#so maybe a different me would've had the courage to do that
mrs-kmikaelson · 2 months
What's in a Name? (+)
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x reader Summary: The one time that you don't walk away. Warnings: mentions of substance abuse, vvs suggestive Words: 1.2K
a/n: if ur js finding this fic, this is the bonus! the fives times r does walk away are here. this happens right after no.5, btw.
6. A lie is the truth
Arlington, Virginia, 2008
You couldn't sleep.
All you could think of was the fact that you were in Aaron's bed and he was right outside the door. The thunder continued to boom but your thoughts were louder than the storm outside; they consumed you.
It was irrational. You'd known him for nearly five years, and in that time, you'd only seen him an equivalent of five times, yet he was still on your mind. He'd been on your mind non-stop since New York—and that was crazy.
You felt crazy.
You felt crazy because he was right. You felt something.
It all started off as a game. You just wanted to get under his skin, play with fire a bit, but you got burned. You couldn't handle the heat; you couldn't handle the way the game stopped being a game. It became something else.
Hotch's role was to get irritated, maybe a bit flustered, but he was never supposed to flirt back. He was never supposed to want to know you— you couldn't even remember the last time anyone wanted to do that.
Lovers came and went over the years, but none had ever felt like this. It was always physical, but you and Aaron hadn't even kissed. Without any of that, he still had you in his grip. 
You couldn't remember the last time you'd been with anybody. You don't know if you'd been holding off on purpose, if it was conscious. You'd been holding out for a guy you couldn't even be with, and now that you had the chance, you were the one holding back.
God, if he knew you before. If you'd met before, things would've been so different. Maybe he could've saved you from yourself. 
But he didn't. When you were drowning, you pulled yourself out of the water. That old version of you died, and Y/N was born. Y/N was the one who saved you. When you had no one else, Y/N was there. She was your shoulder to cry on until she taught you not to cry anymore, to focus.
But now what did you have? An apartment you barely lived in and nobody that really knew you. But there was a man out there, a good man, who said he wanted to.
You didn't know what you'd show him—you weren't even sure if you really knew you.
But maybe... maybe you could find out together.
You'd never know if you didn't try.
With that thought, you threw the covers back and beelined for the door. When you opened it, you were surprised to find Aaron already behind the threshold, fist raised to knock. In an instant, he dropped it.
You cut him off. "Wait, just— just let me get this out." He looked confused. "If I don't get it out, I don't think I ever will."
There was a beat of silence, but then he spoke. "Okay."
His eyes were kind and patient as you tried to gather the words, everything you wanted to say vanishing from your fingertips. So you went with the first thing that popped into your mind. "My name is Lorelai." Surprise shone on his face, but you paid it little mind, racing to say everything before you lost the courage. "But people used to call me Lai. It was a play on words, because I was a liar. I lied about a lot of things. I got involved with the wrong kinds of people, got my hands on the wrong types of things, I was—" you swallowed. "I was an addict. And my life was gonna go down the drain, but things changed. Then I got on the government radar, and suddenly I wasn't Lai anymore, but I was still a liar; the difference was just that I was a better liar. More powerful. Now I'm Y/N. And that name changed everything for me. That is what is in a name. Everything."
By the time you finished, you were breathing heavy. You averted your eyes as a chuckle left you. "So, tell me, Aaron, do you still want to know me?"
You were expecting him to leave, to end it there and tell you he'd drive you home tomorrow, but instead, you felt sudden warmth on your cheeks as his hands wiped away tears you didn't know were there. "Look at me." When you didn't respond, he tried again, "Y/N. Look at me."
You looked up, expecting to see judgement and hatred, anger, but you saw none of that. You saw openness and understanding, and other emotions you couldn't pinpoint. You realized you couldn't decipher it because no one had ever looked at you this way.
His voice was soft and firm all at the same time. "Y/N, I don't care what your name is. I don't care if a lie is the truth— I care about you." He paused as if he wanted his words to soak in, but not once did he look away. "I want to know you, whether that be about Lorelai or Y/N doesn't matter. This woman in front of me right now, she is who I want to know." 
Your heart beat rapidly against your ribcage as he leaned in closer. Déjà vu from your moment in the kitchen hit you hard, your eyes going back to his lips, the same lips that just uttered that he didn't care, the same lips that just washed away your fears. 
He closed his eyes and then pleaded, "Let me know you, Y/N."
That shattered any last semblance of doubt you had left, and you barely had time to think about it before you were slamming your lips into his. 
He reciprocated immediately, kissing you with the fervour of a man who'd been suffocated and you were his air. A sensation you couldn't name erupted all over your body, from your head to your toes, and you wondered how you had lived so long without ever feeling this. Of all the kisses you'd ever had, none could compare to this one.
But this didn't just feel like a kiss. It felt like a promise.
Your lips moved in sync together, just like when you'd been dancing that night in Washington. It was like your body knew all the steps to this dance without ever having learned it.
So now you wondered, if this was supposed to be wrong, why did it feel more right than anything you'd ever done?
Eventually, you had to pull away. His eyes were still closed. You grinned. "How about you get to know me tomorrow night at dinner?"
That caused his eyes to open, a full-fledged smile making its way onto his face, and you knew then and there that you'd do anything to make him smile like that all the time. "8 o'clock?"
You nodded and agreed, "It's a date."
His smile got wider, and then he ducked his head into the crook of your neck where it fit perfectly. You wrapped your arms around his neck, recalling how he tensed the last time you did so. Now he had a different reaction, pressing his lips against your neck and littering kisses everywhere.
Tomorrow, you had a date at 8'oclock. But as Aaron kicked the door closed, you wondered if you'd make it out of bed to get there.
You supposed you could miss one date.
You had a feeling there would be many more to make up for it.
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moonferry · 3 months
yk when u want a specific type of content but it like doesn't exist so u have to make it urself..
anyway have some bachelors x masc farmer ideas/headcanons/rambles. idk i just say words. long post so strap in, folks! honestly these could be considered gn if u squint bc i don't really use masc pronouns in the writing, however there are mentions of masc labels (boyfriend, husband)
mentions of internalized homophobia + depression
i may do bachelorettes x fem farmer next so stay tuned :3
- wears his boyfriend's/husband's shirts. literally no exceptions. if you wore it, he is going to wear it too. you left a shirt at his place? oh. it's his now. and he's going to be smiling the entire time he wears it. this being said, i think he'd totally be like T____T it doesn't smell like you anymore and ask for a different one.
- loves to compliment your appearance or just you in general (in my play through he literally says "you look so handsome. did you shave?" like 3 times a week)
- personally, i see harvey as being bisexual + super open about it. like everyone in town supports him & they're so ecstatic for him when they see he has a boyfriend.
- if you have yet to ask him out, though, and he's realizing his feelings i think it would be very hard for him to hide them. someone could be asking him something and you walk into the clinic? his entire train of thought is GONE. i'm talking they have to wave their hand in front of his face to get his attention back.
- don't even get me STARTED on if you propose. he'd literally walk into the clinic, slam his coffee on the reception desk and be like, "MARU, LOOK." pretty sure he fainted and maru had to fan him back to consciousness.
- despite elliott's openness with his own sexuality, i think he was terrified of your rejection. not too terrified obviously because something something inspiration from painful experiences yada yada. if you ended up not being interested in him, he probably would've gotten over it - but don't be surprised if you notice some strange subtext in his writing. he's a romantic writer - if he has feelings, they're going to get written down. sorry folks.
- but * yay * you didn't reject him, so elliott is still inspired. maybe you even become the next love interest in his newest novel? who knows.
- in his 14 heart event, he writes a series of letters to you because he has to leave pelican town for a week. i absolutely loved this idea and i think elliott would do this even if he was in the town. they could be something as mundane as what he did that day/week and he just. put it in the mailbox. you still enjoy reading them, though.
- i think he absolutely loves using "my" like "my man", "my husband" "my beloved" just anything, really. he loves you so much - and he knows he doesn't own you, obviously, he's just so glad he is lucky enough to call you his.
- i think alex was TERRIFIED of falling in love with you. in his 10 heart event, he mentions telling himself that he shouldn't experience these feelings for another man. every act of kindness you showed him ate away at his heart and it drove him crazy.
- i think he experienced a little internal homophobia before finally realizing that it was okay. it doesn't help that george is so adamant about him finding a girlfriend (and that george has a little homophobic arc 🥲). alex probably internalized these ideas and pushed himself into his gridball/weightlifting obsession to quiet his mind.
- after he finally worked up the courage to tell you how he felt - and was entirely relieved when you felt the same way - it was as if a weight removed itself from his chest. he could finally breathe again. the world seemed different - in a good way. colors were more vivid, sounds were more pleasing to hear, the earth felt solid underneath his feel for once. he wasn't afraid of anything, especially not with you beside him.
- now, he proudly walks around the town with your hand in his, smiling to himself.
- sometimes those thoughts start to seep back in, though. like when he's about to sleep at night and his brain just can't shut up. he starts to hate himself again, and then he feels you press against him or hears you mutter in your sleep and his heart softens.
- also he got george and evelyn shirts that say "i love my gay grandson" they wear them proudly.
- surprised that anyone took a romantic interest in him, not surprised by the fact that you're a guy.
- i don't think shane has a "preference" for dating someone, he goes based off of vibes + personality rather than gender or appearance. he also doesn't label himself or his sexuality/romantic attraction.
- he's definitely a shirt lender. like you see a nice jacket in his closet and you're like "hey, hun, can i borrow this?" "sure."
- thinks you look amazing in his clothes. probably puts the best ones on hangers (or at the top of the clothing pile) in hopes that you'd choose them.
- even if he doesn't show it outwardly, he's super afraid of losing you. because of his mental illness, he can't help but think that every good thing he has will be taken away from him or that he "doesn't deserve" them. (he does, and you often remind him of this if he gets too into his head).
- i picture him reaching over and placing a hand on your arm in the middle of the night JUST to make sure you were still there and not the universe playing a cruel joke on him.
- can cook, but he's so used to making frozen dinners that he often forgets to.
- if you're taller than him, forehead kisses are a MUST. he will not let you leave the farmhouse until he receives his daily forehead kiss.
- i think he loves being the little spoon. it just makes him feel safer, more grounded in a way. he's been at the point where it feels like nothing is permanent and it can all end in the blink of an eye, so being spooned helps him realize that it isn't all that bad and that it will be okay, given the right time and effort.
- shane definitely falls asleep on his husband's chest like.. once a week.
- because mental illness is a constant battle, i imagine shane still gets "bad days". but don't worry! his loving husband is here to help. shane's depressive episodes usually consist of lying in bed (often for days at a time) and it's extremely hard for him to do anything. but the farmer is used to this - he's definitely read up on mental health books and how to support someone with depression. the farmer never tries to force shane out of bed or tells him that he needs to "get over it". the farmer often checks on him in between their farm duties. i imagine when the farmer is completely finished, they sits down on the edge of the bed and play with shane's hair or rubs their hand up and down his back:
"hey shane, are you okay?"
"i will be."
"i love you, chickadee."
"i know."
"do you want some ice cream?"
"yes, please."
- by far, the most "affectionate"? in a way.
- sammy loves pda im sorry. if you two are walking along, he has to be touching you in some way - whether it's holding your hand. your arm looped through his own, your hand in his hoodie pocket, etc. he just needs physical contact. i also think he'd look at you with big, wet eyes and wait until you kiss him.
- he takes you to band practice !!! seb and abby don't really mind, and you even offer some input on how they should approach their next song.
- absolute golden retriever boyfriend. can and will curl up on your lap and cuddle against you (even if he's ridiculously tall and lanky).
- if and when you attend all his shows/concerts, he definitely pulls you on stage once the set it over and kisses you publicly - sebastian and abigail just roll their eyes (this happens every single time. they're used to it).
- probably has your name written on his guitar.
- i think kent and jodi would be some of the most supportive people ever - they're just happy their son found someone to be with, regardless of gender.
- i think kent would probably sit you down and give you "the talk" about *grumble grumble* if you break my son's heart *grumble grumble*. not that you would, obviously, you adore sam. but kent's words do put the fear of god in you - this is the man who sends you bombs in the mail as a "friendly gesture"
- don't let that fool you, though, kent will be an absolute waterfall if you and sam get married. i also think he'd be more of a "ask for his blessing" before proposing kind of guy, but he'd give it willingly.
- sam loves it when you run a hand through his hair (if he had a tail, it would be wagging).
- sam puppyboy au? thinking thoughts...
- i think the only one surprised that seb has a boyfriend is seb himself. he always pictured himself a "loner for life" and DEFINITELY didn't expect to fall in love with this weird farm boy.
