#so many of my fav pairings are hated so yeah i am used to it but seeing ppl encourage censorship on AO3 of all places is just ironic af
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scarysanctuary · 3 months ago
you guys are so funnyyyyyy, i hope i never become "normal" and not "disgusting" so that i can keep upsetting people by shipping controversial ships, because really, what am i doing other than existing? worst case scenario youre right, and i do have personal issues and i am working through it/comforting myself through fiction, right? what is so wrong with that? I havent hurt and wont hurt a damn soul by shipping "weird" fictional couples.
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dukeofdelirium · 7 months ago
Hi....if you don't mind me asking, who are your top 7 favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon) and your top 7 favorite characters ever from any media? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Hi!!! It’s no problem at all I love to talk about ships <3333
1) Lawlight from Death Note
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what can I say about this ship that hasn’t been said? They make me genuinely insane and they hit in ways… I’ve been obsessed with and have actively shipped them for over half my life lol. They are my ultimate OTP. I don’t even really care for e2l pairings personally but lawlight to me is just Different and those that get it get it
2) Kataang from Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Literally they were the first ship I ever shipped. I’ve shipped this pairing since I was like 8 years old. They are very near and dear to my heart and they are so cute and perfect together and they spark so much joy and I am SO EXCITED for the movie!!!!
3) Byler from Stranger Things
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I am obsessed with this ship. I love them so much and I am rooting for their endgame in the final season! I love the analysis the byler shippers come up with and they’re genuinely such a fun ship to me
4) Eremika from Attack On Titan
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This ship makes me rabid I’m serious. I spiraled so bad after I finished AOT and devoured like 20 fics to cope. They ruined my life etc but I love it
5) Nezushi from No.6
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I don’t like the anime much (because it rlly cuts so much of the story) but the manga and the novels are amazing! I love the story overall and the characters individually so the fact there’s a canon gay relationship is such a bonus
6) Blackswan (Jacob x Bella) from Twilight
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Stephenie Meyer will pay for her crimes lmao we were legitimately robbed of their endgame and idc what anyone says. Team Jacob till the day I die fr
7) Quimbry/Quil x Embry from Twilight (me and my friends decided on the ship name lol)
I don’t have a gif cuz these characters are so minor they hardly appear but do I ship the hell out of them? Yes! Are they canon? Hell no! Should they be? Yeah and that’s why I’ve written over 100k for fanfic for them on my ao3 lol
As for favorite characters, I gotta rlly think on this
My favorite character of all time is Light Yagami from Death Note. I fucking LOVE his character so much. I just love everything about him. The way he’s written, the nuance, his whole aesthetic. It’s so *chefs kiss* and I have so many thoughts about him. I am NOT one of those death note “fans” that hates Light or drags his character lol. I am a Light enjoyer unapologetically and he imo is one of the best villains of ALL TIME
Another character I love immensely is Carl Grimes from The Walking Dead comic book. Not the show cuz the show is trash! I used to relate so much to Carl growing up bc I read the comic book as a teen. He’s forever cemented as one of my favorite characters of all time. Also I love the character design and how he’s kind of an anti hero
I also love Ellie Williams from The Last of Us 1 and 2 for the same reason. She reminds me a lot of Carl in the “anti hero” sense. She’s also such a badass. Love those video games !!!!
I also love Eren Yeager from Attack on Titan. Can you tell I like morally questionable characters? Lol. Eren was always and will always remain my favorite character in AOT. He’s kind of crazy but I like it lol and I kind of relate 🤣
Aang from ATLA is also one of my favorite characters. He’s got a sick character design, I love the way he’s written and he’s genuinely a huge comfort character to me. His character arc makes me cry it’s so well done and I love his personality. His character makes me very happy :)
Lastly I think another fav character is Will Byers from Stranger Things. I relate heavily HEAVILY with him. Not only that he’s an artist like me, or his personality which is similar to me as well, but also his upbringing with an abusive father and lastly the fact he’s canonically a gay guy like me makes me feel very represented in the show. He’s my favorite in the entire cast of characters. Love him to death and Noah Schnapp was such a perfect cast and he acts his ass off every second of screen time
Thanks for sending me questions!! :) I love talking about ships and characters this was fun!
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firstaidspray · 9 months ago
Resident Evil for the fandom ask thing!
The first character I first fell in love with: Sheva!! And she is still one of my most favorite characters of all time!!
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Probably Luis. I liked him in the og RE4 but they gave him so much personality and better story in RE4make that I just fell for him 🩷
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Guys please don't kill me but...Wesker. He just doesn't do it for me character wise.
The character I love that everyone else hates: Helena!!!! My beloved!!!! And Rachel!!!
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: There isn't one!!
The character I would totally smooch: All of the women...Nikolai, Billy, Krauser, Luis, Lucas, Derek (yeah i know), Carlos, Ethan for the men!!
The character I’d want to be like: Well I am cringe and kin Rebecca so I guess her haha.
The character I’d slap: There are quite a few lmao. Wesker ig. Smack those stupid glasses off his face
A pairing that I love: My favs are Billy/Rebecca, Chris/Sheva, Jill/Carlos, and Ada/Helena.
A pairing that I despise: I shan't say for many of the pairings I hate are very popular...
Thank you!! 🩵🩵🩵🩵
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carsonian · 2 years ago
ignore that silly anon omg! ur rec posts were sooo refreshing, especially bc u weren't necessarily rec'ing obvious authors. i love the way you talk <3 everything u write is so funny, your fic notes are their own delight to read & so many of your fics are lowkey underrated. luv the crack fics and how they still have serious elements. "here i am & here you are" is in my all-time favs and i'm so happy ur on tumblr and in this fandom <3333
Thank you so much ❤️ You're the absolute sweetest and I have no words because you've used all the lovely, heartwrenching ones. BUT! Since you mentioned that "Here I Am & Here You Are" is your favourite, I thought I'd share a coda for the fic that never made it into the fic mostly because I only wrote it two hours back. Also, this one goes out to all the SamBucky fans who were sad that the two didn't get much screen time in the fic!
"We Just Keep Going" on AO3 | 1,829 words | Rated M
"Well, well, well," Bucky propped a hand up against the door. "If it isn't my favourite person with my second least favourite person. A pair, when put together, forming a union so utterly average in my favourites list that it doesn't even warrant the work of accurate ranking."
"Did you run lines for that?" Steve asked.
"You're not very good at math." Tony tilted his head.
"Agh." Bucky wrinkled his nose, "I already hate this sequel. Come on in."
"Sequel?" Steve added as he pushed their suitcases through. Tony trailed behind them, running a hand over the flat tile on the door, a colourful piece that bore the words, "BEARS AHEAD! GRR!" 
"You two. Back together." Bucky shook his head, "can I have it on the record that I don't endorse this?"
"What record?" Tony asked. "What're you even on about? I thought you lost an arm, not your head."
"Wow." Bucky pointed a finger at Tony. "You know, this is why people call you "difficult"."
"Yeah, yeah," Tony said, "how's the new one handling you?"
"I would say like a dream but I don't want to feed your ego, so I'll say like a," Bucky steepled his fingers, metal and human hand making a compelling image when intertwined. Like some harmonic fusion of AI and humanity. Real cyberpunk shit. Bucky exhaled, deciding on, "like a well-constructed reality."
"Okay." Tony drew out the word, "is Chip here?"
"Sam." Steve clarified.
"Oh, haha, Chip 'n Dale, I get it. You think you're funny. Shut the fuck up." Bucky said, no bite to the words. "Yeah, he's around here."
"What a welcome." Tony crossed his arms. "Okay. I'm gonna change, then lay on the couch, drape an arm over my eyes and nap off the jet lag."
"Sure." Bucky shrugged. "Sam's gone to get burgers. Should I wake you then?"
"Steve can wake me then." Tony shot a glare at Bucky. "Since he knows how to do it without totally violating someone."
"It was one time, we were twenty-two, and the ice had all but melted." Bucky protested, quips easy from an argument too often regurgitated, so well-worked that they slipped out easy even after a decade.
Demonstrating that the passage of time didn't necessarily reflect emotional growth, Tony shot Bucky a middle finger. Then, after pointedly waiting for Bucky to point out the bathroom, he took his clothes from the carrier bag and went over to the bathroom. The snick of the lock rang in a final pointed gesture and in the pointed silence afterward, Steve and Bucky met each other's gaze.
"You gonna give your old man a hug or are you too grown up for that kind of thing?" Steve asked.
"What the fuck are you saying?" Bucky made a disgusted sound, "you ever say that to me again, I'm kicking you out, brother or not."
"Alright, tough guy. Come here." Steve urged, bringing Bucky forward and hugging him, taking care to pat him on the back of the flesh shoulder. 
"Y'okay? You all mushy?" Bucky asked into his shoulder, "Tony treating you well?"
"Shuddup." Steve replied good-naturedly, "You run Sam into an early grave yet?"
"He's a slow runner." Bucky seesawed, pulling back to make the gesture.
"Don't I know it." Steve said, "seriously, though. How've you been?"
". . . Better." Bucky admitted, "Not everyday, but, you know. . . a lotta days. It's good. I'm good." 
"That's a solid deal." Steve praised, raising his eyebrows to punctuate the point.
"Ain't it?" Bucky gave a flash of a grin, all young fire and old contentment. 
"I'm glad to hear it, Buck." Steve said, gripping the man's shoulder for a moment, just a brief press, "I really, really am."
"I know, ya big sap." Bucky shrugged the moment off. "How's Tony been? You fucking each other's brains out?"
"Reckon it would take a while to fuck Tony's brains out." Steve pondered, "since he's a genius and all. Lots of brain. . . cells." 
"Okay." Bucky raised his eyes heavenward. "He ain't even that smart. Remember when he thought a carton of milk cost eight bucks?" 
"He's a futurist." Steve said in his defense. "Give it a few years, it probably will."
"Christ alive." Bucky shook his head. "Good thing Sam's only drinking soy and whatnot." 
"Agh, he's converted you?" Steve wrinkled his nose.
"Ye-up." Bucky turned his thumbs inwards, pointing at himself. "Total believer in the soy cream, right here."
"If your mother could see you now, she wouldn't even recognise you." Steve shook his head faux-solemnly.
"Uh, duh. Why'd you think I grew my hair out?" Bucky scritched a finger against his chin. 
"I dunno, to hide your ugly mug?" Steve volleyed. 
"Is that what the scruff on your face is for?" Bucky poked him. "'Cause what's that about?"
"I didn't have time to shave while travelling." Steve said, "I'll shave it off when I shower later. Tony likes me clean-shaven, anyway." 
"Tony likes me clean-shaven, anyway." Bucky mocked in a jeering tone. "Jeez, the two a you are awful."
Steve paused, set his lips in a straight line and said, "'Cause the stubble can be scratchy when I'm rimming him." 
"Eugh. Yuck." Bucky shook his shoulders out. "What the fuck, eugh. Oh god, I'm gonna gag."
"Okay, drama queen." Steve rolled his eyes. He took the pause to push their suitcases up against the wall. Upon turning back, he found Bucky raising an eyebrow at him. 
"That's a homophobic remark." Bucky said.
"You're." Steve ran a hand over his face, "I'm too jet-lagged to listen to you right now."
"Good way to say you can't think of a comeback."
"Don't say comeback, it reminds me of—"
"Blah, blah, blah." Bucky stuck his fingers in his ears, "can't hear you, can't be traumatised by you and Tony." His voice rose higher with the second sentence, and it proved the "losing one sense amplifies the other senses" thing wrong because limiting his hearing was obviously causing an amp up in Bucky's lack of common sense and also, his (already debilitated and clearly debilitating further) sense of humour. 
