#so my finger was hovering over the cancel button
sibellaa · 19 days
Love the dichotomy of doing physics homework, moving on to preparing for my organic lab on IR spectroscopy, only to get snacky partway through and attempting to microwave a foil packet of gummies with the uhhh expected results.
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klobexia · 1 month
>be me, a 20-whatever trying to get to my doctors appointment
>order uber
>new option to ask for no conversation! yippee
>get a good price on the uber
>tesla driver
>ok… he might be normal though
>give benefit of doubt (mistake)
>can’t figure out how to open the fuck ass doors of his dumb fucking car
>he talks the ENTIRE TIME
>asks me if i have a ride home and offers to drive me for free if he can have my number
>”uh no haha?”
>hop out quickly to avoid being stalked by a musk fanboy
>i got dropped off in the wrong parking lot
had to be greentext format to properly convey my baffled disgust
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redcoralpot · 11 months
U Malatu - Mike Schmidt x M! Reader
Summary: Mike gets a call back on the ad he had sent out for a new babysitter for Abby. While they were interested in the job, Mike was more than interested in them.
Warnings: NSFW content (masturbation), and mentions of murder.
Word Count: 1.55K
Notes: Consider this a gift for the gay Mike simps!!
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Mike had expected nothing of it, really. He had paid a newspaper company a few dollars to display ads for a babysitter in their daily papers; a last ditch attempt before starting his new job at a local pizzeria. He was working the night shifts, and with his office being in the middle of a highly dangerous, abandoned building, he hesitated in bringing his little sister along. Abby was only ten years old– who knows what she would get into?
So, when his phone rang with a call from an unknown number, Mike immediately answered, “Hello?”
Radio silence from the other end. His mother always had warned him about spam. 
His finger hovered over a red button, ready to end the call, when a noise froze any movement, “Um… are you Mike Schmidt?”
“Yeah, this is him.”
The caller cleared their throat, “Okay, so, I’m calling about a babysitting ad I saw at a local diner; I’m interested. Is it possible for us to meet there to discuss details?”
“Woah, hold on. What’s your name?” Mike questioned, folding his jacket over a chair.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll meet you outside of Sparky’s at four o’clock. I’m looking forward to it!”
“Wait–” That was the only thing he could respond with before the line cut out, and his home screen went back to normal.
Suspicious. Maybe he should have gone a different route than dropping the opportunity of watching over a vulnerable child into just anyone’s hands, but it was too late to turn back now. Sparky’s was a public place, at least, so this person would not be able to hurt Mike without getting caught. If he got any weird feelings from them, he’d immediately call it off and go home. 
Mike glanced at the oven clock, ticking away at time like it was nothing. Currently, it was only three, and the drive to the popular diner was only fifteen minutes away. Well, shit. He was too desperate to pass this up, not with the court constantly watching his back. Mike groaned, rubbing the bridge of his nose, dreading his first shift already.
He ended up needing that extra time to get Abby comfortable enough for him to leave, and oh, how stubborn she was. Mike had to carry her over his shoulder just to get her into her bedroom, where she had plenty of sensory toys and items to occupy herself with. Additionally, Mike had put extra care into making sure she had the opposite too, such as noise canceling headphones in case the neighbor decided to mow his lawn again. The last time he saw her, she was huddled up on her desk again, using crayons to draw scribbly pictures of her imaginary friends. Yeah, imaginary. They weren’t real, as much as Abby claimed they were.
By the time he had gotten in the car, started it, and driven to Sparky’s, he was five minutes late. Yet, from his windshield, he could see a man in a quirky uniform sitting outside the main doors. Mike couldn’t see the details of the stranger– he needed to get his eyes checked– but he witnessed them flinch at the sound of his car door slamming. As he approached, the man jumped up with a sparkle in their eye, and held out a hand.
“Mike Schmidt?”
He didn’t shake it, causing the hand to fall awkwardly to your side, “Yeah.”
“Uh, anyways, I saw your ad. The diner hands out a paper full of ads with their menus, you see, and yours caught my eye.”
“You mentioned that.”
The man had a lopsided grin on his face, and you chuckled; the sound sent a spark up Mike’s spine, “Yes, yes I did. I make decent money, but I’m also looking for a bit of a side job too. Babysitting was on the top of my list, ‘cause I love kids.”
“Do you have any actual experience with it?”
“I was a babysitter for my first job in highschool,” he rambled, “my favorite kid was a little boy from a local daycare. His mom said he got diagnosed with autism and she needed extra help taking care of him during the evenings. He was a delight!”
“Why did you stop?”
“Ah, it’s a shame. Fritz, the little guy, was one of the kids that went missing at a pizzeria a while back. His mom was never the same after that, and I felt guilty that I wasn’t there.” You shuffled closer to the doors, shoulders tense.
“A pizzeria?”
You shrugged, “It got shut down soon after that. I guess when a couple of kids disappear into thin air in a restaurant, parents aren’t keen on bringing their children there anymore.”
Mike opened his mouth, ready to ask another question, but you stopped him, “Listen, I gotta go, this was my break. You have my number, right?”
He nodded, and you replied with your pinky and thumb sticking out of a fist, held to your ear. Mike watched as you disappeared into the diner, curiosity and another, more unknown feeling creeping up his chest. He remembered it so well, looking back on it.
Nowadays, Abby loves you. Mike could lean on the doorway, and a smile would tug on the corners of his lips as he watched you make shapes with your hands. A light was set in her room specifically for this purpose, as the shadows cast would mimic whole storylines. His little sister would view it in glee; the tales always accompanied by voice acting, your doing. Mike even started, in the back of his mind, to prefer the idea of spending the night like that instead of in front of a collection of security cameras. He observed your hands, how your body moved, your face, and more embarrassingly, your lips.
Mike studied how gentle and sickeningly sweet your voice was when you praised Abby, but also the stern expression that played in your eyes when she misbehaved. You would glance up at him sometimes, the manner still stained, and a heady feeling would slam into his brain. The experience always only lasted a few seconds, when his little sister would grumble again, and you were pulled back towards her. Frankly, there were times when Mike wished you would continue, though he’d never admit it. He pushed it down with everything else.
Alas, that can only work for so long– a man has needs. Those needs surface at the worst possible time, and for Mike, that was on his endless night shift at the pizzeria. He cursed under his breath, feeling his dick straining against his jeans. The feeling of your hand manhandling him out of his own front door was imprinted on his shoulder, even if his uniform vest covered it. Just thinking about it sent a shiver down his spine, and he closed his eyes as his eyebrows scrunched together.
“F-fuck.” He whispered. 
His seat shook as Mike shifted in it, fidgeting, unable to focus on the bright screens on his desk. The more he tried ignoring it, the more depraved thoughts infected his head. A finger trailed up the seam of his pants, his breath hitching, where it finally landed on the button holding it all together. Mike bit his lip and unbuttoned it, a whine escaping him as he palmed himself. 
He imagined it was you that was doing it, your strong palm cupping his crotch as easily as you did a mug at home. He snaked fingers into his boxers, sliding himself out of the top, and rested his forehead against the wood under the cameras. His dick twitched at the movement, and he brushed against the tip. Mike huffed as he slid his hand down, and then up, repeating; spreading precum as it came out. What else could you do with that strength?
Could you manhandle him on his hands and knees? You could, he knew, and you would trail your hands down his body. So very gentle, so very kind, for what you were about to do. You could hold his hips still to prevent him from thrusting up into your hand, as he whimpered in complaint. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he felt the stickiness grow in his hand; you could call him the most pathetic things and he wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. A pet, a slut, a little whore.
Mike let out a quiet moan, “Please…”
He’d face away from you as you thrust your own against his cock, not even earning the privilege to look at you. You would treat him as only a toy to use, whenever, and however you wanted. His ass would be red from how hard your skin slapped against his; the sting only sending down zaps of pleasure. You wouldn’t even bother taking off your own clothes, only his. 
“That’s it, that’s a good boy,” you’d grunt.
That same heady feeling slammed into Mike again, but this time was different– this time it was accompanied by a white flash in front of his eyes. His body seized upwards, drool smearing against the desktop. The guard felt warmth drip down his palm, onto his pants and the floor. For the first time in what felt like forever, he let out a deep, shaky breath. 
The stain was going to be hard to explain.
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luveternals · 15 days
paring: 5. simon 'ghost' riley x reader rating: — cw: none. if you read between the lines the MC is just insecure, of what? it depends on how you interpret it, i guess. a/n: make sure to reblog and/or comment. it literally makes my day, thank you! ~ ~ ~
It's pouring, angry thunder shaking your windows. You press your cold fingers against the side of your burning cup, steam brushes past the tip of your nose, but your fingertips are numb and you can't seem to get any warmth out of it. You consider giving the chimney a try, but the living room is quite big and you're alone. Lighting flashes, illuminating the room, before everything plunges back into a darkness broken only by the dimly lit screen of your phone.
"I'm sorry." The words are soft as they come from the other side of the line.
"Don't be," you say. Your voice is leveled, a little flatter than normal, but still steady, "a blackout just killed the lights anyway, the TV is useless now."
"The road's closed and the—"
"You don't have to make excuses." You take a sip of your drip, but press your lips into a line as you look at it. It's shit. "We'll see the movie tomorrow, when Zeus stops throwing a fit."
There's a long pause from the other side and the faintest sigh, as if Simon pulled away just so you can't hear it. Jokes on him, he's forgotten the noise cancellation off again and the microphone on his phone is picking up everything. The rain pouring, the cars honking, the crowd laughing. The glasses clinking together.
"Alright," he says, spelling every letter of the word like he wants to be sure you hear it properly. "I'll see you tomorrow, then? Love you, darlin'."
"Yeah," you nod into your cup. You reach your hand forward and let your finger hover over the button to end the call for a second. It's redder than you remember. "Love you too," you say in one breath final before you tap the screen and the call finally cuts off.
You take the phone with your now free hand and stare at the lock screen. There's a picture of him, fast asleep with his face buried into your pillow. He lives a few hours drive away, and the day you snapped the picture he came to visit and ended up staying for a week. He'd steal your clothes and you found you didn't mind one bit.
Your heart clenches but the corners still pull into a fond, sad smile.
You're tired, sore and mentally numb. Your two weeks work trip went quite well despite everything but the stress of both the social interactions and the need to impress some people who probably already forgot about you, drained your batteries.
You were looking forward to a cozy night with the person that gives light to your days but it seems all you'll get is a cold, dark dreamless night.
You leave the cup barely touched on the center table and stretch out on the couch. It's a little small but you curl on a side, tuck an arm under your head and pull the blanket over your head.
You stir when a gentle weight is settled over your blanket with tender care. You shift as you feel warm breath brushing against your forehead, "sometimes, I wonder if I'm dating a puppy with abandonment issues," he chuckles against your ear.
You're still out of it, you can't even open your eyes properly, but scooching up the pillows to make space for him comes to you like second nature. He lifts both of the blankets and weasels his way on top of you, his head resting on your shoulders and his legs tangles with yours in a way that, with no doubt, will get both of you sore very soon. He ignores the strange, unhealthy position you're both puzzled into the tiny couch and sighs contently against your neck. The warmth of his body sips into yours and you feel the stiffness of hour muscles melts away.
