#so much gay sex... I mean waltzing ;) ;))
unabashedly-so · 1 year
🌹SDV Elliott HC 💃
Content warning: Americanized contexts ahead. 😅 Not pigeonholing SDV as American but I'm using Americanized regionalisms because that's the language I have to communicate I'm trying to portray. 🤷‍♀️
It takes a high heart level and a moderate intoxication level to bring it out, BUT Elliott has had years of ballroom dance under his belt.
I'm imagining a southern old-money style upbringing for him (subject to change) and he started being trained in different dances bc he was involved in whatever the male version of debutantes is.
he wasn't big into it at the time but yknow mommy issues he was a diligent well-mannered young man so he learned enough to pass by.
enter university and Prince Slut (freshman year) is finding all kinds of ways to get the tender physical touch and affection he craved as a child make friends and finds the uni's ballroom dance club
his foundation of skill and reputation make him insanely popular within the club so it becomes a genuinely healthy outlet for him.
he never takes it seriously in terms of competition; he's just there to have fun and make his partner shine but you KNOW he's flaunting and flexing along the way, like executing daring moves with his partner, showboating, getting so overly sultry with it, etc.
he gets so many numbers and so much ass whenever he goes out, it's upsetting.
anyway tl;dr he spends so much time on that and other social activities in college that he barely passes most of his classes and it's actually a huge regret of his but that's a whole 'nother post
he stops dancing after uni for the most part as he has to reprioritize his life
but that doesn't mean that he lets it go, oh no.
get enough drinks in this man and enough room to move and he's 10years younger ready to sweep anyone off their feet.
He'll trot with the foxes, swing from one coast to another, cha-cha real smooth, give him tequila and he'll give you salsa, etc etc
of fucking course he can waltz but like 1) ya Basic, and 2) dinner and a movie first (and let's make it Viennese, for the love of Yoba)
he'd much rather rumba or tango tbh but only with someone he really cares about. poor boy'll catch feelings quick rocking hips like that.
which like. alternate ending to the 6heart scene has him inviting you to dance with him to blow off some steam. nothing too stilted or sensual, just an easy swing or something so he can move and move you and maybe even give you a twirl if you're so inclined 😉
(at 8hearts and above he's twirling you, dipping you, and rocking you on his hips during wrap-ins 🥴🥴 you've also unlocked private rumba, tango, and waltzes with him, and boy is it getting humid in this seaside cabin 🥵🥵)
it does take getting him at least buzzed to bring it out, but he has no shame once it's out, so it's like an open secret in Pelican town that he'll show anyone who's a good sport a good time
(and this is a big one)
he's so fucking judgey about what music people choose to dance to.
full on Big Sassy Gay energy.
"oh you want to slow dance to [Ed Sheeran]? yeah I remember being in middle school too."
"*Thinking Out Loud playing* is this the wedding song where people teeter back and forth like two rickety sideways rocking chairs with room for Yoba in between because your grandma's watching for three straight minutes? ...no yeah it's fine. I mean to their credit it probably functions as their run through for the consummation later too so good for them I guess"
*I Won't Give Up playing* "if you need to dance to a song where someone else declares how you're So Definitely going to be together forever, I'm sorry but I give it two years tops." "Elliott, this was Haley and Alex's song." "I said what I said. Next."
"*dramatic sigh* just because you can mathematically fit a 5 step into a 4/4 doesn't mean you can or should turn any bubblegum pop song about casual sex into a tango. It's NOT about sensuality, it's about THE CONFLICT THEREIN."
just take him home at this point. 😅 no one understands what he's saying but they know it's probably insulting.
anyway fast forward to domestic bliss and he's regularly pulling you in to show you how happy you make him
he's definitely singing any lines he thinks fit you under his breath while he dances with you. He'll bring you in close and murmur them into your ear or kiss them into your neck if he's got bedroom thoughts. 🌹
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I find the idea so funny that Logan and Hesh find out Elias ain't straight over Rorke.
Like they are in the Ghosts and Elias starts talking about Rorke and Logan just makes an offhand comment along the lines of "sounds like he's your salty ex, or something" just to be a menace and Elias looks at him, shrugging, "i mean, he kind of is, not that we completely dated, but we were close to it" and then just keeps going as if he didn't come out right now to them like that, while the boys just stare at him baffled
Logan tries to bully him and it just doesn't work lmao. "Nothing official, but very tense." then waltz's away like he didn't just drop that un pinned hand-grenade of information on them. No fucks given.
Like they always knew Elias was supportive. Bringing home same-sex partners was as much a deal as opposite-sex ones, so very clear he's an ally, but they assumed ally at most. Because they're dumb. But also because they only ever saw Elias interested in one person: Their mom.
And the reason for that is cus Rorke was just never around the house, otherwise they'd know. Lol
Reason for bafflement is less "Dad's gay/bi?" and more "He liked someone other than mom?" and the jokes on them because Elias has another hand grenade: "Your mom and Gabe got along too."
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So of course already we were losing our minds over the show. Everyone was doing an amazing job, we had heard the new Needy replacement!!! (No new name yet but I'm going to call it One Last Dance until further notice)
Headed out to the lobby. Told Krista we were loving it so far and asked if we were being distracting being right down in front and she said no which was good. Spicedch4i and I were CLINGING to each other. We had our arms in each others laps just gripping for dear life like we were on a roller coaster. We were tapping our feet and hands to the beat and silently mouthing our favorite lines and trying to point out little moments without causing too much of a distraction.
It was just so surreal. The set is the same, the choreography is almost entirely the same. It felt like more than just seeing the show, it was like seeing the original show way back in 2015 come to life in front of us. The comments so far, song by song:
MSM lyrics (the cuts stayed) with 2015 YMTC vibes and choreo. The commentators are WONDERFUL, if you're a fan of 2015 commentators you will love them, they're the perfect match but also bring their own energy and chaos to it. New to this production, the contestants are no longer just staying on motion for the duration of each heat, it's ALWAYS. This means that even in lulls, they have to awkwardly shuffle their feet around to stay "dancing" it's not distracting actually, it's just interesting.
So Smart:
Pretty much as expected. There's more dialogue here setting up Ellie and Zander as antagonists, plus the "oh so you think gay people are freaks?" line is cut. In fact, there isn't a hint of homophobia from any of the teens in this one, and I like that! Not that it was a major plot point before or anything, but at least there were hints of it. Now it's gone, Grace and Tye are open about their relationship and everyone supports it.
Northern Star:
The length is the same as MSM, but the list portion of the song has new nouns! This isn't a huge change thematically but I do think it's cool. Zander does a death drop in the choreo. He's been vogueing a lot while he talks, the two are super flamboyant all the time.
Dancing Plague:
They cut "fewer rats doesn't mean no rats" :(((((
All the heats have great new projections that are better mapped to the set! This one has a border and background of medieval tapestry, with cutouts of people placed on top and moved a round a little like they're dancing. I enjoyed it.
Sampson's "I didn't feel a pulse" came after a looooong break it was great.
So in general, the trio's interactions have changed. Janelle is no longer with Cyrus, or at least, the whole sex deal is no longer part of their dynamic. It's a lot more centered in on Harper and Janelle, with Cyrus and Harper being a different interaction, and then Cyrus and Janelle having their moments comforting each other.
This song is a breakup tango. It's an intense and moody song where Harper tells Janelle their "very special friendship" is at an end, while Janelle begs for one last dance with her before it's over, in a verse with a more upbeat waltz feel. And they are tangoing, Janelle even dips Harper. It's amazing.
I'll put a link to the lyrics here as not to make this post any longer lol.
And Janelle KNOWS this is coming, she's forward and honest about knowing that this was going to happen eventually, but she's not doing a very good job of hiding how upset she is, and later lashes out a couple times.
Jazz Age / Subtle:
Not much different, the "how are you two" was given back to Cyrus instead of ensemble. Roy & Nicki are MSM lines & backstory with 2015 vibes.
The DJ:
Ohhhh baby. Oh god. Oh man. He is everything.
You know me. Number one DJ fan.
He is everything I missed in each version. He is all the confidence and charisma and showmanship of 2015 but edgier and more a purposeful bully like MSM. His voice has a Beetlejuice growl and he's incredibly expressive with it. The LAZER GLOVES that are used during the pre-existing puppet choreography. I fucking love those gloves I'll probably be writing an entire breakdown of his costume.
The way he jumps and dances around the set with such EASE despite his PLATFORM BOOTS is incredible.
I will type up act 2 and also all of our conversation after the show into the next post!!!
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moonlightmirrorball · 3 years
hello so it’s going around on twitter that caitlyn js not entirely a stranger to the wlw world (apparently her mom has caught her multiple times with girl… friends) and i am quite frankly sick of people writing about how she’s inexperienced in matters of the heart so
can i request some general caitlyn gf headcanons or a fluff fic that doesnt make her seem like a total noob 🥺
Absolutely darling <3 coming right up! I will say that this is mostly just me simping over her because..well...I'm gay.
Caitlyn x fem! Reader
Dating Ms. Caitlyn Kiramman
(Breif NSFW, if you can even call it that honestly)
- This woman. is absolutely. a SIMP.
-that said, so are you. I mean have you seen her
-definitely I feel like she would be very protective of you, and always want to be in some sort of physical contact. especially in public (i.e hand holding, arm around your waist or shoulders, or (clothing permitted) a hand in your back pocket
-every morning you'd go and get coffee for the both of you from the patisserie around the block, because it has the best cold brew in Piltover
-"thank you darling, you didn't have to"
- she's taken to calling you "darling" or "love"
-in the beginning there was a lot of dancing around her status as a Kiramman, and she tried her best to keep her personal and public lives separate, causing a bit of tension between the two of you
-it felt like a proposal the first time she asked you to be her date to one of her parent's charity galas
-this woman showed up at your door in a three piece blue and gold suit. you almost fainted.
-the whole night was full of surprises. for you and caitlyn's parents. it's not that they weren't supportive of you, just not what they were expecting, they explained to you with terse smiles.
-caitlyn rescued you by asking you to dance
-not only is she an amazing dancer, but she was the one leading. she was totally relaxed as the two of you waltzed your way around the floor, keeping a quiet conversation with you. you on the other hand, were trying not to die.
-about three months later, you moved into caitlyn's apartment
- Caitlyn has two smiles, her "kiramman" smile and her "Y/n" smile.
-her kiramman smile was reserved, forces and constantly gracing her face in public.
_her y/n smile was her genuine, ear-to-ear grin, the one reserved for the nights when the two of you have had maybe a little too much to drink and you've said something that wasn't actually that funny, but still gor caitlyn to bust a gut.
-she is literally the sweetest person ever. no i will not be elaborating on this.
-love language is probably affirming words. Hearing you say "I love you" is worth more to her than any amount of sex
-although the sex is great
-asking her to sit down so you can give her a kiss on the forehead
-an absolute slut for you in her clothes
-she pretends to be annoyed when you're lounging around the house in one of her shirts, but she's actually just thinking about how adorable you look
-her morning voice <3
-definitely prefers being the big spoon
-loves it when you wake her up by playing with her hair
-extremely protective/dominant/confident in public, but so soft behind closed doors
-that said, this woman is so smooth.
-she may be the one person who can actually use pick up lines without them sounding cheesy
-her accent
-takes a lot to get her flustered, but it's not impossible (hint: she has a very sensitive back)
-on the rare occasion that the two of you argue, it's usually about caitlyn's job.
-she tends to get carried away when she's working on a case and in doing so, she often forgets to take care of herself
-you just want her to be healthy
-when she's overworked like that, she tends to get snappy, and short tempered, which adds a lot of strain to the situation
-after a good nights sleep, she's usually more agreeable and feels quite guilty about your spat.
-if you're lucky this will get you free breakfast.
-lots and lots of shoulder/neck kisses
-likes to do your laundry to show that she cares
-often times you’ll find all your clothes neatly folded and clean, and you just absolutely melt
- you like to make sure that she’s taking care of herself, and you often do this by bringing food by the office or dragging her out of said office to get some sleep 
-give her kisses, she’s tired
-Caitlyn adores when you sit on her lap. it’s something that she finds soft and affectionate, as well as incredibly sexy. 
-when she’s too tired to do it herself, she will often ask you to read aloud from whatever book she’s been reading while she lays on your lap. sometimes they’re case files or textbooks, and other times they’re novels but no matter what you’re reading these moments are always special
-I feel like Caitlyn is really good at comforting. whether it’s offering words or hugs or just listening to you rant she’s amazing at it. she always manages to make you feel better if you’ve had a bad day
-with cait working most of the time, and your own personal occupation there’s not a ton of downtime other than those late night/early morning hours
-but when you do have downtime together, you two often spend it just enjoying each other’s company. cuddling on the couch or walking through piltover or grabbing a drink
-when cait has a weekend off, sometimes you two will drive up to her parent’s summer home. caitlyn likes taking you to her old shooting range, and showing you how to shoot a rifle. 
-sometimes you just sit and watch
-surprise hugs/kisses
-maybe spoils you a little bit...things like expensive chocolates or cashmere sweaters, things too nice to buy for yourself. 
-loves you in her clothes
caitlyn is so
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
A Redemption Earned Ch 5
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Heather Dunbar x reader Warnings: language, alcohol consumption, weed consumption, i think that's it.
“Mom?” Becca’s brow furrowed, glancing both ways down the hallway to see if anyone was with her, even more confused to see that there wasn’t. “What’d you do?”
“Excuse me?” Heather nearly laughed, the one that did come out one of offence.
“You showed up here with no warning saying you need help… that’s kinda what I’m gonna jump to.”
“I just need your advice.” She huffed and Becca nearly snorted.
“That’s not helping. But come in.” She stepped back from the door, letting her mom into the apartment, swinging the door shut behind her.
Becca expected Heather to pause, expected to watch her lips purse as she took in the place where her daughter chose to live, what she called home. Becca had to admit, it was definitely cheaper than her budget, but she’d just wanted something close to work and school and this suited her needs perfectly. After growing up with such a vast house and so much extra space, she preferred the two bedroom, an open kitchen and living area, a neat little desk tucked away in the corner, though the kitchen island was currently covered in papers and her laptop. Thanks to having just finished school she was onto a couple of more personal research papers and job hunting and had hosted a small graduation party with her friends a couple of days earlier. It wasn’t a mess, but it wasn’t exactly mother approved clean in here, and Becca was worried Heather was going to instantly lose track of whatever she’d come over here for and force her into some manual labour to get the place cleaned up. Honestly, it would’ve been even worse if she simply picked up her phone and called one of the housekeepers to do it for them while she whisked Becca away to a luxury dinner.  
Instead Heather’s eyes swept through the space, thankful that it looked comfortable and lived in, that Becca enjoyed where she got to come home to every night. It was brief, she didn’t even notice the pizza box sticking out of the trash can before her she glanced back to her daughter.
“This place is cute, how long have you been here?”
“Like…four years?” Becca shrugged, “didn’t want to live in the dorms the second time through.”
“That I can definitely agree with.” Heather laughed, placing her bag down on a free chair though Becca could feel the nerves practically vibrating off her, the awkwardness of whatever the situation at hand was.
“You want a drink? I’ve got some of that pinot you and Dad like so much…”
“I… you know what that might honestly help, thank you.”
Becca swiftly moved through the room, grabbing down a glass and the bottle, cracking open a seltzer for herself before handing the wine glass to her mom.
“So what’s up?”
“I guess I need your… opinion on something….”
“Okay?” Becca took a hefty swig of her drink, watching Heather do the same.
“I’m just…I’m in a situation and being that I really only have work acquaintances this felt like not the thing to go to any of them with.”
“Mom….” She warned with a near half glare, “you think maybe this might be something you should discuss with your therapist?”
“Uh.” Heather froze, wine glass halfway to her lips, considering how things played out, this certainly was something that should come up in a session, that would even come up in a session without prompting. “Eventually maybe, but right now I, God this is gonna sound so bad, but I need the opinion of someone who…. enjoys the company of the same sex, and I can’t exactly waltz up to the white house to talk to Nat or Jackie.”
The concern on Becca’s face melted away to one of near laughter as she took in the woman standing across from her.
“This is a gay thing isn’t it!?”