Thankfully though, it seemed that the universe was immune from the senses thing because it was with an apt sense for timing that the doorbell chose that moment to ring out.
Steve let Bucky continue his immature performance, going up to open the door in the charmless host's stead. 
"Hey!" Sam greeted, takeout bags in both hands, "you're here!"
"Hey Sam," Steve returned, taking the takeout bags from him and moving them to the dining table, "good to see you, man. How've you been?" 
"Great, great." Sam said, "How're you? Travel safe?"
"Yeah, perfectly." Steve said, "Tony's just getting changed. You came back quick, eh?"
"Got lucky with the line." Sam said, "how's—man. What are you doing?"
Bucky took his fingers out of his ears and gave Sam a sheepish smile, "well, well, well." He said faux-menacingly, "if it isn't my least favourite person."
"Don't say that about Steve." Sam sidestepped, "and why're you acting like a child?" Without waiting for an answer, Sam entered the kitchen and the sound of running water followed. 
"FYI, this is why you're Dale in Tony's "Chip 'n Dale" analogy." Steve said. 
"Look at you, bein' such a supportive boyfriend." Bucky said. "Boy oh boy, I best be careful or I'll be out of the running for boyfriend of the year."
The lock of the bathroom door clicked and Tony came out in a grey sweatshirt and trousers. Steve decided to save the fact that they were both Steve's clothing items for later, when Tony was sleepy enough to only notice the reprimand and not how hot Steve got at the sight of it. Tony ran a hand through his hair as he asked, "I heard the door. Sam's here?"
"Kitchen." Steve jutted a thumb out, and Tony headed over to say hi. 
As the two began what sounded like an incredibly mature exchange of greetings, Steve and Bucky shared a short look. 
"We are not the immature ones in our relationship." Bucky insisted, "we are not the "Dale" of the relationship."
"I think they're brothers, anyway." Steve gave an involuntary rictus, "Tony's always multi-tasking when we watch films. It's a problem. I'm working on it."
"Yeah, okay." Bucky sighed. "Hey, Stevie, off the record?"
"The record that doesn't exist?" Steve asked, "that record?"
"The very same." Bucky cleared his throat. "I'm happy you're back together, you know? Real happy. You average each other out."
"In your favourites ranking or in general?" Steve asked. 
"Both, genius." Bucky said. "That's why you two work so well together." 
"Thanks, Bucky." Steve said. "You too, you know?"
"I know." Bucky said, giving him a genuine smile. That, more than anything, made Steve feel properly settled. He was out of business in taking other people's opinions on him and Tony getting back together, but Bucky was definitely the closest to being a person he could trust to know enough to be accurate and honest enough to be truthful. So—the fact that he approved, well. It just mattered.
Sam and Tony walked out of the kitchen, still chatting, with table mats in Sam's hands for the food.
"Hey, Tones." Bucky walked forward, "hey, buddy, come here." 
Tony made an "oof" sort of sound as Bucky came up and hugged him, matter-of-fact about it. The look Tony sent over to Steve over the shoulder was bamboozled. Befuddled. Somewhat begrudged. A tad bemused.
"Hey." Tony said, "you okay?"
"Yeah." Bucky patted him twice on the back and then stepped back. He pointed at Tony with the metal hand and at Steve with the other, "you two break up again, I'm suing you for psychiatric damage."
Tony's finger met Bucky's in a perversion of the E.T. greeting, pushing him back as he said, "Buckaroo, you couldn't afford me."
"Can we continue this over food?" Sam called out, "'cause I didn't wait twenty minutes for cold fast food."
"Sure thing, babe." Bucky grabbed Sam by the scruff of his neck and pulled him in for a tight hug and a peck on the cheek, "there, there. Didn't mean to make you feel left out." 
"I wasn't even—" Sam tried to shrug out the hug for a futile moment before quickly conceding to it, "whatever, okay."
"I don't want to break up," Tony sidled over to Steve, "but I do want to keep up with the psychiatric damage."
"Agree." Steve wrapped an arm around Tony's waist. 
"Should we fuck on his bed?" Tony suggested.
"Sam would suffer too, then, and he doesn't deserve it." Steve said, adding with a thoughtful tone, "let's do it on his old bike."
"We do average out." Tony said, and then, at Steve's startled surprise, "see, I can multi-task."
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soulspeaksfashion · 5 months ago
view collection here.
collection description: “You know the meme, ‘touch grass?’ The world feels like a battlefield in so many ways right now and I think we can all reconnect and find that peaceful center by touching grass,” explained Creative Director Hillary Taymour – who tapped directly into the relatable and more relevant-than-ever-before meme to inform the label’s latest collection. // “The concept of ‘Mother Earth’ was a big inspiration,” continues Taymour, who envisioned a flowy, floral presentation of femininity across all aspects of the show.
from this hypebeast article
my overall rating: 7.4/10
this collection was very well thought out imo. it had a meaningful message and concept behind it, and i liked the diversity. i’d give them an A for inclusivity. it featured really gorgeous pieces that i’d love to wear/style. the layering incorporated into the pieces was really well executed, probably one of my favorite things about this collection. however, it didn’t really do anything i thought was particularly wowing.. (it takes a lot to wow me i think) the prints and textures were definitely very unique but as i mention later on, i don’t think i’m the target audience for this collection as a whole. so yeah :p
(click keep reading for all images i included!)
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this section will almost exclusively include looks that i thought were styled down.
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i am obsessed with the prints of these two pieces! the tube top, underneath that cross-body thing, has like bedazzling which is soo cute. as for the other dress, i love a high neckline. i've been anti-asymmetry for a while now, but i think it's executed beautifully here. also green lady, tres adorable. how could we hate?
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i love patterns! i love texture! and these looks have it all. i really like the blue dress being high-low, very cute. second photo, its the pants, these pants are calling me. i need them. they're beautiful. you could very easily style these up or down, and i love that. the shirt is fine. and again these pants!! it's something about how they flow, the pattern, the colors. its really nice. the shirt is cool. i'd probably pair it with a big floofy skirt to give it some shape on the sides? idk. cool concept tho.
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the lace pants. the layering, the texture. it's deffo not something i would wear (at least i don't think) but i could appreciate someone else wearing it. i would love to see this in a different color palette. that is all. the dress is giving wedding. maybe not the bride. but this is very wedding coded to me. i love the length and the sheer material (can y'all tell idk what things are??) its so pretty. but it's also casual, love.
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this ensemble?? i have no idea what it is really but i think its gorgeous. the texture and colors go together real bad. this strapless dress is sexy. the length, the print, the neckline, gagged me. model ate.
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tres cute
this section will almost exclusively feature looks that i only enjoyed elements of.
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1) i enjoy the print, otherwise eh imo. 2) hear me out, wide legged pinstriped jorts, without the lace?? would've been a cool concept. not a fan of the lace. the top is fine. 3) the length of the pants? i actually like this look but there's something off about it that i can't pinpoint.. it might be the pants. there's a lot happening there.
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1) the sleeves unfortunately. i've been known to love a big long sleeve, but these are not my fav. 2) the shape of the dress is very ugly, hate to use that word but its my opinion. 3) i actually like this dress, but the ruffle placements are hideous. i hate that they don't overlap in a way that hides the gaps, or connect into a full loop around the body.
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it's a naur from me...
this section will exclusively feature looks that i do not like/understand
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1) the fit is absolutely atrocious. and the fabric looks wrinkly.. idk could just be me. casual grandparent slay. 2) individually i think these pieces are nice. together? naur <3. 3) this look actually just makes me upset. there's another iteration of this with a pink bag and i like that one a lot more. this look feels unfinished. it needed some accessories at the very least.
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viewing thoughts:
(i like this name better, trying a slightly diff format as well)
this collection made me cry. not because of the pieces necessarily, but the casting choices are so human. the green lady really was the nail in the coffin. it feels real, like things a real person would choose to wear. i love loved the styling for the most part. the long hair touching the ground, i need to figure out how to make that my next hair style, immediately.  i loved the video editing, the opening with the model doing flips… it was very cute, very aesthetic.
the venue: 5/5
its green, its pretty, its unique (to me). i love seeing brands do more than just clothing, the viewing environment for the collection is very important as well.performance arttt. j’adore.
casting: 10/10 no complaints here what so ever.
now as far as the actual clothing.. it may not be my particular cup of tea (generally), though i do think the pieces are really pretty. the flounce/ruffle situations are gorgeous. i love the lace trim on some of the dresses. i do like the color palette quite a bit. the styling choices are serving a wee bit of cunt, like palatable cunt. one thing i did notice (i looked at their website as well) fitting… tailoring.. i know that not every brand is known for their tailoring but i’ve heard (don’t shoot the messenger) that at the very least, the items should fit very well. again i know this is a small brand, just something i noticed.
the twead? wool? i have no idea what these pieces are made of… but i may be a sucker. i love the texture of them. they look really soft and i like the contrasting dark colors. the pants! i love a good wide leg pant, so bad. i don’t know if i just have an unhealthy affinity towards dark clothes (i do) but the latter portion of the collection i enjoyed so much. like these black flowy dresses and the patterns. tres beau. 
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i’m fairly sure that this is the rating i gave robert wun (those reviews haven't come out). and it's only because there's not a lot of information about how they're being sustainable, where they're sourcing their materials from, or anything tbh. i don't doubt that they're being sustainable. i just wish there was more details given. i truly believe in consumers having the right to know what they’re purchasing, how it’s being made, why it's priced a certain amount, how much of that is associated with the brand name. i think consumers should be aware and given a choice in whether they participate in a companies sustainability, or lack there of. i'm all for informed decision making. i think the information should be very easily accessible, and informative. but i found on collina’s website that it doesn't really link to anything so there's no way to actually prove what they're saying, it sort of just goes into "shop this", "shop our stock", and i'm not a fan of that.
they do have a partnership with ‘the or’ foundation, which is based in accra, ghana. again, there's not really much proving that what they're saying is true. i don't doubt that what they're saying is true, there’s just no evidence.
i will continue to reference diesel when it comes to this topic because i strongly believe that the way that they go about sustainability and being open with their sustainable practices is and should be industry standard. i should know who certified you. i should know the methods that you're using to dye fabrics, how we’re handling waste management, the closed end cycle of the clothing produced. (so far, i have yet to find a brand with as much info available, so they’re my go-to as of now).
that is all friends :)
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sky-neverending · 2 years ago
i’m about to pop out with my steddie bullshit y’all can’t stop me. some of the fans are wild but i still love my boys. (also hi i’m the one steddie fan qel knows)
1. OTP: It’s steddie i’m sorry i just love them so much
2. most annoying ship: not annoying per say, but i really don’t ship billy and steve. it’s just not for me, as i personally don’t like billy’s character. i use him as a plot device mostly, and i will say that i do think steve had a crush on him at some point, but i just can’t get with it.
second favorite ship: ronance!!! (robin/nancy) my little gay girls yippee
fav platonic ship: STOBIN!!!! Steve and Robin my beloveds. also Eddie and Max is my favorite like familial pairing
underrated ship: hmmmm. i guess i’ll go with Qels babies, Creelson.
overrated ship: don’t have one
one thing i would change about canon: make Robin and Nancy get together yeehaw
one thing canon got right: Mom Steve. enough said.
thing i’m proud of: ummm my baby that i haven’t updated in literal months oopsies! head above water
character who is perfect: Robin or Will
character I relate to: Robin because I too am an awkward gay who doesn’t know how to shut her mouth
character i hate most: ummmm just generally all the shit parents.
something i’ve learned from the fandom: MULTISHIPPING OMG!!! i was the type of person to be like: “no this character can only be shipped with one person” and now i’m like “yeah fuck it in this fic you can be with her, and in this one you can be with her…” And also that people have different interests and that’s cool! and it’s okay to not like certain things, but you should give them a try because maybe they’ll grow on you!!
three tags i seek out on Ao3: tbh i don’t really have anything specific besides pairing tags, unless i have a certain AU i wanna see at the time.
