#so my friend is playing twst en
estcaligo · 30 days
Now, take my hand, human! We’ll give them a magnificent dance in the center of the dance hall!
- the fact that this is his canon line
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Idk if this is within the ask rules… I hope it is?? I think it is.. lol here’s hoping! 🤞
So I’ve been writing his name as “Che’nya” this whole time and for some reason I was positive that that was how you spelled his name. Of course I had been past Book 1 for a while, but I hadn’t played Book 5 yet (I stopped playing the main game for a while lol).
And while a lot of people write his name as “Chenya” some people write his name as “Che’nya” like me too, so I just figured it was people not wanting to deal with the apostrophe and dropping it.
But then glomas came out and they wrote his name as “Chenya.” And I was like 😳. So I finally played Book 5 and… also “Chenya.”
And going back to Book 1, it also used “Chenya”! 💀
So I was trying to figure out why I was so sure that his name was spelled as “Che’nya” and I finally realized it’s probably because that’s how his name is spelled on the Twisted Wonderland wiki!
But now I’m very confused… how did this happen? How has some of the fandom just… started writing it as “Che’nya” instead of what they write in canon? Was it a jp thing?
Now I’m wondering if I need to retrain myself not to write the apostrophe! 😭
I was hoping maybe you could shine some light on the mystery?
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I believe “Che’nya” (with the apostrophe) is A Thing due to fan translations that existed before an official English localization. Because fan translations were the main method by which TWST was consumed internationally in 2020-2021, “Che’nya” stuck around as the spelling many preexisting TWST fans defaulted to even post-localization.
There is more than 1 TWST Wiki, one of which relies heavily on fan translated terms—so I’m guessing that’s the one you may have been looking at. The .gg TWST Wiki is the one that relies more on the official localization. You’ll see his name is “Chenya” on there, which reflects TWST EN’s naming.
Why did many fan translators decide to write the name with an apostrophe to begin with? I think it’s because of how the name is written in Japanese. Chenya is written as チェーニャ. In other words, チェー (“chē”, as in Cheshire Cat) + ニャ (“nya”, as in the sound a cat makes). So the name is meant to be read as “Che-nya”. However, depending on one’s dialect or manner of speech, it might be spoken as “Chen-ya”, which makes the name lose its intended cat references. My guess is that fan translators inserted the apostrophe in Chenya’s name to make it clear where the divide is (and to preserve the cat pun).
I would ask a fan translator myself though! I don’t speak for all of them; this is just my best guess based on what I know + speaking with my friends on the subject.
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riddlerosehearts · 7 months
okay, i've got some things i wanna say about twst EN's translation of scarabia's story that i was originally typing out as part of a response to an ask, but then i realized i was going off on a bit of a tangent and was like "this could basically be its own post"--so now it's going to be its own post!
i'm a twst EN player, and for the most part, i do really like the localization. i don't speak japanese but i love learning about language and the process of translation and localization, so at one point after finishing books 1-5 i went and reread them all (and 6 as well, once it was fully released on EN) with a fan translation and the localization side by side to compare them. and from what i could tell as someone who isn't a japanese speaker, i honestly thought it seemed like they usually did pretty well? sure, there were a few mistakes like cater claiming to be an only child (this one, i think, has actually been fixed recently), or how in book 2 they removed a small mention of falena making it seem like he's never mentioned at all until leona's flashback and they also removed the numerous times that he said "be prepared" (at least they finally properly translated it in book 6, though!!). but i thought most of these mistakes were somewhat minor and could be forgiven... until book 4 (well, and book 5, mostly in regards to vil and epel's conflict and i'm not talking about them here, so).
see, i actually realized that something was off about the localization when i first played through book 4, because i have a weird memory and have picked up a bunch of random words and phrases from being into japanese media and reading so much about the localization process. and i also play twst with the sound on because i love to hear the voice acting. so sometimes i would hear jamil speak, i'd pick out the words "shujin" and "juusha" for "master" and "servant", and then the subtitles wouldn't include them at all. so i'd guess certain things about the actual intent behind the story based on that. take this message i sent to my friend when i was sharing my blind reactions to the game:
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and she ended up telling me that apparently, what i thought he should say essentially IS what he originally said!! according to the fan translation on wiki.gg he said this instead:
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i had wondered if maybe i was reading into things and assuming too much, but it turned out i was completely spot on! but most people who play EN would not be able to pick up on this and realize that jamil was born into servitude to kalim and has no escape, because as i later discovered almost every single mention of him being a servant at all was removed, in events and vignettes as well. which is actually really weird to me because they don't remove it entirely, they do in fact bring up the fact that jamil has to test all of kalim's food for poison during book 4 and they also left in a line where he says he "works as kalim's servant". but they only really mention these things once or twice and then they try to sort of play it off as jamil being a paid employee or something most of the time... seriously, during beanfest there's dialogue where jamil says it would be rude to refuse an order from his boss but i've read that that line was originally him saying a servant couldn't disobey his master. and in the scalding sands event he calls himself "a dedicated employee" of kalim's... what, am i supposed to assume he works as a butler by choice or something? yeah, no. also, one of his birthday vignettes, which are fully voiced so i could TELL he said, with a devious smirk on his face, that if he had a parrot the first word he would teach it would be "shujin-sama". "master". what did EN change this into?
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the person i was originally writing all of this in response to said that sometimes people's takes on jamil make them wonder if people are reading a completely different story but also that part of that can probably be blamed on the way EN completely changed the context of his situation with these translation choices. and yeah, i fully agree with that assessment: more casual fans or people who just aren't that interested in the scarabia duo could be said to be reading a different story with this whole "boss" and "employee" thing that has jamil make it sound like the worst that could ever happen to him if he got in trouble would be getting a really stern lecture from his parents.
and it makes me sad because i really do love both jamil and kalim so much and i think their dynamic is so tragic and complicated and interesting to think about. i think they're both really complex characters who are trapped in an awful situation. kalim is so kind and loving and would never wanna hurt anyone but he hurts jamil just by existing as part of the fucked up society they live in. kalim thought he and jamil were best friends, he had no idea of the toxicity of their dynamic and the pain jamil was in, and people say jamil should've just talked to him about it earlier... but jamil's first memory as a child is of seeing his parents bow to the asim family. being a servant is practically all he's ever known and he's had it drilled into his head since they were both small children that he can never be himself around kalim, can never just treat him like a normal person because he's a servant and kalim is his master. and even if he did accept kalim's offer to start over as equals and be friends, what would happen when they had to go home to their families? they won't be at school forever.
and i just. augh. i hate what the localization does with them. if you try to water them down to just an employee who's super mad at his obliviously crappy boss, or just two childhood friends who needed to communicate better or something like that, then you take away from the complexity of both characters. you also lose extremely cool writing choices like how jamil is a character who was born into servitude but has the power to make himself the master with his unique magic. i see so many takes about how jamil is just a jerk who betrayed his best friend and how kalim never did anything wrong in his entire life and i hate it but i'm sure the localization's choices are in fact to blame for a lot of this.
so anyway jamil and kalim's actual dynamic is fascinating and lives rent-free in my head, no thanks to how the EN version gutted it.