“I—” Heather opted for another swig of her drink before letting out a heavy sigh, “there’s this girl…”
“I’m gonna stop you right there!” Becca held up a hand, swallowing back more of her seltzer, “when you say girl do you mean someone of the female gender? Or like, some bimbo twenty two year old? Cause the rule is half your age plus seven.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Half your age plus seven! And even that’s pushing it for you to be honest. Same thing I told dad if he ever wanted to start dating again. So is she…” She paused for a moment, attempting the math in her head, her brow furrowing once again before giving up with a huff, “is she over thirty? At the bare minimum?”
“I… I don’t know how old she is.” Heather’s own brow furrowed as she tried to remember if you’d mentioned an age, scrambling to piece together all the little tidbits of trivia that would help her figure it out, “she’s got to be at least thirty? She’s been teaching for years…” suddenly she shook out of it, “that’s not the point! I need to know if she’s flirting or just being professional.”
“Not yet.” Becca turned back to her with a sly grin on her face, “besides, age is important. Mom, c’mon…” she pleaded silently with a serious look on her face, “if you’re going to get back out there and start seeing someone I, you, all of us, we need it to be someone who’s good for you. Meaning they need to be an appropriate age and have their head on straight to call you out on your bullshit.” Heather paused for an offended scoff, “the last thing I need is to show up at your house to find a harlot in her lingerie in your kitchen accusing me of being another one of your affairs… again…” Heather grimaced at the memory, although her excuse of being in major grieving would have been a somewhat acceptable one.
“Yeah she really wasn’t the brightest bulb in the pack…”
“And when you’ve got your head on straight you’re literally the brightest in the country.” She nearly blushed at the around the bush acknowledgement, hiding behind her wine glass as Becca seated herself in front of her laptop. “So what’s this girl’s name?”
“I’m gonna need a last name.” Becca turned to her like that was the most obvious thing ever.
“I can’t remember!” Heather laughed and Becca rolled her eyes.
“You said something about teaching, is she a witness in your case? You’ve gotta have her name written down somewhere.”
“God.” She held back an eye roll, moving back through the room to her purse to pull out the file.
“You’re the one that wanted help in this.” Becca muttered and Heather laughed,
“Thank you.”
The younger girl swiftly typed the name into the Facebook search engine, she tugged her bottom lip into her teeth as she scrolled through then scrolled back to the top to adjust the filters before she settled on a couple of profiles.
“Any of these look familiar?” Heather leant over the back of her chair, peering at the computer, feeling like a goddamn school girl at the entire situation.
“Second one down.” She admitted and Becca let out a small cheer, clicking onto your profile.
“Okay, okay, well she is cute, I’ll give ya that.” She clicked through to the about info, “elementary teacher? Adorable. Oh damn, she lived in Japan that long? Okay if this doesn’t work out am I allowed to still be her friend?” That earned a swat on the arm from her mom, “oh! Oh my god! She’s in her forties! Fucking perfect!!”
“Okay well none of that matters if she’s straight and just being friendly.”
“Well give me a minute.” Becca shot her half a glare, scrolling through more of her personal info, “hmph, looks like she doesn’t have any relationship status stuff on here. Damn. We’ll have to do more sleuthing.” She suddenly swiveled in her chair, “I thought your case took a deal? Is this like, weeks old gay panic? Or did you call her to tell her and that sparked this?”
“It did. I actually ran into her at a coffee shop this afternoon.”
“Oh?” She raised a brow.
“She said she’d been meaning to call over an art assignment the vic did, then she paid for my coffee and we got to talking. –Is something burning?” Before Becca could open her mouth to reply there was a sudden blaring through the apartment as the smoke alarm started to go off, causing Becca to jump off her seat.
“Shit! I forgot to turn the timer on!” She raced into the kitchen, silencing the alarm and wrenching open the window, Heather moving to slide open the patio door in an attempt to pull the small amount of smoke out. “Sorry. The alarm’s way too sensitive. It went off one day when I was curling my hair.”
“Better safe than sorry.” She commented, moving back to the island, her gaze darting down to your smiling face staring back up at her from the laptop.
“Fuck.” Becca pulled out a completely charred pizza from the oven, “so much for that.” Hucking it into the trash she turned back to her mom, “did you eat yet?”
“No.” She paused as she thought about it, “I don’t think I’ve actually eaten since breakfast.” She admitted sheepishly and Becca frowned.
“Is this a lawyer thing? Cause you were fine when you were politics.”
“There was always free food in the white house.” She rolled her eyes with a laugh as Becca picked up her phone, it only took a moment for her to light up with excitement.
“Hey! You know what I’ve been craving for recently?” Heather raised a brow, “Dumplings! We used to order from them all the time! I haven’t had them in ages.”
“I would not complain about that.”
“The usual?” She asked and Heather nodded, watching as she quickly dialled the phone.
As Becca began to order her gaze drifted back to the laptop in front of her, clicking on your profile photo she began to slowly scroll through them. She examined them a little too much like a lawyer, but she was looking for clues after all, something to figure you out a little bit more than she already had, though she knew Becca would probably be able to see something she couldn’t. She was suddenly torn from her train of thought by her daughter’s voice.
“They’ve only got one delivery driver tonight, it’s gonna be over an hour for that, but it’ll be ready in ten for pick up and I’m fucking starving. I’m just gonna run down there any grab it, okay?” She was already pulling on her coat and grabbing her purse before Heather could think of speaking, “and be careful! Don’t click on something and accidentally send her a friend request from me, okay?”
With that, Becca was out the door, this time trusting leaving her laptop in her mother’s care. Although, this time there was something that was much more distracting than snooping on her own family on her mind. Not to mention, Becca was mentally making a list of all the changes, all the things that normally Heather would’ve flipped out about that now were simply part of life. And on the top of that pile was that she wasn’t simply taking what she wanted, she was waiting to see if you were both on the same page, and better yet, seeking out advice from other people about the entire situation.
Old Heather would’ve had you in bed two weeks ago and left you on read yesterday.
You parked outside of Dumplings and Beyond, honestly expecting a higher end restaurant from someone like Heather, but she said these were the best in town and you weren’t about to fight that before you’d tried them. Plus, you’d put the take out in order in already so you were either walking away without food or walking away with a crappy dinner, you may as well try. The lobby of the restaurant was relatively empty, the seating area full when you approached the hostess stand, mentioning you were waiting for takeout. You settled the bill and stepped back to wait until the order was ready. A couple of other people came through in that time, a few looking for tables, a college aged boy with a clear hankering for Chinese, and a girl younger than you also waiting for take out. She did as you had, paying for her order and stepping back to wait, occupying herself with her phone.
A few moments later a worker brought a couple of bags up to the host stand, sorting through them before the host called out,
“Shrimp lo mein, chive pockets and treasure dumplings?” Both you and the girl stepped forward, awkwardly apologizing to each other and the cashier before she spoke.
“Uh, mine was a double order?” The cashier simply looked between you, glancing down at the ticket before they spoke,
“This is for y/n.”
“That would be me.” You waved somewhat awkwardly with a smile and the younger girl stepped back,
“So sorry!” She apologized and you waved her off.
“Don’t worry about it.”
You thanked the cashier, and quickly made your way out of the restaurant, eager to get your food home and eat it. Though, the entire time you couldn’t help but feel the girl’s eyes on you, wondering what exactly was going through her head. Then again, having the same order and mixing up whose was whose was probably something that happened more often than not. You shook your head, laughing at yourself, she was probably just offended your order was ready before hers, you really needed to stop reading into these things so much.
Heather’s head flicked up from the laptop at the sound of keys in the lock, giving Becca a small smile as she returned to the apartment. The girl quickly hung up her coat and kicked off her shoes, dropping the bags on the kitchen island.
“Yes?” Heather mumbled over a bite of whatever she’d found in Becca’s pantry.
“When you saw her today, is there any chance you mentioned Beyond Dumplings having the best shrimp lo mein and treasure dumplings in the city?”
“She asked for restaurant recommendations.” She shrugged, “she’s relatively new in DC, I figured why not start with the best, why?”
“Well…” Becca smirked, leaning against the island for a moment, “I’m ninety percent sure this is a gay thing…. also she’s even cuter in person.”
“What!?” Heather nearly shot up from her seat, her eyes wide.
“Wait…” Becca’s brow furrowed, a mini panic shooting through her, “what are you eating? I didn’t unpack anything yet.” Heather let out a huff, rolling her eyes,
“As soon as you were gone I realized how hungry I was, figured it’d be fine if I snagged a couple of brownies.” She gestured toward the Tupperware on the counter and Becca let out a low gasp.
“How many did you eat?”
“Oh sweet fucking Jesus please put that down.” She laughed, gesturing to the third brownie her mom had picked up.
“Why? Also why have you been holding back on me? Your baking is delicious.” She took another bite and Becca let out a sigh.
“There’s eight milligrams of weed in each of those brownies.”
“What?” Heather’s eyes widened, the brownie dropping from her hand, “why the fuck do you have weed brownies?!”
“Cause Nat can’t exactly risk being photographed smoking a joint!” She explained, scooping up the treat and dropping it back into the container, “and you’ll be fine. The Christmas Jordan left out spiked brownies the doses were double that; we keep them low cause Nat’s technically on call 24/7.” She filled up a glass of water, sliding it towards Heather.
“So I’m just supposed to be the only high one here?”
Becca laughed at that, shaking her head at the slow panic Heather was experiencing, knowing that it would shoot into relaxed giggles pretty quickly.
“No, calm down. Start eating dinner, I’ll go smoke, it’ll hit me faster.” She paused for a moment, “I can trust you to unpack the take out, right?” In return Heather simply shot her a death glare that she cackled at, ducking out onto the balcony for a minute or two before returning back inside.
“You said she was at the restaurant?” Heather asked over a bite of lo mein, “you sure it was her?”
“She had the exact same order as us but half the size, and the right name….and she looked just like that.” She gestured to the laptop screen before beginning to plate up her own dinner, the weed sinking into her system slowly making her even hungrier than before.
“And why does that make this a gay thing?” She asked and the younger woman let out a snort.
“Cause earlier today, you mentioned some good food in the city. And less than what? Like, a few hours later she’s there, ordering exactly what you suggested, alone….if she’d been looking for like, hotspots for date night she would’ve been with someone, or at least a friend, or been picking up a bigger order than she was. She only had enough for one…. She’s probably sitting at home thinking about dinner with you right now.”
“How are you so sure about this?” Heather asked, glancing towards the girl who stared blankly back at her, deadpanning as she spoke.
“How on earth did you have like sixteen fucking affairs and yet you have no idea how to talk to a pretty girl?”
There was a small gap of silence while Heather let out a huff, both thinking of a response that would make sense, one that wouldn’t shift the mood to a bad place, and one that wouldn’t be too influenced by the high, the weed now fully settling in. She popped another dumpling into her mouth, chewing as she thought before swallowing down and turning back to Becca.
“Because I never gave a shit before.” She stated bluntly, “at least not at this stage.”
Becca simply stared back at her for a moment, taking in the very different version of her mother than she was used to. It was so vividly different, and a strange experience from her entire near thirty years of life. Heather had truly had her kids, kept them around ‘til they finished elementary (though the nannies did most of the work) and shipped them off to boarding school the next six years. Becca felt like she barely knew her mom as is, and when she finally came back for Jordan’s graduation, she discovered just how horrible of a human Heather had been and was continuing to be. She’d technically only been a legal adult for a few years in the States when Heather left DC, when everything came crashing down in 2016. So to be seated across from her, high, a little tipsy and talking about crushes, now approaching her thirties….. was beyond bizarre. The entire dynamic had changed. Sure, she was still her kid, but things felt more friendly and less family.
“Well,” she let out a small sigh, pulling her laptop towards her, “then we better make sure she plays for our team, shouldn’t we?”
She clicked through a couple of links, sifting through to y/n’s photo albums, starting with the tagged pictures. There were a few comments here and there as she pointed out things in the photos, Heather either contradicting or agreeing, occasionally insisting on going back or scrutinizing a small detail that Becca would snort a laugh over, saying she needed to stop being such a lawyer. It didn’t take long before the two of them were constantly giggling, Becca teasing her mother over the way she’d jump in her seat at a picture of y/n in formal wear, or one that Becca referred to as a ‘thirst trap’, or one that proved she had the brains to keep up with someone like Heather. Heather scoffing, swatting at her arm before scarfing down another dumpling, sipping at her wine. There was a mutual near shriek of joy when Becca clicked to the next profile picture and it was one of you at Pride, rainbow flag temporary tattoos on both your cheeks with a group of friends.
“So we’re clear then!” Heather giggled and Becca couldn’t help but laugh at her inebriated state.
“She might just be an ally! Or there with friends, I mean, everyone who’s accepting is welcome at these things.”
“Well keep going then!” Heather urged, nudging at her arm.
“Okay, okay!” Becca snorted out a laugh, “but hold on, Facebook is fucking lame, and it’s the social media you have all your old, shitty relatives on, it’s like, the most filtered and guarded ones.”
“Okay?” Heather giggled.
“Gimmie a sec.” She chuckled, picking up her phone to open Instagram. It took a couple of minutes to find your actual page, and thankfully, it wasn’t private. Becca was able to scroll quickly, you didn’t post that often, but as she had guessed, it was more personal on here. “OH!”
“What?!” Heather jolted toward her, lunging for the phone.
“That… is a lesbian flag.” She gestured to the one tied around your neck in the pride photos she swiped through.
“So she’s not just being friendly?”
“No, I would most certainly say she is being much more than friendly.”
Becca raised a brow with a smirk on her cheeks as she nudged Heather with her elbow. A mini fit of laughter broke out between the two of them, the feeling of familiarity and fun filling the air, a sense of comfort encasing the room. It was soon broken by the sound of keys in the lock, both of their heads shooting up to the sound, a smile breaking out on Becca’s cheeks at the sight of her dad entering the apartment.
“Hey…” He glanced between them with a warm grin, “what’s goin on here?”
“Mom has a CRUUSHH!!!” Becca immediately squealed, earning a scoff from Heather.
“Stop it!”
“Never!” She giggled back, “did you want some dumplings?” She offered to Rob as he moved through the room, snagging one from the takeout container.
“So who’s the crush?” He asked, and Becca gestured to the computer screen, “oh! She is a cutie, though I shouldn’t be surprised, you did have great taste in women, look at Nat.”
“Dad ewww!!”
“Oh please” he laughed, “I do believe you had a crush on her when you first met her.”
“Yeah well a lot happened after that.” Becca snorted, “we’re just besties now, and I am very happy with Sarah.”
“Good.” He dropped a kiss to the top her head, he noticed they both had drinks, moving through the kitchen to snag a beer from the fridge while Heather and Becca continued on their sleuthing. He paused for a moment, raising a brow in the direction of Heather before looking to Becca, “why… is she so giggly?” Becca laughed harder at that, pulling an even harder laugh from the older woman as they both collapsed into a fit of laughter.
“She unknowingly ate a couple weed brownies when I left to pick up dinner.” Becca managed between her laughs.
“Is she gonna be okay?”
“She’ll be fine.” She waved it off, “now come help us sleuth!”
Rob let out a bark of a laugh but circled back around the island to group behind them at Becca’s computer as she pulled up a couple other social media sites, searching y/n’s name. They managed to find a couple of reviews, articles, whatever you wanted to call them about her teaching career both overseas and in the States. Rob commended Heather for potentially finding someone that could keep up with her, rather than rely on her for everything, someone that could hold their own.
Heather had been scrolling through y/n’s Instagram, pouting suddenly at what looked like a rather intimate picture of you and another woman. Becca quickly shook her out of it, pointing out the picture was years old, but now the topic of investigation was if you were seeing anyone or not. Some quick math from the more sober Rob helped them figure out that the chances were pretty high, especially since you had mentioned being relatively new to the city.
While the sleuthing continued, Becca suddenly turned to her dad, asking if she’d forgotten dinner plans or something and he laughed, reminding her of their plans to watch the game tonight. While it wasn’t Becca’s favourite past time, it was time she got to spend with her dad, and she enjoyed every chance of that she could get after everything had blown up. The detective work continued while the party moved over to the living room, settling on the couch as the tv was turned on and half paid attention to. Heather once again whined about not being sure if you had been flirting or if you were just trying to be friendly and maybe that was all you wanted. In turn, Becca guided her through the two interactions and conversations that Heather had with you, commenting on what things were definitely flirting, and what might have just been curiosity. She kept the thought to herself but was immensely proud of how Heather had reacted to talking about Jordan and tip toed around what happened before she left Washington without completely ignoring it. In the past she would have just completely lied and twisted her words around to make herself the victim and blame it on everyone else around her. It was yet another piece of her that Becca saw growth in, and in turn, she let down her walls another notch, feeling more and more like she could finally trust her mother again.
