You stand up, your head hung low as you go to reach for your bag when you’re stopped by his hand grabbing your wrist. You go to look up but when you do he starts leading you toward the door. As you go to start apologizing again he stops you both at a display case that was next to his door. 
“What do you see” He lets go of your wrist and takes a step behind me so that I can get a proper look at the case. 
You look and see a key to the city that is given to each of the top 10 heroes, A few trophies for various achievements and a lot of medals from his time at UA. On the wall next to the case you could see various newspaper clippings from major accomplishments he achieved. Top ten most successful 20 year old's, his first appearance in the newspaper, his first solo debut, and many more including some of his most difficult wins.
“What you see there is the work of a real hero not some god damn wanna be you got that?” you jump as you feel his hot breath against your ear, you shiver as chills cover your arms. You turn around to face him and start backing up when you notice how close we are.
“I’m really sorry sir, I really didn’t mean to bring Deku back up, I had just gotten carried away and I-” you look back when your back hits the wall next to the display case. But your head quickly whips back around when you feel heat in front of you. You let out a gasp as his hands slam on the wall on either side of your head. His head dipping into the crook of your neck.
“You better listen to me now. The only name that’s going to be coming out of those pretty little lips of yours is mine... you got that princess?” your eyes widen when you hear his request. His lips trail along your neck the warm sensation making you whimper. He continues moving around as if looking for something.
“I don't understa-” a moan slips out as he kisses a certain spot on your neck. You feel him smirk against your neck as he found what he wanted. His hands move front the wall, one finding there way to you hip, the other to the door right next to you and you hear it click. He locked it. He moved back up to you ear and growled
“Don’t think I didn’t see you earlier, checking me out and squeezing your thighs, this is probably exactly what you were thinking of, isn’t that right. I want you to tell me what it was that was going through that dirty little mind of yours.” your body shakes and you’re left there speechless, but you try to pull yourself together.
“I was thinking about your h-hands and how your long fingers curve a-and the things you could do with them.” you stutter as you feel his hands travel further down and start to hike up your skirt as you tell his about your lewd thoughts, his hands assaulting your thighs, sliding his rough hands up them toward your now throbbing core. You let out a moan when his thumb rubs against your clothed clit, damp with your own slick.
“Look at you, soaking wet just thinking about me. dirty little slut. I haven't even done anything to you yet you’re all ready for me.” He pushes aside your underwear and runs his finger up your core, gathering it all on his finger. “so fucking wet” he groans against your neck more to himself.
He digs his finger knuckle deep into you causing you to gasp but it’s quickly cut off by his mouth meeting yours. His tongue entering you mouth to prove to you his dominance. He slowly starts pumping his finger in and out, catching you by surprise when you feel his second finger stretch you out. Every time his finger enters you, you can feel him curl it up too hit your spot. A breathy moan leaves your lips as you feel a knot start to build in your core.
“Fu-uck Bakugou” you let out as you feel the tingling sensation start to take over your body, your hands traveling up to his hair so you could have something to grab onto.
“Call me Katsuki” He smirks at you increasing his speed of his assault on you, knowing how close you are. Just as you felt yourself almost come undone he pulls his fingers out making you let out a whine at the loss of contact. You felt so empty and you knew you needed him to fill you up.
“P-please Katsuki I need you” you mewl moving your head to his jaw, kiss down to his neck stopping right underneath his ear. You pause when you hear him let out a groan. You start to lick and nibble at the spot needing to hear that sound come out of him again. “I want to feel you fill me up”
“Fuck that's it, jump” His hand on the back of your thighs. You do as he says and jump, rapping your legs around his hips, his hard on pressed against you. You shuttered at the size of it, even through his pants you could tell just how big it was. You brought your mouth back to meet his as your tongues battle for dominance, this kiss so much more passionate than before.
He walks the two of you over to his desk placing you down on it. Your hands make their way from his hair to his shirt to undo the rest of the buttons on his shirt. You place your hand on his chest feeling his muscles while his hands move up from you thighs to the edge of your shirt. You comply with his silent demand by taking of your shirt while he undoes the clip on your bra causing the garments to fall to ground. He pulls you off the desk.
“Turn around for me” You look him in the eyes, confusion all over your face. “Did I fuckin stutter? Now be a good girl and do as your told.” you immediately turn around, feeling his hands go to the zipper of your skirt pulling down, taking his time to squeeze your ass as he passes it. His hands suddenly leave your body as he whispers in your ear “There you go, close your eyes and don't move okay babygirl.” 
You hear his foot steps leave you and you hear rustling from somewhere in his office. It goes quiet and you were about to open your eyes when a pair of hands grab your wrists and pull them behind your back. You open your eyes as you feel a soft fabric get tied around them. You turn around to see Katsuki wrapping his discarded tie that you saw earlier. Him biting his lip focusing on knotting it tight. You feel him put his hand on your back and push you against his desk. Pressed against your back his breath hits your ear.
“I want to hear you beg for me, I’m going to have you screaming for me to stop. When I’m finished with you, you’re not even going to remember that damn nerd’s name, I can promise you that.”
He roughly pulls down your underwear and goes to remove his own pants and boxers. You hear ruffling of plastic and look back to watch him slide on a condom, slick running down your legs as you get a view for how massive he was. He aligns his tip with your entrance rubbing it up your folds gathering your juice.
“So wet, just for me”  he groans as he pushes himself inside of you. You let out a loud moan as he fills you up, your eyes tearing up as he stretching you out. “F-fuck you’re so tight Y/N”
“P-please Kat-suki move, I-I need more” That aching feeling returning to your core. 
“Ask and you shall receive” He pulls out of you and then slams back into you, only slowly moving at first before picking up his speed. His hips hitting your ass as he fill you out, every thrust making your knees week. All you wanted to do was run his hands through his hair, run them down his back, hold his arms, touch every inch of him, but his tie restricted you adding to your neediness. You whimper as his hand comes down on your ass, a warm sting traveling across your cheek.
“I-I’m getting cl-close, can I please t-touch you?” Barely able to form your sentence due to the pure pleasure overwhelming your body.
“I don’t know if a dirty slut like you deserves it” He lets out an almost animalist growl.
“I promise I’ll behave j-just P-PLEASE” the last part of your sentence coming out louder from him slamming into you hard and stopping.
“Well when you say it like that..” His hand moves to your wrists untying them while still giving you shallow thrusts. You aren’t even able to wrap your head around how he’s still able to keep up such a pace. You’re taken out of your trusts when he flips you over so you can now see his flushed face, hair sticking to his forehead as he stares into your eyes. You are quick to throw your hands into his hair and connect your lips. Tongues fighting for dominance as you pull on his hair at the nape of his neck making him let out a deep moan. He presses you back down against his desk and slams himself back into you. Now it was your turn to let out a moan. You wrap your legs around his waist, allowing his to get deeper in you.
“F-FUCK” He slams into your G-spot hard and you know that at this rate you wont last long. And by the way you clench around him, Katsuki knew that too.
“Oh you like it like that? Fuck- filling you up like this? You take me so well princess, it’s like your pussy is made just for me” He’s kissing your neck desperately wanting to hear you scream out his name.
“Ooh Katsuki I’m-” the intense heat building up in your core becoming almost to much.
“Cum for me baby girl” he purrs into your ear, his hot breath fanning over your sensitive neck. Hearing his deep voice say that sent you over board, Lightning shooting up from your toes to your core, spreading out from there. A loud moan leaves your mouth as euphoria rushes over your body. His trusts start to get sloppy watching you fall apart beneath him.
“F-fuck Y/N” He groans out your name as he comes undone as well, his seed spilling out into the condom, feeling the warmth through the thin plastic.
He pulls out of you as you both attempt to catch your breath. He leans down to you mouth giving you a kiss, much different from earlier sending butterflies to your stomach as you feel the passion in this kiss instead of just lust. He breaks the kiss to remove the piece of plastic and put on his clothes and you do the same. You start fixing your hair as you stand infront of where his desk is flustered by what just happened. You look up, your eyes meeting his crimson ones as he smiles at you. You return a shy smile back at him before looking toward the floor. He walks over to you and lifts your chin up with his finger. A smirk on his face as he says
“Your internship starts on Monday. Don’t be late.”
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darker-soft-starker · 4 years
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Starker High School AU Pt. 6 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
tw: general howard stark warning
There is a buzzing by his ear.
At first, Tony doesn’t really notice it, waking up in short increments before being pulled back under. But he keeps waking, unsure what keeps tugging him out of his dreams, hand flapping around his face as he tries to stop the incessant ringing.
“Blergh,” he mumbles into his pillow.
Batting his hand around to quell the source of annoyance, he comes to grip his phone, squinting as it lights up inches away from his face and vibrates against his palm. For a second he thinks it’s his alarm, but then he remembers that he didn’t set one. It’s a succession of text notifications cascading down his screen that alerts him out of the slope of slumber with a start.
The only time his phone goes off like this is an emergency. The first thing he registers is that it’s only eight-minutes after seven. He blinks, sight clearing from the sleep wedged in his eye as he reads the flurry of still-incoming texts.
> so thanks for last night > yknow > for the ride > i mean > you know what i mean > anyway > so that folder i gave you had my BIO notes, not econ > im such a doofus > i need them back > don’t bother looking at them lol > can we meet up?
Tony groans, eyelids heavy as anvils. Jesus christ. He didn’t get home until four after dropping this guy off and he’s already up and bothering him? What gives?
Exhausted and annoyed, he tucks his phone under his pillow and sets it on do-not-disturb for extra measure. There ain’t no way he’s getting up at seven on a Saturday for fucking class notes. Prick.
In his opinion, he’s filled his quote of good deeds for the month and he doesn’t need to be up for another few hours. Whatever it is, he thinks, snuggling into his pillow, he’s sure it can wait.
The next time he wakes it’s just after nine. There’s a gap in his curtains allowing a sharp shard of sunlight into the room where it directly pierces into his eyelids. 
He groans tiredly into the drool patch on his pillow, willing sleep to come back to him, turning on his other side, gripping the edges of the quilt and tightening it around himself until he is firmly cocooned within it. It’s nice and warm, and sleep is such a rare commodity to him so it’s novel to bask in its dregs. But there isn’t any more sleep to come he’s quick to realize, giving up after a few minutes and blinking up at the ceiling. 
Nine is practically six. It’s criminal to be up this early.
There’s an unusual flurry of texts on his phone, some from Rhodey, but most of them are from Parker, an endless ladder of increasing franticness. 
Tony tosses his phone to the end of his bed carelessly. 
It’s been literally less than twelve hours since he’s had to deal with the shithead. Surely whatever was lodged up his ass couldn’t possibly be as important as Tony ignoring him. 
Swinging his legs off the bed, he stands and stretches his arms up high, fingers curling. The stretch feels good and he takes a quick sniff of his armpits to gauge if he can forego a shower for the third day in a row. 
The stench is wicked. It’s possible that he’s overdue.
He strips off as he heads towards the adjacent bathroom, naked and nursing a semi.
He can’t help but shudder as his back meets the cold tiles, the intuitive shower head following his body with a mechanical whir, miscalculating its aim and spraying him in the face.
Ah. That will need to be recalibrated, he notes. 
But, he can’t say he really minds, tolerating the spray, even as it hits his mouth like a fire hose. He ducks his head to wet his hair, reaching blindly for the touchpad to dial down the pressure. Once the water is to his liking he reaches down to take himself in hand, leisurely stroking himself.
It’s just a perfunctory part of his morning ritual; he doesn’t really have anyone in mind as he brings himself to full hardness, just the fleeting memory of lips around his cock, the next of a well rounded ass, not feeling particularly creative. 
Okay, so maybe he pictures some big, brown eyes and dark hair he can run his fingers through. And maybe he goes off like a rocket. That’s his business.
Anyway, once he’s out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist, he inspects his appearance in the mirror. The bruises on his face are still pretty gruesome, deep purple and beginning to yellow around the edges. The cut on his lip seems to be well and truly scabby.
Turning to the side, Tony takes observation of his overall torso region; his stomach is not as defined as he’d like it to be - probably due to his affinity for carbs and sweets, if he’s honest. Between a few fingers he can pinch the skin and pull it a little -- and look, he’s a bit soft around the middle, but he lifts, alright. Maybe he isn’t exactly steel cut like the dudebros on the football team who have made being ripped their life mission, but he has musculature under the adipose.
Is he a little self-conscious about it? Sure. Is he worried about it enough to give up garlic bread and cronuts? No. Especially when he spots a new chest hair nestled comfortably between his pecs.
Probably a bit too proud of himself because of a singular piece of hair, Tony gets dressed in a pair of jeans that have seen better days, speckled with singe marks and thinning at the knees and a singlet, slinging on his leather jacket for the finishing touch. 
He almost forgets the bot.
“Look at you,” he says, to the mangled mess of metal on his desk. Scooping the injured, beeping bot Tony stuffs it into his backpack. “Come here, darling. Shh, you’re okay.”
Peering both ways out of the hall to ensure the coast is clear, he quickly descends the stairs, shushing the bot the whole way.
On the ground floor, he pauses when he hears voices coming from his father’s office. It takes a second to recognise the voices, his father and Stane arguing over one another, loudly, then softly. He tries to listen in, catching somewhat audible hisses about the company finance officer.
Careful to avoid the floorboards that squeak he tiptoes to the kitchen to pocket a few muesli bars and a water bottle from the fridge. 
The voices get progressively louder as he sneaks to the front door, silently saluting their maid as he passes. She waves back at him, offering a sympathetic smile as he goes out the door. 
His heart pounds as he reaches his car, parked around the corner street. 
“Alright, baby,” he grins, revving the engine. “Let’s go.”
“The fuck?”
It’s hard to be sure, but perhaps Rhodey doesn’t expect Tony’s unannounced arrival at his front door. Not if the furious scowl and bunny slippers on his feet are anything to go by.
Nonetheless, he slips past the front door, welcoming himself into his friends home, despite the exasperated outcry of for fucks sake Tony, it’s Saturday and it’s not even noon, can’t you call ahead? 
No, he can’t call. Well, actually, he reconsiders, heading down the hall to the basement, his friends footsteps echoing behind him, he probably could, but it wouldn’t make anyone less mad at him, so what’s the point?
Besides, judging by the empty driveway and barren living room, Rhodey’s family is already out, he’s not sure what the issue is.
“The issue is I am tired, man,” his friend complains, following him down the stairs. “What are you doing here?”
“Me too, honeybear, freakin’ exhausted,” Tony mutters, skipping down the stairs. “Go back to bed. I’ll be out of your hair in a minute.”
“Oh sure, and let you solder your fingers together again. Nah. Not taking the fall for that.”
“I’m not going to solder my fingers together. I’m a pro.”