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chibi-celesti · 4 months
Was ki ra chs Chronicle=Key en grandee sos inferiare yor
(I will sing you a sweet lullaby forever, my dearest)
Twst Boys x GN! Reader, feat. NRC Staff.
Warnings: Angst, reference to Epic Mickey 1, more AT references
Synopsis: Confronting and halting the Blot Phantom was easy. Saying Good-bye is the hardest.
(You part ways with your friends to halt the Blot from tearing apart Twisted Wonderland)
A/N: I swear I'm not a fan of angst! This was a brain child idea at 3 in the morning, and that's it! It's based solely on this scene from Ar Tonelico 1 where one of the heroines, Misha(or Misya) fulfills her role as a seal to the main antagonist Mir. The title is named after the song of the same name.
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It was exhausting, the hell you all went through. The past overblots seemed like child's play compared to this monster-no demon-of a Phantom. This beast was hellbent on ending the world; to make it repent for the sorrows of mankind's greed.
You feared that you and everyone else weren't gonna last long. The demon almost killed Crowley, but somehow he persevered and survived throughout the fight. For being the first person to hold back the beast long enough for them to arrive was no easy feat.
Through hard work, tag teaming with the unlikely-est pair of allies, and no casualties to boot, everyone managed to best the beast and send it back down into the depths of White Rose Castle.
“That…was easy…” You heard one of your friends pant.
“You could say…that again.”
A thump sound of someone collapsing caught your group's attention. Crowley had lost his strength to stand and looked scaryingly pale. Everyone had shouted his name, seeing if he was in stable condition. A few students and staff ran to assist him.
“I am fine, Everyone. But we still need to do something about that dreaded Phantom. If we do not stop it now, our world will never know peace again.”
You swallowed back the lump in your throat. You had an idea as to how to stop it. But you worry what the others might think.
The headmage knows the truth. So did the rest of the staff. They all knew if things got worse, you would be the sacrificial lamb on the altar for this.
The ground begins to rumble again, not giving you enough time to confess.
Suppressing the tears that threatened to come down your face, you called to the Headmage to get his attention. He looks to you, knowing it is time. Crowley nods to you, and weakly gestures for you to head towards the broken castle’s altar.
The rumbling continued on as you made your way to the altar. The flow of magic embracing you as you faced all of the friends, acquaintances, and of course your beloved, one last time.
“Everyone, thank you. For everything.”
Most looked a bit confused, while others felt something was amiss. Your beloved, however, felt his heart beginning to crack into pieces. He knew exactly what you were about to do.
“Please don't hate me for this. I was born to fulfill this role. And while it was for a short time, I truly loved every moment of freedom I had with you all.”
“Don't forget me… okay?” You felt the tears fall against your better judgement. Feeling the magic in the air wrap around you, you began to perform your lullaby for the Blot.
~Wee ki ra chs Chronicle Key, en grandee sos dius yor.
Wee ki ra araus tes soare an giue mea iem~
The song reverberated out the desolate ruins of the Underworld, in and through the vast Coral Sea and spread everywhere in Twisted Wonderland. Your voice echoing as a piece of Salvation to many, and a tragic farewell to the friends you loved.
“Hey, guys. The shaking stopped.”
“Looks like the Blot won't be bothering us ever again…right?”
The Headmage confirmed their words.
“...” Your beloved stood there, taking in what everyone noticed your actions have done, while also blocking them out. He calls out to you, hoping you would answer.
A hand placed on his shoulders told him what he wanted to deny. “Forgive us, but they cannot stop singing. Lest we want that foul beast to return.” Trein told him, wishing he could do more to reassure his students.
“So, they can't come back with us?!”
You faintly hear shouts of disbelief, but they were drops of water compared to the sound of your lullaby.
“Pup is doing this for all our sakes.”
Your beloved walked ahead, hoping to speak with you again. To see if you could hear him. He tells you he cannot stay, but that he will try to visit you. Not everyday, but he will. He promises to tell you about the world you're protecting. The lives and futures saved by what you, he and everyone fought to protect.
With that said, leaning onto Vargas for support, Crowley ordered everyone to leave White Rose Castle.
It was time to go home. Without you.
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~Why does power dwell in those who do not wish for strife?
And why does power torture the sweet, innocent ones?~
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chernabogs · 3 months
Lil post abt a rundown of how I write fics / what I'll write bc I had a friend go 'Ames what exactly do you allow' 😭 real...
No NSFW writings from me (I only write that in my game for my main; I don't like writing NSFW in general, and twst is just not an area I'll personally touch)
That being said, I will touch on darker content. I post warnings at the top of every fic I write, so please read them and decide if it's something you're in the headspace to read.
My x Reader are always x Gen/Neutral unless specifically asked, and even then I'm a lil flexible. I like to keep the genders vague so any reader can feel like they can insert themselves in the fic (the interactive fiction curse fr)
I usually do subtle romance if romance is to be involved (the exception being the Monody series and a few others). I like to keep that vague too bc ik some people love a good platonic fic (real 🤌). If asked outright, I can be flexible on this part.
I don't write ships between canon characters in any romantic sense unless the game itself implies they're together (like Meleanor and Raverne, for example). If I'm writing char in a fic, they're usually just guys interacting LMAO
I'll put my own lore in fics at times, simply because twst only gives us so much to work with. Nothing I write is gospel (tho in my brain it is)
I loveeee love char expos. Love digging into chars brains. Love headcanon reqs, love all of that. I will write you like 4k of a character just thinking while drinking coffee, and this is a threat 😭
If you ever see me rb a prompt list, don't be shy to send in someone you don't see works for on my masterlist (altho it's 99% Dia rn fjdjcj)! I love writing other char, love stretching my brain. It keeps me young(ish).
As a warning, I write a lot when I write (averaging over 2k per req). If longer things aren't your cup of tea, that's ok! There are a ton of amazing fic writers in this fandom, so no one has a shortage of what their vibe matches!
The usual: I reserve a right to delete asks I disagree with. Not here for terfs, racists, homophobes, etc. I block people who post things I disagree with (incest, rape/SA, etc) and will not negotiate the matter. If I don't like what I get, I'll usually delete it without addressing at all. Running my main taught me over many years to just... not bother LMAO.
I'll add along rules as situations come up, but these tend to be the general!
For basic info about me:
I go by Ames (She/Her) and I'm 24
I write a game called Attollo which takes up most of my time, so twst serves as my little outlet for stress! (If you're interested in Attollo, note the 17+ age restriction and the warnings at the start of the game)
I'm in a masters degree in statistics and finishing that up soon. I work full time meanwhile over the summer, so things are hectic!
