#so much food and everything's super low key and everything is lovely
enhashoutout · 11 months
Dating Hanaoka Fujio
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This is purely self-indulgent because finals are stressing me out and I needed something fluffy to keep me from taking a nap on the highway
Bf!Fujio who is the golden retriever in the relationship.
Bf!Fujio who doesn't care much about his studies but knows that you do so he offers to keep you company while you study (he's probably distracting you though low key).
Bf!Fujio who notices final exams are absolutely killing you so he takes it upon himself to force you to take breaks, otherwise, you sit in front of your work and forget you're a human who needs water, food, and sleep.
Bf!Fujio who is almost never late because leaves his meetings a few minutes early (if they aren't super important) to come and see you.
"Oi! Fujio! Where are you going?! We're not done yet!" (Probably Yasushi) "Sorry! I have to leave early to be on time to pick up ___ from school and take them home!" All of his friends: 👁️👄👁️ Fujio: *proceeds to pedal his bike so fast he almost smacks into your school's gate but at least he's there and ready to take you home*
Bf!Fujio who thinks of you when he doesn't have a fight to worry about
Bf!Fujio who never shuts up about you + playfully annoyed bestie Tsukasa who knows everything about you because Fujio never shuts up about you but at least his best friend is happy
Bf!Fujio who tells you all about Oya's factions, dynamics, and fights even if you don't quite understand.
Bf!Fujio who tells you about his negative feelings. Example: when he doesn't feel good enough to be Oya's leader, when he's sad remembering his grandpa and Grandma Sada, etc. (This boy deserves all the love in the world make sure he knows that)
Bf!Fujio who hugs you a little longer and a little tighter on the days he isn't feeling all that well
Bf!Fujio who thinks it is the funniest thing to kiss you, catching you off guard, and then running away leaving you confused.
bf!Fujio who loves how you also bond with his friends and help them when you can
Bf!Fujio who gives you a heart attack when he shows up at your doorstep late at night all bruised and needs his injuries tended to before he goes home so he doesn't also give his mom a heart attack.
Bonus points if you're a SWORD leader's younger sibling with that last point. Like imagine being Cobra's younger sibling who is dating Fujio but the kicker is that Cobra doesn't actually know you're dating because you tell him you go to Oya to see your friends, not your boyfriend and his friends who are now your friends.
Fujio shows up late at night after a fight needing his injuries bandaged, and you guys whisper as he tells you what happened and how he won. You guys are whispering thinking that if you're quiet no one will wake up, but you don't realize your older brothers actually went out for a late-night drive because none of them were able to sleep. So as you guys are like giggling and whispering, Cobra, Yamato, and Noberu walk in through the front door and you all just freeze and stare at each other because none of you know what to say. And of course, Fujio being Fujio will probably get excited and ask Cobra if he wants to be friends.
You: shit... how do I explain to my brothers why they just walked in through the door and there is a boy here uninvited? How do I explain that I'm actually dating this boy and I've been lying about why I go hang out at Oya all the time?! Cobra: Eye twitching. Why is there a boy in the house with my younger sibling? Who is this boy? Why is he busted? ___ you have a lot of explaining to do or I'm grounding your ass. Yamato: Ready to follow Cobra whatever he does because you aren't just Cobra's younger sibling you are THEIR younger sibling. If Cobra decides to ground you? Yamato is going to agree and give reasons why you should be grounded even longer. If Cobra lunges at the boy who's sitting in front of you? Shit so is Yamato because who is this bruised up kid giggling with his younger sibling at midnight? Noberu: The only sensible one who will listen to your explanation before taking any action. Will probably have to hold back the other two from attacking your boyfriend or rush their asses to the emergency room because they both fainted after finding out this kid sitting in the kitchen with you is your boyfriend. Fujio: "OH! HELLO! My name's Hanaoka Fujio, I'm ___'s boyfriend. They talk about you all the time and Murayama talked about you all the time too. I think you're so cool! Do you want to be friends?!" Cue Cobra fainting because wdym his younger sibling has a boyfriend?! AREN'T YOU LIKE 3 YEARS OLD?!
Probably gonna expand on boyfriend Fujio and Boyfriend Fujio + Cobra's younger sibling reader when I'm not drowning in final assignments.
Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!
Please don't repost or take my work. Writers work hard on their posts no matter how big or small don't be a shitty human and steal their work thanks.
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I don't know if this has been done before, if it has ignore my ask but i was wondering if you could do a set of headcanons explaining how the boys show love? Like do they compliment? Do they do things for their s/o? Are they constantly expressing affection or is it special when they show love? Do they do grand gestures or is it more of a low-key thing? Again I haven't read all of your posts so if this has been done already I'm sorry. It feels like something that would have been done before but I can't find it.
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A/N: This request has been making its round in the fandom, but I haven’t done this yet! I’ve done dating headcanons before, but not an in-depth of how the boys show their love! Thank you so much for requesting, I was super jazzed to write this!
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For Darry, I definitely think he’s acts of service or quality time as his giving love language, and maybe words of affirmation for receiving?
He’s giving the vibes that he’d always be trying to do things for you or having you around, I really think those moments are seriously when he’s the most happy and thriving
So for acts of service specifically, I can see him being the boyfriend to carry your bags or hold doors for you, cook you dinner, or do chores around the house that benefit you like picking up your favorite foods when he goes grocery shopping
Also! Doing your laundry! Got a feeling you’re spending so much time around the house, your clothes work themselves into the laundry cycle and Darry makes sure to leave them on the foot of the bed for you, carefully folded up
And with quality time, he just likes having you around him, y’know? It’s kind of self-explanatory-
Boyo just wants to be with you, watching a movie, cooking, shopping, sitting, working, watching, Darry wants to be at your side and just stay there, hanging out in your orbit
Physical touch and words of affirmation as his giving love language and quality time as his receiving language!
I think Sodapop has a little problem with wondering if people really like him or not? Like if they just think he’s pretty or actually like him? So going out of your way to hang out with him makes him feel really appreciated
But he’s definitely gotta have his hands on you, both as a way to get out all of his chaotic energy and as a way of loving on you at all hours of the day!
Hands on your waist, keeping you close when you go dancing, toying with your fingers, or nuzzling along the line of your jaw when you cuddle, Sodapop is very tactile and very dexterous
And the words of affirmation, oh my good Lord, this boy will shower you with so much sweetness that you’ll feel like you took a bath in syrup
He thinks you’re pretty, thinks you’re smart, thinks you’re incredible, gorgeous, hard-working, lovely, funny, you’re everything to him and he’s gonna let you know it every day
Pony’s giving love languages are words of affirmation and quality time and his receiving is physical touch because I say so
Pet his hair, kiss his cheek, lace your fingers with his and tug him around, pressing into his side, Pony absolutely melts whenever you touch him
Words are really kind of his thing? He’s a writer babes, let me just tell you, you’re gonna be immortalized in his writing as his muse, forever and ever no matter what happens between you two
He writes you love letters and little notes, chock full of compliments and affirmatives about how much he cares about you! I highly suggest keeping these and thumbing at the corners when you miss him <3
And quality time? You guys do spend a lot of time together, but it’s usually around the guys, so Ponyboy does try and take some time out so it’s just the two of you guys together 
You go to the movies together a lot, do your homework together (either at his place or yours), and go on walks to watch the sunset like the hopeless romantics you both are!
You can argue with me all you want, but Dally’s receiving is words of affirmation and his givings are acts of service and physical touch
He may be all big and tough, but Dally’s got a soft spot for you and your words always manage to resonate with him, he values your thoughts and opinions over anyone else’s
Yes, I know that he’s an asshole with a bunch of unresolved trauma, but he’s got some gallant traits and I think that he knows how to treat a lover, knows how to be a good person 
He defends you endlessly, guards your drink, picks you up from wherever you are, and takes you out all the time. Dally wants to do things for you, okay? Ya might as well let him do what he wants
And physical touch is such a straightforward concept for him, you can’t look me in the eye and convince me that he’s not one of the touchiest boys, you just can’t, okay?
So many kisses you think you’ll never breathe again, hands finding homes in the dips of your hips or the pockets of your jeans, linking his fingers with yours to give you a little more freedom but still keeping you close when you guys go out!
Johnnycake my beloved, I’m gonna give him words of affirmation and acts of service for giving and words of affirmation as receiving too!