His hair is a little damp as it tickles your chin. You reach your hand up to check but when you frown ready to ask, you feel his weight settle heavily about your body. He fell asleep, already?
You consider looking at the time but a yawn throws the thought out the window. You circle your arms around him and pull him closer. Questions can be asked later, enjoying his presence now is what really matters now.
~ ~ ~
a/n: anyone who wants to be added to the taglist, feel free to tell me :)
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
Fly me to the Moon
Scarlett Johansson x Pilot!R
Request (with deviations)
Smut: Alluded to. Suggestive Commentary.
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Scarlett rolled her shoulders as she stood in the Pre-Check TSA line. It'd been nearly a decade since she had to fly commercially. There was never much of a need for publicity after you.
A friend of a colleague at a wrap party, she was not fond of her costar, but you intrigued her plenty. When you casually mentioned you had been working for the guy since you finished your pilot's licensing she perked up. It was an in for Scarlett to make sure you met again.
An hour later she was taking your business card, and blushing to herself as you gently kissed her knuckles in a bid of farewell.
Originally you two were boss and client, it was a respectable relationship, but Scarlett didn't waste any time before making you her friend that also works for her, just like Kate. The only difference being she wanted you to be hers.
It took awhile, but surely enough you two were inseparable, except for when one of her jobs takes her away from you for half of a year.
Like this last one did. All she wanted was for you and one of your pilot buddies to come get her so that she could rest in your lap while you bantered with your colleague as she napped.
But then she got the last minute call, you were frantic and apologetic just the same as you told her none of your private jets were working. She nearly cried on the phone, but she didn't want you to feel any worse so she stifled her sniffle and thanked you for handling this flight.
If she wanted to wait it would be a week before you could ensure one jet would be running. She refused, and at the sound of her quiet whimper you booked her a first class flight in the middle of the morning to ensure the airport was calm.
Once she settled into her seat at the back of the first class cabin she placed her noise cancelling headphones on. Her purse was settled beneath the seat, and her others were loaded into the overhead cabin by an eager flight attendant.
The blonde sighed, her fingers hovered over the call button of your contact, but she felt like the next time she heard you should be in person. So she texted you that she was about to take off, then smiled when you replied fast.
*Safe travels my love, see you soon 🥰.*
A saved playlist of hers was put on shuffle, and after about fifteen minutes she was sleeping.
The flight attendants called you, and as your girlfriend slept, you greeted the passengers.
There was no way in the world you'd trust another to fly your lover home. This had all been an elaborate scheme, setting you up for the, hopefully, grandest proposal of a lifetime.
Scarlett slept for about six hours before she woke up feeling restless. She used the ability to walk freely to her advantage, stretching her limbs out as she moved to relieve her bladder.
Then she returned to her seat, pulled out a novel you'd recommended, and let herself get lost in the story as she willed time to pass by.
When the seatbelt sign flashed she removed her headphones, packing them and the book into her bag as she heard the flight attendant tell the businessman next to her that it was about five more minutes before landing.
Then a crackling was heard, the blonde's breathing stuttered as she heard your familiar voice thanking the passengers for their cooperation, making for the smooth flight.
Scarlett wasn't sure if she was annoyed at you or if she was elated as her heart fluttered wildly in her chest. She reasoned it was a mix of both.
As soon as the seatbelt sign turned off she was scrambling out of her seat, and running off to the cockpit. The flight attendants knowingly stepped out of her way with smirks on their faces so she can run into your awaiting arms. 
"Hello baby girl," you whispered against her ear, a smirk on your face as she shivered at the timber in your voice.  "I missed you so much." The both of you sighed as your arms wound around her fit body even tighter. Comfortingly.
Scarlett pulled back ever so slightly so that she could capture your lips with her very own. It'd been six months since she'd last been able to have you this close, she wasn't waiting another damn second just so she could reply to you.
"Hey there captain," she rasped against your hand as she lifted it to her lips, leaving your body alit with goosebumps. She was teasing you in retaliation for pulling away, but you'd had to force yourself to pull away from the intoxicating blonde before your plans failed.
"Welcome home my love," you cheered softly, and she giggled sweetly. "Did I surprise you?"
Scarlett smiled, rolling her eyes to indicate the answer was obvious. "Yes, in the best of ways." Her smile softened and you felt her deep love.
"Scar," you whined, burying your face into the hair on her shoulder so that you could smell the familiar, and oddly comforting scent combo of her all natural lavender conditioner and coconut oil. Sentiments of this kind had always been a thing you used to struggle with out in the open. A byproduct of being on display for the world to see. Which is a good front to pull now, to leave no indication for what's about to come when you two eventually deplane.
She chuckled, "What? If you do something sweet, and romantic, I'm going to praise it."
"Are you saying I don't woo you enough?" You raised up with a pout, she laughed in your face then pressed forward to kiss you tenderly.
"You woo me plenty," she teases, "I'm not saying you don't." She pecked your lip to offer transparency. "I'm simply saying that you, my sweet girl, deserve my gratitude, always."
"And you my dearest Scarlett deserve to be reminded everyday that you're the most beautiful woman to have walked this planet."
Scarlett giggled in subtle discomfort, the heat spreading over her cheeks a reminder of her hypocritical stance on adoration. Apparently that was only meant to be applied from her to you. You briefly kissed her jaw, fighting an overwhelming urge to touch her intimately.
Scarlett smirked knowingly, and you shook your head at her suggestive green eyes. You just had to stall her long enough, and when your phone pinged a second later you sighed.
It was time, and you were buzzing with joy.
A part of you was grateful for your wife to be's love for fashion, because most board planes in lazy attire, but not Scarlett. You know she probably wore this pale pink button up, that she tucked into her light grey skirt for you. Expecting you to be the one picking her up, she just wanted to look good for you, and she did.
Actually, she looked good regardless of garb. So, had she been in sweats, with her hair up in a messy bun you'd be just as happy. But you knew she wouldn't have been, no one wants to be proposed to publicly while in a sweatsuit.
"Are you ready to go now babe?" Scarlett nodded, and you linked your hand with hers. The blonde too enamored with your beauty that she failed to see you leave her luggage.
The both of you walked down the stairs onto the airport's runway. "Wait. What are we doing down here Y/N?" Scarlett looked concerned, and before you could calm her she was being swept away and guided into a random chair.
Scarlett shrieked, "What the actual fuck?" Then she saw your nervous smile, and she instantly knew that this was planned. Her anxiety didn't exactly dissipate, but it instead came from a place of anticipation in comparison to before.
You took a deep breath, shook your shoulders of the anxiety your body was being overrun with, then joined the line of people waiting.
A swarm of people came out of nowhere as the music boomed from the speakers. Scarlett felt her heart hammering in her chest as she pieced together what was happening. She grinned, and watched the flights passengers dance around her with precise, clean movements.
You'd sneakily hired an entire flight of actors, and managed to keep it all a secret. Your lover is honestly beaming with pride at the prospect.
Tears of joy streamed down her face against her will, she let them fall. There wasn't a need to wipe them when they'd continue to flow.
Scarlett chuckled through her tears, you were the worst dancer she'd ever known. It was clear you put in the work to learn the sequence here, but true to your nature you stepped on a few of the peoples toes as you gleefully sang along to the upbeat Taylor Swift song, "Paper Rings."
Feelings on Taylor aside, there was no denying the woman wrote beautifully crafted ballads.
"Kiss me once 'cause you know I had a long night," you kissed her cheek, then rounded around the chair to kiss the other while still singing, "(Oh!) Kiss me twice 'cause it's gonna be alright!" Then you looked into her eyes as you sang the last bit of the bridge, "Three times 'cause I've waited my whole life."
The crowd chanted, "(One, two, one two three four!)" as you kissed her lips briskly before you dropped to your knees before her with a smile.
The crowd continued to sing, "I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings."
Scarlett huffed as tiny, origami rings were thrown over your bodies, some landing on her face that she blew away. Then she looked down at you with a goofy grin, and you calmed down.
The two of you just stared as the crowd of smiling people danced and sang. Then the music cut off abruptly as you retrieved the velvet box from your pocket, you sighed heavily, then you spoke the rest of the verse.
"Darling, you're the one I want," your tone was confident, even if your hands were shaking as you opened the box, "In paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dreams," you winked and caught sight of her alluring smirk.
"Oh, you're the one I want Scarlett Johansson." You shakily lifted the ring from it's cushion, a smile bloomed across your face at the reflex of her fingers, it was as if she was trying to take it from you already, and that gave you confidence to go on. "Say you'll marry me Scarlett, please, and you'll make me the happiest woman alive."
Scarlett reached her hand out and grinned, she was trying to find her voice as the tears ran over her cheek and settled into the crook of her neck. Her throat constricted, but she pulled it together, she was an actress after all. "Yes."
"Really?" Scarlett nodded with a playful glare, begging you to not make her speak again. You understood, sliding the gorgeous, princess cut emerald with diamonds on the band onto her finger, then you excitedly pulled her into you.
The music picked back up, and this time you pulled your fiancée off the ground and spun her around. Scarlett squealed and bent her legs before wrapping them around your waist. She was elated beyond words could express, so she kissed you hard, hands cupping your face to keep you still so she could thank you properly.
The crowd roared, then respectfully dissipated. All making their way back onto the plane so that your pilot friend, who owned this aircraft, could take them back home to Los Angeles.
As the dust settled you felt Scarlett huff into your shoulder, "The jets aren't broken then?"
You shook your head with an uneasy laugh, "No, I had to say that though for this to work."
"Yeah, I got that now baby," she chuckled.
"If you're not too tired, I actually have one of them waiting for us." Scarlett looked to you with an intrigued gaze. "For the hefty price of an all expenses paid, Italian staycation with his wife Jimmy is flying us." You leaned into her ear, "Don't worry, the cockpit is soundproof."
"What are we waiting for?" Scarlett shook you by the shoulders, then her hand slid into yours and she happily allowed you to take her there.
The both of you entered the jet in a rush, the both of you slightly out of breath as you’d at some point decided to run the rest of the way. While Scarlett looked around you tapped on the pilot’s door, and heard the engine roar.
“It’s beautiful,” Scarlett breathed as she saw just how much care you’d put into setting the place up. “Can you imagine if I’d said no?”
“Oh, I would’ve cried,” you chuckle nervously at the thought, you wrapped an arm around your fiancée from behind and settled a sweet kiss to her cheek as you reached around her to grab the chilled bottle of awaiting champagne.
Scarlett popped the cork, and poured the bubbly into the chutes in your hand, her enthusiasm causing her to spill a bit on you.
You lifted yours to your lips and sipped, watching in horror as she did the opposite.
Scarlett unceremoniously tossed the fragile glass across the space; it shattered. You had no time to react before she pulled you in by the collar of your pilot's garb for a heady kiss.
The two of you collided into the mattress, rose petals flying around your bodies as you both rolled around in a sinful dance. Clothes were haphazardly strewn all over the cabin, but neither of you cared about any mess. In the moment all you knew was each other's most intimate parts. Neither of you paid any mind to the turbulence as you spent countless hours making love, it was probably your faults.