I have 2 cats (ask me about them, affectionately dubbed 'Smelly' and 'Charlie') who inspire me when I write Grim
I adore the Dia Quartet, the Staff, all our single parents in the game (Maleficia I see you 💕), and any lore they give us. I play JP and EN so spoilers are in fics and on this blog!
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what a time to be a twst fan
oh boy, I know I'm late but that's because I unfortunately have responsibilities, but like. what the fuck, I can't not say something about this
they announced March sched a day before the last day of the month . huh. and Japan doesn't have Feb 28 as a holiday so Hm
but anyway
what the fuck, dorm Malleus on early March????
they're not gonna wazowski him on anniv dorm banner???????? you can actually get him???????????
or will they pull what EN did for bday Malleus and run dorm Malleus banner the same time as the anniv banner and not add his card into the anniv banner WWWWWWWW
but also anniv banner is just a glorified standard banner, and all dorm cards are automatically added to standard SOOO huh. that's funky.
anyway. HELLO???????? MAGIC 3??????? FOR LIMIT BROKEN SSR CARDS?????????????????
oughhhhhhhhh this is so fucking exciting how is it gonna be like. are there new effects the card can do??? can you do more duo magic????? can you deal 4 hits in total??? rn I'm just so excited about doing magic 3 with my lv110 dorm Azul because HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOW STRONG WILL YOU BE YOU SEXY BITCH
what. is boost in HP/ATK for LB though. like. is it like a buddy boost thing ??? guess we'll find out soon huh
OK GUEST ROOM FINALLY WILL HAVE VOICED LINES???? THANK YOU????????? suddenly I am playing the guest room with volume every day
I wonder if only friends can visit. It would make sense
ok but hello??????? SPARK SYSTEM IN TWST?????????? 200 PULLS GUARANTEED SSR
I am fully believing that the spark system is here because Yana Toboso had to throw 300 rolls for Masquerade Azul and she didn't like that at all. Everyone say thank you to Azul Ashengrotto.
900 pulls silk Jamil JP player must be malding in their seat right now though
Also I have known people who threw 400-500 rolls for Halloween Jade. Rip to them too
ngl I will miss the gacha horror stories of needing to throw more than 200 rolls to get one single copy. there's a kind of thrill those give.
anyway at least I'll still kinda get the EN gacha horror stories. I'm sorry guys but .. I like hearing about others suffering in gacha .......
the fact that there are still going to be more updates.... like. what Else are they gonna do
actually, unified exams being late March is so sudden??? We just had them. BUt I'm not complaining, I got 109k in the last one. this time. this time I'm getting SSS.
course, can't forget about the latest update ramblings, but that's gonna be in a separate post after I go through 19080980180481209850128042190 messages worth of people screeching and links to tl summaries but it's like. 1am. and I need to sleep.
haha how fitting, right? absentmindedly hums Once Upon A Dream
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jasmariswonderland · 8 months
🌟Sweet Dreams with my Twst OCs Part 3🌟
“You will become the protagonists of your own fairy tales…”
Hello everyone!
So…how about that most recent update in EN?! With everyone on the Isle of Sages currently in a deep slumber, I thought it’d be fun to explore just what my ocs are dreaming of. In this final part, we’ll be looking at the dreams of Vidaira, Heloise and my RSA oc Florine!
What is your oc’s ideal dream world?
Warning: Vidaria and Heloise’s dreams include spoilers for Book 7 content not yet available in EN
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I recently touched upon this in an excerpt I posted of her overblot AU, but I’ll add upon it here.
In Vidaria’s perfect dream world, not only are the Draconia’s defeated by the Silver Owls but they never again regain power to retaliate against the Cheriths. It’s not known if Malleus still exists in this dream but regardless, Vidaria is in no danger of being forced to wed him. Her betrothal to the infant prince of dawn is then set to proceed and twenty one years later, she marries him. Her dream begins while she’s preparing for her wedding. 
Heloise is still in her life and still her faithful handmaiden and  even Iman is there too to be her maid of honor. They talk about her future ruling the Land of Swords and its revealed that Vidaria and Silver have grown to love each other similarly to how they have in real life. They both love horses, fencing and the prince loves hearing her play the harp and sing. They also share the same dream of everlasting peace between human and fae and look forward to ruling the Land of Swords together to make it happen. Iman muses how theirs is a match made in Heaven and it’s true. 
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Now, Heloise’s perfect dream world is interesting because in her dream, the Cheriths are still in power but she and Vidaria still attend NRC with the Diasomnia crew. They all still get along well enough, albeit a bit closer than before. Ane because the Cheriths are still in power, Heloise is never taken hostage. 
Her dream begins with her, Vidaria and Igraine enjoying an early morning flight around the Isle of Sages before classes begin for the day. In history class that day, it’s further revealed that in this dream world, the Cheriths and Draconia’s actually formed an alliance against the Silver Owls and drove them off the land they tried to take from the fae. But in time, the humans and fae also came to some sort of understanding as well. Later, she, Vidaria and Iman have lunch together where they talk about a trip to the Southern Isles they’re planning to take together when school lets out for the summer. 
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Florine’s dream begins a few months earlier right before the cultural festival. Initially, she wanted to take part in the VDC but her anxiety about being around Neige for so long prevented her from auditioning. By that point, he had already picked Lilianne to lead the girls’ team and was not being very subtle regarding his feelings for her, making Florine feel pretty insecure. 
But in Florine’s perfect dream world, not only is she part of the RSA Diva’s but she’s also their leader. She makes quick friends with all her teammates and she has a lot of fun creating a performance with them. Neige also takes notice of her and they quickly form a very sweet bond. It’s not known if the RSA Diva’s still lose or if Neige still wins but for Florine, it doesn’t matter. She’s finding her confidence, making more friends and best of all, her crush is taking notice of her. 
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pandoa · 2 years
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i just finished the en anniversary event and got so shocked seeing this picture on grim's vignette i had no idea this was official 🗿 literally stared at this card last month writing that christmas fic with the first years as motivation thinking: god this fanart looks so good it looks official HOW DUMB CAN I GET-
anyways happy anniversary to the twst en server!! really, it doesn't feel like a year has passed since downloading twisted wonderland and getting sucked into the rabbit hole it is, but damn. who knew me pre-downloading this little game on my phone would affect my life so much lmao
i fr remember waking up early on accident the day it was released and playing it for the rest of the day figuring out how the whole game worked lolol
actual texts with my friend of me first opening twst at the crack of dawn hehe
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so nostalgic lol
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mamushroomoracorn · 2 years
I saw your comments on a post of why Leona gets more hate than Vil, and I can only say:
You majesty spoke ✨FACTS✨
Asker = you❖OP = original poster of the topic
Thank you, I don't want to assume, anyone else or you the asker, to assume the worse in the OP poster.
Don't witch hunt them:
I am just going to make a post like they said.
This is mainly aimed at them but I am just trying to get my points across
This was about why Leona gets more hate than Vil.
They said themselves but I think they had a different meaning for what they said. But they said it badly.