I think he’s got a rough relationship with touch that’s too long to discuss here, but I really do think he flourishes under compliments! Tell him he’s smart, tell him you like his hair when it’s ungreased, just tell him you like him for crying out loud- 
Johnny likes to talk with you? Which seems weird cause he’s often painted as this shy and quiet kid who never really talks to anyone, but he’s got some sass, we see it when he’s with Ponyboy
So he talks with you and I kid you not, every other statement out of his mouth is a compliment your way, he’s constantly praising you for every little thing under the sun, I’m not even joking
And he’s always down to do things for you! You need something, he’s jumping to get it for you or already giving up what he has to give it over to you
Johnny’s personally offended whenever you try to downplay your needs or thoughts, he wants so badly to help you out and show you how much he loves you, I’m begging you just ask if you need something 
This handsy little man definitely has physical touch as one of his giving languages and I think gift-giving is another! I’m torn between acts of service and quality time as his receiving
Two-Bit likes having you around and will often call you up just to hang out or join him on whatever adventure he finds himself in, whether that’s just watching his sister or hitting up a part in the neighborhood
He shows a lot of his love through little trinkets? You’ve probably got shelves full of the little doo-dads he’s given you-
Some of them are stolen, some of them were handmade, and some were actually bought, but all of them, you can rest assured, were given to you with nothing but love and adoration
Hands, hands, hands, if Two’s not touching you, he’s not going to have a good day and he will throw a hellacious fit if you don’t let him keep at least one finger linked with yours
Two likes to have his hands on your hips or tracing the lines of your body, he’s a sucker for your eyes and likes to draw shapes on your skin, especially over your stomach and shoulder blades!
Love languages for Steve-o are acts of service and words of affirmation for giving and physical touch for receiving!
I think he’d benefit from you showering him in hugs and kisses? Tracing the greased swirls of his hair and squeezing his hand whenever you go to link your fingers together-
With acts of service, he’s constantly trying to do everything for you, man’s a cheerleader and wants nothing more out of life than to be at your beck and call
Carrying your backpack or shopping bags, driving you around when you guys go out on the town and all that! He will not let you pay for anything, it’s a fight every time you try to pay for food- 
Cheerleader also literally means nothing but compliments, okay? He’s got nothing but kind words to give to you in he’s gonna tell you all about it, every single thought that passes through that head of his
Wearing an outfit he likes? Compliments and kisses. Helped him out with a car at the DX? Tells you how well you did and how you’re a far better helper than Sodapop ever was
Darling Timothy Shepard has acts of service and physical touch as his giving love languages and acts of service for receiving too 
It means a lot to him when you do things, helps him know that you really do care for him like you’ve been saying, it’s that reassurance he needs, especially if you’re taking care of him by taking care of his siblings
Giving acts of service looks like him defending you, picking you up or driving you around town for things other than dates, and paying for dinner when you guys go out
You’re his doll, y’know? He’s never really had anyone steady to take care of him so he’s gonna make sure that he’s steady in your relationship, he’s gonna be there always to take care of you
He’s iffy with receiving physical touch but gives it out very freely, mostly focused through touches or kisses
He’ll run his fingers through your hair, trace your cheekbones, hold your hand or slip a hand into your back pocket, kiss your cheeks and the spot below your ear, making sure you feel his love <3
Curly’s got physical touch and acts of service as his giving love languages, much like his older brother, but his receiving is words of affirmation!
He needs to be smothered in kind words, okay? He won’t believe them at first but just keep it up and he’ll be a happy little Curly in no time, you’ve got to get through that tough outside
As for physical touch, it’s self-explanatory. He likes to have his hands on you and he’s gonna touch you all the time, just as long as you don’t mind, of course, he’d never do something you’re not okay with
Specifically, I’m talking about him tracing shapes into your skin when you’re laying next to each other, his hand finding a home on the inside of your thigh when you’re sitting in a booth at the diner, tons and tons of kisses all over your face, neck, and hands
Acts of service looks like him giving over his jacket when it gets cold in the evenings, sharing the fries on his plate when he can tell you’re still hungry, carrying your backpack down the school hallways
He doesn’t always know how to show his love through words or anything, so he relies heavily on actions and doing things for you as a way to try and make sure you know how he feels about you
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giggly-toybox · 8 months
Haiii! I absolutely ate up your one piece tk headcanons! Could we get some more? 👉👈
Hiiiii! Of COURSE you can have more one piece headcanons! I am so in love with this show but Netflix WON’T PUT THE NEXT SEASON ON UGH so unfortunately I am still on pre timeskip. This time around we’ll be doing the more main characters, since I did my faves last time! If you want a specific character let me know!
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Monkey D. Luffy:
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The biggest switch in the entire show
He loves tickling people and being tickled
CANONICALLY ticklish as we’ve seen
Def weak everywhere, but his worst spots are his feet and sides
Good luck catching him though, he can use his devil fruit powers to escape
VERY squirmy, but it’s just reflexes. He’s enjoying it
When tickling you he’s constantly switching the spot he’s tickling so you can never guess
He will laugh along with you
Roanoa Zoro:
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Hard to catch off guard
He's always on guard and can easily catch you even if he's sleeping
He’s ticklish mainly on his torso, like his sides, belly and hips
His neck and shoulders are pretty bad too
He’s pretty lazy but will not give up a chance at seeking revenge
A VICOUS ler, but will only tickle you if you tickled him first
Can tell when you’ve had enough and will just leave or go back to sleep when he’s done
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If you’re a man you’re getting kicked across the room
Don’t bother
But if you're a girl you can just tell him not to move and he will try his best not to
Has very ticklish palms, they’re soft since they’re never used in fights
Legs are easily his worst spot, inner thighs and behind the knees will make him squeal
His hands are very skilled so he will have no trouble skittering his fingers all over you
A SUPER sweet and gentle ler to girls, but vicious to men
If you’re a girl he will blush so hard while tickling you, and will apologize profusely if he feels like he went too far
But if you’re a dude he dgaf
Has wrecked Luffy more than once for stealing food
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Don’t bother, if you even think about it she'll set you straight
Very ticklish on her belly and underarms
But as I’ve said her worst spot is her ears
If you’re SUPER close to her she’ll take it for a little
But she will punch you when she’s had enough
Immediate revenge after she punches you off
Her fingers are quick, but she’ll stay in the same spot mostly
Not very skilled in tickling, and it ends pretty quickly since she’s just tickling you to blow off steam
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Definitely the most ticklish strawhat
Poor dudes ticklish everywhere
Claims he isn't ticklish and tells lies about it
Tried to distract you and change the subject immediately
He’ll lie even when you’re wrecking him
Surprisingly good at tickling
Has everything planned ou and knows how to get you down
While tickling you he tells you a story about how he took down a monster with this “tactic”
Backfires on him 60% of the time bc he’s distracted with the story
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A SQUEALER when tickled, he gets so loud
He honestly doesn’t mind them that much, but he can’t handle rough ones
He only lets people close to him tickle him, like Helmeppo or Luffy
His worst spot is his belly, mainly his belly button
His ears are pretty bad too, he’ll scrunch up and squeak
He gets really red and cries easily, but don’t worry he’s not in pain just listen for when he tells you to stop
Like Luffy he likes tickling people, he finds their reactions fascinating
An unintentional teaser, he asks how much it tickles out of pure curiosity
Low key is more embarrassed and flustered than the actual lee
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I.N as a Boyfriend
Our not so baby bread omg i love him!!
He just makes me smile so much omggg
Hope yall enjoy :)
All the love ~ lunar
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I fear that at the start of the relationship he wont really know what to do
But with the help and advice of his hyungs, he will learn quickly
Honestly, would be very nervous to make the first move with anything
So you may have to initiate things until he gets comfortable
Once he does though, he treats you like a queen
Similar to Minnie, he would tease you relentlessly, though he would always make sure you know that he is just joking
Once he gets comfortable, he opens up to you about anything and everything
Asks Channie for a lot of advice, though he won't tell you about it right away lol
Poor baby just doesn't want to mess anything up
Beats himself up a lot if he thinks he made a mistake (please reassure him omg)
Acts of service and quality time are his love languages
When he is away on tour he sends you the most random messages
“So hypothetically if I saw a mini Eiffel Tower trinket in Paris is that something you would want?”
Disclaimer, he already got it for you
Honestly yall would have a very playful relationship
Takes you on some of the best dates that are super low key
Dancing in empty parking lots, looking at the stars and city lights, shopping dates, movie dates
Does not need things to be extravagant, just wants to be with you
Enjoys quiet nights with you, just enjoying each others presence
When he is upset, he clings to you
Loves it when you play with his hair
If you are upset, he is buying all of your favorite things to cheer you up, and is holding you as close to him as humanly possible
Nothing hurts him more than seeing you upset, hell do anything to bring a smile back to your beautiful face
You are the only person he shares his food with
Shares his clothes too, unless its a planned outfit for his OOTD
Styles you all the time, and he loves it
I could see him being the type to bring you flowers, though he wont directly give them to you
Hell just show up and put them in a vase and wait for you to notice
Loves taking care of you honestly, he just loves loving you
Another one to make it known that he only has eyes for you
Is ready to fight anyone for you, no matter what the situation is, he’s got your back
The kind of boyfriend to wipe your tears away and hold your face in his hands while he kisses your nose
Just the cutest most relentless boyfriend ever hehehe
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momoxxxrinn · 2 years
Op straw hats crew what do they do if you ask them to buy you or do they have pads/ tampons while you're on your period having cramps dying on your bed cause you can't move due to pain.
Warning: none just fluff, enjoy (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ no spoilers.
Editor's note: I wrote this in middle of night sorry if there's typo and English isn't my first language. I use shortcut words.