It was roughly an hour or so later that Heather let out a heavy yawn, starting to sink deeper into the couch and Becca let out a huff of a laugh.
“You’re gonna pass out any second now, let’s get you to bed. Hopefully I have pyjamas you deem worthy.” She teased, tugging her protesting mother from the couch, “trust me, you won’t make it the time the car service takes to get here, much less the ride back to your place. I know how this works.”
Heather finally gave in and was more than happy to snuggle deep into Becca’s bed, passing out only a moment after her head hit the pillow. Back in the living room Becca managed to make it just to the end goal of the game before Rob turned to her.
“You sure you’re not about to green out on me?”
“Dad…” she whined, rubbing at her eyes with a yawn, “you’re a doctor, you should know the difference between greening out and being sleepy.”
“Why don’t you head to bed kiddo.”
“Sounds like a good idea.” She groaned, pushing up from the couch, “you’re welcome to stay, you know how the futon works.”
“I don’t want to intrude on girl’s weekend.” He gestured toward the bedroom and Becca laughed.
“I had plans with you, she just showed up. Kinda feel bad we didn’t really get our night.”
“Yeah, but you two have a lot of missed time to make up for….”
“You’re right.” She sighed, glancing back toward the bedroom door, “let’s hope it keeps going the way it’s going.”
“Night Dad.”
“Sweet dreams kid.”
@ms-calhoun @naturalxselection @yesterdaysgone @hbkpop @giftedchildturns40 @anya-casablanca @svulife-rl  @swimmingstudentchaos891 @alexusonfire @jamiethetrans @natasha-danvers @oliviaswifey @mysticfalls01 @cmmndrwidw @bumblebear30 @svushots @yourtaletotell @cerberus-spectre @emskisworld @ex-uallyactive @addictedtodinosaurs @imaginaryoperagloves @multifandomlesbianic @annegilletteslostwh0r3 @bookpillows @drduckthief @whimsicallymad @mmmmokdok @ladysc @momlifebehard @mmemalwa @holycrapraewth @poisonedcrowns @wannabe-fic-reader @when-wolves-howl @dead-of-niight @fighterkimburgess @lannister-slings-and-arrows @borg-queerr
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gameofdrarry · 3 years
Wizards Hearts Smut Recs: Semi-Public Sex
Wizards Hearts was a four-month-long Drarry reading fest. Players were given a playing deck of 52 tropes, and were asked to find 52 different fics to read and comment on to fill their decks. To prevent the same few fics from being read, fics were restricted to only being used for the game three times before being considered ineligible for further points. The tropes and submissions list can be found here. Players could opt in to an additional suit of 13 cards, all themed around various popular smut tropes.
Check out the masterlist of fics for this trope below the cut!
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📜 (We'll Call This Fixer-Upper) Home by phdmama Rated:  Explicit Words:  52520 Tags: Rock Star Draco Malfoy, Artist Harry Potter, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Post Traumatic Growth, mental health, Original Character(s), Original Character Death(s), (all those are in the past), Recreational Drug Use, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Hooking up, Dating, Semi-Public Sex, Growth and Healing, Mention of Suicidal Ideation, Getting Together, Boys Kissing, Falling In Love Summary:  Draco Malfoy hasn’t set foot on English soil in ten years. After the war, he fled to America, where he found himself in a community, and healed himself through following his heart into music. He’s now the lead singer and songwriter for an internationally known band, who have come back to headline the Wiltshire Music Festival. But as Draco is about to learn, his past isn’t as far away as he might have believed, and his future may hold more than he ever could have dreamed. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Under the Cover of Darkness by manixzen Rated:  Mature Words:  2046 Tags: Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder, Making Out, Snogging, Frottage, Clothes On, Post-Hogwarts, Party Games, Seven Minutes In Heaven Game, Sort Of, Minor Pansy Parkinson/Ginny Weasley, HP Kinktober 2020, One Shot Summary:  Thanks to Pansy, Draco's stuck at a party with a whole bunch of drunk Gryffindors. And now they want to play party games. If only Draco can slip out unnoticed before this gets any worse. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Starkissed by Zigster Rated:  Explicit Words:  32631 Tags: Digital Art, Fated Markings, Tattoos, But Not Tattoos, Italy, Venice, Vacation, Beaches, Crashing Waves, Deception, Intrigue, Carnevale di Venezia, Muggle Photography, Slow Burn, Sexual Tension, Body Worship, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Rimming, Enthusiastic Giving of Head, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Tattooed Harry Potter, Pining Harry Potter, Harry Potter is Obsessed with Draco Malfoy, Snarky Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy With Pink Hair, Original Characters as Draco's Flatmates, They Have Lots of Plants, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, H/D Sex Fair 2020 Summary:  “Your tattoos!” The intruder says, boldly stepping over Ron’s chaise and crossing in front of Hermione to get to Harry, eyes wide and hungry. Harry immediately sits up, pulling the towel draped across the back of his chair down over his shoulders. “No! Don’t cover them. They’re beautiful.” Harry hopes an indulgent trip abroad will help shake him out of the doldrums of his life. What he finds once he gets to Venice is more than he ever expected. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Ardour of Karma by XxTheDarkLordxX Rated:  Explicit Words:  17118 Tags: Post-Hogwarts, Post-Second War with Voldemort, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Auror Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic Employee Draco Malfoy, Getting Together, Cursed Harry Potter, Scents & Smells, heightened sense of smell, Porn With Plot, Erections, Inappropriate Erections, Sexual Fantasy, Fantasizing, Masturbation, Dirty Talk, Mutual Masturbation, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Switching, Face-Fucking, Dildos, H/D Erised 2019 ,Office Sex, Desk Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Comeplay Summary:  “Malfoy knows something is going on with you and unless you both want to go back to fighting and death glares, you should fix it.” “How do I do that? Just waltz up to him and say, ‘I know I’ve been a prat but your scent makes my dick swell. How’s your day?’” “Mind repeating that?” The familiar drawl had Harry’s throat clamming up as his blood ran cold. Oh no. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Brighter than the sun by migrating_coconut Rated:  Explicit Words:  3490 Tags: Humor, Fluff and Smut, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Explicit Sexual Content, Getting Together, Harry Potter in a swimsuit, Gay Disaster Draco Malfoy, Semi-Public Sex, Mutual Masturbation, Inappropriate Erections, HP Drizzle Fest 2020, Community: hp_drizzle Summary:  Draco was promised a relaxing day at the beach. This was certainly not it! ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 the best treasure is up Harry’s arse by bafflinghaze Rated:  Explicit Words:  2891 Tags: Established Relationship, Smut, Consensual Somnophilia, Anal Fingering, So Much Fingering, Top Draco Malfoy, Bottom Harry Potter, Light Dom/sub, Prostate Milking, Anal Plug, Light Dom Draco Malfoy, Bratty Sub Harry Potter, Sassy Harry Potter, Post-Hogwarts, H/D Sex Fair 2020, Porn with Feelings, Dirty Talk, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot Summary:  Harry and Draco probably had a tumultuous time getting together, filled with angst and denial and pining and brooding. However, this is not that story. Here, Draco makes Harry come (more than once). ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Touch Me Fall by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill) Rated:  Explicit Words:  23380 Tags: Rentboys, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Shower Sex, Top Draco, Switching, Exhibitionism, Barebacking, Prostitution, Foot Massage, Atrocious Texting Summary:  Malfoy was such a ponce. And he was a complete snob. And he was so fucking fit Harry wanted to jump him where he sat. It would be too easy to forget his objective tonight: to really, really, really get Malfoy out of his system. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 I guess that's just me, honey, I guess that's how I'm built by crimsonheadache Rated:  Explicit Words:  4048 Tags: formal wear, Semi-Public Sex, Sub Harry, Dom Draco Malfoy, Blow Jobs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Getting Together Summary:  The way they adorned Potter’s body like they were made for him made him want to kiss his seamstresses’ feet. The lines, the colors, brought out his skin tone like nothing ever could. Well, except perhaps the ropes Draco keeps in the bottom drawer of his bedside table. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Catching the Niffler by  keyflight790, tsundanire Rated:  Explicit Words:  10377 Tags: Party, Party Games, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Accidental Voyeurism, Flashing, Fellatio, Fellating an Inanimate Object, Frottage, Orgasm, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Simultaneous Orgasm, Kissing, Boys Kissing, Girls Kissing, Everyones Kissing, Masturbation, Public Masturbation, Hand Jobs, Public Hand Jobs, Public Sex, Rimming, In Public, Everythings in Public in this Fic, Top Harry Potter, Bottom Draco Malfoy, Cunnilingus, Dry Humping, Anal Sex, Second Base, Neville makes it to Second Base, We're so proud of him, and Hannah, Boys In Love, eventually, Happy Ending, more than one, wink wonk, Friends Writing Together, This is what happens when BFFs write together, we make no apologies, except for Terry Boot, sorry Terry, eighth year Summary:  “Tonight, we’re going to play Catch the Niffler.” Harry heard a couple of squeals from around the room and he let out a breath. Last week they had played Spin the Bottle, and Harry could count on more than one hand the witches that had spelled the glass to point to him during their turn. Harry had tasted enough sticky lip balm and cherry chapstick to last a lifetime. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 in and out by M0stlyVoid Rated:  Explicit Words:  2217 Tags: Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Semi-Public Sex, Coming In Pants, Politics, Hand Jobs, Anal Fingering Summary:  The exact nature of Harry and Draco's relationship might not be public, but that doesn't mean nothing about it is. You just need to know when to pay attention. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 knickers in a twist by technicolourbeat Rated:  Explicit Words:  86461 Tags: Hogwarts Eighth Year, Reconciliation, Smut, Crossdressing, Boys in Skirts, Bottom Draco Malfoy, Top Harry Potter, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Semi-Public Sex, Riding, Topping from the Bottom, Draco Malfoy in a Skirt, Rimming, Lace Panties, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Public Sex, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Secret Relationship, Fuckbuddies, Shameless Smut, Sexual Roleplay, Fluff and Humor, Porn With Plot Summary:  Draco loses a bet to Pansy and Blaise which leaves him wearing a skirt for a whole week. Harry discovers something about himself. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 To Change the Subject by gracerene Rated:  Explicit Words:  1252 Tags: Established Relationship, AurorsAuror Partners, Auror Harry, Auror Draco Malfoy, Blow Jobs, Semi-Public Sex, Under-Desk Blow Jobs, Office Sex, Face-Fucking, POV Harry, Post-Hogwarts, HP: EWE Summary:  Harry comes up with a more enjoyable alternative to arguing. ❤️ Read on AO3
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thelastraigeki · 3 years
An Unpopular Opinion of Mine
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I really do not think that this is something which is easy to talk about, especially here over at Tumblr. It’s going to be an extremely difficult opinion to express out and I have a feeling that I am going to anger quite a few, or quite a lot of people but I really do not mean any harm in what I have to talk about in regards to this particular letter to the editor and how I feel about this, and if there could be a compromise.
I understand that as our society changes, comics often times reflect what is going on within our society in the form of social commentary or political commentary. Let me say that I do understand and fully acknowledge that representation matters to a lot of people and there’s been efforts made to create representation for fans in a variety of mediums ranging from film, video games, novels, and of course-- comic books. Characters representing many races, creeds and of course sexual orientations have been created and some have become quite popular over the years such as Miles Morales Spider-Man, Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz, Calvin Ellis, Val-Zod, and in the case of IDW’s TMNT-- Jennika, who has become a representative of bisexuals for IDW’s TMNT title under the writing of Tom Waltz and by extension, Sophie Campbell.
For a lot of people, comics are a means of escapism and perhaps even a sense of empowerment. I’ve been reading comics since the early 90′s when I got my first copy of Web of Spider-Man #82 when I was very little, and not once did I particular feel left out. For the record, I am a Latino male and I managed to find enjoyment in reading my first comic which happened to be a Spider-Man comic. And I started to read more of Spider-Man’s adventures in the mid 1990s when the Venom and Carnage thing was high in popularity at the time. Then I moved onto reading Dark Horse’s Alien-Predator series around the late 90′s, and those stories had a very good diverse cast of characters, and I related more to the Yautja (Predators to you uninitiated folk!) than the human characters. Odd I know...
But around the early 2000s, I rediscovered TMNT through the Mirage comics. And the TMNT were the first heroic (or anti-heroic if you’re a Mirage fan) group I actually encountered as a child. And I’ve loved them ever since, some incarnations more than others, with Mirage, Image and IDW being the top three for me. And I related more to the Turtles than any of the human characters. Not once did I really feel left out, and most TMNT media didn’t really have much political commentary aside from the occasional environmental message.
Representation matters, and I do respect that but... there is no easy way to say this and this might get A LOT of people angry, furious even, but I am of the opinion that an established character’s sexual orientation shouldn’t be changed. This applies to both heterosexual and LGBTQ characters. Established heterosexual characters shouldn’t be changed and neither should LGBTQ characters. For example, if Northstar, one of the most iconic and beloved gay characters in Alpha Flight was suddenly turned straight, it would get people upset and rightly so.
Also, there is the news regarding Superman being revealed as bisexual. Well, it's not Clark Kent folks, Classic Superman hasn't been changed. This is a new and different Superman and you know what, that's absolutely fine.
But in the case of the TMNT, canonically they've been shown in most mediums as having heterosexual tendencies. A case could be made that they're asexual in the case of the 2003 series as Peter Laird had no interest in exploring the romantic lives of the Turtles.
In the Mirage canon, Leonardo has had a romantic affair with a Native American super heroine named Radical and even marries her in the future. Michelangelo even has had sex with a Saurian Princess named Seri and even becomes a father to a clutch of eggs. Peter Laird even drew a picture of Michelangelo with his children, prior to Mirage folding in 2021. Raphael even has displayed some interest in Lucindra Thompkins, a sparring partner of his. Donatello? Well, he was too busy with science to be attracted to anyone. I can see Donnie being asexual in this aspect solely because of this.
In the 1987 cartoon, Leonardo developed romantic feelings for Lotus Blossom. Raphael had Mona Lisa. Not sure if Michelangelo or Donatello had anyone. Admittedly my memory of the 1987 cartoon is fuzzy at best, so I cannot recall if Michelangelo and Donatello had anyone.
In the 1990 movies, the Turtles also had heterosexual tendencies when they were flirting with April.
In the Next Mutation, Venus was introduced to be a love interest to the Turtles which had much dismay from fans as it retconned the brothers from being biological brothers. But the Next Mutation isn't canon in the grand scheme of TMNT, so we can discount that one.
In the 2012 series, the Turtles were paired up with characters such as Raphael with Mona Lisa, Leonardo and Karai were sort of love interest, Michelangelo seemed to be smitten with Renet, and Donatello had an unrequited crush on April.
As for IDW... Let's go over that-- Raphael and Alopex are a thing. That's firmly established. Michelangelo has developed a crush on Trib, the Neutrino Princess, and Donatello seems to have a thing going on with Mona Lisa. Leonardo seems to be the only one left but comic covers and teasers suggest he might have an upcoming rivalry with a PoC character named Carmen, and solicitations mention that Carmen is of importance to Leo. But that last part could mean anything such as a platonic friendship or rivalry.
Since the start, IDW has made itself unique with it's own canon and continuity, initially drawing elements from Mirage but gradually pulled from the 1987 toon, the 2003 toon and 2012 series. The writing by Tom Waltz at the time also had it's own touches as well, and some changes to characters were made such as Null and Jagwar being female rather than male like their Archie counterparts.
But I don't believe that changing a character's orientation this far into the canon and story for the sake of representation is the way to go. I don't believe that to be progressive, a character has to be changed so drastically.
When comic writers change an established character’s orientation, especially when that character has been popular for thirty to seventy years, it lessens a victory that could’ve been achieved for the LGBTQ community. Rather than create a new character who could earn the chance to be iconic and popular, it renders the existing established character as a hand me down. It’s also incredibly weak, lazy and unimaginative. It sends the message that they weren’t worthy to make a mark on their own without being given the chance to try first.
It would be a much more meaningful victory if a new character who is LGBTQ was created and well-written with relatable characteristics and put in a great storyline was given the chance to achieve that iconic status and popularity, and stand on their own alongside established legacy characters.