Main critical points was mostly why people brought up racism
The evidence of fandom mistreatment
How they formatted it was badly if they wanted just a "Leona vs Vil"
How in general darker skin characters in comparison are mistreated with others outside of ND.(similar but different topic)
How Leona and Vil got same cannon treatment but not Fandom treatment. Not just fandom "opinion"
I tried talking to them in the DMs after they consented to talking there and I ended there as requested by op when they asked after we give our two pieces.
I wanted to talk in the DMs but it was a mess, I did try waiting for them until they were done chating and I believe they did so too.
But it was still hard.
Just to clear up things Vil and Leona is my favorite characters.
But I am Ace trappola and Trey fan at heart.
I'm also Black and Autistic.
I took debate classes that talk about formatted arguments.
I been in the fandom a long time.
I am not the best but I will try to lay out what I am saying.
I tried to give not give bias but everyone have bias.
Under the assumption they did talked with a lot of friends from different backgrounds.
Their intentions weren't racist or intentionally ignorant they just wanted a normal conversation.
I still do think that.
Although I do understand their intention wasn't to bring race and just wanted to compare Leona and Vil.
Defending people who likes Vil.
But I think they misinterpret the issue/debate/discussion and what it is about or what they implied by accident.
I did talked last night about how they formatted the argument badly and they didn't cut clear lines.
After they consented to being criticized.
I mention, if they didn't want to talk or debate about .
if it is racism or not they shouldn't really formatted the discussion like that.
Expressly it is clear, it is more to just finger pointing. Since there is nuance and history in this debate/fandom.
Let's get this out of the way, basically to a argument.
You need to clear up what you are arguing about.
Context to the topic
Person A arguments
Why they might think that why or have a explanation.
Your response w/evidence and reasoning
This fandom does have a history of racism/colorism outside of just characters.
"Belly dancing outfits" topic, Stereotypes of dark skin characters.
Discrimination in general.
I remember when a twst creator had blatantly said the R slur despite not being Autistic or disabled.
Leona vs Vil have been a topic for a long time at during the JP translation era
{where there wasn't any EN server yet}
So already there's a fair assumption that race could be at play in the Leona vs Vil.
I did not had time to say this because they cut me off saying "I don't see, eye to eye"
I just don't agree
Then of course the comments about in their own Original post sub-quoting:
"How it is more racist to assume that the person who likes vil is racist" -OP poster
"Why the fandom treats Leona different doesn't come from racism"
Which isn't really the point when people say the treatment of leona is unfair or discriminatory.
It isn't a petty response to Leona vs Vil, in fact the Leona vs Vil is unrelated.
To unfair treatment of Leona which is a different debate.
Which I think they mixed up multiple debates that happen over the years.
But still they still bringing it up.
I think they thought it was all just Leona vs Vil.
it is about the treatment of Leona in the fandom and how it comes from a general mistreatment of darker skin characters.
Despite many of the darker skin characters having the same growth and treatment in cannon.
Let's start with Leona and Vil because it is easier since it started from Leona and Vil.
One of their points is that Leona "murder" was premeditated.
Vils wasn't:
Leona and Vil "attempted" murder of somebody.
Vil was mentally unstable but he did made the choice to actually commit murder, he would of continue if his friends didn't came along.
Leona did tried to stampede Malleus, but considering Malleus is a well known powerful fae, I believe his intention was to more than to injure Malleus like anyone else.
They did mention how Leona harmed his peers more but honesty both actions would of harmed their school/classmates.
Both would of ruined their and everyone reputation.
One would of been more physically if Malleus were to lash out.
One would of been more mentally and emotionally
Another point or group point they made: Is that Leona treats his peers badly.
Which is up to debate.
Although Leona does Laze around, he does pay Ruggie to do his job. Other than chapter 2 where he commit horrible crimes.
It doesn't effect anyone but mostly him. Also he is only rude whenever someone bother him first outside of chapter 2.
✎But he did many good stuff
He does donate his clothes to Ruggie.
He pays attention to his teamates to the point he gives personal gifts to his dormitory folks.
He literally sacrificed himself to the government police when abducted so Ruggie doesn't get hurt.
He let's Riddle lay on his limb to let Riddle rest.
He let's us stay in his dorm
He helped Vil during Fairy Gala, even though he did have a motivation he could of just let someone else do it.
He is shown to care just like Vil
✎Vil is like the same
Vil does help small businesses
Vil cares about his peers too to the point he will take time out of his day to adjust their clothing.
He can't help but to be critical, that's his love language.
He pays attention to the small things.
He is also appropriately affectionate.
Gives praise and gratitude.
But also:
He gives unwanted criticism
He is also physical with his peers sometimes.
He also gets on people outside his dormitory.
He literally stands back when someone else is getting physically hurted in his own leadership.
He lets Rook his vice harass other students of other races and let's Rook sometimes inappropriate touch other students.
He is unintentionally classist, he made comments about MC outfit despite their living conditions.
He also get on epels accent and dialect because it is too "incorrect".
He also doesn't really adjust to how his peers want to dress or present as their affirming gender.
Both of their cons
Both of theses guys will dip out when someone is in trouble.
But Leona mostly isn't in power majority of the time.
Vil is mostly is in power to do something.
The main difference between theses two is how their growth is shown, backstory and Lore.
Both got pros and cons
Otherwise their shouldn't be much of a race issue or difference.
ဗီူဗီူWhich is the main debate problemဗီူဗီူ
It isn't that people is overacting over a character comparison.
Is that OP you mention race multiple times in your argument, you mention that people had brought race into it.
You didn't say why they did.
Which is a important factor into formatting arguments to why people in the fandom not think that way.
Because there many people who act that way.
OP said sub quoting this:
"I never seen people outright say I hate Leona for being dark skin"
People don't have to say "I hate Leona because he is black".
✎There's things called Micro aggressions and of course racial discrimination. Which I seen a lot of darker skin characters had that treatment not just Leona.
Because when you brought race into it OP you brought up the Colorism/Race issue.
Discrimination can be seen in
Giving negative stereotypes to POC that harms our community
Removing any positive traits from the character and replacing them with stereotypes.
Removing representation
I faced a lot of Micro aggressions:
Ex: Just chopping up a argument is just people "overacting". Also combining multiple two seperate debates about treatment of characters with the fandom(A) vs with a character comparison(B) .
Despite the Nuances and multiple meaning in Debate A.
It is unfair and not good to do that because you are brushing off vaild feelings with evidence.
I have seen, like I said earlier.
"Belly dancer outfits" or negitive Orientalist ideas
@gwaaaaar who worded this perfectly ▼
"Its unfortunate that foreign culture is seen as so distant that sometimes it gets sexualized"
Although there's appreciation, there is sometimes fetish-ation.
But also there's the:
✂ Aggressive black male stereotype
🜲 The predatory South East Asians/Black males
𖠌 The fetishism from the fandom of the Romani character from the Disney movie with "Hunchback" character.