Feature: Luffy,Sanji,Zoro,Usopp, Nami,Robin,Franky,Brook,Jinbe, Chopper
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Nami & Robin
Nami & Robin : realistically they both always have pad or tampon nearby. Will let you have as many as you need according to your flow. Because they don't need to go out to buy for you they stay behind feeding you food.
Robin would feed you more like Chinese herbal medicinal soup to relieve pain. Made you bone broth with angelica sinensis or more common ginseng help with bloating, helps with blood circulation flow preventing cramps and digestion. She used to read and learn along her journey before joining the straw hats. She has been all by herself until now so she definitely would love to help you. Saying ton of benefits and most ingredients in a common household kitchen but she uses scientific names.
Nami definitely feeds you chocolate, mikan juice or pasta anything high in iron and magnesium. Cause losing blood might lead you to feel headache or worse pass out and pasta, mikan juice replenishes iron in your body. Nami doesn't want you to pass out from anemia. Chocolate gives magnesium which helps your mood better and gives you energy, chocolate is delicious in general. Either let Sanji cook your favourite food or make food that easy to digest herself. probably cost you big money.
Both of them literally have big sister energy you never had. Would bring you entertainment together like sharing their favourite books or gossip or fashion magazine. Try to let you rest as much as possible. Help you with different hacks like warm water bottle trick if they don't have pad warmer available. If you like to be alone they would sure you got your rest, not letting Luffy or anyone bother you I repeat, especially Luffy. Spoil you with anything you want.
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Vinsmoke Sanji
Sanji: would do anything for you, honestly probably know a few famous pads tampons brands but not sure which one you use so he got all the one that would seem to helping bringing more comfort. Would be really proud and waiting your praise. He knows it's probably uncomfortable for you so he bought some painkillers.
On the way back to sunny, saw bunch of good ingredients for you, easy to digest, nutritional and probably bought too much cause he want to give you a super comfort 3 course meal. Definitely don't forget ice-cream cause ice cream make everything better. Bought you a bouquet of lavender for relaxation. He's a romantis
Honestly, he won't let anyone know what he's doing cause he doesn't want you to get uncomfortable with others with your period if you're more personal type of person and don't necessarily need to announce your time of month. Respect you and woman in general cause it's painful, and how strong woman are. Do his research to develop new recipes to relief cramps.
Would giving you facial treatment for your period acne. Do skincare together to keep you company. Actually really enjoyed it.
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Roronoa Zoro
Zoro: understandable, totally know that biologically woman body are different than man. The impact of Kuina feeling of the hardships of woman in society in term of swordsmanship is deeper than he realized. Of course his respect towards woman is grew more once you educate him.
Totally get lost every second so you don't expect much from him but surprisingly he did return safely with an actual thing you requested. Probably ended up finding one piece along the way.
Struggling to choose type you use, asking stranger to help him and low-key everyone in the store recommended him different brands products so he ended up buying all. Would be type of guy thinking what size is your vagina. Yes, he knows the biological sciences different woman body with man but that doesn't mean he know everything about woman organs. This man simply an idiot so cut him some slack.
He knows Nami Robin dealing with cramps time to time. Would actually help them when usually he don't, cause he's aware Nami Robin independent and won't need help unless they ask but he love doing small things that make your day a bit better, won't ask for praise or acknowledgement. Woman around him shape the way he is honestly, if you educate him he probably listen but tend to got it wrong sometimes. Again he is muscle head, you gotta go slowly. Once he got it through his skull, he would force you to rest.
Actually asked Sanji to cook you easy digest food, Zoro would bring to you himself. Then asking Sanji to teach him how to cook that recipe. Totally shocked some other crew too lol. Don't really need to do it often cause there's the "love cook". Bring you soft blanket or even use his shoulder as you pillow if needed, those thick yummy muscle. Once he understands more, he encouraged you to exercise or stretch to a point you can handle. His excuse is to best way to relief cramps. This training muscle maniac.
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God Usopp
Usopp: have no problems. Honestly probably the most normal among other crew. To him it just like another errands. Understand how period, uterus work and don't mind helping others if needed. Ngl Nami probably had sent him to buy her pad or tampon before, so boi got experience and from experience, food make anyone happy and in this situation it make you happy but gotta watch out from glutinous monkey food stealer Luffy.
Ask and you shall receive. If you ask for anything he would drop what he's doing just to make your day better especially dealing with something you can't helped.
Definitely keep a box or two of pads tampons you Nami Robin use. Would make you lay down and gently massage your lower abdomen to help relax your muscles. Genuinely really good at massaging. I mean look at those biceps muscles. He would be one of the guy who keeps heat pad with him, carrying inside his bag
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Jinbe: Imagined a single father with teenage daughter, flustered because his lack of knowledge. Would ask Nami Robin more about woman body. Even though he is older gentleman and sometimes around woman his knowledge is have limits. Know what is period or cramps is, it just he never experienced someone asking his help on this situation and feeling need to do his best is adorable.
Would read intensely the description on the pads tampons brand and selection and decently did a good job. Realized people around him keep starring and not wanting any attention he grab the most comfortable and long lasting pads he saw. If you used tampons, too bad he still struggling to understand how it works that's. Accidentally gives you life time supplies lol.
Keep asking you if he did was acceptable and reassuring him he did a good job. Later learn he could help more than that. Would be happy you ask for his help. I low-key want to hug him and relive my pain. I need a squish mellow out of this guy.
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Tony Tony Chopper
Chopper: yes he's definitely is a child in my opinion but regardless he's the doctor. And naturally he learn from Dr Kureha about sex education and woman body too. Tbh Dr Kureha already passed far from her menopause tho. So chopper is not innocent but he still pure tho, definitely don't really understand about lust or that desire of human but it is what it is.
Would believe this task is his time to finally show his usefulness. This is his first big boi errand. He does understand is really matter and important. Of course it's important but not to some extreme intense level. He's cute when he's trying his best. Please give him cotton candy and lots praise the moment he return.
Definitely know what he supposed to do and probably overwhelmed which to choose and ended up buying little bit of everything. Thin, ultra smooth, scented, unscented, wings, non wings, night time, longer version etc. There's probably an older woman helping him after seeing his struggling. Have very wholesome moment with new humans, very kind to him which suprise him. Please create new happy memories for him with human.
Definitely thought buying ice-cream for both of you to share but realized ice-cream may not be the best desserts so he chose something soft, fluffy, sweet marshmallows for you. Ngl he keep staring at your snacks so you feed him. Too adorable. See he put so much effort for you. Better appreciate this child. Since he's the doctor he give you painkillers and herbal remedies to relieve your symptoms.
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Monkey D. Luffy
Luffy: what can I say about this man. He's aware of world situation, different between woman body than his and pretty much normal information of a person his age. He's not idiot just umm.. stupid on not this topic, I guess?? Even with his awareness, he don't know cramps exist and once he learn that he's reaction is the most hilarious ever. Super shocked how bad the pain is for you.
Therefore after a few minutes learning new information off he goes buy the necessity you needed. Bought the first thing he saw and call it a day of success. Later learn he bought the wrong stuff, there's difference between a pad and a baby diaper or panty liner. Need Robin to help him out while teaching him new stuff but definitely didn't throughly understand it but somehow got it.
Was excited to bring you food but miraculously it arrived half eaten. Yes magic. Would stretching and making funny faces to crack you up, got drag away by Nami cause you need rest.
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Franky: he's second oldest person in the strawhat and obviously he's an adult and even he got 2 younger sister he adopted. Older brother you can always rely on. Would buy you brand his sister use cause he didn't remember to ask you what brand you use. He's use to taking care of his sister so it's a habit going straight to the store and getting what you need and realised a few minutes later but he's too far to go back.
A type of person would gift you candy but made out of cola, like gummy cola, chewing cola flavour candy etc. Asked if you need massage cause low-key his new invention is a portable massage machine. If you let him use you as his guinea pig first user, he be extremely grateful. Your comments and review is matter. Give you a heating pad that immediately heat up in a second you need and there's temperature changes according to your liking for your lower abdomen. His invention is useful for daily use not just robot nerd.
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Brook: if there's a song to make people sleepy there's a chance of song to relief pain exist or at least distracting you from your pain. Not sure if period products know 50 plus years ago available so got you covered by literally buy like 10 bag full of goodies.
Besides his playful and kinda unique personality, he is the oldest crew members and there's time he can be mature, mostly not but that's his coping mechanism. Love setting up warm bath, sprinkle with few drops of any essential oils you love or he just put lavender oil for relaxing your mind and body. A few oil of rosemary and sage would help better. This man loves bath and the most bizarre thing he did was filled the bathtub with milk, hoping your skin soaked up with all the benefits. 100% asking what colour panties you wearing. If he ask big mom definitely would ask yours. What a way to icebreaking.
Hope y'all enjoy it and thank you for reading this goddamn long writing. ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ 💕
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pleaseeeimjustagirl · 7 months
It Girls Ramadan Guide
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Hey babesss I am soooo excited Ramadan officially starts this week and I wanted to post a Ramadan guide for my fellow Muslim girliesss if you aren’t Muslim but are participating in Ramadan this is a good guide for you as well.