Being progressive doesn’t mean an established character’s orientation has to be changed for representation. In the case of the Turtles, I can see the brothers as being allies for the LGBTQ characters, fighting alongside with them, teaching them and passing whatever knowledge they have, and even adding them to their extended family. I know they’re kind of already doing that, but it would be much more meaningful for a new character to represent and make their own impact to achieve that victory, rather than changing the brothers' orientation.
I suppose that’s all I have to say regarding my thoughts on the matter, and these thoughts don’t come from a place of hate but rather concern and a desire to see the TMNT title succeed and flourish without taking any cheats or shortcuts which might hurt the success of the title in the long run.
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demoisverysexy · 3 years
please RANK all the tracks on The Black Parade
Ok um
I don't pick favorites. I don't do that
I have a compromise.
I apologize in advance.
Black Parade Songs Ranked by Transness/Gayness
The End "Throw on the black dress, mix in with the lot/ you might wake up and notice you're someone you're not/ if you look in the mirror and don't like what you see, you can find out first hand what it's like to me... here's my resignation, I'll serve it in drag"
This is How I Disappear: "And if you could talk to me /Tell me if it's so /That all the good girls go to heaven /Well, heaven knows"
Give Me a Shot To Remember: "So why don't you blow me ..."
House of Wolves: "Tell me I'm an angel /Take this to my grave /Tell me I'm a bad man /Kick me like a stray /Tell me I'm an angel/ Take this to my grave"
Blood: Drinking blood is gay, right?
The Sharpest Lives: Vampires are gay, and so is having hate sex
I Don't Love You: Singing about realizing you don't love someone you've been with... Idk it's a stretch
Disenchanted: Getting bullied is gay
Teenagers: Ditto
Dead!: Dying is gay
Welcome to The Black Parade: Having a complicated relationship with your dad is gay. And so is dying, again.
Famous Last Words: Ambiguous endings are gay
Black Parade Songs Ranked by Musical Awesomeness
Welcome to The Black Parade: What Else?
Mama: Switching from a Polka to a waltz? come on. Also that screeching breakdown
The Sharpest Lives: That opening guitar says it all. But the gothic choir certainly helps. And the breakdown.
House of Wolves: Hectic as hell
Teenagers: punk rock all the way baybee
Dead!: Beginning a song with a flatline? Awesome. Also the dueling guitars with the "Woody Woodpecker " reference
The End: Opening with a heart monitor, when those chords come in, the screaming... yeah
Famous Last Words: The Organ at the end implying that they're going to heaven, the transition from quiet to loud... yes
This is How I Disappear: "SO I CAN"T HURT YOU ANYMORE"
Sleep: "JUST SLEEP (screaming)" also opening a song like that is raw
Disenchanted: The buildup and release of tension throughout this song is great
Cancer: The piano and violins do so much to make Gerard's wailing work. A+
Blood: This song is just goofy okay
Black Parade Songs Ranked by Musical Tenderness
Cancer: It doesn't get much better than this
Disenchanted: The opening guitar and Way's voice here work wonders
I Don't Love You: For obvious reasons I think
Welcome to the Black Parade: The opening
Sleep: When this song gets quiet.
Famous Last Words: "Awake and unafraid, Asleep or dead"
The End: I gues???
Blood: I mean it's quiet
Dead!: eh
Teenagers: has quiet moments I guess
This is How I Disappear: no
Give Me a Shot to Remember: haha
Mama: Not even a little
Black Parade Songs Ranked by Rawness
House of Wolves: It just sounds like a bad time in the best possible way. "S-I-N, S-I-N"
This is How I Disappear: "And now, you wanna see how far down I can sink? / Let me go/ FUCK / So, you can, well now so, you can I'm so far away from you"
Sleep: Mikey Way talking about his sleep paralysis? Telling someone to sleep/die???
Cancer: It just sounds so hopeless. singing so sadly about dying.
Welcome to the Black Parade: Screaming about the Parade... also those music transitions, and the final drum part
Blood: "I gave them all that they can drink and it has never been enough"
Disenchanted: The contrast of the lyrics and the instrumentation is great here
Dead: "If life ain't just a joke, then why are we laughin?"
The End: Naming the first song on your album "The End" is a power move
I Don't Love You: lost love and all that, yadda yadda
Black Parade songs Ranked by Emo Tears
Mama: what emo hasn't had a weird relationship with their parents at some point and needed a vent song?
Sleep: "So shut your eyes/ Kiss me goodbye /And sleep /Just sleep/ The hardest part/Is letting go of/ Your dreams... JUST SLEEP"
Disenchanted: "I spent my high school career, kicked on and shoved to agree / so I could watch all my heroes sell a car on TV"
Cancer: Violins, lonely pianos, and despair. That is all
Teenagers: Angsty Teens Rise UP
This is How I Disappear: The title says it all
Dead: "No-one ever had much nice to say/ I think they nicer liked you anyway"
The End: "I'd encourage your smiles, I'll expect you won't cry!!!"
I Don't Love You: The title says it all
Blood: "I gave them all that they could drink and it has never been enough"
House of Wolves: this is an emo kid's fever dream.
Black Parade Songs Ranked by Gerard Way Doing Weird Things with His Voice
Blood: "Well. They. En. Courage your complete co-operation... The whole damn song actually"
Dead: "Eyand in my ohnest ohbservayshun"
This is How I Disappear "And now... you wanna see how, far, dah-hown. Uheye, can, sink?"
House of Wolves: "GO, GO, GO... well-rrrrAshes to ashes"
Teenagers: Thah, boys, aynd girls...
Cancer: "It just ain't LIH-HIH-VAN"
The End: "I enCOURAGE your smiles, I'll exPECT YOU WON'T CRY"
Sleep: (screamo voice) WAAAAAAAAOOOHHHHHH
The Sharpest Lives: "Ah've reahlly been on a bender and it shows"
Famous Last Words: "But wherre's, your, hearrt"
Welcome to The Black Parade: Screamo isn't unusual for emo stuff right
I Don't Love You: One of the more normal songs on this album, but it does show off Way's unusual way of pronouncing words when he sings.
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first line meme
thank you for the tag @adventuresofmeghatron !
tagging: @atomitron @majortomiscominghome @fanthings and anyone who wants to say I tagged them :3
Rules: List the first lines of the last ten (10) stories you published. Look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any. Then tag some friends.
I’ve Grown a Mouth So Sharp and Cruel
Vulpes retreated, loyal lap dogs falling in line behind him and Agustin looked back down at the crumpled ticket in his palm. The numbers scrawled across the repurposed Pre-War paper were unmistakably Vulpes’ handwriting, even with half of them rendered unreadable where the blood had soaked into it.
In Bluer Pastures
Yawning, Sol pushed the broken appliance he’d been fiddling with across the table and stood. He’d only been back a couple of days, but it was enough to have him climbing the walls of the suite. He needed to do something, anything that would get him out of the 38.
gay sex makes this presidential suite a home (nsfw)
Arcade had no sooner stepped out of the elevator than he was being dragged into the master bedroom, Sol locking the door behind them.
Quite the Keeper of You
The wind shifted, scraping loose grit along Vulpes’ calves and sighing over the uneven terrain. Agustin had complained that it was too early for them to start their watch. It was true, their target wouldn’t be through for several hours, but Vulpes Inculta didn’t take chances.
If I Could Catch You, I Would Hold You for a Day
It was too early for Arcade to be awake, much less out of bed. But alas the fates were cruel and Boone was making a ruckus in the kitchen, thus Arcade was dragging himself towards the commotion.
Bury Me in the Wreckage
Agustin had set up shop in the Boneyard when he heard the news, carried by flurries of rumors weaving through the streets. It was no surprise, the battle had been on the horizon for months, a rallying cry for Caesar’s troops. The fighting had begun and he had no doubt it would finish before the sun set. With Graham at the helm and the horde of Legionaries gathered along the Colorado, their victory would be decisive.
Dearly Departed What Have We Gathered to Witness?
“Now that you and me's got some privacy, I gotta ask - what kind of business are lookin’ to do here? You track me halfway across the Mojave, waltz into the 38 like you own the joint, turn my own men against me, all for what? Bragging rights?”
Could He Have This Dance?
Sol dropped Boone’s hands with a huff. “Just - it-it can’t be that hard.”
The Taste of Flesh and Love Forlorn
Vulpes smiled at the soldier, all sharp teeth. “This is going to suck for you.”
When I Say I Hate the Ghost in Our Bed, I Don’t Mean It Poetically
Something warm and hard thumped against Varmint’s chest and they blinked groggily down at the mess of brown hair that had asserted its place on their rib cage.
Observations: Hmm, I rarely start with much description, usually either action or dialogue. I mostly do that on purpose, I just find it easier and also more compelling as a reader
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serenasoutherlyns · 3 years
a/n: part one (lmao maybe) of me writing Serena being gay into episodes of L&O. you cannot tell me that Serena Southerlyn and Kay Hartley did not have an epic, tortured (for Serena, anyway) love affair in law school; and you cannot convince me that Serena isn't nice enough to fall for her tricks again. without further ado... any notes or feedback is appreciated! i love you all more than i love chocolate covered espresso beans.
Serena’s mind is buzzing. Her fingertips are on fire. She presses her tongue to the roof of her mouth, hoping that the rage isn’t showing on her face beyond a clenched jaw. She can’t believe she let this happen again.
Kay Hartley’s reputation looms higher than almost anybody else’s. She’s that 1L with a look that pierces, the one who’ll do anything to get what she wants, the one who’s LSAT score may as well have been perfect. She hangs in the back of classes, but the only thing that does is raise her air of mystery, she still answers correctly when called on. Kay never shows up to parties, because she’s always already there. You could call it sulking, but she prefers to think of it as observing. Tonight, she’s watching Serena.
Serena is beautiful, but no grand assumptions follow in front of her wherever she goes. She’s a couple years older than Kay, but only one ahead. She’s probably Catholic. Just a smidge below rich— she’s skirt suits, not sweater sets. Serena seems like the kind of girl who would be proud if someone said she couldn’t hang. Kay’s seen her going off on feminist rants at guys on the quad but they’ve all seemed friendly. She doesn’t seem militant. Kay can’t decide if she pings or she doesn’t.
That question is answered. Serena’s been playing beer pong (seriously? They aren’t undergrads) with a group of guys. When she misses two in a row, instead of getting all giggly, flipping her hair around, and hanging off some guy’s arm until he lets her win; she focuses in on the ball (strike one), ties her hair up in a ponytail (strike two), and high fives the guy beside her when she scores (strike three). She pings. Kay wants her.
Kay always gets what she wants. Serena’s kicking herself for forgetting that.
“She played me, Jack,” she says, trying to maintain a work-appropriate amount of poison in her words. “I all but handed her that stupid defense.” Jack tries to say something, but Serena, once in rant mode, is not about to leave it. “She comes to me, looking all forlorn and doe-eyed, telling me all about how much she loves her poor aunt, and I believed her, like an idiot--”
“You’re not an idiot, Serena--”
“She used me, Jack! As though she could have suddenly developed real emotions--”
“Don’t beat yourself up too much, I mean, Arthur and I signed off on it too--”
“Because I convinced you to! And now, a murderer might walk because I let Kay Hartley and her ways” she says the word “ways” like they’re something criminal themselves, “convince me to work for her side.”
Serena’s more distressed than she ought to be. Kay’s new defense is flimsy at best, Jack isn’t all that worried. “Imminent” is a rather clearly defined word, at least in case law. Oh. Serena is-- crying? Nothing legal is likely to help here anymore. “How well do you two really know each other? If you don’t mind my asking? Because it seems like there’s something else here, I mean, did she do something to you in school? Spill coffee on your notes, steal your boyfriend?”
The glare she shoots his way reminds him that a) for some reason, the old McCoy charm has always been lost on Southerlyn and b) sometimes he should think about shutting up.
“No, Jack, she didn’t steal my boyfriend.” Serena has given up on keeping the poison out.
What a fucking joke, Serena thinks. Six months. Of, frankly, mind-blowing sex; soft mornings in each others’ beds, late nights studying with Kay in her lap, anxious looks across crowded rooms. Certainly she’d heard the whispers. Serena didn’t believe them. When they were confirmed to be true the first time, Serena thought she could fix her. Evidently, that would not be possible.
They’re at another house party. Serena honestly doesn’t like them very much anymore, but, and she hates this the most, social connections would likely turn out to be a blessing for her upon graduation. Hers aren’t built in like Kay’s are. Serena has a job. She makes so many expensive lattes a week that the texture of milk foam makes her gag now. She does it with a smile, and then she goes to class all day, and then she does her studying, and then she gets up at 5 AM to make more lattes. All things considered, it’s not a bad gig. At least she’s not footing the bill for school itself. Still, watching Kay catch up with kids she went to prep school, summer camp, with at every party and lecture had been hard to learn to handle.
Serena’s getting a cup of water in the kitchen when she hears a song she actually likes finally come on over the speakers. She sips quickly. Surely, she can get Kay to dance one dance with her before the night is over, despite her usual routine of hanging back.
Clearly, that won’t be happening. Because, when she gets out into the main room again, Kay is practically in Bobby Myles’ lap, laughing along to something he’s saying. Bobby Myles is a sexist pig, Kay has said about as much to her before. Serena guesses that doesn’t matter in the end.
It’s not like she has to shout it from the rooftops. Serena’s not stupid, she knows that neither of them are going to be coming out any time soon. It would be a lot easier to handle if Kay could at least pretend to respect her.
It’s the most relief she’s felt at a conviction in a long time. She gets the jury’s sympathy, she really does. But the look of, not despair, but panic on Kay’s face-- priceless. Relief might be the wrong word. Serena feels smug. It feels good to finally win one. Kay even called her to try and grovel for a sentencing recommendation. She’ll do what she can, for Mrs. Payton’s sake, though thought of Kay not getting something she asked for is tempting.
“We all deal with things in our own way, I guess,” Jack says.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Serena asks him. Wherever this is going, she wants to see its conclusion.
“Just that,” Jack is off to a running start, it would appear, “there’s got to be something deeper here, right?” Serena raises her eyebrows at him, curious as to what on earth his guess is. “I mean, it’s one thing to squeeze you once, Serena, but a second time? She must know you’re not going to fall for it again.”
“You’d be surprised, Jack,” Serena says, wondering how much hinting she can get away with, “Kay can be quite,” she pauses looking for the words, “convincing.”
“How so?” Jack seems to truly not have a clue here. Serena decides to throw him a line.
“How did Kay look at you?” she asked. Jack is not going to bite, so Serena does her best desperate, seductive, emotional look. “Like that, right?” Jack laughs.
“Guess so, just about. Lots of women look at me like that,” Jack says, cutting himself before he finishes that sentence with not you, though.
“Good for you. How did Kay look at me?”
Serena has, at this point, led him to the conclusion. It dawns on him. He says all he can think to. “So she definitely didn’t steal your boyfriend, then.”
“No, no she did not.” Serena says, glad that he didn’t freak out on her. It’s impossible to avoid the rumors about Jack, and at first she’d been worried that he wouldn’t want a deputy who wasn’t interested in extra-curriculars. She wasn’t going to bring this up, but Kay had waltzed onto her turf with her ways; and Jack was not a man who could leave curiosities alone.
“Maybe keep this away from Arthur?” she asked “I’m still sussing him out.”
“Of course,” Jack says. “And I’m glad it wasn’t me all this time.”
Serena rolls her eyes at him as they step onto the elevator.
tags: @nocreditinthestraightworld @imaginaryoperagloves
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dewitty1 · 4 years
Modern Love
tackytiger @tackytigerfic
Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Andromeda Black Tonks, Teddy Lupin Additional Tags: Draco Malfoy in the Muggle World, Slow Burn, Oblivious Harry Potter, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, idiots to lovers, Politics, Ministry of Magic (Harry Potter), Songfic, Friendship, Found Family, Mentions of Cancer, References to Illness, Chemotherapy, references to canonical child abuse, references to canonical deaths, References to Depression, Drunkenness, Sad Harry Potter, Church Services, Hymns, Atheism, Kissing in Church, Religious Discussion, Light Angst, Boxing & Fisticuffs, Minor Injuries, Blood and Injury, Gay vicar, Original Character(s), Original Character Illness, Magical Theory (Harry Potter), Scars, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, Minor Draco Malfoy/ Sexy Tall Vicar, Draco Kisses Someone Briefly That’s All I Promise, Magic/Muggle Relations, Jealousy, Family Drama Series: Part 1 of Modern Love
Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is.