𖢘Romanticism of Rook fetishism towards other minority coded characters.
𖠈Sometimes with Native people too I seen stereotypes.
Leona falls into thoses mistreatments so it isn't just "different opinion".
It could be, I don't deny it.
Expressly when you combine two seperate discussions.
OP you will have theses responses, when you ignore it or don't address it.
Your points will be chop up to bias OP if you don't put a line what this debate is about.
You could of just say Leona vs Vil and end it right there OP.
It makes spaces this unsafe and when fandom actively ignore poc people. Wording it like that makes it unclear who is your target audience, or what you are arguing against.
This could clearly come off as, any racial criticism towards how a fandom treats two different characters is wrong and just opinionated based.
By the why you worded it.
Rook does gets better treatment than Leona.
Despite Leona getting harrassed by Rook even stating himself he doesn't want to be compared to being "wild".
Leona being intelligent and skillful as Vil.
Leona being caring towards people he is close with.
Leona gets reduce to being a lazy asshole that isn't thoughtful, jealous will take you away from friends, is physically/emotionally abusive, and is a "alpha male".
Despite not how male lions act like for one
How literally he is said to respect woman.
Rook despite stalking and touching without permission, being more physically active, despite making off comments, despite criticizing his friend at the worse moment, despite also pushing it sometimes, and despite not being consentful respecting people wishes.
He gets more soft stories, he doesn't really get framed as gaslighting or doesn't get as much toxic stories as Leona or Jamil.
He doesn't have aggressive words used on him during text, unlike Leona or Jamil.
Main reason why I am using Rook as a example, and not the Leech twins/Kalim because leech twins are ND coded a lot of discrimination for the Leech twins happens there.
With often they are babied or seen as less functional.
Rook really isn't, you can say Rook is ND coded with how he "hyper fixated" on the characters he harrassed.
Saying this lightly
But mental illness isn't a excuse for bad behavior always.
More of a explanation.
Rook is functional to think, breath, and make decisions, in fact babying him because of it is bad.
Like Kalim made harmful mistakes but he understands and tries to improve from it.
Rook been told off multiple times for his and he still continues.
See how Rook is way more aggressive than Leona and still gets better treatment. Vil is on the same level as Leona and still gets the better treatment.
I'm not saying people cant have opinions, but sometimes thoses opinions harm others.
It can lead to unwelcoming spaces to poc. If you word stuff just "Leona vs Vil".
Like people could like a game/fandom and be critical. A fandom is a diverse and wide area of demographic of people, there's bound to be people who dislike Leona or Vil.
Theres bound to be people who is intentionally or unintentionally discriminatory.
But you cannot say the fandom treatment is just only "different opinion".
it is too wide and too vague that to the point where it completely hurts POC when they give vaild critical points.
You did say there's different opinions OP but OP that also means there's people who I listed who display Colorism or Racism.
You could accidentally vaildate thoses harmful ideologies.
I'm going to leave Comments on and Asks on for people who wants to continue discussion, critical advice or wants to give me points.
Otherwise have a Nice day asker @therezabravo and thank you for the compliment.
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hanafubukki · 2 years
Can I ask why does everyone like Grim? Not that I dislike or hate him but I’ve seen some people who absolutely love him and being besties w him and I’m just like ??? Did I miss the part where he became a total sweetheart? If anything I’m just used to his antics and knacks for trouble….
Genuinely tho, is it bc the eng does a poor job translating mc and grims relationship progress, or did I really miss the parts where he is a much better beast? All I can remember is the trouble he brings and the fact mc just goes w it…? Oh and then the part where he “attacks” us, tho ik it wasn’t really HIM but do to the stones he eats…
Hello Anonie 🌺🌻🌺
Of course you can ask anonie, and while I can't speak for others on why they like him so much, I can give my personal views.
Personally, I didn't like Grim very much in the beginning. I thought he was annoying to say the least, and didn't very much like how he would get MC into trouble along with the others, especially since it seemed early on most of the actions were taken by him to move the story forward rather than MC which I can understand since MC can't communicate all the time and someone else has too. But, it was getting annoying real quick how much trouble he would cause, but I guess as time went on, I got softer for him.
This is mainly because how others portrayed him and how they viewed him in fanfics and art that I started to change my mind. After all, Grim was one of your first companions in Twisted Wonderland and he very much parallels you.
He was the first one you met in twisted wonderland.
He has no ideas of any of the customs or backgrounds on this land.
He is alone as well and can’t recall where he came from.
He’s just trying his best to succeed and become strong.
He’s literally your partner in school as a 2 in 1 student.
He shows moments of companionship and softness towards MC.
At the end of the day, Grim is a friend and someone who is basically in the same situation as you.
Those are the reasons off the top of my head on why I started liking him more and more, but it doesn't mean I don’t want to sometimes shake him out of frustration or just keep his tuna away when he causes trouble.
Another reason why I started liking him more was because of book 6. I’m guessing from your ask that you are an EN Twst player only so I won’t expand further, but there are instances within the book where I started feeling softer for him and even sad. Basically, half the fandom went, “give my cat back right now.” 
I also think we all have a version of Grim in our heads as well, and how we perceive him that makes us like or hate (or both) him. I also know that his chaotic energy is attractive to some people and I know that some people just want to see him grow and see how he plays a part in the Prologue. He wants to be one of the greatest wizards and some want to see how he achieves it. 
I hope that helps anonie 🌺💕💚
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Hello! Mom anon here! After playing through Chapter 6, my mom is terrified for Yuu's well-being.
First off, she was scared for life and crying her eyes out when Grim, Vil and Jamil were taken away. She especially felt bad for Kalim and Trey throughout the chapter. She also got deeply concerned because Ramshackle was destroyed.
As each boy was taken away, my mother got more scared and was pissed at Idia. She did understand he didn't want to do this though. She also refused to believe Ortho could do any harm.
When Crowley got taken away, she legit didn't even feel bad for him.
When the boys were being taken away, she thought Leona letting Riddle nap on his lap was kinda cute. She was shook at the reveal that Idia was from a famous family. "Still a capitalist I see" was what she said about Azul.
She was crying about Deuce and Ace. Crewel is now her favorite teacher.
She found it sweet that Epel and Rook wanted to save Vil but pitied Yuu.
She thought the whole gaming part was hilarious as well as her favorite.
Now Rook is her second favorite character.
She was crying for Ortho and Grim the whole chapter.
She felt really bad for Malleus because it reminded her of when she was a teenager. Let's just say my mom used to think she didn't need friends bit it all changed when she started warming up to people.
She was so proud of Epel for getting his unique magic.
Vil kissing Epel, Rook and Yuu was so sweet.
She thought the team ups were interesting especially Jamil and Leona.
Lol she thought the monsters were a fuss.
The Shroud brothers' backstory made her BAWL her eyes out but she was also angrily wondering where the parents were.
She felt bad for Vil turning old and was happy to see him get his young self back.
White haired Riddle is her new favorite thing.