“Unless you need me to remind you of last summer,” Rhodey takes a seat at the workbench, “I suggest you shut up.”
“You’re rude, you know that?” Tony asks, retrieving the bot from his backpack and setting it upon the bench. “I’ll have you know that I’ve learned since then.”
“And yet you still refuse to wear gloves,” his friend sighs, settling heavily upon the adjacent chair. There’s a comfortable quiet between them while Tony works, carefully settling all the pieces onto the table, moving each with care.
It’s hard to miss the weight of observation on the back of his neck, but he lets his friend drink his fill before he’s ready to speak.
“You fuck up something?” He points to the bot.
Tony shakes his head, pressing the solder into the circuit board. “No. Well, yes. The coding is perfect, as usual, but this idiot isn’t any smarter than a Roomba. He’s meant to be smarter.”
“He is smarter. I dunno, sometimes he messes up,” Tony mumbles, reaching blindly for the bent-nose pliers before Rhodey places it in his hand. “He’s not bad, just dumb. It’s not his fault.”
“And again, what happened? Did you run him over?”
“No, the old man got sick of me playing with ‘toys’. Dumb-dumb here met the wall in a very dramatic fashion. It was an Oscar-worthy performance.”
There’s a sigh from behind him.
“Does that explain your face?”
Tony glances behind him and smirks. 
“You mean my dashing good looks?”
“Honestly? I got into a fight with a feral racoon that ran off with some old lady’s purse. It nearly cost me an eye, but I saved the day. She called me a hero, gave me some stale crackers from her purse and then gave me her number.”
“Fine. I was skateboarding. I was in the middle of executing a super complicated kickflip but lost control when an enlarged gutter rat scurried in front of me. I flew headfirst into the gravel. Very embarrassing. That work?”
“Look, just leave it will ya? God, you’re like a nagging wife. Pick whichever story makes you feel all nice and fuzzy inside.”
Rhodey is suddenly before him, waving something in his face. “Your phone, jackass. Your better half is calling?”
Tony blinks, gently setting down the pliers and the chip he’d removed, taking his phone. It vibrates, Your Better Half flashing across the screen. 
“Parker, ugh.” 
He really should have changed the contact name by now, he thinks, swiping to answer.
“Alcoholics Anonymous,” Tony answers by way of greeting. “How may I direct your call?”
“Ha ha, very funny, asshole. So you are awake. I’ve been trying to contact you all morning.”
“I know. I’m beginning to think you actually might have separation issues,” Tony says. “I just got rid of you like eight hours ago.”
“I’m calling about the folder. Didn’t you read my texts?“
“Oh, I read them,” Tony settles back on the stool and continues to work on the main circuit. “See, I was just ignoring you. Hoping you’d take the hint, but I forget subtlety is lost on you.”
“Look, I need my notes. Can we meet up?”
“Right, for Bio,” Tony rolls his eyes. “Can’t it wait until Monday?”
“No. I, uh -- I have a test first period. I need to study for it.”
“Uh-huh. Just remember, the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. You’ll be fine.”
“I take AP Bio, asswipe, I’m aware of that. Can I just get it back, please?”
“You take AP Bio? Was that an admin error or something?” he asks, holding the chip he’d retrieved earlier up to the light to inspect for any damage. 
It looks to be ok. The damage to the bot overall seems to be mostly cosmetic, couple of scratches, a few dents. Nothing that a few replacement panels wont fix. Whatever he hasn’t already got stored here Rhodey will surely have spare parts, it’ll be fine. God, what would he do if his friend didn’t lovingly tolerate Tony using his space for storage and barging in whenever he lucks. It’s lucky Rhode’s parents are so chill though, unlike his own. He may be a hot-head but he’s practically a saint compared to -
“ - hello? Are you still there? I can hear you breathing.”
Tony blinks. “Right. Your notes. Look, I’m kinda busy. I have a life outside of you and I don’t actually care about your academic integrity, so, you’re gonna have to wait.”
“For how long?”
“I’ll drop them off this evening, like six-ish. Hey, maybe we could do that interview with May if she’ll be around.”
“...I’m not sure that’s the best idea.”
“C’mon, I already told you I’m not actually hot for your aunt. I’ll be professional.”
Rhodey shoots him a bewildered look.
“That’s not what -- look, whatever. Just don’t be late okay. I have a life outside of you too.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard that one before. I’ll try and not get in the way of your weekend plans of crying while you masturbate.”
“I literally hate you.”
“And yet you aren’t denying the crying. Anyway, I have to go now, try to clean yourself up before I get there. See you at six, bubby,” he hangs up, cracking his neck before refocusing on his mangled creation. “Now where were we?”
“What the fuck.”
Tony pauses, pliers in hand. There is a particular expression on Rhodey’s face erring on the side of confused and haunted. 
“Don’t say it like that - it’s like an inside thing. Don’t repeat it to him, alright, he’ll get pissy. And then I’ll get pissy.”
“You know it’s just a project, right? You two aren’t actually married.”
“Thank god. Could you imagine being married to that guy?” Tony shudders. “Scary.”
“Two weeks ago you said he was the bane of your existence. Now you have ‘inside things’ with him? You saw him last night?”
He sighs, shoulders dropping. Yeah, he doesn’t really have a good explanation for any of that. 
The thing about himself, Tony’s found over time and trial, is that he really, really likes to press buttons. He likes to test variables, wants to see what would happen if he did something he wasn’t supposed to, and map out the world as it occurs in motion around him. Curiosity means he likes to test the parameters, to see what can yield, what will bite back.
More often than not that kind of impulsive brand of curiosity has gotten him in some sort of trouble. Turns out not everything and everyone appreciates being tested - and many things like to lash out when pressed.  
Parker, Tony has found, is somebody that doesn’t yield or bite. If Tony was a betting man he’d have placed his money on the boy being more of a yielding type - but what he does is he presses buttons just as much as Tony does, buttons he didn’t even know he had to be pressed. 
And that very much interests Tony.
He just doesn’t know what to do with that information, except to keep pressing.
“I’ll explain later,” Tony promises, mentally crossing his fingers. “In the meantime, can we forget about Parker and focus on my broken baby here?”
Rhodey relents, but Tony knows that look in his eye. He’ll be hearing about it later and at the most inconvenient time. And he’s gonna tell Pepper.
He really should change Peter’s contact name in his phone.
By the time he leaves the Rhodes residence and heads to his next destination, his robot is in somewhat in working order again. It remains fairly immobile though, just until Tony can replace the damaged infrared and touch sensor. It clicks its metal claws sadly towards Tony in the passenger seat as he drives.
It’s a Roy Orbison kind of day, so the music is loud and the guitar is heavy as he makes the drive to Harlem.
And if Tony frees a hand to pat the bot on its’ metal head every so often, that’s his business.
When he reaches the other side of the city he parks in his usual space at a nearby lot and contemplates whether or not he should leave the malfunctioning bot in his car for the sake of being professional. It clicks at his jacket, weakly grasping the material as if on a plea - and damn, Tony knows the thing isn’t actually sentient but what kind of asshole would he be if he left it here for the day.
Heart squeezing with sympathy, Tony delicately places him in the backpack, leaving the zip partially open for ‘air’.
Next, snacks.
While he’s retrieving a pack (or two) of Reeses, he comes across Parker’s folder that he’d stashed there last night. Their conversation from earlier returns to the forefront of his mind.
Look, Parker might not be the knuckle-dragging, monosyllabic dumbass Tony initially suspected that he was, and yeah he was savvy as demonstrated during their trip to the rental market - and yeah, definitely smarter than his social circle would suggest, and is absolutely and a source of constant surprise to Tony - but is he AP Bio - or AP anything material? 
Time to find out.
The first thing that Tony notices is that the notes are definitely not for Bio. They’re for Econ, as initially prescribed. 
The second thing he notices, as he flicks through the papers, skimming over the complicated graphs and annotated research, is that what he’s reading is actually good. 
Well, I’ll be darned, Tony thinks, eyes getting progressively wider as he flicks through the pages. Not bad at all.
Makes him wonder why Parker thought he was missing his Bio notes though.
The answer to that becomes clear when a crumpled envelope falls out of the stack onto Tony’s lap. He picks it up, at first thinking it’s a part of the research, but pauses. It’s open and it’s addressed to May Parker.
“Um,” he says.
It’s from Queens Presbyterian Hospital, which should make him drop it as if it were burning. It doesn’t, though. Either it’s meant to be included in the folder, or it’s not and that’s why Parker has been acting like a crazy-ex all morning.
Hmm. Tony sits there, torn, debating whether or not to look into it, the overdue stamp standing out against the crisp paper like a warning sign. On one hand, he’s running kinda late and, y’know, privacy or whatever -- on the other, his fingers are already itching to know what’s in it.
Mind your own business, he can already hear Rhodey saying, mind your own business, Tony.
Curiosity and a distinct lack of a moral compass wins, as always. Just a quick peek, that should be okay, right? The envelope is already open anyway, so, it’s not like anyone will be able to tell.
God, this is none of my business, he tells himself, even as he’s retrieving the letter from within and starts reading it. 
Tony quickly stashes the letter back into the envelope and back into the folder. Yep, definitely none of his business. 
Yeah, he really shouldn’t have done that. Big fucking yikes on his behalf. And yep, there’s the guilt -- or at least he thinks the stomach churning is guilt, it could be the stale muesli bar he ate on the way.
Nonetheless, it hangs over him like a dark cloud as he picks up his backpack and heads out to the garage across the road. What kind of asshole looks into someone’s mail because they can’t help themselves. This dick, that’s who.
Fixing a grin he doesn’t really feel, he heads to the back office. He knocks on the window, ducking his head into the open door.
“Yo,” he waves to the man sitting behind the desk. “Sorry I’m late.”
“Hey kid,” the man looks up, smiling before his face drops. “Tony, your face. What happened?”
“This? It’s nothing --”
“-- is that why you couldn’t come to work yesterday? Not that I mind,” the man stands up. “Are you okay? Was it --”
“-- Was it nothing to worry about? Absolutely,” Tony holds his hands up in surrender. “Just an unfortunate encounter with a wild, feral squirrel in Central Park. I tell you, they’re deceivingly cute, but they’re pests. Totally out of control.”
“Jarvis,” he interrupts, gesturing to the cars in the garage behind him. “C’mon. Look, let’s get to work, okay? Save the violins for later.”
And by later he means never.
The man sighs, world-weary, looking at him like he knows exactly what he’s thinking. At first he’s certain his boss is going to push the issue, but it must be a day for dodging bullets because he relents.
“Alright, kid. I got a ninety-four Ford sedan back there with your name on it. Busted fan belt, overheated engine. Probably needs a new set of spark plugs while you’re at it.”
With a grateful nod, Tony heads back, locating the vehicle in question. It’s rusted to all hell and probably not worth the cost of repair, but he gets stuck into it anyway, keen for a distraction. He sets his bag and bot down near him while Jarvis blasts Alice Cooper’s Poison.
Tony might not have all the answers to life’s problems, but this is something he knows how to fix.
He probably distracts himself a little too well, because by the time he’s wrapped up with the Ford it’s already five-thirty and he’s a mess of engine oil and coolant.
It’s only when Jarvis squeezes his shoulder and points to the clock on the far wall does he realise that he’s lost his sense of time. How the fuck is he supposed to clean up and get all the way from Harlem to Queens at this time of night?
“Ah, crap,” Tony mutters, setting down his socket-wrench in his toolbox. “I’m late.”
“Late for what? You got a hot date or something?” Jarvis asks, stepping back to give him some room as he rushes to the staff bathroom. 
“What, no,” He calls back, running the faucet and pumping soap over his hands. “I gotta go see about a guy.” He struggles to hear his boss over the running water but he doesn’t have time to stop and figure it out. 
“From school?”
“Yes, and a prime pain in my ass,” Tony mutters, drying his hands on his jeans, walking back into the garage. “Anyway, see you Monday, chief?”
His boss nods, passing Tony his earnings for the week in cash. Tony should have known to dash and run because he starts hearing the proverbial violins when Jarvis clamps a hand on his shoulder, squeezing in a way that is more paternal than Tony is comfortable with. 
“You know you can call me, you have my number. You come up and see me and the missus whenever you want.”
Tony fake snores.
“We have a spare room,” he insists, shrugging sheepishly and stepping back. “It’s yours at any time.”
“I see you enough, okay, don’t push it. I’ll see you Monday,” Tony draws him into a one-armed hug and claps him on the back. “Don’t you worry about me.” 
“Don’t make me worry.”
“No promises,” Tony salutes, slinging his backpack on shoulder and walking backwards out of the garage to the street. “Hug the missus for me.”
Jarvis salutes back. 
With that he sprints across the street when there’s a gap in traffic, bot snapping gently at his hair as he runs.
Sweaty and sore, he is full of energy, a sense of accomplishment coursing through his blood, like an afternoon of work can only provide. He should fire off a text, he thinks, as he starts the ignition and heads out onto the road, yeah. Let Parker know he will be late.
And he does genuinely mean to send a message at the next traffic stop, but then Queen starts playing on the radio and Tony isn’t a fool, okay, he turns that up loud.
Next traffic stop, he promises himself.
“I’m beginning to think you can’t read the time,” Parker opens the door with a scowl. “You said six.”
Wincing in the hallway, Tony looks at his phone. Six-fifty-nine. It’s not totally his fault, okay. There was a pile up along the way and traffic was a nightmare of  ridiculous proportions. He swears he’s gonna be the first person to invent a commercially viable flying car just for the sake of personally avoiding road congestion.
“Yeah, so. Here’s the thing: I had things to do, okay, priorities --”
“You and your priorities, I swear to god --”
“Here,” Tony cuts him off, passing him his folder, letter neatly inside where it isn’t going to obviously slip out. “Your folder, dumbass.”
Peter grips it, holding it to his chest as he stares at Tony for a moment, before passing it to the nearest flat surface, a weathered and small table that holds their keys.
“Okay, thanks,” Peter nods, smiling grimly, looking behind his shoulder. “Appreciate it. You can go now.”
“So where are the Econ notes,” Tony blurts, wincing as he plays dumb. “I mean, if you had something prepared.”
Peter blinks, surprised. “Oh, uh. Um, It can wait until Monday, can’t it?”
“The assignment is due Wednesday.”
“Right. Um, just give me a sec --”
“Is that Tony?”
May appears behind Peter, smiling brightly. Tony waves, rocking back on his feet. 
“Hey, Missus Parker.”
“Hey there, handsome,” she hip-checks her nephew, joining him in the doorway and glancing between the two. “You didn’t mention we were having company tonight, Pete.”
“He’s not handsome and he’s not staying --”
“-- I was just dropping something off,” he looks to Peter. “And excuse you, the lady has spoken and I have to agree. I am handsome. Some might even say that I’m debonair.”