A song i associate with my OTP/fav character: i have so many but uhm… The Kids Aren’t Alright is basically all of them. and Matilda by Harry Styles for Steve.
i don’t really have and ST mutuals I can name off the top of my head (if i do i’m so sorry) but anyone who wants to do this can!!! please don’t be shy, do it!!
tag game: stranger things addition 👻
I was tagged by @ratbastardbilly ty!!!
1.ride or die ship (your otp): harringrove
2. most annoying ship: steve/eddie (but i don’t believe i’m annoyed with the ship I am annoyed with some of the shippers’ behavior in the fandom. The fictional characters didn’t ruin anything for me)
3. second favourite ship: creelson (henry/eddie)
4. favourite platonic relationship: billy & heather & chrissy
5. underrated ship: creelson, wheelerway
6. overrated ship: steve/eddie (i was interested in this pair for a week before I got mentally tired of some fans - again, they ruined it for me, not the characters)
7. one thing i would change in canon: billy’s death
8. something canon did right: the tension between Billy and Steve on the basketball court & in the shower
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: my second fix-it fic for Harringrove called It Started With A Demodog
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): heather!
11. the character i relate to the most and why: billy, or henry, sometimes heather
12. character i hate the most and why: neil, karen, the predatory cougar moms
13. something i've learned from the fandom: some people can’t separate fiction from reality and it shows
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: explicit sexual content, fluff, angst with a happy ending
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: I Hate Myself for Loving You (Joan Jett) or Still Into You (Paramore) for Harringrove, Die For You (The Weekend) and honestly any Lana songs for Creelson
Tagging: @weird-an @shieldofiron @queereldritch @dragonflylady77 @deedoop & anyone who wants to do this (my mind always blanks out when I need to think of people I can tag)
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circe69 · 2 years ago
I read your rules and I hope this isn’t too dark but can you do a Simon x reader where the reader has an identical twin and they die during the graves betrayal scene and the aftermath is Simon comforting the reader? Like they were already crushing on each other and he’s comforting her.. thank you💚
I Wish For Simon
a/n - anon i am so sorry it took me so long to answer this, i'm terrible w requests! i want to make it perfect before i post, so hopefully this is what you wanted... wc: 1.1k cw: gore, violence, suggestive themes, probably the best thing i've ever written (yeah its a warning cause YOU'LL BE BAWLING)
fav line from the fic - “That voice could seduce anyone, I was sure of it. It was as if God himself had dipped Simon's vocal cords in a pot of warm honey, then lit it on fire.”
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Me and my twin had always been close, we had to be. "Best friends since birth", we'd been deemed from before we could even speak. Alyssa and I were quite the pair and had exceeded our hometown's problematically low expectations of woman in a whole when the both of us had been assigned to serve in the 141 Task Force.
It was a change of pace, but one that I wanted. I had prepared for something like this my whole life, training and worked myself to death just to have a chance to serve. Alyssa, on the other hand, wasn't as keen on the idea. Sometimes I wonder if she just joined because she couldn't bear to be apart from me. I love the sentiment, but we were grown adults, we couldn't afford to make decisions solely due to separation anxiety.
That brings us to today, March 3rd. I hate March 3rd.
My birthday. Well, our birthday.
I hate today because as of now, I have to celebrate it alone. It's been years since Alyssa died, and I still act just as immature and "kid-like" when March 3rd rolls around every year.
Her death had been nothing short of a "hostage dump", my sister had been counted as a waste of time to Graves, someone who wouldn't make a difference to anyone in the force, so why would he keep her?
I can't help but think it was my fault, but I didn't have time to feel sorry for something I might've done. All I felt was anger, hot rage bringing my blood to a boil, all which contributed to what I was about to do. Anger is difficult to overcome, especially when it's brought on by confusion, something happened that you barely knew anything about. I wanted to take it upon myself to strip Graves of all the "information" I felt I was missing, I wanted to skin him alive and make him answer questions as I did it, but as I rose my knife behind Graves’ wall of a body, a hand stopped me.
A silent move, not a scary one. I immediately knew who it was once I saw the fabric.
His hand was heavy around my wrist, his height towering over me, it was all too much for me to focus on, so I did what I'm positive Ghost was trying to make me do, I backed down.
I retreated as quietly as I could, putting my blade back in its embrace of a pocket and followed Ghost out the door, trying to excuse whoever that woman was in there that she hadn't had enough sleep, she was hungry and just wanted to feel something, but Ghost had none of it.
"It's okay, Y/N, to want to avenge someone. It's okay to be bloodthirsty and feel yourself make allowances for it. It's okay."
Ghost was a man of many attributes, but comforting was never one of them. He himself had attended multiple therapy sessions throughout the entirety of our relationship, but they only lasted so long before he strangled the shrink.
I liked Ghost. I admired him, I admired what his life had amounted to. Perhaps worthless to him, a soul placed in the wrong hands, but I thought quite the opposite.
"You're a good man, Simon."
His name slipped out of my mouth.
Oh no.
I had gotten too emotional, I felt myself crawling into a hole of feelings and a strong desire to cry rushed over me. I suddenly imagined all the times I'd watched Simon do simple, mundane things, and stared at him long enough to read his dog tags over and over and over. I'd recited his name in my head, in my dreams, for so long and I still was shocked when I'd heard myself say it.
His eyes locked with mine. Dark, deep, dead, he'd like to contribute, but I chuckle mentally as I think about how the man who views himself as dead was the only one in the world who made me feel as alive as he did.
"What did you say?" That voice could seduce anyone, I was sure of it. It was as if God himself had dipped Simon's vocal cords in a pot of warm honey, then lit it on fire.
"I'm sorry, Lieutenant, I shouldn't have addressed you like that, my apologies." I started to walk away when his body came crashing against mine. My back hit a jagged wall and I groaned in pain, but I quieted down when I realized just how close he was to me. I felt him against me, and I couldn't feel it fast enough. My senses heightened, my pupils dilated, and my face flushed with a dark shade of aflame red. Both of our breathing was shallow and heavy, every breath he emitted made mine deeper, louder.
I could feel the confusion seeping off of him. He didn't want it to feel so good when his name left my mouth. He didn't want to enjoy it, but it was inevitable. A no-good name slipping out of a no-good mouth, it was bound to happen at some point.
I shook off my daydream, finding myself at an empty table in an empty dining hall, the only thing in front of me was a poorly made cupcake, pink frosting, sprinkles, all the works. I stared at a candle, half of it had already melted mind you, and my mind reeled as I stalked my mental drawers for wishes I hadn't made yet,
"I wish for Simon." My voice broke as I said it, and I realized I hadn't spoken all day until now.
I don't truly believe that's why my voice broke, however. I truly did love Simon, I loved him in everything he did and everything he didn't. I loved the fact that he never exhibited any sort of emotion except for denial and force. I loved how scared he was of feeling anything else.
A tear dropped onto the table below me, the chair screeched as I stood, and everything was happening too fast. Before I knew it, tears were pouring out of me at an uncontrollable rate. I turned around and started heading for the door, telling myself that I would leave that stupid wish behind with the melted wax, but I was stopped in my tracks when I saw who was leaning against the doorway with those beautifully built forearms crossing his chest.
He had heard it, was all I could think as I made intense eye contact with him. With everything else.
His mask was discarded. I couldn't stop my jaw from unhinging, I felt it click open slowly and it dropped until it couldn't anymore.
Simon smiled at the action. His white teeth contrasting his pink lips. I looked back at the table for a fraction of a second to see that the flame I had left untouched had been blown out, maybe it was the wind, maybe it was the spirit of my once-lonely-self making an appearance for the last time.
I looked back at Simon like a child on Christmas.
Maybe I'd keep wishing for stupid things if they'd work as well as this one did.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
a/n part two : happy new years everyone! i probably won’t post till monday, but i wish you all the best and love💕
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ceterisparibus116 · 3 years ago
Hi hello I am in love with your writing! I was wondering if you’d be willing to talk about your take on all of Matt’s ships? Love ‘em? Hate ‘em? Think they’re okay? Think they’d work long term? Think they’d sink fast? (Examples: Karen/Matt, Claire/Matt, Elektra/Matt, and even fan favs like Foggy/Matt, Frank/Matt, Nat/Matt, Jess/Matt, Maya/Matt) You don’t have to do all or even any, you can ignore me, I’m just interested in your personal opinion!
Aaaa, this is such a good question.
*disclaimer* these are just my opinions. Please don’t read if you aren’t prepared to read something potentially negative about your favorite ship. And please don’t start a ship war here. Art is subjective and we all find different meaning in it, and that’s the way it’s supposed to be.
Okay, so first off: I ship Matt with therapy. That’s the OTP. Next up would be Matt with either a puppy or a kitten. Pairing Matt with another person is great for drama but not necessarily good for him (or the other person) unless therapy is involved. And it’s probably even better with a puppy or kitten involved. So that’s my threshold answer.
Now I’ll go ship by ship. I’ll be analyzing these primarily in terms of how I think they function as a ship, with less of a focus on chemistry. Chemistry, to me, is way too subjective. Besides, I’ve seen it said somewhere that Charlie Cox could romance a lamp or something, and that’s 100% true. I think he has chemistry with everyone. Different kinds of chemistry, sure, but chemistry nonetheless. So that’s not a terribly useful metric for analysis. My focus in the analysis is largely on what the characters have in common, with a secondary focus on how they complement one another. As my parents (two psychologists) say, “opposites attract, but commonality stays together.” Especially commonality on certain issues like core values, worldview, etc. So with that in mind, let’s dive in!
I’ll start with Matt x Karen (aka Karedevil) because I think that’s the ship I’ve written the most for. My favorite thing about Karedevil in terms of writing it is that she, like Foggy, is more central to legal plotlines (which are obviously my faves) than characters like Claire, Frank, Elektra, etc. My second favorite thing is probably that their core values are so very close. I think Karen ultimately prioritizes Truth for Truth’s sake slightly above Helping People, whereas Matt prioritizes Helping People over Truth (which explains their different approaches to the Castle trial; she was most focused on figuring out what was going on, and he was most focused on helping Frank – and then on helping protect the city from the Hand). But both of them care about people broadly and without discrimination, and both are willing to lie down on the wire to save everyone from friends to strangers. So in many ways, they’re mirrors of each other. I also really like how the show committed to growing both of them through their relationship. Matt had more growing to do, but both of them needed to get better at communication and compromise, and both of them do get better. They also seem to genuinely have fun together—and I know some people think they didn’t have chemistry in Season 2, but I can’t get past the scene where they’re working on cross-examination questions in Matt’s apartment together. There are still lies and secrets hanging between them, but they’ve gotten past the first-date awkwardness by this point, and you see how they have so much fun problem-solving together. (And can I just say…as a lawyer, I desperately want someone I can trial prep with. So yeah, that scene has my heart.) Similarly, the scene where she whispers to Matt to strategize during the fight at the church in Season 3 shows how compatible they are, even though she can’t exactly fight alongside him. They’re similar, yet complementary.