The reunion was sweet to her, especially with ADeuce, Grim and Yuu.
She now calls Malleus "Our Lord and Savior, MalMal"
She's happy that Ramshackle got fixed.
Mama legit bursted into tears of joy when she saw Ortho again. "OH MY GOD!! He's a part of the first years! I'm so happy!"
Overall, she's glad that everything's fine for now.
Now she's worried for Malleus and all of Diasomnia. The trailer for Chapter 7 made her shout "Don't you dare try to put everyone to sleep, Tsunotaro!!"
Crowley is still on her hit list 😂.
[Here’s the other installments for the Mom Anon: Ep 2 / Ep 3 / Ep 4 / Ep 5]
There’s no Ep 1 for Heartslabyul—
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Hello again and welcome back!
While I do enjoy chatting about TWST 😅 I ask that you try to cut down on the size of your asks for the future; this one and the episode 5 one have been particularly bulky. I understand that this is likely a function of the main story getting progressively longer, but please try to do your best to summarize the most relevant points.
Making each line is a new point doesn’t leave me with a lot that is meaningful to comment on, so parts of my response may be short or skip over some sections altogether 💦
Thank you for understanding! 🙏 I’m going to spoiler tag this response since 6 is just starting to be released for EN and I don’t want to spoil anyone that wants to go in blind.
I think episode 6 definitely has one of the most bombastic starts of all the main story episodes, and it manages to maintain that momentum for quite a bit. No one was quite expecting the mass raid and kidnapping 😂 we were just joking around about Vil kicking down the door and dragging Idia away from his video games kicking and screaming. 6 is when we get a lot of payoff for all of the OBs that have already transpired earlier in the plot, so the fear really kicks in. It also gives an opportunity for the non-OB boys to step up and do something in the absence of key members of their respective dorms (ie maintain order and keep the mob students from panicking).
There was an initial outcry when the first part of episode 6 released, with the rage being directed at Idia. A lot of people believed that he was the one responsible for the kidnappings and that he would subject the OB boys to unspeakable horrors as test subjects 😔 but it later turns out he’s an unwilling participant (his parents ordered him to), and the experiments mainly consist of simulated battles and playing video games. The test subjects also torment Idia as much as he torments them sooo I guess it’s even?? I just wish people hadn’t jumped to conclusions or had been so reactionary. I understand feeling worried for the safety of the characters, but some of the things being said at the time definitely weren’t warranted and went too far 💦
Something that episode 6 does well is demonstrating the bonds that have been built between the various characters in the core cast. There’s determination in Ace and Deuce rushing in to protect their friends, Pomefiore and Yuu going out of their way to rescue Vil and Grim, the strength of the vices (+ Kalim) and the NRC staff staying behind to keep the school together, and the various OB boys teaming up to venture into S.T.Y.X.’s headquarters. Everyone bands together and tries working things out in their own ways. Yeah, they hit a few (okay, a LOT of) bumps in the road, but they’re able to pull it off in the end. 6 definitely gave me a lot of food for thought, especially on the OB boys and how they have changed since their initial appearances. (I wrote this analysis of the various groupings!) I’m looking forward to rereading the localization of 6 in EN just to experience the magic again 😤
dbjssbkwns It’s good to know that Rook’s getting some appreciation 😂 He’s really the one driving this whole rescue mission with his unique magic/signature spell, so he deserves the praise!
I was in the same boat as Rook, Epel, and Yuu when Vil asked if he could hug and kiss them! I was shocked that he could be so affectionate bfjsbsksns and even funnier, that means Vil’s the first of the TWST cast to canonically kiss the player (most likely on the cheek). The TWST OC/TWSTsona community likes to romantically ship their own Yuus with various boys in the cast (and a lot of us initially got into TWST thinking it was a dating sim), so Vil giving a kiss of thanks is kind of a funny (but probably unintentional) subversion of that.
First it was Deuce in 5, then it’s Epel getting his unique magic/signature spell in 6! (I’m hoping this means Ace discovers his in 7 😭) I really liked that Rook served as a mentor figure to Epel and helped to guide him in stilling his nerves and directing his newly discovered magic! He’s like a proud parent…
Episode 6 is notorious for its time-gating snd restrictive battles (which were not seen in previous episodes). This can be very frustrating so 💦 I hope the EN players are prepared to deal with it! Some of the battles are super tough and will require a diverse card pool to achieve victory. Luckily though, some time can be saved because the JP players have already figured out and posted the answers to some of the puzzles online.
I think the Shroud brothers’ backstory was the only one of the OB boys that made me cry 🥲 It was just so emotionally resonant in a way that the others weren’t. (I also wrote an analysis about Idia, Ortho, and coping with loss, if you’re interested in that!) I believe the commonly accepted theory is that the Shroud parents are absent or hands-off when it comes to child rearing; there’s subtle hints of it throughout 6, such as Idia saying his parents care more about getting results than their son’s feelings and how it is the researchers that check on Idia a few years after Ortho’s passing rather than the Shroud parents.
Vil turning old in his selfless effort to save Idia was a clever way to incorporate the “hag” form of the Evil Queen for whom he is twisted from. It also helps his character arc come full circle 🥺 when he repeats the same words Rook spoke to him at the end of episode 5… “In this moment, I am the fairest of them all”, while looking old and decrepit… It shows that Vil has come to truly love himself in spite of how others may perceive him.
dbksbwjxnsk?vdhw Albino hair goldfishie is cute 🥰
The reunion of everyone at the end was one of the best parts of 6 (though let’s be fair, 6 had a LOT of really bangin’ parts), especially considering that this is happening so close to “the end”. You come to see and appreciate just how far you—and, by extension—all of these characters have come, the genuine friendships they’ve formed… and how that’s all going to go away very, VERY soon (due to Lilia and Malleus’s ominous conversation about the brevity of human life, and how the bonds they form make them stronger). You just KNOW the next episode will tackle mortality, loneliness, and losing the ones you love most (particularly because Yuu finding a way home will become relevant again). It makes 6’s ending super bittersweet.
Ramshackle gets fixed and we get to enjoy that luxury for all of 5 seconds before heading home—
I was so pumped seeing Ortho finally being realized as his own person and a student independent of Idia 😭 He’s the robot that was able to turn into a “real boy”, against all odds. He was able to take that 0.01% and turn that slim possibility into 100%. Ortho has definitely earned his spot at school and in all of our hearts!!
I didn’t really care what happened to Crowley when I was actually playing 6, but now I want 7 to explain what he was up to during that time 🤔 Like, we never know what he was being asked about or if he was actually being interviewed at all??? I just think it’s suspicious that we’re being left in the dark about those details.