Setting Intentions
♡ Before Ramadan starts set your intentions. What do you want to improve on this Ramadan? What charities do you want to donate to? Even if you aren’t able to reach all the goals you set Allah rewards us based on our genuine intentions.
♡ Journaling. I highly recommend journaling your intentions and your experience this Ramadan. Keep track of your mood, as well as your Quran readings, and prayers. I will link a Quran Journal as well as a 30-Day Ramadan Journal  Ramadan Legacy Planner.
♡ Vision Board. I’ve seen some girls online recommend creating a Ramadan vision board and I agree! Create a vision board using Canva and Pinterest, or you can use a poster board and magazine. This will help you see your goals not just read them. Place your vision board where you can see it so you're reminded of your goals daily.
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♡ Eat a balanced suhoor meal. Eat a meal high in protein, protein takes a while to be broken down so it’ll help you at the beginning of the day. Eat carbs and fats you will need as much energy as the average hours we fast during Ramadan are 12 to 18 hours depending on where you are.
♡ Drink water. One of the things I struggle with every Ramadan is my water intake. Try to drink at least two 16oz bottles of water during Suhoor. Hydration is super important you don't want to pass out due to severe dehydration.
♡ Drink electrolytes. Drinking electrolytes is very beneficial before fasting they help your body retain water while you are fasting. Do not overdo your electrolyte intake because too much sodium is bad.
♡ Do not overdo it. I know going a long period without food can make you want to eat everything in sight but it is important to eat a well-balanced nutritious meal after fasting. When you overeat this may cause indigestion and other stomach issues.
♡ Avoid eating too much fried, salty, and high-sugar foods. Moderation is key I know during Ramadan my mom makes all of our favorite Ghanaian dishes and they aren't the most healthy options. That doesn't mean you shouldn't eat them or avoid them you can eat them but in moderation. Eating too much of these foods in the moment may feel good because they cause us to release feel-good hormones like dopamine and serotonin but they can make fasting the next day very difficult.
♡ Eat whole foods. The best food to break your fast with is fruit! Specifically, a date to begin with and then other fruits like pineapple, watermelon, oranges, strawberries, mango, and other fruits you like. I would recommend you eat more water-based fruits to hydrate your body.
♡ Drink water. I mention this twice because it is very important that after you break your fast you drink water make it a goal of yours to have six to eight glasses of water daily.
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♡ Create a Ramadan workout plan. I know a lot of us girliesss are on weight loss journeys and we want to be snatched before the summer but we also don't want to stress out our bodies while fasting and exerting needed energy. Create a workout plan that starts low and goes slow. Limit intense cardio, and train at a lower intensity, if you lift try to lift heavy before suhoor which means you’ll need to wake up earlier. If you prefer to workout after Iftar break your fast with something light so that your stomach won’t feel so heavy when you workout.
♡ Walking. I recommend getting in sedentary movement throughout the day, so instead of taking the bus walk if where you're going isn't that far. Walking is beneficial for so many reasons I’ll link this article.
♡ Yoga and Pilates. I love both of these exercises they are perfect for my girlies who are fasting. Pilates especially is perfect it is very low and slow in movements but still gives you amazing results. Yoga is perfect for relaxing especially if you deal with anxiety, sore muscles, back problems, and trouble sleeping I recommend trying yoga.
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Increase Your Iman
♡ Prioritize Prayer. Make sure to pray all five of your daily prayers and do them on time try your best to not delay your prayers unless you have to.
♡ Read Quran. Some of you might be hafiz of the Quran and I know it is common for hafiz to try and finish the Quran from start to finish during Ramadan so maybe you can make that a goal if you are a hafiz. For my girlies who are like me and haven’t finished the Quran but Insha Allah we will! I recommend trying to read at least 10 verses of the Quran daily that's better than not reading it at all.
♡ Watch Islamic Lectures. I recommend spending your time online watching Islamic lectures like Omar Suleiman, Mohammed Hoblos, Mufti Menk, Dr. Sh. Haifa Younis, Akhi Ayman (he is perfect for younger men), and many other amazing lecturers. My favorites are Omar Suleiman and Mufti Menk they explain Islam in such a beautiful way and spread the message perfectly.
♡ Charity. This month is the best month to give to those in need. You can donate to many organizations, and help send aid to Gaza/Congo/Sudan, create a fundraiser for your local masjid in need, feed another fasting person, help prepare Iftar at home, and so much more. Charity not only blesses us with good deeds but there have been studies proving random acts of kindness are good for our mental health we produce dopamine when we donate or help others. 
♡ Pray Tahajjud. I swearrrr if you have anything you desire in this life this is the best prayer you need to pray! Allah is closest to the earth during the last third of the night and he is there to listen to our dua’s and repentance. You can only pray Tahajjuud after you sleep. Tahajjud is hard to catch because it involves having to leave our sleep for the sake of Allah. One Mallam explained Tahajjud so beautifully he said “Tahajjud is like a personal invitation from Allah Not everyone can get in most people are asleep during that time.” If you have anything you want badly pray Tahajjud for it, especially during this holy month.  So try your best to wake up an hour or two before the fajr prayer and pray Tahajjuud I will link a video on the benefits and how to pray Tahajjud for those who don’t know how.
These are a few tips for my girliesss I hope Ramadan is a blessed month for all of us! Thank you for all the support babes! we are getting close to 500 followers!!!
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ANYWAYS- can i request a character who BARELY gets sick like their body whistands just about anything and theyre pretty tough and resilient
BUT THEN they get SO sick and IT HITS THEM LIKE A MOTHERFUCKING BUS. Theyre low key just as surprised as anyone else because theyre so out of touch with their body they dont even realize it until they just straight up pass out or something
but even then they dont even admit it like “me? sick? never”
and yummm what if they dont know what to do because theyre never sick like its a first and they are so *bad* at dealing with it, like so bad it’s embarrassing someone has to step in. when caretaker steps in theyre like “this is how u do it” but then sickie goes like “but im not even sick” and caretaker is patiently like “yeah mhm”
bonus points if they hate being fussed over. maybe someone tries to put their hand on their forehead to check for temperature and they will dodge out the way with such speed like they’re low key so *uncomfortable* with the amounts of attention theyre getting they would rather suffer in silence (ill let you ponder on why 🤭)
but alas whatever they caught is A BITCH so they have to get bombarded with love and affection cue evil laugh <3
u could do this for any character u see fit, but cyno is def a suggestion cuz i can see him doing that (and because i love seeing him suffer sorry not sorry)
spent so much time writing this my icecream melted im slightly annoyed but i can only blame myself LOL anyway im sorry for this long ass column of writing, dont feel pressured to include everything i wrote it was really just food for thought like to get the creative juice flowing perhaps (or its just my endless stream of thoughts begging to go somewhere)
THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON! 🩷 I'm so happy you enjoy my works!!
This is SUCH a good concept! I love the whole scenario of "character never gets sick so when they do get sick it's bad." There's just soooo much potential with the trope! And I'm a sucker for characters who're not used to being sick, so they just do not understand what's happening.
"I'm feeling funny."
"Funny how?"
"I don't kno-" *proceeds to pass out*
Even better if they're avoiding being fussed over like the plague! But damn they need it because they have no idea how to look after themselves.
This definitely works for Cyno! Though it wouldn't fit in my current modern au, because unfortunately for him I've made poor Cyno very used to being sick there. So if I were to write this for Cyno, it'd have to be super far back in the past, or part of a different au!
But but but, here me out. Sethos. This could be a brilliant introductory fic for him into my modern au. Since he hasn't appeared yet, he's the perfect candidate for the "has no experience with being sick" trope.
But that's just an idea! I absolutely love all of this, and I'd be equally happy to write this for a different version of Cyno as well!
If you want to, anon, you can request for this to be written during Sicktember! My requests are closing in a couple of days on the 1st of August so I can start pre-writing, so if you want to request, now is the time to do it!!
Thank you so much again for all the kind words! And of course, rest in peace to the poor ice cream that melted during the writing of this ask
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kuredono · 2 years
JJK Boys and ADHD reader
Gn reader as always! Headcanon usually isn’t my thing (if you can’t tell TT) but I needed to get this brainrot OUT hahaha
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Fushiguro knows of ADHD but will still look it up and learns about it to help you where he can, but low key
He will work with you on projects at the same time for accountability and keeping on track. He's stern on you but still soft for his favourite human
He can sense if you're under or over stimulated before you fully realise and will help accommodate either moods- will summon any and all the shikigami animals to pet!!