“And some might say that you’re deplorable.”
“Hmm, I think you mean adorable.”
That prompts a smile out of Peter. He crosses his arms over his chest and tilts his chin up, all haughty.
“Tony Stark, you are many things, but adorable isn’t one of them.”
He leans in, pouting playfully. “Oh come on, Parker. I’m a little cute, aren’t I?”
“Not even a little?”
“Uh, let me check,” Peter pauses before smiling sardonically. “Verdicts in - jury says you’re one-hundred-percent despicable. Sorry.”
"I’m sure I could sway the jury.”
“I think you mean you could pay the jury.”
Tony nods, pretending to be serious. “Well, yeah. You know, for consensus.”
Peter licks his lips, shifting closer.
“Consensus is important...”
“...Well, if you two are done,” May says after an extended period of silence, tying her hair back into a ponytail. “We were just about to head out to a Thai place around the corner. Tony, you should join us.”
“Oh, no, that’s okay. I should go --”
The rest of his words are cut off by a truly monstrous growl of his stomach. He winces, scrunching up his nose sheepishly. He probably should have eaten more than Reeses all afternoon.
“Well, I guess that settles that,” May says, stepping out of the doorway and beckoning Tony in. “Come in. Sorry about the mess.” 
It’s with Peter still staring at him that he reluctantly enters their apartment, brushing past the other boy. It looks the same as it did the other week, mostly tidy and smelling like incense. There’s a sizeable stack of unfolded laundry on the dining table, however, that wasn’t there before. 
Tony’s distracted by a pair of dancing-bulbasaur boxers sticking out of the pile when May leans in close to sniff at his hair. 
“You’ve got something in your hair, honey. Is that paint?”
He runs his fingers through his hair, palm coming back streaked with green. “Oh, uh, radiator fluid,” he explains, holding up his hand. 
“Can I ask what you did to your face?”
“I saved a homeless guy and his beef-sandwich from a pack of rabid, angry dogs. No need to call me a hero.”
May looks at him oddly. “Oh, well, if you say so. Go get yourself washed up and we can head out.”
The burn of Peter’s stare follows him all the way to their bathroom.
The meal is less awkward than Tony thought it would be.
Well, for him at least.
Over larb and khao pad they’d gotten through an informal interview with May about her experience as a caregiver with a single income. Not only was it informative for his own future financial independence, but she has been generous enough to speckle in colorful anecdotes of her nephew’s upbringing. Parker’s face has been getting progressively redder all night and it has nothing to do with the spice in his food.
Tony has enjoyed the evening thoroughly.
“ - and of course, we were lucky we hadn’t decided to go cheap on the health insurance. Especially when Pete here broke his wrist at gymnastics when he was eight.”
Tony barely holds back a snort. 
“You did gymnastics, Parker?”
Peter tips his head back to stare at the ceiling and sighs. The flush seems to be creeping down his neck too, Tony observes gleefully. He stuffs a large mouthful of rice in his mouth to mitigate the urge to tease. 
"Yes, he was very good, weren’t you, Pete? So talented, you should see his medals.”
“Stop, please.”
“C’mon, no need to be embarrassed, Pete, you were amazing,” she says. “You’re still a flexible little bug, aren’t you?”
Tony chokes on his rice.
Peter has his eyes squeezed shut and looks like he wants the earth to swallow him whole. 
“May, I’m literally begging you.”
“Uh,” he beats at his chest with his fist, swallowing roughly. “So how long did you do that for?”
“Until I was fourteen.”
“Why’d you quit?”
There’s a very deliberate, weighted pause. May and Peter share a look between them and Tony gets a deeply uncomfortable sense that he’s just stuck his foot in it. Retract, he thinks, already regretting opening his mouth.
“Well,” May clears her throat, her tone light. “After my husband, Pete’s uncle Ben died, we moved away and we had to make some... financial cuts at the time.”
The bite he’s just taken goes to ash in his mouth. God, he really is a big idiot isn’t he. He’d assumed that May never got married to the man in the photos or that they’d just divorced, he didn’t realise that he’d passed - and so recently, too. Welling up with shame, he can’t stop himself from glancing at Peter, who’s staring at the table, lips pursed.
“Oh,” he clears his throat. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to - I didn’t know. Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” May waves her hand dismissively, but her smile is strained. “Anyway, what about you, Tony? You’re severely asthmatic, right? That must have been hard, growing up if you wanted to play sports.”
Tony’s eyes widen.
“Yes, um, so hard. Luckily I’m not really an exercise-y kinda guy. I personally prefer to keep a heart rate below eighty beats per minute.”
“Did you have any hobbies growing up?”
“Yeah, driving my parents crazy,” Tony says, glad for the shift from the somber topic. “Escaping from nannies, seeing how quickly I could get them to quit.”
“You like tinkering,” Peter says quietly, looking up. “You mentioned, before. Cars and stuff.”
He shrugs, starting to feel as if he’s under the microscope, especially when Peter looks at him, eyes glittering with thinly-veiled interest. 
“I mean, I don’t know. I like - building stuff, I guess. Machines and robots, y’know, cars. It’s like, whatever.”
“You want to be the next Elon Musk or somethin’?” Peter asks, not unkindly, resting his chin on his hand.
“Nah, I wanna be the first Tony Stark,” he scratches his cheek, suddenly bashful. It’s an uncommon feeling for him. One hard to avoid, however, particularly when there is a boy who Tony doesn’t really hate who’s asking about his life like it might matter. 
He clears his throat. “Anyway, mostly it was just me cataloguing all the ways I could make the vein in my fathers’ head pop. I’m still working on that.”
May looks between them, smiling.
“Sounds like you were a handful.”
“Sure was.”
Still is, apparently, no matter how much he tries to stay out of the way.
The silence that follows is punctuated by the sounds of cutlery scraping across plates, of shrinking ice cubes rattling against glass. It feels pensive at the same time as it does thorny, like Tony opened the door to let someone in but accidentally let out a few ghouls.
And despite knowing he’d stepped on a landmine with the Parkers, he can’t help but wonder what other pieces of the puzzle he’s missing. Why Peter doesn’t live with his parents. Not that Tony is invested in him or anything.
He just doesn’t like mysteries, that’s all.
May excuses herself after to head to the bathroom not long after. It’s during that time that the waiter brings the check, which Tony takes immediately, slipping in some of the cash he’d gotten earlier, despite Peter’s protests. He was gonna do it anyway, even if he didn’t have the letter in the back of his mind.
“Stop paying for me,” Peter says after he passes the check-book back to the waiter. “Your family is rich, I get it. I’ve told you, I don’t need your charity.”
Tony shakes his head. It’s not worth mentioning that the only money he spends doesn’t come from his family.
“It’s not charity. Do you really think I’m that nice, eh? C’mon. Maybe I like lording it over you.”
“Well, at some point I’m going to pay you back.”
“And when that time comes I’m not going to accept your money.”
“You will,” Peter smiles wryly down at his plate. “I have my ways.”
“As do I, sweetums. Now, do me a favour: shut up and finish your larb.”
Peter does, but something about him shifts. It seems more quiet and contemplative, his eyes staying longer on Tony than they normally would. He wants to tell him to take a picture, but for once, Tony thinks it’s probably best if he keeps his mouth shut.
Back at the apartment, Peter goes to retrieve his ‘Econ notes’, taking the folder from the table and retreating to his bedroom. In the interim, May offers to let Tony stay over, inviting him for what he’s sure would be a rousing game of Mario Kart. 
He politely declines.
“You sure? Winner gets to choose a movie.”
“I should really get home,” he says. “Thanks though. And thanks for dinner.”
“No problem. Thank you for paying, you didn’t have to do that. Let me pay you back.”
“No need. Think of it as payment for your services and letting us pick your brain tonight.”
She reluctantly accepts with a lot less pride than what her nephew displayed and that makes Tony feel a little sick, because it’s evident that she’s a proud and stubborn woman by nature. Her acceptance, albeit laboured, speaks volumes as to the reasoning behind it.
What takes him by surprise is when she hugs him goodbye and kisses his cheek.
“You’re a good egg, Anthony. Don’t be a stranger, okay?”
It’s probably the most maternal touch he’s had since, well. Probably since he last went to stay with Jarvis and his wife. Fidgeting in the hold, he’s not sure if he wants to squirm or to sink into it.
May leaves when Peter comes back in, a familiar stack of notes in his hands that he passes to Tony.
“You gonna kiss me goodbye, too?”
“What?” Peter blinks.
"Uh, never mind,” Tony waves the papers at him. “Thanks for this.”
Peter looks around to make sure they’re alone before leaning in rather promptly. 
“Wow, hold up on the proximity there,” Tony inches back, startled by their sudden closeness. “I was joking about the kiss --”
“You read the letter, didn’t you,” Peter whisper-hisses.
“What? Letter? What letter?” Tony says, voice strangled. “I don’t know of any letter.”
He gets a painful poke in his chest for his lies.
“Don’t play dumb. It wasn’t where I left it.”
“I’m not -- ow, quit poking me.”
“Then stop lying. You’re unbelievable -- don’t you know that opening someone else’s mail is a crime?”
Tony’s shoulders slump as he concedes.
“Look, it was an accident, it just slipped out. And also, it’s not technically a crime, if the envelope was already open.”
“Oh and the letter magically opened itself and forced you to read it.” 
“That could be argued.”
“Why couldn’t you mind your own business?“
Sick of being poked, he shoves the papers between his arm and his ribs to hold them and takes Peter’s fingers in his hands, squeezing the digits when they struggle to break free of his hold.
“I should have, I admit it - I didn’t think, okay, I’m sorry. Is she okay?”
Peter stops struggling, looking over his shoulder again.
“I don’t know,” he leans in again to whisper, “I only found it yesterday, I haven’t spoken to her yet. Look, I know you hate me, but can you please not tell anyone about this?”
“Why would I tell anyone?”
“I don’t know, because you’re the devil, and you get a kick out of seeing me suffer?”
“True, but I’m not going to tell anyone. Promise. That would make me look like an asshole and you like a martyr. Ergo, I shut my cake hole and continue looking better than you.”
“You’re a real prince charming,” the other boy huffs, but seems to take him at face value. “If I find out differently I’m going to come after you. You’re going to need dental work afterwards.”
Tony lets go of their joined hands, balling his fists and raising them to his face, mimicking what the other boy had done last night. 
“You wanna tousle, huh?”
He gets a light shove out the doorway for his attitude.
“Alright, smartass. Get the fuck outta here already.”
“Going, going. Goodnight, princess.”
He mock bows, peering up under his eyelashes, momentarily arrested as he watches Parker roll his eyes and bite his bottom lip in an attempt to smother a smile. 
His heart continues to beat a bit oddly all the way down to the car, where he sits in contemplative silence for a few moments until the sound of metal clicking shifts him out of his thoughts.
“Oh, hey you,” he coos, gently retrieving his bot from his bag and placing it in the passenger seat, instantly feeling bad. “I didn’t think I would take so long. I’m sorry.”
Placing a seatbelt over the bot and buckling him in, Tony begins to narrate his night to him as he pulls off the curb and begins driving.
“I guess that Parker isn’t so bad,” he tells the bot, who swivels its head in response to his voice. “I mean, he can’t dress for shit and has questionable tastes in friends - oh, and cannot hold his liquor - but I dunno, baby-bot. He’s okay. Don’t tell anyone I said that, though -- and oh my god, did I mention he did gymnastics, what a fucking dork...”
The thoughts churn and buoy him until he pulls up to his house nearly an hour later. From the driveway he can see his fathers office light still on.
The sight of it makes his stomach drop, all good cheer gone in an instant. 
“Damn,” Tony whispers to himself, tapping his knuckles against the steering wheel. This time of night on a Saturday can only mean one thing and he is really not in the mood to be in the crosshairs of whatever his father and Stane are up to.
But before he can work himself into a worry his phone vibrates in his pocket.
> hey, look, thanks for not being a total dick tonight about everything > and last night as well, I guess > yknow what i mean < ur welcome < by the way, i’m proud of you  > for what < not finishing off ur aunts beer tonight < takes strength < asking for help is the first step > omfg i take back what i said > ur the worst < and ur a pain in my ass > they have creams for that u know > anyway, g’nite, butthole > p.s. you’re still not adorable Tony smiles down at his phone. < goodnight bambi The bot clicks at him, breaking him out of his train of thought.
“Don’t look at me like that. Let’s go in, but you gotta keep quiet, okay.”
He manages to avoid detection and attention from anyone, despite accidentally stepping on a squeaky floorboard. Maybe it had something to do with the record player and raucous laughter coming from the office.
In any case, Tony’s just happy to make it back to his bedroom. There, he toes off his sneakers and starts getting ready for bed, stashing the leftover cash into a drawer.
It makes him think about Peter’s reluctance for Tony to pay for over the last couple of instances, and how freaking annoying that is. And rude. 
Honestly, the dude should count himself as one of the lucky guys - Tony is not that magnanimous. He doesn’t experience an impulsive, unthinking eagerness to provide for just anybody.
Tony stills in the middle of his bedroom.
Oh no.
He knows what this is.
“This is bad.”
tagging: @bylerboyfriends @ravens-starker-stuff, @starker-rays, @ironspiderstarker, @muse-of-gods, @notfor-temporaryuse, @tabbycat1220, @sugarfreecult, @rebel13lion39, @plueschpop, @spideravocados, @jellybbunny,  @booktrashme, @elfkido, @mycatislickingmybedsheets, @queerghostboyo, @disneyprincessdominatrix, @cherrygoldlove @starkerflowers @starkeristheendgame @thewolffearsher @starkersugar , @starkerforlife6969, @css1992, @parkerrbitch, @fuckmemrstark, @blankblankityblank, @ilovemoreid, @blaquedecember, @killmylonelysoul, @notfor-temporaryuse, @arvaen
276 notes · View notes
kristalpepsi · 4 years
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Temptation Stairway Thoughts™ + Theory Discussion
TW: blood + Death mentions, Implied (forced/pushed) integration (systems), racism (against asians), unreality stuff bc the show is Like That, Trauma causd by therapy
TL;DR = I mainly talk about implied integration, n as some1 in a system tht! mkes me uncomfy! I mainly will talk abt wht I’m calling the multi-ena theory (n anothr theory ill call the Multiple/Multi-Enaverse Theory) thts been popping up n disccng how thts kind of the bggst thng keepng me on board! I won’t LIE I might b a little biased bc I rlly do like thise show b I am NOT blind so I will try 2 address som things. I also talk alot abt the Shepard n Phindol bc I love themb so much they make me very heart Big.