- he probably spends more time at the farm house/wherever you two hang out than his own home. but who could blame him?
- he was so confused about his feelings that he ended up talking to maru for help (crazy, right?) the two of them built a pillow fort near maru's telescope and spent hours talking. it was quiet nice. this helped him realize two things: 1) maybe his sister wasn't all that bad and 2) he was DEFINITELY in love with another man. he didn't know which was more confusing.
- i think sebastian likely confessed first in a sort of "nonchalant" way. i think the conversation went like this:
farmer,teasing: "oooh, you wanna kiss me sooo bad it makes you look stupid."
seb: "yeah, i do."
neither of you were prepared for that. i think he would ease the tension by just. ignoring what he just said.
- i think he smiles like a frog . a sort of :} if you will. like bulbasaur.
- speaking of bulbasaur, that is definitely his favorite pokémon. oh and froakie. he just like the little frog dudes. would love you forever if you won him a plushie from the claw machine.
- it's no secret that seb often thinks no one would notice if he left, but getting closer to you made him realize that.. someone would. and maybe that's enough.
- if he stays up late working on a project, just walk over to his desk and wrap him into a back hug. bonus points if you voice is gravelly from sleep. "let's go to bed, sebby." he'd melt. like full on puddle on the ground.
- because sebastian is like 5'6 you'd think he enjoys being the small spoon. WRONG!!! he is a big spoon exclusively. you don't mind, though.
- he would die if you played with his hands while cuddling. please give this boy some physical affection. he deserves it.
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avatar-anna · 2 years
Unknown Number, Part 3
italics: y/n (unknown number)
bold: harry
(four weeks ago)
J: guess what?
HS: What?
J: no you actually have to guess!
HS: Why?
J: i wouldn't have said guess what if i didn't want you to actually guess. i would've just told you
J: so guess!
HS: Uh...you went on a date with a decent guy?
J: normally i would say RUDE but you're correct!
J: still...RUDE
(ten minutes later)
HS: Wow.
J: wow? just wow? i'm making real progress here!
J: college graduate, good head of hair, sense of humor that isn't misogynistic, and he's stupid hot
J: i think i'm in love
HS: After just one date? Don't you think it's a little too soon to tell?
J: who knew you were such debbie downer
J: i think you need to go on a date. maybe that'll make you believe in the power of love and a beautiful smile
HS: Ha ha
HS: I already told you I'm too busy.
J: no one's too busy for love h
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(present day)
Y/n had never felt more nervous in her life.
Here she was sitting across from the person she'd spent countless days and weeks and months texting. There was never a moment where she didn't have anything to say to him, but now her mind was completely blank.
She wasn't supposed to see him again. The tour buses were typically a ghost town as it got closer and closer to show time, so she figured she could wait there before she had to leave for the airport.
When Y/n saw Harry outside the tour bus, she thought he'd come to yell at her some more; part of her thought she was about to be sent to jail for stalking. But all he wanted to do was talk.
And now they were on a couch not saying a word.
There was too much that needed to be said, but Y/n didn't know how to start, and she assumed Harry didn't either because he was just as quiet. But since the silence was almost as unbearable as when he yelled at her, she mustered the courage to say something.
"I...I don't know how to convince you that I'm not a stalker," she said, looking down at her hands folded in her lap. Then she laughed a little.
Her eyes flicked up to Harry's, and when he wasn't laughing or smiling with her, she stopped. "We, uh, we had the same conversation, only in reverse, remember?"
Y/n had gone through many emotions that day—mortification, terror. She'd gone out on a limb by texting so soon after a date, and to find out that said date had given her a fake phone number was not the best feeling in the world. And then realizing that she'd sent a picture of herself half-naked...not her proudest moment.
"I—It was a risk for me too, you know," she said quietly. "I didn't know who you were, either, and I—I don't know what else you want me to say. I wasn't lying. You were the one who asked to talk, so talk."
Harry didn't talk, at least not at first. Y/n wasn't going to say anything else until he did, though. He'd yelled at her, called her sick, assumed the absolute worst without about her before stopping to ask for an explanation. And she understood, but then why not just let her be? Why drag this out?
"I want to believe you. I'm trying to believe you," Harry said. "You just—You have to understand how alarming this was for me. This isn't the first time my phone number has gotten leaked."
"I'm sorry." It was all Y/n could think of to say.
"And so hearing you say my name when I'd never told you...I got scared, and—and angry that it'd happened again."
Y/n understood where Harry was coming from, and she didn't blame him for not believing her, but this all seemed redundant. She already forgave him in her note. Perhaps she could try a different approach.
"I didn't know who One Direction was when we first started talking," she said. "I didn't even know who One Direction was until I got this job."
Harry's brows raised. "Really?"
Y/n rolled her eyes. "You're popular, but not that popular."
To her surprise, Harry laughed. It was small and weak, but it was a laugh. "Fair enough."
"I swear I didn't know who you were until this tour. I saw the first couple shows on the road, I saw just how many fans you guys have, and so maybe I did a little research, but I didn't know it was Harry Styles, beloved by millions of teenage girls around the world, that I was texting."
Harry scooted closer to her, and with wide eyes, Y/n scooted away. She didn't know what that meant, or why he did it, but she wasn't ready for it. They'd been friends, were friends, she didn't know what they were. He was close enough for now.
Harry was...very gorgeous. Y/n was well aware of that after seeing pictures of him online and in passing during the day. Now that they were up close, she was suddenly aware of his pretty green eyes and hair that curled down to his shoulders. And the tattoos. God, how many times had she told Harry that she loved a guy with tattoos?
"So...You really only found out a few days ago?" he asked.
"I only know what you've said over text," Y/n said with a nod. "And some of your discography, obviously. And the names of your fellow boy band members."
Y/n watched as Harry took in what she said, hoping he would believe her, or at the very least not be angry with her anymore. She knew they would probably never be friends, but maybe she could go back home knowing he didn't hate her or think she was crazy.
"I...believe you. I think," he said after a couple long minutes.
"Don't say that if you don't—"
"No, I—I told you a few days ago that I know you, and I meant that," he insisted. "I jumped to conclusions because of past circumstances, but thinking clearly and reading your letter...those instances and this aren't the same. I'm sorry for exploding on you like that."
Y/n shook her head. "You said it yourself. This wasn't the first time something like this has happened. You had a right to be angry."
"I just—This wasn't how I wanted this to go."
"What do you mean?"
"I wanted—I wanted the first time we met to be...I don't know what I wanted but I didn't want it to be like this."
Eyes blinking in surprise, Y/n said, "Well, I'm glad you believe me. Maybe we can still be frie—Oh."
Before Y/n could finish what she was saying, her phone went off. Her alarm.
"What's that?"
Y/n looked down at her phone, then up at Harry. Things seemed to be mended for the most part, but she didn't want to press her luck. If she left now, maybe they could go back to the way things were before their identities were more or less revealed.
"I set an alarm so I would make it to the airport on time," she said, standing up from the couch. "My flight isn't for another two hours, but I like to get there early because of security and all that."
"You're leaving?" Harry asked, sounding incredulous, though you weren't sure why.
"I told you I was. You threatened to call the police on me, remember?"
"But—But we fixed everything. I thought...This is still your foot in the door, June. I don't want to take that away from you."
It was sweet that he was still thinking about her career, Y/n thought. But... "I appreciate that you're taking my career into account, but I think I need some time to digest the fact that the...friend that I've been texting for the last couple months is—is—"
The truth was Y/n needed to get over the fact that she couldn't actually be with her perfect stranger. When she could hide behind her phone, it was easier to fantasize and come back down to earth, but now the reality of their situation was slapping her in the face. This wasn't going to end with the two of them together.
"Is what? Not who you thought I was?"
"I was taken by surprise too, you know. I thought, or I'd hoped for—"
"Nothing. I have to catch my flight," Y/n said. She stood up from the couch, or tried to, anyway. Harry reached for her wrist, keeping her there. She knew she could easily pull away and stand up, but she didn't. "Maybe I should've let you believe I was crazy," she said with a laugh. "It would've made leaving easier."
"You don't have to go," Harry insisted. "You're my friend, and I—"
"But I don't want to just be your friend, Harry!" She said, finally pulling her hand from his. "Maybe that makes me crazy for developing feelings for someone before I ever met them, but I'm not sure I could sit around and pretend that I don't want to take your face in my hands and—"
Y/n didn't even register that Harry had moved closer to her. Couldn't make a single noise before they were nose and his lips were on hers. She could only stare, nearly cross-eyed, so surprised she could hardly register how soft his lips were. And then, for just a moment, Y/n closed her eyes and let herself get lost in the kiss. Her hands found themselves in his hair, pulling him closer, pulling him over her, but before they could get any further her senses took over.
"H—Wha—What are you doing—"
"Do you know how hard it was to watch you go on and on about going out with complete dickheads?" he asked, not trying to kiss Y/n, but not moving away either. "To know that some undeserving idiot was taking you out and treating you so wrong when I could've—when I knew I could be better than that, be someone you deserved."
"You never—I don't understand." She did, she just didn't want to.
"June," Harry said. His thumb traced the curve of her cheek so gently, yet it sent chills throughout her whole body. "I want—I want y—"
Y/n didn't let him finish as she pressed her lips to his again. A hum rumbled from Harry's chest, clearly pleased by her reaction. She let herself savor every feeling—from the hand that cradled her face and laid her back across the couch to hair that created a curtain over the both of them and his persistent mouth that wanted more, more, more. The leather sofa was cool against her back and she whimpered, but Harry only took it as an opportunity to deepen the kiss, slotting a leg between hers while her arms threaded around his neck.
"Tell me you'll stay," he said, breathing only slightly shallow. Y/n had only kissed Harry twice, but she was aching to do it again. She leaned forward, but he moved just out of reach, his fingers holding her chin in place. "I'm sorry for yelling and immediately assuming the worst, but please don't go. Not yet."
He looked so sincere, Y/n thought. The way Harry stared at her was intense but endearing. His lips were a little swollen from all the kissing, and some of his hair was hanging in his face. She could understand why so many people were attracted to him, even outside the realm of physical beauty. If Y/n didn't know him the way she did and he still looked at her like that, she would do nothing short of eating out of the palm of his hand. His energy was hypnotizing, his intentions were good, and he had a decent heart to match. Y/n wasn't sure she'd be able to leave even if she wanted to.
"I won't. I promise."
If him pleading with her hadn't done the trick, his smile would have. It was full of hope rounded out by deep dimples and charm. "Really?"
"I know it probably won't be easy, but I want this too. I want you."
She spent so much of her time on guys who didn't care, who weren't after what she was after. Recently, Y/n had only gone out on dates because she thought she was crazy for developing feelings for someone she'd never met, but now...
She didn't even think it was possible, but Harry's grin widened, and when she leaned in again, he let her. They only kissed for a few minutes before Y/n pulled back with a start. "Wait!"
She giggled, then smoothed the corner of his mouth where there was a little lip gloss. "You don't even know my name."
Realization dawned on Harry, as if he'd never even thought about calling her anything other than June, which was fine by her, but she figured he at least needed to know her real name.
"Oh right. I guess we should do this properly. I'm Harry, and I would very much like to take you out sometime."
Y/n grinned and awkwardly shook his hand while Harry was still on top of her. "Nice to meet you, Harry. I'm Y/n, but you can call me June. Almost everyone does."
"Yeah, that's kind of the point of nicknames," she said, looking at him oddly. "Why?"
"I want a name that's just mine," Harry said.
Running a hand through his hair, she said, "Well, can we kiss while you figure something out."
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Twelve uninterrupted minutes. That's what Y/n and Harry got. He supposed they could've spent it talking, but they had plenty of time to talk. Harry just wanted to be close to her, and Y/n wanted the same.
It was weird to see her, to know she was June, and associate her with a different name. But not too bad that he needed a minute to think about it.
In twelve minutes, Harry was out of his shirt and Y/n was working on getting hers off. They knew better than to do anything more than that, but he liked seeing her in a way he never thought he would, and he could only imagine she felt the same. When Y/n finally managed to get her shirt over her head, Harry felt a bit like an ass for staring, but he couldn't help it. He was taking every inch of her in. Every curve, freckle and scar. Y/n squirmed a little under his gaze and attempted to cross her arms over herself, which was when he finally looked back up at her lovely face.
"Sorry. You're quite beautiful."
That wasn't a dick thing to say, right? He avoided stating the obvious, which was he wanted to put his mouth everywhere and didn't quite know where to start, but something crossed Y/n's face. Harry didn't quite know what it meant, but he would.
Though he did get a little worried he said the wrong thing, but before he could ask she pulled him down to her again.