Next up is probably the fandom’s most popular ship: Matt x Foggy (aka Mattfoggy). I love reading Mattfoggy fics, although I’ve only written one myself. Shipping Matt with Foggy tends to lead to more domesticity and fluff for Matt, which I 100% support, and that’s probably why Mattfoggy fics are more likely to be my comfort fics. And ultimately, that’s one of Foggy’s great strengths: he cares about people and is willing to put himself in danger, sure, but he also values comfort and security, and I think it’s really healthy for Matt to be exposed to that (and, at times, forced to accept it). I also love that Matt and Foggy are both lawyers. I have some lawyer friends who insist they’d never date another lawyer because they think they’d argue too much, but I personally would love to be with another lawyer (heyo single lawyers, hit me up…jk, jk) because: a) I wouldn’t have to explain as many of the things that I’m either worried or excited about, because the lawyer would already understand the concepts; and b) lawyers tend to enjoy having debates without getting their emotions involved. I love that Matt and Foggy could speak the same language, so to speak, and could use their logical reasoning skills to debate stupid, silly things for fun as well as important things to try to find common ground. Plus, the fact that they lived together for so many years (either college + law school or just law school; it’s unclear) shows that they genuinely enjoy each other’s company and get along well with the day-to-day stuff. All that said, my main gripe with Mattfoggy is that I’m still not sure Foggy actually understands how important Daredevil is to Matt. In Season 2, he showed that he still hasn’t understood everything Matt’s been saying since Nelson v. Murdock when he tried to insist that Matt and Daredevil haven’t always been the same person – which also is acting like he knows Matt better than Matt knows himself, which, y’know, yikes. Foggy redeemed himself a bit by bringing Matt the suit in Defenders, but that’s only after treating Daredevil like an addiction earlier in the season, and I’m pretty sure Foggy brought him the suit not because he approved of Daredevil but because he wanted Matt to be safe. Then in Season 3, Foggy’s priority is basically in bringing Matt back and, again, making sure Matt doesn’t hurt himself (e.g. by killing Fisk), but Season 3 doesn’t actually show Foggy acknowledging that Matt needs Daredevil. We don’t even see Foggy thank Matt for saving his life. (C’mon, writers. Did you deprive us of that scene on purpose???) So I’d love to see Season 4 Foggy really come to genuinely appreciate Daredevil (even while encouraging Matt to be more sensible about it), but until that happens, I think Foggy can never really understand and support all of who Matt is at his core. Then if that happens, the next issue will be compromising on how much injury/risk Matt can endure while Foggy takes responsibility for his own emotions. Yes, Matt needs to be more aware of how his choices affect those around him, but Foggy also needs to be mature enough to accept that Matt-as-Daredevil means Matt will get hurt and take risks. Foggy needs to figure out how to be okay with that rather than guilt-tripping Matt over it (e.g. “I’ve covered for you enough as it is” and “every time I come up those stairs, I’m afraid this is the day I find you dead in your living room” – those lines always upset me). If Matt and Foggy can get all that sorted, though, I think they could fall into the mutual trust, respect, and enjoyment that they had in their school years even with the complication of Daredevil.
Next up: Matt x Frank (aka Fratt), another popular ship. This one just – I’m sorry. No, not to me. Not in a romantic sense, anyway. They’re both hot, I’ll readily concede that, but their beliefs are so diametrically opposed on such a crucial issue—because, y’know, I think the value of human life is a pretty important issue. I don’t think they can work romantically until they come to the same page on that. Genuinely, by the way, not one of them just appeasing the other. However, if we assume they can get on the same page, then I think Fratt has a ton of potential. They can complement each other really well, and Frank will certainly call Matt out on his bad decisions, and I’m always hyped about Matt being paired with someone that Matt doesn’t feel he needs to protect. Matt will be protective, because that’s just who he is, but he can reasonably trust Frank to not die even if Frank goes after someone dangerous. The same just can’t be said of Foggy or even Karen (since having one gun and being a decent shot is nothing compared to what Frank has been shown to be capable of).
And that, of course, brings me to Matt x Elektra (aka Mattelektra). Aw, these two. Chaos. I kinda love how she can bring out Matt’s playful side and get him to loosen up; she’s similar to Foggy in that way, except even more mischievous. I love imagining them crashing, like, fancy politician parties and wreaking havoc, or engaging in wild malicious compliance sorta stuff to oppose bad laws. But in most ways, she’s similar to Frank, and I think the same is true of her as of him: she and Matt won’t work long-term until they get on the same page with the value of human life (except that’s an even bigger problem for them, because Frank respected Matt’s convictions insofar as he didn’t want Matt to change, whereas Elektra actively tried to push Matt into violating his own convictions), but if they agree there (willingly—neither of them pushing the other to conform to their own view of morality, because yeah, Matt’s guilty of that too), they have a lot of potential. And it’s awesome that they have such a similar upbringing because they can automatically understand each other so much better given that both of them were trained by Stick. That said, I have one other major issue with Mattelektra: the way that she shows so little respect for the other parts of Matt’s life. Now, she redeemed herself a little in trying to help the Castle case (I don’t believe she knew it would backfire), but she still expresses so much disdain for his legal profession and his friends. Their relationship can’t be healthy if she refuses to see Matt for all that he is.
We’ve also got Matt x Natasha (aka Mattasha, I think?) which I love. Nat can handle herself in a fight like Frank and Elektra, but her view of morality is much more similar to Matt’s. She seems okay with killing people if she thinks it’s the only way to protect others, but she isn’t as calloused about killing as Frank, and not as gleeful about killing as Elektra. At the same time, they can both appreciate losing their childhoods and being trained as child soldiers. Also, listen – they can spar, and it’s gorgeous. Their fighting styles are almost identical (check out these analyses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COFN_AMwLP4 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpOYbAEWb5E). I love it so much. I think Nat would appreciate settling down in Hell’s Kitchen and having a quieter life while still being able to help people when she goes out at night, and if she decided to work adjacent to Matt’s legal work, her experience as a spy would be a huge help. If she wanted to go another route, though, I’m sure Matt would support whatever calling she wants to pursue. Yeah, I’d love to see them heal together.
Anyway. Circling back to the Netflix shows, there’s also Matt x Claire (aka Clairedevil). I love how they have the core value of Help People At All Costs (he risking himself, she continually risking/losing her job), and I appreciate that Claire has, like, a normal job and isn’t just off in Vigilante World (because tbh I think if Matt’s partner is primarily a vigilante, that makes it way easier for him to segregate his life, and we all know how well that works out). I was so sad when Clairedevil wasn’t canon, but I was also proud of Claire for drawing lines. I just wish she’d communicated more clearly so she and Matt could’ve negotiated and found more common ground. See, I think the thing that really freaked her out was the fact that in S1, Matt said he was willing to do “whatever it takes.” That’s what led to their breakup, so to speak. And what kills me is, Matt won’t do “whatever it takes” since he won’t kill! *sigh* Anyway, if we assume that they reach agreement on how far Matt should go as Daredevil, they still need to work on communication styles. It kinda bothers me how bitingly sarcastic Claire can get at Matt, basically calling him an idiot and a disaster all the time. It’s unkind, and besides, it’s totally ineffective (since Matt never goes “Huh, you’re right, I’m totally being an idiot here”). Claire needs to be gentler with her words and express more appreciation for the ways Matt’s helping people, like she did in the first episodes of S1, and then I think Matt would be more likely to follow her advice instead of shutting her out. If they get that sorted, I think they’d be unstoppable. (Also, I said I wasn’t gonna talk about chemistry, but if I have to choose a ship based on chemistry, it would 100% be Clairedevil.)
Another popular Netflix ship: Matt x Jessica (aka Mess, appropriately). Aaaa, I love these two. One thing I really appreciate about this ship is that it usually involves Matt focused on helping the other party (which actually is another thing Mattelektra has in its favor, in my book), rather than the other person doing everything to help Matt. Matt demonstrates that he respects Jessica’s life, her privacy, and her agency, and he’ll basically punch anyone who says otherwise. The fact that he already knows about Kilgrave gives him additional understanding of why she is the way that she is, and I’m sure gives him even more respect for her. In the meantime, she’s great at punching through his broodiness and making him laugh. I mean, he laughs more with her in Defenders (when he’s at one of his bleakest points) in, like, a few days than he does with pretty much any character. They also have similar core values deep down, and I’d love to see Matt coax Jess into outwardly caring about people more, while she gets him to be a little less reckless.
Maya x Matt: somehow I’ve never actually read the comics with them together, and the age gap in their actors throws me a little. Theoretically, though, I can see how they could work. They have the martial arts in common, which I love; they’ve also both been hurt by Fisk. Also, to the extent that Maya becomes a hero, I think she’d be more of a street-level hero, which I believe is very important to Matt since he values Hell’s Kitchen so deeply. But I don’t have enough of a sense of Maya’s personality to know whether she and Matt would really be aligned in their values or anything.
Another incredibly obscure pairing is Matt x Malcolm Bright from the Prodigal Son show. Last I checked, I think I’m the only person who’s written that ship, lol. Let’s just say they also have a lot in common and I think they really inspire each other to be better people.
But y’all can’t be sleeping on the best ship ever: Matt x Kirsten. If you don’t know Kirsten, that’s probably because she currently only exists in the comics. (Which is such a shame, because she’s that good.) Kirsten is another lawyer, so she and Matt already have that in common. She also figures out pretty quickly that he’s Daredevil, but he refuses to admit it, and it becomes something of an adorable inside joke for them. When they finally do get together, she does an amazing job calling him on some of his issues and teasing him while still being supportive. He adores her, but doesn’t seem to put her on a pedestal the way he does with many other characters, and she adores him back. They’re both determined to help people, and at the same time, they just have fun together. It’s adorable and healthy and I love it.
Okay, so those are all the main fics I can think of atm (and some small ones too). If anyone else wants my opinion on any other fics, feel free to shoot an ask about it! Also please feel free to share your thoughts in replies and reblogs, as long as we all stay respectful of each other's opinions. Again, art is subjective, so it's not about arguing. Just discussing characters we all love. <3
Oh, and check out my fics (I have fics for Karedevil, Mattasha, Clairedevil, Mess, and Matt x Malcolm) if you wanna see how these opinions of mine are fleshed out in stories.
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pokefan1241 · 3 years ago
HIII PERI HI. swallows all the numbers flawlessly mid air 1.favorite type ok can i be weird for a second. i LOVE using normal types in playthroughs and they usually have such Animal designs and fun diverse movepools (ESPECIALLY through tms. basically all of those dudes can learn thunderbolt or shadow ball it's so epic) i think a lot of normal types tend to be pretty overlooked (understandably) but i love just grabbing pokemon ive never used before and running with them just to see how they fare in casual gameplay and ive grown really attached to a lot of normal types through that. also return is like my favorite move ever and full power return + stab is so satisfying (why did they get rid of my boy fuck you sw/sh)
8. least favorite gym leader juan. literally THE most forgettable guy im sorry you will never be as cool as wallace. not even the devs cared about him like can we talk about the fact that his overworld sprite in emerald is just a slightly altered version of steven's bc that shit makes me lose it every time ITS SO FUNNY. honorable mention goes to all the forgettable kanto gym leaders (erika blaine etc)
23. favorite music track from a pokemon game OH YEA WOWHWOW YEYEA WOAH YEAH genuinely impossible for me to remember all of my favorites but i will compile some bangers slumbering weald. awoo woo woo etc eterna forest driftveil city. of course. a focking groove. i need to listen to the b/w ost again i know theres more bangers on there that im forgetting boutique theme from x/y i dont know whyu this one is such a bop but it really goes hard purification chamber from xd its literally such a vibe also cipher peon battle theme. wait how could i forget miror b's theme from xd also the classic iconic theme of all time. primal dialga fight theme my beloved (just imagine i put every song from pmd sky here)
24. your favorite team of pokemon you’ve ever had  I LOVE THESE GUYS. from a nuzlocke i never finished. this run made me appreciate watchhog for the first time (callback to my rant about normal types <3) and also swoobat
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OH AND THESE DUDES!!! alsofrom a nuzlocke (variant where you pair each pokemon up with another and can only swap between the two) i actually finished this one.