He will melt if you play with his hands or hair to fidget- especially while watching something together
He listens quietly to word vomits
He provides food and water and reminders to touch grass when you're hyperfixated
If he can’t physically be there with you while you’re hyperfixated, he will try and call you to snap you out of it, but if that doesn't work and he knows you actually need to stop, he will try his best to see you in person and drag you away
He habitually tidies after you and for some reason you always hyperfixate on cleaning when he can't be bothered to clean
On this note, he does tend to leave bigger cleaning jobs for when you next have a cleaning spree
He finds it most difficult to accommodate your RSD, especially if your preferred love language is physical touch or words of affirmation. He tries his best but sometimes struggles to communicate emotions, and he's not a fan of PDA, so it can feel like rejection, but he will always be super apologetic if he realises/when you tell him. Cuddles ensue.
He vaguely knows what ADHD is and goes off vibes/what you tell him you struggle with, but he will consult the internet if he doesn’t know what to do 
He will ask how he can help you all the time
He won’t be able to hold you accountable for work unless you ask him for help because he's caught up in his own work
Overstimulated? Itadori is reliable and can take you elsewhere to chill. Understimulated? He is there to help you spend your energy ! Loves it! Vibes with you on every level!
Joins in on word vomits and/or is keen to learn, asking lots of questions! He can easily and happily keep up with you!
He physically drags you to bed if your hyper fixation is eating into cuddling and/or sleeping time
He makes tasks fun so you procrastinate less (you don't stop procrastinating but Itadori will do the task with you, which is fun !!)
RSD who? We all know Itadori is a literal ray of sunshine and could never say no to you !
But if you do feel rejected, he is super reassuring with hugs, kisses and lots of reasons he loves you
If you tell him to let you know if you're being too much or too clingy or sensitive, his response is "no?? it's fine?? i didn't notice?? hugs please??"
What is ADHD?
Knows exactly zero, and he honestly doesn't care?
He looks at you weirdly if you start Doing Things when you're understimulated, but won't say anything otherwise
But if you're overstimulated, will yank you into his domain 
He learned this trick when you were one day getting stressed and panicking from everything being overwhelming, and he pulled you into his domain in a moment of protectiveness, and he noticed you stopped panicking. When you were overstimulated again, he did it again and it still worked.
He had to learn to just shut up instead of bombarding you with questions about what and why you're behaving this way [when you’re overstimulated]
He will drag you away from a hyperfixation if it bothers him even in the slightest
Sukuna doesn't remember every detail of when you need to be up for 9am, but remembers the Big Ones so will be strict on your bedtime
He is confused why you Never Learn Your Lesson on staying up late or hyperfixating or being late/ridiculously early, but he supposes it's your personality
Your procrastination is what annoys him the most- he does and will vocalise this
RSD goes both ways with him- he's blunt so is clear, but is also generally harsh. He doesn't apologise but will try and detract your mind from what he said with physical affection
He often says he hates your endless chatter, but is a classic case of: He Actually Misses Your Chatter When It’s Silent
Gojo knows of ADHD, and he might look up ADHD, but he generally goes off Vibes Only
He provides reminders of tasks due if he remembers
In high school would remind you of your homework so he can copy it
Punctuality: zero, unless you're the early type, in which case Gojo tries his best to meet your early-ness, but is kinda slow, so you end up bang on time (and very stressed, but Gojo Deals With That)
Understimulated? Please, by all means, kidnap him to go do something more fun! What a shame, he can't do his work now ! Overstimulated? He will take you somewhere quiet, if it's by teleporting or into his domain
He may accidentally reject you (implicitly and very rarely explicitly if you ever do argue), but feels incredibly guilty afterwards and cuddles and kisses you lots to make up for it
Like Yuuji, if you tell Gojo to tell you if you get too stifling, he says he doesn't care (though he may implicitly reject you when he feels it is low-key stifling, but he won't say it because he doesn't want to hurt you)
Gojo is always up late anyway, so disaster sleep schedule duo yay ! But Gojo loves how you both have similar sleep patterns because weekend afternoons waking up together is the best
He will probably procrastinate with you, but will also try to make your task more appealing to do- which ends up his procrastination
Gojo is messy so he can't really get annoyed at you for being messy, but quietly hopes you'll have a cleaning hyperfixation soon
He will partake in your hyperfixation if you allow him to ! Loves how you try so many new things ! Equally loves you going around the same hyperfixations because he likes to guess what it is next !
He finds your word vomits so interesting! He loves it!
He knows of ADHD and looks it up and learns for you xoxo
He does not mind at all if you're early, but if you usually run late, he will fix that for you as best he can
But if you stayed up late, then he might try and let you sleep in...
He generally doesn't like you working late, but it happens- though he is firm when you have early morning next day
Absolutely loves when you fidget with his hands or hair or tie !!
If you hyperfixate, he will quietly work alongside you and gently pry you away when needed
Nanami is super tidy, so isn't bothered if he cleans up after you on the spot, but if he's gone for a while and returns to a huge pile, he does occasionally sigh
Understimulated? Can provide entertainment, but he usually will not partake. Overstimulated? Deals with it calmly.
Your word vomits are soothing to his soul
You Cannot Procrastinate. Nanami cooks and cleans so there's slightly less tasks for you to procrastinate your task with. He will often try and work alongside you to keep you on task.
Like Sukuna, Nanami is clear, but when you spiral he is there to reassure you calmly and clearly. He is usually too select with his words to actually say anything that may seem like rejection.
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yuujispinkhair · 5 months
hi winter! making my rounds for some mid-week selfship questions hehe :) what's yours & sukuna's favorite go-to date spot?
Heyyy Rei 💗💗 Aww this is so sweet!! Thank you so much for sending me this!!!
I would say our fave date spot is probably our kitchen 😂 We low-key have dinner dates at home almost every evening.
Sukuna loves to cook. He thinks it's super relaxing to come home and cook for me and him. And he wants me with him in the kitchen. Anyone else would piss him off and would get banned from the kitchen lmao. But when it comes to me, Kuna asks me to join him. And so I always keep him company. I really love those moments, too, after all. It feels so nice and so intimate to watch Sukuna cook and see how dedicated he is.
He insists on doing everything on his own, though. Not because he doesn't trust me to do it right. He knows I am very good at cooking, too, but he kind of has this little quirk that if he cooks, he wants to be the one who does all of it. It's his way of showing he takes good care of me, I guess 💗💗
So Kuna is always like, "Sit on the counter, princess." But he keeps stealing kisses from me, and feeding me chopped vegetables, and letting me try the sauce.
On some evenings, Sukuna spins me around the kitchen, laughing and dancing with me like in some love song, while we wait for the broth to simmer or for the pasta to be ready.
And sometimes, I stand behind Sukuna and hug him while he cooks, clinging to him like a koala, and he teases me about it, telling me that clearly, the chef is even hotter than the food. But I know he loves it when he feels me snuggling against him ;)
So yeah, those kitchen dates are definitely super sweet and make both of us very happy. Food is one of Sukuna's love languages, so cooking is really an act of love for him, and I can feel that anytime I am in the kitchen with him.
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wishing-stones · 2 years
Would the boys treat us on our birthday? Follow up question! Do they even do anything special for eachothers birthdays or do they just let them pass?
I can assume his birthday is not something Nightmare would want to talk about a lot-
They would!
Read more for length, like usual.
Assuming that you've worked past the defenses of everyone and are in a romantic relationship...
Killer wakes up at dawn to get everything ready, and he's so quiet about it that you wake up with balloons and banners and shit in your room when you wake up. It's super cute, and he's enthusiastic about it. He loves a good party and celebration, so it's an excuse to flex that joy of his. Dust Is much more low-key about it, and will quietly steal you for a moment to give you a gift and wish you a happy birthday. He's a lot sweeter than he normally is, too, and the gift is very thoughtful. Axe picks your favorite foods to cook for every meal, and makes an enormous three-tiered cake with lots of candles. Cooking for others is how he expresses his affection, and he's a little lame at actual gift giving. Cross Gets you a useful, thoughtful gift and spends some time one-on-one with you, away from any obligations or duties either of you might have. He's yours for most of the day, at least. Baggs makes time to spend with you and has made you something useful! Something useful and unique that helps with whatever you're having issues with lately. Nightmare is the one who goes all out in a grand, sweeping gesture of appreciation and celebration. Banners, balloons, a mountain of presents, a massive cake (all helpfully supplied by both he and the boys) and a very, very fancy candlelit dinner somewhere away from all of your troubles. You also get breakfast in bed, and he'll sit and detangle your hair while you have it. For a being of negativity, he's very affectionate when there's a good reason for it.
Dream is much the same, although his idea of a grand, sweeping gesture is to take you out to wherever your favorite place is-- or favorite verse, if you have one-- and spend the day there! He's blocked out his entire day for some one-on-one time, too, has thoughtful gifts, and made a lovely cake for you, too. Ink has it highlighted with tons of arrows on his scarf so he doesn't forget, and takes you travelling for the day! Anywhere you wanna go, he'll take you! He's also made you a truly stunning painting, whatever you'd most enjoy having. He's also a fan of the 'romantic, candlelit dinner' trope, and thinks the best way to end the day is with fireworks. Have you seen the fireworks in the cyber world? There's nothing like it! Blue goes hard in the paint with celebrating, too, and spoils you rotten. Or... he tries. He might try a little too hard to make the day perfect and get upset if something works. Just remind him that spending the day with him and the fact that he's putting so much effort into it is enough, and he'll be happy.
annndd Error will offer to take you somewhere nice, quiet, away from everything that stresses you out and bothers you. He's sewn or knitted something for you, and he's content to just... chill out with you for the day.