All of that in twelve minutes. Harry wanted more, would've maybe gotten more, but the door to the tour bus flew open, and a voice drew nearer before either of them could separate.
"Harry? You in here? People are losing their minds because—Woah."
Harry was quick to maneuver himself in front of June as Niall's eyes fell on the two of them. He reached down and grabbed his shirt and shrugged it on. "Everyone can keep their pants on. I'm coming."
"Can you?"
"Niall!" Harry said, but June just giggled behind him. He looked back at her to see her smiling.
"It was a little funny."
Shaking his head, Harry leaned forward and kissed the top of hers. "I have to go—Can you give us a minute?" he asked, throwing a look over his shoulder at Niall.
"Yeah," he said, though most of it was covered up by laughter at having caught his friend. "Yeah, I'll—Wait a minute. Is that June?"
She peeked out behind Harry's shoulder. "Hello."
Harry's mind was alphabet soup for a moment while he tried to make sense of what was essentially his two worlds colliding. It would make sense that Niall knew June because he was always hanging out with the 5SOS boys.
"But what about that girl you've been moping about—"
"I'm going! I'm going! I gotta go tell Calum and the boys."
"Niall, no—And he's gone." Y/n sighed and rested her head on Harry's shoulder. Then she playfully pinched his side. "Moping?"
"Oh hush."
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J: where are you?
HS: Radio interview. I'll be back soon.
HS: Why?
J: i was gonna do a little shopping. thought you might wanna join
J: BUT i will just go by myself
HS: Sorry. I'll see you after?
J: fiiine
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HS: Okay I'm back. Where are you?
J: still shopping!
HS: All you buy are t-shirts. How does that take so long?
J: um...RUDE i guess i'll just put the super sexy panties away
HS: ...please don't hurry
J: that's what i thought
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HS: I miss you :((
J: you saw me twenty minutes ago
HS: I want you in my bunk
J: a little late seeing as we're already on the road!
HS: :(((
J: everyone is going to hate me, but do you want me to call you?
HS: No it's fine.
HS: Can you switch buses at the next stop for gas?
J: you're unbelievable
J: yes of course
HS: :)))
HS: Louis wants you to know we're disgusting!
J: tell louis he can kiss my ass
HS: I will do no such thing. Your ass is mine
HS: Louis is right
J: we are disgusting
HS: So... I'll see you in a couple hours
J: can't wait xx
J: but until then (download image here)
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and that's a wrap! i hope y'all enjoy the last part! thanks for all the love on this fic, everyone has been so sweet💕💕
@cookielovesbook-akie @sucker4angstt @l0v3e1i @bellesmith628 @marigold-morelli @obsessedmaggiemay @voniikg @onecrazydirectioner @unabashedcolorfrienddreamer @austinsvlrslut @iheartharlow @jessitpwk @fictionalmenloversblog @onceagainace @zucchinimalfoy @sqrxndipity @indierockgirrl @drwho06 @shakiraa-a @nomyeyebrowsarentreal @sleutherclaw @yeehawbrothers @harryspirate
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sturnzyolo · 3 months
"𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞."- Chris Sturniolo
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Chris Sturniolo x Reader
Warnings: Exes to Lovers, breakup explanation, etc.
Summary: When y/n gets a text from her ex asking to talk, she is more than willing to do so, falling right back into his arms.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Chris and you have been broken up for 2 months, after dating for about a year and 3 months you had decided to end things. You believed it was for the better, that you both deserved more than what you had been giving the other.
Dating Chris started as everything you could've dreamed of, he was unreal, and everything he did for you was more than enough. He was your first real love, you couldn't dream of anything better than how he made you feel. Until things were different, and you had a gut feeling maybe this wasn't right. You barely even left him with an explanation.
He had been hurting for months trying to figure out what he could've done wrong, til one night, he finally grew the courage to ask.
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(mistype I meant our* spot)
You walked from your house down to the beach, you were wearing a light pink hoodie and some loose gray shorts with regular sandals on. Your phone laid in your hoodie pocket as you made your way down to see Chris.
He had gotten down before you, seeing him sitting on a beach towel at your guy's usual spot on the beach, it was more secluded there, even with the soft cushioned beach chair beside it, Chris always liked the feel of the sand when on the towel instead.
"Hey y/n I'm sorry this was so random, I just needed to ask you some things.." Chris said hesitantly as you made your way towards him to sit on the towel beside him
"No worries, I wasn't doing much anyway" You smiled as your eyebrows furrowed to seeing his facial expression falter "Uh I should probably just get to asking you I guess." He spoke nervously as he looked at you before looking back at the sand under his shoes
"Yeah, no problem, what did you want to talk about?" you asked, although you knew perfectly well what this was about. he huffed as he finally had the heart and contentment to speak and ask you the question he's been dying to ask for ages
"Why did you end things, I mean we were together for awhile, like a good amount of time, and you ended it like it was nothing. I know you said it was for the best and we had different things we wanted in life but that can't just be it, right? Just tell me why you did it, I deserve that atleast" he asked almost desperately pleading you for the truth
"Um, well I guess I broke up with you because something was off, like we were perfect at the start. You were my bestfriend and I couldn't have been more happy with you, but then it felt like we were getting distant at points, like you weren't communicating. I guess half of that is my fault, because I don't communicate well either, but I just had this perfect image of us.. and then when it wasn't, I guess I got scared of getting hurt, so I ended it." you paused seeing his eyes roam around the sand as the waves crashed into it lightly. The moon dimly lighting the area. you inhaled and exhaled smoothly, your eyes going from the towel you both sat on, back to his face.
"You know I wish things could've been different with us, maybe if we communicated better or would've really fought for us, we could've made things work." He said as he looked down slightly to his lap, his fingers picking at his jeans material.
You spoke under your breath with somewhat of a nervous tone, looking at his mannerisms to try and figure out how he was feeling, "You don't hate me?"
Chris sighed subtly, frowning slightly as he shook his head slowly, his response was low toned but sounded so genuine "Could never hate you." after his words came out of his mouth, his eyes rose, softly looking up into your eyes with his light pink lips parted ever so slightly.
A slight pause came before you spoke "You know, I really am sorry Chris, I wish I was better for you, you never did anything wrong, it's just hard when we're so young to feel like this.." You said tiredly as if you were exhausted even with yourself
"But y/n there is no better than you. Trust me, I've tried to even look at other girls, but it never feels right. I can't not want you y/n.. please, can we just try again? I'll communicate, I'll give you everything you need, attention, reassurance, the only thing i want in my future is you, and I can't lose that, not now. Y/n just tell me you want me and I'll give you my everything, because I don't know how to let you go." Chris sat up while straightening his posture, his eyes laid onto yours. He was almost pleading for you to accept it because that was all he wanted.
"Chris you know I love you, but I'm scared, I don't want to lose you at all, and what if this ends horribly?" Your voice broke slightly as you confessed your fears.
"No, no, y/n please just understand I will never hurt you. I know it's hard to trust someone's words but let me show you that I am never going to leave you, you're never going to lose me because I'm so in love with you, y/n. I never stopped and I never will." Chris' eyes scanned yours, both of you had tears filling your eyes.
Your gaze drifted down before Chris laid his hand gently onto your cheek to lift it up. "Just tell me you want this and I'm yours." Chris said in an exhale
"I want this Chris, I want you, more than anything." you admitted before his heart skipped a beat as he gently pulled in to kiss you, the same spark you felt during your first kiss all those months ago, returned. The feeling of his lips on yours was all you needed as he pulled your legs ontop of him, having you straddled his waist.
His hands snaked down your body slowly, tracing your curves before massaging your thighs up and down. Causing a moan to break from you as your hands traveled into his hair, your freshly done nails executing a groan from Chris back into your lips.
Chris could never hate you, there wasn't any chance of it happening, he was always yours, but you were too scared to get hurt again. This time you were ready to give him your all, and make the most out of this new chance with him.
(ts would've ended in beach smut if I was comfortable to write that 🤭)
hope u guys enjoyed sorry the end was a bit shit bc I cut off the steamy part, but you horndogs can make up your own little smutty ending.
@lovetriplets @watercolorskyy
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kinascum · 6 months
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athr's note: idk if i hate or love this BUT M BACK!!!
warnings: ANGST NO COMFORT. Mean!Chris (selfish, no emoional responsability, yells at the reader and insults them). Yelling, Swearing, Fighting, Being uncomfortable, idk if i missed anything.
summary Y/N struggles to adjust to the new dynamic in her relationship with chris as his fame startes to rise, and their time together becomes slimmer. what happens when Y/N stands up for herself?
It had been a few months since that fateful night at the noisy party, the night when fate had brought us together. I had been wearing my favorite pair of heels which, as luck would have it, had broken just as I was walking towards the bar. It was then that I spotted Chris, looking at me with an amused smile playing on his lips, and I mustered up the courage to ask him for help.
To my surprise, he not only fixed my heel but also struck up a conversation with me. His blue eyes stood out against his pale skin, which was shining in different colors from the lights around us. We had exchanged numbers amidst the chaos of the party, and that was the beginning of our story.
Fast forward to the present, and I found myself sitting at the dining table, surrounded by my new family. Chris was sitting to my right, but it felt like he was miles away from me. Matt was on my left, and Nick was in front of me, while MaryLou and Jimmy occupied the two ends of the table. I couldn't help but feel like something was off.
Chris seemed distant, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that he didn't have any time for me anymore. I had been struggling to adjust to this new dynamic in our relationship as his fame started to rise and our time together became slimmer, and it was taking a toll on me. As the night went on, I found myself lost in thought, unable to fully enjoy the company of my loved ones.
His words reverberated in my head, and I felt my heart sink as I realized the severity of the situation. We had just arrived back at my apartment, and he was pacing around the kitchen while I sat on the sofa, my hands covering my head as tears streamed down my face. He watched me cry, his face devoid of any emotion as he spoke in a cold, harsh tone.
"Can't you just be normal?" he asked, frustration evident in his voice. "I'm asking you for one basic thing, and it's not that hard." He walked up to me, towering over me as his hands swung around in anger. "I didn't mean to, okay?" I tried to explain, my voice shaking with fear. "I just wasn't feeling good, and I didn't know how to express it." His face contorted with rage, and he let out a bitter laugh. "Oh, Y/N… you're so selfish, you know that?" he said, his voice laced with sarcasm. "You never think about anyone else but yourself." As he looked down at his feet, I felt a wave of despair wash over me.
The person I loved most in the world was standing in front of me, but he seemed like a stranger. The hurt and anger in his eyes were too much for me to bear, and I knew that something had changed between us forever.
I stood up, feeling my anger taking over me while tears started to pour out of my eyes. "Well maybe if you would've asked me what was wrong none of this could've happened," I muttered, my voice trembling with emotion. Four long months of taking his constant criticism without uttering a single complaint had finally taken their toll on me. "And I'm selfish?!" I exclaimed, my voice rising with each word. "You're unbelievable, Chris," I said, my voice choking on my tears. I knew that lashing out at him would only result in more pain, but I couldn't back down now.
I stood there, waiting for Chris to respond. But instead of apologizing, he just stared at me, his eyes flashing with anger. "What do you want from me?" he said, his voice cold. "I can't be everything to you. You're always so needy, always wanting more. It's never enough, is it?"
I felt a surge of anger and frustration rise within me. "That's not true," I said, my voice trembling. "All I want is for you to listen to me, to care about me. Is that too much to ask?"
Chris sneered at me. "You're impossible," he said. "I can't deal with you anymore. I'm done."
And with that, he turned and walked away, leaving me standing there, alone and broken. I watched him go, feeling a sense of despair wash over me. I knew that we would never be able to make it work, that our relationship was doomed to fail.
But even as I thought that a small part of me still held onto hope, still believed that maybe, just maybe, we could find a way to make things right. But deep down, I knew that it was just wishful thinking, that the reality was far bleaker than I wanted to admit.