On a final note, let’s talk Malleus! I think his general struggle is something many people can relate to. Loneliness is something we’ve all experienced one way or another. Even if we’re surrounded by tons and tons of people, we can still feel isolated and alone because there’s a component of loneliness that comes from doubt, and self-imposed circumstances. In Malleus’s case, he’s so used to loneliness that it has become his status quo, and this isolation is not only perpetuated by others but also unknowingly by himself in the little ways he acts—the arrogance, the standoffishness, etc. It can even difficult to be the one to reach out, because it involves a degree of being vulnerable yourself, of letting others “see” you as you are, rather than as the front you put up for the sake of saving grace or upholding a particular image. I hope that anyone who has ever felt like this is able to overcome it and find good company as your mom has 🙏
Episode 7 ahoy! If part 1 is of any indication, we’re in for a very… exciting ride 😇 in which Malleus may or may not take any means necessary to prevent his friends and family from leaving him—
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riddlerosehearts · 7 months
🐍 same, there were many things i did not enjoy about HoO but leo is one of the highlights i will always treasure from it. in fact I made my OC just so I could make them be friends with him bc it's like an old childhood dream of mine 😭 it's several years late but i will do it anyway. have u ever made any pjo ocs?
I read your post and i agree with you so much!! EN did jamil so dirty and just the few changes they made to his lines flipped the entire dynamic between him and kalim and basically completely erased how tragic and difficult their situation is, and portrayed jamil as basically just someone throwing a fit over something easily changeable when it isn't. I play on JP so I was so surprised to see the changes EN made, it sucked seeing so many ppl hate my fav
oh nooo yeah if both riddle and jamil are in the athena cabin i have no clue who'd become the head counselor... this is so hard, if only we could have more than one :(. Kalim'd def be in a different cabin at least, but just him being around camp would make it so much harder for jamil to be himself, it hurts my heart. there are so many ways you can write this and it all has so much angst potential. on the other hand you're so right abt the missed leo nico friendship bc i always intuitively felt they could've be good friends without knowing why, but your analysis puts everything into words and makes me even sadder we had such a missed opportunity... like cmon rick....
idia labwear groovy but nico is actually so funny - nico ominously approaching cats with his hands out like the grabbing emoji when nobody is looking and completely unaware how scared the cats feel, meanwhile all he wants is to spend some time with kitty before the chain sneezing sets in
I love your ideas abt the outfits I think they fit super well!! if i get around to doodling the characters in a twst au i'd like to reference your ideas if that's okay with you! They'd both probably attempt to wear the uniforms as a full set in the beginning then decide it's way too much of a hassle/feels too stiff (totally not an excuse to want to draw them in the full outfit), then begin modifying things so it felt more like themselves, though at least I think they both would like the ignihyde uniforms better than the other dorms, igni's seems more casual and practical than the other ones imo. for some reason i feel like the savanaclaw colours would look good on leo, i just picture yellow being a nice colour on him - but leo in savanaclaw would just be like him stuck with a ton of jocks feeling confused why he's even there lool
also imagine leo meeting ortho, he'd be so fascinated that something like ortho was possible and be inspired to make a robot of his own (twst festus origin story?) idk if there's a robotics club but i could see that being leo's club of choice, nico maybe board games... which means he'd meet idia and azul omg, what do you think?
sorry it took me a bit a longer to answer this time. i haven't!! i don't make OCs super often in general, i don't even really have one for twst haha, but i love seeing all the creativity other people put into their OCs.
yeah exactly!! i do keep up with the JP main story updates and have read most of the JP events through fan translations, but i started by playing on EN. and i feel really lucky that i recognized the words for master and servant and could tell they were mistranslating some things, because i can imagine that otherwise i would've come out of it hating jamil for "betraying" kalim too. instead i loved him and was a little annoyed with kalim until book 5 showed more of his growth. i don't ship jamil and kalim but i do love both of them and it's sad that the complexity of their dynamic got watered down so much... i will note, though, that the app is rated E10+ on the google play store and 4+ on the iOS app store, so my guess is that higher-ups at disney thought the actual story wasn't kid-friendly enough.
something else to keep in mind with athena kids that i actually sort of forgot about until recently, is that they're all claimed from birth and therefore are pursued by monsters from birth :( and then also the fact that athena is a virgin goddess who just sort of gives babies to people who might not have been prepared to have one... i bet that would make things so much rougher for riddle and jamil. some other ideas i had are that if jamil's parent was a minor god, it could be nemesis (goddess of revenge) or terpsichore (muse of dance). and for kalim, if his parent was an olympian it would be either dionysus or apollo and if it was a minor god it'd be tyche (goddess of luck and fortune). like you said, there's so many different ways i could see their story going in an AU like this and they'd all be so angsty.
if you wanna see more analysis on how nico and leo fit together there's some stuff i've reblogged from others in my valdangelo tag! not all of it is necessarily romantic, i just basically use that for anything about the two of them--and a lot of the reasons why people like the ship are reasons why they'd work platonically as well. but yeah one of my biggest criticisms of HoO is how even though i like all the new characters for the most part, i feel like their relationships to each other were largely defined by romance (and i don't just mean the actual couples, but also the frank-hazel-leo love triangle for example) and a lot of potential was missed because of that!
oh yeah go for it!! feel free to use pretty much any of these ideas we've been brainstorming as basis for your own headcanons and stuff, i don't mind at all. and like i've been saying, if you did draw anything for this AU i'd love to see it. i can definitely see that about leo and nico both trying on the full uniform and then quickly deciding not to bother with it anymore lol. i imagined them both not wearing the tie because i just think nico wouldn't really want to and that leo might not even know how to tie one AFSKJGHDF. do you think leo would add any other accessories or personalization to his school uniform? also, i was thinking, i totally agree that they'd both like the ignihyde uniform, especially nico because it resembles the bulky jackets he normally likes to wear! but i wonder what nico would wear for a dorm uniform if he transferred to ramshackle... according to one of silver's voice lines at least, they canonically don't have one, so maybe he'd just wear, like, a my chemical romance shirt and call that a uniform lol. or keep his ignihyde uniform and confuse everyone.
omg, i love the thought of leo meeting ortho and being inspired to make festus because of him. he'd definitely be so fascinated by everything ortho could do. as for the clubs, i saved this excellent post about NRC's clubs for reference a while back, and since no other existing clubs were mentioned in either of the camp vargas events, i assume that that's all of them. but afaik there's nothing that says leo couldn't start a robotics club, and i'm sure there'd be people willing to join! out of the existing clubs i can totally see nico being in the board game club, i think that'd be a lot of fun for him.