As for the second half-
Yes, they do. They know when each other's birthdays are and celebrate them as well. Not to the romantic extent that they'd do it for you, but they definitely wake one another up with party horns and poppers. (Except Nightmare, because no one wants to die.) But, speaking of, they do know when his birthday is, and they do celebrate it kind of low-key. It's nowhere near the bombastic extravaganza they make of one another's, but he gets a cake and presents when he comes back from whatever he does on the day. (He leaves a present where his brother will find it, addressed to him. Dream does the same thing. When Dream was still encased in stone, Nightmare would sit next to him and vent about his frustrations, about how he hated everything that happened and that he was still angry with him... but he still wished his brother happy birthday.)
And speaking of their birthdays...
Killer's birthday is May 10 Dust's birthday is February 10 Axe's birthday is January 16 Cross' birthday is October 10 Baggs and Error's birthday is April 4th Nightmare and Dream's birthday is December 21 Ink's birthday is April 15th and Blue's birthday is April 1
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fatimaah · 4 months
low-key sad June
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After the cooking day (13th) I had a big fight with my parents. First I didn't call them and didn't tell them that I will be done at 7, then I kinda messed up on the way home cuz I forgot to tell my dad to let the power on since we have food in the fridge. And after that....worse, I came home to find my mom literally FURIOUS. She told me that I really messed up, I didn't text her enough time and wasn't online when she texted me and I didn't have time to clean the house properly after the girls left. We had this annoying dinner when everyone is silent (of course I didn't eat anything and soon went to the kitchen cuz I was mad at them too).
And the thing that got me super mad and sad and every negative emotion ever is that after dinner my mom was like nOw wE wiLL gO tHerE anD cLeAn afTeR u. As if I didn't clean ON PURPOSE. I insisted on cleaning everything the next day or at least going with them to do all the job myself but they didn't agree and told me to stay home. So technically....it was their choice to clean after me, I told them I'll clean it the next day morning. But that time I felt super guilty which then made me sad too and I cried myself to sleep. Messed up. Literally nothing that bad happened but as always, she made a whole drama. I swear everytime she does it she acts like I AM THE drama queen.
Anyway, Eid came soon and we're preparing for it. I think my grandma told them about me crying because they both didn't say a single thing about it in the morning. We were preparing presents for everyone and blah blah blah.
This Ramadan, and this Eid Kurban I don't feel like celebrating... because of Palestine and Sudan.
But we went to my grandma's house for a barbeque, my cousins came and we did henna tattoos together and then my father got a parrot as his present. He is really into birds and he looked really happy. He still is, I swear he is literally in love with this Jako (I love him too but I was more excited about my dad being so happy because these months he wasn't doing well with his job and everything)
Days passed buy, I mostly got money for Eid and didn't really get much material presents.
Yesterday was a scary day. Really really scary. My dad got into a car accident. I cried so much when I heard about it. Happily, he wasn't hurt much, just a bit on his arm and neck. Now he's better.
Because he had to sell his car five months ago, he was using my mom's car. Now my mom's car is absolutely crushed by the accident
(it's really REALLY lucky that my dad even survived because the whole car except for his seat was literally crushed)
We used to have two cars, now we have none - that doesn't make me sad tho. I still feel so happy my dad is alive and okay. Alhamdullilah.
And...I realized that anytime, anything terrible can happen and it can take all of my happiness. Anytime, anyone I love can die. And I don't want to think about it. I would rather die than living my parents' deaths....I feel scared. I can't imagine what would happen if he didn't survive. I don't want to think about it but I can't help myself.
Unfortunately, life is always moving forward. Never back to the good old days when we were fine and didn't worry much about money and everything. Never back to school girl era where I was just enjoying my friends' company. Never back to times when we had things to talk about with my friend group.
I can try to keep our friendship the same but....it seems like we have less and less bonding with each day. Less things to talk about, less things to trust....less things to ask.
Can't blame anyone, life just moves forward, and never back.
June 19, 2024
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slasherfan29 · 1 year
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Jason Voorhees as your boyfriend
Flower Crowns
Picnics around the camp
Jason would be very protective of you
Wants to be able to communicate with you better so he asks you to teach him sign language
Honestly, he just wants you to teach him pretty much everything
Hold hands while you guys walk together
You got anything you want to tell him? He’s all ears and he's happy to do so as well
He makes you hide in his super-secret underground bunker when there are trespassers
Loves when you tell him random information, even if it’s not useful to him
Admires you while you do literally anything, Making food. Putting on makeup. Staring off into space
He adores kisses even if they are just on his mask at first. Also cuddles. He loves cuddles. Cuddles every night
Decorate his machete he would probably fall in love 10x more. Paint flowers on his mask and he would never take it off
Tries to make you breakfast in the morning if he wakes up first
Surprise breakfast in beds
Very hesitant at first
He wants to take his time in order to love and praise every inch of you in his own little way
Soft and passionate
Always confirms with you that you’re comfortable
Never expects anything in return but also wouldn’t turn it down
Secretly would love to be praised but wouldn’t express that in anyways
Wants you to feel pure bliss
Not a fan of hickies/scratches/biting as he doesn’t want to hurt you. You might be able to get him to leave some hickies if that’s what you want
Rough sex on Jason’s stressful days
Low key gets turned on when you wear revealing clothes
You told him how well he had done once and the man almost evaporated
He tends to rest his head in the crook of your neck if he isn’t wearing his infamous mask
Doing it all over the camp
Jason keeps a mental note of where you two have done it and where you need to do it
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empty-hallways · 2 years
Some Alphonse, Seth, and Finn zombie apocalypse au headcannons bc i’m currently obsessed with the walking dead
TW: mention of suicidal thoughts
Pretty decent combat and fighting skills he most definitely uses that gun that was in his car.
he got sick a lot during the beginning of the apocalypse, like the smell and looks of walking corpses grosses him out so damn much. He got used to it eventually though.
He definitely used the candy from his shop as a food source, not the healthiest but it’s better than starving.
I feel like he would hunt walkers as a coping mechanism
Goes out on runs a lot as a distraction but he’s also low key paranoid about running out of supplies.
Good combat and fighting skills. He has a decent supply of weapons from camping plus betty.
He was pretty hopeless when the apocalypse started. He was really scared about losing himself and the people he loved.
Hunting is his main method of gathering food, and he’s super good at it. He can also cook one hell of a meat stew even with limited ingredients.
Only kills walkers when he needs too, he thinks it’s a waste of time and too much of a risk to kill anything you don’t need too.
He’s usually guarding camp or hanging around the good hunting spots.
He could use some work when it comes to fighting and combat but his gardening tools provide him a hefty range of weapons to choose from.
Had a lot of panic attacks and suicidal thoughts at the beginning of the apocalypse. He was just really scared of everything he toughened up eventually though.
He has a big fruit and vegetable garden so he has plenty of food.
He low key feels about about killing the walkers because he knows they didn’t choose to be the way they are, but if him or his group is in danger he won’t hesitate to do what he needs to do.
Mostly just stays at camp gardening, making/repairing weapons, making/repairing clothes, etc.
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arcielee · 1 year
House of the Dragon tag game!
This was created by the lovely @jotterjots 💜 Thank you for the tag!
Rules: Answer the following questions, then tag any and all people you think might enjoy participating. 
Tags: If you see this on your Tumblr dashboard, consider yourselves tagged. 
see original post here if you want to play :)
Who's your favorite character? What draws you to them?
My initial response is Aemond Targaryen (surprise, surprise). The book and show portrayal have some similarities, but I really loved how Leo Ashton and Ewan Mitchell’s characterization. There was something relating to how Leo carried himself, Aemond just weary but ready to defend Aegon, how he was ridiculed. You have this sense of relief when he finally claims Vhagar that you forget the implications until that group of cunt ass kids rallied against him. Then you see that want for revenge, how it shapes and molds him into this man that is just...
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Sigh. 💜
Anyway, after him it would Ser Criston Cole, as this man is so damn petty with his hatred it halted his aging and I’m here for it.  
What's your favorite episode of the season?
I loved the despair of episode 8, where we finally got to see the key players for what was to come. The build up, the tension that lead to this brief moment of serenity and then... the dinner scene, where it just went downhill so fucking fast. 
What is your favorite line from the season?
I have two. The first belongs to Daemon: “You cannot live your life in fear, or you will forsake the best parts of it.”
And second is to Jerrel Bracken, and it makes me giggle: “The princess has a dragon, you dumb cunt.” 
Which actor's portrayal is your favorite?
Of course the obvious answer is Ewan Mitchell. I binged everything he has been in and really enjoy that even though he had similar mannerisms used in each roll, he seems to adjust to fit whatever character he is playing and I think it’s fucking brilliant.