And it really doesn’t seem fair that Draco Malfoy is back in Harry’s life, all of a sudden, and even though he’s wandless, and living with Muggles, and making his mother cry with his lifestyle choices, he’s happy. So what’s he doing right, that Harry isn’t?
Because things don’t really change, do they? And if Harry can’t be happy, he’ll settle for a good night’s sleep, some posh antiques, and the opportunity to find out what Malfoy has been up to for all these years.
And that’s what starts it all.
“Do you know,” he says conversationally, “when I was little, my mother used to wash my hair for me.”
“I did not know that,” Harry says gravely. “Though I can’t say I’m surprised. It was always particularly glossy-looking when we were at school.”
The disadvantage of Malfoy being so close, Harry discovers, is that it’s easy for him to find the softest bit of Harry’s tummy to pinch.
“I was actually quite a cosseted child. Spoiled rotten in fact. You may find that astonishing when you consider what a delight I was as a teenager. But my parents were busy people. My father ran the estate, and spent a lot of time in London, of course. So I didn’t see them much in the evenings. The nursery was in its own wing, naturally, and my nanny was very attentive.“
Harry snorts at that, but then thinks about tiny Draco with his face upturned toward Lucius, alight with worship, and feels a bit sad.
"So it was my favourite thing when I was small, having my mother give me a bath. It was always a very special treat. She’d sit on the floor with her sleeves rolled up and the front of her robes would get all wet and foamy from me splashing, but she never minded. And she’d keep spelling the water hot so I could stay in for as long as I wanted.”
Harry can’t imagine it. He vaguely remembers when he was tiny, standing shivering in the Dursleys’ avocado-coloured bath while Petunia sprayed him with tepid water from the shower head, scrubbed him with carbolic soap. And then after a while, she stopped even doing that. Harry used to sneak in and wash when no one noticed, used to pile his clothes in with the rest of the laundry, since he was the one doing it anyway. But he knows that as a child he was probably never all that clean. How did no one ever notice, he wonders, not for the first time. Why did no one care?
“And when I was tired and wanted to get out, she’d turn me around with my back to the edge—” Harry hears the snap of a bottle lid, smells something fresh and sharp, like the crush of sun-hot meadow grass (like Malfoy, he thinks) “—and she’d wash my hair for me.”
Then Malfoy’s hand is on Harry’s hair, and he starts to rub gentle, workmanlike circles from Harry’s crown down to his nape. He pulls his other hand back from around Harry’s body, though he stays close enough that Harry can still feel him against his back, and then he starts to work through Harry’s hair with both hands. His fingers are strong, raising bubbles at Harry’s temples, moving with pure intent through the curls that are flattened and lengthened by water, resting at his nape for a moment, gathering the curls in his fist then releasing them as he lathers, sluices, strokes.
It’s all Harry can do to keep quiet. Having Malfoy touch him like this—having anyone touch him like this—feels like too much. No one has ever laid hands on him like this, with such focus, like he’s the only thing that matters.
And he thinks of Narcissa crying at Andy’s kitchen table all those months ago, and how he had wondered why anyone would want to cry over Malfoy, of all people. How stupid he had been, how stupid and short-sighted, to think that Malfoy was unlovable just because Harry had him all neatly tidied away in his mind, relegated to uselessness by some weird little childhood rivalry. 
Malfoy is probably the most lovable person Harry can think of, it turns out—he just hadn’t known it before. And in the end, it was just a case of Malfoy deciding to let Harry love him, that was all. Once Malfoy made that decision, there was nothing Harry could have done.
And now he knows how Narcissa feels, because his eyes are smarting with the sour threat of unshed tears. He wants to cry over arguing with Malfoy, who is one of his best friends and who he’s pretty sure he’d do anything for, and when did that even happen?
Malfoy’s hands are still in Harry’s hair, and the lather is sliding down Harry’s body to puddle at their feet, and he doesn’t think anything has ever felt quite so intimate as the insistent pressure of Malfoy’s fingers on the hidden curves of bone behind Harry’s ears. Malfoy keeps talking.
“She was so gentle with me,” he says. His voice is nearly a whisper, but his mouth is so close to Harry’s ear that every word carries over the water. “She used to say, ‘I’ll take care of you, sweetheart. I’ll take care of you.’” 
He tugs his fingers through the lengths of Harry’s hair, lets the water rinse him clean, then lets his hands fall to Harry’s shoulders, his thumbs moving in restless circles over the notches of Harry’s spine.
“I’ll take care of you, sweetheart,” he says again, and it means something different this time—something for the now, rather than an echo of the past—and Harry hadn’t realised how long he’d been waiting to hear that. Usually, taking care of Harry is a duty. And some people hated him for it, and even the people who didn’t ended up getting hurt, dying.
Malfoy says it like it’s easy, like it’s a gift. Like it’s not a chore at all, just a simple pleasure.
Harry lets his head fall back onto Malfoy’s shoulder, so Malfoy’s face fits snug in the curve of Harry’s throat, and Malfoy’s arms drop down to fit around Harry’s waist again. Harry isn’t sure how long they stay there, but the water starts to run cool, and the creaking pipes make a resentful thumping sound when Harry fiddles with the dial to turn the heat up.
“When I came into the shower,” Malfoy murmurs, “I was going to kiss you.”
And Harry’s blood does that dizzying swoop that sometimes happens around Malfoy, only this time it all rushes straight to his wet naked cock, and he’s hard and getting harder at just the thought of a kiss, and he wonders distantly if instead of being mad about Malfoy, he’s just going a bit mad in general. It’s been a while since he’s been with anyone, after all. And it’s been even longer than that again since he’s been with someone he likes so much.
“Only I thought…” Malfoy’s low, amused voice is a torture device this close to his ear. “I thought if I kissed you, we would probably end up fucking, Which… you know. It might not be such a bad thing, to get it out of our systems. Right? And it would probably be really good.”
“Thanks,” Harry says distantly, absurdly.
“For you Potter, because it would be sex with me, please keep up. But then I got in here with you and I ended up talking about my fucking mother to you, telling you things I’ve never told anyone, and I could feel you getting all tense and weird about how those arsehole Muggles of yours never took care of you, let alone that prick Dumbledore who at least was supposed to be one of the good guys.”
He sighs again, moves his face away from where he’s still nuzzling Harry’s neck, and hooks his chin over Harry’s shoulder. His arms tighten around Harry’s middle.
“And I remembered that sex is easy. It’s so fucking easy, and because it would be good, it might feel like the right thing to do. But we’ve worked so hard at this, haven’t we? Yeah, I know it’s a horror to have to talk about it, but fuck it. We’re friends now, but it took so long to get here. Have you ever had to work so hard at something before?“
“Well. I mean, I did have to kill Voldemort when I was seventeen?”
“I’m including that, and I’m including your opening waltz at the Yule Ball because that was a study in despair for all concerned, including those of us who had to sit through it. Look, we took a while to get here, is what I’m saying. It probably felt like a terrible idea most of the time we were doing it. God, remember that first time at Fand’s? The first time my friends found out about you? Weasley’s birthday party? But then I didn’t even notice when the you part of it all started being something easy. And if we kiss, we have to figure the whole thing out again. So now I don’t know what to do. Because…” —the ghost of a hot breath against Harry’s ear, and the shivery feeling of Malfoy’s mouth moving close enough to touch Harry’s skin— “… I would really like to kiss you now, and I don’t know how to feel about that.”
( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡*✲゚*。⋆♡ོ
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gravelyhumerus · 4 years
Criminal Minds College AU
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Title: “I may just take your breath away”
Relationship: Jemily 
Emily Prentiss, college sophomore, absolutely does not have a crush on the girl across the hall.  
Slow-burn Jemily college AU where they live across the hall and despite all odds, the universe pushes them together. AKA they’re silly gay babies who pine after each other for months. 
Read it on AO3
Tumblr:  One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, (bonus scene), Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Epilogue
“Come in, it’s open!” Emily Prentiss yelled out over her music blasting out of the laptop on her desk. She was listening to her pregame playlist, which was chock full of throwbacks, middle-school jams and of course, The Killers to keep things interesting.
Derek Morgan pushed open her dorm room door and waltzed in. He had a pair of light blue jeans on, held up by a brown belt, with a white t-shirt on top. He jumped on top of Emily’s slightly-too-high bed, and bounced as he grinned at her. Derek was many things, shy was definitely not one of them.
“You look hot,” Emily said, with as much sarcasm as she could manage, looking him up and down. She could tell he dressed up.
“You know it, princess.”
Rifling through his backpack, he grinned as he pulled out two blue college-branded metal water bottles, filled with what was probably not water at all.
“I made us sangria!”
Emily laughed, then spun back around in her desk chair. She still needed to finish her makeup. She had her foundation and eyebrows done, but she needed to focus as she applied her eyeliner.
“Did you just mix some juice into the wine?” She asked, taking the bottle from him, having a sip of the fruity liquid.
“Yup! There’s going to be a keg there, but I wanted to give us options.”
Emily laughed before focusing on her mascara wand gliding across her lower eyelashes, trying to finish up so they could start preing for the party. She wasn’t quite dressed yet either, still wearing her class jeans and not her going out jeans (there was an important distinction between these that mostly involved whether or not she could wear them with a belt.) Morgan was about five minutes earlier than she expected. Moreover, the boy had only sprung the invitation to the party during their lab that afternoon.
As much as she hated to admit it, Derek was basically 90% of Emily’s non-academic social life, the second year boy already very well connected due to his football scholarship, letting him in on all of the good parties. Unfortunately that also meant for Emily that he would spring themed parties like anything but clothes, or no cups allowed on her with absolutely no heads up most weekends.
Emily will not wear a tote bag as a skirt again if she can help it.
Despite the excessive drinking and mixed bag of party attendees, Emily genuinely enjoyed the boy’s company. Anyways, he was the best beer-pong partner that she’s ever had.
“Can I hop on aux?” He asked, leaning over her computer before she could even protest.
“Sure,” she replied, knowing he was already on his own Spotify account and putting on his playlist titled ‘FOR THE BOYS and emily’ that he found hilarious. She knew she could get him to sing along to the Mamma Mia! (2008) soundtrack once he was a few shots in, but for now she resigned herself to wordless EDM.
He sat on her desk, bobbing his head along to the beat.
Emily reached into the bottom drawer of her desk and pulled out a smallish bottle of vodka and two shot glasses, with their college’s crest etched into the glass. For a school that denounced drinking-culture, they had a shocking amount of merch for sale that encouraged it.
She filled each to the line, and slid one towards her friend.
“Bottoms up,” she said, as they cheersed the foul tasting liquid. Morgan grinned and winked at her before shooting it back with the confidence that only a nineteen year old could have.
Vodka still made her queasy, but being underage meant that the college students would take what they could get. Morgan’s senior friends would boot alcohol for them for an extra five bucks, but only every few weeks.
The one thing about the states that Emily still couldn’t wrap her head around was the backwards alcohol policy. Almost everywhere else on earth she would already be legally drinking. Hell, when she was 16 she was passed out in a ditch in rural England, drunk off her ass on legally acquired beer. Even now, if they drove north of the border, Emily could be off to the bars, no questions asked. America was absurd.
“How was the rest of your day?” Emily asked him as she stood up, digging through her dirty laundry to find her other pair of jeans. She tossed aside her fuzzy pjs, a bra and an assortment of band tees but her jeans must’ve been at the bottom. She needed to do laundry but was ripe out of quarters.
“Eh,” he made a face, “I had to finish up that quiz for psych, but honestly I just needed to catch up on some readings. I had like fifty pages of a badly scanned book from like a hundred years ago to annotate.”
“Reading? In this economy?” Emily snarked at him, still rooting through the bin. She knew her blue jeans were here somewhere.
“Well I know you can’t read,” he replied in a haughty tone, “doesn’t mean the rest of us have to remain unenlightened!”
There they were, right at the bottom of the bin. She changed right then, with Morgan politely averting his eyes, despite the fact that both have seen just about everything in the year or so that they’ve been acquainted.
No, they didn’t hook up or anything, it wasn’t like that.
It was the strange phenomenon that only could happen in college where you get really close really fast. Emily’s RA had explained it to their first-year floor, likening it to soldiers in the war (Emily wasn’t sure if the metaphor was kosher, but it was apt.). Young adults first starting out in the world, free from their family supervision and previous lives, cling on to those around them for stability. The RA explained this as in a cautionary tale, explaining that this can lead to high emotions, to fights, and… a bit more.
This talk led into their floor-cest talk, which was apparently required in every co-ed dorm at their school. Emily was the first to point out the heteronormativity in that policy. Floor-cest, for the uninitiated, was the concept of hooking up with someone on your floor in the dorm. It was formally discouraged by residence life staff. It was easy to have meaningless sex, harder when you have sex with someone you live down the hall from. Things could get messy.
Emily and Derek got this talk on move in day, both sitting cross-legged on the floor of their common room as their RA, a bubbly girl named Carol, explained the fundamentals of dorm life. Emily has been dropped off by her mother’s driver, who helped her unload her things.
Emily was still reeling from being surrounded by happy families, of crying parents and bitter that her mother was too busy to even send her own daughter off to school. Not that Emily wanted her there or anything, but the gesture would have been nice.
She remembered the startling moment when Derek walked straight into her room and offered his hand, introducing himself to his new neighbour.
They shared a wall, the co-ed bathroom down the hall, and most of their free time for their first year at college.
He had assumed that the driver, Paul who was one of Emily’s favourites out of her mother’s staff, was Emily’s father, which started things off on an awkward note. Soon she was swept up in a whirlwind of his family: his mom and sisters who insisted that Emily pose for photos of Derek and ‘his new dorm friend.’
A year later, Emily and Morgan were basically siblings. Emily didn’t actually have any siblings, but after going to Chicago for thanksgiving with the Morgan family, she was pretty sure she had officially been adopted.
Last year, they had a much nicer dorm, one of the newer ones with big windows and nice common spaces. This year they were both living in the oldest residence, a beautiful red brick building, covered with ivy, but the inside was all painted this gross beige, and the paint would chip off whenever Emily tried to hang her posters. There was also no air conditioning, the showers didn’t get too hot and the kitchen smelt like eggs. It was definitely a downgrade, but at least Morgan was on the same floor as her again.
Morgan had lucked out and gotten a corner room with tons of windows, and Emily was right next to the bathroom and could hear when anyone flushed.
After donning the jeans and a black tank top, Emily grabbed her leather jacket and they were ready to go.
“Another shot?” Derek asked, grinning at her mischievously.
“Of course,” Emily said. “Where are we even going anyways?”
“Well, you remember David, the TA from our psych lab? His housemates are throwing a party in their backyard. I heard there was going to be a DJ!”
“David Rossi?” Emily said incredulously, “How did you swing an invite to that?”
“I can’t reveal all of my secrets, you know that pretty lady.”
Emily scoffed. It was probably through their mutual friend Aaron Hotchner, who despite not being much of a partier, was very in the loop about the happenings on campus.
“Did you invite you know who?” Derek asked, a bit too casually as Emily locked her door.
Emily refused to bite.
“She definitely has better things to do than hang out with the likes of us.”
“I’m a criminology major,” Emily repeated, the exasperation in her voice palatable.
The boy, who was on the rugby team as she already learned, had asked her what her major was. He misheard her and began asking her how she likes studying biology.
The music was loud and the boy was clearly wasted off his ass. She was pretty sure she saw him do a keg stand in the kitchen earlier.
Emily took another sip of her drink, keeping it close to her chest. She looked around. They were only five minutes off campus at a decent-sized student house. The room was close to being at capacity, the old home creaking under the weight of dozens of students crammed into the living room. Music blared on a strangely impressive speaker system. The party was at its peak in the backyard, and was probably only an hour from being shut down by the cops if it got much louder.
Emily had carefully positioned herself next to the open window, enjoying the slight breeze as the body heat was making the old house steamy with humidity. This also happened to be the location of the bong, but she accepted the trade-off.
Derek was currently playing king’s cup, a game Emily refuses to play, since last time she got roped into it she lost miserably. She was forced to drink the king’s cup: a mixture of shitty beer, whiskey, cider wine and whole cream from the fridge, as she had been a bit too slow with bouncing the ball into the red solo cup. Derek held her hair back as she puked off the porch that night.