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bongscythe · 2 years
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hi!! im lotus bongscythe, i moved accs since last got hidden >~<
im a fic writer, cosplayer, and a collector!! click below for writing rules n more info ~~
im an autistic enjoyer of random things and doppio is my oshi !! i like rhythm games, horror, super sonico, vtubers, and everything about beauty n skincare. im also a stoner and yes it is my personality /hj [i make many jokes n hcs about weed n such, im very pro mj!] i am also a pagan >_> i very much love prsk, idv, omori, corpse party, and old playstation games too :3
i write fics for nijisanji en, genshin impact, twst, and identity v right now! i mostly write x readers, smut, and fluff!!!
friends to lovers :3
my requests are always open [for oneshots, headcanons, thirsts, the usual!!] so there must be rules set in place.
my writing no-nos/i do not write
-!ncest/step!ncest, pedaurph!l!a, abus!ve relationships
-k!nks that deal with bodily fluids [minus blood], agepIay, inflation, v0re, things of that nature
-i do not write for vox/mysta/sonny/nina/millie, magician/lawyer/thief/mad eyes, or for characters that are minors!!
my writing YESES/i love to write
-k!nks like shibari, overstim, temperature play, incels.... [specialty on my old acc]
-i LOVE to write for hex/doppio/uki/scarle, beidou/childe/zhongli/ningguang/yae miko, idia shroud, joseph/luca/wu chang/norton/ada!!!
i have a job, but i'll try my best to pump out the best fics for you as possible!!! feel free to hmu, the box or messages idm!! <3
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v-anrouge · 1 year
honestly I have such a love hate with twst because my first exposure was though memes and I watches a fantranslation before actually committing to downloading and playing the game and I had already knew who I was gonna choose and it was epel, he was cute and I related to him so when I downloaded the game I was shocked to say the least to not only the way they handled epel but everyone. part of it I feels comes from the translation from Japanese to English (and other languages) and how stripped down it is, twst isn't a kids game and a part of me feels like they stripped down twst EN so much is because if someone at Disney wanted to they could easily play the English release so I feel like they had to almost dumb it down to get it approved and to give it a more marketable rating. the other part is that alot of stuff just doesn't exist in the English language ignoring epel for this part but the way all the characters use names nicknames and honorific really help flesh out the world of twst and character relationships is just lost in English. twst en is a mess witch is why when I get my friends into it I tell them to read the main story with fan translations instead of the English translation. I could go on more but I feel bad for ranting and kinda rambling
no cuz i feel the same twst is just poorly made in general the sprites not properly representing the characters the translation errors the feeling of the story being rushed it just sucks
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h3nsh1n · 1 year
I just noticed I never made a post like this so here's a little introduction about myself:
●You can call me Azul.
●My mother language is spanish, but I understand english very well, and I speak and write more or less decently (at least well enough to be understood). I'm also trying to learn japanese.
●I use she/her prouns, ella en español.
●I don't like saying my age on the internet but I'm older than 20 and younger than 30.
●I know I may seem distant at first, but that's bcs I'm very socially awkward and anxious. I looooove to make new friends so if anyone wants to interact it would make me really happy.
Other trivia about me:
●I majored in Philosophy at college.
●I absolutely love reading and my dream job would be around books.
●One of my biggest dreams is to travel around the world.
●I have played the traverse flute for 12 years now and I play in a symphonic band.
●Friendship is very important to me and I value my friends a lot :]
●Azul is not my real name, but is the one my father wanted to give me when I was born (they settled for another bcs my mom didn't like it lol).
●I've been on the Internet for almost 10 years or so now.
●I've also been listening to vocaloid for more or less the same amount of time and I'm still really into it nowdays.
●I love jrock in general and vkei.
●I also love horror stuff!
●I'm currently reeeeaaally into Enstars (including Dramatica) and Tokusatsus, specially Kamen Rider (my favourites are Ryuki and OOO), but I also like other things like ORV (I LOVE ORV SO MUCH), Fire Emblem (almost all of them), Disco Elysium, Star Trek TOS, Utena, Mob Psycho 100, Pacific Rim, Alchemy Stars, Metal Gear, Love Live (but only Aqours), BSD, TWST... and a bunch of other animes, videogames and books.
●I also adore RGPmaker games, specially Cell of Empireo, End Roll, Hello Charlotte and Witch's Heart.
●Other random things I like are trains, the sea (as I live near it), fireworks, heighs, making bubbles, amusement parks, pop punk, ouji lolita fashion, archery, flowers (my favs are forget-me-not and blue hydrangeas), anthropology, tarot (although I don't believe in it, I just find it interesting), summer, cats, rabbits, foxes and plushies.
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instantbreplay · 1 year
Part 2 of my TWST EN VA headcanons!
WARNING: Spoilers for the TWST game
Dorm: Savanaclaw
Leona Kingscholar — Jonah Scott
Most known for:
Tatsu in The Way of the Househusband
Kojiro “Joe” Nanjo in SK8 the Infinity
Another that I agreed with was Jonah Scott as good old Leona because to be honest, just like Yuuichirou Umehara, Jonah has a smooth, sexy voice which fits with Leona’s nonchalant, deep, and carefree tone of voice. If you listen to it closely, you can bet that he’ll even make a good growl for him. I only saw his performances in The Way of the Househusband and SK8 the Infinity (mostly SK8 because it’s my favorite anime), but his performance in SK8 took me and my younger sister—who likes Joe Nanjo—by storm because of his seductive demeanor towards the women he wants to date (thank goodness Leona respects women) and his tone when irritated enough like whenever he’s around his old friend Kaoru, a.k.a. Cherry Blossom. With that in mind, imagine Jonah making a tired tone with a grumble on the daily when a lion doesn’t want to get out of bed.
Jack Howl — Matthew Mercer
Most known for:
Levi Ackerman in Attack on Titan
Chrom in Fire Emblem Engage
Cole McCree (now named Cole Cassidy) in Overwatch
Jack Howl is a teenage white wolf who prioritizes honesty and integrity above all else and because of his love for doing noble and righteous deeds, he earned himself the man himself, Matthew Mercer. Matthew is another voice acting king, his roles varying from the different characters he has played over the years, but if we look to Jack’s personality and compared it to Levi Ackerman who is a popular character of Attack of Titan with skills that can kill a thousand Titans if trained even more, Matthew is more than perfect because he can present a masculine man with morals and raw strength and outstanding skills in different areas of expertise. I feel he can also produce a scary tone of voice when Jack is angered by any unruly and disgusting misdeed a fellow classmate did such as when Ace, Deuce, and Grim made contracts with Azul to help them pass the final exams.
Ruggie Bucchi — Bryce Papenbrook
Most known for:
Inosuke Hashibara in Demon Slayer
Adrien Agreste in Miraculous
Eren Jäger in Attack on Titan
This is yet again another voice actor that I agreed would make a good Ruggie, but I have only one reason…Did nobody hear his laugh as Inosuke when Inosuke was flexing his flexibility to scare Tanjiro and Zenitsu? He nailed that laugh which is why I think he can perfect Ruggie’s mischievous laugh, especially hearing Inosuke’s voice in my head, a voice that always reeked of mischief and insane ideas that should’ve gotten him killed but is still alive. Like Inosuke, Ruggie knows how to survive and think on his feet and if we also analyze Eren Jäger (by the way, that’s the actual German spelling of his name—I am not spelling it wrong), Eren also understands survival but is reckless and takes matters into his own hands when things don’t swing his way which Ruggie did when he caused the injuries of his peers so Savanaclaw could win the Spelldrive tournament against Diasomnia.
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