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elleloquently · 2 years
invisible string : ellie williams
| college!ellie au <3 depending on the feedback and if this is well received/people are interested enough, i would really love to make this a series! i usually just do drabbles and headcanons so this is a little different but i'm really excited about it, hopefully you'll all be excited too!! please let me know if this is worth continuing aaah i have a plot mapped out so more parts?? i am so excited to be actively writing on tumblr again and i just wanted to say hi and thank u to all of my new followers from the past few days!!
| c/w- reader has anxious thoughts
the transition from fall to winter was abrupt;
one morning you open your eyes and the crunchy, orange leaves have curled and gone brown. swirls of chilled air and frozen rain threaten to turn into snow which replaces the brightly colored leaves that once danced and twirled their way from the trees to the ground.
the transition from fall to winter means final exams, impending doom, and a great loss of sleep.
by the way you rushed to class, anyone passing by would've assumed you were running extremely late. however, it was quite the opposite. you needed to be exactly twenty minutes early. twenty minutes early to fix any hair that would've been knotted by the wind, and twenty minutes early to secure a seat that was a perfect distance from the pretty girl with auburn hair that was in your class.
finals season led to the lecture halls being crowded of students who hadn't previously attended class on a regular schedule, and you refused to once again lose the seat that you have been using all semester.
the sound of your shoes echoed through the silent hallway. In a flurry you were pulling your phone out of your pocket, pulling your bag higher on your shoulder and adjusting the bottom of your sweater. you heaved open the classroom door without a moment of checking your surroundings, which caused you to freeze instantly when you caught sight of the auburn girl sitting next to your seat.
the heavy door swung to a loud closing, causing you to outwardly flinch as the girl quickly looked up. the sudden eye contact made you cringe, but it was over as quickly as it happened as she turned back to slouching over her notebook.
in a moment of internal panic, you busied yourself with your bag as you fought with yourself over what to do next. the classroom was nearly empty, would she think you were a freak for sitting directly next to her? on the other hand, you had been sitting in that seat for the entire semester, surely she knew that? then again, she most likely wasn't paying attention to you in the way that you had been paying attention to her...
after a moment of hesitation, you swallowed your pride and slid into your seat with burning cheeks. you were nearly certain her name was ellie, but hadn't managed the courage to speak to her yet and the semester was nearing a close.
ellie was someone who instantly caught your eye. you wanted to be her friend, but never worked up the nerve to start a conversation. you noticed her a lot though, maybe more than you should. admittedly, on the days you have been tempted to skip class, you ended up attending simply due to one reason.
she was funny, you could tell by the way she interacted with other people in the class. and she was pretty. so pretty, in fact, you hadn't wanted to sit directly next to her because it was simply too daunting.
but now here you are.
a hole could've burned through your notebook because of how hard you were staring at it, feeling completely unsure of what to do with your body. sitting next to her made you feel frozen, and you mentally cursed yourself for being so pathetic over someone you didn't even really know.
out of the corner of your eye, you could see ellie twirling a pen through her fingers. you caught sight of her tattoo and thought your gaze might've lingered a little too long because the girl next to you suddenly sighed loudly, causing you to jump and refocus your gaze to your notes.
"alright, scale of one to ten, how fucked do you think you are for the final? I think I'm standing at a solid..six? maybe?"
heart thumping, you turned to meet ellie's gaze. she was staring at you with her eyebrows pinched together, but still had a small smile hanging off of her lips.
"same," you released with a nervous laugh, quickly frowning at your lack of response. you try to will yourself to think of something witty, ultimately failing but ellie smiles anyway.
her change of expression encourages you and you manage to spit something out without overthinking it.
"I really want to be more positive, but I'm horrible at taking tests. like, really horrible. It doesn't matter how much I study or if I love the material... I'm like, done for."
ellie nods and the conversation is short lived, but you're buzzing well throughout class. she doodles on her note pages and pieces of hair fall from her low bun to frame her face. you steal only a couple glances, using all of your power to focus on the professor and not the girl sat next to you.
in your determination to not let your eyes linger, you're completely unaware of Ellie's gaze. she notices your notes, detailed and organized, and the slight frown on your face as you scramble to make adjustments while the professor reviews information.
it's a miracle you're able to focus and class ends ten minutes early, a rarity yet well appreciated. you're trying to decide if you should get another word in with ellie while you're packing up, and she makes it easy on you.
"hey, are you doing that whole study group thing?" ellie askes suddenly, her tone growing in confidence as her sentence finishes.
sliding your notes into your bag, you pretend to think it over. in reality, you never considered the option. the idea of meeting up with people you didn't really know in an attempt to teach other class material sounded like an anxiety nightmare.
"I don't really know," you admit. "are you?"
ellie shrugs, nearly hesitating for a moment before standing and straightening her posture. she carried herself well, you noticed, fighting a burning in your face as you stood awkwardly after her.
ellie didn't verbally answer and her original asking left you curious, but you had homework due soon and no time to delay. after a rushed and mumbled parting, you left the class as quickly as you could without seeming as if you were running away from ellie herself.
the late november air was as unforgiving as the nagging thoughts in your head about a silly study group that you previously had no interest in. you were certain that you were reading way too into things... ellie had only asked a simple question and she surely wasn't going to lose sleep over it.
regardless, you found yourself double checking the date and time that the study group was supposed to meet, and making sure of your availability... just in case.
[ part two ]
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garfield-mug · 10 months
Can I request a Bob blurb? Maybe he has a really hot girlfriend and nobody believes him until they meet her? You can do whatever you want with this!
A/N: for the purposes of this story, the daggers are permanently stationed in san diego. idk if this really fits the request, but i look at bob and immediately think that man can dance, so....
also, the squad gives bob a bit of a hard time in this one, but i promise they love each other lmao and the length of this may have gotten away from me, but i had fun, so it's okay lol and this isn't proofread bc i'm tired so excuse any spelling errors (i'll stop talking now byeee!)
(p.s. see if you can spot the movie reference, 10 bonus points to whoever points it out)
Word Count: 2.2k
Content Warnings: none unless you don't like dancing ;)
Cheek to Cheek
Bob knew he wasn't really a "ladies' man." He was rather quiet and reserved, keeping to himself most of the time. He wasn't cocksure and forward, like Jake. He wasn't a goofy, shameless flirt, like Bradley. He didn't consider himself shy; he wasn't afraid to engage in conversation or make friends. Bob just preferred to sit back and observe. He liked to watch and listen, getting a good read of every room he walked into. Watching and listening was how he noticed you.
You were a sight to behold. Bob reasoned that you had to be new to the club because he would've noticed you before.
Bob doesn't get much downtime, but when he does, he likes to spend it at the San Diego Swing Dance Club. Since he was little, Bob loved to dance. He remembers his mother teaching him a basic waltz when he was about seven. Gliding and twirling around the living room on top of his ma's feet are some of his fondest memories. He started ballroom classes when he was around twelve (he wanted to impress his date to his very first dance) and fell even more in love with the art. His repertoire grew and grew, having meticulously memorized different styles (paso doble was his favorite). He still loved dancing as he grew older, able to turn on the charm as easy as he knew the moves. He loved the way dancing made him feel. Bob never felt more free than when he was drifting about the dancefloor, leading his partner. He thought it was the closest you could get to flying while staying on the ground.
That's why, when he noticed you, he knew he had to have a dance. Thankfully, his regular partner, Julie, understood and agreed to the switch for the night (she was a great wingwoman). For as often as he was in his head, Bob usually never got nervous. He was nervous approaching you. He remembers it like it was yesterday. It was Lindy Hop night and you were wearing grey striped slacks, a white blouse with the sleeves rolled up to your elbows, and an old, beat up pair of white slip-on vans. He was in his usual button down and slacks. One look at you and he knew he was a goner. You looked a bit disheveled, hair haphazardly put up and out of your face, making small talk with a few other members of the group. He thought you looked ever so slightly out of place and that it was so, so endearing.
Eventually, he worked up the courage to ask you for a dance. It did take more than a few pep talks from Julie to get him to go over to you, but she didn't have to literally drag him there, so it was a success. He asked for a dance, holding out his hand. You said yes.
One dance turned into two, then three, and eventually you'd danced the whole night away. You'd exchanged numbers before going home and then you weren't just meeting once a week at the dance club. You were making time to see each other whenever possible. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. It had now been six months since you and Bob made it official and you couldn't be happier.
Now, it made sense with his job and his general personality why the rest of the Dagger Squad hadn't known about you. They'd had conversations about their love lives often, but Bob had never really volunteered much information. You two had a good thing going and he liked to keep good things to himself for a while. Plus, the conversation rarely ever got turned his way. Bob was... very unassuming. The rest of the squad, except for Nat, never really inquired much about Bob's love life. It's not like Bob was purposely keeping you from his friends— it just never really came up. Nat was the only one who knew Bob was seeing someone and she was keeping it close to her chest out of respect for her friend and WSO, but also in the event that it spawned a bet. A bet she would surely win.
Eventually, one evening at the Hard Deck, the Daggers were all discussing their love lives once again. Mickey turned to Bob and asked if he was seeing anyone.
"I am, actually." Bob felt 5 more pairs of eyes snap to him, a collective "what?!" buzzing in the air at their inquisitive looks.
"You're seeing someone?" Jake asked, partially stunned. Bob wasn't offended, he knew he presented as a bit of a wallflower, and he was okay with that.
"What, you jealous, Bagman?" Bradley couldn't help himself. Jake's gaze snapped to the other aviator, challenging. Despite them both being on... better terms after the uranium mission, they still liked to jab at each other. Jake was usually better at it— slow, persistent needling while keeping a calm and collected facade. Bradley was more direct, favoring an immediate reaction over slow buildup.
Before Jake could respond, Bob cut in, turning the focus back to him.
"Matter of fact, I am," He sat a little straighter, dusting his pants of remnants of the peanuts he was snacking on. Natasha took a swig from her beer to hide the sly grin that was threatening to break across her face.
"Romantically? You're seeing someone romantically?" Reuben questioned.
"Sure am." Bob pushed his glasses further up his nose. He was thinking about you and how he wished you'd been able to come out tonight. You had talked to Bob about coming by to meet his friends, but scheduling conflicts always arose.
"What's her name?" Mickey asked.
"What's she look like?" Nat played into it, ignoring the pointed look Bob shot her way. He was still thinking of you, particularly about how darling you looked when you writhed underneath him, but they didn't need to know about that. Instead, Bob refocused, a dreamy smile taking over his features and a rosy blush creeping up his neck, landing on his cheeks. He couldn't help but look at the ground for a few moments, then he relayed your name. It felt so natural falling from his lips. The squad was eager for more information.
"She's just... perfect. She's smart and funny and so, so beautiful. She's got these eyes that just... and her smile?" Bob sighs, he actually sighs.
"I don't buy it." Jake is the first to burst the bubble. "I mean, we ask you what she looks like and all you give us is "oh, her eyes, her smile"? No way," Jake throws back the rest of his drink. Mickey and Reuben nod, signaling their agreement. Natasha smiles devilishly to no one but herself.
"C'mon, Bagman, he's clearly telling the truth. I mean, look at him. He's actually lovesick." Bradley chimes in. He knows what a man in love looks like.
"Yeah, it's kind of disgusting," Javy pipes up, firmly siding with Bradley.
"Well boys," Nat claps Bob on the shoulder. "Looks like we have a bet on our hands." She watches the men around the high-top table, eyes sparkling with mischief. "Hundred dollars in the pot says Bob's mystery girl is real. You in?"
Nat pulls out five twenty dollar bills, placing them in the middle of the table. Bob watches in amusement.
"Steep price, Natty, but I'll bite." Jake throws his wager in as well.
Eventually, everyone put some money in the pot, much to Nat's satisfaction, even if she would have to split the prize money.
"Alright, alright... When and where can we meet your lovely lady?" Jake asks Bob, who is glancing down at his watch.
"Uhh, this Thursday at the San Diego Swing Dance Club. Seven-thirty, sharp. Wear something nice, but comfortable." With that, Bob was throwing on his jacket and out the door, headed home to see you. He wouldn't have left so abruptly, but you'd sent him a text and he wasn't going to keep you waiting.
The Daggers were even more perplexed. Well, all except for Nat, but the rest didn't need to know about it.
"San Diego Swing Dance Club?" Reuben was taken aback. Jake was thoroughly amused.
"Oh I have got to see this now."
The week flew by, and eventually it was Thursday evening. You were excited to finally meet Bob's friends, he talked about them so often. You'd be lying if you said you weren't a bit nervous, fretting over your outfit and hair more than usual, not to mention your makeup.
"Babydoll, you'll look beautiful no matter what you choose." Bob had been sitting on your bed for the better part of an hour now, as you agonized over your outfit choice.
You sighed, coming to sit next to him. "I just want to make a good first impression." You rest your head on his shoulder.
"I promise they'll like you no matter what you wear." Bob presses a kiss to your temple. You take a deep breath and close your eyes.
"I'll go with the plaid pants then."
Bob huffs out a laugh, "Alright, baby."
The Daggers arrived at seven-thirty, sharp. Just like Bob had told them. Nat sent Bob a text, letting him know that they'd arrived. He excused himself from the group to collect the rest of his friends. He was excited, happy to share one of his passions with the people he called friends. He was also happy to finally introduce his girl to the rest of his friends. Bob made his way over to the rest of the squad, clustered awkwardly by the main entrance of the dance hall.
