#so much zeddison guys
c-rose2081 · 2 years
Immaculate Zeddison Vibes
Z1: Awkward Teen Dating
Two kids just trying to figure it out. They have no shame in exploring the idea of love at first sight, even if it’s not the best decision according to everyone else. They will endure torment if it means keeping the other safe, and stand back to back through hardship like a pair of warriors outnumbered in battle.
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Z2: The ‘Honeymoon’ Stage
Very romantic, but also a bit rocky. They are still learning about one another, especially their different and various flaws which need to be overcome in order to move forward. Conflict will bring them together in the end and make the bond stronger, but this is also the time when a pair is most likely to break. If they’re truly meant to be, their connection will remain strong despite the obstacles.
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Z3: Married…they’re married.
They’ve gone through thick and thin. Pain, hardship, diversity, and even worlds cannot tear them apart now. They know one another inside and out, and have little qualm with their flaws, ready to take on whatever life throws at them together. Willing to burden themselves with their partners pain, and vise versa. Things can still get sticky sometimes, but there’s no threat of falling apart when the bond has been forged and fired in steel, and is so carefully etched with the names of two eternal lovers.
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sayorseee · 2 months
Rating songs from ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series
Disclaimer: who cares what I have to say? If you disagree that’s fine cuz I’m just a girl with a phone.
Link to the album on Spotify.
1. Songs I Like cuz Nostalgia
My Year (Re-Animated Remix): 10/10. It’s always great when My Year is involved. I lowkey wish it wasn’t the theme song solely so we could have a music video of the full song rather than just the theme song bit!
2. Songs I Like cuz they’re just GOOD
Repeat: 10/10. Need I say anything else? It’s perfect. Group song, check. Fun lyrics, check. Vocals on point, check. Zed and Addison being in love, check. Bucky arrogance thrown in the middle, CHECK!!!
Work of Art: 8/10. We don’t have the episode yet but I don’t need the episode. Anytime Milo sings my brain explodes. It has such a good vibe and beat it’s perfect. And the message is so sweet!
3. Songs I like cuz they’re zeddison focused
Work of Art: zeddison
Brighter with You: zeddison but extreme. 7.5/10. This is another where the episode isn’t out yet but it’s a really good Addison song. It’s probably the best Addison song in the entire franchise.
4. Songs I like cuz the episode made them Good
We’re Bringin It: 8/10. Should be longer. Eliza morphing into the top Bucky is the best thing any has written ever. Bucky being reduced to a background dancer in his own musical number is perfect because he’s always interrupting someone in their solo of a song.
Be an Alpha: 6/10. It’s only good cuz the premise of Willa and Bucky training Wyatt to be an alpha and him horribly misconstruing the lessons is HILARIOUS. Points off because unfortunately the vocals aren’t great (they’re so bad, my sisters screams and threatens to run away when Wyatt’s verse comes on…)
When Worlds Collide: 5/10. I’m personally not a fan of Baby Ariel’s voice, buuuuut I like the general news of the song. Like the music and I like singing it, but I don’t like hearing it.
Be like Me: 8/10. Good Bucky song where Bucky isn’t singing.
5. Songs that are. They’re alright. I guess.
It’s Okay: 7/10. Again, I don’t think these are our strongest singers of the bunch. But I love the message. Just maybe less of those guys singing. (Also Wyatt hallucinating Willa doing a musical number is pretty funny)
Back to Back: 4/10. It’s good. Meg Donnelly has a great voice. But it’s just like there. Like there wasn’t really a need to have this song. It doesn’t move the story along or provide a fun break in the episode. It’s just there to be there.
6. Songs I don’t care for cuz I don’t care for the storyline or performance
Meant to Combine: -1000/10 everyone knows I’m a wyliza hater (WILIZA -WillaxEliza- FOR LIFE)
7. Bad
It’s Free Period: -10/10. I don’t like when Disney channel makes their shows and movies have raps in them they’re never good and they use so much auto tune it sounds even WORSE.
8. Honorable Mentions
Work in Progress: episode isn’t out yet. I’m not a fan of Wynter’w voice but hey maybe when the episode is out it’ll move up a few categories
Lemme know what you guys think! Anything you disagree with, or thoughts you might want to add!
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kokinu09 · 2 years
Ok ok ok what abouuuuut…marriage/engaged zeddison headcanons? Now that we’ve got the full zombies lore lol
I feel like marriage and engagement are two very different headcanons 😅 So I’m gonna do an engagement imagine! 🤗 executive decision
✨Zed and Addison are getting married✨
Getting Engaged
Zed sent Bree to get Addison out of the house. (Giving her his credit card so they can go get their nails done or something. Bree definitely ignored that there’s a budget.)
She’s gone for 5 minutes and Zed knocks on The Wells’ Residence front door.
He asks Mr. Wells for a minute of his time and, while they’re sitting in the den talking, he asks for his blessing to marry his daughter.
Dale enthusiastically says yes. He and Missy chat with him excitedly for an hour, reminiscing about the past 4 years he’s been around and how happy he’s going to make Addison.
Addison was none the wiser.
A little over 8 months later, Zed puts his plan into action. He’d been working with everyone for weeks to make sure it went perfectly. And that was not an easy task to keep it a secret from Addison.
Zed tells Addison they’re going to spend the whole day together, so clear her calendar! (She giggles at his antics but thinks nothing of it. They always do ‘date days’ anyways.)
Zed takes her all over Seabrook that day, all the places they held memories together at. (He sings an upbeat song about it all in true Disney montage fashion.)
The whole town is involved with the flash mob.
When it ends, Zed sings her a heartfelt reprise and gets down on one knee in front of her. Presenting the ring and asking her to make him the happiest zombie in the world by becoming his wife.
Addison is a mess of tears and smiles. Nodding over and over before she can even say ‘yes!’
The Engaged Couple
Zed is the kind of guy who uses the title ‘fiancé’ when referring to Addison any chance he gets.
Addison cherishes her engagement ring and tries to do everything in her power to keep it pristine. Taking it off when she does the dishes, or puts on lotion, or even when she showers.
Addison is a planner by nature. She’s had a dream wedding list since she was 10. Now it’s time to whittle it down and make it more Zed and Addison than just Addison.
Addison keeps Zed very involved in the planning process, valuing his opinions. And wanting it to be their day, not her day.
The only thing she’s adamant that he’s not involved in is her dress. Cuz she wants his mind to be BLOWN when he finally sees her.
Addison surprises Bree with a little gift box of goodies, the note inside saying “OK, so act really surprised! Like you had no idea this was coming…” on the front and then when she opened it, simply saying “Will you be my Maid of Honor?” with little purple hearts surrounding it.
Bree was ecstatic (without having to fake it).
Zed isn’t as fancy when he asks Eliza. He takes her and Bonzo to lunch, asking her to be his Best Woman. She happily agrees. Then he immediately asks Bonzo to be a Groomsman.
He apologizes to Bonzo that he couldn’t have two Best Man/Women. But Bonzo assures in Zombese that he’s just happy to stand beside him.
Zed gets emotional.
In the months approaching the wedding, Zed and Addison have get-togethers with more of their families. The extended branches of their family trees.
Of course, Addison is loved by all of Zed’s relatives. They love how accepting and feisty she can be, and appreciate everything she’s done to help Zed over the years.
Zed starts feeling discouraged, however, after meeting Addison’s ‘not-so-nice to monsters’ Aunts and Uncles.
Addison pulls him aside, after one of them made a very passive aggressive comment to him, to make sure he was ok. Assuring him that their love was stronger than any of their intolerant remarks.
Surprisingly enough, Addison’s parents are the ones to come to his defense against their siblings. Zed feels much better after that, knowing his future in-laws have his back as much as their daughter does.
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
Yes, Zed and Addison were way better than Troy and Gabriella, no question, but let's talk about their best friends being better than Troy and Gabriella's best friends? Like from the moment Zed started talking about Addison to Bonzo and Eliza they were supporting his happiness, helped him get together with her, Eliza and Bonzo were the first official Zeddison shippers and they would give up only if Zed didn't want to pursue Addison because they respected his decision (Eliza talked to Addison for five seconds and she already shipped them hard also Eliza not even hiding how much she ships them in the sequel was so cute) and Bree was so supportive of everything Addison did and she and Zed were literally the only people in that school who loved Addison just the same when she took her wig off and showed no disgust unlike the rest of Addison's "friends" who booed at her. Troy and Gabriella's friends did everything they could to break them up because for some reason a scientist and a basketball player cannot date, all Troy's friends were jealous of Troy having a bigger chance of getting the scholarship as if Troy committed a crime lol he was trying to make his dream come true, while Zed's friends supported the HELL out of this guy and gathered the whole town to show how great he is when he was trying to get the scholarship. Like it's impossible not to notice the difference. Zombies trilogy wins in every way.
Say what you want about Disney shows nowadays but their movies are getting better and better no question and this comes from someone who loves High School Musical.
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unusual-ly · 4 years
Zombie-tongue Translations - ZOMBIES 2 and promo
As I’ve said before, I’m still going to continue to use Zombie terms I’ve made up in my own fics even if there is a canon term now, but I still enjoyed translating and analysing Z2's Zombie-tongue. I will eventually edit my Zombie-tongue guides to include both my terms and the canon terms and it’s up to you which you’d like to use~
Colour guide: Green = translated Pink = not translated White = partially translated
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See below the cut for analysis notes!