Obviously Joel G Highkey/definitely/most probbly did not intend 4 any of thise, but media is very complic8d so u cn end up accidntlly making problmtc things or implyng not great things
I hav a typing quirkkkk so if u cant understand my post I rlly dont blame u! I’m sorry how I type is Incomprehensible™
Not an angry post, more like my brain is holding me host-ge until i talk abt everyth dskfjhd!!
DO NOT Send anyone in thise post hate or angry asks/messages or perish by my sword
OK so this recnt episde has me w vry vry mixd feelngs!!! I’m both happy n exctd! b litrlly 2 things is whts bothrng me. While I CLD jst say :I Am Lookng Away: i rlly do need 2 write it down. Under a Read-more bc im secure SKSJ
Part 0: I’m uncomfortable help
The Section wher i tlk abt n bring up othr ppl’s concerns
So fr most if nt all the frnds I hav who also wtch Ena ALSO has a vry “vr vry mixd feelngs now tht I’ve seen the episde!!” mood twrds Temptation Stairway! It’s 4 a bunch of rsns, like thise post (tw racism) mde by a frnd whch brings up a good point
Part 1: The Actual Intro
Episode 1 = Auction day (AD) Episode 2 = Extinction Party (EP) Episode 3 = Tempation Stairway (TS)
Who is Ena
Ena can b describd as an "abstract girl split in half, w 1 blue side n the other is her yellow side!" Each side (emotion/mood, 2 b specific) seems 2 hav their own voic actor credited along with seper8 credits 4 each mood! So far the canon sides r Ena (happy), Ena (sad), n Ena (drunk)! They seem 2 act accordingly: Happy acts happy n optimistc, Sad acts sad n especlly depressd, n Drunk acts confused n dizzy [In the Credits, it would look like thise: Ena (happy) by Gabe V., Ena (sad) by Lizzie Freeman, (drunk) Ena by Sam Meza
4 Episodes 1-2, thy follow thise pattern exctly! So we cn expect wht 2 see from them, n each voice actor is creditd accordngly as seper8 b all a part of Ena
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On epside 3, Ena is seen as actng diffrnt!! She's suddnly less predictabl! I say thise bc Suddenly, her voic Actors r not stuck 2 Only their sides. Thise is also emphasized when looking at the credit list! No longer is it "Ena (happy) by Gabe V., Ena (sad) by Lizzie Freeman" it's now jst "ENA by Gabe V. and Lizzie Freeman"
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Happy's voic can sound STRESSED n sad, Happy can tlk w Blue's side in mor control n Sad's voic can sound Really happy n optimistic. Somth's Diffrnt n Not The Same
Temptation Stairway Summary
Skipping 2 my point, The summary of the episode Temptation stairway is tht Moony and Ena have a bet 2 race 2 the Great Runas! The Great Runas, can grnt u any wish accordng 2 Moony n som of those Ena passes by on the wy. The wager, is tht "whoever reaches the top of the Great Runas n makes their wish 1st, has 2 pay the debts of the loser" (yes it’s phrased like that) As Ena journeys thru, The DIFFERENCES between Ena Temptation Stairway and Ena Extinction Party n Below, is mor obvious as the epsde progrsses, even 2 wher Happy's voic actor is the 1 screamng in agony 2 jst get murdered already. The Episode ends w Moony beatng Ena (but it's 100% possibl it can be the other way arnd, that ENA Beat Moony, b thats somth I'll discuss in a bit L8r). Moony splits in half, revealing that according 2 her, "she wished 2 be skinny" n a humanoid coms out of her previous form. As 4 Ena, Her blue side slowly dispprs n its not answrd why.
Theories so far, are:
Moony wished 4 Ena 2 b happy (or 4 her sad/blu side 2 go awy. 4 wht reason can b eithr wholsom or 2 Moony's advntge [like so she "doesnt have 2 deal w Sad Ena"]) - b if Moony wished 4 Ena 2 b happy/b rid of her sad side, tht wld mean perhaps she lied about wishing 2 be skinny (her new humanoid form may be how she is "paying her debt 2 the loser"). Unless the Runas can grant u more than 1 wish.
Ena ws the 1 who wished her blu side awy, whch is a little depressng tbh
If both the above r tru, it may b possibl bc it wsnt clarified (afaik) tht the great runas can only grant ONE person a wish (or more). I think we only get tht implica8ion bc we see 1 (open) door while in the distance, ther r more doors tht look like their eyes r closed. We hav 2 remembr Moony said "whoever makes their wish 1st whch means Ena n Moony can totlly mke wishes @ the sme time
Somhow, turning pure yellow/only happy is how Moony is payng her debt 2 Ena(??) (opposite 2 the 1st theory)
OR If Ena won the race, it can even b possibl 2 consider tht Ena did not make ANY wish, n her debt 2 pay 2 Moony is her sad/blue side removed (I do not subscribe 2 thise) 
This info that was brought up 2 me is high evidenc that Moony won the race, n it explains how Moony surprises Ena whn Ena arrives. “I’m The Best and you’re the worst! I wonder who got the hair chest?” said by Ena, is a direct reference 2 a phrase usd by kids when they lose that goes “First is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the hairy chest.”
“Whoever reaches the top of the Great Runas n makes their wish 1st, has 2 pay the debts of the loser.“ Might be phrased tht way as a weird way 2 pay 4 ur greed? (Last minute addition from me since some people wld think this is quoted wrong in and outside of the youtube comments)
i'm p sure ther may even b mor theories b i dont rmmbr them OOPS
Part 2: The Implied Integration Part AKA: How the System!Ena theory is affected by this episode
TW: Final fusion discussion, medical trauma (Is that the right word)
Disclaimer: This is 100% unintended by Joel G. That’s y the Alternative title 2 thise part is “How the System!Ena theory is affected by this episode”
2 GET IN2 the whole Implied Integr8ion part of my Essay™ I hav a theory calld system ena or sys!ena! (Check out my #system ena tag. This is in chronologicl order!) While thers no canon explan8ion 4 how Ena herslf is how she is, she mkes very intrstng n almst good accdntl Sys Represent8ion 2 me! They even show cofronting rlly well! I headcanon Ena as a system bc of the accidentl system!rep, but it explains 2 me y n how she switches! she has triggers 4 when she switchs 2 a diffrnt side, etc!
Ther hav been theories about Temptation Stairway in the past (before the episode cme out) wher ppl try 2 explain y the trailer Looks Like Tht. Besides theorizing abt the introduction of a new forme (I'm ok w just calling it Scared/Anxiety 4 now until 4rthr notic), 1 of the theories ive seen is tht Temptation Stairway's new introduced forme is due 2 being something akin 2 being "integr8d" (probably by force, accordin 2 the OP) (in other words, all her sides merge in2 one) n Ena being devast8td abt it
While tht theory is now DEBUNKED, bc the new forme clearly did not come out bc of being One Single Mind now, the "integr8ion" part of tht theory is unfortun8ly a littl tru
What is Integr8ion?
Integr8ion is not inherently a bad thing. In systems, ther are 2 definitions: "the breaking down of barriers 2 form healthy multiplicity, n then healthy communic8ion n less amnesiac barriers" and the othr, n mor FAMOUS definition bc its the oldest 1, is "final fusion"
Fnal Fusion is when all the members "fuse/merge" 2gether until ther is 1 single mind left. While not necssrlly a bad thng, final fusion n ther4 "integr8ion" is a scry thing 4 a lot of systems 2 talk abt, because in the history of Treatment, Final fusion is uslly somthng forcd on2 systems 4 the longest time :^(
Very valid 2 hav final fusion as a goal, b showng it as a desire n end goal is uslly seen as a sad n even scry thing 2 promote accdntly or not in media, bc of the previous traumas in the medicl/therapy world of system treatment etc
What's Worse. is tht if we apply the Ending 2 Temptation Stairway to the System!Ena Theory, thts wht hurts!!!
Scrolling back up 2 the possibl theories of who won the race and wht happened aftr, Either Moony or Ena wishing 4 the blue side/Sad Ena 2 go awy is rlly painful!
B I'll be honest, thts a RLLY biased n personal opinion i hav!! I've seen ppl think its rlly wholsom altho a bit Sad, tht the blue side disappears. I've seen ppl think its rlly sweet esp if it was Moony who mde tht wish
BSCLLY If I were to hold on2 the System!Ena headcanon while watchng the Temptation Stairway episode, its Hurtful, not rlly bc of the implied Integr8ion of Sides, but bc most top theories r that the blue side disappeard on Purpose either from Moony or Ena wishing her away or involvng the debt! It's like asking 4 ur sibling irl 2 Disappear and cease 2 exist. it's scary n rlly sad esp whn the audienc can c tht Sad, Happy, n Drunk cn almst b seen as their own persons n mite even b abl 2 interact w each othr (as seen by the many fanart of Happy n Sad having their own seper8 forms)
  Ok so Now tht ive described my intro n Main Beef w the Episode, here's a theory I cn rlly get behind tht dsnt mke me wnna cry behind a Denny's. Prsnlly it's a rlly relievng theory even if it mite b hard 2 take in
Ther's no name 4 it, som call it the Enaverse, b just so it dsnt get confusd w other definitions (like, u wldnt call it the Marvel Cinematic Universe theory, the MCU is jst wht it is) I'm gnna call it the Multi-Ena theory! Bsclly, there's mor than 1 Ena in thise universe. But I'll get in2 a sub/partner theory tht is also possibl: ther is mor than 1 enaverse n somhow u may or may not b abl 2 travel between them
Part 3: The Multi-Ena theory
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Something interesting I noticed was that the shepherds says “another ENA troublemaker?” Which definitely means more than one ENA/person has been there before.
(I blockd out the rest of the commnt not bc it ws bad, b i wantd 2 focus on this part of the commnt, but thise commnt will come up again L8r)
Not connected 2 System!Ena or the integr8ion issue I mentioned earlier, the multi-ena theory seems 2 b 1 of the top suggstd theories bc of many thngs! Bsclly n in short, thise theory believs tht in the series (or Enaverse), ther is multipl ena's! So fr i havent seen a post tht RLLY went in2 depth on thise so here is my attempt!
(See: above explanation on how the voic actors r credited 4 their roles individlly 2 explain my system!ena theory/intro) In episodes 1-2, Ena's diffrnt emotions/sides r creditd individually! In Temptation Stairway, Gabe n Lizzie Freeman r all creditd undr the sme nme, just as "Ena" (mening thise is a completely different Ena from the past)
Again, as said in my summry 4 Tempt8ion Stairway, thise Ena acts compltly diffrnt n is not follwng the sme "pattern" or rules as Ena did in Episodes 1-2! (Read above in my summary section) Either ther r stuff we've missd between Extinction Party n Temptation Stairway, or thise is a diffrnt Ena entirely.  I'd hav 2 sy prsnlly tht I'm leanng 2wrds the latter bc of how the VA's are crdtd. but if ur not convinced, let me continu:
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When we meet the Shepard in 7:52 of the episode, they say (verbatim) "Arghh... Another ENA trouble maker." which implies there r more than 1 Ena's
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9:08 - 9:19 when Ena jumps in2 the "Holy Code" where we head undrwtr in2 a sea of diffrnt doors, we see floating Ena models (n the comment section seems 2 gravit8 2 callng them "dead bodies") (Honorary mention: You'll notic they glitch in2 Mannequins if u pay attention 2 them). This piec of info is Direct Evidence 2 the multi-ena theory, bc ther r Explicitly mor thn 1 ena's on screen! wht's concernng n unanswrd tho, is y do they glitch in2 mannequins? Does tht mean all the mannequins we sw on screen in the begnng of the video (n onwards) were all previously an Ena? Is it only an Ena tht can transform in2 a mannequin or cn othr chrctrs also become mannequins?
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Not the strongst evidenc b i'll input it anywy: Ena's Action boxes (Like when she receivs or gives items) spell her nme her as ƎNA (with a backwrds E). The thing abt thise 1 is tht we can't compare it with Auction Day n Extinction Part bc they don't have any action boxes. BUT What we CAN compare is how she is spelled in the dialogue boxes of those speakng in diffrnt languages AND in the Credits! In Episodes 1-2, She's Spelled as Ena with this captialis8ion. In Temptation Stairway the dialogue and credits consitntly spell her as ENA in all caps. May or may not allude 2 her being diffrnt, b i will admit this is the most Strechiest piec of evidnc. Tru or not, I'd like 2 refer 2 Tempt8ion Stairway ena as TS!Ena or ƎNA, prsnlly 2 differenti8 her frm the othr episodes
Pronounci8ion: BUT 2 build on the above evidence, In the beginning of the episode, Moony DOES pronounc Ena's name in different wys a lot, startng w I-NA (ai-na), ENA (ehna), n finally JENA. And this isnt new! She’s been doing it sinc Auction Day (ee-nah/ii-na) n Extinction Party (ay-nah). Thise may or my not sggst that perhaps Moony's inconsistancy is bc these othr pronunci8ions or names cld b of other ena's she's met in the past w similr or diffrnt preferences! I’d say because of her constant switchng in the beginning of Temptation Stairway, it would lean 2wards that she may know different Ena’s @ once. Otherwise, c the Multi-Enaverse theory below
Note: Every othr charctr besides Moony (So far; Merci and the Shepard) Pronounces Ena as ehna (or ehna) so it might be that perhaps Eh-na is the universal way of pronouncng Ena?
Conlusions/thghts on this theory: I prsnlly like thise a lot!! It makes Enasonas Very Possible, b also tht any interpret8ion of Ena cn b corrct or possibl! It knda saddens me tho bc im not rlly sure if we'll ever return 2 the Ena we're used 2, I wldnt rlly want 2 b stuck w/o Sad bc I thnk her role is rlly neat n can b importnt, b im biasd. I also rlly subscribe 2 thise theory bc it means whtvr happend 2 TS!Ena ds not hav 2 be permanent in the long run; Again litrlly the only thng keepng me from gettng supr upset abt the ending of Temptation Stairway, is tht the prev ena’s r not the sme n wld possibly not do thise, or tht ther r othr ena’s out ther besides THISE episod 1, who wld nvr do tht, etc
Part 4: The Multiple Enaverses/Multi-Enaverse Theory AKA The Alternative In Defense of Moony Mispronouncing Ena’s name over and over
An alterntve 2 the Multi-Ena theory, is tht there is MORE thn 1 Enaverse! So bsclly, a multiverse theory. Primarily thise my explain Not jst Ena's sudden Shift in how diffrnt she is in thise episode b may also explain how Diffrnt Moony is actng in thise episode 2. While thise isnt the top theory i prsnlly subscribe 2 (sinc ther isnt explicit evidence besides it bein an explan8ion 4 Moony n Ena's weird/diffrnt behavior), it DOES open a lot of doors 2 intrstng things 2 thnk abt!