"Glad you could make it!" Bob pulls Natasha in for a hug and greets the rest of the guys in a similar fashion.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world, Bobby." Jake says, eyes sweeping the room for a lady to take home for the night. Bradley and Javy were doing the same. Mickey and Reuben had brought partners for the evening— a double date.
The group fell into their usual rhythm, easy conversation and a few friendly jabs here and there. Almost forgetting the reason why they were there. Almost. Jake was just about to bring up the fact that they still had yet to meet Bob's mystery girl, when the intro to Thurston Harris' Little Bitty Pretty One started playing from the bandstand. It was jive night, which just so happened to be your favorite. Scanning the crowd, your eyes found Bob talking with his friends. 'Well, it's now or never,' you thought, and you were beelining towards your boyfriend so you could make it onto the floor for the first dance. Bob was just telling Nat about this new recipe he tried out for dinner when he felt a tug on his arm. He turned to look at you and smiled.
"Bobby c'mon, can't miss the first dance!"
He looked back at his friends, "Be right back," and Bob was off to the dancefloor with you. The Daggers watched as he whisked you away, stepping into a seamless jive. You felt like you were positively flying, floating through the air, feet touching every cloud. The way you and Bob danced together was something special. You could read each other in a way most dance partners wished they could. Feeling the music, keeping in time with the rhythm, anticipating and adapting to every move the other made. Improvisation was the purest form of art, the amount of trust placed in your partner is unlike anything else. You and Bob had something special, there was no denying that, especially as you were twirling across the floor.
"Who knew he could move like that?" Javy had to pick his jaw up off the floor.
"They make it look so effortless," Reuben looked utterly amazed.
Jake had to admit, he was impressed. Game recognizes game and damn it, Bob Floyd had game. It really was always the quiet ones. You were pretty, and you seemed fun. You seemed like you'd be good for Bob, even though they hadn't technically met you yet. Jake couldn't even be mad that he'd lost the bet. What he needed now was to learn how to dance like Bob because apparently, that was a great way to meet a lady. You and Bob were out of breath when you rejoined the group, introductions going a smooth as ever. You like the squad and the squad liked you. By the end of the night, you and Bob had shown everyone how to do a basic jive. Reuben, Mickey, and Javy caught on quickly, feeling comfortable enough to join the people out on the main floor. Bradley and Jake needed... help. Nat was managing, wanting a bit more time to figure the steps out before trying them on the floor.
Before everyone knew it, it was ten o'clock and the band was saying goodnight. You and Bob were saying your goodbyes, ready to head home. Once you and him were out the door, Natasha turned to Bradley and Javy.
"Alright, we split this three ways and make sure to absolutely rub it in Jake's face." Nat divvies up the cash and Bradley and Javy take their cuts. Javy gives a curt nod and a smile before walking to his car.
Bradley turns to Natasha. "Can I walk you to your car?" He offers his arm.
"Sure," Nat smiles and accepts.
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ironbabey · 4 months
Peter Parker x Reader
angst, maybe fluff?
Word Count: 1k
Inspired by the song July by Noah Cyrus
I've been holding my breath, I've been counting to ten, over something you said
“So uh, what do ya say? Wanna give it a shot?” Please say yes please say yes please say yes-
“I’m sorry, I really am, but I’m gonna have to say no.”
No. He said no.
It took you months to work up the courage to finally tell him how you felt, ironically you told yourself the worst he could say was no. Fuck, it hurt.
You were crushed. “Oh uh, that's okay. We can just stay friends.” It’s not okay, you don’t want to be friends. Well, you do. You also wanted-no, hoped- for something more.
He smiled, god you loved that smile. It never failed to make your heart skip a beat, even breaking it at the same time.  “Glad this won’t change our friendship. I care about you a lot.” He says, you can hear the pity in his voice.
He cared, just not in the way you wanted.
I've been holding back tears, while you're throwing back beers, I'm alone in bed
You were always told rejection hurt but you didn’t think it’d be this painful. Peter went out while you were sulking in your bed. There’s more fish in the sea, right? You shouldn’t have fallen for him, everyone told you not to, and yet here you are.
How could you be so stupid?
Of course he didn’t like you.
You were nothing compared to her.
You didn't have the perfect teeth, the perfect hair, the perfect skin, the perfect...anything. You were just you.
You stupidly thought that it would be enough for him, she didn't even remember him, but you made new memories with him.
You know I, I'm afraid of change. Guess that's why we stay the same
You two were fighting now. It's your fault anyways. You lashed out on him just because he hadn’t reached out to you since that day. He's ignored your texts, calls, hell you even tried an email for the fun of it. He stilled ignored you.
The day you confessed really fucked things up.
You decided to be the bigger person and show up at his door. He would've known you were going over if he read your messages.
“I thought we agreed that wouldn’t change us. You said you wanted to be friends so why are you being such a dick?”
 “I’m being a dick? Oh, that’s real funny coming from you. I have a life full of other people, not just you. I don’t see why I have to be the one to do everything.”
You bit your lip and looked at the ground, embarrassed that you were acting childish, “No, you’re right. I’m sorry.”
So, tell me to leave, I'll pack my bags, get on the road
Peter let out a frustrated sigh and ran a hand through his hair, the soft hair you used to play with during the times you'd study together. “I think you should go. I can’t handle this—you—right now.”
You refused to cry in front of him. “Yeah, okay.” You grabbed your bag and slammed the door shut on your way out. You fucked everything up, didn’t you?
Find someone that loves you better than I do, darling, I know
A week went by, and he finally texted you, asking you to go over and talk it out. In the end you were still his best friend, and he didn't want to lose you.
You picked up a photo that was in a beautiful golden frame on the coffee table, you knew who the woman was, Peter talked about her all the time, and it killed you. You thought he was over her.
 “What are you doing with that?” He grabbed the framed photo from your hands as if it were the most precious thing in the world.
You blinked back the tears that were threatening to come out, “It was just sitting here, she’s pretty. Really pretty.”
Peter smiled, “Yeah, she was. The greatest too.”
‘Cause you remind me everyday, I’m not enough but I still stay
You two sat in uncomfortable silence. He wanted to make up, wanted things to be normal again, but you had other plans. You wanted answers. “What does she have that I don’t? What’s so different?”
He groaned. “Please, don’t start this right now.”
You stood up from the couch, “No! I want to know why you’re after someone who moved on. Someone who doesn't even rem-“
“She was the only one there for me through all of it! She helped me from beginning to end! I ruined everything just to make sure she got into the school she worked so hard for!" His voice went soft, he couldn't hold back the tears that went streaming down his face. His brown eyes were hardly visible through them, "She was all I had. She was the only girl that ever looked my way and actually liked me.”
Then what am I?
I've done a lot of things wrong, Loving you being one. But I can't move on
“Then what am I?”, you repeated deep down you knew you were being a little selfish, but he had no right to say you didn't care, “I’ve been there for you. I’ve laughed with you, cried with you, I even fought with you and you’re still tossing me aside?”
“No! You listen to me! I’ve done nothing but love and care about you but clearly that’s not enough! Nothing is ever enough for you! I-I’m not enough.”
Peter stood to hug you. To tell you that you was more than enough. To tell you he was just afraid of being more than what you were now.
If you want me to leave, then tell me to leave, and baby, I'll go
You moved away from his attempted hug. How dare he cry when it was him who was hurting you? “N-No, you don’t get-get to cry.” you choked out through your own tears.
“I’m sorry please just understand.” He begged.
“Tell me to leave. Tell me you don't want to see me again and I’ll stop. I’ll leave you alone just like you want.” That’s not what he wanted, not at all. He wouldn't know what to do with himself if you left him too.
“That’s not-I want you to stay.”
You remind me every day, I'm not enough, but I still stay
“Okay. I’ll stay.”
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melanieph321 · 4 months
Erling Haaland x Reader - The Confession Part 2/2
Again, thank you @ruben-dias for the gif
Part 1
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Summary - Erling has had a crush on Reader for a long time, but Reader is clueless about it since she never thought a guy like him could like a girl like her. Nevertheless, the truth unfolds when Erling gives Reader a ride home after a lake party with their friends.
It was a sad sight to see Erling moping around like he did. Especially when you were the cause of his foul mood. Nevertheless, you knew how to make things right.
You had been working up the courage to ask him for a ride home from the lake. It was a foolish plan indeed, but if you could get him alone, just the two of you, maybe then you could let him down easily.
"Hey." You blushed as you walked up to where he stood by his car.
"What do you want?" He muttered.
"A ride, actually."
"A what?"
"Nicole's car is full, and Tim....Well I haven't asked him. But maybe I..."
"No." Erling exclaimed.
You fell back two steps, quite surprised by his reaction.
"I mean, yes." He coughed. "You can ride with me, if you want?"
You helped Erling pack up the rest of the stuff that would go in his car. The two of you were the last people to leave the parking lot, trailing the other cars in front of you.
"So..." He sighed.
"So?" You shrugged.
The awkward silence that lingered was unbearable. It was easier to converse in a group, but other than your friends, the two of you seemed to have nothing in common.
"How's life going?"
"Excuse me?" 
It was almost laughable, how awkward it was. If it wasn't for the radio playing the latest hits, you might have considered throwing yourself out of the car.
"What? It's just a question." Erling said, seeing as you had begun to laugh uncontrollably.
"Yeah but, what kind of question is that?"
"A normal one, I'd say."
"Erling, we hang out like everyday, you know how my life is going."
"Yes, but we never hang out alone. And even around everyone you never talk about yourself."
"I beg to differ."
"You don't. Otherwise I would've known that you don't eat meat." 
He mumbled the last part and you felt a tad guilty.
"Look, Erling…"
"It's okay." He chuckled. "I should have known that you don't eat meat, or that you can't swim."
"Hold up." You flinched at the last part. "Who told you that I can't swim?"
"Can you?"
"Yes. Yes I can, and you assuming that I can't is really…" You caught yourself getting rallied up, however now was not the time. "Look, Erling." You sighed. "About the hot dogs…"
He rolled his eyes. "It would be nice if we could just forget about that."
"I agree. I think that there's a few things that we should forget about."
"Like…you being into me." 
Erlings eyes left the road.
"Nicole told me."
"I'm surprised it wasn't Tim."
"Tim knows?"
"Everyone's knows." He chuckled.
You shook your head, "Since when have you liked me?"
"Erm...since the day I met you."
You were quite lost for words. You never knew Erling to be so open about his feelings. To you he had been just another guy, dreaming about playing football. Perhaps there was more to him than you thought.
"When you and Nicole first started hanging out," Erling said, hands steady on the wheeI, occasionally glancing your way. "I would ask her about you, what you're like and so on."
"Really? That's so sweet of you. But why didn't you just ask me yourself?"
He shrugged, "Believe it or not Y/N, I'm not really great at talking to girls."
"You know what...." You nodded. "I believe you."
He nudged you with his elbow, seeing the smile on your face. The car fell silent after that, the road passing you by. You still hadn't set things straight with Erling, but after seeing another side of him you became curious.
"There's another lake around here somewhere, no?" You turned your head to look out the window. "A smaller one?"
"Yeah, it's literally called, little lake." Erling said.
"Could we maybe go there?"
"Right now?" He frowned.
It was an odd request coming from you. But a smaller lake meant that the sun heated up the water faster. And unlike what everyone thought, you did enjoy going for a swim. And with the sun set low in the sky it was the perfect condition for a quick dip.
"Did you even bring any swimwear?" Erling questioned. He had broken out of the group, taking his car off the road and driving towards Little Lake. The water was still when you arrived and to Erling's surprise you stripped yourself of your clothes and waded out in the water in only your underwear.
"Are you coming or are you just gonna stand there and watch me?" You said.
Erling needed no other conformation. He was tugging his shirt over his head and running out to catch up with you. The two of you dove into the water and swam around the deep end until the sun disappeared behind the forest trees.
"We should head back." You said, afraid that you'd eventually get too tired to make it back to shore. Erling must have noticed this, because he pulled you towards him and raised you above the water by carrying you in his arms.
"God, you're tall." You smiled. "Tall people never drown."
"Is that so?" He chuckled and carried you back to the beach, refusing to let you walk on your own two feet until you reached his car.
"I don't want this night to end." You found yourself saying. You also found yourself tucking hair behind Erling ear as a strand looked to have bothered his eyes.
"It's gonna get dark soon." He said.
"Yes, but I still don't want this night with you to end."
"Perhaps we could get some food? How about hot dogs?"
You smiled. "I think I have a better idea." 