Matt Smith plays a cunt like no other. As much as Daemon makes my skin crawl, I do enjoy watching him. 
Olivia Cooke. 💜 Watching Alicent’s transition from the tepid daddy’s girl to girlboss was amazing. She believed in her convictions and squared off to Otto, to her husband, and we saw glimpses of how she played the Game of Thrones, and I really loved it. 
Which character would you most want to be stuck on a deserted island with?
I mean...
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But for real, probably Ser Criston as he seems low key a more practical option, as I could trust him to be able to scrounge for food, kill whatever wild hog might attack, things like that. 
Name a minor character you want to know more about!
I would love more insight on Arryk and Erryk OR, since they kept him alive, if Ser Harrold Westerling came back in a blaze of glory, that’d be nifty. 
Who's character arc are you most interested to see continued, for better or worse?
May the gods pity me, but Aemond. I am curious their interpretation of his story and am super excited to see it unfold. 
Who's your most anticipated new character of Season 2?
Cregan Stark, but this is mostly because of my Mushroom theory of him, but I already know HBO is a bunch of cowards and would never. And Nettles 💜 I really hope they show how she gets her dragon.
Which is your favorite dragons of the ones we saw?
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I hate that we missed out on some Fire & Blood bonding between Aemond and this she-dragon, but I really loved how they showed the sentient side when she was bonded to Laena. It was beautiful and heartbreaking 💜
What's your favorite relationship from this season? (romantic, platonic, antagonistic- whichever!)
I loved Rhaenyra and Harwin Strong. I really loved the snippets of him knitted throughout, his admiration for Rhaenyra just as she was. There was also so much in the scene after she gave birth, how he was quick to help in any he could, just to be able to touch her, to be there for her. And when he held Joffrey?
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Like, goddamn, I love this man so much 😭
Bonus- Fandom appreciation:
Link one or more of your favorite pieces of fanart! (Have you reblogged it already? Consider reblogging it again! Do NOT repost)
Please go and look/follow @lonnson @4yvle1 @azperja @cyeco13​ Just amazing, talented, wonderful pieces they have shared.💜
Link one or more of your favorite fics! (Same deal as above!)
I have a fic recs link on my blog.💜 I also have a series called Interview With a Writer where I get to talk to the talented brains that created some of the best pieces I have found (so far) on Tumblr. 
Link one or more of your favorite gifsets! (^^Same)
The talented Miranda (@aegonx​) who did this and this and this gifset that I love (just to name a few, but she is so creative and talented; her gifsets for this fandom are some of my favorites. She did a GoT request for Rhaegar and Lyanna, and I just love it so much!💜
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fanficfish · 1 year
Ttte ranch au but its mdoern
im bored and listened to too much of the Peoclaimers again. Oops.
Main Post
None of this is canon to my au btw its all for funsies. Basically this is if the au was set in a time with like. Computers and cellphones and whatever.
Donald and Douglas have had "I'm Gonna Walk 500 Miles" throb at them so many times by both the other ranch hands (back when they first joined officially) and by visitors who heard their stories (later on). They don't mind, since they get to sing a good excuse to break out into song.
Theyre also the ones who own a shelf full of records and CDs and have a Spotify playlist for everything. They have one made for each person on the ranch that they interact with on a semi regular basis.
duck is into those true crime podcasts. Oliver is mildly terrified for his well-being but can't say anything when he himself has spent hours consumed by the Lords of the Ring. Yes he can speak Elvish, no he doesn't want to talk about if he can remeciste half the books by memory or not.
Gordon FaceTimes his brother, and even some of his cousins, all the tiem. Scott always shows off wherever he is in the world and Gordon grumbles wheneve this phone dies halfway through a call.
James has a tiktok. Undoetunatley.
Edward watches so much Maaterpiece. He's also watched Once Upon a Time. He sometimes even manages to con the others into joining him, and both Gordon and Henry hate that they somewhat enjoyed some of the series. Edward noticed and now there's three people running around on the ranch arguing over Game of Thromes and Downtown Abbey. Good times.
Tony loves monopoly. Especially with Thomas and Percy, with Daisy and Mavis for spice.
thomas has a mild kbsession with chocolate, as does Percy. On Easter and Halloween they can be found logging out kn candy. Toby enables them.
james got a tindr account and made a fiver sometime not long after his TikTok blew up. He defintiely gets small modelling jobs in his spare time, and gets it as a good chance for free cosmetic items.
Duck watches a lot of The Food Network, and some he, Percy, and Thomas have food network marathons. Duck loves Maaterchef, Perfy likes the Great British Baking Show, and Thomas thinks Chooped or Who Beat Bobby Flay are the best. (Man how did I not absorb any info when I watched so much food network? Huh....wild..-)
Duncan is a gamer and he, Rusty. peter Sam, and Sir Handel have some royal Mario kart tournaments. Compete with saltiness and a lot of swearing from certain parties when Rusty beats them all. Fred videos it and laughs.
Among Us
Henry is low-key considering becoming a park ranger. He settles for junior ranger books and the ranch life.
Someone turned the barn into both a wifi hotspot and a Pokémon go stop and everyone is denying this. Especially Donald and Douglas.
Football night is game night on the ranch and nothings stopping it from Happening, ever. Gordon's express doesn't run starting from the last minutes of the pregame show to the next afternoon, mail is delivered by either anyone not watching (usually Emily, she isn't as interested just opinionated on the matter), or alternate transport. Bertie the bus driver has his happiest and fulelst load days on these weekends.
Sir Topham Hatt joins in on the Super Bowl weekend fun too btw. If the team you cheer for wins and it's one he's cheering for, you get free rounds (read: he'll buy you abStarbucks drink.)
edward, Toby, and Duke all invest too much in Starbucks. (Adaptation of @weirdowithaquill 's thing in the ERS with engines and teabags)
Bill and Ben have too many whopper cushions and other prank items in their arsenal.
I'll add more if I think of any.
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weaselle · 2 years
in this essay i will hobbits
here is something about Hobbits i’m not sure everyone gets
hobbits are cockroaches
i mean that in such a loving way, but they truly are the cockroaches of the LOTR races. Maybe that’s a bit much -- but they are super sneaky and super hard to kill.
Let me sum up. No, is too good. Let me explain
First of all, they are the sneakiest sneakers.
Hobbits are just naturally nearly invisible most of the time except when they are in their other natural state, Being Noticed. 
They are small, they are barefoot, they live in little burrows, they are THE SNEAKIEST SNEAKERS.
The books (and therefore movies) are low-key from the point of view of the Hobbits themselves (we are actually meant to be reading the book(s) written by Bilbo and Frodo, you know, that leather bound thing with the actual book titles on it that we see handed over to Sam at the end). It’s all a hobbit POV, and since hobbits find the sneakiness of other hobbits to just be normal, it isn’t explicitly focussed on.
Think about it though. They are small, they have large padded feet and never wear shoes, they are very quiet and hard to notice -- except when they are Being Noticed.
In fact, Being Noticed is a part of how they are so sneaky, because everyone who knows hobbits knows they love to sing, and dance, and mess about with everything, and have loud opinions, so of course you always know where the hobbit is... until suddenly you don’t.
Usually you see them chucking rocks at stuff, or shoving their friend, or hear them singing a song, or complaining about literally everything in that almost cheerful conversational way they have of complaining, or asking endless inane questions ...
But that’s how you always and easily know right where the hobbit is, you never get around to listening for footfalls or other signs of their presence. You never even have to really look for one. For the last hour they’ve been slightly behind you on your left side, idly wondering out loud how many bad puns about dogs they could make. But suddenly you notice you haven’t actually heard them make any noise for five minutes and you now have zero idea where the hobbit is.
What do their footfalls and breathing sound like? what do they smell like? They, well, hell, they smell like food, don’t they. That’s what you always smell when you’re around a hobbit. They are so good at Being Noticed that you don’t actually have to notice anything about them. So when they stop Being Noticed, they go entirely unnoticed. 
But even if you’ve never noticed a hobbit before, if they don’t want to be seen, you probably don’t see them.
I mean, it takes forever, but the Fellowship’s plan was basically: give The Ring to one of these ghosty little shadow steppers, and let them walk it right through the middle of the enemy’s home base.
Yeah, for sure, the enemy is personified as a literal giant Eye that Sees All, and yeah, he is obsessively looking specifically for this thing (which, by the way, is calling out to him) but don’t worry, this fine fellow and his gardener are going to walk it right under his actual eyeball without him noticing. 
And it works!
The reason this works is because Hobbits are the sneakiest sneakers to ever sneak around Middle Earth.
consider this
Elrond, a ruler of elves, thousands of years old, no stranger to secrecy and hidden things, calls a high-level secret meeting among vassals from the highest powers left in the land. A meeting held in the center of his own controlled realm. And not one but three! uninvited hobbits find out about it, show up to it, = and secretly observe the entire thing unbeknownst to kings, wizards and elves. Not even mentioning what I assume must have been SOME kind of guards or security force appointed by Elrond.