Bsclly Moony keeps mispronouncing Ena’s name a lot (in Tempation Stairway) n its Really Rude, esp consdrng she’s always said it properly (As in @ least 1nce in an episode n not switchng multiple times) b4! so 2 Explain her Sudden change in behavior, this is actlly a Different Moony, besides a different Ena. this is a whole different universe/timeline!
LIKE If not multiple Ena's, The different Loca8ions in Ena cn probbly b traversible across dimensions! The Holy Code may b the door 2 diffrnt enaverses. The Shepard's garden cld b an interdimensionl place tht is singular n deals w diffrnt beings passing thru! While i dnt hav mch 2 sy on thise, its RLLY Interestng 2 thnk abt
Like the Multi-Ena theory, thise also opens the doors 2 enasonas being vry possibl :^) Som ppl's evidences r all involvng Moony besides how Ena's rlly diffrnt
Moony can skateboard??
Moony's square shape hole can shrink 2 hold an item
while not strong ATM or frm wht i cn see, its still very inch restng!!! Tho I would sy it is VERY on par w the Multi-Ena theory anyway
Part 5: Honorary Mentions: Mini Theories
The Great Runas is actlly a play on the "Run As" Command! I'm not very Smart engh 2 break thise down vry well, b bsclly w all the allusion 2 "codes" n the Blood ID looking like a Chip, The Great Runas being abl 2 grant u wishes makes a lot of sense! This ws brought up 2 me from a friend (@ambercard​)!
like its a command line. so then the great runas being able to grant wishes makes sense if its digital world like all the code stuff says Allows a user to run specific tools and programs with different permissions than the user's current logon provides.
Runas is a command-line tool that is built into Windows Vista. To use runas at the command line, open a command prompt, type runas with the appropriate parameters, and then press ENTER.
In the user interface for Windows Vista, the Run as… command has been changed to Run as administrator. However, you should rarely have to use the Run as administrator command because Windows Vista will automatically prompt you for an administrator password when it is needed.
and my friend who i was talking to said that probably explains what the password was for and the blood id being a login or something?
its possible using the blood id akin to using the run as administrator command since idk their name but one of the people ena met said the blood id didnt seem like her which is like. if she isnt administrator then it would make sense that using that command wouldnt match who she is
My response:
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man do u realiz Ena uslly does not hav the corrct passwrd/admin privileges all the tme? Bc the guardian entity in extinction party askd her 4 1 b i guess it ws so Low Game tht it wsnt supr necsrry in the end
The Enaverse is all a computer code of some sort- most probbaly a game! AKA: This is a digital world
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... If we were too treat this world as a video game this would make more sense since different play through bus and all that. Oh god this feels like a fnaf situation, taking a video that just wants to be a video and turning it into a big serious thing
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Going with the whole ‘there are multiple enas representing the player’ theory, perhaps this ENA realized that she’s in a video game and isn’t taking it too well? But the game is kind of glitching out because of it.
Honorable Mentions: Random Info + Unanswered Questions
Ena seems self-aware of smth! (10:24 Ena screams "YOU'RE ALL LIVING A LIE!") May help the Run as command idea n the video game/digital reality idea! If not a video gme, they sure r Somewhere
What does the Great Runas look like?? is it the door? is ther mor thn 1 Runas?
What is Mariya n Gabo's Job? R they just like the Guardian Entity in Extinction Party but are assignd 2 this part/location of where they are?
In 6:30, wht does Ulysses mean by "Desires r never fulfilled nor quenched"? "You Will fail like the rest of them" Is he referring 2 the other Ena's that's passed by? who else have come n failed?
This Post Also brings up som good points I hvnt noticd yet!
Thise comment pretty much says everythng:
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Standout things from this animation:
-This Ena switches between a male & female voice at seemingly random instead Happy speaking with a male voice and Sad speaking with a Sad voice. The text boxes noticeably refer to this Ena with a reversed E, and The Shepard says "Another Ena troublemaker", implying that there are multiple Enas. We also see some Ena corpses flickering into the mannequin bodies at one point. Third, at the end we see Ena's sad half turn from blue to yellow over the course of Ena & Moony's conversation. My personal theory is that this Ena is possibly 'broken' in some manner. -Moony either doesn't care or dosen't realize that Ena's voices aren't matching the personalities anymore. -The grey personality appears to come out when Ena gets too stressed out. Notably the transformation involves the happy half turning into static and exploding out, erasing Ena's face in the process. It also appears that some physical trauma (in this case, Brick Frog kicking Ena) is necessary to exit the grey personality, unlike the previously seen 'blackout' personalities which can possibly be switched by the other personality exerting themselves (in the auction episode, Ena enters her sad blackout/depressed personality, then switches to Happy!Ena, who apologizes to Moony about her depressed outburst). -Moony's hole is capable of closing to hold things, and she also knows how to skateboard. -Judging by Ena's reaction, Moony's transformation at the end is weird even by this universe's standards.
aaaand thats all 4 now! I really hope thats all my brain can think of skjsdhfsdfkh
Feel free 2 send me asks abt Ena theories n stuff! While this is a Comprehensiv post, it’s definitely mor focused on the Multi-Ena theory n my thghts on the episode whn it comes 2 how it affects the System Ena theory. I’m open 2 questions!!
Last Edit: Feb 19 2021 (GMT +8)
58 notes · View notes
dropoutparty · 3 years
shurara corps ark fix-it concept babeyy!!
under a read more bc this shits long LOL
also this is kinda rambly but whatever
when it comes to shuraras motivations here, maybe he could have been another childhood friend of keroros. idk how they could have been introduced, maybe through pururu or just by meeting in school, but ig that part doesnt rlly matter. what DOES matter though is that shurara decided to tag along with keroro, giroro, zeroro, and pururu on one of their misadventures and he gets hurt during it. BADLY. pururu patches him up, and zeroro apologizes like crazy (since he knows how much this sucks), but shurara is left with a strong dislike of keroro and friends. except for pururu, who he still likes (but im not keeping the crush bc it serves no purpose here) and zeroro who he kinda forgives a little bit but just because he apologized so much. maybe this could have resulted in some major physical injury that affected how he lived for a while, or maybe it spawned a phobia, but either way it left an impact.
putata and mekeke are sent in first with the goal of beating up the platoon a little bit and taking the star because they are the most skilled team. shurara doesnt want the star because of some stupid bandaid, but he wants to take it in order to both deeply hurt keroros pride and also to potentially have his platoon no longer be officially recognized, taking away something that means a lot to keroro. they actually succeed in taking the keron star kinda. when they get back to base, they realize that the star is fake, its just a piece of fabric or paper with tape on it (like what happened in the original arcs ending). this way the shurara corps will be established as an actual threat and also the ending will have actual stakes.
gyororo sends word back to base that the keron star putata and mekeke got was fake, so giruru is sent in to ACTUALLY get the real star, as well as punish the platoon for embarrassing the corps like that. this one plays out kinda like the actual episode (bc im too lazy to think of anything else), but all that matters is that he still ends up captured.
after this, the platoon is like ok this might actually be serious so they go on high alert. one day dororo notices gyororo (who was sent in a little before putata and mekeke to scout the place out and gather info) bc hes the only competent member of the platoon and confronts him, outing his presence to everyone. gyororo fights back but he is also captured in the end.
after the platoon has captured giruru and gyororo , shurara plans to capture and torture a member of the platoon as revenge. before he can do this though, dokuku and nuii decide to rescue giruru and gyororo in secret. nuii serves as a distraction to everyone while dokuku goes to rescue the fellaz. theres some minor conflict but in the end the four of them escape. after that happens, shurara is furious about his subordinates disobeying him and doing things behind his back, but he keeps his goal the same.
im gonna change yukikis powers bc they kinda suck and hes confusing. anyways yukiki isnt actually a snowman, but hes the hat! kinda like in mario odyssey, you put the hat on anyone or anything, and it will immediately be controlled by yukiki. he was an experiment done to try to make a sentient object, and he got his name because he was first tested on a snowman (which also makes it the form hes most comfortable taking). anyways, shurara sends in yukiki to capture someone by taking control of them, but hes defeated somehow and returns empty-handed.
im also gonna change robobos powers a bit. with robobo i dont think that he should have the ability to turn people into electronics because thats dumb and doesnt make any sense, so im gonna give him the ability to just control other machines. he also doesnt have a giant form, and can switch his hands between their magnet form and their drill form. anyways, at this point shurara is furious and decides that he doesnt care about capture anymore, he wants the platoon dead. he decides to send robobo for the job because robots dont have the same margin of error that living things do, or at least theyre supposed to. turns out, they totally do bc robobo also comes back with a failure.
after this, shurara somehow lures the platoon to his base (just like in the anime) but this time everyone is waiting for them there in a big empty room together. shuraras disembodied voice gets a monologue like in the anime and the roof opens, lighting the room up because its a bright spring day. kagege then appears and takes control of the platoons shadows like in the anime! all of the shadows are used to fight the platoon, as well as the corps themselves fighting. its an epic fight, but just when it seems like the platoon is all gonna die, the corps suddenly decide to stop fighting. they all tell the platoon about how shurara has been acting worryingly erratic and obsessive, so they agree to spare the platoons life as long as they confront shurara. the platoon obviously agrees, and theyre taken to a holding area so that shurara thinks that theyve won. they give them this offer because theyre not personally invested in killing these nerds, they dont really care. they ARE worried about shurara though, seeing how obsessed with this hes become.
anyways kagege reports to shurara (in my headcanon hes like shuraras right hand man or something like that) and is like "we beat the platoon, but we didnt kill them. theyre our prisoners right now and were gonna torture them before we let you do the honors" and then shuraras like "poggers!!! thats a great idea!!" and then proceeds to drink his choccy milk and play minedcraft. meanwhile, some of the others are actually patching the platoon up and telling them what to do with shurara. they tell the platoon to try to hurt him as little as possible, and DEFINITELY dont fucking kill him, but just try to knock some sense into him and restrain him or something.
the platoon asks why shurara hates them so much and whoevers patching them up doesnt know, but kagege comes down soon after and tells them shuraras motivations. after this, some understanding can be felt by giroro and dororo (bc they were there, even tho dororo is the only one who remembers shirara like at all) and keroro feels kinda guilty but not too much bc head empty. later, the corps has a big celebration feast and shurara declares that hell painfully kill the platoon bright and early tomorrow. in all the commotion, nuii convinces gyororo to sneak down into the platoons holding cells to bring them some leftover food.
the next day, the platoon is brought to the same room that they fought the corps in, and theyre tied up. shurara is talkin abt how hes gonna kill them all super painfully and stuff but little does he know that the ropes holding the platoon are actually not secure at all (on purpose), so the platoon all escapes their bindings and a fight with shurara ensues. when the platoon is in a tight spot, one of the corps will show up real quick and help them out, kinda like a support in a fighting game. eventually, shurara is tied up and defeated technically.
shurara is whining and stuff and calling the corps a bunch of traitors, but the corps talk to him about how worried they all are about him and that this whole thing has gone too far (you rlly think these goobers are worth all this effort??). shurara says something about how keroro hurt him before, so he wants to hurt him and his platoon back. the corps are like ya i get that but killing them is wayy overkill no pun intended. keroro apologizes and maybe dororo can say something about how keroro also hurt him in the past but hes been able to move past that or whatever and shurara is like bro ur right and he starts crying like da babey he is lmao and there u have it!!! the arcs over and everyone is ok and happy!!! found family trope pog!!!!!!
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greekbros · 4 years
"greek-Bros: Leopards"
Dionysus: *just cuddling with his like 30 leopards and tigers*
Apollo: *comes over from Delos to visit but finds dionysus straight up trying to assimilate with the big cats* ...um....doing good there dio?
Dionysus: can't talk, doing leopard stuff. *Lays on his back purs*
Apollo: ......well I just came over to say h-OW! *a young leopard play nibbled his ankle* your pets are out of control.
Dionysus: not now apollo, I must commune with thee cats. *Plays with one of their paws. *Softly and quietly* peets.
Apollo: *takes a deep breath* ok fine...just don't over do it.
*days later*
Apollo: *after playing a small consert to some of his followers* -and now wonderw-*gets tapped on the shoulder* ?!
A satyr: um...yes are you apollo?
Apollo: .......yes.
Satyr: yeah can you help us? Lord dionysus hasn't been seen in days and some of our cattle have disappeared.
Apollo: oh my fucking self he's been eaten by his own cats. *says in a monotone voice but his body betrays his worry, gets up and runs to his chariot*
Ares: *sharping his sword*
Artemis: *scoping out the landscape*
Hermes: *sitting down knowing damn well this is going to all go stupid.* .....you guys DO realize this could be just dionysus going on a "walkabout" right?
Ares: don't care. He's long gone, and I'm gonna take his head.
Artemis: Ares, we were told by dad NOT to kill him.
Apollo: *sees the rest of the gods and screechea to a halt* WHERES DIO-*gets shushed by Artemis*
Artemis: shhhuuuuuu there he is. *Points to a disheveled and feral looking dionysus*
Hermes: oh cool he's COMPLETELY reverted back to a primal state.
Ares: well there's no saving him now, his head going to look really cool.on m-*gets hit in the head by Artemis*
Artemis: moron, ok, I've set traps in various locations around Delphi. We should be able to capture him.
Apollo: looks like he hasn't drank in days?
Hermes: as long as you don't rope me into being a distraction I'll be just fine.
Artemis: That's a perfect idea! Go down there and see if you can get dionysus to follow you.
Apollo: if you say no, I will personally find a way to make every step you take feel like a bad case of HOT FOOT.
Hermes: .......damn it. Fine. *Runs down the hill to get dionysus to follow him but gets caught in a net trap* FUCK!
Dionysus: *grunts and growls, then runs back into the forest on all fours with the rest of his leopards*
Artemis: ......maybe we shouldn't of asked.
Ares: I c-
Artemis and Apollo: NO!
Ares: fine. *Puts his sword away*
Apollo: *writes in a note pad* "Day 48 of hunting down dionysus, supplies are getting low, team moral is at its lowest, and we haven't found any traces of dionysus in the past week, I fear may have lost hi-"
Artemis: Apollo it's been 7 hours you twink, it's not like as if this is going to last forever.
Apollo: In that case you're a twink!
Artemis: No I'm femine-butch.
Apollo: Wait we're twins wouldn't that mean we're both femine-butch and twink?
Ares: hey I found something. *Points to claw marks on a tree*
Hermes: epic, now all we need to do is find di-*feels a drop on something on his shoulder and sees the glowing eyes of like 30 big cats plus dionysus*
Ares: ....should we run?
Hermes: oh no that would be rude Ares, we should invite them over for some tea.
Ares: w-
Hermes: IM BEING SARCASTIC YOU ASSHOLE RUN! *obviously does what he does*
Ares: *his flight or fight mode is still calibrating after hermes's comment* but I don't like tea....