You stepped up to him, placing your hands on his damped torso. His muscles flinched below the palm of your hands as Erling kept his eyes on you.
"Are you sure?" He asked, before you even puckered up to kiss him.
"Yes." You nodded. "I'm sure."
"Again, it was all the confirmation he needed to lean down and capture your lips. All he needed was the confession that you liked him back.
What followed was a hot minute of making out, your mouths devouring each other until the desperate gasp for air. Erling then led you to his car, the back of it, so that you could lay down across the passenger seat.
You bit your lip as his cold fingertips slid your panites down your legs. His hands then went under your knees, pulling your hips to meet his face that tucked into the car as he bent down to lick you clean.
"Fuck." You gasped, a hand running through his hair. "Yes Erling, right there."
His tongue found its way to pleasure you in all the right places. And he kept at it as if the need to make you come was his mission in life.
"Please." You squirmed, wanting him to stop before it happened. "I need you."
"I need you to." Erling grunted, his hand reaching for your breast under your bra.
"No, Erling." You gasped, eyes squinting as he squeezed your nipple. "I need you, inside of me, now."
He raised his head to look at you, his lips plump from sucking your clit.
"Please." You said, to which he stood, hands tugging down his swimming trunks. He was already hard and big, bigger than you thought. He rushed to retrieve a condom out of his glove compartment, dressing his dick with the rubber. Once it was on he placed himself between your thighs and slid inside of you to the sound of you moaning his name. It was perfect, he was perfect. What a way to end the night. With a swim around a lake and a potentially new boyfriend.
The End
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animeniacss · 5 months
heyyyyy bestie it's wonuwrites xo
Soooo I have a request for you~ like I told you in messages I have a drabble/oneshot idea with a Taylor Swift song + Wonwoo because of course it's Wonwoo <3 So the song is the 1 by Taylor Swift. Specifically this lyric: "But we were something, don't you think so? Roaring twenties, tossing pennies in the pool And if my wishes came true It would've been you In my defense, I have none For never leaving well enough alone But it would've been fun If you would've been the one."
I am excited for this <33
Thank you for waiting! Sorry it took longer than I hoped!
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Synopsis: After a year and a half of being broken up, you and Wonwoo reunite briefly. You think back to those days and what could have been different.
Tags: Ex!Wonwoo, Angst, Coffee Shop!AU, T.Swift Inspired Lyrics
Length: approx. 1.8k words
Wonwoo x Reader - The One I Couldn't Be
         The café was always empty this early in the morning, and that was how you liked it. It took a few hours for the real foot traffic of the morning commuters to make its way to your work, and that meant a few hours of peace. The only sound was that of the oven whirring behind you, heating up for the string of breakfast sandwiches you were bound to start on.
         You were dusting off the top of the display cases when you heard the sound of the bell ringing at the front entrance. Immediately, your head snapped up and you smiled. “Welcome, can I help you?”
         When a familiar deep voice uttered your name, your eyes settled on a familiar set of dark eyes behind rimmed glasses and a warm smile.
         “Wonwoo.” Despite how much time had passed, you breathed the name with so much familiarity. “Good morning!”
         “Good morning.” He said. “Am I early? Are you open yet?”
         “Barely. But that’s okay. What can I get you?” You turned towards the machines behind you. “The usual?”
         “You still remember?” he chuckled at the realization.
         How could I forget? You thought to yourself. “Of course. I only made it for you fifteen million times.” When Wonwoo laughed again, you felt yourself inhaling an extra deep breath. “So, what brings you in? I feel I haven’t seen you around here in a while.”
         “I don’t have a reason to be around this part of Seoul anymore.” The comment tugged at your heartstrings, pulling them in the opposite direction and tightening your chest, like when a child tugs furiously at the laces of their shoes and squeezes their foot inside a bit too tight.
         “What brings you today, then?” You watched the coffee brew into the pot. “It’s not to see me, is it?” Finally working up the courage to turn back to Wonwoo, you caught a small smile on his lips. His eyes cast down to the display case. “Do you want something to eat? I can pop a sandwich in the oven to warm up.”
         Wonwoo shook his head. “I’m okay, thanks.” You approached the register and punched in the order. “How has everything been?”
         “Good. You?”
         “Fine. Still here.” You motioned to the muted brown walls decorated in florals that boxed you in. Wonwoo only hummed in response, and the both of you fell into awkward silence.
         How else could it be with Jeon Wonwoo? Nothing other than awkward felt like it made sense anymore. It was expected really, when you’ve been broken up for almost a year and a half. It was a whirlwind, really, not even long enough for you to process that going forward any interactions with the one person you thought you’d spend the rest of your life with would feel awkward.
         Maybe that was why it felt impossible to breathe; as if you were sitting at the bottom of the ocean for the entirety of that year and a half.
         As you turned to the coffee machine and began assembling his drink. “Do you remember-.” You paused for a second, wondering if going down memory lane would add to the awkwardness. “When you and I would go to the mall and before we went shopping, we would toss a penny into the fountain outside?”
         Wonwoo’s eyes shot up in your direction and he smiled. “Yeah. Of course. To make sure we could find what we were looking for that day.”
         “Those were fun times.” You said, just loud enough for him to hear. Even if he gave a curt, one-word reply or a verbal nod, you would feel content. You would feel content knowing that those memories were just as dear to him as they had been to you – still were to you.
         “Do you still do it?” You caught a slight tease in his voice though it was masked with a bit of shyness. It seemed even he was treading a tightrope of nostalgia in this moment, neither of you wanting to say too much and risk falling into the depths below.
         “Do you?” Wonwoo only chuckled as you passed him his drink. He offered a small thank you. You smiled. “Are you taking this to go?”
         Hesitation as Wonwoo scanned the area. “I think I can sit for a minute.” You nodded, watching as he took the first seat in the café; the one closest to you. He even faced you, and it felt like a year and a half ago for a second. Wonwoo sipped his coffee and smiled while you both talked until the café got busy and he was ultimately left for the morning to head to his own job. That is, until you two would see each other in the evenings and everything felt right again.
         That part didn’t happen anymore.
         “How’s the family?” You asked.
         “They’re good. My parents are still my parents.”
         “Workaholics?” You hummed, and Wonwoo’s laugh confirmed enough. “What about Bohyuk? Still in the whole fashion model business?”
         “Took a break to finish his degree, but he said he wants to get back into it.”
         Even in only a year and a half, a lot had changed in Wonwoo’s life. You couldn’t help but wonder how things would be different now if you had left well enough alone, bit down the things that felt so major at the time, but make you cringe in regret now. Did those things really matter? Would they have mattered to you now? The distance between the both of you is so big you’d need a boat to cross it and see him again just to fight about how long the trip took in the first place.
         You could have left well enough alone because now all of those moments felt pointless, but not the same kind of pointless as watching two copper pennies drop to the bottom of the fountain’s water. A different, emptier kind of pointless that makes you regret.
         Wonwoo decided to break up. While sitting on his bed, a movie idly playing in the background, he had mentioned it.
         “We should take some time apart. I think it’s good for both of us.”
         That time was a year and a half, a changed social media relationship post, and an ugly cry into the tub of ice cream Jeonghan bought you ago.
         Pulling yourself back to the present with talk of life updates, dawning the mask of a sociable customer service worker, you choked out a: “What about you?”
         “Yes, you.” You snorted. “Still at the same job? Still playing the same games? What’s new?”
         Wonwoo was silent for a beat too long so you finally turned back to face him despite what your facial features might convey about your feelings. Wonwoo had the coffee cup to his lips, eyes cast at one of the decorative paintings hung up on the wall beside him. It had been changed twice since he was here last, and he seemed to notice.
         “Different painting? I liked the old one.”
         “Oh, you’re changing the subject? That must mean you have something juicy to hide?” Wonwoo didn’t chuckle or laugh under his breath this time. That made your teasing smile fall. “Sorry, maybe it’s not my business. I shouldn’t push.”
         “Ah, no.” Wonwoo shook his head. “I was just debating on if I wanted to tell you when I came in here for coffee.”  
         “Tell me what?” You asked.
         Wonwoo seemed a bit unsure. “I feel like it’s inappropriate. After all this time.”
         “Is it some kinky thing?” Wonwoo finally laughed again, shaking his head. A bit of blush formed on his cheeks.
         “You’re terrible. No.” You were silent despite a small smile on your face, watching as Wonwoo shifted in his seat. “I met someone.”
         “Ah.” You didn’t intend for the sound to escape your lips, but when it did your chest deflated. “That’s lovely. Is she nice?” Of course, she is. You thought. Wonwoo only attracts nice people….
��        “She is.” He said. You could see the fondness in his eyes. “We met at this party Mingyu took me to about six months ago. We’re meeting up today about 15 minutes down the road.”
         “The aquarium?” Wonwoo nodded. “Aw, that’s really nice.” Wonwoo’s eyes relaxed a bit, as did the rest of his body. “I’m happy for you.”
         “Thanks.” He seemed to have finished his coffee since he didn’t lift it up for more sips. “What about you?”
         “Pah.” You scoffed. “Nothing but men looking for hook-ups, or the guys who won’t leave you alone when you’ve politely turned them down.”
         “Ah, sorry to hear that.”
         You shrugged passively because it didn’t bother you. “I’ve taken a break from all that. This-.” You motioned to the four walls and the display case in front of you. “-Causes me more than enough stress.” A beat of silence, and you added. “I’m happy for you, though.”
         “Thank you.” He got up from his seat and walked back over to the display case. For a second his eyes dropped to it, scanning the contents. “I think I might take something to eat for the trip.”
         “Okay.” Hands reached into the case and pulled out two muffins, chocolate chip and blueberry. “Here.”
         “Ah. Two?” He blinked. “I’m Mingyu, you know. I don’t eat that much at once.”
         “It’s for your girlfriend, Wonwoo.” This had been only the second time you said his name this morning, yet it felt so natural escaping your lips yet again. “That’d be kind of rude of you to not show up with anything for her.”
         “Ah, you’re right.” Wonwoo smiled. When he reached into his pocket, you stuck your hand out. He looked confused as his eyes met yours again.
         “Don’t worry. On me.” You said.
“What? I couldn’t.”
“Too bad.” You said. “I insist. Thanks for coming to visit.”
Reluctantly Wonwoo put his wallet back in his pocket and nodded with a grateful thank you. In a few minutes, Wonwoo would be out of your café once again, this time heading to see someone else rather than to kill time before being in your arms once again.
The thought hurt, but it hurt less seeing Wonwoo smile the way he did. “Take care of yourself, okay?”
“Mm. You too.” Wonwoo fixed his glasses, waving his hand as he headed out of the café. You watched his back get smaller and smaller, turning as he passed by the window and down the street. Just like that, you were left alone in the café like you had been ten minutes earlier. Only now, you heart was heavier.
As the day went on, serving customers and cleaning tables, your mind weighed heavy on the topic of: what would be different now if I had been the one? Could I have done anything differently to keep Wonwoo in my grasp?
Were we always destined to grow apart this way?
As evening pulled over the city you locked up the café and stepped onto the street, bag slung over your shoulder and cap pulled over your sleepy eyes.
With the moonlight as your only companion, you made your way home, your mind finally quieting down with questions a year and a half too old to be answered. Well, one question you had today was answered.
He didn’t come back to town just to see you. 
If you want to request something, post in my inbox and check my requests post!
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emperor-of-blood · 3 months
Next up is Laios!
The leader of our somewhat intrepid heroes! Laois is best known for his love of monsters. It'd be a lie by omission to leave out his autism. It's quite apparent not just in his monster obsession, but in his social life and peculiarities with different sensations. But it's most obvious in his special interest; which makes sense as that just so happens to be at the forefront of the story. It's why the story is even able to happen. What would've happened if Laios didn't know all he did about monsters? Or frankly, if he just wasn't eager to try eating them?
More secondary information about Laios, funny as this is to say, is that he's one of the front liners for the party. He's courageous and tough. He's versatile and quick-witted. He's resourceful-
And he's kind.
So, with that out of the way:
Laios is....
A Knight Of Light!
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One who exploits [Light]/protects with [Light]
Listen. It's not my fault that all of these knights keep getting a knight class!
Perhaps the first thing I want to talk about here and to remind everyone about, is that Knights exist in sessions void of their aspect. Tbh sometimes I think I should probably try to work that into my little descriptor above at some point; and then I remember it sort of is already. That's the in the "exploit" part. The Knight gets a lot out of a little. How this exists in Dungeon Meshi, is that nobody is really taking advantage of the dungeon as it exists. Laios sees it for what it is, and because of that, our heroes are able to progress through the dungeon despite not having a penny to their name. Part of it fr me too is that when Laios loses his sword he picks up another one that a lot of people would refuse, or at least kill the monster inside it first. And Laios's insistence not to proves a boon! Also, probably the fault of Dave, but whenever I think about how a Knight should work I always look right to their weapon. How do they get the most they can out of this by exploiting their aspect? Kensuke is a great answer to me.