Scarlett watched you sipping on a bottle of water from her comfortable spot on the bed. Her elbow was pressed into the mattress, her head resting on her hand as she admired you. She couldn't stop reliving the dream of a day you'd afforded her while her eyes roamed your nude body, you were a tempting vision. Her mind soon delved into the rather recent sinful escapades, and she had an epiphany that caused her to laugh shortly, and for you to quirk a brow at her. "What's so funny baby?"
"How have we only just now joined the mile high club and we've been dating for five years?"
"After having pined for another five," you added with a bittersweet smile. Scarlett shared the sentiment of disappointment. Many times she wished she could go back, to be able to love you like this sooner. But she truly doesn't regret the path, she felt it was a crucial time spent growing up. Because she's not so sure her younger, more wild child persona would've not ruined her chances at permanence with you.
"Goodnight Mrs. Y/N Johansson to be," she murmurs her delight into your skin as she gently kisses over your neck repeatedly. Your heart flutters and you lean into her embrace more, craning your neck some to catch her lips.
Scarlett kisses you with perfected skill. Enticing you to forget the ache between your legs, but then you're reminded when she pulls away with a sweet curl of her lips. "Get some rest my love, we'll be in Paris by early sunrise."
You closed your eyes. "I love you my star." She kissed your head. "I love you more my moon."
You fell asleep with a subtle shake of refusal, and Scarlett soon followed as her high faded.
You woke up in your best friends guest room with a crick in your neck. Cursing Evans for being so superstitious as he shoved you out of the door with a growl. Scarlett followed you out, kissing you apologetically, and you left with a grumbling that earned you a giggle.
Time having flown by like a candle in the wind, and now you found yourself sat before a vanity. Applying your own line of products, not that Elizabeth didn't beg to help, but you politely declined, stating that you needed some space.
Hoping no one tells Scarlett about your perceived cold feet. That's not what this was. There was never a chance in hell that you'd leave Scarlett at the altar. It was just a need to be alone with oneself before they tether their life to another completely. Enjoying your own company for a final time as a singular entity.
There was maybe a flicker of doubt that crossed your mind, but your heart swatted it away. Never once letting the feeling linger.
And you knew you made the right choice when you walked down the aisle to see Scarlett. Her eyes lit up in a way that made your stomach flutter as if there were butterflies swarming.
Then your eyes panned to the right, and you paused your traipse down the aisle as you spent a moment being starstruck. Taylor Swift sat down at the piano by the altar. It all made sense now why Scarlett had put up such a fuss, begging you to let her be the one waiting for you to walk to her. You realize now she gave up a lifelong dream of being walked down the aisle just to surprise you. To keep the love booming.
A marriage needs a constant flame, it can waver in the wind, but it can never blow out. Without a spark it wouldn't likely catch again. Then you'd be left with only smoke and ash.
A reminder of a love that once roared.
Fortunately for you both, it's easy enough going out of your way to make her happy, and as you walk down the aisle with a watery smile it's clear she ascribed to a similar notion.
You walked down the aisle to the remixed tune of paper rings, stylized elegantly enough to fit the strict rules of a wedding runway song.
Taylor then performed an excerpt from one of her many fairytale-esque songs as you and Scarlett passed the threshold of the building.
"I was enchanted to meet you too," Scarlett whispers teasingly as she guided you into the reception hall where all your closest friends and family cheered loudly as you entered.
She dipped you with a passionate kiss to your lips, showing you off to the room before she'd pulled you back up with a spine tingling rush from the irregular blood flow. You giggled against her lips and kissed her more tenderly as you waited on your heart to beat with hers.
Scarlett was pulled away seconds later by the Marvel men of the OG6, all screaming like banshees. Her eyes pleaded with yours for saving, but you migrated over to the bar.
Sharing in a riveting conversation about cats with none other than Taylor Swift. You ask her if any of her songs that bordered storytelling over life experiences were inspired by Meredith or Olivia's cat personalities humanized.
After you explained your question more thoroughly the woman smiled like a Cheshire Cat over the lip of her glass. She sipped on her Old Fashioned, letting the varying flavors ruminate on her tongue before she subtly kissed her teeth at the familiar burn. She leaned forward so you could hear her over the music as she whispered to you the secrets she never expected anyone else to understand.
Scarlett watched, a deep yearning in her heart to be the reason you're laughing so hard. The guys set her free a moment later, letting their possessive friend weave her way back to you.
The blonde crashed into you, legs a little wobbly as she'd just slammed quite a few shots of alcohol back with her frat boy costars. It'd been ages since she'd last drink, her tolerance clearly dwindling with age. Her nose scrunched up in distaste at the thought, but it settled as her arms wrapped around your waist. Her chin laying over your shoulder, you felt her sigh rush over your skin and beamed internally.
Taylor read the vibe quickly, she smiled with you two for a few photos. Some for her socials and some for your wedding portfolio. Then she performed her final song of the night as you shared the first dance with your blushing bride.
You swayed your hips with hers to the acoustic styling of Lover, sharing a smile breaking kiss as the song faded out. A silent roar took place as your family rushed to crowd the dance floor and the DJ picked up the vibe with ease.
"The jets ready whenever you are," you whisper with a teasing lilt, "Just say the word and we'll fly right on out of here. Jane's got it covered."
Scarlett's hand fit in yours perfectly, her ring bumping into yours as she enthusiastically pulled you out of the building and you then took over guiding the two of you to the jet.
This was your smallest jet, the one you fly when she needs to go somewhere overnight. There's only a single bed, her shoulders deflate at the thought of you being the pilot tonight.
"None of that," you dismiss, wrapping an arm loosely around her waist as you peck her lips. "I'm going to ask you to change for me, there's a bag for your pretty dress." You reached into your pocket as you paused, pulling out a bullet vibe for her to hold. "Then slip this inside."
"I'll control the gears, and your pretty pussy," you chuckled hoarsely. "Then when I know we're on a smooth path I'll use my fingers to edge you until we land two hours later."
You saw the way the flush of her cheeks had significantly darkened, and her eyes widened in fear, and a directly correlated arousal. "Be my good girl like I know you to be and I'll finally let you finish on my tongue in the hotel room."
Scarlett's bottom lip was caught between her teeth now as she purred. Your thumb tender as you tugged it loose, then you leaned in to kiss her breathless, pulling away with a sultry grin, only once her wrist gripped yours frantically. She was mesmerized by your charm, you winked before departing with a husk, "Don't leave your captain waiting for too long kitten."
Scarlett's legs trembled. "For fucks sake..."
It was gonna be an eventful flight...
3,633 Words
🥰 Kaitlyn😏
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yanderederee · 1 year
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April30th, 2004
Beware: bottom text leads to darker themes, as the story progresses! ♡
Before! › here! › After!
“What, the hell, are you doing, Ryusei?” Baji aggressively whispered.
“C’mon it’s fiine! All I did was invite her out with us!” The taller boy laughed. “It’s not like you have anything to hide anymore.” He grinned pointedly at his blonde friend, who bashfully looked away. “I already apologized, damnass..” Chifuyu muttered.
Baji clicked his tongue in annoyance, fussing with the back of his head in agitation. “Whatever. Arcade is canceled.” Baji waved off, leaving no room for discussion. “What!” Replied a displeased grunt.
“I was looking forward to going, though.” You announced with crossed arms. “And stop trying to disinclude me, it’s very rude!”
“You act like you got any say in the matter, shorty.” Baji waved your attitude off with a huff. He really was stubborn, acting this way. “Last time I checked I can make my own decisions, Keisuke.” You rolled your eyes at him, linking arms with Chifuyu.
“Cancel yourself if you’re gonna be a prude,” you gave Baji a teasing smile. “But Arcade and Karaoke sounds like a great way to spend my Saturday night.”
Baji became stunned at your blatant shots against him, mouth agape at your new demeanor. “That’s right!~ Pizza’s on me!” Ryusei laughed in reply, draping his arm around your shoulders; lazily observing his captain’s next actions.
Baji tensed up at this notion. “That’s not what I meant..!” He spat, giving an exasperated sigh. “Whatever, what the hell.” Baji finally returned the teasing grin, dropping his glasses into the pocket of his shirt. “Looks like I get to school you in something for a change.”
Once Baji finally came around, the day out went fantastic.
Chifuyu and Ryusei would get into an altercation every so often, but your blank stare paired with Baji’s threatening one seemed to keep the two in check.
“How are you so good at pin ball?” Chifuyu marveled at Ryusei’s high score. “I’m good at everything Chifuyu~” Ryusei bragged before settling you forward. “Your turn, pretty girl. Let’s see what you got.”
Blushing over the use of this overly affectionate nickname, you shrugged. “I don’t think I’ve played this before,” you admitted, checking the machine for all its buttons. “The concept is easy enough, I guess.”
Baji subtly pushed Ryusei, glaring. “Watch it,” he whispered to the other. “Make her uncomfortable and you die.” He spoke like a promise.
Ryusei readjusted how close he stood next to you, embarrassed at how clueless he felt. Ryusei’s own crush on you was slipping, and as oblivious as Baji was to signals, the overall closeness between you two was making his blood boil. “Sorry boss,” Ryusei whispered.
You’d been distracted by the game and Chifuyu’s little tips and tricks, he hovered his finger above the glass. “This tunnel gets you a bunch of points, so try aiming there!”
Smiling sweetly at Chifuyu’s innocent grin, you elbowed him affectionately. “Thanks chi! Here I go!” You hyped yourself up, putting in the token.
It took a little bit of trial and error, but before long, you were scoring higher and higher numbers, seemingly never losing the pin ball. “No way!” Chifuyu laughed with a huge grin.
“You’re freaking awesome, Y/n!”
The blonde’s praise boosted your ego, a wider grin setting in. “Check this,” you grinned back, flicking the nozzle just right to trap the pin ball, earning an overarching highscore.
“No shit!” Baji howled, ruffling your hair in praise. “Look’t that, new high score. The hell can’t you do?!” You embraced his words, leaning into his hand. “I wanna try that next,” you pointed, crossing the boys’ gaze across the arcade.
All three of them smirked. A fighting game. How ironic.
The four of you blazed past all the games, winning more than most and poking fun against eachother failures. Ryusei’s car racing skills was no joke. Chifuyu had a sharp eye for point and shoot games, and of course Baji’s favorite, were fighting games. (despite being his favorites, he didn’t seem to not be very good at them)
“THIS IS BULLSHIT!” He shoved the machine backwards, earning some nervous glances. “I totally—-!” Baji yelled, turning to complain further, but halted at your quirked brow, apparently amused.
Chifuyu noticed Baji’s wordless response, face turning red with frustration from losing his seventh round of MK2. “I’m hungry! Ryusei, treat us to pizza!” Chifuyu distracted the group, for his captain’s sake.
The night’s escapades came to an end after long, the four of you laughing in unison.
“Thanks for inviting me out guys, it was really fun!”
Ryusei chuckled and wrapped his arm playfully around your shoulders, pulling you into him. “You’re the one who made the outing fun, princess~ Really surprised me with that death metal voice though.”
You laughed, clearing your strained voice. “I admire many music genres! Metal happens to be particularly entertaining!”