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(there are many more. too many to screenshot. i also loved my original ultra sun team i think i drew them all one time. also my legends arceus team was kind of a banger. also shoutout to my first diamond team as a kid which consisted of an overleveled empoleon, a staraptor from the safari zone, and the toys r us event shaymin lol)
25. favorite design of a pokemon god. this one is so hard i dont wanna just rehash favs ive already listed so im just gonna point out some cool guys: -scolipede. looks like a bug that you could ride into battle what more could you want -appletun, i know some people dont like the food pokemon but appletun has some of the coziest vibes imaginable they are literally an apple pie how could you be mad -sawsbuck's design has really grown on me over time they kinda went off with the winter form -OBSTAGOON ALSO GREW ON ME i hated it when it was first revealed but theyre one of my favs now -shaymin my friend shaymin. land form in particular is literally so marketable (i am the target demographic) -archeops?? looks so fucking cool? ive never used one in game bc of the shitty ability which is a shame bc i adore the design
(pokemon ask game)
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pryde7 · 2 years ago
well, well, well, you could be my fandom soul mate lol , though we have too many differences in shipping, but I can see most of your point. forgive my poor language, i have dyslexia  so I i write crappy,
first let me just say that yeah, I get your take on x-men, i love x-men and read most of the comics. You are right Angel was gorgeous. he was rich, fine and a ladies man. he and Gambit were the hottest and sexiest guys in x-men and in the fandom there wers debate of who were the hottest couple Angel/Psycloke or Rogue/Gambit. In the series when Warren moved on to Paige Guthrie which was controversial, her first attraction to Angel was that he was a very fine good looking man. Angel was hot. I use to have a crush on Cable (Nathan Summers) growing up. he was my fav.
I think X-Men 3 went for Ben Foster   because he was not in the leading role  but a supporting role, if Angel  had been a main character they may have cast a Brad Pitt look alike. Although I find Ben kind of cute. i will not have cast him as Angel. infact  one of the reason i am happy we never got a gambit movie was because i hated the idea of  Channing Tatum as Gambit.   Gambit was a sexy handsome charming and alluring fine cajun, Channing aint that. so no i wont cast him either. this is how i feel about ceelia gooding.
 She is quite avergae outside the  star trek hair and make up, I even think with the right hair styling and a good amount of weight loss on the face, she could be as cute as Jess Bush but she is no Uhura. I even found zoe saldana too skinny as uhura but at least, she was feminine enough and had a gorgeous face with sex appeal and also in the same age group as Pine and Quinto. 
Ceelia is way too young for the role, she is 22 while most of the actors in snw are in the 30s. This is just another proof they downplayed uhura in snw so she will not be a threat to Chapel. they should not have screwed with an iconic black character that way. pair chapel with spock, keep uhura as she is in tos with a more believable younger actress of Nichols.
star trek or x-men are fiction  and fiction sells fantasy. one of the reason K/S was huge is because girls were turned on by Nimoy and Shatner been so into eachother even as friends or that fight they had in Amok Time. It helped both men were handosme in their own ways. girls always find two hot guys been devoted to eachother as a deeper thing than just friends. I get that as a S/U shipper.
We also cannot pretend nichelle nichols been a good looking woman with a very sexy body was not part of the reason uhura became famous in the 1960s. it was not only because there was a black female character who was not a maid or a slave girl on tv, but also she was very beautiful and had male gaze. that was rare for black women in mainstream america or in other words white america during the 1960s.
SNW removed  the male gaze from Uhura because they did not want anyone to code her as a love interest who will be another potential het pairing choice from tpring or chapel. they were that insecure they had to ugly up uhura and down play her age. to me that is just a no no.
As a person who is many fandoms, trek, star wars, buffy, x-men.  I welcome all shipping pairing to be explored as long as the characters are respected and uhura has been direspected in SNW.
As a S/U shipper, I have accepted that K/S is the OTP of trek and no spock or kirk  het pairing will come close to that.  K/S is an unstoppable pairing  in fandom, however the trek writers will never go there and make it canon. they will always pair kirk and spock with women but clearly snw has done everything they can to make sure, uhura is not coded to be one of those women.
Uhura is not meant to be desired by the male audience in SNW unlike her Kelvin counterpart, which means she will never be desired by Spock or even Kirk or any other prominent guys because let face it, it is hollywood. they sell fantasy and ugly has never sold.
As I said I know I sound shallow, but some things to me are more than just shipping. Uhura was such an icon for a black character been the complete pacakge like Lara Croft or Princess Leia and now this is what we are left with this.
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it is so lame and as a black woman, so racist too because it is when they wanted us not to see uhura as pretty or to be desired by men that they chose a dark skin black girl.
As a black woman, Jodi Turner Smith would have been my Uhura, if they wanted to cast a black actress with a darker shade than Nicelle Nicohls or Saldana.
However they won't cast her as she will be too much of a threat.
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This is my SNW UHURA.
Strange New Worlds S2
I don’t get how Strange New Worlds can still be sold as a TOS prequel at this point. Just admit it’s an AU and so be it. I swear.
People who spent the most part of the recent 10s shitting on the Kelvin Trilogy for changing the characters, insulting J.J. because he didn’t stick to TOS characterizations and relationships (despite the movies being officially marketed as an AU from the start)… have nothing to say on Strange New Worlds retcons and blatant ways of ignoring TOS-canon?
More behind the cut, in case you haven’t seen promos/trailers.
Keep reading
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createandconstruct · 4 years ago
can i ask about amarant coral? the monk in red himself~
Can you ask about Amarant Coral? *cracks fingers* Oh I insist that you do. Welcome to my Amarant Appreciation Post:
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favorite thing about them: First off best thing about Amarant? His theme. The percussion and the guitar. It’s great and it captures him so well. People out here like “take Amarant out of the game he adds nothing.” EXCUSE ME? You remove the Amarant you remove the Amarant Theme my friend and that is something I do NOT vibe with. 
least favorite thing about them: I wanna know more about him. Now Amarant doesn’t need a backstory or history in the game. In a sense, he already has one that connects him to Zidane and explains his motives and actions and eventual arc. But my issue is, Square never gave him anything else. If you look at Ultimania there’s additional lore about other characters, like Steiner for instance. You learn Steiner was a war orphan who was saved by the Pluto Knights - explaining his devotion to them. Amarant though? Square was like “uh... yeah he was born....? And then he uh got famous...? Idk then he met Zidane. You figure it out.” Square. I hate you. 18 years from his birth until he became “well known”. WHAT WAS HE DOING. WHY’D HE BECOME A SECURITY GUARD. WHAT WAS ON HIS RESUME. TELL MEEEE. Like, okay, what the actual in-game canon gives us on Amarant is sort of enough. He’s a purposely written mysterious “cool-guy” character so we’re given scraps to make him unknown but come on. In the published after-game canon, like Ultimania, we could have been given a bit more. He says he doesn’t remember anything about his origins or parents, but why. Was he another victim of Gaia’s wars? Probably. Was he born on a battlefield? Fighting for his life, living without comrades, taking scraps whenever he could? Was he betrayed when he was young? Is he a supposed to be a version of Zidane had he not been adopted into Tantalus by Baku??? These are questions I deserve answers to, Square.
favorite line: “’I can't just walk away. It goes against my nature...’ You're a real simpleton. Forget it, guys. There's no stopping this fool." I love this. Amarant figures Zidane out pretty quickly after Ipsen’s Castle. Zidane is hardheaded and also an actor. He acts cool and pretends his reasons for doing things are loose but when he’s decided something it’s always for a reason. You don’t need a reason to help people, but Zidane has his reasons for helping Kuja and while Amarant doesn’t give two shits what they are he knows Zidane won’t be stopped because, despite everything, Zidane saved a loser like him. Also this line “Tell me! Why didn't you kill me!?" Because I quote it all the time and it makes myself laugh. Amarant is such a drama queen and Zidane knows it. Zidane’s like “dude... what is your damage, it’s 5 pm on Tuesday in Madain Sari. I ain’t getting blood on my gloves cause you’re having a temper tantrum.” And then Amarant runs away to have an existential crisis. He’s 26 but compared to Zidane, he’s the real teenager with angst.  
brOTP: I could talk about Zidane or Freya with Amarant but instead I’m gonna say the underrated dynamic of Amarant and Eiko (and also Vivi).  Amarant with the kids is truly the greatest gift given by his presence in the game. Amarant has never known true suffering until he became a designated legal guardian of a group of minors. It also kills me how he’s the one to volunteer to carry Eiko and Vivi up the Iifa tree. He looks at Zidane and is like “you have seriously been the ‘adult’ of this group???”
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OTP: Gotta say the Freya and Amarant dynamic. I really enjoyed their unlikely friendship in the game but then the content. The fan content. The Freya x Amarant fans out there, you win. Ya got me. You captured me and I am now imprisoned by their banter and begruntled allies to lovers story. Even if they’re not romantic I love them together and really wish the game gave us more of them. But even Lani and Amarant together are valid, though I prefer them as butting head bros. Not much content for my girl Lani out there either, she deserves more.
nOTP: Nothing I can think of. I tend to like platonic pairings for Amarant. The dude needs friends because he can barely define the word friendship.
random headcanon: Before Zidane returns at the end of the game Amarant wanders around a bit, unsure of what to do. He doesn’t feel any place with the others in Alexandria, Burmecia, or Lindblum. I imagine he goes off on his own for a bit like before but this time he’s not after Zidane or a fight. Instead he’s got no particular destination. Yet he somehow always finds himself running into people just like him - or the old him - friendless lonely people who are looking for a fight. He doesn’t go out his way to find these folks he simply runs into them and decides he might as well knock some sense into them. He does however make it his business to go after any murmur of people hatching any ideas of going after the far off little village on the Lost Continent. The home of the genomes and black mages. They were so helpless, so weak that anyone who’d want to mess with them is pathetic in Amarant’s book. Until Zidane returns, no one has the chance to even look at the Black Mage Village the wrong way because in the shadows Amarant lurks, making damn well sure of that.
unpopular opinion: I kinda love that he’s just there for most of the game? While I agree he gets the short end of the stick in the same way as Freya, not receiving additional individual character spotlight (which could have very well been supplied through discoverable lore in the world/npcs or through sidequests) I never considered his “standing off to the side” as a detriment to his character. 
Many would probably agree that Amarant always felt like a bit of a parody of the loner character, or at least the stereotype of the loner character. Amarant is so easily paralleled with Squall and Cloud’s surface-level attitudes because his dialogue always felt like something to poke fun at. As the player we’re supposed to align with Zidane’s way of thinking and how he views Amarant. When Amarant loses to Zidane and pretty much grits his teeth and goes “KILL ME,” along with Zidane we’re supposed to kinda raise our brow at him and go “...really, dude?”
 Amarant’s a character introduced as an antagonist who has more in common with the power hungry villains of the game. Like many of the characters in FFIX, Amarant is in search of purpose in life, which he has never found, because he was always looking in the wrong places - in places of violence and power. Very toxic-masculinity of him. Amarant is “cool” on an aesthetic level but in reality he’s the polar opposite of cool in terms of what FFIX states about the need for others to be intertwined in your experiences so that you can live a full life. 