>You can find the Z1 translation analysis here<
“Graz!” (or “gras!”) makes the most sense to mean “strong(er)”, given the context. The context is also obvious for “Gruza Zedski! Zedski predski”, “zegrezuwulf”, “zaguratol”, “hagaza” (although I can’t get a direct translation for that) and “guresika?”. “Gruman?” is directly translated by Zed
“Zrugala!” has a few options. He’s pointing out the window of the bus at the first sign, so it’s most likely either “look!”, “over there!” or “a sign!”, or something similar. The rhyming/syllable count technique isn’t helping much here unfortunately
“Zedski gruzal” can very easily be translated with the rhyming technique! “Brutal” makes a lot of sense with the context - it’s the start of a scene where we can assume Eliza and Zed have been telling Bonzo about the Like The Zombies Do incident. He could mean a synonym of “brutal” as well, going by my theory that one Zombie-tongue word could cover multiple English words so that it’s easier to speak
“Naz guz” is irritating me a bit. It sounds like it should mean “not good”, because of the similar sounds, but it doesn’t feel right to me for Zed to respond to “not good” with “ugh, that’s awful”. It seems like it should be something more specific, plus the word “guz” is used again later and I can’t find anyway for “good” to make sense in that scene
We know “gruza” means “vote” from earlier, which is a little bit awkward here but it can work, going by the synonym theory again. It could also mean “choose/decide” and be a prompt for someone to either agree or disagree
“Guz” comes up again when everyone is at the wolf den and they hear noises from the power plant. Here, it seems like it means “guys” because he’s getting everyone’s attention...? Then “zagura” when he points, which sounds like he’s saying “look!/over there!”, which complicates “zrugala” from earlier. Maybe one of them is “look” and the other is “over there”? I’m stumped on this one
The rap is a rap. Just like in his rap in My Year, I think he’s saying a lot that can easily be boiled down to something super simple but he wants to show off cuz he’s Like That(tm) when it comes to rapping. Also thanks to James Godfrey himself for the spelling
Bucky’s little line in I’m Winning is probably not actual Zombie-tongue, but if it is, we get a direct translations. Again, synonym theory, it could be generic compliment. I would like to note the word “dinga” comes up here and in Bonzo’s rap - a real Zombie word, or Bucky copying what was just said?
Remember this little promo video shared by @kokinu09​ before the premiere~? I tried translating it at the time but all I could get was confirmation that “greeska” means “cheerleader” (see Z1 translations) and the names (Zed = Zedski, Addison = Addiska, Bonzka = Bonzo and Breeska = Bree, which was also in Z1). “Zedski” still throws me off and I’m sticking to my “-ka” and “-ska” suffixes. We have Elizaka and Bonzka, so “-ka” is for zombies, and Addiska and Breeska, so “-ska” is for humans. I have no idea what’s up with that “-ski” outlier but eh. Canon is canon. I just ignore it when it doesn’t work for me, I don’t control what any of you do with it
Time to actually attempt to translate!
“Zebala greeska” was said in Z1, after Eliza calls football stupid and Zed sarcastically says “thanks for the pep talk”. "Zebala” greeska” seems to mean something along the lines of “she/he/they/you/I should be a cheerleader”, or that the person is acting like a cheerleader, or it’s just saying they are a cheerleader. Now, Bonzo is saying “Greeska le zebala greeska”. I’ll be honest, I’m not 100% sure I’m hearing that “le” in there but I’ll go with it My guess is this is something about cheerleaders being cheerleaders. And there’s “gruza” - “vote” - yet again before it. At first I had thought it was a greeting to start the promo but now that I have the rest of the Zombie-tongue lines, it’s making sense that it means “vote”, or anything similar; “choose/choice/decide/decision” etc. I’m thinking “ah” means “or”, because he doesn’t put it between “Bonzka” and “Breeska” like “and” would be, but in between the two couples. This is basically “Zeddison or Bronzo”. The only thing I can think of here is that Bonzo is asking the viewers to pick which couple makes better cheerleaders. The one part I can’t figure out an actual translation for is “buskalava”. After that, tho, Bree says “I couldn’t have said it better myself!”, so maybe “buskalava” is saying it’s an obvious choice? Or something about them that makes them better than Zeddison? I don’t know, but I agree with them *^*
Well, that’s everything! If anyone wants to make any input of any kind, then go ahead~!
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gogoseabrook · 4 years
- “You came over to my house and forgot a shirt. Wait, all of my shirts are really bright, pastel shirts and I’m so sorry you have to wear these.” Zeddison AU
I do what I can, here’s my best attempt for you!
Punk vs Pastel Prompts
Zeddison: Punk!Addison and Pastel!Zed:
“Thanks for bailing me out tonight.” She said as she took his hand, sliding through his window with practiced ease to the safety of his room.
“No problem!” Cursing the squeak her smirk clearly caught, Zed could only push his glasses further up his nose, watching Addison swing her duffle bag onto his bed, boots heavy against his carpet as he slid the window back down, pressing against the cool glass to hide his burning cheeks.
I’m in so much trouble.
He turned back, watching her swing her heavy combat boots back and forth, rolling her neck while her eyes drifted across his room. He coughed, rubbing the back of his neck when she lingered on the trophy case in the corner.
“Dad thinks I should learn to be proud of my accomplishments.” He mumbled, not sure what to do when she went to take a proper look. “It- they’re not that important, really, nothing to write home about, but Dad gets so upset when I don’t have them out. And I mean, it’s not like I care-”
“You should.” His vision was swallowed by the blue of her eyes. “This is really impressive, Zed.” She was smiling at him. Just stood there, smiling. He froze. “I don’t blame your Dad for being proud.” Zed couldn’t find a single word, too busy watching the pale pink rise in her cheeks before she whipped around and her back was to him. “You’re...you’re a pretty amazing guy.”
“Only pretty?” He shot back. “I’m not sure if I should be offended.”
Her laugh was everything. “Would you prefer if I called you handsome instead?” The air choked out, hiding away from the mirth in her eyes. “...I suppose it does fit you better...”
“Huh?” There was no way he’d heard that right.
“I...should probably get changed.” Addison paused, hand hovering over her duffle. “You’re sure your dad doesn’t mind?”
Zed shrugged. “He knows what it can be like. He’s cool.”
“You’re lucky to have him.” They went quiet for a second, Addison twisting her hands in her lap, and Zed letting his gaze linger over her, wondering what she was thinking about. He started tidying up to lay the spare mattress down as the sounds of a pulled zipper filled the space between them.
“...oh you’ve got to be kidding.” Zed looked up to find Addison holding what he assumed was a shirt, except it was dripping with some kind of dark liquid. She was scowling, offended as she tossed the sopping garment back in the duffle. “Guess that’s that.” She muttered, rifling through what was left before tossing the whole bag aside, brow furrowed and picking at her ripped black jeans absently.
“Erm…” he shuffled, back to her as she hummed. “I- I have some stuff that might fit, if- if you’re having problems.” He said. “I can grab you something.” He waited. “Only if...you want. I know it’s...erm, not quite your style.” He coughed into his hand and stood.
“...That’d be lovely.” Her voice was soft, Zed turning and losing his breath. She was settled on his bed. The studded leather jacket she always wore was tossed aside, leaving her arms bare as her hair swung down in a loose wave of curls over her shoulder. There was something behind her eyes that made his throat go dry. Or maybe the pink tint to her cheeks that had him rooted to the spot. “...Thank you.”
“N-No problem.” Coughing, he forced his glasses back up from where they’d slipped down. “I mean, anyone would do the same thing, it’s really no big deal.”
“No. They wouldn’t.” His head snapped around. “Not everyone would. Actually,” a careless shrug followed, but Zed could only think about the way her shoulders hunched in. “Most people wouldn’t even think of it. Not for me.”
“Why?” His brain kept skipping back as she just looked at him, expectant. “I mean...you’re…” he trailed off. “You’re amazing.” He whispered. Addison shuffled away.
“Hey!” Everyone in the hallway looked over, a girl marching over, combat boots echoing in the empty hallway. “Get your hands off him!”
“Back off freak.” He rattled Zed harder, eyes fixed on the girl who, Zed couldn’t help notice, was speeding up as she came closer. 
“I said let go!”
“Or what?” Zed barely had time to blink before she charged, leg sweeping back before she swung forwards and planted it in the senior’s crotch. In seconds, he crumbled, eyes rolling back and collapsing in a whimpering heap. A snarl sent his goons scattering, Zed still slumped against the lockers.
“That good enough for you?” She asked, foot poised over the still groaning jock. The guy nodded frantically, eyes screwed shut. But Zed could only focus on the way she turned to look at him, hackles smoothing down.
She had the bluest eyes he’d ever seen, and he was helpless as she held out a hand to him.
“Are you okay?” Her voice was close, and he blinked to find Addison right in front of him, peering up as she laid a hand over his arm. “If you don’t want to, you don’t have to give me anything.” Her head tipped sideways, black ink peeking out from the collar of her shirt. “I’d never want you to feel forced.” 
“N-No, no it’s not that!” Zed waved his hands back and forth, wishing he could stop them flailing yet the command not quite reaching his limbs. “I- I just got lost in thought. And, well,” He swallowed. “I didn’t want you to be uncomfortable.” he shuffled to a drawer, pulling out a white skirt and soft blue jumper. “I know it’s not your style, and I…” he licked his lips. “I didn’t want you to feel like...I wanted you to be something you’re not.” He held the clothes to his chest. “I don’t want to be like...like them.”
It seemed like Addison was locked in time. He wasn’t even sure she was breathing. Then, in between blinks, the frost around her melted, ice seeping away until warmth bled into his bones and crept up his neck, sliding the clothes from his hands into her arms, and pausing only to tangle their fingers together.
“You could never be like them. I know.” They both looked down, watching their joined hands sway back and forth. Addison coughed, stepping away with a raised eyebrow. “Though I am curious as to why you even have girl’s clothes like this…” She squinted. “Should I be worried?”
Finally, Zed let himself really laugh. “Nah. My friend Eliza sometimes forgets to bring stuff when she comes around. So I have a supply of stuff; just in case.” he shrugged. “You’re a little smaller, but I figured it was better than my stuff, at least.” Addison giggled, and his heart flipped over. Coughing as well, he pulled open the en suite door. “You can change in here, if you like.”
“Always the gentleman…” He wasn’t sure he was supposed to hear that. He wasn’t sure if the hug he got as she came past was also something he ought to pay attention to. “Thank you...for caring.” Her voice whispered in his ear long after the door shut behind him, leaving him staring at white wood before his knees gave out.
Addison Wells. You’ll be the death of me.
He twiddled his thumbs. He never had repaid her for that day they met. Did this mean they were even? He wasn’t sure that sat okay with him. Which in itself made no sense. Logic dictated it was a perfect solution; a clean slate all around.