Chifuyu failed in attempt to hide a laugh.
“Your genre tastes sure are interesting, y/n!”
Baji seemed to recall something suddenly. “Speaking of, I just finished Volume 12 for Berserk, mind if I trade off for Volume13?” He asked you, earning a gasping reply. “You were supposed to finish NaNa! No more trade offs until you’ve gotten through what you already have!”
“Everyone, heads up!~” Ryusei flipped out a cell phone, amused.
“Come on boys, let’s take a photo to commemorate our Triple Date~” he declared jokingly, earning a harsh ‘ehh?!’ from Baji— and a wide grin from Chifuyu’s huddled closer form.
The photo encapsulated was a little dark and a little blurry, but clear enough to make out your confused face being pushed cheek-to-neck with Ryusei, Chifuyu’s bashful grin to the right of you, holding up a peace sign. And, slightly in the background, captured Baji mid-yell, canines full on display.
The photo Ryusei took, and kept as his cell phone background.
The photo that got you wrapped up in this whole mess.
June21st, 2004
“Who’s the girl, Ryusei?” Kojiro spoke menacingly quiet.
“Is she your friend? Really?” He scoffed, eyes flaring when he swung his fist against Ryusei’s cheekbone again.
“Thought that little tramp was Baji’s girl. You’re telling me you’ve been friends with her this whole fucking time?!”
He yelled, pulling white hair tightly.
“No…” he narrowed into Ryusei’s crying face, alone and vulnerable with no one but Kojiro for witness.
“No… that’s right.” Kojiro smiled.
“You were never friends. You’ve been planning this for a while; right?” Kojiro cradled the injured boy in his hands lovingly.
“You were never friends. You were getting her to trust you. Nothing more.” He cooed.
“You always were the more charming of us two in that regard, I suppose.”
“So tell me, Ryusei. Who is Y/n L/n to Baji Keisuke?”
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More Than This // Chad Meeks Martin x Reader x Ethan Landry*
request: none!
prompts: none!
summary: ethan landry is completely and totally hopelessly in love with you. the only problem? you're in a happy relationship with his roommate and best friend, chad.
warnings: language, a shit ton of angst, crying, smut, a wee bit of voyerism, masturbating (m), cumming in pants, yelling, ethan having impure thoughts about reader
word count: 3.1k
a/n: reader is referred to as girlfriend, but there's nothing specifically mentioned about gender other than that. no description of reader, other than being mentioned as shorter than chad. chad and reader are dating. there isn't any relationship going on between reader and ethan. no ghostface au. also this is my first time writing smut in a while so i hope it's alright!
part 2 part 3
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I'm broken, do you hear me?
I'm blinded, 'cause you are everything I see
I'm dancing alone, I'm praying
That your heart will just turn around
Ethan frowned as he looked over at you and Chad. The two of you were dancing together with your matching cowboy and cow onesie costumes, and you couldn’t have looked happier. Your arms were wrapped around Chad’s neck and his hands were placed on your waist. Ethan watched as Chad whispered something to you that made you giggle, and he felt his heart ache. He wanted to be the one you danced with, the one to hold you close, the one who would make you laugh.
But you were dating his roommate. And Chad was Ethan’s best friend, he’d never want to hurt him, but all Ethan could think about was you. He could never escape you. Even if he wasn’t thinking about you, you were still there. You and Chad went almost everywhere together, and you were always over at their dorm. Just constantly seeing you and Chad being happy together made Ethan’s pain that much worse.
And as I walk up to your door
My head turns to face the floor
'Cause I can't look you in the eyes and say
Ethan stared at the text he had written to you, his finger hovering over the send button. He kept writing the same message over and over, pouring out his feelings to you, but he could never bring himself to send them. He was too scared. He knew there was no way that you could possibly return his feelings, and telling you how he felt would only set him up for more heartbreak. You were with Chad, and you were happy. Who was Ethan to get in the way of that?
And besides, he couldn’t do that to Chad. Sometimes Ethan felt that Chad was the only friend he had, he didn’t want to risk losing him over his stupid infatuation with you. Ethan sighed, deleting the text and shutting his phone. He huffed, leaning back against the pillows on his bed, deciding to wallow in self pity instead of fucking everything up by confessing. 
When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight
It just won't feel right
'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah
Ethan heard the door to his dorm open and shut, giggling and whispers following the noise. Great. You and Chad were back from your date. It was nights like these that Ethan couldn’t be more grateful that his dorm had separate bedrooms. At least he wasn’t forced to see you and Chad being all lovey dovey, that would just feel like the two of them rubbing salt in his never healing wound. 
The door to Chad’s bedroom was flung open, and Ethan heard you laugh again. He smiled slightly to himself, the beautiful noise cheering him up a bit. But that newfound happiness was short lived, because he knew what came next. Walking over to his desk, Ethan searched for his noise canceling headphones, but they were nowhere to be found. He cursed to himself when he remembered he had lent them to Anika so she could focus better while trying to study. Just great. Now he had nothing to block out the sounds of you and Chad. This was going to be a long night.
When he lays you down, I might just die inside
It just don't feel right
'Cause I can love you more than this
Can love you more than this
Ethan laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling, willing himself to fall asleep. Unfortunately, he was still wide awake. He didn’t even know how long it’s been, but you and Chad were still going at it like rabbits. Chad’s headboard continually slammed against the wall, the banging ruining any chance Ethan had of sleeping. But that wasn’t the worst part. The worst part about Ethan’s current situation was you.
The walls in their dorm were incredibly thin, allowing for sounds to be heard from the other side easily. Ethan could hear you moaning out Chad’s name over and over again, along with your other whines and whimpers. It was all Ethan could focus on. You sounded so… hot. Usually he had his noise canceling headphones on, blocking out all the sounds you and Chad make. But now that he could hear you, he regretted ever using those stupid headphones in the first place. 
Before he could even realize what was happening, Ethan was hard. He whimpered softly as he felt his throbbing erection continue to grow each time you moaned. He felt guilty about feeling like this, especially since you were currently fucking his best friend, but his overwhelming need made his guilt almost disappear. 
He pulled the blankets off of him, and brought his hand down to his hard on, grinding his palm against it. He whimpered in relief at the feeling, speeding up his movements, practically humping his hand. Was he really doing this? Getting off to his best friend’s girlfriend’s moans? He felt dirty. Perverted. But somehow, that made this all the more exciting.
Ethan continued, grinding his palm down against his clothed cock, while his hips bucked up in tandem. He closed his eyes, imagining that you were the one touching him, and that he was the one getting you to make those incredible noises. Ethan bit his lip, struggling to hold in his moans. He was getting closer and closer. Then, he heard you through the wall.
“Oh, fuck! Fuck, m’ cumming! Fuck…” you trailed off into a high pitched whine.
Ethan opened his eyes when he felt a growing wet spot on his hand. He looked down and saw that he just came in his pants from hearing you finish. Great. Just great. He was supposed to be getting over you. And this was definitely not helping. 
If I'm louder, would you see me?
Would you lay down in my arms and rescue me?
'Cause we are the same, you save me
But when you leave, it's gone again
“Hey Ethan!” you said cheerily, sitting down next to him in the cafeteria.
“Hey…” he mumbled, his face flushing red as he looked away from you, the memories of what he had done last night still present in his mind.
You scrunched your face up in confusion when you saw how red Ethan looked. You immediately placed the back of your hand on his forehead, concern present on your face.
“Are you feeling alright? You look really red,” you asked, gently touching his forehead and cheeks to see if he had a fever.
Ethan felt himself blush even harder, the feeling of your hand on his face making his skin tingle and his head spin. He quickly shook his head and pulled away slightly, not wanting to develop another situation because of you. 
“No, I’m- I’m fine. Maybe just a little sunburnt is all.”
You pouted. “You really should wear sunscreen, Ethan. It’s not healthy if you don’t.”
Ethan nodded. “Uh, yeah. I’ll keep that in mind.”
Ethan was about to say something else, when Chad approached and sat down next to you, instantly taking your attention away from him. You smiled widely at Chad, pulling him into a hug and kissing his cheek.
“Hi baby! I missed you,” you said, a lovestruck look in your eyes.
Chad smiled back, looking equally infatuated with you. “I missed you too babe.”
Ethan grumbled to himself, the display of affection the two of you shared only making him long for you even more.
And then I see you on the street
In his arms, I get weak
My body fails, I'm on my knees, praying
It was movie night and Sam and Tara’s place, a weekly tradition that Mindy forcefully makes everyone participate in. Ethan sat by himself in a chair next to the couch, while you and Chad were curled up together in the loveseat across from him. Everyone else had piled onto the couch, or the floor in front of it. Mindy grabbed the remote and excitedly started some horror movie that she’s been adamant about making everyone watch. But Ethan could barely bring himself to pay attention.
He kept his gaze on you and Chad, squished close together as Chad buried his face in your neck. You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close and trying to comfort him from the scary images on the screen. Despite how scared your boyfriend was, you couldn’t help but smile at how adorable he looked, your six foot tall boyfriend clinging to his much smaller girlfriend for protection.
Ethan tried to watch the movie, he really did, but all he could think about was how badly he wished it was him that you were holding instead of Chad. No matter what he did, Ethan couldn’t get over you. He had almost given up on trying at this point. He was hopelessly in love with you. And he would just have to deal with that. 
When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight
It just won't feel right
'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah
The movie finally ended, and Ethan managed to force himself to pay attention to the second half of the movie. He was definitely confused about the plot, and had absolutely no idea what happened, but at least he stopped staring at you and Chad like some creep.
“Aw, guys look!” Anika said, pointing to the loveseat you and Chad were on.
The two of you had fallen asleep, Chad curled up in your arms. The sight of you and Chad sleeping together so peacefully, so happily, it just made the heartache and longing he felt for you that much worse. Because he knew he would never get to be with you like that. He would never get to be the one to fall asleep in your arms, the one you protected from scary movies, the one you held close. No matter how badly he wished and prayed to be yours, he knew that it would never happen.
Sam stood up from the couch and grabbed a blanket, placing it over you and Chad. She smiled down at the two of you warmly, the sight just so incredibly adorable.
“They’re so cute together,” she said, smiling to herself as she walked back to the couch.
“I know!” Tara added, swooning over how perfect you and Chad looked together. “It’s like they were meant to be.”
When he lays you down, I might just die inside
It just don't feel right
'Cause I can love you more than this
Ethan couldn’t take it anymore, seeing you and Chad sleeping in each others’ arms, hearing all his friends fawn over how cute you and Chad were. It was all too much. He felt his heart shatter and his eyes welled up with tears. He blinked forcefully, trying to stop them from falling.
Ethan stood up, starting to head towards the door. “I think I’m gonna head back to my dorm for the night. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
Anika frowned. “You’re not staying? I thought we were all sleeping over here tonight?”
“Yeah, you always stay. What’s going on?” Mindy added. 
“Nothing. I just don’t feel like it tonight.”
Quinn furrowed her brows in confusion. “It doesn’t seem like nothing. Is something bothering you?”
Ethan huffed in frustration. “Nothing’s bothering me. Just drop it.”
Before anyone could respond, he was already out the door.