Dionysus: *leaps from the tree at Ares*
Ares: COME ON YOU FUZZY BA-*gets nearly crushed under dionysus and two other leopards* *with the wind knocked out of him* fuk you no surrender....
Artemis: *hearing the commotion* We will discuss this later!
Apollo: FINE! *followers her*
Hermes: *hiding in a tree and sees the twins* oh good you're here!
Artemis: What the fuck are you doing can't you tame animals or something?!?
Dionysus: *completely in the mental state of a leopard* gggrrrrr
Apollo: *suddenly remembers a trick he saw dionysus do a month earlier* .....*takes a small glass lens he keeps to see small print, makes a little light and shines a small lazer like beam next to some of the big cats*
Apollo: shut up. *Points it at another direction*
Dionysus and several of the cats: ◉w◉ *stare at the little light, some tries to paw at it*
Apollo: *moves the light away from Ares*
Artemis: ... holyshit how did you?
Apollo: come on, follow the light....
Dionysus: ◉w◉ *leaps and tries to get the light*
Apollo: perfect.
Ares: dude you supposed to burn them m-
Ares: *feels the weight of the Leopards off of him* oh cool.
Apollo: *slowly walks and makes a following of big cats and dionysus follow the light*
*later after calming the big cats and tying down dionysus*
Apollo: ....ok let's see if this works.
Hermes: *has two amphoras of wine and tries to feed one to dionysus but he keeps biting it* .....*opens one up and just slips it on his head* there you go.
Apollo: Hermes!
Hermes: what he will lick it off his face look.
Dionysus: *licks some wine and slowly gets back to his normal state of mind* Holyshit dudes.....I WAS ABLE TO BE A LEOPARD! You guys should try it sometimes it's really enlightening. It was like a journey into my inner mind and shit.....plus I got more play time.
Ares: Fuck you man you and your stupid cats nearly killed me...*sees apollo staring at him because he isn't considering the people* .oh and have been randomly killing livestock for like several days. That's ugh...not cool too I guess.
Hermes: see...I told you guys he was on a thing. Besides I've probably never seen these animals actually kill anyone without dionysus telling them....for all we know they were just roughhousing.
Ares: *being the king of roughhousing, grumbles under his breath* dude fuck off I know what roughhousing is and I'm pretty certain that was no fucking roughhousing.
Some Satyrs and Maenads: *all huddle around and hug dionysus for being safe and sound*
Dionysus: awwww guys it's ok, also there's a feild specifically for my Leopards dude I was hunting there the whole time.
A maenad: it's true my lords, the livestock we were referring were from the local farmers.
Apollo: ..... seriously?
Dionysus: *a leopard comes to lick some of the wine off of him* yeah, I taught them not to go after farm animals. *Cuddles with the Leopards* ain't that right Conney?
Apollo: ....hmmmm so....you weren't actually in any danger or being the danger?
Artemis: *coming back from one of the farms* yeah...those weren't Leopards...um... dionysus are there wolves out here on Delphi?
Dionysus: no why?
Artemis: *looks at the mountain* ........ugh...no reason.....*feels an ominous presence in the air*.....Hmmm.....
Hermes: ....... Artemis....
Artemis: yeah?
Hermes: do...you think.... It's him?
Artemis: hopefully not.....dad said he hadn't seen him in decades let alone recently.
Hermes: ....do you think it's connected to the disappearances in Sparta and Athens?
Artemis: let's just hope those are just disappearances of a different nature...
Apollo: *notices the weird dark edgy superhero dialogue Artemis and Hermes are having* .....*sigh* this is why I stay at home.
Ares: *getting gnawed on by one of the leopards* OH GODS STOP IM NOT A CAT PERSON!
Leopard: *purrs like crazy*
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miyaniacs · 4 years
Hey!! I think this is an emergency request? But I was wondering if you could do an x reader in which she has an ED and self harms with Yamaguchi, Oikawa and Akaashi? If the topic makes you uncomfortable, could you just do fluff with those three? I’ve been feeling terrible lately and I need comfort like this rn this would mean a lot to me thank u :) i don’t wanna feel like im pressuring u into anything so if you don’t feel comfortable writing this it’s totally fine!!! Thank you :D
Hiiii :)
Sorry it took so long - I was really sleeping in & needed to finish an Assignment that’s due to tomorrow 💀 also... I'm sorry I just did Yams and Oikawa... I really wanted to do Akaashi, because he’d just be perfect on how he’d act in this situation... but I just couldn't get myself to write for one more rn... and I want to post it for you.. I can still make one for Akaashi another day, just sent in another request baby ❤️🥺
ALSO my messages are open love, I know how you feel so hit me up if you wanna talk 🥺
Ok so just a Little disclaimer - it could happen that I’ll write some personal experiences/ thoughts since I think I had an ED / developed one (but kinda stopped it getting worse ) and it still pops up here and there ( actually just last week ) - like I never been diagnosed but still I’m pretty sure lol
Also idk what kind of ED you got BUT I belive it’s probably under eating / binge eating so I mainly include those
Warnings : mentions of selfharm & ED
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HC s/o with an ED and Self harms 
alright ... so ....... you stayed over at his the night
You two made dinner and it was all prefect
You quickly went to the bathroom afterwards tho
Then you came back and helped him cleaning up the dishes
He was joking around and you laugh and push up your sleeves and start cleaning
Yams suddenly stops laughing and just stares at you
“Yams? what's -” you stop and realise what you just did
Today was such a good day, you totally forgot about your breakdown last night, after failing to do any of the things you were supposed to do that day and stepping on the scale realising you gained weight.
“ I- I - can... Can we just forget you saw this?” you stutter and pull down your selves again 
Obviously he won't just forget it
he gently takes one of your hands and leads you to the living room and sits down on the couch with you
“Why?” he whispers 
you just stare at him, unsure if you can tell him the real reason 
after a few minutes of silence you begin to talk 
you tell him everything 
the second you start talking you can’t stop 
the words spill out of your mouth, happy that you can finally get all those toxic thoughts out of your head 
Tears start streaming down your face while you tell him you’re feeling not good enough, like a failure, like you're trying to loose weight and developed an ed, yet you’re still to stupid to loose any weight etc so you just feel like you have to ... like punish yourself? 
Yams listens to you carefully and with every word his eyes get more and more glassy 
after you finished talking, he pulls you into the tightest hug ever
“baby... why haven't you told me, I'm always here for you, you shouldn't deal with all of this alone” 
sooo you stay in this position for a little longer, you both trying to calm down and stop crying
“Now... let me tell you - I will keep on telling you this over and over again, every single day of my life if I have to - you are enough, you are perfect in my eyes, you don’t have to loose any weight, but if you want to, then do it in a healthy way... I willing to help you in any way possible.” He takes your hands and moves them up to his face, kissing your knuckles
the rest of the night, you cuddle, him trying to confound every toxic thought you have 
he also gifts you a soft hair tie and makes you promise him, that you would use this, instead of hurting yourself 
his phone is also from now on not silent anymore in case you need someone to talk to at night 
the next weeks, he’s getting up earlier, making you some healthy, low calorie lunch so you don’t have to feel pressured to eat in the cafeteria and feel the need to throw up again afterwards. He’ll also tries to increase the cals, every other week. 
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He probably realises that something is up, the second his stupid ass walks into the bathroom when you just got out of the shower
It’s winter so you always wore sweatshirts and those cute wide leg pants
also you haven't been feeling good the past weeks, so there wasn't really a chance for Oikawa to see you in tight clothing or well ... no clothing at all. 
so when he saw you for this small second just now, his heart drops 
he just stands there shocked, tears already running down his face, not moving a muscle 
“Y/N...  I - since when - Why - I- “ he stutters not able to find the right words 
You stood still, towel in your hands, shocked expression on your face 
this is like your worst nightmare, he shouldn't see this, at least not now, not like this 
“Tooru, I can explain...” you stutter and look down at the ground 
“If you don’t want to, you don’t have to ... I just.. can I hold you?” He whispers in between small snobs 
you nod and he takes a set forward, carefully placing his arms around you, now afraid he could hurt you or break you 
He doesn't feel your soft curves anymore, his fingers are now met with the little bumps of your rips 
You hide your face in his neck and start crying 
the snobs make your body shake, which made him feel your bones move under his hands - which results in him crying even more 
“You’re just so perfect and I'm just me... all those beautiful girls who fall for you, with their skinny legs and waist, looking so delicate... I didn’t want you to be ashamed of me...” 
how couldn’t he notice? WHY haven't he? HE could NEVER be ashamed of you NEVER 
WHY was he so busy with Volleyball? he should have noticed that you weren't eating.. but he always thought you’ve eaten before... 
after you calmed down, he takes the towel and helps you getting dry, his eyes always stuck to small red lines on your legs, right under your hips
he walks over to where you kept your medics and all the first aid stuff and started treating your wounds 
He takes off his hoodie and puts it over your head and picks you up bridal style, carrying you to the bed 
He puts you down and quickly hurries to the kitchen and makes some tea for you 
You’re now seated in between his legs, your back resting on his chest while his arms are wrapped around you, rocking you from side to side, while you two watch some Disney movies 
after you finally fall asleep he takes out his phone and reads all the articles on the internet about self harming and ed’s. 
He makes a note on his phone where he writes down all the things he could do to help you, and all the little signs so he knew when one of your conditions gets worse again 
he makes sure that from now on, you two eat at least one meal together
he’s always encouraging you, if you feel like not eating, he begs you to at least eat one small bite, if you feel like eating the whole salad, girl, he’s hyping you up so much 
he sees that you gained some weight? 
omg be prepared for a full week of him praising you of how beautiful you are, hyping you up, etc 
he is spoiling you to the Max 
he is willing to fly you to London, Paris, La, etc so you get the best clothes available 
some small things he also do is : form that one night on, every day, he sends you a voice note of him telling you how amazing you are, how much he loves you, and lists at least 10 things why he loves you and why he’s proud of you - so from now on, before you grab that one small blade, you listen to this voice note and if that doesn't help, you only need to text him  🆘  and he’s already faceting you, dropping everything he was doing and getting to your house asap
also he’s probably trying to get you into working out with him, so he can control that you don’t overwork yourself and helps you gaining more muscles again and tells you about the benefits of weight lifting, since muscles burn calories while doing nothing at all, YET they need top be feed to remain 
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slashersteve · 4 years
No Shame
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pairing: Steve Harrington/Female Reader
warnings: there’s sex guys okay omg, oral sex, unprotected sex (wrap it up don’t be like them)
summary: (y/n) sneaks into Steve's room at 2 am, and Steve decides to give her the best night of her life.
note: this is called no shame but why is that all i feel huh answer me im so sorry also this is a series on my archive and my first time actually posting a smut im BORED 
While (y/n) considered herself to be spontaneous, Steve would describe it as more of impulsiveness. It was 2 in the morning, 2 in the damn morning , and here she was, tapping onto his window to his bedroom, his bedroom on the second floor of his house. Was this how girls felt when he used to do this? At least he'd ask first, not that he minded that (y/n) was here, as long as she wasn't crawling into some other guy's bedroom, but he would've liked a warning.
Her explanation was as she climbed into his room, very silently, "I was just in the neighborhood." Steve rubbed his tired eyes, laughing sarcastically at her joke. She lived in the house across from his, though he couldn't see it due to the trees, and long drive-way so of course she was in the neighborhood. He decided to just leave the window open, she would be leaving fairly soon and it was actually a pretty cool summer night. (y/n) herself was wearing a pair of jean shorts, and a loose fitted t-shirt that fell slightly over her shoulder. The first thing she did was fall onto Steve's messed up bed, arms and legs spread open as she sighed.
"What are you doing here?" Steve asked again, going over to his door to make sure it was locked. Ironically, his parents were home, and if they found him with a girl in his bedroom, he'd get into quite a bit of trouble. It was easy enough to do this kind of stuff when they weren't there, as long as he wasn't caught that is. The other nights she would be here, they weren't home, and they were very closely caught one other time when she'd accidentally fallen asleep naked in his arms.
He remembered being vaguely aware of the opening of his bedroom door, and his mother telling him that they were home before he literally shoved her off of the bed. It wasn't about just keeping him out of trouble, he could handle his parents, but it was (y/n) he was trying to keep out of trouble- well out of the trouble she was almost always in. She had whined loudly, asking what the hell his problem was before realizing herself that his mom was just about to peek in. She had quickly slid underneath his bed and Steve pretended to be barely waking up, covering his body completely and telling his mom, "Good to know!"
Then when she was gone, he could hear (y/n) trying to smother her laughter as he nearly tripped over the sheets just to get the door closed properly and locked.
"That was so fucking close," Steve had said, feeling out of breath from the sudden rush of adrenaline of being caught. (y/n) slid out from under the bed, not even bothering to cover herself up as she stood up, rubbing the back of her head as she replied, "That would've been fun." He had felt really bad for shoving her off the bed like that, but she was in equal distress. She put on all of her clothes when she was climbing out of his window, she blew him a kiss and thanked him for the head-rush.
That was the closest they've ever been caught, and he was afraid that this time- they would most definitely get caught if they decided to do anything. The reason he was trying to keep her out of trouble was because her parents were much more strict than his were, as in they would keep her locked in her room for the rest of high school had they known she was sneaking around with Steve Harrington. They trusted him a lot, he'd been Little Steve, the boy next door who would occasionally help out with their yard for a little extra spending money, for as long as they knew him. He was pretty sure that if they knew their daughter who would bring him pink lemonade, and sandwiches in those times would end up in a very so and so relationship in the future with him they would've probably moved out of Hawkins and pretended they never knew any family by the name of Harrington. Dear god, they could never know.
(y/n) sat up, leaning back onto her elbows and tilting her head when she met Steve's gaze, "Oh come on, you know you're excited to see me." The tone in voice was teasing, making Steve shift in his spot by the door, "I was laying in bed, and just got so very, very bored. Then I started to think- what do I like to do for fun? And well- here I am." She gestured to the whole room, as much as Steve wanted to go over and do exactly what she wanted him to do, he stayed still, arms crossed and gazing at her. She wiggled her eyebrows, he rolled his eyes.
"No way, not tonight, my parents are home," Steve said, it was her turn to roll her eyes.
"Oh please- you definitely know how to show a girl a good time either way- I heard the tales of the infamous King Steve, fucking girls when their parents are just down the hall," she sat up now, crossing her bottom legs together. While that was all true, very true, and not something he'd put on the skills section of his resume, but nevertheless a skill, he still was against this completely.
"I get caught (y/n), it's whatever, I will survive. You? Your parents will lock you in your room until graduation," Steve tried to explain. (y/n) groaned, throwing her head forward. She looked up at him now, and for a moment Steve thought that she was going to understand, get up, and climb out that window. It sure looked like that's what she was doing as he watched her stand up and go towards the window. He really should've known better though, when she suddenly was removing her t-shirt, and then her shorts. Steve felt his boxer shorts tighten just a little, it was just a natural reaction when it came to her by now.