Why did it feel he was still losing something?
Something clicked over in the back of his skull. It had been so long since that day. Addison wasn’t close to anyone- not that he blamed her- but she was always there. He’d never been able to take his eyes off her. Always there to protect people, stand up for what was right. Eliza teased him for crushing on their resident bad girl of Seabrook High, but that wasn’t it. He didn’t care about bad girls or good girls.
It was just something about her.
“How do I look?” It wasn’t surprising her voice was the only thing that penetrated the wind buffeting his ears from within, drawing him to the bathroom he hadn’t heard unlock.
Everything stopped.
Addison was religious in wearing black; throwing in purple or sometimes green if she could, occasionally the odd shade of electric blue or neon pink working its way in. But there she stood, blue fuzzy jumper hanging off her shoulders and over her hands, white skirt settled around her knees, her silvery hair loose in curls framing her face.
It wasn’t fair for anyone to be that beautiful.
“That bad huh?” Addison wrapped her arms around her middle, weak smile trying to make itself known. “There’s a reason I prefer leather and boots, after all…”
“I- It’s not that. It’s just…” Zed rubbed the back of his neck. “You look, well…” he struggled for the right words. “Cosy.” He gestured at the too-big jumper. “And, I mean…” he knew he was bright red, unable to look her in the eyes for fear of what she’d see there. “Y-You look amazing normally, but I mean you...you look...pretty good like this too.”
Her eyebrow had quirked back up when he next looked over. “Only pretty?” Her hands went to her hips. “Should I be offended?” Her lips twitched afterwards.
Her jumper slid a little further down her arm, and the light from the bathroom caught her just right as she stepped forwards. Zed was left mesmerised, the white halo around her highlighting her pale skin, blue eyes darkening to a midnight ocean as she leaned forwards for her answer, tongue pressed against her teeth.
“Would you prefer if I called you perfect instead?” He breathed, too stunned to care about what he just said.
At least, in that moment. He couldn’t help but stare as her mouth fall open, pink rising to her face in time to the heat rushing to his cheeks. Only as she blushed vivid scarlet did his words register, and he looked away. “Too much?” He mumbled, scratching the back of his neck.
“...Depends if you meant it.” He felt a crack in his neck as he looked back around. Addison was shuffling from foot to foot, but what captivated him most was the smile, ever so small, but utterly beautiful, painting her lips. She peeked out from under her lashes. “Did you?”
“Always.” She ducked her head. He wasn’t sure why, but his feet carried him over until they were toe to toe, and he tipped her chin up, tucking stray white hair behind her ear. “You...you’re always perfect to me.”
“Even in pastels?” She joked, her palms flat over his chest. He wondered if she could feel the way she brought his heart to life with that simple touch. 
“Even in pastels.” He whispered. His fingers tangled in her hair, hand resting over his old pale blue shirt. “You’re always perfect; pastels or leather. It...it’s just who you are.” He bit his lip. “You’ve always been perfect. Just by being you. P-Perfectly you.”
“...I could say the same about you.” He wasn’t sure why they were both whispering, but with her so close, breath ghosting across his face, it felt too right to question. “You’re...you’re so special, Zed.” He could count her eyelashes as she looked up through them. “You’re not like anyone else.”
“Addy…” he swallowed. “I- you…” 
“Thank you.” she bit her lip. “For always being there for me.”
“I’d do anything for you.”
She stiffened under his touch, then leaned in as his fingers trailed to cradle her cheek. “Anything?” She breathed.
Their eyes met, everything hanging in the balance of the space between seconds.
He pulled her to his chest. Their foreheads pressed together, and the second ticked over.
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kiara-carrera · 4 years
quarantine tag game
i was tagged by @ahsokatonas
are you staying home from school/work? yup! i went on spring break the week of march 9 and got told that wednesday that my college was extending break another week and that following that, all in-person classes were cancelled. so i’ve been social distancing for over a month, love that for me (no but seriously pls stay home if you can, i complain but i do it from inside my house)
if you’re staying home, who is there with you? it’s just me, my mom, and all these goddamn busy work assignments that my teachers pulled out of thin air!!!!
are you a homebody? yes. honestly, i’m very much the indoors type and i am very much unfazed by staying inside all day, thank god. 
an event that you were looking forward that got canceled? my nurse pinning and graduation. like my college is listing it as postponed and honestly i know there’s nothing that can be done about it and there’s way more important things to be worrying about, but it definitely does sting a little especially after nursing kicked my ass for four years (also, pls let people be upset about things getting cancelled. we all know there’s more important things at stake, but that doesn’t mean you get to invalidate feelings, thanks!!!!)
what movies have you watched recently? i have a whole long list lmao and im including my reviews bc i can. the force awakens (rewatch), monster house (not as good as i remember), patriot games (harrison ford could step on me), final destination (this was a whole trip), zombies (zeddison are adorable, i won’t be taking criticism), national treasure (is truly a national treasure), charlies angels (both 2000 and 2019), all the bright places (wasn’t crazy about this one), space jam (YES), ratatouille (we stan 10/10) and chicken little (my fucking jam)
what shows are you watching? the haunting of hill house, you, scooby doo: mystery incorporated (by far one of the best sd series like gUYS IT HAS AN ONGOING PLOT LIKE FUCK YEAH), hsmtmts, and that 70′s show (don’t ask me why i’m still on s5 idk)
what music are you listening to? EVERYBODY STREAM CALM BY 5SOS
what are you reading? lots and lots of fanfics on ao3
what are you doing for self-care? see the above listing of lots and lots of fanfic on ao3. also, i’m just slapping together ocs left and right which brings me a sense of peace. also, tiktok.
tagging: @fleetwoodmcs @killinbills @aaudace @daisyjohvson and basically anyone who’s up for doing it (if you didn’t want to be tagged im sorry ily)
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asarahworld-writes · 5 years
Merry Christmas @vicapuleti​ !  I, @asarahworld, was your Zombies Secret Santa.  You mentioned a love of Zeddison, Zoey, fluff and angst, and AUs.  Well, it’s not quite an AU, but it is future fic where they’ve gone off to college.  We’ve got Zed.  We’ve got Addison.  Zoey makes an appearance. And without further ado...
Chapter 1
It had been six months since Zed had gone off to the state university on a football scholarship, six months since Addison had been accepted at her parents’ alma mater, and four months and thirteen days since the last time they had seen each other if you didn’t count the five minutes after the game two months ago.  The daily phone calls had slowed down to weekly; text messages became a quick thing to fire off between classes.
Addison was ploughing through a slough of research for her Writing Studies essay on “Classic Literature As Viewed Through a Modern Lens” when her phone buzzed.  Automatically, she reached for it and immediately flipped it over upon seeing that it wasn’t the cheer squad’s captain, Juliette Viconte.  (Unlike Seabrook High, the university squad had only one captain.)  She stared at the screen of her laptop, thinking.  She had just finished writing a decent-sized paragraph on Romeo and Juliet, exploring how if the leads hadn’t been so quick to act that the play would not have been the tragedy and leading into a comparison between the original storyline and modern adaptations. Star-crossed lovers destined to be apart.  Ultimately, every version of the play needed to end tragically, otherwise the message Shakespeare had intended behind the story was lost in the happy ending.
She stared at the screen of her laptop, thinking.  That was definitely the line of reasoning her professor would be looking for.  And yet she couldn’t help but see herself and Zed in the characters.  Two young people from feuding families (societies) fall in love. A relationship built on stolen moments. The relative innocence of one character balancing out the harsh reality lived by the other.  Theoretically, modern technology provided ease of communication that could have saved Romeo and Juliet from tragedy.  And yet, it was clear that just because one had the ability to communicate directly, that wasn’t necessarily going to happen.
She grabbed a pen and started re-working her notes.  Maybe this essay wouldn’t follow the professor’s expectations.  But Addison had her own ideas.
Her phone buzzed again.  Addison, in the middle of frantic scribbles, fumbling, turned it off.
“Hey, this is Addison-”
“Hey, it’s me,” Zed said cheerfully.  It was so nice to finally hear her voice.
“-so leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.”  The accompanying beep following the end of the recorded message startled Zed, and he realized that he had reached her voicemail.
“Hey, it’s me,” he started over.  “I know it’s getting old, but the captain’s scheduled another practice and of course it’s happening Saturday morning.  Abraza garzi’ska, ag gar-gargiza ru,” he said softly, reverting back to Zombietongue.  Zed smiled gently as the memory of when they had officially decided to only use Zombietongue for endearments.  As horrible as that fight had been (not that it could even be considered to be a fight as they had resolved their issue without any drama), they were so much stronger for it.
“This relationship is with you, too, Zed,” Addison had said angrily.  “I want you to be able to be completely yourself.  And that includes being able to speak Zombietongue around me.  Excuse me for thinking that that was a reasonable request.”
That hadn’t been it at all.  But despite his best efforts, Zed had failed to properly explain what exactly he felt about his girlfriend’s wish to become fluent in his native language.  Zed hadn’t even been certain that he himself knew why he was against the idea.
All that he knew was that Addison now sat by herself at the front of the classroom during Revised Local History, cheerleading practice was after football practice, and that the cheerleaders once again had their own table in the cafeteria.
“Zed, you’re overthinking this,” she’d told him when he’d finally confessed his fear. “History’s hard enough as it is without having you right beside me.  You realize that you have gym the period before, right?  So either you walk in and your hair’s still wet and there’s water rolling down your neck from your hair or else gym ran late and you didn’t even have time to change, let alone shower, and you,” she laughed nervously, “to be honest, you always smell amazing but especially then.  I need to pass history.  Surely you can get by without me for one extra hour,” she’d said, giggling.
“When you put it like that, how can I say no?”
“That’s what I love about you.  Always willing to listen,” Addison had said with a smile.  “As for cheer, well, during your practice, we’re up in the weight room. It takes a lot of work to be able to do this stuff.”  Addison had been counting her rebuttals off on her fingers.  “And as for lunch, some of the new kids seemed like they needed a friend.  And the cheer squad is a family.  We’ve gotta be there for each other.”