I've never had the words to say
But now I'm asking you to stay
For a little while inside my arms 
“Hey, man. Where were you last night? Mindy said you left early and that you seemed all upset about something,” Chad said, sitting down in the desk next to Ethan.
Ethan shook his head. “She’s overreacting. Nothing’s bothering me. I… I just had this paper to work on last night that I forgot about. That’s it,” Ethan replied, hoping his excuse didn’t sound as shitty as he thought it did.
Chad looked skeptical but brushed it off. “Alright. Well, hope you got it done in time then.”
“Thanks,” Ethan said, a forced smile on his face.
Chad looked like he wanted to say something else, but their professor walked in and began talking, gaining Ethan’s attention. Chad wanted to press for more, he felt like there was something Ethan wasn’t telling him. But now probably wouldn’t be the best time, especially since he seemed so tense about whatever it was. Maybe he could get you to ask Ethan about it later. Ethan always seemed so much calmer when you were around. 
And as you close your eyes tonight 
I pray that you will see the light
That's shining from the stars above
And I say
“Ethan! Hey, wait up!” you shouted, running to catch up to Ethan who was on the other side of the quad.
Ethan’s head perked up when he heard your voice, and he stopped walking, waiting for you to reach him. A few moments later, you stood by Ethan’s side, your hands on your knees and you panted from your jog over. You held up a finger to Ethan, asking him to give you a minute as you caught your breath. 
“You alright?” Ethan asked, a smile growing on his face.
You nodded, slowly beginning to breathe normally. “Yep. Just wasn’t prepared to run that much. I’m- I’m fine.” You finally managed to calm your breathing, and smiled at Ethan to prove you were really okay.
“So, why’d you just sprint across the quad? Did you miss me that much, or did you need something?” Ethan asked, laughing to himself slightly.
“Uhm, yeah actually. I needed to talk to you. It’s about last night.”
Ethan’s smile faltered. “What about it?”
“Chad wanted me to ask you about what happened. He told me that you said you forgot about a paper, but I know that’s not true. You’re too insanely organized to forget an assignment. So, what happened? Why’d you bail?”
Ethan shook his head, turning to walk away. “I’m not talking about this right now.”
You huffed and grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to turn around. “Ethan, I’m worried about you. We all are. Just talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“I can’t!” Ethan said, his voice slightly louder.
When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight
It just won't feel right
'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah
‘Cause I can love you more than this, yeah
“Why not? I’m here for you Ethan, we all are. Just let me in. I want to help you.”
Ethan turned his head and looked at the ground, not wanting to look into your eyes. If he looked into your eyes right now, he knew his resolve would crumble, and all of the feelings that he’d been holding back would all come spilling out.
“I can’t tell you. You wouldn’t get it. You can’t help me,” Ethan said, his voice growing quieter as he felt your gaze stay trained on him.
You placed your hands on his shoulders, trying to make him look at you again. What was once just a minor concern about whatever happened at the sleepover now grew into a full blown panic. You had never seen Ethan like this. So small, so fragile. He had seemed so put together, having everything under control. But seeing him like this, you couldn’t help but feel your heart break. He looked so sad. So scared. And you hated it. 
“Try me. Please. Let me in. Whatever you’re dealing with, you can’t do it on your own. Don’t push me away. I know we aren’t the closest, but I do consider you a friend. And I care about you. So please, just tell me what’s wrong. Don’t let yourself suffer by trying to deal with it all on your own.”
When he lays you down, I might just die inside
It just don't feel right
'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah
“Fine, you want me to tell you?” Ethan said, finally looking into your eyes.
You nodded. “I really want you to.”
Ethan huffed, rubbing his eyes with his fists in frustration. “I- I want to tell you. I really do. But if I say this, I can’t take it back. I don’t want to ruin everything. I don’t want to lose you.”
You frowned, stepping closer to him. “You won’t ruin anything. Just please, tell me. Let me in, Ethan.”
“I’m in love with you, okay?!” Ethan shouted, squeezing his eyes shut, terrified of how you would react.
“What…?” you asked, your eyes wide in shock. 
“I’ve loved you since the day I first met you. Which sucks, because you’re with Chad, and I know you don’t feel the same. But I’ve been suffering every single time I see you with him. I wish that was me. I want to be the one that you love. I want to be the one you’re with. And I know it’s wrong, I know I can never have you like that. But- I- I just-,” Ethan trails off, his rambling cut off by his own panic. 
And then Ethan does the unthinkable. He kisses you.
When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight
It just won't feel right
'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah
Once he realized what he had done, he pulled away. He was too panicked to realize that you had kissed back. You looked up at Ethan, your eyes wide in shock and confusion. You had no idea what you were feeling, emotions swirling and exploding inside of you. But Ethan interpreted your expression as disgust and hate. He looked at you guiltily, slowly backing away.
“I’m sorry. I- I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t know why I- I’m so sorry,” Ethan said, his eyes wide as he took another step backwards.
“Ethan…” you said, your expression softening when you saw how terrified he looked.
“No- I- I shouldn’t have…” Ethan said, turning around and running off, not wanting to have to face you another second. 
“Ethan, wait! Ethan…” you called after him, but he didn’t turn around. 
“Wait…” you said softly, trailing off when he finally faded from view. 
When he lays you down, I might just die inside
It just don't feel right
'Cause I can love you more than this
Can love you more than this
tags: @wenvierismycomfort
if your name is crossed off, it means i can't tag you!
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luvymelody · 9 months
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yuji itadori , jujustu kaisen - bloodline : ariana grande
( i dont watch jjk 😭 i wanted to write this cuz yuji a cutie patootie if i have certain shit wrong mb 🙏 )
y/n decided to get up early today and even go to class early, they were just randomly filled with energy to decided to do their thing. they walked along the halls that sunlight shined through the open windows as they opened the sliding doors.
they found yuji, their boyfriend and classmate surprisingly early, sleeping slumped in his seat. y/n raised an eyebrow, walking up to the boy, poking him in the cheek.
"itadori? why are you sleeping here?"
yuji slowly blinked his eye to find y/n bending down infront of his face, his expression brightened, letting out a-
-before kissing them with his hands on their cheeks, squishing their face together as yuji stood up and wrapped his arms around them. sitting on the table infront of his chair with y/n between his legs.
"okay mister, why are you sleeping in the classroom?"
"um, i keep coming late and gojo might take my head off, sooo- i came early so he wouldn't!"
"how early?"
"like, i don't know a few hours?"
"don't judge! if i didn't i would be a few hours late to class!"
y/n blankly stared at the boy, the boy held a big smile as he held eye contact with them and y/n just couldn't be weirded out at his smile.
"you're so cute but so weird.."
"shh.. i love you."
yuji wrapped his arms around y/n, pulling them in closer as yuji tucked his head towards y/n's neck, softly kissing along the side of their neck as he slowly moved his hands towards their hip as he held the soft flesh of their skin between his fingers as he slipped his fingers underneath their shirt.
y/n gasped at the feeling pf yuji's lips on their neck, gripping onto his shoulders as their lips trembled and noises threatened to come out.
"you wanna know what i was dreaming about?"
yuji leaned away, unbuttoning his shirt, stopping after a few buttons were undone. his other hand hovering over y/n's buttons.
"can-can i? please baby."
yuji begged, his breathing getting faster as y/n whipped their head towards the door.
"but, what about the others?"
"we don't have to be here, we can go to my room."
yuji said, rubbing the sides of their waist as he continued leaving kisses around them. but yuji already made them desperate, the feeling of kisses lingered on their frame and y/n took his lips, kissing him as they unbuttoned the rest of the shirt. yuji followed suit with unbuttoning y/n's shirt.
yuji stood up, picking up y/n and placing them on the table, securing them on the desk and he swapped their positions with quick passion. going back to kissing y/n as he whimpered into their mouth and y/n felt around his torso.
gojo walked to the classroom, noticing how the classroom door was slightly open as kissing noises came out from the room. his eyebrows furrowed in disgust, already thinking about yuji and y/n who were probably making out in the room.
he peeked through gap, leaning his body away from the door so he wasn't seen. he saw yuji, his body leaning into y/n as y/n's legs were wrapped around yuji's waist, their hands interlocked around his neck as they continued kissing.
gojo saw enough in the 2 seconds, walking away and texting his first year group chat with a sigh and the feeling to puke coming up his throat that class was cancelled today due to horny teenagers.
gc name : first years and the best (worst) teacher ever 😨😢🥱😴😈
grandpa gojo : class is cancelled.
megumi : why??
grandpa gojo : i just saw the most horrifying thing ever ok dont talk to me.
mean KUGISAKI : bro just say
grandpa gojo : yuji. and l/n. were KISSING.
megumi : ok they always kiss they peck each other every second
finger eater : GOJO U SAW NOTHING
mean KUGISAKI : 😟
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lacedinweb22 · 1 year
Web of Lies (Miguel O’Hara x reader)
🕸️ Entangled series 🕸️ ch. 7 prev part
After the party and your falling out with Miguel, your isolation forces you to reflect… and so does the strange spider activity outside of your apartment.
cw: none
I ditched class for a whole week. I didn’t answer Miguel’s texts. I figured that the withdrawals from loving him would be less painful than the continuous aches from being strung along by someone I was hopelessly devoted to.
I sat up in bed, legs crossed and hovering over my textbooks, catching up on work. The rain pattered on my apartment window; the weather seems to be matching my mood lately. I flipped through our lab notebook, turning through the pages until I noticed a gum wrapper sticking out of the back. I flipped to that page to find a sketch of me, obliviously looking down at my notebook, which was perfectly centered and surrounded by the rest of a completely scribbled page of equations and chaos. Miguel drew me? When did– How–
I traced the curves and strokes of the carefully detailed sketch, graphite staining my fingertips. In the midst of chaos. I threw myself back onto the bed, replaying memories from the party: us standing across from each other in the crowd, the way his face was lit up by the lights, in the darkness, the way he looked at me, only me in the midst of chaos. I remembered him carrying me, the butterflies I felt, the way his eyes felt on mine, the way he stuck by my side the whole night, his drunken words in the bathroom. Something switched. I replayed our conversation in the bathroom. He said that I was the only girl, that he wanted to keep me away from everyone else at the party, keep me near him.
Fuck. Maybe I am oblivious.
It couldn’t have been clearer. I was a drunk asshole. I couldn’t have been more fucking self sabotaging and insecure, and it took so much from us, altering how the night could have gone. Maybe there was an “us” that I was too insecure to admit was there. I should have listened to him, given him a chance to speak.
My heart sunk, realizing what I had done. I reached for my phone and clicked on his name. Is it too late? Did I lose him? My finger hovered over the call button.
I breathed in and out, then clicked it quickly.
Straight to voicemail.
My screen then glowed green with a phone call from my mother. I picked up quickly.
“Ma? You never call this early, are you–” “Y/N, did you see? Spider-Man has been on your block all week. All week! Apparently he’s been lurking around there, so these freaks keep coming to him, trying to pick a fight. I mean Y/N, he caught that lizard freak who’s been living in the sewers, then that drug lord? It’s on the news right now, mijita! There’s reporters outside of your apartment! Haven’t you seen?— Why haven’t you been calling?”