(y/n) wasn't an idiot, she knew exactly what to do to get Steve going, she even wore his favorite panties of hers. She pretended that this night was one of her spontaneous urges, but really she had been planning this for a few days now. She hadn't seen Steve since his parents got home from their trip, and she'd been so incredibly hot and bothered without his touch. The hot make-out sessions behind the gym just weren't cutting for her, she had to get Steve's hands on her, feel his lips on every part of her body, feel him fill her up inside.
When this started at the start of the summer, she admitted she felt a bit pathetic and needy, practically begging Steve to touch her, to literally do anything when she was over for a get together with her parents and his. They left them there to go out for lunch together, thinking nothing would ever happen between Steve and (y/n). It was really their fault for believing that. (y/n) remembered the day as if it was yesterday, she was wearing her new one-piece polka dotted black bathing suit, lounging by the pool, Steve was in the water then, wearing nothing but a pair of bright red swimming shorts and she couldn't take her eyes off of the guy. Even when he saw her looking, she didn't even show a bit of shame. She felt dirty, inside and out, for looking at a boy, for thirsting after a boy she'd known since Elementary school. But the rush made it all the more better.
Maybe it was because she was hearing stories about her childhood friend Steve around high school, about how many girls he'd left satisfied, how many girls who wished to have another night with him, girls saying the real reason he was King Steve was because of how fucking good he was in the sack. Things that if her parents knew they would severe all ties with the Harrington's altogether just to keep their daughter away from some fiend like their son. (y/n) was a virgin then, and these rumors spiked her interest entirely, made her feel things that she was sure was super wrong. Growing up with her mother who was very, very against premarital sex, or honestly relationships before 18 or even 30, she wasn't allowed to explore herself or her sexuality at all. That if she'd thought of anything dirty, even if it was just holding a boy or girl's hand, it meant she was doing something wrong. But that's exactly what made (y/n) so very, very excited. It's what made her make the choice she made that day, and every choice after that.
She would say that was one of her spontaneous, out of the blue moments, but like right now, that just was not true, she had been dying for a moment like that for weeks now. And what a moment that was, it was written in the damn stars when she watched him get out the pool, trunks sticking to his skin, shaping his thighs and then some. He was soaking wet, skin glistening underneath the hot sun, she couldn't help it when her teeth went over her lips. When his eyes had met hers, she thought she would've died of embarrassment, but no. It was something she wanted, she didn't care if he declined her and their friendship was ruined for the rest of their lives, at least she gave it a shot.
Steve had been surprised by her behavior, not expecting her out of all people to behave in such a way. She was practically eye-fucking him, and while he initially thought it made him uncomfortable- he realized it was quite the opposite. The way she looked laying there, chest heaving up and down slightly, bare legs glowing under the sun, and the way her bathing suit hugged her body(which he noticed before but pushed the thoughts away quickly).
Maybe it was a spontaneous moment for him. Because she got up, and walked towards him, and he didn't even hesitate to kiss her when she was close enough. Then they kissed some more, and then they were suddenly inside the pool shed. It was there, when his swim trunks were around his ankles, the top of her suit was pushed down, his hands in between her legs, did Steve gain control of himself, realizing what he was doing, realizing and remembering who this was panting and desperately grinding herself against his fingers.
"Shit- fuck - what are we doing?" he had asked, (y/n) was in too much of euphoria feeling his hands on her most vulnerable spot to even answer him properly, her words coming out as just a whine. She didn't even think about the fact that she was about to lose her virginity to Steve Harrington in a pool-shed, a pool-shed of all places, not until Steve had told her. She always thought she'd lose it on her wedding night, if that ever even came, or she could wait that long, because after getting a taste of it- if Steve wouldn't do this, then she thought she'd definitely want to find someone else who would.
"Fuck- Steve- please," she nearly begged, looking up at him with wide eyes, "I want this, fuck I want this so bad." Those words made Steve's dick twitch, and he had to bite his inner cheek to stop himself from groaning, "Just one time, okay, one time, and we don't- we don't have to do anything again or talk about it again. Just please just- just fuck me." The words that came out of her lips was something he'd never imagine coming out of there, and something he never imagined would've turned him on so much.
So, he did just that, pulling his fingers out of her wetness to pull down her entire bathing suit, stroking himself a few times before lifting her body up and pushing her against the wall, aligning himself with her entrance. (y/n) was in ecstasy at this point, not even caring that her parents could freely just walk into the backyard, coming back early from their lunch with Steve's parents and hear her very loud moans. She would endure the prison cell her room would be and the loss of contact because at the moment, it was worth it- especially he pushed himself slowly into her, until he filled her up completely. Steve loved how she felt against him, how tight she was around him, the feeling of her nails digging into his back, legs wrapped perfectly around him as he slowly started to push in and out of her, the pool shed full of the sound of theirs moans and grunts, and the way she was screaming his name. He loved that, a lot . And when it was over, they both knew that this definitely wasn't going to be the last time.
And it wasn't.
Because 2 months later, here they were standing in his bedroom at two in the fucking morning with his parents sleeping soundly in their bedroom just down the hall. (y/n) stood in front of him in just her underwear, breasts out in the open for his hungry eyes to see underneath the dim light of his bedside lamp he'd switched on the moment he heard her tapping on his window. She was smiling at him, that same teasing smile that he almost took as a taunt. Like she was saying 'I'm standing here, with just my panties on in the middle of your bedroom. What are you going to do about it huh?' Steve could think of a million ways he could do something about that. Just the thought was making his dick harden in his boxer shorts, and he thought well she did come all this way .
When he finally spoke, his voices were a view octaves lower that only made (y/n) become excited, "You always get your way don't you?"
(y/n) grinned like a cat now, and shrugged, "You make it so easy."
He let out a breath through his nose, tearing his eyes away from her a second, but that was just to double check if the door was locked. When the doorknob didn't budge when he tried to turn it, he turned back to her, his eyes becoming darker with desire and need. He walked towards her, grabbing her hips and pulling her body tightly against his as she giggled. With his face dangerously close to hers, he said, "I'll fuck you, but you have to be quiet."
The way he said it made her body shiver all over, so much that Steve even felt it, a smirk resting on his lips as he saw how even more excited she'd become.
"I can do that," she said in a whisper. He raised a brow, wanting to believe that she could but he knew she honestly probably couldn't. That was okay though, he knew exactly what to do about that, he'd done this before many times with girls that weren't her, not in a while of course ever since the relationship started- but Steve still knew what to do. He thought perhaps that's why she was so excited, she admitted to him when they were getting busy in the backseat of his car that she heard all about his sexual escapades from certain girls at school, and how that ignited her to start this with him. She was excited because this was something out of those moments, except for him it would be it was his own parents home and not the girl's. He licked his lips. Knowing he wanted to make this extra good for her.
He leaned down, kissing her. In moments like this, their kisses were always quick and messy, he was the much more experienced one between the two of them, so he always set the pace for their kisses, which were usually nothing but ferocious and wet. This time, his kiss was well- gentle. And it was a surprise, a very pleasant one. One hand had moved from her waist all the way up her and then to behind her head as he kissed her, pushing his tongue between her parted lips and tasting her completely. She'd never been kissed like this by him before, expecting a quick fuck then her hopping her happy, satisfied ass out the window and back to her own room. It was different, and she liked it.
Steve didn't notice that he was kissing her differently, the idea in his mind was only 'make this the best night of her life with him' doing what he just thought was right, and boy was it a good choice because it was making (y/n) extremely weak in the knees as his tongue moved around her mouth, clashing with hers, his fingers tightening ever so slightly on the back of her head. She let out a soft moan, especially when the hand on her waist moved down to her ass, giving it a squeeze. That was when the kiss started to turn into what she was used to, her hands moving up to grip his shoulders, biting down onto his lower lip making him practically growl. The sound made her squeeze her legs together feeling the wetness that was already there.
He pushed her backwards towards his bed, and she fell softly onto the messed up covers, looking at him with dilated pupils. Steve ran his tongue across his bottom lip as his eyes shamelessly swept across her breast, then downwards at her panties, biting his lip. She whines underneath him, making him look back at her and smirk while he shook his head.
"You have to be quiet," he said again, "If you don't- I'll just have to stop here..." he let both of his hands grip her breasts, making her breath hitch and her upper body lift up slightly, "And send you home. I'm pretty sure you don't want to have to go home when you're this wet right?" His knee now pressed against her, feeling her wetness soak through her panties onto his knee. (y/n) gasped, locking legs around his knee as he applied more pressure.
"Oh shut up-" she said, voice cracking slightly as she rocked against his knee, "You like it when I'm loud."
And that was true, so very true, and he had no problem in admitting that, especially when it was his name that was being called out from her lips, his name because he was making her feel too good. But tonight, Steve found it as a challenge for her and himself, to keep her quiet so his parents won't wake up, thus ending this entire relationship altogether. She was never one to comply though, Steve knew that for a fact, he wasn't lying when he said she always got her way, but not tonight she would. He would keep her quiet, but he wanted to play with her a bit before that, let her believe that he'd let her do what she wants.
Massaging her left breast, he latched his lips onto her right, swirling his tongue around the peaked bud and keeping his eyes trained at the bottom of her face as she shamelessly let out moans and gasps, grinding against his knee to find any sort of relief. Just as Steve thought, she wasn't keeping quiet. He moved his lips off of her, trailing kiss up the side of her neck, then forcing his lips against her, drowning out her soft sighs and moans. Her hand moved, grabbing his erection and he hissed into her lips, she started to try to put her hands into his boxers, but he stopped her, pressing his knee tighter against her. She hummed quite loudly, and he laughed.
Steve began to kiss down her body again, this time going between her breasts, and over her stomach when he met the waistband of her panties, she was squirming knowing what was coming next. His hands gently began to pull down her underwear, revealing her aching heat to him. He gazed up at her, she was on her elbows again, looking down at him with an almost pained look. Steve knew at that moment that this wasn't a spontaneous moment of hers, she missed him as much he missed her, the look in her eyes was telling him that. He licked her lips, keeping his eyes on her as he pressed an open mouthed kiss on her left inner thigh, feeling how hot her skin was.
(y/n) was quickly becoming a mess, watching him intently as she let out her soft whines of his name. Steve didn't tear his eyes away from her as his kisses inched closer to where she wanted his mouth the most, when he was just about to reach there, her legs practically shaking- his eyebrows wiggled as he switched to the other.
"Oh for the love of god," she said, not using her indoor voice, falling back onto the bed. Steve laughed against her thigh, his hot breath tickling her, sending another rush of pleasure through her, "Steve- come on- come on."
"Be quiet," he told her firmly, hooking his arms underneath her thighs.
"How can I when you're being such a fucking tease?" she was annoyed, but she was also quite enjoying this, enjoying the buildup, enjoying the attention he was giving to her pleasure, but if he didn't do anything soon she was going to shove him off and make herself come. Oh but she didn't want to do that- she didn't come here to do something she could do herself. The wait would be worth it, worth it completely.
His mouth was on her almost a second after that, licking a long stripe between her folds, making her squeak out of surprise and pleasure, lifting the bottom part of her body upwards. His arms held her in place, before he buried his mouth in her cunt. She didn't stop the moan from her lips, falling backwards onto the bed and gripping his bed sheets.
"Oh fuck Steve, you always do such a-" she started to speak, but suddenly one of his hands was removed from her legs and his mouth was off of her, he practically glared at her before he reached upwards, holding up her discarded panties, and shoving it into her mouth. Her words were muffled, and she coughed questionably- wondering what the fuck Steve just stuck in her mouth, but before she could even attempt to ask- his mouth was back on her, and she literally could care less about what was gagging her. His tongue delved inside of her, nose rubbing against her clit sending waves up pleasure on her body.
She was quiet, well quieter. Her moans being muffled by the fabric stuffed in between her lips, biting down on it as she squirmed and closed her eyes.
Steve kept his eyes on her, seeing the dark pink lace fabric between her lips moving slightly as she whimpered. Steve sucked onto her folds, groaning at the taste he could never get enough of.
"That shut you up finally," he said against her sex, voice deeper and hoarser, "You taste so fucking good, can't get enough of this-" She answered that by grabbing his head, entangling her hands into his messy brown hair, begging him to continue eating her out. He complied, practically began to tongue fuck her, then suck on her clit as she started to shake underneath him. Biting down on the fabric, he could hear her muffled voice say "Steve!"
Even with that gag, she was still so fucking loud and he loved it.
He could tell she was close, attempting to get out of his grip in order to tighten her legs around him, but he kept her in place, sucking shamelessly on her clit that sent her into a frenzy, moving her body the best she could to grind against his face. Honestly, he was surprised his parents hadn't come banging on his bedroom door yet- asking him what the fuck was going on there. That would really kill the mood, but her muffled moans that were still quite loud were music to his ears, especially when she finally did come. He was lapping at her cunt, tasting every inch of her with his tongue when she gripped his hair a little too tightly folded upwards, feeling that pleasure suddenly burst- coursing through her entire body, he groaned desperately against her lips as he tasted her cum- lapping at her cum like a man deprived of it as she trembled beneath him.
When the grip she had on his hair loosened, Steve removed his lips from her. She just laid there, body almost limp, her chest heaving up and down. He looked completely sexy and erotic to her right now, his hair disheveled, pink lips plump and wet, chin wet with her release, then he ran his tongue over his lips. (y/n) whimpered at that, and Steve wiped his mouth and chin with the back of his hand. The sight of her before him was interesting, laying there coming down from her orgasm, dark pink panties sticking out of her mouth, a sheen of sweat glistened all over her. The room stunk of sex, and sweat- even if his parents knocked on his door asking what all the ruckus was and he threw her off of the bed like that other morning- they'd just know. Steve groaned, applying pressure to his ignored erection in the mattress when his eyes met her wet cunt again.
(y/n) got a hold of herself, that mind blowing orgasm made her not move for just a damn minute. Steve had eaten her out a number of times, but he'd never made her come that hard before, and when she saw him grinding not so discreetly against the mattress- she felt another rush of desire before her. Forgetting about the panties in her mouth, in fact not even caring all that much, she grabbed Steve by his shoulders, pulling him upwards on top of her.
She used her feet to push down his boxers, and Steve quickly removed them himself, pushing himself inside of her all at once using the wetness from her release. A curse word slipping from his lips when he was completely inside of her heat. She drawled out a long, suppressed moan against his ear, his head fell in the crook of her neck, placing a wet kiss there.