“Abraza garzi’ska… ag gar-gargiza ru,” Zed had said tenderly, threading his fingers through Addison’s.
“Gar-gargiza…,” Addison’s smile had grown softer.  “Ag gar-gargiza ru,” she’d repeated.  “I love you.”  Suddenly, her gentle smile had turned into an excited grin.  “Does this mean I get to learn more Zombietongue?”  Zed had only laughed, repeating his declaration of love softly in her ear.
Writing annotated notes for her essay had taken her far longer than she’d anticipated and when Addison finally checked her phone, she was startled to see that it was nearly two a.m.  She stumbled across the room to her bed and was asleep before her head hit the pillow.
Addison had learned during her first semester why you didn’t take an eight a.m. course unless there was no other choice.  However, being an underclassman came with certain disadvantages. Being one of the last to choose courses was one of those disadvantages and with that came fewer course options. Taking English was mandatory for all students and Addison hadn’t had any other options to fill that credit without waiting another semester.  So she begrudgingly took the Writing Studies course, wondering why she hadn’t looked for one during her first semester despite her parents’ insistence that she take it easy her first semester.
When the alarm went off at six, Addison immediately hit the snooze button.  Once. Twice.  Three times the alarm was silenced and Addison lay in bed.  The phone rang.
“Addison, where are you?  Class is starting in five minutes and you know that Professor Jackson docks points if you’re late!”  Bree’s hushed panic broke Addison’s sleepy haze.  She leapt from her bed, quickly changing into the nearest clothes that weren’t pajamas, and swept everything off her desk into her bag.  She sprinted to the classroom, from the D building up to A, and up the flight of stairs to the second floor, barely making it in the back door as the prof began class.  Luckily, she’d grabbed a notebook and pen in her rush, and was able to at least take notes.
The rest of the day passed in a similar haze.  Everything was a mess, but salvageable.  After her three-hour English lecture, Addison had another three-hour lecture (this time for Anthropology), followed by a short dinner break and cheer practice; practice ran much later than usual as the neurotic captain was more obsessed with perfection than Bucky had been at his most neurotic.  Just like that, the day was over and Addison flopped into bed, exhausted.
Sleep, shower, repeat.
Wednesdays she worked part-time in a café down the street from the main campus.  Though the pay was negligible, the hours were steady and gave her a reprieve from the stress of being a student.  Seven a.m. to three p.m., then she was back to cheer practice and homework.  Thursday was spent organizing her English notes and drafting her essay, Friday was another eight hour shift at the café and studying for her Anthropology midterm.  The weekend only provided more of the same.  When Monday came, her first draft was finished and Addison treated herself to a relaxing bubble bath.  To her surprise, it was only six o’clock.
The phone rang.
“Hey, sweetie,” it was her mother.  “How’s school?  You didn’t call us yesterday, is everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine,” she lied.  “I mean, I guess I’m just stressed with midterms and my essay.”  I haven’t spoken to Zed in a month.  There’s only so much you can communicate in a text and I only get to see him during the games.  Missy continued to press her daughter and Addison continued to say what she wanted to hear.  When her mother ended the call, Addison sat staring at the phone.
The phone rang.  And rang. And rang.  No answer.
The phone rang.
“Zoey!”  Zed couldn’t help smiling as he answered the phone.
“Hey,” his little sister replied enthusiastically.  “Did Addison tell you she enlisted Miss Zàrate to work with the Zombeans while you guys are at college?”
Zed nodded in remembrance.  “Yeah, said that someone had to make sure you rascals kept up with practice,” he joked.
“Is she there?”  Zoey asked. An innocent enough question, but one that tugged his dead heartstrings anyway.
“Uh, no.  It’s the end of the semester, everyone’s pretty busy with final projects and exams. How’s your schooling going?”  Zed changed the subject.  He didn’t want to talk about how the past few weeks had been hard, how they hadn’t even talked on the phone, much less seen each other. Zoey happily told him about Zombeans and her experiences at her new school. She talked about their Dad and Puppy, about the changes to Zombietown (the rusty gates had finally been removed, there was a bus that took the kids into the human part of town for school and a regular city bus connecting the neighbourhoods “we get to take the regular school bus with the humans to the bus stop,” she’d explained solemnly), and everything else that was important to an eleven-year-old girl.
“When are you guys coming back to Seabrook?”
Zed sighed.  “I don’t know, Zozo.  Probably pretty quickly after the semester’s over.  Five weeks maybe.”  He could practically hear her pouting over the phone.  “I miss you and Pops and Puppy,” he said.  And Addison.
“We miss you too,” Zoey assured him.  There was a brief pause while she said something to their dad. “Dad says I should let you get back to school stuff.  And he wants to go over my homework.  I told him it’s fine, but…”
“Math?”  At his sister’s hum, Zed continued: “you just gotta keep checking.  Try to memorize the uses of each formula and always check your work.  At the end of the day, all that matters is that you pass.”
“Thanks, Zed.”
“Hey, isn’t it just about bedtime?”  He could practically hear her rolling her eyes.  Laughing gently, he told her good night and hung up the phone.
MISSED CALL. ADDI.  Read the call display.  Zed cursed, a mix of English and Zombietongue, and hit the speed dial.
The phone rang.  And rang. And rang.  He cancelled the call, not wanting to hear her voicemail again. Instead, he sent a few messages. Fifteen minutes and a response later, he texted Addison.
He added a green heart emoji at the end of the message, slowly smiling.
When he woke up the next morning, there was a new message from Addison:
YOU MEAN LIKE A DATE? followed by a single pink heart.
It was Tuesday.  He had three days to plan the perfect reunion date.
 Zombietongue and translations all taken from Ly’s amazing masterposts. @unusual-ly
Zombeans belongs to Sarah @fist-it-out
Abraza garzi’ska, ag gar-gargiza ru.  |  Sorry garzi’ska, I love you.
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keepswingin · 6 years
Zeddison for the ask meme~!
I got three asks for zeddison so I’m just gonna use the most recent ask to answer. That was a super quick reply time guys lol. Shout-outs to anon and fist-it-out for also requesting zeddison. :D
Who said “I love you” first: 
Addison’s the first one to say it in zombie-tongue, a bubbly gar-garziga after they bring Seabrook’s first taste of change with their number in the cheerleading competition; but Zed’s the first one to say it in plain English a little under a month later. All they’re doing is watching a movie in Addison’s living room when it slips out, and if the TV was turned up any louder she might’ve missed it, but she doesn’t and instead turns to Zed with the happiest smile he’s ever seen. 
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background:
Zed. He snaps photos of Addison all the time - she’s never paying attention - and if he’s being honest his photo albums mostly consist of pictures of Addison, Zoey and selfies. (Hey, he’s one handsome zombie.) Addison would have a picture of her boyfriend as her phone background if there wasn’t already a group picture of all six of them there instead.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: Neither of them can really be bothered to leave ‘notes’ on the bathroom mirror but anytime Zed fogs up the mirror and knows Addison’s going in after him, he does draw outlines of funny-looking glasses or squiggly mustaches that line up almost perfectly with her face when she looks into the mirror and never can she do anything other than smile and laugh. 
Who buys the other cheesy gifts:Addison realizes early on in their relationship that Zed feels like he has to make up for being a zombie, so he buys her gifts more frequently than he should. Most of the time they’re cheesy gag-gifts but she’s not blind to way he always shifts on his feet when he hands them over to her or the way he half-smiles and ducks his head when she says that he didn’t have to do that because in his mind he does.
Who initiated the first kiss:Addison. Zed’s freaking out one day and he’s unable to calm down - almost on the verge of a panic attack - and seeing him freak out makes her freak out and the only thing she can think of is to kiss him and so she does by reaching over, grabbing his face and pressing their lips together. 
Who kisses the other awake in the morning:Zed’s hates mornings. He wasn’t kidding when he said he was from the darker side because if it’s not dark out he’s not awake. He’s a literal night-owl. Addison’s up by seven most the time and on weekends she can sleep in until nine if she’s goes to bed late, but the early bird gets the worm and her parents drilled that into her head ever since she was a toddler. But Addison’s figured out that if she rolls over and greets Zed with a kiss, it doesn’t matter what time it is, he always kisses back.
Who starts tickle fights:One of Zed’s favorite past-times is tickle-attacking Addison and he loves to do it when she’s in an enclosed space that she can’t escape from, like her closet. When she’s trying to pick out her clothes for the day she’s only focused on that and nothing else and that’s when Zed makes his move.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower:To Zed’s utter surprise it’s Addison who always asks him if he’d like to join her from behind the shower curtain, and man he knew his girl was bold but he didn’t think she was that bold - he thought that would be his mantle - but he doesn’t put that much thought into it because for one, he’s not complaining, and two, he could never tell her no.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch:Addison always shows up to Zed’s work on Friday afternoons with a variety of foods ranging from his favorite type of cauliflower to a calzone with extra cheese. He always greets her with a, “Why hello Gorgeous,” and she always replies with a passionate kiss.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date:They were both a bundle of nerves, possibly Zed more than Addison because they were going to go to a movie and for a long walk in the park, her with him a zombie for crying out loud, and Addison’s more on the shy side and quiet from the start of the date to the end of the movie and it’s only then that Zed’s palms stop sweating and Addison stops questioning ever word that comes out of her mouth as they both gush about how amazing the movie was and what their favorite parts were. By the time the date reaches it’s end, they don’t want the night to end.
Who kills/takes out the spiders:Zed might be a scary zombie to some people but if those people heard the way he screams whenever he even sees a spider, they’d be changing their tune. He’s deathly afraid of spiders, enough so that he can’t even kill the little ones, so Addison always has to come to his rescue. (And no, neither of them takes out the spiders. They deserve to die those eight-legged menaces.)
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk:They don’t go out for a drink too much but when they do it’s Zed unable to stop himself from saying how much he loves his girl. Even if it’s nearing one in the morning as they hobble back to their shared apartment, Addison clinging to his arm to make sure he doesn’t suddenly tumble and fall, Zed’s the one shouting at the top of his lungs gar-garziga and girl you look delicious, oh I mean gorgeous along with lyrics from Bamm and Fired Up, to their neighbors’ tremendous annoyance but no one ever calls the patrol on the two because it doesn’t happen often and no one wants to be the one to interrupt true love at it’s finest. 