I slowly stood up, walking towards my window. I moved the curtain to peek out; sure enough, there they were. Relentless news reporters and crowds of people standing out in the rain for him, loyal to a complete stranger, someone they think they know.
“I– I’ve just been busy, Mama. Ummm classes got canceled this week so I’ve been inside all week working on… a project. Don’t worry, I’ve been safe, ma, I’m good,” I lied to assure her. Why now? What’s he doing on this block—
“Mija, ten cuidado, maybe come home for a week, the countryside air will do you good,” she suggested desperately.
Memories of Miguel flashed across my mind: the jacked up dr. pepper, how he took so fucking long just to get it, how he came back flushed, hair messed up. ‘Impeccable senses’? I remembered everytime he cancelled or disappeared randomly on me. I remembered how close in height he was to Spider-Man, and how Spider-Man knew my name, how Miguel didn’t answer my call the night Spider-Man saved me, and Miguel always answered my calls.
He was a liar, and Spider-Man, and I was the oblivious idiot caught up in his web of lies.
I sat back onto my bed, sinking down in shock. This was a day of realization. Too much realization. Too much clarity.
I snapped out of it and put my focus back on my mom. “Ma, I’ll be safe here, I promise. I love you, mama, I really need to go,” I whispered into the phone. She said goodnight and I hung up quickly. I pulled on my raincoat, grabbed my backpack, our physics notebook, and headed for the door.
To be continued…
next part
my lovely taglist: @wingedturtledream @skaochii @bat-yo-us @lostpirate79 @renn-pumkin-head @princessa-micomicona @waiif-uwu @punpuun @thbidkbutok @acehyacinth @thetoetickler @kaqua @i-live-in-a-fantasy-daydream @inafantasyworld10 @d1lf-loverrr @altheadq @thesilenthill @trash-king18 @imnotyourbcbe @tiffanypooh @ihateuguys @littlemissilovecoconuts @royal-jester @that-one-weeb-buts-its-the-main @tbh2idk @gilliantate23 @envyjmoney @qiaipia @ur-fav-ginger @lacook246 @eddiestitmiguelsbigdick @blair6th @missing2socks @thel0velykey190 @ladymoztaza @ta3bae @dhollandhs
If you weren’t tagged but requested to be tagged, I TRIED but I think your tagging setting toggle is disabled! Message me or comment again to work it out 💋
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what-if-i-just-did · 1 year
So, the subject of 9/11 has been coming up in my life lately for some reason, and like everything I think about, it quickly got infused with my spn obsession.
Now I'm not American, and I wasn't even alive at the time, but Sam and Dean are and were. And it's the type of thing, where you remember exactly what you were doing when it happened, right? So, what where Sam and Dean doing?
It's 2001. This is the year that Sammy left for Stanford. Not only is it the year Sammy left for Stanford, but it's very, very soon after. The school year starts late august or early september. The Twin Towers crashed on the eleventh of september, so... not exactly early september, but not quite mid, either. Let's say Sammy's been gone about two/three weeks. Now, I figure John kept Dean around for one more case before he sent him away- couldn't look at him, only saw Mary, probably blamed the boy for Sammy leaving. Dean's walking around with this pit in his stomach, thinking he wasn't good enough to keep his family together and some mild panic about not being able to take care of Sam and some exsistential dread about who is he if he's not taking care of Sam. He's probably flirting too hard with all the girls in his cases, choosing the whiskey over the beer just a little too many times. Fingers hovering over the call button at any given time. This is the general state of Dean during this time.
Sam? He's just gotten out of the life. He's just promised himself he's never gonna hunt again, he misses his brother but he's more angry at him, for now. He hasn't made any friends yet, and it's starting to get to that time where his body feels he's been in one place for so long now that his dad is gonna come pick him up soon. He's antsy, but again, angry. Stubborn, smart. It's gonna take a long time for him to feel normal while staying in one place for more than three months at most. He's barely started adjusting to civillian life.
Now John. There's a journal entry for september eleventh. It says he suspects Supernatural interference with this, and he's been on the phone with other hunters all day. He's gonna head down to New York to take a look at things, and he's meeting up with people over there. No reference to Dean or Sam at all, nothing about being worried. The most emotional thing in the entry is the first sentence, "Shaken." .Honestly, it's more than I expected from him. The man has worse emotional regulation than Dean does, and that's saying something. He's still dealing with shoving down whatever form of hate or regret or pride come bubbling up when he thinks about Sam taking off, so he's not thinking about it.
I think he called Dean. I think it was a short conversation, full of "Yes, sir."'s from Dean's side and orders that looked like questions from John's. He says he called to get Dean's opinion of the Supernatural element of the crash, but Dean'll only say what John wants him to and somewhere, he knows it. He does not realise the reason he called Dean is to make sure Dean's alright, and he tries to distract himself from thoughts of Sam by keeping busy.
It's random Tuesday, and Sam probably signed up for some 8 o'clock class, so that would be what he was doing when the planes crashed. Of course, soon, the news got out, and classes got cancelled. Sam's head becomes chaotic, because of course this happens during his first few weeks, that's just his luck, and he's worried, about his dad but mostly about Dean. He calls Bobby, who's fine and tells him his dad's fine too, and Sam thanks him and hangs up, because he doesn't wanna waste the man's time. He and a bunch of other students are huddled around a tv, terrified. Ten AM, the first Tower collapses, and he has no idea what to do. He wants to help, but... what can he do? He wants to call Dean. He doesn't know what to do, he doesn't know what's going to happen. He's terrified. He spends the majority of the Eleventh huddled around that tv, with a bunch of other students he doesn't know as well as he could. It takes one, maybe two days for Sam to decide to get to New York, probably with some other students, so he can help. It's only about two hours away, and the impromptu medical skills he's gotten from patching up his dad and brother may not have helpedn anyone, but he can damn well help clean up.
Dean wakes up between five and six AM, has a beer, cleans his guns. He knows what's happening fairly early for someone who isn't in New York, because he checks the news, wether he's looking for a case or out of boredom or out of habit, and he kinda panics. He thinks, I don't know where dad is and I don't know if Sammy's safe I can't protect him and shit are we under attack what's gonna happen next and he kinda panicks. If he's already on a case, he kinda forgets about it. He stays in his motel room all day, following the news and thinking up worst case scenarios. His dad calls him, shortly, and he manages not to sound scared. His dad suspects demons did this or something, but he doesn't really care. At least he knows his dad's safe, and if he's feeling something about the fact that dad didn't ask him where he was or if he's okay, then he shoves it down and pretends it's not there. Eventually his worry wins out over whatever was stopping him from calling Sam, and he has to cough when Sam picks up because otherwise he might do something else. He can tell by Sammy's tone of voice that Sam's scared, and doesn't once bitch about Dean calling him. Just says he's safe and worried and still at Stanford, and that's good enough for Dean. Dean subcounsiously avoids New York and area for the next year or so, worried about something or other. No one he knows is dead, he should be happy.
Okay, wow. That got longer than I expected it to.
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maximillien · 2 years
when i saw that one post that said that you had only ever gotten one request i died.
idk if requests are open because i just ran the request button (oops)
could i get krs!cale drabble of some sort?where cale & reader have a lazy day? thank youu <3
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Pairing: Cale Henituse x reader (they/them)
Type: fluff
Warnings: snowstorm, light mention of fire, mention of sharp but no sharp objects, cale's slacker life is slowly getting away from him.
A/n: Jeez that's so cute, don't hurt yourself running to the request button 😭. Yeah, I've only had a couple until this one, and my requests are indeed open. I had this song by Reinheart (?) in my head.
The snow looked heavenly, falling outside the window heavily, painting the horizon and the Henituse mansion in a layer of pure white. However, with the beauty of the snow, comes the crueler cold.
(Y/n) and Cale had retired earlier than usual the day before, cancelling their duties for the day after, due to the sudden wintery storm, as did many others. The two lovers quickly changed into their most comfortable and warm nightrobes, adding layers of socks and woollen throws on the bed, before tucking in themselves, huddling as close as possible to fight the cold. Hans came in soon after, lighting the fire and putting wood on the side in case it needed rekindling in the middle of the night, leaving quickly after Cale chased him out. The night went by quickly and quietly as both lovers stayed in the comfort of each other's arms.
Before long, morning came, the storm still beating down onto the ground in full swing, waking (Y/n) up. Blinking the sleep out of their eyes, they allowed their mind to slowly remember the day before, the storm, and finally their lover lying beside them.
The man was laying on his side, right arm lazily slung across their body, hand gently grasping their lower back, warm fingers stilled against their back, where he had previously been softly stroking the skin there, night before. Their legs were mutually tangled, clothes straining against the muscles wound together in a mess.
He looks ethereal when he's relaxed, and not thinking about overthrowing another country.
(Y/n) stared at his pretty features longer, hand desperately itching to thread their fingers through his hair, however the warm, soft comfort of the sheets offered a better feeling than the sharp, crisp cold of the room. It wasn't technically that cold, since the fireplace was raging away in the room, warming the couple through the heavy snowy storm, however they couldn't be bothered to leave the cosy, snug sheets just yet.
Then, an idea went off in their head, a sinister smile developing on their face at their cruel plan.
(Y/n) stuck their hands out of the sheets, wincing at the slightly colder temperature nipping at their fingers, quickly putting their fingers back in after an appropriate amount of time, lifting Cale's sleep shirt up-
-and put their much colder hands on his abdomen, gently tickling his sides, before moving up to his chest.
Cale groaned uncomfortably twitching his body away from the freezing sensation.
When the culprit still continued their onslaught onto his body he sighed, grabbing their hands and trapping them tightly in a hug, rendering (Y/n) unable to move.
He grumbled out loud, eyes refusing to open to the light of day (though there was no sun peeking through the curtains) his voice reverberated through the large room.
'Why did you wake me up? It's far too early for this.'
Cale felt his lover's smirk on his neck - as their face was snugly lying there - as they proclaimed their entertainment to his demise. He felt his eyebrow twitch.
'Stopping me from living my slacker life is funny to you?'
'Absolutely. You stop yourself from living it with all of your shenanigans, I'm merely helping you avoid it.'
Cale could not help but sigh, plotting a revenge of his own, he stuck his fingers out in the cold - already hating the sensation - flipped (Y/n) over until he was hovering above them and attached his hands to their sides, tickling them more viciously than they originally did to him.
An explosion of laughter and pleads for mercy could be heard through the room, as one of the bodies under the covers was desperately fighting for their freedom from such a cruel attack.
The man stared at his lover from above, a soft smile on his face as they struggled against his hold - which is quite weak. Cale's body started heating up more, as he started using his Records, engraving this moment into his mind forever. Both people in the bed did not hear the door stealthily opening until a voice appeared next to Cale's ear, startling him from its loud tone.
'Human! Don't be so mean to (Y/n)!'
His fingers halted at the voice filling the room, soon followed by two others.
'Right, don't be so horrible, nya!'
'It's very cold, be nicer to (Y/n), nya!'
When did they get in here?
Raon could see the confusion on his father's face, proudly exclaiming that he, On and Hong all snuck in with his master plan, since he is of course a Great and Mighty dragon. Hong bobbed his head in agreement as On stared at her parents, warmth building in her chest at how lovingly (Y/n) looked at the three of them.