Never again.
Emily squinted as a few people she recognized walked into the room. It was only a month into classes, so she really hadn’t had the opportunity to get to know the new random assortment of people in her building, lectures and in her general orbit but she was pretty sure she was starting to recognize some faces.
Entering the party was the blonde from the end of the hallway who always complimented Emily on her outfits when she passed and had the most colourfully decorated dorm in the entire building. ‘Penelope G.’ read her name tag pinned to her door in their RA’s loopy handwriting.
Next to her was a younger boy that she had seen in the cafeteria with Penelope before, and while Emily wasn’t that good at identifying ages, he definitely looked a bit too young to be at college. He was tall, skinny and had a mop of unruly brown hair. He was also wearing a sweater to a house party, which was a major beginners mistake. He looked around nervously.
A few seconds later, the door closed, only dumping an assortment of other boys into the already packed house.
Emily let out a breath she didn’t know she held, as she found herself hoping that Garcia’s other friend might have been joining her that night.
Derek had teased her already about the girl across the hall. Jennifer Jareau. “My friends call me JJ,” she had said. Second year varsity soccer player and communications major. The girl Derek was convinced that Emily had a crush on.
JJ was the kind of girl who propped her door open during orientation week and always waved at Emily when she walked down the hall.
She did not have a crush. She barely knew anything about her besides that she was blonde, athletic and was always smiling. Both had been so busy since school had started, and seemed to have completely opposite schedules that they hadn’t really gotten to really connect.
Whenever Emily was coming back to their floor, JJ always seemed to be leaving. And vice versa. Somehow they were on exact opposite schedules. Probably since JJ was a varsity soccer player with early morning practise, and Emily was a bit of a night owl (that was a polite way of saying insomniac procrastinator perfectionist.)
She seemed to hang out with Garcia around residence, Emily having spotted the two getting coffee or studying in the library together occasionally, hence Emily’s hopes that Garcia may have JJ in tow that evening.
JJ was also definitely, one hundred percent, completely straight. Fairy lights and Polaroid pictures on her walls straight. She even had a high school sweetheart that might survive the turkey dumping season. Emily didn’t know his name but JJ said the key word early on in the year: boyfriend.
Emily turned back to the boy in front of her, who was describing, in detail, how the stock market worked, without realizing that Emily was not paying attention at all.
He was quite conventionally attractive, with mussed curly hair and broad shoulders. He obviously was interested in her—or rather interested in talking at her and potentially sleeping with her—that despite herself, Emily decided to slot him into her roster for that evening.
Emily considered herself a reluctant bisexual. Women could make her heart skip a beat just by looking in her direction, and men could get it when the situation was right and she didn’t have any other options. The second half of this pleased her mother to no end, as when young fourteen year old Emily Prentiss had decided to come out to her mother—at one of their rare dinners together—she watched her mother grit her teeth and tell her to keep that to herself. Her mother had eventually accepted this part of her daughter’s life, but only under the assumption that Emily would eventually end up with a man, and keep the rest to herself.
Emily looked around the room and wondered if she was going to have any other options that evening besides the very talkative boy.
Excusing herself from the company of…Matthew, she thinks was his name, she tries to find Derek, who had disappeared into the kitchen. Emily weaved through the crowd, steering past a couple making out in the corner.
She turned the corner and found Derek filling his cup with more beer from the keg. He grinned up at her and did the same for her.
“I hate beer,” Emily said to him, grimacing at the scratchy taste of the fermented barley in her red solo cup.
“Suck it up buttercup, you’re in college. You also complained about the juice from earlier.”
“Yeah well, watering down eleven percent wine is as bad as this five percent crap.”
“It did taste a lot better,” he agreed. “Who was that guy?”
Emily rolled her eyes.
“Matthew attempted to explain macroeconomics to me.”
“Oh god, is that what men are like out there?” He asked. “Guess you’re stuck with me tonight.”
“Lucky me.”
“Pong?” He asked, gesturing towards the row of tables set up in the backyard, through the open door and passed the crowd milling about near the speakers. The game seemed to be wrapping up, as the two teams shook hands and reset the cups to their original positions.
They found their spot at one of the tables across from their new opponents: Penelope and her very young looking friend.
“Penelope Garcia?” Derek grinned, recognizing the girl from their floor and walking up to her for a hug. Their rooms were facing each other, and they had apparently gotten the chance to get to know each other.
She grinned and hugged him, clearly a lot more sober than him having only arrived minutes earlier. There seemed to be a lot of hugging at house parties, Emily discovered when she moved to America, acquaintances became close friends once alcohol was involved.
She had bright pink glasses and a matching dress, with bright artfully done make-up highlighting her large smile. Emily knew that she was a CompSci major and had loaded her dorm room desk with monitors and the largest computer set-up that Emily had seen in her life.
“Derek, my love,” Penelope replied, gushing over Emily’s friend in an unexpected, but not unsurprising way. “Fancy meeting you here! And Emily! Have you two met my fine young friend here, Spencer?”
She gestured to the boy, who waved awkwardly.
“Hi, I’m Spencer Reid,” he said.
“He’s like a boy-genius or something. He already has a degree in mathematics and he’s currently working on his second degree in engineering. Isn’t that très cool? We met at the club fair last week.”
“I’m double majoring in philosophy,” he added.
“How old are you kid?” Morgan asked him, quick to the punch.
“Uh- sixteen?” Spencer seemed to ask, shrinking into himself a bit. “I skipped a couple of grades.”
He had a pair of glasses perched on his nose, a brown sweater with a white shirt collar poking through and had tucked his brown hair behind his ears. He was still taller than Penelope, but the smattering of acne and wide eyes made it clear that he was very much a kid.
“More than a couple!” Morgan exclaimed.
He shrugged.
“Are you in intro to logic with Williams?” Emily asked, realizing that she had recognized him from somewhere.
“Yes, I am. Though I find his repeated chess metaphors a touch reductive.”
“You’re right about that. Like, we get it Willy, you play chess. Big whoop,” Emily said, then introduced herself.
He smiled at her, slightly less awkwardly this time but with a touch more confusion.
“And this is Derek Morgan,” Penelope piped in, “the most gorgeous football player I know.”
“Do you know any other football players?” Spencer asked.
“Now you hush!” She admonished him. “We have a game to play.”
“Do you two have something to drink?” Derek asked them, moving back towards their side of the long fold-up table, which was crudely painted in their schools colours.
Emily took a sip of her beer, wondering if the boy should be drinking.
Penelope babbled about how it was Spencer’s first college party, and how she was so excited that it was this one because look at the pretty string lights decorating the backyard and the fact that there was a keg, like in the movies.
Smiling at her new neighbour, Emily thought that this might also be Penelope's first college party.
Derek returned with a cup of water for Spencer, and some beer for Penelope. Spencer seemed relieved at the gesture, smiling as he took a sip. Emily marvelled at her friend's kindness, despite what anyone said about drinking culture on campuses either way, it was tough to attend a party and not drink, putting his drink in a matching red cup gave him the appearance of participation.
“Do we all know the rules?” Derek asked.
“The question you should ask,” Emily said, “Is if they’re willing to play by your rules.”
Emily had discovered that this game, depending on the people you were playing with, had radically different rules. While the premise of the game remained the same: there were six cups on each side of the table, into which you threw ping pong balls and whenever you got a ball in a cup, that cup was then taken out of the picture until there were no cups left. Depending on who you were playing with, the cups were filled with water or beer (Emily hated when they had beer in them, it make things sticky and it was very unsanitary), there were specific rules to what defined an airball, when one could get balls back, when you could call island and what was a permissible trick shot.
“Ha ha Prentiss,” Derek said to her, rolling the ping pong ball in his hands. “I wanted to know if they had played before.”
“Oh I’ve played before,” Penelope said, “and I am unbeatable.”
She waggled her fingers in a gesture that implied magic was involved.
“It’s simple physics,” Spencer added, “I’ve memorized the rules and common approaches. We’ll be more than fine. ”
“Ok pretty boy, let’s see what you’ve got. Eye to eye?”
Looking into each other’s eyes, rather than at their targets, the two boys aimed at the cups, with only Reid’s making it in.
“What the fuck Morgan,” Emily exclaimed as Penelope and Spencer whooped, “what even was that throw?”
With the other team having won the privilege of starting first, Emily was forced to toss her ball towards Penelope, who took it with a grin.
She threw first, missing the table entirely.
“Air ball!” Derek announced, leaping forward and waving his hands in front of the cups on their side, the rules granting him the ability to defend their territory.
Spencer frowned, apparently perturbed by this turn of events. He stuck out his tongue, aimed, and launched the ball, hitting Morgan right in the chest. The ball bounced off of it and fell straight down into the cup.
Derek’s draw dropped. Spencer and Penelope whooped in excitement.
“Derek, how did you lose us that cup?” Emily whined, pulling one of their cups to the side. One point to Spencer.
Derek, who had something to prove, lined up his shot. He gazed at his targets with the focus of a sniper, dunked the ball into one of their cups, dousing it with water, and rolled it in his hands, giving it a bit more weight. He aimed and fired off a quick shot into the centre-left cup. It spun around in the cup, floating above the water, but fell in. If the other team were crafty, they would have blown into the cup and Derek would have lost the point, but Emily sighed in relief when she realized that despite their first point, they didn’t know the rules well enough to beat the current reigning beer champs.
It was Emily’s turn. She took a gulp of her beer—she would always swear she was better when she was drunk because she didn’t think too hard about it—and threw. It neatly fell into the back right cup, scoring them two points for that round.
“Balls back!” Derek roared in delight.
Penelope tossed them, and the game continued.
They sunk one more shot on their turn. 3-1.
Penelope got another cup, Spencer missed. 3-2.
Derek’s ball bounced out, Emily sank hers. 4-2.
Only minutes later, after playing at breakneck speed, there were three cups left on the table and Derek and Emily were quite drunk, with Penelope not far behind. Reid, still very sober, was matching the duo with intense concentration.
It was his throw, with two cups left until his victory. He shots carefully, sinking it without a splash.
Derek and Emily had one cup to go. He went first, sending one barreling towards the cup. It hit the rim and instead of going in, it bounced towards Emily, who leaped forward and grabbed it before it fell off the table.
“Trick shot!” She yelled. Derek could try again, but only if he does it in an inventive way. At the frat house they spent a lot of time in first year, the only acceptable trick shot (under this house’s rules) was bouncing the ball off a poster of Obama. This time, Derek takes an empty cup, puts the ball in, and uses the cup to aim.
Somehow, it went in.
They leap into the air, yelling with delight. But they hadn’t won yet. The other team still had a redemption shot.
“How ya feeling kid?” Derek taunted, “Wanna give up now, save yourself the embarrassment?”
“Not a chance.”
He squinted at the table, lining up his shot with precision. With his left hand he licked his finger, sticking it up in the air like golfers do to measure the wind. Emily wasn't sure if this was a joke, something to psych Derek out, or something the boy was genuinely able to do. He frowned, seeming to ponder the information.
He aimed. He tossed it. He sunk the redemption shot.
They were in overtime.
“You can do it princess,” Derek told her, watching her with utmost intensity. Emily adjusted her stance, chugging back the last of that glass of beer, feeling the alcohol with greater focus than before.
She glanced around at the other team, but out of the corner of her eye she caught a familiar face looking at her: Jennifer Jareau from residence. Her not crush.
She was looking at her. Watching her play.
A swell of nervousness flooded up through her lungs, and she forced it out by huffing a breath.
She needed another drink. Moreover, she needed to focus.
Emily threw it. If it made it in, then they won. If she missed, Spencer and Garcia had another shot at redemption. They couldn’t lose this, not now, not in front of… uh, everyone. She was definitely not thinking about JJ in this situation. That would be something a frat boy thought about. She didn’t want to win beer pong to impress some girl, she wanted to win because she had pride.
The ball sailed through the air, Emily held her breath. It caught the lip of the cup, teetered. A splash announced that they had won.
Thank god.
With a whoop, realizing what they had done, Emily and Derek roared with joy, jumping into each other and hugging in their celebration. A few onlookers clapped, noticing how close the game had been.
They pulled apart and reached out their hands to their opponents.
“Great game,” Emily said, shaking Spencer's hand, “Really.”
He grinned despite his loss.
“Honestly I understand the principles, it’s simple parabolas and high-school level physics,” he frowned, “Unfortunately, I need to work on translating those parabolas into the real world.”
“We’ll work on it Spence,” Garcia grinned, shaking Emily’s hand while smiling at her younger friend.
Emily realized that in their celebration, Derek had spilled quite a bit of beer onto Emily’s sleeve and down the side of her shirt and it was currently dripping onto her boots. Emily sighed, handing her friend her cup.
“I’ve got beer all over me,” Emily sighed, “Get me a refill? I’m going to try to find a bathroom.”
Derek nodded and turned back to their new friends, chatting about how impressed he was with their game.
Emily felt a bit sticky, feeling the beer coat her bare arm. Walking back into the house, she glanced at the kitchen sink trying to see if there was any paper towel or something there, but no luck. The sink was full of dishes, the counters covered in assorted empties and cups, without a dishcloth in sight. Not wanting to rifle through their drawers, she made her way towards the staircase.
There was a couple making out on the staircase, which was not something Emily would do herself. It seemed a bit precarious since alcohol was involved, but, to each their own, she thought. Emily opened a couple of the doors upstairs before discovering one of the most disgusting washrooms she’d ever seen.
There was only one thing in the shower: dawn dish soap. The boys who lived here must use that for their bodies. Emily shuddered. On the sink were some toothbrushes, razors and some floss, but for some reason, no soap. Emily found a roll of toilet paper on the floor (ew), and wadded it up to try to reduce the wet spot on her side and hopefully from smelling like a brewery when she returned to residence.
For a moment, Emily found herself gazing at herself in the mirror, feeling hazy and a bit unsteady. She checked her make-up, noting that her dark red lipstick was holding up, but her mascara had smudged under her eyes giving her more of a goth vibe than the alt look she typically went for.
Emily sat down on the tub, patting the toilet paper against her wet clothing, feeling very drunk now that she was seated. Dammit Morgan, couldn’t he have spilled his beer on himself instead of her nice shirt?
The thud of the music was muffled, but there was a ringing in her ears that made everything feel very quiet. That was until there was a thundering of footsteps and the sound of a girl announcing: “I’m going to vom, right now.”
Emily sat, jaw dropped, as a red headed girl threw open the bathroom door, kneeled down on the floor next to the toilet, and relieved herself from the contents of her stomach without so much as a knock. The girl coughed into the bowl, yacking up what was probably way too much beer for the poor tiny girl.
“Oh my gosh,” said another voice, at the door, “I’m so sorry. We didn’t realize there was someone here! ”
Emily looked up, realizing the voice came from no other than Jennifer Jareau.
“JJ!” Emily said, not really knowing what else to do with the girl heaving at her feet.
“You ok?” JJ kneeled down next to her friend, carefully pulling her friend’s long hair back, tugging a hair tie off her own wrist and collecting it so that it didn’t get anything on it.
Emily felt stupid sitting on the tub, not helping anything. She tossed the rest of the toilet paper in the garbage, placing the half-empty roll on the edge of the tub.
“Can I get her some water?” Emily asked, “To rinse her mouth?”
JJ looked up at her and nodded. Emily felt herself blushing slightly as she turned away. Who let one girl’s eyes be so big, and so blue. It was rude.
She returned a minute later having had to rinse her own beer cup out in the gross kitchen sink to make sure that she wasn’t accidentally giving this girl some random person's sketchy cup.
Emily remembered that earlier Derek said that it was a varsity party, so it did make sense that JJ was also in attendance. The whole team probably was. The other girl looked like a soccer player, she had that vibe.
Emily handed the cup to JJ, who gave her a grateful smile. Emily felt their fingers touch for a moment, before JJ turned to attend to her friend.
She tried to get her to take a sip, and Emily took the moment to look JJ up and down, taking in her light blue skinny jeans, black tank and high heeled boots. She was basically wearing the uniform of a straight white girl at a houseparty. Not to say Emily wasn’t also basically wearing the same outfit, pairing the jeans with combat boots and attempting to set herself apart with her black nail polish and eyeliner that her mother once called ‘a lot.’