That was actually super fun to think out and write. Sorry for the long-ish responses for each? I like the little details. If anyone follows any other fandoms I write for, I’d also be open to doing something for those as well! 
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c-rose2081 · 2 years
Starchild || 20. Belonging
(Disney Z-O-M-B-I-E-S)
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“I wish you weren’t doing this, Zed.”
A-ddison’s voice was barely a rasp; practically a whisper coming from nearly an hour of absolute silence. Outside her window, night had already fallen, leaving only a faint tinge of orange across the back of the horizon. Zed sat in front of his girlfriends (he could call her that now!) desk, as he had been for a while now, hands gripping his hair in thought. A-ddison had previously been sleeping, wrapped around her Shrimpy toy and an ice pack while Zed ‘studied’.
Except…hadn’t really been studying, either. He’d been staring at the same math problem for what felt like an eternity. No, he was far too busy glancing at his z-band — watching the time tick closer to 10:30 — his mind filled with thoughts of how horribly wrong this plan could go. Breaking into z-corp wasn’t harmless…it was criminal. He’d not only screw things up for Zombietown if he got caught, but would probably be arrested (or worse). It was a terrible idea on all fronts, one he shouldn’t have even been considering.
Yet as he turned to face A-ddison, pure crystalline eyes (one’s that could reflect even the most distant of universes) once again took the wind from his chest. She was just…so pretty, fully laid out across the sheets, silhouette outlined by the fading light. He could make out faintly glowing stripes from under her tank top, and a long, blue tipped tail was wrapped elegantly around the bedpost. Turquoise hair the same color as the sea cascaded in rivulets across the pale blankets, framing two eyes of a similar hue.
The disjointed diamond shaped marking on Addy’s forehead pulsed in perfect time with her heart, and from that diamond a straight white line traversed the curves of her face to split her features perfectly in half. The facial marking rose and fell with every dip and curve, caressing pale pink lips, and traveling down the front of her neck. The line was a tease, as Zed could follow it all the way to the ‘U’ of Addy’s tank top’s hem before it vanished under fabric, making him wonder how far down it actually went…
*You’re thinking very loudly, you know.*
Blinking at the voice echoing in his mind, Zed ducked his head in embarrassment.
“Sorry,” he fumbled, “how much…?”
“All of it,” A-ddison told him faintly, “you flatter me.”
“It’s nothing but the truth,” Zed shrugged, leaning on his knees, “how are you feeling?”
“A bit better,” Addy sighed, still clutching the cheerleading shrimp Zoey had given to her, “I’m…concerned about this mission, Zed.”
“Me too,”
“I’m sure there’s another way. I…I’ve been listening to your thoughts, I know how many ways this could go wrong.”
“A-ddison,” Zed chided unhappily, though he couldn’t really be mad. Not when she was laid out like that, staring up at him in the most innocent (worried) way. Her antennae flattened, giving away her guilt as she pursed her lips.
“I’m sorry. But this thing you’re doing is illogical and dangerous…”
“A-ddison, someone knows something out there. Maybe about you; about us? I don’t know who, and I don’t know what their intentions are. But I don’t wanna wait and find out.”
“Zed, you have a life here. Please don’t throw that away.”
“I was nothing until you crash landed into my life,” Zed grumbled, folding his hands, “I was just going through the motions. I was pretending; lying to everyone about who I supposedly am. But then you came and tore me to pieces, and put me back together. I can’t imagine where I’d be without you here, Addy, which is all the more reason we need to get you back home.”
“Let me come,” the girl croaked, “let me do this with you.”
“No. Your wounds are still to fresh, and they’re looking for you as an alien, and as a human. I’ll do this alone. If I fail, no one else takes the fall for me.”
“There’s no changing your mind,” A-ddison sighed, stating her words more as a fact than a question. But Zed nodded firmly anyway, rubbing his hands together over his knees. He could tell there was something else A-ddison wanted to say, but was holding it back, “did you think for a moment that I maybe wanted to stay?”
Zed frowned at his girlfriend, furrowing his brows as she stared forlornly at his shoes.
“I…no, I didn’t think about that,” he admitted, “I thought you’d be happy to be reunited with your family. You’re always so sad when you talk about them.”
“It’s true I hold incredible fondness for my siblings, and I do miss them terribly,” Addy sighed, “but ever since I was a Young One, it’s always felt like I was some sort of…treasure to them. Something they chose to protect; an obligation of sorts bestowed upon them the day I arrived. It’s nothing like what you have with Zoey. The whispers of warmth I felt as a child are gone; chased away by the coldness of space. They can get along better without me. I like it here, Zed. I like the colors, and the feelings…it’s…” A-ddison paused, no doubt trying to choose the right word, “it’s like a Utopia. I don’t want to leave.”
“I know that not what you want,” A-ddison stopped him, “and I’m sure if the situation were different, you wouldn’t be so insistent on sending me away…”
“Don’t put it like that,” Zed mumbled, “you know I don’t want to live without you. I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like…”
“Then we can find another way,” A-ddison insisted again, “please Zed.”
“I won’t let anything hurt you,” Zed stated, “not again. Never again,” Zed flexed his hand, wincing at the thought of the wound still healing on A-ddison’s ribs. The one he caused.
“You know I already forgave you,” Addy said, rolling her eyes as he made a face of discontent, “I don’t need to read your mind to know what you’re thinking about, Zed. You’re easy to read. One of the things I love about you.”
“It’s still strange,” he mused, “how fast we happened. Having you as my girlfriend.”
“I don’t think it’s strange,” A-ddison shrugged, avoiding his gaze, “on the Mothership, it wouldn’t have been my choice at all who I was to spend the rest of my life with.”
“And you’d have just gone along with it?” Zed wondered, a bit bothered by the idea of A-ddison being with someone else, “no questions asked?”
“It’s…normal, Zed. So willingly putting your life into the hands of your Elder? Trusting that they won’t make a choice that would be un-beneficial to the survival of our people. It’s been that way for hundreds of years.
“But you aren’t taken into account.”
“No. Some Elders, like my Older A-Spen, are more than willing to involve the one being mated in the process. But how the pair feels about the match is not usually considered once begun. It’s between the Elders of the two families, and the numeric probability of success. It’s why the idea of ‘love’ doesn’t exist where I come from.”
“Because it’s not love,” Zed confirmed, “it’s a trade.”
“It saved our species from extinction,” A-ddison told him flatly, “but is nothing more than that.”
“So…you…us, falling in love? Being together? Would you have fallen in love with the first person you came across here on Earth?”
“No,” A-ddison frowned, as though offended by the idea, “when I was born, I lived here on Earth, just like you. I was human before I was A-Lurian. I don’t think the time I spent here ever left my memory, no matter how hard my Great One tried to make me forget. I’ve been fighting with it my whole life. Trying to be something I’m not…just like you. It’s easy to recognize kinship when you come across it, Zed. And, at least for us, those who understand one another have a better chance of being content when matched.”
“You told me you didn’t fit in,” Zed asked, “when we first met, you understood me better than my own Dad does sometimes. How…how bad was it, growing up?”
A-ddison, for the first time since the conversation begun, hesitated. She wouldn’t meet his eyes, and her antennae flattened back. She clearly wasn’t fond of this particular subject, “sorry,” Zed apologized quickly, “you don’t have to answer that.”
“It…” Addy halted and swallowed thickly, expression turning from one of worry, to one of very faint pain, “it isn’t the A-Lurian way to demean others. We value harmony and unity amongst ourselves. But it’s still in the nature of all creatures to dominate one another. In my cultures past, I would’ve been killed before my first birthday for my differences. That kind of ideal can be dissuaded — it can be looked down upon — but it takes far longer then a mere millennium to fade. Ever since I was young, those who displayed the A-Lurian ideal reminded me every second how much I didn’t fit in. They would use words to hurt me, because I couldn’t stop myself from feeling them. And when that no longer worked, they would find new, more painful ways to assert themselves over another who they deemed…worthless.”
“And your siblings didn’t do anything about this?” Zed fumed, clenching his fists, “what about your Grandma?”
“Zed, my Great One and I were very close, but she stopped caring for me when I was ten. Independence is nurtured early on in A-Lurian culture. Exceptions are not often given in that respect. I lived with my siblings; and though they did their best, they can’t be there all the time. It was expected of me to handle myself, to grow stronger on my own. Something I…well, struggled to do. It got easier when A-Spen was promoted to Captain — messing with the Captain’s family is a serious matter — but that was only a year ago.”
“Is that why you don’t want to go back?” Zed wondered honestly, “it sounds miserable.”
“It certainly helped me grow into some of my A-Lurian traits,” A-ddison sighed, using her hand to gently remove her tail from where it rest around the bedpost, “running and hiding are useful skills to have; but I also learned how to face danger with dignity. A trait we share, apparently.”
A-ddison smiled faintly, and Zed ran a hand across the back of his neck, “I’m not usually afraid of the future, Zed. But what happens tonight could mean that future doesn’t have you in it. And that scares me more than anything.”
“Me too,” Zed agreed, rising from his chair and stretching. He needed to leave soon, if he were to make Bucky’s rendezvous, “I have to go.”
A-ddison sighed, nodding against the pillow.
“I know.”
“I’ll be back soon, ok?” Walking to the bed, Zed leaned down and gave his girlfriend a gentle kiss to the temple, running a hand through her curls.
“Just promise you’ll come back,” A-ddison half-begged him, “please, Zed. If there’s nothing I can say to stop you from doing this, at least promise you’ll come back.”
“I promise,” he nodded, fully meaning it despite how his gut twisted in pain, “rest up. I’ll be back before morning. Gar gar gaza, A-ddison.”