Cale sighed through his nose, letting his body slump into the bed, next to his lover, as On, Hong and Raon snuck under the covers, comfortably lying in the space between their two parents, making light conversation. At one point, the conversation steered towards the snow outside, the children saying that they had never built a snowman. (Y/n) then piped up.
'We could make a snowman later on then. We'd need some carrots, pebbles and some sticks, but the carrots are nothing we can't quickly steal from the kitchen.'
Cale glared at them, silently saying to not give them any ideas, can't they both relax in bed today?
However, his wishes were not heard, as the children all excitedly spoke at the same time, already planning what type of snowmen they'd build and other activities they would partake in.
A hand leaned over the bodies between Cale and (Y/n), squeezing his own in reassurance and love.
The man sighed, a corner of his lips lifting up, hearing the noise the three children made, not masking any ounce of their excitement, hearing his lover propose more activities to them, as they stroked his hand with theirs.
I guess cold days aren't as bad as they seem.
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j0ecool · 2 months
UI Buttons
ok actually making some UI
going with an immediate mode UI (imgui style) mostly cause I haven't played with those yet
not thrilled about the idea of doing rendering logic in the update() method, nor update logic in the render() method, so I'll build and react to the UI inside of update(), then stash the results into some data structure (oh look, a VDOM) and render it later at the appropriate time
started writing code to check if the mouse was inside the button, then realized I'm going to want this all over the place so make it general
then realized I can (ab)use C++ templates to further generalize this to any rect-like objects (anything with position+size), which will save marginal amounts of typing!
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And I was going to say more but then it turns out I wrote the whole thing in a single pass. This may not be my first rodeo. I have probably written too many game UIs at this point.
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(oops forgot to actually increment _buttonIdx so that causes problems trying to use multiple buttons in one frame, alas)
Of special note for ppl new to is the feedback we give the user on hover and on click; in particular note the half-click, in between mouse down and mouse up. It feels super jank to have a click happen right when the mouse goes down.
There's a UX thing here too, where you might accidentally click on something, or start clicking and then change your mind before you let go of the mouse. By not counting clicks that end with the cursor off the button, we let users cancel the click mid-action.
This also helps in cases where you tried to click button A and missed and hit button B; having a dedicated "button is pressed" state will show what you're about to do before you do it, which is extremely valuable for usable UI. Ditto having the button highlight before you even click down, giving you added feedback.
(Side-note, this is why mobile UI always feels jank to me. You can't hover over parts of the UI to discover what's clickable, so you lose that feedback vector)
Some people go further in terms of cancelable clicks, by canceling any click that doesn't terminate within a certain (e.g. 10 pixel) radius of where it originates, but I much prefer allowing the user to drag off and then back on. It's simpler to implement, allows you to change your mind about whether you want to cancel a click without needing to repress, and eliminates the case of someone with shaky hands being unable to keep still enough to click things. (This is more of a problem on mobile, because fingers are less precise then mice, and the pixel density of modern phones is such that a fixed 10pixel radius is smaller than you'd think)
anyway, let's add code that lets you use a vertical layout,
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and test it out with a few buttons,
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et voila
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stillalittlelostngl · 2 years
Cat Burglar Pt 2 - Aizawa/Reader
Pt 1
What started as a non-date turns into a few maybe dates which leads to perhaps a dinner date?
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Coffee with Aizawa had turned into a few coffees with Aizawa until it had turned into dinner with Aizawa.
It was a development you hadn’t been expecting. Hell, you were so nervous the first time that you had spent hours debating if you should cancel on him. You typed out and deleted so many texts with, truthfully, piss poor excuses - your finger would hover over the send button for what felt like an eternity before you'd give a groan of frustration and delete the text entirely. Just to repeat the process within the next hour.
Your hands had been shaking and the butterflies in your stomach couldn’t be contained as you had made your way to the little coffee shop he had suggested. You had felt ridiculous, you were a pro hero for God’s sake and just having a friendly cup of coffee with Aizawa was having you feeling like a sidekick all over again.
He had just offered to buy you coffee because his cat had caused some trouble, he was just being nice. Neighborly. No matter how many times you repeated it to yourself you still couldn't help but think that perhaps there may be something more to it than that. You did your best to fight down the blush that would creep up when you let your mind wander down that path.
It was quite pathetic really, how worked up you were getting over coffee.
You weren't sure what you were expecting, you'd never seen him in his civilian clothes after all, but your voice catches in your throat at the sight of him.
You’d always found him to be attractive, you figured it would be hard for someone not to. His features looked as if they had been carved by some artist, every angle and curve was far too deliberate and precise to have simply been left up to genetics and nature to decide. The serious expression that often graced his face might’ve been off putting to some, to you it spoke of a conviction and decisiveness you’ve often found you lacked and were all the more drawn to him for it.
But his hair is what did it for you today. You don’t know why but it simply being up in a bun instead of the usual tousled look caused you to pause in your greeting.
You really wished you could get ahold of yourself.
It had been much to your surprise that the coffee ~thing~ had went as well as it did. You had been so certain that the blush on your cheeks and the slight stutter that pops up every now and again when you’re nervous would’ve been off putting to him. That he’d see right through you and find something he didn’t care for or was disappointed by. But he didn’t. He had a slight smile on his face and his gaze was warm and inviting the entire time the two of you spoke and caught up.
When he’d asked if you wanted to do it again, meet up for lunch or coffee the next time the both of you were free, you could’ve swooned on the spot. Somehow you managed to keep your composure though and give him a simple ‘Sure, I’ll check my schedule and let you know the next time I’m free.’ It was all very mature and adult like and you were probably far too proud of yourself for it.
Soon enough the meetings and chats had become a routine for the two of you. Both of your schedules were fairly consistent and so at least once a week you’d be able to spend a few hours together. While the run ins between changing shifts were still centered around work the two of you always included some kind of update on how your days had been and confirmation that you both were still free to meet up that week.
You were happy and from the small smiles and soft looks apparently he was too. The only thing that left you with concern was a lack of definition to what exactly the relationship was between the two of you. You felt a bit childish to be caught up on it truth be told. You had no reason to believe he was also harboring some kind of crush on you - he’d made no indication of such a thing. It was far more likely he was just looking for a friendship.
While it stung to acknowledge the reality of the situation you figured ‘just a friendship’ wouldn’t be bad. Far from it. You were happy with how things are now and if they were to stay that way it wouldn’t be a tragedy. So you just went with the flow, each day the two of you grew to know each other more and became more comfortable with each other. You shared parts of yourselves bit by bit and with Aizawa being as private of a person as he is it was really more than you could’ve thought to ask for. You were happy to have him as your friend.
Then one night or early morning, the distinction between the two has become lost to you after so many years working this graveyard shift, he asked if you wanted to have dinner with him at his place.
You’d been taken back because while the two of you had grown closer together over the past few months, dinner together at either of your apartments had never happened. Hell, you don’t think you’ve been inside his apartment at all - there was never any reason to be. It also wasn’t the day you two normally meet up during the week too. You could hardly contain your smile when you agreed.
Besides, you’d missed seeing his little cat. You hadn’t seen the furball since Aizawa had figured out how he was getting out and started putting his apartment on lockdown anytime he left. Your apartment wasn’t big per say, but it was far bigger than what you’d been used to and not having the cat come visit every now and again made you far too cognizant of the fact.
The dinner would have to be a quick affair as you both had to head to your respective agencies and begin your shifts soon after. You wasted no time getting ready to head over to his place.
You heard him before you saw him. Your knock on the apartment door was soon followed by what sounded like a crash and a meow on the other side. If you heard the owner's muttered curses through the door you made no indication.
When he opened the door you were greeted with the same tired eyes you’ve come to know so well and the small smile that never failed to get some color to rise to your cheeks.
“So, we may need to change plans,” he said, hand coming to rub the back of his neck, “the brat just knocked everything onto the floor.”
Sure enough, when you glance a bit behind him into the apartment you could see the remains of whatever it was that Aizawa had planned for the two of you to eat that night on the ground. The brat in question nowhere to be seen having probably ran off to find something else to get into.
“It’s no problem,” you couldn’t help the slight laugh that escapes at his expense as he lets you into the apartment, “we can just order out or something. How about that little ramen place down the street?” You catch the slight nod he gives in confirmation as you remove your shoes before making your way further into the apartment.
It’s…exactly how you expected it would look, minus the mess in the kitchen. It’s neat and clean, everything in its place. The colors of the furniture and everything else are muted and neutral, relaxing even. Hell, if you didn’t know better you’d think you were at some open house with how set up and devoid of personal clutter it was. The only things that suggested a person actually lived in the space was the stack of ungraded papers on the coffee table, the cat tree in the corner, and the newly created mess in the kitchen.
Eyeing said mess you’re reminded of the manners and responsibilities of a polite guest that your parents used to nag you about when you were younger.
“Do you have any wipes or anything?”
“I’m not going to ask my guest to clean up after my cat,” he said with a shake of his head as he moved to get his cleaning supplies.
“Well good thing you didn’t have to ask then,” you teased as you grabbed the items out of his hands and told him to order the food while you get the place cleaned up.
He refused to, of course, saying something along the lines of you being ridiculous and how illogical it would be for him to let you clean up by yourself.
“Seems fitting that one of the only times I bother to actually cook things don’t go to plan,” he says offhandedly as the two of you get to work. The comment causes your movements to still as you processed what he had said.
He’d cooked for you.
You didn’t think Aizawa even knew how to cook. Lord knows he seemed to only live off of those energy pouches he always carried around with him. But he’d cooked for you.
It was all ridiculously sentimental for you but the smile refused to waver the rest of the night at the knowledge he actually put in effort for you to do something he normally avoids.
You’re not sure how much time passes while the two of you eat and catch up, it’s always like that with Aizawa though. The conversation always comes easy and before long you end up staying far longer than you intended. By the time your alarm for work goes off you’re in the middle of some ridiculous story of one of your first hero jobs with a sleepy cat purring in your lap. You feel like a villain having to move the sweet thing, he’d been so happy to see you again that he’d been rubbing up on you and getting cat hair all over you the whole night.
It’s when you finished your goodbye’s to the little furball, calling out a separate goodbye to Aizawa as you move to open the door to head back to your own place, that you see Aizawa’s hand catch the door before you can open it fully. He insists that you wait a moment.
You weren't sure how he crossed the space of the apartment so quickly. You could practically feel his body heat roll off of him in waves as you turn to face him, confusion clear on your face. He was practically hovering over you. His body just a hair's breadth away from your own.
His eyes move over you and for a moment you wonder if this nervousness is what his students must feel when he’s evaluating them. You can’t help the slight gasp and blush when his hand reaches out for yours. His hands are larger than your own and calloused from his hero work - their warmth engulfing you and it feels as if like your dizzy heart would beat out of your chest at any moment.
“I don’t think I’ve said it before, or maybe I haven’t said it enough, but I really do enjoy our time together.”
“Oh, yeah?” it’s more of a squeak than an actual attempt at a human language but with your head spinning as wildly as it was you’re lucky enough to have been able to respond at all.