Would Senshi have even joined their party if not for Laios? ... Probably not? But more likely is that no one else would've let him join their party. Which I guess we do know to be true as he'd been living in the dungeon alone for years. Senshi really was a diamond in the rough and I don't think I can understate that. He's just weird. That's really the only " bad " thing about him; and Our Boy Laios here of course sees that as a positive! Laios learning healing magic lets Marcille shine. Despite a lot of people in the story really not liking Chilchuk, Laios wants him in the party and lets him work as he sees fit. I can't think of a boss I've had that would've been fine in the same scenario. And you know what? It lets Chilchuk thrive! He turns out to not just be great at what he can do but also puts his best foot forward even when he doesn't want to do things. He's always emphasizing his role as a noncombatant, which Laios takes in stride, but when push comes to shove he's throwing a dagger into the eye of a Red Dragon. He could've ran!
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Now you might be thinking: "Gee, this sounds an awful lot like a Blood player or maybe a Hope player."
And- well, you're not wrong exactly. There's an argument to be made for each of those. But I want to ask you: "What is Dungeon Meshi really about?" To me, it's about the deconstruction of the dungeon. What actually is a dungeon? Is it really just a setting that only exists when our heroes are inside? How does it function? What happens to all of the monsters after the adventurers leave? Where does the treasure come from? Why are the monsters the way that they are? What happens to the traps after they've been sprung?
These sorts of questions have been largely ignored or hand-waved by storytellers and dungeon masters for years and years. And that's ok. But it doesn't mean you have to do that. As we can see, there are so many wonderful answers to be found here!
And really, who better to explore all of this than Laois?
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fourteentrout · 5 months
I've seen so much discourse about who Elain is gonna end up with and elriel shippers being like she's not even attracted to Lucien!!! and elucien shippers being like she's repressing her true feelings for him!!! though I don't have a particularly strong stance on the ship war overall (I do have my opinions but they're not the point of this post), it did get me thinking like...why IS Elain so attracted to Azriel?
Because to me, it looks like Lucien is everything she would've dreamed of as a human. A gentlemanly courtier, very connected with nature, obviously attractive (I mean come on even Cassian thinks he's hot), thoughtful, courageous, loyal, social, a High Lord's son. Not to say that Azriel doesn't share some of these qualities, but like Lucien is practically the blueprint for who Elain would have been interested in. It makes sense that they're mates.
But she's not willing to even acknowledge him, nevermind pursue a romantic relationship with him. But she is willing to do so with Azriel. Rugged, mysterious, quiet, headstrong, dangerous Azriel.
Lucien has tried to bring her comfort just as much as Azriel, but she won't give him the time of day.
My theory is, maybe he reminds her of what she could have had. Of what she lost. A Lord's son, someone she thought would love her unconditionally, someone used to the galas and the politics and the high society life. Graysen may have been different from Lucien personality-wise, but maybe deep down, she's afraid that if she grows close with someone who has similar social and political standing as him, the same thing will happen again. Maybe it's easier to be attracted to someone who's so different from what she'd originally wanted than it is to go through the same thing she went through before, which ended up in heartbreak.
I'm not saying she ONLY cares for Azriel because of these reasons. But I think it could be an explanation as to why she's so adamant about not wanting to even get to know Lucien, when really he's an assemblage of all the qualities she would have previously looked for in a romantic partner.
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lilquokka04 · 1 year
-note- Han is a switch for this one but he only turns into a dom at the end ♡
Just as you finished applying red nail polish to your pinkie you glanced up and caught han looking at your hands, again. Noticing how often he looked at your nails when they were painted, you assumed he liked nail polish. So the next time you caught him looking, you offered to do his nails for him, to which he agreed. After that, you saw him with painted nails all the time. And that was that. He just liked nail polish, end of story. But he never stopped looking at your hands, and he tended to act strange when your nails were painted, especially if they were red.
So when you guys were watching movies and painting your nails one time, you decided to follow him after he excused himself. You didn't have to get very close to realize what he was doing. Cheeks burning, you went back to the living room and pretended that you didn't just hear your best friend jerking off in the bathroom. He felt like you were acting a little strange around him when he got back but he didn't think anything of it, and you never said anything.
This continued for weeks till you couldn't take the strange atmosphere anymore. The next time he leaves the room you stalk over to the bathroom door and pound on it before you lose the courage to. You hear shuffling around inside before your best friend calls out.
You practically scoff at him.
"For fucks sake Han, I know what you're doing."
You think you hear a sigh but you can't be sure, his voice is much closer when he speaks again though.
"How long have you known?"
Practically hearing the embarrassment in his voice you soften your tone a bit.
"A while. I followed you one time and heard you."
The door opens a crack and you can tell he would rather do anything than face you right now. He's staring down at his feet, fists clenched at his sides, too scared to see the look on your face. Your lips tilt up seeing how shy he looks, like a puppy getting caught doing something it shouldn't be doing.
Before he can apologize, you surprise him by cutting him off.
"I'm not mad."
His wide eyes finally meet yours.
"I just wish you would've told me." Hesitantly, you add. "Or maybe asked for help."
Han bites down on his lip to stop any noises from coming out and prays that you didn't see how his cock twitched when you said that.
Luckily for him, you didn't.
Clearing your throat, you try to ignore the pulsing between your thighs and get some answers from your best friend that you've had a crush on for a while.
"Is it something that happened or....?"
His face turns bright red and you probably would've laughed about it if the circumstances were different.
He simply nods toward the hand thats planted to your side, hoping thats enough for you to understand, which it's not. You follow his gaze and inspect your hand, furrowing your brows in confusion.
"Do you have a hand kink or something? I don't-"
He mumbles something under his breath before interrupting you.
"Your nail polish."
The way he practically shouts it and the realization of what he said sends you into shock.
Well that explains a few things
Your initial shock turns into curiosity, and that turns into confidence.
Your best friend, that you've liked for years, likes when you paint your nails? And he touches himself because of it? He thinks of you when he touches himself?
Squeezing your thighs shut, you glance up at him to see he's still standing there, biting his lip and looking like he's two seconds away from bursting into tears. Realizing how long you've been silent, you snap out of your thoughts and take a step towards him, needing to know exactly what he thinks about when he gets himself off.
"What do you think about?"
Suddenly hearing your voice snaps him out of his own thoughts and he searches your face, trying to figure out if you just said what he thinks you said.
When he doesn't respond, you take another step closer and ask him again.
"What do you think about when you touch yourself?"
His cheeks burn brighter when he registers what you said and when he realizes just how close you are. One step closer and his dick would be-
He stops his thoughts before they can go any further and takes a small step back, stuttering out an answer as he avoids your intense gaze.
"I-i" He swallows. "A lot." When you don't say anything he takes that as a sign to continue.
"S-sometimes I wonder what you would sound like in bed. How you'd feel wrapped around me." The sudden touch on his hip makes him jump, making it difficult to get words out. "O-other times I think about your pretty hands t-touching me."
Your thumb caresses his hip, giving a small squeeze and watching as he twitches in his pants, giving you another boost of confidence.
"Like this?" You tease, loving the way he has to stiffle a moan. Shaking his head, he watches as your hand moves to his thigh and gives another small squeeze.
Grinning innocently at him, you watch as he shakes his head again and hesitantly places his trembling hand over yours. When you make no attempt to remove your hand, he guides it to the seam of his jeans and barely has time to remove his hand before you give another squeeze to the bulge in his pants.
The moan he lets out has you rubbing your thighs together. Guiding him to the bathroom counter you proceed to rub and squeeze at his hardened dick, watching as his face contorts in pleasure and his mouth drops open, letting whines and moans out freely. Teasing his zipper with your fingers, you press him for more information.
"What do you think about when I paint my nails, dirty boy?"
Leaning in, you press a small kiss to his exposed throat, not being able to ignore how pretty it looks.
"What do you want?" You whisper in his ear before gently taking the lobe between your teeth.
"Want your h-hands." He whimpers. "Please."
That's all you need to hear
You unzip his jeans and reach into his boxers to properly touch him, pulling his dick out to get a proper look and quiet your curiosity.
God he's pretty
You run a thumb over the tip and watch as more precum drips out, joining the rest of the liquid on his dick.
Poor thing, must've been dying the whole time you were talking to him.
Placing one hand on your hip to stable himself, he bites down on the other, attempting to control some of the noises.
Needing some relief, you stick your hand underneath your pants as you continue to spread the mess around his tip.
"All of this from me painting my nails?" He throws his head back, trying to hide his expressions from you but at the same he's so turned on he can barely think. Torn between hiding and just accepting it, he quickly decides on the latter.
"Mhm." He lets out another gasp as your grip tightens. "J-just for you."
Giggling at how strained his voice sounds you move your focus from his neck to his collarbones, leaving as many marks as you can. Deciding its only fair that you share some of the embarrassment, you remove your hand from your underwear, showing him how wet you are by spreading your fingers so he can see your arousal. He moans as you play with your fingers, showing him just how wet you are.
"You're so pretty Hannie. Made me all wet."
Biting your lip, you remove your hand from him and take your pants off, needing to feel something before you go crazy. Resuming your small strokes before he can complain, you stick the other hand in your panties, shoving a finger inside yourself to feel some kind of relief. But why use your fingers when your best friend has something that will feel so much better?
"H-han? I can't-"
You cut yourself off with a whine, removing both your hands and instead gripping onto Han's shirt, practically panting against his neck as you start to grind your soaked panties against his exposed hard on. Gripping onto him for dear life as you moan against his chest, losing control as pleasure clouds your mind.
Seeing you turn into a whining mess because of him makes Han smirk as he grips your hips, turning your sloppy movements into more controlled ones. With the way you're moving against him he can feel how much slick is dripping down your thighs. He temporarily halts your movements to place his hand on your cunt, getting a good feel for how wet you are for him. You whine at the lack of friction and the embarrassment of how aroused you are. Attempts to hide your face are cut short as he grabs your hair and gently tilts your head up, bringing his hand covered in your arousal up for you to see.
"So wet for me baby."
He grins at your weak attempts to move out of his grasp.
"Are you gonna be a good girl for me?" He raises an eyebrow at you as he wraps a hand around his dick, lightly stroking before tapping your cunt with the tip, making you squirm in his grip. As much as you can with your hair being pulled, you nod eagerly, trying to get him to touch you again.
Knowing that he could make you do anything right now makes him smirk. He presses a small kiss to the base of your throat as he starts to push inside your cunt, making you whimper in surprise at the stretch. He hushes you as he pushes another inch in, watching as your eyes start to water in pain and pleasure.
"Shh you can take it."
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freyito · 10 months
9ꜱ, 2ʙ, ᴀ2, ᴀᴅᴀᴍ, & ᴇᴠᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴄᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴀ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ ꜰᴛᴍ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
so! self indulgent. way self indulgent. getting this outta my head before it drives me CRAZY!!!! i know mk is like my hyperfixation rn but, i really love love love drakengard and nier. and Nier: Automata was the first game I played of the series. OBVIOUSLY this is beyond canon divergent, but i was thinking... (aside from 2b and a2) these guys probably know transgenderism and stuff but like... how would they react when PRESENTED with that yknow yknow... ANYWAYS PLAY NIER AUTOMATA (AND REPLICANT), REAL GOOD GAMES
cw: sfw, fluff, implied romantic feelings (no relationship), SPOILERS, so so so beyond canon divergent, male reader, afab, not proofread.
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Nines is curious by nature. He's studied on humans and the human condition. Almost terrifyingly so. He's actually so so so interested in the fact that your trans. Not in a creepy way. Androids have no need to identify, really. And when they wish to be perceived differently, it's quite literally as simple as the switch of a button.
So, to not only be housing a human at the bunker, but one as interesting as you... boy, you are in for so many questions. So. Goddamn. Many. He's curious about your body- but don't take it in a perverted sense. Simply, what do the hormones do? How does your body balance it out? It's all sooooo sooooooo interesting.
He'll even ask if you could lift your shirt for him. He's so unaware of boundaries and proper etiquette, it hurts. But he simply wants to see the scars. Why? Dunno. It'll satisfy his curiosity. Maybe a little more! Nines just wants to know you more intimately. Yes, he knows allll about humans. But he doesn't know about you. He cannot hide it.