Zed expected her to say it back; the ‘I love you’ which they’d shared only a few times before. Instead, she stared up at him with her huge eyes, and spoke a language he didn’t understand. It was elegant and foreign to him, yet he knew it meant something incredibly profound. Something that meant more to A-ddison then a mere I love you, when she knew he was, in essence, going off to war and leaving her behind.
“Apura enic ashaxt ailohoieoshi, Xedenon.”
May the stars guide you home, precious Zed.
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c-rose2081 · 2 years
Starchild || 17. Girlfriend (reprise)
(Disney Z-O-M-B-I-E-S)
All this hurt/comfort zeddison is for you @kokinu09! High five ✋!
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GIF Credit!
Zed was laying across his bed staring at the cracks in his ceiling. Boxes of new clothes were piled in the corners of the room, waiting patiently to be unpacked. Night was already beginning to fall over Zombietown, casting everything in indigo shadows. Despite having showered and scrubbed himself raw, Zed could still smell the wolf Den on him. He hadn’t wanted to leave so soon; A-ddison wasn’t strong enough to travel. But with the thought of school looming over his head, Zed was forced to bring them back to civilization. He had to think about what Seabrook would think of his latest episode. Of course they had all seen Zombies in action, his Freshman year the Acey’s managed to hack all Zombie’s z-bands and send them rampaging.
But it had been years since then, and Zed was basically a superstar. Would people forgive him? Fear him? Maybe leave him alone for once? The outcome was uncertain for sure, and Zed hoped any negativity didn’t result in anti-monster laws and earlier curfews. So far none of that had happened yet, possibly due to the fact that the person with the most power in town was the Mother of his Alien girlfriend…friend…his alien friend.
Zed wanted to put his head in the toilet and flush it. They were still just friends…despite everything, the kiss, all of their moments together, they weren’t actually dating. Zed wished they were, but he wasn’t sure if taking that step was the right one. His dad’s words from almost two weeks ago still rang in his skull: “you leave that girls heart alone, Zed.”
And just last night, Willa had also made a point: “could you handle her leaving?“
Zed knew of course that it was the best thing to do. A-ddison was an Alien; she had family both on Earth and in the stars. But no matter how much he wished she was merely human, she wasn’t. It didn’t matter how well she could disguise herself as such. She was only half-human, and not the dominant half. Maybe if she had grown up on Earth with her mom, things could be different. Yeah a girl and a zombie would be kinda strange at first, but they could make it work. But a ‘basically fugitive’ alien with the most beautiful starry eyes? Not so easy.
Slamming both hands into his face and groaning, Zed felt his muscles flex inside his arms. The tank top was barely a shirt at all it was so shredded, but it was perfect for sleeping in. Normally he slept without one, but A-ddison was just down the hall in the shower, so his dad insisted he put more clothes on. So he sat in his room and waited, fearing the moment Mayor Wells pulled up in her nice blue sedan to pick A-ddison up and take her back across the fence.
Blinking out of his thoughts, Zed lifted his eyes. Zoey was peeking in through his doorway.
“Hey, lil’ Z. What’s up?”
“Addy needs your help,” Zoey said, causing Zed to jerk upright.
“What happened?”
“She’s hurting really bad…”
Zed didn’t need Zoey to say any more. He was on his feet in a second, not bothering to put on a sweatshirt as he ruffled his sisters hair, careful not to trip over the smaller girl as she darted between his legs and back towards the cracked bathroom door. Zoey entered first, allowing white light to spill into the dark hallway.
“…Zed’s here, Addy,” the little girl whispered, “he’ll know what to do.”
Hesitantly, Zed knocked his finger against the door before pushing it open. It was the first time he had actually seen all of A-ddison. Obviously she was still wearing her underthings, but it was more similar to what some of the cheerleaders wore to the beach. It revealed more skin than he had seen so far, and Zed’s first instinct was to turn away. After all, his Dad was just downstairs, and this was not a good situation to be caught in on accident.
“Don’t turn away,” Zoey chided him, “she needs your help.”
“Sorry…I just…” Zed sighed heavily past his hand, whacking his boyish nature down with a stick. Now wasn’t the time to be humble or modest. Turning back around, Zed stepped further into the bathroom as he used a foot to close the door a bit behind him. A-ddison was laying up against the side of their old, cracked bathtub. Her hair was still wet and glistening from being washed — Zoey had helped her with that. Similarly, water droplets sparkled across pale stripes and body markings like a thousand small diamonds from a sponge-bath. She was clean, but the skin under her wrappings was bright red.
“Zoey, go downstairs and grab the bag of peas from the freezer. Wrap it up in one of the washcloths.”
“And Zoey,” Zed said, stopping his sister in order to speak directly to her face, “I don’t want you coming back in, ok? Just pass the peas through the door.”
“But I wanna help…”
“You‘ve been amazing. This just isn’t really something you need to see. Please?”
“Oh…alright,” Zoey pouted, “she’ll be ok though, right?” The girl wondered, furrowing her brows and frowning deeply. Zed pursed his lips and nodded hesitantly.
“Yeah. Now go on, I’ll take care of this.”
Zoey hesitated for a moment before exiting the bathroom, closing the door the rest of the way behind her till it clicked.
Turning, A-ddison’s eyes had opened and she was looking at him from under her dark lashes, “why’d you send her out?”
“I need to change your bandage. Willa gave me some instructions on how to do it. Zoey is too young still, she doesn’t need to see fresh stitches.”
“You’re such a good Older One to her,” Addy mused faintly, rolling her head on the towel pillow she was using to have a better look at him as he knelt down by her side. At once, her brows furrowed up into her hairline, “what’s that?”
“What’s what?” Zed wondered honestly, rolling up his pant legs as to not awkwardly sit on them.
“On your neck,” Addy said again, reaching out to grab his shirt with a hand and tugging on it, “come closer.”
“Oh,” Zed’s stomach lurched. He forgot about his serial number: Z-9291. Normally it was covered up by whatever jacket he was wearing. But, seeing as he wasn’t in anything but a tank top, the black, tattooed number was fully exposed for A-ddison to see, “it’s my serial number. I got it when I was ten.”
“Show me,” A-ddison practically ordered him, though it sounded very weak. Still, Zed obliged, leaning down further so her fingers could ghost across the marking. The feeling made him shiver; he could still remember how much it hurt to get it. He’d had a fear of needles ever since.
“It doesn’t hurt or anything,” Zed told her, seeing how…unnerved…she seemed to be at the marking, “it’s just to help z-patrol keep count.”
“Keep count?”
“Yep. All Zombies born get a number, which correlates to a file of information about them. Helps keep track of who’s trouble, and who’s not. It’s also linked up to our z-bands so they can always see if a Zombie is stable or not.”
“Does Zoey have one?” A-ddison wondered, “a number?”
“Yep, so does Dad, and Eliza, and Bonzo,” Zed shrugged, gently removing A-ddison’s hand from his cheek and squeezing it, “Zoey said you were in pain?”
“Just a bit,” A-ddison croaked, avoiding his gaze as her tail twitched under her legs, “Willa said it would be sore.”
“You’re pale,” Zed noted, using a hand to feel Addy’s forehead like his mom used to do to feel for a temperature, “not warm, though.”
“This thing you call shower is wonderful,” Addy croaked, “Zoey was very helpful.”
“I’m glad,” Zed nodded, happy that Zombies couldn’t actually blush. Thank god he hadn’t been called in any earlier or he’d be on the floor in a dead faint, “peeling this off might hurt? Please stop me if it gets to much.”
A-ddison nodded hesitantly, looking the opposite direction of her wound as Zed gently began to pull at the bandaging. He could tell that Addy was holding her tongue as best she could, but the sharp flex of her stomach against her ribs, and the clench of her fists gave away how much pain she was in. Slowly and steadily, Zed began to pull away the coverings, wincing at how red and sore the sutures were. As he pulled the last of the tape away, A-ddison opened her mouth to gasp, breathing heavily as though she’d been held underwater for a time.
Zed, to his curiosity, saw a new color begin to form in his friends hair. While the bottom was turquoise, with a majority being white, the roots began to turn brown. It was almost a natural chestnut color. Pain. The color meant pain — he just knew it. Allowing the girl to breathe freely for a moment, Zed sat on his knees at her side and stared. He stared at the four distinct, ragged lines up down her ribcage.
He did this to her.
This pain was all his fault. Zed lifted a hand, spreading his fingers and holding his palm above the gash marks. It was a perfect match; there was no doubt.
*Zed, it wasn’t your fault.*
The voice echoed in his mind, rather than his ears. Glancing at A-ddison, she was gripping his wrist just above his z-band. He could feel her ice in his blood; rushing through him like an avalanche. Her neon eyes glowed faintly like a pair of LED bulbs, while her antenna pulsed white. *Please stop blaming yourself*
*How can I?* he thought back to her, turning his arm to change their grip. He wanted to hold her hand; gripping her fingers in his as though she’d fade away if he let go. *What if I can’t ever be anything but a monster?*
*Your heart is far too big for that to be true* A-ddison told him, *monsters have no heart. My people. — mine who slaughtered thousands because of mere biological flaws — they are monsters. Those who look at you, or who look at Eliza, or Zoey, or your dad, and see only something to fear and hate?* A-ddison ran her thumb across his knuckles, feeling the hills and valleys with her soft skin, *they are monsters. You, Zed, are not like that. You see the world through your heart, and that’s not something a mere monster could do.*
*But I hurt you…*
Zed didn’t get to finish his thought. He was cut off by the feeling of an electric shock rocketing through him. A-ddison was kissing him, practically hanging from his threadbare tank top in order to reach his face. The kiss was just as electrifying as the first, but Zed wasn’t quite so shell shocked. He returned the affection willingly, taking his fingers though A-ddison’s hair as it quickly flashed from brown and white to a bright magenta. All the doubts and fears that she would hate him melted off into warm, staticky love.
Pure, honest, true love. And it was absolutely maddening. She was maddening.
“I…hate you…” Zed mumbled against her cheek as she pulled away from him, gently using his nose to tilt her chin up so he could kiss the skin on her neck. This caused her to shutter, and moan a bit in surprise.