“Yeah,” he confirms, losing his fight to beat down the amused smile that makes its way on his face, “I’m sorry I haven’t been more direct until now, but I was wondering if you would be interested in going out sometime - on a date I mean.”
“A date?” the word isn’t computing, you’re pretty sure you're hallucinating.
His nod only serves as further evidence for your theory.
You’re positive the blush on your face is a dead giveaway to what your answer is going to be but somehow you manage to find your voice, “Yeah, I’d like that sometime.”
The smile grows in response and reaches his eyes - it’s enough to leave you breathless.
“Good, we can decide on where and when on our way to work.”
“We work at different agencies though.”
“I know.”
aizawa walks you to work and holds your hand - he's such a private person that you damn near swooned
also they decided on a cat cafe for their first date - aizawa remembered you saying you were thinking about getting a cat and figured there’s no reason to hold off on it anymore
coworkers are also very nosey when they saw Eraserhead had dropped you off that night - with how quick workplace gossip is and how connected the hero agencies are best believe U.A. teachers are gunna find out soon enough too. Who knows - maybe the gossip gets leaked to a student
potential third part where you actually get that cat you've been mentioning wanting
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Can I ask for for platonic raph rottmnt J.2
Reader is spending a lot of time with some classmates and plays cards against humanity with them , in class and reader is just having a really good time. pls for the Halloween ask, if its the right number Halloween prompt
The plot wasn't doing it for me, but I did something similar! I hope that's still okay! Raph tries to drag you into Halloween activities even if you're both "too old".
Aged up as always!
Prompt Found Here!
Yandere! Platonic! ROTTMNT! Raphael Prompt J-2
(Halloween Event - Festivities)
J-2: "Shouldn't you be spending more time with me?"
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Threats, Possessive behavior, Jealousy, Stalking, Suffocating/Toxic friendship, Platonic Yandere.
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"Do you know what day it is~?"
Your friend eagerly calls you on the phone. You groan, still just waking up. Why was Raphael calling you this early?
"I don't know, Raph... I just woke up."
"Halloween! How could you forget? You ready!? I already have so much planned!"
You yawn softly and rub your eyes, leaving your phone on speaker as you try to get ready for the day.
"Raph... you are aware of how old we are now... right?"
"Why does that matter!? It's Halloween. A time where we're supposed to hang out, wear costumes, and watch scary movies! We did it LAST year!"
"Because I'm busy, Raph."
Dejected silence washes over you, by the time you grab your phone again, Raph responds.
"Busy...? With what!?"
"A new job. That and I have some other friends who already planned something. I always celebrate with you, Raph... we also hang out normally all the time!"
"It's tradition!"
"Sometimes people are busy, Raph! We can't hang out all the time!"
You sigh, shaking your head and hovering your finger over the hang up button.
"Please, (Y/N)? For your best friend?"
"I'm sorry, Raph... not this time."
You hang up, leaving Raph in silence. He looks around the lair with a frown. He planned everything this year!
He picked out the horror movies! He picked out the decorations! He had everyone pitch in this year!
Are you really just going to blow him off like that?
"What's up, Raph? You look upset?"
"(Y/N) said no."
"No? Well that's a first.... So (Y/N)'s just not coming?"
"Oh, no..." Raph chuckles, giving his blue brother a grin. "(Y/N)'s coming."
Raphael then stands, walking towards the entrance.
"Willingly or not is up to (Y/N)."
You wanted this Halloween to be different. Ever since you knew Raph you came to every party he threw. Yet this time, you wanted to spend time with your other friends.
You spent the night doing all sorts of activities. Playing card games, carving pumpkins, taking a nice autumn walk.... Things were calm and nice.
You had no idea Raph had followed you in a disguise. Glaring at your friends with envy at the fun you were having. This holiday was supposed to be spent with him!
Instead? You wanted to spend it with them!
No. This was something he had to change.
A thump outside interrupted you from your card game with friends. You put your hand face down and stand up. Must be trick-or-treaters.
"Be right back." You say, heading to the front door. "Could be kids, it is Halloween after all."
You sigh, opening the door. Your tired face is quickly replaced with a surprised and annoyed one. It was Raphael, crossing his arms and looking just as annoyed.
"Raph..." You growl.
"Just what is this!?"
"What is what?"
"THIS! You have new friends now, huh!? Just gonna leave Raph in the sewer, spending Halloween WITHOUT you!?"
"I told you I was canceling!"
"There's no canceling fun with me! Come on! We're heading to the lair-"
"No, Raph! I said I was spending time with my other friends this year!"
"Shouldn't you be spending more time with me?"
"We always do!"
"See? Let's go. I did not plan tonight for nothing."
He grabs your arm but you pull away. He narrows his eyes and you do the same.
"I'm not abandoning my guests, Raph."
"No? Fine, then."
He keeps a hand on you.
"You can either say something came up to them and you have to go... or... I come with you to celebrate."
Raph has a knowing grin on his face. You swore he looked smug at his offer.
"Until you give me an answer, I'm not leaving. We'll hang out either way."
He laughs softly, leaning in the door way.
"Well? Do you have room for one more in the party, (Y/N)?"
You sputter and frown. Was he really pulling this? Could you not have one night to do what you want!?
"Fine... join, if you so wish."
"Great! I'll tell my bros that I'm spending time with you."
You turn around to enter your house. Raph keeps his hand on your shoulder, however.
"Oh, by the way?"
You turn around but stop. Raph's face was smug, but his gaze was cold. He looked like he was silently threatening you.
"You made a good choice. You can't keep me away from you long. I thought I was going to have to break through the window!"
His laugh is joyful, yet your blood is ice cold.
Something told you he wasn't joking about that last part.
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brvdges · 1 year
untitled pt. I
I did it.
I unfollowed him, and soon after, I also found my finger hovering over the “remove follower” button.
Uncertainty plagued me as I decided whether or not cutting all ties was worth it. I thought about if he’d notice at all. If it would even occur to him that I no longer appeared on his feed. Mmm… I had caught myself. Those kinds of thoughts were exactly the driving force behind such an impulsive decision. 
I quickly hit “remove follower” before setting my phone down and letting the air escape my lungs. I wanted something I was told I couldn’t have, I wanted it more than anything. I often found myself latching onto everything, anything. Hoping, wishing, wanting. This will be the one. I’ll finally feel seen, recognized, something. It never goes that way though.
It has been a month now. Two days ago was a month, to be exact, and I’m not like keeping track or anything because I’m sad. I mean, I kinda am, but not particularly over him. I’m sad over the feeling I would get when his name popped up on my screen.
The hurried nature in which I would unlock my phone to get even a glimpse in the midst of my personal chaos of what he felt I needed to know enough that he just had to text me. I’m sad over first dates that never became second ones. I’m sad about ice cream in the park. I’m sad about missed calls that turn into canceled plans and before long, a text ending it all. Oh God, or even worse, no text at all. I miss the idea of being in love, or deep like, with someone. I miss not feeling like shit because it didn’t turn out the way I planned.
…I miss the idea of being wanted.
So, as I sit at the table staring regretfully at my phone, I remind myself that it is truly for the best. Sometimes, the best decisions are truly the hardest.
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archbanana · 2 years
Adding the delete x to message preview in outlook 2016
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Now when you hover on your email, you should see the commands you have picked or no command when you’ve selected “Nothing”.
Press the Back button or Options header at the top of the Navigation Pane to return to your Mailbox.
Once you selected the 4 commands you want to show up or not show up, press the Save button at the top.
You can set them to any of the following
You’ll now see a preview of your current Quick Actions with below that, 4 dropdown lists with commands to choose from.
In the Options’ Navigation Pane on the left choose:.
Text link at the bottom: View all Outlook settings-> Mail-> Customize actions
Click on the Gear icon in the top right corner (left from your own profile image).
To disable or alter the action for any of the Quick Actions, you can do so in the Layout section of the Options page If you want to stay constantly protected from malware threats, existing and future ones, we recommend that you install Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO by clicking below (we do earn a commision from sales generated from this link, but at no additional cost to you. When hovering on a message in Outlook on the Web, the Quick Actions will become available above the time/date of a message. You can indeed disable them if you don’t want to use them or customize them so they perform another action (although your choice is very limited). The Quick Actions icons that appear when hovering on an email in Outlook on the Web (OWA) can help you to triage your emails more quickly but can also work against you when you hit the wrong command.
Also, as Outlook on the Desktop doesn’t support the Pin feature, I don’t use that either.Ĭan I somehow disable some of these Quick Action icons and assign other commands to them like Archive or Move? I sometimes have a bit of a “trigger finger” and worry that I might hit the Delete icon by mistake. That is also not a suitable fix.When I use Outlook on the Web (OWA), and then hover with my mouse over a message, the following Quick Action icons become visible Only their keyboard (instead of their mouse) simply to avoid accidentally hitting the delete icon which now consumes (now blank) space. ThatĪsking people to "just use the keyboard" is also completely aside from the point. Sure, it addresses this one issue, but creates a plethora of other issues relating to the fact that it's a broad sweeping change to not only Outlook, but the UI of entire Office suite if you toggle that option. Used the advice for terminal above but made no difference. Did this again found outlook just crashes again. Then I couldn’t open sharepoint docs in office 2011 so as a 365 user advised to move to office 2016. That the developers (rightfully so) will then incorporate other touch-related optimizations, which is fine - if you're using I used the beta version initially that crashed so I went back to 2011 for a while. This means that enabling that option will mean The problem with switching to the "Touch" version of the app is that I'm not using a touch device and the display is optimized for touch use. Messaging + Skype improvements: You can now attach photos to your Skype messages by tapping on the paperclip icon at the lower left as you’re composing a new Skype message to a contact.
Need to add an option to disable it as well. Improved Download Prompts in Microsoft Edge: Microsoft Edge will now show a prompt when you start a download, allowing you to cancel unwanted downloads. When you add dangerous features like these (especially ones that consume valuable space in the UI), you Even worse, if you are in hurry, you might not notice you've deleted it. Label that as a "awesome/helpful UI experience" more like, terrifying you for a few seconds UI. sure you can manually find in the trash, but I wouldn't oh this message is important, let me flag it and get back to it, oh crap i deleted it, arrg i'm using imap email like gmail on my non work profile, hitting ctrl + z doesn't really undo a delete. Basic tasks in Outlook (create a message, replay, send forward, file attach. Not to mention this one should be pretty obvious as risky. Add an e-mail account to Outlook (Office 365, MS, Gmail, Seznam and more). I mean being able to customize for ones needs/taste is one the many things that makes outlook awesome, why take that away? What's really a problem is that if you alter the view setting > column order and try to move flag status anywhere else that isn't 5 pixels away from the delete X it always stays on the far right and it ignores the column settings If there is always a delete X on the far right, I can live with that. Ran a disk check and system file check (SFC) on my system.
When that didnt work, I tried a full uninstall and reinstall of Office 2016. Repair of Office 2016 (both the simple and longer repairs. I can't comment on touch but with a mouse the only option this leaves us is to turn off the flag status column and forces every one who uses flags to right click or remember key commands. When that didnt work, I then tried an uninstall and reinstall of Adobe Reader DC.
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