I sort of love that he’s like a grumpy pitball following a 16 year old and his friends around. Then he sits in the corner when they all meet up and discuss current events acting like he doesn’t care (not to mention he casually walks as everyone is running as fast as they can to escape Terra - made me laugh cry on my first playthrough) He is “just there” but that’s because he has no where else to be, no where else to go, he’s a man without a home. And until Zidane offers his hand, at the point where Amarant is most willing to take it at Ipsen’s Castle, he’s not truly a party member. He IS an outsider for almost the entire game but at Ipsen Castle he joins the party, becomes a comrade, and decides he’ll allow himself to change paths and start a life where he has friends and lives, as well as fights for them. Which is why after that moment, Amarant finally has a victory pose.
song i associate with them: I was scratching my head for so long trying to think of a song or track that had Amarant vibes until it hit me. Outskirt Stand by Tsukasa Tawada (from Pokemon Colosseum). Amarant is so chill, he’s not a bombastic guy, so he needs a theme that drops me in the rocky open desert of the Lost Continent like I’m just lumbering around looking for a monkey-tailed menace. Some other Amarant tunes:  Pyrite Town, The Under, Snagem Hideout tracks from Pokemon Colosseum. This post is just an elaborate call to action for everyone to listen to the Pokemon Colosseum soundtrack. Tsukasa Tawada is so great and he has a YouTube. Check him out.
favorite picture of them:
Yoshitaka Amano’s Salamander Coral. I love him. He had too much power. 
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Also everything drawn by @crispy-ghee. Everything. I will think of this Comic forever until I die. Tattoo it on my flesh. The banter, the dynamics, the post-game content, the Zidane prince-consort outfit, the new Amarant outfit, the stuck-in-the-same-place relationship him and Freya have. Perfect. Go read it and consume Crisipy’s stuff. And also check them and their current art out, they just consistently get better and better. Here’s a first panel preview of my fav comic. Read it.
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 @hannahlady​‘s Amarant art and their Freya/Amarant art is just ugh. *Chef’s Kiss* Here is another preview because you should go look at it.
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Here’s a piece that deserves so much more love by @snackage. I LOVE how they drew Amarant. Here’s a little preview. It’s SO GOOD
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Anyway TL;DR: Amarant is love and life and you’ll have to pull him from my little gremlin hands.
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chil2de · 4 years ago
How are you today? If its alright with you, can I request a Atsumu x fem reader where she has a super tomboy style and ALWAYS wears baggy clothes, but one day atsumu comes over to hang out and the only outfit she has left is kinda a tight fitting shirt and for the first time ever Atsumu realizes just how curvy his girlfriend is
sorry if thats to specific! feel free to ignorethis!
warning - miya atsumu x reader
hiii! i’m doing okay anonie, thank you and i hope u are faring well!!! so um this ended up being a LOT longer than i expected pls forgive me it was supposed to be a cute lil drabble but now its like uh 2k words aJdhfhhd, i really loved this idea!!! don’t worry ab it being too specific i actually like that and it helps give me a general idea about the req
well whilst this isn’t tooooo nsfw there are a few small themes in the beginning + swearing since i write atsumu like that and implications of sexual content ig at the end but aside from that? just some fluff for our fav king. characters are aged up and i am unsure how it would work but call it anime logic and enjoy! thanks for requesting! (okay rereading the ending is lowkey smut why am i like this)
“b-cup.” atsumu huffed with confidence. he took a large swig out of his water bottle, nodding his head wisely in affirmation.
“really? i’d say c-cup.” suna chimed in, his half-lidded gaze narrowing.
“nah, it’s b-cup”
“what the hell are you two talking about?” osamu interjected, concern and disgust thick on his features as he came over carrying a few towels.
“(y/n)’s bra size” suna nonchalantly responded, his eyes flicking up for a few seconds as he accepted the towel from osamu.
“‘tsumu i knew you were messed in the head but, suna? have you caught his germs?”
“fuck are you making it sound like i have some viral disease?”
“you don’t?” suna snorted, plopping down onto the floor to sit cross-legged.
“why don’t you just ask her?” osamu’s gaze flickered onto yours from across the court. you felt your ears burn from the way the three of them were staring at you.
was something on your face?
a bug? dirt?
“huh? like i’m supposed to say, hey baby girl, what size are your tits?”
“i’m still saying b-cup”
“i think b-cup” osamu joined in, watching atsumu screw his face at him
“you goddamn hypocrite-“ “who’s being a hypocrite?” kita inquired with a half-hushed tone, making his way over with a few protein bars
“oh my god i’m going home” atsumu groaned, resting his palms on his knees as he stood up. he beelined towards you, his exhaustion painted his lazy smile beautifully. he still had the energy to turn around over his shoulder and flip his middle finger up at his team whilst his right hand snaked around to your waist.
somewhere around your waist. it took him a little bit of digging through all the fabric.
it didn’t matter to him, though. as much of a jackass as he might’ve been, he never judged you for the way you dressed. even if it meant that sometimes you looked a lil bit homeless, at the end of the day- he still had that glimmer in his eyes whenever he saw you.
you would be his favourite baby girl, no matter what.
“is that my shirt you’re wearing?” he hummed, glancing down to look at it.
it was, in fact, one of his shirts. it was matte black in colour, with a small dip that would showcase atsumu’s collar bones. it was a little bit faded from the many wash cycles it endured throughout its lifetime, but he would always notice the small tear in the bottom right section of the fabric.
“sorryyy, i know you just washed it but it smelled so nice. also, wow, did you put on deodorant? you actually smell like a man it’s kinda creepy”
“i always put on deodorant you dipshit, you’re always crying about how pretty my face looks so your nose doesn’t pick up the scent. it’s verbena citrus, buy your own because i know you’ll try stealing mine so i’m putting a padlock on that shit.” atsumu scoffed, digging his fingers into your sides to tickle you as you walked. you squirmed, swatting him away as you dug your hands into the pockets of your joggers. they were not atsumu’s, unfortunately, for you found out the hard way that you would literally have to drag the excess fabric behind you like some train dress or bundle it up and fold it, which, in retrospect- did not look too aesthetically pleasing. you settled for your own joggers and favourite high-top sneakers to match.
“you know you’ll say all this but give me your deodorant anyway, right?” you stuck your tongue out at him. he rolled his eyes, ruffling your hair.
“hey.” he called out, causing you to direct your attention towards him.
he nudged your arm with his elbow.
“give it here.”
you uncurled your left hand out of your pocket, zipping it up to make sure the contents inside didn’t spill. atsumu slid his right hand away from your waist and opened his palm up, intertwining his fingertips between yours into a tight lock. he grazed his thumb over the back of your hand, giving you a small squeeze.
“that was the cheesiest and most corniest thing you’ve done and i hated it” you made a mock gagging sound, averting your gaze.
you could feel the blush fresh on your cheeks, heart pounding in your chest like it was about to explode.
“wait, you thought i was holding your hand because we’re dating? i’m just doing it because i know your dumbass would get lost” atsumu snorted, throwing his head back in laughter.
you could still see the light blush tinting his cheeks. and it wasn’t the sunset.
“mmm, should i wear this one- wait-“ you grabbed the shirt, folding it upwards as you took a small whiff. well,, you did wear it yesterday… yeah, you did put it in the laundry basket,,, no, it didn’t smell toooo bad, but..
you groaned, tossing it back into said basket as you furrowed your brows in concentration.
you heard the doorbell ring which only caused you to panic even further. you just needed a shirt. literally any shirt. you were about to cut your freaking pants out and sew them together to another pair for a shirt.
since it was a friday, you had atsumu walk you halfway home. you only lived a street away from him, and the apartment was conveniently built on a fork between the road down to his house and the supermarket. hence, he dropped you off and went to the store all by himself like a responsible adult to grab some snacks for the weekend.
“it’s open!” you called out, leaning your jaw back as you shouted in hopes for your voice to travel further.
in that moment, just in the corner of your eye- you saw a familiar flash of black.
you swooped the fabric up, quietly humming in pleasure when it smelled like laundry detergent and fabric softener.
you lifted the shirt over your head, struggling to pull it down for a few seconds.
you admired yourself briefly in the mirror.
it was a casual t-shirt. it reached down to the middle portion of your arms, though it was significantly less baggy than all of your other clothes. you liked to sleep in it during hot and stuffy summer nights, but rarely found yourself using it otherwise.
it’s not like you didn’t like these kinds of shirts.
but when given the option to look “stylish” or comfortable, who wouldn’t pick comfortable? that’s what was important to you above all. clothes that made you feel like you were constantly in bed were a godsend from the heavens.
“hey dipshit, i spent twenty minutes jumping stores for you but no one sold any (favourite drink) so i got you-“ atsumu halted in his steps, the grocery bags curled around his fists were suddenly forgotten and discarded as he caught sight of you through the doorframe.
you were clad in a pair of old white shorts and a black t-shirt, complimentary of the fact that everything else was currently in the laundry machine. atsumu could outline every single damn crevice and dip on you, and he burned that shit so deep into his retinas that he would still see it when his eyes were closed.
he felt his breath hitch, something deep inside him resonating, growing feral like hunger.
he still stood by what he said,
baggy clothes or not, you were beautiful.
but he wasn’t expecting this
“so you bought what?” you inquired, twisting your torso halfway to greet him as you finished brushing through some knots in your hair at the vanity.
“you said there wasn’t any (favourite drink) so you got what? did you fall and crack your head open on the way here? cause it looks like it”
you could feel your heart squeeze, body temperature increased twofold as icy hot waves wracked every inch of your skin. there was a cold sweat that rolled down the back of your knees.
“shut the hell up, i hate you” atsumu grumbled, forcing himself to turn away from you and stomp off to the kitchen with a pout.
“jesus christ give me strength i hate this woman, where the hell does she get off thinking she can get away with looking so good like that” atsumu mumbled incoherent curses underneath his breath, shakily unloading everything he bought out onto the counter and stuffing the groceries into cabinets and the fridge.
“‘samu, i hate you but dude i need twin telepathy, give me strength so i don’t deck this woman right here right now” he cursed, gritting his teeth. his self-control was about to fly out the window.
“you okay?” you popped your head through the door, leaning into the kitchen.
he could see the outline of your prominent collarbones, the way the shirt still fell a little bit and hung loosely off of your frame. he could see the start of your stomach.
god, it should’ve been illegal the way he wanted to grab your thighs. he wondered for a second what it would look like with his fingerprints etched into your skin there.
“want a few tissues and some lotion?” you snorted, nestling up beside him to help. you gazed at him, watching him keep his eyes narrowed on the packet of pistachios he was fumbling with.
you thought it was cute.
“listen- if you’re not ready yet then i’d suggest that you find something else to wear cause holy shit if you don’t get away from me right now i swear i will not restrain myself-“
“i’m ready” you hummed, giving him an innocent smile. you toyed with your hands behind your back, fiddling with them as butterflies swept your abdomen.
atsumu snorted, eyebrows creasing in confusion. he turned to face you, setting the pistachios down.
“alright i’m not saying this to boost my ego, but, what did you say?”
“i said i’m ready”
you watched his brain stir, gears ticking and turning like clockwork.
atsumu let out a low sigh.
“yeah, yeah. well, then.”
his right hand slammed against the wall, caging you in. he leaned into you, looming over you as his half-lidded eyes burned holes inside your soul. you felt the air tense and switch around him, carnal desires swirling behind his gaze. his chest was so close to yours, practically flush, save for the tiniest gap. you could literally feel his heart hammering.
he was so invasive, so close, yet so respectful. he still kept his distance, just n case you changed your mind.
“are you sure this is what you want?” his voice was hot and slick against the shell of your ear, voice husky and octaves deeper. you could feel the sexual tension dripping from him.
you wrapped your arms around his neck, resting your forehead against him.
“i’m sure, ‘tsumu.”
a loud chuckle ripped from the depths of his chest. it was so hearty, and fuck, it made you clench.
atsumu swooped you up all in one swift motion, hands hooking underneath your thighs as he shoved you against the counter. he sent everything clattering and thudding in the process.