“You just talk too much,” she rasped finally, running her own hand across his scalp, and feeling the lightning bolt scar next to his ear with the flat of her thumb, “hm, this is just another thing to discover about you, Zed,” she mused, settling back down on the floor with a wince as her bright hair faded back to its pale coloring.
“You’re super distracting,” Zed chided her, “you know that, right?”
“Well you wouldn’t stop talking,” A-ddison teased back, watching him lean over her to reach the cabinet under the sink to fetch a medical kit they kept on hand for emergencies, “my fondness for you is very empowering.”
“Fondness, huh?” Zed wondered, opening the kit and rifling through it.
“I’m not sure that’s the right word,” A-ddison admitted to him faintly, causing is hands to stop. He was an idiot.
“Love,” he told her, “is love the right word?”
“Love?” She wondered, lifting a brow and shifting on the floor to cradle her side, “we…don’t have that word in our language.”
“Love is…” Zed hesitated, “it’s complicated? And it’s a really big emotions with a lot of steps that can sometimes be hard to explain? But it’s a very intense affection for someone.”
“I see…” Addy mused, “this thing is quite intense,” she admitted, “but I’ve never felt love before. Not like this.”
“You don’t date aboard the Mothership?” Zed wondered curiously, beginning to shape out some new cotton to fit A-ddison’s wound.
“Our mates are picked for us,” Addy told him, “fondness and affection have nothing to do with it. The better A-Lurian genetics you have, the more likely you are to be mated.”
“So you don’t even know the person?”
“Sometimes we do. As big as the Mothership is, you’re bound to know everyone at least a little bit. But no, there is very little…uh, ‘getting to know you’ process involved.”
“So that kissing was just…?”
“Passion is something we have in our culture,” A-ddison said factually, “physical pleasure is quite common. It’s good and healthy for the body and mind. Although, I’ve never felt it before now.”
“I’m your first kiss, huh?” Zed chuckled, “how am I doing?”
“I have no standard to base that statistic,” Addy frowned, “maybe I should kiss more people just to check…”
“Absolutely not,” Zed insisted, leaning over his…girlfriend…his girlfriend, and staring her straight in the face, “you aren’t going to be kissing anyone else.”
“You wont, because I loved you first and that’s not fair.”
“You…love me?” Addy wondered up at him, eyebrows rising up into her hairline as Zed swallowed thickly and nodded.
“Yeah, I do,” he sighed, feeling the relief of getting the admittance off his chest like an elephant had just stepped off him. Carefully, he pressed the cotton to Addy’s stitches, smiling in guilt as she hissed at the pressure, “sorry.”
“…fine…” she rasped, “and Zed?”
“I think I love you, too.”
Zed couldn’t keep the grin off his face. The breath that left him was clearer and longer than any he’d ever breathed in his life. Before either could say anything though, the sound of something dropping just outside the door caused both teens to glance at the door in surprise.
“Dad! Dad! Addy’s gonna be part of our family!”
Zoey’s voice faded off down the hall as Zed groaned in embarrassment, only to feel Addison’s fingers once again intertwine with his.
“I hope you’re ready to have a little sister, Addy,” he mused to her, leaning down to peck her lips again, “because she’s not going to leave you alone now.”
“I think I can manage,” she whispered back, “I love you, Zed.”
He smiled again, using a hand to gently caress the diamond shaped marking on his girlfriends forehead.
“Gar gar ga za,” he replied, “to the stars and back.”
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c-rose2081 · 2 years
890% here for Zed and Addison Hurt/comfort and/or fluff (depending on the setting) and then like 10% here for the plot Bc the world building is pretty stellar but also ZEDDISON CONTENT 😂
I love writing ALL THE ZEDDISON. They are my favorite 🥰 such a healthy and anxious couple they are ❤️ my babes
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kokinu09 · 4 years
caaaaan you write me a fic thing? A zeddison baby shower! With the gang. Chaos ensures.
A zeddison baby shower! With the gang. Chaos ensues.
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1 more month.
She just needed to wait 1 month before Baby Necropolis would finally arrive. It had been a stressful few weeks with unexpected meetings and new partnerships with companies from overseas that Bucky had worked so diligently to solidify. Which meant Addison was working some overtime, much to Zed's displeasure.
But with that extra workload popping up, they had to push back the baby shower by a couple weeks. Addison felt a kick against her hand resting atop her swollen belly and smiled.
"Yeah, we're almost to your party, Little One." She whispered, hearing a chuckle from her husband beside her. When his free hand from the steering wheel slid beside hers, she didn't even flinch.
"You might be as impatient as your mama, Little Man." Zed joked. Addison laughed at that.
"You can't blame me! I'm so excited to meet him!" She whined, throwing her head back against the plush black headrest of Zed's Mustang. He chuckled again and moved his hand down to gently squeeze her thigh.
"Trust me, I am too. I just," he paused for a long sigh, "I'm gonna miss this car." Addison giggled and laced their fingers for a reassuring squeeze.
"I told you, you don't have to get rid of the Mustang." She reminded him with a smile. He dropped his head back with his own serene, reminiscent smile.
"I know. But it'll happen eventually anyways. I wanna get a dad-mobil, trade in my tailored suits for dad jeans, maybe stop dying my hair green to let the greys grow in, the whole nine!" He exclaimed with enthusiasm. He glanced away from the road and to her briefly. "I'm just a little mind blown 'cause I get to love and spoil you and our little guy for the rest of my life. There was a time I didn't even feel like I deserved you."
Addison softened, squeezing his hand a little tighter. "I'm definitely the lucky one, Zed."
How had she gotten so lucky as to marry this wonderful man who was about to be an amazing father to her child? After everything that's happened in her life, after all her sins she's committed, all the trials and tribulations, somehow she managed to find her fresh start in him.
He was her world, her everything. But soon he might have a little competition. She smiled at the thought as her free hand rested over her belly again.
"I can't wait for you to meet your incredible daddy, Little One. He's so great, just the way he is. No changes needed." She cooed in a whisper, knowing full well that he could hear every word. "You're gonna love him almost as much as I do."
He didn't have the time to spout off a lovey dovey counter point since they were pulling up to the venue. "Look, we're here!" He announced. He gently took his hand back to safely turn the wheel and pull right up to the curb beside the door.
As soon as it was put in park, he jumped out of the car and ran to her side. Addison laughed at his fussing when he helped her get out. She had to admit the low ride of his Mustang did make it hard for her 8 month pregnant body to get out of it but he was also a little overprotective when it came to her. But in this instance, she wasn't about to complain, groaning and gripping her aching back once she was up on her feet.
Zed's hands lingered from the sound of distress. "You ok Baby?" Addison gave him a tired smile that was becoming more and more normal as each day passed.
"Zed, I'm fine! Stop worrying so much!" She scolded playfully. He chuckled and leaned in to kiss her cheek.
"I know, I know. Do you want me to walk you in before I move the car?" He offered but she was already waving him off.
"Go move the car! I'll see you inside!" She assured, swiftly grabbing around his neck before he could turn away to pull him down for an affectionate kiss. "But don't take too long."
"I'd never keep you waiting." He agreed. A breathless smile crossed both their faces as they parted ways.
"That was gross." Zed commented with a scrunch nose. Addison laughed and lightly elbowed his arm from her seat beside him.
"They're melted candy bars! You'll have to deal with much worse when our boy gets here." She reminded, giving her belly an affectionate rub at the mention of him.
"Ok, yeah, but he's gonna be my baby! I'll gladly change his diapers. I don't need to see what looks like a really poopy diaper for a party game!" He said, sticking out his tongue in disgust.
"Zed! Pin!" Bree exclaimed so loud everyone paused their conversations for a moment. Zed cursed under his breath since he'd just broken the sacred rule of the shower. 'Don't say baby or you lose your pin.' At the end of the shower, whoever had the most pins wins a prize. Bree was currently winning her own game as she'd stolen three pins already.
"This isn't fair!" He complained as he handed his pin over.
"All's fair in love and shower games." Bree told him smugly. Zed pouted but she wasn't fazed a bit as she took the pin.
"Ok! We have one last game to play with the proud mommy and daddy! Can you two come up here for this?" Bree asked. Zed hopped up first and offered a hand to help Addison up. She took his hand but instantly recoiled back, hands clasping around her belly. Zed was knelt down beside her the next second.
"Addy?" Zed whispered to her in worry. "What's wrong?"
"I—I think that was a contraction." She said, a little out of breath from the pain that had just constructed her stomach. She lifted her eyes to meet his, both wide with shock.
"It's time?" He asked to make sure. She nodded slowly.
"It's time." Her voice barely a whisper.
"It's time." He repeated, half out of disbelief. Then a smile started to break out across his face. "It's time!" He said more audibly and excited.
The room was silent as the words proceeded then burst into chaos. A mix of excitement and panic washing over the baby shower guests. Bree took charge, being the most recent person with experience in the room.
"Everyone stay calm! Addy, we're gonna get you to the hospital ok?" Bree assured her sweetly, but Addison was barely listening. Another contraction ripping through her torso as she gripped onto Zed for dear life.
He held her tight, whispering in her ear, "Just breath Baby. It's gonna be ok." The spell ended and she loosened her hold. Zed gently guided her to stand, tossing his keys in the direction of the wolf pack.
"Can one of you pull up the car? I'm gonna help Addy walk out." Zed asked, not even looking away from his pregnant wife.
"On it!" Willa confirmed, running ahead followed by Wynter.
Wyatt, on the other hand, came to Addison's other side, offering his arms for support. "Do you need anything? What can I do to help?" He questioned.
"Just help me get Addy to the car." Zed instructs. They walk slow, Addison having to stop halfway as another wave hit her, squeezing both men's hands with a death grip that had them fearing something would break in their appendages.
They made it outside, green mustang purring and ready to go by the front doors. "I'll take it from here. Go make sure Bree has everything under control." He told Wyatt, Willa, and Wynter. They nodded and started to head in but Zed quickly caught their attention. "And hey!" They turned back expectantly. "Thanks guys." They smiled and went inside.
Zed refocused on Addison, holding tightly onto him for support as her legs threaten to go weak once again. He carefully helps her towards the open car door.