I love the angry startled look Movie-Elrond gives Merry and Pippin when they run into the meeting to join their kin. Like, he was very gracious about Sam, played it super cool, but then this ruler of elves sees two more!? hobbits jog right into the middle of his very private meeting and he’s clearly all “how the fuck?!”
And yo, it must have been embarrassing to have his most secret of meetings be so entirely spied on. And not spied on by magic or espionage professionals, no. His fate-of-the-world secret military meeting was just sort of invisibly and casually attended by, though i say it affectionately, a sort of average kind-hearted chap and a couple of idiots.
But nobody throws shade at Elrond over it, nobody even makes a comment, no sarcastic “if your vaults are as well guarded as your secret meetings my Lord Elrond, I am afraid you may find yourself without coin” Instead everyone just seems to be like “yep, hobbits stepping out of nowhere, that’s hobbits for you”
Or think how, in The Hobbit (book or movie[s]) Those dwarves were like “how the hell are we going to sneak past a dragon, a DRAGON of all things, ultimate predator created by dark forces, how can we sneak in right under his actual nose?” and Gandalf immediately thinks “A Hobbit could do that. Any hobbit at all could do that, actually -- the real trick would be getting some hobbit to agree to travel more than three days from his hole...”
And then in nearly every encounter, this gentle-hobbit, who is missing his fine linen hankie, manages to sneak off and not be noticed by whatever enemy they face. Near the end of the book Bilbo comes and goes between the various armed forces like he’s going for a morning stroll, just leaving guarded fortresses and showing up at king’s tents like it’s nothing. Sure he’s got the ring, but i am certain this is only augmenting his stealthing habits, not creating them.
Early in the fellowship one of the Nazgul stands directly over the four hobbits while actively searching for hobbit-shaped prey AND feeling the homing energy of the ring, and all four hobbits still stay unnoticed. 
I’m convinced the elven cloak works so well to hide them at the gates of Mordor because natural hobbit abilities to stay hidden and the simple elvish cloaking magic crank each other up to 11. Like, that same cloak would not have hidden Gimli the same way in that situation, i’m sure. It would have helped, maybe enough to work at a distance, but not at the enemy’s very feet like that. But a hobbit could almost pull that off even without an elvish cloak, so it’s no problem to do so while wearing one.
Faramir only finds them because a distracted Frodo literally bounces off him while walking through the bushes.
All the time, the hobbits hide and sneak. Frodo and Sam even sneak out of the middle of a group of orcs that are focused on them when they get inspected while disguised as orcs in Mordor. Like the Head Inspector, looks right at them and demands to Inspect Specifically Them, and they, so done in they are barely able to march, still manage to just, y’know, start a distraction and vanish.
Hobbits are, just, unbelievably stealthy
Now think on this. If I asked someone who the sneakiest character from LOTR is, you know who they would say. The sneakiest, stealthiest character in the lord of the rings universe? You all know exactly who everyone would say.
And that’s exactly who is the only one to be able to consistently and accurately locate and sneak up on hobbits. Gollum, that sneakiest of creatures, who spent five hundred years perfecting the art of slinking unnoticed through the tunnels of the Mountain Goblins, skulking around and actually preying on the goblins and never getting caught. Only Gollum manages to find the hobbits again and again, ambushing them several times. And likewise hobbits are quicker than most to notice when Gollum is sneaking around, even catching him unaware a time or two. Two stealth builds playing chess. 
Now onto Hardy as in Hard to Poison
I wholeheartedly agree with another post i saw proposing hobbits are naturally poison resistant. The post pointed to their almost reckless lust for shoving mushrooms into their mouths as an implication of both the reason for an evolved immunity, and the example of it working. The same post notes Boromir’s description of Mordor as being a deadly environment “the very air you breathe is a poisonous fume” supported by there being no birds or fish or i think animals of any kind in the surrounding marshes... and yet the hobbits live relatively well there, merely inconvenienced instead of dying.
There are many instances of hobbits being particularly resilient.
Frodo is resistant to being stabbed by the morgul blade on Weathertop, which by rights should have either killed him or transformed him into a wraith. The wound is so virulent in corruptive magic that it never heals, and Frodo is like “you know? sometimes it bothers me a bit” Merry survives a similar cursed wound after stabbing the Witch King in battle and recovers completely. On the twisted magic paths of Mirkwood, only Bilbo was able to keep his head and break free of the spell, refusing to become fully hypnotized, correctly assessing the source of the enspellment (noxious fumes) and climbing up a tree to fresh air. Even Pippin is startlingly resilient to Sauron himself when he handles the Palantir, giving away no information and refusing to answer questions even having his will bent by the Dark Lord himself. And then afterward recovers completely without any desire to seek the seeing stone again, which is nearly as seductive an artifact as a ring of power.
The hobbits are noted by many of the important knowledgeable characters as being very hardy - Aragorn remarks upon it. Elrond and Gandalf both notice the one ring’s soul-poisoning curse seems to have a much weaker effect on true hobbits
(sidebar: smeagol’s character was only “hobbit-like” for example being “river-folk” instead of what we could call burrow-folk, and were probably quite different form hobbits in some ways) True hobbits all fare better with the ring than Smeagol and Deagol did that fateful day.
Bilbo handles it quite well, all things considered, for a significant time. Frodo even tries to give the ring away several times, which is probably impossible for most. Sam struggles only for a few seconds with it, when he returns it to Frodo in the orc tower after Shelob’s lair; as I recall more curious about than overcome by the feeling of the ring’s attempted possession of him, if i remember the books correctly.
And Speaking of Shelob! I know i know, “if hobbits are so poison resistant why could Shelob so easily poison Frodo?” 
Well first of all, Shelob is an actual demon of rather royal evil lineage, so jot that down.
She is stated to have multiple poisons, and while that orc had every right to assume she was playing with her food as usual, he didn’t see Frodo make a real threat of himself by attacking Shelob with elvish magic. There is every reason to believe she was intent on killing Frodo actually. And then, spider-wise, simply was not going to waste a meal. I’m saying there’s a good chance she dosed Frodo with something much more deadly than sleepytime juice, and he recovered fine anyway.
But even if that’s not the case, Shelob is a literal demon older than Sauron, and i’m sure if she wanted to paralyze a hobbit she could. Even, as not the book but the movies do seem to imply, through mithril mail. Shelob’s mother partnered with Sauron’s old boss to basically end the first world, and later survived a battle against an entire army of balrogs when he drove her off. Shelob herself is a demon at least equal to a Balrog, I’m certain if she wanted, her sting could pierce a dragon’s hide or any metal of equal strength.
And not just Frodo, but Sam also survives a bit of an encounter with her venom.
In the books she half smothers Samwise in a puddle of her various poisons that spill from her slashed abdomen. It nearly makes him lose consciousness and i’m positive being half drowned in a literal puddle of demon venom would have killed most things, and he just shakes it entirely off with the help of a minor blessing from Galadriel (which, by the way, is a get-what-you-give kind of magic, the book explicitly says Galadriel’s Phial acted strongly for Sam because of his own inner strength: “As if his indomitable spirit had set its potency in motion, the glass blazed suddenly like a white torch in his hand”)
In the book it goes
“[Shelob] yielded to the stroke, and then heaved up the great bag of her belly high above Sam's head. Poison frothed and bubbled from the wound. Now splaying her legs she drove her huge bulk down on him again ... as Sam was crushed slowly to the ground.”
I presume a puddle of some sort resulted because the book describes her after being wounded as dribbling venom from her mouth and dragging a trail of green slime behind her when she retreats.
So she spews poison from an abdomen wound over his head (and possibly throws up some poison too) and then uses that poison covered belly to push him into the resulting puddle. Sam is effected thusly
“Sam had fallen to his knees by Frodo's head, his senses reeling in the foul stench, his two hands still gripping the hilt of the sword. Through the mist before his eyes he was aware dimly of Frodo's face and stubbornly he fought to master himself and to drag himself out of the swoon that was upon him”
Then moments later, after a jolt from Galadriel’s Phial “And with that he staggered to his feet and was Samwise the hobbit, Hamfast's son, again.” And he charges back into the fight
This demon gives him a damn poison swirly and he’s all, “Wow! that was bracing!” smacks, like, an epipen in his leg, and comes back swinging
Anyway, I could go on and on but what i’m saying is hobbits are clearly the stealthiest beings on Middle Earth, and are also nearly immune to all toxins, be they physical or magical. They are the perfect rogue... except they don’t want any excitement and largely refuse to go adventuring.
unless it’s the literal fate of the world at stake. Or maybe, maaaybe, if you send a company of hungry dwarves to eat ALL the hobbit’s food stores uninvited, and then offer to pay them back for what was basically a small warehouse of food (plus compensation for the severe emotional damage involved of course) but only if the hobbit promises to come along and help secure the funds to be used in payment of said debt. Maybe. It’s that or the end of the world.
Otherwise it’s help yourself to another ale (and bring me another too) on your way out the door, no hey, i’m over here now, what do you mean stop sneaking around
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