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2B keeps her distance about the topic. Out of respect, but also, she still prioritizes her mission over you. Unfortunately. Though, at the very edge of her mind, she has all sorts of questions. Mainly about how society would've treated you. Perhaps you are not of those times, but she is deeply aware of the prejudice of the past civilizations.
But, some days, she lurks by your room, too afraid to wander in. She is afraid of her own curiosity. You do not get to see her much, seeing as it is forbidden to bring you down to earths surface, in fear of losing the last human to exist. You are too precious. To her, yes. But to YoRHa, as well. She will not admit those feelings, however.
She does find her courage somewhere, simply asking how it feels. An odd question, from an Android as straightforward as her. But nonetheless, you indulge in her curiosity. And if you were to ask why she's asking? She'll brush it off. It is important to the mission. You are important to the mission. It is important that she understands.
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A2 does not care much for humanity. She shows barely any interest in you, even if the rumors of you spread like wildfire amongst the resistance and the machine network. She's lost her purpose, there's not much to care about, aside from her well-being. So why would she care for an interesting anomaly like you?
Why, she asks, when she finds herself seeking you out at the resistance camp. Locked away in a make-shift room while waiting for transport to the bunker. This is her last chance, she knows. She also knows it is dangerous, but she figures it'll be worth it. The last human remaining, something she had thought was long dead. A lie. That's really what she thought you were.
Yet, A2 is surprised to see that you are very very real, and the honest truth. It does not reignite her flame for her mission, but something within her swells. She simply stares at you, almost expectantly. She does not say a word. You can just barley see an ounce of curiosity and excitement behind that flat expression. And when you open your mouth to speak, she walks out of the room, and away. That is the last you saw of her.
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Adam knows almost as much as Nines does. Maybe even more. He caught wind of your existence when one of the stubbies near SCREAMED across the network. He was quick to pick you up before the Androids did. He even created you a nice little room within the copied city. Something like home, no doubt. Or at least, a resemblance of it. He stays every present, not once does he leave you alone. He even stations a Biped by you that he can tap into.
He peppers you with questions on the daily, yet still keeps a maximum of thirty. He's logging your existence. He's actually worshipping it, really. Some sort of pseudo-god in a wasteland. He's so very respectful about his questions and knows when to lay-off, as much as his mind burns with questions.
At the end of the day, though, Adam's practically on his knees, begging to see just how your body has held up. He wants to see what testosterones done, he wants to see this marvelous thing called "top surgery", he wants to see it all. ONLY if you allow him too, of course. Regardless, you are stuck with him and his brother until his inevitable demise.
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Eve was actually the first to find you once that stubby alerted the machine network of a human. Yet, before he could even touch you, his brother had whisked you away to the copied city. Only there did you get to meet Eve in full. He is a lot less contained than his brother, most days he spent leaning over your (uncomfy) bedside, asking you all sorts of questions. About how it feels to be human, what hurts more (like if he threw a block at you or a machine at you!), he is less so interested in your identity.
But when he connects the dots, oh boy. More questions. More and more as the days go by. When his brother isn't there, he's asking alllll about your anatomy. Why can't you switch it so easily like he could? Wait, that's a silly question, he knows the answer. Did you know in old civilizations you we-
Adam shuts Eve up real quick before his questions can border insulting. He means you no harm, and actually he feels kind of hurt if he insults you! He's just so damn curious and he has to know allll about you. For now, you are the second most important thing in his new life, something he would willingly go to this thing called hell- you know that place, right?- for you. And back!
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© nervouzwreck, 2023 | masterlist | queue
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baiwu-jinji · 11 months
I'm so very late to the party but finally finished listening to TGCF audio drama season 1, love how intense the last two episodes are :3 Here are some incoherent thoughts about some of the episodes I haven't talked about:
Episode 12: It occurred to me when I'm listening to this episode that the ghosts of Ghost City are always so lively and bubbly, always laughing and flirting and teasing, when most of them must've had a tragic life story with unresolved misfortunes that caused them to turn into ghosts in the first place. Their high spirits feels incongruous with their tragic past, but maybe it's because they're happier as ghosts than as humans?
There's a ghost called 红粉骷髅 (literally "skeleton of beautiful woman") in this episode that finds afterlife much more liberating and satisfying than life itself, as she recites the following poem when she's dancing: "I danced for others in life, nobody buried my bones when I died; I sing for myself after death, my beauty moves the netherworld."
(The name 红粉骷髅 actually comes from a Buddhist story where the Bodhisattva Guanyin turns into a beautiful woman to make love to men but would suddenly turn into a skeleton in the process, scaring the men into realising that the most alluring beauty in the world is but ashes and bones and ghastly in death, and that they shouldn't give in to temptations.)
Episode 13: Hua Cheng tells Xie Lian that he doesn't look at the wishes of his believers and just throws them away because he doesn't care about being worshipped. This just shows the difference between Hua Cheng and Jun Wu: although they both desire power, Hua Cheng only wants power in himself and over his own fate, while Jun Wu wants power over others. The conversation between HC and XL is as follows:
HC: It's better to help yourself than ask the help of others. If you want to climb out of the abyss, what use is it to look to others? Others won't come to save you every time.
XL: That's why you need gods.
HC: But if everyone counts on the god, what about the god? Wouldn't the god get tired?
XL: But you must have many believers. If you turn a blind eye to their prayers, won't they consider you to be ineffectual?
HC: I didn't ask them to worship me, they kneeled before me without my permission. Besides, only those who happen to have their wishes granted would dare to talk about it - those who don't wouldn't dare to complain.
Episode 17: Xie Lian tells Lang Qianqiu that he named his sword technique which he uses to break up a clash by diverting all the harm to himself "wuming" (meaning "nameless") - a fitting name because the technique is about the negation of the self, and sacrificing oneself to endure it all. "Wuming" is also the name Hua Cheng took when he followed Xie Lian after the fall of Xianle and eventually sacrificed himself to protect Xie Lian.
Episode 18: When Xie Lian worries that telling Lang Qianqiu the truth would make Lang Qianqiu question everything XL taught him and cease to be the courageous and honourable person that he is, Hua Cheng asks XL to trust in LQQ's innate moral strength. I like what HC said to XL about LQQ:
"If you value him so much, then why can't you trust him? Trust that since he's the one you chose, he won't lose himself in hatred and will eventually do what he should do, even though he once wanted to destroy the whole world out of hate."
HC is asking XL to have faith in LQQ the same way that HC has always had faith in XL.
There's also something I wonder about the situation between Xie Lian and Lang Qianqiu. LQQ's parents were murdered by the resentful ghosts of the people of Xianle, and XL took the blame for the Gilded Banquet massacre because he didn't want LQQ to think that he tried to save those resentful ghosts in vain, that LQQ's good will towards the resentful ghosts was met with hatred and revenge. But has it occurred to XL that his own supposed "betrayal" would've hurt LQQ equally much? Would LQQ really feel better if instead of the resentful ghosts, it's his teacher whom he admired and respected so much that had betrayed him?
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duchezss · 3 months
Once in four years mcsm hyperfixation is back baby, and on this most recent rewatch some interesting patterns popped up for me. Honestly this might not be a new conversation, but I had no idea the fandom was still so lively. I've loved this game since it first came out and I really love that so many people still talk about it. Anyways, disregarding S2 for a moment (my opp), I think it's so intriguing the way the writers set up S1 and the art of history repeating itself.
The Order of the Stone were (supposedly) the greatest group of heroes that every lived, but they started out as something so much simpler. They were just friends who wanted to go on adventures and maybe make a difference in the world. Of course their trajectory and outcomes were much different from the modern crew, but in many ways they're still similar. I'll get to the in a sec, but I wanna talk about the originals first.
The original Order kinda breaks my heart, because frankly I think their intentions were good, they just lost their way and got caught up in the glory, not the adventure. They all make it seem like they've known each other for a lifetime, so it's easy to assume that even if they hadn't seen each other in like a decade, they had still known one another for practically twenty years. Soren describes their first adventure like a shot in the dark, and how they were so young. So my guess is they met in their late teens/early twenties, the same age I assume the modern crew is when their story starts. Yes they're all bitter in the main story, but their history seeps into every interaction. Magnus called Ellegaard, Ellie, and it might feel malicious at first, but he still uses it after she dies, which leads me to believe it started out with affection. Then there's Soren and Ivor, who were constantly fighting and at each other's throat. This makes me feel like there might've been a point when they were the closest. Magnus and Ellegaard seem almost relieved to see Ivor, even after they know what he'd done. The command block had led them to great success, but it also ruined the one real thing they had, their friendship with each other. Honestly I think the most heartbreaking thing is they were so close to reuniting again, but Magnus or Ellegaard dies, and Gabriel doesn’t have his memory. Then when the dust finally settles, Soren is gone. Ugh just tragic friend group save me, they are the ones that made me realize how much I love the niche trope of a friend group "haunting the narrative". Their friendship and fallout is what causes the events of the entire story, and thus thrusts Jesse into action. If they had never been friends there would've been no Wither storm, their actions led the modern crew to where they are now. Anyway mini rant over my fault, but how does that effect the crew? Well honestly it felt like they were doomed to repeat the same mistakes.
There's Jesse, the fearless leader who always has the answers and a plan for that matter. Caring, direct, and motivated, she begins the story feeling like she is destined for more. She would do anything for her friends and she's a quick learner in a life she doesn't fully understand yet. Soren was likely the same, he was trying to herd three maniacs and a genius together, and something tells me the leader role wasn't his original goal. He thought the command block was helping, when he was really just fighting his friends battles for them. Soren's life became one of solitude and guilt, one I think Jesse was perhaps destined to as well. The courageous leader doomed to isolation and doubt, unable to comprehend the road that led to their downfall.
Petra's pessimistic and sarcastic nature defines her a first, but it's clear that she's so much more than meets the eye. She's determined, chivalrous, and sometimes (overly) reckless too. Above all she strives to be a protector, of people, of her friends, and of her ideals. That's what keeps her from laying down her sword even though she longs for a life without battle. History says Gabriel was the same protector, even if we truly know him to be different, but this isn't about reality right now. Regardless of this they were seen as the fighters, with the only enemy too strong to beat lying in their imagination. The brave warrior doomed to die and lose their self in battle, interpreting life as nothing more than a fight to be won or forever lost.
It's hard to say what else describes Axel but bluntness. He's an out of the box thinker who can perhaps be slow at times, but he makes up for it when it really counts. He holds his friends close, and views others in a hostile matter (for better or for worse), and at the end of the day his hard exterior is easy to see right through to those who matter. Magnus is spunky and edgy, and rolls his eyes at the mere mention of the others, yet like Axel, it's simple to see right through him. His love for the others is something he shields, and it's clear he does this by pretending his life is perfect the way it is. The maverick doomed to surround themselves with a false sense of community and leadership, forever unaware of all that lies out of their reach
Olivia is intelligent, innovative, and practical. She usually prefers a simple solution but that's not to say she can't also have fun. She's compassionate and curious, and enjoys going through hypotheticals just to be extra prepared (or simply for a easy pass time). She's amiable and while her skills aren't exactly adept, it's clear she has a desire to learn. Ellegaard is a similar, and although she's jaded and has far more of an attitude, it's not hard to believe she used to be similar in her youth. It's also very likely they would have the same coping methods, focusing on red stone is far easier than focusing on others. The brilliant engineer doomed to surround themselves with their machines and inventions, who instead distance themselves from any real connections.
And finally there's Lukas. Selfless, kind, and impeccably loyal, in some ways he's the glue that held them all together. His intense desire to meditate got them out of a few fights, even if his presence initially caused them. He's the resident worrier of the group, and his only goal is to make sure his friends are safe and sound. Glory and adventure are the furthest thing from his mind, they're just a welcome bonus. Ivor clearly cared very deeply for the group, because he was the most hurt by Soren's secret. Even after his anger at them, it's evident they were never far from his mind. He tried so much to get them to see reason, but it was all for nothing. The permanent outcast, doomed to try the best they can to save the group, but who will inevitably be the one to ruin them all.
Of course those fates didn't really fall on the old order, that was just what people expected of them. Soren understood very well what he did wrong, Gabriel lived on, Magnus or Ellegaard died, and Ivor didn't ruin them, he just exposed them (even if his wither storm did kill one of them, but that wasn't really the point). Yet what truly happens in history, versus what we've been told or come to expect are quite different. I just think it could've been interesting for the writers to play into this predetermined fate the group already had, perhaps they would accept it, or maybe they would run from it so fiercely that they end up right where they feared. Or maybe their friendship was enough, and they never got wrapped up in the greed or the glory. Obviously that's not where S2 went at all, but it's was just something interesting to think about.
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