In contrast to Emily’s fairly undefined thin body, she took note of the strong looking shoulders that flexed as JJ kneeled down on the floor. She was definitely an athlete. Emily looked away, checking her phone, feeling suddenly embarrassed for looking at the girl.
‘Where u go bbg????’ Read a new message from Derek.
‘Girl puknigh up hre’ Emily typed, ‘Got her waterr’
Emily blinked at her typos, pressing the red underlined words, hoping her phone would correct them for her. She wasn’t that drunk.
The two girls were talking quietly, and Emily decided to take her leave, but before she could the red-head beat her to the punch deciding that she wanted to puke in peace.
“Leave me aloooooonnne Jennifer,” she wined. “Get out, I don’t want any more fucking water.”
JJ pulled back, making a face and holding her hands up in the ‘I surrender’ motion. Emily hurried out into the hall with JJ on her heels. The girl kicked the door shut angrily, and the sound of her retching ensued.
“There was a funnel,” JJ offered as an explanation. She leaned against the door. “How has your night been?”
Emily blinked. JJ was making conversation. She didn’t want Emily to leave just yet.
“So far so good,” Emily replied. “Doing better than your friend, at least.”
“That’s not hard to do. So I guess you didn’t chug from a funnel yet?” JJ quipped, smiling and revealing a perfect, white smile.
“Oh I have that scheduled for one-thirty, actually,” Emily said, pretending to check her watch and grinning.
“Let me know before you do, I’d like to watch that,” JJ said casually.
A wave of heat rushed to Emily’s face as she realized that drinking from a funnel would entail Emily on her knees, with JJ watching her… a thought that she needed to push out of her brain immediately.
“I’ll have you know,” Emily said in retort, “I can chug amongst the best. I am no stranger to these sorts of parties.”
JJ grinned. “Oh yeah?”
“I’m a reigning beer pong champ, I’ll have you know.”
They laughed.
“I saw your last victory. Very impressive.”
JJ, in a controlled fall, slid down the door and sat down in the hall, resigning herself to waiting for her friend. Emily wondered if she should return to Morgan now, but unable to tear herself away from the opportunity for a conversation with JJ.
“I’m awful at pong,” the blonde admitted. “I miss every time.”
“You probably just need a good teacher.”
JJ raised her eyebrows, “oh yeah?”
“I mean,” Emily said, sitting down onto the top step of the staircase, facing her floormate, “it’s all about hand eye coordination. It’s basically a sport. You need a coach.”
They both laughed.
“Well if that’s the case, why don’t you teach me?”
Emily gulped.
The door opened, and JJ fell back slightly before catching herself.
“I’m going home,” JJ’s friend announced.
JJ looked up at her dishevelled friend and nodded, turning back to look at Emily apologetically.
“Another time?” Emily offered, smiling before walking down the stairs and rejoining the party.
Next chapter ->
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fictropes · 4 years
oh boy i sure did write many words in 2020
Hi! I am copying people due to i want to.  This is a lil (well... 63) round up of all the fics I wrote this year! Cos i’m very evil @ myself and writing fic and think i’m either not doing enough, or not doing it good enough, so i wanna full list of what I actually did so I can see my own accomplishments and can maybe... clap 4 myself for once. And honestly writing has helped MASSIVELY with my depression so.. that’s a bonus. 
ALSO. this is a big huge thankyou to everyone! I only joined here + started writing in august and you’ve all been so so nice and welcoming and supportive  <333 ;_; and I know they say write for yourself... but honestly peoples comments and excitement about my stuff has just been really, really lovely and I would never have written this much without all of you cheering me on<3. 
so here is a list of everything i’ve written, organised by length and everything, so if you find yourself bored over the holidays... have a lil browse. (Sorry if u are on mobile and this doesn’t show as a read more) 
Can we try again? series (M) Complete - 35k  - “Yeah, Phil. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Dan answers, softer than he’d wanted because he already knows what he’s about to do next.(or Dan doesn't turn up in 2009 and bumps into Phil 11 years later at a youtube convention 2. I like cupcakes, especially the gay variety (M) Complete - 30k - Firstly, Dan was 29. How was that a mature student?Secondly, his actual book was on the university fucking syllabus.(or the one in which Dan tries university again in a desperate attempt to prolong his procrastination, and his lecturer Phil is apparently something of a fan) 3. 7 Letters series (M) Complete - 9k - Your penpal can be the person you live with, actually. 4. There's Beans in Here (T) Complete - 2k - Phil has his wisdom teeth removed; Phil says many questionable things. 5. Roadtrip (E) Complete - 8k - “Exactly. I am right, as always.”“As always.” Dan agrees.Series 6. night shift, please (E) Wip - 27k I PROMISE THIS WILL COME BACK IN 2021 - Ten years and he’ll never get over how early he has to get up sometimes. In all honesty he prefers the night shift. 7. Still Not Calling it Fate (M) Wip - 14k - It’s become a bit of a thing, a bit of a thing that everyone he crosses paths with takes the piss out of him for 8. when i met you, a blue rush began (M) Complete - 5k - They end up in a small restaurant overlooking the sea, everything here is so blue. The sky, the sea, Phil’s eyes, the shirt he’s wearing buttoned up all the way to the top. 9. Luggage Tags (E) Complete - 2.5k - Just because it looks like your suitcase, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is. 10. Demon in the sack (E) Complete - 2.5k - Dan’s leg jiggles beneath his desk, knee hitting the table as he tries to force himself to hang up and ring the number he was supposed to ring— he doesn’t, he can’t. Long ( for me) oneshots (3k+) 11. Electronics and the Phil's who break them (M) Complete - 9k - The first time’s an accident, a proper accident— a Phil forgot how to hold his cup and now he’s watching his coffee seep into his keyboard type accident. 12. A Letter of Specifics (T) Complete - 4k - You'll know it's your soulmate because no one else on earth could be doing what they're doing. 13. The Benefits of A Weak Floor (M) Complete - 4k - He quite literally falls through Dan’s ceiling. 14. 10:35 on a Thursday (E) Complete -  3.7k - He’s tapping his pen against the paper, acting as though he isn’t asking Phil to take a sex quiz at 10:35am on a Thursday morning. 15. 2009, catboys (T) Complete - 3.2k - “You have your own ears, can’t have four.”“Why?” 16. Wrong Room (T) Complete - 3k - “Congratulations!’’ And he was expecting to hear a cry, or at least his mother telling him to be quiet because a certain baby was sleeping. Instead he heard the deep clear of a throat, a rustling of sheets. 2k-3k oneshots 17. Dinner with a stranger (T) Complete - 2.5k - @amazingphl hi! second year of doing this, sooo if anyone has nowhere to go for Christmas dinner I am once again offering..my flat (and by extension me) ;oSeries 18. Easy Lover (M) Complete - 2.4k - ''Yeah. We're always fine.'' It was always fine. It was always easy, despite always behind hard. 19. Cold Season (M) Complete - 2k - Dan is ill, insatiable and another word beginning with I. 1k-2k oneshots 20. Morose men on rooftops (T) Complete - 1.9k - “Dunno, maybe chatting up morose men on roofs is my thing.” He laughs, and it’s a nice noise. 21. Love with tongues of fire (T) Complete - 1.7k - So when Dan waltzed into the room, declaring his hunger Phil thought nothing of it. Just another night for another takeaway. 22. Your Rocks are my Rocks (T) Complete - 1.7k - Phil wants a new rock for Norman, Dan wants a peaceful life. 23. Joint Content (M) Complete - 1.6k - It started of a as a joke— a Joint Content joke. 24. 24/7 Fantasies (M) Complete - 1.5k - He thinks about Dan 24/7, constantly in two separate fantasies 25. A Conversation in Multiple Hallways (T) Complete - 1.5k - You're still here then? 26. Sharing Space (T) Complete - 1.5k - It's 2010 and dan has had a day. 27. The Obvious (T) Complete - 1.5k - "Can I use that?” He doesn’t wait for an answer, already scrawling it beneath the only three words he currently has— I love you. 28. I'm Thinking of Ending Things (T) Complete - 1.5k - Dan hears half a conversation, jumps to one whole conclusion. 29. Love Language of the Tactile (T) Complete - 1.4k - “I’m just— that’s a hypothetical.” Dan leans in this time, takes the touches that Phil always so freely gives away. “Can’t kiss in secret rooms if I leave.” 30. Don't Let the Self-Doubt Ruin You (T) Complete - 1.3k - “I’m here.” “Yeah, you’re here.” 31. Conflict Resolution (T) Complete - 1.3k - Following recent events we’ve decided it best we take a combative approach to your current workplace issues, we have booked you into a conflict resolution class this Thursday afternoon - we will not be paying you to attend. 32. when it comes to love (i want a slow hand) (E) Complete - 1.2k - And there it is, the refusal of anything in return. This is just for Dan and it always will be. 33. You're Still The one (T) Complete - 1.1k - “What’re you thinking about?” “You.” 34. Teach Me, Dad. (T) Complete - 1k - "Do you think I could be the next Mozart?” 35. The Logistics of a Clone (M) Complete - 1k - “I don’t think that’s a clone, though, like maybe more of a Doppelgänger.” Dan doesn’t know why they’re delving so deep into this, why he’s so damn bothered about being right. “It’s just literally you.” 36. All's fair in Love and Monopoly (T) Complete - 1k - Phil does not play by the rules, Dan lets him win anyway. Under 1k oneshots 37. Hide out in your heart (E)  Complete - 0.9k - The second time Dan comes to visit it’s different. 38. Oh, there you are. (G) Complete - 0.9k - So after all this, after everything, he doesn’t think anything of it when someone else slips into his dms. 39. The Boy has Attitude (T) Complete - 0.9k - “You didn’t tell me you looked like this.”“Like what?”“This!” Phil’s waving a physical copy of the magazine in his face— so that’s where he’d been. 40. Hairties (and how not to use them) (M) Complete - 0.8k - “Why would you do that? Let us settle in, nice and slow and— gently does it.” 41. The Second Apartment. (T) Complete - 0.8k - It’s a stop-gap apartment, a we’re going to get our forever home after this. 42. Japan, 2019. (G) Complete - 0.8k - NO summary, just an obviously I was going to write this after phil's post 43. Doting Man (T) Complete - 0.7k - They’re both drunk, Phil more so— definitely more so.Series 44.  Imposter (T) Complete - 0.7k - Among us is.. a bastard. 45. Ratemyprofessors.com (M) Complete - 0.7k - ‘Maybe if that Phil bloke from the English dep he’s always staring at fucked him he’d stop being so uptight’ 46. Failed Attempts (T) Complete - 0.7k - Dan enlists the help of Phil for his latest Instagram. 47. Bonus Prize (M) Complete - 0.7k - Phil Trash Number One 48. Feels like home (G) Complete - 0.7k - Home is where the Phil is. 49. We can make Forever work (T) Complete - 0.7k - It’s a moment of realising forever may sound too much to people, but we’ll get through everything together— we don’t have any other choice. 50. Scene in the Kitchen (T) Complete - 0.7k - New place 51. 4'11 (T) Complete - 0.6k - Dan is baby 52. Pillow Imprints (T) Complete - 0.6k - Dan is a menace, and Phil loves him anyway. 53. Parachute Jacket (T) Complete - 0.5k - Dan thinks Phil is obsessed with them Those few times I thougt I was goddamn Ri**ard S*ken 54. Home (G) Complete - 0.7k - It’s their forever home, because their actual forever lives inside of it. 55. secrets spoken in empty rooms (T) Complete - 1k - So he wants to be the same, but he wants Dan more. 56. Separately Together  (T) Complete - 0.9k - Phil’s soft hands and even softer words. It gets harder to leave. Gets to the point where Dan turns off an alarm just so he misses the train. 57. It's not hard to fall (T) Complete - 0.7k - Still a little bit of your words I long to hear Some more Epistolary (apart from 7 letters)  58. A Play in One Act (T) Complete - 1.1k - [Manchester Piccadilly train-station, midday, October 19th, 2009.] 59. R/AITA (T) Complete - 0.8k - AM I THE ASSHOLE FOR MAKING MY BOYFRIEND BE A WORM?Series 60. Lonely Hearts (T) Complete - 1.8k - I will not say you were crying on the tube (out of politeness) 61. Conversations of the Lazy Kind (T) Complete - 1k - eggs? wot? Smells like eggs
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nalasan · 3 years
Let's Dance is Gay(er) Now and I Love It
Okay, so the last month was pretty exhausting (like the month before that... and before... and- it's a fucking pandemic everything's exhausting), but what's been getting me through the week are Vadim and Nicolas, the first male same-sex couple on Let's Dance (Germany's copy of Strictly Come Dancing). We had an all-female couple before (Kerstin Ott (c) and Regina Luca (pd)), but they sadly didn't make it far into their season. But dont' worry, because now we have these two cupcakes:
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(source: @nicolaspuschmann Instagram)
Nicolas Puschmann (l.) was Prince Charming, Germany's first gay Bachelor (and is still in a relationship with the winner, which, considering the average longevity of reality-TV-relationships, is pretty remarkable). Vadim Garbuzov (r.) is my all-time favorite professional dancer in the history of Let's Dance; he was absent for a a couple of seasons but returned this year (legend has it that a loud and happy "Vaaaaadiiiiiiim"-wail was heard from our living room when they announced the participants, but you can't prove anything).
Vadim first danced on the Austrian Strictly Come Dancing, Dancing Stars, in 2011, where he partnered with actor Alfons Haider, who had recently had his coming out. They came in fourth place. Here is my personal favorite among their performances, their Viennese waltz.
Knowing this, Vadim was my choice for Nicolas from the get-go (my mother objected: "But that's boring, he danced with a man before!" to which I replied "Yes, which means he fucking knows how it's done!"). Switch to opening ceremony: the host Daniel asks Vadim who he would like to dance with. Vadim: "Well, it's the tenth anniversary of my debut on this programm, so dancing with Nicolas would be great!" Someone squeeled into a pilow in excitement, and it was neither my gf nor the cat.
Thankfully, the television gods answered both his and my prayers and gave him Nicolas as a partner.
They are freaking amazing together! Nicolas is really impressively good (not objectively the very best (yet), Valentina Pahde and Rúrik Gíslason so far performed better overall, but he's a more than deserved third place atm (also, we all know Rúrik will win this thing. We knew in the first episode. We've seen the Gil Ofarim season, we know how this'll play out. As long as Nicolas and Vadim make it to the finals I'm okay with that)). He has made so much progress just in these first couple of weeks, now he makes keeping up with Vadim look pretty effortless and his expression carries every performance. Vadim is a gift from the gods. I love each and every one of his choreographies: the storytelling is on point and it's so cool how they continue to switch who leads/follows in each and every performance (I wish more of the couples did this).
Their performances so far:
Opening ceremony: Already dancing together before partners were announced, they performed a Quickstep to "Ich will 'nen Cowboy als Mann" (no clip because RTL hates me and my priorities in life).
1st Show: An unapologetic, sexy, flirty, really fucking gay Cha-Cha-Cha to "It's raining men" by The Weather Girls that really sets the tone for what they're here to do (Daniel: "So, how was the first male-male Cha-Cha-Cha?" Nicolas: "Just normal.") (18 out of 30 points).
2nd Show: A Tango to "Breaking Me" by Topic. I recognize that Tango is a tough dance to learn, but honestly, this is my least favorite of their performances. I don't think the music, setting, costumes and choreo work together very well, but it's still a good performance (21 out of 30 points).
3rd Show: THEY! ARE! BACK! with a vengence - I mean, a Slowfox. This might be my favourite performance, because unlike last week, EVERYTHING works here. Their tuxes, the music (a beautiful jazz cover of "Enter Sandman" by Metallica), the choreo, the switch of lead/follow, the brief but effective storytelling at the beginning and the end - I love everything about this (28 out of 30 points I object your honours I don't care if Rúrik was better he always is anyway!).
4th Show: A Contemporary to "Unsteady" by X Ambassadors. This is art. I don't know what else to say. (30 out of 30 points).
5th Show: My favorite dance, the Charleston, set to my favorite aesthetic (retro maritime), choreographed by my favorite dancer, performed by two amazing dancers to "Du hast den Farbfilm vergessen" by Nina Hagen. Have I watched this performance more than twenty times since yesterday? Yes. Will that number go up in the next hour? Certainly. But honestly, look at their feet, how in sync they are, the physical comedy that's straight out of a black-and-white movie. It's perfect. (29 out of 30 points I will sue).