"Come on Baby, let's get you buckled in." He cooed but Addison pulled his face to look at hers instead. Her soft, misty eyes made him stop everything.
"Zed, we're having a baby." She whispered tearfully, the softest smile gracing her lips. He breathed a laugh, smile returning.
"We're having a baby." He agreed breathily, circling his arms around her waist and planting his forehead to hers. He leaned in, lips getting only a brush before she was overcome again with pain. She hissed and gasped through it until it passed enough that she could smile up at him.
"Ok, maybe now isn't the best time." She joked weakly. Zed laughed, giving her one last squeeze before helping her into the car and rushing off to the hospital.
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gogoseabrook · 4 years
- “Everytime people see us messing around they think you’re bullying me because you look hard af. And now they think those hickeys you gave me are bruises…” zeddison AU
And as promised, here we go :)
Punk vs Pastel Prompts
The locker slam in her ear had her flinching.
She closed her own much quieter. “I’m telling you, it’s not like that.” She said, keeping her voice low. “Please, okay, I’m asking you-”
“I know, but…” She grabbed her hand. Her eyes flickered up, finding her best friend holding on so tight her nails were beginning to mark. “I’m scared, Addy. I’ve seen them. And him.” She scowled. “He’s not good news.”
“Okay,” Addison pulled her hand free, crossing her arms. “Stop right there.” She held up her hand as Bree moved forwards. “No, okay? No. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And I trust him. That should be enough for you.” She turned, rubbing at her wrist on her way out of the locker room. “I thought at least you’d understand.”
“I’ve seen them!” Bree exploded, Addison stopping and turning as her friend stood there. Bree hopped from foot to foot, wilting in the silence and wringing her hands. “I...I know Addy.”
“Know...what?” Addison’s feet wouldn’t move.
She couldn’t.  She couldn’t.
“I know what he’s doing to you. You don’t have to defend him.” Addison was rooted to the spot as Bree walked back over, pushing her hair back. “You don’t have to be scared anymore.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Her voice was barely there, lost in her breath.
“It’s...I’m not stupid.” Bree was looking at her. Looking at her hard. She didn’t know what she saw there. “The way he’s crowding you all the time. Grabbing at you even when you push at him.” She’d never seen Bree scowl that way. “He’s always trying to- to force you into doing stuff, and I know you don’t like that kind of thing.”
“Those guys are all the same. Leather jackets and bad attitudes. But…” Bree held her hands. “You don’t need to stay with him. Bully or- or worse, you don’t need him. You are so much better than that.”
“But...wh…” Addison shook from head to toe, still trapped by her friend’s stare. “I don’t...I don’t know what you- what are you saying?”
Bree sighed, gripping Addison’s hands so tight a white outline began to press into her skin. It was only practice that kept her from flinching. She nodded towards her collar. “Those bruises aren’t...makeup can’t hide it. Not all the time. I’ve seen what he’s done.” Bree looked down at her shoes, scuffing one on the floor. “I know all about it. They’re- they’re all over you.”
“Bree…” All she could do was laugh. Even when Bree jolted away, the hysterics bubbled out. Endless giggles and the occasional snort filled the empty locker room, Addison’s face flushed pink by the time she was finished. “Bree, they aren’t bruises.” She said, wiping away a tear.
“Huh? B-But-!” Bree stammered, eyes wide. “What? No! But, then- huh?”
“Well,” her cheeks darkened further. “They’re not...those kinds of bruises.” Bree’s face was blank confusion, Addison’s face turning from pink to red when her eyes widened. “He’d never hurt me, Bree. I know him.” She ducked, flashes crossing behind her eyelids. “He’s...he’s good to me. Really good to me.” Too good, honestly.
Silence bounced through the room, Bree swallowing and fanning her face from by one of the lockers. She fidgeted with a dial. “You’re sure? Like, sure sure?” Bree glanced over. Addison nodded, refusing to look away. Everything tightened throughout her, the ice and steel weaving prisons around her heart and trapping her breath and-
“Okay.” Bree was hugging her tight, and it took a second to hug back, the world blurring to sharpness around her before they tightened their embrace. “I’m sorry I got so...I just- you know… and I worry because you’re my best friend and he’s so different and I don’t want your heart to get ripped out or worse and if you got hurt I’d never forgive myself and-”
Addison tightened her arms, ignoring the burn at the back of her eyes. “I know. I love you too.”
The knock on the locker door pulled them apart. Addison spun on her heel, the pounding of her heart only worsening as Zed poked his head through, hand firmly over his eyes. “Is it safe to come in?”
Sharing a smile with her friend, Addison hurried over to draw his hand down, kissing his cheek as they stood together. “It’s safe.” She promised. Zed blinked, dark eyes warm as he pulled her closer, nuzzling their noses.
“I missed you.” He whispered.
“I missed you.” The words stamped onto her heart. But watching him light up- so unashamed and open, it made her want to cry just a little- and cuddle her close, kisses dusted down her throat, she knew she’d never regret that fact. All she could do was press in tight, safe in his arms, the leather of his jacket pleasantly cool against her skin.
“You know,” She’d forgotten Bree was there until her voice jolted them apart. “I just remembered I have an assignment due for Mr. Vega I need to get done, so I’m gonna bail.” She paused, and turned on her heel. “And don’t worry, I’ll bring by some extra foundation for you tomorrow.” She giggled, Addison burying herself in Zed’s chest before the door clanged shut across the way.
“Do I wanna know?” Addison groaned and tugged on her collar. “What does...oh.” Even pressed into his shirt, she could feel his smirk. “Ooops.” His grin pressed into her neck. “Guess I’ll need to be more careful about where I hide them.” He nipped at her jaw, bringing a giggle out. “Sorry, beautiful.”
“No you’re not.” She looped her arms around his neck, playing with the dyed green hair that had first caught her eye. “I don’t want you to be.”
The way he looked at her, it made her feel so alive. His arm was loose around her middle, hand cupping her face to bring her up for a gentle kiss. 
Again, she couldn’t understand Bree; Zed was perfect. He’d never hurt her. Since the day they’d met, he was the only one she knew she could rely on. Without a doubt.
“Ready to get out of here?” He mumbled, letting her nod and sharing a quick peck as they finally abandoned the locker room. “Curfew still 10?”
He sighed. “You sure you can’t do anything about it?” He squeezed her hip, holding her to his side.
Jolts sparked down her side even while she shook her head. “I already tried it, remember?” Just another regret for the pile. “Didn’t go so well.”
“Worst week of my life.” He mumbled. “I hated that you were grounded like that.”
The black eye would have given it away.
“At least we have tonight.” Addison leaned in, breathing in the smell of leather and apple that clung to him. “All to ourselves. Safe and sound.” She felt her smile grow to match his as he snatched her hand, leading her through the halls with a whoop and a grin.
Everything feels okay with you.
“Hey,” he pulled her to a stop outside his car, and her smile faded at the way he watched her. “What’s up?”
“You’re distracted.”
“Just...thinking.” She stretched up and pecked his lips. “About you, mostly.”
Please let it go.
He kept looking.
“It’s fine, I just…” she trailed off. “Bree got the wrong idea. About us.” She bit her lip. “I was just thinking how lucky I am to have you.”
Everything froze, then he started to smile, and her world righted itself again.“I think you’ll find I’m the lucky one,” he purred, nuzzling their noses together before cradling her face, breath ghosting over her face. “You’re sure you’re okay though?” He brushed a strand of hair from her eyes. “You seem a little…” he paused, frowning. “Worried.”
Don’t make me lie to you anymore.
“I’ll be fine.” She held his hand, letting him feel the truth of her words. “Better now that you’re here.”
I’m sorry. You’d never forgive yourself if I told you.
Under her shirt, unseen bruises all throbbed in unison, and the clock ticked down again.
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unusual-ly · 5 years
BGZ art!!!!
I spent most of my time and money at SunnyCon commissioning artists to draw some of the BG zombies (+ one human)! There’s still more coming, hopefully over the course of the next month, but here’s everyone who got done over the weekend!
(This is a bit of a long post, sorry)
Let’s start with my SunnyCon tradition apart from last year: AngelKat caricature sketches by @t-iii! He does these cute little sketches in just a couple minutes and I’ve been buying these almost every year for a while, and this year I got Rizzo and Zephyr~
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I also went back to MoonShade ( @moonshadebutterfly, tho she’s inactive on Tumblr now) who drew Bonzo for me last year, for Izabelle and Paizley! She says she especially loves drawing zombie hair and honestly, she does an amazing job at it...! I’ll be emailing her within the next few days to send some reference pics for Zeke so you can expect some Zebelle ;)
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Some very cute little awkward and flustered Chanzie, by Lauren Matthews AKA Sayomi /)^^(\
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Zaz by @charlyvonkarma, who drew Zeddison last year~ Just look at Diaz’s hair, guys. Look at it. Appreciate it. I love it
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Rozeira by @pabbiecrafts, who drew Bronzo last year! Now she’s done both the sleepy-zombie-musicians-who-love-their-cheerleader-girlfriends ships...!!! Look at their little smiles~! And their hair!!!!!
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And you K N O W I had to get My Boys...! In fact, I got two commissions of Zephzo!
First, by @beffumsartworks (the first commission I got all weekend...!), in this extremely cute cartoon art style, just look at Zephyr’s face! Little blushy grump~
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Then this headshot by @chubbi-star, with even more blushing...! Look at Alonzo’s swooshy hair /)*^*(\
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And finally, for now, an individual sketch of Zephyr~ Sadly, I didn’t get a card or anything and don’t remember this artist’s name, so if it’s you, or you recognise the style, please let me know! I remember she had some Steven Universe art on sale amongst her stuff, including a double-sided print with Yellow Diamond and Pearl on one side and Blue Diamond and Pearl on the other. Sound familiar to anyone...?
But anyway, I love his expression and the curly fluffiness of his hair...!!! /)^^(\
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And still on the way is individual pieces of Alonzo and Rizzo~ I’ve seen the rough sketch of Al already and it is adorable!
Thank you so much to all of these artists, I have been so desperate for art of these babies for so long...!
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