“don’t say i didn’t warn you, doll.”
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antpelts · 3 years ago
bmc for fandom asks!
The first character I first fell in love with:
hmm maybe michael?
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
brooke! ;_;
The character everyone else loves that I don’t:
hm.. idk? idk fandom consensus. i dont really like chloe very much but thats for kinda obvious reasons
The character I love that everyone else hates:
idk that too many ppl hate rich but i know some ppl do and thats my BOY
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
no one kfdljgdlkf i mean michael is no longer my fav but i dont dislike him at all
The character I would totally smooch:
i would hug rich and kiss his forehead ;_; i care for him
The character I’d want to be like:
hmm i mean not in Every aspect of course but i Am a rich kinnie so Yeah.. hope that answers ur question klfdjgfkdlg
The character I’d slap:
i cant imagine myself fighting people it makes me feel silly 😭 id talk shit about chloe however rightfully so
A pairing that I love:
rich/michael hundred percent. i like jeremy with christine or brooke a lot too ;; theres more but yes
A pairing that I despise:
brooke/chloe :/
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leahseclipse · 4 years ago
Detention time
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader
Summary: They're high school students, Reader gets a detention and Dean, not wanting to be alone, joins them.
Warnings: Some insults, but nothing bad. Just two baddies idiots fooling around in school.
Word count: 2.4k
A/N: My very first spn fic,,, I'm really excited about this!!!!! Although, a person with whom I talk of spn, would be surprised that my first fic isn't with Sam as he's my fav 😂, don't get me wrong, I love Dean too, but Sam- 👁️v👁️
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"y/l/n, detention." A male voice announced which had basically become the anthem of the class considering how many times it was told, to her, or even, by the other troublemaker of the class, known as: Dean Winchester.
They both were called the detention duo, whether they'd have detention the same day or not, they'd always somehow have one in the same week.
But that day, only y/n had gotten one. The reason? Calling the teacher a moron, incompetent -and a bitch-, but she didn't hear it.
She'd probably have a nice trip to the principal, along with a possible one week exclusion.
She was...well known for her original words that would definitely be followed by a detention as soon as it was told.
Let's say that...she had her own behaviour that would make her ‘unique’.
This could kind of be seen as a show to the class, mostly from y/n's side, as all the teacher could say was a bit of complaining, and the famous sentences well known, to annouce the detention.
It was definitely funnier when coming from the teacher y/n just called a moron.
For Dean, it'd depend.
Sometimes it would be because he had called them a pussy, or just because the teacher had decided that he had annoyed them too much for its liking.
He'd even have the talent of getting detention when he was out of class. 
So, thinking it'd be fun to bring back the detention duo, Dean decided to add his own spice to the party, doing it with another one, who hated him as much he hated y/n. 
Dean would usually annoy him on purpose, but that time he just did it without realizing it, it had basically become a habit that he wouldn't even think of doing it, he'd already be doing it.
Not really any of the class could have predicted it, even if it hadn't become surprising coming from him at some point.
The hour had almost gone by calmly, and just a few minutes before the end were left.
But when Dean's remarks, and the lack of these because he wasn't doing anything was enough to the teacher, soon the whole class knew what was coming.
And, as if Dean hadn't fallen deep enough, he finished his answer with 'bitch'.
The final touch.
"Winchester, since I guess that you seem to have free time, and have disrespectful behavior, you'll be joining Saturday's detention, with a small trip to the principal beforehand?"
"Sounds good."
Result; both found themselves on a Saturday, each sitting at a spot across the room, not really knowing what to do. 
As much as they were known as a duo, and possibly friends, y/n didn't like him a lot. 
She was...kinda friend with his brother, Sam, but never really talked with Dean, even if they’d both been in detention quite a few times.
But Dean, just…being Dean, actually wanted them to be friends. He had tried multiple times to, somehow, have a chat that would last longer than one minute, which failed until now.
Today might be a good shot, and he's gonna try again, even if she might not be open to it.
Detention were a loss of time, they'd give either give you a stupid paper -which, by the way, wasn't even checked-, so whether you'd do it or not, they didn't care. 
Or, in this case, they'd just have someone watch over you, they would have a glance, go out for a bit, come back later, or literally at the end of the detention…which could be the case right now.
They had left god knows where, leaving the "detention duo" to themselves, which didn't change much.
Whether the guy watching them was here or not, the room was so silent that you could hear a door opening from across the hall, even the first floor.
“You’re still going to be on silent mode, as usual?” Dean asked, glancing at the girl. “You could at least say hi, be polite, you know?”
“Fuck off Winchester.”
“I said polite, not asshole mode.”
“Since when am I supposed to talk nice to you as if we were pals?”
“You don’t necessarily have to be friends with someone to be nice, it’s just basics.”
“Well, I don’t really give a fuck about your basics. What about that?”
“Woah, chill. I was just trying to be nice, which you aren’t.” He muttered.
“Oh, because you’re nice? Aren’t you sitting in detention with me right now for calling the teacher a bitch?”
“He deserved it, and you kind of did the same thing as me, let me remind you of that.”
“He also deserved it, but, did I deserve to be annoyed by you though?”
“No, but my plan was totally different, I didn’t want to annoy you, on the contrary.”
“Hm, it seemed like it to me.”
“It’s just you seeing things that way instead of what they really are.”
“Oh really? You���re kidding, right Winchester?”
“Why would I be?”
“You’re always here, saying shit, that at some point it’s kind of complicated to know if you’re being serious or not.”
“I hate to admit that, but you’re...right, but just in a way, not completely. I can be serious if asked to.”
“Oh, because you can be? I never found you serious once.”
“Are you saying that I’m a fool?”
“I never said that, you just assumed it yourself right now.” She spat.
“No, I was just trying to guess what you meant when you said that you didn’t find me serious, that is all.”
“Oh, you should have told me. I thought you were trying to ask me how I was seeing you, and I just told it."
“Did anyone ever tell you that you can be...quite indirect sometimes? No?”
“I’m just pointing out the truth, what I think. What’s wrong with that?”
“What is wrong, is that it’s not necessarily what people want to hear from you, especially when they’re being nice, like with me.”
“I didn’t notice you were trying to be nice, you’re such an ass with teachers and some nerds that I didn’t even think there was an ounce of sweetness in your head.”
“Well uh...people can be...nice, just because they’re, not really nice to some, and can seem...a bit intimidating, it doesn’t mean they can’t be nice to others.” Dean blurted out, desperately trying to find arguments.
“You’re a dick Winchester, face it.”
“I wouldn’t go that far to the point of being categorized as a dick, but okay, I can be...mean.”
“You forgot one adjective.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“You sure?”
“There ‘ya go.”
“Is there anything else to add to the list of defaults you’ve noticed about me, or are you done?”
“Unless you want a four page long essay, I’m done...for now, at least.” Y/N said, tapping her pencil against the table. “Why? Do you want more? I can keep going, I have one week free.”
“No, I’m uh...I’m good.”
“Hm. I got nothing to talk about then, too bad.”
“There's a lot of stuff to say other than me.”
“Which is?”
“I don’t know. What we like, what we hate about these teachers, or even random stuff we have. I know you like to talk about me, but we can switch the subject.”
“Me, liking to talk about you? You’re kidding. You just annoyed me, and I responded to you.”
“You seem quite enthusiastic and well informed.”
“No, I was not.”
“If you say so.”
“There’s no ‘if you say so’, as I said, I was just splitting out facts.”
“...that, again, seemed to be interesting enough for you to waste five minutes.”
“I regret answering you in the first place now.”
“No, you don’t. You love talking with me, I know you do. You should feel honored to have Dean Winchester talking to you, I don’t do that with many people.”
“Honored what? You’re not a star, you’re just the school’s brat.”
“You’re not as innocent as I am, I could call you a brat too, but I’m staying polite.”
“Oh, because you were being polite? I didn’t notice, you should have told me, I would have tried to take things differently.”
“I’m being polite, since the beginning of the conversation. You just didn’t notice, as you said.”
“Okay, you were a bit more polite than usual.”
“That’s a great compliment, coming from you.”
“Probably the only one you’ll receive.”
“The only one? You sure? I’m kind of...handsome. So, you should have some things to tell.”
“Am I supposed to see it as a joke or not?”
“...it wasn’t a joke.”
“I thought it was, because you're mostly an ass to me, not a handsome guy.”
“I know you don’t make jokes usually, but I think it’s one, no? Come on, you can’t say I’m not as handsome as all of these actors you see at TV and all.”
“What am I supposed to say in that?”
“That you find me nice, and all, you know. I know you got lots of things to say.”
“No, and even if I did, why would you deserve to hear them?”
“Because it’s...about me? You had a lot of...not really nice stuff, so it shouldn’t be a problem to say the opposite, if you happened to think that way.”
“Do I look like I want to waste the week I have to say that?”
“No, I don’t.” 
“Come on, I’m not asking for a whole week, just like...a few days?”
“That’s even worse.”
“Okay, one day.”
“Less worse, but not better.”
“You don’t even have one day to spare for your favorite classmate? I’m charming, funny, nice...sometimes, I’m cool to hang out with, I got a nice brother, and plus, as we’re both Winchesters, it’s even funnier. I’ll pull him out of his books and drag him outside.”
“If I do agree, do I get to drag him outside too? I have to warn him though, I won’t be delicate.”
“You get to drag him outside, I’ll even let you do it, from start to end.”
“Then, I guess I can spare some time out of the free week I have.”
“Yeah, we don’t give a single fuck about the assignments.”
“Sam will help us on the last day.”
“True, we can threaten him too.”
“For once, you have good ideas.” She pointed out.
“What can I say? I’m a Winchester, so that’s pretty logical for me to be talented, creative and smart.”
“I said that you have good ideas, that’s all. I didn’t ask for you to brag about yourself.”
“You tempted me, and...by the way, since we’ll be stuck together for a week, might as well become less formal?”
“You mean...with our names? Me calling you Dean, and you calling me y/n?”
“That’ll be a great start.”
“It’s a bit weird though. I’ve always been calling you Winchester, it’s weird to call you Dean all of a sudden.”
“See it as a small privilege, not that many people get that chance.”
“Do any other people get the chance of getting annoyed by you?”
“I’m not annoying, just like to chat a lot. Come on, y/n, it’s not that hard to call me by my name, you gotta get used to it to preserve your privilege.”
“You’re lucky that the only knives we have here are plastic ones, and totally harmless. I would have already stabbed you by now.”
“You’ll be way too sad without me here.”
“Not at all Dean.”
“I doubt so, y/n.”
“I’ll have Sam with me to replace you.”
“Nah, not even Sam can. I’m Dean Winchester, no one can replace me.”
“I spent a lot of time with Sam, and it was as nice as when I’m with you.”
“You mean, book talk? That’s not what I call fun.”
“It’s more interesting.”
“It’s boring.” Dean said.
“Boring is what I say when I happen to be with you, which is right now.”
“Nah, you had fun.”
“Yeah, 1%.”
“I’m sure it’s a bit more than that, we've been here for one hour already.”
“Okay, 1,000001%. Is that better?”
“Not really.”
“I was being nice by adding all of these zeros.”
“It made it just a bit worse. It should have been 50% at least.”
“50% is a bit too much, would have given 20% maximum.”
“I guess it’s better than 1%.”
“I’m being generous, I gave 19% more.”
“I better get a piece of paper to remember it, it’s quite rare coming from you, I’m honored.”
“Watch out, I might get back on my decision to waste my precious time with you.”
“Okay, okay, I’m going to be extra nice.”
“I’ll make sure to have my phone and record it, I might not believe it when I’ll happen to think about it a bit later.”