And that's all up to now. Will I update this post every week because I live for Fridays? More likely than you think.
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doyelikehaggis · 3 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Caroline Forbes x Seline (The Vampire Diaries)
"I feel like I shouldn't even have to say this," Bonnie sets down her coffee and stares at Caroline; a stern, slightly disbelieving and exasperated stare, "but don't sleep with the babysitter."
She says it with such conviction, too, as if it's a genuine concern. Like she's going to just waltz up to the new girl and suggest it! 
Caroline rolls her eyes, laughing, and replies, maybe a bit too testily, "I'm not going to sleep with her! I just..." She takes a deep breath and tries again -- without the sheepish smile this time. "She's... I just think that..."
"She's hot and you want to have sex with her."
"That's--!" Her words actually register, alongside an image of Seline, the new babysitter, as of this morning and Caroline slumps with a defeated sigh, "--totally true."
Bonnie picks her cup back up to take a drink and totally not to disguise the smile that Caroline can see on her face, plain as day. Groaning, she drops her head onto her arms with a thump. 
Bringing up the interview was a bad idea. Coffee with Bonnie had just seemed like a good opportunity to whine a bit about how infuriatingly perfect Seline was throughout the entire interview, because she can't say anything to Ric without him going all gooey-eyed and gushing even more about how great she seems. And he wouldn't even listen to her when she tried to point out that it was so obviously all just a ploy to try and seduce him, and get under his skin!
For what reason... she actually isn't sure. But it worked! Because now she's under Caroline's skin as well like the slightering little snake she is, if snakes were slender, and had impossibly smooth skin, and were able to work their venom into your veins without even touching you!
Another groan escapes Caroline but it comes out as more of a pathetic whimper if she's honest. She props her chin on her arms and pouts. 
"Why couldn't she be really horrible so that we were forced to hire the old lady nanny?" she asks miserably. "Couldn't she be like every other stranger in our lives and turn out to be some bloodthirsty monster, or an ancient, evil witch with a murderous vendetta? Why did she have to be perfect and... sparkly?"
Bonnie's eyebrows raise, and she laughs, sets down her cup, and shakes her head at her like she's the saddest sight she's seen. And that's saying a lot; she dated Jeremy, for gods sake. 
"All right, you need to pull yourself together," Bonnie tells her, leaning in across the table with a smile that's getting far too much entertainment out of this for the words coming out of her mouth. "Or else you're going to end up getting sparkly with this girl. I repeat: Do. Not. Sleep with. The nanny."
"Fine," Caroline says but she isn't convinced by her own agreement. She sits up straight, finally shaking herself out of this ridiculousness, and repeats, more clearly and calmly, "I'm not going to do anything with the nanny that would count as even slightly unprofessional. All conversations will be about the girls, or Ric, since she is clearly already trying to get her perfectly manicured claws into--"
She catches Bonnie's stare. Closing her mouth, she nods, getting the message. 
"Yeah, I'll work on it."
Bonnie nods back. "You do that. But, uh... I'd suggest doing it fast, because based on your descriptions of this gorgeous demon of a babysitter, I'd say that she has just walked in and is -- oh, yep, she's coming over here. And she's smiling. And waving. And I'm still talking -- I'm gonna go!"
Caroline's eyes widen as Bonnie is already grabbing her stuff and getting out of her seat -- the only other seat at the table. She shakes her head frantically and tries to grab for her, not able to speak as Seline reaches them far too fast with those annoyingly gorgeous long legs. 
"Hi!" Seline greets, and the moment for escape has passed. 
"Hey!" Caroline says, with way too much enthusiasm and a smile that probably looks a bit crazy. Judging by the look both she and Bonnie give her, she's guessing it does. 
"You must be the new nanny," Bonnie says to Seline. "I'm Bonnie."
Seline sticks out a hand and shakes Bonnie's with a bright smile. "It's nice to meet you! Are you leaving already...?" she asks, gesturing to Bonnie's stuck gathered rather hastily into her arms and her seat now left unoccupied. 
"I have to get to Whitmore College. My class starts in a half hour, and they're not going to learn much if their professor isn't there," she explains with a laugh that Seline joins in on, to Caroline's great dismay, because as it turns out, even that sounds perfect. Soft and silky and like a god damn siren. As an afterthought, Bonnie adds, "Well, professor in training, I guess."
"Oh, did you intern with Alaric?" Seline asks.
Bonnie and Caroline share a subtly amused look at that, and Bonnie falters for a second, trying not to let her smile show too much.
"Uh, yeah -- in a way. I'm actually teaching Occult studies, so, having him around has certainly been... a big help. What with the... history side of things and all." Recognizing her own fumbling, she quickly says, "Anyway! I have to go. I'll see you later, Care. It was nice meeting you, Seline. You two have fun!"
Caroline shoots her a disbelieving glare, eyes wide as Bonnie just smirks and makes her escape out of the cafe. Fantastic. Now it's just her and--
She turns to find Seline already taking the seat across from her and asking, "Is it okay if I sit with you for a little while? If you're not busy, of course! I'd love to get to know you better, seeing as how you're trusting me with your kids."
"And their father," Caroline says tightly, then regrets it when it comes off as a jealous ex. Even the thought of someone assuming that makes her shudder. She was more just meaning because of his bad luck in the dating department, any new women in his life seems like a bad idea, especially now that Lizzie and Josie are in the picture. 
Seline actually looks surprised by the comment. She blinks and sits up straighter. Then her expression shifts, and she's clearly trying to suppress a smile -- though, not very hard, as it twitches and tugs at the corners of her mouth as she momentarily ducks her head, nodding. 
"Ah," she says, like everything makes perfect sense now. That's worrying. Caroline is really hoping she didn't go down the wrong route with this. "I get it now. I couldn't figure out why you seemed so... off with me during the interview. I was actually worried that I had done something wrong, or my resume wasn't enough."
"No." Caroline sinks in her seat with a sigh, guilt popping her with one sharp poke. "No, Seline, that's not--"
"It's okay!" Seline assures her. "I totally get it. I've watched the movies. Girl interviews for a job as a nanny, and nine times out of ten, they end up sleeping with the father. I absolutely get why you might've thought that's what I was trying to do."
Caroline shakes her head. "No, really, it's fine. It's my fault, I shouldn't have jumped to assumptions like that. You are... lovely. And perfect. For the job! For the kids -- Lizzie and Josie will adore you, I just know it. It was extremely rude of me to assume that you had any other intentions towards the job, or towards Ric."
"Well... thank you for saying that." Seline smiles at her, mouth stretching so far across her cheeks that it's kind of impossible for Caroline not to smile back. Then Seline is saying, "But I just want you to know that, I promise, I am not trying to go after Alaric, just so that you're totally reassured and don't have any concerns about that. I'm actually gay, so."
The bluntness throws Caroline. Bonnie returns in the form of a stern voice in the back of her head, giving her a good thwack for good measure as she repeats: Do not sleep with the babysitter. There is a line and it should not be crossed. But with this new information, as well as the smile that she is currently directing right at Caroline like a very obvious beam of sunshine, it's harder to see that line. 
"Oh!" Caroline says then immediately kicks herself and scrambles to correct. "I mean -- that's great! For you. Obviously, it has no impact on me. Not that I'm not -- oh god, that came off incredibly wrong. I... am so sorry."
Seline's laughing that silky laugh again. Like music, floating into Caroline's skull and filling it with clouds, soaking up all of the worries and bad things. A sort of peaceful content is washing over like a gentle shower of rain. 
"Don't be," Seline tells her. "It's fine. And cute."
Heat rises to the surface of Caroline's skin, and she flushes. She tries to laugh it off. "Uh... thank you. I try my best."
The joke has Seline laughing even more. Caroline can't help laughing, too, letting the embarrasment be washed away.
Then Seline says, "I was actually trying to impress you, not Alaric."
Maybe it's just the slight giddiness of it all lingering for a moment afterwards, but Seline gives her a lingering look before finally switching the subject, and she swears that it meant something. If that something is a toe over the line then... she'll just pretend she can't see it. Lines are easily moved. 
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gameofdrarry · 3 years
Wizards Hearts Recs: Canon Divergent
Wizards Hearts was a four-month-long Drarry reading fest. Players were given a playing deck of 52 tropes, and were asked to find 52 different fics to read and comment on to fill their decks. To prevent the same few fics from being read, fics were restricted to only being used for the game three times before being considered ineligible for further points. The tropes and submissions list can be found here.
Check out the masterlist of fics for this trope below the cut!
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📜 Evitative by Vichan Rated:  Teen Words:  222,452 Tags:  Slytherin Harry Potter, Re-sorting, Dark Arts, Slow Burn, Dark!Harry Summary:  In the summer before his fifth year at Hogwarts, Harry is drawn to a room in Grimmauld Place. Like the Gryffindor he is, he enters the room without fear. The room is a library, and Harry is surprised to find that he’s eager to learn. Then he gets the bad news: he’s been accidentally expelled from Hogwarts, and he needs to be sorted again. Everyone is confident that he’ll go straight back to Gryffindor, but with what he's been learning, Harry’s not so sure. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The Secondary Task by ProfessorFrankly Rated:  Mature Words:  50842 Tags: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Swearing, Frank discussion of teen sex, No actual teen sex, Canon-Typical Violence, If you've read GoF you know the last bit's where the violence and stuff is, Most of this fic has a "T" rating, Quantum Bang 2020 Summary:  When Harry Potter’s name comes out of the Goblet of Fire, Draco Malfoy decides the Boy-Who-LIved needs a friend, whether he wants one, or not. With his mother’s backing, Draco sets out to make sure Harry knows he has someone in his corner, for now, and if Draco has his way, for always. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Outtake: The Second Task by MickeySLee Rated:  Mature Words:  30824 Tags: Secret Relationship, Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Hogwarts Fourth Year, Triwizard Tournament, Hostage Situations, Draco Malfoy is a Good Boyfriend, Harry Potter is a Good Boyfriend, Plot Twists, Romance, Fluff, Homosexuality, Homophobia, Good Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy's A+ Parenting, Lucius Malfoy Being an Asshole, weekly updates!, Hogwarts Era, Angst with a Happy Ending, Character Bashing, POV Hermione Granger, Hurt/Comfort, Consent is Sexy, Fairy Tale Elements Summary:  Part of the series Outtakes and A Hard Story. Fourth Year. The Triwizard Tournament. The Second Task. What would happen if Dumbledore made a different decision when it was discovered Draco is who Harry would miss most? Instead of covering it up and declaring Ron to be Harry's hostage, Draco is the one at the bottom of the lake. No one could have foreseen how much trouble that caused. You may want to read A Hard Story or Throughout the Twists to Times first. This story is completed and will be uploaded one chapter per week on Sunday. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Parades, Pansy, and fuck I’m too gay for this by false_heteros Rated:  General Words:  2227 Tags: Pride is at the end :), A lot of pureblood bullshit, Loneliness, Draco is Sad, Harry Needs a Hug, Pride, Pride Parades, Modern Era, Sirius Black Lives, Mentions of past child abuse, Cedric Diggory Dies, past homophobia, Gay Harry Potter, Gay Draco Malfoy Summary:  After the war, Draco, who had been staying at home like a fucking hermit till Pansy came along, finally finds out about the LGBTQ+ Community, he dives head first into research and is amazed at what he finds. Harry wanders muggle London once every few days. Blending with the crowd and not feeling different for once. He comes along a group of people with beautiful colours around them. “What are they doing?” ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Closure is a state of mind by Quicksilvermaid Rated:  Explicit Words:  12229 Tags: Morally Grey Draco Malfoy, Inappropriate medical/therapist relationships, Dubious Consent Due To Identity Issues, Lies, Self-Esteem Issues, low key stalking behaviour, Loneliness, Guilt, Therapy, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, taking advantage of a grieving person, Death of a Spouse, Character Death, (not Drarry), Disfigurement, Scars, Brief Mentions of Suicidal Thoughts, Drinking, First Time, Polyjuice Potion, Sex While Using Polyjuice Potion, pensieve sex, Voyeurism, wanking, Concealed Identity, Bittersweet Ending, H/D Hurt!Fest 2020 Summary:  After Harry's husband Charlie is killed, his Mind Healer recommends a Polyjuice therapy company, so Harry can see 'Charlie' again and find closure over his death. Draco, whose life over the last ten years has gone from bad to worse, gets assigned Potter's case. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Harry Potter and the Yuletide Waltz by LakeWitch Rated:  General Words:  3042 Tags: Yule Ball, Dancing, Hogwarts Fourth Year, six years later, Awkwardness, Meddling, Oblivious!Harry, more dancing, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Christmas, Holiday Season, Canon Divergence Summary:  At the fourth year Yule Ball, Draco Malfoy asked Harry Potter to dance. Six years later, Harry Potter just might ask him why. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 When It's All Over by Erebeus Rated:  Mature Words:  9292 Tags: Rape/Non-con, Unhealthy Relationships, Self-Hatred, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con (not between main pairing), suicidal/death idolization, Hogwarts Sixth Year, Non-Graphic Violence, Spy Draco Malfoy, Loneliness, H/D Hurt!Fest 2020, Betrayal, Attempted Murder, Brief flashbacks and moments of panic mentioned, non graphic torture, Azkaban (brief), Off screen therapy Summary:  If killing you makes Harry happy, you really don't mind. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Catch 22 by jad Rated:  Explicit Words:  49895 Tags: Romance, Fluff, Humor, Complete, Letter!fic, Sexual Content Summary:  As if NEWTS weren't enough, Dumbledore's gone and had another one of his 'bright ideas.' If all ends well, the Houses will be getting along in no time. Or according to Harry's correspondent, an Apocalypse will be in order. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 (I don't know) what's right and what's real anymore by Ladderofyears Rated:  Mature Words:  2101 Tags: Harry Potter and the half blood prince, canon divergence, no septumsempra, guilty Draco, pov Draco, ghostly Myrtle, attracted Draco, pre-slash, pre-relationship, Harry is a hero Summary:  An alternative sectumsempra scene from Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Kiss by xErised Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  10764 Tags: Hogwarts Era, Light Angst, Mutual Pining, Secret Relationship, Getting Together, Kissing in the Rain Summary:  For the second task of the Triwizard Tournament, it's not Ron that Harry rescues from the Great Lake, but Draco Malfoy. Hogwarts-era. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 It’s Not Christmas (without you) by LittleBozSheep Rated:  Explicit Words:  79213 Tags: Fluff, Family Feels, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Getting Together, Christmas, Slow Burn, Serious Slow Burn, Everyone ships Drarry, Apart from Drarry, Divorced Draco Malfoy, Divorced Harry Potter, Kid Albus, kid scorpius, Everyone makes a camo, side wolfstar, Besides the last chapter it's rated G, Christmas Fluff, 25 Days of Harry and Draco, Happy Ending, Eventual Smut, Minor Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Drunkenness, Drunken Shenanigans Summary:  Maybe agreeing to host everyone for Christmas wasn’t Harry’s best idea. Luckily Albus’s best friend’s dad is an events planner who agreed to help, only issue, turns out the dad is Draco Malfoy. Sarcastic and grumpy to everyone but his son. Will Harry managed to catch him and keep Christmas from being a complete disaster? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Leaves by TheLostLibran Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  1190 Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff without Plot, Healing, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Post-War, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Summary:  A lot of work goes on underground, invisible to the naked eye. Though it doesn't mean that no development is occuring, the hopes of a huge, fully grown tree standing strong in the near or distant future only start sprouting when the leaves do. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Okay But That’s Hot by Fuschaslime Rated:  Explicit Words:  3640 Tags: Anal Sex, Riding, Dirty Talk, Frottage, Lapdance, Slut Shaming, Established Relationship, Friends With Benefits, Enemies to Lovers, Teasing, Begging, Safe Sane and Consensual, Bets & Wagers, Poker, theyre both over 18, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Banter, Perverted Harry, Slight fluff, Shameless Smut, AU where Lily Potter defeated Voldemort for good, and now everyone at hogwarts is kinda cool with eachother, apart from house tensions, Verbal Humiliation, Kinda Summary:  Draco immediately regrets agreeing to a certain bet made at poker night when he realises he’ll actually have to hold up his end of the deal. Harry is ecstatic. OR Draco Malfoy bets Harry Potter a lapdance. He loses. ❤️ Read on AO3
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