"Fuck I love the way you feel, always so fucking wet and tight," he said against her skin, kissing her in the same spot again. She replied with a hum, nuzzling her face into his hair, her hands were snaked around his arms, hands pressed against his shoulder blades, her legs wrapped tightly around him, encouraging him to move against her. He began to move, sliding in and out of her in quick thrusts, she pressed her face now into his hair, and he began to muffle his own fairly loud groans against her skin, biting ever so often, knowing that just might leave a mark.
Drunk on his passion, Steve started to pick up the pace, the sound of both of their skin slapping against each other and the bed creaking echoing in both of their ears along with her suppressed moans, and phrases that sounded very much like 'Yes Steve! Yes fuck me Steve!' He'd had enough of that stupid gag, leaning upwards finally to pull it out of her mouth, not giving a fuck if they were caught. He would lie, he would say it was someone else, he didn't care.
At an instant, (y/n) cried out his name, "Steve!" He started to fuck her harder, growling as he pounded shamelessly in and out of her, pushing her legs apart in order to push deeper inside of her. That made (y/n) literally scream his name that prompted Steve to kiss her, drowning out that scream. (y/n) kissed him ravenously, tasting herself on his lips and tongue. She came again, it came quick and made her choke on his tongue and Steve wasn't very far behind.
He let out a rough whine, feeling his own orgasm coming fast. He pulled out of (y/n) just as he came, hands viciously jacking himself off as he dirtied her up with his cum. It fell heavy and hot on her thighs and part of her stomach. His entire body was a flushed pink color as he panted, lips open, and eyebrows furrowed. He stopped his movements, falling forward on top of her, feeling his own cum against him and not caring, resting his head against her rising chest.
(y/n) let out a very loud satisfied sigh, and he felt her hands gently kneed themselves through his hair, making him look up at her, she moved some of his hair out of his face, and she grinned, "That was fucking amazing." Steve didn't want to toot his own horn, but yeah that was pretty fucking great. Plus, he enjoyed feeling her hands massage his scalp slightly, relishing in the moment before she'd have to get up and get herself cleaned up and go out her window. It had always been this between them since those two months, and at this point, Steve didn't know what this relationship was and didn't care, it was fun especially with her. He hadn't been with another girl since then, haven't even thought about it. Why would he go off with some other girl when the perfect one was right here running her hands through his hair after a good fucking?
He wouldn't realize until much later that he'd let her do practically anything, if she asked him to rob a bank he wouldn't even hesitate, as long as she let him kiss her until neither of them could breath anymore. Hell, she could end this tomorrow and run off with some other guy, and there wouldn't be a damn thing he could do about it but cherish the moments between them.
(y/n) couldn't go just yet, he just fucked her into next week- how the hell is she going to be able to climb out the window with these wobbly ass legs? But it had to be done, if she laid here with Steve laying on her like this she might fall asleep in his arms, which she didn't actually mind, but it was too risky. Like this wasn't, she thought amusingly. She moved to sit up and Steve reluctantly got off of her with a whine. He slid on his discarded boxers, going over the bathroom to get a wet towel to help clean her and him off. That was when (y/n) sat up, her hand touching the wet object that Steve had stuck in her mouth in an attempt to keep her quiet. She picked up the very familiar cloth, and couldn't stop the laugh that came out of her mouth.
"Oh fuck you Steve," she said just as he walked back into his bedroom, the light from the bathroom shining on her sitting there holding her underwear in one hand and giving him an amused look. Steve smirked and shrugged.
"Had to find some way to shut you up," he replied, starting to wipe her inner thighs and stomach. She laid back, looking at her panties and laughed.
"My own panties, you're so kinky Harrington," she wiggled her eyebrows, making him roll his eyes thinking for a moment that this was the girl who literally was too scared to say a curse word as a middle school to saying crude things like that.
"It's not a kink, any cloth would've done," he said, (y/n) scoffed not believing that for a second.
"Yeah right- I saw the way you were looking at it in my mouth." Then again, she didn't know what even was in her mouth and she hated to admit it- but that's kind of fucking hot.
"It might be just a little bit of a kink," he said rubbing the back of his neck almost embarrassed, (y/n) hummed.
"Thought so."
Steve leaned over her, their noses almost touching and he said in a gruff voice, "But I much prefer hearing you scream my name, instead of those muffled ones you were giving me. You just wouldn't be quiet." (y/n) nipped at his lips, and when he tried to kiss her, she dodged him by shoving him off and rolling off of the bed, knowing if they started something again she'd never leave. She could stay until the morning like last time, but the idea of sleeping in too late and waking up to knocking her head against the floor wasn't so appealing. He watched as he put on her shirt, then slid on her shorts. Steve raised a brow and grabbed the panties she tossed aside.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" (y/n) looked at him, then the panties, then back at him and shook her head. Steve gripped them between his hands and she said, "Keep them Harrington, I'll be back for them tomorrow night so we might just need them." Steve's eyes darkened slightly, and she shot him a wink as she climbed out the window. Steve watched her carefully climb onto the room, then slide off of the side of it, landing onto the lawn chair she set there, her sandals set down neatly at the side.
When she was on the ground, picking up her sandals, she looked up at Steve and waved at him as if it was just a visit between two best friends. Steve stupidly waved back, and she turned around, walking past the pool silently, hips swaying just a little bit more than usual. Steve watched her until she disappeared behind the back gate, and when she was gone, he looked down at her panties, still wet with her own saliva. He felt his dick twitch in his boxers, dammit.
He shoved them into his side dresser, and looked at his messed up bed, seeing wet spots where her thighs once were, and he removed the sheet, shoving it into his hamper. He'd have to get up early to wash his sheets, because if he didn't her scent would be all over it and he'd never get some decent amount of sleep. Well, he guessed that didn't matter- because she was coming back tomorrow night, which from the events of this night-  he wouldn't be getting any sleep anyway.
And damn he couldn't wait.
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fortheloveoflizards · 4 years
ive actually been a fan of wof for years now, im just not super active in the fandom and i guess id like to be? so here i am, sending u an awkward ask lol. anyways, the more i think about animus magic, the more i hate the way tui executed the concept? like theres barely any consequences or limitations. dragons can do whatever they want with it, which is bad for the plot. idk what are ur thoughts?
Hah, this isn’t awkward at all, I actually do have a lot of thoughts on animus magic, particularly how it differs in each tribe. I think giving each tribe different types of magic, as well as individual drawbacks on top of the general “you go crazy if you abuse your power”. Though I think the latter could have worked as more of a “if you use your power selfishly, it’ll turn on you” sort of situation? In my headcanons, each tribe has a type of magic they work best with, and a type of magic that puts strain on their physical form.
As the tribe closest in appearance to traditional European dragons, I like to headcanon Skywing animus magic as Weather and Element based. Stuff like creating storms and controlling wind currents is easy to imagine, but also magic pertaining to emotions, often fueled by the feelings of the animus themselves. A Skywing animus might find it easiest to use an object to better conduct magic, like a branch or, most commonly, crystals of different types. Skywing magic is what you would call “cast spells”, meaning they have no need to write or say what they wish to do, just think or “feel” it. As for drawbacks, emotional instability is kind of obvious, huh? There’s also bad weather being attracted to the animus, and parts of their body slowly turning into whatever object they used to channel their spells. As an example, using crystals in his spells might result in an animus’ scales turning into crystals themselves, whereas an animus that used a branch to direct air currents would notice her tail growing small twigs and leaves out from between her scales. The magic Skywings have most difficulty with is Herbal and Brewed magic. I feel since Skywing magic is very much based on action and emotion, it would be difficult for a Skywing animus to properly channel it in such a passive way.
Mudwing animus magic is perhaps my favourite to think about, it being what I call Herbal or Brewed magic. Mudwing animi specialize in potions and medicine, though this is more of an inherent tribe skill, their magic works best when imbued into food or drink. To continue with this technique, “power-ups” would be cool to see. Potions to give a dragon super strength or speed, or to keep their scales permanently warm so they can always breath fire. I think Mudwings would be most likely to use so called “magical ingredients” for their spells, as in the act of the animus using an ingredient makes it magic, rather than a normal dragon including it in their stew. I don’t feel there would be much room for drawbacks when it comes to Mudwing magic, so I’m gonna say there isn’t one. However, I will say Brewed magic is one of the hardest to perfect, as if a quantity of ingredient is even slightly off, disaster is imminent. Transformation magic is likely to be the hardest for a Mudwing animus to use. While Brewed magic is hard, it’s precise and a recipe can be done a hundred times for a hundred different dragons, and the effects never alter. Transformation magic is the opposite, in that the spell must be altered for every dragon, as every dragon is slightly different.
Next up is Sandwings! They lean most towards Written and Solar based magic. As you can guess, this means their magic is linked at least partially to the sun. Though they can’t control them, Sandwing animi often have very keen senses when it comes to the weather and seasonal changes. Change itself is a big thing for Sandwings, so seasonal magic is common. Sandwings also find writing spells easiest, as the spell is then precise and exactly as they need it. Sandwing riddles, told at parties or in passing as a fun conversation topic, have their roots in animus magic. Sandwing animi also enjoy the company of animal companions, usually camels or vultures; animals that can carry scrolls and items for the animus in question. The downside for Sandwing animi can be either mental or physical. They can start forgetting things, losing track of time, generally being scatterbrained, which eventually leads to them losing their entire memory. Or, their scales begin to darken, although I’m undecided on what kind of colour they would turn. Should they just turn golden or maybe more of a sunburnt orange or red. Perhaps even black. I dunno, maybe all three. Spoken and Lunar magic are the clear opposites of Written and Solar, so it’s pretty obvious why a Sandwing animus would have trouble in this area. Sandwing magic can be very picky, kind of like a sadistic genie that goes by what a wisher says, rather than what they mean. A dragon has to be very careful how they phrase a spell, which is hard for most Sandwing animi, hence their avoidance of Spoken spells.
I think my Seawing animus headcanon is the closest to being confirmed in canon, since the Seawing animi we see using their magic are usually using what I’ve called Spoken and Lunar magic. This includes regeneration(like healing of themselves and others), curses, transfiguration of objects and generally verbal commands. And for the record, “verbal commands” is usually, like the animus test the Seawings take, telling an inanimate object to do something. Lunar magic is connected to the moon and the tides, opposite to Solar magic. This can mean it gets stronger under a full moon, and gives a Seawing animus a kind of bond to the ocean the more they use Lunar magic. As with Sandwing animi, the magic that comes most natural to Seawings involves change. Changing tides, moon rotations, drifting currents and rips, all those factor into their magic’s strength, in and out of water. Seawing animi can also suffer a lowering of inhibitions, and can suffer what I call “going feral”. Theirs is the most noticeable, though this final drawback can affect all tribes. I like to think the more a Seawing animus uses their magic, the more they start to look like a deep sea creature. Brighter glowing scales, thinner scales overall(sometimes so thin you can almost see their insides, bleurgh!), elongated, thinner teeth, and increased speed of growth to their whole body. As you can probably guess, Written and Solar magic are the areas that cause the most trouble for Seawing animi. I’m not sure what else to comment here, since I feel it’s pretty straightforward, so there you go.
Rainwings! The tribe I’m most like! I feel that since the average Rainwing can change the colour of their scales regardless of magical ability, Transformation magic would be a perfect match for any animi that might exist in the tribe. Transformation magic includes form shifting of themselves and others, body hrror/torture(which differs from simple form shifting because it’s specifically supposed to cause pain) and transfiguration of objects. Transformation magic requires knowledge of how the specific dragon’s body works, moves and how their mind reacts to things. You might think the average Rainwing is too self-centered to be capable of that kind of perceptiveness, but I believe they’re more perceptive than they’re portrayed in-canon. I think the most noticeable consequence of a Rainwing animus using their magic is their scale colours “glitching”. If the Rainwing is naturally purple and green and they try to turn red and blue, areas of their scales might change slower than the rest, or not change altogether. A camouflaged Rainwing might suddenly find themselves bright pink and orange. Stuff like that. Weather magic is most difficult for a Rainwing animus, since it requires a lot of, I guess passionate emotions? Weather magic is loud and aggressive and takes a lot of power to control. It also relies heavily on being strongly connected to every emotion, and can backfire terribly on a dragon that doesn’t know how to wrangle that kind of power.
Mind and Time magic is what I’ve assigned for Nightwings! I felt it fits with their whole Mystical Infinite Powers aesthetic. Obviously, Mind magic includes mindreading and and Time magic future vision - which were most likely a gift from a Nightwing animus a long time ago. Other abilities include fate writing(a spell that can change an otherwise unchangeable future), enchanting, illusions, and changing minds/the perceptions of a dragon. This magic is actually relatively simple to perform, and one of the most used types by all animus dragons. That doesn’t make it any less powerful or dangerous, in fact it’s probably more dangerous that it’s so easy to use. Nightwings certainly haven’t been using it for the best purposes. This is the magic I think is the root cause of dragons losing their minds, since “Mind” is like one whole half of the magic. The unfortunate thing is that Nightwings are excellent bullshitters, so they at least last a while before anyone figures out something’s wrong. The side effect of using other types of magic is most notably scale discolouration, to the point that there are records of completely white, full-blood Nightwings. Since Icewings and Nightwings are Enemies For Life I figure their magics would clash just as much, out of principal. Reflective magic in particular requires the user to be self aware, to know their faults and, if only momentarily, be at peace with them. Nightwings are pretty in denial about a lot of stuff, it’s part of the culture they’ve built up.
Finally, Reflective and Defensive magic is the natural inclination of Icewings. That means shielding and barrier magic - which can be physical or psychological, insightful magic, illusions and star spells. No insightful magic is Not future vision, if you make that comparison in front of even a regular Icewing you will be murdered. The Icewing mind is typically pretty guarded already, as we see when Moon tries to read them. I like to believe that an animus a long time ago used their Gift to make it so Nightwings can’t read the tribe’s minds, or at least not easily. This would be an example of a psychological barrier spell. Star spells are tied to the stars(no duh) like Solar and Lunar magic are tied to their respective namesakes. However, as opposed to change, star spells are constant. Once one is cast, it stays forever. Almost all Icewing magic is a star spell of some kind, making other dragons very wary of an animus born from the tribe. Thankfully, the fact that Icewing magic includes that of Defense, it’s rarely used for aggressive purposes. I believe Icewing magic would backfire by crystalising within the user’s bones, making their joints stiff and their mind fuzzy. They may dissociate from the world and eventually be lost, as with Sandwings. As I said, Icewings and Nightwings are opposites in magic, though there are overlaps which serve to infuriate both tribes. Considering Nightwing animus magic supposedly came from Icewings, the former retained some of the abilities of the latter.
There you are, my thoughts on dragon magic. This turned into much more of a headcanons post than an answer, so I hope you don’t mind. Thanks so much for the ask, and I hope you find content creators that make you feel safe being active in the fandom!
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