“I said that I was going to be nice, that applies for you too.”
“Fine, Dean.”
“See, it took one hour for us to get along, and for once, it wasn’t a bad detention. You even ended up calling me Dean.”
“If you say so, and yeah, it was better than usual. We should try to get another, but outside of the class, like being late three times when we get back next week, and maybe add something to not just get detention.”
“Yeah, ‘could be nice. Our parents are going to be pretty pissed off at that.”
“To be honest, did we ever care about that?”
“Not once, as long as I can recall.”
“It might get us kicked out at some point.”
“I never liked studying anyway, I won’t mind getting out of here.” She admitted.
“Who likes that?”
“Oh, he’s always been a nerd. But, a nice one, and not really annoying.” 
“Yeah, he’s kind of like us, but...a bit more strict. Bet 10 dollars he’s going to lecture us.”
“Bet.” Dean answered.
“Okay deal. Now let’s get the fuck out of here.”
“They’re going to annoy us for that.”
“They said we’re out for a week, we’re just leaving early.”
“I guess it’s okay then.”
“Hell yeah it is. We have one week to waste ahead of us.”
“I’ve never enjoyed an exclusion that much before.”
“That’s normal, I wasn’t there to make it fun. Now we’ll spend these together, it’ll be a nice one instead of a useless one.”
“Let’s get to it then.” Dean announced, as he crossed the door after her, sneaking out to walk in the direction of the hallway.
Guess that detention wasn’t that bad after all.
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taechnological · 4 years ago
[🥂] get to know me tag
tagged by: kris <3 @calicooky also @jiminslight once tagged me in a 30 questions tag game similar to this too but I lost it bc I'm moronic pls forgive me ;-;
tagging: gahhh idk who has done it or not buttttt @mintagust @nvmguk @rmverse @kimchitae @kkulmoon @kimtaegis @kimtaehyunq @hobeah @textsfrombangtan as usual pls feel free to ignore this if u wish to uwu
when is your birthday? may 31st next year
what is your favorite color? blackred (yes that is one colour yes)
what's your lucky number? luck? what's that?
do you have any pets? i have a younger brother :)
how tall are you? ...........i'm not
how many pairs of shoes do you own? hhhh half of my stuff is at my dorm so i can't give u a definite number rn yikes hmmm but more than 8 i'm sure
favorite song? like choose one? i can't :O it's butterfly prologue mix lately tho
favorite movie? my attention span is too short to survive a whole movie in one sitting nowadays rip but uhhhh i used to like tangled a lot as a kid??
what would be your ideal partner? someone whose name starts with a "t" and ends with an "aehyung" and rhymes with "baehyung" but idk anyone like that so :/
do you want children? why would i want that omg
have you gotten in trouble with the law? i am the law u.u bow before me u.u
what color socks are you wearing? socks? in august? bro i live in a tropical country
bath or shower? cold showers hnnng
favorite type of music? if i like smth i just like it i don't care about the "type" uwu
how many pillows do you sleep with? like... 3
which position do you sleep in? starfish lmao
what don't you like when you're sleeping? when there's even one (1) single ray of light in the room i am sleeping in. i prefer total darkness. just like my soul.
what do you have for breakfast? one tall glass of milk and one peeled almond for idk what reason i just eat it
have you ever tried archery? no but now i wanna :o
favorite fruit? mango! ayeee
favorite swear word? "lol ok" works every time :D
do you have any scars? yeah this tiny one on my knuckle which i got from a huge fake dinosaur costume's teeth while i was on a dinosaur ride in a mall 5 years ago... true story
are you a good liar? will u be(lie)ve me if i say yes?
what's your personality type? mbti wise i'm an istj-a but i also qualify as a chaotic neutral so yeah that
what's your favorite type of girl? all girl are my fav type of girl except the girl who put other girl down for absolutely no reason other than trying to look better than that girl
left or right handed? right but i taught myself to write with both hands out of boredom back in 2017 but yeah no i'm still right handed
favorite food? if it's spicy then there's like 98% chance i'll like it
are you clean or messy? my room legit always looks like if u called me in the middle of the night and told me that we are fleeing the country in 10 minutes, i won't even take more than 5 to pack up literally everything bc I'm always ready to LEAVE (it's actually bc i live in the dorms so i leave home and return a lot)
favorite foreign food? taehyu-- *GUNSHOT*
how long does it take for you to get ready? like 25 minutes in the mornings (including waking up, brushing teeth and showering) but most of it is bc i have really long hair which actually take a lot of time to comb and like 10 min if it's any other time
most used phrase? "huh?"
are you a good singer? i don't think so
do you sing to yourself? nah i'm more of a humming to myself kind of person actually
biggest fear? not having a backup plan for smth
do you like long or short hair? LONG! i'm a hardcore long hair enthusiast~ i mean my own go down past my waist
are you into gossips? no lol my frens hate me bc i'm always never interested in anyone's business hhsgsj
extrovert or introvert? i'm active on tumblr,,, take a wild guess?
favorite school subject? mathematics :)
what makes you nervous? taehyung dropping kth1 without any warning o_o
who was your first real crush? like irl? idk man i have a shitty memory (definitely not dodging the question mhm no)
how many piercings do you have? one in each ear
how fast can you run? depends on what's chasing me
what makes you angry? that hybe keeps cockblocking actor jin e_e
do you like your own name? yeah my real first name is actually very pretty haha
what are your weaknesses? *bites lip* taehyung
what are your strengths? *winks* taehyung (pls don't block me) ok ok jokes apart i think my brain power is my actual strength no lie
what is the color of your bedspread? grey and white plaids :o
color of your room? at home it has blue walls, at my dorms it has... light yellow?? i think?? damn sae smh
i can't believe u made it till here??? how bORED ARE U LMAO??
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naralanis · 4 years ago
Fic Writer Review!
Thanks @mssirey for the tag! I totally didn't have a crisis with the very last question, not at all bwhahaha
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
41, soon to be 42. ASJKLDBLAHSDSD how. And also why. But mostly, how.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
565,934 EXCUSE ME WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I was going to check my unpublished works but ya know what. Maybe I've written enough akdjsa
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
Technically speaking, I've written and published fics for five fandoms. However, I only have one story for OUAT (and I have @shadowdianne to thank for that... or do I?) and one for Captain Marvel. Mirandy was my first love, Cissamione the second, and Supercorp has burrowed in my brain and just won't let go.
I've also technically written for Xena, Legend of Korra, and Criminal Minds, but since I never published those, we're going to pretend they don't exist!
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
Only two are WIPs! YEAH! They're the top two, but WHO CARES, here they are:
1) Perhaps, aka my baby, my child, my darling, the apple of my eye. If I ever had to choose to finish only ONE of my WIPs, this would be the one. This story has grown with me, and I think you can tell when you read. Or maybe not!
2) For the Better. If the former is my baby, this one is like... my moody teenager. I love it dearly, but... it takes a lot out of me. An ode to one of the first fandoms I actively wrote for, it sits unfinished, but nearly, oh so nearly done. I will finish it, damn ittt.
3) The Date. Honestly, this one really surprised me -- it's one of my oldest one-shots, and something I definitely dashed off between lectures back in Scotland, maybe alternating with FtB chapters. It's one of my first attempts at humour, I think.
4) Bits and Pieces. AYY, I wasn't sure Supercorp would make the cut, WOOOT! This one was the second Supercorp fic I ever wrote, and I did it because Lena Is Baby and the idea just wouldn't leave my brain.
And lastly, the fabulous number 5... Perfect. AKA Nara's First (published) Explicit Fic, featuring Praise Kink and an Enchanted Dildo (for... reasons). I'm not gonna lie, I am so HAPPY this one made it, because it has a special place in my heart. It's where Soft Butch Hermione comes to life, and if you don't love Soft Butch Hermione, I'm sorry, we can't be friends. I love her.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
Eeermmm... some? I do want to respond, but I'm terrible with keeping up with comments, I really am. For whatever reason, even when I do my best, I don't really love responding directly on AO3. I also turned off all email notifications for AO3 because turns out my brain WILL be distracted by even a single one.
I'm much more responsive on Tumblr, I promise!
6. A fic you've written with the angstiest ending:
Any of my Narlily works, I guess? Like... All Flowers Wither or Carry On.
Unshackled would be another one, though it's Cissamione... but I caved and made a happy(ish) second part for that one.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Nope! Crossovers just don't do it for me, generally speaking (reading or writing).
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
EvEr rEcEIvEd hAtE-- yes. Oh, yes. I've been told my writing is terrible, I've been told my stories were a 'waste of time,' or 'overhyped,' I've had people tell me there was only One Way to write a certain pairing and my way was definitely Not The Way.
The list goes on.
It used to really, really bother me--still does, but in a much smaller way. Delete/Block buttons are my friends.
9. Do you write smut?
I write an absurd amount of smut. I just don't publish any of it because. Fear.
My pretty, pretty pens have created some filthy, filthy things.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
A couple of times -- only once or twice like, straight up attributed to someone else who acted like they were the one writing it. The other times were reposts or translations (without my permission, so still. stolen).
11. Ever had a fic translated?
I've authorized a couple of translations of a few of my DWP works. I'm usually cool with people translating my stuff IF THEY ASK ME FIRST and GIVE ME PROPER CREDIT.
9/10 it's some Brazilian who translates it to Portuguese without my permission and then gets upset when I, another Brazilian, do not endorse it and politely ask them to take the thing down. Thankfully it's been a while. ASK ME, DAMN IT.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Nothing published bwhaha!
13. All-time favourite ship?
Right now SuperCorp is definitely barking a little louder, so to speak, but I don't really have one favourite overall. It depends on the fandom, sometimes! Cissamione is very dear to my heart, because it's just so fucking out there and literally every one in this ship has some of the most fascinating headcanons for this pairing and it's just. So wonderful.
14. WIP you want to finish, but don't think you ever will?
Eeeeuuughhh.... Right now? Probably The Appraisal. I forget what I wanted to do with it, I'm not sure if I'm still feeling the premise... IDK.
I think the same could be said of For the Better, but I PROMISED to finish it, and GOD DAMN IT, I am so close I can't throw in the towel just yet.
15. Writing strengths?
You want ME to say good things about MYSELF? I'm still learning how to do that asldkjbasdn it's a work in progress. But I think I'd say... maybe world-building, at least on my longer works?
I would also like to think I do pretty OK in... IDK, some of the punchy stuff? The 'oh wait a minute' moment? IDK if that makes sense!
16. Writing weaknesses?
Organizing. Plot (HAHA IKR). Consistency. Editing (which is rich from someone who literally edits shit for a living... but go figure). Pacing. Weirdly long sentences? Commas for DAYS.
I could go on.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I am a-OK attempting it in French/Spanish/Portuguese. It may not sound natural, but it will be correct. If I'm trying another language, I'll definitely get help! But I've got no problem with it.
18. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Harry Potter, Dramione specifically, and you'll never find a shred of it. I was like 12, and almost a decade later I figured out Hermione was much better off with Draco's mother.
19. What's your fav fic you've written so far?
I mean, obviously Perhaps is one of them -- it is my baby, that has been established. I think Little Bumps in the Road is also up there, because it was just a random writing exercise that got out of hand, and honestly? I'm here for it. Andddd.... I GUESS I'll put A Valentine's Evening up there as well, because it was the first time I didn't second guess every word I wrote when posting smut. I just... felt it, went for it, wrote it, and it felt really, really good to release some of that into the world lol
WHEW, this was a long one! I'll be tagging @intheinkpot, @shadowdianne, @delirious-comfort, and @16-pennies because I am a curious bastard. But, as always, feel free to treat this as an open tag. Go nuts!
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